..Tig;.'iiVio - M4T . . The •Largest CieeninSion in -NoetheZli :2:Penissyllranta-.11132 Copiee . Weiek 1i S. B. & CUASE, EDP *MICROS IINE 22. Maintfacture of Iron: • it has always appeared.,tons, that in many :light of our country the rich bids of iron coal ,and time, lying so nei one another, afforded .advantages for the manunacttiie of iron of as good, a quality, and at as little cost, ,us' - it can ' m ade in any country: in the world. °fie 'of ihe-mbst extensive iron. Makers of Great-Brit -4ain, while,on a visit to this country .fr* , yearsago, made it a special part 14' his busi-• mess t4livel extensively and examine the dif ferent fro. works in envetitl States. • The con jj clusion at w 'en hi3anrived was, that we -were perfectlyblin• o lour' own interests in the - mode ; of cornice a the making -of lion, and that it - could be mi. as cheap, if not cheaper, in various places in A , . •ca than in England if the builnesi was well anaged, nbt for us to point ou where the defect ,lies;becinse itikeo easy , se , money in the manufacture-of iron, from , gement that one maket in the atnedistrict , England be 'making good dividends, while , hear- Pitt neighbor in the same' field will be ing .:._money : Our ellect is principally to airing •• public notices vety great improvement which has, been Made in the mantifaehms of iron by Joieph Dixon, Esq., of. Jersey City. Atiipeci men of plate iron madoby a new prociashas beenleft at•bur off i ce for inspection" by'-E. • L. Norfolk. This 'plate is perfectly free from ' flaws,nnd all those imperfections - of utie,quat. 1 textareywhi4 belohg to all the platewrought iron we have examined. "'We understand that the process l but littli • mhre expensive (if any - ,)•than the ` .present mode s or making plate iron, and yet •so - - be.autiful and - . uniform in texture Is the serface, that, .it will make a • splendid' plate - for the engravers art, - _ for.. the .-..- For boiler iron especially," this improve:. meat appears to be a grand remedy for defec. tive plates," by which so many "- accii eats, have yt been caused, two of-which wah d results, have 'liken place near this cit dari'ng the present year. In the interior of boiler plites there are often times blisters, which sooner or ...later lead to an wide*, il' not noticed in sea- son to• prevent the same: -We understand I Y. • "that - no bliater or flaw'can possibly ' - ,exist in plates manufactured _by• the new -process.' They are therefore much stronger. .than the Cesnition one, for no boiler is stringer than the weakest part of it. •-• Iron is perhaps the Most sensitive of all metals . ; it is affected for good • or evil,. in its • manufacture; by very minute' impUrities .and inattention:. It is our opinion that the-iron rnannfite:turris far, Very far, troni having at tained to anythir_g like profection.. Nye iiope • that as many of ourpeople who., have tinie, oppottunity and, means, will devote,part of their attep'tion to experithents for improving its mvitifacture both as it respects quality and the reduction of cost.—Scieiuffic American. gamier All men and , thinks are go'verned bk.the world Zed. ,Noblemen and drunkards are pimp led, - physhrtniiis and pnises are fee.led; their pa. Cents and , Orarq,As.are pil-led; a near married . man and assare IPlde-led, an old married man , • and -it pack horse-are Sadd-led, cats Ord dice areiratt.led, swine and"nobility" are . . r sty-led, a cc:vizi - Me alada tinder Vim are grind-led. ...-.- • - I Fautea 1 6 Itnale--The titre of - an - ' ,elder= '. . berry: The number of pages -in the,', tolotne 4 nature.'" If a revolver „is a grool i tieaPinite . .' till time:l What kind of a whip - a' philio nss --- _ 'When 1 draingbefore• the windir. tUiv:=.lehap peps t,hat i ihe day' breaks' so 'often and who mends it4lalso on what= kind of hinge's . the (.\ " 'days' ark hung .. If an *than - of assault and bsateii -- Stlie . when a . nian i ts ' struck' with aatlishment. s _ 1 . _ .. , - Some mesotesneer elated . - gaiter is giving . entertainments in the-black sit; aid his- agent put nilarge hand-bills_ of blno ailfrgreen Thus • - • Go utitinitanT roxEu.te, (Souse wags ont - off -the last tivci let= .r tent ;so that, the Public (the advice . not made d,),are now requested ogo to h— r il in . ..the find open- And -,attiaettill ma n ner:, it ahoaking-T 3, blush when. I re _ cord: the iiikedo4Bosten Post. net neceskuily the accompaniment 4 distinction: It is - the inan -who niakes„ll noise that attracts the,: notine of the world,' A silent elephant . ..may rOnialri seerf amid tbe -foliages-of a wood; lint tlic ..roaking_bull frog will attract attention.in th 4 darkest night. kfartbm" . g elirated i a.,conspr imagination thinks itself a more hrillisnt light ` as the "nun behind the western I hitiether;:lays "Sir l'raneis' Bacon,' be, thifsblie of the Tsienursoll the Km , 'wain that this universaffratie is:without Zed never wrought */ miracles Shim. 11181 . -Oidiesiy works :.are sufficient to cornice them. 'h b true, that ,a le philosophy inclined! men's' Minds to AtisOli, but -depth P 1 4108 007 bilitgath to *leen for while the ...-ssind of vii s on - seeoed ;Manses stared, it :'many title, thee* rest-ei them and ncillithez , but**Wit beboldeth: the chain et iheut,- con. federete-salietited: together, it meat needs fly to F' 'mildew* and Deity' Mr min' in- A ficii !Ai miS "•th Min, 40811 of tinght to. 'dine r_heified vi k ed A poor a ► cq _ mato A t. tab !i . _ upon; • a when the/. Tere leet ,of meal; ea= AP •• y bman P ..: • ' mashalir . • :Um ma, • T in :Michthe po or - Illuo-1. • , , la u d I I'm byrod_ i c l a i me d, 1 if!, • hit to XesTl747lo: - et $11;1-10 „- ~- - , T he :iiiiiimPeon* 3164 see ' ' 4 tfaiik/41319.1` a ,- up Ida Plige -•-' „,,..... 1 :,710*"2.*, - "ThiLissi - e - tiitfrbst. v- - - _fio:ar dl i o a4 was•-• - 1 wid"! erfrOk 10), lif- td1;1- _Aso :wps - - to tbe wit"' 8i6 , 9 1 .6 . , ....". 2itiiiiiif.ef greit etetYl 1)11 .I._, tellers bad ' ...inbled nrie;svm! 40,,P 1 the IT . ; 1 room of a .. era o pts ii ..rliie a5t ,0 4.!1 iswg ~ , - .*.reari!w i lio P 1 -4 841 ; 1 )i* given : 4,1;i , . 1 acia. 'At i#tt i'littiiiii*e eghtetielle -1 ,. the viariao..4' . w. iiifol:tiati )',. gl, - _to fail - , ,ni i s°me tY el'4. !II ' ,O l *:-,1114: young 6 :lan 1, 41 1, 1 7ra,-, IT : ' 1 ,.i,. ° 6 "rri'.P 1 k,i,„ ito ry., 1! , --. : : :':•.: i... - ,;-., J ... .. .... ~ ..-.i 1.. 1 . . u:!'. so lie ; canirnilftl lijOit initbin* eq..; I DOOMOI j 1" 6411--k4i-,ii,4.30"g to eqin P.are,.‘MOutt feet-O , id; , ' ' ' I l et --. 1 1 ' 4i) * l # er; th i# 4l2- : - hleitied: and rt i j , young itaiMi'li,eon; •- • .7. • . ' ti-' i4holt adyenttirol..4l . about" to ! 100 E I: somewhat_isingnlar;.bn it will 'mt . :1444 so'u'eifter u , hat you hay [ beard! ; I : :'siair on • skating on ;a very smon in extensive pi . of iee, and, having _skate onmy feet,Talmsk_ . . flew; indee,l,,so graat as my veloc4ty, . I did not;iee an . air bole whibli hiy,liti my. way, dropied into it like a bin of lead, rtad my,liimul / was share ' clean off' my shoulders by it sharp ice,' • ~ i i. l 1 1 This as tion made ii great laugh, hind se* one asked he youngman how many timealiis head *out bear shavilig off. ' •ti'i ; n! i 1 ' Hear m ...Mit,' he siiid, gravely. 'Yeti ire- member; I said I Wit sv g s uing very s ttly,: and and that ;e. day ' very; cold: My 'ldyl then; with its acquired! seloeitv w t ti: der theice as sat as lay head moved ` dyer i: itill coming to ottie r . air hole, when up pop ped webt my bi would 'bad my 'Lea it the least( my body ; - 4 don it► the ex4t past) you see, .I eaga!d.w.tl &\, put k part: g itilek I - ..I 'Pak t.* " no the ena„of m '.advents. ...--• Oul my - r!tin, 1 1 4:it, by the '6r . relating •?ny wonderfur,:liee... , • !4rhert s tily. n .1t,.. begi: ling to thaw, I - and: rt ..o •to blow my nose,', land threw ,My hea , c uck . behind.: .he haat 4!' - .. • -And what ' : , -, r• -:. •.1 • * -. l''' ' - -i • - -1 •• : i Nothing;;p , tea "the . . a for V,ely, feeling his ne , only - my head, I : belies , has. iz i n'tlstuelt qUitl.ati well since.' !•! • . : .: •• . 1 ~. i ts i*needl+o say. that this - was .thes l ast. , .big story - t,oldpat night in the. cduntry taV • : !•\ .• , I ern.7• r • -.* t• - - '. 1 i • tt ... i . - v .0 II 110 , - ,1111 11111.1...•---.--- - . a . • ... 17- V,l ,vet 'Religion, --, 4 i -- , •. 6 • . . }Every time he golden gates of n new meek Open; and itS -r in .a.fresh berm - tinday,riany a• Mitt Who ti , i his- thousands, an • his, l . 4 . ach 's. d two; re•'. ire to - the . fashiemabl chtircti -E. tering: the sanctuary: with_ an a r of, r4*,er' e ee, he tree' the suit - carpet of the-at - isle to )1 hi pew, . seat hirnself upon the'.velvet 'cnsli ion, Opens ;, I e: gilt-edged, :mo. occe.htiund , hmn 7 bOok;. ,nd - goes • - .,througl - thi entire leer -1 •,:vi i ep to•tho - i ward satlifaCgon of hiniselt," and tht , lidniimti n of ill:.How. p msitjeaticall he . • • i • .walks out s!s soon as the last • • ray i er-haS, been uttered! .4. th e . volun4nottel - note of t)it'or gin swell - . b on his - ear,- his ' heart . ; thAp .Of pride, • and '' mentally. ' ejaculates, ; ' Tio. a . good - man . a . ' nt ' • 1 ,:. All this - : lie,. '(it is si bitter co l d :lily in Winter; .remeMberi)-the driver laftiis coach and two has .- beef busily employed at - •thelhiech; .:door in self i flagg,4llation; Arid numerous ill natured eta* s. on the carriage fleOr; ins order Ito keep up t , i ciqiilation of his blood.' There. `be - must.wal and walt;thinki4g the :serinini is. I very long, • . Wieling heini4ht' ent:im. 0 ;4 icc. , eineta. of th e mife=ifnnly i o wars ids ifeet. -•-Eie cannot ! , elp.thinking-44_ the - re.iliefl-, h a lff r di c h: 14 *. imate, has a r.imt.,-that! his I , Master has. precious little r ligion, - MO less kindness.: i ';, on hes, is inchnca to .believehe him_ none of ' I ither. , •:Finall:l, iby a iogic4l de duction; he ' Arts at the ceinclusien;•that hei has som ethi r g - ' arse than -either-4!he &IL-by .... . • • • ' ' ' 1 ' ..pocriaßprid i , -e, elty, and heartiii.Sness ,a nd • the. driier i i , i lunuaull - a . 70, perha ps - as - , i Jitueltio.gi ve* t;*•. to his i n igtuttion;f.im to I I drive . the -fr. .i.- . :, tOf his - sh. pis.. Witht l 4 en-, deisingithetrW; f el . * - ,ing.denia elatiomii Wti ?flint' say. that itiiioes et* leek- eirictly'ilChiistian • - . ti- .•- • !- - 4. - , f ‘; 1 1 and it is "a sight 4 behold rery:Smaday,liPer.., . . . • hip!ilt - . is a •Ft ..4 pe,alisflot_—:. - , Teriiapi.....hit t y. ~ yer ;Wan '' i ‘o-:worshipiGod' i himself, qiqt-iii I. elie'iot . TAN3ikitis he l o ves 'fii be ~ frqiitit4:; * na:,.. - r*i5 , ,0i5L.,17:44 all ',4tOtti,ii•:lip l' ere, 414 - bir4.th i l isis l i tienty or thin iin-aro . 7 Before the lehurch kt‘r Cveiy*in44 7 . FI i t ii!caltii - ici us - of iel•tter Vgilio;•!• - .', ',.; il :,- • :.. ',' 1 . -' ' - ,I- , 1 1 -,_- • • --- . '1• • -.--••- .l._-±1 r. . , ~. 1 Asetnori- - - , ilfollo i ing3 is- - Ins anch- a story an- -4 Se on 4nastek uld like - tc len: or) a school ag+,lyet - the , *d o crew atom ‘'d-ti sena vouches tor ti as -tise ; .., - H -I ; r . A - few Ineethi lain , ; enlogi,oni biniel Webster,wan4elive by nmembernf the le. gal prcifisionhefrore: i i .Ly 7 um in a ItOwn in tlitis- 48 * '4"iong • e," h meta _ iveri) f i e ' ll°63 - teachnr and . sehool_ .I%int; who : had en hie 1?- geOter I'6= r :li-it eighbitorl g z - - yillairei lOn - the yidS linrnit i -Oeir - gimp!, cPre,t 4l 7 l e4" . -1 1 1i , * ; ithe4 1 address Y: _:T WI talT4 . ..liPalli Th e teacher iiiiellisea. - 1 31- - e2.0 .6 6 ,1 "ed wiiii,it: Wely . :" good;-,e5;paiideiriti iittsnt. 'Wit *by did he - keep lank - a , Tait, t;- Why didn't hi la Vial:whole - defy, and leti linkmen , ' i all about tlni tkiTheY . r - _ 1 ii , = _- 1 ' ha : ''• -1 1..- -4 ....iiif!" - " -- 77 1' - '' - i `DIPI,I t it Ovitj*:tg* H ni *.l i tt * eat- , friend id i ; inidii;lsit, ink** . de4:" ;1. leng . sineeadviOdT#o,4 iicnruizi ttitaiTTY rniind 'a l itiers:l pf her . 61 0417,41.40 1 ; th-ellifirraivriat!:2l44;"l can sigsb.•. - . - • - 1 I 1 1 % f 4 :MO - S - - . ' "-' oil , flit) pgaT WiIIitOIIII.IIDINSTITIIM - 'BlNdilliall'ON; N. Y. ..- THIS institution is located ii *beautiful ant ronittutio - grovii:Tai the baseof Mount P 1 pe9t. and :,,witliin; tho- corperation of . the vilat . possessed of an abundauteupply of -purest so I ,teater t .adnuaages*Stir t+rcise.in theyare • air,* I - ea 'Map' snit:foot 10141t;tip*th'er mountaisq.n ''. lotikmc Ar'.oCestkryAllistlfpalised 'ill . beltati • itrik 6 4 o Ur* and IfitseittO the. etoiee- and ttumolltil intsiiire,"_witti - kacilllentsuitilliatnintwinfirkvill lege" enffiepliaillittsiiiteti or., _Mir ChePanr I'l Theta are'a few IX the preientittion the "uure' i opers.to,the itiviiiitl." . •: •_ -; ' • :Thu bowie •is new and 'commodious—bathing !. ippiritts -excillent—well-ventilated, :Irak' 230 1 feet piazza: t!' ••, " ..--_": __ _ -- The' nutaima, 4epsitineitt isi, nnifer the , entire Care of Dr. ThaYre anti iiife,wlho have had large .esperielie.e IS ljydropathie practice, sod are hi iorablY known as successful practitioners., - • • Courses of Lectures, with full plates and illas-1 tration rillbe given throughout the season' to , the Slnts and . Pitients, upon Anatomy, Physi-I °logy, ydropathy and Hygiene, for which them will be no additional charge. 1 Females who have 'been confined to their beds i for yenta, are invited to correspond with us oil give ue a call. Oar suecess in the treatment ot, diseases peculiar to females, has given 1311 confi dence; and we say in all such, even if they have "'suffered much roan many phYsicians," make one more trial. •• : I • Teiste from $4 to' $8 per week, (payable 1 weekly:l \ accirding to mom and attention requi red. Patients will pr,ovidei for personal use 2 com fortable*, Zblankets, 3 linen or cotton sheets and 6'towels• \ 0 V.THAYRE, M. D., • , / , Resident l'hysician. i9'tf ''D. W. &H. M. RA-N NEV. Proprietor . . 'and tr •ve des' ' :-- ... coca 'i Ld xer4cla (k I toy STOVE. = , STOVEI3.I Great Bond \ 'Zaderstille, . • , WOVE COPPE R , TI & SREETIRON ES .-" •_ . • TABLISO THE subscriber res,pe:ctfu informs the -pub - lic.that he his rem4Ved,a large . addition to his former stock of Stovas, consisting of a variety Of the Mast aPproitid kinds. annum which are CLINTON AIR TIGHT, FOREST QUEEN, ~• STAR OF 11HE WEST, WESTERN'9UEEN, • all elevated Ovens: - Of Square air tight Stoves are • _ • PEICENIX, PARAGON, - 1 WESTERN-EMPIRE. ORANGE AIR_TIGHT, • l'•. UNITED . STATES, FARMERS. UTICA. COAL STOVE: A Variety of Prerainniii. some of new stYle, the . . WALKILL, AIR TIGHT, FARnEnS. A gnod•and Virions assortment of: Parlor and Mill Stoves for Wood and Coal. Box - Stove! of cations sizes and patterns he is continually :re. ceiving - , and intends to keep as great a variety of the plostpcipirlar stoves as any dealer in the calm • try. Persons Wishing .to purchase stoves will find it fo theirinterest to call on him. They will Mind hie ' • - - • ; Stove Furniture. • - - made Of : thstrungest and • best materials and its cheap is can be ttonght in this oi;Broome county and reach litter than offered by pedlari.: Btove Ptpe & Tin Ware kept for sale and made to or4r. • Farmers . will . be supplied with Pans, made ot-stroug materials, at Wholesale pri ceS, all ardersfor work in his line will be thank fully received and punctually attended to; -• • . . ' • ' .-.7OIINCOLSTEN. Great Bend, July 1,- 1852. • • • AT NEW MILFORD . DEPOT. • TH. BURRITrs may he found an eaten- I sive and new assortment • of Dry - Goods in cluding a great variety , of • - • Ladies'Dress Goods , ;In rich Prints, Printed and Embinidered LaWns, extra :rich - Barege Delanes, Luitered Poplins, Gi whams and Phnfrairro's of new styles black and finny silk s, . &c.; Canton Crape, Broche Cashmere and . Berge Shawls, Silk Mantillas Parasols, plain and figured Swiss Matins, Strew French Lace and Silk Minuets, Bonnet Silks, Ribboni and Flowers. • - GENTLEMEN-AND BOYS - DRESS AND .SUAISIEIt. .GOODS. • I . . A large assortment. hats, Caps; Dion; and Shoes, Trunks .Valices, 'e:arpet .Bage . ,, Ca \ rpetnig, Oil Cloths for floors • find tables, painted • and\printed ' Window; Shades . , Nall Paper, Domestic • Cottons Of all-kinds, etc.. etc., which; in connection wilika nniveniaLassortment; in other depart-Manta o. goods, and-bing purchased -entirely for will enable 'purchasers to-seenre benefits in price,style and terms not to.be &Orlin any other establish- . ment. . • . .;, - . T.l eJtnle t PerWier;HQY letfont 7 — .1 „ • .14. , • ToraTtf. 4iola.bAck . I f • , • itt NtW DRY GOODS :11: B. . Salt and Siofie coat constantly on New lititfprd.,Xey 15 2852:' •CV.. 8 - • A 7 I3Ii'TORREI..r; is no;dreeniving and keeps nonenintlton baud 4:large in4ileei riblona eortment of GOOD'S --- whicti willbe sold very low for cel.or ready raty. The stick is e:omposed of a first rate aswortatat Drugs ;Medicines, Chemicals, Pahlta., Hs, Dye-Stuffs, Grcweries,-Glass-ware,Spows' , Spectacles,. InstrumenO, Yankee Notiois, and ! - - ' - Dry GOods, , • liiirdware,l3lonew ,Ifirtxtrsi.iStatipitery, Braihee, Medical lastiamente t Terfuniery, Trutises s -§npporters. Shoulder-Braces Shill:Camphinei, Burning Fluid, Lanips,. C.101E 1 44 Wataei, Jewelry, - di-c• I -AR Pqsouswishing uepurchste Ding: orOomis in of :the-,iforesaid. departraents, find their iateieetapromoted.. , by vallior first_ at, the Dive liheisiofAßE TURRELL:' - - -1111Iontiossilir,overaber; 1852. . - 1 U -161**Opeilittosi.:-. - A; iict.iitiocicw,NEw goo ' DEI jest M IS: offio!;:which'will.lotoole,fOr ready ioy or short apprOyed oreait, lower thocit any other itorain this ...Won 'of •iallD4*._ 1 no pooplo of th o comlq ,,, Who -• • - r • ' neimmaro y invited m e xamine i my stock oo‘:lnd"thei will find bf o hiMithilo•oUti•Goodo t .i. ' ' • • Wiood. ',ran , - I.B,lArrfait :ll° lfo d, No,enibpr4,lBsl. 4" • - • - • • ~ ‘ l 42lolican-114reiss Company- Wells, - Thalittetd " .* Co, 8 *if ' Place ails, z . .. 1 , FO - .E.a s kintriolg - gives, - Nei/ .:York. . - riPg.d 4 PAW -Main . s#l3o, 4. .qtrjraN Propr i etors:: \ , - • „..•• . JriarrrlsTopsk coniANY; entrust • i ' - $2 00 , 000 4 Havuoitilfie*mitito nktitavintemitet.Dr. N. U. - itt ro op lath, raprearbusioutiumn thiirs Lead Miter* Lill Reaft4litirs to g a loshes) the.rail; Aga[ . - 41.611" " P S 4(l4. :lres A on -t;iZeir.,.li;lr:lt;lrL tAi N. t iiity - great, sea stploresidille*ishilindise etts rti:==r ib ar=4l- Ir all the ot.Earn =PO aitt.. jacrivingt Is theinifecep • 'satd ilititioirn !Wan . o ....... 3l ifisitAitiiiio l 4o 4 4o ll ,4 4ll fOludoidlliTalming ~; .1. . 1 ,:...,..-. 1 .- - '' ,- : 7 .1 iff sompsurr.64o = ll ' . 114 *= - 1 0 4. 4 e, 4 t," • , itglablik -•-. . i: c e ilisurs sal o th ers vilillad iCtium. tligtmestialste theirlifitteritotittwireak ligtargi" . 4 . brappess to_ Ilarksti trelithi lopC - 113241 ' tbrittal,_,litiitkon all Phit; & 11/A13441030 lifive *Ar eg i rl74ll4l ! 1.1111,g r lb. $ 811010131 , 18 " eallien• -' - - '-- - W11111).11110, i IBrytOit , owe - , Great.B9.4d.no - -- 11 - - 'i ' l i . ipot,.Pa;' - , -, Tint, !tw 4 irkdous building , situated but a few , : e - fee !lo ut e Depot at Great Bend, is now opened andfnrci r shed It asultablet style for a Pnblic Mows and will t se ke t open at labours, (both day antinight . ,r for tbe.rocepti n of trariellars; and especially for the a•E ernuatodatien [passengers travelling on the' N. Y. Brie & gi & W. Railroads, being at' tbejunction of the i er rra two 4, an t he most urn - renter:it plaint to st : bp is and • take ref sb elate and be off with the first trairi,•as well u the st. ' nvenient Iroise to accommodate the puti7, lie. b ee' " iis NEW, CLEAN - and WIIDLXSOMIC I . with le en nab to accommodate ART., being fitted n willi'ne turn ture tourresp - ond, and table's alwayiut withal RN HALS and luxuries furnished at amo strata rni . - Mr vs desiring rest and sleep, can.by callin here, inlaid t e Ineuvenience of taking an .omnibus t i find ulna, well u the delay and uncertainty of re{ turtilaglo th depot at the arrival or, departure . ' of: th trains las iv Orter will be in waiting , to conduit the ' 1 with thaw b gage tOthe Bryant Moue, il , jut acrd the waY," ais :undue. them bastagainisithout fee: o reward' special care to wake them ;if desired ant , hrilir.of he night. . ' - • . . •:. .. •,. 1 • The . locatl n orate Bryant Bowe. with the natened seenerysboat it crintbine:to make it a - very desirable 13 Blllialltlt R OAT for bush:Roy Men and 'Others in the city 'olio m a ,wlsb.to " cast offeare" fur. sit few daps to recruit in th ,country . , . • t ,"l - . • 1 A arge and .Ccnninndinus ilall - I \ , I Is attached t thishuilding for the convenience! of pleas .pre NATIO, who, may alwaya find gold accommoda tions here, without - regard to uumbers,With' warm stip. Wes foi their teams, awl reliable help' to •Wralt on theta. O3' For farther particulars inquire it the- Bryant Illouset of the proprietor. ' ADDISON BRYANT:I - Feb. 18537-7tf •.. • ' . -;-'.I . • I ' .Rare Clmitcw. • li~llEenbacriberln conseinence of ill .health, alters termite' his elegantly furnished snit, of DAGUEit.=, REAN.ROOMSOIith iii the furnitttre. fixtures, Medd admin.! Stoct.i The Rooms are leasrd- for. four yer from the drat of Aptil,n-ext• Itverything.is new, and in the beet order. The j establishment, will be sold upon reastmableterma..• Tit any person ergatiled In the be neap, wishing a pleasant and . permanent location. s. presents one of the hest opportunities for ineeatint a small tbst cad be found in the country. • ' Pot further particulars inquire at • . 4. THOIPSON,S-Dagueirrean'Oallery , BingharntOnyllarc. 9, IBM. • , . • - . lo.teastcsavan as ' . ' -• ; • .. cr.vnours NEW CLOTNING_STO E E ...-... - • TL'ItICPLIC STR E ET , IttONTlttSi. . • Pl. - WYATT ha t just returned from New . York with 1 — a new =alma tiful auortment of Cloths, Cased- inures, Yestings, /r.c. ik.e.,_ allot wifieli he offels at lthi. limeys living price's frlr cach'or prodUce. ' The subscriber hasion hand the latest and meet intialo.. T,e 4 style of Fashion for raft and Wiuter Clothing. i. W. P. W. will ma nfzieture 'nn the Most eeasonible terms and in the most approved style of fashion, at'4.lie ,! shortest uctice. i . W. P. W. wants id• trade for enedg SOO barrela.of Ap ples of the best, quilitT, find .411 'firkins of Butter:, for which he will allow 24 cents per pound for the beet grai l , ity In trate... . _ . - . P. WYATT. - W_ store at Dimoelee latelaw oniCti,,iirniilCe street, Montrose,. 0 et. 19,1852. -..1 THE SOAR . TO 11EALTII In"." 1 • I CURE 011 A D/SORDEDIID LIVER AND AD .DIDESTION. , • . Copy els Letter from Arr. R. W. E 7 ekns. Chet ist, brr.seat. street, Liberpooi, dated nth Jape,llsl. Tr• Trofesstie llollowaySir :•.—Yeui Pills and. nt meat bare stood the highest on our sa eliq of Pro vie= tarp Medicines for some years. • A customer, to whom I can refer for any enquiries, desires Melt° int you litow the particulars of her case. She had been troubled for years with a.disoniered liver, and bad Arestion. Orithii last occasion, however. the virulence Ir the attnekl was eo alarming, and the inflamation set i so severely.Ahat doubts were. nfertained other not being able to bear up under it: fortunately she was induced Ito try your pins, and she informs me that after the first. and each iatle.- reeding dose, she bib great relief She continued to. take them. and although she used onlyilthree Doses; Ate is now in the enjoyment,of perfect Le h. I could have sent you Many morn rages.bnt the a 'lro. from lt4z relit!, of Vie elTack, and the speedy en ;.,T think, .• I much in furor of your astonishing PIII ' e . ' (signedi 11. IV. RIRRVI.. AN EXTRAORDINARY CURE 0 ,RILROIMATIC . ' FEV'ER, IN.TAN DIE3IE S LAND: • . Copy of al Letts.' inserted' in the nob • ri yoten Co arurr , lof the 141 Marthr, 1851, by: . .itrajor J. tr ch , Margaret 51'Connigan, niaeteen yea , of age, vex ding [ atNew Town;thall been suffering fro . a- violent thiu- I matte' fever for upward.' of two most -: Whirh ha en- i tirely deprived her of the use of her tbs, d aria this , 1 period she nip% under the care of the. ' eminent ed. [ teal Man in Hobart Town., and by tit her case w con-1 [4lidered hopeless: A frirtid prevaile• upon her 1 try olloway's Pills, which she , consent to. do, and he en 1 Incredible short space of time they elf ad a perfect ieure: CURE OF A FAIN AND TIGIITNESS S' TliE CHES T , L AN R D STOBLICD OF A PERSON 84 , As - OF AGE.: I'Front Messrs Thew tt• Son', Proprieto vih - e Lyan Al oe titer, mho can easektor the folio :or .slateose '— August 2.1- URI. ~ 1, ~ I n ti ToPrOforter Rolloway— Sir: —l deolrilo bear - wont to the good dread of Holloway's Pills. For e years I 'aired severely from a pain and tightn in' the stomach, whish ivas also accompanied-by a ort- , nest of breath, teat presented me hum walking, a nt. lam 84 years of age, and notwfthstanding my save cid state attire, there Pills here so relieved me, that am desirous that others should he m . 1 sepainted iwith their virtues. lam now rendered. by their meautc . • paratively active and eau take elm - e without con venience or pain. which I coultuot e i before. 1 (Pigged) lIIINRY COS, Norther :Lynn, Ned . WONDERFUL EFFECT OF ROLL I AT',S PI Of . .4 •. CASE . OF DRO • ' \ - Persons suffeft from Dropsy, ell . about •the turn of life, or at ether times, should int . sly , have re -1 course to these Pills, as hundreds of • • hons are all ual- ly eared, by their use, of th is di t complaint its differentstages, when all tither mean had Wed. - li These cekbratei Pat ars *loader/ha 1 efficatio" us is ihel _ Aactwing comPiaint 1_ '•- I, ' Ague', Astbms,Billious Complaint _Blotches o' the skin,•Bowel Complaints, tones. Con .patkineilthiTlgior els, Comranintinn, Dropsy, Dysent -.F , Brydpe/ Pe- I malelrreguttrittes, 'Fevers ofall kin , r , Fits, Gout ead selie,lnflamatlon ,Jauudk,s, Liver phial*, L tuba Plias, Ithenutathtes, Retputlon,of , rine,Ser.d'ula, - or sore Throats, Stone and Gravel, Se • • dirt': Symptostii Tic Roulet:mime, -Tumors, Ulcers,- • • eraal:Alfeetioas, l Weenie'oral: Nadel Wealrems from Meyer °anis, &e. 'Sold attheßstablishment of Prof. ; r Nonnwai, 224 1 litmtd,(near Temple. Bar, London,) duty all bleDragstista and Dealers in:Medici ‘ through° t the British Empire, &of there td'thoU • ' ted States, Bol eti agar Nis:,B7a , and sl,olioe, each. rWholesalte, y the pei t elpid Drag houses in the Union Itty`liews. 'A...11. &.D. Sands', ?leer Pork ; -and by 1. U. D. IC T Sontag; etc , Philadelpida. • - ' 1 -- .. • , . - 011 1 ' There hi a considerable saving bytaking - sy , . m i l N. L—lNreetions for tb4 nubbin • •of patients I' 'disorder ere Milled to each Box. ~I ' witortoori Dame' ittoiciNst - coitpotisp sYItireOtII; ! OODROOT, TON THN' baileonotion; Ailia L i•••• •il l t* / 0 11 ' 11 •4 1 •; . .killtbs, W,bmP i nge,lth agui w°ll P* v ."; ' l_ , Dn'Thrliops Infant Preservative and: No-, -' - • --' ther 3 i lief'li,e ,- . 1 Crireeinattalenee. CdUe, Olive*, Mashes, Itysenjes4kr 3 52 cholera °flaunts, or any et the oonunon ills f LI , fie' -. r. - Di- Tliroop'ciforniPoison - - 1 1 Nayells thestralthy Intruder/If •b• bums 111•!fsilab cnit exception of-kinds er nutnpers. ' . , - „ , E ' - ' , DiAbroop'B,lilhottaP,Mlo - ' • 1 [ Cori Indigestion . Milian. ablisrd,ocithvrawri; my -1 Headsehe, Heartburn, :Tarlac' Tallanuna•baf r thil4o l 9 Dysentery,. and s restores *ell bz tenon o - the 1 glasidtot the body.' ..' , E • • - -- 4 .' - - - • • 4 .'4 l -.:- L •' ~ - :,-D4Tbioop's . BieWirei' 1•- - Is isibarpaind in euraiireslitass 'for if* t ' i. - Tr oifoot of ttfo or 4orof• ). A. ... _s-- :- ~- .- • t: - •• ' Or. Thr001e5.804.: ,, -• . - --,:k - to unsuipaia94yoraitpresing tor Nona haniti s, Nl eiredliitithettni, osenyn 'ol' the skin. tb _ . Amen's , ' Nessiisto :A Reed: It tinn ly3in i nger ft 43r9.' Ituffi: It; lknatti s ireit, IS re Osnalf. _like ' i'Mliintemin -4 . 1 1••••• /1• ...0 A . kait9l_ .41e: bel!,." Asinine ~.X.:,114, -Wit—H•lr ibulbfg, 4 . 2 fr; -.. , - ersak,' - Joi amok Is.: , , , , PNi.I4V - • - Heitions re , 9. • ait.VTl - at_rnoN7 =rare - A".:-Niiitiunsi dilifterd4bea;co)**N s -. „, t _Amen tkTerriirqforjit:3lstatit.-*----- - .T. s l :l3PAPHriteentru Aittntifforinkt - ' ... • - rmails Pilb.:-. ' 4 J ' . SIFICr*- 410 -o*lligfetietUßitil' *4;1852 . - - _- 0. WOW ' - WAOmikla • NEW GOODS XEMORARDD'M fliet.a lma, , . . , DR.J. B. 11011IGHTON'S cr.....__ _ __..c bill TRUE.DI GEST,IVII FLUID,' 07-Gassfigle Juices. ,Preyared fend RE'INET;or - the foisitli'lltiausch oi, after' directions of Bente Liehig.i.tbe- 'great ' Ptiy.- 10glealehemieti bY•J: 3.1100911T01, U. 1)., Philadel 'This 1$ truly Xiititre's ownßentegyi for an initial I Stourseh: No atter roan - it.en equ gits .iturative 1 ers. .It rent:tins no Alcohol, Bitteril, Acids, °rife one Dings. =-It is Marefooly agreeable.tio the testa, may beigtken by the most feeble pirtienti , who - sal eat a water cracker - without acute Ohara**. l ißr L of Drugged Imitations. • Pepsin isnot.' a Drug, • r . or Call - on the agent endtget a Deleriptive ith 1 patio, giving a large amount of se:l4MS° evidence.. . Lfeblgos; Aninial Chemistry t Dr/ eciambies PbYikplogy of Digestion; Dr:Pereira on reed hod Diet.; Dr. JOita. IC Draper,of New "fork 11Mvemilty-1 Prof; Dmigliomeo Physiology* Prof. Stillman/a Yale( Colivec;.--Dr. Oar. i penter's Physiology ; itc.; ttether teith reports, of cures from illvertrier the United atm!, 1. - 1 •, t 1 - 25p* OBSERVE TlURU.—Every , bottle of the genuine , P EPSDi, brunt the written signaterti.of J. B. 11.011611- i •TON, Si! D., sole Peoprieto "Phitieleipt4l4 Pet. Curl - - right-and Trade Mark twee .. 1.-i . . • . . ' 07. Sold by ap.Dringists nd lietleFs inliedicinits.— Price, St per bottle.- . -, - I -. _l. 1 ; - 1 . o- Versals by A SEle,TUßßS4filDtcni t r ose, la.ornolessle and retail Agent.'.'l`t •• - ' - . - I ' 90 1 1• 1 :.. • . ._ . -... Liver* Complpint, :, 1.1 . 'D v ''' - 'Ch ;" ''' N . Jaundice, yspepsta,l rOn-ec. or ercotis , • . Debility, Diseasel of tlce . Kidneys; • 1 - _- Ann all dloases miring from Ili dliordered-liver or 11 stomach much - as constipatiottilnefard piles fullness or blood to the head, acidity oi-the stomaeh, nausea, heart br.rn, disgust for food, fulneas or weight in 'the stomach, . sour eructations, sinking or fluttering at the 1 pit of 'the stomach, errimining of the 'head, hurried Or (Mesa breathing, fluttering at tits. beatt, - choldng or suffocating sensations when in a lying. posture, dimness. oftislon; dote or webs before the sight. fever ' and dull pain in the head, delleie any of perilpiratlon i; yelloeiness of the skin and eyes, pain in the sldribitek, Oast,limbs frO., sudden flushes of beat.,liarnitig in the Medi. eon-, Mara inctglulngs of evii. and great depression. of spirits; can be , effectually cured by yr _ ••. ~ _ . Or. lloollandis celebrate G.. er -Juan Sitters. - _ ,-.,;--, .-.- a, Prepared by Dr.' 0...54 I Jacks64,"at.-ths*. Germati: lifediane — store; 1211 Arch f tred _ . I:* * -'-'' : Ph,iladelpl4l. `Their l power over the abOve inmates Is not excelled, if ettualled, -by any other preparation n-the United States' at the cares =attest, In. Many cassia' after - skilful physli clans bad failed. ' iil . i.. - • . :These bitter' are, -worthy the s t:soften of, luirsilds.' TOssesideig great vlrtueS in the 'reeteacatline of disease of the Liver and lesser - gland4ilexerchsing - the mos searching pewee in weakness andlaffectiona Of the. genies organs, they are - withal, wife, certain,.and pleas • . .Read and be CO* mace& - .t' . 1 1 The Editor of the Boston Bee still, December 22d-L.' • . , Di.. Ilol,ll4ncr's r.7eletiteri Geralanßiairsi for thenu of Liter t!einplaint, Jaundice; . Iltspepsia, I Chronic :o o Nervous deldliity, is deservedly on+ of the most popui medicines of the . dsy. These Ilitt.nrirtiave een - msed b thous:tents „and a frieittl, at our elbow pay he has hi self received an effectual and . permane ' cure of Liv Complaint from the use of this Ovine ',We are-co ts vinced that; in the use of these bitter , he, patient cod itantly war etrength and vigor--; is fa worthy - of t erel id eousideratioo. They are pleasant:Jo taste and smedha . mak be tve&by persons with tile; Mmt delikdtc aortae , wit h•safety under any. circumetanees. Weari speski k from experience, and' to the afflicted we ad Ise their us . .. r., -Stotrs Weetly. one of the bestll literary papers pa Ilshedosid,4ugnst 25th—, Bitterer, • ' • '` ..: • " Dr..llo4kuurs German Biffer, 'mantifactured , l y Dr. Jackson. are now recommended by some of t e most prominent members of ktre. :inedical facility as o cuticle of mitchvflle-atty. In cases of female Necalmesk. *As such is the case, we would,adviseadl mothers to . obtain a bottle, end thus save thinaeelvai;Mach sickness.' Ptg• soneof debilitated constitutiens trill Bud these liittell advantageous. -to their health:. ak'iwe know from expeti -ence-the salutaryeffect -they haveluponweak systems..' • - .' ' Afore Aiiilkhre.: , . .- The Philadelphia Saturday Gekette, tha -beet .fruni y Paper published in the Vnited.States, Says - of Dr, 1100 - landse German Biltrra--' ' F. , tit . - .' • . ' . l. • 4 1. t is seloom that we•reeeretoendwhat are :term Patent .51edicines. to the continence and - patronage I our Finder*. and therefore Isheii We recommend D , ilenfland's German Bitters we wiSh.to, he di!tlnetly u • .derfe end that we are not spealdng,ler the nest roam: of ti t day,, bat are noised: about , -,f . 0r,....a btf period' and tht r t forge ten after bey ham e rumtlitlir , ullty rare of mi 1 - chief, 'Tit ore :kW. long ertatille ed, ttniveriallya•l. pro Vet :end 'w ch . has met the licairty' approval of tin factlityAself.' - , - . . - ~,-, . .. . . Look Welkto f le Ovirks.ef the.Mineine. *They have nisi written slOtat re of C. lf . Vt.:ol'ooN. upon; the wrapper and! hiename blown in the !Male, without which they are opnrious..' ' ',. '11 ; . I ' ' i . Fee sale, svholesale.'atid" - e tail ; st the 6; , treozn Mat irr rime More. No. I`2o Arch•sti ti.:tin doer. below Sixth', Phil:Wel pida, Itudby resPecta deers generally time out the country., I , : ' .1. .- •• is . • .. ' P,rice..t redece4.—.To enah . We see ~ of invalids to enjoy the advauto , • ,of, va their grea 'restorative powers; SINGLE. BOTTLE 75"e8 ; v0. . •-.:.1 •i- • . : - • . .A 1•16 for sale by ABEL TURICEL diritggist,'Montrose , PeOu'le'r - ' .-- • I' - ; ',. I ~ f.. "VT DOLTOR liretiSELF . For.-25 •COnts.‘. • . mr.Ator, TIMP CRET • -Tis, nr err nne%hltoli:n Physician i• • rile aixrth edition, with! tipiyards of a•tnindred. - 15 . engravings, showing privatediteitselri'eveiy • *bane and 1 1 . , rm, as ialformationa of ;tie r Ilt_ generaelve ayaterair I - • — err lllla — sit Neiling9 111.' The time has now arrived tbaf . 11,41xCus snllerinfr from secret. direares need no morb become the victim' :of gurtekery, as ty - .the preeriptiotta bontained la thishook, - any one may mire himself,.without hindrance of busi ness, or the knowledge Of theMbrt intimate friend, aid with one tenth the usual expemle. - In addition to the general matins of private disente, it fully explains the cause of manhood's earlydectine, with oh/aviation* ott marriage—:besides many. otheg fterangements Which it would - not be proper toemmeritte in the public prints - Any person rending TWANTY-FIVN• CTS,enclo sed •in 'a letter, will recelive one/ copy'Of this' book, by mall, or five copies will he sent' fpr Ono dollar: Addreas nnAv.Yocrsp, N 0.154 SppOep#"cet, Anzt.pui4, post , • ccrD IL YOUNG • can ba'eorlsitlted on any of the dig-. eases described in his diftenbp i rlicitionif, at bas office, 162' Spruce street'. every .day werm If and:6 'beaks*. Sundays excepted.), • . ' • • The . ;People- Friend; z T. Pond's, 'of Arguicail r , - 1 7- . ,- POnDest.MY• 1 . , . .._ . . ei-cualfiali ,Exifts_ol,.. . ' . AN -. 11 N Extriet &pin ilir thnittilett-iia20,421 purely frouithat,mith_tlie:Oxeptioners IttneJkll cabal to preserve It.: _,I f 1:1 ,- , ''. • -, ' - 1 . - . .-,1 lewill cure &Mood Vida - alitirdaympla!ilia,Old ions, fresh wetuseir and bruies, Pileamad all , dismiss of the bowels° f a chronic nature, tache, ear-icht,ied . an \ excellent remedy r for female; d.c . ' ' : I 1 rk." It Is truly wi what lt prioress to be, artis rioi i t s t:l pacra , Providence , has sca ttered along the paths of life Many things.thal, 4outribute greatlin i \ tO the comfort and happiness of everybody; hence their mat value, ant well may they be called "'Asada of the Pao-1 pie On e word here to guard egierniliesPosition - A ma by the same of Spencer- has maps dared and- odiredfor sae A vpurlous sTagleealledithi"Corpl Extrietrait I would be extractfteentb as e Meet la ,:while and pure as wator,while kbe spnrioasarniole is eel ofed, which enables the publle.to distinguish. I" , , f , - 0 Nene seindne but those marled Potid'e Pain Destinier4 .. WILLIAM M HATCH, llecitrom 'awl inote•litMo.ws i and medicine dealers genetallYl Agents : i -- - • s ' 11' . i ' AL li. 'WIWI ..aatessAill Puratcsaw. late, .. A, method of tuforudus Mk ttiendaaud. the Pettit* hi ~ seneralthit he ha recently *turned from . , 1 and la:Mediu the village oft (ingo t County of and hiollitlaked a Picociintet once . on Lake. 8, t, over T.P. Plitedes new brieltakpref,and fs ready:.fat tend taany Sesitiess In thoslinli of his proternielk, ~, r. _, Ills superiormethid of arriving *Ca correct, ' oels bi diseases, and his unparalleled success In tree, the 'miens diseasesineldental lathe butuan'systein; more especially those of en acute, chrouleor com!.. plicatedcharseter, are all t ' 'is necessary Agr" h to offer the invalids, and ' di ' bf every charac ter oi en. title him to thispoiddeneearc dlserindisethwt pu . Ile: for the beine those ufteadaidnte4 with his m -tho4 of tweeting he Would lay : that fie des Gibes Ale". by , a chemical and nektaimeopieidexiatiniti at of the 13_ nen.. 1 • Persons - Mal send or bring their 'Urine is a-. . ' (at' , trust two entice) dd. tballst ill the morningla; 10.' 1 till, and is a record Is kept of all .the Mikes ex . ilia, the name and *seat the p . . I are also required' No' *barge's mide for ateaseibereco Ilion • • *lf taken. - - :, -1 • :.„.' ::: -.. , r••:-.. - • , .1 , . T.. . /nillUedlehtefliZetsifilidri Ilelfistildttetil ibsi ' M I hie. Ip4iom,:, , emit....rs. ted . awarding' , i the 0010 m llowesollitsOini.*:• ... .v , ;'-' - : ~ - - `--- • - ' --., -,!!..,:.- ). lie would alio add, that be Wetland ' Madsen ,k tint discovery in relation to treillialt*lffroxes of a . ' 011 1 loos origin, or °mei.' 'Thbi;is ti . 4wilardepMtde • 4 Inlit . ** l Wit *fen f ltapie*****2,lo l o. un 7i - liitth feeli' but not distiattly *bible Opolfe - 011e` trobuitio • ; or It.maY.consisk ht InegulapleliMPidAntesparent -, crei tkintiluddeleutttlatrito , Vitaidliyelisd ~ ~ . the arKaild dommtistaiodeelenli_ lo .e. -: .: ,---,, ,, ...:,'• ,• •. , :3' ;i4 , 1 , . "r_bil' * l l llo o.Wailit - 10 4 )bliziiiiiii443 6 ! ' 'w,ot iiillsalilheibinitutftes t indeolene; • ' .0 oesicetketodtlolo We- nymcit , of, Irtitatkith. _• **lt often frizOniiireinfltriilPfi*.ll . • NM. tz2 t tdiereibytellOks.ttiiisentilif teemPli.. J . ~ •„1 . , :. :,!;:: -4 •, - - ,, :; , .t: _c'SlNlffilut bed aftiiit t oll3ert ft rAi***4* . Pit 'eodn of N • "nar;4l4l2l****4- . 1 4 110. 1 !IiefW 10, tdl Fis *Oat* itecteel - tlil - :ilitteui* . ~ , , , 1 ' therasprikey letite.biew . good health:- Thejtitik - 4taiirdiet, .. - . * 4 Obstruakitihiroinev oil! - "aut u irit,_ ;IM F ,lit: A• found at the eyNce: ', .•' oil ig i, ; ~ 'i VIOW r E e r 7 a n 6B o - 1 l i r L 4 1121116 ' . l' -[:. • ' illiffli WIDE MID martian ; rosessima th. itiamnatioitcontained in a little volnuM. i tea la th A rtenek of a) which would spate to himself ; TSARS Or mular. , Aims to hot hushand this constant toa aud eusietp r *Md. ' I de t nluMic Moe him Irom *chums at *he mint. _ ZrtitcZ ,--- gur.tap bins the, mu:mucky of ecquitiogodon com petence wh ich In* amnions sit eutttiod, and the liPtseedoo %rich wont& assais tias happiness of lusself,rfe. sod 'OCCURS =IN MEANS OP RAP4SI4IIII firlrhr: t ul in eie n rtr= a erVxrime 6....:,.. In view of such committeucce. no wife moth,, ilk elicit. le if she neglect la anal bestir oC knoirlailso in c i l seem* ti hemelr, winch would sparehez much en enog. be the inciew of hominess and i raspanty to l ir kus, d, and ..r-Pirat-b-.sJratar. 1ti... • 941.41:41.ti tztil a unto watt entitled ' THE MARRIED WOMAN'S Private Medical Companion, BY Da. A. br. ntAtaticEms, ' ozotratatia. OF okastasr.s or 11,01100. • On Zhaireddi MOM. 381110.41/. M. .Prir" 50sts. (on nstz mai. Arran atootne, in Oil i F-,,,g pu bli s h e d in blished 11147, and it is not _ 1 suarituase OR VRONDRREIIL, ; goatiderlow that INV ER Y PENAL R. WORTMZR MARRIED OR Isar, can bare aegraire a tail krooarledge of the nature, character and causer! of her cornplaints, with. the -various 1. sYsaPionuir lust Mist Dater \ ,- • HALF A IMILLION COPIES should hive WWI sold. • • . • :It.,is impracticable to -convey' folly .the subjects totaled ol;ns they,prs of a eaten sturdy intended for the married, or those coatemplatieg taartsatesj but no renede .desimes of ado*, health, sad that beauty; Consequent upon' ,health. which as so.cooilecive to her owe happiness, smashes of her %tibia& but either We °Twill obtain it; is has or wilt every besbued who has the kive steLettectint of, hie wile es hear; us that of his.own pecuniary veedent urivAuxos-or ONE W E DO.BAD,T#OO- - 11 •. . • ~.ARD.OO r Hare beta firEISTAY/1 . 01.1 wititiktbellass fewitiondst oAVTION TO tliE .4'13111 . L1C.• - DE ;NOT DEDRADD TO! - - ; . • . * Buy no book unless i‘Dr.A. - . M. .'llatniceen,l2'4). : . LibertrStreet N. Y." is on • the title 'page; and the • -.. eniry an Aho, Clerk's Oftlee Oli the. bazt- of the title. - page; and,buj , only .of ,r hie and honorable tld . -• • dcrs. or ,send by, mall, as address( to, Dr. A: M. . : Mani:leen% as !there are sp .aM.I - aurreptitiMis Infringements ctf eopprlght. II; ~ ; li - - ' . . . .' LET EVEIt.Y/ W IF E •AIIID MISSAND i. • '.. I PONDER! 1 . • . ; . - ' it? excuse for -Ipcnoraelee, when Ignoranc e • is • Miseryl to those we hold. Blear- ii4d dear. and wizen' to dispel our IgnetrOfice -is witidniour • 'reach., - --, . • . .• • .. 0 • - enable ,clrery one le . decide upoti:the psratable itoroittity of liessetelng navy, and that no wire, or mother need regunn uninformed upon the many' eanses,:whien, sooner 'or.later, are destined to , t, make fearful ravagesnpen her health, wiletsglisuded atgainst. and Mal no considerate and sgeetkinate hasband hare '..7.rnate to itpbraki ; himself with neglect ' L I , of the welfare or oriGt—a pamphlet or• thief} six._ peges,e'entninliac fen ritie-pdge atictinder of touts, togetherwith estraots , ;from the hook, will' _ Opt .tr.s of c•-*Tqa M any part piths United.Stster, - , by adtirssing,ipota.pald; us herein. ' • . 1 • "lihen tlat F ; ,aeletlge ppiness, !Us ital.. ; 1 ptable to be gatarstit. :XII "' On reeeipt of ,One..iloollar . (for 'the flnnE4l.. Pon. extra binding) “-TuE AIARZIED. W.OMALIPS . 1 fiIIIVATE:MRDICAL CONIP.ANICW 3 Is sent (mail- •• - of ./h(.0) to any, part of•theitTnited States. • All:let ' most- he post-paid. and4addressed. to Dr. ' M AURICE:IU. Box 121 A, Is,taw Yerk City: !tallish .ng Offloe„NO:.:,l29.'l.iberty Street; New . • ',, raja Seta ET— Inn rps rilah nrg • . warts,' SI o Mush u -wild, Milford ,; IlleD oneld , •Uni-Intown-; Lanta, - /ttadine; 16 , exits ..ffk' 'Stark, I.l:trhoridalel.-Eidredlr.. Aright, 'Williamsport; S. Tuck. Wilkesbaire Creo. Ur. Earle; Weynesboro; R. Croaky,. Metieer ; : - 1,1 New Yenta -Ctrr, & Towiasend, Adri anne.Shereams tk... Co-Dewitt &parenport,SM•nes & ' 36aV3 1 i • • • ' ••••, I „ . ~. . . ' - - $5OO Cirk .T4ENGE t . - . .. .. . TXriiiltEVE it concerns tie. bi3al t . b iihnhappimolil , v IV - a peopled! at, ail i time. of the 'Mosta- Naluabless , por4ncit,' I taltWit for 'grant that:every -person Wifej do allies ; their power ; - t o savelie. liveiv 'of their ,Chlldren and thstlevery person ' Will -. iideisfor , 't.o..proinotif theirj j i : own health at all sactitlies. feet it , Obe my - -duty .so. solemnly' isfinctt. Ton 1 thaiWors • t 'mei:millet . ' to thejl ivi opinion of the :nest ciiiibrat d ' Pitt:Arians; rare thalni+l misry cause of alatee msjori y'of : disease to which. chil drim and adults:ars liable,- lti t you have an appetitd miti-i tine:illy chanze'Shielrom on kind of food .to another, ' bad breath,. psittin , the 1 sto Sib, 'rail - dog at - the nose,( hardness and fultivissnil the ily, dryiongli; lovr,feveri, puiseirregular,:remember th rail these denote , Warmsj and you shoulidat . _once is e ppl the, reinedy , , .. . .. .. 1 1 : ,' Liiisiliisaci.s roan..B.iiiii. - - - . I 1 /iii article fives:Sl-upon 'silent a principles; compounded with purely . . vegetable j- subs ante, being .perfectly,.tia . ft when taken, - Mid determi its all its . ' effects,: sm¬i leavingthe system in a:di condition islinost adieri t*llnostrums..for thareinoital-orsiOrms, taints:wed •of calomel, such -,es Losinges,A Veinanget; &c.; but:l2l4 performed the mist tistimi 'touts, mid saved the lire% - of thousands, both old - and nog, who 'have' beenrpro4 - . ncinneed hopeless. intrtrabi ,by physicians.' Read the following and . become tonsil ted of ILE: efficacy . over el others i,. 1 ~..,., 1 ~. •.. _. •., _ ..... -Mortis. !vet', 2E. j.', keg-13,-185V: 1 1 lift., - ..r. iir, • Hobensaek— sis .to emir,* that my child, 151. ears of age; having been alai; for three years, was at+ tended for a disease of:the s ne by sit . Loper, Whillisi't aUd"Pbtsler lima' latittime ihont teething any benej • fitL , After giviag-dirr up as I curable . ; I went to' Phila-f r delpidaand.consnitainnt - f the best-physicihui; ,her: disease still 170d:rig worse:'; it was at this - time tireein deiced- to,try tiolvensat.k's nrm Syrup, end a ft er tait t -. bigtwobottleil kale - entirely fined , her health, -after auttWng ii great'quantits of arms. Hoping this' , will * p lieskelit to parents whose ildren "resins/lardy egiclec, l egit . . .. i •lain yo • ita.' .1 - _•• ,_ ..: - . :'j. . • • - ‘ 'F ;. i ' ... , :±.' ''''' :-.'.- '' ..E. BROWN, .- -sOll . -EgSACK'4'I,IVEit'VILLS:.- • __ 0 Part-of the systernis' relhible to diseastthan tha liver, it serving as a filter purify the.' blood,:oe giving theproper separation-lend. tion to the bileiee thet' -, wrovg action:of:the liv sleet' the other 143peir•- - ' "witTitlia, an& t , _ ,f arty"..wriblic salon - of the -.oaths other inaketait pcit. the system , and • ,itivationslrist Liver Cose-: pWra r lundice, 'Dyspi* _.., Perms, like. We-, should yn4 hen I therefore _watch every ..' s ptent _that might indicate a wrong scalene( the liter . - „title being composed of roots end plants, fund by,natttre to heal-the - It namely: lst,an Nxtatetem , "Whimsical@ the:et - t ion from the pulmonary Ices membiane,.orpremotes rim dlicharge of- swatted 'mtge.:, 2d, an alteradm... which changes In eerie id tioablessid insensihli - mais- i 1 1 ga th e,-I= 4 ll in vel ib t l e d ne ' ta f'tl" a • Y t t e ein ti . Ad eg s it, tam, renewing : health _ d-vigor , to all pe e r: of t e y.. 4th, a Cathartic, w irk actit'in perfect bartismiy With the other ingredients 7- operating .on,the- heed's %Di expelling theirbole In sof corruption and vit... , "shatter and purifying the; kood, -.hi* d ,wdreys dis • indretards - hoslW I ,-,. -- • —:- '•:.. -1. -1. 1 Tim atelL , Wllisbesaack :--( l aboastory, Philadelphia, censer4th and CI se. ce ,25 cents .:. Yoe: sale: y thejahmird ete an Sara - generally 'threighein teonnttli- , _-••By Moat barflvardi• - Philidelishis; 11. I AlfilllW- - Abel -Tanen 'llenetity - te_ 'Bead , Mont, flail ` Hayden & I.looeand , 4'Wk.:o,•;pricili ttertydrubcf;. Mates & Peck and Una 8 Mir,' fterford ; Ili Burro itsw l . iiceisi4:llltisool- 0' H. Well laChittendecilin4 - Cbufr I k,, Plosaisindillt 0 A l i i : - Elridge, , ' Brooklyn' Orme & .groa :, Gl enwood; Laelen - 0: and _ Pr..lastes, .' Greet 'Baal_ .T. L - WIL - i - Thelthaanmili r Bening gr: gunell, al: swdleirriler . S. Sturdentakliratntitikl '_. T . " / 1 4 - 4 AND tiiiiPETENCEs. teinaiv:aust iiii4.li4naap 40A, • -Spirits with a. easaplicabsat of-Oasasmo .2 I TA,* or iii•Vosiatfat tiacimeasiim aJiiitYsicei basliha basysiitr -or armor., tuod,atisiostnri ..her as at join. pirlaiiiiikor As fist ran of eistaisaar - PSho-lffs fialKocedi and orco%* b.oi6~led b 1 iiisitaseartedar.4afaili atarfdl coassigisessaa `Gioia 'Ova to posse* is midi Lia attas ; years: what slay. and '1 talght; tor Mins - beak apusal, ir the possessed. ji is , • - • _ _ tosir MOP fnd suiretitiviadared bi alias a wills flaw* sample sat coatailloblit., inesKed : ifivery • . el . l : - fifirfel - '1) II : : : - : ' 4 I llvm_o„,.. ~..c. , Tl, tarlrfitforretttorto. 4 0 4 1 , - Iw_to veto any fool . grglet.do o Okit ll4 o f Weiler Me care Ito mrtter . ow long 'standing or. .21. , T.ltheiwitiikiehritteil to ' Ith - t•lpityme , R4ionisi,sg: . it efentbet,'Phltit, Wlthuot fear ofinteritiotteh Oat 0 ' ertietleetiW. Strettgere awCl:lthire who.? litor,W:.beetient; tertiMetetti. the . Teetrestiozi - Or eighimeti# ere fityltedito i 1 AltiOi l lOil'r4tireuiti 7 illilolol4lilitiii - dlliipal:Of hafluslotrPrreiteorselZiettee,:theietWaretkam4 Tons. Premature impotency, hirelenhitiiMiatol4-4* _hone*, Witodelt et the orgies:las of wiemorriv l / 4 11sterte for femile moiety, Wenetactew w- A ii, ;c on otuttl . r. raindegkent,, are gittlitefollorm., ,,, lrWreissarylee el . 0 Deetervitkrolethieweekhe offeMW pqrfmktormt - ' !,,': '4 l :11,11141)41tattlitt4,110T,The atiletedWoulttOefellto efteetheof.iliitjenelliktbietka4Prio I tay Mike their lives - on - the . :hindiforiatrikialifi , t 1 • - ottikouil(or piabiluss. „ :•,,ll:ls "eeteahtlyt - : ;tiniketsfutolltilititMWall the ills thetkineawlefeitit" .: , 1 ti*Ocito'f' lire Ore s. iteetimare.phyothuitusolu....., , •—• 1 . . istionwhietc - Ite is isore*Olo!illftdiaiii'bir:: r 7 .. fte ! Ikt#A#lkde* - " 1 # 1 !o igt- Oc' hil t 4 0. 1i i: • ' ' - . , '..11t4Ti1l ttIi; , :PUITT. 4 * - ifitoille - ti1gi. : ; 2 0 4 4 1 4* - 1 41! ..Arid tir: ..1 1 00:4.:aliwlk!. . 41 . 1 0F.0.00 3 fitif; .. .. .- •;: tkvteoo l P" timo"wi . '.11 2 0 4 ' 11 . . ;• . .. ~;" . troalltiniOutisit. froicm4 o i.. 4 . 01 41 4 .4 11 i - dtioiseilie . :, ..„ gUrt i l=l!. l c.K.. ol 7 , 3)w. .. ~ . .ingaguektfor,.veptio tilt ' 15 10 :9 0 ,,,,. 10,70 0 #00.0!47*- 17 13 -=,,......111:i ,:•7'; _,_, .',.:7.,._•::,;-,-,-_,..,..:,p.p.,* 0 Motard .10 llAPPMLlettheMeittlf . .. , .4 Irdostr.vikdse.tx. ultsterp~...*;4l„. - .-y7:,.:., .1:.;.,. • jad 1,„;Ii - NisccigigW..:0;1146 or et' 14; 9,,i..Titresitotitmo4; M2== BRYANT 111 - Great 1 1endip - - 1 ;6D1130141 ..131VANT, -111Tra. &a, - • 11111d11 /44T - TAILOR. Tninpike • triet i jioto, 31%. , :iterly-oietrapied. by .J.*.U.rDiimo4;;xoß.... w ill R e a u lslita4eCoMpiitt"liteal,yrk'prictri: - prou - • - 1 1rANnvicTutER or.spaour.po,or nt ,, litoigt.a., • .1 '.• ....Vl3i:V/h.Silliiti'fiCo;' C - A.I3iNICT - AND.CHAJU MANVI:I , O1 7 2 .02. tativet-ilkkontropriPs. - -*- ' !.. ••1- , , ~-.. ,• - • I" '7 ' *.-' Ge" ..,.,,,,,..,‘.:_,-- _4, orge. . , : ... t , .. , • ., . , • - . iiLEIT, 1 if 110(PIGS,Ready;alade?calwirsg,gii . .1 1 1 . , OsPoilloottkeh*Ifloc• i SOK i tl g,°"4o,o*l listeeitflotel,lktontroiet t - - . -1- ~ . 1..,•:- . ~ -; OV3rierk..: DE: 4l74lt AaT ,o , o9 et:ivititi, -0 ,9 0 -4. ..6,1,1:67-r7:741, fr4 11 .11:: 4 4 bir4pw,be,coalikortfe... ,- • s - Charles - 111bruti z . meta q' AlorDllAlll. pRESSING 5 Oow: hei r S., Building r nest door to thelystoace,-.Memiro,!a,p . S ; oRNET ATL4t W;- Tiinkha*iock,Pc,- 0 Itow. - • . ' DL D. Rinds v AIM Emelt/010E sTAVLE. Oimc• 3di ' Iralow Reeked ilotel.:biontrase, Pa. • BIL& S B de, 'TTOBWKYS Moritrote. • um,_ es oven ..kuu lees store. . . "o:ll;•CricAsa Con g on -& Sterhn, _ TVALERST sats . 7dolivittisTs,t Wing?, DVetlitell the COW Addle sad hoiisp, Court st, thagtuimtoui Nar. .101. B.'v Ttavelint : IMMO • uOT ArttailiriN az MOIR ANDAEP.A.hat; Ai ; overßaltbdp. Samt3h . op, *rsrese. ddle. Dr-V. C. Edwards, - >.- nyslcrA F Alp SURGEON, 0 . 2 1 10 1 1 , pa-