The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, September 20, 1853, Image 1
• . ; • . . • - - • . . . _ .. • , • - •.• • . • . _ : : , . , - -. • ; - • - • . • . ••_- • , • - • • -•••••• • • •., ; 1 :• ". • •.1 . -• • • -•-,; '-" " •'-' " . • .;•.. • . • . 4 ' • ; •-• •;, -. • „ _ ~; • - • •-, _ • _ •=r' r 47 110 * ;• : i • i P ; • I,r • • , . • I ...! 113 5,- "j% , • ' , A. • • 4? • " • 4 /-. • „ , • . ..„ . z! , " • • ..• • Ji • ••I-: • .••. ki,•••.• •• ••• • 4 . •• 1, • •• • • • • ; , ' • • • • - • ; ; ;• • - A - - • • • • -• • •'• •'.' • • ..;;4477/5•Xr, • • ' - : f , a • . -• ;,` • , . t:. - „ - - - ;_ • - • _•- • L: . - - • , •-. •. --• . . . .. • .. -- _ • " 1 - • . •H • - - S. BA E. B. CIIASE, PROPR • - ar1 9 0. Fop: TUE DAMOCX4II,- The p t hieftain' Lament How fiereelYlin. my bosom barns the fire: ' Of hate! Life is no longer dear to me :. - Last night, in dreams, I saw my murdered Olis. - She hsde me be revengedfei This only , live. • NEW Play. Oh, once,l was happy; my "footsteps fell lightly; As oft, in my childho od , ream roamedthrough- the grove, dreamed not_a soreow, my eyes 'sparkled brightly,, , • A n d free my glad` spirit, suo wingi : of the A blooming , young Maiden, with loft nova • -' Omen, - . Once'leaned on my bosom,- with innocent pride; Andwhen on her cheek,l imprinted eareeriee p She blushingly promised to bo my young brid l e. • `• - . Ali! then I tt•ss joyous, my soul thrilled-lit:lth • gladness, . With blissful emotion no -language can But 'soon hoveredeer us the aniel of eadneis: Ana broke, with a whisper s tlii liiire-wovenL spelt: My'Oiia slumbers, Powwakan is lonely, The once buoyant chieftain no longer is gay, His soul thirsts' for vengeance; for this yves be only, \ The blopd'of Wahassett his :wrongs shall Latlliop, Sept: 1853. ‘, • Farewell. Fast- thehours are fleeting', mothei, Must I say farewell so soon, lilust I leave the home of childhood 'Ere my life has reached its noon? 0, iny weary lliMart is breakitig, Tears have ceased tO titting relief; Nitnistay ever tell the ang,uish - Of this first 'and bitter grief. • , /lather, fold your arms about me \ - Once again' ore I depart";' ' 4 l Let me hear your tone of music Falling gently on my heart; . . 01, when in the land of st gers, Ishall miss that voice. mild f Willthou still at eve and sliming Pray for blessings oath 4 , 0, when thoughtfulness e mes o'er thef, Shall lever claim a tear Noat upon thy heart I'm resting-- Shall my heart be ever here ? Sorely thou wilt ne'r forget me, Though I have been vain and wild! o,tiinow thy 6' ntle spirit Blesses still thy wayward child. at Fl! dash away the tear drops, And my lips shall wear a smile, Icsigh my heart is madly throbbing .liienth its weight of grief the while. is the World's first bitter lesson,. Far from home and thee to go; , Ve shill meefagain, my-mother, , • Bat, oh shall we meet below I The Comet. The comet! he is on his way; • And singing as he !His ;. , The whizzing planets shrink before The rppetre of the skies. . Ah I well may regal orbs . burn bine, And satellites turn pale, Ten millioe cubie• miles of bead, '- Ten tiilbon leagues of tail ! aflCenanZtlattl• iielFanin , Fern pities ty children.— Aere comeiia group .of pal faced city -chil l* on tieir way to. school. God bless the little nufdrinnates I -Their I feet should crushing the strawberrys. ,npe and sweet, some sunny hill.slope, where the breatkof. aiown , hay and clover, blossaiss would f roses to , their cheeks, and strength and eto their cramped and - bail, developed ak !Poor little matures! they - never saw , Islch of blue sky bigger thsin their Weisel., ir i blade of grass that dared - to - grow with- F Pe-minion from the Mayor, Aldermen and memon Council. Poor; ikeletonsi cked ontlike fashion pfilsts, and Ted on di ited skimmed milk Big big slictioualie& • 1 ty you.' • , 6rAmonethe innumeratbleAnecdotes, of olul Randolph the following is not . theworst asipliant for'cOngreasiOnal fame suit', 4 16 maiden Speech, to, give proof of -hie t )Idness and eloquence by a long aid abusive 'a upon t4e eccentric member frogn - V_ At the conclusion of 'the young . _ _Platers 14kinons addnus, the hero or ,Maautoire l and stretching out his long . nervoui arra 4 muds the seattof the complaeoPfYouth,with 4Y-inquirig, lialteeitem?teou e look,- thus tplud : 4 1114 Speaker, id() S dug/ A . rc alztuons JorE, 7 4t iiatated of a Vo. a great humorist, . who died somelqou that he made a provision Of torches for N which he =used to be -Ovalell mil, crackers: =a anticipated to l a /14 ) 0 , till friend the hubbub. which would 14 f 0 the explosion, and Which hi 0 0 01 ' Al %mad taketit -rnOst.conven*d ianddeialt verified the alegnine expectations of -the projectot. Thi:Duichntani wishestoget 4 through this world, haari take tea orlihea chasing a graasboppectiaroagh a '- ith a !mg n-• ~Peelecf 'flat 'take hurried ateps, itop ghat PeeP over, fe.OP Jer, now to the right, . then tO Vie lent. one, ltfie. e; anti yea have him. , ,s nu4'.! the '‘Fay it l ' h4it 140 P lit trifles. E ORS" 1.. . . . for Nara. ~ c 1 . ' , 1 1 110 , 86 y tone tatcii I.' l io " sere i - tied ' II I " Where it . .t, ase of. en: b.. , imd expansivelrePablic faveredzmae by the)ileita ings of nature than,* rich- domain' of the old, II y;Stone State I" Its _tiritisri is.-_ex tensive productive.. '.:' , - " " 1 . i . - It--= /'S.° the hil l 4k irtellw#efe# t tleOeli • t were itranges legend , the, bank. of We nis i nringiSh a. Viewed as a distria of lagi na i tare - --itie fertile fields and its lii • one valays I yield a - rich harvest' to the eulth4 - to A ar - • Abd when toashelklave + 5004 the _ - 4 : ,eilitiel'.for its nauanfieturitii eatabliiin*lsi, unsurpassed' in any district„ot the coot iiintk . - then descen d awhile down into the ei t ruslor . . 1 -- , the earth and glance at se..r rich beds tainaai ,a l Wealth which' ie Po et. of i le P e rtgere t ' • I # l rivaling theolden ,ravi las of tantormiq- 1 •---, Her .minx ' l, treasures ere eeiteq-ed ... a.keie .q -rta portin . the nktion. .As;yost walk** irtevrt ahem ' o Ele Empire State , your: Pei - the i banks of th Hodson ' . tn 4 stand sriniong the rocky hi 115,.... New England, As Yoititroad the i plains o thel4isalssippi valley . and the Savannahs o .titi ha oft 'aim h, you Mid the i' iron and 00SPIdui t Yrottilplit 4 p mine s ! of the old Key-Stesfe's dominions. - [ '' . .l , I In the enjynient ot,tbese vantage', of mi-- tiire, favore d with with alsealthrtil cfi a mate,ll cool arid -salubrious atmosph ere , i ith het 4 I crystal streams; her romantic scenery and delightful I i ranges, Jet ' Pepiaylvania stand erect (Ind 4g haified in all h2r native' grandeur. ,Fror i n the. Iloud capped I summit of her IloftY / moiaitaimtt, las you survey her' : deep valleys and blo omfng landscapes, yeur c -o fastens, l ien the hd i antifel Sasoehanna, [ coursing its w ay froth the i4e ns r4 hills of the north. : lfingaouthlrard'its winding sheet; Skirted by tha4illow ehades, the ape ! 1 ,. L lent, expanses, and the hom o f -. a (Inleto u t industrious peopq t l i . .1 ' [ - • I t .And in :regitid td e intelligence of her pl.: bot'sons, Fenrisylir is Inili c mpare fayorably rzi with tho adjoining States Of i bis confed ra l y. •It is the gtate that gave l bii birth ' toThichwian and Minas, a as, to Brd and Ansi . ' and i ii liirithe bald and daring Ws . e... It is this Sude, that gave Isi a lh to. Godfrdy l and West,: and lakin to I the ins prtal Fulton, whose name is penciled I in letters of fore, : high toward tho sunineN Of I.inventive gddits.l_ It was the • oroviiicetj of Penn - and the home of Franklin. Within Its limits have b A ceari l ed its share of the important events of 'modern , utie'L ~' ' I i iCwai in hei.4 p roud nietropsiis between the green l and groye4ahadedbanjis of the, Deli , , . aware:and Schuylkill, that the j [ lectric flashes of `the lightning cloud were )st taught Ito yield to the art antt influence of' . man. I ' l ' I - It. was there tha was passed the imp :otltal Declaration, I that stood oar -country on the . A broad arena I of, independent - nations. I , And when thLs' , pnion, which the influence of i Fe n sylvania has' iso Powerfully assisted Cep:else ve shall: ave' reached the limits oif its'aifit ral 1 -northward beyond boundaries- r lariging the floating icebergs which cluster around the Arc tic sea-hoarkiacluding south aid wit in its pr is the verdant - orange eaves of - the fair- Antilles. Whan'a •northern pripulatidaehall isouthward visa over the green vales Of 'ROM.' teals; when thadeatieed era &Myosin Which North America d its , adjoining isles shill efiti. atitute an iinbre n relitiblic,the new additidas basking under iti . effulgent shades iff the striped' am/ stari • banner, still then the bt*te 1 )1. Perq' and Y l'n, eerier to P / l the rogresis -----. i ivq . courses of e timed, abounding in thole'. eremite lof ideal - and Prosperity, reisph*lfrom [ the great , fields rustutalvantage with heriron ~making Pittsburg ,` her. tiro' Ptirledelpid o , t ill - she will constitute the moat interesting audios sential Pint of the cieirini,bound republic, enter i• s i meriting the prowl appella t ion sbe has so jnst -IY'reCeived, that 'of t4e.liet .".-:14/611 of he, Federal Aral!" : • 1 -• • I Strange- , Sight-70 anuini - of -Beal at - War... 1; Ezra Dibble, o f this rtown, fcir ,, Manx years 'engaged exteassiv, ly in . the mlitiagenient: of pees, common to is the e following inter esting particul ars `f i battle among bialbeds.:: 'He has setreny . , _ sir of bees, labcort Ninny dividid o [ ol.-the east and west -13 -4ee lof his house. On SiOsdai, August 14,about 3 0'444 theivestiOr_heing warm,land the win dows open, his honsis,,Was suddenly filled-with bees, which forcedi the I l fm a il i so a ily to flee at dace to the neighbors. Illr. ..,I a ft er getting :, wl;', Protected 'ogeblet hui Uinta, Pro(meedl to -take a survey, and, if Pioleade. leam the ; cause which had distuthed;l ',than. ;The -seveatr swirms-appeati4 * be' r out, aid those.ion one sidok of - lire .*bloc siere arrayed in ouch against -these on Ithoidther side; .and ouch a battle was perhaß# never before--wit They, filled the as covering a spice otltniire than an - acre pf And 1 ' 00 341 deePenaetY for sown Wee o' ii-not for' , spoils.' t i kut for, [cork/I:wet; an' ' e, it living! thing could exist in 'di ' ' icy.' ~ - - 1 - f - ; t They stisiti it 'ge Mick of Shaughii Aobielp ins nearly ail of Watch dial/11d persons per-' I tng *long the wit*: ide - ' *Milted to snake I bluakto avold,th ' stir ; -A wait astet , e,',9r-i ilook'tinieViitut'' ' - a nd the living ' 1 i to returned: to, their- 'yes, Laving..the talkie --, 1 most literally mstitrios gu t ood.oho l o* I bet feel' have 91 1 ared ,- 11641 the. 14 1 - ' those sitolkiirelal ' . ; .as sentattelill watch- the I einnny, 'lBtit tiro, }Tani A . ' :were e n tirely destroyed ,; and ., aside from . 10 00/e 61aU gliter tr gfiess;n0 other iajiii,, done. 'Neither ; .., y Irma virtoffono,"M '''-; otay:Oeise4 Ott' coppro . ach of oight, --- ,'. 1., ' etter . ptioittotiimrT oommitoti.4.l)lis ~ - inning omonitlbe looesilO not. iiiig - i, :".`,' '., l ed for; inr at timininost tour rOsog--7 ; 'lle'r: . hnousitgoils '' Iteini''bereht ' '• - ii It 4 044 [of such a spectae as [ nand (074(60-Itepolet--1: - .-1 ~,--_.- t: I- : , - - -t - ' - - 4 -mmiaWinisgir - '.• ' ' - 4 4- - 1 1'..r... Mewl:o"pr a naldree' ISMS thirst for- ibeHae: , , quintion o f :lobe& I .1 . ' ' ~H ,1 - . 4 i 1 • 1 -- ; 21kb:deli - to . ti)siliteli . .as • - ' ~, .•• .. - . • . • , ... lifaii - Andreli lasi . - night i* A ..:-..1: , : ~:, :!.lrokk:::- .': . - ... i.Tiere am a 'Setae erie,:apt i by nlgh."-.. •f rile'lliCeill was . 10110te.TI!ritOttly . /pen - Alio - polisheittnipiket and - tetanus - nquipinenta"Of it Mintinel la the 'Starlet' unit:Own of - the - Buffs • . r .iire crack regiment of the daY--415 - tie:traii. "awed hii 'brief roadie_ the.: garden '' - gate `of dieen Wit* ' itrett; twilled:the residence or. Sir - Henry Clinton.•Bri;. rah fortes ie AMe - rieM.• •. ; • -.••• ': '•• ',- -: I • '.. Biri stalWartligure aid high grenadier-cap made-his adidairipPitat gigantic beneath.: the ,rays - of oar full and steriorM orb.= , :the western i *eon: - Occasionally 'parr* its. if ha. 1 tenitittelhe rieh 'magi Which ever and anon awelledj'arth . freer' the ieeidenee of Sir . Henry, arid - hMthelairwired - upon tho youth and bean. ti•raisitlinehr - the 'dance 'within.: Once ;or twice he ; passed the Sick of hisimnd acro ss his' eyeri; ,- aa if 4 - o 144' _a - truant - tear:: trial :yea's ite 'fountain. :Ma meiricirytnah-_ id to - - the days: ofhis - -early heart :ia - "merry, 'Engl - and." • 'lt •• - • ... .. , . . • , 11 -03 , St . George r .Ite•niuttered ; half - Mcnnt " I didnot think i• Winild be. childish,! - . Tile: ~iNiiiiia l'of the lane has Pitt- are in Mind Of home and old - Devonshire." .- '- - - • ••• • • Saying - this he.broke.out into that Military Song of Chmetal• Wolfe; - which, is tradition goes, he tang ;while passing up _Abe. SCLaw tence,' the night before-he - Alton' the plains of Abraham : :..l •- -• -' '-- - • : -••-. - ~. _ _. -- ,"i Midiers,Why • - • --- . - ; - !•• Sho dwe be melancholy boys, ,' ,-- -! • ._, •.. "W ' bweinen 'tie to die s " to.:. - -IBS voice. . turally sweet, sounded . perfect -4 ly melodious_ es unconsciously' . he' forgot, his a duties as sentinel, and gave t o the •"song the - full compass - 6, • his manly tunes. •,_ At Ei little disnuiec, crane ; - led„from the sentinel - br•the shrubbery, ' w' an' officer, upon whoae •arni leaned a bea n iful :girlaisientees -gem I the. ball-inoem: i';-. - • '. • . . L.' .- As the a ft er l fa t e of this brave' officer. &Rai! a memor able ge •in • Our - Country's' . hiatbry, my readers ; perhaps- Ilke a dere - ription of his perso n. . I e was rathern - nder the middle height; of a - ndsome, well-made fi gure; "arid' erect - atilitaiy• iage. - His fade was dval,l =lithe : feat ' • decidedly „handsome. ' e d`he Main•eip • of hie _countenance ; _ displayed -frankness,. an d s - sincerity.. • His - .age seemed about thirty. Wm scarlet Coat was faced' with bull; and bull reechiss, with white silk-stock.. , inge; adorned le loWer part : of - his person.— ii , Such - was the • 11400 m costume of an efficer I'Of that period! ': : .- . .-.- • , ; • ." You:seem" elmicholy to.night, Major -An dre," said hi s, *r companion:: "On inch : a night as this y a should be 'otherwise." • seem '.« And in e - company, .von should have added,. bliss: - man. Pardon no .for _this apparent quie m The: -thought .- thit this !.may be the t ; night - I shall ever ariendin New - York,' is Sough to make ,otiC feel inelan. - chely.-ia it 'ii fair. lady?" ••. • ' • • "Leave Nev York, Major Andre?" said the young lady, w some surprise. " Are you, . . going atiiith" - with Lard Cornwallis? " - • --- ." A - steldi'er, : . iss Beekman, must inform :tie one of his d tination, andrticalarly one like yourself, ith it touch of t a ke-rebel teelingl toward your. nirymeir... This • !Mich I: Will .answer—l ani of going iouth.". - "Borne ne • plan of Sir_ Henry's. ill be bound." said •e laughing girl. - 4 .1 . do love -Washington, .4 that is the, -RIO. • My - fath- I tl er,-it is Certain remains fi rm id his" allegiance to King - Geor t , • ; but I; I go• With -onr ; repObjj- I can George— eorge, - the.' soldier 'fi : lim Vii- ginia.". -, , --- ••. • ' - -••-. . . 'al - cannot-Say_ that I Oink .leas _of _ yon for each feelings, Miss "Beekman," said Andre;'.; "it is naturel we should love - WaShington is a brave soldier, and. frem - all !. :heir, a good man: 'Be that as it may;llowev..' er, hOhas-neright-te take - up arms against-his [ lawful king,- aid wheit he _ialaken, as hamust I be, - , he will end his days on a gibbet." • • . I " I'll Wager you this rose," said the: merry hearted girl. int,it is tone, taking one' I from her hair, . - "againet the first fiesi , - novel, you . receive by 'the:Laudon packet,, that you I wilt starer such .a Punishment first—and that, yodknow, - Ii• impossible, Major; for My conn.. .trrnea treat the king's officers with, the high.' eat respect when prisoners.. - Spies - only are hung,end -neither Washington nor yourself,' are iikely to undertake that profession," -.'• . , • It seemed as:if a 'Kw*. passed through the frame,•of the officer, for he trembled Loran in. stant like a lerif--wn ineiderit which 'Was long after rimerebeind- by . his - fair companion- whin mentioning.hia utelatreiroly, fate. -' " You are ill, Major!' Let us_go in."- . -- - " No; Do," naidholaintly . ; - 1 1 . it •was -but • a' momentary nervous affection, and is. ow pass. l ed.' There are, •st.tinres, Misi.l3eekmiul, ',pro- sentiment„ of 'evil - in . the 'human mind,- - that come without ;ed . ! Oise,' end •-• trouble ns we know not why: A eannot:. say "but. that my-I physical health is sagO6d as - ever it was. The' night is ;beautiful, 'ant the - scene - within Sir, Henry's • arsagion • enchintieg ; but still: there rei:a heaviness &Min my aPhitathat ..I. itannot shake Off. !: limy a danger Ireton,: me, yet knew - net:where : tip giant- against it,. or bow',: to - Meet ft.'' - "ThishadOwy, it appears palp. "able and distinct. - ! that..aiing,", -•, '- ' - '1 •': At this moment - t I 'ailTer. Rites of the sea-' -tinelli molar rang sweetly upon the ear with • the:Words of them:Mg we have mend oned,ah (I while* thus engaged, the major and •his faiil "companion apperd suddenly, before him. .In 'an' instant his !come was to and " his: mus. ket brought insacki4 to . present ' areas,"". as', he stood motionleas in true military position I 'before - his seperier.,:. -• •:- '',:,- -4-- • - - ,--• . 'A' Nay, nap Wbitley,o.eiite not goat song," said-the Melee; -4 , on *Ugh A - -this I Wonder not that you feel like singing:: •I- will - .staid res ponsible to' the , sergeant - for. such _ a breech ofdiscipline" - '; -:- •...'•••• •'. - • :'• • •--- .' •: " tahotild like much to 'merit 'in: full, lel-, dier," - said the, lady.' . , - 1 . •-• - ' •• _ i: -:-. --; ' I -",l only know it, lady answered ' - Ole . seati- - , • eel,' "-from hearing * Maki Andre sing it v • when , I have biek on duty - t. his quartile— PerhaPS he,:aralear, will consent to_ favor Yen . , ith It." "allow "I ialtist;;A4o`' •APdie--4e - :ARO will 1 ig Welt, Kris &anoint! will not but I cahoot 'tidal WhitleY in the _ youiwill soon d 7 iset.i!t • He thee sonoseueekold gang w pathos and beanti% The calm 1 0 I *w air;iwifigve air, and the, feel lebieb be este* into tbe wOrds-of entabliledlO giva i iirt. ..n: 'iffeet, -- _. rson:lid li. vie 5 . sod to bait itps " ,L_ ,__,E!_tglAmtwo, • 1.4. r.. . it ii vaue , --- - .. Arai . ~,,,.,....., :,z .. , ,,, i , •• • • ° :47.1...1 ji.,.#00,4114)..0 . 7.,. .-A !ilia doscApaiir Sidtii - Soof I 1 ratinimills Wag* tiostilmer It fits o littittraetts # Cllll tts t o C EMEM ' OSE, TlitS +A Y; _ . . . star' on-the breast . o his: c. t; "you shall hereafter hear . the tits. Of song master as well at adjutant-gene'ral to . is majesty's - troops in , .Ikmerilic, -' But - man —your politeness ; and gayety seem -te.' on fur' lough to-night. The - Bartmess de Reidteel NI 'been : oo lo ng all oier;frir her partici. • Ste in, my dear fel ion,: sterile Miss Nekarrini will you conda. wend le' take my. *roil" 1 - - " 1 have: heart' Doghietfal, it Henry. and -will instantly :repair : wrong". said Andre. . He eetered the ba m; and waltzed. with - Lodi Riddenel,- the of the-Hessian:goner- I x, al, Burgeytte'esecitidlii corn4nand at Sarato ga. •It ,tvits Si kit Wilts aid ball-mom scene ever envies - din by Andre—the night of the 19th of September, 17IP)- - The balliaa,'over k gre guests had departed, rind. it, Was waxing:toy:yds ;daylight, when - Andreleft the. private cloriet of Sir Henry Clintonourcl le the deo . .if looking to wards-the Bciwling m. _green. • . .:- "'Now. my de Major," sair , Sir Henry, " I a bid yon'adieu. May successicrown your ef forts. If ' yonr.laterview with Arnold termi nates is wri have reasooto ex - Oro!, West Point is (Armand ; a general's commission , awaits. John Andie. Be elution's, rantreat of you-". '." Adieu, air Henry—lgo tub serve my king and country. , It 1--,--but I will not say it. Sir. farewell." ' - ' : . - A. • He shook the extended' hand of Sir Henry Clinton with emotion, and, as he stepped into the street, received. ftir:the last time, the mill i tory salutation- of iv : British satinet. He touched his hat and passed on. At the wa ter's edge bo sprang into a boat, and was soon after - 9n the deck 'of. the' Vultu sloop.of-war; on his ',way - to hislfinal intervie with Arnold.- In alittle moreldfanten days hebigh-mind ed Soldier dangled on a gibbet. His hope, of glory were forevei- closed in the dust - and ash es of the . grave. i-Fortryears erwards his bones were brought to this city on their Way to 'rest beneath a gorgeons cen , ph:at West minster Abbey.' Though - an:enemy, we to spect the memory' of a brave man; and that such a man should be the -victim of a traitor like Benedict. Arpoldi There is something too touching in thelast letter of Andre to Washington, that , we almOst regret that the latter had not complied With his request, and given him the death of-a soldier : . TAITAIC, ',oc to ber 1, 1780. !, Sts..,-Ituoyed l above the-terror of death by ' the consciousness Air a life 'd evoted to honing ble pursuits, and itained with no action that can give rethorse,Jl trust that- the request . I Make to yourexcelfency at this serious period, and which is to soften my last moments, will not. be rejected. I 1 1,. - .1- - - Sympathy. toward a soldie will .surely in duce your 'excellency and itl, milittui , tribunal. to adapt-the mude . of my death to therfitelings of a man of heroes. . ' . Let me hope!, air, that if aught in my.char acter impresses you with 'esteem towards me —if aught in my odefortuneamark- me as the -victim of policy. aid norreeentagent—l shall 'experience the operation of these feelingis iii your breast, by being informed:that I am not to die on the gibb et. _ . • I have the honor to be your excenericy's most Obedient - and•most humble servant, - , . . . ~ At noon, precisely, on .tie• .2d of October, 178,0, olui was hunk at Tappan :... On the day . of Arnold's death; many years after, the tree that overshadowe4 the , solitary grave of Andre was stavek and shatterOd .to pieces . by light- Down among the D,ead, • To -verity.the Many horrible repoits - ro^ the doings among the 'dead; we the other day viii-: . wit the cemeteries,. •In every street were long •proceisidns, tramping to the solemn music of funeral marches. In the countenances of plait ding passengers were the lines of anxiety and grief, and many a door was festooned - with black and white hanging% the .voiceless wit nessei of wailing and of sorrow. 'On tho one hand - slowly swep t the long corteges of the wealthy, noddin With plumes and drown bY prancing horses, rejoicing in their funeral va6- - Ries ; on another, the hearse of the citizen sol dier, preceded by measured music, enveloped in warlike panoply, and followed by the noisy ihread of men under arms; while there again e pauper was trundled to his long home on rickety qui; with a boy tor • e drivei,, wh# , istled aii he went, and swore i careless oath ' he urgeilii.; his mule or - spivined horse to ii, nt, ma.kitrg haste with another morsel conl ribeted to the 4reed banquet of death ..- No vw ong the steeples , was beard the chiming of - fie bells, ,as of Ghouls up there,9llitigting eir hoarse voices , as in a chorus - gtatola 'on'over the ranks of-fallen tportalit . Anon from some lowly tenement t ried the low wail #f a mother for the child of her • ection.s, bile from the comer opposite heist the long (some lOW bacchanal, mingling ri ry.with ntiment, or sWeering &prayer or t wasithe -"un:wr i t:nov/4 him.] -,' . - {;. I 'lj The skies. wore s delusive *spec Above was all cloudless sunshine, but little In keet4 leg with ilie black mehuicholly thatenveloped all belOw.' Out along the ,highwayalthat lea to the cities of the dead, and still thO-tramp o funeral crowds knew no cessation. Up roll the :volumes of dust from the busy,roadii,l'an . . the plumes of the death istriages ,nodded 'hi seeming sympathy to the swaying cypresses of thii - swainji„ enveloped in their dun appatelin of welling mosit garniture- for such a iti • At the gathering pt•ints carriages senile ted, ani vulgar teamsters, as they jostled; eac other iir .the press, mingled the coarse j with the ribald oath; ne sound.but -of profs! malediction and of riotous mirth,. the eieng•ef whip-thongs and the rattle of wheels. At the gates, the winds brought intimation or. the corruption working within, ,Not. a puff - but was hider'. with the rank•atinosphere from rot. ;ling eeipsea.- . Inside they were piled Mlle'', exposeit,o - the, hest : of-the sun, swollen with ta ild corrup n; hireling: their coffin:lids, and aria? , dering,, if by physical effort, ,the ligaments 'that ho their hands and feet, and extending their liinbs in every outre attitude. What a least of iborrors 1 . Inside, corneas piled-hi - pp; 'rola% ondwithoui the gates, old. and withe r i WI crones and 4k:boxier woman, _ frettiag-la their ortn grease, dispensing Immune and code ctiMts, and lunging away; ail* *mum male Sot buskei„; *Amen , bottle-61es that ho. Seta in theii,tneechawilse, - anti, , thar %vial sway 44 , drink -dainty: inhalations from thi:geWoo and festering corpses. -_ ; .Matoasui at the ~ , Al is) milking = thrift MIMS" ; 1 914 '- ' of his hiaelitlietfir•stintideliokikuss *llOO - ,swieprimsaw.fiwiteoountieteneN iir'llithrokirk:ot , wommi Or ofaiile - ' l l l6l l' 1 1 , 441 0 - 7 03 4: 14 49ffibitilimenot , .._ aka* obliged ihpsoprivilWii* 1 , the "King of Terrors" Jo thituniai" i ' eDY you; song; as Enfoltub - wag, be con form- Aizzi .-or ' *Pi Ow gat- • 11 = SETTEIOEII:-.202 1853: with a crowd of. stolid 'ialier :: OM; Who, .tumbled the dead into OitCheii,;.knock4 . "about the mazard,".. ' Csieseir dreg} ititermingled . with. the' ' oti 'dreadful sci' demoniac jollity. - • . ~..-. "1..1.1 ' - 11 : - ', l ong ditches Ware 0 , &enroll 'the - - Maw charnel.. ..- Wide oirgii were: thee tomb a legion, but mil :s..folirfilenjuch Coffins r laid in them . pied their top L the surface Of the ea '.- '; on these to dirt to • the depth' of a Yonti or - ,mere. 1 loosely, that my • .4f .1 flies tenni between the lOose clod'' :1ci,419113:4 same of the coffins, huziediadblei their • ovariti,.. creating eich'• ben s . the) hatched swarms . . - i - I. - '• 1. - ••But no_sound Wes Vier* Of ipirow- within due. wide Gehenna: .11feit need to the ' Int, 01 dissolution hadforgottiMiall touch Of: . ymPri- thy.- Uncouth laliiirersOtitli their. ba . r . shock beads stood Linder the iiiiilingheat Of: be sun digging in the earth; a4iie inon the - would encounter an Obstrtictitemitlor string): would swears hideous oath , move to ataith-rwpot., and go oftlie digging as - .l 1 - ..Noirl , &then themattock or • the.sAdewould . diet . . di - the hones of some former - ItanaiiiYif ihe..].,ould,- fOrgotten there amid the armies Of the..` . ttu- . lated victims, and: the Irstordi lab&eil.with a give, would hurl the breken fragreentir on _the sward,'. growl forth .'a energetic 1 d ':n, and chuckle in his excess Of !glee.... S kull; bones were dug Up from thei ' long sepalter ;,..with ' ghastliness etaring out 1 . I;: : 1 .!.''l- • ' - :, . • Froni each 'lack-lustre,ieleis'hol : 7 •••• without eliciting an "Alai , - Poor'Yoric, :', and :With with only in. exclamation' froin.; . a dig:: ger, - of ''. room. for_ your Ibetteis-r _ ! - : : - EConomy or 64 space we:9 lieu reel:if '' Diming calculation in .bestowini.**iy: the 4eti‘ men. Side by • 'aide were laidi!tWo, pf gigtin c pro [ portions, bloated by eorriifition . ,.to tlie. size of j Titans. The central p l Ojectipna'of jtli it cot: fins, left spaces between.i them nt:giei . .he.adii and heels. • This .Wae . too Much rop ' to be filled ''with earth. ••• - Hoar' eleial4:. the s', e be saved? : Opportunely ; -01 nniterial lir''. hand,. fora cart: omes, ltimberiag :iii, with th ' .coripe es of a another and her two little chit rent—, Cheek children in theitimees at 11 :: . beads and hook of the Titaniii and hif.. the' Whet' by herself, out there • tilene# - A en' • de for her will, be found ezioN Mi4,lheraelf iM . , hi .. ilieW will sleep not the less *Madly from. 4 en. wonted 'contact ! 1 '; 1 • -- • - The -fumes rise np .40.1Pathly. :eik from the accumulating. heeatenibs of fa , 'lug comes.. Men wear.l4 their.noses camphor • - and Odoromillwpiees-,for ;th cro'w'ds. there who have tinj business look on and ;contemplate- the vast col tion of the dead. Theyidoe't care if t thenmelvesthey haielbeeiinie Se tiaei reek of. 'corruption. They, even . l i m o riotings of the akeletonPettli,-amlegie in the 'horrid'atmosphei t where Can draw. breath! for utailano.• •1* -' :. - •• • The ' stoical' nigroes,. 1 'too, i ;Sato' Are five:.dollsisier. 416uf to] gOldit , „ iiikithe_ : I interment, stagger under .the stating I .and can only be Itheir-Whrk . and continued potatioMi-iif ;Stile r ffie-, They gulp deep draul . isi oil' the, Sum fluid,. and.: reeling to th • ii. :teaks, hold ' ~ sea with . one hand, w. e with the ii .: rasp the spade,.heaie rij the triohld,:a: bark to the bottle tog ilo 'again j - It i time-with these ebon. I herors; and :vi ' hi white :co-viorkers=as i , pughtlOs an. . ly, and . full as muchin licated aethe. , Ahd thus, what; Withlthe'sOngswnd . 1 jests of the grave - digg ir;'lliehazziit flies, the sing-sOugeri , o f the - hitzter . , vending their confection the hoarse ~' S the men who drive•thkileadi carteoh - I whistle 6f 'the boys,-and PIO : ailing. the Korea of blickenectemiiSes, the di apace; the work of sepultere4adOne,.. draws; her curtain:. . li• I 'I.II ' ".• 1 ' 1 ~___ • JOHN ANDRE" A Thrilling 11101 Early in the spring '.l McConnell, of -Lexingt .1 woods WI foot to hunt a large buck, and ran in order to bring it in. party of tve Indians, in expeditions, accidental) of-the deei, and perceiv 1y been killed 'they 11. i the hunter would socin flesh. Three' of the !, p l stations within - close 1 while the other . two. fol hunter, and waylaid th expected to return.' . McConnell, - not thi 1 'carelessly along the pi Watching, until he bad , the deer, when he wa s party and his' nvite hilt extricate himself from ed by, his enemies, ev e a prisoner, His .captor . merry, good natured so witted him flu:emu what was rather extra° retain. Iris gun and hunt He accompanied . them cheerfulness through 'flu his dexterity by shooti the computY, -until 'they omit, partiality:, Ilayin 'this manner for several Veached the bank or the • Heretofore the India caution to bind hitn at securely, • but ou.thatiev 'with them on the itiN strongly of the pain wh that. they merely . lira abatit his wrists„ and knot' and then attached rcpe ,to their bodice; In moving without awake, enmposedlywent to ale to ,follow IV --mil/ McCaw that_night, they won) der It WOI ly thitil pp, beat mins tally eastlm feet,.they ' judo, .wk we now dime. i tubing !.Nt oni to! iitteap Belts* , be t I • 11 4 0 : •i544 1 1 61 / . • A • 1 • ' I • I - , I e 0 .. Areierieti t 1780, Mi. AliJ l ii4lll3L itentLi ' . r eetj - -He'e, ing ,honny fo A r Purnm hip , 0 tor their , n • stabled ed . 1 pe that he hel . . raliy -. onp . - ; - . 1 4tont :to - lee '''lliiniforel to ~ fin . ehot'of :th iviie4l-• the. keit t. P : .-K -III°/ 1,, u_,an " .1 • • , isyt, ich 'deo . :Piosii 'within - . red 'oti - by',ll:' . 1 • NVhilels . , 1 ;animal, he. ' *iiirWedxs4 .' ' ' Of 4ellOvie;, - .. 4 them inholi 4iiunir f allaiiedi• ~,.i fi ; i t econ t. . ..,, gr iLig, ',and - difi • 4- r Tot. the 1 tie elect vt.t , .dn'y ' :they:: '4l I Obi . „iivc.n.. -. ,' ': • !And. taken . : , ellie... ht4lthough . ; very ,ing4 he remii trated. 6 ,ina .ennipi ' , n(Lito ii tit cord eee, them,. pi keii . the -brae O.': tng. qii*tiedit in it the ontiesjitiol. kiof the .eidtf to -- in*: ti t 'hie. iinV !them,"Ahe ;veil: iiitee 4 ving. f.hti , . inner •zei . nt* na he Eiii -1 - ' littlimmating hiaperlen; walked to the fire and' sat. down..:He felt that `his work `'was but half done.' That it he should attempt to re-?' urn homa withont destroying his enemies, he ' would be - -Purinted and. pr.ebibkr overtaken; : hen ; hiatate would be'vertain..`..On theeth ;Lhand, it imemedlalmost impossible fors sin: lit individial to-succeed _ in a tonflictwith five mclieris, even though unarmed and -44 i 4i . Du1d4144, hope to deal a.blow with a knife so. itlenty and fatillyi as to destroy each of = his,- enenues in turn without litakening the rest: Their- slOmbers were proverbiallylight and rest eamsarid if he tfailed with asingle one. he mu t inevitably he ! overpowered by the surviv ore: The knife was therefore oat of.the clues titr. After Anion - reflection Tor a few min . ; Altai, he Termed his plan. - - -. The guns of the Indinni were - stacked near. the 'fire. - Their kniiies ind tomahawks were !sheathed by' their. aides: The latter he dare. not welch 'for feari.of :training their owners, bat the former he carefully them with the exception of two„ and hid them in Ahe Woods, i l While he knew .the' Indians were still sleeping, perfectly ignorri.n.t-, of the . fate . .preparitig for. them, and taking e e in each hand and resting the muzzles upon a log, within six feet• or his victims, and' having taken deliberate 4m at the head of cone atid tSS heart of another, he. pull ed bath triggers- 4 the same minnent... Both, shots were fatal, -I .. f - At the repert of the guns, the others sprang to their feet, glancing wildly about them, licOirnell, wno ' 'had_ run' to the'',ether. rifles I were hid, has t ily seized one of them 'and-fired at two of his enemies who .happened' to be *finding in alline with each other. The near est fell dead 'eing shot through. the centre of the body;i the second felt atso, bellowing loud ly, but soon recovering, Unified off as that as Possible. The • • fifth arid : : only_ one - that , te-• Mained unhurt, darted off like a . dee r , _ with ,a' yelll that , announced equal terror andinatonish ; Merit. McConnell, not wi'hing:to fight Any. more suchinittles, selected his own ride Nut. ) the 'mitotic, and made the est of his Way-to Lezingtoe, Where he arrived in tWo daya. : . A phort time , afterwards,' lars.lipunlip, jg Pipette, who hid been **Aire) Months apriiii miner among the - Indians :oim Mad .Rivercautde her; - and returned. Lexington. She , reporteirthat the survivor turnedjo his tribe 1-1 11. ivith7rilamentable tale. ' related that' they had taken a fine young hnn ttelif Lexiegton and bad brought him as far Ohio; that while encainped upon the • bank .c the river, a large party- of white - inim 'had Tel en upon tketn, in the night-and killed: his colliprions; together, with the poor 'defenceless pusoneri who lay : bound hand and foot unable to-resist or elcape: ~4 ; Gotha, , ds of - piled put so •entry / raeked 'therer flew hitioas t-cim= .re are but to Igrna" -y die to the Ij, at the . .. . . .. . -- Pretty .Inejdent. -- , , . , : We heard a very pretty. little, incident the other day, which we cannot help relating, - A young hsly 'from; the !Milk' It seem; was wooed and Won by a youthful - physician living in California: ; , When the --, ,Pgageifient,'**e. meile s .thedn et4,wal rich. ',ll3ing;beell(v'e° sweeten! atArn:lrianctico. 111101. Imt irit. I le ed six menthe, however; When, by .-- "lin rt 4 nate investment, he . lost his 'entire ' h ' . 1 — Thisaevent came uppn him, it should ed, just is he was making ready! to claimhis bride. What does he, do? - Why,lik _in .. honorable and chivalreus young fellow, he is, he Biter down and writes the-lady eveiFer ticular of the unhappy tarn which • had " en . plienin his fortunes, sumnring,her ; that: i _ the fact produced , any change 'in -per. feelings" to=, wards him, she is releSsed from eieryproat iB6-ebe had made him ... And what • dot, the dear,': good, girl I , Why, she takes' a. blip' of pure gold. which her lover had tent her.. li, .when inPresperity„* a heePonhe, and hneia,g, manufactured' into a iing, fciniardodltio hlin; with the follawingilible instOptlen, augflled in distinct .'_haieeters. on the =Qui :'''. -."'.' " Entiest, me not to leave thee er to retain from &Baiting atter "theri; 'for Whithee thou pest, will I go; and whither thou lridgeet;Will I lodge ; thy people will be.` my - people - and thy .- - God ; where thou diest willti die: and diere.wjll I be buried; the LordidO so Ito Me, and more alio if aught but deathkpart thee; andme." ,: - I' The lover idolized his ever When he received thi Of her devotieu to hiref, bo iatine.' We may add that smiled upon the yoint ph subsequently:returned -to the sweet girkhe lovedmul such an undzing iffectio happy bridasmd bridegree bur - eity not long' since o home of the latter in the er, _thin is all trite. :Youn the Bible, as closely st,the dent -seeiiiito hat% done, make good sweethearts . o ** o4 Pai,v' joke's ly they : il d wi er 1 . 1 to the horse. ace, A ulking o body eeent. dust re - the their deer, f the e was. re eirw n wh g t 4, 61 et aera -1 off ed a ; dime. 0 0W nt& I treat I,seof ... 1_..--.0T,- , -- --..e , ----7-7-77 t rkri !the, proutteßi.,444 ............,.5.40;,.t.,..••cpc.•,,..,.. ... - .l.46iiii i -4- tiOaeniajeKc bird * 111 2 .- 7 h a t . ' : w e i i r -.., ii - a 0 ; pat . the gay O il M ill g a '' Pi ,:':iiitarthe',liiink: peacock:fiillis trandy.lany , _. -- - , ~.. , lea! Bock' which ' - tnake'.- - .ttity: tropin;:‘-grnyea± 10!- : brilliant: Mho ~144 Of' Pf o4i fe:. E P! I ii' t " )1 1 1. ii 4 iiiiiitt c rOW r iad a PaTar-0' 1 1,4 . 4 • 12 . / ii lv . ' - tittle - iii,iV,',itii.til: : all its train H of ,_aoft . ; , . , OS . la -.•-• the - blooding ot tio.d. iliOting b - roalt co- -114 - - . ' -he airial ricol igan 4W hici4 - .Whothar : ohorT , Pl,_....„ .. - lii bow 'Or- inTOP- ;,sunset , skies, l:lnns,luivi7i;u7bef.i Offeigla,- or 44 : '$4 °. !' lc '- (4i "3 - - - -:ir , shone: form .. ii 'rill - lailtativit'pemill;.ooo- _, , On • • , n e ver- ye t have ceased lo of love divue;isihieti .... , - „,,,-vii;; ' - our-:natural Eden ..` _ .2;vim..."4,u . ,4r, . graCii -,--: I. ' h', ihn:pirrier,:Ofl7 4 `'same. parted If6T-.34,•l:erneeijOihntrei-bOOO:211010.: hopeful i1161*4P.; 1 1 l ' A linnitlin'Ae-64:00.Ae5. down already lail L h f!!!! -,..,--,.- -,- = it , -* lt ai..- Ibieb. hang-over -thc,--11,aski_ogL7_0r.v, birds ., ' hir k l449 g*hril ' eltY. ' : 'llu l'iiiiij..,theli*l:. of 89ge,P,,i1.4: poor,:....„Litz7iiiiiire. 00- tendoa; too_ near.. L "!• 11 !' .. -' - 'olik4tio niiiri!.-diO"..- ct Or, 1 - 'lll4l'lA jw-titi.tikOt .P.-...„,..,-,...„„,,,.iii;;kii.- .go o go ' L f Onin 'i 'orlirer -11411 2.. 1 ,7 1 1 . 7 h 7 te ,1 thiff, among ail eindeortc-lierfß,____ _,"',.,;',-;,:frhiy, orifi4 'Wail& .li*Olo,l4.oleur , m e i, ii . .hav ; of- , beta V a' pei l 4:oo . . 0 1 . ) ,:°.% 7,13, , - r- -- ii i iii - a - -4t, eivithi'l:':::Nnlif:':,:i!i.o6-406 * -, tr i tPii . , -, - . ltOi. the eieet; -l b&COot''_ - dill i iiiit'o *- na-, I/ _.,.., ',_,- - -, iiiikla found, eve -. fie.. walks ,tnana ii n liai ntrarso ihii anionvholliOtiO-Ni411144!, liOirszeW .• . AA ioti.,:lowhiii,,,,,fook He = flies .: ~,,,v(,. 4604-*.o4,:;Ft.*):,,,iizi-.!:7the': -: ion. ent Ati ty. : o l:::lo4* , Pl* . ~61,,,., 4.1 V- imil v .“ 9 --t yr iiirek: 7o t ._ •• • ...iiikkiti.,iis, . , ... , ...f il mi tin ot hassa llkil..- ---, •: z iiii : , ,_ ~..,,,„: ' - -T , •.' .:.:- .+ 1 , 4 ,1* , 1 ' ', ',.:-' -'•-• tii - 4,1,.:; ' '''-'- ItitiroPer.i. t aiy':: - , _ ,' . :., ~..:-: - , -.i ii t 4 ''' . - li; irWitia4 AM, 41411r4M- 416- ,*- ......._, .340114 lkillfier 4.., -- - . .ii :a . .- . ' Ili* • ._ glt :.' ' - ' ~r,;.: ~r.:::-,',1:-,•5.:LF,L.7t','...'--?' ,i!a-7.,,i6.:Aii,,,,-4,*•- , or 17-1•fki,01,;;;.; •-.-"--;' - -'' •• ' - ~ ..... - •0111411aPal ii l • . C:- ITI 4 III: ':•!-•''-.4t•;:i''r.- ;-..,,..-.,.•.,'..z.,--z.---.::-. ,"-..-:;.- :- :: .,, ..44_:-lit - ,. - .1 -.- -:• , ~,,,,,,,,, -,..: ..-.., , .... .. . .. , . A b i o T n i Toil - same. _ -- 4, , . BA ED: -Teel Krbili; — 1 traih, than' ' , and int '' "them ii tefe *it!, reatelthe teatidor *ale - \ ini`aathe 411 s. can badivested.of lira 1111E44 - , 'tsite baits Plet:ef hread *MIN 43 4'keii.: ' - '.011i..0 - 11 414 ehopPed,- - one • enneer or I)iittim :- PePiei l l 'aed salt to - the taste. - Fill l the 4ille of each Phieeivith the dreaairg,',pu t Illias together, Ind tfelhatn %ilk:* Pleee : of Put -thein Pi's f Pam with' an -ounce or ' 19 41,07 and i gillirt - ,r; Bet' theta - in' nini;derate - oven, 'And coo Abem,till they . areio., es: -.- Isl. done; cut Oaf ihe threalis sad serve: therni '--' ..., Te:iiii.c ritidanninii,LG et name . ":slicei.ort - -, v e 4 ; 99 tieta , Irals an& 'wash itheta , '''lmateig - them *Mite, Prier and ealt,liad *Y.**, SVisie= ,: ly till theytare done.—They' should As- M a ' i Irght.,briomi - on . . WO aide& , Stew. eetai - ia; ;- matees metr . drY; atrain'them ihrc - 0 to-get out all theseeds, pour the:Puli,': - '- i thei, gravy after the miathas beenisienonl, ,and ' thicken it t lvith n pieCi Of buiterrolled , fir flour 7 ru4r this''over the Meat and-laerve: it fait. t, - ISCATAA*I) TOVAToss.—Nol fine ' ritre to. "_, thati;ek tit them in small pieces, and la a Pia , a 43 ; er 9f tomatoes ,. with -Perigee ' salt - and some-444es- of butte, then Put' an her layer of bread crumbs and tomatoes, an d - Oa t till the dish is full. qpreadliome . ben - egg over the fi , p, ind set in thnoveprand ban it; ... FRIED TOMAT ii. * h them ; . i 'em in half,' mire out ttta ieedk.and 30 = 012 ' ell ' 1 1 : with, PePPer-reid ma- -llareraadY-serae i IPS. ted batter nlkpan, putithem into it „ and fri, them slow y till very soft-. -- - " I-- DRIED TOMATOES. 7! T443 fruit fully ' air, thr9.9gh a 'Owes cook; elewlY he hour, spread on clean: end- dry- , oisn.tatelin hours: Drift - capital, 'when 'fully -PrePtu:ed. •. Deep aPs Oneof the most itsiortsst( subeat l — i Should command the attention' of-the tin thlimproTeMentl of thesoil;-thiliS,dO) various means, some are more.effeettis l others; hSt there is 'one that is. - too eglected, a* roman; one that' the:labor required thof to not Lomita oftho theoretical to the.Eariner's we ;Made to is a „ bein found to and 'to come at dm Iva t this, is one not be elightlY '''There are bat f _ p. owed`:-.too ; - _ ee , 10r0 _ I ‘;''' 64 100 a p if ti "ugh 4 11 , 4416d 1 1ik other reapects. , ' Deep-plowing' gives.. Enter ePiee ihr the re • etele ' l °n* in, ‘ina; ii...tha: mattpi elf eottrati'it larger Aturfaci,for tlienittiT'. &Ilea their food from-; it sillirgivei a , graiter • depth of soil for the air to penettaleralilMr: seti Ith,e- apace:: is larger, t' wilt contain *ce iii**. ' l ee ezitertt °en e a the-aa wi4,ileilioili- - 1- i f ili ‘creengenill . te iegetitien4,theair kp: , 1 * geite;any winner thin thelleil , the 'depth that the latter is breken tC - 1(1 - olfile. - / 1 0 0. and rriito ihf aicevi 4i dill; 7 kthf lar c " -i get will the hilt of the fo rmer • //kit - will Peeetmte into - it, giviN put its -he igii - 4 1. l ' once to w,.artn•and sweatelt it fellbe::; , , - ;,Wlla„ctr i ,...' - is t t he'Photet - '' AO this I°-liat 01771/12$,:•tirtj-Ult zing PFtielea( are cont i nu al 'Y -li,es• - ,!#t"..- 1 4, these the soil have the : , ir°r - tg . '::elleyore, UPS': and - retiiniee l irer the - : ' - e,r, ibiOriti•j ; T r lS : thea 'de n ) ' ill * 61 : fa LITE*' ' 11 °194 1 t c;f 1;0ft - 6,31441i to. aet a intd - r' tho de* '-. ea' the. air:' tetmkte wgi w. eettMart more 'than. precious evidence in - s!kra 3 PdAub= ortune Aden agaiP skier% and that, be the . North - to 4 ived bo loved him with NV, moretthe passed qrough their *ay.. to the Ides Stste.','Res' PeriL —/‘ tilh*g ,effect Tben *Rai; soil thatis . amply- stiffed ants y; pttivetized, tetaiss moisture lonttly'i. than that. whislt is mar s i ovd a , ep crops such load twee .or ao inn& 4k Seaft l / 1 1 of &Might tbe4 ,being krosier,, depth or fin° P ul verized 804 bolas * amount of. InOieturn during wafter, ibiw T thatwhich is only fitly sti and the lixita baying greater dePth to Pe Irate thelt:ter° so soon altered ` : Ti p;' dm to the --rear& or which,. is a larger crop. - bastboon generally milted Oat' for moterops it Is beneficial to low deep to [giro Wee,. for the roo t s ter Pen • tosbut for, gra); croft, been OnoPoned be unneoemmi..— Th 1 6 ,1 1 1 11 falsity, for almost cry eroptsben-. tatted by deep tillage. - To prilve thts, hi only necessary to leek in to : " . •P r4en IP •ht i k tilled With the elltde to * 00111 144.0 then laokiacaihe #eld that is;ploweLotal small;depth,. is planted with hind of ernP—Yon it °Pe° the ene-en the deeP tin ed 4oll 4fie : 11 900 0 rA to the one on the shallow 'Plowed; a pteeepti.., ble iliirereaeol isaeettietaiwitaget tl is shoiva Phdit t Wit klibl_ Matt # l OlO4 O and teed* nteolureti DOW talraltal4lSalk 'depth to the "lOW flotot 1 4,4 04 + 11 V* aftelle the l otilehials note uPpn Ikahalighgr : ;!. as ikweros,'Lltn l ot t n e'orilivieglzi urrie ity. Let *Ewa - - SC I . - # e rP II % ii 7470 I ;I:ojiispf.axtrirret; jars.pritty.;-'paini shoo ( arPfie MEM yOLVIIE X., NMU:I *gricultutiek ^r ,' 1 .1 BRE FNMA - :, , , - .';' ,- •:' , ' , 1. 7 'r . ',. ,1 :1i.': I, I : ;:.: 1,, :V.O 4•:1 , '..41.,:'.,.. . ..._ .. ,:_. ,E ;,01P'*.s. 1 -4: : :-.2: , .. - ,....1F.:.j...f.1' ; '.:- . : :.,* R 4 .3 - rum by thaii " ipc,4 ha &N. -~~;: