=EMIEU ~ys-rr-x:~.~~ w.,..~. -.1- ''' , - .The=•Fisheriet. . :.....' :We gavo, frora.,,,thk-Voshingten Union, a. .version Of the Shiiilrgh*l'utizikrerWhick-charlia terized the Previ4n4.o4 . itrits liesaggiratiens: The Gleucestt4:lretiOliki,in',o d i ll g :to tbial -,. part of the"-t7t49J4 artiOtti 5.40 - I '-'. '- `- • ' " In "regatnt.to'•-th&olateln'eat ••af_ Capt. INIe- Donwellkwitleit te':'e publish, tie -will' 4 visit whai not exaggerated onti_word:" lt-was - publislolT ' as he related it to tIS ;•and Who signed a d0e..5 t 1 ifo. .ent.) is nment stating. that he It id violated the treay,, i i elected Govern; or - by 'one - then' and mitiority,-!-- -- i hojells.,,a_lr.crY-40rarant...stdir*„.,.a.thonte,,fre.to.,„,„, ~.....,_......,... _______ _ ..... 48 , t i. 1 .- t,re ,.. : , - Wirit he did - thoro . We do "not believe he - 7'he Con , • signed any such doriumeitt.'" : . - ,•• ;' b erate,, to The Telegraph tinde' rtikes to show tliat the!! -.. , _ . ,', yisits. ofthe vessels of the squadron were tol- 1 _ _._ . .0tit,11853.. other:parts of ihis - fiThin,g grouids than those l : LD - ER _ . .., where.Most;ottlit3 fishermen , wore, , and then - i • .. • . .• ~ —..—DeariSir:—ll•td . yen wheref.ti_ L.. - • i en paurs to:eerne to me you,rs- el! W ilt' yonr - . 1141 41 4- CWwe . askWliat . extended: Opporittnity.i tly t° . mY i "' err° , g nt6de9 '-r w eek ber°r° baintrlbelishennetr had .tointik& - known 'their i i r, witichlippeareit in the Registet lest- week, grievances; ...• - ifa'Vanues.; -they - had'. any .: to,make:l : Tei y : ur mind might:.have been satisfied in such ,rt, a `keili e Woids.of the- Official -report, we fuid i, - - . - ~ .* 7t, - t i. 7 . 4 . i ir. ii ze; : iirtned , ve,434,, only . : were. In i . a manner that you would-.hate Dal, e Dee snared . -- 'lb° vieinitY' et- the . fishing . fleet abobt .it week, i '' i e_lil?ab_l - 9,' -(!' r . ra di o ra,diaff , mi. be . ,,n)r4 . i.lie Public ,s;all,„d only one fi;thernian, out .cit e a dozen Whit. ~,, ith- half afecklumpof newSpaper mta epresen, r - Ifatte - ,retuirted,home, and Whir were there 01'.'2tiotts:-..-- Your.-reply wall handed loby a Ati"tiine;reii_ort having seen either, of the ves.. •_.2 iend;*and toYoui• - tertriei4o p_ubl'is it. lan. ;s la was one Uf.- the steamers which '', „ . , , ; ~, _ .._ „ __ • Tap ,-- , passed some d i stance ' from the. fleet, ' 'What i s'Aeq 6- lui'' 3 !"T''Y • !"3 follo ws . j , _ ~,iiii*l4'l;;;d one inikat timi.il . Tho fi sllerme!i ! the Ihist twine of the _paper before* thin, itna - `do trot - iiiiilf,to, hoard up.everY iitit k grievAnco - I.het'aultterter it is-already • prepar e .-- I hAVe ; villitili!,:thely,,Arieoun4f, . hfl-tilea leave 01 ( 41 ioi'reotitlirlit this wi , ek,l but if lie l [iohes it *bnsinSini to run after a ;United - Slates - vessel- i - .. ' hl'sl tt• ' - ii, We'it pp be •dtinh" I r .t.z.make,:a .:.matter el Spa:Lit eomplaint; their 1-fw- t' e e , - . 1 .. fi' . , - fisfilni" ts , -or More- imPortalicel ' They- tell, - 11 (4 read - a refil.F. I'm'? 1 Y:4 4 just i lviiiving is heWevor, - or these-afin;ii•sneeS. when they . izet :. office its- 1: i•th'ilhunded i ne tne,and:kyi not•Wha 1 , ' lb°ni...e. , -and"..the : 1 2grettato makes considerable ' , ,'it can ain . I yresuintiltlionz,h, that, entpin i - -. '',t• t ii ii r ci -a r a/ „te ni m e e n n ‘e t vi e, h r cn a p ,v ih til l , iis e lied fl . „e .. t r w e h r i l e i h ilStizi: r e e , i i . r - o i n r, s,iii t...p .. n; it . n.aayi. • refe - r.e • ileia ! t l i tnee e: lee - . ordered not th,go into port..., Wird-time' was. tiOn, . nd therefore sup used tt . eon , d as we - Vit.' then' tit huntinp an armed -v -el when there `be de e. 4as not. j. -, . .7. 3.... -% - -Were Atroug indications tit a sto i? , it .was.{ _ 1 1 :1 pr -elate, my den Isir, 'the kind rept. , 'e4' in! l ik i rta ntil ril i f ti.' f i t n t - r iu' e Y ite. a Tt ee' vei bu s t el wa til lt hr i s k litli n c i) ( ;4l I il;ai.... ' n.li ' D.n ' lleas - ''' - ` l-: I ' l ' . ' ilDt " .l3- . ' 4; IDYV."3 I. voyage and go hunting al to Bay 'to f-are.'7ol.!-gituf't that your ; than pate - fiaCom,-Sbnbrick end lay it, before him ? 'na Syintiathl nianites for-me ;ill my ".sins ~ ,-'"-- W e think it mill be . perfectly plain to every awl f„iii es c. that' sincere and hen 'trek-, -Cer. I .ots_ e wlto takes R . Chart and viaalines the fiA-_ tainly, itiiwittild be aWful hyped iin atit 2 ll:l in ground. and then follows out the courses .. ..- .. -.. 1,,.. --- ; -- _,, .. , .. . Indicated as passed over by: those vessels, to, a ster t. , f .t3e ...1%:10.14144 to Pr.V 54 in- 1 thy s!mPa See •that`tlie opportunity 'offered. the fishermen inch of feel it ; and intent! ueh-us yct 1" say -that. t to make-known their grievanees was not, iery.. l .-i:Ljii "now of no way of juiloin4 ut by the extended.'' ;' .-' -' - • . . p:ist,' I wilt lay_teeile tlw curtain qf the paste . _ Two Weeks. L iter from COlifor- that Inay }prig , • -• nia.. The: Strantsitip Stnr ot thtS - AVest,. Capt, Ili -Two, years n 7,0 became in nn L. ,Thiklepaiigli, nrriced at New Volt . on 41M: 11111113ppC NlllllO4ll ech;tt . ..Sl flour Oily" Inst. ih 7 (114,.and 2i bourn train t i '1 • I . Chal. Morgan, 'with 509. •ontits . t, its httl , r ikgold do pit, on freight, . enti 85 . 1 . 5 r i -nhonositie w s tlrought nbnitt.hyi.lodge ies 'oo'ittille-t(trinds• 42f p She bri n o.4 suP rind teas norninatel for' p tsseugoet.. thttp*engrs pit- Cortes, .whiell left San = Franiscii Sept 16th...i1l half past l - :P. 31'. the John 14. Snit:lens, witlt the mail 4; left the same d at pA. M. Sept. .}Bth, tht Cedes' passed the Stialitisltip Unele Sair,hound Sari firanoisCo.',', Sept 30th, 'James Virginia; age.d 35 yea - r§, ..fell= overb(bard. from steamer Central America, on Lake 'Nicaragna,l and was drowned. - - Am9nff the mod interesting items. - of inteli pence brofight us by the steamer, i 4 - the - in-; - 'oneemint of the result. or the State,* and to , -_Cumplcte returns h;(i . • not received from all the counties of the- 'State at tht. ailing if the'] titentnet; enon,Th w;ts . knirxwtqsettleAhe qa4sti it) t•if the entire sue: cots 'ttf'Dotnocti‘ttie ticket. ' The majority of 'John Bigler, Dern'oerat, Over Wm.-Waldo, the . nominee 'of the. Whigs and It-tarp-Tar nt t s lieved. to be in tIM' neigalmrhinid of one' thous-. _ &mug) Purdy is . -Cleded Lieutenant: G.tvernori by n very larg,e L tuljortiy ; ,Mexatt -• der Wells, judlre of thpVaipt!..nie . Court ; AtterarYlQllel4l4tA f tAs" State' TreaUurer= State Comptroller . .., S. arliarlett, Sorve'yiiir ffener t al ; and Paul K. :Hibbs Superintendent ot .Publie, Instruction, . '• 1, , -.-C4.mtrary to aly e.:-PeCtations, the lierioerit, -lc tieltet pievailetl very genera - 11v itrßan Fran "dv f^ - - 461; sariditnem cis. ers. o and entirely for county etne. ~all. "". bers of the State Leto/stature. Capt C. it . Viiv, aattlith wpo eans meant t o be equally - e w , • 1 -and ~.. f Gar' risen, the nominee of the Tlsnocratiespertv I A s iere . no - d'ir Judge: Jessup nflu ills nend. r for Mayor,' has a majo r ity' of 1,000 over Dr. ~,f,, e l t at , thdy get' the worst of i tho contest, ,H. M. Gray, his %Vide competitor. * - I they ay blame themselves foe prey king it. ' , Iletelligerce from th • Itegue River -country , . , : - - announces the cessation of hostilities between, I nav t ried . in yam ' rem tun time to l i c P r ' the Indians : and' the sett lem. - Gen. Lane had ent live in per.ce among you, 'but. it seems efieeted a treaty with some of the hostile'tribes inips+ible to do• so, unless I surrender up all . who bad: promised to induce others to give u P manihteas,-anii permit my character and reisii thir arr°ws• Ca Aide " wae rl ' eevering fru ': tstion to be & &tied and ertppld in all lite ' ssi. o re •se' ver e wound he bad receivPd in • • i i r ii- V. do. \ t with th enemy Gen Lane's ble i ferms, whi h, my dear sir, ,/, II ne cr ki r. iTrtfl liti ii The V7ome sßtg Cove 1Q II was slight , and he bid recovered from i l e t ra it a tm_ e a s 1,4 t o . 5 4 1 ,6 myself a n d _ indicates a brilliant triumph, •••ioi 'halal, as • . ' 1 1 Cleveland, Oet Brig,hatn eireunnerence, 36:11..et-:--hefglit,- 2, , 4 .1 'i'oopg , tteliii - a fliiiiiing..-,spi• . - 1, .i . ii` . hiii'itt:. i 0691y,..:.4: - Whate l onntryn ) .._... ~. .1. •... , _; ~ •.. - ,r,„,. ," . '.,. T-1-... l earn t ha t --- : h a v e :• ~..-' -...-..,.. - ii.Fts . he -en tt t i gizeu - treaulentir lin:lore, and l ',sections cursed Alin I.ittatnirians.. - lie a lit. I,Vtirld's:- Fair., Now YOrk: (A Mick tie of-unr ':, , lational Gtoternmenk in not , grant- free,showing the si . e,- ix :now. ethil lug tho. - it . .4eri, ..r• ut.h - -nuirj . fiiitieifitt , 2tid-7., thajOStini,;3lusea - in: 1 •44,..beii.1- . litii,he'itait.i, if Congress AVould:tioLtiel Ithein `lt - S terAt , Flit •,,,inaies lit rein= 'fell iriti p Aga: ,IF0114 : ::,1, 'ittesnied: - ..twirli at• the,gre:-.1 lino. the ' laittraiCY.', seaStiti: _- The. '3lnytnnii Tolierintele,:..on Stinday4:,4tholii .3,•:. now -•... mild ~, sulitii; , :. and . delightful., 56 11 1 ,, 1 .,,,,:, n , wer . ,..-it;,.,11,4.. - --ivithWits- , Wa11 4 ,:-, vicinity, Where - -1 - , am, , itie-motietliflS: The ;titiiiikiiip.,;.:Was - 06k of the:(iigkti.4-ittti)..tryi:e‘.4 iihitting,sViih arisl.ll: - ;lxtrt ...leer' el Ordiir; though all Well inean in ; -.,Tlit - 41 - sintrztriia Jionsi 'ilnlii• ,pantla.r4 atom Ing,an4 ; playing,. wa. ; , extellent.r..f. T.sui-fn11:-.'•U'ild•eitts,;.. - Onii.',.of my mem:4w Jet Brrai•llatids,fil led tq u p thetinie beivireot-..zpec4:ll: nineteen iii,lw's :and a lion -last,,-Runil* t.'s;'',.."lnl;itit! . !li6 dii.V.` - '' The dosing' air, and 'Ante. .4y..mintlien of, tify _hands woe gone \''f : , 1 4.1 1 1: 11 YL` 41 " 1 11 ) e„ ,rh'iP- 4 .1" 1- #YLIV..t. heAa,, Band 4 101 W..._and fultunta'tvlTh-three 4 eers! 7 4 1 s •! - '-"4. 711 , 114 4 1 1 * - I )iii-ni . ..414 - ,efidei.l; , o -44- e - ,iii.iii - ttfiiiirstii a elOVe;:fietd. , Our the lai - edirtion.) , - the -ratiiialisisixiiehr t)i -, iiiiiiiii aillfines with itie.allfeesi'Qt ,i'althath Of , julY 411 -- . W. - 0... tBii) iii thV Sli;' A fli' .-- 1 -`641 ; 64 - ''` j t.A : ii': ii ii:)111 1 ' ...:."--' t.; _,•l, ;- -' -'' • ... • r - ,-.--'-'l-t...4'...,„ trt„„...•,.',J. 1 ;IA . :•., _ ''?:?! l • : ';'l.o'4'Salt. - : ttiileo u' - ' A er_ the -things,akwellnk-Af, fit thing* li n e r9q,v;F : pgp!upt Fs-(l;.3ytigse4-; a servant ftf- - ,,001i - .- %•tttn' ~.e- - ,•6.,,1tid !-wishinlive. ~ •-,-,-- ; - . l ___,-1 Young drove a largo. umnih*-in- titint"of7 the. .' ,4.l. TOW:WinceiSliit intt . if rli . !6 l Tliiffiti Itn berfil',‘FK in 'd intriietit. diot4 - :th4l - 0 - iiiinic ilti.:Wortfiy. ‘ eidermailStrate;G:gv. .1 , `Made - hisliPtierance, - atitong-thif iraWi.t. fidln* - t• atT e -wt .4be -re-e cc ed- /11. led"-iby rilono train. of wives,_,l 'enurit4nine. courii: .• 'I •ItArn"by a _copy-ter - Or i•leeN:Wheni4p seated, - one by iint;_iajtid 4%1%e, inntritt_Biniltetaidna's:Oi!bie Der 'Oag;‘,ai4 4 - way .1- tifei whirled tb -ids tatitiaiti.,.- - ;STaWritt):Vsct.il\lias:ricetvOd - 1 1 ,_ :Siitaiday.rifteraiiiiii;tlooa, itroiolliiidi;i:Tl:(Bliiiii;44iii,;iiki,iiit;tmept4,Pri`i ~, ~-, ~. ~,, ~... :,..,, . ..., V:. 4 4 '3.-3- •3 - 3 -133= -•• ...3., -.' .-3 3 -•• 3 , -1" •' ': .3 , ', r""r",' -t l -"siaerwg. 4 w prviniaes; ,-.Wiliii, ilaiH litiliatAii.‘ixtioriig., Wonor., is dne3::: -erimg in . :Ali gardent,innit a,- iiegni servant- if Atteii- h i ni,' and fou;And all .v/h1 tlieiGgiveriiiir.l.l" , lintt no - timiJh 'nefirpinii\ -- aci,, int .• . 4 , - '-,..l'sues -..-- _- - " . - = -z...-- .6 ', l ? '; ''''"' ' „ 1 I''' . -47,•:-•,- ... , In?inturicii. withclifee, ‘ChUni,C - Iliitt 4.td .; be ~- ..., , . ?" 6 ""•'• 1 ". 1 - ----.'. rathiiqiitefliOpt 'MA iitiun i iiniciillie . :',-''.,:-Tor . : - 14;•-4 A..;.- ; 3 ' '''.4':.!' -A3 - -i• 4711-o .„qt 4 , 4: Ai i- - ' -- " ," - -- -..i.' 1 .-, ---; ' "-- 4'.," we:neo in tfie'ritt*burri - paiteis r - I nqu''l , 8 t hlw: inanter4e9tek-ihn4l,epinxi:._ -r • --, ,_, - a - Tow nee., de rid! , house;' iff:d;3lii-7 , inkant,:ifilir cor iiP4miitthwillhir4 4 A:4 . i . !it'i i • cabtniiii:itiTilild 'life -'livekl'ziNP_ 'ill.' iiii,P4eiu-1-,Pt-thenalTrir,Pfilly.A.!ln ~ T . ! t• . ..,'Y .-, - .., =, ,-- , -„ ; ‘- r t.,.. -, - • . f-- i iiii'''',3 '.J.r.--i4,•i''''' t r,3l , Ph •= ' i fiiid a go fiiiiiii4 tit' iiiiiink4. dniiii*t: !rn''ilieet2•=-1- '' 4 7' e'' e '-''''' ..''. ' tt.- ...-- '''' - '''' --'''-' -...' '''''' "'''' ' ' '''' ' - ' 4 ''''''Vr''''''' ''' ''' '' - •I F - '3.l . iiin limn 'rise -iniktheCeilnliTii 1 3- 411' - hern !144 - 01-tier;vtiv4ilite - ,..i , ptib i nati .4 - 1 ! - - - ....hfii r " - -t' 4 . - , ' , `-'l" '- ' -.' iitillini) 4inetly: if i .will r ii4 . ' • , antejodilte:-‘ '. ''bl9: to _ = the old ilsolle. Pt4ttc-- % . -.. .. = - 3 - , iiiei -ET 'l4i - 4;144:el 111 .i.r 4 8 '24tll:= l ' Dai't tkin day thwtiedytiA6 - t A - ‘ 1 .. , , „-q t . ' !r-- amount to rs. . ittid.hili a ,z kjidigli*Arlifiiit4ri t n,kai#, bh dati,; tt .,PA ,- „,.,...1., -,.„ caNr' -. -,-1-1,....,.... • , ,•,, ya • ' 4,lll . •iiii I}4-4Q ill DO il - 11 ' ' laid ti' - xi'"' ag ztai - i tsi-,,,a ! A ! 9,11 g 4 - 1-4, 16,9-- - -- - .-3 4 ''''' - ... -1 "1: 1 ' ' 11')t " ;*.194te - 1" h: Id ' *- 'l/ ..- ' - .1.4" - ="_ -- iit' :re - ' tS•-tell ' dirt - eh did: ,ii,_iwait , ihe\ . iiikai - efiiidat , -!-.:, •-!,!- i. ,P,s*,*- , ! -- .4. ,_ gip ::- -- ' ' -- ' ' ' . ' ". ' i t zr - -' ,- - ---‘ -- ' inninnitieeniiii4y.:vie: , #eiinnyle: 'atiat',-14'. marty 4 th . Gtill`flati' d ie. s .:ttielii=e,ind,''' 4 „---,,,,L--:• - '••",-; , ,••••• -,- --------' - --- 4 - f'4 . 3' , -h,-.11.- - --! „ , -.-.I :, , ,-64,-7.,; -,...a.. -i,..,•- 4 , 1 •..r, v 4.3.'„,„v-_.l l ,ti , -,33.,,,. , „%; .., •,:?...Idfruuu.Pr73..•-_,''i4 ~,J . ..,,,,,-• , ;: , .3, --Vertivels„ 4!1! Citk. 41105",;,5j) tI.Q. Vtlf.t'liall int9E*X- • ~..--, • ..-A. :'11 . .., ~'" :,,C C '',„ l . t ...;.., Vl-zr,,,_ <-1 „,, . yr, ti; L<: ~ ...A:tz l . l , , .. ,1:„.t t 1, 4 , 644-411„, , ,11., ,-1 , , - . ,- ~' ,!' ~I, ii ia ti ain tecbt -, - Og43.4WPP ,- tho-, l l ua kO f il'o x i „lult:ilecioto . 1 4 Dt.4:o4iißifilliq '''' ri''''*`;. - ' '' ' l ,, ,_,_t''''' ' ''' ''''' -' t.''''''''''t., - ' -- " '', cat; - ,-- "--"'-'-'-'*-. ," - --! , -t - 2- .. ..-1:- , ,-, , t;r-fs,rinaging;4tAiff4ftlf loll l-,s.T l I , eienindiiti* iv`odd .r 411(1 , :Sfea114=iini:o2480A .- .iris_ _ ~ '! ''' ~ . i; ... , '... ' ....., - .k ~',,.. . v ' , t. c ~. ~.'''. --....:-- ' •":4' . n ;-.•4..es'id` e, , ,—.444);`, ,"".. n iptir i anir4 "fro 11th' 1,4 - r3. 01-3-_-‘ , .. - - iliftYrigefetto: hat , elli)tiall'' ''''' , OV; ll .'"Vag:• , .the . -,,.-..,-..,....-.., .=. -.r. , .... -. ji. - ,-- , ...,-,,,.,4 , -.. , ;.-1.1 1 -,-..- ~.= '5. 4 - iiiiWttioil'i,i," liiiitiittoy, , :jilititift,4vos 1t,,1. 1 1 -V44,,1., iszi,,:'! o „, l 9X ) 4-..,.., :5 . ,, , ',4•;,- . -14-.-1-..11., -....: ,, ,: 9,,q,, I: j,,.,.,... ..,;,,, ~ 1 ;4.3- ~11F44'....it..i-',. -.' %,,,:-'' 4 r - 1 ,41-gin t .,,,,,, t i ' On nt - t nn on x0i4...it.-t - Try!l4 tiAthig"Ayeif*l - ,pass„ 4-: ~,, .' ~ - ..,, r !PA . ~-,- ; ,,, -,- ,, -.. , - , -1 - .. - - ' ' ' 7 ' '.'"/ - ' ''' l'e"Y.' ilWalita ; -40311AWs rile 44l o l -t e l l ill -001,4i,!!!r`,T!.TTT4 4 :' :14q,T 1 44,„ 1 .. A 1, 6141e :ff''.,.}'"''''''t)* '4.einiii(d4ind:=iiittEita 4 -, 0 .- 11.41 1,-". i at , •#rit'6liiiiiiitte' - ie - - --Aiiiii,..iiiitiiiiiii_ifilll4.,ltter 44 - . 4 43.. - 3,3 -- 11'''''''''ii*ItkItailsitingcn '-, -.,.,,.. •„'"„ -,..., ~. ~. „I;, . , ..., ',., „„1 - t,' , , ~, 1 ,5 Pfe '`,:54 , •; , , - ,N4 , ... , E... -7,4 i.... _,..- -'k ... 7:7 ,TT ~ . , ',-• .. t - itimlit,ztinitirOnit !14"-:*,41.03'aiicli.P