THL DEMOO' the Lamaist Circulatigitrin Northern reptusylvania.--14332CoiiipsWeekly: S. 11 &. E. B. CHAsE., surrgits. 22 4 -1.853. O.NTRO • 2 1.. The Death of Griatael'_llen. 131(3tICHE,4.3tEjni. ,1; At speckled, lien is ione:- - -7 - • That *Of twos the, best ;, Shediea. - withciut a. sigh . ..or groan s hordowriy, Through summer's heat and .winter' snow For ten long years she - lay, - f At noon and' eie, old Grimes an e„ I But none the Sabbath day., - • • • • She had a nest behind the All neatly lined with hay; Der liaek' was brown; and speckled I - With spots inelined to gray. Thourrh fourteen - years - of age alrnost;. Slie stilt looked younz and hale— And like Job's turkey . sfie coil). boast One feather in her tail. The neighbors' fowlsodid nil agree Shp, was a : good og soul ; She sometimes roosted on-a: sometimes:on a pole." AVhene'er tlxe rain came velting down, And thunder's dreadful roar, She hid herself in Grime's old hat, Until t.he'storrniewakAr. . . . , . . . .., •She.lired a.plain and. heueSt . lice7— ... : - ' :No higher wished to .riie ... -..:`.• • . - She flew at neighbor. Sampsons - wife, ..And scratched out both' her eyes. . . S!i© .neverdeloned 111 e. barn-yard beau, Ilis face to .look upon,. -. , .-- And hived , but one, whose long\ Shrill Was heard at e:wly dawn— . -• . lin.aged:cock who oft had•told _ 'llisAeiiCertit with a sigh, frorki . one-that crowed, when . • 'Elia - master to deny.. • - , When•pdOr:. Old speckle clos:edlher\eyo, lle jumped the fence and died= .1 - Ie bid the poultry all good=bye,'." . And - then laid dowu'and died, • . • . . Klnd Tender now well . drop a tear To Virimes' speckled hen; - It-Is too true, we neer shall tool: Upon her like again. , . ' • The ., Theory of ,Co .• lyostion. - \ . The air is composed of two substalces,*cal t _ • led oxygen and nitrogen. ;Whether septstie or united; they•exiSt in that aldike from natn q gas., Oxygon, joined with a gas called_ • hydrogen, pioduces water, and-the two gases then exist in a. liquid for Oxygen ..unites 'with iron,-produinff_iron-rutt, and the frott.and . gas exist in them solid. 'We my , ' recollect that - ice, a / seta, is changed to water, a liquid, - • and water is - still apin changed to steam, ' which, When highly heated, ls a gas like the air . . oxygen and nitrogen. Coal and . wood elianged so as to existin the - form of i gas, as .. - >vill appear hereafter. The.form of a 4 bods., , whether solid - , liquid or gaseous,_ dePends . on oms. These atoms are extremely,•.rtrenic/y • Te produce air,' something more is necessa 'ty• than a mere mixturc,•;oxygen and_ nitrogen , as in a mixture of salt awl sugar. ;One parti cle of the oxygen attracts to'itself,;ands unites with four Particles of {nitro g en, tO the' five particles thus joined form a.porti on of air Which goes not attract : an tatem 'of either gas, but another particle of oxygen joins anoth . • , , er four of nitrogen, and thjts the gronpugeon.l tinues. Should there remain two particles -of i ,one, gas and three of the: other, they .do not join themselves 'together, lint mix very much like grains Of rye among corn. \ - ' Those who-wiShfurther illustratioiiPAY iin rz,ine a quntity' of little balls, Made' by.; stick ing tog,ether one mustard - seed and four clover •• seeds, so as - to forma ball,' the others being formed in . like manner: Each ball would rep - rgAent -a . PartiOe or *globule of air, .each . mus tard,-as joined with fear Clover seeds; would I represent a particle of cixygen joined with font I of nitrogen ; and the extra . particlee of theige gases which do notimambine, may be re.presen ted by some loose seeds Among the. balls.— Thus would a baslret of the bills represent a • quantity of air as it exists'around us. ... The oxygen,whichis the most important . part of •thp.ait remains thus united, until some substance tomes in contact with it; for . which it has a stronger attraction than it bia.for thp; . ' ' nitrogen. Thus, it will t not - leave,the latter to • _combine with:dry, soft wood, butaf 'a piece of phOsphorous is exposed to the, air, it immeili , ately leayes to unite,with the phoSphorus, and the latter burns. Eat if the dry: wood is heat, ed to a certain tempezature, either hi . friction -- or i ie;:the'exygen will then' unite. With iti l sud,lbegituthq•Urtnirn;the beat prodoced keeps' the weed:Slither required temerature :till near . ly its whole Substance has joined with, ox'ygeno • . and ditappeared• in the form or gas. The nn. 'c . dotiof -oxygen with a nonaMstible body is cal= led combustion, and usually .produces light as \- well as heat., ' • . , .. . . .Kfe.,v bodies will attraci the oxygen -from the nitrogedof - the air at a common - trakpent. _ ture. Such is - the case with peosphores, and and cottob moistened - with linsed Oil. If the' Oxvg,en beiluslo Unite with• the Option, the •_, heat produeil lade asei the temperature. until -the cotton Waxes, and we have:an instance' of spontaneous uotintraAiOn. 'Hence, buildingi . \ containing\ oily cotton o r rags frequently .take . fire. In life* cases, nafight,eleration of tem ' : - pemture4s,aufficienaoluduce this new union ' \ of oxygen.., 1 17 he sill - in:mos on the. end of fyib. \ tioti'mawhes , example . Other.. - substances ,\\ - require kg ater.incirems3 of . heat, , nit .is the;j n. ease with oud and charcoal, while hard_ coal,! at less than a red beat; exerts' no.irAnence" • on o the.air. Hence - , to kindle 'a Ore of hard • coal, 1, we may expose a bit . of phospherus to The sil• l ' oxygen uniting Will produce heat enough{ to•ealine•Ale.Anion. bet t ,:yen .oaygen and .the . '. substanie op the end. of.ll Malian ,nutteh ; this rid turn' heats the • wood of the match till that • also burps 'mul heats the_sharbiis, which, at • 4!Arn;lltr4e ti4eikmPerature ol- tho ' . -:#031 '''' "•: Oitil,ol,ll4.4lllo.'utusi and brings' the': ~ -' . 0 - 04 1,:taA le ;heitt whiek; is necessary .to ::enable • it to.attiiet: the oxygen from tbe *unundleg ethiotiOehi: - if, itidle,lthody,iilituning, if cooled below V S -2 , , i - that itoint,which eria , les it to attract , oxig4 6, ti, it ceases to , turtu 'Taus it i* that -, , 'r 4044 citttli*lPat:liealla!li *.e but. e. 9 '17 11.. reasone phin why ivao quantity f'-water l will not extinguish a largifire, and., tr . qw!ily, a large mass Of cold coal I,tiognisheis 'hi! Ore in cost which was already scarcely lot . 04 ;lib 3 to attnkct.oxygeh:l. Thiasleo - „eiplains o . . of the . prominent defects-in,thitelebrated 61.. il ipsflre Annihilator., -It throws ont 'al as Which extinguishes' . ' the 'fire, 'bitdevil' . of cool the i brands. ',, Hence when.a current !o f : it sweepsatiny thcgas the _fire hurns fresh - Olio= fere. -) _ .- " :1 1 . _ 1 .. .7-----7—.AGE."7- The 1 1- - T H _ NORTIIwEST PASS 1, &ions of Commsnder.*Clure, in the Our, of his recent wonderful passage; -has ' ptoled: that it will be_ all'hut limpossible for an'Y, sail', vessel to make. a passage .^ through , the tlitir Sea from the East coast. of - North AtDdratia'... 1 The navigator who expects io get thred• +e I ion after the delay`,of yearsinnst :e tit' ‘ithe I. Polar Sea bY . • Berr,ings Straits , on th . .: 1 W . , l es t ii . cbast of North - Ameriel,fiecause the tic! : Sets.] - from that direction and thewinds -rilinoi Pm- . riably,.bloW tO enatWani,hith o togethet l i iiive an impelling : power or about . five mi 1 . .., per -. hour. Thii Muh l ' be. a currSnt:too,str • gi for a ve s sel - to resist- he' clogged with ice . .l trh , a fact et the tides t - th adrerse.wina #ll, g -- • far to prove v•hy sari torsi have beenlinearl fotir centuries in aCcOS plishing this,norli-we , pasiage. : Had th ear ier r navigators. -41r1 , ter through•Behrings Straiti, the disco Very hid: e • have been make' icing sinee—but as th. l. rii,h • no certainty that-there wit.s'a . north-weit•lo sage, even the most adverituroa . „s inject. b e. i terred from sailing 40,00,6 L iyi.res (itroli" 1 i d 1 Horn,sdte # before_ they iiiiihed even 1 i e,:, crow ', fines if ,tbe Tohir Sf '. least n 1 1 ling of ;the recent 41 Lhattli {is -1 ern shbres of this 1 sited la `( 1 there'apPel.resito`be ice Of I life;:ini the fo, m of ii bares .T muSkkox. Ihe dis Niel 41 il ' confired o a feu minus -dons of -H . ane, 1 ke - etiS ' life. where m ny th..._,.. issible I - —oli/.. I'i . ! . • i . Won N. LIVE • CATTLE. BY , itr.ts‘ , BE.-_, Tlie Only in raiment neep. yis tap, imeas' \%\\ • ure, with fee and inchoi, m rked uPo . , it, V The girtillis be.eireninferen e of ti 4 itainia G, -1 just behind he shoulder bla e.s. . The Ilene is the dlsl . a from the. shot Ider blade to :the rear ofthe uttock. , The superficial 1 fet. are obtained y multiplying the t lgrirth and , length. The fol'!o l w* gi.contains the; rule \to :aicertain the weiglt.. f the -animal ::1 ,i, •1 • If liststh: n one foot in giiiit multiply super cial feei bv laven. - -:- I I I ' " ' .If le i s .th , n `fire and more than, lilted Multi_ i ply sutif(c lifeet. by sixteen. ' -,- i r . ' If less . seven and pore than fire multi ply suferfit.l feet by;twerity-tkree..l ., 1.. , 7. - If lefs thl {nine and more than se en multi ply -Surfi 4 1 feet by - f ° 4 3' -two: " . i 1 ; - It le T , t - ile"elelien and 'more than nine m inul ultip . .y• s .perficial feet by forty-tivb.l • -...t---senripstthe eirthota.; bull o ck to . De .vi x et tare° menet • - ienata lye tea six . i inches writ vipuld then be _.thfee_ and . a half irfieial fe4t, whiebl i multiplied iby elev en, g i .r, thirty eight and half as the weigh of the aniptal_tvlian "dressed. I - , . •., In . i i s way ,the . ,•lveight k)f the,fotir. quarters b substantialy ascertitined during life.- Boston: 'iratiller. : 'II. - - . : t ' • T iiSmErl4.oos SE is.—Th Sandusky Regis er . strati= thst,the honey ino4n season is raging p some in its `)ieighbortioodi and puh :ishe the following diagnosis of e. altectiim forth lenefat of those who may fall rictimsto its Ti -ages.. I . I ; ; Se and day'l"t-speeehes extasy—hliss imp s- sible be eitoressed.,'l- . - I l• _ • • . nth day--:- t tliss stilt in 'the aseeidenW-9- 11., , peti begiiis)iLa look -np." . l t' f 1 Ni ill day*, liny eats:her dinner:without' L.' -ing . ssed btir.*eit every tnouthfril.l: ,;; ; 1 1 , 1. T4elith . 4l-0121 you .. naughtyi. _naughty boy 1--not sdl frequently. - :'li!, .: t Filteonth 1 1 :ay—Gentiemaii fancies' a Walk sole -coin. borne nna .discovers his chariner as. -- 1 i l. -.. . '1 : • 1 . ' ' - . ; ixteenth ay-- - . - a gentleman millndy. hating ^ned to iliOworlcl of Sikhs, gentle chitlings'l promises "never to get alone in future: , nv ' Li t ble nearly all day. - - .f -1- •;: • : . lg temith day—lady is prestinted ., with a ;n" cent b -rwaypia., gentleman chnaults ;her Llt ...e det4il4 of. her . dirnett4s arrange. re Fr and are ma aba me 'wenty first day-gentleman, little change," 'and go to chill , t , wesity- fifth —iiidy beginS p terY . to' returning from I, npara • to r; gentleman assists her, :a n d 1 h d fig the opperationJ 'i 1 ,_ ono/. Ull , •ji : 1 wenty-eighth day`—on the journey, gentle 4, man keeps his I' lady bird" - ,Tery i i l ug. . ii ' Twenty-ninth day--commit; the'. d i readfuli ipst y. , , .,,-- •.1- I ' .. L:', .' . '' - fa Ras of 'ling.:Weep in- each' iothers comi eth - Y--arrives home i lgreeted by , in ther si-la , hugs her dear 804'4,4 vanish fi , SI .wih he daughter husband ,'daneing a .114 paai,te, in tting iuom fur too 'outs; al Seel- ea age becatise the: dinner is gettin edld i.. spi it be in to rebel iiii . 'St them 4 I .th'ex . i' '. is' melia. I Amelia presently de tends le t 'ohiii!. -On' annul mg . , htusband .Ibrikhtens up, dinner. , t u the ti,ble; - .motiie 4, 13 .1 a ar l eaves '' ' - ' inw ard VIM* la nd t 1 ..A, : % .s r ms goes 9 bed, 4 : . .. eil - tolbe ,at ihe, - ' .'v ery early st l re id - the romi and, wake .tiPth 4lerks. 1 shop.' ; :'. 'fish' best' . oti,tl ;y hilvS„. . 4 ' l mar t 'pout i r You , 71 • - .41 herb enie*l:u -;:stationer's Asequentiiti afr. Inquired, g:quir,oolob lett* pifer ob the gemmeh to ' 16 , 04. iub letters . 1 se reply, ' ow ; , *IM7 Will you • isd by Spring k two or. lroo, e0 4 1.. Gib 4 30 ItO wOto . four let4ore.! 1 afi i 4 Ih l Peli s n - aka) liming, if 1 , tr ' r - " Ill!, "I l l!, - 40 , did you 'tell re Quit cold f a Your Osiottii, to'bring .. the VirouLvesi ~Riihta Meet. ' i • 1 ' ' ' . HEM 17 b. mm Carbondale and • llopboti. _ LaCkawannait :Western Rail Rola: Distantie Leave Carbondale In the Morningaild conneet with the wits going Sahib Returning, leave on tbleorrhval of the .mll trail from the Great Bend. The nearest ! , Most direct and cheapest rout from Arent Bend to ;Carbondale. Passengers by this line always g o tintoCarboridatebarfSer . In the evening any otherVint. • Fare rireiptid in Carbondale - at the Store •Of the sub. sentient, Main street,- afew bk;eks below BlrOtiltofeß Rotel: Ann -4'052'. . GROW & BROTHERS. • New_ - Drug Br,GrOceryi Store, ridot: would gespecaully inform his numerous old and well tried .frismds, both in and out of the Profession, and the publicist general that he has just embarked in the above naired .business, and has now on hand and is still receiving a full and well chosen 'assortment of every tuingia . the" line •of Drugs, Medicines,:Greceries,DyesiPainzsi&e., 4c43.11 of which he will sell for cash or, barter upon the cheapest and most itivairtagetins terms to the purebasier. • In refer ence to his Drugs and Medicines he would simply :state that they were selected by Hluir,Lv-from the establish i.rtnent of P. Shieffejlin !faints & Co., one of the moit. % able in the city of New York-T-and for*purlty and excel lence he believes were never excelled, if equalled by any stock ever brqught Into Slisqiielranne Cunnty. • ilis.Stock of Groceries is full , and well bought ' and imhsequently caribe sold cheap..lle.haa'alsos few choice Liquors for medicinal purposes which he can afford as low as a More • inferior article has .generally been bought Tor. - Please call before prirehasifig s elawhere, at the old . stand of. Pitts & Warner, in the building formerlY known as •thit Farmer's' Store," oppolite the"Deniocrat" Montrose, 1r,1.41;1853.. • - • • New. Arrangement:for. 1 N• Gr ltttltY.ES:k. Co's itailroal PREIGIVr v. from v. Great. Berid'every,Monday,Tue*Lay - , litcdnesd u kyl and Thnreda. • ' • - ••• • Freight wil l be reeitived by Corwin ..& Milspaitph the days above mentioned at their store or the Depot 'in Lodertnille also on Tuesday until twelve. b'elockut Montrcsit.tiatiOn and tie* Milford until the atiieal of the freight traltufronileranton. on the same day., - Produce entrusted to our care. Will be. forwarded to New York with the utmost dispatch and returns paid in °latent money at theplices Mentioned sabove.,, No ef forts will be to secure the twist prieet for produce, and we Gill transact promptly all bushiest.. en ti II Et Ca to one care. ' - GEORGE T.-- CORWIN, Wm. E. 3itLLSPACO " • `Corwin, &-.lffillspangh Shoes, Ready made Clothing, Leather and Pinatogs,/cc. which they will sell cheap for Coati or Country Produce. •Aprillsl, 185$•=1Gm9 j • .-• . - • Lodersville ,Book fe Drug Store. • Tilt subscriber would inform the hihiibitante of to, derstrillo.atid surrounding country; that. he has greatly enlarged and impmred his- Store; and. Oiled up -wills a large.asid complete assortment, of Paints, Oils. Dye-woods, Dye-stun, .Windoni Glass, Sash, Puttyj ••Yanalsh and Drrishes. ' Also,- ' . . Patent hedicines,ChemicalS, Glaits•ware, Perfrimery, Yankee Notions, Confectionery. Toilet articlei;. - . and all articles usually kept-in - ally estabilihment of the kind. Also on hand a lane aSsortment Or '.. •.. . .'i ' ..800K5 . 4 STATIONERY. • -, : raper hangings, &e. &..e., which bets peetiared to 'sell on as reasonab:e terms as any store in'the, covititry.. . CT. JAM.ES . I AlidkeePeln Stunt 'room a genera! 'assortment of the Cuatc ear MEbICIN BS, Select ed 2 , prepared and Superintended by of lily own 'acommodition and thebinefit of the public: • - ' • Buildele. Painters, Physicians', Sihool Teachers, In deed all clikises and profe , sions 'wishing ... to purchase are 'netted to rill Ind seefor theureelvel. • . • L. SCOTT.. ° • pirectly deer John McKlriney's Store on \ • • . E the .- Lodersvnle. intylB,:l t l334.—tta., • . liVlZtargllTEV\•. CloaigiMiltiz. ••• • • • . • •• °Jim, 9 , S t r ee t • , CAPITAL, (In Cash an ' prorid Sectirities) • .. - ' . . • .Ifisures•auvrinsi Loss -Deunoot4 • A.Q.',. Stebbins, .113 Broad S.,reet;• Peter. C. Baker, 1 spruce street; Ofrard . Banekerr l lB Broadway; Tho Mas , Andrews; 136 'Cola? Street ; Simnel South Irayd, 3:7 'West street; Albert L Conklin, 1510aseenwich street; JamesA. Crosby,',ll3' Broadway ; Charles . Lent. Kings bridge, N. Y.; Lamberre. elticapa, EC; I Smith Elnisbie; Wm. W. Leland, Nei York;, Peter.R. litiach, 133 Bank street ;itaates S. 'Belt, ear. 'West and Laded. f t re .ota ; John 4., Deep, 78 %Vter street ; D. Van Watt, 118,11 roadway ; eor.Wert and Bar row streets; Peter 11. Foster.,