The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, October 06, 1853, Image 3

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    b el itles, and now I must, turn mid give battle:
Then if -tali Move* all ever with
honorable wounds. I an! aware of the midi
against me r ihat I must nontera with . empty
hand D riest tors of st r ong mend-men wbo
on *lavish their thowituds have
wing with relentless grasp:froza the hard':
toil of_ ity *fellow- eitizews,--ereFt- . from
w of • the -widow runi
w i uk .haie 'succeeded, notwithstanding their
• c iTities, in 'attaching to_ themselves influenee
sud psition,--'mert who have now MO
purpose, 113 gatify which they - Win sacrifice
thousandi where! may never hope for huo
.4keds,—yet will I not giie . up the contest .
now.* They have.broken the truce,• by isffortis
the most ignoble and dishonest •te load tae
down : with infamy and disgrace`in the estima
tion of the honest Citizens of this: community, •,.with truth and justice for my patio:
ply, I will give tbetriliattle. . I can -de no less
an d preserve a character forituutlincsar—l:ait
do no leas and not tamely submit that they
shall drag the very artillery of Itheir;insatiate
T evenge, over my, bleeding t o 7th e •
destruction of my reputation. ,4iovr can I du
others than evince feeling, hinted down as
I am like a bloodyrnonster, by, 3 _night and_byr
d a s: i _ e veriwhere 14 under all circumstanbela
Who would not turn
,upoi the unsparing Ifoe
and !nuke one effort to vindicate himself froth -
their foul Asyrsions ? Let himrwho imagines
tho Would not; just for one week submit to.the
same treatment himself, and , if ill the ire * of
• his natarewoutd not 'kindle to a' blaze, then
indeed must .he hare ;more =uf christian for.
bes.rance than generally is , given. to poor - trail
' human nature. .
From this contest'
. - I would gladly escape,.
.1 do . , so with safety.. I cannot; md shall .
therefore eieit my' feeble :powers to plebe
"thiogS in their Oleg:Ott before the People .of
the county, and await their verdict ••with 'the
utmost confidence in ite vindication. I invite:
honest scrutiny to all my •ptiblic
, acts, and give
the pledge of the past foi Security in the fu.,
tire. , My votes,"my speeches, my action in
erry respect, while Serving the , constituency
of this District last W inter, are spread out to.
the people of this whole Conimonwealth, and
by them lam willing to be judged. .41f have
d6ne wilfully 'wrong in any istrtitElar, if
We keyed. recreant to the 'trust, mid tont,:
dencereposed in me by anyr ,cine,. I want no
man to endorse that wrong by_ his vote at the
. polls. Neither do I ask any meta itO sustain
mein the dark. My opinions if not already
clearly understood, can , be easily aseertained,
And all I ask-is, that those who May not un
`,-derstand the'rn, should refer to me, 1 . care not
an , how public manner, instead of listen.
'log :to the studied misrepresentations -of
those wbdsc business it is to defame me for
pay. and the gritificatiottof the Malice - of their
hearts.— And if I hold out false 'inducements
in reference to a single question Upon Which
my constituents expecetne to act, or on which
I hare acted, their like honest men, take the
journala of the Li.,gisiatore. witikall my votes
and records registered ihervin, consist we be
fare the cominunity by the record , itse . and i
will tibatit'to y,o4r, conderanation l lyith not a
Elarmur that it is unrighteous.
• look Out ! ! ,
'will to your tickets The opp'oitiOi
hare printed the in all - cone:eh-able fortis;
aside from their,redilar tiekets•of Carmalt aid
Denison. They h:ope by this fraud, to secure
your, votes; f'txaoiiii6 them carefully
Look .out for-EXTRAS and HANDBILLS
_ .
fitted with all kinds of falsehoodkatO islanders
itenit shall be too late to eorreet them.. -
-It is a desperate iatne that is:tieing played,
ifwasconcieved in :desperate fraud as yoi alt
-understand, and they will not. scruple to eairy.
-it out.
ToWcir)c DemoOratc
To work; Democrats, to work ! , The •thrte
it rapidly approaching when, Oen. Demerit
will be called npon to d eprisirhis vote fur.tbe
lien who have been selected by the Demo..
eratic party as candidates In fill 'the various
State and County. offices. Every township in
the county ' ohould • be. Organized!. ThOve,
thould postponemenrof the matter i ontil
you can but imperfectly effect an organizsghin-
Hare every thing properly arranged—let even
toan thoroughly understand- his duty, and when
necesrity requireS 'perform it with 'alacrity.
Let vigilance, energy and- zeal,. characterize
- WORK ,T+sGETHEitiand
'ln union there is"strength.' Without con.
rted action., we can accomplish : to - Wag- We
. hare a wily foe- to contend '
with,.: 'They leave
'ea% undone that will aeComPlish their par
ries., Meet thent - mi mien-au Detnocrate.
&Idle okyour armor and , prepare - for 4 . 0g14
and neither faint nor . grow , .weary, netil..)Te
receive reward in a glorious victory.
The men-ofy6ur choice are.: &fore 1011- -
?IR*, dpserve your confulenc your united an d
suPport. Let us: exhort you,• then,
liletnoOrats, to iffganize and" do so
Ow Nominees fors' Afiemb
In Another column of this tionther of :ler
=II bee found - the pioeieknege of - the
tatires Conferee of this distriet,stie'
One °Fit LieiTtille f on the 12th 'hut , We'
tar...eiodoed.gretified to pike the. nsi3ei_,' f ir-g
ILCOAai Ems, sad ZOE: JAMES - - DiiG4ll;ilt ,
Auf W 54 he:4.-qtr. , Chs*e represented this
I"' a . - teemielon of- the I,egtillaitite
e a an
sfAieitad 1 ""
co>astiturnte, sad
intAlett*liich fagt, is fully sustained;-
..0 imply endorsed by unanimous
!lotion wiarb he teemed - km l4 . ;he COnrtrreeh
rui he no iloubt,rereiTolill*lt - w-"",
twined an 4 faishiOnetf - ;ThAjoilte " , ,As I°r "
c ar 'ilodby iitizeo, Deegto. we., can only
ear to the Eleroseniey - of thiiiity- trY him
wu Yes will find Win tele 44... true tletnocrat
" fi . e r mot, an& willing to-do ,- -battle for
oid alum;is erep/Atieelly the
lan whodsresio-de st : uf 113 be
/ Aft, upoq all oemiliorkii i iii(business man he
energetic end upright* mid - mil no
doubt eta k,4 en : ape
who Will do justice tii; hie_ •
,sunistitnehie sod
credit to himself. Wilatel-fhlaiste_, /,1. IR
meommending him to thriahligmft
sioetsey oPthig
Eat Gnaw., Eic. thefradeossoitoX
aelei editorbf the nlifoototwo Deoutret 11‘oe
ttet re-ttoofulotod for the
CI wog one of the most reliable
the hat .6 4 AmxiblY audlelkided.
looti coostitisoslL 10
"fixed foet." Col. C o.,obeen noinhuitellas Mr. allies : 041 8:4w.
ThAt Mitriet will liMire)fel*Mte4)o7.
1'3141* I •40#0.:..z.":0*****/*/*--fI,
:-...L. : :, .. tommirsiiT#l4]- 1 -.-. .' : t. i , •
Dr- J. IV . Ditiii'sches 144_94 fr Om
.- the,,Ldeaitio - worthy Nytii• I-: ..
.. .'' , -- . : lltillriteo.:.con.vaiktion;.. t .: l'! . '"• --
Dernoei'ais ' I Wy .„ ing;.SnSiinehannit , and'
Sullivan _eciti . t ies :— riPpeal.-', - .. to you from a
decision -old Onvent n thtit.ivas
_Fetched and
corrupted by, 'indite ty
.014 :4 - aiti._ttet '4helk_
itslesid Until; twaS - : -
, -- lahistn:tio - defeated by:
the - . Derribera -of ----- yothi)ig: county .... The
manager* of, at_Conventiots: - cOtstutry .to - the'
usages' of ',-
,e-varty, - aftori iuttin . in - n.cnnina.:
thin a - can idatd-for.Senato ;by nice, bitlio t .
t h
,id fdr - tad y : Gal lit ; 'then. -lehan' : d - the-eider
I again, itna
.- votedil .by voie for hd reistll of :
' the 4-au idateti in. said
_Convention . . The, ' inure '
not 'tee rd . their . kiiietropentt a inst . ' !xi ;.
NOW,' y. resort to
.dueb:a eon , is th . on.; - :
veirtion . . - I Did they :all ge.any e : rgo.: ga nut:
tne 1 --. 0.1, :What exeu a- - couldt ey- ha - Oliad.
''then:fo ihreaking dorm the usa of the 'par
ty, andtrampling upon he . right . onto tram- '
s- th Canal la nonce Were
afraid; that I; Apeing - .a
.oetor,- . • fluid bli4ter;
purge - awl:make them i. - _ - t, Up, th
_ir; aceofiniti;
so f the people-.'eprildse , 'the - . •:e6
_. ptioti that
was in,Ahern: . - '. • - :: : ,_ . - 1`•:. -.•---- _
..--.•: '.:.i -._ • '
..-- :Velloiv :- Dentoorats I -:.: t is for yon . id"lany
whether such sti!tiluncipof - :shell p, - ”t doivri - your
'Rep . ntatiVei who date to staa , up and e*.;
peep ?tilts eoiniption..l .- .1 is' to 1 , y - ou;"'felltivr
..rats, thei 4 appeal to tit.r.,y the - blood y
band Of a wen t poly that ; -iii :rioting . and-dun.
'den :you tilOrlg Sint.. pub
,i,e Works. I call.,.ni,
On -. ou:asyen, 9iluo li . ray, its you', -;:al ti l e
peat :a nd prospe r ity ,. as - - iop- : r!glii*
- .of - ,_yotirseivei'Ond •fataili and its yott.Vithr
therright*H'...the-tdine - ri ; , - ti):; blot - ont lifrol
.y9ur - eseutelie'4 the van 4!r -*Pot that iiliire'
ing ttPciivand dorrupting 'he v rv. vitals!/!'PD
moe --
ruey;' --.: ..'l;' P 1
•.. ; - :: .I.'W :DlOOl.
• • 31ellOopanv,!Sept.- . 28; §5l:- k i
. --- i, - 6,. i
. -- 77 ----
I -Tho -Stato Tcitot , - f .
The Harrisbtirol - .Union, in referring 111 time,
pending, po'itieal it:me:Las, and ,ttithe worider
ful activity of the whi•t: press in promuliating
false allegations f ti po litical effeet, ihukaiitketi
mention o . the Dtmit rata, norprit • e ..I I t .
Hon. - 1;11 ,
co KNOX, our, c a ndidate;--for
- 1 1
Judge of • o Stiprente l Court, a a oentienian
of :.the hig est, stantlio -tt
g, .and .0 the moist un
doubted ' I gal . ability. Ile taireed' foi,-Itw,o
years in th Legislature, whereliis 1(.01k/ru
ing attra,d the, attention - of,I•all; whetheard
him debate, or made . his ariquatntaineellhe
late latuentnd Gov' t ; Shunt: atiminted him a
judge 'in
,thoWestitioreland 1:1 - trice, in,,lrtibieb
capacity' te,servelf ig,ith great distinetion Au
himself, until the option" of t" . e new tipilSV.
tirtion ; when the tele of an ''. l / a 4jitining I- dis-.
F l
trict nominated. art . 'elected fiiin Prer.ideitt
I Judge, he; having given awav, # . l his °w i n dis-•
trirt for another geil letnatt. . I l.liiiint
.the 4titrlit4e
of'Judgn Gibson, (1, Y. Bigler ;ppointed l hint
Judge of the Supreii le -Court, a d the Conyen
tiort un&titnously nit ninated him as thlejeandi- -
date Of the (-party, the place twhicit 14 has
filled:so abv art-(1 well, -up to thls time.ll• 1.
. ' THO3IA HI FORSkTil,toPi cand itile 1
( I s
1. .
for Citual otnnt ssioner, is :1 as geri f erully . * I Udall). 1 - 13 LI, v, li, .
known lei tilt et leap - ea. lie asp Served lie iH.
ka , re . ceked his r a n and m . ln in r
stook of lien
county of• hilid •Iphia fathfullp, in the Hit se - . . and pqrs
1 - ' . *
. ..
of Ise tres s talk . •rt and Senate, fist the tuft six Ro*ly-idado Clothing, .
~eight ye ra,Ml in.; all- tiatlimet wa.4.ltiever Encbracisg ct veil. costs or a variety of 1641141n—Frock,
knewn to .rive a
.vO,IO in - opitiosition 0; the -Sank, and press Coals—Vests--.PantiL—Wooltn tinder
withes of the .mass of 'the arty ors at Ilie in- shirts and a'awata — Filte White 4 1Ortc. -.Fancy sot
- . '. 1. 1; • . Collars—Over Alls.;—., itookings--Oloves, 4 c:, Asc. ~
sti stitiOtt. of any itf.the inntinairublettornra Ana -
and', operators that. th, oti;. the lobbiesihf our
i m.
; -#: . A good assortment of fashionable • •
Legislatnas at 'every • •Ssion. Hil• , riAtne in. , HATS 8 - , OAP" •
Meng'. Womens;alissts, lloyi, and Children s "BOOTS &
Harrisburg:is - sYnon3, , 1011 a *WI Ittiue'Sn, in=
it-grin 'and purity; an a titan,' f this itiliaratt-- li: " t r i tl,„':,,' p i t.v b ,l7,ll:l::::, - „ .. ...11r, d ,: i ' m „,
, ter -i. .e the persOn ill . - till he ri*polnSible derolcc. Itooks and Statlouvry. • . •
1 positio to wltiell lie tit s'hetM I oni - rtatpd. ! lhe fi tt st rr r ukt:=%T e r c re s T a g ii iZ r g it ,, 3l :3!" mio l et
ipeople.k ow Itittito.,' well to il i in elt# him. 'n e t s ,,. - • '-;
I . The II mi t El-1.110. Al3l SAN S..,ittfa *Hie. Ilispottolsreadypnyand onerrire,—Cash or preducs.
I man; s• slits ' whlltitt the bre: th o f iilirder. IXT . '' Wr Q PP °llt* 6641 ! 1 ° - - e / T el ' . . . •
semeel dttre uttet av. ord. in all thed ii alt lawitrus f:' ° . 4 * 4 ; 1 4 143 ' •- i
:of fife, :he has -:shr,wtt himself - to .bo i *safe • " ! -I
.&Le .`
en nselor, 4 true oheistian, au en „hontirable
i .
it the I;ashel - o ' r barrel- or 1/ the load tot Sala at
an upright man. For twenty years, I . ld - tuts
. 1 j the Store of t h e pe w ee % .-. . • • •
I . -tsionally Oct-ivied . puEllie p sitiopA, at the 'Mantraps, oet.4;Assa. -•- OEO. YCLLER.
shliiitation of hi immediate et astithei Ss, and • -
ihti journal*Of iin Legislatisre and the Ai r form
I COrtvention,'Oteat 4fis cousistent dethOeracy
and efficient ; I Serleict•ts in the th•Ople 14 the
I State. -Three 3 'ars ago he was noniiti*d as
Ithe, democratic t ndittite Or Auditor",,-Genernl,
land elected. by I lartve majority.' i 'After i hay.
i ?
' ingservett one term, he was rtt-nentitested, by
acclamation; tritholit 'any solieitition, ttin hips
part, and the.dernoeracy of the Ststi! are. in
duty bound to re , ert bin; by as Ittrg't a mi
joritYat lea st as h receivd at' his et t elee
tiim. I. .." i H• .. -•
.1 - POIITEXBRAWLqrY, Our candlitite for
Surveyor Gerteral,'„is te -I) II known , - th'
.. t . i t
ii irhcil
the .State as a Most a • vni" iniluatritthni work
ing-detnoerat, wh4 has ' tbably remitted the
1 ,
party as much servine ~ y man; d
.iS . .age
in Abe Commonwealt h;" an . -hence). tliti jbitter
opposition' that islmadei - tit him. 'He, 1 .1 14 . , has
occupied a pnblie'prisiti M. or - litany , . ears.`
Heserved the people o • wford cottat l / 4 7. two
years in,thellitlnse.of '.likepresentitticii,ithOe
years in thelSennte, mittenhe was ntiinlnated
and electedtlSurVeyor,'Getterid of Ithe State.
After - hating served threoyears, he - 6 bi+D;
i t
re...ion:in/and; aecerding to the etuttoei :of the
party, for rd•elAt.eti )n,;and. we feel tea Teti tite
detnuerney - hf the tate - L win : only; a4,ltere the
1 ;
the elaser te him he more he ii . call i44
:abused by hie Fe
,eral -o lionents. • 1 ~ ~ •
.Thili is the State tithe presented til the de
.mpastey of Penasylirin and it . beco l ineti the
duty, Of our. Party to org nize and - It- elect:, it on
the second :Tuesday of •tuber - next by an
ola"oned tieinpetatte'znajority 1: f
-Important Stato* - Papet. . .
tery !arey s answer to the I protest of
IA 'iris against Capt.-
_ingra6in's .eondilet in
'the case or &Ism*, has lie adopt - ea 3 0 4, Goy
een • with Wiling tit iektienit, Istrd
, -. ' .thel Washinl,rtOn p+ra:', It Is along
Ooti7eifisti • . per,touiple. but forcible hi style
. :,. ,or a n - ting[or. Fu I . ktf-Jly -.dee:
un fr ak
la•.•. ''. tn , •ft- • es' , rather ' -the-character
pre& legal argutneit. nting rorth the
I n ; I ',,=°•ll.l.f.;nv*rn my hi
iit' 0 1 '1 1. = , itt, 'austainittir
__Pa* Ingra:
. .
is of
I the
It tor
an set
;'es the
- was
E. B. CitASE.
ling tail
~ f,weltei
tele,:ceet! sum . *e : *e t P&P 77, house
Ooginiiitior OM" - ' 1 • •,'% I , i lia -
.4_ This. set may be
,nigerded-14-16;:r6 ril
letif , kkioirldita 01
r pi 4 MS, ll :# 4 4rold - take
o__ ,frolr.f.! Lio, 4 ' -,-. • - , •,- ' I -_-` i !
• lifedittid Notice. -•
iotiCti is , herehi given that the tcleetie Be:
nixie Medical Society 'will hold Itti idjtvurned
nreting at, Montrose, osit, 42,th. A -general
altendidc! •
14 WOMB, Set .Ir."' ,
: " • •H
LI on the 20th of Sept. by the
v.Phiiip Bartlett. S. LEwts i ef
dgevater;sld - Miss Satin M. SIIERMAi t
of Sptingville.
- , - List .of Lettere -
Kemtiningiti.the Post Office, nt Montrose,
Oetober . 1, 1853. . .. . -.. ' •`• •
AllencEreelee - Lester, Win..ll,
Avery, Miss Marina Leigh, Miss,Elizabeth
Austin, Dana F..:' "Attie, slerrit ' -. '
Baldwin. %Villient Lung, Rev. A.II.
Biasel, Chas. iF .. Litts, Miss C. J.
Still, Alfred Leonard, Phillip
Deardsly, Henry Monard. Alber - •
Birdsall, Sattel IL Mr.r...ars Montanye &Co
-13arden,Wm. K. - • Mark. Theo, ft .
Bisset, bliss Lydia A. Milner, Sirs; Thos. I ,
Burrows, - William - MeKeebv, William .:.•
Blaekson. Miss Maria Miller, lohn C.
Brown, Mary 1 . Pepper, L. IL
Bartlet; Rev: Philip Park, A. Jr.
Bsklivin, Mathew . -Perking, Catharine -
Bissel, N.,C. Person; Jeremiah .
Hirerd, A.-F., - - . Roberts,. Edward -....
Can co, James G. Robbins, Jane ,
Chat berlin, Wfi
m. xtekwel I, E. L:
Cas 'Miss Jane C.. Rosencrants, Elias s:
ene "berlin; C. J. . RoSenerants, Solomon
Coo , Martin V. B. . Robbins..lsaae
Cor ell, George It,. . Spring, Ziba G. - -
"Chase, Albert : Smith, Mi!,s, Elizabeth
Drake, Henry - Stanton, Jonas IL '. ,
Dorsey, Stephen ~ t Smith, Mrs. Hannah. -
Ellice, Henry - ' . Smitn, Mnt; Julia
Foster,-Miss Adelie Scott l Mrs. sMaiht C:
Fautate, James - - Smith, Alpliginfo
Fancher, Richard ' . ' . ShevresAltetse •
iFes.senden;T, A. : - Schell * Henry, .
Green, David . , Twining. Chem: f e
Goodrich, E. O. 'Pity lor, George W.
Ituisell, Miss H. It ~ Tyrell; Elijah . .. v .
liill,-111iss Funny.; , iVall, joltn . • .
II:,11. Nl:lrvin . c White l Ichatied
Hawley, Nelson INTri i ,oltt",- Henry C.
Hanse; 'Henry S. - •IViitie;l l . - J _
H. w, Alta Water*, L. H.
flailehan,'Miss Susan. Wells '
.hiss Emma
Keefj;• Miss Ellen Wells Chai: S.
- - - Wells, Win. D. . -.
• D. R. LATHROP, P: M.-
Post Office, sTordrose,= - .
October 1,1853.::. i ' . -
To the. Eleileri'.of 'Susquehanna, Wyoming:
and Suicali. aninlies : • •
• I
•• G (Orr myself as a canctid!ite Stir
vf"this District . : - .uud _.rPstiectrolly
yoar . sufrrtigie. W. DEN I§ON:
-',M.41 - oopsuly; -
11 1 11 E subscriber-finving.siold his ;arm, and be-
rug *bout to 'remove from Ails. place, will
sell at Public-Venddewn !Saturday, ths 'l3th day
of October, the 'following property. "viz:. 1 cow,
0 yearlings, 300 babe's of coin in Ell ear, .150
hushelf of amts.'s qusiititybof.hay. rye. and bock •
wheat, 50 beshels.of.potatoes, one,. cutter and
harness. one
_buffalo robe' , a. variety 4: farming
Cools. dairy Utensils, household furniture and oth
-4r articles too numerous to
_Mention.' All SUMP
under. 83 • . melt . down ; over three, . one year's
'Credit.. will tie-giiren s ith interest and approved
security. to:commenie at liioclock.
Bridgewater, 0Ct..4, 1853..-40w2 - •
' .. . •
Adthinistratera Bale
XTOTICE. is hereby givn.tbat hi pursuance - 1
11 of an order or sale issued him) the Or-;
phut's' Court of Seepuehanna cbtntY, there - will I
be exposed to iale at public readmit ou Saturday)
the sth clay.of November next it I o clock e.. N. l
that eerier piece'of land,..lite the estate of Wm. 1
cKeeby, eed, tamale i Dimwit. township
iii said cup 0., bounded on hanorth by . lands of
0 1 :
Olney Don hoe , , on the east by lands of `lsaac
P.. Baker, the south by binds of Urbane Suitt.
and on the west by lauds Of Velney b;bell, con- I
taininx._sixty-iix.acres of land be the same, more
or less w ith the .ippuiunmesces, a portion of 1
which is cleared andaa,which thenrare .coNsid-
,erabls itoprovements. ' --. • ,
i Sale to be held °pout the premises - and terms
of payment mad 'known ou the .day of elle." • -
-•- ,- - ' JAS. FAUROT,
.." Jest.)
IP , 1853--40w.5'
1.- - VelLtEseTtelit..
114eiting of the akiekhaldere of ontrree
Warlord J Plank , Road ,Cpuipany alit be
field at [the - 1-loustr of Leonard . Searle, in Won
it-mi. op - Monday tho;tl day or Niivernber neat,
ai 10 o'ploek
_411.• ~ for the putrioe of elect,ut a
Preeid' eht. five Mitnilifelx , Trownjrer and Secre
tary fotithe ensaine year, arseatile to the act of
Assenthiy." THOS. NICROLKIN, Seey:
i ' i ''Faints forale
bscritass lift is aeries' for baying "old
JLa i
*el Matsu i —rano.. //wiles, aad 'Lots
13eatid S a • Rissgasiossaa amity. Pa i of la Broome
cowatyi t it. Y.. sad aloe. riziala -Load. Marissits. . Ail
aim who 4 to oar , their property ferule
. au, giro a ml.
later dascriptkas of their funs of Lots as falai' : No
of &Mogi ho.._* alatiYhdPstlired. 41 boo watered ;build.
logs; Oussuiru, atuthal •or Oounitoa fruit ;', other trait
trees; *mks from (brat Head. smiths Dearest pole(
to the IS,. L.& W. LB. Au& N. Y. , . * za . a IL IL. Prig*
sattertits oflisysasat : • , • - -- - --..-
• .O3` Ail oto wish to soy or sacs • Itstats. will
reo Ira Prompt saltation by calling oit r auldrasitag al-
User of 1111 at Great bead. Sasquelissacounty. Pa. '
.117' Coarreyassat from Argot Boat the premises
• (Moe oak litaliiistfest ; illbeibielli
Cibiase;lstalyattsiepir4 byli. V. Cam
. ..-.,-.: I. : ,:;.- .' i ..... ... -- .•. PI
fires! Plaid, Oct. lith; 1858. •
; wilt
; the
To sett"
---- i
t a
ro 11111;
*1 . 0 ) ,
LEAIE:AB4 O . -- .
k 'AgentsW
tioia:riaialasuseisi , '::
: ... Yjiat. 1844..
WA- I. lomrsimettesi of timisisi Stases, as:
~ mall deafomptlolog *ea, to oagago , lathe We
of owl limit Swats pablioloot fa Ow Croutry.—
To aws sitit po„-soosolag a mall .toilital of
boo $ll6 1110, - oseb ladasonaosta .111•..00-oflued Y.
to sable to oaks fri* Sato $3 a da poet.
A:Melba inabliolsod by ea are all matte la tide
aboira3lor. Paula', LK oftilindbis/PACI!'
whorostothay aro aired. • - ; I ~ . . , • ;
~po gi udi pardealus i silitas. tribiitsse paida il - .- °
- • - - SOBIONT SLUR% PttliOlf.
---, ,-." ''::L . - 3lll %Ulm sisool. Now Usk. •
' Cabinet Sh in entitainia.
'rag oalseellorsla %Wag 441 of work does
4: to orilf, wok loo r taept'aatoa4 Butem, ragas,
5t001i,414., moll totisialio 411bolowoona
m0mr,1144 sat ~,' Balking OMb.. 4114tIli.aimosits,
frosaisff7 ail ' MI tilasawaaillai frinotife lOU 41a
t ir ,
van Saadi:- aalrfat ;Oita 114,1 t,
"I". tllPCl44l4;itailltiaitiole 1 io r tiatisail ' i;it
=-'",- ...'- C: - ' •-, :•, , ,I -,:. --' - ": '.. \ - -c.- '
4 Ito
aid fir.
Pubic 3ale,
11 . 1
of E. S.
. ._. . .
. . .
PITS ! FITS: !,_ FITS! . ! I • I
- 1 4"'F i k ' ' ' * 2l 1 1 .
Tor tEe cure - -1, 13pssAC ,s, andall
Nerious and - Con - iiitutiernal Aseases.
•:•131Clit1ON who are laboring under this d ir t r rewhigiaal
• .ady.adll analimvsairrthix xMI to PILL
tube the oily remedy . ever dlseivered f 1 curing Ep
letisy, (kenning fltit. • - • . , , .
These Pill. Posioeas a PPM& alCa4o on ;the nervous I
system; and,
althea.*system, they are prepared IMpeelally for
the Purpose of curing Vitm they NW be fouled, of *special
benefit for_ all . poraque afflicted 'with weak nerve., dr
whose nervous system has been prootrated ler - flattered 1
from any -Cause Whatever. 'we-break cote taint*, ordis- 1
ewes of long standing, suprrinduced by narrowness ;
thee arc etccedingl7 btozefie ' - I • -
Price, $ S per box, or two box es fur ilai.Persons tin of
tbc - olt)Yeeplosing a reuiluSeeiwill hare thy Pills sent '
them through the mall.of postagEr r 4 For sale by
SET 11 . - 11AECE, No' los
s p i ere se t. Baltimore.
~•toWhom orders from otttie illusion; must
be addressed,poit peo. - • - '-• -, _ i .• • •
•1 i p ,
a -
Stoves . ' btoVest Stoves!!
a !PIM fiere and Yellow Legf'f-jetrilsids th t the
• .11 fast approach of the teen -Ifrooti,l of Old Grey
.Winter, when one or these unsimpassablie and 1 igbly .
appeared Stares from the ursot astensite.lilanisfactowies
laths Union, diessra.Sitsav t Packard, become
fenolible to every - We '.waiil4lltelipeetfully - an
-nounce to the Citizens of Easqueltanua" attd , MOdoing
oompties that we have fort reside*, And are receiving
the largest and best awortaseni of Stores ever lotto/no
edloto-Mltstern PeunsylvaWa.whieh will foe t the
Very lowest cash figure. To thesis who are In want - of
sores, they will end it to their Merest To; call and wi
nnable our variety before pirchasing. elsewhere. . They
eomprise In follows-
United Stairs; .t • Orit#tal ParlOr,
Eastern Queen E. O.
Fire Clipper E. .0:.! Ftifl _do!
- National Air , Tight-E 4
Afornine S t ar,Cotityre,
Farmers! Air-Tight,
Th'eliisore Piaven are too ' known to require,auy .
minute description, - tieing the • most popular and . ap•
proved Stoie in market. dII who may favor us with a
call will be shown through lour newartwelit .*lth pleas
ure:, " Itecollect the Diunber"—EArowsoi far famed •
Otis: Trice Eton.
Itartbrd, Sept., 11133,.i.•44 • •
Cote One, gC.IMPti*
Our entire at. sk - Fa will 'will be :sold ex
trerne4 low in order to sake ro rcn farm* fall ',,eid i e s e
which surpass anything over belote' introduce ... Then
time along. dont be alarmed; ncle Sate is rich etwmigh
to buy•nsell a fans " recollect". , • •
• • KATONA' One Price Blurs'
5000 tati:litivont cash r E. :it ,w z a n d In e
ly good thiscrittge f
eed izr e ,
offered. , "Take heed Knitters."
. TONS' One Price, Store.
'Safford, Pi, [Sept - •
, . .
- •
Marble Manufactory.
r 1 1 11E,undersigned heti° . announce to the cit:,
_ .1... iiens•of Susquehalina County, that tliey 1
have estatdishe . d a Shop_ in. Keeler's building. On
`Alain street,, Montrose, where they
_keep on
hand a supply - of - Foreign tad American .M.trble,
and manufacture the •tiame into•l Monuments,
Tombs. Heed . Stones, - Pier and Centre Table
ti • -
Tope. &c. ~..
~;.. - .. ,
r i . • :
11.7 The- public will tin it - to theii interestito i
i give us a call -before vine! elsewhere with tl eir
I orders. • - . .BtIIPPKY Sr. ue LONG • '
1 Monirosei Aug. 44. 1.53--34wte .. •
, .1
CNC, 1 S 11001
1 Yoiltiiiiii i Ia- 0 I -71 bl \
. ; At - Great.46lld,Pa. . -H
'Tilt next term of this Institution rn
will co.
1 inence on Wednesday, Aur. 31st, 1853. I A
Ilarge lied commodious building' IniAng been-ffit
-1 tell ufi, youngladies fronta dietance. can procure
boardiland toot ts in. the 'family of the Ptincir,
on rea`sonable terms: -'s , 1!
I • - T r / 61 0 11, %•-
Tuiti in PriinaryDepititnient
Grail Utar, Arithmetic, History and
icd•gY,- - -
Natu at Sciences; Mentatand Mora
• losipplty, and Iligher Matheinntie
French, German, Latin and Grceg
- •
gwageN ' - -•
Drawing ann- Painting in water .
il Phy- -.1
a., 4,00
' .'. b,OO
Aar,: •
- IF (eittra) 2,00
Music on Piano, &c,.(nse of inetrnmente i '
extra). • .- -- - - • l extrri) 10;00
A Ptimary Depaitment. is tonne ted withlthe .
hool, in which small boys are received.. I.
I Competent Teachers are lengagd. in all the
PArtutelas, „k--„.„,...,......_ ,„..41. ... .:.
LI - - i -
lectures Will be given, on Mention •and seien
. tific stibjects evert; week.- 1 . •1L
F . . - _FANNIE D. 13. GIIASE, '
. . - - - . I Principal.
Great Bend. Aug. 10, 1853. I
I :1110111;1r I '
. • • TO - • --
120Z P Z a ;20121E M'ci 1 - V emk
eati 4 edit
rri.ilE Craft will please iake . noti e that Brews- ,
..1. .
1 . ter & , Siinm us are proprieto and mums
i . facturers of 11. G Dewitt & - -Lam ree's Pa t ient
1 Revolving List 1 older; by the u of which the:
I work of hhoerrtak ngis greatly faci itatrd. ' This
1 machine,is calented to - pieserve he health of
1 ShOrmakers by e , abling them to o their Work .
While standing orisittlng-in an up ight, position.
iThe utility of these machines ma be tested by
le a ning et - of - C. M...Sirrintons in Mon-.
j•trose. -The subscribers-will •visit . stiSquehanne,
I Bradford, Lizerne. Wayne, Wyoming and !Suf
ißean counties for the purpose of selling Machines
--shop. town or court_W, RAtitts.l All - orders
t thankfully re - Ceiveil and promptly filled. 1
.Machine with right to , use. 815,110; i • -,
: . -; 1 . Baiwritca * Slitnotts.
---- Montrose, Aug. 15.1853. , 1 - • i•t
neit acideenic year of this flour's ioo
Institution will commence on Wedueiday
the 14th day_ of September next, otider I; the
charge of its present corps of initrnctors. • Their .
Reputation and *decors hitherto gismo' the aisni
*nee to thohe who are desirous of prep Wring thein
selves as teacherS, or for any class id College,
that they.Cin here obtain.' the -best- instructiith
which the country affindi.
.Tl* Trustees — leave
secured a suillcient number Of RoOmi to aceiit-
Modals those who may wish to , boirdthernsOvei
it low 'rents, Which can be obtainiid upon, appli-
Catlett to tbe_Seeretary or Treasurer.
B the
yOr r Trustees •,
_ i • • .'WMJESSUP. Pres.
G so.
Vt.Lelt, g!ei.
.S.' Teelearet i
-e, Aug. 16,539—: 'fl2-114
.I.esivimPOttat4m. dL-. - ‘
T uwr wed inother tiolOottsitiou of- those spleadid
si Flaf Javeligi ,Detadied Lever andltarr, inntal Witch.
we with seconds led hard Iniweiledlnalit, doable ' bi)t
toiswil Wooers eases, in at which Nate I Warnattea and
reeeleed direct:from Sod tseilon4.. : The -few .sut4cstoe4
miaow irto at once point ' out to the.. pistons whew* I wad
heirnenonaoas per• wan befult 4 l. -I' .-
- . -Double bottom 13 . Jewelot Lim Watches/Lowboy* s
elega nt 'Direr - Uoseo froths_ sl_o. 1 -luso 'moven. in
flantiwg tow from $l3. t at' . able loot ,
51601 es Jeweled open foes and Oeeos4s tows $O,l ' this
l asso movement is chigoe. b*llog Ws with souk - soe.,.
cods from $ 0 50. 'AR of *bleb' hiverlui 4 elosatelled M
ils; , 044 DhiatotiApolate4 Pettit Ith ellAo4lllwor
'estetision hol de rs; owtaslo* falls( *tato* $l.OO.
Gob] Bfisasowl pointed pus Na4tos ;Ads,: J•Welfy
he.** .equaßf cheap A good woo) toSent of eseollent
obeyed hentiVesebes,ishhieStlinlikersi' in Opt este, mi.
tsgreosthsloa. will hi mold doei4 edit low fotosoh. .1 Bost
Trench !Alit; Watch qrliCata;lia. • ; Prate...ktvakhis
41$ 111511.6.1. i " '-. ' -,• ' 4 1 1._,•,l - ..
• N. 11..- Watch ebahak and - Nayarit ato a —tratiascra.
Car Mato of bustriPilisio 1 A 31.10 T P. M. • ,
- .- _.• - ~ l -- . -' " .1 ; Opt lovirrox - .. ' ''
. - Ag. li, Ilia-litt .:' Watch ntiitpr!oka triviio44-.,,,
ROSSES. A fine,limoor beimileto - 0 m Or.
T.) radian, end"Jet,Ceesiee - ivilso, Wed. by
Sept. ' • •. • ; '' • J` EV S;
llREAtsl B .lls#. - 1- 13 0 16 r!!iltenif
eotirely_s w,rice ,tli et* . 1 ,
Sept; 1. - - .iffidi go
A.:4 'mad pattAinisejelij.44
$47 doff- it 1 a a:O4
*fit by
CC4l° -
' V. 77:
' fi.k.le, ,:,-.3.-i'l :
~----;•ft- .-::
,:4-.,..( :is':
"-_-": -•:- 1
~ PROCL itlA* ' o3l. r l
.1 .1
t i
TN pursuance of au act-of General
4.. hi; of the Cnumonareilthl o f -;Penesi
entitled "'.an ac trelating.tOt ISt, Eleet -
Commonwealth," appr oved 'he second : ;lily. A. D. onelheasa ad ei Oultah i oli a
ty-nintii I. G. B. ELI) ED,;;' l / 4„. igh Sher'
County of Susquehanti t a l . la, "at Caaita
do hereby givonOtice fa the a ctors'of lit
ty aforesaid that a J ,Tactidu ill
in said county on the second Tuesday' or
next. (it' being the Ilth, day of said. "m ,
whichlims statenud county lamer, !ar,
electeil-,avfollows, to wit: ~ It , ' 1 a • i
• Onoperson'to fill the office ef Canal : Minis.
sinner of the . Ccrfnmoarealihf . .Pennetyl bpi*.
One perionto fill the offee,e,i of Judge' :of the,
Supreme Court of the Corrine)nweilth. e Penn- 1
sYlvania in ploccof John B;O s ibson.'dec' seed.
' One person to:fill tt,he Oftco of Auditor ; #ifeer
al of the Commonweilth of Peintsylverfis
One person to fill -ithe offide,,of Strivey
oral of `the Commonwealth of I,'ennsYlVar
, -One person to fill ',the office sefiatO
senate of Pennsylvariii,:for - gft DietriOt t
ed of the counties of Siniquebanna, Brad
Wkoming. . - ) I, ! ' - 1
Tao persons to:fill the °Ellie of fife ' bers o.
the House of- Representeti,v4l,of the C'. einpon
istialthnf Pennsylvania ; for the District , ninpos-
I ed 'of the counties of erisquehatina, Wyc 'in and
sullivan.... .. ii 1 • . 1
One person ro-1111 the-office
,of..itistric, A tor
ttey tof the enmity - of SusquOantia.---]...;
One person to fill the . offiof Count y Trea .
urer Of the county of Sitsquehenna. , I
One person to till the tithe!? Of . County culve)s
or of the County of Susgnettinna. '
.1 _ ,
One person to fill the .offtee i of - COunt Corn
inissionet of f:otnity of ttioqueliftim . - 1 • 2
One . person to fill the , office - M . CountY Anditi
of the County of Snsqneliiina. - . - 1
-I also hereby make.; known a nd , givi
that the places of holding,the; Geneial
in the several 'Wards, Bortingbs - and Mil
within the county of Sascinehturna. at
lows, to wit: .. - , -w,
The election for the District 'compose,
township of ;At polacen. l ira, be held at
of Joseph Beebe. in.said ttOratihip. . - ... 1
The Election for theDilittiet corni
township of *rural. *ill . 4 ilield a t: t
House; near the Prosbyteriuk CbtlW
township. • ' ' : i. - 5: 1' • '
The Election for - the Diiaptct etunties' . i
township of Aid:lora,' %bill he
.lielti at flit
George 'Haverty, in said' toWnship.:'
The .electiOn for the :DistOpt conmin
township. Of Bridgewitei t ,• will be • hel
house of Wm:li. Hatch, in , the Borangl
Arose. i
The 'Eh
township o
formerly -
- The Eh
to whip c
It ale, ie;
to. nship- , =•: :,
'he Election for th
-to nship of Chlrotil,.*ill; h i e/ held at 1
e •
Bislrict cotninn
fo merly o cupied by Anhtitl Sznitl),in
ou , h of isridafr. .1 t ' . '
The El ction for the Hiti t ticf compo
Borough . IllninfulT, Will billeld at - tlf
Hotel; in id_Borough.,.. ...;:4!.
.. • . .
The El chop for the fkittfilict comp.
township f Diritock. will be held iti . lb.
John Bak r, in said k(r.vittilqii. . ,
The El ction fur t r Lilst,nct comp,
- township f '.Fo: est , kill . bel he
house lot y occupie, . by! rieserved
sant town hip. - 1,, i ' ; .
- The El
for. tto Dis trict comp()
township of Franklin wilthe held at.:
- of Rufus Tuttle. in s. itrtOtyitehiii• '
-- The Election - font e Hititricf comp
Borough of FrieurleyilleL :Will ! bailie
school house, in said poreugh i-,
The ElectiOn for tile Distrust comp
township of • Great !Benito wilt _be h'
hopes occupied by V.crirpenter, in J
ship.; .. ... . I: 1 P ' i
'The Election for t e bilifrict er l ait,',
township or Gibson , ill 4a4 held at the'
Joseph Wishburn, in BR;
The Election for t e biStrict corn i
township of, ii ft rfitrit will ,be ;held at,
of Nothon •'W. 'Wald ji,'lu said towns
The Fil;taticiuluri ie Hilltrici coinpo
township of Harmon , Wilt; he - held - at'
lately occupied by F 4, i)%70d . , in -said
. The Election for t Hi pijtr.ict comp
guar- I
Phys- .
3.0 G
township of lierrick. wall be held at,ti
the late Worrell Diamicli., in said low;
The election for the D istrict comp(
township of Jackson ; wil bir,held at th
Nathaniel Hill. in said Oritiship.
I The
. Blection for th, i - Dieltrict coinix
township of Jessup W ii be; held at thi
Daniet bolt in 'said township.:.
The Election for the bikrict corn. •
township of Lenox, Will Ibis- held at th
Grow & Brothers. in sal4Owaisip.
Tile Election for.the District coin.
township , or Liberty. Will ',be held; at ;1
house near the 'residence' aifisitac Co.
township. . • '"- 4- i , . 1
Thr Election for the District comp .
township of Lathrop. will he Meld at
Moths ford; in said tswkiiik 4 l 4 il
Thelection fair the District corn
townshi of Middletowniwill b# held a
of Jose ' t
i l l
Ross, in said township. '
The Election for the 'Ellsi roil Com .
borough of Montrose. Will bslel& at 1
Hou:in said borough. i 1 1 '
etThe ElectiOn for the. Dist ri ' come.
town4l4).ot' New Milforaf. will tip held
lately , occupied by 3oiwyb -O. - Pau •
township. ,Ilc '• ` ;I.- j
The Election for the Distri 't
township of Rush, will be hel at the I
merly occupied by Nathan J. Sherw
township. _ - ~ -I - I bi
• The Election for the Distric corn..
township of •Springville,iwall held a
'of Spencer Nichol in` said toviorhip.,
The Election for theristlict
.corn .
township of Silier Lake will he held I
now occupiad by Robert.McGerigle,i
'shill- ' i . r; - . "
The Election for the istrict- corn
bormighof Sosquehatin4. Depot, will
[ of Elliot Deb h now occup
I•bert Nicol in said borough.•' ,
1 The Election for , theiDistrict corn
township of Thomsog; Will ,be h e ld ' a
of Jonas Blinding. in 401 township.
I also make knovin qnd giO notic: as ineO,
• by tho 13th section Ofihe alorii,sai. act ,I." t
i directed, ".that every, -
ton exec , . ti Jos
of the peace, who shakl'hcild any 01 ten ;or Ti
cpoinupent of peofit or i trust under he Uni e
Suites, or of this State, 4r - of - any city or it
ciirpotated distiiet, 4 +other a ein
' - ' l officer .13
agent, whple, or sha ll, lai, s ipilitiloy, u nd er ,
I legislative; judiciary _o ilecutive i epirt t
Of this State or .llni Statei, or .ny phi 1:1
incorporated districhl;and nisii; ',.. t k ilill r
inember.of.Congreis, !and': of , the S to Le i
Intim, and of the soleit or commo cowl - '•1
any aty, oreoturnuono . 0. of any .1 corporate
district, is by law Tea :We of holds g (Jurors
' cising lit, the same tin' the allies-, r appolo ,
Ment of Judge, la l sprktot or- ck'• k of , at
election of _this CannuenWeiilth, a d that'f
. inspector or Judge or tilluir iiffieet,t f sny so
eleetbin, shall be e l igible to any 0 1 •'•001
he iiiited for.", ' : ' T '...
C . • il . ' r 4.
-- 4 ' 14 tifie,PinikillSrri,. ABlla o c , t
.tilde " t duty of eve ry_ rosynri ro
- uty - Sherilf, Alticrutpre j i ttice of,
Constable orlliiitity PO - 'tiible,... of
county, .;township' or tett lkiiiit
' inirwatigh.'ithylliliMi ''..00 '... -P004;
- ter - Writs elsetiOn, 4 hy liiit4, to
tors, thers4 - to,cielirilli7 Ittitt4hlrci
anyiwinikust:4 thol , t' - '
w rof - lirmitb. t'' : it,iiiirk
priorsit- 11131440, ..fro ~'.",. " - - "Viiii
Md . it:Shall be tha'ldaty O , the , , .
444 13 4 of.sutlitritdi- •ht ti,rto
In •
iithiCin itorklm ulatki Pt# ~ - I
g at'.ok tot of hot
, k- 4
if:* rtIiVPP-
theinsitonnent ' sinint - :
4117:'''''t':-`'s----:-:;:.;`-.4:-.. 1' 4 '.4; _.-,.. - f : '''' .
po*li at aSiliisoni
'twit' •
tirip .... 44t
:" ,71 ., ,thlailleii.'* .
.'" -•'.'t4;,E.,40k.:)„,
Wiwkir " %
- -
• :..., „--,-....1":.1.:f.:!jr.
I Ction . for the Corppo
Bro6klyn; willlle 11;:111 t
cupieci by: 9.1:414',.....E1.di,idg;
ctioti for tit; Dis rict comp°.
Chocount, will rheld at.
r tLe houseof_ ilObert Giffi
-Also that in the oh sectiorrof the. act oi l ,
-As*einbly , eatitlettact,relatingio_execa-]
'Jinni and for other''perpasmi,"" approve. 4 April,l
I I 6th,,.1846,'1t,": is_enacted that' the ..afaiiittaldi
'.l3thlsettiONL, : ", 'that ngt t4t . f . ealtruPa i tile : o
I preve nt ; attyr" milltili'O ffi errof btkeeiuth officer
from'Serving as Judie,tinspeator,tor.eleticiia; I
any general ok.special 4,7leetion hi -this, C L &
Ptiriiiant totbe.pmvisitina contained la i e
; 76tliseetiOn of ' the'''act aforesaikthe:Jed ea'
LLof the aromitiAdlitrict shall•respectlveli , lakel
charge' of theleeniflearo or - retent",of the ,elee-
lion 9f their , teak - dive distrieta, Andproduce
thetri at ',:a meeting of 'one Judge .from each
distriet at the Codit HOnse in the Borough of
Vontresie, on 'tho.Third day after - the day; - of
'election...being the present rear on Ftiday the
14thdtiy , of October next, ;do and per:
form! the dutfect;equtred" bylaw'Of said - Ind:1,
es.. ;Also that ,where a Judge by slcknetis or i
una%oidable aceident ii'unable to attend s aid I
meeting of jtidgiss, then - the - certificate or - re='
turnlaforesaid Shall be taken ehaige of hyMie I
of he buipectorsOt Chirki, of 'the-selection of, l
said.Aistrict, who shall do and perforinAtbe Alt.' : ',
.tiesSiegnired of said Judge unable laattend.?..l
• Also,.That iif the fOst' section- of , said ;net
it is enacted that"when two. or more counties sha
compose a district, for the., ChVieb of a
member or';' Members ;of 'the Senate Of "thjs
Cotinnotivrealth or of the Honso`or RePret!ew
tatii4es of, the United, Snite.s or of this Coin
.motiwealtls, theLludi, , es 'of the election in'eaehl
comity, having met usatforesaid,' • the Clerks
;shall mate-out, a fair statement of all 'the FOtes 1
vtil'i..ll shall-have been giyen at Such - election
Vtliin the county, for every person voted for
as Such si member.or members Which shall be
signed by said lodged
,and - attested by. the
Clerks; and one of the said Judges shall take' '
Charge of such - eertipcate - add shall prod:tne
thetimme at a tneetingOf one Judge from - end;
county at such place in such distrh•t„, as is 'or
may be sppointed by law for the purpottetwhicli
Meeting shall be held on the seventh'.o'4ltE.
ter election.:. - - ... -
of the
ay "'o
of the
!•` cows-
1. held I
nth) at
1 as (co
`of th!
to ho
The return Judges or the Ite,presentativg
tiontpnied . the' el:int:lieu of :Snque,.‘ i
hunna;,Wyoming will 'meet ,
thel,Cciutil!ouse - the'BqoUgn of MOntr4*
in the county. of Ausqiehanna;on - TtieSday the
Eighteenth:day_ofActoh r ; `perfcprni
thte . duties enjoined by law' "iiptt`the 'said,
of th
e soh —I
in sal.
The Return Judges of 'the Setmtoilal Dis-!
trict .composed'of the counties.orSusquehanna.
ar:idford and ‘ltioniing.„ will Meet ifittlie:Rer
oogli of itfontreise;SUsqueh:Uina - cnnifty,Tiiii
day, the 'Eighteenth' day of actober - neit
perferin those ; op,.* 146
shlivititfacts: •
in °-sa
At ;&n in the s ilectitm,lif -said'net; it
is ¥iw ih every genera. ! an , s specia
eleetionshall - ,-be opened between At I{
Teem the"furenoon.srid !hall:continuo wittinnt:
interrupliOn . or adjournment Inntil - Seilen'ili::_
chick in the , ,Oentn - • 'hen the pelts shall Ile.
closed." ". - - - -.. _ , . , , '„.- ' _'....
Ghn tinder trif lls , at, my ofliee; in thei,
toroughfof MOritresecthis' :Sixth dais of - 134'
tethin.r Amu) Domini 1853; Adin.the year of
the CoMmonwealth the seVentylevent.h.: - -
se teho
IEI bn
l ed of t
he. hoe
I the B
e 4 of 1
' EWlrlt -
tjt mito the iticlosure'of the sebeetiheren
V, ore .I.,uerut the I,2th cif the' presept mouth,
pale red] e s ebout 9 yeareetd.'with - Nrhite4elp
end helly s ratid a
.. whitio opot forehead..
ii,requeited to. Orove 'proPeity,'Pay
eliargee 'raid take her ateey. - : '•
Leivir Sept.i 29; 199339ir3
d of
d act
1 dOr
L e bon
d of t
I •
. of tlI i
Id at t e
aid a I
m -
New Milford Day and. Boarding-
School.' -,- . • •
I.IIIMEW Teim C 101421 with nn esliiCrtion
4.3 Tuesday
Alkmdcjr "p«vious afternoati " gu,d
Winter 61 .22 iveilis • coninteticeir Uat.
Idth. 'fife will he tutt!i§teil
lady,' qualified : to give iitistrtictioh. in iiktisic,
• prliFinOL&c. • : •'.
ed of ; t
d of i •
he hou
ip . t
rd oft e
the hou
i ed of t e
chain* f
Bed of t e
i d housef
tied of r i e
house f
Auditor's,; Notice.: - ,-... , c :
Tilt" nilderaikeed tairlag...heed' appoieird '-q
- Abe , - Court iof : Pixiiineit ; Pleas-to tlisttmti
amort the mn creditors the : money ' ma de y on
the" fade of Me'real estate if , (:),.i. , , 1 - . witiiiiic;
will attend tci the duffel of i!eitiii.rippoin a r t' Or
hie.ciffide . eo Settirdey. the, 9.2d , day .of sober
leeat,oat I o'clock iri•the.a ernoiin; Where-those'
interested are: invited to at end:- - - .4-
.-,, ':--, - •:.-'-'-':„;,:
- - • -:-- :, , N. N 167:01Y,Aitiiitor.-.
- ;.llfOntreee, - Selit.t7 18' 39W4
sed of t
tat is
Admuils atir Bale.
fN pursuance of Or er . the Orphan's
A. Court of Susquehanna II ouniy, wtil beexpos
ed to public sale mr" Tue y the 2Stfi dity of ,
e October next.nt I ocioek I '. the ' folfowjlig
diecribed Premises; situate lying and being in
the township of Lenox, in r
.e county aforesaid.
Said premiere bounded and described as follows:
Ou the north by lauds of ugh 3tead t on the
eistond south. east by hand of Aaron Rynearserit;
William Pratt,>amid= &NM Tiffstiw-ane on the
welt by lands of. Amos arpenter, containing-
Tif acre, of lead or ttre • about', bethe same
more orless, ablaut 60 , aer unproved , ierlie_
.orchard of grafted trees, a Mimed house, tenni
core house. thereon ; late, tie estate Alf:. a orate;
Carpenter. dectik,' Terms made known On day .
of safe, intiel4 wilt take pla aon the prinnises.
Eat trivet. cARP :NTERs I Ad'
A. G. BAtLEY; $ m re '
Sept. 26,1833.
1 'd
the sch
of t
e house
sed. of t
the ho
ed of
the Co
hotrie - f r
in. k.
a euclo.t re of 14 subil,eph e ze _,!;pa,
tea [ln fer. las t.
is (plevied to move
r mu d take •
pitupeq•rlY if way.' : .
p rifici‘wititrFita:V
3i ~- •
lisinnolth s -
ed. of
Itt ; h
1 ,or
ed by
-1 _.j.ii-
tor,s No ,
to ,
fv ,
-,•, , ':4 , ?
1 C - - I.rl 4.undopigioihiiiing.beei ii*dit - n
Orphiteo-Pourt'4o distribute t o
(Donny in the bands of Ilintrjr . :l,:rhamploilk it.-
01 5 1intbiti , (7. ilasiii.ii
. .d‘e t o , gi*o:ii.iiiivaie' 11
pnfeonir,iiirne,d iiiiiiiidicand - „to niiiieriii-,ni if
iiffion!tinliiitir4Wthif ;15th dity or Oct. lift
,1.0:eliciAll: St; ,i s noni-th'i duties
fieintatent*tilArnali*Teii tin,t;'ll .- ..- _ -fi - •:, --: " :':
i --- Itilt4o,o- 7 97g.,44 M.
.. • ~
, I
t :
- 1 11; 1 .
: ..., ...
'b 7 ' b. 1.-
i en ti
t'l f`,
a of
! the h
i nu e A mon inottranceA.
.„ r„ ,7 ' 1 4)0
r:tlcTai daNiellittyl
Vhi:3430. - ar
toithit tompo m
thtk utat tatilii btliighlt4
~,,NLIT.-:-.1114- i r its 'iegithide s tioti iiroti
keo . opottittor
stroot to be' expoieat> from ittliojuiett•bOifdftit,L..
it:lop - Our from
Imes:-Fhkii4frotyletitlf occur- In :piflmge v, ti
otorautioWitotftiot sattotgiO•Littero*Ottfotitti4-,
.t.iiiiCominull; agentieittOW:
Mailad torottd tnotO:SOOdeirohtoli - 61111:1‘"
1. E.,caufiettiZsidir,
406111,110. 15,
1 itr6414 0.04 .'
. • 1 :1 1 0 # 44 .* 4.C0r0-A
rlioglil4os#o l -istoPti
- 11m1P':11001skili r seAbillar
$ lO 4-Irie "Alt,
' is it
, this C
i Med eIF
.:7,1 as
`t69 to
Nts '
G., E I.,P4ED, 'SbeFitr.
Tann - ; for: Sale.
f 8 4 1 4 frOfq." Itt.": 4l a stif -11 , 441 *
itogid;a l o f4tiftilejartittel44l4lroad t .4 P°l
- .;altiomoi*crei:* 7 04 1 .ree" rnAPVI ;laid
go ed bfkilipigOk
. 1 ilia no* itiiteiiiliZ9adir Iwo"
941"iiiiiptuftvelitifte r ttl 4 ** 1 4 -
AiPted " Yi:0 1 "fell.!* l
with. . well !"&c.i.i SAO Sam 'oi iite auto` 4
. abeliP• 2 4ifebilirtAiejafe6 *OntiiSej:_Siti•
- A.; `"•-•
queti!uina colgity c ca.,
• A EißtilAlibilt"lltnalt
A ix ibui weettlk:4rtag tut unusually frt ;1 1 114 -11 4.
1. 3.. nimble Socir..orotr.tittand _ ktic • .
.ittfinvlte th eittitadaii '
Tbrik assOrtutent comprises 'almost -avirp-Artrietp or
Dry - 00049, - akoefear
M etliejneo,P . rats, Oft4Dyionitts,Troo Steel',B..
shoesratolLe her, Patent.
al Mettletato„. - atotrett , ststrials4
Pftfu ery, Musical Lao raments„.alttaxspestaa,4t.
Watefl.3t , &0.,-all of whicli;-*F
airt.4 ter sell at a voryllild&LL taf.6llll
was, Butte , Berswazonost kinds crpiiiittax
'erotic approv credit.
Montrose ' ept 2O _ -
1 ~
:. eph-L: Ile k.:'L. , - -...-.:
c r
j i , , t ittifitit ~.. ~, : ..,„.._
Rwok :11..u1,LY informs_ha frig „
.* that --;
hi is OAt' ,- r,r-erivipg it- 4 ,44 5 4 . 042 e :pp0di , ...
frum the mint f.:EmPalini;r l :whitX;tiii44``:,
with hii-Olc,stock snake* his - altioitoniiii qiiite',:
compitii; end witt_ . ,ouablehiut li;:ltiicettOg ilk . ''.. : :
compete .w th hi. nejghbors.:- Airi
.orii.hin, stocW-..r . ',
,way , be Co . ot *lifted supply, if , DtiVoixlS.;!Grire.i'; l ,
ceries,lti kery. f!ardUraro`, - anti Woottetursto•vrF A ".
Nsils,-Fish Drogi auslpiesiOniniii:ind',Oilts,4'e.' .
"loots and hoes (a sup erior lot) //atii**d4ipst,o,.
itidies•Wilttor dorm - eta, sitchellir,:PSllteTzUste,4-7.1' •
trunks; Ready Mode C4Othlngt 4 4eefeiSiPilja*W:
ly forttirvibe, antra - dimmer@ otherit , Vinittt ;sit_ ~i, . .i, Z 4. .7,
cies not neHotarx;hertito tne ntitni:4ll ,- 01 - rsviiiaN . ll
he will , silljst Ike bitten iivingjifefi:tAi• COlkwij.-
PrOddio, Or approved urodif:; - ;:::. •. , - 1 ei ---* :- ' .7, - • '.,'
- , Vpsonville, Sept. 24,°1853:;;:.: :,- ,r,,,,,-.1
: aL ,, kout fora kair Trii4 4 .- -. ': 314 c- t -* - :. '
giit' th4h,
.-ir gran° ...k. WOOD/IMP g . for . the_Fol;pl44.; , ..l'._
1.1 thlit'Ullif zri now Prf - . ., 1 ~: i' , ':. l '7
i'.s': ----
t4c4 kinds) a a .sorw!utlici f f: , iiciii i iiibi 4 - 1 , . ,
• SloriecOr au. ,..,_ 4:, ir me i- 7; lig. rait,4
I t
lola Till. JA .411;1.trast* and, ..g0• W a.. 911 1 er tow tWillistii:.
iLia cogioati. l4l,o6 / 1 , -.-- T• it -
1 1;. wi ti ig ,. ,L. , , ~ , -
, f r
down, Ire vcciAture,a for prrilnee a
. .
iiiiii.;aha.tiristilifxiiliicbaaor Stay& - kir .
latixterierit finkt Salo thefr lattieicto_give..xsi:xatcalViio.. , !.:
it we
z-Joh . -work.itorif ';'l -
"ti tba bast manner:„.. - r
tit,' 4)34e on Main: street, a 'few daises , belaas t ,
add direetiy oplo site the .DTiotnit-.
_ i
.• • -
•- Cash. paid for • .
NE W G 0 b DS'
T -II suretiti invites attention tn'Atkli unuttely:
411 lane' still complete assoVt.tnetit:a 14_
; ./Vero Goods foi. Pan'
ix mow recriving:' ta ail- litioarlo.:- Kea appplir or
'tapl.liry 'Ponds,:Groceries : Itordwiro;j4oresf-..ti,- - ,
'he 'else effiee - te
find: Wintek:Dress
ltonne to, Shavrls - ,_nibbrOa.;olpiii.aaf:•_ - ;
I totorry. - - V;rilii ;table rprra4il.4.Otopit,setTaiiiktionaki,,,
and" Niatiraittae. Boots and'rhora - __.;.&o
rlemico_he fora a Uri* stock 'ot
t -
Cloth:, thooluieres, !Twooda t arkOrais yriiiiika„ nate.:
and Call, lloora&.1313orit.;•4•---- -
• stOck-'ealliiares .morreateOPlTeinel,,Taried
tortraiiit t4su c tiqrtufpro,_ andle; ii..iirokaria!
' ' Superio - r
CASlfpurtlia3o:s. - •
ilerespectrally party-rattificoniiis friat4iii_ '
awl all °them 'do/drips goal Food! thir'apit aortlfllW-:
irkedlOr:tkleat -7 t
B ""arO ' f lU6 Se P t ; tti
2onovWir ' lll Paier.
Pit: Oil gent "Offiyii.l• in f - This'Olairtf - -
jaitt re&ified" • . stayMit,vs-..•
Dried -AptifCir - Svc - ::;,= . ;. , -
ritits - vierv:_hfghest.trptricet prices:loft 114pahlIfo.g.:Ati.:
I. an la orOrain.- "Sor-lco, Ap - pldir..lWfr:lleat.'!
:Ere:. Other - oil account' or In caobangefor.:,o4diati!asir,
1553. ;
- :_`.NEW I v E rrso:.l
Emp 18
Rio _ ha
111711RITT would invite the attciition ofhia,friendet,'
.U."I and the public to hiir new and splendid sleek cc -
Fait alk Winter Shawls• kh✓
Ladies'.Dreta Goode, rich Ribbinar4 Wr
stylee;whichihri connection with Aitrali'assotinieueof:
etapie and Panel 1 . 1 1 00 00. {Groetzieivi : Vihrkelli
Aardware, iron and Nalle,litoveliituffalo notice, llookik
and .51tors, Hate .t . Cape, Carp ng, painted ,Wiridele:
Shades, Wall Paper, Painta.olle lellt-inakejder
arsortivtit inetentire and conipler and wilthe mild est I
the moot favorable terms Ibr CM! m6st kinds OrTro
duce,'Air approved credit. "`-' r ` ^
I i N. B. lira» bid any quantity of .W
Salt by_the 1 0 ka o r ma., eautitantl
Welt MilibrirSept fag; -
New.zto , e5i.,,,i4. , ,: , ,, f ,_i:. , ..-:.-..,-.
lox :. nintitmwidwiicolili t ksifiii.coti- m irt::-
.Li v iiiint iii Cp!picing PAliCir 'aliClibotir Sifblve...l, :Pet -
cxvior.tlost.' - aMil I.lll2enuke6tioriw it h las piteri!iWit_stWelr '
will failcit ik iielibi_hall complete ` afgqiienatott,l;o..uttat' -
popular a!lithaproved.k,l,4it - or * : - , F , • , ,,...:,-:;= ! • . '1 , :- .. ', .....,,
.air Tight, Elezitdiii'6ii - ,-- P,iiiitiunk*nd„ .. 4,
F...--x --. "••:. .m - 4 'is •,- .W. 1 ' , ..-.A:1";: 1
Fai43 . - Srifteikil* ~ ~^ . . #1.a.:4-4,' -:';'.---
, Mici i etove Pipe, -Neel, -ken ;Zilic s 'Et,Ww‘,Tibtis aria::: ', '
,whielt lie will tell grA the,lo,wcst pgiceit for_ 4! asik9”litilrfr, 1, "
rg e Zl e i MUltull• S. 29th, llird* ' •k: - •=.: - `.:N- 1 : , ;`..: I ''-'.';,.t-:-:
- • (14 ‘, , ;1 1 ; 4 ' •
A large' asiortnient of -Fait Cood4icArick *old ekcipfor Cash -
- 4 f•-1
1.. ',--.' k • AN " Vir ~ _ 414.1- 4 4W.gu11l - , P' ..--p,„1,--,-.
Aldg ha , , ten Sidi** . 40 t 1 0.roltl.r ,et , itic.z -
.-.' - I's77cilY ERA, 4 . . TIL4 - . - -'01 . =..,' 2 T:i1t...
-- - , - , --- -..,..,
W O UL D,,nui p e . c o 2 , l lY. : *.**4l4 - thit.iii ': ~ -.
1 . - . . -.-. lianis tit: Loilef# l llle;' - glia*iiiiiii* 14:
et ;Y: 1 )42 1 ; 11 4,4tfrik .._., : - ;iiGOokiiii
thel&flieveitdte ,I lic i kl ui t'iteal44 . l l 4 - fiX
rne liegifilnintle lAtsPlivt.i.M44: 42 lPgi!...
irtiai iiiiiiiliy;6illiid'ar ' . 4iiia; * fi t lioliyiNs6: ' .' [J
*ld!ehifireifooeix#.4o,tfii - rtii,fori,*ibi- --;-.
ihis.siet!oit afit i titiri*;* oo W l 4: 4 C=4':: *- p.. ? : : '
i*t J t4ptilefo6oMl.„ ltklYaZgOEMj --
, I f. ' :
7 : l i;Siiiiiti r .„:::y
Pkiiri -P4h7Sild qtdii:r.:?,*:',4 : '...q,;:-7:::':,;=
yrwioutousii*witititaialEAioiti :i
witTeitioiviii,torwfrii o iiiofr :;:.
sill*Voliihili'::ahiii) :to - it , cheaper
iit);4l4.‘o4iti4taiiiitent W,40, iif-14Viii7Triiiicteb,, i tsy!
Iz''' . ooliseriin - leinber" . thatii4rit l iii , plittf**Afii , : - , , , , :
,fictiei:l*" siubfitliir*Ol'Z'''si***Vialt,-;
*ilkiiiiio l o 3 ,U,te+ .- *POCiairmit4lic l 4 6 *:infit. 1 - _'l
p t
*iiii(priter.:; - - -' " -:-;:, e• -, 1 ',i .,; .; ''''...i.=W! , - it : Wig" ''':
Alt th0 141 1W 1 ; 6 hAt-11 ` b ethi4hitiii,i. bop-wie.
i l.
1 19 , :,itiiiitti4 101 l ',to piiroaicp« , 4lo!),ltsiikc,*.. ..-
- , kiputiiiii agct . 40aa1titipa1t.,i:.%:_%e.444,44..,.:, ,
i - --:,.-.: -, -r , . `orowlitzt.'.'
1.*bt4.40 ,41 1.F. , .0,>J1fiii-1 , 104,,44 - *Y*'..'
1 .,,,gt ~... -.. 7-, .. •. .. : :...._ - .; -,-.4 iazz , aiz-1-v:i4':z - V., 1 4 -.,. 1 : -',7:,
Oui.i i boott*T r . '
_ 44 iutio - tioio; .. • "
~.: y .. r,'r.~
, •Izat.SCipkii; , llistiiiiiiit
it . fat - haipt; 2 :: , •-_•,;- -'.,-,;-.. ;