9114 , ETVelir : At Aiibiun, N _,__ . o"v. init . _iliaig.23..*Mu . T int, GEORGE AiEL, of oca_mt0211;1:1114 co. and MiSS 131.a.tuEr.0 BruottA.* of Anbuiiii Susq. co. , . • • , • , • Do. 7, by . . Rev. ci.; O. Warren,' hfi. Szuszx REooLt s, if. of Bridgewatercatui Min LTD. a A Busi.r.s., of Darioali. 'War s At G r e a t Bend, on ,the l6th_ of. March last, bar's. Sanall 3., wife of Mr. William Green, and daughter of Titus Smith, of_ Franklin, in the 36th year of her age.--Also,on. the 29th ,ifArignst. last, SARAH, J., only , daughter of William Green, in the 6th year of her age.:_ D row ned, .at Great- Bend, on the Bth ins: ions, youngest son of William Green, a ged 3 *years and s.months. ' . Thin amidst the Clouds snd darknessi•which sometimes surround; The =sings of Divine Providence, has art affectionate husband and r a th e r been bereft of a compardosi anB .twia of 'his motherless children, and in a few fleeting months consigned to their kindreddust, one' h a lt o f a n interesting . finnity---leaving the re maining half to mourn over slogs which can never be re - paired in this vale et. tears."—:. Hear ye not, bereaved ones, united iok,„. the "spirit world" singing, 7 ; "Come to this happy land— . floor, come away ; - Why will ye doubting stand, - - hy still delay ?" on board,the steamer Shenandoah, in port st Moicatine s Iowa; on . Thursday,. Nov. 3, l Ax Es. M. Oft aged 39 years. , Mr. Otis, ecompanied.by his . lady, on: bin way Sonth, where . they intended rto Stay` over winter. for Me benefit,. possibly the recov ery of his bealtb,achich had been dtelining for Some months. He was a 'native of. Friends ;sills, in this county, where; he spent the early part of his life. With a widowed mother and is Osiers he emigrated to. Freeport, :boat the year 1840, and shortly after settled in Lancaster, Grant co. Wisconsin, where he was married in the sprinief t 845. Mr. Otia will be , remembered by his early friends and associates - ai an amiable and belayed friend, by whom hisdenth will be deeply lamented. Dec. 8, in Wya!using, Bradford co. Ponta scsrstr., aged 26 . years, 3 months; and 23 days. , - in Dimocit, on the Bthinst., WAlt - LARD iafitot - son of Mr. C.. C. and ter, aged .4 weeks. . AUDITOR'S NOTICE: St*ERISNA COUNTY, ..ss. AE undersigned: having been appointed T by the Orphans' Court of said county, la Auditor to' distribute-the assets belonging to the estate of James Oak ley, in the hands of Shot:me - and James A. Oakley,. Adners, mend to the duties of hiS appointinent, at his Ace'in Montrose, on Monday. the 9th day of rimry next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, it which lime and place, sill' persons interested virt present their claims, or .be- forever barred 4mtosaing in upon said fund: 'FRANKLIN F.R.AsEK„;Auditor. December 12, 1 . 853.—_-50w4. • rionCE. • r . qt.NuraiNiu.cotsms.A: • • • IVE 'undersigned biyiog been appointed by the Court Of Cern.mon Pleas of said swot; an Auditor to make dialribution of tS assets in- the huncti - tifleinef N. Green, as tinee for the benefit of creditors-of 'W. Es:ger, WI attend to the• duties of his appointment tliia office in Itiontroseon. Tueiday The I Oth •of January next, at Iso'clock in the after ,at which time and place al) persons in kwell arWpottamit their 'Clain,* or boforever al from corning in fora share "of said: as- FRANKLIN FRASKR, Auditor. December.l2, 1853.--50w4. AUDITOR'S NOTICE& . Couyrtr, ss. under . eipealhaking been appointa, l yy the Orphans' boort of said 'county, I ,- Auditor to audit t'he' 4c-counts' of Horace 1 aa . tre one of the administrators of the estate:.'', I Eseek Thayie, deed, - bb exceptions filed to{ 4e of the Regs tel.. on said .accounts, i rill attend to the duties of his appointinent , hie Ace in Montrose,. •ott" Wednesday the Lith•day of January next, at. 1 o 'elock . in th e herncOn, at which time _ acid plate al} perstnis nerested MAC attend if they: think proper: • . FRANKLIN FRASER,Anditor. December 12, 1851-750w4. ArDITOR 9 S - *ICE. . . . (HE. undersigned, an - Auditor appOintnd • 'by the Court to distribute the assets lb A banes of the Administrators-of the. estate John Simpson; dee:d,wl I attend .to the.sarne hit' office, Saturday the duty .oriatt , text. An persons interested are irivited . Ippear, or forever be deintrred, &e.. • , • • lg. NEWTON, Audttor.' isvutrose, Pee. 10, 1853.-56w4. • -- • the Patter of Oettlement of I In the Orphan', Court Estate 04(4 Thompson, of Susq uohunoo . dy Caleb Canute, Ex'r. Exceptiotit filed, ,1 •! , !HE tuideigned hereby' notifies the par ' ties loterdsted in the above. matter. that till ifteed4e the hearing ;of; the'sl/148 on tmrsda y the th day of-January next - at one :lok P.1..,at his office in fileatroie. 111 ontrose *pc J. TURRELL,Aadititr. Dee. 12, 1853.1-501 VAL A tellidatrksg. Notice. T rITICE is Hereby genii that Letters Tees - the estate: of Dennis used, a te k of SilVer lake_to wnship. teed granted to the subieribei. All per, indebted to said estate 'are' hereby re te(l, is mike immediate `tipyineatv - and n nving.elaim s o d pon.said. estatAl to pre 'bun uly attested for settle - 13164, •• - , , MARY DRESHAL, Mines». 311. Lake, Dec. 12, 1853.=-40w6. - Istrittords WOOce• -•-• Trrla is hereby gitien.that Lettere Tea kinentary upon the estate. 'of //, d ied, late of Auhurntownsikip, hire &lasted to the subscriber. All persons t , ted to wed estate, are, hereby-j'equftted. ado immediate payment, 'add' th q s e,' na/- , 4d ,Q 28 . 11.p0n said estate '.:Freient Luigi att emed fur settletaciat. : • 41 , ..A1/0 ST Dee. 12, 1853-1•01v6;:` 4 ' o - :_ — to --------- " — . ckaws;rida INDS . theßead of thiviglitio t . ' RAWLEY wouldrivecusThillWrink biz mei eastomers, sailedtws444l64 vicinity 7, m l be Is bow rbeehriag • a *cry taXbomil of eataca Goalie fieketo, ' gregns,:eureva 'itadttgion Wide former 441 014 . magas' 1 " . . 611ERT/NGS * kiilift MGR, • ludalasetted from 6.10.44 -32 14* 6iIii4;1‘11111;' 11". tie Gh/0061611 0 . 061 /06 0 4 :40Xe• -- •, - , ..• , 1, C4401 16C1 4 6E, 01, T 001/416g, or__Deets.l....„,,'' 4 Jetas, a.e. &c..,26 Peret: 4 4.lTTP,lr -- 7 7. '" -7. 401 ES DREft 00iI'm• 444141 oFxfirbit:i, :ir ' ai•ili - 00, , casii.1 44444 " 44 ` Thi * 4- otivk li lisbalso. veriplaw i l ''ke• ?AMU, a i ' 'Whim Arif .1012JW CHEAP DELAI/tat .- . - - -, Le. la 151‘0. SI SONS 110 4111 7 81 . 1 44agatir 119" "Pg. I- -BUFFALO - ROBE& -- '' 1 . . ' *)y -0* 0 EitamiM 0 4 1 10 -0 40C , Ftber: three ~ tics 'soirth,Ol..Montresi.t —, 1' '-,--- - 1 1 ~ si ~:....: Tiiesdiqr t 11?: 9t, .-., _ la l t iU I 'Will be i4ri it Vendus to the igheat a bat bidder, thafollaring . property to wit : :I I ll 1 .7 1 tin,Florse.. ' * . : l. i. . 1' Two=/fine W ' ' I-' 1 . Teaa-Harsetiki . Wairoi, l . ? ;.1 . Sehlighi Ha . .- 1 - -. ,,ii 6 He* If Yourg (14 2 1 i k•• . - I '.' , 2 Vouis, ifeilfc. l ~. • 1 ALSO,I pair of ''. i i "I 1 • I katdhed Birltoftesi7 yeati3lol4i , . . • ..( Waeraiiied /rat mrdul Harness. f • i Th s e,alrove.p, s ity, together with other anti., Cies, too numerous to risention; will be WW EI on the falloyditig:terrcs: 1 - 1 All sums over $5 .six months Credit, with itii r terest and approved. security: ' under that Isom' casir down. 'i - ,' 1 ' -.. - :1 j - 1 11:r&lio to pollinecOe it 10 o'clock A; llt: I i 1 . 1 _ .. EN! BLEY 511A.E,8R..1 1 December SO.' 1 853. f • • 1 1 I - - :FILANIELDT, - TitASKII,j l i *ttarnity and counsellor•at Law; BtoriTit:osE,P,iC i I WILL attedil faithfully ler all Itasii4eit etr.. V V trusted to him in the not af . Sitiquei harm veyancitigand.wnting _ r allpads to . II ~ eatly, andlr;arge mod ate. i. . 1 i , will 4150 tit ad . to the p , Mention of Haim v iers, their ;doer's and eirs,ljagaitisil the d titates rovernmeit,l, r Hininty 4,andl, on 6, ie. -- -''-- ': 2' • - '•11 - iI, I y lmi found 'it "all him at the of4a for, occapiedlii J. T. •Ri ds,i'Esq.,l north CQUrt douse. : ..!,' •-:'l' 4.9;y1 • t -- . =DR N GO ODS •ri - , •- • : PUB sus cribe r resPeettally- Inv ti thn attentbin of I. those wishing to pur6base;lChrop for •40lcesk, to big N.P.IW PALL ind WtNTltlt j STOCK, which for jeatent varlety.and cheapness. he may safely say is unsprpate ed by any in the' 'Empire' Kate; among -which pity bh] found.. ' • • '. ' - •. . I • . i it . . TWO il ' DRED SHA WLS, •:I; , °revery quality and style , vices •ranatue from Itik. ti• ' $l4. -10 u pteces Parausetta and *lapse" frotitlv to 5 ..'1 per yard. :Preich . Merinoes - of every grade : . andkmiof, remarkibly.ehsa -' -'' :. - . - -' ' I .1 ' - 10.000 yards a De Lainis and . Penton Clothe from , 96 to 4a., Prints a Elinthamiiti endlasonantft.Y. I 15.000 yards. •bl eache4 and unbleached SkreatlSs and. Shirting' from ditto la 4d. '. • ..- _ i 1 , 1000 yards White, 'led smd ellowlianneiti, • (rout 1i: 64 to 6s:. Woolen Giats .° ' y kind for man and bays ' 1000 yard. Silk,;. Brocade Plaid,' and Pliiii Mack, from the lowest grade to the ost •tuperior quaUtr.—. DressTrimudogtotere274l , ptlon - . - I - I : I -' - PEDL GOODS . A large stock Pram - 11 cacti n, ,ery 'cheap. Triti4s anti Travelling - , an eat ye rtm,ent constantly on 'I I , Nor tfort . wil -be epared t e p. 40 of the inbscrrb 4 er 1 1111 to merit a con nuance of, e ntronage which tb# pub. lie hathitherto Must gene US 3? iee.nrded bins. mid for which he return; sincere a d hearty thanks. ' 1 •', '. ,- .: .M. N.WILPRIN, j. 1 •:. Coiner of Collet . &Nraty , cu.:, Tompkins Diork,,l• 1 Neartrort s osite gh - A2neri n llotel, !tizighazzeoh,!N. T. fI , - ;. J .. ' : • BUFF AL 1 ROBES 7I . . .. . . i i•cuoics lot,p)micreceir-d, : rd c l trl n t i z i t i li c . 1 Sp .. rinirrille, Dee. 34,18 3 , - .;,. Y. ••' • : i °. l, - '-SHAWLS, Slit ' LS. _ ! - 1 ttew lot of W ool Long shiwlii, Ire. y cheap by . 1 Dec. , Ded. ! . (1.. * - - , ~:: S., Tv & 1 Fo . 1 - TINEWIIIIII 1. Vhave a plenty &natal' on him lowest prices,- • -8., 4. & ;CO December 31 'I .. ••• r I- • • • . • BOOTSAL .- SHOES - F all qualities aridvsiset. alio's toed use O It übber.o wee shoes,rted Buskins, call, - ink you in q us. - Wintet. Sick - of Goodt•-. . . LAS' I I • RHET• December - , 1853 ..! t - TllRsnbseriber4t*yethefplcasnreof'announdugto • their customers, and . the pub li c general!): that they acre now seeettlog a larttadditioa to their stock Of Goods, bought at the lowest pricer, sime • the doldne in markets; and which they are PitOrtil i 0 etll its .serf. 9/11.4.Lt • DriNCii. We donot.eondderit atonally to nauteevery krtiele n dor as=suave elm. sat we pea convince, all *he - will give eis a milli that in QUANT,ITX, QUALITV or VRICE., ru oulitoeir w il l bear easa 4841 with artY other establish int in the county rni -for .Remiv - - 1 ° - 1. t- -. . . t ‘, nd solieiior farm, in b i te ii 4 .....- t0:0rn.... .. 2 ned by &mums! Psastevla for rent ettlier . for It eit.p q m or tipon therea—e ther, tth oi, with nt'stock thereon.;' Good ierin s. mill b given , an good security required: .1 • - Fo terms and rtieulari toqiiire 'of the, an-. tleraigned: .-1 , -.- , .. -GEO. ATE'S, Ainitt. ' ' .Ditnocli, Dee. , 1833= 49 +.4e . 41; . ' . • - itlelAllo V • lA.: I • ----, stoves r "Stites... Stovps ..j., frifEau scriber *shoe to pen: ~ e attention ef, h -.lk frier. and the Public. to : - , very:lune • ... twat Of, I.- • ••; ~ 1 :•• I ••• I 1 I'. k • , ~:., • ,_ ~.._ ._ ... ~.. STOVES, At ha neilßlere R in t i , Ltierreville, next to r l.. S.. _ hit 'a Istora„and it e,Greet. Bend Depot, 1 A ti • ddiFion to hi) ono ' large ywriet) of .C . ,k 1 • -,. end D or'Stoyeir, t o y, N Pte,sonse of Ifbich ire— - ' • , - St Nicholas • j 73 _ j •. .. .LeA mt in Modern'Tro ,11 Mohawk, I j Medal4on, Which teatime - th hie Sorinsu'etoch will_ be. • • • the mooed e=t e and . *lpd_sheattneit of well a - edStotes in the: linty. '., _ - 1 _ ~/1 1, •,- And nett to be P•rgotten; ie the etteitx Bente el greeter weight IL better material - than nee% hawhad about Hoe Conn b.* unlicensed pettier,. , ,l i j Prices for larg eelse; with bap_ ;:, ! k r!!! .* 61 beat. ma +d terbd, -r r. .-- ;7 , k '-':;!,.--, • ~ ::. ;., ,-.• - .7_ $ 25 .' With such trilatnint lii• f riiii l2 or ‘ - .b10b.. - - Smelt therwell , _tetutatilai '" 1 , ' theteilthie*W7liiiit Inidei_Oih . i d Iron sztpr ~ i id by Piiinatiei.ill 170 that ha veMA and by. me ,le . , 1 ~ itr All artlefesin s lid. hept: n band and eto order Ise uraid. and.iiadetare , at phi! ..,1d sta d ID Great Bend. ;I'- '. ' -., :, • _ . . • .. ••i. II -•• • JOHN Igo .. Loderrefile & Geed Bend, Nor.; I f fijill•—tf . ' • . • • • Valuable Farm - fat :Sale.. :‘', TR E! itibser;Oei."-ideti tor . . , eefe• ide:eilli; . la f fei!rill in , -pibliolii iiiitiithit4 ::Saiitqueh ' . nia :eanotyli Pi.i;e,ci l aibillbig '147. acre.... - siteisted I'le the Eistero ;port'..?r - iaid ~ :irOst, halt of:ii•iiiibi 1 from - the Tubb Mauna E. Cii,eb;.- Od *, '124 . .Siiilisi hoist SosiieebiOns 1140 t, el' th e 7.4.... T-. e E. ti l , 1-EsiL-one--',' f-i 1 :'' ' , !.- :t' '''' ' '''' '''' _,' . ..........1. ' On mild &flops a .‘ raaleq. - boolei , -3 '-zerniti" . .fir boise shed,...eer# berme) ii.,:iPltnk#P4o.#'-.ltilii Btr.l ll:ire - ill:, I. iiiill - iiipiiia.: ... • • 1 ,:.., le efrepi: Tell for 11! ps!liipt:losc,tklA th e - .lilt value. i . .. 4 . - 1 :''' -• .'" ".- - '' ". ' ' • " •• - ' 1 J- - - Traiiii.T iie - tbiiiii of ' 'the - 'Portbeie Inooey : lath dova - 4:: - ; ', balancefseriglred:kf inortgari: 1.. r .•••••>•.i' . :1.. 4 :'"°:*11:1;1A11, 74 1 CYLOILLI Gibson.; Near. i: : 185 7 i1 . • ' - :i - . ';'-' -` 'ti . .-. .- ..... _ • - ... "A *lle a , assail 1 11ele:iluid ' 1 0, , .sittia be . whitivr, . , .i.'i IVE_aret !111 rest l ores of Toe erestor-ror , !, 7 1 ' has i , ' ' as, tipsi ;this ilaha; *it so.tt!.: rikuided us pith, the - pease ii Amish) .-lifs 40, •preeerve he a lth' or foliar. it "11111/ hart, lad, eft ,ea as wane to.,' ht r#tata:`"and, , ;:aattarta - ja, the P 4 aPartiaa and , . ItiPso :sorliorgrisisiteiro:co its* variois su sot isikeriointrow:iilttoisir • reach alai lade atir:atattrar." '''''' - It' ' - i. - . ~ - ,N 1 I'o $ 1 4304 1 Xortrisiti,tisiiiimi, lepre ' ' , -18 P*thalawita • Ow et,tht for carefully' i yi • ; -* -aalitorri th! -1 .41! the various stem, uts fits pad iis Aipoi tpe pd terii4 lit' . ~.• i t t • , IS . t. . 441 9 1 °4 0 . 4 tri m re is it; It set -4 "cheesiest, , , and woo Is' r- - '. it 3 eth#earata bf,4 l . ' ' - e 4 wall th - l ea" ieoli.Y•li*aiipx j(, i 41 lc sation,,lo.,.g, - 4 IforosOlje.ero Sim , or serif O loft I:foie - ore Joreidtid, . chipped ihindsl , 'Or - ffijrwitrtits. -- -' , thews's& of V' 4 7 !Wag . 1 . laa,r :aitoS, iff:fs -: hfueedlcws to aniititeratirthi, 'different landau of • tonal; ; it to say, that his presait sttick of goodi .was never excelled in .thil part of the StatN- and', is 'his goads were bought for cub, he cannot be undersold by Any. He v 81 takepleasure in showing Ithl goods to ail who May favor him .with a - eall. feeling sure that . 110 pericpu wishing to purehkie in fall of•sniting themselVie high as to fluidity and vice: ' • . • - MIR= J. 'MANS; . • • No. 2 Odd Fellows' Nall.. Nev :24, lOU. •' IaTATCEIESi—A large stook la fine= V and Silver Walcilies, of every and prin,h7 t Nov! - 241 EAR'RINGS and Breast Pina,-in every vari ety at patterns, Nome entirely new sayles,by Nor. 24. • • - A:J.:EVANS. LILVER Port . 110 - oais, Napkin Ring*, Fruit Knives, Soup Ladles', Pie and Butier Kiiives; &c. -6LU., by • Nov 24.: VANS..-A Iry lotifi'f It!tiidscr . ms Fane;:sait. able for patties, by :A. JAVA CORAL Beads. Plai 13LATED Forks, S just reel, by • NEW jGg OUR assortment now comprises -almost ev ery article wanted l find we fear some that are hot 'wanted, Whltill We Will sell at cost and some articles at. less than cost on that same aciiount. tr. PURROWS dr. Co. , `Gibson OttLie, : . - 00-rWOOL.V.N I.OSIG.SII4IWI:.S, all . qaalitieg,,and beautiful pat ternai at ertrOiely.low prices. - - .U. 'BURROWS_ Gibson; PO. 26. •- - . . BUFFALT - R BEB ALarge lot.man 4 . orthern Molest 'whore Robes at a very small adrince on the. toes. . • ' Qibson . Soy. l7l.llURROitalk-Co. (lOW Sh A c Lo es rge lotor hasidtotne, Gibon, Nor. 1 Cheap De tattles: ALargo lot of ieinidsorne doldlMedar Maneheeter Dc Laines at is Bd. ler yord4 - • Gibson, N07.i1.. I U.I URROWi & Co: • •. -! , Dress Go . 0da... - . A Lailre dis4able :of Dram Gibson, Nor. 1. . it w' Goods -1. Novt:uoods , D. IL I Iea.I I IIILOP St- Co. •A nett receiving 's. large and seasonable aseottsient A'oeGoc,ds, twhlctstrr addition to Itleir Conner Winter Etoch, they Ter oleo, the largest and beet selected lot of goods to be foul:1'41ln t c;ountty, and at price* that will not fail to snit those that wish 'to Boy °oda II LADIES' DR SS GOODS. Black Gro d Rhims, - . Faucyand Y air Silks, " • . Freuch Meri oes, • • ' Thihet Cloth ti • • •. - " - All Wool Delaines, • . Plaid and . Fig. do • Silk Warp'Alpacciti, .• 1' • • . BlaCk and Fig. do Cashmere, . ' •.'- - Lailiete cloths for: Cloak.;' • , • CLOTHS.. " . • Broad Cloths of all grade...and en! 1111 Toe Skin Calsimeres, &lark aasOrtme &t, • ' and Plain Gassinderes, • Thadetti _ Sheeps . Grey, - - • Kentucky Jeans, , - Beaver' Cloths, , • • . • . Satin and SillOi r estings; Tailors' Trimmings; " • • • _ . if, .1 grt 13 1 4 1 3 4 caim .4.i. Co. u, Deriewax. Titan r 4, Dried, Apple*, dr • t * 4111% & REA Groceries of ill ::Window Glen, inn - mos, t. , 'Crockery end Gbunwar‘the test 1 _ assortment everoffered in Mantras's . ; Hardware, ./ - • ."-• Coarse",and Finetili; • Packing Pikeking Nadi . . Iron of - • lad gralli:11,1 1. iv. MU * idiot tha . lowoat_ SPIN rsaadas as tar sad TRI sell aa OW be boadbt fail" Vas* : Ma** . tikes MitSeilifig. 4 00416 St 4*N • Arr - we at et.* kiatio Now Zak.. `mtaaitt' Pig ream timid ialliakilataras Wits ie ',li • eta tlithilpi .be i.- '. . ' • - ' AI - 10.9 P:? 10 . 9 P:? frt F iiii. b nye`Ferelateesitliffi. , Chi i k A. iftauftieteky of- .- W. Oivietairood.*llar -sord,.is pupated to 0 .. idicioni-, • 1 . ALL KM) f 47, c4174#1 .9•.. . - 1 at rethia44:prjese, `of tood-matethdo. and in i superior style of wqrkititaship. - I keep - co n : I atadtlY on hp fa*Mti iiink.oeita:i "frikr 4 - • :Basta* Roam; ( ' idd dliie•Yall lA* '' 5 -: q Faaq, ' - inist*:-CLlVite' ' - ' - 212 . " '" Ntraestilvtietiamedieote:;;-% -_: ,; lare * iri g .1 !7,...1:014 6 *-', f•T ., ' 2 441 !1i...; ,::. : r - 1 ..,. - -. 1, ~. - , • PO' --• hodeeek*Jll7 tii ,- 0,1 1 .44 fi t, Atorkmorfr ~.._7 i. -1-147ifilligtilote.- !-Matchebear - 11 ., es!!! , TE.Setmienier, hoe this day retarped from Nei York With, a lirieand: brontiful assortment °t-Fine WataleO, Jewelry and' rowel Ger* to which - be wild riftthe attention of 'hie friends. -If • • .1114 E :FRENCH Weal [Ong. Stalisrls at $4,25. • - • Gibsoa. Noy. - • CRUD &Co Sheetingi at •all prices,- Shirting*, broan and bleached, - I - . White• Goods of every kind, • Cotton Yirn, . * • Brown and bleached Cot Flaisinel4- - Red and Whin* Wool - ' do 1- Linseys, . • Tickinitrand Stripes, • Sentoleiss bags, • : - . Carpet I do • Oil ' , Floor and. Table Cloth', Rose blankets,* • • • orse- do - - Si' - broclie And. bay state .ShSwis, Co • fosters; . *atter Gtoies. -, •[. - • .Bla k Mitteni and ,Gloves, 11t , t ery of ail iltseriptions; P I O style siti. ." • - /fatis ,nnd Caps io snit everyone,' . iioot. and Shoes a contpletekaisortftteh!. Uppei tad sole Leather;. ' • Cat Skiney.. • B elo Robes; • " gfeighli rite, ' • . • • 'Brooms • -• . • • ••• Wash board's, - •• : • • • Baskets; - • • • ' WindOw sash or all kinds. • - - • Stivu , o of aU kiosk a:id stall prices, A lot more Of sisal: goad Tw o Sir Ifoilo'syfup, -~ -.; A. S. EVANS. A. J. EVANS. and cut coral; at A. 7: EVANS% e, heavy stock A. J. EVANS. dew- - ; • shwys. at Jona. pri- 13 BUOROWs &:04i pURILOWs if. co _,....., ..... __ ies. Alpaccas, -Gobargoi,,Biiin:. baiiieg. PoPtins,; Silks, Sittiiii, 414foslin,• Lice, Edgings, Embroids ries: Linen,' SOlta . nd Linen Hdk'fs, black Lace - Yetis: Muslin Uollais.shawfi, 1::1) Gloves, Hosiery. &ci, &e.. - ,-1 . ; .• • - - e c. • Broadcloths,. Ca:mimeos,. ."V*l gr,_ ,R dy.. made - coats, Vest"; Pants4birts.l rawer" and Uudersbirte, flats. Gips,, , Mtiffs,: outs, 4 oeir, Trunks, Travelling BagsATinbre s, 4.c . c. . - Flannels. Sheeting', Shirting'', icks, Horse Blanket., 'cotton yarn, crash, apera, Taste l'oths...Table Spre*di, 4.c., &c. 1 • ..- wall papar;Window Shadtis. V I . fine; Whips. Rat Trap". - . .Siw - Handles: _Han saws, - Bush riefths( Cam' Shorrdit, . Rd. Pal laid do,: arid quite,a'variety of Farming Tools giaerailiy. :,,, .1 Broad Axes, Narrow do.', Adzes. -Piattet•and Irani, bench Serowe. Framing Chisefs Patent t o Aili„ Pateht4Waring.Awlaltind4laiiks ; i d 1 - 1 race and Bits:steel -Squinta4SettersPer.-oe-sr Latches. bolts, butt", Screws:: Wi oa , Fasten;. logs, Window blindiuttts, Door Sc 'pent; Grind; 'Atone - Hangings, Steelyardso Naifs, -... Flies . , and Remit Zipc, bed califs. coal flods.f coal Sieves,. - Bitter Tubs and Firkins; F,ork - barrels, Red;' 'nerds; : Washboards, ..cicithea Phis, WoOdezt bowls", haikets. firooms.:Patient - Par,ls, 1"" Glatis.,Faints, Linseed Oil; Pot t i *• and coach- Vainish.ebesides,a-goon issicirtmenf of - Crockery, Sumo' ind pfasa,Ware; GreoxidetyDrufs, Dies, it, i Medic** . atidlreatis Notions- , , 1 ••:-liiiend'itermined to go West, and will-oda I my entree s tuck, &T . /Ai 6ll par , !iiti . ut reg*F4to 14 1 741ti_'...;'•;,_' - '_;:1;:,-- • -•-.. ,;, •• . - 71iinofit,1*,bainbeg about the ' q. ' Itlcio Aiiiitiiiiytbilit - in myliiio, jai . call andyeis min bititeit'St)ii l'ailreitf- .L ' : - L tii.rrnE. 11/7: 6 irAhlit 44; Itimr:.'B,lB:s3 , : --' • .... • , - .f• - . • ~- . • gullibi" l-- -- ' sia 'naiad' Is giett.variett • tOsiihrerairle ;', Silty; s *TiorVislit. iiid ehsaii ror 011 iii,. oil to:ssailiititik for most hiods'of ineraftsotoW i f rovace.„ es good 1 liiiim •ffii'ittoeC orBd6ra .if el; Tobacco, 1 ilpkes•it t o, being-so namerOM; be tkirist -it oti"-' , . . bY.NY. that itinbg Ilene IP".tiki . Urge.d0.1 1. ,4) 1 1 1 411 Wraniarmi;eass Amitia lilen . illsituFiAnd .40thistpielitty 4sauminaias iseoindd- - 'end aspottiSMW•liiriAnticular its +lmola, MOW, ofmninatioo of his . gdi . fimpr,24..l: mkt. --d -- Teti. * A" deOikties l wapiti _sir to thsMi 114 " " 7slto'boy IS Tdrkd a ii t m e ..e. ...._ ,; n. , t .14 10 :. :•' l , -t. ''' , 1 „ '1 :7 '1!"'''::: :1 ;; iiiiii - 1 . - - :... f. -,• ~,.:-... 4.; t_i . ..7- ',PSW Irm., 21:: t-• Irk 00: I_w eini,.. .11 14 ro t F . ,l' !-! Iis ‘ t t tia . 1 :-9 1 .. 14d : 4 1 / X i i i .O f t :-4 , 1 1 1 ). °32 / , '), 11 -' r , 1- '.. 1 • -- ,' 1' J . :-:7 iti , adyollitifie.l34lolog., ~._ I ._ _. Esslitaciog Bios. Mats as : variety:. or grid ea -.170014 Seek, eat be 'Coius- 6 Visits-4Nuitipi-Wedon =Bader flifidrts *ad Doir.Whito kgslitio 'ismer do.:. eoi 94)Uottr Over .4 1 1 , r450 tIll , 1 1 1ra• - (F...krFO4,4 '4. 4 4 6 . , • . A :SOS,W."e* or _, D . i. IPA Q i 4 W° : . 1 •:, • . '.-. H ATS:- & . OAPS -..- . . mew; vroitifts, anisig. fliiys;'ssid cwillimintstrer* SHOES.: lals Rubber Boas t , dhoississid dandabl . _ A. sow supply . of -WALLOP/a lit; Papor,Bor dor, ice .. Books sod fitotle. , - - • • r Also; Truax. Ottoo, Trolitos is ;jacket:o,l Cod fish, Sugar; Tea, oOree, a., sad a oty of Minty ir- HI s motto Is readyki and os4 pia ,-C411410flii014101k; n Ttaisk OX'S sore opposlts Sooshrs Motcl6 1.. •• • -‘ Mon trait., Oct. 4, Mkts. i ' ;1 - - '' - • .12Y the liaabel or barreLior by the load par, e • - - • SALT ' : -1 the Store - of the entnerther ••- 411 , - • 0et.4,'1115R. .• • t 110. 117LLICR. • SEEtlaJlissmrebroFcT[E% Cabinet:Shop ut Sw3g . ehanna. T uz sat,seribei is now haying an' kinds of work done to order, and also keeps on hand Dore-ins, fables, Stands, &c.. waresniald well wade, and also Chairs.' cane seat,dag and mud**, Raskin Chairs. ke., Bedsteads generally on hand All those wanting! furniture will do ai well total!. Repairing r• d Tariddllng done 4:, short fr CoMns"ready made and made til order In the best styl e. ,"D. L. Kllifilift thisquehenna Depot, liee.7o, 11152. , ...44)31. • •. , .. '• Farms for S a fe :' - - • . 91#4.biern.pri will act as agenteLfos .buyins and. .1. - selßal ft. at Estsier—Parins, Ifottaei, and Lots-- I scatedjin- Rusluelmitat coucity4. PA , or, In Brtionie, County; N. Y., add alio Mend's' Lind WArrants: -All who wish to offer their property for saleti give a mi nut e description' of their familia or Lots a s follows: Pio. °facies; how many improved ; and holyw tered ; build. logs; Orchard; grafted or common fruit; other fruit trees;' how far front Great Bind; 'nod thi nearest point to the D..L.k It': R. R: and.ff. Y% t E. !R. R.,_ - pring and terms ci Wf paynient i t • _ . fcf-All WhO with to. strr or an t, 'lies! .Estate,, will ricilve 'prompt attention by call lo on urnddregaing el= theiLwfue arareat Bend. Susenehanna county. Pa. ' fa` Conveyance from Great lissid to the preuilses i l l fret of chniire.' • ' I - '-' • S. .' • °Mee on Main street ;in the dwell ( chottie of S. B. Chase; lately occupied by M-1 , . Carp rater, • FETES DECKER, 8. it. tiLLS R.. - Oriat Beta: Oct. 4th, 11153 • MONEY! MONEYII • . • ‘,r, oN.By Can' be sated--by putchasisg of Lanipman- 4. Co. at Binghainton, who keep the largest assortment bet Ween NeW,York• and CinCinnati . ,l;of IDruge, .Medicinei, Oils; By...buffet ; Varnishes; • Gillett; Brusher, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Perfurner*c Fen= 'cy Goods,:&c, Also, .Wiudeir Glass of - all aises from 7 by 8 . :to 28 by. 36.'Putty,aint Brushes, Graining Brushes, Glass Ware, 4d. other thingi too .numerous co Mention in this podia. .Allof which wepledge odisehiel to sell-on as good terms as. they can bonglltfiti the . city of New York,oralsewhere ; I , • - • We : are prepared to supply!dealera as Well as consumers at the lowest market ateti.. • LAMP 9 - AN Co. .- mpkity Block, ,Binghamton Oct. 11.1853 . Jose Merinnan. , ESPEOTP LLY in fointe:lta friends that 1.10- he is now 'ceiving-a•piteof . choice Goods from the great •.Emperinin t 7 lailtich together with his old attic, makes his Anortment quite tiowijilete, enable hint ~o auecesefully compete With his" 'neighbors. Almong his : stock may by found a OW supply. of Dry Goods, Gro ceries. CroCkery. Hardware, - and- Woodenware, • Nails:: Fish, Drugs end Dyes, Psints and, Oils; 'Boots and Shoes. (a, superior lot). Hats and Cam •LadieSWirtier Bonnets, satehells Carpet"- Bags,' Trunks, Ready Made Clothing, eileetedezpress.: ly for Service, and it thousaud other . u • se . fat arti cles not necessary here to mention: All of, which he will Neil at the loieett: tieing oft rot Cash. Prioduce, or approved credit, t. sepk. 24, 1853. • • . • . *4lO 0001 - New ' 11i s . -.• .., 1 . llTSf . tiodrod and • iscididiag dt Ifocas':. Cos pries 0 stoni,.iba grurept. and tartest:444r of Fancy, Do. prods, and inside Coals ei•et bronliti into Susquilkati as: County. One bundred Cups Dry IGlookils, - compris. login part es follotri : ' Rkh.Changable gilks, St , ripe do. Plaid do Black . .1 do, Colored Bonnet silk,.Bqnnet satins Mt Wool de Lelines,Xetaalin du, Plaid de : Cos : ..- de Berge, English llteiliisi;s. - Par/tn/ilia, 4'yon rise Cloths, Cobugh's ' .Frencli lOiangsble de Reign, Embroidered Itid:ic*Ginghiliusaud Print,. **Leh }quids; W 'ite Uobds, Widught Calais; do Muslin Edgin 5:, !lo Csintorlc Edgings.'4ll Linen Edgings, .F skiiitiable'silk • itild satin •Aciarz . near, 200 ps. - Bonn t Ribbons, 100 P ps Plain'itith -61111, plain and pie ted Velvet TrinsminO, 100 fancy Drtisi Trim limy; Dress - Buttons Velvet, Figured and cotoi Velvet's, 50 . Bay stile wool l l i Shawls:Cashmere o, Broths do; Silli do, Gloves and Hosiery, &c.. . ' /1 ' - -• . - i Cloths Cassimc 'Blankets Pickings . Linens, BlaCk 31a; es. Vestit,lgs. F,lannbls , Wool Damask sliceids. Linen, do, Bus. • • B. F. & IL . LI. EATON. .; 1853. - ;,Pa., Oe A GAR D{. ‘,-- l• TALIE . Pl 3 BILAC: • IDLE E exarnibe the folloaring Dittilogne • I_ and you there- fiud.anything mentioned,. that' you l!yl.aillittvcall it their° of this atib scriber a d . " T o: 4.1 . ,. 2 buy - loviet.iarice ; than at any otber, store in the coantry, quality, considered. t he Ibliojwibg 17ist . s "enumerated a Part of my stoOt--' ' Prints, De Laid, f --eiv . _awl 41) th w ibi l i l ia ' Oda*, _putsteek ' ,: et Oseirs., Artilwohilthewlle from 114,011 :VIA?). gotugaln" de Malneti . had otter Dm Needs, C oths, Nerieroteres,' 11Fhenails. sad ! 3 !I g 6 / 6 liatr,:ndat ilt deli e, . lildt retains the eiraehe t • and to ' heel* the, altos goiter ' *eh, t iiiiy CU Mid Ofecos lied:heap e.vtihy . tither ,eellunettlr::: — ', %L ._ 1 -1 SIINTLIT. &MA* Re, Nev. t 'ISO. ,`' - -iiC Lod .llppfri Lew /6 !6/1161/11/4?"46/11/0 Bg TU rection g ,his stin; NI k„+%, Obil/ t. Iv mat ?Alto pl a:shod • Mout . I. TWO et wally r ' let. Web willies *31(1 1 - • "The Pub:lc an • . - Me&o'l4 fitt4 1161Ortil elt , sp.diUausly pat, .litt lotwairstally comp* • lo tisisdepartinent ' ?ty Styr* of i , "i A Firs ' TA. &Ea Prescrip ofartiel sad Tart, ~•, SAINT '.. OILS,L4- I :YE . STUrgk—' ._ , , . . A Fall aseettmeat,iita of • Attalttiete. at • .-' . 0 0 , . , • . 1 . " --11. i , -- 7 TcarzELLts , , a GrocetrifiarrA general * • .. -• 1. • • ." the market *Ford/. at Dry G00d.".--A.11114i. b . abut. 'election:oft istoFt, etapl• articles Of Dry 0 • • . a; *Web ,wilt be soil priaia that *al make it for the . tare tof pute ni haaet call at.the ate of . ;.. ; 7. i 4.- TC11111,1111., - llard•lariare and Cutlery - , *tar salsa a good posortsaant ocltlioma.calebra id , 'Waterbury -Pocket Kukv* - -liuritl!lize• kn. la 4, id -*:, 14 nnutzum.- -‘ iOf tor ' Cjg_siora6Hdaho!ca B ari ' ' Is.fot Intllicil. n#l ;Antonia; et' - ' I. li •. • t? / 17 1IRELL's• . . Bituatcul -' liintinlinti; l l‘. - -4-11011174 , ...BMW 81r1nda, Rosin; Briddea. 'Peggi 1M 3 4 IP . Ple C ie '" ltlia:t A eitordeons, flute : Llß; a. Clametta; ...Banjos, Tuning" nib, Instruellon Books; Plitiln I 3101 c, &e. at • . • -' - I . '•-.- i 1 • I :1 1 1 - Tußau.va. . 3-wet rir l ,4-A new anpil,e - 4-14 . tonnble Jawetry. Ladies and GentlemeNpletisa*Unt ;be fancy store of ' : . ... 1 : .-; i.l ,- - NA. T.ORRELL. • • Drug mesa at loter tra To el ri... ittilits i trio) am or.,thoicp. Permakeiy. at • .. a i i; TUICUELL's .., Fancy Cfstads, Titzili e N • noise, &c...—S, large and tirstirate assortment Th 'best plies tobu, Notions, Is at. the 'torso!' i. , . TURRELL's. ' ratgaz i 31ledic i flies.— ;grsa jvariaty, -and sit - bracing ticarl,*all'ofthS most. 'nab It hinds..si . . • l'''-' ''- ~ ''' "I" . t 1 .• li , TVltit.LL'a. _ IL igat.—Buriing.Fliald: d*' 41b o, Canilleclltdr. good satiety of Lamp Oils, tkO - . at - i Tnitil.L'a. Q hos is. Uuthrellas, Whips, 1. irori.Wal - ITaper; ti.' ta; .iii *1.., dot Sty, Fluid and .Oil L . blips, litrushes.,Cilu'dout . O 'Milli PilitY i Naill,Tr Ulnae. S por,thiror; Shoulder liirst cese—atuod assortment of Sp ' , tell ThitaTss, Pros, 1) Pencil Sponcis; Butter . Ruts . ~ i ce: &c :,- toe runer- Oise to ..titlutt, selling toss; a I.' * ; TUBRELLIc" - i i. Executors 1 41circe: 1 - • NO plk is-hereby girt: I tits fill; persona_ ll Nave tratnandi agaiosiliar s tate of He _ry 1:11sw tiff latei of II irferd tOutip, dee'd..will presto 'hien:ism Charles - TV 'iley f said wiz', I duly a, tested for 'settfeimed ‘I and! all persons debted to *elk Estate; are r ires ! dto make 0 ment vi said iCharlei Ting :}-,! , .. ..- - I .! -'.... . I . ' .. - CfrARL . ' , NG ! LEY', • c j . • 1 -.. LUCY .EIA#S 'ORTH, z • . - ,Executore. off '.1;11' worth; deo'- : N • . 3,. 1853.44w6 - ; 'l' - ! -' ' ' - 1 . - ~ , . , - 124, ' i. -.. _. . ,g ;1 1 . .%• _Nor yp" H'l. *EBB is.ntowle vent his rail st 1.1 • of dtods. Please,itill a d exainine: , they will be' Odd cheap ` fotit'saih4 Montrose. Sept 14,11853 M - . Fi i tisbi- Arr Val br = . • i % . . itit'et'ci'i) ' 4' ' Sll. if D. 5 , .-tYR . tirkst teceiyin g a is • riety of bless Geods,, ; pn,rikick : Fly be .- Ladiei . Krd Glov4s only 2' 1 '641.* - r pair , Ready :, midis Clotbiag mitered carpet Yarn. De Lame= De Detre. ':/uthmeke,lFriiii* E , glish aud Sax-, ony 'Afirtnoer, ire.' aii-nf `. fiich . • e willioll as chain if ritit.4heaperttnin tli :phi: eeot for Reidy PA O. '-. t t' ' I .' • ''. .. - ..,- ' - . eatrose,iNov., 1 . E53. ' , ' - * • I - 'Bieouttirs '. 1 S ouce - .. x - ranGE 'isle re by:xi ve ' !that,4allpersonatvho .1:11 haye dem:aids agaidid the estate of.Pan iel tiugley, late of J ackSoti t)lterish'ip, deceased, wilt present them: to 1 4 1- % -e tiildi.nifgried,ldidy at- tested for settlement, -and *liiseriions iudebted - tck, slid . svtat.e, itre requested t`OI 'mike.' immediate fidynteur, •••' '1 ' - ' C lI.NR L ' . s..rT NGLEY; " 33 ) .. , 1 ' • •CILkS, a 'TINGEEY: . .. 4 ~ -.- • - 4 . 4 1 s 4. .1 4 1 Executors. - • Jack son - , Nov. 22 - ,. t 8" ' ' 46. X.,. . • • :MST" R n. MME npOn:the , preiniio4 . . V Brown Cow With!freci i tra.:. or is ‘roilois!od to:proiripr • rti and lakii • ,-1- . • D. : Tr! o 3111fod;i5crer . 18b3-450 • . . , : -•"' LOO - K a rfl HE'SubScriber has on 1 io Lenox,* hirrte ,as! tundcrWagno. 11ubs, turned nor.:- Ho will sell - them fro 7 i . dollar per Sett for cash. I call. '_, . I. • • JOHN : . Lettox,,Noi, : 12, 1823'4 , . Nest Firm at dprmgvale., Atulimi..,,, ,TotiNso-N. 4. oIiiiRAAN , hal', : , . k . 'Purchased 'the' , interest - or Anion Root :in: the - "Arm of 'Scott *-.' Ifoot,:ttake , this method's:if ienuorinciug to the . peb l ic ..that Ihsy may be found ; at the old -st of Al.r.;)Stottln Sprinrrillm where they' hese leige 'end Cir o; 1 04 fully selected nsiortrnent,pf ! ds, a hich> will be sold ClisaPer than ever. '1 i - r\ :: '. '''' ' -- Our assortment consists o -.. th _I, lar . gi.st sclei,", tion of Dry Goods,,Groeiris 'let4.l,' ever .. 611;44, in this 'place'.;.'Wei,are -de e t emileci Alit - those echo give.. us alcall shall iiik aidial.,Yrunt..int.: :If' kettening ear thilllftll‘ t,•:: • :Public ~for 'Past_ liberal Patronags, wit . ifiltre i l inifilelves that. ' e shall not be fOrgotteni oe pelted, by , now th i 7are,Catistter greater - indom,.Mirits than: ever o our old ,frieuds., Give as 1 41141 , , - -, -- , I,'" sioT - r.i.virsoN, .i Co. t, Springville,' Nov: IS, 1103' 2 4-40,6 -1 , 4 •-•':'' - -•; On au 4. 1 • : --.- 7.. .YATILL boisoP ot. pabrik 41Oi on. )he protsit.„ 1 '. IF V _set in_ the township Great Bena,,oo - the i3ti . ofJ *'' ' . 1 c" ' l' '' Yea " t ' : ''' - -.-----, . cm• 'a: 10 o . P. sit.. of - , the eitatopf,4lto - mAootl .. ' hfretror '.ltlitihiga Arnold. darOoliied;hiiirtoe otaep:ord,..F. from the ;Orphan' - Court of Sitt , :tithit)iiii ~ loOrt4ti....f c -Tili, undivided -- tiffilthrttli':part' Al 1 .41444 1 0 4 r,init , at - - 1 ? tietiEßFA . t r yiee Of_faiiif; tOOOtietit'juk, 4osotibect.as i thflotii; to,iiit'ifidthe - htirt iI ki ii*or , ,priuv i P.Oyfou;;Ou'iluieast hi the At 't; himoo,livOr., .011 thesiOath hir NO. of - p4 -. ..i ,4 , -01,iiiid o n'd oll -41 4 'k t j a hid ....ffl 4pho.' : l * s#., i opoithtin gOhoi Se'ietr, - idifspi i ` ,:wkth :r ifte - ' al i , firto raoSicre ,pp,, fra nste.d ~t 0 .I. 420 !) ba..,.t.;.., klnd *aeon shrd'aidOrehii; ik :' l" 'Tokio maiO nOwn the i le a ='" ,''.s: -t l' f . .... l'.; :, id.' --,,, • • •. ,2 - 1 :• - - - ' ' '1 . i 1 , - Gr il iiii i i . :7. itreia' BPITINpi : e! .. 4I z - , f 7- , .. -.'. 1.0 . • ~.: .I, -,, .2, ~. •• • . fib the Alga :ter. anionreike- Pei* q Sissichallia'" 4 iros_pootio, o I. • townithit• otprffitlhis - speathilti repriosep4;th stumble - einfiefifeneo 40 . lis Vflap of Lodenisitlertoiir Mkt Whit* inutile". iliQsketerifteskurtiotwi itt eila4l** ifurtlif4l4664l7 - .Pssoiciwii,PeltrabariA valoi er*lieraolll-410 .1411rAf Po'r IX, y. 31 1,,e047-4,rvi_idokt , 11190.-42y...*,atAi). ft - R E and Wiiter. 11 :f! I xtLla wanted to figs $t pilaus that Gannet invited: to tall and ea.' , 4•Ohemicall. itlale4n s *neatly ;at led.tiesi Woes. and t 6444.1 Vllitotirt quality be kmod it lb" Drng . • 1 N Glass-W large anon: 31171/IcELL's. • sobr.ribar . a , pity -charges MACKEY. ani at his'Sbop ent: of ready ;)n I,he • beit man ro-•Of .to tt•WIiITNEIr. 4401. , - • oretiar T • :4:: t 14qeme te)' of the 4*,*ft nos a Imiffrovift with. 4 ,q11,11.,74 in the ; and l o t r# boo*? 'near *Pi* 1051.,q 'r . ' J: StrlPPM,lltgss. Iteatioa to . - ttwo ssisi!of* ' U V' ni g besikie t • .:- ',i 1413 •4 1 . 32 04:4 - -- , , 1 1 lira 006& - F/7"F(tillitit* I-1- ':' - : , ' - ' - `= (- 1 . be now reajtsg -71 CiailliiTMaikStPlAZ et r sta' • PIT sOW,"lrriliette4- ' 41:Mol se: be s 'soldlesi to the Ladles a tfettlys:b '. = ,*,,' riultictrii Dress" . rio t s -- . sit a ,ft' Velvet 11 nets. - Biasibi, India* , OTOSeiSii'd *eh Wig TablO l SPreids&Ootbslsteltels. as ildlsses Sae Boots and s.boes kiS., - kei. Toth i Ow. ,t be otters& ISreestoek et best qtudity - -' 4 . ' ' ' • V 0 1 5 ... Ready,l3fade - Clopti4; - - -4 ''' Cl re:Basslmesib, Tweeds audJelissi Teattap,, 2 l4ts so Cap Boots itglbees, go.. - . . , , IntstQL esobrien I' Suite extong•• lid' , d4 .•• is; ~..t g aTLYf l eal ttal ' get ' l4.° ,"? c ad/10 : 1 1. 1. 2 4 "4 012 •4. 504•4+1 li . .. - -: , .•,: ,•:- ,- 1 - ' 1 Supertor inducement, - to. iirpurthaseis.- . 'LI a - respsetfully solleits s 44,dy eon frost its *rends 5a..(101 others dolOizie(DO goods thst - susotostkthe pel#eskedlor . ..., 1 ' S i l nem elUe Sept.-12th 1833. , . ." ~... es. the 2ri n . "pi ' . r an Parise. ' all steles sad pee' w ,UU best llatlortzseat Om- *thrift Is - ibis einititi. juit received at , .1,. iL quiptgaSs-• , ... _ . :Australia, . I I . Ca lifornia;, -, . .-., -.. _ . , , . oi'..f nY Place 'Cm a , GioPes ciii,Vfof pivatmagnitst.: • i •. er induqnenis' than ''. ; . RE_EtER 4.‘ - sTODPARpi t ,t '. BOOT . AND.:SIIO.I4I,_TORE: sIXTIJICIt is•no - wfilled with atiew-and-Ozien ! : ,siv,e asaoranent of kriiiies,..4k•Oeir . Ant; embracing a fenefal:vaidety . Orif:yr'ind, visaing . sti tie /Adis! and Gstitlenien'a • wear; among wh iltara•Ladiaa'Freuth: Silk Ltatingi.aud . Pre &ill i Goiters; Kid and Euameled„Polkaa...Kit• Patant- ather aud_bconv.d „Jenny,. I,;inds, . Buil •kinaVud Ties ; vital - omen's lrench and t o del hi a oak- tanned . oalfikin nod 'kip itobts,Gran are ; Ind blitton:Ga4ers. - Monterey • and , Waidi hi'g on ; Bunt. toil e t ; 51i115.2.. Morocco , sklr...and Ceaihlds Braiana:&e. . Boys kip, Calf and cow-, bidii Boots and. Biozatisf all kindssif 'ittisilea and 6 01tdre_i's weall.'Alsa..a generil-.'assortinent of railin g !, phich ..consist in pa,Ft off laits#litigs, - spa r,ablea. l fniiMirian nails; tack's, „thtead, wazi. Bn itles,alreattindir,`-awli,"raipsi sandstones, shoa knives; ico. ~ Also. oakand heinliik tanned calf 4ppar. . i knd, s solale,aßier, ,g4,..4c00, . fl akius'= and !Maga. ' .., , •• - • '.- , 'Work ma d e to Order and replitinkisifif di.na. ••• 11 ' ' !......:ICEELES . - dr. STODDARD: '., ißuntrose,.Tuno,.4l9s . 4. _.: i ~;,:, :: ' -..,,,......: . . . . - . . ~ 1 1. N ILKTIITAW, 4 - 0 ‘, . .%- i 'l, - , . Infighbk-Rentedy "/or all ' Itylamitary -firm; - sysA: 6gRTAI X.n•td rare Antidote for the{ folloiiinz &I- Amin— 111 Fevers and, Inftuntitions, , .. to which., the ernisintl-et:Ahentastissm Larne bikek,'PlleS, Mir; rhoeni Dysentery, Ilealinhe, 7Fdotheekiet,,gfeeerioies,' .111142, Cats, Sprains:'llibistv, Rnini analtesles. RlPottiseurvionNi 11146 reelreneirs el p, fer-Chriti: RI , ' UtibPit. spavins; 'weeny, yoll. Evil:. Cu ts,,spllikt,' 0 &. e, Irietnls. nerstebes, Lamenee:: v.Plialt• 'let- Bruts•-: nf es, binge. In Realization nt thilLangs; road 'all,. ' Neveri , to Which dem& are snlijeet: '•• • i .. Ak inn tie . -Abel , Tarrell; 'Montrose—D; ' RalleY . ., :Le'- veirille-' , Cirno Avery. IViatuslng—L. Xt. Womirka SheritNicl, 1t..130553 - . ; • . „ ... . , , . . , Bargains ! - Bargaiiii IT , .... ! --- Look out for theiFalll. : T r a de:'• .'-' • T .... LATIIROP Is: *CI 0 0 aurr' bete - to assitia. the Innitito - 'that they.are now . prepariog 4 fOr:tbs Fall : Mradel the' r *aesortmentOf '. - . -. . •'- , - ~. . ` l lStaves (of alt kirids).imcl Trirainihgr;- ..-, Andrni Japan, Briar. arid Copper .19areiv.hibig tnif andit!omplete. all of which " will he sold verP,lkw,for Oasis down i er exthanted for , produee weltairrates :1 - : T ose who wish to , purchase' §toreales xthe....coniing win er Will aid it t 0 their tiVvest In OT. 121: 4 , " call; as we te deferral's:al tngire satisfactime in price and gnat. i t 11 ):711_ ..- .. .' . . '. 7 . 1, - - ... - • i.crioe-wrirt done.aeour 'hop with Pintitilkt, and .- in the best manner ..' . " '.' • , ..' . */P Shop.bit Main strait, a few doors 6 - earl le Motid,and.directly oppoSite the I) vrickerii allicw: ~ o: • ' N . -. • - ,• ' C:D.L.4.114R0P...''' Mbotrbse,Atig- 11, 18§3... ',.' :'S.A....WOODALTE. I O : .' . li - i_ Cash .paid ; for iShetp -Pelts. 4 . -.`---. ,'' D. It.j.,ATHROP - At.; rsrnsptzsfor-N.EW;GO,CII)S. V 'MeteNew--- I .IIGRAIP Is now receiving anottietgrei:ere,Viteek7' orPaLtitid Wltiterl Woods', lay'Yeililph . Mire:4oo.2 , will be fully repleralsbeilAi r epeu'Ldepartment and f p ally inviting and Complete. partienlarlp ln_pess tor Ladies Dress GoedsilflettPlaid 3'iirld""Fanercitit es and Cashmere, Peramettas, pgetteb,Sferino,, , ,De fi Mebair Maitre; Egibroldered tubes; Bllka, Bed:" Rieli Bonnet Ribbens, a large and new 'assortmetit. L , ; .nter SbaWls. ;Indies Fir Citifi,- Vlettaines . and ,': I.:idles - Blabber. Boots, Slippers , anit over ? 511iies. of elegant and new styles; and a new' assortment miyPerloe aniCookingStoree.With ii!gristraef4y, ~ es Fencyjan'il . Stapie Goods. which Will be iiirid.:on , ostfarotable Uinta - offering erpti l olnilneeliaMaii ~ or time linyeii,- - ... -." - F -. • :..,,: '" Milferd Nov. 24 1353 - . •• " ' 1 .. - Rent lulu! rtyll I.airm nets Clot. of:J of ot the e*-Stot• - etir'l-- - .nußntrristio. rieeiving a hear sad fall i4ri _, meat of Cooking Parlor and ,shoji - StoTes, >far or Coal;warliii einukoation with 'lila privialue eta& he arketect Auld cornpfateasaortzseat it thalrolt. 1 g rand linproi l ad !ciaJa of .. . ' , I 1 , , '',--:: , • ITi cr lzt ' ElOizted ; Oven , , - .Piellauni . iniii 1 . -'' "! nate4torts. , - •.'l. --.- ' - , 'tor* Pipe, teal,' Iran; :tine, Flom. Tu:bea &a.; I a . htiewillaelt at. tho lowest Palms -for oaati - OrapProv.:,l ia Milfard. 31 pt. nth, 1853. '. ' ' -"'-' ".. -rl will popu, • 'Buffalo' A Ihotdfi4 i ; and. SOW Ne. *53, lazeng. of Stitt . , na`V , ointy. :;.:s1 -.-.... ~,.-., TittliCllliii lc" ithiiiErr ' iii;nitii4piklin, 'tin v If. tithe .atieltion _of • all: person*, hillnaqiibluiettoi. 'County and trinity to , their. Jarge and: welt, selected li ke .or,,Dr7 GOOdwandUarpets - which consist Of all the: Ifachi nettle and seerOnable G oods now,in-WoristAWWds. salt blith'for the grave and the gay. and in fact all, of tit 'differint styles of tootle which eau be -, calleobler ''or tb 'nght. of: • We oh dateretinizt not to be etfulcrsot4 1 *and It*on will tutito4ind as to tains us with it antat -- wi , wilt Make unit' word, good. - „Our 14 4, cll' ~-prefik- -1 1 0 4 0 ii cor.ribtain part of • -- t ' ' ._,:- -.- I- , . . _ ,111ack , Brocadejytaid, Stripe ' Ghandeabln; - intslblan- - ,! Ang, n r*. and Plain-Wool I:latrines, Fig. and Tian' CI:4- ton dn. 'Silks. IderittoserhilbeicAllattear,lliaromattoi at:d4iege, Plaid 421seseiColored,p4 Finuablb;-C - 4_, leoes Wo..ttn. l ---' — 4: ' ' - '' .-' 1- - - •'1 ' . .: .' 7 . . wsit!-4Kwilietiyre hare it . wintlietielnozhitYi i t beg ritattairti 'front it'r to 150, Bay Stab. Loul ip(/' 001 40 42 1 /aied-Idatis-Thibeti ,ite.:&, 1 .4., , z: ~- ..t, 1 . . .-.w ice r 4 . _iiii,,,ftl_l•-,..,ptatir, rvaia-ilailrteip. ,j_ioonei . 1 1 its 'sante' WeldifKettainbtapbr, kith Linen; ffit= hie uen,Ltatti,, Colitai.Wiktitildir- and =Sotbolibed. ffprestde;Swfaa and Indic Bail .'kfuslins,:ltidorla and Big a Ilirkitt.Littelfainnhrici.:L int-. Cambria Gdkis- Wen - Worked dotlert and Under lift's:l3l2oo lits pery, Linen Add Vottoittheethig aid tll4rbinat Blurb: l s ettan# BrOwnaattquat4,l4pthettga. _1: ." . 111 *_ _lis - ifft 4. .P1a run mit •-onsiets "gr, B l ack' and 47.,fackprrostattoOli, Qatulmetes: Black nudvrianey, Sat. Inettl- Shiiit's Grey. Kentucky ; Juan, 'Cludeterott,s ' rutin .Worsted- andwilh Vestinge . Mack afitf-GoitlidiN. &Ain tucks, Aerk,:::tiett:l4. risoneht Whitet- - :404, /Mutt Oleyen.d litripiVe•4ll-,C.l44inire''W.riPt4k prow ta,gro , k4l: 1 , 1 ~,j _._. -_,-. t - 4-.7-, - . ...:--4 'f::it.,-. , -' l :a, „ -ton StOttkOfiGliivrtnattedlifbalterr,,tatiomplate Blurt 'entbritOlnir ritd!es.'.=.loweis :Apt': Gistlviat, .4!"4,.... . , i 4.1114 11. l'huutilitnelinteret -Ounfillieroi:- ne ol eo LlaPt"*. , I*** i Lined 'Peavar:ititL'llifet alt‘n;ket'ific,- ,-• '-'- .!. "..';'- . MI. Misses and Gent* Cotton 'Rose. and ~K, R aillii: 4 4 6 Whit k l how n , lffixediltliekete-kfade Obtain. Atitnea, s'Woole „Casbasterit:,,Merinoand-ibilkdo.innef eyatYlotti arotyln of ensitattadatifosiety.. .; , - X.' • , -t.'-, '-', ' . ':: i ' '' , ' Alsoi'inlaidtescridiek , ototlifisi 44 - et dik,diriaa :a D sat hoth,Cottot luot-Wol l o6llkor.ioti (lotto* ;Vels'i. .Coiaidolioneo:Aloreeks.oaisbrlekToillisio,;- 10ein ' Otoocsod ;Volk* liftlioijr;;ltestfir".4,Tiolt.: hill. ant Ogivek011_0 1 1#0111.04111141cSat. • Ptt:i . i . e l 4311 " 116 8 . " 41 t, 1 14." Inv -rmvAtm - Aotiv TreS‘ ~04 .4 - grosto*.4bi;cat,tok:_iNoot=ivor 43, ,_._ _ti ... belt Mikis, Itlirtmarpotea RsiOr . L "I" I" 4° ` DIL o..f ici° 6 _ ll ate* complotei-oorrit4obe voilahits to sea t Root ananttntent or 415004 P 104,1, itwl r-fidal Ind. 'ln obil-nt - .lVlatimillt & — /biniftetiottatly, l OpitietWbbe:Titact,ollllo.4z:4,,l , i-,, 7 -tii. , - 44 ... 2 i4 - 1- ~1- - - 4 , - , -I 10100itoli' Pri-YVItoiL4lll5/it':::.'' Poetrr and llama, Vi: -T.... 1 30 ia•ilitriiiiiik irsoligi ,. W. oi• intik•i PibilliNho - 4 ., ~•;•=z-e: i‘; - el An& dap* , s ac dai ad siv - . - al . Pichsriw WWI seas tiokiitt , --- , L - .r4 °l4l # l . lol tilo l4 4l o r aißelokileV ? irra 1 gjq' .T 1 lib a it j - - . 1 ~,,, , A. :. Boma !orlon' sad warn ltattr,ll 1 0 , 4 : !.. V 3 t4 4ll tr a 6 , fr d P I A II . O . 6 "4 I6 A, - . shit . 06 4: 1 4 1 =4 1 , 4t /sit, lb. _: i _ Ardltiodll* initim0509,4!...1tt . ,44 . 49,4 ammo owdm i lloo ta te . ftr. , -, ~,,_ ._ , - - , - • - T iii a Thlre. ..,_lti.s,4o.lo,l4lol#of4t#Orwe d .._ _ --", _00.1111161 JR , ' Mery lA_ lap Ir. ftilo..a r ariailia 014.1:640er----'-- - 4400.24,.,„. ta # 4 l. :fttC.l6ll ' '"44s-,.7N r i t t ..e."-.4, , e - , w , , ,, • 41.•'''..:121117?":-:, Sic —' , ~ e ..4) ... ~ - . -," 57: -,-. 1- ;I• re. "ft *, 'kit int 4 - 2 , - ; -' 4 4:: n' = : --- -, : • 7 - ...06 ..K.I.• •• ; r e pt: - ',..! ~'• • . . • •.• •'•-• • ' ••' ' .4 •••"' .. •. • • 'II : :'.••.: '‘'`•.:.•'' • ' 4 . p, 3. ow-. -. L .. ~..,•••7 ...1.. 1 , ' ' '• 1 i ' . ' 4PI ' ,ll ' .'• . .. ~.,. , - "t? 1, 7 i ••-''''''. I,l' •e -v s . - -. ... . •'••- " ~‘;••• . • ...... ...I . r ...%'... „, - 4 1: •••• •-,7_, . . gr. C.:,,,----..- •••1 " q • . InitiniiioOV. Ta-111014111t013ri-t, A :_, STAGE aillleel_Vricyr*iiggingAioiigli :Vete, .: :itlh hettroAlirlAbeit7' ;Aa. - iVerryanitningartitethe ail': . dial of ilia AI Trait. of - Cur,- path - Eassikaill-IFltatA - -*., lir l tiligFaa rOvii ac..l-2, if ,-..,,,...:.. • .., ': T.--; -- -r. ,. .. - -5 • :R. = Tai Ft N:4 . N a ~, i--1- .- - - 2.. "--: r. ic'Eani litkllt'itaidity9Aenitix”rii.i44lll-,. i t ichhe g Sir 'skcionsiltazi"ta - AeSer: the. 31811 . -Stabik.e4 :-. 'Carii, both r t and WientfloeiaS‘ . the nearea't *einwt" LiassSila mate 4irsait the ttlmtl'orl; iiidEriek AA& . ' ' 11' ils . iir*L - ' ttreeer i O 7l ll -*-ealr -1 / 3 5w 7 Tar:- taloa -- Spriagv.llle,_T cipßO, Falitalpg, PaCiTillutiteart4:‘, - - '•-which lea, eiatioie at T , 1 1,1 q Prerr Eaader;.;liviatif... &land TAU .. - Al r4,ralintAti vilewhollilLenlreilir.' &a: evadla a,and..ectrolmtal,t7aTrlagea are .reretl.. ded;taad the ti : l lliparsao^p iteeali 4- ' ~ .3aadata the Pa bils —.... ~',-,.,,... -•., X.../i,,ITATEkr_ -_,.-:: _.'- 1 -' - : . - - DoCamber 24'13'4' --- • . ^ - Idoncr,v; 'a IvEsT,:i ' ''' YOUAG LIDIES' BO tiIDING-ICIIOIIII At Groat Bond, Pa. HE'next roofOr this Institution cols. rL tnence Wednesdat A ur. 3lst, 1853. A. large and commodious buis wag bat rug been: fif ted, uP,lonng ladies from dittance can procure botril and rooms in. the ramify of the Principal, - on reamnable tcirne. 'lL`ri" NI% 1 TOitinir Primorr rifPorunent Pei'quar ..t . . Grammar Arithmetic Histriry Fhys icilogy,• - - - 3,09 Natural S'ciencog, Mental and Moral Thy _. r and 'Higher Alathematies, 4,0 French, Gertriarr, Latin and Greek Lott guages , . 5 ? Drawing anti Painting in water colons, # (extra) 2,00 i Music cm Piano, , (axe of instruments extra) - A Primary Deportment iirconnected with the. school, in which small boy sparer rootlet Competent_Teachers nie onlaged In all tho departmente. L'etti - t° will 64 ,11"' en on Elocution and oci/t"' tific subaecits every weep. 4 r-t NN/E D. B. r#IIABE: Principal. Grez Dena: Allg,‘10,11V:3:- ... _ • -suscrcrirANNA, • cocci it . . .... STOIT.E.'&',TIN WAR.F. T DEPOT • - A L. WELISTk 4 II.'ts , CO - would respce fu1,..t.1• ,..t.l• -Iv inform the - peoplo‘of this . '.. -county airy the people iii•genemli that- they huetropeue .ast estgablisl'lnerit_ofiiihe , obolie.kind in iitoutroi+stt ~--- •the old stand Of ..S'ayre and - •Websteri : cosi: °of north of the Dvileitat it.,/pco, Wh - cre.they-itt end ' to keep on hand 4 lai":4e .assorirrient of St' vei 4 tin,Copper, Dines "and sheet lann:Virares; a I if. Which they will sell ael cheep- pa. ther_cii ..1:04` . i bought in this of aurptber,enon.ty: ..':Amon our etoree May be foond thoi feline/int? besides other, ` .i , so numerous to mention :,,..- ~-, . =,-,J ; -1. i',., - IV - .. Y. r.l- Erie -'air'-agli for lte = •:11 . ✓ -* , Modern Troy , : ~ . ,r, .- . ~.-. - :orcoa 4,- . • ..; 1. - Kystoize &ale " -. fo- , - ft' ' - ill o• ,' ••• _ , -.,:•_: --. ,: : • . . .. Bay Stitie,- - li , .- :it , “ ' Parisi Queehiderated Oreii.-i ; - ;:t'''' . , Iljohd w k i , . .--. . 'l 6 -. .:7••.:, --Y.: , -„ _3 . 4 ;4. _ . Also,', Parlor; Oftsce 'and shop' Stnies;;;CosiotiV . Patent ll'ot-orst. - Ftirieces - for g ating -.1 1 4111 Buildings, stores, Hotels. etc. - St co Triiniiitti4. , Pipe, 'Zinc, sheet Letts", Lead-Pipe Well slid Cll.-- tern Patips,chai.o rump ,Chain apd'Gfarihi„ .. r ' tlat.A I kinds Of -'gusto ., -% or ' on,short - 'notice and inost reasonabt *terms.l Our:motto is small prsfits, reedy pay, a -ii gale. returns—if-lir_ ' ' ... 41 A11kinds of , Produc `; taken '! in - axclnttfga , ! lor 1 4aiSs. -If yOn dm:et- tiFvf, it, eill...And sees' . i R=4:= Montrose SPPLIO. I. E ,N,` . . VillitoWrek • - • _. • Eisdnee' cliiramtica o;iisoTory eri ;:4 . ...,seil , or,lii.;ostriili,ettlit the retive;fuoFt tt.tsiirrne4tlnialAefoloe.:.-"Ilti;•- rim:thee"..prekeleoe - Otefoiileinic cl aern InerilOritpisiiits Z.( ti;i it peetrtiii=iiiviSii; 'ciotie';', oo ll.trnior-indicidtrai or, troye!lo4.shoolif .be without iL .I.:Asit,e4t)let!;:the,'sygteni to resi n -: !the hifitienee 'Of o sijoeile lark' "in ,ei C.titirsox - Bri, :sure. to gel flus,ientaiie.e*Aeiii:-.,- 10ipNis pFe`pnred 0ti1y,..,11y. .B.Rawlszi,,t.h.bk.:,,, Drug and 'G'it'inticisl • -4tori i . ' 1 . corner o Fifth:Sind Chei*t'Striell;.Pfifieelihiii;iifift,'":. for sale .by: t4„e'reurictabld Apolhemriettiif t!iet I , lontrlise..F4:by t-e 'l)' • . Alltts-Ittliktit: ... ._ , .1 -,' 1 ~New,:Artangetiietitif4:4'=; s .. ~ . „ Bintbartitort Store wt4 , , Ode ,Seiriale. l .lrati,,g-..... :1 .S 776 TV...E.R.S: i1,..,.Tif041,4,..t.,-,..,''. 1 I VET ‘Lp.respeetfujiy announce to: the watab4. , • - !: )1' Y , itarti - offLadersville;:Ureat Be nd tkutViii. - 7 , -; ! l initi , ,,that they are -no* rro6ti.iiiig;tii4",er-1,-400:: 1Y le:Ltbpir already...iarite! iteelt . , of:Goods, :hilt I 'their....,neri: ii9ro ~,,,rtOen,LIY-,-QiFted,_ll,3,-;-,Dtvirdif:,-. 110 9 3 4: . ', ''' -' , , a , _- ' ~.---_-:-:., . e asiOrlnteni is sifenstr'ej"ernfirderii:t eirti,iy:', rti lainsually calte4 for; auf3 , : will; iiciiit 8 4 . 1 4 - Ith#pey f or=. of s , t,han -ever before OfFireidistO his - cation - or e.:011 yi conriitlini..o .".. 4 ..:4....= :r., '.., i 1 OR i r kl,-0 D5,': . .,01?6 GROCER S; ` • - :, _C I ,i - Y, .iiim:.` $ l O4 , Ntriis;lD6 r dikaet ,taiil4' `,riti ,I Fish *ad- San; ;T , •.:‘,' 1-11-:-- - t-:. 4 ' a, : . '"i . ',= . l ,*- 1 addd.Ao,ten kitotiotand .nolioasnol evutneraterpt ~, . ...±:l' :'l.'jui'inih.sciii 6 ire},-.it :gijierall,tiiiileysio 4 4, ~',% ihattletlW :iihitivik most wl4rig'itidNi-coir sl will AO (Not Ssl,nheip) bUtlthie:ali er lSai.„ ,a n yr , , „ n tiher,e l 4'4i". . eA W f it t . Pta s iellis-Notki: , -,- -1 -.1 . A..''.:, 4 .;, - ‘ ~Pleaie"re einher4haVivhat we lell:Jek 4t: ne; 1., , f; fotiiiiLibit 4 itiibbi'Lriii fa6s:'.'','Wlilrh.-Wefeli Ilia - 'iff . ill 4646)1)111 a te' agoti Fria nihnitioa lit Viii-iitO4P'.ra and jpr,leee,:,, :„ . . - .. i .,...„`..,„„ . - . , 1- , .;..- .., ,",. '.215,L.,11:1":,.'jr-:,'7l''' i i VA I !hose. .holitty',e hien in thp.kabitsit,..iini*• : -:.. 'to WihStrit it -te:..pureties'e',COadS iill(giolit t0 t .:,...; :dial laaeitift ge - ta.ealritiOeiri', - ; 1 ~i ;', ,T ,- - ',.i.'- t i', ,, ;•.-4.- -. , - : : :- , : , ' 1 ' 'lf t'i' -...- ',..,"-`.- , *,TOW , Erkikert-THOM4S'Ae'... .14farigoing art:heraeri.wo-k,IVe-tWilt**i r t., Tiant-13fitt ' ' - ` - '2' l l' '''' U 5~1h8317. uphan- , _:::•GlILY- , ,fill , P-0111. A-1 ,- r- - ..-- , - ,,,,, ~...,‘„,,,,..,,,,, _ ~, ,„:.,...• .:. ; •,,,,,„,...L.,..:,..:„,:. lactiu'artugoaramra co; -, . vat ei.qt*ijr'iteii!'4ll6lhice e !'' 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers