YOlikG 'rLADIEVIOARDING 001/' . At Great •Bend rrr. next).e,rm: of 'this- wilt_ Con •-,.. *ence.On..lAinlieeiday; isige bnllding havinelietri fit teciji#4,rxittiladies frOm sdiftance. - .caneptScuroi 'hintid and'roOatein tit& family of the Pti,ncilal, on teistonable,terrns.. IVIEIa Tuition in - Friinary Department _ per qnar -' • - 1 - • .7 62,00 'Grammar, .kithrietic . IlistSrysod Phis iplogy,, ' - . 3,00 .pratnrai;Scienceiti Mental and Moral Phi intopliy..and 'Mathirnrslics, _ French. Warman, -Latin and 'Greek I.;On gnasA 1 . 1 :0.44 and Planting hi • Water. -colors, ..•'. , , . • • • (extra) ‘...1 - ,1)0 , _ . . . .I!ltl,ti on Piano, &c., (use of instrunuints. . ex101)' * 4 - - ' - ( - extra) 10,00 ./VPrirnary bepartment is connected with the sehool, in.whiCh small boys are received. Coiniletont Teachers are engaged is all the , . . glyeil fin Elnentiod and ren tifie ittlijects evetr week, " • • - rANNIE B..ctixst, - - . . • Principal. .oreat Benj . . Aug:, la, • 1;111- t• Australi4, Clifornt'a; Or mi . y Mace on th Globe,cann;g Prescrdgreat ' . er n uterzents bin) • :KEEhER 4 STODDARD'S -.,BOOT , WND . SIIOI I , - STORE W-'llcft hn po . w.nnd exten iiio.agsortinent" of. articrei• in enilitacing n gener4vuriety of ni*.wcinti ,eitig4nt Prrlefofieidiesand cretytternen'* It-oar, among nre.L*di4 Freuol;;Siiii LA:lting and rre.• nilte Gniteis,,Kid and ',Eninw.lodi:rolkiis, . . Patent leather and bronzed Jenny -t hide, Tas king and Ties ;•-gentlernelt's . French , and Philo.- kilpliia eak-tasined c 'in and, kip .Boots.Coti'- aft( t sk • • grass , awl!. button Gait , Monterey and W!tsh "ington :-Bootti,lpilet 1 pot, .MorOceo, enic. atid' , cowhide Brsgans; Sr Boy's kip,,Cair and-Cori-: `.hide Boots and Brogans .'•allitinds of Mii!sesand :- 01iiidreit'S Wear.. .Alse, a eneral *assortment. of 'T . indingi, which - consist in' pail. of . laity, 'pegs, sparables. /Tuniarizin nailsit a l E s. th r e a d,' wax , Bristles, shoe bituting, anis, ra ,s, sandstones, shoe knives, &,c.. Also , oak and,h ' lock trained calf nppec and solele.allier; More= ' skins, and • unions. - . \ - • • ••. - . • . ' s , Work inade to orAer and repairing nea ' • - . . ' KI•IELER & STODDA Montrose, Sans 1,1853. . . B,IIIS.QUEiI f !.N . -N A_ -COUNTY -STOVE & TIN WARE DEPOT.. A . L. WEB,STE R .4% CO. would - respretfol,- Ay:-ini . orin: the .peoille-or t his Caanty ani) , this people• in ge:Oeral, thee they have opened au I estah o lshment of . the•tibov,o hind. 3re :Ontsei at I tho 4i-stand of Sayre•and 'Webster, • ono aocirj north, of the Divocr<z; office t where they ii?tem - ) to keep on hand st,• lacte•.asaortrnentof Storeo.! Tin, Copper,.-Brase and 'sheet Iron-Wares, all of i which they will Belies cheap as they - can bei hen#,:ht this'er any other county. Among Our , stoyea maybe- found the following benitles . others 't;3o tmtnerons to nientloni • , . 4- .Erie; air=tight, fur wood, :111odern Tray . " " ' or, coal. ," • Krikitone Stale . ," " Vulcan " • . 4 YLStaid, " rgsi Queen, ereoted Oren. 3.l4,ltatrlc - Parlor, Ofce and shop! States * Culecee. Patent :Hot-sir Furnaces for Pubic, Buildings, stores Hotels. etc.' . sbai-eninn!n.z,i 441c,eheet:Lend,.Lead Pine., Well and Gis r tern Pum*Chain. Pumps; Chains and Gearin. .azrAit kinds of. .C 16106- Work Acne on &art 1. noOte.and4nost realtonalile terms.' Oar motto einall :profits, .read y avid . qui ck rituris. ki,nds of Product taken axe:lung:a for 1 Irjrcnaidon't.believe it; call - and see. -- • ' L. WEBS'VER & CO; , MontTose,sept. 1,5, 43. . _ . • • :-..r.: Joo,o-I.,...s , llerriman' • t. :T> ESPE6TFULtX informs his frten2s that fin receiving a pile. of choice Goods ;:- . 'from the -great. "..Emporium,” . 'isiliCh :time,ther . with his ohtstiank . " makes:his aiumittni-ut 'quite eo7tplcie, - cnabla 'him - to - sneertifuily competa - 'with his 2 meighbari. - 7 Aniniig his.stock - may ha fond . a 'good 'supply. of :Dry -Goods; Gro - - 'eves% 'Crockery. flard*are, and , Wooden ware, 7 - WIN-Fish; Drtigs and Dyes,.. Paints and Oils, hoots and St*C (a superior lot)' /rata lAdlesWinter Bonnets; satcheils, • Carpet 'gaze, Trunks; Read} Nlade 014hirk, seZeirszlexpreita,- •, ly for service; and a ihoitsitrid Other :useful arti- cies not necessary hereto mention. All'Of the .4(neest prop for Cush. 'Produce; crupprOved credit:.' - • f.).4,-1851 - : • ;- , argams . - argams ! ! .• . - .:, Lodi Ims.fir tliiFail. :77.ade.s. - : ... - . ATII 'ROI` &.'f,trair.)DAUFF,teig.tiassure:_ithe'-ptthtle thut they i ate note ,priparing tot the fail Ttatle, - - thetrnmeorthumt of - • , ' ' ' - - Stores. (if ailliii4) and Tri.Oiiiiiioi : . . An.lf:Tin , Japan,Bram and iCiPper Nra..l4eta.6-.fill , • and 'comptete:rattif firtstill'er fi llPe sold 4geTtloirTtri. cash daveN.er eaChaure4 for, pruduco at fair rates. - : :•..- . . - Thai 'wllip With 'to - pitre:h:Me •tEtorxii.l4 - this conetrz winter willtml it tot, , ei'r ibterest-th - eire ins- a :Mei, Its Nia are Meet:althea to igite:aattefaction.irs Pricesad qua • joir'.'wOrit anne,nt bUr - t4op i'oth itinctiilli - y•aid .• S yea I ._s!oiresl . . .st o eI I la thibiettatatnietL; . --••- - :'''. ' . s. - ,- t •- ,', • -.•--? -.- . • -- -t" ' -11 . . ' . 3 ' . sr ' y,,, k 1.12th0p on 711*.kerireet. s fee deekric below fearles' AIS • : ESet.44tie T.' loil t- IteaHr,refferatia fia 'ilia . ' • itutisune..dieeM.y .r. cirposito the pcsurcidt ,p5O .- .• ..,.: i ': ' ; 4 itakillfs42l4444lll[l4lASill ' Brest* " 9 'QM • I ref ri) , . , . • •.- • ' .".'-' -- 41. 1). LATIOCOP, - Wild: - *Ma. one. Pr...: thellg iipinnaisabte I 404.:4 14,1 2dout F psp;Ait:.ll: l lBs3, - -. ~.._s. k,Nroppit - yiir: — a:cp .. e l iX'.iti 4 ' 6l)233 the lIVAt 'xt e n. 4 -! ( '• 3 P"it i f • • tiglijktirtfoi: Sli - ,f , --.— ---. in th '_. . 4 ' . litt6l 4'n" :l ' writ' k;.P:oki6il, befeleeki Mt . ........• ~. ~.„ ...; ...„, - Fe/10;5,watt; erery‘tatuiti: %. ifie:lic ale 'ker-Pictfalli In-'' ,: ~ ~;•;.-,,.....,... -, -.. i 5i,.; t , st - . .', .. . ... 1 uoutree to, the citizen/I'4e Sut4 'netuarct - toll adj-streng' .iyintr , .aveg...., • ..,.; .. .. I p6,..iti..t,lftiVi r , tutv.p.49.ol.ireeelrefi vitt 'Of receivint, , , . . • ,.7 '... ~ • - —", • • -..- ' •.• - , i the tatfiet‘t aild hest wiLoitmelit tOrlitoree tft-tp iotioeste,- .-. ' I L --3 - 17 - Rtirris n ' °7..l. "'"l n g :ft i'v w aza full tki"t I'd into YoudorA:.f.doltylVtteia,. libith'illi 14 slitt'nt th e .-11-141-tlitta tt'llt % G ° .°4 l .'"Eig Parlor airtt - 130 , - 4 , ..toriear• far .rery loweot . ' k& ;-1.-. - .Trt - ttrogisirho,,ire I ntaaut. of' • Wept itettuuki ati4 is tionneettosier4th-Vie<pre4l4*-atikk . i . -Stoves th/ii „tilti • 'illo flier I lit greet to .'atall , tad e - • wintuaineatoelera I tntteam et . ete. teti . i e :noel. i s i n i ne iy ar • , ' ~ i n .i pin iu s e . 4. e u e . .i d. - .4 4-•:,• 11 :,..,.. populuk.untk:fm . pruteit:khalt 'of:: •'.. ----; :- - • :-. . , l'eampeti.in ' - -as . 'tetra -,--• ... -'' ' • .....-., ' % - 1 AieftvOiiirlia-:0p04-; Picis/tiikrit and - • tkileti ; , .S i tig . ;"-",:. --. --;::; . 1 ) 4f . ~. Oriq/411'.?arlori; 1 ., '-..-!-. .1...„.. - 4 0 ,01i, *rio . : 1 : .", 7 : :' .'. ' ' - ... 5 4 =Tir ade# : : - R. - 0 -9 - - ., f , .. VeRe 1 44 2 4.; - -40 ' '- -... Jam AWitii . ,:.;l.itaetrikiii4t4 . 4 Stiki."Tisiii:i:i';... .4'4_ ....„C/i .r =..9.;• ,, ,.; • ,-..-, Iftiv.i.--,j.. : :.__4 0 ,- ' i - vidobilevailka.u,etii- toriq - sotr Ai f ..utEb'ef iip.r47- '',-- 4/um*/ Aii- "iht.E.'o.—tritne- i , lb -- -.-- etorado.J -:- .;,..,,- „,..-, -.-.. ,'--- 4 . tl,.t ' ', S.: -' '' !---. :1 ',' '.* -.- 411 . 0 ,,,. • iC. • . - .. .. , :,' ...,, -l' ; !„- . ' - . .4 11 • , .. 11 ,friit..-- 29 04.1150:77,.. -- ,..rie . ,.1:,,r,-.::,?. -.: ~:. _1 . .: ' • ''''', ' "1 " 0 . . 142 . 1 .. : , "1ti(4470',, , i . '_-' . -14 . !4 . 0 , 4. , • • , .. k - 4 4 -,. . - : --- , • .-- ,. •-.,; - :-..- r. 1 . 1 , 27ter. ,4 . c:: 'V, . d ry . , .,3ir**± 1 7 1 41t.. ,.. 0)945 ) , 1 440.4-, -- T 44 : 4 -, (iii. tri• bmi.iii Ira-. itttiiiii 4y . .- W0.,r;,95440.90.1pf.th044.‘ - i,yi,rii ',i 9 , , e;51,i,,.. ' l,) n in e .- ti , ti k .bt% - lbi svp.i. , iitii: , ., . -4,, , ' , 47.444:tiniefeti-Ba*BioameCciiip- t ali win • I , e; 6,.thi,"10, oye s ..-Ziror - Zwitb - s' ptaia -4-,,,Acx,ooo.oreivip si . - returning ii-r e in Frank aiii. : tit -- ' : Abilnitg . lici+x,-Vii "fatted - - 10,sq - 00444p., i for . :,4,11ppaitrap - syv •. , bei6aired :: --,- - , , ~4 ; -, :••1 1 .. -;•:„... ! i:.. . ,, , f: 1:' li ~- .....1 0 4 . 4 k -tore.. 1 tiFicirie nl ici a - lilk* l. . 11 4 ; 13.1 4* 1 kg.4 11 ' Millnide ,: thilli Air - , rt,•; : . . 14 !: P.1.*,:, , , z ,.. : 51*. - .;1',-..........-.,.:.„ i. I, j , - 1 .... ...k -- .. has iniiiii#44o,li4cksat otitie44iois.l ,' Ile. 0 .01 . I , , ;! ' :';...00t* Qitw. rot ' ' . i, i4eiviewega _ls* -- :19 4113000 1 :4*.thitIsio .arrange - 'Dili* ,. of lisitiiiii!ziw liiiii* A . l l;4 40 1 4 ‘Z-H • - 3,bente! lot mie isti:mater Va?a,p;a4git.-,..ar . e,,.00 . ,* 40/.., t haii4y . ttmo .fgraora.osiate.rOlutfoi , 4Orira4poietsave - havini ina4'fiii„.4izakAtteo3oolll3:l , looll:ork to Ve4 mG .1%? 4 ,: , JA . T rat*,.. d .-“, c r .%0r ..1 *. hit.r. z.... 0t01 41 4 .4. ;1.Thea 1 -bi toppt.ieit ..tattll../...akticlo•**aliiiidliitii3Olk,-. to,ligras , 4,7stax_ 4 1 .ii7eciigeri. e --- - 71717 e .ri!'• .414.e.0.4hii..-19..iiiiii pl.:is , atty..iptitativr., • it: , 4lse --; 1 , P. .. : : •:1 1 ” . , kAviss!..oie s i c i'l 4 oi ts : .autti.PlePeS.l743:l4l4, Pagel.: . . 49 Y =gm DOZ:alt Wo4.lwaiii "4/* tidl . - ~.ter. 1 asit,s4 id.fi r e*Y:inii.ak,-**flude•''' . ,:r , --Thilk Id” . Ull ii-,;M I-I T ,1 1111644-4 : l "f rtt e i '''. ttiii I ''''' . °1 14., e - • ski anca'aliestkiverk intat1F04.1.4 . 04.014: -I .. H4 F r° "::.-, l 4 ll.l .*Ot t O i r-.. * t , - ' - - .4.W.Altifilidiliolimeot)44l(4lo6o44; ', .:. ' - at• '..,j , 1 ".1 1 .i.-1. SAT .ISr. 4*l4tOe -0104-rfilheiliO6". in ; tows . -- -' - tt; -.'. ' .--- -A. 4 ... 1 - 6 A--10.-,,.--...- . 24_1-"---,--,41-÷.. ' - • - - ' - -*--•- •i - • ., ,,e.--Vitelightetttit,:tilt" thli - iioifite-t-ii&-:: - ` - ' 4 4bnag 4 e'''' l 4 - ''.o4 : 4lls lo k * " .- ... .._ -14'4!.t.C., .w.,... - jooli4bettrituditt , tiliet '-'!'lli-isie ' j ' if iirtiti - liik • . 1,11 , 44 04 Andt ' .... - .... •." '- .-tiit*iitalhihli•',W:oll' ,, '` '7, :'. " - iti :Irail?tileitori:s! a t tire& _--- y:",4 - H-40 4- ff'° ll 44 00 i , 11.. - g:1• 2 10 ,- i0litic 1 -. -I .• ' ';::;. '1" - : - :.10,4 - .o . V . :7oliliiii l / 4 . 4.6lPtilaX .:._ *4:V.,o4iiiiikW*Litti, ~ ....._ . ~.:„. . ....... MNBM ' • - • • -.. : Ne*:3l - i'll'ili)il.loiii)do 1 ..1 . .. • c ' ' .• .-- -po'll'ciaat n.• - ' • 1 - 1N77.• - • • - ;.P ; i l - 1 7 t 'SO'. -'- k u rP l r hi a - ;gt 4tt di - rites .a, ittenta to 4 11 t r, Win for, psvt. ~yurv,,an _ 0 . I 1;1 SOO. ,`" Spring and eat) i 4 ' ' "le; ' "Ire ferrate eat) e vs" I iv' - his Store eta .... , hi ased4 - h As ilia _ Arlpd ' rte I , n lion - Ind eep. irked reltedult. ll' ills merchant iv. , . -. : • ; .-,. ,iids . -1 . sit. r,: of varibita 14 . per y0.,4 and ouielin ei , leap , . : • 1 • anL: : _ 8 i • ••.1.•.r., alancbe et, ruttyal i ldn. u 4 1 1 lotbs o d. colors, ~I,trtu.of Litniai r • ~varrtmted uit fri st 1e,5 t1 L i4l.t 2i. Li ..0 A 14 9 t 1.0..._ :It Vair' , :. . Ca trio -Cloths, ai l e . :0e tti 1 „ . :1,,,. ( 4 ,4.1: u1 i1 i k Ti r „ s i lt . imi l f... 0 110.... 14•404.5 tle, 10 010Urelit4i, j ..• . • : : ' l ! ' - . ". ii r tria.6, Goods..', -, • .- . I t.d it •:• . Plt.l - 0, 7+ aid And striried .Isconet Niislin,CatntricAr-, plain , and dotto - ,1 Swiss.:ll . l9l„Nainseok 0101- Tftrits.tmti Liner; clam bin. itird'w 'eye , ' ir.eri, , tinrn • Table 4,ltiitlike., Nutskiu*„ Scotch and' Ittiva Dirmetv, 'Linen Shnet,inkis. and .r.'.hirtittg.,"&e.., :.o.,:td. kWh 1410. , ..5.1.1 4 , cannot, _fol tn .give en tireantisfaction to p . - tenIVTA. - , - *. ...!, - . yosiery' nd. Glores ' • - . • - i :‘ .. i l e., • • - . i A n et z.mitt:r i t' II: Furttnku and fr'ery cheap., Amine thnos xis ",r , ..re. lot o 1 IThite tllton IloAe, very fair itt.llll,y4'. 0n1,v.411. a ,pair. • -•- • ', i. I - ' i ILIA I A 1 xr;',* it4or r..,voip..putatqn,! e.rittle tim.l r,ash i triir'e . Shawis; b'tr pelt, , n.ever.bentrn , j nilpred. , _ .. _ " e f '. . • :, . I . . .1. 1:2714/1 : 6 - reitefS.' - 1 ' ' ` 1.1 t s,. grade, frO di. i $i each. - - 1 .1: 1 . : ...- , ..1 , 1, , - - abl - orn d -Pian' COT/MS: : : 1 V. : . Plan lini, , 1 ?.; :.1 . 1:: t 1 t„ ri ;),: r iti n 't 4 " i i:r::::;;;;l t e n L d it l e k t i e t l e n . r i h n le r r o it im o f L:l v r7en : ; • . . ' eid.f' for. •Illen_ an.d Boys. .1 .1. • 1 0 ' Itr-n%det6 , of uvvry korvi' , .1. quality. fretu •111.1.:7 „....,...4„, tlaveltnever,f, ' to 6Y : ;o 200.. h'°46l6'?" Jeans. Twe• sand liatiuetv.fi m ls. dd. to 4e. - Nest e : ing.V of every description . ..qui - xi yVk . ncl price. 1 • - I,- , . rr ••• .1? 02fiestle..; oods. - . • .6.000 yard. Slortivrv'ind- ehirtinrs , from.6o. to lie. peryarl. .ii. 9 yardit bleached dn , front -84. to ls.Aier TANN. ..Tl'...* ngs anOtarlaeredttirtings from tk. it 0 p. per yli7id. - ' . •• - ..'.'• *. - - 4. • I -" - - " ' .. ' i I ..Y#ll.ke , Ar,otiQnsanci Pedla-re 0-oodt.;' .- 1 Of every d - n‘eitptilit, fr 6ra - auitinntuntl the chenpek)niivii 1 'houskeein N.'S. pity,... Pei:fart. willtind lt greatly (4.helv:i ;nterne.t to eall trot h thrertgli his *tor*. • i- i . i l Trunks. tend .h.-e's alyd . Carpet .13ae0: . •• tr. . , - , A vnhy Tar: e aild ell assortr4 ;doe:. , pnrehaseti direct ; finfn Pinlargef•tr u aztory - ln th(r country, -4:41 - for sale at - rnrh,pri. ...s S will a hrlits.of, rro ernupetitie64 . i: f - - 1 Strat 'a f t_ _.• Goods.: f - 1 The subserih iv lle ir on s of directing rho ottert Ont.,' of tire - AO:in part) tifitrt tn'llde braneh of Ii!!. bu-4 L irAts. al/ he pusves-ves ir, i, (Uri ittry fir gettiriutiteerszoislitetuum. Ile de,nintsl44e ug en stentil on hand ( dtvriskr the, sea. inn) ft tarze son it. of $ RAW" TIONNIP.TI 4 ; aitich 111;3 *lO 1 ntret. f'.s per (7.cm . cher; r thou they; ion L e h a d at * e t a .) - Nev. York ..' 1F:"'-'"=- - - .sl+ nr Tett, n - '' • 4,00 i,OO and Collate dt-w‘ Su . perf rthaserc. tfigly i ! to 1 .74.. Cit ne rem. , and allot . prir.:eteled rnr .Stianari 1114 , 20 V ce*, i; , jnitteCeit a lit OFFtiol So frilz • v 1 L kin.li'er a &e. eitberona Pim:is. 16 PvitP,Ii. 51 ..1.4..du 4L - g • li . Oitiki. V i Office,o Jr all &req. C,VP I '. 1., (111 CISIS ilia Approved: Set I -..- I ge i - • .; inzures og,cis' t or ilantage , 4.‘oss - ii , l i i LIDTODS. s f s $ 4... Q. Stela:Ault. 113 Amami Street; l ,..ter.ql itiallr, 1 spree street .;; Guava ' Raneker, 138 Dros4ili Themes A!" 1 : 43 * . 4 . / 3 `h,Celat siteet; 4emliel.Suatli 144.1.3:7 It'e-t AtrePti Albert Iri . Conti ~810 Gummi 4 ,rived; .3 tubes 4, C(0514.113 Dread . Charles tht-. l lLings Sri aye, .*:-"f ; I. s btrtc. Da I. G'lLlco r m, D ~* L. South DoW4a; Wm- V. /Aland, 97e "r k; Peter lit. goad*, 13'i Dant streeti; times . B 11; r. West 4., Imight itact } Ftreof s.: .7.41 in 1. orn, 4#1137 ter vet; D tan Wart. 114 itmolway - • 11 N. ,0 lts eor. We and Bar row X eets;,l4 11-irnster,- r- etlXVO'rr lint) Wert; Drab /I Doak"Jr- Vl' .Thirbtf kr nee, 'St est Crom well, 4 f, ..111. J.; tkihia Wit Leigh , P I adrlphla; Dexter - lE. lAA 449 Wat at ;"Sate I Sinclair, rail:num Suilist . Samuel B = 8 w. clorr.lii .104 n. orAt. ci klillEittEN, Pres. citAntoist- IL et to A see y. , ti C'lltr:ES 14., RILOWN : , Agem .1 ' 1 4 ) r . t E i t' r ) r i , . • . 1 " - rly ral.firrn Me( (Aere , nods Out 'are *birth The -1 1 style!' '102.1 rireri, .I,be t p ff ered to rh npuraty Z. trlTTllicis„ ed App : t e e , prises will ,be n e 44 !for 11 . 1 ed A liplpo. WhitP Bea lig, chabgefor Gui.iat sir J. it. SU/1 ) /11$- ' !.,Dr I uuctk • j ttt •j4} .__;- .4kgaitt Houqe, Groat Be: pot, Pa l l. TITS new and spacious building, situated hit a few feet front the Depot at Great Bend, Is now opened itnd7urnished in am - aside 'style fora Pribiler !louse, Fnd wilt he kept *nen at nit d hours. (both day en night,/ or the reception trayellors; and especially for the cc. rommodatien of passengers travelling-on the: N. Y. et . rie h L air Railroads, being at the junction of these roads:and the trto•tt convenient point to step In an4 l refreshments and he off with the first train. as Welt most convenient litiose to accommodate the rub-1 luxe it Is 'NEW,' CLAN and WIIOLF.S.OMF.I--, • enourlfto accommodate at t.„ bring fitted upl nituee to correspond. and tables, always - set,l tiIALS and luxuries furnished at A mo- 1 desiring rest an4•sleep, can.ltyealling lnvenientte of taking en omnibus to e the delay and'uncertainty of re ' the arrival Or departure - of the , he in waiting to ccmduct therm -.ant tionee. V. just nerrks `Ade itgain without feel or rtthi them if desired' at te. - with the niatUrni it a 'very 4rsireldr 'n4 others in the " a few days to all Ilex , .With . with net with W.ll. Inents wartu, Itr. il asP am. harp, aroK the h. lind an ton, ea , well urning to the .depot 'Taint ' • no o porter lei oft,. hetr bargage to t. ;he 'Y." and 'conduct ti rcorattl, taking tMecial care . %vie our of the night- , Thh location. of tho Bryant ti ceentry i'hent it eMnbine tcq ma, AtiltElt RASO ftTinrhnsinePot mt. Aty ho may wild. to " can ictl care . recruit in the countty.i - ;. ir • 1 , A Large al 4 • tonimodious _ : 3 • • - .. . ~ • Im:wiled tothub-ail. int for. theennrenient nre Pa ttltiaa,Who um. Alwaya find gold fteec tinTIP here, withAut.r aril to uumbefa, with Wm blef fot:their team., in 1 reliable help-to wait on, . ' tts"' For further pa lettlara ininire At the lliv. douse of the prophet. r; . - ADDIEON 13111:01'. Feh.l4=—:ltt . . • .NOvt:4pring...,Goo,ds.,_ : j.,:- . . , •AL t. ;Ik ew II ilii?rd i Dep,qt. I' t_j itr,ttr.itT WA l'lld invit..ttniatteitinn °ibis (41'ends i l .14. . and ' athat-want Ciao Lel rAeaplto his:New t. Hel d , which is n w twin; NWT i.d. i niduiling7a superior aiisort ment of I. „flea Tires% Goods In . rich Prints, iltiance. / 'Prinici L. Wrlltl, exera rich ,Il i trilta Driallell. La te.red. Pntilins;.M situ' and Gingham - idirst,coran..l flari.g. A.:Silk Tiepin., RI, k and Panay RillcsAc , Mdslin COLL . Mna rinbroislw es, Cr a. 7. -, lirosha and S flamer Sliawis. Silk M anti ina. Pameola, - .Straw„ £itinCh Laic, and •S'ilk 'l . :taros.' n net Si lk,.itibbons sin.l power". , Outten di and Boys Sommer Drepa GNUSa fail as ... t Bats, Cape, Loots_azol :„. 4 .tioes, Trunks. Vatic. , •tgs , all woal, cotton ant Waoli'AMl. Cattail f splendid ytiterns, Oil Cloths fat Floor anti nerd any Printed, window sbades,wall paper, ot tons of all kinds. 4.c.. / . Iklitmrnt es. Cnrpl esipeting TaMep, Atery. Itarhornir, frort..stoi.l ttniinea, rii4t, l'alnta, fin4;toneA,t And sash, site. onatir4 in• all a unlv'er.nl as. tn 4 being, ritrehised entirely for ra.ih, will' ':!.Caen to secure lime.in prices.'styiks and npninv found in anfothef eptablittment. , F. Tor area Salt constantly on bawl. . AIFO.Cr not... 41 dnw *ortment, onatlepu ttrlns riot April 25,:1853 . . ... . New Drug & - -Grace y .stoa, uct-*1... PATRICK:4r. would ..res. eetf ally Inform his nuriterous. 01.1 and tried details, both _l%ll and out of the Profession. and the pubic. in general that he h.ts in•it ... 1 , barked in - theatiore onto 4 busioess:anil has noel on Wind awl isil;itlil recolrlng a full and Well ()torten' assortment of erferk tbing in th line of Dro.pi, Idedletnes.tinacerles,fqes.ratnts, a. 6. '4 .e..;.11 cer whie.h head - or for cash -or atrter Upon t e _cheapest ‘ and 1 -nurroa„multagootts t , sto the pure • f. In' refer. 'eneo to his Drugs and ?Alf: Ines he we .0 simple state that they irere selected y Irlatfiltt.lr fro the establish 'merit of P. Shieffclin II 'nos dr. Co., Co of the most. roll! ',blebs t he eity of Noe 'cirk-.-..andfcr tirlty and escol dcnne tot believe', were ever exeellid., elnalle4 by tin! steel: ere? hrought in „Susquehanna :runty. tit, t. trick 'of firer-tries Is full and welt bought. -. nil .conseuttentii 1 ATI h 7 Anil cheap. He 1 las also a few choice Liquors for 0 lielnal Purpos s ivi which he an afford as low as a more ' in,. Z'or article has generally Veen hpUght 'for. Ploat,e, call d ...fore:purchasing elsewhere: at the.old`s=tand of Tilts .. . Warner, in the building formerly known as the gr P e nn . , Store," tmrnsixe the" Demberat" 02tee. •idoutrcie Vt 1.1,1853. . _ New - : rangement,Sor 1853,s -1. N . B. lt itrz - t . ,,e's R anvm I 'FR Ell:1171,1NX tom • Grfoli Il4a (1 e ery ltionday,Tuesday, fledneaday and Tburaday. ' .1, - Freight will he.recel dby Corwin . JG Milirpinpit on the,daya above men don e at their Store - or the BopOt in 1 , Loders Ile,- also I'M Tu . y• nntil. tvrelre 9•elock at Maniocs Station and at Ne 'kfiltord until. the arrival of the fret; t tr.dri.frqui Scrtnto .on the , same diY.. - • Priwinceentru tell io our car will be forwarded to New Toth with t e Ittnowt diEpatr - and return+ paid In currquit nionere the - places menti ell aboyel. -No ef forts will be 9ar dAtraeCure the twat • ricesforor duce, and we willya et promptly an bitsin as. entrtia rd to 'our care.: -- • - • • . -4;E01:41111 CORA IN:" - - . -,- • ..Wm... - E. MU PA Gll. ~. _ . Cor, • .4,t in '- raillspa hr.': ... ... IN TT. ketr 7l taYfers TA - intttrient of %reslo;-.Sfritt - ,Tortoots anal 4 3 Shoeli, Ready inade - Clothiitg, Leather andyindillkwOte. *bleb they wi 1001 cheap for c 4.4, or Country Produce. • April 1 3 ; 1, .-4.8m9 • ' ;.„ „. ..• . New Goods - New Goods. G just turned:from the commercial Enr,onum sifresliiniplly kit Goods, which i our fiiiimer - siorAt 'rimier/ our assort: thent't Teta'. We are prepared toiserve . our friend's - an. customers anilto do thorn; impartial .justioe by , pplying goods el lt,eloie - variety and at pri ea that.caunot fail to pleate . aft hosi evir. fasti,ioUfj. ag. SAY RE. • ,Anonir oursmek.inak be fonnd choice of Der Pa -Detains; • Cristimeree; Pri &c. Pe- tains rat only-olieithillipg per ytkrd of ouperi or*ylivind texture . . Wool Socks California,Ttade. inn() DOZ .04 : :Woor 9ockß wattid r Yer telifornieand Oregim- trade. before the firstor December : , , , - - • Aud.l7 '&lk. tA,YRD. ' ›•.:r Groterios-Viliolesaie- tritettiir• • _ . . -in great:variety; considerable quantity, raipo = Tit:a quality: and cheap for cash. or-to 'e..i.ehonte t r for most kinds or nteichnitiette - piodude. on tertes;; .- Iris:. stock . ..qt. SotranN . r . jelio, To eft, Spices, &c ., , bring ` so Ulmer:am, be . deems - J - gi... ly nece s sary to say , that almost anYtitint i the .Groaery line used by fainitiis, - pan be found. , pen ioquiry, Ind cOneequently, enumeration is con - iid.. ered eniteribioni..._, In paqientar he wontd ask art exetztinadon lot his 6d Seger, 2is. Tobacco, and de Tea: - A deduction - ,evortireiving - 'made io itiole orb* be buvequanticite; , ' ' .-"% :4 .. ....'-.:'..ili N. EtItLA:R D. • ' hroutrarm, e , Pa. ,: ~ , ~.. -..- . , ... 1. ~.: I . - '- --. :, ": 1 , . . . _ ._ .. liOdera r ine i ' Book & 1 rug - Store: ' 'T ILE subsea er-would laformill• an of Lo- i - doonills - so 4 - surroostlns co • . ";•• *biz: he has pew* 4,as F iged sa d lussifavod.bils • owe. &Sid •JUlrof lip pith.* large and•cossoteto assort ,at of Paints, Oils. Dyikalboat; Dyci-stulls, Trioliow r , Bosh, P atty, Vanittfa and Brushes Alto, •- : :"•:- • • '', - -• ..: - ' Tadao Modisiorvi Cissudesist.Oi*Vise,-Porfxmisy, reatiii ,- Notiouli„Ooofeistiottery.-T; , el RAW*: and all gadicii***** ll 7 kept its any - .. - - .: eat the Modes Mod el Also - sic bsod*larLirilsortomist . 1- : ••,- . : •;- _7. ?w ,. :::..Boo,iris,.-4..-6..TAT10 NERy.,,, r. p 4 , 1 ,0 4, 0 1,4,. -- p t et,,,iiktkiell liels'Prepind Wile CI! ,11 1 ••, avil t il i P g at4 Mf 4l , :!-P n 7 l # 4 o l ,lltePF P*•%' FRl#4l;y„. :I ';' - ' ; ' , i ' R-Q 4 ` 4 /*$ ; # 1 ••:e -I:' Alba!l- - r i b i4 o i n tlii e ii lW t*ig e i lf i- ' Sth ialiiii'''-" lli, i' 14ej- •i•ClisslkitldOo- .- t - s 41m10 0 7 4 1 40 0 nk5. 1 ~440*945:Prrre M l f r;,• • 4 z;9 , u ~ - .-) i . • ~ ' „Doilders. . ' ' fie'ilSOCltotkiliets'o . 4.- dreAlt**lo l \***ll r ',l l4dikt to purchase are itcfit :o4 4* -1111 fliciee .4 0031 4 1101 M:ZI'- - i='s:' - ' 1. ;"" 7-- . . I 1 n. s MOUNT PROSPECT Liver •Complai ,t - ~. irliorse z mputd yru of.] -IVAT ndtce Dyspep.sia Chrbnt . I tir.oolC ROOT, , ER Ciill AD INSTITUTE, . - - • oilvervo '' . Ty-, BiNdil , N ,„ ON . N , y , Delithly„ Diseases thti:Kiffneits, titILS le *", seelli reS 4 4oobe CeetPean • "le / 0 " 1 Y / -. s • •- ' 4 1, ,_..... - .11. nrepar . from the heat Rants and llertai of ells. 1. THIS institutton .. I located in a betilltif II 811d I t I i' ' l) slid il""e 't a "" fr° ' ar d°r a4 ''''l. of #...7,1,11 a .1- \Lk.* r....r..1 ..,.9. un r ivalled rPaC katlarl 21. id mach i•ut.'i as enuttiratit'ailleOard NI" 111113 " a - .Fe — r tl . rfollo - a — g — la .' 7.- 11.11;t7 - fat . in - g and - and-l 3 romantic grove) at the base of Mount Pros- 'or tiles n a to the head, acidity oi the lave:inch, axe 1 ee ' eaingthell er aud 17177eittee thvatts, mad Cleatiting the pect, mid within the corporation of the vilage; beart h/rn, diagnst far tof s sii, i n igieit'dor_ we,al,t in n, tytt tataisa _ a tt ti 80we1:1,6,0R Um coittsu all ntllthrts Ins- possessed of an abutlent supply Of par d sL so f i IROCIRtrb, POUT er:Ctat i i. n .., VI I 7 , 101 4yeT .i riltivi di, bo, coukfitallii,/, nyspepala,„ Itudatesthia, COP. water, advantages or exercise in the pure air, a I ' 4 a Il '" taalac ' aa uneing e t h e e " en ." " I e or : tivenera,Pl a, llearladhe Fever sad Ague, Jilandlee, , ( W111,4'14.1! breathing, flattering tit , hestt, eh king ar ..,.... 0f . A . 5 . p ... etite .... ,' ,.. k0 .. , - . T . d „ e5 . !? . .11_ ,.. ad_t . hf. e 1fe,...0d ,... t .. 0 , carriage and.Cout walk up, the inouutain, over- anflocitlingNetisation when In n.' ;Tint posture,ldlrune u u ~5 1 1.. ,3 , a1 . .,,ea,.„4,6 12 ,,,, looking a scenery [unsurpassed • • in beauty and orAll n oo tii t e ti t t i s , o i r d w ,, e a llb il L e •f i er n e r t l az4ll4, t . i f o ir . er ye at i . o d w : eta tt a •;:i• t y t 7 2 ;•", 1 ,3 - : 4•e; 1 7 - 9';' , 4 0 A-:"6 41 . - ut 1;: i .= .i r0 1r e7 7 .4 deur. and "free front the, noise and turmoil or I •gran . . ~ P erth° skin aad fief, pain in the al,de, lute ,eh t, limbs Sell: 4 ' ol A t Itheurn• Eerlneins• Scala ilead,q.Anker. I busy life,"With excellentsailing and rot 'ink privti Ike., sudden tle%ties or heat. harairu. In r 0 Ile h. eon; , _P, l ".2., t ' s _. ° „ n ti!... 1 / I !,,eP 2 eteh , ese Ulcers, Tim . , cbre-Meteuei- loges on the pleasant waters of the Ch nango. ~sti in vo l arci. .cr au n a c ti a l a revllab a il greatide rresion o rpltits :'""'"""--, ••• -. .`;' r "' , se ory _ j o : These are a few of, tile piesentation tl e "Cure'l' !___" n t Y cured Y .., I / , , n e - Wall ',:, , Ile °re ( u „P," 1 o il e r s t o th e i n valid. ) ! Or. Illoollit:id's celebrated - er- . And liy ...it in; thim o perforrra their proper fonetione,, The house' is new and commodiout —bathing ~ , nran pilttr . j I , P , r i, r es ve . a s tln i, g , wi e , leiti in'inT nailing arul ,laegeroas dia- Litman; ndltsulitg theNtrisous Sustain, apparatus excellent— s teel ventilated, whit 23t) 7 L n_ i Preparen ~y ", . 9 . Ll. i ,rl ack.l on, t Oi l i thuss'llaylt s Nerwin leritation.,;‘ , pit criug all diseases feet piazza. _ 1 ' i ' T o r th e g er e I T A 4 alit a, Neural -Jo, Lrtizata &a. The medical departme tit under German Medicine stard e irl4o Arelestrece It .s-ii rt -aired team cure of all Per:fate CoM care of Dr. Thayre ,tuid tv• e, who hav, .i, i ititatkip l itial - 1 ' - -Piaints• experience. in 11.ydropithi. prietice,. yerably known as inceeas ul praetitio . ' Co see Lectures, wi b Still plate: tratio s;. - wilt be. given - thrtifitgliont the the Studenti and Patients, upon Anatol Won., Itydropatity and Hygiene, foz . a Will be no additional charge. • 1 - - - -- . '. Females ftv Ini. have hen 'confined to their beds for - . .j.ears',i are invited. to correspond :with us or giee,its .a k. all.. Oar tweet* in-the treatment el diseases .pleculiar to females, has given us coita -1 Once, an "%many to all such, even if they bade '.'suffered mach from many pliyaicians;! make our more . riot: -. • - ,-. '' ' '. .. 4 • ' ;. Terms I ficim - $3-1 . , to 88 per . :Weel, - (payable. Weekly.) . accoiding to room • rind, attention reniti7 red: - Patients , will prdv . ide, corHeonal its° 2 tont lortahles, 2 blankets. 3 linen or cotten sheets and t'towels. - . •.T.0..V. TII AYTtE ;M. D..,.,. • - • - . gesident 'Physician,- 1 - . . i 191 f . 0, W 2 SLIT.. ',W. RAN NF:y.prdetor:i . . , .1 1 .. - BOoks.tic Stationery .. - 1 1 . A TW iIOLESAI.tI. MCGINN k... -. X.E.I.VIG(I 4. Pnti- ra: lishenyllooksellers and Stationer., WI John Atrect leas: Now York, and manufacturers of evarysl,4cription :oil loth- s ittaniz BOOlil, having wills - mod theirtmianilseturing cl.e- I .t a • partinent, awl added --a new vales rOorgio theicest4b-.1 lishinent, are,now .prepareil . to surntr Bookt.rll6's cOd ' Country. Merchantsmith every variety of ;looks, 'Blank ] ks and Stationery, on - the most;' I'avorohl4 ternisl. .ir stock .if Itlault Hooks, all of Oeir own Manufae, ,convisie of all, the various SittP Allli styles of 4c.. 1 . Bonk, ~ li etn ,".. n d un i i ,, p ai , s urs o k s , 'Writing. Ci- ' • Exercise, Time, Itoll :WO Drawing Books ! ' "lanky, ikci .Diaries fairlk4l, a great vizi- , I: • . :. • . t -1 - . 7 department:of Oteiature, snitaltle6ir j sies.. Colleges. Sunday - Schools' Public staudar4 ssi , rks . irs prose sn4ti other.books iri disc bindings for he, Books of 'every ;description. ltitiit4,l A4l. in On Ole';varieties.. ; .Plain . faOry, Sratftdiy. the case at Ilan ; . awl;.. tirhileli. A nu.l Private., etzy. .4.nnuah IP)'.ll,llyfz, Ju wen. 'Prayer and Hymn., Ntagli• tte. 1141. Preach and Amr, tttai•tum.t.'l I,uvr•u, price All ut - whleh they will s. kyinwer tha • any .0/ter er. orltirirty•Nlail Alle4 strip fin . lyar Prje''.l ai if the pnreha S t, rl•Jetn our. of Gold .trees MEM 111119 firs 11031ESTIC .OO3;POUD syrxr 6F.111.001;11;00T, -CURE OF . . _ Consumption, Axthm.rt tronclaitht, Itinueuza,T iYhoopiug Cough CV)UP , Dr. Thrpops Infant Preservative and 3lo= - 1i . . flier's Relief ; - ' • ea MP Tlntalirnee. Colic, Gripes, I thirhea. Dyson !ere arid tibolera of Infants, or any of- this common in of infant life. , - • ' • - . . . 1 T $ Worm ' ' ; 1 .) r: Throop Pvison . Expent. Giefie filthy intruder!ni the hionnti - syst rut with , ut.t , vieo.Ptirt or kinds or ininhers. : ; .. - • • I Dr; Throop's Billiorts,li, i 114 .1- , • f.ll3ll.ClttcligtiPtion; Itilli OW diar.r.lerx, Coldyl It 0 . ...1"11e54 (levier:wt. learthttru, Yever. .Inttautruntino, lii.er'oe..l. I),y - senter.o.l - and rc , torei it- beclt try r:ettot. tif - 01l the gialkaiS of . till' IiO 4 Y. • -. • . - . . .. -". j • ~ . I 31111:.Throopil..Eve Water f , ~ Is un‘tirrrooted in en iirtues for my in - tosto... .y . otlertion of the el e . mut . ' - . .; .i.. i Dr. ThreQp•t! S a lv o :. ... ~ .• 5 nunkrpwrottlt for s Arewsing for 'Burns an4l- 4 taliti l yl- Cerr,Salt khevirtii or tiny ehrttpilOn . of the Pkao. ,1 1 igietlis , :tfrtsttes.---netittey . .*. liclut s M introve., M. Ortinger & efl:;10/ 41; It. NI. Sonthitell. Tot h ;.I`. P. tlolitAter.Middletowrt; ILGlidden, Friendoill c: , Scott. Al'. Want: •Sprinzr ate; Di. Lnnibert. Auburn;. •?.. .V. 3, Little.. .tipilf Milford; 1.4: Itrooko Grritt Prod; - Jo- - reph I. .:Aterrirrian. ITtis . onillte; Dr. 3. . -Cain y;;Uttle wadocror; Jo ever Stool ey, Ctineco ut ; I:. Ti Min •Alretc 37nrentreVit. A. Wiltimbi.;(llfford; bra- C. tiosteml.' Donifatf; - Jobor , en k. Frey , tractor...l; D. lieu; ~,Tetif-up., J-.. 8, It LKS•DEL, (general Agent, Forest Lat. .-/ .1y1; Jai:miry I, 1g.'.3 -, i DOCTOR .YOURSELF ''For 25_ coati. -- BY.MEANS OF T.IIP,POCI T. XSCVLAPIL / • VS, or every One his own Physician!, This ,-.......- eitth - -etlition, with upwards of a brindred •%. .engrarinpi, showing- prtrate disease in every - ..-_.- ..shape and farm, aril matforrustiOnsl of the - -:111t- ...dentrative aystetn, ' - - .: 4 . '. • , II y ;Wit rising t wring,: 1 1 1-• D. • 1 I . The time has now arrived that PersOnisufieringlioml sTciwt diseases' need no more pee me the . riciilnX of by the prerriptiotts contained - hi MO bOal s , any:ane roay cure hiassefforit trout hirafinneeil bust ness„ or the knowledge of the xenst inthnat e. friend, and with one-tenth the usual expense, ' In addition, to Mel general r - Jutine a [IAN-ate ahrease, ft fully explains ti,'!; cause of manhood's early derlihe, oith-ohserrations on marriage-71assides =any other, 4crauctinents ;which it would'not be Proper to enntnerat el n the nubile. pri nts 113-Any person senainE TIC ENTY - FIVE CTS 4 ...enelo- ' sea An a letter, sill receive One ropy of this 'tinoit.'ky i ' waif. or fire copies -will be sent for ono-dollar. dire A It: tV.TOUNG;No.IS?. Spruces:rect.; PHI LAIISIMiIt A,: j10 . 4-114td. '. " . i . ;- : ± : .1 , Irr•DR.:Y,OI49 can be 'contin3fed en any of ;theatre . emeg deEcrilred in his different oubileatterak at his Once, in Spyuce ftrelit: every .guy hetit.ects oan S.)o'dork. Sundays excepted-) :' .. - ' " • 1 ZISyl ..' 1, -I - OGICE•01 , A DISCIIIIiiII D I.lYElit. - AND BAD . - I', ..- .. '-.-• - blaTlS TriH. - --. , 1 _ l ' I • ' - . , ~ Corryl of a Leitir fientlll jri e. 1V„ lleas,.. Chemfsi, i Presto! sirtetrfacerpoel - Mitt ..t CA Jane, TSAI. r - I tn' Professor t1e110W43;91 . 7 •.:.-41" , Mtr 1 1 11-IS-and Olot-. tneat.h %To awe & the hitzheft , h,ohr ratchet of Proprie.; I tery Mettleines for tome *-Atti.l •• Ai ruslomet, in . whom •I lean 'eree fee any rag uirie4 ittire}t me to lei you home i the particulars of her retie.; ' She hail been 'troubled foe] [ yea" wither 41:Tittered tietir..4thd had itigeotion- Ou the I • last occasion, however, the: virulence - of 'the attack . wail eoninrming% and the intisapatipn verin so - severely; that 1 doubts were entertained clihile, net - being able to lie r ar up Under, it: fortunately shie•n** induced te try your l'illp end she informs me that ittlei l i the fi rst; and cart...sue ceedinX. dose. she had - greet' elk - She contintted to 'tate them. And. although-Shrift/Rd onlythrei - ito*fts, - she denote in the onjoyment ell:l4ofeet health-. I could bare • ',entice' tnAny more caul*- but the above. 'from th. se , The - i ' s Friend -. - I_,„ - ,,, of the attack, and the hiecity Core,' think; speaks ' . People ` 1 -•f tench in faVoi of your - asidinilthlAt nip, ~. . ... . •• • . T. T. Pond i, if Lhaitt. .N. Y:i Nas h . Destroy . 1: - ' • - - ' .8 : ,f14 2 .t .ll - - ‘ f.it.'W.lllltEUg* " ' .• , .-7 , • ) er ,-- ~. . 1 . , . , A$ EXTRAORDISA.I,tI". ite til? ' nit's° ..11 A•r la - . . . er r anti nfxtt-aV ~ r,strcrct.'. . i . , • . ..-... ~..- ... „. l- - ~ S -; ~. i i .1.:- 'Extract frOrn:the sirrnb tolled Witchluszei,end ' - s r-. ; I'd% IN I' A A :f•T P 3l GN " ) L,ND• Z - 1: p ur ely front that,with the ex ceptipn of IS little Al; I . C'opy gra l'Ae• ins - Mei! i'the 47;)&ar_t Town Cintriei 3obioi to preset* IL. • : -- -. ' I ~: 1 0,174 e lilt Marh, 19-51;k4 MON: - j, Ira:eh: ~'- =, - .-_ Tt will cure all:local vain and lalantutatitin, old Seres,l - diarsarotAreotatienttl inoWert• year% of - nre. „residing ' fresh erettutis aod braises, Pile?. ' 411:14 all-dtseatis of the l nt - New Town,. had been ,ststreritur :trent a violent thew helmets ofa chronic not re„ tooth-aibe, mii-nehronsd an 1 roatie fever for. upwards Ixit -Oslo months, which had en-- , I exact' nt remedy • far f 'los, he. - t '• • • I, .. I,tirely deprived her of the ` n, of her limbs;l amine , this It i truly . at it p ofrsses . to he, TUB. V &OPLIVS i peried.the Ira* nitelef thAt i'lktlf, Of tte , irsnlit eltil elm t wed, ram it.' - Previtionte- has tenni-rid .alerin the rarkedi load men in Hobart Toiro.fori k t by than her. eatteltrai e o,...: paths life rsiiny tbi Mit estattitmat great:lv to - the i sidered hopeletra:.. -.A. 'Mehl ;Tiled- utima her. 40 try -coed' and hattphtesi, (every hodY• hence, their vein illetioway:s PHIS,. which she oconts tedie .tin r and Ia . an' value ant veil Islay' th he tallest "lFrienda *tithe P 0, 0 74 incredrble short 'ilet Of OM - Vitt-Y. dfected OperfeCt OW.. 1 0 0 -' -- .- - . , - -„. - , • • 1 cirat - or - A - Pit% Aditd.tifilirfiVESS it,'Tillr 0f17',3" : ' - r' 1 . On wnrd Isere to gultnl against tmpfmtion :-:Altten by r ICS 41 4 111 it'll OF frAtitntre 84 t -taus Or AGE ''''. the eof Spew:ex has manufactured and .O ff eredfot - A - . _. -, - _ - ~ , fete a spnriefts article caned lise!"Cogyil Extract"—dhat From Ms sr.* Thew st *iiaProjiiiitqr.i ifike lqi)!,n 411- l owa be extract from the iiiszelLtsut. 7 .-thegennine 4as - vertillei., 'Who ore r e tt eltrt;Me..ranolaiag..r - sfateakals-÷ 1 white ant Flare a water, white the spruieui article la col- - Attgrist2.l-Al5l. _ • -' •:- •,:•••.;'''' . , - ••• I. • ' -,• - , ,:: °red; which enebtes the public to distinguish.] , ' To rirefossor it 01101 ray7401. 4 4 .‘ extre id hear -tied" ' ISonegvnulue but th a "alsxW'rarlii . $ i' ll o. I ?eitti'lit- i monsto thegood etfeetshf,Hellowa !sr- Plile: - .Far . so me ' i WILLI,O4 AC .'ll.-SIT and eture7keopersi o ars r. suffered severe 4 fretti , i - oath and tightnese in ' sad laedivili , oo4.ri) aeneiglit;l4Zellt• 'l l ' - . - I the tonmetvinhieb Thsijui - - I lib '- '-'' wan nerdenpan t. y ..n .'host. • - - ''.. here i n I breath, that ma front walking about: i ' • - 're - "' .' - at It- -- LP .l I..am St yeareof *noosed uhreit'hetaiiiiink . rity.adeaded , [ . tippitepar, na, t'4;k . , tht elign, 1 fi v .1.,, w , ante: these Vila hairs se - , relieved sne..that: , .t ein ' =ll‘relii Eric ' - 'ilt• de Dr!), •Gi; 9 614 : n ". , . n ess•l d tti f ei ! '"r 411"a h at t - i i llar " htl airt i lited e- ' inid .hvib ie ld ' rraLa 4l at r icola *le t - , I fekttalt k_tektErr hive venelved , ' an 4 - 'are:rtdie paritivelyeetiee; and nth tirt+.exeriAsi.. withent licork4' ', ' • reeetvirita large and extensive - Adak alley gob& 1 venienee or palm. 'which l' had - trot do hifetw. -. , „., a tiCa*peto, - *eleeted..edth, the`, greatest ouzel trunk the , :rE9idtett) liVili'Y .0, I . ,r o : ll . l igt-; l 4tut. Nollttt:- '- -: ,JhroterricearkePs o having been tion4ht roreadi Orel unive-litioNDE arra, -it i sail' I . - rlobtoivices - .194.1.5' rk , I iy;witlwitoid at -Tom which defy ' all competition. and t. --. • - - . -•- •:. f- , Pt'' , • __ - , .:f - • -.... 1 ....., 1 anspeesoidfraut linegnobiinna oonntY and T idally , will ' ''• • - - ' . cAS gl° 4 :IR°N , - 1- - ''-: 1 -1: --`....- ;;.7. 1 Sadie ialareidg film I •Stezt Per ioUt:' tO o ,o ' I lair , a call Peeediutinalferingid - nrii . 'ilntsi i either - ribeiti the tntif -; asulessanine a Mock of goodsthat, .ulll_,nientarezienti-• 'artireireirt'i4ber.tizeil4: honla 4niineaiiiety hare . re • ..' nation, ..' -• •-• • _.... _:. .., . , , ' 1,1 -,-.., -• • . c o ! srse totheselnile, eehtmileeds of Peekidente , annual- : - OnteiddhdiDoiell GoOtu t•titidituitt PurtOttult Medi ly euriel, - hy„ theiruse, , gt hie . 4iretat' nein - plaint hitter ginsa, , ,Biaamide,Vhingestde4 Striped stiff" - Plain, -. do. 44-- different *taxes, when NM . ihereneannhad railed. .••••:----•- "'. DlPkiikell 0 41 9 6 0 11 "; / 14T1101 : 41 / 5 131/ICllBn4 • At n ed " , TA; aie eilibriitett kitis'-WIO ' ' iill *- -4 1 -,:iisii - -• tutu ilttighasee„ Poplins, Bareges; - Lintrfrore Idetnle., , - - - , - • . t ... n __ , t a rsi ....• , y •-- . • .:' - .." iralicblaidAninliitt Pthitil&A.; 4k.&;atao a traia: etri.! -- - : --- -‘7. _ .., „...., 1 ~,: . 2 - - . -- . 2 . , stir . o r- a-': ' '-'3 ---.-'.. ,---s ,-,'.1 ---,-• ..• ~.- •;- , i ::- -..-• i -i . 'Agnei detbm,e ; BilifF , Oinpialnts. - Blotches' cur.rite, --- :--,..-: • -,. ~---,:- z .',..4h,iguil,e; ~. . , 7, 1 , . ~... r '- I. .j . ! Skin; ilderetOrkinpieln lotres.thitojvithiilrof thinn t ... --' ehie : Vonsturaptlin - 1) , p_ ;T• Dievnieryill'ipipithitt ‘, Itri4. _,,,hellgA • ttii 4 ttud tottuill i tllt' s nk' fr o ni _P.,._.t ° 1 0; ntalereidinbiriiii4;l7o i.laitiLisqvuoi,ooisf;iioa4 __,. _ kglg , - : ..P.lehr.:dadir. , DJeefeteitt dg:;. neheanliannition,'"iiild Abief• OhniiibilsitiAnnibt:: 11140,11111 " II F ,e fi All ' * °*-- " - ' -.---- I. - ''. -.:,- SeiPtl*lthinnistiein', 4l t tontiore'of V4tto;Seritilli;.ek . :, , :,-;.!..,-7,' ftrettredatirifitine aid - 04.- iliaiirekOiy', - - - Sija;:orpouri iitu„4 ii, .. r iii . oisiiiiii . ..e , 4*iiiaciat„t.i.4, andi ' ll- UP9-utittit'uxTu r it . IV l P * r!i'.'fitti' * tr'Ar*Fttl'Ot - i!ti' - SU - iei• • lerlatte;:-XiniteentY' lean; -.olli : •letin''.Yritiior k li t ".W.• , ".l i tt*l'Vh - , i. • i i i i4 l / 11& !; -' 414!Inglakifi' 'Unit; and &AOKl:variety' of goo*/ -r.so4 beti_4oo. l *.....l'llt,. l *.iqoys , : , ,Xol!Tioi - !'"' - - tio. . s. - - , --..b ..-.,-,7:-.:T•-• _ time,- -,,,., C i iii i ni.t. , - ,-: te crxx/4.7.-, 1 ., ,-,,...-„,,,, ''' 4- ',llhi tip "91" %old' !liar — pad Jateonet 6 3 1d "pert °r 91 74 0 sa • fitreudiduit• MOW' SCP* 4 PWP1114"! lejialf4=or4sl)seulig. o§4 ' **at or 11 ' ) ""itid niihni-thign Ilaiiii - 1 elm 14 2i. 41 ** 24!1`. u oigliPtaver/' ,l "' '" 114-.A#fit#J,l"layr u m ," '• -2, 1-- ' '', ''. t.no - ef -- 1 -.".,.._. 4, - 'Al e ..e.'"'7''' 11 iiii i ii i :i4 rt '± i i, Una 'OM AnuAra w.3.,. ..._ aa.. .... A .-Ell --: - as,. , 1 1 , - •:-.:,/,,,, • ,- Colaterilr*Tr.,.. # , : ' F7' f.-• - ..!...• I,- - - Varliellre: , - - ;-.:- r , ....._„,,,...„, ...,^v . ::, . ,0 4 0, 6 1 .0.1 i i i gsk i t to i .si am m, kJ= - MO* 444'Ll' twAZ• ' - 11. - .- WO ei 41 0 10k- '' . g A ____" . -- - piptidiktiligot _ wur , Pcgp.q.kftl!' . 441 4 644 4 4 1,:. 1 k- 108 4., ,i ;..1..` '- 1,147,1 • ~ L'el - ,,, !..-t. •, ' 2 '..:,-..A.szt- 41.,ar N...g.1 , /';''' +,4 -,,,,-.. 1. ~,,: - IYAkilritillPiiiibot`riaililitaimilik*tae . taissfi ' iM 1 1 1 . 9 ri..tr, i i i t i rr e v o , i t , t ,"o4, ' ' 4 4 4l ,poimdkife lootbiioln10:110 1 0 . 1 1 k Iriti t* 1: 116 entire , Wad urge ;fa'. 1 . is. '; Dud tTason I t fly. Pilfsi t - Mar there. , ..1-'l l . •: • I v • lari -;... oiit Their power °Ter , the above dissmsoe is not excelled, if +. 1 ,." 5 -." -Y e i t " l r Srer° Obt ty, ?ream ty, 6 rue.), equalled, hg any other prep:truth:in tit the !United 'States --nReS*ll . 1w 4 * t ? e i tir " t i; r ". l ' 33t ,'? , ' .191nta r - feu. ' I-eau:3°4 ..tistho cures attest ;in many:eitales: ittter'sklifut phyla- • b Y \Tualt "`" 3 ; , ' 43 ° , - 1.1 / t uf: and - Oreat' aTuPtalhlel :int , ' 0 Ids,oou Its ; Sallaa,tionsenziption,Stc.,also, Dropsy," clans had failed. . • - --i j L.' . - . These hitters are worthy „the tee Lion of InValhis.-- 1 - '. . ' '-- ' ---•7- -'. r : -' , I -, ~ 1 PCYAMIStang pint Virillti4 in the ikettieatiiin of illiMases . fl aring ade; are of thefiCompound Firojil Of 'Yellin, i , or the Liver and lesser glanit4.--ekereiOng the 'lnosti Deck, Root prepared by '.:Stoma 4 tc . Le.:. either, ottr, , i, searching power in weakness and ogee t len se of . " the dl-laelVea.ord one. frimilles, and finding It Alibi - nit very Sal-. 1 gestiv , e organs, tlio*tre withal i sitre,'.eertain, and 'pleas- wary and treettuttpcuparatlOn, we-4o most I:Cheerfully I tint. " . re c com , il m oti en r .e it i tzt . i . ni t i a. p 4 u 4 h ie ti;'asi Nat a in v n 7 ii yi n va a i n u k a i bl r e;m ov ,st ia ll en ein c9 %.l I- - ' Bead arid be atinaineid.- • - ~. tr. I ; 4.: t , Spencer. Esq., Calbler Litite itoek.tranli :do- i . , The Tillie or ef-Ldr nnAtikri. Bee arid ' December .42a., • do dol EH A Villain .Ptilllipa, Itey J .11 tuelmuna; CS i 1 Dr. Pixe..t.,14'.5 C.' lebratelGimisanll3ll:4es, fa'' , theenre, Jones,ledl. Proriden 4 e Gen. Atirt'.; Wl:uric/rd. U. ::W. er.i„ • of 'Liver Coluplaint Jauttdiee,l, Dyipepalni,'Chroule, Or tl '-'SI. Cyr s Fisher, hi ETI ._P . James Ilueeltinson,:if El NiervOns dehlthey, I Aclitn•yedli, One iioi tlin MOSt popular Pea.. V „I• ate6,,`,Deet lien; -061 by, and one hundred;Sl tuvlicin'cior. the 11 . • These Ailt-tetis have been nsedby . ers of the ' nit relieetalAeramillek.or Previdenee- ' ' thousands. and Al t tend at our elb4s v . aaya he has.hita- Thlweer itievtlukt I have for a number Ofixearti been aelfreeeived an eft •••••t nal 'and nermantmt•Cure of laver. nrquaintr Twith tia i -cm O P O4O4, and nut4e of ul'lntlilic" ! C011%01111 . 4 from et e use of this, Ousel* '. We ere ien.l tore:of 111(frae!a thimpound Ityyttp. ,of Yellow pooh -Root .; $ iineed that, In the use of these bitters. the patient eon- I have at eti been acquainted with its,mottus'.'operandi in , staidly rains stren .I 1 and .I; igurt-ti !net Worthy of great dismal , " tupilean say teat Inuit resoecti- it -la -admirably . I coosideration. Tlt 4. are plenalott 10 test ,- and antell,nrid:'ealettlated to remeily,that-eleis of Diseases for Which - it I ran be,n , ed liv p nos ticith ttieiratutt•dellente stomach,; wax dialgt ed. Tt •In esheetally.-valuabfe in :lagligestiini 'with safety under , ny eirmainedmiet4s: It le are speaking' .and 'ill it, attendant. avnipt 00111 - . It eitiiini to bealtGyac 7 I front etnerietme, a , 11 to the attlieted weladviie•theirt;Pti itnntliP Lir . er. renioves• Torpor. and itmetiiitY,-0 this ' . Prott's 'Weekly. 'ne of- the bestAtteriry papers Pub t organ; an !stimulates hsal tie' . ertion in. all - thti sYstellt- - ii s h,4 o l,l4 . :An.g" ' 2 5- th_i If .;.-- , ' +Ns si'llep rti.tor Or purifier' of the nb•ind It hams no nitpezr I ! ' ,!!! • . rlor. - -•• I . DATIDILIOLMES;3I D ' ... • 4 , Dr. Ifocsfiand'.. airman ,/igtor,y, nitinufArturk by p rov i,i. ef 1111.'32-t 41'33 ' ' I It;. .rietzson. are • now rerosonfenOed by-:4sortio of the 1 11/0:4 jitinninhni,memberß Or t i be, inedlonlfacialty an nit ferl` Pe pored by 0. N,lomit se Co: : No. 4in liroittswny t article of t rait t. efficsey in, maely or rohoolit Weriktp.ss , , ...:/,,, .N.Y.'.air sou by Ernattists andothera throughout this and tithe ennittries - . i c Steil IP the ease, wit would nrivis/' alt inatherx to ob.tain a m . 5.,, en " 4 in ,i nnt i o ' so 'sb' y . bottle, and Om. l‘ove.theinreles 'tint* Siekriesiti Per. sons of-debilitated 1 eaustitutiontr wilt find these Bitters. • • (3611) ' - advantageous to their health.. as *e.know from expi‘ri- ' ----- i•etkee the salutary effeet they tiaY, nponi weak sySteens.!' 1 • . ' - ' .More ' Etft ertce.: .. - 1 -The 111italietpMa Satitriny 4 Onaatte,,the best faintly 1, paper pkthilahetl in the'Uniteilfitafea, says of Er.-lioof 7 1 land's German.llitters • 4• -,: i; • - i _ ~ 4 "It is subunit that we reetientahnd stliat are termed I , Patent NI r-Lleines. to the exiciffilrifee and patrona.,•-e of ,1 !cur irriders. and therefore ..i.thPls, IC(• 2 rectunnientl Dr..' ' 11 orifiand's Geemrin /Otters, vce weird to be dikitietly un- deneoral that tee am Oct 41.enkinp,nf thi•neatrutteo of the i, day, that are nefaed about I ti sr Whrlef.pr7iod and then !. fotztitt en after, they linen rilil their gtility' met: of - ntla,- I i el tief,toit'of a inn ifeine longi estatdiatekl, universally n riL ' 4 121-4 , yrdstill which• bastitet the liattiappriew al of the : ifaculty . it.elf.` •., •-. • .••• '' ' il Look tee/Ito :Az vt a rks ofth . .f 4-Mit init. They have the I Wriiii.n.`iignature ore. 31. JA4KtiON iir:on t Ire 14 1'1.11. 0 r nn•l bie natue blOwnin the Bottle, , iiithont tirlich ttie 1t 4 At-.l.rioas,. .. . --; i " i .Vorii.l,., wholesalp and retail,tat the CCrnifin .314 i• 1 , ille xion, Np. 1? Arch'stretl,tie doer below 'll tat h.' 1 l'idladelphitt.,and ft). re;peetabte . ettlefs gerti•rittly thro' nut -! ut the coontry. i• • 1 -i!, i • ' - 1. • Prir'eA re1',,,t71 - 7 2 E0 ennhie Alketitaieit of invalids. te 446 . j0y the n• 1 tlyn tfice.F iir . their great ir.q. - teratire powers. IStNG Le 114.,171.7 75 CENTS,'i f ; • , - .i .44,1• in for sale by ABEL T-Glt It til;T..lirnggi st ,:klen t re , NP Porno's. - • • c• - ', r-. : •. • By-1 _______ . . . -- - i l' . prirroi.averiming praba lahrrrat id Lffr.elfr • and tiTritn:ptly,.and at . Trirfiresetrt. vark. 271a6 TIM } r...: 4 01•1 by alt 9ruzgists ;41 a Dealers..lit M6dicitieli.•:— prie.....Si per hottle:— -. 4,1, •.. -..- '' -.. j. frt. , For We by ilif,T. Ttl r it X LL, lAti=iiti.Montici. le, PA....crimikv.:..l n..-14 rets.it i.P . 44!" t. , . ''. Y. Ayi.. ~.TOE ito.4D' TICI It g,liC i r3:l : -2, . till'ili.it . %. 1 'ff- I W.' • -- e: ft -1. ,, hviTl , P - %.1 4 ----' .i.,"..we',.2i;aNii ..4iNag.... '44 ii, 441,ii#,;44i • A 1 5 t i aili a l l * S l aPPttl i ti -140- 0 717, 441* - 141 ts 111.01hilinfibrefki 411/114 )1e41.6141* - nuinigisoad,Attil orittentab. tie, ih,, ;12f that. the United Stake, In Box- i ge.,,f7,,e , 404 . 11V ~ , 'eeelik. - 1-"; Viitteeeth 01 thei orlosipet Deer 1411 _fe + l . e •U Mon Eix.xlMessri. 4011. la i li iiiiiltifidsiwww , . 411,41ifIfe:1/.1.1D RAW, I likettell et,P , t . ..?c r= IA - ... , .. ~.:- v. - or, 1.• =mew lea , 'loll,*.eftrii4lt',ll/1454.1-741: _ 14',It.is 444 sll4 l 4tiniel cotp,thi r ilaji iiii* Alla i t - ttedef!let "Axed yi ~- / Hteleso 3s 4`- ' ' ' 1 t 14 1 11.t • ''" - ..'- - :t.„%. A .-..,,i-.1-11:tetiR. ''' 4 " --. . ' i ' d.- - • .., - ' ' .7' , , -NE W U l ekWIRIAlk .. l •'. ll - 1 - I — r*.til -g" YitlT, i i - LCON;r 4 -efrq 1. 1 -4.CatfAio44:', l . ' " 11 11: '.ri. e ." 413- 1 , , thoy- wilt be said t r ig .Or 44144. 7:pip ~.1 , I' 'K , 41" - ` IitiATIWOTSOPr pi Mks ! : ,'-'- --- i'l - 7 - 7-7 - ors 4 " 1 " 47 5 / 1 14 . .. 4 • ` I, C 1 4 ?:-. 14.141 # l 4 ' ,.. i - 1° '-U a l i f or tr i i.,, diedo ~......._,:).„:1_,,,„,ti4.izii,,t,,,-e---ag.„x‘-:.-„.-ti,„„iiiii. rin MY 10411111‘forfoit, Pr,linnter will forfeit iksO Iffail im; t cnre an7,*e.ise ofsectet disestite tlnit way eome under hl raire;no mrtter hoW bang attndin; r fillet hig. Either se - are. Invited to •his private - itonan!s; 38 North' ISeventh- t- Phila. withuot fear of interruption froth' atla•-• I orpatie s. tranzerts and, .otherifirlio. hive been' ito.. forturitit in RI - . ii .se . leetion of s. fhysielaikaresinyited Co' t rail:. -'• . 7.' . : . •... ' ' - -.. ' ; r . ' ..': . , . 1 11l PO RNTIT- 7 Throinit nrirrstrained InilitiOnee. Oil:, - I n i the pass ns , liTeseess or self-attwo. thetellft are nutita.; I .: IIItGEQ,II TAUS. i iin ure impotency, involuntary. seminal dis.- 4. Sjtate4 NT charctift asting of the onati‘.l4As of rnettarr. a i'lle.tat --:]': I.foi.fiuri e . gocitl.y:gerioril debility. 4 . eohatituitOnal de- -;,...,.---, I ranzmillioire Kure tolftilloot- If neoemirycon . ttlt the, , :,...,: i, 'meter th 0 01fi. , Iente; he offers n ?erfeet:e . uria.-,,, , .. :,-. , , ... RE-A 'AN . M1:V.1.:Q . 1 1' ,--Tlfe a ffl icted we ultl.do'nellto. ,TIEA.TiKk. ; rvfiret .for tru.ting their hooltls,.haPpltles%*etul In ma.. - 11 7 , .. etY, t!. [-ny oar Ahei Ifies,iu the 'haitit4 of phygiciatip ,i'mannat '— ,2 1 of tins e ii. 0.4 f nalladils. It la eertainli.ittrpimaible for r ' ':-.. s' -,.... 4 ,1 tine ma* tottodergeand all the ill* the uniaci Otmihr are ' L . aWPattia Etrethll4. - - . ti'.. 113:31:i., TLEY land I.,:•P; - }TPCIT WRY . attea . d, tit 'ail 1 nilijeett*..._tivr.ryrestleetanhie. physic'. his hts-pectiliar i . : bnibress entr itli toithele certi, under the tint% blAlltil.ln which Go IS MiliPfiUCCollftii than his bro ... met.% i n a it y lii ro t ~, . ' ... t 5.. .":, 4 “ . BNTLXV.k fireno profesnt:re, and' tp that he deyott.s.nto! of histinte and . - :Montrolsia, -Ap,rii-: , 1.Vai., 1 - :". ' • , I"P.A qt . )? Pil.AellCP.. exclusive y dove) ci, to Ahe ',.. studya <I trm intent or 4liierses of the . kuntinian.4,..fo- '' C ) i erthet , ith uteri& niacin the bod.r: th ' i.t:nosS. or leg% .ATTIVI2b' pisins I the li , ml..tr hone., me:parka lv.,:innatim;itrit- fast recel , turps.:vel,irre;rularitles, di4enaes a ' ' e'_ ,tram . Yol4ll- . e ln eces , fulexe c tr , or impurities of the ' blood. ' teroirt the - tow , .-- , ,;.. - .... gt„it ad has henonte enfeoble , l, elial-t'S rite docto r In te D:120.- : - -•.4e•ly relief to. ail who may place the *case yes under ate inrsyl.r.l.ell;ir ttny pp.rtorth • n•i terkttallars . pq paf..k..!tge .-, Crockery a -. t L ou .. ."- .. - 11 . ...... i I 1113 - Farms La ore, -...:.. t i„,,,,,„„ * . 4 „, pre i „,„.,,,,,,„, incitet he .p.VAIe. I:nor:city t• o , ( 4.itt . 1 lIC hL.. varied 4nt ' exrtenAivenc. . !In - 4f Inlatiff.grliitql 'Otis an. - exc.! sire; den.lx.r)" he. if ni ti. otter yeay:o , -r. . '•• - • -• . ' ~•' ... 1 - ••••••;:-.'- , -,-'- . Chinar:._ , ... , 1: , ting of Gobi Ramp, decorated a n dd; Plitirii Dinner '\ .yettr. Fru4 Diskets *4., ...• ;:' -.:', • , ,-, : - !"i Steno -Chin -. ::;'.- •,-, ,-...:..., ~ Inner ;and Ten Sottr; Ti'rtu tad. pd plaltitnittor!ed *, or by the giniic piece;-alsi,' r.tlet - k nr beaytt!.! . leg of Tottet.Ware:' '- '' ~:. 1 - . - -,.: Jr Looking_ GlassoB.-:"..--.,-... , t ny. Gilt andthrtatnental_fianicd:.4l - eg froth i .. t o 3r3 ; a;lso...iNlar4:e Slabs:and Iteneektf."... . .. ..: • • -." :2 :- Glas- - Wati3:- , • ' _-,i `• . . ,. -awl:: prose-ed Ctibly!cts..•neiners,' Tnttitil.ene, 'pri 7 :ll-onli , ontoot, Coed Butte4i....G bibes) Can . .0. • - o as - okoeping,}Tardwarp.:' i., - .-:. , l' - lutd, pae. ket •Cn Very - , spoona.,TA litzirtlSeskit+ti ens:Enamcied 13:cftlec Hat ttsieri, Kefrifieratnri, .t - 'ooirrif..Tne ('ream Prelizersti-fen.', -. r.' '. -- 1-. ...:',.., 1 .• i - oodemands.'Willow.-Waia;.;. - ,..:,,1 lora.. (1.1”,. vra_on .1. . u th,kin g Stor m s, . gradrei 1 Pails; TnliA; Wile , . P'nsidFis; pasketii i *l;acking, ' I4 :E S. ,',.t. ton! Cbrse. .. •- . ~a ' - ' i ,:".I.' i Window- 41kIia(1.6E0 - ..-: -flings . . au.l OM :PON 4/V l . .. - 1 1 /eS . 21. ; ;; 4 1 iiIIII!..;: wt' 4,,.ittui. St ainPonli in va,riety..... : .: ',-:':, I' , )ali7:i+Sdl:l;7.at.o.., ..1.., ..: iir.,4 . 01.1roolTtibR,S14" : i t! jitiiimilro,L,- . andt.44 'artielni_nittircifffeture4 I* it' ) tl - Ta. :.• • • • • Arge9tirie Ware. .! .. • t 7 O- 1 4 1, rs:,:tsisto'rs, dual); 4 •• na grtmliti, • • :••• r/fdeS. llo s Willow, irenv t kladattr Piils;44llli. I VS. It r. 6 ' • • etuiti coo\ in; 00.8,,,v, .e. • • '.' - Brit - an . .id hrb, *And 'Oa urn.:.. , - Jkitputz,littelver.... t.• ........ , :...5..,;.-,4M11- 411 4. itir . serr.atiet*:!tyie. prlee . • ... :. 7 / 4 0 tritha ; Pf*C.V - iviletiiix Or 41?liwilltlatt;',W00,1; , ,eofattte. TapicStii;rariiiii as net Basket.: ' " ' '.. ' • ' .' • ,I ' Plgred Tircre. --: • Me trel re:cep atnis.,Table Deoseet'iiatt ester Fork‘ FL knlye.t; Situp And Sauce t4alesi .Ow ra, _Swat: Ja.l.Trityp. V* *n.l C.ftee Settle., ~:". : _ ;‘ .t (InTes,Tabie 'rim! ?Liar Mitii; 2ll nathaa . ..4 ' eeery: rlsitliia; I a taat. al aloft *ref T:iittito.-.11.:thii..1 sql6f curnMinit. both iisefUlmnit. netii iiibatiiii • " ~: — 'al at ths'exteative eatblibnes.t. , .”•: : i : t I..wigBlf: Tilt r5u. , .. , lean:lloieLy.", ' - : ' - • • 153. t • . II - - '4 lentit nit t4e .(me ogbtteiton t iutle Bth ' it, ia•Plitlit lie vy, liit.4 l w t- enpoc Olt*, the tii will fully 'snit in theit* have hereolnre common 'TiOlekes.poystrar offerer! . 4 1 1 ;4 8 . 11 3 . ist a . i:g l i i i i i i l lB e : iiii ) , Le p i i l l tlii c :4lt P " 7 ll : erli(lN P ic al , ::.° l s7 , : :Vt s hefT w idrini „ . . l i airfre-:4itia i liV o i tilv ß : h atet°- . lt . e l A i l 'ilt : Erhehr : Y in o on i emig r i P tig:ln t if , e‘:: v nLih i ;qle T ° ri 'vP-;:l"1" 0 :4:.'1 1 i litiativl Inakeel.iih G 4 . 1 1 1 ." 1 4 . 411* which hich 1 ll be Waiii-lialier lOTA ii icillt'p.fittitilliihd ilikirl Itelititrgis , e-isttlisfac hon. 7 ..'" - 42 .7 1: 4 , 7 ' i . 7 . .: '7 •-..: .: , '• . , .2 , ALVIIED . 4 EVAni` N ...' ..,.....- ....,. , zl. Z.: 7 '2 , -..t • t ..'Cba 20dd P 1 40,11'411111 '. . '' ETCri oginaten, jur , e 23 2 1 8 33 - • '',' ' i ' :',:: . A' - ditiii CLOCKS' :CLOCKS!! - '. - -1 , ---• 7 °. 11 . 1 .. ' 1 .it tall ; ossoitniiitst.:::_sf.gaieksittel Tice ilre4 'ft - it : fiiiNi. t o. mono fastary,l3 As,' kisif.3o,hour, Alarm an Rote Atttei p 4t ain,Allanne ',and Pa rlci4 . 401 . i:dons Willem* It -, it**, Tr th a l . t p ices by ~... -, ,-: I -- : f•!::,7 - ',.›.-:4:1.' • Ey4NS.-:.., qactl e b s lr y y 1 SILVER vAka , ..- ..t ' l' doe,thet. A. tiirEis lot of Silver F rkos Spoons Kniiilliamo aWPored qups,_Napkin Rings. and: eireoy article irt..,:ita .t - ' late for vale. viarrauted iii goods', Coin. :, En. Told. ‘retved gratis by - - A. - .T..EV ., .A.N5 . . , ' " V a :a . ttinghainton, Yana 23,2953 ,;` : (Alter A Card.: .• D. Virgil. .Derktirt,‘ may -ht •cound at bts Sof. • Avis la, Rag, Tirl/cone , through asolt:tmg. 2 l• 4 ll v at.ourbtriittapyr . lll be'ready brit bop ea mit to • 8 4o.iii.t•fari. bo a l business 1a Liu libs Maxtragalltit ' 40844i:et: - : TIRO . :Tittiii‘4344ll)t'ilillt::-.1 i ;mat ' 4,1 - air - In - ft Utg io liltiti pia:aids " • Itnion,.11401)! , I • -". ' a * f oal - 64,4g 4ite 4.Milels. aro- _ . - .. eittrfin Ilirt 7. atilde"Plirfriitiv . d e ... 111. at) boot p01:11.:018( 19 Vl4 ' . an ezior*iiiperile"""" goabl it battota.ll7awel. ~. ~,„, /owl, diver Garet from 100. 'fatekCisiiiir, *Wax 91110 A (tom 612. ijclisontel lyotibti hßellawrita oTtiyi fam - iiiad sseoliiis iii A ma tdor tiol44losic'hitistlbg`tiges.l4lYr . lids tit, i., ATI of w ‘ tildittalre bsrd gala .•, ° i t~ilAtil trkisiqthiiimail ki .11*i - la ginelat;iirmilyirt4fr ;4 ,1 . 4- 44:147.4 : . . *KA ' b71 :04411 11 > • 4 bauble -41iiiii4iisi*Ili' noiZ - , li r -•- '. [ ,:.,11VS ss -, 044 - 108;' .- .. ; ..--: - :: -- 'f'- -- --z:-------•------ -" :, ,BRY , .-liOuSE,' - reat, - .11 d 'DePot, -Pa. thilSOM• 11' Yit ,-.. .A , NT,. -PirruitTon j- ithiglattnit - „ 4 40nume = 11FAC3:4it alarble Ix .L• - 5- , , Geo go - roller; ''• 1 ...- 0: - .TN-11 0 ,fte y . Ans Olothistg, att. a l . ' ' ' l4 ' 'id -- A Inoots 13,44e5; &a: Store !wq:do9ribelarii. Itet t .11, it,rose. : .-::-- L D E fi t i L pf, usteteoff, CthAVL G aufiding, Alt , or to S; Z riVinehesteti ATTOILtiFIY, A" 'Tsinkhannigif,Fil Office /a tirk'l Brie Sow.: . • A.I4D,UX4T t. Veler's* . _ TIAN GE STAtt.E. °meet 4.iborr ~.t el.:Aivitro..! e , ra. ; - . ' . .- - ii '' ----.. ... ---- ''"7 -- -----., . 1' .. ~-.. :• :-. .E,11;i - S B; Chase, , , - • . * - .. , i c V.TTORNXY B 4"./ . . 1 4. 1 V, Arantioic Paicir oilltli:: 471. ter's , stice. -.,. -, -.' ff. B.: qvAse: -13.1.1.eiticr..;-- T VEI / .iLa bet( - L - C• 0, Simmons, 4001.ANiositg.EtttAxER Imo useAntxß. shop • oi . er Baldwin 4. 1 does Saddlery . SApp', Montrose. .: PR 1r tati y rsi AfiorNbiloire =. Quito olD6e. Od Vellos is'.7ll,tdliting. corner, tit.Turtipike...and. Chettuit. eitreets.. :Otieratioti,inpein•the c teeth perfornied tbe omit Inate'Worlt done'with tbe.brid inisterial a:ndii the lioet improiredetyleti.::. Chttrgee low. ~.., 1 4tS ' "tL ' ''i Utt. ' li Ear 'lx . • - :. ..: ~. • i;. , ..„:., , . • i-..:... . . CC 'lob Wciekts -- ---- : , _ . . _..... -...,-. ~...., ,kitil..E,ltitrite4 i nd Tr4nic irsntqaetnitrr*,42F it . 1 . his cict*li.cug aft iod; s' ttb. of .the elm... o n Vreet i zdiiii?trse,pLl- ......: i i :Cipeks , - Clocks.: - -- - - '.- A...ii ; OlitE2.-t - ai.il Othrifi'be..auttral afar' day: . ri:a lug! reariri4.l.l alaciZywa or Alarm and 30. oar TlAle;Pieces..ithielii,vril4lmAold'aarMail rill law, y , .. ~- •' ' r.. :; •-% .1 . ' A r i EVA 8., ' ' ...:1.:]..,„ . .-',-... .--- ij.. lip. 2 odoqell9wen rt.; ' states,-: _ large stock ofpftve* itarit ,hand. (ronanted good ors Coin) eurbroting every odttcle in •-b4 lino. (gg ttrgiring - grlitiso by - ' i -A. J. "EVANS. The XontroseiTa'loring - Est t;_ * t.„ 2' REYYOI4I: I , i: . 41411 able Tailors," ono doim 1 week Of Al: S. Wiksou' i n et , really nt latt Omen to piekte aw.puttara-atiniter, Cho tnoteand comfort' qt thoit, abn Ira cfottter4 La i est Faolikno tegnbuir roctbritt, rind ota tIICS obeitriorti hen veva-coed. . . , - . .. . .., .. ' -- ' torsi 1. ' 'ea 11' 'Ottle of Intertes, Non. rAFFICE• etly ocoup _ .„.... • ki,Asoin; Sumiuob l 9 3 P 2 r.‘ ollll tYir . ,... -.' ' -' .. I - it:Atm n. Lii- Lza -D - . ''';', :.. - '',' t'' inti.)). Cunt. " - .1 . .'.. --- 77. 7 77., •,, - 2 . ,:', ~ S'.?: CRARg -- "-- ' '. . i , ..' . TTORN , • Y and: Cilitiiireitor - aL • Law, turf; ~. -L - ~ - - ' Vi - a I d'. •r t . CilituniOs iinkr , or Doi+, fo r .l 1 cp,n n_i_ an . . .I.ly VtipOiate - thil " LOA . ' i;iiia; .. 'i 1 o..ffi : l iree . - • ` .'l' '• If uoit 6 "-Ciiii Bella' Pa. =- -1 , , . ',: 'I (ICJ': ...1 .00 • g ~ , . •-, - --::.,, '. - dot li..' . BOvier - r i l i bRALBitS. 14 arblo naments,Tikbloijom 0 0, 4 . . •ke.-'Corixer - Or Clocitfanii•:Exebep l ie'at . rOks, op -. ite proonie einontritalkk, I.liighicodt n n; N. 1% , , .. • . I ..,r.J.:11 - .ll' ittney.trilvelllifig o_ifortt4':--,.:. - . . . ipillei:.• nd 111h11 • e s, , . ...-i - i::t••••••,Ititislot:•Sitle:7::.,•, 1 1: - • ,... ': , :i!:-: .Ti • .!....ea* faits:- tiftei......for - silieithgfOl! : • ( : 7 • : 'lrip *Oat ?Oliertite; to wit I'.:oui`c araitia.. • *.. iiir,sti atOrd ,6ialtediting sonte r @iXii r ." . .' .10iiiiti hiriy:': .2ivhichig,finproced, how*, • - t i 1 mita' jlitici,lthereon. -; Said farm ' lies one 1 'and lhalf, tioni the village of llarford,..,ids - - 1 I.is4tili; f . fte;hiontrot,e and Harford Plat2kßsiiir, tlit : iinfiful and desirable locatiou, lifillalf. erect eT. l'i : 1 -- ......' ,' 3 AI" '. Oil 'o her - farm lying l on, the Remold il'uili 'lO 6. 4 . r miles from Laneelioro; and the 3Nz.' ::iiilrlig ; tfik-Railro4l,Containiagaltimt Eighty acre . iiiir.aii:ttor • more of whiph isimproied,witi: it : 'i •i : leatie;•- i lorchard,; &c. r.rhiii::44: - .volitale; Oat; itf land from locittionc-beitifieiitiai nini iiiiiiiidl ...... 1 ' i ; Alicieoe 1 Baild4ig lois 'at the : v . ill . gtof.i . Ailihilii.figii, 01. e New' Yotk:::ikra.iii . :i 1I 1 3 TlijkliCOoirm t ihe meet" thifijlarloaii,i ii-14 . 1. ";111 #::01. 6 +irebo 5k4A.0.44;,1101 Ifo ' M e ed ***: ‘lArk,:l,-t: t'eat!itins , -tiOsiahatik 14 tip inhati• 448,4_itfiimaness friCilifies are utl l rliraled. It oleislith the aboiralots,are. feu t of tbibelf ' khP i PMafY;.behailiatmedittely.eiv'thi ''''''''-' " •- `' -' ". =rarer for u! r *fe 014 04! .ilitiPfilial TIITW.ar! indqcrii.eot IfiniliPittilS4 'tififinetract 1 Thiltliit heady triinl i z ali a abOy sold on term . ers.-Ili ill, lions wiu bt , I and all emit Susg., D tries ILA. RD doOrto:t 0 - Pesti:Apo, lifcrittritst,ti alliGEol.4 Pride's store: . - -1 - rD,17 1 . : DigTl4iY .014.!Oand • • 111 • • •.- c * IT &Park in F anSbnes; Sic , rae., 1831 • :War© =En _., Chase,._, .Z.' , liiii":&ii--f. , '.:.,,l:;iiits:itit.t.E§-'..t:_f-liL*.-;..', zak*;kiltti•that 9 ,elf , 110111•111.01WilliitAit,:ind:iinnd VG-4kt 4413tintalititititationtliati eft& ortii,Pr• a wiz and eareotoser,r*ln 'hits t or,tor ogils mon" 1341161 . 1 in et rpoltros, br ,, 11A1ArihretisX ligegmileeirr tiler ProV noP offend the! worldiseseY, frtaa tk ire. AnicspnitilittOlpairdce, v t rzoivq 41 " 111 " r ( if It:11410*e or pecan ith. < . - L INU:tiesipts for die inn rot the- 061 'sato trn IKa f ifi•Fil gni', tor vireo ty , AT erri leg+ 4;11111 bd forwarded to Rey rnnlt,frai of pnotatirCL Arldrnt Ist Qat*, or Itho Author, 11" r 1 1 0C)@ tY,Tatritsall • OMPV :x 4, ",-24;141k4 - ,1E101 15 :' • .4 1146 :4 41. 4 4 . . • 2r.. : ,All****o4 "tftjt .14c) W 47 4115 - : ,••• 11 44040 . \l eP"'!.!!. • _.A1.)::! . & NlTtLetUllEr.n, duvet* kremlin* le bushel iomtterief alum, nil Above lit* t, walls porehtii• ~mm . diotatie WOLD; • • 23 tr. -:_~,~~' r .<_ { .._
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers