The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, October 06, 1853, Image 2
. re-el e cted . hi• Mr. • Il i "f , 7m 184.2.., rewley t•as a-very I active and efficien t ltnei ber of the . Meuse - - , - . I while • he occupied ' tieet in that body; though i t, ey, #l)k . , I.„he was -. tl e„youngt. 'tinettiber on the flooree benaocratie statAttistuld:costiostisieDurini.hiii'first yent f service, he , Veia:Clailii , ' TO THE DEMOCRACY OF,`PENNSYLVANik Insibef: th - e _Pignu.)- 9. I ° ' fi l'Vr -' " .°°' -' 4be*Sjatei. • -u. , .-. r. 1 andlor the stei,-cirid e'' ,ra member Orthe con.. , The approach of our General-Election:ls el ereiltional'Appiti4rineint Coininittet,both of fitting < tceasion to appeal to you eabehilf thel ev hi c h, s 4,„,44 ll . 3 wer e ii c eedingir, - - portant interests, thesiiiietecand thePritleiides Of. Lair l and labarioui. : . - Ile 'ivas alsseChai , Of the commonparty. _-.The meat' Important Oltieesleoininittee•mi PenSiims and Gretuiti , s during 'in' the .Judicial; Legislative and: Executive his second term: . I 1844 helvesdominated !, branches of our State Government , itrit' to:bei for Senator in the C wfok ) .- county Couven- is filled, and it becomes the paramount iduty of rilli r. a. I : time; hut:declined tit . ininiination in the -Die-- :...1.. t i l llteDeititterat'atteiged - t,Prinetples of;. trict Convorititet, at r having been l 'hered to ii his political faith And anxious for hdr honor` by his friends through twii hundred . nil eigh- V and prosperity, to devote hie,exertions, his in - : ty- seven ,ballO.s, in osder ,t) comp!. inject' the ! litteanttt e and his vote to the tfausee . ,contlictirig chi' ins o ',the:two : coo ties.. In .. , . %ire , i#Sil ' yliviir - o li i slate - uPannee s.' The _1847 he - wai neinineted : ir — ffiC • S nate, d . 1 , Rtatitieltetre,-„Werthy ol you 80PP:qt. .It "elected by l "s large ;vot , .' HO • maintaioe aj! comptifiCieTtreWof • honorable' . tind honored i'very honerabl-e etariding i . that dignified b y. i 1 usilloikitireeribitiei an a ggre gate o e talc -nt- lie was a teculher of tii Committee on the i ehaPlatilthit'inevits•Torei i .A . if -elTereSurPas s e d . : . .liiffiet - ary, Chairman Of th 'COntinittee on - or- I' l. . bylijilliiiiitionsittatteescinlhennuale ,of our i Parations,-on Estates Mid EmheattenielonTthe i' tritlf 4 lNeinkieratie State. , `,,. - - -l i militi a . 'lle was an Malt trious. and talented 1, - The lion. JohnC.• Knox - Was "Ilemijlated• Senator, warmly deioted to the :interests of 4 I with ireittioniudt:Y•that fairlii . repreaented the his constituent S.-, [ _ i," , • universal respect tot . his judieial and persona). -- In the session '0f..184 , Mi. liinWley was iiiiitaCter that_pervades, al i rseetions 7 of "our! nominated by. the Demotiatientembers,of the ' , Ciituno*Wee/th. ' JUdte' Viet • was hevh.ih i Senate for Speaker Of that body; but was do- 1 'fiii& - . Cou t tl, on' the 18th of February, 1817, i e ea ta by a s i rtg kiyote. fd - -:. '. I . .i t _ iiiilV6lllll to: praitice in the Courti of that . . i n 4 gee 3 . i r . Brawley watt nominated by the 1 iti4# iii.Jane,l B3B - . His 'ttucce-ss due io• his Democratic Siete Convention for thi ; Office. of talents -- energrand learning , '" -*as immediate Survevor General of _the Common* alth, and I sliil'hiiiiiant- In Januhry, 1840, he *if, lip-- Was elected. 'lle was again noniiia ed bythe . iiite4."DePut•Y`Atterhel General of Tina, lite' 4th of March , 'OnVeritibte -- and s at, prow, , sell eetithitle4 in that office:. for three xears.— ent the Demeeiatic nom nee. 110 'eta made In ' . 184:5,1tia was elected to the . Legisluture,and an able, induierions arid faithful ofitier, and re-elnited in 1846." 'At the commencement of has given ' unite 1. Satisfaction to all -who, the sess i on of /SO, he, received- the unani- have had business ith thO. rake. oiS mNOts ef the Democratic members:of the :. Mr. Brawley, nit•-eite . had loft Collere,corn.l I House of - Representatives for Speaker. Judge inenied the study' , • law, tinder JuVeChureh,i Xneele-retireteent from legisietive. life was an d was admitted' the Dar in 1843; at 'thr4 ' ai,Most ‘rntpedietely fellowW. lif in invitation age of et. years.' le *as appointed Deputyl 1 front Goy: Shunt - . te:aceept the office of Tres- Attorney • General ad was a fitithful officer 4 idtigindge of the Xth Judicial District, tom- When the•admifii. , tion changed he resiaped.l poited..if the coun ties of Westmereland; Arm- . Mr.. Brumley is • flint' and tniflinching Dent. sitio.iii; Indiana and Csaibrii. , .1 - 10- was corn- n t e i t t; : Darin(' hi Cgialtitive &uteri although theasionedl on :the, loth of April, . - 1848,' and a young Man:he. , 4 not, we believe, 'give a - iinaidinetialy" confirmed by the, Simale; -/ in , singie vote thatl -erred the:, disapprobation alteher, /1851, he:was:elected President Judge of the party. 04- is affable - and popular in of the. XVllltli Judicial District, over his re`, 1 ; 11: Ids manners, and i possessed .-' of great kind.; patitorandge .Bulnegteu, hY near ! ' 2 Q OO 113 ,..a• nesi and getieres,:it - of iiispose-ionas a man; • . jority, and in-May, 1853. appointe b dto the u- and a politician ev• has elv.itya enjoyed the premaßench by GoY.,,,Bigler. - - friendship and en fidelice of those with who 'Theresist. and Conspicuous career of Judge he has been ititintatelyi nsseciated. -I' • li i Ktiotii the evidence and thtiresult of:merit..4 • The Hon. 'ltetnai , 1. Fors -th e the' nominee lie is a-learned lawyer, - an . able jurist, ati hen- for Canal Crintruite;ip • er. is kr own throughout ' 'etit teen.' In the. Northern, and IVestera coun: - the length and le Cidth of Peni syl vie' . The eel. tion;Wherehis judicial Cheraeter 'wheat known, lire few Men living of more our entreSpondenee attests that his , stern integrity, present e ene it tereose. and-aetive exiierienee. ;!: ' nomination' will be approved by an unexam- My. it otsyth is no*" about years of age. -pled vote. 'Although his professional and kg- H e w as ban in . Bucks count .. where he wit - is - Italie Career proved him to be a deioted I le-ought hp to the , bn'sineSs o a carpenter and 1 beilder, stidenta ii, valuable member, it is as a judge and continued to reside:there unt il he ' that he -been most' d•isting" i s hed • • lie is I wasdaboitt il, Years of age,_.ithe loireinots - . just a nd. ~ .." n ot. In his hands; the Scales ito Philadelphia. - Miring the ! w hole time ti..i h. Alf itistica, a o held firmly. and,even. The con-:1, his resiaenee in the city. he _has / beck netiviti fideilie ee,_ th e people yehoge interests have I c eng,siedj , in his oeenpation, exe.-pt while 11 'been confided to his judicial, cer;e i s unbeund, I sent as member, of the. Legiiilature. hl , lid ; aid the respect.for the prof rid and. just first inOtetant public trust to which he til, • jurist is only equalled by estoOP fei his pri. called, and 'held for Diane years, Was the o- el , ~' vats vivtueseunsPetted ante it slid. amiable of ContriAlera Publiti Selioele, he was afte: reanners., - • wands alConimissioder 'of his Di 4 lriet , andiiil . . the II :kR'D,3-:.l*'=. - 8 . ,i the: D . ' " The Ilod. Ephraim Banks, e emocrabcllB4sWaseleeted atamber of the Ifottii,. candidate for Auditor General of Pcndsylwarlia. Representatives,land.iv a ( - re-eleeted in I .tfl Is.Of Scotch-Irish descent,. and of good old lin Op he wis "'elect 'ed to the , State &rate revolutionary stock. His grandlather,:James .and re = elected in LlB5Q' ;,., : \ -,..!,.. ' - q . / t. &saki, was a geotchman, and fought at Brad- I No man'. whoever '1 : capied 'a. seat in i'e dock's Field under Washington, and a ft er- Legislature, convicts,. ,' hit teem of. serr',,, . Wards tesid,..4 in Yr:4.k County, where.his futh.- with more of the rev% 't of his colleagnes a'4 er, Gen. Jamesßanks; was born. His grand- the'confidence 011 - tlie I,' blic than Mr. Forsyt f. father, with his; family, about 17'72, mend to " - Hu teputtion fur . btegrity has never n LOA Creek Valley, -then Cumberland, After - ' excelled; and is Stow al ' Ost proverbial thro - wards Mifflin, new Juniata county, Pent- I out the State. .In th ' i4charge of his (Intl a '4 1313 . ' iiia maternal g,randtather; Robert r 7el- lin every nubile trust has fitted, and inl - eiir. son, Was an Irishman , and lost a valuable,l. ea- I nest .endeavors te prothote - the. interests o f Ills tate lye ia,Jeniata county, by hilt devotion I constituents, he has Wen restricted by no Mir the Cause-of Independence. --• ..t i row or siictionaf eon 'eratiOns, and" as Wen The families - on both side.% participated in governed only by as met sense ofsintv. .i ] l ,l , • the ,revolutionary, stroggle, and did service fur l His thorough • acq ' tance With; the idter. the co u nt ry . ..Eph.istim wait born and raised' l 'ants of Peansyleini ';'; his . praeticsil.busin'ess npon'the land punitamed by Ids grandfather knowledge, and hit i exible honesty,entiMlit tn Banks, in - 177* i'llse f am il y business weS iy q u alify him for th - '; .. Pdst of Canal Counnts farming, andireL-Was instructed' in that bug- 1 stoner: , ' * .- I. i - -; . -I. .41 'ness,arid iolloWestit - until he was about six- .It is the duty, as i:is the interest, of every teen years:of age::. Having obtaided the best, true Democrat to se ' ilart the .‘nospinations lof \ edtication- the country and village - schools im his own Party. Our i obli , :ations lire u nkOal ins neighborhood affeidedi and a-:quired 'some " ; , l id eenun n u : upon No °trier liasis cap)any knowledge of mathematics and surveying. he' Party enjoy protperitV. and' ham:rimy. The precticed.surveying occasionally with the then timehOnored snott? Of ," Principles nutlll a" Peputy of the county, and was, afterwards en. I inculcates a.practical I lessen that is as se, Std' ~ -gaged in store-keeping,iand other pursuits,; as it is valuable:. 1 until he Was appointed Prothonotary and Clerk ::It is in no vainglorious spirit that. we the alumna of the Courts in -Mifflin county, b y to the, proud. station of.'Pennsylvania in, i the GOO; Findlay, in 1818. Before, and about the Democracy of ; the Oatiori. Sho' srandSilrm • time of his appointment, he held several mill- I wad true to the Con titution, the tinienj. anti - --' ,v, . tary offices and'among them the office of Col- 1 the Fatty, ~. ill oriel. Finding, by -the oPPerAtOtY the office t Our State Convert Conventions convene in ha any of Prothonotary afforded him. that the %legal - , an d en d is n a n ninfity Seceseis aol isvhistue profeision was better suited to .his, taste, than are n u ko w n, to the ~ Th e i n etancra , of any other businesk he could (talify himself . Pennsylvania is annu IlY...beeerniag Moroi pow for, he read limos a student, under the, die ee -;-- erful ,as_the Mineralwealth of tie State hif do; lion of the late Alexander 11. Anderson, Eq., i veloped ; more unite as the Eta" influences maclof the'rebat accomplished Members of the j of discOrd in . Other States is tr ; anifested'g and , bar' n the county, and admitted to priwtir:e i more attached to its !principles l es - -expeslpflt daring th e Administration of Got'. Ileinster. ' more and:mote demonstrates _that they fta "''11,..18.28, helves _cleeted a member of the the true feundation.. Of the science of civil lel House-of Representatives, and was' twice. rod., e rnm e n it., • .• 1. ~ ,1 T: elected. For the-first year of-his service he I' 'We' -epeat, eve ry: true Democrat" will a tti was on the Committees on„ Estates and Et- I port the reguliir nominatiOns of his partii.. I . cheats;,add on: the . Judiciark, and for the sm..' diseipliie4 reputatien and success reßstiri, it.- and In4..third ytars, Chairman of the Judieia-, Collateral issriei, abstract 4nestiem t in Moral. by Codtaittee. ' ,For the period:of his service- .and tho multiform. topics always agitatkid a . ' _..m Alia lionse, no one enieYea, more -of the, mong the:peoPle.,64,Tht never to be tut ' i I Una * neu iima. respect: tif •Els. tellew'-members- irate polities: tlt•has • always.. been a fatal n While - `Acting' independeetlY . ldieself, accord- take. The ifreleyant issues of a - 't r - ing,te_bis own judgrent, he treated alwaY.s__ Bank of the ,United States. and sueb , tl estrally' the Opinions Ind actiens or ethers- I gnestions, haVe been _trod, time to tire ban ~ • Inag . . ' bisterin oiservice in the,tiortam he ted over to the tender mercies of. e ialiti ii. ex eras asaociatod . with 'Judge Morgais, Cadlialhs- citemetit, and in every : instance the res t was, der:Evans, and John Blair,who had been's:tent- and ever Will be,. inevitable ' defeat I Sue' lers hefere, - and as far back alibi 179.3, - and 1 Measures should be submitted to he . I late others; of egual capacity and Much,etperienCe,) gence o f . th e people's zej 4 , e s entati • e al ~a n and -enjoyed** favor personally and politil wise; will Ultimately in m ph. . a gen, I t • L gaily, ':, ',-- 7, -- \f,.. - ' - : , -,' ; erotic partfitextlihis , ire it _and ac" 'lit'. iiri .1 1 :, j lie` Vas. nfterirerdit eleried" ii.. memheil:of .sailetion,-the . itisperintion of any.: al:Minim. ', the Convention to - itiend the Constitution -of isms into the heated' pet ~• etsi or the silectirsu the filiteiAlld'4ll4:oo/1015 1 54a 1 4:e._ .t 1715 7: ground - • - '. . ,fil -, . t - fonniiiif that taiii . g*and resPeetea..neo.Y. = The! Democratic . part ja4a9w f9i -. b-hi• 1 Vats iNgili) matibiliiitioid 'ffiliet, , *4th : hie:fa; mid iniltrible..-The • a hpatirithmT Ttbe t t i : "imi:meAztlio - riatii* int Ettiratarßailtii:' It' if `geed aid ireat "statei atithe,464 ' -.Abe . isiiiit so - brilliant as ::some, he was alVrtys founded 'a Milli .wlie_pcm'ciplea ituSelana:-`,.if he did not startle hie friends tV . rof his luau aural addre andientst recirlied to -. aelniffigions - of wit and exhibillans". ol leartn 4 l the isonor.proat)eritY and prilfress of 14 . '6oun -4 • • kricrwiledge;llo never failed to - sitistain himself ..tiy,; - , 11,1* . adthas A l ea d ! aild,beill' point \, •is iman.ef mind and manners -: ' • to the."nang,uml.Addiess of %President Pierce frourthi thee - , lin:nerved in the refOrm Cen- been nobl y rindicated. under ;its inflo4nies.= Teation until"hi' Prelent- terra of' service as The, inviulabilitY. f.. - an Atneri, c citizen' - Auditor GeneMlnotnnienced,, \he devoted hire::. Anted haelseen'., ed . Main * edatie; 1 . aelf.tri the - huf4estillf hin„Prefossieneis* litis, - eesaf Ilyip the face f 'Europe...Hi .- - • ''. ' ' ' , , , Y,r,lted the affairsl of the communitYlw , 4hie 4 Th -finaneial ' ‘'ellin iiterlindt in a .ltiiiii of he resides as a useful - Citizen ; Add during the Penn ylviiii . H i ve en iIiTA ..' 4 ;',.'-' all .the`. period of : his'service':al Auditor " sod treat i nterests '' a th State -. re be i 4 iilain- 1 5 . , ...,,,,.... himself tor Weifieient mid,faitbfal tilled under tho'D eerati. ad ninistvitlini of' ; tAilbfillitOnsts of.the:Coiiiiion*Olna well Gov. INgl#it the pursuits Of insinsiis * - e.. au courteous pleasant in refenMeJO $4l-, wi*4 wi*prtsporJty , ,o l4 i i rAp* is T flu it . .- • eldes t . of family- midaysbulg tran",47814" man wyer 1° Blew' .114 416. Utz. Banks il ,la San Pram as ' . is-11 -successf ul Hi d leelted i e0n......04-IP4 ke ha pecte- His ....,•••". vihett , pre* thE tober,/848141/ter - . • desalt*, =ld with_....wg'lar. , ..-W other I* - IL". , meileo* orkeast. .......z- iciiiiir ' prictisingvar"?.-;.' ar mow. , tb."74—adv . f 11 ''' APiMil I ir' 1 004 141 , 11.1!? - mod / . ArbaSatt 0!4°,„ His r twee 0" i‘,1574.4.1wh Jo Add 9 thoffill l64 4, , istiv• row all `; lirevirodeli. J r, j a dis „., I, Pada i : wfoniv.,7o,,t - 0 01. t ir*-- vetalerz..ll,....v__. -r, ..1 at o f ig° ftworriliklorlitlirt,i,,. *44_4 ~.(#er.,,v,v00,, ,_,..44, , ,„.,..,. :j.„-'.--''',o7. 4P ' ,' ~,,,, • . a11r!... ..,..,,q -g• 14'4- , - is .4-r --Z`4% - ~- - = 7 ; " - 1 . - foist a! ration power: Ae pay,. is 11(4 foifiticat srAly IO the ran Wealib, sho tsVo€t ennsylvp ~`f... 7 ; '. 4'. €...':.. - lIIRK::.:DRQQA:gr -, Lsir estCliecalntion>in Northern :itattetneylvana 1a 3S Corlett Weekly. - , 11:F 2 j S. 8..1r.tE. Q. CRABS. EDITORS. 1 t 71 [ c rivriost, OCT01111E11 6,1853 • ' 1 ;,; Democratic Nominatio. FOR JUDGE OF SUPS ' lIIICOURt. C. ---. John Ox, Of n ', ... i.Tia g acci rit 7 ; . Thomas H. .orsyth, • Of Philadelphia Co u nty. - AUDITOR GEMERA!., Eptmthii • 001i£Rin stra . VEVOIL G EASTplts 3. Porter Brawley, -Of Crawford pointy. roz. iszwront • WILLI.I3I . 31. rIATT• WYOFOinr. , Co. TOR ItErREsENTATIVER, I!. CHASE, Bustcm Co - • I JAMES - DEEGAN, Co. TOR DISTRICT. ATTORNEY, irItANILL/11- ritAszi, Of Montrose, - Ii ' !'OR TRF.A.SIIRER, • D. D. LATllltil)P, • Of ; Montrose... , • . ' • Pita cosimissioxE, AMUEIRST CARIP l ENTEIR, rox/suarr.Ton. • TIDIOTEIT 110,TI:lry - 2/Of New Iftilfurd. -Fon •Aumon,. • C I RGILLs Of,J4llEioti. - 'llll7 OCl6tllllgl4 11. . - ; , . • Washington Monument. ed We bave,received alCirettlar from the' Sec- 1 retary et . the, SVashinvion Monument Associ. 1 .i 1 .tion,: req9esting %Pitt give notice to the sea-, n l end Boa s- of = Eleetiim in the Con oty, that they will he expected. "to put up boxes for the purpo ofreeeiiing such, contributiOns as the adtni 'of the Illustrious Father:of his , reentry ay , think proper to deposit in :thief the tpeat lonement, now ietourse or ere4ial At the Cit of Washingten: Tbe"Monument 1 is now 1 feet hies." ‘Thill.l?atriot can wit h . hold his ite frem such an ,enterprise 1' - . 1 , "Sr Oittreaders-will boar in 'mind that - the ?"' AtiOttial alt .of th! Agricultural. Society ink . pl . :ice:op thuriiiiay - . Olt, -Pct. 13--PlOwin: ~ . .. .. ...- Galris liso4ztin, for October, is in' e*- tt npaiber in every respeetat indeed nil his nrmtets are. Geo. R. Graham, Ph'il*.a.— $3 pyr anima. - , Hos. ThREW iinsustosT, of Wilkeslarre, died on 'ridgy morning last. 31r. Beaumont twice represented the Luzerne District in Con gress, ad was highly esteemed:- - . I v e of , the . Maine Law eindidites for -in Lozerne'.edurity aeetines to run. the whig nominee for Sheriff, Also • , . Fir Assem Anothc deer bil • wears decided wrie aspc4. 'Thins secnis. now ' ely a 'Possibility of - an adjustment of th !dispute between the Sultn and .the Em r h t:f.. i lt il u m ai en ia, n w e i w thlu by t - a tii reao e la l t .t s o tam arM er s• The n t arrival .will he looked for with in •el toast., . , .. .... - - . . „_ , -1 ; - Its dounterpot - . , Thicounterpait to our Maine Law conveti !l); lion, is held at 1 Tunibinnock last Tuesday night. 'ii'esiirs Jeisip and. Bel tley wentdoirn .to represent this county,-and to make.annnie menu-forthe confirmation, of their” tiehet : --,:•It a singular feature; that_ibese worthies, . so _ly contented to the Maine Lhw, never r at: , er I tempted to eaplahr to the gOOd.people of VVy td. I °Ming, bow they happened-to be'se very Zia" i OU3I kit fall to elect a liqoor:seller,. ',nor *by they ate mows, v e ry 'anxious to defeat a - 4iiii. , l ii,. didate whn voted for both and all the Billdi on if that subject, that was befcre the House Int 10. 'winter:'- They; both 'made very linig and i t o• lir quoit speeches for the. - Maine Law, and' s pur atizens will recollect that , they both weref on tbo stump mailing speeches in different! towns irrtb - , - county. ait . fall, foe' their aid-Sipple tiw:".e l o l 4Sie; . 9 'eensisteeefoisihon 4 stY! iftbiOewitgi'dpini=iiif . , ' ', ... il - , . ---,--- 7 .i.p.i...... , ------ - - . 'Democrats to. the Polls!! . • j A trqt!ff "I"a;:DemOerifs, and not toil& One: You must' , be` satissixt 'irom the °Car= tames of, the .past:. three weeks, that: •of I theinost frandolent and dishonest elf . "t hat ff tier, bolt- been ' made. in this county to " 40 " r ifle tkuPefatie Paitie . ' is near lbei4 etide - :, -there is- no safety_ fr‘im Illogic eurbid notkirm . saver by i TU4N: OUT. AT ~trimi l Pouf t, a •- ' --. I ':-• ' ..- -..... J "They will Ve . fis band:with_ all thoi 'forio, 1 4 8 4.ffier- #Pen.4";iarieir iiiet the'etaiiitiei 1 korner( Diranoarair. for I .4neeeie. - , ,Prokoshig 1 to be friends of Tiln _peranee; they bOve i tiek:.l 4,!e1 - r* soifi '04:0;--xiirptalt,- who,:-though eiFetideittitea: :Si4kTihe'teet*"PliP t ibey.hold oat as siVenVelliPee Maps and Des.. , isilit'faitbe . : ^ othee side ' "Ati-lhel tears for id toit' I:oisllT4Thoti-'"Ca-rintat• ''You 4 0 1 'fi#: at iiii* l 4,4AssiseVimi - ii4i n w* iiiiri 0- *-011.tleili*.6'-ii4101.47th0;,:0 iib.':.*7 :kw .Piedgit ViliViavi. .6mitt*: , `-1 , -,,--..-- ' Rellssito theP.4 l =4 - fhi'llforlyini wiit tr . .00'. -- iiiiit*oldc C*l7 l on . Don't stay 49ilte. thinicitiff Aseie'.ft as - ,dsii, _ .I*P ~ 4,1 4 1 , 0 ..- 1 1 ,5. 1 0. -41 011ei Mr,"lNlOWlmlbelregult iiiiti: - -- ' :foliar!! ltigiiiii7 l l4:bi liilitoll4: l 'iniiii4° sii):soikiii:iihOK:eirii, -i thesoliiiii :sla4ii.As '‘ esiiiiieitiiidiAltg:tli----...- 1 0 1 1 01 1/4 "l ' i rWt all .. : Ii" ' XI& ,:: ..,.. ...,,,, Z ''. , ~,, ' ,":" ''' 'C': - ..- "' =l:i.s>;,;',,e.:::T-C,-...k...:.. 1• . I OniP *ii Didlit d -- - osi on, e . . • We have Wad' so tnnelf . difficulty to Make our ,dear frieudsin Montros e un4erstan6 our position that 'we *ill . try to46fineiein-s,c.h it' 1 mannerAait their obtuse Manta develop 'enhr can undiratand it.:- ' - ''• , . -, 1 '....: r i 1 Ilya ein fa r‘ r .of aublifitinet.hi ...,. ion. of ap : ihittory`Liquor 4Assi t 6 .ilotei -.. the L pe4pze. the . State, I4ore * such a' law a, . ;Come into operation. - 1- -.' - 1 ' ': Ou!rcar?94 B ATAgivOn' . 4 l Allo.a 4 r.cil Inn, and-in our letter to the CoOvendon, and w l e will i ts , not reiterate them hire. for that wo shall 1 darheb the; undenitaudivief the Doc or Of ,L•iws, and u the family burie," th rcby..l ' ' - i- rn !4.9°!da11461,:414 th4`"Pinag 1- w' will. 1 now eihibit the record of eur,,a lien in , the Legislature last sessJen.. , 1 r 64, Satiirday, April 701 - ; 1853, the - onsid4 Of the . Dill prohihiting the - sale •.. of eating \Liquors came before the oust tion of Mr. Shaver: . ..The folloiving vote:' : - , Messrs. APPlrton.itirre Beale. Chap The: . above was- Ithe' pm . House last winter: It was very stringent ,in • its provisions , and .1 ad a concluding section submitting it to a i te; after . its pi.l4eige by the Legislate**, be:fore [ it should .b&ome- a. law. No temperane'rmin in the Legislatur e, eve' thought of p assing any otiier.ltind :of a law, and there Were several elPet ' on that sole issue. ' • ' . , -_. •I 1. - After the defeat of tfie above Bill, Mr.Qiiig. kle. introduced into thi Senate somi;Vltesiiitn. ,tion fixing a manner - of voting et th . polls 'this. fall on the qiiestien. and then ii ing a law afterwards; should the vote he fav rable. These passed the Senat., and cameo the I House. 'and I were • defeated—beth :64mbers. • • from this District. totino. for them. I 1 •'. • The. above „la..the * e.L.s ..LV,up ot? , t 'last winter on this - tiestioti,ihud What ilinpre we could lave done 'doeatot appear to tts,diough it may to othemi - - .., I L , • - 1 11 1. Vi . ..- . i i -1 11 i . l . • READ'. READ ! ! BEADY!! . , . , Just before. going to press, we , learn that llthe tickets fur the so called Tem ranee eani l didatee have ,bi!en pr nted, by, o er of the manageri, and instead f putting. l l l 1 Mr. Dean _, or some other 'Tempe nee man wi h Mr: Car. malt_ they are piloted.. ir CARIIA !T and Dr., L W. DENISON, of Wyoming; % 'ho 6s ta-'d ken the stump,- I liaving failed for s ome reasen}' to be nominated by th Conventioh of WyO- 1 1 ming county. We re r our readers to anoth er article for particula .. : How will thii Tern , ranee men ef • the coon ty, or.any honest man relish this trick. Whilii we have:no disisisition to assail Dr. Denison I - ' personally, we must show up this fraud on the I 1 pa of men professing better thing s. r. Denison 13,at present engaged inlthe li- 1 quer traffic' in Wyoming county, and vet, tho 1 he was denounced last fall by these same men 1 1 • 1.- , as "drunken use jockey," we find I him put - u p- ' 1 ut . up- i 1 on the temtame 'ticket. In. the name . ofl n:1E11 eo°9 bort i ty, will the - people liongr sub mieto this ki d of fraud and duplieity:P 'Will ' 'jot those ho est citizens - of this,oriniy.who i have placed confidence in•the leders of this , Temperance moieme4—whe mean to be hon est themselves, rise en waste, surd rebuke the i - men-who, for political . i Motives, hhvp endeav ored to use then and the sentiments they . pre-' fear, fur such mercenary purpo,See. Will not' the people believe, what. wehave . -contended liall the while, that tide - *le 'm vement was 1 conceived in dishonesty.'' Good Heavens!- What ii T'emireisnee:tielA! Samuel Carmalt 1 and Dr. Denison? One:pledged :o the Maine ` , Law, and the other' a Niter. sellr, even new I 1 . • , , - - :would - 1 . We- did hope that they s t i ck to their r new hobby till die election, but,' it seems that after all they _have - propW up the,ii ticket with , Runi ! • Where is the honest M i r,' Whig - or Democrat, who` will net_Write,": y ;his biliiii; his ,vi4diet of cOhdemnation upon such pefiti- Cal -rascality_ - .. -2 '.• .- II - - .!!' _....,...______ i Are You Ready. , Aemem,her, Dentocrats,.thatyOu have a ,hat. tle to fight on the second Tuesday of.Octeher. The time is close at hand,-and yen should' not safer it to steer upon you Without makirigiew , . eryineccessa, ry replica' tan e -the enemy. We ha ve an . iticellent Orate Ticket hi iho field which shquid be electttliy' at (least ,twentyi IWisand - m4icaitYcarill 4 CuPati 2 ililiet Which' de4erves the support ‘ ,..),reveri tine ‘liierso4rst , 1 134ause iscres theve is - no -none of the *unlit - Stir that preceden.en electiondj? ant lie , !plied into security, or'what IS ;Worse, into ;n=l diffeience, ank`determine that y0u.4111 *not .l vote, nor do anything to AkringLout the fosters Of year' ,district: - This is al l ' *rent. ' , l Tiie _ right of suffrage is the :itrt irCPcilent . that' a ' tn free'man enjoy, and is.* toOmnn . du!y: that I he 'owes ' - hiseinntrY tiva*iise , that - tight I wheievi tlin Occision - calfit'.' Give one - day to the . supp rt OF the • Governmeni, which 'wear& i you in lb, peaceable puisessio of your whose imp- I t Yg, ,- rin't-iihectY;l 3c tiP?! i i:c; and P)-'h° pirtyoit t grincfpfee „WO hest, Oaf?,l.a to the'Peimeueiice ce!Viicceiwiltiil.4f the a eail-1 mint. Go tothe,tills and_ vote;-"iiifehi :;the regularlyaaa44o l ' 6 eiiiii - eanaidzite lies that. 1..* ijeiglibois do iheiiiiiiie; then ill will bi,viell.' -._ " . _ ',-. ,- '' ~- t-' . • -- ' - M-.. " L.- , - f =,-,-,,:A...-:; .~ ter.-:,_... c:.:..,v _. r:~. ._.r:.. :,i: ; .;; o t - fit4'4 4 week; isispij ;bees ukthey contra- : 1 0; thaieiv - i - 4.1:-they are 1 ridicnlo s that iut;o7 can; beikia,thim ,- - i W OsetianwetrnostaltCe olol l Cern" ig**lo4l4iripipsexitkvigiOug lied°, il. oxal4-..1013414- don 46 4 0 with ait tge'l. bet.Odf• - 41 ei witts!g Y Ain Os( I , t ' .f . , ' i ••=.--,-'4'r,,...r1-141,'1T EMI oiiiiiikiiisacoottittitta-..:;:iwnfifiw.itl4-iiiiitim'oissiiii;:f2.'"-tr - ' - •.. - - a - 14 .-4' Alen, • shown :serneWhat U. the' fiasiiv - Of .and whit'-We'savoeate - in . • br. A-• T- ' - ' • i il• -- •. • - • •_. • ..• - - 14,•-.__,. • ~:, ~ ..,,u..„- 13 a, _ ll --- in.privite,. ~. le' :nd . rty l pf',l,he " fatuity nurse"- Ana his..deS!.l we Aotre,",,f;;OLl, ve_o•Okei..4:,tulet..ifett •• 1 40r, "over and. -, ic . .,. ip iht,Tii**.o,piarwise. list weeki,*!lpr . O- I:€II:POP,_,-#16;164-4i--o!..lliinse • ` f ' It e f p ie so o ts.: e . • 3'-'4 O naii';',..tia!k •- : uP9k -V 4l Pt , :JsCOUiir'-*L tt lY ... .t': - qf' ,) ,.. 0,1;-__.n°*!4j*' Posts, Bentieis it[dt . ;b.; • "nether:, tf . f• - •their - falsehoOds whie h -thOit'"!.-7!&, t'sf*V.4.','Y'-c!.-u'.,#0.4.-•:Pflt, red slandererio; •, 14 61. pet in circulation cylnecrniog. us r , 1 1 ?..4:Pg . ',_tt .. e t. - ; ‘ltb 1,01 - YUUt co rr u pt, and lyikg . 'oil; tt,t4 24 ! 1- th'ilt : ol 7- IT Ye , recently reitiAta press , ' I*:4 - uP' . '"• •4 ,-e,,,fotielhi s4 oittle i ttoiY and \ t itio gh their Pies-% -- and able before. the. COu- P:iyie'P'sYlr'•-reoclltif•h,f-,:'-:the' aide .of mine--- o-- : rent on *through-their 'distinguished brother, ivPpi'46•6![-!=q11. when 41. was. bere'r° - the People cs f • .. lid cy-laborer,-Winking iitnds, Es q,... ...,:' . thiidisttickadirbiating this' dectrine,•brought • •- o •- f org h o - ,a• - •,_hiliii --- mi lt : ba ii,hl4' -- into- - "the - ffild - '4: ; :defeai - uio 'lt - -liquor-seller; . n .. ..s, 1 a u . e line, ! _ ..,. .., q orlefieei yr a r (Mi. noinination„lle st lfill,-*e eland . ' I•ldedgeo the:other WaY - rIM I too,' who, wileii . to4Zhe y obtained ti',cazd or'withdraWil fro ' •"I have b een engaged tp•aidy9g l our temperance ,4ou :-. of Nempe • nukt•for -the'piirpese of using . 4 ?rgatii l 4- r•.h4YP - '-''bePa 'ciliated to bOak - • it fir pelititial effeet,--tli us attempting,. (to tise . 'rth,etit . 4p'wn. : both?,_ive 84Y- to sil - 1; beforeith; the' own very elassia,and'refined phreatij.."toil t "P, .ci .1 Y,P4 : f 1 44 '''P * P 4a.*:._ head 4 :iiiidleirts,' rid two horses" on that question.' ' ' - tkade-d ' do!‘'ll..'Pritlil---'llleo ine - Miiiiiiiie as r -- -. (')",-,--i;.'ir;i..;:ql;.i.eriiieri.4..;4;4-7;ici;;;iiil tt*Sr, • O * 0 11,f; wiiii*on- i';i!h - tiuthruhiess - . t 1 tai eel :a Charter' aitaleltatoll.4ted,...a:Division'in I,derk'eudeed t4e-tcheo'frolit your i'es Tee rd it' 1 till .Pliice; i'VgaSictf to Priiddeeloodthere-iIPP ca li•'.'-'l4rokt.tiett. record.. clear._aitni `, of so m e gueee.4B,lPrePire',.to hear it'..relnike froitithe people of bc: and-we believe not withotitt• i '`i A r tho Division hadbeentestablished :about 1'..!.. 1 P*.'„FP,.PdaY..• that shall tit% i4iars',.it Schisins'fgre4 : 'nii - inif,.....'iiiiiiii :oil ',Y6P,„Of the iviltuf:aPd:OiTOPtliafioneeiy4tdeh - itStildeit'ind `Ansi PrOiniiient'ineinbei'Sivitii:ll, au 4 r . 0., ► ° W 2 4.4'0Pi L . 1 14 i9.Pal4l.,upot an, boa; I:dr iv; Ottriielf',.-anningithrOriSit and abide' I thalr- !' '''" ii. .l ____r uld. P l p*AN'. r.- .., ._ . .....'. -'• - -?: - PLC::: ,Ai e tale ; - • -...r..-7.7. - - : a lr• - • -7-7 " ---- .. i Is` l'angni,shA.::•' WeLivithdrei.iniMithelierore, P.14..//..01, ;C itiz ens ' c f, - Siiiiii!liti liana, * Niere'inindniated';4 hefOre;We 'APeeled ' to • --,-.' • , --- ‘ ,. . 1 1. -1, 7 .: : : -•--- - :j • -- -- i: b , moilitoitw.oo. - a:ii. , itoiogoo ,. oacri .64 no . '. ' !Arden "roe for int ro nig upon your initiii" P ficiplethat,;vie-hid:eVer'Profetted,-niiiii4c f i e ' Per-' ) P 4 _ ; l' rifulrkli- :: 4 Pu.'t li°•P° *cuff aptin t :'•• We iiid'flo'itiorO'iiiiin hundreds Of ii,th '''.F."neliYl:°*'tbe.-0115,!"..i1f-'Trtitit,:lattd - Icon T ' Y - i e: . tyr the' best' Men in the 'order; ifithis-Mnin--• -re`Pqrjt4'.-a114.-bOdL*IePI/6°l remain *eat. % /3, ; i t hol i, d o ne - , w,- _.-- -,• ... ,•:„ ---, • ' '-. • • : •.•-., longer; and Pernik toimittlignOlt enemies, nat. •-••, , • , ' • - - -.- •, • - ••••• lyire. - -iike . inriet. - n n'm -' ' ''' 1 • ~.. ' ' The circular below.- which wepiint,:c for the • s,. ~ - • P° •• 3' rePotatton,. ,iI did , ... p ,iPoie--Of silencing tbat'shinder, and of shOW-1 ,8 ` ) . • f°!•l'vve!le••last• fal l, feeling thot-Oke populate, . g tho,oitot..xockleisnoss 4.tfie,ioett•..,,ho. are - maid *zou!cf_titit c l)e ritt; : hid away" by`site..."‘_. . i i C. gaged ! . in - 'circulating it; -44 - i vpiuritiriii..!Li4!,,!-.4-, -allb, ai.,.at "events 12.4 ) . .. me . : re :, \ d irn rip by the - isffiderir OF the Diviiin - last ln e t ° leti un „S t r Y .e:s t s:', l4e iiritit "-- ont il aa et::- : =1, s°ll!••••*;!lJ,i'''irlY E! - T e.*sh6uld . iieirei. ll 6f 41. -1 f ii, • When the' falsehood Wai' fi yat treiAh - in- . b vi T h r , o t o h ii c- i lf i ° , t e ° ;_ rs iik ° 4 t . this r e t existence by . thi• graduated Rheims-Air, fee.. - . '. ~- . •, . . t 4 1 ,:a i "), Py`or which they Plinica irriii ;-- ' ; ‘R'' - i n°ll ° il. ''Y a rt Pti ril url "1):•cti-UPOo: the au.; . i futtife' defence: : ' We'' , ruik.;itiii'ibtfiiii : .4iiiiiill"!?te. spinoc,h. Malice, the odium and infamy .: 1 i .11 ns'whatthey. think Or tiiiii 1-aA' - 11 - iei n c INO 4I P . °t -, ,PIY . doe -to 1-MYeelf cudmy frien s,.bet kn . the. party _t ha t haa - placed uni - nd are :family - ninier Whasexiireetienh . acts:: - he um s re h, w thout any-.": nliddy•lwd-htekehr'e(4t:tiield6l4i.cigi6unnAttZ•sle'f'aind ci it rcil:t . ' '' r i s he t: ll . . seek l l a : ::: ---F: : :::1 : e ' l t 1 4qt .r(i)el‘ti:i ult. ra'-' a.: ' :I . n i 4 calittrini...- t '-' 1 : -. ' '.----., - . f-',.-,2'.,-: ; "Ar,611 my P'art) U the PPSti," 'it:lW - 00; -In this 6)llnCetitfiekielhave awn rd - ii. ' " yin: ~, . cI4 P .1' ..-7 . :- ". ' : l' .: " '' , ..._ ... ,•• , ' - '-:.• --' '' ' '. eferenclo to thitiiVinen'the' have =Se reeeiitiV; -. .1 . ;' 1 7 i‘ i e 'P POace-withmy neigli. , „.. *boobs. -.•• i ~ - - bars, but . 1 am finill fumed to rho. . 1 • - • , minted the' Miline-1 we oppeol: •-, c • ~,_ '.- TY iy evei - menther or-rtit;iiiintrioeDivisibli,t6o-:, 't,d"_til. c annot' ''''" Sul!leaFi of 'MY : life has clit - , ' o troth. 'or /What We' '.::.);... 'whe'i " '• - •- • ' n ew to - Pieeeln Pilett Upon ray ,head. , ' Every - wher r e mid at, pit times, -with . ..ibitter- vindic- • . • truggling, to` 'estahlishithis'Diviiinn,-fer the orosoci worthy: oiroipsr . o r aitting i i,, th i, j ar er if tiV!ness - that 1 must iiiiyke.'•:'eVed, gall • of their.` o.trarte .Reforin;:i froor -. pihenee soriiinated-it-4,-.11-',ult?:'.PsP- I !ialit'4-'(ll.iri:r '' i.Ake‘ dumb al.._ most iime.ot." and iiiii-tie‘ 'fel' npiinsitien I - - - Wias - - * •- der4( tlllo '' st t li F e ' I P ihi' d'aricA Or gatliiipg. it not I rion, such !new 'i , wni. - Jdiiiup; 11, - E.:! hd d neds b ', t e P e * o43(!li4 i 1 -I,Y• t° l o, far* 1 e ., Beotley. G. Z. %Dimov ' - ( 4 . the faiitiltf nitise"Y ' '' frPtlt thej!ttlre to 34t4 ' 61°.fr 4V etiteo thi 4 ' -. Larna„,,e character and- rev enge:' NoWhere ate and A-:1, - .-Post f Did yi yt, the latter:, gentleinan -,i'du-,_, , . •• _ ~, even fulminate the : tIM iders ; Of .h4:dipteasure. .' t " B-.01 . e, Y 21n9t I aVb"B°lnel.Va4Pn even fie - •• Irtun the hitti , pulpit "h 'loccupied On the ß ab ' tt ' d° it they 64 l ' e oblitied e tu iacrifitelheir • _M r . iiiit.,4; i+. 7 .• -4i , ;. t . ) irt , A . 3 .' -_, .-.', .. •- . own manliness' and charaeter - fur tnith''and . - •. - ,4 ~ , ay . n 'were r.ot, embers of Ins Church 'o , .., •- • • Those who read the last ROister i ntUftt t have who dared. ti)••eolist in he'eausi Mid endeavor - -_/ ,° tl- ~1 5111, -, one ; gteat object do: they sem. been amused as well a f 4 diAgiOt:ed; ',.N . fti i • havi to aid - . in its progress 'threatened : , with •the -- - t° „ t " . , e ',„ An d_. 041 44° - t ' ea . 40v° n 'Y' l'•P ui3 " ing falsified that gentleman Ithe'weck b e fore terrors 4 o i cohliii i iti i a ii on ; it they p e rs im e k twtr.i.l4e/Onl.e,.nty'-,Fharacte r r, and" - destroy ,my in order 'to make their inConststeney'c nsist : .: arid. the choiee given- tem to ieaie. the Di;els;• I '''! 4 •'_' r -r!!! 1 yea!rtkild,4.half I,have: t ri ed ertfi l they find themsae* in iHuhtnby I. e- let- , ion iii , learn the Cheri hi -by di l yirlei, .---.ll4i i e ' , , to ilasureY l .!f li, !h• 1 • 2 r' 4 • 111( *h 3 ‘...i'l not .lit;4 ,--= "that , ter ; of his, c orre c ting t h eir fats4hecids, i l ....:' fitroiy - be -very ' niiplea , .. et-questiei'lla th eir thq' ' ha -; be s ' t rel,toclitieh, their MatevOlent II: - Eat was it not refnishing to that paper,orious io 'eVery- man iii fthiS-cent...-1:"f-\t;'•t he past* be fergetten - and::-give in tali.% How coolly . it, oad :51,i . :Iiial . t entkyrilie n yeti' nity . .. ,•'\And-Yet, - thi4 goed : =El&r:, ' with P e ",.`t' '' A i li g: ,)n- thai ", all'iill-P- 6 ..,..v,,e-°P- •-, - 1 company of Temperansm , tneti. Says i' at Pa. FlonPiitciobi,:ere- tile Men -who os:4tiy•to Judge- 1 ' 61 , 3 F r will bear ul°: "out in saying, thet. I .hire . pei,!chti cannot now rieceive 'pe votes o Tim- f us.m. a • Temperance than ,- to ta k e . the . t 'e tn; hi/nein s lento and Williout'eotePlaint, f mei . peiance men !" I '. 'Well, that" is,•a ,marVell: 'Bu pt;tartru'inen of this-C i onnty ender their protee, ',-og*vati. 1 - 'injury thati . j.was -"ever, scarcely, -- Myi. Editor, hontiong since ion w e re . pl ced i - Ling' .*gis atid-•&pec`abia' to;: lam e nt over th#2:lY:trled:upen 1. Their : : 16W .and-riiesi ,it.c control of the Tem ranee . *tra 1...: , He • .hap sorry treatment that he Sons Of Mempernin;efils(*-Pil'"''.4l."4"eandd.iFiol leintillatett Slek- , pens your paper to oche ?their Opt sat " or hive reeteivied at au bands!, . 0 hypocrisy tot' i.t.(F-r and 4ofontiitien,:- 'While ...even from theiii gan 1., ' Were ' . You 'lilt - , on the i other , .... : ide o 'soot I-- - Dishonesty og, p,rotl o Woo li, ' . ! ,,„'n --- t te ; n e s ,- i .":"`lire_d' ,, 'l deeee I -ha , tin ge ‘ • ..1)0t? ; picked -- . -101.t / ; 11 .. . this'question" last fail, - :elpia - not 'y yti in •of heart !'• Double-dealing of. Praiticel When l ''-'!° s ub ject at . ."Yebeo to limn • h' fierce ,imecthr , - - your paper then support a , ki j aa', for the 1..,t,i. didie,,, ye ever see thO rik,,•. or h a t.i,h,c,b.a 'd ee p. 'At.,!idifd "/ 61 . 1 uheition 24- !Ow' • tiellinii "a via.. ' lature, - Who was pledged agamat - the •W, an et'deptli Still unexplikedi If soi4en'thedoari si;Pr!Plnde4-fPlk-E'se ii . iii;:nti .oo t , litl ' etio 1 Who was then and - is, now a faiquer l Sit lert to that dismal alioderith:itlt tuaibeouneaplor , :, •,. -rin I PY'..P OI P 4-e ° i: P ul ' ile ii e ;: i .r i F• ed u P °l-1 1 ttio!ctrootor: k . , ~.... ;. _,.. ,/iis! covered rill py9i. -with tl e PoioOons Slime " And when we stood Opte atm position on thi 'ed:noslonger • i 'TO question last Winter '• in the; fLegisinti ',.- an .„ ;;1. -. ..,•_ •-__ - :-..•-•-_, iloaiiriosE,-ciet.,f4lB‘si. ,- of the . ii.heart4, and *nt''forth to the fail& rot 0 1 for both and 'ail the Bills that 'ler& - 'DK•ta- •',P' - ' 1 !!=t1, 1 0 1 ' es", to : address You:in-lin:that\ garb;iest -some cred i.. taiLtit attach to fork that body; on this gnettOon, 'did i'. ty o , referetielo ~. t h e gro4a F pu,:kl.4 . s 01,iit. -are ,being ,Me;i'n'atiMe ' , kik, - iri' the 'public -. -- mind.: '''if, I vulpr sheet , even. attack . tai -Votes ' and - .ITte•i,.t.!`g4l", t tile:...Fhase- 11 7riler stOrY Of dini to* CicPria an' - oPinion. upon any -Sehiett r . hys-bavy ir til-tre: tot* Dicisien; or tuyerilie. - • - - : - .'" for: casting them? _Wu. kit i ~ and th -.people e d ako r ipaptes f a ii,d, t ei t ,o rarl o enu4e.,14411.:,!,f-tyo'lti4s t-imptir!aice, tha -opinion willtnr lo of this county kno w - this : 1 ,,t , be true,: nd . yi_t - . a. fabrication.: „lie-„ .. 4M i tt„-A eue diong h e f ere.t h e „ . - el .- ert the4ingi•of the -Windr tnmed•%ifont you have d ie bold face to talk to T,ty .' Om • oe_minclion, ineOtniequence,eraditiicutty-* : id;.i Mit - ter - AC PurPOS t nor:Prejedieing'o 6 o••• me n , dictate their- ai...tion! -,-. Ah ' aY` de r:;11-1:!:11-t"I!IPTIi..°.c.6i4!!1113(/-.V7 ,i' committee ap,':,• iiitientiiiienti la- this'Waii lire , knowing'iid printed". to : ineesti,gateiti-'clial ; iv , • 1...ti 0-, ,t . tog r" ,eiso , - 4 ., r i 4 t o - doy th '- itl3 a03 , -• ,s * o r rorie e e. • -4i:a sir; honest =men loolt 'for,,tnething: ! ke co -' -gaiistalUrother;teit prop;rlip-e'rforniiiii,their: sistencyin men,-=-1n politigi as erg!, as e ki :: daty. - : .11,0:ore,tfatisOidA,,,,p„litiaut`th L tiithf: 7i 1 iis i "drily where. The Old itt4 . :fricii i tteatia.;rin e ',tic, , tiv,ed!'-queinlF'. l . l . in ! in, taking . th:t3ll4,- -,..; \ ~...„ , l'Ons'itiiitiPteeePt 1 0 . 3'''n 0 0e l i t.4 ti t q a aW ay. . we think, will hardlY ieuiiinize! B ' 6 ' ' ant ti - t •, -* i,',.esirluet: Shier :t6!it ... tifyle, iliiii be:en just 2:1.4 i r e . - ir o.6.Aitoii; - •801 - nelit.iit Vulnerable,. at'Whici iontert tia their . tele:lei. They 'bac; kn" - n f.. , ; r e n . ' sx l) i f i t i arY w n e 4 .6 4 t : e ni- lro: r t ' ' di corf.i- '' '6blti::4'ilii';''l. they: - may -P4is°l4::'sb,---,u6- stu d gloat s Mr. Phitt• too long ;asan ":, , !nt:. an colas' t- taberwtse thatt.a, ; strict,temperatice:-tuan.,;.; ;I ', "'- ieve ' . cl yea to' entleo-laboret, tO cast fl e d hiiide at tit diet' ni -.lieu will Pie* use this . -letter anion" your ..!'itii'lltikivi44.4iseePti!tid,•o!iiirot,lxiscr ' or those who iii'e . so late igeds. - tinit, i," e-n ' /). I'vt'iPai/*:#4.1.43r: 'PO' liaite. th elrOth of the ' 24e'Ure:4.0 11- hi' lualevoierwe°ll644 mtioi , haie iir . oriod ( ~... , . .,,w i i i A ih04.0 . , - I .. •d , 7 , , ..n, . ~ .. , ~. -r ... . , ~. , _ . ~. ,- ,•I wards me, I suppose is .well understecd.4 1 • '"": 7 'r - 7 - P'!- ) ! , ' 4 ours in le- Rfand Jk.. ,- 'i- - -.1.' ,v - ,:-- ,-- ." ,-•„•,-- : • .1 t h e %.0-t-izees of t his ,. o -- t - , Hods : . eet ,,, to call the Maine', tali kifliefi.'.by r until a '-`t" ' •-• ~.. '- -- ,W11keti0,14534 : 401 . 0.a1ir..:-C i ... - .:-.... : .= ► ' - 'i - - ourir - ,,, i i - i ii l i,:i lerul --- -- .: 11!1-Y‘ e . 4 1 , -. men, ' 13.4 s . .i!isa liquor seller, and a Min iicifyited noun .ed . - ;---• , -1 , -. 21 ,4i CIIAS E, -- - • • •••=1 . 1%4 1- -}`,--- ,••••:-:' Au.l.•= lit- - - 1- ::- it-2-i" ---.i ti ' fit. r•o r. itt-Youe - Pies* teat' fait iti } I. 4 gt - ' dran en - 60 - •.• _ ~" -, ' It8 i;' A 4);:%1 ' I{ ' E L ita il ° ll C rli': Fri.l4.-t*r4!*l3l:-h"rt4''"-.< h(411"-- f--Ilk ioeice " ' • ' ' r it.' 'A - y along with Carps •.• -' :I ' ll It•Ir'DAVIS,' [ L 'S'' i,,- ----"-/ '-'';', tamilitl i tl =t i ti'iui , i.' d' ill . 'lricelvel Cols ' ttY 8 • b ' -''''' '' • :‘• e . - ; fil.ti- , CAtLfI4 ..; - r- 7-- --, -...- - 1 ..- ':.. : - i' -- .. 'e 1, i ve -.Co coveted --. e -hat • jecilindeed,to assume tii t - , libsa :the i Tern .. t.; ' •-,-.1, - • -:,-• ,:pli.lif.4oliNs. -,-...•.:: - ,',,, - ,•.,.Y - ..-2:.,, f 'ii i i: - t _ ....... . ." e : -- , ; 1 0. 71 a genoePillatiOn;,_°f' .'t!l°'4)fsi it tl e ,e , men . et-, s u • st i tte t, l -04. c ,• ) ti 1 i4 ! 1 -'CVs' , i i.- The recta ea'it s ifisitly in ' ti. ' stiiis,'Ai l attolien . P ` l '±- r' !" 4l l "t ' ciirietting- .4.F m?r4'4F3s-'- ' liefe there is iot egre - i4ponine'n , .. ' n ,in:' .Ye i believe t . - , true,latidi .1 area ati'aiiiiiit.:i:hif .r9tire - ^u2',l .:: Ily'' had,-.:1-,:j.,-,,,,rftifi!iket whole County:„Whe tities niitiotithe l Irma his -the'-'°1166-it5:4•11*611.°44 111144ifiC*1*-iire ' 11dig41111:. Y • WF:iiinti *-Iml4°i":*l 1-11"limili'' -veil •:fieert,.suCh base' ; titem ii :i h d ; - .1.441a ilikai*llaw44? ana Ll' ut f rt if lei illem*t' ..• Aehih 4 fell i P•‘ UY 421ApCpIttt,eate• t e , A...,,, -..,,,,,,; '' ''. •,.,- --:•,- ' ' ~ .., ••• •: ' '.. '• . fiini- and his iiitea4r, a e e - i, e b n , - -d e • i i :- -." ' Ow - cifti 'is.._i ,:%,,. -4 --,.a.1 , -to4thafuttestaoafidouea ot.A. cora , tty 100 ' , . Eg ...-,.:- -,.., : I A ..1-.. :. !.,:',,..,., ?pat APl9 , .. : Kf ,-,,, hid r aih e d . ,; iti ii- i • ', I -', , '- -" like fall, and they will shoWlit hi : the tii f i g/ " , nee thu u!egetug-:, was *Bien:. We",-hatiii , ' a.-• "r"-.•'",7r ‘.P•uP.,.eafOr'olreadyi 'holy_ rebuke they will give ii,ttie-:Tio .: ._•-: ';--.....,,, .117,1eilii6°0:iii1#4,,''a,t'OPart., ti:in'iliculaitiOtftihiet :4.4.!!k"4ooAiirepßFlLl4ve eellittletil)ett eien - 1, 14- - Yog, wit liquor Sellitrl96?Ofli C;11.14i fa ii i nin trt A- e ,tt-,,,ex.,P,c164,,,„tinfir0r, „,,,a4 --..19l."-7:44,44,1/- on: pat t er- se° 44: . -- ' test -!414 and coe'lhfc'falf tea, sOdif •-• :vial tai" ....Sci,likr,i*„.iitatio irr„,•-dagi-:4211tr,k ,vijt.ti• qlei-f0g1i,,11,•.,-,)i:';;!q04 „n - rininei nit(' fat b! the : Vint 's'oothOdioalfilt's'i.r.-"iiii , yon_ ltac - Oie•VielAelii the - ieliorti4".4iii - JitiiilatticedU . :IY-'-!lig!'eg..i.••*l4-4 khe amen ikt,! : PP - :Vb e l e .:= o ; quisiOn!! , : AVeltniitriTeltfpi : ' L 'try - i i ti .1i,,44:: fliiiiiitiTl'OtbtektiiiiiTiKuFeiliiiiiiiii 1414e1111,44p.t4.1totteSty:,et;life-:=Sail Puiliti .► I nir - stay of : s.-- , 8. - ki g 4 - .- ; - ~:••-•••••- ,- -- •• '4 . 4 . , ..••••,',...' ' :;.- M. :.0, ..... ....-..,,• - 3••••••...- - gireai' u s ate ; - 0 - g r at j e i ms f i. ont yilutot. i • 1 , 1 , .::„.„,. . ,re Y . the' euk . ttentief, Agst.akr=. eharalter, - ,attwevea bunny -ivithrinaignus . '• ' - tr - - 1 ' - .nil- '-''' '-' ''l ...'""--;-: "•': ....And 'minima/ • lik e i ih„ . o -' '''''''''''''thatotiluir 40111dhave-beetiqnistioned,--Ild -.:. J.: ~ „,-- ..,I,ialfli.Clit,,..iplegant..,_! - ' c ri, - i ,... -.. .., .. P!..,., stat e l ..... .41,W 11111/ 04 0°, t'' - ' -- it ';.. 3 , -- -. ....:-- - fit , ry t ie TlielthoFe nattlett 04teutiiiils - 11 . et 0... 'tie r . • ig-'•ca-lultts,:•.taj - •"••••• -(4, ~a;rf'Per.-4/1,4*. -..,e i. i 4 e, , jf# 4 ., 5 : ' • am - l • han, " 11 •11 -hati, . .• -d - °l ' m°, 1.--111,*`: ! -- t` II - % •', , ,i, "tiros .„,...:., ~...4 .. ...' ~,....,..., 1 1 , ~, ..-, , . , rt . '„,!SS . , , .y . .hrtteti in al Ditindlr; -4 ,- . .... 4: - : • ?. ..-:_-, .S.t.-john'a.chainiter,-andthe:tictiv att,w, n c , lll .f es ?! ~11 11bF -1 0/ 1- or- I C, e ,P r . eee4 !.Y,,f•- '-' - f.'''..`" -4 : ':.i& 'Bit CH ' 'SE, - .W. - -P. ~,'.'''---?: - -:`- - -' , ' ,- - -4, . -liia•villiiiiy • ' il'Ery ''aduirrire. _.. tiler itt fortn!!!„17 a . , citizen of . 'l 4. iitY s ieiitey",,l he'll' ' 'ie. , : . :'-. ••=.•‘•.-•_ i'•';:;: , ' 3 ;••• 70 " •.1-', - ..• -.•• entl'oettiniiatott;i:V A' -. : . -'''. '; ' " . '' ' l' - - -'- .-'; -'' 410 .1 sideAtin,-.Wbifje-DOW;.•,64iliVaii 'Ca ' nti,s . 'tiii . ) 1- :' , .i ~-- , / it: . 41. - -1 141 k r ,4:- . Af :;11.421AN,,,y.W;p" "t4l.l;bef°i'"4::%'ltero-0,1e..Y*r:071.10f:::. *Neat); oad..yeknk - ' _ '• 1 1 - : '''. ' -':' ''''''• * .4- , -z , ',4' %-...:- ..: ',• : ::.•-' 4 : , 'A - . PPA . I k - ft: 0:-•, - . : - .f. - .,: , `..-` , • -4 : .i i. i rl ie O thi f t, ! I .!!k le '. r.••••••.(trAai,,,Ttikt?"_e!. ant .' H . 1 , 4 1 . 6 , t =' ,. :.!if 7:- :-.' -I- -,-,- •••• --i n,\ ... , ' .., ~ •.• .• .; ,-; .'4l43:','.'w IttrEN;•.tif..P**' .0'!/r.,.',64',FaaiWta. ay fairi4.4 - F 4 .7 - .Thge'r;.' b 3 1.:. ie - e e too" , ea, all _ 4 , , pow . , nfr! in , , •-•E f i e .,- -,, - '-.1.•• , .f.!.. , . .... i .', ? -.--T1.....;-.. f ......',.., i ' , i ., : ., ".,,,......., " g • ir.` l l-22.: , ,-, -,,',. :... .. •,-- .. " , i,, - h -: , t ha * the - ' - - ''. • -''' '-- '- '-'-.•; - - i f -- - , 1 1, ~, _- :, , ''-',",re :live . w e re . , .. 1 !!' C 4l4o gb Sol• Pfufe. llB- Mk . .N.8,88,6)31(11.!1-1-4_,!11;T".F.Tz4). C`,' • -I t'. i i e i i ' ll ll , " MI . t ti k k , . 4 .1131 1 t t"1 6 '4..,. ' I, `. i I t ; Ti m i d - e • - 1,. iee,:, l _, _ ..., hqg,',lFe. hiivg'iito - reics - -- el'l4. l .b,aiiiiio' i)ifit 1 1 1. 0 4.aaaai - ifig. l: , bi - iiiisina :la . diaga! a• _ ) ;. 84 7. - ~... s . .neen ,y .. s Tier, ii i ii---:-...-..,. ~ '.sr- 4'l"r , - , - - .fwi4 - A , - , 2 i's .= !, ~..;..,1-,,... 'will '- ;- , - l i o i t ' ' ' ''''si -- ''' I l i*: tn lig; siii - 14 ; s . gi i tie is n • . 6 _o ,1 -. h: ~ i. , ~.... ~.....: ~. yr - ,ir. - 7-7-7'. t..rpi.stit,e•to.,..pner-and-ireitiny. 1v.... ;$.4', 0 1... . A'. source • fq;e9iir_ .7,0 ► l _ l 3 , ~. vi ,., ~P, lit., •1f1 i ,t . ,.4 ! - - - ya, ~,,,a.f •''the world ..q'tilizii-,?'n'iiiiiiicriniitiiifiont.'l4--,,.'---iii- our ibilii,"'44iii:iiiijvii . iivealbi: - .14. 40 0 4,t4,--.o*. 4 ,1 *get Poskw .4l laf. : a . fal - ed.ue 4 c!!!"..1 . n . '0r,.,. i 'i. - (' 4 . 4a . 'dlit r f l aj.iii t e ;1• - i'i l il: ,- '-I'm,ii : '''' - . 2 - 4-'-- - - - - , - 'iiiii - ' , 44 ; ' -i, tii .---- ' t •'n• , - - di;' ,-., nipattiiiprk 4 ;1 tine nubile,_ he is pieleillv - ono ' r i. 'h e • • - h" c •., --,- •ra -14 . -,,,-, ;AP.: ....,.,P, , , EY,,..:.r,' '_., ,`•"!.,P. ~ Fe- _ . e.--. ~ KW.° ._ -:'..e.le!•ei ::. , ,•••.-• , ‘......---. -,.- -- - _•-- I - - :Norther,' e • ...P , e I , -a, form the - drinkiiii;tind','iielythintlyfittii 'ititiztisim'Oit-ns,' i: '4iiitii; ivitli:--t air •ACPAIPPI - t ass 11- - -i •' het e P-* --1. '••• .0 ;,,'s • •.-. -i •- , --,-2,' ...,,1 :11111r: te,*,'4.9161P11nti1!,1114,00- Itoild-lroit svere - . - ev4ti• nn ',berettEemenglt y.ltees. .'.,. , •!: ii°- 1 - w-um . -•-', - , -,1e,-ve-r'lTiria,et.ti,v.,"?,' .n!'.''',. - -, . % %,; 0 r,, -- .. •th 4 11,1 - ' Viiti' L ..eik '''''''it-i-iti-iilVltit"eliiiii': '' . 1: " ' . I ' 4 ' ne° iinit - ftonish6 - mithectit, . 't i •v- -I vir - ' - • -, '-''.•• -- A 61 3 ,14.„ ~-,- ~,, ..:;,,, ~F.." - , ---.,_ --_'-'''' ni ' d ' Y:44 " t! :"' - - tte-rs. ' ..''" 4: '' .Bnni - ". alisti ' ...,_.,--..11 --,--;l ,_ " 1-, N =.':' ..-., .• .! V,- ?.. r.- 1 fUrefiWibtlie li e ^r 00 . 610Abi . pite 6412 a iitiiely•fu itlitc-itin4iaE4eitipany,eo , , t o *emu yy ,- get 1 a ..siur a n .n o Cf.' -1:& , - , f; ISt--4',...,""...,,.-‘: ': -_- ,'l ~' C.*•' - 1 , .5.:...4 , ...." ....., .7, -,...',...p-_-..,-..;::, :'," . ,M. .1% .;‘ Li ~ ~.,..i; , _i_i' ,' /;'. ' •,.. :+,. .!.;-,,.. -1- . • .7, ,plon InisillaVe,OVlr-adveeatett, for tio4lotio'.itolt Ma - of - dm :; t en., ysttir.eoemektehfvk *.k. 141 2, Ue: Y l ' lll. .alie ,P' I ta - cop- - ---- '2 , '. , Y , ':'41 , 4 - :4 - ‘ ,----, '"ii-' - r -- z?. ~; .,:i - --,. -,.• 10' -I.o,t ' zii, - -L.." ,' . l Y::,"... - ,-. iL. , t4U‘ ti., i.. i ii`.. _it. , , ',.., ii . -'X7 .I'. :Is-,,, ' , L% ' .-link „*MII-9-444e ,[ , -:- evect candid-11k eg#47:inan: 'tikiiiiike*:ii i i •OtAcet , nie-1 4 - - - •'' , •.2 .-''--.-- ''''' '•' -'': :•.;tatifeik • iiii ' i ' - 46i - iiV • WgiiNaif ii - 4 -!•iii : Ott' z•.7..',i'i-iii--iin't‘' 4ittiii.kliili'4-ttiiii-itrii.fii.', iontainiiiir:' -..wIEJVAL.4 jil.lizi.'2., - ,p. -.. , 4 ,.." - ,`„,,.- :." 30A -4.•,... ~, _ l i i, ,q. S., -,, ' ...::. --.. • :.,' ' ;' . ' I .- . - • ,-;:', '.... '' -: t , .‘'.• • .••• :- ..., . •••••., '''°!•ll.l.llire:7°,ria':rl,lAllYaitiA; Jr 41'00 - 44'f:0# ' -faudperhapri •eyl. - .t,v ' - .llarielY - --:-r rity.lind hi g h --,m, "I"l6‘4l'tifiVtifi' iiiiii -s iOiiife • it ikige4'..t'‘lii'lariiiiiidiiii.:Fiiiii''' - 'fiiiil‘f 4 6- 6i ed `iy the - Cent :and i`POi-e:.-fronti ii4fiffirai'tiiiiii44iLikti4 t ,i4i.iii : ~,,,I,l;iii-•,:iiiii4: 'A' i'4'.1"..t:ii4i . ",(4.# , iy,;entt from ,tioleson-ietdioti that iriaigiit - go ..iitli .-- hi thelli - P# 800444 O, Y' ' - ' II P-- ` t P t.ncc•e°-' 1 . _ .. ferlkWe •Yea"! .1, 1 4, at oiti if s., • ~,"• ---. , 1.-.• on - - ; _ ... ...-; •-' ,i. i iiii i - o i t i,„ ioa, , ' 7 ---• 9, -$ --,g,_•,- c".-!*!Pg..rith# a:por,LPTF . _ "AIIIF/A'1!474,aP'?!‘,..".-- --- - -natal when - \ -n.,4,441,41.04..;.,,,,,44.-iltitifilwlti,:&44s44-i.4144, .iiittiiiiiitif ietive'vibioub - !• 74-eal ! . 'prise red ~-. ~.:_, , ''..r, - ,--fAqi4,-;,51-.44.--rt - -ti, li.c.v .---: -;-;.,,;i,-.1-4,,,:••-;;,‘,4L, ' ')..'l.' ':.. _., ._ .....,. 1 welli.w l o* 0-1 utr......0- :eau ask lettt, no longer, My character - is sit that itlitir,:l,l*,oo,:, •-,---.- ~,,,,,A,,,,,1-.... --,,,,,,-„.„. v q--: - • 2.V. -,- ~ - • ••.#1: • ' - '4 , '- -5• , ...11:i ?, -.. n. •-.'.,.....'.... ' '. • e•,.,' ...'-' .7', :.'-';'. _.,; ';' .19011,11,11,efrEt-'10,7,0141-14fix:: . 4'4 4 - I ' 0 1 . 0 . , ) LIPPR;sI,I..AI=:tO4-,11;.1- true - I ' l n t li ,:imrx...: tkr, ith4 - if 4114 144111.kitr:2It4tuS( 4 t4104, ict:•Elle-aa eititit;.oo4ViVill -*ef:Pf rirOt : - . - 001-1 1 /o ,o a ~ .. 0 4 '. 'l4,44liotirl&wisoites4:loo.e_- , -:bryitt thirsty. polleolcopir .11.-4mi,14!W,1#0 , nous4.4pot - :lel,. ~. ~, , ,,g....,.., ,,. . -0• .1.?•.)m-tri,,e.-7t.', -4.......,Y3'..154,-k. '".. ^'' • ,`-' '...-i'... ,, ... - ~. • .' , ..f..' , .' 4,- s' 1 ' I-;, f ' 10114rePrQICW'itOStf Mill1101$11,::' ' vactue : fonee;•:J it!rdtteet,to,,Ulo 4 1 . 0 0 PO!". .. . . c..,.A-.,.-Ft . , f_f.•!-,P , IV. .. • ...,,- ~,', t tt.4"; .AltA,AsL.7citWe.--,4".?".., r,-_= - - -,- ....:. ~;a••,..!.:-.c,-.., , , • :4.,_•••.4. .z-•.,' 1 .:Ag.1`-' , i••':.• •-,, z 441,- - ot --,, i, ,1;0-„1-4,4 ,, ,.., - ,_- , 1 , , ,- -Itz:- ,,,,/ ~ ,•- • '7 ,0 , .----, •,!,--..-• , i- , ::".•.7i, --- ". ,- • -.-- ---.: - ~.._,,:_,,,,y_,J„,,,,,,,,,,..5.*.*.,.,....7,.:;„,_.., -:_.-,_....1-,i.-4',.r,-i;•;-,v-*g--i•,,;,,g-•-,A.f.,-',:::io,Aw•,s•zo.,_,,•4:,: ~._,.. .. ~..,„-•.t.•,w.,,,..,,,,.•-.„-,-;,..q.2.-v?-,7-1.,44.45:445.,---..,-,:44.,:ir,,,,,51,..t-,,,,,,,,,5.,,.-.0.--...4-1.::.,7.,,,...,,,,_ ~..2;•,..,_.,,-...„,, 1i744,71;7Af t 1'1'C,3.0.'77.' I.l'' St S!''''.l''':.l,,..:' '''-. t,'Z',e3;'.V.E,lo; : - .i.N70.,•...: , ':r.: , •?:- :', 1.3,:r .4 L .f ~ ',;.'''9. " . -I` , .- :---,'-'-• - ---4,:3,,,.._-:•"-(r-=•-:•••---,:-.. . 4 ,..v..,v;.1-• -.,..r. if, .4.1•10,.?;.-..-1;4.:-,•;.. , -c: , • - . - .7. ,, T . • .•-.----:• , •'•••. - - , ---:,-", , .4S. , 4.- . 'Y'z.,,,-,7-al•re' .- . The Lair Car liat, t,l I •• ii IA y I.L Oiki' great Doctor of Law end -on! breiuers .:,....,; j flent*r„went teyunkhann i eck 14 , 4 k vieolc . g s tiid! th' 1 attendesis thelktoitio Lila , ra a et,4, 4na, aisa; , .o. 'lieu siZ oicetiog ; of - die s , Cetif9irissli 4coOrisii'' -Se the iieliet--.: 44 x 4 f‘le ►POSe a l l e:d :,4 Teeiiii.hil:c s t o nsf nt - :iakino?Mr. Dean; i VUe ' [l;4li s rest,,,ll4 CI 1 ltitfe r o, - for their esoi ate, they ; s took ?41, , - Carrnalt, and then preten,d tliCy:auldao t li agr e e on Dean and so bro o- ':UP iiit"iont.m 4 . e 4. tskiegAni.-other-Peelle*lee- -:.: _;i 4.1,1 , .--.,..1. I _ a ', Our readers,may be :sur rieed to tloar s si th- -' lecretef.thisTeint. -itten initsre*leo th ; : !I , . . this,—they secretly ph* : • ;eyirives s t 4, ti - support Dr. Denison, „ bur leagUe last whi s '- ler; , the same man the these l'saiiiie pion ll ( 'Maine Laa men dee° cc in POhlid and ih '' I i , - tue ss ir press last fall .a " ru r sikla ..19C '., . `eyl" '..e.e eey:the . : crel Y-• 1 0 ; Of: -cl l . ' !" ''': - s -alp "rt *VI aldng pith trieiripi9k,,okispe ion. ne LaviCstedid ite;y4iing 51!.;,pa . t- - '- 1 : - ii: L A. ' .-.1 s. ::: 1 i ,ill tit .publie losiger toleriltel such di ', testy .1 ;who is it, ii g tl*tor of Law i is ; ridin g two hors 7 oni )this qoe s stiiii A? i Cann:kit _for the t MpeolllCp. men, a d Dr. Denison, your "dm, 4:41 . 1 joci , oi s. ' ter the other:side... Gloti sikisid4!;!swerthi, ,l .ite its illustrions,patrnity!„ Wl.)Ailelreme e?‘•. fide the people of su4 l 4ipudifilinfi must p t Wpm. Professiens, of h onest b r :sreafter s !.. They dare notlbring the Doctot 1p inSi s tlieir COnference and riotuinatoliin-iniblicli ; 0, iio ! that would--lie too bare ficedrithe pub le s ould ,then, see their "diShd, est? at epee,' se they .- bibak up the Conferen s e witiiiiiii ;trier g: , AO nominations to run - wit Circiialt;efid let the Doctor come up as an indepepdmit , di. diite„with arsecret plecige,frotOhto ,that t Y, -tie embodiment of Tetiipe raatic;i should a p port him! • Was that what "mit brother. , nta, ley"- weant by telling_thii I?oettir the days - fere-the Convention in IBiontrlijs4; that ill he would run, t icy would du Smo4 ley thing, for him I. 0! we _sicken est we wsite, to' cod sn, Plato the depth of moml deoraasiiion and !, is., .honesty, that those_ honest,; I , 4i:or(hy; an d, site ' • a d , , t of - liiii'' Law s " t onierte a .0w es the lno re, s or 1 o. s heaven preServe ho cauk of, ',Tem •r nee from their pollutien!' ‘ l 4: Oki hopebet would Slick to their new ' ss hobliyi till S elec ion. 'but it seems they hai'e g o t a Lissiiiiir Selle, for a candidate at List. . .. here -Isl." the faiiiil ; urse V' Can he.not cure :up; syyTut - isore heal these terrible ineoasisteOies 1. i ..-; ... . Againm: the Doctor, ice bac4ifoiiiing to 'Oar relations With Idol os a . I,l . llea' gt,u) ivfel alw.sys -pleasant. They liaysl - always 111 `ed him a drunken hors• jec*,_tut, lo; an I kohl him as the colleague of their. iMin , u 1 ai l Carmalt on the Tempe ince ticket!' i i, .1:- is the ma berlin, G fl i c I . - ~ -.7--..'-',...-: :- , -,,, , .-..; -T•ri .........-i.--"..!;,_,';,', 1 E'rl„ ' - ':-'-:;'---- .. 'f-',-,11.--- '...'''17',;,:-.., ::..,:','._-.-':"i,:7 . _ , ~