The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, June 02, 1853, Image 2

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Me Three Ilingdred Ikalar Law
•- .
_ . . liiiioiti6vosiiten
sic ,
• The faktwmg, .., , -toktlie
seastnotiou of . hei,....ket _of - -11;49, -- IProWn*
the Three Hundred - Vellar Lim ' A whkit
completely ,teverses-44practiee_ , ,uPolt. It, was
read a ado are; sit 44. E 1.,. his> honor;
Justice 'llllo l 4lof llinSttpretniComift- Che f.
- Henneter is. ,Freese, In the Notthern -
trict. Appee from the Commoh - Pleas of
'Nmthumbetiand.- . • -.-- - 'Y--' -
, y re p ie wversional prepertrwasievielonand
sold.= The proceedsamounted ,to $45 , t 11,
The;defendant in - the exettition was p resent
whin, tliklivy, shihi made, l' hut then 'dui not
&id-that Any of tits goods Were- exempted bp"
s.thisit of-1849: About the eurenteueetitial , of
the sidoiiiqwever, he d em anded - t;leiteileTit bf,
itoisiiitufir ~,- The ,Sheliff sold the-priniertiand -,
paid' the,picieitedsintO read,- lutd - '''therno#,
,moose'ir potitim4-iidered•llfiPietif the-Mon
ettaiMitto,hitri.. - -z..„ ...: - - .
~•.- ...: -..--
- -- We4wel-iistePkderi AO the'debter - emmot,
.T.itailer any' ifrentoe* - oest - *nal' himielf. te - ~
thisebtutdrelidoiliri offliiemobey for which
personal One - sells sa Sheiiff's- sale.- - : 'the
Acts pears - of propaillt not 'ffteOey::' It re- '
• quires , select the
... gerctds --he wishes to
retaitt;iiitthife _them appraised,"and. rep-9rty
thaw chosen : and appraised, shall ,be exempt
- froMiiif and: Sale: 4 This.; excludes the idea'
• ihat•ito is tohave his cholee bet Wee retaining
11e.firtiperty, to
demanding - the mo e)? deaf,
le l
thirproceeds. There are Sound - ions why
-he Should take `the - ge.eds 'Or take net lig. The
law was Made f or the - benefit of- Lb fami lies
• of debtors, rather thaii for the ft3enefit-of debt
orstheinselves '; and - 11 family, stript s of every
comfort, might not he touch thee i better of $3OO
fthe pocket: of thriftletis father. %Proper
ti, which appraisers it
isers woild Value ais3oo,might
riot seli''for the ; half'of it, and •if debtori hid
this choice, it would - deprive , the creditors of]
twice - as mocit--pfoperty:as the law intended to;
• take,,from them. A. convenient friend could
be got to'hoit la 'at sridefar - Wriwite val- -
ue, and a part of.the money - awarded by the
Court wouhklay for. . ---...,
The - forie4r• this specified the
particular articles lhattnight' be retained. The I
act of 1849 gives:the right of desigHistiog them I
p:)._ the - debtor himself, files the quaittity of
• them by their valtieomdp?ints out the mode
of:ascertaining that v:une ; brit if,he may he
silent Until after sale, k he can :.virtually take
• property whiche has not elected, to an a
mount far, greater than - the law allows him,
' and without applying - the legal s t a ndard -of its
•' value. ,Such a construction is against the spir
it as well as tha - letter - of the statute:,
The delgo - rnot being entitled tolhe money
under any circumstances, would . haver no other
remedy_ than an action spins; 04 offieer,eveo
if he'haddemanded his right in a propel• way,
and been refused, but be - did not snake the de
maid herein a wailer which the sheriff • waS
• bouts:lle riotich. l=ie -did . not!.point out the
property_he elected to retain, nor ask for an
uppodament.• ' lie said nothing on the subject
• _ until it was too late.: Remtitarly, a debtor
who wishes to.avail-hiraself f this act, -s hould
mike his pleetioriat the time of levy; the
Legislature cotildhave mean othing else by,
saying that property so
.oleo could "be- _ex
empt from leyy. Me ein - Buttes time. if he
demanded it a ft er it is seiz , provided he
- - does not wait so long that a compliance with
- his request would postpoue the - sale. • His
right is -Clearly gone if he.w4its until the sale
The decree of the Court a Common Pleas
\ is reversed., and it is ordered - that the fund in
Court be paid to the execution creditors in or ;
i • der of-their liens. .
• ' The Koss nth Testimon ial.
-The *tempt . to coerce Kossuth, by t hreat,
I mentions, tole/rye the -shores. of Eng
4441Antturn a the' enthnsi.ssm 1
W - e .ierceracct — in ceeuv-i
!tampion: The Franklin , bring full accoun ts'
of the great meeting atthe -I4tdoitavern, -- 011
ilCCitions nt ttie 'prommtation - tb. the Hungarian'
exile of ;the eopy.of ShekePeare;purehaired for
Mat by the penny,:contributions of twenty
thOnsandworkmenlrThe demostration
pears to.bave been of the Warmest character,
and mnithatve gratified ICossnth exceeclingly .
especially, When he recollected that itsonthri
,it arose ; - in part, from the reaction . taint
the ministerial attempt atpersecittien... - •
What there 114,eft of the grand giud-hernmln'
England:appears; iudeed,, to be • eenfined to
the,ruiddie chime, mil- tol , -the suore-intelli
le"fi the oPeratyee- With few exceptions , .
the iiiitocracy r and gentry seem to
to -Mainmon, Pharisatm and - Medievalism. It
-hi only among ale people that;: the fiigh; - true
spirit still Istats, - -Whicla.iiitilie 4 int i s old.Lati
mer at r ;the stalfe,raltied Aicituil Ham - pilen, anf-:
fered With Penn and Baste'''. :The' great man=
ilaCtitrers haveletrayed the canSoOfAil4ty
.41th - their hands, while preaching nhciitt qin
snoutifredgn With - their tong,nes
rig have, with few exceptions, ever:been Abel
fites of mains ; and the gentry,. tholigh,ro- I
hvedby many noble , examples to the contrary -
Aiie generally been alsti -reartionistia, Aeries
,Aknd enemies of Iminanity... - Bit the treaf-biidy
of lbw English people ate a 11. scum/ .te the
, core, aukeven they . .- err, mean -te-dci
. right. 'Tintokleaven for that?
CnasTaustion oitkrLarrufa-* Tilmr-s- -1 Ali"-
-Pack, a cabinet maker in, Pearl street,'-New
York, has-furnished . the -- ..fe1105 4 4 . account of
the Martnerin 'which or 'spirit rappers'-
sivntonstrueted :- - ':- - ,
Having been' nalled'asiton c Profen. or. Nat.
tison, in relation to certain' tAlee ; made by me
for. Parties in this city, . 1 am free_ tnistato that
.-- 'l:laynmade . two medium Wan daring , :the
- _peat year,/ both lad lititeliilely - coireared in
thesnofor 'Prodnelag 'raps'_ at the ivill'or - the
operator. The beds, i 1.4 inch thick, were
2. at out`in the centre, so as to admit the , tea
- elinery;and iii,etlarefutly covered; rib int to
' tear. a holioW;_and -make the -sounds-lender.
'. Ilan not sufficiently aelnikinted with the nig
. 'chine and the= manner of working it, to dencribe
them in detail; my_ baldness was ; to mike the .
. 1 tables
}Mire. for -„ the recext . tion : o thntspirits.; and
• thitl dose:this in,ffirci. f
instaticea, and iim
' ready t' Zia two . Or twenty itimes'Anori ifl
'... ran .get ;paid' for it, I am willing to antert,-- -
And ifl2,ol34.llrilks* n dollaf lipieenta,bese
a little hammer -Strike inside_ Artes.tablek,, 60
V trzziat - ou;iorgiOti:**i
: , "
,-., -_ ---._--,-,.., - -.
" Tnz PjucE.
a Clunt.—:&iteild
of th e ling* "effeehtd — tiki
.;fie' usiiiity-03ffli•
Darnel' .:We bster,-.
with eastora,lha. orM4 l l
I ir3Oii taria-aaat
of Which G .PPIF I I ::
ee rtti- down
tlemaa V
st 4r.
_txtll. : 0
and 4 -
_lomp_offerodAttilifiatatlanAdlide l _ 44 !
• I for his bargain: I:4o4 o kotip*grk. - - 4°
Ray far rjrrirl.- *
"ordirizt, , st
00 _
andiriend of. Kr. W ebadati:=?:4 l tgibesteat'lrit_
- the ask, men
at, four
j'aSiiitec'aii;Attlytitthe rr'
- AU itiri thi):Prelior
:at*. "no
the liniikthir Ano
bitigiallkds - *
I ,illwrieWr.44 l .
rsOrrrlito •._ .
Hulk, Ip hia ZD
_ . 11.0(
• Of
Of -
potter. -
r:Pcioo .
liga ectia n of, t . . 4
togrty; y.for:ithe
get 'Joh Wbr i li
&lie, can do r 50..14 41111gat o:ffiee,
4ireitly aipesite- Wouse," " GREAT
tOr" The .of taiibles - tor sebliol
roiriospl s
_the commit schotl year, 4.1414
couiltk, is 17,05', The monotappropriated foi
schools, $2,25-t: • ;
Tarrnarsnan.-L.To go to eljureh, a hot 'day,
thirsting for ".the Water of q t .," and he oblig
ed to listen tO - erlinination lit.tween .* Chrtatian'
Mini teri,' of - :different 'deniminstiens, from
Christian'.. Better b oth :
, feed their
flOeks, warn the iMponitent, find settle sisal!.
al niisundendings_privattily bet Ween them
selves. 4 ' i
Sr We -Publtti, today,4wo letters Wbfell
mill be raw/ with, interest. A f Mr. Mack i . is a
biother of iiev. J it. 31adc,lortnarly of 9ih
sOn: Mr.Switb is,a son -41:1r. Horace_ with
of Jessup. We have anot4r letter frern [Or
egon, by a_ brotbar of the g(ntle than who'ss we
publish this week, that willifppear in our, next.
Many thanks to thoie fries tprough Whose
kindness E v , rec e ived them;;.,. :-. 11 - - I
. .
1.10 : FO:INITFENDENCEpAT.—The /ICtl.)-,
rial . Brother Jonathan, a mammoth shlet 'of:
spirito.d Eniravings for 14 Fourth -ctfi-Jaly,' ,
has been sent to' i nis b 7 theCpublislier,:lir.l3.ll. : .,
Day, 48 Beekman street, 'rew York. Among',
the largest of th.series - ofilpicturea con pined',
in it,the " Etirly*eitlers or i Atnerica" ilia yell'
appropriate and ielegaut ort. But we iiiive not
roornt,forpgticulars.--stiff4elt to say, the pal'
' per, has a numerous variett-of lively and l isitt3 l l
picturea, besid,es those of4tstorical interest.--r
It is a pictOrkil, of tancoifircion neatne4 ani
beauty t, The price is 121,'p.ents per ioPy, or
ten for -one dollar. 11' . • _
li4tionl Account Current.
Nothing is ru n re commp, of late, than to
fled state ents in the newspapers pretendirg
i j
to show, ith wonderful Ixactness, that th
corintry * fast going to Itin,—that byl; ove -
trading ith foreign conntries our Imp°
126d1y exc.* our exportS, 2 An short, that ';o
zoireign tra 161-es annually more thtu $
000,000 against us, which, Is p-tid in spcie. ,
Startled 'b such figures, ivoa are mare's , .. , -*- 4 . 2
how-iongran - Inn count7ll#arl this enormoia
i.dritin upon her. resourees; and how fir dl
tent is the day of a - gre commercial crisis,
that will !prostrate trad4 paralyze labor, ex
be the currency and iyastate commerce?
A class of lineal ec onusts i rmen of ,a
peculiar ;Ist ' e uPoOltheee figures and, `rl
- mu as the taral r•mult of that _nation
al tieY , ad9P!!ed unl) „er ,kr• P°l34 and PerPtt
v4Sthrough the netabil era of the la te Whig
aninistrntion. Still clinging to the:ghostlof
those 904:aned I limeridoctrittos origins t s ed
by Mr.
,041 r, aCdex?loda.,by-th,C - eiferienee
.4- bie# or ,fn the liaak they seemi 4° tP l ' -
itt.'or oferlooy titi tir'st irineiplia orb° DeW;
mastic lkuay,ziolloGi ifigward iiittli;inklo t aa,
hearts tol th l ifd 1 11. i - ii c if e i gg i _
- e , ur e, ! 3° T e -^-- -r ."
perhaps P,mv 1 40. 16 4 in 4tfetOr B i ft. eim i mt
..,u.-- -41.-- "ittat sleil-ove—"Tn 4 )l*.P.ast: l ;n a pps.
ea policy. ena Sl ll :stittit,i' vie ihitheirc i a r :4 e '
of ;hi, we i ba t r- d Sp - Ok e , i, to save tha , (country
`,' . ,
fro =pen lag cat; rAts:M.- N i t 1 faith is
'Worthy 6flcbi3tteriti;itirule and 'int 04 , certain
falfilment. t. - ' I ;--- - 1
*e will no w give oil' fig=oll;ti'l which we
have alfendy il (lea, aisle tip aid: atatteA' to
the folarf-Pf eagns ck.confmPieUl Alt*
struetk a.
in; ' thin irlimminilbeir coireatliii,
l and show:their fullsiy. Here i they itti;
!Excessiof iinpo* . i, `: $40,000.000
Interes payable to foreignOs on , 11: ' '
s i t , c . : '` ' , ,*,000, 0 00
'haven spend' abroad, :f, - )4,000,000
t s
Govern entz,,e_tpenditrues, di lo- 1 1
sus - nal7:er.e., - - )0,4t500,960
Remitted to Irdadd, ' N k _ . 4,001v00
••• • i 1.00)
Dediet****o. l le** l l:lll l -'
snigninta;.„ , - , • 3 009 ,
- .
Paid: in spOit — e rtad,
141ourio; *Alm-
' 1 '- - 1 '"
' ' - 1 27400000
IThis- - * a itriakviiiiisiet - 'Amrsl-464 r ,
000, 'per. - year,ficeit4way , moterthini- we
Now let is turn to the lent 'offieW returni; 1
vtimimds'llind . . enVO.I II 4 - *fee, +l ll *,iatitis i l
Ilnisi - vial estaullak fol tint-year 28491. ,• noire:
they ;are In gross : I : '3 , - ,
^ ' :I' ' -.' ' :,- - i l l PP eciel
41nP;404,44Ket.:_i MA344°-
--...,, ~, , 7 '
liatiirribits, 'I. _fir:7ll%s9i
vordi l,4
Kam " ,,07w
E 1444 4 4-EZ P Grtg l 6 : 41381
lill itAladd' ' \ 4hat T ol o o eil
*at, illieabilts
inato 4 a i of - , -. 64
de4 in: the suni4 - firand It la Ws drain
of ape& that sol:dianS-COnritry by draiv•
t# its ,qOllllO6O, WO :Lana that
enkloiohe above state:
inenCof..ii#e*3oiatuOtpiieinsion we
Why inskthia; that our foreign
Win: who deal in . , 13 %e'-
arkets for its investment 'as _certainly as dries
tle farmer for his grain. . : --( ' •
1 FrOM Runt's llia pilots, we find a statement
ebuipiled on the ; best authority,' that shows
:tnelusively the fallacy of all these frightful
. mat e s and apprehensions: ielative to 'the
drain ago. of *peel° from. this c.ountry, • It shows
ttat from 101 tolhe close of the year 1848,
e-whole importation. of eoir,t and-blilllon, iii i
iti) this - country , amounted t 0552,169,841
1 ,
1 1 11 f
A the expert; of tl - ye sur:Oefron Oils ceuntiy
wing . the same periril, amounted to but
180,402,406. During 'this time, then, there
Was a balance in.our favor of $71,707,435.-7!
Avid to this a domestic production ofat least
$1.0,000V0, aid We have an increase of about
82;000,000, "iii — : - Leore than $3,000,000 per
,fogy twenty-eight years ending, 1848'. .. '
s Since 1848 to thopresent thne,524,000,000
,of the' precious metals - have been imported
from foreigrinations. For the same thin we
have produced from California and elsewhere,
;Tay 'the. statement of , coinage at ear taint,
,',5165,000,000, making s total inereasq to this
"country of $189,000,000. • Durinvilia same ,
time ive . haVo exported $85,000,000, leaving a
m 4.
(in in four p.ars.and a half, to '"this country,
of $104,000,0001"or about 823,000,000 Pei
year. Since 1821, then, to the . present time ,
we hive gained over our exports'7s;-
000,000. specie. An average Of years is the
'only. fair method of statement, for where - one
year might show a balance against us, another
next preceding or folleiVing woulti , probably ,
- shc4 a Still larger one in our favor, just as '
excessive importations •or , ',exportations of
{wheat, or any Other product one year, would
1 invariably show i much less, either preceding I
or following 1 The money market is aslul - - 1
tly subject to the laws 'of supply and demand,'
and 411 itsfluctusting incidents; as any -other ,
market ; and it is this truth, that those who
conjure up such i awful. - figuies, stumble over
and forget. By approaching it ~only as yell
approach and calculate any tither market, do
yon arrive at safe - res.ults. '.. . , :
'For the / above conchisions we-have the best.
- of data.- INie have never seen their truth call
ed in que sts, nor do we believe it can, be
with fairness and Candor: They 'show, to us
at:least,at the &Tot* doom is far diatarit to:
this cou nfry from The source ipprehentua , •ad
n i,„,' ,4,1;,,.45,,,, —...-...tommantly, the national
policy of the democratic party'in these States.
.. .
. The Legialative
Under this head: the Jitaiiata Septinta
oleaks of the sitiandining 8600 or more
y the last Legislature itt fewOing the
latuto of Maryland. Mr. Sliter the Whig Sea
; dor-who introdueed the Resolution of invi-
tation, repiesents the District in which the.
Sentinel is Published. We hope those whig
papers that have *tried so hard to fasten' the
odium. upon the Deniocrata, will read atten
tively. this article fru it .their
:brother Whig co-
; temporary., The Se . nizisays:.
. .-; '
'..... Few understand ;. the real .motive for -this
guzile, and ..
,interpretit- as al. net of.friendship
and courtesy' on tbe r tart of the State; and'ma
, ny of the ..metiibets- m..Jhe 4bsetiee . of better
"ittforination•-ifewed it in: thiSlight, and; well it
; w '
.se ';." but,: Ahem' was at power . behind the
1 , ae, Ore„petent thin the Usterrral -appearance
t it
I d( th
_invitation itielf: - It Will' bit- rtvellected
dud en . the assentbliag ;cit 4 earyland Leg-:
islature.this year, Gov . Lo ;in his tnessage
recommended a stibseriptio ,of Maryland;.'to;
the Sniquehanna Reilroad, now- under 'can- ,
; trzet from' Beaks - pion' copPOsite Harrisburg}
to Siinburv..: 'The Legtalaturti -of **land'
bas-.been dilatory upon tbematter; and to fa
cilitat% the subscription this . ' banquet was giv:-
en.. Thisla , the .truererun lwhy the iivitation
'was mad% :Ina we cap adduce the evidmice 10
prove it - whenerer and wherever itmaY, be de:
Med. 'The; invitation in the light and purpOSe
for i i:vhieh-it_ was made. is an outrtwo, auk*.
regatory to: tine character of Stap, and.ire
a*situiption of nulbority Wholly; ultjustifiabial
en the part of the L0.,7,1.5' latUre, by: which the ;
sTre.tsury, is robbed o f several thousand-dollars
for !the:benefit ef: a Railroad '' ecirpqrations in-1
which the citizens or aieigt,ibctring State!Own
wore 'Ain tWeAliiitli of . the Capital' titeelc'
Intbscribed.' * *;* *'•.This ihaze Af (73 4 case
it7ilt noiplaze aikiSeaator iii.thiie4st otti - abiel
.):arht: .--- Wecannot kilp it: if min are sit JO
`berg. to liiislate- for -At ' beeefito,or their
istituinti.inagielsulte, generilty,*loitl:'S liOisiti.oe , injArK - tbi:-*VI,
tikviia . tied to know it -_-Titii is Vfirfil'an,
44 Fie-ei - P4lve - b - oPe it OE bf-thilsitOrheite . ;
ilkia . .^, : tate has Viinq In - its-official - ;4* 1 71
to. a , -,dsu Vsemiltioti.'of A few he*,
i lit e dth i . , 4 - 41Iaiii to. alOriijiteteriierilladn. l
WatrioditidrizliWbo,fiiitho leftist ; Mtitirtaol
1.4(44 i l ini_deei not teuli4tinilated' Ai sorb a l
lgumAct4ora r. And were it' (104..thatieho*d;
men wiiiiid.• l ;e injured the/AA We -We6l4'll?
againsto°' bill. 1 . 4 giO lt * s I . l pirtoPfiatiag a
single cent - for the , 'ezpeitseeb ~• .ii
this ciionik
ft t... led i * Mai Jai ye-1 itho groan un."
:their Of ta.vt4ioci, itihelhouiti;
ics Jl(lcir4e: . . of* Srusruktnina Rail
416 :**
-i.- - - ---t
i t
lizir The ' tocinAti express_ tro l l, ert,Nie ,
New York an pie, Rnileciad, - ratt train Hain-
Aerate to . isehonniii - on "hiostiity, rit . dist .
4.11 - iie. or : pi miteliii F itr. Ikit:mini:dia. , - Mitt,
Irgis**a k . ,. einit*anTheliev*.tkilC - to-_, - :
Alitrittot w kicb . Wis . :eves bop;
• - •n• - • 14 - Aiii, ifiatirdiitaurk r ifrn ,itny494l
1 itatlkt ._ 7 , 4 kAlmowlfkl. l ,lS it-Infte
iebt*forai34 l ' idill'e'vieti 4 _liiAi;if '
1 /Ra11!m744, - 47 4 15 ia15)4 0,', 10/14 * -
-1 %
lifhti_:* ) ,rti.- -!, ..„, - :A4 ,- *. / .*** tilie : :*1
iiell-iiiithie now I. iille:',6lo;ji:**...l
--Ifilicegas_ , Tifre,Riny- - -commargarkos
' Tsime*mitzigig - -thrii
8714406 - cididu4oro.pul,kiiiiivie gitk 7 -fiiin
ilditiair time: .
. .
New Toric Coireiponitenee.
, • ,
NAF ,- X9 l 9c , satqwley, May 28,. 18 3 *
Mr. E44*-141Y8 axe saisitse llas
thi ahangiabia!:oaks
ataYikgriiiintetaPerirted, with= ho
dtys days, haw earried tenar latol
the ‘ heart or man i y a tidy housekeeper,
and fill
ed with. stpptehehsion the breast of. many a
Broadway-retailer• whose rent and gas bills acz I
catup V a t l , qu ite : 45 .. tast, in fontwegher, as in._.
faii,motwithatanding his `customers and his re=
celpts -,ideqgnize achange is the weather \ a
sensibly as thermometei. - I
Oar advices from Europel.ate not important;'
although claire interesting: The parliament;
in England, bad been busilreagaged in inveg , :l
tigatihg a system of corruption on the part of'!,
the Derby. cabinet „which is perfectly astitund:
leg.' "Noble earls" haim been . placed, on.the
stand and'borne testimony the.raseilit i y of
their friends, showing a state of politica ras
cality which would put even a , New York Al
- to the blush; and a general
es of the BourL y
Peria.—The re-enactment of:the death penal- -
ty for political offences hid been agreed on in
the Council of State.:==Fresh •difEctilties had
arisen respecting the guardianship - of the °Ho
ly Shrine;" anti' Russia and Turkey, like two
old scolds, and abuse each othei. Cotton
was more in demand, yet wliolly . voidef. ani
mation. Breadstuffs were stiffer in conse
quence of stormy weather. Proviaiong also
were More active. ' - •
From"Califoruia we have two - weeks 114V1-
• :
ees, aid' a pile, of Aunt, but the 4 news possesses
"no / intcrest. Business was ,quillo dead, and prir .
see were at the 'lowest ebb. ‘ The ruiners up-.
pear to do well. - . -. -1,
Prom - 31e.xicc; oar' advises are exceedinglyi ,
important. Santa Anna; true to the instincts'
of his species, hai set out on a career of infa.ii
"my which is worthy of , bonia_Nnixileon mil
Marshal Ilaynau: Those Whodiffer from him
in sentiment he. proscribes, and banishes. or - ,
imprisons Them at his - own pleasure. Bal i
President Arista, who was *icily enjoying
himself atl his country aeat, has been banished
because he was supponed to favor annexation
to the United Stittes—an opinion which h
boldly avows in tho correspondence respect;
ing the decree of banishment.—,The National,
Guard-had bee 9 dissolved, and a decree order
ing its incorporation . with the,; regulars had
-.been issued. The consequence , was a three .. . 1..., " ""- 1 , -1 fc () ._ aniume-ki i p l :
[asys , insurrection -0r .. ,,,,4
.National bnird in - . . 1 -
.Hydrophobia.' •
Vera Cruz, and a Adverb contest between then , A di - stressing ease of, this terrible disease.'
and the regulars, in which .;many; liven . we` .4 recently [(meth-red in thin' borough—the victim -
Ilost. The troops occupied the forts wfillethl
; being a kind of hermapprodite editor. :It rip•
N. G. had possession of the streets; and th pears! that 'al. wMer sin i your paper sometime
romi was • settled, only by . an arrival of re-ii- since-amused hitlyself i With drawing_ an iffing.
1 •
Iforcemen6, to the regulars'from Jalappo. The inary; likeness of a rat,landscr uecessful was he
[ _Most severe measures' were adopted egaintt t with the Pictere, that the , editor:Of.the .."Sue.
[ these whose opiniono were considered pernic- ueliLna Regiver i act L illiq recognized it ash's
. ' own -1 portrait;retorting'.l . t •ll *th *ti -
ions.. The legislative ahority.of all kid s - Ayi esq ° 1)
had been. suspended throughout the count , t•I symptoms of bydrophohi.a. 1 The [ .rat is,mad.
r l .
l and militarygovernmenta established inste ad 1 How true it is that "a gulity,conscience ne;
-tite military and civil powers
~ being ves+lncoacusei.." t u t„, , ,whyt, was nat. the..e,riininei
in the same, persona. Anothei'deeree disarms lion done in rhyme, ailtystiall ."Is Othello: ..not
all private citiaeass and pritiliillita theipesses7l[easily frightened" ftom , hie Oeitiptdiern I [ Stick!,
sign of arms and animonition„off ever) ; .1(01; Ito your dofffferei, HOper---. 7 YeakeTtltat pont:
and'enother places , the telegraphs entirely tin-l - ble of hope, - and- you cannot fail to 'gain a p
der the control of the: overnmeut - All those *Akin et the bar as cheated as tio4 of" ,i+s,o
who served .as guerillas , daring the war with livorlliy brother andb‘n poiopsuiee,.plucliii
the United States are ordered under arrest,ltd 1 Ilea' , Eeq: " : Birds_ of ii fentheri"fOriciotli
bet:led by court, martial ; sad a list-of offieet's ißy hat hair-splittiegr process, in, -rhotals o
Fha:aorrendered to General Scott *hen 4e / 1 l i. iw, could one-be,tak#land r the'erther:left: .
capital was taker, had-teen published, end al, Stick
,to your- doggers Heiner.: Prontitut '
decree issued degrading them from I all civil your shred [ of a soutti)thq diatilied, : neap,; ,
emPlOment, and from their rank in' tlie army. iof , a 'libel:leaner; rattle .vigilant; gratin
The army -' "Was being ,rerorga, uized !end ",,in-` deaf, while the owners permit pin to:pse -ili ,
creased; ind- Gov.. Tries of Chihuahua had. i typo'_ and 'press; but , ,tbie careful, - .0l rat, tit
marched with a,large body of troops to 1 3 P- you, do not, burst your,; boiler, And do. keep
pOse lief occupation of Alesilla "Valicy by the: sharp watch for, the "cats." .... -,. .. -. *
American -; troops. .All. these •movementsj of. [ '
i SafititAnni . indieate a settled land consistent
detestlion not only of our people but cifi: ru
institutions ;•' and, when-We take Rip conSider : -
.ation thin good understanding, wfileh exintsiber,
I, tween_blarindthe Spanish authorities tergetly:
,er with-his recent decimation, by-the Queen bf
Spain„ - witti the order of Charles HI; of Spain;
[ We-have:name straWagoating down therstixtu, ,
I lifhie/Oridieiten4li - e:eoiroo ii;tile°•'--I;lulima
-141/40t Ceolin.g,,eitettaioe - d - 'y-bim
. will_ '
olleOhlill 4140ternt,h4o; e. . rsele.siilli l
,aue to ' -thineoti - , ry;-, d - knowing, as
iiirds 4.
,he m knowilhi a'' if ; . destiny'. of e*
ice; the onlY s ecrnr# le attar is the Sarre flee;
-0t110400_0.101110`;Eu,' b posir e ih. 1 , 36
I: Wbgl 14131, to Dri.iinlg 0140 North
MatriOang47 , l l6 l to , I;4* us, may . ; bi ' - , V, 1
k' O: wheeh , ;._ ni ..can the eitrr#Set.,- be , , e e r e
,rfiell, ibis - Je -*pa* whoae ' 9 lfre . : ,g.
tli ted.
1444:sfc;iild , * : ihig4 sympathies ere . ore
cloUlYAsse -' .:suh .* retr . - : 10;
Aq4,Puoiute ' eldieriap rovince or sOno 'by
'-iiSpeudisit'an 01)441 tips;whole. -forge e....f 4 U.;
*pa sii - ,be . i resgbi t bear or. . is- to`; . heck
our - progreoa-And, Opp'. our -eriergies,. '..tier e i
'' - '41 114- Ir 3 in - Auel" a s i, 09 063 t" - 'n - 4 1
eich'll.-fAeMleil:.--VV11,4 no m inal co ' .I , '"Of
2 4! 1 la riiii..* l3 o'.nre. edto *4 , ; and
sjiciaet; reet4t‘leitti Texo;iesiierers. e -laree-
Wile*Viee:roo l4 lbe rwerS-. or: lump°,
t u idi,. ;, -4t# llo 7*- 141 41:•**4-P r O ltt l Y l fof
44 1 giritat P 001 14 14 441 4 4,61. I - ; '' ' ' *.`
ea - 4
141 4 , 1 -***,o44l.iithij#(.._ eat*:
Irish ip#O. Oicij.**iiiiixietuilizift El
ibos4o4o. see;fiSe!i 4- ..*iiiitioSsf; : , -
-4 0 41 iiii"4 1 #4 1 0 - 4.**l4,iiiri . '' , " , :41-
iivla firok - ***go*i..e; *I.:: 4 . k - ik i .
i i/1 " - -** / }SOVAVY )414 1 1 4 : :-. V - isriir
tiiifinaiiiii: - ..",ii.
1rp1iii5 4 .444 , ,*::„,- - ...;',...T.A 4) :
, 444111 .--. 14, - , 44 1 -I m e a r s 'S* ,iiii
ikaiii**S : irest,a; : * l6 l ..*- 'title'
pro of events with a jealousiele ; ; to utt, ,
the: , piniesti; calculate the Olult; ari4.4oll:.• : ''
for COLitillgellera. 1 ,, ,, - - sq , , i i, I,f '';;':.
...,.. _ , T., ...;› ~': -. 1 .•=4.'•- - T... • -,- - :4 ...;
- :7;, . i
IV , 116 -). n ,40 0 _ . * - 0 1 ." 1 __ ," 2 ,,,
,-, e t 3
-4 4 "-- ie' . is t:44J°144
tif ,Jury ' 01 1 . 4 0 I:t* 1100 f °64 v " a':- * k
P il
i o) wits9lt'ani.fZlPtl!,jiOralei: be in g
.OPn.. "ri,that, . luiul '4 0 4,0 a lie!k . fork
. al, therefoikwith ill its teiliictiii'dotalls.The .
foreidn appointments lave been made at last
m 4 give general satisfaction, :except' in the
i - Of Ilelnietit==thi isgirii,tfitilto - g/scliiids;
tate cOnitti . General 4 , A ' and"
• . . -
iiiiai — '' - -ii•
i , Cliarge atrs . I . , er in ts
emintryi—who has been , appointed':Charge; to
thp Netberlands. This fails;
.. , eiy properlY,
taiOdn!that respect whieli tbe Preeldent's ap..,
painimPnts gcnovelly_receive ; 10 it is a ma
to'of anrpriss to me bow 'ile 6;$1;11•1 : coinnispiAl
such aPositicin: _ In the. list - oft apPeir4meats,;
.rave dot. Seymour; of bimn.,set doWnfor;,
ia ? Peter D Vrooni,"ei, N.. Y. for Pru ssia,
Got. T:roasdale•, of Tenn: for: Mitzi!, gam.'ke , .:'
dry, efphio;fcr Chili, , Theo. Fay, of - N:i y 4
i'cr §'Wltzerland,,,il. Dedinger 'Of - Va. for Den,
mark, - fAug.'Delmont of N 1 V. - for thn NStbee r
lin . ii, Ir. 3 , 'Aeible.r. of Ala.',fer Ifeleuin,-11.ifi
, enfor Ind. for Sicily, - R. R. : Meade' (4 - 1114
Sardinia, 11. R, o lickson,Of Geo. to Austria,
- 1 •
M. S. Oreen of Alo. to,New Orenada, '.li II,:.
4,1 - ay;.'pf 'N'enn. to Peril, cal. 1 4 ;684 of 111. tO•
iencie Ayres, C. 11.W.o4dbui . i
„of •Maiiii,i:tn,
diti-Theic Is:. pothing ,lse- afloat , worth
In local metiers - we , are., Unusually I dull—
a ftiends the Quakers . baying . been in town
terqng; yearly meetings: , : - • , .
Our 'Crystal Palace is, vspidly: .progressing,
m.eing eMployed niglitlm4 day. , We. May
l i
ably expect , therefore,„ that it. Will be
,d Sometime,.a consolation, trely,-,when
roc nailer tim• several - disappointments Which
we taken place already. These. have lnflu
tee th e stock so far as,te cause • n. decline
1175 where it stood ia abort time since to'
It is new stated that it will open .about
', so that your readers, need - not her=
Alin - their " fi*inge•ready just yet.:
\ are blocked up . in eteiy,direc
\q' brick and mortar, Ana neiii
-io much: building* at the
lnrci. which were geed
lao are ruthlessly tern
' erecting ' other'and
n too. many Fs
le which were
. 115 1
Oar sti, ee
tion 'with' piles • t
befeie hive I se. :L
prespnt, thno. Strut.
enough for iny man's
down for the. purpose o
more Coatirones ; althmigh, ,
sea they are no better than. ith, -t
torn down.
Our spring hnsineas is abeat ore , And tray.
elling thrOugh the - summer, and. hu 'lug:, up
watering places seem to attract the . a4
of our' merchants and their wiVes. Nevip
Saratoga;New l ! ondon,;(rich with its histeri,
cal associations,) RockitivaY, capi) May, Avon .
Sprinni, are. all Piasenting themielves,as Can,
didatei for favor, and I - presume they Aviil
liberally patronized by our i i hnelilling popula
tion.• . • 1
• I
Bread-stuffs:are rather _ i more active than they
haye been for some time Past, and eon:inland
rather better .priies.,' dirri meal is de
pressed, as is corn. - "Cotton is also_advaneirig
slightly, while plovisiottli of all - kin 4 are quite
Letter tcom • Oregop.2‘i -
'6ninon' TiiiIIIT - Oft ' rVi:ill,llll43ttar ft , 1;
,' ' — Vaii4 * :NOt r i 441- 1 88 3 %---. ' 7 c i ,
ear'''rzii;r Wittf4tfotheti:-116370 sitr..,!,
' ve - sl'at 'the life - thised - lan4;: 'and believe
r r ts l
. . . ' ' ' iCi V Ili from US I
^ ill eyollwOuld be anxious `"to ~, i - ,'
' st'fii.\t , iite - thdaigh•Aligeal t#9 ~,
_ - ,..„..._-,, - will'atteta „. , d ,,, ,-_ -
POurt --------- ' 0 16brat1011 a 1 ' utrolini,from a felon, tin 0? Ihilgea;
hof SulT e !is lam s ~ b .., I
~.: t h i m u Ina one
- t d
At a * meat! * D e g r of ea the 1 irii 4 tabi . tants" at: Gr,e. t - fi ger - :. '1
*ill siretyan'aiirlei'afaduat,..°s_9,4!
1 1 1'4 1; k House," bY''' • 'oa - rney &e., 'since 1. last Wrote. ..,I,V i e'eroeseci i
• Bend tcnt'asiliP , - at the L l . 1 u !'-• :„ o f r c - ifjl lif *. •- ana 'l" 61 -. veiittl ilia iiiiht lilltito 'AtY , Pf,
V. c ar p , ter r for malupg arroadelti.°nt' °- - ' `"' -3--- - ' A ''
' Ill t Glij' thriaih - 4 -
t E .L
. 4
. ' l ' l '' tr Anniveratiry'ar ci , dy'"andtVa` [ Offload „T n "-_-.•. , .. • ,-a , :.i.
aerating the a2proaf
.!flo ~_ .-...,, i,•' ~ ~,,, ~. - a th i s i s e as o r 4 alonti 9r Isiligt
1 • - ' - on - motion, FED ' I dor savageo,fla , . • -1-4 ~, :., -1..---.4-. d ,
, National - Independanee, , .' d r., - - - , a , i oe . ' Neatlj a, tooWtar
' ciiiied to the Chair, a nos' - miss r 7 an
„.„.„ ~ , , ~Q.,•, ~,
i, 1 , E
.ns aopointed pe97 , •-•.!* - ler i em' u.......
,n ,
.„ , -,„ „, . „ 4 ,, ....,-, , ,4--,e,. 1 -
i '
' ' . N. A t ' ; '" -..
-- 1 -=- ' ' l '..-.- I *A'44 ibe Platte - river, ana.T3 j*.ve
Th°mas - " v-
' h • - in a tif . :' ' ' lelweeri that
,arkd, I , l frat z ,4,1. .°1' 1, `?"--` '''T
*ilr Ed P a Y te 'as , .... l l i . , 18 ' te m n el 't - it' - 1"131, I.'
'ailaad bi 'arltilii katil[fk war-.
j ev p , Aieelter, Tho,i4s A ' EY -, 31"1 : . a ''' aeas W . a ' S ~ 4 ~ , • li ikii-Ifict'idlowitig
il *. ' L I,' Pe
C. B. stv-Ni, :F. D. Ealah [ aah , .A- *t. l'i'id ) ta,!aei,„ !".Y., d ,, l ggrgs l , ° ,,ai Th x-ti 4e •A ti lr,„ on ..t ie.
0 - F 11 in - Na ~ i 'ilelpleito-toneet in Vietn. , , _ „,..„ ,,
Ti- 14 ireni Curti, • Fi• am, 4 -' ‘? -' ,' "..• ,' • l e i' s - ittlikdriiitempt
.ii,"611;,e L. r "T ti for 1 ed liani.f,egiaa •y , iig : ierir tl ir;i t ' w - as mo , 9-r, 1.- , 1-. , , i;:z.4 ,, t
w,,, -P.- -Y 1 ~,..,1 ; ft , -, , -._ ,1, ._._- Ike , y e tif eai l iad. desqkty piallAr. an
ere' a , pOinte4,,a, ' 1 ,..„t.;_f1,a3 4 at, ILI" °` ' 1- .r."" ."`" with a 2, 11% I .--, -. • ,-, v. F 1 : , ~ ,I ll i t i th
ea it t iller' 'll d e d th e 8•10.4 e At a n r e mn ik e .„,., v e 1 _
ean Orator' a . e , $. ,
~erang ;. 1 7 • - -1 1 ,,, , ' , •'";1-- ,s 1: the
wen ', Prflaur tFL ....' -: '" '' • ,-, .- ha WatilE4it it:: ".rtie reason ?..t.i-t-I.‘
' tiii al ' ther - arrap 4 emenuinfectsarY• . 1 • men ) w, ►
~ , ~. ,- ,- . is ~,-.. -:•• li.l/4..
6- - • 9 ir • b i `A 4 "ill tereciali got.. — ii ' ' 'itna`inbititiity zeipg ST_ r ---
io n i n don, Rethiv . , tllat, ~ ti' Le ne''' s i ,..- ?, ~ c;N thig - -'i, c ., t uft , il i a ‘ihirdie
tm eating :be phbltabed 14 th , )Montt , f , e Met; than
,g ~- . . 7 ., r . ,..,. - ..,,, - 4 - 1,,
I P f l ." , - 6 11 s. ' 1 4t. etiii ibra l ei. visitant ne*rtY,„..Tul tili f
,„,„„.,.' i n d the usquenanna ,• I Was, ...a - ..y..f.; /..4, 0. ,_,, ,__. i t
- '
DECKER,'Cif --' (.4; I I - ea ihemitelves t and wflPalif-i,
~., ,.... '', Ariithr '' ".'
irinati Dior ter
ty,,,,, 5. • s sr,,' A #-,
. 1 ' ermatuga -- - ~tr= ~-,.....,..
- ' " ' - s ttat`th - 0 at- ' 1 The mortality .amohg..eattle, !!r . f -
\Aro ire r u4te 4 T. to 8 40 - , J iatt!!::m -, .' • , ''abatsli2o ii9o 3. - .
~--.4liltrnext W flf- tie m "i-' • 'T.tiote #ro Pr , „ P_,, ,
Ir. " — - publis hed} -
1 3 ' - ' 1 . foit three o Xo4 a '-'
ii 1 --- -*denabi-lhe tOA ~*,( 1. ! 1 ,•••• ,„ ~,,,,, - , t, &ni '
`*---• z gl• -• i
1.04 11.. AN
l' i
fro/A id ra t) 1 _ F art _ .. ...,..-, , a,- 8 , 1 40- Isl
' ii ll. " l dlink' iE t - t of iliii
un T i w t, (k on of ill my , o , „.tea
C d r i v
. --'' . 'kVA of the C01120:44.6 .YY
Iri or wt. - - ~. .i'l -... - 4 , 5-t: , ..A.-
ciitz &fel .-!; - t •• • "1 - " Salmon) pule- al: -
ni e r 5 rOln - 4 ,, •P,t' 31
I lef t .le .if,. - ,-- ' a iho 1
qiii: 17th 1
Al:' - - 4' ' 1 if - it iii *4l:talks ,
tua. !tido' ' li'„f r ft', ll . o Ft eta .
,°,-; 4 .- i , - , -,-.,.; , 4 . . ,,
i''...`rit - hrss ; iftllieiiiive litrived - at ro ! .
ler, - moil -- a. , ~.., r- ~- t- - - -, -
Olive -% I,;ar I.loooiiiriOne haa'passea 41.,
.ff. 7
.... __ _ t ~....., , -I. e, -- ' ," . ,
II 401i51 ] - 44 mar" `" I* the`mbhile of the; -...
Tee ' ....„ ..,.. 4. , ,
..,. td . cc „" .1...,:-..,_....,--- 6 0 g ,
"4. iiikt4 titallitiao 1 1.'9,11. 1 .,":7:tr.4: 0 :4 ::;\ • - , V , ` i' ' '' , '`,
il .2'
* ' ' Miliaria* tor ts,
..i -, , ,t- '..- nil%
~.- . posaei Oa qi [110 :7- , ,,,,,_ ~ k-'•4l. ' ' 4 Atit;„,ll. 'Amu
ialtall ,4g , ... , - 1 , Vi 1...- Iwo IWO•talr7 ,1-7..-F, xl
cogi - er? um 24,, _ .:.,-,---- :A--,.1-,l,=''
riiii," fi _
,:v ''*----' ''' .4 I N - f4 - 4, ll eyera k up. „Tr,. ' '
- tie, fibifired_Ap..., ,e- ~ -••.- Ati . - IL,
liidli 'lst4:. i t'i i ll ftel.: - ,r ... 'I
I ' 'the • t„ ,, ..- It - F ad` • - ttli , ,i•
,---- , ..-!•,st - 0.1,. 1.- en $9 Al 0,
.. ,
...!, ,L. .a .t ig
~''' 'D,41.. - . 7. 44 : ti thel IC -
1114! ~~,,0r
_ 4
1 Sita e in. , .-:,. b „..t , i 1 -,-, . ...1 ,
~,„ilkkar bona i - a ll itelt,#*•! l
Vig i e . 11,- I.i"! k -,, T .1`, ..t ,-, z ~ -••!-' 4 , ^,•-;• • ~,' , 's- '.'.
- ..,...?, - `-',- i• - •`:' v-
'''' , " . ~• ~,,.', 1.‘"4: "'
f ~
I : . - • to News f;o04, Mexico ._ ., - .
1 The - - •. orTexiii*.rAverist Naw • Or ' us
Ya•q4. 2, with Item; Pliz ditefi--thik.' 24 -
i t. re • it* thaf an l i thel 17th ruit,Ot2 '
tea • • ke'eat aniinik t the;•l4 - atloaal OluirdOin'
em - i
me. ewe zpf an' aialer,'4eceivad•;frouth4llo:
GO, • •• at'-: I, t . laOrptiiate - ,•1.1118' 4441944
?- With th.:Tracitie - '4010110..:11 t1f.„. 1 '. - .
e : revolution ': ista th ieeibiiii'lliflll
wide ltatitc'ittilieW- '
The - ' :Ili - U4Atiiiik. - kiciolir
' : - awl,the?tui" ' , Saitiiii*cit-** -, 0 , 1 0,
I . ' 2..eity-0 1 0j' ‘4Tiiii:-4VI , Attek
lip 1,11T ,. .:;*1001.40:t 4 ou'idly - ,' '. ' lopuht:
i louglintle4 7 ositiv• - -b . itha' - _!tfi*ia•
crtiOalipir, ivtio - i-' : : . ' , • thettity•Atit
I fift.ilit th0 , 1 4 40)14.0 ' ~,, 4•P.F41.4,100_,1y.:,?,
Ot ° - * ' ''
I 481 *°/41 4,1: W t . , • 7 4 - ;'::: -1 '; '4i-A
I ri•APt" , ,ilif•th*P l o l l - ', 1 !er..1014 - llit#
d, 1 1 ;: --.. 2,„ „.-.•_,,,..., V ;.."'" --` - ' ':' - s" , - ,1 - :;:: , .
Fid I - Letter froze :the Tacifie.
tving is a second letter to Doci: it
_ _
• dei-,*ll vicinity * from a soiteJor h*.a
iitiairA .. : f . „::44,iiiii v ...:. 1 it
.. lgor or some; tamik. _ l3l ...
, • utliiii ; .Pacific Oceart, a'fol'nie } slettes
whoia ra published somomenthiginekft
Eiftinto4 l / 4 0Wyhee, warcit li.fBsa; . il,
I shali-nOt - bre another clittnit*f- send
letterhomzriseim, I will improve thia op.'
nity :,of writing. `-We mit new lying at
i.i'lti'a iiiiidlliiihiii,lie'Weisterii, - iide - OT
F ee..; - '•'yile came in _ here i th . get potatoes,
.. &ell 'There is a small native town here;
- -le missionmiii; laboring ameng...the
e fi'-i : the'laudable' 'Puipose•ur-R,r (l . 1 111 ..e,ting i
._ - ,
spi itual -welfare, sts welVaal their ad,
-n e t in - civilizatlon; &c. ' -, : ' 1,,
r,.....: • t. - ... -. ! -- .?" --'• ..";-- ~,-_---..' )
e dt? not ~,greitt the Tor,t, or "P e r u - as I
e yogi withould, in my letter which,tient.,
frami-:.,4epoluli Jast iOnteher;-• but rtfier
4 ing `-fittliitt.l4eqfaio l o l .4* .*e P tts ;' *o
startplf* r'the limit in .. S:ts, a group of Islands, Ul
ye will 'see on - -,the - flap ''''lif -'these __...te
Wd irri ed there after ,a tedious passage of six i'r
*ey i kcs; • eing:\4 6) 4ed 'bi,l)ad-, w e ath e r. , .We ; I,n
staid 'et tie ;Ster4ikeitit'abOui three Weeks, and ul
visiited s verat of' the' group to prhenre.Water, ' 1 : 11
frlliti.B - set potatoes, &e:: ' They- equsist of a, e• '
fest am II Peaty:4o ,
1s e'f,olce - rile: pilgip, but '1 I:
velly 'f',ok i . itful'l6; the '' values,, ` iolfielt, produce 'Pi
most:):na ert-rdpical firtitS. - The Flinch 'PI
bare Po
, issien'Otil4lll . ; On.swicial 'oi - h 0
tbqy. he e ma' IssiOtkry •• sietiens. ' The' 'one 'tit 0
which e itOppeitthe longest, the Fr* ' 'd . 0
rojeo o'cati4Wiiblitiaiiii4selleiei year s io
aft l
et h ving Cxpenaed'U• large; gni' ii - tit ek '1310n:
e . and.tabor In -builb.inrgaidefis; - &C:' Which k
ar no gning,to decay : - but at One-aaf them ti
. .
ft! y have . tt '7 - Botany baY, where ~tlls'y, Send ,
th :r rtaoners" . .Of 4 tiiiper:thrlaolll,7' f ' They
1 3
h eal o- a Mai- of stnironed:hefe,", which -I)
w kth on craft. hpre.Lwlien We 'Mara; but 1 ; 4 ' 1 1
s era ,:whale ihips'eibleiptentli arAied, and 01 '
le 'abut thh same - thne.we init. The natives 11 '
' the4e - Islands'ath - of the san e rice with the. I
S, 'tid ehliiiiriciers, and Or ioOki r ot%ttioOther
I a n d 'ef the'PaCifii; all or'whih are suppoS--
e to crf Malay origin; 'but
. ther are liner,
in 10
a ti 1
e d al.te.
rhe il z i i
.ar l d % :i e, t
n e n :
serimt and 1 g %s ob 1
I.‘ l s 1 nltsic.:l,.
Ic,o r : t
effn s .
e e l
tr t i vsiv t t el
ei t or, 6
,Ini l l o s:zv l yil i a a.a g ei g tt
it e oh l: d i ,
inw t e t I t ha; e
P e e r
learn.yh 1
i. . : i
Ic h ad P ushi a t i l i Iv davt
h e ene t dsrd n e l i a t
o ,ic
i. r
sv i
.h t n f .
il h , t
, tic on °litho French, to whom, they appear
th, hi, o. a, pirticular antipathy. !They go near
ly na ed,'arld live chiefly - on raw, fish and fruit.
XV le ft the _Margnesah on tbe let of Feb.
:nd h a fair wind and fine weather during
sur. ssng,e to' this place; where we artivoi hri
het tit; hut: have been-cruising, •around this
sian in quest of SperniWhlu until the day'
*for yesterday.' %lie. ' took a :Small sperm
--. while' - "-n. fr ' thr
1 a
. 41
Ni l - 1
E - mild' being .. there: . _ _
'weiir... -11 e' too goes te the,*iiiiing &mind
enee.tharefbefore rettirningheme:' 'The Tem : .
eraiti goes to 1t
It2lo . retie oce an: - . - '‘. -- L- :4 - '
i*ell Mr. *•. , _.,Da. _th,... : boys whe - - - , were
the e when - 1)01K tliat.Lo,renze Avery *: a shot)
- ma 'of theiri, is in this Country . - soniewliere.
, He ivas - in Ein4oluln ' at - thel time I...iiits;.btif,
1 d not .see him, but swat several ofthis ship.,
Kris es:, - .lle taint: . from N:,-.X. in the-silip 7 Cani-1
bri „but left afterreaehing Lienolait_i." / Wheth 7 ;
er le, goes on the,whaliog,,,groaq `egam r er. rf3-
ltt home, I did net le?rn. -.- ';',' -r- . . ~L -,,
-1* .* , * . - 4, -/ :.*-t. , .:*\.* 7;;.: I.
:. .eitFaihii•hitil =better' stieklto:the . .-Pl - Oligh,
an not hhazard . the experiment- .4)f,f going , a . .i
vv.) ling yet :.-. rshill'he at honie-befortrauutyl
m ntbs, rind can then ,iell t 'him of the,' &aegis
of his tinkiaelis. '' lie ean - then go:it he - eh - saes-1
' Yonr,atieetiOnate Son, • • - -Y..' -- F-'if . .l .
:• BYRON:63IITH. f.
that 1 ikadi -
~.., .
~,,b cult left, who n I
arrive itiitte ~, ..,_.4 . °o; \ ` "I- 6 th day of Oct
klutiii:- of , esia ~ Atkout itli ftdi share of
a . .1?' ' kin b1e..141:t ins veryill mi Platte
vci `. .1. = 3 •
iiveri d evil). ,Sainion - Palls, with dyee n :
AttrYo? 12g11 , ''f) :bI4TIOLIng hat& all day, and .
li i" i g b i - - "#1 .3- I. 'l li ersi N. IL Hanson,
iio,o`w fli takes _ lia:MYPhoid fever .:. We lat.
*tied him! about, 0 miles east_of Salmon pa s.
'meter tit v r iti`tw° weeha I was token
with 'the iliti" -li n, ll iOsesuentlyprtyphoia
royer.l i At. the illme time . 1 wimfitdrering from
a siy+ ' - fehni. len:44lmm and swellings corer.
cd body fer'o, and I orllve4 at iitecolt
clusi n that th stifferinp of 'Job Were tioth
hig' . cdi* it -, to r bliiine in(fne r Aseveral
days eifriec to , start ; on: another j ourney
at t.
n'n - '4 6 tights t-lailfe; and; ; itientirtiVit:lo,l
dear, 6 0 1 :h :re - irt , ‘ d!ona ( olitrding upon my
memory, and`! KM 1 iOnied WM able tO
i I fitibitilt )iiiii , 'ai -gm gieeii- up'all he
'r overY, 4.641 been able to write a let=
1 1 me, I would not `have exchanged th e
rivege for y w
worldlealth,beitirwilis denied
ie. I would layl, the: burst
night, bu
p Ith i'eve racked with, paiii", ' while, busy ,
er; woo 10v - bank ,hoidays of • my
hit head: faults and errorir , er i routh and
fie epildes. 9 my. manhood.':To :be brief,
io ' ‘ii with a o°4 coßstite,tibil: nature tri
a l l i , - + dt g .ai t i-80 that;Wheii Preached
ffol/' ,°mParatiYellr: s lntait agait,
welk.. I started frOm there with
I • n the pack trail, while brother
obhgedito lay by two,.weeksere
rathOolo , to 110 4 hismagda and
hettsiven• l'he , Sth day on the
1 a
.1 I was tatdied t witle brain) fever, I liad
i'vio 4Y13 , 924, the, th4rd.,day travelled four --
ii,48. 1 , , i Sub equ6t)y, I. made my way slow.
, 4 1 i nnOl w Ili silaifa mite - or the_Cascads
`!s;l,here Wne again obliged to i!to. By
hero' ja
Ls 11 e m Priivisions wereinarly gone. I ',
?eid,:wo ditys on apiece; o' bread „half =as
acr e as tnyi hand, iindtiCo l da on 3
it , .
. 1.1
_vs mo
sills j' if i tO, . It-its hard enough to he sick and
have g shelter, and„ friends to nit on
you, and th comforts °Lige Arden y a ; but
I had noiTe. ' r ule ground, was my lo ly bed,
o f
t& Cenopy . f heaved my covering; an while
I lay there inter set in. It rained almost'
e l s.
constantli., three days and four nigh All
I'l I tb cold—ground
that time iay no. e ,ch illed,
wet, hungty and friendless. Sin then,'
have not fa ii mach better ; as it is seldam /
lie down . thilry clethes on, still I • liasve keg—
siowiT gai ing l ia lleai th r taa stren g th ' 4 Y d -Ot- ~]
is not tits „ luxurous, yet Usve,sonaltii*c ::
1 variet y:NV l kd , I live on Cab:mile M t = ''' I
a ep aye , 1 •
ed.-with: with waer and baked. -04_,Sundays, water
and Ciainel e! II have made a claim 12Riles
south of 0-ego i n City. William . hasiiitille me
three _. miles : from me. I like th'e contry full
ns well asleipected. Please write iminedi.
ley. Di, ectfto Oregon City. all Nem,'
igitha•as somas I regam my heal .
:I Your affectionate Son,'- 1
1 .-I;,P. C. MACE
- over
le do
e DA
t •
e eat;
Wi pst.
11 was
td pro ,
f-...-- .—-1 , -- i---- • ~.---,..-„,..............., .
J : . resbyterian Synod:. ---
r - - ' '-. FAL% May 27
In the- ft,eiiinati sevaicin yesterday,to .
,riess of in erect transpired :.'.''' -, . . .
I i To da a h6lated disdussion on the a very,
'question'.. Ose. , -A-aeries iit:ienoliitions were
reported y - ilmailoolal. ooliklaittee,recoinmee;
'Ll'!g Ille PPotatrifeat of a..COMthittee, et fO ' ar
from ari areilaveholding synod 'to - nspilet .
I h67* - ma w, liirieMbers - of . the:. Presbyter
1 Church '` old: slates - whether- firm.. media
'of bony" lenap, and whether baptism and
age are observed amOng rho slavei oiMem•
b zof t church -; the comniittne ta repOrfto
ihe • wit. A..asitabl.Y• :' - ~, k '
Dr, " .4 - of Tenn. ' misimly:Oppoied the an:.
'olutibir emPhatieilly.arierting that the Sou_.
' l cier so , . itted to liserniiiiW -Messrs. NOP i
'ton-,,0f Vp. fid MeLimo - of Mliss., also.warmly
.op..erred 'the i: : att.e,r. -,., . ~, ~.. .. - -
.. - uitel an .nn.ry discussionarose towaitis,
i y z i t
LI! nloe e, and' . , Teverend,debate:s grew
;EnC:rah heated.: " ~ ',_ l. •-•`• . • ...
—l Ev'en alit/:the set" - t w•MS'Postpan ~
I t 4
myrrhe *teinent,.unti fOnday. .. '. 7
' ' The'. issarbly: visit - ' , tar* Falls to-Mo
TOW; . ' ", -1 , , ~,_
7 Great excit ement iias existed ,A
pal Convention', to day. , 'At the li
hitter 'fi•iiii-the• standing commit efA
`Ncrittingtuttn, condemning _. the, ,c Urse A.
Pr: Joh- is, for prenaing
.. iia a.Me hodist el
Was read audintered -upon' the journal.
110.110e.'•Clirroll„.Aalerdayofforell a set.
je 2 filt. SOU 044 0_ e*prp r g3 A4e. obnoxiau
lett#t, and YeltenthiV s deterely, iiPiiitir eo,ll*
of tlie- Standingleotrittiltiici•: ~•-•- ',,, , , .•,- .:
-,:, Several:amendments :were -nffered,, - andle
:41eigitessvas','conOa nn with great;aerinient• i.
LYestiodili ;afternoon andAhissmotilitik, &UPI i:
all the.points of differeneeketweeri the 4i
' and,low church partioa,y . itik_diseitssed, -
. `pia 'e:A4tiftiSinii ilia. •px&timetit pievit4i
thiS inorning,,witk.ana forihepreyjouS,q9i
rina*,'• l / 4 41.1itnii: eettr injf b.- a 'ileasion, ts,
sttiout:pmeia tilt:Soar • o'..eloili. , tlakk.•** 4l
•ss4,l,Nreesit'.4o l3 . .•... , ii i i..-i_ i.. 1, i
-1 ::.. . ': •\ '
t i. Av;e•-1.6',',; . ' 4i- :' w As kf m yor..May 21;
4' Coliiiie4 I ,Jainett 0. Bartv4...inier/tOi . day• ;heel
•3:clinitiiii9ol:lbit'getitmaitt - r9C t A is sitl.,: - l ie
voltiTetruielly. Chief Clerk ur the PansionOP .
• ' : ' ' _.- -.1 1 440.! , ,-::, c allap4o::_jr. 4 4A 49 . o-0: 1 *1
- 11 - under 'oonsuseratioa - ` --- - -'. - •
4 .ir&st. l - - %.—'• • , . ,_ 1
-.' WillianilltebilK of Inaiils , is aPP inw4 1
-lb* 016* , I hip i irriato:Thiro; ,- Amdito.e#. 42 fr i .*'
.1 11
t:•taire-e , fei... ori,the K0f.4,41y..--, . , .„
- ,Tliti;j u ry in the. Cailear, aaie7lllla - inorniit
into eituii Ahat,PAY . ; never, 810
!itriiiii ciii•-vaitilei;:Athefee7hitttne-•tieezi, as
:pliiiitl*ar ispinion.aliimeglewli gig& they let
cciu!t,aridlbegked ,tiley - turight b'elirou4bVo
e*Fit.:-AK,FulAfkilltWutlf.'•of ttie -Uaiitt
ttiate4, SIA4 hge-alisent#l_6-'their iliseha,ryie,:
341i:11014:114 - 4-fai'defaulliiitAkairotii. tionseultt .
Oh vellbeluiti.F.Theatota , lticAlfted: A t u t'i sti
that theYfitight-'eemOinto.cotitt,if-thy sato
Arit4Poul,i)paritinctliatjtkiii COW not bi - trw
'fiiiii . ge-lk -10,i'W`dsch''OsiqoPt" - !:,' ' .
_ . 4 Thi- iitt-,ardipti4c-101fir, "ppeOed :I °-
ArOrAtild fi t lt larriaami - :,4 There prea no
„!'sstiP.,,t4l44ol-,•4lPalbs;'. Via,
foi l
-0-Iyeli-Titi_o(4,l6:fti - - ;a10.4n, , -r 6 sOO, ling
a erailltitA. "'aloe& :$l , , :'411a10: *het )0
•I fi k".7th- - .. ..- -c4 , 7 !•zr- 1 1- • =-''' '---: ;-•( . .: - .2..-,•. • `....
' 044 6 4 ' 4 li - Aiiii ilief •4l' l ,4l'Aes' ._l4 l - 01 .•
10,110tiealipai:the -NAV I)a.rtilieltft thal I
koliiiii=i . - .41 1 40 , 40 44 ;: , 04:. $ 2 O: - .P` , °r a i l *
oitio ;11
ise4rn - bri4 - ill ,Xii - ,Paid(6.” ' 1 - 1144kinE 1 1 .0 4 ,.? •
iii l :after liitkeitri, 'l-F' ••=ll - : ;•- •
1tA.410 .1 44*P - in:Olt ' 641714.46. - lute De
;-0031.-- . " -, ..-110,0titient - to
- -; ,":-P14414449t, th c*— 'on'ke *4?4,t,t,k_:,
if - ``it - tfiiilarlOi .. Alandill an i lj 1
141 i
, ;4 4,42 14• . - i l giet:e:tiito - the el ea•l .
- '.-,4 1 ,-;„ - Af,7 , •! , '•.;`..;:•= 4 •1•'-; , ~•••••- _ 71:,- , ,W4 ' ..-' 11 ' 1 1 ,4 '
4,, , • •'::-.,;-•• -.--- •
- of 0;
c , rP
on -
rtiillie4l6-nrattß! ,„ 743 t
ied4.01 1 41 4 ' voi
labent. vt - -
s, a
, 464101 - 0 0'
47:4 -
; 4 1 "
' O4,
.- 1 11%
. . „4.1
: : = 2 A
' web
= ~t ee
..E,llfay 21.
the - EP 6 c°'
?.asion 1.