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' '_- -,_ - •••,,:' '' -' . r - .,• - " , ,,,,' -, r.::,:;; .'. i- , -,,:, ::- .-', .'3 , :4 -1 ... - :....;':•!•1' , ..',7t-',4 •.:' - .1 , 1-- -, r.,: . : - . 17 ::r .: ‘ '',..:; i,. , •,•.:::- ,- , -.. .-,-.'r ~ q 4 -..,, $ --..- --- - ,-. " --'. S' ' .1 , -„:„ - :!ri -- --- - !: 1 .,.,',. -:• • •'.`i:.,.'P - :.,•..-ts-::- •.- ' ....:4 , •.--.: • -,- ' ' 1-, ~:' ,; •-• i :d•- ' " i i ....,. , : -; . • , ; S &' EI: B: CHAS RB, $Olll 0 - otstrir - - The BT. LONG FELI.O%Vi. The Aar tR. jr.:l.;! I P-11 1 0—f lar k n, Falls trap the wings ,of As feather is wafted downward , 'From, au eagle in his I sce the lights of *tie village Gleam thrnigh the rain and rnialc - Aii4 a feelirig of sadness, conies n'eileile That - my soul .cannot tesiat. , A feeling of sadness . '• Thlt is not akin'-tq ina resembles sorrOw.:onip .A 4 the imst resenii4es• Cowie road to coo soulepoefq. • . ro e simple and heartfelt . im That hall soothe this rostleii feelfna J 464. An harliol the . thoughtof day, Not, fron the grand olp masters, I Not (mu the birds suhlitnei-. •Who"Se , ds - tant foototeps!eho , Through the ierridois of Tune. For like :he strains; of martial music, Their 'mighty . thotOts,snggest.:, Life's esdless toil sad endeavor,. • And to-night I lors , for rest: • - . . . R' ea df ror h so rie humbler tonet:;. - Whose w ags gitshed Mil_ heart; . s h ot t e ts ittritueri - Or tars frntt4•• the •eyelids_gart: • • Who, through long olays , of ; labor, • - And nights devoid of ease, hentsl in his_.soul the AtitteiC Of wondrous ttelodies. Stch song's have power to!quict, • The re,ptless pulse, of Kure, • • And comes like the bencdieticia : - -, - , That follows after prayer. • Then read thei treasor t d Volume The poem of iny. ehidee, And lend to - 1.10 rhyme of the. poet,, The bong) , f thy voice. , And the mgt shall, be filled with music, And the i.+res that ittfMt the Shall fold their tent4, - liko :the Argus,' • • And as silently away. . . • • . - ..ortver ZO•i4ZttliagMlaltSto _ •t;, . . Daro.—An honest; lld farmer, rather not of the improved method of istit;reiation, went to'a certain storeiwith which .he did 14'4 trading, to mike his nnnu.4lsettletuent.•• • .On looking over,'he beCisinnlly - .found chit p.slike the following: "To 1 lb . Teu,";"To .1 lb ditto." . ; Not knowing the nwaning of th term "ditto," he eonauded tho zmoiont w not correct, rind posted off h0m440 inquire iti o th e as~ir. Wife," . said he; "this is - pretty_ busin • : them chargedme with pounds sad . poutols of ditto... Now I ,should : to know Out yon have done with so much ',tit . _• toy "Ditto, ditto; ?" replied the old ladY, never had a pound of ditto in my bonise in tdy Su back went the' farmer in high :dudgeon that he should:l;e ehiirga. with thinas he find never.receivel • ' • . , " said he,'ins ;Are- says she near hada pound of ditto in the botaakin her lifw" • *The me s rchant therenpon . explainedkthe tn meaning of the ter, and :Vie ent home Satisfied. His wife enquired if he had fottud out the tanning of the word ditto. « yes: , said , he, 'it means am a d-...4314i0l and pinata dit4.6.", . • '' -. --'--- 7 —. :50...... ---- -, - - _ in faith 'The saying ito often qnoted, -" The kisti., ' schoohnade:r is shroud," Originatkd . with:U:o • Brougham- in one or his -! . i - Peee..heir it is thus ',Why ) .. 13 introcieetd: " Let the sohiier be ahinarflif ,he wreath 1 21; he ean do nothing in'this Sge.: --; :Thera . - : rim .. is another personage i t oroadtt periozi,:..l*l The 1 ^-in4 l sittg:-in the t ies . of some, ; . .*1:141 . , ;id- sily. wi 41 raant: The - saioulinamiter 'is abroad; and - ;6.Eri F. - I tritt to him , *tined with hig Plater agiunst the'sokrier in full military array., Er An Alderinamoneevallec oe'l,)t..Frett cis, when the felkiwing Vita; 'Doctor, I have a strong goal t: what shall Ido - Cited 1 , 17 - 4!..1r0ce a I;nalet, of water, thite times a week." " How ? "'Driot'tne funnel'. and Barry the latter 'n _ three jib , of gaire - ' - rir -My dear fellow," *old trotatitt „ to iliter in. a fietel,' 4 itavoresPerta°z B lea ti abut I like'to baie 1411k--*-81)• - . *ra,te glasses !ietto-.10*411. Yol hive controlcif.boticjitredionto7- Erni iusAirpOsr *hd lautleirl i nn Inth gr leida COmif amid hiiibbeStfOreAblY.ni?” PeasedAth idea that,ilVl/611 . virtneuen„persoir he the Oldest of '1(1181.1)rt,11$,1 ! ili A ter a "tiicisik :fledge; the i nge he "tut :ineigietreil ihir better he .1" - wytT ups : : ae g • = s -The 1)1 eret influenies,With which hin:reyengefal,klua ft overheard, vowing ettnird-.vengefuice on,. his - " a n . 1 w3a. t° 44l,, .tlatmilaigted,'fittr,d b!mlk i iiTM!"; * _ 1 : 1 (1; taak-hii mother ' s-,name—was ,' , for; hikiaak., OP ,kaaWciliat- himArilir4maßt'.c 4 . ll jeci:WlPLyn - H•ttiganli, bat ?a:the countyl / ,I troll .a.:regialank„,c*tred,hy' tnon„or poufarty;.' people was z bener knowpiy, tile-soubriquet of ti l 7 * sua to.whons he bidt.made: himself obnoxious tLiatuac; Va . tidagh4 .- Killtt Inci nibs. liad, elope. 1 1 ..,by,life; idle attempt of veiling .. poverty,,plaier , ;; cAsinco It=---. *l* killed by Pemberton, and rI 4 !T insolence, Would bn - felValt a - trintiph., ' But i* .l4 l ; )? P g'!a-t9 saS'.-gli,, _George 7:ts•lia ' _, 1 7 1 4- al 1 -deadli e r ireeliftgn toeords ; the hoi l bsod pf 1 41 4 . seated in his fluidic: T - itlia opinion.othens ; , !t •Meadoivs urged him:to vengeance. :olto -had ditetited. 11.4aUfne Vaddagh,bilifore hia,linl '4l ''neeretly hut passionately:loved her; and she man'fi,denth,h:td beep beld - „in tight estimation. dterveoltract,... .....:.._ -I ‘.4 ,4,- 1 ie , .. , __._.--- _. ki n g dom . ion bad ;neither tact cair prudence toconeeal a per- • ',Pe dank f ieV . tv,he:wied - faction. , fi. ; ghts ? .aild g "" "")' "" .4.• t • ' ' sister , • iting !! .l - i i i: , 'P e ' sonal dislike.. ataannting. to aversion /reef,. i.i.i 4 r! ` than once, . 111 . 1 d . b.ean"*.v4 at 0 0 1-1 1'.0 essent,ii nf: - ..ten;ffe "who Workn ppop , the: tog to the h ack n d, t h e , rm i ; nausea Whia ..as a gay . _deceiver. iota rarvelloas change v7k - .iili‘a . .. W,41 1 the,:ii:77. - ,induced him to attempt the lire of otlii against since his brother s death: hail -01taa9ver this bona of la t a . i a ,a .a vii alkl e,at a4 °ll . in imorp....:4o n t he could plead , fio :injury, ;in alleged wild Youth 7 whimliey neier mimed : ilia lips.-.-- ; went or 0130 al urr bit a jury,hut 'sum- ,- o'o4 t h. 64 r - 0 ' wou ld form a . eIT no ' inducement at fair or `market eould rank inoaedte . .igive rfse satiaractiariip,tl 7 l loeld. f' ' y . luarre l: an d w i t h - o% l i gon id : ppi e it i os .. him hip flu:deft 'fight = iiifi yjoutliful ; comtfeera. 11 . _ itni ; ,4 l ii! ' at . , .. ; :ritird4iin. the liikat -, ii . r : f fla 4 inortise. is his n en, he set off without de l 4 deelared ;he was ben - tOied-tbut _older men 1 dael P ti g' l a7 k 4 I ' i !la" ; ! r fqP e a, tl y. P r 9,Y 6 r - t, of the r e tir e d watering place,where the hand.. shook their - tieads; and rifted that !..isrume,. j i auce ". lll iYT Si- 1.L.-larai a . 4w aliP eaa 't7 ; ' sourest andliappiesr pair thatCoanawghtecaild N r .adi.laglh Taier a quiet aftriar,:waa faller of 1 la., * ic a. L ! la g : - 1' 64 " 'Eaanaefa and - feel i pinctaa , , Wefei in thvit ( moldi e r, entering 12 !,!nischje.i than ii.loadekbinficlerbusa; The; old ings,_it: 11 ; ,.ifoctipaserted that Yon cannot, lOok I eij - siro f -- ex i stence. , , ... ... , : i - ifollin. were 'rigtil; : for ' liong William' - Only 144 Ch in ,y at a. supper table but she! say R , t ''' - --- - - - - 04 red Kirkpatrick, 'to or` y . pc!lpl . r 1 ' `'prcla -. 't3 ) Co '*feeconll4. t time osifil Mae . 1 ihot, be - was ' , not eeithin to et n 4 -morns g. before you OrP , !O- . 4; to w e ther; o r inteptioits' to the'fiitilg 1 re r li , "rort with a drop in hay . va inatiirninisl. 'That . 4 number -ef tall l 4Pl l lariiaiesLbare - beeneffected hr :pis tol-intet;ve.ik - ens ,. htten true; ` and I - redolle'et one sad " , where the love viii on the ilady s aide, and ' a 4 - ?- spirited yikiigTelionr, with all before - hid 1) t could : prom higipines.' Was. suddenly r m red frout`eii4nele, ere thf third Week c h in tat tol owed as bright a union'as could e fatmi . 1 1 , R----'tsius etaarksbly hahasome,andithOse per sona . . viuttugem were byto tal iieconiciouoessj that -he possemn4 them. A young lUdy .suUri,A loved, a d, rethinheiing ''What. - Viola's -friend- Siiffe by cOncenheent, she ..sareaithe . ditri sk of he c eek; and anti mated tO the getul Teti the tate +,f ,tell a&C -11;111: 1i.ie 1 4 3 71 Pi) l , r a :L--- 1116 . 44 d liss!i-u-. ation t# - . 4 lady. ;';, ...e had , ocied and von the ti i Only. .. y he everitred, and the - twit Sionday would less . him w thh.r h d. ' . [ 1 Har 'ette. M--6-.,was han some, seltwilled, rich, a proud as lalcifrr. p.- - - in rtUne - was h .equal, but in birth a-caste be l iO-or t — Isne c; nmstimers; howere „ithat- . emb tiered 't her re tion-- andlif rejectini he hunt is . fine. i tc to a o, how : fearfully must it agonie the 4 .r0 , ' i;- ' . .hu, peiverting usages, . 1M -it stie - shiiitldbli he . should nonce —sad reketieil I' seven bas ise Tate• 3n. e to batted ti ben artier tike ti valued " dy been ec t.4llr n ' ed wil l ila n tli e d- dst e tt r h: l e ari rti d f .:s p it' rat `rich in nothing tut yntyth," and auty. T devil pear prompt fie .dors'n.kt matiagei to 19 Petitettoti ant tbe is mann' ...4 to personal insult. R--'x was a bra: re I and ne my spirit!' to feel - the ruffian's whip itp r i oirhi's-shouldem and not resent-the Outraged Ills temper yielded; he longed .-to "wipe die- i 1 4 "r tune. 0 1 - 4eo Away in • blooik 'Het - urged . di /nY" no -, 44 g e " . , lo nger, d molded inst.:int sati s (aeti on. hurried .tdi.°°,,ce?lic 4 ' 1 ito ill : e inn . " girden,,- and within ten minntes 1 1 , -, i.. Ifronohe tiute lie, wave} a paiNin,r--little did i deli quency-thst. - . , ~. 4 , 1 - ,I.he think it the tast---idieu, 1i. , ---=, was stretch-1 A PPrY a. t oo l.: ,`T ur ir e. led inidtr.ith. °pow, dui howling green. / Ai " 1 1 1 ""*. x . i l a. '. ie ,?' 1 Mi l ord Linty suffered.may,be readily conceiv his regiment, an expemiice led. i Human . mi.ery could -not go further in were as44in t in g ' " 2. d ` W ith i,otte .peer. plunge to mach from the's - cry piiina -,,, ho'lr man y. t li g l 4 4 . !'l lt j 2n ICI of mortal h:ippiness, the darkest abyss of indi'vidind expe.rienee."abonld lie 1 A - 1• , : The .- • • mus t f i ll ut . ' what t 1 .1, - , o d e pair. ina 12113/UOEI o 4 0 1 ifoi,t 1 Ple. t° bel Ole ed - i 4 M . craa -I r ennimt.pencii. - -- . '• - coy , George 'Pembe n Was. returMng on ,_ iid,how did she. feel—she, that guilty . .wo• lei or akkipt: rke.4toraise sn4ll'aam-1 !rn- 11 4L, n : • rtl Al; failing, itO sell : out ; .and "he \ f!:01,11,13:9 his 1 L' " The rillp thutierrushness wrought," tusUltt Barrie to isiltzlonei - fira minut e after i was told her f - • , 1. '' - - ' J-• -- -'' ‘-l L ile,.l . ,13.44 -- liir -4 Stlei what 1 N A an ei ill-tei have i i the - C re icier hail tot 4 1 t tailing,:in glo * glungunee,th hride, as.bein ..i lieHeet 1 , c44 the *dsom i an.who,lio i sw. oll -fonlu. , lielliance; tl -4PPY etlui'lP , PaPeT : !I ( l' - '.. to sr;e 4 the . hansom v In such frspes of mind, eurnstance, th . enesins tn t, hi intit'of rnlatintishi- .411 .iirk i avof ntlat—lnip, wbut N . 4avoi sain t pis ! .pir kin*.l4-,. i k taviitot-drew ihFrlfae away, ;And looking yeo , _ecntetopttinosly at 116..4oit;thiriccond obapottoperson,efoolf ob, I n erred ; .. 1. i i eol :,',. t o pi ,.. , .ntosi di ' now, Go ;z0,., for i yob are-t , .ugly .eeen fur a e nom to * t li handsome i sad ' o IndOl nt iii , e i. rl— . oiriette, 'Le ted - to see it kwillniv ond ikollid - Chee :.Y on boOr ye !peer . i t!.. ..Y. ; .. . , : '-' i- / 6 ti bran , _co tracted, and All . t hsugii. y • 44nit L. .. : - '_ l. l 1 ,u y. 'no* more pr this .. ', I.Annivly nr usinkmethile-,T91/ ivi awl, say ri4e: wii!_, y le 1:e . it to eiee ;i :fii ,1 _ , ithenl'aillat + the-- • ..;.-,-,.- 4 c I e--t -- I. Unless som - „ :le to a gOr_ttl i diY kee l * a : P ai ! 1 114 !. ,„1 .: :-` 1 titilVeribil"k . lay;Georre,op ray . ' o4OfitiOr . aos Piller*: 'es 'Ur . 1 w Old g° ! 4 i ,' her: 4 2 it ‘ir bait I dor 1 - ij - . 4 . ;. ,, d ,, -, - MO - uw ' 1118-isO 4 , t • f ..--. 17 ,:',... , . ..., _ . 4 .-, 4 .. ,t , ' 9 -"iiiijkiiiiiiii:;, -iiiiir d- -:iit i. -e': ha -44L-Ii ma : sit,::i ~,,Illi.eii.". "'-- •;:-'' Y.'', _ ~ ..-J :: : ..i..... - ; , ~ , ^s 3 ~ into. I' i €' . l, . ;. !r .l l,tl ie : , -..'' k iti , i . .... _ 1 1( OS , tie #( 'll let ci4 133 4 ,1 4 art. . . ~.. _, „ • ,r.e -:' , -...‘i..-- 4 , • - •, ,,,,- .2... !,:- ..4 ",:. ,,, : - :? ,- •"" . -'.. ,• .' '• ' -.1.". tt':-., , i , - 'lf)/ Akfter,r-,-.:'•,,..,,,..i..t ..-• • -- `="t= -Mid igithost waitagarreiplyii her tor it ,z -,aJ');''',,i .. lz'' c ' 4- 1 4-;1•:•,.: . : - :I'. , _ , , t e ! di . I ll,: . iiifit,; . -, itilieltiCz. -and .Coio i t o' • .A.. :S E. ",', n e bean ty . of the jo ng with that of ` 1 ed .1 y ye l ara..lhati i ha e altarl ' 4 The hi had zone nndci.iatch c i r Pero , in -4,tinted It two hundred rinds, advance: as many . ace initnot Ton j eont:' :nty paperaised !eats , •"' fo a k f ile 4111 lead 10 4 11 •w 1H4 ' 44/ f ix i tsh lPP a I!un!eisar ;',41711 tb 1 .. ~ 0 ; *Oki and'&Bo l . • ' mI!)I3!KTD-Ce, tli t ~ t ill, iiwitigniuingthool Pltirle lisidithelpi!le the-moue ` 1-W°uld 1 f. - ' •• • • •--. ...:- 1- :,_v . .ii i -ifia,rePlY• 41irintAiii*: iertY• I , 141 .4 i .. f 6 3 , Fto i t a ttig i. ron ,_ ~ pause'• ..._ l- -. -....Lij e , mint. 11 0 : 15 , 1 4 1 1 ! 1. r A.F. q • '• - se. .. J -. ,_.. ;,tl.: , S , - ..' TV 216_ k.:: -..-_,,,,,,,,,,„. Ikkl t . . - i''' ' ' ,' . ' ' l I . :''. , MINION i- ''' . -.'• -:. '• : .-- !' t , . - =Er ;r.... he barbatow4 p4netillin of the .tintes, pro. d a Man could.boaat.gentle lineage, nbnoet libited a retails! or hie Cali, fortlatisfaction natter boii filmy the pretext inig,hy be un which be..deronnded beadle meeting, and T pt no der ibirfonAiated himtWlfPfL- litsofthiswild;ulnra,.. u,.:liene:u - pledciutL aseveningarhdbeele i ged:i4om ;ioie;:;,in.farmarket,e :tisle werngcoz:tiatoryletteza:iladlerolsotht;iaeheireq.prtdiniiiiibe,ven:edwith6biletst:.thepLLocy_s6l ilo:_i?rentng;ci)nnit:eni:a totiilfri:tti(yindowanathoughttl:u nAttl,iair,unthisa:.h: r hUshand.neer looked so handsome es Caeoarte d tingWir nore.thaioce a n land s'4l,cli others, who noticed to each other .-in turning the corner lie smjledand kisrr is, hate 4. .She'gazed at the ;sue': sinking i 7i ila c c equally - reMer *Vie in his habibiand o iously-in the far west,:i and in ti::tiood of: ; pea n !... Will i am ad hitherto worn the ni hiding his broad disc in the -bound; deepest mourning, and evaded. spirits is he ra era of the Atlantic. Alas! she little di i would poison, 1 On thisl. day his sables were 11 poor-girt, that .-. „i ',discarded, and he waS glily dressed; and with • - . " Tile Stopit-that nos.. 1 his inky garments his 14hosnal habits seemed Ant promised rapture itt the elem.'. i .- vial/fated to :fisher in a night. I to hive departed. Ile diank dCep to his brotii darkness no ray orhope shor ." 1 er's memory, ttientinnin;r \hai, tali was the • embertort and:his 1 I.birth . day . of the deceased. - 1 . flee other eireumstanee , re olres'a passing 1 intended 'victim.; -but .red with Luey - notice. Lary'-had frequently: . requested "that bl - i T.ce h erupt hilt iiii : hiit iated all - ;Lonff William would - come tii see her, aware; -r., . 1 how strong the attachment Was Which exiSted 1 bei.w murdered, .een her urderedAnSba id and his wild 1 half-brother. . To every . „Invitition the same (answer was • gcatefiilly:returned:' 'he would doubtless wait'upen her when his caw should Its) accomplished.' . What Ire vow was pore • i .use deep - waylaid his felt hinmelf too 'aneht , that could Agaiost the imputed remonstrated; 'and re of :wounding - the fuel whose imaginary - tempo were . iK to-nUit A gnirrel on him. A declined; at , . least until he could wad ~ rmunset Afriend. - From into: eMberton proceeded .to verbal, and it . 4 for the emissary pet irne'. Ilarrfeite'ti 'Ater feelingi had regaip• st. , ce dency, and; when too late, she would ye given. thou4ands to - lniVe; recalled her piing kinsnian. In,Charity, *0 will hope tliat her wounded pride songht vengeance shOrt o his d6eaietion: Indeed,. the effect'of the s: d intelligence when it-arrived; would go flzr 1 , t prove thatsuch was the ease. e was c - 4sed; feveredAeliriOus for' two months aft r, f att:ppt. and recovered strength or 14 the_ loge pf appripached the body. lie lon:lced reason : ; arid in a' few Years afterwards - eh:ISO', for 4 moment at the ght:osy eye and bleodless her wretched etistetice. in aan asYld.ta• !lips. 'One barren did the business "' he mut: I often'called to mind the .trOth of. rather: tered, Ana laid the gun 'in Slanting . ..direction Malaise duelling dedtictioms—for the across' the corpse.. . . Then; taking a written Of ilia earthly careers Messieurs Andrews and 1 paper from his pocket, affixed it 'to . the I,l"mi/herb:imp; Preyed then! - earect to the Vent dead . nun's „breast.. All ,*as triethedieilly I,ettei. Both of them died viOlent but itighi-- - fdon,; a pin secured every corner of the p11%...1 r'matte s sitha'; r ead these pins.wiere i)laceit carefully in Frank' Andriii, some half a 149 zit years the cuff' of the mitrdereeseittdanki. That after he had piathe houie!Ellieyenigar- t Aione, he . cpolly reloaded the, discharged bar ,ow in'tnouning..:repalied to thO metropolis " ' The siiander retuari:ed that the gun bad-' on.business: The evening ho arnvea at .en jirepared for concealment.Ancl assas _sinrconcealment tea he cort4ied to fa4ett a quarrel,ll l !.a tion,for the barrels had - been shortetied hi a „ . draper; wlpiiie sister, fie_ bad insetted. at the- :foot. • The :murderer glzed on the dsad'uocly Ihadtre, and hiarriedtb° devoted trades m an :by :tor about a minute, but. his hand yre v er op the first dawn of day to'the + twelve! aeree:*-7- 'preached the- pocket of his victlp, except The hoUr of retribution had conict e l fora man when he drew • a gold 'watek/fiorn the fob, I w h ose, bind d iver Clasped befori a - deadfier l' i irkattcred it iVas ''halt fastieren,' and can- 1 1 imPlfrnent than a Yard ate- 4 4e°°u, 1 4 ° d . •,.P,_ UO IIB Yre rued he tune-PIET*. no ortier p ar accident, a quarter of an ounce o f !Win- I being dime to his satiifactien; ha. led horse ,Ao '4le peril:44lo 3 of FrmeisAndrews. I into the avenue,.unbAteci and ro:faete ed the 1. Wektionifb . ;he re) , i° tbefali'(.rbon°r, the gut:Eland leisurel74ode off. ' • ' j rl fear the stranger listened to aniste whd aPed hun was a linen draper; that 1 mdf d ea d w i th 'was - certainly land drawback ; bit if nr. An- the horse alanps, and crept Cautions g from 'drews' exit was not the thing, 31r- Pemberton the ditehl He shuddered as he nuked at tte 11 at ' '1 461 ' 1 itoa f ' ' ' - i; bd 4 c * w_ eved - lestr iiigui: • • ' . y, orom t e breast of t eea mon a pa ' r biewhqinicide, by Perinixelon'or written id bold characters, bore .the:sia- iti Mitlemenis'iiientreed 'tnn!e atisfligtorY \ ' A gtesentiqise 4t- Audi? Tliii lII:ADe i 7 : ' It* iii Jti-Pittioitiat'Om' I ' 6 imnlnnisninnl Lucy It—, in - Viraiow's , weeds,iwg4 sittifig It.of If :11tr'enfid'hbr father—ther termer len in her drpiting-rcksiti. ;The glooirrof iillight ta`e ink' the litter urn Crave . nrred :aciiirdZA witb her sidd's sadness,Toi the purl ' . , .. -in J 1,7 , . .2, , i_ .. ' ' in'a urlnnt; ' mud as heir St wi . Mr. Gee . ,oct was spproaentngwneu tne b e ing,,o ‘ rp an 11‘11‘404:slir"eded to the management ' of t ed tong ` before ' it itoViie light, was to`datin . Iry tie.— '.- --Lither••• - Her Put - - - frlghiful to t eetstee, end the metal et, the leeetic— - lb ' I i*r ph. wag Irttins Bu rer 1 care ' - - , % lit Ili IP,Anbeiton detintoina th at &Ant his :life rtan, hes- ratlne fearful to • look for*ird to . 11/114i1e61141&811691446nt" In '''' seefuslan i 1* 1 Fr!eiltit'llbe be, ‘fere` her 1106 4 trial ned fate ' V v.* Itipti&aillielit r- - __,' ' r 4 fx'6% 6 11 A willowid 111 9thir at twenty! iki ,• it ictsrmy substimitt i evtitingfrlati Peat. )Wtapped in not moditatlon, stiotfild i not bettOtOdio'hilitoketi *mail .poistosnlon-or4r W I door oisen, until, 'moving' across ite 102 kiwi , ' wit 64) 4 4 tictitiaVili e lt, litiat figure itirked'l4r tltOntion;when hointriti'lespial*fioib‘ .. Ai l t i l lo"Dei tebid :4l 6 "*ng.."l" )l Pt w° Y aids t° , fr , er ',., ~,,,,,,- -,-• i itisfuliiniteljt ati theffilifit-toWil r 'Who"' are iolr i :demlux . irr, r!, 4 , - ,,,7 i Th itiiiitAligiciroday — lie .. *EmiAt ibit'S4' gi#3";:. 4 , - : :. -A' 7 , iz:,4, •" - .:" i- iiim 4,-;therio it* 1 ,10 bid' been " a Wiiiiiii fiiM4is, birdy l cogitti4ii;6lll, pu 1 n - -7- "- ,, •=killiltbideilif iitcrWartie WWI ii'atermil — fi6Fret"' ' tia - Ottitcost',xiir-t,tta k ~ _.. '. '.; T RONTR !donned tittlf his . t..,;. ;• . TA., THURSDAY NOVEMBER 41Y1, 4 863 . - 9 • bode li . r his time; liko , strike iiiker.! , j I Peiniiertorr, al:houirh s i were gicren to him, rejnim ! iind_ vet there Were time . . When, evening attd..Pemberton had ordered his honies toAe wn,doOi Will- ism Was soen-iirapPeti is ii caY riding briskly irrim the market t4wti, The distance - _ to - reach the. principal entrance to_ the park woUld_regaiie a detour of two . miles; w f ile a !:back openedgate opon . the read iltat - A , %.llliam took., There *1:4, , n0 lodge, but Williato:waS seen.tognia - admission - .by a key, and--earefol ly lock the , gate ari erwards. . The 'scene that I • I I followed . was thus described by one of the strangers:— .I).a reaching the linck entrance of the Park,. Mr. Pemberton unlocked the te, mid' when • he' . had again . . soured it, ho turned. to. his .ngests and bade them a court( oesWeleome.- :• This i 4 .tlie•firsttitno i have had the honor, gentlemen, tons:rive you at _Mount May I hOpe that it will not be the - The strangers Loured, while-arOice seemed !ho-, irtf6 ,, t"ti in. h gl I: : .__ an echo - , repeutea am I the:hett r A gun exploded-Mr.,Peniherton staggered and fell' 7 —tho - strangers' horses; wezit off at- full.A.ed--:one ;Wei Managed ..to keep his:is:ladle, while the other. was 'ronghly" a mounted. The fallen - hoisetnan rolled: into the diteb, and ,th.er. , in - mortaligony, he ciew ed the dertouemint of the tragedy. tall. nian wrapped in a . fritei- grwit, - coat . . . stepped - leiserely.from.the bind: of the hedge' its Air Jtttllltr, —Aridotip loiv 'voice teitti'Mido4l,--; -'- , . '" lkothor of him in whoi it'very feoling in, ~ tliisionpg fieart'Oloi'66t* 4 ,a; - and - Oyir,Will; hi, t'„tri*e'xiiti'i , widow's' WO - opine, - ...,1it..d0ivn, Wittiitti, - 1 ' - .- '. 1 1 ' -'- - ' '` l '- ', -I 4- Litdi, I daier not,' foitlitiii - is r pii4loii , o.••• '• , * How Often 'hive - I imfit Obi-- yon; William V A `ad-think' ion, indy;',thit n'Whisk fro' 1 - yist Would nOtltinve broi3iit inelierO l, tie Midl Ii night I 'Blinn& howe'vo;,l) , , , 4 - i - secret' i i'Vfle; dared - not , ism yen luntii I - ' ine' to-nikht: IS any firewsll::" • - -t- '" - ',- IF -- -1 ' ''' -. ' !,Y Where, are yotrgoing;lWilliam t!'::"..i r . i'."l:4Bl,;lteaven, and Ineeittent only' eau, de cide. The nay. which. lie whom; wi.hoth lament, beciu thed; me, iv.* nt imtlis ago trantt.,l tr; milted.in Ameriea, and 1 0 11 6 1 Il shall • aiitn it " I_need-- protection,. W ( lliatis.- That hard ened wretch,-ite whO rob - led :! i ma o lil f 4 , •htlst-'' 1 i • . - ,- bind—rode past. the wind iv, , •esterday - ,!' ',.. ' '"IIn. will never repeat tile r fferiee,.iettirn. , ed . Long William, w.th:nly.l . But' time hue., ries forward, and Upon a&w inutes4ithme r l life and death - m t atilepifir, - 'titild'theprom' isedinfant "bC a boy, - kive*lti . i this l ak i. a A eur i metnetito," t ana ho too{: . 1 1 ( tin: froni ben nth his' great coat, and !Sid, it rti ntable.. l4 . ff, ell liinithat neross is flea dee yin ,tht;l,bSirel that sped;-;"' ... . '. l .'. -, ,'.., 4 . 1 : - . 1": 1 1r - 4 ' " Whom , i n the nr.tne Or ll.givet.r elelsimi ed the !SAY, in alarm.:: t` '‘' Theshiver - Of his 'fatlt:er . { ti i And new, fare: well, forever?! .: k," ... • , . r:;i 4 .. He felf I,l2uPon his. ciehht- ` t h e itady'S. hand in his, and 6)N-oiled tit," With - kisSee.' - - A low, Shrill whiitle was her . ard 'beneath ibe-Will dow.. '• '.. .`. ` i -.'.'. ' - '1 • 4 lt is.the signal.-. ;14.1ay beaven . lOpas and comfort yon!-. Lady, faritmell forever:!'' , . .Before the worda'werri heard distinctly, he rAiiiihed as he:had ente4d,.., 4. ' " All...krieir -that the homicide of. Glerg aurael'emberton as aurae Vadd : tgh, and , in a tWild Cotumunity, - 4,,. wtte whom !ergo/pl y virtue " ,•'y; I 1 •.' liii memory is still handiti down 'as nne . -w did " the State some "ttioe:' ,Ile.souj the . backwoods of Illinobt ! led a, hunter's. 1 and died in an Indian wi#aram, . ~.., .•_. -.. It is only n ecessary.tol e edd, 1,11.0 . the fapiiy of the unsoropulotrs titllist- have:.beeu ex tinct for thirty years , whfte,the desttiOant„of the victirnizedi 4 bridegropc „ n is", prinsieotpr in worldly circuitistances. f: 1 ,• A ,thrisigii of Elikainis Piiiii; vhpro -tails kyr. Dipai i t foiight by the hutill,ml. 1 :. ~,' - tAttetict‘— Lori Wilitni. t , i... - .. , - ' 'rill !von',Cory, hintti ed in false security.; that the tittered hab. . ' Vie Au:init ofill on — Baku • The'story' of Mont Billet% ai_recent , Rub ilished,in this eouniry,f4 well worth, eadieii. The narrative is one oft!) rifling interest,..__Wit 7 ness the followiiig p.;ssage Whieliii4etirjiptive . [ of gr. Smith's feelings When opproaching,thji, lend of his upward journiy, More . than fifteen rthousand feet above. the fle4l of the,sea ; ' "MY eYelids had t . li.i:l,Cihea4 fcli l tbe.las t,' hour; and hut for absoltite Imortal n 1 cessity, - of keeping them witiely‘Och, I helieve_ would. . have closed ere this; bu no w 'such scistringe 1 . and irrepressible desire ,oo to sleep seiied hold cif me that, I ahnol fe I'fast ell as ,I 'sat .down for a few nannies On beseo.wlO tie. My' , .... . , - . shoes. But the forernuit giudea ‘were., on the tuarch , atfain,. and I,WaS edmpelled to pi on With - the Caravan... Fro 4 this point .c, -to r t e stun:nit, for the spaes ustvici honrs,, such aStraoge siate - ofinntionseiousni .acuteObservatitio—otepethieed sfe l l i i Wukino:.-thai the old,_ 'fashioned. 'Wei -witehed" is' the only one that I can t the complete confusion and: upsetting in which I fodrid myserPlumot , perted, knowledge of wthere I was, sr I was about--eveitwit#sech caution required place my fept on'pat)ttetth! . in the snoir—l coninred up / such n E 1 said and improbable phatith 7 ms shout ' the most ispirit ; ridden I,iotruder. Air/ ility_ ftstirs: on the ilittez *contain' more • beleagoreeti, 4 ' ~- • "I jx am not sufficiently ',versed lee„ fmer h i theories i'f!h4siefioligi. s .fsftTk i tit tivir.if, such a sittipmn,' 'ht.bol' bO i tl i ll - 10.1140 'Au:, a greiter . Pt(rt, of this bewilde,ring ,per:ii.gl..; was 1 tag aideep;*ith, nit, 0 - 4eien,enci,Lthrongh',' - theni:the *ontiering- tinizi: -6i:eireii - i Oltepial. i Pu, l Preilsien!! ,4 1 the I MINSI .m Ol , . l e l :* 2l ".i P9,!.'"l'. I Mug, ..Ilie phnntiaina cCoor,. - drraoa ar tilucli.c4FriegoP, -.aid 19.11,-e4Pft.,W!t] l*P9laround kho chanit;e.i. -1P It.:ka - *IT:d eapiain th,.,i.por--.sta' teiOahic- l',-,,- !1. .i'. ;eit"o‘4: - Al g r 4l l. .)Tyl knew in ndun wetalaco*ionitn siiing 2 2ti 4 levittlitheArabianpogfis.,- - tken . setae terrible_elaborntiiiktfai I eclat 11 , t&iiit ti - hedstesiv- 'the whole " 3 - 4 1 O v l- - Iqe, " 7 40 *., ,_. which. transactiona„ 74tiitever it yilu my.shouldars ykoci tar A. litv . wy T fri PO: and "d•Pe h" . 'wf9i sorry !.i4 Ties over hiegro?oPK.° l 7 1F 1 . 1 Y49.# but,that the Kir% of- iNsia Ni 4 .1 . 91 Everithieg*as-e?4 p , 14 1!Ald gesP . '' th is; b u kf k-'"°?* 4 oi ,, ilfklowy ;t , ses, w ere `Jimier liVi l ill PV°)* * *l., MegicCeifec'eut-sh Oi'llittn r9..h ,31', now prairie antil7 l Y9 l 4t4 almost . ,Rstrisu,k;;Walikt L wall : ;:sf - ic , .five ip4fulii,4 ficilififil—"f6 lye* CPtoTrup.whiCh,wit ..td to 01.14, . ogit4 00 . 1,60 *Pow. 404 I- ,s± • . 7 1.!PP 1 1 1 PRi, gsoin-l*ri , lilf VOkt: Wive nick therAlt# ' Oftleg , ,;: i - - - .. ,- ' ' s.l' V I P, 'l•M t itif i 4 d 7 .. I f i t * ' LI M il ff 401441"01191#44", .1 19‘ ) 11 - 44t .:1 1 PPR I 44:4 1 1 1 !! ) :: e ll 0 51 1 1 R 1 . 1 ... , i Otti-AlwAt l 9#4l l,- ,4004440-1/,. 441 0 .10te as! ,r l . , .' .1 4 * MPrkl. ma MLA- O ,ITP , ' , AS prrc....l-0° .. . -..- ~. vim , Tim Iparawii (mei:tit; •te j L, sfYal.t: SAdalla. ; - 11wIal Yt•t i t t.t•3 IM.=€!M ..-, .::••• c i• . ;••! , •1;11:4 1 ! . f 4 42- - 44 , 0**11, 1 i' •"-::. •ft i'L lt • i 1 ; kewril a ntkple gi lt e r,.%4Li . .i f.l. i• 1 i. 1:: . 4 4. qt:•,. ; !. .$, •ra .41:4 Wilaklrk::: .;:Lit : INA4Sii.Whithiiffine•* * ', Vtittittillit - Isii4 • ceitlitßeity • Theififiii . * ~144 0 , o:iii7t 0 17 r;eibiiiiiiiii:Ati - A : . 74".t . W t t i ft,: , „x.p;;he,iii t ii.iiieson.ir... )e,ifi:4l4-: :;• wilit'.:mokoat.ippio4 - .o.4 . iiiiii . .4l.4scoi*, Tr . ::: •. -.. *#4ii*Nlll4 . : . i g i.6 0 4 4 . ,..: ":0i144, • , , .01 , ....: . 000 . !ii) . oBtiiiiiii..iiii!4 . ;'Otiki .". iiiifd .izitiiteficioitifloi;ii k iowito , -;.P.-.l.*litorke.fa i i - 41414.** -- : .a .la4mt-wortd,4l-• , 4 - .1. ' , .- t..9.-.1.1.•.T9.4.- '''...-; " llttit ilk i ttilo l. l . o',.. : : . t '- 4•: • com ". tsv.:o4: iiitoiCokilisiikii i .. . A _."149 .. l et : :•j. : 4 r 4i r tr :rl l l l . l . T. Lper i. .10 i„!* •,. ..00?' w. firiiniita•Tg . ::: ; ..t. 2.' , 1 ; ii..t1 . ..n-Vrl a . • . : :1,...: •• .c. ;•., .. ::.t" .' ? ;i 01 :-.. .. . • 70440,;110% . '' vl .:. '0.!.." 4 14. Ntrr,: #:b.kil* . .. - K. sr 1 0P ti . :lo - d: of Aire- 10z 1ic.....14 ramitail 44 : 1 ! g '•* iliiii* . istPiti*liiifi.4oi ; 2'. , „" if: : .. ~ i iik .. ti oc . : .:4 , thaikitiiii i .c 4 Hol iv iiit r..j Var . ihiabisiiiiiti4 7-71- .4o,iivakittu , .w:.. :...44111-k4i4ileiesuitraii** o ' 44l r : .- 'fi i ohO it Ailteß l l# ll :• . :q i • 47 :44t.. 1-)k .. it Itilti•AW.iitv•diti - • e ;•• - then Pl lll o4:o l3°l net t .. I rS:fc iii . ,:: .I */*i 'li i a. .3 ' ililiiiiiii4;:itkOt l loii, - ..:*. . iiOdiiittii . the iiittl*iiiiiiiiii 0: " • IdifFitill*eli- rNiil4.:l4liie .....''. .4 1 little lt-some of 44. 4: i ii iik:4 l o 444 .4 'Om 4 1 # 1 i0 ; ., _.:444. 1 01.*t1w:1F:104,,p."4.;94 : • . is • ilf • toockii*:hiause... i :-.i-f,--, , ....,..P.-.....1..:."..: .- ,- - ..: ..-;,:.;•-- ~.., •,- '..'s ay ,•••••-",-,.:,:;:. t . -?:. ; - i?..: , : - ' , .., .... , •' , Wiii . ).4ldiyoti . istiFigAir ii* t i ' • - . Madam 'at' •to • her , 4.o6iiiV i ' .4; * Viiiit l i • ..1 .' • ••' • ' out • -• • •:. .4 - 1••,,...a: heart l; l 4 .4l . i it . 0 . 6 1 ..*40.c. 6 4 1 P, 11 ,1 1 ,1;7 :- .P ; I. : 44l CY§.4ill.iiii'•*;ii,ina4ll4lo:.toi•iiiitK Ilow 4' . 1 . li • • • if h - iait t ei4 ' '• i ' ...: ..*:' !K . % JA: pe.iya, , e: Aim o t o ! ill l otymill :not, b ! 3•O o rty1,4114:• : 144 . . , .• kl . : ) i ikraAlofili..iit• ''-" - i: : :: . "' - •: 2 •7":1- * *' . ! . 1''‘• I „ :.•..,.": 41: *'4l,' kt.*in,iii iiii,•tiiii4t igi;l4: _ • fisi .i• • iLlriiriiiii • • iiiiille,` ; ... iiisii -.. iiiiii;re . tu . ' :iiii • ' .. 1 . * : " . •-..... i - 2f . • ' ' Li tie Ptirie - Waiiib • Alai iiifiiiitiriiiii - Al: :# 4 . ,. .: 44 ; h04 . -1 1 , 0 0 ?10,0 , KittiiiIV*Vc. - man iiii i'.0 1 .4.44-4 ' for , . 4 . , 01 04: : . 1 4 , .1-*: • jct. - arili* jit - tciflliidoin:'.li4 7 444 - 1i9:.. .ti' said I came . !4,);ser yo*Siiiiiiitioxilit* sie, 14. t 7 * 14 . ••- !1 -ii ****Sii - 10 4, tti..:41 ';,4i4 !"Ind: . . .00.i*r•0 1 4i44ihiiii! .-? : . Perli4ijilt " d onl y : - Ang:iii littlegoogAOCipOt o • of groO4.coOdeitii4iii(**lii k iit i. . 1 'O. 4 ,l 4iiiii:li' l iiiiiiik'Orrii>' . ,44 . 4. U:5 aid ; O(44o4:iiiei ll o4o.9!*':wq.rer q . ,.:!:::! , i #,lssialff!iii,agi.ieoo44ol%4o,.. !.;:-, ::thiFolsl.:We -1 4 ,4 1i4iii 6 Y2 - .4 A* roil: frpoirios:444,44 li g hity h . . :: 11_ ' • :t...,.„f-7,:.;,'c,-E'F,4.a.;-: ,r4!.....X.i:i WOU get T ire . littll •the I=E=M lih l id ins isidiiiii'kr 4 Shiiltiied r "1;1 ? Atlctiiiii:jiiidS? winiileilid littlii ! Wi3tilikiiik imi li4e to ri3e, to my eoPF f . I;4l.4 ; ;siter4 row moment S-- thblgfor-: 1 'fr4r,. end the boy's blue- eye's grew d'iwidi Itispiniicivi---w bit I c r olildtfy leiif e. . . - iitgg4rr - / :i -' ', - - • - - ' ./: s , chi] ius elle .4' 4 mothl will send nOtaebodi : to ts4iiireToilonri er fo r itne•oVening, and'"ligin is a crown mitt:ik ''li'ilikintirge e 0 ta.rmipir,ili.p4ii, ciiie et . ,6„.47: - 08.61 _iie / 4 - 01- 1 4e!,* 4 -ege4' ic to._gill ;; , that iiilladinit •goalii..viegt agar, 11 ; 'l:4 t .l t I l i Ine' qnni ti :st gil° lo d id li e tt ii ie ;th fe s i e l l ° f *. :vii:: :a j t oj id .7oi h i e ;? . ‘ :; In P.rnegeSOild issnY-iflitt!eY!zuribn i Vile;. eee lied and' carried diem loge to 'r:thci. valor;•in l id; 4 ing, and tell ng pen* viithOtt'tesiiitrpti grea t; -- :y4 rd • " be - fortneS• - ... .- .: ; ~--;':,',.! 4 - .--.' pply.. to ' ... I', . ' „:', ' k,'' -. -, i . .-•,. , :, ; - ...,:d-.-,..., o f sens 3 ..Ilfgreir in ;his Fl"-a , iii/the I.witdtihleei:r:rllin.usic;cialiioa,nit pr o !pi.. Iv d" :I; a t-Ilhe inyriturtliglitathe tocantyYtkeigash* etif i,i ' w . i ts Idift#loi(di' And , rnstliheirgilki;.Phltkill ered -i' e 'eli and th*_iri. - ' At ' laiti she - cftdigt,-. Ana, Ile. 1 - • b. ili a gat with bis glance r iveted upon -lier,-glo.- mei do that, 's-fling: dOuld he.,,e'lleigi'lhat the grand' '‘ lady . - all' bhiiinir,withlgivelii; , ,nfid- , isho',liieit- y. ' ; bulky seemed. to AvorAhip, N% 011 re a lly sing, `• ne e 1 eons „, Brest • • ....., 4 ; .“7,4-%•4., 1 • • the` .Eli's tam '' ' , 4giti:pg„ sykt 9 :4 7l .6 qd,,tha vvhidelgind strackmi 'a-I,iftle_ , l4iiiti r , tiv,i melndyi; hir!laiiiii. lt,-'.!_and •:_cliiiiiindOilit' haliglOr Pi.; , Ai'd'iili r liiiiialkaniiWit', - :' It WSii 1 0 0 11 /Plc; so mnournrul;o 3 s4 - e.egqiet 46 , ,,44404iii414fiiiiiitt_4thj:tearfig'31: '-ii;r4igilt. icaild-belniiiiibutr•thiloiebtrietisidg7 'ii il[4 .l ittie"Weing4o '- '' Bl3 * . 4itngt ° , 'l•S' 4 ,- *-1 / • ', ... - -; zeglia -,_. Pjf3l - T0 "alt.zet kt%)",;.A 1 ,Y!41.". # V',...!!!°"!ngl 4 .44.4-:VV4'ffl4=ed .:14'.1‘,()!;-410p9Y1110,WAT. 1 ifig , Steit r g . ti-iiiiiiiik ) , iioiii.litiiiitiEuioiwili4 - blielittls , song ogindlhoustiods • hid wept -sung .._ - , tr . 4i'liiii - irli'f.,'"'i'''' l':' '''' ''''.'''` l '''l'''f . :. ' I'Tliirtiiiit ay 1 4oin, - atoatii -, tisi.s s elki* iii nnith . „l, - ilosfii. w•as in , frigulci I '' ' ~ PS,IVIP:.;/ 1. 1 7 1 4 , )",F 1 4 qr .P ; 0 90, fheP l 4 4 , 1. 1 4 t • .blamo 4itarlOP ;{pp b: 4: 14 ,44* Rie" l 4 bei!;* 1 , fit '" ,A.,*11 . -.4.!. ..4i ' An t tue. I. l ,A . eltr #4443-9SY 0$ , 4 Omni' b ' idea Praier,askil '' ,, r tho' I:Jar , ter T end_ came 'conlit:4o , inknunntat' ihi.44elf it. *PO* ft 41,7, 54;9. , 'mod _wad - , -.1••••• . . cr9Boen loot pf in ou, at , j lit ur dn Ili , - _ , oWt! that -I r i o,o . tuAlibti .1:- 11: A. - ' 04 4 1 4 4 1 .1010: Jef%4o, -01 1 to! VPIP ,1 1 ,r". 5 *A*likerk lti t e tjl 7- P. Al P.feWil r i ile 'r , eingEL l SSsM i t 1 :: .., ,-, ' • *hid* I 0.: e-e-.4gia • ;.1.,-..., , ...1 1 Frk, i -„ t ~.. iti i e . 4 w,..-4-7 ..tt . : 41.1 4 1 " ) :At , i .. ......, :”, .; . A:ai 4Wt i t,44 l a t ill ik 4* . " : . itliikal .: ' 4614 1 4• ' ; eltg . A . rd. iif-a 9 4 4 ;*441 1 .. 1 :09. C.- • - ! I . 1441 : 4 . 7 ' :' a tiiiltigairt ` 7,llbett AirEgiCiater tfiVri ioc ffirk34-.f got . & ... ef .... ii ,, tr .,,... ;; .. 4ilasikras- 1•4Irmo.- pot:tko..4*Nolf.l. - ..a.:f; !Oki 1 6 -' 11 1rtb'* .70 4 1 41 1111 e 10 '; 114 0 6. 1. . 14 T 1,..... ,w 1 ,;..,,, J4 ,.. , liiiio tt aieli o w."-.....,#-. ; - 0 ,,,, fi t :; . 4:1 1:1 ~..,4 ..I.4is4loVeiullie49Pronsiiing..l.,44:- .' iiiipotiiiiy*.inCliiliff*ffitigicZwhickiomi ~. kiieAinffosiiirer.:*4.v- , i. ..brA t f ;v44 .-, 6 1 4 .., ,q,..,.. va5, w 44, - t . : ‘ 7'; ,-;i4, , l! 7 4 - 7-,tn - Lte'rV-iiiiiTi ZoMrWergi* lOO l/11 4g)tif 4 1,P44‘ newspaper- le - : DiatiONtbi l l4. *liooooga ': '- ..-:il44*-14t1rS mixmill .1.,.....tv.if..,...::,;.e. :4 C c 5.„04.. ocs, -. t : g.i,:va It,. g, , r tft . .1 1143-1 . 1 t 1 .,k• k ' !WPM I le 4,5 7 1 . W I TIMM° - 14::: " 0 4 0; t 3 .. b : 1310041 F1 1 4 , tf-foltNitt o t "4 : 414:f6(iit . ' 1 1 4 ?r,tilivPloiaili.: 1 0irli*Of= iqt:little - ;l:llfAiirklo:tihn'ttiiitqur...- * liteii4Oa''Oilleinitrie4V , respectfuiness,r anctioktiliA9lllo.t or *44 Li r 1 1 .i. . 46 - iliiiliiiiiiiiii 4 risig. . 3 41 4 1 0" t th"fele... . ..,.. - -- ikiiioeit - !;. - - • ' lie : Abtitilepiild %a -- . ii i,tiar 1:-. 1ti v ire g..-- , OQ-4 k :d ol t % . 1 i viol • .......F.D. 4 -4 „pie!. ,- , 0 ,..„,, ,, ...: 3 . „-,...hv v: ,,,,„=„ 1 , ..„ • ..-....,.; , , . .9404eivAir 9 9 1. 0 191 ,1 11 onii 4 . .ituriiiresto , - oloielailitiititauoiti - =, 6144%4i i; : iiiiiialiiii4Viitaidili.V4 iiiiitle.!iiii , , iffilakifirnigir:Pai i _ii.le - -r, .i.i..... t ..... ; i:: . 4; . 41 ,.„ 1iiii r.i... ; . li= ..41. 1 VE w lif IF.TM... * ....74!krt.W.: .: , ,•...7 . 2 ar • .“, ".. k' I" 'Mi t c o,l f 7 , ir 1 t Waite . .. • • ' ' , efluidMlPPl lll . l o4,- 1 1014440 e . ..e*:l l ; l 4id.thitkittiiitdiftilbik , 1.1 'AiToliniii*O..titiViiiiretiiiivaqt , . - i fi r.....,,,„:1k....4,„?..,, , ,. .... , ..,1:- • . ......v...,..4,..„,t4...,a,1„. -., 1 1. _ xf ox.turp,i t me.titire4 .tegwr.minso 9 ;,.. r, 4 4 4 0 06 thaftf a!nlT•lia s .„....*4o# 4 fV:11 . titlistifr:' kiltiiKaWillt4o46- - i lv at tio .*: 11 ;1 _ 41 . 41 .41: 1 , : 1 . 1 14.1,, AAA= lel ..trIVIWt . I 0 ., Xl' ' - .k. 4.... -4 - sl . 5 0 , 4 1 r., ^.., • .4.; : 1!; 411 44 0 4 : !ll l9; i i i irf ri eo,o l o—._ 'PL., ~... s ioniiifilitoiditptitijpitiAsiersimiak 7 ~ .:. ItitiZeige,:'tilitiiiiiin'tq'rM_ - ..utit Vie , ;ui.-1%.01 ,, -,.- n. , :- , ...0 5 i5. vr..%711peiz,i.3.1.--oat , - Mr, 1 .1.111,L.,-..t.4 si.V.lir-i;i000,11..!;,4 Ant -117 it co ~ aititionil repAii#o.iirlt thi enctnidit-- •• oli tliii•ClaimaffiendshilikfOifileidit - iitailjs,ll . JA:U•iii4 i;irAl4 . :,iiithtly fiiittaiti - i, : or i tui r t si., 4cidee ,.„ 4lrioi.l , got,, et I ha ' C'.A . **4:::*l4lxP4iiii;rilli iii4in , 01 1 :0 Ilif" . :c"ei44icileito 4 :4 -, 1 • ate c - : i , - len :, .v:dstol.. to ba erroniNkoc-qvejuons:. co thtnnti-s refryjWmcjlac4pur-44airowleurr - emy' i tic' :.iiiittiediloAhie.- to ow teeiii ttW liiiiii4*4l4a43seWpiliAiieViii'-'. frierßwii . .... 144ii i.di vits .. stio .....kva i k ft ,tt 4 '1 7 4 ~ . - x' -.- have.not ono44lll4l:youi*A44.4tiO.thdelt' . t i ttiriehd, iwiiiii'4*.r4oo:yoimior;t4oo..r . .iii; li • ; illitialiAlliiiiW.'eligetrelfr, .1, ..,-..i...= ~..,..4.11V.Z.Kr::: At I ,4*?!Pak ~_l.l . r.49rfallit:pol.- , ' r -' Lae t4a , foot4 - 004efosp.kl$o#00: your e ns '37,72!Mm0'V.1111r..11'449..11- l a. .4 4 .10; haze .teilluiiiii7lltaiLittuw,i §firtor .oilf.';-e- . •-:•-.-..--. t;,- , -".N: .-,.% ~ . .,: , , m,....:,,1. 0 , 11- . - . 5, - ,4, - 4 , 04 , : li If oi ' 41 any, Ow :50 . dgeitiChitzfricIsko .F*.l :iiiiiiii. T oiffsiiiiiiiii6iol6lr&tiotogil , 4- 4 , f. , :-: 11UrilDUS ...,,Ikagerlieq,79 eve ••• tatiOlk 40(lkekti*Ii• — II I I WF:—.. % At arliji al m udiati f e l ietainnt inaloi*goter. i '-''' . ol. l stiAtlill ed." irtiiiivittittitiiii=yaNi ' . .i . '4 4 lo itie t li tig ie l int ql e re - MO the ISlfr . ' ' r.. - 4 :iiii",..., ar,,v,„„ii4.4....„...-- imaps,, .co er.... .. , . , f % ,1....' . Ilii l W 6tl te s t . ' ". t t: ;* l 4 . then:'4l • ' ::r. •-:. Ake Al il i A lik e e IliA1 0 1 :0 44 0 ° • , • $ ' ift W in . 1410 41 4a10 ri sever e i kit ilLt it AP 11/ Z trillea4g";the. liWilr ,4l•l 6 #A,W... . • : Vianilithailv,e4lo.o l rtillitiV-44; :,,iiitigril Vir *lo' , tediti*Pi r- ** ~ 0). , i-tpuars ... , . 4,.. , , 44 .F.941-±01.41..t ........2. ,, • , : 1,- k , • youiiiiirdichargyr.PAlWlSM ' .-y • ..40/4: - .' '' ) ltai!l aiiirchtirt•ofi-dharriNi l l4o4 l ;:- ASTAllukr - .'', .. i i ii , ~ 004 . :.f . Plat .eloolrsitat ItiPP ~ . -14,6 0 -- ~', `P~ 1a.....:% . k a t ' :71A 1 ti4iii :'. 1 4.".:' ' • I At . ' 7 - • - ''' fi s ia7l "' .. "1 " •': ''..21.2:; , " I P. 7.: :::.4*iiii- -- ._ _ , ...t f a , _ ...-'i ' .. :,-.:.,,- -: _ ........,,:.,:-, ....„I.p_ .‘ , kr ... Attog bad* 7:sf - -r t ?
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers