The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, June 23, 1853, Image 2

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    'era New _York.
- becomes' iiiirpinful duty, this week; to
record one most and bear
less murdersever pertierated
Two, mun, Van Ta4sel and ' John„ B. Secor .
from NoW Castle;Wese.,ho &
ter kitty, in this
State hak'hnein few : daylirevious_to this 46 -
cartene4iWthisi,ttnd the edge or4tf.-Lawrefiet,
,:county; purchasing some horses;..and on 316-
dap= morning, the - 6th inst., were on their Way
home. _with - their horses, rhdaing taken the
:'''Hopkinton.and:PottyKent Turnpike" from
Hopkinton. -On Sunday night they stopped
• at the , Inn of lir., Ladd, in Paune; in this
-county, where-they' staid until lionday morn
, in.,' „Atterbrenkfast they proceeded' on their
way through•thec woods, with six horses„ each
riding, A horse - and leading - two abets; one on
either side; and r. one immediately - .pfeeteding
i lhe other .
~on the Toad.', rrllem ppieeqked in
this, manner four or A vemiles Worn Mi—Ladd's
• and until %vitiate about three-fourthsfof a mile
of the old Bach tavern, now . kept , by Hiram
Ayres; in the town of Franklin, when they
Came to a small brook, on either side of which
the land rises several feet and the road curves
r so ki to form-an
:A4 - thii men descended to.' the br'ook they
were' ‘ iabout one rod, apart. 'and as Secor
came \upon 'the bridge they were startled by
report of a rifle,-arid ' . lrA Tassel,: who,
was' riding in the rear, looking in the direction'
the'sound, - saW . smolZe' issuing from . .the
btisherVonlbe side of the. :road, %%Albin:two'
rods of there, and at th "Same :nstant, observ
, ed his companion fall •ad horse, and
his horse and
n man step iron the b. sites which had- 'con
' • oeuled- him. 'Van "l'asAel exclaimed, 'What
ire you d.eing I)id you mean' _to shoot
-Us, or wiait an accidental shot ?' The '',ruffan
: ; :made nb Teply,-bdtslopped bai.k into the bosh
. and walked a short distance oil:Van
Tassel, fearingfurther _violence, ,turned . his
`_ horses, rindietarried to the 'nearest house and
""-", infermedthem what bad happened, and then
Vent on to bir. Ladd's, where 'be had 'spent: .
thenight, and aroeSed enough !,a return to
the scene of murder.l. On 'returning to the
'7..:x;0. they found the body of -SeCot lying ih
'...lhl;iontl,, his pockets: rifled of nearly all , their'
contents. A coroner's inquest . WAS
- the body its aeon as- possible, and the jury le:,
' turned a verdict ; in aceoidance . with the'nbove
Suspicion:was' Immediately- directed to
lames M. Bie.kford and .Thomas Cook, from
~.-.oicAnion; two . Young Men Of whom one' had a
riS, who had- been in the -neighborhood the
'-previous afternpon, - and had "ealled at, one or
two places, at one of which they endeavored
to borrow another gun, with the intention, as
said,of "Meacham l e ake," in
vicinity hinting and fishing. - They did not,
:-however s,nceeed in this, and they" passed on
' .-Ih - the'direetion of the scene of the mtkrder.
About the seene,-traelis and other evidences of
the preence• of at toast two persons were "(Us
. novered, and these traeks arresponded in size
and appearance with those 0:1 the ,two per:sons,
who had , called at the house of a Mr. Perkins
. where .they endeavored to borrow the-gun:
Sirailartracts. vere also' found in, the road
-:" siime:milei this side, as if the persons had tat
. ken-their course to this place. On following
them up,.it Wasfound that they had itopped
at the house of st -Mr.-Wine, where . they had
taken dinner, and said they' were coming to
Malone to take the c4rs . . : Before nightVmany
of our citizens had taken the-alarm, and hod=
them were on -the - look-ont for the mur
• dertra...:'- , , - • - -• l - • '
Akont stinset twb persons were discovered -
TOORAIfe-aiid• altaft, south of. this village, near
I.lfe toollicontlinbank of the river, and vs they ,
we r e aiwronched fled into „the '-woods and die
appeared. The roads,were. partiallY gudrded'
during , the night in the direction - it was sup.
posed.they would take,hitt nothing was seen
of therm. Early the' foll Owing
..moraing the
_webde in whierr.they had takerr-reflict'were!
" scoured,ts were therids ".Icadin2 From OAT
village r but nothirg* I
, The alarni hid‘heen ,stead t along the
rrailroad and - watches , ee'r ditterent.StatienA r
--and abont -kf,yht..o'cloci, on'' Tuesday 'mottling
-.they were taken _at Bur:re - Station, ..They
pronched 'the depot in company, • but- ;one of
them, young. Bickford, noticing a.rnan with
whom'he was acquainted' spoke to lim v iand
as he passed, immediately got over the rence
into the lots and made elf in another direction
'Young Cook kept on toward- . the 'depot, and
the - A '
• Soon arrestedby lands. s. soon as
Bickfordsaw' , this' be started into i .brisk rum-,
- tint was.pursued-andnyertakin abontone •
hundred' rods: They were brought tothia,:and
, after being searcbcd.WeiciPut bi jail, rand in.
Ole afternoon lad an. esamination. When the
prisoners were " brought in • about, noon on
Tuesday, the bells were rung and . a cannon .
• fired...and those who -Wer43- out - scaishing
rnediately came in._ „
On the examication • Mr, pan Tassel Won't
he recognised in young Bickford. - the person.
,who stepped into'ffm - road when thb . fatal shot
fired he also "= recognised a • ivatch-kei,
- . ; „found on. Bich ford, the one having belonged
•to Secor, and watch and ,pot:ket,bole,
tsining 8374, which was -fouhd- praier
",1 log, within a few feet •of tvhera Bickford was
taken ;‘ and beside which lie was - observed by
his pursuprs to stop Which enabled them tn
come up and take him. They were recenmit
. te4 to awalt-theartion of the
,Grapd. - Jury at
• the., next sessionZilf- the. 'Court . of ' " Oyer and.
Terminet,to be, held - in „Thly-,next. • _
, We have given the leading features of this
awful' tragedy as . correctly and as _free frotn
predudice as we are able. Ildanyorthe 'details
„ -are no....sarily.Passed' over. The Yeung Men
. , affixed no. witnesses on their, part, and - we in-'
'•-tierstand will , not until they Ore, palled . tip for,
trial; should an indictment be' _found against!
thnm, although opportunity was given them to
;• procure witnesses, and offer testimony at a
subsequent, time. - • - . •
Of tbe character of these young men ive
know little—of one et them nothing -Youn'r
-Bideford is the -oldest - son . of. Henry N.
of,Dic) inson, a very re.spectable•and'
much -esteemed man; wberever.he
The young 'man has attended school. at, this
' - - - plaee' for a iensiderahle length , : of - time: .and
his'schmil fellows vice - him eredit,' forlaiitg.
kind andived hearted, although,like too many.
„•young;mem-rather wild,but not, we believe ( '
ia224 423 years of Age, good
looking . •.ad'intetrigen!, and - among -tho last
we ehould ieleit for a hardened. villain, or a
highway _
The, parents of young Cook alsolive -in the
• same neighborhood with ,-BiCkford, !Md....the
,YOung man hag lenn ningage4 • Id: nen - roe'
sad livid is thO family of Mi. -"Bickford lei
\,Severefmonths pie, = • He is•_nboiii=-1 1 7 years
aNizi:*TdinarY tookliq •Ixli.indt-gme•
w awa no, one, would pled, for a mnr4ieren,
theit,hoys ire the guilty ones they' engaged in
ii new and,hazardous'imilness; -- and' onni - iitil
whiCh theiv,Vere, entirely;.nnacipiseinteif - 44d
- - whelp unfittedle -pursue. ,
_ The body-ofMr- - fleex*ll. ll l
).4 6 ho me for , _ , lptirPeßt.z 4/ 13 2 - :- W." 4* sing
man, And from 30 As .. years-nrSie&liiiikoe
" - N; - , Y 2 4 PaZiaiiisT;june
• : -•-•
. EorTamil. . itivis*.i?N:r l Phe- fiisittorli of tht
- _Q
'iiintr Wei* and , Witig4rini Ai l otrt*Aght,
'VD the morning of the Itill , lnit4Aur*
Mr. Brock; 'of the heraldh eralddre iin4
~:.shot,l6, M000n:of the Okil - ,41 iiiii.‘mldec4
: Thiiffoinkrk*e irrOusne, was riot: gli4Eioulk
-101i,..ikL ivaelitle, two - •Any eftei'to!tinite'lM.
' untict the,Air. - : -- Xv.lircolps „- 1 , 415 :j0it
iiibill - li r ' the sum: of 8510. " . ...1%0--,Olkilti
si *4 : cookie:All as'
.7. '' ' - 'tut of Quisq,l'olif9o*
- ' " iikPostitiOders;: . ;; -' A
- -4';FiXe:- r•-:j - - -•- •'. , _.. -'. • Y '
, ' - ' - ' ,. 4.- 71 ' 4 A-.:'•' - ' '-''''-' ':--- - 1 - --' '-': '"l'..-
_. .> .:. M..f.
• - 1 4.
ii ii a tjoyc'in' Mirth*
YenusylThe, Gramm c„„agruepoes week),
5:13 , :. "Si 'F.4.2, - B.'r-,ORASg s -,EDiTOrti4-I t.
- .1
8 I
\- - .86 , N* 1 *"*.7....• • . 4! 3 -1 - I.r
• t:
CSR ":CO 1951014ER~- H
Thonia.7' Forsytlf'
_ .
Of plot_ Comity. , i.
'Olt. GENER#L, •' . : i i 1
. 1
11D1 - ' I ' •
N 1 , i
ifilin County. ' : I r ,
s ' TA i •
ortbr Bra*ley s , I
if Ctiiwfoni •
.. Or .tiel'ionsl4 !the .:East. , seciiim' - o the
.Codnig wishing o pay fit , like 'f!VE MO
CR it,'procurp ; ,Illanks,.of
.f get Job, liVe`A
dan e i can do so hyealling at .14ur ,Lati? O ffi ce,
: direct trepposite- flip . " Lusk Vouse,ri
Bmip ? l -PA. ..- -. , ' ' f . (if)! 1 , . '
'- 1 , Extraordinary' CO*. .; , f .!..
°Ur - reader s willyeeollect that we pu b lished ,
a few Weeks.sipee a statemeni,of,Atr.;j4 'clzi
abßullarkof Bridgewater, °film" extialr iqa
ry quantity of milk taken frein a co* owned
by bin's, and:elle one in:teference to pie eame
subject kern Mr. 'Atir4rii:Chikiabeilit4 ' Since,
that Slit. ''
'! ried .what C;Cald be
Clone,'' and -gives is the fqll9 inga'a the ie.
Suit: FOr .- ono Week; din last Tnesday
'night weeki"he found a ily
,teriz g i!bf 'milk
of . Apyji- o - zb,- . . 4, , t From t ianiiik 'he 06de In
'be saine time ,s'erinteeiz, s...and a half tiigdOd
.. ,
iable,buetr, all' the, predict of one enw , T,
a one
week. : ''. ' ' 1 ; 1 J. , 1 -
'.'.' The tb* is middling ei4ed brindle-'-icom
men breed. Why, not sonic enter aleotn-,
petition, and publish :weekly- the, 'result .of
1 1
their e ff orts, With the _ kind of . Pastitre; feed,'
. Sze. - .1 7 WOuldlaot sn i h a
.. Cernpetitl:n be' f ad
-IVaetago to . the dairy intorPS of 1 he ccintliy,'
1' which ha.4already' host fair WA repataiin
fur nds branch off a minx ry t anti; send
us .the reeidt, nn matter if it don.' 'qniti)!norpe
to th 6 abeve mufti . ; and we, will •Innblis :for
aeneral. , b enefit.:We bell V 8 ' there I t uo
9-, J 1 •
i:ountkinithe . State that can xeel. this itt.dat
Sue l eessfiely.. Taking prof roA into` eon=.
siderlatier4;will.ncit sneh a r pnta ion .b 4 most
adva tagons te,the 'farming • tere i s:t ilfarly ?--
The Butter :and Cheese of this (condi- took
rani lin at lie, State.
1): f. lowedinp by still
1 ctv re give a stnteme.
Il .„ , , .
, l, e. ni aav commen
0 ,g,, . ndlendmg Tneada
e nesda3r
lu day . 4 .
id' y, .
! i I da'', . 1
, .- ' —
BoOk Nod
ie ‘stlie Dieic an iG r
r 4
'orlnn are at hand. -We I
eil aiteloel o theso t
.o-. 1 1
that /My p
hingc wo ay Y e
more firm held !upon , our
rea4ers, 'Salteo .it to say,.t
p., , i• ;
acel with theiproreSs of the
we will futtirh the lidie's
crat'ono yea rli Now is the'
as the new voilintie` of the
the !at of
st Tonth.
Arthur'sflame 1r -
' J agrqz or t4ei men o
Jl l is # number, rich m al thatztv i esr rule-
It. r t eit petit. dical. This the leerrymellee-
ent ofp ne !vC4liirne,'and is fillealWith new
• • 1 .. . i -• 4 ,
tractions O Which thOpr rietotte,salt :,
"In erfer Cirrtake our H "e Magrzine' more
frherive . ,*ap ihne- : gain* fo -it -a Avid' r' wit
t me, we do commence vino:1110st tionit
definumb " lli - contain ono Fine etc) 'Plate,
ud.ffiany 'w odd isigiavings, .Thojerge quani
t ! ity of rendi 0 " 'Mutter (eightiidouble oluint)
octave:pages in each 'number) :will i bojeoniini
.ted. Atom exPeedin,gly lowelub-rjOes,teur
copies -fors , the Home'llagasine ratiiiw the e {
rhelest...7na,, ins in tke _world; 1
,i.. t . ; •:, I
In redura," d the quality of the readriginat;i4'
ier,..ulairno% it to be go;41. It4seleetiim from
.n.vast-amou tof Original anatother.#laterial
,hart.bien • the e"With the -utmost c are - ; ;an d we I
know t,hat.i . tendency *ill •not only •• be, 4
string-Owl) the :intellect, I but:le , Make better
the he s. ' ::While ptierility is ihunbeil _on th
one side, dullness' endrawre fine iwiiting.i I
• avoided li.the Other. „The iirisible.) the i
structive and aniusini,Nve endeavor :io;blen . ,
in just p opertionzi. I -4'.. - L 1 , !. ••;4 • ,1
• Dar'
,: agaiine is - Oecially Idegtiged i f • I
1 .
- farniii rc,Amg , mid, pstichi . nothink
.. w 7 I.
, gas, or i purefis per mi tted to find it- • IP 112'0 . 01,
, i .. r:ligei. •
,I , .4 1- II:- .. -. • , I L 7 i
!.. . rice_sB:2,ryear - o r c.opips SSJ--1 •
,j I
kliressi ;S. A I .• Ur & Co., PUBS ' ~-; 7: I
u ,
~ L .. , _ s - 4.9 .--... . 4 s ,_
tnani. s liforghl ,
,n ,
ii ericari .i
1. g 4.41110
'enihrely.origmalfr4 Ir, the Tens or r, we wn,
tenxeln e sivili, 'iv . , • I;,e nOt.info4: ' ninn .i- rn I
14 Pemoarat. .T I- "mi.-now:leen • - operaL
tip n
ix _EllOnthS; at $ d with sure s,whoL t
ly u nparalleled in , annals o fAtneilcan Fitl r
er.)ture. I Its.: l n;iis n qt . -therefor is. 4ilong,er
e-.-Pr°l4°Pl'*4lo3 4 c 6 - 'P4r4"l: ', 0 1 Pi 0 . :2
a Whether . f or ~' nil 'ni type&t ,or vi
-in6ity, jwinildkti , .I,ialow:ot nothing in l i the'
pare ;via it. • i it,has emiong eno ghlriexis
wterin:ele`t rat
o . g iffv e i I .1
the f- 7p . 0 : gidra fai r lit • , . 13 :r . : ti3 i);. c . P t ill- tO
Hford) an Opinion' As., • Ifs -rkeirlio,;ati . We feel
• oredithatlPUblie •111 renown:well 414 111 - n .
- Terms V,4 year, •r tab( Of-six, . 2 4 .- s
, Mdregs, V P:P. ill4ol` foi. CO - .tI.4Y Ci/ty
Owe,,ef , zmads;e=
.air fai
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;rea q r resi4
:ing }!Wedgy
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lore. so oftriu c 1.4.;144-2ag4taz!
.4 .; 1 44- 2 ag 4 taz!
azinot gi v e theme
jilsiazinOi f loviog
Fit tkeikoep fOll
i day, FOi $3,6 . 0
Book add iperzia.
imo to )50i:scribe;
'took citininences
3 .' ~
` '~ .
I ltif thaw bi
Ays I the'
Ai 'the (tea 'f'dfor, lola
I, , Yoiing
di': lop od by
lug - of
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.1: - .111411
' 4 ' IC-ritif
Nbr '
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4 4 4 4 1 t ;
. . ..
INV YOrk COriltSpOndollee.
gEtti'VToiti, Saturday; Jude 18;_1853.
:ears; .:Eilitor.4i. ,- ,—Durit4 the
. past week
or iiiiich emnseqUenco has ocetirretin
•-• _ 4y:of ttii
Githa.excepting . however;
sit of Mechanical Fire Engine .Company'
lilitiore; itt....ftiti_ iiivjtation of Columbian;
0 -00 0 iPani''I 4 0. 14 4, this city, they hav =
-n the guests of the former, on'a -Visit
year to Baltimore. The Nevi . York Foe" ,
Were determined not to be outdone
turn -'of hoepitality.- They neesmpanied
Ifriendatei 41 the vartins - plades. cif - Aieti
\ around 016..04. On Friday'. afternoon
Jerietuthellotel at which the Balti,
morikris - stayed,- -took fire:Trom l some , . _ ae._
'aortal Cause, and by .theirt assistance the fire I
was' subdued,= without - occasioning a 'great
deal .dainingo---OU,the limns! -evening a grand
banquet - With gi 'en ;to them at the Astor House, ,
by No.l4,,wite : every thing' passed' to the ,
sat4raetien sf I the, partipipanti. The Bal !,
timorutompan returned_ home -yesterday' yesterday ac..
eodipanied to 6 s übed_ by ftleir friends
- wfuigave them thre cheers imparting. .
' : The geed people of New York .are-now
lesvinithe city in large . , umbers, for' , the
COnbiry,ln consequence of the extreme warm
- weather with which we have been_ blessed.—
The upper part of the city looks quite defliejt
ed—front doors nnewept, windoWs closed - t and
oilier *Distal:Ale, eiidences of nbience ;I met_
_with at every step. ' • 1 . I!
The Oiliticalworld likewise fpelsthis Win
once =and remains comparatively- qUiet- - '.t is
reportedithat . Collector, Bronson imi re u sed
to give any - appointment whatever to th ' no
torioui Isaiah - Itynders, Who felt asenrd of
his abilitY, of obtaining a good : fat berth iii the .
Custom pouse... - This course, if , pursucid by
the Collector will give - great satisfaction to
the hovers of Late and• Order in this. city, and
throughout'the country. ,Our Efectifine, have
too long been_ ruled by theielorganiied bands
of nudes, led by thelßyndore--Austins, and
Other vagabonds who infest both political par-,
ties, setting theinselt out for hire_te anyde."
signing knave who wi hed -to se - cure-his_ nom.
imition to any office by which he may enrich
himself at the expense and 'confidence.. of hit's I,
fellOwAnen. Our city, is now groaning under l
the Misrule of men who have by` the -encour
ingement of these desperadoes secu red for them
selves place and position which - their charm,
ter or ability could !never have obtained.—;
These fellows have :ever ' been foremost .ini
demanding all good places within' the gift of
their"respective parties and . generallylwith
sneer:is, to the exclusion" of - geed and worthyl
citizens whose services ave been - equally as . "
great, but much more ,eritoriolis and ttins I
are oblipd to give . way o the - man who -can
bring f4Y the pops a gen of rowdys to prevent
any person from votingexcept it be for their'
-own Candidate. The In o election in-this - city
on the Charter amen etas,' has _been the
means of breaking : iip t 14'8y-stem of fraud,-on
the-rights of the people, and an expression of
the. everest - rebuke to. t o present rulers. -'...,
7he Legislature it A bany had- paise d the
i l l
Canal Resolutibns, to - e arge and finish the
Canals, , immediately a r which Cannon were
ed, and other demons rations
..of public re
'jeicing were made. Th Senate his ., likewiee
passed the gnitte Liquo -law: . .
The CrystatPalice ptegrealos fiiielidirink,
this fine weather. A larks , amount of packii-H
ges haVe arrived daring the . past week ; and
the day 'inhounekd for the o pening long be
remembered as one of tie important . events of
the year.Proin Washington, it is confidently
asserted that the : Hon. hobt::-J. Walker has
accepted 'cli_Sappointident of Commissioner to.
China. The leading topic in high 'quitters is
that England will tOrce Spain to emancipate
her slaves and introduce Cooliea.—Gov. Wool
Of Ohio • accepts the tonsulate to Valparaiso,
n withstanding the "noise and confusion!' in- -
d ilged in upon hearing of his 'appointment- 7
, e o unt ,l4t lr e P i nk lig r er n for i 'e 2 l; o4:l nfir i n in O s Ob ih y e S -P c il ote r p h 7my o of f
13 rthern and'sontherri eapitalists with the res.
c o as ati e. 7 ;Th l° e al r l e 6 m * ai di ns e ; o P t g l i v ir e as rli h m iii e gto n ti to ire re .nre r ;
' be repined.. . By the •Asia v. la arrived
t Thuraday, Wehave three da liter datee.
S nee the withdrawal of illenecik ff the Res
Alan : Enitiy, the Sultan -has had a consultation .
, With his Ministers , of State; wherein he . repre
sented to them that'fie... had dons' all in-his
poWer,to preservii th gOodWilll f thetzar,
and ote realionifile re4nest had i been grant
, ed;-but now a demand hadAbeen. ride . which
' infringed Almon the prerogatives' 0 his crown;
which lidhad no right to cede, add which te .
was bound;-to refuse. . The work 'Of preparing'
fei-..war!it, going. on in - right_ earnest, and if
NichOlas thinks he will have an'easyconquest
he - Wil& find ,himself - greatly ritiataken. 2 - . The
'`faxki loOk ntion him* as - an aggressor,. arid
will.unite to_ drivebaelc if he.: attempts to in
, iSde her territory. - The present Grand Vizier
L I being in,Albonian; is able . i.hro gli. . lnl • flu
ence to raisitthe Whole of that warlike peoPle..
It is eald thintltUrkeyeati. rai s e '&0,000 effec
tive-Men- for ler.-defetice; -besides 4- - -reserve
fund 30,000,000 francs: whicll . hiui_licen .ginett•
tuniiiting since 1827; . 1 -
_The-news froin °that Parte Of.EnrOpe id not
ittiouchiiiiiortance; ilit; Fli o fo interest seems
to. he baleen 'Turkey.-and --Russia,. ~and.
6rioits iiieulaiio4,ire iiii;aifUreiard to the
f,geet jt:erillhave in t - - ---'-' -
:tv . f . ift49zif 'et ii,Re*
6 ' - 1 - - -• -• -
ems, there As, acat
bi!iKOMuilto. nil
The amval at 84
derblit'a Yacht:Nei
- _ .
wised isdnyit notice
The Glnittiod
to lime-a - 16i
i 6 O B
I3oEleildied bar
-..,, , ...,:..... - I
• . BIWIOIII • oungs mream. -.....d
. It seems :;thSt a new z iect has sprung to ,
among the .lortnoitty-who Outinttea,spiritttitl .
lififtiry;',' iiiatly4O,the - Itntitiyatice:,,ot: BitiAt;
Xoung,"'vin;, ii : hopelesslY."weddedr;:tii t
system. Tiiii".folloiving dream of duir. - Yiinng
is`actuatly,taken from theDeseintk4s, 'tli,ii .
-Mormon paper, and is doubtless - it correct id.
Part'of what the prephot said. ; I is hard to I
realize .
_ `
- •
thaVa lietiple live woean bii duped by 1
1 ,..
such blasphemy e:— . ...'.l
Gov. Young, in tus rematks in the Tabern
cle, du thei . ith of Ruch, thus - details a dream
Which' he ttnii:'- - -• : -
i l '-:- .“I Will tell you a - Arent w hich b i had last
I night. 1 dreatiaidt tluit twai in the:Midst of a
I people who ,were dresied in rags an tatteiS,
they had turbans upOn their bead s ,-s ad. these
were also kuiging, in tatters.: The rags were
of many, coils, and, when the people, moved
`they l
were all in totlion their object in
seemed to be to attract ttention.- -, . , Said they
Id me, " We are Mormons, brother Brigham."
, itto;-you areinot,"./repliecl.
-t toe bale
been,"- said they, and belk-iin to:jump , caper
about; and dnace,:and their ragsof Many nob
ors were all iri-Motion,ici attract, t he attention
of the people. I said, You are ,no:Stiints--
you are a disgrace to th tri." • Said they t " iire
l i
hnve been 'Mormons." •.!. , , , - .:-
-By and by along _ cam somamobecrati,, nd
tbey greeted them with, " how do yell , do,lsir;
I am happy to see youl,""they kept : on: that
way for, an !four. I felt; ashamed of: them for,they were in my eyes aidisgrac - 4 to ilerinon
ism. .Theul saw two ruffians whotri I knetv.
to be ritobberiaud muraerers, and they : rapt
into a bed where one, of ". my,_N,li i iies:-and hil
-1 dren Were; l Said, yeti that call' your lves
brethren, tell ,ine is this the fashinti a °lig
you! They said, o;tii!jr are god Men, hey
gentlemen :t
. ,o
are ; with that -I- Wok my. I rge
Bowie knife that I used to wear a bosom .
in-triuroo and - cut one,: o( their\ threats fum
ear to ear, saying go t 6. hell Across lets.
The sither -ono said, ". you'dire licit serve e
so." 'l.instantly sprang - at him, Seized him by
_the hair of the held , end 9 ,bringing him do n,
cut his'ihroat and seathimn ft erlhis comra e,
then told thvt
. bOtlihit they,. Would be, vo
themselves they should . yet live,ibut
. if _ y
I did ncit, I ttrould.unjeint tl‘ir necks. . s. -- At - t is
awoke. 1 1 - ' •
I - I
. . = . i Infinions; .
-,. .'
A,ttlative i of•Gen. llarrison gt, es n otic elll
a ear 4 published is the Cincinnati pmes, that;
all- persons assembling in the gave yard . 4.n;-
closure at North Bend, for the parriose 9f t . rev
etch !Olt be prosecuted as "trespassers, and
- Cites its a reason a disgraceful,scene whicliee
-Curred on the 30th ult.,•which is described as;
.felloWs - : • -
CO-, .
.74 liartY of several hundred 13 from CO-:,
eitiAal in three steamboats, kpreneer b4oa
having preceded then) the day fiefore in lan
omnibus; and this pioneer hand pitched their
tent in the grate yard on Sunday, or the sal of
liquor, Without leavti.or license brim any ope.,
Yesterday that grave yard ,i.ks, ; selected as the
spot upon Whiebthe-company danOd all lay
and one of the 4 Professors ' in calling the ; • 1 •I-
uresicoulrl,lla - distinctly heard at the house, -
quarter of a mile - off ia....the . valley belewi.- - -=
That moral recreation of card "playing," so rte'
fining anft,efetinting.inita inagtonnon„ :%rall ills- '
(liege - din by'many of the compimy upon - the
humble graves of the pioneers . of this - settle-
went, and drunkenness and. revelry 'reigned
supreme. ;The tombstones in :our family/ in
closures hive been defaced, and !the names of
those who sleep lieneath ' them been pattly .
erased,so as :3.- make - theM - rend differently,
and, - even the names of the individuals corn
mating-these acts written upon the stone In
Noe% an insult tr . i the dead, and'a wanton ut
rnge.uPon the feelingi of the living. - Thel
rodations committed upon the beautiful ino iid
ivhire the' remains - op Gen; Harrizen . refie'pe
are disgradefulin the extreme: • Every, little
'shrub and Amer planted , there - by iheband I pf,
affection are rudely destroyed by these scri
legions Vandals in their. bacchannliati.'revel-•
Fonrth 'of, July: Sabbath. School
celebration at Montrose. ;
' There will be a Grand Sabbath School CeU
..Aragon - atlbis 'place on the 4th of JulY next,
in which all the Sabbath School's of the Cv/tin
-ti are invited to; particiPate: ~T he fell . ° hig
Committees have . been lappoipte:.
r i
,Committe.Arranglments4-1.• 1...- pit;
WM. H. JeasuP,,L. F, Fitch, Inuits RAW; D
Chainherlin. '. . . 1 ..., '1 •
' Com._ on Afasic.--Wm. H. Jessup, L. C.
Keeler. '.- : I ~ -
~ I
'Com. on gpecikert.-4 F. kiteh;N. Newton,
A. chrubertin.
Coth. on Re/resign:anti—J...P r W Riley, L
C. Keeler, S. Jessup, F. R.- lifarsii, Daniel
rStiyre, Lewis chamber! in, Misses Ellen
ell,: gag Wilson, Sophia Lyons, Mary J. th 4
:eridge; Frances Read, Julia A. Keeler, etty
- 1 - ) ? Kiddie, Charlotte Draper, Mini lefeyleri,
Ellen Searle, Margaret Dtiumcnr..: •_ i '
~ . Com. on *iiances,—!kinuel , J p, Isaac
Riley, S. IL ul ford. '. 1 - : 1,. '
The Oider f Exercises =and th names of
the speahers fir be announced nee week--;
„lug to, take's' -part - in the exer
eisea, • ifl:giv notice to the Committee_ of Ar.
1 ' -
-9:m1176100EL as possible }
. No sehobirs
. . .. 1
ill be. ad !led unless accompanied with
their. teachers Pr inverinOtainita, :_., ~.
„ : .
~ --. ORDER-OF EXECItiIFO4.7.. i ,: . .!
The 8000111 Will assemble at; the
01444 ilaeasdee-
4 t e
;1 1 * th iris 9 6 dute l i4osil - at Ult kink
-kg of all the lls r abOuC k - 4
IQ o'floc. *And
Maiehr.inim e :
iatcy-i'thllie ',patty ebirc ti,
IsibliithifProce . 1 0 01 i" - - 11 ° tc i ragi '-ii4+*
.44 : ir i i.c: f lwii1:-11:11) ;: 'A1 Z*1 --2 . 6 4 [O en '
initieded by" the - Montrone '' B .. °Biiiir. iiii
iimic,lo.#lbil!Ffiklttelian:Cir*- '',
, :
TM: eisrOaptst par churchwill:4#'44. fiii
.-:i•,"..•'• ' , .1.1.7 • T• 1 1 •
• '-ii::-PraYer -1 4 41 4" 4 a 4 'i - ' Riley. "- ' ' 1 ' 1- 4 ''''''
, 5 ,.... idular.4,okodekiratiori. -,- •-,) • ....----.- 7,
F,. -14 :-;.„
~ ,A - 49." 01 : b . 31 :19 44 _ 44411 ,f' : R0
. 101 ,0 4 ?i' A. /1 "
'orlirerptotit , r:i• -- ,,- , -,-,-_-- • -1 - - .. • -,-F , . , , 1
1 - , t• • -- -7•'; - I.:. ~. I. s . .•'.•,., ,t.i . :' .
. 41, 1111 . 414;,t i 11*45.4".
~ +1 .: i : -,. ,
t : : : ifili 1 4 * ol4 ii* -1 ; Piet.: .. :J., ~.'
4,; (1 ; 4siefildi 00, iliilloifirsii;ii: 2 l' ,f:
c. 112. Addi*iliy;ll*.Wni , 4,60ip.,7 - ,:t,
7 A - ' l6l44 ". oll . 44 4bikliiikit'-' O- 7--17 --:
1 *-BeneOtbils: l 4:4 l *-Thc*l.ihiik4e::;-f.!'
After, - ,thitTl" - Pr''''"'liiiiiiii
, •
procession, will again lenxitand -marelto!he lee
Baptist church
where refreituotbr:oolP.- i.. r
i r sl ervred upto theSabbatt*hools. If .
i'Atti.lits(Orof,vmho iuii,k: ling- to Ord: will li
a tl
. 1
'please glib botice`of the 4 ount and ; Ben sb
Juni In W. Riley as sc, D , se p onventen , b .,
• - lt..z`:; . ' l3.y. Ofder of COM. - Arringments.,. - l a,
Srahntut Nuilummir .rue “Dident 1.*:: lv -
Mile The Columbia (California) t Gazette _
says tha there - are two considerable indifht ee
. gee " that at theAhe present time OF
and the . dians, who looked - es lean and gaunt ti:
as half f 'shed - wolves, during the Riot win. i t'
ter, now ppear to be enjoying all the luxuries cc
that an undant supply eftelover and an OMR- - -
Blond an ply nf i beef and bnat d can affor4.-- :I
The hill in theNicinity' aye verdant with nice
tenger Cl ver,Whiilvis devoured by thesepoor
savages - 'th' as - much:- geste'as' 'in 'epicure tli
would t most dainty,dish:. TheY gather the : 1
clover: i baskets.tand prepare , it for use by , i
hbating 1 rgo stones and placing ii. layer of di
clover, ell nioisteimAietifieOn each layer of iv
atones. - on of them It - scion becomes ready for 'use, and ;-
each: will eat* . anpplyrof clover
e l ,
,pre arid; that - Wohldilmost 1. satisfy a
ile ir - oit Ac d c a d t. O s it t t 01 2 :, , t11..:e : En: *
.. !. mar o f the killed 411: °lnt..
!This atal e'casualty : occurred at aqua
past set.
.4 oKeek on - the levelling ofThur
day last. ItfapPetirs that :ibeut" seven eve y
evening . freight. train,: belonging the:to .'' e
Rajlread Company, le.aveintho village of -S
quehann , destined te .thol. - station ,called e
poSitivi icli id'seventienriailea distant. •
Nearl midway - between ;the tiro poin ,
eight in lea easteiti- a newly formed loeati a
called ,S tatuit„ and tkOreinied from its . ole a.
'tea...Situ ion over the Stasiptehattne.: river. It
is inhabi ed 'by - itlarge, tit:Miler of Irish a i 7
zans an laborerd with: their's:iv - es
,anite =
The, einhers of these families resort tai y.
to Susq ehannion . order, to purchase grog -
led, and are pettnitted bil.the 'agents of t e
coniPan. to ride honie Ilion the tender' of . '
powerful engine; which ls used to';Push :1h '
above-Mentioned freight i train up -.the _ heavi !
ascending grading:Which leads totheithouses, '''
No charge is made for :tile. conveyance, and:
the'People have an adrathigoinbenig able-fe s' get ;oft easily i. as.thepaShing engine in de- :1 1 ;
tachedfrom the train:just at their doors. . ',. , . i ,
•,THE ' ENG l'sE : . 4L.N.OI . ACC.IDEN_T.I I . .
On Thursday evening {the - freight train was
.brouight to the Depot byr en engine bitched id'
front- in: the ordinary:: manner. • Heie engine
,Ne... 158, which was an old.-eight wheeled dri
ver;.Was placed. in. the ii,ear, , . and When. tile
train, began to move, .a, niunber of men, •Wo-
men, and children, amounting to near ferty in,
'all, seated themselves upon the- tender and ,
around the engine, %Oh:S.3mm in charge of Mr. '
Walterft. Arnold, a very experienced and c'
inuch'respected Man. ...II . . :. • 1 e.
. Everything proceeded,Lhappili until the v '
train •reached a
„place:. called the Rock Cnt, .. 3 '
whieh id distant nearly three quartere of a tulle C'
from Susquehanna; ruarforms &gorge in.the
. . t ''
road haying a very, steep: . hank, capped With a '"
ebureh upon the right and the abrupt descent u
to the river on thejeft. The ascending grade
leading to the Cut rtVer istiep,being of about a
sixty-five'feet to thet:i et. .. • , . ;• , :'.
ri i
, • .In 11 . short time at . r.
,e freight Irak- was
onti•of sight on Thtunday, theinhabitants of a
Susquehanna Were'itriAled by one loud and g
terrific' report, Which , shdok their. :houses: to p
the very centre. ; _, As blnsting was being ear-.
, tied, Du in the - neighborbood; they at first at.' e
tribirted the shoik tD 'the',firing of an unusual- .1i
ly heavy chargebut upon: ooking fro ni their ,_t
ivistdorraltC'thy'directio* of 'the noise,' they - a
saw. the f • . . ...
air black e nedby-dark and :ex.traordi-, r
nary fragment] fly ina-ja iall directions, I some.. d
masses rising to a. perpendicular elevati n ex-
eeeding the lop.of the', knell: upon 'the bank. -,j,
- . The awful surmise: immediately spread that .t
a railroad accident had Decurred, - and• all has- r
' ,the ,_ 1 ll,' ~: ~.. _ f ... /I
1 ' noFx Dy.f. .• I , ;1 ..- ' r
- Vera a dreadful seentkpresented itself. En- '
gine No. 58 had exyllo&d- her boiler, and the .
ground was strewed with the dead iind Wenn- i
deck !iodic* of those who had- been so; lately .
full `of life and hop 4:. lne road presented a •
shoeking appearance. ' ;It Was covered with 1
blond, - hair, - tendoilid,/ , and mangled: limbs; i
whilst the boilec.nndtfrent 'part. of the engine ;
were bloWn to gecca, and the very fail bat
tered into the earth by lhe strokes of bat
tered:the-re- .'
tarn; ‘iheelsrit.*-thejr - full down upon it:trout
the, '
• • Every one wadhorrifi4d,and as:soon as their . 1
stupor would permit,, they found. the follow-- 1
Mg the ,'., i ; _ ., 1 i • .... •
.. '
• - tan' I:4 xtt i xammu. •r- -.- ' 1
-Walter t. Atnold,:,en 'neer of No. 58, aged '
about fifty - years; and tli resident of Susque- i
,haima. - Mr. Amolli'd head was cut. complete': '
ly off from the throat ati the tindei . , jaw env-
ins nothing teritaimpi'iltut the has of ' the
skull near the cervical I vertetir. : e face 4
- was not-disfigured in the leas nd the -head 1
fell npon s',boaP- of w4e , fee tones, with the 1
countenance ficing thel dre adful scene. Here
it 'eat, as If he were I ng fit the; riiattfioni 1 ,
4 ezi
behind a coneealmMr. Arnold's. son, a '
inii:of about, • ele n I yOns of -age.- who was
wounded, firstrecognized it, and said, ', Here
,vr i
is in father at the sipe "tinie placing' hid !
-hand npo ji; faCe,lvilie,. horritileto tell, the ,
upaw,. /
head_ reed over, and, tt,pertion of ; the unfor- '
t man's brain Tellidut; 'Mr. -Arnold was:
'American and.leaving a wife' and six:child-
-ren• .. ;-- -- - 1 ".--l'i : - :sr
' Michael earey•,• lalnirei, aged about seven- - '
teen,: was it - resident f kitiStisqiiehininr: ' His
taidy was' not Much Piingled; but:, linaustain- ..',
eda. fracture . of . hie ( 45p0,, , Wiliekicaused. in.:_''
stain`death. 'He was,,a tuative of :Ireland and '
an industrione young ,"
rind. - .-' He wiii , tini4l.-.
1 atrick Keenan; abOtoriresided at Summit
Ilfs body was dreadfully mutilated, the,bead,..
atidomen.and limbs beilig , fractured'anattorn: ';' :
i - -Catharine O'Leary; ;witeof a laberer xesid- -
i inist, Sumnilt,bad - her : head blown off; and ,
limbs, - broken: . ., :The? Saf r h l y• - scattered : 'all",
lereantVandithe tendons of the. neck Weree4- ,
posed. . She was a native of Ireland.. ~.;: ;:' .
1 ' Catharine . Slatteilja iesldetit Of Scimmiiii
had ''4r lintbs licilstinf arid •:tipitiond'of them ,
raeatte - red•tiniither l sidstipfihe read. Her head
..enteAllso blowil bff4.l' . 11 -..4. - .T'f . : '-7: ri-', , „ 1 - : • , .. , 17:.
The.; headless- -
Unrlksic•flkicrmonien.lay brie,
njfeef rode - Weal tluien&e• _Act shattered* -
;insideo7l4:Amiga' 'lindiielitinlivoter. ith=' ,
•eirf re it:• . ' '''' .'". -- ;t4 4- '''‘. ~ ' --!'-'--, '-:',.
I.'" ' - LIST OF IR InnilIDED. i- . ...i .:-.. :-fgs•:
%... 1 . , Elleci-;_Voly*agsa'i. - aboliit 28 _.,._-
ivire. riJohicoitim4i i - latiiier t .finsi. i , 4t
stnn'tnikhattitai riglifi* niich - ThafrOji...the:
Anti der' to the - eiNikionaitillitulitithitia - deli
r!.01?11'.. firictilirii4of :Aka , Tighe , thi ; - iii,:. :
eempanied by an ill% laaeiagon of' an d
pr6ttinion of: the:U*4, Sba.walllrOgia,v to"'
Ih 6- - fkitiniik ..;
. ' -hitil*AtiriCali .fla y'
yesterday " evening, i' .. .* the. eaie -9flV , 14,
of, hihtaelObu.- . .T, - .llliik- - ,toet*linte ilea
isp_ . ,--ali&-bepeng4. - Aitt - ,ree . OSiio attbit
PRI.PI Mri., r. bialliaitic l itatlY,ltOrlviall*d:
1141115440-- -:-;::::-:,;,•,',-;
'•: l . l, '' , astir- -tile=
..4'ia .. htli''letk - ,.
*vo' 1( - -;iteg.buDA
_: d er;'iiii= IC: - I..`f
• li.
ag, •,', : 01.41 - AtilvAwhaktindif:' , i
irarittra*. ~,4 P APita .004L- 1 14 41 4 .: p1ie. -0;
ttso f
** 5 % ink; 0,,. .','yiitiait•'°' r, ...' , . , ‘. 1 0 1 4 104 1
iiinied - JO*o 4 eel ' .'''.tofiliteStois --. . , '
''.-. s ,-,-- ..- - 41.4 - i , , , i . ...;g::::: - ;Sit' - 1:-. 0 ; , ;1' ;•1,-,-.:,:i
' ." 4 -1 4 . -.'..'',,,, ~'5..1';',....•,.; --- - .. , f . ,-;.1':-.
1 ;
.. by, where a very . excellent amputation o : .
rtUmp•was . perforreell the ',' Came evening,'
A ::
l .
. '' '' . 4ll4l.lsloll ' and !413411.k0r SUi3qUitt4lll:ole
int'iaisier hut: evening.lFitilik.-}80444,
is• I tiVie'county OrktrisNelalWeritrio?.
I , - ,- -witkhei.:bibthris at Suriiiii(?..-ci , „ , '•.. - 4•• - :,; -: 1', 4 :
'0 **yin, theftrenuin - 2 was badlk . ,oilitea
it . , 7iiiimi of , hiallimlis br.tdran.;;He.,tetili:i.e .
ev! , 'txr.,'l,liikhottiolrof - the: la*litvi-,Arrinlilk: l
he , "Inastylaiii eVenieg inlatitetif '-'ileiiiii ,
~, • ....-,-,.."; :,.. ~_,,:.,,, :.• 1 -... . , :,"---: • - ..... , :.i, , -;-.
t - ter - Ara - od, sen,Or the deCormedengia; , , ,
o'.: ' 4.,4k ol lt"'elo§ii Y 1 0• - sli4ttly,;•.0 0 _4 1 4 0( ti' , .
id appe ars to "hetet received , a 'concussion of
k e, iam freim.•the i Shock.' The :lad alivaye:
: Irs Of . I fifty: cent I piece;which Ire, - .lint'at
ie ime., *:' It Was • : thenght that `:`be ; n ight re:
.-.. i i-.., , ;-:
t , -'.. , eit . : this 'array, „ii, in, ;,almost'
~i in
.thet,.- m - a n y; persons ;were .140;,0*i14t0l_l
ire ;bat it was carefully accirtdied, yeeterdiv,
i d „ijewiTe . founit4 , ., l -: --:.- I'7 •- -i : ,- !•..1 , :' ,.- ;'i! - --:
'-- onrever - ,4tii tbiy .. ii, uirenk in rverry : rapid at l
us piiint,lt-niteobstdered - the the fragnienti.-
f - heif - pennniiCnrere:caried - way. . Nc! - Of ! ."
m Came' tci' Sesqiielititinw yeitFrday . in searchi
f"„ , latives, 04 - this point most remairi4n 4 ,
en , t'', tintli - aft.Cillie; new* of- . OM . ..milathitY I is
rid iy ciroulated.-: : 1 -''' ' ''''' --' •••'' ''''''''''.- '---
~ he;. concussion_ ,of ; the stirronading: air,
an cd by .the: explOnion, , tv,* ski.poiverful.thati
It' !ii ;Irish Ilaboreik,who ..tvern ritywOrk-nearl
le 'lnsiiiiehantoi'''.4oek'siiire" hitiled' - ;inte thet
wa 4.l)Titslored:' , 'l;V - ' ;yr :' 1 -: ' ". • ..- •-,•,:::,11
; • ,i 4 ;gold ring WasTriund sneer be'river 'in the 1
eve ing, aodi..lfr,:'--F.4,eriattie form& a :piece" of:
ectir t .' lying 4 40 0 0 .0 1 ° rotttf t , T. grtAnuil4'4, Old - 1
witch - was aliestenrid,...nriinjured; at eonsid::
era le` dietaiii*filtirril his tiddy.i": '''., -:. , ' - - i''' s
he:people: infer front these:' theta that' m a -.
rry mine' have - been! , killed thin. the :` number
fou A.' ~:• .- • - , - 1- .:•'I. -,:,, T'... ..;.:1., - : i ;:•
.- . ~': '; '' ' , :'iits 641,E •:' : .. :, ~: -. :-..„,.- ,' 'i - ---
• - lastidei
. Seyfriehr entrumelled, 'ijary . at :inn
early hoiliqn the..grinning, •ahil-helifsinquest‘
Irvin' Wei bodies, ,, " i',A -very . !small - innerint•O ,
testimony -waitaken,..and the",jurY . foruidth -,
•follbwinikr, s 2 .-, . :-
~ , Li.-:. ' -...- -' _1 - I
4 ..7_ J r ,:-, , •, • ~
'; ,he deetriS44-PereenS 'eatile. te - tfiiir - death i
by an .amidental explosion of :engine: No: •itl
ratittherp . is ,i)rt .blaMti, to be . , attached - toJit
differmit '.,porserielinVing- chur , ge ef het at th.,
'tin ' :1 -: -',-; ~- - 1 1 :.,,,! :- :' -.
___ — ii :- :
. .... 1 ! ;'::,*-
. ' L cc,.,S. 0.),,. k . .te Avt.wr.N4. ~•
. o leeided - Citrate ertn. be 'tiOtigrietr:foi.thi.
ap !ling ' Catastrophe: ~., - ,lt 'lto, 'Et ter .O . yrn .i ,
sib ' t of : the.engineV that_ gave' . yvey.. - and !1,iy . ..
ii, eit is asserted that she hadidentY,,oria
ter when at the station it. f°.wino,meiits'befere.
~f r nxs r au y iete , t_th v iiiis' i lg. - w - ea t a,9 h .tiells e so , 6 : etn ettie ldilino - t . t , iti t : li a e tnr. : :os - tietw e ie r er o mf. a asis • ri n uogiiin is bni li u ' ire e ili tr a9 t lp i or.
to e pipes . . traiSt-haveirivett way adder . o in
,r pressure; , as'
.. ",_. ) efilll ha s -- been .4 almost
ye ,o
lai y use for - tit', Prixr three
.or . fortr,yearn,rind
i b een late y y iri the Choli:_for' 'repairi. '''.oi
t minatimi itAvia 4idtbat'seniii of the'piPes
ir. ' iel.'were fOnnti• screwed dew* and, clos
!rl,. w hich-should have been r open. -...----' -1. - ,-,1 ~
- nen. engine
.NoL 58 lia,s at the depot • -she
r . hat; had-plsiitY - of:Water:in - her tank;
hu very jiftlein - her beiler. ;When_: .
i# ded tgioardi..thei'cut,':,this beeanie:: niore
x eited,',Mid•thoiron'abeVe . it - Coneequently'
re y hot. '-', When
site -
.neared.."- , the- :fattirnpot
truf a
Tome may have let. in ; a sad
in rush- of cold water,
,',whiCli, Coming;ii)
,o, eon.:
set with the._ heat°d.inetai, suddenly genera:.
cc:, an atneunt 'Of igan - over - thrWilki • r stiffieient
m hurst,.the•boiler and. .crinstihe,' , ixvioiiion- ..
7 . lib . ; view- has been:taken - bi- Some, of . the
nit Calm,of,sllo gusipichanna.follt.,•! -'.''' •
;la 'the case ` of "the Norwalk. sleight:4Sb';
m nYlneidents weiexelatel *hid) 'WOnld'ile,
;, • *spicier Providential interference for' t tar-.1
p r servatiOn °fiber:lives or some persons:`::', :,
„....1 or instaneelr. Beinirett, - agent ..-. of .the i
eo ~ pany',..Wic . : almni : to leave -111e.-_. Fgerstin'si,
~ , , ing hopie and rideto the: Santini& " U p on!
th : tender'..„,wherthe recollected that lie-hided 1
q , oloetuif th - wiite, atid - Nvirit Ixiclilirliiii
ro,m. He was, thus, probably;',Saved-frthe
a: , th: „ -
.. . - ,I. I. -.,. ' • ,'. '-_-•- : .-' ".
he eitiiens;ef Susquehanna frequently :en
jo this ride; r -' ii Order to • walk . haute - throne',
tit it enchanting , Valley, and -one' ,:- gentlatnan
w on his way-t 0 get on theengitte;-When lie
ge -identally Met another ' upon - buSiness,.iand
w : detained by hint,: .*. . -•- - -'.- , ' '
.'_ rditittilse - scinp.-or . ../ . 4 -71 TLI* '. 1 y
• - The' funeral - .o iir. Aroofd tOok. -. .,140)-on
F•, • y:afteiroon - . ',5- . ,.
: - 4 'store: •_• -, - elbaerl, arid - ;•the' frentS of ,
n•rw y: "entire;. inrimberr WeriVhitrig"With,
bi , L • §rmi • 4 , -of.Oddyyliows, Of ovellichl
It .- Ois an \ • eel
r ent •mem_Wri - o , ..iseintll6l- 0
• d'Fellit • • Ha 4'tireftsedin deep ruhrirning,
a d formed, 'Neasi - on; head by ttio geisha!'
• , d officers,
,' th • • ' , „fid r'crossed;' - end '0 . 0,14
e B . ible,m , - b , ',,ne in. the rear, oclver,w-j*,,-
1 3 I ik: s ilik te ,' ' i , e'pfeeession was ollOwed,
b the Otlie4"ah; ,iietiliiiiiiis employ4iTiti that
la , ge faatory
_of it Ere Company ind MVP:re:4
t: , ededAo. the' lit , imaiderice:oftheii_f*Mid-and
f.llow - laborer. I ' •• - -• -• ' 'cf---....;',' , l''i
.. The body - was i borne .. firth amid- , the
.rnitii-i I
ii a - grit& of hie neighbOin-1 - ;and'. - frienda 1: -. arici i
ri , , n - la'llOrioni; evening, When the:noisy
er 4it thtrfoandry,,was *tilled. inctits' ':firee,
q encierl„:o,e. repaine were ..- depeoeitt** - 2:it
p turesque 'crifiretry overhangleg i thi-reninittrj ,.
i , ilr.watera'of the' Snequehinma. ' ", - -'''. - ' ; '' - 'f': .. : ',LI':
' A,'most trask44ble proeitiiiiriii;- et ',.tlinittir:,• :- .
r , ending : lrish residents -. *As - ; form *leaf : *
arrimny Hall, in order:to attend ~ th :funeral:
0 Citee7,,sild'Xieriui, .. They, weri-rneartiall:
a tried , in black; and - ' hid it litititlier. tit Wil, - goiti4
i, •t be.first= leading twci 7 of , _ which the --:. _ ,bt)diet.i,•
ere placed. The , pedestrians' broug ht
t, e_ rear Marchingtivii and I,Wo ." and, -' niatiey
'tided their rrielanChellY7wat,lowardn,igule:
), rcirigh'graieyaril, lb° interne -",ieerie. of in,
dent Irish, fvne.ial wan preiented'`-ntidifAM*
oat feeling anbdiiintr-infittericesr:, - - '' ''3,l ,
Our reporter" is indehta: to : .Mn i ,, , Gre g g; , sit; - .
• !intendant. othe,: Effie.,' s.o.oiniillnflit.. ;works,
of the CAndrietori - Ofitiiiiiiiiiiiing:ltillini . 4iti
press trains, : Ict,:e. attention. ! diring - hrOleit,
id jeurney: r -lcE - -.-wiska,-;_,„.. ~ ..,--.: , , ,, , , , 1..i.1:_ -..,•,i1
O IR: r T.:.,A:rkamlfifi!, Oil I
lii4;int the paid. ,eteek:thi.',golit:likei;g4
61! this reoipiriti a ansideiliVerpitefit..
ewAilioveries/pio,onstinpr being, a nuticl.-.-
, 14 : *gunall , euei4ities haip been found .
lerioin 641'11 and;
r here, where been;"ifeide;= - -
ely A rock can' be found ; . that does no
nlsiu offini.).l6lorgOld:
1,- A 9onikeT f tbe-,q4artzleeke .. Nieleetr fee r.
compare f4YPOOY4-ivj
`s very =6iie
~. ' led` few days egO, of : hat . 10' called
ti.,horkey eitinVituartr4 , *bleble
firisdAh!ktiiit AldiclOglgi 3 f
The. itiPtkOtle,3lll - 41101711,ri) so; TOX , I •
oribleintice4tio4 iirkiireagitiKt upsifiihp,in
nhi4o# ll ;lV l l 6 :o**iio: ol :4 l i 4l4 %iiiii.
1 .n . emi ha iy• thit,4•ltsi)r". - Itivul.,ll*Bun
Aha-ae - Ptk ; ifliteVf.g.Sevotso:
t tempts have een e ; .: „ ; _:the las to:*
.t;„ • • 4 , -Et.
81 it - %Nair t'W'uOkso'lleict . '*i
atlitkßuk;lPAil ' Tr:
' ft 4
4) ~_•1 • -Thosetqk ,wtrri7betst ate
mtk witittutotiow . the most
, e 4 j . l*.ispiiier.C.- - -:-::. :.-;"-; ' • I - ~. ,
totioii oflttomloe:it s !Is, their opinion
t )o . ,itt:teige - iiiiioniti**ciay . b found' not
!, : n it the::-44*Oft tfie.tCluachita, brit itt.
jpf",the ilitkt frerri - *- - thryoverfioni Up-- t f
1/, ry;sotike..46fltkiiiii.. , :lfitris-nbould
alei'llkAtee4feeet:l#ooderfiii , deveio ,
fitlit i ekewitithuOttimeee may be' ,
lificien l nerthe'drfeerrionrieti-ln. -,",
P. S.:•* , •'_•Sinee - thiialiove.WaS in type,'smittlerifif gogfroit.
'I: 7 ,1 : 1 4. :
-;-.:...1- .. - -1, , ,:
Frtghtful Calamity tn a .
• w a' -- iiiiiik upon' -et iiii
'• ' .0 ore, . to r an mob .
Solemevieltation of Provid - ; - one that
thkoWii o. gIoOM over th e inti e oomintini'
YOhte4 l . l l .- aft MiitiOn;-_;•inet r:the Oer
- the'Congregatienat_Chrifeh "; ad' -Minh
that•hoime-wtail Wick lorl , : - I tiring;,,
the aeoli Of 4r.-..l:dtrier C rr ' er i ,
juring iiiiirioi i.leis Samue l- iirfee, Jr .,.
y lm
Neithani,-klatkal . n)fit 14yeirli of Inge,'"
- *Viiliiinf Madk,klitriqltic,Olaiiighteri
pbtep;' - .FraireitiCl:llohnes,;s daughter of
Holmes, .114 lg**SarttiviSt•fitart•':
,thThellghtning.,striork the. mach steel
e '00nth•%.V . 04: 40 4 1 0.i .i.t* - 4t!tr down in
ief,Y;x I JCPUJO:e 4I .; . i:4 - • ; hq . :lion4.rers4, whir
it,.: i1 ,711 - 1 111- Y i4 ,t e4 47ith e: oe st k e s e %. i trti d mllbe tb hi e
lhoir. - 7.Theydwere:nhea'Opeludingi:i
rednetory hymn When the; Wreck:, Cam
in,g •deitth4'oo o w "A1 7 4. 1 4 8 mtt3;44 0 - 111 ,i
thri`riMin st reak of ele c tricity entered ,
lei'y ArreetlYdierthi•tieridf grZeroci
ha 1 '' 1 iiiii' biair • ' - ilid , , dii•;
w---- p-!ir . n,k . , .. viol, , = . •
each way,l injurinfp the'peroonsiiiirriu
' ....The fi rst 4roment •infterilhe...ashocli
'f.:tiol‘re'isil'eOnitei . 44tii and:4! . .. 1 9 12 .Y• •
arson in:theigiillOry,Atinibiritng4Otne
r,fiftfen,'•xcept'Orre'cie,ov.i); Wertitpreal
y the shocl44,))nt those that::escaped ,
aided - ;b; I; iMetti Trom:helow, imtnedi
PinceOil4 the*nerditirree'ref theAmilli•
4 1
Styin6 a; i e;; injured:: Pe - ttlit. had . their •
. • .• hodifs b ' ned, pro '4,t,tg them present a
,r•ible . -416 i;*.', - .l"They : .weke -: '
:all. removed
"Itti)ck its= '; PoiSSitirele'- tbi" 4. okri' air, and
proper: remedies; *iiie•' applied; whieh
illre4 49 . llll •lnireo o !rng io" 0 4 18- i ( il'ill i
eeptlff "'ClroCker.; .; The - -; deceased, o
peoriiCeP, I,l,tninedtbOterrat least-injur y,..
_ ,
the Miff Ore ''.l but he .iiik:douhtle ' i'',
14;ith.ililifif * 'est*shoek. - : The'lightn* g .
.c> baye•Prlied." along the outside.of his
driiValte• the :rigktithlgh; tilMt acre* e
tleft,lo,,.tipping'„olien open;;. hoot ..-in 1
Irile onii-4• 3 0 on, his person is on ILI rei
and this is ve ry "ilight4 :. y'Ll.P_spoke 'erica
the shoek. - , ' ''..• .:: -- • ".r.'........ - -- 1- - , 1-1
I•Thii `....scerie Within - the'ohniehT; immedi
Infter the- shoetr, is represented by - an' eye'
iimm:to have been hysful is the'eitrenii...
Ipast6ri's-Mr. - ...ailiman,-, whose pesition in t
pulpit Oval inch * al'to enable* him to
-see it
IglanOM-thelightping, fainted*aw y.. 4 did i,e
oral vrilie radiesiand a Omstly aleflesl,oll
; spread - every; countenance.: Theshock WO
tefri‘.*and: itS`,ellebt:-so - pritouridi "g, that
seemed_ to deliiiielallot Atre`piyi rot . givi
'vent, to:their feelings - •-in the tria per Ismaili
exhibited - OM similar lint lem: ap pa lling el
.sions. :Not" 4- shrink w ;heard sir
'thealinosfinaridibloi ones krnide - y . oerne
of the. vietiiiiir'•nejmetlir 44,c.orif ereni ensa
but.dread consternation seemed t ;hare tak
posseision- :Of.' all ',for: the'-'mom nt.; •, ;As 6
bodies "were:mu:rayed Mitinfriint' the ChtM
a cr.sq(l, ga th ered; artd.'*..the: . end Intel!
lencel. npread; brindreds-:namie. : offer t he
sympathy:4. •' • - ---,-;•-%.-, -.2.• .. . 1 • -
; - -
•- - ;!''i All - the 'suffeters-that'-vie. hare
,this ; morning t are:doing, svelVa% - 41
recoi•ety.iti looked-ler. ' ;The'li
ceived have:proved ` - i . at4er more
Was anticipated, caused
ingto the:afflicted persons, tut. for
am all coif:4l4*d- out- iif !4:lariger
(X• .) .Cdurie - r - • 1.•• .-- '-: "'- " / , -1
PreEk s- :.-Tierie' visit to
~ .:\ hunnaltoun.
~,,it..6.:„WatleiOated' thiitTieSident Piercer
testa WashingteedoTilwtlie. mo ths of,
and dkiguit and seek: wtaare ., lio er"
Wej_knoy eif "no:l4=4;le will bel more ,
i tn,u
to-' iteli 'utioa thari , thelimiLitills . of Sin
h fin; toiwhich he seers rs_centli , to man,
a Kidd, partial i tr; haring tall ed . one - r
list .
~ 160 citizeitilo assist hie:l'in .
Ministration of the'goii = eriatifitt,:z I `'
1 .
'I In anticipation.o a ore greateven ,
w.ell known:firm Of '1!, PANY:Zi 'SMITE
BzoOklyn,:- haver. refitt j , thiir store will'
choleest,lot or k0'046 ei offeriti initig
ket; *heti they eitieet all. Who ire sniff
fit _up their pirsois - itn , habititioni, in
It .
net beeeming-tii lio. et- Lioi, will call
_delay: 13-riailpii- - lar iash.p.nd iendi
itrid - irct will - sen . d:., pi '-'home -With, it ..
goods.;:lnd It likky'• he 'i. - 7Come,.. one, eal
411,i64,0o''..)gtfiitlielttizsiin:Fi.: -,- -. .4,
, - I tine :36,18.531'j.; Ail ,
~: - '
' TIM PRINCE £OQ Ananc. 7 --ThstEal-
Usk fas Fri thention . iileport - to the - Effeet thit
two soris ,e‘f fioblemen; :telloni 'at ;Este
we ke {W@+o Castle to 'Spend tl
day;wltli.ll4-Prinee o Wnles. : His higig,
bitng in the tonrse the'dalea =paean - rut
same :Sill which the yonngEts•
nhini hid no .ionitt;for, tine:of there gave bin
soniut druhbintz. t :'.."rhe elienmstniees
of the, gueen;fwho laying iger•
tained,,etr ingnirTthatt her nen„,bail given se:
fielent provocation t nieritj the tlragling,
the good' sense. to express her satisf4etion
this taught hho-
Ex.bibitioaat lialf,orl Up,iver.
- Exhibition-of. tiartisrd-liniversity will
be held" onlWednesday the6tA day of July..
Ha11641-Mile : 21 : ,.1 . 853: i
- Snit; 11
New Otr:Stiiitlay the -29th of
May lait; bi.the*Rev , o.- Bartlett, ifr. C.
BissEli tt ,of Mintrow oia lams
formerly of 1:11106-17-Yatiat,pinty?N;Y.
1 .site4ll,
~ ,-- y Sexlet '
'the-- ilith' ° 4.11.1171
`..„.-.,siiiiAity - i -.Taighter. of \
''ip Sal - - thi'lsl,l'. --
In .1"8,-. .I,,KAiirT,- Ni,xv9:,rg , l cat .
Fever, -Abeth shi3rpl f,b-e- tith)ln mia
and Eli . l !. 1 - .."tippdAY. ,l- .- 1 of aneYe4rla the
i -T.- biffor4 °nA'ar atrill.n7thif ta)tr' 4 "
, ,
an. don; ai,t,-, •re 'a
„,„ , . ,
cousumoP gAavti Ini., -,-.''-'-''', ',. '
. '
N-mselr ‘' r
Of h6F-..liZe'C',:layij'are enbelow t,
3gol::Vt'apiii-lit'Lli't4 104.0-1/4744
, , = . :-, -An th.T'-t-tultds Til'znr...-
'':a1 w . _:.=.1...; - * lt'
°i"...., , Igk:t4,7,....tafTr.
' 4
.., fit
-ithe,!rri: -.
-..: .11t*s..
I,- ~,`• C',..
Fancy ' ;.- 4•0 .47,,,',-- ' i!!., ,
.iyaao":.,iiiittll47B:iiei Wks- '3of
•' ' • ' -01411;,,-- ''',lita , - liailbrii
Vii%)el!,*SM Ilig'',...ild 213th`
...,...,„, „
~,,, ---,beh - •
-L'„,it- yi`•: - - 1.-10 $.-* i i eac h : .. •
1v...g.f . -('''‘ Ine----
I be set #• i n d Afill .
~ o-nik -office 405
,prlc -' --od tol
we Pe .6.11
1440,0 . i, ," 'tar - 4P'We''
114-1 .-
7 •-•'-iited":'.4 '448.„,c0k._-' ises!* ' 'ioilipL;4Bl I
4411P•44....Wtve ~. .-
,r , iot II", ikie, ... f
.1004-,,,..1iiii0 t 1 0.- - tolirPl!';. MACY' t reccti.!,!lll4 .
fpif .u..-4 ',I tlMtl.ffitoetv.:;l,lp.i,;„,„ii• -, fig;
11t-t4l.4l l4 Aor* 6ll l477 : Ailfii:iilm7l.lllll- -1
, -111),Y. -iiii',-;• ~-tir go i,'..-:4.1--,tiwsh -
11,..-oin.4toti:ictloitg,lit,...ll. i-pfge• yipg - . c ow ,
fpf*:,..kln-lal-o_,uaraiilit lisf_.r4-•iintrtin ig-,- =''' , - -
4tair!t7felicti7r,it.--ion,..ti-4t. --- 0 4:t- f
p . pr, .tijifgui - . j c,*o..ttn*:oi: t h e ,craipaLe li s
I`)F. ckdo..w ..-,c;_e1!,1%11114m7T nts,-.` .I'c e taidOli' , '"
- ihri . ' il 3w*.4...17 iterfilthYPC-,ittiefe'..-, .1.-e , - .
'll47iilitiPAV , ttiColef!.. -.l..:tiNiON`.'-.-,
..4;.-.,._,.,-..,..,...`.., -,!:,--i,..7.---1,,u-dtbk•-•-),,,-,:t
int'—filV.;;;;.(f=',--%,'41044:14,-,•':" :'--':' ••• -
:'-4',,-2,.":4-..,:.,':;=„:' , 7',.. • '
,- - •-.' r - :''''' •
~,.,,,,, ,
heard. e
fis they