. . . . sweet, little Mary, yet 7 eldest playing. - 4Spriet Oline. on the piano: — ,Look, on the picture of sold, lone, forgotten,:k4tylre .Dream Oa it by night,' .ana bt day too,.and, when listrY 'say"! '911140 ! .says,o-17.tyos-r: d , .NAT:I7 Pennsylvania Do (Aisne Below we give the official vote in Ifie eral counties for Judge of the Sufiretne 9.ourt. lEriox, D. Budd, 'Y. '1,436 1,72.2 )51214 5:587 . 2,066 ' , 1,241 • . 1,50 8. , , 1,333 , • 1;760-'1,700% • • 6,838 34 . 07 1,516 • 1:834 2,846:. '2,215 5,070 • 3,881; 1,835 1,932 1473 , 1,011 1,042 11,. 297 • 2,345 , 1,228 4,669 4,880 1,997 - - • 570 1;151 . 222 1,130, '" 753 2.053 j. 291 2,354. 1,426 3,024. 2,160 2,476' 2,378 1,432 1,728 400 ' 99 1,434 2,017 2,706 . • • 1,727 Adams, Allegheny, Armstrong, Beaver, • ißedford, Berke,.; Bradford t : Ducks, Butler, CMS Carbon, - Centre, Cheater, , Clarion Clearfield, Clinton, Crawford, Cumberland, Dauphin, Milaware, - • 'Elk, Fayette, nreals. • Franklin, - 2;706 ,:. Fulton, ••• • 118 Greene,' 1,389 Huntingdon, ' - 1,563 .radians, - 1,357 Jefferson, - 1,059 ; Juniata, . 950 Laticaster, , 5,519., Lawrence, . 138 -Lebanon, , 1,228 Lehigh . , • 2,023 Luzerne -, 4 13i Lycoming, • 2,468: _ -3rx ? „ ll ,_ - 355 Mercer, - • -2,246 _1,559 M : onroe, ' 1,858 111.pntgomeiy, 4,535 . Montour,-. 1,004. 'lklorthimpio,n; - '2437 , - - - NartliuMberland, - 1,847 Perry;.!:' 1,600 Phila. city and. co. 21,'722 Pike, 564, 'Pena; - 6 . 43 Schuylkill,- 4,022' - &morsel, l4O Susepsehsuma j ..., • 2,017 , :Snhivanf • ''' 411 Tiilga, • 2;1411 Union, - - • 1.541 • Venango, - 1,300 , Warren,;.:, 920- 920- Washin,gton, - 3,399 ' Wayne, 1,670 • Westinorellusd, 3,410 Niryoaling, • York, 4,234 Tot4l, The "Lille Expedition-4iiscov• ery of a Northwest Passage: _ . . ' * Cammander Inoiefield -who it *ill. be . re, membered; - Was deaPaiched in: IL I.'ll steam; ship Phcenia,in the"spring of the }'fir, ,. with . supplies to-Sir Edward .Belchees.Ausalrim, -arrived at the Admiralty, Oct.- 7th, 1853 i r hav ing leftthe "Ptunnia l it. Tburso„ N. - B. ' - • Comma'nder Ini2kfieldliririp no intelligende of Sir ' John` - Franklin's= expedilionl, he bait, however succeeded: is ,depositing the supplies -- ;nsdirected,s2li we arebppy.tosayisactons . periled by Li t, Cresswell, ofthe Icive.stiiliter, with dispatchei frOm Conn:dander 31eClare, - thus enabling nit to satisfy the • public, and , `• the \mess of those • embarked:in the-Iniesti ' • ipitoricenceming which ship considerable:sic - . tety had :existed. as to her safety.- - ,- • ,' • Thictreadaitaine, ttlaristiort,. which'eccom pa ' nied,`,the.Phanix, was totally wrecked 11'044 of. ice-41toivil' aersavid • and brought,home by the P6a~ii•; • -It isConcluded frTit s Sir Eld.. Belcher's dis . .initehea, that that o ger , would , eedeaSor to retrace' is steps Ails - easan to Beech, Island • to whiter. It is further - to be: gathered Tient, these dispatelleA the Iniestigator hid CO m . pleted:Oe.,past... bet Ween - the... , two; ; oceans, having passed i nthe,Artic sea by .. ; - Behrines Straits, and rein ed - liatzie'bY Davis Straits. f Dispatches *-1 i 'been ieeelvedrittlie . Ad. miraltT fro Com, M cClure , Who gilled. in Dee., 185 . o,: . in .search of Sir -Jam Franklin, in aid; - - S. Invistigatoriand from-Captain z lieliett, lA° - sailed li the 5pc114,41852; in 11. 3L S. Iteio-.. • inte;cniOni - Same mission. ', We - regret 'to Say' that . nelnitieslowardathe success in the • Main object . 9f their', mission have been : discovered, , i but-We have favored w' l ! communica*irr era letteifican Ccita,;llebl re dated 11. ~.14: . .. Et:lnvistigitot SST of lifertir,lEaring's Island: April, 1853-'whiehannounees his success in ac - ' complialiingAit long problematical-enterprise of the porthwesitcrnyassage. • ~ - - ,- : .. ~, .: : ' The gallant writer' states that daring -,the witttoe4lBso,, hisreSsel' Wintered, in pack, withoixt sustaining any ditia*.;flitid 'sn.rPris-, jpg to say, he, has tcrjrvort'the'same'resuttlt Ihe end of,the•third.Win4r.; sad - , -without; the ' . losis of aSinile Min 'of her .:.n i arew,) . the frozen . . iisteti cilia Prince of Wale'S - stiitit; . siXeotri; unitielding with EirrOwsZiste - iiseeitalnedini . .. tissilttit Oct ottbst-yeit. Ati:.,inly.-•II151,fie: ? ststoN'";'stteb2 body of ice ilame..- - doWit uP9" . us, with a jiio . Ag,:44:wit3 . 4 and act ;6"'fir.es..se.l - ' - en' far to the 41,9tith;thatWe . ' determined'ln at: -• 021(tiassitiiii.by:tliiiiitifiiiitrof the ; `cliffs. • ~ `-ff***ls_laattl, "OlittinitheAtokh:A - entritire : ~,. ' „..., 4 4Fte . ishind - -undex.voiakiol lo * - Ar4.f 7. T s -- ' -7 ,mumk4liWeAnCibmgot4g4ilimpwa --- . 4 Viiittaiiitiid ricith.tflis, ataitinept,.*tthe. tiii*isiineenntered'Meein c rif train 45'.iii - lie • teikhilliatif" -only cB-or: '11: I To ; ad *WM. ' l 4/Plie 11M* 11V C :Ws, bat ligigleeS7 .1, „t o ilile4 40:- 5:741 " '703 1,845 1,557 421- , '798 13-,829 1,400 - 1,969 . . 989 • 1,794 ' 168 1,458 937 •• • 3,214 429 - , 1,382 912 855 .18,829 , 'B7 81 1,987 . 1,855 .145 • 701 2416 427 424 84'.1 441' 336 . 3,015- 116,161 153,929 3[tie~~az ~~-~l~i„r{i~TT' Thoso or their bringing The al ers l 7nt. 'Tea ly s yea' provions . BalOorture Eon ention I?lEiteg fur the residency, ] Preo4entiat e 1.04 Sitll en heis I,Pennsilval taus, prtiud l i rezd,th, hoi ihs r, her inter men, we were spired *witl 4 laudable. a • bition; 'to in elevating, oifinf theitni lie tnen to the hie ;lair t i, We believed t t tOect : y as relation ' tile . al i... eatle. interests , Well' had thci; zqmitiistra ion of the than ever befit e z .reciulted ripest experih.it,e, and vip. tints, at.the:lie m of State til t Maintin OA' Ame i A eriean tnat natity ? in potors, demi' ded this at ea Ittpublica ism; and domestieselat oust& the a Character as. o demitn 1;1 ie.* is tindou • tedli i .. 'e s' i pO• ity oni eart.; - but lin -, •• . , it s. 7, meant to b e •y its 7,nd it hal becoine a lion mensp..collectii tfand tie-lts slut° : t end' th l g iffirial ..- trona , .greats centre, • i d - ex ; tire. itrfte..a. •f the raultttude , :ol:7 ! *NI , ! fri. mitalai . ratio int and poll liinglemente,i . onrjuiiigm VI than ever ? uponthe_pa tip people, in their ; 141 , . in'lBs2. : i i gaillest With,- stfoil•.bY. the, standard of .. 41 hat little ' l e could AO ettgrgieri., ani . ated with' anxious hO . 1 l a Of sti mess: 1 1 - • -' . - Nor were wiOdildlo w`liii.h the . .soccessOf , I ; depend.,.V.Videlydiffere , „tkonal views must, be liar ruOre•CouYention, -. in . stic unhappy ' , line* of sepa which ' f4r: • Years ' bef . ;1. . ',' • - . a Ould:be.brokert down, o eleruents be formed.. l l . . ~ . . s as-cry extenbion, raise* vlso,.hatfzdrEady Veen • - nii r Ores ' . of 1850 . and i , . 4 i as q 4.gu1).54 1 4ge:diyiiie ' :4 dp:.DeM9cl'at'ir, party;: t 'a 1. tiOnal Convention; l b a 11 - etnitie ,stiri t,.c - thew 'beicnite icarcelY.. lines fAistinithio,.and ... • • . isten 0 at .that_tiine m. temp r of faetioni'lead. 4s tiaVi tie-betiwoa . f.tetii' 614esilpi..whnt_ men •-c •iirinctple Of.the.governi ,- dicitied and arranged:: gain bi3,- , United: Upon' s i d when , united - , ' Who by - a futtire lintlortal I lien, aktruidiselpletO and worthy; if , Adak. 'di ' insiti st*O; ere . e if que ! inhdittinct. ..-Neith9 o doing they--intist I ' ' • i x ril Id . e,or 0) ; c ..prosery ' Such --, was Abe trif.4rd. nrent/eletnents•whieh ore Conve n tion.. ~AI 4e 'glar.eritissite,were. lltl•bonoribi 1... ,........f°!. 1 t: ~. . ishOnorabin• boast holi t a &i;i . .L e > . l.l . : tintti ri te 'n- d ei.i t ! l i t 'lilleyer.thelethat..,,wh: gisin.h4d - en.evincei. . hien.. ii:risalt , i . 'tica)..atti • .r•They ha ... .. 71k,'..trqtal l he,;4i trisr . iiza i . .Aarty,..frliaol.fhizi;titfh tioni, whio, - ivho,Eit gli. . 1F9 1 ? 1 4:be. ,) 1 6 u # 4 4 l i liki , -4kri:*iii f -of: 1'i* . .... .:.44 . 4 1 4 0 4. 0 0 6 04 and .we*ii4kitdl that -,*40-63,,..,4T1iitJ 8 1!ive" ?. .-ii, 4 o -:-_ p :-:. territory. w a s - -fi' rat WAS , Ptikdifr4l l o4.',.. itillAciliPsy*t . .eran* T.htbsainiary4foati3O 444,--4444:**4:44 -;44li2r!ii„ )Itll6 I - 1 043,. ,! n• to po) favOti ' .il4 0/49S' i the sitting dr f the h. notniMited 190 i. we entered into the ruestoss and . 4eal. of • our tomurn ' sts and her s!atcs , what We vl:leeiF-: aid with oaf mite htlest . of Our Oily acy of laxity of Otir, - 11 a , difficult and d ii . ecome- involftid m gorcruthent; More statesii3an tf ( the oat undoubt, , tal- , - . •i,.. a NN , e beheveu l tn t 'can 'characttir l and e ' lace-of iprei,gn the hands of Ilm'pri -e- believed that ;the . until , were (iflaUch t also. The jA)4ler. 'pleat firm cif •bivil le as- it is,.artd I Was rsoit; this v eahi 'd i ay la machine. • .11t0m rsetnenta of re•frem and daily .ne, Mule ii liadiAting -franiione. . over, altnost l ithe en-, ;'together with die t., en conflicting 1406- k c al inteYeais and en ataalll &more find. - , riotisni f tho Amer tion 01 . il'PrelOent ueh edirrictiiina, •we .iiirs i:s ucailc. -.. 11 we did with all' our he moo - fervent' and • • '.' T :thole resulta . ,Upon .., Dimeeraiy; would t and conflictinn , aeo: era I isb ess enized iit.th'e 4alti. a tnau flt that the than ,in : the] prty, e hid fieetsl drawn, . nd a cottiplete huinh The a gry. issue of I I..by the Vilinot, Pro --1 I • - ittled ..ir i. the . pacifte , 52 a . anewl : rather he hostife fuetiens of `girth ank & l oth.. : A mated hnd twtUated ..uld rem'eve *hit hsui . ore than .huaginary ,hich ol.vcd they ea :- to 'the ,uny ilding . 13 than t . ozny.;atths -ttm s., -Indeed, the; great • ~ 1 i. - ; neeiceo an upportant 'eni. 'had ii - Ceu rlught, t i ; ow should .1,1 4 ',party andent lap Oarka, ..houid.be. Te l e. .gnized mocratic Ad Matra :-the-.Demoiri: elfaith, = retire 'countenance, 'that kept thet4para ,ouldiyield„.",..when by_ their tech. imd6 the , d temper of the , dtf .- - embled in the pth!. factions foriO4 . , frP l5 . l here rtpreise'pr Fre compromie Ai or .a war. Thofie, vi 0-had of the - Preri ' 'A-OM t th • ey were P W s , :rer of faction , anat., in. theirpas _ duet, '.- or , logoi-of belt , Po . been- dOrrn t . o . pont on'e _. ~ ' I- thi Dail " ' ti e nee tt? 14 'InetIt s vi#* e.o rit, . embraced ? ith i eY 111P within '.• that 0 4 1044- e , Med,. without Pr?' r , i __,.. h VIV ome. „I co?Dt-el! , itt% os g ,,Viti # ll 4'': tni t h ' - 11 of : the -ANitipliott if t: bou*z--1,2,f1, , , , ,-jit, , , ,Corigrpa t i 1 971- [ sco# lllo tAaraPte -' l4 f "dfseoPfe'arlie . , 14 ortiPi ' Pt PP-r je-ti . .! Of .1 0 ‘i. t ch re" By refaiin still to frathmuze when no substance of disco.,...retii iiinec - f,li, By whetting still more ?sharp; : '' -digger of proscription, 1144,,tijainkatillIti ir tbe atmpr defiant pow- r" 'that groat•political sore eirthebedi*,tf" fiartit"4od - refusing to let ft be he a! elf t h in Witiddi:.; By r still making ; • - i 1 tie : nittied :. h wl . tii. iansidistp, with all its unhappy dis urba cm? . Blanifeatly NO !:- Th - ere could c butone. way of settleMeut, and that .was adopted. The illegitimate agitation of the Slavery que lion ;was discountenanced; deprecated 'and silenced in the Democratic par. ty• - •Sul was theplatform erected then; and there, an upon it the Democracy of the Na- tion planted, themselves and rallied. '... The u - n. ion was' eoroplete, the - triumph of the party I made cetinin, and the _masses , 4 tho'Nations North,. South , Exist and West, everywhere, ; saki!. hearty Ainep: All were : . then ready and_', eager to go nto t he Presidential - . contest—all n i i could do so'w ith honor : and with' zeal. There . h •already been a compromise of position—there trqist 14 one of preferences for men. Mr. Bucuslan was not nominated-; nor 4nernl.CAsi ; but PRANEI.IN PIERCE' was; attd nominated too "upop thnt broid, ornpre -lensiveiand natiotill platform. The (Onven- Item dissolved and mingled with its constitu ency,; hearing eveiywhere the plaudits of ap proval. A work - -had/ bein -consummated, which the - 'whidelAmerican heart longed for. Agitation , and sttife; with their 'restless and 1 disturbing elemertts were stilled.; anxiety and 1 isolicitnde gave pl .0 Via feeling of security bnd repose. Ilm cotriplete was the final 'tri -1 itinplt I - What.an overwhelming endorsement went forth : the from Amerienw po.ople at the Arid - • ' polls ! . why was it so I Why •was ; FiAtut - ma ,PqncF. J , carried on ,a whirlwind of ' I popular -applause nto . the Presidential' chair'? ; Not because of g-r at and unrequited national Strikes, but because hew s the Irepresenta. tiim Oftheideasitnd princi ples °lithe united, national Democratic party. When-President PIERCE took upon'hiinself the duties of hie - -office, be-, was surrounded With more difficulties - than 'whops any of his predecessors.. To , execute the laws and de r. fend the Constitution were .by no means his most diffienit ditties. The. dispensation of pat romig,e was the rock on which his Administra tion was 'destined to - spilt, if at ail, and, til... question seems iiow to be. fairly presented to the Democracy of the nation :-" Shall the Pr-es , ident and his cabinet be sustained." • This 4pcstion. can heist bo answered by hearing in ; mind the circumstances of his nothinption and election._, 1, -, - . 1 i .Ii does seem to us that there as but one course - for tho Adininistr.ition to !pursue with'i reference to the; disposal rof pAtionage—but ' One course and carry 'out in good faith the tn..' 'cit obligations devolved upon it by the aetion, of the -party frottohe day the Convention met at Baltimore till the present time. lie was note- . inated and e le cted upon the iden.of the union of the Democratic party, and the obligations therefore imposed Upon him: to preserve that union, , were paramount.: Ile could not take a diterent course without proving - himself re-- crennt to the trust_placed ,in his hands by. a confiding-people. - In the selection of his Cabinet,: the Presi dent followed out. faithfully this idea;, It is emphatically, too, aGabinet of , working men, and we have no fears of contradiction when we affirm, that no. Cabinet has, ever surround. ed an Aduithistmtion, which has been more dis tinguished for labor, care and vioilance in the respective departments than this. . , Contrast it with the clever:. and indolent Cabieet of. Mr. Fillmore, and: thecountry w ill at once , perceive how infinitely , they-have gained by the change. And yet from the moment . of its Rirmation, politicians and their factious presses.have been uttering,ideep -and loud, the thunders of dis pleasure. .And it is . A significant fact, too, that that these l o icmpaints have been. made-on ac „ .. count of stets done in ; pursuance of the very policy announCed by the President himself, though the "cotnplainants have-for.the,moot part pretecided to exer,pt the President, and to stand faihfully by his.side. In: this they have not acte d an honest part. That whole class c ' ff politiciani- in the staleof Nee( York whe have from the first denounced Marcy Guth rie,_,4pd ,c4sliiii, denounce .. thk. Preisident and whole . Administration at the eametime, forthey denounce in those , men :Lai. dune in . Purguance.,- o f.the P°PPY , 9 2 4tiglanced for - anti by the Administrallon from the!reoment it came int 6- PPw_tr•• ~ .. Ther ev.9R- - t 6 further ,Al4 - 4 0 ' ' tnore'-' I .rbeY :act IP' oa4faith not onlY.lovovd.S; 4 30 staPitlistr4lQNl,ut-Y)lcarils the democracy , or the -whele- iiountry. . TiMy . .rerrounce the obligetions which. Ahoy- voleutariiv. assumed. and . the : ultimore,Cenve.4.. ... 'On, ,nd..iiiPan !hick PMY:-. 6 ,c, tea . during. the: ' 4 ll4' , „PfclOden4 4 ! "clgp.:4,4,lthPY -,i4e.n.'ac 4irwiedged Old; unio' Pc - t4 43 ,Porgu,CiaticOar , .. i r t4l l - 4. , o 4l * a. POPlKY r ! lich t 04.q449.f1 . * * .isi r 'form.ed And whictielatie could preserve it, 04,1 4 9 - ! ) aik ' TOTlT i --4 6, isting; - . clemeat of § l4 FPzi . j° , l4 l Pleti:.!o°Pgt i . ,a jV i,44l 4 4. 4 4l, ._ - ; 1 1 1 4 1 /... 1 .4 ik,„ l *in, l( n P1 1 ,40,r*:.-_ , TAtii,a4l de!?,4.,,ff:PrllP" , ,, ll 4:e re .:9 l : 4 !'M' that q t !'l 4° ''' 1 `iv - ere Aot: P 3 lokilis j oii ` od ilt.4itsan fefiroserip• ft ) Ai:J i mf ' n!* ,it..,-?.4.WTYAA 4 41:9_,P41Tr9 " 9 9! °,e ,•=ftS T YTP ,. , ,litil l 4 , komt, (iii4o ß ti".. L P(04r,... ( *•(!. - ..,*P 3 0-4 0 “1 1 9. guid 44: " ;a Aiwa Aia..ideit; tiOWfoiditi propriety. ~44 :i:!f. ...,,.. 4 .5Y4, - .1 11 14.-Y! 4, 11 r - 10:1} , , .0.4 4g1,-.P1L1i.3 '4OOE, qh4, 44 4-ren9peoinihel 'i ittr.64ll .. - f004P , 5),1 1 0 - Ains: 4 ,. N4:4444 - I.W:l l 'o'noPii*Po B 4 , . *it*,F* ,tl,-,TE:eAexp 4 :4 x4 A , y,, t ilt.„, AfilitwAtior . oi , :,,%ctrest . oir Z4,1404itd o t iaii, , j 4 l / 4 •4 C.lllcii -4bpts, ,m4 , ..; ,- 7.4‘ Pl4ttivki nidollol%RxeroAlrri* i,4 - ttigir,i4,4a4,4, -, . , 0 .. .- ~.....„,,„ ....„, 4,...:. ~,, . 0 1.- , ." -- " ,, k tr l ;tftgAt r t"l 1 1 3 4 : i let* lir tl kP Ml ! ' 11 1° Vf:P ii A l5 l " i ''' 1,1%V.• ,'..ll.4A•ii'W i A e ; , , vtli , ' 67;WiRVe r cite i ''.' ..: - ', 17 - ' i!' 7- - 411 ' AWMA , lesilkinc#_ l ii,:- , 6,,,,, - . , A A : , , - s , d : !l a pi - TfA I Vi 0 4,... i.... . , ~.P. . e,:i.,. ) ,' " Rer,fr 91 r ~-Araf r.! ihti.viT e Vi i elivi o kaok tr* AgrA*93=4*:40. 0 144414 0 1 ) ' 4 IN'd - been - h°nl44ll44 l 4WMP r octk `''' o°l- 1 ? Ta 4.441 . 0'16'.' 11 0".' 1411111"%ahir Mdiesairdest cad •i 7 . — > ' '.r.'e...:w:,d n a+~-Fcly..~il.6~a.~..,o~eiiG~nms~„rw~.~ioCFst+uG•dr...~:fiE...~'~~.eis~,ti::.i3~?;rS,:'.i:+.a ment was founded and by which'alone it can beperpetuated, were being lost to 'the connH triandihe World-throu,gh the inter One war inibe democtatie istrty,--When all esp Over rt shadoWinfteonsideratintei eallednp n :he De 'menet for union in its,councils a _the , tail had heen beard and heedediceld, et-gleulatini T political, factionkselfsshnese steps• in:end f opens again the once hailed Darts, 'by raising anew an , obsolete issue, and by grOss exhibt; tions- of faithlessness and duplicity; -they charge.that the Administration has' thrown it, _self intethe arms of free soil plotters. ' Every appoinitient, that does not come from' their 1 faction, is gazette& as another evidence of Ad:: rninistrative faithlesiness, - even thouglt it he balanced by ten of anOther- stripe. . 'rho Prt- 1 ion-is at once endangered, and theY. forthwith a . , pply their political tcdtitre tosate it,' Wh:6ll, . . now consists •in,..denunciation" of the C:tbin - et and, the phreino. of Obstacles in the Wav-bf the 1 , Administration, to embarrass and 'web+ it , down.- -A stranger might -naturallY mike- up hismind, from ihcir representations, that the President was a Charle Secondond the Cab inet the prototype of his Cabti, in which Mar-. I • - - { tie and ' cy ads the pail of the diplom tie and plOtting • Lord : Arlingten, and dutbrielt 1 tat of the fiery and imperious Sit 'Thomaslldford,, wild, tho'' respect4ble it: . talents, possessed: a Most hi . M entably perverted sense of ' thity,and honor. indeed,it is not a little singular that the See retary of St.t e, and Secretary of the Treasto=y in the. reign of thounforttiliafe Charles, shoutd bear so close resemblance to the attributes as signed to those of President pierce's Admit]: t. listrationin the nineteenth ceittury. . 1 • . . ._ Nothing sh ort of the' whole intbience of the pationage , ofthe governMent east upon: one side, and 'a general pioseription 'of the other side can satisfy these oppesc'es of the Aciminis; tration., They cannot be content to • let by- . -genes .alenc, and let the. patronage .I.re distrib- Utcd Without question save that the appoint; .cis stand in . good faith Upon the .platforin .up- on which _the party We's:brought into,-,power. They liived.the un i on , of the par ty dar l ing the . Canvass,t;because it insured "suce.‘.s.s, and would. .1 • Dice them iibundance . of ,spoils when they, should afterwards : have'destmycd that union. `and , artegatid, to: themselves;L'-7.few .'in num.:- berS,-=the . whole patronage. Objec!ts thinir selfish. and. .g,iloble - .meet not appreval from -the Adinifilltration, which seems, ta.rOga ril the same ediiigations.,in power that•7ere.aS inined to at lain it,..henee liO;tilities are coin minced. . the-bleeding ;heed lof sclolleetor 'Pronson is held Up to public 'pie, to arouse the - public sympathy. s• Ile is. eaniniled.es - [a Martyr . io•his 'faith,' thungli strange:le say, it retjuired all the daizling e x pectant l 5 of the Gubernatortal Chair to'lie held censt:lntly be fore his eYes, lest he i...hciuld recent in: the fl-. icant hour; Surely,Suck patriotic:arid uh4!i ish devotion is • well - - .Carculated to . 1 Move, to teari . thqoliduratelicart of the politicia , l_worldi ." 'The Administration - came into :po‘Ter,pleg. ed beforectlfciconfitry, to - preserve, . fe . 'far•uS in - its, power, the union of the dentOeSztic par ty, Whieh:West consnintnattd r at.llie . ll, - Liti mere Convention: ' „To _• tiao .. .. thrown • )11' thOse .pledges 'would .bavb .4hit,ited . ? A: : ba.ieness Un paralleled. ‘ ,.lt Las a light 'tareei , ire of its subordinates. tpci a 0 - ordiso .n'eqiiieseence is that "pbliey... When;therefore ilr. Guthrie in •a.re spectful manner fmlicited to , 9ndof:those •-• • se., most i m port ant subordinates; what 'the .4d.•• ministration Oxpe.efell ..from -him, ne. was in ' 'answer Moroael v• invited to mind hislown.bus: . . 1 tocrol,, eTik-Inee Of intention to deist) could have teen given in no :other. way .ilin - it was, -L--ay promptly -removingbitn.- from I - 9(lice„--; The AdminitratiOn -could - doiiothin less and net place it-Self in the mostihemilia imr. of all positions before the county - and fir ;world,--.--- ' i 'it'rould de pi ,: less and not evince. l 4 l . timidityland Weakness that .wohld tlisgrece thei - cast. s I • ' " -d 1 . t' the par tiona go errnqnt,.an : pu . e s. min 7 il: that, brou i*lit into it pow r„...To•liave - deue leis' . would It r ilave driven: t e• prestige of, the Memery.of ajacksea•and ) ,olle'.froin the , dem- Focr tic-party forever., ~„ • , ',., ~_ 1 ...•••••" !.. he cry that the AdmiW tration 44'_in•leagne. i 1 wit ,New. - Yerk --v aboiitionis a:and :ff . ve sellers lis t ei ridimiluits t . ei. find . or it even: pith thoi9.l it I. w - li9 raise . it. ,' I In a nat, - .9nal poutt9ll l :l9w,there I would be, o r, would hive ... ic!n.tiow,`,. p0.. - such• 1 distinaions in 06, democracy. of that ~, t tate,_ had the I:n .- e4, not . been, kept caper ',by, ;these; ~of opposite Harts. : 411, paiit:slitAutuflo ns r Weie dropped Baliiinere, nod all , united on: the save platform In' tlig . cariya . .ls, : .Th 9 parly was. . . the O. again vpdtty 0f 1 .14, and - as' such bight have Temaine4, brlt for those : who cone,eivo .: -their political Salvtion to depondipoti the S t layery,t s*itatieri,A..agitatien.Witliaut an iti.t;tie,..,ariii 1 . • • fruitful . to' t4o, -,coilatiy, only, iii,imiseliitif.;l-nd, ':uphapo;ixtrife: . .'...,WhenStliis - ,4dniiitiatratinn i v iA -Ai its .. iati c rn-flattg,#Mi pro,cliyitica.. is I I:9iiiid • in ‘ .1(.41 n:- Wilk ;Ah9litioni;ik . ilien ° .%..iil a r u ...iiiilittorifi. ''n:tii,be.-tii.l.liltit , 91toidaj , :1t.119. 1 ..44toiqitSr4 ',n.„4!4, - ,...riglit ..-.in..i•elTing., whii!. they 44 Or , coireilor..tip,'inson, 'and...right:in 'dismissing, m ,fient,.bia plucq 'wheikhia , sit ll'en.t letiai:infor. 'ediliitri -414 Tie 7d14 iit fibiaiiiiiiii ii . -seirreipcin4 tile, to ,theredilfot th • party;neir :to-tud the linvnistretion in th t e -pieservatjen,l 'efrits•Rtigti 'O. 3kip iris v.,- - . 1.144...-3 r: .Bronannl ben ii - ,,fikg oilei; and,engaged kn,.prosgsllo,g4 liankrr;ai ..thits OiStOett9g. ilie:...Net,?..tuld.l tWOOINI„',# . iO4?P 'f,Y kt., the' 444 1 . 1 0 1 41,V1P-idt,) 'sYRPI4 - 414FS-075't9"4 . 414:; 1 at, .A . 44 1 9i 1115, 7.- • Jiiiiii ri, ii,:,tkitliii • ,_ 0 ...,... , .....7.; , •;•.,-..,.(N. - . - ... * belliPittr.4 ViEe ...,-.;_ xj..-4.- . • ,:t..... - ., ' o •l, , P.Peskil 3 Mlgn , til.havolte:ili. ~ 4 1 44,..., --, • Ti--gq99. 1 3P-S O l. tke , Wiliiii; . "l 9,.-4.-.i. z .. , . - , laueett9l)49.l .;...0,..,-...i, corrupted by_any such ezp , apincieti,-1 aiinablly_concfdde that,".the,earcass" Iti , ... • F, I , „ . 1 ~ i driven out of Washington,loltius Adtri tioriiiiid :vih therefore cliice:An it I vl yieldin tenacity. !',..1 • Shall the "Presideilt . en Cabinet ' e 'sus tained 1---Sostained , by ...the idectrinjm , - of. the Baltimore to restore the. democratic ,p,arty to itti primal . greatness - 43. i t ' i th T : an unity , - rt o prte e.reas,l ; +. ~.. - ' ufy. (rem political plutidereri„ d giv!, to - tho' f ' . L country respite and repose/TO) agitation andi Strifel .." Far one +&• r el ansfir .hey niiist and] they - shall. We can sec rit)thing in the letter; of sfr,..Guthrie to Ilicinionttliat calls or -coil- j demeation,-- ! nothing save itti anxiety Ito pre-, ' ' iserid I.hp harmony of the pa y aninteg rity, L 1 t li. t. ot. the Administrationiand we-bel ieve , believe the f thel i ll tla 6 i t t ilth,e list masses.o par y w,ti sI) , y o il .• . i r / the designs of selfish Poli9:f . ans to th contra.. ry notwithstanding.: i 'l'he' ;:rnay inis' ead for the Moment, but the publi , Mind can! ever be font* abUsed. ThNi curren t Will final' ' ' 0 , . • , ; '!. the right direction,. and tit an • Will _th i l ti , )us disorganizers,,true.ti.) l l,fiei insti i the first to dei,ert a ,f2llin4catts '' 4 ore ar_ . ..perso,... _ . .. ~ _ , a a . ' •tb'. '' ld 11ir' Id who .were Candidates for impartant,ap:..ince ..:no. LIP.• -. , . .. . 1..•= ,-, • _,' - - pain merits • nhder'this.„ adm inihtratii.n. - -The 1. , . . , '.Bilii ll is:.,the'ehttracter-4Scribetr . ..to the lit& 1 . • . . - ... ~ , ... 4 z inirtan 10. this city Of the-predatory tribes 'prop ietor id trisel 1' was n n apietealli..7--4 , r. ~., ,-,. orb •,. -•- , 'rend rs - will' taidlyeredit - 4; le fea4,fOr..''...the-.l,whwhavearrayed-tbentspitee.in.-oppestivertto. iniss on to France -, Mr. Madison, 4 - brother ••ofj- litr::-.Marcy - 4 0, to tlii iiTocrntic•prgiozation • two - I the. leadi rig conductor' of,;tliti:t_ a1 ,,,..d 0 ,1-ofiliii ',.ta'..c;. -The - Seel:Ft ' of. . its hostility it ring its abetice, was:an applicant3fOr.thtilSes4-Ihe same is-that ;w l 4'li:; a i l•na l -0 . a large Oro., - tort , 3 ost.Odicat' - and '.• kr: Lbsteilorie'..,ttf,-hia ti1tfrqa,...4 1 .,.- . .4.1:-.talies;l -, ... I t , -is time: the eouut t y -. itiiiti ar tontributors; was, as . ' tai have al inadyr..l milli ed, an hpplicAnt for a. rlgpfigr, - oor Oiloip; , ...l . E,li . pli;ll:,iiiritritippr ; that ', elvett ehenhkhive st ,, • :. T te. wide circuhttion. or the • ileVard'Arifik =ll:q)ri..lAlltle*tifAn ) , the.s":.,deaervi.. - . -. ;.. , z , - .. - -. • • • ' - ;li cu .. i.hi - ..1, •., -.- 7- ---,--.-411 - ' *L':. .r -e.......----. , :, -. • hay .morathan nentralized.the''F l l 4. i E`-'• .t. L 7 ' - ' 7 '''' -7 ' -. ' - ' - ' - `.' ' AU 'vift 7J i I iL IA3 ... - . ' ..- - 88 2 . Suipporter •of . the President:S . eleettOM . ltil ~ .'- .. ;-:'7 - - 4....,„*. g ,y, nor; ~. t'. a. ot_tt,' shirt the - abusire-no iinpe n , - mit: rtonstyrmeiced4ri o'lk - ennui, w':.* eigenta-1 -:. - , -7'' .- :1'-.Wiislirn:g0n;'.Pi..18 , 53. .- 1 titd . a exert to his prejudice,, though: theAdt ,L `._,Ste.::l- - baVe received . ,.yettrietter of the 1711 r. van ` ire *ltinh 31e...'..Pierce:derivrid frain• tha t -16 5 , t;- - ---1i , ' , :. 1 . - .:..;!....'7... :-.., ,iri-.. ; ..-F . '„,,:w,,...,-,-•:\..,,.., - 1 - ` It is 'net. my. purpOelo.respemi to thet,' qua ter has been. greatly overrated. -13 . 4 pi proprietor,of 'the 'lloalll . ,took -a di &rent ' yiewq 1 -,6 s i t i c , n , l ia,t h a t t i et tei. i . , :t e e tiul ii .; :oi st.o i. a tle tie:sumed that what he, had done, efoiribiAl bear centr4dictiortitipon' its face,-, and,. others ed , ith what he'tnittitt do it:.disi'PliatF'd;v!" . -at are too Itiminpertant - ite: - require - •-refritation i i urn tai enough foi . ,dernanding of the PraSident. i.a ta, a ii i o 1 7 ,04uSe 4 t,While,!'ln several phrases of, [vie y intitilt - .any thing Pl : ezused...,lS4s:PPl it aithUitti4e,lyo!ie l . iniplied,..eliligation; as SeP used th•lt: even lvis - pr,:%timpti tin, itoiveve4 I tdanitehottetc - 1 3 i aetria:':aocoidioce. with thl eitu d aspire ; ,to the. French tivismioui.,tininiiii - knitwir policy : of and more. .we earn,. upon - .itrvq - tiestioriAble authoritY?'is'l .OWr, ro:ognising...theßrAPtiet.iiand. - justiee4 the facti , The- man who - luit[tv_few,yeltrssittee:i that. Policy.iii.deelarihr,that: yea' Yriur4r de. .Nu :the :editor of ene of :the SinuttieS-'nndls pi4cii,teti and; linilettiaredle ,- Priventrtire di:.bili est prior t iveralloWed.-1.6e - 00:11;tte.in.4 .. er :4 ry I-visiona‘i,"existing mclth6 - :.' - denocratie feat / Ch istian countryi.has-the:siArtf,lag - .hiantidiFrieei in your - State.:vett,43'ertheless 'indulged in a. • no . ..to :demand -ef :the E,t.ecti-tive,.ite4th..i. - .. Owl tenor of reMark;a2s , tol.vaiietta i', elatiens, or the: di r . penalties' of hi?_ personal and . prefeiSinna hi 'Subjeeti Which not' onlyr inipugria ... iny "metives, . ,he tints, its office, .Scarcely: inferif:f,tn dignitYlb,ot- indicates an: attitude - on yeur.'part • _wholly a . Iresporiliblity to that, of the;Prosiciency.;h„-::[ inavthpalibro with .•haiiiimaioi* cooliiiiiiion b e . se f. 014oursti. the. Ppsident:' (lid "riot'ettt . 9..r,,-I..twfe.en:us, and.; the proper:tend:kV of the bee.' In n- 'the u I. roPosition:: - Mr. 'lletlittit'''W,Fot . #;•-• .miss; of the go . vernot.nt. ... . . , .. f b .ad - as- soon MS -116.1;:e1eetieU1--t*"ts•oirl,r,..and 1 --.'One sug . Oestilin aPpeera ie l Yeer letter _which. v itcd - ettn fideritially7fo<hipnnertt ? , .....:on7:7- I "demarids , anitivadvirsio'- . YonAllege,, hydin. tumid u t ?ork t : th r ee,-Aveeks ,Since, Itis - I.naillirt-.1 pi icatilMi•that . Ihave: ti Sired y0u .. .. to lappoirit 11 ti ii have, pree&Oed 'kiln and left its ilniii',Flssinn . freeSeilqs-ta Offices; and in doing:trey - on stian. upon the'coluriansofbis `jhifinid. - : 4e , at first .4itly Iniuniienitapii or misinterpret my letter.' directed ,, his venom-at: the. President:, -... , 11.e.,:af--. ;,t'...the,q . a. instant. I ' , epithet : entertained not terwards thought it *as ;,casiertO- , 'a,l'eal . cl hls. _ei t i r i*O- A ny suCh. dealre. - Itihati.-- been ;ivy. Vengearrec.upon -1 . 11:1 - Sccretery ler Stattcwll4 -pletts-u re aud nlyr duty;'ll4 to iiiquiii! ante the `Was nominally: regii4;nsibld l'''''r'' /jig 4114ii Pi li A lit ' - OPiIIiOTIS - which naav: have been held ;by you merit and Who; might be removed :friint his of , self , Artil,ottierti , ii.S'tar Itach as the - iparaB4s; fiat:, than_ -Upon - .Coriaideration or Of tate terefOre.; his 'hOstiiity 'his beeti : cim- i oil ~.ht.) lave acted-With-fidelity to. tEepiir '-' ettritrat. nem? .14 - - ?lorqy. ~, ..) l'e.i, Per- ... 4 .p1.s and : rl.tnization..ofthe democratic party'? . - . ed log %%114 a nu:dignity to ,u 1 .1 '4 ; 1 4 nee jettritel' . but.' - sineethe cenveritign .4t , l3altimoie in 1851,and 1 the lieraill INit) Itiroi- 41 ft - ' pa cal fel. \ . ..The - rtlien,s;'iliose:onlin - And Avithl:theserlyie*S, I must ore. of that li It,li.inity. 4 few *ht; .ilotibt Ilie'ini.: _coridema'your courseiwhen in thitiletter yen, eUrnittion of I itt; de% il : - Can apitt'ecite•-. 7 Lt•' ,47 ,.. 1 .' 4 ' i( l 4 - 41,1*M ' M ii: that :yen; haye selected free:sellers' ;once 4propri, tol , ': elnvracteriz. 44 . tlyrtnentinent fi j r t aiee; withoui:having,.. 4 iiyinme the.. notiee • dignitary 'of he-Roman:lCattiolie .t.;llllivit.. in Of rho fact, Wid e ti would have' enabled Me to . ' [ - tii ; t4 eiti 4 ,4wlvi - ; •like Me. :',%l.ti're inn oOritt,s- 'hi... 7 withhold *my liprotiUtiilO - Tigiiit ' any . such ip:.-,, &ante the id..P..t.,.0f it: l'The preSent ...41-rt.its . bisl4 ~poinitnents...l. . ..Will.add,l4n4.- s the inaputa4n ; 00 linghes; Many. years- Ago-, i . luring,th&:m9":' tliat.i. have .Kciiiiitiiii - you : lb- lc with refereiicti.: lii ility of, 3ft';lll:irtveri wrote a publiojettcr,to to controic . rsitai ef a iiiimi 91' 7 ' §tater:Charact6, i I . t l ' t - s'unt : Ai:Q .ll aq' . l'rPrO 6 .4 -PY S',' l . l * . an-PO , Y." is .Wholly 2 gyatuit:iartriz4MYletter.waiiateede4 . .i,15 threats ofj 45';:ulsinittioil„!iii, senii:.li'li . ,•a.- , t,. - gourd you:' asitist Idistinction between' dein.. 1 :..loped a ' _ease Of . "rinpinfok , 4 . nihligia?tin btr,ts,:fouudsd7tipt,tt;ic„,c,f..r,„ltitie. • t o. lmi 'lt 4 . part ottVe:inhtor tif - tia.:Lt . inaldi;Whichciti :di v i t ous. - ;. ..r . ..) : .'- ?..,.:' 2 . ::.,,,-' . ,f .. -:r iv .env of its !:tspeets, resertildes. - thxt.411,14: 11 i.e ' -:-. The-,concluditig-portien Or your - ,'-letter hi 41' fly illk-t rated in . the :cole mus - '44,1 h k ".- (Pr i .. / 1 4 ' lef(mti iie' , altertutt irvo-; , :bot to l ay ., „ th _ tvliiiii. It 4 wardS Iti;:Ni'ircy. _The' fo i lle*in..4. 'ekiptett.i in ~tter befere4he President and-take:ll446NT ti ei-iiiilif rho.letter'Which.. % . 4e. has'o;S - Pact:":tol . tient ceiteernitlkit. -' !•- -:,. •-•!.. - .: - .1. - .",- : : , , , i-.Tii.--, , '_....,-..... q Nt . .r..-F- ,- *t' -. -;',- ', - --:, '''',..-''-, - ,.1' '''.-,-- ' '-`.,- .1 :7_;:=,: -- f:' - ': 'Yee a-4se:lne4nittln"l'elatiba -o. Le4iLlin thieta 2 '., •* It: has; been A ‘ ; ma t ter - of speculation-ioio.ig - , i;-o.ii. are to receive. ,iestrectiens,frointhil.e:' '`O any n thiscity, 1,0- , ,ori - i - oie.Llioicg7 l o - 0 , " illitioerit,,o4. - in tith4is that,y4ti:. are to,tea.,. e thstaritAbe; virwaryiror. Malignity 'Of I..l;:':iti.lii, `ce.i.d wititunt, or contrary-to, anehinStructiers., ri tt a l taiast:BiShop I.ltighost . l'.s - aine•httie S•up' . .,.. :T h i s cau not . he admitted in ,any branch ofthe . ..n . oked that , lieiviis :., kept- in bribe-E for. thayini r- publie - Service i TO r'' Wbere''.'the ''depaittnent 13 •p:l.* Othersthave ascribe4l . .it to r.eFelli'Nx hieh.. t voi.cspri.sSly'xiripoitered. to '•gite-:limitraitions :- t ''.:Ugh ti.tron4Y is said to.,he lib: \ slit:visit 'SilNec.- te , ,sobordi nates;4 bits the. natperitY, todo se, : tt I n . 1 0 ii ; oo, t • - e iu that : nv-.,.n S . ; I;rehst.lprit tot * - :Li iiltit'rnt. in tii,e,p6Werr-OrPitiveii;ifr -40 ., , ail tvhae' . 4inionS have 're clit 2 d,.aae , ert:;tho Ty ,;tfiei•rl: - ...,...-.„--.,1ii.,•_.. ,i,.1 -11 :.,:i Li ~,.,..: siiijriat; -, tho iti niit - One: wh - Itylitv'es.ii te`.--I'.',. You, :Ilse ltstitrie•thal:yet -. .tirei . i . '4polf t } t gatoitona.. i-I : express An . 'l"T,li"! l ;. l 4nri :- ;.:t 1 e•. la moos person : l puppy e in . `title -tom .i ll 3l -0 0 nIY.-srlf; 1 .;!iall:nt , : .. IPLls) , :il.:ibiff:o.'q house -o.invi :0 toil quhelt;*ittieet - tki.l . IP' 1 It 'is unfortunate '' Man lei as thlte4e , - - liiire .• - V• 1 ' Ad - lith .t'44 2 i4 - ftoileii - 16 ‘ eiv .1i clined to -believe that he iff: act trit_cd byre.- .ventiledo:Uittiority, - J4e.ittitot,but ii PM hal 1 eit.:ie C.. ire It'"id- T . ' "' tl'At be s 'aic. - ilve4; the vi ; -,siitinlar-that :i gitritternatt fi.if :LYtnit- ,- .)ilet"at IN ' .' : ' ‘rit ion'her-triet :With frern . alaier:f.):Pitinelt..,-to - Ailin . :.mentkatill' ekperietiee-shoulik.'hitiefaitei ly age-heY? :a na- I' l 4. not 4: l ‘'elnit.pi..es l iy , iofksiteli: error.... The constitution' of the Uni• . . . at.,N evert he r shed] d he,,,tnder;a miStake upon - i t .d.T. , , , :,1.(,it' 4 „,1T isia,entpowered-(..'intgrasalet-roale , I ::. s ',: e . t? 1 . t .iiiasign jvhitt 1 t)ok.iiticiti :11. : .iiic-illipiortuput..- - 49.: ,, infkiri9tioirrigrk`ig:tite ti - key :er'eXpla nation' t 6,.the".sOnveviln"t'fild Pre;itlent.alone, ;6. the owls') t: iiiv,-..sii i ii•tigi \ r , _ reattnot which he reeefred `if a .inini.eelebra;. - .fi r . ii6 t if'& , partittentS'' CO - tiesa., - lii.l , net 4' ~• o , forittillkispit.C4ityou4 IF writ -%'erY.d'OF;itt ti , :iilpi&Ari ,, F , ,ji • r ii,.h'id're;iCtildit hlie(*.effeeti(;; .. PEI: from iktpetieit F 4. .eri''. ll ;"...ift.J'FF'4%'F',l.#l-I.f! any tu&ditiCiailirt of thia . 'itroViSionl'of. itiq ion -, roil ritir.ti tqiri.ti woieAline : ~.,, I ,!, vtiy-..i - 41, - 6 - 4 .i t ,i iiitii 6 , ......, 3 .. 5 , , , ,,, ,, , N '.•. ;,,,,';,• ,:„....,,.:,;.. ~ :, , ,,,,,..,.: 7 ,,,. : .!_ ,,,, ; . title 4401i.4.! -in tills '.lj6in urileatiOlii'-,.b_ai r - ;;;Tho4 o **-lio are etripjoyed.:Under - soma.; Ile 8V (i'lltki di,ljlbt' that:thistact ~. , : it IcaStf'Wll.l-:b.e, i u ' st „ r i,h-,, t i. it ,-,.a i kti d ni-b 3 ,. t fi-,i n i . aitatidi l l it e. 1 nteresting to,the-ptildik*..E.llo '4l .fkW: - i'ii , •-4,%01.0 ' tiff lau-s, derive iff,,ii`ikpiiiiiiiiirt6i,, - ,ioill tlieit' Ant Alt also . in PeP:it ~B rtli1•1 „k11;1 - , ii,P.:E , . l i - f11i".".7- - 1 - .t ititth6ritkiSins - itinbiiir:.effluers-frorn tberetirf, l'nr.}:- . 3: 1 4 iiiro 1 ‘irai% - int,.r.d i *4-.. ' t' 3 ::' ' Nfl i-I .-- tirlti6.,'lN'elasitiit Ulp4e: l 3; - ---1 - ...: : : , ::' , . - , - . „ K . .*P:Hi* - `l. iti_ - _,L'a`ii 4 oil; .- 7 111 ' •wl"'s nt li . lv: o Ave:', : V i halt the-language and .t.itper,-of yepr - P...; Fl.l6l'°t;'-fArt-fAO'slied,l.hivinglhtso;:4llo:'l),oorz' ter would litre', rendered . Ofiariassing.thees::. unity, torte;', - i-, - Inaw(eir.o-ii”ui.lit!Tei#4l l ,o4 ii'itlViiiiiiiii;iiiiir-asliWiiitiOnt,,:rtu'iiikiiit ii.iiiiy:' l' - .: - ,gfsc , ,4 , 4_!#. 61..'02:11::id- thilai - P-ta 11 2 17-41 4 4 ; i r:. iir.by'a rintaiteSt;Spirit of iiiinbardinatiON.TW. in ttke JFiglo.--' '"fewi iri.,i0.vi.1:e.'_ . ,4' . .. ! 1,f ., fe1; I t : 4,4idiiiith' - der improssibinavvielvi - 3tOur.:-. eentinuanee.V.. F.:l;it.'A can Exi:+- *: tre.llea n that Mr.-r'E.; i/0.i.i . /. 1 .i 1 : 6-I . l , le :A il • er „ slitnn -...' '' .. vli ! S' l'. ii i n.l ' i6 , * . • 7l .r .:f. 6l4C . ;:.- , Been . (lik :, - - '` l n i t f i ) ..L7. . i : f4 ii il 4. L e 't4 f:- . , r; t , - i, i) / * - . a .i iti t, ‘ ' ` i e - c ! is . t f i l y c . k t e cif p B ms : 6. , 1 , 1 ..`i 11: ‘./... .-. . ." ." • 11 ,, nplacc tep:cs.... a silence, ete4.vo.a oiri siatrt- - y„„ r k . ,... then ituaseil, of , l leistip.teotnship, WO killed, , , filehlittly4Ortu:to trlik!igi tit think: thaVlbili , olt , , - a . -,Si t ii-'6 , :aiij,..iii-..leyliiii.:i l igig.ol; - .41. - ti* -Offif; , in alei4--mili, wh&r€..ibo rv&-is at work, 0n,T06,1- ?t,n - :::I ~. 1 .oli s eryed . .tti:,_,eyes;:-.Slttoutl#,o4ifrt - . .o..ilt:te:primptlir app i;i o iiiAW.::: . ... any last, :-.Frow-tvt6t.", ' ' . el.gul, learn via.sicei.. 1 .r . - 4 •• ' , Isllllti.)Tviii) l o...line._'-' 6 .11. 1 : 1: .n 1 .1fre, 1 5.40,44. '''';it hitt•iiiyetodartwb;;tery' , lesPeetfallyir - ' , . li i• dent occurred-by ' t becoming tined si.l w ' s , '', ° ".. , ..- •.. : -._ .. -. • -...--4- , -,:..A . ,, ,- --.-:•••• , -;;JANES - .G R— fli:le-ia.itsii6ntie.eflity'a‘s.(itlhcciliratitir'retmili:mtlibl.hr,lll-tr-nqatatltieli)l4: '' -.','.. ': -..:-' .:: '. :, 1: , t- . 11 , f :- a :1-.- UT • , 1 !--. Tg- : ' , su a Tope stttlt wte ..,1 ,IS "were drawn in- , hAtine.AVottli---but• - • ve. a Torti.4e , whittlit though :‘., ..' ‘-. 1 rENt'-q-',. . . 11 . - *" , -!- 1 - --' g'-''.' ..E,l ! . . " - ' -- • ':.: ,-- .i.1.:1 - 7 - ': ' ' - -..--- ; ..... ai-,.' to xtutiniily, And heing . .ppiliJ ei,to 6-X tricato him . 1 al ittest. st iii... 4 with: grief,. :%'et - sneuded....a.aithyi, ' ,- --- - 1 - - - -,- „::•-• - • 'V.- -..•_i4-. ,-, -___,,,- - ...,,' •-,,,----.,,. 1. selkWaS'eruthed_ to:, ..atliiiith. 1 It :viii be retutl f - 1414: 3 ,..; ‘,-.1hi1 , -, 4-- t . endect '. 4 . I . , h l !•tt!‘,.'-:%_'-"* l ','' 'F -Priit.:,..iiP.- , l7 ^ ''Ail,„ Y ..,-` , .'4, 1 e. - - . %-i;'..:.' ; ;.. . i -;; r 7.-C l :Va n .^ F' - '' , - i 11 ... :, a. .. : 5, _ ',4: . ' -- :''." 1 " 7 "... - 1 ,..'''.• ' 'l' __L' 1' - ' • ~,i,- ~: eDitl.litiThe4-;:rfaVei:be:e.n Volir - evirs a' ..i %'"Oii•Fridav -eiiertina 0.4 t ) , 1itb0u,t,.,41 - 301_ 01 , cased , that..Mt . .....Gregol) , ' 'Wig- KlllO. :at.,1,hi41 -,-".. -- 4 . , ,-, .1., .3.m-, z.., - .- 1 . - 7 , r-- ,i 1-: ; ...- ~., -.:-•*-- .:t-i - - ''',..;1k , 4• 1. , .,+'-' ~'. . ."r-, • ••'44;'::••, . ,'' '' ; '..1', , -"•-''' 'VA% same m il l a f e w yt ; p : rs . l l - 1 1 44'; 4r ; uti.m if. vi : - .a . : t i ,piibtte. ni'n. ii-1„, - . - have:be . ~ en 'e .s n.,,,,trAge„,df . ;: ia tt-..pf, t iTlea. , „ I , ll. 7f actre ,i ,ii, a v a icontt,l . ,c..,„.„ - _r_ni.bt_2 . a. : tte taS ipvl er , l l%ra t g ,sc ....\.. imi .. -t ~- -:, --II i lstilfe with ;irlen 411 . everv - v a y_Tza -.of-Atveryi.l. -. o" , _C a_ tara,rtm off_,.. nlVin -...-•,-,- a ,young-.Munv and; lc., i rip a , f amily,,..,- „: -, : ~- -" , I creed,l an i y .al 1 . odds;the - hest gluts,. , %man. t ', tall , t llaven at the - brulg , plunging Oil,. ' '-' .: - • • • iii ll' ' , - gin 1 11 11.i. , ..b, ._, , i ,.. .2, - 'l', : -,',, , 114- -1 1.-1..",!: ;liu.l' through olt"'IM's:0*.11;-nOitier.lielAinthinint:Vf:,'4101.1161-JP .ntitreet; ] '. .0 1 10 4 , 1. - : a - vit-OuxuyilLitt/PLINP;yaI . .. '...'_. i- '- ' tortes Itig_l%.,-..Mircr-seyert.,,Orangi.:,npft.lieni'.: 1.‘14t . 11 . 4A0„ .1 .40 ,ZpiT .. 144 . :;!:A4,M . , ,!.!1b i .. 1 ti/got l W,l.i",. ttThe. Peit , ,Pifi:le'lik :1,44, - ;k:tiiiiiiieti . io': - ;:ifa '-iotveS':'Vk' I,fitvik':fin-,:litqlk!lediY,lblr-..iiiMhniig '4En lo'colw;tiv.eoy,ero-rnn . ' , hf, 1 . Een,':3 . 1 3 . 1 4F. 1 ,,_ 11 - iivii-erOf'dWi'ullei'; 44i 1.3: i . ' ' - •l' . ' "it'V,i .i nit' .vhildr ::. S'ile''vian)lid?Ot.e'esittotiiSk*;!".9"4-reiaarkableliejeikat ',f, - ~Is- , .-4wd'a , !)' - • ~ '., P`ll l ° f` 4 %.. ..-.'? t - 7,1 was meek.: nd -ehdtitolilf - , *bei'iveattiviKtiend - 4 14 . 11 rnialiiiti l l& 47 1V d r - tvP* 6n "r' 411 S 111 —_,,..... 55 . i mp... i s • , -.-- ~!. --- • • • '• 3- ._ ~ - . , --f , --. ... land t ~ ..ii i .-, h -- - • , .eV of, -lii- - t ' - this:tile -1:/.ppe0§(14.. it. friendAnd...loei!:;,M,vi.l24otekst , iitS-. ' , Beate._ lete'ea‘Pt" l ° l6 " ......' tie, L . e e ' i rtc isr - It.:star ,- - - ciiritilitioii: .- . - - . ... , , ~, -Wries...won 4;havasparea at cA . t„ .eou silt, blild ~ Fit ,feet.t .trt s „Ptet ~, , r traFftifk.. It. will sbri.sien . bylb_ following resolution '- n .h. • toter' Lttf fit, ' rttn6-I.lin fitifiwoein , - - 6 ,, - , •tt' ,- g ilit'p t, 0 the eueltte. - z Th lulu*. adopted lir:the. , State:li.entilii Coin - rnittee;- Wei. ..7.siiinl 4 T ' ..4ivrilyw-:itttiveletivat:eyfrketi:+rhiikeNiii.*,*-0.4 , -z0w.m.t..10:..b..0 .-,, anWt.10 1 :t, 01 ,,,,_ , - ,th tune fur ho - ldinir?, ilit 'next' . Deinnoitiiiif..Milt. Ck*Cti, ' helllmunet — .. l- frO*itilir:= . 'itil, 41 .-- 0 -1 11ft''' ,'N'v:i.iii..th - e ' l- . P' s t.tllnt"' ''' 6 , 5 1 7 , ...0 . ' 1 ":',0 1 , 1 :. 4 1: 1 °,. d- _,_411-6--Fr- Mitt;' [- • -/-•- -. '- ''i '• - - , ~- • -,-, - Water-he& rant Pint:city; itti.piiptlkedi*,: . iillOifttrdetly-iiiiiiehl ,- "Ots.daf4M ar I .State C?fivcnii(4 ii . f- - ,- . ,,.0 . , ylvatfiV hAi s i`-ilifen . - ,1 4 - ,--1',... 1 . 1 .•- , --iii ii ; fi ii:,.- - fi tn ifl ~.,,,, .‘. - , --A .-‘ , . - .t., . i' , ~ 4 -.,..., . i i.,e., .--, - - - 1 , - ;,14 --- '.'•,‘ l tr i c i,. iiidej , " 4 . •§9tHP , trl•Vf Kt -I.9fetttli:Pg.„4.l.4;P 7 ot‘rl. l k •-a_t'•. - ..-.,:-., -.). `, if:red on tfiti gtliet A141)4 1 11'10' Pitamide-1ie...: _friend t , ' ,,L- 1 , -- ;, , ,ii - i,-ii i f, ' , l l,,iiitem - . 3 .- ii . ige..v..g Vili f y. 06, - ....dijoiy44ipniata esopist. A11...h..ingr... ,11 7._', N I 140 , ' furnishes ii‘irttitifilikatiy iniinn - Tnitiniiii.? -6'" .:- .4 gd'i . inettiliiiiii , ': , qt. l igao'hiVgi , gir • Itiriit4 , 4: , • , TtittrriAVii'i4t ;i,V,t11,41 , 1„:1if ,i 1 v 6 5,." , ,,,, :,, , , , , , ..,. _ ~, a . 111.,, ,..... 1.1 . _ ..., - .-,: c „' - mingipe. ! , ifq risiin.the - 4ih in.otrt ii . ,-fAil this instrince.'.' ii .'egivil,4TC.-iimellitcidealltl2;ot-s`,Mmrse,6t-hnivoten turgb.rt.fire tot ... ..t., te....,, % Per .. .,..,,- ~... I. • ~*lfißE:ti, Viticittalitf ;e.i ' Mi . ei ; %tiiiit of iii6SV P 0104 4 44 , 044 „5i r 1 - ' - in Wt i e-d; 4 •• - • 111 i;M. ' 0 1 ,t 16 ., 1 '. 1 *Itit . .0 4'. 1 1 4. 0il i tiiziT O '" -i' lPP eritr :. 4l -,•o2A,; 6 k ll4 . 4 • e • S •L n v l el- ' 'etnP6‘ttite4 llielf:Silitti,lVEOtral.':P4trilnittitt,to" .whiehit,virata iiiriti;„Ata,,t,i4.t#:.4ptel-AtiFtyk,,,,..-*6-64.1..kTly.itii17.!;A:aka_e,,,a1.:!..fal ,r,t1":4441.7.:40--1, fix the tine dr: b,11(!ip(910 1. :14* .St4t4,e - iiiiißck:-,. .0 I'll - 1,119i;,t'' .. -: rc:. , ,. - 4 .‘ ~,, ~;,...,, f. ... 1 , , t ; ; ;.i , fe - -, . - rr.0,450.8,Tie:42 1 ,7 i RRV 1 -57? . e.itiiiff.. , tio`o ne t t arrhiburg,.;aiiii -Witerea ' - `thn.ifSit'nl'#);.. , - :,7lNlr;'' .ll 11EAt'.,*.. 4-11 0: '' ,-'_,I bi _Fil 64 - , 'r t *I : ::: 11.il • ', 6 :niip. , ,,, ,- ,1, 1 ,1 1 -T7 3 , 4fil:V o t e l&%:,isisl 0 -.:;•,:, t,h6: . 4it;` C l'itiikiii .. ;viter ltiiiikroi ,,,,, v .i. : ,-- , , , ~ , *rPtiti ' ' 1111 _0 ; !.- 411 0 1 ifi•th' 0 *.iffliq . W,OWP t 0. , ',_ . ,..,,r,, ,, ,:1=1:2 _ - :''' . -7---; 'is , . .-ii '' ,.., : . , , 7 ----7 ,: - .e,,:;' , ..;„:...:, t i i .:,. .n.tiast ., Tiiiit ' , riti: We -I**iti - "Chntiitniiiii' 111 1$401i',''...':, .'." llll4o. ; , : l4 th' v '' . # 4 ! l '# l 'o• i 'O ni ?lt i Ithli . ,Mixt '0 i t iiii,.so:*d§ii .' .. 1 :! , .be held:iv/II titistiiiti4oN . ,i4tiii.sds.ty. this. ~ 0.) 0 4, 0 fek4 . 10,g-S', P . - *- 1,44- r4l l ;o , ' "g oiniA. .', :. - s , V i ii . Nt, R , e 4 t ,ll'QiiialloWilit Oti: 4 40t*ii,....neict r it::;W,'fvf 'tr 4 1,4 . ...514, *o'o;4,- .;r4Vritn.ll ' „V- PAT , At-10 ,7 0irRa c ..tlkul i llgtillY0'. -- - ; - , 4 ,--..: .- d .., 7 d ,.. t o t rikagt h rettal, Wit. l i t -. `hi '-'•II 1 - ''''fi ' mant a 1, liftV - 17116 i - '115 7 t" tittntltikl . - 1 . -41 'tCl e Pan :- e , - .s. _.....►--`17!...., , • ~., . • t il s -, vt . wil;:r. ..ent . .e.,te the, ... .. If, tha. Rouse of, 1 . .. --- - -.., . - ',-.., -- -.....-..,.,- - . ,k . ', 1 0-‘ , fl,"t.fliktiVifiiiiis - -blfrmildi.Of t'l- - ' I:lt.tiri;4e: vittie -, lf.'" i 6 v:itlia ,134:.'fiiii . lititatitilic4f -,,'"n1Y:',4e.,,it,,,:t.1uit,114,41..,-...-,40(,,r4:...w..anat....-,....t1/-711 . - 41 ).. ' ' ''l: Oil' . iititillaY . ''.-' '' 'll 1 the'Llettsti . int_grani-01 .ii. ' , 6o. • tiiiiii - rttiitA:tq ., ,i; 1 ,-- tit!,..., ......I , inixt . ,,,,,,lttiri k i ,wl in .., ',li i ; ‘,,fL r44- ' ~4,0 4 .. ..14 -10' civet Ir+ i „erii ~ hdat el tv,„ .. ,5 ?? ,.. _ . . - 4011 , 11 „, .2.P9 , 9111:1 1i - r - - v ,- :::: L'' . . - :,..,:,4 ~..-.,-, - .1- : iTAIINE.: ;,- , ,,iiiitst, c h "-- s i ii iii i, i6 .l .:: : : MN.19.r.t.1. r w.:‘;!..Pm..1 1 .....1. , F10.0r t ii15: .w...' " . ,: to ,*tiv ,li _. - A,a,:,, 1- i • '''it '. -. --I` . ' - ' , ivt , ?:-.'7 ,. ,.. 4, 1 , -i't-4' ,-, ','-'‘'-: *in‘rtka.TY-;A1r.1094181;1:,,,,4i:i0 4. ,, , ; -L .. e ., ::! rit = iip t ile4l#s: W S" ; trft.. * : ''''• "I ‘`..'•',. ' , .l \ i , '6' ' 'ai. ; 'af:,! l '"'-''' the tit tiiiifyit(rmitti. ,s.: Mnotki Ilindirikßniiii ' ' z 4 4 . 1 1; 1,,,,,%,,,..-,te,l7.tir-tilataiillitifiiWAlLittr:illkl "'Altiiilitrfa,l.l4.!littig .`-'4 - i i , k' -- -,,,--m,--,e'i,,,-....,'1t.."kp1.-..itQ' , gt 11014 1 11:4' 7 1 . - t Wan( '' • liptyp ,•• , • „r,, , 1 4,,,, , ,, , :Pi1ri.P ~.k '; , - , v ( :4,4AP 1 7 1 / 4 ,a 6 " :441 , 4= 4 110,5t ~, 4140A0,r51-41*R•fl-4,911 _,....!..,•' h clinetylefe-entqlhlt!Olfor:lhni ' MO4 - .' c okiht -ieJ...o'''. ' to:% - .' .( 41g ., Oiti:Illi , t r fi l lii: i' [:grorilt:o - 4:0 6 :00 1 41? nil e:o l **Mot -1 0H00: - '-'ll"ki, i illt ~ , nt.4ll.elli;=..,filiih' o :: ..02'11e: •oxiiitoill, - :_iti4l*4lo - oituk::p,rgy • 14-114'` , 15iAPart,8641b ,, .. ,,, , , . , r ~,,,,„k„ ~,,,,....,.. :: 1 0$ 41 $ t4 PP - 104 116 40: 4 " iiiii i "litAtittviiii*tefitentlV 'Ulm 8 1 ,1 04 1 t1 1 10ig tY, -L ..4- ' ../.!,V0 1 1.11 0 -,L" 11 (' '"Pio::_kittidil444 -' iiiiAili i) ie ;Judicial: 11.tn011itrttl' . o.y . ,g 4 'he_Wile‘nne l ,:gn '.. lenioi,. - htif.AJ.'"Ciiiiiiii;kirp,i` - tliii*fe . "friisK:ittik't . t .. h . aisrreet 43 ltth'O t Aqt`. '0441 - '': •.-- igroo.arigilisiiiti . . lives!. in n tlit*itititift ;:401 . 14ittOrir?- - th4ti*Sl , -71,,f.,"401 c ,,,qt 4, 1 . --*1:; , - 4 1 ' ,13, e ,1 j:it'Al4.* *4140: ,tt tl. py10!(#44 4 ..***....' - _ - :-.txti.itit iiiiitiiiitatiolif w i t 4.,?..,"...1ii.w... . . : V.Thi, .lA -7 ,tes taP V ~i: e v - s. In another column g iv e the .offi in Pennsylvania". N. J 0491.61 the Coart, the . highest: on. 1141 state tielii the • ,other ,State . offn:er:.4.,f:l , et . : . ther . .lighter, and the majoritie t aje i nnsequent 1c , r.,-We haVe,not )i.t, selai - the Offl.iJi • •-:.: , 1., Ohio, bat tit - z• Democratic majorityla .!y stated at fro m,40,0c9 tii (),tit)o.--..41 - too, heretoftirer OnelottheOillars of hasi elected a'Egui4ratic.o4.veyfior, ie : racers- Of. Itie.-Ligislat:liri;.:witii',4 l ify of aj.J .S..Senatar:— .- Thp' 1 . NeW 'i' , •. .... . tioirtakes place on Tut , s It. next. , A resalt-7111 . .te,there,• is : indeid a ,paft .- - it - dostruCtice;llri! occur red at.•thei [ Fulton and , Na. , isaitStreci, N e w Mori, - day morning last, hYwhiVHtoinastx, \.• . I. • • - ,i , : With a largo amount oictiltoperty;-.w e i l_eil. But the saddeit par:ti.)f theitit • losS of two lives, 4ntievi4l . pers::: i injured. • •• - ;,, -•' ii - -• :- • '••:•.i,• -, I' • E XX:;11 4c to ii 13 ro irson hits '!krit ter:lag:4ller 1 'k • •• • i• - - -.li •. • r ••• .. tor to Secretary Guthrie 4 latwlnch h e taxes tne, `strange liberty of instructing that functionary i ih bis official duties. • It; S 4: not prObabie.lhat i 1 1 •Seeretaryputarte wtll take any further notice I. `:of the matter: • Gen. Ctitibinell'as . alSo •writt Col l'a letter. - tb•Mr. Frothi+kam,.• - n(llq:itOgi in .l which he depreeota:thetelialition - ,:if - the" .. ljem . -.1 Ocrats anti Free Spileiii ig ,•tlicir recent nontin-, ... . . ations in 'lll:.Ssacligife ~t t 11 ••• '. ', 1 news ''• From Europe AVe ha*no•furtlier -of imptirtapce sineel.• : :,.par:,. last issue:!:' That the Iwar hetweenitestra and Tqrkey lias actually. conitgcnced, gono twil • 1 doubt. - 'TAVinit part: I the other "pe - vrers, if Etir i ltewill'take refOrii' 4 ; to. be setin ; , at' i. pli4efit,: : .stago; - of • aff.ii ~ they are - Cautiounhouo l:i hOwing iheir histit i: I • .- I I ,- I, .., , , From an t rticle . ip t!itl 'II raid utTuesday; ,- C , clip tlie. elllowiug icuniltyh': : ...:-• 1' '..• •1 : .. s . . 4 , For the p - resetitii i iiS' lit and ITUrfiey hive" _the 'field' to theinsel‘'eS. 1: - i•rOald!fOrttne• favor the latter, -mid- theiCiar: b 3, e..driVen ' AO abate- biz; pii , elisilots,.. the Porte : 4i 1:-.[O-ObAt)Iy a0..“k1.e . - r i .1.1r,d the whole . Oor2z . ori the vlo:4,rv, and not* • of.thli". oilier EarripeanippiVera . Will - haVe 4:tly• motive farinolOSting he r. , Should.'Ru:•:.sia ' : 1)., ;the-victor, a:• , , (.!troii utogti Pr:Ali:hie,: hef troops Will- not live adviihee4- inanitiniles-soatir of the Danube belie•Egglanit:'-Fragee . ; Prits.-4ia,. and • probable IA:ISt rin ' 7 *in. oalso,or viol 'pr6:4oo, se - thtilatice of lt uir . :;,.:Y . . T 'and- nutifv: -- the • Conqueror that he,. tuns :ncl.v.ree..ng. fnither,:i. Negotiations - and these War,will• .then he undertaken.. '. 14e: rssult will be: eitti; - er the est:Wish:tient Edith. nettCliiistian.-poW er at : Coh-itaittirmide,io;•'!a general EurOpean iyal• that is Irightrui-,0 . !, riter!iplatv... Stick in i ) our view are tho. ititl i tin#.4o hopes ;0 . . , t111•t- Western Pots era . pr. I.:, top4.:.'' At:the present monrent,:the doings iir .. l_ll t.: ; si, ,c;anue-rn-thein mui.ls-'lcss,luntean-se.'kf ' .. ansi t . ,.it in the:rniniti `Of their,rulers - , thadtlial rOw.i g , igreatiiesii hitt expansion. if this repu i' . - *it r itS . MilliOns'ol. treemeiri,'and the terri '.I Mu al ~ i ntluehc.:l•9ll t `the . masses •who hrO , ii 1: liii.b ondage jiftlio, ii 1 des:p . (4'l4lop Of .} . 01.014.e.;, 11, ;. li . '•—: • -: - - ovi;ho ni %Ad CPAAniI teit ......f4... 4 1 45 4 04 Rt tbotpiLiiitAk i- ?,:r e i mi .. ta :?'-:: • 1 01;.4r!... , -* Tr , . 1".,-,!4 4 '...; tIVI !:90W 7 ~. 1 0 0: 4‘. . ~-,,k =Ma /.100i ci ' " Par . , iipatli.i': . • ~.... . .;, ..., ~.„ 4. F 49:'- .„..41 1 1 1 944:141;:,. PY . ... '-s- #S l * 4 4 ke Tri3imit l ifi3tbriumb UM" •" 4 1 3 11 ..iP#1 1 4 fffh ' •- r,lOl *ret4 isit* 2 :•47..:., , ,.....1044 . .. , .. 0 . 4 .4 u, -- S.:S ..,' % , : 443 , :jri,ti , - . ....::: , •• t ..; .-r,...: ..i.... 4.1. _ ~,. -, =UP it* e• n nfl tt with I ie rtvgtictio gavi m",t 9rak iit S The:: NO* York + above. o rofessi 13 , th e k i ng uce- 'fit bitter t ail tea , 'Leen. Matta th• tin- "E r - 0 — 4 1 . in.tho! s pisinotive4::4 th liarii.SOtticw.hat: of thece.per,sonic run in l ese, fn.= net.* be r•ial vote:. uprerrfe I Foi tete was . smal. ial froth various reraTont* fiintg'exv; • emparit-' Vhtt the 0. corner of , oh Sim uikfings, destroy tir is tin! serigity4 take them ;up at undeniable,: assert d_ln sh e , o f topq,. drodly epress. ed. it; 'taken' a porthari„of my _experience pf danger ~o thi _consul from the,lpmver s f an . .( l- :Prgitt4 l .:te'tviii Ile less Herald• Oft - independent,- esssi - --- Afolf I . 6llj9wia? - !''„ 1 --.-., 0 1 7 1 ,1 ma .t,Tia.l,-,,,,f-4„.1-agiag:itr, ` Effie ja . ,, ,, i,a arrow into vis, .... p firaid. besides 4 tbsi'heirta :of Ilunitiett,; „possOs , - y Mr: Bei._ li t l' . ` t rtiti' r' I iiett: - .- 1.114* - he him ever '..e101:110 ' d-_thOso p ow . Pri”t ,9 c ,I! 1 -S t-1- _ '-- -, 1 - 1 -- 6-- hicvz si filar tx - • ' ted witifiltie qrs, others Ay 10 4 10. y . .„_.„. nrievi - - ._, . . . • • 1 1 ~"` '~ 'Y. c"e.-e~l."ii~i%.£ice s~ PC l 4clia • , pAta . • ..; , ;.•.%::::.fr':.- - ...:.;,,......' :,..-:,.',::',C^:.,i':,.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers