The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, June 23, 1853, Image 4

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The lanroostilirenlattlon in-.2forthern
Pennsylvania-1032 Coptesllireekly._'
S. B. & E. B. Cliii.SE,'Eprroas.
*IONTIIO9IO, ..Tipivv, 220 ifi#3"."
for-this -4 3trikitig:
We:bnly do it well
Firm, defuint, likg . a giant, ,
Stiike I-4nd make the effort tell!
One'Anotker, working. brethr,
Let us freely now
. advise.;
For, reflec - tion and correction
Help to make us i grest.and - wise.
%York . and wages;' aay the sages,
Go foSvv,r hind in hand . 1 .
As the'motion of an.ocean-:
The aupplyand.ihia demand. ,
My !.dvice is, strike : 6r price s
-- i Nailer far than sordid coin ;.
Btrike'with.terrer end . error.
\ - And let. Illarfand master join..
pvery failingriost prevailing
^ In the heart or , in the head--=:
Make no 'elamor—take ithe hinner--
Delia it, down-3a strike it dead
Mach. the choppint, lopping, proppsng,
Carpenter, we hare to do,
Ere 4ite pluinmet; from - the summit,
Make our mortal fabric true: ;
11140 the ineasure of falsO pleasure;
Try. each action-by the square ;.
~,Strike a ehalk-line for your Avalk-line ;
Strike,.to keep your foot4t43 , ps there.
T. foundation, of eteatiim ,
,T Lies in Truth's Itnerrinn• laws •
an of mortar, thCre's no shorter
Wak to . base a ri,g4teous 6use.
Er* , builder, piinter, guilder,
' sin. of leather, mail of elot l hes; -
Each mechanic-in a snit: \
. With. the way . his _ubor . goes.
' " •
Let him reason thua. in season ;
- Strif:e the root of all.llis,wrong.
Cease his gunnels, namid . his morals,
-; happy, rich and strsn&" '
A Good- Di scion.
We reed` in tbe Gazette des Triburtaux
very singular seene - Ctliieh took plaeent Puy
Spnday last : '
A person named Rnp ins on . - .entering a case
acid—‘Gictiettfan,l am. a physiognomist, and
en n, fiom 'lmAutatnitiation of the faro, deseribe
the chaTacter_mul future lot of wich yon.'
A- tradesman,,rquested lain to
examine ;his f*, which he did with great 'ap
parent :attention. see,' said- he, 'from the
protuberances of your foOhead, that you have
reit Aptitude - for work iof imagination.' You
good, but - do not like to baoffen,
ded. person is whom yon' ; fell` interest is
now writing to you; and yoir will soon receive
a consideßble sum on, which you did not Cal.
culate: , -
lie nest made an exathination of other peo
ple's faces, and -talked in-the seine rive Ivay:
He afterwarns'pretefiteil bie -cap; and.collec
ted the gratitudes of the company. •
'Waiter r therCeried..
What shall I . .serve you;iiil.'
'Some flints: ',(
• A plate' full of flints was broughtin,!and he
swallowed Ave with a good •deal of Oppsyent
appeAte. r'l alsatlike-five:frane..piedes,' he eh
serve4 'and ifanfane will ba kinii enough to
/give me one,l Will swallow it r • •
This propositionwsi received with aileneo
audit haitll,t it is easy enough
- 'to swallow a piece at 5f, -and I know,a good
Many people who bait 'devoured all their tor:.
tunes.. tut you could ,_ sirallew-* watch;
lam . -
4 will doso, p i lgagtret—give me,
yours, and Tan- will See r •-• •
• There . UAL' : ;
, - The w 4 jook .Wits<r,sll
- -Y er lina r•° f . swPnc7sd it ~wit#i
ease. After gmoirkentu . t - surprise and of ad
miratism, M. B—; , --ahliers'ed;_it isveryelevi
er,eerhiirilY; but . Whei will you igisemehmk
• my watch r •.. .
‘• --Never." • '..•• • .
4 01 i, that is, too muCh; I did tiot .to - eott - to
make you. it present' of it - • .
. 4 .But I thought you did 'Besides, could you
suppose thai i - Would • swidleat a: Witch for
nothing . I We - played' 3rTeme—yon' sJaked
you w;ateha *liked my rife. - not yet
in safety=-:the watch taarhre . ,:driii i pr ese of
4 411gesticin; - , _
-. a Pogsession 'u good' tttleln, law, and I
possess. 1 1 einaesi- • ilovt - eau I glue up—the
' watch!! Jim Ito rip myself up
.ob . no, ipt -
sit yon Will, bat on shall not - hive
y0t11 : 4444 1- -, t _
--The,:the -rani before ,the
commissary Oat functionary,
after beaiing,jlll - the facts of the case, declar
- edlbat be was antiiied•tellie ;retch.
• B r People maicti tgresiier gift
lothen,they emtfonsd learning with viitiont.:=—
The foinsellie as much iPferior to the irctter
4111 the' 4 ; o4l .t is IP tne, soul one is'the
Tunnitelqu'id of ate othermayse#e
htm veri with.
:fir A man wantsivit Bo muchlmowleage
as tag user ' Eat no more
Eir Men soanninft.t4o count the :
wed- ; They
Areiuns.thocrowd abOingl4l4ll4w•'--'-'
_ .
AgrGreatness as pported :by _: &Altos in
Asia ton 4)444dh1°7414
firit tedier", , to
• - 3:4
1014 Ss soot likelyia -"become a woinani.
trAte7itr a „ •
„.''::jiii i . v i jit ._i : ;u n:Dpcmse . hizmif,ti w b er
'opoßlimi, books.
Scim Ai l TEE Gq4r;": o F, P- 4. 1 4 3 N
tailor .being ' released; fro m this ''
World and a scolding. %4:144 11 1 3 0°
gite of paradise._ , -:.:-.'
Peter asked : him if -fie b a d . ever
iilite6 l' - 1 ,- ... .. - .11' ';:-:""- -' ..
`," 'NG,' said the tailoi, 'bit I' - 'hal
red.' •' . --; - . 1 -I._ . .
• , Oh,' said:Peter, "that'S all !the,
'_The tailor.had 6.arcely; get in,
turtle eatingaldeiMan came ',OMB
ing• : ' ' : ..
i ".d ~ -,
"Itaiji**l . von :fell° i r said- h'
dciaf.' r- _i t I- l'
, .
- ' ' Not "se . fast,' - s
, id- Peter ; 'hin
heen in purgatory?
' '''; -- '
'Nip,' said the ahierman ;‘but ci•hat'S that to
purpose I_ i V' u
,letir, that lialk-starved 4,
lor; and he had b en no . mei.. 7bilipurgat4l,"
than 1. 1 " i --P ;' . . - . \':,
' ' But. he bad . be n Married:- id- Peter. -'
-' Married V ,d ainied the alderman, 'why
have been 'ma ied twicel •-.. . . - I 1
Then"please to , go back again; said:Potei;
'Paradise is not the place for fools? I
• Poi THE gtissn9s.—:-A young lady said tU,
her bean, after five year' courtship, 'Charleg;
lam going out of town to-triOriow: ,•.
-' Where r- •-1 - • l•
• 'I didn't knoW.' • j
' hen are yon e ming back r
W ~ - ~
'Never.'l ,
." What are you. g ing coil'• - 4 . r -,
' I'am going , to look after ecitOethini which
- you havo not, never'had;ne
,ylt. can Jgivel me
without any loss to
yoursslf' I . ,
^ i •
'Son are w.lcom' e 0 t, lam acre;
what is it l' " I 1 . , II
' A husband!' 'I I • -I - I
'\V y 7Ou might ital , e had that fi ve years
igo, if : on
. had have my said the Word; - hitt
I was ftaid to lie .' 11 I . 1•' , -
, , . at or.- ' ' 1 -- •
IRrE ABLE q tEri4s.--T e following'is
commended to Ciristians of i ritable temper
ament: .. . i 1 fl :
There was ael rgym n who often becalin
quite - ,vexed at n ing h s little gramd children .
in-his study. -no day ne of 'these children
was stanAing y his m thor's side, and ' she
was talking * him of. leaven.- . •
• ' Ma, I don' want t go to Heaven,' slid
he: . f ; I I
'.Don't win t o. I F o t II
"'No, ma, I' sure I on
' Why not, y Son.. lj .
•' NV.hy,graticipa evil be t l bore, won't he.?'
hy, yes} I !clop° e UV 1 1 - j
' Well,just a . ssoonlis . 0 seep us, .he will
come scoldwilalong and y ,—' Yhew , whew?
'.at are:ihes~e boys here or V II dent want
to go to heaven - ir grind ais going - to - be
there? . • : _ . - , v
11 7 Hp. : Toox 1 I-r.- 7 -A I physician thus pa •
dre the surgeon:, while in the patient's
room - . 'l , i
N." Yon must not fail toiphleb?romize the 'old
i ts • l h
gent,emato-morrow alornin .` 1 . ,
'I Will ever starer ft_, cried e.siek itrui in
frirt. „
-4 Sir, do 't be alarmed,' repl ed the surge ,
."I.lte Physi 112 only ordired y u - to be Med.!
'.: - . 1 Ohl as for bleedinglipplied he, 'it ;matt rs 1
_little ; brit \ lor the other I'd sooner die i •
endure it.I I g • • i
4--,----...--40--, -
ire you going to giVe nie .liar a.
llpresent l' ,asked - a gay damsel of
,no ling to give but my ',humble
the reply._ . . : -
lestl favors Jgratetully received,'
her leter.
41 have
Tie - s
re ;lied sh
A Goa
p ortiptly
tat,' tr
1 .
the 11,xid
j An; ho
.Itolci v ;f :
ben owl
imrs - th
Eirli You would enjoy your mania, be
good tat red. - An angry manlean't tell Wheth
er he inktintr - boiled cabbage or stewed nai
-1 brellisf, I -
- Err Alas I-in ,str4 i t rng . , urea, of renistatten
t4 - ternitation is of :s
Frani •ao t h e tussion
Itt t tli
, zidinjt qf•fu-
Were BO
'To.., •he did letriimiy our 'friend B. mar_
lied V W 11, he Merrfed.l-144ty
.thousand dol
forgot her Other iime.. l ', 1
) : n
The bed, faf.,a girl is like a; :convent
-the Wier:the. Ulster - the 'More charitable
the d r. -
The , tag never fie:give _ pett who
refus to be clu by them . : i , 1 ; J.. •
..1 _.'. •1 4 •
FirriFOr, en nrskrate, are tierelly
reif;tgieeahlet .i I ' 1 ! I
a t*
, The, first interest of a l country is the
h ' eflier`4oblie l _ menJ ', l i i- -
i 4:- - 1 1 •I 1 - '
S - Ir' Men- Who make eneg;zartd,y saunter,
men who i!eive4lieney rrn4,r;-aWageri i-
ri l ls
• - '-I" -- ' 14 - ' . - Jr; • S 1 • • --; , .
H i e who, has once done i ii lase thing is
er agnin whollyreienfielledll hoilii.
-10111A40.6•111 ever" light anit*Osi not
Atli cii-t pc down and rebOurids.. I'' '•• .
i'' - ,t ; • -- - ... '
... .
WL, 4 1 0 1 iiih is grass , . raslwin he m Is
c i e i r - s7 b, :410 - Riot* • flo grieP appear.
-4g ' - is ' a . ' it -1 :Straw hate and
tneri. - have, pel- . -4 kshiliiialge:
-- , ~.'.' • ... .- --.: t i-f.
ii; 03a:-. tre - iiet ' ed-Ivir.,wil
' f - s . - -t: l-1,
I f•`..: ,1, 1 -413- , ~. ,1 • ~_ , . i „ ,
1) ". 4 " 14/ ..: ' ' -0 4 + 111 T * ...'. '-' ;i 1 . • -
: - Isielt/i4 l -1*!!!iii0 0".• * ;-1P , h 6 Atrer
1 h
IWe -44,** 11 07 solpir' 4 4 l - ginisik Alv ::speak
of.totiniiio - Chewing 't' *vegan fbi: reply.
A pool'
at, the
9a_ pnr
Ixten mar
before: a fat
g blow.
open t,h0.!1
you. over
area, my.sotir
f 4
i man; it is anomie
Iys for the • iirontlro
' ! iri'd, simplicity! -,
e D expct4
tielf, and
Ilie; if 1t does no,Lperlilt in the
i 1 hd Philosopher, it will ernralitle in
are, Or ~.troublea , come
.n week`- alike L Tost .nip`
i".g •e,,, row. mirt:
the hearty !.,kitdsf.
in. human _be%
we rld :bite ;If it
old tag,ethei4or. a
.ver bell
11,013 NT PR • SPEOT
~ BINGHA.brgON, N. Y. -
THIS inatiintion is located in a beautiful and
.1. romantic .vrove , at the base of Mount Pros.
pact, and withal' the corporation of the. vilage;
possessed of an abundant suppli of purest soft
tofiter, advantages for exercise in the pure air, a
arriags and foot walk, up the mountain, +Ter.. I
king ..a scenery unsurpassed in beauty ' and 3
grandeur. and “fren front theinoise and turmoil of , 1
busy life," with eicelloittittilinglind rowing privi- I
leges on the pleasant.waters of tke Chemango.— 1
These area; few of \ thipresentation the'-Cure"
oilers tote invalid.' i
The house is "new and oormnadieus—bathing
apparatus etcellent---well ventilated, with 230 '
l' feet piazza. _ -
', • 'rho medical tpfder the entire
I care of Dr. Thityre and wifes'ivho have had large
eXperience * in Ilydropathie practice, and are fa
vorably known ar k succeseful practitioners.
Courses of. Lecture!, with full•plates Bud illus.
trainee,. will 1)e gives throughout ! , the season to,
the Students and Patients', upon Anatomy, Physi-j
dlogy. 11.ydrepathy and Hygiene, for which there'
will be no additional chairige.
Females who have, been un fi tted to their beds
for years, are invited to co respond . with us or
give us a call. = Oar success in the tivatment of
diseases peen iar to females, has given us ofi
dears, and w say to all such, even if they .(ave
“entrered -mu h from= many physicians,' make
one more :trig . -1
- Terms (rein 84 to $8 peri week..(payable
weeklyWaecording to`room and attention requi
tOd. Patients will provide fox pelrsonal use 2com
fertables, 2 blankets. 3 linen or cotton sheets and
6 towels: ,0 V. TH . AYRR,MeD.,
Resident Physician.
r tqtf D. W. k D. M. RANNEY.ProPe IO r
pi -1B s u bscriber , feapeCtfullY infor ms the' pub'-
.1.. lig that he has' received a large'.. addition to
hie former stock of Stoves, consisting Ora variety
of the most approved kinds, among which are.
• FOREST QUEEN . . - .
"-- -
. .
... .. NV ESTERN. QItEEN, ... .r
all elevated Ovens. •' Of S , ate air tight Stoves
- - •-' ... PHA?.IIX, PA AG ON, . - -• .
I, :• - WESTERN EMPIRE, - ' .
• -.
. ' UNITED -STATES, --.. r.. :..
.. „ ~E ,. . . . ,
A variety of Pretninms.. some of new style, the . , s - n. .et - }tif imiccip. ivisVak -IVII9I ,C 11 ,:,
IiV.ALIKILL, - AIR TIGHT , FARMERS. IL.Wid:liiiiiivid YV qiit to:- 4 10.5.1 1 .mici 4 w 9
. ,•
A good and Various assortment of. Parlor and - •• .. • . -
Mail Stoves for Wood and Goal: • Boi: Stoves of CURE (14 A
./ Ma STT.ON. ' . .- .•
irarions sizes and patterns he is Continually re
-.-• •
:ceasing. and intends to keep as great a v a rie t y ' of ' co p y of a Letter' groin rr. R: Tr. Kirket.; , chemift,
I the most-popttlar-stoves as any dealer in the coon PrFseot street, Liverpool,' , Fitted 6th June, 185 t.• • -" -- •
. •._
try. - Persons wis h ing to purchase stoves.• • will To Professor Hollwnyt-Sir t-Yonr Tills ; i'Olat-
And it to their interest to Cal lou him. They will meat have stood the highest on . our salelist of rie.
-- Pm
tar, Medielnesior some yenta. - *A customer, to whom I
find his • , • ••
- I • '" ' can leer for any ettaulrica, desires Me to let' Teo know.
.1 . '
. -
' Stove: Prwrature.• -.- ' the particulars of her cat!- She had be e n tioubled for
. - s - years with a disordered liver, and bad digestion. On the
made or the strongest and beet materia l s an d
. asi lost occasion, howerer, Ore. virhtence or the attacX was
cheap its can be bought in this or Broome county so alarming. and the intismatlon set In so sescrelk,that
+lnd roach better than offered by pedlars. •. doubts were entertained of her not belognide to bear up
rr . Steve Pipe .k Tin Ware kept for sale ' and -urger forttenatelyste was Induced to try your Pills,
• ,- eittronits me that alter the first., and each sue
made 'tin 'order. ..- Farmets Will -be supplied With ceeding dose, She: had great relief-. She continued to
Pans, made of stronethaterials: at Wholesale psi- take them. an although she used only three Boxes, .she
. .
des; all order!! for work in his line will be thank-
s itt e n t aw in the
moo Orainojnnreeewnt4l,pbo„urttotttheh..4ealbetrlle.:
full yreceiveil and princtutilly ; attended to.' . rr i tity of the attack.; and the speedy care,l think; speaks
..: - - -Jo UN GOLSTEN. much in furor of your astonishing MM. _-: .. •
• I : Greet Bend, July - 1, ' 185`2. ..' • - . , •• - ( Signe4) .. -R. WI EIRKTIS.
T. - .. -.-,. . . AN-ETTRAORDIKARY.CURE or unzuSi.vrlc
blorse s • Compriund- S.yrup .. of .
•-. i.vER - -IN VAN' DIR3TEN ' :AND.
1 - . ~ .
YELLOW- DOCK ROOT. -• CoA en Lefty- inserted in the flobort Town
. Courier
'rifthelitt March, ifal. by Is.rafor J. Tralti'lt-,. ' .
THIS iia PottliiVe;elesite CsnsPoeir r d, scienti fi cally alargar,„,e nineteen nuirin, a i n at,, yenta isfage, residing
prepared from the beet Roots and Herbs of the Ma- atNewil4ti, bad been • su ff ering •front la violent rheu-.
feria Italinniuml Its! gained an 'unrivalled reputation lunatic f, ler upwards of two . moot-Its . : w hich Wad- en
for the following effects. Tit. Regulating and StrenettO tirely dep ved her cif the use of her timbs'i . during - this
eningthe Liver and Digestive Organs, and Cleansing the I period She'ions under the caro.nfthe dint eminent med
&outsell Cud Bowels, and thus cr aortrall. Billions Dbi-I lad men In Hobart Tows, and'hy them ter ease wascen- -
eascs.. kt
Liver Complaints, Dyspepsia. 'lndigeation, Co.. semi hopeless. A. friend prevailed uport - her to try
tiveneits, Piles, headache Peter. and Agile, slanndloc,. Holloway's Pills, which she innisented to do, end in an
Newest, Loss of Appetite , , and causing the food toll Incredible short sprite of tinte'theYetrected a perfect cure.
.nourish and support.trery part. Parifying the Ilitirid,t CUBE OF A .PAIII AND' TIGHTNESS IN VIE. CITES'? 1
sad-thus curitut an Ilatacws. C.nutanenus Ereptions,
, Scrofula, Salt Rheum. Erysipebui, Scald Head, Canto, AliD STOM.ACIT OF A TBRSON 0.1,4 "'EARS O F Ail-E,. I
' Pimples on the face, Illotches,Vic ors, Tumors, . ereurl. FrOM Mtesrs Theis 4• Son', Proprietors of the Lynn - .d I=l
al Disease, Oa cers, etc. , .• ; .. Da tiserochccon touchfor the joltthOng , ;innement,-.1
-- Rego in the Sm.rciary Organ , , Augmst 2 d- 1851 - -•.-. - ' ,
and, by enablin them to pert . ..inn their-proper notions • -
prterintiug an curing many o a i n f a l -. An a ' danger n 5 die _ I ntonyto the good effects Of lioneway .
eases; Streng , • and quieting the Nertints ysism,lg a . ra nt i m a r et n i u n r l e n . re a l f o r r 4 o al„r in
thuttellaying , ervous Irritation, and caring all diseases I sass - or • i i . '
*vat . that prevented me f
of the Nerves, is ilysteria, - Neuralgia; Cramps e. • • I 4 i • • f a ge , d • .
, I sun 13 -Sears o az notwit.ista
Ili i4.!inriyalitxl in the cure of all: _Perna Com- ,i rub, orate, these Pills hoe so relies
, desirous that others stointid be ' read
(their virtues: lam now rendered. •
las Weakness, general debility, irregularity, litstince- t partitively active and can take ex
tiong,Swelling of tlie Feet„ Limbs, Joints; it caused
Alt ,
b y W aakna l! . ._ also, i s nn an d Mr?"' Oomph _ 'ntas as ' ISlgn -. ed) - COB . Northatl
•Colds, Congas, Astlinsa,Consuttiption,dr.c„also Dropsy. - • HENRY • - '-- • .
.. .... .
.- . .
Raving Wade use of tile Compound Syrup of Tellow.l , ' ' I. CASE.OF. DROPSY!. •- - .
Thick afoot, prepared by C. Morse_ It Ce. either our- I Persons suffering from Dropsy, eltdier shout the trt
selves, or in our families, and fi nding it to isti a vet:fad. of life, or at other times, should libutediately-have.T ri et
utary and effectual preparation, we do most' chef:tinily! course to these Pills. as hundreds of persons are annual,
recommend it to the public tut a very vsluableinedicioa. Ily cared, by their use, of this direful: complaint in Ilk
I - Z., Bourne,. Biel., ca.hlar National Bank,_„ft,ficideAce, , different stagest„when all other means bed relied.. -',
l• It„ T.; A. vr; Spencer. Rol., Cashier Lime Rock Bank d 0! pies* eekbrated Pm: are stondetfully "tuitions. in Mi.
dodo.. Rev William Phillips, Rev J R Richmond, CII t .- •.: .' . following complaints... - - '' -
[Jones, editor Providence 'Rep.. Advt., Wm Field: IL W. l ~..- ....A nthill . min . - ' '
as Complaints. Blotches on the.
tD ci
onstspationof theitt
I 0 H. Cyrus•Fisher..3l En f!. James-.lloteltinsoo4-.? Skin is , i- Co mplaints; -t u c • - - .
Del.:: J Bates, Dott ilmsj Colby, and One hundred of .1 o 4;
ertrof the most respectrible funilierof Providence. ! t i „„. 16 '..ft,„,„ nm i n t i n ,r,,,,' - F trlY' ort i., i . r t Y s n i r et r i ,i, ift'
This certifies - Chat 1 have for* number of Nark been - i l k - .1 1 ;;Z:" ar t ,. -::•,, -e a r l ° • • Liter a c l• S • • IL I . '• ° , 1 !••• 1•41 ‘ •
acquainted with thb cornteron and mode or manutott- ac ha I l k ' nla 'C la ' lnn c l e , . !nuiPia WES LTIMb 3-
tnee ot .. morm „, c ompo u nd syrup of yellow nook. nob
. go,. Pill* - ghentnatioar - Retention of Cline Seto. dole or
ore Throats , Stone an d ' Gravel; Secon dary ' • gym •
T have also tesen,aoluninted with its moans operand! int
.-Tte Dadiatirenx ' Tumors , Ul • Ve nerea l ' A ff ecti Affection •
disease, and cart say told in all respects it is admirably. • 1 ' - -• ' • '
Worms•of al, Itiadsl Weaknessfrom whateTer owes, dr, .
maculated to remedy that chug of Disesuies for which •It
war - designed. It Is eeoecially valuable In. Indigestion Bar London.) and ityan.resp'ect =
ii iiial....,..d a altLia . E. i ..ta m ii n i i i p atimeat of Professor Holloway. o 2
and ell its attendant sitniploms, it val
to healthy ac- bieDruzOet' --T'--
and Dealers In Medicines thronationt .LI e
tionrthe Litter , removing Torpor.' and inactivity oftie stetri h Empire,ti e of th imnsue, f the
eaoh UM .
vi t ho.e i br .. t
Began. aiid atlmulatee health* action - It:tell _the syrfeni..j. -- . - _, -- :„. i a""• United Slates, . 21 --O '
AI ftnepttratOr or purlAer of the Blood It has Lho - sug l a. l es ."''' m e ' , -'•••• ' an d
liar.' • "..: •-:. - • I , • - .DiVl4 IIOLS1=:-; 31 V prinelpa a l Irl i b p onses I:. the Uttiatt; by Idestre A.l'
irro , i, denee,ll * -- "',,„ 4 . 1353- ''
-: -„--; ';
---- - Bout " li st i ' Phil w atitlt7da ; . 7n11.• by Mr . C. 'l).' Knight,.
rio- prepared by 0.41*r/tear...Co. , et 0. alb-Dread • • Ea-There is a Considerable saving by taltitkithelari.e.„
,J,Y . . and said by bruOttis an thers throughout s zee, .-- ._• - - -- - • - • ' 7 . 1
andother countrieli... -.
~.- .. t, .., . - - I 1
itt11" ; Sold In atonfrese by. I K. B irestions for the guidance of pafients'ln every
AIM; TUBJ!-Ef-t disorder re affixed to'each Box. -.
ft '1: 1
- ( lef1). ~ - '
.. -•
.. , . 1 _____ —_______. _______.. ... 1 ; i -
ona riaoli#,lts to.
ofd dogcThen
has failed. or
, . .
... , 1 •Wo . rld:pf
'tylffiSf - Drart.ol-_,7llllEtt.
..i - , Ateria! y•ii dwellers %teeth thee= I ~ %
Behold Lhe mei:indent AS. hittlitione 1 • . -
. , Viretttlit by iletinino, tide by ash, -
r . ILTnji paiiithrSollittetereel bestai I
: irl pi With Ont stopping to epumerate the Many
benefits derived -frc t m the , wirie - and the.ltratek;
v!e wohld mit itionticnt ito'the advantage of pto.-
.curing'one Or more of thomit handful --' l'•
;: i ...- siilliguettreotype'lPictareu. - 1: - .
Which are taken at`the Odd Felloa4* MO, by the
aid .of IlheaVettlammfinntiglit'.4l W: B. I
, . li e h e -, li m it roo f -Weil:from the city;.iot with
hie i hkad•falfot'..kbowledge,tbat with a new and
iMe'reatin.CsuPply of - •fo!ateli Aind 'awe, gold and
platOd todkete, keys, etc: •Amoitihitlattistitiles
of ~ saes an-the Madame So' titap",,Yanci l'itrtiti
She I; tartifl..adiime..4)writha' - mnatfaplenifillind
l i
- eat etivo - pattern!' - ooatiffered , to, the'ittblim-- !
Cal and rei!'..:Admiselicasfree: -, •:, ,
'.. " : :,-.•• .' - '
• ontmee; Niiii.l% - •1851.• ,: - ... • . --- •
. -- . 11400:iikitellii• . - _
T , itbu;wiii. aittit orclothei thecoall Inn.
.L. Pine comfork. aith eleganee end dikrability;do
'nolfail to call 'upon , JOHN' GgavEs, :Owe
es , liThed repota.tion ais. ik:ildilint - tatter rep;
d a pledge'to OssentieeSitisiitction causes-
_ S PRIG ~. - - - .•.'- .. , , 1
1.-: THE INA'ASHIONI3-.1 -
ili'in , and yesit•Cair'sel4t - iiiiiinivisr idyls
i.TO - .drape,* . a tiii drew, .that 11S Ai qui
). 1 iirbet er it is.: tie; to inifFeithelmagsand
are, of ' EVO ' - Oneida,: or to employ a
Ural and - tie Tsiloy, and, hy opposingi
.. . . .4
them. l!Till ft' 92 19 T1 1 /1 1 45 0 4: ciasTutlY,S9 be'
led."' ''..'" - ' • - -, I ' •'•'''.
`'Outthig done
_ss isnal-joi; re ji, psy; and
dc ; " glts*tor - - , -- - -
lone As . " ,
• Atiknolrtilo
10 :FA roiltsTalkoringestiaisb;
- to Oh' 030 ( 1 . 1 fOrairly*urr,
ind OziklyViop on. rart, 4 114 6 Psi
Maritrosi, Nor. _
• .
: -- • •
Bryant House, . . Groat - Bond , De
..... • .. pot, Pa. .
....e • . •
ryntis new 04 spaciouP buildhur, situated but a..irre
feet front - tho Depot at Great llend,'ls now, .nrerned
andfursilshed In a suitable . etrie fdr .ft; Public Ilowle. l
land wilt be kept open at all hours, (both day arid night,?;
forthe reception of trivellert9 and especially for the ac-
.enutriodatien of lia - mixers traveling on the N. Y. /41
Erie & L &Arr. Railroad/I;l)ring et thejnnetion of these .1
' , two roads, and the moat convenient point to stepinind;
take refrepliments and be off with the first train; as ell.
, • as the - Most innvenientironse to accomniodate the p he'
lie, b nye it,b. Nr.w. OLEAN and WTIOLF.SOM - El— ,
with ~,,,,nuth to accommodate; A LI.. htsitlk fitted up ;1
with n w furniture to eorrespond, and tables always pet,-s.
with? Attlf MEALS - and luxuries furnished at a too- ) I
mentalwarning.. - . - - ...
132-1, , assengerr degring tent and 'deep. can. by Calling
bate, told the inconvenience of taking an oruntinia to
find* inn. as well'as the delay ..and uncertainty .of re- 1 .
turni gto the depot at:the arrival or departure , of the 1i ,.,
`t .
I•trains ;as a porter will by in waiting to conitief.theni4
with t rem batqptge to t'bre Bryant llotiee, "Intl beropsT '
the wlly,wittut conduct them back again without fen'. orA. -
reward; taking Spoeint care to wake them if dasired vitt' ..t
any .Ihbur of the night. • . .- I ... ' ' loi
The location of the Bryant Tlimpe. with the! natural the
'scenery about it combine to make it a ,very desirable pt.
SIMMER RESORT for busineru men and 'others in the ;nil
city who may wish to" east off ewe' for a lea, days to I"
recruit in the country.. I. . . • 1 .
.. -
LargeLiar'? and Calmodiotts . Hall . -
. :i... .
Is attacbcd to this building fort the eouvenieneel,r pleas-
'urn PARTIES. - who . may *heats find good - neetoremoda-
tionp here. without regard to numbers. with warm Eta-1
Wes for their teams, rind reliable help' to'orait 'On thern..,
ftlr For further particulars inquire at the Dr'yeatt
Rouse of the proprietor. .- A DDIS fiRYANT.
Feb.1843--7tf , .-." '' '.. .. ' -r ' '
A Rare Mande.
subseriher In .enisselnenee Of ill health. offers
for Sale his elegantly furnished suit of D , A.GUEIII
ARAN' all the furniture. tixtaree, Mend,.
celesta Stook. The Remus are leas. , l for four years ,
from the first 'of Anrilnext - Everything is new„and•in
the best order. The establishment will hr sold upcin •
reahonable terms. I To any person engaged in the bnst. ,
neshuishing a pleasant and permanent location. 'this I
presents one of the best opportunities for investing a
smell capital that can be found in the country.
- For further.partientars inquire nt
THOMPSON'S paguerreart Gallery.
Binghamton 'March 9 18E3. - • '- vet
. ,
Consumption.illstinna. Bronchiti s ; Influenza, Congin
Whooping (lough and (*alp. . '
Dr. Throops Infant Prese
. - titer's Reli
- ,
, •
. . .
- Bnrislilitaiinee. Collo, Griper.. 14
Cholera of inf.,ntrior any of the
Dr: ThrodeiWor
Ihiimili Meal:tit - 11y Intruders - o.qt
tint eserption of kinds br nanibm , .
/ -•-: ''' Dr. Tirrocies*Bijii. ntePills: -
ellinln . digeothlP.-Bllllatie.dlsprde ii, - Costleriseits.l"llel
.. .Thiadiehe,
,ffeartblon,,Teven. Inflammation - , DianNes
Dyseliterz, 'and '
restores lie healt by action .If fil lit
'glands tindi of the body - : ' -- , - , , . .
. - .= . ,
.- ~,' Dr. Tbroop`i pye .Virater. i
Irurisurpassed ih,etiradviirirtaes for anYPilliunuutte..
ty - affeetlon,etthikeyefandi. -- •. . • .- . --7: -
- - •. Di., Throo 's Safi*. -- . - •
TV unstinzaistd for a &issing for BOrni and Seilds,ltl.: i .
ners,Balt Rheu*,-orany,allo tion of the skin. -. -I .• ,
'Ages* rik , Ilasinela.—lie tley & Read. ilentrasel%
N:Orsoller Ic ' en..itu.h; id. . SinithitelL,V.ush; V I' .
fjoilliter, Middletown ; B. C 8 den - ?riendsville." Sett
& Root. Idiiiingrale;, Dr.. mb4t.:Attbarri ;-, I.- -8.
.Llttle- - New hlUfon4 pr. rooks,. Greek _Bend; Jo;
mo. L =Mlitritaliii...ViiioFLlC;.Dr. " ,.7.. Ilertiy, Little.
Meadnyer 1.1 ever 8 taulei f °eel:int 11l- Tlf.ey.D k- I'
lintlentrift; MA. Wlltfatne, i11t0rd1.1ar..3,43,.0bni ' • , l
- ftadaff ; Jobnaim is litery.,lcartord ;7), Reiner, 4 - up. ,
JAS.. BLASDEL;GeneraI v At, Torest La&e.... .Iyl
January 1,184 •,,. •., '.. - ' ' - . - :
~ Theorist= heir= itlittl* itsiChnr‘, . • *
You've but to Owe th =auk 4 turn: ... ‘ --'
- , - When, ere yon'is sures bed time; to utter i
I .!' i t r f a t" ; C ha n g e r !illtwld theAuttor 1
11tii r oglr pi4ise,siti3plftiirnip* die, Oiiiiile etiOy,
- . NOvlytirkirtiiited Churn . 1
for ileW laill#4W74oleNbrAbit- kwo,dtse%e:r*
therao-AttWieltriiiitlid f o 4 l ideLpraielYijiPeed
ilyintiiiicKtaiii4 put iieit* bad Buter, r -AsAi
very different 'iloABl ll6 *theOld;:luil4o me lira,
a( buttepinaking..- .._ -:.-.:.. ,. s .. . .. _ 1 ... - -ri
!.,Bitsb. iii — ileiirohto witissiiscihe ..l
atifiiii 011114,
iikhor4tviliiiChlairi ei4' 4To oil , t . ,e0l Poi 4ilitt,:
itine' - ortr.P o4 4sixa. , _ai' .trile.`- .- 1 -. ''
' Tfietbtoye CI*11" inli: ' ~ inintifitifitipd 4
cos by • . ....-.,-; . ,-,...- .: , LA. - 8214111„...
ItouttoseiApril-12: 185 160, '-'-- i.
Great Cure.. or; D*spe tv -It' , .
Dr..i.,,-i..itolllGll.Tdiei•Pigi'glNl*.;l llll- T 11416 .m i t . .
o STI V.Eirru fp, oft GiiiitTyt N.itlibej 11 .
Preyerid Dent ; D&NNEr or the Inn rthlStemaeli•ef Oka
Ox aftir direstionsor Baron•Liebbri - Ahe great' PhYito:- ,
icarjrall.'llselaist,b,y dic-8,;a01.1011T051$1400C-1k,i
,Pltilad et- 1
Thu truly Natureistair nigeni,e4 far , an _ unties} 04
'Stomach. : - .11 0 arfpf Man ean'tijiiid it, curative . Pew.
era, , 11.enn talna lan •Abrol, - Dltieri4l.ixidi, br4gallse , 4
one Dtegr. It la s = ire ely..agrasable.o the,tastai.and
la af birtaheni by them st, Noble:pow , who cannot
eat...e.vdater eraeker without a cafe - 41111tresa.1 - Beware
at II rift:iv/A irnitationa .'• Petialii linot)i Drag. -..-. 11. :.
,- ' MP" DOI Matthe_lagent. and get a.. DeaMptivcarentar,
gm:Jaz:giving a large !moan* of iclentiB..p. evidence. Arm
Lie Lie hear Antrail Oendktry ; Dr. Cornhe's 'Pli3ool . /ray.
of kestion;! Di. Peieira AI rood tods,Dlett'll4r.."l ha,
VP ,Orkney' , al' 8 esi York University ;.Drof.JD ean's
ih gird eat. Prof. SJ 8 Inta n, of Yale (10 - Dese.. ~: Oar : .
" ter"a Phyajohagy ; dce, i together iiiilfrePrti fMr
0 AD parte orthe Milted States: . A , , :,i -• 'ri
•;r7-.. - 088 8 8VV: THIS 11.;;*-,11verir bettia of the ken:a he
PEPSL'llhixtrs the vraitten''aignatifell 7: 8.•. nout,ai-
Tn v. m. - II .•; I sale , Proprietor Phltadolphia, Ea: Copy
-ir;:b t ;Led Trade Mirk - steered. ' i •• i I
(r-j".-,T•old by al; Drafgiatit
. and , Diesl4llJ , lnhiedleitieSt..
I a4t; or bortto. - - '. - 1 -. : 1 ..'..
"PcEor indeJay Viii. TURRETX; Elrstiggist,hlO - Jairtme;
W170h1.1.1t. illlti rttall Ageizt.. , -; •; - ' • ,tdi.
. -' - • . • •. - - • '1 . . -- _- - -[1 .
bloodn3/4N D eb il i t y ,
t rah a'rlt so arithediei
stomach, gsackut ler' D is ea sesl
stt h ead,
i lk°. 6
t'k m
nuc l ls: : n r:ili g ai "'ft.
on .i i 211
A f it bl
2 i-- t 1;:11:' h is 1 i Ili
te e :'. . *4:l
II !
) b ta. 7 14
: Pli
16K e r 4
ti:aP "::
: 41'er-rtneY
.hurried linausea, iIII.TIn
: o Prel 1
• Tkirer; COMPIOIII4 -J . i -,- il
;und . ' ice'Dyspepsia; Chroltp.or I% eri9324
6 cult breithinif, flutterlng. , nt the heart, choking or
sul'oesthnt eeosattoits when In i Wog ; pcistute4dlnioring
of r Lvisinn, dots or webs befdte th 'slibt. fever and.lllull
ttn4n hi the head, deficiency of: p tsplration; yellowness',
ofhe skin end eyes, pain In the hid, back ~ chest Ombs i
&C., middenlloshes of heat . burhhiglitt the flesh, ;eon-
st ntlnissietnss of evil, and grelt e depiresidon,of sOrltS,'
'n be effettinilly cured by • r 1,.t .,:-,:', -.-.' • -.. 'r
r. 110a11a101 9 6 • cel ibirated Ci,r
. • . I - . • _man_ t e ...... - • 1 -
,:.E• • --:.• ,: ••,: ... ,, i- '. •I il . '' .
ripared _by Dr C -MI :Jcickson - dtith , -
ellldaill itteditite'stoie l itlO'Arch j stred
e; .
1 ! . - Philadelpfticri. 1 . '
ITh it poWer over the *here AlbetuieSii,nOt eicelled,.if
nedle(l, - by any other OTeparstfon in . ,thettnitesi Apatcs.
the flares attest ; hr • ' p eart:saes after. skilful
c ` /
I physi'
aria had failed . , -j, !-. ;,
fh:ebittersaretntthy , the attertiinofirslita:—
. sssin;teatirtesinthe , matinitlonoceisti
) 1 1 - the. Liver. and - lesser, glantb4 etereisfug thei'niost
!arching power irr weakness end iffections of the di::
skive organs,that' Ste withal, safe, C.estain, and pleas=
t.! . , • .
.: : •1, 1.: - . . : !;' . 1 , .
. •
;:Read d a nd -- Conpißce4i,
, -, .
-The Editor of ihe Boehm Bee mid.4Deceniher ff2d— .; I
. , . .
Dr. riefrland'x CeLcbrWel Grririan,Bilters, ftir the cure - 1
f Giver COMplaint;•Ja - andiee,..Dyetepsia, !Chronic, or ..:
.'orirous debiliity, is deservedly ope or themost popular ' ,
talloiltei of the day.. These Bitter* have beeh nsedby I
hoosauds6 and a friend at Our; :elbow says, be hi*, him.
elfreeeived an effectual and :perMancitt cure of Liver •
Yomplaint from the use Of this remedy - We are:crib...!
'aced that, In the nee of thee-4 bitters; the patiebecon.
tannic gains strength. and ylok-74 fact worthy or great .."
onSidetation. •Thee. are-pleaseOtht; taste end sm'eli,fteil
imben‘ed by persons with tae moitedelicate.stemach, .
with safety under.any circrun f ei, aoceS. We ' are tiOsakin
fro esperience, and to the a et ediwe advisetbeirn :
i Sco tt'si WeeklV,rone; of the eat literaryAapers pu
.. E
lished,Siiii,. August 25th—:• - : i:. t. —... 11 I
-I 1 - I ~ ~ ~, ?
“ [ Dr..Aoteariii's German iltH4,'Tnan#factstreit by 1
r. Jae n, are now recion ' tided, by soma of ?the
ort p raltwet members oft e:;hiedieal faculty Ise.rin
nick o math efficacy in case of:fel:Mae Weakness.' A e
- Ileitis he-case, ere %multi advi.'in all Mathers to.ohtaine.
.ttle,srd thus otave. themselirsewiaeh siekneSa. Teri.
Fattulpf etaiitatel canstitutioba will tind.theattlllleit.
ndrantagerina to their bealth. l afar . know tr , iM, ex erli:
ence the Salutary effect they have ciponweak spite 6.”
, .
,• • , . Mare- - Ev 404 e. . - ~
;; -.-
, .
.The-Philadelphia VsturdaY Clasettc,.the • betitfamliy
paper published in the United States, says Cf Dr. IOW:
land's aerni49 Bitters- - ~.j. , 1 , - ,li•',. 1 -
.!‘. It is aele6m that •werecoinmend What are itermell
Patent. Melicines, to theßaena* and '_patreinage .or
cur milers'. .and therefore” heitlWe '
recommend Dr.
lirpolland'e German .Bittets w wiablo be distinctly un
dertrood that we are not,speaking of them:oft:uses of the ' -
day, that are noised . atnt for 4 lirief period sodthew
forgotten after - they he e run their panty - racie bf mis-• •
chief. but of* me Acise or established,gmtverially tip:
f ,
prated, anti which halt ntet the hearty'. aPprorsl .of the.
faculty. itself?
- LaliCeilio theanorka of wire e . '
ini.'iati.f.. Theylisve the
I{ written flgnature -Or 9, 11. J.i,CKSc i lNwpon Uwe wmpper
Ilona hitt name the hottle,, without widell they.
are. spurloa.l... • - 1 ! • - • •'! '
~ For mle, alil.saleaftnd 'repel!, 4 ' tho GerWurii 'Are4i-
T cirie.s"torfe. No. lffo -Areh street,',otte doer beloW Stith;
IPhliadelPhia. end by respertableldealers gmierally thio'-
oat t he.C.OuntrYi - . I',l' , -
. Price,trefaeol.Teonitille all classes 'Of in I to'
II enjoy the advantages of their leek restorativepotiers. l
I T SV,COIC tik'SLEl5 rEtNT.,I. c , , • 4, - '!• -- -', -
'Also fit by Ap.u., TURllBlDruggist;Monttose ,
P'entt's 1-.• - , • .- .1
. 1 . i .. . • .] , 831,
• re. to bias testi
, Pills. For somai
anti tightness in,
Med by a .shortel
rit walking about.
ling my advanced
-me., that rain
scot:tinted with
Omit mean it, eam-i
se without !nioni
1 -... er. -- ~ ' 1 , .T 1 ' I • , 0.... . 1 --.!
DOCIU rtArOLIMELFT . ' , - i .• ' •
. - 1
.1 , . . . : )
. .'• . ' rckr 25 couts , r.:- - 1.. -I .
..',..- i US, or. iiry.ime tiixdwn *hYsiciaill Thir
-............-.. sixth e itionOt till uperar s of . a 4mndre,l
- .31.; 'Cover tgic-s.nowiritOtrat diserise in every
- • • 'shape nd form and ,malf imations of'tbe
~_,,5 , . • genend?resYste ii_ it. ;
.? .i. •
.. : . ;l3 yIV 10 Liana 'SaiMig', DIN D.,* ' - ,:, •
. The thie-Ims n arrired i thitt perscinssufiefingfccon.
secret absesses ne ' no more bveom the vidints 0, ,
.quackery; as by tb procriptionS ,eOnta ned in this book,
any one may cure imself, Fithont . 11 trihnince of -busl-1
rtet.s, or the knowl .dgc of t i *mit Intonate friend;andl
with one-tenth the trust O neincti. - ittaddition to thel
general rrtine of !twit e ilisettliti; it fnily explains Wei;
vine. of rosOhood s early tlealpfe, with observations on,'
raarrittgo—besides many other derangetnentS Which it
• wouldsnot be pro to calorie:rat* 10. the public prints%
trt'AoY person endirtei'VFVSTTY:TIVIt Oril:enclo
sed in A letter; wi 1 receina , . one !loopy; of Shia ;i book,.by
trial!, °Hive copies will be - sent, for one dollar..l Address
DR. MT . TcmNG, o. 152,- - "Aitmlitrent*Putr,AbEt.PHlA;
pi:KJ-paid. • , -- , ; • i.., ._ , .•
• fa,DR.TOUR - ean bi eousulted on Sidi of thediit•
, ,
..-i eases described in IS bfr --- '' - ' '
1-142 Spruce stree t. et
.i. Sundays except J
, _ .
• . ; . The. ,opielw-L....._
, T. 'l% - Pond',! if 'Mizell:N.l7,i t#4lPesifT7l
- 1 . •,i • -er nd HeeditorlExi t - .:. •-,- ' - .- Ai
.A N F.xtract fir:lthe ' Phripp,eill Vit r cll'bazeliilld
,from' hat, with: the excePtion. Of a little4l-
Cobol to preserve it. .i. ' ri' : , 1 1 ..'
It will cure all total pnin lisbiilanrinatimi.oldsoieS,
troth - wt.timiri and bruises, Pll'esl and all ..411seiserinf :the
'bowels of a chreniti nature,. tooth-acheent-r4e,axid n n',
excellent remed y for female 4 &U. - 1
_-_ --: ;; -; -- I I
' It is truly what it 0 &Wn as Ito be, u rim ;reessitir;
, linlilN,l l .." Provillenee has Seateere &tong tile r
paths velife many tbiur tbhitiontri uts greeds tooth
comfort and happiness of Oros: hod '. hencultheiritiM
: 3
.valuciani will may tb9l4anallAti` ilezds Of tha Pp
plc.?' r - " ; ' .„, ~1 I v - , 1 -, ~
CMS word here to guird i eniltim oxiiion , I -A mad it
1 the name of Spencer hair 011 i rtured ' and -offered fa '
I sate al spurious wedeln canes:Ott "Cnryil k xtmet"--th
would be extract from thri hazel, nut—the genuine hi a
white unit purr , as water; ate the spurious arti ale 4co
orsCiviiich. enables-the p tille4o dislitiglisir. , ': '
None genuine but those iiiith - foird's Paint Destroy
Wrt.LlAll ' it llATCll,!MbrAroik,' gid store-kesp
and Medicine dealer) generailvilAgepts. - " ;I ' - ' .'_ -- i
alive anti 'M
rhea., Dytrentrry
mein lily of inf
Poison -
- , ,
bsmAa system wi h-
,D R l / 4 B'. ,}).. CRAIN, 0 us!St a le` 4 l gwrarctite,, takes t .
e aittttlicoktof thronging 4i,e it and the. pntille I- •
It - ern:rat that he 1134 recently ;.riiturtied &curl thin&
•and I;34:Ate' In thelvlllagelpfi Oerega,. County of TI •
end lies establfichtd a portnitootit oddoe-On I.fike: L, i tr e
--t'oecr T. P. Patatei new brlchisterei kodikf ready* ,
tend to any business. in the uoil of ti pretrial* 1 •-•,.. _
lillilioperlor method of Serbia - 1g at -correct 4,, mama
; in dioeases ' and hit unpuStislid suocesektireatlng the
, 'veriaasnlses'es Inclitentatt b thr human , aititn#;l l / 1 6 '
tospeelatttpose Of 'ais'aenta;lstibsctiti , ' chroula,or e •-
.1 Olicated rooter, are.a.l instii:uoc4saryllor , llllo '
I offer ;the l ralllU and dise 'id-Oivery- oberacter to. ':'
j tltti hini to" the eatable= hf ai' ' twit - publie.. 1 .
For the benefit of thoie - ntnie4ilithite 'wi th 'htit :Met
of Prirtlee he noutiEsoy.thoh - de4 rttm(illatiaite by
icheinlcalandinlarticiplted fociiiiin *3of , ,the Munn ,r:
r Persons way .send betirihir t heir . • 10-lt Admit (t_
f liositwo:ouppte)viat;thelirrit t - 'fiturtangls - , ,
ited;and as a record Is Irdpt lof all,, • •-•"lotaii i
,che ulnae am; age of . the oitl4nlarti., Ise required: A'
' etuute la. natio tor e aoeur!ha.r.,auttat dlei e. I
ta m ''.ken - - - '-'-' .:._ - = il% .11 -. ; '• • '''''-':: ' _
~.,, -.
imin t e
ielnes ife t ttrliscipall filitodriOiiil the *O4 '' s
ble Ictnitdota;2 and Are; :
e t a
German poran.UPTI4V-.' t'' , 3' 7 ' '-• •;;-' , d; an .,''' . -. 1.:1 '
1.. 'BO watild abm:44ld,t ..tte - 'it hut Insdatni
lAutsdhamforYitt 'rehlflet* - lAltdieessesof eoa a
lona ortio,otorstei; - ntsit i tei skagulardepoottlon " d
' truiY•cottelst-o f crystidlliie sr - oft grlttyi bank • 6
but not dtstlailly Ttalbleallookit .4itopt,ttzattdtuttlonl..
t a
i r
It may toreiffkla uric *
a ikkoil- transparent ;coo.
tleetrotutdclenttillnes( Astlognishallkt
„eyeixod ttistoenhosted. - ' 11. , •i, .^ • .. , :- ,,, , - 4f,.., 't - • . -kw .
• ' The prtparglon that itiodnieddlt *ibis ,
diesolving audboldingifn*ltt - eidedlenitioilatetfto
ecEe e n t itstAit -4f Irrititt#Oni'alttl r -
' - 0 inn.losu° 4 l 9 .4 4 ; 17 0/11 1 .411*17 1 , - .l;' 4
y' . allowitigOtelearafto' • e.. -
...• ,--, •,.. - ,
-..-Btfareseeneusint bad telt! 011ie frontistsioni•
In 41 :1 1 ,04temOod.4ii-ot I*. ka )t`"'Xiir- - Y - i
Tei Av. Itillta t' l lNaNstiellitP 2,.*liii.v.*.#4vig i, %
,to 111 tt ttle gloat intlifftt - anaoseaftnit silks. • ..)
availi thombeiTooSr mil . 0 low.: heiltrtErrstorsiC
, good es,lgt.,..Theateds - alp in: Reran/I* for Vein I
ohetrii***'WaystkerOigs ' lit Ema - ..!tiiii
ire fo* a t the Attlee, . .4 1 rEICI v ile14 .
o,ltegoriatatiaryl;lBs3' ''..' : - ' . - • ... •
1. 4 -4, , .. % -i-i;,r-i i .;-4.i.:,.1.,;. - 4:41' , :.7..-.. -
1 411 , 11:-1141,1
I' ' le - ',.. - 14-- . - ' , ,--i , , ifi -,..C.z - 1 ,
E \,404.6
k s : 81111111„4(1)111P TENcte ,
...,...,;.„f}:,!..i '4.7i . e. , .: , ..::* .. r.• , ,,-- , :' , ..... •. -,,,.. •.-...-, .•,.. , ; ,1,,.. . 4 :,' ,--
...-..,...:,• -..t--, ? „ ; t--,- , - , :c!1 , c.,
m R ,
.. romartiiitn,,, iir iteridivi`. iiii:, ( .
- di loop SPitits li cIC cern k a ti,,' is 0. / -
L paring 'liven r We:Rowe 'Oa-their' oinieski , s'. i
actmolten."by 'vita Weal teicrymott, 'lPhittic,. 1
i a • arilassillqa a CauttitkA44lspltli. i,
e.- - citiampAf tiet lair - at ;fifit , riiitiapai Yalt, -. 1
raiistranargitlitixad,firstlearsilftztarnagie—•, • 1
° gaisapaisolkatataisrup alautttlaCiamujit..fetimps2:4 , 1
1 ' , ':ijar: 'Arra i. Ait t *“• --. ' ',.- ': ,":•' •. fl '.,:-
• '''',- - 7,- - ,1...,7.7 ", , ..:;:z ,:, ~ .
iii tit_lie 'nell.' h i Our. owleitite, we look' 1 -
oustr; wit Witte !ill e sequences, of 011L,-',,
14 We int Often ler toi in eqrly• II fe, thew .
n` in
e obtain titer rests l I. n 4 'what duts - arid rii
411.-welniglitt nt 'Aar" tbees:spsrrd, . if the
. ' clibler: R elifAl*Witillr - '•-::.'-',-,
,_ ,
skkneetwid se
_ 4 nicendumilby Inlay, a wife
ats i ctoat'cnuses k an 4. 6unualleble, essillr•
t better wi l t. - • 1 " tted, IteterY .. '" •,,,- • ~
WISE AND. , OT.FIEB.- - ...'. .. .
to pot covoi et tin klittli rolanin, (with ' .
l of all) Is bleb w50.014.4 . ..ere to lie*lf . ~-:.... ',.
brojcen. kis
ia'et* lb
moat pi tr • ,
lai e rar 41
OM •
11111111,111 • •,
loath.. and
.1 ignorsatai. - .
What wo
' bowledip •
j 'Nights of ..
, t - Tiibetkol4t,
for • mac • j
rj• - 11=it-1
_ ....
;:YEARS or missa,
, - - i .., l--
And. to he %gamut. theomid. tan cud ooxioty of mina,
necessarily devolving upon him Isom stelturfs. ot the wife
without gt tow him the. ophortunity of ocquanng that com
, ,
petence w• eh his eruntwan ervi strutted. and-the 'possession
of which mild secitte - thts happniesit of himself, wtfe, gad •
By becd'ar • g in time - Posse/aid of the knontedge., the wen ,
of which It petard - • the Slakaelleand poverty or thous4odo. -
;In Tie* r "th-vl"equencto. Ise wife or mother is eiri-•
sable if • til neglect to avid herself of that knowledge in
respect to melt% which would spare her much suffesing.ibe .
the means of ho e ypiness and Irm,perity to , her husband, nail
° b c s ' il ( i. e et, a tii h i realtgy. d = b 2Tta i rlottd 'i g a lt rice-4 ' "l tiTi
a little wo eutttled
1• - •
Pri a t e *died -
Companioq. -
- I t;.`. .71, BY DR. A DIATIRIcRAti, ' .1, '
,• rat, •
gssea or onia ens or atones.
Oaa His Edit Ohs. /frito, pp. 250. -Price, 50 wt.:'
- I. - fo nue task *rota' stnnute, $1 00.]' ,
i i Vint published in pa, and it is not
_ .
, • nixiscron wo oirtunr4, , -
boosts' rtwg that EVERY FEMALE,
HER MARRIED OR NOT, can here :=
wqnsal a Tull knowledge of tine'nature,
el4nrate er and e vaunts Ofl her eonsplalnta,
with'"a''` Iranians , itY , nsplorass, and .that.',
pis - - - r I J ' I I .
s. • A sum4oar toriks • -
in e e t a trab ta
ot e• co to p e y o -ii rer t ,.. fully , •Ili , e eaens sulti . ems...
a.- Ostyak,. of a mature strictly - intended for the
• s chase CalltelnPliaing Mllfilate3. , but no female
f enjoying teeth / Eli INC beauty. consequent ninon
i his so conducive lobes own happiness, and tlmt
bin citherjuis Orcwill obtain it. se has °twill: -
if who has the love soli affection of tis wee ate;
hat of his own pecunialrytmmovement. . •
, ,
Altos or oils in:spasm Ts‘o.
- SAND comics - - ; , -
SENT oir M AI L whin tielast few Mouth s .
iTioik.l TO THE P U BLIC.
guy no book mires ! " hr.' A. M._ Manrineait,l29
Lithe Streit , N. Y." Is on (bi t title: page, and the
ntry n the Oterkis`Officel on , the Sack of the title
age; Ind buy only of respectable .and_ honorable
tole or send by, mall, sot address to Dr. Aei s -
Meer' .an, as, there are spurkao suld surrepti
..,, , • ~. PONDERS ~
its e cute for Ignore l ce. when Ignorsoee
' 1 la ' • leery . to :those we . bend tient', and
whet, It
de r. ando dispel oui• llgnoritnce
' • Is - !thin our ranch. .• I . - ,
To enable every one tit decide upon the Thetis.'
pe /in neestaitse of poweming a copy, and that no
1 wife, mother need remain <uninformed upon the,
I - many mon, which, sooner orbiter, are destintal to
slake fearful ravages upon ; er health, miens guarded
Arnie t. and Abet er
MI considate and tiffeetionato
i .Ihash A hare cause to upbraid !himself with neglect,
erth weltne of hie wife--a platiphlet of thirty-six
- containing/ell 77114 , --papp and India+ of Govt. :
ittuvWtee with extraeo from .. the it,,wlll be
nee of cluxrge 1,1 any parlor the C btaleN
ressing, pad-paid, as herein. '' •
a Knowledge Is Illappinese, t ,
Wass to be • lgnorant. <
On receipt of One Dollar (fo r th f
vtra binding.) "TILE MARRIED t
) to ank s ms of the Untied S
all be id. and teldressed, to Dr
stcr.k Box 1224,J Nei , York City.% 1
Alm No t 120. Libart, Street, New Tor&
~ s.LE EY -Blom& k. OraiiF,lleterisbnrgh;.l.Bwarts,
erg; ti. W. Do. Witt, eetilford ; S. McDonald,
wia ; 11. A. Lards. 'Reading; Wentz ( & Stark,
tale; Eldred & Wright, Willipmaputt; S. Tuck,
erre ; O '
eo. W.Barle Waynesboro; 111,..Crcitky,
;:T. tt. Paternen,P&lattelphis—Tuttn. <
w Took erriq etr--Stringer & Tountend, Add.
Lerman & Co., Dewitt &Davenport,Bernes.k.Oe.
gala ha:
is I,g!
d i dr. erl
her • ;
H te be
• <444,1
by at
Ed J 1
The _Montrose* Milo mg 4
I " - ' ' 1. liShinent• '''' . e ace
.. &17 W ilson's srerp, reads at ail times Imsc°l- •- 1 tranixter to the taste and tooted
Pile" ho e tke hr ibli n e trfilothB I, "tefit'illthinn! ri , g alar q
I GE. i . --,---bash Paid for Porky
r ° aeo t t irett g° , w mtd old . ones observed when te g amted.
-•'''' -1
d ' lb. will be paid in Cash for dread
pt p ar booth" e - + • H. 31111.11111 1
SSIX, CHALLEN. , -"flogs. bY, '-. 1 4th 1852. .., ,
t i h oritthapplmolli [ New 11111fordx Den , ; . , I .
TEVER en nneene the' "it
' blessr - — l .- ,-, p _a ri d'
'' iiT. L times of the mosta vattist -,-,-----
V MS and: Mu n rs 9
a p eople ". a at
tited that ererY person lute- .... ar— -9 i shi ,
ortarice. I . take It , for gra__
.. e
Lots for a ~. f - -..
o all iit their It
bo g
t ', promote tl - -,
• ba ifber offers for sale Abef9l,!?le,PE
na th-lt every P ," . . ... fr e t it tote yr. • du ty,
_ THE .s, o . ,
one farm lath,._
wn health at *ileac,: se c.. 1' 4,
. „,orilts,
aceot h ng h
tamely' seen:* Y utozrumi" physiciono.„ are t e Pher
. rul, .. tt
lotoloaarms.hfe et 7 t t e ec - ority or disease td which c L-i,sow'v,aiull!abelleel,;anttliminiuiegsse°dritebsiozutele,Tenthe
r Y an cs a a idu l ta a I, • liable, nu
if yen hareem a PPet i O e("1 " . - Shout bitty . ° I w 1
„... ~...... ti... one mu,
kind of food to another, herd &c., thereero• zat 46 , rui •°'' . s:l.,
breath uso apai gea fil b ale t from_
_ he en b n elly,
cough ! , l o b:
i n ev o t.r se:t;
~ :
f ,.. th.m ; nt h ro a ss , dtlar , e liar of ro kT r arfom au , :72:
c the f
t itt"laChi PielUng
a d a half from t and .• 4., /, / k Red
urea al Lt. :arnam ° ij that ant these donate iVeveLt
.itlt- 9 - - bi leeitiau, well Tr
i s
t ryO IT Ik re thOUI V III . -r tMliCe er
apply the "'eland ,/ _1„ ".
, - It it a be, llll Clinj Fl!'ll desirable e ' At,
i HOITENSACIE ' S WOmd °lrjr"r''
tin c e ,B tined 4' . - t i - farm - lying . ;11 the Behan'
aa on ecientint Prine ] Plee i 11F ride; ithln`nne °tier'.
fr Lai4Pbetres and the
It ar•ieliirotto P
table substance! being perfectly
,1 tost ,_Tprupilte, ftinr ,, mlles tun .. i Doty
;..... thP i n u te u p li o vele determined in 4/1 its
trice "' tularee
ea._T che__,,...., ont.7,_ithha,disbnioarauel condition "neon
, as eo ro m os phse,d.
ioi, a boutlST.,,,,L.,..Z.:„taVenEttrii,erßmaaiiriendo,fewrtnh,tinhniTtn:itgimisparhy,veilatiowatisith
ised °strains .or t ere
v_......._.e., a u „ ; hitt bolt
orchard, leo. , . ,
9111 I'...ilitichell• " eit i os i n e s n urshit; "'" ceres "4 eole l W 4 xl,tho l ives house, barn , l .. n n sn o 9 fiaud fr 6 m I ts lae t ithat , , bem.,, well tun , berm.
P. s ee , f : " - - 2 s: b in t old aril young,whe have ' eel ' - the r` 1 d.- '' - ' it
. '4."
1° O ucurnbiT ' b ' T PhTB4fa in ns iai r ite all ? Ind "tare • a Itat he villag°E go ,
Bml Inv* o s
noun ' h°P° " e eenvicted °nu e---e- `o ver !so several e Erie ßa.Roa
toll .ng and . bee"/ 1 , • • 4 I -on the New York &
oth : 1 3
twin River,si. J , tAng- 13 , 1851 4 ,flae 413/1111 fithe most ;. thriving ' loctaielleia th e
r .r- /1-080rar k -Thisis le e.rtit)
th ...t e*ch4 t! T"
i ' ' a n ° iII at °fibs Rail Road Machine
M ji+ h sing been sick rorthree i• - • s, w mi tt, Icon ratty, being i .P...e! e - .
__ i 1300 ha ts *
15 t-ra of 44 "?' 4, of the spine - by Dr! . Leper, ../ I.lit p a &c: llt contaills now liaqmd . . . .
tend . ford - ]long time withotlt receiving any re '' _ P d its busiueen faellitire are unrivaled It
11 A lk d : l io t n i d p
grovfaaLrwi;‘ttier:mra:Peouni4ar:lvriv!,:fnundraesibetLt4h4 Awhentielmteetian%wrZiatl.: trii Ul tle 01 .11 1 . 7 ...... p . 5 ii11 e tbe - nbo , ve lir:tit:jar:me feaditt.erteelyl.tioae_ilest_ati.
a worse. o itw a is I Et _ county be tg
Syrup, and after tan. nil -Im r`" ".• ' . er, ...ith sufficient power r r el /
du ',.% to
- rriea li el e il entirely regained her health i: w it t a 1 Stilli r ehra'alt IT
r 6 arcturOng &tn. The - mpsistirrwaina
.0 entity or «ming: nostoz t hl a ,„ tea pßripose, o -",_an ik ,id
.eut„by th el d wia location,.
entednge.'te triune children erestrainavt'ee ' ealitieetnenn re
' barb in the bagmen
P b ale rk , ' V" am yours, &e; i BROWN fer l eardtallatest who wish 1° era
and lmbd*
A I ' PIL LS 1 aninfifitalag,l"eiug'ffewering odious and
)10BEN ACK ' S LIVER I'l ' m Rail Road -afTordell ,l - la ° Bl ! etam • • m.
Novirt of system ferrtoreibible to disease than tb.e_ 13 . ... - 9 —Li on for e••,ryth mg m thebo w e n t i
liver - it sereinl al. a fi tte r to P utif i the h144 4786 8i tM 1 : r 1 GYelritlrCroperty,:ji; whole , or pact, ,
h ° er "Peelielen- and . secretion tnthe
1 - rtant ' 0 r ih ni c. e .dv.iangeonotopu ~
e e i rre /__ _ _., ,i of the li ver affect* 4 lre °thee m __... -Pe sol d on terms a . ,conimonica.
any Inv tn . k..•••• 0 &result , u riewa y , lb Liv.......-, will I • ve -great bargiuns•
.. ,r
1 Par l " th" 4644131
D 'an Deelle4 rem ". ilte- We - Itheutlll '! era.. s ' '
• gi
promptly answered from 47 de'lliew
nisi ere) nhalee, , - wt ," /I- - ,,,,, n ,te m that .m4ght indicate si, tie t a will be
ded to protriptly.
the oret wildn...himi,l„-if,,,,r7 twee Pills being oomposeglt i n d l a' empires atien
w'r S se l l e a n 7 „: furnished by nature Wheal the istelt,ll4, _ - • ..•
,-; -SED.4 ttn.. 23 if .
°f t E:allet11411-ureeteeent libilbantrirantrOrtheBeo7:lllll. 214441.2 DePd"liri:!.-uli'lr-P4 '
nem ► 3 r P
tiOWfmtolhell t. .„, na , l . o .4 tn F ei t e - r e , nl 2a ali vtPrittiTok l " ' _ ; i ii , •I. ( mit b krt . a fopy on
_ 4b , e ~, ~,ning,,,,, ea irt,"l.o-'- Ifsexplicahle and ineetisiblevienl4l I. I . 1 1 5 ,CrY ' I P .M I - 26 cts clef'
" ---
- rebid "coons ottbo sitem• sd, "a ,
.14i . •1141.iviclual bOok °nig , , • r
e.mht It gives tone and strength ee the eieTrllk4 1 I ki ow Apelf +
. 're i n • .ren e i w t o ji m ith „,5 Tiger ,to amparte 0 4 4 1 ._13 . JI I 1 '-'4 *ln 1 ,„;,- d ir an d v oo k tot
' ma
ad& a ea t illrartiotierhich actJ In PerfLe,r,hertnen . 3 ,..
.. hi r 0 .. tg. 4 , ,rs b rediezt li mit
of taw
bud •,., - I ngred ients by °Willing on '''''' ‘" 119-- 'l,/ t h e Afilated,Containing an A M I TITT ''' Zabsesseiean•
why ththelT ithst ertl4a ' t: whole mma or eOrrninlon - end eieletetissiv' it, tnuint and Vure oteeirltexereoleteur,,,, , by self s
lijuisiPe - the
clod hie° dest4 " wi dise * tirolorpouotui Sesua n the i r peter
f ii tttee sad podfyinif the- bl 1 w - - v-' f ft r neted , ' ve 'tar with adrieb for - ty r
- A.,,vvata health. t „- , -
.„,,,,..„ 3 , 41i5 , t iambi ,trirSeinla ..
... , e t e my , ytem - ree ,
ani.,...,---,2 at nob ' ir.'s LabOrnterry "1" 7. - r e b) ; tu„ I tit ',cahoot offend l e. e'''' of T,.nidie„,extenforn
••• iih - atid George ItP_,_-11e4r. genera lly 2s'eentil.rt°4ol./11 a, sutel o r ,et eix*Tleereee Qtaahesteat,patrateig•
venrirdis,. noted Drtlggierr _ lni*Will .... 4 ii 4 -1
t +toot, tethe , are er t d li
the-- - agent 4tatibut7,••••••-"1"." •---' meat' terev. 04-- is , the i L aim of the, age
atng.:4 1 Tonelland Brutite h.- -Re e d intf ot d.t ~ ire at lob is 41414 v IreeelP th:Taures, symptoms . - 1
A ,Matkaltatt 'Attlee:l4 Wm- C• Want,
til i ir 0 - 3 4;1 f- • rrhd treet.tela.,,,mia farairWrity-fieq toi l e .. e l e 4 P 4
ro.: 7, ''..k,,,p4 gaxmiSeymotir, Ifailbrd v . ,___.,,, a„. , the-Fa et an., -e--1 armed to sax r - it
2,11 g 1"- amae --- a '' it w.4l.&thitt.dmanicb.“-• ..i "7. 1., copies one oiler ; will be - Ammer, pet
4' phi ;ley " ' - Drin '"43 l4 1 0
_A . Eldridge,' BrtteltlYhi 5 i .r...... ,. 0 *141 A l t od 8 o,hamaii,free or rikeiteittuar, 3$ !int"
- (lie n t, Limp% glecott and Or. James . °•-•°- "11 - e paid, Boa ila,peatTiSst:r- 0 4 4 t he - .
r i
It 4 3 ___„ l/ - ter L yman ' Tholdtantmet; Saner' at I age 8- ,_ 14.1. irsitativ, _ .,..- '
It g Bend r•- - 13 fi us rint Brairitriare Seventh - "7.7' ',-• - I .%W i trola Te -
slay 1
- - G M
„ffirrall ititisbAlt X"
• nir4auarakrikaf;Dr i linater - Silt ilsetThe4ltztersol p l •- •‘ •-• , ..7 3 , - in , ~ , ...0„- • r ipt ,., oh . asti .,
- , wean anY Cu , °noon xthienoli .
' l at Os nno 41.4 " ___,,.. 4..,,- u s.
, IW
no nuttecitow-lonSeeaerlhe'leW. .-1( I -, - - fildi ritorPv.
• , ,
* . th hi * .t e *: ph ' its. invited ltt, : his Prleatawhaßt'=",.-.-/Ittte".l:. 'il ', 3 !. lll 7" . 7 liii ,..A .reirviiir - ~__-_- ~ , -
Elf asixim
trearertaborniptioe wpm." e • " _L - - , 1 -, - ' - - T- '''' "- t - '',
IS “.... e ., -...strinigen awl -others
Invited 1 ,-, ; : err * ' '' t
a ateramalasSle
IS _......_ ......... 1..' . he i d mats Pkialtian*"3:""' ''' : ~..
.....%, x t
~,_l l„ t us op inn** , t ,
Willarl.‘ .
Throughl4. ' f oyg dolliran4 014,AeLete"PerX ''
d• of • l ese r ,
ea iestridued indelgentie ' , l e ~ 'rapt po d ono *al I , ~,,,,ebotot
I 1 POTI., 113,:y...-.......1...tr0, 14,„,,qui,,,eti... "1,044 ,wo paper 'via . t i o ion.,
Sit O lgall"Pawl 4'7
t..--- AL... -- 'involuntary down* di 1 snow ofd rI P I- ..,.% „ a ht earoptitethe • option paid
~Ittsmamme hisir.,...-e79
_,.,,,... &al 0 maturate unite ••• I r, ,,km ' tiette , 2ttlifit be. poss 4).e
a- westing of she * lo r e A l. , --iiir-. 4that • d v ptadiahem,,Auturnin-- Lemmohnented lef th 4 e alroll
fall ale society. genera deb ryv er • eell. ! 4 „,m, i t that receivit latterklibliv -411 tp1,, t. . : 31 , B. (taillill,/,0
illiili.inillrigrefttuvrtelblit?"- 'arizetomkan..,,, 4,,.„.-., • •lii - 7,1 s uuw - be arriwed to LA.- - -.< •,- ~ _
,4 ,
.dtt: eoad.. ...ere"' h ,......° ! Fre a l ti l red — would 44. ' 6 el to -8 1 , itle i ttellit ,,,,„„,,, dzi ,
.",, 111 4 11 ;.. 1Y$ ? ! -- " 0- " I ''''" -‘l.--
PAD 011ABL ''''''''''t ii4it,h haapinoe4agia ' ,F. :. • ,
ss —4,witoungo.
.0440d,imtint ~..d , :g1 4 ,4 , kb0 n, t . ...-p4fillAi, S 0 14 ,'••• li t it VP I
swathes: - *Ate O'OOL e",,,,--- uvititodompartri
_, / 6 21i ne . 0.1 atarseiniter a t 0
I t
eiVlie '''' Ththatheltununt, fartill _are Vtiee'Olitrufmt Attila linii -'" : '.l - " It e
wag drnt
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