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'.,/ -.l' ~ • .- . - ... i .. .; ~. . ..,,.. -, , .-- -' . ! . •y 0.., ' ..‘,-;-,?, , ..-_, .. , : (,-',-. . .<-. . ,`‘ , . i •. • `---,...,. . - - . • - . --• ..;.' - .- • •''. ' 1 '-. '-•-.. ' - ' ••- 4 ' l '-'• - - ' -- • - . • - 4'.5z."•'/t''' - '-: - -'.' < - • ''' ' - . . . . .... . . .... . .. . . 4 • .. • - . .. . . ' .. . ... . . .. . . • 81.8. &•E. Bi.c4ASEi..PROPIiIE 10111$ geirIXTPT: rarewell to the Swaliows. \ SOOD. Swallows, sitting on, the eaves, ' See ye'not the falling leaves \See ye not the gathered sheivesi, Farewell! Is it not the to go To that fair land ye knowl - The breezes,• ne they swell, Of coming winter tell, And froto the trees shake down 'The lirown And withered leaves. ,Farewell I_ , _ Swallows, it.is time to fly; '- ,Skye not the altered sky ! Know ye not that winter's high I \ Farewell! ti Go, fly in noisy bands, 1 ' To those far'distant 'lands 1 01 gold, and pearl, add sh 11, And gem (of which they II In books of travel strange, -And range - . . In happineris. Fatliswell ! l -,, , Swallows on - your pissionOlide O'er the restless, rolling tide Of the o,eean deep and wide:. • .." Farewell! - . . 1 ' In the groves, far, far . away, ' In summer's sunny ray, In warmer regions dwell And then return to tell • • Strange tales of foreign lands: Perched on the caves: . 'Farewell Swillows,l could'almost bray That I; like you, might fly - away ; And to each coming evil any ' Farewell! • Yet r iti/f my fate' to' live Here, and with troubles strive; 'Ar,d•l some 'day may' tell _Bow they before me fell Cunquered ;-then calmly die; And cry-- " Trials and toils, farewell Autumn: SOICIET BY LONGTE:I4.OW. Thou earnest Autumn, heralded by the rain, ,, With banners, by great gales incessant fanned; 13Aghterthatt brightest silks of gatnareandi And stately oiten-harnessed.to thy \ wain I Upon thy bridge of gold; thy roils' hand Outstretched with bendietinns o'er, the land,'• Blessing the farms thrniigh all thy i'ssi Thy shield is the red. hams! , Reim, suspended So - lone beneath - - the hetivelfe o'erhauging - .'Thfsteps are by the farmer's prayers . attiand ed ; • Liieilamea upon an altar shine thy sheaves; And, following thee; in -thine oirption splendid, Thine almoner, the wind, scatters the gold!n • • leaves ; giZ.TIZVEITigIALLtiVattff. 'Tides for the "Tourney _of Life._ - the full Owing-rules, from the pipers of Dr. West, !recording, to, liis memorandum, , : are thrown.together as general; in-marks In jonme3: of life: *, - _ .ever ntheule sacred things. orwhat cam . may'esteem munch, however absurd thq may-• gppear to you. • I\ • • - ?bevel show levity_ when people areenggig ed at worship. l".• 4 . Never to resent a supposed injury till. 1 1 know the views'and !naives of the inthor. of On no occasion. to relate4t. • rei, Always take the part of an *tent person irjlo is censured - irr comppy, ao-far as truth an4 propriety will allow. Never to think wonsettif inother rtn nennus4; Of his dtffeing trim- me ori polilieul Or nue subjects 1 - ' - - • , Sot hii - dispute with n man- who is m ore .• than 70 yearn of a,ge, nor with iiomin, nor Not to affect to be witty; or to Jost " " to iroand the feelin of. Another. '.-"" TO . say tia little as possible of ,myself and of "le that are nor To dm at cheerfulness Without levitir • N ever to court tiiVeiror of die rich by fiat " leriaCeither their WiWtioa tbol, ' To speak with ealinoesawtoil delibecetto° all o ceasioniAspecially in eirenastrasetearkieb teed to irrit a t e . • • .Frequently to- I.o o o W , lnTlltiet and note f e w ' , • ln ouorr.--114inglit in the electricity the Imia; it .ahooteto the 46 7, and toadies the -first link of,'life. :It dolts throngli the elements of fire _ .; kal water. •It penetriteil k ooOledgeland Thew to law P*44_ hi; en lariats -saw .ray Att:She ,vogro . . • •H' l4l "owed on hi/minty Ofreturns" 1140Apool_ tonaptible, to "spiri6dt''oi:ki4*' P 44: and you bo*loooolloe4lioad 14w will a elalled , "4 l _ 4 ---. ,Er A lawyor, en _16464 11114 7 110 a "WProperi l lo . 44 . 4oa !tAgAi" l ,74, 41 , 141 de si gi it akcW ia 4 - 1 4 1 111, seeli it Pop: FLAG 011..0111.1ift1. V211121(1)Ibthg - ill' 1, Western . Life:i . . —;.. ..-•.- 1 1, vows cols , iie. • I1!' il : , 1 i $ was an i nfarct S ta te , t led. ifxi ii Of civilization had t . len there lived upon a bra 'c fat i ll in 'the Western part !lo,f t he . ter by the name of Jobb , la. a upon the South bank :efl e t . a entail nt patch ,of soeoo en en cleated by his axe, he ; as : forest.. Sister had but t o 1 I with hita—tw6 sons,- ,F'liiiil) ormer fourteeh, and thelfai. of age. His older childten ..• Hiswite . .WA9 with hlin,lbut several years an al most .It ip. the effects of a severe i' u - • 1 - ' 1 - . ;1 . , • the spring, and the oldi 1 n , _ ;rued from Columbia, w re, rry the prodict of his . I in consisted mostly of fu I—, • „ f _il a I,qu l it r . a sum o mone , n oche with him. The . .ohi lien _._, - been ... , ,i I f • ears accummatingr.t.; on.wasgradnally approa c h ing mt that his ehildren.shohld „ I'3o' Ear ill l tH i nlcentiu'• bef ril the .foot do her forest the hil ter. i n Staran old te - is but w stroll, and, sac at hat had shu the de, chil l d" n at horn: an iti tt iel, the. ,1 ter etve y ' hal kne South she h d been fo lest .4ipple, fro MA blill. • I: p. v a s earli' 1 ter had jag ret he hid been w been to 'ter" Tabor,.ll . ifi i i Ileihild received ha * brought it'l 1 ha for several ney, ju tor ciyilizat hiroid h'e . me 864 ion .fair ter ti/ evening dovri to . their f tedf by the sudd Slater went to_ In4ter, lie saw I lle,quickly.quic upixiaclied the think to - 121, la night. J o hn r'9. a requesti4f 'tl tht . .t strangers I the dodr;and - wan mad for s with the World: .! 11 '.- useas the !entity were Si4ing gal supper, they were httiac.... •n bowling oftht:t dogs t iaaas ie door to Scit what waSl [ l.fie hresinen approach his ,iiiitr ql- the dogs, approach the itianOrs • dor, They asked for stripe . 'i al so for J (kings fOrC r the 1 >' ter . was not thetnan tolrel ,se t kind, and he . kin 4 a'ed a t n - They set, their rifles bell t. nd '.. . • slung their packs," and rcoota ''cm at the table: Thiy . tp- - Ives as tr4velers boupdi ur dog to *flits the Misiliti t i ppi ~ ttleinent. 1 era were fat froM li.eini4ree.. essing,iii 'their loolts.J .I id . . ()Lice of the circuipstaric for es t] . tore to doubt atiy mani The .id not like their ap ce 1 lel: . glances theY- ga ye „ r.h ir , feelings. The liiitit r's the table, but 116 sat ijiOP into 'corirersatiort w i i th were ers not Very freC, an 4 , dwindlpd :try to mon o ii Philip, t e elder \ of tiei the men] cast uneasy gi otn, and h i Wntehe , lth,erli I had' Vecolne excited, ;and - He knew , that his tin! fathei encl. intho house, 1 that thple men wer4 _ of rebbety i ' -;: ~ poir,' was finished, the . tw:o l ot the table,and 114 . t had becoMe dark--, : or i ri e t'in, for there was all r t I ' full,"Shinto; down Philip, in ,si low whisp. - i . sting la look back ovt do 'pin think of those. .- .. renpnted ' the the west,.tn in Be:web of The . nevi e able or pre .I Sl4ter took 11 1 it tax not his bqs, howtte at kill, and tii otfidr tcild of : • wife , was not „, later eat guests; but t a while the. • 400 q7esti n bo gy 's, noticed .ce.4, about the, 7. r0193r. Hie tr coald norresi. liege: sum of i thiiu g ht • for the,i porp. :After the 89 quiUkl4 cleared out 'ofilociri; night Had fairy tuoi l m,Liwo•th _ tne i .lforpst. %.. ii., DePei,r let . .. the li:idle time she id ;,c win men r 'f , r afraid young r boy.. : lam I. SOM.* Money loOkedarOund ' g-Y e i t. '4. Sold; L we think e_ 'W . n . woiv ;noire 53ZE I belien Didn' 'f we e luld lei vws.l , i. sqt i i rTol;'• retuj Aitch 'gm; btO dicipit iild soi P 0 boys 14 and then gall sniall dock siring foith - if Infiniti they ' &lured to nonlif'e onls ? the gers, tit by tit -, At lenigth, _1 hii intenkion 'oft orcioimi , Tile.threinii. tilt; - Okeir ;mai in liheto e 4 40.: . ow . , .. 44, -a rit 'ern? J o its sib! 7 the .61 ets, ()di' 416 m Alley , g front father - -- - hid'- . • hunter) 4• ili tficeld,of I "Ring t I s q*lii*fip iced*, iisii ,*4owicanit ie , I , to the og.hotfee, they ,41. the 04, - so , 't ! ' tho houndei In s ight they w ee - wasted. — Soon i ofter - - ltereil O honse. If . ther had .sin. seith. , it father - about their had n ehanee, for thei i ' Ali,lh evening ; : -- ‘1 - I . lirever,f:the. old man iiiiniflea' retiring; :and he arose; ill lgo seetthlp state of affairs i''' Ont.- followed l him, Ix& they' . not " . Tin) old lila' eep _ ' Philip;, lerstilro t liwo tip to '-. *a. - - . lVe nnirtieant 4 good as mien with tiki ' !; •to obey, and gniekli r ion. slipped two rifles: fro thei :r to Mit stove ' ' tend tci . _:*_ir" ileTinit . 4 , 1 and: ied.`.baeit:ina ''onigid E.: iiii t , ,atrajgers7 rilies;:onci 1 1;1* 4 4 6:: ' Ideliiptr•-lat-iitod 1 S - ca l 4 n -, ' II FC/i 44440 1 14 46 ii) I ‘ l kTrs - ..De :4"thein bullSg_iwing the , 614 itmtge' . ..*hihis_ 44 l°4 o t iiiithilari 044 - s l 4lf . . 7,7,4,i. ''' -i 1 tfititillriii: :at' ' i 4-teray. ow ._ thoilari re wow the 4 10 os t.i 4rii4 4 1 . :,fttirti :O . Sin; l 1., ;0 04 544* men -, liii i 1 ., ,„ 1 4 1, „i ' . •.*.)*liiHrj ) ii - 0 17 :bi i :: ' !d -.''''',-T ,:::!'" -4 ..1' 4:'.i ',. ';'. :T' , :, .' *.ll fool,git• bed,' Via; , bodow_ •-- • • • - • • • Wittacter timits;lll,lthrtratturt lilortattlitta -st; idUni e they mean tio notice bor i null tell father .. gh at - tis, and [t, I.f other: ".and 11,0 t them ..lioo7 further - 6nstiltitH ' II , •I t the kitchen for the Three travellers, and after scene in a moment , and he spring towards tte • .ni-.! everything had been arranged - for cg m .: where the hounds had the two men upo i "fort, the boys -"went up to their bed, and the the floor . The Villains had botli lost their old man retired to.his little room., - ' i I knives; and-the dogs had so "mimed then) Tin: l We . boy& thought riot of sleep, of if :That they Were incapable of furthe teibititite.e, they id, it was only tit ` avoid it. Half !an With . much-difficulty - the ordinals Were call - e l . 1,11 hour sod. away, . and they could hear their off, end' then lifted the two men were . to ' father . .. oro.. Then they . ; heard a movement . seat Theii . waa, no need of- biiidiug the., from these below. - Philip crawled silently to :tor they needed more' some restapative did, wherhe could peep through the crack, _intd I as the dogs had 'made - very , quickeniik in di he sa v one of the men open his pick, frem t abling them. • -. •'. . II which' e took *ere' pieces of 111W*Ineat.7-! After they had te;en looked toi the'old tea The an examined the meat by_ the ::ray of.' cast his eyes About the room. They rested: ' the m on, and moving towards •the window. mordent on the body of him *2O bad bee. he shaved the back and threw tie-pieces I shot, they then turned open thil two. bOys. out to the dieri.. 'Then ho went back to ;his ' Philip told .all that had hinpeng: It seeme , . bed and laid down. troW ` ' i 1 ~ee At ifirat the boy thought this, might 9.0 ; the whole seemine e 'dreaml - tkrgh his ' mind - throw to the dogs to uttract their attention,.! but ho gradually cOmpVeherited. A so but when - the man laid down, the idea of poi - I . grateful, - freud light broke over. his fiats .; son flashed through Philip's mind. HO .W1118.'• land he held his arms out to liii.!sone.' pered his thoughts to his brother. • The iw- ..".Noble; noble Ails 1" . he ittered,' es Ii pulse of little Daniel , as • he heard that-his poor i eldspedthem both to his &Picini, i "God . 1;1 dogs yere to be poisoned, was going to'in"Y I thee for this.' 0 1 dr.earned not that you out, b e a sudden pressure 'from the hand of i such hearts ' Bless thee!" 1 .7. .:^' his br ther kept him eilent. - 1 - For a long tune the eld man zed'ga open 1 i ~ At the head of. - the boys' bed there - was a : his boys in - silence. Tears of 'love ind - gro. - dark - i-ind Ow—a small equate door—and its to o iolled doWn^ his cheeki, and his whol was d redly over the dog-house. Philip . re- i faie was limhted up with 'a most -joyous an sots a to go doWn and 'save the dogs. The holy pride. . - • , dangerous one, undo gfor Long before daylight, Philip mounted t ' was a • the -. least oise wOuld arouse the villians4-thd i-) 0 Y-I horses - and started Off for the nearest•isettl - ! felt tired they were villains—and then Ithe 1 wont, and early in 'the foreneon the 'officers i consequences might be fat.il. But Philip SIA- l i justice had the wounded villains in cher ' ; t Le' . found himself strong ,in heart , and he,del: to mitred upon It trial. His fathers life-might They'aere recognized by the oars as Cr!' ln his hands ! -This „thought, was a tower inals of old notoriety;- but this was their hi t o. strength in:itself.- Philip opened the Win- iideenture,fer the justice thei bad so long ou . . d w Without moving 'from , his bed, and it raged ; fell, u n the m and: th em i as ung upon its leather hinges without mdse. their careen ' _- ' -' . l '', 1 - while thc body of the third was !removed. 1 . _upon i stopped en he dreW off the' sheet end' tied ode Col.- I I Should any of my reiders'.chance to pas 1 tier of it to the staple by ‘wilich_ the- window 1 down the Ohio River, I beg they will take n I WAS hooked. The sheet was then lowered .1 tics of a large White mansion that itattds.o - the outside; and carefully the - brave .boy let on the southern bank; with Wide foiest pat 1 hi iiself out upon it:- He enjoined hid br4her in front of it, and situated some eight Mil' s e tto Om, and then ;he 'slid . noiseler ty 'west of Owensboreugh. Aa4c your steamboat 3 wn. The hounds had just found the meat,. coPtain - who lives there , andrbei will tell yen; I : .8 " . a. HlLar i'LATe.II ur.. aoltO'frilt. retired notr. b t they drew back at the Young maser ' s' r) ... 0 .e. rt cli, and Philip gathered The meat all up.--._ El easily quieted the faithful brutes, _ and then merchants." .They were. Boi likkor.s f . whom I have ufritirsit.- ",- .. "t .. • -, ' i quickly tied the meat up in the sheet .- ' •,----'...issi. ' . • Is ere was a light - ladder standing .near the. Hciar n T I y mak Doctors.. .:1 . inaltwith , throu h Will the ereolie a leg-house r and setting this tip ogain st- the boil. lilig, Philip made his way back to his lonian& i medical collegel. We can see there the . V enpuee.aafely there he,pulled the she is - clattery Wherewith.they *kitten° useful et i .. 1 izens,. the oetora.: We may , too, con e vl The ra ha d notaroused,ClA 'other machinery, ' fearfully and wonderfully th bea s! tin ngets gheOrtthe bo; ben t e tinnked God. I AO . . made f ddeep arcane of palure, hid, from . o the d performed an act, simple as it might, ail- common eye; Don't -be nervous about it !L ai, at which many stoat hearts would hate Mystery is the first element of horror ; . things, - ailed. Thu doge growled as. they went beck once seen in their true light, grow less Offen *their kennel ;' if the strangers heard th ern :sive, and , - at last, we learn to leek with pl4s icy thought the poor animals were growlling urn on that we at firstabhoered. " 1 1 i . er the repast they had found. • ' -':' his a large building of .red sandstone, of 'a I. 'At length the bounds ceased their noise, curious Romanesque style of architecture. - • .-_. _ . ''. 1 ? 41 , An hour passed , away an so. 1 d a another. It must have-bees nearly mid -1 tuaht when the men below.moved .a,gain,iand then Philip:saw the rays of a candle flash up i through the cracts of the floor on which ssood i his . bed. ' lie would have• moved to the ctack where he could peep docin, but ar that,fmo 'ment he heard a man - .upOn "the ladder. , -f He uttered I quick' whisper to - his brother,lan d . then lay perfectly Still. The man came 'V; the top of *.the. ladder and held his light up so he could look tipoit the, boys. The fellow a4m. ed to be satisfied that: they were asleep for he soon returned to the giourid (leer, ; and then Philip crept to ins crack. 4e . saw thefilen. taking knives from their packs; and ho heard them whispering. -.. ' -' -- 1 ' Well kill tie old min and woman first:- said one of tbem. — 'lf thoie little brats Wake ' ‘ taleof them :. ' 1 - up; ve can " easily care em t . 'But we * racist kill 'est all,'amid aSother, -of, the villains. - . -: '... - lj - i . I Yes:- return;i• the first speakeri , " butthe :. ........ • . . . . . . old ones first .- - .ltire ' tUueh t he- ,reunt,: - Opeti fire% :they Will'. make a apiael , and start thaMd. man up:- :•: = . : , -,- -:-'-- '',. : ..' ' ,--. • : ~. ~'. F . ~..- . ~Philip's heart, biat - Irith horror..., ~..: ' , . -!, . .P . owo-, the : , , , ladderouti.ade 1.. mild l' . he., WhisPesed:to his brother. -Dims and start out the dogs! Run „tor: - tha- front lioar.iad and. it - Opew—it isn't fastenedl ; 0,..d0 let,the',4ogs into-:the hotwe- loi I pielt; as ireu:juiel-_- 11 l look prit'for'fither , whjleyet(o....: . - . - :-. . :.:--... -.--:-!:. . -. - ..".oaiiel lerakik; . '.erawle4.;6lt. F thieush.thal window, Ana ' Philip,aeir.oci . i.:4- rite:end crept theexitti.pf : oo scaffold. •i Tiro of 411t.e--yillahm! lent juakapproachlat:the,,dl . sor of his - fether'a - , 1 100 'They.had - -aef . ,thUestedle - :do - ua,UUthe.1 flook,.eo that (ti: - .44, iwould. , laqinik-O eti,ed7,, 'pi* -as *OO4 , as,e.' 4oras - ,:opene4.; Phil- IP dieWiihei-, hatiiMer of his rise back aikdiriwt-1 e:- '. dA/. O *ni*l. e .. . •;;.''. -I .' ~ .edi' .e - -o f t . h . e bOa d.•',,. i- : ~, Ime'Of th reithedlaididttand_tok . l4E . w4ei • ;'.'!lke Veilere'ileareta iiiiie of-beFt-P5Y: 4 ;":#4 41 .**! .11 4!::0 11 .4-* er,. : -.1 1 ,1*1f villa 4,Stirs47l)4!..o_ _. wic k cryiStrtherifell'..#*'ikel4doii:llol.bitillet pieeettbielthltia;hiitti-1: ''''''' ' -- -' t ' :: : -:-:', .7ii;iitkfia*Alie": Oio isiiiiiiiing,,vo*ii.: 1 w „ T eontii . its«,t , *ittiiev4ol4itteimni... 1.4 - - - - - toeiiiitriklit*ld:lo.oooii.o:thefr . iiii* they liiir for - -10*W4* * ;. 4 * . .4:441 : 41iiii4 . I 1 ' . ' : ii,'-4 . ***)o(iiiiik , ,iii..: 5_ . ~, . .... .. however ,,. ~..; ~, . ~ -.... ... , bound - ! • . 4, T. ' ; .9r•':**01.1.4!**...:-**104..;: 00: ..___ ~417, , - - .iit: , :th - (40,44044 - 100*thigbOaati Wilk' it ''' . o4 . iiii . iiiitit liiiiiiiiii. - tibi.- , iii:;' 1. • '-iiiid - '',lk4lat!tdialik - thene....to - ,the .:,110ti . ! j_ . - 41 -, PW.Agfr.:l44eri,o94Ao.taltio_rUoto.i., - '-;--. - ii' . iiiiiniiilit.heil,:ilifed.i i tiliii9iii iii - ii.l.iiiiiic4l4**:::ol. -- . - 4iiidei'.::..' , l - **.mis t 14ii1f.:414ii:i.t.':L. - *# - :*:#o:#: ,. i." 0+04 4' .!ta7.04 - 440:-..,,::-:,. , ...1:: , .7.;,::-4. -- 4 , .::, • :• - - - tmeiit.F4sioofiebeht iiii - iiii6i'itet‘t , , • ..._ . _ ...., .. .., _ M,OisITI . I9SL , . Pk, !,11Mi'pDAT : ;- NOYE)4:I3 , r Hera; we are. in the lower bali.. Two or thee(' bright,.rmiy children are'pla jng about, and in that large, cheerful room, bUsied in her house hold pares; is the Janitor's wife: .Wehavetlio entree - of` the edifice, and this little pass-key in ma hand will open everyldoor. • Let . us,grO ... above. . 1. . _. ~ here 'is a fine, - lofty ball., Oit ono side 'is the library, on-the shelveii of -.which is pi]; 1 ed snitch musty. ore. But- medical books are not e lightest of literatale,' -and should iso - i carefully opened, or we max , see something de_ signed for the initiated only. (../n - this aide! is a leo tire-room, inform. of an.amphitheatre. l The #ts rise tier on tiekone . above anotbe 7 rfl and reoccupied ky-studenti,,in ill triantieilor i,,e negliFe attitudes. ti-Down at, the bottom of this•great well-like 'room; is aci ular enclo sure.,l Behind this, . and separa from the lectuie-room by folding doors; is he lalximie: g.. f I"he janitor opens the'doons, and trundles` out a large table, which runs on raiiroad,and fits nicely to tha concavity ' of the iftle. ''This ai , -1 1 ' 7 7- table is covered' with spirit-ismi,. receivers;, air pump's , Florence flasks i retorw and sun d ry - isrionsly colored bottles ; and the .itrofemor stepping up-tio it, proceeds.to disceurse'on - the mysteries Of. chemistry.. Before he cinntnem ces, howeier, he lows acknowleidgeinenti to the hei#o cheer which greets hie entrance.- It is,etiquette in a Ipodical wheel to tisibtothe ibettlier with stamping of feet and ci ing of hands, and silehee would be ss (*Ski' I Here - in the Amy above is the mn Ranged, - shout j the room 1 : - — Os manifold: . ;skeletons ` ;of' 'Sallies s4es, *Sues Cada Of hille Deities;ll4lll,ll ifeetty,lisbelle4eol24lo4 . 13peelt*iii rts ptl334. - - bid:: instanii; ibere; &ideas Pedeitid, is isiieiide 0 . 1 4 61 model 40-e'otiksAir biltudents; abd •besideit the nips rains'. blues the 'hie tbine that 44, wolfin= 4 0 2 * 61 iiat 4 "tothei 6 0 6 1; 16 i0 1 * - -'Look hi it:, this ilpOr a imoment. It'ti**s jade Weal - theetio, and theeigiti;intOir, constructed Toole beTOW. - '-: - Twel or ihiee trains Paige ei the table ind the Riorelor- 4 1 -116 "wianii awayref loatiodri What ai -tedetsliiipto • mehusite , l' eflont,y • !feeds! , : -, TorenlatimewphiliAiiiiiikal,o l l l : l o". jef;*tet,iiiii: - '!iesbeill,:sio'ighfir: - Oljo biby doll glibly lio* the iftell4oll)fitto " liest - Jit the eiess- - sis'Wstibleg-the in= drat first se =s n. sTrfwiNtaMbia dieteOiedieiiatidnit:: 'Seek , 14100101 f ,•••* i 4. l * lotwomai: wipe wide ii,so Actletace„, R isa. 'scribbler has - freely tysnstated, ,Or nailing is left but the t hel ? We.. long, lofty room, lighted- fr om above an b; chilly; but tittle fire , heing Illowed here do you start back So hastily I -• Thesi -men: of the defunct' hom4iii,these tabl to be sure, a novel sight; but thew ! gentlemen : in Manyi colo4, dressing' and short pipes ! , seem to reef no uneast. That quiet, geed natures :14okin,g geti at the black-hoard, is the demonstrator omy. He goes about froM.table' to tai plaining the relations of Organs, and greemstudente to repair ther,miachief some uniucky,Out or thii sealpet: lle l • reply to our qaestiOns, they very rarel j fest any great repugnance to: the task] , section, and that only at the outset of bor. The integuments once removed, < have before them cproblent to solve;; geries•of bones, Ileed-vessels, muselli nerves, to be- unraVolledVl• i their relit each-other to be ascertained, and thei r size, and other tangible properties le, qpired. And the, study tir, this- proid.' thai of a Chinese pezzle, Vreemes-ye ' sting. Students erilne eafit•and - go I. ; interuptions of mea s tire* 'kore,•and quietly at their work,. oel l eaSionally h,. a snatch frorn an opera, jiii% cracking with a ueighbor. • , 1 1; , 'I i • 1 • Nye ask an ihepertinentqiestiot, , Lb i I the demonstrators 1 . AILSW,II very :re i ,. ' Where do we get . ., our le jests? '- c 1 .., distance! We have-no le' ' I unreel • - - i l 4 • - • ' ply,-or, at least very Ingle ent ones,. get them as we can, always taking gre [ to avoid any outrage of p l it lie senthil l generally evading, rather an vudat law. All these subjects before you, cii cured in- a mannerWhich ll ,o4ght toiler' !7f it were nobody's tisanes 1 l •ould be o no lurviviegfriende•wonl:d t ' e offends' ought tit give us the lawlkpetition f winter.; but there are idiel Mohaw • a men, and anti-renters, ignorant Yen hovent and Vandesspiegefil enough,„ Legislature; to defeat thO ‘-lf l bill. • Th e ', unfair. The law for mar practice puni surgeon' severely for arty !diluter frouvwant.of skill i l'or, ip Other 'wo , e i, want•of anatomical. koredgel nio, same time w are Punis ,able by finti,l graceful imprisontalut,Oeir taking ' 1 means in our power, to acquire that kn i And trequeet_ reitures . andp unjust is, mal-practice have Made thi# se Oviden; geon, that it is, aotnethin,gliffficult 01: surgical attendance; I haVe- known a lie-for many hours 1 withllatbroken.-th fore a surgeon could bo •Ond to ass' kg al risk ef reducing it.i[l At the . sa l no man is so-poor Tor dtgnided,. butt ~.. ran readily,- Procuni the best ite#:€4l ance; for there is no danger of !a kt ,l ' they would giro el this Ifilva lei we'uldoompel some:of these scampsd upon the public.churity,oppert-Ot 1 by crime, and die i 4 :jail N 0 .com 1 pe - public, by - post-moiteni iiervfeest,' fok trouble they give u s 'bef'*eip death-4 dosaway With .tho _ .rieck 3 4 4 Oaf viola] 4 the sanctity of the grave,lWhich Oti shock every feeling Tor he*ity. 4 -,', • '''What is the mora l eff4it; of dine 1 ma, Does it tend to eriabilhz 4 -.er -- atli•* l la a sk. . ' •• - - .-1 • • l l' - • ,- 1 'The moral effect isrll4. - Xr. good th „wise, thoagh princi,lally negative.. . I, the hibit. of soorici l 6 taii•;:neepses pli.shinent for the physieiih,EWhiii.ltrio‘ 1 , body's peceadilloes,lhnd;i iiiide• - fre' l great iobjecti-"ofin.teini ,:' knowled ril , milierizes • the kan - to,',knlfe, 4 skilful surgeons. ' me ben i have' ~,iti 'classes which cler gyman man: : in.. ' 714' fortify their' faith, - by thelDiitiltice'o displayed hi this: h iiiir4ik i ,ier Milt.... thed;we hive an i fide, lirr, - whi)-to,"; Fidel" 1 - the soul as aiirineMity, end fife iiiol, attain material cUMbinafiine: —. 9*„ -ever; these men make elegrieity•thek see nothing but a'sOrksii i , •, galvanic' the convolatione of • the! ' e . .. ':it 0 that inch thinkers ' ar, el . ,1r. , 101g'4 t ai t tiler! prorestion, ,blO. - -"so ii l si f air i i kind Of quaelmii; thlic:l4o#l4,7 l l • clivity to th; irregilatiatik faucifo materialism, ' flat '' itiiimo, *Oiiii'i!:i sermons *lust Alfa' ecrW *; teii -, -:4!1•••* „,.... -,,...7.6.i" scion. In4, o44l 4 : T e n ti l t. , • i OA' U S ' i tili aversion trials. - ' i .- -te - v oili4. - Legate he s o u l fro '`heal ''' • , ':looking iiiic•Ailiii 1 iito . 0 riii! 7. _ i lose this ` auperahtlon oftt. . '', l4 .diiino.listh*.hililliii4iiiwT , tile i .- ‘ : tilie; — !'.fo.o. l Y - iifief_ 6, _kir .*[ti! , :4 -I ;:.:., , :iibc•c* t ,thiali!44t ea b 4 -064. ,E0,4 - o* . : i t;*:;,o Sito.d.iirii:airoli,iii# ~ISD*JOIIY4:I -ouniese,.--**" ,A; t 0;04.- , um,tt., thti 40 nioiri-094; '‘ 4 4ok . tiOlie,,,F*a 7 i l .-,:4;,,0 f :' 1 1 14. 1 . 1 ,04 1 -:24C 4u4.00. 0 ,!i 01 0 - ':° , : 40.01 ..*.f o, 4 . 2 . 4:0iii 0 ..: ~,,, : -.' .%,.104. :. # ii ,r.r. ,i..4.*.. ~-; *iii ritialfilltlf; dei n -sue tons laoluti "Nrbt"ll.i.',2 4 eiii, tii*:: Lcii*lifili4;''' ' il i elUi do 4 4(the - -)amtiiii : beittosomewk4:eiff,fif i t iii:*r ~. , :‘ , iiiii"4All'' o4l3 die4l4ooifidlit .: : ' ~ -: good"." 1 / 4 , ilibibeslir, I ti: ..- -., t t ,;". all .*Tlct Pliti i t -' t -* ~- ; • -.,,,, ..,ity , ,.i.71:, t V:ki 4,7-1-r- -,it ,- '', , :..v . ;'-•;:;. , . ',,:' 2. - , '-'''W f.: i. il'i':i 7 . - fAki !3''' , ±i ,- -i.`..1.7 ., ' , L • = .0 -4 • 111,1 - . $ -ur...,Nd ; : ltgell . ti - : = 4.bo: I ~, ,h., i iocargit roves; AI& hums ' o 11 0 a - - biti a mohiilaiii * f4 4 4ooii . ~.i , ,...„1 , 1 1 , iiit SW iiiiiiiitlL 6 = 4. ' l .7 -1 ! ~. `,.ii' -2 ellft - : , " ' til4 *7'77 6 _ , • I r I 'l , dela 1 , nter a quite • Why • ispei ; • • .are, young ovens, 1. Taman t anat. le, ex_ elpine I tie by . ys. In • magi ‘ of "dis. eir d they 1n eon, s, and one to fascia.; e ;' the hey sit. mining a' Jake It which I • thly I h, • nt , of sup- I So we t - pains • ' nt, and. ng, the i ere pro- °gal. -7 44 .tragea, ;. They •r every Duteli. choon in tho Is very I.he's the l a, from nt the I..nd dis h° only viledge. I • • 4s for to snr- procure uran to gh,-bo- me • the *3 time, that he attend nit:. It' ho live h ! selvos th a e all this t would • ions of go ant tiOn r *e Ix othei. teaches 'acchin- '-s every ,:its first makes i:rnateur maim to design ow and lii - p uon. eireet of • l er, how e 0, and endow, the 'reg. [ , atiii pip: ' Asti , housand 11110 t;.. tci ti we :,,•.~-. V~ MIR of_ .. . . .. ...,. - - . Difith: -- lif t rsi ,. Gainers".-:Mtith#t_ . 1;' ,. ---. :- .• -A .:iioatimit,.x.l*.:l-.:..' : - ' -: . , : . .t,:... - .:- AkMong the reslent Viethis.ef.ttrireviu 'ng epidemieeit -New i:lrlenni, was that Of Ma me Zu ; ireiit ciirdetteqtlietioOtherof Dr. 64r4 ,4 , cf of: i seti Oileani, ,aad of ißria. ,. ifyra'-''.c . : ' O t t: . - da, nea..- .Pifidii; .at the:residence...of her . on i i d -prt.Ontclette,'.at! heTadranOed:iikil ofBete tY.i', eight yeas's: .'-retio Delta, of the ;..1? - Oth -inat.. as , I the tollewieg:notten of *lilts - .-4iiiiik4hie; ' :: ' th'.:l .- 'Flea _lady .was 1 m . creme et 44n:step ely intireatingromineein.real 'life which : wail de,' .- '.f ' • - veletiecr. in , Oelce!ebrated-- llwattit - .of" ,ia.., Gaines: .',: 1: , ......,: ~- ' : 11.er Maiden_nam e e;waa i!linie.:.:Carrler :4=- §hO:Wsis born in: ,t 4. old ; French _colony :0 '.1 . 3i;.. f t loo.i .:Her ' ipare4is:were -:einl4rants .. frotnihe :land icif poetry sinromance..—the : fioritO h . mo, of '..i.lie,TOslihaiii t urs—Pro . venee. ...The , b 1 oil of the Gipa4y; rule; . W . hieh, in the'early. day of f.olialani, tiettl cid ~sileng,..,onr - reesCr.onit; , • 411-. ..w4ode:k.vetv..dalghters : weinthei , .-sjieehtl nti.L . : jeets, .ettbellote land idniirntion of the) . ga ant: Frineh cavalierain.rho pstabliAtil:lhe: 'first eiifl orika,. mingled with that .of,tho..Provengul..- From I such it,siit,ti ii . .it iri9t,:i7etnArkablejhAt : l ZUlhae Ca riere t . Ottani& - liais..Aqiiied, i•esear kahle perao al beauty: The :oharinia: of herself and Sher three siltera,v,ereqtaverstioherpslat i acligiyation- n.: e: colony . of LnitinianaoVlrel wardi . do. roll climate;" and texerieui'atinpi , i -1 p4re of .the - , ; aat,iliore, . ripened .. theae:eharmai into . full . tu qty. I at: a . 3irt early' age:,:- Zu . l It lick had h rdl yleci t erged ; into , herteitli,befere I he r r hand w ' , se ghtby r etrierenaanitora. •zii,. sacceskill , sii i iiiint gained.,hia paint-tie :Claude , Melnet , ' Ib-. BOl . wes: P11Y . ! . . 31,14 . - 4i hi : 4114 in isO .' in :cor•anekeeetho ; iiii!g ! , nil of nobility i . fere.. Ofileyokiiiti,b44lrat' ':1 „'1 unsnapieti g - giri, - :_•Oe.tlititeen . ,..: .. Al*soi. I f ca ght by the . g ittering!halt.!-The 'Trent and: { , W Man seers dirlncOe'd in to a:eonfieticker tin4.l 7..'"t,:wits wail a mart.!t:fl , _7art w .. 11 b . :194 : 17 : er been divorce . - Ile Ices .arrested and - , ,* . ed i b . in.eceleslasti64 court inthis tails*: . igi, in waif .conitite4i , and - IsCiiiiicci:labli : uti , 1 i e(1, but ,:,aftetvarda . ..esealiek-,iind... - : -.-.Ote: nii re hie - M i er , Thei . endek2tilisneerelation w h Jere's*, de priang .... --..,-;;.,.;-;., • :'.:-.-.,......,`.. j: ; , ; ...., • '-.1 -2.;' . ';:.. ending this', ,t4roOeeding4tid . afterth ',-dia.:„.: :P u ark, y:a'enrl: t oi h ar t i n pn ;' ' e a l 1 : ei "i3a betweeni - li -2; g e 1 : iEi man gii r'Z'-Pi inal marriage ;.. : . - m t I l e; '4'.. : I e: there and.:;c i ...i f : • • hing, , Whet • sealed . .'lriahhiatireiert d: to b • ,•'.4eri '.*ealth ..'4:if ' vert gniknlari's . 'Aniiiketer d , iigreeehlir'' anners.;.. • Clarls: : ::,.iriii.*:Pisil. iF lant.' . ehirali, a :Man i ] = to tiaoOnan . :the'l_ - use' 8.0 Orilla unpreteet Altiid;: . ;irioriged.Wenar&- 11 , - i-; , .': . i t ie ~..--- I t-ia! i ald-4 t d,:frain'thil4 , poitil: alai ' the. iiitreetediliti . ; ionerhielv*reeently:e ; `gags eil f ;.an - rms*af , .. ..e. ; time_ and; attentien . 7`e ,-. S..iiii: l coorti4 wo nis* =; - be . finderained - pi::gliiiiittie ...y.eiioi '..roi4 . eil by the 'cleeeoed :- :lliit iigrielt one',ltqi•friencl'': that : cloth 4,4* . it `met ;Zug 1100: irt:Thiladelithia, and:_sitia4ol , hitiieff:4• telthe existence of ~, .pi;Grrante'siigroii,...* the '8.,: -• cOneeinent : nullity et- lis!aiersigeWitk i. arrieene h, r . ffd,: ank -heart,lntiarggeats4ithe ~ ,prii4eoOn',..ef Ite , oonetheirr i ltriagear4rat . tiintil,.-ther - : ; . a:onP' .. Cotaisletsithn. oef , af..:.: - .00: ~Grow,, ? - c,i*:44. . - 4 . *re;m400A , ,,441., - 0 4 ,.*ipiate:: . -li:4 7o ili w '",elis%iiiiiltit vilietirtsfi.iiofits:biiiiritit.- -li' ifrii:.;d - eineiqind - that:WiOheaist . Ori!Oit: 1 - '":',':l3iit therikire* ; :iiereberating . 41.i . e. • ti*_ a ;;; '• ~.., e epon. ,W isichi*. ,Proof . 9 . f . ih.,..e''.rrl - Y:- . !•i!,' an tc:i..cliniiii*ii,:.iiiii:itelA--4riiiiii;:4o,ii ri, oA,*ciarki - o 00:ziijipie , 101#0*1.141. ' l#ddtgrio. , ,litiii.rothof'4ll . ;:ptia , ct*lft*49'-- .41 ' )itiitt4 . or : ' , 'lliii.4 - 4i*llikiit4ollii , lo4 . o,fi - i', ty iirT.oo.,*Ortor.*44':--04-Prliiiio-I:'!"*lliiik 4, \*dot-,-- or, r th3a :: porpose-. ; ; In : the : e.,srif. 11. O itO:ef-the;;;. iiifoi*-**ll•Ouifi6iiV*ii:.4*.: tuid'igiinst,l) palngc-,..--,4the.0144,!PA: • ;10iii:11:"io advanced 0 i:' '9':i' 1; tk il i iii i ift ,'' '4 e . 4 i ti:liii, 4 '6 i lt i i i 1 siii- 41i 1 '' he v ° , c . n* :piAtiaiti**l*iiiiiniiiii;--;; ,, .::, i.4 - : , :'.,A,,;: . t= - -:, - ithelitoolaT..*iinlif *pr!!oo4l . oiiicy-4 - iy .' - *tii: 7 :cle..f r " :ii.:4f2ifritiiii,'Tekottoi . * : l. :ooiii4' 7 '...T..'-:''.i•Vi-10!1 ':):0,:slii-tAii400T.0iiii.'..ct0* Tat 1 ' • . 41 W*.i4iiii-t*C l 4. 4 . l *,'! . **o:: : :*l l . l **: le. : : •' .4 l,4 Oil , i ll :idi .4l : e' * . je4oo. o o' - iii . lo : rsittoii,tiiiiii::,„t4 iii'ioir..sl4l-04*.*,1kiko;, T 40:iirti*k . . -4 460..vir - oio - ‘O ,-,, i 3 O:iiiik . * - 4, L : • . _ . -- . 116441..* , :• - •4oo*isfii:4oo . l , iiq*ii:* . e , l l , ' ;..iio** t •* t :iO,if: f . sHlliyffi*ii.':t i*** .* 4 SS , te loriiit& i. iiiiii4-4-44,..A.fiiiiigoitio:ii*,4, - '''..• 'Mild; ::—'' I W , eliiiltAttiiiii,iO4:iOliii:4o4lloo 4 : b=il l ii-.'iiiiittik:t.o.7*4l :1#.1 1 14 6461 4 iiiii4titiality4ii&iii ----- : ii'' .-.- iiiitiiiii.* - =4o l 344iiiitelTr#oo*,, , i* 'i4 , ,''' - .704 . 7 - • - 4: . :thtii.iiil4.o(.*Pii. I** itg ..-..iiiiitiiiiiiiiiitoo,o o * o.o . 4i j . ; o _, :t i i - i - 46 0.,0 . i,.0 ,.. ; , , ''-'''' .i.i*. l io*. 4 •••:.'' 4kie.' , . *.'. - ''4iiiii44.4iiiii _,:., - ..4 , ,..:::i 0 6 . -, 0 404,*;k i", ,- ''',' 64 - i ii, P' . ~.t•fitit: = i 4, ,-: lw.), i..--4; i;> MGM , _•••:. ,- ' , ::. ,. .' , ..-:: ,- -,--- .. ......:::r.,.vii: , ie._$.4.• VOLV,Aft . L .,: ',NlTlftEtit;F:#49,:.. , __'s:l.'-:, - - . ... :- !' , 'l-,•, : !f:.,: , ,; .- . "f '-.:•-•. '' , !-4 , & i r i.s. - ,::-,1•••••. ,- :: , ,:,...:r',::`.44:fil'i - - - . -•- - - • --. . • ... , . ... • .•.•,.... .... of:thhs Secret 'marriage. This;systa yrkletaik 4 2. 4 - . 840 '. -- W Al r.P l4l co l #c:fraree ors' fr • r - 4. • 10% _Pricir-- .c6lOlO to4viii:'yogi,,pi 4 ed. sink - , 0#t#4 . .. : 4.P..* - - ii . „,l:4?6'wil .-dat/ E li tt• ' . 4 t - 4 iiiindte.fiirn,CV=.lo-::. it had'reiched maturity kyra.aiscov,ll4lt*.: : ',. i,pi;',t:iir.ker history: • .Sine 1 ,e#: .' .4 .- Arri• ;. ' Whitney - 0d as Mrs: daities;she: *priii.gett-:.:•.., ted - her Claim lei the propeitT9f • likielXlitrki- . as hii laWful-heir; with a ieal ! , , . Ortnic" ~1 1191. . r 'enOrkiis:hrfh4"i'lliieWleen ell r iP94:ltr-tli*:, 'annals of litigatien: "Thediffiediti , #)iiiezi. : - ' • 'to , eat ihiliiitr the Miiirjage hetweezi - 2,14m*mni , , ,: , 14 4i 2 iit-eAric• le4ainlY A akot has ' - r-.' . ;:huniiiier this ease; wrbieh'orqy I Otit e , r1.4',.. , : Iviiild itiisfron their graves' and ' r thifaeji#7.:',_.• ; - : t t . 41 .1.--. e -- r - .; : -..,, , . -•, • r '--. '. ..-'•t: -'r: :The! one b'-r4i.•Zulims Rasitre':# l .rc.llo - :: ', t - - • - ''' , a , •rrt - ' -retnittediiii : _so many reveries an -uns o nal , .- •- : her, old itge.; - td - NeW...Orleanshen old borne; ond:peseed a.peaceful.and lipo-i;lite,jn'l•h-.er-!i • / faillylof her4on; res l x ooandPiik!*e4 - 1 6 r ' her minpidrtues:. Bhe detat th , otie'ofe. 'entY-eldhf, the youngest of her: e":„ 7.777, -,', •..: of : heiriiiter's in.Yitlicsttaitied *kn1r4,0.77101k-..- ygnr"..:"' i - '. •:i) -timitiloi4 . 3 itit'iilajnifiiiii- . -.. , ' ,;k : plig . A . l -- li : f'- ~,--. -,:,- ,' :' 'taste a. Louisian'tind.:Par 1 1r1,Y,t.k.",,...,,11? . :f- OR enr-sea:Orist.. 7, ; ,- f , ',' :.' l -., : 1- ' 1. - - *atY ,- OcrfraUll'l l . g. , , '4 ,, . \.l i , Girls;listen - tame t- • You au Oanicit i:rthei . " - ... purpose . ' 1 world , fora - that' purp .. .., 1 n 1 mony,-and the sooner4ll' you :that are'elegiblw •••• tv i't --*i ' ' Sit iboutoettinthuSbands,thek er or . ye , !- , ,, ,i . selves and ihose i , ka. o„tfierwise, : ilveorittmilli `-i-: th be cigar-sucking,,to ddy-drinhipvittisowAlw 10,, oiditiritys. *- -,Wißfei ts 'eengetdol - zi:te:Wedhiik 1 !, ..1, and it..ia'aaiaing, with - its long rekiitY-Sitfald•'l ' r ''' ' - tr i p arties'lliii'fililli: ii - eveningsotai bilis in;;and• .-. • , • same balla,.natt any gid I;4lllll6l'kPr9M-'...r!..-'4,! Went her, need not see 1130:1:1130 VFler , li` above'irouhd,,without-an niciOaaao,...-a*lier.- l':i haiias , it she ~but2.;iiiilr: emlnnecia 4 ..!•hif . e! .2;uwk7e l''''' cititi . ri , il) - C, offered: ir, : fr i4o 6 Ai . Oinoiit I:: le4P;iii,a good Old,:grandmothe eitaii*anii,,,ji, - , 1• "girls - don't throw:i•the'h#lf of - anni:l2 - 'afiio:t*:,..ll : . -a*aii-l.ii':.may not S-jiffint . again. 3,NV11:0 Ipii.i i fish it fairly hook e d, :-4en4447-01'4.-ff?'lol.." I° °# , • 4l r Yeol4-*405'1*',.7 li#,z.;Ai''ol/7.14.:.'-Vt ;e 4 iii*llligi 1;:44. 4 1i1iC - Witlik:lvill4:4 l ,FaLT - • yini - iitiviii;t- )144 -'s4 ! i i '; ': l .4 l4 ;.*,.;:#*.P!nai' - : • - ilia *a; alight fe:Ot`then- 1 1 1 . 1i i 4 " -011 1.....4 1 11 6 k,i* -- ,. :_-• deineathi*.d flop he 4, 1 4 , 0:!1110544.4it ,. .t COW: ~.;. 66';iniiiiii4iieiti.v.: Men iifek.' , iiizei*.eilifkiiili , lisq-*A F 4 , ,b,eloit I FaiiiglV, ..'. : . .'HoYe ti+ 6 ,thiPto.4 o ttlii,goTht s. .ls ' ,hlie# , *l,;(ti ite:i..9:!tiPtcitti°l2ll.:.--P,tt,!,..', 0/9.1v -i'`is*P - 4 : % 4 P-.... i!' 'whe,4lll.4olliaii;ee*Att.thi ' ,- ,4 .104 -.. i r'4g,tili!.. I, .muUia -' hOokS - sipa..iSO:e.*duWitl 0111 1 4 . * I! ‘. , 'tjikVie,l4l 6 4#l4ll±amaOrt'i4". 4 *ff0_. 1 ,:, - thi T izid iliii4;. 7 ii 4 i4C . iiiilieil' = I ..i' l'iliiC ic'Fr 11 ettairs - aftei•guPOr*UY# lll Mil JP -4. ..,..er*iitt 4 t.'ll'. 41 . eattrir;-40 - . aaaa'oit - ie00"1- elfi* :* :filn - Oki 'ii:j:k•-If tliriiuih.a twii - eitinvii-YeaN i' filifiii , :::- liiiire'l 4 - 1... -, -.,& ' -.--, ~. - -, -=`'rr : , .., - :' , ..., ‘ -rViLTII,I,.4 . - '40,,t414 , ,- tol 46. „with- Mai. -',Ffi.lj4,, ...'.!,..P-,-Ill'•-",- g t i r : 9l . , !;; -....10 k0it i ii.44 4 .a - a4t - timoelhoino; :., 1 ,, trial 94 n 0 F.0a . ft et lfi t .tkf i t ' l l e4 l 7 l ;tltii -: )•' ,totr4iift n4-eJtY!'"'ii'-ii*ii.??,ll,*:-.'#4-11*_4R3.-.,',' .tpitio:Yipoce i.iltne..4*i!k.iyoiwrZ-ilidiatog;.. 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', 1 0e:f 0 * - Y.Fin - AlrOght4:4413; 4 ''''it: .- ' 4 47-..4, L . 4Prkijaiiinol6l.l!'iti:l*tOifgtii.ol*"o-',_ ~ -tif jc s i i4i i- f tte- A 4§;:i.;;*l : 4l,Nml49,,kitr::: onsiiiiiiiii,iol - 01410,4*00 100 ,-* 4 6146 04 ,- , Alkiikikthe.'4 .0141m7:-.41tal#f*-41,7. l'euklthteit loving Of . ' ! .ol.l4 : iv 4t h : Le: t...Pit --. 'l''k'ifit: - ,*(450:,• , * -, e t ....,....4.,:i a .. 1 . 1 .,, , ,. i .m.-„,-....„... (i ...-., ~„,t ice1ii. .....*,.,,....... ~1 Y..111.-, • tr.P-rsrDtzmill---- Liiii.**-0 1 # 1 - - *4k ' 5 1 6 : 4 - I P-S . :• k i* .',, r.',; ..- ' 4 4 int I *- S -* nt# .*...*.4..?4. 11 1 0..9. 0',:•1,, 1;.. i1e 1 4 ,„ -0Az.,,,,. ! ..,,34,t5.t-a: pe6l;:u:, ~z \: , ---.---- ,Abir,t4ol,,rettn‘ l k,- '1 A 6:",:i1f04401%1 0, 4 C ?' :.' J1:4 0# 4 64.0 -11 0iVt 4 *0. 1 :4 0 ° -- -,k4Kr"sk• .... . , 0 6 50444 17 ir:th:°1 -. 1 . 1 0 1&:.1.--4 —3 - - ; ,:- r iF+ T he* - 00 11 4*** f t lk t Y. 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers