The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, March 09, 1854, Image 2

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r 411. •
..4 4 1bfna,ry,
1.11,g 11 11‘.1 er
rhe..Viritole, the .10 Pepin; q.
Ittee on Agriculture; by M.
.agricultute corn
ures, nud branches
_ti.) crery inzit;
fuid a, eitizeicofthe
ilonte3te:l4- of,. - hrurdrea .
out'ef the Public
ition of oi.cupaltey • antl.„.eu!.
I •Fifir. - *S - t6f - M? .-1?&fiod
• ,
• -
In flit Iliusc; '.
, ,
.20, 18,•? - 4.
• - The IIouselt:
in Commit tee.. of
from ths c untni
. I).tws.ox', - (" tl ' (
• move, 111311111 . :Ic
cif industry, by
• . is the head of h.
• anti siity anro i
. .main, upon eon,.
iti7a.l. - ibillifilil - _i - 1
- • spiieitied.:l-':•
•:. 3tit. : Gapw-sa
• , Mr.-- •CtitAttliizi
session of 'C'Ong
\ to trespastiong
. ' mi ttee. • -,- 'l i he. bil
. ses tci grayt t o
pul)lic- domain:a
and sixty acres c
. pattcy-an(l . 'culti
. ,years. l *Tii - e - , - iii
proposed It:is th
'ditrers 6nly hi : di
• to the lioniesteat,
Pnblic - lartils sha
. • tiers .only.), .
' By eds...Ai:On - S . from theStlies, and pur.ehas.eS.
of, otler riationg, the abierilment 'has ilPii -. a :
, - ivtttlt4nesrof 1 . ,554,00 : 43,000'aere50f: tinoe cur
Pied lands . l; an the qtiestiolipresented .. (or.:
. thqaction of C*ngressis; - * - What *- is the rop-''
&arid: *--bet4 nio eof disposing-of them, - in]
Order to prothot the real and permanent in- 1 1
s Of - t . he cot rY?-far the mode and man--'
ner,:it their disp .sal is left; by, stheconstitu:- ,
troll, entirely to he sound discretion of. con
gross.- . The ptiblic, lands here - a. subject".( . .k l
controversy beat en the 'colonies, even before;',
the, „Coullxieratiolf - and it. was - one of:tit e ear
ly obstneleli to tlii: organization of any goy
- e.rnment foi•- the,, rotectioni'td their common
. interestsr (Anti, fn the language Of.the in
structions Of lfarv - land to
...her delegates 'in
Congress,* 'in* May 1-;79, it ACllS ' ponisidered, by
al/ -tihe.ecolguies.having no•--irtste • land, to be
nolnore titan-,ju.'
• ":That a --eon
.* inencemetti of tit
ish cc
iris, if wrested' fro
blood and: treast,
. should be 4onsid
' subject-to be pal
free;:. ...cOnquierit
. inents, in :inch lal.
the wisdom of t
direct." { •-.
• - And, in Order t
• "siesspringing - up
subject; and to r
remained. t.'? a 'fin
• October,', , •J'7•Bo, y
pledge-to the Sta
' • zny'land they .11
.--- - . .
' .- -‘‘ l'hat- the 'until
. * be ceded oft relin(l
by particula
disposed of i for tl . l
- 'United Staie.:i--, a
to distinct', republl
-Coin,...,_trietabers <
have the sable rig
. ' . .11.a inflypendeacc
T4'; the soiid law
tlr;1 at surli[timrs
. -as slicitv itrYiyyre - r . .
- Aiki "in' ecmyrr;
of ilicm"
Inprrrsatince ot o tisis r,. , 5-Antion, New Yerk - „ ,
'Virginia ; li.'„as , Sati inset ts, C-c'',lni etAi en t, South •
. and NOrtiti.r aroli. a, and Georgia- ceded their
, 1
~. claims to ilt; vast ,, land out, their State'
limits. Anil in ptrsitance of! this 'resolution,
'the elituSe*i'vas in erted in \Ole Constitution
giving Congress aver . er " to, • disposc,. Ad
. 'of,.
make - till tiedfiti rules and ' regulationS re' -
speeting the tort or other, propfr'
er. of I
the, United Stntes," under which clause Con- i
. gresi is limited in its 'pogo 'over tli*"pudic '1
dniiiain enIT.-:by a srouid • . ''A . drqtiOn. - , ' - ',
The obje * etion og the gent)einan from Geor-'
• gia, (Mr. 1 - .):cr,) A hi) has jttst taken,
- to grantinglthese ands to. tlie actual
- - under this hill is, hat it-is holding oit, - an iii-,'
chicemetit.-to the -1 . aniCer•popitlation of the Old
World to i i t ui gra t ? hither.. Sir,. ''.all .. .Of - that,
elcss tii'at - 411 get here'cOtne'now. -, They are
~ '"fcitced to seek. our shores forbread ;• and they
will continue to e - me, rio mailer. 'what your
legislation on thi. subject Mar be. f.A.'dire
'aecessity'forces from the land of their
fathers and the ome of their .childhood. -'=
PlarvatiOn and .de-ttli exile them *from . the Old
World ;• an4l' . Ns - be Ai' can' -they - . find a resting
. ~ .. .. .
• •,
plae 'Snit innthe wilderness ' of the New ?-'
'The decreekof fat are no less'ireperative than -
• - tlielieeessit that compels them to:seek our
shores: -: Tgen, ids they' ants't- come, for than
never, .
frouilmere choice, i tears himself - from
his thttite.clountral 7 thd gr l tsyes of his . fathers.
end borne et his ndred--is . it not better to
'-'' " i 'th;inla • •
: t.,rm e, t.... t ho e- -in your Wildernesi, and
.. .thus fastenliem - the country' by a tiestroa-
g,err,*,;than tie Oa li of allegiance I ' By - thiS
1 1
' :means you place.hem
,iit a condition to be
.e - ,
. sitifet s,iiistead of leaving them to
hang_abou the p trlieus of your cities, acurr;e.
to theinsel
sto your oWn population.'. .
.- I agree NOOl. th ,' gentintait; that it hi : the>,
*firSt*anty• of nia to. take care orhis 'own
household ; but,is r,
_there is a - kind of Selfigh
_ 1 ness that defeats tself;'an . :Citlightened. • Sel
fishiipis • seelFS its : , • wri - litippinds by proms tint
that `of Oilto:rs: . .: nd, while: itls.the duty of
~ the, ,GOVernment t take care, - 1..0f q tself; this 'is
..-,ene..o,f , theinieas* n - , , s by .Al'hiat tO :40:3:7r0ne
. ' . - t4O give it.-.g pry i,. peace, and: . strength in war:
,:The ft* ob ectio -to this.mOde of. disposing
I ilb
~ of the •publie, land -, by those t . ‘i. - lio, have- giVen
the subject but. \title - - attention,. is lliat,ltis
levelng and akin' ian.-' Sir, .when was there
- ever an atteintit wade, since the world.begau, 1
to `wrest frog poy, er ! its_ ill-gotten, gain, or its I
:undueadvantages :and to. restore to u . iakbi. 1
• inalienable i . glits.., 1.44 it'llas 'been inefby the.
friends of the existing order of things': With
.. theAcratofleveling. and .ugrarlau...
-:' litatis tir,..ular u•c D . r , of-- (lie -devotee of the -
past,. with I.hieh .I.ta§ever attempted, to re-..
_:bil,,t.' all OfPilil e an innovaliq4s. upoia : -e - ,..itab;
. • lished, uog4k :.sin .(3 - Socrates 1', ; 11.§ poisoned
with.l.heilie.inlockc and -Galileo coadenmed, to
the rack,; Is it n t time the world ceased .itsl
_ 'blind' reverekiee, - ~ tho pact ; or for histitu-1 -
. tions;:bedank,:of.t Or g - fay age? , -
.. ; .-. ..1 .
Most ck the - „eri s ':.tba . afilict seciety .have ,
_had tite• or- n• :yic4 ee and.w'rong, euae--1
led into law( by tl e ex rienee, of .tho 'past,'
i i
and retained by t e prejtidip'e.-.of the present.
IVhile : lruth-a.nd Society a,kei i iirogresqrve; he
to woulik-siet Aii, , h. a nolAr Impulse...for :Ike
. one, and a iclierO s- , Sotelforthel.)est m
4 - k titeipther - , - lenun!t„enfertaip 411 e theophilop c s- '
of his - pr+esso 'e,..
..:1 ~thin; ir
. oorthi, ,sce.l ,
more strange and estrUctive : of the Well be -1
iing of t9gty 4. - . 4 ? . .d ow acyctriOs - .. .0f the '`•
aumbfeNa4rene o- -.the devout-. Jew, the.
ieachings•ptilifie; . ilii.l and Iduss,-to:a dark -
-age; or the tevela (ins of - Copernietts to .the-j,
Ptolinaies.: NVII- • ,44ittle ;Pore than three- ',.
*ruiners ofultioutn ~ 00, fifty-si f liplqi tiler- , J-}v"l
diantg fanwir , s, in• clia\tacs,,nrietln co: - .•
.erlitkn: ' *64
1 3 .. .:•-1 - 4tvi4r,, at -n Lionspt
n ;my of i?!!T•tit
ilo`t, it Rroro:•;e at this tiin , s
on thti- pntientelofilie
I - wider ct6niiderati6n prol)o
-'very "nytual settler , on the
hointen.`d of tine ,hand'ro - ,1
f land; on.'ernrii tiou 'Of oeen4
ration for.the. NriOd 'Of tire
3titute' for- this lilt .that
e ssnie object in view' and
.tails, except that, iii addition .
grant, all future %lies or the
A li, be confined to aetuai
. . ,
try, •unsefxled at the corn-,
s - Avary Claimed .. by the Brit
led to it . hy.the . ticaty ofPa- .
nt.he cti.minon e.nort . the
, re, of the i,birteen „States,
red as - acouunoti properly,
l ode ! ' out hy Congress into
and independent Govern
•itner-atici at such times as
i Lassembli •shal.l.-hereafter
alma aril eild to. the jenion
-I)etweett the colonies on this
allow the only obstacle that .
31 rntifiCatlon of thf*..articles
Gon,:gres4_ 10th of
I:lased „ this:resolution,. as ft,
les of the: inatmer in which,
lig,ht cede should he ,lisvos-•
. propthtted lands Which may
niched to the United States.
t. State * ' * .-* Biitin he -
c common : benefit cf . :the
,q be setthid .11n1 formed :D4
can States ? Nviii6ll,liball be-
if the Federal 'Union,: Mid
1 ts:of'soveicignty, freedom,
= as the other S:ates, &c. 1
cis. shall Le: fp-it : Weil , cr sal-_{
and trinifristfclisregqlaiiwils
rf j
'7 -(in - by•fne-I. 7 ilito:P'
..''.t•-ii2s:lctl,.or 71 : :12e :or,mere.i!
-- . -- t ----- " ------7- : ------ f ------- ,
, .
to shi - dce tile, thrones ot flit!. world, and Ipto
elaiin the - ihalienahle riAlt( life, lib.:,
,erts, aa , l!tro..i-pitri,ttit k3flhippine.74;
. the 'sself
seitistd. (4..-lilyervlit.ive stoff.l'iinhos,o4:4-ht3',,hii7-.•;;
eling. : ,proje4t: . 15'ut; . fr40::;01:17....i1ay to thio,l„ho
history„otly'our eountiijiti seen tutt . a hiato,..
EY Pf E. l .adiiL•lireling• . ,';) O'.*Vr." - .. . i bat.' . 3•01ilal : .
hind ; aloe c,; i hat:.Wpal - . ull ':.atiwit r ille'l
splendid ditiee beettuse ii towers ':.thOve'..snr
roundi ng L objects ; but .likci.tholeveling cif' th.'
husband:l:in, rho tills tip ids IoW,. filthy inar,
Shesi-, and .'..olls:ert:i 16111 1440 : tillittle gro:no. i
Is i t-7not time / the world'
eirtit I,e.ons.oflii- . 1
dont. frclli thel elaortielleN of ; the- past, and ieas-
~.tti to dim; to its tnottlarinigtornvi with ••lok - > . .-
in:1! forebpdeings for . 1124 ftit4re ?" :: ', ~' . •
. "Lot the dead'p'ttsti bltrf itti dead ; .
.A.of—act. in the livin , * prgent;
.. • •
..-: - ...-illeart, wt tion,-c. nil -00d..0'0the4,7;„:,...„
1 ..
:.": - to reaetro.t.ll4 non aialthe utittied,
' it'be'ealettlate4 to, pr§tnete,-thei linr i ii n es §
! id . ‘N.f_itilre ',-). t the' Whili3 ihe his,fo r y.
i • r.b.ur c4aqintrr, 'fri.fnt tlie:lan • dirt!Tit4•thelPii - --.
inns to the prelent liottr,.its i i tl7d - face• IS all
vc,hipilt • :Intl 'All t Etbri!ty,! i - l...ektiatows i not
li:erica:l' legislators -t4 bb tartl}al . 1,..,..f. an3 -
- tines which tignity,;pr Ipower, harei.Maile
lioo. ' The: tree ol.tiet itt di , 3po-Aihg,.oftpie...le
n 1 ,
d b
s y G
the Overnnietit' is -.not' 'heir' We,
ft.,tllV,fr **tileklielit :ill
~ C .lTltiVtlti li-''' AS . .If;
id - by: - thc‘ 'Seel-et:try:on -the lnteior, iii his
. . 1
report: i
• .... '! '
" Nothin'g retards . theigrOwtli iiiid.-pro4per
rof the count+ 'y norq, ntir intlicits crOiater
, . -
ury upon tlinrersidenti than thesection,p
individnals or comigOliel,. of extettstro un
tivatect tracti 3 Of the iinblieland4. '.:Toieor
t this evil, fa'clitit . ?‘ . 3 ... stionld be liherall.i-4x
(led to _the i icttial Isetiler;and . withhcild
the mere,speOulator.7',! - : ~- , ' I
:nt"th e best means bt u ileri‘ino: t ' revlinie .
n these lands !is. to s4itre their . sottlorlient
nif von . receive -nothing for the - 1an(1..-.:-.
the mean . thO Gene al ; Government has
'collecting retinaeis 7 iluties on impor
:,articles ;cOnsurned ii• the conntiv ; and
Average aniotint of iiitpo*ed articles on
ied:bv each Aierson fi)r tlieelastxtivo y PATS
Al (/011:115 rerilleml. 1. i • .. `- :1 •
n(l, - ns Yon. 6 , hearieditliJ:ne....'essitrieek and
iforts Of life; 'or. inerese IMen's ' inonpl
. to
fat them, yolti inerea e theiiconstitqtion.
hat every .- thiily oft,selenobtisurnes; on
veratrt.t, rearlv ? sevoilty (dollar' worth Of
o,rted D.rticie 4 ; and fOe..iiveiag‘s'. of tliOar
eing about thirty/pei. o ent., .each finhily
rat nunibOr i)hys to ilk i Goverrnilent!rin
i,ly'-twenty-ono,- doll.; S.l Br: t lie - ; sali , of
e lands Alai' Govern
receives,4r a
rter :section, two . Ituti !red 'dolla, t 1 4 ,. in 7
st•of which Nvoilla he wel%•e dollars a i. idir:
lie Governnient wont. :lie' the gainer - of
e dollars 'a year hy
. i , ,,..`cing away- thisllaild.
a settler 4i :preTerene . to selling it •'pith-I
a settlement. • . 1 ,.:' 1 - ':: 1:: I
For the purpoScs' of 11 tie:llion tuildin , 4
- '' .:1
'roitils, :and opening all, they -
I teat
is t
pa 3
of t' i
-,...,, ~..- , I: lg all! the t a venties of tr . a, le
best dilpoSition to be l made of these /r,i'drL
.ogrant the] n, :in limitid rittantilies, tO! the
_tier. The two, liundrdd dollars'' ;lie - ('iovi
,. .
nrentnOW talies.for' ilia laud would enal - -tle
settler to fin-nisi' itiinselil With ' the. safes-
-y sto4 and iinpkunelts - to' coninietio*:! its
ti'vati . Op. 4i,a,,iti, thi6 beginin, , ;•,l, he
n t s' urioup(l 6 ll6ll,s3ele , • it - li the: coiiiforts of.
~ -ail& lias'the„'!Ureans to . e.irect the s'clio . 4 -- .)1-
Ise aue l l' ...litircii, alid- an Ittw t)tliCir . '‘,,,inn . - •
.P t s of a highe e civilizgionl r . and to editcate.
I 'rear his childreat..reA)ceted 4nenithiis of
ie. ... . t • I
tv.. - : : i . i
7rlerthe preSi'llt - poll ' - ..y c.f the Cia!;,erti-,
: nt -his earnings: for yea -s, are abstracted for
. teneiit of sreculatois. 'IIR, .c.;ort:rillikent
ii a -township Of timl .s Iv. : ii ries slitareJleen
lino-. therefore] :thirty,six Isections• 'Of:six
:tired. ani fort* atzt/...5.ft1e1); . ulakia , tiv,-1).-
• Lice • thausan,l ptid - fai.ty 'acres of •1:1 iiii , iii ;
township. ' • - ~,,,,,. chi: •_st•tf!fr. when! . Ire I
o. ..,. . -
. • 1 •'. 1. , , . : i'•
ties to boy ) must pay l in ino:-,t ''. : ':: lF- c :-2 7 , :°'," . -1
ire aolliirs per:acre. :, pa an - . en. , .4l't,wr,i-
) of latiil pureltas(d Brent the Gaverinitent,
the si - )eizilutor,...oti'c - ii)el. the F..eitir. t o' l
. • ;$lOO,OOO CVO. tile , ioi'erninent price,.!i ell amormt 'would be outileie - ni„. or nett)lv
o build„ .a railroad , thrfirAL the iownshiii.
tli this capital that you• I ye, 416. : 71.1 , 00,1_.
file policy- .- or tile_ Ii o[o.iiinc.. n t,, -•
'llie'ave-T' l
s,of eointaeree-an , .l tr4doj could be oixtii-, I
by the 'CitiZen as ..theii• 'wants, ' called for.
i l. , w liiie ..theii•inditst ?xi, wotild furnisli-theirl:,
iness. Tkill up your 1.4,- ideriims with pop
, tion, and:cease to ahst aci their earnings
the supper t of idienessi and;, -extravagance,
I the railro&r, phut - 01,1 and school 7 hOuse,
I keep I pace with your ack - autiige. settle
lilt's. -. This policy, ''willi. net, enly inerriase
'.• revenges of Ali.\-Generld Ciprerintient,i and
taxable• property of tile. new States;' but
I add to th& , poptdation, land Nviil'Swel
yinmeree ~ f tile coin'try, ixyhile It, 1$ ill he
ruclucenient . to \:the, .landl:ess . ofTtlie fold
tes t wherea suip)us pa 'al:Ilion is constant-
I )
reducing the -price . o . -latkr by, its - ;own
inipetition, to seek s a hone, Where : they'. ean
secure from • the . fear4l of- the poor-hous9
d the wants of poverty;! ', . • -,. • ,
I. would lief, howerer;• . lhaye. this goVern
ent converted .into an aims-}louse t 0 relieve,
the Miseries and woes ! that !afflict man,'; yet
Fould. have - it legiSlate,iso far: as is Oasis
.t.iNith -sound pruiCiples; so as best; to:pro
ote the. happiness and *fare of the'lcitizen;
r therebY_you:ProMote . thea•eal int4iests of
e country. and make string all the elements
national power:. ) - let - eptio. I should ; nut be
e object aimed at , in 'disposing ' , of these
ads: -General Jackson, in iliis latill".iretb
I ' 4 . • 'De " •
essaze,- of -4t1.1 eembe ,11833, says . : ..1- -. •
On the Wh01e,...1-11dheTe•toitlic'oputrion ex
..-.. .:hy me' in, inyianttnalnie&sage of 1'832,
at itis_Our trne.policy• - fhat tbd public lit Lai' s
I rease;'•as .soon .4s il actieable,,Ao. be a
, urce revenue; except or: the payment. - of
1 " . -- 1 charges -' '' .•
me - genera Athleli.-glow out of the
quisipon of - the •: lands, I their : suriey,i,'and
les." i , --',,, ' - - .) '• !I ' : ',. , '..., ~-
The - real wealth of a:eoluutry , consists; not
'the sums of monev paii) into lis leatiurvt
tirf its : herds, 'flocls, aid - ciiltivat •I'.lifiid:S;
,r doels:itS • retil 'strength land . .. power eAsist
t andfleets armies, :but itt ' the bones.;4liii.sin- ;
vs of an j• independent - ,y4omanrv i . sad j, the
4nfort of its laboring:: classes ii .its reel - , , . •
iisistS . , , .not:- . l , f itt 'the• spleitidid
.palnees, lofty
[ire, and towering .- dome,i, . bu t in the 'intelli
kiwi cothfort, a nd.happiness 1: of tli ,- .)'side.
its - citizens.. s - ,' , --!'I •- „ [." I , : i - .1), -..
‘ ,.. .What.c.oitstitutes4 State-?; • .4 ~' -- • 'c -.
lt ligh-raised, hattleine4t, labored , monnd,
Thiek .wailkoi,inoatadOpte,;•,. ' . l . ~ : ! • •
.3i eitit.. , - od,- with - kPires and turrets
A , .I -• .11,
Nat- .I)Lys and i)road ,, artlitid. Ports, - - , 1;
hete„.4i,tughing i at tlicilai)rau,i, .proud klivies
-- ' .-ride, -. .:,. .!- , 1
. • .; :.
..• * *.! - •40::. ~ I *... .*: ~
- !
r 1.,h 7 0,l Men ! -high ininde, :tnett.
_,. • : ',, ,
31eit I,aio,' their duties linow, l ..,.
t.. - know. - their :.,. rig] tf, And - I;.ii - o'wiug-. *ire
• •runiiitaitt., .:.,. :•:: 1 ~. I.' • i .-: "i
*•. t , :- -• -,* 4 , 1 *"!-, * ! -;-,
illtel.l.!-con4itute l 41 ,tat(l.7. i ; • !
i'llie prosperP.y
.Of StiateiidependnOt.oti - lhe..
-f ,
of wealth,',-'but ' , lnit !...distribution.- .That
tztry is
: greatest,. ~,,ad.,`..1 - mast gleriOu, iin
ich there lto ilia gzeliteil. , nutaber: 0f.,1140,pr
ides: iAni i l 4 . y0u.i5 , 0. ti - - 1 - 41.1 k 1119. ttiTe
..:-.4ppy.i.rafie4e"fulle rfroni..hii deeMda-'.
, ',elevate the,.aerVile- :. on! . -,
rsuits;io the.4ds in ; :..clioriity, of Bien;
I...rairst„.tioit place .. Wit iiti , their reachthe'
aw:f. o F ' s uPtibing. ..t4e4 .1)r . .11 - It .Pliillial
ints,i,sothat:p4gion , ea .exe i rt its itLfiuence
the' f•rmil::: Pail ,tie ti
e'w 4 iiry piteiiintin
lus pathway - .to . the,..tomb.
,For- it is. n Fain ancienti. ,Vainfottna, instead- of b' ng
you talk, of thel i geOdneikirad henevol• , ne e of known ii.s.l l tit)
_POl:tine .
,:ilarshes w"4.11,1• hrt‘p I bill ,',
on Omniscient linter, tolim, Whose lift , from col:tit:UM thii.,gtiitl•Af•of .tho' ntl - , and Si . st:
. . . • .-
4 .
It or . kd and tht, i „. .N't.:. .;.1i.r,11 . Y1. (... ,e - r , t.o . inl V he eitn, if he
. • -the •-• 'br: . ulle.- : tQ'tite'btit,pne continr,ed si:it; Of ) iiii:r ettipiilitinigli(,! here wa: - ed inArr'-' ~'On•tuttl .elll,titti. ft.' 4 , - it--: .. ;.'.4e • -°/ 5 3 . e'%tt',.is the' ;- 1 , (."(..-•
seene'of ptiiii."ritile - N, ari'd ivaut. I Talk- not,Of ninpb l l Btig ~.I.ifter,klia.ivy;lt',Yined 1) . 1 bro • kel; I 0-' 1 E 1 , 6 4 ""‘l.--c.O/tlY,ilti"ll, of rt4'se•l'''l"l":•)./.3"t."
free ogenei; . ,io pin' 11•14.: , ....: on.l? . freedom is t" ' 2(41111111 i. T ic" 'XI lian;ltlelatlolis, ithat;ro4 l i tztatteto it, ;Oicri, , l 74tltor - the -set il . e'r be-ri e h
elloPse his.-OwiX inetheslito die.; , fr''n l the iruiu' 3 Oily' onitire, flourished for, i ,or poLti• 1s 'l'ttin 111,'fliyor;;of this ptfitcy.a . : . di t ,:
of I the Pliblic laa as cOntrndistia 7
. • Tell ti6e.the I ftriniSlO. - 4 ir - perati Ye. Who: - .t; soul day ihtiti - flitti. - t. ,- ,O;',' - reli ilkNl:,
as -Well lis.bodY has become 'shriveled . :Ill4k - tkenV Ot iifirrll:'ultitre. - I. Lllis thr , 0 . 104 it. interesl . i gui:411, ,, t1 frOm all )otliers.l - . I •
. it; . ~,,i 1 . print,,ph,o
;I ~ -
lieu 1 ll' II , F; ftl ' - 0. ,, ;II '.: ,
mildewed, that there is ti. god 0f . .10ve,...wh0f• - •;4; upon tvliicfli ".;:1 If 'it must VAY ki ;the i. - In!? sri'''''l!gi '''
le:1141', 111ercieS'are:..0ter all his works. NVlien lof 'its I•4'l'il, :hill i-houltll therelo.,.i ht. mos 1 vill( - :illohii*I" eo(rtrol 41 . Thltiiing la full :NO
the lAiiiv is raCkeckwithr.plifsival
. 1i ,
~ . , , pain tt , t i al
. s. , edulti l t t itl f. - l eztltd [for in the , , darOf.l..p i ri.:'s . pt-r . f , ?fina l4lll , ( l u i ts y li l ,ki id_ it j t : ( l ) . n m l l ' i ,c .tf :4 -II :1 : 1 1 a 1 1 , 1 , : 1 1 . 1 1'„' ; : li k •; ' , 0:, t i i i i i j e l i g. l
. ,011g,er are, colistintutg t le l , 1,v . . vi t .) t.;: ue rim atmit 0. i nut.. , ,tu l . t . p
~, ... 1_ ... ,
t'' , i . o. • -s
VerV Vlitli , :it lilil :Vain ' VOll l'epO:tt, the "set.- I the prollutettols ot,l. thohniti Whlcii - II;t 1 I". ti,lk " ( i n t (I r'' tl ' e icgi''l4titin of -4-.11 , 1 " . • Wi 4 lare •
mon Oa :the .lount.'_'. I N;'; wont:named; I .theY littS l e an) itil l tirest 14) I;surt mind, Itiicir tirel ,
initunterabie bilhl piled up oil yout!, table,,atta
nundilwith cold, :41 dying with hunger, Ava 7.
vers on thel.ine that dii;idi:S".llOnolffrOute.ter- - liappy-4 , iho giviii: ineenthe"lO.'ilititlMllS,l; . "frqt 1 imil:',!; o ' ratiroadl c!•tort:tnitis;, in ,order: that
si:(105 ‘vi:ili ~ 0.41f4i. t ,' ant 1ta,1,7e linlir 1101 le befr,r , .o o 4 , : t • o ss, ; o r th e ,1i 5 ., 4) ,,,,i t i,.,,,, ( A. t. k,„,,
nal *loupe, of What; use, is :t Sunda , : tract ? I (slit.,, :End sethrioi% .It is tti..ll lii ',at, alon-J :ht y Inay he thrown into. the. Market at (IT:Lb
- Trilutt.-,Bible), and , ,r•eligious teaclritigs :axe lit:: .1110. lin k k,e \ liriLV: to_ 11..141;ir ,t:t41.1r,1it',..,.1.t Lid 10 !III: s 4 rk' , ..i,. by: lc apil a i g .'.. • a lid; t I Irtt , in iii,..y491.1 0 01y ,
•tle• 14•111'.;(1•1w ,hint'; whose dap. - are drltg,ed- tho'r e al;,, 'of i i ltp.nalgre:ttricss .ainl ; 1 1 1 laP t i 1 i . t!..`, -,'.) I:4'-!.' i n.i . ltrY and,lletrivent of. AM;
:, . • . ; . , )
out in.procuring a
,mor...sel . to sustain life„.and
„power. r',..' 1 '....; , . _ I .; -. ),, -, I I labor ri,'l . the i:ountiryk I:
.; I ,„, a- ~ • , ~, .
.. ~,. , , , .
whose: last prayer, • as; he ~falls, sl:. ; and. ' The t'...e. ocititio, l it; of aiiin t !citpleht freehold . ..t. lle. pll OM: Inniiii are lloW pie groat •t ROO to
Ileari-hr9,ki L •o, ibt(i.his henna ofstram,,is, that ,art' tniiiithit)v calculated "Ilto en:1...J.14 and Icle-I l'l.;;‘)scritmbli:il.for• , by sclkeine:s of fi1ivac,,,1g
0..,.....54 41.. .•to .it •1 ro, 1 4 . . . ~..! , . ,
~ . , . .. , .
1 Ile In:tv never b , A.ild the ii , dit. of :Mother day. vat,: (her 1 - .c . -..-;•". • L -il , I . .1 I •111.ciot-4" I ishitiit fot Lit. bef'elii 61 . commt•Oe..; :Ind in-
In suelit:zeies it is trim there might ,:he:so mt. , nt 1 ....a diiit man Citsr .feels"lilt. ofanditt r ." . . ' , it col t I,dividOls-. Tilat li . "-';'=" 1 : 11 vollid 'ili • •tilliel": 1 1t,
. .
.•, . ~, „
feeble' .enneeptionstif religion ,nnii.its\ atitics, 1 that he ~ ..fill I:4l::Lizi O' o lni--tilti ca..tqttouspes.„l 1 it' thlre .1 - treii , , il it her' , .„ . is ; liy wei,sloitki9. nx
'of the,,lnguite,", .I!i' . . .sting, •oud. I'ute; but, that ther. '• is Out:l:spot - on; the I eartli't.' , slirfaeq.; :=9 l 9e,g ,. ;;;ttir"";iii‘'y tli:r, iviio l iifettle this
I .," a .mort." tiirdi eonnucnintellect,i OVer wht i th he .4. ‘ u ..e,xerCise :role ' 1 .1,, ,, 01initc4 ;I , :intl . ftitiestion 10ft...v . .5r ; and
,ettly. it in , the
':theywciuttl . he like. the dint. :shatio'Ns tali/t . ; and that, ipotiis Ilis hou,;', iii) dl he hopes (4,1 i. !, V .,- 1 . .. 1 / 4 ,:1;./( tOssiTlll-!., thez.real.greot,
11.0aA in Ilic tivilight. Ile Silio efiltW twining 1 t.l'ziliSii i l4lit, -Slic,llo ,his
~.oJihirell S
. 011e-04 1 ll(: ,,, :q111 t-).,:1 . 4/r . 'l7 'al the eolincry,,apid....proniote
1 lire tuft! ;ituraor.tality,` to tite 'Wean" =l:ilg,l ink, 01 . 1, flit.: b e st .land .11ohl t Iststitinifanu, t , :,, tv,„;11 doing i ; r the h•ippint;os . .,ttild. welfare..olr the raee, I,
1 (:arlii, and 'beckon them Oa ton higlit:r ;In t l i f l'O'hitiis ;lb,. failirt. has clime down .to Milli I lift9iy.:6 - i . r6L-30'11 . ) . F . tho,.(:ovOthleh,t 41iQu1 , ..1
1 roblereKistenc , , 'laid , ;the -foundation of hid from .hisltitlhfrs,l It Wa4 the seen:; 0f their); I• J ok.• tO the pitblitilatids,AS a." sdlirt6 . of list
riission in the!nlievjation, of Physical - pain,.. ;former lliburs l i Aid the iihty ground Of ItiOll-nue th:ln tri any . 4ther Cl the liotintlits. of God
oulYering, and woe. ,lic ' clean 'Neithe ltper. 'childhood; apotrOd Into ::aethe objei.ts of the) to Man.. - 1,:113,- sTrul,l :they . , nOt'lle . i.. , ,ranted
• toucherl the blind eye; thi; fe.veed brow, and kitrliest . aild foodtstSoelations of .his life.--I to theillettlid:st?-ttler, in limited;tifiantitieS„; at.
withered limb;,and the first petitiort,in the sitp- hue hrod.k altinf which .11 , .: 'oportedl . in 1 ? oy-I, .a pri4 lorrelyjeullicient to pay . the cost of
plicatiOns:whiehlie ~ taur.;itt man to address hood,-thi.rinicittlo"ky,,over Which he 'gamboled II survey) am tninsfer, I fold - thus' tl 4 Govtirti-.
to the 'Author of All .Good; WII,S, "give. us llii,:• ri ;to- his w . :ty to,: die. seltool-houselof ' Ibis early)) inelit iivoul diScluirge faithfully its" trust to:
day our - daily brea4V' The best evidence
~o 41(1,1 . 3-s, andlltte:ii Vv. is the . r-;lturcli .y:ird : _v,•liera the cil t iell.,
•, , - ' I I
. ,
... , - i• il.
the divinity' of thatillission was . itS - adaptation . :.frei:ose •thi c yshi"s; of £.l'. fathers, - by tht. s'ide of II - While the lands are 1001;61 t 0 ....
i -
10 the tUtture; condition,. and wants of man. -1t . 11910. ; N.,, len Etliis, lit:: is '.f.,'er,- he . .6pects toi l ! of _revel:tie, owing to the.- v:ii . .l.ili
ins_tliebt:igurig l e. C O f 'remarks; ruade on . this • l'eit ill iti,;lee t i. Amidst associations 'lke tiles('", .. - ...f;11ec led :1 yfl
I ,mittall-oni Le:it...ta r lt
sithje9t owa former Oecasion, -riches, it is true,- te i.- , btitrul ., the Gt . :venni:ma tlnh sliieldoli , tariff Illuct)it•iting; and We cair i l .ti l
are not.., n i mee'.s:;aTy stet.' 01ill17S .ClijOythellt; hut and prott..t:ts hint by the siotiogest tikt-> t known I) reventie, standard, ;for (hi tlneerta•
the .incatlO to prevent ; ‘starYation are. Norlis i i , to Mortal - S. . 11• Is the life«spring of
, r manly, II it tiro fi•tNin inoident;tl; sc.',
, i ,!
,••• , .
t Spleloliil Ital:l.2e 11t1';i..Iiii.r . y to his 11:14 hallpi- I hittkivil Linara,Cfpr, ;aid ,:t :Int - .4,11e, gen , ;•,•rous pa- - ,I an:omits from hot vitiate . lainis
utAis;. hut a olnilter against tlie storm -and Ir triOtism.;lo. patriOtism th: • it - rushes fry tha de. 1 1 , , litfer • r ars fr)+, a inilli,...;ii to '._
wititer t ti blast is. I, ~" -.
.-. . l'enett.of the cotilltrv,and the vin•lk!,tion o f it i ,i milliot s. ,I;1; . that one-Ivo:4 we
. .._.
• , .
'lt you wouldhr.d . :the utring back from the 1 ItottOr, iv4h- tit. `I zettl, :mil alado . .ity.that mae.ll :.,..t...h.tio,ati.l the . nex r t ii( . l no
emits of. vice and ;crime to virtue - and .to bon, !ft gitards.l he
,IV,l;ctrtli-stonel atul tilt "lil t ,- lt is in soiti;' , ..e.lNo, to ,tlie, flu'tquati.:.ns
or; grist! hint . a:lionae,lgive.hini .a hearthstone, I, limit] the I'Sportisl;and •labor's of the. ti,gd .alone still fil , •,ni this st - Mr•ce: j.,14 - n.S the!
• 'I • ; • ; k • /- • • -
airai helwill sitrround',it with hOusehold, gods. 1 thitt, thes4,iiassoOntions.are, kiini led ini l all their , ever to look to the
,ruil , lpt lands.:
If you would nritle men ltiser :toil Defter, re- 1 intensity., 'l'llti,' sprin_,( - : , dot from "Icousialli lof rev;enu s e, not only frottin. settse
lieve .your almi-houses,- close. _ the. doors of ,I; I •ontact With hi.irk widh:i . and the thronged I and rilklit t , ), the citizen, , but ill of
ybur penitentiaries, a4a break in picees.your I - .ventn."-- , ot . a erki'miled iintr i l,,Wlivrii gditt is the final-e;
taritilsystein shall I:tint - Moe, t'
g . allows. ' Poriy. the Influence,: of titc.doilies:- I all-absorbing Ili :Ought th;i . t in If gßalti degr.a: final-el rinifo i rm - stand:Ltd-, Itit , l . tint . .
tic fireside;. toil that is the', school in which shapes an - i,l ec - attrolo th. , :anion:! mr , it. .• to I , :.sslelialtes. •: -
hUmaiflcharacter'islt4med, ar.,l theleits.des- `lhe May l'oiltiltvrpOiz.e tO, the evil: that, :if- ~ .1: r: ,` 4 ,.11 l'l it, of l'iridnii. I),;.eS
tiny is shaped 7,1 Hitt.! the solii'. ree,,it,,,, I fiictAllall i11a , 411. , ,'e vopithition, is hole 1.111 , -; man. 1),.. - .1.). - .5.... i.) a1im.....41:1 !the pull
I'6-St impress, and 111;ln hit.fil-4, 142,.i.•,0n, lillil , +lilt, Of it conidAy life,• where uo \ fetid atutos- ;" a source of ievetitiV,:soa:s., to intilze
they go with him, for weal or for. woe, t hri.aigh-) • phere of
. iii croW:tied city, ttruslitl,s,ineuhtts like;•-q ty for t hi;! - her i:&,ill . ?' .v: • . I, •
life. ".For purifying.'llie : , entimenis;• . ,eletating.l , the vig,tir 4,fyrAjtil and "the uttergies of man- I li . :111- 1 , ; 11:1:1 ;AV. I.ltim opposed to
the thoughtS, anti do el ,. the lioble,t itir:i hood ; butt" witore eltildren groW..Up amid ,•,enue 111 the ptililie litods ; On t
;pulses of mal t 'S.. nature, the inilitences. of a t rocks; Avoids, and wlittltindls, and ail the wild. ; ),,f josire,. atiii,'right to tief citizen; -,
:rural fireside and agriCultitral life are the no.- I lie:miles of itatiire's ever %rat) Mg scenes- with lipolic'for ..tite, • tiovtrintielit; NVithOli
.and the heat. In the obscurity of tilt tle pure .:4r of "Ileavell to Itita their lock ' s and ii ere:wt.:toi the tari I. _ I 'it hi read‘:
cottage, far Font - wed front: the seductive in- 1t te 11111:•1 0 lot* bit , ls.miugling with their morn- ilm lilt the ', ,- 2,..nt1e-uniti frtn - l'it;git:i
flueticts of n:A
ink d I atilttenee, 'it, noutished . IMg pr:tvelt on 4, vesp,,4; hi "mu." Anlid Such llotherenthlliftli, at alit.' 11111!, 10'
. ,
tlitl-Viitileg that! .C.ollllfrf act the, decay of tidy; aso(dattoris is Oeveloped the most Of:the h•-:---t litilr;frio file I. itrestlrevenue point,
auto institutiof:s, the i•cour:.tge' that, defends I t , f man. . lit tith atiil long years is ',there his "; '',`,ll:. i--;M ITII. . I.;; I :ii to raise tile:
'the national. independence., and the imiustry Id ;t. " Godlitiatle, the country r and )Min made !Ito bertl, tit )lit, ir6ll 'of Pennsylvania
that Supports all class,..s.of tbe'State. It a; too n '' Illy._ p,..)pulation. of 'cities. and II I.,Er•Ii:1:11)ISV. Sir, it is Inv. joril,
It • Woo said
.by Lord•chatliain, iu hisappead 1 40Iyd e d tljst-i/Sl, api., shot liv e d. Cit,iCS ale :iresent ; the o l rily dist:rictit(,,Penitsvli
I, - to the Iloitsc of eonlinons, in I 7 7:7, Au with- i the de...strosers of. litunat(lift.t, :i5..w..,::,,11. as the 11l '1 t-i,i3, when the standard of ti-11'
draw 'lt - hq.•l3riti,;4l.l troops from - llostton, that .1 ri , ..erv , .. , irs -, ,rf alit ti ,• iniseritf : and the staiisties ley trai;led in• thealusf in ever t , e i mi
I "trroe, Inkki- -- 1 1 , i , ii , ""* . ‘o• 7 , .--: -, - -.4 1 .---,. ••••‘;4;;---s—r.t. I -‘,.._...ti,,it, , t.trt,,:tit.eieeo l ;r : It, (.011‘.1)(Allte (lie • i k 'State,,loore tilt Ille, , bacnci of frc4;
of a_ conntry; but its true ,strength awl •sut- , s att'tnent - Ipf .Nl,'. Illtiir,• Jo. 11,i , ad‘lies befort:. I)Miliaritinete'd -- 'comtnerec ;. at:•1, tt
mina. lureto belloolteat for: ill the cultivators 11. lit . I .griefiilnriligot:iety ! t . .11;trvlat:d : : I ill.\ats ilt , , , r("to••ilay.. We Would l e a
' ~.., ~ ,
of the laud. . Iti the simplicity.• Of their lives.' , --.llle, ethrunfpi guideth'Ook of Paris, whieli ,r ,, , l'eillis;Vicania,thefeotton inill . of
is found the siipplettes4 of yirtutylie integrity , i,i put intco, (v(i,v tr:tveike› h:11,1. lhas'thi, ,Iliind, tt,'L , l the $11•:;;;Ir Of ‘I the "'ollth, 5
and courage', oflfreedcM. There; trite, .genu- I nt•te,.undei: the l lllead of • - i , iopultition • ii.l . lm,i,• . :ol))er r r roteres:i a th',..'• coinitryt.lst.;,
Jilts sons ..01,the j oi I-a re; tli:Vlnet b ,e. ... •,) / es. ewi:stahtlii #siclicefl irk Peris.6(4( &Tome !„ , :iiiie f)141T..;, With ,nodiseriminati,
lii the World's hiStory their arms have Cy-" e. ti . r.0.:1, flit C 4 (11Y Ot 'this I;m:it tuliEti are (4- : 4.. •c::••11 61' Ilk - , We: 4th 'cyf ally „sect priwed. the. 'sit alley 'Of snnt-iOII I P. (roster; er : ! :,, j, fe t -, 11 1,) bi. rholt,e arliri i;q)n,t, 71,.,hi:'11 4 n 0 ..1e- 'if 71,:uilli . I;.i.
".'' .- to r,.tUrn 11•0:ii the
1 , their befals, th e I)lll%y:irks 'of liberty. - Fer I,i, (Hess'(Hess'- .Nl , hat ris true or,"Paris is trni, ttf• *ev e - 1 . intso. Wllich I bave 4, ,,, eit. 110.1 Lv tls
I murk tl:rllt thre,', 2 .. "centuries. Switzerland. waget..ll r- city
.iiiitte It )lid. 'if eco is'llotpreb - :ddy if , titq1, ,, .. - .l;tkinnn from Vlrri.itii:t.t;
I a eelte‘ess u,"irriare - With the 11 0 11'6 01 thtlA- 11l 111nn ill 16111.1411; l'atiKiti,:w York. Or Phil-. i illoti , -1, it se to .1110,is to secure :t
1- -" It .11 - er titre - . witi'k - - rie feeble emfon , .1 t 1: 'IO
1 t 0,.,, :....,
..... , 1.. t..... •,. , - • •• • ••-. laA .p tia, 1 , 1 . ao C. - ,in - '
-'''' ••
t.ta . y. t.'4at. his p r :ri.:34-:+•-rand- !!" theienitiynt , w, a‘j the le . gitimate.
. o r I.
.Sehwet :11 1'2 I•,...tiderwahlt:i), 11.1 r tocir; 1 f. then, hiS l igraiiiillter, find l t .i.s. father, ene-,I 'er ineittis of individual! deYeloplll'e ,
titan ll' c.onturr,, t. ;, - ; :2' -4 Ow in - II'cIII: * -! ' llll5 t)f 1 c ""iviY , 1 4.e'i 444-1 slied ill the eity Of his - . 1 , Oa - on:4)14, the,- best interests,or I s
1 --1.11StrIl.: A11:1 , th,,i,,, , i the iiiii:l:(t,, r the mid- lii enc.. 1-1,t \ k! 2. 42 j-S Oct - Snell fling :/s a survivor ; !lic:(:;•Overtuient. • ... . -
rdle. oges,•When i parkneSS:lntl gloom II:nip:ill- ; i...,:i ti 11,..: 4elntiont 1 1 111 - ati.liace undergone the " ; ( -)0 ef tile objections itrg o ."4l _ag
ed the ,hopes o ;Men, and Sltroin'x i l all Et:- decoMposi;iii.c, 1 ibi.,., - of 41 ' , Oitt- atm , ;: , lllere, as- ; l'ill l'' Ilk' gcfillellmll . ' frolil - "e°
rope in , ilt.t . ipotisiu, .tlU. ! _ fi t • e s, of lihet-ty. still sistied . by l Ors' It 4 ti*it'i• 'I --3,...e ,-, '. t t hf:n, may . Pept]lo, th:;:t it is takii4,lq9l,isl•fi
tuhiol,hri4htl)f- along the crest of the Alps. i 1..,..y said toldie eitt On ee 'fil l a t inni i re( }„„ : l r o f ‘ l, l IiI; tilt . o.onnnon treasort: of .' tit
and it.sspipt still ,the beans of Ler I yCars, so fii,l• as ti , f7:iiilt: 111 ' 0,-0 1 . 00170(i ~,,.n c. r a_ , Ond• tiSing, It :::'T•theil" l i..7Y-at of the - 1 - ;
' uneoupiered 'Peasantry. :With 11 , 11:es .- altd -1 iii,t • is that 1137 ,- ;. '4; • 0•1 move ainflatve their lie- lif • these: latids liat•-"e' l -,•.:2111,,tir,ed. 'tit
firesides, to defend, the arms and hearts t , f :ill 1 inL 0111 V NI , ithin is t.i.i.V's 'precii; e tz,” ' . . ' • I 4.)t-4 then v 4.4.1 do no injuilee to it;
indeptcrdent yeomaniy inic-a surer.. and llli 6 re I -
''''' • 'll k ' '7I •I 3:: l' . '''''. . * •..
* • . ! co, - ..t hi.t gN/ nt., Unless . it is proper for
g i t lime it -to hold them as a Source o.
I imprtT;nzible defense than b.attlentent, wall, t.s.i; I i- TA. nal. ,n o Llnt ren. Jon: , ant:
"It kr 11 I 1•I
11 I 'I ' i ' - (1"
tower.„ :\Lan, in defense of his : hearth-stone:l local!' citi,-i• - s
. .._ ,, ,\.-4;er:illy o:ltibit prcocious tad- • I . I,)y th rePort of the:Secretary of the
. ,
.is never vottonered case • with his life. In I tilts: • 'filly 1i„,. 4 th e easicst.ficeesr,:io everr I ' , ,t ,sc'ems these landy have rtiniburs
-such asirtrggle,l every :pass becomes. a Titer- sdeeies l of thr.rniliz; ti l er , have 'the advanta ! ,, , e I , 11'igina„1 cost, :in(' yield ,- .:1 ti net -r,
mops and kery plait! AlNll:trathon' Where- .of ittibibin t an curly knoWledtze of the wolla ! . .1;', 5 a, 2 )-Y - .4,4 05.
i:wer freedom la::J. unfu-kd )ter . banner, the] and hav t -, ii,lnio4. in infatß , e, -the manner s , th e I The entlire area of the public delnain
1,4'84 : Q00,000 nereS'.
pien win ) , have yilllied around to slut:tin :Intl I iti,eas, and •slelf-pOs-,>ession•.-ofertt(i,,li,sltt,tldlk!sl(-,keiectllt-,i
I .
l f,ts! ' f ' i d itri",,li a a li s ° , llt•
uphold iChave Iconic frtim. the workshop and I Ma - ah)ititlgli I:the oreat was elThetcd at 0:e rate of
the tield;_wherC, inured to heat and eOld, aril - .- -- ,s \ il . ,- '7- ,-- ; i t perAei.e, nmnir s-, f i j - - \,
to. all the incleuv,rmeies of the E.:(llt , on, they .
.haTe .aeltrife,l the - li udilsovd necessary a- 1,
4ui& the privations, and tails _of 14 camp'.,thesecret of American and 1 i•
1 gueees Of the RevolAttioir. Washingto' from
As plalltiaal, _Putnam 'from his plow, Greene
from his blacli4with follge, and:Starke front.
Ills Granite hills, . all. dame . to ;lead armies
(Pothered from like scen l e.s'ef latter and enter-1
. . .
prise, to free.iloin's• nnsl to freetionis I.
iictories. • the . 'world's wri t ten his- 1
,tor} - shaillthe Correc4 the record 1 •
of the rise, progress, and fall of empires AV711.1 . I
lic.bUt.- the 'history. of - .the Tise, clevelopme.ut,
and decline of agriculttire.: , For.' that„is the j
pursuit which first,change:i'manfrout.the•wild
and prediltory habits off 'savage life to thi,se
of the swain and! the hukbanclinan, - Eing him '
in StadOnitry d ellitigs,,towns, ntiil cities, and .
thus ushering the dawn ;
and with its growth and qiivAneement. comes.
the comfoits and refinentents of social life,and
the associationi , andattachments of country
and home. ;,• . .• • • .
• The fiEststep in. tbeAeidine of ernpires i the.
' neglect,' of 4.heiiigTictitenral interest, and,• with
its decay Crtn4les national power. It . iS.the.
;great' fact':StamPed on all, the ruins that strew
the - pathway ofOriliziitieti.- Agriculture ti as
the wealth the; and:the'tplon- of the
• , ti
early ItOnians, !and altupst the only manual
labor tie.ented lionorOblei-for n Roman. citizen
to perform, Cato Was pot only a scientific
btit:n -Praatieal fanner ;. and' Cineinnot us wits
e,hlled front tam plait- to h are his countryfrom
the efs/31: the' baibariatt. It INWS.the pur
•suit •held
' o f, thetitatn. Italy - kraa-then one of the
most - Ouitfttl - .agrieultuiol - countries in the
world, 113nt, ", With the • [increaSe\of wealth
came its concentration, and the absorption of
did lane into large ulotes-;
.and its tillage
eonstliitienpy :confided almost exeltnive'-
to. tenants and slave 4 while:the wealthy
oronriet ' lett
carol: or revei ,in the cit.-
±ic or ae.their country , tiilas. _agricultura l- labor 'becomi lig s dishopOralite, was; or course,
- c6llfined to: those- whO hiul:n.o interest 'in the
soil theytillixl.ail'ulica the laborer Ceases tO
_have any interest iu. theland lie cultii'tes,he
;ceases - to have any Stake in the at.katte,etnent
and-good oraer - 9f societY,±for:hc has nothing
AO 'lose,. n9thin tii defond,'- and nothing to
hope:kir:7: The
,s9il.untl4r . such treatrocut .1)5 , :
ing constantly ii . ripovenSlied,'± at length 'he , :
' e:plie' stcrila -dud . ±-un'pracluetive,- . and poverty
and want .co'sfered the', agricultural 'districts,
while ‘ extravagance • rioiedin the; palaces of
the: richilill, '-etifeohled
.byltixtirv, and. worn'
Out. by:exe&._ses, Italy is ri)v.imun by rude. War
riors, itild. the Seven 11. ills fall an easy prey to
the :Vieth and Vafidal.., - Thg to u nterficting in
fluence '.`to, tlii±zi - iletiay ± lwas ;the laW'S' Of lier '
praca,:....hicli: i iropsiid - '"tar disiiibute her',
public lands, rui r th.4, , : (lid. landler . .a-of 'the art,- 1
tioli. .A1, , , i5 it:i , T i !ktat . piillt , y 1,, : ,n ) n,101,1, 1 ‘,11 ! ,. r
. - 1 ; • • ;I'.
World ;nip t[Vi • World sirnd 1 'ort
prol , nl , ly .one huitilred' uf:thez:e fully-t , kineat e il
piniths the Akrli pur
ts of liftl',"fOr Otte eol Int ry ivetitu 1 1 1 0: yet it
found t :tintg.. , ,t- nil d i , tinguifsfSed' men.
110 shine RY tlte. service - (4' the comitrs'.or in
. ...
the liberaliProfc4ions, are eottittry :Wm r.IM
bred." l l ~,.: . -";;;.•
- I "And si;; to'o.lit Las Leon. NI i tit ot4 great
mere. ants and mechames vsllo have !loutish
ed in eitie* Trliee. thon . and vou ivill find
that thc..iiinkl* that gi : o2's • (limn this lead
,iought thetit fliitti" the fields or some village
..6 try theiffortiincsin - ,the city.'" Y•''' • ` .s '
-• The hot 44.1 oti cities bring forward their
platlt 'hero :i•api dly.; but thc , .-Le .kpringring from
the native iOil, hail. 'braving the rmfeigensons
arid ronw ' h'iAllttile of - thelcountrx, are found
1 have the .3, io t. e:q i lstami' . nal
b l
The repflr: frOm these evils, , whickare one
• 6,fi the ineid'entslif civilization, - is to 1)1 , found
ift yOur relit
,piddie domain. : The :miserios
arid vvos ili;at :;fist man in tho . Old .World
frni 'den.e,.poptlation may one'tlay fall:upOn
this. ..ThaCiday4f course, is far distant, and
TirfisKin . (.';.bd iti may neVer-come;htit it he
hdove's the , : i krrieti'pa rt legiSitt tor to look to the
future as win] 'ail Ethe proient and the,:past.--
11111116 the'llept+lic is bUt in the infaney.of
if i exiSteacii, - iili ihe morning- tWilight.of its:
da;‘ , let ti , *estizbli,h a policy which will
contiti.r4et,:o f4ti - as ]prim our poser, these
ya..-4,evils - that - el O attend an adraireijig-',eiv
-ilil , ation. - .I - ; 0 t
,- ii.A this Idomain, if'sagt - then, be iiet:apart,
and. "coliseoatel : forever 'as . a patrimony to
the . s.ons - of,toil . ilittid if the sales must coati n
'tie let ilterni i at bast" be confined iti the:itetn
allsettler; and WOL.3e,-your land .oflic i e:tiorever
against the :spei: 2 ulator, and thereby Pkvent
the ("ttpitalf.f" tii country, linyet - itett lin that
kind of speiinlatidir, front al.lorblit; , the hard.
.earnings :sot, .144 t,,
, ~,thiint remlering, ,an
egnivalentn Far, ;while thelaborer is 'crush
edihy.titis Isteiitit.tablishel t
bY the e.,..,,..;,ii.
Inent, itiliclr alAtracts soib; vie' an.; amount
fro t m his eartiity'*:for:.the itTlit of the spec
ulator, in':ubliti4tt to all the Other.
ta:res - thateigfli.4et the unequal struggle be
' t)v6eliThe b&neiiialtd .Sinows i of men and ; dot:
lar's 'and f2e4l4 ' vihat wonderlis it thatitriisery
"and want .sb'oft4nisit :it his - fireside, rind .pen
urj• and Siati'rx 7stwris,Utul death bed
i r .l'would ash: the
rrentleman‘ r ivhoi trlk4 abi)tit those it'dki, are
byi!tenpry and ,ivant,. whether the
hill which i6toit betcre the committed does
not allow'thi tuna in 11:tneitca to
get one Impilrejl; and sixty'fieres of ;lima 1—
Perints he.liastiiverlooked that - fauti ;' '
- 'OItQI"W.I No, sir t' I hate The!
bill is gene r:4l - itk its .prov,iionsl Amy 'man
wh i l o 'kToes there,;;qp4.l settles - upon. tlle' puld4
deinam for the Oirpose of a t ion,t; has ge.
cni!ed to bin a qitititer section of lauir,,
• Mr. EiNflrit, Ipf a man; has teri.ilioasand
landi g'ft lit t a adv. d
it 11,
sty fttres.. tinder' tip; lyrovi ! .. lol l 3 of;tj;ii,
11.s0 should be ndled.the Ind!.
I; rf,:S . ervatiqns , which-euter'in
j',•to the Origin:A cost; nnmuuticti
ty:1,409.7:2,5 acres,
ued.' ;slills per acre, would,
ten e • - -
to ':ifie 30th J0ne,1863,.a3.1,-
11 . 256.10 acres had Ikea sold, at
es.pensa of 2,07 cents ')Cr
ii nete]tnaliing
And P 10,667435, acres sold At an
additionahexpense' fur selling,
.at :.,b2 cents per acre, malting
• eri r iiitieri"4(iriehiding
ing and sellino)
\ • ° •
The . whole amount accruing front
sale- up to 30th June, :'53 iwas $.l
Being 15:53289,465 more than. Melt!
I Whole, thus far; ihethsive of survey .
frA)ENT. - unklerstand the,
r ‘ M • .
ftem 1 1 0111SV1 vanla to assert, that ^ t
- -Apended f 4 the pur'elitise 'cif • the-se
r'4'itud should: f- c . • • . •
o . explain frOut What so
nioneir! came. It' it came .from the-s
4nds, ;then do not the -lands. reina
stilt belong to (114' common:,
this cOuntry . E , •
l' 31r 141'0W irtaitily they (Li:
ti perSon,' who has advanced "anon
19 . eee•,ot r iproperty -eoloßlain that ..y0
• •
lfuu - Ofla 'portion: of his irivestinent,
, .
the M.,;lney h advanced has been . t
llito• • fiiither &Iles of the.. propert
W;euld,!he speculatiOn. And, sir,
at iii sOinal policy for the - Ooverninei
these lands 'for suelti a purpose 1!
tbc•r Pal.ssifrom• the Government, unt
the Cqvernment deriies no advatit
their'sale, save, therinterest on the ;
at re. i4lut bv an actual Settlement.
p'ant 41e.onstantly . pitying revenue
•iMport.ed articiles 'whirl& he, consum
he .is reafipp: the' taxable; proper
State, titd -:fdding Li e s part to all ti
evnfottio SoCiety. ttit none of thel
titges.result' front the land's beingh .
speetihit,or. ; - • , :
Mr, -1 1 1 . )t - i'
,ll' the geildeirian
itie to laic . rapt him simply Want
0 the . 01 ..
one queStion. ne je Btl
of tbis:inteasure seems to be to kelp
143 land 4, out of the hands. sneta
.Nosv, I.itsk thegentletaanfrfina 1S ii
niid the ifriends'of
ki•ep the* lauds out of the bands .)f
tdrs *hen
.the gr . e years of tenantry'
0 5" 3- •4,' 1 . 1 • • .".
• lAfr. 6ROW.
un - I has
Oarter Section five'Ants; .amthasi
With_.coinfOrts of the, fi re.
hascop h etckt.-tlio:;ls,sdci,
4i.tre; 1•;! not; likely to deave unlessl
the purpose•of . ..bettitut his coni;
sOne tier ; distant ieeati, oil, - The pfpt
urge thrit 4t„ will:retnaitr hi- the hati
tle 11 ‘‘'ll6 ftut,f.f' l, et* t ; for what
1 • •i.;e,.‘ ,
, I „..
1 speeulatOr 4 - ant -of cultivtaed lands? l Batt-
I etYpiir. the iset tier; do v s - sell, it t wimild lf .Le ti'
, 1
I Satne 0116..W1 11 ) : AValr , ed to 041 UV; tc,. th,',;.lataLl
1 arid that . v'ionlel.-:. , :ea•,urt , its k l nattinued- sortie
1 -.- - -
i inept 'and-cuitt!,.a tot. . the .objcc.t. of th i ci:bill.l .
1 , p,nt,, the I.gentlentan frolly (;424fg a ,Imi-.4,
I poit] is in fftvor: Of :the InO,st, 11, , ta•al.,InititntYi
rlatialavis,fq : the.s;)l-di,qs. Ft; ancl tnitn-otli 7
t!,Ys who opptve-,tilis.bilt,.ar.:!!rcady,,"in•
i ll'c.a‘f,
S.2i to VOL. 604n11.6. . '11,1(:! Bien who gi,l,Toil,it'
• =
at thl van V. . tht'!iio'tuntry . to, upll9ltl itS't
standiard.al4,NitaPeatel its honor are tfriery-t,
ink;, it is, tru.6 1.4... a; more substantial rte .% ard;
than tjlt - s . tti thq, d'ea:l and thanks to tht, liv- 1
jlig• But thci-,,tftiil,st :heroism is not, at waysl .
found in tip; ni,t,Oit . ;watch 'and forlom I hope ,
i of the bait 1. - i-"iield ;, Hi in ti n e , i - aroq; theOlti-i
1 :+litip, the - byllaneS of toil, an7l the wildorn.ssi,
t,lte,,wheyettlte •,I)(slettatti:l sine - r . s t kuteli are! ,
strti , gling w i i,tl; th4i'tilrithent.4, \ - Nith:l, - 11 - e - t;l5 - : ( 4
lothini , (A , tiiebsi of i4liuti? and - ;, II !
i• ' . t!. - -, !
~the t a y
i ntraii!rciful obstachis or a 1a1.4e. ei , iiliptltta ; =.- ,' l
Industry in, 6g..:, 'and:labor 's‘'i , ,?,lle , i'dov i l-rt by i¢
poverty, ivo,4,:tbg-_. Iti,fi'y hydttv, . 'face- td i tfat2e 1
with - .dentlt" 'ryet !I;Oeping utistaitted . h'thltiti;;
winuanly hcfuor fightin ! , ,with
~bung,, m ' I ands
erushed:bv 4Siiiit,' - .et ! 17. 61;1 1-10;- its Ilea ri. tin- l
stillied ;itifttik,l4.4ll: i'stitialid Aien anti . Cra::ji
died in glits 4 ,l4 -. C,iit i tte, :yet in manlittod,t i s•Aer-11
tin: the dignity of its nature . . - , .In the .4 a.-!!
1 .
erliei . ein:futs, on Ithe'Obscure battle : fiel l d .60
evo:y-day cite, is i,N;liiiiitid the •Incire !than!
wanly 'courage anitfortitnde that erow4the
herd of tho Ontedlieltl.•''Put 'as tho pinined 1
warrior, Fulani] ted ! oni l his ,el i a rger, is. . cO4pie-'1
• uotts 'Upon : * battle-field • labove - the . ttnprel
tending priYqe, in the ranks; so these obseure ; 1
soldiers . . of ciOization are pasSed by asl un- e
11 . ,-;m(A.W - liileiliiitio- as.ttre . their p!rwres . ‘ilien
Hz , • •-• , •
dead. Yet- their !nalievenients i if not etral
l v brilliant with - thOsle of the 'iiluinetwarrior, !
are equallydif '
.116 - linorci`:llasting. , • • 'heir,
achievernenist and in the yan - or civiliza ion, ;
andbri the : fobtstqfij•of the tiavage—achulve 7 I
- ! !
inents for , tlit Erreat'and pertnanent interests;
Qflrianknal•-44, -. 4. his. intppiinsss'anal ‘s!l - Arare„ .!
ncjt for his !deltituit i on. - While,. then, -thl iii.-,
savor spirit;,ro , ,ts forth into I the Wilderness,:
onatcliint , iiei 'lfiMl?t front . the wildheast Land
. ,1
lieip'ktat.lifnt their : -a': legacy to 'civilized Irian,
let not the GOortinientidainpen hisardolland .
pai'.y his amity ie:gislation that places liiim
in the power 4 :soulless capital and gragping .
'speculation; ftir ttiql_u! his'tvild battle fi4 A ld these
are the only 0 , ,,fg that: his own stern heartland
,right arni cannot irampi,:4l, -
zr, , • 1, , !-- -
iFt sptiree
111)0n' no
I , ty of :the
arcing in
thave ti
!701 - 7
A sottree
er, wbile
, ( * five-it a'
t . .tet: it
ge rale
-4: hinds: as
. .
Tll I4 ' 'CIiE6IfI4TIoN 'NI NORTHER:I l'Etie. l l
-, f t
E. It. C11A7 , ,f-' 1 ALVIN' I)AY, EDri-or4
- 7:. - _-.- 1 ,-. - -.-...=,-
24011 i l'oSe.y.; :litt itS ,
relt 9;
5.1. I .
'ls n[ , rev
'11(1 sound
any ref- -
to unite
. .
.. . • -i: •
go': e r r ari:! i ell to Min: G. A. G ow, i
1,, • i
M. C.; and rirtt P•issmore .and Derffatt . ofil
' ''.•-•', - °. ,-. .'I
flit!' Leaislaturz , - for Cop.,tinueil favors: • .li , . ;i
},--,&,•-• . ~..
1 • ,NE•w, rw. , ,T.(pFr.tcy.-.—AVe learn: that nrnew
Post Ofiiee bar been established- in
WWII . Ship, this !County; by, the mane of ' , 1;1111-'1
les& - Wlio ilui Postina:Aer is we have itoi yet- 1 1
z o 1 I
leftrue(l. , l - . • . - . : • , 1 •
, . if,.. - - - TryVe pri•=ent tq otir, readers this" veek
the sp, of Hon . . G.' A. Grow, On Ahe
Tioinest:ca;l hilt, aild, for it ati a Jen
tive pdni-aI.I llt. is Cue, of .-the ablest pf
`v .e have ste.n . i upon tlii s.ubjec: t.‘ This
1;a ,
.pi SSitd th'el.lous- and a fiir.prospec
or ally
aitce the
cifr ao,
4 - .! to rop
,,nia dint,
or of the
rade and
• .
t banner
the iron
On the
is, for die
of the
its jia=pia« ff),.lScmate.
Igre , ston
In lids
I :itxt 11:11d
ji.,:ir "M 3 aro regtittst6.l _to 61.11 • the a ten
Eon of our reAd&i.; dto . tli . e. Advertisonerit of '
=, - 1
oni. Colin ty Co l nur4ssioVers, asleinfz, for a lo:in
_Of l iil 0,0 00; for, the' pi ri;ose : of building • ar,*_
(jou rt. House' 'and PUbliebflie . 'es i zts authOfrze . d
hy an..aet of-,Aen - ibly.. WiloQvi , r has limn
_ , . - -
ey to, will ii,o‘v have an -exe'ellent
. op p or
tunity to'.inve.s.t, it, eith6r in large or: :.illall
tlrt. ' . i H ' 1' . • ' .
hist this
.ria [Mr.\
(Iw. .1 lilt
to ettft.
_ 1 tluiir.
Nunsylva turZ! have
atikArned. Os'er,front i.Tuesday - . last - to the IGtli
The Nehrask:a , ..•bili of: J ttd , re Douglas! Ltq,
passed the .tinited-iitates Senate' by . a'-'rarge
, - •
. Dr: Gardiner, who 'wa - .eharged with fra. utl
ulenth - -c.)btainitto• :,sorne ' l l-.100.000 of the binds
, . I
Of the :General government,. has been tried
. . 1
and convicted: : Alin jury after delibefing
twentv4wo, 11°4:7.1'1.0*k - 4+d a verdict of guilty .
• ,
Shortl . i.• after he . swas f o und dead, havinir; as
l , • • • -. ,' • • - ; ','
it Is .
suppoSed, jioisoned - hirnself.. .r . : r•
• !!1?
4:2le : ts.
. . -
The ,National,AdministratiOn.
Our. personal Jipreftirences for President in
1852, " . v.e . re: for JAmr...s . IfeLwas
.defeated- in the -Convention, and front 'that
nionient threw phsonalpreterences to the
\sinds tnd,l i abored,tile'. - election of
FILANKLI; Pit lie: wits 'clecte4-;
from the hour of his inaUcruration tq the
•present -fitemetit; we have seen no 'rciasonr:Why
Deinoerat, whit loVes his ...Party, kind.;_wer
ships at the - - shrine of: its principles, should
forsake. hi AdthieiStration. - lle came into
the -.-Chair'
,surrOutided -
perplexed ;vith, - p.nib',lrrassinentA,--a part 'of
%Odell leg:l4y frOrn a:
elev'er,and . incifieiens . l - Vhig Adtninitrittion;
Whila another
tuntite•relations Su sections- of the democratic
patty whose solo representative .liehadi . bt.,N t n
made.: ' •
yyt of the
inbi Sal e. '
! c'Atleinan
monyy .
I4ntis Ii s
ha - re the
itee that
• .x:4>ie' of
e'y -'for!
efuntied ?
1, if any,
it, a vit . :43 .
1 , 1 to hold
'er after
i . l* settle;l,
'1,25; p i er
, Le oceit-
I3.olieying :in these diffieulties well mider
stoodove will rtOt stop here to .disewis.,llliem.
They existed,ninst be met—have : been .met
--r-trod hare .. bectitne , pti"it and pat,pel Of, the
11ifory of the eOrintrY. It Were id e for, any
hOdy to ex.peet ' a,riy - -,,k.lininist ratio ;*siiirotin
fled as was : the 'prescait- one : when it cane iritp
being,- to meet-and, adjust its.. di onitjies• in
stick a'rnanter as to ,giro - perfects itistcticiii
to all the iriterests' ins-olVed ; and Ii wiM e•-
Nets such . a thing wfuld . invoke ii Inv, -i' fin
ligSsi.Liliti.Mi , l'4' . (lstributioti . .of,. at / onall,e'
-must, disappoinOntlividnals, 7 —and,,T.hki,kv fac
ion: exists, must 'disappoint faction. 4,. ;hence,
. I. • . ;II
opposition -- will!. arise - of necessity,l.ll, Then
come 'conflicting seltional ilitorestis",.ltlways
cxactiitg. iti!theit demand,, iiridlli.taltsing
in thelf.set,tlement... Such .14 1, nntion as our,
. . - :;,- if - • , i' . *
embrrieing :every : variety , of - Pinterest,'f which
I, , i. . • . I . , ~, • -
yitriety, - of . .poolile; :;!_iiSititnereet : cliiiiat; .: pro : -
4.11i0ri5 o.uStona,s;' . 4 asin§trt,o, , Jiatitrally •gi - Ye.
rif. , otra,Aannot. ekpect, at, this' day',, _ thpi ,per-'
,teotioti iftlitiinair . 1iii.44.101 - 1 -: an ..clieil - g yerri. - -
irretit'*hitilt : shalt liMitiwnizo. a 1; :and g vo to
,ii'cli such . - rin,'Orbir i aiThi(it . 1. firi -, :ipillstie.. its
path.Wiiiniii i *cOi i iiink i in Collisioni'MtA' t i iftiers.
.In judgibg_of.lan 41riiiiiist,,rri,tion,thtiii, ; -- we
t?iiri of right. only rill / kit :quostion.its !derieial
policy ':llie I(l]! . p . ! . l:iele wo_o3,eyrind that,' wi•.-
are - lOst . in ti 40:4O: of inextriCriblo pOifiisitin..
All iiirsie.".'fi'otit.ffitt;'is." . .iiii;ik . fY : :' - fn'ii'cii,Ltltat-i* .6'
(fl the
y of . 60
at giOs
11. .811 01Y
to "4.41 C
11 9 Flit° -
pecul -
- kept los
[itolis bf
it be TO'
lion la
la of the
„- i tlie_Administratiori A id nat properly a F a i t
1 I - of ' . K.4 ,- pf.illey,''Or' the ' 4iiterion ' ',which iU i ..
1 , ii' , •l lii Or • - ;m 'it - iw ii.' 1 I I' t•' -' •
1 1)4 •t,.i . , s:. )., J ut
.. r . e is serf lc . • Il e
thOnsanil 'rninOr qUe4iOus • arising, arbitrary ),
in 3heir,cliaraCter, bbeause they, ,larise he' ll'
1, t1e. - bit4itef:isiott Other relationsT4 Society 014,
tlie".,.cOuntry, , ean b&friettled only on „arbitrary':
I,i • u les . 'as ' the ' 'COnfirio • 'good may. retiuireJ-- •
1,1 -•.: ,;
-1 1Thpy.can form no pa .1-, of the -- policy of 01 .
AdminiAration forthey `arise iinforseen an :
1411:44.1 e n:. Alley co4ie:not . within- the scop . :
ifa ~I,istinet..•'governinthital principles. ,—prinei
IPic i rh.ort %viiikili the_ - go l i vertinic•;nt is ifOUnde d, 'be
i it 4 immare
_iv, or-a republic . and hence no
fi•Administratioik. : e:utitlirsee• their; tidi-ent, - • o ri
_1 . -•-
,' in 4' l olvarice'layd . ?yri ., _ . any , settled . pO . lie.y . for
1 r tlkiir - lidjiistin;;tit. :Tlie same: Win:ll44T food
1 - of - parties. . :No great] . national party can d o
Litlcfre . Wan dettiii(i ! certain' i,eiiorai . iiiinciples•-
111 as itrticles of faith. It' Can'not deidsection
. .- ;1 -
1••• a i inti3rets and' . sen timen tit, l'or - p
. escri be for .
illindivi , :tu'd - an;i'seetional Weis' a ritiliiimAts
, - =
~`• ,•' *- '. l• ~. ' • --- i'. ,, 2.-,• , -,- 1 -
1 *hen tilir-4.:. ideas arc , lformed .tr0m.30+24 eatis-
F I (?.°;77ll.ll.kitrif.:--.Of ''.e'luC-atiOri,.'"'relig4l:ot#.
twits o. r moral di, , cip in?: .'Snehliartiol . d,arc.
I of, l 'y bri. formed . on *ge i teral witie.fples -
„of goy-.
erninerilt, And can bully - s . ustaiii •therutclves•by
•, . . •- .• .-
• adlieringc losely. le •thern. - -:„..Fartirer than this .
W 4 1 ,1 bean attempt ict . Sg . ' Ede in .' 114,4100 . : the,.
.leglshttigit of the; conuiry, - ..and •.to;maitufaie-
I . tur and govern the Public - sentiment by force .
1 tiff i oiii i cal ' •orgarriiatons.:,, 1 . The . truth:must
be iel t and ' recognized,- to .i ts fullest, •• 'eitent,
Wli4ther in - the, •_‘;rga'atiOn ... of' . la” political'
party or in
.the •Adiainistratiou*icii . repre 7 " ,
seats it, that on all questions arising .ii the -
nbstract,,nerall,party • principles, .or as
inOdental to.the 4rowth, progress; - Arid see
tioaal interests of ihe country, - Very . ' ivi 6101-
er4ion inu;t, le a110ved....., - .4. - „AdMinigra-
tin, or _a party, that sould think- la proscribe
ert.'4'3 7 lii;i l l.ii . :s..nOt- t Delii.oc - tat.- 71] O - cannot
conscientionsly.beli ve Iron-,shoirld le free - of -
dutv, wherillis section is deeply interested in
thellnialinfacture cif that article, - or that Sla
very should be extended' When his interests
lie -fn extending free labor, and:so:on throuiik
the ilcatalogue ' of:infetestS . and . . !sentiments;
Wou il ld very soon find itself without adherents..
And if the people haVe no, right to expeet an
I ..1.4M i"..i.iist ration , to' harinoniie and adjust- all .
I thoe.cotlicting elenients,. so thatl all shalt be
sa ti , Ltled• neither liaS an idniinistiatien. , arl'ght -
to elxpeet of the- people and entire-yielding
I . of their views and interest, to sine
bans oft'F•i-ettlement - of each
. particular case.--
A II klike2 entertain their notions and- opiukns
vieldiii, -, ,'•thein only'sO far as necessity coin
' . - , -
peiSian ac'quiese6licel in what the;proper an
j• nuitOritieS' - fairly determirie to-be. theigener
, l'
I t al . good. . ~ 1. ! .. . -
4.'pprying these ideas to the present Ad
ministration, we "say then that we can see no •
rt..ttrin why it doe. 4 'not Commend -itself ~to'
the," .l support of all iihO call thenas'elvei‘ pom
ocrats. The tiniellionored • distinctive
measures of:the' , de rki &retie • party, and its
land-marks, by' it lave •• been' boldly reqg
nized, regarded', and rnaintained. No settled
partv precedent - haS been disturbed:
whiled thi. , PIIEnDENT 'and his Constitutiouat
may entertain one questions
arise . in the conrseaflegfslative action,
and portions of, the i r l@rnocrraic party .in par
ticular localit iesentertain a different one, we
can see reason in that-for a-Aitiigreement
that stall lead_ to separation!:,•'l'he.recertain-'
ly exist no reasoa for a D;upociat to Ile ,
pudihte the Administraiion..wbile the funds- .
mental principles which' lie at
,the fonndation
of the party are sacredly regarded b its•
while it is an Admini'stration baied on gener-.
al principles of. naticimal democracy. Only .
when it oVases to be such,, disregards..those
princliples li; and proceeds on 'different ones, can
it 'be ,:',.setted with proprietY andconsisten-
Democrats mar honestly differ - on ques
tions' - ill i'dentally frOm the
AdMiriiitMtiOn eittirelv and be ever so much
divided in opinion among theimelves, but
,that ;comes only from:The different• Mental -
; constructiOns of men,' 'or from 14,?eal causes
and .interests about which all eannot expect t 6
rirrre:e but have" no right therefOre quarrel ; •
denotmee,and fitetionize. And, if siichibeper
mitted, the result is finally deterniined in the:
final oVerthrow of democratic supremacy,—
to total subversion of the prineiplei'ef the par
.tv,and 1. consequent loss to the cannty, of the
- -r
benefits o“heir application -,to the ruling of
its affairs. More -anon. ' :
-- " •
bill .
t of
lifiptint from Harrisburg !
DEFEAT' 'tits PfIOHIHf7ORY Lfqtcritrlikit-4094-
Frem Ilairishuro• we have the
tent news: "The Efohibitory Liquar Law re
ceived its death brow in the House of Bipre
,sentatives on Friday last . We learn that tit&
:hill w r ds made the special 'order; ' ‘ gent.ral
consent, for Friday idler: having
'ibeen ilehanal* two.'previonsArys With the
full determination:on the 6 part of its friends
to press it ton. yote'on reading., That
is , wn.s Carried' outnndlthe
ing .
the Yote• - •
; •
YnAs---4Abrahrun, Athertot2,Baldwin, Ball,
Cranq, Ctinnins; Davis,lDeegan.,--De Franca),
Ple.tclier, 'Foster, (x illeniiife, (fail:nun; Gwiri;
Illtrtt, Jackman, LowreY,
(Tiogn.) Linn ; Magee, lkfirguire,
IWCornbs, M'Connell,Parkel
!Parmlee, PaSsrnore l POrter i l)ol46,"Reherie,
!Smith, - ((ra wford,) SteWart,iZeigler, Chase,'
NA;iS—.Nclanis, Barton,l3edk , BeYer,
, Bush;;Byerly, Cook ; Dough
,erty, purining,:Beltert, Edinger, .Evans, Fry,
Orny, ,Groom,
11,ieotarul, •Hillier,,ll_orn, Ilunseekez,
/Ennter, Johnson,.E.-Ingfttr : 1 -4r3r,' (Lehig h ')
Nonaghan, :Montgomery, .1107
fser,Tnliner, - Patterson„lttawlins i Rowe, Sal
'Llade, 'Scott, -Shenk, Sinionten, Smith,
(lierk4,) 'Stoek.dale, Strwig, Sttuthers,:Wheti
;er, Wilson-7W'
We published the bill several.. .weeks slime,
'and o n readers will reohlleot r itiatit 3ontaitt
-110 aTtilsiirie'snhmittlag i t iniAirieition of its re
tif. 4 \ ' 4 , ) 10 9f ihe.PePPte; • I
Froin the abovervete:ii,.'wOol seem that
the hit s: - and buried --for - the preagat
' it•th PI to this
session. ere s a sequ - matter.
. .rye.eks aefolo-day tire-bill 'was:tiken
and while the first iectinn was:under etiasi '
er.414, a sithstitate fori the hill 'was offered
11,1, Ears. That substitnte conirrined'ail
Prti'visions the,bile in Its.otlg