*tie tamest CI cutatio it, in ft ortheirti Penasviv.anta--1632.Coploraireisklyi, & E S CHASE Ethitits -- • - , .. . . -A-thousand faults iii.man We , find, -, .0 !tient in Lim we seldom_ inect ;- ' --;' Miat. is. Inconsistent and ankind, ... . • Man is false and indiscreet,'.. .. 1 ) NM iS C 4661004, jentens,freeir,-.. .. _ , . - 7 I r - ' Vein, insincere, and trifling , too, • 'l i t: And yet, - the women all tigroti-7. - • "..,:-., --.- For _want of better—he iiiwit do: ... ' . gr'SplittTuAL.--- ' ' • ' • Izith iiut:of spirits r said Ji)bti, with a •--.:.:..1,. gith'i.;: :: IF i .- , I :::::. -...., ~.. : . , >.:::,; ...- .4,4-:',w,*9icii,-iit ,ii:tdiiipeit..gaii!;. 'iifine;•:, 14010 titti; - Biti': - inclapd;: - 34d : the - • Tipia - •in -•re q• - !...,;'4:i) . 1 . ; - - •••:r . -' : . .:i. '::,,;:'_: 1- :.' ,l ,F: 7 :1 - :. -:.!:','.;'.--,:',-,: ' i4..0*fi41471::#0 . 1 '04 ; 4ii.7: 7 1. - 9.4 1 :il l F: : •.• - - .- .._. . = -- - , -- Wciik.fortlifi Nmitit..- ..:, -"FARM.,...-1 1 6 most profitable clop raised on ilielarm,,lndian Corn, ,now, reiluires sr:we - lel - attontaeri.,:, We ari.not,fiiiierable.to too eorly 10anting ; • the second. - week., - "in thi,-mOutb,Ter -thisneetion; will answer •letter than earlier.' As a generol„rule, Any crop. Which starts _well ,• it and has rigorous uniluetriipted growth - G i l .' maturity, results, better. at last, than in .eheck • * oil; or st rited, or,barly. kept alive, by ninth, vorible lianges, of S veither,'Ai' = 2 last frost, tke. e corn 'crop .-requirei - .a warm sun. 'We ha seen the young leaveatarn yellow; :the effectof a late-frost, end , out staippea :in growth hy thatlater . planted. If. weather is dry, soak seed; : . before I plantidg, ' and`, roll in i -Plaster. Some.special manure should' be iip ,plied to each hill ! to hasyn this early _growth . A cOnipost °lashes, plaster, - and rich mould. such as 'scraping s Of wood_ shed, soil: froni • head-lands, &c., should be used, or pandrette, which-has been found- excellent, in . the.pro portion of a• good handful* , - every two hills 1 dropped and covered" with the' .. corn. . Bran. 4 . • • ~ as recommended in March numher of Farm, Journal affords a valuable stimulant to the early growth. , , , _. :Plant Petatoes for priheipal crop inlhis ' 'Month. Guano in cliester . county, has been prevato make abetter potatoe crop.fhan the . ' best born-yaid manure. - Prepare ground to sdw Corn• for fodder.. In • a dry - spell of Weather, often • deeming - after : ... harvest and when pasture is short, we, hare \ha this crop, cut ins green State, and, fed to .cows, to greatly mcrease the yield of milkand ,'• . Avoid turning stock too soon to Pasture ; ! -fields. Sow one bushel of. Plaster lo the'acre on - all grass fields. . Inspect comes...all aroun JJII 1 the farm, and make ': ` them secure against•the : stock. - Claim out and - white-wash cellars, re - move potatoes to barn fioer, or other , dry pia - tea! , to retard their 4 sprouting: • r ChVer `manure in Barn-yard, from action of r ti sun and - ns,or compost it with alternate layers of oil. not already done. Watch the t, 14ck on . rank pasture, ever)- inornini,to guard - ' 'against Iloven,.Which may be u'i'ckly. relieved lay:a - rope, drawn tightly in the mouth; and .- extending,back el thellOrni., The `motion of the jaws, ns - pmdriced, Equates the gas in '. - the_straoaeb. - ' - ' . . . Firrr Oacas.no.—Finish,4lanting Fruit Trees; ~ Straw. 'berries, Itaspberries,, Grape ... Vinesoic - :.-_as Soon'as, possible. Wash the bark - of newly o=44_ trees with mixture:s'le - fore reeetomended, to prevent.their becoming 'bark bound... ..., . .... . =. Trees i nbloisern against calls or trellises,- . sh . : . • ould boprotected against late frosts,' by : coVering. witli: ts, or .shading. With ever, re . • 'green better, keep off the sun's rays. Des . • - -trey tvebi,and larvae - of insects, , Mulch - the ground; under - goosberries, with coarse hay '.or ~ litter,,and sprinkle __salt. , X . nleh ResPberries _, mid PtratOsenies with spent tan.hark. • ...4hor;.. • ~: ten in Raspberry' cranes = one-third_, and dig. in :14iiiiii.te,--7:4of3T • salt ip Quisee . Tree - - . . ,G 2 orpilleri maybe fonnd Close to .bo di and i.-limbs of_trems'moruingana-orening; and ..be.- .' fore -dew is offln•,.inernbii-'# l ,43' = r 4 14 - . be destroy with a brush or trWel;:,alnied , :tii a. ' - Pvianlidal Truett :should be headed', •' and ,uselei4Bll oo tipinPe4_away. • Renew*ith fresh manuring.' Give. ,•iine •L ; - 5 "..; • Destroy a!) t.O witliboiliew, water, ptrpred ta-1 • ' .VEGr r ial/LE,, _,. t . s rhtn tt 'GiStE3L-r"iqilltal34/'"W. such i ' re'omittedlaet 1 4"‘"" rap - s i seeds as 7 - Beets , carrots, Fan - i - - of• -- - -eatrlY. plant i ngs .transplant . from frames and saisiry, &e.-; and -E b Plants, :P epper 1 . ' rd rs;Tomatoes; ag . _ '. 4 111yni ..•:.,•- .l° - i - i e , t.or of frost - abelddte re , -,-,-.7.-,-- ~ . s ,,, vr p ats f or suc.teis ;-..- ' itii . ll4,ll/1°41.11 t oa th .. .. in -ibis , month, `-' : ' ,.. .attiTts , , ieans, the .= iattter ' .' :1/6 . - - -- - - - les set, an :f ret, --' = • ii two the po The . growl , ,„,. - kit e d ,sio -_- L . .11 - 2 dibi s Orol i 8 ..-7 ~,;• ~8 ' P f ear ti cops not-_: - _ ;,,,_,, 1 -7 -' ''‘'elogcleerea._° ,-,' Prepared fel:: isr-11bl '' 1 should be PreP -X soinieh,St. _ , it, LL , L , th e ground fre! - er.:44.tiina Cibbagee- "r - ho e . • - ` l `" - L _.--- an d stir fredoentlY 'with a , from w"F'' - a f r equint stilieg of;soil • ~.,41 , e i l l ittion an - • . ~ Tule ,r— 44i:111494 gardening sre lad's , 0481.4,...u.i5.b1e uogens end :. SPiutshes 18 ' .P 1146 C..-t. fimir*Al 7-777-'-- ' of - the month. . epee grm ---- 7 - - - , ' 1 4 V - ' -is 1 ~ iiiii•d,..• yuirien .••-•;-•orq Ail A .HO mccia.-- ': , -ill-41.- beauty 4. -.1,7-' - 1#„8, lila bea t • fi n - id, - - of tt ► e 1e..-:f.Wk 'eq. 13. Ono .of rntOcia2 --•'-'' i9TAL of P 'fanny frau% • • --' ' , ,-.=•-*• 40,1311 that itis no r of it, e jk - ----,i- a son -i . iiio 1/Lege or trees ,.` st _.`trc),- saa tivr" - tinal-- on frll- , ,-ioatbe ' .- -re ett,,,_Zev:l4B 14). Flog, -',, • ..I',. ~I.p.e' n., - - of thele ~. '', • - '' ' leea _a•-- 2 ' el motes 'oia` t.I have c1!‘a......- T ,f)ipp vimi- - Vin;: - . , • - , " 44- #l,ijie , , . -). •-•- _ -.--,, iee• !Meet. is • • - yefiza. Juno ' t ' ioutt' '4o":' - - for WhailY • ''' - far ael`thif' ' wait been ,-.--- Ie hal! -..:,. -thilt ,init It --- tue trees ..inell,-;T:iiAlq111-- 1 ';,,---, able .`* ofmk iiii,elY- ng Year to en - an, 4beari io as ..._ , , i „ ~, Abe tures ma . . 41.A....piweist tO ,iuga• ..• frim to bear every you- I taire a tiee., that the extenslie preitietiveneas, , ,thi l i tied, it re qpiresibq intitue alat° f ear ' re 'fF er ,: i tir el t —to °stint from the earthat theoltricspb t ere Ithe umiak& to taabie , it ' Pr ' oeogar 6 . I Tittif it 13 not ablo,t9 i _o, u, . al ed byl'art / r ~,vbiluitriloadea ..,it,.., d t einterien * ing Year is_ cost , ~‘` -h owe r, 'e yeai,; at, least has bean theresult or; “ y xperiments • Three Yelirs ag ~ in' Aorp, se a all the t i • rough bdrk fro 3 'the st#tnie 'see ,_ 1 thou Sand trees in My or e tards,,and,wa bed litho trunks and b • ti 4 ,- It •t 'm -lint swi to reae it so awl , , ,ri - riled out. idl th branches tbat 401101 'each I other, earlin June, and paintedt weinded part with bite lead, tO etelude l o tore and prevent dei ay, I pen, in the r latt part. of the same'months'slit, the bark it running -a sharp minted knirefrom" the goo d to the Ifirst set of limbs, ,which prevents the tree from becoming' bark 'bound, d ivives the young wood an opportunity r expanding., in July I placed one peck of, o} - ter shell lime' under each tree, arid left it pited about the the . irtink until Noieiilier, duritrg which .time .I the drought; li . as_exessiVe . . ItilNovembe r the lime was dug to.-thoroogly. r be following, tehr I collected from these tree* l7oo . blriels 1 (fruit, fruit, part of which - were so 1 in New York Or four,. and others in :rondo t for nine din s + the - ef ' per barrel. The eider made til r usej delivered't ii - 'it two dayaf t e r its 3 a le tm er mann i facture, I sold ;:for three doliws and . , trite : 111 . . quarters per arrel or 32 gall s, exclusive e . , the barrel. .:.I O:tober I man ed these tree with stable - Amore Itn which_ the ammonia had been rived, and-eovered this immediatelf with earth._, 'rite rueceedin autumn they~ were litirally bendi gto the round "th t h e finest fruit I. ever sfw, while ithe• other, et:4l ' in my -orchard not se treated+ , quite to, 'tt the last seasoi,hating been their bearing year I I am now plifeing around eat t tree one peek of charcoal dristi d Propose in t he spring to eat..- ta er it from titlx outpost heap.l , I ?My soil is it stronedeep,iandy loam on a} oraveliy ile my 'orchard?, grounds, as i J:thre were nh trees on themi t malaise gra3 t n of every bind , except rye/ I 11 i which is so tlery injurious t . t I believe tht i e successive crops- of it sti ld destroy an j 9rehard younger than twent years.: l raised last year in an °reliant co ining 20 tterei,d trees 18 years old, t crop oil dian corn which l i averaged :lio busbls of ea r:. to the nerd,— 1 LI [Downing's rtatit h ook. 3 " ' , . 3 , COLORED Prort. rs Dkl.4 . ,tv.tud.—The Con vention for ten sing the Cotistitutide. at Dever has passed the following lice:ion of the} new constitution, by leote of iff yeas to !3 nays: .1 ' "No free negr or mul4o; not now an' in habitant of the tate, or V.lie, shall leave, the State with inte4t to chaltge his resided cc, shalb s after thq adoption o this constitutien, settle in thiS State, or coilioli into and remain within the 4tate more, theft ten days. All leen tracts made by, a fice negri . ;. or mulatto coring I into the sta a contrary toi, he provisionslo this section, shall be vpl3, 4 dia any person wit shall emplo such free n gro Or mulatto, ' l ot i othenvise neourne 'lll4 to ' remain fit lilt State, slial be- finedin A sum not lesi than twenty'nor more than fitihundred dellats.r 1 • The tie*. Mr. Bayard in his - speech s' am up porting'the endment, '*tated that there,are, 18,000 free neoroe'S in it s` State of Delaware, making ab ,abut one-fith of ; the -while popula tion. In aryland they ;; about one - sixth, . i in New Jersey one-sedifth, in Pennsylvhoa about one-fiftieth. ....31 c' r 1 —1 l i I 1---4 'I Allitis, ' w Iwy is det 'ettin' o t ob bed,* Pe 31st obAugait liiie oite . sl 31 ore's miAldleif Does you :g0:;: it Up - mY : eolla culledfriclur t 'ln course I does. 1 Nby - - ' ' 1 ) 9? ! Ceause 145.de las.rfi•se- _ suliimiT.'rl ! ' 1 'Look her, nigier4 i 1.4- o u. perambultt4.oy more .. such unseuso L 4 it d chlld,het Ftlie your head in I've_liaOrkauif oli 414 t ldg . tif.t tOotin talk, Vis' " - 7- - • ,i i :.r , , . '••- - - • • - A *lan tliat the irst that i.urtied . his attention; to :matrimony_ fal manner inAvitith• a ilk iiandled a 111, - .Kitn' may-130: the. manner that broom i handled not . - . nttoialhitaL so :mach satiafaelion •• - - - *, :Atrs*Atli i wilfhe best . Lizir tp chose a wife eaily in the 'Om Orr*o; l'lf 1a- nuna lady is at au 3 incitnedt4 sulks t hud slaitnrasess, itis just befnrebi•nakOsC, As 4,itpiral „ ,iidng kg : -4o4zer"' -1 ' A- • ' -1.1 N. 7 uurJeys} . 1f young, the. legs I will be black and tupnuthi the eyes th;spliable. if . old, itta;: fhe fee d r y. .' . A house-Itaintef in' NOW 46114 .tta!nod door aa exactly Ili imitation or - oili,libat -last year it pot ftirth quantity (.4 . leaves; and grow an iiCollent crop of twins , - ikirntim is tt cr ll tow e r - in thB Vi putting a u p-a- eirkity .g the ryetal Palace,. 300 teat high, to tte soil "of sv , :Jerk visitors tit l e to tie :lifted - by. a . desalt iea ct cria ' 7 ''' The idle Auld no he o lassisT hmong ibit lying; they " rii a seri et - dril pie* who elkei lif , , tielarts I -_,..:;..—,... w ..,„........—=-L- 1 -. 'Reizsif.,tlii ,: ir eoin "and /4 1 they' are ol d: : `" lk moo hittilini6 young. - •, _ I • Whi is a ~313II _ •C~1~I' tike . types.; Because ho _ohoulct not :holotked ,uP till, the - Ulnae; wt4 l, Proif Younginan blEl l , o d=4 l s -trains IA 14 :f 1, 4 4 k 1 . 2 * .te, has litungskcirt* i irider, h° llolll4 4" 11 'rag 0 any.l; , : - • 1 pOljea officer la arifieyi&thi bait tlinw y ,tkefui - do . .joi,toki!xtktihe doez i odi Awn bolt ; . - --; = aO ,- , z - j - : 40 .,: ig ' 7--. ''' .- ' 7 -..' '-, ,_ tisti-;.'face- i)ttti inum t reablow risego t lA'ibrthe j'aibstliel Pug talx. - ii s a t i- 7. , •-,:-.;- 4 , -4. -• , ,-J 9 ..,.•• .A, _ , PJ. I . , ~ . _ .11 -1:4 1 +3 AO Nlk'.o 4o :- - - - 11 /4 43 g4 1 :-' 4- re miA iDg ihti'mt.i,e , oneaaiW4iibiofirtim City. 'MOUNT 'PROSPECT':.:':` , iTIIIIIIIIE:ANW:IBTIIIITE ,-,: f .:.= 13INGELOTTQN‘:-. s ir: .;.- •' .. Is. itiatitutiiiii la incated. id ibeintifol arid . Mrtit ritiC•troire-etf; the base of - . Mount Pros-. pe4,ithd--Within . the :corporationOf the,,Vil age ; ,•.ropi!sisieit of on . abikirddritlinpipty oft:pa-reit:soft tritiviclizauteges,, for eiercise,,' tallie z pore air, a carriage 7ituit font ;"walk" 'Am . the `mountain, over- Wittig: a. •sisenery : unearpassedi *in ; bounty - :•and Oka, tar, and ~‘freafrom.tlitpoise and tortnollot bay h fel;'_witit mteellentsailing and ressingp lekep4m• the pleasant_waters oftees C henaugor—. -nese area fee!. otthe . presentation the _',Curd'' • Oilefri)to the in - vaiicl.... ~. , . --... ' . 2 - - '•• : • - :-Ithrs. _house is nett? en 4 ,coniniodistui—hathing, 1 paratta -excelletit-lwell ventilated.,.*ith 230, f ei Piazzi. . ...- • - -'- -•• • - • ' i ..t • lecattlepartnient is under-the entail ••, ; - --:. , •••• •- - • •'': Bond: • '• b°l " I -•-• - - • r e c l Bryantia.ouse De` Itriiir-DThityrei ttiid'Wire, itho.htivaltad la " . .• .'. , . . o _ G reat „.. . . are rience e rn illtdreptithic -pr . octice; and •• • fir . 6, tali '_, ••. -•. . , -',, . - , - - pot,.ra.-::;., ~ . ~..,v i s . oraely lit - • . r i•mte new and ipseione'buitstioti- ” and but tl7. i . . , , ..,, I 100orses'of -teetniesv.ivitbfitil Plates Ind Alai ' &lid Cltrliiide4liEla SUitAble et,le for u. 1 , tiblie Monett; !tratiOn! t -,will ~b.P.,:. gLoiT'. ll Au, r.Pug..ls!Pf-,P,C., 0 5 0 5 ,....°A . , , :tu littld Itill*OCep h open athil ho,ure: h ilky. andwight,) 1 . ;feet frouithe Depcitil.Pretet lien ii now o pned 'hi, 4•studeits end •Taftent 9 ; I / TrU 4na!orllyerrtysi- , foi t he reoeitifaio rf traili ere! ;• and tort e iiecialty ha 'lte". \ 410,..":i litydriifii and ' -14giouifor•ir!hibit there m 's e s e: tit t rit 6 iral s ion "lg nre= " tlST l n ntelitontlititt; t 0 - A li t... t h e eet,ottnoel he n ".,'f,P.l:lO 120.11ddit °nal chargt , • ~..'" , r.._ '..-. \ ' ::: r.:': • :. . ta:„Ii:::".7:::thy,;:),,t con: : ftn.t.pdinAolist:7l hi, ::::„ -riiinaleti%Oli 'bate- been Coil fined to theiebo ., l6 - . teke,refreetnents:as4 lie off with the first indin al .avit f irpr ...5: entts, Are' ti , Ateir to' , korreopOnd _ with:as or lie, heeiniiit •te NEI ; 01,1t.0.1wnd - VIIOLES. OIOOI-- " rl.lP,iiiti" tis‘W.ditil, :Oar -ineeeSi?in 'the Areatnient -of • with roowltiongb to Oomniodito.i.e.t.; balk tittid. up , i'dikeueen- peculiar to rcmaleft; tiati:O.yettNia-cOrifi- wiliarkawnu-pitura to" wrevand t and titbit* otway,altiotil iliinee; and ` ice it Walt streb", Oven it- theivliave licith-lv'Ttli'll,t4 t'S cuts warning . .. !/4' /4rie!.Jiir l 4ah, glV.lit t.FO , !?-‘• l'is., tweired r initd '" front - inhur" p)tysic!tinit, . make `Hp a — pa . oensirs:di ring reit ind:eteep; 'ean;by bit opt!. more trittiv", .' '! ':•.,' • • . • .:' . . :,.,"- - -',. , '-' 1 " - liareotiodd tho-looonieniroco of taidog. on' T it )s to ..-‘.:: Ter* - 4'.. f t OM : $ .t - : to 89 , - per ,:rreeki lipafable .find en ino,_ - . a..1 50 t e1 .. !'1 0. 1.,h0. terlealay.var4:uneeeratainty . !of .x: Iv ,leilitlq ficio -ding to roam ond . attention rttiti: • 1;21 rf lio u r i e g! l , l a l l l : 6 n r ll . 4 t e n r „; : c Zr?ti le e] _,. . , r d'. ‘Putients',lerfilprOCide:foipereional:rtse Zoom:. , irtte thOtr hatmagelWthe Bryant 11;tiee;',.tinst aeross .`:. '-; fortahlew, 2 . blinkets, 3 linsn or cotton sheets :and the way," an& enuinet thew teinsoignm without' fee or Gti weld, ', - •;:', , ,• t'l„ ON: TAI AIY: RA"; MD, -' • - re,wento.seins For . el4l - pira to ; Italia- . thaw, if . sleeice4 _et --, I - -I, ' . - ;., - . . ... . ant hour ortho.nteht. .. ~. ~ , .... .„. .... I- , or , 1 . • I.•,- 7, '....- - t - . . . - Resident:l nystman. _-. The 10C3t10_,ottltiwpint, 'Ram. :swith.: th e lin.,tural ih" qtqtri - 4; ,D. VI,. OL ., IL M. PANN EY, ProPrieter: scenery otonftt coroblooto ,wait i• #-, a others eiro nit o ~ 4 - . , - .... ~.,,, ~, .... .., :, -i..,.) - ... SWAM:1[11E8011T Ulf hivittess tnylt and tips the TAt -----' • city who map teg to .., c.ll'i ifitate for • I . olt liiif to I,lltlll - . recruit in the e in rY . . '• ~ -,... • . ;,- •1,-; •. 'suit - ' ' - i 1 -. etc 11.' Litik,e and Commodepia , Hall: t ;1. .z - . . 0 , 1 \ is attached to thiabuit.ting for ttioranrenterie.ocJhote, oft itie' PA a riii44-nes may- alwaye , ,. iiro • good. necesneetts tee: lions etre, without r egard . to nnmeem . , , with warm sta., ata 'Wes, for their teams, and.selifil4e help' to wait on Ithetn • of Yne cuyttise particulars iuire . . at the 1 Itryinit t o Unarm of the roptietor.:- ' , lit O a t 1t1tY,47,T.: -- • Feb. Igri3--d tf ________.....---------------------+---, ~,, t _wv.ovEs ,-- wir OTT. - is 1 i - - Greatitep.d 11c1 A 0d011374101 , 5 OVE. i COPPER, 114 &SHEET , IRON ES- 1- i TABLISHMENT; -r . I 1 tTHE subsCri.ber respectfully informs the 1)0,- tic that lie has recelied a . large plidition t!ct ois former stock 01,40. ves, consisting. pf a variety . the meet eppro*d kinds, among which are II : ' CIA.NTON Ala-TIGHT, '; _FOREST QUEEN, i STAR OF TUE WEST, - -, .- Mg:STEEN QUEEN, 1 till elevated Ovens. Of.Sgeareair tight:Stover ire - - 1-. . . P.HCENIX, PARAGON;_ WESTERN EMVIRE; . - °RANG E -AIR :TIGHT; • UNITED STATES,: FARSIEItS.UTICA:COAXJ:STOVE, • ; - A variety. of Preminmsysomo of ni%ii". style, The sVALKILL; TIG TIT, -FAIIIiIEILS A good -and various assortment of f ,'Porlor _and Stoves for Wood and Coal:.111OK Stoves o! ivarionesliessand patterns he continually rer-- ' OeiVing; and intends imiteep us grtlat.a Variety of, the most popular stored as any dealer in the coon try. 'Persons 1001111 g .; to" purchase, :ftorea still find it to theiriuterest to call ou find his • ! . .. 1 1 Stove R.utnitute. - made of the strongest and ' best materials and as. elteapaa - mm be bought in this or ilroonte , ilninty and mach better than o)Tered tiy - pedlars.. : tr.T.Stove Pipe*. Ware kept for sale and ko.oraer... Farniera.- %yin •be eopplied:Avith Paos,nnido.Of etrou,grniaterinls, at witolettale •Pri oeti, all Ordirs for work in hie line will be thank! 'ally received and -punctually attended to. - • 'JOHN 601,S T:EN. . Great-Bend, Julyl , 1859.1: : • - • . •. • • - NEW -DRY GOODS AT j 1 Eli MILFOR:D DEPOT. A T 11111kPITI.''s may be foundap exten t...V.2lp. and new ak.ortment.ef Dry Clmie.s iti- - cludintil greet variety. of • *.,. .1 • Ladies Dress Goods,: Ln rielr Prints, Printed and Etitbroidered Lawns, ixtra rich: - 13arege . ..pelaney, Luttered Poplins, Gingliams and:Chambrays - of new styles, black I •and fancy. silks, Sic. Canton Crape.. Broclic.i - Cashmere and Berege ;Mantillas Parasols, p . lain and figured Swiss 211uslins,.Straw French Imes - and "Sillr. Bonnet.; Bonnet Silks, Ribbons and Flowers.- GI=LEMEN —BOYS. DRESS Asi SUIPIER GOODS.. - A. largo assortment. /fats, Caps, Boots and-,Shoe,s, franks Iralices, Carpet Bags; Carpeting,'. Oil Chiths forfloors and tables, painted and printOdi Window Shades, Wall Paper, Domestic Cotton. , of all kinds,'ofc. - etc., which,in Ciintiectioit with al `iniversal . assortment. in Other ,ilepartinentirot 46ods, and being pamhased entirely-for. cash, will enable purchasers to secure benefits in price; style end 4rits not,to be found in any other establish . N. .Sale and Stone' Coal constantly .on hand. "New Milford,-May 15,1852. . , •• • • To - the Publi6 A BEL TUItRELL is now receiving and keeps L constantly onliand ,a- large aird - desirdirle as ofturent ot '-: • : *. - '1 ' ' * * -- GOO DS ' - - wlriell wilt brisolik eery low for cash or:ready pay. e stock is eriinposed of a first rate assortment of : iugS;ltedi'ciiree; Qlreuricals, i'aints, Oils, llye,Stuffs, Groceries, Glass-ware,sp9ons, SPectivites, - Musical Instruments,,„ ' ':. t• --' Ynrikee',Notioits, and _-_ -. . • ' - A Liquors; -- -; ' Diy . ..Goode;.- - :.. - -::: -_ - IlaraWare, Stoneware, .-.-. ' ' . . - Mirrors; - Sta.t.jene_ryilliirshesi -- , • '•'. - Medical Instrument.s Peens - eery, Trii.mres, Stipporters: Shoulder-Braces, Sifocii'eninphilie; Burning * Viaid,' liatiiiis, licirs;Watehes,leWelry,',.Si.e. - ~ --.....- .. . • All persons livishirrieto porOsse Dregs OiGocxls r any 'of, the''"s.foresiriti. departeeinte, ilill find keit interests promoted.:by.-ealling.-first at-the rorr, /Ind TatietY - Store of ABEL TURRELL. Illontroie.lsiiivernberilßsl, - ' '''--_- .. . . TEM RAILWAT . STOR.R.. • Operation; • I - A LAII9 E stock of. 14. i .V 7 GOODS just re-.; ES, celved,.ivhich ba fold:for reciflY pay ot_ . l hort 'aiproveti credit totter than at any other store in this ieition. of tountry t I The: people of J , _ are r 91,7, tiwy-are MEESE 4.1 /2ead and - Waslangton stjeels, Ne . e:Kork. street, if , 157 am LivitYon , Farg.° co r I Bvido, Proprietors. JOlNTsrocir.9 3 .lri t AX l r9c ll o ll ga ' - - $2OO 0 0 '1 i . , ... u _ ii Trims° purehmed the united interest*r ur. .. 41. Ti m m* h t the Express bath/mon thittitiulawepll 6 I and wenern lulu Rowittlostre to to infott= the .Ptit i :z hey art now glaPtrod to dna itelleaL t0rt.,4,-,, B. , warding tkininPill troßlOlela °Sten" e t U ii i it i s , \ to l'.eity ithuet, and willforeted like a, _ _ ic !Morta toilso Bat atth f iritil a rt its a t = throughouttheState of New Yor and , _, , z cities And Townie to ills Western and , ner il it i a r a out Tortitotbilti and On 43841ada.) " ,ita t 7 -, o l r \ sjig forirstried by Aolulilto i , _... hyetrefal and Jeztterieu?Pliamagega_. ._, i l i re b "17k , womb without Lay two urteu ,,,, '• egiit it attd i `._ PrOdoOrthwitTortuo; outotheritid - 1 ,.. t4 „1 , to theit litters*, to :mu . tbwirplatert. t in 4 sca t t e r &a. &a ,by to Nar ll ~ tlb - i t ionzits be vt4 sahrieoef tiir;skraty OO ,z.„_ p c ," W. R. It arbAs relive 4404; briltir t goomill!PIK. Sanwa Nasice t , *tithe _ . inmay r), num. I. vi s as : - slit eriutenitant . 1 CARBONDAII STAUS, • o°. ' :1 7 -:•"!t• , 0r f 4 1 • 4 _fig,„c_ alltF.StiSieritterectrerlatining &Dail Alneof.f.toSte 446 _, .L torrent:urban...tale unit itopLettotn Rattan .on toe •Let;lunvehtia& ll'aitetn Itaillitenl: Distande'.2o nillet. Leave Corbi3naale In. the sucireinntleonnest idthtke 1 eats itoiti North. Iteturning, letse.on the seri* itt' 1 the mall train front the (heat Itepl.:-... Thu nearest,Ulti", t direct Mid chettest rout front tilteettlenatoenyti nutlal t .l Passentluitby t is Lille elwait get Into L'erhcitigalt earthrt in the evei3ing than by' any otheriont.. - ; Th '— • 1:•1 Fart rettitAtd in L'attian.leltr at thiStere of the PO ' setiborei Main etteet t to. f9Vf plucks below nroutoree llo t el. 1 ..11u;u t,1.314.._,• - - . GltO%%t BICOTIIFV.I , . _. . .. • ~. •, . i., -: • . A Rite - Chlance.' ,-, t . • rt rr lig sobsori er to ,cortscAnenee of..iit heal • p , otters . I tor sale hi elegantly foridshml snit' of D. quEit, BRAN 1:00311, with' alt the furniture.: _fiatureoif hn: oafs and Stott's.. The Rooms, are •lmou d for to yenrs from the Rest. of Argil neit• • Beery thin:tie ne .: a *:: . the beat order. The • mitablishrnint will he P 141 reasonable terms. To any.person engaged-in a- him+ 'netts, wishing a•pleasaut and permanent... West OA. ',this presents one of the-best opportunh les for in istiiig , a Mall capttal that can be . f mind in the .connt , I :. '' . • , - -For-farther particulars Inquire etl, _ -.- • , ~ • . • TII.OIIPSON'S Dagoerrean, allmry. Binghamton, March 1:1,-19M - -.- • ~- • ..- ._,_..------,...........-.. . - , ' Jose nscsivr.p AT - :` " :- * W. P, - .WYATI'S:NEW CLOTHING TORE . . • .. TlSirlirrNE sTrtEr.t, m'oNTR.oSE; i •.. ~ 1. 1 P. WYATT has jolt returned trout Sew VOrk with l. V V • a tiew and beautiful assortment ot Cloths, Cassi. I. ineres,Testinqs; &e. ece., all of which he- otter's at the. lowest Wring Oritris for ensh , or :produce. - The subSeriberhos on hand the late it and niostlmpro., ''tell style rif Fashions for Fall ant -Winter elothlng, W. P. W. will roannfaeture - -on -the trioSt reasonable i 't - et oas and In the hostapprortal style of fashlo*, at the ' shortest nctlee. i • W,P..W. wants In trade for .4 - o:oils SOO bartels of Ap ples of the. best • itunlity. natl. 4-0 grill's of ' , Waiter, tot which -he will allow 24 emits per pound for-the host wail ity, in trate. '' - . . .I%'. r:-NriIATT. • Store at, tillnorVilitte Law °Mee, Ttirni4e street: Mon 1t:Oen ; Ott.l? 1852. • - - • ' .• i - • • • . I ' • ito.to To nE.wrii !wio2aq Ara Rwr9,9.51, in. dr cwisuoirr CURE 61. A DratiD , DED.ED .LITER. AND BAD . .- -• 7 . DIGESTION.. • r ,-.- .., • , ..COPY of a - -Lit et. fromIlli: R. Dr, Kirkur'..C:tentist, , i Pecreoi 4 tree', iaerpoot, dated WA..lune, ltil. To Professor lolloway-:Sir t....-Your Pills and,Oint-„ meat have Kw the highest on owe saleitatiof Proprie.t, Lary Medicines f r same yearn . - A enstomert tti whom 'I can refer for an enquiriesOraires me! to let . yon know , thepartieulars I her case. She had beent frouhled for ', years With i dis rdereti liver, and bad digestion. "On the last occasion, h wever, the virulence of the "attack vat so alarming, anid the intlarnatien.set in se Severely,that I I ttuoZilttctrai7.iffrettle!=estigf her wee i n u tt . hel m i tt . a . ti r e ., !: her up ',and she inforrn.c.methatafter the - diet, and each l.ttc-; [ needing_ dose, sto had great': relief F..le: i , ,citinail in . `take them. ala , although she usedonly three noses. she lis now In the et joyment o'." perfect health. I could bar.O, l' I sent you tunny more eases, hut the above. rom the re-' -rtmeurtct , e , :ta ,: :0ft . i .. „ 4,...,,,,, r ut 5vt b n ,..s sic e, n t zp e n u i r s! , I kink, speaks . .. - ,• - - (Signed ).. r.....wi Tit ILK£S,r AN EN ci TUA R *KU 1 A 7 CU DE- 011. DatEUSIATie ..- , .‘. ; VEVEff;; . .ff NAN DIEUIrIIS.4AND. -- I Copy of irLettett inserted in . The lrobort . town Courier ethelai March, 18.51, tkp Aferorj. llrafelt.t _ . • . 1 - , 31argaret M'Connigan,mineteen. years of age, residtg at few Town, bad been suffering from ta !violent; rh - Matiefever for npwardst of two months, ;Which bud en- I, tirelyileprtred her of the rise of her limba, during this 1 PetW the *tts tinder the wire of the most eminent mttd 1 Mal inertia Ilohart ;Foam. and by them hetaise was cof- 1 sidered, hopeless. ' A' friend prevailed print her to ry 1 llolieway's.Pills, which she consented to ic.,.rind 'in en lincredible short space of time theyeffeiteda perfect e re. I Cliff ii, OF A ri.1,1 Willi TtGIITNESS: IN ITIFE Cl/ T . . Alii r StONACII pr. A rEnsQN: 84 ItE4ll.§ OF - AGE. r 1 Froin Sferirs There d•Son PrOprietors Of!hilLynn 1,41. ' ' rerliteri who eon roach/Or the fottotetai. statement, - . Anus! 2111 Sill, - - t. ' .- . -1• t. . . 1 To Profosscw•liolloway— tn.—l desire, to hear.testl roony to the gond effects riflfollen - ars IsglF.: t r Fcir... some years _t suffered severely from 'll' path 'and. tightnei in i l the stouteb,velaich wee alas acrompanie4 by . tt: rla et aar,a pf breath; th - nt prevented me front twalki - ng titi Rai I ain St •Yoail of a.O.nna iianiciiitarie= raj , adva teed state *.cufg, these - Pills have so faltered . moil tluttfl Unit 4 s ti o us that others 'should' he Made 'tWqustiuttel th.: theirvirtnes. 'lei* now.retidered.bY t hOr ntean it, =- p ar ...lively het:me; and can take •titortise :Wilhite:if' in `tni venitmeiliterpain. which I onuld not hffure. -. ' - iSigtied) lIENIt'r CO;, North at.", I yunt Norfo kl".* ` • WONME.ftFUL7iFFECT 6F : IibI.LOWAY'S PiL l3' '- _ . : . ... CASE OF DP.91 . 57... ',- i „ .•, 1, Persimitiuffering froidilrepitY;:titiser 41lioiti- the Iturn of life . 3 r_ot ~thertimeS, ahortidtiannettiately ItaiWit4 'caloric; te . these Pills, as hundreds a vt=l,ol. iiire,annital 4 iy-teitrad.44:_their wse, of this ilirefulg-eororilaint le.lts different stage ' s; when all othertneane intil.faMed. •7 , --.. Theo iziebruted Pills im,e tecuiderfull!iltiga:... . aiotts• i 'the I s - ' - .t " affoutipitotnpktistl4 T..;., ~, ~, .i.. --- Agrie .stltma,Billions CoMplatots.t Illot • S.on : the i be Skm,llo el Complaints, t 01k1S. COl:26ooft irrt theitnw -else, Cons aural Dui: Oro PsY 4 ) .fl'irgefl+ l Xiirliollt*..' , Ve reatefresamittibles. 'Fevers of all kindl i Fitsatint, tad elim nette.Tallatwition Jaundice. Liver. Ccinipialitts; L tuba go; piicil,f Rim umalgm, Retention* of Urine; pa. ,fu ai, -or SoriThrUts.,Stotte.and Gra - vel, Secondary* SYrap 4, ThanottiOureax. Tamura ;; rises ;: Veriereat.:AfT ions, Worins Oreg . kintlii Weikruesi fethrt whitettir iini; 'l4ke. ,• Sold at; the EV,ablisinnent pf ll'rotesiini Ifelloslay,„224,' Strand, Chear_TentpleMari Laudon./ and biall respect& ble.Drittrtists and Dialers in Medicine* 'throrOthot Vibe t British linspirci& of lbw° ttthedinito 8 p i t en, i i i u tx , [ e t 5374,....137c , anti - 91,50 e. eillell. . ! Wholesale* the prin cipa I) yrrs houses la :the.A.Thloit :,..iiir Mesi'veir 1A.: . .1f. & . 1), Seitds,.Netat. York; and hy 311c1p.:..13. MAO:4j Sont.% 6 (tilt . rldlidelphia; ... ' ..2 . !...11 - -,- ter There is a considerable satin; hi ' N, 13.-/Direetiont for the Omidaneo to disorder are affixed to euebliox. '1 ~.•, ~ . MORAISIIIThI -- BIL : - ,70.0011' #63IESTIC*IBDICI S. ~ . COMP - 00g D Stli.C/' Of 111.9013n011",. Bo TO i . . -, Coesuitiption, Asibroo. ilronehltis,i,intioe:nsa'i one; Whooping Cough' and Croup. - II -'• ' Dr: - Throapa 'Aran Preservative an .1 1 -. :- s- - ,. -. .- -.. - ,:Hier - '.Reliet l, -- ~ . . Curesnitulenee. Collo, ripe* Mottles, pjrien ery , Cholera of Infanta; brae of tbd comma n illi o ant Dr. Throo• s Worairaison -: - .. , ~ zzatafil. ese filtbj-' intro erior tbatiumun spat a out eacePtior•oficiadso i rtnibari4 -1 ,. -- -- .. .., 1 Dr....Throaii'a BilliOtti - Tilla ' , -- Cure in4gestion..„llllllo - ii didorderi,eOetbrill.:l l iholsehe, , floarq.limnil'erer. Int! Munn*, Dim Dysentery. •suul-reatore 'a ~ bruit'i • y. action It) -- ;• - . - Dr'.- : bra pit:: Bpi rWitar.., , - .la , unsetrP4sret inie Toljituei l or snit I. . , : r.agectsaa or thp_ele, ntl. - . , . ... ..,. ...:. .- Dr. TUroafit t li e:_ ;' -- L ......., _ .,, . , , !Is - annoys/we l l.. fir l'olreasitr for - Muria anal! ..- ' ' 4 4)E 4 ilt. Ithe'aph - Pr-a 11 7.~ 0 4 iiitbiatin `/ - Agitate Pisanatir.--.-tionUer **aid; Mgt _ IL . Oriluiler Aievr;2; llll4-1 1 1 1; 31 i11b tberoll;11 , stilL - ,r, )101.UaterOdiddletown.;- . 110111144* • enderl et - Seal ac,..1,464i,,.. Springriiiet ' Dr.:. - EJIP 4l: Maio , 1-._ L-1'44% -.1441a; Now, 1411ford'' ..14-,;_ Brook ::-liittaa' b midt Jo-I 'slob tic lifertituari;-.UPsolisillel, ." . o.' 11 - arilAttlo )lembraut I Jasper Stanley; ChomM 1•41.11. , ritlr r e" . ' iyuCentre; 11. 4. - .l9llatnif CUff . • .. I .. :J.Cri • 104 Pm/ 111 P v 'eFrOlitrfliiii' - ' . 'Jk :All" Leta! Ageat i al#ll4 e., - . • wanted' at- TU 'ET - ];.. i . ' ':....:/:11,,11Pkil. Itßili:G.F.;,-- .;.:•. ~,,=l .- ,-c-. - . 2.. ~.,, ,--. 1. 3 ',. :. 7 '.. ' " .'".,. ' L ''. ~, .-T.,*i.a,"...?....,( - , .:L: i 71 ;.:' '. i . ::: . 1 .ILIPPPES cANWCOMPETENCE:-.-1 4•.,-5..,7•,,..i.:.,r..,4,1.,...,--.4.1.,,,z4,..,-; ~,...,..„;,...,,,A „,„,,,:::„...,..„...,:„.,, ' ' s . f ,- ‘, ..,-,. 1 ,;.--.---Avoitnrist***...,---. , . - .Y ,.. ! ',.... ; . : 46skw • desists yfedi tilt oin t alcasioarord'esiosis. , . , • 4 andallosonfot. deed lasat the.P•Weir,rot OW etti.ftementi , :-„ I:not:Weld wag,. II _, 1,01111,0401,bili)11.(ter Qt ;piths. .1. -'' That eft lelaidea, 9 1a iiiiiala‘ti-orlir:i tsrpt i rvt o 8 . aBssizetirot2l.4Bs.B4itimitithBoo, :-1 \ . ::•haeta le '!I "• •' "1-i sna , ,' • .-,..- ." '' ' - •-l• ice .1.. ',.,-a: 3 istanye he . bijo se, o . yft•lst,fsesilyison - s; 1 ,i 411.•• • • • --`, -i • bef or e * A do I ra:odor *lto Ant-leers beesseossw-f t.FE DI- .•... went bilh 111 'SO& _ listoriSi!lb•Oues,;endof ;Mee T. 31;iC0i-* .'"'- i ]: . ' 1 1g l ! t ,* -• ..161 i i ii.iiiii.-ii;i:lii . " - ss-:,':" "''' ' - . -r . , St4istob lor - .ok; „:- • •'". ; ".'• ."'t - " 'i 4. ' l ' 4 ''-'-1; -14 ." ' • tteit itliyg , Mew, Ism _to .. L .loeNbed, y irit;lrow _ attooe Icodo .:, . 11,i pu t i L aw ',lama ood sototeite - sot own' dm. f •d ilteonebotterfsAt our, mit ...Woollies" ..,,, : ' , ...-,• , .r.5. ~.ko ~ .,1. ; •7•,•'.••, ~, • ... •- ', •-•,- . ••-,"-; - : --..; „•,-. ;'• - --.:;'',_,..:•• 1 '''''".-'' ,_:•;, ''—;What'Assiitt dinititter marl eiA ,'• 1 trati 'Nods "a owit;TCOnow4latan littheaktiaa: ' baioieledgie we ob nt in.,% el,eare,, , , ifetl, , ,wisak AssiwastV .; .-So neto titan ottn-^equid, ..I,of,pb eltirot Par -. ~: , ,=:ef vet; melltto i'.la4. - ILm.y.o:bMprottotd, Ir . : , t bs , ,, ::,, t , L e?ntattis, no 4),cocii. Xl-it tLarsv."V-1141(1.054130": . • 1 .., •• . • fe ed :` ; ! t:ts -', - -•• • "-"---,•,‘ -!- - ••,..-t -e' tiMmely ageoebblejoi, pti Villtetitti . ...'• :1 .. 'at' • 1161;164.2itii-STAL .W144..N0!•,-sil t takiit - hy:ta o fibbleittetientirt o "esometk : • 1.......' ~i-,.., 7 , ..F.i,... , ' V ..x , .• , - ~. . „ . .. _ ~., p , ef crack= .. mibbout 'oestto dittrlsce., .11,..erqet; ~x l l,bettol iii 11.4.,:tit:;bitrlilaieria,eidioe41,evoizase-kt;ife -r st i ;011i:site-if:Tosin:ltTlO.l t. . - am ok ' g b es a7i,iff.•-iiiit ineurterlaftiVerk-! .1 alt as Ilse - en rol:drib ti - Deem% ltd. o,Kautrs 1 i .),--.. ~. - • -.._.-., , , -. , .-: \ • itri:2 , : itm ., t ' d ank ont, of iaii i iini.erhleWee, , fttiOs' _ .., . I , . • ; NVIVIcr-,ll4.lo.l,*(sYriiltip,' .., ... -. :... .......r mi,titital Vhemistry ; DvCom - be' ff.hysiplgY .. , •• ' ' . -;. ~.. -.-- .- - ....-I,_- .. -:-''-. ~.. - lair . • , l o n- D!..l.erlr:}nri FV9 4 I gYstt:-.Di i Ile. ',loar. ~.r....01 tt?'`,oirmig-IM'runlir"..", ,101•1, truth. ; i g . ... arils .re elkof e! Fittelt.wirl yeis•,,,43;ee_l;. , ei,; ;f New Vitilk,l; .I•erlitr_i; l4 ‘i . ni 11 0 4 :: 41 :; i.:4•-•, . :-.i ~: 1 i - ,-;-:.:....:.LL•i...-."---, - :, j**l9ol' SllllOl '' lit , ..Yile , Coll , 3 ^Mei tari - .1--• .: .-: ...... -ir . Alas Sitte r. PalaNaCTo- ~., --_,..,-,.:: Y. 0, i . .. hytinsorry; Er., tltticiller.. Ail* it ) . tt i ' a t en . i *: :•f , iii4.4 . ei-iiii;' iaillii-ii„lia, foltind'odiiers' Orititod;[. I pirbisittelse U ttt states.' ,-' ~-, . 4 - ~, , ,-,—,•:, • : ocei., I i der ol ion ttp 9 o him trod& Sidotess A • die ifey OBS ISM% TUIS: ~P.,,•Everis,..p,cttytiS,,, .. O . :gentian* ~ w ia t o o a ntii.4l, - the iopeomotititoCooititifoo'.domitom ., .. , Itenri OM *litters .Plitnattittonr 4.': "..-11011Ct11;: • • is e ielece .e i s Sib hi " e xiesitioos• car • esstitled.:estd• stir Towdewiter ; yr" thew. kallizielo 01 300044 . Wire and ;Dirt, Petiartetor:Philodeltdai;ria,„o.o. -.7„.g. r .g.,J...!!0,,,k4 , ..,...,..., ~...,,,..,..,„:„.,_ ..,,., ...,,,,,, , I Tride idikk toottred, ,,- - - .• ...., .:"", : • , 1.-- " r,..'.. ~• . • i ,'.• ~ • .„.-- ,-- ,= . , - l)),. Allier .0.1 lieregista.aail Veaiefs . 1 ;_ s .04a.e5 . ':7 . 7 -' Eh . . -,, . ..iffL6tairs ,.., f or ... ! ifvelits : iiii \ rani -81.1. tr.bottle.„, .........„. 4 '_ • • -;,-:,. ~ .. ....,,, .:..,,.., . 11 .; - t i i 4 1i; il'i T w on e -7. ; - ; 'iti.;i4eitlii 146"fi di e il4 ~.i Yee sal", b!' . -I-uttuprla • '-' - 7 4 1,,'""'`"•. '. -of ottioti Itm•es ed • tits sickeese end ',overt"- of thouseudst. .. lotort.e^:stad...i.otnp,Agestt-. i ...„••:::.;••.“ 1 7. -.':.- - 01; ' ' 1 - . . leVerifir of sue s coolsoitst•ceir , •• - wife- o""6theris 4 114 1 -' " ----------- yid` if 'she 11e 001.10.41411,1r_trt.00f.11111.,1400t1eAc,.1 I ci e il:Ir '-f-0.TIT".11`1:T"folro, . 1 .r, amcber iad'eAtutibre=a4ireortatle 44 '', dies rn he be thy Otiosle..L'filot. b o o-4010'u coke:l4a. t_ 1410 o•diesit4l•4;tir.i.‹.." - ;.!.. ,-, "..i , • .‘'.l%'•i'., • ".....S . :,tln - ~,,,;. ti el M AR-MEP WO 1111 . AN,.. ' P T ,- ..4 ' •-•-: ,- : -..--- '. . .-----,i.1.'--. ~..f--_,',..;‘,-.,.1-7,--. xifaii6.:Dledical'CiiinpaiiicC:-.‘ri J. , 1 • (fir' DII.J. 8! GEST Preys: • Ox, • 1 ogles] 0 pbta, # - TWA 1 Ftom.aa mg . It bU DI 'way be eat *lv 1 orDr Otr 1 ri tr atts. Liebig of Di i AV, Dr 'nye yenta froma - Dar 19FTS ; TON, AIM Vr;:" ,- ...; ,r lii*er<Colllplaintefil; .:!'." - .. i!.f . : - .; f., ; .; xli - ie,D:ysp . epl siai:Chraiieliii4Vercpile.." i: 'bill: :1) e'' '''''' - of. ' ihe 01144 , I " 1 " c Iy, • ts aces, , . 1 D • aildisniiken• arteing:fromie 14140e4ered.liyer;9t " . : tonnicitii4oll aft :conAtipation,invidttkirs (URl:Lein • 2:: rd tO Die hoo d , kieldity' cit the St' ni - elf, •nensca', ...' ir,ii - ', dKAist for fond; fatness O Weight 'blithe , . .. t l / 2 itch+ *our ornetntions, sinking Of nYteringika..ttie • -,..• f theistoreikch, swimming of Abe, .„-burrtsit or , •.• - [ ultirthirta„fl uttering. at the .h ~- choking : or , . ' itetemtione *hew in a .111itr. stn , litei'dituneg* .: 0 on; dotsi'eir; webs beforritim, - eighttl ter. and =doll • - id th i r heal, deficieney of perSpiraillek', - YeilenneAs I - .6 ski end eyeii path in . the stile;blici6 chest; limb.* ! .. arid en fittShes-Of hoot. bitriiing h4 i iii flesh;:e o d- i S i t hits einsaofevil, and great d. the of iiiiritici . bllt 41 ettually cured by, .- ,- ; ' NI: i-4- - . -...-:... .; Ti ...- iloogia.nd9s:Tcplerbri4ed- -Ger- • . -•' [ • ••• ':nienti•Bltte , rs:= [f •'- "' '6'jr ' - a - 1 , 66 - it • iiv: • epar ed• by Dr.., .z ~ a i at. .... . i .... r.man:Medicine .§tofe,ii‘.2l. 41.1 h street! ,V 1- -1' • -• . -7; • ----,''' -• r. .- - ~•.: '-: • 1 • Phtta4e-pti.i4. .1 r. - . .I,oels. wet' over the above al,4i.. 4 fiti; pot:excelled, ill di l a eq . . l s i b i.. 4l , .blyou!a:;,other prepara . ti . no int i h i e Dnite d d ..... ...7tete4 is be cures ; attest', la many coles aftir, skilfurphysi heitehltteritme worthy the .idtentiOn Of invalit4:l; -. .-sessMg great virtnes in the rocthiiation -of diRMA ' o the 'Liver and lesser . glandir, •ereMish3g the .brios se rehl g power in weaknesi a; r laffre i ttons of the dii I g . lice rgaus;they are withal, •e, eertain, 'and pie*. ,1 1 l' ' i . ' 1: j - ..1 1; •- ..- ~. l• Read and be C net:need. .., 1- .Is. '•''i. - • i i The Bailer of the Doston.reeisaidilDoeiteber 211—; I 1)r: ll t .glianir s Celebratel Gel l man iiioers, for the cuie of LiV4ir tiormplaint,'Jannkliee, IDysilelitinii Chronic, -or 4 1 Nee.o. e dertiitiy; Wiexerreilly one ot ;the most priptil r reedit! es f_ the day .. These II Itterti have been, used y thous ifs{ end a friend at our elbotir says' be has hi -.. self re e ked, an effectual and nerus i turnt ewe Of 1.14 Comp int; from the. use of Ali's - re edy. - We are c i 'vince4 that, in the ~ ase'of theso bltterti, the paticate ii . stsuiti gains streoth and eigor—n tact. worthy of git t 1 eons! emtion. ilery Xre pl ease nth*. taste and'etnell,rinil' Can b us ed by persons with Inc most! r delicete stoma h, with: etyinider. inyrei rcumetancei.'; 'We win speaking from . rperierme, add to the tiftilet cal we.adtise thei r ure. i Fen i s Weekly, line of the ' eirat iitr'nery papers pill: t pale ,s.s.ld; Augast ) •2.sth--7 ' ~.- .:1 .1. : .• , . - 4, r. ITheiland'a German' BittrA,, Manufactured by Dr.! ad:Son. are • now recouinienP by some ,of he mostipromirient members-of the sneak:ll faculty as, an act left. of ratirdi eilieacy.in croes, of ftanole Weaknt*s.- • At, .uchfs the case; we would :obis° all mothers to Obtain a 1 lintt; and thus save themselves Mitch sickness. . 'Per. sons , f debilltbt el, e institut lens t r ail; find these: hitters adra tageons iv to their health. ! tte.e!raion troin . exper t . ence, the :salutary effect they frate kionMealr. s'ysteMs." 1 I . ' 1 ! Mori . .aideriee -. ' .. -'. Tle ildhidelphisr Saturday Ga tte, the test :family pap r peblialied in the:linitcd. States, iss-ys cf '01..119614 iand's Gentian Bitters— --- -t'' 1 !! •; . “ ft. is selooin that we rerraurrid Plint • *in:. terme d' Pitent Medicines. to the cintridence Ond patronage. of eue,rraders, and therefore !when' We recommend 'Pr.!, ficwifland'a 0 ertnan Bitters we etleill'itl be distitteti...l•in, -: derir ood that we are not srierittrigitif thenost rums of the day, that are noised _about: for a brief period and then cot gotten after, they have run •thair'entiry tamiof.lerds elder, but of a. mevicine long ertabifehed, universally up i proleed, rind which tiatvinettthelleXtty apprtivol of the faculty itsel - S.L• . .' Li _ I Look teen' lo the-:ai m s griiiegeThlititl o. .. I They haee the written *immature. of C. M. 4/4.OKOCiN upon the wrapper 1 and his name blown in the bottlb,!lnitlmut 7 whielr-they tea spurious. - • . I- i I •'1 . .. . _ % II 1 ForsAte; whet...F . 3le anir retall',"ai' the: Germini Meii rineStore..No. lffft iretatieet,toner donr•-below -SiXtb . , Philadelphia , nod" by respe.efable ilealers'seriemilithrn'T eut the conntry: ... 1 ; • 1 q•• ~, - •- . ~-, •••:-: , : • paces_reducxt.,.To _enable ,al cleans. of; Invalids - .to enjoy the adeontoges• or their r ent xesteritite linnets.' Sisats 80TT1..11 7.5.. CE NTS •i; i 1 .-. .• : ' Able for sale by ADEL T RRi Ll,‘DrUggist,Thintrese DOCTOR ilrovresEtt - . ,-, .For 2 : 0071tEli ,-. ~., s ..- ' - .11T 31 FANS OF TM& FOCKET'ESCOLAPI thi, isr every ogle •hls Own, rhYsielan 11 - Thir. --:.........,-. - slitth edltion,lviittq wpwards 'of ' a bonaiet ':-Ifr „, engrivhigsoirOwin -private - disease ifs eter . - • .., alza.Pe' and for ri. - tl, ruelfeimstioaal of.th iri 1 •-- , • :-. f' ilt- -.. generative fy !op,. •. . '.. -, - : -•.: - I:- ' - - - sly. Ulit Dim '1: Uttgi in. IN."-i'' ri' - '. The ttwelias now raiirr tli%ftersons- slave:uglier secrtt . geites need. no mar* 4fcten6 the' Victim ':'-r quackeiy,as.by the ow:loth:4s contained in this bOok . any ot.e may cure himsel f, without :hindrance of .bus ; • n es .q, ftr_vie krouledge.of_the inost intiniat'i friettd,.an 1 - - with one 'troth the itattakisperise.!' - In - additioWt'o,:tls4 - general riutine of prirato illeehic; it fully thii Winie-pf.ntanhood's.-eitrlYderiliie, With obrireationititi . 'marriage—besides .19 atiyi Otlier:lderangernente Which' t would - not:be proper to eisinuerite in the p•abile prints - ~ CC7 - Aril prrson *ezoitir -I`III4%ITY-F1 V E.. (ITS- eficl stsl in a IctterOvill receive ,:lie copjot, this; beiki- y Small, or five copies will be se for oneAlollar-... - „Atidr 3),11„%lf-.TOO:59, I.Zr.lsZ.SpisicoStriet,P.WL.tnitr.riti , P9a , t!Faid't - -,- ..-. • ..:- - ,j"-•:.:f T''' - .',. : ~.. •' - .'.." ,', 1 inrDlt.Y.o l- 1 7 4 0- can 94 co salted otta t ny-.of -.tits •; eases d6crilied inhiadlifire aciblialiOniklitldi , . e; .152 Spruce street. ereryi :dmy - betweeri3O a - ,ad. - 7 ,- -,CC '#.l - 11 - (l4s cieePled4 -. • , - -t. '' -.; --. ~' • 1-t!...- , - ;43 .1 , _...... __. „ -- ~ The. ..,People's - Friend -1 T. li. Pond* cif - ..1040,1 1V .Y. Pain liesir ' ' er anAliealing,.gitrit. - : -:-'i3.-0 ' , . . 'Extract:front the ehtttb exiled Witch bezel,: 1 .41 .nueetYlicnittbatOrith•the ''ai - ceitiiiit.offi.ilttle cobol se pretwrre ft., . [,,.. -,_ r,•: , , ' :—.- .- - r.F -; '.- '• ' ~, ' - I' will titre all local pain - and hillezeniatinii, old as et , freeh_wc.unds nod' bruites; Phew:arid all.:4lseslien or- - bowels of a ehr:tule net i ll re, tooth-ache , aatTiche, sit a ; . ex'eelletit. ie . tardy, tor fe . ales; ,, Pte.!:-,'•:- . :- ..,-; f.: ,, , : .' , ' • :, . :I,e, is truly what .it p tmles .. . to be, 'q i nn - r i m ; . }. a. anis ik.'.' _ -_Prorldenelf;, hes lottered Jaleag .. .the'ro i patheat mr e manit,thinte that cositiibute,greativ to comfort and happiness , ot eel, li bedy t - heneo..thoti g arse, an 1 well may they he . lettlied:i'Frientlis pf:the, .:!. t)tie word here to ;Lard allifilposition- ,A - the ulna ottipencer_ttas in Utactured and. utTei, Wale a sp ;done article aalledilia.‘?Optpl Extreilt would L. extract trout , the hitiel,nut-lithe gewgaw widie.an pure AS Water,„lloi the atilitiou4artietala 'ored, wh eh enables the ou lie to distinguish.: -, itone ulna but those warkea Pond's Pain Deiti • FILL A M. K ll4Tett; 'lll Outrage, and storeoke 'and to elite doidera gm:m . 4olr; Atlanta:l - 7 '' ''. Co rllaillit - ,shiolid.4ll l *.iar : it ' l-, a - ik . ar , , ok ,-0 1 . 0 4 ,44 4-. .4.ov=n: tciti,zt..L « A . l , 40: , ji -,,,D1, diri. i 'it 40A 7 :' ? , . ' m g i 1 ,,14. 1 . 40figiok04... ts.4'6 #l4 'l,r 4 f 9g a - cute dr ii - i.. - y. tom - qui. , vir i cr ,, ,,, tur.ii, . seiiiit i 3 a ii - etko ~-• . t* 3• 4404Ric....4i4.1ate3,44i3,e50r t t c .... :ate - ikkianua cgoa..P.title r t. , gr ezt , iilt . niconii t - w of , : rf0 . ..,.....". • - tiridlkiiite44 , o , ORAINi-ON- r,„pilliciktNitilcm ilkti . - 6i . .;„0,..-r. I , r , '" , : R: P iirjlat thi 1.1 me Itotl„ot trifertultile hip., frlemli .4a: the -Pub Opp ' .. :4:-16:111114•11"taal4 ' r ''" li ' eitittiii *teittet general at he luta ropen4 retttnteit,trcat ';9,01t . :: ',... l i,l ''' ?itilitiate.it-iiiiific:irttl”--;tw;t ha wail ~ ill o t n e lr llia j o . I : I ..:Pa l b bi t it i st h "l": o 4; st e li j o rl :t! t v i l n i n ici: r i :i7 i t : lt it e d v ii ro je lmiltr a tip : o r n ' 77.,t: -91t!: ' , 41, trquari rllitrpildrplixt)r . '"n v "77 1 C . ~ 1 1 --!.i , .:,.• 7 ' l " i - 1 lin, c perloKinethed a arlyltlg" l 4 A I=4 . 4 \ , . :ioink,Ottbei-liiirts.lind AO. 4,N.r...4.,A , _. ___, ..„,:.„„ /',1: :: c .3 t1:::;:te'd• 1577 .ti:. 7.... i t,t . i ._ ailwii . .--'-"' -4 ,, i: l 'ETI- ,4 ; : it0. .. i t ! ga s ' k 5..,. i d ra . iiii ov ' ' .. ..i " ;5 0 ),..;' r4 1 * .-- a'a :'. e . 4. .. , l :i i r oji l ' . 41 , 11 ~f(..-,.r-44tig: ;., f ... . 61 11‘ ...,.... 1 11 1_ , :il - : v i : • : E. 7 . 11 , , i ' :; ~ 7* , . , ? . , , : ! . .I#: i ' l , #fi 5 , ..; ..' - _k, S, _,,,, .; -.:' , -, v ' t . g 1 :7 0 1. 1 4 4-_l l _- fl l c i 1. 1 i: j:: ' lit di , and his unparalleled _wrens . i , .ii 7l*F'4!..:litffl:::)fvt:.;:i°::.e;;%j:'iiu"l/44LTwj7:::71'dl .... ,- _. ';."'-'•::: .....,--=';;:. ) 4 ,. .;.' i ''''''' s'iiN - i:tiiii*#*...: l - P:**i it ' , . l,l4.: : 3- : 4:17‘ :4P6-115114.1:k; dbijfe:l l ,ll : 7l: t amderli f ter n : fiti: i ti ikik a:r7dlll 7 l 4 l: :ll :e iri i !'cith ? b : l6 4 :l l 6. seri 4;l4ut fuC ell oa livira ti li 'U Y% g icT r it:" : tt - : -.77"- .71 11 ' :. . ::: F .- lind title hi' faint :Porto lattitatoritnnialin, ititiaint 10,th his thud uteut,,W,itareile,t? itttlf •,,h 1 5,:t 3 ..., _ 1',.!, °M r .' . :,' 0 1 a" : :,,,,,"Ampiirsuie.. _., ..., ~..,c ,7, 1,, ,, , ,.., , !Tt77, , „. . _. , , , •li 'Of Pre teelieiwoultt: 'i• ._ the 4 Pe c A l ee li t. 1 2 1 4- t ?!. :1143tktie'e*V.. irt , with at;a:" n ' Jro: _.: 'AIF,,IOi •i,', _, - : ‘ ,, ,- ,..T. 5 .. - :, -, : f:: :::..; - •7 . .'?:: - ..0? - :' - ,-- .-- .:-- ...., ~.,-,.._3:".; .. ..-; ...- :-.-. , che w L an a niter° - attanilna lit , , ~..-; .ElanlintliPti,,,,,, s - i v ath t;i4 4 l.b a * # l,, , , ii;loti ~t_ti,: 4 ,;.,:: : : : , ';° . ,;"'.7r; . :1 1 191311a .••!:.;ir . .„.. p c as ma Fend- R their AI •eha Ai ' ,l , • ( ~. ,40041ettta• , -- 4' , rfu~erit .. - -a fa - 7. E , nig - .are:_timp.#tto,t 7 _,L ,f„. ,- c,,:_.• .;.-..- 4 ~,- . 7.4 . :...i...,-.-...i.4-2,, , 7,1 : - . -. , o iiiiiii . n ub Iwo rae It. w" t.t u_outtoe) Asa the, ,est'lst • th ,Mc_trpleg ;hi (or; iforkkoiakoki,qu'iz!' "r -77-7.7._, , ..,-,j ... .- „; - . : .1! , !-',114..:..., ,. .-" . , i-1.41 - rielleilliktinallftlgetwig r t , , in e cr ,,,, , led,i ea ii curdle leept - ,At 011...,k .$0 'o;eik,„ . i ~.tik . 031 ,:,...:,-,,,;-..--i- : -..,, - ~,,,,,,,, .. ~,,,,, ~ , .„,;....-,, ~..4 ?.., ._ , _ . i.c...... „ 4, _ 10._,.tutti be i I -ate na e nuance alittlilttlettl_j!Ol 1. 1 *P I . I O O ':,,, -,f 4 .....! -11419TEN9y - ~_. ' t_r_n __l! l ,7 o 72LriT i , 4 ~ , ==i x 3 i; , ,1 4: 4 IttLA .. i r : I, „ „ 11 tokr, i x, 2, t " , 4 ' 'I„; r. , .. :14 7,,,, r, , o r., : . _, '► , i.it;,;l l ,ehr 14 110 4eto_r_S?uu# t , 4 '-' ll `b ) -- lias Ti*t , " 4,, -I`7 `Au . -p,,, m 3 c 44-4 ,417:7 1- ' - ' 7 l7;:iii;;;ltkikliiki - Aooia ,- diir' ,i'av;3l;Wiiiiift i ,,,Attlt,l3: : °,t., `l46a ' - ' 41.-ell --I. ' . ' " ri ll le . t4lir l ii iti . f; - Ateor. hktOletYT,Vt ta * t 4; iibitat§tl.4.lree?lo net t- ex *- 0 0 1 nadad a d*: II the l' in ' edleines are- P/2• ~ lt 7 ' ter - khobiain - i' rillei " t• re - e idetol7 - Oh '.4l lit ''''''"" oool --.°' ' 'irikeett liikoot e tio r it .744 , ifo - .1 . .w., „2;. 1.fy .3 11 - 1.'; .: /: : ;:01k .:).. t1 1.r . i, ,. .„ .;. . ivelr. hle - KI Intem; anti - re" --....---- • -,.. 1-, , -7. - - --,---- - 1.., - -4 , - -•- ' - - Ur* Itlit•.:; 3 7 :- •. • , Germ Itcrrautc - Pita halts.- . ...i..-. , -.-,- Tql.:`-: - .,--, .:,-...- ..... . • On ~ ($ ~.: 17 ~. . : ::: ii i. ~..1 ,411 , 1 " 7 - 2.';;;;,,..:::, : ".$ : ;''-',.`,.:. , . I • - .110 wild *Wm* Ma Iselin: tit; oat s:l4 ' '' Igt ...._ ' ..iirgh en. s .l, ,vr ' i taut etyitirelatiolittek - . •• '4llo!titi _ rn , c":i :11)1 tt , : tu kl i :UZI iituv _ wint hlf, i 41 07, : 1 hots - • Orstni:?..=Thlt is , IntsSatpoiam relk.o behlretta _ . ..: hat ”....,vO,-.. , ,*1 , 4_' . , ,- -::_ . ;. , "414,-, L i r t avusint : -4 .2 1 --.1-L- i 5 ..... ,. .. L , ~T, e., ..... .-4 , ,1;47 , . iitA.ZE4P. ~.... .- --,- ii r .- 1 . .. toe _. tittrystitlitn = - , roonstit .°r- '•'ir '' - ' 'grittNl . ' ' 4664 '#`-` - ' 0 1 butiot dlitinetlt 044* Omit .‘l4 .". e: rt. . _ . a ~ _ ~ of., ~ .._,. „ . 4 • II- To „.- 7 .., 1 5 . 0 yen_ ~._. , e , _...) s - ‘',. I .7 t ,- .. • • Wel , 1 4 4 i - atioNAIWIA !..are 4.- --_ It may:nouslatia , ittelptler that' tritnePtelq2 diMttats .. , w o o ~ , ..,.. _ . 4 1 11 4.0- - ' • I Aieliiiiipiltrttrl/04, Our.i, I ,a; 7;51 ; ,7 5i.:? 1 ;;! ,- 1.-.. - 1--1 - 4' . 4 ,---, ..t ,oie sllt i .titinkkallion .. . ti ltm 7 l W 6 . e t 4- igiudi Ve - _ ~..,....,. ~, ,, ,, ,h.. ., , ,....-„ , ,......„..-,. . --7 7`n;. : „ . .., , - , • i t i E wtot . . Tict i,v,:...r - - 4.4.4 i v0ire1ibbeetit';A1'.! ,4 1. 1 .1..:.67 , :1„.; - -, -, ,:. ' •--- •1644 qtlitti iilreiat : .: ,- f-:".-" ,- 1 -,7 • . ' t. , :' - -dre.atal. emit ~. ..,--, ~ T - . ., , , -,a r : , , w o , ~, IF A, ' 141 1 1 4 a k ii i i 444 at:X d i ' t0t1 1 411 , ; Ie t ;!' . ; Tbe OreParatia- fi ll t t , Arital i i ii- _i;,..fre,.,...„,::•ei-„,- .. bo , 44Awr -ria1t.„,....,:.....-.15:_. 4 : 1 , 4 ontietio.iii:.thibtfiltAoi Pe 1, - ,,, -'" -7-, --- ,-7" : - 1. .-4 1 sa [...,.......,, _.....i f . i t miri.in, '' '' k ' out - iikttelink ' - ...*WT" - ;.,`,.. ~. . Idialigeftae kbeyib Tta y:wias l 79: ` a- l l-. .-- - Imgal i ;.s '- 615 ' 1 .:1 - -.,i!:.,, , 4.. - -- . -H:r 1 ':.... ii ,..74: 6 . * :*:„,*,...t,, 44 , ~:_ loskiveke-,..-0-40 0 .4 ,:.;v,,,,z,;.-[.y , -- ,„.,,b,,, , .._1...,,,,„,,,.„:,,,,-„.1 ~ .0 - 4, , ,,42..i„, - . ~.„„...„,,,,,,, „.„-..,..,.,,,,,-.,._,. •:. ~ ~ ,r4ffeneei am of . ~ i . ... -..,. t a - ; ;i 4 ,1 4 " 7 4. - 4 , 40, -r-Tc 7-7, 'e• .. AtiOtiil* . ~ 41.-.44, - ..,- i's , ~ . .-- - -Xellle-wx, ' -1,`....' ,,, ^.'- ? i i In intlie-WeStetti:C9 P " ue r -'- '' bens- ', 1* a2grts . Kalitlairtg ' ~,, , narti?r'''' "iiiiiiii, litblitiailltW Mt ,:..g il l Paninotinittai -Ilielitgen - itnii;Si.o.kont .... ~. p, , p ~ ,_ . . - 11.!4 good v44 1bital ihrt":11t tZ em- , :. 11244‘.* ! -- illka li"dri'' ; '- ' lfn le --1113r4stil'' eriami,.. 11;5 , 11 ,,- ,1 4 161i11114164 t 0 z 6 " 4"s ) 46'' r : = :::. * *Pli' ,? °ll l4 s' 4llll;l ' - '-.111 'll 7- $l. 1. 7-.....- , ' \ L • * .: nomaltittnirt. , , n,..., - , - -_,......,2-,..i. , i ..-3,.`,..., • ;-;•r-' " , ... - 4 , ': - ,,, 'T."- --, '"xtr - 111 : tithiagatala - - lc „ i . ~ :..,i . "',... 1 •:,,Ibla-lasin't*-Wlitsietkileliflit,lo4.*-,7124_, .:„ ... . ,4 '' - ::?"4 1: :,;' " AlititlikO rti Te r Ttrl#r% ,•.--„- . • - 441440% 0.i:V1,1:.!. - ::.. , :214_1 obatructkine t Weiltiri., 0 . 1 . 1 ,Y lita gi rl'lrrijii i AUtl ~• A11,.., - .-•: .f r p,t 2i .tk . vo. i. nd tin Ca. be fogad at the o= o . - " ' "'"''''' '- .. -. „ •:•,:, a* ••••"-.- •., _ ...: - • -.. • Ontgokdantuulli 1,: 16611 * - 4 12164 •:, ~ -, • . , - ... ,:. I - - --- •- , - - 1-'. -. ...'..-... .' .-- '''' • ' r..- - . - :-; '' y ' .:,....;_; ':-.::[,--,'-',:-. I '.. ; - : 4 - . 1 .: :: ' it.' -: ''''. :L.- .. - 1 -- 'l' - 1 ' ; -_T. ' 1 : 1::' . . I ' ' ' - -,41 - :r." . .'' -',.-, i lif&- -- c ,. 1-V. , -' -;:'• .1: , . , ,-.,-,.. --. ~...... taking the. BY , DU A. la. I'iIdI.IIIICLAU 'l,. Ilk! Lilco or J:ssaf..siss4or "dory. lee hi jtittne •Alloo412.1ZIL• Price, 50 as. 71 1 i• . i 4: • •i , • is-rmi •t• 3 ••• .- - tell tt 4litit.lirriklUADiSci. St 00. c . 'Fine pabliShei lialitl7,eis It issini." •,' - r 5 V ltraliiko:olollTONDSl6.l.ll4 -", o u Idetlng Chet IP. VlElnir•• , FE' tiClissA4 , 1 Itii ETDED DARElDD:o3lllloTteaarliet*.• Irq Ire it full konsrledgeeipt,the , Nature. 1 lukrneter arid cat s id!' nee tairaililaldta, -- orlth the „martens syroirleursc„suld . that • • • VIA A 'MILLION COPIES •-• • , .• 1 • •I‘u;tt ,1 here Iniii se ' Id. 1 " ' • -. ' •' . 'l'-' 4 It is sroprActicible telitiesic folly the rations aithjakrita • at treed of, u Awe ate a oac r ue strieity ioteo.i.d i ii r the unried. ot-theae contearrlie Onantasilli liln.tiO remelt s' de rons of I[llso} in z health , an that lies tar. • consimneoriipos heshb. which is so - copilot lee to her owo I,ippioess,anilattu her !Int, tint either has br win obtiUti has or will every btuboo who has the lirre and affectiou of his stiff. 111 bean, or disc ofbit owv peetoitary improvetoeut.. i. • UPINAttDS OF ONE HUNDRED TILOD. SAND COPIES. Hate beep Et /KlLlLVarithin the last few myths ! ' CAI? lON TO -MIR PUBI:10. nr. SOT nr.vizAypEn: _ Etly WI, tont noleaS,.." DT. ~41.111::ilittliecau, 125 .i 1 • 1 ":x 1 Y :tlret't Ni - Y.: 4 IP ai-lhoptiol-psge. and the entry In se B erk °Moo on Ihi tract, or the title. 1.: pop: a d bay onIT of retprelable soot hotrf tne r il A %dealers, i r Knot by ruoit, awl aildreart to Dr. .1 1 / 4 :g. r• Muaricelu. is Owe aro sporloos• and ourrepti te I lofrittireaftenta or ceps-right.. - \ ...-...t .. 1 LUT Ifilr is.11:1 11.% 'Win AND iltlSDitip, ... - , •.- ._. . • - No tie oe tor. Ignorstneo:svilet Ir.,noiarate., n '-15 . .. - 31 litrer 10. thOSe use hold tacit!' . hat , • dear and Wriltel , s. to dlsperoux 'tg0p„...,00.: .• 4 sc i! I l l!' 1 :37 -":114- t h. (1 it ' iti . nM ..4 e i 4 1 ' .' -Tii-1 e.ev .. oec e u t. - ss r/ -iifoodot/ neeindig.i.iisa, a coin - 001 , 1'p .no :. wife,' or mother . wed remain old nforated' upo the .: many. e toes, twhich, -, goner or later; err destio ,I la:. 'i , orto:e f.. ul niesipm upon her health, miles!. gu riled !bsaliiiti Dila :Ulla no cilimsiklemto• awl ath•ct.l halo.. lutstesn:lhnle came , to aplarnla liltreelf :vial n &el •; of the elfa - re 'or lily wiR, , --a pmnphlet of thl y,six j: pages. ID 'nth vim! ihu ritZepttge and /Atli= cfrf aid.. i kali, leer . nith. extracts from the ho.k. will ~ be I.sritc fr eo f Moroi t. any part'of the (jutted States hy.ad, ingipopidd, as heroin. - ' _ . 1 I , Mr lien Knowledge la tiarparseat, .itortrat .. '..,; •,. j; . loable to be Ignorant.. .i. --,•-• -' • Carl On reitlpl. of One Dollar (k the 8 :PAW y• - :. • goa. ;e lm Idadintz. , .) tt TM:, NIA RUIED :111,535 PM" • • ' PRIV • TN NIED L C4).11 ICA , ..‘NION??.. liipeirt. • :et / )to say part_of the .tinlleil .13bitia;" 5 't; let : - - .oiFir Mnat .he paft-paid. and addresseli.lo Pr.' , - :"-M.- -. • ..')4AITRICHAIDI,IIox 1224; Self - Vat CO: , WC , - ..' . argollpae..No. -12 ! Llloar r ty Strnet,Ntiwirodr., .-...- Vow Silt:s 11;;;;Illartelt & Crips,iiiiiisburnig' -Sirils,; Sloomaislirg4 4.. W. De Witt, -Milford" S....)tellofiiilili.i f ore Poilito o.; .11...A.!.baatr. litading; Werifs ez, Stark, 'l.t:inbnit leo;' Eldred.k: Wright, Willitonspot.t iirt Toehj 4 „, Vilkaib •,0 att. Ni El I'l 44. WillitTlitatigll ; *7l,l:pity, ' Mortar. , T. its Petarsonf rhiladtlphis--Penn. ..--.. i - • • • • 'ITS:NC .XlMiar ettr, rift — ,try ngar &Tonna nd, . Aid: , ape. -at 'B4 Co . :, Deoitt ft D;rtnjtora‘cl eskgio; • • • • ,'- . SSOO:.OIEAMENGE ~_ wletiFiPit..nostattita the Reza 1i - ittini ppicilalll. -. •seeople Islet all thrice of the worta lelnabliss i t port:mei -:I take it for granted that every tiereon wife do all .their,pwer .to rave the . Melt ,of she children and th e veer lerion, will endeavor to pilunote their o !tut' Ith a,.allikserideei: I feel It Leo be nay duly to aolemny &Manceyou. :that Irdretts -according to the opinion of the meetcolobratcd Phyalciane. tiro the pig: marycattie °fa large majority . .of s dhwase to 'which chil i dvsu era =I tta are liable, if yonliave an appetite, can tina:llV eba ruble fvorn .: One kind of food,,to another,' : bail breath; min In-the .atothach, - pie Bing Alf .AllO, 000 e, hardn a and frOrteas of the bulty,Naltieoughi 1414•Stereri. •pulaei regular', remembe r ` that aq , {bon • deniatstlfrOrnts, *nil i a shonld at once apply the remedy i - rj•-.•-..;-•„•-•..., r . ', `"i. 41. ODIVIISACKS' 1% 0.8,11. - TE - 17P.; 1 • '--- ~ • An article fonntl.apon,aelentlfic.prlculliltl‘.l 4l hPo llllk4 with iitarely - regetalde anbetanch; lieing_perfectlileide' when taken, awl determine-1 lii all its effee . :ben ta, and :bent i leaylrst he systerolin a disca.sor ciindilion sa i mtnot tater' deed nostrunmfor the. removal' of worms, composed of , cam l; aitch-as :Lozenges, Viratifttea' /cc.; but has l' performed the mealasersabildg elr u ref au4aiired the lives' of Or wan 14, both' nil ant young, wbn half*. been pr 0:.... flounced itopcleaa. Inevitable, by . physielaile. illot!I tht Altirefing ind Accent°. enn.,l*.ictllt.f . 1 .. t5 ' ~.f.P • root' - al tol het 'l 11, ',:'-; -.•,i 1nt1 ..,.:4.:,,. rzit ....:!.....„t1... ......,....ui1,..-...:.;. . . _ - lifdttl . N7 , 74 - An l'iSpWa . A. l Mil l . J N.lrobensw ► cteirtgrs.r . A s eight; 3 is . 1 , 1 ae, itfoiwr been ile i X i for. floe ;'• iris*. t f A 41SUMeiVr thpflitare !by Pa.r. • • - . .,4 1,111it4, and hisletoltirallongthue *Jib utriecid •••••• • y hew:. : Ae..'.. ft 800 M -t - I' Wl'l l o ll o . ltlit : -• ;ltd . EldlaF ,J, p d eqnsult*l•Qtle.„.o te . beat pit tL elana. her Kitehtilvig iioiiii:"../l',"l l .iiethlt ' iiijwiriln. i ilti' lii 17 c'lliibeniiilernr . tift l P;e s .. 'after An 1(: 4 ,. leg oh Ales she erithely. rt ad': tier •Itealth:ie saki .. 1 a t quantity - pi worpii6,..pougthis.: will .b e t '? i. SlYktitar. e .P tA who.s:Stillarif l :arell.o.4 l . a rli 'a/recoil; i - :. -., - ... .. 1.•=r) .. 4...u44".:FFF,.,:a ..:. _..•• -. ~,,, •..0 . . . ~ 1. tc ,, a a 14..-.L....:.e .„..t., j „,A3ltdm - x t ,'.. 7 t O '-. TOBENS4.OIPS ; - .14V7.4 , :, 41 , 41184 ... iii .alb .iiiii.4? - 60iiiiiWitig4,Asitisii,iiiii ' - eii,:tiiti,4 l: iir ;it sheving - Ina alliter:tahletatillitbf 11 " iliCieetili, rir •ti mil solgiatma, sad , faaAtioei. ,tn a bilimip-‘ (bat IN pajir.lira g ae/k)n. Othillietiftlita tbaciait , e iniociiiii4t. it & T OW , he ayifeiiiantfidainitis Yitlinitilitliry/f et Oben viiit sa pl nts r lsandine, rDiajlepeltai FevertAlit i Fel• - thoillil •,r el k doa4 watelevery,seiroptpaa that:tett lailleatio , at i . Otionotlltegym,r, , 'llpme;l4llk , aCcataitoatd .a. 4,r• kg,t, and nistilaqfdrnighttllay.tititirre talteal that tack, #1 it eIY : 1 ep, MI lirpectorlinti it Eli Oil, WI -nuente' the idete - ;- 1 114 fermi the pulmonary. lnnen; mem:l4lmq lavjaidnoteli . t &schema- of secreted matter. 211 i ,an . terative, which. changes to 60111 t inexplleahle and laser allde teen: , nee,the certalvi morbid eetforitrof ilee4Yleln • • " 3 /; Fi s hei Tottlei atieo , Ores - I,:nn te and.dtiethath, to' the 'aierWaa ayatem, 'renewing ltli ancLa.itaii_to ; !party of 'gm Anafly. 4thi liCatlis idailibleltt ltan1•1111i ' eid.halloenr with the . dther Inge*. enti bl , " - filierit 'lmlzthehirentla' 1 anil- expelling thew le itaiata - zof corrnetilati-and vitiated i initterowealparkflth tiii-PieHllgt which diett:4ldlaaaaa arialreblide health: ..- ' • - -• :r: -. ... ; _..- ~, , 1 tr*ltie4 chile sack's Laboratory! Thils 4 Tat , blati l waive: 4 th add Georg 'at. pia"... 2IS cootie. ;:tVoi' Sale-by the paint:had Dengq4ant ataree generally . thrtanglion, , Ire, Cie conntay, BY atalltalatrWart., billWAPhia; . • . 'AQICNITS-;=-Aliel lartl,3ol 4 llUOl . ....',ll4l4,;•;ldiant; l rise; II erten &Lie and ATOi' o -:Ni r . 011 14 ;=" ton t.k. Peek and zn &metre,. 14116.111 _ ar' en., C. llama • C . WWI* de. ehl lie !ter 1 P hien cy, b tuAalf 0 A. 111dildlve,'Alvt14 1 e#;, .. 9 I itto ,„ i cli ceilt ood; ticks' doott ,, and • fir .4111,111e1k fl rent Baud ;/. W Lymari., Thaaha ot4Cll ,Hwsrli, Su 111 nrcUreS ti, T t i t*cdriat •ea , : . 1 • , - 4flyt - ~"' i'' - ';‘ 4 l i . o"` '.-1:,.' Obrnmilliskowenr , ['kJ Wsgou tazi. 4)Utee 'is•ckse;Piv..., ~ • ~, I '''''.• 1 ' • B4T '- . .., 7 ;. - • 0 1 .41 - 1 ---: • AroDISON , B . - - 1 4 41511.011AiTZT LV morlr occogled ltesay Clothlat • -it NAN lig xertili .14CL 656 5P4120-, . ABM= knnieetilt trose, r.P.T.ETt JLA csrai,lsoot listW#s)* ~r.=- . ~+~~~ ltd;,. ff4}o l7 M: 0WW.:37; I TO:er"i'ltOtt; • • •' • • I 110 171 ;Ei • 114/...aivp!_if". Jcp• 4 i t ii ' ' • DU9C. 11 .5‘'. 20 1 , 4 1 M 1 .4 11 , t liewittitk iodises . , . , 4prolltri.f:S , .alliteltOtiVt#llllilXlD CAR yi.. :•• -1. • ;: • r'ArR. IrorpTA:otintrasi - litga r - - r. sat t ; I)V. PIR Arai: sieo Sit i1!1444-40.!, Situitafrig; T'TOAR~'. A ! ~~s - . .Y. • , 'rITIMV .Li A ITOTVS* iris_ lees st • Stai o nosistPronss k unt.tt M**l7, saitCoati • et'"l We Citt',l•JiM.ll, 1. 1 2 , 1 L ba 1 1 q, 41 t - ' TIZALIC:III.7 UMW. &C,4 11011814V0 -Wein*P4lllo MO= M• .I,l;ftrijyto rialrEit AND RIC itlggile.addker.7.4ll' 4 ' c ' 4l mortivikml -G t .EdW4ii ' s D EIDECIIIO77X og2t 4 2 .J. Prlifeva.itqW , •• • 47 tf lialttftetAtt A J,. doorikbelciw C 'D. ,'T/ST,'M Oinee .O¢Q • ng, corner ofjprujillkti' and Chestnut tit upon the teeth'perforui ed. the melt derly, '. 'Plate work done with the hint elnostlisiproyeil styles. Charles low. ;OUR GEON DB .4.7 Yellows' Bu . iltretts• 't` °Pattie lar,t . tun and t uta iPka •I . '; ASA (4, ' S /111 a T,Oirittliaiiidliativer-- - thop • afew rode sol4brOtth!r:Tlnsge, on' lulu , Pa- ADDLA • S' jo.rte b . ; ott. • 1. ir Smi -•, cr — S H ord, = 3 if b , Ify , : tia srp r - on ue tztv i si. # 7. Milian - 4c Parr • 1 )0' Goo6s.otocatiev; Irate, eta*. and Shoes, 'We; Springville, Pa. 1111 • • • . •.' Tvr..ALEitS; 'l, err, Boot aw Partneicshi. : - XY and L : F. intend to Ili ntrttstel 4o their eare;:tirider the name • ," BENTLIST Zr. Melt." . .13 " 3 " 4fishumi • MoutratWA /oOkS.i Clocks ' ase . o . llltoso antifat eight day Clods ve.l4 Ciaiti of - Mum and 30 boat . • bleb will be sold as tarnal e 77 11 - rw ;Di *: • . . - A' ) . J. tr Aim; Odd reitowl' II II I . ,Ncennta juiit 'cost ti"e:2o: •411' - - Silver Ware /'• • of galTiT. Ware , ofilkand Ore fed if eigfrapigertry aitieletin (Ifa• A:liate good as coin VmPleZritt - OLDS, FlOhlottabfe Tailors, one doer Virilson's W.Ore v ieia• ly at Mi. UM* to hlicanl minister to the taste want clothes. . Leteati.efhioins •Uphds 414 Qhlta • The'; M • L is 't •neit of p{pve P 031/OSe 11 1 11 ' -teciftbiedj h- Paid fot - TOrk; ii• - #1,0.-wia be paid in cash* tor atrua , = fee . .Sbri - Per b lel 1 Hogg... ?Sew 3111fo •J, .... • ~.I ' Farms i,iid litill.PriNilegdi" : * I:, - . L i P3.ta .fc.r -alf mar cdscab!riiifren , .f9=llo Abefolts*, i vatqa , f i, p i op i d ii., to wit ; •er eA llr f li h"" township fettcrlcrof:Coietaitiipiffecitte.*Aty tick': Al l Cutill i ArLiklac b ili -iiiii!Mill;7hilese ,l4 * oielesid, • i., - therCpti. , Said railip;'Res one mils and a lea (from the-vinigi•ACTlotrford, on the Waite =of he Moit.roee-awd-IJCifortd Plank :Roil re in a be 'ntiful-tina,Aeirgbleflocation, w . ell sat. tared 4. 1, . .. ,_ . ,1...6.1.0 . ',other warm lying on the ' Illelmoat • l riiillOr. •.ftatr miles from Laneeloto, and the Of Sii a , . Erie Railrod, containing ;bout Ere:4 ekie clityjes more of which is impi-oved,erth • teio ' t it cc, orchard, 4.....0, :rite is a valuable dace,-i l f .1:4116M its location, Wag well thigij en 4 ;s! . - ;A ,erat Bnitityiloti at the villageofS , it• o f f li . ,iii theWt* York & Erie Rail ItoH. I Thaii ; e of the meet;; locations in the :0 4 ?" 1 4t, illeitig_the Scat of illiltail Road Marb4s 13.44 4 1, el` fittmitailienCiSiabollt 1300 inhale pstiti4 - Z .- ttatimeipetettiiallti#s are tenrlyalekla tiime ‘, • -4 4trith th selieyiliti, ore foil' ()meek bill- - aria the co. tetWitleineirnmeilititt!lfielti h a rumin tins flow ;with'enifficient powerferas parpos . of manitfet ritillyx. , The inostsar •Milne : etas arch letclatlylthskibenetlat fSottAi. alistee.Tat ' Wiiihito embark ill the fl4ftti facfuringet ' nfteeent#riegFidh ' s w 1 Awka Ike Plod Poor iiih: asportioiforeiverithinginti ',, ,Tire , bove,otoe!ity. * sit,* " ti'liro4n tehia,-the:niod:z.kilrptr 1 fly 'i s :11 1 q il it : 1:! : t :ra ten a de t a l : 13 ; , f t . 4 i1f.66:1MT1Pt.),7 .Diign! :r: - , 4 . ' .... % - t ..". stp fi allipot. 'Pe., ? I°ll te • AhM.'•ftep :Notfrote' -41 A <4; li=l rropn s' iii ATP. GRISIVQD: 11:1: J 952; I.g.t -> '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers