The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, December 08, 1853, Image 2

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an empire. kehithge after.sinnexation would
be as.easy as the sUbsiltution of repUblican for
ropil ' officers 011 eio trAnst*, - *f: FlOri*Vir
_Louiihma. , -
It is, however on Oman
&tittles will be found hi per*4g . ..i.MPl, : .
for attaching ithese/Islandilif.'itheirnite -
ptates., - Another forth of governMeniwlt.he
reqtdred there, a'c'id' we Wve . not seen that the
details of any pIL for that Turpose have been'
strianged - or discussed: The views of= the
Itowaliatt.authoritiOs heretofore have been di
.rected to a pretector•ship of the Isiondi,underi
their present formetgoVenuitentri-anianetna- -1
lous connection, fpr,which no,,precedent-.or.An,-
nkgy. can_ be Amodio our lisforv", and irarinsu
• which many eogArt:objestiene of . ..principle can
- Li raised." tire, are An tlnpetuout,peaple; and
- With a feu:: 'mire Irrinkees 'in Honolulu . , tl:ere
is - no telling - what tinty tot'be brought ~ a bout
-.speedily, but there is a 'great deal to he tiene
"Ye to FlOce this __SandWicl; project ` of
:Itnnexatioti in ;ft practical likely;form,. : o'cary'
1 7:it thr:Cough. Congress. • ; :
• S . ' . 11. N te S ill ii: .
: . _ma o . po a. on. • .
. , - -• _
‘ The American of yeete.rdny'..saysi. that _suits`
been brought against the Pennsylvanial
Railread Company fer,538,000,; the - Ohio and 1
:Pennsylvania itailrond. for $31,000.; 'the 'Athi
-,. gheny-Savings Bank for $7,000 ;,. the - Cleve.:
land end Psttsburgh Railroad for 85.000; and
-the Citizens' D.,posit-Bank'for $3,000 - ; being
~ penalttee' orpassmg no e
. 0 k a . less enomt 7 .
nittion thin $5.. TaeAlmerican alio saYs that
prepiratio s have . been *lade 'to sue anoth'er ;
institution in-this city -flo'r ablint- - $7,500 mare,
:and that . th. informer has tp6red : to nompre
mise it oreteeeiving hisfrslrara Of the penalty
being.the I. one half. • The - American farther.,
' - atates'that'Abstlem MnTis, fate a . merclumt
, :,of our aity, and a
_man' named
_Davis; 'Taint
. ' Ohio, are the informers who : have 'Undertaken -
- , this speculation: -- The, speculation requires
- .`but little
,cipitaii'attd may st ). l . ccaed. - - , -
Now, 'whatever our opiinpn of the 'small
- note law'may he, we have •very,_little sympa
thy 'with such speculators: ;They enmmonlin
; former : for a.,profit is not an ,:envialde char:te.
'1 teri: We wish these notes, nr.ere driven from
'Our ' icinity, and their at supplied by . gold
and liver; and.lnstiet‘e it-could bed One:.flat_
let ik' ' donawithontlneh views - to specula-
Lion.:TO bring enesult,aa a mere 'warning,
.would be enough ',ler one man ;.- and that
Should brought to nntke - moriey.: , .
We hope - the epeculatiotfiill• not sucefed
but if the attemptresnits Merely infacaring
away :a large milt= of these small.,notek and'
supplying their plaCe with a more safe and ;In-;
Table. currency, the comuninitf will not be
zatteh• a d. -- . _
• ' - We differ.witb the American as to thapop ,
ularity of the gold dollars.- So far es our, es.
perience and observation goen, the gold dollar
is one of the most populer as well as conven
ient coins in useamonest es.--Piztsburg, Post.:
.A New 4ptheaticini a the At:697
• elation Piineitiliv ( ,
We find in the A l rmstriing"(oo Derinciid,
the following eommunication, which 'entireste'
an idea that maybe Worthy of the attention of
such of Our , readers, of limited meane, a
:pondering how they can 'secure a home in the
' 4 A SERE WiT TO GET' Riortfimose-faf'..
• ty consisting of-formers irukblechan l '
„'lLs of ;different kinds, form. thetuselvAscinto,
a company, elect a President,:l344 'of Vans,
gen, See.rotery and Treasurer; ‘,PaY- I'lolso,
each family;'or a trifle more if necesiaiy,-! , tea:
king a fund of $7,500 or , 10,000; :•move: into
some rich and healthy part: of the Western
country, oonsiating • of woodland and prairie, on
Some navigable river lending i edlifortiht.--,
Take. up.a section-of 1 and,=lay it of into t.ewn',l
r lots, divide them equilliantoiti.'lbc,so .fatni.;
lies, take SSOO of the,money and, buy. quited
States Stock with it to• pay for the 11ap; ,
draw interest till wanted. Take the balance
• of the money for flour; bacari, - intir, - Ctilffee r I
seed wheat,-corn, potatoes; Cows horses, hog . l3;/
wsg^Us, e wers, ploughs, transporting: the, fop
• lies, B .c, When they, arrive at the spot se.lec
ted, all go to work' as ; some to
plout,thing planting, t fencing, - 4. some to
•- building h' #
c '&4.
uses, 2' tilld;ii• him each
. family. on one cf their'Own lob, and then'
Solve the company ; dividing ttm - Produce,:and.
personal Preperty equally to each or if
the ntajority,'And number of them, like' to stick
together longer, and build two Or three- 1th5 7 1 ,,1
-es for each one, and a hotel; they can .do so.;
' they. will soon find renters for •thems.:. - Thus
yon see each , family f0r..150 and, eight haunt
Work each:day for ablaut...Eli months, will'oWn
- -3•1 Jots and a house, in' a town Of fifty families
consisting - of •tarmers.and mechanits„ . *Orth at
tbelowest calculation:S4ooo; beeides a 'share
in all the produce raised, 'and the personal,.
property bought. \ Besides, each farnili•• - Cart
- . lake up 160 acres , in_the neighborhood of the
town, for $1,25 per acre, and pay for it, whin
-:it eomes_into market, Cith
_large ~ ranl7,,es • for
- cattle-On the prairies,all aroOria, and very lit ,
tle winter. This Can be - done honeitly, with.;
out fobbing, skinning, or oppressing _anyhndy .
•-•—a =very satisfactory consideration. for an. hon.;
est man to reflect over.".. : .:,
The communication conclude s by stattni
that a Compauy , such as that 'nanosell +bore,
- is now being formed. at. Kittaning, Armstrong
•, county, to start on the- let. 4.ll;cif
-unit, and
invites,Lhosepy,sed :with the.proNlectio
he expedition. • -
. ,
• - El*it"-hSibit'PntSUCSl
8000 Ind
NOT to
-share pme-1
A me 6")
it •derieg,
nof s° the Pr TheY''• 'teem--
iewt.„Asnd, ,
ursb. , . roe% aegis
tilwt..--- one eh• hat
"bier.° . -
levy but
they,..tal'es ttotir,.. did Ine(
AthlY4r frejstlii—zost_,,„,4lMu4 ith(111;1"Lck. Pil.arti.P7,,i
o end ilieLr.oao.azded UP)
_;yard;ht Of such hmah ie '„, The-Y. 66' never
. The
ata liSth 'ifitiftilri
~gocianoiie. sad; ldes altegleniii 6o7etiolisin ''
'7.30,04_____,,;;°5 .v.aare,,esieebbee thio u tgrearrig-thoethPraqineer
it Isnowy".
sect covers - e G°d to A
l''-stwasmir , the taiM • lied,
- w
ins• - d beet!,
and tee
~ - ' ,I "
It 7.0 :,, ILPIe--r t XI;
1111. s du,
k4 ese
• '5,r44" 'as 'a
1)7 1 .;;; - ` much
'loklm.. rens there. sPeeiw.--1-es In
DOI; es.
d tuiltr-otitilll'etut7;eh w as
• ati
seligi r the,. . iii, *wept .
. •ring the 11". tirsCP liairing._tfkly eitPrmet..44.e
, ;Ting
the joie -ii, prew
wed Ali •P''. _
11144.ered by th ~t, vreeuviaboali°
so- { Thal was
irsrm_.--.1 :es UP
dang told
•e a
$lOl wm iiiti
-I grss eathat '00.44, "-
`. ~ ,', • er;
-ad t°
grab • -am, ri.jfkaits4 • prates-,
aesb, mY 0 rehgt is oi, A** I
to of the -tw,
the Pe°P otrivelti Abeir 11.4
v• id he,
olies 11
ji!, ..ikr- wl kad a.
'ithits 8a - 08'06 • bt imPrn 1 I 114..?:iat's **j'itk:
. 2OBlO
,_th Bug
hes; -,
$1,4u..- ir
'.:lrefr7-- Owl `Pi
re eburei
said eR.,A.- ..... ,
trrts.thims ''
resPeetif re me' t elf 'the
---, 1)‘:.-_,1) were C 4 , -
in, "7.e001,0---i4-ii-siTah
ialter7Lying -"he poui'. mitre -499#
- '2sitiot*d.....".P rn?
13'11.1' - ~/. •-, C '
.b..ok--,Airo oi w im: 7 11.4: •
..;-, • ';'' ,
~ , ,_
••,- --tm!"-
: ~ t,446,0
, k.,Arirgiplii
_. 4 141
rZelb s .4,4-'-d....r.rmr.
'-, ....e -1,,, -,!‘
ii, 4 ,
,A,',:'''''f' ' :1104,101`
lift* Cile 'Mill.
' iirvel It* 14 air ►
ilivie to,c,
, ;ben
t se,
-'-imiyiko 440,
. .. . .
~ . , : :...H.:,...., . ..,, : , 1 4 . ...i,..t-7"; ' , . .*".." -.. - . 7,...,.. , ... L4 - 4.:4;......,..., 1 -7:1-_,..-1
-----.----t -----.. ::-, - -:-.• -- j - 7: . : - . • ,• 1 • ,
Ver It woo tnesiay. tbb Isth
+;.f TuesPlfthe " %qt l .o
roctica4 the
from pit l er . llot. Tile:error ea
in reading tiro proof.
T - OrThirettlisrd- teninellEurtYPi strtrtil
Neuryai-4.ort Ttie - , y..] I4ir . ;riews liAalpo
c i s
-trait.] . ..T . he tattles I . .letw;eint l i .tl,;e -,Barssfa :-.aii
.Tarlish :. sritilecsi itatit•the eorrlettraier . th
far of the Tarks,.itiOlitilly; 9 : onfiraf 41,_ lir th! r
Weis - of still , faittevvietorlia of I us.Tirciiis..
.suits. hare . bneU - eurnrae
1 1
,tb na&e
e Ear Blink" pf Pit !iurr,
riohttioris.of lbo,-prnall clot lavi , .
and ;rectors are nerused r payi ,
under the OenTuinathitt:of
. 15, at
Thii,renatty corluttingenr tof 1
case of ItankiliA . iNery .heayy, be
/evirillotn-rd ; ;‘s. _ ~-,1-__
Cpeididates:' '' ' ' ll % ' '
•:Wehnite•intlied the 'names:of ', Hinrry .S:
Mott of Pike co nty,, George ,Scott of tolu ,i
ii 6, John f'd ' - fit , It_ and Chest 1 . Tholunis lo f.
Bridford,:uaid Di` L. Sherwood 6 ?rioia:: -7 t l
out fnr Can It Cemmiiooior. - :-''. 1 ; ..- 1
-; Cot Asa - itieek; . Genige -. *Aiken' 1 te,
Senator fr o this *. DietlictiJo(teprileiliiv 14.5.: .
eat Senato r :rettf , Perry - District; lore tirentim
edit). Conn trot! witrShtte TreUtiurt!. l ,', I- 1'
.I. - 0 - --- - -- -- - c , I,
Me i ettlig , of, ongresat l
The:XX4l/10 CutkgresAlusaatabled . 11 4 0 u
on Blonda}iClakt„ - Tim Senate havin ?. at the
•Eiecutiye +ssiba in.tha month of 3fmich lai.t., '
elected 1410,, ..I';....A•rcfusos, of ' tui ? l, as
President,;fro 10 4-t .thg.bodi' ; w as, tt course'
prepared.l.,c.ethmence lips, transatetio' °O mar .
inesa inuitoliately . diet roll-call. pi *mi l
orgaaized , 'thou t itni, difficulty, l bY i 1 the re.
eluitiOn.uf 04 0 e , i l5 of, the last sesPUßUt i iia:.l
; le
peater-=-Lmss *xi), of Keattreley. i
„1 j
Clerk-=.ipmx, W. Fc4m,r,, af.. PomiSylcsnia. 1
Se r ge e PV •lt- A n e e ,44..GLotf , ult6trot•
, ' r--Z.. %W. ArcKszu - . 1 .-, • .
.I , ' •
... Pustmas r-11,1t uurscoi• - 1`:,:: I]
1 ,The Ito Se...beies bW ready rqr,tto Mans
:maim of h !siness, ap in ted a, corn
t ttel., to
meet s:ahrd,larde?egurt.froutthe-Iltat,' and ,
natify,ithe' nmilent their m.01114'11 :-.'-
Tim meta s ,spent t ' balance of tthe y's
session in Flag fa sects .:,,-.3.' --`: ': 1 l*_ '
if i..
The' .a Fea,,g,iye of: -various
• bills, iiiiiihe
1 Settato ate l i fqttueftkat la 4 l eat i N e ,e f. ,; l l at i t. f le Y
be expected to trans
... ,,,,in . .. the. eoume at tho
:session.' '5-•Th 0:loFs . - 4e. OatOui., are 41 read; in:
'the. fieldithPiPPositlOas to Fautitas 0 foT
~ t aikoas.l litlit ,NT-S°l4ltra is .46f,y4us of
Isce:rygning, ulle t oerAin , icq4o4oe. . ,b as :
ir0pcm41 4 .4".c.F;(1 , ?,
_dr au4lt : lFb isit's -le the
United'§tatUst.aud,,,if au, what' the terms are,
I nd 11t.r...-Fiih Wisho to devise am . el
i b
'hiei ttu aWfal`mirtOty;at : ioar4 mills
4frissols Y- be;stlri -;lias. 74 rii i
4 03 P0nc4 -4 et 4 oithat ivwpi
4 i
4 coi n
tinned. - , "- ' I ' ' -. 1
• • The President's laissage cars read? on 1 n. -
14 7 afternoon- It comes tar , us led '!4 f4t this
weeles isity-aad ai - iwe,. will publiSit l i e .
next Keel[, it.l3.l4otoetSfiri to gt 4 a iYa° -
.. • .
1 6* It IS a plain, , uoise, sod sq : 1 :1, 11 4 ,
I dri . ctiMent, which .eo Inebds ; t:e.p. .-
4 °tistur. ll l l . d ,g9 0 0 .. .5e ~of the PePP,.. I ,ftv. II
430.upy ILtkqUt,OgbP o'iur.nsin .A2.or, itiPe4: • -
.. l e
1 0 A ntimber.'Of (in coteMporaile - i ... ya the
Dairy Neths,:i!strontly urge 'that law be'
LpasSed by`the next Legislainreina zmett fi d
' relaireiglitSee!etY of the C eet ,.. l cs' l 74lth
to Lave the 1 Ws - passed, by the Merle Asse&
biy published . bith i e newspapers of h coUn
j ty. The: iqkgestidb is' i - -godd 4e : abli' We
hopeitivill be . carried ': out. ' 'The ; Ski wo4I d
:trifling iOrlipiredirith,thiadieU . . kel Which,
.irtritid . residtitherefieui tel the pub le. -;•' - I '2 j
.. _ At preie'nti- the:liWa ire only *VIA edr, in=
paMPbte -ibi.M, and thenaiili fOr 1 tnontha
'iliet hkv . Obi into effect 1 and ,tviiiit't eseare
disfribUt ' over the S tate;` they alte:i en only
iii'oue i a thousand: . ''This is all wfobg,leads
to much pribi r 'f iiiionierileace, -, i:erk 'ol".iii silk.
jeita''OrSUUS i.O pin - Jo:411066 - for i , iiast.font oil
' I. / ti e?' thoY W i ere liMiranilarld Ahtild be iem
ale ta spbedili as, ppt6Uble." - ' ' 'I ,:. '
'lb ikiniirSiheiit like - Oars:. 04 1 6* Sh oldd
bU Slierdidletery ' bplioAtnniti` j4' know ittio:
ilal47s eel/44 by t hei r PFesentati v ir.; tiat iml
ly so salt* eitible - theis ta ., :eonforM ito - thOm,
tontleratise 'they have a riglst to Thos wh ►-
eilthe'laWs'mmeted bit' i tbeii to 1,1iu02 ti es
• - riPrisr -- the' tii4 "erd.rititM lissil'.llO;irei,' are
isuch as mpet their.approral. l
; ,
•'' : I" &i'intillileiii4isisiiirli'it i azi l di , ii 4 l ieu
' Ate • '`ltii in a --.;'''' " tiiialiebt
I cstabll d ax Iw, earn ut
Adam!! 1 r efJsoti'why . h ey sb iliot r :herp b.
tilted Atli *r` and - mote . iViidely ifi l friheir' , '
, ar e' - Al et : P} vee e t -Pe h , l 4 ei i: lt ill isz r e iti!eo "
h ' ef e k*:": i h — i power er - e: ei i. ' l lt 4 e F:e'litieti
'Whaf:iblaiioi'are.,lie ' required SA:i . 'bey: taufi l
' iiq,4612 i'llhetß . : b!!.iito ex fp i . o . i.' Us. j
deat4*foir th,U,lP:liii , oion, - iii4,:v t 'fi g ut .bej
PP34! , : I:?*tite.) titt er . 'hi',
- f l U'usw 'vie, ''ut *-
. Aittiy; **mire
All un Aipo - ' 4 116'16417i .I .ld4ivigie 'Ur'
theui. : K•rkt. e Mitiiii , idatintie Ybeii
liia 111.. tis.:,rtitVaiid, : ptilia . '''#) 'k' : :
k.tilui`lkiite' islat.4'''''"''''
, .
1 0... ~-,
-1:k-- ?,
'; PT- s, '
boa ~.....
;tom ,
:..7 , -._ , .-......:_ A,.....-....61-- 1 -- ''
. . . .
''' Vitimarri4-Tber,Likgishitife.' ' z .:ar.Arglontl
..4141 ctfii Cturna 011,,thosg_h, 10 Afaelidu4
ragir•Ptit.s 1 . 1 e4 0 49 iliP-Adi ' ' a' - ex`e`44dl:i
It',4)4pl . o l ,4tiria 4 4l4:lsii'pl
:„ i . pwilk*,..**-
11 - • „.: p • -, the , ltioltM:eforttutilstooviJ
Vt.' - A'' ' 701',Irmiiifeefillbott"*-
t"* . •
- -- .
( co Ra k• s p oi 4oa,-'o4,fit*,n-o - cnArl build •one." Progress is a slow-word for al- •,.: ar We publish belowi art -eXtract ;rota is
•'- - - --=:- -- 12 ` . " • ' ' ' . ' h ''t ' saideven ' th • I St -'-- ll'' 1 -1` " ---
ifurnia—a land w ere t is e o spceeh of Hon. John A. ;x i , ,n.ade. in New
Letter from elklif6 ' • •
•, 5,., -,. : - ..:.- .- - ~. ' , &Mid Jte pie iliaten their bed-rootn doors:W . loi' ..Part - Some tin% stalfo. N'Vti pubitsh it fur the
E '•;.. ~..:.''..• ' -,,, r',.' - - .• 1 =1, 4 ' , ' - lw ,; • , ia- , : ---.„ rt .- •7 ..•••,.%; = ' 2 . `, ": ..,---, -•- - '-'s• 7i se 2- t-'' .- c.- ..,' -)-:;•,• -' '. 2 k
-,e,- . , •,, ..irvitAtcliEtit ilims& CITY oF i . quncter. 'dig. .;,- :.
,-, . 1 * --
- r t ' f PtlOPtle of _ OaPtug ,attleat l 99-1 0 tho=Preser4 Ii
~t . - , ,Sait
,FtianctarAlpat.- 30, 1851. i . - Iliai - diseeyered some.ineorivenienclea and (nanciat condition tot.the''beinitrY,:i conne c ted
t i
th ' -11 ; Il! * .11ao Y 6 t iy. '' - i.;•
- s ; messmgrlitini: — shilfutc, l YOU deem l'roP* :43Y411.01•-ilslaTtey7pc-*64.lain,bfulatiotis throe - ill:the/ wi ,w tq 1 sa q es, ,n o laupor n kart „,
1.-,i i : ...._ f a i i.. 44.
i,.!, to„ is 4he . t',.. ,„ : Ita_ ,sty scrawl ' from
.tlie - eltyl\ 'Thcre - ia, too taaa4 filth, tiiit?w,iii'Jat.o-1 - ic; he' 2 'lettßdfiycitiore4 4 ,eit , ---• - dprgrreni,''viii
14110 paril:ila “'Stitt4aOhaZ -' l;O`Y,",it is at your thi'streets ; yet the' blessing which 'cnii Crea- 1 %;•11 . at shall liacine - With -thWtsur I o f V . 7-.
. . . d l )us ."-
FOr the.last fifteen rtionthai bare bee - .11 a plieie 'proves a protection against any e ideal- , the - Tariff be arlduated SO il l 1;14 '(0 trolleti no'
tor_has bestowed upot us in so pure an atmos- )000,000 now in our Trees - dry, l how stall
nsitteat 43 J i f or tili, ctu l ug -.eine, -time • 13e, '- , :-.. .• • . • ' 1 mor reirenue'rrr the fiell - pitg' Ittria'ricCeS a;." -
ttlt. inLteaB ''N'se-res."/0,!';;" 3 •Pt-t• , Wo- r holtt lt a llf.',thir!,Fity.7-._] . ni• 1 =a d .4 •
The hotels are not entirely destitute of bed - 1 -1-1--forthe•e - cono rea a is o Ow
tour. pip Mn,),' ' i . .4 - a • iiiiiha -, of . 'o.iii. i‘,lf eblitinii- - p ,i - - , - 1 - - ,
Pei - - , •,. .
tnanutCripi have buta co ntracted and limitd idea of . Sae Ith t people, they- are remarkably industrious ' . . 1 1 kii,i• myself, though I l ittivelln: incap 310-
1 sa . erjr ' around—the •ba -- •4:4 r r .• 1 . -.-- • - . fated by the exactitLtrtlutit , ' .. , f ii. I.lbOrions -Ind
ped °t i tle? Francisee---tae en . . ) tan. teer,..i. ty t t i.•.. -; • ' • - bi „fr i r ‘l,i '. ' . lA'
i i
_ • . altrt in-the political tnovetttunts i or the 1a.4 six i
' ' mug tu , t , p a reets. my cannot stand at a I months, in ', course in the inierteney in whielt•
--.. .Lettne "then - taku - f_itity...artn;' - g - 44 • iettdei.:'ionte - iliiiirttiliiiiir - i'iiilinut iiiitties;lii;silll . l'6 - r: .---. . place d fins ------ 4 ir - - -"-; ' plain ;
4 .
,„ , . ~,. we are . seenp., .. TO j a • % ery
1 olarhots— rapid growth of the oits :- P'VPla ~ Another evil exists hereiL It is that. f fast mciat . rt.!ponst
~ e ie., ro taing any .te :e
1 Lion, Sic. 8:-.e.. . -
and escort you through this.'' Ol
e.4 l kt yiluni - city i n a f ro w . escatir.nkfroaiteina . .ciaimed or l c ilied: vend th at it is' to °sesta ft tlif State and na- i
of the Pacitic 4 ,_ ,AVO will sally forth* 'fieut 4 . the iT a effe:ct a- ero,sshig - ii_, t kernel points retittire,iltional administration as -lo !i.e. lift:y..BllA give - I
."'S'Vhat -Chkti.. l ,(hy th e -. WAY; one. ofilhe teSt . l an amount of skill and ialenl.that might be "i4qll'.iii their. tucasift4! i . )ticy, that thex I '
housea of 'th _ city,)• - and walk ittv.Oteritrientelb e l 4e i, , ..i tri pi,i ve d,
e . Irutded by. artnactattoictrin ites, arid that-: fi
if there ws ' less red'kless t h eyl ire 7 l•iliO inn. 'it n ily ' ' P' T
1_ .
,:r , .i) es , a ; pram )., et 1 ,
Street to- :I{eili r ney,i,xl o .kft,;,!.com.; l 6y,, TiasL.; the'', driving, . and more. retard for. buntarr life:'-' it l true tnterest4 of the-coon ey a d the.State.—.l4
Plata,'Postolkce aid Hall ite'Llfroadway. i .requires ponSiderable,pfactie .to acquire thel I see °"thing - i!! tllO", oo lidtie T i V 4 .. it,liec'ealeubt-iii iir i
Then we.; mil) ascendt , to the top ilt - TelegraPil . habit 1;1• - sueeessftilly dud i the rushing ve- ' ted t 6. rai4 ''.." n Y:': l " uht ' '‘! ,l l 0"4 - "Pt. e ' t ' ,i ' thg4,-,
. -•:- ' g . 1, .) , . , . , . titled of
. alai . - di ri
sinterestr pan. .1.-Intry no i„.
Hill. This ill overlool Sari Fronebicii, her hichles. • d• ' great' 1 •'•• -• - .t.' -, ..!‘ . '''' -1 : -- 'hS h o uld -
• ' lodire or: di nd 0 very grea .- • • 'matter e -rt,,,,t tlitityr.or , •
id itt• ' II
harber,and•lhei "stirrtioadiirt eorlatry';,.. -Frani to nuisance forkwitich - •there is n ticuse..f 1. -.- :be/contain-a to all --4.4) - upltf•id•Pthe ernner le I .
tins -height,lii : titnes' 'inist,.ftessels •:Werp'en-f•'' For the iiiiiiii:iiiktlia'w hai;e had-lii.tfe-st"ddal4; lo krhatattitT - tlie , ittlt 'h i iiereats Of - the i2 p
iouttftd wlti ~h bont- . le; 'enter the iiort:-'' This I ' - - " , .44 '-' y- 6 , fal ''
',:.fiiiia I -bi - •. t. '"" t - r -l i ' ea g 4t l4 49 "'" ; •!l nd r t '":t t ' -1.1-u -I n . ies ' ' 41 ` 1.- 4- a
t, ie., .1
- - tilrisiiaf. i- ,
TE 1 iftSF.
CO ligliTiEt
tiir 411.1 red,.
4 1'11 . 4C1e k
g 1 '
ou no t ipt
• - a ,- i . i .*
3 1
the tpupt r.
lebiaiti.l 0
ndes.43St, pi:
• ,-, ii:“ I
,11 1)
is itfai - sn s
eeded.. tonstractton of 'a
magniitie to traph,' Uniting - the. eity ciith: the
e," forms'a'lEtii l4 t* pas
tri• t,
sage; through whicholltveisas tiAitatiritthe
wit,eid . Or Pitcifiebderdi
turikfor Oat port. From this het,,44, let us
turnloOr the.l+lOrttt,atid''tro 111 -5436
the serpenti to `cours e of fhe'entia co, om the
"oCiaji, tiemilid'in•-!)f a- MO:i44l4ii-Ofthilihts
'6ll eitheriioE''.lli:Aillili*6ei
of • the it**livity thi 'whieh w 6 stink na ind
denly unfolds in ‘low Sin Franth4co, 'with her
triagmfipent - Ithiber. The bay contthueS on.: .
Wurd;iittOi iia - siing.the "ay; with ii- br endth of
froth ten Z tUififie:in miles; ina - nYc'll — fi'ilifliz...,
ty wiles. ': Thiii,ltr . pOiht Ot capacity it ties.
senses' enal'elent'rObin 'for' . rthelicirug` . of the
:vessels 'connected': with . the ithime e tif,the .
iinrla; iiirectly.- - 4ciess - the 'elfinne ' we i*C
Anget - rstvicv girding forth • in' 'l;i6 d re lief; '
I then, turning One iyei east - vird I . Tth. -the,'
I- - • .-- 'I '
broad - eipinse of the: biy, and we w II behold
afcthut' Diabolo; oi De - virs'SfUlintivi , chit Ned
in'hliiiblp mintli;lookiniaOUn 116 a prond
monarch, crowned ”withii afaileiii . iiesioir:'',
On the opposite shore, - wis see: th t e benthiful
toirtni of Oakland'xind Mande, an at the , ex.
Arititaiikuthern liinits of - -the bl 4 e itliz the .
plensantAtitin:'ut • Alrisn. .13Cti'e4n lefich'-ef'
these towns andthis city, 'iin Intiffe4YS'e - is
. .
. . ... i ;
inl l .-
kept up'ty steambosts'end satimn vessels. In
order to gtt S. Koper iinderstan ag, and . 0
. . .. ..
correct knowledge or tins - bsv, it should be
nevVetl'"with tbe risked eye,.et. pen' cippot.
Portiay, perlaignage , glie Sri ledel'qnnte:Cri;
cFptitifi nl . !fti - b‘lll-I...'"An'a now, in ieyking
a southerly 'ilitiietiOn; liana' "Ib'erveii: T eiirth our
, .
'feet Stands upOn; a ineeessionjof heights. i on.
tiorpti outran/Oa a lciltnidop shape., emir :ding'
Th'i . :_eitY *ithin,their'licriltii; coyß r ed whit ,we
aiiparo: - vtriihitilhis - bsii4 lit ilie focit Of
these heights; lies enahesotned the cit • y of Stn
'Prime' iseo: Thus 'we can see the 'fiiritif,:itrets,
crossing 41iefi . gtladi:pt right :eagles, llicV7.these
of the T,titalibi: City' in your I ttate; and' iv:hen '
'dirliiii;ss iiitain'andthe streets a nd sto - res . `nie ,
lighted, We 1 ,5 t 'Ouiteyes, upo nthecity. be
nAth' ' Ana the sigh t is , iasagnifiient. %Ye' will
4- --;- -., t. - , v_ .- n •, A;
now descend' fromthis. lieight,finad'exainine
the'. city is ite s iariiiils - *CharacteriStlik We see
the whole ftent'ef the - city': OcerMied" by the'
skipping, eind. preeents a multitude of tessels
With a &rest of - inastii. i Old hulki,or store
ships sr' here, anehored in cou ntl ess. 'ti,i.iAers',l
iihpilarie.,rinnitieis Of: the - feetest 'eli4eil
'Shipal z ilte ipeaf.ini&tii6ent lipeiMenS'of ma
rine architecture the. world has ever, seen.-- 1
These May,at all - titnes t ' e seen , . togefhei rvith I
many river steamers, 1m , large and small—:
Then.. comes `the iiplefidill, ocean . leviathan
steamers beloneing to 'thelSTiearligui line, ..nd
next : the Panama , line Of , ste.lmers, ' together-
f th e l'n
with those 0 _ lepengen' l os :P , Ditc; l3 7 l l i ;i 4 cp cb,
—' be added - die Los Ange
a 0.....
re, Thus it issY be Pc ' ssi.
Andr—..l3.lsLellieere fo rm an ziequalo cen 4
bleJor vc•••• --- to -t•cial interests •of .
option of mile' the coo!* * _
A ow nfter
d re to .be. , ..4P n I"
this country arel!in I.'w•*t iiej,iie,we will turn
l oo ki ng et this ca,Sgm"Pe - - .id Here
I and look westvita •
Our backs upen,.-
laiar. 474,000.00 . 0.; from ,publie :hinds and all.
lie hi FP'the'kil l 9, l 4'cikY 81z .F 4 4 4 !.,,, , k 3, , ) viea. ;- the: sopreen the,
,bah ante. -rbi,ihe
the outlines of , each street
. ; .are s e en as I.
hA3i.. °
matter of -congratulation . , were it ; 'not..
.that' it
. elitub these heighti;',With 'dwellings • on either
sine crap to heir and ainlbcy
con. indicates a t-tst _importation_. of 1 .- foreign . fancy
soods,lexuries.and faihton, that ~ reguire en..
untie descendinz the apposite 'side until. Limy '5 - f - intin . s .,- ‘, .;:f kl i tyfo i . l , , w d . a i.- o , :i
einiek . the Valley beneath, , where .e large i .n..tyn !
. i er3 „ -f ast peop l e, An d ai, a ;fla ti on: l,,, vpzot, t o,
ber 'of dWellingsSre Seen._ , e occupants sp n . 1 . - .f ast , and spending money-,-verylprofuse
'-- - . e i , ''' • ~',, e ,... , .., , . irmg, , . _
pear to en j oy: pence a nd . PV) 4 r u i t t Y' 'Mg 4 9 . -' , ly. , 'The . Americans haVo,beearue . • theinost,
stated tiinn . o,re
s tli F m ß it :a9a:*.ist./e ! .2 4 . .... 1 .. a Fig e extravagant peoplo , in - - Ate wo,rlail 4Pt''' 4l th
0 0• . .... ' .:.., .- .. ,:.• •-- ; ..,, , eighty:millions • .of. revenue -our . gOyernmen.t.
Ai resi tt - one iiiiicof' t h is ey.y a 4jpiiiingfhe - --4 . 4 . - - -1 ' --•• '• •.•
vbartes Ts vonstroci upon
;lei ples ti orluzlks, pf ,
4 ;iaitzOi•Potires "suitj
e !ti l4 :., ll 4;.o l; 4 i 4;;:i l 4;oZ7i l ;:e:nfOni!etid
away, of this , vOiiriOcr very
; tl
Prick leave aw o4. kltard holes hi the ,street, to_thol
g r e* in F °l .' l '. e ßiel'c,,4-.YO°
carry ,1548-1
in th eir !/ats., Mkqe4
1 1 #44* - TYP,-Vrenek - Pile eosto44o. Be,
Pee.thAtt ;2kttli4iitge' tke tide:•ebk*,al34:ffowB. •
The I .o 22 nierebAlbut. *P. tialagia"...*Orin,
. • r
witeeased the eitee growth, what ma promoc
of -4#4 1 --- Tr.° , i ll l-, , 0
7 7-IriVAPPßoluivrt.
•P!Pg:9, tbFliaeVo.og-i: 4l o9re et?
bflv,r°°9 3 ,f(lP: t e Pitt* growth:"lnaioritY
Skefir fr-
, . .
~ )o ! * * *gge-e!.e fnuneipann!'en,,n gee,lftli.
thing. elighgi hei 4.: -et thie:Ahne 41 1 *ONty,
11* 1 ,14! ri!PNlYgivifig Ph!eetP-hriek4ol l oo
`of a substiontal cstroctet: Not Leis t . j . w i ppo ,
*4 fiiii,e'4aTe i1,e ( 1. 1
. - e'reli4 1 41e0iikiP 11 . 4v,
441741 , PPAY , ,..4 tFiiieh;nEel4lll4,-,0MTnen
514.;:,:7,*4414401.441wr.14,0*910 Acwinlipity
.•*o.lsfant..*ts-migemiativewur 4a4.livid
'frolqw.47.(. l 4rkieemliAC.OreleFrigrE:tsit
the Iselnilatientinkhet4i4 l oll,994o l ‘
Ou.stitrf wow.' fidiciiiliWir eons!
-,4 1044*104011101#414hir.
' -4, 05 Pt*"
7 11.
s' aroodd ih'elaso
, 1 0 g0 44 4 4, 444% 3 444 ,1 1
~,.,inws l onmknisulpsetitl
R0P100t***490 4 34 , 40f6 1
**fp. Olickontibki-eibw , l
, i1ica•441,1101414)
Airtns 7
pooigniffnal ,
tgorbu of anatwoeck4 , oll
or ria:r:io
4 eackafterhooN.strertg- whifls-pre
the stiepti etinbili 'of Oust:" i - After
that. hour th 4 r
uicei Cuoit'
. . .
delightful- evening!, uuder thir invigorating, inz =e a t -„,-
, 1 -
r ; , t ---!' 4 ° ',r
.. 1r _ _
~. , me ,„,
fluent() of . Mail ado , cane lrtjoy tho:.sweieti;ii v i : t;;Ti n i ! 4:11::)",111:11i.". Il i " 1 tjeftMNUttiention j ,: i , k 1 lr ,
- . 4 -••••-•• • IR—ress , -.•tol yr, ilee•ltiii , p ,.. n i nc , o f 1. 4 ..q.4-r.. Jaasop
‘ a - h . ' ' - - -
rryose, nn ~ v , vnitrigrnittg =diiivus' ttifithis yob.- 'rf ;Ur nev.-'i,it.di'ti'oiro .l ;l ii twit d,
-tefFeshod .'iii4 prepe:Nifjer. the 'duties' of :the tonte'of your orgaitizati‘ , zif 'Utaintain - d - - 1 : - ` s- 4,- 1
to' the im"phr:. it it il- r w.6 l6 r t+l.4 .
, 1 , y In a - { ''r i v ... ~ ,
aay. Paling 44 is terele4 Ahe-raiey or win: spent, of eley4o4 and. diertereisted devotion to "IA!
• g rew prinr,iptes,4t? ,re . spi•i tui..the influenrilt. . r •r"" n pl ilze : : ,.: :
ter season, the pm* vaijing-sitde, are
, ft f p lq'Y !Pay exert; on ,the plitical 'Fon i .ern i' til" . ' d' " 's94l""'r
- Niv4rtn':
I soith
The • SapPli.„4( Vrittcri i s, at present 'derived
front Springs:And&tosian . wegsbx,the viola.'
ity. • Thii-tneans eirtupplyieg water will,in ti
short tiMe, "lcconiereedo4,i'lly the - ‘ll!Ount : aiti
Lake Watii`ce. %Act - ' • laying ' their
.:.4as.. ‘iurks.i t or lighting the city :
with gas are itiso.nearly completed : ",
• 'The marketware, well supplied with all:ibat
can tempt this pile - ie.. , Fruits lire SegiCi!, , with
the exceptioaof Grapes,'which are Plentiful
sad delicious, Asinilu hand; or clttster was ,
exhibited here weighin'g, II lbs. .:-
Wo, haTeow in• Allis city _nine'daily and
three weekl +apes*, all conducted withlo:
. gy: and •Ai ability We have'a Publie'LibrarY,
Public.".Scliciolilit ehniettes, wellitiiintied
and an V U 3 tity..of stlmers out,l4e.
The annu. w.iulaie f . of Gotd is $60,- .
000,0o9: Titan, are fifteen °banking houstii in
this. • '‘ th'e - ofteratfoii tir , ft single ci°, is
net' leAs 4 ;ll . 6431),ci01iA0 1 5‘e'r annU
Five then - And -re race <ionise nre in full
ilwit:iftiliiill-aitended. •
,The perm ent poliil,tivn or this City ki
timxtcd at -t ;otio; iloatino pppu!ntion•
.ufliont .tea o..fifteen. thousind; Ati.the tiero
of an inuneast!'tvtera thdei , when the Pacific'
Ritiiniid Shall Amiilcitnpret id, this CitY _will- be:l
cottie . pnezef the most Ticipnrous.on , the Globe: ,
We'llaxe: noira motley
.potiulatieti-:-: ce'ike-
. sensatives fruni e,tery'.eotuttrY nailer the stn. ,I
1 ne•er could before fully cppreeiate that Sa.y:. I
hie Ithe greet hard; '" the . trtirldN a stage. 7!!
..Life here iS a piirpetnal amnia; trag,ie' : . and - com:
le; i .which evely mac': literally iakei a 'part, in
full - statue: The ysekee influence Fin:dein.:
J o
tire, s, as' t ought te.- 1. - . ...,_. . •. ..=.
H n very letter yon M t aw Imre 'read.rrom C; l ii.
,ti . _.. . • -
bas =doubtless said i•tioreethintr. of-.the
deplorithiestate Of . society esiitingbere. It
is all too true-=public awl- private morals are
at tow ebb—but there are 'now'evident signs
of improvement -in is • particular.' Schools
-and• Vlturehes,itholie Fraixhana of Moral reform,
are:rapidlY being establisbed--uprit,Pht and or;
'def.loVing men, 'with their ivivesned daeght
ON;•are settlingamong us, and their influence
fur grmil is -boginning to be felt. In feet,' the.
devil•will'soon hive to give up . his:hold upon
the reins' of -society to'
-better' . and Worthter
hands. Iflat. the 'day nutY)men. home When:
seeiety Will not be --any %verse,- 'at the- least;
than 'it ; the. Attar
_'is on the. Mantle slope, is a consum
mationlderontly lo'be %visited. - 'Attire:atom
Tours truly; -' LATIiROP.
4tiveinniontitet , entpe.
'us .etititnatud. revenue of the gnio.
ertiment.fer the first. fise,al year ending in-1853
wilk be t pyvr,,SBp,Ciao,9,oo,;,-fr,oin custQm - *no
. „
win ' biJ'tit)lB lv accuniplWl4mrposett much det-..
sired and much needed. The:nubile debt can
.be mitioguished, the noniplreatipiacrenied,la:
grant/yr:hinds -made' to the Poci fmrailronsi, ;
thi3 putgich!mildings - it Wnehtnitar,Cispeedily.
eotiipleted: We- Can afforduto nerease very.
eonaiderahly- gOoda - iniimrted,duiy.
fret. 3
Titer Rnf; .to Luoitfiern . oo.,H C.piet Ju4 -
tiiley:lias idiid .
16‘'1.11)itied- S6t43*,CiaitifeWeit
taild nifte ‘creaked-en
Ihe'SitequOlattai,oi,euy poWie
40*-sFl l. 44lo)Ye i hAtilt,klto.4?"..t err**!ured,iri
:the : ftyfir, het the rie l lijeet seive,te rdia(--
liiey%frenotliettießie adeilinftSqtrtiidtition.
_ -
ntilfniy s,re'rkrtfintendnd for 'the 4invir44), of
tete sew or- arms .tbe„sea', nnd:•that, any 413; : l
*Ague!) 4'el?tlete44! r.: l Afr ',1v1)00
kvoittoig 'b!'"ei. , or. sWel ) , d'Ywa- k
current, in nut riulinde' iserviee,
rlintrThty Ir'rraeothirenne interin - ed. '
I with such
_property in stsch-t-aseCis ata
16 , 1fitti irAfakin4nrillines, totindueuitinsludriti,l
; 4 10 UPitifiteila#34.vill,
nl*k.At Emtnelton illtree s nx. Ana :1.0m".1 6 41
xi ? lre,tdprisonefiii, itiolitfnl;4ll4 iiskNe
'nn rut) 4VniTnetAit-ixtb
iteb4mAlr.ithes, its 6nii
- 4 t
_ ~..ey JIC, aseni.... __ thee.mta. 1...--- , .-7 :. - -...-116011tniifti . *.kitie' fi.
prpotrriti-tait 1A144-;tit;-*Uit.44;.1.11/4)/,1010-1 ''VellntitiatfientErf; lela l SWilt iii:: A zni`,
aiiirki ufinfamy Which it dese'nreti,,, : ''' re**l - =lrit,niiiiikr r r iiiiisli*Airiiiil &V . 1 1
, . . --: , _ -; -•= 1--. .. - -i , : : ‘ jj ki kei ti t , strei si ' ; • .-- ......,' ''A
_i Eiell'hO,"liikont - oft k atevoit • iitrikt; thi note, and st l '
1, * 4 4 " 0, 4 03 " ' hwilltt " ' 1
-u ' r Il ig l Y*; ll 4s l W. Mitteiv4,,.... '4 . tkikl-tie. 1 coitterits,ra i ? ''' 3 ' : 4 rt - 4 -4 4 :,(041 .
- iithstoirwitiait-.nut,ii, fin ooy e ti 0 ar - v u'''.--- 0 . - - ° v .' P aBS °rel. : , t
.P#l_,, ' ' ' ' ealk - if ._y ;Aver to - deanuld - Opit- ictinadfil 1141104 , , f et'P-- ►
-- '-',.--'-'•.---
.o..en'iti6idit)s4iiiietili samiiitese 'that; -'1 r="o k 0.,,m-- .14 - 480L -4-' 4 l- /- 1 y 4.,-,' - --‘.. •
, oar - T 1--'.. , - , v- .E,
they ask for thornily's:o'o, it wouid.bodomakir di FgrVhet-fkutg**lie'Cmnl-twiltnO '
aidmustatircA: NikamAtaittisteektbetii4:llithe stpmeteMO L itilfgae.iltims, - ,41,,, dtrior tl,4* at
j r
, • inpate_tißkinisittawin tbemtd. r,• , " 1854" t it, i li a. -..-.- i i- -- . .--•-:, -~ --1 t ,
-. c. •-.-, :... . . ~., - -. , , . -
• - •
it i ns ?stTerigt
.eri .1110 bandl;iiPltnie: e i o :th e d 1
iholipe4iiYie tor itt'Obr - -t-11
pose-44 -'es!'ryint ,4)41t ptiliey
bUiieFe,to,be i visal-t(iii.#r itr4s,poriLjr,
:01aelitillietnselyets epon i tlttillread‘,,tfroitntla of:
ditty to •the youtft, y.l; nd li, fejt : be =tree i nittit u
tiontilutst-der_ultielt: o:e ' lire; ' lUd guided by, an 1
untYaKering:deterntinatithq tUlkiu true to path
.Without regard . , tii , perSotfal orflettipttlarfinti:r. , l
est, cannot fail t 4 bee* - Tifefitinent and in:.
fliential: . Siteb; 'dentletlipn',lliittn. 'sure is the .
•feeling of every, one, 0f4,f;11 ;iipio I, tti6retitre,
tlie more. readily love Ate e:o!iteirient.. 4,f the
day to tako care of theq't;:ell;es. mot ask your
:tttention to itoine eonsideiiititik.i .wl3ii-li I t.lon:
sitter o f preilliar 'urgency In the .achutnistration
of: the - 4;1)y ern trient: . •i'lik l Ye in Several reeent
neeasion:s ..allu . deil to tlttl.64l- conaition of;
tltdcoarktry, 41 tine, t....tteultfttl
_to produt,t...n
lino& deat of uneasinests ;in [hti-:nii s nds - :rtirre,
iketing •nien. • • It is eertitit:tyinn tinuttuat cause.
t io
',. of inquiet udi'.o,,At , . grut*tt
o' • of ',a suptqabun-.
d:lttee,.: t nttritft a:, deasitiney , - f revenue.. • %Ye
I liiive.a - botit twt•nt . : ;friil,),n's or.,doitaii in
the • tren tv; and with tleryl propett that:tile ,
1 / 2 4:(Teipt4 :•44".th6:firetiiitit fisual ytkar'
be lidegitatp , tti74ll,4l;e 44:toil:try gipriidityres:
of :the gaittrtimett,.. 1:51: 5 44 . nta btisao,:thctp„
4.o:car, ur . p l .4§ afitlyen:ty4vg-4trpilli.on..4'-of
"Tie 'Stleriet:try,nf 4te T,re:tsury; its I
tvit an'ertligittift)eci. kand?prtthsevviiriky
rye:AM. tattle itti'eftist!gffitit4lecitint ty, baa.beep .
purelt;sing thst pti4liec4,(lt ttPyery,MbeTat.. rAtrit„,
fnr ,the s I;tige §ttle'ks;t l illi..enttitile in
:Ind ises, prenkturti -the
Privile6e tif paying MeV olffittiqeen years bi
fora tftt;v aredue. Whitt const*nt
- • ....L- •
. .
t int the tateeesstut tTorlattg-5., pug itist,ifittictus..
While tho4Dverntutietit ti,t , Lila tilrf:Worti 'tire:
litt;rarly sitt,v.ierint'ini4eiiii•btiriheit tif,the`g
. titifitg,iitihie4 'Odd !tileit 'itti.bj6ckttlitie.: l
mined rif their. WO 44rnitigs.'hy tUtlstiOni , to]
I.itpictftrt. t.rtnies.tut4 ughpid:i_useiem e.st4.4olij
[ .
trots;, ours is. Mit onlyldv,rit:ipk irarn a catch;
114ki4ti...t.1.y trit4ertife:ii!Nstsiiit atiaiutini9hti
bans ittfeistiLlO fur alliritWltiiinteritit 'Pili:4l
- neetitun!Uted a , itprptas mic.utiing4trilit,
hajf. of our etttiro publitt,t4t; 1444 tuoiv ON'
r r_ing inure than - une-iiiiil tit ***tie' ptirteil
ipaf'in'the,Slaiie of pikriAiniii; _Stir ilitir:iiqvi4
I,toge itr piyitigit•bitint'et•itiA (hie. 'Otte of 04,
ti o l2filest ovideine'es xif-of fitiiveritinent is , ill .
I ight,npsl4, ofits pressure,te the wtty ,of ; peeen !
i ar y exectioli . , op. i ne. '''.‘,.,,,liii..oii,vitJ)tejpeppl
__. on th 9 . o Willi 'pin ' 'ytt- i euti i ii#ttinee it,,y tin
labor,:tind '‘v..lintie: en iiio ' nutzlii - ' tin; tyer)
t. l
princjjple of jionive an' :huilianity, , t9 be ioineeJ
crated .to th i : itopport ti: eirliiiiillie.e:.. 'firing,
by thii,tl..- .. .t ;done. •wltng: 3 noqiing 0t...11Q,_ t4r
gt: lit'orty we *onjoitlie , :o iii•-no govi7lifneit
on the of the e "th . tot' troll; ll'eptiqi'l
.... - • • •
nom to sgettr e .the , ' p_ lelppinesiz t •ne .
indop e nd e n ee of th .s . to Mtn live under lie pro
lertion: . But. lt'u ,dtre444la.. fr:i ll l3 tlie_.sithr:
'' ' It' .1*- '.' ' ' ''c - ':i I' t''''iii" -• s r
, J ‘ , % -c_ i t. ti t i o n .7 l , ,t t li t
e t .. f or ili: r s t i;i f . i t i ti l it.i .
8 l
.eec li etar t y tt t ii n f ti t ii i n i:
Tre:olury, I -dieibtwhilitioir e:will sumOciilhoi.,
fore the eportin.i, 'making' litiivit
.reduetion_ og,,,illia 70414104 ', t . tiliirfive (nit'
tioris. 1% pat is ,to
. 1 . )11'
: diw . ,‘, : vitit ..itl, :This I.
ies ili is . t.jiv. ;most,
.top6rtant'iftt`e., : tion bi•firit'
themeoPle;-:nity,l (.;*, , ,ia4t: it ‘vitht to itie - thitL‘ '
aieter of,the itticiftitisttattitri,.shalttr th&-xiittiti.,
6:1111:. policy,
: pl. thefttug t 17.: 1 tqtrilithis tntitf-:
kY.flught t!! he upßro ria OtP tilirPi":111::!le
-the, piiblit': Aebt, 9n lli 1i - tittnre':sitrliftis4o
fihriiild be •iidkid •,ii ti nVnt by'retitet hitt kif titt r .
r.stes pf duty Lin' fortilgtll4rniiort.4, %Ind , Ay- nil:-
. _
kink free. of:- . AUtt . al.illiik)Fitieb 'are,..Ro,,pr:!..
dnegii at . borne,,apd iip !At, pie r ,ll .l fore, ei r n . tip v i,
,!.vith . o . tir own buluStf,y...rtii-eat gffcirtsxclil - is t ,
evade to : da . ek. this: 4pproiiriiiiifilf of ' the s;n
pins rect. - cum' 'Fprniftiati . le - eonibinationtv!! 1
1 bp. getfpoisur of it for, loral V
porsonal. 0bje . 45 7 -fpi i. ne t ;rnes ,frt' stgauisitt , ._
railrgnas% :,41111 . iii'ipriii.-itigiitst.:"(its tiii.y arg'it
1 esi,) 'ir - :iii - soilitiil-tolice,#p '4 - ivOsent.:Tat :-
t ,
I of Itiattion , for Aliii fitirOose• of ; ! aecu7nulOti g
futuris surplusse,lolirogiptetbel,fanie . ,,obot i.
If .we hear uotbilg. tkr • tht•sts.uuktlttjtnpi RQW,..
it is besausg they nie -d:iiried 7 5 iii wiih the' iti t ,
lenge whiebli."a4nil inoietisUialle'fo Then"-
• , •
i m i, e i is :- Ili - t ; ouiett redf-Conotrrtm-vrill'bri:Alt,
. e ,
thiit pniverical stittn ' ict the-t...Nments,- and'l4„
in, thestorm - Ivan 4 . 11,4au5e.4, jp:10) ft ,r,1 . ., 7 i.- 7 :
One of, (alp ' a ii'..thai, tlikt coamt.litj4ii
'a - ' - -- if'b ' - Ig.e - - 1 '1 ti,+ 'll
far' . plutra er . wi -, u a. ;ye- al a' )va
.0 rf
thes: selieilidtiltl 7 it ''' niaiiiit . 'sitt ilekii*tio(mli
Bat I hai.oanat44.. 12441,8tfince.;•er hopti—thial
l eft
GenFat , Piere4,ol-., tilil4 fike4-'re!mti•Otel.i.rl
gilinit.../ 11 F?ik-iSN-aig r : lgm t !la I,rirtim` :4,..}..1 1
ound 'ol6'iki , ~.upon my iikiiaiv4. 7 4gAi'i)(l
him public , tife--4 :;(11s -yaier'-i*Ciiikreikt
and upon thii,Ae bp/ft-oi naugura l Itil.:
11 I
divfo. in vor F n ut eel : eitthArittz4e ;
-Alf the krovernintiwi 4nn 4,ther-We.e•enn Ile,
itayiefy i the ,rtle . sona,h e„txpeeltitp,m4‘44titiqt-Ae
,nloerag ;if the iteetttryilee4 . .rxe . t:ete,l . .vith : :t at'.
'fidi.lity tike'y itAltirq'tht itiiiirariaielilir dt 'flo
iniitlilie irilettimthOifOrt,hify ha*itiftrieuitie*Aic
..etrf 4
i t *: Falng.:;VßEit iti - islll:'.etieniittitor A, Rout i-_
-ful,and embittnr,r4 , #Pfkiacifin 4 4e,t*Ka F.: ,
;ng i nd. i C*in.!? al gifi t S-; ;;In lil if-t1 1* - , s l l.P.! i '. tr
havi• little italesti.r.orlt 1E . it the '4144 in - ' n
iii.e.e ., inr . his P liibiliiiiNtialin - ii 'inn hint,- tii'dt n; ,
isittie - piineffireh,-.1161; 4611, Ifirinlikaidlftlaili
- - ----;--:. . i*lt . ---:•' : ,...'
A 'YVlAlutitt9 i 0 fiepi I VitiT&O,Alieriii 0
i3ritaeliiiis , ll*.t,loiitotlicirfaii'viiM;A :nl it i
iriiiilkiitirmilioh.l44Alfltuat t ti:wests b iti*lii g;]]
i [iiii . to t t he •.MichigatiCe tit! rairosad.:' ,5114-itil
I. P" . .firtjp.o9.9t.,%*) Yt` lir 3 ‘..4. T., 41 4,14 4,4 - !iyagint - j
, a sbpftl U afer'in'ltk i niifi!.iinfebliihP ,
r.„007 0,
the building at ntitni. : iiliit Afiniblinisi' il W rillt
ietnnyWitidlM4" - L .- '
1.•- .2 ' - -
, _ _
Ynullg tnt n:
f.t• -
',Air SS O'di
',•s t• • - TRIM CONGRESS 'llittile. ro of S • Party.-
1 , • •
, i t., -- ~, 4 . ____
~ . • ..,,-; i co.- l'r 1.•- - Y * " . _
. ',N .. ~ , ,,, . ..j ..___ ~ - , ' tritl/Zlnell'hllB i been recieyt.4 at Ur' fi'
, ',` 'I:- , ile - W.s l r SESSIONI.:- ; ;- '- - ; .-- 1 .. r , .d- _ , , la g.
-4 - "-..; - '2'; 11. . Viti=cros, IN,e4, i863,;.. 5. # , ji ° 2. 4. o ".• : I ma t ,4 4 ) - . 91. - Y j i it '' 6:644is °D and, his
~, ~ e , ..4 , , .„,,- , 4, , , ~t -.. ~... litatty,r i the lad' , The, report states th.
::' EN7i TE.-tF'orty.• three -Senators ~'lit,tre ,-, it , 6 1._.:
aev . of ,- ;-... 1 , . , - ~. t
Pr e;it itt At urt. - !riveting of that burl' `-' i ' .:":' i `..- . ',.• 4 -,? ., more , only . Ns or
• i r*.A ciftsSo the -I)resid'ent, pro te* 4nolt'gir,eessoPea,7" : .ttt-t-giffant Captain hims e lf
‘tififgl ✓ icitatts7, .-I 4 'd'elth'k, and ettiJiddAhe• AtilidddfidlWith,,h,„4ltali:ed arrears, and eie r
St ?al' 3to or,lilri?::,.= t, - ,--* '• . I .',l&,:i trt 'i frejt,7o`=:'ALlTh'e. tit: °
ir. itrodlizad tiffCred a resolaticm 'dircreeingl,;-; - ii-,6, 0 pf • -' d - t Plzoo
1 thoiSecretart , tlinotifli the [loose th:d IL qi10.),,„ . .,,, ' . ~,sina„r an on recega l rk x
rut4l of the i3enat.i was. nr...sent, . and ready ter .'," ° -411- frkel,eit:Y , Gov. Yei ;IQ 4
I ,k4,,rtirbu - , - ,rnt.z.. -- Av - 4, - 1. - 0-6. - - -- :- - - -- , --,-L 4 rdtrifte6.l,lrde-to-reovorti
ir. I).aige, or o
towa nce notice t'if, bills'. a l 4 punish the mq (I- mem;
gra ding ituad - to lowa, ror Railroad purprewa. doi of iti z i s , orry i i , wiitir to •
Also ? fli ..a bill ,to 'establibli a "Territorial; ‘, • " v s - ' '.. Herald
dirrerratinerat id , i .iehramka. : - - ,' i l a .: . - '1 i ,
Ir. Jones, ot 'io.-,va, - glee, n Alec. of s a bill I „:"" Ca it. coPnisotil was• pi
Itiy W ar
o r , mint, land td lort , a for at Rat lived e;iiiit'eet-3,l?cpa,tt efit t `iin .Apr l.: last, i n ,„,,,,„,,,,,,,,„..d of tte
to. the Al.isseessippi and M T SSOU 1- Itil i qti- - If Ilartt c vt-ege 'with ho survey and expleratke
-„--0r.,-Gwin. gaw4!..notiaB, of , :saveral i bilis-re a. otlittt, '.'. .tttrai :-tC 11 ?‘7..,! 1 -,!iiroad !cute- lie hit
tinfflp p , ,l 4torn i tt..., _ _ , , .
~. - _ 1 5L 1 1.,0 Ny after recea%-naghis instrairlioni ?root
'it i2''.112 o'clock *r.r`dwirt 'Moved an ad=, the gl, 'PrliThent, early:_in - June lastwith high
ja,( ir m l i e nti : 'LOA, ' ' --• :
. - 21 .; ', : Tltopr.,4 t and Ppssessing the eetaidepi e ' of the
'Ol. anotihrr fir 3k.. Ae tiger, 12 'ecieek ism. 4 1 cililMr 'that:? , istere - faithfol, energetie, nide,
lied las--thedatily •hour of artlettng,. , ,1;.-* I ticiont, - ",'f F4.lctife.cstkl4'nqt hare.beeffirelect e d for
(11 illation pf , Ur. Baalger,',,,e3ol -Senitiort ttt i l litt Itrtat,lt _poet— assigned him. The 9.
4.4 A lieW wri te' daily during the 1 PriVf !ion Pr Citngrw's Provid,iin , for the stir.
tr . ii ,4fitilf::Nl i =•-:- ~- i • - l' - . , -' 7 0q. , --- . --.. .. 1 - ver. u,r s - extremely limited, hrit.,the Minos%
Mr. Se Ward frered- the :..foileu•ing resolti.J Pow+l l * lll 01t1t 1 t:s'Pt-' , .ol l nraiseri, , iiy the s ee ,
q ' - '., . . - ' i retr,y of War, consterft with the -net•u n d er
I 1
R4soltel.7. a , the Prftsidqi be regielte4.lwh!ehillie. 4.11 - veY l wailirilittri-41 Ici__lbeinade....
Trot ie hi s s piidoit lieorntiatihie 'witii i "`thoi I tivo`.lni. 4 unlit , * 4 Y., l lll ACl''pu'unnnison ,
1 io;res Of comniniiii:at.olo the Senate i.C , eiNctia no:tilleatt°n ttmt he walle!'equireil
eivire4poto nee-that may, have taken Igaeeing4nitl i e the connuauci* t) - ..e. expedition."
venktnent s o
, f, th s tt-ti 41;:l St4es
, the; Kilt_ f. 4:14:
t►tieeti G
1, 0114 Ignjem
ic. As
.H. 6
4 know - A llow- to spathe
os . : Attunter."l - p-„ . cesuiution. Liu- 9Ve r-,
tun it tho ful loo.ti rtz' resol if attn .
i ore l; flintier tilt; - 1 - Innie'slio!.il
rlji • i .1/ .'--:,',': .L.,, , ,- --• .....: -,—.
fiat.; n•Aitler.i..i.o rombfge. or fie,
ss andinoriatifyiperaiitag .. - -..u•
~.u nnison- ivas a,- . .- _
,-, . -, k
rant ,1).,i.e`0
ifili th...;1 5 ;-:,0 to q k- -
'T 1 : 4113 ci!rTative of,
i - dt hei. r,
T.- I .n,t w i u i t t ur tl*) l . 11 . :TipshiiPt. , ;Hi.>Lgraiipiite4 itt , 'Ntisi Pirinti
4-for, thibotier - proft:etifihrith't Yeite !:B,3s:'.'7Arti=iiiico - daiiiitfonrht.,4.
,%'..* of passenge ra . . on boaid 1 bunted his;;- Plzteii intheliftiiletY- - : - 'O ll -die
-1 'L" :- , -'. f \nizationTof file Tripooraitbifti Departme)
0 the tirm'v• efinsistin.7 1:17-tiiiitysix
hit.. %i•ri transferred ti, thnibrpidti*tlii
.Niee.. jte;'wai!ieieetiiiiiti tifily - i., i'llitior
'ibec use of his'ikfletilitir:Atiatiheil - ti44 4 . - iii
;:iptis 7 p,,4rajti,soe4 1 aliiii* - ib, : ..klik ! ..rePßok
eat tOrpeitlis• *nil roi:',Yip - ... Tiittr44 among
tiist iy.. ttie FOutitiS7: - "li"kr., in'tity - '.kears .. ln
nos - to' iB . 4'3'ile 'had- bein engaged in the er
rKutTey ilf the' Lakes, and tiffslabors. in ,
iiitip*-)toi:,*.or ''',ll4.Y.e ixtigi : zne,otid iO , &Tee ,
, fii i corps:;-`," e, ; sy relns4atife for ene+,ac
r tirdey ; ',AtTickip ,* raneel_ttt*fioteiter he wider.
1001: Pit. ihti 'fi' q,troplinNti,:iitir,e-au ; and hit
Leii4leeil, i1p,i4:44.-Ahert; 'his - Chief, reginfel-
Aim as.)iiC,,m,,y, e4,:ipntent; faithfnlard,
ititeilt;tif be,
p . bo:iii th,..,.
.thid - eqiintry 1,
i l i;gitutints ix
•diel tiv, ilipii!tfi.
.Bell ce ssti ls. .- 1
„. , .
..., . , L
[ ,Mi. Iliiitit i)ltek;cl it ' Iti , !,satatiilit ti riiViditig
to r•the'ail poi trite* qt iye . f,liviplaiii,,t=—iitie by
teelt llttesce;t lileh' I vies seilopted,ititO .iirte'rfiieitii._
. timelsi)4 i, ifoln4,nothincri the, S,mi l te, At. 'l.'s
hilt! titea -tist r:afel ßF fc, i 4iiin - -. `',.- • ,-- - -, •.' 1 ,
.1 )
• •
1-•-- - - -,- . - --_ • .‘-`',::.',
•°- 11017§E F ItEPRE,SEN AT Iltßii. - .
' ' . . - Thi!',o l .ille, - t tA.;-;o. the Himet;'+'o6 , ! decns'ili
cilia - dt.'ii;!'''ail a II: tivas -, exi,iii.lite it until edion,-
kv lieu Mr. F. refl; P)y:-Clkri;,..,F4k 1t, ,, (1-Ap•gstp:94;
, i t.,,,,pdpr. _,,
! ,t)litli f t: le epty4eiit ilf tim I lgesei lie',
vr4Tge s ile:lliii ealt lie roll, - 2iTuietelkkA J ib.
,l,iveiell . to tfielitfii iffes:l' :', , ' ' "l'''' %,:j '-''
I !411i.' 01 tla laa4A.
LT :th:;t r i, v ic
fwe - , a i . 10 ,....: i15t l?rneeml 43 tt
tk i
ittte ti t i t e,ol44l.lo-:•2 t.l.Lr, ,14p:-.(ticct,, The.. ,tilT7,
_l t
lowjtsgii.q! . r 44.114: , •. . ' tt
.., ',..' t r
1. A.,) - nt) . IL , a;434.'.n) - ;'.14.' - ' -I rt. 'et,4o(ei;..'
Artii;f3S ' , LzD' i lezitffliitilEiPri;OSitit : viii - ir
IV titaitur rim:it tort-nide qawliditti , s: 27:',.; ,
- ,
C e
anted-1 iipn;l34o' rle
4:Chandter aiict Orr,to . e'en.;
- ' '
f t
The, .let . . tPuut
;PPI.' I 4I , iAT- e . Pr''
dudt:hitn . the
'''' Sir. Bey rbaia
'- 6=into • 411
ey Ilia voi JustA
d,egrtt, ci r,,, .4orei
, eett9 l6l 3,,ptiq
ti4 , 6lllvdliteldm
: 7
: •
• I kave
An** Atollafq /d 9--,4! 1 1V11f44 1
!f?lli.Y . ,:re,clit!'7 44 . and:
iyineiiivyn 14k 4,..pti..t.4,„A,vithe,.0....ve1itch
it *ere r imiltt , t‘rh P 6 fie' AndgeilSr-:And galdM l
a.* I ,i nl , 4 t... I put 11. pei .; tip e-seteepteett .11c4ire . to
l e
fm,110411 0 - 0 41 I)T!'n't° l P:the - . l thrmoii!" - , or
'thle*hbtfy t; ii't ihttil'ifiiiitittonsbr its'•hovi, i
r& . ~.;t•et ir ib , t ':ila - 44- I kiclirkill tO;' ine - Nvitif : 1 (b
teeengs tat AeOi e ,4l4titnt will tie claims
Art jo?Pktc.o4; , i+ itg . , tiP - *,ciitoool3 . la
.t'9osi4tttnt,Kith, 0 15q4Pt,rirs 11 4 " 1 -: ,'
lii:Giddlitei, i'./Atiost'at' tile:' ilk:rfe:'7:M4-'
thiehileitil ihd **iif.Wl.4 ttiihteSpi.4.4en '..
1 =: i iThts= - 81' ejulivrlthe naniiereitt the member : O . ' ; I '3'
Ldelegtatio,34, . 1 ,1.•
....,''..,-,?",--.:,-: - . . ' : i• .
-9. 4 : th o , All q., 1 :4.4 :iiir 31f:jp'ritii,.0'f, Teo!,
1 1
ii * Vl t o'' - thei!' ial.4 . ii , 01 4 .t iile selgtr : , . 01ROp. . th e , .
iiiiikiiitnitt ; •ittrrnitance, and - 'Ai:4'4 t . iiiii 4ii;' - A,i.O . iio lite - ~ , ie
4044 4 tasi.Otiosker. ' -..,, '` frfiTiro t 44 - .d.b* oioie - .oiii! ~
atop4 ; :of,:o;:cr,J,lll, ful lo w .. the q.irs tir.the? . .ftern ' yr;lind‘tfit-., ,
'- lisVfle- N .t. • ...-;"_,
_.- - ng•stbltltaliit - AN !iirWetiktt. -.; ,' e
.ihk.rples;4::olllllNt ti m i so . oe' 'pont, gi3Ori ' ' oi?' ili ?air , , ai' he;
'jai's Wriiiii:tiniii Otlii,r , Wi* -4 witthit;." ii, ' %OM :- . 4:, )4.10 t . #lt
....oair.rrib:;tibe a Cglinalittloi• N s ,- rk:144 , :n .. .041iir44 thii :4aliti..:6*.lka!-,
...step- tri!ao..,thin i.)0400,04 . 4 A. 'o .Ettliei i i:itlimiaveii ' 'l47.l'll'Aaa 'ON'
441w0:t..10.,!Ff11e.4,11!Y:1itae14 s irai,lje Isososii . pefii,l 4 o,Thivs.l). - D y
v. iihitt-ti'litod pn , bi','.:Ute' a d-biliis24:4aylmAitktit• St#triait. : :).,
1 ,4 cir, iikivicripliiitigir idy . 147 fi•AW 4 Y.:i: 4 0-0, - ..P€4,iii i ilifi ' PlAbil . d.
hythier4oCatfpt ieinporgry r i a.i rigging 'Oht ' Oi l l.?g, 0.°1 C 4. -* ;
ryiforAiithislaidAng. : :- . ftiiilii::: : ' Alfittip4rt flfiriioFfiliti9ii.ihalA" . #4ol
illiali-Ql3l4,li'gtiosalitejeari : -Oneti• itklitth:frit'; le li'iiie,lfekk anti
I t.t.i'a I ..hailgr : askitiia.frgAiz.g '‘ift 4 tre,..k.: - ' ' '''. ;.
it Or'...o% , §7.4iiii":lolBlllfOtiii: 'l. 0 - ; , :geidofflit Is' flint trii.o 'merit ii .
• ..v , •-ta't 7 M , •• s.. s' I
, -
. ~. . .. _ ._.
mssage., vim . " ,
, ilieitiV: again.
i 04 iiikuilkot . ‘ ,
..t7i SIK.Vi.. : •
RivolicA.Th: :
b e : ad4ted. ni4 i .
arF.o4l9lpepiA .
.144 ii 0. o.oi
Aii4...o r kr., Ri p.r
llov46tittayi* 1
.othei - iiiii!ise.:,. • 1
'i_uhi JP thilvilnfl
. -patiot.. F
t_knoto j
, .lititrints.4lto•
I)'i lre iiiirgObl..l
nnY toitainout#o l .
sk.e t t".. =;
Charkdr. - ttnit•XiiiTkl,r,erelltp.
prditedect td 'the. eleFiiorr,
1 474 :
lain -the - 006111!
.libaYireAtAl.„* l
use: t 1
WilAo l .rnil
L. %inky rci:pirei
r - -' 4 r.r., WS.CP 3 % k- tif "I'
litliai l tftegCliiiififidtieKt*:;.
Alii. 4 6ailiaiililit4 2l M Al*atil
i‘:• . ' . - ., N.4t ;- ..
r Arr...s.toi^plt - Ntleft:i4
pifilir - .4..-At..::.
#liNivAiingliarncw , , - limn.
giovp.iaiiiiiii.ie6 i ero' join*,
T u r: l tti . gp l Airi•l i,v mPTlß n-
I fit:11.1:1 461 . 241 bi OP . : ::......?
;is nif rifeStitiir:4otitiind 1:74
i latibbiK EMI* r th:dtijiitaies
~in: a box bitibiiribik:AOß4,4
• • 1 •
•:!' Ittil;ESAireY
, •
r •
*k^A i L i P iit t li q
• kiltiOr,luidlii
911th 4 4100
vtaa ado pted.
iSFOiltv 1 1041
~.i Mr.130ut.40
..O;Till'4. Citlifi,:n
,1 8eCeiiil riiit!
Ilutisc, adjourt
I: •;.. :t ......A.
1 , , Littf
I' The Is:. • , i 7 . 1
iiinviirtil: thr. l
i 4;iit - elit'i.lit
ceilpit*f:iiiii ! ,
, .:. ...., .0 .5
celect4id . 4 iteat ditt,:tlx.infrola.
iiiii'o4sl l lsliiii_ttarit:-".. - • ,' l :''.ki:
° lll.6 rbille:graltiltieffslgna i Alie ;
- - . ;' , ...00/ 11 i ; 4 1s;
I t! ,
iiiis lifidi s4.
ina iii• eiti.
ttusi li xiill. ;
tiNdoiligrikke ' -
Itiki l tre
. :liiiili -l Allirari4 4 .47 l jOgri l7
9 14 lateeadviis e+Crtput o.4Kirts_
11 WPifiliPeir
.413*giono-m! ,, s
Tabu: lit ra ' 1 r " - rii' -
, E I ot.thotraft, e:drit.
avtiate4ritittiffiliPatifirfutt f4 3 f . = ' 4".-+ -7 nt - r"'Pr''''' , -
I fie - istiet.` 3 / 4 41 - 4•Cilre'ziutintk''* — th Ar A . ' 4 .- 37 A,..t -.4 .# 4 — t, Tb 4, C iAillir
At:MfteititiaititWAUNor4a llii#ler?ze:i,,,ihMf"il/ , VA in .
"I"l4o4iitaiii*liiMitt,,..4 , ' 6 1"iinri or ate.parwhitlkb .
" (I ; 1ei414.611 PO4l,4llr*ile ' d 4 1 00.4 4 sidriAd l ibit4Ofilillii
.... 01 . p r5 . 6 . 1 ,... , -, At, - A of,f4, 1 ihr ' , CIO . - ; 1 1 ,040 1004 . 1 ; 4.
ts• rather Mtn-. . f k
'. - itUrvorgitil'Av el - M.4'f - - illil'Arikr , ! c n i ttnitig.ilteli . /1 ! 1' 1111'414 ' 7. ;
, Pg: " 4mrl ' .: •,'• - - 1 riktfits fa n ).'••• • I . ho , - . tory•-4*.ctenu.
abstirid;:";;&l9 "t" 6 , OJPl 6 5k° .1 • • ''''`• Ji- 'we ro:11 6 11 41 -i.k.
iiiittet4ol.PPi' 4"11#11:11-114.01-4- - 04•01thix1 , 4 1 7 , r :l ie ' ih .--_ dt o lltt
w‘wooigakt** l 4 l 9*.*.r - 40,10 tokibsOnfol
:, - i.:-..;•-lbt
cl 41 ? L : 31 '''''A T A 0 ( 3 kltelt ffei: ' , 'K - -I.: --',' (kia` rottle# 0
ippel - , - ,441,,..0,..itini1w,.. Ii.::, `
..__,„,. , ~:' A7-37,_%•ibtr.,LTigi 1,41411*
' k4l le u rtaihttil*: lrgqi" - V kiii'cirriciod . ,A° >- . pet
-I • . ---
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~k , .- • ~ tisiu,' ivue• - fcpoil , It4en . e.St ii• foi'lliiP , ttl erb-s, • , --i-t r
r 7 7 ". A '' il s.
ha Whi - ' . .. - 4 - t: 1. .• •
~i,,ewT A ik b nivtiitr . :.
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if t l.
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.: -... i50m0. 14 410064 . „, .'),,,,tt i ,
lfitirnjrtji f * l :iat i A l Vir- .-' ', 4t -
;k4; li V r til,fittAi C r i / j4; -1 4,41 -.', 1,44,V402,11r.:;3-2ii-,:
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atsed : A9 4 ./ 1
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4 ita . t‘ntll . 2 ,
ikti c iteiiiii ,•ryfriiie,:; , :;: • .0"1,.. , Ai.b. ~. 1.,, 7 71- h irdit,irsrliti•ri - ).“•: , nob•
. -'NfW..: .W!it . iali s 1- iii - 4 : i ! ,-,. .. -1- :::iimi:!itigivitos , Ailitioigkikorw*itho i. ..a.
iftlitoit - ; . i - 04 ., ..1e010fig . 1 - iiiiHwiii: isol'aiiiliiii , .iiir liiiO4.lV- - - fiTiige4 l3 .7.
r aii ....." - V0...1;) ' i l litthie*Ailiti:4 - 000.15iiiipik :.--... - 7,.,-:..-A-. - :.H ., ..,1.4.;•:4 . 00/EtrotiiityiliPt.
!,11:40014:44, , ie, 44: , 4K4 6 ,,.. ! ... 4 4 6 ,6,......:-.41 i , i i . - . 4 ., 4 ; 44 ...,. * :,..- 4..-i, 1 ,.,.. :::: "74-k. - 404 „ 11.....:
tkitki.. • ci s -Y49 .1
. 9. '."-'':". c -
4 . 4 . ita.7577 -- • ' - ,ti t t.frr'
1 ' - rg, , Ati k istsf - itat o 1. • •-•-•-• ;,-, ~ - ~.i. ~•' k ' ',01: 3 .'1: - Fi' :; :::::-:.i:, ,',.- , rz• .=',"" •'' 'lO .
-, *64* '#ailikVl= . :, -d` '•• ~`&-..; .:;.`,./,'„, i; .., • •'; , . ..,:,+, . '..-,; ...' 2..,..: '` ''!' ofr - zTe,.!
tun ii)tierii-444:tii ~,iiiiiiiibiii*:':- W iii - ~ _:: -irkiitiiitg*lonallWAy.ll ,
... . tip, s t •••• piCiiii t ic . -'.' -4 - o* -- - lii ; ,.. litk: 'vii l of*Oft A pir... 4 : ,l6lll !!
t al
I , '! ' '-':..l 3l 7 e if.iita 44 niagAh 4,, pika rt at ...--44.1r ..
• "ufs • ' • •; • - 1 ' ,-.2l.4fwig e, , ' .-mikiiihitcalcii iktuipt*ittiOctudititik_.
•,.. •• :-. .. !414,.... , 4.7 Pi . .7ql. '...:%f.1i- , :t:73: , ....:.- . ; %it:7,4,2.k !r ---1 FT ..
-, L-• ~' e -:- %.,;...v.A...iacivar •
f5:•:;:::::::::..ff:'f.•?,.....:.'?..‘i?':?.:7::-.'•:',....4..iffi.:7;')---:,i•V•ii%i.'.+':-..:.:f.:;,..:;:':::...:4L,..,.....1...-.... - •
'der. t :.e.atis.on the
- I t
imjn , ' F itiateik sot out fol.ashingoil loanat
tho) , l4easaty :riplit'o4 for lit'e--tiefloilt Ircit
bi.r: I ihn '7, - the - 00_ dyi matt on or it tw, party-,
selei,tl4.iilf. ' lii 4 'is:ibit.lsntcs,, the 'l 4 o . lltiline
coniiiiimar± 'nstd tiuttertat:for thelwiirk. T'
re'ZillWar,' hay ing the most oakiitini,
the judgment -easi., fidelity
Capt. Glinnienr4- allowed: him to , write-111i nu
ipetiuetion;*aoll to organize : the thole plan
44 Pk .
ofatria the'cespetlitioti.— Thiayort
was In kW: *eekiarst
- -
: tfal '
}lltlU fIS:
ik ;,h*.so_tise`4f ) 06,.. War D b ,
Arkmenta. :I;.ll4"•*zts an ttnnegt: [app.! He :sea.
midi' a- 11 thtis ar r i,
, bonier of, his cultivatelkaiiiaa;,^ ,
•i.l.lV:z/1 ()
• ;tlT6tile.. &r
-w9fld 144; 4no I
"de -
n (If
blniary . :- , . , ,
ir-lig - ht. in - the St4ul
a., 414d:Avellai4iyAindwit,
14f7,'.iiir. Citti4'L.N rtir,
tiddlh47Wridon Alea.
etif - oVihe'Pilf,Tfint's %t
if sp:lendue hoeuel&rien.
‘ri) Pr 4 roe.. Banks in.Ner-
, .. , . ..
Jyt-sv. twiijo Indi till; and crkottlihdde ill
severalin (~011,1eeti •pt.,,was.,..,srAsted:aitd ell
tif tgiit hist I m. , ,ciik._ t 040 its** ji f, sae lof
our•Citrißiiii),l,:w. 9 (::liaiii_libri - ii* def ti. 7
ing tit - etriSilt,pro ' . !s I )_tuligtaSYo 6ll4l ingli
thit-dgliii l it.iiin is til e ,s -- tg;000,.. - 1 , 'I 'I
- .F 4 e 64`,,i,e. titn . e. , rsCi.2 . l%;A:fili's 6606.
ing:3a-: - 4i4:imhe-..—:, itilir - ailibipess _beive
.KiraYciikottymi- A Nocrilaygl. ; tiartford an(
M,i rideillit.; . .fq.-uol*.iiit: tAeiits:'
tax tirdf)e.ll--9"f. finik uterinlO*34oo. - ibek
bled ip 0 4 91t*rit,e-haii' ini:ef i ..on at Aili;?t ß4
i i(
'tar' ; L 'jii.i . ifpgie qt.. WAS - td,ileptisit ill 31),
in, ttlfsit.puilOsktiAmi he.4lwq*-liighATlal
isid lin . ' iniiiita 1 W.6 4 1iiiii='-'nb'.
if .....
..itr:-.N4ytti; . o4l - withstii, - din'g "`ztt iii; lat
st4Ohlii.b:4lbgajlAnuf.actorj!lgi , odji ~
-iiitifigtitifiAggiOokktria . :?lisfiloPlad -, Pon '
I iliffi/ill . bitifik:4l l 3*, inetiet- :ihOhlei lii :0:
m i
likre - ?.1.0 , Ft.th4t lits::!! ih* : lit! :ill*
14.q.1i4nAC41i.71 1 ;',..7iii A'. :104.itig," 4.0 1
de:motiriiri q rdai".oll-itweik .! li.llse Ba Is krb
!likening4l:(lm.ihne.l..neioPAlFtligw r
kit: ret.4nid4 "loPiC4i, 4 14, .:-j.:l-914, tr
470 ..
7+ 71 .
.fannly•tte7-orAiilkrliOi• J re*
iii!lirtcl th vizAdiv. 3 tifi f 4.6- 1
.s . °
Nawn and they,%8004): 1 140.
,ad fio . 11 astecf toihin ~'
1 .i- - °- ,;":-..:' ''-
'): Ferric& aratitadyikllfinUe.K--h lit
.. d on' (1 1 :i.):EirAWeeN0 6
. 144 SAY :0!
ifiiiiitinf-lhOiiinin4intWn%Fidf.. !r!
*.ii:Atizabkli . traillit'roliiiiaiia •i
?Re.7.!triir - z - dtidimarinitice•iSe. - itill •
- I.Olii ; lll.,ajitiand:dinninit. 4 ni):#ndiiik:.. ....
ft9 l o# l 4;tgi 3. l l *iiii:hl4 l3- niKf:itiliast
iramtioiCtitoefoinaj3eisqpia.her: .1 0
- .
poliii):iiiiiii:is4initrvo;:iii4isit - her - si
o)l6l.ititilytaitlOnt - dtiii4;l4o;firhelli•
itWiliiiiiixtf'ii?ii nr . age 1 :" yi
i itteititidihisliokte'. hvpgi odthe:Pjl
M:44 11 .0 Diagti-jigaltist ,her that prpiait
4141ikilt SClpidiislAVllAC.* Ic.'ii•piiiejit4:
e earli;s3itiffAi'fijiirth6' OiiANAiei
!,.*iittiriliftritiO 6= i4O- Avfot i t iturioj
PNPEAftriliciftimui elichg,4, Tato
jk i59n#144.10).Y. , 1 4,9 1 1,hc.r , 1.0i —l9
~ -
s m tr ifskipoee;tqlfiti
,pkiitur e
, .
4iitie:l6.e s iiii: - diftirtfiiiiFtiotiria • -
lieway. la.