The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, January 26, 1854, Image 2

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    The Senile Duels alt Midrld.
The duels fought by Messrs. . Soule, father
and son, have caused a great sensation.
The .Ameri an public already know that
these famous nets were toptmrsh M. Turgot,
the French_abassador, and the Duke of Al
ba, hristhersiti law of the Impress ltugisniefor
the offence Oil hitening Madame Soule to Mar
garet of. Bu ginely: Madame, •it appears,
- wore asdress kiss to the throet, while tise cos
tumes of the then ladies were More prodigal
in tlieir dist& iof charnis. The following is
t }
the French- ersion of ,the story; - and is a
esmirse 48 lit e• favorable as possible to the
Messrs: Smile It is translated fromthe las
sver'd'e Mt Caine :
- On. the 'lsth of November, .tbe Preach airs'
'oas•ssdor at Madrid gave a iall on the,occls
sion of thefe re of the Emperor. - . 1
Mr. Soule, Minister of the United State",
was present, with Madame Soule and her sou
aged twenty three years. During the jete,the
Duke of Alba - and the 'rench ambassador, in
• tete.a-tete eim - versaticin, made-some observa
tion and exchanged some pleasantry art' the
toilet of Madame Soule, the eccentric taste of
'which had been remarked by the entire com
pany. Mr. Soule, junior, overheard - the con
versation. Ii • •
The following morning, Mr. Perry, Seers
tars' of Lega,tion of the United States, and
Colonel Milans del Bosch, waited on the Duke
of Alba ; they handed - him a letter from Mr.
Soule Jun., and said they were sent to demand
satisfactionsfOr the pleasantry of 4previoiti
evening. 1
The- Dtake. of Alba was greatly surprised
and throwing the letter which had been giVenon his to le,' explained to the two wits
him b
nesses of
-his idversary what had - really pass
. ed—in fact;
,hat it was nothing more than-ix
- simple joke i', a private conversation.' He at
the same- tin*, expressed his great regret that
a son shouldl,lhave Considered his mother of
: fended'at a remark which only had reference
-to her ,mantriu-makers and •he propceesd to
write a frienoy letter to Mr. Soule to remove
from his mid the error under which he la
bored. The', friends of Mr. Seale took their
leave perfectly satisfied.
The following morning_the Duke of Alba
found on his, writing.table, the letter of the
day before, d which, he had not opened:—
Ile read it and found that it was couphed in
terms so violent, so insulting;• that he ,consid-,
ered himself I bound to send, in turn, two• of
• his- f ri ends t ' Mr. _ Soule, Jr., to demand the
withdrawal What he had just read, and to de
marul also that the letter of explanation which
. he himself had written should be returned to
him. Mr. Soule withdrew the insulting pX
pr4sions he` had made 'use of, and asked to
be allowed keep the, letter which •he had
received fro the Duke of Alba, pledging, at
'the same ti e, hii word of honor that. he
would never Rnake use of it, mid that the' re
sult of the affair completely- satisfied' hind
Several days after some English papers re
lated the fa es we have just mentioned, but
they tsansla CA them in a manner offensive to I
the Duke. ' eine; irritated by th es e attacks,:
the Duke of Alba/sent General Jose de la
Concha to Mrs Soule to demand repuration..
He consented, and' accepted the. duel with
swords, as pkoposed ; and the 12th of Decem
der was named' as the day. Sub;equeetly
Mr. Soule inked that the duel should take
•place with 4e small sword, which was agreed .
to. He thee demanded a delis' of forty eight.
hours, which was also granted.
On the dy fixed for the duel, Which was
.to take' pla ce t in the Pardo, • lffr. Soule, who
had to be Waited for a considerable time, un
der pretext that lie was writing - despatches to
the governMent, at length . arrived ; followed
by six carriages full of his countrymen in
. .Niadrid: 't . . ' 1
. Though shrprised at witnessing such indis-_
'creet eurioSity , which made the 'affair, resem
ble a cost:-it, the seconds of the Duke of
Alba coase ted, howexer, - fo the Americans
remaining l i the ground. The two adversa
ries took their ground and crossed thier swords.
Mr. Soule, as continually interrupting, and
he demand'
.i ii
several times a ees.sation,which
was granted him. , At last the , witnesses de
blared that, e duel ought to terminate, and
that they' W uld• only anew' five minutes more
'Mr Soule,l t r., was slightly wounded,; and he
then prom sed
,on his word of honor to• con
tradict the
-facts recounted in the English pae
pers, and - to icause a letter to -be published' tol
that effectlin the journals of England and
America. `He also pledged hiniself to in
presence of the witnesses, ihe letter he
had received frem the Duke ofAlba.
Thus terminated this affair. -
These WO* the first two acts of the drama
which we hare recounted Now, for the third,
and most i portant.. .. ,
After t e esents just related, Mr. Soule,
' (the Mini r,) wrote to the Marquis de Tur
get, 'the Fl- nch ambassador, an angry letter, i
informing 1 ini that it was not tne Duke a I
Alba and h s son who to have fought;
: but that i t as he (Mr. Soule) . who ought to'
• avenge the onor of his wife, attacked by the'
please* Which the embassador of France .
permitted';l imseif to indulge -in. The Mar
quis De , T
. rgot accepted the: challenge ad
dressed ts:), im.
• His secb cls were Lord, Howdep, the Eng s ,
lish Emb ador, and Gen. Collier, at_ present
at MadriA third combat, the consequence
of the tw . first was also.expected to take
' place betw n Mr. Perry, the' geeretary of the
United Siates Legation, and the French Con
sul at Santander. ''
,The s ' i e paper says :-=: - Ilte preceding ar
tide was l ; mposed when our, letters from Ma
.. • drid brou tus the , denouncement which' we
•eipected. , Aware of what Was passing, the
French gh emment took measures to 'prevent
the comb .
The tes, adversaries, in order to evade the'
'precautior4 taken against them, chaagetEthe
day of the meeting, which took place on Sat (
urday, the 17th. ;The Seconds of Mr. Soule
were Gdni. Valdes (known for his extreme
opinious,j ut who is no relation . to the Gen.
Valdei s o, well known in Madrid,).M. Gamin-
' do, and ' Picon, one of the editors of the
c/cesser._,l, The' weapcins were pistols, Two
-shot w e, exchanged.. Mr. Soule sv,sta not
. 7 , M. e Turrot fell—his adversary's bail
. having hi him in the-leg, about 'three inches
above the knee. The wound was serious, but
• it is hop ethat life ,will, not beendangered.
The whol Spanish ruibilitv-•---all men of hon
., . • or in Mid. id, have left their,names at the nee
idenee ef .•Tergot. •
A suit q . - • .
, t I
t ueetaecount datNl the 20th De
cember, s tes that the'liall had 'been extrac- 1
' ted, and ti e wound was doinglavorable -, 1
Jul Toissado - iss Ohio. ,
Voasow, Ohio, Jan. 21, 1854. I
y afternoon this section. of the
cOuntr,y , as visited by tlie heaviest storm- of ,
,T l e
Mind, TO ,thunder, and lightning, that we 1
have, ex r' fenced since 1828. A perfect tor e
.• undo Or i a. esperienced sotnotiix miles south I
this. toWn of Brandon was almost en
tirely.d troyed, scarcer toliouso being l , I
-to mart the site of the PlacA... Dr. Wheatoa
was seri usly, if not fa tall y injured, . and a.
' Mis; Sinith wan also bal l hurt, • -The torna
do eras ' l bout a half a uti e wide, tearing up
ev z ' '• . 1 'in itßtrack; but the full extent of
-the - '.., : . we have hot yet, been able to learn:
Our * . have oiedlowed their banks, and
I Jenkinsorhile attesipting to cross
ig fiver last evening, was thrown from
and drove net Buckingham & CoI!!
struck by lightning and_idestroyol.
Art:11 , 613
his b s
U t
i .hl. A CHASE it ALVIN pAll
I:Montrose, Simian . 26 44. i
iar Messrs. rassmore and Deeglin of the
Ito of r
Representlaiyes of this State, will
4e_ ac' ept our thanks, for - coutiuileci p4blic
favors. I
jar On Monday of last week on mo tion
ofof B. S. Bentley Esq :, A : Case 7aS son
ancl.adinitted to practice as an Al4torneY:and
Counsellor at Law in, the \ several Courts of
Susqueuhnua bounty. , •
~ c , We have ree,eived this week too, late
fo . rjpublication, a speech of , the ,11on. G. A.
G - 'ow, Representative in , COitgress From' this
Diti •.t.,. upon the Railroad troublei at Erie.
t t
sha cheerfully give it a plane in our
.col nins flex week; and bespeak for it an at
ten ive perusal. ‘ . ,i'
CommoN Scnoots.-
thef Hon. it
..., ARLES A. 'I 7 L ,,
tenders c.; for a Copy' of hil,
report on the
,gommon Schools .
From it we learn that the - number v,
opin during the year 1833 exceoe4. 1.01.
average time they were-Illiim wailierucktAi
Average pay of ireaChars
i somehaqincreased
over former years 7 —that .I:of males being'Bl9,-
2sipe r month, and that of femalqs /t 12,6 4 ..
The whole number, of pupils iu atteilance .
((exl • 1
clusive of l Philadelphia,) was about", 480;
00 :, In the City and fOonnty of Philaifilphia
Tre wee 286 public., schools, ' wlth 50,086
u ils, conducted at an expense o ,0411:,303, 7
85 1 . • Amount of, school t,a.x lova, if thq State
. ,
t of Philadelphia; was $4021,. 3 6, 1 ...14.
The Superintendent; repofts the , system as
wirking well, and the schOols in 4 pi'osper
ona ! Condition. -
Writing School. • ,
~Mr.l V. B. Seanyttis . ,pu'rpc*es ..cs'ening a
Sehodl for the instiuction of pupifijnthe art
, 4 " •
of Writing ~at Aciulemy Hall, commencing on
Friday . net. Mr. S. comes to us *ell tecom
mended, and judging : ;from an ,exatitination of
hts specimens, vie should say he is' jusily en
titled to a.liberal patronage from_ thckqe whp
,-'ish to 0 eneourvre this Most useful':of iirts.--.
.i t
II also givesl instruction in Drrtw o n and
,Painting. To,` those who' wish'' ;to tike a
.course of lesso in an,yof these bra l nches,"wAi.
would say to - tem, this is anexcellntoppor
tnnity. 'l.,
111. OD lii. . i ' \ •
GLAD TO SEE rt: • •
f r t is indeed .most graltifying to the pride we
all naturally enough feel in ,that 'wloll per
tins to the honor and it.t,..,..e, .4 .:N4 c..—...-
I 1-
monwealth, to see the universal commenda
'on of the press referenee to tile character
k i
of the Legislature now conserved at the capi
til., .
We well remember the tone of, the pmts
after the adjournment of that bodyai4 spring,
1 •
and' how. earnestly. the appeal %v.*, sent forth
to the people,' to make one detetinined•effoit
i; the'elections to redeem the_hoiMr ;and ili.-~
f i'grity of the State, by' sending tc), the pres
i i,
ent session.a class of trim. whOse 'characterS,
"allYth and
.- i
* beentically, s t h . oul t d il l;;of t it , hi g her
I We mean no disrespect, to the iii , olbers Of
e last - Session-in.‘what 'ive say. ; There was
iidoubtedlv among them mane gel men; l.
1 -
and a fact too significant to tie overlook
ed, that, almost without eXceptionl o those have
been returned. But we Mean to sac that the
peopli ,. • 1 , •
people. of the ,State had. become careless and
e. of - , ,
indifferent, apparently, toi the ithportance of
the interests they annually eentilfed to the' ,
trust of tnen in that .body. Leai'slation bad
1 [
become too much a matter lef spzenlation4-
1 . ;
tan arena where corruption and )virong stru
,4led not in vain for success; and Ogre the re
al nteresta of the Commonwealih `here too
little Cared * for, and too often ba;red away
48 - Ir.:natter ,( I .)f gain. It is - a fact; o; less trice.
than notorious, that honstjegisi tiOn too of
en has been borne down' by sch in4iof spc;e
nlation with which it chanced to eonflict, and
',that to w r
lint to suc r u an extent as this kiarlied, that
theicheek 'of lion.,esty would b1u.41,1 it the as-
1 u ' -., • .ri .
'sociations srrounding the law-pving power
'of our State, while scarce a defi' 'lit; :voice- br
fearless pen was left to deiend t e..'right.' and
protect the interests of the peg pie. With
r '
neighboriw , States we had Lwow*, a byword,
,* Ili
land the shameless acts' of bribery and comp
Lion, perpetrated almost with opt?,n daring ; had
11 i
fifixed:even a paltry sum as the price with
,which to purchase the pasSage.'; of Acts fla
grant With wrong and rnischief,` 1 -
1 .. 'lt was not without reason then that the
press of the State appealed witii''earne.sttim
to the - people last summer ;- nor. s. iimarVel
ous that great anxiety should hil.i'e been felt
thfoughout the State when the 'present
isatur4 \ assembled, to see, what mann,er of
men therlieremf. And well, op, may the
press' now; arrogate 64;134.1hat Of i Mietlit. At a
time line ',this, when we see the , r a l my daytiof
the ttunn?onwealth being restoi4d;—when we
See wisdom .and goodness; honor and integri;
ty, purity and learning assembllid together at
onfrapitol—when we can feellthat the great
.State of ll'ennsylvania, true t...i; i herself,. has
confidedlthe law-Making power i to hands 'isor
thy to redeive it; and that,the ilay of her re
proach among her sister statesils:not nciw,—
we say, Well may we all rejoiee'aild be glad.
What a grand opportunity I, Offered to the
present session to write a glowin:t page in the
history of Pennsylvania! Let She demoraliz
ing influences that have so lop' existed, .and
lien gaining strength at the C 'Pito], be torn
up by roOt. and branch'. - Let i ', dical princi-. 1
pies and honestl l measures and ' ren only pre-
rail. Let every assault of powers dangerous'
.to the pUrity of the- governmOt' he resisted
at the threshold andldriven-bstOc in. dismay.
Let those who would speculatliotn the rights
of 'the commonwealth, 'and li'' citize s, see
that the day cif\ their success Ail y has '
by, and ihat not again shall !tlie Godd 'of
Jtuktice and equal rights be ditiiipoiled i the
temples of-ter enthronement. :
,o do snob a
work requires hiart;nerre, wilt energy and
determination, but how great, till be the re
irard ! We appeal to the Leg stature assem
bled, and ask them not to disamointthe high
We "are in etotocl to
'ACK Esq, • p
- very excCllent
the State
400 :
hopes which are now; centered around them.
The people hate a right to airk deliverhnee,—
they have perfonne&their piirt and now, call
upon those in whom th' luive confided not
to prove themselves unequal ; to their task.--
Thirtcen millions of BaitleaPital is knocking
at the door for admittance, - While innuinera
schemes of corporate speculation call
aloud for a legalized 'existenee. May we not
reasonably hope that those ;to whom these
Bills shall first be comMitted, will prove equal
to the responsibility
. derolvCd upon them,--
that they will realize that the eye of anxious
hope and expectation watchs their delibern
'lions with Argus scrutiny i j Let not that eye
turn away. in sylness and, disappointment!
If-the close of the preseneSession shall find
le expectations which its assembling has ex
cited realized, then icily a tisc era hac dawn
ed upon our.ComniOnWealt4, and in, the fu
ture her, halls of legi'slatfon-Will not be pollut
. liy timercenaty tivad..oeatlemen Legis
latois ! in ,yoli ice. frust, bit' us not be con
founded'. •
The Union Again in Daaer!
, •
.• The past few days hare been distinguished
for important political , diwelopetnents. A
kind of political seer; /*imp , has been issued
and revived Es-SenatOr FOete - of Mississippi
to life and immortality{ bringing hiin up in
full proportionkupon, the (*tingrootn table of
• .
allthose-Who feel the most anxious solicitude
for the safety - of the Uttion, we had. taken
them at their word,
, not Wing able tOdiscov
er anything in - the signs of; the times that por
tended the e;Onti . n,g of a stoma. Let- us see.
Three years ag9 and )itile more, the coun
try' was distracted with , i the angry issue of
Slavery exteusioh.f The .st.orin. ran high and
threatning. Over; above, and amidst the ter.
or and confusion of the conflicting elements,
were heard the voices- l'of.Clay, Webster, and
Foote, proclaiming the t4,tal - • w-reek and dis
memberment of the COnftideracy -just- ahead,
and appealing to the patriotism of the Amer
lean peopld. to come tc) the -rescue, and
save the. Union:by- 1 the., Compromise.-
Their invocation Went.not Font in vain. Stout
rescue. TI t Cotnpminise was the only'pan
acea,—the- only , "Doctort 'To/el:sand" . that
could save the if tiiOn. It` was applied -with
virtuous intent,- 7 -.-the.- storm subsided—the
calm suceeekledthe aanLfer was passed and .
all. ' Nekt catne'fthe
Compromise must be Made, Elie the laws of
the lledefi and • Persiatts,Land hateful- as it
was to manly, national Sentiment, because of
its character as :tn innovation on all prece
dent, and the - ridiculous icea, it inculcated to
. "
stop'ag,itation by attempipng to bind men's
-right to thihk with an iroh' rule of law... No
such thing !was :needed, .for it strengthened
nothing : -_-_- • aka • hecOhiplished nothing;; 'but
-eVett that was talcen down ,by the s 4fering
patient :Ind . -the tast„remedy Was then sUppOs-•
ed to...have:tiert applicsi.l The country was, agitati'pn at ati I end, and General
Foote might hay;:: rested nn his lands as one
of its inight6l 4 .lSaviOrs. i 'This he hsio 'ROL i
done, 'nnd leason thereof hai come out the
full current,of his .patriottsm—even flowing
from hiS moitili•down Upoti the unstained clogh I
of the dining tahle at_theNational Hotel.
• What shall be said nosy of General Foote ?
The ComprOmise, 'the Finality, all, all have
been applied and yet! the', country • nearer ,
its doom than bitfore. DPes, he acknowledge
that he then plaYed 4.cheat; or hare:hist - cm,
edies proved salt-that has !lost its savor? ,We
thick not the hater,!.-forithey are faithfully
absurd in all their parts,' and the country ev
erywhere stems `to acknoWledge theif efficacy.
' : Those who resisted theiri passage and were
the most;detentii nod lin their opposition, have
'ceased . to resist:glow,: and from no quarter
North - do -We har the noie'of alarm sounded.
Who then are the agitators of the present?'
Where,. pray tetl •us, "where is General FOote,
. who three yea?* ago staked . the preservation
of :the Union on the; Coinpromise as it was
passed and is 4 now observed, and who must
then have a Finality,!becluse men would talk
and`the .c,ohntry . mttSt hays peaCe, and must,
rest from-agitation, and ,Strife? Behold hint
erect on the dining-roomrtable of the Nation-.
al Hotel, rtiochtimin4 to.his couhtrymeh that
the Union; Compromise, finality and all are
about sinking g forevCr in theocean of faction
and discord.. DisiniereSted patriotism
i i •
requited patriot ! • • - . •
People trap very naturally inquire, from
whence the danger comes now. The answer
-is soon giVen.,cPresideittlPtsaci has not giv—,
en the flv•Ooves to Foote] and the Southern
,Unionists,and the two lisPs- to Dickenson
and -the northern 'Nationals, as they would
have theniselves"particulitrly- regarded. , We
- 1 •
can see, no . other reasort i .ltliough . this is 'stoni
ly detried j pit t.he dinitigrixun ,table, for Abe
wholeburiheri of invectiVe and denunciation
against th'e -kdrhinistration is founded by the
General (in the distribition of 'office; • Ile
dare not say that the CoMpromise is disturbed
'Or likely to be t , or that it. is not faithfully ex
ecuted by the- Administration. . A strange •
infatuation . 4ems to hale got hold of him,
that becadse ;fat his great, services in the pass--
-age of the. Measures' of Adjustment,. none but
himself and compatriots are ' ever aiterenti;
fled to the spoils, and that really the efficacy
Of the CoMPtiemise, to Save the Uniort,..flnally
depends on the distribution of office to those
most officiouS in its pn.teurement.
-We thi ~ p eople- w illbe a - pt . to look at this.
thing in common sense light, and Will, there
regard Ore COuntomise much more fa
vorably Oa* . thei the motives of Foote
and some of el's \ who have attached their po
litical fortuocpo
ti will be hard to Con
vines . therm tlaat,' the ifistlibation of office
i -
among sound, radieal , benioerats 'With • ut r
spect to the peculiar ;v of, Mr. Foo e, e: u'
in any lway eiidarigei l :',the Ililion - While, .ti c
..ctinpn7,ise exists.; 44 it, .4?11 also 1* hard
to convince them. thAtithelpire of ofricp after,
all, and i the tutpe Of PO,liticall,prefermeitt, wisi
not the; great 'seat of iill' i ii dP,i7oti. a tot ?:S !:
vation if the Union hi, 11E350.. By their\ o •ii
Words we judge l thein) 1 i""
~. , .4.1. • - -
It is Isingalar indeed that those extreme ha
ters of qgitation. therei,ishiiiild be ti,i4 only
• .t , ~... , ; [.. • .-- endeavoring; to fan' to life the dead
embers of strife; aii - dtb! keej
~ u p the -iireS of
discord—to raise ularin.atidil agitati Oil lagan.-
it; as they say,, now - 44 but pure and disintes•
I . I -,
ested pfartotism aet i ta,tes tutan. GiVelus..l r
other speech from ilie;dining room table a 1-
'those in doubt will bei-Satistled
• . : II dant.2i 1854
:- • • :, , 1 , *
DE ilt " DSKOCRAT : " -"Is it not strange
what Singular idea's' 'people- %Olt] get f -Si nee
- i • i t.m i u y n u it i nt l e lo ) t tr i u ti r e lpe t a i r ia mi t u ti er ,, o i. l 4 4 4 C i a ., p e it n ol : l2 l i ir li"
1 1--)
l ed
; the qutrstion how a palm! Of tour size and . tip
•l . I)e:it:ince can be suiported ".iipl in the beach
i woods, 4 ! When will- the.peoPel of other•sec
dons of the:` State form a' t!ottetit understan
,I ding of thel•North ? "The b4adh wocds . l" -as
l i though
,wemilth, intelligence, rii - ven the co rn
, nion cOmfortiof life could hot, be found. in
'`ii \proXiinitv to a beach tree! .A n d ail this too.
II when Wic-limi ye land which prialliees one IMO`
•-•I dred and siktv bushels Of tion..iio the aci4%l•---
_I Give tis.tin.i .. I 's:liorth, Pennsylvania • Rail
I f . once, so that we.can reach ).'hilatlelphia 'in
1 :six hours *tn .116ntrose,' anti:lwm shall then,. I.
- i r . trust 110 looger be looked upon es.miniotig "the
l' . outside barbarians , "
Court PrOOreditigs--IFlrst 'o"ek. I . ,
I .prmnisi , .4l in MY last to give you a look
Coinmonwealth .V.4.'tiohn..-Voinstock. , 111,! .
t. pptur: 0 se. c
.. ip! ! at spine of the' representatives . of the,yoimg •
diet. fair keepilO , Ti ' 'l' l II h 1) -ri.
I leni oc racy. in. 11 le •111,11 Set. lot] will retnein 7 .
tenced ri to . pay , a fine,' tif 0.0 land 'costs. I
. ; •
Su e vs. same, Imliet. , keepieg T i ppii
..I berAlmat•the , .old \\lig eon . ntof : . ersends
this year; twee' Dernoentts - tor !the - fir. tune
House Deft. .cenViC . , !cid 'And sentenced t'oi
in hcr hjstbrV. They are' NieSsri., Wheeler',
pay n fine of $2O aii,lL.x.:o,i , :- • !.. i
E%7:ins'and:lfoilegban,--;(6d three better men
Same vs. same:. I• , ' liolictl l for Assaiilt a i'dl
inside of I 1161141'ot' Pe resen-
BatterY upon Wm. ill,,lliockwell. ' Det!t. c• n; never s '•: aw .,•° , •,. '; • 1 r ' ,
tatiyes. tlmust pass the two - first tanned, tut
Victed and sentencelblto pas'a title of 5 0.1 4 I'l
1 , . I aim. her time, as' they can, hardly .be said to
Costs.. - • . i: •/!' '- t: .- - I Mr. Mone,
Sanq vs. swine. Indict. for keeping:la Tt n; ' belong '-', {lie Young Delneer Wl'. I
pin Alle3. -
fin e. DefiAt,linvieted and sea 4 • g han i ''' a young manot !Over 28 ,yeays-- 4 .
1 • ; tall and well proportioned. tin is of Irish de-.
to pay i ! a e of . t.:3o,rind Gists'. : -. . . .
Cinnmon'th vit. - 41idon '6. Lien - 14nd. .'- scent.... His father was a prominent partici-°
Indietl, for Assau l t an'll :Bat ! .ierc- upon ills itl pator in ;the gre:tt Irish Itet,ellion of 1798,.
T . Tiffi anw. Tr i ech i l ia vtirc ii„ t. of not 4 nir 1 ., , 1 . , and fought: to recover the lust; nationality of
1 Ireland, till her star of llppe!. Went downs : in
and Prosecutor, Ell,itth T. Titiaity, t o pay t ~,,
Costs. . - ~- . ~„ !, .
1 .
i blood s iad dismay. -I.k is repreS4Hrited-as .thiv-..
Cottimon'th'YS. 1101411S011: Illaiet. for Lz rl: lin been a - most extraordinary than;---learnett,
eeny. Deft. p lead oguilty - and. Cotirt Se n' pt . ksessing great po . wers• of _elo t pience, emn
... 61114,41 with 'all the lervent, -I,Mitrietic and gen
tonic dm to restorci prbperty stol i rn, pi}
.a fine of- fA and ccl , ,f,s, and under • go ;an it ilt. erous.impolses, so peculiar . ti.., the (..'eltic race:
prigon Ilea hi the tisterr4. Penitentiary . r The world calls misuecesstnl.! rebel a patriot,
. . : I and au unsticce:ssful one.' a. traitor, who Must
one year.and a half.i,'
I seicoiltlt `Wtrek. • . I
I.• I- I• 11Z111 • 1; 111)011 the nAt nix., IPOor, Monegban
i .
1 and his Confederates were Unsticcessffil and a
cotnelins Mira I Mt 1 NC 1 1 i
c.e. : ;,•S. ...•itint.i .....rae.e, _ .:- , r .,:k ~.i. . .4 l t i x t. d „„ i. „ l , t f,•,...i,.. b e ta, • with the:
bel for'•orce, .1.aii,•23--*iipon re:aling t i;•1 1 4:1•,!•atesi: ditlicnlt%, :mild initiWsliair breath es
-I)epo.--itions in this it 'e, and on inot.j(in 4)f - I.'. „ , ' he,
1 .-t , ,, Jan v am_e_ in - .t...nerlea settled in
I II 1 I ll ' 'XI ''
B. - Chase, Esq.; Colikdecree a divortle fro n
4•-• . t. 1 - ,• ~,
ii; counts Of Ciiester, whert; be rea ' red a fitin
bonds of inatrimeig-t.l 1, .
I ; itv n lived many years lainoted and belov-
Ifiieita .11 7 ;ird ./•/,;:Santhrs D. Ward: 1,- 0 1 . , :nosh
•- . • i . ii
'Oll, will .agree Wqxl . Incf Pia our So ntag
1 .fdr Divorce. ! . .007"reiollir the Dejibsititi
le . gishitor!sprung from goOd detnocratic stock.
' • on motion 01 3,.tri• 13ris. min, Court decree a P 1.4
' I. 1%110 of Ito i i 4 ;111414 . ill: 1 11 J '.
his. tears in the.
; y- - i 1 . ,
:,, ,
.1 , ' Sttite r haVing befoie him a Ibihrltter fortune
. . , • 1 , z.,
,er G. Lain . - - i , p • 1 Susii,,a loin, Libel r fur nsefulne'ss - : -aii , l honor 1 COnithandito• in
eon rounds of De croon. ' ot' rca i- •'. • •!- 1. '-•:1 ;-• ' .' 1. I: t•
11Mktainnee-,•possessto in n reinarfta v ie degree
epasitie .7:land on nitition of 111.- Cita e ,•• 1 ~,_.• •. 1 ; i t ; • i ; 1
um t 00,,,, socimocptitOtomis,w,mlmmi make men be-.
decree it,, ) • Vt,e" from bonds .or, "wam. i. .. , .
1 1 iovial by their own party, and respett:ed bv
% • - " ll\ if .! .! '--li ' I ~ :litns earnest and ehreitientiiit debate, !consei
4Ieb,IC. Rielialsku , •s:;,J. ,. T.. - Peri., , rour i tl . entiou l s in his cOnvictitais, and deit...rininei in
rat am. ~t.rt, T ass .or 4. utting -away
pursuit. of riudit •liis career I if lift. tki Ivired
Plt'lf claims i.,bV 2.1• 'years ,oases: r, 1;: 'I'•I. - ' e • • . .• i ~-' '
I DeftS. CUl'llegt B '• eilli . c! , !:11 5 ;ii ' I C _I s itir must lie one 0: oi s tinetnn anti a nor.
.1 • ; 1 1 . . -o- , No7o. friend Ntaiorli.tit st,s l II milt otorep
'led: Il.a:ei,eamnett• tlial g. anted - " - • ~.- ' •,1
r e .„,, e11 ,,,ag the :m fal
. W big c i a l i cy of Allorlin...
• . '------1- ...1".•41611".'—---. 1
I ti ! too i-:: 3 wipitwr . itilii .. of pir'i. 7 xi ad
.!inocratie 0;414 \ Coavention4 . itY : ~
',l ' i
' - not '' ',.. 1 i -"I ' ll .•
' i s n i •
• protium... 4 out 1 oave ye, :go. suo.clenv
.. • , ! 'i';' , l • •-•:,‘,„. - ;
, ; 7 - 11 iietputinled• with hint to speaki i of him ftdly.—*
, .(-
. I ''..., , i. 1 ire has the reputation of la•iiig a Very able
advoemit. at: like . Bar, and judging from a three
Pursuant to rioti•e4 of the Chairinan of tl e
Stantiin ` •I ' ''' - r ..,-'' •- • I--1 i 1 m i nute l i ) t'e'dit Uhich he in the othel'ihl}'
g committee. a —nYention was ,1e . 1., eti tile
. • : • 1, , , :floor, his reputation 1 , is not without'
at the Court Ilouiti lin Nl4intkose on \ Mon& - V foundation. lll ' ' t iri ':it I
, -As '....... home is F,Alt . -
-,-.elsi..- Jai..., .!!'144;!..701.i :.......4. .- ! s ! , ! i .4.1.,_,:,..:t. In Iv. ... )40 - _..x. _11.•• __ I a ta ' far CIL:. tOd in 0
1 .6; t a t• t. L. i
.„,I - .-'1!, j 1 ,• ; . ' i . ' . wick ,
I ne . meeting • N9l i torgimizect by I, lectii g 'county t hree thoUszulif FWllig • .nutiorit) :
Wit. J. TURIIELLIV...-I.,:!,Presitlent:ltlni'dit,ii. agßinst illim. A little farther- round sits 7.t.,ig -
ler (4t4etkrsoti. Whose fresh,' frank, and open
NI. d..Tr Len; It. lit'_o rit.l, - ES . I Joitt! 'II •
.I •. • , •1.1, 4. -7 , 1 , • countenance be-speaks liis Oermari ori,riinointl
• •
cocu, Esq., Rad, t' .I Ski - morn, E•sti., Vi -e a 1 ,41,4/',. g o icy o us , G eri a a i i Mart. ti e , i s a
/ . . • - : ~ .
Presidents. and ...1; t/4 Daiiis awl Jontle Jun c•-• \ terrible'Deinocrat, full'. of ; fine , ; determination
11 t - - •
:on,• Lee ys. - - 5l. 1 - .1 0 . . 1 , 1 1 ~• - 1 ,ltiti bolap,'.•ss. - lie is 'tt flUebt -speaker, and
Iris, •,I
Oti•mution, II:A . li_i 0- W. .- ',cis- i ' • - s° lll, ithlit's - liall'lles adver-ary without
t t., .. ~. arner was eett- . : -..-.:
::, : - ..
ea Represi•ntative,Pelorate to die State C::i.- :4 19y e s • . -• • - • I l • I ' -
vention to be liOldpit atII trrisburg•in .11/ii:l-11. ' \ext comes look of wel:tincirelzind,---tlw
- next . ' with tintlioritYito shbstitue., '!I • . rapid] .fluent, poetic, .dasliiior vivacious Cook.
.• via motion, 11;.:,tr:t:h• Tyl'er was 'eleiled,Mr,- • L. i!,, a 3 01111„, 01311.0 f.! rea4; geni us, pos.sess
re , e o ;at i ve De i egi t,... i ect . te t i le I concur- ing Otte, of those Singular lininds that can
hit apt itself to any ci re untstances :it any time;
-fence of the, counlt!le4 of Wyoming.and SUB',
van..l . .• N• ,1 . 1 i and is: eltially at home in .the pidpit„ the bar,
I 11! :II •!' .. . . , r ,
Cti motion -it !Ult's .Ri,olved that;
• ' ' „. e i t . re or -in cue 1101.1•;(`. 11:0 is opt . of
-unanutiousl- in fti,"viir oftlie re-humiliation of 'i . res.7--an ultrupolitiCian.; I:lWyer and Moral
•. •ist... 'A, little training
~ -.vouldinake him a very
AVin. Bii 4 -10- as c:i'ail'idaec for-Gov:2l.or. .
Resolved, T
n. liat',w i e are unanintou!lt in :I'a-' extraordinary siTaker,,f6r-taints•a Most, per- .
vor of the re , -oininatio:lof 3441411 i: - S. Black•f
I command otlang-tingti.:tial an easy; ltien;
When lie,itt \ taelies;sntlit , iciit ballast to
as: clintlidatC for J ; ll4,te 6f tlieSupreule COI r:. '' tYkl'm
On motion, C,l N't - , Gere r - John 141!india.-,.. Ill: imagination, he \tn:ikes : it most beautiful
ILiti - ev Tyler and! Jsepli Jameson w i n n i a a ii_ 1 'l.lnti idling ' speeeh,tteili in erspersing it
imonsiV • eit'eled Siiiitorial Conferees. - -o; ,with' ' tl ' e- U ine ' t i'"'"vq 4- ' 1 1 ) ! and f u re ib l e
~n'm . .
otion, FAMi Williams, F.. A: Wa ,I, I ti'' , Prit':al . illit'gration; \ : 'vial :wit 'and I , ooy .
Wrii. A.' Crossmanland ;Writ. (`‘.. Wartl. ti: ere :' t"-' l u l 'hed• ik - i!• :I waini !hearted, generous.
unanimously eleeit•i'!d RepresentattiOe! C o n •, 1 -... ; CricluLta : ra di o; politici:4 and death on his
'I. ',, ' - - - , •
ees.l . - . 1 ' li - - • 1...r0e5., i 1 1 \ i•
•-` ' • it • I m4st, ! ,not pass -by obi! \ frien,d ROWC Of.
CM motion a Cpmniittee consistiit of `... - -o- !'
ren.l6. Rirrar, Iski:iti Mhirfe, and 'J. I T. Lal l ig- i•Fitinklin:, Ile is a (juicy niiaSsum!ng..lnan.
don _mild= appuint6 _mild= instrmieted I,.ici jal.ili e llagreeable.and gendemanly lin lii\ deportinent:
Judge Wilniot 6 afillreiss the ineetiiii, \ Af, l'erue : aS the needle tv the polc in his devotition
ter la brief - absenee i 6' 42 1 0 6 inin iit te !. r ',, i - i ir .,,,i ! tt, his 'principles, honest, radical, .rind consis-I
1 . , l. • . „ —.. s
accompanied by :,hillge F., who prim •eetle I to I tellt-t '4 his polities,—mt inminlwho•wony sooner,
addo s the meetjlig in
.41 verx-
411 ,ki. :led - i , i _ I 5mi . ,,.. Martyrdom then betray his eotistituencv .
structive maroon and ti, the evident srttisae- ;: or )taerifiCe the interests ";,:iso.l honor •O' . his
tion of Ilk andiene4 -a.&': testified 1,:i••1 fry cut Coninuittwealth. lie is nOt. a. debater, but
bursts of applau4 . e. , : i-. :odic of those noble.• perser l prinm Useful in4u in
..,. .
On , mo.tion' it- . • wa.i resolved ; That the • nro- !In legitl"tUre, to whoni deliote trusts ,can • ke
4:et-dings of this cOvelitiOn. be poilisheil ,i n t i lconlided;:tod on whos'e.ti..bilit.V . you may place,
the Montrose Dirjruicia4 and all °Unit- I.l,itio- Olio in / Cst implicit - reliance::: • if Pentisvlvania'
: ;
eratic - p:tpers in ihik Dattrict. , ' 1 li • • lit:id i'inore stia 'faun as he; among her . politict•- .
On mot i on th-Conv-I.•lntion-mtiljout'ne4l.ll. [ions the day of her beLrayal would never
l • :: , "V14711. 4. TERRELL, .Pr '.: ' ,( *- 61 11-• •- • ..
I • ;'
A. J. DAVIS, ili• ) z!!!• i ' . • 1! . ; , ! •Trid midnight hour apPrOaches and 1 mast 'OSEl'll JAmr - So.; r-"f"c•Y s '• : - 1 I .i; stop ti
iese ha/sty, ild•diges:ted sketela.--s, proin
li ismg to -renew them again! if they are at all
of it : alt-est to you.. ,1 • ' ~• . . • . •
.'firli4' State Agricultural! Soc,iety. met last
,Tio..4day., The prenituin 'obi Corn was awar•-.
g - : ded . to Greene .Comit: l , - - anill iit . to -Susiluelian-
I - n.a:: .IThere were font. crops, i icludina. :Mr.
NN millers of your edliut,l presented: for time
at.• • - 7
prennum, , *and ranging frOin 93 t 0,155 bush
els'per acre.. Premium nlvarded.for the last'
: went orted. being au I aye - 66re of five acres•.--
The preinium on wheat Wits awarded to Mr.
McCord rd of Bradford i corthty for- 6,5 bushels
le.. • •• - ' ''
' ' '" ,
.s asserted with'gre4 confidence that a..
'Bill Sti taititting a Prohibitory Liquor Law' to
.a.yote . of the people 'will!: pass .both branches
' l 4* If.gislature: :: Meittber.s are curiously _ .
inrkl up with reference to it, Many declaring
thatfthey were fairly elected-on both sides. of
Abe queStion atitidont
.khow how ' te vote 'br
. .
, .N . .
reasehrt lierf! • : , 1 . .. ' ..
'ii lie Erie PAR Road triSubles still continue..
A..ttlegritaiie dispatcli Ili/tit night' states that
!ne ,mt'OPrn have tt f :Out 'en maixe in the:
eqinivl wer, - . tihni \ ttoling up tile 'track,—
the ; linen I,liaving all- t)••ii. enjoined 'lay de
-0(?' of the Courts a \
!and •I it •l c ittilation of the
goVernor. z Tuesday. last 1 rtmitisititin was
iii nt Ito
~,the Presithint for the Ititl,of the mil
itary,' and what Will be : the end one can
tellti It is to be hope4ll however th ace
Will be - 'preserved and '. blood saved ti - the
Legislature can haVe tiine to act; .• • ; .
- E. II C.
• Al
fur F,
~ . ,
-..-- Arrives! 41 the Ningn. rFt.
- ' One - tflyi'A; toter. from Europe. ,
. After an'unui‘Ually lb" ngpassage the `pia
ant arrived yeseerdly Morning at tlalifax.-
TI, e most intriltgit intel4etice is that t
Czar entirely rtject , the new . Confere4c, ,
Vienna, ! and, rette4dlt .. refuses to- i recognize
Etiropean intervetizion in, matters bet Ween
.11u&st a and - Turlieyi Ilte French GOVernittent,
halve published . ittilOtihiial statement thtit i i the
allied fleets hav't,,i bken:!brdered into :the lack
Sea to' prevent nttack4of the ltussittn i tleet up
oti the ships oqurkey,. - And. it 1 . authorit
ativelv.stated•that - fthe' same Government ha,,,
called upon Aiistria to .cooPerate i with the'
western power 4 iin 1 , preserVing the late',A s f g do
in Europe. - Ftfande is' also preparing . to, fiend.
70,000 troom t.-4:l ; ;Airki...y.- Louis Napolegin,in
receiving the Itinbass4idors of foreign powers).
on the Ist of Jin:ltry; declared that while he
hoped to
.prescr:i - e t !lei; peace of . Europe; ; his.
sv i tn , tatities and, Sit •6 t In 11 :1 1 .. It to
-1 i . pp r sitt .. irl l .
Abe Sul - an. i dn':,' England the exciietnent
.:i4ailist Prince! . A.lbt:qt r ,,appeans to . ,he itt,l)re„.ar
dent than ever',-:lie it: charged with betray
ing the ?secret i ;of he;; British Cabinet to the
Russian, Austrittnand .German Coiirts. i This
.affiir will cone .
,befoit Parlintetit in January.
At Constautiralple there was a riot threatened
in conseluence Ot'tatlovernment's . mattifes-.1
ting - a,disposilioaitO',regard new propoAtiOns
for negotiations.; Witli faVor, and a - party of
triarines were i. landed from the. French and.
English foreet to pr4lierve the' peace of. the
city, but no tittitilyance, oCcarred,i and -,hie po
lice of the
.eity','PrOvc+ . l sullicient .to arrest' all,
Who ;were dispOieil tO:tnake a roW. OitTthe
Danube then) are indications of an early, and
aetive resumption cif liostilities.i .From the 1
seat of witr,in ',Asia ',here, is pp.truitworthy
ipteiligenee, OtoitglOtus,ian . bulk:in.; report
the defeat and dtAtlt Of Abdi Pasha and ; lieu.
.(}uion. SWeclen 'and illenmarliliave imued a,
declaration nfitheir intention to remain; neu
tral in the it pendin i g ecintest—in intention
WhiCh Will p;rOve%ditifoult. of exticutionj At
the same thtta there is iii'- heavy fall in the
British fundit i ;ahii ilriscl:in,thapnee of bread
tittles. All the 1 ,rnerts, :alitiolinee the certtiag.
of a tremeraleni iva.l May - Heaven protect
, •
rthe Right I- '..,..1.'rik, 114,e.. - : ; r
Otorial iorrisPollbtuct.
,•1.. , 1 , 1
•! ! •. ~• .1 CkiSTLETON, Jan. al..
; .• 4 large fire brohe Out here about 7..i.;e10ek
last' evetoug in thelblo4 of- ' Buildings oeett7
pidil by . llc - ;Ars...ROut slid Tomlinson, tner6.-
antS, and others. . _,- r i; .' •. - ~
The e tire block, consisting g of five. build
flaw, tog t - lier wjtb file: buildings .of .14., rs.
;Burt and presuin, ti ere de . stroyed. Tlie tlautes
' were - elt e ;Iced, at Mr. Pi'it,zin's, and- were ti fiat
'ly subdued at 10 o'clock-this morning. ',
The Register Offieekvas locUted in • the
buint blotk, hut-. the riiitords - were all saved;
The Western ll.ofel, wb,ich adjoins Mr. Pies=
ton'* house had a , narrow asaiape. ' - - . - -
•'...;The loss is heavy, brit catmot yet be Ocer
tained.- . .
.„ . .
Vausatiraiiia Nclistaturl,
- It ...a.amutii.f.; , JAn. 17.1
SssAls.—The Senale toot at 10
when - a.large nittnher of petitions; memorials,
were'veseutcd and referree. 't t
Ilr. Daillie moved that the Senate'; praeeod
to the eowideration of the bill tw 7- atittul the
ellitter of the. Fra 41in Canal C,' Atrpatiy, Whyt
ivas. agreed W. . •
-Tu.? bill' having passed second reading,was
po'spoued. for the present; • •
•'• The Senate then again.resnmed the consid
eration- of the bill to amend the charter of tbe
City of Ithilndelphia, and provide for a Oil
.olitlation of the City and Distriet., gove:rn
. trtetsinto one corporation.
Several • fart her Seetiotts.of the bill Were eon
•sidered and agieed to, with milysettre tritli to
amendments. •
was still under consdeiati ot i wheu
the S e nate adjourned. . •
• Housr.:---Numerous' petition i s, l &c., were
presented, and :..reftred. • ,
The HouSe then'at, 1-2 o'clock, :pursuant to
the resolution Saturday_ proceolcid to
the ,wing of the committee On the eyn'eq
d sat o' Thomas Mauderfield, otl, the County
Of Philadelphia. • •
The committee: • consists Of the following :
-members Messrs. Struthers, of Carbon ; Tat
terson, of Philadelphia ;Ilower, of cninberland
Gilmour, of Franklin ;ft.Catein of . Ouelis ;,
;ter, of Centre ; ,Gihboney, of ; !Ogee,
'of Armstrong, and Fry, of 'MontgOnery.
• The . committee meets at , B\o'cloek this 4ve
!Mug' to enter upon the iuvestigatita‘.;
- Mr. Hills read in place it bill ,)elative. to
;the highway, roads and : iniidges . of Erie cOud-
Mr. Ilnrt a-bill -providing Thr the establish
ment of a House of correction in ;.the city ; of
January 10
SEkkrE.—A resolution was addpted . ,-teqiii - -
ring the State Treasurer to make a monthly
statement, of his deposits- of :inoey in the
Banks. . Also,:a resolution directing thelFi
nanee Committee to inquire into ,the . exPedif
- eney of-reporting a bill, to regulate dep9sits
of money i l y , Oe e,ounnonwealth hi the I:33liks,
The PhiladelPhia Consolidation .ibill .paSsed
finaily, by a, Unanimous . vote. The m e mheri
of the Sena e thenproceethal to the Hall of
the" House, to assist in Counting the votes of
the late electiowfor Auditor General and Sur- :
veyor General ; and afterwardsildjourneth
HordE.—Various unimportant petitions
were presented, and a few local •Aiills-, read.---r
The LiotiSt;, with the ineinbers of Senate,
then counted :the votes tbr ',Auditor General i
`and Survev.orGeneral ; when it appear4that
Ifor Auditor General, Banks' luta reeieved 151,
517 . ; M;-'Clute, 114,221'; Craig, 3577; Clea- .
'ver, 7707. For . Surveyor Generallira . Wlev,
147,378: MYc, 116,76 . 7. ;
,Carsou, 201 i .;
Beaver, 3817: The eerzitieate, of elect:on
were 'read, iind the House i,lienfailjourned.
- .Inm:try, 1,0.
SENATE.—The Senate filet at 10. 'o'clock,
when after the reailiw of the journal a varie
tv, of private, and unimportant:Weal billy were
~.- '.. . , .
, Mr. PricC, from the Sele;'d Committee of
the Senators from the city. and county, roper-.
ted the-bill equalizing.. the the width of. Green.
1 street: • - -
• - Mr. Foulkrod reported back the bill for the
incorporation of the North Dela Ware Railroad
Company. ,
• Mr.. Frick introduced a . bill prohibitin.un:
.der - severe penalties the circulation of tiotesPf
a leS: denomination than five dollars. ...
, ! ,
• The Senate then resumed; on second . 'Nad- , •
lug the consideration to repeal the charter of I
the Venango Railroad (or Fraiiklin canal) 1
Mr. Daie spoke at leligth upon - the ,:bi11,.1
ar(ruin_g, strongly in favor of the' repeal 0* the!
charter. He moved a dumber of miinToriant,
amendments which were agreed; to, . • -
- 'Considerable debate followed, when a - m0 . 7 , •
tion.was made, to postpone the ftirther cOn,id-,
eration \ of the subject for the present. : '
The motion to postpone was, after a lengthy
debate, .disagreed to—veaS 14;littys 16. •
The bill then passed second reading, and .
was,ordered engrossed.: 1 i, • ,
After some °titer minor business; ~
. 1
• The Senate adjourned. : 1 ':1
•. HOUSE.—The bill from the Senate sitPple
mentary to ‘the act incorporating the Citi
.: 'of
'Philadelphia, and providing for a.• cousO ida
', tion•of the city and distriA . governmentri, was
Ilaid befOre the -House .and son motion referred
to the committeeof Meiubers from' the keit v
and C4,unty. , •
•The House then took up, in committee of
the whole, the bill from the_Setiate giving the
appointment of the Statek Li braria it tit • the
Govenor, and increasing the, salary of the post
to .".800.
The bill on being reported to the How Se was
trken, up, read a second and. third - time,lJ and
pas , 4A. ' - . - • - ' : ' .
Mr. 'Strickland submitted a , preamble} and
joint resolutions calling upon-the Citizens of
Eric county to respect the laws'; and to ••ob
: rve the . .decisions of the pistriet Courts:, lin
tirratters in dispute between thein and the
railiOad companies cam
,be amicably adjus
ted.- \. 7 . .—..
The\resolutionSlie 'over. -•- -.• ,
The \ bill providing for the more effectual
punishment of the crime of_ murder, waci•con
sidered in e \ e•minittee, and, on being vii:orted
to the rfou, was laid aside. ,' '
The HOuse, then -adjourned., , :, . ' 1 1
. ._
, . . January, O.
'.SEN'ArE.—Several nnimportant local: : ; bills
were read in place find referred.. r. - ....
Mr. Evans read in place a hill incoillAra
ring the Brandywin Railroad COmpany. -
Mr limison submitted it series of joint re
rlutions instructing our Senatoriand request
in4r our ReprentatiVes 'in Congress, ti 4 o p -
pore any reduction in the duty on Szilt,!, -..•
. The resolutions lie over. -. ~- • .- -
The Senate-then resulted, on its-finai. pas:=,
same, the consideration ; of ,tlie billi s repealin 4
t , , . V
the charter of tlie - ,Franklin Canal Conmatvy..- -
. Considerable debate ensue I itOilrich WAN
Darsie, Price Crabh and - o heni participatedin alvoiiae,y of the ; bill; and thel4iticAion then
beinw taken on the bill, it passed, by a. imitui
mons yeas 24; naiNi.). 1
* '' • - f
Messrs.Pittling!On. h.: U. Lititnlin,. -- E:' W.
ll.uniin, Ilohiricks, Huge, - Kundel,• 190141in
g,:r and Sotrer were • absent. - Mr. BtickaleW
declined voting. : . .. . .
The bill as it passed, declares the Charter
of ;he Franklin Canal Company null and.void,
and provides also that it shall be aulaWful for
any railroad •comPany. to cote. truet 4kothe . r
roadidong the' route or in i..dirertion 'from
Erie to the Ohio State Lite,. witltinit:iMiress
uthority granted by Sona,i: ftiture netpttliti
Le e :ski - 4,11re; and 'any authority given to any..
cori oration, directly or. .by : iinplientiOn, tor_
that pui use, is hereb),reOkedsind rei)enled,
-,liot: SE. : ' ` mule , little utiimpAint: business
was: disposed, f, and a trintiber Of local private'
bills read in pia' '. , •
Mr. ROberts‘su Wed- a resolution author
isitig the: Speaker to: - point ii ebnimittee : of.
.five inetnbm, for i the 4n . rose of: considring
`,ilia repairing upon the . venal , propositions
Subinitted relative to eonstit 'mad rectum .:
Mr. Oinghain submitted it-j 4. t resolution
propoAilg certeinl ameadtneato to to 4.:','ona j
non riqative to oninibus billatho — doning
power, dre.
:-. The bill-gave rise to a lengthy •6k 'n :
lifid was` utally postponed. ._ sy , , '• ,' , •
ThiAlontla thin adjoarn4l- .• - '- I : ,:,...
. ..
.. .., ...
Ir,h e Oetnit Railroad War' t i
_ Erie :
Hum it Oninimt;ad—Explanalioawl theogu e
egstem —What:the
. ..Writ , cOnzmoy• Council
did---+The 'itifit,'ulty at Haihor Greek, ctc.
• • .:, . .. . - Late. Jan. 1 , 1054- •
' As.* great .dettl of . . ini , 9lprelte - .49)..pre:
vails in .New! Vork,'alid over the wtoldiconti
-1 try in fa a'
ct, s to the eattie!of.the tilf
Ma - nnate
'Alitlieulty tit - this place, 1 have -endl.lavOred to;
prot e the reliable intbruittion in relation to,
it. - Ti e. have, doub, less, been a great many
false. rep 'ts fainted about . the Conduct,of Ike'
Erian.:;. •It *an what_ follows yin will see'e'
'that in alt they did they Were acting iu con-;
furmity with i theordinaneea of their city gov-i,
erninem, ivhich they continal fr was the onlyi
power to grant the right oruse,or liCCUP:ineyl
of any of theirstree, i. That the whole sub-l i .
Jett and its 'details' may - be!clearly ntitleistootli
'1 have treated it..nnder ditliaeut, hdaiis :_ . .A'
How th, dillieulty,originated,:the gisaye la:
—the °Alai action of and
. i7Atetteren.ce4 .
the Common Nandi qf .I. , :rie • ' • .:- I - 1, 1 •
To enable your.-readers to tindeNtand thins
rath e r cotnplicated .question itis, - nt.cesstirytci - ..'
explain .what is called the :" gatige system2P
. Eaeh State has an establi: \ lad gatige or gan- . -
ges within-its, Inuits:--tlitisi .the gauges' of' isL
. t`.'ere - 6 f.:c ;mil 'four .yet a mid. a half inehei,, ..
while tlu orange of l'ennsYlvania itrfotii t . 4... • -:
eight. and a l half inches. From thik. it Will be, •• • ,
:seen that where.there is a junction Fol the rail- - -
roads of two States whoa ; . gauge J Are ditier l „-I•
ent there niust -be a break in the eOmmtinica:- ,' '--
; lion. This "break:'' us' it -iS teelini'cally terni- ••••
:ed, necessitates a cluinge,o,f ears and..ti train --.' ..
r ti)
feof freight from the' road . of7 - ot e State. .., .
that of the other.: Such i a brea - .. ,
Bit tfalo,'although it is not. Irendered . liectAsary ,
.by the., hiss, of, the ,Siate of New • York. '. Tit a
'..break is produced at ihis . Poitit byftlie terin' '
: ,• .
i f
nation of the four feet and a half-inch gaug ;
which commences at Nev York, awl thelo i.
feet ten inch gauge which extends frond BuF,
fide. to the 'Pennsylvania State line.. Tins. •:, I
four feet. ten,,li gauge is not ti',Nle.yi Yorl ' -
Gauwe, but- was imported.into thati,,S:ate from • n -
/ Ohio! .. It Ayill be seenfrom this brief state
that there was Absolutely, n i o 'necessity
' for a break at Butfalo,:nor on anyi part of tie -.. •
'Buffalo and . Albany road— . ,none Whatever , .
Until it came to :the Pentillvania State line.
Bin as the break - wherever it in g4t be made, •
would ma'erially adVance tile interests of tilt .
place, the New Vork - Central Rood,. (the Al-. -
bany and But - tato) eonclu-le+-that 'there sho'ld - .
be a break at-Butfale. 7.lieproduc/audfteight ' •
destined for the West was sliikx.ii- Oyer the. '
late front, this point, and thus Erie • was de
prived of ti large portion of thebuttiessewhiCh
she would have enjoyed had "the ' teak • talit.
place. at" that city;in -4: ead. 'a Bintitle. - . 4 ] - • .
Fel.. a ..,4:eatpart, of the year, liowr%er, (ah tit
live rpoilitts,) the-harbor of Buffalo is cleise. d• 4.
by the lei., and the freight during that trine, • •
is transpOrted over the road - to the West.--
Now, ii. is eVidentl that a breaklatlErie would,
during' tills period; give her •a i:iiiisideratile
Share in the business, by the trimsfer- of - he .
freight Gem t lli
hetßutfalo line toe-,West.tu •
1 .
• road. .But the- Butlido coMpanykto avOi • a •
break here; have at]tour.feet ken .
inch gauge" to Erie, whefait would .. meet the. ,
. .
,same gauge from I the West...
'lt may be asked here, whete vas the n tit n .
obtained to 'continue - the . four. f4.t ten inch
track over the State line . into Erie.when that -
wa4 not a Pentistlyania:gauge'l ,f,UP'to 165.3 . •
it is true - that thel road known a.sithe• Erie and ;
NOrtheast, running fromf the Sfate line" '.to
Erit, a 'ilistimee„ of nineteen-miles, was con- . .
structed.On the six' feet 'gange.. 'Ati was put
under Contract:and' constructed in‘ ad.vane 'o( .
the: litittalo acid :State'•line road,tand the six
feet gauge was ridepted on. - it in pursuane qf
a dottin te
. arrangeineut with : thit- New _Mork
and Elie CompidiY,' by which lit. road - lwas 7..."-
to be extended 14 Erie. . This :a rriontent; it
appears, was nullified by theitetion .of :Mir.
Itichinond; of (.6 Albany .and -Buffalo. rilitd, ./
. and,. it is said, b'' Mr. Loder,.' then - President. - 7
of the. New York; and Erie CuitiPany; who inii7 ...,
ted .witp him. 'At a meeting of the repre4en • -•
tativei . 0e the different tines ,of I . ittilroad, Mr. •
Ri c h mo nd- sag,4sted to Mr,• Loder -the the ...
six feet track.srnitild be taken up arid the our , '''
feeilteri.incli substituted, •By changingthe',.• ,
road in this Mintier, as, I havelalready..,• d, r.,•
the 'nectisSity otia. break at Erie . would be,
Avoided as this i,i i iti g would, ixi‘let-the gliuge. •
of the same Width on , the other side, of that
city coming front the west, tintl.,,l-Alte l: - Q11161Cir,
. incation from *Bnitale,to (.31eVelinid would thus.
ber(mbroken. • In- either wordk i there would
'be oile coliiiiitius 'uniftum ; gauge 'through -
Erie to Cleveland • •-'• -- t•• -
Here.• Was thie great carne of t o.diffic ty,
2tad it is %veil tol bear in• 'and,' its it. , :w - the
origin qf the so-calledrietsiti th's city. • , -
ti e
•, .TheCompany,lhOwever, it tianSt ern
bored, didnot phange the: road [front . .a six ,
feet gauge. to the four feet 'ten .(inch' g t ige r . .
which the people . f Erie say
.Was•a fo tgn
gauge,- and was imirarted from Ohio: nnti . by •
special 'act of Legislature they had - obtained .
the right to do to. At the .elot , e of the last .
Legislature, in 1853, the.l'ehniylvania g4nge
was repealed, and immediatelyjater .the six
feet . teti inch track-, which exten t led.froni.the
city of Erie to ...the PenuzYlvattut tiite .line, s,. -
distance of nineteen mile.'4, was taken- up j IA& • ;\ ,
•the four feet teri inch track biid..,loWn, !The
passage Of .theniet of the Legislature by Which
the contpany ob:aitied the rig.1)441? tOk .thks
alteration,-it. is alleged 'by -the •people of ,Erie - ,
was effected byl bribery, and c05t..050,00,p.
- How this may be, it is itoqortneti-sey, , I '
merely give it as the firm: conitictidn MI the' '•
people of Erie.) The. eottipatiy they acknowl- -
e dLr e , wire empowered by.special'aet- ofltheir -.
Legislature, and so- far . tis that body 'wasi eon-
Cerned, . they Could. do . nothing. But - they
aL}verydel:rim:llA .not-to give •way, an d : the .
recent Unfortunate ocentrence-i. havefirlo yot
they sticeetilt.4-in defeating the .couipany to •
some extent at least.. The•construction of the
new four feet .ten intik track. was-coinmenced
anil the work %Vuitton very - rapidlY tillit came;
to the city of, Erie; and here, the.lotial authlt ) i-•
ities. - 2-:-the MaYor. and ComtitonCouncil--ift - . -
- terposed by the following ordinanttes' . ; I - '`.•-•
• • ! .
Ordinance prohihiling at. qte,, alteration of
. 11-
', . • - 1 road• tr'itive,s. -',-." •- . '
- -1 •
Wheros,.hy •their het of in orporati n; the ~-,
CotineilS Of the city of- Elie re empoiera, ; 1
and required, to ordain and 'en- ct 'all su di by- '' -
laws, and rely- and regulatie s, as. al all be.-
deenieil expedl'ent to promOt to good•order .
and lamtetit of ithe chlieits the i . f o..i.ef ulate, • •
impreye, and.leep'in Order _the stree ',and
itinoyanll obstructions; and Yr)iereaktoo rail...
rends=—tlie'Erie and Northeasyind'the, rant`:
liii Canal Cotitpany's' 'tail rondi•-,of.rdiver,s gau
es or. width 4t. • trackstitcri . linto - and miNt-'
nSidd-city, tle gauge 'and t*Ck of the.for
'M six feet, 'and of .the
ei being latter font feet'
ten inches iti : whereas the good order.An
benefit lif Said , Citiiena, and the p ro p er -001s- '
- tien of,said streets; .ref ttirOlSt. there slieuld
be no Change iti,said -respecti Yf gango, except;-
ati, Itereintifter'lnovidedl.:therefore• • 1-- :.
• i .
• .: L.:Be-it - ordained and n, enacted by the Sew
'leer and,C'.ilaitinon Couticilstiflthe city OfEnef .
and: it is...hereby enacted b,. j; the authorities of
the same, :That . the said Eriei and No!rtheast
ltailnaid Company is hereby. Iprohibito fro m.
poti n4do iv) v or.usintany. Other gto 3 or
width of track; or, using:any ears of locomel.
tive eitginnof_anY...other Width or gauge of
wheels than 'four feet, ten iitehea .41 ROI; cith:
tinder the penalty :of .450.0 . ,fei every such of
fence, and :euiletlan.....alhitti4, ll ..4 l POO LA.Y- d
0500 per day," for' eachdatthat Jul tmo , s,
via down or ;need . 6<titdatioliOt * this
• ••• _ : • t ••. . .