The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, October 13, 1853, Image 3

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    twar diathe highest premitini, than tie felt in
wititeeitingf.he silent tribute ot Americo+ feel
ing to a griokus4onst flute- _ The feeling. ut
the Fair, erfts so;. - sectional ambition for a nar
row triamph,-but a generous exultation in the
e id et ices of a general - national prosperity.--
We shall therefore claim no right, as Pennsyl
oetAns, to exult in a State. tritimph._ Such is
not the object, of these. ;inane' exhibitions, tint
at the Same time wo can safely feel proud of
the m a ny , contributions - which our. own citi
col presented. Thorn was a beautiful black
horse froM_Armstrong County that attracted
, gencral attention; smuttier from• Clarion was
-considered an excellent specimen, while' our
townsmen Noway and EWALT deserve -great
credit foiliibtaining for Pittsburg no ificonsict,
erable share of approbation in the item of fast
-get it would be idle to . attempt to enumer
ate instances of particular merit, where , there
was so. meet' worthy of admiration. The
judges haVe, we presume, done -justice ; and
they are 'more - competent, than we to, decide
correc tly. • We have looked at the exhibition
as a field' for national -emulation—not as in
enterprise for individual, aggraializement, nor
as e n epportunity.ef gratifying a disposition
to crow on our own dung hilt. As , indiiidu
sls, we feel grateful to (*cry - farmer er
Chanic=let him hail from ; what State' or COun
ty ho may—who has contributed to our grati
fication during the past _ . few - days. -We-be
lieve the citizens of Pittsburg entertain similar
sen timents, and that they: will today witness
the departure of many members: in attendance
at the Fair, with gratitude for the instruction
they hare .stfonied, and for tiro _ fresh cause
which they have given us to rejoice' in thead
vancepient of the industrial interests of 'tho
country, - `and with the warinest wishes for
their future success?'
Ths Policy of thS,Administra
t tioll.
_ • ..
iire perceive, in many of our exchanges, at ;
iseks on the administrathin for the manner in .
-which the publie . patronage fins (been distribu
ted in the mirth and northwestern. States.—
The complaint is, that many .responsible• and_
lucrative ogres have been estowed on these
who, in times past, have ateitiiined
sentiments.. • ,
These complaints would be most Onjuit,.
• c'Omini from any quartet; but they aro well,
nigh ridiculous, coming, as most of them -do,
inUti the whig,s of the. south. ' • •
.. •
In the of the anti,slaVery excitement',
and when the Union was in the greatestiji:.op,
ardy, General Taylor appointed - leading free-•,
!toilers to prominent cabinet positioni,ltritr e nn,
-der the dictation of such -Men as Thotttis Ew.
-Jug, of Ohio. and -Milian') H. Seward . of I~ruiv
York, coneetr4l,a,vast majority of the i?fficem
• in tkr;north-rtri* an d faetieus
tars.. This Lill was well •known ;•' yet tiqt
southern Whigs,he - very . men Who ate, so
clamorottawcre ax Mute and.sileni as a eh web.
yard._ Thomas as' secretary of the In
terior,-Jaenb Collatn.i6, as Postmaster Gener,'
3„ John M; 'Clayton ! as Secretary- of State,.
and %Villiamlf. lvertedith, as Secretary of the•
Treasury, With William H. Seward and Tru
.msa Smi th , as special Congressional ..leaders,
did not eteite,thiifears the, whigs of the
south when a. Whig was -President; Wt now,
when the-timir of trial has passo :the ap
pqinurient of a deputy pOsturortmer, who once
ixdiniged to the freesoll• or:ranization, is .de - -
. malacca as the' unpardiiriabie-siri.' becatiSe a
dream:l64a the chair of the Chief - 311 , 15.
L'1111: _ • .
We hate norivniplhies . -witit abortionists.-
or fmkroilerS, or. factionNts of :any. hue . or
rips: but yet We are. willing - defend and
justify the motives which induced the Presi..
.dept to adopt the course. he 'has adopted in
distributing the p.itronige. of thelfrovernment.
.We believe that - his' motives were ilevated
and patriotic: - .We believe :th.t't he wished to
r:tan end to ><'d:Mgerotis faction,.
tha&mocratic party 'in ; the •supp.wrt of - th4ge
great principlekon-which the happiness of:the
gantry -depends. if he. has failed in the ne.
enmplishment of his purposes, .the closes of
the failure are to be found in the low eunnink
andMean - hypuctiiy of the Men - with • whiun
he had to deal. It is dang,f,lons to treat with
men Who are bankrupt in character, they. will
reipeet, no' stipiktionm, becaupie they do not
fear diggrace.z—Netintial
Septtrob6r 22d, by ReF , , Wien.Mr•
E. S. RirsoEbs, of Linesbaro,.and itiss
Er E. DEANS, of Bridgewicer. ' .
At liinzara Falk, cia the.l6th of September,
by .Rey. C. It Chester,.3lr.: Wax.t,tia C. ' JUN.
DEICE to .1.14% MAZY A.. &Noss,- of Nei
Milford. ,;
-la ilarford on the 24 ins . - Millen: Chase;
EiNilfr. this J. BALLET and Miss:MOLLY
/Am; both of Lenox..'
Bridgeiater, nctober 6th, lii.'Al l niAtit•
Dra D. HsePEn., , aged 52 years. - •
Harper moved Trout Orange count", N-
Y., to this place about three years., since, and
b his strictly honest and , uptight course in`
de h e had won the respect and confidence of
an who knew him. lie was att obliging neig
bor. a kind husband and most worthy parent:,
He . wiz membei -of Alm -Universidist
Mach in•MOntrose, whoise doctrines;; haTing
tnosrfirmly believed "and adented - with a
Christian life, were the stipport and - roffirort
of his last hours. About a week . ' before , his
death he said to nie, "Tim Mast come and see
rai often, fur I want Oeople to know that . mr,
faith is good though the Wince's
A felt/hours before his death I Waa
Inored, to 3:tie side,'. as 'he - heti: eipteswi I L a
strong desire to see me again before 'his rie. ,
pause. lie_ said - .he had • no desire - to live
Wager,:wan willing and /lariat' ter' , go,..yet
could wait the Lord's time. Anil' / had rfad
'chapter and prayed, with him, be
and grasping It firmly I want'you•
to tell ihe . world that my fisithia .yet ' striang'
that , ' die believing in the restitution - uf all
nag; there it not n cloud :-before ,, the
health of wind it g00d.,; thunti in wheal
I have trusted." . He epoke:of and:made "TO
ments for his funeral:, arid 'eald;:": 111 e3!
* ll want yowlers when ism geffito
About two hours after thhi ha iwantheal . blia'
hst Sithont a struggle and in -Peaa"mlierk
of his senses, realizing AA Jeans Zan make
the dyinr, b e d , - - •
" Peel soft y Alriaa` " - 4
He had arranged all: his iamparal /flhira so
far sit* . was able, oven:iividg' , direethmi
the taseription on , his„ 4 1131 thli - a14 4 I* , the 16".:
_StaCte of which was,,,that-he'diedlrhimPlabag
° tea death in hop eUt tkia•
c n' sat' a
-0, WARREN' /:
- - irtg 0 :3 1 d•
• h wife Att. 491/‘.16,,,„•4 Age..
krt vAmit.; 9f Al 3 -
..--...._ ........
infa Ii alliyllllWl4o
ga • •
tOr - •
AliA ;,/ .6 .
tcappOry - COI.,
A- I Su* IL,: 1- - _ "i• , 1 2 ^ --: : • _..- '. '
CeitllN eld sere /theisliketeethe - 4111: - ,7, :-.: -: ' ,
5m.: 4 6 4 ,1U revere Nth Isissagatufto: ' , WOWS the - 4- --" r----,
4 „ 717 . ----: .7.-•^: - '-: --„3
_, . -.
ri ft, 0 , 4.. .:__i theeloatiae. louiebeek NW, OW , : *dew Shojealliftri..
111 ", elit - 4 -
,' lle•dmik", ''remiereitel ll ereepieee;- , .
Itarmee Pra42i.
BritVllTluindeeildv - - ,`• Tint imibilt 4 o l all , - , of . -----„-• ijose
~ Im b e r .ren 111_0 At_ esivelly Arporwiis'e .Werder, astufeeimpefia bled Allimeseawfableio
- P l . 71"1"1114 'ITIMI TIrrOW Elln: 461111•14 0 Untei s.464lll 4 4 C4Ater i gated.d ll . 4l 64 ,l ladia•44l//W4MISMI
.4 )--Itill eetitthrs,tiammemiliv i d es itshain g *. iseseAletaed-muNloor o lloakise-Cheirs. - 614.111**10411,
le 'tier 141 1t ift koof the lamp, And ill Ate,* ,liebethlii 0A".04104:',140,14941,1=,1/11 . " t 4 *
at ' elll4.4l ' • ' -- - " 2 lidta11141;1 444 011 0C 410 :!- .
r i ni -*Vll.l : 1 0 , 0 111 4. 1 i'' ;VIP C laili" : " * lti lfil lit 444". balit
r---L Mori.* Mak i . 4 •-- - ' ,--- --.• , 0 - alloo. - -, , , 4 1: -',•?.*:.- •,,-;-_ -...,4 ' -:' - itl'l.:l,_*!2/003. 1)
''''''. MONEY ! , MONEY! i 1
. .
l IIL V. II.I.O ; NEY -. eiaeVed-ly pure , asug of
-•lsuipiattii at Bingham oo , mho
leei thelitgesta rteat
between New York
and Cineinnatf. (it Dtkz4, Pietliinelki Plata , '
Oils,. .Dy -I.tuiro;lliteriinih4, GI ea. _I rashes,
Chemical •Patetil. Medici . Pe rfu me Fili.
cY, Goods ' &e. ~ A lati..Witid GI/ maid' I sliet
(rein 7 ki9 to 28 by 36. Put Y.
,Paint_ rashes,
GrainitesruShea. Glues yr, e. and Ole l hitigs
too aim; tie to mention iitt la - notice.
• -All of. bleb ive pledge on Ives . to Con as
good ter it, awthey, i can be ght in ih City - of
n l n
New - Yo or, elsew_here. • - . - •' -k " -
We ire - prepared - to supply dealer. attic!! as
the l o w est market totes. -- I'. -
. - - -'. - • . 1 14/11P31A/ft w"ia.- . '
' • ' ',• TomPkiiis Block; 'Sinew' Wto ,
Oct. 11...1253-41‘3.
, • , -/- Igo IV% lAlEri .1 I. .'
A Sett of .Blacksm ith ' s T 018. :
Tr. there be any wish ' to. purchase. a first
1 re!e sett`of Blackemith's :'l ools ef t eoi they
willfind it.teiheir interest , to : call peon all t hey
will bridi4ioßid tif I ,the first apportuni%l For
further brio ire. at, this (Dem.). iffice.
- October 1 2 ,:1853:_
. -1 1 - $250 - REW ARD' _ .. 1 1 -".
- •
pnE ibore - rOeriiiiVeriltr: "'Paid for INt., artist
i t .
.1 -andlconviction °film. mon or poninis*ho
set fire to the Presbyterian 'torch in •thaiiplaci4
on night of Saturday th :Bth of °culler. .
' £ 11..1LOCI.TNI, /kiwi-
pundit Oct.loth;-.18.53.' ' -, . i, ;
- • "
Prhit'iclittlilefli° B r i e '
111. Tgivr Ms rds ti
. rertbor
~... . he• atteotlo n . of
t n t . l ...e: : 111)
thebsodtaine n 4 ktionsive almortmen of J. Ir b •
is nom'opoitfit ,-eomOislota fan' and.boatttlf st ock of
Eli*. itlngs.lf • slt, Eiihs.rini Ring:C. Urotelitgi.Cromovi
. ......__
. - .eeletß t,
AtinlMe. aleere , Bla*OSl4 . .
udsll3.old KiTai
retleilg &c., Ii ikh midi hi fornierflooda ake the
richest itssorttnentifo be fotind•iii this Tillage: i tile; has
:spared no.paitiahi Adlieting the neatly e styles and rich'
eat patterns and Whits no person wishing' . to , pOrebase
cancan' of bait:m*l44l6i' nfth the quality or prke of hi
goads. , : ,1- „ha J. RYAN!. • 1
oa t ..i.Nro 2,, Odd
aril .1111gOitiprii-,Tho subseribeitak pleas
.1.74 train annouitidnit to hisilriandi irriv Lilireet
from laterpoid,, ankther kit of his celebrated natio*
,Leier ptilikadd kit
.firdrahea „ •, 4L.J.. • ir,1420.
Sll4riir Plated Kis, res-4. superior artiele made
to anateli tare* coral'. by • 'A. J. ia , ,ans.
. . . .
Shell 41,Arn . se;7.l.nst received, a -new bat Of she
1-7. Combs
,;; altr#4y '4o _-- -- . 4:J. : Tans. 'I
Resolutions. by the People.:i I
Diet.iTed lUsitan tintastill Y., Thatfor the last. Ora
IL year* we havelbenf in the 'constant habit •ottisi ni 1
...t-ha.Mlastsog LiniMent,tOr ,Itberimatbto,-*M4:, Air at, .
spiel, Tiraisee:eOrnitil and ltargs,in 1 it has nee er ;tall; I,
011. in giVe inamedie eiellef.., .
.....- - i - , 'l,
' : - Resolved . Tharvl4 bate alkinsed the "Mastang 'Lint*
ment tor-theinles.t 1
rysiPcisv•solt IthVuileerad 0, hat Med I
Hands, Ind that it, as always oared - • -. . l, • IL t
' it eodved, by , the; tadies. That Nre -have used the )lulS ,
Ling Liniment. for4ore Nipple.s, sore Breastaiit.litafeit
• and mires on'elkildian, and ter Stott or.nveklesOo the
' race end neck ;' an it bar always pr4redeffeet 14 1 --lest:-
tog the skin anooth k ourt and addle.. . .. ' . ' :4 . . i- • ~
' . nesOlie I. byall4 gra and, sexes. That we *had! [ever
. Continue * l te use ,c 4. be M instan Liniment ' Lege Yaw we
bare tri and proftd itl , etle-aey. . _ ' 11 - I . .
1.: - • ' ' - i i‘ i t i l •. DIINTLET4 READ, - :I i
oleial.i ' tinetail" agents, 4tontrore, It'su
. . ' -.: IRO. ittikiiiivitvf.. I ,
11" i ' • lii •• - • ,.1, 1, 1
mei, . his Fall anti.l% Inter at Itt Men
and }fop!. iq' ,- . . -, .. .., I.J 1
' -.• .
Ready Made Cloth . gil 1..2-
.. .. • - • • • !i .
Embracing) ter Coats eta variety or adesraFreek.
Steil, and beess Coati-Veite-Pat ts-, 7 4Soltalt Under
Shirts and Drawerer-trine, [ White,-i•lti .Fa ' "tlc
tiollare-tbrei, Alle-sttoeking,-Giores, c., 4:.• :',l - .
A. good rtment of fax tonable , ;.• . v.l -
I - ' s '4 ll ' ' • -
H - :TS. OA .....: - -
. A
=w ..4 li
I.B kls °A.ll 2 ,:k.uttiti . noi,t;,ft'"" :41 . 211Fir"
4 noir supply of WALL l'At' KR, Curtain Paper,,Bor
der, 4 - i. Beokii andEtiitionery... - ' • '
~111 , 1
'Also, Trani:Si, GI tuts :Trait-11in Bags. 31lacke011Cod-
I fish, Sugar, Tea, letidree ' , ikc., and a variety or Fancy zr.:
i Melee. .• . • . - • .. .: - 1 .1 1 :• ..- '
Ills mo tto It , rrod,ypoyand one pesee,--Cash or ititilueit,
lasswee's hotel. :
MoLtrose, Oid. 4 1511 : . I •-' - 1
• .._.: - .:1___,...... . 1 . . __l.- ' 111
S rtr.II T IV • 1 . : I'
iirvel. oriLy the load for; sale at
piotiscriher ' s, I;
5,53. - - r . ,owy,pc L.
ble:' sale, -. ii'[ - -
4 '
havirig *old iris larth, and.he.'
remove from this, 'pltteit, wilt
Ana on Satinday the filth iirtY
flowing -PITIPPrti"... v;z . F !!': 'SOW.
Juatirti oiroris ii, ISO
briahn'lr,of °my. 11 guniititi•Of hay. l'i, au,a, bock - , Stfirushr4ir of :potations: one cutti4rl and our,.huiralo . iobc• a liiiirly_, of ifnrlning
tools 4 dairy uteiivila, honnnhod furniture
and oth
!truck* too titimerinut to rut ion.,Att . value
vitiii , -ri . 83.: cash. down.; overi . thrre; - one` lyvar's
credit vvill be given .v itlt interest: and oritrtoved
aectirity. Sale fo')caittrorint4e at it/ 'cietoekj 1
... ,•:, - -:..: '`. . /Waft :VIcCOLLI.73I. -
•, I
.-, • Prid , rawiteri {J e t: 4,184 " 3. - ;-40 w 2 ';I 1 i
Admiuistratsr's= 3a1e. 1 1 I
mormE hereby givte , that • pu rinMtice
.1.11 'of in- oriteq: - Of sale Visaed from- the Ors
plians':.Court of sarptirhethuit county. the t a, will
be exposed to sale at putdiC vendue on -Sattirday
.. ,
thel - sth ,
day of Picrrentbetnest 6'404 ir. at.
that certain piece 'of tand;late the estate of Wm.
AleKeeby. deed,sjtuate in Dimock
in laid.innustyi bounded on the north by hindirof
Olney Donohue. on - the east .by lands of Imee
P. Baker" the lands of I.lrbanesinith,
and the west by-lands Of Veiny.) , Isboilivii
'taining isiety-sia acreiof land ha the iiasna hums
or: 'less 'With- the spipurtenanees. a portion of
which it cleared and on ishich them are+Maid
• -
Salo to be held; upon. the; premises' end terms
of pay ment made kuown on the day of so, '
isissfriOet:a. 18530w,5 := •
• A Meiliaz pi the:mockholders at Moutiose 4
:XI: Ilariard.- flank" Riad 'Compaay dill' be
*ekl at *the llausi - of Lt.oatid Salta., liton.
tr.i.e..on Minaiy.lho.2d,day.of..Nevisabie- Pali
at 0 - eciaika. ;pg., for the purl*" of tiled, Fg ;a
Presidetifilifiltaryzer4 Tramway and Orate
tarp for the amain?: Yelir;itirgeighlei if' 1114 4" 4 e 1 .: 44
Assembly. - I, - THOS.NACHOLSON, SlifieY•
. . .. .
?Tarte" for - Salt ' •
Ti eabseriben will act mimeo!, .1 0 i..insitialt and
seille4ll.sllestateermr; Haunt; and; Ude--
I mond JarAisinenno comity. Ps 4 -* la likons .
entity; ff. Y..aad also. yisigiois Land Wariest* All
who wtih bi offer nett -fee sale on givO a al=
isiikde*eiyi)oe or Mt fors*. Or Lets as':
arserw; boiriasaj logyeerred; sea bog .WM*044114.
fop; Oreltint; "ennti otboi t frult
treet; 'boirtu•froissakeat Beat. mad Use neureit pont
to the% R. , ll4sodN. T. 'Z. 'Z. B;;l price
tenbioroaftwest.• • •
PCP' All-Wboxisb to IVY .or Z. nest -r.stabei
rowdy* proropiotsistlos by satllariouraddnaing
tberMus at Greet Bewd.-Ponsebanninonly4Pa:
Cotarenan frau -Grad .good 40-tittt•
Ofileen Mein rite:Mlle the oliWalinlik4n di- B.
Oboeeiletelyooen ky N. v. parNetrc•-
• „ :1.. ...IL Llati l td • -
0 iniZe0d4044;41tb,1353. -- - - •
-sip' -
Br I'LL ' , TI NT
'AfgE READ - 1
.: --. manted i , - . bo o phistersat
BOOle AgulitS 1 ALLoots •Pr
, ...
To sea fr " rialtad- am. „ ~ . 1- , ' -,'
...-- "..,11... pi l i s :.;....i . , Ts iii t i i. A- gen t.
,- - - yearj 7 .pit. , , z• r : B RAcripiisb a -
- - _L-_- _._ . '-
' 4 - 13 . 4 tiesttalitette. se
maatevou.-:., ' ' -.''
INGrAO-10" Hi 1t2 114 1711 ,04111 t o motz 10410 11110 . . ' , . • _t-- - -
in/ - - tivik sad .mzemnimill Busk
of Bose Ot die best Seek*" 7 .- :ii v t ,
To 41411 41.1"."41.111LF:i: l a g s tiiii iiL 4ii
pm SOW $ 3 " , "di sig t0,..51 A 41 7 , I * : ' 1
r ip ripokt tiles' tg!II1104- 1 1 , 1 _ iis Idi Ilia*
I ,AllP"Tbalk4oo•l"44 lh!
•eiSOSSSer;elCfreglleli PC, I. sa araiNsapti r.
plibreoger. tikei1 i ...._11141".4-4 ." :4608611 •
"1r41141114e'--- 1011111111T IllgAlto. ft ..Y.V ;
in inu*ltststeigieffs .l
-Lever Watches.-
P•• r , - . 2 .ANO.Tja ER lot ofto
. 'y
- - • ielibieted'Boglish Pet
• ent Lover .1% etches 'scented
• r :this iley direct front:: Liver;
• pooliin Plain - Heavy. Hoot;
, ing•-• cases, also `..the • - same
\S IL ' quidityof movementliu open
Cites. the'ubove :undo'
. •
expriesly• to my erder will fully • sustem • the rep
ut union - thew Watches have heretofeceisoirunin-,
deli. Of:being the hest Titnekeepent over offere d
in this **rho, and uneurpassed in tiny, other:
Also, elerre quantity of Watches of various
sty heand makers;iiith Gold - end :_Silver. which_
will•be sold at the lnivest:cellt.,Mees. anti wnr
rained to give setisfaction,'.•
4; Odd Fellows' Lisp.
Blughasstow.,llllr,'l3, 164. .. - • •
CLOG 4 CLOCkS! . -
A full •assertitieut of ClOcke just received creir
the tnenufectorY. 8 (ley end 3-1 hour, -. Alarat and,
Ylain.-,Martne and railer. Of varies, pea terns and
prices by - • v A. 1: - -EVASS. •
_ . .
A large lot. of Silver *Forkic.' Spoons Knives,
Ceps, Napkin. tinge._ att.eirery article* in the
line tornado, wirranted ae,gooil ne 'Coin: - En
graved gnvatis b7l.•_. • • - f -A: J. EVANS,
Bieghamton, Jane 21. gss3. _. • -•,
, sawritxyg.
CME into the inelosure of the eubseriberow
or shoat the lOtit - nf
_the present month, a
pale red
"cow, iiicnt9,,ilearsiM. with white regs
and belly end a white spot en. her forehead.—
'The owner is reqiiested- to prove. propertl. pay
th - nrges and take her away: .
, -8: IL it AXSON.,
- Lenox - . 85pt..28, 1853-30w3 • ,
MITE undena , e ued having beep !appointed by
the Gottrt of Common_ Phras to: - ditte ribute
among the lien creditors the money- made on
the sale of the riot estate or •Orin' 4-
will attend to t)te duti - es of •said appointment at
ids office - oti. Smart* the mod- day of October
ncit,sit 1-. o'clock la the afternoon. : where those
interested are invited! to attend. - ! •
• . , __
pu,rmisest. situate I)hig a nd . being in
the townahip of
.Lenox; in the
r ut:army aforesaid.
I;Saidinietnises . hounded and deaf:Jbe:lllla follows:
On the north by lands of • iiiitzb Mead, on the
1 east and south east by landsof Aaron ILynesinou,
William Pratt. and ,‘lsott ..l'itrNitv. and owthe
west by lends. of. Autos Gurpi , nter. containin2-
iii acres of. land or thereabouts. be 'the same
I more or less. alMitt G) acres improved. a. tail. ,
orchard of )ratted trees, a framed -house... barn.
corn house. thereon ;lam the ...Instil of Horace
Citrpfuter. drc'd. 'reints . made knowu nu:day
- of sale. w:urdi will tali. ! Agee; on the Preniisea.:
1 . I.:3IXNUF:f. CARPENTER. / . . -
- ' A. G BAILEY, . '
1 Sept. !.:6.110. •
,:, :•.- - , " .
... _ -
Tfils tindereigned isaiinr,e.leen' appointed an
Anditot by the:Orithan't; Conn: ta distribute .the
in'oney in the hands of fletiry
or Nathan. 0 &Lidos dee'd, notice to all
person* einiieerto'd said. timid- appear et hiss
otEci an Stitntdom the - t j .ith day f Oat. next, as
one 10 - aiOek:T... Xi where tile d iess•nt said "ap-
P.O/ntsnent will be - attended t 0...
- •
• * NEW 7."0N, And. •
Montrasse, Seta. 19, 1853. • -
, . _. .
.JAI3 E L 1' Uft RE LL •
, .. . 1_ -
%gine. readied a large Waldo* to hit 'former stock
' • . ' ' ViO °US; s '
" ' .' - -
ithleltnnw renders -
lie will ire In ti biw asarir merit good.- ILlis,.a Utiles
will le veld as/ow or tower th they can .be parebase4
elsewbrrein Town,. sm gash,
Gra4ia of all earl , ,As s, Socks. Beeswax. Ae.-,
Ile dote s Wessell - that lo• b.** lair Goods is law-as a,,,Y
one ern: and bele confident- that' lie will. not be ender
sold. -'tie will - M.4A times estiwnt it it•pteasure to receive
tiallatrreit his Winds attdnetosseni, end the patine
generally, to wliein be feels fitY gratelul far past treats
in liberal fistro4s,re• His 140 kis eoia .. osed as usual of
aimarly «Awry thing ne.n.s l y. k pt lin-a ;renew assortment
Store,—bislisiting branches in trade are . . -
• -- 3tedicines.: I.lheniicals, - faints;
- . • Oils,D . ye.Stitfs, Groceries,
- r -
• . , • . A ottuns 4-6 -- ' •' • -•--
...-..., . • . . • . -
In ad Item to theme. he 'keeps a variety of
Dry Goods, liard-Ware. Cutlery: StonPi.
ware, Gliss-Ware.' Liquors, - Musical
lostruments: Jewelry. Perfuniery,:
. Shoei. Umbrellas, !Rips. •
yore, iValiPa per, Station
Window :Glass,
- arrived at •
. .
I A solesedld assortment of fold Mager Mug& Ear Drops
; and Sines. Brea; Pina.-fiZtteb Key& Penelbe. Pens:fie ;
i • Also. SiirerThimbles:Pcincils, Spiwonse„ - Spectacle.", eke., '
1 Silver Plaied. - - Gerunin Silver, an* Albeta•Ppoon& Silver
1 Prated amil O.S. Ilater.Kelsesosed Speetacleg p osicase
APectarke for : near _ sigbted persono; swathe ."undid'
i amatinent of those celebrated Waterbury PO , "Daces
i animated in quality. of material and Sash; Sheers,' ,
i Pistols. fire CrackereMarrison's and ether Moeller Per
i tamer,; an tirade Si thee awaited safe prevention of
i ameeption.Trusso& - Supporter&Shouldes-Braces.Breast
1 Pumps: the best it[ use. Piano Maio. 'Aseordetia. re
lion, pain ltowy; Ftela;ti, Books. 'Midges. Amin. Pegs,
JKerne& Tall Plena, Fluters, Pifer, Tuning. Perks; and
the bast assortmeut of Tankee Kellam- in Town. In
short soinethlent Kwavesy body. - theme and see_ • • - -
AbSo,—Broad , Cloths. Cased/nem.. Satheetts;Ken.
.•• tacky .leluia; Drilling.,TO:Sinai: ?linnets . CI Intanual.'
Lawns. Ch . s: Apaenas.CalleossMottele Tarn. flatting,
Weddlni,flarpenders. Cottons: and dl articles for mak..
Ins garments; ilei.wn Men. Rhirt Linen.Shirthar,Sheet- -
Int, tfaridkeichlefs, Moms, foam .nsmnior slats; /km • •
- ALSO.--Phad, tilaeherel,floolddi ifolensees, Passer. 'Pei,
1 Clefkae Pateralati.. Peaver.•Splee; Oases, Cinnamon '
i Marta, 'Mate: Raisin& Thaws. Soap.'Wood hard,•Solip
powder. Pal' oda: Yeast Powder& -ice: Putty; Cam :
phone, Burning Mold: tamp on, Tanner s Oil. Candles:-
1 4 i.; • full•lessortneent of 'Orneelies; • and ill Mats of
Paint' and Oil., meattantly on-band, band, and for side sheep_
IIT , •;,' •-• ' ! ' '''
-''-' ' ' - '
FIRE - PRoorriurr. „
Cif PATER 4 4 .0:11 . iitei f P
el,Fiee - PioeOnt. the
V. best . - kind- is.: ;otitrket: -Atm.-. pate Ingle
Lead, Zinc , and Linsfed3N. Mao neat.
eietitither Itinitet ?elide(
- Afeetrei..eept. 20; 1853, • • ITlit EL-Vs.
AR winunt.:s4o.,a4.; eta* iati
Ot 8,.11. Satrak t C 0... are now hi the lianas of ilenj..
Sayre for aattleinerit.- 11eewisitir eionpela hint to ask Mr
loriawBate Intentiori le thew well those ands own,
if not aeon Minlad boptt i n the hand* o
eats feriegilp
, JanuarrZi;lllll2.e. ,!. _ :
.1 1 17( inda Ti7 i f raia rire
to Wfal c t47l;47 natt,
sold t ig h t , kr " ' oIiNTIAT Ic READ.
0114--iversa.Clopbetse..Tatems.- - urii* vas*
bolted) Chistur,d'ollys OW. Tgirpiratbleik.e.i.ite.ei
Yoink by --, • 1111.111%41r &MUD.
.* MIR*
_4' •
VIREt ti , VEVIOZD - S 'retOoVed: dark
tiahiiiiii - •itabildni*it loam - rims' wit a
liiliairlope Stionviwiwif lite 3. Fieldale Hotel,"
where we ," !IlisM 4 40. :ahead ',mover to
on atria' their Oa (JO'
Ueda' . Meiety r oan:. Logien New
*York. Cad Paioltuthietas jest received
lloancee. Bey!: is;
• • -
• 4
y.) , •
Aggstartha ; ' I.
*S. -
h• 0 _
' - ,
• 7.
Auditor's = Notice.
morrox, Auditor, _
tette, 5ept,..,27,
- • • • • .. •
Mministrator's Sale: :
Of the -OrphttuNt
)11' Susquellitnint Coolity. will. he
to tqlls..oo Turtle:ley: the - . 24th day or
itt, at I . „cictppli P. 'AI , . 11/1;-:011,13.1Fiilik
- Auditor's Notice
, Lo` ak at • this,
-Vsaaare a party caaceragi •
. . .
- FrAttriTit
Ml?2Zl,lolitaa - .11Patta -
For the etire_nr;rds.:..itpastnes;Crateips, and all
:IVernaus and- ConiftqutitinAl Aseaset:
DELA OIC obo are laboang ender Oda Ware-4W Mal
.1 adfafat and the VEGET t OLE 'EPILEPTIC PILL
to 6e the only remedy ever dlscoverod for curios Sp
lensy. or Padliteg Fite ' • - : ' , ,
Three e/lle proem' a - speci fi c action on the *tritons
- system ran/. alttioni.h they aril proposed - e'PedollY for
-the - purpose of mai.% Viii. any all i be found of especial
Shetarlltlet all persons ,afilicted ' alai steak nersts.. or
whose Ilerfollll systain nas been prostria ad or - shattered
from "ply mug.. what tig et I u ebristilv %Us,
- eases of long statnltng, superinduced) by nervousness,'
Mew ara eteee. amid) , beneficial- " - •
Pelee; $3 per Uros,,Or two hottest - it $ .---' P tit of
the city. enclqsing a emelt. assee;sla e the Mlle 'emu,
them through the ARIL free of ;undo e . :For _oak by
SETH S. HANCE, !V& 101 lialtimore treet. Dalai - nose.
MAI ,to whom orders from - all lilacs of he 17olon, most
be addrescol.pust pal 4. - ' •
.. .... L k:
.. , .
. 1
. . ,
~. ,
.-:. Stoves - 1- - . -Stoves:l • _itoves-11
'" T" glen', snit Tiilowientrrendlidi tin that the
_ fnstipproaoh at the' keen - Fruits of Old titer
Whiter: oi% one of these unstirpasslnhie and highly
tipprovedlteees iron the, tuost.extensWllannfaetories
In tin Union, Messrs. Shear tk.PaCka , tl, bitotne , Indio.
- peniabin to every temi:y..:Va. would I respeetfatly an
nounce to tlincit I seat of Snag tudeen sad : a dj. dale g
entitles that: wo have just recitivell a Care • receiving
the hugest and best assortment of Ito ever•introdtte
'ea into *astern Pennsjivania. which will be altltt at the
very lowest ruskiiiire. - To those wire-aro in
,want of
Stoves they will.nod it to their'intiresp . rel y and ex ,
*mini? otir .variety before purchasing ' where.' . They
eon:wrist:lu putt as followiss.„, Tt ' • ,' •'. ' ' !. '- ,
• Initeel Stedes;: - -•• ' - .. 0 "ental. Parlor,
. . •
'-- Ro!aern, Voeerr. E. 04" :: ' V hetion,.; '. do.
• Fire Clipper E. 0., - - l' riey •-: do.:
Natiancel Air-Tight E; . 0.- Ir ing • . - do
'. Moriiin.r . •Siar •' : - -:' e,' taffe.. a. - ' do . - .
- .
'Piro:ere Aii:Ti 4 hl - ''of , ic• 1 . •
Din ht, ;: , .
- The trove Stove* are too Weil . kilo :to reqUi re VI
minute description, - ,,being• the triost. °pular ant] .si,
proved Stove in toirket: - Alt who- ma fawnr es with a
cell will be shown through our stlnfort IA with !Pleas
ure ' " Recollect the namblir"—Eat ''s farfanseJ ..
' - One,. Price Store.
. •• /
' ILerfonl,l l a., Sept., liis3:—.3k . . .
C mite - :One, - Omit All, Great
...Our entlreatock. or Parniera•boti•la
tremely low. In o.rderto make ro .m for' ,
whichannrarat anything ever bctore in!
(I me alone, - dont be alarmed, Uncle Si
to buy us all Arterial. recollect". ' - •
E.t.TONS' Vas Pelee Stare'
.•• - •
5000 ` 4l, ,,,i i i tml,
pricer. ,t, 4, 4,l l ,:d e on ic ..s kit g e . t e r
"Take.boot iitultters.+. - • '' ' :
I 'R %T YS' tine Price Store.
Itaiford,Pa., Sept 1,184. .., - , .... - • •
. - .
~ .
' • . Marbl4l)•Manufactery.. - : ..
r IIUE and.,egi d..b.4 to initnutiec to the cit-
' .L . izeue - of Su urhiinnit - Catioty. that:. they
hn so _ est nblished Shop .in Keeleila lin ildiniz, on
Mani htire , t, :Itombriiiii: irhere. they trill ' keep on
liniiii a eniPpry of Fiireigii and Anicricati-.l4rble,
and - Inunnfectrirel the -- Panic into Niontaiiii,taii.
Toinbs... Ilad _Sit:inch: l Pier: end Centre Table
ttJ The' public iii!l- lind ir.totheir interest Ito'
•give us a call bet . ra.tfoint. elsewhere with. their
orders. . ',"' •.. : ...,,S!IIP-PEY. &DE LO NG.' .
iloor. Aug 44. 1:•53-34 am f . ,
. I . 4. • .
• •
.•-• - At Great
next ßend Pa -
. •
T int: term of Ail Institution will: com
mence ottlTriiitinatiiy,.Asig, 3I at. 1853.. A
large and cintiniodious htritding hitsinz . - b;•en &-
tett up, young,' ladies from a diptance can procure
boarti and rooms in . the foroily of the Principal,
on - reaanuable tenni. . • • . . .: • . •
-1 , 1E1A1114.
Tuitioni t Primary Department per quer.'
te:.- ,' 82.00
Gram Mai, Arithmetic. Hiltore- and. Phya
• ialogy, l- - - 3:96
Natural Scieneee.' Mental arid Moral Phy. ' I
- toxnjthy. and !Daher Mathenialier,' ' 4,00 i German. Latin and 'Greek Lett- . -
guagee.. - 7' - . 5,06
Drawing ana Painting in water colors, •
Mende on Piano. &c . (use of-inatfornentr.
.extra) - - - (extra) 10,90
A Primate. D;Jeartnieut is connected With' the
school, iu which smelt boys are recar.
• . CoMpiVent Teacliers are engaged, in: all the
departmenta: •
Lccturea be given on Elocutiou and scien
tifia subjects eierr , week. - -
Great Bend. 44: 10, T£3532. . .
30 1 4"2. i, 1 3/4`;11.1e13.31 1 4kii
E Craft will pirate take notictrthetßrews
ter . & rtiinitiens are_preprietors and. maim-,
faeturers Dewitt & Lantoree's Patent
Revolving Lastllolder, by tbe use of which the'
work of :+hck;makingia .greatly facilitated." This
machine is "calculated to pieserre the health" of
Shoemakers by do: their work
while.atantling or sitting in an upright position.
The utility of these machines may be tested by
calliag it the shtip of . M..Simmotis in Mon •
trout. r • The subscribers will visit Susquehanna,
Bradford, Lucerne. Wayne. • Wyoniing and.
livan_counties for the purpOserif Selling Machines
—shop, .town Or county. Rigists. All orders
thankfully received and promptly
' Machine with right to use. 13 . 15,00 -
Meetroee, Aug. 15, 1853.. " - :
Mointroice *Pt ,
TH" next, academic year of this Bonfield g
Institution will commence. on Wedueed ,
the, 14th day or September - next, andel' the
Charge Of its prelenl' corps of inStructors. Their
repiatation and recess hitherto gives the.assor- .
*nee- to those who are deeironsof prrpariuffthem
any 'clam in, College,
that they can-lere , Obtain the, best ;IWO:notion
whieh eto-countey afrehle. The Trueteet hive
veCoredit sisMcient-loimber of Rooms to accom
modate:ilkow.who, may board themseties
at low rent*. Which can be whiniOd upon ‘aPpli
cation to the'Secretary or Trealetter.- • • .
• • Order orthe'Troweeit.: •
WILJESSU-P. - pies.
' oao:•Fthiauta. - • .
M. S. Wills, Treasurer• "- -
.Montnuie, Aug. 1, 10,53.19.1.
_ .
ABEuxtrattieu.., ;
'• ;' : • -',;....., . ... . . _ •..
'i l lseliiimna - --.
' if ....`''''-'
• ...:- - . ____ r _ttli OIL - ,- -
.TVST receiTal ariotheiTosportoidou'of esooefoideadld
aF -Fidijiordel Detached•Leirsraod troth:natal Watch.
to stth aitauda sad tool Ihnooodhol•bish4.4oubte botei
toateigid avian ovum, all - of istaksh.- age lrarraatod and
roa4vedtillesetfrans Boritiratiaad. ". rat, fout-sohjidned
prier. wbl at outs point:out to: the' public whets. and
boom] enormous par centavo eau be saved-• ',". ''. r
l ' Double bottom 13 Joaeledliwast We/404* abOrit In
i shilausausee cuss likataf:.slo:- , :flamor inovewoatohi
• -Gambits ease* frosn'llll. lloitoontal Double , bottotne4
I 4 haeo darted open - foe* awl pomade from $4;73,04 ,
Oasis* saalitaeot. htehouit bantlog CIIIIOD althi soak oat
oadd hria.9,4o/' AU of *Web have bard onadaolle4 Dl .
a110:5•47.44 Moaned pointed Veitavitirpeetic and Aloe!
alitonadolthaldeas. eamoslao fur leadirlio.ttoos $l.OO.
Gold lobanowl polotrd Oa ids tell from. aoe4. - -', Jerry
I ks,, 4e squally cheap . : A good amandneot of eriee4lont'
..1 sisquokaaa watches, eiohloot auikentdo GM rate :to;
- his iondhloo, 'lin be'oed 4 !dd edly:loortot'autir
i. rrrneb tuaatt Watch Crystals o l9e. . Wahl: . re ring
' 11.•:'' llifiiieh letj wl frO
adoo aorgeiltis to'porikaaera.'
. _, _
.apkulgaiks• f F t?ak 7 A "31 - . tnT Pill.
-',..-:' ' - :, .-` - ' ': - :4' , : - A..11131111.11tT0N,, 5 ' •' ''
F 4lajr,, — 13116113-4thf • - Wateb !Wakeirioal4l 'llatootat: --
. _
C • ROSSES:' , of4;01d.
• IrOnissi slid 'Aft Givosesatua'sKt-IY4 by
A. .
, .
=I)HOAST.PItiaIic „ .
.eistirelr DON tectelyed ibis irveitli r by
Sept. I._ -
• • .
~144 by
• -•'%A-ti'zEilipi.
Silre4iNEEDLEq.,..Alisits W .. * inpow
rior needtil,ir . or inrt timber iihiorday rvik._
*744 ~.
4 : ' z—:-- :• i
: 6 5434":"(;1134 ft1, *-- "%driti
thigeU t.
pit 1, 7 .- . ~. ;•,-_.
2,4, 4 ;4' $.,,....-,:r%-:,-.4 .r.. , :: ,-- -:-.*, - ; - -,- A. , .. , .: --,..,;•.:
Farm: fop Sale. ' -, - - •.- -..-
frillE subsctiber ofrers (4) miile a India &tin.
1 three miles east of t M atroiee.na_th ' - pu n k
_Read. and tomilini, froth .ltaileinid. -1 . It ion
.tains One hundred antra.; ticres impro d, and
nod tniihringi It ii weLlitateed..tindea good
atate of impressment , h'elsl.i. kiiiial orch ard. and
bI S
will tditiged to dairying topofri Weleiteetl
with :wall .dic.' . Said f. rho -Will be =mai Vvery
cheap.-, Add r ess the sti ' iiher,l 11tontrOSe, . -Sus
quehanna county, Pau • 1 I ! .. 1 1* - .I'
" . A t 111.111.4 MI ellit3rl SE—
, , ,
Montrose, sept:2o,- tnsli, 1 ILI
.... . ...
• tEliir F fL= GOO Si
' BE NTLL'II cg• KEAff
A RE thistweek receiving se "moan*lly Imre
/1. shlble stock *roc kumott wil d er G G is
they lova* the attention Of tAer en tome In.
Their asaertment eompriseti plat tev v
Dry Goods, Grocer:tr., Oroeitty, [laid re
Vedieltres, Paln. s, Oils, Dyesturs. 1 n amiSt
alines and i.e thee', Patent Medieirles, at vest
Watt, l'erfunterlt, Metahral IM4trualents, ire
Watehes,Jewelry, &et . Ore ,101 or, whtchlw.:
pared to sell at a very aux r.rJ Pan
_,.? ter Cash
socks, Rutter, Beeswax, most Mods crConhtry
or on approved crealit - I I I 1
Montrose, Sept. 28, 18n. - I i
• Joseph L . tiler Hai
111()ESPEUrruLt,.Y i f l Orms his it ,1
.1.11) he is now receiving lal pie of c mei
from the great ..• Entpormtn,l h whi tt
with his old stock make :hits nssor men
complete, and will enabl i him to cci ,
t „
compete with his usighboii. 1A too .0 li
mil be, found a good solii] , of Dry r '
-I -1
ceries, Crockery. Rardw re. rintl Wood
Nails, Fi.h, Drugs :Ind I,Y/s, Paint au
- 4. N a ßoots and shoes (ii Imperil? lop hs um
I Ladies Winter liootorts,'skiiholls, C rpni
'Trunks, Ready Made craliin+ selee edi.
ILy (Jr service, and a thouitand other user
I cletk not necessary horn to hienion. Ito
Ihe will sell at the lowest I Vying pr4l f
Pendant., or approved credi . I. '
Upaonville, shpt .
24, visa. 1 i , i,
-4--- -f---. , I ,
. Bargains! 3 . a.Tgai.nsi
Look out for ,th !Poll Track.'
A . tr II
‘ rg o assure t
14 that they are now - preparing or . the Fel
the.? a.sortenent of il 1 • 1
Storrs (of 411 kiods)',o Trinenti'
i f
- And . Tln: Japan, Ream and ;OOpr,er WWII,'
and complete.. allot which will Ise old very lot
down, or exchanged for orodse a fair rates
Ta who wiste-to porchaf S veil f. r tit
t ila
Winter will find it to their haPT In to givens 'a
ity'wears determined taxies satiattelion an price. , , t
fJ' Jnl► tithe done at onrilltep
In the_best manner. 1; I ,
s a e Shoo on Main street. a 14w loots brio
, hotel, Mid directly opposite tii: Drew:rag oill
1. i 1'• D.,1. Uri
1 alontratse, Att. 11, los, !! s. A. WOOL'
Gush poid for4Ofierp Pelts. i
. .
wilt • be* 5914 -ax
mu paithispe
Frodue 4 - ; Then
.!nu is tieh m*lll
~ • .
N EW-. ~
. T it, SC ['MIEN iniDes`ult•-n,.4 .
on to the: ;
J • largenrol complete aisetlateat of .
••. % i New . : Goad,: bil.kiti S'ireg. I,
he isMilr redelvlnz: In iiiton o his usual
'Maple Dry .1310.44. Atronerlitsi "llirdware, S
he silo offers to the Ladles fie
stuck of . 1
• - .
• ~ •
. . Fall and, TrinterreD ess. Gode
i t
Sa•in * Velvet Bonnets, fitat t ak Ribbons, tl .
floslery, Veils; Tablirspromt othS.Sate '
aud' :Milian!! fine. Booed and In bate„ 4tc •ti
tleineahe o ff ers a lute stoelCid 3
. i •
...Ready ilforM °Cothing. 1
.:, , 1
'moth:, Cafislmines, Tweeds *iad leans,' Vestii
and Cori, Itootalc Shoes, de . 4 l I - ' • • II
las atock embrnees a motif extenetTie and 1
tort meat than , heretofore, '441 Le is prepare
out • ' ' ' . 1 ! :1 r • ' 1
"Superipr • Iddii
toeasilintreh;lAerii. I:: • . •••
lie eaapeetrally selieite as irly emit
awl' all fithoix • desirin4 gorcitgr " -
pries asked for them: 'l l
S4anakertirille Sept. , '
_ ,his friends
.4t are]lworth the .
--- - -r - - ..• ';'' .- - 'l' * - ' I
_ . 111- f
..Paper; Paper ;.' ' Kll' Styles and s ices. the
assortment witii! - .^Offered in - this county
re - Celead at /, ' - J. 1.1 4.n. strt purxs. i .
wool Socks, i Dried Akiiple,i,ke. -
:il: . - i '
'e int R very .hizlieit Marko. prices wilt beld feria!
I Adel Is °Cando. Socks. or ed Apples. W ite Beans,
&.c.: either on account or in esictiatige for G ood. at con
frames. 1 1. 1 ' J. It SIITP.MINI:
54 , 91.29 - 1953.. -, -11 II:
- -- - NEW : ED:LFOIII).! . , 1•---;
. ,
*SHAWL. •"&sLodt , iBs • GOODS
•: p , t , . : 1
.. ....,
---- - T . triiPOßLsraz , -1853i
u 111111RITT would Invittilthe attention o its friends
.1.4.• aud the puhltc to his . elt/land
.splentli stock. of
Fall and win*e.,...9hattli;! • .1 1 H
!Adios' Press Goods. rich witI t ie. and ihinnets of new.:
styles,.-whirh 1.1 'connection Itlt a large aeWlitruent of
rtai:o and . Fancy i;ry tlubdj, ' Groceries ; ' errikefy
3ardware, iron and Nails,Stiires, Bu ff alo 80b.:,.. Boot s' ,
and Shoes, - ,llats & . 0 . 1 10 1 ,‘ Ciitimittig, PairOed• Minden
Shades, Wall Paper. Paints. trilitj&c..-& e.,. will make his;
asontrurnt eaten:4lre and coailllate, and will; e sold 'on'
the inert favorable - terms . fratila,- most khyds of Pro.
duce: or approved credit., 11 i
N. B. Wanted any .inantitior W ool Sockki. F lour 16:1,1'
Saltby the teal or Md., con4-4nri , 9ls " 3( . 1 ' 1 •,- '
New Milford Sept 29th, 1963 i ~ .. i -• '- I
... ..1....
=I , -:
• -
ew . StoVes. - .,:,
H.BURRITTia now r.veliring a new and fr
. went: Cooking Parinir and shop: $s
Wool or Co ti. and in prtnectiptt *ill* his pre-(
wildma.kti a select tiad'eginotel. a ss o rtm ent's
popular and improved kinag . 4,.--.--:,
Air-Tight; . Elevated . 0v a, Nemi
. , _IIE .1: • ~
Plate ..YlosPm•- ~. - . - i
• 1 .1
- Ale°, store. Pipe- steel, Iron i l. Zi ne, Stove
'Whit+ he will sell at the lowest Prices.for cash.
ed credit, • ' :!li 4 . - " ' '4 ' '''
1M l' - . ' ' I
NOW Milford. Sept. 29th, ~ - ~. ~
- just:Re4elved;.. - .1
4 rarie - assortm,.ent.of .all Gdo
si. ' • .• -1
'will be sold. eked
.IQr' Cashi
~. Coy .
,---. _-• , D: k LATIf i ROP 4. :-
, liontroite, Sept _b , 11 . 3*' II" '' i '.
. It
. - New . Arran: 1 - MOIlt13:
lilugliiiiiimin sliorf l to,iiiiiiiiv I I
- .41'0w:sr/la; .ri/O.M.CS' -
1 - yerouLttlimp r #trallinannearata,to'lhe Lab lb-
YV ~ itaisteof- tadersvtlle i : Greaol4; : l aid I t yl.,
cinitv, that theY;aitet, Do* OW: !Vilk" -..
ply to their already"la ii . stock .of . is
their ; new store . - reeeuil { erected 1 avid,
c m:
Thosniiu. .....•:•-.: -:: ..• •! .. ,i' •, -
~..; :. . 1 :4. •
:Thio:assortm e nt.iiestip,mi T e. kzeibeaqingeThrf
artikas meetly called .for,'lpiad wilt . positit be,
j o idet e ir p er for cash, thou ever bKforo of& ' hi
this section of country, co4eistinx of i -.*:
. „... GI? Ig til Y GOODROCERIES, ~"t*i:
Crycktry, lan. Strei;;A'iiits t -I,(#s and - SAnitab•
'nor, Pish and $ 1, 4;:::r. ..r, , i -..
added to ten thothiiinitsitii } stia not_riat:
The rabscribtais lorkb;iii tiongra3Y to
that Cson is what
will sell (Net as cheap) ;tail. oitteOve l !
ri,other estataishment %Volt?) •IlAtin . if
Please remetnber thottik akw, ierflli i
4 4 1 u
; fiction, abut " stubhostsfit, , ! i .:Witil we
will demenstiapoppoo !.; : ' ali a s of
and priers.' : i . , / . • i
All those who have been in the h r ithli
to Binghamton to povoitiOeunds will,
their advantage to poltpo64 -, --‘
1 - ir ,*Eß. Till
before going fartiteir;Aira ... he% vll
.01A 1
wan t.-361t :'.,• • • ••••;•: ‘ ,3......;•. :t . 4 1 : 4 - J• :; 4.. tz - .*:::1 1
..ta...- -
: :i _ . ~.. . _._... .. tii;
~..,.i toir
- , CATI,PT§ST • - , ,
(F O RMERLY 4. .t..eir iiiiii' - ')GREAT; i
4 4
trm iiioiritiii, iiiiiii l ofielvii
.A. - eiliiktwat*tiohErosiiilitAy4 tatic4)ll
pr•Part4 to'rretive and 11!****tiA - pi****._,l
Ili' dalightfulki - litt - " - it. th 4:
As river, oa•th*itu
Datawart; I :**kayst
looking* wool been
patios - ono et, seitOry
Wet AAA t****lonr
forGicUtivAA 4 irmf
- nutlikatirry off
iwaidlod,. - Ilan I
Celd'ilillkatheld. -
fir•it Aluf*PAcef I
*lb* Des*. -, --. ' •
TA staflrkh . 4ll the
eltyitukoits who*
his houses plaiiv
• ter 0 osave.. l
.w 7 *AC for
-, Uri Lira!
- ~ . ~. •
•- .-- New Spring. 1 , _Goods •
• . _ . . .
. .
CHEAP - PO x- c A sm. ..., .
Ur N. W44: 15 015: reistliig - 14 - via:* licigniniiidi.
-• . • i .• Manta lithe public roe past raiumy antEinviter
at&in; GM to ism large stock. - of : Sprier -anti limiter
Gob il silica *be has meal red andighterforsitto extrema,
ly Jim for Cash. Ildving reeruGY-liadlib vircov4alteged
motifs theilitles, log b steitte9::gettidit, 140Foaord, hi.- L i
prepared to ahiliii a more eitessige and; trifled ,senvet.
mint than heretotheg, and to hold Out milpailser Induce
. steatite eash.parehasers.. -The itubjoin schedule . trill
and pareftsvorably with, that it - an,Yitth ' lisetrhant 1 r
thiirichalty, ' ', - . .:, - - • '-' i'., .•. " ..
Lactie .Dress dou '. -
- A-tirie'itoak ;Or' biiak: "mina coleriel4 6 k . s,' ,otrat Olt*
grad &sand patterns', 'front is.- Oa. iti-1
_•:'•• pei-yi . ted ..;—. •
Ilieee DeLaines, (Mulls' DeLaines„ in . ../donselistiDa;
llales, In endless variety 'and surrehen ; . :-'', '' ''" '-'-'' ••
:.. ~ Printeant - Gpighd ,st..:-', !,,-,...-..,-.-,..::
1,000 yards , of, Men/Mach. 'Fall River, hlsitehigtett,
C otl
!MI, Englieds'aypl other-My:es ot Piiiitto. it:l4Yo. , Mid
Is. t 'se yard:: -Ono -came; of 'shiperier cloths and colts&
yaril !tide •at the toil price nat.
.1,000;yailiot Giumis.
tee d OLtsgost Gingham& nttw'paltertaosinanted trot
..,. Also aid French do, from Z."Rs:
Itfoitnting-Gridds..:.: ..:. ••••.;-.,-,'
j t
. . . . .
.• °babe-shies Slipups& ;iinhairLustiresi,ltsiegeiCahltifl.)
Cloihat4 nil venal petsdiceseSlik Tissiat& .. -ind all' other
goOdi Used hi mourning . '.., • / ' : . : ::•,•,'. --'...!•7 .1
1 - - - -•
.:•:...' IP/cite: Goods:.:"; -‘' .... 4 -.-...
-P i lein,'p bad and striped Jaconet hlize ll n,Cambetn 44.,
and de.
ty tif
' I t itoota,
laud, Tin
(19 pre
, Weal.%
emalil," do tt Id . Anise% 'Mu 1.1,,5 , 111 a iresoisl47;ml Tarlitdu i ,
• cambric., Bird's. E. k Linen. "Linen Table t)littlts..
Nanking, Seiatek and Bum a asiatirm fAritt Lltwmilnis
nog Shirdugs, km., 'A c.: at such pr!ce;tai ...I:almni falf:to
give entire satisfiCtion tocustore«ts-.:.••, ', :: . :'..1•• , :.?„- ••
- - Ilosiety and,
,GlOie... • , ..-:•-''.-:. -
. . . .
-• An esesilint assorttnint and very- ch'eati.• 1., Among
thorn's la/Toilet of ,Vhi4reiattcli Rose; Veri,fttir., o 4ultlttl,
tini est i is ;Mi. - ' :
_. • , ' •. , .• : •
.. . ,
. - '• •. : "! -' ' •-•;.' - Shawls.: .. t.:'- -..•,- ;.' - ..-- . _- 1
• mi,.- large Int of Itenclue. ChuitMa. Crepe apt, - ettibmere
Shawls, bheaperttion eve r . before offermL -.- ' i . --. '..
Handkei'citejs•.-'l,•:‘,". :-•-' - - '-• - .
illain - arof Embrolderik 4.liniti Ilatalketekiefs of , every
Smiles from 6 J- tit $ 4 rich. '-• • -:. - .. 1; r • - '
.; :•.'.. i. .•
Table' nd' Plait,; Covers. - •
. 1 .- 4 -
A ll •*oolEini) . olSed: Werste.i titul Linen; Brown'Lltien -,
:anti Celtwd Cotton. front 4e. to $4 tack.'.,.. • , , , ...-' , l ..:::' '
~ .:i .. • , Goods: or, Men: and • #oys.-... • ..'i ,
tlrnadelot kis uterine colorant tranlitY * ltortill*:: $5.
black and fenek Ilissfineres; from 6s. to', :•ni• Kentucky i
Jeins. Tweeds and gat:Meta. from .le.. (hl., t0' . 44. ' ; Yen,. I
itath's of every deseriritioti.nuatity siis orree. , - ;4 . : ....4-';-- -. !
p:': . , , -... - ' Domestic:' ~. ",----: ;',.. ,'
_ . .
6.000 yards Sheetlt mi and Shlrtities.', l frem fic,-to-lic
ptiyart. s .ooo`faidatileache4 do. from to Its.'. pit 1
•yartis.: lickineautt Arminers'SoirtiogS front t 0... to ill.
per ya.l. . , • 4:I• :-- .; . _ .- , ; ;. . ,.
Irizakeif -, Milton s'-and Pediai'il . Good's . `.--- ,
Of Ivery deveriptiOn - .frem•stiaction and the Chwuteittwoki,
houseriin N. r t .city '„ PC - tilers will find II greatly,tothelr
:inre r elt. to rail anti l ook through his 5t01e:.... •• - • ..
fTrilltk.i. : .:1 7 cilise.s ditcV.C(irp: et. Bads.. . -: . '
. . A very bit:M.4nd ".wiltasserted st 0t.,, nre asist dis c , t
it • h -
font thp lamest, ini hufactwrihi 'this' country,Jukr - ii
valeta, stank Wipes is WU apttnit of no competition. I
..-; , `-
- ..Strgry dtt i ct 11111.1nery Goods':
.- . - ~•
_ - . - . . .. _ . • . ...,_ .
trite inshseriber is,: ea. irmis. of ;nivel - Mg tbeartenthm f
tit's: pub is partioularly to this braneti of.. hle business, s
1)4 possesses great ' rattle" Air getting - OPS.. greats theail.'
lip deal - nos keeping, onst-ntl, on hantl,gVtiring the Sea- •
sett) a Imes ! stock 0 STRAW:Ch
IIONTS, -which lie Will
.*: 25... per cent:chestier than they Can'lngnal at - eeta:l.
in New Torii city- ;Either whi..ittatia or, rptait cittitemtrit
*ll nod. it wimtly ; ; Ito, their, adventsitt to 'er.aruints , ins'
stork berate roakin . purehalea •- i
etkeicheie. ~." .- -`= -- '....
.....ntirohleries. itil bona sult•Dtes.s Trlteminglii'#.lP?w'
tment: at lett, i fees. •;. r. ' - s• '- -.
' ' '"' -,.
at; that
it guise •
is stock
lA., Gro
d. Oils.
a Caps,
! Halts,
Err Cash.
' e public
1 Trade,
OP , •
fur mull
call, as
and (mai.
- . ~. "IV. li .WTTAON. .
itre.tri: in Tam Invi • - •
C ~." "‘"r: P "nrt " a -
o " Ste the Amerrean Hotel.
15. n lii,) tiring
' i ' Awl:mm.l l o l4 . lin
to 1 - 853.-19y1's - : • - --.
1,1 IPA r itOttlii - li-tit Fe . - - I
Saw. amw. Coßtolis4g; -
0 -e, 9 Wall Street.'
lowly of
oats k.c.
ATM. and
la. La , ieg
CA PITA . C e '`
.all.Ltiii - or Daffiageby Firi...i
-- •P litt CTOIES. '•- - ' - -'.
,e,...• Stebbins; I 2 - Brood Street; *eft! C - ..ltakeri - . 1„
druce t Uteri I 4i 'rd Ban cker; 11 S Broadway: , Iltornakv
A otters': la& Cel r street; r:Latisail. South. -31Ayd;:wpr
Airei.tictie street;
rt; Alb,: t L Conklin, ' 810 011 . '400cl street .
Jo RieS A.' ciwithy..l 3....tiroa.Jwity4,,,Chailes Lent. , Kitaitg:!
bit., ige; N. Y.; Lan lirrr. C. nallit.7l.tica4o, - 1114 r. Strath.
'lliotibiel-:Wan....W.. 'eitti,t, iltlr.Yoricl '.rtilti it.: Roach;
' 1 , 8.3' Bank litreet ; • 8 tiate aS:Boll, io r... - Wilt Atad.Lni, - Iti
eo 01 -,i 3.litili:;‘ Been. 78 Wattirotrtvtl "DS Van Wart;
I 8,11
.rcaikkgriiy ;,11.r.i;nitlio Y. Gallup. tor_We t r-and Bar...
.:1. w gtrii:ty;, e"r. Ganivoort arid West;
. ober% Bois; 2r.,.. 4.4...Entlitti; Avelino' ,78 tepliegf Cram= :
'w it, tlooldon..N -, J 4 A ILIA Wadiektr.,. Philadelphia;
B. ter - -:B: Britton; "4.0' Matti - otreittlltittnuar Binalairi
Tiibnqe Boildings.;. Bow nol B. Show. - Ulotelind, 0bi.0 . ;- -.
[. 1- -±'
_:. . ,..i ROTA I:- 4 . I IE(MBISRLIN, Pies. • -,
- CHARAXIII. plfA,RKE:Seey. : :' . ...... - 7 , .'." ":.
. .t .'
' CHA *i.E.S.L: Ap.ows.,
..:- : :'.. .
Ilaiiititilige,'ge t ir. 8;1813.' •- e '-, - : ir . . - -.,-.- z...',..'1-.1.
ugs, IlaL
ipsures ag%
dried as.
to bold
. .
• • u a• Ca iforma -
t 71 . 01 .,Pr01t afat ,
• .1 -if • •
- ‘..ER'4VS : TODDAR.D't. -. -l - 7 4
wtIICU if neti,,lslled:larkth.i,new ad t iztelti,,
,tiesort tient of artletes in their, line,'
- variety
aivlee of bidige*t d ;-.Geittleirietei,'Airear; :await
_which areludies Vreach -. Lll4ing
,and~ Pre
_n; Ile Gaiter,, Kid etud Kid
Patent f eather and ' brisaiett';'Jetray r •Vinite;ilrtai
lone a tid" - Ties and .:4%14
d~elpbia,'.oakaanned . calf ekin nattiltipiteriti,..G.nit' I
fees tion 31tinterry„,atid , :tVaily,.: I
BBrogans,-arc: 'Pay& kip. calf ,
• h i idet; , all hitidair r s - 4triiii4,anidl .
et '..gFaCrAt
au '. .
flnetles, ahoe bi nding, _awls,.'tra.spgi.;.plka.
or-itnivem: ike.' :1 'A
oak and '
calf =upper and' foe, o tatii , aa — it .
• repairing
E R. &:,..sTop
. .
aR *seen
ovee. fee
!Itte steel
the snort
[um_ and ;
ulrs ice
• I. •
i : - .. )I C S AP E 3 1- . -4 .* ild .‘ ', •f i i_ i •MTA f . : -• -..—
I s,.
:. TO s l7 .s V f il l MO 14
) •
.. 4.,,*.tpizt eta* co..iiiiikiii - ra:-
..:,,ly: inform the people'iof• Chia eezzuz . V
t 'ittedrzte in einentl,•that..•they have apt:aktaki
ablishmiat of . the-above- kind itt., Mau tr00.:4
e ofd etasul of Sikire mid Wout e i ~..ii i :Aiii.
north of the ?.lenzee,ret offi . lo,. whveizale iiitridi
' tii keiiir'.iiiiliazid.i' 141'4'4
,iiiaortil*nt. art. iiivir.
t i'm..C.Piniklinigi *lid 'Astiieintialvaitly: all of
:lir bic4.4 140 Akil eel , ' lel.''Slala,. i.* 0 1 , 1 'can W I
kiintbtinAkta.of any othilr zanzativ f: . Azalea",
'lrti 4 iihiazY firilik4d Ike <lSlliiiviiiitseihtee' . 'Ol t
tolliost*OasiZimiiiiiiii-,.-: -I ": 7 4 . :ili'fkr
1 . ,:,.;.04115;,4- gifarttig4l, for tiocikig',Pl--5*
71 e0;. , , - ", - . '", , ~ iii c&P
.......,' itUfilie Pate , - 44 1, ~ " " . " 1
. -5- Vaimr; ' , 'h . ' ' .-. '--
ri . f::64614:a1ati . 4 , . , i'. , ' 44.' '.... f. ,4,i ' , % ::{C: '...‘
-: 4:4 , ...7.4,11 , 4zieejt, elevated; Ocen.--- : t !, •-•; •`.', -•
..i . j.l=. • .:_..t__-- L • •-' , f ;30 . t .ll-.t..7.--__ ;• 1- - -3' .)-
...:Alee. • Azilab:Pifsce and sitop.s!tovee e ,..colveee
'tiliz od aidliaiillraiiiiiii 'fot.Sieititti'•.'
. . si lithilliWitaelsr.: itisPr . 364zi'Tziafilkilf ?
.ralaK. iil-takipplotChalla,laal.44*,_:Tioe:,
• '''.l3 6 :Aitlir iir Ilii.t.iorn ' Wesik deiiii.'l44l•Aztrt
*liiiiiiiiiiiiii*:reiviioizahle leitiatA•ol6Pirtifz#Szi
t ; • all. pielii4 - iiids ,PA Y. a wl 4 41 0 11- W*lll, ll q •4 •l j i.
•A! 4 Mi l lkindozatoPtcxtefte - I idt . l . 4 s i tor, ehiiiiii,
ifilt Cdpfitii*.4,fek tmlit* : i*
1 ~ 4:0 1 1 i 4t : i; . Atif°9•
Iliejaleiiii aeprii#, - 1853. ' . . • . , ., , i-E.- - i:-AT::, •
~_z - , 4 „ ~ ......I,•ri.. z • .:?:,... 4 , a 1 1.1444,1*1-„,i-::
rot*A .-
hap anr,
: :4:"1 ::: '... :8 1
.i , L___ --- st- t iiii,-1
liillsiutoklt.uvut . ~,
40..,d_erLii,,.-4ilmid iorma,iiiii,l4.o4o"hlt lies
Tim . l7 - sh - 4:l,,iii.,..iiwin, ir,:,.... i. . 1 7.....1 1 .1f 5 ii4„ 5i
.4, ~ „ it .wro, bii,...i,„*!'enw-,l;kativri•tih4i'Bo,.., #t=4"'l
' =rt- . ' anivrity4o‘:Ativi vy , '..r'Wit ' i'i.
.* v4.4...,;_,,,,„.4
° * , yw tia"..,ton mu ...r
IN,6l4ltricntiii,ii„utiltalt,lNoptAvi, ,-
- 00 .. ...adlizo , tiolvisobeel)..--1.---, , ..,G. , :-...;-_-,
1 .8000:4013 . -7401 plx.:4 ,1,, i4
r *---.***.tlW4=',:4e4
,igoittiaLlumgeow ip v.. I
iss.vateranki„„,,,,m'' .
1iapag.113,,,.. ::'--F,,.,. )::.='--%
~...1 4siltworm
4i1tiv44 16140111,1 V--.-
.44•41.4,rikiat. . _ _ me:- LA. :
441471..F.77.411411-4... i _
*- O
‘...,' .•,:-mow:..;, ' -.4,,, -
. 01 ‘ % ) - - _ teri-j/
... ..i..W . 1 f ... .
litiMTl___i '4
4 , -,-;.---‘ ' •
r ig '
NISAUIC-ins 1 ig-1 : 1,4,t- -=•-. - -i
.-, : , " i ' _
Via - t4 4l .4ttn- r tk_. , , '. , ..,...4 y,„-' .7.: ".•;,
y (pi
, 4
r 1
INV b 0111141),
le. I. us r
Caeb sa3 dfiproved
m -64i4 - P.
Leave on , adaye
reaching Ifidiistexibi 'caeca' tal(e the:11,11111.-;inglill,..41
Cars, both PAlhOf and West, - trieg. , the eiefeesg.eaiitatee* •
feasible riniftite teach - Mitt Nets Y.Sttf•atekEtielbigi4l42.-
Mit nue intersects; a , tel-veeW far :itiletoeltp . :l
"StichigtlllVl__*atalthateitieb; Wyouthecenetwuk o tio n ..
I :ollickieloreo 3lo ,o l PWit. 7 kU ev et3,4 lo ßdaYWSke!",'
day and Vriliy:;-,lliii;'l line° r t iteedtkilli,Leabis
t ke,, Chmall'aiunsild eteereets4aleatteisitel..atk-440111?-:
j atel'the Peoprlitoit will spare as tam. ,
311° 4. 11M° ' Pabqe • •
betinalei 24, 134 :MintBkvf:-Iksll6f.
"- Selfretitlietallitgbatatonl,Bitootne 11! ,
t) ; • : N;;14 - . laketitinteiilueti
iiniiirelfittikif - -' , .tuiy!he:'faitfinittfWlantt:itied
plittititiikeifietfisiglilimniiittiolt'4lity4464ll4 - far
tekei phiestifeitt ituntthiteilig;: that Itia:`,ttifeifee- .
'news lbf the ,
hating niadu hisiffaugetitCntsi
bn ettpilifr'd;efith'eFett , Officie. ft- cept,aitstelt
altleOhits to ,`tgnit yard, at ' tite f atffitS , 'PriVeli'.*akih 4 !Y- - -
a re 1 01 - 4 1:1 1 1 1 N t iat
at_oncO *fiery- aierirlatind bCacdd
cheaper: -
than',io. - ottfoehouguilixiiw
Atetchtuta- this ~i- i ciattf:',*te.-,3oy,eytiiiing,
gotida citoitit„and at cern. .rThiir - „oa ., ,atecita; are
flooding at thap
even - af-eviati, l- :; - ; - /Aiet ,-;
tome to tli..s.-Xkth r
,itono , !Too fro th!* - -Al)**OF., 6 Ce4 l3. '
ere and :fife- arttniftiettaryit, - :'- feeesved.,
20 of the inittioitt ottitioef rickrbitteigl . -
e s ,
sole. Shawl Yttetreir
Mitt?; - seittintn#int.:-Ot
PriPtit• 1 4 6 4,,.„r 1,1 0a 1 0,
Sitretinpo: - g - teb litrip.••s . and flri + itlla q;,
Siore:a hd '= Banser ` stdre
I.AV alb' ;and ilia fge
itt-Lr for- shewi campaign.::-;
lis open.. Oniria,,.ait qatt , -
and:btif 'Of Iteop: 1
nfr-Ab nantlatf_ 2anitrotattie,.;l4eaf .
...lte otribe
York "_Storer--. 11.*feurjdoi*:,:easitc- of
the CheninictAidge,--Bin.itsiittii;'_
z •
"Pitnyll9. - ' .. TNT. -*
.iri,:xontx,oBo ) - .a.
! see Aie - tii• 1741.7th - e4iiii;.:444lly ': .
inpnlar Putout edictitta,„ a ~.fittitit4rf, ;
ifire na - d. ?Ail Of DrlJnytteVoiletoratiti
. amity:Medi ineo-tkleoe Die . ekerit.: ! , rant #
-:-.--110benetick n-AePl4-i6.ll4ii,!Mat#"''';;l-t'''
ities) "a -. . "-- - ‘l7 . e' cil e , 4"‘' .l qnriltlrkr ,ll'-' 141
1 • , ` fijitstl•k"celetifn ed ,gtirgling ,
- aprento or ' ,f;' ttrint,ior limn' lit bOillitMolo l w . -
Must:sing Lin wit, frirtitnikosa and tiaista t ar[or - .
-saddle galls, - milli's- Liniineid. -- •Tinn - er*'76—: -
tint glintini ti• Me - AlliiiterV;4,ll.:.•//oaltitellitit..4
. , . .. . . - .
nsent, Dailey a 'ratiseyf!tvid , W4l l o:lll'4ll*-IT4'=4 .--
titiator. Atilift;7l'PaiiiLitity,icAgeo.;.ll** . itsa -
Essence td, ;Tittniiii - biliiiir; - to - - - reatati?rithe. '
litiontnatinitdinnielethiO:hnifweittieri,° , o44vs.. -
/IfionetfoOilizinent 4 Sao zrataptitantfar,:theit..- -'.
Inntinne, tiorno, -On . - tinroat.iblity•- ATeen,',Clierry -.
Pe6fonit, TVii4r7 .A.ll . "tiv at Wird'khi r iri; Woof-
litid*Geritinn - : e MOrtielit'Syritirlifirelloiv• -
I•Ortek litoot.!- - Btoci . ,:.Raiifier.,':kiaker'mlfigetiblei -
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Afiei!LtiiiesepT iusi iienk disease w h ich
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elt • icetal7 . 44,leauclizie ills ruled wad , in .i,
ratiedirei or gondembleti (w en, curl wive chalet } illi irp
enabledto 4ifferesfVeto. . 1 - --4„.., ~,
t l.l,':eziCtlinak• :• ---"---'
CongliftlogoraoldriapHli, 'llitliwated and Plate, ,Dialiire;
and Tea Eettic rtilielliviiiiiielii ite.-- .' ' '• - ^ • '
< ~.' StOno '‘ihina: ;,:- t, :., .. S
Full DI o o era% oil ria - sreeto; rfititvd,anit Pig* lieeilloweill
in liolte, or by t ?Ai siiislifOwt, tisco, ii fetlety44 . l**Wl-
llal styles otTGiI , VVIKI. 1 44.N-^' -!-:;:.---1. - • . ?)1 .:'-‘ 4,
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Citaisi•pvi, sol2lf , initooli,i!,,**4l Blain*, 1 -1311:44.; -Cam
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WilfeiVetativilettl'reitit Priettinri it, . -
Aka._ WoOdon - iind - Willow • Ware-.
pollerti, gabs oel s iteexhig. Ilorges,,Vradleit
r . Pldbr:Vighlirlitiek. Poutllliri, Ilwicetitroe)*( 3 ,
~„ fir' !llKelfi r ipi -
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