The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, October 13, 1853, Image 2

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~ys-rr-x:~.~~ w.,..~.
-.1- ''' , - .The=•Fisheriet.
:.....' :We gavo, frora.,,,thk-Voshingten Union, a.
.version Of the Shiiilrgh*l'utizikrerWhick-charlia
terized the Previ4n4.o4 . itrits liesaggiratiens:
The Gleucestt4:lretiOliki,in',o d i ll g :to tbial
-,. part of the"-t7t49J4 artiOtti 5.40 - I '-'. '- `- • '
" In "'•-th&olateln'eat ••af_ Capt. INIe-
Donwellkwitleit te':'e publish, tie -will' 4 visit whai
not exaggerated onti_word:" lt-was - publislolT
' as he related it to tIS ;•and Who signed a d0e..5
t 1 ifo. .ent.) is
nment stating. that he It id violated the treay,, i i
or - by 'one - then' and mitiority,-!-- -- i
hojells.,,a_lr.crY-40rarant...stdir*„.,.a.thonte,,,„,„, ~.....,_......,... _______ _ ..... 48 ,
t i. 1 .- t,re ,.. : ,
- Wirit he did - thoro . We do "not believe he - 7'he Con ,
• signed any such doriumeitt.'" : . - ,•• ;' b erate,, to
The Telegraph tinde' rtikes to show tliat the!! -.. , _ .
,', yisits. ofthe vessels of the squadron were tol- 1 _
_._ . .0tit,11853..
other:parts of ihis - fiThin,g grouids than those l
: LD - ER _ .
where.Most;ottlit3 fishermen , wore, , and then - i •
.. • . .• ~ —..—DeariSir:—ll•td . yen
wheref.ti_ L.. - • i en paurs to:eerne to me you,rs- el! W ilt' yonr
- . 1141 41 4- CWwe . askWliat . extended: Opporittnity.i tly t° . mY i "' err° , g nt6de9 '-r w eek ber°r°
baintrlbelishennetr had .tointik& - known 'their i i r, witichlippeareit in the Registet lest- week,
...• -
-they - had'. any .: to,make:l : Tei y :
ur mind might:.have been satisfied in such
,rt, a `keili e Woids.of the- Official -report, we fuid i, - - . -
~ .* 7t, - t i. 7 . 4 . i ir. ii ze; : iirtned ,
ve,434,, only
. : were. In i
. a manner that you would-.hate Dal, e Dee snared .
-- 'lb° vieinitY' et- the . fishing . fleet abobt .it week, i '' i e_lil?ab_l - 9,' -(!' r . ra di o ra,diaff , mi. be . ,,n)r4 . i.lie Public
,s;all,„d only one fi;thernian, out .cit e a dozen Whit.
~,, ith- half afecklumpof newSpaper mta epresen,
r - Ifatte - ,retuirted,home, and Whir were there 01'.'2tiotts:-..-- Your.-reply wall handed loby a
Ati"tiine;reii_ort having seen either, of the ves.. •_.2
iend;*and toYoui• - tertriei4o p_ubl'is it. lan.
;s la was one Uf.- the steamers which '', „ . , , ;
~, _ .._ „
__ • Tap ,-- ,
passed some d i stance ' from the. fleet, ' 'What i s'Aeq 6- lui'' 3 !"T''Y • !"3 follo ws . j
_ ~,iiii*l4'l;;;d one inikat . Tho fi sllerme!i ! the Ihist twine of the _paper before* thin, itna
- `do trot - iiiiilf,to, hoard up.everY iitit k grievAnco - I.het'aultterter it is-already • prepar e .-- I hAVe
; villitili!,:thely,,Arieoun4f, . hfl-tilea leave 01 ( 41 ioi'reotitlirlit this wi , ek,l but if lie l [iohes it
*bnsinSini to run after a ;United - Slates - vessel- i - ..
' hl'sl tt• ' - ii, We'it pp
be •dtinh" I r
.t.z.make,:a .:.matter el Spa:Lit eomplaint; their 1-fw- t' e e , - . 1 .. fi' . ,
- fisfilni" ts , -or More- imPortalicel ' They- tell, - 11 (4 read - a refil.F. I'm'? 1 Y:4 4 just i lviiiving is
heWevor, - or these-afin;ii•sneeS. when they . izet :. office its- 1: i•th'ilhunded i ne
tne,and:kyi not•Wha
1 ,
' lb°ni...e. , -and"..the : 1 2grettato makes considerable ' , ,'it can ain . I yresuintiltlionz,h, that, entpin i
- -. '',t• t ii ii r ci -a r a/ „te ni m e e n n ‘e t vi e, h r cn a p ,v ih til l , iis e lied fl . „e .. t r w e h r i l e i h ilStizi: r e e , i i . r - o i n r, s,iii
t...p .. n; it . n.aayi. • refe - r.e • ileia ! t l i tnee
e: lee - .
ordered not th,go into port..., Wird-time' was. tiOn, . nd therefore sup used tt . eon , d as we
- Vit.' then' tit huntinp an armed -v -el when there `be de e. 4as not. j. -, . .7. 3.... -% -
-Were Atroug indications tit a sto i? , it .was.{ _ 1 1 :1 pr -elate, my den Isir, 'the kind rept. ,
'e4' in! l ik i rta ntil ril i f ti.' f i t n t - r iu' e Y ite. a Tt ee' vei bu s t el wa til lt hr i s k litli n c i) ( ;4l I il;ai.... ' ' D.n ' lleas - ''' - ` l-: I ' l ' . ' ilDt " .l3- . ' 4; IDYV."3 I.
voyage and go hunting al to Bay 'to f-are.'7ol.!-gituf't that your ; than pate -
fiaCom,-Sbnbrick end lay it, before him ? 'na Syintiathl nianites for-me ;ill my ".sins
~ ,-'"-- W e think it mill be . perfectly plain to every awl f„iii es c. that' sincere and hen 'trek-, -Cer. I
.ots_ e wlto takes R . Chart and viaalines the fiA-_ tainly, itiiwittild be aWful hyped iin atit 2 ll:l
in ground. and then follows out the courses .. ..- .. -.. 1,,.. --- ; --
.. , .. .
Indicated as passed over by: those vessels, to, a ster t. , f .t3e ...1%:10.14144 to Pr.V 54 in- 1 thy s!mPa
See •that`tlie opportunity 'offered. the fishermen inch of feel it ; and intent! ueh-us yct 1" say -that.
to make-known their grievanees was not, iery.. l .-i:Ljii "now of no way of juiloin4 ut by the
extended.'' ;' .-' -' - • . . p:ist,' I wilt lay_teeile tlw curtain qf the paste
. _
Two Weeks. L iter from COlifor- that Inay }prig
, • -•
The: Strantsitip Stnr ot thtS - AVest,. Capt, Ili -Two, years n 7,0 became in nn
,Thiklepaiigli, nrriced at New Volt . on 41M: 11111113ppC NlllllO4ll ech;tt . ..Sl flour
Oily" Inst. ih 7 (114,.and 2i bourn train t i '1 • I .
Chal. Morgan, 'with 509. •ontits . t, its httl , r
ikgold do pit, on freight, . enti 85 . 1 . 5 r i -nhonositie w s tlrought nbnitt.hyi.lodge ies
'oo'ittille-t(trinds• 42f p She bri n o.4 suP rind teas norninatel for'
p tsseugoet..
thttp*engrs pit- Cortes, .whiell left San
= Franiscii Sept 16th...i1l half past l -
:P. 31'. the John 14. Snit:lens, witlt the mail 4;
left the same d at pA. M. Sept. .}Bth, tht
Cedes' passed the Stialitisltip Unele Sair,hound
Sari firanoisCo.',', Sept 30th, 'James
Virginia; age.d 35 yea - r§, ..fell= overb(bard. from
steamer Central America, on Lake 'Nicaragna,l
and was drowned. - -
Am9nff the mod interesting items. - of inteli
pence brofight us by the steamer, i 4 - the - in-;
- 'oneemint of the result. or the State,* and
to , -_Cumplcte returns h;(i . • not
received from all the counties of the- 'State at
tht. ailing if the'] titentnet; enon,Th w;ts
. knirxwtqsettleAhe qa4sti it) t•if the entire sue:
cots 'ttf'Dotnocti‘ttie ticket. ' The majority of
'John Bigler, Dern'oerat, Over Wm.-Waldo, the .
nominee 'of the. Whigs and It-tarp-Tar nt t s
lieved. to be in tIM' neigalmrhinid of one' thous-.
_ &mug) Purdy is . -Cleded Lieutenant:
G.tvernori by n very larg,e L tuljortiy ; ,Mexatt
-• der Wells, judlre of thpVaipt!..nie . Court ;
AtterarYlQllel4l4tA f tAs"
State' TreaUurer= State
Comptroller . .., S. arliarlett, Sorve'yiiir ffener t
al ; and Paul K. :Hibbs Superintendent ot
.Publie, Instruction, . '• 1, ,
-.-C4.mtrary to aly e.:-PeCtations, the lierioerit,
-lc tieltet pievailetl very genera - 11v itrßan Fran
"dv f^ - - 461; sariditnem
cis. ers.
o and entirely for county etne.
~all. "".
bers of the State Leto/stature. Capt C. it . Viiv, aattlith wpo
eans meant t o be equally
- e w , • 1
-and ~.. f
Gar' risen, the nominee of the Tlsnocratiespertv I A s iere . no - d'ir Judge: Jessup nflu ills nend.
for Mayor,' has a majo r ity' of 1,000 over Dr. ~,f,, e l t at , thdy get' the worst of i tho contest,
,H. M. Gray, his %Vide competitor. * - I they ay blame themselves foe prey king it.
' , Iletelligerce from th • Itegue River -country , . , : -
- announces the cessation of hostilities between, I nav t ried
. in yam ' rem tun time to l i c P r '
the Indians : and' the sett lem. - Gen. Lane had ent live in per.ce among you, 'but. it seems
efieeted a treaty with some of the hostile'tribes inips+ible to do• so, unless I surrender up all
who bad: promised to induce others to give u P manihteas,-anii permit my character and reisii
thir arr°ws• Ca Aide " wae rl ' eevering fru ': tstion to be & &tied and ertppld in all lite ' ssi.
o re •se' ver e wound he bad receivPd in • • i i r ii- V. do.
\ t with th enemy Gen Lane's ble i ferms, whi h, my dear sir, ,/, II ne cr ki r. iTrtfl liti ii
The V7ome sßtg Cove 1Q
was slight , and he bid recovered from i l e t ra it a tm_ e a s 1,4 t o . 5 4 1 ,6 myself a n d
_ indicates a brilliant triumph, •••ioi 'halal, as • . ' 1 1 Cleveland, Oet<B,,lB 3,
- it- i '4 • . ' I repo non as you would in Inur ease; and men,—
~ _
, s friend Chapman used to say . i.frk hi • o %Yemen is Convention rete-sein .e tis
The '' 1 4 Vel 1' Th
A fatal E m m y grew out of , the recent dee-
since a . y that the
:rated " P " 44, 'turns nextweek seta the whble matter morninsr when Rit - • Antioftette Brdsvn replied',
A 11 conte st; h ' been renew
lion at Sairamento. The parties were G. 3L 1 i ~, -L I be the
UTZ end - - ,
D 11 S 1 Downs , both 'Whip: and `the eil in tit d nille fury I shal nolt n o m . Sour letter , to ule ; t 1 ' w i ll
ch e ' c ' ir . i lo Mr itkeri-s ss'ite' r erli of Yeeterday. She 4 , 1;.-
former a candidate for a municipal:office. Beth first "g , and arms. 1 l i , a terrible account , to A --• i • io , jeeps" to the tono k of Mr. !Ulcer's renuir ht ? )(I ' .
* 23 cause thew ye round - tor no sspa rde na l
,Parties fired several times with revolvers. - Du r _B t, sir, dnring all,thia hontest, I assailed is and wrongs. Permit Ap o ia c r i ri, 1 1 - . d 1 ' .. I
A Q. .. t . n „,,,,,.., it. , Ar ,b„,,,,_ 20 ciation of the Copyention as an infi e movc.-
':-.'raft,wag shot throu g h ; the lungs, expired al- 1 i
no _ or - manner. ir 6we a raja.
.• most ...e..--.... 5i,..a,... • po ssible -- --- - --• , I
meta. i r
stle iliona , bt the Bible tmight , itiro.
B e a, \ irrost histantly. * • Yrn -
.tits h i ,, 1 I , fre ilti ..itteededi
,4t that I hope you do t speak from dg
I 40 men's subjection -Re would !Mt. believe tt,l
Ist" of
e Pe
q Y . 1 ' ' ' ' l3`°l4dYn ' ' I BWI tau T ht'rto 1; 1 doetrine. l 'he
Bt - „ tl Trivitte Character of ti L000111:10" Yout F t church , ' nO ne v er drea- M of - draw ' ' m Per"enni exPerience , as 1 '-lie leVe you Were...; choe g ant, .. 24ut the
h,a w :' 4 ' )Ir l g , RiliC..r ‘ r s td all Who el. l
S_lft-ar ...
._.•,:.• tive. , , you.into controYersy in any fl TM. I•' netl . once - eagaged in that Profession fora' much Clifford, ' 23 ' , then . i .n,.„ lin "' .41. ~ .. and ,) 1
..qertt ` 441 - People who may see a locomotive teanng i aware of • a sinsrle net of m• y iie • ruing Veit 1 longer , perii,d__ A than I have keen. It wo . til! be • , Ditiox•k, . 40 1 • intree " e°ll , l * *3 as-'!er.e.nes- 4 - _., •
1 tip• and, down at. the rate of forty miles an Ito ar.l
..,, time, that 'could be constru _ 4 n any manner called unbind in me to rest anch- an insinua. 1 Dundail; 1
'F . kl - 6 i l6 ' _ Win.-1.;: Garrison did not approve_of Arlan.,
, nette's views off Mr. linker'S sentiments, ,lind
_soaking the ere° g reen beneath It4gianilre."" to Your injury ; and , perso lives on this tion before. and - inveferenee to you. Perhalm i 1 I thought it was YsrY imPruPer utdeentlaee l hat i
eed_the_hearma - themftelves reverberate with -' - - • I . ^ . ' Fri mdsville, -
ita fearful etatter,settrintr nature with its tin. 1 earth, who ever ,rd me epee in any other Editors' have improved though, since poll left• wrest L a k er 30 ' ' gentle Man as an ',in fi del. or unbeliever. '
, .
e.arthlv din. and - triohtening all ereatirin limos: I than the me • respectful mann c o your per. them, and therefore, my opinion of them may - Gibson. , ' ' 45 , Mr. Nevins el'ei rerled le - Mr- 113 kert ,Inin•
rtspropriety _ peeple
itin :,,, . _
tli .
better h
.uurs ; Great Bead,
~. _ ; 20 ;king sev . entl perf t onal allusions to that ,v, r entle-. 1
. Ison, c ter, or prof sions,t, gl e e oils to the be tan ,), • 4
.. , n , f . 1 , 0 5 ~ 1 in.ln. do was .4interropted several tout by
1 its terrible activity, have mo idea what etni- 1 t ., ; that ea earamenced an i ii -0 9 ocr A ie d as. i acknowledgeanyeelf in err o r,- in reference ii •-r em e . .-- , ..... • 1- 6 I Ni,., & t. r ,, B a k er . : Old, G arr i son , w h o '' w o r t! , tiorir
- nentlY -social virtues it is ominvrini with. This* ' . ' public :d I `.. . ate - • yen to fi r wino iziniera of deleeates to the World • 's „ 1- 72 - 1, '-' ' 12 ' finally hi•osed driWn., .k, 1 •
' bile character —lts private one_ 6• - i "a_ ulki elmn m e. re i m r e •-* -e -' 1-) ~,e , T rh - - w" 1 -41 . • cunsidsiabieciOxeiteinent ensued, in the
is Its pu .
4 other affair.' Now au ' d "then sm_cofi . - in. I frotri'the ly pulpit from wil -3, iy u minister. Temperance tsinvention. ere woe no men . ;Jpekson, 4l. . .t ., 1 I . .
whiciilmr. anrrieen
Nov. ' monaters in whose iron leovehi'alu , . rine re ; i wi t , info ed that during ihe •ontreversy I tion of it in the published` proceedings of the 'JestutP,' 4
ins a black ouard and rowdy. • `' ''.• r
' thali,,n th°_,,Jdaniti &ats.' P ewer, • '",_ u P a 1 d i vita .Ipdgo Jeannif, you took nix. in to dial?, • meeting upon which I relied for Authority. It Pt , 130 „ Alter order WA* restored, he question iti
- stance maw our Winnollr„ 8 , !noshes, AS yl .... „,,-
before's. mr' ' tiresition mil Vain very free to admit-that I have. written r ;T ex .' I ' r ip, 1 holdingthe next .. Convention ,will disenssell- .
- 14 \ as gently as the most exemplary cooking sts re me 1 nnf t
_mY paper
.': r - _._ . . . I . (j . —p-riy., , , - , mt. moit. o ropo4,l ‘v.uhin g tod , tithe
itshn Aim 111 ni -k • ' • ft (Vibe Sahbath and to assail na , wlth invective; and pbblished lime very hard things. in - • Middlteown, - -
--ge I- I-Pe -Artglot; a-stram asse 31 ~
~ It ' ; . ~• - . a _ 47 1a e, in order th pzerelee a trior,al in ti nee
as dulcet as the most amiable tea kettle, id lead dertinneiation.'r I Was inflinned of it at thej crosiers !sr sumer / sum: in Mbairthitb 3 / 4 41,1105€1. Montrose, "-, .
- -
its„,inegs °risme,' hr,enthing a* ay Y an ou Ititue and must confess that. I . tlisiught it ex-I have been caned oat by 0ver.. 5. C0 ere Philadelpliiii was fi nalo a.
intent in its stompers.. tiers ;the &model . ' ' i-- '„ ,-- • .. - „ -
.„- .• i _ igel , e - V4 , l _ " "__ 4llY : . 2 6 t, ,, ~ B ro th, 95 , - iteisi , upon, An , iictober 1,8, 1854, fi le d aA the
i rew , r i s lth ere , Lee r insone - but„ pinch itsilins Ueedin
•t l Yl nsailtste fu r a t r i ' 2 9` ol Yeur P mr e s- i lind morchumu g n u nt ' 'us'
friends et: , me have.
~SprinETilles Ii / . a cid - orii
eentra k ommitteo:ftir „ the
ea - 4 lax
fiercely; k i t la m gr ip thoseirea -h-indit. And tpit,eripecialty iihrsi c,,,iitie It A assailed yourksid peace froft 'lite' -qmt , 4141' f or 1 - I MM! elves s • su el!,_
_ei nums r - - . ' ' !year.' Lueritiasibtott.l Was appointed elieliwii
•the PiPevi - wlblett were toned' to aeon mnlinl iin the remo ► tiAt inannei r And n ver" thought oil lifeir t 3/11feis 4iiii theit L Frnxien4 ;ma *ln•, have ' •
Thomism, - _ i
. 1 man and Antiiidefie L.' Bruen, lieeretaif an
.:fitorth o Veil lls if hese and earth , - were • - -'
iis *- _I " -1 ' ' ' 1 '''' . • 4.- disposition to ` ".
at the selheiiim ot ii treasnrer tho Ce 'yen.
I re,
. , coming tegether ; and th ' tunes •-••‘ bleb ' iking 'in-' ',ghat attack , es uurw reed ' -' I ltli(rm wbe ilg eer ' leallee ,,,_ , - t a:
~.P uji. , ,, .1,... . s ii, Total,- --92 - 1 r r X 26 . ' l , tion
n a iourneit p ,1 3 , I , ', ,3 -.
, brialilvd so quietly, vmgli li A VolluiDo, Dial : - A,O ll e:t s t leleri 4 nl, P l,r'*.e ,fit!ii, "g it° 1114 ; tlialt 11*-like'L ty 11 ' 1E6 " " ehil g inatv ' m 7 " '.. -7 ', '' ` 1-----44 " 1°,41w , ' Atte; the :WV iirnineni; 41 7 : - Ns'iing nt 66iL
` 4: : l ; 44rit lg i r s4 l li e nin4 the litl " -e " °lll its ' vul li ' llnuf4 ll .;* s 4 : 1 .! Q0k - Pr,si, i tt ° 4 tend ' Y ulfri - g e r l - jU u t , ü ble - . ellerf " lb-e i üb P! ' ' ' ,U "di ef e e rill "- ' r Ida Election- - 'to
,mr:Giirci,ufrio the iktrek, ',nod 414;e' 1 (10
:i- , : j iliiik t t k ilt" ,______ k t_......7 l-1/u ,... ftie ,...._____'"" Plnl t ur ' , resulting, ), twa-. 1 0s 1 ; 1 4 ' - dlige-0 0414 / 1 /, - 1 1 tu:tre,sit- lite: Pablic ft large l'W liie n 4o -be i ," TrOln tt fel4nlith 4 / 1 0 0 ' i ih;k tli .l ;:ireniki Dr= iiwaiiiiiimi lb? life - wiii4ts usel ' in • '' thecy# ; ti:.
• r
i „:„.•._ _ -4.,,,, ,s, _ _t. - • ." . 1). '' ' liv" *a a 1101 1 ` We tilliti;sl to Ille rights 444 1 i:ens Fitt ' •- -- that •cr `tock 4•1 nt.) is mr GarTbk* 4 cline,. oiNekmi.NA-1,11 kid
--: , '-- ,,,, g4 ,- A. rom-Mtutuington. , wrel Pem--- 444 , l ifile
' g '' --= T r a it " - , Xe derdil le' w e lesfu, 4- In e , . ; ,
_, 'i , , • .. , ~
1 tcd to the Senate fro the Allegheny die. violent nanal " nil Selatrig, min p lee
.% ql l*- - -:-- ' • ; -, ' f 'VVASUISOTOb. OTI: - tin 19 - 534 ' A S°ll 7. t e - e l ie i rn...ik , ellii ? ;i : 4 - 14 - e _.; , : b .-1- r i-O e lt.' -ii - e r' ind be q ue . ' ceentir l* The - ' l?''' ', ' tend eee _ , nose grid -- wmi hid ,iiii, i o n4der r o l i t t, l‘t r , a r .
- . - - . . -4.- 1 .1 A , -14 , f t , .-, . at , I - . - i i i,t a
.7, r no.rodosing atipsiinttnents by the- Pr. 1.., _
~ - ,4 . . ~, .4 .- , . , 1 , , ,-. „ _,. „ .. -,-.ot, • " _- .. - - ~. , , , rtsim ro• o na l ttemp, -0 re,,,i OF la,s ~t. *nu,-
' & l it wilt . I,' 0SO:illy ereennetlil in the,itie rt-ihT'artlrd, - lenl PIO(' frialtdO 0 eletlc the ee/11 4-, lree 6 t l Y I g Ki A ttitiltili l , ‘‘, VII P Ine ,„, P, 1 , 1i . ° , -: In Philadelphia CoulltY tlia-,XVITIff tieset / B .llr. Neviris wiiisilinalltt • aitt•rt 4 olftiy,in a tr ! iruid..,
1 '''.: Ant ;--liihn V , :-/limiin , E n v4-1 Y- Extr ' ui r di r - v ' "' cut ' s. "' e g a i ll o+ earletlY , Itind et *trent: - i'el ne'mYSeiti"-theY -would ilePr,ive , me r of.° elected In "the City, Gi ON' 1 (*higs) id le t& -**'.
' - 2-- "r ida . • ' 4116."---'-.---' " 4
; I : ' ~'
.11i•' -'". : 44l).434linistvr Plehil)Ple"l ' lirf - 1° Fran"; '- ihal visn't .1
wns itesetving 'a - 'dr i," I lei - - i mailY-Snt s ie ' ets'n-ir':edi f rier n i t i aes• elAtteil St isor ifid 'Nisi y, demoetat;'Poliee 3 . .CDP/T - F.FiLf_:,.. , Y4 .-, P."`',, 4 .a""A , ! I ll' ', at iii
"' - .1141r4i a- of IC .w Yoik.lainsul •at iirk re. I ' , . -4 -tt..4 , • . 1 ~, 4 ..., 4 • ~ 4 , „ „ j , ~ ,
„. .
Ea&ti *-' ' - .•- . C s :- 11 .4% fpissninitinout eomplaini tl nob tj a t oo I ne more thmgl mud re Ind. you of., -I
A 3t,,, r ,d ua i b- r . 4 • i at ., 4o inajor ir t , 4,l, epr i a t t i re . d ir r;t. i . v . ..e.,4 6 tn r tl ee . r . li t u, r i t" t br ' d it 1,,,, 8 .,, ,, t a ., 1i 1 h , "* a ' rb ,W 7 ,.. 1 .
e t es * ,
,' an lilaso4' vent, -,..14,nre 'ills at per , 14, - ., - ° - 4 -, -0, 4 .. ' 3 , ' - ,L. .i '.. ' ;. -1 <',. '- 't :‘" -*'‘,,„,, „ 4 ._.;„.. 9 . _ IT ~ • 4-.:: . • s e.e.. ;0 -,• ', .--ill'F'_ d- - 3.'t ''"
"st",ifit Department to ttikf -,, - -; - --miti*eeere , ei 1 thougOOt 4 , Trry le bibition, Ate e r e P eee ' ° Y - emr7-'? 1 ... - me° ," tl. • ,,7sn ' illotiPtini- el. -,- . ' -. att'd'enrisittii '
•,,' 4tv'er i 00, 1 1iiitidltip,' 1 1)er t i
~ •..
-:_ s ria.Siarlit tills evetling*Ys-lhent Is filar -Am Your P#Wlialiktrlitin 4 1 "aell - Ondered jCb ITbeMeldleg4 in the -, Ar etn' 4 P/rt Dr t d leir.-Vreavielt (dem) m elected to,theSon- eelltd-he.t* id. Sl' ea ValutilA.,e - Yreic,h Pek ,
i :
ofMisiettedniinseln to . tw-leeti Am Cre*".it Indt- I ;nit a iittli! 441 iycoi ofionl tionde4eeitd - Aoi cou'otvi-lbat thti seat derider' the - Maine LaW: ate front the - Blair and Cambria district: -•- i wele z _de t. „ l4l ,_ A rlt). a ~,.. _
..,, a , i _,__ 4 - ~I
~..,i,,,,,,F2t ,
aka. teitkr i e4, a
, 4 ,,,, 14 , hil . 1 * led. fr ,„,„.„,„„.. 11 4. , f 4r• Ja r - „c r h e ,. , - -.--.-.,%---,-, - " , 1.---. .44 ,-• _ 1 .--- - lA.I e n.. ; 7 C G. .'- ' ' I • g e . lller 11 . 1LN3 r 31 1 I k 4 "I ‘ 10 6 , 41 “ 14• • , it tl_W i l l
..V. ' ''' ' ''--''..- ...'''''-
t iI d ' A V, A. V I I4IO 409 the.. Jib 4.Person'ofl convention yo, attli.....i mic- -141,4: ,dpv„,. - ,Theltt pie Denicktaile'liclici: ii elected in , . wag - v 6i r l, 4b; hiid re - ii - tti ng tible - barntylir k .
, ~.,,,w4 ti te r ftt l kine.A 4 Arkanssr, 50 1 i,...., ...,...,.--,..eit00.. 1 ~,,- , - , -, ekstuctmr _ ..
.. .: -, i - ...
~ t l ~
tra ii ii . beriv . :43d Je ra ti a i i ,li d t ia- : prot .fi rli t . - - s . i. - .11 ""
,ii.ii-f e eiii i i.„'- I ' ~ 1 '
~lt - - ' 4,-..1 fir ~,r 'i 2 0‘ . .:' tilf, ‘' ", * A ,k- Ile r„„- i t iiiatAl ip ,A. 61
,y 4r•fui c igivius a r p o t e di n di sms f i ,i,jotikoeir- 1 - ‘ls _ - ,- a* /ea ‘ 1 " wee 11 " 1 1 1 at 4 ) .r-t -. --,--- e,- • - 1 ,, ,i. i n- d n. -1 ... n)..,1 . „ irt• 4 '''. 'l`4lA , Iv ~.1 . e 0..,, ~ 4 ,, 4 4:1 1. 7 .4, , :1 ,4, r/s, 4 „,,,,,„,,,, air* ,Fil
ev,, ,., ,,,. ~,,
ri i ntt, or inthon „
:. ., :siiin,
Ist, ,
star mg alai hx, pewee of a , esti nt, kit met 41" -4 Theiretams hentall peva of thelbsta in - (*dm at . ~ ~ , -
• l ''' -' sifi.O - 44.,Ittrintd0, Andel . .the Inflilr r,
il ia; tr e pi ro t e Ineing. owne tt.4ni n t o tetera 6(.lltat IhPllalaina'r tliti t tihe tbsiinwratiti ‘tliket , la sleeted hi i ,-, , ‘ 1., , - f 4;,,')
' ::'''''fii..,*,..zotrintte., .fa.2ll . ol,lBSote els**. - --71!fif,„ . -- . ...14 fat - . ii . -,- , . ti ; e at is, ...4 11 -1 . 3 '114 ' ~. /- '"f ..'" •,.," " ~1..- 4l' , I._ itiittiliti t iteli r el.6f t 6117'
_•0 .y.f. ~,X....41. . -4, 1 14 1. , 'liiiira 'ld Pi' joy i
~,,,,,„ jet' - I ' on to , Kit /I t That si 4 Tile po a,. 0 i -1 4 fi g The vote was ngat. '. 1 ...- r - )IL -ol t i , . I kitvi t i
.... „, ....., , A - '''A ' 7' ' " ' A t.r.'t 1 ... ' '''
--• • , ~1 ,1 ... 'i -, grave ..... nen i 0 et ra i
i` 4 1,ruit„..01iiertirtitti-iofike,intlVior ir AO tr . ,
,„ st , , , a „,.40 4 r , A . ., ~ , . '-,, :, ' ,'" --- "•••• 41 . ~. 111. ,11 11.411111166. 717 '' * ' 0304 in V 4 l i I 'U M W I vi f 3 --
If t r 4 1 01;;;; - 4::::Iii w 4:701:15;;;;:'12Tre; ‘ 1)0 1- :;:::%:;:7 11 )1: 7 ;g:DUM IN r:.:;.; ::ZidliTntli; .:741114;;i7P""
.., „,,„ ~,t, ~-k„,•-• •.i . ,--x ••,!;, , " 1 -1,1„...„,,_,•,,, A -1,.., r 4 - • , -- ; ; ;; 4„,.• „,., .• ri.--
..,- ,„
r i iiii i i i 1 .. 14 ., : „ , J ~ 1. -.. ..
__.., j _... r , i ,i„,-,.:,,-4 1 ,,i
t`e• ia lif f ii' a e .a bi ti f- • tlV:::V'''' ii*,
t ' :"' . , lt 1.w 3i." ... ' 1 irnyelftardleit Iniii' Older. , Ili t: ii4iikri)ipst* 'ilia iiii-eliets 'britOW 'OM " l g.
,:''' I - t' i''';`A-rv/4 ~ 4. Fr. - PL.; . ..:'a,..4.T -i li i f 1.• .. 7 A t..• 41. ti" .. - ' -,„,.&-.. -,,,;,, ~„,„,, , , ,, ,..- e - ~ ,•)- • iii.,
.. , foe Um ißil, 4
t .
- - ..i. 4 , - 1.1.1 10 , 4
. : '.-, til M r. • .-4. 0 -- ~._. 11 af.P. -,, k,,... 0 ir i. 9 r 1e549,11,64fifi1._,...,,r,R0k,M.,,,, i „r9.9. 1 41, o.f munitc. i i i i r ,, l l: -,
4601#104 4 #1 04 , 2 ,. 1 tit-
,:is ~ rttErglem.-.ltyli,rafpfl ,tn*, ,iDori, ~.., not 7fi li t and
,„...-, , iiii4 ..,, iiiii -‘, l - 14 : = Th i; 4l 44- iii iii` m it i i t is , , at loi l if i e
-.4.- l iiiimikiohi f e 7 Wm - t 4 , 0,10111., • - ~. . " .1 ' rt* - i' 4: 1 - .4, .... 1.4, : k
~, Aillit#.-" *i I llr A tw*hime . "" ''
" ith.soldrf yo 4ftecat i
m. - , .t..%* ...1,}1 , 41k
)**lle4' -
r-M ~:. ' , ,t ~--! vr,...4,1 , A •:: -,` ' 4.41' "" - o=1" ' "71'. ' .r. ,,,4 1.
e l th g. t. PIO Wir• I, l'A I V :.- Pt I- , Slifeir .611
614111114 it ~ Ati ta_ . -5,* ""-4 , ',611. 7 s ~`• 1 '•`- ' 14111. 401011.14 1 :•' -
it ific.#44long.l (tom
.4trio -, , . '''..,:, '
, i _.,,,,,,te.4- 4T-1
-.L4. -, ,,,t , 71*-" , saivr ,
~,,, - *A 4, 4 „... ~,,,,
ono--T.;iv.7 , -,,,,, ... ,
A * -7 ' ,, !" ,
_. rr ...-.4.,....,,,
'41,,-.4-11—_, ~,,, -,. -- , `. l. ' 4 . - •4'' ' e'L
. .
i • 04.11,
~, -.,....•T.--,.-4 ; ,:-,...; k lOO
he .
,4„i,,t4Sireiiieti*** *••„; 7 1.. kir.t.:
...he t.*** .. •• - it. - :. - 11132.evpif „ • .;.1.,,,,,-,,,-s
-,,,,,,,,. voirtvana ...,:,.
~„4,..,........ -...., .
-- - • . ',.'''.
- , r.....t . "' ' . t 141,..:_:"..V.
--,-* * --•-•- i" * .''' ' et'." ° - --e. • 1 '.:•1 -' . . . ti - ---44'1 2
4.... - ........ - :; ,,,
whet ier yoa are sincere or
line TA tliP. lii , Theri ()filet's in the Stasi...Mid to!
: r ~ i.'l , . _:, ,;•1 . , i •1 1
saipkry puu lc k serturnent at mime; as we, as d i
i•lsellarge a l ?tilrli4 duty, I.ivioies.n . ie twit or i
Lthree'iirrtiele.f4 ' g'ping. -over ' the 'ground of i
his Conneetion' with the liank,in-n gentleinan
iy aad•courtecitis manner. ' 1ndc0d.....- know that ,
~ 7 .
Judge Jessup'said'nt the time of i'their . publi-;
'cation, that nthile thill i..‘ , linzliiiiionti til which I
!arrived were ..e i rrorToits. hr Le corild show,istill
1 he did not ,Con Plain -• of their 'ioiti or teniper.
. • -- 1
llsd iftose ariicles been. met in t
~ same ptr
i it, all this bitter 'war of two yOrs. duration 1 .
iohtliave been •ivtiided,' for I 4d le) dil; •
1 sition:to.euttr .si s ichr, rt:•nne myself; or to in
volveinky fri ends in it.-Judge iess i up conic' -
l have ttelend 'himself hi' the rstin manner and
he. sicial ' relations of nn rine avoiid 'have been
disiti ba z ei and his friends, did. not. ChOose
, i d
Itotoet it in it way,fli • t on tliel:contrary, in- .
I stead of e.on overthig a ut'ft l ets, the' nioSt•
-i t ' '-'; li' '''' - I''' ''d- • ' '
e l
1 ;lo . , pe . rso ala use ara,s nit e upan. me.
my ithra - ,w . A nd reptitation •il'as: - ai.railed
thro t4r the press and. everywhere else, with
a - yin ietiveriesnandlnalevoleureilseareely ever
criu led - At' was 'Piet, :sir 'iliaill 'turned and
uj i
,f 1,41
1 • ' ' ' ' 11 ' 1 ' iii4DEiCi OF THE DEMOCRiI 1 l3
h cter --••" a slan - derer of m' y ne i g h. Ni, ' -
~ ' - A w - o id r t w0 ..1 ... •
.... s , x ,,, .- , .. c4 ... - II"
.' ,-
~ . • _ i P *,.,. ~,,,,,..,...,,,,„,..„o_,
. 1114,, ,, , --. 1 " - ,.? tH , w ." l till
reck ) e" c ' re '- ' - ' - ' - . ''' 7 ' ' ' 'b''''t '''''' ri . ' e the Year in Valifornut. - .-'. !is , c,,i9ti.ias` , ATAterellMOV•;;LtUtlledillt e i v
bore ie , n toad by word,". at the sa:ne Lim _ i Our aspirations Are , Isfie,d — Plr 9 • 14 * --m- ; '.' 1 .- :4"42.,- ,- 1,
~ , .•,• -•-- -' - -- -- eiateklrite .- i'''''''''lo. ' • ii- - 7
,„ --
.., __,;.,5.....: • „,• a s, -,, a ,.... a d' ~,,,..- e dfin th fit ;, vi dhit,d_t,,the ism .;- ".. ~ -,r, -,‘,,• -
... • - ,-, k, , ::::'.., -,, ~...1, ' - P , ~,, P i i - Ffit a getek
ittst ,l'-ii.'4-fer. imsillt. ant!, end .'n e `""-nen!'" -- - ----_-=c, 7 _,.-e'''' - "1.% 7, - - - 1 7 %. , -. . It - • 5:7 ' ,-; 1.. - 1 !`,..,.., iltkp.,Woons, - (Cal.) Auff.. - ,60-8,53. % 5 Umiak - M ( 4 Mar miry -
-'- w i f rt i.4.. , ... - t, of on ly m et ing, nicy of Suatjuilmottair tell or= --: -.T '
_;,.• •, -:, . .--t , -. -- , ,A , °:-,r- -- -,_,„ •-• „ 4 . -,-• , , : -.5. ~.° •,--•'"'...- We tool
mute ni 0 n "T, n gi nr ' s ~ , • i
~,,,-_ , - ,..e--7-......„ . .-7. , , i ,„ - ' .t ‘ .ll. ~,L; ; , ~i , ......'-' ' -' -,,,3/11SSRS;EDIXORS:-4..earning-oSt=..att °era m a t co m m it s kw. i n n bo r i nn o. -,•_
„.,,, ~ - .• • Churc h ,-1 l e ave-these um nas ontiwn umerr.p 1 *Minot Ple elm - -4,... , ; ~i ‘5,, , ,..- .1, . 1., , . ...,.,__, . .. N .,, .. ~ 1
_ , 11:11:00 „, nth, " ~, it
roomi ,,,, 7rtort
.members cit l ymar own • ~ -. _- - ' '' . . l- " • ilonattreeieption of your , interesting paper,:tior dotepurpoitei , iTi?ere , bei g e - •
ithylgs .. ibr_YOu tricsettlewith-•'your Own con- netts ?f chislliciing. L in 6 - 4 1 1 ,_
~ riicagn. niti, t i lls - 1 -,-- .t_ .. ~,
~ , , ,
~,.7 „ ..,... f , 1 ,.,, .. 1 „... i „ „' - s-.„.,,,, ~,, , , . no rem
' ' ' vitt are fctin yprir sanctum, euttibm4rritintr Ast /0116116 `b4rds-Na4,l4‘, rola
' -7 "l • arid your'God. ' --' ductive influertiiiirfiMatie" Isms „..' alevol nt. r 4. ....-). -•-•- , a lii, r _.„ , p 44 ,44.
IscietreeZryorir Mir r. . • r- . ' ..- - • - -.fir - ...- a pc , oomg. Mitt er, for
- the 'ion 1404 , 441 1 a - cadmic 4 L't ?lumber WO could
fled wit 1 lwrite thosnthirigs " more in sorrow then purposes - hie been - rebuked, and the 010 6:
pc , ;haps a - ,,.er .,. 11 ._.. w.. . 1,, , i.r ,, u6 , 11 . ,,an,
r _ riend _ ;1.,,1,1 ,. 1i5it,.,.„,,14
o ... „unii. - 7 ,-,...., . g o t 0 ,
ay ,bit-of, • inumeziuls t2eade • 1 I , feetper-daty.- - --HeneO tne-_-made. from r
, _ „,, , twit tan d : r el ative to nrat EN and t ~ r ,-; per 4.19 t, a "tire pitt..• irie could ma 01
' l t ." Wile's ho i - r - _
randanger." I have tried to .write CoUrteouily, ordishonest politiciansillave
t b . ec .i n_t_litv_art , ed ---._
I.,tn „
1. d , ~..,,,_
• - skive w h en Mijority for Chase ifi the county, *rem ~, -, ; ,- - • • - p l . ! , - •"..1 ...- - 1 .
the latter piaci never tnean to write otherwise 5.. , 1 , .
~ ,
;Tarn w r itten a b - e at, _I r e gret' that EN to EIGIIT BEND ED% , r. • . 1 - , _-- - . 1 . -, - t-, ~ _ - _
&roe - the most always I ' 1 ' tt send you herewith a desultory sketch of Ca l high as 42. noilars per day ea c h' . ,W'
y e
yourself • nue b a you .i' The victor-en uttord toil* m ,- 1 . • - -.-... . i , -.- c ' 1 . -. . :,- . - , • ' e
, citizen% who were you should ave placed : in :such , , .. • - „ -,,t 1 - t. trornta life the past year. - - ,-•, I, no- =th i s puffiness • unt i l sometilliii )
esPeCially. when you . Yi i ' ',host one year irivo Carr:iv:ea at - -the city or rain - i'eii:i' ri' - 'sat in P .'
' toad
sition befoie 'the public, but•for. Tor that yon are . !mods. We feel veryi magnanintous to et
\that sin. 1 pay my, inone 'accountable, not me. You struck the first though • nu more IhaU wi l e exPectitt" fe nd -rr in 1 - §n l c - r ni n - i nt ,n -- - edit: m i t : L . - a f ter al i - u n tn i • ii -;, - 4.. t r e - u [ r i i ., - in i i , Y lie - •
,io , tt...--.e--_-,.-I's,4;atere°7l7min,hB. high_
re • Ilona' nionth ' s ;ravel o' ei e rUss. -- the , Pitkio;,- fri , 41 : :54 ass 7 ts '4ll/7fOt dour ' ; - "b n utte 'g r;Bl
ministers of anotberidenernr blow, by leavinxthe legitimate
obleliuy than other man- - to. dy t e ,: -, -, .. . ~, ... ~,, ,, -0.,-,, . 4 , „,.. d, , I J ., - - ,li ,_--,,,:,, i , 1 . , I- -.,, ~., - .
.., .
... Po
objeets.of your . the , first... Per years we havit with stolar
1 nut conceive that tliiikact
,givc . 'i. t • i L./ping:tat:lMS, LI. 1.., 911. eau!, petrott; tAttea,- 2 „ optoos, 50 ; cents, 'potatoes 30 .e.eats,i
-calling', and d. interfering in an 'Unhappy political . . abuse an d
quarrel, and bad,you not done so.--had you ,to our purpose:Und ennfieent in_ i ne nu ), /ira,,,LnSalle,,St.Leni4-IndepeOeuee,:pounit :•-ciatic- , 413 - riia'4.l4te , ratio n .fer-, - 0 0 4
or other ,denominittioni liberty
wen I may ehanc6 - to; go quietly .
~ , . ''p' !ire -- ned the .itimeviurii'," Mat o t he r ; .I...term/in . ern of . ..troth - aOti ., iast i iee,....thbrigli :t hey , 1, - iiitern . c i d] . iihitt i r
.I _ , , tt,,t - i.. .. !
jli, -.
r:0 - liA.ttroi..
H01..,,,e ,,0 1 i ty. 1,1 , , ? ,• 1. , rh,t0ntih.ci1h,yi.;n!y?, , p9n014. 1. !.10,,t4e,t3,,
iourneY VvitS'a safe, hettlthy and pleas nt one;, ', l yet,we co • htinued-sawilig until a iur.,
m edam mull:stun:llly to listen to t, sem\ tY this ji lace hare, like them you would: not with strong hanu ane snstamed, wlth , lit, e
to lo b w -uieVen that by defamatory r now be before • the public in this nnenviehle ~etrength, wee iteve gtoiled iii „ that; al:mse,, • mid
~i.,.. - i. ,,..„ . .--, e = , , „,,,
1ia ,..,, '-t - - ....' ' 1 - 11 t 'read t '''' - 4 '‘' - •
th oug,h the press. If - it does, when I may light. But, kind sir, II would 'do yon na Irking- el Ditnd'liatiit has ; fallen upon' u;'l' : t ntai g illuv ".. ele P ua l y :' m - 41 : 13113Pe tanea ! M I a '''', r e•- a Y,..-'' e."'- r ue 7, - - e me ,- !AM U % mid
L - .;
. f „ ci i i n s e ' '6 nm - ilk; h e 1 111 , aq 1 11 0 11 44et,Withi iire'lltd t"c'd- , 423 0 - lient - .410 11 F1 1 . 4 ' 14 1410 40'0W1 1 ',M,,' 10
w hereafter, I will o p a y" at the doorl." I i ce ,: Thi, statements in this letter 'are from _ head. Ilion Yr t as , e 1 - 1 -r t , "moat he - was left behind- lle for-t " in .0 11 r 'per; fu ots: -We then:Snit the gate n l Ol
- ~. .
There is another thing, in- conUeelicoilWilh Inn tority th!rt I deenr the !nest truthful,. Ond Gibra_iter of Whigge , ry .c. ,l...LE
.. V . E .
4 1•1_ 11 .. . ,
..-.. i : t.
ear , iiidise
0ee ,, r.., , Thile , , , nni)e n ro r
...‘,....:,, - 1 . 0. 1. 11n . nnanr,7, , iiv ialii, ,, go , ln , :
ttyjny.. ....
'lt the are un- '-. Our dear, very dent .friends In Montrose, in ~ , .
... _ .
~ .
:-., .
tit t 'amid e, whi c h -I mention to . .. remind 'from 'our uw l , l eeufessiens.' y . . . . :'- ~ . ?yak' attartle_d from conned Patitti to ott , 4ake. I toslld a part ,of .0,-f. , poner's •- hid Jumped
, .* ' 1 netfi h• - t work in er- hi 0. -- i
y; u of whit looks like a passion fur :mulling I.true, or . wit statement does you inltistice , the
_eltiding ' the .famtly nurse lift up your gu i .ty, t , ~. .., be -, d „..i , , i, L
p , bride Citizens,. (I will not say slandering lc:plumps o thin paper are open 170 r your .0i . "..:-h ' like tnen, ant . l . l . in F ten tit .. thin,'" ,.. vit . h . erin :i nrieT - in t l o kl ngs ' - ` t t- I -ir sr, -- fov e ty • -„a rty - r- ‘l3 9 ..Z i g lg o
~- . 1 1 ieli
t a ken, ! ...t , 4*ic
irsio ....;te nto n , sni e r o lved tbe ,
P should brin g')5.7- '. ' . 'cell rfoo3 the ballot bni '' l 4 the nor ; .• ! 1 - '.' -P r ' ! L T' , ,i 1 - ''g - ' Fl!!L , ?q• te-w , '
mem by pen and word as yrin did by me )` on me - ' tient; and lanations. .llwould sug ge st _bake from _ `the prxrpre,--tuts awful 'sentence o u r s i
wis tto
lit 05 miles,
, e
~ ., ..4_ , T
ood , h , ealith .
i). , t.
ti L
your Liza; and I also mention it for the. res. however, hat -• • . g • yeur a r t i cles pronenn . ,
son tou give for reprnvino t . OO, to re fU r i n t e lly in•perison, that, no , isapprehensien may occur,.
mares Court, - filiiin g. i 4 4t -91)1;1:4°-1.11„;;11 our
e* - l i 'rlcia'llld rne ' S- 4 1 i i be lle ut t i ra r li ,-I f ll or 4 : ll° u rt n ‘4 .4 t r tr' ed r S P4 ef tt: - m ° it r, ,l, s, " [ia r l'ift an ! d h P °l° lt :s 4!, l l3- I P ,R il el 'v titin ll ed .s 7tlre l ie ti-t orr .
by showing its - Consequences. That ts.Aml n an . in the future. Your .resenee will be treated catalogue_ or duplicity and wrenge,— ma 1-
. . ° l ' ..., 'an wide as the Avernie in-libintiOse, end beat-d. we-T:4440 stelc---Ohoht the iliac-the eil
tide, which. you have acknowledged in%ipting
4 - we iw et ia u. f tlik.o and get. comfortable ',quarter s , till
w in it t l i r le ki u nd m n e es. s ir o. a r r t. y i c i : l t e,i, , x . pin nation's ns receivefl !y frli
__Chas! froth . liAte'en
. I . \ :sicleen h_a_n r . e . u, l en . 4 i ti i r.d,
... rnutur - nl4 :- of,t,on.l(,), i xacol,, , ,i,:ir oo ts ti n.u o4o;, , A otr oc.a .:pr ad F 4 t:toit.e i 4
it it• harelY, POssl- 10 the thstract — the TgestibY!illuilreds? atr, t were ie'etr fronr time, SO titne a.
and reviAug, was teeMinglell of libell o us and
criminal .4itecuUtionsagainst ono of thel most. ble, that sherd , ' you cult at '1 y offi ~ 1 , . ,
.. , ~ / 1 , 1 , .
'long....We- Passed , - Perhanse'from: hree , t° 4 e - "vere 4 .• Min', health ' '4 1 ,4 11 114d 'ate
spirit of a Christian minister, y u would be t We -commenced tb
. -iindicatrt the p idle, It t woutu in , 0% ,, e4
~.n dig. man.,
niades 4.. wotild of.ace
ono tt.e.. . h... .,... lee.
1 ,. i,,, _,... , „ . ...
prominent members of y out own Church, (Mr.
Little)—accussitione, which, if •yon h ,ll eve , e„oevinced that lam far ! l ess, "a • ' a . r," t,hati frmn' -our plunderin g ', and cots , ' morn f ". '. 7, .• . , .7 1 r. L . .
_-, I A -7, ~
~.),-..,..,,; lip' -then ,...,,, 11 ', " _ l "e.l . rt'
_ p -i .1 grew - 1, • rem companies toy" the roan aide rogging,grsiresi"••7•-•nl ay mites tne irty. *ea ie
I- . 1 1 .1 ' , to mter the : remains tr seineo
_them n ortnn. 1 • 11. e. ,
inuSt fix that: Brother in iour . opinion, - very you may lurre con . ceived through the hounds .. dishonest.. We metivou with argument and 1. r ... , l. •-- , , ~-.-- - - ..
and uncharitable; malevolen -..-
... courtesy, you return it `with :abuse mid as- ate •.. ~ t riin,
~,1 ,..- --- , 0 ,• bu i l , i ni es j• si . , . d , ,„
hvpocrite,:roid'of all h onest y of principl, can- of re a dore iV i d t otau,- ,f idow-t, _ ~rarn ; Tx,.
~.,,, , area,
, t , , • ... i nce here' hate ma e 1e0,000 . 331
d u i of No; i,; n ,
„ an d p ol ity o f , lir e . H o w, , fal be it from me, in any manner to a it ssult • s upon our_cha neter. , , r
i 3:ll ( .. atit
of Forkiira i ntiklitne , awre, i7urii (.4;ml haft, 4
tu1 1 e,0.r...:, - ... . 1 ,.. ,_
._ . . , . .
"• I , bweo " a nd y oupur sued us ith. - - . , -.- • -•- - ....- I 1 - via all . °44114 °I.
enntnination to. which you belting. • let u , p aste
. . , ,our : orlarmaay. --- rimy 'died ,of • cholera. - ea. l . an ; .I', NO_ fr•et of .sawijOki i ; peek
mr dear Elder,lpray tell'us, how you reconcile the •
these thinms : with the dignity. the' purity, the. have as high respect foi l it as for any other as- ;. tt one then I,lfe , trned itmi, gsY.e: f ot , ll o
, Stn t, Babbit, ni" liidiana, who. amYectrat ~. hark 'fro -off 600,000 red -and-,
,9 • 3 . Salt leike City July Ist, hextrino..Government 1 days. in a u t eam . un n,, . hi y ,l t hi n m da l
lu l u ven.burn c haracteristics thatshould sur- *lodation of Christian Men, not dmibting that sy4 tn . of war—whenlo, anil beh 'la , a m 'or. ,•- :, .•. :. , 1 ,
.. ;
rOund *ono v..earing the robes - of the GosPel tied it embraces as sincere rind tievOted . members' its :fu Chase of Ft F i TEEN 111.1,..?4:15R \ - ED., ~ 1 de,;:pal4te i ,. . ,
repi.., -
rt .-
e„ i
4)7 ' 4 ; • 111 - e 7; i5i , 1 7 i.c, 44 .g , ,ray •1
es ,;
gr - op
1.4:4 ie.
pei ,... thoil - sand. s .The
Mt(' lid n ot B ,!tti9, the tte o t ' t4 t --t - E . li t l,- !. bets4Mt lndrpendenee an&glilt Like Gityl,.--'. $ • .'7 5 ‘ - id`fe'et i . Tficioad I
the mantle' of elitist! ' Perhaps they May be :Many other. 1 .. only make this d 1 those be. 1
cause I feel obliged to do so, afteryirving sub,. - -p e aled
_to a tuiliias.4,4 -end 'truth ill p li blie...-. , . , . , -- , . „ i .., , ,- - , -,- ,
reconeiled, but any notions of ,the Christian
chlracter, and of what a Chri.isian m i n i s t e r loaned to repeated, and as I conch! e, gnitsn- Mijor_itS for a r se prTE, EN - ,:il, N, D . RE 4 b., r ! b e l. ." ' l r tL n .7 . l b , i -! a l i t- i i h (1 .:1 4 ,',", b , L i
u tt. i t l i tu t i li" te e-d e ' n • t i r n e e - J V , e ; r : n i' e l y l ec r i :,-, ', 2 l i f) .c i ° „: l . ' I l ,:i tt .ri v i is l ' . '" u ll t t .. $ l lO7 - i 2 er ° ....rth er c i ( i ) t , r ,...
T ' You talked aII labored - to load us own, ., . i , .-.--- , -- , -- . -,, -., , - 7
s hould be, were got from a far different school. Peas attacks first made-by you two ~ ears since., . , 1 . .
..„ - \ F o ,,t, h u t a v „, ttunt ,d s
,we i g h t. 01) ii ie l ong j o,ur. i i i „ o d • ~ i, n i, from $45 .. t9ploo
fel , lowed up. - till the p,resent ti e. I • re- ., with scandal end ititfuny-- - -you even APtitied it i
fltV.: :/, bad, f l ur fowl - Adept). of , Veni,oti,. ante i AIY 0 '44 reeeiPtst•Urter:, i 4 Y.U I II: ot
I did not suppose a minister eltild go , . with i and
1 aret thut sneh. should be the ease,
" d " mt . ""
llrml Y in " dr '"S r P 06(1 ' 4 -til M'l 5(41 ' t•iP \ titirtillo, chicks nod -,..res E . v 4 r i .,.,w .„I,;out - i provisidiW l d„ e. lilt ine - a trate ever. .-1
clean ' band w from the pulpit and communion
that such a ;niers)! in ,y now - IA: ' ,6elieviqi it to I•' true—vou lened so infense , ''' , • ;" f.'. ,`I ' , - c - - - •
table, ant pick out tine of tier teo'st pr.aninent I :iiieerelY h O Pc '" , . - -7 1 ' 500' ln ffales in one mouster•herd. ' "Mountain I I MelLth. ,Inm, : new• - s hi ng i ett ;
taken by yourself,- and youir friends, as &MP i ly that it finally seet i ne‘i all the .i world felt ju i l l
sal . ,;, :,
tef , prehie di 'VI riftlite: 4 , . ba r C eietsi, kiOtas, I nine hi &employ , 1,1, s east k.
of bisifrock, for• the subj,.et Of ungenerous i
newspaper ribaldry..' To toe, wludiv Wonting i f vndfereeer this state of thing-s, that the pub. ; like you—the untnit,takable vinee of. t , , sub',
11 , v1 ,,,:; ,land Indiale l , too numerous, to niention.l.: The 1 - 1e..1 take I ii:tv B'.
I pS ylni say II ant uin 'manly :ma noble attn. lie in general, as well ds B ' l Nrs"utei . i n ter ' s " ,l IIe wns In ' lrd---II "j i r I . I Y f " r Chasc -" ve r r • ir
•11 Pawne:;s wer v foutiO4lo3' M•ist. troubleieund E.
, ii vii ii overagLst
no longer be burdened with this un-rl'ilEN IIIINDREP 1 ., I
4 - 1 I and itimoyitee .he Siiniv. in the i•it'initi r " el i cost's Ilia 82;13 . per
holes," there is something hi nil this at which IWI, in ry
t To briny •tbout shell results ' You appeal fur aid to rid vou of the Mon - .1- r, ~.?. ,. .i ' ' -' ~ ,' - ~..' . - 4. „la .t, Fr
r' .
see.ibilities revolt. I must confers, hail I happy COlite B • . • I!
.1 • -.• ; 1 t Fort i , erheile, are. ohle specimens ot the,,tten i les to San Fir
vim denied it, I should haveeredired that 'de. 1 I certainly Shall do nil'in my power, and leave i stio•—the destroyerier your pietee,.and the e v. i . 1 ,
C:tittntry ut the .FOrUs l'he'y'Sri.- li gb.sPirit. - sl,r
• ni.d, for with the cireaunstances which stir. 1 [he responsibility where - it belongs if itbe poser 0 . your iniq .. ntlies,—et.d ;Wen in Gibson - . ' _ '• -
' ! ell amid proud—will new. heal"- Th = o well- •
- •
niund you in this community,
believe(' yi9l would do n thing foul wYleb my '
I' cou ld nu t h ave -icontinu . ,
‘- the Al.4.iFity for (~.eete, tewl to The teams. . . . . - •- i -,i .
l ,- : 1 drt•ssea.„ - Litany ut therws,Wri large...l:4lWe% oi
. ' • Truly &e., . . You libeller' andl faliiiied Melintril. in orde, 1,-- ,
J; . ,_ lb
. 1 lc horst.s and mules. i . Beautiful, iran,d‘see
feelinos would turn with -u holy horror." - - - • - '; , -, E••B• cliA. sE • ! t ''' hea p more- _ -4.!ft : u _ Pon . , UN 7" I * 21 'ery meets the tr.vellf•r's, ,ey
PerhaPs i should say in - this , connection,that 1 - - i your thirst for revenge. • tlarmony and Si A. . w f.,,, 1 "
- The Election. 1 u .11,111n1 sat in 'od'on •nt unon v; li--11186 1. 1 time. ' e p " 1. .. 4ci 84-1 ! .r . " " ut "
-- • -
~ , .....n inty 1 q ty . l . -- fo ' i. cl ' ia..,,e i s ki yi l x . r ` y O • NE.. - ' ' , 1
, T,
3 it... , mi ii ie r r:tu i ce .. : w ti b io 4, :i i a .i t i er of
I have used Mr'. Little's rime, - against his pro.
Below we` gite the, retorns ; i this
test, and at the riik ;if bre..king• friendshiP with I.
him. I felt in duly bound io tell' him my in- l and District on Representative as correctly-as', - appealed -I. • •. • ~ .e, L-• • - , ....•
You ot little
_VI+ yonen . g.—fulst a
1,1 blot - id-heat, limpid,'
we can tr,,,t, them. What is a , little singular I . us by the Moir in the press ;of her • ril 10 ,
tention, and he desired nt.• net to do so; But
I have
o, , ,,ainst ,we iiiietiti•Oi t•tit. these retnrns
_may 7, look ego. ;_tn!i„rtiy. fee' Cilii'St! FOUR._ lIIRCII SID li . 1
e ...
t, .. We hue, not been able I- ' 1 •• • = -1 , ' ' dint ons, n;
7 •ci I' l o. f tl "with the tiltic t° ` mi. i rraller4 ' ' , i AND- iIF!I.-.- - • ,_ , . - -1
yonr-pnntt asset) L.:, getn,, or 1 i e
.. , „
s :or the State tieket, to amount i . -
.'y„„ ,-„ i „ s ,..d „ vet . itt.,s.nie,,,,,„n w ith ;tar wus So
_weight of yotir diameter as "a Christian minim. IQ g " re._ turn
my dear Elder,,whhii7Vtearna'a week or two.
ago, that Dimcilt wait enly acting in ohedienee
4tY9itipstrwitions,—;4l4tlTu. thinking it too
Trp,r4OitiOitte to do rurseff,- - instigated Min ti,
ko it, - "itnii..thit you sOrthe.artiele, and re.
' it,.:7fore it Wint:td:pr e ss!. I.oay judge.
' l ltiOriik". fiii.iiiiPiraie4 you were satht i
defaming no., in Private and 'in 'the'
',hat you would not deSeend from i
to o p *bile newspaper, and en- i
Ihelluus attatki,upen priiale - 1 ,
no . way molesting you,
+re prone rag agoras
v to " the:support of.i
tationbut I mug-
'kill t
Ti and
L . '
I ith.
A *.
ter 'With them, - hut to.Aow:thst even . %1 am not
the: person
. who his‘rallen undef unjust
ceasnee-trOni - Yntir pen. • 'And then, tOO, I'. feel
at. liberty safteiWh-kt. yon • haye Lahl.and done",:
to fel4r . "away.sthe
throW''aroun4 - 'yottkett in Yotirliddrk4ti to .the
.-• . •
publiefthrotwit the prett.4,... -• . . ,
thrOngi.ji t the. or i taniT..ition'of therpOlifiesl-1
lintwe ag ms this ynatcname,• too;
"iiinspienkotS. • -•Mi..iti L ea of
mini to dies not -nlloNit. him to scarp; his coil:
ing and. meddle in the paltry, And -ditigusting
political contests' of -the would hot
I. .haelhittf pollutehis robes With t hem,rather•
itt him stti e in lif.s piopee'place to Purify -the
'motal.atmoAphere. of and
.which e .lmust-Say„-haS - not itemised:to iincif . ifye'
much underSthesitPerintUndenet ,
cn it'
- Snit
. • • -_ • •
Osiers of the - Gospel dO . - aeseend thn.
cal arena, they have no tight
tion frain.t he -generit'fatu-- of '
.Yott seem to thi -.
that piittirs.m
. ..1-render -ff
toinuoh, nor on the )oeal . ticket sat is.saries,—and postt,s1 = u:4 there —majority
setitative. - Upo n that anxiety seeittsio have t iChase;.a/taost - 0 eta:ie .- rate: L •
YouT ihreNe;'--n.WaY •your
4 . !'entered,"nnd but that has ~
been sent tis i .,and that iniperfect ,save or. t% mounted the : Slain -kohl)
is this 'eounty,.444,a-seent to have heels. pittea..-' puidie bir yetil L itrofeS.44 - • -
againt4teitch other. Taking what we. harp'
eeived :as th‘e tonteatedl Deitirleratie
on an, avetage--reeeiring liiio9 . 0,,
ir:,jority in the cottntY. :tt
'ships below weltave . no': rrt urns' f'rnm; - atid
thetri down at the'')ast , :yeitr's
generally, has heen.inerease .
It is one-of the lightest,
eounty • for'yoarii,
star; the 11Pii0c
C l 4r ) Ter .l
• Or* ,, et,
I• •
,np . ttielr liekt:,
.1.- and! dentaniji.i I d 3
iNotI, unl'atii . a uutioray- N .
_'EL: 1113
.zten every lime atilt hnier--r-buktfd
`always 1601=0444.i andiade'ntial, are , von 'n''it . '
ichi'notieant'eiit to„let',nititave - pra..'-e . 3. .
r ilals;r : iii
- I An. I;ii.tle , fretalklF rEENti to • SIXITERN
. polled in theAIuNDRED. - - II; „ - . ..... s t• i .., • • . I" ~- i.•;...
.it been foil - al last!! ..._..,. • - ,1 ' ,, --'---%ou, - :-.4. 7 4,....----- -, ---=
_- -' ••
,been )ir 1,-2 . 00. i . goe 7 lfr: 13 !elgirti,k II 'doubt , eSS elected _b. yr
ii ...lw ycj i n ' il i g i : i nc t stii i ivan, :-cartnalt by
. a:- ka Ilaosne inaj l aity Dytii id
. 1 1
, .I at 450 Demeeratiii: niajorit ~ l ' 1 ••' 1 ' t hiti'.'T n t i ,V.i'4 l in_.W. i Yini,thig;', ' - zili i i
.ia;SOaqp4alliaai _bat
.76. beliti,ee c44,i, 350. • Them nii . be . •iati
iwho.k. ti4et is .14iond,d;tatrer: -- - .
thei.way - acme b,y the One,. ialrtitnrna. .
What, little . tirkharl learned fratn-the Sin e -
PAIMIMMtAPPitriMPIRP , WWTrigf , pee r tar
• .
--';`_ 1111d ere ° ;t7y in ylel
i:iiiitfit,- - ef about
, _.. . ‘4,7,41 juke out tweet
Pd,i -3 0staY• -I4e'lc Y 4 iee
i'w..:4 -, :f. - qterable. • fur . .'maliing
- thoune Df 812 per day. - .
~., -,,
There ` are nine steain mills . withinn
of Atilt iither,- in-these Red Witods.
'er thiy, ' One - will
4at DO : had Drisaws and it planing • and.' groeiving end
tt, show.: hank, 'July ;tali, ' l l'his is, the. greatest_milt I ever.sau saw.
, titan 60 to deep ! The i l l'AV iCO siteak intire. plainly.: '' Of all the mill
_ that •a iit - t r..,e. would SeitivAy leave er.saw,Kaw, knover 'Saw a mill azias
priet b' '
. ' . 1,, - . .0
,e ittgra
, - , I ii mrs
a,- -- , - ,til4 p' i -mlit .S 4 S ' • i
..VtrieV Of cliiitein,itie:sing ovi-,the-I'laiiit. W.oittis - ef vutious sizes; varying
I arrived at Salt,Like' inlv 1st ; ;: remained •
tilt ineh to - 34 feet in diameter' There-
thelth.. . NYltnessid ::Ilie. Wiliam eidebration ••SVOod i nt- t'h:at•iitoiid. at,• - the• head \
- Wilic rtii?iiiii•eisary ii! ,our :NatiOnai,lndi,l •
Fitti. tlie_Staaislaii4iver'lq;Caliaartitilid
..ienee,',Thcii,werelosated ,tlie'd.tyr with quite a ditaneter'orwhielintl.lie-itamie
dvgiver-....0f ..patriotic' %spirit'. ov: - : _ > Brig,hatn eireunnerence,,- 2, ,
4 .1
'i'oopg , tteliii - a fliiiiiing..-,spi• . - 1, .i . ii` . hiii'itt:. i 0691y,..:.4: - Whate l onntryn )
.._... ~. .1. •... ,
_; ~ •.. - ,r,„,. ," . '.,. T-1-... l earn t ha t --- : h a v e :• ~..-' -...-..,.. -
ii.Fts . he -en tt t i gizeu - treaulentir lin:lore, and l ',sections
cursed Alin I.ittatnirians.. - lie a lit. I,Vtirld's:- Fair., Now YOrk: (A Mick
tie of-unr ':, , lational Gtoternmenk in not , grant- free,showing the si . e,- ix :now. ethil
lug tho. - it . .4eri, ..r• ut.h - -nuirj . fiiitieifitt , 2tid-7., thajOStini,;3lusea - in: 1 •44,..beii.1- .
litii,he'itait.i, if Congress AVould:tioLtiel Ithein `lt - S terAt
, Flit •,,,inaies lit rein= 'fell iriti
p Aga: ,IF0114 : ::,1, 'ittesnied: - ..twirli at• the,gre:-.1 lino. the ' laittraiCY.', seaStiti: _- The.
'3lnytnnii Tolierintele,:..on Stinday4:,4tholii .3,•:. now -•... mild ~, sulitii; , :. and . delightful.,
56 11 1 ,, 1 .,,,,:, n , wer . ,..-it;,.,11,4.. - --ivithWits- , Wa11 4 ,:-, vicinity, Where - -1 - , am, , itie-motietliflS:
The ;titiiiikiiip.,;.:Was - 06k of the:(iigkti.4-ittti)..tryi:e‘.4 iihitting,sViih arisl.ll: - ;lxtrt ...leer' el
Ordiir; though all Well inean in ; -.,Tlit - 41 - sintrztriia Jionsi 'ilnlii• ,pantla.r4 atom
Ing,an4 ; playing,. wa. ; , extellent.r..f. T.sui-fn11:-.'•U'ild•eitts,;.. - Onii.',.of my mem:4w Jet
Brrai•llatids,fil led tq u p thetinie beivireot-..zpec4:ll: nineteen iii,lw's :and a lion -last,,-Runil*
t.'s;'',.."lnl;itit! . !li6 dii.V.` - '' The dosing' air, and 'Ante. .4y..mintlien of, tify _hands woe gone
\''f : , 1 4.1 1 1: 11 YL` 41 " 1 11 ) e„
,rh'iP- 4 .1" 1- #YLIV..t. heAa,, Band 4 101 W..._and fultunta'tvlTh-three 4 eers!
7 4 1 s •! - '-"4. 711 , 114 4 1 1 * - I )iii-ni . ..414 - ,efidei.l; , o -44- e - ,iii.iii - ttfiiiirstii a elOVe;:fietd. , Our
the lai - edirtion.) , - the -ratiiialisisixiiehr t)i -, iiiiiiiii aillfines with itie.allfeesi'Qt
,i'althath Of , julY 411 -- . W. - 0... tBii) iii thV Sli;' A fli' .-- 1 -`641 ; 64 - ''` j t.A : ii': ii ii:)111 1 '
...:."--' t.; _,•l, ;- -' -'' • ... • r - ,-.--'-'l-t...4'...,„ trt„„...•,.',J. 1 ;IA . :•., _
''?:?! l • : ';'l.o'4'Salt. - : ttiileo u' - ' A er_ the -things,akwellnk-Af, fit thing* li n e
r9q,v;F : pgp!upt Fs-(l;.3ytigse4-; a servant ftf- - ,,001i - .- %•tttn'
~.e- - ,•6.,,1tid !-wishinlive. ~ •-,-,-- ; - . l ___,-1
Young drove a largo. umnih*-in- titint"of7 the. .' ,4.l. TOW:WinceiSliit
intt . if rli . !6 l Tliiffiti
Itn berfil',‘FK in 'd intriietit. diot4 - :th4l - 0 - iiiinic ilti.:Wortfiy. ‘ eidermailStrate;G:gv. .1 ,
`Made - hisliPtierance, - atitong-thif iraWi.t. fidln* - t• atT e -wt .4be -re-e cc ed- /11.
led"-iby rilono train. of wives,_,l 'enurit4nine. courii: .• 'I •ItArn"by a _copy-ter - Or
i•leeN:Wheni4p seated, - one by iint;_iajtid 4%1%e, inntritt_Biniltetaidna's:Oi!bie Der
'Oag;‘,ai4 4 - way .1- tifei whirled tb -ids tatitiaiti.,.- - ;STaWritt)\lias:ricetvOd - 1 1 ,_
:Siitaiday.rifteraiiiiii;tlooa, itroiolliiidi;i:Tl:(Bliiiii;44iii,;iiki,iiit;tmept4,Pri`i
~, ~-, ~. ~,, ~... :,..,, . ..., V:. 4 4 '3.-3- •3 - 3 -133= -•• ...3., -.' .-3 3 -•• 3 , -1" •' ': .3 , ',
r""r",' -t l -"siaerwg. 4 w prviniaes; ,-.Wiliii, ilaiH litiliatAii.‘ixtioriig., Wonor., is dne3:::
-erimg in . :Ali gardent,innit a,- iiegni servant- if Atteii- h i ni,' and fou;And all .v/h1
tlieiGgiveriiiir.l.l" , lintt no - timiJh 'nefirpinii\ -- aci,, int .• . 4 , - '-,..l'sues -..-- _- -
" . - = -z...-- .6 ', l ? '; ''''"' ' „ 1 I''' . -47,•:-•,-
... ,
In?inturicii. withclifee, ‘ChUni,C - Iliitt .; be ~- ..., , . ?" 6 ""•'• 1 ". 1 - ----.'.
rathiiqiitefliOpt 'MA iitiun i iiniciillie . :',-''.,:-Tor . : - 14;•-4 A..;.- ; 3 ' '''.4':.!' -A3 - -i• 4711-o .„qt 4 , 4: Ai i- - ' -- " ,"
- -- -..i.' 1 .-, ---; ' "-- 4'.," we:neo in tfie'ritt*burri - paiteis r
- I nqu''l , 8 t hlw: inanter4e9tek-ihn4l,epinxi:._ -r • --, ,_, - a -
Tow nee., de rid! , house;' iff:d;3lii-7 , inkant,:ifilir cor iiP4miitthwillhir4 4 A:4 . i . !it'i
• cabtniiii:itiTilild 'life -'livekl'ziNP_ 'ill.' iiii,P4eiu-1-,Pt-thenalTrir,Pfilly.A.!ln
~ T . ! t• . ..,'Y
.-, - .., =, ,-- , -„ ; ‘- r t.,.. -, - • . f-- i iiii'''',3 '.J.r.--i4,•i''''' t r,3l , Ph •= ' i fiiid a go
fiiiiiii4 tit' iiiiiink4. dniiii*t: !rn''ilieet2•=-1- '' 4 7' e'' e '-''''' ..''. ' tt.- ...--
'''' - '''' --'''-' -...' '''''' "'''' ' ' '''' ' - ' 4 ''''''Vr''''''' ''' ''' '' - •I F - '3.l . iiin limn 'rise -iniktheCeilnliTii
1 3- 411' - hern !144 - 01-tier;vtiv4ilite - ,..i , ptib i nati .4 - 1 ! - - - ....hfii r " - -t' 4 . - , ' , `-'l" '- ' -.'
iitillini) 4inetly: if i .will r ii4 . ' • , antejodilte:-‘ '. ''bl9: to _ = the old ilsolle. Pt4ttc-- %
. -.. .. = - 3 - , iiiei -ET 'l4i - 4;144:el
111 .i.r 4 8 '24tll:= l ' Dai't tkin day thwtiedytiA6 - t A - ‘ 1 .. , , „-q t . ' !r-- amount to rs.
ittid.hili a ,z kjidigli*Arlifiiit4ri t n,kai#, bh dati,; tt .,PA ,- „,.,...1., -,.„ caNr' -.
-,-1-1,....,.... • , ,•,, ya • ' 4,lll . •iiii
I}4-4Q ill DO il - 11 ' ' laid ti' - xi'"' ag ztai - i tsi-,,,a ! A ! 9,11 g 4 - 1-4, 16,9-- - -- - .-3
4 ''''' - ... -1 "1: 1 ' ' 11')t " ;*.194te - 1" h: Id ' *- 'l/ ..- ' - .1.4" - ="_ -- iit' :re - ' tS•-tell '
dirt - eh did:
,ii,_iwait , ihe\ . iiikai - efiiidat , -!-.:, •-!,!- i. ,P,s*,*- , ! -- .4. ,_ gip ::- --
' ' -- ' ' ' . ' ". ' i t zr - -' ,- - ---‘ -- ' inninnitieeniiii4y.:vie: , #eiinnyle:
'atiat',-14'. marty 4 th . Gtill`flati' d ie. s .:ttielii=e,ind,''' 4 „---,,,,L--:• - '••",-; , ,••••• -,- --------' - --- 4 - f'4 .
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