NEB GooDs - ? She s Sales. .il - I , u ' R ,' assor t m ent now com pri ses altnout er.: vt tuo otwrits of Van. ; E.s. unman ,t of u • e v tide - wan t e d, , and 7iso fear seta e ! .' er uttaf Common,fl . eas . et . B .. nlits , 44- i k t Y i b h a n ,audio . me airecten, Imu asp se to which we .%. %rill *ell at that,coat' . , A publi .eae at the c ourt !louse, in Montrose, on that 9 re l.. a n ; ica,nteAL . less than cost on Saturda tae 19th day OVllovetuber neltt at t snd some articlas at U. BURROWS &Co. •ij ki . '''' - 4'' t am account. /ococ P . ide.... • -...• 1 i , Gibson OA 26, 185 X ""s Alf thojae certain *canoe par6ets of iini sit nate '•ju Ilarforii towpship...SusisehanneLleo Y.' SHAW] S: 100 WOOLEN LONG SFIA,ViiL§ all q ualities, and beautiful- pattern;; at extremely into pekils. 11:13U4R 9 W . 5: Gibson,Oet. 26. - Mani Pablic Venduo I , Tliit Eubfcriber will sell it Ins re'elienee in:Franklin, on isturilly the sth or.Noy. next,,at lOo'clock In t h e yornoon, the follielin property, tcesit r ' 8 C o rcs,.spri)-yearaldsi.a pair cif threi-year ad &qrs. 3 yearlings.. .4 . Cairo, "1. twv-year dd Col', 3 //Cgs; I', Light ; WaLison and ,Har;.. , - .T 56.311 OF SALE:-111 sums under $lO, cash &an— pv,..: air. aim six. months credit with:approved *tend- i ly- , . : .. ORLANDO WILLIAMS. . ' Franklin, Oct. 19, 1853.-42w2 , ' .. , • $3OO REWARD. - T HE above abave reward wilLbe paid for the arrest owl c nvidliou of the person or persons who set on tire the dwellin r g house Ofil,tbe subscriber; in Silver Lake, Susquehanna County, Pa 4 on - Thursday, Oct. )3th—whereby The - said - dwell ing and.aiinost its entire contents were,alestroi. ea, including' 500 bushels of grain. Lose esti mated at $7OO. . • At the same time, two horse collars were sto len from the barn, and , als3 w_broad leather 'back; pad, all of which can' be identified by.-the. sub scribe,. .\ Oct.THOS. HARTiirrr. Sliver Lake, t 15, 1853. - Paliiphlo Laws. TIE -Pamphlet Lawsifor 1853, are ready for distribution, to those entitled_ to receive ih ,m F. A. WARD, Troth s y.. Montville, Oct. 18, 18.53:r43ir3 ASsignee's Notice. Dunrc Novice is hereby gsven, - thet Jam e s 1. N. Green, assignee of W. Eigef,Jor the benefit of his creditor*, filed intro Prothenotarfe rrlce in and for the county of Susquehanna it the last April terrii,of Court, hie partial account as assignee -of. "asill• Eager, and.that the eaine w in be presented to the Court of Cosurrion Pleas' of said ounty.fer confirmation .amt , allowance, ea the 21st day o: November next‘ at the Court House. at 10 O'clock in -the.forenoon, et - which tithe said account will be allowed by said Court alai cause be shown why said account shoula, not be allowed.: F._ 4. WARD, Protifyl • Proth'ya office, Montrose, Oct., 15,4853. .Carilets and.Oiteloths.• Tj t ktlNG enlarged and refitted our extensive jl C kick ery and House Furnishing Store, ex., for the business, we hare ,added• a• new towel,' its .• • • - . Toe second floor is devoted to Carpets,; Oil "Cloths and Looking "Glasses, in which we offer a gcod aseartnient at prices which cannot•fail to },lease, and to which we invite your partiCular attention. J. H. DE PUE. . • . Binghamton, Oct. 20; 1853 • sloooo' New' Coodsl JruSTriceit and - receiving at .•Eatone One Price s oge,the tAtvst \and largest ;stork of Fancy, Do luexit, and ititpre oods ever &ought into.SusquAlart b.Vottty., Oar hundred Cases Dry Goog cou3pris. ingin part as follows: - . . • . . _ Rich Chiugable Siiks, Stripe do. Plaid do,. Black do, Colored - Bounet. silk, Bonnet satins, all Wool ile Lamna; Persain do, Plaid de" Crissa,‘ clouded de Berge, English Merinoes, .Paramatta, -Skop eise Cloths, Cough's, French Chafigable - ife Raise; EMbroidered 11 . 9bes.Ginghams and Prints, ticetch Plaids, White. Goods, - Wroiaght Collars, do Muslin Edgings, do Cambric Eagings, do Linen Edgiugl,' Fashionable' silk and satin Bon . - Leis, 200 ps Brunet ltitabons, 1000 es - plain 'Rib bons, plain and pritqed Velvet Trimmings, 1.00 . fancy Dress Trimmings, Dress Buttons Velvet, Figured.and colored Velvints, 50 Bay state wool :%.tivis.eash mere ifo, BroCha do, Silk do, Gloves Ind Hosiery, Sc. - • • • • -: •• ' • Cloths, Cassimares: Vesting,. Flanne sr, t‘• not Blankets, Pickings, Damask spreads, Linen. do, Linens,•Black „Muslin . . • . - 1. F .. 1 H . . EATON. t 1 4 • Ilarfor4,,Pa., 0., - 3. • - • : Auditor's Notice. . . \TOTICE is hereby given that the undersign 'ed, an auditor, appointed by the Court of cetpmnu Mat; of Silequelaintwoonaiy \ to dip-, tribute the ftinds in.the hands of the sho dr, drift inelrom the sale of property, on a Judgment.of Wm. Hughes vs. Rees ,Hughes, to and -tunoug the.c4tionuitsuPou said , fund, will attend to the duties of said appointment at his offlie' in MOn-- trete pe Thursday. the 17th day of Neve/Wier sat at o'clock f. ri„ at' which time and plaii those interested wilt/pie:we knead. . • • . ITCH, Auditor: Montrose; Clot 19; 18;41-4`2w4% ••• • fiu the Hon, the Ja4res of the Court Qudr•- ter Seesions of the Peace, iit criulfur the Con.n.,: • ty oI Susquehanrict . •• - • •• tE petition CC David rard .towriship T of Great Bend in said count", respectfully rtpresents, that he is provided with euitable . cop-• Ceuienciesio keep GroCery in the Village of Lodernille,. township aforesaid_ •' ,and that it le his intention to 'apply to next Court of Quair:. - ter Sessidn's,to . be boldett iri awl -for said county on the iltiol'AlondaY of Xoneintierfai a license la knell a grocery, and to tell streak _beer; ale, or. tither malt liquors, aiScording Ab the act-of Asiern bly of 14th April; A. - •• ' • • • • • •`•DAIJD - AVARD.;'• • Lo4e.mville, Oct. 26 1853-•—•4‘ 4l - ' • ' '• To the' lion_ the . Judges of Ihe 'Court' rof - Ciat;.r. . . ter. SeSsiont ' lithe Peace in and firr thircOn- - Sztsfthartna :. • - • ,•\ • - ' - Frltepitition of William Itobbe, of the Borough/4 A. Friendaville in raid comity, reepectfully represents that he is provided with stiitable eonverdeuees ro a Grocery in sand Earnes, and that it te las Intention N apply to , the next Cotitt nr - Quarta': i ii di°l3* to, be Ingtka in and for Bald County on' the they third'Ationtley of P.ioyeaaber next, for a license to keep 'a, Grocery, anal. 0 sell arms beer; ale, ar other malt iiitnOrs, - /leoc'td SQS 7: to the Act of A., 444 101- RoBPEL hiendstine, Octebor : 2 / 1 63 . —/ifws . . • - • • ew Milford - Day and 13aa,rding School.: 11E r tc t uunittee appelited to „Ismail the doing wk.! 1 . ereleerer the erunmer.,Term oUthis inatitotklt,' ttsle- Mate that the exertion- Were Suit-slued In the mew diciest and creditable wil‘nwer: j - The Exhibitkin -waked era variety of pieces otderlarmstdoO f reiceted,Anterspirsed withAriteresting coltellmes _wildre enlivened bY some or thirchoicestrunslo, - 7 °"med-h7 the Choir, who generAllywultinterwedtb# ea the oecasicn, - • 2 141 -.,----- 4.°,ll ttee, tiequaleted chi6l2l, I 'sleds or instruction told-AllseSpdlne—ai. "eultesommeml thlsimetitationwt creek, /WO' Althe mat merest pstronete• ' kr Zelan commences October — "Rh:. E: A'. PRATT, ' ,Oottillattio; „Buffalo ;110U:ie. , A Choice 10, and will be sold 114, by ' • BUR/LITT: • e* Oet. 15, ISO. C °4"--mmezwilm Salt for Yeirrilford, Oct. 16, 1t53: . - - .. ..7P10117:144. -Salt'-'';'-':.''''''' . . ~,,.. .... to y tie birreit cricrotest • , ~ iii ii-kki'ir -0 0,et•19.1.1042,4 :_'''r'''lll44lll3l ' . - Buffalo - Robev:, • 0et.70--42. 4 • D-a..AATiplior LO Gress SupeFlOrZi,ilhae„.lll:l4athes of sale by ~ o, los& - - - - - - • V 0 W iikll.l4 Alett of litiaclualthil tbere be any iehe itieh.. AFtrr-21111**-r"7'z rate nett of ati4ry ion find it to their „Interanti.i.sidt'.lit*“._: wilt be dieponal the,fgat,.4lpPorl',.'A': lather particulars Inquire 24:thirlPeli,-t),;.: °ffaber 12, 1853, - a r e larlo, Pein'a, bo uded and de scribedtte f ellosii, t twit: Beginning -at a point in the centre of thhLila delphia a d km; Great Bend Turnpike road; t hu ic along tit centre of Mid vied south 39 deg least - 5 pe:che to a - stake, thench by hind oN. W. Waldrononh..s9l deg. east 64 a s• • ip 0. .02- es to a s i a a nd Stones on the ear sideitif tOcer tailt Race, thefice by laud of t he'd Waldrob at , south 30# deg.: we s t 17 perches to a siikeed i stones on the east side of the said' ace; t it "/nee by land' of , the said tValdron and faark Dkter- man south-4 51 deg. west 50 perches-to a 1 ake and atones in a hnolof the east wet) of the b ry- big ground, thence eouth 491 deg.iwest 11 ` 16: .1 "; perches, to theplace of begiuniug, containing 3, acres and 1521- rode, be the germs more or? less, together with the appurtenances, I framed liquse. 1 barn, some fruittl; ees, - and all imoroved- 11 ' ALSO, ,; i 1 The uudivided one; fourth part. of all that ner. tarn piece or puree/ of land, situate in.the J.ciiva ship and county aferessid, and bound ;t1 midi de scribed as folio'ss,. to wit: Beginning at,a irteke in, the middle of the Philadelphia and d'reat Bend turnpike, in the line of land belonging ;to Mary Thatcher *nil Others, thence: by thenigrne south 531 deg. west„'S 'rods and 22 links, iiir, the middle of a post rail and wall fenee, thence ntong . the middle of the• same north 361 deg. : west7itree rods - and .1.0 the, south , side of i pthket fence, thence eleng the south side of the grime, north 53,1 deg - east 5 reds auB 22 lintit; to* at in the Middle of the aferevaid turnpike, thlncel along the sinus' Muth 34 deg. east, 3 rode i and 20 lints to ;heftier of beginning, contain' 2 '2 rods, together with the appurtenances, I Ire d store house. - , , ;• : - l i The undivided interest of George G. Pri In nl e the following described lot, which are hontided and described as follows, , Wit: beginning at a heap of stones, thence nor h6l deg; 83 liter t/. thee to a heap of stones, lance north 44 end ti half-deg. eaet'46 - perches t a stake, thence thitti 441 west, 33/ perches tiC stake,- n thence iwth 441 deg. enst, 6el perehe thence north 45 lies% it west 29 perches, thence- orth 66 deg. env; 'll perches,to a beech; thennorth 45 deg eq.( 45 perche's to l e stake and st mei. thence south 45 - deg; east,; 85/ perefici, t a, stake end stones. theuce,south-861 deg. eag 51 pet ahem to alhem-• leek, thence south 441de . West, 263 percl4 , eP . to the place of beginning, co tabling 112 aer end etlewance. lie the 'same more . or less.,..together with the appurtenances, I Framecitouse end barn 'and 2 orchards and about 60 acres improved! - ' A .- ' ' , l ' One other piece of laud situate in the town ship And county aforessi and described:on a :map of re-survey 4f [feta I:hinter's 'l'unklian clock tract made byJason Tizirrey as lot Na., 49, containing 56 scree, it bei g one hello( stud, lot, 'taken in execution at t e Suit' of Harney Sib ley' against George G. Pride and ,Eliz l theth Greenwood. • iI- t _ , ; 1 1 4 ALS i ' 1 . i - I All that certaiti piece o pireel of land, (the; same being seize 'by Fo ig , attachment ; upon which this „Judgnitint is t o ned) situate ;lying and biting iu the townsh ip etlApolacon, Samue -1 bean" county;_ bounded e d escribed a follows to wit: Oa the noth•by ne road leading; time the little meadotv; to thi Milford and Owego l Tuenpike ; on thi easiby hod of Avery Beebe ; and on the , west i iyi'lancl of said Beebe:and; Eze kiel House. cent iping about 7 acres, together with the appurtepgaces. 1 framed house Ih/4:e l m:. Taken in execittion atthe suit of john-Deards r. ; lee against Henry; Wilson. _ 11_ Ait - thu certain piece or meet of land(the "inn le int sies ed by eeteten etteebatenti upon cabi n , this Jadeite* ill obtained) situate lying and being n the Tonstsbiti" of Cr est Illend, dentate of Stmilletabna bounded and deseriliw at. tettees,to wit: bight' to; at th i s North lirowtxtlY corner of the tot owned and ( tee pied by I'. Lusk andrunningly a line thence in* nor therly dieteticat on thefenee t of the Flinch: mead Sad, UDC hundred , fee; ilia st ake and oblides, thenee In x northeasterly dirertion in &dine paraltel'oritit the fence on the northerly side of said tr. lot. two nenctie4 end 'Vert) . two feet to, a , Stake AO ;stones, ttepeee to a tine pandit-I with that first described in a southerly dietitian one hundred feet to a stake and stages at the fence of raid Llsk lot. thencealong' the', northerly fenceloUthe ?aid Lieie, in a direction parall l with the line secondly two hundred and thirty two feet, `te. the place of begin ning. containing/atone 5.'. tat. end all improved. ' Taken in exre7lonst throttle of Samuel Letrelitt, for the'use ofJane 1104 Executrix of Franklin Lusk de ceased, :iguana ednilti. eerwie. - 1 • • " ' , I ; ALSO, : 1 ; „ All that certnip piece or parr.el of land situate lying and being ih the township et Greta Bend. county off Susentibitnna, bounded and descOed ns folleworto wit: 4 On the north by laud owned owned hi the late SimneltpiaMberlin, en i ; the east by -find in poss e ion of yrqs-Skitmer.fand on the southAfr . i;eetbete e th r otei rain e r . containing abo t seven acregutilabd unimprev d. Taken in e station at the suit of Ades An • n al sanitise Rimier:a Smith. ' ' 11 e t ' II I . ; c ertainp iece or p ALSO All that certain of land situate 'yin and being iiii the township of Al iddletewn, , county of Sueettehanna, and state of -Pealing= vtinia, boun ded acid described as follows, to Wit: On the u hby land of John goddington J. On Fi. the eastb _land of [sane Strange ;mid Nichols; an the south by land of J. T. Bitchard ; and on the west by land of CalekCamtalt, containing aimed. 65 eves more or lees, together with' the ; appurtenances, I' framed house. I corn haulm, and about 30 acre improved. I t Taken in exec 'on at the snit of Caleb Car malt against lifiel ael Harington. • , ALSO i ' Cf : ' 141 virtue of inr tit of Lee, Pi.. issued n ap , ili- I ts rested as Above.; will expose to public, dads at the same,time ah'place, all that certain one ate .ry,batn, 'Messing and tenement, 26 feet twills tk by 32 • feet long, ei trite in the village of Sisseue henna • ia the t4wnship of Harmony, eohnty aforesaid,'bounded out ' the north by the ollsoot bongo iot, on the east by the` public higheray, or . JaCkson road, sooh by - the lot formerly parttime ed•by, .-I—:.---- G ' bins, and on the west by i the meeting tease WI and thh lot or piece of ground and curd ge. appurtenant re slid buUdifig : cleat for,hara yard • passage way bc. 1 , Taken Itrezeention at• the suit of 3. r* ay Co. egainnt JIW. I Kent . ,_ - ' ' i AU that certaiu trim or parcel of land situate in the tewnstOplot - ,Aubura, county and Mate afciresaid, and but eel: hounded and described as follows, t o wit: lieging at, a comer in 2 boa of land Sold tolliati4n• ire, thence north474,deg. east leo I:, percher to Comer: thence small Z 2 l ; 1 0 deg. `east; 65t0 a post, a ionise ef gland A Of 1401 f OrtbentO sou th 674 4 rest 1 160 perches to Der; thenee north 2 tilideX: west 65 perch e the begioning, containing 65 acres'strict me te,'-more or least being apart ;of a tract of laud originally surveyed ., to .14na titallSur e I .; 1' Also, * e other piece of lateteenrignotteta the IL 1.. i, above. Higinaing • iat the south'east comer there-, ef i thenee twat- 671 i der east 8 rchea.thenee_ east 59 perches-4 a pest, iithe sinker . line (so called): snow siroth 111 perch lA* a cornet: lit y land e ye d lb .::ThOlnalt 4fOrehOttilel, Akan!! math 6 7 :deg; t i eat 2o pigehee to another car ti sterwitaudef said Mot °home, thence zeirth; *2l deg. welq,lloo,r4.eheite the begianinzietiain ing 30 acres antlll.l9 .pe beaeekes more Of t Part of a traci land 4rlgiailiyaurveyed to Altur;Fra4.- ;,'" l'itk' a r izeeßtiest rat. Ithi\mia 4 1 Y j ' i mip'..1 r• Kemiard,,ligithisV 'gin L. linerstud, t • George p.. K " deed. ,• ' '... -I. '7 , 1 - I 'lk .__4 , - , ~-,- .., ~ , Alt tient ;Certain 'teat-tear pareeheet iseetet ett the tow astthic ties nesetis thgratTot 1 114 . hams ainl "antirnt- annorPraills, bno"i_k‘e . eadtleseelbee al 1 . iilint fa liielt,l asiest"Of4=il ohm' ate taliltiOst Salad te __t the mem/ ef /Oman. ortas h •hams an e state ettasyteastat late itstreeesteet. la cakeithsitt 24., 441441u1dia folirms, clagertbst ht tinelt , John/ions deed to 71rotr Itordeti dated Awn lath, / 841 Ana on litOOki steed. toOlkoinitill datenhlt balialaie 4 4 lll "N' Unit IlkffilanOnbarn lad *boat 111 aerie twerszed ,_ 1 --- Also; one othenteset, Ohms* *masse - at _ „ ' P. theintate se eztrompisiitinintAnt aqiii , dcuidiesi hrwedgilsiVet; emit tirwit ••• 44011,1104 Oolitedadatit 48 1 01 1 4 ,1 4104 1 4600404wit0 Vlowineo ale* *kV •Abesecals . 4 4lice4esee.Sistatelte-thti elm 1 , aw'Ahoy 1 Imo .50p...,:., 001,4 0 .04, , 1,.•. P7-41.* o. , =.4wir am li imilletiat fie ;11Vm, .he Ilasi`nil 4dwaat Ilk dr -,--. Butaurr. i kS ~~~. - - Vi' ll '- '1:- '::',.- ::e -7 '' Townumblp..- i - Ararat, , 4 Apolacon. . Aubutl, Itridgentsr, Brocklyi; Choeonai, - • - Dimock. 4 Franklin; rorest•Lake, Gibson, . .Great ,I3end;'i . ilarford, Harmony ' Herrick, Jackson, .Jessup, Lxihrop, • Lenox, Liberty._ Middletown, Montro4, Now Milford, Rush, --. Sitter. Like. - le,, Susquihum!, Depot, Tho.mson, • . ,• • -Total, . . Doutocrats In Smiu Cara, : •' . . . entain contract between Wm. Daytcn and EllasTbom. M.A.TRVAW I gON 9 S‘ as executed the 11th day of December 1814.5. - - -..z... ~.,,,_ - , , Alio the other ,undirided bar or the said 1400 mull bottrible Remedy lor all ifyttiritifory COM le abovedescribed being the eametract fornterly peirehasi , " „,L._,.. Why Urbane Darrow& and lahha Williams of William -' • J••••••"ge• i• • Wild and Jesse Lux, particularly described in a con- A CERTAIN and sure Antidote for the following die. tractfrout Urbane:Aureoles and Elias Thomas dated the £ eases—All raven and Indentations, to which the "Ist day. of December 1814, and also In a deed frotn ter- system le subject. Rheaniatiam. Lame back, Piles, Mar - Lane BUIIOIIiI ar,d wife to said Edwltt Eldridge 'dated rhma, Dysentery, Headache, Toothache. Feversorra, May 5 1848 and Ara:ceded In the county of S Latham= Biles, Cuts, Sprains, Bruises, Durnaarld stable- In the, office f-r recording deeds, August 1648, in Mlnthe wooer , * linrisc litetinsul y. for Coring deral book No. 11 page 18$ (or 258)•etcepting d - resery Ring Bones,_ epeeists. fixeren-, Poll Evil. Cuts, 'Pant, ing frourthe operation of this deed the folioui lit portion Gall*, flotilla. scratches, Loneness @Wei Ilalt. Brill:t -or:aid piece or parcel to wit :—a strip of lan described es, Mance.lnflammation of the Lungs, and all . Fevers and bounded as frilests . Commencing at th' hemlock to which 'Gorses are subject.' - • amrnerof. the Deane lot. running thence on bonne o 1 Argenta—Abel Tarred . Montrose-4k- Balky: te. south 46 deg east, a distenewof ZAP rods.. thence at raysville—Cyrus Avery, Wyaluaing—L. H. Woodruff, right angles fromitaid line toe distance 432-5 s thence Dhnock—A. J. Sherwooal,-Rash. for sa, on a course of N. 40 deg. parallel wit the fiat • . Oct. 13,1'353 Om . 1 * lin; and thence 482 5 rotht 'lkecilv to the .p cc of be- . winning, making a strip of land 36940ds long nal 43 2.5 . Cabinet Shop in taterehanna. rods wide, bring 100 acres re/erred by said Eldridge • T UC Subscriber is now baying all it ode of work done from a piece of land heretofore deeded to Geo e Dndge, , eh , ' z .,„„ tr ,.. ed I , a 4,jvcd by rhe said party of h i , w oo d to enter. fuel al4o keeps Sultan:l. Bureau, Tables, part to the raidparty of the Ist part, which d is dalatt Stands; ke., warranted well made: and also Chain. can. the litth der of 'March 1880, with which *don . u. seat., fiat and windscw. Rocking Chatre.‘ Ate., Bedsteads the:lmre described premise, are Slant:wed wth them . _g enell ' il Y (n t hatai. " " ha " wiati ng t w ill ' u " will pnrtenanees and all the Estate title and bet eseof the -el to cal, Ilepalring :ad Varnishing done on short party of the first part therein. , ' .- , notice- II (r" - Coffins feady made and made to order la the test leak-nee suit of Edell: Eldridge'against Ransom - . nth with r it Y l° ' ' ' P. L• K 111151 , 6 + ' Susquehanna Depot Dee 10 14E! —soyl nntice to Meant Ctires, Terra Tenant and all . older - ,• . ' • ' • • 1 Terra Tenants. . •I ALSO 1 'Farms for Sale.. - , ofe - • • t By virtue a twit of Pt. ''a., all It t certain Mutt siobseribers Iritt act as: agents f.of,buying ind piece or parcel of land situate] lying an being in 1. 'Mani Resil Estate',—Fains, foam, and Ltda.— the toirmhip of Herick, Sete:met:am, wanly, I)cste.i in Siesquellancra county. Pa .or In Broome bounded aue described as follows, to wit : Begin. n " ---11 "Y ,11 . Y•• and also ;v i rg inia L a nd Wa r ra n t "- All who wish to offer their propertj: fit sale can give a, rui ning at a post and stones. the south, w t corner ante description of their farms or Lots as follows: No. of the John Wheaten tract, and mania thence , Oracres; how many improved, and hoe watered ; build.' north 45 deg. iast, 100 rodi to a fientl k tree, loss; Orchard, grafted I or' common fruit; other fruit: trees; how far from. Great Bend. and the nearest point with 45 to the D. L. k. W. R. RI, and N. Y. it X- K. K-: price in line of said . Vheaton's tr a ct; thence 0 deg.' west 100 'rods to a Tonal and shale ... thence and tenni; of payment j _ • _T ~- . south 4,5 der. *eel 100 retie 6 a post a, d stoner ' 11:2" Al Oho wish to tiot or alga Reali Ratate,lwill ' .reorite Prompt attention by calling On i:r ssressing c/- theorigmil line of card - tract,-thence a ong said , .. ... me ? ofrui,at Great Ward. Susquehanna co ty. Pa. line south 45 • deg.. ealt.l6o rods to th place . of O:7-• Conveyance from o reett , B e nd to 4 , p rem i se . beginning. eh:gaining" 100 =acres •be t e same free of charge. I I . • more or lessi..together.with the , app ~in ces, . °Mee on mate street qfa the dwelling Venn of S. • .13 Chase lately occupied by .V. Carpenter i framed tis elling.hottee and About 25 efts' ito- ' . N DECK PETER 11R,,, proved. 1. e 1 • 8.8. . B. t.114118E. Taken in execution at the snit oflac . ,man, Adin't of John J. Whitman again! . der Stitith. . . , ALSO,- . All thatbeti itr piece.or parcel °flit lying and-being in the • Borough of So county of Swig .ehanna and state of P. niti, bounded a. d eleseribed is follows On the north* st by sttetel leading fro ~ qaehanna river to the Jackson tarnpik north* eait by fot owned by James H.. the south east. by crass street and on west •by hit of Chattel Bryant and kik* 54 in said village containing 24 rod" of or lasi togetlierWith the apprirtanees9 .honse'and all ifhpraved late 'the esta T, ken Maximilian at the snit. of Salisbury agillast tehaltosecrafitt.: O. fi:ELDRBD, Sheriff's °Bice, Matitrose, . : $250 ABB aliqvC•re*ltrd will be. paid for and conviction of the persoispe ,set fire,tithe PresbYterian Church ttr on the !tight of Saturday the 6th of 0 , 7., B. SLOCUM, t Drindaft, Oct.O 10th, 1853. /Resolutions-I.)y the Pe Rsolved. Ilinataloional Thatier i years we bare betti4n the constant he 'the bitistang Liniment, for litheaminbas :cures, andsee,sprains and Burtts, end It has id to site izeniediatervlieL - • • Itesolved. That we have also tired the Di • mat for the riles. Emipeles,salt Rheum Benda, andthat ithas always cured. • • Nos:dyed; by the Ladies:That we have • tang Lbsimmit; ter sore Nipples, sere • and wits on Cidldrei s and Tor Moth fees antnecki arid it basaleaye ptovad of • lag tbe skin smooth, Portand,bite. 'Resolved, by all Ages and sexes, That se itonthiste tr i lse of thellustang Linintent hare tsied prated ltt emeaer • - - . BENTLEY lt AZ Wholende said Retail Agent', bloat • MIA 7 ECTILON. AJ4solliiordmisiioA*Wmrsoi -1i5d04'.4444k-itaillA . CouTim . held trate, at 10 t Pseeiiiel to belth lovory. , ot ,These 'fietem? the pal hesset Awit. Irani say. eats or.. ' thee liars then SITU A ati!4Tlol4P 1111 OW* irpOscal s ti:E.l7ll:2r ; .--.' '4.....,..i., , ~,IL-.4'. . i.. , ...- : 4. , Ar. a .a....,,,,....,,m, ."•- _ ... . „ ... , ' l° l . ------ . . • •\ , • jaasesorattprwae ',.. , "Canal Aitattor Genang. Surrey 1 - 41saiiii/2- --- "I airiatii. , , 1- . ". • 86 1 Univac - ''.. '- ' - -- District 1 - •'' • -- 'oeiiiiiy.' ' 6auty• ..•'‘ • - • • court. , Colatiilasioners. . • -,," - • . • , .- „ •1. Attorney., . • Treasurer , oasahLtaitt. - t • r---••--"---- % • ~.\--...---",------. -. • .. --,--- r --- - -- ---, r-------.-A=•--... ', I ;- it --.-- 11f".1‘..."'....'..1.41 -' f"'..A. ' ' ' (4 '7 '' ''' '' '' '. - ‘ ....5.1... ‘ .- . gi . i • t_a ... • -.1, gs k u . . > . ~. . :-. , 1 . 0 1.4 , 0i -, El! m 'tv .I: 4 ' ! 02 ' t.:74 • ft., V ;4 ".. .4: .: f• 1 --`-• .i"--; a- ' 1 F: - . i l 'g\ 11 = F, a Iv Er .g Q ,1, a l ps t ' .1 .ri - 1 12. ' ' ' 'al a- .e... -.• - a - - -,- '. - 3 '4 - al - - 4 0 - r . '4l I . ..- ' - .4 -is is - 13* - '• Ri • LI. - .:.-.. - _ot ...- 41 .• . • ' \ ... ).-• • .0 .' -: Cb 4 ° t ' . t .. -. w ` •:' i 0 : 0 23 ,' t . 4 VI • -4; - ti: , S-..",•-4 , , ‘O, ' ~, , a PI ! :41 , • t i l g . . ..! .0 . .. w.b P I .-. ~y 1 IZI .• i • - .... E. ~.+ i .• . 3 ' 4_ -,4,' ~..: ,Ll2•*. , ' t.' 0 1 14 t i l - :7. $.17 - 2 1 g?" - , z .I • „%z - ,si..' .pv ''."* . 1- -f,...• h p ' - ._...; - 1 .-.•,- ' rg 1 : 1 421 'ri g r IP cl - a r, , ••=. • ~,; 1k f. Fr' -I. t . -I _Li' .'• 1 :4 1 r-,,•• • i - -' -1-,, - 1 LI \ • ,„. ~. 0 . * 0 1 4 , .......- . • 1 m ,li .1 .. , .... t• -,.. it -: „a l - .. 1 t.., - ~. -i e $l. -• a 1 '''' \ - -r4. * . lii t ' .‘- '• • )1 3 et t's .:, •=• ~. -I`-: 4 4 - • .7,.. r, - •- , r - es 1 ..., • ' 's' le. • - . 0 '? • '4 O l - i 1..... -ar - . r I ' -* CO .. Q .- • ; 1 0 4p. 1 , 1 •, 0 , , "-- ,ii • i_ ' •38 18 38 1)1, •-\ 37 17- - . 35 17 - - 36 16 .'s•': 26 .. 2 32- 2g_. .34 '39, 17 '.• ,38 19 1;30 24 :: - 3'T 05 39 -10 `37 -2 ' 37 2 -36• '3 '26 38 49 3 • 33' ..1.. . 33' - _' 1120 39 Y• 96 7 3 • . 93 - 74 : 9)k .10 '• 89 , '72 .94 '4O .31 1 92 -57 181 71, ,` 21 _9l-57 92 47: 1137 ' 156 n ,. - 131 -37 c - I'• 132 _ ' 39 * 1 132 \ 17 1 127 ' .38 1 126) 15 31 lO2 - 1 45 '''' , •• • 72-: 58 10 '7l 58 --- 1,0 17A\57 • 9 71 55 1 63 (' 10f '7O 155 53 (93 93 -' 3 6'7 '45 60 - 51 'l' 73;...47 : - 1-• 47 11'.- - 50 -• 7 46 .\\ 9' '42 . 8 4ll .' ,2 11 1 2 -1 25 45 '149 • 7 2, 48 3, 43 '' ,- - . 5 •44 : 13_ ' • - 90_ 30 • 'B7 32 88 31 - ' 90 31 , 1 831 - 141 RI 1 78 -77 55 1 55, ~ ,69_ 29 4.1 27 .84 . 2cr, : : • . 80 2,4 .3 82 - 25 . 3 - 78 ' 25 - C" 8 • '76 25 3 ,33 [ i 93 'l2 ,I 08 :21 , 1 23 17 :83 •67 • 19 69* `22\ 1 74 -23 r -- 20 16 19 16 19 -•15 \ ;.- 19 - -17 1 .1.21 iii.. ,ii . 0 9 125 - -25 . 1,2 _ls' 19 17 ' 1i 19 ..•18-j- ... - • • - 51 19 11 - 60- 17 11 .. 49 19 s kl 50 18 -il 511 '' 30 -15 , 48 , 49 133 31` ' 2 39 25 33 ', 31 137 ;32 -- 13 • 8 13 .8 13 V •`" .13 .'7 ' '. 121 , 1 . 4 2. , 9 10- 112- •1 - .13 . .."6 13 -'6 • I - . - 55 • 18 14 - 53 24 12 •57 ' 13 - 13 \55 16 .14- 53 i . i, 18 '62 06 27 -'_2l - : "..54 - 21.- 55 - -19 --1 . 55 "' 31 '' ~,,. • -:- • . 31 ' 33 1 28 - 34 - 1 28 34 I \2B 31 1 29 '- 0. 16 131 - 31 136 _35. 1 29 21 29• •..- 21- -1 2'7 : 23' : ...I ,'• IP' - -, 64 -60 15 65 0:1 - 'l4 *• 63 61• 15 ' '64 61 45 •6 ) -21 .55 , 63 '55 .1-78 74 8 - 59 ' ' '72 •60 1,72: .60 70 . : ..1....,40-. • - . 96 22 17 95 _22 . 1 17 25 l9 17 - 9k 18 'l7 •-• 93 2.3 •31 94 1 - 93 69 60 13 93 43, 93 . :46 ,- 99 .60 ~ 1 ''.. - • 57 *-\' 27 'SO .26 , 58 28' ','59\=26 1 - 60 f • 1 ,2 28 1 . 61.'57 23 ,26-:1! 25 13 70.' _10'55 )6 . - .89 :.11- 0 . 9 39. 1 . 11 8 39 • 10. 7 39 \lO '8 - 351 l2 20 '35 , 31: 134 24 •- ' - 39 • .9 - 39- , 10. .1 57 -'' I " •-7' 87 - 26 '1 2 9 2.1 1 • -87 2-3 1` 86 '35 *, '1• 83 1 4 7 .24- 84 ' 53..'. 1 43 '43 9 '74 27; .. ;: 83 ' :l.s' l -50- '35 ~ . 84 - 15 ' 9 85 15 10 83 15 '8 , 80 A• 11 , 86 1-' 12 13 lB7 •83 131 34 -'1 81 17 - , '75.r 19 1 , 78 .27 _ . ..• 51 • •. 55 ' .55 ' '-• - 55 \ ' 521 II 1 •56 55 1 -.-::, 56 ' '. :54 ~, 1- 51,- . •• - 136 - 5 ' 136 5 135 4 ' 131 .4 N • 135( 11 3 .; 1 )36 136 • ...I. 6 6 . 135 ", • - 1 , 135''''. 2 - 124 ::2''. - 72 0 ' 69 7 • 10 5 ' 70 '7 1 \ - 65 1 l '7• 19 66 15 126 -25- . ;2 '7O 11 :71 'H. 71 • 7 11 . . '73 17 - 71 .• 8 -• 71 7 73 -6 1 \ 74 * 9 5' 71 67 '2l 11 6• 13 6 !.:i9 5,.71 . , '7 . - • ' • 50' ., 69 5 51- 69 5 51' 66 5 61 b 7 's\ 41 1) 'l7 ,:'.43.'38 9.3 76_, _2O 72 : ;;_ 37; 55 '59 .44 •_." 63 • - • . 9 6 35 • 1 97 - 33 ,1 ' 97 31 '1 •97 31 i-1 \93 16 /31 101 93 4.4 ''37 17 99 'l4 '.96 • 14 - - 67 -. ,27 • . . . 102 26 ,99 31 130. 91 ;_ .9%- 23 .• i '93 19 '22 105 101 23. 28 _ . 104 23„, 100 29::` "i ':: 91 - 3 6 - ' l)9 . 26 - ... 68 . 69 . • 69 -, •-: 69 •• - 69 t 4 70 75' 1 5-89. ! V, 67 n ' 1 ., , ,'64 :10 - 1 fig , : -;- A A .56 1457 13 -54 61 ,13 54 66 13 55 -57 [l4 651\ 21 - 6 2 . 55 49 141 44 - '42 • 50 16 1'• 74 24, • I 57 • :- -18 -I - 50 -, 'l - 5 - 71 95 73. ‘s4 "r; - .75 23 • , ' '73 27 • 1 ,83( \ (0 22 ''64 . .0i - 126 27' 33 70 ' 39' ' '75 - ,5' .1 751.- ..-- 5 '.!. 71' '1 ~ 5 51 -, 4 ' 49 04' • - .51 = 4 ' 51' 4 . 49 \ '.(,.,8 15‘ , 52 st) -I 5.' 5 1.. 51- ; 6 : .. 50 - - 2•4 ••31 - ! ..7 . - - ', , 15 - '7` ~ -* --,._ " - '-'"_ ----- -'-•-• •-•••••.•-•-• --- • ----. ..r•-• -r-' - f ,, ---- - -"---'- ---** - 7 .- - 77 7 - - .7 -• ""*" - 7 - , , •-, . 2011 • 745, 110 - 2007 .761 107 1999 712 104 1991 722 113 19201 3 3 \ 599 . 1878 1693 1145 983 328 1935 621 1966.', 6-IS 1859 7111 . 815 9 , , • • - 1 .- • • 1 1. 11 .‘• , •f- • i -‘ ; ,:- I, , I,' - ,1 lir •,st ; Whi gs parked with - Dagger, thus [f] ;- Abohtiordats in Italic; and ludependo#ti thir s ked With Asforislei thus (*j : '` -. - . I '• I ..• ','; -: „ r ,, -:-,_ •. .. -.* , - ' .1 t 1 \ ' is . I. . . - : " " , OM] b Whit- Pbiltiu• Fresh - Importation . .. TI73T reeehre4 another ItopOrtatlent of those splendid ail ate eJ WWI Jereelcel Detached Lever add lintitental Mitch yob nog 44 with sewed* and bard Ititanuelled . pials; double, bot thmiel in open eater, all of-which. are 'Warranted end. redelved_ direct from Switzerland. ;The few 'anlifeiniod WI • privies •11111 - at once point Oat to the pablle Whet*: Mid the us.. how en enormous percentage can Lionised. op the • Double bottom 13 Jeweled Lever Watches as noes tic inith OA elegant silver Coles from $l9, • Earner movements lit 11 urging cases from $l3. Double I:rotten:red he tith 4 holes Jeweled ripen face and seconds from -$ 1 4,73, the if its lo t same merriment in rie . ento hunting east* with intik sees emds from $9 50. ' All Of which bare bard enamelled la nd - ould D i amond • pointed Pens% ith pencil and sillier re framed- extension holders. magazine for leads kc.frosn $l,OO. of Zeba Doled Diamond pointed pen Males froth Aoc. - Jewelr de:equally cheap I A' good assortment of excellent second hatid Witteltes; ishistent makers,in fist rat* go. Thin° . "X leg condition, will boo Old deddeitly brefer cash.' 'Best French Lddett Watch Drystals,l9c. Watch relieririser N. B. I , etch Chatal s apd kers giiitis to pt!retuMerit. •. , 'o4lrlToura oTtmalne from 7 . A M. to 7P. M. ; • a , J• - .A. SIpiOLZTON. Attg.toossit—ltltr.. l *Milli Maker and Importe r.. • he street us who place, Ober. , P . I e last rod of using • 1 for yes FE3 the Xs.- s;Clothe es on -the troie 4 , wilt: be I - j lIANNA English. Lever Watches. me. , •-A, A'p TfIER fat of : my:.. L -- 'la, celebrated English Pat . ,:.1% entlLever ‘Vatches - receive4 7 this day direct4iont Liyer (- pool,,in Plain Heavy', 'Runt, 1 !ng eases:, also 'the same, quality of movements in• open„, - ; Cases. the obei•e being Made aspreladi to . orderw g my - ill fully, sagely the rep; .'.• utatidn'these Watches have heretofore ecommaa:. ded. 4 being tho best Timekeepers ever= offered In 'hie insiket, tind unsurpalsed in ally other., _::::..• , 1 Alio. a large quuniityof Watches -of various • 1 S w t il y i lettl' fe ndi d in a l t k i e h rs e ? lo b w ot e h o o ca old sh ai i, td ri . gB B,ll , y ea r n .' d w w i a ial . 2 , .. kr, (StindoSs exteited) otra: Itlti rooted to giv.oliatterteti ° N.........; .. -_.„' ~' -- 1 ' king Mrkw;" - iii t ime te take Ow Mon Ta.: ; 1 ''' \ . biltir"' - 1 . L` ANji ariLdioth: Vast 4 west b.ins-, thencirektkodeinoolt 1 i I. '' a 0.2 9cid F,eliewst Ilail. ' f amble mate to' ester the'ireaTork.splitsiettraett.' Einghamton, June s .: - , t --- - • This line nte -II , Ir, 'e- 3 , ' ' 23 'Ulf '- : ' ''' ' - . I hi - tii- 444 Ittl . 'rata ThhoP•lt ' '• e teb learri Me troreat 7•lt X e ver 'Mond ir.:.yrestier. , ' 1 • ,GLocK, , i I\pLpeA-s ! ;- , , .' ,- _ s rfn,gvitle, Tun ' n'ock; Wyotiiing,Smir, iclikeitiest,s. , , A full assertment.or Clacks just received. front ) .ditysa4.,ll4,ll4 , ;, , nisiiutinetcs•Yriends.lltr; ~, ts the Manufactory, Bday an "1 ' 33 11911 i i. ` ' Alarm a l t111,.1.-itiiitiTealu'P rl ft e n tars ke Tcll ta l f i t Tare libe firit v* hur . ,:lr'lleOata l4 •,' litaiu Marine and P arlor , of‘rariou patterve au ciduethe pub , u , _ .:,... ,w.. K. irairti,..„,,,..., *ricer by . • 1 \.41. J. ErANS,. ' 7Deeember24,•l '''' ' -:-,' -::'' ! 114:PROAT?th!tAirrV:- . E' ' ' ' Yiirli Dr o- de ttiii SILYER 'WAR - , yOO e.i. - -- -. large tot of &liter Fork; .. puo . us ut • - Hz - propti i iii i ,i lf t• thiNew. . 4lol ," oreiNo.r . Caps; Napkin Rings. 'end every article in . 0 ' 111 "; :.' 7'eettrt Streettiinghitiritetcr ViConirCentr* Rde rpr - orile trarratited as good as Chin.' En- , • .. t- .''... ..., ed. -.-- .• '• -..... J.=' %. ~..- '• '''' ' ' b - -IA. I EVANS- "., . \ l -Yi MY . ..1 - Va.:ex netfettli4 , PlealDre in c ,O,Usnltng' -, ikaved grat is - Y ' ' !-• .i.t ' t 1 ' tht:ahate 4 thanksSor-;-.the- patronage 'i litighauitou, lifie" 23. 2853; , ' ' , ..-= • ---- i i i ", h ,' - r ?On - w sitt "! ° P , '"" 4 * 4 .lt• . At i , . '--.- I 'dr k and s - ' ' -- •'- ;\.-- ;take! PIO (Otroft , so o onontg, • a_ 1 - i' • H01:133 Famishing-Store: - 0 .. - -iiientaforth*lngfet Campaign _U. ir' - ' i,4 ''• 1 4 . ti a PR. is now prep* - tits' hinter' thi" public . 1 1in a n.,,,.. tli- 4 _ ,____ . ,g . ~ ~..... ...,-,,,.. ~,,, ~..„.,,, -• generally to examine his • int:fed:anti s isteestie is-''' b ! ellpoleut,Aith every at,tielok , at Cola, ,iirbitth_nl!-. *mune.% fords which (aa aa . axe . l,3iv :S. 4 f a k t Fi l l'' .4 .....-710Wifirk.lor.,s4dOods - in: an f i iiiii l t i ;'l V,....., l " --: enibita to tf ertery kb:. 2-. 1 ,_ ''' ', l ' ,•,:' :L., • ' ' ,_ 46'1/4_ 4,l,l44,,opyardijitifigt soms.priit, Ethit leer -. rf • ' _ ''' • . Chintil, _.- • ' ' . -- • . - -,aiie Sold in Nepy.Y44.4titsyhoteeftlei;'' 'his wile d"ti*th l " 4"td ‘ B ' nd l b""it-t" ant PlaWi 'P hu r- 2 ai once - Cada( ev ery iiiiut thiiil4os4iiisViiiiii* and t ei ' . tt 4l .ruit nask - f- ti ti' . .'- . , it- t hiciostibr "`.. via 1 sttii-ltrit_eeclint.7ooipig", 1 4 . .. ^ * -Stone- Onina - .- • '. . ..'. e t . .4 ,i t i, - h.' hi toartreratt atil?..", - 21 - t , t - vir, ,• - !tun Dinner anitttat Setts • Print-4)4,4nd Ptah Embossed, el! 3' , , 1 - oo! .. . = ' - '.. • . lilt Saol4.or WY tha'aittlria Piece, Taos xi - varlet/ deb - OuiLl- " :I:‘,Stat`chAglitgiln; ' this VW4niti---ilkre 'l!!AfreqlF l W f ru& it..riaa WY Ware- .1 ' ' ''' - - - ' :Irillidi clit'aihniia. 4 16 - 't:ThSl l "-,_,„44,_ fliOjiltSret'' 1 I. . 1 ' Lookmg G 18439438. -,•".- -: - (,- :.:floowauil-lbi4n*let zit ifteiirri.'tlet!estio*All _•-, ritn ilia(f . gat and Ormanenr,ll frame& 0 hunei •tr • ,F# - ir „oi. e 6 0 ,4 ~ J )lpet'lie--, litabliggetkty . 1.,411.7.-t- t,. ;ca .- -co.oels•atio,..i!l,4*°,Bllll's iiiiiim.aoter....''' --. '--: '. o ,u the ...NculA r ork - 4taies - -Whaio • 4:4lYttifit ,i, ,' ir . -., gnat s - Iv ! are : ,-,, ---. .. - „ f ; - t , - :- - ., 1 - . , :er , , -;. , .: T.l k .e.„- . d: j i:.;*,..44fliiis - Ni v w;-, Ai lo t ia* * *4 I dial.p:„L,ltig• - ma.,, , ;-1!--tar , ,i tzt: • , :trotic•,-c••: ~; T i!t___, _ : l4 . 0 %: . 3 ;;1P,.4 1 , - ,..' 1 .1.1 * clart:Ll: -14 :, .L. i J., tr m st l e it i t tr ai t4, li ',. : dtestfok t , 4% '44.- - - ;,..,'4.,.: 7.. e. -,1: - ` ..-"f- - -s,, ..,- ,' •. - --',.:, :: irkt-esq..- 1nt , 3 4-. . 45 aw....a.5... 111 . 6 .•.`••• '"• 11 *"..7.- -,`' r - . 1 ..-- ' iktageke.elhillilTardWar4., - , ..:,;•`t 4.roPid;3 ,- Pb*ARA,,itY .iI.P. ,a 1 2,1?-4#14411,Rp!,.. 1 _ s[., - Table itbd-Pdeket belrerki - ttioons,Teerrays,,seatis, letai . „rilitlauti::Lawlis, Jo'colketo, /44.R05Al , • 'Sad -IthasA ' aart t oiaa ltatt i a;natitaekapße-451 4 i,.: TabletileadtiAElnitraideliiii;tfemi Vti*l!Fitt! t: Witer.': o o l Prs, rot.Vrotito I sers*A: o 4- k. ~':!" - --: ;. ' '.. 'ettit4' Shawls , .l Vizetres anif - AfiluiPi. l / 4 110:01aiti: _', ! IllittiOdOil aiid W il low - Wite . ;. _,.. ~ Hasiery,!:Mitip, -It large. :_itayo4ffieittitW__ _ , llitlic i: t treepel t e m, CalK, 'Wagons, Rai:king. IlarreiiiTilulall `2- Trunks, 'ylineeNsatchehimi t ,..-; i ektar Palls.T44, Mom Peun l at "'! aaket : 4l T rimmings, 4.l4l4ll ': Priuti; bleaC6 &and -untgetiiii4';:hfiffitiCitid l i i il b *idrt°l o 2 l3lll ; .-' 76 * a -[ - ". .:.:‘,- ' ~ -- Sheetileh. 4 4l 4.R-tripes, ant l Dinitiis::4iT''' 4 7:'--_ ; . 1•-'. -Wiridoir; Shidea.- _.'' -. _ _ i . Th e ,Netor York r .Storo=ii - Me 'fitirti*; totlL ' • 1 et 4 Tice, it: glin ' a ° 4 431 )t* P i m ' ilimr - fi " °4l4 ' - - Ba ° 44. 'We bay for. Cash -Sell i for cailt au4,Ohsrisiiditi" 1 ' ilt ;Lo op y inQ Tasuis, prto,B!ain ir tn1yirix0...,._,,,...,..,, 1.....,„..,,......,.....„..... 1 „ ~,,,,,i , . i .„ o , 7o ,;. iirit . 1_,.,... stitaittie 1 w are . - -.JP; for IT!'"Aillg . . ii ;` l . - • IC I l l Tl n ti-a r- ~ .i -0 . , ENTER ...; ... Tollett ,, teit:e . di t i nt o r ri n4 "' ' ' ope n . t'.oobut and ' . th e,-!ittrertiltiniut.-__. 4 t. itOtille - • -4 . l i '''r p' 1 tPt ,flliCasth noses sat am. *ref l. : l it'. tasia Si 61) .,.t ijara u la re4 414r 4 i- n: -id 44,:a . tp . i , tl - of..'eheepT!tteur.:tietsfiih ictuabler - i. ( uusfEnt • or" Ltirskiliq`4 ')GFA-T• B 3 D, A• Om Unit, ' 1- 1- - ',` - ~ -1 , : ....,. . , ~ ~ V nan.,_ 41.641 ~I*,thlin..-IztabeAwLl4'l,l4!!Fl?.4*lS, ' HE sisibseriber, 'Laving ,senha ibis well knowithelash, ..: " 1 "::: fkitsini.S . 4lia 'Ar i tentrne pre.' - • - iViikSttirei , ;lllii. 7 ; Courf,st, a taw; deers ...,eestc or to ad re4 " "iid Lug"' 111714"8 'll4hr °°ltelind T-e*- Itins ` 44l `g" °° " l " 4 -dtt l i4rB i°4 tittithiiitt.ii Briiiii - Otinidticiffan 13rairiere44 - 1. INELlitlfaCtOry '' and re4ittedji a, ertele ;gu ests . , , Th ir'llmaaa D ie' " :Attain, pisaiers Candlesticks 4% ,-: ,; ^ . 1 .,,,- - , - ,s. .' r .._ ~,, -* , ~,,c , -, ,_ ,, ,,,q Marble • • d . ware,Lackawatims , ,ma-lr, te r rt r -R :t -atiu i - ~, - " F Ilisi itrutklinei, &treks. '• - • 1 ...... r -kilt. A ' .i beg to announce to the sit!. deli g htf ` ffi / lituated an " I" kd *a ant- the '•.,,. - . • • itiint.k, rid ,- • 1. ni l 19 ', ; :,-, 5:4,.-STURTAY:AN,"I I .`-, -I ..... Uti- t ersigne. r . u river, es therm ,. of kb , , e* , ark and p„ . over- i 5i5 „ , , , ,,„,, i st u tyr irty l eapr i e e lm o q i i 4lhir ; ~, , ' ~:',- . 1 , -, .. „,„.,, 7 , r" , - . '''' , "'"''''7:4''l ,-,, -,r -1 -,,-,= ,Z-' - ,‘,',„,,:. -have estab ':sans t e isi f i S ed usvut a sh h iv ann in a K O s e eit urt e tyl it i ba tl i t i e d t ing th . . th e p - 1 --- . I king ""seb"ufirig- °eel 4) c h:r '' -- ' dlls'ti if (Mac thaw" r weed 'TM watoii - tom.'' *BEV , , . . -. -ri pc ~ „ . ~,_ ~, , /,. 9 Jr- aper-M'achr. Tins clutta,rarka ill A l ifli,h*/ alli,, 21,4 _ Ir . t titx,aut anasi,t e „,„ uo Dear r,, , r . , Main street ' , Montrose, where they will : keep OP ' As a iis ' i t is t ii ie s e . gk n lr s O u t r i l r ldi th 1 717 hies e 's in '' ,in sae ,„ l en n n - ' • d ,• . ~, , r ~ -, ,-. , - ..:•-_,..4- ' , ..-4 • .elLf., , . .. -,, 1 i :, 4 161,1".1. - t.r.. i r e ~ i, ~ hand* supply of Fdreirin and Americie Merbih o - 'l,- , I' . : ~ ,,A i L the.. , -,„ , or a it,z4a l ;4l,oo Na ti f i st i.:iii. Ftei P t .orr 4 . - 0.,..t ti . - timiodliertiveeis,tabte Detraer - t stl4'o7ol: Pukka i!.'1.74-iiiol - --,70 , 7 13 1 7 7 ; - •: . 57f& - : T i ic k sod manufacture the -same into 1,, jonutnentSs. ? s i n dl e ssisa_ gentleinen_n p . ' it' u!' plashare 111-104 Pia f , ~, .... } t,' --, 1 , . - .Rama. tram, :: . ~.. ,d ' -',. f : c.... kr ...„,,,,% ~ ,-„,,,.- i . ~-;,,,,,, Ali i ii _:.:D r ..3.„,i,:i iiti , i T°P" , al '• - 1 . - ' '• , ntd*o soeotillt" th"Priti 4-0 arri val tI T; I , ,- /rer i. i. Me ilnirrray.4.llit a i hd Ougee Setts. 1- .-1 i. - - - a a 8-1- _ ep., : er g n:.; , 4 1,a.,p, a , , r , 1 , t ~ • at anstoyance th;tltere stopwns at hauna'rea7. ear'i desegirtion i la fact almost every Autietellstike.ilino , •,- s ir - ' le ka ell G 'li -O - f ' ": - .L.ltikiiiikaltittr` '" tombs; Ilead ' Steees, ra y inr•The public !ill find it to th it intsrest td .. a .t ii ia, „, bie , l4 elirmt _..-- in . ; , -..- ~ , , nallesi. lirfre the wessiltrav il eher 'is seure d d .. epart ota. 4, ... te -- i treiliwrr _, 1. '• f moss, em i .p .„ idsax_ oir j o.ks, ~ c , asto r s, i „ l i i .v x... - ri a li nit iie r ui , at i , . „„ a si l, 11 5% 4 r ! ,,, ,is ee tt _it . s .r is t ,..,_, , Akii„ ,,,, ~ .. .!"trk t At_ l/101 - t 1 ' ..- - ji :-' 'lira thitta,Vilb ilaitA , Flahrlfata. Thillbes'Ff eve rZ t 'llioigii 7T 4Y - Cidr.',",, ik -J4,l witYlise...., •-•;-'.._,,. P . t•Wf . rie e r:::: , ere e . n ii tre th Ta ih b:el' . 1 esb . sesorn. , 0,.. r .. 5 , h e c i n g 6/21 , t o,' 100 -. o)ii _ saus.. orders m ill a - call he . r . a S ta i gt lF- 4 , • • ussipoomi/044014Ph4illiknt, I Wen , r- ads_ , tloan .l tatandatAhli4tetislia hing: bath flittif_aighhuno-43 ' -'; 'l't '' ' '' *at Wi l l! , itliqeAlefflA 1 1 $.91 , 1,),1 ,4 1 1,.' - ...f ... 4- m on irbi4,' Aug. 4; 18.33--44hir -- ' '-' ' rice with all_ theloilieselealatitch NO es alautgt * O4 .- -- 7 - 7•- -., „ - - . „J.tuvart.Dwrici..,,-, , , imo t ilitru4 r ; fitoiketiiiiinsiniiiiirgark •- - ' ' "'' " ' -'''- " ' ty iteritets imerat. and las enllk4 ,lB , T1 4 . 0221 '0° [• - ..,4 - toorte east eitbe tnti•iiicen itotti. '- n '-' .- .•-•-•°-• :,,„, ddio ....ti t ,'. - 10, - ,,ficiiiiiiiig - -ki.r i ,.- - I. - ---- '' ' 44-fisi.e.i. , ,i, s yoss'eaptresaat hestsdOst,*ititi•i t 4 • r ..':" -' 1 - BlKerlignion,itint ear Issf:i ..-, • ' l , -{ ':_- ',,,', , - ;••"" `r'• '- • -' • . ' ~- '-i4.- -- i - mi--.. , ''.'.i .. - SITSQUE/WINA - ACADAmii ' 0f, , G.....- win 1. - ....3.t.eytt , ti 0.4.1 . riiiiii th.'diroit i , - - s , - 00. 0 i4m,. 4,4l k A gto-P.,-AgmAgaribf'-sv-i= , • ' ijlreh' tromp' pa` ? - ,. '-. • . hp., any az - nicht, m- iqpi.k . captains, the •-of : „.: - 1 ,-;,.........-: ~., ' -. i rk 4_l; - ..- .2. - : . -., „. ~,m uni , ,. T hilluy u . , r u n i tu . ul24 *Ol - 6 4;1 4111e p . I tit Or - - " --------; _a , -if :.i. '1 r at s: '. . " '' I 11- ' ' ' I ''--" ' 1 - 1 - - - P /4 .. 8 .:. 44-4 PP 1) 4.-trirXei.:-1 ., - 4 i — ii'l Am ''' , temAt F ltitriiit - Aiitif4-aiiiiiini l _ rya K next " deaden:od fettf:va ii "-- ' ‘‘ ° °r•-i°g: ... 1517 .'A 14VIRY - S " .511141 - at Iv' T -pAppEttniti I -ic 7 11 1)1be - pearaet. SI ent_tu ere e.rnaMtbO, ll *, ..I,Eljapppilpfl-, eimalifir:Giiiketi'AliritAileltheP, 's< I . ' n al ti lei I c ommence oikl,,Weifuesday-4 - , ~.. v.„ - - ~...• -- ~, . 2 4 is i i itai r • - :_- -_,: - ~ 'I I.M4iiiiiilcs-vinizhillittlit#t .c ia t! ),•l lll , ~.e'Ll,Sara,- ' 14 .1i ili, out ivehr-:-th4itomiltOleeri4nlWoir,- the I. „ clu e ' getefiir ie*t,_uuder the ' "" * - 1 ` """"' -- - ne '•'' ` ' ' • ' -1 , ed iiete4e is liatfl'to be Iletutrillireot*oSio l4 •J'Airair4;'elfe'llt ire'''Oiit - taree, - roite4iriiliti yrfre -' - - 14tfr a - - 'of lest 'et t ett.'''Theie - - ••• ''• lir - - -Ai ranf ie men t c 1. , 2: sty ;via i t br e 41 4 4.-4,,,. ,-,.ii.,..,,,whotheiatiiiin,..nive :...- - .....-v• , ..,7 , -.1 •••••••,-,-, -. h i df x - •.--i i i ti ...,-, -, ~ ~., : oftt , i ep l l charge ofits preset*, ,erPe . 7„*. ~ - .. . ,- t .• .. ,iseir , i .. ~..., , , ..- ..„, tY•1 1 1,, ...t, ° Y- -- mt,77 9 7: - e-i .- f • ii- ~ - ...,-_, - - -littutbers. bane., '', . tr,t- • 1 . _pm ,_ .:, trope ° ° 4 ° °°° ° ° - • bitherl° 11°°° ' tni t -assur. : - •' ': tiiiitiattiseit•!l!tr.rst LiaoeirrileiPa• I . Atari-, „Plir lwar4 ll ,-,!lmsiet ~,; : , _ 1 1! ..1#1 . ,,•"-t . 0 4 .1.F1F,”9:..10-'• AVetirit - ..lWietarilela*U„Prifficli , . ~,. -.• 'to mesa wl,lO ore doduoto °f P T° P st,la g them' 1 • STO WZReifjP7IIOIAb ',,- • 1 liiiiq to' tail thit-thirs..hrue Ile c eemr *P F Sl . OX -f 1a..1%. - acruulmillaktehli-11114,4%,Rii. Noiii-" -- y A here r a t Ob he twit Instruction • 1(1U" teeibee wOrtateu re dlf - AO'ntetrufictule kt • 1,.., -,' .- m O-. 1 Ar o , b ',kg' „ 2 •-tik r a ' 1 ! trues h ea h ) - .'T "•Trti ' - ' , Neve - :MI ileitis of Lode ill ii Great Butt& und.ul= t =po rt i ,-.;;,' . 4 . I., t h ~_-_, ,:,. .../.,. _,,,,,.., ..,-,- .1 . jk , 11 4 , , k .1(,0 ~, 0 no ir ,, ill: ~. „ a . ~.4,, wipmfailic, : r *biell i k _ ° _,A L „... ° - °lii:f7- * 1r1far "..„,„ 1 ,., P l ' ' " s ir I , de ' emai: 'it theC they are • oar aelyitig a De*. o i l ri''' 'llal •fl'! g :-` - `-: e : Ar lA t t:4l l - gry - jitis'' :. 7,-: , ,-5: ''...r.Z:4444111 -.7V4:: t° i' 'sii#4l€ - 6a as teachirill ' ijo li7 'dal. in. (.:616ge " 1 ' . hilt - / • tettsiAiiiiiiiineifoth - L' elb t fiall. i'' lterf . liii_e_Veir, leliell'ilot*er4'‘Je'elt, ink . " 4 1't . `_ - 1 - 1 . 1 9 4'.:4 1 , 0 6 ,4 1 - , ' #l7 t i; ,. , a, , ,..-.* . i.1 1. ai i., _ Ti - y;- 47 ., ; . 7 - 54 4 ., ..,,., . 7 !' -1-1 " 7 "“;:.1..; /; ! 7-7 ,,,ii!P; - th. -T wo,. lgy it their • already; !Sri: etriek- or "a °oiii i' m kiir -- i' - ,,i_..' ' -''-'''!"' d•,0„ - -, _ -,- .: 1 ._.. „..-;-.. ::-.. , :', - _,:.91 - Firdd o i lih t 4 ir.' f- f•-n- ,# ne =,, - ,,-b e i t ,Z _. ill , #ta i ',..t, l 'i:',.s.T °7- n -b e - o s tithi i-d--i i ii t -i- - s ilo; - - . 1 ' e i r fiiii. s t o rer igolisit4l , , erected- ibi-. -- pu;rjill. .5 1 1 ,1 1 r n f i ergitn it ,- Vi L d i -di;ii; b - k • e - 4 1 : c. „'t ferenf-,k 1 , 1 ,4_,, ~ _ 1, ,.114kiv,..„ ... „ . m. .: I topitr IL; , _ ..... ~w. : , --! , - . .c.,- ~- - ,-_ - . rii • .„...• .-•- Ni. -, 1- ' - -' , l ' 'l.. ''. ' ' ".'''''.' '-- ''.'"7:- 7 ' '- - • --•.' -•'''' Pl •L''''''',- , t ii e . 4 -,1- thicijri*Oot! , .i_w . ' vi , -~ft ,e rrio wii llllti tig.T.L-- 1 3 eileiosY or •:T •-•-- - - ..V ll° ‘ :'- i it - a -40i' 14 lemtraelig - iietiiePitterlitborttOriAg - ° r tr l g i u tHr,-•°-,' °°, • --,,.-.,„,•= ~ ,'.l , tiMtletelie:,',!- I i: 1111 0..W.v=24.1,,,,,,,t - ....t. ..,,rgr,„ iN: • i 1 ly littler of the Trusteetr..--• - - - ,rtte seser!,_e_,,l„ , „.„ - , 1., , E i t i...,-;;,.: f i v . c h-,•t ski , eau f.twete t t- hi' tke Artker.rilheithi*,''erilliATlJ fiidifitifro 7, - Vi1iv . **9...64i.n.-4=4. ... ~,.. -, - :.-- 1 : W 3 ! - •;ESsUP PreL , . rticlo °°°°l 7;l7lZ- - 4.47 o 'i'biiir o v i,F;ifireil far iisielutb!! ) ._oe* , of;a l Y-OhliriteC for P ro mPliniktiT - 1,14,1ii . 1itt ., , ,,. -, , , q,.,... n , ',. ? .44 . i.,7:54 : 07. A. 7.Vi r i a ti m" l * * Y' '-.' : ' 1 hi s 7 "-P e rJ; -- i riii 'iatinot Ori 1 :- .'• :3 '7 - , 0 Pkale--takf4klVA•o•olo4"`” !' "°-°* " l- (_ - -- - :; ,--, 77,17.1 . 4 _,-' --" ' ' , ;:r•zeiii: , ' 7,, :=•;?* L es_ _ s: : Wi4 u n ' iiireagare4 i ''' ' . ' iie4 fi cti rrv o a c t u o n ffsf - $0 Ekits;" '- ' ni -fil lic P l l i k a tli t ri- 4114 c,SVMP:fik 9 7* --- ".. -''''-'; .-=<, .- - 30 t - 1 - ' - 7.f 1 W. -- -4..a 4. ..€:- . .it:. i 104Cer". IrO7l 4 - /eeli'.4 t r 41 ,,,, -17_74-11" .. ' ' .7-n7,1 ' 41 .• 4 : - Ar ' ; 4 • - ettttitit'iuttee*:ttiiiiidliiiitf Abirii. ''''- --4 '' - :'-s'.- gt.„..„- , a .,., •..49M*..... . er.44,.. - i Aug.4,1 . 8.53 . .-- - 321u3 • ' .- ......,'- --,,.. --,..,-, „.. 1 -c•, ._ . 4 2 ,- ..,- - k:-;.-;:fip ;USetrieet * teet' fro - of:the - libfrty ,pole. . ' ''''?:.-` -, : L . 1 . :.47 ,- e,..-1, ..- •=4- • --',.4 . ;42.: "ei . .;'.....__,- -fst '-':.- t .. - t .- v'''`ts, Flair, Filh ' Ana:uall 'III :. l' -- o'. -4 . - 4.. t-, ~ /.4....1.,-, . ..L.l.l4pnic.que,ters..2l.ibiniAq; : 4 _ -''- fft'kti, , ictoriottiitig.itti"'ltolort,; ea.tiiteutrial*ltil ',o4prilolie,P,!-T,e,,:r0,--tial'*"lll,p-riin;i'e;A.,,pt,*180....4144,, 'i , No;'-':-.','P-t '4 , 03-=-- - .* - eb' ', Thr e 'pubi l iihiqs - Wm . 1 11grie!,4tY. , !!!”g!'•!:.__ , A i; ', j* l l' '-'''''-''-''' _.''' . :- I• . - ir 4 , .. at ciatii: , l , o , 4 , l , *o4m wpi t i. s i t/1 p,3 for ir,.... .., , _, lmfDr ,,..- w) , fin t s,4o A u f t 10 alai (Net i 4 , cheiPt oUt ehearr 1 1 1 °O.,_FI•fi ' -I : =,..*.,......,if,!wn5if.".,..... „,:,: thiii - -eidiblishmtnt Wist.),t:Yortt. --' ..,-_= T,,,el,llETEßfCo;'*.er'iteli*l7- 7 - coon; bOt 4, !'sful - itstuliT, eauNt" -31 kPe.. tvtitiu!...!,/ 3 t'11;0011;21iiii. Whitei'esa-legfee4,.!!o; ill - demoustritte upoujniOgeatl44'ef "fitiflitOti? . "liiiitriinliteYradol:ralii . ,-11-: - .0 ) i t risjcei,_ -1 ..'-, •k ' 7 ri: , -*. -,- . '`'.' ";-'` '. ' ; 7 #401 9 ". 141/ ..t‘ ON ! 8 • 54 ‘- 41 : 1' 1 oThigh.s..- t..i...0.0.1.c444,1kei5E4-41 1 101,. , i ---., ~ Lookittilt j iit, . .... ._ . .. hai l 'utrautar t to ealtuFt•-- .....;,,,,,,,,, ~,, , . ~: , -,,,*,.1 7, - ri v a l , ... fta_ All-41*. i-wlia bare?-fen 5 hibt_ hitit•tif lebuf. , ~,-.•-•,,,,,- - , , - - 1 , .. :..-:„...•.: r-,, ,-,,,,., ..,.,,.,, , -., ,- • . ~ '7: .... clip ./ARS-4 , 111-use,43 .;...-, . ~,..0,-•rf-- --, ,,; ~.,_ _ _ i1i..„ • 1 , ,,,;•,--,, ,_ ofert-feiti farther, ow l et hive -tuba _ll'4 - .1,1' V 2 .1 - it0r4, 0 7 44 400 4ma ti . iss fant, T ., 3614 7. ..: -• I : ' 'Pi r , - .. -- -- - - fierrF! ' - 'Nseseritri!morfede _ *l ed tit P'' *at * L . _ , 1 Alit i• . 1.- 1.',.- ,-:7;•= i '4, - 48,•'-...-.110-11-Y'::!*:-:"'.,4r Great 8end,..0 - et. 4th; lfSi. N illioNgy 117 '. /LI • • ' '' f/ ".ps, ......d -frl,..,piichilling_,°, -- ,i, hendn, Wg.,, lati it 'CO. ,• It 1L. .. L'ng - -.Nre,yotit test assortment: "°"'. m _ ,_ lrn . „rarati4 itr.l.. , lfj,D_ _ ._..ruilV --- aii=firtishellp , - - Itufkl i i r liramle-fs, piirlinutiy;lTNP: : , ,Pate"*4-"le, a aus4o - s' W 7 it i f 4 " Iv 4 , kiPS 0411142 " ' iither Wail 11 4 / - 11- _:i,l- `•=htliiiiodi - 4.1 1 lid COUNT - Farm. or Sale. -:"\- _ HE subsCriber.olretrat for sale a valuable farm, I 1 three India-east-of AkohOos0;013 the 'Plink:- Itgad, and four miles ,frt4m thirßailroad, It eitr.. [ - tains one huudred:anies.ip acres improved, ant :\ • good tinder. a good :\ state of iinproverttenti, has sig ood Orchard, . and yell adapted to dairyini Ptupieses. -Well fenced with welt &c.• - Said - rani) Swill be 'Sold very cheep. Address the subscrits‘r, Montrose, Sns• quehanna county, Pa- I " • • •"" ',ABRAHAM L4;I74IIIFILIff. )lontrOse; Sept. 20, 1052: I • tf - JUL VA 0 • IFI/1116 T al i t 1 , " ' -• , -lIAS ju and t: received ids Pa I , atid FFin t er stoefit • af Meta g ag dY-1 a dca,lot • m - ' Embracing o•efecatsofa variety • of scradelii-Frock,', sack, imdf DreSs Coatis,-11 - • sts—Vants-Woolen tinder Shirts anDiatvers—Fine W.hitit r-birts• „Fahey dti....' Coilans:-• roe All Stocks gt-1 • (ores, 44., dc . u4 '' Anions • A good ons of fashions le ' •, ~ - • I.'' - 1 l imo • 1 .. 1 'HATS - 86 .... C APS:.: . IleillOrti r on;', 111 4seue lioii; ancl Childrens BOOTS SIIOE.S.. 'lndia Rubber Rokts; 'atom; and dandOs . - • A nee nu pply-of , WALL PAPER, C natio: PapergßO der, fcc. , Books and StsitioUery. i . -, __l _,, Also, - Trunki, Guns, TraVeillok•Bags, Mackerel Cod- - Ash, Sugar, Tel; Corer, tr,c4, and,U variety of fancy AS tides. , .. •. , ,• 1 ' : i • nix-motto Is ready pay and Or irice,--cash or. produ ce., • , fr.r.TStte , opposite Searld's Hotel . -.-: •• - . ,-- • Montro ,'Oct. 4,1851 '•. - - F . : . - • B . r.the bushel or bartel,ktr;bi. the lend lbe:F. ale at the titore of the subeepher . . 4 Montrose, 0et.41, 1353.: : A ..OEO. PULLER. . H I • GI 1,4L10, Y .1 -n 1 4k ' R .- T . - A fi N, g - T r • . :- oi7, . . Totk t E I rtlVEAtizz, AHB Craft willpleaiie tat:t'e notice that flievi 4r. ter & Sinsausus . are proprietors and ;menu= facturera of il: G. .Ifetaitt &:: tinsorea's Patent Revolving I. st lltilder . by the rise "ofwhich The wort` of SL o makitsgil greatly faciliisited; This- -machine is c lculated t.. pie the health of Shpernakere by enabling' thent.todo ,their work White standing Or sittlni.ia :iii, upright. Potation. The utility Of these rirechinis rrsay be , tested by caking- at the shop of - e. - Mi Shaman* 'irtllitits trose. The subscriberel wilOvisit - Suivpiehanny , 1 .1,.., . -. ,_.. . _„•• Bradford, Lutertfe , Wslvtletli Tv yoming ' ll ntl - sui - - , liven counties,for thr pot rpott of Gelling Machines —=shop. town of comity /fights.. All order* - ankfullY received and, prisruptly filled., • : .:. - Machine with right tor sis 0 ,8115.00- • '. - ' -.-- '- Bar.nsTra . l AS:pfstoss. ' Montrose, Aug. 15T.ii3534-r%- Pojl4TlOill ' i (MI ; Bid tx-••- ' " :' ---" '; • - .SS "liikrtsts i:lif :•E b igitai'- • elitra Alakikik,.•„, , :ltik t . Awdeiiiipirk •544,8tiAtilko - --- - ,- ii i -,'` A. - .. 1 3410w lii=, .stositrieh tiw4,l 1R4, 4 : , A }» , / ,: l - , • , .....- , 0 , ; If l itt ...... o , .- ' ~. ,`• ' , 1 ~, ,I . ;. - 1 1 ; -- 1 . ' '' “ j: ‘ Hi f 'O.-. 'lfil -- 'islik 16 - - 1 41 441 *Alkianr, •,--14' . • R • E . •, - ~~~ rs `^ • = .7 -- • , t ;' , "; - '1 _ 72, - I ..... ~ . g .. .. „ , ;1,,:x t .,;‘,., - ')1 '...- !--,-,•.; .-.!-: ! - : 55.. , • - ~ - ~,.;,-;.-;.'...,73.:--ti..4l•',''' ..,,&42.ntial, ."' -, ---,-.--- ' • Eipi,V°' • . . 2 s _ ~..:%.;;1, - 1..• ' - .1.!': ' 4 *ls •"-`- --.Pji --''' '"..r • - ~g,-::.,-,:. ... • , • -.:.,-. :.-:' .• . :-! , 1rT 7 1 1 - i!•,-I ~ z.- : 41 , 41 f ;7,444::540'3)::02-0, 8 6?tr- , .61 t 7: m4 .t(T 2.r .1:0i: '.'41.:':'..".:::::g1:::-*,4:0!:S-.;-'='''''. :i9 , ; - •:-Iid , -...:,•,; , -.18.:...14. , ;:..37.,y,:tr, 0.g11:.. , , , ;,:f. , 0.4k , ::, -- „:::-41,, , ::t. , zi..24Vit' . 1 3,. :--f..a , :' 0'44 . - - 1 4 : :;":;:::1:G',. '- '10....-n''.o:'-`.1:!:.:.'14::,::;:.:54:, ig 94 85 %5l ,2-40 fa' 34 [it : . • 66 3 . i 1 ii. : 4 931 ; :.,: 6 t , 4 , 4:82A*' - j 3-'1 - i::: `fs' W -61'1;'0-; -:, :...., :.,.: .61 1 47 f r ,3A12 : , '. 9:8'.:-..a,7,,...,.-.!.,.-0,:.11_-,14-.:. • 1 :,-,,-,,,',-:-:!j:,;•?:.,:i. - .i3i9 . :- 1 , iti2j::k.;511...j4Y "i~, J.. 10 130 IMEM II