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And peace of t 4 fatnily eircle-L. hose wann and earnest feelings and sympaili jot which bind heart to heaii—thotie kind of considerate lotions which are prompt. ed by O Imind which seeks smothers ;interest and nit its own—thitt uniform thriughtful course' of lif , whit* recognizes other's rights. privileges • d enjoYmenti at every I step.— Wheni t we c hailer that afinost the vihnle of i our ration alAppinOs depends upon the right 1 eNervise of the stni e al powers, the roper cul tivation of the 'alin virtues becom 4 matter or no little impoitanee. The yak We raise in behalf of them, is feeble, bu the hype that I b h a ' some mart ma e tone e vti moral beauty, and swell thepe fitint ho es into Cul' i ler to is and more perfect melody, leads us i to our fireside frinds to listen I.' a few 1 word about, the Eda Cation 11 the Ile rt. ,_ 1 in lie first Piano, education is the , ork of a life nne—iye , the work of eternity-4sta fling 1 I as th ie - is a faeulty, of the mind which is 'net , r cultal i v ted to its utmost capacity, so t o ngo as a i sing lattvet lies • dormant, so long as1:1 single tide '? , sf the heart is 'bot called into xers ise, our r 11 - tit:alien tri is iocepkte. So ;long as, j truti . b e cktins us on — to _deeper principles and pure iteautit s, so lung as there are chords in our nature which never have been 'Mod tit hermory, we are Uneducated. 1 I e Education is a 'threefold 'or a weo k i t:rl b rorlitlnt pursued binds in ha ru tailor intell it - thal, sitettrand physical powers. ITlni etihct. 1 tion villieh is most, .talked 'sf and lei r rialt4t4l about,is that ',f the mind ; while the ibt, id i t is left tolthe doctors, and the heart lo novelisis and clerglmen. All claim that the mind mutt be sto4id with knowledge, while theyNteglert a cult re without whic 1 mental arquii.ements lose It If their power. Who has not slot no4l distinguished for scholarship, of superior abil ity, :,t eminent in their profession, Who. fitr Lackitt self control, or on aeenifsit if simile ma w ard inconsistency of tharacttir, ;tee ile itted,{and exert little or-no influence T for I Who does not remember sortie teach. itt e by a Course of harshness and tiseven!y dire i t "study a ta , moved about '` waiong his Ira 1e a portentionsl spitlf, and td t e very atmosphere of 1111 Reboil.' With the:malaria of dosionientt Who i 'it tnet with pensons whose iresslrce was lir wh se countenance, distir ed it eon. e' . . . a l ) * • '.....d tinuat t earntrat of evil passions f al from tchose tongle dropped nothing buts. bltterress arid maligpity ? Families, rejoicing 9 all the Ot. tern ti.signslof p&sperity, and pgsseseing ajp parrnilv every t means of s • njoyme t, ar,e 'Won in tgOOO r tan,t unrest and go l "'"ri tise l tile Plis-1 f i nn y o r.; ,rot restrainedl and ea o e seeks! his own'and notanothees_good. 'Chi dren.en- dowi-d with the : brfghtest intell rim; up will out learning to rule their ow i spi la, and 1 . I white yet young in years,betionte t old m crime. 1 These instances are not few, nor v • e titey orsi. I fitted to the tower walks of life, atid thpy ;how l i ... 1 plainly thit the education of the healt is! not nepleeted. i 1 1 The worst of the matter is, hatia qmek I temper, a lea tint dPirtfeltiOil, or i pltisgmatie. temperament, like original sin, re rertrded tut In necessary. e% Is. The o morose d man, who i i 1 (=aphis his ielsure time in suit g, t e elatit-s f hat own isery, derives his ink 01 ?(.1a- on front th fact that his fathr, eo s s surly , 1 . himself, -I d that it is one fit is hdreditary 1 rights 3 o b cross. Tiie mot r, s.ltti has termed wi her shald till he flies into a pas.. ion if he is ! denied the gratification of- A m o= cottITY offish, excuses the little inn. n et on i t er his ground, is father is nAtUrally . passtonste. We miser!) a. middle 8,4m1 Mani whose re:dimes p onaturelv gray, And unit whose ~ row a dark i sollen timid ittstars tea ed, who kr tato cl . that ite would Thou art-getting wan and . pale, dearest;. Thy blush has flown away, And thy fragile form more:fragile graws :Every day— • Even , gloomy day Out brings - 'That mournful moment near. • , • When we must part, to meet no trenre On this dull sphere. • • - Seel the hour. is drawing nigh • L..f . When I must quit this . life, And leave,l trust, for happier one - • Its scene of strife. 0, could 1 steal the king . with Me,. 'Twill bring to thy fond heart, Without one pang or tear or•aigh, • - /could part , Bat 0! it rends my bosom deep.. - To sitteh.thY stifled puin— lo see thy efforts to bear up,• •And smile again.- While; as thou raisest up my head And hang'st my pillOw The tearful eye . too plainly tells An aching core,: Ah!little,little did i drom • The gritif in stOre for thee, When I invited thee is; share My destiny.:. ?11y heart. but young rind 6peful then. • Before roe only viewed . Bright houN of sunshine to dividg, - With roses htrewed. • . Bow sadly false. those-hopes have proved - Thy aching bressymust feel; Torn by :iifeetion'that might break. A heart of - steel. - •. ~ Had l but known. this mournful fate,- • - Ere wedded life, No breaking beqrt shoUld *a . tth tomight A:dying, man. '. - • - O, what, a life of misery, i. • Partner of my dilitreas, Thy lot has been since linked with , mine ; Worst wrochedtfess.. To watch me laboring 'for'bread, My brain and hand outworn, .;>: 'Till, prostrated by fell direas . e, I stink forlorn.- - • Yet never in lily fretful nftiod' • Did angry word or litolt li4urn my ill:deserved .varatb • . With one rebnke. - No; always ;talent, ever fond, And bending to my - will, gentle spirit murmured not - One' word of ill; The hour will soon arrive; my own, When I can wrong titi-inore; .;, And life for me, with all its cares, Will soon be o'or. Ineed not ask thee-to forget • Each word .0 r thought unkind; Thy.loving heart I know too well.-- Thy gentle mind.- ~. ' • --The little pledge that crowned our love, That smiling little elf, • Dear to my heart because so Ifite Thy Own sweet self; . Ay, bring har4gar me—let me . My ; last- in jr-lic eae, Where all her mother's gentle ,charma fondly trace. ~ . . She willhe . dearer t» ttiee now, : • • • -That I am turn .sway ; • . . Poor infant, to be fatherless • Ere one short'day. .Ent ,thou wilt watch and auidelter Into a heavenward- And lead her-from - this 'WOltl of Nearer her Cod. • Ni - y, let ;not nli the bitter grief. • _ Be stifled and euptirrssect ; • Weep euttliy poo n. rqffileted soul .. -:, ' : .0n this fond breast. :.'`"`; , ' ' . • 'Tis not n.hopeless . p:trtin,.dfAlr:•:•• . ". WOI meet in a world mor e right, And live foreter in ;those renttit '.• "' ' • Of enders light.. . The.happiest,hours that blessed!tiS : bers WEre miserrarea woe, „, Coinjakred to hoe beyond this4i .n ono We !,:et:iihall Then live tor that bright world of dish . • And feed thy droopitig,helrt 4a .hopes of that blessed houswhen..,*e Shall trefer part., • WaniEnnevtaz. tsrEncornse.—We tihotdd m4ef i it i a principle to extend the hand of felltuiship to every maul who discharges faithfully, hiul duties; and maintains gond order—whir mami-it festsa deep interest in the welfare general society, whose deportment 1 4 ) 44; .‘ll : xid _ wi,hase'mind is intelligent, wiaitnli stoPPhik r ascertain whether he swings ; a Amer, gas's a thread. There is nothing so. diatinet horn all.natural claim as •tise'r_iii4i4lftit; the" ineiward - sympathy, the , . foreed /he; 41X 4 11. converioation, the- heisitting cort3Pli:T atisActhe yell-off ire :tooapt to arlikiliref4l; U! a little down,. Wilk wliona; -' in,;:..stiOirii*rir: Ikni of intellect .and prinCiPles of4irtufaiAei", `frequently sink into • itisigtriftmartie.,—;Viantel - Webster. ".- r,z g . as - . ! sound mind' 'lt' It 7 itnot be tT'g ' 't,O Intro some •t ca II 0 , 1 ?1,t‘. 0 t: 4 1 w U . I gu tg h - ! n r 'rY 1t . .- igattlcalit v an therefore muNt - I ina ° OA/ -- .. - • r i r +intim 'as that i lam 4 . . it y . 4it . sionute add titer ore "cannot aqui fin - *lei temper and ierfee'beffgnAtrol: -- T e Store, thO ttilio- 1 I t it ' I t e ti f: . .fint '' ii - :tira Tin pa' aZI an-mnfte, o_,. .tk er. '. .' ~, „ ilf011.• 1 their own•Aoubt f pe ace, beir lel. : low-men . illiti , :finPnn!an lisp and' , ° 61(111 ' l 'S*lllll if' ' Ait _to tos a iliiir pli44 1 01 gl:Te , 1 P' 4 , • .1 i , - -' • - • --• , i .1 & .1 , & , au d o ei 'God out of . that lota ar tell, only ,ean be e ' by bid u Jolts; la 'brdth .. ..' . t "; 1 'hie ilia' iiii.oft l 3,ik iso ofr their' tff. efiliarly 4;i:tell , own.,atHl en ~. white i greatly 'Assisted by entiy-insising in}, isannaia-. tions.'-' It is it.."lyork Art! ;if" ' , ly:tolo- Er The firs , --. 7 4 .. "i n i ti t: ffh itersOlit ikealtit,liailt'i* 44'arinlii: Ad" PeAt il n inti i / e' d u esecond . - , ....,. ~,,.< - '4' ..' ~.; ~t.. for , t, tic: -L.__,.., r "Nei ills thuds, me -by, - i; _ , kI W -1 1 1: 1111 . ,-, an r- . , i", 4 %! *, ,. ,rv i. ;,,Pirw., •i° t 4.1 ~ fi1.... xe Ind th e I f wird] for at:dom.-4g s ain ' 'efowsis:: 'O r li t - ;31144:1 " : 11%1 `. "1:1111‘4"u": 7 Eir 1; --7 ' ..11.1 . 11 ‘:►' --"*" lin la . 11 . ' tors - ,..aga;* to l'n °- ifr. i l kil ' , . u e tint: halt At trod .... . lireistate 0 • .....,1 _.- _ --- - r We - hope to irow_ottl,,yt.wwfear.old that is, -we are tie* a fraid to die.----,Br'uyere. He; that . would' tin": e ' him hare a Ewe Temperanee,:odeed . ;11. gold; nod he who uses fit .0041 is, god.than • - 1 , -' ea . 'll- ,Y : il r fie -31411'.1 i t :: '.. 4:,__.• • i ~ s •- ' r v•-•i : =% ~,.._.-. -.. ...,'47-... .•.,• _ _. , ....: - 41 - ;':' ,, . . 0 , 4 ';V4 ii4iiiiiiiiiiltr: ‘. _i:.:. .• •,.. 1 11 d, he . that,hath. a csial****liletia:ln.r77opPuit.4' ';-",,,p,lir;*rit,-- -._..441in'''',347i04117 O i r it )d hoior: .. A -Piitiek****44o-#.>144:i,P41".,-,_ ,c,''S.L,!!-.!!‘,,.114,1 7' - ' ir luil e' - ` --- ---. . h igher than a gottemirnitleit 3 / 4 14111=4,,,,, .: ' ''-_, ~..,-,..„_,,.,..-: the wk0k.... - ...rrri.- 7 „ . ,-,.,. ~,, ..... -.. -1 • -,-* - . • i. - . ..- . ~, , fii.iskiiiiiiif i v iii*. - -iacitel# ,. , ~„ orris a n d . m ati a , n ona y iyafiesfm'' El : h . ... ll 'il ik - itt 5ida ....„,......rc , ,,_ 41. : 431 0 1 0 e., .. ~.. 6_ 7 1 T . 7; t 11:7 - 71 , 11 1 100 a ..: - .:tho:loverui:eise:l,loll:eld: "itrongth'-- - . :. '-'. ! -- il •1 . ' . . , . J.. • . . rempc • gild er, N 1 made schol room has n Chilli tt4 riltiiri4, 0 acknowtoig,( (Iv lus all , r an hi n ts of c r, 1-=ll Iticeiril!9o si?five hi+ iti .- ,ne icatedy tot ntni inyn of',hap R iney -ale 4 ii!er.,' iiiils'.his n, d' , 'tin' riihadoif I tilt ind _lb 're is ' no igitushi 1. ' trice it escay. . . ii: ''' ' - lieie '- itai lirrtbefirie is 11 .- 6 rtiality . Aei oil re. 411,.. tifst4Tanit . row , minty': n 4. firm : ret. Y.Te Perstnell( Bl4 frrrt tuned_ 6 the-iztme mite/b7 i . e ; t., - „ I • , I hood.._ This is the, perfection of. cultnre; „and though we mae never, reach this fair ideal,.it ilt 21 ngible 'n!nbition to strive . ,toward' it—s blessed thing to cherish the hope of grOWing to such - perfect,atatitre. it was the wiie mat. 'who said. ',tie that-ruleth hhi twin_ spirit, iii : better than he that taketh a city' _ - . 1 Aside from the pleasure of living in a pure ; samoophere, there is another ' reason why the ' cultivation of the - li,.art is-a duty. - The tone . - I:Which a kind heart' gives to one's life,.`rinesi . ~ . .- oat lou an clear ie ever: action and thought. , I- d a•- • - 1 kindness and gentility ; sparkle in the eye, are blent in the smite that, lights up . the features:, I tire beret. - on the Teice, and they gieusirpri- 1 sing infleienee ever the' ininds'and hearti of i others._ A. M . an may awe another with his dif,- 1 1 nit', reptilst, him ,• with neglem,"or overcome' i him with superi o r . -.power I hut •he 'ltiso cum Ibinee dig nity With "aff intelectua abilitv, and intell e ctual e', .noral and . • ... - • 1 power with tsocial :worth; : hate,an easy access to the heait, and - through it-to the wilt., A.a.ord spoken in kindness is freighted with tenfold weight ; l alife of unruffled self. possessiun has.a virtue in it which commands', univers , l respect and love . The 'little ifistractioawhich ih . impartedi o this subject, is of a negative rather than a* itive character: We are . told restrain' ' passions, to,chtck our impulses, in - steal ',urged to Cari 4 the enthusiasm .of-feelitig e our studiei and'busieesis, and :te- educate 1 heart so as- to‘-make, all its impulses right. hehy placing the affejtion on proper objet brgiving.dne exercise to every .faculty of 1 4ill ture,s that the whole - man beetimei really , ii a ted, and *the dispositien to:eiii is simPl . b, the purPose and the ability to do t , ii have iinly.throWn outgeneml hhits.on subject which ought, tole taken of in tier fur its bearings-may be seen in every wal life; and its inipmiance ; is second to no o interest in,the great 'work of" right ecincat - As On illostration.ef what edticationinit. for the heart; thefoltowing which 'came der our°Olt personal observation, ma y a . . . , . . as a ,ease in ..point. . A young lady of; six • yea Of age, was a pupil in an aca d emy, not for the violence of her temper and li Irvine unarniability. ' She' bad fe* amine' and no friends. , No one could stand be . • .. her angry moodir. Her p treats never dare cross her - iii the, slightest thing; for fear . would kill.herself in a fit' of madrims. ,A4intenance was iodic...lune of spirit, and:tl Was soul in her large - dark eyes. You wi , notice, zr..reetiessness in her . manner, and 'ltifellekteevailed 'in her expression. /, she' sat at her.gullies, . there ices' somethi% - interesting in her loeks, and at times her fesi. tures wOulti light:up with aglow, aigi A . new ......1-4,..,,iiitut thMight-fhished upon her Ind. The least correction in her recitations w uld iorxerer -chango her into a .fery; and' the moat trivial - remark ' which , she could'oonstrue into le reproof wool{ throw - her into a rage.: . I ,She eared for no, ne, respected,no one; and all ap. peals to her 'de and -self-reipect were en . tirely lost. . , - : . The "teaclie , who Was a gentleman'of 'rare talents; of pe ea self-ceminand, l andu Pleas I n ant-Winning ner, determined,; to conquer this - prevailin -paission: He - used to answer, her pert inqlii ies. with - calm tones, addressed her in the me respectful manner; to manifest the deepest .% terest in he r proiress, to show hrr all pessi le . kinaneas, anti , he advised,all her_clarshiate to treat her affeotionately: in ashOrt tune; a change . was very- perceptib)e in:her beeli i e , herlingnage becatne. always! im respeetfuli . fn _ it ica,s • evident a Severe .strug gle. was goat on. - -Thn conflict resnitrd in a _ ietory: '-T e tone of het voice changed, her ym: beamed itti- a 'wilder light, /mill i her sp. i ii , vior attain to as aselfolar, soon Made her :t!especteti in - he - .schoul.- .She was not long in making firm 'Amide. ' She' eatvied' the natant! inipetnosity f her ronstitetioe hiteher !social i- ' - lid Sr likand earnest. 414 _ 4 .1'1 Wh , tk•-, a rei ed.ieho 'nu that "lid - litnild i isitvreourde, talent ; but; idid-tornbined wit a l lied thin"" gl ord., for n ide`"her at 'iThits efirk' tiimiSearinstrieS. 1r rests upon Jinnite. and Iwon id thO i redkrt!to - •Shd itt noiv a .. i 1, • 1 . 1 boring to ' tee f-this.tiott-in ;no - meat , oi epiue.s4,likiell.nl pas"' me; I 411 [aril aim self,4 pan not t.be andltorii. ii ti of thowlia .L.,4liiii!it 01 beat ciimment , , So* ill e oitioniii. of 1 ,... tiioiiine _ ittriiifor'litroilj. ofroociss: - ., that we.. 6 'o', hOilid ' - 1 .- 11114i.f. Orsiii`r#' reniiik tit - , ?a' little] kprl;!rloii s,sy _.,t,#14 kr her ,Aspqiet . ~... -re . tire,: t H .4 . 1 4 . i4 . . 1 1 'I. iii . l l2 4tiigieli:a44 6 l:fl49. l ;:k r eikeit: i Aa.V:*iisiL l . .nrelPhirkltfut*mtbilf 4 `).0;,.1 eSigiiitflii4,,'i4isObiesrotii,:prooks . : fia# : .- liOpoi'iiti,, O:i4OinOli,,TO4.e;ijOkOil;iiid iiii: . o . iitd.iiOt:nii 'Oi"i! 1- 4;ra:' ... 7 1 :1;4'iiO4.0iiiii:**:i ll f .: :0i4iSe i '.. '' 'old ~ her Ao:gli.: 141,b14. :Ssibe,liairOtssii ..,,...*lfy, don't you gc to jroneihSialiei, '."liiiiiiii[raisliid : , Why, ' mother, tbc.child,,lonkinrsip< vriitri*Areli4ipteisiO4.44es /4FO'4_Sipped; 1 : _:k:: : .i . e.:l:4 ~ ::,,-..;., , ;', . .•::. : 5. ,. ,- . .if. _ , .. - . .:-. ', ~....,,,.!.,, 17,..piii;*041::::**i*fiiii:-.*iiisiiiiii4) fi ir!ii 1...'itAti,440, 4*- 1:-..7:::t,', , :.:' - :._131,.. ; 4''' ..- • 7• l •Prii4e,i li rt i . l -77,S 11 1 ,1 , 11 4! 11 ).4 11 1 1 - 1 !%1 11 , 1 4 11 1s; 11 0*th-F.44, fronc•WillipmOittero% '4oogituit.l6.slo# '"• Jon • 2 in meeth* - -042.13nwykr,63:046fied ie alit:, • ' " ote'S tip.Xicolittllcs!ot min ; ; pr o ,11714. . ItteTSlllVl' ISt t 'II I ',32REO - •' • - . •- 2_ -I, Jer warm . _ esi _.lm4s, is perfect finnkne-si and sincerity esiralife companion:'' fhe - nfter; ted at one of . otir::) , e - sc,,Ludies e .here; he was Al riii:•ei;t. al . tiit ir. the e eein of all :who knew her; i • teaehet in an sendens ',fine) , is la th- heischolarsthSti i,iniminti . , th tit Otion 1 0 their ultivatelentleneu pf tilanner, to otitiOl, and Oecrptops`. tho ririnee the fiii:irt,'witiellas ihe'rpciiirs RONT,R(I,:,.P4 :. ..„.TJIURDAY',:.DECE! Oh with 'what glary.entiiia and iutim the!year! :The buda or-spring4thase: beautiful ''harbin ' annoy Of Ay altiee and 'cloudiest; ihnes—enjay Life's. neWtiesi and ieerth's . gurniture tipread - t; • " 'And whekthe habit - nf.the (thumb(' -- - ('me„ down. tipon the autumn 'mu, and with i i ndneSS; 1 4, 0 " 4 Year tok His bri2ht inlirritanm of Et.ltiti fruits, i t A pmeplind-ingetipt',6ll the splendid spin* Thiire is a., 1 rattan! spirit breathing now .1 Its mellow-richeeii on the eltiste,r'd And from a heaket• full offichest dyes, . ' Pouring - new...glory on , the autumn womb', And dipping.nrwarrn lizht the pillar'd clouds. Maim on the mountain. like at_summei - hird, Litts'opher'perpted Wing; and in the inks. i The gentle wind. a sleet aniti.ssiontits woo kisses the - blushing lear„and'Atirs tip . Within the solemn woods , of` ash de'ep crim. - , - And siker beech, trod Ample yellow t lertiredi -Where antunin,tiltp,a (AA old_ man WO down Bv.the , waySide sireary. Thropgh the. trees The golden ?Obi moTes ;`,the ; purple finch, That.on the wild cherry imal;ml cedar feeds-=. A winter'bini- -Comei with its . plaintive! whit'. And peeks by-the WitchlSzle; aloud Front cottage reefs the wsrbling --. slaws • " And merrily, with "oft repeated stroke, Sounds front - the threshing fluor the :husy, ' , Oh, what - a glory cloth' thkarOrld put 'on . Fur him wins, •with a fi l nyent - herirti go fu-tit- Under the - hright, and glorious sky, and loolta On duties well performed and days well,sknt, Fur him, the wind, 110114.04e_ yoliniir leaves. Shall fume a voice and gibe him :elOquent teSehing., ' - - He .shall so hear the solemn hymn that!Death . Has lifted up for. all, that ho shall go I To his loner rs..sting piaci, without a tear.:., our ed et. t ielt. !the or.. do un- NIGHT AMONG - THE WOODS: Ants a pleasant afternoon,such as August only shows, When, in company with a friend, left thequiet,viilsge of be'autir9 l Matt enthowered amid the Mountains , in nor-. them New iitampthire,- to spend a few dapi upon's fishing excursien to slarge lake some • twenty. Miles farther north.: i • - 1 The bun had:spent-its force, and nature, re liesed froth intense heat of noon; Wattfast resuming her, wontid color and donning her evening s Our road for a long distance' "wound the bankw•of• 'A small. Stream fringed and Almost hidden by willow's; -and the sound of the water as it danced-along,uni t4-d with the warbling of the birds,- fortned .a melody indescribably beautiful.: On the oth er side, the. mo untains rose almost perpendic ularly; but hen; and there the declining Sufi would maidenly break through some :open . place, and light up a spot. where it hegmed: is. though a - giant's hand had forced the solid rock back,-upon itself and reared" a temple; whose massive proportions and aub!itite -yet awful grandeur seemed to picturolin tion the wild glens of Scotland, dr here alone - - lhe.perettut • ed-Covenanters ito meet and Wort ! hiP after the t dirtates Of their own coil • ! sciences. •' 10 wonder . theirlives were, pure and spotless - no, wondei• they- v vilre eneour: aged to per4cvere, and their faith l:tectinte as rigid and:enduring :l i b' the rocks thereselves.-. Tell orthe sculPturediathedral2—WhA nobler temple than where the mountain 'eircreS*;aptee quiet vale i . viihat +ter ehokthart the teeth.: Bred isOgsters -teh re, nearer-to nature's Ged, than where the eye n- gaze. on 'nititirn's - self, to she ler iol; het; triAd:uta .nificediel - To Ede:inch - spots always wear a eliand—F-the . mduntaid4 towering.in ' - . - • : •— 4 As to vlicrir flow earth may pierce o,hearea, yat teara . - 'rata man Tpi rushin4- Oman, and the waving li folisere .___, all Imre a soft and subduing effect, 'anu . teua 1 'to ndse motions whieh 'ea bat etitieble` the; • w . i nd:. .H•-•• iPp • y is '•. h who inn . . • I I aronym,*Wires* ; F • A s : e' :: t gYrz . " ;: !ef , "e h fi°, fs i Vgld t e he itineVer alone; .-, --- • - -:2 IL • = I_' • Bat -I am digress ug. - Surrounded by 'web' scinery;-and lbasti k on its grancleur,We.druire I slowly,: utonirnifth that . - tbe'ishadtria we i i.e. grdwing long; and ineonseious of the Arent; 4 ening cloud' Wit w ',creeping dowrribe moan tali, behind 41. "on, however, the echoes' Of the diitantlff " ei rouged' ' us. to. quicken ' our:paCe - and `see k: helter, -- if . POSsible, l iii,iiiii• D i u storm rl l 6 - 11111' .liai :1111: '' l i iiiirle:it 1 and lel curing, the boot of t chaise, sod Iputtinclut hoisbloto a smar t trot; we'.left , thce--teninreiid- I and entered a ii#,t. 4:: p itb;"s-tretchingthrengh a deafftiiiat;.wili seemed t(i_ leadl4 the through crtaltas!:.w)"9ler e destination lay. 41e 40 1!re I must date Abe cibm enCeatent cif oariroubl&: crtis, Agivie'flillovied .. 1) 'old' tikiveibe-A‘ nev eritike ti= , .•. - , • •,-- ..-; : ~ F - .- . .- A,..117r#a4 'hen - yo .e l ii l . i b. , h i:3 l '.. 4l i i rs * 1 0 wi - 0 ( ! 111 0 . 144 0 eli - O PO4 Od-ami1 k .•, 14 4 4 1 k ., if and trouble-- ,- ..-', , •-• •: , 2 1 - , . 'i: 1 c .,•-';', r ,',' For : several '` ' tbrengb the - interti,und,* 11t rittet 1 weed, ~%401114040 11 chiiit 7- -iitite bat ''AVith 60 , • if,ePiP/lerehang o f . adeneri--41 , ihilit. Or , jiade4'atriOtti einii 14,),;dead blidtlesik by , - ' light . ~..14; , ,114 . 1.:-, 111,! . 1 t!.•,7,--7,. :,•... ...••• 1 7,i'1.7r• • , 1.. , - :lug 4*min/Ik° '!l4Pi 11 .0 4 ? ; !, - ;*,-Olgl_iii ,' pleasent.:*lo , •, ~ t hsii-1i li r *cal*`:- .:'.' - tilivtgivii4v ,- ; • : tai' :it - 4,bit'ilid .- ini: . r . - • --,... •, •• ~-. L..,..: ,:, i ~.,•.z; , , -.-.-;-' , ...i1i.1 , ..v1;•,:v.-4 . ., : i . .'i't*WCatfre.• .'" " ' ,meat' Widefo.!i - 170 T ,, .iitionitaly:etp ~.. 'elf4r4t:_iiikedii'iat F t.:4'"' ' ' .I , If . - - ' I - ' ; it c 4; . i ii i i i iii •! ... - •. •/ , -„•4 Et .v we , 1 i',.. , ,, iahmilte.tr. , ,: , ,,‘4' II ..:C. r . ; . 1 . :.:1,: , -...:: ;:: .14:44.-i - AsJ ab '''' l fll i i nilif.** 4 0 11 4 4 0 0 14 ,4 4,12 ' ' * albeit l'iiiiii '7,04;101:16n' '-' I ' - ' oo lE`' 'it' i' 4 s A r G f IL LIMAN. 11E18, 1853. yet candor compels me ito4iiseknowledge that there ere times and-piracies ,or. Its use, ali well as botindsi to the quantity; nd the indiserimi -1 nate application : of imiteit doses from the • shower-bath of 'a thunder loudis anything but conducive'tn comfOrti However , there , was no,help for it, and ha se 'in grumbling. . After wading through i11„.4 `-and - *flier for nearly smile, I wan ,biought.' i to a standby coming in contact with *.fe6ce,.-•and:directly_, beyond,leould - distingaish !the dim outline o f , a.,atnall house and ham; Olamberine.ever a fekkee r rfor there was ho; ; ig°, to - waste in neareltier for a gate-- - 4 1 , fosind, the door and Itairsa rap by no means; getlsor subdued. - - *SIMS seemed toprode i ce o effect, rap num 1 1 ber two followt34 in quick t specessioe -and in octave . shove its• , pred.sceiger s . A shisill ng I sound from within, announced that the *n.- mites were stirring. 1 • gl+to ot light sho ne i through the Chink; betweeti the boards, pd 'itePr"PPronehed the• d4ni''' , l 7hen the rattling Sound of 3s, he.tvy chain falling to • the floor, sounded anything but 'ligrseable. - Stirege," thought I—dohra fasteitedlaiiit 'challis - MI Oteugh that . eart of the r xeuittry 1 , had bsen used to : seein g' nothing 'hut !latch strings, and you may well Imagine 'that , the sound or a heavy chain raised naplesiteust einotionsfL- Whit sort of people are ;beset . Where have I wandered! • But the + 14s,were, Cut ahort by the sudden opening i oct.lle door. _ 1 , A tall, athletic looking tin+ stood in , the entrance, holding in his' hitild a sputiring can die, whose an hardiyrea4o , ed, beyond a cir• vie two feet. in d 4 ia etl,,,i, i nd ser v ed only to render everything WI" homy. Ti; ,InY inquiry as to whether he ' ald z fi nd = oaum. , , dation for the night foil two tittvellers„ . he re turned 'answer - that he..idi i n't lut:nw, but . Would 'go " and see. :Aisd leav ng:me standing ors the outside, he wenis shtiftling off., i i. i .l A ft er an absence ten iminutes — which seemed to me an lour4h returned, and af.) ['ter, very minute inquiries as to whowe Were, - `whither we we're lieed, a d Whence we had' aim% said he would 6 accommodate: *i? anfnarte us* 1 Thanking him for his pirlity, fretriced my steps ' as quickly as si 'lel°. the spot I where I hadlet% my catnpa ionothoinnound 9 k ' - r ' - ' " ff was just en the point. q _s rung o ;Himself in search of me,- snip:tieing Lihad )ost tuyself lin the darknessti. -1: ,i . 1 ' ' With much coaxing;loniftired beast was in= . duced to move on,.atidlare isirskuji, the !hie of" march for,ottr hotel. My rrt n .agreed wi th' ms that the circumstance oft a chained • door wa•r tither 1 9aPiSi 0 1 1 %1 h!'!••.,,e..,tp)5 14 nay; Oihsr better than passing .... night . in thi• ttle iroods,• and concluded, to ,vtnt re. ; • Reaching the housklwiionnd our new.ac quaintance holding open, the ,gate-of the, en; I - The` bi iir IC o f ; osure. . ram, , ta 1 1mq, p . course, had ceased; for who ',ever, knew the rain to 'cont* ne whenonewas'.w e ll l h iiere The' sputtering candle ` had hiCii, endwai now held by a seconti imiiii r anai niaillar in ' i - they' frame and appearance o rat.- - TogeTher they - tielilirrll 1634 i e d .. th e horse into the barn, inflth're returned te as- , , siat in unloading the via:fele: si Heavy," said ohe, ippare,n. y . the elder ; ta; king.up nt i r , Tats er• .1 1 - ,1 , "Yes;"' remarked my e* also, "we in tend to :14i:;othe sPortilig, lip - liq:e: ‘qeii r ~,,„:,. 4 plied wiih'sbot."' 1 . ' i" II f ', I - ' ' ':'", '''- . halfpla y a - 'lima th ' ' 1 thought a ' s mileye are might e ' it' t fib' ' W butl, mouth of our host a ere F at have Been mistaken.' i : In a very short time) Or sitoeeablesi'luni, Oshing-rode, etc:, were , a ll : drp i Callted in ,what u ty appeared to be the "h st t00, r ,.. le a ving':ile a ving':l d 'the candls, whick appeared 'in " sea - tier . timers ' ' l d 10 ' rt. as s f rt - At it illei;'4i:e bourn; AO 0, 1 0 •11} 1 • • i i , . 1414 ;.. :.-..., i)0d upon the table; eu o uctor , e ass -g . night and left - the apar malt. : -, , 1, 1 .. . - The t°°*3 was fur.ilia ir 'T`..*o, triadic t,ihe 'same ti.i'Otheeristie' ipiiri4i.s. - -I ;l4nti 44 wall hang a pbin of SoloinciiesiTii 46044 *Spir ited colored ingravin i t ie r , ntini . - 44e.en , Fre t Jacksen upon milk=tibitiki:ie.' A - Pifsiiiib: i nn and a stone, lemon jaden).l4 , t k* ,, lM,Mi: teL-- -1 , One Oitniow lOoked Ai" iiptm="4.loill4 not teleWilfc'roi,,,th e ° dti;lif!'S . Thu 100+; , 6 ,, Licaiiiiii4 bri f01i ... 4iii,„ ... at , fitte Tito 'ilinialut:lib4rithe iWi. 'Y'he docii'itisErtO: ... .. ~ - . s• { , k , li:-1.‘ '' .- .P; - . fastening, bat by inverting A ettnir anal inapng it 'itgitinit the'6oi, iv:l 1465' lOitt: oriiiim clock,' which wOwlotrO ' ili i 4taii f 'any ii n' - ntnstkatteip an entanii! ' 34-- ::t"rr' i.- it I, . li►i tit): rest i unired?if iiiilafroOettaii ,duet we get - Oleeklfe4 Sir'iie olditeilea `we hdevir heard'AkalrObteni 'and tr a vel '4'itii'inittdet4d : in - iheir'l44 l ,.rere`Onthi,Mint conjuring'op thisirghtstacktititill- *eleiTiC ' ' We'eritieland ‘e#Oliation l :iig 'id ,ikellittid every word had heerd since our arrrvat at Ithlti ant.etthe-wityl- pi mediVisar-ilhq , renitia*abot!t` tlii'Faicsi , , Ana - ennui' tt I the '-ciatielnitioi Ihit 'We iiiiier he tun' Pliii4ni 1 , ~ ; •:. it ' ~ 1 ,,,, ,1 ,-. ,t. 11116611 '' 4. -'' 7 * ' ;..: -11 '.. r '''''''. '" '''. : liiiit i eP ( etANOWitil ate fligi' - 'ioslAtillitisi r Yell aeleeP; aid hoW I • ti' ' l liel i‘drillst flitteit *Olt; lin i '6t tVl i ni AV . iiiiielibi '''„ friiffnreataidniciae , [vinleaq biiiiiiiiiiniiiiciiiiii;iiii~obile, the 6theraiailiniefiefoisaNnitiiOutiri'irOtOti' ` 4l /"Prel l ell i Ili*lllftillitk il4 :tF ( . II/: d il l- I -1211•- : WhlSP*lnk lill , l ) li *Z ir il46llllo :..,,‘ NW , 4 + 4 a ,bifraegie . ' l 'i l u' l ...- ite i glilirceiteillis "-f r eft - 4144., , tei1ks , IPAildiraiNaidiubsitt, doiiiiiiaikfithiVae ", Arlifillit 4 o. 4 *lNOLr the Wird I fiolfilliAY .. i1 *4 14 - ' . ''' ketiti="teir ii i .iiiiii* : _ am 4 ~ .., „ .., c . -vsri. b . w . 4o- 0 , 0 .::_ -61 41 06 0 4411.4 "4 10 - thains 1 4° ,‘ , :zbghialmPastA :,:theokoriAm46l* - F44' .1, =OE Eli 10 7 • . Ow - .14'-' snit draw his thikinb scrosel*e4gri: se jr to .feyaltn:shorpness; then ideirly-iliiikiiig his . sreiiid resume .ation ~. It . - his o rvm.,',, -- • "N 44 . 141454 1. AlllONteleirosild the 'yinwer, looking ufofroth the gordher-knot which he w3s unloosing;{ , ...: - ?5-:::,.f. Hush, - said the other..l' titilet speak so load ; you Yrilt4s9lt4itiii4:gars:" '.1 41 Not it tile." k iriiitiiii knit, to lent thr.ough m Ole - ittetlii "*: -.1 , . iidettili 2 iihetthe went. -fi' M111.0'14: N•10 / 1 - ' '''' . ?: :;: :: , :f',:;::' 1 . v.1 1 ,! .41i ii P 4 44 . t . r3 4 . 4 1* ' Arij0i ! 44;" . - 4r e ' Mt* liiniiiii in a - :i(4 Irinitiiiii 1 0 ',.) • ' '- -- -4 ?. • -, -.:= , = : • •• fi though t.. 01 1hoUld , clitett 'them when 1 ser : thern enter the wood : test evening; but I :Wii . nibitt, be cateful_ and- nol..spill any blood aroutui,, .for th t.„ would warn . 9thers. You mist held the pail whiiel.olo;their throits . libel - 3111s W. in 111 be the„.tbeid L .monuitio l lol, ir lo r t:vii done f or any,si:diti 410 his ir P 0,41491 „thatr,our hearts sunk wiildir us on ha? iring bens , those *eta' words. 1 ',' • ,4,l3aiheu,the w as, no, mistake about it . h;e4ed.fe) "Astiteng assassins, and a+ mtent-inight 4bir , htet. - - trtertil•W VA etreeld:to All, th ings . ..a lAA ihiOktil ;liiindeetititiiintikintly ii( s laytuglt d fehnirn thk11140; Ihe...c ill t rniiiiiiii"' ild am thja,..yrtio °therm, •-: k - iiii th e 'lie Whiefi-ilia*bei had jut 4 'keii tik . b' e laid iin'ot, - and: - ,iviticßng Otis:, It :it; :gib il ", d itb . .. h : . 7 , : iiiii " 1* :: f .' 0 1 : - . - T : :: / !: 1. 4 -414 ye i:: in t j o : : ,,i l 1: i tfilidt it - ill do:' , said he,' in-tili same, t a ttifirr "" ' iiilithili . ty#y7 - 2' , .• •• 14'; .• ' i'' ktheiti: : • 4 :iii(lidnutioirtoini 41g . i - tiviiiie — " Isienzit;ffifogiidrai'' ti t : our I aid teifili i itro r si t i;inpliteTiiiil44:iiiia: I) 1 1 4 0 die so vo -"'; 'lsTiCiroildt '''''' mir - rien4 . . ..-- and such a' .- igei t 4ehtb, r 400—.thi'66Ligilt' 'll.-horiblet ‘ 4 .4' 1 " . - I 1• e . . ?here seem tb lie - io means of escape' .t t t .i t i ro em ug p h i t . s! o rli, m:l i d he th n a o t imi we sh d o ar u ed ii Aorta the ruffians and them immediate. Ty nponins. rri this alternethevittteeli7W is 'ps red consultation, we reitolved . lo 'sell -our itoads dear 4 pouldble. ' -.' ! lii my . willine was a utsdlisulisxe °finite* kb' A I F laced ciliiie`lo:tlaii-lii idea Istrett atshbotiefistratarkila alai alieibkiptive :tCaiy.a;:bit;'ho , i , to get i . " -- iiiiimail; The sung of the lock i4iiii .. 9,4lCiasiii 4 saiii ile4l4o;iiigwrs, who, ,iiiiil ihi,"Witiel'econfdid:lii making . a slip. "l es spoleitioii' l 'end iii r iiiii:ol44!) -- 1' : :• 441 'g. 1 i"-! - tiroieiget; o ur klithieSlibk***** T ..,!,...'thiji i : iiioody . .*lfitinitenli. • 77 l thiik.4i . iith! 4080 and lettithe mom s ' eakr3l4 *ere*. iliela ir 4- 1:046: (4. - . 2 .. . - .;..474 . 7.4%, 1:1:7 , :1:1.--1F• .1 4 T i , ! lii(ii'6l • bleig s freklYritii.To Ite''lii! -•• • --..- •• ,„,,,,,,,, valise ;'and ' tanikevanipi t the lee o , e • • , •• , • ' On -' -' ' ' * Jilt WAD s speed, I ve,eture to say, nev.„ were two inns dolable4oided, or two Ina. - . , Inds dressed quicker trawled:were , Placing twi4eliati'Mitiiitibit resting Our eieir.iiiip:l4ll l ',liiiiYtkiniitatt`d the-door; ith. 6- 7:4€! - -ii4ilciree4P4L l 44-we aivail- A tilisi i i. , :}74 ii,14 . , -.-,l'iini.kp i it 4 TlE iiiiiii;witris:#ll:. the .. can Di Ililll . -siliaillett. N t. al lll b t ,I meg, r win ow, , a wno our, Auf,eettrkuelti4nte. ,loot , p !Tell of hot col-, r - ink' rolls ;beget' to :iitetnite Abe, erevices • the doer s iodi liglit Sepia the adjainin.7 ....... • . -r - l .1.•• , ' .. o . .4: o ~1 1,- . L . ...1.111.04R11419rill:11".N1),41#910. • - ... . PA 541 4 1 .• 1 1 1 1 0 !jt a ilV in ig 1 -1# 14 .1 1 _ 18 we ha . . a:.tif4Ahere,iitis.,a-clieeffer , leekie f rill e . lJ . a sa g rl ft p utai sasid d ate . m ei y ag .. :gh ert tl3? .. . A a itiel bout, a 7 co d u p n r te7 e 1 ...,,gAi r vg49p!cintinattort. _."1,44)",pitti.4,-s9prmlAtid to scene c:ii i ,:ta#4,l, ohitgoog:Apio-lr. I litritii tf i tT, l 4":!:!!tA4 l !!viwa!r - kY.1 1 , 1 1 !id i e l iA. es.; . laterchanEe.o.the,PFull firorni44*Ofsi I °. i1a!11Y4134/liiitTri* the men ,*tram : • ••! "e i eg i,ti kiSklt k ikt:* ' • . - ing iii° Sl l / 9 14 1A 117 ° 11 e7 7 1 4 7742 1 i71 1 ' ' b l ti t r i;l 7l :L in. i J el,..roitsastvelusi:.pet:rtalt...kre)".43 .: ~ . t. The. -iii tz'l l : , ..q t - ) l Vofti-.704„ imrk Amr,.. siowneims:2loll .th t , % o • Rt . R . pc.the , •l 7 . truer • ow.i t i f :t_ - , t i f t-4 , ,tvi t i4!: itnic 4.4..1, pp! q. An nit . PAW lilt: with; ~ G. ... ~ "A_ , ....:.- A rq.:, . ifilialo pmali itgiurpgaLlif our hod , , .6, t ).«,.... h. ir.s 2) i. i:;•••• I r' ...... '" .1 0 ti l t ........';',.. 1.. .. .Iqrs• ;e -, bli g ki`Pi 1;". We Wig* ed.. litewiT, and ..•• •-, -$4 - a , .. ....,. . ~....,,, ~_ : f i l l iMettP. 11 0,11 1 ritrAWO: 21A , rth th.ir —. ' theli ..5,..,....t.,..,..u tc , , ~._ g u t gin .10.6 simost, o , 1 You , 1 .., fp-4111. f , ,i4. 1 k ii• - 4,..“•,*(_.,04.' 1 .11. ••.,.' 1,,. ; 04 1 10 L,. :,40 *"." 8 ,1•9 1 V14 r."ltri . o . iliAketiViarileti. • . , ~- ...:5iri1......;..:, '';', , 14:1. ,• • —Ni: •ri .R F 4 .f 4 Iti1 t i b Prf ys atf ru t p . - bet i "h laur,Se.r4apo. 0.3 o .3 o."4Il i e l ... 1 • f 11t:,1 ' .1a h . 1 .Y i c l L i 1I k P i d t l ; ! 4 iottae , =d *fter . .ogpt l T i O„gn l. ..,. LA . , ',:.l"p' , t .ltl ) It,ig ..1 7r,114 :" i " g 4 ts" BP 4l)N f ti r.! '' ! i 2ol•. l 4*•.:' - •.,. :0•••• F ev.:7'.....Z, us , . ....1"..L.8it Xi t',L.'1"...9.1.,, ~..., . 0 ,4 4 1 Y.... „ollt!friini?..• AVrh a lPiDtlit - ''';; ''• b.., .itt-I4..:AKOsrkt!! ~:4')!ht,ikg 1 A.',. _ 5 ; • 041 0 41;iviiltr_:14‘04- - *.,e.irtirvi: ,441 , . ... 4 4 ,Ph i rt a lk e APITMT!'•,E , c -t.W.C. . I "-, h eti MAlNT.t4 l 4lcallat:itali w - 1 yaf if' .- 4. . . . . • - ~ • 1,...7,.-46.4,iii1t .. „ . ~451.14'..,-,-;,r,:f.,,,fiA.,"---. gi t ~:, ~It, ::•,ie...W.;431**3"b3!..'",. *..---;s,r,:i•• .'r;? -r.3..;•.,....:;..,:--, ..,.k..,0'-x,--4'43l*.fis .5"?:..A...1.1i..,..i.- -- ' .. .-- Acti:-....., . '31:1-tr fk'• 't f • OL NIT f i * - 140.1:41 . + Cf. • ..s . ]..Mite , : ••: 7:-.6;.4,:1 , :!;;,!•41 , Al.1 - ~ , <•-•,—, - - , 4 ;. W 4 ii;l:E.;/4 i' Pf l l4. aWnIIS.: I s landso.. ip.41, - .F4ine:kr.:04,50 i who are most ieonipicAtaitijin 'tho t iixoementi , at the "Sand-' 1 with ishinda, tending to enne3etiori.:with th e United Statis, those of ,Eiiiiiin H. A] and' Luther Severance ord , eonepiewiue.•,-;, Allen; ilf . the . bilpister nt Faience:in , Obi- new.. Ad/eh:do r •-- tratiogl4:lAeykik ifeeliftiA diiiiitififir :the United tititilli..i4ne (6. 3 ,ibiee - -41iitiii4i4tii . "- :- : 6 3 th . e - ii 10.007: in Tie . 0:11fe .',,fii:;4l4lirndo:--_, of the PaitjaiLAbiliiih r a c iviiraiiiiiiOrma n ., tneree.oftbisitr, itileiii44l: lnittiAttc'qdQ*.i:c pjwae*: ll 44rigitii4d* 4r : skirtirli l 4 4 Viga:- -: -' -. -, .ixitietillibiiii?.iii tint . .. rem** rinftiliiiiitiV . ..l.' - if"S'":' I "..Ip tig q.4o.-;,...;:i., Tz. ..-, , , r,tvf: ..;,,•,: - •it - vi: ini6„: , .. ~. - .s .„0 mea t ,. eh3F.:119 : :7•r.) . • 4....V.,:„__ . 4 17z:i..i4,442,1441. 1 4 4.:- 4 :-.:- 1 4:;.,.. 1 z%ty.. ...:' f : '•,''' Prt {f igl. ll .:PlPlVilik..sl. Sr ''' ic: : ' 4 '...rs:'-'l , • aiii"th*7iliatiff.o6l44 - 10tiiiiiiiiidiliiiiii*Ibii °4 - 4 :thikt(tro % '' . l4, r.toilt.hdi-1,, 102thpi&, ' t- - ? . .r.f : . , , , ,' a.,34,1 :,..r=1.........,... ! , gi v_. Ir t ,_ .... • , pL., , .-...,,,h,:. _, 2 4 4 i . - 44 ,:a 1k: s o il t4N•4 l " l 7,7fWTßlPgi'?erri:Ws.V.. •;rfigil!kokiiii -tewlitiliuting to tlio_., „ . .111.10...!.; .... I '4.IIAK Aiitievies' in influbneikintlidonilizieWhi liii . •''': ' mote regiOiii:' 'No wonder !the Biiiireruf 'I . :A. Al; suip gple 011 r Wlldr! - they Atiet the ~. ,_. r . i live Yankees atpout, and reinittitlmytthemna-, : :: .1 tionst success in the oeqtusthott!ll,ltorr i -• , :.••••.A-1 Without doubt the likiiid:iileff•;***l4s.cc . :) be, fr, Iliei are ifotq. 4 4oi'.:iiklifiC 4. 9 iit•' l l -••• . \ :::: ; .'; tieliek. to • the.. triiiiiAitiliQt.ltetAiliii GoFerenii3,rit and the'Fzefieti f iGojilitnizititk*trir,o7l-i';' het i eti#tersiignifii , piffifiyapticliticiq. vri0v.:.71:4... oea.iiiit i ," . f#l.ttiee;l,tkiiiii4 'Airiloito jriii_o.. - AN. , .kioi4lpifiiii4ikiiii obliiji'lp . :Neiti l 4 43o4;gm:. ,: , *4iHigil_Proteet ilt. ißstgie:iiiti44.ls3* - 9476-;;5'4,10. mu : ,c !Cu :annepttloitelfrietitUimd'AErteginkl i tl. liiie ,- iiideeikei4Ai':liitii.%ii64eSfiitiliitlel4 l'* •:s: -•--- - vits 4;••.• •.. ~. .v.i....a. i•J;,,I , •;,..;?. each othiirtitiVolitellher , igied-.mutually ttit4it . ' , '- , refrain fford;•avaring to Alain - any Vic i:i.: sive ptivit*E- or-4mtherity ovettbUjaiiiide;;:; . :73: ,. .i ! t but to theau_theiVolie*Ptot9!.,i4.;;i6-.;'itY„ ,*7-tyr s. and - nekiwkit)it Wi?..' 1 0 .4 .47414 : :#t*:41#441c' . APA 4 ? i ' i Wl i t l ifilijig-10 4 :4 1 ati ' 7 ibliirc ::o4#A . t' s .; !!#- 19 Ih6l ( il iOrel4"lak i ll i tr, -, 41 m 1 V, li0 1 0)4...:;:?:. - : , e los hulas to _ the, cortlifieredilrilt'Paniki!..lo , ..:AKiP : :. : z . , iiiiiiir indispensable .valne,,f,R.,the _ ly4nlinik,f;;;;!;..7. - -. -....,,,, ....::::; make ik . a.trittoral Bubiect.of:jsilousy:titlitaffit's• ~. ~ -417r.:..i.ei0: coaratinie power-Oopldgetan exclusite ,, impir:::l4;y7 ;trot of them.,: Thsaa! may !induce ~syengef.4: , .... . , , forts to prEvent ;knell - I t):Autte)upgiOnn,tsT ' ..:_:F • peaceful means, anifloCite;'44 . tittti€lol.4id;- • '' . ! • i ding •torthe . .444itiiin;,b l it:i.froo :Av immi- ~ .....:: able ground for remonstrance with, :anylacisr-sOtia aitocirciakiciii-ror accepting Offirs - r 'iwittilliatiTt :: :*':, '._‘i,i4*; : : .4iiii: :0 0 irlso4o4:- round f o r pfionilti4arrangcfne474l:6,.lll* Perke4&L'a.??.?:f It is an open field for all thOkoiiii to try their ( ehutneakln; and if Great Britain and.z.rs.afiet, r . -;; hiiiiiiiiiiid the eelVe ''ih ' llr 'ir - each other,to ,0 . 345 i no efiliqs for , y., . .. 43 !-F°ntri***4ls ll l 4 4 l l4o4:4wvo4o4l6;it - bi treat alifibe.rTitli4l44atfispOilaqbr - i•• ,-g l gr ••••ii 4 1e.•'.t..:*• / fa; • /OP— - .. • the' netion..- Theii.:renVl ,nk. ...h n akt t ar 4.44 400...z.Vi. , t . Z.''' ''' .. ''''Pri9A l 4l:l.l.l`r(Cs.. , ElAkiiel, .i! l l4 lll i ' S"...tegirlkke.f4q ) 9er - •, - • :0 01 ..ift their AOLi a !k4.4o o44 'Aiiiigatoi:43: The . : tiaiitidkeddifijitijkinitlif;io - 01iitig - iir - idieqq::: ...,,, ...„.....,...- • . .1.-.....r agia -.4-4.4....4---A, * their preaeltt ment; 1::74: :.; Pow..L:I.Y: 2; 4 1P2. • . 'i...- !govern - } 2 AV''. 4 4 3'.41,:q ' iln;'. irk, . / I V % ' e e , •! ln "qr . 4 . l u . c lPPlWL.,c , .. pr-:,' Euiali d ::t.ri'4 l .4AFtifc;;Pi:'#o ,l 44oXtlit:o' "wiiiit•!l4 - 4 - .:olaiii.totesi . #o...tife.g.ler...cciyiiiitit_iiii ;ft *Jet * -iii 4 01 ,04 - :l.bii c ,*liiiillit'ilt • Plidiii r lifikiiiY:i . :?:i.: l i'?A i SO •i ? r o t ;*friit i litt i :.#l4l:lifitifi i i*,..4lg inisttlfZA 4 ikindsASOFP4 7. itW;Stiitt4444,,,Ftl , 74 - - • . 1..• ...,.. , f•:' , , q. , 1.... del. :,..,w,..-.:Vef'; ii!littbl . . . Or 4) f•Arilritrilt Si i ttea'a 4 t . g.t . :7:: ‘ 041 . 4 . 04 :f .1Ai9e11es has • ij*:24 6l. - .... : *' • 1 : -:' gi, , ,kcs4 . , ;'iii - fzict ; the oiit "rjrafileif i • ..o. , :ii- -, 4! t . Ii i.Re or. time. , ,_ . -;::j..r1 , • % .47:1-.4 1 , ;• -I , _ - :1,y . . !,. - „..,, ~,, o : l3et -- The s oggestin If of thufeifelii!ileililgitiiiii '"lS;:itt• L anise thin 'could not iiii'43iiiiiki r ritgra.Z,l; f :`o.i ti'.‘tich Oft heire-itie.s hiregaSl: ' °4-I ‘OgiY- 4; ..-, -- •, - w - 'c l ., ,- dilllN .....,:',i Mg :3 f 'the < 4:lnds, an a4b4i4iriiiipaii_ti.ve*DiiSi. ... k ; - . . ....! *. -. r 1 ...• -::.,.,..,.• -'• --. ':-.- • lit.ifiniriti.' beG " . theae : -:#4l** . '. ..;. wi f .31,..z! , #.-. iiiititziPo)l_' ).Pl;io ,, fvoiiiilA'n .. .----, it ... - 'i.:•-k . ' . . I, .. f i ih 79P gat 4i if{. 4 0940i,.:. .; . jt:f...t . he sovereiii,tyntimOr -, is44,tyskir . - i4;, z , ' ; I tilted _Stateethkrtivi4jefra iti*Atii4 : 6 l l , itie.eitimriulied tini10:11000 - VitithaVeit*si .iAt i Stlii 4 iartiio*-401 . :*ijileaa n ligPk% '. 4ll, :iiitlie . jiirttiViiet k iiitlrViVlrr - - iiiitt - 1, .. fck t et w g w. i 4o a u u p jin r t mtaor.- - ,:-...- i ii i i eprt ItiligrZ *:2o.the' tiellefit k itigo re stint timetifitiritli:; :, liiiVnitedStiiiikiAii4q, : : * , Mdfit4iiiilifig**,,t ' - - - ( % , il ,, lit --... dic .,.., ......,,.. ume liberot etattilitre dltVi*o .... ...,.. titii , ,7:l , t t r n i t*;PEke't' . . - ql ,A . 4 . 4*t0.*,:k .- :.' ow tiloos•-4--"oe -170%4, --- - - --- . ,--;-:; 4g* app; u*de Kilh~ m g ki t triialke e rt , 14 .0.8A11 . scf# 4 ols 7'.l: oo.ofidgra,4l s ,l* l 1 % 061 r,r : ' ' 446, 1 64 t _ - .44**8 - 0,51M1115 1 ! : iktti,v-k9of.tVit: Ak1N,4.% 4 lot ly +s ~ XYY • •*:„. 1 : 1 •• 1.4,••* 4 •41-3, 5: 0 7.i.c44;t• •••• :°:t• , d*..•, i . •.": l :e4W ~,. ~....w.,! r:t4f,Fi TT., • ni! A d,,i ie . iiiikto_ .-:;,.7.:, i.:. .....biarlair r , ...;., '.,;'' ". '. •.' '..:',. :, ~, ,e r A' i i i r , • ..: 11 . 1 1, 1 7 - : ' ' r , r :... ..... ' it ., ..::, ... ,- ,p . ' • ' 4 -' - . : 4 -, .? , hilt , A1.1.- , , , .. - ,::•..-.4. - , c:-.;.1, - .. i^: 77. , -..._,..-.-..::'.:.' .4 .-, 4 .-•.-',2!:-' . : '''' 'S,i - fl. ,, •::: - .'",:. '-:, •::." -; . ..-',Z 1 ....... l ' al 9r:::'-'• .— 1 ,i,;:t?3:4,-.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers