The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, November 03, 1853, Image 3

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    l'EsssilsplA , ss. .
.. . ,
• . - '.ifk - -PROCLAMATION; - -
. - ... .
Lt the name a ad by Ole ' authtmity: of • ihe ' Com
• monwealth of Pennsylvania.- ..., -....
-_- ..,-. 1 ..
----FELLow-CrrtzEns,:--A merciful 'sou uene
ficient PrOvidence has
.blesse&our country au r
iiv the year that his just _ passed. - -.:His ex . ..
bee 'di n g. goodness calls for an earnest. mini -,
• fest:aim'
. of our gratitude as a peole... ..
11 6?
A firm belief !n thekistence. of - •and A
jostoonception-of the perfections ofHisn ure
—of Ills . attributes .of infinite• wisdom and
power—of , His betindlesi. - munifi - cence - .and
terey, lie at.the .foundatiom of true, religion,
and Constitute the-,basis - of that righteousness
that cxalteth a nation. • - I -
- 'An humb - kaclinoWledg,ement of dependenee
on the overruling care of that "God who inedAi
prod' the ocean in the. hoilow of his hand,"
w h os e will. controls the destiny of nations,
. an d
and whit cendescends to feed the fowls orthe
air and-clothe - the Plies olthe &id, is an ad
of horna.rre eminently becoming a PeOple 'so
peculisrl ' y - favored as we have been. - ... .
.The blessings of pence have •digtiu;gniiheC
the closing.year„ .With "the entire-faMily of
States our relations arc amicable, and • give 1
-.priimise.of a bright 'future. Our free . institu,
eons o f goverment
,have lieert perpetuated,
ap3 religaus and political • liberty vvouclisafed
- to t h e p e ople.. The-cause of educition, mor.
' laity, and religion have been. steadily . on the
advance; the sits and'Seien6es have gained'ad
-.ditional per fectiork.and all - - the great interests:
of the people,physical . and moral, have flour-.
isbi d.
In . our Commonwealth, . the .rnerciful care
4nd boundless goodness of - Providence,. - have
.been most Strikingly manifested.: -We are are. un
'..der s p e cial obligations for His beneficence and 1
mercr. The people have not only been spared
the aictions of the - plague: -and pestilence,
but they have boort-blessed with an abandance
-of the`choicest productions of the earth.. . - -Ttie
seasons have, passed in their regirlarerdo.. . '
Wintei-and.-spring and Anmmer. have Conte
and gone, 'and autumn is Ow.:" Seed time
and harvest' we have.bad, and the Itriband.rnan
has rejoiced in the rich rewards of hiS toil.—:
- The valleys and , hills and; plains have given of
their abnaltace, to make - glad the hearts of the •
people. . .• ..• .
The desolations .Of famine, i•hieh - at Present
. .
seem • to thrcato -some or the nations - bf- the.
ia,tcrn-contioON as to the devastatjohs.of
wer,have been turned fpilp this:people by the
grey? arts of his.pOwer.
t•Ttie pestilence that walketh - darkness,
and the destruction that wasteth - "at noonday':
• —Whnse ravages . have - sorely , afflicted the
• elizas of iitzrillontling - Statcs-4taye not - been
'permitt'ed to invade our .favoured Qemmon.
wealth: It Has pleased a: Merciful'Providence
to vestiain the hand of the deStroyer, and le
• .b,,,Tpw on. Pennsylvania a season - of bealtlyand
prosperity. '
• tinder the Solemn, convictions of- duty,: - Mid
in ealiforatitv- with the wishes„of many grind
Titans, qaternor of the
CommonWenlili .of PeintSylvaniti, do. hereby,
a 4 t p•alat THURSDA Y,' the24th. day of \own;
bernext: ay - -a dof general thankspvi r aelnd
.praise:throagbotzt the State,And earnestly im,
..gore the people. that setting aside all worldly
on that day. they. tinite in of:Tering
to -Almighty God for hispast-gmiiiness
Taq mercy, and beseech „Ilin ct for amontinuance
.01 o „
iesfengs. „- - • - • .
tv , ...ti \ nailer tny h bud, and. the '. : ,gfeat 'seal - :of
• the State, - at Harrisburg,..this seventeenth
. day Gfoctober, - in the. year of our,hord one
. ihom•Myt - eight-hundrid.-and fifty-three; and
of the coma's - mice:4th the-Seventy-6011th.. -.
BIGLER4-.qo - veinor.
BLAck, - • •-• • '
' • Secretary et ihe COmMenticiath.
Pernylvania Logiilature—Ses-
s io n 1854.
abb, Zl . ;
IL: Price.*. • r.
2.. Philadelphia rounty--S&mr... 0. 11..1.:11n.
Wm.'l G,oodwin, Levi Potilkrod.* • .
3. Montgomery -- Benjamin Frick.
4. .Chester—flenry , Evans.
5. Berk•AVilliant Hie.ste.r.
linelts--*—lfir4trd h.. Sager. • "
'7. Linea - Ater an I.ebanon—,'Esias Kinzer,
.Eduard"!;' Darlingion. . - •." -
6. Northumberland and D'auPhili-7- I (An
2. Northampton and- Lehigh . -
10: Culon,' Monroe,. Pike`and_
:I . na "Fr Inlitin—Davi4 Meltiven_
12. \ - ••rit--;...laent) S. Haldeman. '
11. CumbiTland and Perry--Samitel Wher:
. .14: Centre. Lrioining, Sullivan, utfi ctin
ton—Jas. W. Quitrale.
15. MM.,. Cambria;" :and Ifuntinplon-4,
Creswell. Jr.* • . . - • , '• • .
10. .I.dzerne, "Montour,',add Columbia-C.
17. Bradf.ord. Susquehanna anid Wyoming
—lrm. - 11. Piativ - .; '.
.• ' -
/3• TioZa• P.! t er, 7.4fig.ean; Elk, CI elifiold,
Jefferson. and `Fareq---Byron D. Ham"4"ii. - -,
19. Mereer, Venango, nail SVairen—Thoon
-29. Irie` andrawford—fames 5kii4707.1
1. Butler, carer,' - and Lawren4—..Joh):L ,
Fergru3nn.* .
21 Allezlieny ---Geo. Daraie, Jon IL 3.1 C ,.
Clintovit.* . . \ . :, ' • : ...: -i
21 Washingtan and Grorio n e--:-MaactieJl lk; - .1
Carlin., - ' ' Ili
24. Sumer,set, Ile.dford, and-Falton—lll ..!,,. 1
25. Arrast.rong4‘lndianapand Clarion.W.:B. l l
Jamison.* , . ' , -' - -
26. Juniata, Mitllin,--and - U3tion4E/i i Sti-1
r • we , lmor l art an d F vp tte -- Johh Mc- -
Farland, .
23. Schuylkill—,Tuff.. ,iiendridis, - -
, ...._ . • ~. , .
', ,
Adams—J. C. Bilis. '-,"- -. '' - .M .
A llegheny-- - John S. Hatnilttitr,' johil lu;
. I :oper. John J. .11hise, - rhonias .7: , AigAani;
Jon . Parkei, - - --•- :
Artna.rong, Clarion. and:.JelTer,soif-;--DaVIO
'1! Putney, Tiodias 314(4, GeOrgi AV.' Zia;
gter. . t. -..:,-.., -,,,1 :e -- '''S` ..
Bearer, Ilutler,amiltexida;,ittliglii--
beriia, IV. St4wart i ß, B. McCombs:). . '''''';,;-
BLdford, Plulton; ' and: ztx, picokiili4Wll /--,T.'"/
.n.ugherty, Thainai'Collidit,',;:' - I
- it i _k ii 's — Jaenti Wieki*:.4olin
•L'rliel '..R. Hunter, Gef irkeSin.kiAit.;;:,- 1 . ; .- _ • 1
Blair and - Hun —.rime., , L.; 5.!i # A i
James McGuire,. :
~,..:. ' - ,-., ;:' --''
Bu r y'
Pair:mos': eAST..m.t;--iiirtcin.
D uek .
Ler 4--tvan Glooini'liiiinackt;itional4 . 141,
kin ',
11Carbon • mid LelAglf#44. :101, it : L*7p InMea
•Sn'nthers. -
..: - . :.• '•,, * ',.,, • --, , ;•,--,
tfi ntrb-"-Chirles.,TL, 0.44te. , ,- ,:.,.E . .i• - • j a „,'- ‘,l _,' " i '•:._
lighiChentof—flenry-T. Er0n5.1144:1).1-f"''" ""."-'
q; wit4 rn vok e iiiii r i:
,:;,,,,,,::,.;,-.,..,:,.-.--,..? ~,,, -:' ,- .;:i
~ ,
,4 -1.1::
, Le e kea m r . iie; e ld, rlticKea , u l ' ia.(1,..-:,t,c,,t7L1.--,..„.-os.,
..lintnn, 1 4 ; entniti,,t , iiiii: Potter-4o ...1
qco .... l . : gifirediivi:':- -1 . - 7 .- .,= t . , , -- . ?.... , - - li.i• '"..,-• ...- 1
.9Cuininbia and Motitour,-1-•Geo-:TSOOWi'-'11",":„.'",i,'
,rawfoiTi-z-Wrn,._lli:-Trai%_4e.**lls_ . , 01 . 1 .W. 77 ., -- -
1ft;!...mb441---Dilitia-iT''-'l4lcliee, •
' rignry'l-ui;
-74 " - ." .•
--- 1, -:-
„„,13'aul'hi.-516) P li: S a l l i.4 : . 0 *erg.: 1 01**,
..c4. -
~...4,1,4-.., .. :•-•;1.:',-., i
Dela wa re— Jon atjA 7 0 ,; 1 .41fniedliiiit.t-1.41,kr.1 .1. 4
, .
Er ie - --Gideon J.. 44 - 4/71.4t
d eireiv A. Hias;-
L•Pay..ette and .t .
_pill - , = Trilkik
, Benjatili'l44/ '' E r.
"la , Y. itulieitc , .. , .-.4. .7:4.4j; 4,..r.:.,41i;,:::C:4,64.41;;;•;:" ile
tiatirin.;.;.l-0 , 51t,* - Isiiiiiiiktte-41
. . _
t , -
...Greenr-john M. Stock e. •. - . •I -- I -
•Indiandleiankr •Mc rineilk•.;". I • I •
• LanCaitei--Juhn A.'..1P4/47+141401:fillerr'
Henry- Gray,' c.F.L. - lif e inseekeri 'Joh* Alnaiiits.
Lebanon+-John'3l4/y.... '. -- ''''•-• I•, I -,.
Lnzerne : --A. B. Dunning, Truman; Atlier
to ', .; •'-'I • -. • - .' ,' l - -
ercer,,Venango, And arren— Lk
P ilee, John J. (Kijgo , Robert M. a l n
. ,
F nee.
.- 4liillin—Alexandei Gib 'oney.. -.1 il k .
Monroe iind.Pikekb . ham Edinger
Illongomeiy 7 --Henrk De - or, Charles 11. P4l
- Jacob . rty, Jr. 1• - - .' • ; I I
ly,ortham I tonllases Busli,Philipf i Johnsoit:
Northuni rland—David 8,, liontgoinery.
ierry-•-• : .hemas Mama. • - I 1
i e
• Philadelp is
. eityWillial
.Patters IV B:ddvia, ' G eo rge iffiartfi Strong.:: ',
PhilLtrielphia count 4-Robert 31. f Cr%l.,
'Thomas Alanderfiehl,
,eorgo-W. Hilliet. John
J. Boi , d, Robert B.,lleac V. Ainork.,
Richardson . L. Wright; E. orthiN, J. ,• .
Hintrrk" PEn:intin It. :
MILLER, Jostinit '•
FLErcnin.• ' - '', 1 -•.1 i
Seltu.Ylkill-4ohn Hotn, Samuel HipPle.
-Somerset-=:-Cuirimins. . i 1 . •
Susquelianna i Sallivii and Wyoming-Ez a
B. Chase; James D eg: n.* : . I I,: 1'
Tfoga--4anies't wr y. 'l ' t' il
. Union and Juniaii-4 ' Sitiaracin. 1.
- IV,ashington---31 thii • Link JehnJatkma .
• ‘Vayne---Frederi .k f., . C r ane. • •I• S.
I'M.l:-.--Jacob K. id e, Vincent C. S. re -
ert. Joseph Wilson .. • , I• i I
"Deinoctat&' in R in —Whig's in Italic-
Naives In niii.t. c Neiv Mem eril*.
....-- -
Dem. : Whigi
17 4 ' : 111:7 .'
4; 1 ' 1
' ' -
• •;• t , • •
Majority on joint
: .Going; tto takaa, D .in.. .:
. We .sce tithe Seere.taiy :of tilt i T 11:tsu
hasladdiessed .I:enlit: O.:the v . dii 1-4 l
or d:cans o '
. 1_ is ~ d . eparttnent, • henritjg chi
oeibber Ist,tsti l - prescribing froiellhp di. ;
3 Plin., es th ' hiurs . doring whieli i;heir ii'esp,,,
tivef -employetiis. Oust -beat• their iii!skk fro - unii i t it of:April .naxt.. Itlis Sabi
also 'prohibits Of practice, in which joriie . ha',
i rid iflgo,. of I L eaV, rig their desks in •011ie4i . ' i hou
t 4 go out and tai
re- a drink ; . saying P . m . :rem
,41 . froni 'ioffi ;ie . s uill. iili , 4ll3bly bellio enal
forfeveri:the'firti snch .6fflenee.. The imbl
*ill,- tvrtit'grcat-ttniiniliaity,ustatn Ole 9b Lie !
es sarv-a -rea ila ilmi: .:, ' :. . '' 1 '' '
1 1:400 . 0ED r . BiIAKL---Perry Dit i ltsol
oi` Pawning ; V- ey, Pa.,,inis •takt.n.l rne i hori
I, seenre a p to t !or , , la very simple!. a
. d. el
011ent bratie for Jwagons and earriafitm. i
Blooming ;
.eonsl.. ts citfineeting douhle 'bail
to the inner ..rtil of the pole or shaft; Of Ca ea
`rage .
or - wag , mi,nd elmneetiv-the cranks . to
friction brakc•fo ' thtil face-of .eacht wheel.,l
iz.nel t i,a manner i at trio- least.baelting up of q
dra :aninfals brings - Ow r. riziiiiit. a
far Of each - wit el, NO , so presses_them t tln
the_ ; cease to revolFecr, and merelY sltdei It
a u.. fai ithri - ovetai!nf for hilly Countrie s,Ml
eanaot fail ti ec.mineha itself' to ally. whom ,
.inlay concern `` .7 - ~c: , - 7 - 1
ATTnlitt i yi . T.t.B,-X. Y., Ja be . 1; IM3
la 'hew-FM:Oi m
Roe -Ittstst, MI )16n , •IcK
ne of ;the best medicines , in.nse., -1 I
t iti.y.l td til,Bcc4SrAytN. $ large asi a
mated thit• bunch 'tt tire' :a ! and e
rso mitt *Lich. is n9w tOb 4 €4 1 1,r en:
17: .' ; - . N. i
t...lA;ren liontrmte; Pa. I " :... 1..
• ? . • .1
.f ,Ratt.4l vb,
and find it to , be
tillpried it for.tHi
ttp-horie. i)erfec..
1010 , 1 .
. to. 1.,. .•
.4 . ..4D. 7 -I
. 0 - et. 18 . '11, 1;‘ , .Rev. 8. 3icKih
,'..4ii; 154 . ., of - LibertVi. tol.l , l.ilis
'lighter' Of Rnyrnoperniith Of.
. In. SnArinehnnn ,: . Oct; 3ti, by Rfv.' A. L ;
Gibsijrl,-• - to I4liss itl. ' : g.)..iii - g . _ iAcKER,. f,
.. . • - I'',• . 1 ' 1
Alkn in TiVrt-fl v'll -11 . e . 9 111 .u I, by' the
- . I • ' t.„.-_,, :: ,IL
T: • f J k ir i '
&Imo, Mr. 1 V r. 11759. -- 1,1 7 1...L1.AN1 , s o .;:o , o.. 1
3. 1 r1i4; SiLACE Crin.'AN. of flatford.. - ' .- -I r •
i- • '
.:In , Cirliotitiale, n thp.2.7th tat., b•i: Hie R . 1
0)1p - eh - ill R. Larl , lion, SIIEF.MAN 1).:1 3 11EL
of Ton klytritinek, a, to ltitss ANN, F4LriABE
dntighter, of._ Thothaisweot; M. • D., 4 r.
btindnle.l. . - 11 -- • 1 •c• •
In Frank
PREBE A., 11
- ---7- . -:
F . ai
E , ' 's
~- equ. or 13 a e.l 1 ,
The s bscribir, Ex rotors of therEstal
.I Lr
Of A..D. I larpe' e late - of Bridgewatezitow:nshil
deceased will trell at • public, vendbe,;on-tli
propbuls on ue;,day,. thq 15th :, the k
lOwirig p opertf to wit it--- r .-, • I
1 S ,n of horses—]bi- , Cetes—i-a ; lot
Calve ' Lfo - s nett 9Pi .- , "9oo !bushels
Oect.. 1 turhek 07,,Duclaelteat-1-a4u,Ontil
t her
Rei • '' Jil t . 1-40 bosiois (y. llottitoes-- 1
goanti y O c -—3 O to .49 tons' f flay--1
tubs 1; out Wagon; loni liirrnews
Sliig, v.-- arm :, g Utensilskilotukehilld Furl
lure, • , 11,*s
„too nurncro 'to mel
1i.617; . -g. . ' 1 1
. T E43ts r. : .S rx,--;All 9 ullts undo :$5, at..l
. down+ov - .....,......,,. , o. -2.
, )
-,, L.
.10wa--orr k l 811m1 nineo p outhsierthiic,.
notes _bearing ter&t, fared 'lkcarli
, , • l eg rt,„, - E S. GILiEn
4112 i
.1 11'. 4 LE,
Nov:=3,- 8 3 I I I,
. .
rs • negp . g hur - Awl
supply off
G ef yearly. er
hkeb Will be raid '
Fb*ltgbile are hi'
'D .:1,1853..
° ;;lna, a tk .r.R iet.-
All,ta,pl( • •
i!pai no thenst.
edienotik Chemical. •.
e-sfaukrieitt;- lortysittan is , mts- ti
KW+ittglY.:Pizt: up -it red g eel pilisiss, , and
tcarefilliyeompoundod.- The krelit, (malty
this" de:pitrips9o. will Lie f nd fa h Dria
. A : .II Ei . 4r%Hunt 1
-._ 7 l#lt,'. itd 'rtibe igaic.: l
ireitis: ~, : :-- -. :,-;,16,--i , ..?.. 7 ulrittTl.,t o'7
snJ ex
Of ailicteel ti
and Tiariej: •
4kiriP - reit
the market
ti . O4G-nOitii:';J : i" ',Mali:bit eboil h iel 'tkia - cift
Asostistaplm arileles of Dry Omtidoi; vitt _ II tie' tint at
priretrtjuit vitt inakelt foittifil or. iirelliii - io;
call , at tkit storiof = - ',,,,:-. -1.; ~ f.? • - TILRELLt- ' 1
llifiteilmisiirP Andrea tee i - esibisefeic- a od
isiortmene-40,-ttrops -eolebtif 7 Witerbury P et'
Knivcs. 'Etiiive•irs , b.*. lc , c4ii . --, ' , •71.1titElib -'
Drug ass-MI a ce-A- arookt.
• sm u t iii --, , ;,, , ,•..zOl. . -- ~..;--, r. 7 -.•"i" ' • v 117ttipStirlf
[ _ ~ . ..
ciquorii;,4 -,4111,,Aw PilliThrill e l *
b al P 091
111 "-0 11. i?4' . ' :, - -'•-11 4 41 - '-` 4 1,:-?;',:'; rivasz•V • 4
. ,
. - ...--loiiikatiA44ol4,aiiiittiwif t : 1
Aiiiiarairk F,14114..* Clijiiiiol4, Ai ' ' '
.1402,04 Istitojkseit*ON ~ .14- : _:- . .,3 ~,..4
.',I '---- - r:-.,•,.., gr,.,2_, ; ,-... . . .--
cooplun l it.
a :alit_
4•4 1 ! .. , i r -
kik , la '
L l
..V.OO - I*:4l . Ltr , ;( -. %. 141:* . I.:Or faildfia 11***.e.
P51 1 , ° ,*40:9f1,1", jW;ilff , S - Ptitgt* ' v ;4'oo* 17
ie.,: ....-4 5 , •
4--;:i - -..4'),i,,. ~.:i2 i ;i'L :-.4:-..• - .-: 1 'i':' , : i- :,:it". , :fg:,!±„;. - "::::...
-'4 l r-tielrattifter, - ,.1.... ~1 .
! e4 -4 04 % , -. e ili, -,, -.-- ; •:;':: i••':: .. i'--",.:1 : j• . .J.'1;:i' .. ' tit.f:folli
-_ -- , Al!". .i. - ..• : .• , 7 iari-41' . .' ,• . . t.-,-, ).0.,,,
•ist4,l l oltt,4 , . ii•Osotort4.o.. ' AV . .. il*lii.ol l iii.
ilf#o wstun d eir
40!" . .. - - -##-P••*;*•-: . , ';'....:',.;- ifN4......f;:5?
,-....:.. .eitfoottc.-ose.,4— piatlmisietiv d Ow.. •
b , 2 14 1 ..4r 1 'Oka it. l oliiilt . Mai. ikv:.•!.:- -.. t.•.
- •-:V;1•.;r. ,, •.1..y,. , 7 ,, Fi.:,) ....:‘...!!, . 5 45'.,-,'4.,..• ; •- • :•..:, hi.::yuligitle ar .... - ,
- -1
. -. .l4llfikir -t• ' ' • ' iiioCeiso .. ''. ".. , " .114t1li .
- -' • ' !AO.,..iii, . .44t. ,V;§ 4 4 l : , *4.iiri 4 - .' •_ :. A 4.? .t'.:..
, •0 ,
.... , • k , -. , ~ ,
,• , ,
. • . -.• Coll',lo . - '.-. • - • ."' . ow ,
~1.,....,.,,,5 1 . . .. .0.,w .
~, . ~„....
. ~
.. ...,,...„....
....7clrp. i r.
It .-,, • • '... , - . *41. - 110. - • OW: - .
^o!folskere , • - -1, - .k.m4.44.. ;,- ,k'Mlikingpie
'7O 36
- I- -
88 .4Q :•
45 •
R ELL_.... •
1 pin .ciO'HlSTin*
• !, - J,.. • 1- ., j '•
IID 1-1-
4 1-
biirir-ira ' itd lei ' ibis
.w.iref. bat . eaixtiot sat- • -.
• ' NTAW q OO . Sib
071 assortment now eompri ,
es almost ay
arttchr. .wanted, • and. fear some
that are not minted, which arc wdl sell at coat
and some less ihan boat on - that
same-account:.:.. -account:. - - 1 BURROWS & Co., •
. Gibson Oct. 20, 18.53. • - -
A 1,4 11 1 ; lot; man+ or thrn whoie . . Robes at .1i
veiy small siltatiettott• thf cost. -
Gibson, Nor. 1. , • I. niTp.nows. & Co.
ALarge and dears:l:4s aisOrisaent b Zir err Geri*,
very cheap;
°lbsen, :Sor . . • BUILROIrs & CO.
. . ,
Cheap. De - Laines. ; '..
:A Tairie loCorhurasonte" k i aid 21 .felal" - Waneheilei
.111. Lamm., at is 6,1: rer ord.
_. •
Gibson, Nor. 1. • . - : U. lIIIRROWs & Co..
.... i • -
..- _
:.---. NEW GOODS, -
UTEnrere.leiviny thia week an' itittiOn to our stock
of Div* Gls . 111.4: see si still ;of LonlShaw Is from s 4 , o o' to - .$9,00.- Mon•lein de .1 . Ines and. ether Dry
qoods,feloths, Kerseyntereit. ' Pri to. - _ Flannels. and in
f tet'sdatost any
IN in their lin , which's..enders, the
imeoftnaeut complete, and u• whit, we invite the atten
tion °Thayer'', assuring thorn th t they will find Goons
as cheap as at, any; other establii 'tent.- ' : -
' ' "*. ' • 1 , BEAD
t Nor. 1,185 i. • i'ENT E. Y .
I , e ,
• bole ninoct. trPVer LPfttil
meat ache best Mad, coast:al
Poetry and Fietures;
" Lirkur of.great men-4rt eei6ind at
We ran talks:tour
leartibehind us
Piflures Oath toiil , ld3t iomr ttieit !"
. "1 1
.74tares. which pe h ape another.
, stalling o'er life t.ortnimain. .
• Smith forlorn and w worn brother, . •
.S'eing,cangsand et lome mo'rejust like 'wit!"
- The . abOre, sentns hy a end. Ws:missl to the point,
wegive - the public the be tit °Tit t Institut that ma
ny will heed the. wise s!isgand' 4 go.and get some
more just.bke "um . " .• -. .
hire MI hand a rice t Rupply of." thinOsr in the
fancy line..which we wi •to- sell, li•YUght;•• •
4 - expressly for that parP.' •
PersonifroM tse eountr , when visitine town'ohould
make it one main item of usiness to rail at • -
• 19. B. DE t Dagmet react"
.O J Fellows' up stairs.
Montrose; Net. 2.1833.-
- •
-:' - --- --- Public . Vendue , -- - , 1 - * •
rr II F.RE: will be :o eyed at ptiblie." aile on
I - Monday the 2 , i.)1 ay of Nov neat', at the
residence of the il.uhrC iber, in
iOridtesitiler, a
ealtnible lot
,of Propert);•consisting of, H Clowil,•
2 or. 3- young bottles, I , air of .3 year • Old work
ing steerr; BugEyr. cn tera y W•ar31111, Millers:
es, fuming t00:9,' lion - hold - furnitu r e, and' In
fact almost :
eyerythin , usually offered- for . sale
j e
at- vendue.
. ..:•-:.
• • Airlift Trtriti,ty of 'grafted uvierttves. Gt..for
setting our, which will be sold , before brat the
day of sale. 'Sale:to commence at 9. oletriCli a.m.
Tra3tsor, *L a.—Cash down i on all 'rums up
to 85, over fi e...up to $25 wit. months, and over
$25, .I...yeiri desired ;Ali Natio' given 'our in
terest with g o d approved •..tidgreferet. . :• • •
'. ..: • ... ." - - r.• .: -.• .T. N4.IIICICCOM.
- •Bri4ewater. *tiv-1, WS- -.
-' - . . .- • .
• •
iitor's:Nouce. .: -• .
Ti.iiE rah ribei, appaimnd•to .dlstribnle the
-L. assets in the• hands or Chas. Tingley.Adm'r
. estater of Asa!, Taylor,l - devil, tincing. the
creditnei; Of th decedent; . Wiltattend . thereto at
hia i offiCe. in ':,Montrose ; On 'Saturday the. . 26th
St .
dill. - of Nike, . neat at 4 o ' clock " r, at; .When: all
• 1 r
parr ot intlraited,can attend if they thinit prop
er- or . 'be deb•Nrred front coming in npnn raid
funill ' '.7 - - • •Wat. 7."ITURRELI e , Auditor
• I,lot:ere, Oct. 31, 1.:553-4,ivri
. ,
.- .
-' - I 1: ' • ..
11 S . 1 2 .it AIL I E . • . ... ' '
. -
C A.M. .E into- • • .
the ymelomre of the Filbscriliter on
•: vr -itbriat the-7th of (Jet: lasts 6ye 'dingo; 2
• . •
of th i em-white, 2 broteu,' and 2. red w tit some
. .
white spots The'owner ie requested o iirOye
property, pay' c har ges, and; take. tiiern s' an. .
- . - - " ; • •4. GRA! A.M.
Itridgewatcros:. 1,15"....1.-4.1e3, . -
. .
. •
The Reason- why it Snood ds.
. i
AE Mustang 'Liniment has attidned -its enormous
-pa clarity, an almost' unlrcrsal use, simply. be
eaett gives -better satisfaction; accomplishes more
.good, rehears more pain, and heals - more wounds and
ooret than anfother preparation'ever befote acrid to
the affliet&i.. Eierybottle that IN ti.ed, spiaka ;for it.
-elf—telts,ita -Own tale in the relief It gives, and the
enre it effeTts.-iAnd fhtt one who -- Itie ,euff-red perhaps"
long yiarafeth;loain. without hope of terief am) !Inas in
thig( Liniment" in almost; in-Uinta:mous resne4y runt
not belp but. sti• hi iti praise, and •rieornmend it In
tbe_higheigt ter : to all that be seee.stiffering. It needi
no other ree dation than atrial. _ • . .
, I
_,_ ':- lIENTLY.S! & READ,
aid , I . . AVlaolesiale anAllletail-Aumita i. .
'-. - Montrose, Pa. .
. . ,
l'o, the lioa. ine Judges of the Caartar giiii - i.
ter" Sessi, slaf the . Peace, in Mid for the court-.
~1 3 1 4 Sus 6,
1, lianl!a : -*. . ..
' ' _
T"E petit n - of Edwin Bacon of the BoriMgh
-of Mont in said county. respectfully rep
resents, that his -is prosideo& with,saitnble cOji:
_to keep a - Giocery -in, the - Borough
aforesaid; a that. it is his Intention to
to the rt ,, ..xt urt 019:natter Still?510a8 to be hol
den'in- and tr the! said
.conoty 411 .the Vlorth
Stoudny oi'- r Ostbmher - for * license to keep .71
grocery.' ant to sel ,strong beer, ale; or other.
malt - Uglier'', accord ng to the . Act: of it asetrably
of.l4th AprilA .D. tisl:.
- .
Montrose, ! Nos. 1,18 , • lit, ' . . ' -
.' . ._.
" • Regis er I s_ Notice. ..
- uptiaGrc Notice s hereby given'to all persons
A. • Conterned in t . te, estate of If .'-11. Estmirid,
;Ist the Adtninistra o r, Chzut. L.:Brown, basset.
tied his aepotint inhe Register'S., office in and
for the county or :osquehntina, i and that . the
same will be:pretten ed to the Judges of the Or-
Phin'i Court of • "d ; County,-in iontrese, on
Wedneslay the 34tli day ot Noiretniter - next, far
confirmation and ullnwitine. - - .: :.- .: . - :-:-...-
• -' ' :- : •
.1.. T. fL,ANG DON. Reglstei. -
11.41stert/O s titee,ldOntres! hr0e71 . ..185,3-43w,4, • ‘., ..
ExeOutorp No
LETTERS Testemehtary. have been,gnintell
io - iliiife4seiltiats on the estate - or Alexen-,
der 1): lisrper,latteet , Bridgewato
ceased, _All 'Onions, indebted to said estate ,
make payment;'and pernotia.llll
demands wilt. piettent -thrill to the undersig •
duly attested, for '
' . ' - , - -JORN _FOSTER: -
ifor; 1:153856,1 , . , _
. ,
ValuableParinand Mill Proper
- - ty for
'T jIB be; orariff3r*ala Ittllowl nit miliettlio
Dann* tite.W.Pdsithit Omit, 0 17 Iallas
rePilldeptrwhei.tontikl,log aerp, of about 40
Ifs tqaPr o7 e 4l .lbutllng a' , ;€44 Grlit Mill ioild
thopAislregul ruanliacimPli... Alet; 4 Awallastelai_
et;iblikokintitlioihop.sui team, sastreir' Ai* Th e,
Griot M 11110004.11 4 4 . 14 0 216 ..:' ~ 70111764M javOid
or icoutos rho pronalps or ,
scriberoit W d4;Bum'S.
.0-446:0 4 1•101 6, , •
TTROI'r dtirOeißtaillin:Mciiitrest,,;*ll lOW
4..Jon=Tharsday Oin Jd
0-04 , 1144'the :mod*, inetitimm.
ideted.:Tenni will-4helk
tekti;•;A244l - :'
A r . A -
yttii •
AlraliiiisAiiiist.ll. '
-- i `J
er good
eia hand.
`NTLEy &ArAip.,
~ . ... • . ii ,
Sheri a Safes. l- • - e 6 ze =lir. 1 1th d ay -i r ot e, , ; i Ykell sad !lisd . ThOtia,.
Irt h v e rrt C% e a of r t o W f r3 :i ii '
/ Mil/ TalptiOClOantli abiowe described being tbe lame traa . ll'
'by tirtiatie Burrows and.ltlybe WAlleinket'Witijam
na County, and a nit, d irected , zil;ll.°lSsue
outh of
public sale at the Cotirt Hawaii in Mentrolie,. on I t 'ecdfrinil Jesse
iane Lase ,. ts nsll".aniersli:=ittrett
Saturday the 19th disk. of N ovember r ne t it; . at 21 t day 02 Petember 18i htittalecht • died front lip
1 o ' c l ock p. a ,.., : ~ • -
~ i e'llartows end ,wife tor said Ede% Xidiiihre dated
.., • . . - . •
... - , • M 51845 and Recorded* tlitiietOniAl it of Susquehanna,
. -
All those•ceytairf piecei - crr parcels efhtnd, sit. in ha - -otsce tie ieetwaing degas, ust :25-18411, in"
• gate in II arford loan:ship..Susquehanna county, -(1 book hitx:llpaitellili (or 256) eti li estlagoadreseir '
Penn'a, bounded and described asfelloivi, to wit: .in ft s c i pi hom t h e l :: r imr ti r l i - 1 4. 0 i t is . # i s i: g i l a c lt d op it l i
1 Beginning at a poiht in the centre of an bounded as foli c oint. - con :new:bl e at the.bennock
delphili aud Great Bend Turnpike road, 1 - thence co er or the Duane tot,"runtung th •dn ikeontsw of
so th 46 deg. Tait , a dbitance of MO rods; . thence 'at
I along the centre of said road south 39 deg: east
&perches to a stake,. thence by lend of' N: -W. 14,4r,f,:vcoure fli.rezti m ..,-„gity:„„, thtigeset
Wodrem north - 591410 T. east 64 and:l3.lo perch: 11 ; and thence 432 5 rods itirectle to the pisee of he
lea te r ` a stake and stones on the east side ora cer
iiing, oiabina a strip iitland,3Bo . rods long and..l3 24
lain ftp's thence by laud - of the said, Wildion, f w a m pZr i Pfii i nn aer gro .r r e = "l , l 4Z.l3 4l 4: : :V4 ll ;,,, e .
South 301 deg, west 17 perches to': stake aid and reserved la a died byithlti &Id party tittle sewed
stones on the east side of the said Race,l thenc e Pete to the glidperty of the let tart, which deed is dated
by hind of the Said Waldron • and ;Clark. - Dicker- ttrklr„d'Y of March 1650, which reseteation sit
i aro Moctgaged with Mean
man south 454;deg."west 50 perches to .a 'Stake pn e gnianee d s " filVll r theEstateittl• and interest of the
and stones in a line of the east wall of the bnis.-. party oft he first part thergini!.l !. •.: " W. '1
ing,ground, thence south, 491 deg. west l id tile .Trikentn* exeention at the snit ersitnuel 3ndson
Perchee"9lo 'die Place af Beeitichig• - cOnthinini 3 :asffnothceleelle°riltirain" Tu d rt i s, ire T l e r4 rr: fit Te ß ostit 4""n al l- l i t th . ore;
acres and 1521 rods, he' the' same More for less. Terri,,Tenanta. ' 1 1- .1 1! .
tegether with the appurtenances , I trained lane, - ..., ALSI,CI, - i - - :i'
1 barn, some fruit trees" and all improved .: -I •• . 'By Virtue of a writ of Ft. P - all ' that net mind
• ALSO, :: . 1 1 . piece or parcel of land ‘sitnete l ying and bein .-iti
The undivided one foutih part of all that net- the . , township of Iler'.iA::Susgairhanna con ty,.
tain pieceor parcel of land, situate in th‘ town• bounded described'as fellows; to wit: ; Begin.
ship and county alisreseid, an bounded and tte= nine at a post and stones;:thei eolith- west' corner •
scribed as followlyto wit - : ,Be inning at a stake (+the John
,IWheatptilratti and 'running thence
in • the middle of the Philadelphia . and Grant, north 45 . deg. east, 100.. ride to S hemlock• tree.'
I Bend turnpike, in the liue . of . and - belonging-to ,in linesof said Wheaton's tract, thence north• .15 . -
'Mary Thatcher add others; t eine by the same (leg. -west l(0 rods diti piyit and, stow, . thence
i mouths - 531 deo. weiii, '5 rods ad 22 links, t o tie south 45 def:trestltr.i6rot4 to a ion and • stones
middle of a pilot rail and wall fence, thence along the original- line of said triet;:thetice along said
the - middle of I the same north 364 deg. west.three line south 45 deg. east, -0 0- rtabi to : the Place of
I rods and 20 finks ;As, the south side•of a picket beginning, containing ;100V items: be the' same
fence, thencei along the smith side of the.saine, more or less; together. tvillt ihel!appurternintes,
i north 531 .deg east 5 rods and 22 links , - toe, post I franted dy ening houie abd abitint 25 . acres int
-1 in the middles of the
°aforesaid. turnpike ? thence Prov.Pd- '
20 links to the place of b"ginnii3g, containing 22 man Adm'r tifJohn.l. l -,Whitmarl against Man
Tods,tegether with the appurtenances, 1. framed 'der 'with. •
store house. .'-' i • 1-. '" I -- • 'ALSO, 1: ,
_. , • "
Ail that certain pi«de et parcel of hind si nate
0! s
• A .
-The undivided iiite'rest of- George G. Pride in
the following described lots, which are bounded
and described as followe, to wit : beginning at n
heap of flitones,. thence midi west 83 p e i:
ches,to a heap of stones; thence north 44 andli
half deg. - east 46 peichessto a stake, the.nee nortfi
44threst; 34 perches to . a stake, - theficie isorthi
4461 deg. east; Get •pes chef; thence north 45 deg.
welt 29 perches, thence north--6G . deg. ;east 11
perched to a- beech; thence north 45 deg east' 45
perOheslo a-,sfulte and
-stones; thence south .45
deg; east,' - 85i perched aet ke and stoned,
thence.spoth.t 4 64.deg:east. - 51 p 'chest° a hem.
lock; thence south 44i deg. west 468 perches.
tho'place of beginning. contkinin 412 acres and
allewance. be the home more: Jess; together
with the . appurtenances; 1 frame 'honise and barn
and . 2 orchards and about GO :se improved.
. One other piece of laud situa
ship and. county, aforeslid., and
snap-of resurvey' of Fleury Iris
nog tractm ade by,fesori Tune
.euniainiozs6 acits; it belitg one
Take:tin execution at the tai
ley!, against George G. Pride
.1 ALSO -'•
•• 41I - that certain piece , or. pare lof land; Ithe
sante being seized by' Foreign a taahment • upon
whigh this Judgment, is obtain i ) ; Situate 'fling
audi being in the townstriprof A ohreen; Stisque
-hrinua county, bounded and - described a follow,
to wit r..,0u the north by the ro d lending from,
thelittle - meadow to the 1%111 rd ;and' Owego
Tuitipike ; on the east by land .f Aliery , Riebe ; 1
aniFou the- west by load.ef said Beebe and Et
klet:House,.containing abont 7 acres, toget er.
witii the iippunenarices,l fram i hearse:thereon.'
Taken - in execution at illegal Of John Beards-
lee against Henry. Wilson- • , I • 1
- - • • ALSO,. .1.1 ' • ,
All that Certain piece or parcel. of tnamJ, same be
ing etesed by Foreign Attachment+ upon ertrteli.this'
',Judgment. is obtained) situate lyi and beingin the
:Township nf (trust. Bebd, tkrunti+ .f Srirqbehanna ;
hounded abd de.scribcd as follows, to witz beginning at
Ith e North Weste rly _ of the -lot **zed land peen-
E .ided by E. t.p.k and running-by a lint thence! In 11. Wanr
be, direction pil the fence of-the it • gbairiton read,
' i
ie hundred fee; to a stake and on , thence in a
ortheasterly direction in a line paean with t/tei , fence
~ n the northerly ride Of said husk lot, .t o hundred and
hirty two feet to a stake and stones; henen in a nee
nratret.with that Brat described in a rot htrly dlreetion
ue hundred feet ti a stake and atone+ is t the fence of
said Lurk lot, h ence along the' northerly:ferment the i
Said Lusk , la a airection parallel with the line secondly
two hundred and thirty two fee*, ti the place of begin
niog.-colatitiriing about 85 z 0 ,14 and allimprored. • -.
Take,. in earention at the snit.of s:unn el loiegett, for
the use of Jane Lurk, Executrix of jttankihr, Lusk de
ceased, against John .il. Corwin. • • , . ..• .
ALSO,. i • - 1
All that . gertahr piece or parcel of laudaitnate
lyitig.and bring in the townelrip, of Orritt.Bend;
county Of Susquelsituna, *minded and described
as folloWs to wit: On the north fry laticlowned
owns brthe - late Samuel Chamberlin, on: the
east b • land iri possession of Cyrntrikiniter. and
on the south and west . by lands of Ilirarif Cnitia,
contai ing abOut seven acres of NO unimproved.,
- Ta en in execution at the suit of Sills Anson
again ' Ransom Smith. -- '''• .1 ' ' - •;
ALSO ' . ..,1‘
_ - .
All hat certain piece. or parcel of laMlsituate
lying nd being in the township of Middletown,
count of. Susqueliiitifia, attd elate. of P, ennsyl
vault bounded and described as foilowsi to sit:
On th north by lima of joh'nseedingtowl On
the es thy land ofissec Strange-'and l i qichols;_
on th south. by lapd of J. T. Birelterd; arid on
the w st by lend of 'Caleb learmilt, "cepiititting
"about ' acres minter less, tOgether, iththe
appur enances, l framed house . , 1. tor house,
and a out 39jacrea improved. -1: '
Ta en - in„execution at the suit bf taleb Car
malt instpichael liatriiwoii,`• .. I '.
Fly irtue of writs of 'Lem Fii.. issued -and' di=
tette as - above... 1.-will eipose to public sale - at
the sa time and place; all that certain!One ato.
ry bnr . messudge and tentrnebt, 26 feet' wide
by 32 eel long, situate in the village of ,Susque
lhatiti in thetowtitiliip of Harmony,' county
armee id, bounded : 'on the north by the *chill
house lot, on the east by the public highway or
Jac is road, south bylhe lot formerly pnrchad.
ed by ----, Gibbons, and on, the west by the.
, ,.
Meet' g house lot and the lot:or niece of, groan
and c rtilage appurtenant ni, but
said ilding sit ~
tient or barn yard, passage way &b. •-1 . .
Taken in execution at the suit of J. Taylor,
Co. agirtiuitt J. W.
,Rent. ~ • .. ' " 1 I,
- All the eeittiin tract or nireeliof land dinta4
in the tqamiihip 'of .::Auburn., courity:,dad state
aforesaid, and butted. bounded and described-as
rollers, to witi - 11eginng ata corner in a line of
lan sold to:Nathan Un.; thence north - pi deg:.
easi,l6o. pitches to a career, thence:smith f 1
deg. east, 65 perches to a'post, ai,corie; of hind
surveyed to Andrew Love,• thence inuth-67i liver*"
160 perehes to'a corner, th,ence s 'itorth
,224 deg:
west' qpirche,d to,the beginitin ' - ',lcontal'ol4,_6s
acres strict measure, mutineer : 1 •, being" a pirt
of a trdet of land originally • " treyetiAo joint.
than SMitti.., 2 . -
_ Also,Cavalier piece of land • tighoustolhp
above.:Beginning at the south`. for
of, thencis 'Mirth 64 deg:-;elast pitcheip,ihdtice
east AOpoi,tilies,k o .4,post j , in th*slikriill* rO I SO O .O
calledj, thence south 111 perches tii.ticorahr;x4
land conveyed to Therna*:4lbrehonse l o "thence
,south 674 deg: sliest 20Prefies.1* another cae-.
firer-of land of said Mitehohire• thettbeinprth-224,
deg.areet,oo . plitelinttotjto begint#4,oitithi=
'ing` , 3ll here, and'ls9;pe*iemomot lirsa; O u t
oriktdiet4iiiiia*tiniilltitifteikdf4i-Aii:7 l &'
5iid.,,,,,;.• --..., :,,,,,--- r ~... ::: 4:
.. Takeitin szsaltiolyaS ink' ofAlii.,l l .
ginaird igainst"ifiw *Nipiihord. iii4des:of
ig *
ifii#llo,lWritiPkiid; die .:»r ,- 1::::,k 11 . - ;.-zi lit- , i" 4. f. --
' ''
' ' ''''''''''.„,-: .41 4 ,''.:-.% ) !: ';'-
thitAtrosidlier, At , .o„*Theimant.l_ :13:106.45. ,
baneditid state of Petruffivaid‘iiit kattitiV i .
and diveribed at' Nails aloft i )00.ifettii`df 4. ‘..
otiOn Oval Bend toookiiir hi the county of f kapott
' boorie•oitigtatoor neesprambh Lite1aw4,4444.141-..
Bob Siduiii i .14..,` and 14114 i, 41 1 140411 r ear
.7ohinria deed to " N ., . ‘ Ihned aid!, .184 t
sad on *slit ittaddil f frent.4 4l lo43l*.nikes.a Ur',
k ii pig A nodbign, m 0 about i it' tested %IA
lse,oriariatei o * " dittat Meitibfased; Ode
tha estate. of' toeiax Je4,„l:-11471`
Paltdifi: iisii~. 47,610ifidr - „1.,, _wog 44$' Ira, : "Il
dated Aprlllithls64.'Onitilti*Vgillireir:Npr f sr*
obey of land, with aftUreitere het.aerit. 4moia i
' IMPS> elbsi-edbar tesiestsitasteia-40
rearalterst Serderderardi/shAnx the' Med-
I,l=sheigraddotirdtikool4 tlitiok
,11,1010whisubsliiMwdle**** r. ,41•14AffkiiiPlate
law leastioldiar 401riv:Plowliimintikl
. ,
fyint and being hi the .Borclugh of SuaqueNanna
contiti of Susquehanna' aisti_stata-of Penna, l / 4 .lra:.
niet.lxitiuded and dese r ri4d rrOHOWS to
On Oe . north weefby streetlestding fromtheyKos
cinchonas river to the Jetikson turnpike. :on the
north eastiby jot owned byliturtes if. Smith. On'
the month' east bra cross street and otithe fowl) .
. by lot of Charles all'tl known is lot
84 in said vin t age containonir24rOdsof landimore
or lees together with the appurtances'oliefrStrned
hitase and all improweid•litie tho squats of-gebi.
Taken in execution lot the aid - Cot '_Lathrop.
Salisbury_ against Zeba Riiiicrentf."
•‘. q.. ftDIIED; Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office: Alontrose, }. y!
: '
Oct. 20, 1853. . 1 ' ' S -
.. ' $lO,OOOl. New oods !:.
T usT received . rind rece' !wine lei atone . One Price
0 store. the grey eet and largest 'stOck •or Fancy, Do
xnestie. and dtlit , Se 00 4 )411 firer r..7tigtit inteiStasqueban
na County. .one hundred .Cedies.Dri - Gootp,- comprie.
Ing In pert as InUovis: -1 I .• i
Ricci Ohatiptile Sil k tui Si ripe dog Plaid do/Black
do, Color.ed Bonnet silk, Bar net'aatins..aft WOUi
de L•tines. Pertain do.r. , Plaid . de Cossa, Clouded
de Birge; Eueish ‘Mertuneat{ Pnramatta, :Syini
rise ' prAts, .Cobugh'e Pfoncli . Chengablel de
Raise,. Embroidered 124see.Ci t i , iighainannd Prints,
Scotch Plaids; White 1 Glictd . Wrouiht Ceara,
da Muslin Edgings, lido; CittnEiric - Etigiugis,do
Linen . &kings, Fashionahllei silk and 'Radii. B n r .
t i s
nets, 20tt ps Bonnet lObbiinsl., 1000 pa; plain ib
_bons, plain and printedVe!vet
.Trimminga, . 00
fancy Dress , rtitnntin ii,,i, Drseslßuttons Val ef,
. Fignrod and notorTd ,etcti4.14750 Bay State : 00l
:shawls. CashmenidoOrnifia dcf. Siltdo, .(..; I , !ea
and. Hosiery, &c. .- 1-1.. :. 1 . • . .
Cloths, CiasitnercsJValtitingeJ-Flannsle.. 04:1
Blanket*, Pickinoa. riamaik apteads' Linen dc4
Linens. Black - ' Mullins.i -. - . :
- 1 : - - • fi..P.- & R i , 11, - ATO.. .- .
Harforcl, P,
.0c.,'1R53: -i . . * . • '
.. . a. . . --
in . the 'tosi-114
described .0a a
ke,t's Tonkhen - -
,•, as lot No. 49,
Ectif of aaid - lot.
aucl tlivsbeth
A •
Assignees-, NOICO6 • . •
1110111U4L IC Notice is beHby garenk.that-Sa es
N.Green t assignier of W:,Eakei, for the
benefit of his creditors, filed in this - Prcithonotaiy's
office in:and . , for the x ciniati•of
. 'uttqtiehannattt
the last April-te.rm of!Contt, hisiairtifd iteenctut
as assignee of said 3 ag4r, ano that the sanle .
will be presented to the ‹ildurt of Common nein
of said coati ty for cotifirOttion and allowatiee;:
on the'2lst day ci.t.NOeraber'n!ixti at; the Cocirt
House. at 10 o'clock :in °the for4noon; at ..which:
time said account will•he allowed by said Coati
unless'eatise be 7 showd Why Fait,liccittint should
not-be allowed. A. TVBp..D
Proth'ye offiee,:Mbniicise, O 1., 15.4853-
. • . .
• Cialietiriiipli CHI -Cloths. •
HAVING enlarged 'Uri 'refit ed our elite:nave
Crockery and i latO Furupthing Ster.e4'ex
. pressWfor the banana', inat hnvt•iidAad . a mil,
feature in its dopartroilitisrit
The•necond tivOr Oil
elottis'and Looking
• Glasses, iotwhieii we '
aselrtrrient at Pric:eliwittab cannot fail to
please, and to which iire • inviiefyour particular
attention. " 1 1_
. 4.11. DE PUE.
Binghamton, Oet.',.gl:l,i 1853
• '
• . • • BHA:WIS.' :
00 WCH:3I4Eff 110 .-1 4 SHAW. LS. AD
)eau ful ligit,terilis, at,
extrem4 Imo iirie*.j. . U. itußaoys. •
Gibson, Get ..20.- -II • • - '
. •
ddle 7,e ndi
el ~
prr ..b.ribeiwili il , l attffreeilencrte l-
on Sal Imlay the sth pr Nov. newt, at ; 30 . Welt:ink WI
the forenoon, the
p 4 followit!propiertyitemili. ....-.:: .': -tr. '...
8 Corns, 5 two year' olds, 43
- fr if litivelfgao.
old Steers, 3 year/iryft , ..A.Cciires, 1- be•-y_File
old coil, 3 flog; 1 . ight , Wfigon and /far
i• - 1
" 33 1 47C• --
- : -.....:1' , . ;' 1 ,
Testa ow Sat.W.:--.lnoa a 'l, li:indef. 810, dash:dawn—a ,
ovtz that auto aix,roontltt eteillt w ith apple/wed ~wt. -
ty. ' '• - . -.' . '.. !gitLA.Vv o WILLIAMS.. •:-.
Franklin; i1keti411,31143 ' • '2:' , . i - . •
. _
•M • ii. .littarrest . llE above riiiittl vril p . or the .
11.•..1uid convielfoisi •01 th a', pOrsoirok pelisons who
ackssit,fisit.the tlsr . atlinir house of the subeeribei,
.NBlloK:Lakty/tia q nehanna eonney. - Pa.,- . oti
.ThialAty . .;*pai, 13th ' aheraby.the said dui .
itteatbd almait its s al re ecintenps iiere debiroyl::
b4ttd o •ialuding. SOO' : 'els. of gring.. Lairs . -
1.404 at 8760.•:" " , I - . li • ' 1 - ..- , . .:-.. :!..1 . :
• .
At the same de la tro boteveisllara wcrerstn.
beiarom the. barn. aryl also a firOadleather baeli s
pair:ali of which can , .(deoGOiet; bir the sub
sagibir. I . _ ; •,, e : p.l,llAlt. ril ET r.
• 4iiver Enke, oat..:l' i;i:53•::11'-fEt.
- .. . .. • - •.,••
.!..-,,raniqp., 6 . 1.11.*". '
• T HE Piagailot La .r 18 k are ready - tor
• distribotiva..:l4 :th . ...sea tied to receive
. : ::'2 .,. ; ,:!? 4; , :it- .. L .- 4: IX`Protteir:. - -:
. . Agiuools 01;!-- , ! 0i: -
legithe .fieit,file J., , es! , theCouri4-Quer.
se?&scions' if the 7 ' edifi..; ilt)iitilfiii. bieealiti.. l
• - *of Stt.sOeharirvi): • , I _ ,
rr FIE petitioriot DivlitiW
_ :. ,tr the tourrithip
A._ ost Great Ilaiill poi 4 . ;:-** F s , Aflociectruily
represerita, Opt Choiii '' ; • • ,isti . osirablooon.
veniencies di lie ti Itoiso' ~. "itieLlliritiage - of
LOderirvillo e - 41/0 ".fit ' ' ~ , lrliotthitfit; - *
Mil intention iii' "bilfc , O - Oicat-hriii:
!Sir Seesioimi wills. 'lii' ' fOijireeiiirkiti
.00 6 tisintiliiii4 ' . ii- 1.14i* lir 1.. .. .
*iv7l , ,ss:-.4 ,, ,.7,...'4 , ..;:6.!•zi.'2,!,:f4 .."::<' - r-..y ..
i r, : . ..,...ic r
'•-A '141•1011WQR. ,:' --* ' ', - M 4 1 .44
.., ; - ...
..; t er , ..0 0 # 4 :- . ii - or v" r - ii,
Rrtraiiiiiiiiiiika:'. '' :,..i*,
fillTh i ' 14441"141ti "! : ' - 'it Di* po- •
:ra:- Priesiorrqui ki Wit goyim
that bola Posidsd with SailVakto c C esioiwww.flo 1441
II °gamy in smut linsesOi;Szid WA IS is kis IsisitikilS .
i ge m i lli V u to Om is o Otaket 'tit. QlNOrtiteialiSiiimi at fb
sag far said ct 4 1 .4404 Os Mt 0434' od
ofiteriaerbets en , far it ----,.. 1 1, ' _ww,„ 4 .
bung owns( lsewals; atller , min Ilipther i - 4,
!11:f tizthe 410114 t
~.. t, i lli:tfitt.lllll. liedkj V
Am fr4, kir. Al
14 : 1164101110 ; 1111 4 41 1 6 0
" •
- IgitttittPOßlANT":::'.
. --...-: -:-.- ..-..--.-...-.,--....
.or 4ti CZO AZIEZIg t
fiE &firt"will Ofinin'init irntin"F:itini Iliiivn,
. '
ter: di - Simmons atre,pfoli lietarciad", ninon`,
tan rera - iir H. l3..Dewitti.4l6 - Linio**si "Tivient
• Re • eivinK.tnat noldir: ,bi . :th:e - nie . ofirizioiihii
work'tit bluiedtakiiidif greatly facilitated.'?_ - This
itafte in enktilitted-to 'psesertn' the -beidtb, of
Sh . ikera by ennbliu,t thernlo4l6lhelv; - work
while 'standing-in. : Wiling in. art' upright po sit i on
-The utility-or these rrtael4jentitay'lia.tesind \.4'
calling at thaihop of C. IC Simmons in Alen.
trope, ;iThe subiereva 01,:nlidt•Sunqu'ebiutua,
Bradford i 'Luzern . Waynt,' iWyturung, and Sul
livan counties ferith•*putiniater setting
—4bop,- - town • Or County - 114 , 04i.. I . All , (40'0
tha ihfallyreneivid and promptly fitted- "`;•:.;
A rn th i nP*4 3 ight‘ti inii'i=B l ; 6o / - '-- -•-• : '''
- i - • . • - Rtteviartu 4-,simmoNs.-.,
- : euttnaN'Ari:.
LI , isra. -, 7, : - •:, - ... - ,• i • - • -.: . •
/ , ... . .
•-. : .-,-, arm or . e.. -....-.,
._. .
II E subscriber . . offer* for:aide a ralriabler farm
. ' three inilea east ot =Montrose...cork-the ',li.latilr.
a, and f4rtr miles froni!tha Railroad .'. -It Carr- ,
i one hundred ,acres; 70•ricies far - proved, arid,
tI buildings:: It . is well watered,ender ' agood
of itnproi.ernent; hail a good, oichardr. end
I, ode pted tadeor . ying pa rposes.: : _ Well .fenced .
' wall &c . . - Said , fe '
ria wat 'be soliii.'seiy .
p 7 -' "A4dress the subsCriber,' Cali ,
‘anuir .contity,Te. 'i .- -
. .
Montrortf pept..2o 1 - 852. tr-,
. . , .._ .•
I : : just Vent red hisrall &gilt Victer'V do c k . •
~. eti
I and Boys . -., - , . : 'i: ,- " -, - ,-,-::--‘--:---`,
- 1
-- - '-‘ Read. Mader clothmgi.,..=:-----.-..
' -- '- re -' rad — vrtiete '
Etn • roofer 0 verPo
,ts of a va ety of it es— .
Sact and Draii , 0. *=-Yeets—Panto—ltnoten: Cadet
Rd t'.3 and Drawire= Ina White. *.-Itiviit, rang
Col re — pier All.L
41 .-8 eking. , —Olovest, 4 c., (,!cc., .
, . ood assortment o atddonable
,•:.. :_t._ ,
~- '\ ;,).
_ . 'HA ,..
' TS - .: - OAPS'
51* v '•---.'-
: Wontenv, 211 seen,
.13.- ii; and Chltdr, - en*BOOTSft
SHOES ES. Huila Rubber ilo.• ,-Shoto ainl SAI Iditt %• '
Aititgyr supply of :W AIX S SElt,, Curtilzi" Paper,lipt
dee kw.- Books and Station* v: ' - ---. --' - -
AlsO, Trivike.o tine; TraVe lila: Begi,:llavireiel Cod-,
deb t Sugar, Tea, Coffee, &c.Ol do varlety Or Pliter Ar
...- - ' . 1 - ..
11 \
II soiottcile iraafjpayand on e
.'.! Store.opposite Sear/es Um
, Outiber,o4. 4 i 2853.
. •
• =
n the bnehel or toirreLrii 17`-th 1941
.1J the Store of . the subscriber •,
ontrose, 0et.4,11.1143.,
_ .
J,a,biiiet..slio . in - usitt .
IR ittuaminegia - letting all kin d. c,
• to.brder, ainstaLto k'eepit Un Itand Bur •
St v. dcc,•;,Warlinted well made; and slim
ten ,R ag and milldam., Rocking Obairs; *c,
ge rally On hand• • All thnselnantinglurn*
wel to call, Repairing' and Vainfahizig' den
tab ee. • • I:
-f, Comaireadypode and made to ordeVE
niteliiiima Depot, pec. t 0,1,312.—*Pyi ..L
Farris for Sale, .--- -
ar. rabscrilorri - wilt Oct as *gents folS . tlyitit '' ad
s”itirtg..kai Estate,-rafarms;. noises," lint .1..0t,
I ' ted in. Sttequo4aupie county,- Pit .''o :in'BiOotne-
Co nty, N. T.. and a-lidWirglida. Land".WaCracts.' :. - .0.11
stin wieth to
.offeettieir property - D*4We eacidere ll Eat.
ric_ e description of their. amas or Xots aa .fllowi: No:
of ' cress i'holi many Improved; alethoir wat ered; blind:
ing ;* Orchard; grafted : or common , •-, tilititothei.fritit;
tre _; :how far from Vreot Iterpr. nail the naiitetd, point,
to be f).:Ti. &IV.: It IL Ala N . : Y. : 4 ., ..E It . It."4.prtce
an .terms of. Payment ".. • -'• ::: , L :‘-.... --.,,.
~ 11 l who wish.To iiirw or w ali . Real 'Estate;.,i4ll.
re Pre prompt attention by Wltne. oil 4rstirdtesetog2el-1
th orne at Greakttqld.Sueviehatitie county., Pr. - t..7•—•
Conveyance inlet Greet. Bend to the - preitibeO-
T:rcharge.- - i - , -' 1," 1 "..''" ..: ._ --'...'_.'.
4 dic e on : Main etreet ; , its the dwelitrut hOttee:of 8;11-
, e, lately cocupted by b! .. .3r: Carl . :''. 'z.!:.•,:;,..i . ."
i• 1 - ' 1 -, i .--'.7 PgrElt•Vidilliti',:-••
:-...4 " ' 'I - '.. S. B•ign•k4•2•::
'tireat - A5tru1 t ,0e . ,4th,;'..16•53.i ', , --:
. 1 1 :!.. • -.‘ 4: - ~•••• , ti,_:.,
- - IONEII - :•-MONETI 1 - -,
, ~. IINBY-, - eau: -be saiecr , byr, PurelitisNi:o-'
1 I ' LimPn ati . 4. Co. Jat . Blughanitopi - Who - .
ke p the largest...assortment between Ne*N4irk
an. CinCirmati. ofD'ruie;•:;3lt;dioifiteS, '.Paititlit.
01 a, 'Dye;btutTs, .Vainielies; -- ,Glieli;-;`lfittitiek;,
C enticals,„ Patent 3Sdicini.i.firfuniery, ran 4:
cv , doods, &C", - . Also, Windowt•Plesief ail ii*i
fr. - 7 by 9:Ai; 28 bi 36, Ailty;_ , Pitint'ritizAkei;
dining [hashes ; Ghtss, Wire; incloififir:thitila'
to numerous to :m n,entlo 1 ft.! s
- --.:zt ~•
.. ll ef;, : v 111 4 3 Wi! pledge-ourselves.ic Pell er!..o - "
'si terms as they Con.lie,llinit-i . in•ther.eily;' of l
lw Yorl(cir eliewlierei:;:...... , :--- i - j :
' ',:',i': ': r -- - : '-:' ? f:T . :[ .'.:
6 . Ve' are prep trill tri,iMpply dealer* . ati•Wel):* l
isomers at the lowest . Markt . ..notes. '.'".: - :---
-!' - • LAMPSIAN,A.P.L , : - ;....
_' Tompkins 11:11(ici, - rItiiigliiiint912.,:,,-;,_
853-'1..41m3. ''i I, - ,• - f ..- ',... P.,-
ire icheit Condi its cub
norther lentil& ithe..attention of Ms' friends to
tb lbask;l!emer and,ex'eneive assortment of Jewelry .he
ih • cry opening„ comprising a fulland beautiftil stoat of
E$ Rings.Breait Vico, Finzer Rings. tirsetetsterOvvvv,
Al-inlets. sleeve lidttons, studs. Gold ,Chalos. Kelt.
Peheits /to.; dr.e.., which with hie fanner Goodenisite the
rtebesL~a t to be teem! o this:rittign..... lie has
rest no pains in selecting the newest stpes and rich::
esaipatterns knd hopes no person wishing t purehave;-
<tali fall of belng - satliattl.plth the quality or ties of his
goelda. . . • :1 , 2e, z.
2 oda Yell
_ .
•. Loo a..this,•
Ynzi areia l •
fl tuettl aceeshitt, sie•teg, fed:, ek
- 61' 11. nre now in • inkier:a ikiikj.
tor 14.t•ttera t. .tie.teatty..• • Vakgarigak- the
• eillateattentlon tol tbeTo as well fill SHOO" of bra own,
t *Goo settled thei will be put In tlieWelidelffeatide
for legal p.oseentles. , l.lgMatitalg•
• eas:y2s. . . • . ), -
Tel Icniniregiebliebrimittailisenotit ever Gl
lawley's Slor4v6ettleti
ere tile Yi tire l t rerkt*4-A#24 1 9 411 *outFitlY to
ells In their pintesilon. preohiliii:eritire antis.
*Wick every reasonable i;vai!iiiiii i trktett New
rk . :Alnd Paris fan/dons jisai'reetied.
15 1953.
. 1 101 - iefft - B LES 14 .!AI ~ .
'n -r x— , I _ 5 a.." 944 * - g u e d heveeetalilre tied a sho p in,
' .. 141#:.' num( Of Mr.Slyt,e'il St6re.iti M on.
T '
aline therwill, l tttiattarit ketpou halid
I! 'lick end Deehiito . WWI, rind Mitlitrite- 1
aiiiiiiiiiiiti 'Tomb item!'
Cu a the same -into , T , - I
Tlble-teFral 8e...
Thekittmifte or ( ( to joilli4 E - in -xi t ojoist: 7 ,1
ful F R PM . ' ' i..l .:4° N. t .__TßAN:ia.trilEATlEKtil
••y • :
,la , br.44PD,
biand Idirdel'ork'ik d
•l or s x A. HALDwrrite , --
64Liime, Feb. C.. 1
.x :aS=xl,
d ud, J ar - L
, erfr t rAg'
.4 1 , •
A ISTSAIN lekiWlChintUClif -thr O PIN Coe!
bettsnrillea.iberty; . 4te., stiotwhig:
rival of the Nall Trains of Cale, ' -1111101!ir.,,.w1110
rienbing Montrose atl If. - •
itorarwieAil7Taindaf I Wiejiteil)' , l.l.2 4 LtV4
Inching Nhicwood time to take 4tho ;Usk=
°Wee: both FAst'ait West-;! beinC,the neetweVitiiii V
feasible toutitamidt.. the New York and Ze1e411111011,14
Tbth ititersebte tri-weehlYx line for- :le .
E pen jeine, Tartkb4inock, , Wtomimulkist, W!
which kneel; Montriolio at 7 A Si •
d i y and rel a y., Alga, &line* FriebdsellKL
Good Teams and clointottahleCattlintia ste ,
and the Proprietors :pateno' paltit- fo; * ,
ulodwlettst , .W iletTeiti•
Item:Wier 24,1444 ) 1 0N 0 A.V.4 - 151Zr= •
- . -.•:, - -_::::_tAitptrpiTtes-.44 - nigt: - -- 7,-* -- T. ,-. :'..-. 7 ',..,'...:-, r,
(poiti t kiti. a Lx*ltti ti ii,ilUnfitirr.i* PA; - !. .
MlLE_Pulisdritiq, having rented this well Itniiinhiiikaj; , -- -• _
:1.- !and•re-fitted atorioolatalthedlis - goeirstivieJit,iadtV.`,-,- - ..
Prepared toieetdie and etttettein. - ggestei. !,, , ,ThiaboitailtrY ;,..
in . drkielifully liituitealni-itt bank,, - or die s tisoiebsit-A.' , ,- ~ ic
tot 'dm. 4 - ia tbe line orthe New roi aid Erie,•awd ibit.-;.' 14:' - _
Delwiratt€: tAcicalranna ., fsuCweiteinsitaiiipacts;liiiiw, ; i •,42,
loma t . ", 'Deft handful--seitifia sit.eimutctrifiyidlatliwf,-:,
panorama of eeetitnitorqualladatiytilieiej , - --. :,..
,p,,„......,_ ,-,.....,
As *St-titian, Rase iti fot!ttle buellieseFiliala 5~ •;;-, , .
quiet freedim'tteitt the and dia : otettill •:.:•".:'
for ladiewand,gtaileteed iii= plata:Apr pt t satire lueddlber!,- - -
tniateetiii - e - ry of the , „eottntry, thla4oot.GoAPiii - raot.• imp: - 2 , _. •
&omit ed.'-'," Here the tra elle* lit 'iikittc.'l**•,thort:i_C;
eonfesioliiiiiddixittri the eentlo*iiriife l #tidiletwilittrif.-.-11,
!Ovat'i!-whieh ;tokpeitially, la lbw night ',..time.1,41, -,;;,,:•,•
'fftesit.annoyante to those; atoaltigOt haj - tseirites4 -,‘ 4 , : •,,,,,:_.
th&Depic, -) -,.,•,',! ,-s, !•••.-•• ' -.;!,{, - .. 2 - .; , _ , :.: ,, 5 .. .:A" 4, 'Z'r1-.-: -:-
.f . ll,gs Rooms. ate imew.pleapatitt andWIU,• _ . fit t...,,,,.. ;:
l'4aca with - all tioirililleuelfie whielv.liiith,ep ~ ,•• - , z!- - !
eitylaaiittielktil; :sad Ito iiiiiiialthillba'elo*,` . ifilakie,{.:•'l, - . !.. -,
his it ontikrapieo sant konte to adtlit!lifelita. !!z . ,!•/: - • - ; ~,,,,, , :i27:_si, : ;; • :_•--,
! trp! , Genets will"he ockuvestetl,tO and- front - i AP,: •:::••••••
inY • 4044 -day• or ', night; 'hi'.4 -I;iO 4 ' - - 431g i - fref:l4, I
•• :cligr . Tß , --- ,•..,!: .- '. -- - . - !'-•,',.'„.. -;•! -- •-,:-.• • ~!•[;•-,,.„,:.„,,,
- • ile:r„, A iii Witi iiaatit *it : tidied iti the nottelo'!'!, -
' • •i ; --••-•• ' ' ' - • ' ,-- ”- - •'•-• ft; V. CAltniNTlnt: , ‘-lq
.- • .... r,.. ~ ~. , •, . _
.. • Gieat tietoi - June 2?th 1853 —2ett
. ,
.01V11 0 S'' - '"
sert'oo - of , .Tqtrittleit..Gulger. , .;4,..l,-:.
- ,E;i:iieci - is i;:p r 4is,itiiitiirii r iot sitiuriiriii 4l ,,' k : -,
P. _=` In. iiidinaty- diiiiiiteii;ciiiiiSisTrclio !-.;
fatort; in ill casislifPiPtftrAtioii-otiAlittr,,..:--:-.
fahOtimi;ii:iifitjaerfiipiabliio*=;:ll4l%, :--:•
I- Ptiiialrene °r ii iide iril 6 o..i° l e i iii el ( dliii *".'
pbilots or cii.ildreit s ft iirpeleilhiiiy,..:ii%#y ; . ,-`
luo ramily cir ipdividuist or ttaieltetshimi
liL Aitit: enabletit!ii:;iritith-tc4igell .
net6llhce: or intplat diteiiiiii - wkietifi4k l 4ll* - .
1i65: • - -- '. --, -,,--, Y.",-'-;.; - ) . :•+. ,, ,-': , ;,: , - f - ,.q: , - ~
ios.—Be Pure to;*et the Rename etts.e.tiar .
islireiared ontf, byT.Ft . ' - fIRQ..WS, - if fil!iri' -..--
i i
'aid- Chemical Store ;;N: E. Coriifr_st-:_.'
; ird,Oitestitut B,triete;sP i&Mphi,e;-iiiii,' „- -
by 4ill the! respo . ctable:A theeqiettjitiliiit,
..9t*teii, apd Itt Montfort; z te!iy -- 1;-.:_
_---; •-, , '
n .1 . , -' . , Anti; .11TitititLiii r ,=,
foi Safe at
_nark dciti
us, rabies,
heirs, cane
ire wiltit , lo
oia`itt rt
evir.: - . ,. Angora z n We.
'!iiiitoctiiiiiii-tii - re..*t......!;air, :Jil'iiiii,
, i iiv
'-.- . •-. .1 1 . 3 - ‘:1'0 - tvE#'ts: - * .:-7 # 1 '::474:",-,
4, , 11141) 1 ,.isiiii . .atu4k:iii* . ' - ektiii Alitiliilq::: :
.-., iiiiiiisof,tiiiiiii,inte . i . o4 ilf:4 - , *IA-it:k: : z
c'ilieir 'act , ' ''•iiiiiii'C'elv ii - iVif it' l iiiiiV;%' l ' . * .
.cipityohi- : - , z . . ci_, .
~..A, . .,.., . , 1 ,..,, ,_. ..,....- ~..:
ply 141 1' t.4 4 ilalriii43.-;;Iirk0:: 9 .i* ' , ''''OCP 7 #O llll -„.' -: '
thiii...::fi e * jiti4 o -:. tei.-4,4y.,:::•i* -4i716,70101P,1..-1,
thimiiai.l,. ~. 1 ,•::.!::, ". .',. ;-.-:--,•:,.•::::.:::- 't':.? , !.. , ..; 7- '-'!: , :..3=.',: : .!.' . .`.
'-'f The assort Trent - ii ii . tiOicii4 , .ii •_ f :fir1f,117% . 1;:!, -
iik.itt";ri !it4,citllC.4l.foi;- and . : ile .. ii!* viiiilo,l4::•l
sold ch eap er ,fir cash, ; thAti:iiiiit . ' (or*: ' itettii . i, J.,
ails 14iti - ii ot.Coiiii.ii 'corilleiin:...isr .1 7.-. - '''_.', - ~- - ' IX--- - - - ::..:,.1
...;;O. 'y jov ()Di;
_G..Etot, AZ . := ' ,: . , : ;. -7 , ! ,- --5: , ::;11'
'Crocker it/iim,-Oteikhraiii;:li r 7 '"'744hoese- . :1
i fiGriii'; 1 jih #nci - Salk.';';. ::::_ , - - -i --- ;..lftir-! - -, 4 :k:c - :'*= . ‘si',:= - ‘l:k \ ' . F . :::',..
idded.tii tin-**6iiiiiitteti*ti; ':4lli4ii) - tinttied;:l::,..- , ,
Th'iiii I:4oo64reitish . .:if:goiiii4i : :li r tiiiidTieisiiit. 2 . - •:-
o iN t c . '...iii....lhit . thit - iitooti',.:' . .'ti .- .o4*li:ilfb-;
.. itill se ll PIO - .4 . ( ,: ** . oo t biti . th -. :, - p - ei_lhiiii -, ',Oit .--,.
inrit - ii4 . li4hm,4,(Weit f or x: 2 1,0) - 4-zriy,?..11fi.:,...-,;
.7.pri c a . iiiitieOtiiii 7 ihaeiit) it: ii . toi , . - ii:c*-114; , igie.:- - -.:
''fii.iciri i - , ,,ti t-. Ofitqm,r*Tliatiki.7tiiii . iiik*****4 l (_-: . .,
Ai* oni 441:03, - upon
- 0 11- 'Pile" in , -- , - ,:: , -; , - - -'zi - :':'-'- . r. - :•' C , , i.r,llf,
_....,::Altih . • 'cilia !Aire' biii*iiitliii tiigit , 4iti' 4 ,-- --.,•---.: „
iistritigli iiii - iiikri*iiiiakco - eqiiiidii:*itutriiii. ii..41,f , ..t ,
illii; - .lovant*ite:tocalFvoiv,. •zi .,- -,..-_ - -:- . -t-'•- - --;: - & , -:::i ,.. ,- -- . -
:,.:::-1- - ::...•
. -, ...V.E.1-0.
lii4thic k Ong . l:aitlief;.:tii;**.iiii i iiihiiili , 4ii - :.`fini
~i''', .
"siimin;:; - -.l6tf. 1 -; -',..:;', ' :,,.. if,i-ft :1::,,,, , :_-,.: :: ,. : •95.,. 4.15 1:-... - :-0 - ,-,r4, 5 ,- 4 , ,, i2c . - ::;.,
h itill. 'D.6 ll3 ; './I ° ea ' 11-
rd i' ed B VI I s i ! .* iti; ." --.*- 7„ _ .
_ftEW .T:';:**l4 4 l .4;:;':- :!
(1. oral:IOW exhiblung at Golltlialetb.kklifillegrg4.:,.
woman iaiaid to he-u‘srisrsiga4fig f il — fogitaist.k.,;
ity a s the Ete ardlessgranny who tlpiiiii*hii,•':'
`satire:re. ' But bitnylicaiiti.l wieb,ttliii•l4.*li'i.2.lctt:
spear in 'mind that ..there 411 CI .neeifesitilreetkilliit • '
hitra ; bockedlwhen clothe - &Q so cheitp,;24ll42or,
l -6 0 - rPrkTeil..roadr lo • , thimufactrire , thens:? - I-:
have just recOved the
AUtUMN:::STYLES .. , ;'-: . W.
eortintletrien. and: BiiyiL•i.. .- - -- ' - r--;' - •
A. , ,CAUTIO I N , I-7T be public are hereby_ catltien
hiliivinif, hirboring or trust tne.the idea dila, ;.., ~.
.ifitiiliibeate i n in the Art' of•Talkie:l6g. or Jill thti - g:
my'reasiosablemeof harges. forpmmpt palr..';fili s
Er P
~ Akin, notice thatlVltaye.rittocmCS'llli.
rflY shik - 1 llikili*o went COnitlliittitirki ilai.:! -- .:S•
tel ishiont - 45 reet . o4o:the Illiiiii'jiiso: s ' l, , ':-9iNt
fi a ,* CuttingOone scusivil for:pfdtinru.• ' - 1.14.. , , :;
- - ''lolift2bßOlTSSi TailikkAii•.;:
Montrose, Sept. 15, IS.S.T:r-g-riii4;•4...--;;• - Y"•i‘`.-,s , W - •••
, -
- - MEirble Matinfaatcifi'ji.: -: 1 -::::,
r 1111 E aringigned beet* annottnorrt*tteletteei.::••
• ,1L ; issue
hitire.eldittilhihedji Shop: in;lfeeter'irbnildiiii6,ett:.
Main street- ; . entiose,where they - likiiiikoini*,
hind ieilihil farri4;oo3-iid Atmeiki**Opyika, -
and Oliiintlf .liiiitM*lllegiftA l3l4- -I ktio'''."
Toutliilej . if'stioorithir anal cio* . uir,g ,
T0in1ef5:1 7, 1...._ . :1 1 ):: r ' , -;,..:,.. ..'::: .. , n • _- i , .
~_.. ;e.W e l i g; , *4:rwi.ll*.it;ep their interest: Ile
gwe lig AI 4! ..telco're &Trig creewhere With their
ordere. ,:: 7:;;;:is ti If r EN . ,, .dc. D g LO NG} ..• ,
111cillrofft;s ' it, 44, 1853-rtf ' ' - : : • - ! - "...4
-•.- - -
_ _ •Ail & At' .. ..
lim a , 1
F. stiat ,ctilletniglAlir**l 1::;;
ristitutto‘. will cairns:l ses**i.Witifiimd4;4.,
"'IA 14 0cgigY,_ or Siiign*?' W.. tieii*e. :
chitii`ptits f
_trezit,,carps or f ' - 50iiii.;•• • -;;
reOvipsiis it a 'woofs hitfier tii-7
ili k t„
48 4
6 neck).* who.are deli ratiliorikilirleitr.`' i '' t
" Wi t 1 %, Ori.,fs,fiii - 4*A4O r - 9
- 01 T, r 2
thai3nowsi iseinr_tbtage `• -- 's. --- ' '. ^ ; -. 4
wtachtt* "il4ittronit - 4 , c '!:rnivasetikift, ij
iieelimitra, tout isiiiaik i - --..*- '• - - 1- - '.':
inotaiiii. - - i7iiitit, ithomiti . • ',,, -.:- i, ‘ --- • - -':..i
..wievtreiii eiptireki64lo :- • ' ' ... 4.' - %i
it4 6 t l tar e 1 ' 1 ' ifsiitiftili"&teff ''.: l'"' -. Z.. .*---"'
>''' ' --, It 'roidiestiWr .. r - • -,:
.- . ifoa 1
:- _ .',: r ly.. - , i-Av A ml-• , Witiii -- ') . , 1
Grm. - atitiseeswA..sdr , h.- . . - viR.,..1,4447 F 5 1 ,11 .1
I Riifftelvig.o , .. 44 ..,t - t- - -...- il
: -