The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, January 19, 1854, Image 4

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-t t. - 2 . x i; -- f
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. _ . . .
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iss. C T a
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"Et B,:=CUASE & ALVIN'DAI6, Enreoits
Jni!karir • 19, -1934,:
cotntO Home: .7.
k 1.. .
-Areal thq..ailer, night;;
br o om. mar s 4tiii,p '• :
saWlny cot tage'white,,,
, t flower:l4H,; ...
lat green !talon: 404.4)0i,
h. wit It, vines' , o!pr,.i:roWn, , ,
I us they- were rbeforet, -. ~i
at cottage was my.ewn, , ,
. uttorl ley _ - ....,- F y
i 1i*e,11141 . 1 . 01110' . 0f, thine! : 'l.
ipledsatit hotne;.tinitltilppy lihti r e,
eitittagt.heme" was;nline. -• i ,I
walk so, white and str_aight, , ..;.`„,
ver.banks upon each side,
own to the: wicket gll6, '
M 1 illy used to ricis;;; . ..
45 . .eft lie path that grew
„ii i
w bought„,t/ig mystrd , :--1 ...1
- with a-tmle-taost tcae l ,------:----
. Patsy ,Itarlfhtroditi U .
4 -, r-i i, , F , ili?ef ;
The in ve ( y a e o La, m n _ca ,
Along . Itlitie,liittkai'Vkflitis!yel3,
u•So•often - ,m'th my Luev-dear,, '
... , pro sv,..k. „bus.. liikt fa4o.'
The pearl streams that i,weetly 'run,
Tire ga en foot along, ~ • -
'Ana Munn ring fount na bright as . then,
All sling the mournful Song, - . .
Silence 'bung round that happy; "home, , _
, :Where once so light,and frt.e, , ~.-
~ My .laughing elillflren.nsqAo come • -
And danee upon my kl,rte ;' •' • .
.....:lAid.she alto, was that hlmie's delight,
- • In eons, .hcanty,Stronei: . - .1 -
Around th cheerful- hoartli•stono. b,right--
: Now 'all was still and Ione;
_ .
-- Yes,. thal,l ved,wife liaa geines i to rest, -
In death lit livart ietionnd ''''
i n
.:Her babes atv sleci)ingOn - het'hienst, • .
... - ' Beneitth yon grasy_niound--, - _. ..
, And I:tfa. tiMotingi lobe atidiftee, .
.-. . - No mas vr of-my mill il• -.. , J.- - -
I,ly-haute ny happy home, is changed ' ? " 4
To -t' ht + behind the still.:.._
•1 timtkailt
-. 12, 1 134 , 0 0 ±Y.4
:_:ThA r,il
• NVti..l]
. 'When 11
. ,
) The crave]
- With t flf,
..That 10 ,
' Wher i e
Thb 106414
• The Rill
- AlVtold
• Thetth
;New l'eai.-';Aigiii tit a.ii Ilinfortaiianie 1.
. . . • .
• The'follOWing is a:translational a eele:tirate , d .
dream-of-- jn
ea- P-ant.: ,--The mention - cif tln•
niask in tlie,iireee . iteixisWs). - Ord of explana. : i.
tiolt.- - It is pri'pinibty in itillisirm -tn. tli ! ?, 4ti.•••:-
- -.: ~ .- --- I torn 'of having hired, inaskers' ,. at fniter4lS; to l i
Deep" . .akiid ghat o , Pjoyiaug..,..., , I -- actthe part. Of: iiioitrner, which -I)riwails in
Anotlieier or, which-is oftenTemntke4 . - 11e're 1 Italv thototh not, so tar-as I' know, in Ger- I
t .
in -oil , l ier ‘ . -
of th e eifau try, in ~the- I in ti , }." Vic need not refer_to.the impr(issii.2-
in:lna:gement - - the. cultivated. parts of the 1 ness ofthe nioral . Wliich- . it teaches, nor Apo] , T- i
farin,ii - iir4 : * al/Ott. ard iin,ol.anidttnrg . t . Pl°W" i . g,iie to 'oni r'eadersir . - for :.protiliciiig it ..nt .this
.i.nT - it reci,4t: .- . Your experience, liar - taught : l season 6 f t h e y e Ir .. •,, .•:
•. • .
..,yon that the: aciency of soils , - in produemg-I iAn old man. stood in. din, witid4w I
i.cii a
...good crops. 4 polds touch 4.m. 'the subsoil,-1 New Year's night:. stnd.:, - ..wi-tlt 'a look of sad
"If this" slit' Allen in his.,Farin Tioik..." : con- 1 ze4-,:tir ; ;razed up `to 1 the fiXed;ever-hriglit I
.. Sists 'of impervious clay or hard p a n, .I‘l4ll 1 heaveitsgind - down'upottthe siill, ptito,i'Nifittc.. i
-Pterents . t4e,drainage - ..i the water, it as-`dll- 1 earth: on WhiZli ' no', one .wn!= now sii•joylcii.s.-,ttild. i
.-dent the accumulation of hearY rains .w. lll :tri . . - . lstieepi - ess. as hi - uiSeit., Poi; his!"graye,
.laf near
jtre'the'vetation al)Ove, fo'r,..,it rig . cl l -0!/ j 4int...coveretl'..over with- tine show- of •frif. -1101.: ;
that whild*hing
_tends ,inZre.*f? piOductire- 1
, w i t h' t h e it r een i ,,f ••otrtli, and heliait brotir•ht I
.•ness than 'art adequate supi;iy'Ot -- nioister ,for I / with him. out of :ill tfie riilleA of life Iningio,
..tho - rodtc,. no I ,
ng is injurious than their un- i hi n t i.f r ,r,i.,. ; , 4 11f ., :an a iiisetlies.Hfi k svasts , (l lotiv,
.tuere4ou iii.staudingwater , .. ?suchof AT. - .. 0 i 1 11 a -desolate
,sotil, a breast full Of poison, i'kud.zur
is of this..liiiractp.. • As . yriu • penetrate-the"'
011-ag - e iull.of remorse. • l': . = 'i . 1 :-
earth; afte i r haviiig goil . e,a fen '• inz..lle:.tieloiv, L. ',Ti lt , lx ini f u l _ a a5 .,,,• ( ,f
. hi s . vc , ut h . k,i i i,ii, il ,
'the strrfa,ce,•tile•ifoil becoinesjiarder, cr as is R . remnd - hitii . to-nizhi like S:pee'res, .and..drew.
comintinly i : s: id, the ela.ybee..6ines stiffer, and - 1-him ba• - ek-ti - T thatTorii; : lit ru,rning whi;n.. - his
: gcmerallv ro is into what is called' -hard hard : pan. ~ • tilt i i , '
This, in its: atural tionipact stnte,-adrnits nei. , 1 iii• v ri s 1
great •bighwax, Jendin7: en the...- right
r brought Min to the turning pOnt of
tilerlieat I,iii nor fi t oisinre., fo . !nitell e:z 1. (. : 1 1 1 -.;,..a. 11 I band: in the path k;t' yirt;ie:lo-. a - broad Bud
- Of which ar,• indiTensable agents to tiny 0:0-] ipt;et - land. fiin'toflig•l/t :p.14 ,'liarvpi:t,. :ilia on
-daction••Of iegetable life. Whe.n the earth is tine f,,f t. . c t ,, w i t . through, tilt molt-frai.ks ; of
. .
retleted . Pyable to a : point at,": or fleas :ail!! 1 v i ‘ , /6 a 1.„1 ; , ( .1. i .i t, f u lly i;i:iii.opping prison, . _
harder sulri ance, the water frOin the. stirfaee 1 o r " e 'a . ..j . k-
~..,.tpe nt -s . ,•and a.;:glvoinv, sultry VIA' 1 . 4 ".•41 C. if .1 - 4, • , Cali li Tv.
1 .. ~, i ,
, .
penetrateS t ins for . and there remains : the ; 1 ,6,, A 1 a „ , ... T . • the , e .f. petits u uu . 2. . ut i on i.„i 5 1b r ,.. 3 ,.. t. 1
root-, tOoln.s e .( l •ll4 moisture rind nourish- i• and the - poison driTs "pp.)n :his 'totigue,2 anu t • L. :ii,' Eils rEit ,j- 14:0 .would relpretfully
Inent.,reaeli the swine point and then stop.. Tt }-lielne:w2iitit,.irhere lie.:v4s.l. ,. •Wiiintiterable 1 1-1,...,, a 1dl the puti I
io p1e.:.1
1..0..c 1 40.1nty :.11u1 the
• • ,i
t .. ~
must be evi .l dent
. th a t ff, -- thi s p o: i l it is neat: file i sorrow;- and well-tirli IvreStl of sen..-.e,he en 4 -1 ! p,..i.u. - or iei..fl.' , r•il. lititiL 'itudy hive :. 1 1-11,•ii an estab
. surface, - Ph its will .be liable. not -only to. :tbe ou t - ;1 1i- ra d ; (Ni. ;••i v ' e , i ne
. I, : i c y r i le - N - 6 n ' th 1„.. •...tism ot .l44pc i : quad n i, kr thi: - ,i0).-I
: injury Ofl-t siding in a beil of stagnant w;t - Oh, my .fittlier,.br7no• nr('. tHain 6. the turning 1. Nioid"r •V, , LYre :3 - 3d 1,117,tie, One. dout uorth of
ter,. but be; subject to ill. greater liability ' - e• - • - A. -- ' 5 ,••' 1 ..1- . 1 . • ' 1., • e-1 ' Lll/ Dairk,26;l/1.1)1B ;,.• ;vier ! , they .tatead ii, !tory on
,;,, liOirit 1,,f dire s t:hat itilaypaue.aucit, t ,erc......olet.l.
kilbeiilf2:•l3 stroyed by being parched in time •
; Bill - his: .fattier,%lnti-liit - iontlii• - weii gone; I Biays434.l4iritiret tr...4lVur r ;i„ 'lilt of tvhech they will
•':of f! (hong] L Al .sudden change from: Ni - et to.l, lorpy, low? ago. , .•• ' ',' •••'•• . i• i - 1 sell'as eit,titi) as th.-*C.111; be bought in this or 'Jay
'excessive d y weath: - .:r;ppon.,htuds thus culti- i
.. 1 , 3
.e . s.v . Y.the meteor-liglit!darting up -from r othrr Oottliiy. Nat , e9; cur 4.i..vr4.'auty hi f"usd the
Vated, freq . e.utcafistms the almost.toial destrue- .
i the marshes,,Tind - going. - . 0 tit' in the 'elturch- I i'...;id . 4 tar 4 e. assortiiieut Of ...i . tov;•s 'l' sal, Cuppir.
1 f et t ev i e j : di r! •ales elti k rst; io aten r ioesto m• I l li011;
'.'' •• ' `',l '",'` 4 . • - • , I t . . ..l: l4ii r r e . nct
7 f: ; : v ir, at( -iy . hi . , iti . ; U*,(l.,:ar coal. tion of the crops. Fields")‘ithi.n my own-Ob-i v ii. l ia; :nl ,l i fe .e : t e gi urnet .f ; • .
~The s •e lire. t:h e d11), - ; ,
. s e rvation ie.dieen thus-yisitcd,ana 1 !lave iOf i l iv'fOily'r l'(S. tzaw-akffir :Aide from the I - ' .
. 7 6,1 0 ,,,„„ . ,g fd1 i, . ! ... 44 , •.• 44
.no dou.4._
. out - the.same ean... , :For these - -e-' i
*. ~ heavens, glitter in it fill, and dissOlve in 1
,o I • . - i-r,: k .,„ :I , i 44 . 4. • I 4. -
11 .
• Nils there 'i- a certain 'remedy:: It cOnsists in i earth. . i..T4 ; ii . , :rn I," viii i i i •-, bl ee di f i. g h eart . -I • Bli.y. Scan, i .•, „ if 1 ft
-.. simply breaking, up this hard . earth bY:Means 1. and the serpent 7 fan_fs.{. , f 4-emorse, pieriied. yet i". Arts I qacert, cltivafed Oren. -1. • %,
-of the' subsiii I 'plow, Onee removed • from - its i 4 - letpet into - its Wounds. r-.• fancy I - , tl.•, ' - `_- / . • . „
bed; it iiiil4coutinue•to. drain •Of the • YValer i. t ettirod cree-ping niqbf-?4l74viererg . on the rixvi'4 i Al'' , P , o'i'ri ,t ) 4 1 '7° trl:PP . ,'! ( ` - `.,''''. , e l' i s ..' ''''
not alisOled-in the -upper ; Soil; anti.afford a iof th...;`lioUses, lifted on high its -'-'"' 'l4","'llr harnaet , r . or i hea 2 ' t ie t ao.tid , tipi„te l egs ;
I- • • -. 1 ~_ .
~ stores. H o tels. etc.' ; Sto..e . frtaire ti, ! ter, , ,11 , at',
Stipplv'ilf notsture in dry• Weather wlthout oi. i , 4 1 1.1,••;.01, Lea 4 Pipe;• and etstrrn-I Naps,
iris distnr ed again for years.: - This' ailbrds 't
left,,beltind in•theilousqbf the Dead, gratin- [-chain Pitto•:. Chaieo and Geariaz
. .the cheaf. st and . niost effcierit.drains, besides I 1 1 ... :t00 k. on his 0 . 11 ., 1 feat/lite ,. . •:, D - 7Allkiuds of ' qua' c f n ‘y, ark done' on short en
,i4rentemngi•artns. and a past. Nutt,- nail Lite!) 1,,.
- 1 • -
ansivering the purl.•}P. • , e. of inlgation. • .. .. .I s' In l the Midst of this I.,ititliet, of ,ernotion,
, ;,, . , tier nit'd Ewan ressotkahle :terms. 0•11. inOtto is stoklt
. , .
• ' But th -- , though -so. bighlyimport-t c ,ni,kare 1 the mtrsic of the .New 'a ear's 'lrfght. tlo•Ned i Pjlt :A r l ,khds tk .Of Prod:Z.ol kettle elcchitnge for
'not the !only oeneaciar results ',of deep plough- I TdoWit from 11 --- ileiglit 'iitig .tower ,;• the I w. , • u d 6s - ' Is 4i
. • ~..i....,, , -
,‘ _you oil?, e t.o. e 11, (:). ail. F .
.ooutinued c,ultiyation absorbs; ormather idistant,tones of tt. chute . lay, .-, :. : ii . , .•`..- 1 - ..\4'!:.,`,.. - ... . r r l / 4 :.L.:W EBSrgit. & CO,
- - ex,haus ' N Jeertain:propertics Of soilii Which - c nia- I - !Ile. Was . more...gently. r moved... • Ile gad 1. • . ! .
ILantrnse 1553.,
--not be Supplied by--dies use , • o f .the;Lordinary . i:n pon the far-off It orizOn.l and . .aroundlupon the
• - vegetal-4( 4 ' 111 ' 2 n re 4•;:• The ieffeet of this process-1 - wide.cart it, and he , thottiht of the friends:. of
: • of exhans 'on epend . s; -of. course, it 011 .the i his youth trowbqterirfti --,
ll happier than he.
- depth Of he..._ aterial • acted •-`l.i.pon. • A. thin 4 . teachers of th e .i1.,011()_...(h
-ae fath e rs 4.f li'r t iiiy
. s oil will -ear cruf 'one. , csooner than a deeper. hildr--
euand blese•ed.leings, nd he said,
'The dOi rt of.the. subsoil plow'is. not to throw 1.: 0h; I too, had-I been ;willing. mi t iiit slum-.
.- • out the i tilt,. t.ilit 'Sit - billy. to, break it up in if.: t i - her: as quietly. as :ye, nut with as te4leFr. eves
} re d. '.I '' -' I . -
- ... -- .' : •'-on this tits.tniobt .of -the 'year?
. 1111,.' .1 too
• -: Theki,, s hoWever, a gradual incit.s,se . in the. i i . nrig,lit uoW :be hai . .P`y,..!...,1i-e. dear. parents anti
- . depth Of the sOil,.producedby .tbis. lirneti"e• i friends, had I t7ulfilled Viotu• Neiii Illes - wish-.
The fitie• mi More soluble parti44eis -of . the 1 (~,,• acct p i - i. g ,rt . -,i . . • • • ,:
• richer -erial above are' constantly.wolking. ! •In feverish recolleeti.iti ufson thid times. , of
down nii enrichinfr thy; loosened earth . below, 1 •..4.1-1-yntli.-it-•-seetned --t .him -that-pic -mask •
so that; i a short tithe, the whole beei'Anesa. i h eat i n . 2: - lii s , - ,f4tort.,. litt,d its4lf pp i n the
. . Muss of: iroductive'noater: . •• --'"/ -. .1 Ilouse•of the Dead.; - at;leng-.11, - lis'tlie. ii-Ork.:
Theid pth of all loamy sons, (which con)-1 ing bt 2 that . straxig,e 4upersti Lion !ithat sees-.
• prise a i ll those,inthis county. 'except on 'the I.plututoins and -srwetres On the, lilt:tes. of Al,+ :
-botton? lauds near . the sttetitus.) . wav be inueli
. i Nrc„. Year's night,. it - s(iPttieri tO•trzrther .itself
* . incitTase ~.I.4ltthe - plough . Int'ordinary use;
4 .
into thelorm.of :a .livf,,t? youth; in the airs=
among - 4rfarth_rii
his ownliftgure, in.
4, --.;.1.,1-311 1 1g, howoFer• - ll'e!d°P ( ' ' - ttide of the youth of
. tlie ea.pifol,
.fil.tiekitig a
• ..- by judic ous matuigtitnent Tlit• d the application t h 6rn t r •i . . 4n, h is fool-:Ajd
of a knowledge ofisothe
.of : the (1--Ti`"P''' laws ! - all the bloom of the spi-ing of l, - Wasife in bit
- of prod etion. To throw•p-amuss of , cold ter mockery played oul.before his Ires. ' lie
. . Clay fir the first lime, in the spring . ;vitit. the 1 eOuld •10 - ok. :tie Aptirrf-11-.-•-lie 6...ryer•ji up ~ his
. expecte on of raising a crop that s&'' -'n? i eyes.- - ---a thousand li..t,Oiurning.t eari. streamed
- would I as-preposterous as to thinking of ma- 1. do„.ti .upon • hi, whitc..„now_._l2,2, iiighed• out
• : turingLa hot bed plant by.e..i;ipos - ?ng - it - to 'the ii getiEtly ; comfortless anti? enselcAs, " 4C,'ome back
" , ehilliu'g. winds of i'dare,h. Yet .J. have. often i aga;Ai;
season .of my •Y‘th, eoine back ag,:iin.".
geon.thi ,done antl.lni - ife caused it to be 'doue ~ And ;ft came-for lill - all thi4 -had been a
myself nd h a ve Arqu, ,3 cre d wile notlri ng , g.revv- yfrightful lire - lat.. - 11 e. .Was - Mill - a "youth - :: it
. The2trit course to pursne is at every sticCess- I was obit his . 'Wanderinks had bee . Ul tio dream.
P..ife ill plowing, to deepen .your ~furrowg al . • v itt
. f le t hl i hked (3.0t1 that,
.while . ,ret...Toulig
iatii 4.'6 for'some crops, if Tod have .. plenty of I l ie eati l d turn lick-Omit the foul. tr k . of
. 3Yartxt tri. mutes, sink thein \ to-the.full deptillde- 1 . vice,•and haste to . the ',i , ,!
i . .• •
funny 8,01.11 t leadi
sired This process. will, inn short time, give i •to the bright laud ef•Autiyest. t - .
vou n's Al...that will wear, mid' that .- Mlll -not 1 ,- Turn. back with ,1311',•-;t-pt4,g mitt, if thou
i - i • , - ._,
•. -dry up or.. drown out your - cror , . t",o sa y' m en i art in.that.e.tiing'y. -atily This terrific drezim
Who.hav'e tried it-and . .who have 1
1--le• ' aid -of i-,.-iii - one- du)..• be'. tti.-
•..acienoe -to additiotiel weight: 10 the testim o ny ii shouldSt then cry outlin bitter himeritation,
of theirl,ownlobserrafie.n:- :eff . ke .frost of ' • w att- 1 ‘-'' Con r e
- .back - , heatitiftil 'season off '..rotitli r it
t.e.i.willlpulve.rise . .tlai.soil4nre .perfectkr-414an I will never . - b . ' le ii o. '
come ac sgain. .. if ~ ••
• it can Ibti.dOne .in the. , slirne-ti. brnn.Y - arti- l - ' -:- •
.. -fioial . proce4. •• • - : - .., ~
7 . ,_
' • BittYoti ever think. 4.11.4, by Shallo m ..- p i a , a ....
ink I,',•eott were lktmnting :the land ; a n d vi a
• littl . e hire You woptd,_l l 4ve.4l l .•the creovl9..
- aTo. "grid .that iyaSlert.:Weithf • :the_
6/ ut g
l e
- -' . Ito,ir 1 . mg do ._.,,V.'Q . 11 1 . 4 . 1 1 3 1).C?5e.1an. 4. Will fr9tipee
Fith -t. elielle• depth pt •.euttivatiowl-,And
- . lOW . tri - eh more thauthat,,w.ill- be . . the -mFer
- agCl in thk3 COW:art i Some,J - lope ;,too little;
. . / When fanners . can -be made to understand
that the earth , which they.oultii , atela ft-thi Og:
'.. oE:iiifei ;•-that .• it.-: has • 'respiration ,;-- %hit it
. - b+tbes-;
. nad that• to produe,am:healthy and
. ' intrigOratingti, itS pores most be kept
• ,
...elantil.irthett we may expect a Inte . .. ) inerease
.. ' oruropt.. It is not the ) ,Aize a Ab e ii -, : -bf
istiiV *tit cli'_ 4ds,a plant' Upon , wlfich r it .
Or li t itpgive of notulartur i.b brit '
• t i"thq ,
ji . „it u 1
. , .
- is site state ofpyepttratiOrilltattlieenthli in ,
, .
idlervpse a solitary tree phicoa - In t h e eentr
. . ..
of t field or'et;iniitiet : oiali,l4ulght" - ho:ex . pe lei 0
to iiiiiit64-.lnori4uxiirian ithan - itp*til ini)
.th6:444:010a -, Ast - ltie.,
,r,16. ! , ::'yfm,l . .a . .: . .it . :o-th;
li tte ly:pt k lyorigeillbils,y`ty!*!priediridiilghnit;
heal; motslitre and :4r i: 2.k0 Weelktliitt, w.e:
May expect..thefato'ost::" r4wth of vegetable . ;
r0t: 044 1., 'l744iiifpiii kkidici'aiTV - 14 , Rep -, ,
patiostidodg.._ his . eur4t,iy ...,4;14 :pulyerizattou.
('lrkturStion) ; . .I.V . bo - ca oio, admitostpr : no.
- hoin - oi)iitfq ai.). iziffeli4 r s' or of. l4tiir,:,
. . #77. [ • ' '
• 7 .. , r.." It. alg:riill9;;: f - ",' ; ...
p,:k Elie, - 1 5 ,4t0ii,.. ,fil6e. r ..gepOrt; 'brit - es'
Gamplelt .4.Weitiin,-Isi: Id - giro s; ill \ foil %; -
. ..,. ~,, s. e . , 0‘ .. -,
itti`OS a'stiOiqtr'7* . pod4fOr.',curitii, lintiti:: -
'--- ,,, *; methOd • I lia4e . found for; curing
;finisjg;Lofter'...,thetiatiti - lia'v6-.:b&ii- . : t.'iti,,':lit
-•.thetwlie . out, Own shelf; L "here' they Oh "Ilinye
,'Ple:ttijt-,Or ctE:llair,'So t lii `the tutittial [`eat I
is4iitiri4v:ibut f$ them fore''YOu'attompt ' to i
put iltiini . .d0wi1.4 . "4",iw0... )r. tll .4. 1 i l l4 t VS, IlifteT,l
I which drsid-Ottait4 dyNYtter ii• l hich! may.
onter. , ,ont. ..' Mid , tit en- iiialre 7 the fol I o WI fdpi 1-
le, sufficieUt to Covtrtbetnt :,. : .T;kk e 9' pomp s
of salt 3 otihCes of saltpetie, i.. ounce of 1 . ,.5.4,:,- 1
. .tatis,•:4;_ivaiiimis , or brown . sugar • or ' molitem*,,
and sii_galtoitS of i) . -ater; .liit . theth :he' iii llief,
above-pickle &cirri iis ti4ekS . ,:i.llCtii•tiiil io;
*thc:size7.orVet.4 114ifi:s"..'- whi,:ii*: you : 'tii,:ky`'.' iftio .
t'liiii Out titaft4Ooki . t.hetii with ' g ood Itieloory.
I . wood . till 'Stiffie4t to suit; Ouf ittsto.,
They shoula.theri:he tnitts ,''doii-r' and illtim;
4tp • in a tdrre'bol ' Plitee:::: liit hags; :.... to pl.pthe't
hefrom:'flies, - . ' - :, •:•• . -,-,-.... '
after:' • the'ah6Te
od, which 4:15i as . fitia - when eighteen
months When,. t4llceft , fr6fir;the' "siu - ike
while upon the suh,ieb.t-of 3Mtv
1, would further say that when' yon.holl'ilieirt.
tzofrt , futer;‘antl: . NTliet riedrly'a l onr,
L3uafiill of clean thriothst- hay.,l-44. absorbs- --mil
m puri t esovitjciOn . .hit • it . rptultt e tip • oUit si d
.of the. .As „soon as douc, .our , -the
hay; but leave: the ham in, the ter Infifil
itearly . .e6hl, 'when Yon May take it otit.'l.
- ,l4rA.mag ibel - s,Bowery placed on his
doortbe other 'day 4he followog sign:-,-
Drawing taught--hor s e fiYe minuteti." We
went in -ami found tlje art was acquired by
tugging a whedbartOw. We left slight&
impressekiliatia.youig man abo'uf our size
had been ink and sold. i - -
rir A. man in Wiseman ,who ireeently
serted a long taiverhvernent in thypaperg, of
tering his farm for - P4e, cksed in it thefollow
jog soWimely ridiculus stye : snmiun
ding country rs thepno - st,beautiful the, God
uf unture overAacie,,Ll spetkeriyikkcjeati
iirine--atso t itvo . yagons to als. t ke
•• • .
dftteers ,„
•- '
- • ^'l' - '"'" SJ „
- •altar.Reople • gerteieoniirsit:ttother: bolua
if these lay izi:theirtihead, they*tady 1 if in
tli4*tifit,4 If itE theielheehs' they
~ .. . .
'Ciaic3ise,ii •• alid . 11tottip 'Farni i a a '
1 ---- ‘ i ' - ''' • _. ' iStiaire.'''.. -.. • '
. I-1: DEPEU. is ritiBv ; prepared to invite th .'
efPablic'enerallY to; e xatuine- Ilia varied an
eitcniilveissorttnenj, of4toods which. (as an e,
iilifsiVii . .de clear) he is enitlded.fte offer . , very.: to .
emix.,--:Con.sisting of-Gold Bind,:Dcorrite
and.l'lairt,'Dinner.nad Tea Setts, Fruli,lask et ,
-- -
. .-Eroli.F..,Uttt.vA.—Full., Dinner. and Tea Sp ,
Priniee, and . Plain Einliii;ssed in . Bti . tt-s; • or by tiile. -
siiiglii - pieee, also, a viirit:ty of lieautiful.syles -uf
Toilet,-Ware. : . , i . ,'• •• . - - . ',- .- : ..1
'l.iioitsn GLAStiks.--)lihngany . , Gilt and Or,-
nanietital , f rallied .olnsies from 6 1-4 ets. LirBl . s
also, .11irlde_Sjalei .‘tilf.Briteelets. . .• -',
f '-'• 1 •
Gt. Ass WittE.LI T -c'ut, land diessed GM;letii,fle
•catt`ter4,.,-Tunblers, Ciiain'iig's; Bowls on : font,
•Gor * d..antler's; Gliilies,' ; Gandleativks. ike... - &-e. ..
' .11 - ousr..eriiia , D . A iintv...ins —'Table and P04'....
,et Vntlery, Spoon:4, TealTrays,'Se:iles, Sadilipns.
Eiiinirle'd . 'Keples, ,114„Xieks,...liefrigerlitirrsi:
yll'afer Ca,ilers,iee Cretin Freezers,4 - ..e.. . .
-. W N W
OuDE AND- Il i kiDW .. WAN.i.- , PrOPeneri,
am, Wagons, Bocklag l I Foise..4, - ti-iiali,s,' Ceder
l'ails, Tuba, Mi:s..Pouilders, 'll!skets, - flocking,.
high and.S . i.oril.Chair &c.• -
... . .
VVINDow Sit ApEs.-o . l . rtiieS.: Glitis and Gilt,
Pins anidileads, Band , ;,Loop and Tassel*, alse
Stain Peals iii.Vitrieti...'. •-. ::,.., .: .1 , „
H JArraicE,ri..W./tnr.,,,- . --iciilesett; 'prinststtrig , 0?
FV9t. T IiVS, , SiOP • Jut aa' Wiiti ) r.P l ii,.."C.3;4lßox.',
es L and all ,art : icloiiiianitietured'in the Pe.
• tiiiiTiNia Atiii'AnGfaiirr..W4aE.—Cirtree,and
_Tea Urns, Ezi,..'iiiidtri , , Castors„.,Cliafilig Dish
ei„Aetans.. Pitchers, i,!niallstielts, & Li.
, . .
1. .- LAii.e \AND Larxr.axii . :-In , ,tvery.variety,. style,
price an .iinaiitv: 1 - ..,' . .' . .-:
1 - T OTS AND... i' ' ANCT
01, ' A RTICLEs-Conslstinz ' cf
.Ofina,o l a: ,' iiod, tin, \Villaw,,lr on, Pa l eri:ltirbesTeit.euttn,
Pari:ir iiid
, - Alabater .Pins - , al
ii •
. _.' PlatedW:;re.—Tatile and . Tea simans, 'T:ilrle'
1 Dessert and clyster - ,F , irkS,':, Dessert knives, Soup,
:and I.all eS,.Cal;,(l)i.s; Sn uffers..and 1'i.4•; , ;.
I .'Na and*Coffl:e Sslls• . `.-
1 ' ...bird Ca , ri4:siViible ttntl .Fliier Ill'it4, 13 rushes •at ,
every deseription in 'fait almost, every article in
1 the line of
. Itoite furnishing. bptb.useful andAtrant
i intintal,
.r.n:l be,rekund A . this . exteti§ive 'establish
tn t!ni. ' '
4 don's past ofilleAmerirau
Xtini; 8111.1.553:"*'"
PIARIISLE -11101111.1.11PACToltV. -
E t4r,i•tn announce I.64lle:riti
'..l. v•tit4 Salmuehanti:t 'Comity; . that - thi.y hityr
est übliFhiql .I, l Shop in . eri; ( . 11 Main
n.. 4; oi it top.. w her+ t 11-y‘w ill no hhnd u
ftibture runiie into iNtotylininitiii,.Toinits.; Head
Pwrintifl Ceini•P
nu, pi i blic will tityl theirintel . €4lrtocice
niku call lief re ellsewliere.with tlif•irurilers
Monirosff; Alt. 44. hi-5i:3-34 wt (
. . .
- Apstrlio. v California, •
Or iiriy play iii; Et teal e,
,rgarart,present greater
If •indrit.4:l6)lx Mira' •
. ,
. .
1:‘,TIITC11 , 1 ! . now fiqed With a time and eaten:
I . I T. ".inc.`• i'itssorttnent of Articles in their liar.
-0 i 111, r ,161 1i I itivlierai 11thi ii
v• of: .te
,And elegant
'Aviv:: of L' does and.. leiiileineiN . wear, - a i m i ng
which are. liiidir's I:renth. siik Llsiiiia, and. Pie :
i nine Gaifrri Kid anif : ;Ewitoeleil rolkiii.A,Ni4_Pat
l';iit Irailvetltiind ', hr.niked .73‘itly l .l t d s, , liiif.kias
and Ile's'i L iriiileiii...ii‘ii:.l";,,'.4nch` And ' ph ilaaAphin
I oak -tniittrl !Calf Ain
,iiit'd' kilo .
,i 3 wits. Oiniress j4lO
1 briti.ios Cl . Jtiii:ri.. :1 1 1,..nt;rcy and NVishitigimi N.M...
I ll?i10.4" Sltiti4 Ntnrocco'i ciiit. and ' Cowhiii.• Bro.
r &tr
ans. .. Inq . vs kip. half and cowhidc , 11 ,, n . +• mud
' - firtralis •l all kinds - of -Alisses ' alit! Children ' s ear.
I •Alito.'n'ireti,Prvl ",;.7ttri.ant .if roiri;l.n-a whii•ll . 1111..
1 silt- in park' of••la‘ta. 17,9; , P,• aloirah!es. tinnearian
1 nails. tacksp thread. Wax. Irtrietles, Phne hindina.
i ao.ds. - raSit, siinclejoirk shoe knives. Sic. Also'.
I nak in I I rßil'ook lond:l4.ri:tt-t-opplr and`Fol,elealh
i er. "10rne , •.,1 !skins -titiii:litiinetc N
1 : Work merle to Afft.i: mod irjrairiliff neatly eti no. -•
I - ' 11 . - ' lift rlt.V;ll ' & s ' l * o DI/ A RD. ,
i Al mi rcw.el ; June, 1. *153.: .
Trittlies'l Wattlies.: '/OVsichs:".
.6,.... 4 .• • I % IIE •••..Mlisetilier has 'this
• , •
:day retutited fioM ,Ne'# Yolk
~,, , 416:wIth a large :Mil limautiful as•
~41 ‘,„,;,., , • - ,-,! . ent of Fine %li tt iCh.liji..•
f.i . ;l- -% try and Fanoy Goods. to which
- v .l ; s:
......iihe would cats the attentjon. of
.t.„l • l'' 's—`"- • —4 ' hi* f i tirtietk. It is' nerdli•sie. to
ienuoierato th..dift-eent kinds of
zrmrht; 'ruffle- it 14 tsnyi ihathir pieseot Rork at
anods vine. -ni-Aioi-dilt•ll#4l in thia:pa.rt of the State,
e i ti o, to ::: his roods :itverei bought for otisit. - ha cis.
not he Otrth•rto4id by atty .} lie v 111 take pleasur* it'
altMaint. his %muds' to till ir'io,may.fnunt - iiini iiitil n
call/ retluk . tr, our« ',that no person wishing to parehoae
can railMf suiting •ItheroSalves both as to .qoaltt
and pita, i - t
. -
r t i.l2ltritnten : Noe
1AT;0.111.:.4.4.41 large. stock of fine Gold and
1/ T. , titiver Wet Oleo, :Of every rt . ‘ le end price,
NnV'o'24.. 1
AL:t. , 4, 1
, 1 111 firv i hvt l'ttrr, ev..ey raritty
_l4Ol smite esntilel3- I,IPW Mt yif.P.lty
Ngl+lj:24 a• . - A
.EV %N.;.
SILVP:Jt atrg,:i.;riviept., Port Alusiniii.
kintP. Soup Ladles, Pie and
But:er litlives, *Lu. , ,..dze.,14
.ICov .24
. . .
lot p f biudp6nift
111. for partief. by A: J. a V %N S.
( - 160 AL lirodli Plain 110 cut coral, sit
t./ .t • . A. J. EVANS'
• "NEW GO alas. .
Vprt awsrtment now emnprisPs almost every
.nrtiele watiteti. arid .wit• fear srune that
are riot wanted, which .we will Roll at utist , and
snmg itfilelell at . less ihati erwt o n that name
aceolint. • U. BURRO,WS & Cr). •
; .
Of)j w°94E.T4
qOaliLies, Ivantiftil
ex:4,7114y I. U. BURROWS.
fribsnn, Oct.. V. 6.
• lE'tne French.
\IT ci l io, L °,:ol.ri, s
or h .7. l ra t 'iti 2 iliows& co
1 • , y
-Lsroelot:44 th em ehoire whole` Robes a
a_Taity:olll.adraaee n the
bsop. NisvO: • •I U BURRO,WS & Co.
.1' • Windoliw thades. • ' ..
litrgizt shritics, at
. -- 111mfealo itobes.
Choice lot, siid Mil be!ipht law; by! •E i
• ow Milford, Ant. 16, lAr4l . • 7 -
Ni.. Odd. I , * Ilurtb' 11;11
A. J. FX
A. 3. EVAN
IButhtir Sober.
BUB.:OWS & co.'l
• 1001‘6f.41 kt4weiittgoivestt
rz ~
Shrti bliptv Ler„ 1
ft9pllld 4 48 I
fastitiPtiitivkaf }the keen Prosis
of 014 . Giey Altinteri'l , :ben one I.leSe.,tinsur
ptislsal4e.and".hithl4l:piiruvel Sid•gira f ,a46. the
most ekteriSivo Mahtiracioiles'ln the. •Union, -
.Iklessii..Sh4'.iir lostek:UYl,jbecoinl indiSpipsable
4 Id p it
to eve!) Ve t on rts e ..1 o, TIC°
t.) the': citizen' of • Sii.'99eh.itins: and
eAnnt..o.4 tiVols:#ll and :ire ; re..
•eeit'in . the brraest ;Ind Staves
ever ititrothiced 'into K i i4ternl)enk.l3)leantsi,:whicti
will he sold - at til” VOrV;)(l4,4i cskh To
those Iv hi) are in want Uf S'toves.:they *lll find it.
to their interest to call rind examine Ottevariely .
hefoke They'eninpriie
part aji : i• .
Unh i ted'Sfittes, : , Oriental Parlor,'
' Ealltrn Queta'A VI, ,• • ' 3 / 4 oveliaa;:' do ,
Firs flipmr*E. 0.; : "j,• • -Pancy do
Air?l'iglit:t.. O. .6-clug do . .
.Iforniag . :Nrar,• f' ; • . Cottageii' do
•• Fattraere..4ir.Tl4o.,P:: • cte4 tta
The almVii Pstfives.'ire • ton knekn
.tnihuce il~'t!ttipti"Tii; t3tin;; the most
,tove in Market. I All-who .
t.911,1' will be shover through
our , a 'ssort ment witWiileasnre: 11.Alci,illeut ;the
ntimbCr"—ELyrox's.i::ii,ltanwri "One..i 3 riee Store.'"
't ~.
(FOl&E'" I,ATSitiMlst,")o3iitighT littitc PA.
rirtlii : . 1 Ntr.'baVion. rentt4l 'this %%441'known
...IL iiiilst., i tott tt re..ftiritiAeti in tiond
style, lis ni‘tyinvp#ei) . tn . . fiteeitA 'and 'I entertain
gitestA,' t4isifetiitt-, 1 A.; delig,litfitlii nitrated on
the :It:inks nt' the ISit,istinithanna 'i , lt• er, *tin the line
'4111)p Nenelyi,nk :init' q .l:lti e , . :in it.' tint Illottiyar.:,
tiletinehntin and Wipttlin ititi:rit;ids; it‘tetinekin'tj,
:1 tn64'be:'i,ittiii st , eto.itt id entintry.' ttna "is the
pa'nerindelstyenervlithre di e d .1 11 , 3 -whore. ,•• ' •
- As lA'Sid.:uNgit „1tr.'44,1r fer the- bristne4si man s'eekit►g quiei And fre , eti,i'ln frotit ,tlie!niiist; ,end
ditt it city lite, and,fitil ladies :net- tii , ntletnen in
ptirstnt prittlentititentntil the rittill seen;eiy iii the
eountj. yAliisineatinn:i•ttittint 'hil'ette,illi..d._ I lei:e
Ilse Iv e .:ev ttavellet4,i4,si•ettre fr(tin tlieleentiisiiin
luciddein the ,enntittnnt arri6t :mid titiv , rtuk I.l'
trhin. , Which. es'noi iity - in . the).ni , rlti ''i tine.' ittn
very *rent annnvanet4 . titQie Itti*ppite c tt liettes
very ininr li , D . 41..1.1 . 4 I. '! . f • ';,• .' ' ,
lilt 12pC314 :ire nis . ,V,l)leac LT:it :tritl - tvi.l fitimish•
ed; Ins'Table. whit intl.4.lle delijneies• ti•ldett leek
ettlinlry - mid eity. ittst.kiits• alliril, : tmei i' int ii . .in. ,
will Ine kit-tredln tnitlelltis house a piet.stint home
tn :11l ii's attests,l ..
~ - • - , ,1.• - '•• 1
:-.ot - - (;‘..; E s•rs Williie';ennytleit In .iii 'tram th •
enrs,' iat ItteNair dity'n• night, iti a ;Nod 0;1)11am.- ~f elt :re.e . . ' . 'lf q. ' i' . •-• 1 1 -
r'',"o".• A Lutrtv' ISTitnt.r..isr"..jitttneltii to - the
11,:te.e. '' -- -' I '.i '' - .' ' •• 1 ‘ -
I. • . ~ .
t! N. V. (7AR 1 1 P1NTER.. .
id. intl'i 4l 2lth. 1853:—i:G•rj
i . -
.. .
lioU.ltAitreat - .loeattil, 1021 Pol,
rrillS rim and ii*itots lott,din7;. tiklati•d hot
• -1 'la few feet frAM 1 t lie Depot; at GMtt Bend. IS
n o wl i operied and fltieoiheit in a'suit-thie style for
al'n ilie . l - 1•;ose„ halt •Will he "i - kept drier' at all
hones. (loth Ida+, -a!tal 'tisght.) f;ii- the rt4,•eption of
- I •• ; ; • t; . , • , .
travellers': and - e‘cp,i4A,iy for Op nevi,llTiviiimit,,ti
Di . p:H.,..ti.r , ,, , tr-iyiqiimz im . the N. Ir..i&. Erie &,
L. & W. Rnilrii,,iiia, at the itinetiOn - ot these
two readm, l l l ll4 ll l ,4 iit4t t amvt!hietitiMint to ..tep
in anti Olt' rl - I . l l4l )lnt r nts anti 1* Ati"willi the tir-t
tr.d! ,•as.well as ilie Anostenn4nient -lofts.-to ar
emu-nod:it,• the pAlitiiit is NEW CLI3AN and
WIIOLE§01)11 . 1!-I:yelit;Vrorons i .i•atolgil tai aeeom.
- modate At.if., ltellla lilted .111; wi'lli neW' inrnitnee
to r . i l o-reliintkand.._'l)ible. 4 al w ? ' ys set, •H_l h w,A am
' ate Ills mid laxtit les; furni4wd at i moments.;rniror --;
..; ;,!:. ;
1 17: 1. 4I-1 P.isQengt..4L4itit4 r4l...and I sleep. ran,
'• lw . .'--311itta -14 , tri...sCV,.itilAiWillt.743Vii it: Ol,' ~f .tikkititr.
ait mnitms tolitia;:itt;larrA4: ‘ Ut.II :ti ihe fri•lay 1
and tineertaintv 4ietliniing to the depot 'at the
r•Krriyni or th.rartilic;i - if the -trii ; tts: :1 , : - Iip;trter vi , ill 1
he in- wriitintilo etstititivt Them:with riot. ir' haggeo , e I
I to I } he Bryant Itoitse.i•jit - st : ''rn•'4 th' Wayf aid l,
I pt. - 1111nm ihem back 'itiain wilt:mut fei.i 'or n•w ini,;
. _.
I t•dowg"..ip,t,4al Irear.e':!i4t. wake 4heiti it desired at '4'
1 tint;fh;oir"of th e r i bti,„•!' .1. -.. . . ..-;,;
'The loelti , m - i4 i td.,Bryatte lionsit, - with the; ;
natural sevnt4y al4tit-lit r oldi;irte td ni,.ke it :, !I
1 verb de-ir-thh; SIN NEER RE:SORT-t4 hositressii
. inf I
. I imp :Ifni mi l ers ik city ty !wno ry wi.h nil!
-ea r st t;IT-earn" toc!Hra.Tew.ldnyis to ret:rnit in' the:'
emintrw.. - •l' l ' I ' ' . ,
A .Lizrgetizi - Cornm.oimis fall. - .i
is • tAnchk4l to thiif,jolii.ling fir thu it,onvenioneet
6f i pli.asure l'arme;si who mly alw4is find goodi
I aed o mmorimioits.plerr, without n•g ar
.to implers;
1 with warm rtahli.s,6o,their !eau's, • t,4. reliable,
."t lielg . to wait upon llittw - .!:--.!. .. •,, . I,
. ~.4, For furlhitr; i
partieulars - mittire. at tlici
111 i; ant -LlOuse of . ,tlKi pr o prietor, ~ ..... .
Ap! . I I
eh. 1853_.-ii'fi
,!!,..- .
.) : I.S . ON . ERA* ANT.
i • - i
• 1 _.-._ ___L.:.'.:,', 3!...____
. . .
_New i , Arrangoments.
.. ;
Bin c hama . .4 l ,,,,,,pr rf aiii,J., ? g,, A .iite, ra• ;
./Yrs'•l4liik`,l- :iivitoli,t,' ,
, i.... i
J 0 . . • . 1
ATOU LP rsip!• dtfull y ulluotutcei , to the in tln h:
i' -itaitts‘ of
.I,'44l...p.viric.:!Gr'," ?Bud 11114- ":"
til\ , til:it,qitiy:4t,ti' ;0 1 WI ' . E.4.e.i,Vilig !i.,11.4 supply
titetr already litf*..siock . 4f. r;..mcisl,, ;pi their ti.e . %, , .
Ire. receialk , t. 4 -6 LW bi- . IhiVid Timiiiiis. -.
The algsortinelii : lifi:ex!eneilie,enihr.t!t'u• every lir.
titk,•olinittly . crill;4l tor. and ;w p.. 4 rti
ill: liVrle told
cili±lper :for caiC ,tipiti ev.:r?` h-ioie •Ofreted.' in Atii i i
ift ,etiiiii or enitirtili , , ; iiionsistimt of' . _ 1 , - ' '' --" [
f t rockery. Brmitit .und
Ijl'n Pi:%h nads:6'alt;
added in ten thortrat'd nntion* nnt e.nnmerateri.
iiitidttstood that
C**flis what thq[ wait . pritil for cash; will
soil (\'t cheiWknat cht,iEwr t4afi.auy othpr . e r
tablishment.W.er4 New : •
! Picase reni : POil4r that .What 'ti',. WI yon hit no '
t fiction. hat .‘ stulklinrti `facti;" whirh we eatt 'a Ad
4iit iietnonstr.aty.tition exainittatioO °roar litOcit and
i prices . : .„ . Si ,. -- !:'; • r ' i
, •
I All those whO fi itre-heen tit tlieltni.ii of going ifri
Binislyaniton to roktiritse C4idb will find it to their
_.• • .
1 aurouttige to - callf9pon :t • . I - I
I f . : 1 v ..s - roIvL7RS &. TiIt)LITAS'
Before aninz farther, for we hare i ,witist },oil lit!
..: 1 .
iint.--3fitf. . ....5 ~ il -.. , c i
►ionnt Pro4);:et Vipkier-:Cure aad
- 'll.44lloite -
fil ;
i ' ; 4
iii.S intitliino, .ie I‘)elttec in a li..untifol otn :
Ar i' F r r, L •
1 • romantic: ar , qe• at this Int4e ,of, ?,i)
iwtE; Hnd 'Wititiii!! . he C.' l l!ennli“l. ;or - the V 04 4, si i
pos,el4 2 .ed of sin j 4111411)(1)in! pilppfy 4of lorre.:( goft
ia,itr.r r advailtatte.i for 4.X. , (;eit.r in ilio- pkire'siti • a
trrthgt• and. fiiii twalk .tip the .tittiontank, ov'er; ,
111: .-.
,1.C.00, a SCell!Ty . a Ilaal, .
li ISSId u !Irani y : and
~.C.ranileur; and fi;oftillie obis...lllnd torlim;l of
'buy life." wi'.h :ekeellent ',initin s i i gild roWin • pri . ' ..
1 :- .. .4. .
thb L c% I.'
,leges on the - pleautrt Wittffra of Chenulteci.—
Thefve art' ti - re* tor she prsetitatiOst : the "Cuie" .
.otlera to the inviithl. f'
: 1
The bona.. typ, ! ..ff slid cotnrmiodioutt—hatMing
. -- .
' ,
'appttrutue excelldnt
—WO Veiitili4rd,.. with ,1?30
feet , pfetzu.. E'li • ', • ..-: - . 1•
.3 t
r The medicaldepartment is tinder the entire cure
F of Dr. ThayrenAd *wife. wit* have lied luige Petri
ienee in I tydrottid hie practice, . end • are id voriblY
I known . aelMee44ol Ortietil jolters. .:•• 1
' Couraett of. LeMturea, with . 101 l plates and'illns
trationa. will he eiven ,t/jronehout. the aessaott to
the Studente nuittPatientii smolt Anatomy. Pii,y,,i
-' olozy.llyilropatliy,aud'ifygiene,,ior which there . '
will he no addifiqoaCclnthre.- ' - 7' • . . , ;
- Female. whoittiove heett• cartfin-d to- theii:A*6
for yearn,: are tinvite!l to oorrevpond with 'ti. or
' . ' II
e i vs us, aco. i; bar KtIC . poPfl ill . 1010' tientmeill 01
dipensee pecnlitik to .atriltleer, hae given uscimfi
. deuce. and we .4y to illtauch, - even if therhave
, isuffereri much from. Many • physician.. 7 Make
one more titini4. 1- ..
. - -
Terms ftotri ,43•4 - . to $' pet week * (pay ; thl•
weekly.) according to ah em ma { attention r•gsti
-1 red.- :Nll/.10.4,411 pros e. for pectonal use 2 qpip...
fortahlea, 2 blatAteta, 3. linen or Cottnn.sheet.- and
6•towel s. • - 1: o' l 4. 1 1.11 kV R E . : . 3f:D.,'
ftchr • .D. Vlr:*St. fi..N.. It A Nr.N EY. ' • -r;
.. - , :: • - -7 ,
. t•
ITAVtNG Ihtnrgvd iind refitted, Attr orteit*tve
I_JL Croekerititind 1-I.o** Fornishine titre; tx . t-
Toresir for th 4 : ,hiiginesit. we - - hifye added new
f e ntitre in its lOpartmritti4. ,
The seeendltipmer i* *rfievoteril to Carpet*. Qil
.Cloth* and -Lottiking Gttiome*. i&,whirh we offer
-ffood stoiortt4nt at prfe.P3-.vgbiph alonnt. frig 14'
\ please. and tlViithicil; wivisvite *ln* friction, est,;
tentinn. , f.
BitThOulto4fiOctlB4B; 20..
c. • .1 • °
00A.10 4 3 Salt :f . eirls by .
' ff. EttrtillriT
New Milford, (1c1.15: 158i9. • 1
TREltititatAtlA STATE : .
-,./tippinessr and en- ,Ilibmg ANd
.;:: r ,; • A li • illamena'anint4olB I i ,•
. .
. . . ~
. . ..
. - -, - -• .
iteliottiots . for 1110 ThOOrrhtfill
Strange that conotless Ittunnit beings exist and
drag . tbrinigh 'fife 'ás - 41611M . beitsta 'of the 1100;6i
the- insects...6f the earth. evirienig no inure thought
torsrelleation.thauthuugh . the ii - ule faculties of mind
were not vOitchsttfed ,to Omni: l' - . ' . ,
'rjAhuly'scuili ire husband's' told rather/I, u pon whom
are dependent .the btalth,, the lirpltsbying,4tod the
hitppittess Of a coidbliiig and affectiunatullife; with
perhaps ti fautityiiiehildrifM• ' - 1 - • ' ".
•" ; now es. ril - s rett.iimi.' , 4 t ti.t. tira . ''
~ - _
• - - 'Win 'LINGERS vitciltiititioro . vtta
In that pitiable condition as not'ovett for one dui , iti
F-,feel4he,happy.-anCes)iilerating luthicuce. incident
;to theeljoytaciti. of health. ; . .- 1 ~ . '.
' \ ''Sh4 May:nut 'be 'an invalid it nfifteti ioluir 6C.1,1 .
or even caber' rucun'i. na:lit , r , Pride, ambition an&
energy . induce „and ,
nerve. her to .take;: pyrsoniti_ •
charg of her trouselloltl, even whim her licaftli'a ill
pot...admit ar iCt• but,she is neviirtheloas pereeptibly' -
sinking froiu tiy . to day; nod alivnys ailing. ; ' . t .,
- Thus day lifter day, aii,l mmo alter moriiii Erin :
spire. lIMI be:thitilaily oluks . o till ilmilly. eve!' 11:k. .
Lupd of tOt.iy.viyi nu - lougor reamiMs. And thus ', ,
. 1
'' , :THE 'Et LOONI ( f%/431 •BRIDE,
, - .
But ..-11'' few! yens ago lit - the Iflusli of l iva lfi l ,i t „t
- - .
"3:9 l &tilt ,. * 6l l4jbuftYto.tteS of . . sPiriiii,.l'ul,4ll.Yi and I.lllat-:
rentlygimaplienbly, hemlines a, Nelda, .sickly, dc
bilitiited wife, with filmic ettincilited.' acmes ttn••
. strung,. spirits ileist..mseit. cum:ammo, hunting alio,
' . impress of 'suffering, and an 1 4ttli tter
, Pky i ktAil um) -
. inent:it pro. ration: , ... ' li" ' ' ..'
. .
. Suinesidi s•this.4eplorable change may Land does
~arid rfroui brouie •Or constitutitnial. Aliases. . Bat -
'ettencr„ li 'fur ilftetierr, I!) gto!srs and ifieiecusuble
ignthatieel' the , ) , itUpteist and, plainest: rules , a
health us ; Ouniteted with the. marriage 'gate: the'
violation u which entails di.sCase, sulTeridi•,nnd
traiscry;•ini only to tlni wife, .hat ofleti— •
.. •.
\ Clilli 4 .
Ileredit ry pulls litioß =., toe Children -
--I' ti,l4). -14 e yil t i ;if ASar' • rotit . rit , as:NMi.i . itots;'"
• • ramitilliiii iwg
,CONsl.lnrpiounr, sivltoivtriNA,
~' 211 - P0 IftlOilittldl, INAAIVITV, GOUT,
. ti.IN tS 'EV1L...1%3.11 Citlici'ilt smarty
, . -, 1 -• • front It hts • il.eitiaists. : - i
i .
' And -mu t "thin continue I.;
Shall we he wise IL
nll that en Im:rim the cattle of our fi villo , our horses:
:sheep tour' ' DlU cows, far avid oken, the nature I
character ' 1 the "aril soil we. poo.isi' ssi. this texture, and
.. quality oft' or. pouts and. nierellitutlise; hitt in all t
concerns u "dics ns litiOnini beings.. Willi liusin..
fenorions. '• sal., tirssions sobj.fAl to great ditiratige
mem. Inv ßing our tatty: pe'ace nods happiness—:
in ill Ilia d
mmeerns. the health nod Midfare-of Ahe -
%cif" ? of :nu. offSetiont. and tire, inotber' id fittt. 'Ail,:
• drest • in iill 'SUM ~oqP.•.eniFs . thq mental and' physics/.
~well- beito .of those children, we-should be mut
' tnors; , 4 in he darkest and molt . - - '
. . .13E.P41.01417,E 6 I,CiN. OR--AN. O Ei :
t: vi.cAni.t . . As. IN:Ni:t's , Aai.E
• 1
, ..
How llit i f; Yll3ll 0117 , 1 , 400:3I;e1 , I;icV;111 Sis ‘ . loJ . lliC•
tire of ityrdift lo i 'fia l itsi I 14.4 lohg,•liall I.:re wife'.
Ind ruutinir he 1 1 ,morant of the noture,:eltroeter and.
...mists of Ihe vatious woisib inol sexual mania:tints:
'itiibitteriilg her days by "uliering—sulToring often
' prolooguaio years', trt..otriatitig in ii COmplieution of
diseases t tterly miti ,litipl:•,l4sekly int:l/rabic ! shall
. li, for ev r close our
.C....veS' to!the results 'Of plivsin
logic:ft I l eum by whirh i Ito may-arrive tit an
• uli , lexstati itlg of ourselves :Is mew and women;
. . subject ti serious life-long enduring diteaSes..autl
pto initiating theind.o our ylilltlren.
~ . •
: ' • Ni"liii4l wort Ott • !rift nerd: be ignmernt of st:bizt
1 •i - centrrettilheilt .voiAl 10. kman In AT , ItfC ihrti hniiii t
11 cud ha i th s ,.,s. .771.1 t kaGirttligt is CUI/iftillqr. In ill
j ' lilac tr•oi•• eolieril • - . :i. • • .
1 . • T like m'AItRI E D- 1‘7.0 Isl A N.'S •
I : TE
IV r-•
''': ' PR 1 , 'MEDICAL- C O M PANION,
By uit. A, M
- .
.PR re.., ,, nn et , I)i , rF:ii..K4' or wwwvi. •
Oar ifunArt.ith F.Witrau. Ii MO ;Pi 450: .P. ir. -, 543 Irerill
r i• -
. . 1. 0 1VInt: l'A.i , :lt; t:x•ricAJ HINDI Nu. $1 .00.1 . •
'iraL publish( a ul I.. 1; i ;ma it it nut
... ~.
' . .
costrille , ring , that F. V EAR V •F. K. .'ll ...11 I. K..
• Ivitellity "tAlttliEll) OR NOT,, rail - hire
' uetittlre n. full ,kisortlrsige. of 4,lte• um&
• ta,..-... rliarrtrter and est test.* Or lire ...
ctlllll/111111111 4 , Avian Slim VTll'l4lll6 '
--.". !.. I aymptrihirs,4thdlittnt n'ea Al y -
',. 'II *I:F - -A 3ki I. i. itw. CO P-lES...
thotil , l iiIIVOIZ?OCR Fuld • it. is imprnatie.tble'to• eon -
vey fully the various aLlltji*Ls. treated of, as• they
are ofl nature ttrittly intended for - the . married,
or those contemplating marriage. : • - ''4
ivincAttus OF illtiß . JIUNDItI 4 :IIY "rIIOC.
' , SAND vo,rir.s - L,., ..
Harr- br,en .5E:T..i.r.1.,M.A..iL within the hot few
month:Q. • '2, :: ...',,,' '
• ••• il F: No7' 11 A: AR:IL - or:9 - • :
. . Bur pa- brolk„lnaless 'llr. AL- M. Nlnnricertir, P.M
.•••• • •janh the Lille page, ntul the
LiLertylt:treet. \..Y
entry iii. the nerli".s llffiee ori the back of the r•n e
page; hnd bay , only of resh/Ntable nod honorable
dealers•Ow send by wail, turd arldreas,t•• lir. A. - M,
:\lanricl;ati, ns there are spnrioui rind. surrertitinue
itifsi,igitioents of-copyright.:„
.. ..
. tV"t . pon,i‘reteipt Of One Dollar "THE MAR. I
PANION" Is sent to any pan or nil
tkilledi States. the carieisei: and EL lash Provinces.
All Letters must_do., , paid, and addressed to- I
Dr. n.? M. DIE4U-1110EAII,_ Dox 1224. Nett'-York .
City. !Ptllblisharz - Moe • r4:4. 1.2 Q -Liberty street:
pi w-York,
- B." Itttterlactrt.
1 , Cv11114111 1 W.141 4 , :t;, 'Blanch &.• Crap.
Ihrri.l4r• ; .1. 'S. N,,rth.- Leblit , •rt ; N. DeWitt.
1. 1 •• t
• J Eit.eliwtt•r• Itittliei al • • Spawner &
' • •
Brit. "II with. 11:3 - 111intrd , -t
111; S
M 1 B
titan,' N , 1N1.• Berlin :
II A lititt 7. P ;
Wi•ttlz (7-er;trotlabt : & Wright.'
ithata , a;trt ; S./ • l`peT:. , 14ille;;...1 • harre : G. •W.
E 'Poltyr & ?ti it, Belle
fonte- : G • Morit). Warred: ITsatert. ', 'Mer
.:t.,,;(41•44i - er. II .n.,ttir;- , Tt. Cutittliinas.Sont
er-t.t.: Th , .s ( • ,,".4a - pt•rtli tit, td J.
Erie: S. B.: I,ltiffer, := B.
Pitt4.4t ; E . s : Dr S
;,-trt•r: 13rtre•nsritir Gal ah•G•t
Attiler't 3: S:Nl4;t4.4t., l Clittitatertalur.4 ; F D
;I nreririe.ret-forn E 11.!rmer. Stittitle‘Llwn ;. II
Ijite!tektri l .l4.l , llrtr? G VV GetArtt. Butler: 14)4.
Stvartzl t • Bltit,ttn,btir.r• P Dett:iertt & C 44. Ch
, •
lIIt V :CC LTA 11 I. X' I k A C l ', Ell I,;ETT I C FILL..
. . . , .. . .
1.:',., S
r Ihi: , e ary 14: h'its, pijsnr(r ,C;Flnlps, arid all
_ ,y,,,,,,s fiml ('oaqu'llimuil .I)iNe ,!es.
DE 1. witeN qire Inboettc Utliter t hip distt, pint; malaily
1 wal:a....l,,,,..viik:ertivi.r .E.P,II.IF.PtIC P.11.1.S to be
tio•ooly re aely ever di4eoleted for cutbig t•:_piletoy, Cr .
Fell ins: Est* • • . .
i i',y.l-ipoF4e a ,t.preift;i• :leant - Inn the Itt'rc.,usr;;F
-.1.a.t. atthou h tht. nr.• 'nr+.l4lr. cr pl r .rri..113 . for *tie
I Puri."'fo(ruria. 7 . [bey foun , toirlweini Ihmetit
for lot 1.••1,0i, .aitil•ete . l 011 .1\ nerve-. - or whrt. , tier
i4l ilron p'r , , , trat ea or ,batteriAti flu, any
:tktit , •ver. . En bromic ~.101.Nints:or of long
- . 01. rind uc,;.l by thee ar eNcLekt
Per box or two box . P.rl-5 rel.fons lut of,
thesity,, e , ,elr4pg n
them ihroi/Ot the nom nt 1.1.144.. , ..• For 1... 1 1c, yb
SKTIO... 11.1\CE, NO ret.t. I:316010r,
to; whom Or•te•r4 parts'nt the INldnonust
At* 4ul,loacfi.
SI ,t.lkt - II CVi ....!i 41 N. , #6.
ImfiVible 11. , :rtiolly ',Jr 11111 , 1.1 a m. itory,(aPrpliiitils:
cilitT.,:NTV:ndfnr;•.katijot.• for the Pillowin•4 diFoa.--
..."1, em.-- tit revert , :cod ,lollsitationA. '.!ri which Our FY , '
ten! 1, , ~ tiN . et. It liwumansio. l.nnielq,.);, Piles. Diarrllmr,.
11.YgenitTs, If e.t.14 , 11 , .., t) itipille., revkirt.ort.s, Hiles. (alt,,
lipralni. Ilitii,i , F. Ilmns.und fruldl.. :, - , .
• ' (4 . -. ..ii ... '. -- .,41 •r. •• tem - . IN'. for .C!irantr.'
Itirg , .11nne4. AI. icit,.., . Poll . Evil • (utf. sonar,
fl,i lip. Fistula. Fern teb.l. latornv.r..Prefig, HUM, .1411iPe , P,
MIIV.:C.: I lilt no) ttton of. tini Lungs, and All Forqrs to
V•biqh ilOrPrF t aTt );Ilbjerf •..- . ; • .
. ,
.•.% ...I. q ,• A1k..1 Torri.ll..4o.otro%e- 7 0. Ilailry..l.erny , ..
viiir.—Xyro. ,,. H. Woodruf, Vituock
A-. 1. A1i.r6;...0..1. ltu..h ' r'
10c01 3 : 1843 - .. . tsii'
reevived'atiothir Impqrhition ui Arise
. 4oplendid •Fnil Jeweled illetielted and
and hard co.
onelled"Dials.. doubly boittooned in Oopeti . e...ises.all
irralitiA"ittid reet.4ved dirPer fr"tn.'
Tito 6-vr ..subjoin' , 4l prices will at
tonce,p .int nut to . the public where and how an
,! l oorinous 'per centve.coin 1.1!" saved..
bottoni 13 Jeweled Lever Watches as
11 1 ) „ % ! g ii ft silver 2 8. tee
4mrkretty-ni4 it, from-612: H..r. 7
zontul . Double bottomed 4 1,..111,..1?J'e1ed opett
tlive!And tram ;$875,, the same totiVe
1.1) I i liu . i . itimielv•cp ! , :with ,i?nli . ;tter.,.lt'd
l'flont , All id which hav,e,Fi rd t•numittellvd
Ggibi Di f immid ; Pen!' !Atit!illetwil
:111111itver extension itinguxine. tor. loads
&..ej from 61,00. Glold Diatiiond pointed poi;
bialy S
fru ec vieh e,
1k crood
so:Clind h fort
W,4lche,i, enionoirot inakoir,o, la first.rate'',il,'"illt:o l l.
Kidd. decidedly how t eash. • 'l3eso
Fretocit Loinett Watch Crystals, Watch re.
Pae eha :4 4. o:
Witteli Chain s ifiel.Keyskriaii to r•
1W" ilniirs ;or busirkesi . fro to '1'A:111,10 7P,
%Vnt4K lippoiter.
Ant. 10. 1853-16tf.: _ •
ire Co.
:, • . !1,1: ,• e il 9 iyall Strtft. • .
C. 4 ,1P1171k . 11. 7 tln vaatii . nntlytpOoyed e4l 4 cutit,i, s s)
0 . .
r.• r
Dliii. ' bithrtt aiiiiin4l - Ev)sic fit. Mxiarrelov; hi r e, ;.-t
• ' r rot.t96:-.41. eg. Stc4.binr4; 113. Woad 11 1 41 , 611
posr V. 11f3Fer, , 1 P . pru;51111,04 valrartL 49.. 4 er„ .9 8-
'llroit . dliFt..).; Thom us 4 tul: ilift . :136 telltir 'l4fript!'t I• Sam OA
.60 uilt 111104,' ..r7 .11 ti.t Pt a tts•t; !All:it% .1. cry61:1i1r;1110
0! erttorich uttret:t; JllTitl. A.,.. (Plutbi, rl3jlruiviwOlT
rt : Char INIAg
brl, It Y ; I,linliwet 0, !Ilinit., rlife,zu:' fit ".;
',l .r.freltit . 110144,1 e .. Wrw. , iW. trio iai,, Vex. lifryls4,- P.A.m.r; iit .
t o
Itaarth OS 11=k1)11 . .1111 , 1; S m.t., 1 A 8 • Itrli. car %Vol Had
1.1001 , t: ortretv ; . I,4ttr - t , : I) en :IS ' Widi•t. it 0%4 1 : 01 - VAlt
CV:iil l ll%, i. RI mist ! 5 . .;!.. f.i; a iisip.;"l6, Wps , 14E4
nsirdlx Ktr , .....r,5; l'eu.r . 11. F. 'try. coi._llnng..<o.rt Wail Wilai
itile k t.rtvitOitS;lrl: 4k , Etet) li Aiefin+P; Stepfuerietuottuililt,
'flarloll l l , N . 4 .:, Albin_ Wrd olgl?.:Phliaartplan ;.! tpr,A,terie
Writ t ins. 4'l liri , 4.r ..' , .tr6.4 ; atutiel FrielaitTriiblititinttikt.;
in gg ;; tiini nit 11:...6hiia, c li.voimil bblii ! , ...1
...• .
. .• • ' i
.1 C it'yAt.ppiglsEßLlP,i,Pees .
CilAlLLl3l.:Cf.Akt'.lrluo.l, r,.
. (7)l,ratEl L..lRwir,'
A ffeitt:.
Stontraii,€(lo . - 6 ..1.g'-' 5 . , 'l'.'; ''.- . - • I
' • 'lll,4iderterille trti6WOric "brut fiiioi fp; .
, ,1, ~ . . - , ~. -
THE sithsnriher wnwits !stisortis Ihs. •ItlVisl s tisent.S.p• t n .
sh•rsrilln.,,wslti tOtri..s).ll. io4r.....e.unAb ; : thor 1,. • ha.. ii , .. i. '
ly t.ribi.g.,•4 anti iMN 4tVP4 Il• StOTP.:Palli 1111,1 11 p with a!
ni t
lartai owl' roinntotd 3ailnlli ilsi•lit. of 1.:4i, ts...Vits. Dv..,
vi0..0. Drs. -ftuffs. tVindoci . Gin, s- sottb. Putty, Vn,,,i,.1,'
And ftroplitift. ' .10bo. . 1 ! ', ''' -•, 11 .1'"' •. : ' -•`. , .
t , 1 ; 4(0E11, , l 0 ird:lo. IniflliNlitt OW.. *21,10,:,,rimir,,,y,,
.1.! •N . 600 . 11 A ,
. .hreetlAlrrYi Taft', MI ieli. - 0.441 all nrii a 1.. ",
bsulk- 11 .1' 4 r P t l iii .anv . trAtablionto tint 4f 11010 kind,: .40:18.0'.-on
!tan,Vn ;4,4 e arr,rtTn:lit!! . ilf, l 2 , , - , i, '.
• . .' . 213 001 i S..t 'PA i'IeY.VI . 3IZ.V. ~ .
roper &r' whirl, hei. pv•tireel to 0011 on
or , reason:lWe to, tog fio - liny tei - 16 - Ttithrei-utttry.- ' .•
. 4.. 4- - b. 607". jr Alf EN • GRIFPIN. 1 '
,A I tto keep,. -in A nrOO, ra , " l - 1 rc gout e4ifl tnotorf nil int', bf the
e l bticit,r . ‘lnotc,rfro. , .:tr,, rtilly 54.14.44., , 1, przotr,tl, , ,A •,:.
0,4 , 0 o irri.l , ..d br Ittor ,, olt. Ail hi. Wstita'r;CWlltn, stliVitstietlke
benefit nr,flifi,pelic !
• hillbt:tr. , Pninter.; oui: 01;n... Pettorti - Tr:tett - tn , . iilret l
nil CINSP , '. awl prob4oniLlivi'rting . to4txtrollti-e , nrn: - In A rtl
to,014:0n1leojor i t Item, il vesi ,i
~. I. s . sgorr
-- lions nnity'n Stott, on . ,
Ikireeity over :I r phni.
;Jul . + ;
• 4015
Maki .
uro •},
• t '' •
roa ; or D srspqpsl.a...
11.0UCifil ' ON'S1 PEI I'
4- .g
from thr..,foiurth • totnn•:11 or.'thr ,
aftrr dire . .a.j.hrts nr,nn * ou t,i 1114,
I ); ; 1 . 10011 EEO D
I". , 4 ;
13„,. is truly n notnellr Tor on. uravknrify
oinmel. art MA TT 41/1.11,ril ttaki enr,ttirve - 9t
CW.1)0131 , no , ‘lentrl , Bit tlrt eids. :or .Nousonn.
It 14 extretnoly n..tret•ab!" tn'the tnArt•
ip t~ikr•u
/or •1r P:•Aien,,tswhorptoflot,ontn
er Yithnnt Ef...nter Kew:ire : of Tuxita-'
. tinn4o.-1 0 ero+in n • ,'
ill - Col on the 'oLr. ot!not.l . got n:drveriptivc. eiroular,
- -Loht .517ensifir evi,f nee..from
,CrAti'... 4.cioa' , larxr aintmot 01 . rpm
tio‘ic . F ‘liimnt - 1 he , ni-trr; - fir,r. tIn•TO•or - ft i'livAintnay o f 1
'Ttidet.tonn ;' 1.r.r• I. I, 1 , 00 , 1:lila, Wt.'''. , Dr ...let..n'.. i•
toi4P'erl'l. , ::er York I.7iii yereit.: rePf.Dpnuli el.'a Inivr- ..
1,,1,v,Tv• Yr..f SIM Itick.'oll 11'41r - 17 41PD.; lir. Gter.enteee t
I'llymin.'nux ; ..te . in.:41..0 . 4"yr with report' of etict-Fcrt , ln all
ppytAef the l'l l itedlSCilt.i•og •
7.... , ?. OTT.9.I•IItVIi T.111. 4 -?...1 7 -Evrry. , tiottli. of 'lli , V. tl4iine
P1'.1'.9,1N-honir.lll.;,vvrlttott Qier,:allte rf J..S. ITYC TIT( 1 17.1.
NI. D , liol....Prepiiiter 4 4 . 1)fiteletpit(a; Phs..• (Inpyripht and '
Tr 4i p-epri l 4,, , ;. ,i • N
.. .
fel.' 44,1 I 11,11 li 1 ' n r tii • gl. tm nil& Ileatcrs .11111e4.e.r,e'g —,I
. ,
Priee; 4 ll Per Imttl e. •
=''' 'or 4 - 0., by • 1!11,114 "I'l!itgE4T., Dro:lzis.t. :‘l , mtroee•
irm.;7n.ll...:te:ttrlret:oll. l ll , •ol•... • . - 911
• _, • . . .
Ili.ereel CP2IPP'
THIS IA 1. Par...fa 17! Ita'de l',..:)ad - )lial„ i . acieltille:illy
i i ,
pienaied fr m't.till In. t Itnntl. 'rm.; Herbs or Ow ‘liit.e.
rfar. Welilli.v.-and has gm c.l 'nu - uniianileil nenUtatqrn fit
ri“. f o li,,y4flg . iji rig vi 1:. 1: u: t 4.* awl Strom:Melting
the 1•1eee....“• 1 Dilteiitiee ' lezniinl rind eleannin.:
At the ..'tnnt-
I net. to I . It and tbt:P , etti6u: rilL`liliinus, , 11 n
•iiger t.7amplajn.n. Its sl 1 ep,in. Irp . lige-Oon. Co,tiv,i•nrst!,
' ~, , 11.-adnelio, 'Via • and akue, Jatindice•,. N -in'ien.
1.1,,,,,.. oflAppetle. &e e ni e•utity: 'th • r.i.n.l tennari.ta
and - .import eT.TV part_ PlOrOng the Ill.'. (1. nreA thus.
curina 'all.lulterli.ilatt.tariiinrui Crepilona SernruLi; Felt
1 :t.,, . 1 :rey . ..lnr ...I. 5e41,1 Head, n'ttAker Pimp! In on.the '
(nee. Illoteiton, trteATV,lllnit.lrvi . , Illurou.isal Dist ziFei Can.
• c*.ra.•fr,e. - ,
. ; . ",Reirrtlgtini lie' , Secrelory 01 -, *lnc,: - -- -,.1 tic nil+lin4 .t.h.tu t,,l 0 erf Tru their. e
limper functinna
prprentintritn.l •enrrinc taus painful Mid ,hr genus
.. , 11, , -
; Attmen'i S'lrtle.tihr:,:np: .4.4l274e:tint+ the .;on t.' S•illarn.
i ahusAi"yin . 4 Nerrmis Irriraiine. nod curing All itiAriV.ll
l of the :sl'erreQ, an I! thin, N'etient.:lll,l't-ntninth.o. ' '
1' I 4 is iiiiricalterkiit tho 'cure' tit' : all .Fellicile—Cont
.. .
r . • . ' ...
• . . 711' lin l S . '
1,. . r •
(irk; ;ePrinttt 4eh , l it v. Tiveziiilatity.:Zili4rll , -
tinnr. %la.-Hinz grew "F; , rt. Scc . cauavd
.I.n. I.nk In I rhr,...q. Oninp'n)nt.. -ng
Cnldg. ti.)11 4 7:14. A inim Ilon.umption, . -lirtipsy
linwin iiinde u=p °Oh. Cr•ln . r'n , irmi 'YruP of T . ' 4l( ''' l
Doe. 'Glint. re.tiiired b. C Mrnr.. - & tlo,. either naiad- i
....... or in • - familii.F.. coil finitill: it to 110. a. very Pat ut,nry
amt _eri.,.inal p. ..l,‘rktirn4. wr .In inn 4. 5, ,e..y-fiiii3 retnni.-
n .o,i it. t o tho t oll,' iri,:ii p r.ort vpluiiiile ta. divine,: ' ~ ..'
, • r.. f1 00 .0,...E...4 . Oa- 'hit. V . :AP...aril:ink. ProYiiii:nee..dt,
A : IL • A 14,. Siwitney. R. 47. Ir!!!iiiier Lime l!ort: gin!: .inAb. do. -,
12 , .y -Willinrrt....prtuip, . Rev ~1:11 Rie.Vailivil. C . Jaw..
~,,H,c0 . 144,v,j4.4.00' (1,41 !idyl ....: Vt . ty. lilyttl..ltl; • VV , 13' 'M.
eiviu.19,64.....r.:ti1 .11 H P. 3riniei , tintehinten.l; S,Dea, ...V,
.1 1iati...1) 0 4 nen' P.iiiby. and ism. handfed coheiii of the,etabli• faniiiii4 of rrovilleii., ... •
This tt.ttitli•ii tbet I pave, Mt a nuailwt. :of , ye:TIT-been
arqnair tril 'with Oki' tioa:rn4itivit'anct misile'o'ftruitiiiiiii.dtire
of 'ileiri"e's Conitionnil tii ! ' - ritti. cif Yellowiltiet‘lttint.,,' I hare '
o i. o b. o , n ,e.inainted ' sfir hit 4 moan,. opo rwneli in, tii.:eaor „
and ran ilay . toatiorill r•ztiectii it is admirably eafenitit, , ,t
.to-roaii.ily that clap. oiTi*e_.4. a for, which . -it 1.11 . 1 i i1i... 4 7Z ed;
. it. 4 P",n,"il l lS rtilixh.".' in rq uzrq r
i ,, v.4 at ire Itteri.l-
'.^t t V• 1 1 ,010%.. it 'e. , ..eritv.4 t•thealthir . ni.tion tb' i. , ;rii..'rft.
n 1 , 7, ,. T..11. , t and - nr tliik. Or.z.:i.n:iiiiil'iithrtii
tt.ite,.loinith .Heilanin pil dip' SVOMTI: to a Diptiraitir.or
-purifier of the RiOnit itillita r- iirv .,...r ,,, r. - ~ —: • 4
i • .. ',DAVID.9..
110LN111 . .k1; .
P f•ni.e. ft " - p 4 '1Q5.1,. .-, . .
p . .,..,1.,...,ci r ,1 by 0, T,T,',.p a k. rn, . 5et...411i itioniiisay. N.
y. un...i..1 , 4 by I.lcillt,cifta anti ,others thmuchout thir:Tna
nthe,',..trio.. !
5,. , 11 , 1 in , Ilmttroso by
, i
tra the Citizims of Sniquehaiina
Cotifity. ' .
tATICKII Alf Jr. lITINNWrr wou'ol respertfully. 'sill the
T 1 attentitin of , all verons hi Sim:tuella:nu* 47.Ounty
and their' lairs and well -elected ietra),..nt Dry
nond• n t ia earpebTarlideltConsistor'all the fashionable end
oannennable Goode tlowein,noetne. Qneala,.suiln.LbottLair the.
grave nod 'he gay "Roil hi fact all of the dlfrerent : - ;4y3i4.cor
goods whieh eon he chilled For or thoutht' of: it me de:
term:net net to t.l wtirrspl 1. and if you will. b!• srohind ae
to tar.r u. with a rill we veld Take our %turd - .4nott, -'Our
stock of • Ilre,:p. ci.jnit consists in' part of
I; .e.
ack. Ilrovade..l• Ste i l e. Clotegral 10, and 'LIM
Fig ant . I lain Won) (tel.:tine's. Fig and Plain 'Cotton 4 ,
Tzilh.s.',',NTerittos. Tita,i4,... A priccus: Par. re , :lqa,"-‘l. 411';1 1 11g ,
'Plaid 14• s. ttstek • FlanOei, , . i* t ,th.nes„ - e 0..Zt 0
-.4 ~Ir A :1,- ';''s—rTf w'deh we , '•a re an , etoliess variety.
.Cashnern Bala from fi to 5.50. Bay State,,
,Cong. and
Sii , 3lll. d 0 ..:. rig ant rain Ihilol. .i . e. Ole : ° ' '
.. ‘-'L t'•• ~..., n 4 ~...11,,i'd; .li laid and Stripe •Jaconet
1142.11n5. Birds VIV 4, ,ltul 11.1443 Oiat ; ..7. I riAl Linen; Tahle 1
Linen: Linen. Il at ti t . W.,-,e-1. 39 -1. E• r e,rts•o l l Sprenit4,.l
Swi,-' an I Inlia Bil.u:S-.,.44. 4 4 1 .1'. 'Timor - la :end ltialicqii.
Lanne. Lion Cambric-. 1. rp-i, cambric tbik's„Freti.slt,
Wnrkr-147.411,r;-I.oil i Vat ler .11 tri ''s..',M faslin Itra very - .: Litnyn.
and Cotton Tto.Pting and ,hirtio,l,..ltleach and nr.orit,
Jacquattl Diaper. ..See. h'e'.'
. :.
.t .' ~ i '' t, -.1 • , •:,—c,...ovtain'a, of Black and Fan-,
i eV nrivolehol)g . . e aZ , lline.r.. Wiwi, end rr,ney. Satinetts.
Sb'''''l‘ .o fireY• 'lbtlatitpky ,1.1.1ri. etiAnni•rhl lf , :Stahl: 11 411. ' , Alit tcaings. Itlaok - and col lids's. Sat 4 n. , tork..
I' ,7 'w k T"'"': ok" v , ' ,- 0... White. cod. Woe. Yello4r:itoi
''striae. 0-..arl Oashroete 'lVrapt ernl Ifrawerß'S" r. Ae , •
• 1 .1 1 / 1 ' .t. , clc or '':' t ••••,..., 1,1-s 1 ''s a , ..i -.- is coolOptr
.. rn lsr,wln , l, - 111.. , : ili` , ..i gin , 1 - ni.T..F ' G , , , ,r,:. Lish• thread
ea4hoterp,..bittintere. ,IPteere Vit . ed. Chantois I.:T.'e,d. pi:4,
I , r 1'4:41 Beek A:hi...ler:he,', . .
• 1.1.1 i.... If ~,t ,, , awl (Lode Colton- 'Hose. and lt Bull,,
%Tilde. Be.itten, ,
.Mixed. 't , ark sae . , Made 41olers: Altora.
Woolen, C a .dm k ono Aterino apil i.ilk dn.., anal r•ery oth , r
ttyle of .rettna.,ghte-troiterv, - ' "
• VP.',..,a5r..,1,1'1 , •6i varlet v "of et her ...Ly'ti offlo, (1! ' , nth ~,,,
im.,,i11,,V., r i, c„ii„,.. amt To ,I. Slit,L owl Cot tors Wl
vrf... 00.1,11... man e ,. 114.,,, , ,.in,,0brirg. TOlt -frat.. ,, i, ('om-
Puler^. 1t. , , , ,, w.ul lo'r , e Ilhini,qts : .Siink.o•., tclii.z.4..Mar.,
hog , %tripe, 011CortabOt: Carpet 'gal.. &e.
" .rf' , l r , •'1: ,7- - .-41,11 ,, ,e1,..'ThKeit .. . Ply.: inrraham . both
Wool and (,tine. Tptt. on 2 10., 11,,f tnn A I Wool ,daii . Car.
- 'perlne.'l-,1...%., , , ;111 Ilhtter. Nadi fl trttetlna Ittig.T.' ..' '.
,for stock of Dry 0 , “14 is 04. , mmn-444t.. - !Ina if-Y)u
1 wont.' like to pep r, gOnd n%antlnirrel el 1100 , 11. nn-I Kew
l' 116.61 rat will call at . 'Wickham ..t lienttett's, nearly oppo- .
43101110 Pl)it.nitee.! 1,. • - .
llitilaaatton,N., li':. Nov .8,1453—nt4 '
.. ,
F. Brow's 'Es , :pace of 'Jampaica
This EAseirrel iR tl pr.ll ;. srittion of it owinkl..iiepl. •
I..)ter: ; Tit Hititrt chult4n.ia
,Lhatt.iti 1111 at poortiiina of 1 llizestivo
fitnelion.A. it is of virtue. Plaint eh, prey- •
nirntif taut slimmer nonnkhi into
iratividunt ar"travi4l:-r" slitAilit he. as. it '
enithl . wi - rti: 4 "sYiLtern r'est'sit itiflit.:ne;.• iii iitsipiruta
&gouge whiell'lrirk:id a i.hunninEt alpaca°.
C AUTKYS. ile .stire g4:l, iiii i i pstielice,
Which is ur-p }red (only: hv (t(1
pror nod P.
1„, gni: , to; all tti•cii.sni.ratt.lo Aitnihk•iirirs in the{
States / and at uontri..
".• .•,.. . 4
7`. , oh n J7stig - es td the (:,),01 , f.girattP7 l .,
Sesginivi4Ehe Peace, in a . 4,1 u/
irptArturrizi ' !
Tli fiqrigzot ., trpentiii - or tl!e.toirn: f
ship 4-06.Ut
os.onlitl4hut I,r is provicloti wide ven.l
P p fir;Porpi
,:id 'bat it
. '14"iti;111....r
T.liii4.l!; 'tit •
Monay . kf nPzt for oliopfigal to .;
Cirk.4 . nod. rktront.t)epr...alp. ,mott
ar.,mariting to set of - Apt:rant:4y of
April, A D IBSt. : -
• "PE'N;rllRi '
. .
Lodereville, Dee.-5, 1853-1—.19w41
Flirlf • R., Lodernille.
:ad tyrup oti.Ye
: , IVA 10.. , 044. 41;: Li• O:M6
Vi r k4 A Sl # . 111 V, 115 f4A 17 ./4 0 4N,,
• ;—• -
on'ffil 1 '8246,4.
not paid wit.lrin tittil r e2,lsolAVthi. end
pair!, except tho opqeti..or the. Pub
etinneel44o4l' the
dircclefil, 011,4
p +ids t!!.CO kDA-Xv: sl '!!trometS . Pillielleetia
.Cg.utity L'a. ' • ' "• • •
:!Mitt' 61
On.; A q grtf'(li jinegAir linik)
111 ( 4 iukoii•quetit
Oile.tzquqrit thret., fuontitik o
Orui rtitu4r64'4ix mourhp., - ,
.13u4 . 1iut..s (!airdts
4 , 1,44&
us ne....s tie i I ,•‘• ho • i vy' fp, Et 4.
The iio,,iwiers, Il yin 3.4400
Ayr;Feriok v los .. rio!
obit) W rft,jn ti twirirw'r itnstirp;igitill'
elion eiitinfrV. tindthe Mostrcusoff
114.4kR, - .11" evr tv•desizriptlon
1 . 41 - s:'
.iiit - i',3).i.r,i.' t
P. -A.
Palih oiltab le TittriorSlit;p in
A. 80/1u
,itirnegn : n o sf
rk.jskip3talir 710,10,r7--*:ll ,, ru.
11,:tet, Main•;
•BRItAIVT•11101US '1
Great fiend• Depot, Alta." A. /
i4sfi, F . 44 . 4)6:044.; - • • 4 • • -
• • • L. 11. - SlPittit7T,
itTainkufaiclurer ..SyitouT's.Cp
, .
. : €4lllTilac
Cabiitel el n 3 (;itair '3l:nufActirC ,
s ; T o; ; int r ,, so. •
Dealfir IL.): Ftea(ly.N.lndo.o
aatl Caf)s; Sh4.esc
site,..:4;( l 4l(:'s i1t.11.1, 310titro` ? w, Pa.
•• • • - • • D., 6..30
Livery aryl Exvtirtnlie'
• Wilst.n's St..rfr,
• Dr. C. C. LDIVAR I
•• •.•
rhysician and Sulgt•idi.lliirf,T,,
Surgeon', Jl4.i!tiuys tind
. - .
Dealers in Dry , fl 'rd.wate,
Croaitiy, Bot,B art 4 -: &
Pn:• - • • if“ I.
%it -"Ale:k .
B. X. Bentley & L. F. rfitclit • will intend
b. .11i; bp....titt.K..\t mrurf.•d to "heft' , .c 41.der
,ft Yrivm.",
Attaititieg at . Law.-:=Otiii'v .iern•
& Strevter t Bubqiie
' 14i111 Crwity. Pa. - -..••
AhLp,H 11 LITTLE:. J ,[F A. B. CR 4$,E
a. ;s. (213A1,.:
Altorii"OinitdCon*iellatitttait r lnd
i ; ;;:t, , iiler: ,V ,and
OffirkiAirectiv i:pposi;te-- jibe "Lack
"i1f.i11•44.',' Great Iti•nd....P;A: ';(1C) - •
- -
, .: 1 -.C9:9611;;0N ft *IA
Daatter,: in .)I.lrible,llll , :itiment% TO.lles. Tomb-
Corner of court : mil Exchange
Sirects, llcourra• Batik, Bing.
'liarfitlfit, N. Y. ' ; J W . B. Whitney travelling"
• • s.
i .
Dealers' , f ill 49YOVetii-Ilit ' d . 31:tnn i-...irtnros if ,
• , • et,iip" er,- '116,- ; i!4 , (1....5tieet Irrlni AV4re„i .. p•,,,p •
4%•1.-o,itle • •11;tin.Ntreet iqtpusite Ikmixral Of-
.fi,•(•,,,-,,N1 - 4ql; rf::e. ,. „ Pa.,
.. , •: --‘ ' .
- - ',I -S,
. • • .
6:•11.1ooNliy, •
4cl:hire:le ' Of C toast, tisieA
• itts.lll.4, aitil &v.; Okarts plating-or
: 'Si•o•frtse;W:itchrs , ,`,Jess Orb - jikorrirr..
Ilr Itas an app“intitio it 1'4.1..8+1,4 'of ;Wei . Ohts .
silt& . ;:khup 'in: :11'•sift: S!rt- , t. first
•-•• Brick lonics/A!, Pa.
31ctiitrose Tailoring Est ,
Lines iifk: ..Reyno lds; FaStii - ;mahle
. .
twer,P. R. '.t3 door bOow -
liatehe's* *ready at 'all' times ,tis 'pl,ease
the public and n:fini.der In the tatter and •em- •
• f.iirt eifthiee, whit want Lategt raA.
Irms•regliforle:revelved, and.o d otirs observel
I . when re' 'ne:ted. .
, .
311.tlitittes, Ch-ntleals,PaiatA,
• Oils.: Dt ;o,•i•Ntliff‘. Grttet.rit•!=, Dry.:Gotitls, Hard
.• .
wan.; St, trit ! . t, G wti ri,. Gittliphote,ptun-
dow, GI ~,;4,1.?.tik..y lint( k y.tilet i Artieh s. Prtl•
• iliery. Jt•wt-iry..
I• . 1%4411"i.311ernt5.,.. Statit!tiffy. BrnAvi;§,ti„fire,'
, ya„ko - j Pity
to'rney. undi;quintel,
' . :3 osrttosp., PA ;
WlTLvtpua faiittfutlN ion
t.qi an Win-hi-Ai.- r!irtleity' ,
:oliv:'yntlepir .ibil , wiititig .o('
'lmp. tirtitl.'Liwi ichniii.• toi>dor. .
tie wilt sil ! riri 41 V.! ff 111,tyr . pre.F.
Icd :—f n i.rit lof 11
. ,
• :1111,) , !N• fo it via it, till! At;
:onettpi, , ,,ct by ;;! T. Rickardic E
41utp4e. r. -: :
~ . ,
' , ^'.- : VAILBOINDA!UE -TAGIES. -7 - -
Al 'MT '.;--;*:: 1 --
----_ • . -
..... i_-_ - r ._, 4 •
. • 7 . 7 6' ; ‘,!... - . "'_A_.• ,_- ' -., '• e
-.' • - ' 4 40 , •-•F . .. "C . ,: • . . I lall , I • -
T HE-Silli4g.rib..r...,°arefrunnlir.l a DIIII . line d:
..._ . ; ..-„ges.betwt•rnc.irimui.,i,!.ll.l itophoom
Niit:rtinti .m r :the j.netia*i.nna 'and Western. RA.:
t II:11,, .OS i :inev. • 2t) 4 ' 11111,4. . .1.,...a ye; Carbend4feil
I ht. int4iti4t ;VIA - , , otitieet _With 1 he'. rnis. pig
15i.',06." Ri.tqrnin.i; . Ii•-ive . I in . the•nrrival of I r tt:
Mail- train Treiti .the Gt•ent.' _ end, Ihe tiesi t
• inetio'rlireet .:ind ehenkiit, teu ec l r mii GreNt•Bef
tn. C
. r h0re1,11e.,.:,1 ) ..»,.5e nitveli, y . . this litn , ,,abillt.
.ret .ilil , , C:t Ih9 ildit IC r,Oil,r,lie.t. il . , o e .. eve ning tho.
41( titiaer.rputt!.i , . , ,
~ • P'il,.r.,k:iifteil, it t leiirl) - nnd
',he. Sell'svrillers, Min . ; s treet,:
184 P- I f.
~.,, . '• ~--. • - Farm lorl Sale;,' •I . , . •
rlll//3-pii,..rib• ror - *air. ti .. vislualae ,fo .?:
,''''' mare' emit . 4
Miii,t,fit , k;. 61, or ill'"
it`'"‘L''4"4"t"nr--itlilett froill the ittilrood- It et.l0 6 4 .
Que tinik(ltt-il netst4i. ill iiirriq: iinpreit th-and'i_..l
i! . •,!t.qoar,,. ! .p, ip, well wtitrfed tihtivr '
11 geicii moo"
,itoproVl-,lpeul..ll)ti:tlicati diehard.
'''ll-10'1'0iitrisig 'pitriiiiiiils ''‘Vi.ll reWeeil' with 11 ' .
at,c. , s4itl .fartn"violl bit sultliverN ,cheop• Addrta
, thtiecabscribut, utitrkiie.- liiiiqu'ibitola POO.
'-h1 .,,,.....L.:-..,_:-..„L.,_•_,. • , q
.",-„.. , 7,:. - z:. - 7 ,f....7,40rt4n0t cimme4itv i • '
'Moutrole,iteptf.2o. festi: _ tIl
.-.1 • i - - 1
: 1 4., 0,25
•- •' 3.00
T i . f 1.00
r• •4 0 ,40
ed to the
,Ibkir Job
prr :i "exitn.
the rear of
MIS E . p..c\AR-
font .31fiin
oltipg, Batt
Sture uppo.
Itlref• in the
• • .-
• Ir at
mitrxit of - vith
_ Ihy
A. %ViwimlrTr
or at Law,
,1 htveitirate entro.
for sumo. hitom!
1.41 kiddg will be
nftlaino , .1
uganip the.Ur
Ithe offire formorq
~,north of thr,Coart
it at . Abe_ Stmt
it* ft4ii bock betol