The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, October 27, 1853, Image 2

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    f oar hands is the moral and political power of
the republic; legislators. are
bid them organize..akilevoted system ofeclu
cation, with advariCeddistilitisch4r;ont with
colleges, dealing. phi siCal and batellectualilit
bora: bid them do iCand theOvill:c
Farmers can
You can refotutionite - lb6 ,, tuok-andiliisicat
aspect of the world. You can. iStee : yori - r
and with it the . wholo level - of human ordure.
You can render. men -mei.Oiutitiligent more
. virtuous, more happy. In;yoUr hands also arO
the deitinics' of the republie. • The - great Re !
public, if conquered , ever, - r i can be Conquered
onlybY.its own uneducated masses. - . : 144 us
have no uneducated m
,assoa:"Let us-have no
uneducated cansac%-!..'
:g., we lt
Misses 11:..W, an s tr VT: .Webster; the
-only survivors of the 'late Prefessoejohn
W. Webeter,--new:in this country, bade,
larewelU:46-7(ini shores ...yesterday, laving
forillliti747. l )fes the' ship Jon.—
. Theyltive.juitioasied the , last melanchol
ly - the -remains . of -, an idolized
ither; and most estimable wernaw; 'and_
haviii inoiitenedAe . dast . of Mount - Ku.
. with - their 7.4 jitter . and 'sympathetic
teara,They new. leaTe for .
j iver the scenes of
'their childhood, ofihotie, tiends and those
many delightful a,Asociations around whieh
the heart always ittegs , so naturally:and so
fendly. They have uttered that list and
metaaehony. , -word-4arewell. The train
of misfortunes' . which have rendered dark
end= - gloomy the., paths .of these young mid
heautiful,lidies--14such they are-is pe-,
euliar and inoimpful. We will not name
thit.t . eircnmstance, AO•dreidfal,' but ending
in' death, ivbich deprived therii of a father.
FromFrom= that event we deArt3'l6 draw no veil.
kid:new, Before the'robes of Mourning had
been 'etelanged ;'before the deep fountains
of lrief had been titictil up, "death, insatia
'led, and almost cruel, has prostrated the
farm of a'mether. . The grave has closed
over ber, , atdi AN: too, Sleeps in eternal re.
Tao by the-side-of lath who. went before.,
lien, The ~mourners,.in• their, youth and
heaitty, have now gone... The ocean is to
separate - them from the'.sacred. spot of
home. they have bid a farewell to- who
- was dear, never more to return.. S6ch
is therdiase of : life-more, of shadow than
of su s shinc.—Boston Bee. •
bidian Oinqplinients.
When the, delegation - of the Cherokee,
. Chaataw, :Chickasaw, Chippewa., and Shaw
- nee nations vifited Washington last -110. H,
it was understood that they would be per
mitted to present aneddress to Mrs. Pierce
at ..1). social party to , be assembled at the ;
White House. :The - sok calamity which;
befel the President's family previ
ous,and so seriously- ifepaired*Mrs. Pierce's
health, however prevented the interriew.
The Cherokee idnocate publitsheil the ad--
dress which had been prepared, wthich we
subjoin: . --The reader will perceive that the
_ red men are in- no wise behind their white
brethren t) -the language of compliment
.Honored Madam :—Our race have been
rarely , honored with the privilege of Paying
theirpersonal respects 'to the lady of- the
chief magistrate of this great
The only exceptions. I:believe; - were Mrs. -
Madison and Mrs. Tyler, who kimily eenee
ded to us , this favor. Oa - behllf of the .
Cherokee, Chocktaw and Chi4esaw ma:
tions,their representatives new.present beg
leave to express , to you the deep gratitude
they feel fore. this
you have afforded, to tender to yon their,
sincere - wishes tor _ yout welfare and long
continued happiness...
-Permit us, madam, to remark, that your
sex in , this : favored land; constitutes
. the
trand.iestrument for the enlightenment of
- your non - ; and we, trust, of the world;' in
Wisdom-end-the preservation of'-good gov
• eiriment';.-- and although; your': virtum
intellect nie not under the..eentro‘an i d atm
.. -
Pies of European - ayal"Pa. - - .Tat thay.. are
more beliant than those nuttured - by the
thrones of Oriental - splendor:
'has betii the custom .of the Indiensto,
address the:President by the"venerated
name of Great: . Father; We*ot venture
to address you as the maternal political .1i)2,-
rent of our race,. and as *knob -ask your
blessing ? . , ,
.Ir4proyeitOx Yoke.
J. IL Latham Of Mt. Upton, Chenango
Qo. N. y. eabibited at county Fair
last week a Pat-tint. Ox Yoke'. which -
tiacted universal-admiration= and whicl
took th Premium, and'ilso. r e c eived tbe
Premibin at 'the State Fair reconty held at
Pittsburg, add in reference - to wlrich'we
the following from - the -Pittabirg
Despatch: -
'This Yoko alma placed on so ar
ranged that no matter how rough the road
—hOw 1 4 11 of rots an d stumpsor "tie r en
' cumbrances; the cattle will be enabled to
arose along as ir were *Pirfectly.lerel
- the yoke permitting they :they meet
an obstruction to move to' - Oiler side' of it
without the learit: inconve.niemee tathe. oxen
'or at all him:airing the draft iiion:thein.-=
We havettamined the invention - and have
no hesitatiwi in Tronoirtich* -it one nt the
greatest ntintr - to - . l lVionitOriots who *M . -
ploy oxen on‘thitiu farms: , Antis; the ordit
nsFY`Yokes4,i o Posa-13Yer-il ron ,:r 4 ad On
" It - 'lana 14?!.4 the ,stumps .rise AhoroAhe
18**Dt fatigue oxen
not eo ''*/#44 103- ortoil. amount Rt*"
...,,,4i - I,'froM.theiushing or
Joitiattil o so ohstriw
tions - ."Q - 7*lttnen WS speak : of entirely
obviataeAtialifitay*dperiniti; the Ast
tinto PorsOre4hei'ren c innor 'of Asir way,
no matter vbetierit bWattines, - or_ruti, 'or
stumps thatcreia-iheispatle- , '
gr. Latham is untrotthis tibutity: - -••••••
, • —Onisof.the'Fiencli..parrpnlilliebed in _this
Oty; ,
alba following -
w,..voieptaadth:con illimiettipt Of the-
Zaworew-iwis th rlftet-4nisi4 - *ol olo l'
snelltint *44* *Y. 4 fi14 1 4 f00 1 3*
`of dissentionntrinsimlinirit-wwfunannonoi*-
Lo6Wild' —WWI(
~..,...-,,,,0f - re.),rol
sk. _,_,-,-,Oamuisemif rtip %110 e ae.,„
...1414•010.1_ ~. ita'aigiol*Adm - i
- ' O 4 O Y - # l O. 4 *lPlONOalifidg o
41 4 m.
1, , ,,40-,,, ,, :z,:: z.,-,..., ~ .., . ~- f -.- • c . ,
paper wait put]
,mtte. consequentl , the 1
news will be' rather stalolo most of our, eaa..l
ON. To 4 r Dernocrotie. readers; 'llcAiteter;
th' election . news we til week ' publishi vrill
not got stale itt twelve- tiontit. The Dttnoc.
racy of the li e stone I State have.:nchie ed h
"signal victory, 1.1 0 . majfnity beingimwaras of.
J r
,TiiIRTY-1.X. , -110USAND V---bOt thil best
Of alhis, the . . ont)tiOn of the Senate 'lron*
the slough of wh e.
iggery. %I _ hate; now . lt to ,
jority In earl brt . ch of the.Legislature,#nd a
thutnper..on Lint all ot. Offictil next iveek.
Ohio, too, lip 'at 'eyed ) a glorious triumph, the
Democrat le tmjo ity being larger tium in feint
.selvania. T i ll 6 let es from Georgia alsoishow .
a Democratic trimnph. : - i
' 4.pPointittpnts..
A. N. Eut:t.mie,"Esq PLyst !Pilaster at
MOratose, vice R 'Dathr4p rosignild,
By the Govs:imbr, .E. E. 4100Ni...T If this
place to be sealeri of Woights & Measures
for the coupty" of pusAnehanna.
welling house.of. Thontat
r Lake, was turned Fa
ult., together with its
household furnit and
of grain:stored.l
of our most indur i triotts
tzens and the loss is most
ought to have. be4n the!
iary. See reward in our
Hartnett,-in - Say=
aay ;light I:4th:
contents of usua
a largo quautit
Hartnett w a s on,
and peaceable
severe. It is t
work orsiu incen
paper to-day.
. „ ••
EATlTSeverat nays since
Jcsiese TAireherd ot thi2sboroof , h, fell from!
a scaffold On whi ho wUs ai work, :st inpu
ing himSeff•by th 6 fall: that
hopeless and helpless condition until ••unday
evening hist. when he exPired. We le4rnthat
the scaffold on which he ;was at Wolk fell
once before the same day, in consequenen
being -insecurely erected'. When he fell the
second time he was alone, and it is not iknowt
whether the bp: g.we. way,.or - whether b
stutehled 'and ft clear of the scaffold. lle
fell from the eaves of a twastory
Wilson's) - and. is sujiposed . _that he struck
the piazza: roof,, and thence' to the ground,,
distance 'of IS or 20 feet; The accident ' seems
to have been thliresulttof - carelessness,. '
oo paper . : . was i ssued from thils o ffic e
- in consequene otfailing to receive
ly of paper in
ti limo.. The disapiteintl
like voxationi to onrselves nnd our
We will ake good rare to trerent!
. nee
.. in Nt r?. We will uthko up
.olunte with n! the yonr. • i
our sun
'pont is
Oa, irons,
its .roeu
the fun
• Judg ,
Y.; was
etor Br
Bronson,.C ,
moved fro
- Th
asott - - . ot this
, the state o
tho Ad hi
oe by ri
and Cab;
e 2 z .
The itEcultx be
and Mr. Bronson, iiaj
ofthe atronage
thela t was 4
=Nib the office ti
1 ` k
'neva" ed
were to t tniated tale,
tratiim %;ae. tudireetli
Mr. Guthrie,' Secretl
drt:sied - a letter to
the Adtuj
to pursuewith rites
patronage :in& exp
Colleetor,stould poi
therews43. Brorlso
the AdTninistrattort
with lis.ditties,ana
reference -to their de
'formed betlyeen the
of its rintwrdiitatet
e IiFIVI3 neithe'r
has 1,
,, face II - ,g ,
detail ipon thif in ject this wk, but shall
, , our - ' 1...} .
do - SO i next : ue. It i euMilefil now
to latemifoin thfrge era' propo tion,lo i lF,hiels,
wo tars mo 'denht, II will ;g¢ _ ii--,..neeelll
that hoiireenin 'A iniAtrati and itit ktd:to r 7 ..1
4inateshern tultst he ognoort d ; ll UrinrY; in :
order to ibe:,iiirai 4n7, - 64t, la t tly 4u,
of Aduddistrailis ii *Hey. 11To dushilsfration,
can suldiah) itsbit, unlessthe - sr,enartei,- of,
:the 3401 O : inUChino . 'wori ,t ( iii el . ,- .. rokbii
d c .
~tile - ti lug: n 1 ' 6 4 114 9 % : gel oniin;: o f 'the. . ,Unl,t9!
and 0 4 ' 1 4 i na g in ...„- "II own '" bi r i ti P , V ar ,.. --
ty, it is enonglitniit,staih%
~ i! fei 4 . 144, iiyk .
ista betweaftheso tiro ; . . srti al! -t1 pil....qt
-On 'Mi. 2 r 011 4 01 / to ti+rglx o r. . ,ielpiirtid: ',
no ivis in an e attit;de of hos tiff tO i3ie Aa:l
migiastition • th t :. had :` placedfilm iltipceys
Ana lifi 4 diulii !riot idus9i, rely - nV'' &his,
conduct aiiiiliAlidlieti in- - liiiththe
wislletii'Of iiiitiiist4 i u-,\ 1. - -''''
- -kahtluld ,
face restrulttAtinneert; that
hemuittbo ; rem o ved.:. 0 111
, ,
acoSontabto toe.tlie p4plq f that 1#4 1 ,;
,aialuis a lar,•atiiiideiatiea . ~% el 70 iki
itisigenta'strlmTion to it 7, r
active aid in I. lll - ~, iennllnt,
has',shown, kr this 44 - 44 41°35'Prte,j
dent;fted•thaititelAare Like - - %St
_ . _ ~..
of *00304* p olicy Pr ,t
is aihrsib il ' .--s-* 4ikt liY,
- inbin*lir
„ ,
slison Remomed.
PootOr for tho Pptt.°f N.
his•ofGep, last vte4 . by
4 Mr: ..Redfield
41ct,cp . 1 1; po,
New York - the I'Soi4.lerit
ed.p,nd Openly cdp4erailt
•. , . • , , . .1 -- -. 1
U - een the AduciniStration
Its onoin. -m. il isposal
- the Co! cioei o„ce I ,Y
lied - iv:ll6f 7thict:oPPl i i,
L -
der him; Ist . ° had been
lc the 114rnhurnerTSc;tian,
y, andthus thu4dipi'mp
taiagea forT,l*lfaltb,
. ' - id . thC WefusirY, ad.
1 Collector indie Ling t.ce j
castration had , detieichined ,
nee-tivthe distribution ot'.
esSing cc desire hat: the I
e a course in I aymoily,
replied, snbitantoi)- i that.
'ma no right . to: in te rfere
;hit he shoiild_aet itithent
Ureic; The ;issue was thus
Adininist4t,barc ud one
and his It-milted in te
1 ..;:. - I --
me to - go into
4 !* 3 *
)k to
• 4 ' AM..
1 Putnam's ilontlity,-lorOcto,ber,las been on
Our table for , several days.. it is a very 'void'
loctiner,- manly , of- the papilrs, taking a higher
rink than :that. Of "tight..liffraturp." . The tact
iind' thOisrutionent of this tigh il; the llet.of American
kriodicals--perhaps,.: second-td none. Pub:
lishekby G. P. Potioam & CO.IO Park Plate
New -York-83 per annum.
~... -.
I The_..KniCkerboclier, - for . October, has also
li - .
been ; en hanotseviiral days.: Tho eentents are
always "A-.'No. I" . in "Old linicix." From the
iable of contents in the present : number, we
Ilp the folliowing:, , •
.. , . ..
" Journeying,s 'in Spain—Tho " I lead I :love
1 •
.—llow they wake yectors—The-Red sJam,-,...
ISketches of Travel . and Character—Onr Old
Church—The Bee Hunt—Men, Manpers-and
iNfouniains—Mr. Brown's Pigs—Editor's Ta
ble," 4e. &e. - -
Published monthly At 81 per annum. Sub,
seriptions reeeiied at this office.
. ' 1 1 •
.Dickene Ilouschcid IVords.---This popular
) /
ireprint,:for Oetoberi t. contains a large number
I ,of
. short sketches from the great - navelist.—
pow xi man. - can w 4 so mon th and never any
thing .
that is not g ' d.-
• --no ,Alpetition of tho't
or plot--is-to us a iuzzle. 'The American re
!print is . published inonthly by 111cElrittlo &.
ißarker, 17.Sprolye s reet, New Yerk;at 82 per
I arm um. - i I - . ' -
The Illustrated 11 agaiine otArt.; - -,Tho .
tuber natab( - :i of this Magazine fully . sustains
its high rePut:ition. -illustrations; some
sixty or sevehty in number, are generally. well
executed and true .to nature. We inight par
ticularize..the adaiimble portraits of Dr. Beech
er and Sanchoyania-L-a . good ...personification.
of the roil and ideal the 'series, of %views
of the " InvnlideS" 'at Paris.. •Published . .by
.17 Spruce-street, New York.
Peerson's. lllaga:lne, for November, is al
ready received-! The engravings are handsome,
and the letter Tress interesting arta instruc
tive. Peterson promises the ladies a steel fash
ion plate in the neat , number. Ann S. Ste-
. .
hheni," one . of -the most :gifted . female', Writers
is this.piuntry, is one of the . editors of this elr
egant_monthly. -Published by 'C. „I . .•PeterSon;
102 Chestnut street; Phifa- 1 -82 perutintim.:
Slirgazilie; . for .Novernher, is re
ceived, and a . good number it is. The steel
plate, "The AVUOdiand. SWing," is - a gem. The
ilJuStnated . artieles,' "Scenery- in Walcs,", and
"Valleys 'and greatleVels of -the tarth,": are
• alsokst. rate; : indeed, we 'rarely tin& anything
that 'isriot.first rate: in Graham.
Liam, annum. • I . '.
774 lkifted Statri •Rede)n, for September,
contains its usual amoutit at interestipg,road:
itig matter. The first paPer, . "Pamphlets fur.
the People," is ably Written, and ,conta i ns ma.
. . .
TrfithSin. few words.. A review of a - Ircolt
Traiels,,by a . midShipman in the navy, is dt!.
the..articles in the pies
4tnumber arc ood . : Published monthly at
45,1 Broadway, New )17ork—,-$6 per 'annum: ' ,
Pistrict Returns—Official.
The Return Judges for this Se:l:Aortal and
licpre,sentathre District Met-in this place on
i l nesday . last; The following are the;Otrudal
returns.: •
5 Senator.
- • - Platt: Booth.. DdWolf.
Susquehanna; IWO , 599 • 331
•Uredford. - - 2802 1999. 166
Wyoming 897 395
Totals, 5619 2.993 .
.497 .
Pint(7s innjority in the Distri c t over both his
61ttietitioi4, 2.1:19:
Representati •ves. •
. - .
Deegan. - Deniton:Carmait. Dego.:
osces, 1878. 1693 ..328 1145 983"
tliyouling.. :785 316 . '693 .
.. 161 106-
375 - 520 130 162 87
TotalN 30381 . 2529' 1151' 1498 . 106
Chase's majority in the District ; over 'Car
] alt, 1570—over ' - Deans,ll372. Decgmes ma,
lority.iii the: district ovOr Carmalt,lo6l- 7 ,ocer
Peacts, 1353. Last year'. Cbaie's the
:district was 1229-:-Denison's tmtj. las( year
was 1145. • - 7
Electicni - News.
. .
We are , not able to giro the.official returns
on the. State ticket this week, but enough is
received ta: assure - us that the Democratic
MajOrity:;will be Jorge, considering the light
neitt of the vote polled - The : introduction:of
the keine Law issue has made some unlooked
fol . ' ehanges in the' Legislature. •
- SEassi....=The Senators holding over are
10 „detnoerats,' 11 whirs ...and 1. Native 4tneri
`eati.- Ai far as'hearcrtiom, Priee, Consolida:
lion Wing, 7is Oleked . in Thilade/phia City,
Foulkrod, democrat, in Philadelphia county,
BleClinttick,-- democrat,. tin Allegheny (a gain,)
Crestroll, 'democrat m-Dlair, Cambria and
Huntingdon (a . gain.)litekate*,• democrat, in.
'Cumberlandand - PeirY, and' the . democrats
hive cortriecl' their - Sefiaters, 'in the DradfOrdi -
Ateree.r and Itsinstrong i diettiete,
ir .the latter, be
inggain.,'Thin wilt give thetiilfi,Sepntere,
1.17. only being :required tiff'. i majority:: . The,
*nate will , probOly stand 18:teinoenits:iii,
14 eflagiOniii'l _Nati -- America n . - The -bait
I Binds was 15 dem lis,'l7 . ..whigastuil=Nist
this Ittneijean. , -• ,_. - ,• :._. ' -,...- , -../', ,
,- ,fioniirt! ,ItkininE iNrnrr.s. 7 4llO demo
nsitit-Ifee'fOlit Reprini etatrien itiPhilidelphisi
eiviiiiigkeoii 1 in:- Philadelphia city,-4i' in-
Aneghny;l . leZiinibirlitoli:l .11a-Franklin,;
1 in , Ntrailkingt . on;:B is Chester, t,in: Notikipi4
I ton, and,',4ut.n! reported 1' in Union;',lNhese
fare alLeiiiiii* MO thi - other*fiiitieiricim
'iii - nitliVZilitt last 4 r3helOnisiirof of R4iii'e;'
se.ntstives willAtsi , , 'IS defneen4totliittigis
On 'iqiit'bgbit * .th - Aim oirattiWilP!ne:4 ll ! l "
j°0 1 ,7, - 9f 4 ?7:- . ,-r * ; 4:" .; .- -,-,
Tr.iiimmx,Zitacmerr it' CiiMrinATL:÷Yes•
terdcY - - 21 - 11,..About" . two o'clock,::iik is
matutkeiocettlimier iwoo 'at work in ttiel'ald
1 40 41, 1 41 4 4 03 1 1 41,N_ neCt thefibY4ack, 4eir
ing,it to pletect!ileAPOr,p4l,4oC.llll4 , :,bbat,or
shilcaliin,*hisili sine 01-tetroting 'confiiiiiin i
icirdeenveittlf*Ximneidoiiii . iniallepartipil
leg binge tiltet'ANNhiiboitti/teek'it Alit
s timti;, tinaiethi****etfill-b Um*,:cotan•
iti' - 0 1 0 1 0. 1 4 - 0 1 P 8 Ing
. go ,P, of
the 'host : - 'l4.3file orth*li taken
fionfthi:iiiiia;;;Mittitleihitbt t*itth,t
ice - siiiticiiiithithopeOrniW .34ta ,'-htur
lone tad 40tilt*A446.0,101itatt ~- **4*.'
'4004: - - Vir,oAP 4 Men .1 . -foqoali
`s 4 iiiiis :. Ate' - thilmds**4- ice
- excitement
:1 pi
'lll =
I — Voteinn''4l": '
• * Cattle Show and rair..,
The annual Tarr .and. Cattle Show of. the
Susquehanna County Agricultural Society :cvsse
hold on Thursday Oct.-13,.1853, the pleivi9g
Until having been held the day previous.
The:attendance was large! and the eihil&
Ikon in runny respects fir* than. on any, forth.
er year; portions of- the display however firll
'short of ,that of last year, particularly that of
dotuesqi . mannfactures.' The display of eta
tle, althnugh not as year, was far
superior' in . respect to quality .: The _swine
would 14Lve been ens:IRON'!" to any State *bow_
in the country- 7 -thr.y were principally of the
thester County breed end its crosses. A:few
wore iroPOrtations of this stock would be', of
great advantage to thifarming interest 'Of Sas
que4atilia county.. Proaducus were , awarded
as follows: '
Ist to M.
2tid to John F. Deans:
3d to liertington,
4th to Deivitt Lyneh,
Best find wooled Buck, to E. 13. poodrieh,
,2nd ditto - 2
Best gouth Down Buck tn,lienry Drinker, '
2nd - dittO - F , tn'L. §noners, 2
P.eit Lotig-Nitolo Buck, to *llls Justin, v. 3
,2nd ditto tdAY. Bartdu, .2
Best lot fine-wooled e.wei, to H. P. Robins, 3
, gad ditto . ditto - 2
- -
Best lot South. Down ewes, to H. Drinker, I
Best. long-wooled Bikes to.E: , G. Babcock, 3 .
'2nd dittO .. -to M. Oakley, .' 2
ThepretuiutusaWarded to 3lr.Drinker. were
return dby him totho - Society. • : ,
-VAUIT. . ,
. .
Best f 11 Apples, to J. Towksbuiy, , et
0., for cooking, to tri Gregory;; I
Best inter - Apples; to Thog. Johnson, :- 1
2nd- do. - . to. A. G..liollister,-- "
: I
. •
Best Quinces, to.J.,P, Deans„ •- . 1 l
Best Pears, to F. 11. llolliSter, .-
~,-, - i ,,1 , . „ 2 Pears, to J. Shaw, --..`: 'I - . I
. ~ ~..-
Best Peaches, to Pi GregorY, - -- - ~._. - 41,i
. 2nd do - rto 'Thos. lihnion, -. , - .•
Best-Stallion t 6 G. Harrison, - f.. .:-".. ! *5,
2nedo. to DID., Wilson. , ' 1 . 3
-3d ,:do. rto Jeremiah Watson. .. , ' i . - 2
Best. pair'ithatehe . d Gelding - to J l'allor; 5
, .
2nd - • ditto G. McKenzie. 3
-3d " ditto years old to Shutta, . 2
Best brood Mare .t; Darnel Stuart.'
.• 5
2nd.. do. Eo. B. Smith.' , 3
3d. de. LJ Searle. ' ' ' 2
Best pair lorkini Oxen to G. M.. Ely. .85
. 2nd • ' - do: John 'Harrington _ 3
3d - do. J. Marsh 2
Best pt. 3 Year old Steeri to D. Marsh'
2 - , W. L.. Post. .3 .
• do. John Graham. 2
ham Bull to Wm.. Jessup. b
d0.' ,.. 5. Teteksburyy :3
'en . '• F. H. Hollister... 5
dine' •O. B. Griffin. • 3
[e Bull to - H. Chaptatm..': 3
rto E. pecit. , • - 5
10. 11'. Bullard. - 4
Bust Durl
2nd'- -
Best Der ,
Best grail
2nd -.d
-3d dl
Best 2 y
-.Joseph :Smith.
o. .C. -Ciritalt. H . - 2
old' Heifer .to' S. Tawkshury:
do. W. J6senix - 2
learlings to Thos. Nicholson. " 3
de. '.• C. B. Griffis. 2
of Calves to F. Peck. . • 5
do. OT. -Kinney. 3
Best 4 %
Best lot
Best Boar, to Dillis listin.
2nd d 4). Abel. Caisedy.
3d Jo: W. I. Post.
Beit Sot! I.o'Squire Ayres. •
2nd do. John Graham.
3d do. Wm. Austin. =
Best litter of Pips‘to Meacham.
Test Simmer Butter to. James Wa!die.; 5
2nd.. do. .. - Geo. Walker. r 3
: . 3d - . ' .do. _ Jas.' Sterling. I - . 2
Bast Fall Butterle Iris. Willdio. - 1 5
mu, do. - J. N: Pierstin. 1 3
. ,
3(t , . do. Jacob• Decker. , 1
'Best Tub Butter to Mrs. 31elkiiish. - j - 5
2nd do. • . 11. N. Pierson: , - 3
3ii do. Jacob Decker. • 2
Best Cheesii to E. A. Bennet. - ; ; • 3
2nd do. - , . C. J. Curtis. • I 2
3d do.' if Eri Gregory. ' - .1
Best Flann el , to Mrs. O. Bailey. 1 , 3
- nna ao. - • - *-- n. C. Ely . ` 1 . .2
Best Carpet to K Wm: Fitch. . 1 2
-. 2nd do.' , ."•G. P. wells. 't ' 1
Best Qiilt to " - L'E. Burrliard, I , • 3
" - J. Chaplin. ' •
2nd do. i , • - 1. 2
3d - do. , N M. A. Tiffany.' -, , 1
Best •Wool pocksto..J.llarrinutu.' ..
-'" ' Worsted dci. -d.: S. Perkins. ; 1 1
, .
.. _
: Eir Elie Jairs of Wool Socks, - exhibited
by, a daughter. of Win. Gardner, aged 6 1 years,
were taken away it is presum by y
mistake b
- , • ~• .
- some-tiers° i , so the owner was unable; to get
them.;.. Ani one who. will leave them , at the .
Store of ..Futtei, Of return - them to -, the
- iwner,,wi ‘ li:doalArror, to -.43 _ yonag , eithibit*:
Beii C9n l 4 813 n u ... sl*Mris• I ..kOit'-'. 1 1
a t
4 ... Vilhe '"-- - ` do: .. - 4-4 - ~4:i, Bailey. I.
.., , 2i k liMtriartrio.. nariasiiioS:,l ---,'• ' 'th'eeill.ined . T.agliTlOw.full riggtot to :`•`
~ t.- gairei* ll Cl &Terki_iii; ' : `, " , - .83
2nd., Iron Pliii,; tii.Meinni. Mott, • i i; _. ~, 2
lg.' Coltiiator, to linamil.'3loit,, •-, . 1 , 3
213( '. , dol.:: - to - „Siyre, Beal.* & Perkins, : 2
I.lltiat-Stiavr•Ciit,tei, - - .:''' ditto -: ' r. ' l'''' . f-8
- *id - - - .4f0,, , .•- - ..- i.....ditta ,• .1- - ._ i r 2'
Beit-Oiloket;k o 3,11. - -14.1batni. - - ''.. - .i •' ,' 1
Ilest-tutnliir Wagon, in; Henry Clemons. .!:1 3
Sea Plow, MikA.E. e, to A Ilandal, ' ' . ;. i
Bed flortwohne, - to Wfit'S. , Wells. 1 ' `.l '
Foiliiii 'l l '..*; Stoves; :Coed Bbeliera r ate''
- '
exhibited bI:.,SPAYrec .11e.ailet: 461Pckiii -1 1; - '1
'frOrAiiii - rfnuidrls a honorary -- Piffnk.' -
,;' ilii
- 4 14i iiaild 'Pr 1 '-'.' . - - _ - : ' : . 1 - 4 -
-; Th iiitt ' 'tea - iiiiii't otAiOmederit
4 ed - tiolireinigilm., 1 ' • -,1 .- ' • ; .
_.. 4- t -, k , !..'vECii - 431is alitii'otrtTAX l ';;f --- -
tes.kPOPet*, 0 ii:Pan - F. T *lila . ,; .,..'
Ilestli4,7'iwis,lo'AleienderilOwitti '
• '
' liol' -"" do`,, tii'loliiiWANT,iiiiitir; ::
, , • , , , ,,, v ,' ,
W tlairy*.oitaillnisOniii:ani.frin* one
.OM - 'c3. - . - .l.'Ethell* rePoited=4C l bili
Ofin# •on'llOkio';4llMti_Oni,,lihre tim:#oSent
.....- -, :,*o o liet 0 11111 goth'ii *iil4.*:-PO4';
,' ~.Atilkitl4 * . _lB4oiiiisklis
th6: lolugri'vanismlltst*Kth . 'Oltireifz i ‘ ,. :'
t- . - 4 . 0M4, ,onikk.koWer - . 0010* . iktifiid
SoihisOnii*lnefthigot*Aits*y • i'. -- -
....t - vr
____.-,.,.,----. ---.
'r....' , ., ..-_-.-.- ..,..„:. -- .1 ~,:.... UgAlanige4:-. 1 -i.'i ' .. .:--, - , ..- ...
1104 4 Virallietr;:A s;;Pififti,"-Ititai*' -, i --- --
Atilitliiillimiliar: -1-- ' .
1. -- . - .: : , - -•';;. , :i 4 :::::7 I. , ''.: :;,.-":::, - .7,..4; 5- '. ' ,.. ,, :t:!4_ , ,. , ...; • ~.,:',
f 1. 00
. 2nd best to J. Morse aillrethers, . -.-, - 13 New - `it-OUL ETtrope.:
Best Upper Leather,
.to - Mes s r s . ek4 44 . , ,,11 -
,Is4l - imatie, fro Liverpool,. a rrived at this
Sad best . to S. W. Breed; 1-
•,The_ : exhibition of ~.,...thitt jar:Ogle I was highly, i
c . ,
'f- - ''.
4 port. ihnutrinid-dei . 'yesterday, bringieg Our
Arkatdett4un files of Londonjournals te ,
credinible t4 * /4/ir' ni 4M t l re l'. 4 4 ' l 4l.9 c4unt, . )r :th tit net 4- and)L terpeol papers to. -thii - tith.,-
- ~ - ;ItseitiLSlll- 0 , ,a B -2`,, .". - ti -,- , 1
~_. f _i --,,,i . Att e; fitt - ati. .lontitteutal - advie4;l#The -..,
The folloWlag iCeSuleT, w 6 s z " l° Fq a , no -',b, )4 tbiti arrived is of a highly - iniptOutt,. 7.lOittoate- •
by the .Society. ---- I i -FL - '.; '..,_,.i''..L . ' . ver, ex ititti;imd-Yet grave charaefir:4:- - -t",=-„,. the - tr f airiden
lat. :That-tbe;tbanks,of thels o ,Y. ar k d u e ''.
Vel: *rid:44We; atop). whiell'.. wei'"tteleilt: and d-heetiln
to the Hou.: - .E.4RicimEn.Joaxg;feilthe - abletid- .
annual' end tea witti - itigardto the- B stern-, diftieuity, liir, iheAiraini
d fa r i O i ss ,
th d z e it !i h V e ere b d e e vt n tte ll d ie n e n it
h ti n e p a ri e l, :;l_ , V in it tici a ti e e. 7 l. -- zi.. , i u , j, t - e , Advicee 4 rorwarded . front -' Vieram leibi. A - viiiti'in' .
th 33 inst. state that - flte Grand Dann sit 'ef the see 'boat • .
.the Society; and that tie be - requite i ted to turn- .
01 41 'le haddeliberated in - CertneiL and reo-i.puipe.ef' , being towed'. to;.
tab a top of the : address, fer I publteatiOn: .' 0 ' .. 4 lei .i e d the s e t t ... in t e e d ec l ar e w a r against, men I were, in thipt r-liws. -• - - Jest
.2ud. l'hit i'suPeriefL l t_ h k lf.: c il gf.,,;,„ bre „tt. /) , u n r. 'r It r . isitt e lto which - 1w had :weeded, contrarY 'to :bait:, and the see - e.g. - readied She ,
si v as is tr iCit e ti a' o the r) sta i rd m it P°L wa. w s 'a e rf a u id i t b h i : l i t t - ' ! l e ir:st e il l i i ;, sc aw n e w 4 s, fr a °in itd: l i h t ° in - S l: L il li e ; eu sl'i nk a , in it p u 6 c d kin o g n .th ' k
BhainthghßauMl Bu l l
et, i rm se d n w t a b s y a d ;t7tree :' re ' radn ' ti " ra . tio - a . i . t t l il l
,:actually - Commeneed. - Diiiiitetio 'down *atilt. Seven - of the &en • seak,,
t e ° ty al a l r: h t o lte g r a e w fO i r l e ili d L ue l t ‘ o h :,C'_ lti o i r, Al ks ut' f is tli f ° or S t tle hi l s . II
tins imiil6
negotiatiens,whiCh preceded
but its 11 !: 4- . - !bg -1 , 53 ! 1 ,".. 4 ', ei14 _Nieli, l , a see a no more.
, 9nly tire
contribution to the inter sts.of our Fair • and i
that an hottorary - preatirmi ef . fiv'e dollars b- t , Fpee r t
. of the affair looked more pactue,. - 1 ouvits men, Who acted as c ptains of the wows w er ,i
h. d n t become s lesi en-- :tared: -' They were preserved byelingin to
voted hi m.. .
.- . I . j. r ..... 1 - • ,--- - --- tanieidic -- The infoiiiia . MilitliriCengress at soue l matter wTe rematue a oat. The dot:
ItEion.T OF' COMMITTEE On • ' :spatictuattnal.l3E- . i olinut4 had brought itiiiittings and - _
,daily re--low rtg are the , Mont* &e.,of the iictims't....
. - - - - rt.s.mgitis.i: - 1 ., _ -- : . -,lvieWit toejose ; . but-the .popular_ mind: in fin-k - - :F nos Daily, OA abut 25 ,; lately . mu. .
/ The Committee on Agrieuituralluipternents,.. m pe 'h a d b eeem d i ta p re i se d . with the idea that rried ;-11.:941 . 10_at rlClensy's, in Water.,,street.
Report—That in an bratiebrrof grieultural !during the confetiMees the Czar . taittio reli:.•l, 3 lelliellr4 oll "t4t:aged - aberkt -10 f resided
Science have greater imPrOVemen been pad° I i el i eot ed: tt , t h e Emperor of Auitria' the flan- . ir Tllt4.r, 's - eaart, !le the neighborhood of
for the few past years pigi lel the Ilab!sr€eaYi n g vial and political da.vers and di ffi culties Which.Sei _nth! and '.S ippenlitreets. His trite )i . .
itmehinery adapted to arniing. i''' ~,- - pr i esse4 upon his . , kingdom, Alieit the yOungi eirt i e.the)sitither of twin children t a short tin,
The RetiPing and alreitittg Intichin6s., the t monarch seemed inclined t 6 2 detach Idueseit I§lncie.:- -- - - - - '.., i.
Harse Rake in its itnproed forimitheThretp- I freth a n union with'Em , land and :France,, and, , ''Dittrid - Hasset,ntred abont2o; lived itt *jilt
in.* and Cleaning machines, She Sctwing Drills , i coaleke . with his ii, oiiherti, ' brother . 1 1 1.. rtisSia, sjie l i et„ betwt:ert.Fifth,and Sixth He mu ffin.
tare - Limo Spreader, the COrn,Shefier + and it Yu - titlwas - lbonght, - woeld also takii - -Ilie-dtreetion :Tied about six , MSS since. • . -- • - -1
riety -of other implement - it have !been' liberal lee, her - counsels from Itmisitti indiiimithu twit -.-., jahn PoWera; aged , about .28; lived in the
and invaluable contribUtions!to dip indtlatrr Of -I . great Bowen; wouldbeconte, Isolated ,in the7upper part et till! City. His. wife, died &beat
the conntry-, and earmuff her -too highlY aPPre , I strut,', , gfe. Orders • had bent issued St.! three WeekisitiFit;.' . Three orphenebildren Ms
ciated. ,
,: I .. .1
.1. 'r . i •, ' I Petersburg for the;Rutedat - troops to' take vp IA by this victim.
__ . .." ! --- • - 1
'rue' Pingrrs of itaPr H erellient la everj tle :. their qitartenvfor.the*inter in the . Prineioali: 1 , Philip . *,.uily;logoil about 28 ;tied in Mar i
pertinent is . trplY - wonderulr L. ; ices: rrhe Emperor of Austria ha: suddenlyilket'stret.4, befoW - frent. - _ He . leaves a widow,.
It - trig been, supposed ihnt' our it;ounty. was i depart e d frenf . , Vienna, 'aeettrupaniett .. 'by the; pairiek'g.notelitte, adc . (l
aheut 32., lived in
too uneven and rough to,adinif t:if the use of PrincOo.f PrusSiu, for Varsaw. wheresttey' Wilson:streef, -below Christian; Southwark,.
I the lteaper unit3lower,l b r ut that , :i,s'a mistake. Were tit meet kW King f 'Prussia, 'and Per,- Ile was the only Unmarried - mail among' those ' _
1 - These.tnaahiries can be werktal op a Aide hill, haps the Vmperor .Nicho as. '-*.i-- ', ' whl were lest. _' .. - ~ -
and mat aitd ptight to - 1, it at once' introduced I A-hi 4 iMportant and -.- most,-, gr, ntifying -- I.llnothy cr Brien,"lagOd 24 ;lived in ti'llir ,
into the . eeeetY• !- ' .!-- i ,J I - ' . - piece - at news brought by this sfeittner is the'. ra'd Court . Ile -was monied quite recenty.
The -elegance and beint3i .of severed of _ the (
fact t.141t 3Jartin _ Kosztn.- had been Nleiumi, '' . One of the surv.ivcretuade a . "..tlesperate effo r t
Plows exhiafted challenged ; the admiration of and is mow upon his return_ to • the United W
to e O'Brian, but Ito - was, compelled tore.
the Committee. . j I S- '
,;(' , ' : - Statislin the American .. bark llithotta. I Our , lin uish the attempt..-!All tfi* persons drown:,,
Tim county is greatly - improv i ng in - the . Via',Abpio s extracts-from Abe' forelgrt - files, - with ea Were mitt - I/et lof 'lrelt_Of they had been in
rioty and - character of the agricultural iilnPle- 'the lateitt„ despatches Which we give;,, Will -suf- tit employ 'of the Company . for several yam,
ments . exhibited, sts'wefi 'fig in thOrsticcessful . mo o dy iiwii c k, to - the feelin,gs operating - .upon Ttiosiad-I..accidCat caused' much . excitement
use; . I '--• 1- I 1 1 if. .:- i. , all thel leading parties engterrd in the qtiestion . slahmthe Wirir+ea, -and great numbers: wit.
• - There, was a number I exhittitd frem • the a s well as ,
the - state of mina exiatinglu Eitrepe ness r ed the dreadful scene Without tick% able
manufactorielt of 3lesSrit.slthttt and of - Messrs- tip to !'tlie moment when the steatner.iaitea. -. to afford slightest assistance.. Those who
Sayre, Bentley - & Perkins. lit .%453 ditlealt ', France remained still at peace internally,and sal . the atfairtathitinfe the 'calamity to -the .
teeide, but the Committee 'deeetet for all par - the stipply ,of food had becotue more plent i f t:thatt hli. W 3h . n g to n': was goirici at too
poea she -Betio plowlhe best etfer introduced *ful and easy. The Emperor and 'Empress ra id - a rate.- :Those on the-scows were appro.
'ate the County, and nWard-the 'first piemium - had r lttirned - to' Paris froth their . -: northern hensive of claimer and shouted ttutici - the crew
~ three dollars to. ifeasis.-!Sayre, Bentley
Co:, fior':their full • sized l Green! . swar Eagle
Plow. - - I • - I 1- , I. • !-- -
tn to ' ; .Messrs. : ., 'tt for
The Second premiu
,o .
their iron plow.
,-;, I , : I -
This last plow is of du rable, modern , and,
line finish, and, probably" wen Id [she 'preferred
by many of the farmeS..; ,- 1- .f; , • - s
A Iron plow, side. hill e [dolibloimoul d 'board
and double Shares, imparted ' frpm Pittsburg
by Wm. Jessup, manufactured tv Messrs.
llults. it is believed isf the tiestiiide - hiti plow.
ever in .use in the county,. landOikelY by the
peculiarity of its construction td, supersede all
those now Used. .'tl .. l' . .- . r i • - : .
It was not Otte, red foriPrournm: The Cultiva=
for is llecomin4.- of . great ireporttince in the. cul
tivation of co 1, nnd ought to superceile• Cie
use of the PI ti--share, entirely' in. the raising
of that erne.. t4op The fir i first ' pernituir of $3 is :I-
'. •
[ waded to Me. N. MO, the second to. Satre
1 Bentley &Co .82. 1 1: t , .
I "For "the bes Straw Cutter—tor the 'Yankee
1 Straw Cutter, u Sayre, Bentley; & Co:' s 2.—
Second' best t,.the sat* $2. r - - '
A Patent I x YokeOvilli a moveable bow,
adapting to the motion of the oxen some
thing like an vener to the 'draft, of horses, was
exhibited by Mi... 1. li. tathain. T4O Com
mittee behest , it decidedly 1 theibest yoke ever
in nse.• ' Simi !e in - construction` and ea s y, to
• the neck,it is well ealculatO t 4 relioire:orr.un
.even grotfed,, tad side hills i and is . coMmended
to - the.Payme ss of the .county. The Committee
award the ti - 'premturri of on01(illar therefor..
Several ha dsome..tokea, were exhibited of
the usual kin s. -. ' -4 's 1 .: •
A superior Lumber Wagon' was exhibited
..i i
by 11; Clemo s, of 11' ramie., and received the
first premium i . 's! - .i - f - 1 •
-Two ox 'C
its ent . Were exhibited, neither
of-which wcr , .of sue a description as to mer
-it a premiem That.eihihited by Mi. Drink
_er was the superior'of the two. .. '
The best plow Clevie .th Ai I-fowler, 81.—
The best Horse Saki to V. d. weiftii $l.
.The Iron Fence, the Stovesl and Corn Shel
lers,-exhibited by MeSsis.!iSaYre,, BentleY ;&
Co. were fine' and creditable to theirestablish
ment. -1 1. !t- - t .I, •s '
Their exhibitionadded Mlle to, the interest
of the Fair, and the Comr itte recomthend in
`honorary premium oflFivi Do jars tiler-o°r . .
'Two , buggy Wagons t'lfqsurterior finish, and
[ hung upon;the superior Sprout Steel Springs,
'mere exhibited, ereditahleto the mainfacturer .
and the county. Our earriagetpakers are able.
to fctiolsh everything - necessary for 'the. ease
_conifort, the taste and elegatiee of the
county. Mr. SprOutts Airings need no com
mendation- 7 -they praise themselves.. I _: - - -
•: - -
.Iwlll m o ssup; - . ' -
, • -
i -__- NELSON TI.rFANY.".
[Theißeport of the Cerinnittee on Plowing
was not handed in.],- . 4,-Eri.rDdn• . - . 1 • .--
' ' .- ._.' ''' ! :P - -
• I
. l' , , - t .
iltEsso. Cnass: Und4estandinfr 'that some
,tnqutnewhave beenmadS t ui referento to the'
financial iffairit of the l i i usqtiehnnna County
Agricultural Socicty , I' s {id fon the following
Report made by me Ice i). qocietrpt its an.'
nual meetingin Januar y„last; • .The.' Report,
Was intended for ,publiea : ,, last:'
the min-
Mes of tlie meeting tp 14 time,'bni, Iy. some
t mistake did, not get to't • Printer,!7,*id wits
`forgotten: - The - -rep rt'A 'bwi:a balAnit in my
• hands on the - first 0 I lin Arplast of iS 11 8 . 85 i
(though. there weref than sonic utteancelle4.
claims against the , Seelety,miOutiting to some ,
$39 or 'slo, to that
' Itis proper, perhaps; Mr; ',Tie ',..t0 Month)* here,
that the books' and Papimi showing - exactly the;
'financial affairs of the SO ieti ainat; all times:)
free to. the inspection of iifiy. - -Oerson who may. ,
desire to examine them. 'i.;, 1 '-I- '- i
-' • ' Yoiri, 84e..r CEO. FULLER.
GEo.ruLLNR, Trpailuieidin - accoo6l. with
1 , Snag's Co. Ag. Society, , • .1 . .. .- --! '' , r - • . -
, 1852.- - - ---.-,, ..„
~ • ,„,..., i
)rand,,?`l . Dr, :.,
• Jan. 21, To cash lialOnce2in $100_,66_
Oat.' Reed frOm - ,Counti Treasury ; ;:; 100: 00
'. .
.. u for. bildg4s . ii tickets sold,- - 258 90 -
:- . U--from Deaiii; emit *CO.I , --' --
.• ' ' use of stair ii , ,•• <.' fl = 600
41 :from F. 11. Fcilidlsork - f0rd0.:.5:.00 .
• ' - 1 '•• i : r --;[ :. ' lf, , ,
By:aid . D. - §sitchln, for Oautilig,fense r :
- - - :1 1 9 5 t 6, - •.-- . ~- lc , '. .. - - :I ,
. • $O OO
” Sam 'Wilt' iii!i'l l for digging • : :
post Iolelq," . • i.l'.•'' ', -' ,', 1 : • 6' . ; 00.
~ .gg Robert-Rai & , ditYsi i i;ditio; ;'. ''''.. 6'.00.'
..- - it ( -'-E..L.A.,i biiiiiforllritlingt. f " :=1:),1
•-"'' Ili•A l i e: , w:f 4 fprie on fence: : :,17 .'.00
'4 4 r .-' - LOY. ° Meer; ltfinter . . - 81.` W0i1r,i59., I Li"
2 "'", A. 1.:11' water',, tit ikork;: . 'r , , t'ir fn .
. A. E. H virt l egriie lion* Irorki - fr':lo`
. : " '-., Mai. Da idio,,volc;,;:,i - :,,iii. ~,,-;,. ,-;0o
“ ' 11,- G. `c
sAlt,' .;”' l' i '' ~..,'`.l. - . = , 30,
` , 4 • wit.:. :0 0 19640i 0.64*:0 14:
-. For najli, bidgoe, itaidsi; '-''''''
- , -1 - '• - ,tionery;fike t ; - _!,;- - . 1 14., : J; '4.14 , 1;!"- - ..' , - 1-,,4*
_lt .. ' ii94 . rpDAo4, pole ta,604,.., , 1: & Oil
'_"- ,•,'-, For Promittayt„ :1 •=t,.. , :, --'-.0t ., .. - 44 7 ::p0 ,
4 - A A -113814 h. to tOtir p01#6, - ;,.;;: '.-6' s 6o'
ig..'. ‘• -. C:IK-ttifilk . ,l o ' - iirm; ". -, iq'S l ' .. :.; s 3' - ' oa•
:`` - ''Alitit - ‘ 16. 1146*.;*0.1 4 q /. . 1 1!,1,', 24 1*
:;:,.........; F' - •fd ' 4 ..- -. . i . ?... - .1 -. .,'. - .4>j, , :-t;:e..;..,...4 .- 1,
~ ,'.. , - il i F '.4 i-511111115"I'. ifiliiii iditiiiOttO
''' '''' 3) 8 8 5
--- I :; -4 - 1 , -- , - •-rsorik:
- , ,,,1.4.•.-.1..-•.i.::::i.-i:1--.: , , ~_,,.:
‘ll r - :. :- •
• -
Lour. It is Baldthat tht, empire ant
%%ed by,
its ru er to be .t*lttly - for: euiergLnLy
. ",A rferojt had occurred at, Cevita 'Vecchia,.
1:11 IttOy; yiliere. cardinal, Antimeili, had: to
permit thoi goverritnent sytetst of rule .. to ac
totnutodato to• the pepular
ease, if Mi contirnio
Tract Atent•on • 1 s .tu% a . .Un ited ;
KingdOin, but thelady still reumiued in pits-
Y.-/krald;ilth '
I ortant ' Decision of -the a - . - ,
promo , Court.'
Henry Omit rs. 'l'he Commonwealth of ?I*,enn..
; „sy/rania. 7 --.Certiorari:•. to "Justiee , Kline :`.of
Ilerrisburg:' :
~ , :- ' -. '.' 1 :
• The opinion of `read-:by
iWeeilward, J.
_, , ..- . : .\ '
Il'he dvfenditit was'. convicted and fined by.
Justice' Kline, of Ilarrisluirg., for selling liquor
. on Sundayto.a traVeler - mined: Wright;, in'ae::
with the first section of .
L L an ak. of Assembly,' for, the prevention - of'
'vice and immorality; and .Of :unlawful
. iranting
;and to restrain `disorderlY sports anddiasiPa
',tion,l Wlfich,:is in 'the - following 'words: , :.“ It,
any person„ shall do .or:l:cram any worldly,
- employanint or business „whatsoever ,on .the
Librd's - D'ay, commonly called Sunday; .works
of charity and
_necessity excepted, or shall are
or *dice any unlawfht game hunting;ShoOf,
leg, sport or diversion wititsoilver,i3n the Sadie 1
' day i 'and be convict[ d..thereofievery ,such per; . l
son 543 °trending, shalt, for. eVery-such Offence
ferfi;it and pay four ' dOltars, - to :be !cried by
dist4ess,",&e., &.,c,, with a'provise . Unnexed; ex
ceptpig the dressing of ivictuals • in; taverns;
inns; bakehouses, private 'fatuities, the travel
lingrof milk eartS, the'lerrying of water passi r
angers, &c., Sic.
, The defendant assigned two errors
l't. That the sale !of theliquer to the trair.:
.elle (Wright), not an otfeneeagainSt the
l e
e iluse_it wass.elitlkin - the proviso. -- ~...-
"y2 i - That •the• act is not appliitable' to per-
sent! . .. lieensed:te- keen an'' itin or- tavern'-ender
the het of lith Ma ,1834, and-its supple.-
Ine4fa.._ - .. -- , -
, i: . . , 2 ::-. ...... 1 .
he court assume 'that the_ offenee was not
a wir . k `of charity'or hecessitY, because the de.:
fen nr dciei 'pot all4dge it 'misc. and. because:
thektonViction ' charai.teri*.ei it' - as, Contras}* 40
the ° Aet.6.Aasemble..l ~ .-...,,. t_, ~ ;:.....,;.
The court decided that the .;offence did:fall
withinthe - -;uet, as, the'pniviss .excepted' linty'
the 'd ressing iif'vietu Is in tiiiinis,'&c. - , —: ',
1 'reinird'to the . secoud erriir . advanced; OM
eon t diicidedithat. six ‘ Auyi of '‘ enjoyment : c...t . ]
tito :licensed'. monopoly wduld, , nitifice , to pr0, , ;1
vide• stringers with that measitre4f ii*nuil*-
ditt•ion;4liiith - : the
, n was '"litniik'tr
fun; wi.. Rut ifriot - aufrelent;situn etheipa
Mu t be dow . sed.. Sinday could not: he g . ve_
by , strangersfand, tbi.;ellern,:iind no- right :to
demand , such a price., ' Rent, one
dig' in . Seven' was: enforced:by the precept'rind
exit utile - Of ' the auth l or Of our - -and .
-government; nating4 theEl n ivine appointment
h madeit a civil ; institutiou.:- ,-4..
~wai von.
,teu ed that the license gave . :the tif,rtbtli n jiell .
for each Of , the"gds daysi' Ur "'lke yent';';'*dr
atl i
hence it. was inferred that - the:act:of ;:'94.-,wrin'
rt. led -tirthem. - -.''Aiiveit might it be
h argued
ta a \ contract ; for.. ;l for tt,:yenr would.
eontrol'n lahurezitii*erk on ::slandayti, - * that;:
'aiiimitioneer wh'i'is lieennedl44yedi, - Miiiht
itipintiiiilitisinesa en thiifitlf.twO Sundays
in the yerie.:-; - :-. -' - - ,
'.-'-,..,:., -,.... , -i';.
• -- -T i be court; ' '
girded -the :sato •of . --hquor - An
Su n day, by
-pio went, vOithirithO pnihibitionof ...iliii..44-`6f
'9.1 tinikdtifitii tiakiiihinetia iioilio'Or diiii''
'net .thert;ftlie ;was= not rlaWhit to!?;titt iltittei:uti:
Sunditi. --,.-..,.e..-,L.. , f.,-,,,. , .-217,-i :',,.•.' . .....-; i4 . 11.f.f1 - tAF.:.-4...,;...
The conviction
Of the' defeudank3o(MF
, er iknd judginctit ! 'wits:a m
ied. ....V.: . >,;: "'::-''
' • _lndgete*ris'reitcrit ,dssenting";iiiipilori,:jiiiti
his nigunteiitti:weidttettinded'ikti '4oVondle,Ottk
IniNti , ovioraniiinikitted lii-tbei:tnakiatrAilt:Octi
44 not antet,ipon-t)ii:iiteriti:of Ahet-Atiiii;;;P':;;
pic4litaiiitt9p Oxfig
' &ember ft*:
•w a w' kwa'sat
t T9utor,iNglek-andlAdilyilt . ,be - , 1 / 4 %.•ffitt
moon -6ii•roiltiE for. , flip Cnmstik.Pagfeet;
$469 '5-6:
~. IPA SATOWtoI , A—MEMNit orCoMmigss ., -..
T. e:noi.:APCrialf ll36o eatmr-ot9dlfOill
el Virolu'XXlXth: (MPll* Pbstru.s.4 - 660 , 1
oi °Chi*, et* , - Ak, 4 4011 4 *,0 4 ,?).*0t0, 1 1,
huli k tiectiiiia:or;thil,ixviiive,4 l **,
- tricti tate +AAA' iiii';liitti;eliteiti&;!'anif ;phut!
frke( , ,iiii -bie" - ktiableilitlii ho rsood - e* - 141 - 5*
wo - 6_Pie`peeiink of .04pgiess.i..#1-. - fueotam- - _ - ' - '''
so - :Rrinti2 l *tgociffid , In izillop *.- , - :-.134:4 - ',l4t;
- - - ----"
-„=c- ~,,,,, etv,- , ,, -.....-..-: fc'44'...-AA,I6 -1. 1
'. : ikales:CariisT:. :::-Thilliineultvalkout.
tlitiVthe'lia I ri-POiterioiti**
,p . ' (tit Otifi'lltalt r ***l4l*(l44l 4
PA r
.***,**l l l lol Y .l6 :ti r .k..; , ltif - i*Pl l4 ,SN'i
i ” t*fiAtkiiitio4 l , l *disi '4 \ ili4l3 ••: ' - .-
U-41"r uktiittf iOaritif-*itaixtc or ,-.., A ,
r - itaiftijailinii - a- 4 tiorirpoi — rnfty - v ,
11::00e#10-,ca#54:' li 1 1.1.?5 4 " - re: : :4 . .t i -^TO :
" I
vlitlTlVOloir*o 4 o_4 l ** 90
a i eddlif&tiatkli . o44 )*.-:':oheitiyK** l s 4' -44
. -,4 : 7, = 4 : attgt,"' , 4o'.4 - ,- ''••! W , t. • N = .::
,: .. : e ''''',. , :: •:' .:
4', - e.„ ',
Y'.;•:` .- 1 :- 4
I ~, ~ • : 7:- , . t : ---^ Y 1 , ', 2 -: , ' ' - ~ .r i.- : " •'',,` ...- I j 'IK;
,i 3 ', 4 :ip)ii s ig ea s;iiO.f3tPhiladet
16rnine;'14;i - boat._ quarter _before 10
' h4ckinp4ident, which resulted itr
"‘•els:of sceeu rnen l oceurred oe
46) DeSik ••street. The nu.
laboiori in th4.era - plOy of
1 - 44 ring oat _the dbek
lariditier.., Two •seo w -
lade fiestta 'th e ,
fiir the
and - - Nin e -
the stems. _
7tof he-atiambat, but no notice wail:taken. of
their cries, until' ton late tia avert the 'catastro
phe. f The nowii of the- accident "Seen Spread
Among the:friends ofthe sniTerern' aut. 'event] .
oftheir• - relatives repaired-,to the: wharf to in.
tiltive as - to tho4 . ..tate:, Their Anguish 011 . 1 earn.
ing the dreadfiii truth may readily be conteir.
d. .The fide" was Tanning ut*-,-at the time of
t e.mishtip.l, At the time we .leTt the,apst, none
O • the bodies" •of the unfortunate - men had been
rtcovered.-Plitadetpliia 'Bulletin, :Oct. 1511 i.
ExcitexnentAn 'the gherokee,4'
; [.,:. --..,•.'.,,,,- ~ C o untry.-
We see-by • ',lie" Tahlequa - Advocate; the or.
,:giin.of the Cherokee_ nation: in the:. tdriitory .
west. Of Arkansiii.' that soustit!reeent" Outrages
in that.countil. :have zreatell'a strong feeling;_ _.
Which; it is,'ipPFefielidett may, lead to 4is3gtee
"able, if not :disastrous consequencoe: -Aram
these outrages :was the :niurder 'of sin : Poser,
suns 'named - Adair, a murder committed • npon
the plea .of
_retaliation: This act is.', the hit
among a seria of like Outrage's. Many - Of the
ch ero kees 's gre a tly -- essesperSted, and Inen._
ice further,v i tepee. Alarmed'ALthe stated.
I things, the; " e dito r of, the,Adronialles, the
r fOrtowing Apt, a l to hii:eninit4men •
'Cherokees v remain 'at home-, quietly and '
zanily ;. let th .laiiis , be- eseciited--, ,If the"mai
'h I - till theAd a ir s haved hat'
w a la) e i airs Oll W ,IS
1 rigl4,'tlie j . iirora will eay so ; z it' not, the -1 '
Will .be . maintained ii - ad'eustamed: ' i
,L--',Calinne si ._ vilflie the best cmirsi ; do not
tioceme- , exiiid at , the Various and inflames: ,
11 ) 1 0. 1 4.1es that will be.put ineirculatien. Hue
1, a n ;eyo single : to; the . .salvatioif of our nation;
r l
become exeited,2„enntinue the killing, , and-og
country is ruined.: . . - ", ; --._ -- • - i
11 ‘ It would be the pride and beast of some.
I - Oieri•to see our cduntry- a wreek-F,the ;Clieri: / .
.1;e _,
.tee :scatte'rollost. - Let it,.not:be:said of
P . s., that` we . einnet -govern ourstilYeit: , Never
lop usbe poireit at as - Jews; wandering upon
ri te
the' fiCe -0r,41 globe-withoat a counary. - If
we' loie - eiii ottiitry, A6ift, let ria•be.the tank
ourselves, ' .t -). i s „.,- .. ; =.,__.-. ,
1 "We wouid , rather be numbere d naion-g , the
dead;thantr.‘ • Hee the Cherokees have the whit):
hini.:ext - e - nd ,ed :over/ them. We have Ott
been- tree-4p- hive -ever .been - a nation. "lit •
Ilis . ever lro.sUntil the insfcherokeettic 01.
na to: the , ,spirit liiid. -: Can this - lief Yeei .
Cherok - e.ii'4 - ''. st r ict'adherence to law and
brdni. ' f Lef II ;redresses, diffieulties and diffe: -
r enceribe settled , by , ;tho ,, laws "of _Our naticin.--i'
T:llll..w.e.:ll:lar.,,kbpe ~to continue as a;tiltion.
Tr.llo- 1 4,0.$ Oar agin, becaiiii, lie quiet:.
In Great 13end-':tithe . residence 'ofiit H illt.
Atkore;.`un tlffi 9th 110'. - 11 Peter Decker Esq.
l't'fft.itiEi - W I tinz . rt, of : .SaliAtii-; N. 11. - ind
.* 8.-,lltiftyiltE; irf Orallfg) co.- N. Y.
, .' .
~ :Inr,'Lodeirsvilte-i it :the lify . ,ani 'Hquse, Nptil '
8,;1.853 4 : - .14.-Tetei,f-DeekOri - ~Esq.., - Mr. . Au,
.11:40.§9 4.0' Miss LV, 4 * *414E4 WA of Ogs• -.
ciii;ui9riid ~•.;.: . ' ,•-• ~,..-..
L .-.
;;;=.<-:=" ' - , y
4 .t
. Ilair4 4 ; o,n' the:- llth,Rltt: by Rev.:
1 5 4 -,-
,4,; : .. 1 4.i: IGERO - o*::I. - BEsr,tmut andMit_
§;ti Air :l!tr:!rark-Atti; 'titiiii'd BEiloklim.
Ott 17 th ( 1 .209, R,244POirjf A. - - Riley, t-‘
IGiOtias7-:*11:;Coieio4 ;tirt'l4,e'y :.Totk;
IM.lii-:LYtf#ll:Sittr.--itlfMiiittittier. ~ '; , - .
1 •-. - tii.i ; A:' 'tire, at: Oa: tliiiit - itoi4;* giiii.:
29t 1853 .
~.•iretei Deeker . c . ,,,eqi. - ; - Cum*
Cc.:olis; ",, of •liew:ASlliford;' l 4RL , AraßY-P reD ,7 .
~4)...e4.0e;.itt 11,eitd.'.-3,.;•,1,:. , l''.\ - ,- ......'..:
: 1 , ; 43011Tit - , iF :iho; . :doiilittst• lir:lto:J.' /*-:
'BV3Ci 'y .- ' ii 's: Divni , 8 ,NEWltiliti • ilVh
t1148.,-*atik; iii4i) 3 9# l ! biatti •
0f: 1 5.0 400a t.
- - -7- , ..'-'
. r .. . , ;4 , it f'-.4 '. ;-.4 -- I' - ' , '; ri . :i:'. , .; , :., 4 ,.*:'z, 4." - ,....:::..', ;,,-; -,:,-,, ,
, ;'... - joi.ctietik alop4; 6 - 0 - ,m4aaar.:evOn.-04:
18th iiilit.;: i , "6 , : tie 1ti'*:.•.f.r;;8:141X.4417 , Pi
Diiiii-: - Dii#64f , Bin,iiiiiriiiitif;tilY'4 OP 1 1 !' - '
Itittriix'A..tifouitii Orl4kg ;eottita :Liir, - .-NiN•v -. ' = 1
y'...„,. --- :,..--;. . -.,:....--.. .-,-. -- . i t ,. , ,
•iiiiSiltrei:l447ims-Tiiii*JAhi. 250 Jot '
- 1 44 1 1O;Re`ir 1 4 1 4 1 W : V 4D; ;AO v:; ‘ V4 / 2
i t-RO* 4 Of tijOAVYOloilit,ciiitferAt*to, Mai--
,C4494int:2X:Tar-0E*A047.hi0,4000 4.•'.
ViiineF:ilifiVloiiiiiitliolliefi::,-i '...: *-...
I.';'‘.liVitifiheiiiiiiiin 4 iliiiii;Alaii e " 4 ".
rii3lit:O/si!!W: igi
A', l 4elleVFi:*e 441fie,es!"-::-
Tiiisft*iik 4'silid iisk,
''' li e 'ili- . 1 F,-;_ ,, , - .' - ' . wis ' ' - `
--..,,:, , :r.. 4 . - ;.• " - - ',o4k.....waiwi'''---------
• - - -:- ,--- -:-.. , 1. - : - ::: , t , ;;...-',... -- r: - ,
;- ~, ~---: -,---,•--'..--`16`,60i-litik.4l.-T,),..,..;,.t...,:.:-!.,,...'-.;,..7,
...,„,,.._-;:-..,::;,,kr;','J.-:;:-,T-i ' ., : -..,f; ' ,.- 110d5v ,- .4 , -i....--••,',-:, -- ---- ".' , - -- :'- iiint-:
i',4,:,'•-_,T:r.---'',:'-:-.-:,:,-',,1. t ' '-•-• tAir r if-Ai* .-, ,- -- •-. r_iitit.
. I°At:°*'
'' ' Q ii:''l44 - iv1ttizi:ti1c,., 1 k , ., 1 ,....,.
ii - - -, --,.-' 0 0 03: .!- -.. .tfi1r; , :0 1 ) -- ',...-.
"1r'7 4 , 44 ,-, ; z111 4 .7 4. - .i: l -4!4 1 / 4 3---T . • "4; l ot7l''
, - 4,- - -.—...,, z - : .1, ::= - 41triitbk -...— -
- .'•IV
- 'IC