the PmPilet 4re OP . t e l 4° l 4lahnicnitt , jliiAt fraiier own the feguter4l eilvelling, 11,111 f-starved pettifogger, without brains, char acter or money who Came -a scanty aOhsist- ' ewe by crawling ,at ttie feet of the Montrose whip aristocracy, picking up the crumbs which they drop , .to talk of owniegianythingi* The c o mpanion And accomplice of Deming,Meati, the Sneaking libeller, to say that HE was the' evictor the Farailtorgan ! is simply nious that be shoe* !nate such it %pi of him-,- 5 64 a nd attempt kticceive:VC?7%V?ifp of the cou nty with such or keeping in favor with tho,relonaw,:of that party existing here. The 44- tet i tself shows taint its ostensible editor IS a miserable falsifi Our course on the Maine Lair, as welt as other questions alreetingthe prospdrity of our State, we have the vanity CO-believe has beeli uniformly straight-forward, and consistent. At 1 al l events, we have the satisfaCtion of knOwingi that we', haVe at all times , :acted and voted; while an huMble member of Assembly, for what we deemed tie best :inte_reatis, and ac:.; c ording to the known wishes, of our centatitif:l ents, and we have aid proud sad/faction/of' knowing that our course - has been apprcfypit by them. The raraily , may thereft;re oppose vs, through their organ or otherwise,' in what_ - ever manner tiley- please..- We 'defy ,and des- pine the whole of them, Filial the ereat tor of . Laws at the-head,;down through till the . lawytar, quacks and selmapp setters--zdowri,. N iawn ' , .through all the hangers-on and hirelings _d own, a,- ;: n,..down, to the misetably ten. temptible fellow, Homer cithan that. it is impOsaible to go -r-we des. - pise ,ar,d deft the whole of !hell; 11 _ . Ascension of a.. Yonttiful Ae"ro , .. , About 2,6o4),persons canceled yes.tenily at- . •ternoen at Oultland•fo see Mr Kelly male:the . ' ascension in his balloon. -The but- - 1 loon f rthe occasion wqs ode of the largeSt I :r,ll r al e,: o u vi t n l n B at le t e . t r i f n ro d m iam th e 6 te iw r, h an artt d ; made' Tile ni •ot: • cc i o , z , veil° silk; , The keno for the ascension. wei •,;i, rangements for the manufacture of-gas were cot not properly managed, and' at 1 ' o'clock, the n ig ',time fixed for the ascension, the balloon • *as cei not more+ than luilt full., - Nu At 3 o'clock it Was twOthirds full. and the, ,Be crowd ta.orning impatient, Kelly ' determined. Li 'Cr ''to try it. He had provided blanketN • provis- E i on s, hags. of sand, and so forth, but the bad- /Y - loon would notliso with • him. Kelly, being. et' nither heavy, several lighte n Men then.. pit in h: but they'were still, too heavy. During, this a 1 ; time the balloon watOoiwned and moved off _... ; -about ilOO yards; sweeping. along. ,near the . pond.: The crowd called for a boy, and a ' number of them who were near cried 'Let me T The Car had been taken off sti as to make , the balloon 'as light :ass possible, And a light 1- • hoop about An inch square and 'three. feet in I I .r 1 diameter, with .n liEbt boardfour• inches wide '''''' - - , be lashed across - the middle, offered the only pos- ition for a sent. ' , -+, , .. • .Upon one end otthis bohrd tvbro it, rested •; 1 4 , on the hoop, ahoy named 4os.eph - ,Gates, aged, an 16 years, took his :seat:- •Kelly's partner, who. Ile , was at Ilittledisiance,'cried to them to "hold on-till he harltiven the bey th e• proper diree- ci, tiaras :but liolhad barely time to, tell.the ; boy au, to pull the reties when hei.liould wish to come ~,, .down when the persons near let go, and, the or. halloon arose *idly. It first , took, a ‘sonth- • ward course until it lied. gone abrint: two miles, ic ben it struct.anothereurrent of air and tooli siaortbern course and when last seen was a r .- al -;pronglifii etonds; prohahly eight or *ten - In - Hes 1" knortheastwardly of Oachlafid, and 800 or 1,000 fiet The hoy um.ssa finit vender of this eity, and - icas fruit tin,O.dtlued yesterday Pg. His_ parenth streel.-He '-%Vrent up aithoui'anY.provisions or any cloth. . iog en.apt, ab ordinary suit. „Ho • weii:,thed about ninetv l d ed b ;i-b t poon s,nn appftr to on twelve yews : otsr - g,e, though he wits really six- teen. , • ; lie was exelieAl when he siarted, but when • be had risen a slig,he \ distance he became per _ fettly copeeted, and leaned • Jut]; in a easy ppsition.againit the cords, 'Here he, sat, and for along time heard the cries .-of the crowd below, and saw the Px:hole bay and the count. - try from San Francisco to Sacramento: The:only unpleasant sensation he feit 'Yeas cold in his feet. He took off one. shoe, and tiedra hanlikerchief aliont ft/ Aud i a lien took off the 'other Idloe, heel, dropped, his tand; kerchief and had to pat on . - that 'Aloe . as-it vas before.—Alta California Aug 29. - . Notices The Suscint:lianna Association of tr,ersel i,as will hold its next annual session, in Mont- Tose. Susquehanna c644in the .first Wcanesdor glnii following Thursday (th and ktt) 'of ir.'.- tot,er. E. E. GUILD- Sanding, Clerk. 'here will he a .f.Oilltidttee . i)f . ZMlnereiTtentS iii waitinz at the Church to'direct those friends to plates of , entertainnlernt_ Taesdayevening,. A. 0; WARREN. . - V: _ _ _.___.,:. • al IVICii Ira, : - .. . : ... . - ! r Ai Harini ' on the . , 12th inaC b% "Rev. .A. puller, Mr. Nvm E.. WarrsEvarcd 31i -Cott- - . . , • I j lo New .‘filro;(1, on the evening . of he . 18th. inst., by Rey:r Osborne, lllninvET Dow-N -oe, of Pittsten, Lnz co., / AZ"; of Not'. Milford, Swatuebanna . co. Pa. In Fott4t. Lal e, on ilm.2oth inst.. by CbPs ler 3.Enantilf C):3l•LEix!, of; Th warren, Bradford to:, and Yds& Jazz .GREGo - IT, of the former . _ place. N In Bridge rater; on the2Btlh-inst. , bY A ' /.4 ?" t, ML'RoBE.E7 BaaaDow, and 3fARGRET Ass AiTats," both of 13r14ke- Water. '~tc~~1; Sept. i 6th. at the resideoee of his father. in clifri.o, A. VV. Fon; aged-36 yOus, 16125 4 7 3 . - • .t • 7 ' - NEW :Fllll - - 'GOODS. :. '-•:.. • . _ . • ..r, .... • : ~. • BENTfEY it.REAY): N. - , feat, tna 4 A RE this week receiving attonasually - gbh stock of of Fait and Winter Gronfhto wit s a.i. / t in MAU the attention oftheirmarttntiva: In g eneral !' . nen assortment anninisev almost '.every ,_ variety of br Y -000 4 1 4 Grocer' fen, - Crockery:' - alerallnin'i Drugs , - *Wham. PaintaOils, Dr:omits, lion and Stnet.gootgi " /m n *Ad .4e-theri t Patent litodiehrte; stove* and - 71 n 7..itre. Pertumien , ,' Itsmical ltunnuneValiVertepoortkp wa tchet,Jeweirriltrt; Ike; nil of te We ate. Ptg - .. - Piawl to 4 1,, 1 4 4 Wilmikatus ?Om+ . Cash, Woolen; Macs, getter; Beareen,taost kintlas;f surto Produi* 41 ;2 ,1 *pp/red credit* - 1: .::': -- '' "'- r ' tio nielitttiie r ups; 28,'1.,.. , - . i', pAnTs—Pure WhiteirstilFigti tisis of pandit, 4onstintetriir right, by - - BM! • - •No - belled) Castile and-clafelckilWr Colei_nikaboa, Moots. airimobsim bushel a, 'Trtiblutie - ValF=,t„k ll l 4 , l ,74 lnd c 7Z4 lin4ll: lZ4 4°ll . 0 11 6t41. Imhof tale by, _ 'nirr A" , cei, PIM= riltilterfat - V'Ag BRANDRSTIrfI ." Sr"l e4 l/4 1. - fin \ A4E into an inciont t i V or about the;l2:th of.l COW * almi49 yet and The owner fa iv:rested chnrgea and take het as 18 P' Newltilford Da cis . TetuT;-0 . 2 Tuellay ekvaniiitth r , Motubtx.irevious, ahem* • Winter !tirrn 26th. Pal Ind7.,'q*lifittklter glye 1-;1 Diawitie. t - Yt :NelithlilforAsi*** 21'1 - ' ' Anditor'S Notice 6- Trll/L' unifeiliginid has tig;beett=appolptel lry 1 .the Court of Voinnti n -"Ptiat to diatrihute writing the lien ereditors the , moneya le on the gals of th 'riot eataf of O•itt '.I ItilLn a . will attend - to'l f ltis autitl rialto:l appointm e nt at Lie °MO° on 4 tataTdorY e 22d day of Octob er next, at I o'e oak in the' fternaon; where ttios e ,interested are invit to attend, - • 1... i • - , icN'Eirro:t; ',itiditOi. e i .Al S .27 .€43-39 4 ' ' Ad rator's alei. t ITN pursuance ca s (Ittdec„pf 0 90 1 0110 ' tApri of Sur c autp 9Katy, di let-limn , a t led to public Ina >4) 'Faraday thn..2511t-44 of 1 Cratob4'nexi,"`so omit P. M.; the folloping .desert flitttiztieeth *Unite: lying . 1 4; 2 4 kr) t , in thirt - tiiiitirt of I,4•oxill i ii Om °Witty:afro itt i l at Said rnisesliouit d antrkseribodimilni? mg: / 'On tit Pith` bYlii d. of -,/triet Mel ' ' Pi the tast,, • m it solidi east, - lattdief.Aarort i q4at m i e Willi m Piatt,_an Moon Tiff:lay, lin nn - tlie'l rest if lands of'' ttftia-' -i iettt tenter; tontatniug I Tilt. re's et laid r 'tlierentwatti ba thetaattis ore .eiiiiiabout AittlastlipprOVellifill _Pirtle ~ .h dof grafted- etrottfratined44olle. titrit, n pose; taws „viatetihttillie OplUei . r . see rop titer, dee'd,- treftape at kupwFa day sal-, watch will aka - placebo the`pr isies`.-- 1 ilf N.NUEL. IkItPENTER; , / "y a il i ...' 4 1e. .. i l . .t. 26, 1853. ' ' 1 : 7 ' ' tc1,12 -:. ` , --t-' .- . - . _ Joseph I; 'Dierrusaitri,. , 1.- ) SPECTYC AY i forms"his ftle at A, , a iitnitti4i ri ng a plie or cho - 7, inn the graat - '• po nun.' whic4 " 5 ' ith da otd stock mak ri his. assortnistit,,iptife nit , nip e, and .will Cita o him to aurOettfutiy anl te With his igh is: Among hiejatock ay . found ago • au ply of;bry Goods 4 Pro ,rie •, crockery. and re. tan& Broodenware. ail Fish, Dia end yes. Peinta'ancli Oils. a O and tiho., ( imp ior lot).flata and Caps. = ' lull s Winter Bo IR n eta. atchells, Coret bags, gi l l s, Ready de C thing, selected eteas fSit service, and t tho sand other uskfu arti es of niicestiar y ere mention: All or pallet 4 ,w. II sell at !he living profit orLeash. r ce. or opproi iedit-- - i U sonville, aipt 453. ` .. 1 ! ~ ..,,,,T e au p zec. „... tp ,, 4 .. a. . Tt u in ,.. e t n ,,,,,n j o the r , ~„..., G' ads . , r rat' Si!es, ,_, i - tow rieelrltt*. In ad , Rion to- Ids astial inipply of ap Dry' H oods ,' Ittror to, Ilerdware, Stoafes st.r. e olrrrir to the Lad 3 a rich stork of 1.. 3 ... Fall ;12fffl Wild , r brgss' Gaud , • i n 4 al 4. velyetit,.,:*o..;s ~o r t,c, Biia.a.• is ea and osi . y, Vella; 'fable spretph.SpOoths.Sa , eht. Indies ad •• lama fine 'loots and lei:lntake., rice. ri the Geo cm Lia heOffers a l'argeittoel: of l best quint 3 1 - , - .: heady.. 111: ada . • :Oloatinsr, 1. - • \ -1 If - e. ii 1 , Int .r, flacsitnertlotsrtrds - on 4 Jeans, V in„., ats ad: `• 11,11 , tiottaCtitttlex, 4e i - li :. '. • 11. i .. 111 stoc 3etolarriees,s nrrivAejt.trrislse atidilvaried ILL - 'a . - t than beigufore,iTitul ha is PrlFlrt ko bol -.. .V --. • . , i; i . 1 Sup rt, or , 41artincitts1 ; I o i Aq.lffin rat/ t a n va pernity ,Itr4g an.early esu troinl an al fd‘ia nd 'Ho !ma- do IA; goOd FOods that' al astir al the r, . it4titi llcArt./W1.13 5 1' - '' :- ' ' • -,I '• '''''- ), FI .rrt.. . Wadi Pnpre,• all stylr_s and lid/14 , the 401 ' 6:nest assortment, 'our offered • in _this enmity ast reodied at '-_ . . ' , 'I. 11. 44/1 . 1111N3. . got Soc k s,;- Oiled App 1: is; &e. .. • _ 1 . varf highestifotrhet prices wi ll he patd Mr al kin is of Graln, . 'halts, Dried Apple's. 1 liitf.Dr.ans, cr. idler On account rin eicharge fin Gacoliftlid tliti ii .a.l is. : • , J. 11. S pt. •21,1553. . i , • ... 1 0 - ' ' NEW 10:11XORDH , S i AWL 6,4 DRESS GOODS. Mir OilitiM 1 53 - - : . _ _.-'.'-. , 1 i' .. . I . am:Lititz woulli invite., the after on of Ills Mends II I . "'and , the public ;to his nest and as Irri.H.l- stork of ' . Tall and Tints ..Shaids„ i - , es..iirris 0 , rich RlLbons, andwo 'lei, of new 1 sty , which In eo nretionmitts a limps ~.assolltnient of 1 rt. .le--as4 Fano Iny Geis's, Groeirses, c'r•3ckrry, as wore.) Iron aro, Nalls,FtE r r p es, liallalo It obi, . Boots an , SluTr k. a, Ilats ears . C ' eting, !taithedtWindosr Sh es, % '4 all Paper:, Paints , its kc.. it., ii - litimate Ids as 3 ?town; eittrusit te and co plate , an wit' be add' on th most farorahle i terms fo Cush,. ntiit kinds. of Pro 'd oe. or proved credit. . • Wool,, il •i 3 _ _ B. W ted anr quantit of rk., ~ Flour and proved iiiil .1 thy VII load or i bbl.; eon antly - on:siw.l. 3 re Mil SePM 29th.1 • •.• 3. !- 1 : ;1•" ; , , • 1 , 1 • : • . - ,1,.-_ . .t ew toveso 2. :- ~ .. -1. . 1111 t fti rr ° n :l w ng ' fr T i or ig an si i7iao7l;:o4ivrw.";tr :e.,, - tn ' e _ . . . , it 1 v . ' T or all, and la eviller ton with, his previivue meek wi 1 make aFM ere sod roleo *tes escort{ e$ of th e nivo 4 ' po taker arid beiproved kip or • i • tr ,, f. . . • A' r XiSild •Eieeciiiil44en, .rrein ' tumand • .., . . • -A. • - Plate - .s,toves. .v. I Ise,stove ipe, ueel, ithe..Z tie, to ,n . e e., which" be ,wil!sell et the loweist. pr ices ter eel* ez approv ed er,editl . ' 1 1 ' l .! : i - Neir *1144, Oic. 20th , 13$ I -.- y:i . 1... • i • • I Just Received l i A large asakment which Va4h by • D. 1?: . 1 L:AP.1116 1 ?l i Aiftstr!tope, - sepit i9;13:4. 1 . i • . , : •i-i• Atillitors- (Moe... *, - zip Taß a i de rai,gaed h airfn leen appetaled at Attaitta by, thelOrphates C art foA'etribute the motiel . : in 'Atte kande of Ite 3 - .V,hittnpion Ext. of Nathan, o:l3nanke'. deed giiin.a potice to . aft persone.coticeraettlaraid f od s -lit appear, at his office tin Saturday the 15th day 'of Oct: next; at tit ode - -- Ce,eleck l'ilki: where ' et daiii of said ap poiattOint wittlholittenditt - o. E . 1 . 1. r 1: .- -' l't . r ' .N.... NE-V17;01i,. And.: ontrose f .teptl49, A f 353. ' - , 3 [ , _ p*oeLs.?ltAr.rsom..l . GENIEtia...,..kLECTICIN, . - :points '` of ilk:Kt - of the - Gelienii iisieyri-, ' Ay a the Commonwealth Of flenesylvanis, Ili Lied , ' an . t reboil% to the Elictiens of the eiciowelli, ~"... eippivv#. the - second - day of - *=-D . : on 'Discuss Id - eight hundred aOd Ali -1)6.1,G: ELD 40. High - fheriff of the ' my of Sn nithann ,: in said cdpinionwealtli _I hi ,„ ereby giiiiinotice the eleCtote Othe Coon foreseid. t : to -Gen iatEkctiois sill N; held id c eeety Os I nd 'l'nesdiy- 4,r cletebrr 1 3imlia fil m . I .(it,..liein the' -11 it - iday of said. th) St b tiT 4 '- iie l 44 : 0 4JY. 004 r, a to be , aii f s t to- . it:, .. '. -1 . int , per I - fill ili office:of Canal. ‘. awls. or, f the ciemiiiion . ith of Pe)in#l anis. -, ) - *in - ' to.fill th , office =Of 4adge if "the we : I C i;celf th e : enCon!e 4l . V c i i t: d ini•• slit ' 'Of in B. Dib - e4: - '- ' • , . .- - .to fill'ili office of Aeditoeiclenef t , ... 0 ''' ' - Of Tennsypritins. - , -,. ) ,-. ' 'et -, , 0. %ii. ~ ni#Oer :__ . Tenet., I ' -..fi11; auharream i vr '.* ,-;:=9n . : - - icr,filf l iifliee.4 4l ' . iietiotcc I 1 the -a° : 4 7 0 2 ' 1 ' 4 0* . ';' .. ff 4 tVilltrie,t:eemiti ed pi. - • Sessintieli - ' iietiiiiii4 Bradford '' ig •.: : . "....,-:.: -:-_, - --' '-; - 4 —, Ir_ , - si - 1' . : I, . as to 'in . wine: - ::iktisii4i: , ..o . ir t net the • : : QC : Rif/li* iiiifin'ot. 'fi.i.Piiisiaoli *oil - iikr.laiif.qtfiliile.toi'o 4- ' ciiiiitiaP• - '... ! i • '3 ; And all othi* and ,be ET it' 'MAW _ u *1 tti r 1 :nseod, iraw aitd tin*, am.; 1 1 / 4 4. 4t SEAD:: IS M f~ •'t A ~.,,, ~,,, 1 of the,pubs eton i tie. pitstit tti,, s ), 1.10.14, ril.h, w t ter h a . t a:cher:llbn* d.—n. 7 • prove - ProPertYi pay t i• i •E • • S. B. I,ilA. .04. 9vv3' • ' 1 , ,i 1 ' t 1, 1 Ail oa till 1 '' gi a_t, -,,, _:',..11. i.. alit!) , so 4! 11111 . ;01:11 I ,‘ ,"g4itip. .Nra 'hiaiipti'l in ,siuLespu:i!i :1_ .;v eek., ,I CPaialgi !I , —c! , e , ,ationlg i y: _, sted dig i nstrictlon in , iici , ev. 1t:C1513.5.) 18 . 5 4 :- , : ; 9 W. - iv.: -:.• .. ~ Ill' 'we ed c• 24, 00 aa -1, rem to fill thertece of Distric ttor ney-oftlie,conuty:.or Atiattitriltannii.".,L () _:, ne • persion•tci fi ll the of ConritsrTieas-:' nrer of the courityVESSieShohettutt".:= ;,3 1 _. Ono peristeto fill-the officeor Couvtintirrey vr of the ; County of ffirspiehitatia.: • .11, • ,-' 1 One pirsion tcf fill the'ofiiiiiit Cosintt "Co rn. . ! miiiiiiner of the'reounterif Sirainehinni ' • - 1 cliteperson _to'Millie-Ape 'Of , CoutitYAnditer I f o tho-Connty. of Snaquehatme. - :'.,_ ':.',;:• : -,' ...; .';' 1 : ,„ 1 .- I also l hereby make : known - ' and .give.. noticel that tne.pladeeof hit:dig the -Geliend ' Election I in theiiieseral - ln4rde,',,Borettglis _andTaisindi, liii 411 within fthe noatity• col Susquehanna, areC. Wl= 1 - :The electionterlVeDistri"dtioinpoiled of ,ate I town_ ip ip of :Afe:olviriti, *hi be 4444 tile iiinnut or.l h Beebe ? in maid . teitenilifK . -:::::i.i..-', - .."';." , i . .`:' Thi4Eleititiktfor the itioirfit: oorogooeit.ot the township of - AraratoirilßlistAeltAit the school; Route ,near the .Yreabyteritin, Chtiroli, l in ; said I ..:-..., .; . :1 'ThelElectiiin for the: - cdtitpVieo-,o l i'-tlie, toWnsit ip of Arn übu, wilf,be held at the of 1 Georgi Haserly, hi' ilid tOwnFhiti. •,ho s l'`. 1 The i !ileOtion frie;the' District semi : it:field piths ' townelpp id .11.iidgeWaler. _Will be __held;St . the house of Win. 11.: Hitch, in the nirongh 'sir Mon . The, Eleettin bit thebisti fat cenipos 4 - * flit i township of BrOoklyn,..will 'be held 'at the hens"' formerly 'occupied ,by O. A. Eldridge in : still Th e . ... Election for. the'Disi, riot .oliatirmiii i ed ()rifle; 'township of Choe,on tit, willhe_held • at, die - reboot i flowli:iiiter6 ii hong:ref - Robert _Gitrie: leseld! township._::" •' ' '1; ;''- ',....; ~, ~•:, . ...;1 ; 4-- - - ...,,, , 1.;,..r , .Tfie.Elechoe.rot tire DiiiiriCt CO '- 'ir of tlk tewriehipvi Clifforil,':will;briAliiiff . ikt: 4- liatiiitir2 formerly rieciipledhy -Ar'tlitii.Stnith, In ills . Dor. ouiti Ot:DundOr ' ' ; . '', '`. 4 -, '..-",' - ';' 4 :" -' i,." - '.'_ ;, _The-Eleollon for ibelfiiitiict Ciro ! dof the Borough of-Dondliff,`-will l i hei' heldat th , Dindati lintelkin wild Buron , Th'.'"' ' '''' .' ' = - ''- '' ,Xli ',..Eleitinit.fir:Abi.k. Owns ifkOtkiinii • OCii4ll 104 Herr in.satia Ilia --:=Thrillectiriefoiilie D township of rikiiit'Lek iiimwitibilerY !ca4l/lid:10 said township.-: ,- ~... -. .74 : ' .' .. . • ''lli'; Enectichcfor 'the Distriettom. paired' of the . township if 'Frinkliii‘ Willi:is lieldelliiii hot* . of RufneXiittle.i'le,saiflA 3 l,o4: t, ir . - : .. • Thii Election for direr District ooimpo d of the Borough ' lilt FriilldininCYl7oll .- ili: h d in . tit, glabi;6 l housiii* . iii l o,l*iln . . l o , -'''-': -:. le ...7T.iie "Etiatifin foirilie'plilticr coMp ' 'ea_ flf. the Amiriihip if Atreat .4:le di k .wilrle , h Id at. the 'hho s ts'ifeciipied:bf - Ar. V %arpeutet;intraid town The.Eleciiintfiti th e istrieftiOnip t red of the ip town hip vl{lE:son, te ll beheld-at the bouse of ;.fiiiie 'ti 4hloiro t iti id township r - 1 ‘;' ... ~. The •Elee.thinfor the Dietrict compriied or the ' tOwnihip of flsrfordr ill be held •at 'the hpuSe or" N ithooAtr: wapirou ' in. said.tocr oillip . i - . LTlie,Elee;ulU Air" hit District cornpcised of the' i r mi#hip Si llartuonyi ill be held lit the house hitelf occopied by F". . Ayeril, in said , townehip. 1 , . e Pectiottl4r the District CoMposett of the i twit s hip ' of. Derrick, it ill be . lieltl:st the house of; the' 'to Wdrren ' Dire k, in said township: - T it Pleition forte , District composed of the tow: ship , of hicks°, , will beheld at' tile hinie of 1 Nolaniel 11111, in a ialtownihip. . T et.'lection for the District Composed Ofthi loolt.hiti of Jesms .will be. held at the house of Dallel 1100 , in'Sai tiownship.. -•-- , ' .. I T e tire ,District composed of the taw illin . q....tetiox 'War be 'heti/ at the honie of 'brolly &i B:fothera, eo.aidd tekvitshlp.' - , •The Election tot the Distilet.composed of the tow ship of Lkliett ~- lein - liertieldi, et the school t.. houi near the real pica'ot Isaac : Comstock,' in said township: '-:-.:>:1: - , - 1" ',". '3 . ".':,.. „; . ' .\ . ' rlElectionfor i the Distri c t competed of the tow shin'or tsitlii4. Wilt be held-at the house. or Joh - izquires. in esdid township. • ' e Eleettonfort the District "composed or the tow ship of Middle own,' Willbe held at the house or pimple noils,.in id - toirl`nshitit: . :' : 1 The Election le the District composed or the herinig,h of Mint , will he hefd at the Court 0 if.. in said horo ih.." - i - ' • , : -: - e Eleccicin jo .the:Dietria., composed of the hip of eve. 'fiord , will be held et the honie !Oen - ed . 3 ,, Joseph- 0: Pine, in. , said ? S ee "icinfos flip Distriet cemposed of the rf i Rash; will 14 held au the honee for- inelnship et„..... ly occup ,tiyiNethan J. Sherwood, in said torrnsliip. , '• , . - • _ - . e Election the District comporeirof - the • tonsliip of 4pring lie, will be held at thihouse ton or penter ilickos_ i eaid . township. 'lle..t.llec inn for 'the 'strict composed of the toWnship of Herr Lakeiwill be held at the house not occupied by Robert,ccerigle,iu raid Wry -4:9 - lyt:e Election for the trict compose:ll4f the hoieugh of_ Serqueliabioe',: t Depot. will be held at the hem* Of - ettli*iirfitio wow Oicopied-by. Ro.. be rt Nicol in Imitate: roues. ' , ' - ' ' The Election'for theabistritt comPoied.r the township •of Thome:ori,siill he hcld-at the house Of Jonas Blapdinr. in read tow nship. . ' also makelniown itnd vice notice as in and til the 13th section of the . atoresaid act ram' di ected, ” that everyrperson etcept Justices; o the peace, , a-ho shall held - anv ()Mee- or ap. p intment of p.ofit or trust under the United Sl a tes, or of . this Slate, or of -any eq . or in. erted-disttiet, Whether a commutsioned o cer or: otherwise, =a subordinate officer or i l at'lit, Who le,: or wail be; employed undeethe leiriitistive.; judiciary or executive deportment o his State or United Stateli, or any city or •orporated ,distriet; and also, that .every i member _of Con , irese, and of the . State Legts-1 -littire.. and of the select or common council of / any city, or commissioneis of any incorporated district, is bylaw incapable.; f holding or cxer- i C Ing at . the same time, - the of fi ce -or appoint-1 . ent of Judge, InspeCtor .or Clerk . of. luny ei ec ec sPc ti ti ii, r° sib fl.ll.. al thij l il lte sdg eej o bi m ari m bil i e i h n et w or m oal lt ; h :eor a ffin n fe d ea t n i th t y a en tl u n cto o h l voted for." - . 1 And by the same act of Aisembly it is alio_l li , tide " the duty of every - Mayor, Sheriff; Deri.l - I y Sheriff., Aliierman, Justice of, the Peace. onstable or Deputy .Constable, of, every , city,, ante, township .or district within this Coin- monwealth, whenevie.called upon, by an of-• 1 der of lan election, or iby three qualiffed elec. i thrs thereof, to clear any window. Or avenue to 4ny window of the . place of General Eleeti , n whichl shall boobstrieted in - such a' way ae - to treveit -voters from approaching the smile ; and it shall'be the duty of the reitpeelye Con-1 Stable of such ward, district or township with:l in`thili Commonwealth; to be present in person • I rby :deputy,: at the Itdrice of holding such E. ections, in such ward:district or townihipSor, he purpose of preserving the peace as afore=. 1 Al' - that in the 4111 section of the' act of Asie hly, entitled "Aitoet relating to exeen- I I:te tions , d& for _ other : purposes ,", rtlitirovrtt April 16th, 1840, it is enseted . that - the aforesaid 13th tion, - ,".shall:tiot be constr u ed 'as to, prey , t any. Militia of ices or borough officer from :seiiiing al Judge, Inspector, - or-Clerly at arty general or special Election, in in ' tins. Co inonikerilth." . - '-' - . '.- . - Pursuant i'c, the provisions eontainedin the 76th Section of the set aforesaid, the Judges of the.nfereitaid district shall_ resirectiirfey take charge-of the certi fi este or return of the.elee- 1 tion_of their: respect've districts; and produce Them at,it emoting t ',One Judge - from each district'at the Court -ease in, the Borough of 'llootrese,-On- lbel lb . day. a ft er tbe. day of °Wales( being th e: p : . t: ; Vest on Friday th e - 14t10fair of October ext, .thereto do and per form d;o.doUer,rela rell--ibif/31'firVil41!Idg es.- Also that ,47he a.I go' bfaieknesa or mar' Oidabli - neeiderit is=nnible to nttenii mid', tileeting of ihd.tils;' id' thee4tifieate or re turn - iforeasia Aka, -taken iharge - of by one 9(.440 buktiectitgi* l eis . fir tbe election ir i iiidTArmakktiwho, - • fooli.si4;p4rtorittie . ach.l 1 . tips' required . ..of ' Judge:l:n - 2W to' aiteid:' l , l'AhlO; That ili th -:l3itteeetiOn Of, said 'Ott 1 it in,tnaated,that,mhea two or ilior(eopinties shnii-- compose a -.:. distriet-for die. choice oUa. secitter,or ..E.Members 4f..the;:flponie:lfftbia .ofrispiiiii - :*_ , .or the . ousa *lstwessii.. '-••• tatives of the United 'States. or ,of t monWealth, tho„.l.l4opf tho eleclie aciiinty; having met - as itproseldi.:th shall make oirt a fsiiiititemont Of all !fileh:itlildi !life beilitilr!it. it - ' 8 0 WitiliilitilrC L Optity; for every *non ,sotAnch a member 6ftneinbers whit, Signed by said Jud l iesand: atteste C lerks; and Ono 'of - the.said Judges . iharge. of such erti fi estri and hal the same , atin meeting - of one Jrid 1.. ?e .e.igotir . 4 Onehl'Ace Hi such dis rie :may. be appointed lii liwtir the ihrp meeting shall be hold uti - .the .seVon 4...euvlection• .. *7 - Tho retet:n..titdkete; et:Ake It pr. -Thafilet comppgi t i.ofl tliel'elinntiO r hanna, - -Wyombig and ?Sulli;6;11,:lvvil , the Oknirt,--Hotisein the Boionghot; iii' AO counts - of Susrfnehannapn ',l.` ' Eiithteenth day of Oet.oher next, t' ' those ; ; unties; enjoini4- bylaw upon •. - . ~ Sod iit'it:' -'. '.. ' • ': _ I ;The Return Indges.of the Sena filet mimPesed'frf the eountieio ► f .Sll. i Brill] ford and .Vijerning, will meet 1 oakh'ir btruitrcqie,SuSnliehanna'eon I day, the Eighteenth' dux of .Ctelobe perfOrni' tliosedittlis"enjoined bY-lit ,rid :Judges. \ ' • . _ ' `Milo,-t.liat in.ti a 61st section. of; is, knieted that , “'everY g eneral an eiiktftin "kali he'npenerl between.' Ten ititlie forennotiand shall contin Interruption :. or adjiinrnmeut until clod( in the evening when: - the pol `iloseiVi. ‘. - 4' r •' Given under myi..r . tindi at my o 'tilorough of „Montrose,' this , sixth A : ternherAnne DamiaLi r a.s3; snd„ini . the. CurnmotwoOlt4 ,the- " ve nlY't . W LP *-ELDRE .__. _. ~._ of the hoc4e ot .1i:4110:tont. --held • - ct'COM , irilP'6a it Piearied' of the 41- at . 'the in • STILAT 11E17E11 AMninto th etiolcoltur4 h -- th t . 1 er.a ;rift: rar old, sm • 'reol!eifer,The:Oi . oroer is .requiri,e, - property,!pay chars ; tuld_take it w ' : , • ""4.-T,itt.oet*: • eept. 20 - - dr _ranconi, s Hippp A""he I:tertideit.Wennulisrit . at ens:row ektnhitirti tit Gotham.' ed Wernan is slat to be - ntiarffes,gr iv-st:the beardless gfatany, who dre: attire.. But beitplit gshl s e,l wwh (I hear in:Mind that there is no ttecesin barOnteketi - whets cloths are so ch• per tiorktneu ioady ,tuannfactii have just e'rceitted•ttie.r ,* 'ALiTUATIV . • For Gintlemat and % Boys. - t: A UTION. l-;--Tbc public' lire he - byE tinon. ed againstbarboringot.trusting the idea that I, Can be beaten in the Art of Talton 'vela. 'in the; re'asonablenitie of my- cl!Orges., ror p rcpt pat/. {tom , Please - take.Otice thit 1 :ha retnCtiredl my slttp- to the base miff Crirner of,: Searles Afo-i tel, about 75 fiet front' the Jitierty , le. • 1 Cittting arm ss usual for pa) donrn.: ' - • • JOII GROV 'S. T'ailot. -Montrose, .5rpt.15,•1853.-37p ..Execiitciie - Sal •17,17 . 11.1 4 be exposed4O sale at, pt I -V V atjheLitause tate of Wm. 1 township of Itinektkii, deed, on first day Of facto* neat,"the fo'll' i 1 Bay mare ; yet:mg:cote % seir bees, 3 inte twee wazona, light 1 pair . cotter Dittoes, 2 or franklin Stove, 3 ter gaits of di' tions,3 if:chair and I clock, - a 1. notions; suCh s 'iii thread, - buttons Omit 4bk 'trunk:Sof-an sizes, 1 bos . ion. S c vszte . tysf.ethar: articles -too ale, to etttimince . at . Tetuts...--Alljimin - V . i s inter --three down; alfithoir**3 lees.tha month. ere4it, and Alt* tif: , B l ; cet*liLWlth.i l4 4 4ll o :7l4 . 4 4.:rtedar t LEY • . AITSJIU Brooklyn, Sept l l3. 18s9, --37 e - • -"%, - • - :- - WPANVOV.ik 7 INES & lIEYNO.IIeS have i t..., 1-4 Tailori •*.eptablit.htnent to tit.. il..llaarley' S,tore,near tha , " Era where they r, prepared - to ititen. all calla in t cit.-profession: pledgin faction to it erry reaecionbte man.', York and tie faphiontejost recei , I.lfantrose Stitt. 15, 1e53. • ----f. - : --- N E -: o'o - • Just arrir Art at the :HE - INi? : PF NAV IG montro.4•l4ept , is: Cr. ft Vallrmit o 1. :litraotaratace. Coal - Office 9 Wall Sireel.; - _ , ILLIZIrrA Log se ' d . Appen6e,i, lirpsewities} Insures ngainAt Loss or . Darn age biFire.- Bins .eleomig4 ri; Q. Ste:Olaf/013 IlrnaitStreell P spruce Streit ; :(fund Daneker, l lB Ttr. -Andrews, - •134 ,Celar street; &kennel, Wept Street; 4/bert. L • Conklin, .810 Jame A . Cmsby„ 113 Broadway; Ch bridge, N. Y.; Lambert C. 'Dail, , Chleak Hobble; Wm Leland. New Ynrk ; 134 Dank street; Steam* p $: -ear,. streets; t John 1.. Dein, T9'-Water stk. r i sareadWalf DaratieS, -raw streets; 'Peter n.rooter;oer. Gan Denten Doss, 4r.. 44 Dichth ; ltvenu Carndenl,N,. J.; Ana* Wsullid - Dexterß. Reittan. 44 Wafer street; Tribune Ditildings.:,. Samuel B.Thaw : .1 ROYAL. ill - LI :31 ,1 gammas L. CLARICE. See*: . I COAitLES L Baowi, 11 `Montrose, ?Sept: 8, 1841. Farmer's Milo Insi i ratice CO. TllS Iliaurauce Company, located at A,thenr, Bradfoi'd county. Pir., hr no* in full. °pr4- Urn, and daily iseningYolicies. The' plain uponupon , t which ill is ;it gaititrd'aumoi fail to he highlyart. I neseful. thtileilts rt.galationa., risks ate ,only 1 taken'upon farm houvre or dt llings vo Isolated . as not to be exposer! (tom adjoining haildlaga--' This plan must mecum the Company from henry lessee 'which frequently , odour 1. villages, and , guarontees'perfect *arty to tl . tiporationa`uf 1 the Company. The 4:Tierra an. ageqw ire 'ca. T pable and careful men, finder hone manage- I, mrnt encomia is inevitable. he Secretary ia I J. E. Canfield Esq . . ol Athens., is. ' 1 . ' - - .. i 0. S. EEBE. . °car for Suequeh una County.' .jeestip, Sept. 15. 1 - 3.--37 w ' • ; . fic W 400 L IT J., WP1313 le floe receiel Ile of GoOde,;- Mite cat, they erillbu ld cheagfor 1146fitmee, eptl4, k 353. osb, e, 4 0 . FIR PR, OF P., 1 .1-111FA.TE!rco:mi nit Fi . .‘...1• best kind.m miltet. • , Laid, Zinc WhitehindLifiseed ' 1* every iiiligir *hid pflolt ? St! -., Montrose, sept. 29, I _ 1 . 4.1,7 1 . raira,b7- .- .. , I ~ 1 ,i : - , RICE' .711 G, - 11110 T reward, nether ot list .IforidpoWeie NE andiwo HI Wes. V Other tirrOc a Ids , Ino iteiat Begins Ariaf - W. , Mg 1 7. --. Ala ar .a n d lin latch . ; e votes lect:oti I otitt 'shad be by :ihi4; ; halt tik 1 ~prodacye rom ;i 010 as t.* or day. art -1 f Siuin* t :Alio. Said- ILB - XE• TtrititE : Xontrot , 1110.dlii)Autkpiiz,ed A g ent far, het . sale of - IL - ell- the Popeliii - Paterielitedhii nes t'ar-'=..: whien sire,tiernetA`"??ill a %Dr: .kayea'a ael .Famili - gMlliklei -- Mool i D'fyF°o 4 ' l 4i .-..-Ifolietrieek's—t'hepliee 'e—TSlierin - . wood's---Woodeok's---,'Nwevees--..--Mer. jilitly celebrated Gargling. O il, fai"-alrlt, spinint - Or' !ameneels in, 'n' . .' or`, beset....i... Mustang:Liniment ;for I ines:ml4ll,ft ..; -saddle galls , qiitith'i -Li licktif:;-. Teener, ! Mar . ' Ointme n t, Afeitdlist Ps All flealitt -, . ment, Galley's Toneey'e t ind Ay:Lilacs:lNA tractor; Aediewe i. Pain , Utile- Age4t;' C. Essence - of-Jen:lama Gietterk to togO/ ' seetnieh mid boifitle this ? het!iyeather,., ' Magnetic Ointm oent.finit,';'rtile-,..tlilpgjfe:- ftiOtirsin, hiiiri: 'end itill raitilin; : Ayet*l., -Peeterat, Whitur's Bilse 4 of. Wild (: he - land's Gerinen Bitters, it arse 6- B .Flli3Ofj Dock Root, Bleed Pali tpr; atker it- - yi l -Compound for Dysenter 1 Ate li Oriel ea a kinds of-Terini for. Pektii"s' qt s.a ! ,.i:),r Flutd„six,lciode of Serealta;:lats, nearly.: ,;' &met kinds of Pills, emlitneiug ell of tlie,l . Merkel, !tnitiither attic! in this depart 'mention. fn;hy'*f.llte ped .it And stoutly every_ thieg i theilitie of:Or' Afedleineo -- . . lr - orial ueb tho ty; nex • upo ight e *it *eve shit the • P r o re, - 1 Iv of. Itio.v. • Sher , :ranta.ll.lrs, liabOas Citron iltiliirta for ltlc a lb.ifiaitia PA4 0.10.47,1 Vor flornrin6wine Urearo; kloi) cioro; Jot: mg. Ntithirr..„ ChinibiOn ) store' f ( lt *tat • ;_liargaantt v,ijor . Avdp ir. io'ihat they arc now' pr tiler agortumot kt , Mores (61 . 71 - ft And Tin, japan, Drage, and complete ; all of whie xioenr, or exchanged for p •Throf e.-who wish to fogr wintet,lll.llralt'to their .are are - determined tv give ,127-lotS-grork'done,at In the beettnanner: 4 ' 4 , 4 I.z.hon on Main scree Ltotel; sod directiratv , • • Montioen, 414. 11;I ' . Calk .paid ‘ lie i n. _ ..laril i tit, a . eilries, es ila 1,114,1 e e • putYie 1 to i y of 'goOg p, aid ex tho'Nit.l 1 SUPEIf,TrIC Flour • . Votiic Ater Cootang Stores ranted to give satistoctio i and vrlil tor - Pol. - 1 obarg or w.thout blue vendue, r 51108) 111 be I ,ntarday itpe. propqty, w'Gobdo 'Nei Ne i 1 ,LI T_TAv INC: just:redraftpi from e the 11: Emporium with a tfr sh typpp§'; which with.,our forMcr' .. .. Makes went complete. We "ail reiiartld i t friends and castornittrt ;mido do thP te, justice-by supplying tiOtl of a choi l a and at prices that cannot il to plea ' ever, fastidious. ' ;;1 1 ;. ' Aug. 17 ' I S I 71 -. sl; EP De'Befire Dritti-i/ eashinC '&.toring our stock ink +. hei found .611/ 1 1: 1 4",..Dti'Di • ttes: Delai#l,l6brhrnemti,. 11 0,eSt;ints- .. nt only. orte.abilling par ,y,a iis ./ettiftylisi•titill. telturei r l / i I -,': Wootßooks' - 04L - 10:6-iiirec Trad, W i . n i l DOZ. good , 'atil ‘ Socks . : anted'? t 01..11./- California said Oregon' l de. before the first' of Decembe l r.' 1 •' 1 ; 1 Ang..l7 ' 1 :, A, [J. & D..' A.YRE. I , I c,. . Lodorsvillo Moo & Drug Stor o . TILL' 2subscriber would i ore the inhab tants of derssille and snrr ri ttindi ir country ,.. hat tie las greatly enlarged and i plrdr his Store. nd tilled up 16 . 1 h a large and comp! te: l ostattlniut, of hints, Oils, Dye-wood., Dye.stulls, 'Win. ovr Gia.s, • A, Putty, Vittnith and Brushes. Auk.- . ' . ; ' Patent medicines, ch united!, Olaen.ware Yankee Notions, (loaf . tl4,ely. VII let art 1 articles trotany kept in +IF ektaldiblutlen ' , 11.40 on hand a hir; e a siirttr.4it of . ti - BODAS 4. t:9 i,!ri 770.2VE tY. . f Paper hgs angin, Ac. ake;, Vilch lois lir; pared to- twit on turrovoustileterttis'as hey store iiithe` Gantry. 1 - 'DOGE J 41.1,1 3 11 GRIP IIN. - . - I Also keeps in same room a ieneenl ash ni=nit of the • g H ti l cs. D c mantel:. ss, irefully - selected,;,.repared and auserintended by hiotteltlforl his, own art. modation and the benefit of the sintidied ' ..1 i . Builders. Painters, PhYiticianit, Sehrtol eneheis, in= deed on ebrikes and priffe.Sions -wishing to ;Purchase are invited to cad and, see forthimteists. . ' t , il 1 1, 1 .1 1.. FOOTT. 'Directly over uhn i• i c inney's tt; its {- ' 1 lni Tt. It Li; eravllle ' July l, ,I = l—tr . ,:- ~`.is • 4 t - 11.1.1E'1:01r ,11.114! Ifr6 Subscriber h l is removed to it merly occupied by Ltsihrop & S • I more recently by .4` • vie'. 0"- Co.. op. Dote'. . W IM;ro he halt; rf hand a ent • of. Reatly.matle, l' M lothiugar Boots & Shoe?, Dolliks l 4 Stations per Sze.; &C. l'; 1 'CEO. ' • Montrosii; ' July 4, 1 SF. -- - ' CA R PETXfr 'S HO IFoßmititti-- LusE. flogss,")GßE 9 1 11E- 331 :4 6 drer. balrioli ti rtinted this isti 1. ,arire-pfitted and rei • cntabed in g, ' prepared to receive and 'entertain sliest* is delightfully situated 'td the banks of tmciver t on the line of Shit iew York attl Delaware, eh/manna ,alnlidYeStern It looking a oat beautll'u t i non of eon. i pan . f scenery tiegu ectim3rwh .. . Asa $ stir.u.Rssii .4. for; the butane „3,ri quiet-and freedom fr 'tit:noise and di t for and gentlemen pursuit - of pin rural scenery of the country; this Rica equalled. Here the %emit tenvelleris confusion Sudden:lto" he ffelitillnal - arrie . of trains, which, nap ally la the night 1 great annoyance to mail stepping at ho the Depot . • -., '' - ' _ 3 l _ - Ills Rooitsarenew deassut atm net Tasty what all the d liosicleitt vitt& Ito city markets afford.; nano paint' twilit+ his house a pleasant oP4tc;all his en_ - MT Ottaart will he e t ittveyed to stud -I ti in' Or I ral .Qvo .of .;rt,l, antter, Piarnesies, .1 iont dei.mirip i of .y.nokOe f merols *to . cash , sq-Ro thrift InfOotik 41Y . I I, mn: oyealthe .. room over G: klin lintel," ' ilecnnptty to i• entire el;itiv.• Litevt:Ndw ed.- - .i . , :. D Si! knoN: 1 NV LEY: 1 Teter t". • Baker, 1 . ntaway.: Thornis South )laid, 377 ifirenuich trek- ; I lee hoot. ',KtrOs 111, ;• Prior It. itusich, • Wort- and ilAtiibt WD. Vali W4rt, ert attit , voort and; Wrist; Stepbett I , • Yhitttdielphia. ; Samuel Sioehdr, lier*Livoi;-(114o, • LDERI4S, gent. his Fall stock . I. d - examine.' ji3it receiveltani - for tale by June . 0 2d -, . GEO# [-11111 , , - 111 -. ^. r - - ' -• ' I Loa at.. •'" yo ''- If u aria' 7i s co t i c , Ira HZ unsettled &aeon ta,itotok Ate" I. of S. 11. Ilairsg .co...tift` VOW IPA • t ot iloyeefor.settlensenl.l.- POkt emp p , t hiimmeitiftituvit..l. I , ewen a! 1 •... ff not mop saw ttiPii s k i OP' il ono fOrlefral tip asecutlant •' . ._ I • January:MOOS. Lll •••1 - • • Eli . pure Wh!te ik - Aist, near:„ URRELIN.. MARBLE-SH T.:. ~ BE euxle • e . a a Wahl - reig r i V t 1 S 4 ' the ,biutemeu 0 r M i. AY!, ;gi, ,tft,4o.,:_wiiive.thiltiriitrii -ail tunes; Pyeettailierf-loriebcf ridiast4;i l titiethelFalait'filic i l l 4, 6o4l4'e ,#Pk'' Tritihii;-1,4 tte4,8r.e, 1 4. - •,17 - --: v - tvl t-43-ThivpattonikPla,..ktheilublie telfylielteited. - ' 1 COAGIKM ' , Iteatroie ,Aag" , IklitB2:1 k lit 82:X tri r l ifi ~ 4,.4it,4 .1 -4 . 2 4 '4! - - :i,:li 'sum lie/ ariakwidir &gine or ihridtioti or. ;bonier* . rid -4; _ ,ipst. 'l`ari;iiiiiitlzi; m 00:,,. 4 tiy: 1 I IC II IA % 4 1 1 7 1 9 7- P 1t ON, va:ltri t Sir - .7 At tipc tbi.vAalL .4 Olett,i Atrpketi, ' - gitin d'; Mare; a I,ll' l l, ~ ,1 - .1),V14; tt — tr,"ainsi 4 • ! ~,,_ ~ Ad 4 all 1 Tfiliki 1 Wk il4 to 1;12i 1 . ,' 1 pie! 'To the r I I•;., ~- • I • ' II g I ' id imm ~, I' - • , il 'On feet! W44.0 1' ; ' i I .111 a NO: very.ll taste I hat reirpiteel (able Rteik for. t i ihti tt4 gieelte; Otis I tree Itrprt r_itAketiivivitt:: _4 -'• : ' ,- .'‘ls. LittL,feve driers:brill Cdr ul !.)e1. 3 0e. iln.foevor). pnp.eftl 1- - MEE . . Crockery;. and'' and' '. , - . • . ~ : fi l le , . Storei_fr...,,,., House; taisliiiig ' 7- ' JII. iiiiiiiiiTiii;;; l lo4n;fiike : tsostilitf-0401140184et 111414/I, inot A gro 7 4 = n ee ) it rtmp i l f:4 RI .- I: r otor - vo ' ryit,.. , , - -, . 1 -- ',--,-.-,,,. 7 : . -,. : ,,,,.. t :„,- :,. , ,china,.:,,., i.. .. .::..-:'........-:. :-.-...„,...-: do6te iti nidni4 ainti„iiedotitikiiiid ?"112.1ii:04iiiii a V .atettictrolt./htskirthafki .:,.4.1" , ::.:',.;i•-" , ft'Li.-''-4 , ', : L; ''. ~.1..:i. i,:.. stotwohini . , - .1.--;, - ..t ,, ,,- . - - - ,-.:t... - .. T II nevAntl:feifletts,l'ilnisKtiitiAtAihiltsihot fit- 4 T Oi..bV thirdlitia'o4o.;itk),.:lCiatleiji . of bilinlF , f sax . ,-o!T ollet.Wase. - . I': c - •'.i. - --, '.1 . : L. ). 1 . - .. vt - . i ...,. .A'...:11 lass e s '-..f...7.....;:i.;!:. ;4 '''. • '.; -;'&4 °,oilingM. , i: ..„.1. ..-- .5 .. Sh 3•;-'4711.t'anilOrnsiseriatdtriastell"iiisiielf•ITens 4... . tu57 , 5;,,b... , 4.81114 AO • Brikail.ta.l, ;_:., . ......: i ~ - -. ,Glass -War ::1 . --.. Cu , Lod - ii......% ,Otkleiltijr`llp*itiirsic:,-iiiugift4K "liftf**lvr*S'oc4iticSl4- Bossili_94obss,- Case.'. iitin.P. 41r - int. - ":" - -' : - f•ii, - !.:: - ,1--.4-1...,:,,....,„ '' ~ :',. ' .' ''' - .. ' ' 'VIP ' I ' '''' :- .- .,t,..; ... -' tt.nsOoepinc . :TrciNtrar.o._. , -' ,,.. .i. Tab Iliad Packet Cu Jen"; ; 1 , ;-TitaTra - is,Selifelf, 1 I . a i Nlltisoseled Kettles , atitackssio44: , . at. I ..oolics,lss 4:tiiituPemifelq , l;- l' , "' ' ' N :W '',-.-.; , , ,-.. •t-'''. . - oodu.and - irillow.are - :;,. i - 'Pre eller& Unit' 1 1 . -igiata;' -- Poo4illfs'ltOsillg-__ ; Cradles; e4se NUS. Tillal,"lftem• -Phailleti; Biskils,. stiiikli . C. ; • t ab' ia l t t Sl4 €4 o 44ti--.4 - Pt.., '''",-: 1 •1, , -' i.: . -.,: . 5'; : i / I :, W indow:S h ade s • : - - 1 -.- , - . ;,-,---- .. ..,_.-t -c im.. alttAs awl Gilt -Pios.arrl ifszlis,',,los.l Loop' a Tassels; olso:faida.POols hfyszistyl... ,, , , -; .. - . - . •-.. 2 l'' ~ - -' ' - Japanned Ag.._ ateN•„:.,...-,.:,' - .;-- Tot lett sett eonostiog of • • Foot Tubi, Slop ,Ti tazu fti-lic t.r l' , ' Cub 130x.!* lin,f 'all iiitioleis straoutteitaiisilli" tbs! b,:' , '--. ,', ~„. ..'_'' .i i - ..,:* ..,,-..,- .... ...- Arifiinizt - M Ae:Are a: ntini - Itzre. - - ''• :-, ii'atid'iiya , - urea,. !xi pfkireis, F enton 6'44 i pi* ',4elasa i ,Plashees,LlAutitagleks, 40.' ;,,.- - . 1 .".--",:.• ...-. , oc.Tin.y 1 :- . ,. ' ...: Limp eta . ..tariti;*ens. 1- -- . • •-, , la Iludoet styls. Oleo mot qineltlyr. ,- '-'-:; . : . 7 . :•:".. - .. _-. .• -. ' rants, aiY l l . Faßcif_.Arfiekt. - -. eisenT or attina..Glass, -Wood 'iv Tin. irieOlt. , Z 'Pap -Aloctie. Tons Cott:Only:I; lawl Alabster Pits -a1,. , so Taney itaikatt;',' ,-," -- • 4 • .:',..:. L .F . ,--:_• ~ c',..,,' . : .11 - ...::',Tlcited,',Warif. -' .' . . _.. .-i .rki . .Tolielnetteisp. : Tablel:/oSsiatlitsl 9Yliefirl k litirrtaahtsa g Sohla.and Raude,Lodlesi -. 0n0.n0,A91:7.-i fees siotTralii.Veli and giAlroit 5t4444 • - --,.. ,t .- - i'. -.:-:1 . ink Oktio.solloand l'ipor• 11.4t,.y nitailliig , 'orliteil . tlekaiptlon ill tifiet almost ees-y .iistlele ' liti.'the. 1f015..-of -LoainsfUralshltoVlOtlfligibliiindlis--04,4!*; *mad at . stossattomers Ott!ntisto - onn;- ''• '?'''.' .., * -.... ,--.••-. r. -- .: " 0 1 , .;:- '' - ' 4:, - . 1 ilkttr.3 n....tx Fre, 4,,. ---iitx*piist . ...tth. 8eier1can..1.4tri.'......,: !, ': -,;..,, 1- ;';'.''„. .BI sfrimi, 7 biOs t lliotli'lltlelnt ..-',.-F -.-.. L' ... hont's ig 01141 or Golf- I 'Mit- ;royrn a 1 , 'ls the. , nude* 1 . then eriy eta 'le :140Aer netiitn !best liu ent,ion ita 1011 and t ! -flood ibMW. "B. L. Mange. Jokch. UM'S. • " -- M*l 'ci - fiii - SC 4 '' ~ Ty- 99 ore .: -: , r - tilE exoptietoil ottim. rici .ol ,AarkiStoreire: • 1;1 tei4irilitio"6t . . - Ithialiiiiittiiiii4oo4 c e iiii: - ty,'://i. t/4ketr s tinfoirtietr*Oititdeclu , ieturiiitii. -, his, incerObaults , ,for • the pni;rsmarrel,estoii+d Upo ltimaince him opining. as - his trade thuslifiXr hassurassedAis highest:p . .nticjipations. Me 6*ff I l e t4k - es pleasure ii. - ,iiiiiciiinelifattifliririril ~ f e la.eli!jel'iliihatistliter- -6174 0 1 ,4t 7- ori -4 oiii te,- , liartig s tria& - his,a - rrtingstne.ntkia New -Yar, :to be Jappli`ed:,wjth every article ,al . Coet. which 'en: alds him to' sett good" hi any tinantity;- , by, viie-! Case, piece or yart4-at the crime-prices , that-' i they.' i s ii!ra sold In Nov York at Wholesale. --. -This will at-once satisfy every mind ;that pods- can-he sold . i at this eitablishatiat'ls 0 24 per :bent. chiiiPer. le i I than any other:housSin town catt s ell-: T- --1, • . ' Merchant' "4 this:: viiinitr - , ara;.,adier4 4 1 4. ecHilds ctiettpApd al.'dost.' Their, ohl-atock ' . . ar4, flOOding'ihrijiirket. fa slit ,i 7 ry liighist . 0 1 . 0 1 . ; even at ciat, 4 Don't he' , hen t . aged by 4,6 )71— smile to'4lll:_Nerth York ' Mot. . , where:-yen j etgoodsliewAnd,trosh froin hOAtlantie at Wit And.;:theirtannfaatorye.- I haircinstliec , 2120,caseit Of-thir tieirest styles f ricit' - hlect. cy. broade, cheak and chaa able; Silks, g 4, Chitilles,,Lawns,Jticone . T.ineus, - 1.). "Pelle tl!Creads, Enibroillerie". Demi Wells.' Rots, Shawls,' Vizetres - - and 1 Kiatillas, G Itisier4. Mitts, - a= lame - aSsoriatent__•ol+' Trintriiings.:Trunks; - S'Yatice".alcltels,Oe , Prints, bleached and iiiitileititliiir ''Shittiii•:" .0-etiites. - Ticks. Stripe, and* EterifMs; - --, The , Neter , Pik Store is lhelfluaneis Il i a 1 )0' for alii..atqfCir cash and . Plu.t.rg 4 ; ink.for showing g oods.:;; Tiii summer earn ,s4-itt Come and see - the battle - already .., aiidoi. - a pile. of -cheap - now :Ind Tashi. v ied", -411ememberthe numher - , sad:place York:Store; Ng. 7, Court st. a feirAenrif. e the Chinianga Bridge; Itinefiatton,.firooth N ' ew York: -:'':. ---'-- ' -..' . ' --: .-__''- --_- -___-- ;May 19..: , - . -..- .:. .--S.A.:,STURTEVA. I 1 1 t• ...,.... re p4bUc It Trade, rt,,ftr, I anis full w for. l eash i e , toueiog. Is cell. so and quel -1 . I'OUL Pestle's concern.; or trimmed tLLEB... ,tetneretal t • 1 . 11 Gfciode, :at akiiit ; serve ohr ithpvtiiti e - varie4) l . I. • • all ho BT~_ . Essence-4f .Tainsioaejng: • Thi ' . .tisfluse.ia. 8 prepttration:of mitt era 9, snort , try 'loceiPtre:prt.,,,,. artorrtir motive functions, of inestimable value -mg. the prevalecne otepidentic chole ra an rnerechnplailits of children. it ie peculiarly ciou s slno initividnat or i,-aveller tie without • it. As it enable* tileitystent 1 , the trence of incipient dicatuse which. 10 chanOng climate. - . _ • Cadviore.-Llte sure to get the * rriiiiinti which:ts prepared' only by !MOWN Drkg,,,,, and Slore;, N. , e, , c51; Fft/i4ind (:://,exttint Streete, 2'l ilirdclp for,ltale'hy nil the respectahle Apr,)iiiecari United ...States, and at Alontroie Pahy: (2&y I) AI TU ice styl of-gape Pertwiriy; aneall of the kind.. Administrator's Tote. MQ,TICe jit,herehy that intiketi.her Wait:bean:'xplrpiticed'.>Administrato> of the estate or Jai es*- W. !till, ifie!d;; Neatei toiv - pehip. Ail persoas ~to, !Baia .etqate, are requested_ to - : e, immediate . : , ihMie haviitz will present them..dal.t - attestrd'. Alemeut, ; - ~,A vi, .w i r ...- ft , 4 , tniiin.,,,.1:1;,.:, ~...„ _..,.. ' - e7r - -- 4,—. --1,--, k : 4 -0 - 7rti j aAsjV •1V,.. 'i i -- 14.ivti.fitik: rek i4i la 6 .- .4.4a - iAil„iti , at: illii: bats set mi . piibilisferiliast-fir - ' ''''' ' --- 11'..40 .Ic.ii to a r...,ry - 14 m e it me kx, „4ar -1 tithati oirisii lie bas - receliestarid.or [,ly lowVas/t,. Milos' veering,: and-his mei - titles ler liusiness ,great promir to eitsibit a more eitensiti men.t thda lierritiforti, soil 10 hag i menu. id crivh pitedierersz'- The mil . c °4 41 ) **""4 1 .1 *WI thaf r iic .1": lila rianitY• . , ._.- :- _-:._ - -L ' 'Ladies i ' - Dieitil.), , + .A-lii#-#.4iek of,' btaidiindlered I.Tradosand patterns. Moo 4.8.; ;:zer game DoLaines; a Chnt' Vetato riaiges, iii intitenYariet7,44o 1, 147 'Prtnts - iiitcr 01/1 ., 1a.,9901 yards of Iteminmek, nit 'COckico'ißrigilsteaiatedlierriktitihs-of 15._per *mil_ Die case-ot sakey, ir fad, aitie;' at tlielOwitriett'oris:',,l mr,and'Pllkow Oiogtimus;tLeTpoi colors.', lAisp--Seolth and Frftth :-. it-, is , -:::!Mournii*#- - o f uninbizines , Alimeatti Naafi t.‘ , Clothi,farweoi De_Lidnes, iiilliTsl goods itspi in mmarniok. • -t f. , "::-::, ; ;1 '' : • White:- Rrilil • 'Main Plaint% .`biped lationej ids& ''itotted. , B-0 Iftdl4 - Sr I t ittalk sibyl*. Xtimrs t icle Linea, Ititatiii , Saadi' and itt. a- Du g -and.Ebi 1,13)ge,, Ir.d.'„ 445.4 - 4,kituria•pt i gilt - el:nitre fat iirtictionto - cintornel i 4 A ' lrosiery - and 0 ,t v ivr-tOpTit, omottumt , 144 ,I= - 1 .isom ,T,u•stiot ofWikt,o.,ttlil 1udY: 13,1 41 5101 5 - ':” .1r : - '''''F!, ''''' '' '' ''.t4r , ,,..: ' .4 -? ,q.: ',:;5 7 0 10 4' A.larg6i*L - it Ilrii: - he v ,"o,„ ,a_IILU: 11 /,* ithia*bs, hhettßetttli4 - evellbercnr ' :-. 1 , : ' '•• .. liariatrOP, • - --, - .., PlilMiindVtoltroiltered .4M,. 13 . 117, 4 4 fLiVtAtk, ' . .eier `,lfikl.e,litl326ll:46l . .l'efteli.,:',"" ". V,: 4-- . • . ~ : :Zr . l ;: '''l 4.c. ' - l''': Tabie' - K000' : *-It' '4 4 ' 1 rill **et Zin*M4 al:-Ticiiitsd iiiiig - tkii444le#ll,Fpl2 - --) afidpo, 0r.64,-o!joni',, frcicii ii:toS! , (66llZ - 17 - --. 4 .1,:,' %,:. -''' :-.' ~ rz -1.-T. WOctikft l 79rEieiltirdi.,l - .0 L ., - .j ;:iitolactotbstormitri: color cii i idikit" . C.P* 6l o l ;4l 4 o ,. '' iilack „ s cur fancy liasblineraii,from at: i -VM;•".. litfilfnok,e7r:4 Je!Cil, 47 ,Wfide 0 1 / 4 SatirgticriNVE* s4 C 14 i1+ 61 4Ati1.7. 1 1.t .; . 10114 0 ,10lay41003tipti001q1101i ,RIM /45,«:`,414,,,-$4O--4 0,- , ,4 • - 4.„ , ,, , - , ,,,,D ant e st i e fi no de----,.. , !-,•.,,5„, , ,„ ~ - -,1; ~- .., , , .-- OKWYlrdsoo4 l ettiiCitdithilisitl f rOtr- ': pergerki,.._ 5 t 00 047. 114 b atinhlt .4lo -: , gc1id94 1 7476:Tif.r5r , i, ludic! Tialho da.mokieshbon'elrie_w.,,?..,:sl!ti, -1 1 0.7...*>.,,- ., ...- ~, ~,,, . •. : ••,-••i ~ ,--,-, r ,' . IF V 4 ro's - 4K.-_,i,k",' ~..'i Ea likeli., A r atientS - a0 ,1 ?e.04,M - 4.,„, ~, ~'!,. 4iil4lk,deitiil;fiani - imOltiiiiiitteaihirT, l' bimixia:Nar' , cit7-1. ?Oars # 6 llhe ...fV • 2 . ~titAittbc- : 7 littP"E!' t( f . tail i n'll"N" r v P4 41 21: ;:. " r k . l:i:,• , :.... ' .1.415442iki-"‘iriliiS , ,:f• ,i 'Slit*aiii44o6 l4 \ irkr I it ' 4 • ' 7 : ~';':. ,;,1 k* ~,,,:__, f ~.„. _....L,, 1,,...,,„.......4,,,,... • lid Oft . ' - '. ia rm , fh. r , --Qat % ~,. .. . , ,„„...,..... . . ...,- , . .. , 4 -1 i . . 1 , :„,.....,,.... r, 1 . :: _.: -trl i k;` L ' 7,4 1 , ;! 't . ; . 14';' , 0 1. ‘1:1- Z. 1 : 1 : ' ' L-141-7:151r i a 7 11 , ‘lll ' t-,-,1 Mt. ',' l Hr7-. 4 ; " ::7 ; 1 1 It T #sB4ooritle; A rili g :iiii- n r " -1,49 f r- k k-'4110=11 . 4 1, ' ':li t hr.. l =—W4 - 2*Zir - Zl': ;" ' qt'ntai iiiitilio# l .t'lWifni?Obe;,`, - ia.!% 7. l ''''._ - • .-:, ~, — IV .. " Oistisll444;r- Roilitiiiiti*hiliti* ' ffi*dielikiltl**4 l :, .! 1- riodadirofW laii, -.-. - ,on ..t.f.- - ,'",".. -- , 0 1:-.-`.: sabotage hailibalici*A *PPM 114 17W li tt , :ion : 4 l a ..),-- 1i r!,.,-- . th 4 ? ) ,4 1 ..., — ,- -- t 3 . , - s , ! 14 : 1 ,r ::: l att start t r il k i W...s h ii*OMAte'4 l .-t'a l l . f Fis?;:iir'', - r le*Ptitilic l uir e ati g - : ' , r 147162 4r ia1-: 1 liati t di VilrOiininti , b l O 4 'l' o tk o d , J7 r w t ., - " u x",,4,,i' . ..n , - 1 0 0414,.._LC - 110W:tf' .. -I. ' "-: ' ' ;sl44o**J - 7,:-, , liel l o4 6 oiiiihaiinjCitilirt***,...... l l7t- , v ! , 4 , 1 „ 5 ,.." -- ,ret or w tot rsir,Ar • rk - - , . ~ .m.f.• - ~Y 11,W;ratitleill44 bad l i f ig Ji'‘ Wi lek'' -.7.9- 7 - "‘ '-''.' ' •. ,- 'int''; .$ 's S hl i iiki t :o 4 - le -t. r., v .:_ r t ; ol4o,t i t . 7Z , .'q t :: itiOsiik*,% ",,' 1 4 n iki vir o tt i z e‘A •::•,•. ' . 14 2P* In -•,;.t-e, ••• '-••=. •,, r-•,,, , , iilby; ,- f .,, 1r: - .? 1- _ , • 1 .' --. " - - ---, .., - , , e..4.- 0 . 1 !!!!!vt.ol..,r,-Vo ~.., 4-,4 4,. .,rr::.f.-. .471,- ,-,_,:-,;-1-_,45-7--;***--;11,,..,-, IT ). ~, -,,3 17:140:1---: - - - ,•=4-.., ,, ,t -- „ - .• (- - - _-- , , AVV.,,I r t,•; ..'. 2' `-'''' ' ”- - ..," • t -, ,. ~.,:...'-': 1“: ..„.,e; i.. ,, .. -..•‘, ....,:. , - - - , -_-:,2,-,r. ! , •5i...:•—•i:r.:.:.!;,-, r , •,;- r .1-- ,4, , ,,..,,-, 4,,- .4 , ' • ••••. 1,„:7. ,,,, , •-,--., ; - _ , .. - . , ... ,• :,1., -- f,,.,,,,,,i-,..,,,.,,,:.44,4,:ffg,P,.. 3 r ; ...- r Brdg~rrMter, , 3411. strovt&l.TlN-WArit.-DEPOT SVOST.fii:R 4. CO. troultreepi:e - triii ti I yinfOrm - thi'people aff ' - eciunty'and. , the ,people idgeneral, that 'they have: evened. Mi. etstablishnteutor the,,aboye kind in atoutros,...itt: the old.stnnd Orr Surreynod wikafer.ilopr polite, or the 11171oenti office. seitere'tkey: intend to Ittiep‘-en hinttn 'urge issorintent-of :Stores; ;Tin.Ppprier,lllllB arid sheet I,con.Ware.. r #1) of iwhielt they n•iil They, can ho bought in Flits or anY'Otfiei county: ' ' : Aminie4mi stoves may found The - followinetesidesothers' t•io nniperons to mention v.', , ' -•11. 4-, •Griew - tfir - figial for. wooft , Modern Tinx , . Sit t u -; it • • • . - • Forest' Queen, elevated Oren. -Wa g*, ' " ' ' tarhir,p6ce and shop *.sl,orepi_pctri-er's!. Patent, kot•-air P 4 innees' heatin g : Bailditi HeielS. - ete. • §tere•ft - iinuriln; 214*i:sheet Tflefly'Leid Pip? , Well' a ii4Ps''' tern: Pumps , Chain . - Pumps , Champs and p 3 Ali. kinds of .i.,isetotit Wink done' cikeltOtt, l notice aufd:tiicket ri.nsinnthleileiins. Our, mitite•it ematt prefi!ci ready,pay.' ketitetil..7 , -; , • '`.; kindscd'. Prodtme taken „init...schange foi-Wite)".. Iryon don t. and'epe... ••• - '3lm:drove •'sept. 15;1853., e.S. tore' for: lisburyoind ite Bearleo . od -asiort to-& Cops, - pa= ULLER.'" gri! 13F.514 . PA, .kiirtrn house, I 'IAA!, ts taw Vito itimite to Sut . iqueltait 'Ede, and the inroads' over tiy, and ps tile man sail - Lbw f city llfo,auLt rife amid the estmot b. ;'a r e from tbo: ,t.arldLleparptra meta ilv;Very ; sail Sorrtrif Ihrolllled enirtitrj" spd pared to mate- m thc"iiil4 at icaor fr - ' ° • : 09b41 , ivndise - the, I, 21.1% .of: Qct his --, : enftro • ekoek, , of I - basehold. Vurnitru to, • -: I Be' 4 'Bedding .111010, 8104. qt etti:Pet; -. 0 •:. in ezieinifit:iiiriii•of fniaitti4t*lnincei4 ous to Mention: - • - ••, • The sate to commence'sk.t 111.O'cif 3 Ahn.pteiniooi!._if „, - ,yl,t'tkatitt, z. :mmle kin:4n ULLEM chi lae tench of. I etd liiikto 1 ire Of own bandy NJ:BAY - op: 41...1 i..: - .,: hil torii . fry Oh , eep on , ant istlP* 4 10'41 emb; ~.'l t .,7 *, - 'Aivt-, - t. - illtvlEAt -; • - 47 - s. - ‘_ -, '', ,7, • ---, 7, '''.' • Dir pr intra.L. tife \kiln atiiieied:' 2 -a a , \ , tevyk -iii*-;5144T-iFi1.741771',--,,,:::'-''' ....--- -7 ..:4'-".1„,..5.. • ', - FILE - TaRNin0 i ,i . ,3 T ,, , ,,,, T. ,,,, ~..-_,,. ~b417110t: 1 ~ • ---• 4 asji (Surds)" --'' - evi 1101 ) " a leave li' ,llll ro Yk -- -_ , 0 ,.,Nr. - : Irsdus, -tea to Kitkwoodin tira4 ' :atictinoisi 1 2. - - :i ii, ty, both East anA W.eA!'t. ,patrpi,,,,s ,-'":" fe blirouteter _fach'tor ' k tg/ 1144 /4C -/---, ;1' Le line 101•11 4 4 Ts., 'a -e= , / , - Sp 40SferTUUkAAnnof ASOX Z. •ithi t it i leaves ')fecatrof , eM .twkoligail ' (144 , land Fri . / 1:y ! I:MINI I.atv-10010,1*,14 /cc croorTemas ail. . __ ,lo ‘. ,tg , -*., ..,.,..44 - :ded ll4 2 4 ltiortl4o9.ll.lvla . ilacilmscim Public CIW - . ,) 7--- '4 , .: 1 , 1 . 2.iegemlwr.l4,ll,lll, l`'': Administ ~1 1 r0TicE is irsi l i 1 ea has hoot a lit, eita[tq Of. Henry 8 - euit ttitoivpship.- itjt, ,, '.ace-requesteitt and - those having - (oral pirsent then's. duly: sr Iscison, Avg. !A :1 7 4 4- 6* - : 7: trife . :Pri ': - Pt4 I PN , ..-,..- - 4.. ..,...1 - i .. ..... t - .., : , ,,. : . ..: .. .. : - ~.,,,, ,------.. - .., - ...4. - F.::::, - ,,,,, , 447..._-..- . n -,--... •—•- - --- ',''' rlsaies.;.3 , 7,---.., , , - :Lolirr,: - : - 4 - .,ricos77! '. , zi...,z,_..., : r. , „.. . ,..,.. - ,, . 1 1 44 , d,- - 0 , ..'46;:ti' 3 ;4.14*-4aikii 4,:titiloti444i4iiii:o ... . '... tirk*._. l, 7stm-4 0 54. 134. 4 4 0' ligt*e4eeell#o l .lr - ',:::.;;,'.ki 4uf 4pvittuilikt 0 giTree fte*lG: te YO 411eze4' . ** -- 4;','`:4l: - ... rti4elsAse:; .114 . 01 47 .. Pigc,e1. tetVi„deltkPe,t; .1r 1 r,..5'.‘.4.''.. r gip:, ir,4y,Ctcthfik: '"-ttßizit. - of - mai 7.., , -,4l.4l:torttc. „_ „, 4_ .,. .-, , , rttliie4 Pr „le 46i 4 34.1 - 114 3f u l tf l-P, • .- 0.1 ," 3 :':g . - = ,-- -.'',-!..','":". I,iir b r, - orainisy.79il4.:;toVa..4 , zatickiti Ortige , -404,:t4k 2.7 , r 7 4.,,,,. Itii - cciirogweklyidkiri. .* iiik4i.;'4 i _ 4 l,llPo 2 T4 , f ,* . *4,; tacoiptiy,edrAn*f Oft&r . e , leeleyWebliee;:sz-...-1M .iiiii - OteelieekxiiiAs39ie.„ 021!.14ntofpi.igee- ii:irsciiltvgcliWait-tfact*.* , b l icqt. .04 , , .',.: .14 twit print:bil ,- liiimppol4)%iill 30.1. it ita4.o* - .l4;tjiittil,4,%:; tair tin& fiiisforibli - oile,iii' 'or . ollgt be-ititets;4ol**2: - ..er_ /411144 ei-elftielf;i'aed te.elt Pi _ ene:Sbeeie#9e7 l l. : .1 : _:] - i . '; ;., Oie-le*P i iich i4 (iidee'.le i., _, - ":_tY.OM,___.. itejo*/ or loi4.krite:llle tleof!lS.P'SeFcCtrtott lt . e0"-' , ;-i . .., , ,', - iiitik cot,thii'DituttigitilU4i** _flyitsAr±.4l,t . : ' sen.s.w..::: - -% , ,,, .14.if-ibutintit:: - :‘.A.lxe4V-MITY;.,treP; 1 1 .0 1 4 k.,...... , ..,:i';4.. 7- ,- ; , '. ,..1 .- xlivettud'ittr4ti,i*-tiijitsistmk:a.. the; gt'`e - , re .4' limfattd illiberal " P4tii.)*tk f ' o* -1 0 11 01.e.„_, _„ , ..........,? - . 5 ..L51. -. ...? I,#nlyz.:- . ,iit iiiit lesten::thitif:44? - E 1 .e.,1t1e,.::.9e.E'9 1 , : ....-,:A:? - .1,- . , :: : .. .trettie moriAittl*ioritiiiiit .....,,ii;-,-"--',-4..;';'.-V-i,".,:=7"4"7&P71.0.'i? ..`-: Vs; - " s: . '.' ;z2--:'','-...:-;'1)2111g.-S:G v„.0:0F,P474::;_:?'41.-f-'43i,'::r."', '''...iiiii iiii4riiiiefit eii.ittliit'iOiti*e.iVefit,''t4i*-I . lylo.'',f s -..i 7 :: 'citirineriaiiti a foe '44: tlf:Peiteoine44 - 1 .0 411 . % . ....- • .' - '2 ,, , , , : ,i'',V.,.,";' .tti - .Rill tilt: ital.evimltWt6t.fheiciWett.:,,, , ...,..! . .,,,; ): 11.1i141 54 ,.- Pi teetx-enlf * A m iati ee ;ll; "r!- -4 ' .o * -141 - 1 -'lo',:- : : 'tarli.tioilitiiiiiifiios...S;Nilitli.__,Aceeet:ll.o .014,:,q.. ...,.,,:,,:,.?.. 4iiti.Twilio" , Ntitiztj.ifs,: . 'ZlONT-1, ~71 ,141 -. T*4.01~,4 1 _117 , ,.. l'himi tirl!ki zina , LinitTi : :ltillmY'A. , Al '- 'm., r i lr-.... -- ::',. , - . itiiw S. 11 lip; .IprOt3 ri:o; vertlit , :7l: ; _.”Fr-, 1 4, 1 .t.,,,,; : •.. , f,:-! - t r ed . .-.. bi aqk • - Nt.t...i1 , 1;•5.t:r1P.0 . ..1b4a, - 1 0 r.! ,-. 0,3 Ta711 1 .. 1 ,.1 - ,., , I s4lk ' , T-uti'pl,thili Miitteti me 044}1titrAie:Sigsf pci,.3*!. or ..„.‘.,:,‘ f',ltlitnti - he is 'c.4.1 istAntty'li-i0ig.,4*V.,i0.41),..)t. , ..4.5: old-,tii . i . ..,^,,, :L .,_ ..... •ti to-see tre&vrer'ottiet•ltilaq - elloitirlfiti-litpit..,ViiOty.:,t-j: 1.1 ets - - - yer 74taittlic. -7 : .- Cif Iliitrim'ae4 a6tl. P:#1.1,214-P, _,.. ~..4, ~ ...., ; : d . yard tilde' di 0.6 at.l.s.:-_ - :. ~.'-' . ~..,-",..-.;"--'-'.."4:'V-'.17.7,4;•'Aii„,."" -. ' v• - .' .-- .-' : .', • : , ..-'!-'''.',.... - :." - sirj. - Fria„ , :. . -- ~,,, . .„.- : ::_.4.:,..5,a- . .,z,F: :: .-.. : ......._ -.. ~ ~„, ,---„,. • ...,. t -- - .i , .ii ' 'e • - 4.tiiii` , C , - _,.' IneirtilinObe::*Atitt'ai:' l ll.4. ol4, "ie,i'. API' fre__ ; _r , _,./.1.t*1 ,"Blank.britrnrAtiba.sW:4l4i*4:4l . l4::,,fr.ert4/47,5m3!....,,. "yitibit" Caahm ire; lliciehi.'tt:A --..:,-. './'..-,. ~ , . , , , ,, ., i. .., , , , ..., ..i ... „1 '' ' ''. •. ' EMBROLOBRIAS- , `• -- '!.' - ''7•:,.. ••• , ...frit hi' Aliirkttiltv.4 th't tits . . not,lnn•yryt., _it;;;-,.„ . .. ,_ ...„. ''Uteri'. Intiy - be. found - s.l‘ a .14.fmV..ani1..0!),A1.1 , ;! I PPV-Millk',., stjTet:-: of iiiitulkerchitgs.-.Vhffi5ti...f4t,ii:!;.,..1ie."..!1,,i,i7 , 1!if,, : ptalio.. - ekixt ,- ,.K 4, .tingi ,:- Ti liikti ot ie, MM!" 4 ,7 . •V, - ,-. '',..-:- -.. . -r, air.4.2\7 l iLL'kgirJ , .. -... .-. -, , - i - i , :: ' ' - - - hoickiip4 , :* * iiito* - -. 4 A , t..ryllt, ;VI SY Di* , of:4lfritle.,. : 1' ~ ..1=7,.% ~ ~...„--......• sid -ii : ,-. liisii ig.), are aolaAti.:-t.onii*ly_Phe rr_. ,, ,r 4, P -,-,1,-, ..- . .:. in';p'Art.mipt is proof ploofe : qtst,4t,',Tx" ; .ar.i . c.stv?tts..„- . ... • r... :,..- ~- ,;t!:, . .y.:.;r' -.. - ',f''..' , " hai , i.ltien.,ju litiotts. .. .-- - ; 4'. --i .:,,-..',..-:;;;4.'ii.iiiiiii4,:...Y -.' raraiols- 4.thl,ft:int in te 4 ..essial - - 1 " 3. s '' ..., ' ~ .,:-- - - ; . 1- ' ,. --• ''. '''' ' 67L 0 V'ES :'.a....ATI)tHeYS-TE:w - - -. . --,-- i ,-- ' ,-. '-',.1 .. . ' . -- - - -.-- -' ..“- • `...-i - ,..44 4 - ' -e•-.Egiiftititii - ''. - .lErkty - li;i.s. t .At/e!-ld'7t •.,--.. ZP-:: , L. ~. „. ...„,_ . ,.....,,,c„ . anti Catt On. dltivOt:ftese-14 t e.A l. / (l S tt 9 ,: ifl,- - 7.:ttFr:7 - ' .ore _from 6,1 upeet4 . . . ... .. : ~..-,....,::- -_ , ,,,...--,,-........y.,, : . , .. 4 . I; "iciit'3 - aiiil "211ks,ii.: .Bo4' - '4:iOA-c.: l o4'': 4 ;'T . ~ -Iri thiiiint,tei,hairi.;tiiiisiiiitifi!` , ..eitilii;itii., i ni.O . to order and i*Alt tie $014,-.liiii Of e - 41 *- 1 4 . -*"r- 1 biro - tr. o ffered in ' Ilroinqe• 50440'4 t'':.'.o . .f . „-A.Pile,. ,. ert ~., 'ra'c-Atiibt ttL:bityttit tatini - .orAble. l3 4PX4P. , !..eetere ',.,„ ; 1_ , : whit doubt ire- r tcfrilt4eo .4p . :ciill!. I,eFT:l4lll l Ve.7e .: 1 1 ,..,.... .. -.-.. - . ';. • ..-7 - : : - . -.. .' ..." ~' -..- ,-; -:',...' - . 1 ' -, - '. 7 7.. - "' d ent. ' lem - 4 12."'d — ltis',_, .74.... :;.:4 7 . P.fPartill In* . tr :._,. a . -- ,,. * . ~, ne „,:: ::: -.. , i„,,ii dei r imiiii.thtd.taeolr: .ll3l ll` ---g`',s- iiiiibticii,...- z - Xtetiiiiirt'otall : thiliewe4tY- ' s,tilet.e. ' 41 V.......1 2 :: ,_ , _. . . _ ..,.., '''' Ott Mote* ellee.lo ,:t.. '',-._,.., .. - titiiiiirtti4knfiiiehAegoii,4i!..... ,„ _.. ~..: , . , ii .,. D _.., 1,,,,,,... low and as.lwe•iiti,pr!.4 ,41,'.e_Pr.i",14fNij._,..!',64;?-kr Tr.!.ll,f;:t.:f...ti'in;.-3...7",--;.2' -'. ilifiw:tftern. '4 a Vi4l:6 - 7r,"''''. , .--.;.-', , r. - ..!: iiii.,,:iirl : . F . E .:, ,:,; 't•:''iniiedieiVittiotioivAvid , r9=4:4 l ' ~ `fro.-- - 'al4 46 trc a id • i .,.4 . ticitOeiic-a-iiii;Yerl=l/YA'49OO .--111-C---i..',.•.,-.: 'test or blvii:iittinii4 - 0 ' • ..„1, ..,:kgr,..,.... ~,i , - - W*l4llll, .-, • - . - - --.- r ,... ' '''', .r.-' , : ''.. - iiiek&N;- Stone ' Glizs* , - , ~re i . ... 4:lii.yrtltrii wi..iimi - ivli filtili* • ; tintol ' ii ' - -,- ,,-:•,....., `L:tarig iley , .cOluirtitfoiL'l , ;thod -, ‘; ‘ ,Bo l **:^ 9 ., 4 1 : 1 ..rt 6 • -4 t. - t:-,•; - ' tfe.-1:s it lb ..;•.:, ' A feri itoko - 41e ! 1e 31 .... urreseert ir-,, , .,7 , ..„,' , - . ,..-..,'". ,kfitstra 4: Vitae et A4,oclt.V-::--L114-,irit':.j.?;:kiiii,;;:- ~ - .a -: Weiskiko er) . A . vg . ..t.iittly . bit i. ham! , im• - •.4stortte, ... _.,, ~_ ~.:. ~.: above tionieltroiide'aill - :*anii-.l)thitifl4o3triAikkW4;tet.7.; , z, ;... -:Ii. teteiv . ing„lam,i 3 OdflitittiriAtci oio,,.tolFit*e.l." l 4;Vtte-tr:::.-• ."., ,ran lilivitit_b • ii fouti.d . Tilit.glitOeit.• . - _ , evit„*" . _ t. - -ii'es.... 1ri 5. . , ,te x .. . , , , - .. . ,. .. 1, o.34(9o , b6o2l.arkel'agoil,i_ , 'Aii4Alrzotti4lte,e . f .. .-W.- ..:,...• ~.:,. [ faii .ttii:p4blicl.ha.,T tr":„'ltot,' - iiuffm.t - ig0di . L*70 , 1_ , ,... , ..,0r. ,, , :-:::, vjEight7itnathE:trediF,ll4 - 104 10,pcaireiP, -7 .4 4. .. -- •*! , ..--- -, : '-: ;:,, 'cogfilners4ti Piv- . Ple,gtegti:trleittp"...4t4e;'o,ol.4_(my.,4, 'fo r teiittrom'..tail . :debtt;tra thi.mcin;rii*titi)F.lteekil.. ,-%-...,:aii, iftsia for ti:ty4'net It.ot,lirnit . ;;,i ls. *Tite-e_XEPek:4'ztee t 4e, ititivitittiatigeit'AtrieF.lrOnlin*friktes:cialerik .. _ .., ~.; , ,,,A i.„ ~ ,,,i,..1 1- kx i ow the .OremjSkiii.fixeor..alii. ,' . _,.: 4 .,t...0,#::jTti,.VA Wand e a tam iliCtiretwlnAler. - 0. 1 ierel .-. . ti . ,. , :‘, .'..t, 7 ,li.i.iibiet iint" , .entiblid, -- .Wititipbritpit*el*,:- ~,:.„ -,,. pc,4ixt_4l.iissnal.lite P9-70.1e 4.4lerro#Ofeelt-tt4=',..T.,.,rig.: lite - piiiim:?lapil. A 4,iedge i . :4*llirt.iti.ilefit __ 9 ._ ~.. ~4.,:i.p.iviii,iirkt "ALC*.loyfilx..,lo4:q..--iate='l.9!###,ll,-14-,.(iii:-.,-- iitatilisitlai„iy*Ete*l.oi - Xoi - lt ---, ,C . :0. ,-- 4 - '„:., -, :e-..:-...... - L,. - , ,„•: -. .,,,1 ,- ;i4 -- .•-,.:.:_vat..0-ziArAwA9O4, .'.- i:or#reiligtlirif and ':ciff***oil ;- -:l/0040.:i-"...,,:.;:5 - .I.firttlin.::-:',-',-4":1'..-'2: -'''.:V..''',:;-%t:'"---f4.1::,-71,•.;-,',..*g.V7Y.41t.': •-• nfiliti4i:A;iiii* *l4 4lit.i - e-s , 1 *:",...Z;wW...4.44, 4 0"A1t L 14.,..... can. I ora -1 • red fan . - ; lare:. Tuksk .ereS, ress , laud .98 tab! Die I a! ex hot- ne et I 'Du- . InYn - . efraca •rlortit. ksiu 'nenee " at hiq ner a, autj in thA LL. _ n~; f.. ,, 1,N aid.l4 vici iikkit fitita — *.f - ' , :, 4* , 01 , 11 1- n, l - i xm -1 _. _ s . . ' \