TIIE DEMOCRAT. , ThelLategeettilrevilatton In Northern Pennsylvania-1032 Copies Weekly.'. - • CIIA`SE ' Erniois , • OSE, JULY St, teas The _lteitpir. BY ELIZA COOP. 1. love...love to aeo . 11 righV,atoel gliyamitirough the land goodly sight—shat , it mutt be- , In the reaper's twang . `The helmet arid the lapear Are twie4d with laurel wreath ; - • But the trophy iawet'with the orphan's ,And the blood spots rest beneath.. I lore to: the field . -• ' ,- ' That is moist with . perpie slain ; - I tilt not where byllet,iword,and _shield, . Lie strown with glory •sisin. •-. - _ • , . --, o, no.; 3 tis when the inn - ; - Shoots down his , douAlels bCarps, Till the rich and'bursting juice-drops run - On the vineard earth its streams. . . glowing heart beats high, "At the sight of shining gold But it is Sot that which . the miner's . eye Delighteth to behold. ' . ' A blighter, wealth by far • 4 Thari . the deep mineV.yellow vain - seen around, in the-fair hills crowned With Sheaves of burnished grain. Look forth ye toiling then; Thoughlittle ye possess, - Be glad that 'dearth, is not on earth, To leave that little less., IA the song of praise be poured, -, •• In gratitude and joy, . 3 _ By the rich man with h is gainers stared, -And the ragg ed . gleaner lioy. • The feast that warfarelives, Is not for 'one tanner— - 'Tis shared by the *leanest slave thit And the tenant of a throne.' , ; Then glory ti•-the steel ' ' That shinei in the reapers hind ;t'. And And thanks. to God who hath bleised - •the And crowns the harvest d ! - 1 As this is the season of the year for hay making-, and,as any nserul information on this important subject cannot fait to interest the far- Jmer, I will make a few remarks as to the best inethod which hnve found for ensviing sue- cess in'euring hay. 1. have observed, - that ih a sense)) where there was no rein scarcely' at all and the hay has been made very, rapidly, nini Carted shortly after beini'miti;l have lost a greater quantity by being overhestedind -item ed, than in a wet, irregular season. .1. found _ . that itot hkate d in : the toe . 11 4. is . . -frequently mouldy, and that when . .hay loses its native' color and becomes brown,tt loses its strength, ening qialities: I became convinced that hay making is at best an nncertaiin. optratif.n. succeeded in arranging a regular course of lip erations, which `I was enabled to obtain .my hiy of a uniform good quality. at kregular expense ; and, as thisprocess - ensures protee thin Against the uncertainty: ofthe weatheir, .and overheating in the stack, lihink it is . uor. thy theattentient of the farmer-readers, of the' eiewspatker: i ',Li the firstplace it generally hqiienti i l there are two,-or three di four ditys . dry` at a time,.therefore, as ginis may be cut in wet weather, and allowed_to tem* it the .-swarth a few day without injury, I prefer -to cut in rainy - weather ; for it is -desirable to , ha%;e ns 'touchdown* can be attended to ; -atone, so that we may ha j ve a quantity sufficiefi t t for a 1 . , itackinthasome state of forwardness: . ../10„ any rate swarths should not be opened but 4n a 'certain finil f day; and' when this:la:hone, the ' grass shouid Ibe well shaken 'apart and evenly spread over the ground. When the upper sir . faceis dry turn and in deing this great care must be taken to open any locks : which _may not have- been, opened before. 'Afler a . tew hours, provided the weather is fair, icom.: inenee raking in wind-rows and tuake thetain to small'eocks before night. The second Jay . these cocks, must remiin intouthefl, let the weather be - Wet-or dry. The .third -daY, if the weather.is fine, they may be thrown oPen, bnt if not fair, let them remain another dayiv or mi. ei there is a fuir day: The socks - should thin. . be throw, according to t 4, quantity, into, the beds 'of two . or three ?Dais, and, after two or three hours 'expesnre,turned over ; gather t he whole into wind rows andeocks.before • night, • buttione must be , left 'open.. The day. , after thisovhich iikfine:weat*ti, wilt-be .. the fourtb;, - i the tacks being opened for twe.or three hours i ea t the hay-Wilt' be fit :for the sta - - • , ,' i i. . At first fig4 . # may appea rs blit- 1 )7 this Pia- I , . cogs so mnehliine, in' fine w Or, must ~be •-• Vint; "*Ait! - _ii not 'the, esi.e: : yhite . .the hair' , 'reni4eacks; a alight - fermentation • or '_. 807 : ea place, and in consequence, Sr ter it has beela opened . on the third, - day, it -will prove to be just no , iorward as if it kid • been worhedevery,diiy . ; und_the , advantages : or ihiiAte the foilowing: . By shortening the. time of eZephillf the Aolor . of the.hay is.more, perfectly proiieived, and, therefore, the quality " . eoliths tWeittings . inl,ifrie , ineks iiiinipish 'the' inclination ithiettkiiinjurionsly in-ilie*Sicle; lld j, the wliole-o - Aztinsus:of making— reqitiree- , ' . but two days labor,m3a;as the bay ts lefteve ." • ry night as little 'us . posejble exposed to the! Manes of the weather . 11*..83- it mai 1e1412111, 'for * day or tWO,in umertsiiiiiestlier,withont Injotions - bexPosate -Much 'ornidetY'iutd . Attedi- ' ,-thoeF:Pf l2l32 inf: _ WI ' - ~, ' :. 144 followe d the aboveldaiti - bialefedid ifs 4o 4isibetriviidth9rol;l l * o 3wsife Can-be iiiiaelii*:;43VY4:Afilli-lie''. ' . tiiiiilithe44 . 4lliiili-tai s i on ir .11/4 1 kntCousity Pa., JAM' . , ~. - 0 1 ,4 t- .1110,Piral"ti, 'loo#loollStleib, - - Trion Eloythe.Stiaths i r Inveritois and - Manufacture - is' ef tlachinei could,hav4 learned much if, they had ntrlY giv ! en" attentiiin to the extrsordinary exatitp)es of contrivance so na'merously . displayect in the works or erect on- % e m ty cite ac h romatic V' - i • i t lenes as' one xatnple of this , sort, wlt lt oven i !klewtm prone need impracticable, wh le at the very moment he was Writing, th it...assert,"3 l an, ho lA:asjite4ink.„4rotigli two most porfeetly ton 7 l atrie ed sehretriatie knses, just like :[millions , 9 1 oil hers whic had been- in exist ' cg,.: f u r "I 1 .s . , . 5 r the sands of. ye s. Tlyesanetents.we t re l inn. zled or a substane to write upon:, hasps °h i d ' een malting paper. since the , ereatien—a triii brOWn fali: i ic to - be sure. T.llies andkree frog it id foi.thel. same period ilinlstrated Piac-1 tics] y the presue of the ainiosp ,ero and then tiple t ef the :sun pump, Zvi I beantifully tztjeted miniature machine ; and the Iture of arch :which the more the ancient, Ati ns, notwitlistan ing-411eir milled aiiVe skit) 1 in masonry - and arc fitecture, it few nothing about, hlis Wrll understood `a tld - constant) prae.tisedjall , that tittle by a Wild mining, ant, The `most perfect. fiirm -of a rod,' shank or beam, to contbino trength r lid liglittiss,' is il lustrated by the,tu eof ivi 8 quills; nand 'by the straw'and • grASSO3--tho hallow rod or tube. .This principle 11,3 been iilready ap4led• in . :,i . Mimber of instances . ; but not 111 inow; the ntiddle,9f the nineteenth century, t ,ies:i,he hint been taken , im.tiii... corist;uooh oft.eyt te , inaths itnp . !emcnts in -which lightness' , :hedfittrength . are Pve-eminently trquireil. . 1: i - i pun , eon stru . , The Th ee - Gen e rale .' ' , , t i. Of _three military . ci ioflains-,-WaShington BOnaparte, and N e l lie on-Washington, by , ,? large odds,'exhtbited - the fittest • tiperi en ' of . pitysiCiai . n*htiod. , Bonaparte po id the largest brainind had`the ,finest - :.cart: ial de velop'metitS :%Wishington had; however; three mental qualitiim W I) i r q the Corsican' ,Itad ,net, to it : calmness, peruevertmee,and adhesive ness..B. 1 " - his%i ' - nu:Tarte was In yottt i , a very 1 Inindstane Iman: in his age he wasi-leciiiedly , passe, TkVOltington from his earliest: youth to' the h‘lue othis depart' tre, had tthenignan. ei ) '- , t a ressiori im i lwhieh serenityiend . goodfics ' ever warred ffo : . the mastery. 1 . AVellingtOnl fart was - that ta s e martinet, tied had what, i's ' lied a . vineg . r4p.tet : it was stern, bat le.was I not intellii,g,ent In its general expression„ ~ofl the jlireel, mAttrity, W.tshingion's f ice ..e.khilAted more fortidiY ' the action of the mind within; 4 Napoleort, in youth, was sliin in \ form, ritthef meagre in tline : i 'age; quite . trpuleut, et e t rather - Puss ,1 ' app aching . the obcse In heighthiNapolerm w about five feet six - inch pel. eh, and tvhen not on horseback, was , ratiairi - sjgnifieant:kaoliing, lid ip a crOvcd have sed, unnoticV, but for his marked intellects I charaeteri tics.- powever, he til • was ) mare pre sentable an Wellington.. Both in I.plxvsigue were inferfor to Washing! on. - .1 , l - i 1 . I. Good _ P l aners. '• 1 . . Many people aho ara v r3+. '. itr et in their are as careless of heir •m iinera as if i the cinirtesies,of life't ere no *nor : forthy'ofl their attentioU thin ii • friv?liti ;Buttbey I are sadly inispiken.. - he influence . I . of map- 1 1 . nerspodilot , bad.=--i i. immense, es ially on 1 the iminedisti; happiness of sucleiy.. Indeed,' 1 politeneas. ulavity, cheerfulness, court y.g,ens tleness, - and iLI those namelesSqualides which go • ti t Makep . ach t:we'Mean by ~.. good n;:na 4it neras . are . to i o.w ighteir: nistteri iif life -and character-rwlfat oii is to inlchinery, in tking all go stneot:e and Safe, *hen othillvise eve:' It rything won ji. go .l •Lrough and wrong: . Tlit connection liftweeii manners and morals is !closer than citie , isiblit to imagine:. li?sic many 'a lia,grint bre.4h ofkho latter has been oceasiob ed by ihAteiiition- l' o the former'. - !The 'formal , 4: . • 1 1 courtesies o -Ithe ar and bench, nnmeaitin;gas :hey seem, are of he greatest ;importance in, '' maintaining the d order and.dignity of the cor *- - 1 1 ,. - . i ili - • • -C alsidering that "the very busine.4 of the for-' nal is disputation, it is rernAricable that any e e depth or hostility: seldom aW,alc , Itdbetween the combatants ; and this is owing mu my to, consent oaf oar() forms.of pOliteness: I !My learn ,ed 'brut eri id a tnneh safer opening to the - de.' bate, even whei the speali.er Is angry, thin . an exonliurn conrtiteneing with ' The" ig,nerant rtseal who appears . for the plantitrin hitt init.' Gentle words . favor• gentle tho'iti and actions and rice versa. '1 r.O:6E: a raszi.--•1 can tell a better story 1 thiliit , :added the . e: , p tain. rl' felt prett3 - . copal. rabic frisky one day, andlivent up', thej, lightning - rod hand over hand, as ;high as the:, , 1 vane.' . I had a , first rate prosioe4t. -ip thre- 1 ,but that ain't it: A thunder eland came; over; and I aaw it w" ageing to strike : the steeple; - and thlnki Ito yself • if it hita - rne I ' m'. done l i‘d pp. :' 41 got v,and when the_crack came I gave; one leap' , p, let the - light.ningstrfite and mt, down; end hen maight hOld again: ' - . - ! .- - , ligr" If you sksh to *rime whether , a clergy i man is really goOd or"-not, don't t consult his congreg4ion, but his sera t . girl. , If a man has The. devil in him; there ..ii '!nOthing ~that it will so rim . illy. bring ou an,, - badly cook, ed sirlotn. , It. isnot ,43 _ pnip4 that tries a Inalfs-PttY , buthis b . ,' n r ' ,! - Iglrw Veioirerhearid one ! i i tit boutil: ivia uo, who %Ts* ini''' hum - - to .hitnirelf iii a door- I , !zy :. rel. thusif i pun child cod's hOur,. *be il,l_iit /4e liai oil me :feel`; lire'!ways eiiine4; a soh log shower, o r , thamt got ! tu) m i..... 21 .._.. A CfaE.-,-There - iral+frer in Ddar., cw berti r ,cont - , la., 'wn nio'leintlfoi his eeic - M- Welty o for Mai gal lore: 1 - 41 any are the ,apetold'ofliii,4. matt 10116- went to hiju l 9- 1 ) 0 4iialifm4 he, H 414. uii your hanct; 11l _tweak 1 -y u, hitt all IIL - ---itouhlret iinaliOirm, 4 r . , . Thit-Ituit:—/f ,on-wish 4 tol tnakf 4 meil , ..„ tiars, he r direct Puy ilk • - - Fare recelpiettiu Calbleasle t e t_ore.of the:ettb seribeis;., Main street, few block sbelow Bronson's Gael. Ad& 6,1852.. t GROW. & BROTHERS.' 43rYant.-Hon •e; - Great Bond Do • • • .. ot Pa: - rirHlitS new and spa us huildins, situates! but a few •, .1 feet from the De t at. Great. Bend, is now opened andfurnished in SW tittle style for. a Public Douse, end 'will be kept open at all hours,-(both day , sad night,* for theleception tr yellers; and especially for the sm. commodatien.oftmvs mgerS travelling on' the 'N. Y.& Erie & L Rail lids, being at theiunctioit of these two roads. and the in st convenient potnt to.step la and take refreshtuents and - be wi ththe - first train. as well • as the inost convenient house to accommodate the pub lir.,becauseitieNEW, ,CLEAN and W with' room ennurisito accommodate Au., being fitted up with new furniture to correspond. and tables always set, k with trAtIVANALS and luxuries furnished at elne- tarots warning, • • • Passengers desiring rest and sleep,' can'. by caning. here, ay/id the inconvenience of taking nn Omnibus to fled an inn, se well as the delay and' nu ertainty of re turning to the depotat the ' arrive! or -(1 illtrtUre of the trainS.; se s porter •will be ib 'waiting_ t eondnet them with them 'baggage to the Bryant • Itoti , "just *emu i the r,r,".an4 conduct them back Juttli ,withont fee , or ' reward4lo4z‘ special care to wake the ' It desired' at line-hour of the night. ' • ' - The location lif.the nrysot iireere. th. the natural eeenery about it combine to make :it very desirable Stitt Milt RICSOItT tar btutners men an . others In Ithe city who May wish to" east It care" for a few dayo to reeruit in the country.. L' - • . • . A Large and Conemodiatil 'Tail . . . Is aftached in thisbnllding for thecnnyenlence of pless. -tire PARTIR*. who •may always find gond, accornmOdal, tionshere, wit tont re?.:ard to numbers, with warm - sta bles for their teamit. and reliableitelp to wait on them. ftlf" For fa.ther Particulars inquire et the ,Bryant !loose of the nroptietor.. ' ' ADOISON BRITS:T. Fob. Ifls.l—Tt -, . . "—• -s• ' • - f . . . • .. . - . . • • Ail EL. ''T UR 11-E L I • - Ty Ls just; recclredu largestaclithns to his former stock ./01. of • I. .. . GOOD'A., - . .. •_. i ... - 'Which. now enders his assortutent good. ' Ws attleles. Will - be sold as lobo or lower than they can be purchased elsewhere In Toyils.. He will receive In garment, Cash, Orain of alt klnds.,Eggs. Rags, Socks. Bees wax. kg,— Ile Rai td s himself thst he buys his Grouts as IoW as ally one can, and he is confident that he will not be under sold. 114 will-at all iinvw esteent it a r pleasure to receive calls from his friends and custOmers. 'and the public generally. to'whnushe feels veryratefalini past:favors in-liberal patronage. Ills stock i .composesl as usual of nearly every thing umally kept last gonerai assortment Stare,—his leading brinches In tide are -* ' Druo:s. 214diciites,IChein.licals.. i . Pain t s ,. , Oils,l)ye Stuffs, -roceries,. - 1 ~. AutionS. .fe.. , 1. , in -addition to these, he keeps a variety of Dry.GoOds, Hard-tare, Cutlery, Stone ware,- Glass -ware; LiqUors,..ll.fusical. Insframents*,. Jewelry,- -.Perfumery , • Sloes, .Thn.brellas,.Whips,'Mir . : roro,'Wall Paper Station , - ' * ery, Larapa,..Br ashes,- , iVin4ow . Glass; : - • - . --. . e • • - .. . ' • , are , 41C. ',.. -- 4LSO.Ju'st arrived. at - - .- .. - 1 \ - Tll,3itltleakAl. 9 % - • - _ - 1 A solendid assortment of Gold Filges Rings, Ear Drops.' and Rings, tirei:it. Pine, •Ir.steb Keys. Pencils. Pens. &a. ' Also, Silver Thirtibles, ipens, Spoons. Spectacles; Az, Silver Pitied . Girroan Silver, and Albata Spoons, Sliver- I Plated and 0 .-fq Rutter RA , esi, and Speenseles.Concave la-pectacles for near sighted,personi; another splendid assortment of ttunnt celebrated %Veterinary. Pocked Knives unrivalled in quality of 'material and finish; Shears, I Pistols, Fire Craekers.liarrlson's and doter kinds of Per ron:ell ; an article for the tare and ware prevention: of contention; Trekses, Saliplnierfl......."4lllttet.BradlOreild Pumps. the bestir' use, Plano :Musk. Accordeous, Flo, lirrs.,_Viplin Rows. Strings. Rooky. 'Bridges, Resin. Pegs, Rah and Tail 1T0513.4,. Vint's, Fifes, Tuning Forlis, and I the best assortment of Yankee Notions' in .Town.-. In ,abort scenething for every body. - Come tjnd see. I ALSo,—Broad Cloth.. Cassimeres, Satlisetts. Rea:. tuelcy Jeans. Drillings, Vestings. :Flannels: .Gingharns. - , tsiams„ Cheeks, Apacess.Calleoes.,flottoot Tarn, Ratting, W.dding, Suspenders. Buttons.. and ell cies for mak. i n z r atmonb, ; .Tho.wn Ginen..Sifirt Lin „Shirtine,Sistet.r . ing,Mendkerchiefs,taloves, Ifose. somas TWA, ace. ALSO.--Shed..idaciterel,Crsifish WI *es, Sugar., Te.t, 4rti Coffee, Salivates; , Pepper. Spice, Gin er, Cinnamon. Cloves. Mace, Raisins : Vinegar . Snap, re anfliltard.scaP Powder. Sal• Soda.. Tern Powders, /sc. Petty, Cam phene, Burning Flnl4: Lamp GiL,Tanner's OR, Candles, Ste.. *full assortment of Groceries, and all sorti„of i Paints and Oils, constantly on hand, and foiLsale Cheap • by I - . • - • All2l. TiIMELL. • _ 1 . • • - Montrose, June :,1953 New Spring, Gpda. T • , . lIRS er übserib on c e more teeffers. the 'compliments of the se.asait to his-friends and, enstomentand ‘:de sires .0 call their a Imam to the ' ergiMpoTtantfad that be hes won in store and i. consta tly receiving from lhe city. a general assortment of oods suitable for the , spring.trade. eoneisting in part b .Idry-Ooods. Grocetiei, Crockery, Hardware, ?faits, Fivh Drugs, and Dyestu ff s. Boot , awl Shoes, Rats and - tap e alto an.' ssortraalt of rervoretty Cadies and Rime* Bon nets of the latest stile. All nf which be willaell on termsfarorable as usual., . Thehighest prices raiodys paid for merchantable pro. "Lduce"L- / -=i • ~ Returning thonis to - obi friends arid .ettstom-rs •and hoping for a,Contintriacelof their - favors, and: assuring all of* desire to serve them to the extent of-his ability, he would subscribe hims4lf their , • / Obedient servant Urapirrille. Aprll'2l•; 1- , • , - .Nevr.:spring Goods' .Al New'.llllllford 'Depot. „ „ f_j BC RR ITT wonldhivilethe attention of ldsfrieuds II . and all that sc.sitli Goals C.'onp to his New Stock, which Is now bell* posited, I nrduding a superior assort ment of .l.allesi Dress 'Goods in rielii• Prints; 'Delano*. Yenisei. Lawns, extra rich :Barege Delano,' Modem] Poplinsr,BoAlin sadgingluusi Robrs,roliwed.istreges,Silk Tissue. Mark and Fancy Silks tee , Ilinslin. Collars and Buibtoideties, Crap ; Broehlisind other Summer Shawls. Silk %Mantillas, Parasols. Stew. French lame, and. Silk Itimnets. Bonnet Silk, Rllobsms sad Flowers. . , . - Gentlemen and Bays.s churn sr Press Goods, a foil as sortment of Hats. Cascis, Boots , and phoes,T . eutlka, Valle. es. Carpet Bans, alt wool; cotton and wan/. sad Captor' Carpeting of , splendid patterns, Oil Cloths for Illoorand I Tables, Painted on 1 Printed window shades; wall paper, IDonsestio eot L ions'nft oil Mids. ,s ic ,„ . 1 Alisn,Crockernflardwitre Iron. steel . sorines, nails, storm: . Groderies, lish, /*lots ioil s, -Grindstones, Mu ! dnw Glass.anditash, iivs.: Snaking in all a. emisersal as: sentiment, and: elts* primbared entirely. ter .rash, will ernableparebasers to serdre-benelits in pricant.S fates and terms ant usually fon.id .; ankotber establishment N B -noir and Sall . tautly on band.- . ; New Milford,Apsil 2.5, 853._ . . :.• . - 1 " - ; New 'Drug & rocery Ztore: . ..... nOCT. - E Drag i., w.ould respectfully =lnform LP his numerous old and well tried friends, both in and out of the Profession, an the pubic In'general that he has Put, embarked in thesbove named business, awl has now on hand and - Is. Still receiving . 4101 - and welt chosen assortment of eiry• thing In Alma line of Drziga, Ifelleines,Eroceries, Dyis, Pain s,ite.,ote-i,mili of which Le will cell for cash •or barter upon ' the c heapest Sod wok advatytageous terms to the purchaser. .In lifer!" eine to his Drugs and Medicines he would simply . sta te that they wire selected by titatatt,ii , frtim - the establiiih , Meet of P. libleffelln Haines at C 0.., eine of this mid reo - ablein the city or New' York--and impurity - and mid; 1 , teacake believes wet* never excelled, If equalled by !my ' stock titer bronght lath SuaqueliannaCounty. Illastock 1 of Groceries.hrfull soil leen botight• and' tostaequeutty 1 can be sold eheap.'.- Helms ultiostfew cholas Liquors for medicineVpurposea which be can afford-se low ea a more infetior article has rensrally been bought for. • Please eel berme ItUrchasing elseithers. it , th# _old stand of . Pitt* ti Wittier.% the Ivolidltigfolinerly knoint aa the s'itariners!gtilre,r opposite the'fleenuil:l?W' OM*. - • littititrtwe. 1f.h.1.18511. . ,—. 1-- , ," , , . .. • • , . . - i VitakeitititaillkjeaUt.iitte or .iveather; ih the nitn, The =Wit tetiltglnuita e Ztht th° °tam/ You've but, to give the &tutu, - • • .Wh_ es, ere. you've Mime had thee to ott e r " Fre'lsf Fiqtn 1 1 1 !?eheld the Butte* IN sober ilio•eraims74un#nllth o Irat4k 4 iary . Newly -Int , pntedl Churn; • tor s few tninutwherebY , Abe- . two rddaker f itiquUtWattielteil-risW and lel alternatelY;uperedi ily manufacturing your. crearn into Butter—Pi a very ditprein - AijOomlberWidi,limai, rrio'prode of *oaf itedoles - t . it-Hi:p a l* the' actiiin of . WI! labdr:uvint Chisiii;tit ifibt*l l6 .oll; the , I, t.fiadt, Co., is_ • '''llinaboVejekirairift .14 riniiinfierun4l:l4' -1851-46tf MIMI evau.usliirA,for r • - - MOUNT PROSPEC ',. . -.-- • ; -riiiii:Colitigaint.' "" - ,1 : ' 1- . .: k. -,. ..,.-. '--.: ..:4 ,° .A, .. . - ! ..'' : -.-.T.- ,:'.':,.......;:-. t i; '.. V-kTBR CURS' &NW:INS:II7IITE, . fettiOice , PYsA7l3!., , l . C. 44 °ltic . ° l ': . 4";°°ld... - .1. 1-, :111NE$11; , 1, : APETEN, ell 0 - -.: Bisolix . sr p osi ii . ii . _ 1 - -; - Debilit Diseases of the ruiney, s , .-- , . , .:. „.. i, _.-, 1, ..-..,_ .. „...,,.. h + t i t i fi g i an , AND! sit titil• saes alias frOlkil iligOrdareitillt Or ~ '''. ',... ...';'--;-:.';.. . la r _i , _fit, .I - i• -. ,- - ..;- . 2 __ : T uiSinititujion- isiOnnted in a -e a ' ) 1 atoniach Jae' as conatipatheOuwArd tolleffilliPeel.} ..Th a t,Y,e behold roar ' . lei. sessei!lit tila ,seriataiinsi :,' 'rotnantid irotle at the bape of • lificaint.r 1 ' 1: er *. bIG"'""! the .hemmtririttarrezvilm ,ag -1-.l4hAt i r d zti t u,,, o orart=, , , *Oar eructations, sinking or thatteriag-it the as. 0.... ai, wbfe .oirsiso .heishk e bogroperotardritai.' , p il e osse ct, B ll, B :d d o w r it a h n io ail,huendcaonrpiosrauptipolny o o f fi l , t p h r. e e r s t ; o s tei ft , . 7. .!_a i r ti t sth bl.rn , a , ;g or the atoniaeh, satunnipg' of ittie bead, hurried or :, telif "v el ar a" arnsa ti .- , ain ' t/l a i& . 11"16r , .., ‘ . l :: tag t er, adeautaged for roforci t oe he moim p ta u i r n a , • o.v ir: , lititcate bramble!, finttedef s a tl: l e heal oat t: i eboklea en - or ' , .. maa 'ar ib .:- Ir . r a 1 . "Wr i:r i zi gfii4 7: Mr 1: carriage oud foot loprolir. ,up 1 ti" , Iren c)lniall i " If i lectei* . -..• vs ,iiiictiyai.iate, - , : .1 . 1 ; . ...---•.: t g o m oti d n e g ur i . a s u e d el: fr i4 e u t i;u ni rp th as e se n d o i , : se i n li f eln e l..te di i t ; r L y in 071 1 . 1 0 4 f c t lij' ufftilalitiopttihriglr g h tit t 4 i:Eflo l i l vre , g ),ti p At fe v e r Att i ti 11 ' aiteletet=3 jo t ~, 4 a l: . 4 = d 0f* ,,,,,. : , .• lofI of the rata ad ojes,pain 14 the oe, WIG ekast, o .. mba i-,- _ - ~,, ..,, 1- --, flushes of heat. baratag ht tbo lamb, I- ~ lop bat o? be.bioalitted‘by ler kooeFtedsoore.l o 44 ...k ri ITAGES, I). the iles. MI6 tiut"Y life," wi',ll exCellent sailing:and !rowing pn loges on th,e pleasant waters Of the Chet:tango. These area few of.the presentitiou.the'•Cur offers to the invaiid. ',„ -• 14 -1- - The- house is'new and cOmutodienit—bathi , apparatus excellent —well -ventilated; with 2i feet piazza. f. ' , • . : : • The mediist department is under iihe ent care of Dr. ThWyre and w' e, who„h'avrhad lar experience in- I.lydropathi practice', and are 'sul practitioners. . vorably,known as successful pm. . 1 _ Courses of Lecture!, w th full plate's and illt tratiotis, will be given th . nghont the season the Students and. Patients upon Anitomy. Phi ology. flydropathy and 'gimlet, lot which till will,be no additional cha e. . ' Females • wha have be n confined tii their tor year's, itra invited to correspond ;with us Rive. us a. call. • Oar ince es In the trsatment ? diseases' ,pecidiat to - feM les, hos given es co deuces,. and we say to ill uch, - even it they h Agsnfrered much frOm m try physicians:-. m one' mote trial, - - ' - ';, • Terms Atom el, to (3 4 3 pet... week. (Pay weekly.) according to room and attention r red..' Patients Will pro Side for peisonal use 2 c fortablei, 2 blankets. 3 linen or cotton , sheets G towel*. : 0' V. Till AVM 11. D., . • • • ": Relddent thysician, P 9 if D. W• & 11..11. It AN,N EY, rroeio - - Books -. Stationery;:' IT WIIO.I I .ESALE. KitiGINS & KELLOGG. /3..• lishersMookortiers.and Stationers,SB John S New York; and manutaCturers - of every descriptlei Blank Kooks, having enlarged their imantifacturin Pertinent, and added - knew sales reom to their lishment, are, now prePared to supply: Bookseller. tiouit tryldechents with every variety of Books, B. BOokr and Stationeryi on the niost favorable try 1 Their stoc,k -of -Blank Books, all of their own man ture, consists of all di. intrions sizes And styled vuntlioOks. 31entoranduma,•Pass.Books. Writin rbheririg, Iltzerc hie, Time, Roll . and ; . peawirig Bookkeeping Blinks; &c..Dittrie for 1554, a great etr. e v ery • • • •.1 - • Books In 'department of literature. waiter Schoels, Academies: Colleges, Sunday schoOls,..P and Private Libraiies, - standard isiurks in.prose an et-y, Annuals and other books, in finebindings ft hollidays, invenfie Books of piety description, It Prayer and Hymn. Books, In all their varieties. Alb „Music Books, die. Stationerv,' plain and fancy. tisk, Preoe.b and American. .Siates by the case.at ufactrirea's Wiest ; • • Ail of whichthey. will sell, et,pricest averaging bly lower ;ha nj , otherestablishment in the cit Orders by Mill tille.l.• carefully and - promptly, Is.low prices If the prfichasers were present.. John; cur of Gold street., - New York.. 2 3. L. MRIIIMAN MFOSIORANDIIM DR.- TTIROOrs .DOIESTIC IIEbICINE; t10)1GICD SYRUP OF BLOODROOT, FOR 'CURB OF Consumption,: Asthrna;• Bronchitis, Influenza,: Ch Whooping Cough and Croup. . • Dr.- I Throops infant Prestrvatlve toil • • they's. RLlief j Cures Flatulence. Colic, o.ripes, piarhea.liksente Cholera al tufauts t or auy of the coramon ills of life Dr. Throop's Worm Poison Tizpellr these filthy lotrud ere of the.. umeu-systet out eaception lqnds orsuumWeri. . ! . :. - • - • Dr. Throop% Billio is Pills,: '. • c!';;i.rel ludigrottnn, Billions disorders Costirvies .1 1 11eri ileisdaelie, Heartburn, , Nes er, Infl :motion, Diorties4 DySeniery and restores' is i bealt b *alba of all !the glands of the ' body.- ,•! - , '0 ••• ' ! -!• *- Dr: Throop,a-Eye, l &ter -.- is nnsurpassed in curative virtues or any intlaSnitit?•• ry; affection of the. eye. atid " • - "L"' • ..6 .i. , • . - - Dr.-Thropp'S 8 lire - tfir ead ' - Is unsurpassed foi . dressing for B rns and B it, Ill cers, Salt Rheum, ,or my abr asion of the skin. r ‘,.. ; 7 - Age ei .1110 IV satiorts.—ltemtley &Read. Montrose, N. Getup? & C 0.4 Bo b;11. M. SouthirelLP.usbl;l"..P: ifollioter,ll , ldietcnru; .11; Glidden, :Irriendsvillet. Scott As. Rout, springvillo; Dr. Lanibert. 'Altivarn ;I I. S. Little. pisir Mbford, .• tit*: Brook's', Great Bend . ; - ; Jo-: seph 1. Merriman. Uprotiville; Dr. J.. Berney Little Meadows ; Jasper Statile?, Chore's tat ; 'E Tiffonyl ' ll Mob lYn Centre.; G. A. rWllliants; Clifford; IDr.J.C.Oltustemi. Du ndoff ; Johnson &.Very. llarfoid ;,D'. Gough; Jessup. JS. BLASDELI, General Agent; Forest'Lake.. 'lyl DOC OIL YOURSELF }Or ,25 - cents; .• BT RANS:OfITIRVOCRR'T PAM tPI , •' Us, el every One his own Physiciani sixth ,edltiott. with - upwards of a undred . *inks, showing prtvate diSease n every ' - Asp and form,- and malformationt of the I "111 gene tire system,. , .: ' ••., • • ••• •-a y Williiam Voting,' ' • The tittle has lirc arrived that persons sl2fiii secret -diieskres'need no :mere become the sit snruckery,ni by t e precriptionl contained In th any one may clue himself, .without hindrance ness, or the irrlwl edge of the most intimate fri with one tenth the usual espcnie.. lti additio general ratitine of private disease, it fully exPli cause of manhood's early decline, with observe utarrisgeberidee 'many Other derangements.l would not be l'oper.tcrionmerate in - the public' fer Ally person' sending,TWASTY-FIVE CT sed in a letter. will receive\ ono.eopy of tlds mail: or five copies will be sent, {or one. dollar. DR. W YOU SG, No 452 Sprnat strret,P luta* post-Paid.- - • - - ErrDR.T.OIINCI can be constilted on site, of eases described in his different publieations, at y 152, Spruce street%-every day. titieeit\ 9 and .51 Sundays excepted.) The People's Friend, ~ T. T. Pcntd's, of Ithaca, N. • Y., Pain / er and ilealinff Extract. AN Pstract from the mhrub called Witch I purely from that, with the exemption of $ whet to premerve It It will cure allloeal pain and inflammation, fresh err mule and bruises, Pilem.and all dimeim bowels ofa chr •nic nature, tooth-ache, eIIIVIIC excellent remedy forfemales, fte. t • It is truly , what it•profvmmes to be ' u "rg Fumy D " Providence-ham scattered along paths of fife many thing:. hat contribute great comfort and happinem of every body ; henee value, an I well may they De called "Friends o i One word here to guardbgalnstimposition tbe name of Spencer has manufactured and mate a mpurioum article calledthe "Poryal Ext would he extract from Ihmi baxml-dott—tlre pn while and pure - as water,, lie the sputien cored, which enablem they bile tci dimtitognial lk None..lentline but those imbed Pond's Pain WILLIAM. K MATCH. MontrOme, - and etc and medicine dealer* generally, Agenta. utiquehanna --A Neu; Era iwthe Diy goods B urricsium - k. MIME? have received 'an. V T receiving lame and extenrivr ItOck of and Carpets, selected with the greinest Eastern niarkets, jaivhig berm bbught foreldil iy. will tie sold at ratee.whiett deft al# compe alipersoon from anognehiona coMity and and it a miring from 15 to 20 per cent: to give and examine a stock aloe& that will Ira.% One stork otDeesi Ciptida tonti l sts lo last o .riot black . 81114. Broeadei•Clivlzelible;StrVed ond PI • n do: -1['i De' Aloes otaliqualiticoMmege Ar, lliritob AmerlT' can Ologhams, PopCosi, Baregesjowns from 00. to Frlmsh and Amerleasqrintst tio4P l !atm a . • :cut" ety-of ' 1 - • " Shawls'. Brocha. Squire oMi tone, BMA Silk Awn 4,4 to $lO, • Cashmere, irlg,,..Phalo "mod, Embroi4atal, -" • amine d 0.,. Misses Cashmere, Iliontaink, &et: - ' j , . fieritlemeisi Departinn Unnistip of a tarp assothatat or ihoidelet tam Classlaserea, Satinets; 6ea!uali7 2 eo ; bti an aLaradlei!Tesdop. and a good' satiety. (I too mne:on s to modal. • ' Whitt Oda*. • utdopixtmetst t is repliti wl i t i and st I . .- i ~ tiamia. DI i 11 Hd:ig 41 I plida ° 4iiosVailaioDslailitrY f Contsa goodness.Beano% btagthed stolbr 6 trait 441. to 2.. 44..1441 iind Brown Linens lagi Ilirlii.sys, Mute old* Rada, Pieper. , • i ' '•\Qtirfits. '- - - ._. thug' eadceetton, Ta Cow"' courdeilosolasEathoomod tread , s. u. ~, , - ,' , -Y ' - -- attlrpetllte.. - --, Time pt Gottos'aial Wag Stile do. bosh cotton and , aoot t /Wawa ao tbr noois god tables. itaidreaspalliii4 tags.' - AIM, s%i named itsliejea To- - 41Saatletin hisskarso a isigoalper.or,„-i - :CtiVeliktinns. .: rims as. iffes.sugsfaia an aisoshaisieha wastat 11-X-Atitalia •li-gog-magisT-Ao[ z s aliblob gilakand intwoirin iketonajt %cm isui, dtpitriilrmalarei illith .. can Ice Will aiaso-praitargiaiiiridsar .IsMoat 'dr ICaspetsas cart las Ssisadisaadisiralt . g. I. V0P:r 1 4 1 7 20111 " ....' • - , /ke., sadden flus.-__ta. _ stant itrtOnints of evil, awl treat deireesien t eetibwelfeetnalty ewred by, Di. gloolland , s • , celobrate • 1- = Man lintters, , Prepared by Dr.-G. AL 4ackse , German Medi c ine stare; 120 Arci I : Philadelp~iia. Their power over the above illiwaies is not mailed, by any other preparation in the U Of---o•CUI "..- - • • 'as the cures attest, in many .04ses *after 5v 41 ,...ful Phyal,i clans had failed. - I' - . ,-,;; s . _ These bitters are worthy Mielatiention of Inralide.--i ,Posselaingstreat virtues...lo the rectilleatlon Of diereses of.the Liver and lesser' glands, exercising the I most " arc hi n g power in weakneeii end a ff ections' of the dii: Wave organs, that' are thr4safe, webs*, and pleas. gut. I .'. ._- • 1. ''-. .' - '• I- 1' _ . i - R e ad and. e Convinced. ,1 - t I The E ditor of the Boston Ile Add, December 22 1 • 1.. i i DO: Firaittandls Celebintiii Odwitut Bitters; for the core of Liver eompliant; Jaundlee,/ Dyspepsia, iClironici or MervOug diblility, Is'ilegervedly one of the most popular medicines tif the day. These Dater! have been Used by thousands. and a friend at our?' elbow says. he hag Nsw ielfrecrived an effectual and. permanent cure Of Liver • li,}'omplalnt from the nee of thl., ,; remedy We ate cow . winced that, hothe nee of thiseS bitters, the Patient cow etantly gains strength:al vigor -rna fact worthy ofgresit , eonsideration. They lia pleni,stalit taste aid sinell,and ' Mtn be used by persons Wi th tde Moist dellmite stinnach, Wit h: safetyAnder any ahmumelances. We ire Streakiest; fronietpinience, and to the iattigted we advoie theiitssir ' Scott's Weekly. one a 4. the beat. /Revery papers 'pub iigbedisaid, August 25thi— .-, . --. .4 . -,1 • " hr. llooftrind's German liiiters, matifsettanl by Dr. lackson. are now recommended by Isomelcif the most prominent members. or the triedleaculty as in ' ; .artlele of much of in eagegrof female - Slimes*.. ffs , such b. the case, we would advise all mothers to obtains.; bottle, and thus save tlutiehres much gi knesg.. .PCis Ilona of debilitated irns tutiOng Will- End lb ese Illittersi adrAntageoni to - Malt health.i as - we know romlexpetill tractithe saluniry effect they have n, uere upo week sygtems.” ~ I. - • More Evid e nce.; , 4 -- - ---:f '- i • • ' The Philadelphia -Situriii. Gazette,- the beta/ family paper publkilted.in the bolted States; says cf. -Di. IWO. land* German Bitters-- 3 .3. .' .' , 4 i- . „ , -- •- I -'' 'l' ~. "rif it seleoin that" - ire recismmen wag are i Patent Medicines, to the cordideneentot : PAtronage!of sUr traders , and therefore - ;When ii wcommend - Dr. iforifiand'e German Bitters, we wish t be digthatly - Wl tiercoodlluit we are not speaking of t eboitnunsi of the day. that are noised gibleut, f u r a b o f .period's d, then forgotten after they have' ub their. 'by rtiseeltif :Mho chief, but of ame Heine Wag. establis ed, sixty - malty sp. proved ; and • which has met the hearty- appitival of the faculty itself.' • I ,. I . - I1 -• ' .. I -:1 [ 1 • Look well to the me rlks ef Pie Renal,' ia. l'hey haye the ; written slgnatzreof C ki...IACKT upon thelwrapper anditig name blown I the bottle w ithout Which they are sparking. - ; ,i • 1 : • ..i •II ..1- f s For sale, whobssale ; t bil retail, at , the Ger m an Medi- I eitie Store. No. 120 - A h atreet., one doog . tielOW Sixth, Pidladelptilioind by r pecteble dealers neraity,thice mit .0e - country.. ..- ' • -i - - .t. i - --- :prices reetueaL—T . 446 abl 4: all elsOei . ins:elide- to enjoy the Advantage of their great regionals . powers: Smote lidtrtst 75 anima. • I I. •I - Also i k -- Perin' de tab - and an s. ... . , . DD. J. S. 11015CIITON'S : 10 EPsil-N.,iIIiTDIJE 11-, GIESTi YE FLUID, cill Gastriii• .2 Mice, I - Pieyat:ed from REVNCTI of the fourth !Stoinneh of the' oa, after. 4:Breeden/rot Baron Lieltig: the 'great Physio-J logicalChentist;•bYJ. S.JICIMOUTON, M. D ,I Philudel-, phia.Pa • . ..:• - . -.. - . i.. . I • i Thircis truly Nature's o w n Remedy ta r an unhei thy Stomach: 'No allot man can equal itsl e curative, poreers. It eontainono Alcohol; Bitters, 'A ids,lor Nause ous Dings. It is extiemety'agreeable - itithe-'tastil and ,13 ro i l may-be taken by the most Nettle. patients:Who enstitit eat awater crackeS withOutssedte distress'. I - Beware' of Drugged linititiOns. Pepisin isnot Dru ~- • 4 ~.. ~' Cali on the .agent :; aid get a •Oci le laril gratistotteinst A largesittionnt of selentill evid - - ae, f rom! Liebig's Animal Ch emistry; Dr. gombe's hjsl logy of Digesplots ;• Dr. Peieiralm Rood and Diet • 'Dr Ohm l ia, W. Draper , New York ilniveriity; c.lll anti n's Physiology* Prof _Stillman, : of Yale liege Dr. tarq pentees.PhYsiology; &a.; ;'[ogee her with reportehf tsreS' [tom all parts of the United, ~ les- ' ' - i ' i' ncr Q 13SERVE TILLS ?I -'r•Drety bottle of' the ; nine PFPSlN.heurs tWs written signature of .1. Si Otis.:. TONeM. p. sole Proprietor Phitadelp , it - . ti tirbtandTriide Mark scented: , • - .. . . 1 ..1 . frr4oia tl all D ruttg . l.JtsintiD enters -la . ci Priee t ial par bottle- • 1 : ••: ' - .-r ', 'I - - irr For slle by %BEL TIIRREI#L, P . ggist otdroi, Ff„,venoleele Ina retail Agent. , --, l _ l , - 101 . THE ROAD I TO.IIIE. CISPAt Of A DISOUD I ERED TAY' piaisrtote,. 'Aft: 12, TV ngfrbm en, of r isbook, f nd, and tolbe nit tbe tensor' hfell It rrint . oet - bolt. y Addr LPR A, I th i s IP. Afro be o• yl , Copy of - a Letter from lAtr: R. 5r..._...5. ~., Preseist street, Licerpool f dated 6th Juni, lAhl. ' ' •• ••1' , • I- • ;To Professor Hollowa'yl—Sir :—.;Tond, Pilbi, and;Oint nient have stood.thaliighest on our'ssielist or Previa. tary Medicines for liana years.. me; A enstinner , to whom. I catcottaeferfor any eniitdriefr, desires, It o •le ' t you lama. ' rn the particulars of heti cast . She hid b • . • troubled •fer :years with a disordered fire r , and bad d potion. =On this last occosion,.howetir, the' virulence of the iattack was ;so alarming, and the inflamation set ill So severely, that aoulas were entertained tifbei not being'.abie teCkeir 111 under it : fortunately . the was induced 'to trY your rin ; and she informsme that after ,the' flott4 stud each in - :needing dose, the had, great ;relief She. continued' o :take theist. and. ilthotighitho used only Ithrie Born; ti* is now id ate emloymentO'perfect health; I could - Nava sent you many more case*, but Stesabdre. from. the : se 'eerily-eV the attack, and the speedy cure," thlnk;speaks, much is favor of your astonishing rind. • - '1 • • ' • •-'l' '. . - : .-.- - ..ISlgstely,, ' It ,W i ,HMKIIIq - Alt • EXTRAORTITiI Alt* CUR! OF !Hilt) itAT tp - . r irrat; IN. r. N . DI pitri:s t01,0cn...• 1 4 ,1 IN Ci;py of a Letterinter in - the Mbar! . ;Mew con4l. Ojthe lit March, 1801i4 /!1,40L../. W4l : ch. ,I . ' ... /I m), T oret M'Contitan„ pmeteen yeast of ;loading at NetaTown,lita heett-infterinC limn : a olentiheinl. matte fiver for nownrde df two monthit, w elt i lid .en tirely desicived her of the Wile of her: ihn !Attiring ibis Period she-was underlie Ciard of the mos t totem lut a, ' kat men In Hobart Tosin., and by theta h ;foseartiltion-: Meted hopel -Mo.' - ..h: il*ol-Ptelotilefl . 0 a 'her ,. AO try t i ' Holloway's Pillii sada,' ate consented d and In an incredible short space of time t hey effeeted ii i i Perfeetenia. ClillE* OF A. PATS - AHD iTIGHTNESS4! THE cur Air ANTO STOMACH. WAI L tIISON,B4IrEm!.s OF AGE:. I , etv I ,asel,inik !little Al. ld tbres i Rot the e, and an iorLs'e to Mugged lv to the 1, elt prat the Pee- Ja r anby Trolled for , t77-tthat toe is aI els (mg- - -- r -,--"'",,••• -„ Prosslifessrs Thew *Son, PrOjwierok's rtfthe Lyan" Ad wertirer, who eon orreleihr 4he foliorrity-litutemerde- Air c eir'st 21.101..,:t ' -1, ~-/i,--, .-.; ', ~. d To Prormirri ileleerayt—S, i .-4 :desire to beat testi .: mony to tbe good effects•M' il Ilawari Pillk' For 'mine years I suffered tere i re:irronr a pai p linff tightness :in , thesternieh,Which ivas also 'amour riled by -'a • shiiitt ness or breath, that o Mad iste=trata walking about. Tam of age 4n4 notwithstanding ray adran*l 1 state orlite, there plite dsse.so rote. nit , . that I am 'desirous that other* ehOuld be mid seitmliatert- with Tr I. their virtues .,' I . am trowirenderisr. by t heir mewne,eoirs. ' paratively Milers, !Ind mil tats eurchm.hithout - imam. renience ,cor prin. Thiel' i could not dO berets. , L,..'„ ..,A • , • (Signed) RESET DOR, North stl;Lynn; Norfolk. WONDERFUL EFFECT- ct.vi•HOLLOWAT 8 PIILSDI ". - ~ Persons irdrelint freul . Dropsy . el ' about the- turn et life, or at other times,` 'should i edlottity kite re= course to these Piii , is hundreds ofWI are 'annital.:, lj cured, toy their use. OF Ibis di i complaint 'byte ' different stages, when al i t other nr .hi d failed ~...-,r.f 1 1 Thrise trieltrole4Pins.. ttl 0 rteWs. . fig l . ifrrea tiorm, ..*, His AlierOlain Aux • -' XI: ,4 )..1 -lc -' Ave. Asthma ,DIIII,MM' coMplain „lib:riche* , om i ci Skin Bowel Doinplahrte, t . .erlies,Ckew cif the .• els,l3onsuntOtten, -- DrogsY.'Dliewletl;-Erielseue;' e*. malarmegnimities, Fevers ofali ittnilifitr,Dold,litiadr , ache, tothunation ,Airtandieri,,,Liver, 0 ' idalsrbr,tiaMuha-, gO, ?Hee; Itifencridleas„ Retentlea'of , rine, litedlili, o r Sore Throats, Stone and Gravel. , Secondary - ,SyMptemili Tie DeulorareuX,. Timers; Uleers, leistimier Afteelleih Wo.mr.of ill triode. 3Felikneri from arlroterr u p, osusit.:lltm Sold attheEttablisbnient - - -esnir . • Mine , Strand; (near Tallith' ilit4 ' ; d !ti ili ble Druggists and eislim, ' DrithdriftwPlTO*or fhb es at37.g0. -- .ffro , snit' Str principal Drug hoisieribi,. It D. Sands, N.M.'fork:, gouo' e et ohlia4el , Mr There is a ' 1 .dses.' -• 'r. i -:.-.l's r D. IL , aatelle: n= P al oidik - anti to It ettrpyrr.l • teepeti are now 111 Goods from the I exclusive- Idols. and Wks, will as a call 1 an exam[- black and ailk ratio f Simmer t ,;tides Jammer eller44oll' nen Stint" Wit s. I v .asidit I, viiiLutial eiiii;. 1: • :: . 4... IL MON sabieribir ita aims ARAN R9o#4;-.1410 *w Wii !Mak; `ll.lfirtonili YrOiltheilistef.Apill nest the bosrorder. T 4: metal fesseviolliOngeo tieN,ll{4oait ii.ptesomiPs pelPsentr one torthet:best , vustriapteavairieuilki; • * r•r.; o l4 l. o 4 l4r i r s i e' . • 4‘. ikist6tftigel,skt =;;1 of; splieltit, ..aOk - told, woottra, mead. Oita% the .Tull .eoroaqueuoui of; our i!glioe'Lr' r= _. •" •: V: = ...-...-:. ,---, , WW4 would • wear* often t o poeseison earlyisre, the. itecowledir we Obtain la alter Teen 4 :And what dare and. eights ot anguish :we ;Insight • not . 114 , ee-, Ireas,alwrod. "if: die hwwledge was timely' •-• It ,I.€ 3lll, es , lflkle • . ..---" .-.' 1 snwitroficiLv 41D - sTmilimge-,... - , Tobehold the sieliassisaisaffariai endured lifltwita*aaailli for woo/ yearajons causes : ailisple: and eoutrullalateerialall noshed—or better .t ill. — not ineuired,_ if . every -,, " ' • .1 . . I . WIVE AND:2IEOTHIER.! . . , - . . '..'' triiiriiried the i i iioit eamiiiiitql is a Wile volariO. 4 , /dit' ' • -.aid stare to banal . .. . : at ..; r 1 :h • I thtreetli 1 celled, 1. 1 Led #tateA LT it igiii66llo'7l.4l ! I 4%; D !B AD I , Cheispt.,' in-ThereWl-TorailiVtilib Worth. 1 - ' ' TZARS OF MISERY And to her husimed the constant toil and satiety rtr, mind. necessarily devolving upo n hint Irosesiclumm el te awife, without - giving him dm. opportunity of genuinely thin cons. flittotil which his elections , are entitled and the possitasioci• of which would secure ail of' himself, wife, mid fIinCIIIIM TILE AMAX Of IIAIPPINESIL lowa _ Sc r. becoming in time vlossessed ist the knOwledge, the wait of which has car d AO licitness and poverty of thoosauda. le view of sec cousertnewees. no wife or mother is tit*. sable if she nef em to avail herself ' of that ' 'knowledge is, r spire her much saffenag.be. r im& me ° s he er hap . pl b l i till b Irp a d tPl Pl d I NtritY to her husband. and leoarierori her ch ild n eett that bless Move all e riee—healthy bodies, with healthy nundr That knowledge, so contested in a little work entitled ' - - • THE MARRIED WOMAN'S _-. ti, -- , - I. Private Medical Companion. . i , . BY DR. A ''M: MAURICE/111 '. • .•'. raortiiscia Olf:Dtilt111111110/-1Prosissr...,.., God Hundredth Eititlmr. lEWe., pp. 250. , Pries, 50.4.1 1m 'aria, S • - NW ruilitA auennto. Bk. 00.), ' . I I ; Firm published is 1817, and it te not • • , i sysuP l atiziso on, wooawartm, - 1 Covielderlng that EYE it V ltP SRI A IS E 4 ;.Will HER : NARRIKD Olt NOT, can hero ~ sa irt iq sal ta i i i / f a ulli nd k ca rso uses tarlod e g r er h o e r i Ch to o mme , rui la t i ta lt re4 tar !with the' vartome, - ,,a7TAPlolguis 'Ana Oila •lawn i ._ ... • -. . - , • ,-, ". • .-, - .1' .- MILT ;A .anus lON COPIES_ ,f ~ I should have hems sold. r ' . It is ins le to courtly fully _the I smious -subjects treated of; as they are of a nature strictly intruded Sot tho married, or those' -contemplating marriages: but 'sio ficar desirous of eejoyinglwahlt.ind ihattemoty,comemmat as:3 health'. which is so conducive to her own happiuess, and , of he-husband; but either has or will obtain it. as baser wirr every husband whale's the love • and affection of his wife W I :.heart, or that of his own pecuniary imprinemeat. - - • I ' - : vrwipmbur,OF ORE HUNDRED' THOUei - 'SAND COPIES' • - • - - I ; gate been NEXT BY Ilialf. - irithin theisut fen mouths -• CAUTIO - TO • THE:PUBLIC: 1 i . DE NOT DEFELAUDED:' ' - - . 1 Dui no lank' Indeed writ.. A._'iii fittLitricevi.ilid is Liberty Striet, N. Y." is on the titl pain. anti did ; ; entry in th Cicero Of on the of the title. I ' page ; and buy . only of respectable and , hononsblo I dettleni.'or . by malVand add to Dr. N. MI t ltaarices as there are spurkma ' su7ptithatit , , infringeme ts o f copy-right. . .' I ! ; LET :E ERIC , win!. MI lIVIBILiII' f ; - 11 • '" ' /161tDEtY: -'" I No exc , las..for Ignotrance, wh it Ignoriai - Is Mliniry ' to throb .we h d near dear.si4ill wisest to Ails - pot o r lipiora ...11 Is 'w . ithin. ,o ttr reach: ...;:` - • i -1 _ To • enable every one to , -decide the &dim pointed - necessity . of•mwering A pr., said that nib wife, or mother need remain uniht med upon ,th' ; many causes: which, sooner or late are destined 1, make tearful ravages upon ber healthondensguar arming. and that no, ccesiderite and affectio n I husband have caws to upbraid himself with neeect I 1 or the welfare 'of his wire--a pamphlet or:thirty-six I: 1 pages, containing full Title-page and !One of Cori . tents. together inith extracts from the book, will bis, scut (re. of Marie to an part of the United.' States. f ' by addrWaing- Pw•paid, as herein. ~• - I • , • When Knowledge Is Hopplearee, 'tin 'culiq i , piddle to be_lignornot. . I " ' f tar . On receipt of One• Dollar , (for the fine Ed I 'tion. extra binding.) ",111 MARBLED WOMAN I PILLVATE MEDICAL COMPANIO . N" Is sent (ma 0.1.-, ea froe) :to any part of the- United Stated. < All . ten must la posbpaid. and aridtrised tirdlr. A. m' ‘iAITRICEAU)Box 12:4. Nevi York CitY4 rnirrilib- 1 mg OtEce, N;29 - Liberty Street:Se,' York. - ' 1 i . M foe Sat.a a anch& Crops;lierrisbenthi J...tvnika. Bloomsburg; C. W. De Witt,, sillford i ;McDonald,B— ; It A. Imola, Beading; A"'Util 11 0 ;:, S'ilr_k 1 Carbondale; Bid ed & Wright, Willarultml I; S. TUPC Wilkestiarre t, Ge . W.Esrle, Waynesboro; fll:.Cttisky, Mercer; T . B. P erson.PhUladelphid7l-Peng. 1 - 1 '[..• Is Nem Yong ver. iir Stringer ;& Towniend.',Adri• anee,itterman & `cr., Dewitt & Davenportiltaritis & C o, f ‘1.1.-'1; .. VlffeffdollerS ortilt4 fir, :Dint* will forfeiqiiii. isprc .4 ing An cure ony,isasit of setiot disessise that,mayime tinder bis tare;ri6-stirtter bow long otomEnz or i titirting:, Either se x are ' inriteil to hia 'Private ' lbaninsi SS - ;_2!lailli _ tiFretith AV, Phila.' Withilot Tear orinteinspOrm Omni-nth erpotients: ..Strangers nod :ObitsWho !hive' been , - ItiM.: Tortuniteiti,tlininelection a a : Rhy:Ociiin *Te iiiiiii4 tro call. , ---.-'- ''' ..- 1: .; : ' .: -,... . .... 1- -..._ . 1:•.::411 :,_:., - -1-1 ,- '=.,, --lAlP6Tif..iit Irrilirough untOitrainefflildig4new of theniasions, by, !miss erself.iiirnse• thenviii nye ribrii tons:, .Premat e impotency,. inrolonteTT-setninid r ; diii''.: cliorgom wasting f the organs. loss ottnentoryi ii 014E4 for fettial Otte . general debility: or eaniititiittonillibit romgenioa, are ure to folloir•,' It'neeessarY.' iniMultithei oc c u r w ith.eit ettlie; . he offers 'a -iiiiifeet:eiliti. - f - '.,: - ,-01,,-j 1 iIEAD,o X 0 It ~Elll44.TP—The afiligiedwonlitilaw,elitn refleOt befora tr Ming thelebealth. happlitiour; and iri pin ! ny cases theirli es,ln the Ifinds_of physiritiniligtinentit I ; it. of this ,Mais4-'of aladiet.: - .....- it -is - eirtaintylmnirsible for one MAW toitiid; ' litri-all the isle thohninaitfinitlylarW 'abject to. - lirer*. respeetaubleigiysielan tiMi - ,bliqi!jetiliat 'hratioh.likwilleif be iffmani suecessfurtban_hiirbrither .prefeitsorsj and.; is that he derntes'hiost. 'of . hittitinel' and • study; -- ''''.• - l' - ' -_"!.'. •-• ; • - ',. • :.s , -- ....' ;-• ;:::.- :' , ;;'•=-H'•- - -44-,.r . :! Y MRS:QT. P OTTER:: ggeinsiSly ' derOtted toil tbe 1 , study and treat ' rent dfdiseriei of the seinal 'nigniii,ta; gather with ia*ro utkin the„bad ' - Ouit, noaii- . 01 4 , 'ORS eat‘loo kogi .pol ao In the h' I.,nr lion if '; . ' riot. - rhenniOisirio .. tures, grate!, irliOnlariti gaiiiins.errising fremY : tit 7. nil exersii... .orininviritiee of: t e libia4-. Wberelirthei• ~ otltution has become enfeebird;:enablei s tlM. ,T).ciellog-Ao offer A ofely,ifillifititilliihky inv . pinre thentsOl wen under his care . , X . : - . -1, '.• ..., ,-----. 1 r,t - _, _, •.;•:'.., -. •-,-.',.:..-, ~ 17 - _-Y.:l - Th• .•,- • . Medirina forW'oittediannYnoriof i s hkiniteit:Staiiis,;=7 Prieefli:. nA ten dolides Tioryiembige. , 7 SW. - 1 . ::::,17 1 r . s'i.. florad.si, , Couipaaad-',2Syrup; . ['m .. , . . . . ... YELLOW-MOCKSCIOT:', I :I:'',...... , TM's*. - PartlyV' .etab - '' n 1 i , e.O ..., le 0 0 2 POInt ,1 1 4 illie,s tr. ' prepared trim the best'Roote and. lterbir of tau-Ma ter* Ifelina,and bee gameet a% - rritrlial , 44 i;i6 1 04 1146 for the following* revs, vli .. Rettgathaetanit'ilaerfekt, oning the - I:tier andliigeatire,lb:gruiri end eiranfthe. Stomach and Bowel's, arid 'thin =na no" alt :Billi on;Vs; easel,- Liver - Posoplaleite; - fiespeptio, Indigeadlen;iereil" liveriese. Plies, nerolache. lever and Ague, i3sundlte,- Nausea, Losh of , Appetlte, ke.; and eimring Alin .fritiel--to nourish and reupport every part; 'Yudfying , the,. Blood; 1 and num c uri ng all ' guntorat - tsutineoue' Brutirlintir,i Scrofula, S at Rheum. ittplpolsis, Scald „Heed; Canker: PlaiP " , 11 a lli'f4o`;motOrt.Xl9PA:or -T3 1 . 1 , 4 1,/ , Miucol - Dra,!e:,. i:i! l ' ll ;„,lici. , ,: : .' - ---, ' ..1 - "ii I '' ' '' "'Re - diddling 174 'Secietork - 0404 -- mos , titbillijAh37l..t9*Oln i i.thelr iir,o*ritliAllana preventing and eirleireany.Painfur anti Alkiterani;dis ; awe ranee; Btre4gtheaing issit.quietz,ltir the Blerrorre.o ' fOrs, thniallarylog ?ferevout-Irritatlon nod outing All - 4 ' o ,_r ll* Ilrftrll gi s kl l o% . 1 1: 611 S: 11 14 ,, 9r a lNli. , :k c i . :' 4 4='; 71 it 'ititrirttorl in 16 iiiiv iliar , Feniatil* • oT.:' . lafilits; • y ( - ~ - , - v,•-• - .• , i- - Ito WeAtneti,'" general datillityilTiregitlinfty,l (Thane. ' tloos,Soelllng of tlie, Pletb Llarbait'ilelotti'altlu iCalirkst na l by weakuessi;,also, Lgrig and ThrciefCOntitruntei; - " 16; 0 6 4k hi ' #• lll4 t l ":4 4 ***P tiiii ; k:o: 4 l44l ; ,Dro P lt i r I .ifiitiiitisie•lifie 4 414,475inpoiroes 'leap; tier-1 , 1'41i Doak:1100‘ prepared .-Ary - 2 0.- Wren. gi.Co.v3jeltherneir;_j 1 solveirioKlll oUr'frualllrai snit fkgidlNl 414 i5t,„.„:„...., r 104 47 a° 4 eff.etul Prilfarallo; wr 44, M014,-,101 y.; ' ieerntfteril , le:t a the palette - elf fever* sewage * ' _elitirt'l 1 E. SOUThei Req.t Ossidar Notionat.-Bauk.7, Pro ' 0604 IL T.; - . 4.., W. sartnegm.ltaii.fgas*r.',lArnir Rock A Bride- Rev , Wlllll*Pollllpr, .ittri:.7,:.ll:lttitisoi4 ,C:s. JOner;edlilriiPiiividoniielion: Atlit;', 4 Wirilftild, ::. W. Cit. Viraslisheri II a 0 ,1. , , , Jamitlintehl - . f.O-41 Dee4,V .rlletakltalt RonleolbY;'** Pleb “ , oth. i i are of the; itioetie ;Pei: e; . :titlehetilienheeet Piaeatinee, i - • ,; 111 .- - :,,-Thle *Wee That 1 hiiffor`a'intrairer of Y .... llud, nequilitted*Rlkliko ol lo ,ll 4 6l o l a Ina', 'Of* . Wl*. oster; „ ture ,- 01 mane; ilimogund Amp !..4;Y*ll9,lrMOcksta,C , , I htrefideo been riorptabried *Wits rriOdarii i, In 4 1- ,ortfur s era irm. l 47 Malta altiltztl4o l 4FlL:bt.adit relit, tagealeteiy.t*Teuteelz thatlii*of Dl.o4lai-Ar , Ale tt vOr-sirrigoiid;ltt - to esoetriailly,:ritifiabliAielsirt` _ 'ill antinfitsiiittoittoolot.ho,i_Costitiqrollisil a& . tiouths bieir, remmet.lki*er,:tiliteteisiettitt. ' :Md. theni.ookkotbisorlitosiktoo3lotilli all2-Ilerklyeteunt p liikfArikrilitrtflur U(AltelthiridiChileiArttifie. riot: ~''e-. ;---q - . : -- 1 ,- - •'' ' '-_':' -- '':DVOR:O 4 : 4 •Ing B, A r•"• !1!"146*,1.-qikt**lo/4.:,:-,?,A,*l•lql:','•-'.,:: ~ Pei* 'rlitl7-Clftitio4c.: -.474 ;.'likiliCY, Oussmil gue N.,,Van - kflia,lijttlOntlit****A. . . ikiiii . .ithirritliiitriiio:i- ...; : .':•4411,- e lt.__- , - - 'li' - i&:..± . _1 wit liogiii k viti44 6 l47 - , l ',t' , 'ir k .JAM*2Tftrit4, - -empAietyr-41. -4ait 1pirogOill"," r.,-}iiirtrie` f r i r 4 116 — otthistA. , *lt GridreL H thriiiiiii,r, *VI: milAil*hiliW lilt Co. AIIIWIM191:Z ,itiiiiieo , Cod - leoluL Ch,flJA . siow.t7:4--"Fte*niiittiOldnirf'-- .C". „ I sm usakiwiS 11f_,,,,, ,14--"nnordri4.;ao4.*__lm._ 1/604k. ,t 1 4.1,741-webow-if 0,,7 ifred, -400rdolp4iMitlial4; v., - r ...• ...,, BENTl l acfn 0 , - i Li BIISINISS CAWS. RYAMOUSE Gre" -Bend Depot, Pa, ADBMN BRYANT, PROnwrot Wyatt /Oran liatttAill?; k .ociatiOt4lo. a; IL Disokly 17 X 16 4.9 1 -"m u tt it Nitiv Irimrkpriees. - t-11. Stirout - Asutiortritiß or stftoviiit,v:op sprbigt.*ont.toss,Pa. WmAV ihnith & r 4 .... srs AND OHMS ItANIIIFACTDET li'strest,XontrowPA. George Pull 1 GAZER iN . BOONS, ReartyCreadettothla ' sig:t2Boots4l3/10419kb. Store toe A Tr9ol, Montrose. 1 Chtirlell QUAVING AND HAIR D _ , . r • :Hurd VZltlr AND EXCHANGE P!. l l'A LI Kteleeritotel Mosdrosi-Ps. A.TwoRNEYI9-AT ~ LAW, ithentross.. via rer!sstorio. - B 3 Csois t - 1141. 101 0 vil'A riD SINE MAKER - MP 11.1P_Ancl JIJ oven. Bagirin Ocix's Saddler*Shop - Y - Dr. C. o,,PAtwar Pm .D.IITSICLAN Al!ID SURGEON,N, litarftnl aeon's below 11 - . 3.,Pzide's 0.-D. Virgil _; . QURCIZON.DEMTIST,IIpOrese: Yellowe'Buildlng, corder 911464011 iii ittreets. 'Operations np?il the teeth ptifo eir4a. .11y and tenderLf.: : ; 11.1Ww..ork on*: *mania) =din the nicost improrod Styles.' 1 _ SA2I; .hots scud VW& MUM' tawtocts lOU* o,tv Dr. " . , anA 'fuer' Tvut,Nits hi Dry , Goette, Geneerieearardwa. ery; Booti anal-Shoo, &e , Springville; . _ _ = • • • ___- Ma* Pirtners ;12 Et; DiortTLNIE end L.-F: !tuskless entrusted to their tore, had etile 4:13.11N 1r^111616 lEiSt ' , Clocksolo ets• 'A s *OTlllit pase'of thOie gest de, :jun rioeirfavalso &Cameo of , Alain asd Viint Pieces *blob will be sold sa usualmorylo). 1 • •-• No. t Odd-741mi De 0.20. sat naiLthe . public an minister ma V a ile .- Ta:::rii: taa g te . :-. lishmitint. . INES lc IL ..ILD. 4 4,lllsobionittle Talloni, west' of M. w., Wilson's atom, Teady'at al, of h ose who want eliiiheo • ,Litest, Parthlons i r rOdjautl oil oneriWtosmed whew requeati __. . . Little , -&- Chase ~ . 1 ATTORNIES : . AT LAW. _ AFFICE formerly oeoup!rio; hi ert i., (...." Lltt 1 eFose, Susquet!anoaL..owtyky, .P&.. . •.. If ii.A.rg n.Liiiix.i ,- , *,: tzsitit., - .:L. z H -: : $ B,'CHASE.I '.-- .:.-.A ;TTORN Eir and CoaniellOf "at i l i , .014:: Commissioner of -Deed!foi. Wile& ,:; flown.`.:OffieeCtliieiiii -oPPsite'lhti l . ',l• , Diione.. 4 'fireai 'Reid,' Pa. :,- . , 2- : ,,.., . 11! (it) 611.4. 0 34.ii.Nrarbte-NopnstieittA lV liti O ;T "itia. - ..-00i11OT of Court: ond,llzel!soge.. a rite. Broome Countyißoot:. Binesomt 4l ;?!.,ir, ..: , .tcr-J;lL.Vffb;tnor tOyielAcqragetOL.!_.-- Farms;_ ~ .., ,rinfi; arid idillTriviretel --'• - - 1 --lots - for Sttle . :. - ,..• - - ~,. qpilE-itbsciftrey'9lrips - for isle"'lli k 1. - itiliiiihie Propettles, 15 WitThiiiiie fart - - , -, -, • .. tosittettip, of Harlord.ccintamint some six about; hirty- of WhiChis - iinprove4; bout orclittril, &e.otireen.. - Said:feral ' lies - si and .II half from - the; village or flerfori, route of the Moutroti . and Hirfoid-Plank It;is'a.beautiful:andJ esirahlelonation, wi tered4e.z -',_ - - ' - , , '- ,:,.,,, ‘, Also one'other fa lying; an - she Turnpike; fourl,' Mite :from Laneeboro, E: Y, and Erie Rail , tontetining aboi acies;twenty or mor' ot which - Vs - harm house barn, niehaid ;Ike: Thic.is l t ' Pie'e,a of land froniiti tcotion,'6l4,Weilt 111 . d.watered.' •r ' _, -r.- ' -_. ~ ,'' ` - - ''Aleit'neveral Ihtilaing lOW at the yiliage Attehanna.cinltte 'New York :tr. Erie' Bail 1 - . This is Uneof the-utu' th riving ilocatiOr 'cinnt l 7oo o oh e seal of the Rail Road hops".. -. 'lt cOntains'initir• - about - 13tm. tarts; an "its business" are Illjfillif eon need ti, With the ibevelitia, are Onr - oft 1 , Mitt-leaf in the CoMity, being immediatelY ,Stuflitieh nun rivei, with:stiffiiinikowar Purcintientritanufeturing At.o: Thi r ag , indttnetneutiaire heiciliaVh2t the above for 'dapifeliste,'who Wit i l ft, embark in ti ofintintifierniiig,tatiti anareriagaed •ThetEttit "Road- affords the,,Mpit commi :feady trinspertion•for eiery'thiiiiin the . *Tim above fu'ilflettk: in-whole o r part, ifoldlou terms the most 7 advantageonst 'ere•l' - 'l' 3 o ll4 'gkan" 'mat bilffiailli tiona,witf be 'promptli unaltered (06 a aud'all enquitis ettentieif te,promptiy.. '!, !:: .:.r `- v "SEDATE GRISW 4 -- Snit ~Dep o t. -re.; - Juttel: . .1852:- •,, ,r%AttLp:.cit ; , i : E :itii.z i ..: e ,i,,,,,,; iy .e ": ll7Bet: :- :,..d f licajit it , :l ...,....s ii xt.4 , 4o l:L :4, , c :. eiv i ‘ ti retig:oz o ::itiat iL ex, d vo , i ,.. :lso : . * : - ,7.2; li unvs l o4,. : i . iir it ais : ,, , ,u:D a :...t i , C , : - T reatment , and' a isciaarbigerets ~.7 trentu.iptitnnulent. 1 . -, ith sillies ffslw, .: IC t i rliCtedlupe ou : t t: t i y . conee ''Sez.u n t i t lv itir " clui i „i i i-th se coe:ar de d ip ki seis tkil e 4 ; 'aid!, of some triareordhleltili 41 . 4 , a • _ -,,-.- - deilotsatathee, rWiiiiiiire,4l ;', ' ';iiidea::&4l,- iiititis,'il") T w w id !'•' 11- triitittirfin '1 e twasy.eve et ktii*e#l4ll4 sad a- 'mind Agieiftss-1 -- rt.to 4 - ' o f SU fera. us i 4. , will bi k jiac w.a541. - i-11*#iiiiiell'ini# 'ln WYlll4ll*Ar 14Vitalit rot. Plat . .et Bto _ 1 VOA Ono; r., .o? -- ,- ,.. - elialdl l - • •••- -'illr - - - .-",,,*.!), _ ... - 1-- . if. - Ki11,., ; ,-,--,, f7t , ,c , i3O d ~..., - itijaVai .-:..- . 1iti1 .**H 1 L ,, , ;: , ,,_,, -• - - -- 7,::e,=3t,::::.;',..,':,',1...-- f.i.,..f.V.4-.Z":1Yr.',.,---;:!-.:i:,Ir • -- ~.,:,:;,,-,4,4,•,-fr...:-...-:.?,-,, iiiiiiiovinn -..,.-,iiiiiiiit4iwaiiidlot,4 ",gtoml :'-eii.tiiii.aoti**Y.-_-.94m - , _,..: k A ilaisolltlbilariktrOtiv7... ' be , usilltePpie WI ParcLOK 4 l ll l. qa. l 4 01b4 ler ?Ail coteetotileallfelie so e be: p 5: 11 4 4 11094. zAttleeteier vitl PTA b teAta kik.::4 l- pi.cAt - - 41 1 , 'ff 11" 11 1 i 4 talYITt• - :.:'4,,:;4 AJ: -. - - -, t '''..i'-'-':x kfrillitit:lll/I**loo l l4o ll - 1 -1 4 -. - b!iiiiti ' ' 'ooliietittlillOthne in- . - '4014 Oinuentiollerti? lks':-2. , z • ' -' ' • : (iPttonV, thr4f!ti0nnii03,...f,f*,,::!..,.. ,•.. , . 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