Withsn.. the temper of the Turks at • rtesent heat, and ,with the active ; alliance of • Ei i ilancl. anti France, the formation of a Cab itict favorable - to, Russia-is leyoud I"sicles the- retirement of ,Illeiteritet. Ali, the. cipudan Pasha has . resigned and is succeed . etl by Achmet Pas.ha.• • - I We give the - report .as it is current. It . will be observed, however, that. there is sortie ai l screpency: in, :the statement—Rita bonsai' the Crtpudnu Pashdt. , • , • • -FRANCE. • • .From -Vienna it is said that the -Erni*.'Kir . N . ,,,p0l 'n has, in an outograph letter, madei a last a Teal to the good sense of the czar. IPrin e Napoleon instated to be.entfinsitis 1 - e tidally ii: favr of active land Operations-to su pport - the" Turks, in-which event: he would prebablv'receii - e a command. I'ller<itoniteur annouueei M...Kiwileft l a de pairturel in the following -brief terms; "The Itussiali Minister.-left Paris on ',"Monday." - ;--• BV the Independence Beige we learn that-M. Klsseleir bad. r e s ealed Brussels. 11e; was Sc conipaiiied kr. ail,the teteuihert of the legation, ex - e ptig Consul' General- hleling 1 who , re mris i Paris, e,i charged with, civil - and . com,- - infleild affair:3;-- 1)k ntile letters- state: that Government' mi con luded an arrangement for forty mil lions of dollars with the credit Mobilier • 5 i: ainst Treasury Bonds.beaiing 5/..per cent. 4iiterest,, the option being PM - du - ea of exelian-' sat , t6m for Three Per Cent Rentes at the price 'oci2. It is also' said . that the Ban of. France ias madean advance, of (about) 12 TII I lien dollars. . • -- • • . • 1 :knother financial report-(and probably cOr .4:eCt) is, that the' Bank .of France hasrdeeided ,,ntinalOng an advance of $i sty - millions francs ' t. ) the.Covernment, on Treasury Bonds re neivable each.month. It is added that the cOit Mobilt: , r had proposed a- loan of two llundrec million francs, but' the Minister of I:inanee stated that the treasury had.lio need {ores lon. , _ . ,„n every department of .. the public service Iviilike preparations go on unceasingly. i4t till: mil tary schools` the troops .'are exercised I n c ,i-!r: . Lions of attack, passage..of rivers, "&e. l'ia , reil i ently :enrolled 'recruits have: extia di,iils trice a day, and the officers are put uu _ . c* examination hy,their superiors: The corps dlartilery oral cavalry are undergoing sirni- . la+ preparations.. At rOrieat all the ar j tifie-- ers of - he arstmal,.:and ,eamenters are etn plpVedl in waking wooden cases for-the new description of projectile called. boniets Art Thys ants,--hollow balls filled With a composition shit stiles those among - whom it falls. . II dii 1 ra 1 Bruat's squadron sailed from Brest 6th instant, toward the coast of AfriSa. Le t-,1,0's state that he has, orders to em4lik from Algeria j a first division of. 10,000 ,then •v(ho lave al eady been• organized by Gen. Pella- R.er. . . ... . - ~, ..,- , . RFUL SHIPWRECK=-30 L_ IVES_ • LOST. • . . :knot ier distressing shipwreck • had taken place on the island of Barra, western _coast of Scott:lo.. 'On'•the night Of:the..27th'ult. ,the IL Davis, from :Liverpool for . New went ashore en the rocks near Vat tin a short distarwe of the spot where grant ship Ann . Jane was lost • a feW. ago. The W. IL . Davis becarne:tn able,auring a heavk.gale, and in ai bg to weather . Baria Head, was drii*n -cirk . s with such 'violence that in a few she went to pieces, andall hancls,ex•L man, the iteatvard, were' AroVvned„ . Several Of the bodies were washed vere interred at . VaCersay. • - - . thleanfl,i tr,N, Wi t 121111 mptiks man:,:. on the rept -on 30 iv al up ,A On-Banking. t - bjoined wholesome article is from elphia Ledger, one of.thelsoundcst the country On the subject of cur- The s Tip verdict of common senie, that legis .;ntiOn an never create value,, or . produce wealth, can neVer, be too often adverted to. L.rws t o make racing," are, the most pe.rui ciiius of all device 4 to extort from industry its ha'rd e. jugs. ; for as law cannot create val ue'l it must, of eciiirse,.apprOprinie it from the stock of the laborer. Every spurious meaiMii i of sel.ta ge beit.g miscalled "money" even a *.neral 41.11-iug law, that .should authorize. > ' - ..111',.: , . ek bank bills, on stock seturity vr4l4 1 an infringement on the rights of la- - '.,e.t. , and roperty. I s If there is no ideficiency oF gold 4ml silver, as a circulating:medium; and no. 'deficiency of -capital fin-legitimate iubiness; all schem” to iabce the volume 91 the currency by means of •‘-paper money'," .Imotint a tax- on industry; not a tempora 7, ..;!.,4*_ l4 an annual tax, Wit a perPetual re :wiring one, renewing itself with everYNkesh xcliange of yalues.. - Pipe.rinirrertoy operalek Is a constant " slave". on' labor.: How. else. ••mid it pay,so immense a profit to the-ma kers I .lt reseriablestiv.tertain animal in natu ral history:, 'that grdwi fat by -the protrusion ,)!' its tongue cm which it cateles and devours ~, numerable, insects without ever moving_ it. f. lvli. Let tray . wrap any issne, twenty mil : - '..'• :tom of • per currency, they will not,be able tc. Ilotiti •c one'barrel of flouri'-or one.hushel r T K.tatt „by the.operation,! ,or build. 6ne ionsc. o launch one ship; And - yet, any 47 - 77 • , company-'trill probably acquire by, the cifieration, which -.fortunes, nan of .ortuti4, mut, o cilunvi, come from the stock of la- ne d'derence between gekt.ancl. silver wr money is this flat no power of create the former,-which can only be acquired by labor. 'Now if you make 1.1,a ltonak.ti _ .. .. tsw, p , rf rin the functions.oflaborl Ton" im pall. the stimulant to industry, as weil as:. in.:l vale the rights of Property,. such as thetex-.1 iqt in t'. wages of the laborer._ But a gener , l :.1 h i tiski g law is sometimes advocated on the ..zroi.trp.i. liat i it-iiill. remove the 977 ongpoly of , ~ , 4pt:ii a pi currency. It is. to be called " free 1 laiikinc,' becatiSe all Who :can give the semi '' 1 Y nifty engager in:iti ':Analyze this r . ason, ai , l what does it• aniOurit..to,- , :but4 inultipli ,:::ttun of the. buidets on l i - labor-ati Increase ''f I.lx on industry ? , 'Suppose . it' Flakes fifty 1 , 1;:r et. rreney Manufactures, where One. on , 'y I ..xistel before; of what-use is' the rioval ' ' l. r thQ monoibolv l. If two hundred peciple. ''.?:?: authorized IT the law to appropriate lix7nßeli:l i esit tythe. of the produce of laltor; - iit th'ln'.disbretion,, what - benefits would 'accrue 1 ')I laboiters ,by increasing their 'number ' tek,. tire, thousand: Did the people - of .it for an- increase of locusts? ~.Nire not. They ' were willing `that the' i already \' existing should,' enjoy the Iti in preference' to a' more: universal " ' 'At , Dr EL' "ypt p L wr , nne. zionopc, Yll the ating !',?4rrit . . . . . persen in England, lateli - runinfz . i II:: falniir docuinents, found.limtten. aek of tth old .deed totivi wOrailridl~= till "' a pot of gold-Nisii - buried in, - .4 4a,e in the garden. h vas at first as a hoax, but on digging in the iron pot, came to liert,;.eikattining uiueas, and 4. wrap of :parehmePt, !eared, :On viha wais'tiiitten: ° The i ii lave it to' ?'ti k ti than Cromwell." ut not h (1( EN. 11.0131*Anit1111-01CG,ille propti-_ editor of the Daily Union, died at ton on ThursdaS• evening. Ile had eeble health for some time; but *as decl as in a critical renditioni -, Jraud' 1 J- 1-..ga 1 1 ?crates maliktaid e d tnat . were ja.put vatickis kiso , ;r!edge, i^(l g 0; 10f:4:Lit - 7 - 7 _, • , •• . ••- - r ~ •iFiti Prohibitory ; ,Liquorlllll. , 1 Mr. AIM/kit/04 offerctiedh resolution making .the bill to'Proltibit the! manufaettn.e and sale of intoxleating liquors is 'lt beverageithespec ial Order for Thursslay,lthe 23 inst...l - ob the,qtieStiOn; 'will the House invieted to thesecend reading'et 'the r.Oolution it., was agrOed to, as follows; - • ' . ‘ , Y I EAS-"NIMStS. Al) ham, - Adam's, Ather ton` i I Baldwin, 13411, ins, Beck,,Befer, Bigli-. i am,;Boyd, Caldwell, ' lvin; Carlisle, Cham berlin., Cook, ‘Ntrn9lllS Davis, Dti VranCe F.ldickk;Ellis„ Evini, , *Qt.,. roster, Gibbet: - 4 cati.. neV.,l,-Vrillorove,:'G win, art, Hiestand, hillier, Hills; Hiprle, 11:" latrarrari, Ilmitt, Jack man, (hill ,re; Ituightl,' Lowrey, -Linn, Magee, Ma#uire,',Nfruiderfieldl' M'Combs,, M'Conuell, Ittle,3.leily Milk; lottrighrtn, Montgom-, ery, . Moore, - clifoser, ,fuse, Parke,.larmlee,' PassTnotl, Patterson, 'orter,- Poulson,Rawl, .ins, Rowe, Smith, Strong,' Wright an Chase, Speaker-04.: - . • N•Ats—l'ilesirS.•Bar:on, Bush, Byerly,•Col- Ens, .eker4Rtlinger,.alley t ine, Gray, Groom, Herr' IlunsWier, II nter, Johnson, Laurv, l'al er, Scott,'Shenk, idle,: Siinonton, Smith„ ti ., (Be ks,)Stockdale, St zithers, Wheeler, Wick -I.eiri find '.Wilion-25. . - • • , . - 'Air. Meily moved to - • amend, .by ,;striking out the 'Weida, "23a inst.," and : luserting of , wrenee,. said "Wednesday, the Ist ,i)f11a0..,h." 1 . .. Mr. M'Comlis . ; he hoped that- the htnendnient. mild ! not be Adopted.. Li . •It-'was foi- the dignity of the House that the bill should be the, special order for. :in earlier . , day.. ; • . •-. , ~ .! • • -; 'Mr. Cook,of Westmoreland, did' not -wish to make any :opposition . to. the . 1011, and thou4ht that:the lst day, of March would be 1 . - the most: suitable 4lay: • - . lklf,Johnson„ . 'OflS orthampton, said he agreed with -the 'gentleman \from Westmoreland, [Mr. Cook) in regard toithe - time, and `thought. the, Ist of March the' most suitable - day.,--. There are several members . ' abrnt aCpreseut, and iothers have obtained leave, Who • will probably be.absent over a....ive.4k, and by the passage of amendment it :would allow them' ample tilde to return.., . Mr...Art:limbs,: said lie could not und,,erstand why . it should :be 'pestponed until. the 'lst of March, when s it could be called• up at- 1 ,.i an ear lier:day. ' ' . . ,• , , -Mr. StrUthers, of carbpn said he Was op posedte. the bill in 4:cry .shape and- f,orm,yet at the same.titne he was willing to let the bill. Come- fairly before - the' louse at any timl , e: • ." ' •• -.- ! • • Mi.' Melly, .1;4 Lebanon, said he hoped the amendment' weuld be Passed, -. .', Mr. Bigham;, of Allegheny,' objected to the tst of March, as there' would be but tvio days ,of that Week upon' which 'the matter could be disenssed. -. The second • -week - ofiMarc,ll one of the Political, conventions will meet here, and the . following Week, the other pOitical convention Avill'theet, and: very little *ill be done at all duing.that time. It willi"eonse quently postpbue, the , bill 'until the .Ifourth .week of MarcVand that will bring it tee late in the. session), •', . • - .• ' • ' -,1 Mr. Jopusoit jsi l l from the veil( fact-of the conventions meeting,, he - would like 14: to be pos i t t toned. • • Ile did not - wish. any- actii) n up on 1 1 e •bill,un s t u after that time, as he vould like both .par .s to go . it blind upon the tern : . perance iqueStlon,,and did. not desire the -po litical. parties to have anyil.:.. F 4 e' ." 4:•r.:•'. gr. .ClDlTlllYedill of Beaver, said.he hoped an earlier day,"' than. the Ist of March fxould be fixed, and: tleAre.d that. the aineudinent should be voteddown. . • i Mr kbrahairt Of •Delavvare also desired the'. amenddment to „be , voted down. - ..He :could not .see the motives for, raking it the -10 day of March. - 1_ !, ' - z.. • . Mr. Davis, of. Crawford;thoughth thei t earli-. er the day the better. 'lt would have to be decided one way • or. the otherthere Ntas no getting out of it. '-. It was a tuatteri with the people • alnitei, ;and political' parties • should bave not ing! to do with it...' 1 • ! • . Mr. Melly said he 'had been requesied.to withdraw the„aritendment,.but as he had ful ly eensideied tliesubjcct - pievious to otiring it, he declined doing it, and hoped it -ould . betasSed. -, . . -••- I,llr. llnnseeker, of Laiwaiter, said he itood i the same position as the gentleman ,from i , arbor;(Mr. sTurrinas.) He waS'opPosed 'to die iill in tote:, but at the same time, he. was willing to lallow the friends of the bill any,...day, to discuss it. - - . 'lMr..Stratheri said a ,simpl%RAll for tile or ders of the day would haverotirlit th 4 . bill 1, jtrithis` morning?, Ilosiever, ,li thought it ti , fair enough to fix the Ist yof March' for ; its tonsideratidn. - Mr. Ilainiltori, of Allegheny, said thiS bill should.-bewell ..otisidered ; and if it 'ilias `so 1 i iKkant a hill; tame 'should be a110a43 for Ito. pt-epare to disertss it -• , ; - - , 41r . Bight= said if an - ier day`. was i.r4 notledided upi[kn i lie would bbliged t4oall '- the orders - of the day. , - N . 1 Mr. Cook thought die friends of tlif- bill should have - at otlee acceeded to the :intend tri4mt orist of March.; 'lle thought it would give them time 'to , prepare their speetlit,ts.-r- He did-not imagine that any political thinv dc T would alter the`opiniou of the. tfou4. , ',,llie amendment was _-then disagreed to.— y .as 42, ia4s 40. ..• : - i ' ' I The- resolution.was then agreed to, and the, hill made the ,ikeial order for Thnrsclat; the i - 26d inst.. • 1 - 1 Railroads in Pennsy,Praninii YOUSAIED ROADS. ; ' • .Names ' -4ngth• Alieibenj , Portage; • 36 rfeaver Meadow, T. • • t 38 Etairswilltiltrpncb, ' , • Carbondale & Hnnesdale; • Cattawissa, Williamsport .& Erie, . . Chestnut Hill &Doylestown, :Chester 'Valley, ' , Celan:ibis. Branch, 1 Ciirnberland !Valley, I -•- Diniohia & Susqttehanna,'' Delaware, Lriekawani &- West, Erie & North DOA, .`,;' \ 1 F4tnlin Canal, h . j Frunklin,- : i j z ' G rmantewn Braheh4 1 .1 rrislparg &Lancaster, . LI lettrn & Lehigh, ,::. I bigot' and Snsqueliatinz; Lillie Sclihylkill, , ' '• : Little Solinylkill * SusqUehanna, V 'itYi r en' Y a e l e Y;''' l ' V Hialionoy 1 / 4 .4 VVisconlat_o, I 17 iyievch Chunk & . trat'init Hill, • I 8 1 ) Sine. ,1 12 , 31.outit Carbon, 1: • 7 esgut;boning, I j r • _ 5 entollvania, , 25fi f Perwaylrania i t,onl Coltopany's, • - . Itk..2dl4ig, . 80 kliiladelphia,Gerniaatpwa do NoiriatOwo, r 17 Philadelphia dr. Tient* • • • I , 29 Philadelphia 4 Wpstchester, 9 Philadelphia, %Viltuingtoc & Baltimore, 1 98 Pine Grove, • • , r !Word RON - Schuylkill, - 1-• • 13 ;Schuylkill Valley,) ,3....164 branches; . 2s iitias%urg, - , '1; 7 'Sudbury & Erie,•'• • - ;; - M 11— - 2 6' Tivvertoil &Stahorli i) . , ' 15 I VVhitehaven Wilktalurrfi• SO I Williamapbrt &El tnii • t 25 1 7 (iirk & Cucriherlai3d -I • ;•'i• 25 Yort.j& IVrishtavill , ;13 • . Tait! 11 , Mg* OF 430111sT88o:riox. 'ames. • ; better r • " ° ft" .1' • • 'J 13 Cobbs Gap; . ' ' Danville! & SlurOziat Hollidaysburg Branch, Lebanon Valley, Little Schuylkill & S3aquelianne, Norristown, Doylstown & New Hope, North Pennsylvania, Pittsburg 454 Coipcilsville, Pittsburg at. Erie, • Pittsburg 4 Steudenville. Pottsville tit Sunbury, Strasburg. Sunbury &Erie, Sunbury & Shatnoltin, Susquehanna, Valley, %V ilUmapert & Elmira, Totnl, . , .. i ; Fite at Oliirego. •The Gazette -of last Thursday contained, a -full-reir_,iirt: of thi`fire of that morning, but !there werki several inacumcies„ and omissions l in our staienient of losses andit§tirapces. 4 . to !correct I Which ire 'give a re-cipitulation lof `that report,- \... I. . . • ' l• ' The fire took, on was set, in caffertY's Lis-- , ery ttOle, rear of; Cabinet Slici ! y Owned' lry ! Gen. Ogden, and :(iccupied by 1 .1. q .• Mat*); spreading rapidly from biiilditig to - building until the entire. rosy frourbr..F4stman's dire', lino. to IttiCa street, was envelOped in : flames. I , The TiOga 'IOWA giartisi.only 8 feet frinn the Livers' Stable ; ixere ,!esenil ..iines on titre;. ' as'syere;'also the central - House, and theA4ll - buildings on the opposite tide of 3slldin ,street, against which the . flames were e4n stantly siriyen by 'a'. strong nOrtherlv breexe ; 'brit thanics to our Amain, its spread was'Pre :vented With only slight damao to the :kill ' 'dings immediately- exposed. 1 7 1 The fellowing correct:list of the losse4 and is - copieCfrom \ the Times of yes .. terday ... ' ' ' T .oss. .! Insttiant: e. .t ,IF.Sloss-On, .. ‘ • 42,50.0 - , $1,600 4. entre*, . . 1,200 . ' . 'l#o6 'I. Tritt..fidell,. - - 800, 600 'I. Carmichael; ... 600 . _ . -bo Dr. 14:4eitntan, • . 800 • 600 J. L.Matson, '.. 2,000 - 1,060 4 'J. M. Reed, - ' • 'lB5 - , cover e d. Lincoln .& Stebbin4 ; '558 a ~. - ' j,11. - Perkins, --. • - ,.- 200 . a '• In: Billings; .. - . 300 • • 1 ;Jiro. Cameron, . ' - L . 200 • -- a i 4: g. Teeri,' ... .1 500 . 1 , J. IKOkden, ! 5,000 . . ' . total 10, :s, W. BrlidleV . ! ' 25 . - , - - . " I ' . , . - l ' iP..Arroitron , 7 - 50 . , i t co ! I -. . i 1' 'A. T. True, - . . - i • 100 ~ .. • 1 , G. 0. Chase, i 150 . a 44 1 i: Gardner,. . . ;!.. 30i ' - IL. 'Hibb . P ard 1 •50 . 1 .. . • .- . N. Smith, •• .50, • : ~ii ..., ... ;D: Hazzard, - . ' f 50 . ' a ~ , •• 1 : E. B. Eliston, .• +, -50 'Tempi& of Honor, i4O Ti. J. Hodge,. :'i 1 ; 150 1 E: Parrhenter, 1. . i 200 11,i - Cornell 1 -. ilOO -1 , • .! • , - - Taal, . i514,698 ~ . toss - o ver . i wit rnnc e., • tiirzetteL. •,. . ' • • gcPrtiiha X 01111.7 6 -11513 CITY IV ITIII MiT : Ag:TL eongrej - s has taken the initiatory ;4tens to DA,- vme miter tor itieuty et wasnington. k q ueduet is to lie4onstruoted from the Foto- Mac Falls,.fourteen tulles from the City;-. idi(l the clitiinattid VMS is $0,000,000. It is pro- Posed to supply oer sixty-seven MillionS,_ gallons per day by a tunnel nine feet in I,,di arneter and e,..oirtden miles in length. Ample enough for a much larger . populati6n than . AVviltingtOti City 'will have in a century. the City of Paris is supplied daily With tWelt itY-tWo Millions.of gallons, Landon fortyifite Boston ten millions, New York thii s,ty millinns, Philadelphia fifteen millions. I fi I. ga. The Journal of Commerce . gives tbe,,ftil lowing-taternent, of imports, in certain arfi les int Fropeiw,o, for : the year ending December 31, 1853 ; Bacoh, 8,500 tierc es = 7. 1,- - 000 bbls., 9,400 !boxes ; butter, 16,500 ug t.es, ,77,000 firki!us, .18,000 kegs; hams,. 0,- 500- 'casks, 1 2 ,000 packages; 'lnrd,-.11,8C0 11145., 4p,000 legs, 38,000 cases:4 brand?, 0 4 000 casks, 13,009 Mils., 2,000 kegs,s,oooea ses; rice, 2,300 tierces, 14,000 bbls., 400,000 bags ;- lola, 500,000 bbls., equaYto; coin !neat, 2;200 puticlieona, 100,000 - ;bbls.; 16,000'; bbls., equal. to; pork 57,000 bbia. equal tn. • - ' 1 1 P.rl LYScs.-IVii said that one of the mott distingilisho physicians in New Englandl bribes fearful increase of cases . . of paral.i -.4s to t 1 a use 'stoves .in close rooms, ileepint , apartments:. .r • isp , • . •. ?feel i venture's to predict. that,, in sere,h years from this tinioe„ steam will universally 'f spcd:::tbc • 1 The French Spoliation Bill has passed ',die Senate„liy votelof 26 to 17. .l 1 p. I V I I nataltallik , : In Brooklyn, ; , on the evening: of Ithe'F2d tilt., by' , Ahe Rey.. Mr. Shafer; Mr.' NEISON. (P. -IF.NJA..IiI:ti and Miss ALitLIA 31. TowNstitib, all of .lfrooklvn,` Pa .' ii / 1 I • 1, • DISSOLUTION. • i l x - ronctis hereby given that the Copartner, Ili ship heretofore existing between the Sub s'eribers, under the, firm and style of Coavvix dr. YlitLaPa.t.Grt is this day dissolved by muin4l etinsent. - l'i ' , l[ • • The booki of the firm will be in the hands d,f, Geo. L. Corwin until the first of April for Settle ment. ' •• .Gro. L Conwm, 1 1 --- 1 , 5 21 I 18 • 52 16 50 ' 19 ; 26 e 22 I 6 38 10 20 20. 28 16 . ; WM. E. :41[1..tsp.tualt. todersvilte, Feb.• 99, 1854.--9w3.* • . • March 1 -1854--STAPLE GOODS. ixTE:ba"re just , received. an addition to our 4tock„ consisting of L M. and Pittsfield Sheeting's, Batting, Wadding, Wicking, Cotton Yarn and Carpet ;Warp, Canton Flannels, Bea tacky Jesu.s;Tweeds,Satinetts & KerSeyinere4, Dc Laines, Alpaecas,'Calicoes, Groceries of . jell.- ery description, &e. &e., all of which we deilire to dispoie of during the present month, to Make room fora new _Mock, and we invite our :nos Omer% and the public generally to give us call. •. \ BENTLEY & READ. 50 BUSHELS . i 'aIe'CLOVE•R & TIMOTHY SEED jug received, and will bo sold right by - . ,BENTLEY & READ. Corn - Baakets. • -One wagon lead just received, and noir is iour time to buk them. •j BENTLEY & READ. .4 new .Isitippiy lof:Dr. 1). Jayne's celebrairel'; Family Neditines, . East recaived. .rNothiag wiltvut a atop Flo a cough ,so as 'a bottle '44 Dr 4aypeii Pcpeztoritnti.'speak from enieriento. I .1 . -1 BENTLEY le-RE a. 2 ' k 'for tate bt? • FLOUR • the Barr Sac iENTLEY I 4r. READ. PIIRDOWS °DIGEST.. I • ANEW suptih , just receivid. AIsoiRINNA RISME And VONt3TABLWE GUIDE. :14reti'1, 1856. - GEO. fIILLEIL. • • J. - Roofs & SHOES 9 , ~..t o„ ,„.„.1 0 4tei. also aload-anArtmeatotßubi. ber 0 irsitlidis, ildsk)iurg tall abet *item stilt jolt sad trial." 1 Dpeczalberitt. 1.,3,4i50. % i,ti6 Gleaseses Pictoiriai Ikea . witigAltoostr !! CoOpanion.. , • A remit of the' braiitifut'arid useful" in art. The object of the paper is . to , present, in the most elegant and available form, a weekly liter-, ary melange of notable events ;of the day. Its columns' are devoted to original tales, sketches and ,poems,:by the best American authors, and the cream of the domeatic and foieign news; the wholci Well spiced with wit and lie mon Each paper is beautifully illustrated with numerous accurate engravings, by eminent artists; of notable °Neel% current - events • in.all parts of the world, and of _men and manners, altogether milking a paper entirelf, original in its design in this collntry. hs pages: contain viers of every, pOPulous city in the knoWn world, of till hildings of note, in the eastern* western , heinisphere, of all the princi pal ships and steamers of the navy and merchant service:..with fine andiecenrateltortraits of every r noted character in the world, nth male and fe male. iiSketches of b6antlful scenery, taken froth life, will also be given; with namerous 'specimens from the animal kingdom, the birds of the air and thti: fish of the sett. It is printed on fluent in-surfaeo paper, with new and beautiful type, presenting in its mechanical execiation i nn ele gant specimen of are: It contains fift een hun dred arid sixty-four sijuaro inches,!Oving a greet annount;of reading matter and illustrations--a mammbth weekly paper of sixteen' octavo pages. '?I`ERMSt---Iniariably advande.-_- 1 snirscriber, one year, - s3 00 2 suliscribers,l - - 5 001 • 8 4 H • 900 .16 00 *, i ,one copy of the Plag °f our Union, and one copy Of Gleason 's onolyear, for $4. VirThe Pictorial Drawingißeent Companion may lie t obtnined at any of the periodical depots, throughout the country, .and of newsmen, at six centsper single copy. Published every Saturday, corner of Tremont arid Bid / outfield Streets, by I - i+ • F. GLEASQN, 'Boston, Mass. - holesale Agents. •. S.'FitENCIT. 151 NasSau, corrierof Spruce St., - New:York ; W.„ & Baltimore Street, Baltimore; A. ,C.'BalEv; corner of 4th and Summer° streets, Cincinn. tt1;1. A. Rovs,43 Woodward Avenue, Detroit; El K Wool:mann, corner 4th & Cheinut istreets; J St. Louis; Tuok. As It 3N. 40 Exchangeylace, Itije*Orleans. Febritary 15, 1854. 1 ; I i • 45 20 ;82 7 56 186 . 1 28 188 50 _ '4O 35 ;35 - I*2 )20 '' 87 j the Flag 0 . Our ; Vision. • , An i:legant, Moral an - d Re fined Miscellane. . 1 ousfamtlg Jor4nal,, . , . Devoted to polite literature } s ' nn .wit humor, a ' iose anttpowie gems, and on 'nal tales, written, ~,, ,xpr'essly for the parer... In, p lilies, and on nil sectarian qiiestions. It', is stric ly neutral; there. fore innkinig it crnphatiCally a paper for the tnil. lion;:and a welcome, visitor to the home circle. - Itrcwitains the forei,go and Idomestic news of the dayi so condensed as to present the greatest possible amount of intelligence. No *advertise. merits tire. admitted to l i the pa r,' thus offering the' entire sheet, - which Is of mato meth size, to the instruction and atimsenientbr the general render. an Unrivalled corps ofontribiitors are engaged,. and every department is'ltinder ~ I„ .the! most finished and perfect sy : ,teni thatl„experiance can surgest, b forming an original _paper, the kresent circulation of which far . exceeds that of any other Weekly paper in the Union, with the exception' of Cleo., son's Pictorial': • 1 The Flag is', printed on fine larbite rkper, with new::-end beautiful type;andeotitaitio 1240 square . inches, beir.g a large weekly paper of eight an per.royal quarto pazes. I! ~ T ERMS TO SIUBSC' 1 Suhscriber, one year ( , . 4 :Suliscribeisi " "., lat . 1 ,as 0 ) AL AL 1; .. '' 1 16 • .: - I u, i.t. ,; •.. 1 ',2„ 1 ,,. 4 ',.., ..j.t__ r.„l- - , -. copy: of Gleason's Pictorial, $1 variably in mit-once., ,I i , . *,,g,‘The Flag can, be obtaincd at any of the newspaper depots ini the Unit d . States, and of newspaper carriers, at five cents pet. single copy, - , }`,. GLEASON, Publitiber and preiprietor;,;corntir of,Tremcint and. Brownfield streets, Boston. ' '. I / Ti r holesale Agents.: . S. Frscn, 151 Niastau,'eorneiCf Spruce street New N -- rk ; A. WINCH, 116 Chesnut street, Phil adelphia:; W. &H. TAirrifiri,.lll Biltimore at.; Baltimore; A. C. 11soLnir, comer Bth and Syca. more Stieets, Cincinnatti :J. knots. 43 Wood.: ward Avenue, Detroit; A it. Wconwono;comer 4th &I fdhesnut streets, St: Louis; THOMAS 1.17NN, 40 Exoang,e Place, NewPrler!.. Febetinry_ls, 1854. ' .••_ . _ • t5,645.H0ck,0 .• • - •• .. Patient _Lev u Male's-- " • Titit•-•: .22ll4 ire sn ff .be in il\l fo a rm ke in s ig .Ple h all- is ', . - .14 frienda . .tha he . has this day; • I . 4 k ,' 4 , received direct ftl.orti I.4verpool, 1 4 ( ffsw*- another invoice Of his celebra. W . . , '....:'..:.- ted Eliglisli , Let' Watches; s- ,-- 2- . .Cased4n vctionsf styles, plain,. and Hunting, Full JeweleA, cad warranted per. feet Ono . keepers, „ALER4ED „I. EVENS.: . No. 2, Odd Fellows' Ilan. Bingkiunton,.Feh. -14, 0541 . , t,— .", f. . .. . LATER Forket,;Spoobs, • hi av y stock`P jultreVd, by ' A. 3. EVAN . AUCTION! ON !.! fIN Wednesday, Marchi Ist, l abs sitbscriber will tJ cOnunence selling at Atitition from stock of Dry-o,ciods,. Groetrieg, ilHatylwaie; Crocktry. d•&lass Wirri, Paints, Glass'', _Drugs, ":3fedirines Hata , Ca p ,p Boots RerfdY - matk Clothing, and a . grpat many other kinds of floods, to,enu merate = ttll of which wohld .'require too much time and space. Sufficient toisay that here is a quality Goods, to be sold, #iong which every one mar find something they will. want, and now, is the tithe to buy. • ;. Sale to commence at 10, o'Cl kA. M. and con, tinne frnin day to day until alllaie sold. "TERMS.—AII sums of Five Dollarwand an. der; CASH, over Five, three 'months and over, TWentyAollars six months credit 'with interest, and aPProved senurity,or:p pi cent dis. for cash. Paul Pitts auctioneer. 1 : 11. S., LITTLE. New Milford, Feb...2lst: 184-Bw2. Plaster Mill at SUMERSVILLE • t T.E . ,ro now prepared! to supply a superior it quality of GROUND PLASTER; at all Cities and in any qUintities. Believing that the fanners of Susquehanna Co. will consult their own interests,--anq add to the. value.and productiveness Of th'pir faitns by'using, flue valitable fertilizer ttiori freely than they' have heretciforedone, we.takelpleaSure in offer.; ing them:, increased facilities for obtaining it, and; respectfiklly ask them to astain tis by their pat ronage. . ' DAVID SUJIMERS, 1. H. 'SUTPHIN. \ Samntersville," Feb. 20,!1854-Bw4. Farms fox 610.1 e, rrHE subscribers will ak stalagenta for bnyirig _L. ateiSelling Reall Eitate f -Riuina, Houses, and lots-4ocated in Sustea. cooky, Pa., or in Broome County ' N. Y., and at Virginia Land,: Warranti. All 1A•116 With, to Offer their property ; for sale ost give , a minute discription. of their, farms oi.Lots as follovis: No of acres; how many imiiioved, and how mitered; bnildinp; Orebard,igrafted or common Iftnit; other fruit trees ; hOw far from Great Beat, - and the near. est pointpf the D. L& W J. FL and N. le, t E. R. R.,,cprieo ar.d torms - of payment. Sir All who wish to stry or. '3E1.4 Real Ea.,. tate, wilt:melee prompt ettentlon by calling an, or addressing either of us at ~Great, Bend. Sys. quehanne:bomity-Pa. - . • niff a Conceyanee from! Great Bend .to the, premises; free of charge. - • Office sin main .istreet ; is tlin" dwelling • house of S. B Chase, lately ectled by N Carpen. ter. • •-. ETER_DEC.KER, • 4. ' Great Bend, - Ciet. 4th;11353. C"- 118114 alt Otago by ti sivirtnif<6d,oet. is, igs3. .1113111111 re. • , ramer... Gorilla, Yankee *clamps ace.—.ll sirs arid Brat rate assorttarat The bast plac e talruypi• foubis atthe stars of • • • - A. ItUILKSEL a Patesaltedletosek:-E, via vizi*, 'Abe osiitirs: rearltlll of do most TiltrAble latdr. at __ .1 CABILIs ABEL TIJIMFML. Is now receiving his Win4er supply of 'NEW G00.1),5, • . etONStBTING of nearly•everythitni wanted in this mar V kit, which will be sold at prices that cannot fall to please. The public are invited to call and . ezatui no them. liontrose,dan 5, IBM. - -Dings, .1 1 :Calcines at iChiimicals. . A ,.1 Pint rate assortment. Physlc i ps' 11111s.neet1 and ezpeditionsly pot up at-redo . . pliers, and Prei clip toes carefu ll y compounled-1 Th brat quality of ail!. cies this department will lie found at die limn and Varlet, Store of ; IABEL TFRItELIe. PAINtS, OILS, 4. DYE STUPPS. Full assortment (1 of best ynellrest, at 1 - ' TIfftRIILIAS Grocerle A general usorttnenc`and the best;the market afford, ` , t - • • I • TIIIIIIELL's. . . , Deg G Is.—A small, bitt. 4- Choce selection of the . most staple articles of Dry floods,• obich still be sold at. prices that will make It for the Inter et of purchasers to call at the store of " - • )t.TCrRIIELL. i • . liard•sriare and,Cntlery, embracing a good as/ sortment or those celebiated Waterbury Pocket Knivei; Stone...rare, qty. &e., at • , 1 ' TUURELLT. '. Druggists , ,large astorttneut at .1 TURRELL's. • - Liquors.- . -X ebo!eo irariuty of Liquors formealrinal purposes, at: TUILItELL's.. • in uuteial Instil:amen Dows, !hinge- Rosin, ittideet, Pegs, and Tail Plecest—also 'Aecordeons, Flutes, Flf,s. telaronetts, tlanjns^ . Tui ng Ports, Tnartio• nod Itohks, Plano Musk: Ike. at TEItItELL's.. Jrescesry.—A new supply of fash;onable Jewelry. La dies and gentlemen, please callatabe laneystore ppf A. TI:IItII,ELL. REMOVAL. * Sttiyes! Stores!! Stoves! I! • • THE.snliseriber 'wishes to cal( the attontiono 1. his friends and the Public to his very large assortment of • . STOVES, at his new 'Store Room in Lol L S. Lenheim's ptore, and nears papa. He has in addition to 'll variety of Cooking and Parlor SI Patterns, somtv of which are— . St. Nstholos, Peach Branch, •' Maier n Troy, Mohatek,. , Black Warrior, . Orient, f'= • Egg Stoc,e, Which together 'with his formed stock 'will 14 perhaps The most extensive and tied assortment of well selected Stoves in the Cc(unty. . 1 *** Clinton Stoves well furnished at loth prices. Rr All articles in his line kept on hand and made to order as usual, and orders received at.his old stand in 'Great Bend:. i IBERS. $2 00 '.7 00 13 00 24 00 voivu. nuu one r OO per annum, in. • , JOHN COLSTEN. Loder`aville & Great. Bend Ncn^., 1853.—tf. assairir swariuml4ll TUE subseriber respectfully [writs 1 those wlsblng to purchase . Cbsap NSW TALL WINTHE ST4CFC, w• sky and eheaprifte. he may safely say any In the Empire state among which . TWO HUNDRED S ofev4ry toeflty and rtyle, 'Meer Me from 50 c. tellA. 100 pieces Penmen* and Alapsea from 1 to 51. per yard. Prioeb Iterisaaa of every grade cod iota; remarkably dies 1. 10,000 'girds of De Leine' and Persian Clothe Rota 9e to 4a. Printil and Olnebems ie endless qiuttltitr. 16.000 yaids bleached- and. unbleached Ebeetbmsand Bbirtlncs, from tic to la Id. • • .' 1000 yards White; Red and Yellow flannels; from 12 ed to es. Woolen Goods of eseryikied for men and boys, 1000 yard,. Silk, Bromde, Plaid, and Plain Black from the lowest grade. to theMoet superior quality. Dresspina• intimate every description . PEDLARS ' GOODS. . . A large steak from A u ction,.nt very cheap. Trunks and Trave d. lling Bags, aytztcrrirc assortme t constantly on • No og° l t vim be leaved on the part of. e subscriber to, merit a continuance - of the patronage which the public bat hitherto mostgeoero esti accorded Wm. ind for whit.h he returns access and hearty Shanks. ' ' I • ' . • • • I wrutori, • • Corner or court k Water att. Fompkias Block, Nearly opposite the American Rot , Dinghaniton i ti. Nov. 1835. ! NEW: GOODS.. JII. Stell s lllN tneitee attention .tSk .tbo unusually . huts' sat.ecimplet• assortment of r* • . • . , New Goods fir. Pall Stiles • ' be isnow receiving. Ifni' adilltlai to his penal sepy of Staple Dry floods Groetries; Hardwire, Stores e.'be. also offers to Of Ladle* e_rieh Meek of 6 , Paniand , Tint' oods,' Eike Tel Vet Bonnets, • avrtsOilbtrns, Gloves ind Hosiery, Vefts; Table rpm; it Clothiyitatehels fiths' - and. Misses Bee Boots end Shore. Ice, kw' Toth, Ointbe; men he offers a large stork o f best qualit ' - • . • . • Ready - Made Clothi , • • • . Cloths, Camimeres, Tweeds and Jeans,T tings; flats Mut Cars, Boots k Shoes - - - .1 - Ms stock matinees a more ex sleeved varied assort. went than heretofore, and be i prepared to holdout ' S , uptrior Ind empits .A • • • • to CIS/rpnrchasers. . ' respeettnity •solfeltp as early can't's= ds his frien and all otbera.desirims 'rota veils that - ars 'Worth the price esked for them:. Erinsmorsvllle Sept.l2th 18 1 sa. t , 2000 Pieces Wall Paper,l all Styles and: prices. the host assortment ester offered Inshis countyjnst .-received at, \ , • I.II.BUTPLUNB- , • r±OLD Spectacles—A Inge , assortment••• of kir Gold Spectacles of all ages. - Silver Nipkin.Rinp, Fruit Knives, ,Ctips —and . Chains, Thimbles, Butter knives, die. , To tho Ladies--Agate and .Coinelian ;Dress Buttons. 4 Shell Hair Pin ' s, a, Very nice itrtiole. PLATED WARE—Some veryhandsome - Cas tors, Cake Baskets, Sticki,rnuffere any Trays, . , • ' - . LOCKETS—A, geed assortment of Doub and Single, both Gold . and Plated. ' SILVER PLATED'KNIVES—ASnperi r ticle - made to match silver Forks. . SHEI. ( I, COM - BS—just received, a new I t Shell Ba k Combs, also Ivory do. GOLD !CHAINS in every variety—also;, Keys and Seals. All of the above articlea.are for sate: mem. by ALFRED I: EVANS. • L I . GEO. . - FiOLLEII4 T_TAS.juat received his Fail Sod FWinter stook F I..ik of Het and Boys' , . ' . Il l eady-Made olothing, ' - Embracing Over-coats of , a *varietY of gnat*-. Frock, Sack,' and Drees' eitiits—Vests--Thinta-1- Woolen Under Shirts endDrawite,:- , Filno White . Shirt* Facet do—Collitni--Overilis--;Skickiags —tiloveis,Hlte. - `1 ' • - • A goedittalortmetit of fashlOnable Hens, Vlte: men., Misses, Boys and Childiens BOOTS & SHOES..; India. Rubber toots, Owes Mut &o -' A eery suPply, of WALL PAPER, Curtitin.Par . • per, Border, &e.. Bonita 'and . Stationery. Also;Trunke, Gtins,Tinvelling Bags, Mocker, e l , c o o s i a , - S u gar; tea, Coffee alati4Y of Fancy tuticles. ' ' • ; His motto is REMY/ PAT and iimg, • nitqs . 7 4l4 or Produce: * , I Sore uppdsitd ' - Montmite, Oct 4, 1833-* • SALT= . VOY the inishol or barrni; of •I/ sale a tTie Store 9f tho Oct. 4,;1833. " a. • " t 'I,n;SOL'UTIO NfOTICE la hereby Orill th' the itarilleigAß 1.11 heretofore wasting bet, - 11.:MAtrierere of &ugh:On:on and ilseidThipsoftliegi under the; name and style of went) & thorriss , as inanimate at Lodbioille, • elin" ? a, Jb thii day dissolvaiiitiyiroutttal consent. The tersinees the late firm;trill be bettleit %Wm ThOnlibt 4 Whiting, lho iehtinue bretliierli,itt the ' mane i t place. - • -URIAHt ATOWERS, I DAVID T 111046. February 8, 1854-;-'7*3; ' o .4 lame can be Aoise al r ! ! w ! !7, • - -as ollhers..r ! • JIB iubicriber • hiring rented dui - lash' MaoufaCtory of A. Gteienwoodon Orrin • a manufacture • • .„ . • , ALL MINDB: OF CHA.M.9,:I • !liiiiibded Kites, 01 food nostoristir,'oad a so; imirior style of arorkiiatufilp. - 1144 o . pastootly on hadth er will tillanuractore to onfeb- Mckift, (iiartocesi Fancy and Windsor t - heirs ) • •. . V..... • Fl Scala, Sellers,#C t All wollt. wOrrouted to. givo oOttofaition fbr Ave years.. ' „I, • • 6 .••Movelioutable Peodnee' will bittitots tb et ithongotor trot NO CREDIT f ;• • • JAMBS JOHNSTON..,_ Mallard s . liee.s4 1853:—/y • . lisportiori and Jobbers of Foreign and Do - nteaasir .bry Goods. -• 41i DKr STRICET, NEW T 01914: A . A7OUL6 Invite the attention of eterchants in 1. V V Susq uehanna - and adjoining Pounties to their stock wbieh will betundiargs and desira. bhp at all seasops of the y r, consisting in part bf ' Ca.ssoneres and Vestings; Jeans and - 4 rwoeds, with all the biet and well known styles Of fast colored' mints. - , 1 * . Also, Dregs Goods, White and Linen Goods, ate: &e. - `[' Aleo, Amami long and square strode' Cash mere-and Silk Shawl, together with losiery and ftme.y Goods.. • 1, Prompt attention paid to'orders.. - 41 ; 0 change. sTovES & Trri.WARE: • For Susquehanna Conntt. D. LATEIROP & CO. mould, beg feavolo •isturn[thanks to their friends for their lib prial patretisge for the;. last year - Ind. hope they *ill continue their favors; Which wo.hope.to-mer- It 'by strict attention td btisiness, and,.low prices. We hive the most apprcived pattern's. of Etrovzs) ever brought into this market, among which mairl; e found , STAR OE THE -WEST (Eleccged peen.): CULTIVATOR, " 'PARAGON, " • z. ..'NETV.IVORLD,• • •. 'GLOBEy . • ,' • ' THREESTATES,OII Air tighr,-.and oth- Ire too numerous to mention. • We also have on hand a large assortment of Tin Ware of a heavy quality; expreSsly for home trad_e,lCistere and Well Puma of all descpptions; lead Pipe ofall sizes, reels-for chatkpumps, &c.• e. . Job work done with neatness and despatch'. kinds of produce taken, er apProved . credit gion. Give us a call if you please. Shop. on . Main street, directly opposite the Dern. Office.- ' • • • - CD. LATHROP. • • • - S. A. WOODRUFF, 1. *Cash paid fOrFurs by. - L. &-W. erscille, beat to the Great Bend informer large Yes; mato , new MHE Co-partnership . heretofort4existing 1.1 Mean the undersigned, in Editing and pub. fishing the Montrose Democrat, under the firm and style of S. B. & E. B. Cruse,. is ; this day diSiolved by mutual consent. Tho notes and acenunts are for the present in the hands Of S. , B.ictiase for collection. In ordee to acconimo- Oste our subscribers, arrangements_ his s been fade, r that payments may be Msdn , tither at rho Law Office of SB. CHASE, at 4 areal Bend; to - Amass Cruse Esq.,: of Harford; Or to - Awns Dis, one ;of the present proprietors of , the 'tilemocrat:' - SIMEONT. CHASE; E. B. CHASE. fontrose, Dec. 31, 1853.. '' ~.1 . 4 1:4 F 9, IdpUi , Osk,‘ NEW GOODS ' c ' At the-Upsonyi l Ile Eicharige. SHE subscriber hereby t infonos his friends. (comprising the public ken e r y) that ho is now replenishing his stock of Goads, and is of fering superior inducertients for them to pirehruse of him, thereby keeping their capital, as Ewell a doing their trading at „home, amonghls stock .43111 Y be foondit g,encral-assortraenl of bry Goods Groceries, Crockery, liardware, Paints, Dila, Dyes, Boots and Shoes', flats andraps, wolf and window paper, Clothing, Trunks; Yankee notions f&c., all of which he will be happy to exchange for any kindi of farmer's produced the ,Ifighest iirices; cash, or g . 66it credit.. AlSo he wants all who have accounts ef over aix months standing. to call and settle them on or before the first of Feb. 1854, and all whe intend to pay ingrain are rernested to bring-it alongss soon as Convenient. J. L.' MERRIMAN: WANTED. to hire a -good Blacksfailth, ,One who understands all branches of :the trade, and ean 'dome well recommendedfor sobriety and.in-= dustry , can obtain fair wages by .calling Ow the iubscriber gem at Upsonville, - JOsEill L. MaRLVAX 14. 2,1854, : Montrose Depot Aheid. „ T HE attention of the pub& lsrelfpeatirdlYiti ! , vited to. the assortment of ' l Goods just;re. eeived at...:: • • - J C LEE'S NEW MRS, I 'Consisting.of Drugs, ,Naibr, Shirili l ty Prints, Pelainesc Cassimem, Jeans, Comforters, ;I..raftats, 11984, Window ; Paper. Stationery, tYaa -1 'Notions, Fancy Goods, Hard 4 lartr Yti 2od-- Ware; Till ware &c. all of iehich will 63 . .sold cheap'for sash - or tinter. Disuse tall and examine &or * • ' ;Montrose Depot, Jan. - , I \ the attention of for Cash, to his eit for extent Ira , unsurpassel by ay be found' D.' IL Lathrop & Co. ,A." selltog off their stock of Goods cheaper than ever in order, to snake room their sprhig puteliase. audoee for yourselves. Jan. 181 , ' ‘;. tPLAID Lanes ooly ju 6d ;at - • ' LATHROP & 'Co.'s BAY State Sbarrin cheninn; than ever at • -I 11;41: L. & pa.% SOLE more pf that6d Sugar, ; " or , Ca ' s Montrose; Inn. 16, 1854. EsitenCe • • Ginger. -I. • a - • • , , • id s preparation Or izniunisl excellence.-;-' In ordinary Wareham; incipient. - cholera, in 'abort, in t e at clues of. prostration of the digestivw 'traction/OS is of haestimalfle value. burlap the-prevalence of epidemirs • cholera and tun:awe compiaintit of children, it is peer:dal js.ellicacioire; no family or individual' or traveller should %bit without It .' nett enables the sisters to resist' the tiiluence.oflasipicat decease which Dark Ina' clanging 'ell, DI, mate. . . ' • , ii . .. ' ,Caretore.--41eatiie to get the genuine esseene ' ; arbieli Is Plepared only by DROWN, at Ads Drug and Chemical `!' Store, N. entree:of Fifth end rhes;niat Streets.ll3lla . delphi‘and tor sale by all • the-respectable. Apotherrarier hf,the United States, and at, liontrose,ra by , : (.7.0y1.) • ABEL TURRELt { Albitist Rionet balaticn br lily Goode will be sold with , "out regard to profit, and having been;bought, When Goods were trom.loto 15 percent. lower In New York. than they now are, I offer . unusual inducements to all who - wish , to buy; Goode cheap. Call , and , see for yoUrselses and you Will find you can buy almost' : , at your oien I. a LITTLE. 'lNew Milford„Mec. 13;11153. • • . ;Farm he THEsubseriberofferis IV! sale a vsitiabie three miles, Wit; Mont/MIA; 0a the FJaak Roadrind four ['Weis Troia the i!iiireed. It coataiha vie bnodttsB fibre's. 70 arias ,impreved, aad good :It is wateiedi ea*, 'a pod state or hoprovomopt,, has a pad as a, viell,adatic t ed to diliyieg pewees. 31411 (ahead wan 84b,:!laid far will be 'Ad ea:it abut. Address the sabeetiber,. Alostrtaut c - , dieshehatusi abibity, dilAlihEitrAN. Nceuir i ? , **Pi• 29005 2 . .1f Adsistplarta; toe* Nolticies. -- • OTldt is hereby prem.-that Letters Tod -roenCsry_ upon the estate cif Latiette InartM te i t pedi Cate otheksootownship,hure ;iriiiu to this easieriber. perserts haebtod to Said ease. aro, beta% requested to make isu oledbite payrnitut,arai Alto**. ha any any upon 'said estate * to present .theto aly Wilted for settlement. . .'" JOIIN " Isr..kson, Feb.. 1:15* iB4-446 'bor. . ' - S. FULL*II.-- 2 Pork, Violin; Windt A FEW barrnioof Fieoriittrorilltiohipobrando,. Xi, Aloe Miss Eark 611411.04 bitrol 'or • A; 11.41i0V1144. Montrose, Feb: i ' ' H. C. BENNETT & CO. DISSOLUTION. _ New qttiodi.— Stock, N0..3 4 _ - AT Itira HEAD ,of NAVIGATION. (1 :It. lIAWLEY would.:resp ectfully inform . • his friends !GA customers, and citizen's Ta this vicinity generally, that he is now receivinta very large and desirable STOCK of Cuatca Gams selected wish great tare, wbkh in addition to his former stock, makes his TIP TOPS " Sheeting , coulllthirtings; iirown and Bleached froni 6 1-4 e.-to 1; • Canton' Ftannits, Doaiestie- Gingham' from I Oci; to 18 34c. - Cloths, Cassimeres, Over Coating, Satinetts, Tweeds, Kentucky Jeane, &c., 26'per cent sheep.. er than n%ret.. Ladies bras Goods; .A splendid lot of Merinos, all wool Delmoss Casbnieres, Paramattis, Thlbet Cloths, Coburg', Pc‘rsiin, Twills, &c. Prints, TOT largo lot from 6 1.4 to Iti • Cheap DeWas A fins lot to sett, at 15 1.2 e. alrood quality and pattern as .heretofore sold nt 20e Buffalo Robes. I Bale Whole • Crast'Ssil By Sack 'or Bushel: Itiontrbse,lPeb. '7, 1554; • Gniardlitus'' Sale; - - OF a valuable .fann - in New Milford township._ By virtue of Ail Order, from tho Orphans ' Court of Susquehanna:County a Saluabls fart* will he exposed' to Public sale, on the .preutimas, on Thursday the 9th day of Merit next, at one . o'clock in the afternoon. Said faiin contains 154" acres, is a good warm soil and Is Well adapted for raising grain or grazing—has about 100`aeras and , der good improvement, and uridei a gond state of cultivation, a young Orchard cif grafted fruit, in. eluding Apple,Pear, Plumb trees, dwelling house, barns, &c:, and is well watered._ Any person - wishing to purchase Wfarm, will do well by look. ing-at this before purchasing- elseWhel:' It lies . in a good neighborhood, is 7 ' miles Atm the Great. Bend Depot on . the - N.Y. and Etie Rail oad, and t*o and a hitit tin ices. from NeW village,. at which place there is a depot of Ibe Lack - aWnnna and Westeru Railroad CoMpani....., It is bounded _ on the Mirth. lands of Jan S. Ilandriek,on the East bylati*of_llenry H. Brad.; on the South by lands of William Harding and Joseph P; Milleivand on the West by Reublit Haywood and John S. Hendrick,. end VeloPg* the estate of the late Jared 13eardaley 'deed. 1 7'erms of Sale easy, had will be made known on the day of - POLLY BEARDSLEY,I, • NORMAN . FO9T, • . ' • uardidns of the minor children of . Jared Beardiley dad. r, - New Milford4 • Feb. l 7; 1854-4-w4* SOFT SOAllby the gallon or barre l :141 m: THE place td buy materials for LIGHTaIa at Matt&WEl. SETTLE . •up With A. TuRRELL. Januag; 1854. More: Nes# Goods. !snow rimelehig•anothisi.igasnal Matti Wir Al aall and Winter Goods, by which licit - ilogelleigelitp will be nip; replenished in every • department ad unaliti- Ally lniiting Ana complete. partlealerly 1n am styli -Is( Ladles Dress Gocdt, Rich Plaid_ and rtancy DeLaln_, _et and . Cashmere. PArittettas, Wrench Merino, De igoltur Lustre, EmbilWdered Robes, Bilks; Dteheta,ltieb Intelsat Ribbons. a Duel .100. new assortment of Wish* fluitrls,.- Ladles ;Victorlitea and • Muth Wash Riabber loots, !Ayers atia bver Shoes, Clocks of elegant snit As styles, anew arsortinent of MAY, Pailor iihdroOking Stoves, with* great varibtY of 'other Taney and''Stnpla. Goods whibh Will be Sold on the most favorable torsos, : Torre ring.est:teclal Indictment s to cash or Dino bbyirs, Now - Ifilford, Nor. 24, 1853 Kew &Orem tienc till Janet . AA, Mont of Cooldig Pith,' and 'bop Stoese.for Ifoo4l-- or Coal, and in - conneetleix lidth previous stook wilt makes select and 'complete asertMeixt alto most pop* lar and Improved kinds of . - - Air Tight, Elevated Oven, Pretniwns and 'Plate 5i0008.4 .‘ , stos , i Pipes steel, irtro iki; wbich st tbe letrellt i t.ft for c uL .or appc4,. ed trtdll.; - ' • Nevi Sepi. 29111, - . - RElllo 4 Vitt; -. • • INES .BiTtEYNOLII,S sbliret -removed their 1J Tsitoring eistabliehina4' to; the room 0,01%Q. R. IliawleY's Store, _near the !Total," where they are prepared to attend promptly to sH Collis in Oicir profession, piddle zuoton t iresatio, fa. ticin to every reirogable man., fattest rittwYOst Sad jait received. Montioile; A 41.15,1853. - ' CASH, PA 11. A 4 kinds of 0R481.6y ,- D. !L. LATHROP & GIVCBIIOBmWho 88 8 -;- . .11144811 rogrant variety, Coniiiierable quantity , *S pir t! _: l v tinality, and cheap for cash,,or to's:thane • for most ItintlesOliteelantable :Produce 'oa - gook, term's, lii ttockit gam, Teas, Totiaceo, nes, 43r;a4 begit if& iihmerous,:be•deems itoilltibets • eisarY,Ln; Sq.; that - alniost anything' in -tha , Sro., terylion tiled !: T ., fain itiesean .be, found SOS *pis: Ty awl' eaniequeittly enumeration is ooperilttitqa. -In particular he W0414 . 14,...ri; sawn." inalloh at hie 6d Sugar. 2s. TobaCea, hat 4s 'NC: A 4teddition worth saving amis titolutilla in iiiicquantilfea.- • ..• /- • - • . k,littilutkl". .Mont , • 1 ;. Joseph ligefiti . TYESPEGTOULLYhafoitifip hie friends t hat is iit nOw :nativist' a ?it* of choice &nide Mita 11 the : greaCy'' Einlionaassr' Which rtigettibirith lin old stogh spike!' i hia apedritrke6titire 'ctriapktiOnsd will ' enable hint to sueeeseredly compete; ni!ighbore.' A ',tong his *took Sway fshad. supply o r toy ttned • efeckebtslnittd- • ware, and. Winged tintre, Nails, Fish, Ditigtind :•• Dyes,•Paints and (lila, Nati and 81niee t , insuporior - lot) Oats and 'Ct. Ladies Winter- Rotinite, *awl ells, Carpet Da Trinke, Ready Nide . seleeted*.rpresili for service . and a thoneithd Other ace& stiticlos hist iiecestaliry here to 'mention': Allot ' which he will -sell at! letesit.blaist pivots fez Mai. Pp:Kidder. or aPpraved credit. . • '.. • Upaouvillo,sopt.,24,lBs3. ,-• • . • Vainliable:Faint for. 11111.- T HE Ishliacribei of for 'Salo his valuable - feria in Gibson -toWnshilr, 'Elisilttehanna count pa., containing 7'57 Sores, isitilatod . ln that East - egi part of said toWthlalt of a. Mile itto the • Tunkhantmcit eyeek,and..l2•l-2 miles from Bus. quehanna Depot, on the . N.Y. 61.. E. Railroad.. do said farm is- ti framed house,- a pariis h a' horsb shed, corn house, a yoing;orchard of OTIIT 'lO6 treeit, and is, well watered, . , lie offers Sell-for 10 pel: Vint. lest gut* the real value. • • : . Tat-sa.—Two thirdsof the Pirelnme money ,cash down, and balinee-Sedurettby mortgage.,,,' • I WILLIAM TAYLOL • Gibson, Nov,. 23, 7,84.=. . • Siitlikt oft at C.asl2: rPHE SUASCRIBgftwiI I cputhiug aellingfroat hi stock gsTd& A.T cosy for omi, or two weeks ionget, and t lntlanco will thee be sold_ at auction,.of which due notice will he-given. • Gain fef Fall kitele; Books, Wanted is eiti , chatiga flit goodii. \ • I. S. LITTLE*. New:11111'1)rd, Feli.t,let; 854. - . . r, 1, !iem:Mori' Arilor4tsT r stainentiry tarp been grantedt to The Subscribers on the: estate. of Jabes Gardner; bite of G ijon tdwastrip,', dee'd. AU persorra!ndebted to,Said estate will make !mine. dints ieYniont; airditetspris baying dementia will , present them to , the iindersiined, duly aitesite4 Tor settlement. 'EL oWTA GARDNER,. • 4- •1 , . ENORGARDNER, 'Gibson, Feb. 20, , Wiit. Eseentour. I'l • , --.', i ,iityptila: iitowsito.'-' . '.-- „ALenoieflosissteseehied, iind iiifiral lOw to y ~ ~ a, •.. ~ - . • • 2001 T, JOHNSTON It C., ipOtoirtilli . Uot o Dee. ad.- .- - • - 4.-- '. '`..- . Buffalo !Lobes'e AOliallq!lot s sad will Ito rote low,, by. r r . - Ifri.Nlfta.t,Cret.ill;?sta. • • ' • flltir.,ALidAtti#4 GMT's ftw*tiveir in ißusquel*Aus Co. at MURRELL'S./ WifldAw shade... . - •AA - Lm' palated at • IV 160 .• `• GibtatiirNikv: ti:BtIR4OWS & l i efilinieVri— V g iaerat aaFeriiment of ebakeyer. Mae ry : ; 211:71ItZLIA
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers