. . .. : ' • .Captain IngniliaM: :‘ . _ A Pads correspondent - of " the Ciaeinnati Atlis sage:, • -,••• -: •ri .. ...\., • •,•--,:-. "111 , ed. to -day " from it . ,iilniimAfteer of ;ti e Bt.' , isis, who la tin his airy hoine With' despatches, and on faileugh, some new. partie. Ware concethlng,the'-eondupt :of Capt.,,lngta bam. It appetuat4at the Captain - acted very i timidly_ and iiititionaly, during the several days that he ivas.earrying' on correspondence with Mr. Brown; but when,at last hebecame sada ; fled that:he had sufficient `ground to Authorize --Mar to-actomd -when-.Cesta-••elisirned—his- pro-:- tattoo; all his _previona timidity and doubt disappeared,., he beeame 'metamorphosed at once, and from that Vitae until ' Costa. was de :lb/436A uP."..he seemed: furious for -the'4l:l4. — . All his Ord* in getting ready for 7 battle; were &given in the clearest and *most deeidetk manner atid.ihiferevi aeon partook - of-his determined spirit, and resolved to fight to the last Man for e Thell.--,lia":7Whiti :The :affaiiliii - iilFit ", ..the Capt ain again; grew., timid,:; almost;frlg4t .,-sapi at what he had.doie.: - -:,,. ~-,.„ ,•• ; „,: At ten inintitea before the: Ante that Costa. ._*Aa -to be delivecedlip, the,Captain Was stein ding -Oil thOdeck.svith his wateh,in his band.; A min iras,stiuiding ,ielidy. with - a match at each. charged and pointed, while the rest 'Were - ready: With boarding instritnents. .The.captain knew that the a.i vantage which c i . "the two, steamers wOuld , give - e Austrians' !iiiild'Aidatiger him too , inuch,: (Lao- inten --;•- da z ßist to •fire a braldside, thin instantly let vissel swing alongsfde, the finstri In frigate, ~T„ attiel therp - fore and aft, and board her, sword in' laid at all Iriards. Once it master of the - tip ifessels,he 'would be safe - enough; without 'tat- anuttenvre the contest' vio4ld.have : been uncertain. ' He had , previously cast his-anchor across the cable of the Austrian`frigate, so as "to hold it in a position to facilitate the quick ~roytiteent which he intended Calandraln board. ,ing.:, The Austrians, looking tor the' aid of "theconeOrts, would have made a bloody strug ghi on the deck: 01 . .#1di r frigate"" . .•, - . :Cubits ON CoacatEss.—We understand that • the Claims on Congress and the Executive will - 'amount to many during the approach ing sessions. Tbese cluinis and their agents heetlincre4ing during the last few. years, "particularly sines the dalphitr business succee ded so well in ,the fatitude of the c.apital.-- .Ariong other - claims, we understand .that 'Messrs. Benson put „forth' a claim of a million :01 . 4011ars for-the losses anstained by them in The guano, busineis at the: Lobos islapds, in • .c6use:quence of the changeic,,the diplomatic opinion which fir. Webstet made during the discission on , this Subject a couple of years ago. .We also understand that Dudley. Maim; ioiv Assistant Secretary - of .State, - puts for= ;Ward a: claim on the °executive 'governinent, and ultimately 'on Congress, ,for a hundred thbusand dollars; because a fetr years ago -he ,applied° at the Rissiatr EmbaSsy,r4ri and 'was iefused a passport to visit , St. Petersburg' andlioscow.'Other claims of all, .orfs will be Presented to the Executive and Congress, , during the approaching session—prehably e.- mouatingin the aggregate to, many rnillions of dollars.l The tncreaquag amount of surplus revenue increases the number of these cl:dm ants beyond\ all former preeedeitirei-al.d. • Tim Wei is Clinca.;—/ts adrices from China give . 8110. eking accounts of the \barbarities which are committed nt sacking of towns end en the field of battle. 7 ,— It is stated that in one engagement one thou sand were killed, besides a large number uhp Were drowned by , being . pursued: islto - a river; in, another, seven thougand• were kilifd •' ine *Whet, seven hundred were 'burnt -to. death • and,killed, Onlf ninety prisoiers .having been brought in' by, the victors.; but they had , the beads'of one hundred and fifty,. others. Na. Myrtles engagenients are ihentioned where thousands .perished. The,Emperor appears to set the 'example of barbarous ernelty: When" one of his officers is defeated he takes his head OE - Every general, therefere; 'ls fighting for VATTED STATES TlMl . '4.l'oltrLorma...—The steamship Pennsylvimia, ?aiming as a regular packet between Norfolk and Philsdelphia; has been chartered by the United States -govern omit, sod Was engased ow-Thlinsday ' last at Old Point in receiving trobpsolorninntiiins of war, on board, to be transported . Tampa; PUMA. .She is to torich L a Charleston for-the porposi3*of taking several -companies from Fort, illoultrie far the'same destination. • Gen.Bank— hiked, witithis family, left,Piirtrets Monroe 'on Wednesday evening for his commissin. in Florida. _ Nearly every officer at Old Point has been - ordeted to - some other post; and 'their places inppliedli abet' officers of the army, . INE _ -Tam Eatasses ENG.=-Sillee the trip of the caltOtieship„tolVashingten, Seven months 24ace; Mr. tricsinit.has been devoting hie divided energies to the perfection' of his engine. He has introduced several essential modifies, gam and improvements in his .plan, and. en tertains the fullest confidence jf the complete ineemwt_ of a second trip.. Theengines will be yeadY in a few weeks, and it is said that their power will far exceed that which was attained by the inw pressure system, as they sit.' now to be , worked under condensed pre-nine. itiASDNNICII ISLANDS.• A Washington lettertis The New York Eapress says :-.;ro - for the incoming of the Sandwich Is lindeinto our confedesacy—as. c.erminly she • cal ifwe will take her i reqtdres wiser beads, and More powerful men than Gongreas now has. t!To Admit her into the Union as a State is,totep beyond her continent--and when once gen, the step is ' , endless. To admit - her as a Tenitory, with . a . Govenor from the Ucited States,is, perhaps. desirable." Vat .Cceirritt Cior.—The Concordia ;ram' of the 12th tint, says :—Upon the au. thority. of Some our most intelligent planters; we can etate.th4it is fully ascertained that there will beless thin two-thirds of an aver arge crop of eotton made this.seasou through ant the parish.: 13etne few planters, hewever lisivefull crops; whilst that of many Others scarcely reach one-half. _ RT . FOREIGN - Conars.--Gocenor vromil, the American Minister to Prussia. it smears ams r equired . id :dress himself in uni form' for - rimy/ion Itt': Court : 4 notwithstanding Seilre4arillartkiroirs JO the Contrary. It smart that, the gof Prussia will riot al low any Velp. tri m Abe naves heretofore regeraeit , 'audiences. and raceptinns; and TIMM* ialintrodactions is plidn•costnm'F. News. , . • inteTheenen from Mexico shows that poise - s sionorthoilfiesilla Valley is to 'he 'held joint. ly by Make =dike United StateiN pending' negoti' i stion. The' result may be to divide - the territiwy bet/ten the. two parti'es. Sub a partition will give is thOrontetarit'rallroid toibePaiifie. : Milleersi.the baildei oft‘laelit'imeries4 Itionakl, has' eotatrueted..*model of* sldp of 9,1500 tons, for the Californiaiind New `, York trade, of whiek r be is to_lxithin Avner himself, in pad or esebnively, and which lindmiskes will salt twenty-two miles im hOne r beitine any stwiwto.fillat has :ever . - yet flOated,.. :;11owlnatil egalost any ip is the, w4o4 o .4forAtolloaliand *dant _ - Eiritlireaud the goreetusent lase vifeteil 1111_,LIVIall'herfitotttatthe wino: ,Algivelt!as:: in i„.- - -_ ?tic%`d TIN .DErcit 4, 1.! kairgest rinlinerulutta -14332 CloideleVir,x 2 Y• • -- aakar • S. S. & = ribITORL•, atenk : Eiji 1 - as' • • -Allp N /la • .. i, Er y‘re hal+ received: 4otherilett+ . i'rinn_ , our. friend . , G .. ..!...6 7. 1.., . ov, Esq.. tormeityl on ' , Print, UP4 4ll 4 llll4o antri 4 1 1 OW- iii -,Cal?fOiati *kWh e will prohbly int before our feldersi, iv next week .1 ••• ." : 1= I- ' 1 , , . eks ~ ~. •.. . . _ ..._.,-,..X .atr4 of the Demoorat.l ;-.. -Tvrio weCks sip W 43 announeedto . yett l t, nt we would' enlarge a El greatly 'lmivravl Pe' Dentocat, lon i. certain "conditions to ..,..o,)f , .iiiirii 4 i, 3 , .otlourprorn wein t e nd 4 cri .. 1 fulfil to - the 1010, end` 'are therefore making' thCnieessaryL.preparittiona aSfast as tbelevi;• dences thatjoa Intend to • do yoni spore } . s: — ' - to u - .. , ~, • We have anLthee' M ortant piece of •infor: :oration toimPart, an ' hich : May ,fikevi4.lte to you an imp4talitlin ucenient.to ply up.-t One of -the pr '' t firtn- - will la* the piper ' and buiineia Of be iSco .thi; fi rst_ of jaritiaryj next, - lii ‘yhich ,Me Ointend to inlarge.l The' 7 , old' rth Will • thiin beldissOlied, . and necessity; I will, compel en , mediate 'set.t!ement.ok Jig; lICJ ' counts and bui •Ittssi ~Thoie, theiefoTe l , 1 1 - Wll4 l are indebted , to aUtfaaksetiptiark far:o 3 ,o•.ili or tkree. yeara, ' ill id it very nanchiolthei!, ;Awn adiaittage o settle : up before , the phi firni shall be diss,ll ..• No one need exPeetieftet that time - That 1* Y . iledtiCtint Will: baj, pude from our termer 4;40,06 per year /she I 5u1: , .., scription is in re' ra, Wit cannot dolt Ithe# _ * .;$ 'fie' - h I d . r f because we ca o afford-to a r . t e., ,lys of ' tended ' to farthest I'MiWiti grace ex yr us the hay g l assed bl •• I'- -• , .l 11 . I. 4 ii, e - gtve thus i notice bow, beeattaa * t ii ant money, and be ' rise we viishj to deal irly 1 with lour paticl s, and give them' the ini I t fa, 1 vorabie tenths I osttittle: , :We • 'dislike in rp l an.ftpidY feel t al they have any causek $ *en4 plain f ur d tinge with them. But lit , ' ekti-, c , not hi 'h - per tor nothing arid &Jim ." $ I pu s a p , .. our refits ! All tlltt:itildue utl s is dye i fro' 1 otir hard earnings, : 04 We watt our pay aa vr 11 is, othe ' -• Each 'bill is , coinparativelYitm 11 in., ninon t—'-•sct's a ll that every man can rn i etift with little "otte ion. Send it , along tinclithits al i save t 'oney to• ourselves.' Snd it demi:, ttid the firit of lan arfire Will give yaw [the I,r= best a t d• eit c - untry - pa $ r publishedilintPetin • *-IvAnia. .0.1 . :• ' 1 ''- - I `' s.' \ ' r*, OCeeding2lof COUrt' 1 . The Grandiury was discharged Fr ill s s Tait. • i Considerable ' busineaa Was before Ahern, Mid among other things they i ntade - an -Exturditatihn• of the County and made a I :rePoitlin favor of huildiag a new Coktrt Houie,ldac.l,--- - 'Tuesday, first week---C'o 'l6 cm.'F.lecilt Wel ly, indicted for Lareeny. • • erdiet..guilty; aid' sentenced to - tivipef meat ' impriao4Ment fin County Jail,_&c:;l Little & Chest for! Com'th, Jessup and Bentloyl. for:De ; ' 1 r ; I t. - Confth.-is George Eq. t and apth it. in-, dicted-for .Riot mid Aisa It and . Bitttery/---- Verdict not, gUilty,and eon ty to pity (Itico4t.i. Jessup •and - *8. 1 11: ;Glut* fit Cometh, J ttlitittr. Chase 'tor Darts! .- '.. • /,:. -,. „ .... ' t , / ,,11- I . I Coin'th vs .. - Eitti467ieiVer. T Ind p.frd, er ' a keepiligAsorderly 'house., yerdiet; net guifty,_; and prosoeuter,l . DitVid Morgan, tolPity ihe costs.:Jessup an 4 lieutleY,for Com'iltiLittle &' - Chase and Tarrel "•for . Def't.. '; i i . Com'ilt i vs:- ierem ah Voshurg. Stir ty of the Peace. Def t held' in reeoglij slice, &c. Litt l ie & Chase for do ''th,Jeistz; for 1 ; •-I • H I Com' . vi: Thonnui.Xortin et al. ITO is for Riot and Assatilt. -- ; Verdiet-apilty,j • •_ , ;•.. - sEC:eiro .Wix.x: 1,,,1 i - Sutiterland Ali.' Taylor. - Tried en ' ''h i, • and verdict for KIT 4f $329 69. Ittn l tey & Filch fol. PM, Little & Chase for E4f ft,. '. ' Co. -I I• Dayton vs: D . . I L. &W: ..ft... IL n 10arna ges, in passing through farm in. Giva i t Bendi now (Wednesday noon) oh trial. , §.tironk,ilLia tie & Chase Chi twill& IL ; Chase. for . ,Fl.nti l fq and Wm. - 4 s Winfic. Jeissup for Def'tiv I ' -I,'l, , =WhatAm ybe had fo r ` .. 1 Arrangement .have been' made ibil il :mthicill the Home joutital (whichii $2 a yea ,)I and the N. Y. Mtldeal :Work/ and Times , Ovhic.h is $3 a, year); will both be . ftirnishefl for $3, to all who sUbscribii or renew theitleautimip. tionslefore the first s day of Junutut p 44.- 4 1 _ These papers are 1 ing jonmat 1 1 their ' kind. ,The Home f r . nal, is so W 4.11; known thatany'description f i t, would I'd, eu' pp rifts- . - 012 S. It is enough 'Say, that, ini i isiction . to , the artieltNs or its ; ; to rs _ (Morris , it; iwtplis), it is enriched by the - • tribtitionS . 4 Many' of the most l,rilllantpe s now at work on-tither aide, cif the Atlantic. :It is, in brie 4. a simeri or Paro . 44 Sacipo . The Musie4 fiVorld -mid Timelrgirei over twos htindred l . Pages of , choiie,;ew music, annua ll y, Which Oulil cost, 'at tise fares some thirty " dollars ; the W ild itot (SPhard Storrs Willis), furiiiiheis tht best possible musical instruction ariteriiicisas on. Umiic and musicians . t also gfraa A vast amount of useful , and. - int -, tipg Mildici .in :fonitition; furnished by• - e ll Xii 4 6 ,1111 wt. l is Hastings,' Root,' llralbu and Shea} just what teachera,_ aiholare, el gymen, clioristers, . --, • , ' organists and singers a . ; while ?ANNE FERN contributes one of 'II 'r besi . priiitutl *. -tides ever, - wee*: Both l opeas, c'olutilining all Oda literature} Music, 'aMusern t !aiNi in stiuctiop, are ctia 4is bed for the a lisiun of n i l rh . tirei/ollar - Addrees eltherld'AP- 4 - ' , i REM ----!.. TheyTat ,c lige . . we. publiiiv)i)44,o* . oinwon of Ins H°n or, JUaga . - Viiiiio,.. in Ilia' ease • iayolving the t question _ off'' ' 'rig the . 04ert3r of - The N: Y? a El-filial ioll# ComPany 'at. Susquehanna ,Poi , ,-. . - -1 7 Until lilt ll tibia' boieuuupposed.. that the e onus esl 'OOO per year -imposed upon the COmpar!y by i o Legislature , for the - right of twinge thrqugh the State, exempted them from -tazati s `for*State and -iounty,parptise..l. ok 'coam:mi.-last onthe- sub. ted The Assessor Harmony to . went. `He _ : dad so, .and the epted at. The. ease was bro t out last Term, and.rargned. e County . by Little & Chase and -the part lartfie Coiapany., The opinion anti' tbe present The CPuntY jed;itiddir make Companyu borore•the t the pert of byleasurp 'Court der. Term: ItWill be seen -by. the topinion• that about e2§ l ooo of the assessment euitained. Something of an item :for Our Connti Treasn - . - ()pinion of't..l3.o . .COnAt . . • r . Ceunty - of Susquehanna vit,li; Y. &T. Erie Rail 1 road P9riiixin!-:': - --•- • . . I • -The first ite of property; li•DePot - Build ing,' •ocenpied , or the various - - •pnrposes men , Ironed in the e j a stated, in the nfiiitin . .iit,th q Ocuift:taa iegl tentn.obje4ot taxation, - untie 1 , tie general tax aws of the Commonivenith.- 1 The . importani purjioses for Which it iansed,' fixes the clt - neter of the buildinkras One- inti- , - mutely connected: with tbe buiiness done, up on the. road and not 'necessarily appurtenant to it. -it is 'ailed' furAho accommodation o d tin - ' passengers the neeption and . delivery of freight.; : -ale fact that a rooin..in thehuilding ~,, • • - - , is eupit : dlby - ngineers And Brake m en whil 4 a ling - the a 'vat of trains whi}4 They• a to conduct _to ard; - and, also, anothe tido . iS occupied by tut agent whose buainess t b it i to attend - to' receiviti an , delivering , frei ' t, does not change / the real harycter o the uilding, as . one designed ati :used to fd cilittite and acconiinollate the bus ,etes of the . Road in the transportation of ..- = , -.(ingers an, freight upon it/, , = • , :., . .The second item, " Mae:line SI eps,” corn Cie rly ..Vit:iiin adjndiated cases • ' properly . sui ect / to. the assessment ; made . pon them ; as do.. also the "Foundries!' de ribed under theeixth items` _ Items fourth an fifth,"Car . . p:entur Shop,"• and "Blacksmith Shop" must fall into the same aas the , two former items, end be govern by the si e p nciples. e ss The “ Engine Housi "describe nn er item third, and the '" Superintendants Office," item Seventh, are believed to be'exempt i under . the decisions and reasoning of thy . Supreme Court, from the taxation -attempted to be . imposed upon them. They are considered as-necessi -rilY. appnitenant, to the Road--a part of its construction—indispensibler .to. the . Very, na ture and design of the enterprise. . - Erections of a character such as thcie would be required . to some extent at least, aside from the ordin ary and 'remunerative business done on. the Rosa, and : from 'the use and passage' of En gine'san4 'Cars upon - it, anal in keeping the ac-- cosnts and trans.ieting the. bu.siness er the compani with its employees. -\ . ' . .. . The iltrite reai'cia will apply with Anal if. net greaier force„ to the eighth item," wood- 'They aro at hadisPeirsible to the road, stations. Both are absolutelir neeen- Ithe general pniposea and designs of road, and iniat be ref-aided as appur it.,-an essential part of its conatruc- sheds." as write nary to the Rai tensuaf, t tion. Pie assesso ; d and six buildings retarned by the at a valuation of eit,ooo is clearly to. the eiseisments :imposed, except • acres occupied by sidetracks, which ed to be-properly exempt therefrom, otirt direct . that Judgment be, enter , • • he Plaintiff in aceoidande with the g opinion. •• - subject the thr: is belie foregoi _ : lose vv4p, attend our . Courts, esni,. I.7.Jurons„cannot faille . notice the in- - Omount of ' businese - to be done; and it• business • accumulates muCh - fister . is ,disposed of. •: • 41. - large • :share of the I- business of. August Sessionii,• stilllies., January untouched, while not 4 single! .i . ,nted • by ~ the' Grand . Jury ,la - it week , n ; d isposed of the present Bessions.:-' apt - Judge Wilmot imposed rides up-! Bar lait -wcek, .intended to - dispatch of eases," - with -•-• greeter !. fain ity, ' but tram •O I !Present indications 103i - ilea* will stilt aeluM ate:froiiii one Court to soother. •- -- -. • • 'The kind of : ikusinese, -- too, .with•• Which the oriels f; of•-eseli Tenn its now (Yenned,. is,:a• thing. ••: i which - - we 'lave a word to say, and r l , a .bug' - . • ' on'to'Make. • At 'least half ., of the fiat w" of each C ot is oceopied iii the tri al Aif t e imallest, offencesauch'• - aer assaults f a and batteries , pit ,: larderdes, and: the . various kinds of Misd e al ... ors l i . generally ' originating from. the.most frivolous , einses,and often - pros.' ethet: for selfish and 4ialeivient • purpoiiest 7 It is indeed, astoniShing! to What an extent this kind '4 • )f liiaSiness is carried, and_ what alatit amount le annually . disbursed from - . opre.Otin ty Treasury to foot these-Coon:lona bills;•and in.• dirietly.iiia thieinfarnoui kind. or litigation,' ; • ....."PloOs of witnesses Ore•biought here at ~ i v•-• ert Term,:perhips to convict some poor p of 8 0 , 04 the vatue - of a Lurk e*, pad • * jerity'o!: - .. in**es 'the comity . , ieleft • t o . _ y - : from 400 0 : 14:8009,0 0 .,e9444 iilth. "s, I chance Of:convicting:the accused 'of th : ~ e offetteil- ehareed. , !:.What:neeeasitt: e ista tlin, this simple, fcirm - . - of _government ;of • : •O rs; for 1 such an.• • iintaiging - and - eapenske•arrif,.; as ' tf. 4fterter•BesaiOnkfOr• the . try-of • • small . - . ' • ' 1 offence.? Ind: why should the - CoMmonw • ' fli t siiinfll; puriela link inviting malicious see ' n ' diela• to shield,tlicanaelpos . from - the terrors of Via l . of costs • w hich, must _ consign , :them to -1 county jail; bekin4 . the,b!nevolent , purof aliliersliiid . =merciful-criminal code 'I ••,- • Tila* lexists I slspoti-••-n00 4 0ty . . fo."lol#iir, -its pun ..'01!;-- • l -1 iliiit6i**4l3# by thi - 00 41 0 . 1 10 - It:‘:':' 1 1 4 1 04:iA4Aii**iiit74`.(i i 3 0 114- 4 1 -iii* P ri' vi,ie, protection air *wiOttOty ,4!i*Eilt; it. - 7.p. Otriii4i.F#Ot I%**ltnik'brOtSor,o 4 4o- tt4itte , !:,iii):4W - piiiticiiiikit liii . :piiiiiotal: iiiaii,,,.,-.:!:-..,-_ , ,t , :?•€ , .-., , .--"-- ,, •, , ,-.•.., ,,,, ,:'..1.f2. ~,,:r.r...,- -:i.- - -'. 717.-_,--.: 1 ••• - tA liiik'j*iikt•intredlieedintfi - ,: i , Xotamilofi r .',Baiiiiiinentativeilitatit , hater%44 4 '* • -i . ..10007'. 1 1 Sili'` . l l a„ : i'l*i. '-' l4 oll l : iiiii4 -- !iik i : 4 l'f.-#el 11 1 Elir daily sti a creasin also th than it crimi , over t i mulepr hay bel His HI on the the tri: . .., ty from the enormousoxperises incident the - . Fir TNtilfollowfng tulWle, difjectifltO j i lf e,.lt y p r i t ,':."'.a ar ai: a at * g od' . - - ti a - -i t ,4 o - ala,:ilat to. That bill provided for the' trial of all these hy - . Eld r Post, appearedii , th ' er It egis' ter-1 4 bei: 1. - .4*iviit also that was eta:) , teak to ot,P ll 4ll ,:iy m t 4trt six.:liii b u y ii.up; aJn eti strce l. lite. ot tli tl e nf iii - P. 44,3 eac ni e w eld :io n: w i li . e., . s f.. - 1 !...... . 7-. -..,,_: ... ,i ; :::..ker , psuitbi,lic: -,.:,. ~ ~; pe ts ~, : ~, e ,:, n ot t o. , pol o ,. h i t, pi ti :o4,, ti r t, oo. : p i : i ii vrri * tien, C arth ls otL '— h il4ar esiled hainn long beri!rciiined,in the Stateof New ' york.- : Thebill u had ft large 'majority ' in:th.e A I tuini . . Idly round and nitwit tali th - . 1. 2. liciuSe,44:Va fit+lie'itifinal readen . wriblo.Cli t t id by he near aii;roach orthe . iid- from • e -when It Personal e ncou nter„ wit!' ;y4u as e been fOreign l int snit .d4_,Kinn . . ! ,tpe ' bysaying that r'-iiiisei my. intentions. , , Your', editorial career has ! to.pti . fish - it il trnit fur j the goodinnireinine t been such as to convince those have just f and cdl ' i• ' oarsmen rendering it. impossible to Vasa it through the seroo.. What ,might he its fate 1 moral sensibilities,' of the 411,Ct, - that 'honor on i' !ta a ar. 01 ! - t ri a - - a l ch ia l l A c ii r n ia i r '‘nslll7ge!,!t•asho church ' °ss _ another:, Irsiteril torarseil _ timoroy , , nev i ( p i ro f, nt fitwenl , 4l.o, the probable iresult neither of to' you, ho s . h eap d•iii-go. jittt..yr)",t''.7.4linntlastf.dir ad dr essed I til'iii-l*:4; :411tYlc:1713t4lbreirnwhPetnt.I°hust.d7f4i-oPtla!f7iia;°44.:- h*.•;i hick' - Elder.-Postirri' a 'Pallicti . ' :in this afo -" rma ° ti t 'on vle .,o t:C f rY tl l e n p a l u fb 4 lic i ' ; ll II :I ' i ° li i hove u t. . i :. 2 ;, Fo r. r y.present; little th ° - 2 7anev - will not Inuch_lOnfOr 4einiran insinky• nl, entls l ,l4lt-n Infid ti! gllnut...but.of one ;thing 7 •ire-mertain, o thatz -- e - teiy. - '1450, - : w ho Will ex _ more to say • through this i l l:partially, will come to the and that I will any as briefly:as Possible amine the subjelnto: n ch.. enministerial • Icenduct. . I WeS :fur; • One COACIUSIOD;Iiiint . the exigencieS of the j ul g o i r Y k ri ° n il d t v ° it i ta a tel f a a s ne l y a." 'n h p Yf e e n s oa lu eti n as Bbr 'lll hear .h . Pri" t° filid Eiddr . . Pont evince 1. di sposit i on; timesthe - peciffaulating amount of business;• ' sustain it , a ii ~ The friendship• existldg' ' het ' iv e t ; Der . ; Little had now to find him in • addition," * -: . ' sad the ifirciee 4 iif iiiX•iiion:tei - ' - - '' 3 '' 4" pro Pe- . ! l! in ° g c6 a, one r als tr ehl ih d u-P fre io rn m w e h * Ol e e ek cl s ot alt e ; n .b d u l tl" _call-for twine's • •.reitirrill - and we:shoultiliel -.1 ` 1341 w Y geif y 6 ' "' rum, ' or .t ba; ` ln State to. Ind 'peruaneac ii Chanicter - to , ' lie took - I' l ga Orldiair - • -• • L- ,• il BO v. easily proved'upon him:!..... --- ----'v - --z.- ,---'---- !Intel' I liad Ped the 1 W.titakerS of the S u-fo,nsospeetally, imipss.you report _ - ° •to olspne .Ws artlektnin l Pl:*l ll ! a vat-: i gar , . it.. r, o ri i g d rv riS ‘i,: i i ; . 7 th i ,. ,,dr tie it , s, ioss • ,t ? v ro j e n a k r i , ng e ;: 4, ll , n,.. e ili dtt p e lk .. would: spate ene gh tme the ioniing' seision I • froni deiotion. ..,.ichenniflOf: jegislau - va - .sise... "Ine nin an7t o o r s e a t y r , u .t t h i fft ul y iY ou th i;.ii n viictle l l v e e nte he it - ets nto examine - the subjtvt 7 -introdifcc Such l in the ease, nor his veniiod Of t ein,'either.)it- t• more. alai° a word faS Progress into the .voenhulary in l I iiri'.ira:lYreloY;irroefs:nol"B'taanitetl44;;:ifill;fr°emdciod-ny°:l7llthP;, ~-fie h . li : i i P e t ; : ;f 'd !iv : (lll;:sest ': ,. :, :clie : ;l: -. .nig:l:: criminal jurisiirditence of - perf;lsyliaiiiii;% e ve u a r r t ein f lp i llibe . 4:" lin "se of 17? . ..1ik ed fro'sleep by' . ific et- es , Of the ' 'cap.: se! . if otir . .otrz* cannot he relicv# 'siffie.. failure t o hee, which the a re i - 30w f oral f 1 0 0 1 ; .. to him. I ask no ° a s tii* l " '° 4°119' are open : tau" h(l '' vag "' 'for he ii. - 14:-: rushed " what of the taxes they , - gr , Itilnof. in t4ll?er , ease, i deck - benenth __e noises e; arid found a laive .. __ -_ . a ‘• i'from an one .ke winter abput to t row il l s Cajtain aver:, • ‘4h ot. , , to - sustain Courts of Quarter S . iod4, / • which men -may wrangle atont' 4 141 el !t i ght , as airs, at the enense of henestindu.ltr and Let'tts see. ..E. Lind V. get into ajquar rel.. , E smths les nose, and F. >ocits . The canquisited.varty flies to a Justice cfr.: the Peade for a 'Warrant. The magistrate in' i quires, into . ,the Particelari,indsends the ma 'ter to the Quarter , Sessi&s:' `A, , Grand , Jury iof 24 men perhaps sit all day 'at a (roller each,' and find a :1411..- From ten to 'fifty witnesses are stimutoned an(la day or-.perhaps twn daYS are mod in the :trial. -Now whichever 'way cons . the c foot tse go6s, the county will likely Nave to ;he cost s , and 'Perhaps in addition beard one !Ir other of the- parties three..inonths in jail .tail can,take the hetiefit of the insolvent law sa liciw if the Justice who issued the warrant" had power to have called a jury of six meu be- fore him and pass judgment upon.the case, the • whole expense might-have been reckoned In . cents 'wham uider our present system it amounteds-of dollarS, 4nd the endss of justice too wouth likely Itivebeen.?ettnrserv ed. Shalt o we not hate sinnething of the kind. . . . - Or The Asteauter.lilitiois, airived ;at !New . • ..• • . York •On: Alonday - :evening., - She brings "about. 183,000:000' , in . gold: ;John Mitchel, the dis. . - , I tinguishOlrishpatricttAndexilei wasnn,ixbard ithe Protnetheasi'whiet prOhably riacheil . Ne.w York yesterday: The tnining news continues I favotablO: . : ...= • -.: 7. .. . - -: , : 1 . .1 .. . . The ,I.ron Rille. . The name of ..T. S. ARTIIIII!. is'stlirlcient to ensure a kind reception for the ' Iron Rule,' t one of the est Producti,ons that has over em anated fro tho Ten of this•most popular wri. 11 ter. All is works.poseess title same , brevity in detail, ccompanied with 4 that fresh, . vivid, life-like I) inting,. exhibiting the acute obser. iver and c ear delineator of character: This ' work pos,esses Much interest, : arid; like all other works trona the pen" ofthis author, is of a 'high, moral, and useful tone. - • Aldress, T. ltl 4 eierion, No. IQ2 Chestnut ;'street Philadelphia:::, i , I- :-. 1 _ -- -.de - remaining seYt". l o'"•- . - r - ii - -43. 3 ,- :- ~,. .. ..., __ , s. 1 Cove,Susquemaxe.s.‘ - , • 1 I ma/ may be net . dovirn s.S certain to vote for 1 " ret-DDrso tr) arias,. to .r•omPel the Dttomm - . • •- ` ' Personally appem3Kl beforti.me Amos Will.; the pres•ent ma y . -be; Part of these _ are al- ‘ g? .. .v r ero . .re. oti t....td . i•e 4 Peet:t,res,,tieijan . d:ta obtain - 'The, Stuldwitilt. Islands. ... , The recent movementin; the Sandwich Isl- isms, one of the Justices' of t he i Peace hi and I ready appointe‘l and their Predi'leetions a:seer. from' ir rePtitattbn for de oTencee.: , -Tat la, conjunctioa'.With ' , the factelwe :have.vela . , - Yvlio, being 1 tau ed. This leaves thirty delegates. "iineer, ' - Ip . - I ,r es - si p:my l a w , wh o this „manifesto wou ld seem tot close the i ands, which looks towards. annexation to the I duly sworn loth. depolie and inv..that eeertain , tai including 'those from , • i e ,.. at '- -- .- - • - -•.- • - • . . ~ United States, has been met by a protest -f ro m 1 article addressed to hint ' hi; Eldef Post, and Ima safely "be set down as ariti-Bialer,. and i tr.,. y. to all attempts a t, negotiation, , a ct.- - P I terly't4 realudeall Hopes of .si restoration g , . 1 .0 u . .rind Published in the Reeisier l 'lent week l ;was . sent l ,wil probably be :instructed - -forUon. W. H. - ~ P I. . _ the' resident nari4 - 4TA ,Great . Britai n bun by Elder Pont; Thesdayithe Bth inst. with 1 White of this colinty., We iluiv,e in thisstate. Peac°-. •. . I I - i _.-- - - . • ' ..',.,.-,:. -: - --., ; . From otherinarters, we learn thaiNicho49 France, in _which they inform hiillawaiian a• equest• that it shank]. be,lpublished: That ''rifent. included some counties which mar with i Majesty, that it, taagainst,the lawns laid down 1 the following thy &Wei Post. called at his of- 1 grelit propriety be' Claimed- or - Governor ' . ,k.4.0 . 1 . - It tiiY°g" measures to °°anterf-he;klElttgiantr!._ by Vette!, - .tor . . him , to -enter into negotia- dee, hayinz received in intimation that certain 1 ler—and the vete el. nliose reOreeentativeSh ' tlelPisted ult•Oferenee titherquarreLL A ra•: , ' ' • lin tions for annexation, wit ut th,. concurrenc e • • • • statements in the artiele werild be proved false I Wit receive. ;when-the' time; fer'alitien arriVeSi I nor had been telegrephed in ' -advance. the . ' • irf print, and requested deponent not in'pubtts• h ;'Hi4 - vii,yte in- the converttinli ennTintl)e lesilhan l'i la, ll . lni!,•:ttr the ellce. that; an alliance' . hth . - of his people. : To ibis: protest, the Ameriean {the article. De•Ronent 4rlit informed Elder Pose ninety, if indeed there in Cominissioner', replied, remindlii” the nenly hied he •sl Id not Cif thee I'f the' . lion 't" h' ':h th C v'ention. aisein ' , :hie Dust Slahoined; and the King of Persia; mu re 11 , ar re e rom .po ion o im n en e en , , -1 - i ~,., : . -.• . e t . (the Eiderj Would to 'id elected Secretary of State for Toliiti; that the i press unless- he ~ . . , se T r , a • • i''' - . '- -1 t 0 kev ' and of course to threaten:. any vOrY serious o p-lheeeformid ,beteree the,Czar, Abe. • 'Moulds. 1" made ;-' - . ;.the ) ritiali possession • in' India. - .The.newi • United StateS ~ Government hie never . made I stop thewhele contrevlrny.! .Thit.ofterwards, l ., .rom this s,tatement,and it is.frem had , s .• greatcreatett_ sensation' in - rig. yr E land 'Sl 1 It the request of a miituil friend of the piirtles '-fae s, not mere rumor, ns:te• the rote nf. dele. any propositions to Ids .llajesty'a• Governments' he consontiel to recallthn ar t icle for that ixellk, ; gnt s,•ifean be.seen that the re-rininiaation ; 4:4'1 , 0 ;Ouracrixik l , ll a!in fact 'he'Po r litiO in. ofie,4nsa to annex the islands to the Unitik State 1. i I p i ‘n. in n type, e , s; -II- -tellino• Elder Post iri 'the'. mfist express ters .. GOlierntir Bleier in a certainty' , a resalt- ; nnt at , and - ilitir4 l .i" .66o ,iateat ivitli Ple . kr, lo *°: eillr - `. e, . ' ' ' ter-andLvi s' of the`• : - . adds-that it is not surprising that the mereh- 1 that he should retain 4 -41tfilnuseiiin - 'and pub ;•' :all nextiectel by those who leoe.natched the ~.Ve _ .., iylr ,•• . • •- . • . 4 • • • lash it wheneVer . the CentnaN'•ersy should he en eat o p .. ants and landed _ proprietors, - whether Amer!- . . f uhlie opt nien duria " tha- - _-h e l e of , -.• Our r•S; have- now ' before Ahem the should cans or, ot hers, . perceive great cornmer- • • again'commenced by him. ' • I - I Mr Bigler's - official term Ile hia And said Deponent 'lurther avers that he tig, of Nzitipnal faithfulness •and deintieni - Of e . rettirig,;4e(ell`„mirice mere, iMportaaf, - probs. , the p reo .l leading - kto-pf,the intelligeitoi,. re ' - ad , hat' vial advantages in such Connection.' Ile, there= 1 „ er ,,.- re f ee d r o .. pu btio t thi t . 'said -article es El_ S te pride, - end fidelity to all her hest and I lali;'.theitllto- - beeni sent over theftele_goik . fore, can sea nothing very extrnordihary in the I der Post declares in th , j r ....Ategisier' last week, tre at . interests;: of 'persona, honor..2.lnd. jutegri. I,wlrea/ein; 43 tlat'',Prelk,h - rerolutiorc•of,.! B "__- project remonstrated against by the English but that on the contr a , he sent it to. the- ty, a nd last hut, ot Ica_ t,.0, a d well 1. .. - ..1...-..4 i -.. r . - ~.. . 11 in .- •- ' - " " ll ' 8 the , : t O - o f. :%.' She Id. it , - ..be 'confinnied—as. there is Mild and . FrenCh consuls, and adds: • tin o ffi ce to bepublished and 'it was part- to ished nano' 'of , the. Party as 'lo the two I donht.tt .the will—,Czar Nicholas nr stand . when it W ii. zia;;' . withdrawn at Eder , ter .. principle i l' 'rely, - upon, and wittithese . he 1 the'iti4troii . or li man Who",desireß..".djn.k'.n6 . ' And.if now, or at any future time, it shall t 1 ost's.mnat earnest andirepeated request... . ICa safely re.A . on ent. • ' r , • ' ".: ,- , I ..) to - set 40.0.4 ix IfAiropoilit - nimsia, iti amass. , be found .to 'decidedly for the int rest of ' P That he tried to persuade Eider Pont from'l- : : : , . - 01 0:- .4 e....- - ---- - ." ''' -"' '-• '-' ' ter ,‘4nr..:4,14;i5-iitterty.anapoAlhie : 1 ° sPO lte, both countries' to unite' their soverei ties, 1 eis erg - Union,) re erring;; to - e - - new' kind Of I, 4 1 . 41 ,4 e;vithit--staPetidimie:riT° l °tiolts it-A#7 . ' am unable to, perceive any treay or m ral 'oh. l N i el, pnrsning, the controversY nn y further; but told ' 're:if IthPr4rearte o• 'in Af il ti. l2 g:""-Thifklar- 3on the i4i-t1)- whit:hi the.coidlagration willo, ligntions orilini part of eitherto turbid the de- . . - , . 1-irii I highly prniSect in Eng i land,rels :4. , Measta. I effect ete r it . is.loencluid. .....%1' 1 : : • , sired union, or any good reason for for ign an. ,-- - , - -I 11 I.E . g • cffAsE . ' W (son it:lSl'Cialliamh have recently-coin:pie-I .J What .nitttude - thesii - new events coat , terferenee,to prevent it.'' Be then, at .onsid- N o v : •te :ii ne* steam mill . in' our boyough,in 'which I pet '.-_ Pr:urn -and :England -, te i aneme, we ire, s s • and S bac *hed thin 0 9tlid* of .' erable,length,•combats the arguments dvane- _ .... "rim , e ri . . , .. n '4 tth run 4-1;2 rut fiat French liorrs e twehnti;•. I left Co; conjecture.-. , =A:• , ' menacing maremen„t‘ - I, .it.: WILLIAM J. P. i ed by those consuls, and concludes by stating " 653 ' - . , • , • - •i d revolutionS diminnie 'that!'tern riiit . floUrl - againstihe British : posiessionliii,Asial" ls that' there is nothing in the Policy .of the U - - ISesituErtams. Courr,Y, l :ssi. . -., : .. , . i fast er than weeCer tiawit inn froni I inill spout' hring?Englaid'intalthe,van • 1 of thee colt f i n in th - n mls enwt edis r ti a n t c i t f ly ign t y ha i t ,n it ( ! tr in d nst be published nited States towards thoae Iblaqdri w iieh re- f. • •PersonallY aPPell*Ll.d hefOre me, Antos Will. I .T se "gentletnen calculate to-grinct.regularl . r and_froin-the language - used , * Lord Abiale*.• ~ quires concealment or demands exP smition . i isms, one•of the Justices of the Pence in and. fr o "iiix 'to sevOn bitrrels of extra' flontPeerat; vhel.ord Ihlayor's,; . banquetwel'mnnetzleabt --.nothing to disturb harmony wit ch hap. I f or the said bounty. Al 'in payrind ',Casper IV:- hour' on each run ',of'- and'atonis, - heY .Imq be..f that - he woulid- take op the gaantiot if ii-Viete pily exists between_ the. United .States 'nd the' Tyler : Who. being duly sworn do depose '.'-and. able to do more. - As. high as 'thirty ,:bushals4 fai r ly- t h r e v 4 down at hi s , ,feet.. I Louis- Nspo. great comtnercial poivers.of Europe.' .. , gay that theyare work eitin the office of the Ottwheat -hare been ground Cl V rtinel " Hi .oft teen's intentio ns have lloo "i•ln ade kn. "?' Consider rig the distance from the . eats: or ii il 1 Anittraw Democrat, t'ond t 'at the article,. ail.: stOpes:irrthii;• mill, in ' am' hOui r Wer• aslr-,: if 1 Kunio ho tier, were =freely : nirettho - __l government of Europe and AmeriTi, h 'deems idressed to Mr. Chneel; by Elder . Post, and thiis, him ever, been beaten any - ,etheret , Iflatiyi - p a n s . A gi t ' e ff eet ,. t h a tlooamen 'ere it advisable te - d e p ar t from the ,um eourse r . which the latter Published in the . IWisler last one -has beate n it, he will please son& Dirviterd, ine de yatehes j ,frem General D'Hilliers, Mkt and pUblish the letter, that it may go forth with week, with a . statement' that Mr.:Chase h 4 d - : I,y, , o have beep using th e :, floiminaddat 'thertel Sail for Canitaiitinop l .e.- - What,they were te i the remonstrance of.the British -and French refused to 'publish it in Ithe Democrat the Week mill*: for the/nat• two Weeks, and ' find it en . Pe- , de there in, 'Doe explained.- - The intereata,;, o „ l representatives. . • - . ' • --, -•- Previous, was sent AO t 6 iDenierat, 4ffiee by ', rio'r to any we Mize eyer bad .: -, c ~.,, , i,....? ! -e- - :- both - Franc i' . and England heratilt - a_,!°•°_,g:_ll' u t, Whit will be the , result of these new move- Mr. Chase with - dirieli iti;l'to publish it . ; antic rL,_._,•-----; , ••-.----- , --, .—,-,----.. .:- --- .'r — ri :'— '• "'• ‘ ,1.: “, ertii.dictistedaftieutratattitideig :re m ' ' ments, says the Washington Union , is as 0 y•-! , that in neeerdnnce With these dinietiena said '-''''-1 - "" D ' Mattaarnmerci.-The, Weak , . qhetifer ,b e ilet ,' z ihi t fis c it ess rep-a t ehition-;or Frertel. uncertain; but it a ppears ; elear ! that the way article wan partly in type , When•it WAS recalled- R;Publicao , jay.a . ,: -. IW-0- have-seen i letter ' love ,of 'Mart al ,glerii.)o ll ' ,4 °PP° l ' th sr em •ir u for annexation' is opened . , and it remains only as we understood, by directio ns of Elder Pest recent ) . Y jr° l L a gemkt 3 thanl:*: llo. hae - everYi OP7lah s e ett,it'and:to ODA:math thesw'Ord--11.-: ' for the' United States governm .nt to extend •m r . ch as e exprmel ed , ,, t n on '',' e . presenc e , g re at, PPrtantrof :maki*a- correct: statettlePti l in4Lir era t,,L, .1 r. . the rightland of fellowship, which Would - be .regrehi at its reeall, lind hailed with pleasure , tiy",,tP,L.P°rties at the:iot- area to keep the - matihscript' for thepor - miiinionens•ate the . end:,of the •YearAvill;khOW,l afowed bin detenniri.- -11111. k-h he si3o4 , .the report of the L Canal.,-Pottkr ,- '. :4 .1 I ! ! - ends- : - ~.' ' • . of Publishing it afterW4rds;sholuld Elder-Post, that the T! is * U. a # 73 .g le debt' remaining ila ' 4 T_ lie New York Cemmercial,eotriroenting . np. persist in continuinit eantrevey. •patd on the Philidelphut end Paluiiabia...qfsill -, , . , , y ,•• . - itOad,:itit be possible' to get _Abe creditors to on this - Matter, says:' • ' .-.- . - , -, , 1 1,v YIN DA , .4, ' -'• ' • " - •—' '' ' •I , •• 4 •-• .- • c spER, w tyLER . - ail .for- , ..their , mine before! ,Ahat...,_report„.ls, ' For our Own part tve do 'not desire the an- - ' - t ' - ' 1 -' ' - ' l rl ' - '' ' ' ' -. .' • 1 . I. .Th nexation of the Sandwich Islands to this Union •- bac d tit' 29th s d' - .1N - In l. -e-" -, ere lei- rellY much ; comfortan SWOJID and so rl. . , or $l9 0 0v.•. 1 this annotineetnent; and Mr. :Baker - Als nig . . except as we, might choose it as the ., less. of 1 • 85 - ' i -, . ' 4 - • NYII-J-JAMsi •P• -.. 1 eni, ertergetin„Superinteruient' l ,lle,seree ' a greift. two evils. In addition to a- general objection , lad d ition -to -'1" ..1 : '''' " -'. - ' r4eft r - 6 • * bi) t' b ' 11-"'''' In the " alcove we have hut a few ; . ; . I or: ringing& u sue ,a, resu : to the prevalent disposithin toward territorial __ _ a ,_ W hy 'I ~ , ~ . •,,-..„ , ' acquisition rather than the consolidation - and 7°r° B •'° ear. • vv,ny, iielner'rost altenta nor e improvement of territories already acquired,we taken the article to thelßegisteronilactompe: -, .laratio.- ' see imany - special reasons :against-the, incorpo ration of :those islands 'smith:this Union. - We judgeialso, that it would be better :far the pease and: the, coinmerei4Of ,the world s that . tbsyalleald reinala, an ,indspendent But- the ! question is, can they -so rem:tint We. doubt - iL Either they uast, beconie.colonlei or dependencies of France or . England- r tor strange altisaires, iue. now-ii4sys .the fashion=, or they must lie , ineorponga with tho-1J.13;-- . ilorneßragette, A good story , is told of :Professor 116 .. n - phroy_of Amherst College:: " One morning be fore,sreeiintionompe Of the students:fastened aDe it - o to :the professor's; chair.'.:. he eetered the smite sod :.discovered the now occupant of his seat, lietinimkepou heel, aid c 54019:. eheereed—.: Gentlemen, I . pereel4:yoi-hete e'eOtiti ) e* ' =MEE L. ,. . -If the - defunct "Bank" ; ti on %Nth ou have expended 140 much ink,lnisrbeenl,cOnverted into a ...Steam Mill" thin whieb there, IS .nog realer untruth—the people 'are! c'ertiiirilyithe gainets. your exiiianation of the inattef . or favor from the Judge, dots not. nitioid svith #ie_facts, as understood ,by those who, veto present ou the occasion.• 7.: '': ii . . r '. 'My "friend" and " * felldw.chinth tkiembet"i whom you " beseeched" so,kip Oringly to peri amide toe to withdraili InvlitSt efUnmunication, whether a real or, fictithia4 p4is :limas:certain ; it ly ,very , unobliging 'to yen: , and as , very sin,. gular way !If showirig,his trice ,liip and Oils- Ilan broth to me.l l'' .. i'; ' . • - Oilier matters I , wilk'ipsi unnoticed;' and TOP' close with an . .aaecdcito, :.);Clattid of-th'a - known 'trevivaliiii;" Mr. -Phini*3y, oti c irin - , ,1- 14!.1e Ohio. Mr. ,PhinoCi WaS inn iii the - fitTeet,:on a cCrainocc:ision,by Otehded. upon hia pion heLpdintepl pichchintr, ii_Tittere- • ceiredftoni.hhn an cinisston or. onilis,,curs.es,, lihrd nhmeS, &g. the;:" 101 anttbittej% nesS'' of an unrciTenerit.Oha4o.. T. 6 all of which he coolly- replied,l";'Throw,: dear sir—gt is WY vile it all up, and doubtlessly4uWil I I Respectfully yoursi - -• . I, - I • 1 Montrcise, Nov.. 1‘..;,1843. • The above arriele - is prefects,. with / the following declaration "Ma. FRAZIER :—Theaceompirtying article, addressed to Clvisti Esql; is a truereopy of oncrof which hasbeen ;'refustd 4 placi to the ! Montrose Demierat; under such circumstan ces is to require that I "she alt send 'it to .y . #a for publication., It•was rerun ;;1 in its 'present form, and also, when •acepatpdnied, afterwal.d. by an offer'on my part, itn stiike . out the an ncedete, which appeared•tather provoking." .. I'notice this .renewed attack upon; me by ' Elder Post, only becaUSe .a i sere unmitigated untruth Was "never • utteled the Mouth of man than is contained the above , quoted paragraph that rf L l ;seFl to - publish that article. Under sitch.circutnstaticci t si I feel bound "as a conservator of publie metals:l to rid myself -of. the false accusation toad 9 against ine•by Elder . Post.. and expose the hnihor. I therefore. lay the mattter. betore .14ie in a; manner - • 1 . 7 which T think best .eniut.4ted,', pie - that I mean what I sa:q. - , v - . *edit. with th e b u i4 d ti ll iratjse t ia , 1 refused : 13 th eke 41 0 7 c eil m iwgs,,.,l,hice: y 4 :4 -11, w t :e t: i 5 , 144 : i e. z i. e .- 4 ,t s- ted: d .;- ! i : l 4 l ;7 4 l4l 'o l : g l. or tl anu r__ , 81 7' 1,-- . al 1 i ' ''hel knew that; I kept it i , , i l' , .„eedolln:thelr;Pl 0 :-. -- - to publish it, wheal , , ii - - ses - kt oo 47 r .P- ° ••••• 4 ; e i i s ~ren`qieg oty,..8100;-ArlY, from the, public at hid or . ioen"„ le ," •_.„. n - ,rly an., tided _.„ :sevena.-sidoakipethe'llo,v,P: ' - - • • t i ct -. itt- i rt, is 'more oso low mut o - that ••_-: ~1 . T country- , -., ne..haa,,oonseke, , ,•••.,. iid t ' ' ' ''' ri he Vished pa st ~ ~ Hi wiiite;: 0 : it' oplY:on the supper'''' ' - .-_, ',,, od i,,; .filliveoffkor l :se,g rt4 l 3 t ''' '4°Y 'ii,iii-rtiiiitleil?-44: escape the reviewing tlif 4 t-lb° uu " erBl "_, e n. if)ii bt5. , 4 1 0 0 .1 , n _nd-lIPI i I!? .. L i iii th i l iciii i oi intending' td glie ittinl nit paper, - rug i n „ l ' u T . tß ' klytkiall . O ,A IN - I , l , lt .'w ei r 7 : --::::,-, :.: ,- g - -,..? , desperation of the case finally e°l ! el ! dedttrt ; r • nr,t,.. ,4 :•"::,:- -. . , ' ' ' -, . 7 ` ,::-..,,:, t -]_ , „..;i,-,4,.. f . , üblish sort to the statome* OY I t I r ! ru IP. - '' , „ : 11 1 : o vote of Ultwilnket ° I I ' °I. ir4 l l M , it,,notwithatanding lio .I re _l! kil : ew it ti ,u4eifill_ l ls . - ''` Eir ik iw i t ,:i.,,: w aic for it* 1 19 6 l'Olgai!•:: -. 1 l i t t ifter•theipablie shall beim Pur"i • , ~.. ; '.... • ha y s -'. ,• ,-- ,il,-- ....,I,,7; t ikii iv , as . .,, - , , i,......1,4i-4 -the,pnittetrft -..--77,17 the swornstatement °l' thfms*tw° r > "g '! n ri I Eir Rele , --, .tf 44 a** --Iptfiipppitt._# ax 1 ' ' '. - en Eli' tad: tot• On' 41 -- •, 1 -- %•anon,' =and se re to t em q. t anY: Y ° ."Pgj!!. __,..•• -:.: 1 / ,airpera lakalrOntl,,P.it' ,•-• -$777,7•17..,: t , thla k 'eoimitv "v=--lliP9; 1 : 1 , pp : l ii # , ;# , r P ia ” - -7 .; ---: .',.." :. ,:' ' , :nt - , ,, E-.i:. ii - ' 1,77- .Xfileitiltet -i f l n Eid er , li ost . t ili ijudgme l it lino..h- at a ct ';' Mtl4l: ik. , .••#9l!pt„r•ii•U-- 37.'1411#.14*. le loo „._,,_ InetitL -:- '•l' 1 -- " , -* --, kn0,.. 444,.. Yie,i,.. „ i i. ,1 . ..0' 4lAtlYl ) /' t i --.:t_ lEEE ;L. a know, ibid. , the sitklii . wat"ifitkpubThilied out, reto teesig . 1 isfai 43c w 4 ila' I P rink/ #a • f•:' ' if • • - 1 "I`.. , • e bona They 'lol:riegte the Iniitid il. of - .CuifwhY.h w4 - et. he'de d,"0,-as,the reply. ,',‘,,Dit tain t ' doin't you - hear.m ,say. II “Y:... " say* . COT,'" but' lasis, 'dal? body ioill'ieiiere yen I" 4 1 1 1 or. Rost ilia) , _in t ake hie own : appliestioti.. i .E.tici ntly fur - the solo. purpose of:injuring melt ' put. fOrtly•in . unmitigated ' falsehood in . the: Regislei•li4 iv eek, intill,has . prev4 it upon him bi.imbi Sworn _witnesses.- ..H.epair now Write . till-thit day ;of ilood;'l.svilfhoP nothing. more: -te.de with one; who shows so .. „ , . ---- - —......- 7 -,----„-- - . ; • i - ' Ohio liraw,ery. :- , , . - A Whig editor'of New _ York administers , • . the following scathing rebuke - •to the Whigs, of Ohm' for'the 'Course they pursued in; the, fate 'cOntest::' ' - '' ' 1-F•':: , We reroute ,the Whig'party ) of . Ohio as of things past. : It is,, pretty much intliterated. 7 - I We recollect something of that(partty in - Ohio; tnether days, when inscr;bed;_upon its banner hi tr;iutaphs by majorities that, istenislio the 'world, and seemed to . , bid defiance to all Ai , tempts:;. to,gerthre,W) it. rA,Mv -years hare itpd,?red it ' prostrate and powirler, without I . ]any ,apparent: recuperative energies. The ,fate. ; election:left: it with but five Whigs hi the'Se:n late and fifteen. in . ; -.the.House , bUt twenty_ in tho entire LegiShiture: , This, iS, a . larnenta, - ble pictriro of 1 great and powerful: party n 047, fallen .and -: helpless. , ... We • hold .the " Rarti Of, atici up,to-the political waild, its - a. , warsiiitg racrairet the entartainment aside issues.". ,1 , efiaid fof 41n- waii-a 1 ; 114, 4 said to, be"';.o,o,ool.strong; While,.uccording to the most reliable accounts, On s er:Pahlfa'llaticthlY emend titeDatiftbewkh ferceamountiog altogether to , forrne.,i is nhitadantly supplied, with - 4 1 44'9nd artillery, and the nature of the groun is pees. linrly favorable lot effective:. aiirfertenta - ,Pasha has_no - horsetto of A,sitnilarSdispreportiOn exista, i r take =not,_ -between . the.eontenditim armies is , in point of..zeal and - r artior_ b tlie . Turks nlay-haVethe advantage; but in" numhers,,di s . iptine r nitd,eoifitneats; theillussiaralremaa.. ifestly..their superiors.. - 'Nor Must: it 'in,fo r „ VA tea .thdt theaueitianlroops actually engig.. e 4 the;preserit: conflicts are mere.detseb. • • • is' . - Merits:from the Standing annY ,of 7 the Gubernatorial nomigavtort- , •tfint- lie : could doubltheta at a =tend Tp quote;the . folloWiner from the Philadel- wariting;Ahat runs .risit-of lack' phial Eveniiig.Argas, of Monday last. ey Pr suPiSllei... th at his &ai . : is in ' excehest " Opon cover: the political battle field .4faininand jai- 4 00 11 e ;-'whilei , on‘-the other :se far a 4 tho fer.delt./ ates has pr? U hand,. the are straitened for - means must hav6-drawn ; heavilron their people for' edthere seems to: be 'no doubt Of- the inatlon or. witiiim - Bigler for:; Governor: ;of t -Pqnent:..4lvign;:nndr-%Yhatever may be eekl Pennsylvania. The Convention,. full, will of t tr:courageillave as yet earned no - elai ß consist of thirty ; three' Senatorial and one bitn: 'l.° din . citonlformilitat * :skill. dred..itepresentative delegates:. L'Siity-seven• TbPed'eelie,identtiOns•give 'peculiar signifi. , menl'bers ' will therefore ruiCeSsury for a l . canes to our . nexus respecting the attitude of Choice or nomination. - Now, far as - dele- Itneein- the: 3d of Neventher, th e day ett • - • whiehthe.TUtiiti/crossed -opposite- Olienitza; , y'spgr._,Throw I fed better.' A. L. POST. by Eldr:Post g. 40 hAve biwn:,elected, there•are fifty-four , Stitkered 10'r arr Bialer ;no Cotiiity haiiinn. as to aonvinee-.ptio:l 111:Cteu 14 , yet 'instructed their- ttetcpsui. against turn.; Of the - seventy-nine deltgate.tviti,' 4 0 TmMUKDKRGu9PND itAl.ItCw).J ) . l u l) Y7 'ED —V4M recently ,- ao9.rding ;,PY)l.i ..... , ' . 4.i=bil iitgAii'vtocid vntitirn r ich tttlietinire' 4 :„. .c. .-,.;',!..:, - ',1... s' . 4' -IC ' - *f --- •-,` - , -'-'-•: , -.' , :4 , :' , •>: - .t,... , 4 - A . ... - 44-Iv, •i::' 4: - * f"• -:'-: - : - , .; i -' .' • -.......,-- ~ 4 ; ;The Eastern ar -- ,Tf te i neWit trcias Trirkisy,hy the Waehinl , and Canada iierstartlitig and highly Impx Thu thstuSbe,hnsUin emoted afresh at r point:Giurgo”:4'olfeetia,- and Re; f & hi , ,Orner Pashi a:iiiihy; mad' at iOltenitzs imionntei;has4attei:place, - in _which the • siaus 4 nride_Pateds . Yrilh.a lose i . , of 150 id -tilef'petalr . \49o.-*Oundid,' This number , troops, engaged'lpplara to have) been ;81 1k TiiikS, and some 9,000 RUstiallii . under 1 , eralPsirloff.' 'Rive RUSSiall officers had al Arrit4id-Ait Conatintinopksa.s prisOners of ar .y ~ 'Th ere' are - 2rumors ; that - Giurgovoi, and Tea Bucharest had tif;en stormed by the Ta * I Whatefer Credit the statemCnt- may oh ,it is now .certain that Oner Penh& ifr_mao 'r of the 'north litt o ral of_the Thinubo: Pe h f or . ISided Xalefat.„on-the,far.,Wesit,' and left , I ga r . iiisOiscOf - .12,009.,Miii there.;',.'ll,_Glargoo la' Ant:fallen into his hands, 2,000 men ... r es „, it:7ol - a.nitirilitht, - with 18,000,441 n •r,.,1; occupied b'y• 009'. trooM. From 01 c ot s& an d. grutkoonigood 'fowls lead directly , ,ii n ,. eharest; Wfijoir- i5,b,,,01y some torty-grel init, es . distant.froliix. thei : for,raer and - forty , from k law's' , plece''Flifirhed with-:i.letorlir there is 410 diubt that 'Like Turks will adyanek, if they h a v a s m t-nirpndy done so, upon the Ise4dqoa s . .hitsarpithee'Gortschakoff. 'NoWtthaehoitif. it - wish : 4'e be gun , in earnest,' Omer ?Wize ns , net but follow up kis summoniwfth Alp La resolution::;—Tluis[. '44 fate:*ll Wored fas l i ctiCiSe.. , : *:` - • '. . ~;,, .‘ 7 *- -:',.k h or are : his c .extqoits exploits; ,µ eenlyf Turkish „. iliniihs Of` oihrah we heal; As VviicCetpiciesfi that Catiriei vVhiekiiie dee itched to the im e y, - in:Asia; withithe•-'newa , sb ;,tbeen , ,ab s ti ckai : dived tqolateito prevent: e commence* :of hoeti!ities; and here. n ain, the Tarkit h ate 'been' - Viittaiibili Otir,a::_ u*arti omi-what i.ciiiitiliidit Wit' itliipli4 that Senn' riWr . tAt, t Turkish General i cro s sed th e;Trintier(i e . graded the guasiati,' territ ry,. and gave; 'b to the enlemy at sime.po! t Oiposite tattoo*, 1 Ftivci thottiandOenzwere- ,okaged, withent de -1 4itive .resulte. '.,:§iihncqu'e .tly; however, am, 1 ond eimieniCrit ii, said': o :have taketi.pt acp : - at eierick-Dire;.*limi: 15,000 .Russians we, -..-::4 ' , the Rii . - • ego , . nu so: ' : .‘± - 11e -• aiii:nOt dead r , "unit 40 ~,, f eated; iiitt;the_ of The'TflitsSisa force is said to.ilave, en tad; •• . it', hernia going , any farther, fo pet at mien „any delusion- - whielt - titese' m fight sreste-ia „tlettiliods of sotn.. The vantages gained. by the Turks eanhe..hnt-tete- PPrafF4.ii f and In •nn i'Rbwaltertha,eldetulg Prei -,cts theof issue:! '. The. Ru ssian ara9i, station. B:C HAS& " nrk'tic the Ciar issued, proclamation ,in ,!.4,jch.)te soleninly Attlipt to.coinbat, and - i Er! Th. New Orleans', Picayune ~ bid_ r* - ceivett'a , lOt ':froutri "near relative of:Alrig - 1 ,1 .Arl, akilid.rity,i *.Y 4 M4ilfeagait .*ciiant oto - ' - , Mning,W-uf.:lSteinerv,,fr*tbot put forty by the frieri y ; of the latte r party . . T 44? wfi, , 1 saYstbako *Plaek..firs4o 6 oretliti n g -Sts i ,Artiokl's) . *rm., j. -11ii:iiiiierieturge (1 A Ore - s 1 11.4:0 4:o,gh.t, Ipii,.-.-,u'i-e4f....,- or, stair 111913- -, -041 * * 443 - :e.thititc which lifvoilii , hiatiAowsiPaial , la ,thatYpositioa - 11:4; §teil!gt :- - shot him f* i n. likeiiit;iiiikhk Our ads . .*sii.toOk f :loaf *bieb,be dieff,lo fire U 4 14 lit ' *Raid ;:iiii*:,,pretituit _.,ttie ; ybole.. iri t see lime.: lir i'Arikild' iiiielcalitinkoiheaf 0( 7 . ' ficer,liiid, received kaPti: brevets for:030 - .toriouitl T -Ii" . ree.lo c ,thf - Fliiifilit'''aild Vitteg : ‘y1Ar5, , ,,,., I*, atatelpent,corrotturates 1,10, -hskalread t a i3a.blishei, 2 . liVihi:Otar PI, the I pubjeet.,=- viihirilr - 411trit ',.... '. 1,-,•::,:,,52.:.i,,,f;t: —=‘,,_._-:::- -L....g - L-It o ~ . , , 410114i7144', alan cußtO fPE444O. 404f1 0;f4.4: , - 1100 C."! lio01404i1:! ineei is . prOvoied [no other means-is: tett ns , thin - . 1 isradt ----. :-.- .Tiie-jotuna • ii , 01gaiEn„,....,......7.7 - ,ratieutani :,thitt,te it4ging!",g. % ort ed,,... notl o b._ ~Yorktits4i4P34l4 his r : ocFros 4 - ' 6- thit=AcentrY'i,,,...ki, toRU' ''. ' - 'lb isibbli4ligr,r"'_. I ,il it , itteiEwl _ Aitt-ir:Wigeige° .nr 1009.' iita-th,o7 • 'in'en ' tlitle!'*,=='..- s lo.•ka t . " 4-47 11,1000. -:•...-',,,` , ~ , -sal *, *CI _... , ...;-,..4 ,, -0, ' = no!;- (0V 114 *sr 44 - ,,OrIPPP - 00040gOil b-11. 1140449101400,41."Ae Ld 44k4ddik*k4iiti, bit!ndy4