The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, January 26, 1854, Image 4

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,E & ALVIN DAY,Eprrop.s,
E. B. CitA •
January" `*6,1185i.
t where I was Born:
The C
. .
. .. .
L Those see es of youth and pleasure still
.My‘ memory. wanders o'er, • I
-• And pnint e S with colors guy and fair ".
• The Sc nes .y)joyed' no more.
. But as oniTime's resistless tide,
• . With rapid flight I'm borne,
I'll ne'er torg,et the scenes within
" The of where I was bow" .
The streaold glides with . pliastint sound,
• As sha aby the, trees,
Whilse lolly leaves and branches move- I
When Stirred by evening breeze. ' -
'ho .h cities was not heard, .
Nor bo tman's sounding horn,
:No riling . noise has e'er disturbed.
" The cot whete I was born." . .
with pleasure I-could roam
h msny alileasant :day,
a thousand sport contrive
.e dull care away.i-'
shaded gloves L; - walked,
d familiar form - ,
a friendly shade around
ot where 1 was born." •
wild rotnantie spot,
rest shaded glen', •
•zolitary' child,
rim the..haiint.4 olmert:
the woodbine grew ' 40 1,,
idled s tile' flowers ofAkiorO,
test fragrance shidsitiovind
ot-where I was •
'Tie flier
• Thrmiii
And with
To chn
Amid the
Each n
That' thr
" The•
'Twas in
The. f
I lived a
Par fri
But ther:
And si
An'd swe
" The
Those Oasts fair Wad' dii . iiMed to fall:
Beneach the woodim;n's blow,
And flowers that gave me pleasure thei," .
Have_ !ierished loner ago. 4-
~ • .
Those t'orksts fair, gave place, to fields,
Gay fislds of waving torn;
And now a princely mansion marks
• . "The cot whe!re.l was horn." •
But men,t on -4 'of those•childho . od days •
Can me naught, but pain; • .
I find I qui no more. enjoy . • "
Those - happy scenes again. - -
AO thitgh in fashion's g ild e d halls,
Wher vanities adorn,
.. •
•• A tear will memory still, diop o'er
• .• The cfit where I was born..".
fariqrs' . -pqartiiof
The Fatmer.
• - The Ma , who stands upon- his own soil,
who feels th t by the laws of the land in which
he lives-- 3 , the lawsOf civilized nations. he
is the - rightl tI and exclusive owner ofthe - latiti
-which he til s, is by . the coreititutiou i of our
nature under a wholesome influence, not easily
:imbibed from any' source. - lie feels—other
&things being equal—more strongly_ than: an- I
-other, the el aracter on man as:.the lord of 1
The inanima e
,i•orld. Oft - his great and won
derfulspher,, Odell fashioned by, God and
upheld by 1i.97()W0'. is rolling. through the
heavens, a rtion is his, 'his froth the - centre
to the sky. It is the space on . which the,gen, !
eration liefo e him Moved in its round. of du- .
ties.and he' 'eels himself connected by a visi
ble link wit those who will. follow him, and
to whom h is to transmit a honk?. -
• ,Peyhaps ,is farm has come down to him
from' his fo ofathers. They have gone to their_
, last . home ; ut he can trace their footsteps
over the se, nes of their daily, labors. : The
room whirl shelter him was roared by those
' t o whom 11 owes his being. Some interes
`ting domes is trailit* is connected- with ev
en- inclost:re. The rt'avecrite fruit - tree' was
planted by his father's hand. 'He sported .in
his bovhoo I beside the brOok• which still winds
through thl meadow.L—Through the field lies.
,the path td the village school of their earlier
days. Ileistill hears from the window. the
yiee of th:i.i. Sabbath *bell which called his
fitther and forefather.: to the house of God,
,and near : t hand is the spot where,. his par
ents are la d to rest, and where, when his time
-.has come, . le shall be laid by his, children,
These are he feelin - rs of. - an o:Waer of the-soil.
Words 'ea' not paint them—gold cannot •buy
• theM; they flow-out of the deepest fountains
A . the hea I, they are the - life ,spring of, a
-`-:,,,,,,heiti by and generous *national,: charae
, tier:, : -.- : ' .• .
_ .
VT-M — S.
"max ter
has bim4,
support i:.l
it is prol,
many pf ,,
self, Wete . l
IFTY AND 'TIiE LOWLT.--Who .is he,
how exalted his position, who 'has
es in thellumblea . The *titer
f*(Ri members of the immediate
,- two Presidents, toiling for their.
L.tlte , seyerest of employments ;.• and
Vlem_hat u man has °cell the
10,1:. - -e•wholtas not been aware that
is mireJ, _unless relieved by hint
l'el.loned by the poor, if hot the
the land-,?. - The only brother of Clay
maker;diet \\ eh the giant o f
and the ornament of his . . country,
tber-in 7 faiv who never learned to
after completing the period of three
ten. and a 'majority - of the first
Of the prasent time are the eneiget
tbitious sons' of poor but honest pa : -
vetett,—who• will. never blush to
m-as a"ea it
bad a br(l
71 , 01 unti'
'score an ,
is and 4.
rents.' ' ;
it o *- - -was
of know•l
though t
iseovered in his younger pursuits
at; under diffikiltiq•z of poverty—
ey preset:l.l;d to him but slight' in:L. 7
. ou"the road to rt.tiown. .• •
I TrTE FOP. Co frrE.—Asparat,Tus,
o LiJbit;„ ck,ntaius in common, with,
coffee, ñ prineiple-whicb,he calls tau-.
which be the way, he considers, es-
Ihe health of all those who do t not
tug exercise, Reading this led me to
asparagus might be made a good
efor coffee. The yr. l • ucr shoots which
.n e,
l etpred were not agreeable, havitimart
flavor.. I then tried the ripe. seeds;
sti=ll and gr ound,, ttiake a - full $a Pored
t easily ditz.liurruihable frouithe
lie seeds are easily freed from the' ber
rving theta in a cool oven, and then
them en a sieve.Arnatiurl in . the
'4s7 Chre.rii*. • - •
tea and
rine. an
sential t'
take stl4
think th i l
fit p
these, TO
coffee, n
cha. T
ries by
YOU N GTzut . ...-=- If you wish to
II sized, full :xleveloi.:.d 'animals,. you
tbeyottig creature... - -; plenty of food.
-e my plenty, we df;, not, mean that
.Id keep their' fat like
~ silow. beeves;
Would . be an, unhealthy dondition;
eau that. veu 'should leap them in
owing condition—that ytiu should so.
m as that they shall have wherewith 7
l ila up their - frames. •
rtnse we!
must gi
. you 'o
Aw l
for tliat
but vie
' reed the
• al to b
To 31!
meht to'
by di - .
ND BROKEN GLAss.--7A n excellent te
unitinir, broken glass,n:ny 'be - made
Ilveinivr in # pipkin over the fire—ta=
1• vial earel that it does not boil 0; , 6r
twice of isingia:ss in' tWO Wirieglasses of
Inds will lie atfanspzirent glue.
SG THE BLEW OF. E. - 7 - 7 11 . 65 is
St v.
60.1:11e' .
but i
the go
soil 14.."
ley or =
I, es practiced with bark:lvan4l trees,
': always bad manage:l:dent: Ike bail(
thin and apt to peel awl:injure, and
the tree.. It 0 1 a-better way to aid
th : by topiening and
..tanauriait-. the
the , roots, seiripifig off the mass and.
ark. and washipg . t4e• trunk with weak
- .
tar's Uotto.—"Heaven help time
p themselves."
who he,
The Gar, de* Enclosed.
- .
- --- ,7 -- i -.• ..- - . ..
To a young , m
Won Ow, her : int - 64411May.*
riage. .. 1 . ...' ' • ': - 1:'
',- I have heard, my friend,llutt `thou l art. A- -
.bout to enter a garden„.enelcied,,And knowing
',that thou art . at.pnent It - etater to i,, - Iheg
permission to. givp thee; an /Account of some of
its productions..' I. have travelled through !all
.its . paths, and 10 acquainted With it perfectly,
• and Any - advice : tang do no harm, btit ,on the
contrary, may - be of some seniee to . thee.
Thou knowest'that there is!'' huff: one way
,'of entrance into thisl enclosure. This ;way,
hardly.tieed tell Wee - Is commonly iloWery and
inviting, strewed. withysweetS ._ - tttld . adorned.
with all that, irnagination
_can ,stiglieSt;f, or Art i
invent.' Thou 'wilt fondly . imiiginsl 'that this
scene of delight-Wil never ' change; an!' ter- 1
tairtly thou wilt-not, see the - . end of this path
' when thou enterest - iL To soine . it, 'proves a
very short. one, and even to thee. itlwillappear
greatly. thangedin the retrospeeL .
Then let me caution thee, my friend, not to
...dream of perfect;and 'perpetual•bliss; if thou
dast, experience Will teach thee. that it never
existed on earth. Thou wilt: find initny ofthe
productions of this garden; charnaing to •the
eye, and pleasant to' the - taste;-- but: they are
' not all so. ," Let me just • remind thee that
thou.niust carry! with thee - into • it,-one of the
- most delicate Mid . ,fra. grant flOwera in .. nature
—I mean good humor. I Do 'not drop 'Or for
get it as too many do, Ane t i tfter they. enter;
and seldom or never find it again'. It is a
treasure, the Joss of whiCh can never be made
Up to thee. . When-thou hist reachetithe end
of the . firSt walk, which extendwabout thirty
steps, usually called - hohey ;tow: . . path, thou
wilt find the Orden 'opening into a . great
.variety of• views. Beware here of 'spine pro
ductions that are noxiou.s and • even fatal in •
their tendency:.
~.. .. I .! -
There is a sina4 low plant to "be seett, in al
most every direction,. called indifference. ' .-It.-
does not often grow near the entrance, but.
thou wilt Always know it by a certain chilli
ness in the air Which surrounds it ' Contrary
to'other plants,. this thris:es by cold and dies
from warmth; whenever thou perceiveSt this
coolness in the air,.ellange thy -situation as
soon as passible.. Near ' this platit....•is often
found that vileiyellow flower, called Jealousy,
.on which thott must never even look; but
'turn 'from. it !instantly, for,, it i*sseses the
- property of; impartinga tinge, to
. .the eye
which gases' Upon it, that it.can never be re
inoved.-ffiv i r. • .'. . ' i
• : As trait' Pa.s.sets along, thou Wilt find many
little crooked paths, 'in to - which? I: adVise thee
never to enter; for though, at the . ..entrance is
-written in large eharacters-,--'lright, ."yet, When
thOuurt at the end, thou wilt -'find. the true
name of nine out of te r n, to be pterverieness,-
and that .thoui hltst fetchwrong in , going „into .
I them. Thou wilt not care.- to- jacknOWledge
I this and so;triany dif utes Willi arise. ; produ,
ring much-suffering a id sometiines final sep7.
I r arations. • , .. •: ' . • - 1.
Near this spot, thou wilt meeowith a sturdy,
, knotty planti . .ealled.,ehstinaey, Which 'bears a
I hard, bitter fruit,
.wholly indigestible,- . and
1 which becotnes, when takenin :large ' quanti-'
ties; final to the constitution. 4 . Avoid lit as
thou . wouldsti the; plagt e. - Just • opposite to
this plant, grOws the lowly but tragrantiduth,
eomplianee, ',which thdiiet not lab l vo,y. ' pi.o4.u. .
ant to the tasti.!, is salt tars anti • sweet : when
.digested, and produce: the, - .niost
. bOeticial
effects. Always carry . bout thee tslargestock,
'of thiS; thouiwilt,
(r often .findoeeltsion;' for its,
use as thou pas- , est alo .an4-4ilt silielv re
pent the want of it. " , • .
~ .
I n
- . Allover the gardei av be:.feundatt hum . -
ble but - useful plant ca edeciatiomy. Gather as soon'asi thou dolt , nter ; it is of . ; a thri
ving nature,; and ' =pl ' tepayS' all the culture
bestowed upon it.- 3i. ny overtook; andsetne
despise it-.-Others . thin - they . 'i:lialL• have no
;-list for it, and indeed it is ., generally forgotten
.1 in the hurry and gaiet with [which people
enter the L garden but he want of it Often oc-
Cations ie'fter sufienuri., Arid repentanep. Pro
1--vide for. thYself and thy huF•banl. a 4ufficient
quantity as'speedily as, thou cans* 1 -..
Thon•wilt• obti - .Tve ni passing along, two or
three pathsiihat rtiti..into each oth\!.r,
which, though smoothly gravelled, and _Very
straight, may not•seem to merit the iitteation
they really ideserVe.. They are 'regularity, or
i der ankt twit Ti•-_ - •:4 , and are
. always to b e found
1 in this enel'ottre.'llo.m . ...t tititi'kUs`maay do.
that heeau* tliousart a dweller in the: gar
deli, tlotm rnay4. - neglect thesP' paths, forre-.
member, thy conivatuen will i see
. soine who
• are walking, in their,. and the( difference 'will
strike Insleye if it does not offend it!' Enter
these paths at .once, for be fissured; ,if thou
lost, not find them peon thonineVer Wilt...
T the, irmnediate fieinitYj of tlaoe paths
you will•rd that precious' and rare exotic,.
humility. Cultivate'it with ilie utmost care
for it is easilV btlglited, and when . .! Once it
droops thou wilt. with. l iffictiltY restore it, 2 =
This sweet floW ., r is ut Versally adniired, and i
it -is .an,ohly, antidote' f r quit; perni4pus weed,
pride, •vlitich springs•up everywhere and - w ould
soon es - errumand destr y every valuable. plant: ,
in the garden. . 1 . :!,! -•, 1
~.. -, Shouldsf rthoi my dear friend; beJytitrested
with the r'earing of a flower, ; ' ) remembeil that
though frail , in-its riatitre, And liable to fade
at every! bast, yet it is a .saered charge - cont
mitted . to: . lice for which thou wilt he'beld ac- -
countahle by;.the great Owner of:the .. garden,
•to whoni, it "belongs. - It Wut
ill deancl the ten
derest ca . e and constant attention, and sliouldst
'thou wit tens itsdaivning hiauties,
oh, how by fond. heart ;Would bleed !-: The
yOUng soot will twine abut every fibre of
tltY•hear..-.-Lwater , it ? prune: it, train it diligent
ly it willneed all thy eare.! 'Withotit this,
many baneftil weeds-may check ita - growth,
and'wither its opening charibs,,, - El• ' • „
That thou mavest be bl
. 'esSed
,4itli these
sweet floss*ifi's . ofibe gartlen4l- . , that 414 may
the delight e(thine eyt4 t and ' the ijoy ,•of
thine heart—that_ theyntav be ornaments -in
life, and: coinkyirill'zfeath;:lAild that \ thon.and'
they, when theAquinier of life iS 7 ovier, ',may be
trantplanted , int. O . -is
...happier..soili, hereafter,
there to floitrishinimmorta blOo4,inverfect.
and perpetuidfelkicy is/ n y
d ever will be m
.ardent.pra,yef,;sf, - "4 •-;,..
.:, '
.' .:, - ' ,
tgi'."Tut *fin' the . 1
old philosophci: with a
girls and tell you,
knoas—inerely watc,
and theactions of . otherS l l
are inlove." I
Ofwer=-Didn't y. u guar l linte4 :that
the home' woaldtet shy be ore - the' Ore Of an
enemy ? , ' •; •
Horse deater=No more!he won't. Tian% till
after fire that be kicks
THE, man- Ir4o cagier a ham Mer j l into. a
Quaker meetings to .breal the silence, was
bound over to keep the pO ,T ace. i - .
. ~ • - - 'L • •1 ;.
THE fellow who was driyen to desperation,
returned yesterday. .1 - •
THE man who was ficx, , intends to open
a new promenade Saloom 1 ,1: open
.-, -
THE man ;who 4 - 0)0 - . a thought, ill, sup
posed to ii;re on the sea a ore. . 1 . .
- Iris no better for a lad tO, be 'puffed puffed up
with, COnciet than with cotton. 1 , ; .
- ..1 . ''' , 1 ~ i• ' '
Ir is s upposed that the
,fellow *to left the
house, was not. strong enough to carry it. -
An Ohl coat isl the shi'eld of iirttte. It
t`isaveslis from c4a friend" -,
Crockery and haute Furnishing
' • Store. I
JH. DEPEU is no*pr i epared to invite the
. public generally to examine his varied and .
extensive assortment of gomiS which (as an ex
cluaive dealmir) ha is enabled to-alrer very li)w.
,Cmss..—Consisting oficrold Bind, Deeoroted
'and Plain, Dinner and Tea Setts, Fruit Baskets
Ate. • 1 1
- Srost Ctinia.-4Full Dinner and Tea Setts,
Pribted, and Plain Emboatiect in Setts, Or by the
, 1 -
_single piece, also, a variety of beautiful ! Styles of
Toilet Ware. 1 ' LI •
1 - T
Loosiso.GLAsais.--Mithogiiny,. Gilt. and Or.
nhmental framed Glasses from 6 1.4 ets. to $75
a so, Marble. Slatut and Bracelets.
GLASS WARE.CIIt and dressed Gohlets;
oilier", Tumblers, Chaini'pgs, BoWls on foot,
Cued Butters; Glnbes, Candlesticks, &e. &e. -
et Gt . itlery, SpoonS, Ten Trays, Seales„Saddrons,'
Entmeled. Kettle 9,. tlad 11; - teks, Refrigerators,
IVater Coolers, Ice Creain Freezers, ,
WOODEN . AND . Wrctriv• WARE.—Propellers,
Cabs, Wagons, ROcking Horses, Cradli•s, Ceder
Pails; Tubs PounderS, Baskets; ltoeking,
Highland S tool Chairs. &e.! - •
WINDOW SllADES.—CilrrideS. Giass:l and Gilt
Pins and fleads, Bands Loop and \Tassels, also
Stain Pools io Variety. - I • .
- .JApPANED IVa4..—tolietsett, eans(sting of
Font? Tubs, Slop ' , Jar and Water Pail, Cash Iftex
es ar j d alt articles: manufactured in the rine. -
Tea Urns, E.rg CoddleriXastors, Chafing Dish
es; 4etans,.Pitchers, Candlesticks, &c.
LAMP AND LANtERNS.HaI every variety, style,
pricean , '
Tors:Alcip PA:tccv NfzTCLES.—Coriibiting of
China, Glass, Wood, Tin,. Willow, Paper:.
Mache, Tenn Cotta, Pari s e and Alabator Pins, at.
So Fancy Itaskets r• •
- Plated Ware.—Table! and Teaspoons, Table
Dessert and Oyster Forl4 Dessert knivON, Soup
and Saucetadleti, Casts rs,l Snuffers and Trays,
Teaand.Coffee Sstts. •! ! • -
. ,
Bird Cages, Table and Floor Mats, Brushes of
every description in faCi . ,almost evert article in,
the line of hoine furnishing, both usefu . Vaud orna-
Mental, may be fOund at thiS extensive: establish
ment: • : i . , .
'VII E undersigned . beg to announce to the chi.:
-L zeus or Suivfirehantl:al County, that they have
established a Shop. in hreler's building, on Main
street, Montrose,:where they \will keep on hand a
supply of foreign and iktnericiii Marble.sudvoltii
ufauture the Saute into Slouinnents, Togas, Head
Stones, Piereandl Centr iTable• Tops, Ste.
ItT The public will find it , to their interest to give
us a call before going el &
ewhere with their orders
I - ' - • SH PPEY E LONG,
tiMontrose, Aug. 44 , 1 53 --34wtf ~ \ .
• . .
Australia; California,
Or Gto e, cannot pref,elit greater
Inuticer}e',,ts than
KEELEit I.:srooDAßp's
I •
WTI/I CM is 20W fiPqn With a new and ellen
, sive assnrmenti of articles in 'their- line,
enibra.cing a generml variety of new :arid eledant
styles of Ladies and , G.entlemen's wear, among
which are Latlisi French. Silk Lasting and Ns-
nine Gaiters., Kid and pauttneled Polkas, Kid Pat
ent leather and ! brushed Jenny LMils. Buskins
and Ties; 'm '"entleineti'a ! Preitch and -Philadelphia
oak-tannedcalfkin and; kip' Boots. Congress and
button Gaiters. "Monterey and Washington Boot*,
toilet Slips,. Mt:kimono,' aalf.
.and COwhith. Bro
gans. &c. Boys kip, calf and cowhide Boat'. and
Also, a general, assortment of - Findings, which con
sist in part of ;.lasts, pegs, sparables. Hungarian
nails, tacks, thread, m l ak; '
~Bristles, Shoe
awls, rasps,' pandstoirs, shoe .knives, &c. Also:
oak and hemlock tanned calf upper and solefeath
'er, Morocco skins and, linings.
Work made to order land repairing netalv shale.
• Montrose, June 1.1851.1
SUSCel'Eil % . 11131/. CiA•li ri
,t . L. ‘VE Ll:4 - lEfc 3. would respectfully
1 - 1-4,- inform the pcoplo of this cOutriv unit the
people in generid, that they: have (Trued an vault).
lishment Ur the ablve hind in Montiq,sm, at the oid.
stand of Sayre rind lViihster, one 'door north :of
the Dernacrat.clE.:e, mi!T6 'they inthld to kiiep on
hand 4: lar.ze - itisgo li rtire j ut of, ...Stoves' Tin, Copper,
Brass and shee,tjlrooV Ittei , all of Which they till
sell as cheap as theylcitn b bought in this or any
other county. Among our !novel, meY be fiound the
following - beg - tildes oilier tl•ta flume-runs` to rwi l tinn:
tV Y. arkight, fr;Ttc,ri.rd.
Modern Troy; tk • • 1." 1 'or coal.
- Kvstooe State
Bay . State,
Fares!' (jaeen.
" • Mohawk, ji .
:Wart, Parlor, tYrice ant top Stovei, Culver's Pat - -
~ent Hot -her Foinacee furl heating Pobite Built - Inm+.
.stores, Motels, etc.. ,Triattninz,ifipe, Zinc,
'sheet Letid, Lend Pipet ItVOl and Cistern Pump;
Chain Pumps,,Chaina altil Cleating., - •
rrAil kinds of Ciustart Work done on short tf
lice and mast - reasonable:terms.
,pri motto is small
`profits, ready pay, and quick retards
'' * '''&l,l kinds of Produce, at ken'. in exchange for
Wares. If yen don't b i alieve it; call and see.
I Ai.
,L.I. WEBS I'ER & CO. '
.‘ I .1
MOntiOSe Opt; s3.
• g • 'room, says an
number of young
thf postman
the Icolt, of some
11%w many of them
, •
4 don't's east of the ettherieau
Binghamton. J6ne Bth 1853. '
t' 4 • -
'Mated Oren
Watches! Watches. ! Watches!!
-0. , ' Tll F. -$ u tote riir r has this
dal- returned fro th New York
, .
. -, • ~ wi h a lar e and b.autiful as.
...Ik, 2
.. 1 1 , ~ - ,,,..r ipoiltment of Fine Watcheti,Jew
-1 -. AC ' .1': C . 4 - • ley avid Fancy GOods, to which
"sl, r
*I ! , tic. be.j wo l luld call the attention of
ti) '.•, , ,t1 9 -:-• -----"` big friends. 'lt is needless to
.. (numerate ihedifferent kinds of
goods; iuffic tr . to , say ..Ithatiiiii present stock of
goods was,nover.ekc; Ibis 'part of the State,
atid. , as his2-goods were bought for cash, he can
not be undersold by , aily. I He v ill.talze pleasure in
shelving his geode to s.ll who may , favor him with a
call. feeling sure tbiiit.lop'ptsou wishing to purchase
can faibiif 'suiting tficmselres )-1 as to quality
and price. '.; - 1 1 i '
- . , ~ . .
1 .j•- -,- - ,- I ALFRED J. EVANS,
a • : 1 . 1 Nu. 2 Odd Fellow's' Hall.
Binghamton. soy. 24,, 1P53.1 •
• .
"Ik7V4k.TIIF.S.'—'A ftr_ lT . ie stock of fine Gold and
Silver Watcbee, ler every style and price,
'i : •
Nov. 24. • ; ' I i-'-•A. J. EV kNS.
. .
111 RINGS and Etreestl'lne, in every variety
of patterns, some hntrely new styles:by ;
" N0v.24 - ! : A. J. EVANS:
caiLvErt ! •Card 'Port •Napkin
kJ Rings,: Fruit I.K i iiitti.s,"SrAp Ladies, Pie end
Butter Kui y es, ike; Stc.,by
Nov 2-1. - A. .J. EVANS. "
. large
tite for p'allies,
lot,ot handsome Fane,' snits
y ..'A.J. EVANS.
CORAL - Prude,. Piai!i
, . .
~ .
CkUR assortment 111 , comprises - almost every
N.-, article mante nd we fear souse that
are)101 wanted, itjlii h . fare 'will sell at cost and
some artieles all! ss Ithan cost on that same
,: . A !'. i U. BURROWS & Co.
Gibson Oct- 266 4851. , • % ' -
VI" and beautiful patti.rns i , at
extremely: tom prir*. . U., BURROWS.
Gibson . Oet 26.1
rise !French.
01 1 11. ilatirls 4:2
at 85.
W Glbso l f, n No I t. I.l' U.-BURROWS az, PO
. 1 . • Bttt iolo Robes.
A Large lot Of h•th m c nice whole
a vary mill hdrinee on the cost.
Nov. . BURROWS & - Co.
A Large 10t.91
low prices! . .,
Gibson, Nov. 1.
aw Shades. - =
liaiaisome c painted, abodes, a
, . .
. - - B to . Itobes,'
.. ,
A: Choice lot, Auld will be cold low, by
' XI. . ' .1 I It. 3171t11117.
Sow leilllbid, Oot. lii, UN. ~ ,
1 I .
-and cut coral, at
,W 143.
: - 7
, , ' r. , • Z
itoireol,StOVßa' t r I Stoves!: t- 1 '
- 1
I - IE - Serdiand y6llbw Lear. remind us
that the.' . fast aptrdach of the keen rosts
of Old Grey Winter, * 'eii one of these.tu stir..
passable and highly.apptu i Stoves fro . the
n ,,
most eterisive j Manntacipries in the ti ioh,
Messrs. Shear 14 Paehltra,Pec(itne' indispoli, hie
- to ever } family. Ve woUld respectfully anuo,ince 1
to the. citizens td* StimitiOranna ' mid adjoining'
countie that we havii- full received and ;ire re
ceivingl the largest asAortment of Stov_es
ever in4'odue • ed into Easterh Pennsylvania, ‘i'ltital
will be intr oduced
at tlio very 14est-cash figur,.l .To
those Who are it wand of Stoves they will ;find it
to their! interest; .o cart ;ind examine our V,:iriety
'before purchashig elsewhere: They.complise ih
part as follows:;.. ,i , 'p . - - i V
Unitifd States' - • Oriental Prlor,
1 , • --,
Ens/. Queen E. '6.1 ;•- • _ Venetian, !,149
' Fire Clipper E. 0.,1 1 f;• Fancy (do '
c a
' Nat • 1 A ir4Tight : b. O. . Priv , •* . I do*
Mor ino Mai' • •.' '- 4 ' rotta , re ! ' do
Far: Hers ' Air ; ht, ! .
t.. : 4.. c 4c •1 1 •
Ti;; , ... -
~ • ; 1 .
- The kbove Stoves aro too - Well knt-vnlto re
quire any minute de4i4ipOon, heing ... the post
popular and apttrovcriStOV.t. in market. Al who
may fa4or its wi th u 6lt
t ,t . i.111 ho shown through
our a. admen( with:pleasure.* " Recolletit the
number"- r -Esrotes . far fhwited "One Price Moro"
Harfori, Pa.. - Sept.. 180.-35,
. , g
(Fon: , ORLy" BENb PA
rrIPHE subscriber, haiitt - g.rented this Well . known
...1_ ho se, and ie-fitted 'arid re-furni4heti tnigood
style, i . nowpCi-pared tnt . , - reecive and . entrrtitin
guests This honsejsi:delig,htfully. sit th`ted -on.
the ks of the Susifitelianna river, on tMe lino
of the few York and: Erie, and 'the. Do aware;
LlekaWanna and Westein
' Railroads; over 'finking
a most beautif9l section: !et country, an :.I . lis th e
Nnortna i?fseepery nne4dtilled -anywhere.; 1-
As ..i. SummEit Re.rititf: ftir the business man
seekin quiet, and freedont..from the Poi - e and
din of city lifejand for lidies and gentkimen in
pursidt of pleal=ure amid plc rural scenery 'of the
country, this liiinstiort:ertniot be.equalled.l lire
the weary traveller is.s4etire froni the enitfasion
incident to. thejeontinual '4irrival and departuie of
trains,l which,• espeeiiins: in dui night tit - o: is a
very great antiliyance:toAitose stopping atihouNes
very near the Repot.-. ; . f, i. . - -? L ;. -
_ ;
IltsLßoilis are neW, pleasant and well f rhish
ed; hi Table with all thii . delieacieS• Whio.ll.bOth .
country and city marl:chit afford ; andml p.iins
will be spared ;to make l-ii:ii house a pleasan home
to all ;his guess. : '. f ;.: : .
..: • r .
... wiII W7G;:EST4 !S
p 'ctinveyed . to . and from the
ears, at any lionr d4y, oi; night, in a good Ctinnibus
free of ehlrge.l . ,i - .. `_r
, - ,:•[1
. ! -
• ar A lavt:tiv Stiat.t is attached to , the
• [ - -• . : ll '
House. • l • .f .'': . t i
~ _.
- I 1 J
.. N. V. CARPEN ER. •
Grciat Ilend Juno : .1 27111.- ND —116! f.. : i
1 -
Bryant tise fai;itat Bend lEktilog,
I • I
•• L , , -
THIS new•itral spacidits sittied but
-1 a few fedt .frdtd 114,Depot at Great Bend, is
now opened •lip,d fur'piAtA in a . sidtable for
a Puttlie House, and mail , be kept .open at , all
60;4 (both day an 4 ntiht.) fur -the recektion of
travellers; and especially far the acconmitodation
of paSsengeNAravellinl. - t!toi the N. Y.'& Erie &
L & jW, at the junetior4ol . these.
two reads, and the tpost° convenient poiai to step •
in and take refteshtoen4 and be otrwit tit the tir.:t
train las well as Old" tin* convenient hodse to ne.,
cominodate the public. di is NEW CLEAN. and
WHOLESOME! With?,ioorns enough aiTala
apidate liL, litAfig pttitil up with newt ',:nrniture
tti correspond, and tatbbl4 always set, iiith wapm
NiEati r S and i luxurtes fiirni‘hed at a .rnotnents
warnirin 'I
irk••••••1;4•A , ,••••• eciok ann.
by calling here, avnid-iihe inconvenience takito!
do otnniblis to find inn irtn,ias well as tin- delay
and Uncertainty of teturning •to the depi)t,' at th..
arrival or detiartureof;the trans p4rter will!
b e . inwaitinikto coildtai then) with theitiFWttri,wie,
to the Bryant. lionqe, 7• .: jost :,cross theSv i biy," and
eonduct theOi back (a . gain without feti )at reward,
taking special care' toi:Wake them it' desired at :
any hour of the till.thtj 11 • i is-
tointi!;n of tho - : Bryant- Housq., ;w ith the
natitrul See4ry almtint ,it combine o . ‘t i nnice it
desirAle SUMMER RESOI3.T forlioe4itiess
'lien} and eth ers in, Ale city :who at , Vt‘ii- 7 .11 to
-cast t•fr cart'' for a fii.w days to re cruit in Of , .
r. 74 . 1 . •
country. • I
A Large dnd i rninnudirnis .4po
is nitnehed tiiis7iikhi:iliner for the..'l . ! , onvenienet;
''f Plensttre PARTI E S, 11111:
:weikintiodatiiiti4 here; ivithoutregaqi tit nutr7heol;'
with warm stable,:. for )heir to - auts, ant) retilibli•
lielP to wait.upon.thero
- ~pijirtieulars 4nquit!e at the
Bryant Hatike of the proprietor., . . i -
Feb. 184a—^itt. 1, • • •
Npw Aniangements.t
ifinglstatzkoni •,-104.ttt Lo ! ter.% ii 7f e,Pct.
1 • o.lyEfts .4 ruo.llA - -
IV°"p rssit• ctfttlty announce 'topeinha . h . -
items of - f,,,ioderliviile; Grrat • Bend 14 9 q vi
cruitv, that
,they are oiivv receiving a lir sopply
to their alre'adv lairgetaitek of Goods, in their uew
store recently eree . ted liv David Thoriiiitg ':
The assortment is eitensive,etnbrieliik every ar
tick. usually calli'd for;- and will positivielv be fold
cheaper for,. theitever b-fore•otre ed' itt 'hit
seetion of craintry'-,, - coitiistinz of . ; - 4
0141 . 11Q0.0,5, GIIOCER.I4S.
7 : W . 1
Crockery, Iror4ee'', Naifs, B,lids 4iid Sitt , es.
Flour, Fi.4 and::Saii:;:
udileid to len thoiquitid , ;notions not inutn rated, 1
Thesubsorlhers wiri:iiiii-ra:ly undttstaod that
Cosa is' what they.
.. 1 st want.. and. fro cask. will
sell (Not as Chelip).init cheaper than atii other es
lablistiment, West . of New York,
Please rerneniharjhat what we. telt r yon: k no
fidtion, but.:.‘ti sudiborjy . facts," which - i. can and
will.deinonitrat.olpou'exaininalion of o u t . stock and
prices. : . , [ . t
. ; ;,
; -! 1, '
All those wit`oltaytti.heen in the habiqof' going:to
B i nghamton to purchase Coatis will find it tc theii
advantage!to call o .. .nbit - • -. '
'l` l' 1
I . ; i! ( , 4 • roIN ERS - a. fIOMAS
before golds.' fat•theiii4or we .have I.vitit You all
veatit.--3Citf. •1 . . - . • t 4 ;
I 1 fi . .
• •
Mount Prospo‘q Waler . C._
i ! . 'mist itute .
BIN G 110 31 TON N. Y.
TIIS lnstittition ;ir located in
_a beautiful au:
romantic il••nre. • '_itt the base , f *out Proep
Elect, and l withyt the. 7 corporation °lithe tritage7;
possessed i;of an 'alitindant supply , oftdureat soft
rater, advantages 4 , '
exercise in thei pure air, a,
carriage : and- fout: u tvalk up the modutain, over
looking a scenery ; , unsurpassed in i t heaaty and
graudeuri,and ~greefrom the. noise and turtnotl of
busy i life,' .with exd,e,lient, ,ailing and rriwingprivi.
leges on the pheasant waters. of the Clhentinge.—
These itr'e a few of ; the'presentation-Ithe "Cdre"
Offers to the inyaiidi : -_
I The house %la . 1 4,1 and commodinus—bathing
apparatus exceller-well ventilated', with 230
feet piaiza. ; 1.: - ' U. -
1 The niedicaldeptirtment is under th'; entire care,
of Dr. Thayie and Wife, who have hartlarge exper
iene - e in Dydrepatlild •practice, and arefavoyably
itudvin as sucerssfol practitioners{ i :
I. Courses of Decttires, with full ,pla t 'a and illus.
trations.iwill be, givi.n throughota tto season .to
the' Students and f' , ,Atients, upon Ana omy, Physi.
Mogy.HydroPatltyalid Hygierke, for i which thera
'Asill be no additioniti charge. '' - '
1 Females who have been confined o. their beds
for years, are inViied. to correspond with Us or
dive na a call. Ort success in theltreatment tit
iaeases: peculiar
,eit ferriales, has gtVen itaconfi-
I'dence, and wit: sayi tO all such,, everil,if they have
' , suffered -mach frOm many' physiittne,' . make
one. more plat., !1 t• 1' ' i •
Termi from 13,1-.1•to $8 •
per, Weak, (payable
weekly,) accerding to room, and ae,tention renal
red. Patients will; provide tor person'al use 2'corm.
I -fortablei. 2 blinkrifs; 3 linen or cotton sheets and
id towels. .: V. TH AY Rft. AL D.),
- -. ! O :
; ,Resident HiYaician,
ifl9tf ' •D; w.w. H. 11.RANNEN., ...
' \ ;Carl* and Oil Cloths.
4 .
refittediour extensive
• lir' (4i and ' •
li_ 4 'a ri c 4 l? f i r ' e,, 11 T tied H „.. F,),,,ts !,,,, gthie,e,i
nressis for the tilisineso, we have,t,added a new
festrue,in its - departments.. • 1; i -
The 'second (Morris devoted til; Carpets. OP
Cleiths.snd t:efilijng Glasse% in which we offer tr
amid aixortntenti-nt prices whist, Jeannnt flail to
plesse,'and tO wti r ich. we invite yfinnsitientir at
tention, : 3 .' e . • I. ,- DE puL
i i
BindimintOn, Q. 41853; 20, . 1 l'
COAILT, Sal!: for ii , a4 by
*v001.014,006. 411,1063
. ,
lapplait ' ss Beal*h, or. Miserly
- Masson, allow* IS I .
. ,
Reflections for the thdaahtful.
,that countless hernia *rigs exist and
• drag through life as do the beasts; of the field, or
theinsects of the earth, erinciag do more thought
• or ; retlection•than though the noble faculties of mind'
wore not4nucheafed to them. 1
•.: Many such are husbands and :fathers, upon whom',
are dependebt the health, the kirell•being,•and the
hippiness of a confiding and affectionate wife, with '1
.: perhaps a family of children.l , • • •
. ,
• 110 W OFTEN AT Mien:as ris . r THE •
I •
' In that pitiable condition as not even foir ono day, to
feel the happy - and exhileraling influence incident
the enjoyment of health. : • .
' She way not be an . invalid confined OS her bed,
or, even to her room ; as her Ode, ambition and
energy induce and ne`rve her to take personal
charge of her household, even +rhea her health will
not admit of it ; hat'she is nev'ertheless perceptibly
sinking from day to day, and alWayi ailing.
- . ,Thus, day after day, and month afteemonth tran.•
• spire. Her health daily sinks,; till 'finally even the
: hope of recovery no longer remains. i And thuk
• •
But a Lew years ago in the -flush of health had
youth, and buoyancy of spiriti, rapidly, and apps- -
; natty inexplicably. becomes a feeble,- ekkly, do-'
bilitated wife, with- frame emaciated, nerves un
strung, spirits depressed, condtenance bearing tht; •
impress ;of Suffering, and an ' utt3r physitutl- and -
mental prostration. • •
Soinetimes this deplorable change may and does
arise from organic or constitlitiolial causes.. But
oftener,- by far. oftener, to
: gross had
ignorance of the simplest, and plainad rides of
health. as , of
with .the' marriage state, the
violati-ott . Alf which entails disease, suffering acid
' misery, not only to the wife, btit often
• liereAlitary Complaints upon the Children •
• .ttINTCYI TILE THIRD AND Foils:Tit avicastiou,"
KING'S EVIL, and Other disestses,
4 i as a . '
! from the Parent*.'
And must this continue-1 :Shall we bo wise it,
all, thacconcerns the cattle of bur fields, our horses,
our sheep, our cols, our oten, the nature and
character of-the soil we posiess, 114 texture and
quality of ourgoods and aterchandisb ; but in all that
concerns ourselves as human i beings, with••hbusan
functions! and passions, subject 'tti great- derange
anent, involving our future' peace pnd happiness=
in all that concerns the health and welfare, of the
wife of ' our affections, and the, mo ther of our chil
dren; is all - that toncern3 the mcutal and physical
well being of those cbildred, we should be itn
'nursed the darkest and most . ' •
• • • I ' 1110 - A - ese,
- loans 6Zt puTtisagnd •mio
ipom*m Izet xra `fIVMOISRVK 'V.
Ot passs;ppr pur "pted-tscul:arti urnua wenn TIV
.sanunkorj gunge pun szpettro, out 'ea - leis panua
sm• jointed Ault m (aAlf wilow) Was el : , ..4molmva
"KOD 'ivoiaaw aa.vaniasitavragf, clam
to m{l,, /rasa sup id;soss u% a .Elr
• .
• ••-•- 'tq3l4s.ctoo Jo staamailca.qtr!
, incatisclattna pan snottnds on: aiaqs en `titaagtrop t y
Lv os Fsaippn pap Vom paws 10 .r.toies
apinicluoq pun alatrtaßchi'ai ji? ICiud Sag pun t abed
opts aqt Jo aanq sal 'uo, sag:K . ) sAlaio otis at Limo
alp pun 'ollied opri,oat uo sl '
f,7l'nuaapinap i : -y -/a esalun .anoq on Sag
ariannidaa 10At 211 •
•orimia ox lizoLuivo
riPP 1 -swots
ag l l. o ql IA gIVIII ta.44.c35 - U 3 N °A I II
SHIdO7 0.%1111
•alluiaistn•ifuptildtaaluoa osogi JO
• I
'pal/anal oqi Jo; papoolai.4lla9l6 oin2urt s Jo QAT
Xaqi 'Jo paruall slaacqnri sno!lvA ato Sin ha
uoa olgtra!2.7sudq! st 7j ppm ossq finoqs
saiana •
Auxuan Snip poi hmoiridordir
unojituiL 4411 •ugututdeuos
•Tdy Ju sainu3 pint sag3u.luq3 'unit;
'-un ayi jo alliOaiJovon ILUJ u asjabou
D. 14 11 "" %LON HO OHlHHVBl...., 44 illatim
• , ..0 .71 zi.o•4 a IL V '. L I !V UTILII .u‘sulassookcv.‘
'7III4Ii3ONOM 110 orklisitidans
:Ot t s l i ! pun paysnqnd Isd
t• 00 13'`oxithalt vrlaa3 `1134V.1 3,414 NO]
'OCZ: ":6 I I th iqr.7 4 1 P"Punli 4 UO
• I , :tc. , itiro.A 'do s:isv3stO dOl 1t0d534011.1
- •
. NOINTYdit:43 71"OICE 'r • a,tvAlaa
It aux ii
• , \ pippt, *lO2l 3171 . 11
fly 1tr1i717110.7 r as . toptolLy . yrmyldmrpup
viol Jim:• aniaie o) .2101t.71 -01 lepUt i11,Q31403
))01.4; fir :up yotik) arl pa.m.l ;Oat ",to punibirgy 4 , ..v •
vaactgoa attrasawagy ail& Lulea a= I'.
ualppqa inn 02 trim Sulvenlathad
pnn •s:lsnaillp .Stinpua 2u41-apt snopas . ol vaccine
'13311101s Fru COM 'su saAjavano. Jo Stnpusys.tapnn ,
as it! aalurr Alm en tialqm - ..cq amain rna!201::
4;ilF.Cfri Ja qinsal utp °LOS° inn °sop JOAO lo; OM
Illiq i Nr-InDol, XIS , APdoq Fte 4 1 °M Vagraaß ;:
JO nirvp-na!p moa a . 0 4, teana.o of paSunioia
nail? sumnartt.-41tApnaBr.C. Lci 'n..cril aatt .2nuallwna
•SlUrnritnim itaVags Put Trios% SnepoA otp J o sosoc:
turdim at
atutla 'ainvni am Jolun.i9a2! aq .aglow pal ;
0p .4 1 ; n ll iirqg Any MOH i sun.ti .I.alllq n'o, JO al(i
•Untioid 1 pr.taid aatinaoti2l silo! imp .Vuoi atoll cA
1 ; 3.inss:lD):±mt SV a-nlema s-v .
. ,
J:3 . ,‘ Li , . Ai' t'. 13. l' Oil aid.; Mr..:l
1 L.. 1.17.1 i i itn i, H• , fie.4dale : i 111 inch- & Crut.i.
simr_t.: J. S. North.: EelMrm.: N DeWitt.
IrLI: .1 N En-onitiger i NI/int:Mini ; Spangler &
ii, inea...ter : II
. W oliitti; Huntingdon; '0
,Miiil. Uniontown : 4 M Eititti. - New Berlin:
Lititz. Readintr : It P Crottker,Brownsvilit:
t' & Stark. Carbondale : Eldred & Wrighi,.
iiiiimport ; S. Tuek, Wiikesharre ; G.- w..:
4 Waynesh'or•l' : Pntter.&.• NleNliin, 13"itlIti , -
4 G Nlerill, Warren: Itoin-rt. Croky, 'NIeT
-I..estier. II toWer: "R. I'' Cuntmin_.S.uu•-
Thos Co xperthlit. Phil id : J. B. Gtemii,
so? 1,1 '4'4' : S. B: LatitTer; Gni-Iv:Ahura , :
_B.. H:til,
Pitt.. 4 on : E. :4 Durham Franklin : Dr S D -lcol,t,
Bed '
{.rd: E.•' lillind. Indiana : J J MeIl•illy. :Milt.
turd; J. W. Kidney ; Bro'wnsvilltt ;.G M .31eG44:
tys._ 41utler ; J. 5, Nieks,in. Chainbersburg ; F :I)
o.owi;r, , Norristown; E l , llenner Sumney,to*n.:
flit. hell. Pittslitim? G NV Geitt:ys, Butler Tils
,Swartx, Bloomsburg ; PS Deeliert & Co. Ch up
ber,inirz. . . . . • • .2m6L
. . • FITS !FITS! !TITS !
Porithe t itre of Pits,. ;prints C ram ps,, and all
N e . rt: ,,,,, s (.70,711.%‘ntignal Dise7Nex.
DER:4ON who are tahoring under this diiiressing mabidy
tied the V litlAIT ‘III.X Kr IliE.rTic PILLS' tco,lse;
thennly retrtedy ever discoVered rot curing EpileusyY or
F,dlipg - Fits ; ,
-These Pills possess a. specific am lob on the 'nervou-s Sys
tem k and, sithou,:h they are prepated espeeially for !Ole
purpose td curing: Fits. they &lithe leptid nf especial benefit
fur ;all persons afflicted with weakoaerves. or whose bet'.
vonS system ass, been prostrated -dr rbattcredfrom Pity
'cautewhatercr. In chronic !cam plaibt tt,ordisesses of tong
standing, superinduced. by nervousness, they ar.,excim.b:
ingly beneficial. ,
Nice, $3 per box. or tux: , boies for $5 !Persons C U tof
the City, enclosing& remittance, viii have the Pills /cut
them through the mail rice of hostage. • For ttlitt•
SETH sow 10$ ,Baltimure street. -Baltimore,
to wham orders from parts of the Union, Must
be Addressed. post pat'.
ire and
. , .
NV IV rilk iklilW ti.iA) tki tt 4 - .
. .'
Infallible Ittmitilly itrr all Ingaiint L pry complizipts.
CERTAIN and sure Antidote f4lr ths following (Meas
. eie.,..t.11 reiers awl futlateations. t.• which th"*Yft
tera is subj et. ftlieutnatista. ho we ',ask,- Piles, Dia`irbeea,
DySentery, ileatliviv.. ronthaeln• Eieversores,lllies, (lilts,
Epvains. Bruises, gurus ant) scalds. .' • • .? .
la' ~.w . , ~,, •11 .{,,,, • •tin • 1 1 1., for Cueing'
Ring Roars- spaying, ewe y, pot Evil : Outs, splint,
.i .
(Palls, INistala,•serateln.s, Lamenesk spring Halt. Eiralses,
?hinge Infianamstinn of the Lungs , and all Peter's to
wiiich liorons are subject. 1 .. I k . .
A..: sn'•••--Abel Turveil,! MontroSe--ill. RAlley, teisys
ville—Cyrus Avery, Wyalltsing-,L. 'ill. Woodrna, Dlntack
A: 1 .1.. Shiew ,, o,t. Rush r '
E1et.33,1A53 'Am . i • -i,
UST received coMpter• IMportation or tfiose.
e splendid Fail `'J heeled Detached LeVeri,and
tlorifonealz‘Vatches with scieroida:and hard en...
ainelled Dials. double ;bottomed in open casis,all
of Wlif.'ll are warranted and received directrum
Switzerland. The fe'w subjoined prices wlt at
i .
cM e e point ha to the pnblie ;where mad
enortnou4 per centage,eart beiSaved.. - !.
IDOuble bottom 13 Jewele4 Letier,WatchiiS as
ahove in elegint silver crtsill front $lO. Saint'
movements" in Huititng eas4 from $l2; - Wm.
i •
ontal Double bottoMed 4 hilei Jeweled 'Open
fhtre and secondsfretn $8.75,• the-same move.
went in P I r g,ti n t henlinocase4 With Sunk sec,Onds
from $9,50, AU of. Which have h ,rd enatinuclled
Dials, Gold Diamond pointed ..t ) ens with Pencil
.Unitsi!vei.exiensiiin hOld,!rs; magazine for le.ids
'Atc. from $l,OO. 66k - 1 - Diamond . .pointed pen
blades .from 50c. JeiClry &ti. &c.eqnallv cheap.
A good• assorimont,of excellent' • second ;hand
Watches, ettiMent makers, in" fir et rate goino con.
ditior4. wi 1 1 be solddecidedlyi low for eash. - ..:i Best
. - I tench Lanett Watch Crystals,!l9c.': Waleh re
pairing 0* uste..l. i -. i ,•,.. -!
N. il. Watch Chains andiAnyot gratis t o par...
.ehalsers. ,
- t ai 119nrs ; of hullo:to:mit 'froth '7A. AL to 7.. P.
Lb '. • -. 1- - - ! : • i -
1 ,
. ' l, - V : Utet tii il a 4 :o lN utt"tniui " lter..
1 1 Aug. 10, 1853-Idtf. - - i 1- - ~ , r •
1! .
11/. III:711111TT.
'New York Fire latourianee •<,
‘, • ' o.lfice, 9 Wall Street:- . I -
o...trlTALl ' (iri Cash ant Apprelipd Peearitles)
agginx!" Loss or Damage by •
Q. Stebbins. 113 BrOad Streit;
Peter C. . ker, - 1 sprites street ; Panther. 1 18
Iltaadaa,r; l humus And: sirs-. 136 resist:us tett ; a'amttel
Bonth ) laid . -77 18 est - street; Albert L ICntiklin. 810
7 11 , 4eastielkstiee '.James A. Cifisby, 113 ; qbArlei
Kingsbridg "? Y.; Lambert C. Ilan. Chicago. lit' .
datitn 1161)61e.; 1 .W. Leland, New itork - ; Peter
Roach, 1W Bank stn. t; Stance %A . 4101, cQr: West" and
[Alight streets; I. peen. 78 Water street;
,D. Van
nroassay ; Ilor in N . Gallup. cor, I'Vest and
Barrow streets; Peter 11. Po er. cot. PansroOt and West ;
ItOnben Ross. Jr.. 4s pootit rentr'e , Stephen ernmwell,
valmlen, N . 1 .; Aibia udleigh. Philadelphia ; Poster li.
/titian. 4n WAivr "'street; sumue qtritlisir,Tribtin6
lite; Samuel B Shaw, Cle•elotnel
ItinAt. ell BER LIN, Pres
• '
ViIARLF§ L. BROWN, & Q i n • ~
Montrosot. Sept. 6. 1:883 ,
I+9ll .Drzit:
aututOlber would ittforfiritho intialliltotitt T o p.
dertiallto unit .nrrouviding eoutstry that hr t .
lyienliuget) and imploveil hi. Store:and 1111.11 wt,,
lame IlllliirroiTlrktfragsnrtlisent: riy..
wOodo. Bash. •Tutty,
add BruPhes. Alfo. •
!Went , liStieilics. Obemicalit.alasiskware,Perinmery, Te n ..
k•- Nptimia.vonfectliniery Toilet iirticles and all, articles
usually kept in sine establishment of the Mud. Also on
hand i lan e essiirtMent of. / • , .
- ;-
'•‘‘ ' ' BOOR'S 4 STATIORY. : - •
NE . i
• l'aperflanstingiK. At'. he . a hich'hcis prepared to sell 'on
sa reasoneWieterms xi any store in the country. , i
j • DOOT. JA 211 E S GRIPPE:V. -'
' I
AlsO 'e'en,. in tame -room a nenemil assortittent of the.
cu 'tease Ntnidnisins-,earefully selected, prepared andsu
pprintrodid by himscit,for his "vin are nomodationandthe
benefit 011ie public ' 1. ,'
- illuil , lers Painters. physicist's, School,d
all cfssarr anti prote.sions wishing to purchase arsf rnvitrd
to emit awl ree for themselves - '
, , L. S 4 OTT;
I; Meetly over John Meßinney's Store on
!July IS, lgSd.—tf
t k )
1 . $ :s•-. '... • 1
, i d ' • ' ,4• '
; - 1
. .
. .
I. ' Great Cure . for Dys : pepsia!,
G I:lsTui,' ti r•tor l `• Oft ':txwt rife\ 1 Hicat.
Priared from • iIEvNET or the fourth Stomach of the -
Ox. after directiona of Heron lA-hig. the great Physiolog
kat Chentist, by'J. S. HOUGHTON, M . : D , Philadelphia,
Pa . r
This is , truly Nature's. own Remedy tor an unhealthy
stomach. No art d'inan.crin e4ual curative powera. It'
po , ititins no ,alcohol. Bitter Acids. or Nauseous Dttigs.•
It he extremely agreeable to the taate.: and may be taken
by the most feelde p..tientE whocantvit eat a water erack
et without acute distress. Beware of Drugged [mita.
tiring. . Pepsin isnot a Drug.: . . 1 •
", rep:Cali - on the agent and get a twscriptiveleirettlar,
gr a d,. gIVIOi n' larg'e amount of seiqhtitic evidence. from
-I.l,•big's ‘iiiPa4l"ChemiAtry; Dr.. Citittm's Physiology of
!Digestion; Or: Pereira m Forel ank i Diet ; Dr *.lot.n W.
,Draper. if New York University vPrpf.Dungli-on's Phyg
lology• Prof Silliman, of Yale Golfer; Dr. CarpeAter's
tihyglology : Ice .• together with reporta of curesfrOm all
part. orthe United Statra, • _
Di.Oer OBSERVE.. THIS I! -.-rEcery - bottle .oP the 'r genuine
tW..tgl2.i..boArs W. :written slim:Thiry of J. S. Ilrili.t lITON,
l ii:ALy'joe; - -Proptietor Philadelphia, Pa. Copyright and
Trsde o . .Sesti
, raa. . - - 1 .., .
45 ,- ;,o!Yei:alflTirtyiglsts and Dealers in Mediclnes.r—
-;lirice,Wl,l4l.K.West .. . I . .
[cr. For w4e .41 - 1 1l1P.1.31.7B.R.Ett.,.Droggist, 3lnnticee
Pa.,wnoleiafe,and retail Agent. .
~ : I .9yl.
:a , - • ...._.z.
illories:* - OlapO.und Syrup of VOlow
•,:t1:-.1 , :, V.{ ...
L .
..,... ' • - Dock Root:.
• .. -• •
puts is 0. Pti.c.ely Vegedu'sLe Compound. sclentithrally
AL prcticrert fr •rn the best Roots and Herbs of the Mate
liar ttediMix and has gained an unrivalled reputation or
the following taros . viz Degulstipg and Strengthening
the Liver and Digesti:ie • trgans. and:ieleansing the Stom
ach and Ick-rif.4- - And ihnq culuNG all . Billion/ IdraseN
liver Cou*lkint4;,,llvspepsia,, Indigestion- CoStiveniss,
Pile's. fleihia:plttr'Wrever and 'Agile. :faun/Icel. .N ,usea,
Los! of Appp:t4r; ttn-, and ft 'II 4 Y/2 the food to nourish
and, Aupporhivery part. Purifying - the Dinedj anti thin
curing NH t-tthnors. ‘vour Er.-,ptienl. Scicifult; Salt
itheum,AtOsipetos. Scald Ilead, . Canker Piraplfs 'on the
face, IllotShes, Ulcers, Tumors, Mercurial Disease, Can
cers. riLefg-,l..''' .
Alibltireg• the Secretory Organ. 4, - -
. ~..,,
and hy 4 4tglln-)s..thencto . perf , rm their proper fanctions
preventink:W .- firing marry painful and
,da =gcrous,' dis
eases; Stfringt/rvaing (gni quieting t!,e Nerroug IS , ikism.!
thus alla,ying Nervous Irritatiou,, and curing 81,1 ass-saes
of theNervcs, as Hysteria, Neuralgia, Cramps &c. - :'
. .
It is unricalled in Pie cure of- all ' I.'emalc Com
plaints. . - • ,
• . , .
a- Weakness , goneral - .leb%lity, irregularity. Cbstruc
tions, Swelling of the'Fnot, Limbs, Joints. .ka.. oansed
by weakness; also, Lung and' l'hrnat Complaints, as
Cn1.1.13. C4ughs. Asthma, llonsninptian, &c.,alsn, bropsy
Rating made U.P of the Compound .tyrup Of tenor:
Doe Root. prepared by C Co.. either,nortel
yes: or in nor famillett. and Endive it. toThe a TM'S' , uiltitarY
And 01"re:tool preparation, vie .10 most -cheerfully tecuta
mend it to the puha,- AA tuvert valuable or !Urine, .
E. Rootoe. Caohier National'Bank, Provider... Jo. R.
I.: A AV. Silencer. Esq..'eneltieV Limo Rock liontOlo do do.
tiny' Wlilinriv .Pnittine.. Rev J R Richmond. C Jones.'
editor- Provident P j Cirri) Advt., VI ot Field. 5f W. G. 51,
flyrue'Fitiher. M E in R, Jnmee Yutchintmo. G tt E o o
.„1 'pm e A . Do St 11.0 rolby. and one hundred °theirs lof the
-net rt- ...ttable 1:-.
most rellertable fatnitieti of . Providenee
This rertitieg that 'rota number of yearg been
acquainted with thhcompogiticti and mode ofmanufacture
nt tinrl4ll..A flnnitiriii.l Rerun orrelletw !lock 'Hoot. ' , have
afro been acquainted with its modus sipciandi (t disease,
and Can gay that 4.411 maneets it. is adenirablyrAlenlated.
to remedy - that (.IMip nfDia.m. g for which it Wag ileg*-
Tt is especially valuable in ' Tolizeslinvord .1.110 4ttrnit
.vmntrtmi. it Arc to healthy action th- ',Frey.% re.,
ninceic Torpor, and of this aIWI .
latex 'health action in all th. - gyptem. s a Derttrafoi or
purifier of the Blood it,bag no gutrerinr.
D. 4.311") D
Providpare. R I. :Inn 4 11453:' -
I"=f - Proonnol by Q. %foist. & Co. No. - 41R Tbr osidwny:Y.
T. - and eobt by Drumrists and others throughout this and
other countries. . - •
..401.1 in Mnnt ros e 1)7
To tlie Citizius of . Susquehanna
. .
VITICKIIANI &I BENNETT would respectfully call the
V attention nt all
,persons ' in ScoluvhantiaLt:ounty
and 'Vicinity to their large and well -elected stock nt Dry
Goods and i'arp,.t3 which consist of all the fashionable and
eeosonable Goods nnw In ong4. °nods suited both fO the
gruye and 'he gay. tact all of the different styles of
gnats which can be (called for or thought of. frt. Are de.
'ermined )riot to he 11.1 - lersold. and If you wit) beer. kind as
to tavor rui with tt . we will make our word teond. One
stock 'nf Drams. Gond:, enr.Pistß in part of •
'Black. Brocade. Plaid. Stripe. Chong-eat le, and Lining,
Fig and Plain Wool Del:tines, Fig and - Plain Cotton ' dot,
Silks,Merinos. Thilotts. A'paccae. Par-mat ta,%l: de liege,
Plaid Lioseya,ColoredVsnek Flannels. lialleoes. i C. &e ,
I . 4 —Of which we have an endings variety-
Cashmere Shawls
.from g7-to Bay state, Long and
Square do.. Fig anti Plain Thibet. &c • ' .
IV it o -.will --Plain , Plaid and Stripe Jaconet
%lusting, RIMS Eye and Rusgia Diaper, Irish Linen, Table
Linen. Linen, Cntt tn. Worsted, anti Embossed Spreads,
anl Indio Jinek 11nelins, Virtorio and Bishops
Lawns, Linen Cainbric. L non Cambria French
Worked Collars A. 414 (NOT. Mlles. Muslin Drapery . Linen
anal Cotton 81144111 i and Shirting, Bleach and Brown,
Jacquard Diaper,j6c.• an.
..v et.t - aLier tvirtsv—Congisis of Black and Fan
cy Broadcloths. t".•assintez es, .Black . and Fatiey.. Satinetta,
Sheep's Grey. Ket.tuoky jean, Cashmretts. Satin. Wor
sted and silk 'Coatings Black 'and CoLlltles s •Satin Stocks,
Neck Ties. &c Flannels, White. tied. 111ue..; Yellow and .
stripe, Gents Coshinere Wrapper.. Drawers. &e. Ate
Our stock of I.ti maul 'lllwat el. is complete.
emhtneing Ladles, StiP.Pi./. and Gerts . Gloves, Lisle thread
CdThmcre. ctosslm re. Fleece Lined, Chamois Lint-4.Bes
vex. Kid. Back skin. &c. &e: • ! -
Ladies. Misses and GOnts 'Cotton nose. and lloge,
Whale. Brown : Mixed, Itlack sue • Made Colors. Alpacca,
Woolen. Cashmere; Merino and Silk do., and 'every other
style cif ..easonableMosiery. .
also, an endless ' variety of other styles of Goods gueb art
Damasks both Cotton and Wo..i, Silks and ;Cotton Tel-.
vetg,l'ounterpanes.'Moreens,Camhries, Tuill Jeans, Cam
fetters. Roan and gorge Blankets, Nankin.. Veltings, Mar
inert! stripe, Oil tlitrtains. Carpet Bags, &c. -
f tr * - ---11riissels, Three Pty• Ingraham both
Weal and Cotton. Cotton des., Cotton rind Wool stair Car.
peting.lerirret, Gil Ciothg. lia•th Carnettng Bugg.
Our stock of Dry Gaotig Is now compiete. 'and if you
would 'Oka teitee a good aFsortment s .ol Goods and Nev
Goons you will Cali at Wickham & Bennett's, nearly oppo
site the Pogt.offite. ' , .• •
IlinThamton;ll. y., Zi0i!.8,4553—n44
F. Brotials FAsenCe of Jamaica
Ginger. •
- This Essence is a preparation of umisnaleicel
lence. In ordinarytiiarrhmit, incipient cholera. in
short, in all cases 'of prostration df the digestive
functions, it is of inestimable Value. Doing the prey
aleciie of epidemic cholera. Mid•summer'complaints
of is peculiarly. dficacious ; no family or
individuator 'traveller should be without \ As' it
"Rhie" tinliY6l•enl to resist tile influence of incipient
disease which Inrk in a chattering climate. • ."
CAUTION.-00 sure to get! Ole Pennine essence
which Is prapareci only BROWN, at his
Drug and ; OhemicaVSltire. N. E Turner of
Fifth and . lho!stutit Streets, Pisiladelphia, and
for sale by the respeCtahle A poth;lettries in-the
United States, mid at Niontinse.Pu
(26 vI) ' • - i‘ TORRELL.
. . .
,'f*tetief ihn. the Jo4es of the Court llf Quarter .
Sesienns of the Peac'e, in: and for the county of
sityquehanna : ' i ,
THE petition of liorettip Carpenter of the lawn.
ship of Orem flenfl in said.itoonty.: respect - fat.
ty repiea eu h t . that he ;a provided-with tinttahlo nOtt. ,
vettieneem talv•ep a Or (Kell': ilf the Villote. of In.
&milk, to6ntehip ahrestaid ; and the it lahin in.
irn ilmi ""IPP I r." 4 h" nelit_Onort of Quarter Sr*.
g u,
: . he nolden in and for *a tif notinty;'onitte third
: .. ay of .lannary next for a lipenie try keep a 'pro=
. y;'and to.ielt streng borr.'ale, of other malt
I - iquprs,- aneOrdinr to Me act of Assem bly_ of 14th
ApriL.A D. 1$51:.: - • ' • - •
Lode wilts, Dec. 5, 1853-49w4 " - - -. ,
'the R. ;R., Godeavilte
- I
' gni%Olt alt 0474
, TE 1,50 nh
; cash in advao; 82.00, if
not] paid within Mix tponths; and 8244 nt. ttfe end
gio - year. No diwontinued until arteari.
get's. / are paid,
.except at the option Of the - Pub.
lish;ers. All etuntnunieations conneeted with the -
otlii.e. to insure attention. must be directed .(lint
pat) to CHASE At 04y, Motiirolse, qaehanna
- I.
Salts 61,Adverpsiiko, .
stinare..(l2, lines or 114?4) 3inNertil,flec 8/.00
Eadi silluolucnt insertion', 04 5
e s.rinare . tirrye . . ... ... 2,50
)ti..Nquare;•ix moruhS, : . .•, .. . . 4.06.
t Cords, lour lines a.r t 0 0 11,,, ;; ; 3.00
.I sirly: 4 dvertisPments, not over 4 s'rluareo, 1
11 . I column one year, •• '• .1..1 . . •'• . 30,00.
Yeasty ucivvrtisers v.lll, be reml l ected ;o.the
siness in timfstri'enailgt,,"
J. 0114 WORK'. 1.1 i- • I
.— The publishers having sddedtolheir ,job
• putterials , a • lrge and suOrior- assort.
\. .‘
b Type. are-now •prepare 4 to-' , .ex`eente
a manner' unsurp:aised,,,in this st. 4.
and'im the most reashnable terms:.
-, ery description hi-tpt constantly.
--. order. • 1 - •
'Hera of -4,
J IVW4irk
ti Jr! of 60 - nt rN
Blanks of
o •han4 or printiqi
Ilusintss Ertttorg.
P. A. 'LCCIaL,'
ashionable mil' 01 I
A: Baldwin's H:irtioss• Simi, up utairs. - •
401111.‘ GRO V ' 4 41
ash ioriabi e Tal lor--S op tiinder Searle'!i
Hotel, Main Street, Alontrope, Pa. 'a
real Bend Depot, Pi. ADDISON %cc:
Proprietor. ' \ • i.
L. B. spu - out 1
Manufacturer of SPROUT'SuT's
"RI GE SrKINGs, sfontrose, Pa:
- I Wm. W. 'SMITH 40 ; Co.
*76l.bitiftet, and Chair Manufiieta ' ra, foot kkain
Street, Njontro'se,Ta. • *
Et inGE rititLtu, -
Dealer in Books, Rendy„.Madd. clothing, Heti
I and 04% Suits and Sliti . es,Bl,e. Store oppa
site Segrle's,ll; , ,tel, Montrose, P. r 1
D.. D. HINDS' r
L ,
Live'ry and !Exchange • Stable.: 1 Office in . the
1. rear of IWilson's Store; 141nntro; e, -Pa. * '
. : . .
1- - " Dr. .c. Enictsiks, r -
Physician and Surgeon. Harfoid;.Pa. - - offies:
• I
- 2 doors belOar. Eaton's Store.
Hr. H. - iimr,rti, •
Surgeon Dentist, Montrose; Pa., Will be at
Searle's Hofel, Mondays and Tuesdays or each
week. = • 15y1
iIic."3IIL.LAN do P • K,
Beaten; in Dry Gi,ods„
_Groe t :ijies, LI- , rdware;
Crockery„, Boots and 'Shoes,
• Pa.' ' 18vI'
B. S. Bent 'es- L. F..Fitat ' attend
to, nit busines. i.ntruAted tit tho oar, under
the name and sty "BENTWV &TITCH."
, ,
Aitoinies• at Law—Offive formerly Occu
pied by Little . (5... Streeter,. Mo , ttose, Susqui..
hanna County. Pa. ' 1
S. ' IL. CHASE ,• . • . y
.Attoraey dad C'ouasellor at Law; abd
. CfTirnissi",,ncr .if Deeds foci Wimuotsin and
Iowa: o&.e directly. oppntiite the" "1.414
~.ll..use;" Greet Bend. P. . ,T, : : ." ( tf.),;
CONGDON & .11E4'1E1E4
Dealer% in *able Mfinumenti,Ttibleis, Tomb.
S i tonem.-&.:,, Cotner " of . Cnutt and Exelinn.
Street!3,iirtmoti.l.llkutlty Bank, Bint
N. Y. S. B. Whitney travelli g
A‘rent. •
Dealers lii itoves and liannfiletarera of
, Cipper, .and . .Stieet TiPii Ware. Sh4p .
west side Mitt Street, opposite Democrat Of.
• . five, Montr,!ite„ I . • '
0.11 LAm op . 15,..A. Woopatric
i it CI Ai I
Sepa_rer. _ _ewe,ry, Musical _gra
. clients, and bull's, &e., &t:. Ele4ro plating of
SPo , ;ns, Wlitehys, Jowetry, 464.,5t10ne ttl order.
He has an- 4ippi.ititine , it for Soler of Weight,
:and .N1,.”nie3..: Shop on 'slain Streq. first
.diior .13elow"the Brink Corner,i Montrose, Pa..
Montrose alloring Establishment.
Liizeii & Reynolds; Fashionable Tailors,
over G.,.R..H -wiey's Store !ode , door, below
11atehe's- Hotel; ready at all times to please
the public and., - elsinister to :th tastes andcow- .
•fort of tiiose wlio want clot es: Latest full.
• ions regu la rly received, and iildlones observed
: •
when rt;coi sted. . . : .
.1 -,.'-% -.• . -. ' f
ABEL ÜBRELL, Aosrmit*, PA.
lieater in )ru 31edicin es, Qh owicals, Palms,
Oils, Di c.4tuff., Groceritis, Dry. Gpoils, Hard;
ware, Stonb.ware.Glass.warelCatuphene,Bara. '
• ingr Fluid, ?..amp Oils, Cand 1 ee, Vai:pisttes,Ww;
-dow - Glass, Fancy and Tuilet.Artiicles, Peen.
mery; .TeW, elry ; Spoons. Spiytaeles,- Musical
Instrulluens, Trusses, Siedical Inttroments,
Liquors, Mirrors, Stationery.l,Brushes, Shoff,
Yankee Notions, &e. Phy'siciuus Prescrip•
lions carefully compounded. 1 • -
. •
FRAHM:N •PRasut; •
Attoirne* and counsellor Aft 'Lair s
•I 3101CTROSE, • . .
viTILL at tend faithfully to all 'busjusits entre*.
- led to him in the county` Susquehanna. -
Conveyancing Slid writing o f all kinds will bt
dorm neatly,' and charge Moderate.
He will alSo attenritoth. pros4cntion of claims of
soldiers, their widrinif and heire, against the Uni
tea States 'government, 'for Bhunty - Land, Pen.
stone. • arc.• . ' • •. -
• Igny bt. found at all hours al heofECtie formerly.
oceupiedby J. T. Richards, Esti,north of the Comt
House.• , ' 49y1
CAR 11411411.A.LE iTAGIFS.
.Je Or
1 1' Stagea_betWeen Carbondale and Hupbelllo
Station on ; thef,,arkawanna Lave
Western R 3.4 *
road. Distanee'2o 4tvet Carbondale
the morning end eonneei: with the' ears • Org.
_North. Returning., leave the arrival of
mail trhin from the Great .end. The nearest..
most direet. and cheapest, route froth. Great Boa
t. Carbondale; p . r tg e n er i t _ f k ip'thi s &wart,
got‘ into . Corbondato earlier lit the evening lbki
any other route.. _
Faire reeeipted Carbon h' at the Sini, or
th e Sttbserihera,"Main street,it few blobkalteio" .
Bronson's Hotel - *
Aiwa tit' 1841—tf. • ' • •
:Farm: € oicBaxe;
if E s uhat r efrers for :14 le's ialuable
JL 'three evilest east - of Nlor trose, .on the Pis .
, Itnadostid hatr'lniles from the Ilailresd It coso""
one hundred nines. 7U . '
.acres nipreved, lind4l
huitdings.. ;It is watered, nader good °
imprevemrtit, has a good oreheid, and well P l ,;
bale' dairying purposes •Wr fenced 'with la"
tko.. 'Said (snit wilt be sold ery-ehesp. AtFdn
Ahit:SubSeriiter, Montrose, I,tillaigkiaoss eon
ottresi,sept.-20 1 1 - 852. tf