The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, June 16, 1853, Image 3

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    yies• s
liatitta _co
it is anticipatekthafhtsmeit 40)
lesce wa s hlrwtou dating:tie thonths July
sna Moist, mad seek more-murt
We know . q
no place be be'more9ikely
to p it c h 'upon than the greed hills otiEltimple
bona, for Which he seems manly to, inti?lrest,
a decided partiality ;•„baylnk - called one cf
oistinguishoa citizens - to issist In
ministration of the'vivernriumt.'
In anticipation of•the abovegreat eist4itiris
- well-known firm of TIFTANY . U' Sat
-Brooklyn, taro *fitted their, store ; wi the
•-cb'oiaost lot of-goods ever oroiecti* that at.
ket,whore they expect - all who are nix . lion - to
6t u p.their persons Slid liabititions, la a danc
nor becoming to see LON, Will Cal IPith.
ogt, &lay. Bring on - and ready.tav,
_ and wo- _williend , you Atothe with . a /mull
Igoods will "a ham head" ' ; , Ciimir. one,
41, and fix to s4eo tho Plotsumwr.
'Jane 16, 1 8 5 3 . Skt
_ .gfigrrgelio:'
Ia Jessup, June• nth, by .1: W. &nab; Eik,
Mr. Ltri F, COOPER .to lass ArTts VENt.
i n B r idgewater, May 27th; Orrin Wltsasus
se a 45 years, from Ove . effect . _of-iui injury of
the spine. His funerAC*" attended on Ahe
itnadiy following at htelato - reeidenee, by a
Wee concourse of peippie., A,Sermon was
precbed on the occasion by Eld. John Mort
phy front the falowing words of -- tift) . 43itviour;
mit e ye also ready for in a day ye:think not
the son of man cchnetb.'
In Bridgewate.r, on the 9th ink A~tizsls
eideat atm of Aibert43. and Mary
in the 18th year of his -sqle.
' • Ilia death is a pource heavy -affliction
t o lls p i on t s , pod Of- mourning to man
.Irieada, andlyet they tctins — ril not for hint *lifer
aoe w i t i t at hope. HoLdied in' the faitti
th e G o spel„.s► member of filo Bridge Water
Baptist Church. Mourning friends may sing
“White,we weep as Jeans wept,
- Than 'shalt sleep-14 Jesus slept;
With thy Saviour thiiii - th4t-rest •
Cm's - Bed glerifftd and blest.l
Little & Chase, .
( a rtily oetnpied by Little Streeter, Id
41;iii , s t egudiauria,Counly, °M I
A TTORN Er and Counsellor. at Law.,'.and
Commissioier of Deeds for
,Wisconsin and
Vows.: 'Office directly , opposite the Lusk
House." Greatßend, Pa. • 'OM •
• • . •
Congdonf.ik - Bevier.
, .
T ycAmcas t 31trble itratsMibleriiromb -81 % 44
.IJ &e: Ger crot Court and Exebatura .accreecit t .9ol?i
ite Er6mine•CoiluY-Bank.BizOlagal3tN,
Near Attiracticinistit the.
1r I..DEVt - .S, invites the attention of his former
Ve ' patro '
n's,and the pnbUc generally, to his summer
apply of toodsrwhichhelas recentliputchased. -
Tie Philadelphia, Union, Prince 'AdlAtt, ilboni, and
Oval Teiret rases—very neat and desirable patterns—he
- sides a isiriety of plain and fancy cases of every size and
' •
,FANCT. 'URANUS. • • -
' • 'Kossuth Plantes, with gold ensiled motto, rsch and or
' -sumts=l. ' I \.
• MAG2III. s.saG . .C.A:SE. • '
In which tile l)agnerreotype appears nearly. the 4se of
. . . c s om LOCKETS, • • ' •
A beatillitil assortment of Lockets, - Plus, Nei", Yob
dolt, ice., id ettremely
. low prices. - • -
, .
- Having jest re fi tted and &maga rooms,"for the
\ I- loolfort and convenience of visitors, I trn-'t that my ef
forts to please will be appredated by all the . Meads of
erne 'der and Co ii pictures; and that stasstatteisd eii
satzsgeinent vill-14 - ciren me,, : :
Profcesicrsally yours,
: Jane. 11153.. • : • . t• • B. DEANS, •
Trill, Second IS eor„ Montrose. Pa. • •
• r 3" A" 25 cent Darnerreotype". on exhibition, for
fining TAMA niers will be ao extra barge N.'.
Executors' Nitice:-
ETTER'S testn . rhentaryhtving been vont
ed'to the sabscribers . on the estate of :liar,
alp Poweas r late of the toisnabirpf -Lenox, de
teased; all persons indebted to - , will
• mike immediate payment; and,persons haring
demands will present them - to either or the nndor-,
signed, duly attested, tor settirtrrient.
• MIAS. TINGLEY, Harford,-
• - Execntori.
Lepoi.JunelB.s3„--24w0 •
„ .
Executor s : - 1
T EWERS Testamentary . havebeen granted
Lto the subscriber on the estate of travid
.'Newman, late of G reat Bend tom:Willi,: (leen,
all persons indebted to said eitate will.. make. im.;
mediate7payment ; and persons having- dernsnds
will present them to the undersigned,
tented, for • • '
- • HENRY AfeRtNNEY; £i r.
- Great Bend,June 14, 1853-1-24wP
_ .
ttrs - •
WUEREAS my: wife Fan's: ,bas left me
without any can canse or provocalicn, all per- -
• sons are hereby notified not to harbor or trust
- her en my account. as 1 wilt pay no debts of her
• .tkattaeltiog.after this . . ' •
• ” -•
. - armeny i Jame 13 , 185 • `—.24 6 ad:
. Between He.teh's Hotel and the residence of
%Judge Lathrop in this village,lititTnesday morn
ing, R . Ladies plain gold' cuff-pin. The finder
will be suitably rewardod -by leaving. it: al•thi4
Jane 15th. . • *
_., .'"' Farm . for Sale. - - .. - - -
THE subscribar . pfrera for Sale his (aim lying
In the township of Bridgewater,-threeilea
east of Montrose; and ode half mile south the
llPlata road, consist in g of sixty. acres well c dus
ted land. Said farm haivtgood bitild!oga, ttearis
saw, and plenty Of gOod trood well *AO=
Id and has a coll orchard - orgrafted fruit. Farms
eas Ztidgewsteri June. 1111,1853-24m3* - . ' -:
' New.Goodi-New
QTOCK . No. 3, eiesperthoin ever. at tbollOad
kJ of Navigation. by G. RAIA.WLEY.,
hoe 8,1853.:
Bon .
nets, Bonnets,.- 4
UST`received the iheapeet 'lot of Bonnets'
ever offered in thii insittet: . Alio, a very
finenesortment of Bonnit RibbOtio: -
$ ' '
Jane 8,1853.
. -
Dress GOods..- - - - : - .:
SbtalLas Do Beige!, Mouselin Delon!, Bone
Wanes, Lairns., , lforegos. Batista. ranted
Mouliiie ? mci Tawas, &c, in great - Arariety
owl cheap for fish by '
_;, G. ft 441.1 ,1 4.E.Y. .-
• Parasols.--
A splendid lff. of Calico, , 1 4;11-ington- 'eau ilk 111. Parasols; tram 371 et* t0:1113.25'14'
June 8,1453.
Agout a ,6 rtment, cbiso by k
Gat- il-Vi".7
June 8, 1853.
I A 8 11 TON SALT, by thi6iiik Or pound by .
'lx a R. Ii&WLEY.
ZUGAR from 6.1 U) eta Per *end
St• _
WA . be
Ihe semi
Irom oniicild%cwionterii And l iavit,e new' Onek
11161 iritilW•In4i8: 1 P153.- I 1
i t
, ~- .1 --- the Court': if PI
1.... Etaertchtt ',.
t Si.
. thi:t Siloliite 10
Xrcillie illli -0 . ..0 gt "1- llooiir .4
l ibel 0a
it""lianr i cii irriern ' .f ter A,a.ii; 1 . 853 i OW '
, Court +Satan the 3 th ' r e ; iii;` - • -d 14poitifin,
attli decree 014 the' "
ebif°l34o,' iii;`
-ia l'hathaa,"ll
it i
ba changed , to ‘,- W° -1, ~,,. .4tdithedleketom i '
th at Ihigice 0C se ade ea - 111 . " 1,-'
to Atrof Algae WY '. • A irvAili4 Prot y. F. A. i
„ . ,
June 6,
, -
13;y1 , an d ::1.:: - .
- oaf .. ~sstting:Storei:, ,:.!
3- )I,: DiP,WO Is }new weparril to j invite r fihr , petblle
• generally h examine his 4ario 4 - and-_extensire re
totiment Ono trblch.(as an' ixelusive dealer ) be l is
latbled,to tdf !eery - Imo.' 2 i • .-.-. • ~ • ; 1
' ' • '' . ' '' ' .:Chint4- . . - . , 1-1
Consisting-9f: d,ltand, ' D•eorr toil 'Md Tila, Dinner
and Tea Setts nil .Itaskets7kc. ~ - . . :! ;
- &Otte -Oh ..... •.' . i
Fall Dinner all Te 4 Slab' :Printed, au riiii, r;311,0..
lareettle, orb: hilaln".g.e Aece,:allo,,ll l,itilety or bean -
led styles of To ret Wa e. , - ; , : , , , : i .
....• odit n ' Glasses. ..i: ' i ..: .
1 !
Mailliglaii , 00 and,o Mt eiit!il . rratMed 0 faSlilt :irO•
osx eta , o valor°, s
,oar, le Slabe and *ocelots. ; .
i . ... Glq.s ' Waif).
i .
"Cut: nd p mood 0 leis, iDecanten; Tumbl ' ,
- Chinn! ;Touts cradet Coed &attars, - Globes,. Ca -
dleaticl. , 4*45.c., .1- ' - , ' '-- • ' • "
lETottsekeepg ataivare; ~., r
Tableland Poelcot
.0 uti hry,„ - 8 ohne, Tea Trays. 8 eales;
Sod I'll's; ienninerei Kettlei, at Racks; liefrigerltdra,
Water. kmlers, ite.ftresah Freeters,4ke. _ . ' i
' ' W ooden'tralWillow Wate , i
... a`l
...Propetivoubt„..,,v(44.c..., Rocking olloryeib'Credlee
,Vai""uirV4l"i• littisi"Ptitinders,ltaskets; ILO kits,
Iligh infaSted!Chnlis,"&e.. ' • -'. - , -- ' •• • •
• . . Wine4V:Shades . :1 .
. CerTices.-01sum:. AO 10111 ..Pins and Holds,ands,
Luis p and TasSels„. !dais gtaiti Pools in ea:da l ):l
:. 1
411.priatined - Ware - 1, 1 ,..
Tollett lett esmawit a Foot Tubs,Plop Jar atiA Ws;
teE Pail, Caah Bozos ontl all "articles , , manufactured IC
the line. : ..i • i . . 1 - .1, ; I
._ • • . Britanin and Argentine Ware.• .li.
1 - Tote, and Tea Urns, *gi'eciddiers, Castors, Cng
Dlshes,,Aettura, Pitchers, Candle/Oche; 4 e.. \. -: ~
• . '• Limp'and Lanterns.: i
"in every varlety,ityle:prles and nuality. : '
. TOO and Fancit sirticles.
. - • Cciniiitiuz-otChin3; 0 laal.-IToo.l ; 1111,. -Willow:
Paper-Macho , Todi Cotta,Parian arid Illabater Fluid al
so Fancy Baskets.
i. .. •• ' I . ' •
. , ,
"*.. I - ' Plated: Ware. ": ` .' 1 -
Table and Tesiona,"foble Deseertlind Oyster Forks
Deascrutniles, Sh p andSincel.adles, 'Castors, ,Suf
ifern arid Trays. Teal and fbd •T ree Fette. • •
Dirt Copt Table and VlOor:34sta.
ds4cription, in fact' atwost erery _anti'
home furnis ing. both tisefuland . ot
' loam' at this catenate esthblistuntit ,
; • , -... • • JAM
, ''4 .10 - ors .tst of the Anteriran iloy
i Bingharn ton, June 18 tit 1333.
11.".4.0ViLitir*-Irst LiSrZO addition o Ida formevatnek
• -. ' . 1• -' • - 0 ' 14
wi 3
. I. b l e r h eb e e i l ri o:l a T ilu i l it. r k i n r a ew : n. o .!. ii: l o s ir ri a
:71: mi 7 , , ,...,, ,,, ,
me,. ..7 . -i s tb io k k i
n "l ca: B a va . ese . t;l lll ll ll i . i i ih i lici i iis .se el , e_ k t ; *
Helialte•s himself that he.boya his Goals as lowimiany
duirian,and• he iv emitident that hi hiU not be tinder •
sold'. Ile vnil at all timus esteem it alplessure to re6eive
Calls from its 'friends and gusto:arts, and - theipnblie •
ginerally, to.ahom he feels very grateful for past, nivars l
in liberal - patronage.,' ll4,stotk is composed as 1 0 11 0 of
•nearit eVerJ thing ritually' kept in,a general assUrtment
'Storei,-12.1e leading benches tit trade are *- ' •i • t • I
Dry kis; .3/edicnc...s.4
.clienticals,". Paiiiis i :
I 7- oits.., ~,.....o_,r,,:eries, . ,
4 .
• .._.. Noticins ~ 4-b-: . 11 i • .
!ethos*, he k .a v r.ety of t. 7 . , ,
is, Hard;wa e; Cutlery,: Stoll'-,I
4 'las - s- - tec;.. r e - ~ -,Liqu'ors,-',llfus al
ents:,...leiceiry, --Perfumery, • j
s, Umbrella - Whips, M'r' j ..: 1
r's, Wallr • fir,.Statioiri i, I
i :: -.: •: :
cry. Lamp lißrushes..... 1- .i.,; . . •
• 1
Wind . 4w IG:ass, ' . 1 --+ , !J
•. . 'lie; 'c:'. • .'I ." • '
Juil aril dale: - •- . , , ••• 1• - 1
i - • -. 1
;. ' --- *lO ittitialaia 9 % : .
A ardendld aisirtnsent Jail:a . .Finger flings •':E a i'l ) T°P l
and Bangs . react Pin s;l4iPate.b r.,75, Peneile..PrltOr.e.
Alsp;Silver himtdmi;pintOls, Spoons . - Speetaelei4 t ate.,
`Slier no. ..German Siter, end Albjta. SpecinaiSilver
e i.
Plated and .S. Rut terl entree. and 'Speeteeles.oo.neavi
&peels elns f near • sigiound persons; another. slit mild
msortment f thoseetlehkated Waterbury - Pia:et Knives
'unrivalled 111 quality...ireaterial and - finfsh; Shears,
Pistols, Virn Craelters,T4rrison's and , other kinds of Per.
fnmery z.aisartiele for the - sure and. safegeveistlon of
nonorption,sse. r.S.utiptriters.ShOuldep raeUs,llreast
Primps. the best i n tar t e4Pisno 31Usie, Ae menu;, yip.
Gas, 'Violin Tibia, StringsOlooki ,Bridges.tltosla4 Pegs..
Italr. and.. Tail Pi, ens, _Pinto, Fifes, Tatting •Iftirk t r, and
the heit 406rtment ofritankettotlons. In Tog... In
short scunething for event body.. - C(une and ~
ALSO,--Broad Cie* CassimeraC.,,:tatinetti; ICM.
:tuck" Jeans, Drillings ;; -Vesting!, • Flannels & Ginghanisi,
Lawny ellostA, Apacciaoo6oo,CottAniTaru3lelagi#Rl 7
WadintySuspenders, guttotigJand all article; for mak- ,
bigionitents; Ewen I t hsen., - .Shirt Linen;Shirt4ti;... c hnele
ing, tlandkrrebiefs, Gib' IS . , 1106 e. italltnrk Uillt4 &t. ~
ALSO.—flhad,.s l sek ti 3 Oodfiah IdelarseriSuf l 4l 'TSA , ,
4 er
- Coffee; •Salerattut. P . Spine; Ginger, Cinnamon. '
- doves, Nartchidsins... invgar, SOT . , son trod 1,44. I.wP,',T644. Powders, dm.? Potty.. Cato
phene„ thirldagrinld,llamP On, Tanit n 4ll'oll,' ,(landles.. l
t.e.,. a full assortment of Groceries; and all‘', aorts•,of
I%lo'lllla Oils gpnstatttly on hand, antt•for tile ehrp
br - . : •-
-: - 8 ‘.. 1 ' .' • • • • - - . ll
, - -_. o t • I • . . --. AM. TEGIP • .
".,;, lettetriike,Jullu2, lll P.. - ••• ^ , .L,i.., . .11 . •
• '------:•
1 , • . 4 " i
. Cabinet Sho - in. Greatac9o , l •
Filill sultectriber is nOr 'hating all kNdit. of Cabinet
I.' Unlit done to ma/growl alp° keeps' On. Mod i- •
Bureaus; . TOdes; I S ands, IV-J.4r+ -, ,-,
er i
Ali „,;:i7. - - get ;,..1,1.,4,ie , .. - All hose deidronarkinrrebtui
in furniture wilt dowell to . - ltim a',eall: Reptils.lng
and Tarnishing done On. ',bort. !Mee. • • '. 1 I 1 .
• :C•ujitras ready 'Made 'end 'made - to.ordertst the
'bait ityie; and the sultk' r - Also kireps an eligana
• hearse withirhichhe..a*.nd, funerals when da*Ved.r
- --- . 1 •. - • •'l. T.. HOITELIe
me fl_. 1853-1
Ia additi ,
Dry Goo
NW •
Greittenil Jr 3
Atnetralia t 1141fOrn 1 S4, i,
thi any. place on th t=annot presentgilat
: ind s than ,-' I 1 ? •
• g N.
It P
E—.L •it 4 , -.:rOPDARDIs I ,
WilWil is pow filled' with a new aitd erten -
'Ail assortment of articles - in. their: line,
embracing a, general v4ioiyaf no;er and !alitiaat
style s or Ladies - and- Giritlemen'a,_,-trea4l among
*bleb' i L , l 4 l aied Fo ll a [li Silk IthtligNsd Pre-, ,
aiilli-ciaitess; Kid ; and: I; Ensineleit - roas. Kid
IPatSnpkatbes: and =bron z ed Jenny • ann. I
Wok and lie* 1 - iiii"ntlemen'a French 4 ' Phila i i '
:delphisjiik=buined calfskin i and laii,l3 iii;Cool:
gress and hutsos Gaiters. 1 Menterei.a 1 Wash
ington , Poots,loifet 1 131,,ips;'• MorOoorpcitOr. `and
Cinvilide Brogansi *S r - /Toys 113,-iialf Send cow..
hide Dicits and Broganil all kiods of ,Mimes and
Childrep's wear. Alio; S general encilment of,
ruidingl; which. Sonaist ,in vart:of. pkils; Vega,.
in a k sables.ipiartilpi - soktatkoi. - thri. 44 . , . w ! ix ii
• stliil; shoe hui - ding. Swim, sasfis, . is4iiiiitows,. l
o f !
shoe krilsreii;&e. 'Aso: ask and hemlock tanned
calf sPRei , 0 n.4- , ..",t,4aFi MO°? o,-4 dw ir. and
linage..:;. 7 ' -.. I:
.... ' - '•-! VI ~ ~' 1..:
.. Work.naa de th 'order and ... .nbissiria . 4 nesitlf,tkise.
.. ~. • - -- ', ,,, XEEtiEfr_kSTODbitilP!" .
- 'MPiitraleslein-,-1A063.`:: r- 4.,::, , - ' .. i it 1
-,INi4DOILIIIVIgIi—:' - 1 1 .:1 .- -'7,
:1F .4
TIODCWSWIMOiII4II 1M4 411 70 4 , j o rl""
-1-4 , off)4o , iiint.isliikAllogcal hei 116 s
tariwillga ' - vi'lLept.'wftbin - ,ii , Por
clughlo, '.'liti. tbi ift grir*f --' °EP '' ' .,in d
11/".! be. paid . int faithes.welke: 1 , 4::1.-=
wins; B. JESERlP,'llbrourrnr• -
. Sfinitmet, be 11223,.;:23 2,,1 , I : - -
:G, -IL fiAjr LEY.;',
kliemillopikaiC.Aimi,L4oo2:. ,
isulfstni*gate bY - •
t. l Boni= 4F.EO.
T! 114 , 1 , - -"rfriT
' - ,,•••,..-.41, • 7, - ~./.=,.4.r.,
. . . . .
illEtt submit**, gra tef ul for the - ,liberal abate
_ . _
. 1
_of patrimago - recotred during the past me
lon rispectfuliyliegileiess to present his thanks
_his friendi and . ttnetiriieill aid:: innounGe to
them and thilitibliclienerallY. that' ho has juli
returned frOM - Mow.liiik and is now feceivirm A i
large ainzirtinent eflinoit kinds of Goods ustu7llYl
found in a country "tail., part • of a!
beautiful atOirtmentlOT Eireges.l)eLairtes '
lin! , Priflted 1.111vali.• Jeconel. _Barr and swiss
Littteline,4rehiip-LevirOs;Gingliains. Print'', Mail- i
41111 • 14, A" 1401 •Tirall+ISt.Ghioes. Hosiery 'Bonneted
Oibbinto, Eiribriiideriee;'&4:',.. Cloilis, Camimerel, I
,Akio', nticituati . Jeans.- Tweeds, ..Suliirner I
' PiiiihnareO,Deuirns, and en assortment Of Cot-,
lion and Linen Goads for Summer wear. Realty
Made' Cloihrng, pegged 'mid sewed BOots. palm
Imif,canada craw:. leghorn. wool.. fur, aiol fine i
•nvoleskin.Rata, cloth and glazed Caps, Shearing'
' Blll !l.`iliia'. and other - kinds of 'domestic Goods. i
.Grocaries. c Raidirtire. - . Crockery. • Medicinal,
Paint4.ol4;Glias.Nails, dr.c.; - &c.; all of ‘ihicil• l
rll'll4'eold withont'reserve, the -stitiscribet does
at et of What ho will do.'but respactfully so
'clu" un examination , of his Goods and prices by
'. • all in at any'time aid - we will attend , to
bo - th-thor.atestvisagors as it is- oo troupe
;foto, to show Goods. -' ' - L'S. LITTLE.
•Ne klilfozil,.May,26, 1853. , ' •
To :Wool Growers. - -.-
1 a prepired to pay the .higliegt market price
in c for any, qpontity, of Wool delivered at my
'Store n New Milford: • . Farmers of Susquehanna
connty bring along your Wool. • ,
- ' 1 -- • .., . - : .L S. LITTLE. _
. r.
ush ea
or , eI T
ife'in the Dee of
may be
1 RS
: 1,
1 1r
f 1
i i
: ' I
.''.. 1 I i
-,) 4
~ ,`
- a
- .I i
p -1.
q• Jc:.114 LET 7:
lietter-lateahan Neier,
.• • H•..&.„D.' SAYRE..
IXTOULD rcspeCtlntlyennonnee the piablle that
they' ar'e.receiving a large 'trick of Deeds ;at their
new store on the Burnt District. which have liet:n gelect. ,
etl - with careami which they are detect:Monti tn. Sell low
especially for Reidy Pay.. .Call anitj edge for yourselves.
• - Dress.” Goods.
An tinsurptisse.l asset-anent of . Dareges . .Ttarge Delaint
Delaines, Unic;. 11. &, D. SAIIII,N.:,
• • Bonnets.;
They; can say they patina' be mite:veld- on Don.-
nets. They are sellin.;' diem ,at • One-fourth the nsuel
prices. I at: D.SAY U
, •Mentroie, May 225,1853. - _
No* Goods at the
Head - of Navrgation I
Quick. Saks Small Profits, ,and Positively.
R.aity Pay is, the 4lotio.
lIAWLEY would Iserehy inform the
public that he has jost reciitved from New
York a harlsome assortment,ofl
of all kinds and Styles, which having, been pttr
chiiiillit very low rates ho is enabled to Offer to
the public at -
, .
~. ' ' - . BARGAINS: ' . : . ... .
fir .
,i.--It would be • Imam. inkposaible'tc; enum rate*e
many_ articles ompribing the stock go I, 144
iiill are invited and ice for Ilieniee ves, ail-'1
au - ring:them t •!.t they will• get - . • - ,
: ' ''. '2ll;*e 'Cxxi.gfor the sarile•Muitig
• -
than at any , other house' in Montrose. The at
tention of l i bel 'public is called Iti a tow of the
jeadirig.artiples of:.the stock
,: .
Broadcloths, cassi mares ; satinets,vistings. Ac..
Pat, Satins; bereges, lawns, f,ringhants. liistres,
arccas, detains, prints. &C.r„ Obits - goods in
la ge variety-,-ribbons; -Bonnets, hats caps. um-1
b Ilas, and parasols; Icarpet bags. c., a good
et ek of sheetngs; shirtings, striped and
. plain,
bl e drillings, eniins, mixtures, plaids Kentucky 1
je , i ll
us. cotton nd wool and all wool tweeds, 4.. c.
general a :intent of fresh anctieason_able
GROCERIES. : 1 , .
. ..
eon, Steel. nails, fish. shovels, rakes, forki,and
a ost every. other article to be found in-is' coon
store—which will be sold cheap for. Ash or.
' i dy pay - ' • -. . - :!: . .`,..
I. e render the had of
I n
. vigation well worth a visit alai! tinies,•• it will
• Minna to receive , as the seasodadvincel, new
i voices of seasoriable goods for ladies. and gen
themen'ar wear, sc. as to be able it all times to of
. ftlrthenhoice 'at the market. '. :. . ' . • --.
;1 - Having adopted The . .rnatto Of. , Quick Sales,
*nal! Profits. and Ready Pay,' a liberal sh sre.Of
c stem is reipectfully solicited_
. . ..
Montrose, May 24, 19553.
THREE hundred doi all Wool,Eltie.A. White
ix:Sock:O'er which 25 tents - per paiF be paid
goods, at low rates by - I -
. • 41: R. HAWLEY.
May 20th. . • .
I . . •
1 ..
-. ew L-prlng Goods. • . ..
i - -_
11" .
HE subscriber Once more tinders , the compliments.
orate season to hie friends and cuseeinorri and de.
irei totalt their a.tentimitcithe_very inhOortantfact that
"has emeriti store and i. 01:14t•tntIly rseeiving from the
iY,. a general assbrtment of Goods suitable .for the
priug trade. consisting In part of Dry Goods; Groceries,
rockery, Ga.-dwirre, Neils. Fish, Dukes' and. Dyestuffs,
cute and Shoes; llats and taps, Alva an -asortment of
try pretty Ladino slid Missal Bonnets of tb e latest style.
.11 of which be 'Caftan on termejuvoraMe ski:suet.
The highest pekes caways paid for merchantable pro.
' Dawning thinks to' old friends and customers and
*rig for tt contbm nand, of-their favors, end .assuring
- lof a aerVe theta to the extent of his ahliity;
e would subscribe hintaelf. their' . '. • ' . • '
. '• • Obedient servant . J. L.IIEIIIIIIIIIiN - .
IfpaorivllleY April 25; 18:13. • ' . • ' 4
New Spring Goods
At New Milford Depot.
H- BUItItITT worGdinvitethe attention of his friends
. and all that want Goats Cheap to Ids New Stock, I
-which Is now being 'opened, i nelhding a superior assort-
merit of . Lilies Dress Goods in rich: Prints, Delimit.
PrWed 'Lawns, extra rich Ilarede Galaxies. instered•
.PopliracMuslin and Gingham Itobet.eulored Baregre,Bilk
Tissue, Black and Fancy Bilks ice .Muslin Collars and.
Embroideries, Crap. Brodie awl otherSourraer Shawls,
Silk Mantillas. Parasols. Straw, French Lace, and Silk
Bonnets, Bonnet Silk; gibbons and Flowers. • - - -
• Gentlemen and Boys tinnne:r Dress Mt, a Cull ail.
'tairittnent or lists ; Caps, Boots . and. Shoes. atm..Valle;
'se, Carpet Bags, ill word, cotton rand wool, 4nd Cotton .
/Carpeting of splendid patterns. 011 Cloths for Floor and
labial. Painted and Print it - windo,w Mrades,fwill paper,
Domestic cottons *of all kinds.-&c. • 1 : 1r - ' •
Alse, , Crocherk. Hardware, Iron. Steel our; ,nails; .
Stores, Groceries. Fisk, Paints. Oils', Grindstones, 'Ma
dais Glass' end sash, - at makingin all al3 serval as
aortment, and tieing pnrebiso • d. entirely fr: cash. will
ernablepnrclaasers toSteearClienedtsinprice , styles and
Isms not airnally lanad la any,other eater Went
I-NG ' .11rniesind SOU constantly, on hand. I • ' -
New =NO, #01.20,1853. 1 . - -
• - For- Sale. • L .
Abeautiful House and Lot,:handso. sly situa
•ted ea the - theuanso road, whirill the 4;ton
ieisierisces &sited by a Vrinop ; and
,for six
huidred arid.fi4ti dollars.' • Ootio' Rod • oiriuttine
tor. vaunts's*. ' -,* .1011 N GROVES..
ifl boy ir Ai't iereateenor.e*
years erne wanted rui Clerk in , a S
boy ofthiodesetiOtion with anitable recoil),
tione Ar. references, `, And disposed tomato
wieruktiral find go od enciMritgentent •
ties to • - 7. .11. 81111R1
Milfoni;May 16;1853. _- 5
=Ear -GOODS.
(Wit, sleek' tit tends is noir very einralite
ate determined teiell at prices th
AM fail to itiveriatiefactien.`
1:,53-.,23w6 tYßltcivivs • •
1 _-:-. i:' ;;;::Nails,: - Ellt : ± ,:, , #lic;••••'.::: ' -7 ' '_..
Yee:iit...;Nstila;i;ejti,,,qeilitiw's4l, .rV, U...
'i / f
W. '! .B - tI . ItY . YR . IlVir4
:iiic,;;lT; l ,io . 4ilW;G:::',,.. - .:,, •,:!. :' : :.::.,':.::: j:T!_ - ., -::::
1 41 - d ints tong i n i ; -
Azargeiltorioperoripsoy- 13t441.1
nail bar : . -
insoli lBs2-221 0. •
Wanted bninethate y - •
l'Ouitlioliktos 'mu_ th.i. Teilorbst bel!i•
• , iit
- t JO
- - ,,_ . ~- - . lIF 0 VSk i
--, 1 1 1.qtui, 1 !.. 1 8 --''.. -',.,, ' ' '
. . .
Eatona! 'One - _Prica , Stott,. ' C ash
' ,' , • - "j‘_..: - - - -. and ;Ready; Pay, .... :L.:
„The Only Ode . in Staquehanaci, cOthiy.
-Ail lien di iti does' Ase, toe lite .1111111411 1 !!
6 ,1 ~.AT rerOilidlid In thtrißeinititile iiisiinese, ;Mind- •judgrrient aisakito a shunt tifynwridimer illtjaries;
`:Economy Is the inethas of wealth.,'!:l4ioVPUredit mikes
long friends.' •.The suteSeribers would reppectfully au
noun-esi to the inhabttattts of Sisistimihaumi lad ad4oluitlil
Counties that they have jest reeeived • anare receiving'
the ikrgest and gredlest variety offiltiols t
Ter introduced
intonttherti Petinsilituala: ' partnere - lick !Smarted
atAlui very lowest' arsh - jiyare, and at each ;ewes that -
cannek fall to suit all pardossers wit" sttidy economy in
baying. 'We intend t o adliereitrietly tolthe 'One Prie • F
aystem,Aislieving it to be the , only impa4lainoile of do
lag buenese,:and hope by cow:liming o busin#* Upon ,
fair and honorable principles to met It. A, t hugs slaws-Of
pubile patroufte. We would 0,0611114 y tuilfe thooe
lima distance to eget:line ourmannuoth stocker 040111
-feeling confident that the prieee tind - qualitieslila Meet
their entire approbation. All kinds of prod uce.taken at.
its eash value. - Qiiietwilesand innall.prodta is the mot
to.: 'lt is evident to all that Houses difing a credit. heti
' poi nerlcOarily demand largerprollts from theca& lin:-
chaser In order to anstaititheir loises . arising •from - poor
debtswnav4Jably . contracted. MI purchasers *he nutY with a Call will be tilioritsttwougis ottr,.sxtettaire
aSiort,usent !With pleasure. - .' • • • ' ,
i - .
j -•- .. • t it; . ' Lidieti,. -• ,
... • •
,_ A-,.... in want n f any SR ks,llerragon.litavirtan Clothe
'Ail:mhos:l. ,WIIT.; liesenas; Bmbrolderleav BrlWlta, Silk
• and (lasi:neer° Shawls, II mints. Ribbons, Blida Parasols;
Pans,la eit less varieties, you wilt flint them at;. - .
• ' : " • • - - BATONS' OivaPrici Store.
. '
.-1 I.' Gentlemen,: ,- • , i
. Aioyauriu want.of any Clothing, -you will fi n d the
largest meat:neat of Cloths:, sod Beady Abide :Clothing,
made up atfter: the most Improved fashihwirat j .
.. ' IL' • •• BATONS" Ohe Price Store...
- r -- -mers and Mechanic:a
Ara yott In want-of any.° niceties; you wiltfind at
• • . E \TONS' One .Price Store.
.10 lbs.vntul llaranna Engwr for ' • ' ittl,4lo. •
" quality Orleans for 1.00
10 good Itto•Coffee for - 'l.OO
20 ‘• first, finality ltiest for 7 • • •1- 1;00
Codtith per lb. - .
Bret Brand Cnt Notts per Keg, ; 5,00.
litackerotl 0(411 numbers, and other pickled Blab.
Best, riallty,d!.Lawroneo Honey :Meetings pre sd.
, " ' NATO:4S' Oua Pelee Store..
. . .
. . ,
Cks3 p!.13 for Iyool at F
. ' I X ..k.TO!'S' One Price Stoic.
... i
10i.,"Sirat 'ivitallty'of firkins for sale ai. r • - •
f I S..yrOSs'. I..)ive Rriee Store
tY '; 6 , /44.-21 . •
, ,
liarford Pa., 44:
• dhetifre gale• • ' -
...., •
11OPY virtue ot 4 a-writ, of Yen. Bs. issued out of
i....)111., Court i Of amnion Pleas of . Sutajueltan-
na county". and l ito me directed, I . will:,exteme to'
public sale at t a- Court louse - on Moiadoys the
t'Osh day. of Jure,at one o'clock P. M. , '
MI that certain pie-ce or parcel of lai! situate
-lying and twine in the township of Ault ; in, coun
ty of. - Susquebtintra; and State of Pen 'iylvartia,.
and bound:Ad mid destiribed as. follows, to wit :--.
Ou_the north bY !studs of . DanielvAver l and Trn
man Baker.'on the east. by'. laud of , athaniel
, Shelden amid .1 lin Lyman.: and en -tit 1 vest !Iy.
lanotof Martin - and Georze.c. Baker, Out:4111
about 40 acres runrerorles4', tngethe 'with the
appurtenances about 15 A cres imptnv il: . - ...•.,
•-• Taken in ex, cutiou at thesultot -Jo tt F, Bun
[. t
1 more vs. David L. Bushnell.- -• . i . ..
k . . : j : .G:l3:EpltEr), ~Slicrifir:'
Sheriff's Offietf. Montrose, ?-. • l•
May 9.5 i 1d53.
New-York Dry Goods Stoto..
rilllE Proprietors of the•New-York Steire - ,.N0.
1. 7 Courtstreet, Binghamton, Broome Cohn
ty. N. Y. takes unfeigned. pleasure inirettirning
his sincere thauks' for. the !patronage j bestowed
upou.him since hisopeping.. as his trade thus fur
has surpassed his-highest 'anticipatiuna. ! .1 - 1e now .
takes pleasure in announcing, that his 'arrange- -
ments for the Summer•Cmpaip: are! coMplet6
having made his arratigements in Neiv..Ylork to
be supplied with. every article at cost;Wh .It-ert:
allies hiin to . soil goods in any qdantitY , y the
case, piece or 'yard, at thp some Prices! th ( they
are sold in New• wholesale. iTI il' - will
at once-satisfy every mind that geode Cart besot&
at this - .estahlishmeut .15 to'f.. ) o pet. cent. eiper
. - , .
than any other house ,in tipirn.cati sell.'- - I - '
•-• Merchants 'in 'this' vicinity. are adv}rtising
goods cheap and at cost. 'Their old „itoeiks are
flooding the market at the very highestlppices, I
even at cost. Doatt he : :humbugged by them—.
come to the New !York Store. where yon can
get_goOds new End fresh frtim the Atlanticisteam;l
lerr and the.twintifscetirys.l - X bitie kik received
l2f) eases of the newest styles - of rich black. !fen
cy,brocide, check and
: changeable Silks. Bari
ges, Challies..W . wns,Jaco tete. Lin - Otis, Damask )
.Tible. Spreads, Embroider es, Demi Veils . Para-'
sale, Shawls, Vizetres
. 3fentillite, Gloves,
Hosiery, -M itts, . a' large assortment! of I)rese
Trimmings, Trunks, V ali ces,Sateltell, oe. Lines,
,Priuis, bleached anti !pached Shirtinga and
Slieetitier. Ticks, Stripes t nd Denims.
The New - York .Stote is' the Bamier •store.—
We buy for Cash, sell for-6ash ainfeltaige nothzi
ing - for showing goods. The summer campaiin i
is op.m. Come and see' 04, battle already begun'
and buy a pile of cheap -neiv and lastitonabl
goods. Remember the ntriber• - and place Ne
York Store No. 7, Court pt. a few doors east .o
the Chenaugo Bridge, Bitighamton, Bkoorue Co.
! New .York. .. . !_ , 1 • -l!!! ..
May 19 .:. - •. S. A.. STURTEVANT, t
FIT'S .rrrs t‘t • FITS !•! :••
;._ •. •• •
122•311•21 4 211. 0 3 .ZT)
For ihe arre Sicistn.s,CrampS, acid
•• • Aersous and. Coniiitutioned: Diseases. •
13Etis0:4i3 who are iaborTn4 4 under this distretrdrams -
.1 -tidy wilt End the VErIET %TILE EPILEPTIC`PfL
to be the only remedy ere: •discoverai 'for eating Ep
leory, or Filling Fits. , - t j
These Pills possess it rpeellic action on' the 4 nerions
system and. althmith they are prePared f. r
the. purixese of caring Fits.. they wilt be found of erpeci
- benefit for all persons afflicted" with weak nerves. ..r
whore persons system has been prostrated or shatter
from apy cause whatever. In chronic. eornplaints, or
tweet' of long standing, superinduced neriausnes
they isre exceedinCly beneficial., '
Price; per boa, or tira boxes for 'O. Partials cut
the city, enclosing 'a remitfinee, will hare the Pills
' them'through the mall, free of postage 'n; • For sale by
SZTO.B. Ilalielf, - No* 108 Baltimore street. Baltintor
31111,V) whom - orders from all parts of -the Un'..• mu
' be pal - '. -
.••• Cash - . fir WooL H
- • •
S: WOOL wanted for which bight"
10- 1 000 pike Ili Cash wilt be pahrby '
Xeyr xiircrd, 3lay BC
F Porlr,ead•Salt; by the tctit; ct
To4otlll- SEE. f sale to . - BENTwArfic • R&D '
fob. 23..1 ' 843. ..
Siipieha na C l aintyAtteitio
4 Mn Era in tieDey Goadgßu
VICKHAM & BitNNEY hare received and are -It oir
receiving a large and extensive stock ofDry ey Goo 4s.
and Cariketi. selected with' the gresteist't care Trout the
Eastern market% haring been belled , hiCeash mid ustie
ly oda bellow at, noes which..ildp at. competi lion. l i nd
Opens:me frentSusquebanna county and vicinity,- II
find it a. saying from„ls to'2o per cent. to - a ell
and.eitunini to. stock igloo& that - will 'sons aneraint!
Our dock Oil:trees Goods tonsiallitt part of itch binek
glike,Biottede, chengeehlei Striped endl,Pleip t _do. IL -
I I _Detainee *roll quahtlee. garage- do:, Sottch'end Am . -
A con Cliolibeito , PoPttof. BUN^ I._.,rens thus Die to_ s.;
, French and American Prtats,&C., Ito , area great • -
teif Shawls.
u 37. Breithe,'SOusre and Long, Bleak Silk tom ld to '1010; •
i n
' Cashmere, Pig,;Plain and Embroidered.. As 414. ,
Val, Cas,hiaere, idourulag, he. ;- -
' . • ..,
... - '- - 1 ' ' • Gentlemen's . Department . ---
conage. of i large assortment of Broallelotirs, black d
fancy COArltees, Satinets, -Kentucky Jean,. silk 'satin
ad end manta Vestinge. end a gorl Tartet7 - or .korrloor
fi: - . qatids too nnuseroucto ntention. ;j . ' -,.. :
•- : r ' . '• '--
White :GOodv. ' l . •• : ' • _
- • This depirtment is replete with the cholesse*.artiehts
..; emulating hi , part of plain, plaid and IstriPed. Jaconet
Idnelini-fig. aria plainliMss, muslin Draper'' for curtains;
•.- Ccrdad good tor, Some% bleached and; Worn Sheeting
rri fratitAdito ..444-bilb and Brown LlUeet, - Idniur Simatr .
24 1 .
' Ing,-Scotch , anditussis Mpg,.
, :- • ' ' Aratileinis; -r , - 1 - - - -
Limit and Cotten, Table Coeers, - Miraßsi Sk
Colinterponte,Embossed Sp_ruotritte. :. -- - .
' -:- :' -'. I ' ""' •••. ,'-. ettriletilAirc'• .- ''l-_:" - •''• . '
l i hro*Pli &direful Cottottami wool totton,ind U
State de:, both eottottlittdarootErSo4 Oil Cl
lin doors and tables, Blob OarPolillit argot Se . -•• 1. '
All the above named. article* Ire propoastO k eep
Madly Mt hand,elso a large suppluof r • - ."
...Oil Curtains. • • -
would: to 12,1. EOM' 110 agrortatoll,rna mis 104 ' 6. 1.
-west of.N. Y. city, and a great * ariety of ether goos..
pees will not permit - us to
rlnttiliti7wlll.l4ot tined* A n ail Irekshall bo. te;
Mew you salmis sal,ieled a ettillkor.rol7 . _,00 41 1 101
Carpets's tonliptrionnSht Southern N. V. ....- --
i: , Dr•StOre firmly apposite l!te-Zieltelig*Ketel. • •
1 '':1111111101OrotOor WI ! 0, ISISS.r ,- . r•-: i-, •-, .
Book. Agents:Wailed, - .. -
.In erery dounty , ili •-the, A 1 44, 40.02.tassIor:fitt
. : -folloioN :4 . 01:4 io toheintlibilamest7:i . .11
. - : comenis sOii„zoiltiliftaia. ''
Pictorial History - of thah
• kt, from the
ealttrfrliestog,els to the present time / :.Three,vOMMini_
an roe , comprising Fait 1.. Atic *.fkirtiory,—;
P . ti 2. theory of ,_ the. Middt# Agee..:., ail. 3:
- .if emliiittery.. By Joliiklirost,ll., 'L. D. ',.A,u7;.'
th eof Ficteiial history sic*. thePteited ..
'P 4 0A , 1 0 1. Rae of -Washitiatie,l4a.i r -- ; ,N ew_
f i.
'R. itiat„titith . additions and ICor4ectiona'. - br,iiie'
A .thor.- .- Pluetrated , With . ° Ci-p 6 ere ravings;
f, M. drasvenge by Croterne, oVeretia,antl.‘ Other
di tinguielsed rirtinlo; Thi s Ork!Centrut a:Over I
I 00,,SUper Roy*l cattle*. pagett,t Mid nv r 54:0„
ii.erili istratiops than have evtitiboin en rieVed rek
fp any
Il ietory , in this coientryj it tebludforneli l c*
a d sal ail ttal4,:brand-' in 'euileiteited Jnierocco.- ,el,
g' t.fai k,'• I Price, $3,75: l' . i .. -, .' 1 . .. 1 "'Ili;
are Prehts 1 : 5 ,31qe.7-7eitisiorY;. 13 Y_.4i'liii 1 t
pit: COmPrisitig the, most, ramprkidele -lpistii:t..- 1 ,,
ies,Consioests. Itentetutiouli.Otta Ba4fFs':! l #lol : 3 l °
o her 'Firrihiug - locitientni:chie6y i , in . - Europe itodi ra!
, 1 martent
te from thei eanitneneentea( of the Sii., ~.,,
I ' nth einry- tittle preneet tiene; $14916,1/11.-
e , with - over 500 engraviiiii!bv W.l.Crtionin ;a d ,
o " o ctavo
eminent artists . It continue Over 800 , y.
a octavo Pages, and, also 4 largti celored map of -.,
.t e,World 20x25; with side' ritnia of California„ xt,
S regon„ linitgary, ,Austrian ~Therainittirer,'&e..-
t optid in embossed. morocco,_ 'ili - b a c k:''' Fries, Z
- 3360 . .' . ' r
-, ,_ -,_ , , -.-. r. ,•• i -,- - I ' ': .l .
. ',
7'4/i/tint Adrenturesnin
ang the ,Iraligni.7...-
y John Frost, L.-. L... .1).. 'oO n -frilling the' moist •
!Imarkabie feersinial NarrittiVeilof events- in 4 the `
rly Iddian IVars,ns well ne:of - ;trade - 02in the - ri
, C
entlndian Ilestilit ies i 1 Nex iee. a hl - texas,—
thestrated with over'39o lingrtiviimi, frorri'de. t
gus by - W. Crtorne,end otherdiiiiiguiited er-fl f
t i sti.
-Iqontrti n s oiter.so6 riagee • Obtuse; harked - i l ,
iii Mortice!), gilt back. ' Face; tl ,75. •• ' : •,- ~:
( - . —dn T '
Sketches of Life : and Mir tit e r .: .._y ••A ,'
rthur. An Octavo. volume id. over 400 pages I
-autifullY . illustrated,.and hotrnd,in the hest; Ea. ''
fish-muslin, 60 back.,.„Pride; 2.0. -.. 1 :• .L
- Lifghli, - (lllinSfiadoiet V Ifearhife. - Byl.S. ,
rtbur.,.•:! With en atitobiography and portrait,..of
he: atithor. Over, 500 pays : octavo, with fine n
inted.engraiings.- f Bound' iu the beet English
1 1
- ri a• ce r . ld;s G r ains fii) . 7
_. I;
. if t e .. ii i t . l I
, a . r . i , est . 7 ..
s ky,. , ::
: i - 'l' S:EArthir. - 1-2 me. 4240 pages.- - Bound 1
a .c l 'ru sl u il s i l ' in gi , l ' t w -b it a l 'e t k a . be l' ate ri t c [fu ; l 6 iiii 9 O:Plin ' ;E : n grii .' iiite: .l . '
The Way ta , Prosper,eliij other Tales.' By ;
F.'S: Arthur, ; . 12 mo. 'over! 20'..i pages, with * /
•., rziotint engraving. .Pass 50. Cents: ”. • , '
The Home By t 'l S. Aithnr: 12 !,
mo. of over .200 pages, with an eugraitug. - Frite,_,
50'eteuts.• :. . . ,- ', i.- -- :,- .. ..- ..,
True Riches,or.lirealthleOzont Wings. By L:
':,Arthur; Over 230 poteesrl2. Mo._ with. a i
fine mezzotint engraving: . l 'l'rice. 50 Cents.' .
- The Pireside Angel, ,By T. Arthur.' 64
. ~ .
pates,32 Mo. with an 'engraving. Bound in ..
muslin, gilt edges.. . Price, 25 leen te ••• , " rs "
:conquests:of-Me 'Bible. AMY: Vincent.-W.
Milner. 1 Comprising Jrnpertnt-lßverits lie the •
History Of Christianity, fro* the time of our :::4;-
' Viciur tothe present day..
:1 6 ittiris,l2 m 0. . -11. ,
1 Nonrated With 'numerous e Arringe.
_Price, SI.I
All of the - above -Book
.1 ' 'are beautifully and'
sizbstantiatli bound. printed on fine white paper,
and the Firblieher would espeefatly cat rattention,
to the fact that they - urn. 41 exclusively by
Agents.thus giving them; nu :advantage ' which
cannot he had on most bookie, as each ;Agent has
th'e solenud *exclusive control:Of the salte: • in ;any
iection of country he May le'grais to canvass.'
For. particuleis, iddress , poit 'paid, , •-•''
-,- - -, , ,t, 0 ,1 -.TIRADLEY:.'. .
-; --- • N0.'48 North Fourthat: Philad..; .
New Spring;: )4 Goods
ivN. WIL•SON ' 'returns. big grateful aeknowledg
s Moots to the publicfor . pait favors, and 'artist
attenlort. ton very large atock and .Ettiointer
Goads Widen be 14,4 ree;sifed and titfori for Sale eats maw
IS low fai Valls; - IraTlad tccehalYheXhis atom enlarged
and his - facilities for businemz, greatly Increased, be is
prepared to exhibit a more extnnsik, and' 'varid assoit,
me n t than, heretoforeiand to'hiddiant superior; , lndnee •
ncentsti,caih purchasers. The tOhjoined echedule will
compare'favoraddy with that 0,1 aft, other merchant' I
Ibis • - ,
• Ltidiii Goods: : • • •
.4 bit* stook or .btack . atkel etdored Silks,- of various.
:grades and patterns, .flons 415.; 145.,- per , yard.--
Darem Delotines, Clralli ° DeLaines, - and Slouiletiti Ds!.
Ilaiges, In endless variety and ; I to. cheap. I. . • . ,
Printsl and. Ginghamp.
. .
.in,ooce surds of Mrrritnae all :River, nottehester,':
enehico, English and 'other styles:of Tents, at 10e. and
Is. Per rant." One case,nf stipmihr cloths 'arid rotas.
yard wide, at thet4w;prhw OT . yards of Latants.,.,
ter ,soot oiaizow Gififiimg, patterwt, warranted (net
colors..l"kiso—Seotch and.wisadile" fromis:mi. to 2s.
. • I • 41/0 grninti,Goods.
. .
.nombiaines Alpa,w,llcitivr Litstres;Baregas.Contiin
Cloths, 'att Wool DeLaints, SilkTissnes;;and 'ail Wt.hcr
goods used ln moundnz. , • ,
• Goofs. • - • '
Ni • ,
Plain; Plaid mud striped:346on am do
-Plain and dattn.l' Slut 1`;`,11 intodk. Rua Ti.t.ine f in;
Linen.Cosinbrio. _ 'Orals:lly ettnen Linen, Table 'Cloths,
4/1' anti It, ai ' Uteri Sfieetifige
and Shirtings, (tic. :at privies as, cannot-fait to.
evexitire sattsfartfoniii cp4to*iti. " ; - •
• *.; Ilosterif acid Gloves.,
r i An excellcut a'ssert.tuenVya . reiy cheap.: Among
diema large lot of . White C on illose 3 loiy fair qualitl,-
only 1:14. s pair. " ,‘ ." .
• . : ShtaIRS4; / •' ; .
A Tarim fof of. lirntille; Ca l sitinil Crape Caslunr!t .
blurepei than iier before' offerid. '
HaridkOokiejs - ..• . 7 .
. .
••• - •
• Plalhand 'Embroidered Linen genilkerchlEt of every,
grade, from 6d. to $4 each. - • -;
Table and - Pinno - Capers:. ••
Al! Wool Embossed: Worii4l tend Linen; Brown Linen.
and Colored Cotton; from:IS:1;10AI each;
. : ; - Goo .forAfelt. and
• Broadcloths of oven? colorant, quality. from 10s. $6,•
black' awl fliney.Canimeres,!froirtli. to '2os. Kentocky
jegie, Tweeds and Satinets':Trot s. 6d.- to 4i... V 044-
Ings n ot every deseriptionliit pries-,
. . •
Domi•sti .
6,066 yards:Sherd' cs and 6 Olaf", from. 6c. to 9e.
poryarl. 5,000 yardi bleached do. from 611. tb .10: per
yards.: ;Ticklrits awl lttartuKte'Sitirtinge.f.roset Sc. .to
per yat.d. • • ;:;; ;t. . - ; ;•
Yankcc N
otions. coid Pedlars': G o ods.
Of Perry tieseription, from ititetion and - the chsripoSt rash
honsesin Y. city.:. Pedlnrlwitl fnditgreatlytotheir to call and look thriiitgli his stocki ; ;
Trunks.) Valises l and Carpet.. Bags. ,-
A very i lag: and. Welt itra stock , purchased:direct
fiviin the torten mannfaet rY In thin. country, atidopfeg,
Sale st suchpriceitas will .kihn of no cniiipetitiou..
Straw. and • Millinery' Goods: .
The itribsciltscr is desitli ,A tifirlirecting the isttention of
the pnb . ic particularly t branch of 1131
tipossesses great facilities., r gettlitg these Cm& cheap.
nedestirns keepfng conottmt,l,j on bawl (during the Sim
eon) large stock of STK AittiIIONNKTS: phich -he will
offs: 25 per cent. cheaper thith they gun hit. had at retail
in how-York city.. Either whohrale or re All; cutitainees
*Braid it vastlyto their' aitantsite, ttv•viitudito his
stock before making ptucldtinembiesthere,
EmilroidetiCa, Ribbon,' at :Drees( TrimMiugs;-& - gOod
-•ntt atlow.prlces.
assortmen 1
• , IV. N. MLR
Corner Criurt Watet4tieti. inTotkiwo
- " Bleak. n•uly opkkritte the asa llvtet. -
Binghamton", May:lo, 185 1 .14—ttgyl s , I.•
New Good's ;Netir:Gtiolti
-JOS; - RetipivealilV': •
R. HAWLEY :it"
t - 1 H EAP §TORE. !Lipid' Of Naviipiiiini,4hi9
V pill be ioid than aro; ; Call a ; ;
see for Youmtivia. NOeltitte fgt ihowing good
it our store. _
34.oittLoae, Mayl9th i lBs3. • • ' -
A ',-Journ eyinn -Tailor! - inttnedia,tely: - I Non
XX. need apply hitt Oratrate workttteu.
thatean ,tyr4131.6 him?' *pik - ir: need
I act, h : or cuotoin_wor ,k7oholl PaYLSto9l l l , n
sailitite the 'work - JOHN . 1 11 iLOYES. •
Montrose, May/6,11,853. ,
WOut • -•
• 04E' iddeli,e
wArrso the b
. Cash 1). 114 - L , .41-, Col
J 17.5$ received ape t gtlen(ity 'OtDq dooda o L _
Clogkg ,
Haiku e
trockerik //ardlOatit(l l44 4-Ragri: s
.icitd Oita. at -
•:..-'lll4l*,llsst .
r ,
.. 1 .-..
na'' , OW* unw,t:tvAattrAkierldalu'llnittS,4,st
Katet art 4 Mit, IP•itor the*intrest end nogg
tit* teititt USN', XoiltAndltrieltinsead:
: Int-meets , a 10- 11 !**VY Jig , * for D1*40145
l'ElititAiiltuo'leii, Wimagu . sGiinflVAkestaima,
lelOntreiit I 'fkikk: ~ y, 70014 Y Nr 44 **l l '
iiy - ,' , Als!i;.:* Mies ;VtivadsvillPft, dritailifi
*obi init. wagort44ll. Ostylacokire.:Provi'
Prtipligt ' willopliokpalas. to ascol*-
. • .1 .- W.-Ir.• lierelL 7 --;:' , .^:-
0 4 tut - i ~-. :I, N0,101V7 - 4t,SVIST.: ..,-
elling ISI
' 11 1. 4. V* :
nd V
n 1 t .
stl •
**: Witisi biti'Sdk. Hats. ,
Dr•MADE OLCIT/10143: .• . •• •
• H• alto:TV-LT:ER.
ittiv : fare .
• • •
• '' - ''' 1 - *k -- ti Oil - ' -'-** ''-'-' .-- ''. • '
. --- f yOU 'are a , party concerned -- f :. i
- if - led ` et.4ciirii..tioies, tei.Tilithe"i4e filriii
pr.S: l i liersp*tkii,it:e now,ii.clia Its.4dkor- .'wij . ."-
i,.,irciii attfinibift,'''Neeepiity, I..iiarlicio him tcC-iuktbe
.. 'dist ' . .attentiAultoViem avyi6lhatisOsuothili,iivr.
*).' *64 iitiltATher:wiii 1?!,:pr.t../o. pie_hooldla of as -, Tif
GeV iiiertition..' -'- - 4- f ~. • . B'ESJ; t3;.eVRIi.-'
J uir • ;AP' . ' ,
11. 4;
{ L 1
...,..._ , •-,--- f -,,
J)lsltr6uaroirre:. Raci . itii-‘ritfc lie'nioryd
it itheSiot to. the ' . '--•,,-• ',..".1. • ',-.' '
. .`'''
•• -, .BECON,I) ,FTOO.On; - . -• , •-•; • ':
11ii*ii* //iiil-:L•whero the Artiiit . ikili--lie
Serie iindrplitniO'; . zi . e . hiretotOrii"-fl." . '' - .
, . ~..,..4. :-....,
°lle, April 1 2tii , 1851.
It SEED of theilrrgq-kiiirl. tor:seile by
i .:•.. ... :: •
...• , DDRI2.I - T : T. - •
MilroditriarCh':•-••• - IG, 16 :: •
,• I :: ; -l•- ; 1
~ ' - ..... •-•:!•:-;•• !" ' :' • ..-
'. - -;:. I i
net Shop-in..Stis. iiehatina:.',
hieriber is norir la avi:ii: alt nits of work slone I
or; mot Mill" neepaon bin • "Dirrim'ai, l'iblea f '.
F.; warrutoiLliprokt triode,' a a 31/1} . 4./rAir3,' - C . 7/130
land oin - dscir . Rocking ! Ch ' rii. Ric., Bedstaiiihr
on hunk All-Voiso ' , Anti g fur:ol,l2re will 40 J
at. 'Lep/air:tie , Taiiki. 114 • c!cue 'on abort 1
ollfas roodtlina4natittunad' to ardor In tholprst
, D. L. Ktgarat., 2 .;
ebanninapof,,Den. 10;435 ~-641. ','.. ' •• .. '',
' - NEW :G0011,43.. ::''
trrial?. at • , -'' • : •,
15; 41451. ,- • = .n. It_ Atsin op' aCen.:- 1
• - • _ ,
I 1..,*
....emit A
11 tO C:
tier. .1
Uot,h,y ..Clover See •
13. '-priie reiped, Tlinothr Seed,—niso,
of this..larto kind, just in o_wt , forpato by
. 3 1 ). - ;Dr4T.I.T.Y
i OPULAit , TR:Any
friend ant patrons:lttcwell ftS tct„tbis"Yittitta - -tif
i t the ktOdtiess: and ,patrausge •.f.o. liberally he
Font Wovitt ye!ixt beg!: tb: 7 0'11 :Uric,
Is to the. large §toek pr.;
- •
„ - r etilvoi7c,.., bought 'lvy slid !tip!
s /las
PA 14T
*kith th'
13ls • .;
. crawl-unusually large 'Meek 9t.'hantesltitesi
NA,sllAW WC, DOICiETI. RiBlIn!4.1100:14
1 0e3. 1 . , ,a.,5ciEtri. II AiZtliilli It; iit t ON 'AND NAVIF:3;.
E • AND \ OM, itC. dte. c at the lowert possible prices;
inteuranee that an' exerniasittou of his stock:win.
very reasonable mind that the old store in .Stins4
tv lethe place to boy owl Gnats at tom prices...!.
may tatkpfaelling cheap -.-bat lir, -wil do it.,..
irfrilleAttril'lt - 103-46a - '',- -',.. - -' -
I i -1433,:nethat;IMiarYmem, e .nenee Sugar cm.
' ,A • - , -7=• , .', , -- - : J-.1".4311.1P1ir1&. 1-
litrriwiriturtirocAD Tres of the beit 41001130
34040 ittAVAMInn: 9,n hand jachl f0r;51314;14
r legit Firklias Tubs.; 4110 7
do to the tradef=:i '- t :1-4.I:CIfUTPIIIN- i s
. .
rOdeirs4 and for sale loin for Cash at the. storibf .
rose; A'pril:l9 - 1.853, - •'' - ' -
• s._
Pork -Flour'itrut -Salt
•EW tratrois of -V„liitti; extra tilq!'
rends. ,
„Also 6114,1.6f-Ihr
iittose; Feb.-. 16, . •
NoNi Good's
:ENTLEy.s,rt:AD, aro constantly ..tO.
eiVinvtdditions to their generoLessorthetit'
.crockery,,.,; - 14trds!,14;
and .' Gill ‘yitie;Drngs..'3leclicinea, Paint*,
ncl.-DYe, Strati, ienfelry,.. Ailverk,
'bra, Spooniand . Shetirat . 4-c.;lthieh
are sell on the, lowest terrnalor
Produce.:or approved credit: , ..."
f D
hey .
. , ~ ,
ASTIXG. PoWder by the' Kek—aleo, . a
prime 'ariele of rifle powder and safety, fuse:
is on hand; and for sole by •: ----, - . 1„... 1 ',
• y 10, ": : .: 'BENTLEY StRUAD .",•'.
RPtTrikIGI„ Matting dfaths' I oolong
I Glasscs, (blocks, Trunks •an(l .. Carpet:Bags,
relfas, Bandboxes ,c. at' .••
Shoes, e. an Upper eat fr.
roil./to& Kip •Skitit, , Hatt= iitfd ; ptiis,. fiaila
• ub4,. - Fj.tki quit.Al r e4l;
oil - J . 17-1120, sou:Von:lv no,hanti . , A;id for
right,BErrt EV'
1 • ATENT-M-ED/dINE:§; aj all asilarigneiii:
. .
anxbpteineDr Jayn eaTtir.• , p' al;tiocifiancia,,
ati•;'ireFach7a and tinaecorth . .G.13 0 4-rnininirt
AlicN:Cheici recVaial': `, Snit Ina `Piiflace.a;,
• , Liver; Oils; - Miireitand'a . "ja i tif •CelatiiisCad
. o,E,Truska 'and . ;T-annwea',:t'armaa 4,0iid...:
. f, 'lll:4l!difilli!L,Ortlnt ; t!ic : Phi Ill'i,i'SOtitii i i,
. . ita,_#tcjihkaud iipapays_PiW ~ a nd :a., -117-
• other Alfrqiiiit - Mocticpipa. a , the' moat, a p;••
. • ad and popular-kids. kintliapr' rod _ ti3e." , : - ,'; '' - "V...:
ay .:10. '.. ~- t ' :lir:N . l . l.u. J.. READ.
Jr,kNTED,rq.o.oo (Inep t ail„ 001,-Vtia'aiez.
,____ _
• 0 rest 'Sepa\ eifery , ,Ai:ontlay,Tueptiel, .Iy...,lttrteatitty :
Ybekiliji,,. ... 0 s - ,..;. , .. ~-, - ',',1_,.•2 .:' '_ .. 1' rt -,'',' ~....- ; ' , .-. ,, t,11
reig .11111, be 'reeeliatibteortria .. k Wbrpoipithfiii;
..tals boti Ovridiotioit attbetr S rite 'eithe.littpitot itt'
le;:witeakeer..yarisatty . watil'Orrilreileficiek itt
stiStatioq;atttlat Near .kipforti,intil4beipailei bf
rektbit.trein.fram•Slivattairi`rat tboittliatet . ibi*lkt,s: „, ~
oetteatrusted to our. eare -will lb& forwerdel4w.
York with the atmott dispatch 11, raturtur lialf - la.,
it money it-the plated , meatioti "Ctibove:'-ilio ...eral
' will be 1iW. 64 tO IrP-nrkgle ) 3•1 1, 10 1 t 0 i:444 , 10 1. 6 1
we Will tzettssif prtiteptly-til all "iota*itilietod 4J
0.4..,.:.._„,.,.,„.4: P.,i 4 .14,9 111 . W 10
I.; 00111Ig: - .•
;- ~.,
~. "C~orw~i
ILL lieep.towit4pl
°matt.lei 119 v
• 'itooselyn4de r
!hay wilt mlrf
Inn 114 •1113*,:dik
Wih4 - 11Iiiilin,
OTlCtliii hereto,
* cort i th
it in iir,ll b.
w‘ Wl* _ "
,iot vow Oita
W. lie,l, Ilitsikapittiet ,
Sri . mind Iltdirets4Mp,,,
811 fr (Mt IdtiliViltuelE
A otneproe
44,7 Z, "7 , 11(
k '"':-Le t,-
-- 14: :•i-:',ltibilibefgele
'Reno of bol l
e ;rl.
;:lltciiitro.K Cee:CC " li t: -
-.'..--- - .',..-• - fv . .'.;.,...t's- '-.
I, , por*!eat!V- IY - - 4 1. 21 CP.i ':. - P 3 I:
Wheai-Pei bailie!: - oi.,'*; '; 1. $---,,= *1 0,
,RA4 - .1-I—,"-
Oativ - P., -, '" .:-.--. 41 . - '' , "-• 2 .'' 4- ' 5 ..'-;" 4 i'in , to c 't 4ll ': -
. llttekihes. t yer bzu3 "el, 48 lbs.;- ------,' .'''' . . l . 7 : l'4lto
, - ,;,g ,- ;; 17.'..- - ;-• .. , 1.,* :45 4 00. 6,0 e
potoi; eri permilie , . : .- , ... ,i....,2,5;.1 .-,31
- WlitOo' ; -BeitAt tOr;travh9l( -,-- -,-- ,
i. - -;. ~'I
'slaiF':s44-k-,4%;• 43 / 4 _ '. '4I -,, ',,-, ,- ,r.) ,z -
, n , ..:: 1 1 100-
WoOgtpriar,datta4,,,;".r ::,
w 94; " •losyet- ,l-' ', , " a 1.,... ' ..- -'I,IIS
Dri94/ 1 , - Ple*.P l- ibil..4 '
~. '. --, 2' . 'O 5
i - Cleivi lr .. ~,,,:,- :, ...1 . _,1 . .! ~..1, 4 7 , 7, ;e...........
ViM9!' ' '1
1' )
-,-.,•'' :
' i
:.:4ititf) 3
b- ,2-;,J.' flo•-,,4*1i
':: - 2 ' / • "i: :-,,,,i-;?l,litt,
14_ ": , : :
~i -,,::,,,
4 .,..i2?
', , O6 110110-
in _ q.., ~ r rifil, -, , T r Il ig
itit: ' , ',..-
~... ' Prrrif";
Eggs 'Pq- , d 1 14V. 2 ; ,
two:;Butex lb,(rii ;
- Ctft.
~ - ` - ‘m,... :
PlieSel 'tOr';lt.. ;- .
Lird,' 1 , 1 •;`, 1 !"- - .'
Pork poi , bbl4'..j,
Dsoiied ling! p§; 1
. - . Y• ~' : 1 ChiciOtis
1 :-, I Irttrilosq
,.. 1- -I - •J:._--; - ,_
F7B: t etw!...A
rg , ,i - i4 ,,Asti',4l
, Ri`p g i rciri4
— IWRIOV o.oo.llatilo*,Xo4 - 434,
~ ,,3 3, - .6 11, 0 67, .., , ~,,: 4
~ ..- ,A ,.:,--,_, . .
, o i 0. iwic 1 efie4ving lit linfortalr ' etlithir fiat* a
"a- minter 0601;`bnIsFritishiiSheir,ttautilwatwalstratt:or
1 Btootl_ n .clelfie.. CasehnogetirYolOPOVi'lPlP- !Ivreg •
Daitivnieof..alonalhaLbi ladlle,w-06,
1 s ari 1 ( 1 ';i t %; Ot differMit6APl/1) 1 1444A 10 4111 4k 11 / 4 / 1 "
I tic ()owl ' tries, Vroatiik; - 11 2 : 4 4Toroil).0 1 Itylkto -
1 -11t174 4' ,1 ' 4 ' BledietutFillootsi - ShO t 'KF eg t iol il*le
Hats aild Capailtlbbene, .Wateliew owd , lewel s T F*lnts ,
and Oil m . nd 'ln fact; almost Pfeil thitiv UV!! ;.,called
1(r In the counto, all ' , Of which Irr otter op - Aga fo•:.
totahle't tone r for Cash; -Grain, Bn aft ~l ord'
1 Ileetwale;, , ,Beaus, Irlazieed,Biannehlroblitt . D !Wes,
1 tit 4pri.reii Oretrit. 1;::' .' -13E:11* Pq 1 . 1- ~.k . '..3
. 14 IrtilsO, DI!" ,11 1- 1 f4 2 • , ;', ...--:;.= -!''. i -- -:
. 1
',-. 1 0064a5: au .10,000 ' - Ws" •
Wanted iluinedlakelyhrther stubae. - 11 we '
pay: k,h4, bighedmarhet , rice. . !LE, LAX RIP:.
Goan „awn Wagon Opwass—t& 6 rate sett ,
iirsitiii st:A Aire it Blown airit etiiii itt apithhig
' ) f tie 16 :4- , , •-- . -1.. , ; L ''' \ II TLE:Szio,JiLIAR.;:-.
~ Blaathig Powijee,Safer Fuer ) , S tchels, .I:7.intoreihis.
Tfilillk Ittibberoi; Ohio pie attents•Ca 'etire'oll. Oahe.
Windowland Wall. Paper, WiLipao ek s: &c401_1,11111/7
of iny.ti
• -; Plated Waret: n: •
'ag.goitiment, .of Cake Bookeis . ; l 4caittOr,
Sciekolnuffers, TrOmeke.,
BCnatoon. 20„.. : -
4pti(forai)ring-:-Tradfx , ..-i.- ..,
Iholl'l* , IVO, oilltimO'''havini'ent'Oreq4 Entn,aa.;:-:
toetatifp,.undefthO mint , and tlriaiir;V:..l). 2- 1,4- i._
thinl, . 01.; am trepiiitlidth an ekirtudOnionnittiona - L
or 11, 'Mkt, tin nares; Japan Wares , Bliss: kiittl4:-
Ci;pptir end all iithir wares In oat. finis too nuniatoita to
tatlntto 'oVe'are!".piipated with a laigO - 1(4, f ir„Visit'iipiiik `i
jtibleh il nanlay the coadng ananon•aa,chiatc iiiid.74n- ait,-;,
eobtrit reas : cut hi -obtained. '-' , Alt , jobs -Acne ' , MC oat,. ,
!diktat,. Mt neitnesaiAnd,dhpatak. J.lesae,giinnoi *Lam . .
tiolweit htleit will Beforitn*lnteistetaleirldootslo•-:.
lovitrenihalltdel,liiirectly'..,:oppOotte thii , f.i.ltetioerat''!: .'
, o fg r iw - t • . ..-:, :.t' -, "1-- i. . -.• t:,.;, Di liATllltOP___;Z- ? _
.7dontrolit% Feb: 11r1853.' 1 :- " '.:.-43.,:./i:: . .WOODRI711": 7,-',
:Engliiiiinwititwzote.T:::l•l!,-hes4i --•-
' I,' l l - '. :- ',..,''''' - :'F:::tr .' .; - iibokiiii - si444 4r oi:,
; i;'•• , ..Fiic.:, •,.., • •71' '-, :: ~4.: Irk annimuitne,to lieftirsdil. - -
.• • 1 •'. '; .I" :••••• - • --': - - ''•
gnat :124.7 1 haw•Mi 4y
,TeceiTad. dt!....' .
.',...:1 . 1i . '1,:' .-.- ~.11i sit..froiliT-Ltierpool:tio;ttie.e in. -
... _." .‘ - ''' -7 . , .viwiceothist,kus!low:L . Oerllatith•
''''.- I ... ' -';' .., :-. -k. 'iiii4aiallexiTeoliili'te-',lOl, Oder:.
" i '..
' s ..: !XI, "‘plpit' W",hsinting , :easW.ixtra..
.',4• - -,
~,,:q_::.• Iniairy,liiao..3cAmall.lotof,waitkii.,:
k., ;,..;-- - v?.: •- . fine falljeWelartiiieineatie, - ;tw...
,--;':- -----. ....r....l.bii,pwtin.goild,Cafewritf,isita l i.
iiiiiidstiliitiWrq - itiltiy - ::'Thfk. - aVoWe'.-wiith 4 / 1 1:Twisier •
stii4l(najiek•an wviOrtmint - of Irptches - ticret'T..treffitwG
•4134d0d in Binghtu4ktoni to which hic.
h- invite ite )! ! - '
I,lpit iicrirdOet!,4 2 -.',,!.Vi, r- :47:: . .: -; AFPREV-1.7:11741118..,T
, I -- -....14'0: 2 Odd . .,Fwiyr!ii_!..RlA J , • •
- alllt zhainfoii'i . . , : elaieli - 3 . ;111S3;- - :: ',-' , ',.' 7 j ''.. 7 . :. : '..:''7.;-_,. 1
- 4,4. - 4 l'.. ' ''. . • l ''' -:'' •
- :-....{..::'" .. - ...1 -- ...-•.••, ' . -.'` .. .. i
-Chtief aidi -, :liinu Othr Seeti
.i.; 1t,,4i..ii.,:,::_.: „.-,.„ : ,.,-.,,..„:1...,,,,.. , :,-_:,:,, , ....-:„., fr ... :
'...e' -.-, - • - - :- --, 7-- • • ,_- , -,- 7.- v it;iiivatir:
. . .. . .
.....: .. . .....
rtr Sale -
A itf dOubleitainesi
wtor w,
ole, by ;•
C 4NP11212-43
, each it
neys, re4need to, •
• • ' - . 7 DEPS J!4
j lfew Boos just just . Reeeived;. - :
, .
orSeuthena lite, it iicentirelyAlf,'
rtiretit flolp the milny imitaitions:ortitiele:Testra.eab.t.
iti.?!..l It is, intetie+4
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