_ 7" 44l . l *# 2 *,'"'*"'" lrA: ' - ‘ 7=-4 .: - .M 71. 'vv. t ==tiMzi TMI- , :-'1000a._.:_:: . . •- •itemiTheirn .4506;e.- wookl,Y! „ 1 „/ 4 - ta " - I r la-4639 C•oriM, 4-04_ 7 ' '"'434W4tr ', S. B:_ifer t .:.B.`,oll/44D4Trs ,. 'imosTubsE. ocTIMIPU 180-tia3p She CEirricioipilriiT.;,.. • R Y. „ • - • • a bird • eipt74;wl"! Vi e, Asa tw ig. r •' - ionies 4 •- .elerthee • • - • lithts'aa- d tirred,— ' • - •:thrilled an \z o inY #.31119rY ' d :i.tair ps soave lakes , 4inne's inoptiprpr6ss elten4. - ; . ; beld - tliat heaitayr: she came and-Welnt;.; As,,at.onkl)quud, our' ; *FM . §print, 12,eUps Thi orchards NH of blown and scoot, SO ; clokrsi her Stay rift' wintry siceo - billy know ;she tame, and. went.. , • , . -? ' ' t- d' ind.ta • et my gazp,... ~., _.. " ... 'an•r: ' a g h tc: t.l ° telociidco . rway of. my telly; •'::;"7lll..°°'' =- - h -' -ioii kitre•;-- Theltbrit is ii--A.,--k ~X e - N,lt. ~ zit; : '• only: knowshe came and .We • ,• --.. 'lonly - . • • ; Oh, when, the-roOt growirlowly dim; • kite's is nearly mien; . One„pah:orlight - these eyes Will bylin; • Only'. to know she , eame_anii. Went. 0 ~aali:Nac~ing;EStra -. Fake; lady, sake:' tiia . moon. The winktin' etara are Thiamin'. While now and then o.ross the aky‘ ' A meteor,are striarnia L Vake Sally, valte ! and look on , , - Araks, 'Squire Nubbin'..daughter I I If rit hari iou 'and you'll hare, nic=-- {B},6osh I who threw that.water . Etied,,Corn. }'Now is tlre . .et4select - cars Tof corn for seed. - - Grci into the:fiftds oti4ek oil`the ear liest Oars, and . such as are well ; and you gain sO mottling by selecting , fiom :stalks , t hat- 42y 4 i, two esrs - on them;;,_: - Iris - - important that'you select talk- and: bdfore nllAho - Cars ariliird;.for . thui,YOU will gain several _ 4.iys in the ripening next year. . - I We - think it probable . that a tnsjority ofour) farineriVeiglieCto2ieleet-their seed ears till the 1 tune -of husking. ; ;But then they cannot, deter, mine-certainly whether they-take the ;earliest lb y' - have nut experienced • snir ' hit IT_l b le''• ! .. ' a u l "' au • • I • 1. - 1 awn, ..u, rotten% of all Itinda,,g,c, ii ' elevation' :Of tempearatu re, thee! t Also.Crorhery. liardware Iran. steel *tines, nails. ..1 t 1 5it4)‘ , ..4.. (lror..rio.s, Flo,..l.`aint., 0 , 14. 6ri odstonett., !yin - en E . O aiSt nso U'Orili • inentientno. 3 , limy alask ark.l - s3a.h, it-..makitt.; in all a nitirerml ar -- ' i h , • &ortment, arlij I)ritlg purchoFed entirely for rash, will 4te appears to ,have been the se in k iie orevirer , ,to cregre heneflt.in prier: tteles au,' ofri, from any c:insei-they have it l i l, it ex-• te n r 3 el l 4 - i l i ' ot n ' snally - fonn - litt Itogoth - er estribllehMent [ • t '„- is: 111 F7oer nn.l.S'olt erelstantly on Land. (I such a degree •tif heat: [ 1 New 7lfilford. Ir: , DVS FIISII. ' • . , k, from these facts, .:there. is not vine_ ~,_ a .* - ,- . I . .0 New Drug roeery Stere, to tiivourage ppr Sons 'froth planting. thil Pet. - csr. u. to, and that it they iv , i , ll us(t. :t little cauti,;rl in e i i_j r"°" ' t PA '' '' ' tc""-Ijr. ' wwkid " 61 " truilY infmln his nutrt.,rou 4 Ott an I well - teed friernl4, both s u i the,selectio or the me - St rhatart•d for siied an- l i, aa '! -t • , 1,, i iir. halkjit-i , eni,"7-0 , ..el nt the rhore flamed hnsine.as, ttuti other war t her° is - no r on why they may ' nut of tite , Prof7Shm, a (4 r,,.. , c genera , and the -r,,.. 611 lii - general „that has now on hand and is still receiving a full and well . . 4, , lloarri - attortto.mf of every ihlntr in the line of Dro;., not secure . good crc•ps i 1854, as th ° ,..y . Alid . 1.52 - ' ' 1 -111'* : i t ie n :In 4, 4 1; l o G t rr : e. 4 v in '.hri 7t 's : t r: v oi :; t 11- o :4ri t u h lt e Ps . il 3'n ur e r t- hi c •K• c• r i : . 4'l'll P tl f:tv r e h:nl - let- Chfrlfill t0.,1853. curtrins. 'p en ° ,...o to his,Drrfes an 1 *Alpines. ha wont,' simply se.,re I , ...e... - ', , that they were eer..eted by iirixter,r from the egablish. I - l' . „. i I matt of P...slaleffelln lialnes tr. Col.. one of the ino•c Tell- 1 A Nagidiau put to ''''s lett. 1 iittbnie,.irliothleAS,7e.ofisNeowtiTp4virelr.-0-.1-tri. : I ;rii r n o, % l rd box, arty At ricitilkiri, a few Years eine i I• • V:ilmes - I aro% ever brought hitt, ,F tssquellartna Connte". IDA ;tunic 1 sathe foiro , w,i i iitnxisitig teem ci i; l i ntore ,ur oroc , ,rl a cs if raitand wen bonxiii anti eC.a . tettnen , tly ' , I cat . b y sot cheap . Tit has also a few einnee,Luitiors .or who railed' him 11- Wyman, after goiti4rthro ~ me , Tienal purr , wes„which lir ran a ff ord as low as a more ~.4 .. A . ... . 4 .., I, A I. ~; !Inferior article bas ternii-altjbe,en -bought; fot". , Please IRO usual !Pays isligut-otatanu, —s on as ;sum- i ~.,,nbe.,rc perchaAtny eisewho at the id start 1. , b1 l e e ril i -o 1 - rig' a card, road do a pistol' with th i s ites Ind • P ' tts & w ' un ` r •i n the h i! ndin ' ^ ~.r mt•T• 7 ' 'l e .!'" " the , I / •••• . 1= ; ' "'Partnere - Store, ' onnosit. th . e" toemocr.st” Mike. fiti4 it into' , 7welanti 'where the - Idi•ertical „ manirose,l%b. l , lBs3 • . ' '. - . • ~ i card - t 'found unharmed. taking era atter, _ from' ~ ~, i, i _ 9 - , . ~ 1 ..rtew, At' 42. rwit 0112,413,1 late' egg ~ ,,, ern.pty , bag, p_otirmg to eni tl ". 11)AG1TER.Itittirr...FE GALLERY. kinds of liqutir'fioro one' and' theiont totthifi , • , • invites • ~ ,i , , ~ „ , f -tv n Df...N3-, the -4.4ent on nf ‘ hts form-r i .Heading,Vabliageit pl,lPirukter- h kie., ,, w t i _reit _,, a, ches into a thousand pieces, ` mix-) • • • tpatrona., - an t,ths• public otteratly.to a s snnuaer • ' ' 11* ttIoPPIY orgettts•whilhhtt has 41errfttirpatellased. ' ' A-friend and"coircipendebt"complaintr to US ino• togetiter , he' fra‘nnents, and afttl 'certain! N --- sw - STVLE'S ' '. OE - CA131 , 4 , . • that hiamibbages an .. manifest any, dispootri am • • WOrtl6, , LeStOringitheill tO the 1 ; -owpers 1 • • 4 - # a - , .t' A +. <- * • r-j I- , 1 Oral Velvet t.ww",&--yery noir nud dttablepatterna-'be ` The Mu/ 4441444. Illort. Pen ee alber... inionj„oti4 ilOtt to 101111•CLOSO/ and cotnpact. heads ; and jus 'ask he had received lherri,with'vations oth..."„sides a cariety.zof ylatu and fan c y sales or every i•re nn •1 ...s , enquires what he shall do with`them. ,• - - •er :thilyttionti o,a like chili:leer, tqp?singi , , , - CF-xsc t i• Tx:lmq: ' •u_ We ..wOrild adiliciA in tir l et tbi' n3 44t•P I AJ he . t i the atisurcliiv of the *ld ailagelthat "I iiicia„„rr is F, So nth Frames, with gold chased =Otto, Mb and or /I 't - ;urn otat. nanak tirinei' and- ' it th e Y are not. agilelo n g i•ov i--- 1 ering7=ho - informed the ispectaters that - '- • - ' ~ is s: - ' formed then, to give them a than" to ,l ' ia , d the' s istiatit to.proceed to,the grand anti most ,in teen tbenaguerreotypeapiQtra nearly' the street' I - du 'ring the Winter, bk adopting ••,-- ~,,•11 , did t it' e x'pe"ri'mei3` i',6k alliow • inc.: a - i g - o,:ile. , Ure• -• • ' ' - •"" ' . ci.• • ,-- " ''' . ' . . • . e ' , 1 '' " ''. f; fitAW LOCK Wrge ' * ' ' • .. \Plan z. -- 7. ,• ' -• ._..•li ii - ~.- .7 • : 'in 'to' load and-fire at•pistot, , and ho would A .eautitut 2Asortment or toekets, Pin!, Itexy, Toil \• 4 - -Dig a trentil 'on thetside whilli''. Bl Y f IC foot„ ' the In his hand.' 'At that ahilisunce.; Sw ' l .ice., . it - e '.7`,. re '!'' 'is 14.4 ' P l.l°'. _ 1 , . _, .. _ ___ , ,_ i , , ll etetrtinst reatted amtarrszered ray 4rl-quvt , for the 4 -. . a „•• wide and .two der .'.Let -it 1 . a .e. nt a ecen.t..loolong. man in ecr nd col l•t cora t and conrearenr.s of visitors. I tri.t that my er. •. • .w. • -'•' ' " . i . ' ." '' is. "•.' ' ---- '" ' .1 , . ' • • ' ' • • ',i - ~ , fort to please willhe anPreriates-1 liy all th- flien•La of. , • 111 4f 1 F 1 9 1 . atlYtAt ), ilrain no - nnY•l•wa ter, •-141." iris}!,out :to him to - be on his . guard.' ' "-At goo , o•der Int co 41 phttnrost wti.l.that substantial en-1 _, , 1 u•• mina will be eiven e t ehafteeNto fad its Witt 111 .: 1 '*- ''' ' ' sl * '"/ - . : iiii d siiii:" - ,isaid the - ittagictuni • § i or I; ay , mi . e P ~ _ p ro r o g 'o;•2;dis, yo ur, . ' i l i nt alayer - dikaraw on the, briftemi ' Full till. h ' iltr , 'Vb . ° plittA i,,,,es .rt•d, Stull Vyinon ••••• 1 • 00,3833 - „ • :‘, ..... - ,w- n• nnANs. 1 - 4 I, ••••-• • ' •ii - • •-••I i •- - '.; 0 d gettdirs' itail, Senna floor, Nlontro‘e. PR. , the.cabbages,,up by:1110_2411)W close the leaves (lSt th-alotdisioltriumph, held opt's hand with l "• - f. \' 24 cot Olstwrototyle,". on, 01/ 4440 n. for tretub,llo/11l b lib .-- 1 4.7 ci e ~i ~ heel -willellikiere will he no Litt riteletrpie it: . f ii• together., ondpiiiiii4ben?s,ll)Ftbio: l4 ullet. , ~ le- vipp sums to it Tolle co risa,i .. j 7.-4,4; .4 - ~, - --• " • = - i , r 4' A ' 1 f _ H. PlVn, and roots. ull- • • agm s° 3l e A l f be - 1 idly'Stittsi ed When two "pistol.s wire ffrilid,l _ ew Arrangement, for 1853. - and s the a''' ,toreeplhero ., the sides of tre . tt,c ll :. ' T Lon Titli quick snecesSion, from opposite !i•ections,l l ,a. usEV ES A.,c,a•A smix,..l,yaime,,,x4t.,,, *6.1 .1441 1 1 couple ofboards and set them over -the ,i,/ilid ifi n'trthrnent he vt•aa seen playi* ' irvith a -„„, ' 7rl,.,f:, i at , llaira evell3lenthvY'TSalfi, iNed•nr4iLAY d . irerich so air.teformil'iP• roof, and cover the It, ' Iliii'Ost:filaild:..".‘roti should nottire with i I eight lilt be reeektei py ceruin ir., Aitrpatira on • • • '4' ', "."‘ `... hi .I', . t,he liars abort- menl ion Pit at theh Store '„} the Depotin :' 1111 ° 16--over w i th 'ar tb- ja i-this-I "Y' Iseilny° out notice " said he •i" YOU might have kilted Lc. er•,rille '‘ata t n -tar•Tuilida ' nntti twelve 0•J•lock at caused caidaget i _ilit form Iliad leads Burin-- , 1 ,-: It. / isiaa '' .su " v - 4 441 exit - kr 'That siiied ~, ato. tr6se .lirtisrer at at !Kew Mitrortiraiii. the arrival Of ... _ _., . t ~..• , ,,, -t," 1 - -mr- a rt r , ee t t , ~, ~, e,. ~,, I . * - t... ~ •.,, . 4 1 ; 1( -, 't ' fecS3 4 crainfrnn, Scranton. on the,earae day." lie - . 11firilter an 4 use them Vo , lor . ,iiite4p thei •• • it,i , i - c . i re i,4';`,o,o, - A „ vo idi ~,,,4- , - r i o iting,m. iii-h en , rrodueeeatructo to onr Oare will,be forWar,led to 1 , ~ ,r* - • 1 - 7 - " ,' 'l•7ete,York with the tutteseadispatah and retains paid In • $ pnng. By putting them Zetin•rriota dp,q yen INI voliettrbrfroutiull,,,rl ou tl - s y o i l ~ deivoi , 6 o on 1 current a:Stoney at .t ptanea, mentioned nbr.ve. Ni ef vent.:ND _Airy fr' o • g e tupi ,.,.. in .among the:J ; ~ ., r -..) ~..' la 3 4 . . t forts arillyte 15ouitd . to•Jreetira the hi lapel/es for pmdoetl, t 01, _P re Y n oi-, • g 3 . our ard W.} Man sa A PiSli? i lel he i ~, f- i , ~, t. / and we will trAusact promptly\ all bu 4 nee. en t• need to ' leaves. ;. water gets in and stawhi &along lat I, ther e . 41 , • exi a ania t . • oet carn.- • a none, ti: r, 'e_ortit tN. • 1 ,-.. r ~,-,t . .i him, , :Bari Ilan Mef or r, t - , w m ,. r„ 1 %,u,,,T,e - E, Aistiu, th ' 'it be id dangerf them, : they . - .e.„ rotting-7,-r.- i!....,40,e . •i t ridc we d, ii i4,•:' i g ni e d 4 1 1, • k ;.,e. • .••,,- V3=;: :• I - ....' m t. -.,',"illaineFenser. `:, ---.-. ' -i. --, '' 34 ... . ' - i orwin, •-111illspausw ..., - . triall. id `. b ll ' lnul. - ' d ' ' I al l h' ' ' head. 1 . --, ,0r God's•sit4 gentlemen this is .n . Tim. Jterri-eoristArit,prorsalnft tell' 3.l4ortment el% 1 ' /- . +` + . • 1 ..T Arevirririg,, Fleur; , Izioll,, fibilt. i „Pork, ,Illowt; and " tjn he 'F .:4 'Here l s anP llll- 'Y en ., m4 , 4 , lnTe- i be, Si . raate r ,t ls oin ta intr St - thioH Ala t l o l ii t- Olt tie t or b 1 ?a d u r t; l itil ec et : Iteritt4k in' catehing:thi I.l*- 1 , .A -- ,Aipnrt an 4. April liilEiA.-4,6Lci0r1.. , , ~ T-, ' crash fol owed as hefo .::--The tuagniatil gout stand it 4 o longer, - but lifterir' tg a I - scream f terror, Ivry ludiirousl ''' made hit••exit at• '-..aroidXhitshe ti and tau ter of- th 1 The euaieroe wait434*,44,910 tit Vizzard didn't) appear.l. ertiii. wale sea-benches We , rid i i.i ' • t r,..0 4 •l .ie,, li giu `ilatCS ' literal4.'k i V4MI niitig..,: lie i5d4401410-,_ his • Cprn is so, important a Crop, , ana - :llo : inuai otlkis often lost- by early frosts; that it is of toneh tonSequenci) to ' .'plant',' that which Will 1 - earlY• we cannot; urge 14 e 144ing•ef the -small Canada corns in our; latitude, • for it , is better.tirlcise - occailanilly "fait of a' large Crap than to he Always.liinited c sri4ll „one Witneed - nOt go north for seed: cart‘if - we will tnice,a Car,eat raid-select ears which ponii tO, farmers know:: the importunes .4 - !taking,foF seed what zipens : parliest, but they ere , apt to forget .and neglect.—r3lasia4lLuie* :Mugh •- . . „ Ti t ' ' ( 3.11 • • , •-• , ..r” ~_ - -._rAbfiticsmiolll3 40 /9 - '.. , •:: an d 4iti ''' .i p ' mi l e a _a iii n i a 4- ,I#4,,ixt,:adAltisa s :•,_ - !nn say; b.i•44,44112r. 0nte d4 0 -:, n lis:‘ , lnene. h eOlikrliiii-1/ •• ii disbrdef.k4. s ta t P Ac ' ft: gt /18 *- 4 --#s l4a - e el ' ; ' • ifilifistia 14 , - ' ° '' ''.-- illtiti attacks v•itte often , 1 and. many. - . i e . 1 .--w• ,- ; ' an d in efinse ., „A.A.4,4,ayta a: --il.n - violatlng' WV , _ ~..t ll.. ..,,5...:.. I,...jneripad , „ iluet i et spine pir/,s . ,,, iii :,t b e ,, s, 1 , ,, 014 . 7 _ thn , ittin.g Ow • ..,- . , - ed;aarnotlle:di ' .7.,,,r... .;,..n,_.,a:iiirali,.,-Afe4ires rp. „ i i... , n i 13;,,46 - .60.-Y - 7. -,-- ' , .• ~. - 1 - '..-; -- 1 1 Wool' 1 ! e e , .- , ' and c'g.. ~,•', „1... v. a 4• - n e L o rest. a 1 ?... ...... - - ...itt:.% Abe sy s te m . , '- 't ''4:47:_tbiii 43.014/13 11.11' lieCiii ti P it io ' ill" „he ittoM-' t i ....s - :- , r "'. d r a g . f t - , - -e Tear 47.0 u - practi ce "' of giw g • P - ..c - -.- ' 4 m but.-absti= nth•a -..,..g,- „..,,,,Itirto:ipp.?3T...-.- -- ; •msY `'" '''''' - it • , *th ut doin - 0* i a4i . ....... , , ..„,, , „.„,,,t, i i in , ~. ix t c ..nenee , Aukcintes4be's7:- -•,---, - - ' -arljt I P.P u i:Yt- , ''•••"- ' - - to g a iexuan .-a istitgin t s a id li yowl ,--, -,,,.- tirligooptoe xcedicai .-Piwiti-lISS P*\•M" • ~- aiiiieifit•hen what'w alditit - IdSfsr' 3,- ~,, :-.,. la -, -. 1 04-, t.) ,,..... _ A- _ ,‘• :- 4,;,., - ,‘,..r ot h er sit; lave-alimi'oftl-7..., - --.A'aipt , .01 Jittaa . _•; • ' - ' , "t' , .. , ~, i , re 4. ' . ..a . 1 - - , -..-...3 ilitsin:.. a l--,_.--- L.', •-4,215.,_,.i5e4&01...,:,,.. 4rpro Avaput)inT Iniitivit _,- 4 . thed r.. ..i, y , v - ~ -, ..,_,—...:,,,, , 41„,.a mat -tetit•ltst•7l.2.7^q.. 41. lizer..4um. - ',•.: „..1...,1!.),7::t".„ „.,.._,,.. fig; j • ii.Gti•Witlis4t e l Y79gr r. .-- --... .tlitint-iltin '-' - - osi t iletfairoils' not-4 r iw. A. . : ,., i lk i . -, 2, n,,," `• : lii t itiloul'uVbre-a11PM•,... g r -': ':"1• ",:rr1,4,,--.1.1--• . 6 L 4406251 • ~,. .iztoiximag!!s, , - , 1 - ,•- , nigeeoutj l eta : .6. •, 0' , ,„.. ~,.,,,,,,:„t. ......,.,-, ..„. , , .„..., . , . y .II -.ioocgi,,, 9 4 ia4ie4sli4,s4iAl! itt 4 ‘, • ' , ,'."0„.141-1Zittnattlaln. lit-",. •,..1.-,:;!.! '''''' • y ill t ' hem COLlwidtk-N. - 4 4 ,.,.. — • Ajettatioina '''44 .- ''''.--' .-' jiiliatiVeillrrfamY ei.07. , ~ d • 4 ,- .0.07 , = 1 - ,fik--tim:ita; --- •-• • - - •kat 110 - -#.#4 o Thdilmmi-awlioli...- • ~,rp ' gitir . 0 .4 ito • • ' • 1402t400.04440. iboolenia ."get fit de eloviiri.* 1 ;EgilWithi Afga i 4 4 .5 1 46 ►6t ------- ; 7--------- 71te Potato Rot • -t.: - i ' '. Atikilltt • . . - . __ • „,.„......„..,,,,, ~,,,,,4 7 ,, 1 ''' ,- ',' j... „,.., <7, ',.,,, :al si, ; tii.l,', - i :., `M"'"'"' --, ' „ :, ' ' ~ , . . , rispi4trilletirubile - prints', tlieie is, a. ge.ner ; i.r.;-...-4.-.'''''' ,I,A3l..N,llUrVA4iAliiiTOttN4i'lllT•tr_7ll3:- - I ', -.11 . ',. 1 4.'6 g..l_lDnireicbitliPtt/i s"A n e islet:e i _i, 411) . 1 i fiIITIS' iristitution-itileeitiidin; a bcaticall ands 44 ,,A l' l s r : o4 l . l c tt i r s .. s e r t as s.l nk ip 4 t re t t i A] 6omplainttarotighout ;the astern fr.'. 1 - .1- -romantic griave.•at the base of ...n . a.Ount Prps.• ivi.340,4 ,the.'. head. azidiu .i •' i PiO - f, iiid - ivliiiin 'the corporntiori. fit the - : l eilette.; „hearklanraakdat frit raid 4 ft rliiddliti:gtities,.lef:almeat .the entire e less 1:1 •i _ '. 't t: .. `-. ' '' A,"t '' - l 'iriiti I mri . 'stliiitch, soueernetati , initiolut , p ossessed of an ationnant supp,y ~r 1 p „, , I thaVtaluniild'eskiilentdby„the.rot - Noy, fr* . I angler, advantages for exercise in , the pure air, a .. .. r oo t ° 4 -I ' l l rat it Tb adi i ng : , ,F2tr o zingi' ls' I - My_ observations .on tit , subjett, I have Mint ' Tip'. s. absoribers are runnittxnN•illy line ‘ p ~ i , att4g a , a id foot _walk - ittp l ` the:Tefint_ain,' ove.r- j, s ,,Noyatityzpeplttitate.when.a ,to,tlic .conelitop,ro4 *orOliii - Ye. en _no 1 - 41 , 1 1 1 1. 1 -this this yebinaittnitirt the erops, 7 at leaatiin i hea:e9: 4o rl ß l e „kg ' - tiro., a vlte•ob bite We Innbliftoin, Station CM the °piling_ 'it.",aeenery „unsurpassed .14- he!isty,,ltuti orytlouf d4.oot . : . ?:•...bcbereg. is et , l - 1 loielcawanna & IV-oaten' It *II Itraill'. Distaiith,...2o nd1e5... fr ' c , , ,,„,d.„,,, au d th_o panting apa ; connect inthlthe ”ffeefrom the nOiao and;wroanilor,!rtlosftsil'ill'ima:ides„'anepsmatfrinit,rb; Nos Nor ti.;; etUrning, 'leave on thy , arriva ..of iWI lif!!,, " •t y , ith, '° . 1 ,,c" 1 . 1 . "e1it all i t in g and mwi.t i gP rivi- 1 /cc., sudden. flushes or hoOt.b s ; till& iniinediate,seetion, and; US far sis 1 h*O i the f4iltrittufrOutathi4lreatileisd.. ris; =T....nearest, most 7 loges:on tile pleaaant- , Walt:ln:or .. th,l! P1 ..... tei1n ,. ti_g1! .. ..- t. . atant ithaginiuts of ern, tind grr - - , I' • . . ~ - !, direct and cheareStrout from Ortrittlensl, to Carbondale:l Thew ate a • few•of the preeetitutionAtio i,; t 1r6 9 % via he eff . ectatilli•ciirtribi: heard. in (idler Atia'reeriyais htt".l) , n • the tit. k c:i. ~ 1 . I. i., ers lirl Ills Mir ntwaya iet in to Oarbonduleoarlier 1 • • -•d•,.- • • .. , & •`- •; .... , o r . t i o •o ftiatuivse:Oleibr._ 'tor seVeraryearifproii- s`to Igs,i. ~ , 11r iht t l " tt enin f t 111 •"! 4, ''• ' ' - i• 'The' bowie Is nen' and -CommodienO--bahing I -_-:, -.-, . , Matt Iflitteiri, • k'' ! edtn '4-' ) . #Y 4 '' - ' Prepared b y .Pr.,.0. 1 '3Y. 74c/rioiz ;d4 ' 'LI the first eSie; it? , rop:Avai`genemlly vdrY strihers,:tlaintitraetiathistitocuisbetio-W Irrbmtarrittintid. t apparatus eicelle4t --- vel l -.." 1 9, 1 gonfilast ;_cetti, -, ,and it wfts the.: an leet , o_f 0..., • . ._,_,.... ..,_:__,_:: -. ~ , ~ . :-...; ... _ ......, .... , % . - . • murk lii - ' ninny .th t they never sa v Better t , - - A . -•-' : . • -,,, • rea -Zen - , ner eareo. f.Dr. Titnyteandstrife . .i"l 'whb . 1 1 .91't u tt l ? s g ek''' • .. ' t , • PhiladelP hisl , ', -'- , ' -' - Cr ' '' t "li ' ' . The medical- department .in _under the entire i 90ntnit' ik,re.,....'1ict..4-s;Or e, lf . ):„,;tr ah. , , I s' . , , ~, 1 ryantAlciuse tatoesEfOr table. Ise; con,setinently they Iptol •' ,' •• ' - '.,- '.,, pot Pa - ‘ '..-" ' '" 1 - :--• - exPOrie ' riee `inillitliciathic practice. lailif 'ire fa-. :. ', . ' - .1 1 t - • •t - • ~,..-, , .:- • ~- ~....; ,_, - .- ....._ _ ~_ , ~..:, _„,;:,.,,,.,:,„,„, ~.- ) Their power overf.he alyture s dikaiteiis is -aol.extie, o or a. tea to , -now opera - rites 0 , et .-0 tita le ' eat Con f Lectu Vs with full spachrot - builaing. - situated bnti a few ilrgrq°o•'" -giiolP-'l'-':`;°"'"'".PraUivil'`a't"eni`e";l:d.inug.!e.o,ntia,ollee.'eu•rbesy-r., t y e3 o t t n n i e u r p i t u v a l m air ca. tto te nin v A t h ,: e r tl s il k lt lf ed ni - . 1 :' -a= 111 itl h' 1 -!n ot l' t -. a t. cv rt . T \ . , its .t -ii r ,t-_ ,,, ,,, , .;4 ,,,, olp grin an( g t y tuaersp. in , an, 1 n ).4 147 ease, of Ode sea Son cool rave' heeo h " dri-!4- flea - e'ert..l,z'a la my..ult-ible style. tor a Public...l!? , i ' farv - - l in tit - t , ~.e..,, , i, ~,, c„,, , ,„,,. ,„11 - 1.1„;; Isto b i ;ll,-iii I mot w i ll b. lzept glen at all3loUrs: cinch ( " aY inv i t . hg"t " ) f the Stailitits and Putients Upon Anatomy Pliksi-l• Tlief e bk: t i'' r3 at ? w ? rth-5 . t31 ° at t er ' t 4 9P Pr hil u,'"', l'trations,'will ;bit -given throuzhont. the season to llcians,had railed. - -- - , -.. I l i • r ..;:, e , -'-` e " •- 1'..1,11 - • -, `.`' - 'l , '!. '", • -r - , for the reeeptida of Irs,voll.rs, and eßneeially l'Ori.lic a - ', •----• ' - f ' •,; : '.. • t., , ,,., t Posse;sing;reat v•rtues in - the reeFilleatiott or. d 't.ir,r and '° lesser' glands:o, . L ekitch , ing, Eli AA id or ti e -tilsels4i of - preVirineyears; i t 1)(44, 11 'a eointonlatioll s‘flmoactintrt travrillitatt eta , the ls ) Y. & lologi.. llydropathy.,and nygteue, for 11. man 4ucre f i r t h e 1 1 -- ' - .- :... -'' 1- ..' - - •••• -' ' - 4: 1 4 ; - Et!" I't Ta ku". 11411.14 ` 4414 . 1,0412 st . i,bflos t i tion o.l4leii'l Will he no•additional charge ' --- •.. •- -• " •-' Searching- power ja Wetikares antbotrections'-ar ,, , sery dill iota type. ritUll . that 012 the preAittpt i trro.roads.a.a.t the utoitacourcritentsoint to step io and , -, • - ..- ••• - . "- • .• ' • .-- . . geettve organs ; th.iy ,are .withal; saf#4ertairitaku4 , .- - • it; -ii-'•it r• -. • 'b. ' -101; taut. :.•rio'stime...nt.' ant he cif iiith the first train.aS well I_ , i Fernities who have beep confinedlotheir bees ant. , ~ ..„, .....:, ~, ..,; .4 . ,_ . _, ..• LI ye:tr._ As t , lrtner , le ,sta - s , ta%e - • t ' ' a I l'" as thu meat ' onvOutenthouse tit stedartiodate minttb-ir o t.,-.. - - -- • ~,,y ears, pre ti.vited tn nerrebred wtiiii Iti or _-- '. flead ` and be '. Ca rtrizieed.. - 1- " 1 fit to tuanifost tse disease, lefore Elie leak q Ite , beos ll `e ,X t ; 11- •;' cia14 ‘_ , N- ..7 1 ' wi t' l , l ' Es ,.?? l ,4 l/t- I P."71!0' . 'tin'ittl; ' ei . ' ' iit i the' tratMent- of • . , ar lance n , • • tvlth sealan e, mica to nne.o3.l.3l33intax ALL..c.ng ...lb. lip , c• • 11-- .. - , ~ _- • ,-. .. , .. r .• The Thldor or-thellostatijleelilecernber i, .iVithere :•to` anv - est eat; or the - tuners shat ` t. rvb new tar otnre to rorreApon , l. and iables,always Art, I, diseases peculiar ',to females, has - given us con 1- /,' - 'r. Ho,vtan'd'i Cilibrateaet i CfS. for t • - 1•---- • ' . ' - '.f :, •erlthw ta`f 1 111.1.Vit and limorles furnished' itt.a me- i deuce and We sa - 4 to altsuch, even if they have 4 Liter domplaint, , Tannilite . s , Dispepaia: signs'`of rot ;• sviilli,•asl,ll3 • year the. re% e t 1 ,.. •,. • - . , ~, -, • ..- ~- . . ',. • - • • • Nerv . iieedebillity, is _deservedly onett the ritostt'i has been th'e eas'e, the potato -,itself hrei n . c . , , I. ' , i 7 j ,..7 .4 ,...p w . if •, ; i :,,„ - v ,:d„,..,,in t e,re - „i m. . „ p ..„ byea - ma , -"autrereci much from - many phystciaus, ' ' make , , , , _ . , . _ 1 _, , i ri tti ted n.u te sa tt n i . e4o ... f u n ti a te , i c a rl y end T it he i s o r o tt r l e t i t 1 r5 .....,..L. , h i a. a r rA c %o p al. - • • • . .. ./ ' •.- ..- .., • , ter.... avoid. be inconvenience of „talcum an -o • Maibui to - 4 - o . ne more trial..' , first to ' bc:alle,. ; tee, thenltho.. i eaVes Wall a Shit in inn. "4 y3e.11 n`0. 11 0.40 131 /' in 1 unrertaints of re .; Terms fttitn, ~S, 4. •to sB . 7per: week, (pu 'able I eelfretelved an, etfietual,and - peaialispnit.ouie , ' , ttirnittg to o t e deptit.nt rhearriral or - deaartnrs-of the I w • ki ‘ ,..) ~,„, di ne , while tlle 'stalks fi ppen la 'lreen, healthy tah.(l, red.. Patients will provide for perr-onal use -_,coin-i, st ains gatilistreogutand-rtior-itifactseortl'4,i tratits zet sune tr will .be in 'ratting to colones. thim .1 ' ee - - -' r't r - •• • • 'O.- 1 lt.l'ec , t that. in the 'tie erttr•Fehtt.fers‘the p . att' , • le room and -attention - , qui- Conaplalut. fr,oo, the of itth., itonedy . 3% - e.' ;„ sound. Thu rope 11,eV v AVON," , * more pro us- with their bergage to tin. , ltrvant Itouee. "3u -steerage i the war." nil 4 e.,indnet,"thiM h.,,,k :wain without fee, or fortables. 2 ' alatikets. 3 linen or Cotton Sheets and I, ' em - 41,,tation - •The?.• at; ptensantirl testi. , ..tuid s , ing, and ne\V, potatoes never %verelhetter,- .. • han iticata..takvitt 0p.••,4f0 ca.c to wolte 'Atom 'tr de.drod at' ' ' -an hnur of the nicht. ~ •0-- • ~ . . 6 tosels. -' .- ..9 V.TIINIZR.I3. AI. D., - I ` ,an . 13, , nt eel by Onions eltbcne,tjjordobe•tt. :, _. -- . .fteecidcut Fliyoicialt. , ifith sa f e t y, under any c•rcumetatitc. ~ We urea they Were ttliS season, tip to the time,' *f !bat ~ r _hp- t oestior ort_be.itry.se. .tome. with the natural . ~ , -., tinprecede 'led Wartn-Weat)ier in. Angus'', tt'll s.enery abet] tlt eoraltino to make It o ver:desirable I 1 19 if' --'11) ,, -W. & 11.M.RANNEY,Froetoi. 1 fr ''''' " ; "P erlila c i 4 '4 ,t° t ht ' 4 9 114 t''' ,, W,....'" iv 61 ' ,en rt-rtfrit'rosovr for I,u4nr...rilen 'lnd others in the • • - .- , !ighSctilt,4,.;74t,rAfte.,k,zlit'4:taLtrytit.°Lih,ll)6,ll,4ltr, : 11 . 7 ~.P . ..,.4 , , , they suddenly -became . affected. .rotting, ,kmth t city wh ,4 mo 7 irtgr to Tort off TOre roe a few days , tol : • -. 2 ., •' - ''. - I recruit in the country, •-.. . ~ ..• ; , nooks & Stationery, -- - i.D ' .11 '',,- 4 , - c' . '. ' BLitt, ' 'a ' i • ..r. :'an r7' •errrtua In OC iStolliallin,g , rapidify until Ilic Act - ,:tlitcr cliaT eti • . 3aaison. lire noir rileoname 4ell by 'Film • • • . - ' ' A Large an 4 etnarnrxiiaw' 1141 •• - i l . - i -i i, T i . i ri ; l'gr'iltintilli; G GlV• s i & -K7.1.1,06 0 • Nil! . r ) !\ . -. r K a t nd Sint:loners 45 John . Street ' 1755 t rt'ooll'oeofinetahers of thelOetlleat f 2 e'll when they Its suddenly ceased .rotting, e.nt ns -': - ~. -• • .-- :, .. , - ;.: -. ,- 0 - 1- • L t i • si 'Y ' i rk ' . ' - il .1' . ti l' et• rs of ere ' Wtiesi.iintion r• '3 article 41 IntIch ettlemer.hr am . ottrttoslTlV '', 1 ~ ~. , .„ . . „.. i. 6 atta,el4l/41to-illishilblitir tar theeTeilerine of pl••••a•I •ew 0 • art orou, ' 111" ' - • ~ S 33c11 /A the case, Ira would alltiFtt ti t l tauPlOpkt#..., car 4til e..an learn, sinee tnai titno , ' -Otero InS. ore panritcs; who !WY oiwn's' 11111 . , , , gned• aNtommintai.'l Blank Danlic.liating,enlametl their nianotectutineu , ~, „„•-• ~''' "hottle,'"lnid'ihns sire thetnsetree,niach sielmee nos of tehilitatel • c..n%titutioniiirlt, ibid the , ~ - Goo. itel& irit'iont - ri..lard to numbers, wl.fi, rorni sta. I ancient, 'and added a new sates Teem to cp... -a... been hie spreau:oi the disc : se. '. ' . - ,_i '. , • r , t. - h.,. , 4- i t rlrl e l to.'Weit' a - vie. 1 11.h.n eat; are now' prepared - to septity - tteetv.osetv roe 5 , , - , ~ Ws or .1e `. RIG .11r• re re .0. l I. ' . II- -, m• , , t . it . b. .t ith eyer oiripty „ o t l ,„,-„x„ s i ii i i , aeventeueeue totheir health.: ho,itedroow fro !he saint ars effeetthey hare _iinott . weak sii • From these ,citOUntstaneos Film inducts to r..•".-,--,Yr., farther porticulars moan , . ot- the ilvrAnt 1 1 -.‘ all t) .re !o 3 ,,,5! Y, - ' iii ' t . "- '. 1 ' !10n... ••f the preptictn r: ADDISON Uhl - Ayr, ' Books anl.Stattonery , en tile most tarn } able term.' 4 onc e 31iite El:idelice.- I believe-at-the potato.rot is of u'very , _ - 1 . 1 cr - , veh:JSS:I-4tt -,.'.--. ' , , -,-' : , i Their stock of tuaax tl• - lokB, all or th.dr own.,ratainftte. ~ - ..., .. ~ • , - The Philall - lplifa 5. s'llarday ' lsllet. l t ' e, ihe bel .t..:-.,z, consists of, the cart sizes and styles-et A nent nature, and i trots a: d erent cause; tan .• - T``ltor 4 lo I T( S . nemnranarnns , Pass` Books, - Writing. o'. ' . 'II - ' - i ' '' ' 3 princr .0 0 S ' ' obi:rine lta•Tiii-Ple Tune •:n 011 and Drawing. linoi:„.. ; par •i• Published in the United Shiteg, says ..gf • Ite_ * . that of former -:viints ;' - a . a that tad mit avits -_-,.•••0--,.., '' . ' ` - -. •• , '-` a'D- '. - ,'. lan•rs ()Lillian ra r er : --;' ''' ''','"', ' 4 l' '-- ..:,-1 , 'l -i s i" .3 sin ' i l .) 4 1• a, • • 4+. Ai . Neil - iliitord Depot.-- , ry . . . , - . n,,,,,100.10.eg Baulks. -c .. larice fJr-10,4,_a grza,,var - ~ , , ~ - ,t . ! -•, . • , • ' . -• . ttiS sehibialliat ' we're.iorniti ntrablif :a lace onoa tp v V th at : 0ft,,,0 - an ex - e. we. . , ~ ..._- •- _ ,- _ . • , ' •• - . 1 -_,..,- - ' ' • - • ' " . r I ituttzirr ,woliia isivitatim attention Gild:friends I !teat of tilD'll:eatlywat that time,' eansm,t 1 the . . Bonk!. in cv .. cry itepartment of literature , suitni. , b. for `PatAtt aledirinea. to, tlui ming . ..loloe ard' not . Iloofland Vest-num Bittetsire rtcdi to m a c tsti, 11 - 1.. and all that is - ict f;o3 I• 1 ( 4 ,i , ..2!) 3 a his ',4 - ...ir Stock, , $ .710 0 4. atcsdemiet ;• de-Urges, Snatley Schools Public ortE rrotle!o•,, and therefore - vdoni . weom ground to be /tent e d to an extvnt, sunie w ltt to 1..1, ,,ki, c 1„ t ., nmiLl„,lng.ceety,i4,invuar,,.., , : " ..iper it,,,,, r ,ri , .. ir ; ti . l , Priratol. ihrarioV, Oahtlani wovlns in prose' anti - p n t . h,. t . b o oks i t & d oe hi t ,4 . 1,,..„ . ~, fart ie, 4ers 45°41 that, ire are uot speakin g 0 the acorn! , d ro a ll y t . o t t li te n ti t ar af t e er no th tf‘e e d y t a l t i r ve u r t u fl n •r tli b , : r b, ri gu efe l ;Tl Tlt °ll • . i .- i ler of I.a.he; Dress , Do tas .0 rich 1, nuts,/ every derni . pthin rible ',prayer att.l Ilytnn an sits , iu all their varieties. s.hunv, destroy the vi slily of the potato, by • indOing-i erb 1..1 Lards_ extra.rto. nAt•ezo noaeeli.t.:lie`ir7,i iti t ;rli . ..l i A ;47 l l , l 4l V 4 ent lel Ite r oks of -•., ~ . ~. i „ the . , - , i • l Pot. ftl,3l_ ,, islin acid itiug,hant,ll,Jbesi,eoloreillaregee - A?•ilk n raptil lertileitinttollpt bia's:rt. ems, awes i Ti.:3-o.lc, Black no i my Silks .Ic. , %Tustin 'Collars anti ilfa ., % . 11 ° 014 `s - `t 4, • Stationery , plain acid fancy, Eni- chid, but .iro xnne 1 . 41 g estlitillshotl.Waiv,4 tis C ugh., yr: , ,,e,h and Ain.rio„inl " dates by the cafe at Min- Preyed...arid i whioll/11,9 met thel#or_tY aPpTni '. - -- - • . - ~ I,,lnib itl .3 4 ' 4 44.3-40 'l.`,Corbe awl •tt he:but/mar glawis i `a! t? 1 i ' r° ' les ' - :-;o1 '-' r . terte'n Lace.. an d ' Slit: ,l-4 r't l `''`e' 4 "`" t i'r"" - ' . ' - Look well to the rairki of the trtten.: -111 c •. . facility:itself.' ` ' -‘ '. 1 we . ' - alt - ',rob it• ON--o--- • MEZI . of which t t . en `ln cOng'rtnat ,o& this theory, 7e y - receive b . the last,:nAohytrit frOnt reelanti,.ant other its of.Erirupe, ; ivtere . thetik - nted• to - any'. extent where `fextraor4 .has this cot, petieno 1414 Clam coo amyl but the.#. ion inoe* I -.) t , 00 l ' tit& re p tin • • . - - V . - 0* . :- . T.,. . • 1 _ II 'Xi iVtiiT• Iran La , 7 ' 4"... ~ .-+- -( .-14frge eroptor g oLu- 1 Tinte- t ao : - :'t.'''.-Ott;ili ; 4itistand of 4t9ting . to d üble th eir ae wotilethi en - ' firreciiir. 'Willa irt - 31 jimmtig, of 40 lilidt9lic:fill '#)t Ipefpase'of . OK'D& :+teii. -- iii:ow. tti.; a rgument: ' 1:1018 It.6je Irt*** . E4; 64"re4ii;;E:I'C'' 4 , iti-lield s fourj,ll,ll4ol l js jai,tol:lsf pit6ltutidredi -_-tirh 46,„ %- ,ieiltliniiiiii*if ilseiall:: it i'Ciiiigig,''': ilit4t;:l44 - 414:1gO 4 1 16- P r . nalik -Ar ti. , : tim i „ biiiii i ie a t 4 .4 ndde dii i , ai 1 0w%!... , ii i ~ ...:. ?1, 4 14, - , i. ., , - -i w iltiij '•;i -- Wijiiistiii"ttigi r il -1 4 -1 0 -, Igh 'a* ~_ ... l ilit '••, , neav'Tiketmiternaur ocenes-.;-Whoktsale- & Reta • )' 4, 6 - 43 a b Ital. ;la ' 1) 4 8 l 'iiiiir4i vitteif, cotiiid6sitileflinittitity.:linpo-, 1 ,..„ Xi - rior tiniility 7i tind • Atinli iiie ,i§fl" .. .6i-t6• ixbhhnotg On eiNg.Sl —,. _ . „... _ -.„. , y „ , _••••• ' '''''",:-•''''-''' . '4, -.. :: ' ..'s ' iirinii.A . '• • 'il"ssoak''6P'Silittii, ' Teiiirrntitintio., l &1. Ones; iStiitcitilit'' Co; utniiirnins, lie d6.6rnic if. , 4*- i Ty „oncenaaryp !41t_y. 'int aljnor. alittiliri'in tife Mracill'' , litio'ciiidliy faliiillei,'''Enifisie &land ..upo . i' r i t icifitry-andlon'vegitkiAltr-6ndittira4l6n'a . consicl. Aprotnitto„nr46.4:, - Pi ,pirititifir ti6"ni•otild*nli en `,iviitilifititiiin is fNisTd Idiot:, N. Tobacoo,und ite, Viat'' 'kJ elititinif iiortititiiiint•=in'idn'ti 6 tliosc - -iliho buy . in !Imo ,inant.kqen t ', c•alt tind•ekilbini, aillfilaPfs-i"PVRO44agAn44% , • .•- -x..z4.4.i:-•••11. t.:4 .11,?e;), 3+11:1. '- ni-ki,A.RD;,.. • . . AO ith - 1053 - ' '' ' •.2 ''--; 1 • • --. • , •,, ----4 • . . ..s' s . .. • - ... ,4. .-',.; _--,-. -,:,', • 77i6,:-.. ;'_-dirlirtiVr''"UVO423 .i-Avigtiii - liiii;Ulgonli,ho.9' f,ur a ' .). '' , 4'hja W . lfkii ?reale supply, 4 , Goodi. vitilfirit . ''iiiii, 40: kr X6O: 'thnki* 'mit. `onsart.-• 5 .4+. m —one - - - 4 . ' ..V - --- - -•wkr44 :9 . ...A . 41Y. our ' --- - A Mil triet,y lga;11 ..:.: .i . i1 .1 (. 1; #10ii. ~,e; MEADE tTAGES, ft:V 1 7 1 qfti t, itnnnet F. 11A/Ifttit Si 1> Itibteins and Fiewety Onlllltquou and 805 , 4 gunltti 'r .DI - r?:: Climas, a hill. sort inentlecl Ist!:,.4.!mrt„ Itoot 3113 7thf..T , ,, Tr tt 'Ks; Vali& es, eurttet Ttafp.:..4l! Wool. tottott4ll4 -Cotton ettsrittetin; of. Splendidintterns, Olt Clpt.l.o..fctr Floor tfnd ' 1 Printea-N,it.low 4h,ades.,watl ' 'S it • 234 a .A.shtott's,sack Snit,larao , uactlis r ana *OM; verr !rut rkev for -, i)si , nd:t a bte fcir,sal6 or , to - Oki+ einger for - rend tret . .6s; by;'..' - :-!: 1.44,'8Uf514. 4 D. :skins I • " Viacnts " • 0,0, superior qu'atity, -to leak, 4,tverY orrj,teli,; TiOsitt,',fpf soli: y! 111,1,tititi). - ' • ill of whhh titer witl.seli, i*t prices ave.tagiOgvra.. bly vw :.any othim ht the city I -.Or.f , trA fig ftile.l est" , pioinptly.ata pt. rot I .1 prlarr .1.5 if Or. puretra.lters 'war , preFent. .:41 - .1.0 . ha',. ear, of q0t..1 btrecit,'Nogv - • " - - ..--.. - .'.IIEXCORLUTDITM . • ' .• - ,134,. T 11.11001%. 110111ESTI,C.:VENCINES 2 .! • ‘,1031P1?1.1.:ir afitur OFI3LOODIiOOT,4OF. t itr D . .- ' *- . ..,," ' • ',,• C 1.7 It E. OR ..-- . .. . _ . . , _ . ,- - .._ .. • .. Consumpt:on,' Asthma . . Dronotiltis, Tntluena,,Coughs, WT:Doping Coughand:Crotip. - -.-•.• .: - r f.. ' .Di.' Tiiria'ci p 4 liira n t ..rregerv4tivo - 'iind 'Mo. „ .'. •'' .:. ' -- ' thvi's Reliel' - ' • ' Cures Flat erice.Gollo. at pes, piartiett, Dysentery ens, 'Choi - era:oi Infants, or Sity - of the common la :cif infant life. - - . ....Dr. ,Thrijpes Woini utson .. Expel?! these hithe r intruders of tliv htuuan systeM nitb- I out eieeptiort; of kinds or ntimhers: • . • '. . . ." • - . • - - • -- , - , —, , . _• .. Pr. P f T,lltoop',Bill - ;nu51:Pi115.,..... -. .. . tlure Indigo:4lln; DillkiuS disorder". Cost ite.tWE. File's, 1 (endAellts .H e'lititurn, goer,. IntlarnmetiUti, 'platters, Dy.ontery; unir•mt ores 'ix hrslt by 'notion - of it.d:tbg glsod, of the body. • "• . ..- •• •-• I : -:- .••-• ' 'rv- - . • . -.-• .': •Dr: , TiirnrV:i • •Eyo _Water' •:. -• 1 , fiuncri—pal.eslimenr:uire virtues for any itillammato ry affection of -the Ale. and, .. ,• ". ~ • ... , ~,,- f . • - - - I.)r. Tiirrinp's Salve - --. . _. Ts fitunirOassell.for... dressing for Ifornrinrid Scaldriv'lli , ...:.. 0 td,-.4 I* • • - --1; , StArrICAL • _ ~ _ mum miss 4 ,l4-,0F.. VIAPiTir. E S ', -1,/.•••••ric'..rt- 4 - ' -- I 4 the-Arse _. , , , ,-,• , ....11. ..,:' ' ~ 4 171 * e.a, " ': I 11--- r, .0 earning. ititille-r p4f . ra of Alie' knoit-e r o di ,..1 „ t i......-x,-D,,e, x ,cliANoßtTAßLz-.1 - cifee'r ; nr.c^ ot.bLeh Lc - PrgAi 3 "ck"'"d 'roePtligrime. , - 1,11,Te1,...41,41.2N-Frotitx„„froi4;l4,..- -- iewlst.stitreotorudzi.t7, " fl itV., e iZtujowtoos; in `'' - , -...„ ~, ,„,.`,„ . , ~ , ,, ..1 , --1 , 1 +,, ..-, , .-_ -;. , .14, cr i sabliii ir illtle:ric ta1q .41.104 . Vtltey, her ni u o, i m Kiang'. be , 4m -1- k•-:L•.-..... n''''''....'. - .... - .. .8. 0,• 7: 0 , 8. : B i : RAE I . Rull r 1 . test 4 } o -1 0. berse 1, 21„ hi c.,. 1 . 1 ,:2",741,,,,i1 . ,- 6, her but.hood. and ; :4,40i ~,..,' ~ ,,i-_, RI Br. titiZ 4l .AS vit UP e ' . g Nil , cc . orou mr e 111.....4 4„i e t at; Li u kid s e ac t in ta x ed utd, trA, ... • , ~ ~,.. ,_ edb, : -Ws' •I t 1 1' 'i..... ---- ii; Li 4 Si t t AbGV* an Pdee-4561 1 17' ' r ,k . t piiR.NE yo , AT , ./01.W•if Minfireigg.:ice aTe, .., . hod' ;.. w ith heohl.' l 'F'''' ' ' . -:- ' r. 1 40 {- 11 .-i 4 STP-..., -, 1 .0 .411. '..1 .tt.- t - 7. ' -.- 1t...11.1yee ,S. H u Iwo rk etattiell . - . ..-, _ • 1... t tt.1.„.. - r._"______ . , ... .::: c , . ~, "cu. - ' 1:' IVIA PRI t D WO -M AWS :- i--.. 4 .- , • , *, 'eV 10 16iii.4 1 ,, - ..., -..• '•iit.(oo- 1 .T, -1 , -te .. • .. . - - • l l ”'''. '' - tr• Au... ta) vukot - : • a. rP*'' at 'r ' '• • 4 _,.: 3 11 ' 1 •'-• 1 ._;. 1 - i l - ..,‘,,,;,,,, •. - ;,. t •• 1. 1 - ‘cioT-i*ii syipt "Itiputlosinzt:Allii-liej d„,::' - rtva --I . , , tr ~., ; :i,i , f '. - ,L ,'1...p . :: ::,.,,,xtie,,,,,,..a. _v0i11yn,,,...- , , . ..,,,„. it -Cirilis Baddli , e9ShoPr /40141104. Tf bit V li2ll , II eAlt;i:i.,, , cr:* 1914, - Ar1igt..:A.T.r,AX:1131 , !19 , 24D4 ftrit..61:11144.1 is; tdri, =i3 i 4. i 3 4104.; DY 1 czc urt. ris pub rad by ; .of the It l A n s htititt iv . P Ibtter* etents";" BURP . 1 1 # 115 - 43 ' 011 . 1 .1 16 X -6 FlBirf —' 1 4 C- ' , g.sricter o . pike iiiil mA *lnv. o#l44l , i'll , npoil the t ee th lib it o , 1111.111.1K11'111AlttitF.D.,01t1t07';,eroi brel ofp *N:lllll,4nd tvad6ify„.-,1- Plate done liirici,w.l*ifote , :-iie the ielidter wide ! iauses 'of ',bite - '• f til - the various lifAt ,t 4 , Wally r, tour- sh .l tome been vead. _ • I" 1 ,is imeasetiesille.vo-..e,ourti - ii renr s tbc l :tr t i t ott i f ft in C. ,is They- !re. oi a 11$11 e stnetly,l n _ 1,1 Ina - ed, or , tiio.o , contentOsting mviriszet.*Vot uo - fernatA ~ de* as or eoio, ) lag Ikea". P".. 1 th i 't 4 e 4 " t v . e ' l3nse r at u. S 3 t tiir L'veltich asp top 111."Opre Oiler otro, 'lees , and o- I of r Nista:A, Ma ittbre.llas or ti ill'Ottlfr l lP. IP , liiii - Or:K it" ev hosbao&l#lio,--Itattio)ole-apa:olteation-ot his-eiji sr 1 heie, w that* tkis own-qeonavy burros-tarist.. : !-- -L., 77 tipWAßl:lfittii"till'lt lIVISDEED irtiou. - , t , S.iiien COPIES,- _' 1 -;,' "- 4 c I tee, teim alum Err gtt. 'uiii4the ustfivi,;“' ;nib, -- 'C NUTION - %`,VO• - TirE '-PU131:1I.O - - - i . , -4110 ,NOTiDEFILAUtokkir ~-,._ t 1;6 - itfi..tf , oi lie'es'ek urpe: A. Nr.` Sfouriec.a4,l29 a'; ,I„tb01, ) , Street:lg.. Y. Is ou pie:tit:lm Page. eu t t,the i'entry lu'ihe'Clet"e O ff lee eu-the heck of Me titht• -', I paTe : end hur rinti- or u.‘pf t eisbie. end 'llnuor*le ,f,-...0. ; e"; or vest ht elsit,.end eiiirs« , ,s. hi' Pr. N. M. , , Mannevetn. - `as the 7 re Zito spOitts mut -Suireptitiiies intriegenseetsenoprtit. -.- .r.• 1 . t . .. IFILT. k.VF... ..14*.i. .F.1 , 1---AND, lIPSUAND -.;: Is "Hoes' . les Illiotte. lee bolt" . - otos- nod ~ , ! ittseolievitstrill;i:v;•hareeizortes4:er.opel oiLyir , y , s , , ilii ,r o , tul : F . e, ._,-,:. , , PONDER: '.; INIS' t"tasisr,,fotn-JiticirSiitcr4is-h-e.4';,-liiincorintee' ''. , , • To eli'.'hii .. e t e'ir roe ~,tuctleettid up Ale I'd's. r Age i hrz , o, ,, ,r,,,i;tii or ple...vo.vtio -,- , vr eige?.. nn That no. _ • ,Inake fearful reettOes-ettrm !ter health. Ileitis guarded • ~ Ivs.u.htlk'ts7utteli'itt:ltti-17-4111:1rot"n:iind:tenuelurve":"1172;int t icie.li h te e 2' , 'l7l,ll:erTherevrelrb:-te7eipt:rrat'id.r.l-I,:i.'rtn.Weal"Ve-1i"446-1-::ll'eviut :„ .',I" the j r,ellare,,t.4. his wi re —s,peluplitri. 'of -41irty-Six ' pace... voloto - ustio..,..w.fit/LITN.-pftge # l4l ' l l'4 td. (.4 "" .. 'Jul*, Ovether trill -eentets Vora I,,..'hee,i; VF ,II 1 % , ' .4 I .fftc. - , A. 4-*--e-ex.)l,- 0 ti mfy- poet , orr the l.Tttite l l Ststet , ‘.. llYsolarefting, pi'st.pll.lll - , l•t' Itereiri.. . - ". 1- . ' '.l Vtlien It urvirle!ilge ttelleppin'ess, 'iis ,cul j us t,l e to be igttorant.' .."' '' ..' .-,,:. •' ;1,...1, It tete pt or On Doll (tor ,the tine. Ekll 4 , 17 , .1. c-xtrA bilolinZ.) " T 11.1:. -N1 A 1111 :it Nt:4 ) ,31,01:".* ' I'ILIVA.Tii XLEDI ( AL-C4)IIPANIQN,"I.I Se / 1 ) OW' ii , ' • li e d jr."4 - to rut); tetet id the V nifott ".....gatt.s. -All - let: ' 0 tor. most 111 , Ttovt.,..p . ald, ried. zeiliels•-s1 te rir. A':-.1.4. ,:',' k ,t A t'ltit.r.AU, lin.x,l2..•ti.'Nett N'ert,'- Cite.' Publish: "„. ‘ n: Ciffiet•, Nli, 1t1..1 Liberty Street, Netv York. , -- -I , : _- ' • aa ••Ik -r.n nx----Tittte;i di'. ii r q-.11_ 2 i4-I. l lurilt T-.,_,.'-'U t ait... 13 ! )-crsiselter; ll.', -tr. Dr. Witi,- - qurivei it r... aL 4II- 4 31 //q; . CO "nit 5 W.n ; 11. A.: -talitiM , . It dadln.4 - .Werafr &...1-hltark;- Ctirtsbri Islet; lii , lr l d. & trriOrt:-Wittleetie;ott t. 9 .;' , Ttteli l . 'Nat; P . 43arre 3' t'rso.• W. il- tile. tirarneeltpro;-it. Cro"tty,... 1' orev.r ,- C ,t-T t psitiyiit.,i)itillatiliiiiis—Tlette. ~` -, 1 'l'l Wutv V•intiefltry. n•e- , -tiirrvitist& Torresend, .A.(iri, , ,: nice, Sl,teipen dr. Ale., itr.uitt.k. paccupo t i. 0 arii‘es.l co, 1 , r, - io - n3s ' ' ' - i - - ~2-..„.--, . .. 4- 4 ..0 . - , 1:- t r_ r- • ...... l'Zit'ix aolion4 Foreit.',o r;il;in tee *II I forfeit VA itT4ll., -ing'id tix r elsA f Fiq 3 pfse-lrt i thiesaketti:atitiatr4oui.e' .., tindst his este, ti&tdriter hew b , et i t atiottricer , 'flitting. lio erls , v t„. 3 ril i A irit..ll6..his ..crisete' , lsineimHt„. rs - oevik 1 t - , -"nthkitAntill-Avi; l o l 4.rer 0111 1t 20 TX.Ft 0 d.c.' , . f ntavatlti f pAtreutl. ,St . ..ealizets 413,4 others Vltio hate Ife en ee l rivet:at. fit iher-s'etietron 'Orti Pllpoorriit , iro , trivit 4. tr 6 i'oxt. --,4-- ....,:::=,:, "..,,,:„..1 , -- , ,- :. ;•:, , , , ,i ,-- , , t r:,.--. -4, taznied I etav eft I/y.l Cay nn--1 ~ s of the! • , n(1 tlan anrip ,'si of the have tlin • lortaPPcr Ich tliry I nn Me.n- Inv SixTt! 1 111) tt/ro e inemotis. Montra. , : Syl I nut : DJ.. .tie - e. • Acb. - of the 1 rbilikaCl; Utthetrltbj , ' 111 ; 01 Tow,. 1 1 '..'41r Ole , btat , OW, who e Intrt. . : 2 -It vire lye el t4ri,, i'denoe fr9m 1 Phys loiry ) .;. Dr ,John 1 unAhlock''Al l a • e;,D i OM._ . rut o eu_rif] 0r , .0r nine , r a.. ,4.lo'py. I. te4ic.ins,4, 'st..;3rontro.l 3 2.44ta:Air• tow . • r n / 4 4 , • . . U, D Ll:Mak MIMI .. • o..C..Edwards; • ity.SGIA.N . 2O:S.I)-jibrbGE L ON,Harford, Pa 0%1 6:4.gikle:s !tore. • C •-Nr/rgilf git•CrW.N.D•74/1517•Munim.ei lISM=IIIMi - - ' inrer-dtel 7'7; , - • . „ Smith - ..- cititoy. , AN pr.:Cr tg',Alßat,s,,*;_ppt,:,vil -kg,: rut) to, :ticinaaYsnil, Tne,!4*), Trek. - • . 05711 iPar E 4 l.:w ! o f focii,,p.qt*Fiftf;.lllLniimrei* - cery Boots Bud , Sho e s , t.& Sprrugvillt rtners . Pfi. eirtzttat n il to their rare, under -null MO • 13 TLEY Pao . -s- - Op fii ' OCS. • AKnatETB Va eaii..sif.ttiose.:beautthtl 'eight:4lo casEmi ant! .4t! vr,b4ey,*ll 1 IT. E1914,*5...ti sy!.l4 r'y low,* 2.614-^Fellowkikir ... stirli:J}fl`..llTsT • Wara..,4m. ,harla twarsigei "geoll'as*tojia)'ttsibricitig . every - #o6e hi: lie 1in4. 7 111- oi r, k e arr ii t i tc v:b 3 ;ZVl& . . =ME 4 -Tailoring. 12 .N-Ez:k.zt.ysokt., r lishro ent. 4 ,Fizadouatge.Tailatti oat, , , . xievi ttiat liteb thtl, intvitsifr tat Sad ‘ e rtiv,:s . ,v,e,h,..> want elothe4;:j , i,l,sitistayhirras. receiTe.l; awl 011 outs oUservzl alltdregaes:' , Little '& , _ _ ,ea se • ;ATTORNIES AT, LAW: -, 0 • man by 'OW t t onnertri.emapted e Totter, nose, Su - Ant:lb:ma Otnitiss Pa, • 4 3 - itriz.t 4 -t Eza•;B- Cum ' ' ausE r•. I 4 URNI'iY and Couwsetrpr ;at Lair, I,:conunissFourbs pe - eds'for Yljsc° o th Oftee Alottie." . G;rtlt • • Oongdo Beiriet, e‘tivanmqsaatoltElToi LI X 'Vointe.f nhiewkt ttild'ExTbnage'llrett• sits art:iamb Cutristy 3X17.:_ n'W.b4-44TM.MAF.Agt."` 'in:ifi iiz it ig e . 10014 - Pittjetjae theft v. ant hestx, theiiat iifith the* ~C4rgego•