Ingonlotur..Torgery. The • Cleveland //add oflday IBth contains de following': 1 • A few anYn nin4"; J)till;,/arliTer.:like 7.1.31 .. 1 b," gave' his ittatne. c r,neared in .purma, in this . county. -lie rep t t e d himself as from Duch esicounti r N. I. r . ,•- • - . Wh 6re he had recently sold htsfartn,an claim e.,l to 1 )e in ner,l'el of a 11,P* rocation 'in this okthe enuntry.k iludsoitinada .4 , ,,intatte - Af fir. Leivis Worrier, examinedhc , ? icntained 1138:hetes, and agreed • t ipnrehase it for $.5,000. He procured from - Warner a, written agmetnont - to 'this 'ef te;t, , i.taed by hint; and R1:0 _ tlio dered va7,1.1.1".r.1 (Warner) ti,tle, as he., said, .for . the" fs_king it t o - Cleveland .' iimisetithen Rent-to Mr. Cop- T.:. .9 of the Peace iri Partna,and under '-‘rf•t•-a:,,r,1• of wishing. to write to' him on husi his address 9,tfn=h4r4 . :.:111.tving_in his pess,Qs. , fien War , ~ • , the rignat.ures of, Warner aid - ... , 2-tvflyinir justice • addino• for i'4f two witnesses.; The w;:o•-.Atay c pth ; and the sante in the Mcorder'k office- for Ptis apparentlyindispatable Or; ;_: to .thei land, Iladsent. applied to I ; ....t,,a.Esq. ; -of this: - cit. • or n loan offering mortga set Arity. upon a I,rm 3tr, 133f10n -consented to loan him • , ri m,.a\it . for four years, ht 10 .per cent, an. inter,r• zmortp*to Was- drawnnp . whi N ch 1-Ina-,en signed:and fook :With him to lartua.t.i pre•were the signature • Of fiiss)wife, pre , vnted the mothgtge prop. acknowledg,ed - -: .7 the tignatures • rhi s ' rie,, the.ra , tiell and the witnesses,- ftir- - ,1 f . - er i e ' s of. ovar'se--an.l recetred -the 81,560 ili f ..B•Atrut: On yeste`rdaY, 17th, Dir. c. , , lrner came tiltlie city and efirinired for lihd snyiag_ho hail agreed to sell Lint his tarn] N he thought' it time, the papers were .exe -cited. Meeting wll.ll r. Bolton the .facts i.oore stated were ascertained,. and Mr. W. rltrprenouneedthe deed a forgery. - So shrewd perfectly executed h piece ,of rascality haS D A recently occurred in this vicinity, -the ".for:' gar-haring a week the start of the law offiCers c,nd liglitning, it is barely c fo' ssible.that he will ' Le overtaken by either of them.- A FRACAS.--rS. N . . Johnson, latb of the' D. truit Free .Prtss, just arPpint6ticopul to burg, was . rocentl rnaltreted in theStreetst . "Grand Rapids ; net). A.coriespondeiit of the Detroit. Tribune tells the story thus , : - g On Saturday evening' there was - quite. n flare up in these parts, . •-. . , , It appears that some fourteen years •• since, 'S. Johnson, late.Constil •to Cuba,- and re. ,rently *pointed for Limburg, harrowed of Rix Robinson 8700 in specie to start a Bank at this place, gave -a. receipt for it, arid was , return it in 48 hours. .It has not been paid, and Robinson called upon. Johr,son on' Saturday evening, s -he was to !enc. ; the country, to renew the paper,which he resielfldly destined. • Warm words 'passed, When Robinson - snid 'he would help hirii on his wayito Isar `burg, *ad gave him a bpotirig from one' 'end - of the itreet to the other, in presence of Many Wit !Johnsen, of course, is a eat man. Robin.. -Fa is a lhte Senator, and o of the le:lin, - - and most' influential of the Democratic party: - , 'Exhibition at. Harfora_ Univer ' sity. The..Ellibitinn of 1 - I.lrford Unireritity will be held in NVdneaday £l.ll . day. of Jul'. Harford, June 21-,' _ • Tres. Il'ierce'fi .Idr:it to Sozquo-' hirina county. It is anticipated that President Pierce will lore Washington derhag the months pf July and August: :and seek a mire nprthern clime. We know of no piaci ha will be mere likely t pitch =upon than the green lißls of &urine. , lunna, for which tn. seems rPeently to manifest a decided partiality; , haring ealled one of our disting.rded citizens. -to assist him 'in his ad ministmtcon-ofthe gorentnent. . .In anticipation of the above great eient, the . well known firm of TIRVANY . &SMITH it Brooklyn, "hare-refitted their: store; with the choiceit lot.of ;oohs ever offered in that, mar= where they exp .. eet all who are anxious an to Et their ... persons and'liabitation*,.in a !nail: net tecorinnn. to see tire Ltoa, will call with. out4lelay. Bring on your cash and resArs. p4y, end we will send you hope with a load of gods and hapy heart. . , COrne one, - come all, and fir toy see• the'PßrSiDi9T. June 36, 1 4E5,3 3tf . , "Z'F4:grit'a i (EV In I.Erfora f on . the 7th Junei-ty A. Mil lert" Mr PurLuvorrt HALT.' of 'Jackson 1 1 : 93 GrrzEwcol),:of Trafford: _ _ CARP:M=IS HOTEL . (ForatEELT If -11Eitp7,-PL . , Ef ullertber, having motel... Vila stelltrntrambonsu ; Tmil re-fitted ifirl reefurnighedlillgoot Etlieria . 11 0 r• preparol to recelet'and• entertain Unnsta. • This bonen , -k delightfully' situated On the banks of the-SitriguTehtlit' rieer„on the line of theX"t ew ork and Rife; and thh ~Deinsare, Latr , alrannit and Western 'Ttallroadtri . heil l . looting a meat t ettetiotrot-eotintty; and 1:4 the panorama of \ scenmynnegnalledati,ywbure:.,. :11 a Smuts Itaanar for dip htisineis tecklng quiet andireedom fromthe noise 'mod-din - of City life,and • for ladies and gentlemen in pursuit - of pleas ure.ssini4the' • rand neenei7 or the :country, this. location cannot be. . Nealled. Ili the weary trareUeria Aitnure-ironl e b " ennfmion incident to the continual arrival ntuldepoirture ef tant; whieb;egeetielly in 'the nighttime is :-a. very • Mol annoyance to thoselatopping .honsca tery .ner. the Depot, „ - • • Ills Room are ew, pi camint - and. well ...furnish ed .;.-b le Tacit sitb.till the delicacies *bleb Illatit country nnat: . e . . l .rmarivent atoll; and no ;minx 'litho spifed th Make Sißhemenplensast ho l ly to . 11 $ &Vs - Grasrs:irilibe eonreyed - to and from Ate earn, . any hour - Ong. or night, in ra Oninibuir, free of L.7' A Lnzir Sixes. s I tbieliedle The Tfonee. Greet Itend; Jane 27th,1:,14.28tf: -- : - . Essence of Santaica Thts &since is a preparation - rit "knee- In orditiary.diaitheen; inclident.. - cho!* era, in short, in all canes of prostration tbe-d-i'; geetire functione, it 'sofDF r r ring the prevalecne of epidemic - Chillori anitsran 7 , - aid complaints of children, Ills pecttliarlia4cm-. clout ;no family pr individual or .traiiieller slipylo) be without it. As ettahleirilte,'ieel# the Influence otineipient distilled which lurk:4l ; tbanging cliniate., -1 ]' ' C ' e rnex.—Bieawe to got the-eennineettaitso which prepared. only -hy.F. anotirtv:,,d - his Drug and Qhevtial Fifth find Chen-nut gtrietiiir,kiiittWr.hi4r,!tlld. sate hy ritliherespectabßr-lblrothicrarienin Lli ' it ed States, and at tiocitirilii . ( 26 YI) ' 1311113 TIPS/7CE And csinsts eir"' ai iq ui l!:., hat received Rai June 22(i: 4 th Tlll7 Brothei : frol,„_, x°rsile b hoe 224 y tee. FBLLER: Exectitorearotieep - :-: erTEßste.iiiiiiiiiitaiixiiiiket4eittiv4- 4:di to the ottboefiberi t in f as ate 11600 4 . 11 } Ponlat, late of the tomtit:44l of -°lllied, talt P e roOntritt4eb*l'.l6"otti,C 64144.10 Alike inn ediittepa}ineut"f feiiiiini,joiVial 3.lMandaNiii preeentthena teeither ofAtteluider 1:11.16444 attested; for - -eittteti - u - Litf - i-c . pRILEtrA - foRWERS, Lenox- -" CUAS:TI . Nat:ET, Hiribr?.., . • _ , Exe, 60 4 1 1 1 ; 14 AU. 311110 14 L 163" -- 14iir6 - " 4 \ ,i ' it; " : ,i ! i 1 --,1 t ', ' ii, .:;:...: - t - : - .. rk ; :: -... • -. " --:- .. 4- : - ..'" - • t . - esr.. Ino Tnee)Store 12 i - „. ow ...2 , .qpsi... , - Iftirgle..- (Neer D_ c. - DAdeg.i. - zo-tic i lriethoir of - `dolbg/truslite's .11VII0O. Ointr.'lo Cel t i., vie et Thoglytzoton and vie nit - hit ; opportuoitY of ' - vittg,* ., :titoo 15 -per 'et. flit's:4W Pliireheitv. • l'ite•ni large 11.1er” cat end.. inekelfine lia* , ? - give way to.thil-: , ' r ::,., ' mss ~, ni .. .ton-:,. ernall'praflts amid tge, safer= I ft. partiOns money worth bitt mnch m t he , minti. deuce (+TVS mist O.. re worth trout ;in any tetnpcitary. ad 'stage On by:!.oticll,trg' some one exiles , ext i .. ety.lov comtnee . a tVadeht Which of ' itrtleles t• en 'exitt hitant profit lia bat . , dnpteul to..the only fair and - homisahle: , . ~tent .o t—tkat.;Mf Pettit:44! all Omit .1 to all 1 artiiii i tt the so. ' pricei—. w elt . Hoe te pi dgesnimsoirshall ' +et is fow..Or Inwei et a the Enteral - Ir.a kel peree - thus, plar, i Mug tektite future hilst constant .gamingtain.trease of business., Alnico- ' every day -wi t prescnt.tioniethiug, new ind - attractire .. - .cfsisorsanO. e general, acluilra t lion anellhoral pat • nagorienltlek from hit off - ea:cit.:4., taiiii.T.',. 3"qiknalt - les • rtivan teP.znakel - the'..Otta„Pn4ei t , sTnitirlinOreatid'moieil'nviting. -- . ' • " ' : i • ': '',' •.' -41 .R.E§'S CrOOD g. ' .-- 'I- - '': -' Thii: acipartnen-t.,entlktices so'great a variety that.' w,. can In ention.a. fetr_onlicf the leading artick. • trusting' the ledies win calf 'and xiiii,ocar tl enirelrev; linro,ce, . thiglish, French and' ..*.erioan La s.'•and Gin gi vitis;. Tsrlitans, (IT'apedieniii-.S. witi..; lino let., " Wolk,' ooidid and Twilled Anslins . , •,, 'issues, Barr Ai )inv1in,..1R133,4 , h am . slik- And -1,1n,4 11 • obos, - • Map : coas,•lleenliailhos.-. Itaw 'a tis,'bOXltlixt *Xi? large ' . coinn-tit cif- rich Int te tied Ida sk;- . M tteril; ..,:l'il' o 4 h;4-tind . efilingeSlile' I tr killks. Vire_Satino. Marel!ne an Corenee Silks to ail of which he is constant*alding - /I whieh• it; would "Le well to !Lee heron,- rorrli:itilne• el + , .ihero. Bost quality of lilerrimaek and Boglish prin t t licit ,per.yard, ono' TA:T.I k wide dlitf) at bt.l • ' '-' ..- '''.- • -• .1. •., .1 -i ' 2 : ' • ' - Sae' TF . S% - - • -,- ..-" -':-' f - trie,lnaing l t• o-, 'various .4stal feu of "Cantnn.-'frare., ilia k.ehange, MO andlirured s klfrom.s3,Oo.npwards) . , Thib 4 Cash erf;., itraehe; tco. 1; "-- ' -''.. : - r : garBROIP sR/RP. - Ili this riCpettfiiiiitt . there is nOthing araittliK. .il ntong otlkers may, lir-found the latest: en'd utMs.approred styles: , of .11alidkerehlOts„ 'tlheraiselies.:3lndersteerds, Collars:, StiirtV,Edg . ingsi.t T nertioti.S; Flounces, &c. + - s •. 1 .. 1 -•.i-MAN LLAS.•'.:-- : -- '- i ' .• , , •&•:.:1- Ittev, stock of did' ' " t: styles which wor.. bet low anal; aro Sold aimirdingi .• 'The amount of our tales in this dilmg.tment Ls prim( ositice that our serectforts. barn bleu jucl iriou a.- .- • ;') •• . - • - • • para. oIA and . Fans in end. . 'HOSIERY. l ow extremoly . ' ''. -'. PLO FES AA 'HOSIERY: ;'. RecTi l sire shade-and . qu iy of Kid 'silk lilo thread and (I , Ofotjes from 6cl -1 6.4;:cottonhosC of all' cid.: ors trona dti upwards , .'. - 1 ';'• . '• ', -..- ',' i.,' . '-`, :" ; - - Lad ies,and-ilisse„ • floats . and. Sint% -.,- :In this Ude we hare 'es.. - rarietY or atyle. martufile.-I turoi to ordat-etud wilt be hi much lower: than ever ; before off - credit,. Broome tutty. =Our extraordinary ; facilities habitying.them en 'Was to do his and thOso; • Ito doubt are requested M i ca!' and era..lnc for thent-i . I sell'es-• ','' '' : i . ,'..-:..... :, 1 -.:' i : ' •,.. ' -,,..: • . - ',. ~.. 1 - .- ' Gereletnen's Purnishiing Pe , rtnzen.., , l .:. . i ~ -I do tor. inean' l hall:lack `Antthinft. : rshnere, and Vestinglani aildhe. newest style . and we a:., urged by no competition it these goods:, 0 r Cloths: re been; bo't, low and es.we are content s nithi imall . . p fits we - novel , show theta ' in , vain. : -: .: - : •- - , , i Blerelted and Brown Cottotis' itent fie the mane- 1 fitetnterinnakery hayr .togOth with a ..nernl astort-I .. Cut of blue lain and striped Detilms, cits.dummorj Stuis,.,&c.„ 1 o hare also I r in devote to -- •- i r.:170.r.. - ery; .. //nig, Glass : .l: Tarr, an. Grec..* ti.:4 it. - .ln' hich we ha o a Mil 'asap tarsent Of 'ova thn4 at' 1 torly . fy. compel :lon. Omit! Brown Su r sellin at A ets; pot lb.. Are y mod ,quality Itif Nola es at 2s/itta . ajbe I rate article t 25.: 6.1. - ' - t-, VV.- keep const By . On hand tin inn" cleat e ;the naroedgood and many others and '• - e coal al-: ty recoil:lnn large dditionsto our stock :1 ,at ou r ore; can always .feud the ,chnicest and . . - t, des . Ide go .al. our bkt nt. cis Afford. And LW.) id keep I l ie= fore the, public dia. Ido not buy nay , ge is on .or right months meth and -pay in.-twelve. I o Otitlts my eustnnwre-topny •,gtipat prices t.,5 .otak I good h' al", losses from bad de, r s, ontbe eontrarym tick is '', Or + t i e / chased. far-cash an [nothing else--toa m• t exten Ins original paeksigmt dlreot front - Tutporters ,d Man tan-i Lacers who.know tha.coamtire-value of h and ' red-; it 'end make a largeldur nee In favor. oft '. cash b": eez by which Tana, enar •p di to -sntyply inw . c u towiers : itlr t , roods at the siitair • t. ' Able adritnek f ~• the wholc4 sale prices. And L i plmyself:to sell, Odit•for . ,! or ready pay &kat !Ito*. r lower Tates. th ' any : titbit establishment:in welts INew'rotk. ' ' 1 . ' 1.. i ,' ( i " • -' ' R: i ..ItAGOI'f.!: 1 efe - Caner of Cot& and' oilier stir opposite he Court ! i • Itinghamfrot; N. T.; 3ttne,lBsS.--C.Ce.." : -'; '., , . . iii- - :li.: 4 *A.1.„ OF Fancy au .Useful Art? • o f ' . -. l' • - .' . • Se ! ...Liakc's Church] Will lie held in th' WyOmiti , . , darand Wodite ' ay , l• the 28 t i June, frnm 9.0'cl ' k 1 ,.. m.'to are, invited. .; A r price ail cle; - and a due re he bad kin in.the - -4 hole ra , gerri l e, a fled the objeCt e 'templateil tl a !.o•the . benevole 'mind,. Will not only . aid doinz.go earn the moat cal of what. 1 aplortineneof ar Jails ve in t expend.. .t h, _rtr; , neral and use nl, , iz in dista Ipla.ees, and -0 . Sii: 's nrre 4 y . h a er n4 in e at4h P e rn tim : O t t n , , ' n x i: i..sei.:frnany-il . l.hrnl.,- .-ishmenti.:-Te.s.Cream,, 4..... e.; tr :those Vrhose.tantes in:eiiii . ....' , JOHN,II.O.Z. ,! ' Our friends real. rows of.visitior.,:t would do well in sale. :We hope? of .will be' prepared that way.,.j _ • N 1 - . l :3Ctitiar a likiiideo, - . F. T 4 , BRig Tenn 'entan?' hn e ieett meted f.o":l.fie I.ioallt%ieribe . on . the 'est Ite of ,Iliviti N'emot ,•lite.of . Gre -t. Bend toitriship; ‘tYpe:l2, all persons iridehtd t.o! id !stile v7/11 nilike.)?n -i thotlia i t ., llpof ''eti!.; and foerseas hitilog. deniatidt; ,tc'ill - p Rent hem to the' - tindersigned, duly id:, tested; for.ze dement., -- : . .' . • . 1 - - '- - - 1-IEISTRY MeKINN4Y, - E4*r f ', Jitfili 14, iss3-24w6 ". .. I .:. Great Be . ." .- ' -- Notice-...Cantil WT i S' s m;' icin; Fix' ii, . , ,'W e i ott 'a n y , cause or pros ... aonsiie ere notified not to ha her on m in tint, as In:ill p ay c cot4ranting .. er tit a date::. i ~'' ' • i - : 111ICHAEr •-•• ilarnuntr;- . ntral i .l 852---9.4 4 ` • • . • .-..-, *, .1 . - 1 - ::=Betyrpen - pi , Wee Hotel it .4 the ,residelibeHlif .:L indgeailite. in tliiii",Tillei li.el.Dieiday'llittivi jag'. a Lai fi iia.ol4iri Odor( . ' - pin : : : ; "The - gender Aid! beziitably tiretded i: _heaving it :4tftle t office: ." --•-- ' '.t . - . - ..- .' • ' - .." ' -. 1 "- .Tooe'lstb. .'" . • ,-; '- -- • ..,:, .: -,-: ' ' i . ~ ~ ~. - • ''• ' .:-: ::'-----;:' 1 1. 0. for Sale -' .-- ; 2. • • ' r.ll.llE . osibieri ' Meiji ferii'sde Wit • ariri • yiiii -1- " ' town - 'll' . ' for ' ter; tli ' a l oe - . bathe 'hip of Bridgew ree „ east of-liiiin ' ' - and one . " half ile seitth . 4ho trt t PlUtlerOidfii6 1 sting 4 1.151 xt - Y": ' :e r e ;IA , iii 14 led faudi.., Seldfermhair,geod lieildielis, 41' any new; and - plents:,efirood wood land. is well*iter:. ed anti-Vizi ... , edemliaid ofgrefied'lntit.'Veriis easy,',...i) . 3 . 1. ..1 . i..... .. ~. !--, RUG ; MeiC.OLLUM. - Bridialiatei 'Juni./ llit;4 :53-2.1m3 1 -t-.-,.. -- No* ,00 thapeviti ailhe' .:6, nAVVL. 4.ung 8, :toa e• . ' - • ' 4.1 ATI. ~.. -ru - - -.l3ozait, . Bainots ', rl•: , §.'received I a -alietipest lot Of Boont tir..ev - Off- rent in , is, 'nottket-. ; Mao, a a fiber -, ; .. . , Vet, i ,iii ,.k ei. leb, , , 11. by- ' 1 - 1 ,-, .-,1:: . ....;,,_n Z 1 _i•,B ~, _• A.:i 3 . . ~ 3 ' l' ,_;,'i''. l ' - L ' • • ' -1 ' , al:it:A*6 pi Bel ii ' NtsiOielitt Dislitooeltere, 4,a lielitn- .414 . . 11elypsi : atigto, yiiii!t Attnifinfi7in 11 ogyn: al!Dgi:so, r• ,reat- - 11 1, 1 1 . sod altem4fir"44ll4, ; ...:.? "-;; q•% ! := liir,:tEtt. :4 4 : e 1tw0413, 1243;.i, ~, 1. -6 -.1 . - - -I•2' - - '-.... -- v , -,-,1 ' , .....i't k,:, ,,...,‘:.'-,.,.:• oud i lot i , e • i , .icC-.t -,,•ar"'•SC:B•O4o, ; g':1: r :-',+ 1-17 oa ." d ,rinu4440m,374.0..i0 : i,%:: . ,; ,-••'` .ki 4 41,- , 4 1 4...644 a..:- : , A ,1-. " r , *P , Ett , 1 , .,z , z , Z l% l .ii.iv ri..;1,,):1-„_=, „_=, . ~,. '. :; :::; ,. 1 ..., .,, ,......, , ~ ,:_;,, ,44 - ,'„,"..1 zoaa - • -lielaTAief4V .',._, - -,....'_.‹.. - .L - -..., A snTo, SAL:J..O)3I.Omi 'Cr1P°11641.1.271 .11-, -;', ..i • N-,•;• , :' .7 -' , '..-..-.:6' fIiAWLy..I Q 41 04 ifoiaLfrVisla itii:' '.l 6 t_flialiktlCl 4 .-, ) , :,_., _:. ~ ~ 7 1, T.,., _ ~',/W, 411AWLEY•1 '".. ,tll -- ,94 -'ILAW,I6II . ia *:#o..*!pt;i"' , i . ',isz - „41,50;,4). ' •.....:- ,-- --- )ir - -- ... . ...,...-. a-AprllTpp - "1#„ . .,'„.0.44 0 .' 1. 4. - ;'7%,!.. -.. • - 4clee, foi-ihe benefit ' s . Scrar!stna, '4 - ; I 'touee,. o n 'Tine s .; 1 i and 29th dais o! 01. is The pnblic be get on each arti-: I to justice and relig; ; - . .eo.,a-re penal:24 ill commend iiielt 43- who parch i asq] , bat receive ii i . bte ey expend.. : 1%0 1 Iteneral and ne enlil ite.ctor of 'he Pariih. • • 4 atita ito per t Sor or - t debts 6, . h , • t..:::t AD.I e. • b , A.lVU.PACTlnt.Elßirlfrarbliilfouvi put Fa. • := , , .. . ... , , English- , Lievtirlirtttches - • et`-'l-71 , ...,- gTHER f ..-lot . my ... • • :.gam tieleisrtiteci Engii ii I'ut , 7 ,. -..sue 'eh t .11ever , WutClien r, oeived s' - i..N.* :Vita Kty . rliiicet frinn Liver-. ;., %. pool f ,in Plain Heavy, Hu n t - : ) (" 1111 " - --i-N , •: • . - - - ....„ -mg. cases, - also--, the ':same, ii:• • e•i l 4,..4FC.,Lcs • • ‘ , ..;,„... 7 . 1 ,2, , , , .nalnyokmovements a:open [Cases, the above Twin made, 'eSliiisilly to•M‘y,ordlic will frilly enstbin- A e'rep anation'these Watcher; linVeheretofore s eo mart; dad, of being 4b e best Timekeepers ever:. ~fred iii this m.iket,.itud fineurretssed in any et; er.....- Also, a large quantity of IVatehes -of arions .style_tandrnakers, both Gold and 'Silver, Melt ~- will tie c!•101\gt the-I;:vvest cash prices, an War-• I; . ti'A ,I.ranted tagive.4asfioTinn. •• • •, lt -• • • -' 1 , t - , , : : • . - ..„ AT.Firi) - .A. r - - - , ~ . , • • -14:u. 2 codsi l renol!' Usti; : nlnibasstan. aerie . 1833: : ,- \ 1 - 'II 1 ' CkOCKSYCLOCK'S•!!,., '. .. . _. ~. i A full a:tali:men, of 'Mocks just recta , the mane fee Cory, 8 day au 3 ;1 hour ; Al. !Plain, Marine and . Parlor, of arions rob ,!prices by '. '._ - • '. \ J, EV , ' ' • - SILVER WARE: -- , . . ._ A' tame tot of . Silver Forks, . Spo s Knives, .Cops,'Nepkin ;Rings, .end..every art °W.. in the dine' for'sale„..warrinted as good as oin,Bn',; . graved Gratis ley :. • -`, A., J. 'V.,i,N .k i ....Diuihnmton,Jnne '23; 2853: • N - . ...Apprentice. - Wante ..._ . - vsr • Apprentice to the* ilercantil _Business, :..L . X..._tlint can, produce ginni and : satisfactory ref-, eriuces., may 'receive suitable, .• enconre temp ut by application to . ' - ,A,1'1312.118L1.1.. • Mont.roie, June 23, 1853. • • _ . AUELVIIIIRELI, Montrose,Pa .. T 4 duly 'authorized Agi•nt for the sale of nearly . 1.1 • ell the popular Patent Wdiciries ; a few . of , Willer' hie:named. • All.of•Dr)Jayne's celebrated rtit!nilr 11 . tedicines,- Also, Da Keeler's. Diaurs ..--llotichtstick's — Miepherd'si-Sherrnansi.At- . Wood's4-Woodcolt's---S way nes-lierchant's justly celebrated GairglinglOil: for rill - kinds of filains or lameness in man or beast—Mexican Ilfastang' Liniment, far lameness and harness or . Saddle gnus, Sinith's Linitheilt; Tanner's :Ger ! Man Ointment,- McAlliter's All IF aling.Oint Mint,. Dalle y,"s Tansey's awl Wallace Pain Ex tractor; Andrews' Pain 'Killing lAgente Brown's Ws - epee:of Jamaica Ginger,o- regulate the o nl i ac h and b6wels this hot i eather i Trask's Magnetic - Ointment. 6 fi rst rat thingfor thin. Matism,,tinnis..anti- iriflamation Aver's Cherry Pectorat.ii - istar!e Balsam of Wi 4 tiherrv; Hoof. land's German .Bitters, Mcitse's 3 rip of Yw ello i Dock Itoat, Blood Pinitier,, B. ker /4 Vegetable c,omponrid tar Dysentery ; &n.; rick's and other, kinds of.Verrnifuge, Pettit's . EYI Sall, Veeetinn Fluid, six : kinds of:Sarsapdrillasi nearly -fiftv.dif ferent kinds of Pills, embracing all-of the best •in Market, arid' other articles in thisr.department too. fiurrietous to,mention. in . briefvfbe: people. will. And nearly every thing iu the line of . Drugs-and fedioince, at . . TORRELL'S, • ' Little fk, Chase - ATTORNIES AT. LAW. ry7SICE - formerly *entitled by tittle Streeter; Illmaz nose, Suequehatron County,'Ps. • • ltiirtt E. LtsTi.E./ , • tE2ita. Ctrialt. • . S . MD= ' • • • . ' •ATT°RIN EY and Counsellor sit..taw; and Commissioner of Deeds for -Wisconsin and 'lima. • Ofriee'directly' opposite the " Lush no,im r e? Great Bend; Pa. 1 ' . (tf.) Congdon' & Beviek • b ' Dz AVERS in Mirblellfanimentaalahlea : Tomb-Stnnee tee.. Corner of Court and Exchange meets, oppo ritetLroome County Dank, Einghfinatan, ' • .1• • .Nen" Attractions nt site. - DAGITER . ItEOTYPZ-GALLERY. I.II,DPANS,Invitea the attention . fir foriner • patrons, arta the pabliegeneralty, to Vs =tumor supp)3 , ofgool=„lrbieb he - hat ree&nly purchased. - 'i -. -'• - :•• ':NEW'synx.s.or c:A.s . Fs., - • " ---- -. The Philasielphia,rnion, Prince Albert. Albonli and s eta Telvetsussos--verysseat auddeshableirattetns—bo. des a Titriety of _plain and fancy caws of every -site arid" i - • ,„ - TANCT - fraosirlf .•.-. ' . - . - ' ' Koisith Fria* with gold Chas dtif motto, rich and or-. -' • miGlirriNG C ASE. - ' ....,- . . ••• 1 - • .. !In which - thopsisitterreotypeapp*rsnearly. the' -* ~ of GOLD LOCEETS.., A bras:Ml6:ll assOrtrnent of Lockets,' Pi. , - Eryit,T'oh tools, &c.. iskeitiemely low prices. 1 - : ' .I . llavingjuilielikted and arranged ; • • rooms; for the oosofort and collveriienee of visitors limn that my ..ef-' fewts to pleas , ' *Who appreci ' . •y - ail the: friends of coed order and go 11 ipiet tires .;. . sl.that atibstantial en- ' conragerhent will - bstiien to • ". • -.-• .., . - •• - . - -- • - "PrOfess , onally yours, i :-_--- • - -'' - . June,71653. • _-•. --, i • .- - W. TS. TroAN's. 0-14} relfslawr Hal E- - nil - floor, Moptrase: Pa. - --.• . / - fi.7 . •:A "Zs -rent ,/ I irnerreotype'-' on exhibition, for sOing which - ther2 -1 - 1- bean data char& 111 -.:••• . ~.- : . , • -. ,California;a - , A . , : iilgt, lifonxiai Or any-, , 9 .'0 114. Globe,cminot i r-oiniiritat ducerienfi awn • • i 4- . BOOT ':A KEEL' ~.- S . e rCiDDAtID'S ..... . D..SHOLE STORE .. viTutem ie. I v.filla .wiiien-neve and..*xtan- - • 'l' T, ' , siva assortment of articles- in 'their lino, embracing , a general fatietysiotlT.lir and elegant inclesdien and .Gentlemen's . 16'Q r, :among *hick are f.adiea.-French,'Silk listing : 4nd Pre... milli, Gai(eit, Kid and, - Enameled -.Polkas; Kid ritentleathat AO brishied; jenny:Linda,: Ilii‘ . .. - 4and Tins •; -gentle . men's - Frotielt:e ad 7rbila: . delphia oak - tanned calfskin and - kip 00,its,COn gresit luad•biitton - Galters, ..-.llonte, - . - ey,,and '. Viti!kah rig ; cin - Bot)tettiOilit "Slips; , : - lifor.': - ..< r -, i -.• 417. - . ,and , Cowhide Erogaini;&n. , - ..ilayi kip,calf and cow.: MO Boots and ißiliganof ' -all.kindO :If MsV- sand Obildran'oweal—', Abio;'a-gareral' olicrlment'of Findings; *hift consist' . ni part ' I.lrs4a.:pigo, parable.. Haig!riarknailr,taciki,Abieni,'WHX; grisllao,'sh oa loinding.; - :a*lii,. ..r.napo;: 4ndstonea. alio'. ,kniiii, ilinJ- Alio. , •,.. 'fi',.'r.. ..--.-. . . .. .-2.-- ...' -..0a k!' .. ~ ;hemlock t , '. an- ... a..:_.: d nalr,npper . 'andnplaliatheii . oinnan'-akint'add linings::: - ,.-.:,,' -1':,...-A-:-.,-..-; -'., Work made An order aid r e airing neatly-dune. "- - 1 , :-KKELKR iIVOMED. iliontiniiianial - 1851:2' •' :- ' - f= , '' , • n- -"- :.-'-',--'- ''' --.- For: Sale, ' -.- F AL beautiful blouse and Loe.,bandiaanely,sitnii i :.,tl, ted on the Cli.en.inilfoload*itlf all thecnini; venienceoldoaired.,by a Frnicn; and - -. -. - in ail ,tor.,z ' tinarnitind-Xty . 4l ollniii r . .... , Conin - and-;,itianiine • • ri . iliiii'llii• '•-• :•' -•,'-''.;;-:- ' r:7 '. JOHN - GROVES: ,' for 46nitrOiejlitar /5i:18,53: ' .... - 4,: , ....: 4.. v.:4 - .: ~ 7 ., : f:' il'-:;:;; '...' ..i . -;';:', '-'. , . •-• b y N acti4:s`oirl:of *tont ierventesO :Si eight n - .41.. - yeah; Of No iiiiSted*Cleik in a Store, boy of this description with:sittOli' le riO tionsik - dons Or - referenceis'and - diiiiiosed to make 'hi If vlgeral will su.4 g°4-eilcausagengo . j• OURKITI . • Now * pt by .a plic ford, k- May ;6, 143.• ;- • $: AP.: nuitldocle Airsticiteklittioviivq:coritkitte v , ewe ate' &tor simelist p self it Rd* Sof foßlslivifsittilfaction: - ',""" - 4,Jimerl;ls3.L-23*6 ~.,t, - ~ 1 - *:* - r. I - --Mule, 'Sugar K. :7.- = • _ i itar Ea k. u i ! ,, 'it quality.B4,7s per keg VU' x - ii..'42 - 4, oasis : . - sso.peseo,ww ' F.. : - - • ; _.:... ,u: Bmglions. 4. co.'. :ziano 1,.15533 7 -23,6;.i ~ , . - ,-- --3 . * ::-, , - . 3 - - 7.- ',-.''.. 'PA -S. *IS ~ t Z., .-,":,-.; ~-:::. - --, • , - ).'".4-.1.4,n, *..''., - ": - `","flo.-,...Al' • fiffmn a -, ' , A , 4.;44o g aPii Atiropitticiimalitt-nerea &ono 1 3 :M.efuilisiialtyjair:pr* ex. :i4 A 1 -,.._...,,,,,L. r..: ,-- --.'",- ~ ',... p'e, , V. URROWS lc Co. Icf j “l 'Vati—% 22w,6 -1• -- -;.,' -, ' '' - 40 • • J , • Wa iSr • - '-ba" aj , ;Vile It *e- , , - - f 430141 f ROVES. • • -- - ".'', BOtei Into 'titian Never .. , . T HE snbseriber mtefal;fat the Ober:al share -. o f pationage rectiied ilirinetho.i.past sea= sail re-SpetfullybeialoaVi to present his - thanics to his friends and -enstomers 'end ntin:onfrx 1 0 'thanii,thid ttiorikublic zeiternity,ithat- he' jtist, retnrned,froni !deli _Yorke :andAs ninv receiving a ditmiirtasortment-ofntost kinds of Gix4e.tisuntly I found in a - country" : shire, musisting in T,part - of n . beantifitt.istiortrnent cif Beregi.s;DeLaineS, .Pop fins; printed ' _Lawns, Jeconet, . Barr, :and swiss ' . Afssli my. Bishop LetWns, Ginielatns, 'Prints, Man. fillee, shawls..Parasohi, Gloye.R; liosierY Bonnets, •.rcoo'oons, EinbroidAriee,- , Clo-hs, eentnittePf 17 . 91 tings, - Reettick . ,3sans; Tweeds:. Suannier . •Cerirneres, Mniins, ind.arrassortnient . :of Cot.: 'inn and Ltneti Goods I r *unquiet; Wear. Ready . Made Clothing, pegge. slid sewed Boots ;: palm .lesf,eatiada straw.- leg loni, wool; fur, mid fine .mideshin [Tata; eloth Anil glazed Crips;*Shostitio IShirtitigs and ether hinds of doinestin (=eride, :Gtviceriiii:- Elardwire, Graekery. ittecTiciries, Paints Oils Glass: * kills =.k.:c 4 ~ a ll ; of Which will.b. sold •totflout,reserre, the sul..-oribe, d....s not boast orwhot he will do; hur respeetfcdly so links, an eznrnination Of hia•Goods and prices bk, .1 '.tilt: ,calt.'in it any ti n and We wit! - attend to you witlythe'greatest !ensure as it is nnt 6 -onble ferns to'sliciw Goods.- -. .I. b". - I.ITTLE. , ..N . e ,w Milford;Mity g, 1853. • :'!._ . 1, 1 . . .... , 'tnents, ILI I)e I d from • and rns and Ns. • . VO . I am prepared tom the highest nt , rket price in cash f or any qimatity or Wool delivered'at my -tore in Fernicra Of SusquehAnua Conntibriug along-your Wool. ' ' • • - Wanted. \ - TIIT EE httafireddoz ,all.l.Voel,lllle * White mix I.sot:its:for which 25 teats per i pair Nilhbe paid iti gocids, at low rates Ipy May 2041. • • .. • . - CrtiCkeryr• and. . Holl§e,'Fiirnishitit,Store. " • T D aPETI Is . • preplired :to invite th.e nubile 'e.l • generally to examine Ma varied and 'oxteolove es sorra:tent:or goods which Oa sa exclnalve dealer) he- Is enabled toitler veryirar.• - -.• 1, . • - 1 • i n a • CAtu4itting of fierld-Band:-Detioratel' and rer and Tea Setts, Fruit, Basketlike: ;. ' * Stant , -China... '• ' • Fall Dinner: and Tea Setts, Pxinteal,iit dylairi.EnaboSsed In mitts, or by the Wrigley:owe; else, a variety of treanti ful styles of Toilet-Witre. • .• • I • ooking Glases. • , . , , 3lnliottriny, Gilt and Ornamental framed' Glasses' fro= SIC eta.,to $75, also, Marble Ftlabsand '• • ' -Glass •Ware,. • • ut and 11r:7.r:set VGablets. Decantrs; ~ Tntriblors, Ch rit!rl2a, IkAVIS on tqat, Cor'd Butters, clioberi, Can-. di tieks, d'e. ke. •-- • . rdßar abl* and Pocket -Cutlery.stioonzr, Tea:Trays ;Scales, SR Irons, Enameled Kettles, Ilatßeeks, Refrigerators - 1r et,, iooiere , Ise Cream Freezers, &a. 1 i. . oodeat and Willo* , Ware. Geer, 'Wagons, Goekinz Dries, 'Cradles -Ce r Titiiv. 3tee-e Youndersi Ilasketr, Bookirg, 'mi t , and Stool kn. ' -• Wina.ow .Shades• • i . • • -• . . CorTlees, and -Gilt Pins and llearls,qtandS, Lorin arid 7.3.5.e1g, alsO•Strtin Pools itt variety. _ . • Jtapanned Ware. • - - -Toilets sett e‘ Toot :Tubs, Eton Jar and pet,. cash 80 - a e riand all articles raanuiactured to the . - - • . Britania and A r...,erenline- Ware:, Coffee and Tea Urns; :I'4s;Zr...idlers,- erk..4l.nrx, Charing Mites, Aetnai, Pitchers, Catniltosticks, 4 L o. . i • Lamp and Lanterns, In every variety; sty e., oldie rmtiqualirY.'. • - . • 2'ays and Panay . - Consistine ofe.thihri; Tron, Tens Cata,Parian and ilababx. Fins. al so Easley llaakets. • . - • - • .- •-• ' Plated • - 'Table and Teaspeterns,Table - Dessert " and Oyit r Forks ercert knive*; Soup a , d Sauce Ladles,. Castors, Snuf fers and Trays, Tsa and, ffev. Sgtbk. 1. • - Birl.Cmgeei. Table and F 3.lacv. ,Brasbes of e+ery duesittion. in fart altnost es 'ry article in the; line ..of hornet' iniehing",..bilth it:Fecal ornamental, -may be found rit, this extensive eathbn out.. • ' 4 • 3.01R3 TE. PF.III. 4 dons east of the tmeriententitel. flth 1353: , B • , _LI : . A R ITU RE • . . . ESL Ati. s .trecei,e 4 .4 lar g e addition - to - hia forth:atoak Tri' ... -- G001205.1 -i -- ~-• eh no* remittro blinssortriientsond. Ilia official; ail be rold *slow or I •er than they Corr tie -pa rahaieil el_ where in Town. • II nil recehre in pa3*n.t, Cult, 43 In of, all kind',-Fri ,• Bags; Socks. Becalratc, IcC.--- lle ha'te's himself that clays Ma GoOds ati, In! Ramify one eon, and he is Colla rattly:. he will not be finder . mold.- Ile wilt at all tina... ester:Alt a pleronie th reeve, Oaths tem his friend.* and .enstomers; arid thif pliblie. generally, - to whom be feels v•Ciy grofeful Inc pain favors in liberatnatronage.., Mr ;stock locomposodas. nkual - of nearly every th%g lir:lolly kept ill.3generasaritortment Etore,--his leading blanches in trade are -.. , .... ' --Drues;- Medicines, Clic:Ocala;. Paints, . . - .oiti,Dpc Stufs,'grocOles,... - ..- -,. - - Notions 4.c. •- - . , . . athi.itlOla to-theca, he heap* a variety of • Dry_goO4s, Hailt l ware;. - Cut.le ;-S_tonii toare;'''iqlais7iriat,- Luliors,..: iisieal. ... InStrulacftta t ' . Jewelr y,.• _Perf - .ery; .- . •.- :84•0'isi,. finaretlas , iir.iiiiii, -- 11; tr, -.: rots; Walt _Pa ion per, Stat- - .: . „. „. . • . 'ry, Lamps, Bl'iti.4es" ', •. . .• ..• - Wiaola .;• Glas4 ---, :: ......s.-* - ~. . . .. - 6c.; 4-c.-. ,' '.. 1. .... •.. - !,=Just t arrived at -, TlYttitELIL - 4 9 S:!•: . :;=:= ::': ... splendid assortment of tiold Finger TilCgs,''.Eir .Drope and Itlage,Breast, PinC, Witch Keys, Psmells o Pfll6, &et %Also, EihrerThlmtges, Pertels, 'Speen:4 Bpoctaclesf'-/ce4. Sliver,Thaed; German Sliver; antrAlbata Sposons,Ellver Platt , ' and G. Ss. Sutter italeeq,aud Bps.; ,Mcles.Concsre Sp,ectiolos for tour sighl•el persona; another4spleolid beeittnient Of those oelebrateS NV:stetting Po"*t Kitti4es_ lunivalled fn 01.0 tr , oir itategal 'an& Sahib Shears; Plato%PlO graeberc i rla *mean's and other_kiwii'ol . Per the. sire , and' toskprozentlon of SuppOrteri:Sboulder-Threset 't• Pluto Music, ' AccoldemstOrlesr, It 4 Bookr. Itridges, Itnitn;,'Petrup Itist,llfes Forks,'and 'inhee'llotibas In- tetra: Tn 'tobdr.! tloreerandisee. — Catedtautais; l . Sittnettk Ken (eathstes, r•muslajfltngharas;' billcomOsttent.Tans;Vatthsgy attests, and all attlelestor stmlcz Mon t ?I* t.thienzwnswr irmliktts;stior,, eti;; '1)14'1 Ine 4*.43l 4"' 'tftia t ti " stiriSolef : Wad, eaP ?stideforrite.-.:-:Putti n .ilsza!' Oili l ifietriesostollVgaVles, - • , 1311004411#4: Arai 4 / /41141144 , bind, AM for silo " — ABC. 'Pun Lt... l . • un a 0.110, ionrne)lll2 w 2 , 33_ need Pir;o7k SOUNV-TIIP TOCSIN '. 1 g On© .I ' ---. l +. _t. • ~ Eat ns Pilee iitere, , Cash, and lea. , Pt,7,: , ' :i; .4 i .T CI 6nliOne in. Stuquel4, a Go i. utt :, Ilk_ - All_ tidts Of COOdit fist' th tßrillitotrin ft R T rivolation in the *Crean c businesi, blind Ur ji viten awake to a acme of y o former Injuries,' alkoD y Isttre mother of vocsaltb.„' - - bort,eredilluakcg long fri oads. The Pubscritient weita erspeetfu ly SO noune tO thelnthtbitants of Sttsguetianita and adjoining ' Oman ti that-they have just received - and are receiving, theta i and greatest-eerie:so of Goccis4yerintFotlacetil ilnto Northern Peal:Ally:mitt. Our entheistock is marked. , at the tierr Latest. Cites fignic, and. it Such pric a that : 3 ' CRIITIOL fril til tit lit at's:ire/4400*s *lt ) iStOdy eel ntY in buying.. We intend to adhere t stri v iiyi to the On Priv/ Tsystem. belierhig it' to be the gal. mpartistt mode, ofd 0- linr httsitte.o, rind hope by conditeting put ha..thiess upon l fait andhanarablo principbeit to met tt i a elarge altars of public patronise. We woeld Ipartieltlarly invite these !frOtTh A diet 4nee to examine ott r riuttanOth stook of Goods fceling ean9dent that the prices aryl giutlitica wilt meet their entire approbation. ,All kindi al' p' duce taken at lit Eau value . Quick Falesana staißglttelltsht the mot Ito., 1 is evi.kat to allthat 11011.4.14. (tilting a cohtit. bust essu , x..aerily demand larov„ rpratits orate the cash Pitr ;i•hmie in elle.? tolstortaint s otr 1.1..04 - strialms frrrat poor iciebts navoldably contracted.- MI Pdrebasert adS.4. may favor etrith a calt,wili be shorn thror4 our - extensive r l *Aso tint will* pleasure. 1:, . ' 1 -, .1 , La dies I • - . Are rot In want ofanySilksilmattalytatotrian Cit t tlie , ttveitis. I. Tilt.. tresisinalt, Ilmbroideries, litochn, Silk awl Cashmere Shawls, 11 , nnets, itlibluMs.- Rich Parasols, r4uir,La endless varioti, you willsout Slight at I RATONS' pus Price Store. '-- _ i Gentlemen,- 1, Arg you In want of any Glothing,, you wilt find the mel 't assortment of Ofoths, and Ready Illade Clothing, madal up after the, meat Improved fasitimie. at 1 ' I • - .IIATONS' One Price Store. 1 armors and Ideehanyes, Are! you in want bratty Q marries. jolm will Mid at' PlATO.'gS'"ne Price - Store. ,- I lbs. good 11. vanna Sugar for, , ' . • Sifle 1 "• ' " el lity °glen:tater • . , 1,00 -11 V' g00,..1 11. lleffeit for - T ' - 1.00 1 2 ‘;"lirst go litydfi Itlee for ..' .1 IP O I 'Cosh per lb. " . - i s 05' '• .- test Brand Out Nails ei. tee, 5,00 ' Ma, oral ofall un rolterrt, and other ickled Fish.' ' 11 t. quality et Lawrence Ileavi Sit *Rime-. Per yd- 61, 'lt. =TONI'S' Due Price :store. I t A. II Paid for , Wont at I L. - _ ,aj . 102 i irst quality or Firkins for stile tii. - " 1 , e, -, IIATONS' Pned'rice Sterol Ilartord, Pa., Slay 20, 1.8.13.-21'. ' ` , . Now-York - Dry goods'. Store.-- r aK Proprietors of the ;Yaw-York Stere, - '.., 1. Court street, Binghatitiori, Broome Cou :I ] ty; N. Y.-takes unfeigned pleastire iii returni i his sinc4re thanks 'for. the . Patronage bestow 41 upon h i m since his opening-. as his trade thus rar I has sarpaised-his highest ant icipatiens. tie now I' takes-pleasure-in-, anneunciegi,that his arrange-2., -- meats, o the canipaigla . are caaipletc4 , . ita`v:ing made his arryngements :p ?Few Y•ork•.t.ti . he su,lplied with ev,,iry article ati coil; Whfeh'en i ables him to f .11 geode in any goantityy: by the case, pieee or ya.,.., at the same . prices - that they ere sold in \ New York lii . whiff-1111W: This will. at once iatisfy.erety mind thet'kocids can be sold at this estahlishinentls - tO2O per cent -clieape than any other horse . in lawn c. 41 cell. • ..... - 1 .rcharte - in, thts ‘ ricinttrlr ::-: '. - adrorasing cheap and ; t•cost. 'Ti zlq old,_stocks itre ngr, the,market at ate tie yi hr-rhr---t pricf4, ,at cost.- - Pan'• hanaiueredity them 7 -- , . Peorae- to the it ~ ,a Y ork Store,j : vhsq-e - you, can get goods ucw and Iresh frotri the' Athintic stee-ni. 'ere and.the man :Er: .:titrytifi . ',hive- jest *received . ...l0 cases of the neweststyles of ricit , b! tek . :- fin ey; brocade, check and • eking:4We' Silks,'Bare-. g -s, Ch allies, Lawns, l iar oneta„ 44nins:iimaelt 'Table Spreads; E:nfiroide ries, D I !pi Veils,' park 'sots; Shawl...:- Vitetrec: :and ' 3.71.1ti11a5, - Gteree; flogiery, l , Mit Plc . a . large assortineht • of De.-'a; . Tripuning,s, Trunks,Valides;SaVeN•De I .lai.i!"gr Prints; bleached and - n ,- ..bleacite Skirtings and Sheetines, Ticks; Stripes , apt Beit'fi)s- - - '. - l l' The New 'York.Store lit thililaaner store. e *-- buy for C. Ir.h..'sell for +•ttetund . chttrge,noth' ing for shaw7pt gaol". , - • Thip 1374minr carifptt 1 ;s op - en. I Come and tree the-battle *4l already be„ it ~ and brty a pile -of cheat: . • new ', fashiOn hl ~ goods. . Remember the untriber'A and. place , e York Store No. 7; Court at -A few deers cast f the thenange Bridge, ilingliamen,-Broontis Co , New , York. - • • " 1i - • • . 1 , .'....' ' N. .1' - Nay p. ." S. A..STURTIEVANT. ' - ~. ILAW L EY:,, • • FITS ! 17ITS PITS ! !• 1 ' - • • • - . • THE VE'grETABLETEXTRACt. 1211?4 -1 442.0 1 22:Ite 23 i 1Vat For the cure of Pies, -arid ; all 'N,erro us and Consiiiukirm#l Discits6. • Da:SONS who are labor:rm - tinder ; thin difttre , Tsingma! thb r tatLE:II4PI.I;EPTIC iFILLS I to bo the nti,lir remedy ever diheivetlifor curing Eiyi leosy, or Falling Fitl. , 1 . • ;' • • - These Pills possets a rpeclllo betiiin on the n'ervoiii aystoth ; and, althonih thity are,prepared iesimtiallT for the . purpoße curing Fits, will be found of &Pedal person 4. afflicted :with weak nerres,,or whose roue - :stein has been prosirated or t‘liltoreil from ti'a eau- whnterer.. In lehronlis Complaints, or dis.. yeses of long standing, superman* btmerrousness, *bey or.letoe ugly t•enefirial. I -.. Price, $3 pe box, or two bnXes - f0r1e.5.. PersOns rUt the city, enclo. mg a remittance,,Willlhave the Pills sent them through he mall; tree-pt poifogo 1 For *ale. by SETH S.IIX!, •E,No . loElnaltirttorh street, ltaitimore, Ml., to whoia .rders from all imits .the Vision, Must be addrent4, ist pal 4. • j . . "• ash - for : W o ol ii . „ 10,000 ' VriS. WOOL 'wanted Cori) which the Ugliest price in -C3.1.1t will be pad by • liew.)lilft.rd,3laYffs,lo3-- ! • - , • .: -1 • : F LOUR, Pork, and Salt, by the bbl. at D. L. &'Co'e. riIIMOTTIT SEED fnr rate by lIENTLr.v it: READ Pcb. 1811.- . Susquehanna, CotintrAttention. New Era in I.l4lP4tfloedst Business. VETICKILOI BENNeihnlwe'et*isseatid:nei now V roof:Wink a large anti eltanideliatock of Dry Goods and Carpets, selected Witt the *too o‘t, enre front the Eastern markets, tutvinx been Deceit for eashereitisilre kr; will be sold ac rates *tido 04 alt competitldn. and all p enema from E. nsoueliarina eounty and siciplcy. will lied ir a siring from 15 to2o pert colt. to Ore snit a • call and esamlne a stook of WUI Blimi,a,exag4-. Our stock of D.ritiO 00lidatini;Isi ain tul'iStgatilliiik Eitkp. Brocade, Cboartentotei Stiiptel Ind P.iatri it& • 1111:" 'Detainee of all qualities, litareo 'do. deotelkapßlVAnie* ran Oingbams, Poplins, fro , rit loe , to lit, French and Ainet:con Prinks ? ci, ktl , altos great sari; c l .l of ••• 4.• . • • .littitti/S. . 4 . Brodie, Rilnato and Lolls., lll4ek flint hositilo tklb, CsAmero Fir, Plain and Finbroli4ii.4l,lDeLnlne do., Masts Cakmere, Moat Ain, &e.• P - -- - • •• : • -• - i , '•Gelitkinen's Department:; . .- . Cotielsts oral-Tye Ittstatatent or Iliciadeloths, black awl . rgerciadssesee, Satinets. listuttreky Jean, Ant fattb and.katsiieeilfeethias. and a kupod 4 icariety of Simmer Goodattiiinntclerana to , aseithna •.1 . ,• . ...,. .. ' -1. '' ... White Gra. • - "... '. -. ~ Lear li replete WI ' s the cbeici•‘t , ertlelcs part or phials, 0114 and striped dseotret 1 plalolSwalti,psUslia Omer,' for curtalni, ror Bean etA , ldekOhett and brown Streetiti,g ' 4i., ItiqueulSiroWat'Llneu, Linea Shcetr Snatch net Szllibilliiiper. 1 . L •', NapkglB‘,„l. . , ~i* • ,r .• '1 ' Cotton, Tabte• Cori* Matiadha Skirts,. Ittaboseed Spreads; &e. - % ; - - ...:- • - ~ ! ••r -, ...:....:‘ , 4 1. p0iti : .:_:-:,::-....;,.::" :.: o,.. 4 4.t..Aiin,":Cottociii,ao-4 Coit'aiiiiPdliiiiii, Stair do.. bothrottonaad wool; Drlf etdo4.oll4x4p Sir-floors a2:l tables, Unlit' Carporlbg, itsgriote.. 1. 7. - ;. All the , above n snood articles lie proposeto keep oft stonily on hand, alio a large suppil or . , - . Oil Curtains. • - Vrnm 3s top, as rood ' to alwrtreettt ea . tarn be fottw ee i wt..of N. . el.y,'arid a grew. variety , of•bther.„ 'lO Oll2 which thee airspace will not perratt' - as, NV ihialliabtli._ Bat if fall rill favor as -.salve eall we thin be P11010!Orge sbew you iziaratt and relecA a atm.% of Dty 4:1061: *Aid • Carpettas can be found la Southern ff. Y. - 1 .-'!%. 011 ! Unr S tore rte*ri y• op pod to she ltsehmucige Hotel: . ~ it.-.. • Itteekselton, May 10, 185.1. - ; 3 f.. ~.,..., : .-):•.?: • nits &if* consisting In app' erriled goods frod 44: to l& In, Bird-44:3a. f.inen and cfnanterpßn .:,..,..._._..._ . _:__L. - t: i nV i i i ,A o I.! New -t - romai ear wri3-,! irm i tH: . • at • , • - * ---, . ..,. lit-i s i .. . l e. , ~ , G R •-H Intl., ix.- 9- , ,- 114 7 HEA..P . 0 . 14014 ik ie T-kgift, P. .- : 04 . 1 1 4 1 6 . :4 a4d CH _• _ . 1 , 1 . 4 11. &d. ' " V aui ..r f . i4 Ala i & . . rcr#0 11 0rell: ... *.i. ;;,. I '• 1 . 1 , z7:41:7777.7 F - - - - ..: intrAk". 4 , ..,,,,,.: c lath" l i : i:" I. '"' ,i ; ' , l-:: itf• ', v . A 1i t tit i 01 7.1 41 71 .. . 1 3 4 i. t ..**. li . . , •t r e -:;.: -;:hs •:4. ,:tleabinet Shopitfareat • - ail: '',-- . " .. trai l citom...,b 4 nowihavleii . l . ii.iidAiipeilkt!Alef . Alves* &ma to °hist. osi!kolliploogio Oficlionit4. , - , : t • .• • i . ilyieaus, Tribkvillaiihprtkif*, At! tirorrkeito4 ititi roado;:lit 6441 . fetaiir inremi inc. , forottars wind,* well to gl re tiltirir; i!t:riloppailitts ' _llO 14rottli tr,g,:ilona oo- attort ;were. i :4 ~;;;,..- ~,,,,„.j ar comm. ready made end triade:t9NdlikliaMtiii bezt - eyle; an 4 th e rah atop ititpi 111".0t*latt -beans whh whith lu oiceodelo neria* A "font deili#ol7. :47.- - - ', ' • • : , . (.rest Flenl, Joo ft 1. IhS3-4 1 ; . J.:'.. . • , • , . • • - ' .. 1 ',.. fif.. ,: :. : 11; ..- : •.( 7: - ' .. _ ,elitLiiie• of Mairta - got:."l' ., . ."1. n -1 A.,),.•...-.- _ ,114514 :. - . ~ ., ! ..7,',..,- - , i. ..-'''._:••-•..,.. ,::...'- .2.i.: , ./141,;...: - .-:.1-4,1. 0 1 , i ft - 1 1 i ~..4. ,)ritilx;ilti OO 112N , CCWD T'OTROSE , ' sTAiti %;iif iii;6'k4i:ircted, iitsiing' ibic;iiiii.b_ori, ' - betiorillit, Liberty. tte:' every inotaing atter the-nr rival 'is f the Mill and Night, isf4esili Veins ed:Ctkreirest.h . " bag Mont:nage at 4 A : . _ .l : ... ••• , . . ,"T ,-, •-liE-T6 RNING- . r.„„ii-51.0,itrosaati r . ( rurie l a i s eteeiwied) , st 4 :"P• It"; tea/4110g ftitkATuoillia %mitt° italca tile - .,tail' ; e aii T r a m , 'or Cars; both Vast and Srest,i• . bviler,t th e nearest and' rrie 4 t . .feaVible route tore:whittle PTO , York and Xiie Italirned. This line. inter:arts a fri-iieviily line toe Diumndri Et 'kink/mu; Tunkbannoek,: Wyoming. end .StValitetitsliver nhieh_ Leaves Montle:mak 7 A Al eierf Unaday. - 71, - e , lnw , 7 day and . friday. . Alva.; a linete f &WU'. rib'; L i tta.*gilil*f km. Gondlesma *MI 0013IfOtatie„prnvt, ded ;and frbe I^rneriel+ri - will epareme pelvis - rtV e neetiui= meanie the Public: , , : •;--,. L ••• ' - W, •,•;li.- lIATCIT.: - .• •-, peeetuber2l,llll , 1 • iilol:{7Al Ae. 1Y ET. 7Fashionable _ Ana n: TheriT OM her reestred. Pe* lot. or i ttEADY 31ADE _ - - • * 4 reh 1- ; ' I- 's CO. 44 Tyr ft i)cirr;itt tti6 tbuiths Onee it, bd . ' , 6, 0 ,1 6 1 04 d - •,. runitxtiwai-5 , - L i .--..-- :`Look` ttt this; -- : • •---. ''':-, - , lr goti'cire..4.ligrty 'ciniciiiied. -:,:' . , r itinionttti 2etfointi;Ootpi: ; h-ii:Mt th - Into ilimi . ',.of 'S. 11.:-.41:tyieStVi)., sq. ti9yr lathe heads 91:11en.1.' SR re it settlement. Nere.isity Compels him to. slat tho ha; edintiksttentloit tnthkMn as well an those or ilill- .4 * 1 4- . 11 . nr/t soon settlea they *4ll bo . p.tit IR the tinnds4ol..lsolap one for leks.rplosermilon., 4 -- , f . - - 811.1 a. SiTIM- , , Jantiari2sllS4: ..,:' i ' l' . ' ... I ...-. ' : - .k''• Itliltfioll XL , ~.:- ,- .- ..r . .Tim IDAGUE.RILZOTPC , Roc:ilia i , .. are - removed' - from the first I.o.ttie . - - : ' ;', - . '.lr '-' ", . •,coNp' FLOOR,- in!oddtelfcivrie:lallhre . iliO Artifif - wiiiiiii ti. i ppy te.sorve'and:ideaveeas - lieretrifore.- '''--,' H.f : . : 1-:. : .'. . ''... AV: V. DE4I.IVS-'':; Ar tr` 7 ' V 'lloil lqr . 3 • , olt pm., rpn ... 1. ~...) . ••• .., .-........ .' • r :r. . :,.-' .:!: .-. II: BUl:tftiTT..2. : '. .1'44 ittilford.iMarehltd;:tSs7.:', •• - - - , Cabinet, Shop in Suegnehanna -- .' ; I El r e,nth,Feriber la now , linyln; all : kireas: of wrier" done . ' tqonler,wo,l /ilia' leeepr on 113!1.1 ' 8 wain's, '-'l'ablea, • titoli; 4'o,f - warranted wntl in ri4e, andnlio*Chalra,z ouzo eat;flaz MO wintlaor i ; Itoeleing. Cliziir..t: ato.,' Itedmeada . orally; on hard', All ttniso wanting furnit taro will. do well to call.. ..ftenaltlng aid :Vartelilvng done on aliort tiotlce.l. 1 ' - ~ • ; ,-. . :-. •- ; -, --; • . ~ — - 1 - -1 .:, • try , Coffiroi ready mede:end tet2mlerin thebett style: '1 . -; • is: L . : Krantn,-. : •• I..Srsilikeleatmitpeyot, • •-;;.:-.; j0. T . 7- D T .Rtir t s.q7s2 V. R . T. A-11110P T" . ; 'd - uno ail Over . .60 pure - reaped this itirits.lo44just lit and tin sale Iklarch'3o. 1833., HEAD. •, !FLIP ifflile6riber hisiChareks:telli old.friends and paireas..asskell as to the L' laro, for the kindness 'sand , Vatronitge go . liberally be;-• stowed 1414 n -him itt . yeaie past ; and. bcgs: ilia • tl2eli attention to the large Stock 'of. •. - . • • VE - (301E4 , 1 4 -1 . he know reeetiktig,'whlcilie"hak bought as low e andwlil sell as tom ` as anyialand tradei'cun vat; •.: - Ile offers all DAllStiaiiylltrp EtDek of :TAMILS J) nsss G oons, klascrti.cai,'Sitawrs, 8050ce.43, ItintioxsAleeri: AND SI6I4I:9RiVKICRY, PR itscoviransc,laox - ll'amrs AND OD. thalosierttfessible pi ees with the:assurance that an examination othia stock *in satisfy every reit - unable mind that the oht.ateS•i*Suni.. 3riersei7tels tfiephicertelnygdod Goods ariene • Otherit may tail: tir,el44 qtrap .but. o%lli/cased. • • \ •d. 11. SGTZELL.V..;- .'• 14; A gna , tl)B l lfthlt : natut . pkiair4 ie pe7nte ticr4r. Ott , •*.vottm a 1 at ' • • -•\. Jtlrrysr.XnuttrA 'p T . te7 the.beatqtolly l oo0 .11de this regieq, stle. - 6s 64 forthe Firkjus au4 40 eta. for . thin Tubs. A Pis! count =Se to the trap.,; li r ,StrrignsL . 7, • Nevr- prug g Goods: . - "' r :STme:r,ed and for sale lqw . for Cash at . ttiNfttnie of Ilontrpso,ailril 19. 13n 114 j. I'TEUB. Pork flour_and:, Salt Fgty barrals 7 or Fionr,: , extra. Alicirtgati .Z.l, Also. - 3lese Pork end - Sale, byrthe, barrel or, load.• . - • /I;BALDWIN.. - ; sfilarose, Feb. 1dr1853: - ... E ,• h • . - J T ow Goo d s , . TzlnFtLr.v. - tir, are -censtanqx re-. .1 c.4ving atitlitionitaXlteir general assortment; of Dry:Goods, , 4roceries; Cfockery, irdettire; St ooe andjin . Vare, Drogs,,nedieines, l'aints, 011s . aud Rye Stuffs, - Jetvel&„ Gold and. Sitirer Wetehi.e„,-Siltei".Spoonsand 411etacht 4:e.,Which they are prepared to,Selt. on theloaiest Aorms fof Cash, Prodyee or approved credit. , • ,;- 'Montrose; ' • New-Spring ' Dry -Goo a ",CHEAP FOR CASIL- ,- .=- - . INT N. WILSOZZ emir's his , grateful heknowl V V.... rheas to thepulpho for past favors, and) :tett U *rn' lon to :a very large 'stock of- Spring anti inner I Goods whinit he has received and offers for Sal xtreme ly lour for -Cash,;` SiTitlg.remtly ha& his e 0 enlarge& and his faeL'ittes for husinsis, greatly, in need;; ho_ is I prepare& to exhibit a inorS extensive, an igried-assort-", I merit than heretofore, and_ta.hold out uperlisr /lid:kik:. toents to cash purchasers. The sub' ne4 echedide will , compareiveraldr with that of ;other inerdisurt I , i —...• -400.14 - , -,..;- - ; -- ,T thistle!, ty.- ', : , --• ' • _• •" • ". ; -': I' ~..-, ! - ' -•• ~,-.„ _Ladies - Dre t• -Goods. A lirrim Ada* of ,his 4 a colopri Silks,. of *semi grades and patterns; fr 4s. lid. - to 14s.' per y ir d„— Derize DeLaittes Oba DeLatuist; 'and Mot:Sella Dew itolges , ;lll endlestkit ty ind Tpliiebenp,. . l- e . ~.:-," , : - 1' ' Pii - s pid - ailigfriiiis.' • - / 1000; yards f llerrfreatek;'• Falrlilier,- Min - eheotei: Cochlea; pip, I and,othe'r styles of Prints atills.laist - _ Is..per p i e's One, (we of sal:Perini -elotlur and caw*: yarktvriat at thiner prieeof:ls I,oooTerditof;Latrin« ter Bad, 4egow Oingbatis.rit.w patterns, warranted fast colors; :Übso nT Seotch and French do ::froin,Lr, Od: pi2s . -' ' - 1 ..., ,•-i , •_,.., - Douilurtities, Alpitens, Dohair - Ltistres re llagesiDintort Chaos nil woolVerstlnt S , Dille - Tissues; and , all -iittnif - ' goods pit din mai:turning- ;-,, : ', '; _. ~ •,-,?,, F„...1, • `, '1 *'' „' -mite moils. ~. :,-.,--, , ::., ,Iti;ibi; r tald ilia striped Jrieonetilasliii;DanifitiaiiOZ, Plait' snit daitold 8 3 rIgs, Mull, Alin snOk, . *nil ' l !filiatk;iti Linen Clainbrie, ffird's-Ifyi Littetti..lll9eit: 'Ta b le _Clots; 7.ttapitin 'stictitcht emit Aitinta Diapers `, Linen sh o pri t io, arid Lthirtings, Ite,• doyet- such priceitWoannot,Dlll. - tioi gfieenDririlatislitstioiftikOtOtitorf• - : -;,• - k k ..-.::::----:" , 4.1:- Oilfiii4e „ ~ • -,- f • Hosfry; 4 l ll . Warm - -, .1 ,- iv - ; , ::,11 , - -- ' - A n sieslient " LiSfOlninlik and 4Sry; ehettp." Ain Mt in them a Urge lot or_White Aottint iltite; - Very fair /twilit"; 1.2..r.r e Ohl ?"fy_ 44 4 A Viir.i.;. ".i.-. . ' ...I I --,•;;.:‘,-.--,:. ii 1 4 ,1 i .. . . 1- :P: : : ,,,, v.. 1 tgoe 41+ir.telot-natimail.ei e ver CiAlle , ;Intl . Ms" hmeta CM Slinirls,bitesperpeOf bui.t•oirAiFeid% , !:s'• . 4 7, l:*l #4 ~;., J ,-..--- .--...; —. PilltiOrl Embroider 'Linen ThusilterobleDjor"'hieri grade, lioliahr• to1; 1.-- -' ll- '' .3:s '''' .. " - - ''': ' ,-.-... ;,..- -=. VI'. • --- :• . 21ib/e4 F.PianoYC l otithirt , xs... , l - 1: - All Wiitst Znibossed. Oritod!iii&PM*lY#l,l,*l44k I f 7.- 1 awl Mitered Cotton; The 14e;dto Owelti:- - --.;\ t - . 7 , ~. Chi . I Goods fat? =iftri. - itiur - 113 . **.',4 ,- :-3.4% Die ?VA Benntietg•the of artry - 4 nal qualitryilroirlpiti'M an blink and fitno CA kei t fe9in 61 - ,..:Asi ftt..-:gotnor, i:* .1414148, Tit.44r Nut " eti, 'trini4N4 l 4•Alliftt,, Og li r °t r es t dest 4 ll °. 4l :l l 4 l ti..itn i .KtSe. ' :I, T - ' . 'k• : '': ,Thiniiiiitefinpu' , ''''',--.‘,", .r 2 A - . - 2'.-• ; : voctordo Ithili,tiegirtii*SlOrttilli;'NoltilsiV'to.:*a Pe'rriF4.l.4loo.4..l44__.bleacAttilWlNllLlK.,7ll9.ti-Etc ti litiltiw ThilfiNt'aiht,m , •amful,4 o °,=F°).l l ' I l i•EaTl.%:t4w.l4; 11' . 7 iii:f.! -- ii . ' - ' fe't .l; :i, , ':'`,tl,:', - - t.11 1 41 iz.1,4 '; • 4' .1-0 4 0." ti g n if *UV?, s'" '"o. 4t=4 ythr, ~... __ FC O iziki.ifflit,ailielippa;tisiitineikts ' 40/444:414 himsiOsiONOrilVtii , :r 4 - 1 0 4 1 1 V1 itiFe 1 litlitt# ..,*! il 41441,ett1:jt.t..4*th!M411.,:,, 040 hmirivi - 4":o*ct ' topitsiiiimi4i du xect It Th n ktbfl ar Vß A MOgO r Y i n.'irtb i k''' l4o .?"4ol 9 ,rl - Mai I *let ~#l. , 'iiill'imitati*no.-"entatiO .. ,:_.. I, krit,i llo l2l/iiiiiiiiN*ol 4 l ) .o4 4 ;ll ,l g , Vl .^ tili Thit.44,KtiOtht4eogotit#t*..6lol the lkl4W, c ikat Eti, ihicinitnieltartlisithirly•tothittninels'fir 'go htuile".!*, , ''''..-='' ... 4 P (4 / 1 101 01 4 0 t rillWelfilliVelAhti tb "7 9 *. -.- 4 / 4 1 ft 11 HA 41.shlim, - eon it:May - on :band gn agtiwiefi. ii *SO gatAiioldetiketralli"SOSitaii; 3 314 Alli'it4 '.... 0444.2., net mit. eirat4r, than th 01,0 1 14 beliniA. .'-relia,... .._•• hallitilleerWeit9l , l..ef icheWore'or Titan .-wseepm. r ~ duaiKwitzvilit t9 , 004. 0 64 40 = 3, 111-45 0 49 - ; 4l k- fry --- • itotletitfOrit Ittal gintSi udi qP *- • ilitah 441ktiiiijiDAI - 01(-1 / 1 WP F41/1 . 4 - 4 :!SA , 11 .,1t i1 -ejpso744 . 4f - L , : 4 ''' ' igilidirliiifft giotk tat )Vev7-14.,;; 1"- !i4 li - p-Wki. .. - _ • ,TiMisitsV4 - t*a 7 o.t Mkt: : Corner r ofentirt - ,141 t - Wil'ettspidlis c': ;:'''s ~';''. , 1 „ - ***#1 . ,,m: wokuti4wAiliocAttiotrA, lit 46.., on. pwaypft.iplq....,- , .li - •Jnti , - 5 45 i .F- 'IIIIS4I44,V.AfF: - ;FtriAltki„c.„ -7 fY:2l. Ali ug h ati ttnnekr 14;rlilS,t,-.vt=l- 41 .sr - 4 - `- - g ' , iv •.- ~,. :• .$W',1•,,,,_, ''''' ',,,T',t't,ti%l+.;s'',Vl:; a i -,. ,- ' 2, 0--;,• , i te 2 _.------; .;. ::.,... .., 4-- -i , 1 :;47:!.., - Jl.3 , :cieliji'7 7 ;..74*;i3A*:-41.:.1... - - -- „4,4 ; , ~ 3, 4,1:,7,,,,,: „...,..,,,t.:z\-;1 aR. -.. .F.444W . ..; 5 g idr oWPriceE(CurreAtf? - -, —IL c _ w-..,ed .1;-,•-=,.,,,,r ee : kly , Yll/40 T If - ;\v Crerk . W b- . off S *Wht t• rAttlehaU f Z-n 13, ~ ~. -.,• , ,-._..;(- , .., , ... .t- - -1 5 ' ..' l' - •-.. , ff ---1- - " -.• 40-to: : fib', 1 , Qabtls'i--1 ., -- "- 1: i ' ;: • - '7,36 te, 'i".16 1 Buckwheat:or .460, , IS, lt!s4f. _- . a,.: _-. F, Jeo'iorbtyl. ~,,',.:-., ---; .1 _ 65.00 WOO' '` 1.0 • 40 ,e5..Pei butthigs. s.. , „ f - ,_, , c ,,,2E, to • .0, - - Wilite. b lieses poi , iimihel,. - I --I, - -- --_, IN, 1•-flax• ' ''' ed .. _1 . , s ,, ~ 1, , ,1,00" • w oo d , p et . co r d, 11-. '-- ' -. ififf :- -_-* W. 5 41 80 ebs Per ritir, t , • . WO, ~`'. , ,' Dried Apples per 22 lbs., .;; ,- 4-3-,l* - 3` ,4 - '47 7 . - . Ci9Yei Seed. ,' 1 _ ,,., ~ .....1. , ..„: ' Timethy S eed ", -',, , 5 . 4. _ les t; , per difzert, 1 - : ' - = ,'-.i t ik i ,,if # tier per fix, (rail) 1 .. ,•,. —4 - ' , 1 4 44;' - ' r -. ' - - u • .'" .q b) • -:'• " . ' • , /-0,-.4 - i 'V - . tAres4 Per ID -.1. r i 41.4, )' L. 144- - --"•_" - ". - -s , - - 2 ss Jo ,v - ‘ -, - ' .t."-i ::-,,:.?,,?# or Pet bbi-, I- - ;• '4, 1 ' 9ll = oo to WM .- .•• Pietmed 110 :gs Peri'.:‘ --, • ; Xioe. IP: ;01 , t I " 'Chickept per lb. ..", --,_ ; - :,',-- 2 ,05--a,, 0 4 t .. Tuikiea lid' a L t'.. '-'•:- 54ttio* - ,X#I Fs' 1 , • - _ 1 l' " - i .-_"- •-• ,--.: - c.,.. , ,,ii:-, z'e - RE4sTra644mati oa tliedes:6l3 ot imne, ~ ,--: • . T .'.; :.-,,_, _----1.-.1•::-..r?Isi---,.,:-..:,,9f..-,'4%;::,,.,,,;,•,- :;4-•-- . 11111A15410r ti1 1 _ : _fEk,....„..:',. ; . '' ' - V. -, .. ; .. , .' : '' ., , Qiii ed - 17-'. !We 17144tilni - '-ind , xlstn -- .;.inta: Al** i , -d - po", 1 -. - 01. R ant i ti '41 11 :i hind..'.. -4 len,',-;:afip.ii--.--!".-KAinantli!!:1. two ' '. 1 '' ' .d. is nnwinipplyetpeclied in it' day - '4* - Awne,.:. y,ptreinaftkr:4 ll ! , ~,,, -.- - , i-T-1.--: ONOAPULLEZ.:.f.,.., t- _ ,'- .: -.1 1 ,: l•fj -,-.- !6'_:"*- - :".r . ,? . .:. -- - , ' . 14;4404-4:14:: fer oB3 44.ltc , :i'''',: .itaelt 3tt, As 33: ; _IBENTLBT: - -" r -"r • , ~XT AEFItEtiI':EVA-Nso: t; I . i: 7' ...1.:',•: '", __ll. ' te'cl , W4 - rii - -- -, '- 1 , - " . ;- : :-...' : - /' 14,-- '.--''.: I:ii liidAtEt+t,lPlent f-', Oak° ' l 44Pidis -11,1 i. 4 , 71 .4 " 1 41 . - _ 1 Stieti , '.Bziutierts, TrAy et . pAby: ::, ,' :.. ' ;:,' >, :',.. i --iitnittiintoo; Dec: 20. -1 • ,--. : 7::, ,, , Aali..lllrAae.:, „ i„ , , , ,-,4..., ii . . -Open- . forbprint-Tra e -- ; . '....,.' -':. . ft., Atillt4,-;* . .i. — W - 011D - RlTki liftthis itits4 w 7 u tt4 l; !!.; - ,. -. ; joirtnees4 l l4 - nidei.tivainuitoinid.Aintnt I, i 'D!,:tie •-•:-: ;I t hrep,',ktio.,,ate iirepited'ltit4-ant exti*deit .. .if :.'"., i t .4::. unos.pto . .„mt NyoroycJosolslireii;:itoickrot4g.i . (if.. - T_ 'co poi.; add - eil %thee t.irt - tot in our line(lo6 thine ink f iat tio%; We are itkernsval .wit!;ea Large Aekor 2,ead.pttnielY n , di er:-eiLit laftliercenditg ecaisbn sok elteatv7;naidl in- iiii'T 'X , ' E4.9re-1 3 0i Pm lie: eibtained.'lA,lLAnba_dde_iiitloir' et = ha:with ne a tne s s ,aid dieriteb:, PlenielOve itaii..4ll -... se *a th Ink ! r it 71 il l ' i tin:yoni it s reet—a. talc. tootty.ka. , , lo pe.oleillotot : dteeetir op Ito the - 4 ,..benetentid,P A re . ' ,'l,f . -fi”' - '11; tr.i.i.itintOltit ,:',':;::-",', . Mid - ease Ifeb: ii 15.53:': , , .-';';: ';vocip37,:::: :.- -... Clover .- a -- ." - o - ' . . .i . • and: -,, Ti mothy n ..: OR saka -z r; ~ ;=,•-, 1 - ';';' - ':" .4, ~' ..,.. - 4 , " - - - -'.' - rf . : : - ff•'-' , "''''' ,, :it . -,. . ..,:. ..,-..:, - ,e... , ' ., `' . l : :• , ;,:,..•;:. 4 . ; :7 ( 1 .;,D4t*11tri . 0V: .. . , • „ ~_ ...,.. „ .. .... "t*e, wagon.) , .4.16. by, • M. f I A 3 / 011, :t 8 etdok,!74.24,0thicimi itrifice•fit'i2X- offace each. gt• News goois just - Redei Nived.' Fr iht....s rflarkr-Shop, by /los. /Lit. 411 S. ugh a at* of Statham iiftrit ill entinlir MP' fere !flout t ernan bnitatlosts to' in." Ills Int hsely Itateresting. " ' nk Fre wan' Barber' We soidltyhy a I rya ptotortion ot t. ~,,,, .tl7 Net Tom' Liabtur ar ' d 'red!it' ores . Or pNatt .la toe peruse_ of linen e-y upon the S al lutli.n—Nol II we ha eto yis,lmy the salt Of the 'entl,s eake—fm, domed' g- that likattr"o: L i• • l ie N,., ,/ 0 o i t :Dynasty, Buonaparl- Pmptiv t to: $ trails - Beverly men, - , ~ ......,.. .- (1110 auto 0 10441111 as lad 1 ' 110 ' 410 g: wctrg. ,7 7 flaw:- , , i,. • , - ...„ .4 . ,, ~.. 100 allies • • urge toteos vfAlmnecs,:itlo.9lllPl, deteriptions . dAttPiC Rail E°ad ast :i n z f r; , kurAilii:,,... _kale/41'41* f . 1_ ~;1 863 - •, . ... 10,....,„ ' It it ... , i,..... , ci, Y- ,-- ' mow I I: ri ix. vzilieur„y . •abOrv• D OM. E-P Taimici3r.., volturilripeettilui_ fikronni /113 nurn runs old slid well.tried friewds,,kroth , It* and out if th Profersiod, and the piddle lA'- •'el Un' be_bu just - . barked:" has now on . , dime chosen racist toff , -Medicines, G ries, be willcell _!. coat "1 , molt stleerst , tts ' enee to, his D uTt aum that'they visa select' meat of P. Slikffe 1 shit" in the eity lif I lin lk lea he believes:wen stock aver Itropglatkm of 0 rockets* is fait ails tan borekl Otesp. II to w i g ectietroel Oliveir e s', I inferior articlabas L ,eall be for, puret , , , Pitts ill Warner, Intl" "Fanners' Store; . by Montrose, }P. b.,1,;* ef- :76... 31 catirt *hi Ikto to al for, ,04:1 'Fellows' 1141 ttiini417: 7 natitrtinnict. A 6 he will be reads but h opes eut to be *sir nd to all badness laKaßrie. • Many thank' 11,1835., • 1 C. itigeon Dentlitt. u mi rr HE 19 übsclibers Etre jail - tiFpiiirlamaiil! .. ',... .. --±, and_rgiaaLy i tertety ot apring anet-;‘inlak . 1. .. 4 ":"ods. ,: c*ittkiitlll , v 4ll ,y stYle , e l /414iskiflOtiear-e •thOtriblaiiirOrst. laykt, bought a . 3teiliia:tytei fo# , :::. Aiikikiiitir side,. lir; t h referfaeo tObite-ald limiter 4f . . 4 FT.';''' , A , m Yot.ta a. ttiergord.. , -riEtiTLEy & ittAD. April 9.0, .1 . 13:i.1i ". a : , ' - . ~. ':t:I. V T..*ANTED I I.OOO-diiien nit altliol;Van mix., ,'..,-,-. :, — ed 5 ,Scielti -fiir .i ii;fitei wci ill" pay , 1.61 liighbsqiiii*iiiVikieW,r.v ., :r - • •*,•.: . ./Vit 1 0 rei:i..-....:Ki.t4,4116441, Er READ., & ::.f.??..1 •=:;-2- - -4 1 7 - . - N -11rtaiti;gurient. r---', . -„, ... . . . . . .. . .s Ti IMIEVBS &ecrai , Ibiltrosi Vaartairr Lisa hem' ..1! '' t, vial Bend every atonally , T ..wy, -- tiredziesday ' ' Weight will be ' teaelved by Cararin a l . Dilllipiitnti=snt. :t4i_ _ ,ie dare abewe'menttonetl et Welt:Store iwlttaltegiokfiC: UOgersql nv...49 oil Mast aY -itoxil ,twelve ~i'eloakaili. - mob t: f elii g tation mill m New All rfori un arab e'enleatia/V i ttittnight Itillitlearia Bcrwnioxi,mwn 'the azonitil ' 1 jr; -f,,L ..? 4"0 , Pro dttee ant nil. trot to nth' re Wa will' be hriward 6 d" L friakir BAC vital Ltii arntoot dtapatah'and ioiti hi* onailit- current money at tho plams, ratuttlonect tkpArt-I N - , lhtf :: ;fetid will be wpared to secant . the btstOriaiistblitcalwae '4 `:" 4Ad Xi' l!lik ,tou"'h '? ! Promkgim 41 ili 4 ailkfo&O ut t 14 eart .- , . , • 9!SORO biz .0 It r - gfipf : lt4t• - --=',:,; , . •-•,-, .4 - :0:'• _.• ‘ __FA a - - -,-..- --- , --- - , .- - 7 ---- - -.' .."‘. 4, :1,.: •. : 7 .,' : . , ..1 F .: 0 0.: 4* !:'''..1,' ,. .8(..':;,11141a.. pitifth ; 4:' - '--. 1:-.41 rya* -5wit.. , 4110,", ..,,.., :4 2* -- -34.w..,..p: ~ _ ~.. 40 d •. • ,____,.,' ~ ..algt• . ther, out .. . - 5r 0€.1.4 ~.m.,n'..•---• 7- , ' --- - • :,...- e.'"l . 4 .:7 • - ,. ,. ... 1. !4- 7 ',...* '-. . '..• k ' - V f; •: tWi i itil i rit ra...* , ,•:--, ~. ? 1- 7b4hiiinlitibiidiiiscof.P' ' ',... ..''1mi..,.%` , -t • .- ,r t . •-...-...-.:..,.. - , ,...c.r., - -•,;, - .4 1,,*,..x haleetroviin.thotin, • 2 . _ ..7 ... .. 1 -. 1 . < ~_ e itiuma?*in !IlVdneali, OA! ; .'' _ l 4 l :loo l ldiii&r.t . at lam' Ilrualitorerl neat' _ _• , • . ': 'Mftsaejp;rrt.zc lIP In.nol i n nation wi th !hal* • ',: ; . ift i a • r . b o AA ; al - b e - don an. An act, nlik - 6.; ... 'art a ViirMen.,,:a 4 ata,a44.neit oQ,Waseawin-itiet • Aiskihmikzume.4V 4 Wheat, V (nee and gererr-tha - itt r 1/ • AO, re , ; :ti, i ,..:: : trio, and Untverraal 'rand - (fit , ta,:antd. wadi if.:.-M ggver &molar IND trelitaa:- . ./10.-... un.rnatertals.i.arr A variety Of new 412 CI, Aleetcra ' Wilitehea Owls ta WAX . !! .. !0.1: On halld . tverT difetila . a* lgiaititaary rr4laired, , : i,li.‘ : iv 7 ' :43.40haTiirnfrikea.- . - i -'- '. ----1 " I*: tilialrUfge 1 0 4 0 7 4 1 •1: 0 0 14 1 19 ‘: ' ''''''; txr uours , 4 t , ,:M'' . 14:,..* - i‘s..,- - at:-WrAPV.ll,ll3lM!Pitrytki - --' . ' 4.5 . : . --4 O r n lM, /14410IMA'.', Aellt.%**o*l/eir''''''ll i. ...... , -.. , c,e .aitittlin t OUEiti ' ' itte' '- ' . 11 - 01 TE.: ...,:ortme:irtic). of iii ii mistilitetfteolkl, "kV- 1 4 14 4in bud, and. fer 044 , hv< i ..m.... 1 • . - , -.- - .'4,17,JP , L - •- ' ,bEIiTI4-Vilit , IMP.5R- - ': - .5 , .. - ~..,..-, -4.x., , ,...,&"4 ••.',.' 7 , ~,,, `,.,., •- I% 4. ..,w , ,, .-., IY,t7; • ARINIMIt • illiG t ellattulg, Olt 0 Ae l " AU* )p Mtanksv" • . - .NOLL 7 . F.t, gr . tr iZ a te- .•:1111*.* 4 4, - - -- 1* '; ; .-ti.': .4,,4tsi..riMtf:;:::- :...:.. • EN.MEn-,W,5it.."..z ';, - . f ,ri. tt•-.45.:-?...•.:, - '44., , '''it'el , ,, • ' A.: . -, se'li •'.. ,;4' '4,..:;7 ,-- :, 14r :.,,i- 4 g;,,,