The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, January 26, 1854, Image 1

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ifist #an, froprittors.
c ititct Vottrg.
• . The home of,All
. .
.• • Garden of the' quiet dead; - . .
Seed ground of Eternity,
Many. a wenry heart and head" -
Longs for silence and for thee;
Here shall sorrow's' hand -no more
Sweep the eutal'A discordant strings;
I ' And the.lyre which oft before
Thrilled to joy's' yoting earOlings;
Voiceless lies Trum - morn till even--
But it shall he rung in heaven. '
.• Island art. thou of t g he blest; '
In lite's ever heaving - sea • ,
*Hero earth's Weary one's may Teat.
• From the billow:a:revelry: • •I • •
Eage , ye winds that vex the sky, .- .
• -Chilling winter into deatty— -• , .
But where the,-s - Weet sleepers lie,
Hush your voirett\ breath;
Kies the roses till ey yield. •
Perfutne to the.stilly field. • .••
.11taven's entrance way:than:ail, • .
From beggar's hut :old chair of state;
The throbbing* of The dying heart, ,
Are only knockings at th e gate; .•
• Othrr, homes may . seorti to-yield .
- Shelter from the:hitter rain— •
At thy door, 0 burie4 field, • • •
• Pilgrim never knocked in, vain ;•
On thy breast. we still may fall, .
Earth, thou-. mothhnof es MI
Lulled to sleep fin thine embrace,.
. Many a weary, balk shall.lie
And the ehiel whose visored ewe
- Waitelo•d not at the battle: err;
B ere •no more they bride xhal dream
' Of the rose : . less fair than she,
And o.ive-stwded Academe •
\ • Shall, tree
. from Plato7s memory. •
\ • Oh, mysterious place of test,
\ Take thy children to thy breast! .•
Be Economical.
;The'man who, commences early' life to
practice economy, is: always a successful man.
Those who take care of cents soon have doll
lats. The small, uatiece. , ..e,ary expenditures are
What keep so many men poor, and at toil. all' .
their lives. It is really . astonishing .to find.
how few men and.wiimeit think it a duty to
be economical when. the world goes snioothly
and prosperou , ly With them. Whilek it .is
I rare to find a person who would- not - . terh 'to
be rich, it is easy folind pemns with.ahun
11ant opportunitiesor - Ato will pot strive to be
independent: and prepared for -the little vicis
Situdff. of life. • • • • I •
• •
Some love display, and will .even run. into
,debt to gratify their foolish, passions. Others
- go on the principle } if living . while they can,.
and banish all thotthts of bad times, sickness
or old age. Others : again, contract bad .or
expensive habits, and rather than make an at
tempt to , •et, rid of them, submit to their tyra
ny,' and le.i.elve themselves with a plea that
they are neee'ssary to the full enjoyment of
life. But the full enjoyment of life consists•
inliVing wisely and rationally. 1 Tratisient
plosures can be purchased too dearly,. and
, . •
for hours of rioutous. enjoyment,ldays and
m o nths of r.lisery • and •pain • tatty be the
. He will enjoy life must Who unaerates his
desires and - economizes the rew4rds of his .
toil. He .a
ill be freer from apprehensionsand.
,will have.less disturb "his happier
moment's'. No one may • anticipate • that 'his
path through life will' be lighted by continual
sunshine. This year ma*. be a pro4)erous one,
the next may be thy: reverse. The mechanic has ' abundant "work land good wa
ges cannot tell whether these will: or not be
permanent.: He knows not , how
. soon his
• health may fail, and his little family be with
1 out a provider. Aid so it . ,is of every one
I who earns his bread4lybis own lor..,.
therefore,-their duty to" e. economical while,
all is going well with- them, No Matter how •
' small may be the .saving each W ' ee lt, it -will
. •
-amount to a pleaiant little sump by .the end of
the year. ,• • '• ' : I . 1 ' :. .'.
The habit-of saving -too, when ince acluir
: ed; will work wonders. EconomY has a most.
salutary influence upon the char 4ter
.of men
and families, 'lris a promoter of all virtues._
It'ent..4:mirages itidustry. overeomeS -evil temp
, tations, and produces feeling of nidepeudence
and self
. , ' •
Srowr FOR is related of
Mother, a:Per
slat other, that on giving sdh forty pie
' res of silver as his . -portion, she made him
swear never to telra lie, and, said, "Go, ray
son ; I consign thee to -God, and to shall not
meet again till the . day of judgrucrt." • •
The youth went away, and the party. he
' traveled with were .asaulted 6v l, robbers.—
One fellow asked the Wy what 4had, and
...he said, "Forty dinars • are sewed! .uplin'iny
garments: itgbed. thinking the 3
Another asked him,. the same esti
received the sameinswer.'-,. •••
I At last the chief called hint, and:ask
'the Same. - guestion, and he said, In
. two of your. people already that I had
4inars sewed up in ray clothes." -1
He ordered the clothes to be ripped open,
and found -the ,moue}'. ,
" And hate. eatne)'otito of this r.-added
the chief. . '
"Because," said the child, ".I Would not be
false to my mother, to whom I pt tnised nev
er to tell a lie."
"Child," said the robber, "art thou so mind
ful of thy duty to thy .mother' atl, thy years,
'and lam insensible at my age o the duty • I
owe to,God 3 Give me thy ltauf4that I may.
swear repentanc e on it. • .
Ale did so, and; his folloWers icern , nustruck
. with the scene.
" You have been\ our leader in iguilt" said
then Au the chief; **be the same in the
and they instantly niadl. - ?restitutioti
' of
. the and . vowed repeutanee on the
boy hand. .
..jir"Watited, a •:vonng:la
Can't she get, the . tuati of the l'oit
change. •
Our ** ! wouldn't they'ent was the!
of all A far jar.— Cayug;y - ;
'The ease is , without tand. on Devil says
the man who would refuse her; don't
live in this §of country, and i he did, he
would .I him and . rnself to the. hymeni
al alterin 1-2 the time it has eu ' to write
this ¶.— "Ogdeflsburg t Serctrnel.
Threatened folks lire 'ong. ;.
• From Grahamirt Magazine.
• •
The Crisis of my Existence.
•• I'm not
. a sentimental man now. I have
passed that. state of-existence long since, - as a
man whose whisk6ri hive got' bushy while the
hair on..;hiS - crown bas got thin, and whose
eyeS are surrounded by little'narent crows'
feet, decidedly -ought to - have - done,. I con:
ft.s. that I. prefer a, gi;x!d dinner th the most
enchanting of halls, Claret to pOlkas, and a
jolly bacchanalian - .ditty to theipretty small
talk of the most that ever.
floated.' through a quaddrille-in ringlets and
clear, tnislin. • ! • • •
" Ilorrid•wretch,!" Ilear sonie young lady
reader exclaim, as she peruses thisyonfession,
'and prepares to. throw; down the book in dis--
guit..Stay•one in(!uetit, fair lady, beseech
you, and yoti shall have a littid genuine send
timenthl,reminiscerice of my ",'days of , auld
fang syne"—and then-Hthen: yen- may throw
Pan g -a
'the book, if you: please, and call .me a
" horr i id'wreteh,7 if On tan. . •
What a pret tyoi gamy, fairy-like c rea-
Ore was Angelica Staggers, when first I met
her ! Tile, very recolleetion of Fier at this mo
ment makes a faint ikirtition .4: my heart
- •
perceptible to nie, 'while then the: s sound of
her name would startle me . like - the , pOstinan's
rhp at the street door Bill Staggers (it isn't
a pretty . name,Staggerr4-but th'en Angelica !)
was a schoolfellow of thine. : SOloolboys4on't
talk tritichaboutthelc..:Sisters; because! they
get laughed at, if they do ; .so. that I knew
little more than the- bare fact (hat. Staggers
hada sister. In after' rears 4 - ben we . lett
school, and. Staggersj went into his father's:
countino-honse in, the city, and I into my in-'
Inn, the matter wr
tiler's' thee in t_trav's - - , t pck_- , .., utTia . ,— . _.... Lion 'IA .
different. ~ I : 1 - • ' -'others, .'li short, there Were a `thousand Of
• !
Staggers intreslticed Inc to !lii.s familv.— those litilt signs; visible though indescribable;
This consisted, of his papa, a pOnipous old ter; that. Angelica Stag,gerti knew that I loved her
to* who always! were a dress coat.,,in the . - and was,gratified by the fact. ' I
street as well as at home, and, Whose pendent. Now itribSt min' would have thrown them- !
watch -eels would certainly havOdrawn hurt ! selves rit!her fe(lt. and made their vow's, in
under Water, if heinid elver
.In 4 the misforl. such•a eft. ; tutil was.doubtful whether that
tunef to tumble overboard froth a . MartLrai.e . wa , the'! 'ost safe course;tO pursue, in 'order
steamer.; of thalitmA, who was a lady of vast tdsectire the prize. - It •struck rue that her
dimensions, vith the usual sup'ertinity of cot 4 ,tether wh.: one (..I3f those crusty old gentlemen
or i o . 6 5 , r , c 1 r ck-", anti - eitl6 . ltibot* on ner lieati ;.- that toga ; in .ti yllll ram repo* its a • nine muter.
of sister of Mr. St iggers; senior, who might than a pi 1-pOAeL 14 - 110 . dares" to gain a
have been agreeable, if slie,hadjuot,given yon daughter. ! affe,ltions ° without first7askin'cr her
the iLlert - of ,bung pinched everyWhere-_-pinch-, pipes Permision to :do
. so. On the ° rather
el in- her 'nose, pinched in .her. mouth, •and hand, I: . ,was quite. aware that young ladies'
p.nched in her views in general ; and IaStIY, of don't iiii,e:t.ti be asked of . ' their patina Before
the daughter of tholionSetheldiyine'Angt. ,l ' they are; askedlthernselveS; there is too Much
ica herself.' I • .i' ' i • •.' of the Malionithetan and 'of the .7oritittental
' Ilotv small deseribq .Angefica .as I first 1 style in St, t•h!at proceeding to please. our \ tree
saw her one . th 4 Summer's,day!, about two. o'- born island la i tsies. Still; I might get .over
clock. in the afro neon,!, dresstid in the most . . that.diffiemity !by ekplaining hole hopeless I
charming Of niujilinvegligeedresses, rt•clining believed it to be to `secureher fiithers cOnsent
in . a Large eit! sy,cltair, and embroidering on aI at all, unless It!got it first I was right: and
frame a pait- of worsted Slipper:i . for her papal I so 1 reselled to have an interview: with Mr.
How Sliall;I ever give an accurate picture of I Staggers 1 • .
her beautiful. light, golden 'hair, that literally I I rid - art .- of My readers ever drive in taritlen
•glitteied iitithe raysof the sunshine that made I two liars 4 - ,tliat had never been broken to
their way through the lialf-drawn . green vent- I harness ; ? I iiid he everlet - off a blunderbuss
tiara biirititt•of the wind4w, by,iwhich she sat, ; that hail befit loaded for ten year's l Did lie
in the! dratving room of that delightful:villa: l t ever Walk! through lOna. grass notoriouSlv full
at Peekliain, that lotHked out•o6 the sumo ! tidy . ' of venotwleis snakes ? Did_ he ever ode a
shaven lawn. with . the .lartre witshing-basin 1 a broken-kiref,d• hose over stony ground ?
a i fishpond on - it, containing I ev(ir -so _ many Did . be . ever 1 . take . a cold shoWer-trath . at shilling's' worth of gild and -- ,silver fish h ?- 1, !-Cliritthas ? I Did lie'ev,er p r oposethe health
can't do it. ••:I have let; all iiil poetry run to . lof tlre!hidieS . in i 4.:. presence of the!hldies
seed, and I feel myi•-•elflas in4anpetent. tOdo .ttliemselves, :0141 before he 1,...it1 . at all "primed"
justice to the charms of ' Angelica,, as a sign i liiinselQl Did lie
,ever walk across . a harrow
painter Would copy a !qationtia of Ha-, greasy! plank played across a' Chas tit' some
pli:el,' ! or a F : i met ballad screamer. to sing -the 1 hundreds! of ;feet in depth ?If lie ,Fas dDie. all
" Stabat 'dater' of.lioslini. I.: must give up) or any ot these
. feats, I can bear witness to
•theattempt ; but canndt lliellreader help me , the filet he has had some experience Of tier
mit of the difficulty bv•!'imaainiug sOmething vous nor i ; ;but it lie has never beer back
:- - . .., m ,
fair, pint. and white,.very slight, very
° anima.; ! parlorold with -a grave, pompous old father, of
' ted, and very etherill 7 h*;king altogether ? Of ! whom !, lie is ',about to ask his daughter's hand
coirr4.he catithen.there I •
iii!Aurelica Stag-I then, I : :,14-, his experience of "real, (*ermine.
• zer ,, lk.f ore hi s e . )-e,i-..(liri:etly. i: \ , I"nervliu. .w . Ork" is• bid infantile 'after ail. Ma- .
1 - Frain.the moment I !saw her Ifelt that iny•l'king al, d , clartition to the lady herßdf is with
doon-i!*islfixed, and MY heart trans-fixed. I I ing to it, though:lk little enibarrassing too;
a,dinited. Ploved,' I adOred likr, and the very; bin.then y(lu know that the fair one is in
arrnoSphere• that s - urroutidedl*r (1 don't mead much :trepidation as yourself,land not Iwa tch
the :smell of roast duck that was streaming ing yOn tvith n:'e (. a Cold calculating wei 71 ing
up from the kitchen) Seemed! to breathe 0 ,sour expre.S. l, ions, - and drawing conclusions
Paradise.' Accordingly, as a very naturti !.perliaps - it.t.judicial to your reputation for
consequence or this feeling of mine, 1 belay'.-1 sense rind hionestv... I declare I would not 0:6
ed very sheepishlV-4ltislill and stamineit:::(. i I through .hat ordeal again 'for the wealth of.
awl' tbre off the, lett teals of . tidy gloti.-s, Stue - I the.atitir odes, (that's the last new phrase :)
ins bigs[into alisard poSitions!krom Dot know -- I and, loci -e,ill ourselves, that is the very , reason',
ing 'What the deuce to do with •thetn, 'stun! I wh y. I.:-'re tun to this day a 7--; butsta)—ll
bled OVer an ottoman' I took my leave,ani , lam antic piling: ,• , .
• . r,
r i. 71
to save! My. own fall c. 4 It !at a china card- I - 1 eititnotl give an account' of my interviews
tray anti smashed it-44feciittg my retreat a't I, with old Staggers, because, even;half!an hone,'
'lea Mate , ttli:in a ite Of tremor sufficient to have ', after it 1.-a4.over, I had but a 'confused recob!'
broiiirlil on a Dervolis 'ever. i ,• • . I lection ..w . -hrit took pl•u it. I ,only know:
-., - Mylfriend Stagger iluizzed me: - ''-• • that, it . 11 'Med my dreams like-a nightmare!
' 1 iVfiv,` l .Joites,l e never saw: you so- quiet. • I t-I ~ for nights ifter.. 1 wins eternally jumping up'
!.- - tilwaYS , thought you
,Sncli !aldevil.of a fellow 1 in me h ! 'in a•coldI perspiration, With my,
! among the ladies. Yau've lost your - tulip 'e 1 1 hair hal thrusting my uight cap off my head.
--, , : ‘• - - ~! •
tO-day,4what is it ?".'4, 11 • ~ • lin the listof my mieniions.. lloWever, a
What is it i.• • AS, if:l- wereigoing to telli, i zreatrpo 47ns gained±Mri Stagger! agreed .
what it was. .SuPpoiing Lhad told him tft. t lo off(;_ypi)o,,itivti to the, match, provided,
his•sister. was an angeh the yellow Would has ,• Imy fittheiconsented also. • • I .- •
.gritin,',o and, thought ll' was Mad. Men nevcir . "llsli I ".- ! call on him to-day, - mvj young,
to believe in the divinity -of 'll' • • t • thelv friend," •le said •" so dine with us at l'ecklia
are almost as•ineredUlbus 114.1itistiands•touct -I at Si.t4 aid you shall know the resulti 1 in 't
ihg their wives: -Tlittl!last Man in the world I/orbit( y Ur, going there,earlier, if you .el in,
I would select'as tho," i k,onftditnt of my love :if- I dined t, do so." • • :
fairs,. WOuld be the ltrlOther Of my adoredone. 1 'flits -as handsome. , I expres. , d !My grat-
I !should knowlthat '.'he wonld annoy Die by ',iftfileias Well asl Was able, and at once took 7:
the nii!,st, anti-rominoc an4cdoteS of his si --.I it I'eekl abr , . onifibtis, and hastened back' to
tens childhood, aini)tet!t:se • !!, her to!. death Iy I Angelic 1:I i . • • : , j
frightfid stories.of m$ elf. • !Mind so I:invent " Mix is out, siv( . , and ! so's Mils Stag-
I •
excuses about be no , gl• sorts" awl tie t i gers bat !,iliss Angelica's in the oil . .awing room
: R I
outl 4 , I
sort of thing, to ace(' ant fOr ray- tinwontt '' I sir." ' 1 •
, .. r ,
t.eitiiih`lity and e iilltrassMent, at this my fist I "Vet.
interYiewwith Angq iea Staggers.
I wliis soon a vert4lfrequent visitor at -il e
Peckham . Villa, ands :, had : reason to suppole
that liwas- a welt:on* One. ! l i The old gen.ti --
Man ; 4 l ,as A verY Civil ;Iltuamnia was -pressing a
her iiyitations . ; the fliniii(lnaune," affable ii
the extreme;'- and Niigelien always receiv d
me wlih Ili } irnil t.lO- I-rallied
. at a high , :i
price,: than]Californiti ;and , Australia togeth -1.
conld:pay.i. , • ii i 1
-, .7.
- T*' SOkgers •faniily led! a . :quief,4ife ' with
the eXception of B whOliaunted.theatres and 6idei ellars,.an'cli harttto'' ni9 meetings, at d
passe.4 as disrepOtabl an 'exiStenee as a city
clerk well -could, • I , :
,SeldO.4t.-: met miry one. it,
the Villa' tut the fainily, and oceriaionally a
Sign ir filiilini,!wini -weal Angelict4 . Mug c
and inging . inaster,':atd-Was.sometiiires invi,
tit lei fri the!!eYeitting,,!, that ite : iiiight de 7 .
iiglitiii.if4Staggers,lbr playing : Apt- silo tg
duets Wiol'Angelica.i!•l !can't say that Ilik4d
his d i ning royself;•land k always cOnsidero
his don hie baSsgroni tkpoiled.tAle savoy 120
of IDS yupi 's vo*e..; . .!a . rid . I then:l:had agr 1
objection *wing las jeweled 4figeys ho
ping . .shoal. and : jumping o v er Angelica's .i,
jest d.
u, and
ed him
ye t O I4I
e forty
y some one
Li!. .
A `‘`):,TEEELYOII I .I: I4 ; 4 I.-- - E 7 VOTET) Pu LFFATUP4 'v”ir T 4 TDT
I ; •
• •
the piano, in some 41. those.thusical firewoik
pieces.theyldayed together. But lie ,waS a
Very quietcgentlem , anly fellow, and.remarka- .
bly respeetfnl in hit-manner, to Angelica, so •
that there , belno real cause for jealousy
..---but l—the 'word I seemed quite . absurd to
n..'' se in suchln case. [ ;.
MY lathe pronounced mo the idlest clidr
he ever. Intl , .' I am! sure that he . was gait°
:wrong,' bit ,'he little suspected the causei,—.
11Vhile I 6104 to have been drawing abstracts
:Of title, IW
. .as drawing fancy portraits ofA
I . '.gelica ; while - I sln have, been engrossing
brief-sheets l Angelica's forM was engrossing 11 .. ,
Atli. thoughts ; instead of studying declarations
~. . ,
of law,l couit.ttino• a decl:irtfian of my
wry,• r, ' '
atfachmeift.. To plead welt my own cause
;with hasp)! :thither father,- was the only sort ,
:Of pleading 'I , cartd.forf; while the - answer I
might get !to my fruit, was of ten thousimd
times M* l consequence in ',my eyes than" all
, ~.
'the answers in all. the fusty Old Chancerylatits
in all thei:laiversl ollieeS in the woad. 1 As
for- reculi* Sioori. and Byron supplied food
to the mind that • !Ought to; have been intent
on cokeltd Blackstone. Apollo - ! god of
Poetry, ant i Vettui.', deification of love, ariwer
truly !----iS ithere _it more , wretched being. a
a more eta
dividual I ,tll
After It, I
came con l
A Ild.ellea ii
her it Ciak
wild a
soul.' (t:111
me poetry
tioned; I ii -
tic, tireSzipti
we partetl,
could not
as she at1;(I
i- , .
IpletelY lisho4)ut-of-the-Wate,
aana 14wycry , c l erk in lore ?
long..tu.,id pjunful. watching,' I -
)need, i,ll spite of, a lover's fears,ti
it-as. not , *wale to rny num ,
Vlittlelbouquets that I bought f
Scent Garden•Nl 1:
_..e.t„ were receive
4; that, thrilled 'throu g h m y -ef:!
opc..thlit is .a Proiler \ expressi orb •
, 111
have-frown rusty, as I before Men - -
-n - in sJitne doubt ab,Out the matter
'here - as, or -I dreamed it, a Igen
e. of Elie hand 'as we met, and as
, i that could not be occidental,l and
be dial of mere - friendship.
,- There
7 timidity in the tone .of 'her!i:oice
fres'sedime, different ' from the! self
ishe displayed in conversation !with
well. I'll go there=youL needn't
show m i eLtip.". .• ; •
saving I sprung (lightly up stairs, and
was in, drawing room in an instant: . A'
sudden F4lirick--a •short, quick, half-stifled one
—rnet My ears as I entered, and I Saw Sig:-
nor fidilini move his arm very hastily,- as if
it had:-tieen in- a far-closer proximity] to the
waist. of ;Angelica, who was at the piano, than,.
I shOuldi have considered at all necesiry in an •
ordinari% music lesson. .
" Ohl dear, Mr:Jotie: liow'you did startle
cued, Angelica, 1 - bhishing teriibly, as
' R.
'she kiseito shake hands with' me. didn"t
hear:yoti coming I assure Doti,"
I -heed - that at+unitice, andl-believe
I said . . I , , ,ornet - hing of the sort.
",14.0e? Angelica so lfeared, - I dat put out
my aitultO stop her full Mr, from . de .stool','
- said: Fidilini ; . and lid looked .so i'perfeetly
truthful; and embarrassed as he spoke, that
my. inOip-tlian . dreadful suspicions _;began to
be allayed. • - : .
" nervous at this "Tinsetit me
meat,” Said Angelica. "Indeed,:,ionor, YOU
moat not askine to take anflno*lmisie 105-
sons .
a Coano , ;. '41 7 : - ,larslag, Darting, anuaraZ 20, 1851
hOwed gracefull)
and I cnSCaklelighted loop An
was slip I . ,tiArgettnig rid of that tit
sic maserlfOr my fake 1 -
his Gerniatii : saustige roll,of musi
ding ill day,chowed himself
loom. ; -
W - '
.. e Wei* alone I we• looped - unc
and we felt Jo•-I iiin sere .it i
well asitayMwn. .! ..,
".Angellea !".I 'xclaimed.
- She stiiittitl and lookedisuipriKi
"Anolle.l, I foie yoti , -4-you km
you . do rich know
, iow de4ly „and
tedly,".4-4 . I suppose it fp quite u
for.meltAi . .g.4.e the remainder of t'
tier', becatisit no one canihe ignoi
msual'forth in theile. eases.l' It is a
typedktti' i tia . Atlnjiralty Seciary's li
f supple .*
.it. means
. a little more,
deal of ti king lovers mhSt .. be gui
a;itb thelrandsclene of tl
they •, , . •
drama Off l r love 17r :-1
,Angehea,,hunglier head,. and li
panted. !J. tilt she was mine, and
hand ataill bekan-i'o cover it with l
she snittFbeil- it (rom me ',in such
her Ititrtiout •andf j pearl ritig s.cratt
ger- I;i 4 .ziratua;ed l I
- " .Nti.i,liin6, I ban listen no me
you I .t);iiiit listea:no morn"
"W V ',6 I Your' father wil'
my wisbo 0 . fo r-- ' , 1 * '
" It, i; hu tha; sir -
Ciprocato!'the uttichm
for ane..! 1,1 [; '• i,
• "Ohl
.rdo'lnot :iity
-4 le f.,iii have itnv
Mr. Jottei,ifou Will .eis , st
- - .r!: , -.., ,
x o haveitnistattett my fedlings a t
" It's' that curii . td Fidilild !"I c;
forgettitt my gOod breeding. •
•• I i beg, sir, that'you ;;% . ‘4ll not
guage iii My. presence; e,h)eciall,
ence. to`:. a gtn t 1 e z inait for Whom .
feelitig;o".•" - . 1.. . • . •
" . LO01"!i said, with It stupi
laugh, lied an 'Attempt at . an a
" But I 'Care not: I will shoo
tweatyfrOur', : hoars, or he 'shall s
I starts', to my feet with a th
mination to call'Out Fidiliniwitl
d'elity.:;i' •' - • l..
"F - Or ‘ dietiven`s.salce dan't , sp
Angehea: There will be, mu
he and. Yoh might kill
o. ... -,
-rtid. r ., J. ~,:‘,1.... ii.:u. .1.
-don't ntr. to have anyifears 1
kill risiliii I lloweVert, he shall ht
and 110' I rode toWard.the,door. J
" Stity;" Fried Vngelieb ;'ant
arm ; 1 i',i4ay, you shall
4 1:aye
then I , :tltro* Myself on y ur g
is-.m r V • .
" Fidilini ?..--;ihe deVil !..?. I el
, - "NO are privittels - mit' rried
Ca " bat for thip tir - ent,l4z.) no
Ib2ire!'we were interiuped br
Mrs. and, liis.staggers,ilio e
. great'l - '• - fit • • .
to our:: c IBCOIII unt. . A
'appealing look toward me, h
room.;`'„ i - }.• ' •
If ever a poOr wretch Felt Ii
(;(..ridiiii4tole Ixlsition, I did a
,and during the rest otl,tha
StaggerS, biouiht home coy
othylotigy to.atoid n tet4 , -a-t
dinnei,i , buti lie• took car to
whispil, that his negotitaior
had tailed.: I' dare snv Ihe
surpriti fit the-cOol inu'r'e'
I recei ':;.1 ,flti4 piece of iatbr
tie ktieiV how-iWortlilessiwer
. ,
the papas in the presentlins
Of till the artful little[hus
ed, cleOae\liy that girl is th
thought "I, as I -watched th •
posed - .titanner,in Which .Aa
ring diane.r aid the evenin
She i)laytld and sang. au f
even.etpr4.-4.4 her sorrow t
id wa6 i rnot..pre at, that sl ,
of her:;Papa's Ptvorite dttet
preert4.l.Wi4ve, I . should _
fellow'..againsf,sall resistant
I.leWit pass4d that nigh
I did r4iot fslee i p. .
. . Net Motimag I wits lat
and rii.alll . . wOrkinghard to
ti IF ; on .
frOm ' .'w4: inc.
e e 1 '
elo. , l4ltny, father rushed -r i it
I wasf . ...seited; at the delk,
Mr. Slia mers:,
-.I ,- 6 . i
". \ 111 i ;1)1 . '." 1, cried Stagg(
. ”YOuloutig scountliel
: , er. , :., i I.
Le. !: . - ~
- 'I ' . .ii.s really alarmed,
both 'tlii4. respectable f 4;?,
Old. I •-ed
~;,• _ -i
".Ist i 'slie nlifrried r
werrogt..7 !:. . ~ .. -
1ii. , !. .,,,.,0 3 ,,,. , L __.„ :. 11 .
4 N4s'wer idainly,sir,ln
o.iedt,ttlY father. 2 •
• - ." ii.lieliev:she is,"• .11a
" *lieve !'.'whY, you, Y'
:you slo : whether yo U
ty) . t, ho 4. date putt
tiere;r I %- • - i
" fittuirty;ther ! P 4.
1 eriA.l,! ; itt stirpris... ' :
"AVlbit -----,_. does a lt hie mean't!'" exelaitii
-0 tnv father. ."111i&s Staagers, ha's run
i -
'M% 'P(fr father's houFe--'.. with you` it's .sus
, , et 14.1, ..1 , t ,_i .• . . ' i
"lideed l'' I exelaitUe
thW 1 .suilTse
u I nifli
h i l i
i rlSl7ll S :r 31 4
: ?'7' . ei :l " : g le e f'hi i .A : nl d 6l ' i lll g jeef n oi a l I; t eig i t , a o ehr 1 cl i
i t 1 ho i, ci 'v tf l :
tug of !- 4iis so s4n.l
texela'itued 4. . ' i
"I iipt :d4ueed gladtof
t. liiiti ;4;044 to the fm
- Fiditinl's se.leutli child t
i ' Of! !tttlparii ~ Stagers/wt i
igratidipainuitt aud mild
Iwit4.old Stages afterwi
!suii , eWelart, much hett
Inev6i inind;.l' have X 99 t.i. :!. -, •
A contentment is rt
inid!,iritoever procures it
tholissnd desires, makes
puritifin. • I
left ; fi,tr
'me rciu
clid up
. rtd bed
t, of t.te.
~1 L• TALE or .101111 TAYLOU. .;
iJohn Taylor was licensed, when a youth of
twerity-one, to practice,at the bar of this city:
was poor, but* , ll-ducated4ossessed
traordinary gen i us.-: The graces of his person,
combined with the,snix!riorty of his intellect
enabled him to win the band of a fashionable
case) as
NVI it ; but
hc4 det-o
e deelqa , '
fiat ollbe
or what a
I t,of when
,ta aome*kie
, .
beauty. ' Twelve Months afterwards, the hus.r.l
band was employed, by a Isealthy firm ofthis
eiti,_to go on a mission as land agent to the .
West. '. As a heavy Salary. vas offered, Tay
ler bade farewell . t * U. his. wife and infant so%
1 i i
e wrote back-.every, but received not
a line in answer.' Six niontits. had .elapsedi
w:hen.he reeeived,a letter frem ,his employers
•that exrlained all. : 6 . 114rt1y after - his depar
t Ire 'for the .West, the wife - and her father rc-
1 .1
ushed, , •and
I seized her
1-iss, when
baste, 'hat
hed my fin
. I
fi e. 1 I assure
moved . to Mississippi:>' , There, she immediate.
I,§ obtained a divorce by 'an act.of the Legit',
!attire, marri(.4 again forthwith, and, to . com.
plete the climax of cruelty: and wrong, had
the name of Tayloe4 son,clianired to Marks—
that of her seeend inlitrithonial partner:. • This
ierfidy nearly droteTailor insane, his car
etq from that period, heeame eccentric in the'
first degree. At last a-fever carried.,hitn off .
lit a comparitively early'. age. • , ,
•! At an early houran the 9th of April, 'lB4O,
the court-house in' ClarksVi i lle, Texas, was
crowded .to - overflowing. Save
.. in the war
Mmes past, there; had never. been witnessed .
Stich a gathering in Red Iliver.county,. while
OthStrong,feeling apparent on
. 6-cry flushed
"ace will siitliciCutly explain the matter.
J:At the dose of 1539; - George Hopkins, one
ii f the wealthiest planters And influential men .
Of Northern, Texas,'. - offered a gross 'insult to
Mary .Ellistou, - the, young and beautiful wife
'of his chief overseer. The husband threaten
ledihto chastise biinsto f r the' outrage, whereup
lon llopkins leadeithis gun, Went to Ellison 's
house, and shot him in his own 'door. The
kniurclerer was ariestek and bailed to answer'
itlie charge. This ;occurrence' produCed
ItenseTxcitenient, and llopkins, in order to
turn the tide of popular .opinion, or - at least to
ii i nitigate the general wrath which st , first was
-Iviolent against him' circulated reports.infam
. push pre to the character of the Vilo-
19.1 a n u.. ha )1;u) sueeredi such cruel wrong at l
one . criminal
a ft i lit t sr d nu t e h r ;,
l i t i t s i h'l tl r i ld us s ,
Other cMI, - .and Muth out of'the same tragedy,
were pending in: the April Circuit court for
1840. . .
not op 11:1
canno I
to pl.(
y'9ur heart,
►in at clnee.
()get iter."
led in a rage
with refer
eatemon a
ly iadignant
'r tragod
him within
1 ,
Oot me ,01 and
lout. an hour's
deil know
rt . •
est should `
ye 'ehanee;'
she geized my,
.ysecret, and.
said Anaeli-•
y the 'arri al o
-The . interest nitturally felt by t.he.eommu-'
nity aslto the isSues became far deeper'-when
it 'Wts knowir that. Ashley, and Pike of-Ar
kanS'as; and the-Celebrated S: S. Prentice, of
:New Orleans i ,ealilt with enormous fees,. had
ken retained by flopkius for his defence.
i, • The trial for the; indictment - of Murder en
ded on,the Bth of ftpril, with.the 'acquittal of
Opkins. Such ,a result might well have
Leer, foreseen, by. 6mparingThe talents of the
cotiusel engaged on either side.. The Tex - as.
lawyers were utterly i 6Verwhelmned 'by the
nrguments and elOquence Of their opponeut.•;.
It was a tight of a. dwarf against giants.
The slander stilt vas set for, 'the flth, anti
:the' throng; of spectaters -grew in number as
; well as "eNetteMi, , nt ; and : what may seem
. strank4e, the current - of public sentiment now
,ran decidedly. fir Hopkins.
.His money had,
procured . puinteil witnesses, who served 1:mt!
advocates. Indeed.
!triump . hatit lid& 1)6.'1( the success of the'
yious - dav, thrkwhen ' the slander cas
.' i called ; Mary Ellistou was left with o/
'ney—they had ;all withdrawn,
pettifogers dare MA brave agai
wit of Pike; . and the Scathing
tete& the room
gelro, with an
rrieaiv left 'the
ILSelf' ; f lll
an un
thAt moment,
evening., :Mr.l
triend with himi
tk witb- me after
inforin mu, in: a
witb !niv- father
vas -er3- Intiell
:n e ,,..tOtlt' .i-bieb
nation, for . ite . ii;.-
e tlie icon:sent; of
t r
kiies tlitit ever liV l l
most eompjete!
quie;(and, comi
lelica behaved,. dui
L whkh followedi
•ely its ever, al
Signor Fidili•
e might ping on
•; 1 •
"Mace you no ; counsel,
Ala's, looking kindly .at , "
- "No sir, they'liar
am too poor to
beautiful "Alary,':'
' "In :such a
member of
the judge'
• The
inquired Judge
Ale . plaintiff: •
all deserted me,.and . I
any more," replied the
/cet iurstinginto tears.
ase will ~not some chivalrous
Iprofession volunteer ?" _asked
glancing around the bar. •
laWyers Wcre silent as death. .
.age Mills repeated the question. • .
.1 will, younlionori
• said a voice Trom the
oickest part of the crowd, situated:behind
the bar. • •
:ta the tones Of that voice many startled
half from their 'Oats ; and perhaps-there was
not? a•heart in i that imuremse throng. Which
didi not beat soon what quicker—it Was 'so tin
' earthly, sweet, Oki., ringing and mournful;.
The'first Ben4ation however, was changed
into general laughter, when a tail, gaunt,.
I:spectral tigure,ithat
. nob Ody present:Tenn:in
hered ever to lia've.seen before, - elbowed his
If die 'had beep
lave-sfrapgled thi!
won) 4, bu t,
I • I
the (Alice 'as - lusua
,keep my kttgilt.
; a. A bqut ten 6 .1
'to the 'room truer
in company' with
_ • -
opglq. - that
. geiitlOmeti hail
?. 4 1 ba*led!outSta,t
r$ to trle. -L
my 'father, as IL
. • .; N
way through the' crowd, and placed himself
I.! • within the bar: ; ' Ills appearance: was 6. pi.ob
ed. •; .; lem to: tizle the Isphinx himself. ills' high,
.pale—brow,• and; Rua I, nervously-twitching
face, seethed - alive with the .concentrated- es
sence .and ere* of genius;' But theirhis in-'
&utile blue eyes; hardly visible beneath their
massive archesi, looked dim, dreary, alinost
unconscious ; and his clothing, was se shabby,
that the court to hit the eatisepro
ceed under Management.
"This your `pane: been .entered on the4olls
of the :State - 1" ;demanded the Judge, Suspic
iously: • . - :
"It is imninterial about my name being on
your rolls," answered. the
.stranger, -his thin;
bloodless. lips Cu rling .tip into, a fiendish sneer.
".,1 may be alfoWed to appear once - by the
courtesy- of the court and bar. Here is
license from the;highest tribunal in Anieriear
and he handed !Judge Mills a' broad par,ch 7
-meat. The trial immediately went on: •
. lathe examination of. witnesses" the 'Aran.;
ger evinced bat little • ingenuity, as we com
monly thOuglit.',., He suffered each ono to tell
his owa story !Without interruption; though he
contrived' to ttnike each tell it over .two, or
three times. :Ile : put a.- few ; cross questions,.
which, With, lzeeti..witnesses; served. to
correct Anistiikes, - and he made no notes,
Which, in mighty memories,: alwayi -tend to
- enibarras.s. The extunination. being; ended, as
counsel for die;plaitaitl, he had a right to. the
.opening i `spee4h; as, Well as the close;
the astonishment. of every:: ene, he-deeli
the former, andallowed the! defence to lead
of Then, a shadow might have been observed
to flit - across the features of Pike, and' to.dar-•
keit even-. the,.bright eyes, of Prentice. ;They.
. that , thOy"liad:."Caught a -Tartar ;" but:
who it wto, tlr howit happened, was. impossi
bleto Suess.:. • .
Colonel Mhley -•,4rst , , spoke.. Ile-dealt the.
jury' **dish ';of that elope, dry logio;,yibick
urgers: ,
," addedfatite'r,,
is at titis:vety tu()••
(1 111 !S a:' u n igge, rs ' ; Knn
• •
d vithoutihufriing,7
Si r ered.
oung Gillian,
ave married her 'o'r
[bOut what you td
of. 'married to her r
iinterr . upting hiM ;
tell the truth ; ::no
r husband,
I d titaggersl,rage and
S simple gtory.;
eit my father (thiek
, •ing out of a mess
stetting of Madarpe
, -iporrow
belthere# and so will
aunt. I Shall dine
I rd, and he his tome
, ;stuff than-'—well,
pearl of great prices
:Can expense of ten
a' wise . and haw
Eigilling *hal.
The Voliiiiteer
. , .
rearsaftenvards, rendered him (anions in the
Senate Of the Union: - ' \; ~
.The poet, Albert Pike, followed with arich .
vein of wit and a hail-torrent of ridicule, in
which you may-be sure neither the plaintitT'S
ragged!attorney :were either forgotten or spar;
ed. 1 •
The great Prentice concluded for the de ^ . 7 -
fendant with a glow of gOrgeona l words, bril
liant /Di a shower of falling stars, and with a
final bnrst of oratory - that brought the house
down in cheers, in which the- sworn jury
themselves joined, notwithstanilingi , the stern
"order ,1' of the bench. Thus wonderfully sus
ceptili arc. the south-western ix.eple to the
charm of impassioned eloquence,
rnwas then the strangers tu i rir. _ Tie had
reai 'ed apparently abstracted during all
the pr viOus-speeches. Still, and straight,and
motto' less in his seat,liii - pale, , sMooth ,fore
head s ooting up high like a mountain-cone
of snow ; but for that eternal twitch that
came and went wrretually 'in 'his sallow
cheeks ; you would have takenhim for a mere
man of Marble, or a human man carved in
Even his dim, dreamy eyea were invisi-
.. . . . . .
neath those:gray shaggy eyebrows:
now; at bat, he rises .before_ the - bar
; notbehind—and so'near to the wan t
jury that he might; toucili, the foreman
s long honey finger. • With eyes still
nit, and standing rigid , as 8 - 4411ar' of
lis thin lips enrl;A:as in merciless.,s - cofn,
ly pail, and the voice contevfOitl3. At
is IoW and sweet; - insinuating itself
Lle b
first i
thronalt the brain, as an artless. tune winding
its AY y into tnc deepest heart, like . the melo-:
dy o n magic incantation;" while 'tlai_.. spea
ker foceeds without' a . 'gesture,' or the least
sign f excitement, to. tear in pieces the argn
men of Ashley, that melt away at his touch
as fr St. before the sunbeilm.. - Every one look
ed-s 'rPrised.• •Os lo,gic-was ut. once so brief,
and o luinitiously el'Or, that the rudest peas
ant . iould comprehend it withont effort.
Afton, he clime,' to the dazzling wit of the
poetilawyerilike...Then the . Curl of ;his lip
gresharper, his sallowface kindled up ; and
his yes: began to 9pen,, dim and dreamy, no
log r, but vivid as lightning, red as fire
glolies, and glaring like twin 'meteors. The
vatole soul was in the , eye---the frill .heart .
streamed 'out on ;the face.. lit. five minutes
Pikswit..seemed r the foam. cif folly, and his
futeSt sa'ti're, horrible profanity ; when contras
ted 4vit'lli the 'inimitable sallies and exterrnina.
tin g sarcasms of the stranger, interspeiv.ed
wrth)est 'and Aner.dote Mau tilled the forum
wits roars of laughter. - '
• then, w,tthout solnuch as al-
Insiiin on . Trimtice, ho turned short on thy'
_perjured witness of Hopkins, tore, their<s--
tintimv into atonic:, - and hurled in - their,'
such terrible 'invective that all 'trey
with an ague, and two of them . no'
disMayed from, the court-house.
.. The eicitement of the crows
tretnendOus. Their united '
.peareo to hang on the bur
stranger. - Ile•insfired
of his Wen passions. '
the poison ofl his . o .
'lief seemed t o bti '
der! secret, of at
thti sea of all
amyl fell, a:
Bt4 his r"
• flis,
led as
; 4 . 11 y tied
At Ttl
, •
• r
, 4 4.
,•1 - -7
t V
reatest triumph As to come:
Ayes - began .to glare"furitively at : the
An Hopkins, and his lean,
AVly assumed ;he sane direction. lie
the Wretch With a cireumvallation of
t,,,, - ;ng evidence and. impregnable argument,
'rating Off.all hope oteschpe. 'He, piled up
•iyue hastio o f;::2urmountable.facts.,,
Pe dug beneath the - murt;,:.ter ane..5 1 : 111. 4er;
et-4 feet ditches of dilenimas, Such as no soph
istiy could overleap, and no 'stretch •of inge
'unity crack- ;_and having, thus; as one might
saY, irnpOunded his victim, and girt bitri about
like a scorpion in a circle of fire,- he stripped
hinaself to the work of massacre:
.)14 I then, but it Was a vision both glori
ous and dreadfillto behold' the
. orator..
actions, before gr a ceful as the wave of a go:1-
deu willow in the breeze, 'grew impetuetts .. as .
t 4 motion of an oak in the hurricane, iris
voice hecanie a trumpet,filledWith wild whirl
pa.'ols, deafening- the ears‘with crashes of pow=
er; and'yet intermingled all ti twhile with a
sweet under-Song of tue softesfeadence. His
face was as red as a drunkard'shis'forehead
glowed like-a heated. furnace—his •cotintt, -, .,
name looked haggard like . that Of a maniac ;
and.ever,and anon' he flung his long bohy
arms high,:ase if grasping after thunder
bolts.. He drew a picture of Murder in . such
,apPtilling; colors, that, COMparisbn,
it*lf mighthe considered bedittiful. He Kim
fed the slander so black that the.sun seemed
dark at noonday % . vhen shining.on such
rs an ac- .
cued ,monster; . and then.' he so fixed :both
portrait. 4 on the ,shrinking brow of Hopkins;
that he nailed tfiem there forever.'
It attor
e pigmy
liar of Prez-
The 'Agitation of the audience nearly
amottfited to madness.'
All at once the speaker descended froinhis
.perilous height.: His voice *ailed. out. for the
murdered dead, and living L--the heautiful Ma
ry, morn beautiful every moment, as her tears
flowed- faster . —till Men wept, and lovely woni
-en sobbed lie children.
He closed by• a-strong exhortation'. to : the
jury, thiongh then:: to the - . bystanders; He•
entreated the' pant:6kt fter they Shoul &bring
in their verdict for the plaintiff, not to.offer
violence to the defendant, : however richly he
might deserve it; in ether words !‘ net to lyneb
the villian Hopkins, but leave his ,punishment.
to God.l"-
. This was the most artfult trick of
:dl, and best calculated; to. insure vengeance.
Che jury rendered a Verdict of fifty. thousand
dollars . ;, and the night -after Wards, ...Hopkins
was takbu off his bed by lynchers and
almost to death., • . • •
I bave listened to Clay, Webster and Car-.
Loon—ito Dewey, 'T•vng :and Bascornbut
have ne,ier heard anything' in the forni of sub,
Hine Arts 4,, even, remotely approximatin4 the
elociirence of John Taylormassive as a mouir.-
Win, and wildely rushing as. a cataract of fire.
/.Itu4 this iStheopiniou of all.. Who eVer heard
the I . marvellouS. man.--Scoteit Weekly .Pa,
Agri It is very often more necessary to con
ceal contempt • than resentment, the former
being never forgiven, but the latter sometimes
printer m setting, up the
14 liturno fury like a:woman sc.orned."
1: 1 7 34 401ne oversight left out the a, awl made' it
lien has. no _fury life a. Itiotnois corned. .
A. stight departure; from_ the text, but none
wh4torr from the truth. - ,
was becoming
(e and
41i no tongue of the
iem wOkthe;-'powers
e saturated th'em with,
:n malicious
A , stolen .rittture's, limgihid
laction. He was the \ sun of .
..lought.and emotion wVich rose
boiled in'billows as he el.tose.e.
-04ilot iii..4*.et,'4,:.
ODDS AlllO 11F4 .OS:.
13reatied Its last--the old year: .
The power of evil---the power, of; attontey.
-Most men before they have lartted- to ,-.
Get rich if you want our talents apprecia
Kvein of good bumo'
Write injuries in dus
Lie -
Easily brok--eltin.
The kissing, polka i
The great seci:et of e
'is contentment.
Motto for tipplers ,
wears a hole in a rock.l
Reputation is like,
be tarnished by a brea,
_ _ _ _
Modesty talents
on which. to make a fol
• To. be happy -for .thi
". do -unto others• as yoi
do. unto sou."
• Never judge the di
his looks. ‘ . .Nlany a fel
a kind, lzun t henit.•
. Soliodehas chain's. :What is mote
• Chanting t 14.11 -being itlone-vith - the hob
jer -•— -•
The best itidications of the intelligence of
a- county, is the -number of pnperspublished .
in it, and the mant4r in.which they- are sup- -
ported. . .
aif dull weather affects you, marry a warm
liarted girl, and Make a sunshine for your
selves. \ Bachelors VI find• this far. superior
to- billiards,or tur&udy- • '
- .
The young woman that was lost in titnnitn:
after wandering itt her own mind , - found bei--
self at last in -her lOver's .
1 i.
The Cnlifornia' papers adopt the Englith
custom of publishing births, :and- add- A tilry
Atnerieao or ":Yankee" peemliarity,- • hY,gi
,ing the Weight`of the young citizen:.. - •i -. •
Punch. speaking of the fire at the house Or
G. P. R. &tines, the z. novelist i ;.says it consum
ed one -story, and .le. it had ' burned] many : - -
more; it would hay , saved muck dull readino:-
- An English pa r mentions a conscintious ,
clergymen who.preached- against tlnii.we of
American threshin machines, on the,Found
that it was an invention-of the, devil, ti i - sed by
slave owners to punish their 1
negroes. . • ,
• - - I,Vilat, i& - poweril what is .Wealth 11. when •
the thirsty spirit.groans at three o'clock in
tilt r 9 n,z_ng for a 'drink, and, the grog filer''
are all cnozin.. l . 14 us sit •dOwn- ou the= step ,
-- -...-. • ,-•
1 and, reflect:
' Some crusty. Old bachelor,' L'.‘ lll .3'' bee?' ,
jilted by his brighl particular star in a It 4 . 11. '
desperation, wrote-the following-horrid- slan- 2. t•-:
der upon "female women," in general;- ', l -'
' Thesirlsarel L all a fleeting show, 1 -"-
For man's plusion g,iven,. 1 .- - 4
, - Their smiles lot joy., their tears of woe,
' Deceitful shine, deceitful flow -I -
'There's not One true in seven. - 1 - ' •- _ •
It is to beleared that they irtio mar
ry-where they do btp love, , will' 16irekwhera
they-do . not marrv::- -
a rir A. radical but 'asserts t his tit;
principles of his party are . has .progreissiya as
the eternal rock Of Gibralter z Thelpreeiie
rate at which the e , ternal , - rock of Gibraltar
progresses is not grren. - • ,I •
4 /Mr- 11irs.Parti4ton says e.Tie*: eared
much about - grab,speetatles , or other'; sight ;
but there are two she
would 1 tike to
seentlielrieculatioU..; of Frank 'Xiele9.
and corporation of kitteepyietoria:-
. .
' jr?' Lyneii lain' is still much in ! gtte' in
country towns in balifortda;and alniciat eyetY ,
day or tWo furnishes:accounts of mur eri and
summary intiietioUs : of punishments° the of
by the pedple.
'lt is diffidialt to. 06neeme a iything
more beeetjfel - thrp • the ly. givetil by .on,
when he was asked .howilie - bore
it KO. well. " "It liitteias the Areke,laiaille,
"to draw uear thin who lutedleii the
. ,
- .jr,it A droll fellow ' 4
who had a wolden le
, c.
being. in company with a Man who wls scene- -
what credulous, the latter asked , thei . foriuei
how he came to.have a 'woodenleg. it'Why, -
said he, "my father had one, and so had nr.
grandfather befor i erhim ; it xtuurin thki blood,'.
'et it 1.
4" „ '
TILE RULE OF Tl i IREE.—nkrOnract,eptron. , •
to'every riile Inir the - Yule :Of - three ; f ithat 1,1 ,
neveilAirnlgigi. 'IAA your'lnemiie i ;to your
expenditures, so will the amountcif ur debts.
be to your cash.on hand 4114 03411344 ' lit WE- :
.ty to eet-m. I If you allow tour, to
IEOI you intd extravagance, you inns , rayon,
sonrethirig else to take you, out of iiiArtither
a rich relation Or the, sheritrs. writ] . -Yooo
- mayht..; less showy-thanth4 of you:
neighbor, hot tieyet mind: •,Iletter. are cane
bottomed-chairs land- _mahogany taPes ilia:
are paid for, than spring cushions a marble
mantels on a note °Nix, months.. . Yo ur. coat
111 av 6 3 • 1 0 603 fashiatrable than your miighba.4
and while hoirtAlriiren by a . liveried' coach..
=au, you may , be riding AlieUli i ;A:boli!4 ;-bui
emember theral is -"a time for . hahaibillg , the
, L . • ~
boolts,:and.. every - purs ! a -bail a bottom .. .' $:,
economise, and always , zeluember the rule t.'' three. . ;'.' - 1 ' ' '
is,a mine of lappf-
but kindriess
ware and rod resci-
now . all tbel in
joyrnent in woyld
onstant. dropping
ste`el—it may
make a -4Eta capita
- -
balanee;of your
it would with, others to
i sposition of s,man by
rbidding.. exterior , hides