TRE DEmoow. . . It he :11.argeist lientiattin North . Peatuirlirama-!-11132 Cepa*" Wieldy, S.B. & E. B. CHASE; &ono'''. Itio*TatosE, DECE Song ofthe -Nowt With features waniind worn, With nose of greenest red, A man there sat, like a drowsy bat,; . :. :. liVho. lifted his mandiia bead; Sang this song of the bowl a ragged and. wretched band, And he drove a nail in his coffin lid, . EaPh tine be raised his hand. Drink, drink, drink, - in the morning's rosy prime, - And drink, drink, drink.. In the murky midnight timei • It's otobe •a dog, • , • Along with a tinker Swart,.' Than a senseless log, ori'a 'human. hog, • '.With never a human heart. - • Drink, drink, drink, • The Wine•enp never gags: And what are its wages! an aching heart, And squahir,'Sad mouldy, rags:` Drink, deep of the liqUid-fires; In hollow and mindless mirth, [slave; 'ith-rogue arid knave, and the • taproom And the vilest scum of earth. 0 men, with children pale -0 ; then, with weeping wives 0 why fof a can of unholy ale • Will Yon sacrifice their livee E. They play a dastard's party • • , Who swear each truth a lie, Who crash with crime a tiniting heart,- 'And leave it alone to die. Drink, drink, drink, . Oh ! bow escape its thrall ? It tuns amain through each burning cein, ' !And turns my blood to gall. My eyes are dim with tears, A furnace heitts'my breath; And conscience whispers in my ears, Thou'rt hastening, fool, to death. . - But why do I talk of Death, ; That phintom of fleshleks bone! • 1 I might see a; thousand shapes • , - More dreadfUl than his own. •e ' • The cells of my arid brain. Are-parched in my burning head, - • And countless sprites, through the live long nights, - • • ate dancing around my bed. - • Mid darkling clouds I tread: - • • To my last ae.e.ursed retreat ; There's a heaven above my head, • And a hell benesth my feet, 0 ponder, ;muse, aild pray, Reflect, and . pray, and think, Ere-your souls le snatched &OM . the lignt ofday I • !"- By the restless demon—Drink. - , It's ,0 but to breathe'the breatji . Ufa purer atmosphere, - To escape from this moral death, This prospect dark and dreg It'e U forthe'pleaitaitt hoirs, - .When I felt as a man should feel, Er'e Alchohol had enalare'd my_sonl, And Made my senses reel. .‘ With fentures wan and.avorn, With nose of greenest red, A man there sat, like a drowsy bit ? Who lifted his maudlin head— a ragged and wretched bank: . In avile degraded' sink, Ile sang Ibis eoeg with a dismal wail ; Would that its tones could on all prevail jTo banish the demoUDrink • , v Drones in Socisty. ~. . . . - Aazy man—one who attends to, no, rep lairc\ linghis, generally speaking a bad. citi zen, and a nuisance to the community in-which he lives., He is an eye.sore---a piece of -nosh inpess--;a blsnk in Goals creation. ' , Every community is obliged to support a number more or less, of these drones. - This always . has been, and we preamme always_ will. con • tinue to be the case. Nothing can stimulate the drone—nothing will shame him, to assiane . the dignity of an independent man. He is con teat to-drag apt a life of idlenesis, and to be forgotten when he, dies. ' Now, to our. view, the man who his moth log to attend to, nothing to engage his - mind; 4nnst lead a miserable life. ' ••• . • • ' , We care not how rich he may?lie, he ranoot_ enjoy his riches in Idleness. He must exer I eise both body and mind, or becomes sluggish,l stupid, and fretful. Itis a wise law of nature that . reenlist a man tri - work,arid'when he fails " to observe this Law, he foigeis the abject of his exaction, and brings ruin oti himpelf. 'Eve ry man moat toil, if he desires. happinew.- 1 1 The la w yer, the divine, the . - merehant, the me''' , ~ ohmic, the farmer, all, are required is observ e ; this great law of Divinity. During our few yeare probation here on earth it ie;the duty of us all to vie with each other in the amount of labor, mental and - physical, we perform. 'This ; we are commanded on do not merely with, the object of gaining wealth for, ourselves nod our • children, hut for the nobler purpose of. fuld, ling. a duty to ourselves and to sociqy. reconipense will' a cheerful disposition, coo* posedoiind, and manly feeling.. When men perform their drity in their reapeist, they - feel; that they are good citizens and entitled to hold a position la the great family of men. We . ; . care not whit cellists man may pursue, niheth-, er he occupies - the *rostrum or the carriers, hod,if labor - iilit4hat calling , And' sober and honest, he. Is it good " ci tizen,`_ equally • tied tharespesit of *IL -, - The loth/Urinal man, even in misfortune and `find consolation, Ihr he has the cook deuce end sympathy of all good.citiSass. , so with the idler. He commandathirespectii •of none, tor the very reason that Itasdel no attempt; before his affliction to build sp a actei or to belie" himself. Ms = cries . like • voice in the wildenmitorill not be heeded lit - his may: of tieuble. He . was. con tent ~ to live. 4 lazy life , sad make no -provisi on; for the tam lead be trum be death common;to y mes his class. - _ V".!iiient theiz -a Wan Is " `nuisance U. the milaknalti bi. 41 111.41010 of n 0,41 to aby op", imd despise except tikoie 3o o . 4wee ll o l oo l #*,r,eA 4tg• '044 46 44 °t ill!. mils.:lholl0 bc to isaili -- thair-shlithii (boy. .14'0. 1 ): Tlvaij-the'k**4S.i alpit4 Yi******itian Wo l f in - ninkilsess :iu.;•44—; :iisiiiiii'iOi‘iiigiit 16. Mace borcire- ' -It hi bail 'riot a cent in XI _ warlirilf etin ' iii,-*liise which; -zio ...... e..... / -.... ~..., ' an depytte,ba ,0f..0-Carhcle-rantitrer :: ,‘. .' - - 1 ".-A t , stooge • - -... -il ' •• Not !bug Shi!;;; - W-irertilniii was. anvil g one 4 - 04e.t.ieetiOrkere,In_llittle - , girl ' s sweeping off the mO. t . H i liile was opi‘id . and heidaeed,stii in -1' - iiiiiiti, - i „i w ny therein. • Sheliiiin ' y i foltoed ldm, l i f 1 - Caillge::.. m 9es emoskrgeititliman, *ee l 4rhatl yen have i * tven _, - 1 - Thegertleman atop' m 11 and she handed iui fillet, sir - she lid not think - die ma : toi • h , • r e et more penny. He ask ' her why she .did, not p ' , it.' *a• teplial, _Thai wonldlnot hare d __ , _.- - . - 1 e!d. e i New Drug- & - Grocery attire , , right, He.look at - her ' wittt _Site ' nish sod : , :- , • R OUT . I. ptitrot i , Jr., would respectfully inform ,enquired wher e she learned' that. the .1, - s an d e i, s e hel i. q , o ,e lee b et vep ri . H e th ee *. bent of the Prof' l es ' sfott il t il iut d i d e tte tr p l l4 la gen " erat Ot sorb t gulled h!! t e 1,30 , 4,! ,ge end resideec;e. Her his Ditr., ha:.... ariced : Ltd recely e above rs li g riairirm ther.:she azudwaa very - poor ,. poor,and. lirtd irk ,jan"i=" l " o " .4. 111 Wet ofr y ery in Atlu i the Illue of D=l o b scure stree. w hiik . h i ) . w 4 w an ., :•i vith 1 m ite will sell for cash or barter upon tier ei=et and her, Some. fifteen or t i veetY. Deism* gal a lieral eftesZe d -htlr " oliTlLiolo t oo be h:Tw reh or e t 1'.f.1 In l refer __ _ , sad _l . ..• ~ ~.- • -- :, . I that thee were selected by utusatr. fr c t ' sm tne a Wlis te - I around A polltfl Mat 01l Fab proposed,Whlch , meat one. Shleffetto Haloes & Cu.. oua of the most roll- ' 'f• -, i able lu is. eft)" or woo orti--mid resulted in the sum of abo t fifteen u Bella 3 -, '''' leoselewbelleees vette never eel ler r li eg ittY al ik ed vid 7 "1 ; The, gentleman called .' to see * the littler eli ever brought Mtn Susu e u i eha ted. e f oun u ty. l llls b it s o l ek and her .mother; and . 'finding the statement coa cife be „as to f'd!'aig 17.1" gle.aTivi"ui rerifieVPlaeld the modeler in S - tenemefit, of r„erlr,rrtr=r,,wellett be can airbaroutaall low a More hid ?WA, free; of reid,_ 'indium , taken the f , fittle .;,Illetrrerry,P,„*.ri, rid nown girt to educate . - 1 s . , " runlet' Seen," opoodte the" Democrat" Mice - p I ' L ~.. • Montrose, IN b. 1,1151. 7 Tax FIREiIDE.-T be ,fireside is a 'inane , of infinite imPortsiee. his important; beS•ause. it i . .i r " pelvisesl,nel bee.ause the educationia be alto a, beinlwo‘vsain - i the woof of childhood, gir s formiad colorto ilia whole texture , of life",l There are few . who-can reciere the hon ors,ofeollige,,but, - all are gradpates .of; the, hearth; Th's leanting,of the- universiti , ;"may fade IrSm reeolh3ciiorj r its classie lore ;,may .. moulder in the halls of minor)/ but_ih43: sitn= l pie lesson. efihetne enameled ;Ton the .1 heart - of childhood;defy the , lust' of year*, ana ' ont • h . . af ter years. .1 . I (ir An ignorant k - eirpw, who. was atilont to' get nnrried;:resolve4 toll'inake himself . perfect in Ole teopOnies of thearriage service 4 but i by mistake he committ the office oflitiptiont for thottc . of, riper years iso whed the , clew man asked bun in theie arch. . : .l - • ",.. Will thou have.thislwoman to be tliXwed, ded 'wirer . 1 , . 1. " The bridegroom ans 'wired in a v4ry solemn tone; ,i "" 1-renounce. them all." . ' 1 . 1 , -4 Theistonisbed minilder stud ' i'. ' - • • ...I think yen ail) a-feol"-;—to or bleb i' be -fre plied; - - 1 i . '.. ~. "All thisil , steadfastly believe." _ _ . Or" Mr. Sigbefit, you said the wits inlove—how do you know that). !" lie reads a book upside down, ark, Writes poetrY i in s ' day . book when , it a43,nld be cheese?" ', , 5: : ) ... "Any t other reason r. 4 i' • , 1 ;Yes air ; he shaves without lather, and frequentl t rtniataitea the sleeves of bia•oat for; the 'legs f is inuitaloons, lan error that he 'don't disci° er till betriea to fasten:the tails to his atistien era." '' ' ' ) ' ~ A elear'ease-ll the next wi elm's, '1430 . Gentility it .neither in • birth,i l , wealth. Malmo nor fashimi—hati i 6 mind: l i A - high sense' or koncir 7 —a iieterreitiation never to take , a . nietw advantage of 4pothr—an aoll4ir . nee to truth—delicacy' and ' liteness witr4l - those With whom we have ealia; , s, ar the f essential v i hara'eterestictilif a g ntlein l an. Ii t * D I . c • ' • I-- 1 I :~ . _ ~~; ~ 71 i I LW' From ' Vasist.rgtol 1 Ter itory 'we has's 4 report that g fa h been disco 'ere4 hp Cap tain McClellan . i 's an eiinglpait ,on ilie-bNoka ni the Ynass, ii 'nd ' t person l - engaged in i l i i digging were mak ng frOat three th six del- .. lard•pero. T .., • Ther e being no jail iorthe tern tory, the 'People wei at a zionplus.:tx;. &now what-to do with a man whb was arrested for , bcrae stealing. STATLSTICAL.-7 in searing party; re i ode the exelamatio h4s? died !"• one hnt r d she pul: onelhunarea • t 1 : . i I 41. . f .' - B4LiirC4. /6Ek: ' O . 'Newark Alivertiser .iayt a gravestone la cut in that i . i.y, has at i the top a!tlagnerreo of the diiiisuieci -per. i,e 'son - .neatly ! set in. 'stone.. .' This ,iS i a novel' aii4 appropriate inell i hoii not only eommern. oratip - as they appeai 'avilutin. .tanees Eir for - amass, that every that that: I yid° . jbarb shoula #l.ll . ,r I W rielifed intov, nowinlij - ' /ZiAi r TA *U l r 4 4 W LOitla Nspols *lees from IL bidding tbe *WitSii. o - 101 11 4i9=r01.0 DIU u. tie r octave of 'Ol2lllYi •" • last ,a 4-1 . rit • 1 , !mit or' 4 ° 4 you ...1"‘Is!"17- ' ' 'nu( *id 41 efendaht itemizer, at a iate even via that one inttng lad YI thought shout ed and - twenty eig linquiry, "Did you'. e - tiiny-seven tinies.r 7 reprove!! Mostar, hater of mitt' of 1 I • t' • and .r.A itd- And . '114(1. .._....., of beint [(.'-;::::•.'' ''..- 1 1 1 ,- i ''' 'i l '''''' - a yang 111 them enbeeetbimo aresitiiiela* riDtillf.llniti toretAtelts, . tweet Calbendaleeind - Uspbetteue Station' en ear Leetiteranna dr Western tan Read. Distance 20 toll I. Germ Carbondale bilhe litornlntead 0012164 imith the etatltostat Roith Rittman*. leave en , the antral of r the matt train fiont the Great Bend.: The nearest; most dlreetaid eleseprotrost from Greet Renato Carbandele; Fateengere by this fine always Renate Carbendeleinalla In the evening than by any other rout. - Tare reeelpted eatitosdale .at 'the Store of teienb. terlbers, street,At few bleeksbeleet Ilironeerer Angtut,lll62. - 1 ' • CIROW4 BILOTBRILS. _ N, :ew:•Artangenientf or. .lBs3. , Ni w.ftszvrA a Co' Railroad Fa waive Linn . from i Great Bend . every . Idonday,Tuesdayi Iffednisday and Thursday. ''. . '. - ' • , . 11 • Yelitt - will bri-ceived by Certain k.• Mil splaph on the days above m tioned at tbeli More or the Devitt la Lodersillle. Maw on Tuesday email twelve. n•elock at Moritrdse Station and aLNewMtlford until tine artiyal of the .firelgirt train from Scranton, on thesame day.. ..- : •• P neeentrnsted to our care • will -b• forwarded to N York with the •nimert dispatch and, returns Paid in cc - Newt ed .nt money at the places - mentioned above.. No et'. (Ottawa' be spared LS secure the twit prices for prcsince, and we'relli transact promptly all busier-4i eat , tested to" OrtOrtrA.: •,_ - , .". t GEORGE L: CORWIN. ' Wu E lIILLSPIUOU _ • - . C orwin 81 . ,,Blillspaugh • --• ..o• ttrILL keep constantly for sale a _full assortment of VV Groceries, 'Flour, Salt, Fish, Pork, Boots: and ' Shoes, Ready. made Clothirw,LLeather and ltindings,ke. 1 which- they lilt sell chesp for Cash or Country Produce. April a, 11153.=-16m9 . • - Led: ravine Beek dc Drug Store. TUE subscriber would Worm the inhabitants of Le daunte and surroundiag • country, that be has greatly enlarged andimPsoved his Store. Oa fated up with a large and plebs assortment, of Paints, Oils, Dye-woods, Dye -stn - it, Window Olen, Sash, Putty, cos Varnish and Brushes.. Also,- • 1 . ' Patent Medicines, Chemical*, Olass.ware, Perfumery, Yankee Notiobs,Confectionery, Toilet artielis. and all articles usually kept in sus establishment of the ibid. Also on hand a tart e assortment of • • :, .800K5.4. STATIONERY. . Pape-rile:wins, I.e. Ike., 'obi* bele PrePared to seli -1 , on' as reasonable terms as any store in the country. ' • . DOC-T.,JA.MESVRIEFIN. -. . , Alin keeps in same Varna a general assortment of the , Cannes? Msoictuns, carefully selected , Prepared and superintended by himself, for his own accommodation and the henget of the pabli ,e. • • • • • Builders. Painters; Physiciins, Scheel Ts:idiom:On deed alt classes end profe.vdon's wishing to patches, are invited to call and see for theinietres- .- ; - • Directly over Jahn llbuti ieey's StOrtlif lTT. the L. R., Lodersellle. Jul/113; NE'W Y 0 ali. FIRS • .litaztarantvr .:Ceutzipgrags• Qffice, 914 7 4 Street, . . . CAPITAL, (In Cash and Approved Seentitlis) X5O • . , 0' Insures aggitiit Lai/ or . .Daoage by Tire; . DIRECTORS. . • .A.; Q. 844,1115ta, 113 Broad Street; Peter C. Baker, 1 Andrews; • Ohara Bitneker, l lB Dreadws7:- Thomas Andrews 138 Cedar street Sanniel South Mayd, 2C7 West street; Albert 1. Conklin, 810 Otoonwieh street; James A . Crosby, 113 Broadway ; Chines Lent, sings". bridge, N ;Y.; Litarbert.C. Ilall, Chicago, IR; I Smith Hobble; W. Lelsnd. New York; peter R. itoneb - , 138 Bar street; Stentes S. Bell, eor. West rind Leight streets ; Jahn 1.: been, 78 Water street ,• • D. - Tan Wart, 118 Broadway; litertiolt; Gallup. cor. Wert and Bar row streets; Peter IL Porter, ter. Glansvoort and West; Henben Ross, Jr., 48 Right!, Avenue, Stephen Cross. well,- rnpriden .N. J.VAlbia :Wadieigh. Philadelphia; Dexter 11'.11r?ttan„ 49 Water street ; Samuel Sinclair, Tribune Bet , tdings; Samuel B. Shaw, Cleveland, ow n ,. ' • • ROYAL CHAMBEBLIN, Pres. cireaLirsi.eLAW.KE, sexy. • •• • _ ' CHARLES L. Bitow;.Agoot. • montroxs Sept. 6,1853. . Stoves ! Stoves ! Stoves ! ! to 6 8E Sere and YellowLeef" reminds as that the J. fast approach of the, keen Frosts of Old Grey- Winter, when one of these unsttrpassable and highly approved Stoves bona the most extensive Manufactories in tbs Union, Messrs. Shiite it Paekerd, become Indis pensable to every family. We would respectfully an nounce to the citizens of eusquehanun and adjoining cot:lntim that we haireinst received and are receiving, the largest and best a ssortment of Stoves ever introdne- , ed into Eastern NlllMOrylvania, which wilt be sold at the very lowest cash g r. To those who are in want of Stbves they will hto their interest to call and II*" *Milne our varistyt !fore 04n:hawing elsewhere. They eMnprise in part asfullo!s-- •' t United Slates, Oriental Parlor, ; , 4'esstern Queen E. a, Venetian, do tFire Clipper E. 0.. Fancy do i Yellow 1 Air-Tight E. 0. Irving ' do /Iforning Star I Cottage. do Farmers' Air:Tight 41-e t}c i -e above Stoves are too Weil known to require any m nute description, being the most pOpular and ap p edStove in market. All who may ream us wi th a Lh mill will be , shown thrones ear assortment with pleas. um. " ilicollett. the nuntbio n —raeroir's far famed One. Price Store. flarfoltd , POlMlL, leSiet-tit. 1 cum . Erna . ' S HOTEL. .(FORMERLY 4 .1.,U5Z HtilassEinGßEAT BENDIPA. TllSenhsulber,.havingzested tbiswelikiown house; ' &adze-fitted and resfuerr:thed In good style. is now ti prepared bi receive and entertain guesta- ,boaaa delightfrally thrusted On the bank' of lbelianuenarr , nit dr ' on the fine of the New York and Zee, and the Debraure, Lackawanna and Western Railroads. oiar looking a, snag beautiful* section of country, and la the psalmist* of amply unequalled anywhere., Ay s Struunt Rams? for the loudness 'man seeking Wet and freedom front the spite and din of eltyllfeoutd OW ladles and gentlemen in paten% of pleasure 'add the rand Deanery of the rontati7, title location cannot be noalted. .Here the weary traveller to menu* from the confusion Ineidentto the continual Sll4ild Sala &Tartu:* of trails, which, especially lit the might thee in a I , M great annoyance to.thusej a ppleg at houses verY near Depot. tits itoosot aro t Ind well fa T shed; hh TABLE with /M the delleac: Ns which both ants,' and eity ntarkoti afford; and nofpalaa wlllhe tomato his ltionses pleasant home bp all ids guests.. , - - 11:7"Orrawrsirill be conveyed inlind freer . bo eon at any hour day Or tright,in gaud , Out us; Ike; of irr if Levine' &finis ti atiaehed ro the nowt. Great Betid e Juno 27th,,11151—A6tf, • , , prananu • Hippodrome, • , ..• , ____ . . A 111 D :the Bearded Woman : its anionic' the jj ri: ons noir exhThiting at God:min . . The Beord;: ed ironsanin Mid to be , nearly - an great a curios ity inithe beardless gransi L trho dreams in male attire: '.Bat beards aside, l' Wish ' the Public 40. bear l in'tninorthat there is so necessity of going iere.baeked trhareintlui are so cheap, and imp prtworkmotiready to nrienfictare ' them. Z have jest received' the - i '.• . - ' ..,,. '' - -AUTIIMN 4774E8 •.. . ... .. j ~.. For , Oeutlemen and Boys . - ~' - . „ , C ACTION I—The publis • are beret 7 °titian ed against harboring or trait&theidea that, I min belles/ea ii.the Art-rot.T . og. ,or la the reainablens4. Or s iiii*Vaigei • POWS riy.-- * ill . BT"_-Z7ew lake motios 'Unit ,b4re removid or *lit° al builuatganis , .14 t i eltdoii.b' tekabmitls.feetirnintlie Ilbei*tr- ' . .- - 1 1 . N'. l Cut,isw done saint! 44' psy disin4 - .... : ''''` l'' ''''...- - JOHN ' 0 . VAtil.'. - .:. Mestreiii- 'Silk 115-` lios';47l - 13 •-' - ' . ~lIANJILOitr;: .PY.N.Ak RA. its .01. Random* ut* Ammirmia. 4 . 4*, amkto trobibiliesaw Immtwitrolvsyliklpti,4ov _ .'r i.. '. I. IOIINT PROSPECT V - • lAllliti. TR.O AND iNsiT rruTE BINGHAMTON; N. / Y; ' T Tim i;tiigtur*vii iticated in:. araetiful lad I AL . - rOaillipc revs: st _the base o punt Pao: pect, and!, veithin ca pon tlie'nilage; possmeedirff an abandintenpply nf• - purest/eft vtater, adirintages for exercise in - the pars air, a carriagesiteid foot_ walk up ,the Mountain, over. Ilooking it:D* l 7 -1 uneurPlissed - .iit betaty and greuiden4 ' , free from titer noise(and turmoil of busy We i r W .ith excellent sailing 410 ro*ingprivl- legelntt ihepleasank tors of the: : Cbetiango.--- These aft, a Teyr sof th presentation the ~C ure'! ogeri to the invalid. - . : - '-'_.„ The helm is new and carnet foul—bathing apparates excellent—well venal 4 ted, with 230 feet piaxxa. . - . ' The ; medical department is under the entire ~ . care* Hr. Thom it andiwife, s whOlhavead large '.esp. • nee in Hydropathic-practTe,. tusd are fa. Tomb' known as sucos' en, practitieners. .. -. -• -Cron `ll of Lectures, with foll• Plates Dud 014. trigo iWill be ,givert thrOughouti the season to r i e the St dents and Patients. upon Anatomy, Physi.; Ology. Hydropathy,and Hygiene, Or which there will be no additional charge. .. I 1 L /i"eirsitles, who have been confined to heir beds for years,ere invited to correspond "th us 'or live ns, a call.. Oar meccas in the ire tmetit of diseaselq peculiar to - females, hea l given us cart& deice, and we say to all inch, sere if they have ` , suffered .- much from many phlsiciins, make one more trial. - TerpOt- from 64 to filli per week, . (payable weekly.) according to room and lattention requi red. Patients will provide for perissial use 2 cam; tortablef, 2 blankets. 3 linen or Option sheets and 6 towels. -0.. V. THAYRE - , M. D., i. • . - Resident Physician.. , [)9tf I' D.W. & 11 - ..3I.RANNEY.: Proctor. I . • • Books 4 Stationery, - . -..• .' t iT TiesIOLISALE. KWGT N S & MELLOGO, Pub- - Sahara, Booksellers and. Stationary, 88 John Street 1 NesiTork, and manufacturer* of every description Of; Blank Books,: having enlarged their Manefacturing de-1 partment ' end added a new Sales room to their 'Plush; , liatinsentare now prepared to soppy ;nookikacro "al i Country Merchants with every variety of lionka, Blank . Books and Stationery. on theznost I favorable terms..--j •: Their stock of Blank Rook*. all of tbeir. own manatee-I +tare, enikaists of all the - various sites and styles of.Ae..! count Books. Meniorandums. Pass Books. Writing. Cl.-1 phering; Iserelse.. Time. 801 l and "Sawing Books.. Il siokkeeplng Inank c,a,.& .Diaries for 3854, a great vari ety.y . i '- • ' - l'• • •. . 1 Hooka in every department of litetature. suitable tor Schools), Aeadnnles- Colleges. Sunday Schools -Public and Priyate Libraries!. standard works in prose and po etry. Anonaleind other books in rlise bindings for the; hollidays, Juvenile Bonk, of every Idefeription, Bibles, Prayer end Byrnes So.**. in all thett varieties.. Albums, Music Book.. &c. Stationer*. plain and .fasitY. Rad-- lirh; French rind American. Statesiby the cafe at lan-1 ? utbctures's lowest price,. ~ i I All or whieh they will sell. - at„priers averaging probe- 1 blylowzr tha • any ether eziablishaSent in- the city Orders by Mail tilled carefully all promptly, and at as low pricetia if the purchasers lir re present. 83 John, eor. of Gold street, New ork. "27m6 .. , • -.j • • lIESIORANDIIN . . DR:TIIROOPs DOMESTIC i llg MOSES. COMPOUND SYRUP OF •BLOOBROOT, FOR TUB 1 - J i 1 • f ' Milt& OF ! - ! ConsuMptioa. - Aithina. lironeldtla, Influenza, Cenghs, !Whooping Cough and Croup. • J. • " I • . -Dr. Throops Infant Preservative and 310 • ther'i Relief. - • .•• 1 • 1 Cum Flattlenee. Colic, Cizipes, Mashes, DYsva Seri' sad Choler*. oftnfants, or any of.the cOmmcin lit, of infant life. -I - ' . . • : I .. ' Dr..Thvoop'sWcirtn Poison Mipallit theiAlithy intruder, of Oil:up:la ',stein with. , out witeptioti original. or numbers, . . • • ; • ' Dr.. Throop's Billicims-Pills -•- Ciritlpdigestion. B:i 31ona dieorders„ COstiven et It. Pilesti liesuLttfte.. heartburn, • Inver, Inflaanmation, Diarhea, Dysentery. sad restores a healehy action of all the W glawdzol the iPod . • • . . . •••• - Dr. Ti , As•Eyit • _T. Iroop's Eye . ater Is maasipatneii:o earatty.- rirtatalor arty iriSammatol. r 7 affertioai or lb r et e- .40. . '" • • - Dr: Throop'i Salve. ' ' . .1 Ti uskss.. s sspl r.,r .. dre--lor Jr. 1, - ..'r .oravankl Beate/14171, eara,s r a , t Cu'. :.r. or azirx.", .i.- - ,14 till 4 skin. . Agra ilk' Ntaitte..—:- re i.. Rued. .Mnutrosei i• N. Granger Jr. t'.... Art It; "ri .. M.. E# P. 12 uthwpii..4l F. P. Ronleter,Nrie , lirt•••n: n. llll, l4. ,. .Friengre.):Sle; Scott & Root. ripiina•wil:r4 Air. Laminmt. Auliarn; I. S. Little. , Srw "'Wort: 1 , -. t• On. %. .Ortat, Bead; Jai. ankh 1,4 Merriman. r......ns " 1 1; 1 1 :- .7. - Berm*, Little Mea&mr.;Je.nor S - .. , :-. t" ea at• E..Ttffenr,Brook tyn clkstre • 11.. A. fic: - ''..b;.. 0irm4.1;1 , 3%,-7.c.o;mstead.; Dun If ; lokingon & Very. Raercid ; ..-fisso j ,J,..p up . 'J. . ELASDRI. ;amend AgenL, rarest. _ Lai,. . 171 J ary I, 18.53-,,. : _. . .: t . 1, • . .. . 1 ast, . _ - ' tr DOICI4R. IrOIIIIOELIF .Pcir' 25. _ to• . . . 1 , - Imilarst or TILE oefurr itSCULAPi -156- , wr. ' inl7B.or eierrowe his oain Physician! ?Mr *lath editien,. itith upwards of a hundred engravings. shooing'rtvate dleease in every shape and form cu aZi milfotmations of the generattre apt ,_ I By IliWileiaima Ifasaufg, ni: D. ~. The thine has coin 'arrived thetlpersons anderingf rem teem*, diSeates :tied no morellecume the rictints of quackery, no - by the preer:ptionsi rosatitined la !hip book, any ewe may elm! him..-, -,. .. Within k ' hindrance of busk' o r s., or the kb.iwte4g, I. th.! no -f iroiatat., friend, and [with one-tenth the IT% la i ..totnt! 1 In ad.le it.n to the genera* r )ut;.0.....r pc- •. v. 0 to+ it rd . , .• esp,ains the cans * o y in ii . m j ',', ..4 4 'lg .4r:3,-0 ' lr. is • vh . o:l.trtatiooo 00 Rianage—. .. nr ).1...iy. z. , ---' d.l - 's.kcin-nto whichlt erotahl not beinger to eui• ot . -...;e1n • -.- no bile prints- farkay per 0n 5.....; : a t l' 'PI (.751 '.' • OWE CTS.:en do, , sed In a lett : . av:li r....-'.-.. .01i44 roliv of this book. by' malk_or Are eoPles will U.. 1.-Ait 'ilT 0,. • do' 'sr. Address Oft. ,W.YOUNfI, N 0.1.5: Sy ro nrlttr....., Plt ItaDaLPHIA, Pelltilikt• - ocirDß.ltiltricii elm be .inisip 4 as any of thedfr easyg described fit "Ida diffrrant piablicatlcins. at Ills omen, 152 ppm), street. every day bepacen 9 sad $ eat**, Sul *.lys exeepted.) . .. 1 - • Sty' , TUI f 1-":--7. -..The People'it Friend.. ? . .._ T. T: Pond's, 'of muica, iyY., Pain Destrriy. . -, :. -' er and Healing; - E xtract. . . -A /I,'Extract frin the shrill:elated. Witch. nsel,and .01.( purely from. that : with: thc*Sception of tittle 4 . 11- ct , t ei t to presert. It. 1 : . I *lO cart ail :weal pain and lotiatantatlen old sort*, If ' wands and btistov-,•ee. and All dirty es of - the boviets ore ehrsnie n.tur.. t pg eoilt-aeh:, ear-a iiand an eieellent ft.‘r jetttyl.4 ike. - -.- - It - . is tralv abet It profv.-4.-.:1 to De. "yen PsorLes i PitiallD.". Provides , ' • has sosttyrtml along the rugged scans of life nun .* thine that Contribute greatly to the, aonifkoit and lnippinvsp of yr eri hod) ;- :onto*. their great traltte, sat welrinay they Apr !wiled "Frioudi of the Pew: *ward - here to guard agaltlet itoposillon A rase by t in t newt of flpyrotYr Us tosnifa.l eyed and otfeted_lor 1I sal . a pronto** article catlr.illie"euryil Rxtreet"=-4.115t .world :be extract trent the lts 6.4. -, r mu—the ;quinine liras 4 wh trand.pure as water,whll4 thy tip tubto:ra rticla is col - ,yritSch pasties the publie to distingulth. , Pee the twit thos*tottrired, Pond's Pain.Dertroyer. I . . WILLIAM x IFlATCll.llontenee sad 'otortskeepers aid ritieciii• dealers iteleria,•Are46. - ... :- - 11 1 . an- 'louse. -Great Band 1)e - i iiini pot, p a. s _ . , g .....4 Et.i...• 1.111114, , situated- hut a tew r feet from the Demo at Ott Bend, it new *prowl aidtornished in a imitable et le for a Public Home, and will be kept 0.11,21 at a.. belart, kbeth Layand Weal) Ter thetwouttkin ertravolors ;rand e-pecitilly for the se emmindatlen of pamenteri trevehing nu the X. Ir.*. MU k G k W. Kailroa4.4, beits at tbelinettion of thole tw mile, end the m o.t v. a viteien. (.4 inflo stepin and take reftestuneett an.{ Its of With tb- ant train, im well melba meet eon rent(int lion lel to oceetamedete the pub. Oa, because it le NNW, C1(1111111 end WIMLICBOIIIII - room enough to seenmto JAIL, being Steed up wit lt torittittaitatro tow:meet ! , ail. and table* alwit#s sal, with WAlt/1 MX tf.4. and Si nt r et" I'lll6'l , 4'dd at a sta r Passassin. 4sidelag rest mid sleep, eau. byealllng , veld the licenc e( of taking an omnibus to II anion, astwell 4114 the delev and uncertainty of me t Willi doltet at the arrriai or (titanium of the i &s IC; net Porter uni be hi welting to °mediae than nt then.ingssiote the Bryant Irene. "jun won iref,t end emulate time boo* motli6thltirmt tea or , takina s epeelal can "!d wake them -it desired at our bonne! , ifhe locattopoet 1 Bryant Hesse: with the natural telmenit combine Cr ntake- it'' a very desirable E at oiln MONT Otrimuthmee OM amd enters in the litseAsala thy widi to. I " met big ellte"Jer a tow days to asaaatry : ' - r ''ll Large ilia okimmogfiou - Oisic tiatigoos te,shubsailt tat.nmeleam creknii cilso P4fluss, stiscapky at A . dad food 11100411111110 W *ashore, vistarstaward, amebas*, pri th Iron -Mao *sofa Siadstdaats,aad :41 bistia4 to wan aft theta, 4 „,.tath„,. h 4o ,,mt -Oa 110 sat oftlia sirspidator. I , , • 14iomaiticiurr. - , .. . k. 346 .:.1 144 - 11 t:. ~..,. , ...: 1..... . : - •. ,1 . AVIA RBI Et! grozahmo s iod die bir*lnsant ef Mr. — 1 , 11 5 44 1 0110 601 71 01 * - 0 sror . Liver corn Mois Syrup of Jattitdice,Dyspepina -Ch is or Nervous fy l am* D - • . coot_ ; Diseases of he Xidneys, p„,„ at , ,„ A` lii „w og inO or d ero d li r " or piapitiedliriiin b - ese 't stontllkfuph asecsrApatiojapOratliptlesiulleiess V rii .. /61 - 44 , 114 has net 041 ' undy itPutitiou itrl4g us AU 1 111 one DU o . COil" ..... eonstlpatienin. eritliiiet td'tleelivad,iethilty ol . .thestomiteti. names, heart burn,'Xilitgest for food, falt er or weight in. the stomach, sour , eructations, sinking pr'etnttedier- at the all of the stomach, swimming. f'the bead, tinrried or, villacitit'breathirig, guttering, it the heatt,•ehoklug or animating sensations when in al lying •postere f dimness Of visienc,doto or webs lbeforetbnlnight. fever son dull pain in thehead,deliciencyoriterraniration, jellowneis ofthe skin indgeesiOain fri theside,back;ehest, limbs tire., saddeit' lashes of heat.; ben** in the delh.. con stint intaginiass of evil tind greattidepreseion of eptilts, , can be effectually eared by !, 5 - 1 . , ,' fir: eciiinialdts' oce l lOriated, tier-. .' : Mail B it's. . 1 Prepareit ky - Dr, C..m.i. Jaekspn, at the • - , German.,Medieine storeitl2o Arch, street • • •-. '... Ph - tladeliba. '' • • .1 1•, . . . ; ,- • • • • • • r Their power evr the abode dies... I. not excelled, if . equalled, by tiny other prepare ,oh In the United States sa the cures 'at.tait;itt , many Olikele after skilful phyla-. clans tied failed. ' • • • N! - • . . These bit are worthy the ! *Motion of invalids. Possessinggett t virtues in the jrictilication of diseisek _ cer of the • Liver i tad lesser glandl, exercising the • most searching power in weakness Ind affections of the di.' gestiveergans; they are elthal i jslife; certain, and plait, 1 last. .- . - caneineed. - - . • The Editor of the Boston Bee tield December 22d-- : 1 Dr.-Ifoitland's Celebrated o+itaa rdiers,lortbeaute of Liver‘namisAnt; Janadice., Dyspepsia. Chiron*, 'or ; ; Nervous debnilty, is deservedly', One of themost toopnliir • -medicinesot the day: Those ilittirs have been need by 1 thousands, and a friend iirioneitibow says he has himel selfreceived, an effectual and Ipbrinanent cure of I.lvei ' Complaint - from the use of 014 remedy ,We are eon. ! *l aced. that, in the use of ibesecisitters; the patient elm.. s . 'Muni gains strength and vigOr4,4 feet worthy of great 1 consideration. They are pleaselt in taste and smell,end I can be used ;by pervonl with tne : li:Molt delicate : stomach, 1 with safety rinds! , any elreumetateces- we are spiaking from experience., and to t he arlieted we, advise their use _ , . . . Scott' , Weekly , one of thebest literary. . papers pu b lished,said.'Aiagnst 23th—I • ,' i- 1 • - , " Dr. Hogfand's German Mlles: manufactured by Dr. Jackson. are now recommended by some of the most prominent membeht of the, pied teal faculty MI au article of much efficacy 12 ealesiffemale Weakness. - mi l such ill the cane, we won diadlise all mothers to Obtain a bettle,•and thus sure thelseiVes much sicences. Per sons of debilitate:4 estistitutione Will find these Batters advantageous to their heiltb.l ewe know from expert.. • cuesthe • salutaryeffectfthey ha v eupon weak systems,'" . . , '• , '- More ELI • I ?ice. • • • • . _ The Philidelphii • Satnelay I tialette, the best family, paper published in the United States; ars of Dr. Roof,- j land's Germie Bitters— -• ' . '' : • I . " 11 is seloom that -,we rettOmmend Whet are , t erme d Pa/eat •Ileficlnes:ta the cositiOnce and patron:Mgr of our rridere.. and. therefore • Wben we recommend 'Dr. lloolland's, German Sitters we wilixto bedistinctly nn s• that we aie not speaking of thenoshrinns Of the day, that are noised about :pl a brief . period and the n' rot gotten after .theY'haee rue their guilty race of mitt- j ' chief; but ofa me ildar long 'established, nmvereally a p--j proved, and .which has met the hearty' approval of the faculty itself:' ~j J:'• 1 - ••, ' - • -- ' • .Look wk t ee marks ofihi genuine. They have the I: written signature of C. %i. J AcKSON upon the wiepper. 1 and his name blown In the - beide, trithout:'which they '' are spurious.' . -' I ..j , i - •., . •, Fermi.; whdlesale and retAili at the German Man' , -eine Store; N0.120' Arch streoet:ne door below - Sixth, Philadelphla t and by respectable - dealers generally Ihrol- cut the countrY:'l, 1.1 . . . • • • Prices reduced.z-Te enable all chigoes of. invalids tit• enjoy the ?advantages of -, thdegrevit restorative powers. t 1 SINGLE 130,TTL,11.76 (1t,N711.' 1 ' 1 ' .. Also for sale by ABEL TURllKLL.Druggist,Slontrese I 1 1 'enn'a ,• , --. ;:, i . 8 3 1 1., ~.. . , ii i • • TrOUGlrrOit's • • , , • •.$ • .• • . i , . • i 4 • Great Cure for yopepsia l • DR.J. BOUGHTON% 1915,4'51N, TME TRUE Bt._ G EST VE. Vi D 9 OA 1 41,11161rie PreYared trout REVNBT oillte fourth Stomach of the 0%, after, dirodetions of:.BarOtti Lltbig, the great Physio. ogical Chastain, by J. S. lIDINIUTON,' Kt D., Phllarleh..: phis, pa, • -, . • This s' truly Zerature'snWniftemed.r tor , an unhealthy Stomach. ' IQa art armlet nen equal its cnratise Tow eri. it ,enntains no A leebal; !fitters, Acids, or Nouse.. ous Dings. ft is extremelyingreeable to the taste. and may be taken by the inostriable patients who ca snot eat k crater cracker - witlanitt anitte distress... Beware of:Drugged Imitations: • Pepsin isnot - a 'Drug. • • ' ter Call on the agent" arid!geit a I:heleriptire- circular., gran & giving area amour? of scientific ,erblence; from liebles n fatal eheehistry3 Dr. - qozu e's PkyNiplczy, of Digestion; Dr. l',.reira Iliott nod Diet Dr. John' W. Draper; of York. Dr/Over:4o' ; Prof. Dungllson'a Physiology* Prof Si ri :Yale ~ .ege; Dr. Car: penter's Physiology ;• Jee eOpether with r morts Or onres from all,parts of the UnitelStates.. • ' mr, OBSERVE VIM t 41very bottle of thegintfine PEPSIN hears the written irdgnattire of :..9..1101D.11 T TON, M. D. ..sole Proprietor Phßadelphl, Pa. Copy. right and ',Ade Mark see urStd,. I ' • .1 - •.. mr.sola by alt Drtrigiste and Dealers In Medicines.— j Price, 91 'per bottle.. r, . . fa' For sale by %BEG 1 4 11REELL, Draggiat,iontro.•e Pa., waolesale arid retail Agerit. • 9yl. TILE ROAD TO DEALT 216221arageM WZ I , • . ..--- • • , . • • :., -.1 • • . , CURE . OF A DISORDERED LIVE 4141 , r i .DIGESTION: * f ctrl it le r • kig Cop, of a Letter rani; R. , tr a. Present ltreekLiv!rjrl,ldideidtlll4 june,lBll' i T" Pr ofessor lb on ows.T.l-4Sfir•:••-Yoisr Allis nd ()int meta have stood the' high's our saleilst o Proprie tary Medleines for some y ' . r A customer, to whom 'I can refer for any enouiriespleslres Mt to letyou know the particulars of her cuse+l She bail been troubled for inters with a disordered Wier, indttuddigestion. On the lasamession, bbwever. OM virulence' of the attack was so almining, and the intimation set to so Severely, that - doubts were entertained other not being ablato bear up - under it= furtuuately she was induced to try jour Pills, and shte inform* ma that 'kir:, the first, And each suc ceeding 'dose, she had inmett, relief Elbe continued to take theme. and although 4be'used only three Bose*, she, Ts now In the enjoyment olperfect health . . 1 could have sent you many more auteS, bit thelibove. from, the se. ree of (he attack, and the) ipeedy cure, I think, speaks • much id favor of your ast i thisidng Pills. • - lined) 11; W. • • ' - ' ( HIRED'S. - . -i AN 'STD. ACIRD;RART. 'CURE OF • RIINUMATIO - I : /RYER, IN AIMMER A LAND. . ,N D . Copy Va. Lette.' in's' ivied 41 the Hobart -Town C4prie)- ,qf theist March, 1841,6 P '.*lftijoi .1. .Wdas . . Margaret WOonnigan t lainetems years of age, red4ing at New Town, InuLbeett• angering • from a violent rhea maticTeMer for upward,. Or two months,. which hid ett tirely deprived her of the ittnie ot her limbs, during this period she..., under' tliacare of the eminent ined-' lest men in-Itobart Town: find by them; her ease Walleon- Mired hopeless. A friend prevailed:upon he r e tto try Holloway's Pitts, which she consented to do , and lid an Incredible short space oethae t hey effecred a perfect cure. . --, - _..._ CURE OF A. PAIN AND TIG HTNESS IN THE CREST AND .. SPINACH OF A PERtON . 84 YEARS OF AGE:- ,ro .. 'Fm Messrs Thew 4 : $4 l k ; I ,f4CPPriiters of the' Lynn •Ad vertiser, who ran vow -0T * , ( 4 4 41 / 1 17. sfurement.--- Aura Ind. OW. ' ~ i 1 . 1 - t t' - ' t• • .- . 'folorofonur llolloway4-Sir:—l desire to bear testi annoy to the goad elfeetacif Holloway's Pills. For come years r suffered iesilrettfrota a pain and tightness in the skenach. which wasiatM aceomptuded by a short nMs or breath, that prevented me front walking about. Tans 84 year's o fige.'and Untinghstanding my advanced state (Mite, theM Pills here po relieved me. that I ass desirous that others shi.naldl De Made ? acquainted. with' IbMv virtues I am no ; rendered. by st their earte;mon- pantbrely active, and ean take exercise without Incon evidence or pain, WhichH, could do before. .. ' ,t - (Signed) lINNRY 008, Northst:, Lynn, Norfolk. WONDERFUL REI T Z OF lIOLLOWAFN PILLS IN ... .C OfOR9PST• t, ~ '',l . _ • Miens s uffering frost tirePuf , eltiMrldirlui the turn °nib., or at other timed,' should Immediately.. hays re course to three Pill!, ashandrids of persona are ininatt ly ciared,by their ,11$0,; Mr this direful complaint fa ite diffeient stages, whew all other means had tailed, -'''' - Thus eelebrated.Pille 4.6 ittrwittfulk' afficfmipo i , its die - - 1 ' . • .Ml/01#0Vie"litalah: ! " 1 • Agoo, AiitisnAllinni ( 1 , 44110a - 4i. Ilintelien. ca - tip likla,flowirTtomplaintgAwlles: Conetipatloo of thaN* l 7 - - els,tonauntptlon fDryPtfirj,..Dyllenisiry;;Nrysfpilaiti "0: mattotiroplatitles, refer" of all _kinds, Pile, ache,ittibutiatfou'Jaitidk(e; Liver Complaints,' Lint . ge'''tital;Rhvnanitlo4, Reten tion of Urine. Set Millth i otellunatt;f l totinamEOtaireti Saeorwimy B,Maptokii, Tic DOSIOUreIOt,',,TIMMMI Illeers,'Finermil:Alfaidlogp, ; WM= °tali khittsl.WMMuege from Whafavar•Mnitia, tot. . Sold at tholtatablit of l'rofeseor-lfollo l itnutod , (ameTosaPie-•lfirti London,) and trylit, IdaDreastats ant 00;whi In.Modiciaeg,44l4Bllll- aritish mr ira;ir, - of tb 4 .4 i 0 t , the United States, hstlksa api Mittge.,•3l6 igukot Isl,Me."eildi; , ' Who alb. by,filwr riclitgi Plait:NM itg the-Oslo* r by.sure- - 41. - 15. '1); - siiiiaii, ew - .161 - 054 and by fire . 0 - U. , KX 1 1141,1 alit* 8 ItA, P MIMIC •' s - • - : .1 - ' —D Cir . /Use!, a mini eStillsaivhigtbytakfripg tlseiMAir ' N.D • : .irections f thegabianitroflaqinitilk eery 4 4 04 tilioldstmlnaxortno ~B ox. •• '' • • ' ,:, ":- AIF/' .l va .!•`,l mnr varperscana.Ull-4nOUW. TxklilNG<*etehrtot tad refithri otsi - otionan -Croeltitrtot new rattisbiegtltiihkix. joioi l ty tot the --, ehtio,ltre.., , beee.athiefkA ate:* 'heterithe,toti • thirote4 .4 64 1 44 14,104,- HOP, 'Mid a skimp is 'is Stare; is "AM *ad 1 0 141, 6*Inks" WA NI P-1 It4l for.the folloirtng ittenii,:itis .sltssilating., ening the tAier and plgestAie Organs, atata Stomach and Bovrelii;and .thus coatsti `eases, f Liver Complaint% Dyspepsia, • I o , tleenela,pgas,Headiehe, , Never - and Ague,: Sauna, Nausea, Lim of Appetite, AO., and cau s ing •thti food nourish and support every part. - Purifying the: Blood, and Oita curing .all. .ttustors, CantaaMOUS, Etfitititnee geraftila,Salt ghettos, heysliodas, Scald Head, Canker, l'implM on the face; 111c4ehes, ttleseo;.Tuttors, HeiCatt al Disease, Cancers, Re. , - -. -. - -- : r ! I . • . i Regulating = the .4eeyetoiy.Vitans, mid hiontlaiiii them to paribiat ttlidrpeOpar taaattaaa I preventing and curing many painful and. daogeroua dirt eases; Strengthening and gaietiag the Nervous System, thusalising Nervous Irritation and miring MI dissame of thisititrvesiits Itystertailieuritgla, Cramps, ge. .•i• • -. It is funrivalied in the cu r e Of all Fe COM , .' f -'• • . -:,- - piattle. s.- ::' •--.1 • . • as Weaktteas, general debility, Trregmarity, Obit:me.' tionNSwelling of the lteot, Limbs,Joints,. &c., caused ' by weakness, also; Lung and ~Tiinat -COmplaints3 , - al Cold4Coughs, As thma, ,L Utusquiption, lka..,also, Dropsy _.l - ' ..' ::• . - - . - 1 . .' - • i:' ' .• . .! . Haying Made nos of the Compound' Syrup of 'Veit's* Dacitigitot, prepared by 'o. Rome 4k.' Co.; .teither.ogi 'sal's?, or In oar famillee,and finding Utak be a Very sal teary and ideetual preparation, we do most, ,chmigully reenuirnen eri 1 it to the Imbile as a vvaluable medicine:l 8. - tiourne, In.; Cashier Natioilßauk, • Providenae,f R.l.i. A. W. Silence", gal., Cashiert ime Rock Bauk 40, 1 do do. Rei William Phillip', Rev ' B Riehmopd, C Illi Jona", editor Provident. Oen: Advti', Winn/lid, Ti ii W. i 0 At: Cyrus Tither, 111 , E n P , dant . ./lutchinsou .0 11 Beal, V X Bates , Dolt Beni Colby, ' d one hundieti cab , ' era of the moat reopeetablethaillies. f PrOvidenee. •- "I This certifies thafi have for a a s !, e "., ay• - you* bail amtuainted with thb compositios end modii:•of, niatuate t turn of Morse's Compound Syrup. of Telloir thick Itokai I haves's° been acquainted with ifs:Moans oinerandt It disease, and can sartnat in all resoieta it is admirabli calculated to remedy that class of Diseasotfor-,Which - it was .designed.; Tt I. enectally valuable in IndigestiSM ands!! lie attendant symptoms, it excites to healthy at: 'tiaitple Liver. removes Torpor, and inutility ot , thil Organ.aud Stimulates health action in all, the systeni. 'is I" Depsi-ator .or patine' of the:J.BlOO.lH has _no supe rior. •i _ :_ r__- .. • .- - DAVIDHOLDES, Ti . 1) t . "tiovidenen, it. T.;att - 4 Tent. ..T• ;' - '-'-i . • 1 - Mr Prepared by C. Horse A Co. Mi.. 416 Broadway, N.: Y. and sold he firruggists and - others throughout' thls *whither eountries. .. ' • - ':-'' • -., - 1 cao. Sold in Montrose by - - '• • ARAL TUnitELLI • ..., • 1 : - • .• (leil) ',- • - .- '. -, .. - --- 41 VIPTY - dollarit forfeit. Dr, iiimit‘r - wil I forfeit itsll iffail - , .I.,dug to c Mt any Mute of seetet disease., that may come l under his care, zioAtrtter how, loig Standing - or, filleting., Either's.* are invited to his Private 'ffoonts„SS Nortbl Sevinth et. Phila. withuot fear of Interruption from Mir; erpatieutc' . Strangers and others who have. berm:Ms. 'fortunate in the: selection. ore•El_trysician ire •Invited to call ~ I.IIPOT &CY—Through unrestrained 'lridrilffeare [oft tb4assions,-byegoess orself;.aturee, thermile are awrie", 1 roil.: Premature Impotency, invOluntiry seminal die charges.Westirig of the organs, toes of meitory, a,dislietel for female society, general debility. or_constltutioual de; rangement. are sure to foil** If nertesaury,conaultthe ' 11111/Deoctcr with confidence; he offers a' perfect_core, . ' i - It EADSTID bECT.—Theofllicied would deirel to reflect before trusting their health, hapPinesiiMtd in ma r”l, `eases their lives,ln the. hands'of physicians IgnoranS l •or this clesS of maladies- - it is certainly inipossibli for or, r . an fonmlerstand all the ills thlibumin famlli are, IA paid . . ' gvery respectarible physician has his peculiar br nch,lo which be is mor' sumcishil than Itis. brother s prifestors, at it to Oa t he,devotei most of Ida tirie.ind stud Y- •-- ' . YE An - • r vitkerrez., exelneively devoted to'.the stipd dtreatmetit of dieersis of.the sexuairorgrumAte-, geth with latent - Upon the - body; throat, note,. or-legei pa ' sin the 'lrma, nr bonesirnccurbitrhennialisurAtric , • res;gravel, irregularities,-dieeases arrlsime from yorith - ulexesss. or impurities of the bloat,' whereby the' eon.. stttruion has become enfeebled, enables nisi Doctor- to offerepeedy relief to.all who May place themselves ihtleg Lit ear . ' • ' • ' .- .-• !_- '.. i' '• , 1.7 . - , .• ,%.lediclue forwarded tb any partof the Dotted Statea rr Prlcetlr: • ral ten dollareper psoir t ge y 1 - '_' 1 la . . erockery. and... ;i- ... ; 1 ....; . _. • .•: .: , ; . ~..i. ~, i:1 lionse-FurnisningStqr - e..1..,. s, m. pitztr is now prepariNd re: l it:mita he .pa)ille e4eneifally.fn examine his iiib(d'aed. eratensivol es; siierinetit brOxle whiph (as in eichisive dealer) .he .II enabledea olf4r very lase. .- 1 ' , •.. . ~ :, i China;.- - ;:_= ,- 4- - ; - . - d - f• ' Cetisteting of Gold Balha, Decorated! and p . t Di n ner Tri:s7erts r kt , Fila 'Baskets e. • r •...,..,..•. StonS China. **l Dinner and Tea ! Vette, Printed,and Plain lernbrsed, in Set ts,'or by the singlepiece, a:so, vorarieepotbesntiz fhl styles , of Toilet,WA!e. • Looking - 3 ahogany. Gilt allit-Ortramental_frumil Glosses; from 6{ eta. to $76, also. Marble Diac'eletis. I • Glass. War,o. I • t Cut and proem). tiostats. Deemiteri,f Tomb ers; a:v (11 . 1. , an:k Tolp$A, Donis ma foat, C0t . 4.1 nutters, Globes, Pap r, .te . , . • Hone keepin g , Traidware-1 Table and. Pocket co JerY, bPeont , , Toa Timys,Scaltes . , Wd Irons. Enameled Kettles,-.llstßeeks,Erfrigerators,'. ater' oolers, lee Cream Freetterio, Woodet and Wino*, Ware r Propellers, Cats, 'Wagons, Doctrine Eloriis, Cradles Cedar Palls, Tubs, Mn,., P ou nde rs ) paaketily nigh and Stool Chairs, % • " '• 'Window , --a des • CorTices: Olaei mid' Gilt Pia and nearb, DenAs; oop and Tassels, also Stain Po is n ~aft , .TailanntsiL ,Toilett sett eoncisting of Foot Tubs, atop er Pail, Cash' Ilexes and all a ides num factored the tine Britanin 61 , 14 -ArA•entine W 're. ' Coffee anil Tea, Dens, Ege Coddlers, "CAR rs, Chailug Dishes, 'kettles, Pitchers, Candlesticks, 4e.% • Lamp and Lanterns - I in every varlet style. ratio and quality; 1I- Tab and* I Consisting ofC an, Glass, Wood, Tin Willow. Irrob, (Paper -' (ache . Te itCotta,PArfait and Ai s atetter Pins. aI .AO Fancy Baskets( • ; - I , • :a- • I Plaied Were.)-.-- • Table and Tea* oozes. Table DeSsert and GysterForke mow knives, &inp and Sauce Ladles, Castors, I Stun ',fersand Trays, Tifa and coffee Setts." r.• • tßird; Cages, Table and Floor Mats, .nrrighes of every deserirtion,ln faet almAst Avery'Artiele In the line of ( home furnishing. both useful anti ontimental, may be' r ontld at this extensive estlablishmeot.i - rOll • 4, loots east of the knkertoen note!. " Dlnghanston, June. Bth 1 1 363, I . • ID BAD I=l .at- Cit.& „., D. , . - min, eta” , _he fomHi : at hist 'or fleetrt - Odd Yellows', Hall through each *rat of. Court, 'where he 'win be ready. but !tapes, out ta,b - Otrair,' too to atteod to 4111)tt#oelsolo MI lkiattl:,l424u( for•part blears—, r May 3,16.573.' C. H. yt*(ixt, sioce ii!;4164 . ;:; • TITSI' received another Iniportation of...thnewiVendid d. FaU Joiered Detaehed Lever and HorhiontalM'atch• ca with - seismal. Ind hardllnamilled.lllals,:d.Onble bot; totned In orte*avres, all of which' 'awe 'lN'arrinted'and received, direct from 3wi t I and. - The z rew. red , prima it'ence.polot;on I to. the. 3 0 .9bli,_1 11 h_. how"an manna - gaper eviler. can be Wen. • Doable bottom 13 Jewel ed Lever Watches as above In elegantl ever 'trim .-Sasm.:....o,venerita In Hooting cities fro& $l2. Norisontal 'Double Untamed, holei Jeweled open face and. - saeondslton.- $V15..41.4 same movement In eleipitit kotteltig ,M4ioterntan`itltib sec onds front eft/i0.2-. A II ofWhieteliare liarar. cis. 04111.01ainond polntedPenst.ith .131 Vite ezteaslon heldeisr, mogaallie for. toads . Oolit 'Wooed pointed rm. trigp':6oe.:l4eutetrk. ,t.o. 4'e- squall* cheap:: A goOd asortmeni . of-earellent'• second hand WlttChes, eminent matters; in Sest"-Vate go leßeelidtilett. irlllbe sold tleddedly, low fotiosOtF Preach banot. Watch crYstali; Irate!. reptatiag issital..„ - ' N. B. Watch Chains and .Nersovatis pnratisers. tYl' • llonts of hustness feonst to!' ~ L • t.t, A. SINAI:STOW - Tatah Ifakettuidltnpoetiri.,:: Aug:looBsi TITS != FITSI ! '1 1 11(45 • • f „TIER ,VEG,ETAIIIZ EXTRA / CT For Elie` ure 1211111•1611titailtvitalZT of "Fits. - SpaoOrns,ompsi 'and au Nervous and Constittaion.ud - DzaaoX‘ribo aretableWcpthlir.tbistiet. tett Idtriiiid`theYßOUT•Rik . _.XI3IOIkPTIO lILLa to be the anti remedy ever dleeovvtedriblreltriat tees3r 4 er Patting Pltc, - :t . Theite Ms possess a meats: etc.‘thh.:nervetur system;rialt o altheash Meyers prevaFeit imperially, for the. purpo•• or cluing -Iritiother iiittte found it atom:lel . offlient for, all pomp* tailUpisd Vitb,liteaklowheik- or . *hive itervani3Oravol basPeeletvrastrated Of 11/110,4,itint fro:11114 eeAs• ***twit: *itbtistifiretdie-. "woo or .tolutsuiusuut oittorumievoi th*Y4l* - Er4lo4ll l 4ll3:beitelterali:, 124' 5 t Price, 41t3 per ben, et terehazeitiers4;- Pesoomout etPrs vadoialt roluttilutelt, will thy Pl l la.sant thetathreitsactbe et - Paster/ - lir' gala by SETU UANCii*Ne•lOCßaltimors l4l/61* P&L* to Ithogiltgdatevklit 14i prte 01 - -th Inliat be ;a44. ..rimiestport - • , ::,-,litartAtfliiattla • - 117"g s - l i ai f i hr l i e( 4oPl• l44 9R ll34 4"l 4l . 9l tl i**' ffi n 'o4 4 , o !; .( ll l .P.VPlrnitl l . l4 T ut *lthill,kfmN),lgkittmco*;o4#.4koo. Akia Whtn',ibittißillAtitP" hand* Optylkt Sirt4o:l4 kar.&*?7,4o. 41, Cke a gORP"OiP it ling-to i st , Pwcto 'i9.41#0 , 0* latkipit ir BlattizetoAßDs. ga i tANT --- r ileireA Great Bond D p.t Pa. , ADDISON BRYANT;^ PROPRIEM. Bliikingha— vtsacat4le= f! ' f 6 (tlari i::,lr;;aipot, pa. -:tt, (25a319.. 13H Sprout„, IVA'ANll7lFACTlifiliit SPROters einallibta 'Alra:thirSilqingsOloittostrikai. • dMADuart - AND AIN. MANIRADTTIPDatIikik street,ontriCHseac orge..Puller, „„ . , BOOKailteady-madeetothlngilikl JJ Capii-BOotaitifihoeir L /A.e. -- attire t*o doote Ilitl4losilotosiMoiltsose. , - , 1. „ --"i -04ATINLLANp.HALWDREVELli0lIAL 0 6* !krzt door to thePop.r!!Allpit,ifentf Winchester ATTelerrsy AT LAW. Trahhamisek, Ps 130"'s/triek Bow. • - D Hinds.; lOL , Y A22.EXCIIANOSPTAII22 • _ Oats id 6 . 7 1.4 below Keeltz's noteliMow.trese, Pa, - E.: B. It S. 13. thase_.' A TTOI3I.NETIV, AT 14.1#,...11610 . reite: One. igen leeastorc • F.../..CsrAss,, • 3.11:01411, .C. 111; - Simmons, 11)11.0tri AND SIIOII.3JAM AND,SIPAIRRIL •, oveiltaldWiii 4 , Cox's puldiay Shop; Megirist e . Ed wa d st VS/CAN AND 81112uNON, garrsfrd, Ps. *vat doors below G.. 7.: Pride's story: - 4 - • ••• -.0 D , Virg I , .• el7RBßoltr Monfrose, Pa 01110. h Bulldiag,cornernt Turnpfite Ind OW streets.. Oilerationnnpon the teettrperfoitned tin eineollrand tenderly:. I.tate week dowel , nit** iitaterintanditt the nieettinprtivedetyles: • ;:. - H. A 7 llotel, ' • Moodopiond7oisdalf of each • • l(1&71) - • . niAILER,S in P r y_ 43°o 4 l l.Gf9 - eft*4 Daedalus,. eel, 11ots and Shoes, ace Bpringlll4, Pa. .• 11) 'Law' Partnership. 1011 S.:BVITIAXT aad L. FITCII 'Atria ti .40:. - Inrajoesa e g tidatctl td IWO care, adder tDe . " A fig X T UIT lc M r ' -Atacama's, /Wei t 1;1833.- •- - • I . . , , . ... - - ', Clocks;?Clock: •A: NOTiltteaieottilini* temiutirsteight 'di/ .L.1.-pest received t also3 Cases et Alarm sad 30 ,Titile Pieces =which will be Gold !veinal very low , ! Ai 7.1~1111s • ' '' ' , , 'IN': 20dd-Ireltotsghn. "Dee. 20;- 2° Silver ,Ware, , , fit stock' of Infect- Ware on baud (witteal good as WO einbniciag rely article's the Ilse. gracing gratis,), bf.. - A.J..rff The. hiOntrose Tailoring . LAS. ___„.- -is en .-L --- ._ ~ L . r 114E.T. & it .1 A OLDS,Tastilonable Taloa; ins .11..4 we t of - id. S. Wiliou's More, ready at all 0 please te.publiC aritt miniater to the taste we of those who want Clothes.. Latest Parhiptu . received - and oi:d one? °tweet ed when' requested. I I \ -..'. --:Little:&--,Chatt' t..: .. - ATToßrirms.-:.ALT:LAW. I . . . O . F,VIOIN formerly occupied by. ; ,Attle4. Streell," troae„Snaquehauna tionaty, /W. ; - ' ; 4 1 It . aiert - 11. -- Lrrris-i ;'; :' - . itSl-4 3 . Clam ,S CIEASE TTOONEY and Cointelloir it Law, 4.1 Coinrniiaion'er of Deedifor°•i i Vircourio Offce optiositi'Atto. llouse."•Grtit Bend, Pit; , ~ongdoL_-:4i- a , G t ongdon -- 4i - 'Bevz , ~ t pxfiti4sl.lqo4Aemonieia.,tim i v r , &c. - i'Opmeglsred,lo3jAdistlWw4c - suc site itiootwiewlnty Bask, Alagbaaptnit o t...l. ?ice" B:W.hitnerlisittiiiiit meat. . Farms; and ffi `" Privileges, : ' - = Lots "for ripfiE Subscriber. offers 'for ealetheielli valuable properties, to wit; one farm township: of Hartord containing some *44 about thirty of which is ititprosed;' orchtird t ,Scc., thereon. Said tarot -- lies set' and:, ajlOf f 'rom the village. - of Harford, r roito of, tire Montrose and Mefferd Pluk It in n'heintiful and desirablefocatisn i ternif;+e: - - • Also one other', farni .lying , on : tbe' Turnpike; four miles - from Lanesboro, N.ll.•and Erie; Reilrod, contriinincabost nerert, - tweiti or Morn OfWhiehlis improe' hOuse, barn, orchtted, - ifte `ibis is a - piece -of land frilmits laiation t being w' and watered:- •-: Also see.' era Ihrildintioti et the alga quehanne,O. the - Neve'Yciik & Erie Rai This is ond of themost - thriving locations eo4dry, being the seat ofthe Rail Road thops&e: , •It:eentahas : now4boet 13f 'tants, and its I;asiro,iis facilities.areien . - . , connection with the *Bove lobrotie four eft the county, being inunethately. Stisepiehanne river, with esifScient petal' purpose orinanatcaning Sic . . The me indneements =are held out by the , atom for who wish` to embark in. .ofnaonaraetoritig,taining,floweriuginn ;The 4 1 ail -Road' afToiebt the mist enema ready transportion for everojlthing loft ,- .JTh above •ai,operty, : in Whole or - pun sold -. :terms , the Incat-f adlrantrigeoroef ors. T.I. will - give great bargains, tioni r ill be protapity: auritered front a and a i enquires attended te PromptlY: -, . - . . :, SEDATE. GRISWOL .'. • Smut Depot= Pa.- ' Jane I. .18.52. - SI . . . - , . EYety' fain' bin. a Copp Asi,i4Clividufabook Only-25 ca. - i. Mai - . , kliow thyselV D a i,i l Al7.l,Llarb4maita,:u - sztgabl D. tr..; Treason:tat and, Carrantiorery Tons ot - - tr ad brprondsononCeninal latsisauni •lk or by Sexual Panisa. w4k Sdrleo f a r tb Aloof thavesariptildtinal thidarot dressily. f indi otionotneney piansintelistidiptartlya &rated to thenatre ofdlaosio.ot a dello," I To vi4ictriiltdit4, , seeliss ra!ailida4 'diseases; and i,'..traitles oa Ilia canna. in core ofthalialyst indAras, tar twordPflvo , aim roaliiit oils dollar ; will be,forwardrd*o that:rafted Statetby naall,tros Overdid& 1 ° aim:paid; Ine;1116 Past, View or dm Lathan SeventkAroot, PisHOOtj` • " tuid Trtte-birritt .cr I°B4l 1.411014 & Octe.lll.llM .142w4 • .:- ...-failart)moc)aL. ~ PUBLISHED iVEßY'llilitl! DAT SOL 7 .1, a IllelvE - Ah'vu , awn I it:::; EntFrawAreirrigoiratigx ' ......_,- ~.. ::" - -._• - ' , ': - t -;-' :1 1711 '.- 4, PUNIX. -•• Osedoitirsaililliy teptesairsli, irirt,ii , * dollars It ietpayilinktilllief.emt ' time lesobicriptleli,:-vAW. Pipit mill • 6 - tiatil at larrisravis "pi paid,' *mop! at OH 'Fiala Ishdr . I :itil Oplimiliktistioist mut ,i•- 4eally*ftitiklitiolk;: . AM litktrs,spaseetiork tbrabl berdhiriiiiii to 11;as 10 1 ;2 0 ; 1010 .: •-•::- ; T:UW*4 ot4hipisigaTipinfe•- r ' , ,.„ preorq oar* (nate* Or. ,tesi)thi:e*, P i !,,, i'-::- - „liMpilleidmionithisetile", ,, ',' , '=1: . - Alietftwirellimaiiielbji- , -" , -' ",-,'• ' ---(-- 1 - , ;One *wow alkNosthitV *'- v.. 7 ': ,• . d . t.,": aiio lo l lll .o l .4l.4 l liraiMlLlorktilli t tf - 'k , ' = 4 ihttkittrairittliteeieriell;SOt r•inlitliPl l , Bl- 1 " ! ,. Oilk'oelivitiiiiiik l'-''' .. .;-. _f 7 .1 .: _.4§,,' j ,-, Z,-1614elyiitirettiseiteatiellit Nexgrwr77 7 -1 •• 411; ; -_: - - ",--..- - ~ - _ • i-Ui ,;84,1oPtakt - z .- • holikranger . .4 1. boribud!!!1 • .1 , •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers