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' `0.p.L.".", L'...:2.." ~L ~.,";..., I, tf. :.44 - ' ict L", • '''''. '' ..... ' . " i., V '' ," " ' ' '• ' '. ' ..,,1„..., ...L. ‘. , .i. 4 N.: ;' ..............._,__ ~..._ .1 ! -4'..4 .' ~,• L., .• - - - • ,', ,•• -. •, '',.., .' '''•' -, ' -,-,,' :', •'i -/ . .'`,•- • -''.'' '-' ~......_ ..._ _ -_—_____,_. •, -____,l4.:. -.-", ,;:: -- - - • • ..IxKw ~.i-:.F_ vS _ i".-: _SNP._... ~':er_~. C. _ j s`.t. & .: P. 411,.. 'lll' . i (.I.tct Vott From the I,ottlevllle Jo • • rife ,CollittlOntiVr BY ALBERt PIN E. ' • The ancient*N y ropg rrle3 Fwop,y-, , groin 3 • Climb, swarming, to 00 skies - :night ; ' • .Thronging'-with ritebtia Ottitor thrones, Where the arehani,rete sit in Go' And; pitying; mourn' :" - tha ;• • - Andriart i ttred na.tiensreel .beneath t Friani: Hungary and France fierce And beat a,,aliinit the'portala oft Fair /Mfg- atilhirinks the bitter cu - And Germany - in abject stupoi 4'helmiout on Poland's bloody; •s :And Time is all no jubilee or kin It Ir - 111 not be so 3.1160. Throngh I:The suffering, • trinitidtide` jo ;Beyond the ocean a10,,,..reat beacon-1i tiaihing its beams into their sta ;And teaching them .to struggle 'end; .310 light of Order, Law, and Libe l Take heart,..ye bleeding natio • '; ehains Shall shiver like thin - glais - near, • . When earth shall feel thrciugh . . . The n s da blood Aastting; and b ail . FNedom's trumpt ringing in Calling 'her braves .to cotiquer.or t ,Airn„ arm ye for the struggle! let. Against the lordly lions stapd a Each pass 'Thgrmopylm„ and all th Young Freedom'sfaitresses! Shall come when Right shall rule, thrones That gird God's foot sball eddy no 'fflisttilantots. A Touchispg Incident. c 'I Went one -night to - see a : co medY. : The , 1 Lchief actor Was. a favorite one, I . and the,thea tre' :a.stnall provincial one, Was very crOWlded. The curtain drew up, and amid a„,hurst o ap- . 1 1 plause the hero of the piece made his - ap , • r ance. lie lad hardly said." twenty:'ords 4 L a WhE:u it struck me that something striffkgc '',lMS the matter with ,him, , The'play Was- a boisterotts comedy: of the old school, and' • re quired .considerable spirit and vivacity ou . i the`p,art of the actors-to sustain, - t pro Orly; but in this-man there was none, he', walked artl talked_ - like a . person . in • a dream; hid I ht points he pasied over Without appe:tring I to perceive. them : and altogether" I illite ' , unfit., for the part. - ,Hissmile . was ghastly and his laugh hollow and ,unnatural; and' freququilV he.' would. stop suddenly' in hiS speech, laid. ' let his ,eves wander vacantly - over Lute audience: Even when, in hisicharacterlof a 1 silly husband, he had to allow hiinselft i be kie"ked around the and by the - Young rake 1 of the comedy, and afterward&„ to beholdititrit earekss individual malang • 16e. to liiS,rife, and eatigg hit; supper while he was :iliiit u in 'a elosel\froin which he could not ei4rg,F., his contortion's,. of, ludi e rous *wrath, whit:1).1.101 - never before failed to call down plenty of ap plause Were now. stielt dhunal attempts to-pore tray the passion, that' hisses. Were .audib e in • , . yarmus parts of - the : house..l The aud'nce were fairly out of fetrifier; and iseveral. in'nisi live individuals gore particular in thei 'in : - cl . quiries as to the extent Of. tbe . :potatiorlie had. indulged in that . evening . 3 - storm. of ribilation and abuse. tac.,w felfitroun& theeats Of the devoted actor; • I.. Verbal insult; orange peel and!-apple flew tip; .. • lon the stake. -He stopped and 'turned:4mnd, , to the 'shouting - crowd. I . l4:ver •saWrch '.miseryh i human counte,narice / -. Ills Lc vas w ~ • • ornaaul.haggard,...and , large tears-. rp led down his painted 'cheeks. 1--, saw hid` lip's r quiver wi inward .agiiny--41Saw his. hiisom Leave -with ortvulsions and tion, sUppreSsed4rno- - and his • whole . mein • IJetokerit - N1 isiteli ' - 1 , depth of auguis: ad distress' that. the Iniost ruthless'. heart mu k have throbbed with l pity. I The andienee was ~moved, and , hy de rrees. ' the 'clamor - of inveet - „ subsided into s_ emn . t silenee, while he stood. ..- „r tl e. foot lights,- a . 'picture of -dejection.. . , , , -... When all - was cam; he :poke and hi a i . voice broken with sobs that- .; . culled tol, read 1 his bosom; proceeded to effef iis: . little ex, planafion. . , • • t "Lidie.. and gentlemen," 4id - he, "though 1 in my acting to night,.l dm 64 , usciouse Imer- i iting your displeasure, in ono ' thing y do. are wrong. lam not inioxicated.. • Emote alone and' that ,of triti . Most 'painful kind, has, caused me: -to fulfil ,my - part 1 - so badly-4 . ---, niV' 1 . ;wife died.but a few 'short hours' ago; itradl 1 left her . side to fill'roy unavoidable enkagc -1 meat here. HI have not; plea.ed yon, f4gtize tie. iloved ha, grieve for her, anal if unsery and anguish eari .. eieuSelw . faillt . ;J . bear 4polo-: 'r—lire . !" -. •' ' " 1 . I ' 1 .' . 31e placed his hand `upon - Ibis hearl ; anal' 1 stopped, and a burst - of-tears . r i elieved ids;ulo- - mentary proxvsni and grief. !The adudiencer Werethoroughly . greeted, and trahcnit burst 1_ c . ... - ~.L !JI sympathy made the wall trenahle.' M Omen wept loudly; and strong i Men Wept sile'#tly.; Sad during the remainder .of tli i ev'ening.his 11.erforni.anee was 'scarcely audibl 1. throngh the g , t , inn of applause by which the Itowd ught ' 1 tto oothe the ploy fellow's Wounded fee sr. intr_.- There was something:vet7 mel4icholy; to the thought of th:it rwretch4inan'Sleenainglifrem . the bed of death to don gay at4re andlutterl studied witieisui . for, the amusemetit of a -crowd, not one",Of want dreaniell of the au iguish that lay fe - st4ino• up o n Um . ' Pa nted cheek and staff.. mnilii, - . ° Aii4 in thel:reat theatre of lif ;heir Many' are th,ere around us" like the aetOri? 9111-, lines l., ~ : aily at the mulitude., wl le .at , liime i ltes '3Olll, Itir • -I, y ; • - •• • s‘e. of . sorrow wh sliadbwis • I ever present with tlidin in busy laces,: tittd in , solitude r;:veals'upon their Itea'r 4 like ailiost:, A ll / O Pg the tombs. • - 1-1 --- - - 7.--_--.4b.-.-.. :,...) . 4;M•,..Tlie editor„of the.'2,:ew ,Orlerms.Pica !tune, speaking oftlie- ."itteglel'iubseri WY"- . to 1 . that paper says.: . - .• . 1 ;" '1 . ""We 4ave on Our . selis . crilt l ien. list:l .te . flame of 'one gentleman, who ' 4s. take' • • t i' v ety . Y PicaYuneervr. since 139 ' " 44‘ h ies not once, during that whole:1)010d, that we .reirternbet, found fault with tit i n..-A , q` e,:p. Le ol• C°lltel l i i '.4 tke ImPerf..er eetnpliti tied .of toeinA m 'grularlY served - . 14y the mails. ,Ilei Paid the first vein's subse'ripti on i n n'd.val ltek .i. and , 4 '-' . . Pai'. l, :t uvthinn. - - ;rift.: - 1' - ' ' IM!!!E!!!!E=ItM . • • • 14s !" 1:4 . •11 1 ' l lf4iiiid ' the Mewl tit :04 !,- ThrottOt sholversthe:teini Fer;#344l, left his.holie with Where is'ythere•mot man matters thnaod, OKI harret. The boy' thonei how l sinall andisiekly, holi4 respee , ted,' iieht; have trveso-s, ines and :flowers, hi fotattiOTri l ,fixed.jast:Ao . itili ivith here th 6 woodland, tin nud Nonder the giainfields,l at •tlie biddin 451-fineiti . J the.fi)Witit• of his i'atill7t ( 414 his Ail/feels:hint Esq or ileac& and-ho t tosv#,;.,af,,til • that dame,. a wotaintris she. So, hope and 9gged no 1e the ,yeungi , tnitt—the I, gatil via zllioit.Lopii t 04, hits Otieened his head find l and ) 4°F aroarid ''t • s °rot Hall ,still eir ites go gip, vesklts; ulders fitigit, the night 1 1 ! 'descry ght.;' less sky, be freer— tY-• • -lc his liMbg. • 1..' . :2' -..-.:- •-q - - • , , - '. The htit.er n ay: hire . 'toil , t 1 ong and faith:, fully'o'4ll:purpose • biit Ili liopes on; The sailor, lidpes good' luck till he shall have gained':a eOtripetenee- foi-'.littaself and : loved onnes,lthOugli it li . as'oftiiii, , i3OOdged..,,away just to-elude. his .griisp. ...'ll'l(r.tnachaitic has labor; ed ottlpobt for :3 - earS, ;to ;len: his,einpl63 - en! rrrow Irielitt cid' 'hope.S' hiS .. -yf 4;i, ortt ,.s.. n e"W ill turn'p WV 4ni _3 .si tlr Ir l a 'i , , .plll -sic= st - inn, lawver,'l4lldenf--ttlt !4Ven-the sick man .pale ttitl": feeble; hopes*to li1"4 better 500 n....... , ~.iiiii li t .o*-,,i.1):-,s(:: hop e s, s„4htle, :vain, deceit. fulas 'titer are;strengthen 'the .heart and nerve die handl.: Wheit . Fire 4tl li'oble . actions; then lighten the miners ?ek - aiid sharpen hi§ spade and- when:" the storm-god shakes the toaritter'.l-. wared-toss:ed 114.4 e, hope quickens . hiS step..on . the sleety deli and : . tightens his grasp ,Of !the 1•rot riggiii„je; The mechanic's platne sit: „ , rs • a', jubilantjwTili hope tunes his . ear. 'Ant , tltuS a r ll 'are,.bleS,'lsed. in their deeds . - . and Urged to ties aml , !lidner ones.:. the . I foun tains . Of life , are. (11dpi:elle' and invitled' by 1t'0i.,e..! - 1 1 cliht tll itg:li . tk6 =liould' ,vanish like miitheird'.. flowers, , let newl )nes be kind led: i tor it-is not (desire; that' .0. maptsio deeds of as' o 1 "" l'" • •'• store, so • greatitess, is not tie. ; t.i. , ? Isaih,. in store, so much • 5..,' the . .thous'ar t „ - is ,LI -.) be. - gaimed that make: the Mite diliirent itt business. Would iir 1 any then ! , be good, ~.T, c •L' itt ir hai . rpy, let' hope yeave,..lier vision of.etichittitment before him, to Wldeli •a i 1ai0,,. , ...: , az (.7.. 1 1 i . e... :.1 , .....? -,1 ''• .. ;!1 ikpC -Ooiltithui)ly .7 •leo . ‘y :-I-lappy i s he wllO ••• : ,, ,e holvs!:is lit the 1.,,,rd.',' .kflOilinis hype !.spriag, spring ing uPin the, lteart ofitliekdeetused sinner; it ietiel!tis -to heaven and Illagers .:bound. the tlirOro, ri,oicirg; in tl4_st4i,les *Of a Savior the sunlMit 2f 7God—hnd ti ,- i tlaYliLtitt teams ,:l'om.lainto a dark cavcrn ,aud leag the may to the! oitter World, ...s.o t!his, \ line . .a .beaeoit light 'pla . ced. outside the.'4, te of 1 4 eaven, at tracts :(the world's weary pj grim thitherward. Well 'iniirlit the Psalnlist'4:: v, "Let me-not be i t asintin ccof'inv hope" . f..)r .ti "the hope of the tiglitt... us shall - be glad ne.'..4 , . • . '—_,Ar. W. •Chris.-. '-' 1 1ot, ri. recq - te., , . .), ..',.! s, and your • , he' -dawn- is ] fail her la* • t= it drowsy 'e a r the iky; • he stags erazg and soon the pod rotind the more groans. ' The • ,W t4k - e Ac., .I:ria . b. Juilalt, from Ithd.Journal of donin.ere : reader, list, and',l will tell what is. beautiful:- • 1, ¢ < •• -I A j,.:.00d man, strt4glita With' misfu'rtune • and preserving, imstaiiied.ris reputation:. btaiitiful Q oht - SAt g the mandates of paretits,'.l,in . d walking itr.the way Ulrighteon,- nc-ss. ; '• •ip Sinful mortalit onlbenc..e.,3 ktiee, craving from *hior pardon for ƒ tratisgresi•ions " Fo•rffiVe us our trespassei as we forrrive'those who #repass •:..gainst• its." . 1 • r relieving the rants 'of m ity hy'adVatteixtg" fi l e eau . e..e the'destitnt,.. .FOr . r,fis. most heantifitt to roam . the forsaken . hannts of to still the- 4roans ,of sorrow -and sr don tie enipty fahles of• the faOshing. i:res.o, i ne the ml and make glad the' oVerehar. - 44 hea'ri, of the op . pmst4.3dl: • • .0 • i • 1 , Pluck out frotnlthe . 'lne.toiyoote i'd _ i"T° Rnise ontrthe writteti trciibles the britt ; faleafise the foul beim pf thatLperilou.S. stuff Tiult! weighs .upohr the luigt." ; • • --as l upo i - „ 0 . i r The;beautiful is w,.)mnilt around the fever ed bed: pflichne.,:s; pilloWit7 th.i f pale cheek, batliina. and• binding up 'the fatting. bro*: and, lige form of 1 132,ilt,.!vbispertn "hope," ,wli2re else there had bccul iti - >ne 4 :• I When man is - Wasing.iflail,. ! . ...• 1 And his hand is thin and weal; ; . ' And his - lips are parched and pale, ' ' .-: And wan and white his cheek— ... '01)! then doth 'iwoinaii prove . ' Her coastaneYnd love. • . " I‘ ' , - ,• . .- !Tis beautiful -6 ha4 i l3ver thelfoibles of thy hrOther-ii - Orulthe..b;r4d - and divine man th! of mercy and to forgiti?e the ening . sister, ..: thou liouldst that:lle:l:Yen be Inereitul to th a. sinner," !- "i- ;. , ' . I , 2 - •G. .-. given tts 41: .bautiful • World •as a tianSi to -; abode, - 411 d: the Ilri vers,.. the. streams,. I: ie., : tields;; ..e flowers the.)Ards, the trees, and :4l; rtiound.a beantirul. 7. - ' I ;The .. sunis. .e.lutitni 'ins he ascends the si)F.trl;ling sky, , . a 1.1 the moon, as she reflects the brilliant rays • q ir, the Isead l of all, . • .. ~ `Apti then, O. ''. trig intid Holy (The, art Summer of_ all beaUty.:- 'i ..- . . --4,..: i 1 . 1 , .- ' Beaulieul ie b rea Ins 1.... i ; I '. - I . - And tibylthrohe, • • i i ,-... ' i Thy..Protnit;e:io n. n, , . • .‘ i iL.• .: And iy-protiiiztirka •re '... .- . t , • . - , 1 , 1. "' • 1 'lie angolsi of _ , araf t lise are . the Leautifiil ,• spirii.'„S'aseentis b aittiuli . tile soul • its pu rl. e 4.1 conditions.lS' teautittic.,. • 11.1 \ oz ji.il rf : hi7n l. : Pf.: lo,d4 ll ei t lis i . f : ll „ L-: r41 1: 111 4 1 7 p4 l' it i tci i!; 4 ' t. C :ctsilh ly e . ..l.li? smo a liu ll ii : ,4 li . o l ootr , t a lia t c, l .e i l\ - .1 . eventual and final finOrnikliall . , have awarded to 1h:111. .life everlastin. -. % -. If God hath made , t;lls rorld no fair, I s ' .L ~ Where Sin tad ideath abOutali 1 fl "1 ',:. . ".How ,heau.tieul ibeyonatompare, - :_; • l' i- - %,Vilt p.aradisi3 .be fed di ! . . • , _ i ritir It is not a htile-stiiplar that the let tir's that .apell debt, tire,thb initials of thesen tetic4 4 Pun Every ( Body Iwice ;" and the. let ters *WO spell credit' arq the initialsor 64 septenee, - ," Call t ictelidarls ,Ereo• " - I J-.ly f s k • A;nrin; prulirr Ettiten,co of hy:hanging, wiliod.,theShOriff the,:even- - lug previous to his eitentiott= Isay,Sheriff, hour is that We, 4rair of wino tocon.te olf _ I 447*. :I)rCkbl4l ..i k 601 4owii . tzt4r3-.dietith l t flime pieylesi, • :~...:...~~:5.~ai~ CEENI=MI iliglit lurks, iii works, , • I ••the-bitahand, loping,. *nits for to be tt. elan— try 'with yooks, • :pciiis:nnd king ;.nnd farms, re the ine l adow, !pais hefore .hint hEnost• he L'enn th© 'vial' itjibk of . If to. be' - .e.ttlitain Le !nail ill' ,hat an angel. of - the little !me , gro‘i - n i labor enfeebled di4ed.wegbitettkOpube tcr,4ay, - awl bloke - Lig .' .' .. i't .... . I Pi) l4 l' cillidiellii, - V . ' ' ' ' .-rXitidgf i3.il; crowd. on the side-walk--- tout-: log nod - Unman that: , to be sures;. no, ; in,tteed, `hut then 114dt a gathering :pci:aea 4uiet," eatud4t ,ort: of a throns.r; which ii teal 1t . .: - ;not :to be ;Seen .extery day,l y Beys , and:girri,latlier 4.mitherkleompo.'se the, &T.,..neblage-. and Lgitze on seine tiny tvittrlOol-,,5..9r pityr and nifeCtiOtr.; --‘ \Vhat is it i' imittireS some(Mel:l,f :a tip'Jetator. ~,0.1.1,', .replica the person ad tress ed; 4 .fli,,poOr little thing, it is . a lost chi d.',--. .Yes, truly; it ik a lost child, and the lildridim.Y. e:kp re.ions of innocence and grief and hetvil derment ivhitilt 'pass oref its eottnkainea have won ON •ery -lteart , - and - ,evetiithe: boys,. wile :in general :are. by to: means of a sent nuental cast, Cllll6i f 97, .: cacticactiin. his . own:way, . to; nsittage its sermiws... 1 , - ' Thern.is a On-ening; . N - vith the ,ifisigwa - of iletitlion the-door. •• .Let- 'us enter. ....A:,obild iothieli.-last wetik had light in its eye.„l.,tand beantir .on: its cheek, .and iiappinc-ss hi itk .heartllies deal : -Friends .hare.congrekated iit.t.b.'house ofl mourning, and OA. Int_itter is taking her last, ;,lingering look :at - her.ilair, baliq4,,fidrer eiielt ill - t il ah: tit _Jan 66004 par hie.. -,;: -,• :'I : - ...- .-. • -., ... -1; ..\ftv poor.d'ear.boy,'• Faid the .I.lerear rent, neNer, *Fee you 0,141 i eays In ter, :in a whisper - to a `-sbe.;ttiay Al - e11:1 bo 41e hasi lost irithitt these two • Yeats'i ip i t leed' is. the reply, frciminv lteartii . Lost did y!ou . say . , Christi= friend bealitiful bo.v: lost I Nav, 11:117, not tol savt , fj (iTrihor4: Would to God that all children •Ir litth4 lost'as . these, but alas! alas I ..thcfy_ :ire lost Children Who are lost beyond reCOer.c. Seii "Isere "comes .one whose haggard _loot; and. f4hattcred "rante tell too truly the th4piCa-. hie 49iaracter .Of the man.-.", Yet, not sO . long ago he was.a-child; and . a. fond Mother tend ed him,. and :i;loving-father fondled .hinn 'and when the. atigdlof'death darkenecitheir dwell ing 'With the shade* of liii wing as "helswepi oniviirdsovith What •uuutterable lore and oom pass-Hip* • - did they - watch: over, -t heir darling child,' - Itlina have 'been that they .thouglit, wrong t houghts• of . ProvidetuJe, and nnable to sett that theOup 'of pain NV ai p r esen N. ed by theltand of ' n;ierey, cherished but one Wish, uttered.but one yrayer---Aliat their boy might not die; Thei infant became a yoath, the youqi a man ; ,no, not a man, but,a, victim, a Dvi - ,11: It, wii.1 7 ±l , r nuisance to.sorietv..., tlt ;.. veniS ,' since hehrought down tns parent i gray hairii with' soryciw to the grave; • and LOw, friendles... , , li 3 Olnelcss,iiopeless, he staggt wards in his.rags•---a lost child I And =that pOo - r unfort u (fate, who flits like ac spectre In the midnight gloom— assfkiatcs. are - tlie :off-scouring-of thee: whdse abode i"; :t-,worse paildcin , uitn i where devils: dwell—that miserable- giri unsiillied as the drivensnow.:as hawy volithful faile lielilligli estate' of happiness and purit . wanileis through the wilderness of this l ' I •1 t l- .1 ;1d -•. - it - iot ler fr, I L, h. :. ' - 3 1 1 V -1 , tt! ill the Ad reary wrilis . of lies kale whose!- earthly existence is drawling to n: close. . The last, nicitt he shall spend in thii'life has arrived—but like most Persons in similar circumstances, be slo.s . ps•cainily..--- In Idreamlamli lie has forg,otten his - prest::ut' awful situation and the crimes. which letl to it. 1 1 4...)nee nioie he is a happy boy; and wan-, • 1 dent as of yorkl by murniu ring brooks,o or tnro' . . li 1,1: ok • I green Li..s. .tinder cOoi campy cot rustling, leaves.' - Longibst friends' look am . rin kindly .it• i ion him,- atathe beholds.. his ino '" ther'si e6iiiit. ten - , linco radiant'with loYo. Anon, a ' Attii , re. .. - 1 comes t;er theispirit of hisdreani 7--hisimo\th er's:•faee .s , romts., dark and trireatenim4—and oh I:horrilde!'hisk.,intirdered victim glares ter ribli,• Upon. lii.nr, and arias hint into con= . '4.2lStl'i•lieSS, dripping fromi e very pore, a d con * - t , yulse' din every limb. - .NOLsI We reiterat • kind; hearted .readert . , that this also is a lost child ? And now two i i - iractieal questions. Since the 'outeast, the tlrief,' and the ,inurderer. Nvi.Ti.; °Ude innocent cliildren,"is it not a pity,[ti very great pity, that linnocent children , should be eoMe•Outeasts,thieves and murderers I 1 Shall weinot, one and; all do whnt . in its lie.z to pre- . i , • vent it ?. • ,All kvlio:arc.. willing, sai , aye t , M . 14. rARTIoToN.—"iIa i ha : I.)OWtt with -.•- the:its-mat :• 1",-2.t-th. to the ' t•patuard r.' liott •tedirke. as he rushedinto the kitchen, bran dishing,Paurs4eld artillery swOrd that hung so 'Ong on the wall: 11,; struck. an attidue i . and then. 6truCk the uPright portions of the. stove funnel till it rang with the blow, and,, .N.lr.• Partiii!ffoi, with ainazement on her conntenance, and the ::::s • lamp in Lel. i hand, : stood looking.jat him. • Ike had teCti , eading j the, thrilling tale ot the "Black .A.veng-::r, or •the,Pirate of I,le SPanig; Main," and hiS "in telket;4' as 'Sir thigh Evans might saY,,":were abiorbed by the . horrible." ...Don't:, Isaac, der;' said-Miii.l.)artingt ,, n, and she spoke ili a gentle but 'firm -tone, "You are sacryfying and it;don't li!,ok well to see a .youig boy, aciing.so. :Iti corm!.; I , k nowi iofr t sirdirig thCin .. tello.w, 4upbord: books.- j You should j- e ,id..• o od One ft, and if ytiu won't read' that gain a - I willlet you have ins' big biblci, King .-latnes!\ iveisiol, with the teatitiful p etures. I dech,re, I ddn't, know -what I shall do with vliftif ( You carry ot , so. -. I „ant afraid I shall haVe ti, send You to .n vilogical cemetry to get, flii old sancho out of you." The point of i thelsss - s ord t.-as l_oweretl allt was inz „ kin e ,rr a pat:sge -for • a a dark s spot In .t.ii centre panel of the. 4.142 r, the five of the 13 . 6V,'-4o fierceli lit by. tliti spirit of the "Black Avenger," beeatne, mild and lant,iling, its he . .sai'd he Was only `• Making Viic:-..c,'' - atid, Mts.' Partingtc n gave him . a:,,penrly as site dit.mrine* W him.' hat, a Sisibh) cinotirin of peanuts became nviifest aslte grasped the -copper, and made trio far`, 14 door,_ and 'climbed over the snow -drifts* reach the - ..ro:7 - er's oposite -- !-80.3f0n . JJ. • j • b . Pi) a pow ritt re of and' Ile Teplieil{-"P no," said the vOl2 Your `Well 9 he" renlieii "I. • iniveestain that the Doet • fof it ' • - i4k slimhtly co:venes.t4nr..; to he in :42Otiversatio4 with 'd, c o , ruttubititi4 him uion - his \sking him who his. phYsiciait brought me tbtough.' friend, uf.'-o4 lirought not the Doetdr." ±.. bile did, but: I will -r - eltirge me IThe g,orerarnent tolerates' all it's not in ChriFtinuity,—as so far Lfor one retigion to tolerate nnothe) it; A-, person ;is ing giiesWons get L e ' l t • • ~ 21... , I. 2. ''., ,! , ,-- ~ ~ , :. '. f ,,, - .:' , • , , _ illtit Qi,011.11 IT, .1 , ' fltita ' Q.A)llVibi •, , -:: -:, .'t '- ) 184=1A , . tp ~....., oi . )ttitg . %etlti . ttli 9 3 ' - :-.. - 1 .- \I 1 2 --- - ' . 1 -•:' -: - ' ie. . - i , 1 .'-: PI ' . . , . 'l /Eitistettco..pg..t. God. 1., -:.:.'fiient;i , i st : fioil !---114e:' herbs and' t,lants'l of, :the ;ittlltty---tita- eed.ars.-.4f the.mou.n*; hl% t hi/4441w ;‘,- ioects.tlkiti :in beams--.the;:ele phi* stilittelltim , w itaiitilWriSilig)Ort , Of , k1; 1 •Y - -,-- .4 'bitth -ring liintin'thbfidiage--,the thun 4e..trproolttinttithinr inithe heavens--the aye n dechin*.hinl :inuntasii*.Ltuan. alone has . : id attire ls no !Gl-941, 7 1'. ~1-Tnitulin thought at I i•aluti:inititiotqi •the'lutiiif f beautiful. object's - in tuttu* ; ,sitipost you' se9 at , Oneentl the ItO rs ( 'I-tlfe 41 4 Y- mid 111 1 the tle'asona of the *.ealr.:B moriiing 91.4ttlustu4 ititightbespangled with starsi au4.,' 111 th - ,ftower4 ; forests, hoary frith moil ;.- ;7 110(14.f gildixl. byt , tints tif, autima7; ..t.hartpaloho : w,ill -,)DH have .a: just .cOncilitiou < 4. aliQ xi:i/i. verf , e: ;`.1Y.11114 •y 911,. art . gaziins: on thittl'sun, ~ilip,ll,pluage.Ottitler !4 wezt,auptle (;r otiserr4 admires la i itn .dtiterghtti frout tile golden ki . q•eslbf the bxst, it l) ) ultat utconeelv- ttblei'maine do -that d Star Whitli - g 4i Oh= in : 4.164 ;11 0. and btirritng . ill the iltathislof evvntugi ro=appeate at the same instant; froth andpimpid 3.yith,the delty 9f thejnorniug I f —, 1 ,Attive'r'y instant ,of thelday the glorious ti t tb is al - once rising—ifs t; at lenden noimillay, I and isete!ittg itt the west,: or rather, Our seit-es deeeiveintl, and there is, prtpt - 41 y'speaking, no eastior north; or. south, 'or ,kveit'in the Orld: .Everytl4ng -kilttees itself- to one 'single point from whetted the orli cif: clat' sends forth[ at oueti. a . tril)o9:llglit in[ one single substanee. The .brigo splendoi is perhilpS -the: inogt. bewitifiii 1: ivy it. g,iyes us an idea of thd:tter- Nt4al l*g.klificenc:o and' resizttlesd ryw4: of G.xt--:Citoiirrtilirdul. I . . " : : . • . riond child to her efiptaini• Ijown (4 . ' his. eNpexienei..s. : - .--01.16. • with alrri;elitt lie 11 : e la 4 1. 11 t to eateli prided . liilnself 'oh - , in the !lan nroge -- . t;etkre(i i n"i)it. hs to 41Loulil enptnre the first fi i. :11aN•ing , j_lif - Tpetlnti:chnr nnilrlines they patience 'fol.• Litt tint; ,rtir tiure . none canie i 'I tit lei4thi.the dOuntenanc, of the captain'slegin - paiiioii-!bizin to . lighto.; ; tilicl . presentll;.he - : - . • "4*4 One - '!" > lle eOinmeireed. hitilih(e• in, •! • • • ,I• ` il lt*.iti4 be :L said f e llow; :At ICast. telyjyk.la r' - ' -l lt was iinlite{.l evident that. a hig fellow iWII4. :it the otliernl cif the line, :Ind it .w.mA .4' kiftei pi t rig" .tl4 f . 31 t %.. tet Ito'eapt.nre lam.- -_. • .1 - 1•• let him run:,". sai4 he, "and tire. otiOf •';' . - ~ke(fOrticrifr,li he g:av4 him line, Which -i ` is ir c.rie4.olir.Lpidl3....t.soolt the ex, fisher hnulin inalcing..snre'of . captairq . :11,t be "AviiLi'the bunt 14)4, 'ntal huok him: in tlie :7111s. ,when he ',Ccrttios • Get Wt . :II braced, for / 0, -TOU' serif' ,1 . ' "- ' . , • fi-- along wit OSA: rth— than once as the from and world irlic;napcain accordingly braced. binnielffoc a tiinlxint . hooli in an‘l tieutty: tor the rnomen4 of capture, 'His ex c.itflotnri.ide was yetlptilling catefu4, and sloivly.f tlie linet lestit. should- be broken, and eiigei.l I f(?f 'the. appe4rance of ille;iprip . .!. *llOl, a . “ l „ ca c l i h n r e " mine tovtir 11is -leant anifdropping ! 0 '1; 1 ' 11 ;1 ' the;inic4r 1 ' - !lips captain do*n in. a of nt,id- it vas a long . - dali- botbre the tislieroa4 iieard ilast of catcliingananchL or,- , "pY' . ,avi.n it ou:t," mid "letting - .lt: run 'till - it ,roti:tn'edf• :OF Nev e r think Aifrnis • .• . . mg. y9nri rept:Tat:lon h detrnetirm. 5 • . • . • •s: . d n:tstgatton - of e?vil lite is=dat..terotts,, be.{:au "kits full of rOgkA for reputatiOn'. sPlit• '4luh•i • • ; • • .; ••• incite r,i . pair a c;reilit once -sintett than t9b Ileep [at in -a floup stung gi?entie-i k , ,:ts- &rQasted.' Iteliutattott • isilike ,fire; when yott it, you nia «e :/e§%;ivy `t tit 64. • eittin..tiish it,: you will !tiot' ir,again ill _least , _not mitt' , it butit A r ) firi ght as before.. .. is Often .. ]: k unislied L itnive...7.al eotitenipt. °: Ile that Ti•ati,•.(.N reinains _ ; a - debtor 1 all 00:et's. . . ..6.4ittntion of clig.nify 'offends rnor6 than. 9sientic . il of To carry #t%\ t to thAke i lL hate(l - 2na is enou-l£ to .A)el yt: !!. • 1. . . and boast.irtg like a!dtitni, whieli'makes a great lioise;. hut loots; itl it, ail 1 • l ; Is nothing.; . • oi e's:self.hiud.ers• a great otlicrl. Tx astutg Irl I}' n:Illt 1 3P litt it puts a - : ,y1..5(1 itlari 'to it 4 epett?:4i. , •of a lu h .r . • • • • Ix RTIC 11 4 half hour 4- :nr , . the.' inscriptions those t w of "dust to ,lust." 1T:1.C441.7i::::T HUI Ire rfrhCe, readi T:iblee 171 lie 1. :iblequt. ..a . ofthetn, carved in - untible, iwas. a alum the nine composin(i it one 4 , •i. -;. t? L• . fts • I.)fok OA. . r • • .. , • •, ItgiL!e lie cilia:inters? lan . gu tge that fatnily' there beatitiftd, akee. Wi..thanlgold bia death had itapos, ott otaillitdr., and the broken . je*Mry of f the la;arth and . the heart had..glitte:reA rththe —• f frctri• t ;. -]. lirotettjetetry ! mane melt ! tint, etk of riel:nory and aflietinn thei.e ateiin the. honn.A•ofAis - w4ild—}souvenirs,i who*! poss.: renderhu ni a nit y Oa-eat nr f makes saeied those , , upon Idtona. hatid by-inlay elevate, anibition gloriNi hilt sOrrow albae ean •, • • -• ' • • jii man who wat en , rige t il to i T. , eatatify, the Lutll , rnut i ren liatnbiirg, had the rollowing ,itetasi hiA 1,,L . 11,.91ich was i),aiti the Tlititees :I I Forronending the tea cotnntaitilinen,P , ... three fingers to onn the t?1 , 1)e• On th 6 cross. 1- • For'ti•imrtne , grid 'briishincy routlui - Pi ': ForPattiltlillg anti rwutinr , t.la:.•win* , :i of an jp. g41 . (11:101.. ; . . , I. Forlet:insiii„;* and paintinthe iligh'Prist's e 0144 to per elteek.4 Forcir4iting anew feather in; tile or St. irtiter, , 1 • 1 Forl)nt-hinw tril. liiigltti uiug.hell fir Lund prositling ; tails for tw4:l I Ft4ealitifying• strk?.nfitheiliug 'their bitel4 'on fiautes '' i • it . , ll • 11 4.„e .3._ trl tr. i, • , igiuns ; but prostixxi 4....- ,tr.' . t , ..Ar l cil,ii; : t r — li l ls Oit,-} #. F. :i) l!i, wit, . bariili ~, .... : -.-- ;:1 '' ;., , :-.. 1 )- Y, 1 1:9 - 1 1 ,kilir, c. (1 .; 1 1NT.Y,1 , , f: ~,.;:i. .- vtlic.-.Ae liar. bi11i4 . ).,q0,44-: Ow , .6,ictririAl - fr.. ;rya nkli,i' 1 t'a abal (A;flii.:y!y 7 , , iii ; 1 11r,F V j oitsc. -- 'V ito , Pre'sr . itaiti,d.,i.:V .p4ii ray . tveiyitt, Fri-. i- ;!ilay.: Jilit'f-2,'!i;' . 1.'t...i 4.: . :!'...1 1 :: -?,- -. I ..4 1:: -. . ~ '?•1! - 1,. SITAKER:4 7: -, Aialtn., titie c jit,t,l4invatj, tit - . ietition of the; licit'. ..JAyhitlitsti . toit #§_brjef lv asl)olittiti!,ilnii iiows. illio l i tiff, bill, 1 ~., .) . ~,. , 4 ....1 .it • . , .tp , l •••• _.1 ., .., i,.i -.,A •concetre„glr;'no . qurstion ii, s u.eoll i Fi. (,Il c.u. . fel : . kgishaiivAi; (lilt tiqitl!io ~** 14 poi : ill:Tait "; i.t r if ,Colsitlora.tiolif-1 livolviug ati itbloi..ille, .p. ctvev i g? ,.. l y . : ,410 , „.,44 4 icy ! , of•illy.!..CMol/04- we44'o! l bey ; ,it4i4e . 1.11:0 . .y . it, 61), , •... An 4, ,11p.; - liotioetN•oikl. l ' - -1.• -" • l.- • -..." . '.'LegislatiVn•picitetiOti' to Orp`ohrtiOn. 'gett er:tit:S. and: legisititifo -, iiumnitifv-r cetistitutin 7 ally 'dne, ,on - theitlof•ltit'in - f . franebiNs con ferred,-Are the , tit. tfpi•S'ilow . fordietisgioti. : :Our dis - rouieriateljudgraentg.', should . tie invoked. ; Local eNciteit ents houlti,. lib c discartled.- i'lr releyant topics . should ,b.c : - Ittetlititted., ~- V p 'are :Isle:4,l6perform' a 'SIMI lc kiji4iti - ...;(1g 7 fY.in•the naititie I Of - ii, .jtidiciat.' adjudreatlO'n; - .beire.en . the" ;tliihtrieniveititli :6111116: Otte part, and the Franklin •t4tnnitoori pany on the oth er. ' The Partiittliii:viCisi - '6 Speetil interests 1 . , . •„ Of this or .that'conitituenem ettzi.h veitottong to do with ,our klegision...-.On. s.o i ,grave a.re r .sponsibility4„yolving,ttpott, u5 , ., - ,.l.,vili.pilvert, to nothino. of - this IChtrac'e ' g felin; , . ‘ag.stired '6othitii will'be" itsked:' at :t iy hand' - . .by ., :iiii . 1, -t oii,iti t ttents l ; lin ile'ro:Yatioti . of: the soi . ereign . rights, -- 'itid- self- • f . the' Conimon .. , - ' , 4 --- • I, . . • wcalth...... - - i. , :f.;:,. --! -.7-`,....,., -- _ ' '''''- :• This question; 1 - r..;.,pettlii . 4r,:litis:nriseti..`,,out, of initiatory iprOegediivr, , , ) i ii l d, and _ bpi n ii- ) . ns glv vit.,' in' tli el, - ,trprbnie Z. 4 thireof;tite - f.:Ontitsdn . -' \veitttli . ,jile/fdlilittt'd. (;xpo,itors .of :on?' oWti Stoic: Laws. We icier: to t;ho . decision ofthis trilnn:d., , , , on a bill ,i' a - equi i :ysftiled by- the .41t,,,- terucv _lenet!til_Of i l'ettiisylvanja; : againsf.,tlie Franklin - canal coinpany, 4slitiSSekl by; iiiason . s Of ttivilini ealdit li eio ti es, 'l 4 ie - Chief 3ti ,tt'''ee On . refusing, ..ati iiijUntition pp n : ' ilia- condtie i t;'of the'cOmpany, iiicititistructi ice: the -Lake Shore 'railroad, without. any ,purpose Of rua.kitig; the road betwe e n F . ,rfit!llirit azall the Lake, reniarks C.). Sett i ate .Tour: iss3; p. ' :106,-) ''lf it' be., ,, ''not, inconsistent •witlt 1 the - ncil . of, incorporation, then .it -isla.laWle+ iip.greloit tipon the clear est righ Valid 'the hiOst Valnable „prerogative a State. Can, possf.iss.l...,-To - us' dip the right Olt - _;i4-. Inent...doinain. andl 'estahltli :a tlioronglifre. a' for the lienclit Of those :1 • W lo nrenet - Ottr ..ilti tr:e.n.s: lix 2 .yn - ransi,ortaJailril 4 . 1.;w,i Oil ' 010441 w ittlolllll4 , lollT, ttie !eat - 0 0 :t_lic government; is something inorC . thatr - an.instilt.:.. *.-. ,*: i,,* If the railroad'! ! ,...oinplaitiell of has• been r.tade in viplation:-,:of t is-stteli•4 N.rong_,is'will surely he righted fsoinewhire,: and . tlie.refote; those who are elatrged ANlt 11 ColMni tt I !Tir : Zit will be glad, to litik - e au op Minn whether for ) them' or ayainit t:Iiel.” 1 :-' if' ''' .. . "We .kito,..v sir, Ole , fenorilof that opinien.— We know that iti 'the' grk.•stions,- - connected. with the duties (of the. (..:„)iiipaity :the 'eourt held, that, in building 64 ',Ake Shore road; - it liad , donenu :Olt atithorized,--iti tiagratft: vi-, .elation of Suite S.overeigitty,,.:ltai the. obligir-. tons imposed bY' , tlie laws' : • .- Judicial exposition was incire • reeentlYalliritt ed,' as binding; Input the' 'United ;States Courts. H..!, r . . ' Jr' - ' '.. '. -; •••• -' This iiißtter tliOt _comes ! up.legitimatel v be ' .' i . r 'S . I r -tore)..te. I,...egis attire, as' already judicially2, - .1e.: termined,in a court of ,tipreme - binding ..att thelrity-4the hit - diest trileinal 'of the Coiii' - itionwealth. It'is a settled ' prineiple of -law that a Corporation like . thiS; is a. ineni...artific , jai I creattirt—Oives - its , existence," its. poWers.;- and deriVes all 4 s 1 vit. litv . ...lad lu,thoritVTroni _ a • .r positive enactment—that it can only legally act and Move in conformity with tlie prtvii; e ,. .-es conferred I..y . tlici.Ckmitrionsvetilth. - Thus res. alts the principle that: whore the Leirisla- . .. - . ture.has 'rose rved to itself' ,a • mode by - Ay:Molt they' can arrest the improper exercise of Ustir -I,ed tititlioritvelln revoke .its . powers—tlie :Legislature Ill:117 :it ,anv time 'act ' 'at itS . disL •eretiOn, Without ilroceefliil,.7,s for forfeiture iii' a court Of lass-, .The. • leLfi.shittire has arcott-. current jurisdietiOn and ppwcr • with. the . ju 7 dieiary. The ; fernier may -promptly. legis late; anti the latter adjudicate,. so as to work a decree of forfeittire. This is no . . doubtful - question; • •Wherl a power to revoke is :re-' served by the ;Lefiislitture; there *devolves the discretitiP Of ingtOripg,•,,: judging'.and. deeree ieg. • The pro visiOns of this ,bill are the selema ~ opinion . mind jildgetrient upon the ineritS',lliat-' we are 'Called npOn to, "pronOtitn.::e. • And' so palribie' did the United States Clreuit - Cetirt regard the Misuse .. and abuse ,of . the 'con pauy's.pi - Ayerst in . eonncetiug -with the Ohio' ' cbin pa ay, under an unlawful contract, that the bill Of tli. llevelatal L :Painesville, and . Asia:ll)o.a" railrotl - company .; conaplainants' for an•injunetiott, lwas distiiissed.' ~ This .for eig,n corporation 4ottld duiVe'.. - ,no - i reliefin_tvf-. creme tO matters-1, Wherein, it hadbeenlc'el- , . ded that the Franklin canal company had 'hi comliipation;:aetk. , kin. contempt of Sfitte.ll* . tliority: t And I sionldhete,:klr.Speaker, - Calll 'the attention Of the House to -an illustration of its perversietts Of •objeetS and its manifest duplicity.. Spread - upon . - npori . the • ice of . the Supreme Court, n . answer, to interrogatories, as to connection With the Cleveland, Aslita bnla•angil.T'ainesviile company, fs•ilie folloW-- ing, sivOrri to T)i.sceitilx.r 13, 1852.'., --, - 4 ` A cOutttnit Wns - ,mnde.on tliesubjt . tet,' but, has been "siltsimiutly cancelled' and another. made, presiding ler:equipping tlie-road,whicji: the atlirmantS haeo not at hand, 'and:Cannot . annex-a - copy. - •The contract is . revoi;fible:at . , . any - time.,.. • :-; ~ k : ... ... • ,-, - - - .i • ..: ~ neccur,tly . in the. - United .: States Circui t' : Court, this. contract' Was - prodtrced and dis-, closed then astOundimo prOof, that the compa ny-11nd already sold ilielf inperpertnity, to the . tile - Veit:o, hinesiille and Ashtabula railroad company, mid-thereby tied :its C.v.61 hands: so : far :IS any future ;contract •was essential . ; to: the interests of th . C. State., In my Inuid , I hold . Mr, Spe:ll..n.; a co )%, of this in st rument 'and-, will read a feW'oftractS: ' Its elate is May 1.4,', 1851;'hetweeit,thit Clet el'it.ii . d,.l?:titivilli3. and: Ashtabula, railroad corapaity,of the first part': 4ncl the,,Franklini catinl- eonti4ny of-tire,-cc-• 04d part. After n tittittal agteet unit . 19i4ie', construction of the 'Lake shore rciad; die . con-• tract prOvjde4s th at :' -... ''.: 1 - • ' "So soon is ti) respective fait; far coniplotettitiito - enable! trains ' i (l el - 0 141 1 a to it ri . es the . party , ,Of ~t!. shalt ',again and, I thereafter„ ,: durn tenet of The .partisi of 1116,,fi.iSt tit entire eontrol ! . and atanrwzifenro port - Mien of i.ierns• and :pro) kity", er to:appoint . all; neettry ollide teudentS andl'ageits., to eellcet : t revenues, ,S:c;" I -=',. .' : ThnS:lih r e 7 :e' ' cuit,onti_i;ni : litl - 11 ' In rendered i,ll 1-- 2 r t f.:l:Pretendel . 1 ;.,r tcs. E== =-i:i ,` - : : ‹, 1 corpco ti -7:- ' 7 : - 1 - .. --- 7, , -, T - i: 1 on, 4.110,_ ~,, further, : -the •. contract !-,reads.:t.....- VI • ~. • : , ...i ..-...3: tit l''' -"Andii. is further agreed 'that mono Mtra*..l I leave,' or *greenterti; ituttriolis.zfoleither ofithei I parties, to! this pir,cernent t • shalt I , ..e,in'akti't,i• 13 4 111 1: 11 $' \i"lth, l li l .‘ 4 . o. th,r: l4l Wftreoni . A ll ,V, I or l'es-ill.lO`Liersl ons, ivliat.sodyi, tvithont tic 'cwizii:,Lo o,OueXILt of . I >Oll l Pas.t4;oes liercto-ci The I .terms•a4 c ow); riot's ; of. , thisl indenttire _shall •be.inlfulliforca,:tuul,binding•" . tipon both par tieS; fdr the iittraqhm:-Of,;',or• ;o.ristenee4of `tl • ~ party-of, ilni.first• . )"dit, itejt , ;',-Thui I W e-see, .iio•feret Is .Offniers,4 , :-`0& 'fbee'cintra : c.i;•ivas " ieiVicar . ' 'tit' in i I;,m e"' that !his, corporation; ail& led itselt,froin,cier Volurttartly clan i forining„to :the' . purposes, of ; ,it r is creationmnd to nil kat uts.gnd effiiet :Was;o:nlied, , contrail .6d. mid ' managed by an Ohiyailroix4 conipa nyiVitlniuf OUY jurisdietiOrt'arid: without' itpui authority.'''' Thui; - in . . the'', hideous light of 'thropitig,i.itielf into the Mins .01arOXVIA'a Por• - p_ora qou,l'ipg in*, the cauiii;attlie,:,t,r4t6.3 ,sintAisi range from . threatened, violatimi., ,it Stay: had conted.-„ittitlidefiecl: •:•It. -nott: stands arraign 4 before its. Of otTfirovinde 'cOnstitttlnally to...act, I m ih YcretTed to'm • decisibit•l 'the Snpreme 'Court of, lowa, (1• TOW a' 'R, ' 40,:thi: (lin. '!,;1 . the 31ine"r'S Bank)': Whieli ;let:idea tharwhen. Legislatitre:had,reserved ~the'...right,l t o repeal the 'cluir or,- upon any misuse 4:ir ablise of .the iorporat powers, that the Lieg-,islature - .innst jttdge - of-snch ahnse;'end that thereould' de- , termine lic'quesltion without the ii4rpiAtion of 'aq•jydieial tribunal . • t,,• ' ' ''• Here.is the principle, ki...spealiar, , in the precedent of a t le , rislative-andi a judicial cou-i struetio* aliorderi by a sister *ate, entitledi to our.respcet. The same iirinciple is held in New I ,Vork cases,' hereafter to. be•adkerted to: • 'if- ' , ' - " -';',' -• I.'" • '''• -' ,I. It-Minors , prbeccd to Controvert, what:l understrind to 1:0 the 'obje`etiting.urged,t,y the "oath: 111 4o from Crlwr 6 rdr I;.[Mr- as ?wing ix.,•litenable or, inapplicable • in this pro-.' cedure. . I apprehend the, Majority .of . the, I.louse, will liamard neither y. their -legislative; or- professional_ reputations iii r voting for this I bill, wl atcver mai he the Itppicherisioti ofi the gen lemen. can it'• we lie ~ - p resumed,l having assed the,seruthiy otthen of eminent di : stinetion a.nd. legal ability; mid obtain au unanimbus vote-iii -14 e .otber, ; Ilonse, it is 'so open tol, the imperfections indicated( ; • ..S. violation of yested•righris alleged. The ...,......41,..-.t... 4 . ..,....1. 04. ; . c.., a, pai-.•.-ryitvisa dim tends that the ,Fratilrlin caual : •company, .by the 'act 0f'1844, icquiitd' ijested rights, and which the act of 18 . 49. recognized • and the provisitins of. this ,bill violate—seek to take , away.l Now, let us see'what'. were its powers • and: pri.-ileges. ... ' The .lict. of 27th April, 1844, conferred cf.:r tail.' po A-cm of•re-constructitig and repairintr, the Franklin diVision of.the Pennsylvania ea - - Vial.! This is not denied. 13,pt the, act of 9th of April, .1849; provided : ..,. • • • . . !' - Tl4t the said 'company,- , instead of con- strtictihg h c'amil, or completing and rePair ing the! work done by -the '"Co"nmonwealtbi liat-e' th i n "privilege of constricting a railroad if' deemd the most expi..o.ient, and tol - u:se th graded line 'or towing-path.o'f the Said cjaria as.the bed of the sai:r road." ' Theselveic th terms. , „. • ' , , , ~- Here, then the Commonwealth, in vieir o a. railroad, released the' company, entirel . ,, from olli. responsibility. Ti, relations undett the act! of 1844 are changed lint' • for this. admit, I've could not interfere - , , with sulisistin right's iestetl, and duly exerei:Sed an:l enjoyed. But the act- of 1849 was a , new mai ract, a concluiiive answer to dm objection rim de. I A railroadand 'a particular railroad is also pro, ' vided for in ' ''• t• . ':... l mitilto:•.: 1-6. That upon :the, said coMptt; nvinereasinn* the sto'ck thereof tb the'aMbun Of .l 1i..v0 hutal7ed thousand dollars it shall hav• the pril-ilege of extending from. the north leh thereof to Lake Erie, and froM the south cii to I?ittsburg, by such route as the said coon pally shall eem most expedient and adian tageous ; and the said railroad shall be• 011 structed, subject to all the provisions andies - trictioxis of an act regulatinzrailroad comps nie..s, lassed 19th day 'of Eclortutry,,,Aal:3 - 1. 1849:' • - : ' '''• I - Did mot the company thus,enter into :a tact -• contrait, mid as between individuals, wus , i not alsOlyound to comply with the new atilt ulaitioth made with the Colirmonwealthl - t 1 ie" gciitlernan frOin Crinvford Dlr. p A vise claim that- the corporation stands in! a differ/O,A Position from rat individual? . I c ov l i ; h a s the company forfeited its franchir sei? , 1 ' , - f '.', -', I 1 /The Igeneral railroad law, of.27th Folintai?i, 1849, Jo- which the company -is made sUbjeci, pi l ovi .,.. tles ;' ' ' L'" Th:at if any company incorporated 1 4 ' oresard, shall at at anY rime - misuse or ablof , any oft the . privileges granted "in this actlor by the.ispecial act of incorporation, the lAi. • f. 4 is i: attn., .may revoke all and singular, th r ghtslind privileges so granted to such co' •• 'atty."! With - the superveninliriVaterigh , 1 revioils to ith.April,XB-101his bill does not Itterfere. \ Snell is never,thel•result of tin-fal ire: The point is, ai to, ri g hts- and ohligal ions ' the cempany, not arising out of tie nodifi a e , trectuent since tke sot of 1840. ' , There c.an be no difficulty !hen. We 100 ' .it conditions, :and the cornpanysuldectsitse f to the [penal conseqUenees, of an abuse or, tni - use of ;its poiverg. It is aritenable to the pr - visions of this bill;, llere, ariseti the right t nn aul, i for viehttion of conditions of the gran -. The unnionr says : 7 -4" Yotilihvo eh"' ed and misused ,your privilcgcs and,franch .. Os --you hare - acquired no vested rights -, gainstithe sovereign, your erector-r4hey a forfeited from tile begmuin42 ) - i-- - - I ' The; gentlemen from Ci r aWfOrd r'' fr. D. ktsl a , zaittrniseonceives the f ienriineson he t, !with that ot7 - the power to reintue.-1 at: do . not arise. . : . The clause of setßek. twenty pr kitles :1 "And the L:::gishiturel hereby rwery the: pbwer to reminticalter or aiiaewl any cha _er'gratir e d midlir this act, ;and: take for 'pub -, tie us 4 airy road eoilstructea in-pitisrianee f such-eh:tiler,. Fronde ~ 14 insliOttee s izt I (lone to.corporatork and in taking such`rea: full . etim,pensatioi x tollicinade'to the - itoc. holdets : ," „ I.outz t at,iitese-lintitations 4 Iplv' in 'cast,* where, froth . expediency, 1 'Oitmitonwestresu m es Ith her reserved lopeoi 11 , , , rito - .1 pd i)OTlMri.iitedie upon eightlid-exeret 1,-not nit " attisp and .Misi6e - of, porpont i. likriyileget." . And tins ,nizzittilin ,, ,,zzet,. tall, 40 I)4wer to' :mote, cameo .*ith if qie f Ifeiture Of all the fraluzlijoeso r rpozzswoory.ri...4l of Corittienty. - ' The corporatori,oau ouly-tu t I to the inapianiinityvof - •thec , Commontvcal ltereafter,•and can repose iipon nolegitimal II cl.kint-.• of: reded • ri g h t .. ' Nor, air. z....:Teakt 1 , 11 ads aio 'to-run from; rst 14 4 r , . the eau -, t • the trans , with s c euteritt.4 It: hills and to fvreigti 11111 ;r . :-.4, i-..-• • ,' ',,:-:-:''. n i.:: - --i t-..ii;::--/ u't' :. 1 :r , 7': • , !,i - i.- ~• ' 1 L !: . :i," ,-,:::1. , :'.1'',.; - :-..':.i 1 ..'• -.,, - ~ :1:, ;', r• .'' ••'. " ' e ffecl inucli interc4 for : stoOryolde„i,i' i fttie hiOrailread - eonwanv l ) 4,194 111 g scll#C.,44st .. op :9e the ' ,, t-s)eki,'= uidlc. 4 4 l ll`e'llo ll 44: 4 ? 7 tlie, , ronn - iitn4wolg,! - ,41 . 10, ill ilu g milt.,ngreof4o -. , of onr)aNNs3 Jul tPiegilllY: C9PtrUetedi'alait . ." i ,roaLl.aiiit iti defiance of. ju4ieial decisio*listot persiiatedu. 'host ility to our soviteigni3iz,nßrte ii hooter, may be :the; rights of cOrperatoreor tockholders, they, are saved Ebyyirtite_otthe • , aSt iectit;ri of thiS' bill, shaiiiait - that tlitft `lslLit tire:intend no .A •iya - utou violation 'iif • . 2 ii!'lliee:t :144 -Lei‘iitAPT(!, N8'44( 1 4 ( 1 0:400 1- l ing Olciti4jlo4_9(6rpn_ritxim 4:544149,_ ....g- .4rihicontemplato no injustieuzishallJl* - 400 't 3 theni--tind adept this'saving,..beetien t ; - .:11i A The'.Objection !then, ;:totliebilk , ?nrifild7bir • the gentleman from ~Crawford, • thlr.lll4 . nr,l . Ithat - p4vions to the act of 1 i349;lytih'n kir! I - - TO' i tinieYinent of! admitted'c..fritneln4 l oe , .. e r c4 3 l) ll 4Y. ll .adi ixtao4 . ... eiPo. 4 4iirleiii:4l., _rf•IRT"., ontl2entered into leases fo r . water-power t -00,, fall& 1,. Tinibill contemplates :no nolation,nor could , it - constitutionally disturb any 'Requited ', rights Lid' third- j peisOne..; -They - are :Us , -cern- - - pletelei,pretee,ted. is 'irdireetlytabtinneduntiler : the Commonwealth:. No controversy Our:it- ~ rise onfthilincli 3 Of tlie:gaSe: 4 - 4 it.*61114 !)iii . a doctrinenewi4, - tii,,lw.,*.ns Jus)ieo.:SfoFT (8 Peters, 287,)'''' that the existeiMe::of, tx-pril ' ,rate contract shotild'foreo-uponit.ti.perpent lity of ,existenee, ,; contrary to public ,policy, ; and tli nature and objectiAltiieharacter.7 i I giii in any; view Ito inununiti Onthis ground ' 11couldbe claiMed.'„hy-the eemP4.P.Y. -.l ' ' - • Rut it is further, conteided,,Mr.;g:, . —_ . With earnestess , and. with. seine_ plausibill4, that the company, or other - personsan behalf , of the company,. or as individtuili,.: have se- . quired hinds in fee or iDtlieriviie, upon avhich - the !Lake Shore road is focated,from the OhIP Stote'llne to Erie, and that the State, itiln- king possession of the road ~ sad assaming•its ). . Centro', will ViolOte private rights.' We will .. b•\ I consider this-:,grads objection, .Individual .. persons have parted with •their - •several rights ', • i to.landa, in fee-or citherwiie; to. the company; 1 or to persons; forthe.,imblic use of the rioad.. • '., The company claiming, to be clothed 1- witlr* 11 portion-, of • the sovereignty; of ' the Ceremert-t• 1 wealth,' by right of 'ennuent• 'doniain, as :a 1 company- posseSs themselves 'of these. lands : and of other property: Under, the. ssumrion - of her eminent.powers, the company-jut:Lund in pos.ssion of thein,and- the CorainonWealth, by - the forteityre'of - --efolorable franchises,; sue- ceef ii.t.; this, posession. Her User-Pea sower -' igntyis 'Claimed 'aslhe :penalty' for anil forfeited privileges. She. adopts the pot*. . esory property of company; Andy heradmitp ted right of eminent dpmain, appropriates:the gante td such use as in her judgment may - beth,vindicate her dignity and sublieree the, 'general: good. This was her right' at any , time. The question of cempemationi 'cotila Ihardly Luise here. The owners,: no doubt,have, been...compensated by - the company, : or by persons in their behalf ; and it may *elite doubted whether third persons, receiving corn pensatjon for lands , or releasing right of Way, for an ostensible public rise;;" are ,not them= , selvei i-itopped,ris as inst the Commenwealth 1 m in :alerting any 'further right of cpmpensa -1 tion. , The copariy ; barely ',.c.snnef,in deco' gationof State sovereiintv,adquire any rights: This. controversy is between _ the creattire and 1 its treater, meeting ont public jnstice! - , 1.. The current , of Judic ial angle - x.l(i iseenclu, I.4ve _of the principle's of, protection. W vested rights and private prOperty. `iThere ' is one i precedent, in New York, to wh ich : I will, call attention-1 - Paige, Chancery' Reports; it'':•. • Laren vs. Penriiug,tonand others, 100.'. This was a statuatory repeal of a bank - chfirtered in Nevi Jersey, underi legislative reservation to repeal. - .Though the doctrine , of vested 1 ! iiglit.s of a borporation' are tit etc fully . receg7 . ;:'used on authorities c 4 td, yet the chanceller, 1 speaking of the powerlof reveentioni-enums- 1 1y says •.. . • . J '' i -. , "...nrelv t..he Leqisidtture could annex such a power of - revoeatien to theirti 'grant- 7 ; The reserVation of-stict a po3C-er in a legislai ' .114 grant if it WAS CeflitTraTi t_ck the eoMmo l law, would of itself change the aw in relation - i to that particular grant, arid. tbostatnte liaic, " of the grant; itself wotild. form the law of thit, ! case. l • ,-• .. : \ -1 , - : : • ..., T. It is also held that there-is iiiithing in Mil Constitution Of the Vnite4 stato, - wlildt.'iirtte:., hibits the - reservation ,of such; o:powei in" 4 legislative grant,. and:eren at common Iw:r t. _ replignancy of condition . could not apply, when in conveYance, tine: powers et revocation is reserved to the grantor. 'Here Welave, then, a well considered judicial=sanction of the New York Chancellor, of the principles of this bilt =an antliaritative reCegnition -of legislative power to annul :charters of incOrporatto*, tlierebt impairing :no 'Vested' or.private-rights: , ' The principles - have- net been over-ruled. Aid I,siduit, Mr.. SNaker; whether New. Iteirkpl I now- hurling her thandeof denunciation upon our government an people,. ft . * . her. ( press, from her legislative alls,frem. her Cora- , if . mercial ernporiums, is to ' deter us froni the, ~ assertion, of our soveteiguty, of.thelanctityof our own domain, and. of the Control .over - the .usurpzitions'Of private ogrporatigns' _when kis-. , tifted by.her, own judicial.tribunals?:: i' , F. f,I have thttseenden.vered,:boireverimperfect-- ly, to answer the objections and remove the doubts thrown in the -way of_ this summary' proeeedurp r 1` see mieoustitutiOnal obstacles in voting for the bill,nothing abhorrent to a just sense of , public duty-nothingmonstrons ' in its avowed ptupeses—nothing ;.to awaken, popular odium, • nothing to tarnish ' 'the el tett:Leon of the CoMinertwealth. ' - I' hear'of extraneous influences Upon the deliberationi- of these Halls. 3-1 regret that 'the-gentleman -from Crawford,pir. Divisi should; luire en utterance - to im . putations; justified d-neitAer _ by the Occasion, ;o r. the prorietrei of' : glare - . diseussibu.' ... '.l - ' ..- + . -1 . --, - In eonclusion i Mr. SPeaker, weareinvoked_ - • by every motive 'of public . duty and Publics polity; to ',reinstate the violated sovereignty , : and restore the insulted' dignity of the Plate.' We :ire - jailed iipou by our action , to '.artes - t:'. the,arregant s encroachments of irrqpiiaisitiln - contbinations. :Let us re-state ',',rilo willlj3et- , tied prineiplei of• S t. Ilio supreniaoy inat.legis... lathe rwtraints over the. creatures:Of trar i lo ,, ' sal law& :Let •ua maintain -theFiltviotpxbility: of our own soil. Let the lona of thq_cote-• , I inortwealth be LiPheld,'f bright and: untOinish oil:: A tide" ofchitin:oOn has from,Without: 1 Or lorderi, set - in'tO . 4ioiilW,i3. DM O c iii):Ii11 . • 1 3 and muc h .. of misconception and rninleregenz;': r tation:will lie cont - oted. ~Theru. will , be , 5u.;, , - perindueed.a disposition ahroad.to.locdi eitinr-4 I , i i. ly upon the eomplication of interests, SbuSetc' iti and - provocations : diSturbing :. unfortunately fii the-raveling interoorit'se, aral.ceiniii*lol*; te 'lindens of two,. powerfu l Btf,ktO of N . 9nfoltrtv..- ~ ..._~~i - ) _' , MEE ; . MEE
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