The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, May 19, 1853, Image 3

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    Th - Ito minced
Murder e a live by her husband and atlempt 7 •
cd suicide by -thiliusbcrwt, iri
~Elkhart Couis.
' • .
We find the following full particulars of the
late atrocious mend* Of swifo by hnrhusbs,
in the last Goshen Democrat
.Fleiniq,g•Wriglit, hitherto a 'citizen of ordi
nirnr.good standiegin the eemiannity where
he resided, killed his wife on Friday, the 23d
inst!at their home, seven Miletsof this placeiby
beating her on and abmit the bead, in the most,
shoc ki n g and bratal manner, with a massive
iron fire shovel.
The parties were , married on thellitth of
October, 1848, and, from all aecounte, alined
tom the moment of - their union flied togeth
0-4 ;
'llo.emPeres and thing but happily.: 'Beth Flamem
contbnued hickeriegs, broils,
and even repeated altercations in blows, seem
ed to, have been the result: At the that, of
t h e perpetration of the fatel - deed they were)
s eparated. pach had been previenakt married.
D o i ng the lies of their first' companions they
live d apretnitael immediately adjoining, their
be l s es directly taring each other on opposite
sides of the road. Here also they continued
with their families darin_g the Teriod prior to
thii second marriage:. Oa migrating *he had
removed to her former demist's. A suit wits
commenced by her for divorce, on the =Bth: of
-"March last. Whatthe truth may be we know•
not, but if the facts sworn to_ by, her in the
bill be true, she was. certainly the victim of
as harsh treatment at the hands of a cruel hue
tvind as a woman could•well be subject
`rens: two months after. their =wisp it
alleged he accused her of havingatterapted.t,
poison him. A ft erward, in October,' 1849, he
Is charged to have insinuated , that a child
which she had previously bore hiin was not
his. ':At one time the epithet of liai ban'..
died between them, which is followed on his,
earthy the jai66°n of blows with his fist,
and threats to repeat theni•with a rod; - and at
another, acc o r ding to the statement or the bill
be accused her of hag drank liquor the free
ly with Hs owh father and of being too inti
mate with him. Again, in the month , of Feb •
ruary, ISsD'he is charged with having declar
ei to her, " I mean some time. to -beat you
nearly to death and that: pretty soon," virhleh
he subsequently repeated, and on the same day
itis alleged he beat and braised her with- a
broom stick and his fists* about the head • and
• face, and kicked her. with his feet, and jerked
her about the house by the - hair in the most
shocking - and reveling manner, from the of
, fects of which she. suffered two or -three
months. After , This a temporary separation
occurred, which was follpwed in a short time'
after by a reconciliation, brought about,)she
fe - er s, by the interposition of a relative and
from want of ' the means
her own ne,•T'ssities,
- of tiring by, herseir, together with the most
profuse propises of "reforination on his - part.
During• the period of their last tohabitation,
acrimony and bitteruess; it Seems, completely
gained the ascendant. He is Charged with
detlarine to her, in substance, on several oc
. casions Yon ought to have your damned
thr..,oft cut, and I believe it would be no - harm
.furA to do it;'' mid on the 25th of last Feb
rimy', she alleges, occurred another seine :If
violence, consisting of blows with the fist and
kirks with the feet, ending with.throwing her
off the porch; on to the ground, saying, as •he
did so, " There, damn you, go to hell !" This
was the cause of the pal separation, and of
the institution of proceedings for divorce:
The ease was pending at the last_ term of
the Circuit Court, which commenced on the 4th
inst., and . was continued, on his application, .to
give him time to - procure.absent testimony, he
denying, generally, in his all the ma
- terial allegations of tho bill, but averring, at
*lie game time, his earnest desire far a recon
'ciliation, and stating, as his belief, that if the
case were eontheued, the, tivo would be living
togethef before the nett term. A temporary
order for her relief was trade by the court, in
...which he was required to furnish her, for the
time being, with the means of snstEnance and
requisite household furnititre,A e. i The court
adjourned to Saturday, the lab. , The order
-was carried , into effect early the next week,
and she commenced preparations for carrying
on farming, in connection with her son, a young
man of about.twenty-tivo years of age, on the
. premiseS set-apart to her as her 'defiler out of
'the estate of her first husband.
Thus aped their affairs on the zityy` or theifer
petration of ttte bloody deed; Little is known
positively of the circumstances connected with
this awful- transaqtion, except that Wright,
• with his own haiiiK - didilie act. No`one Ayes
about the premises at: the time, except.their
two infant ehildren. The :cries .of these 'at
tracted the attention of a gentlemaA who was -
'passing by at about- eleven o'cloejt in the fore
noon: He eroceeded int4the twine; and there
beheld the horrid spectacle. The body of the
nmrderedwoman, turned 'testily over on the
face, lay upon the floor, her sk.nll lyroken and
her whole head cut and marl in the most
shoUging manner. By her aide was - the wretch
ed murderer, balding in' his left hand one of
_the arms of his victim, and itit a•pocket
knife in • the right, attempting' to Cat his own
throat. Nine. by, covered with blood; iaia the
instrument of death,' a huge iron fire shovel.'
The wound upon himself is not likely to prove
fatal, sad he is now in prison *waiting the
Penalty of the law. His account of the inst.
ter ia,ithat he went into the house of his wife :
to see one of their children, which - was ailing,
or to get one Of them--that they got into- ion
remain, in the course Of which she mud lan
guage that provoked him to intenge -anger, :in
the heat of which he seized the shovel wed
felled her to the floor she being at th e ' time
seated on a stool com bing-tier hair. On hay
htg commenced, he AVOWS itto hairs been his
intention to finish by killing her outright, 'He
exPresses no desire to 'avoid the consequences
which must ensue to himiself, and only seems
te , te . primate the act on amount. of its leaving
a b;:un upon his family_ He protests .that he
level hie Iva' as well as a teen :wild, 'and
that he believed her an excellent woman, 'with
the single s eseeptiori that idle possessed a vie.
lent and hasty temper.
:The fact that these parties hitherto occu
pied quite a respectable position 'in society,
and had a large circle of fonneetions, has caus
ed the of :to produCtea profound , sensation
throtkitiout the county.. /ire. Wright was a
woman of consely_person,ed we Should think
abtrat forty years of age. , . She leaves seven
children to mourn her creel and 'oritam• els. fide
of thee. e wore by her first husband. On;
ion is of full age, and taro odaughterg are grow
t9.'iremanitood. Involved, to som e ent
the eonsequenees whi which ens ;-thee'
ed Crinfinnlotre four children borne himw-breyhile
first wife, and the two ha.pless babes who ware
conscious. observers Of the awful deed bir
which they were at once dekived or smoth: :
er-and rendered worse fatheries&
: ' • CINScIISS3I May 1 14.
. Tho trial of the - Martha Wat ' shington con
raters commenced this morning;;:: before'
Ju dgeJ ,m McLean. All the prisoners were pretil- '1
t except Nicholson and Stevens.; The for-:
men forfeited his recognizance of $6,000:—.
The Office'of the District Attankey imra4 bar: .
galarionsly- entered--at Coltitnbus -last night,
and several - papers connected ivith -thitioluse
stolen. The room of Mr. Burton, the -ruitt
-Pal Prosecuting witneas, at Null House, mr.
also en tered, - and his trunk ransacked; but no.
paper s of importance item taken is eitheroa a e
li cannot be .e.tplainek: Ainturitense
Lumber of witnesses have - been ''
lad the trial , has been oxpected to last three
yeekt‘ „ - -
... . ,
Miler 'who- confessed iobaying:74omA
chtiks in thud city last whiter, rill' tustiVr.
- ,
brought- . , fore . the ," .. trete tihelay " He
i t
confessed h guilt,-emd - committed * in de
'fault of el MO bill.' •li . confession is hub.
statitiolly e name ~s, , tik -In .( p tl i f i enilik,tth
of Friday, bunt hi repo, , • that '. • cirte
spectable standing not
,l4fore auSpected,far,
now implicated.. 1 ' • - i
Maier& Kirkland , and 'Joe naiker; of Pius
burg. preached yesterday in the market 1040..
Some Irish *omen maul their' toignee'fntely,
but no diaturbanee took place: - ,
Mi. - Meughcr areived here this morning .l:
' --"- 1 . s - 'lli •
The 3Tedicai Society • - I 1 -
. _, ,
usinehanne County I wilt, meet in New
rd on lirednesday, the first eletY of June
it 10 o'clock' A. M. . 1 7 • 1 (1
regtlar, Priialtionera ot Medicine.*
Illy invited bi attended. " ?,} . ' tli
1 G. Z. DIMOCK, Seek:.
Of g
, litgeari s r
Chewing bo. N. Y. on thelthOtis t.
C 1 Wife of Jifr. Miran d 1111 4 Ad
. t ' ; '
of Essen & Azimut. WOOD formerly
-,. ,
rr. this County, apdir yearn&
amnia abcint. twelyeanednee, 4d
,loved not onlylby her bnab4nd and*.
Le-relatives, but, by all o
heiit equa in tin ,
'!::: l 4mouin h er e : . 7 . .thattheirlomil7
'n. - She - died i bight -..eatt*n' med m !10.
the, Baptist Church. She Tirests 'th
wised rci - Why oh nl4l ;is maw , n r
L I .. .. tl. com:, _
i e Meadanni cm the: nth lost: of '11 4 ) , .
Fever, A'tarcatcsrrE,l l mily,. ilitughters'nf
' tUld Floretts Barney, aged 7 year* '7
is ind 17 days. ,
.- ' '
; ikont brightly b.t?
e fad e d from our a
tere's sihome beyo
levet neeeirl i g light.
Itoineite how deep
anguiSh of one h
' in Heaven we'll
there her spirit re
.tittle Meadcfws on
on ii., AUDON Do '
line.s,:nged 8 y
0 yes
. Ha . 1
Bat I
S. iL
year o,
o day hi;td soma*
(Lock Jaw) EDIVA
his ago. -
%51 - 01 ij
ing in the Pest
31 0 I6th, .--,--
, _
Alexander, Calbb .. l'i ____lairAnua.,-
Birdsall, Wm. I ..' -- - Mvisseriger„lt)
ii i .
Bull,..Alfrcd M , I illen, clai
Brown, John • I'd • olliam,l4
, Benj. 2-
Blowers . Al' Vade, M
Sayne, Robe Robe : Nortont t H.: .
3 1 1
Biirr, M. IL '." ° ' Newto ,Sarin)
S A M, John Odell, Irs: Mii
BrOurzson,llS J. E. Patch .L . ,
,Bush, A i i,s ., 4s t t ' s .. .Qigley Patriel
Blakeslee;"Ors ines ' RObert ,Ed
Bisbee, Mss H` nah 11.andal ,Jose
Cheevers, Mi E.. Reynotfls," Ire
_Catlin, Eli Ci 4;•Hoirsßobinon, Jam
7 i
Carr, 'Miss Jano Rycle: -
Chamberlin,,.' rgaret Rosen' nts S
Case, Misi Jan C. Roots, - Cyme
Deans Mrs. Z' pba . . Robins n, M 1
Davis, Daniel , .-. . Simmons Ash
Datidson, WilEam.. " Simmons, .Ch •
,Deans, :John NI ' - . Stone ; Miss L
Dill, James H.l -. ' Scion ,. Mathew
Eglestont MisslMatildaSulivan, Jerem
- Fancier, l 3liss'TheresaSedgwick,Mis
Flanigan, MisslAnnie - Sterling, P. 'O.
Fancher, Rithaill - Smith, Byron
Green, Thomas . 1 Streeter, Lem
w L
Goodsal Nat L- Stephens,' Blissi
Gillmore, Wlll am - Scott Mrs. War
Goddabf, Ed • Smith, Miss S c
Gunn, Jacob 1 - • Shernisn, Abel
.Harris. Mrs. Phebel Seaverson, Hei
Hammond, Cluirleii _ ith, IVillial
Haire; Thorrinsi 1 . Thompson Jol
r4 t ai
Hassucui,-Hen ,1 • . iuttle, A.
Hines, RaChacl - [ 1 aYlor, Georg,
Harris, Rieha 1 - Wining,- Cheat
Ilollenback, A 'pi ThUmpson, Ell
Hinds, David. 'i I Many, E. '
jacksan;Thomits '. Vanosdall, Mai
Kelleg,(*„ Britig+t. 1 - Welch, Wm: '
Leonard, Philliii
..- Wells. Mrs. '
Loomii, Miss IL , . White, ichal
Laterence, V.; Hei &cWoodhouse
Imll, Ellen i , 'Youngs, Is;ae l
Meeker, Miss is..r, Youngs; Miss
Po i 4 Ofree, Mcaltrote,
MAY 1608531!
New Geo ,
! Nevi
- celved a
G;- R.- IHAWL,
0...11EAP STORE. Head oflitteigt
lJ ioilt be Centarat than 'ease
fee forigniaalvaii= No charge fie
at our stem.
Nay: I ; 9,th, UM.
will Oxiope to We
' or SACtl*St low noidonee is 116
SW/inlay the - Mh 10. *Mock
yourfity of hoorebold goods
lag Choirs; TAW * P-
Altoreadico., Ica
• Tions.-41w an woos under $5,
tom, ens year'. NOM; with apps
aid interest.:: . LY.DIA.M. NAY
Mar 111;111M-1.20w2.
" • Clerk - Wantod.
• .
AA If active bog- of about ssehlitein
years of err *tutted as Chat ht
boy, Of this deaefipthin with suitablc
tient sr refetenetis, and tlispose4
useful will fittd rod eueisaragemeat
Ciao to - .H.- : BY
rgraili g firD
A a
I nfebiTh arlif7 :lfbat
.his adam"
that cast tarn don
ed.- oa. work
r.r - custilin. w w k a • Ejl i ik GT
1100 U as the work us,4coe:
, 2_
. A Lot, iiitUischat veaulu. •••
-ted'o •
n the Cheu i liotO with
! 4
T 4 iar•fred 17:1A
hundred (4i4r4. 1i
t o r youndta , 7 cRO
85 3 ,
Maßitimet Ms* - -
—_ - . Book Jig eatir Wts
Tit every County loidielf,•, 4, 10 f
fitipta= o i t. qii. the
- . . *".,,,
_, . 1 4 . 1 4-ail k'
Psetorsafilotor7 q' that. World , fli
eirriestsiiii tsktAWfin , Olit &Ike Yi"e l
Won% comprising Part
.1: - ::AssiCiirkistll* 4,74 4 ,,
Past 2. - ' 71sotortot thw - MiddissiAPlL"-Yart. ! 1
Modern Hiotory. '- Sylolnt Yoreiliol4 - 1/%•fr - 41 1 4
IbPs'ofrteleAil thatel:44the' us4o lA , - - iiiil.
- Pictoriol ' , -,Lifer of Wineit!iton;4o4llS4* Nov
Eamon,oriels **Rayne :rand isottsktiotisi IS"' '
Aistlion;"lllnstriteCiritts over OW , -
Crow drawings 14* Croon,., , Tis 'lliitt*lits - ;
40 4 ,
diotingstillsod salsoto—' This work
1100 -1 3 401 1 0fil o :eittesee'.*Pisisid t) sr:
-filitaltimarlaktm 61 4 1 ST,* ove r . been`:
'z- ,-,, -• ~...-, -I,_ , t ~-. i- 1,,
•J 4 .'• ' 1
Inil lg eyes - -; :(
Ight, i 1 , ,i. -
lid the silts i' 1 ;
, I - ; : :it
the grief,l . 1 i,i
'astil. ii r',
ind relief; : ~ 1-; .
`tsi. I - I! - I
. 1 .
e Ithint., Of Bfer
sett,. ndoitted son of
7 Inonths, and[ f tt
e, ofraiopithic ire.
1 . - - ,
b.B: Ng 1n the I.4th
. .... . .
* • New. prong try ro o dss .
• .
N. WILSON- returns •li -grateful ackitowiedg
g V • meats to the public for prtat favors, and Invites
ens.ion to a very Mtge stock of Spring and Esnanier
cols whieh !mhos received a d offers for sabri extreme
ly lore for Cash. Saving re e n ly had his store - enlarged.
and his facilities for business reatly increased, he is
prepared to exhibit a more eat siVerind varied assort
, Inept then heretofore , and to h Ildentt superior follnee.
ments to nigh pare:lasers. Th subjoined schedule will
'compare favorably with that,o may other merchant in
ibis vicinity. - . • • • . . .
I • - . • Ladies Dress Goods.. -
!.:.Alargit stock of black and esdered Mks, _of various
grades and pettersur..froas 4s. dd. to . - 14 s. per yard.—
Bareze DeLaines, Chain Opt sines, , and Idouselin De-
Seigel, in endlesswariety and very.eheap.
. .
i . . znts and "nithcims. - -
1 10,000, yards of 3lerriMack, Fall River. - .Manchester,
, Cechico,Engthils and other styi of, Prints, a t 10c. and
ils.per.yarl. One =se of an tier cloths and colors.
yard vride. at the low price of Imo:cards of Laarap..
fter and Ola.vgow Ginehams,ne patterns, warpntcd fast
;colors. A.lso—Stoteh and Fren h do. from ls. dd. tali.
. -••- - '- , Mourn in g . ods.', .:
i Brunbrulnes Alpacas; Mob Lustres,Bareges Canton
Cloths, altwOol•DeLsines, 'Bilk Tisanes,- and-all „other
geode used in mourning. • • ._ •
, .
White' oods. - ..
t ziontras,
1 I I
. ....
k-3 .1
id' '
1 A.
. Marsh
a.. . 1
3. I
Plaln t 'plata anti striped Jaeonet Muslin;Canibrie
Wain and dotted Swiss Nainsook end Tariaton,
Linen Cunt:olio, Dird - a-kye Linen, Linen !bible Cloths;
Napkini, - Scoteh And Atm a - Diaperv,. Linen' Streetingt.
i!,n4 Shirting &e. 013., at attela prieeisas cannot SI: to
Five entire sativfaetion
, .
. .
Hosiery and- G l o ves. i - -----
.1. _
!.. An excellent sseortment and Teri cheap: Atoms
them a lute lot of White Cotton nose, tery fair dinardyi
linty 6d. apetr. .
,' • " - - r
,C ~ ,
• ,
A largo lot of Broche, Canton. Crape and Cashmere
Shawls, bhespert barterer before offered. •
- • 1. . t •
. - .
• - Handkerchiefs.; l '
i I fir& and Embroidered Linea Ilandkerebiefs of - every
grade, frcmi tki.:to $4 each. •' • •• I • t
1i .
.- (... -, Table and Piano. C versa - . .. "
1 All Wool Embossed. Worsted. and Li en, Brown Linen
and Colored Cotton, from 4s. to s4each. ' - • • '
' ' ': Goods for lien - ar il •
. • .
' Broadelotbe Of orrery color and quality. from ios. 45,
black and fine/ Cassinieres, frtim 66. - to 205.: Kentucky
bans, Tweeds and Satinets, from ls.: d. to 4a. VestFo gs -of every description. quality and dee. , - t '
Doinestic Goods - I ' • ' -
1 6,000 yards Slteetit got and Shirtincs 1 o from 60. to 9e.
perystl. 5,000 yards bleached do. .ftima 6d.'to Is. per
yards. 'Maims and Btariners'Siskiinp from 6c. to Is.
I • Yankee Notimuland Pir - Mars' Goods.
Wessex desetipton; Item auction and the 'cheapest eash
batman X. If. city. Pedisrs willtedit greatly to their
interest to call and look through bis stoeir.- .
Trunks ; Valises . and Carpet Bags.: -
:_ A miry lure and - Well snorted stork,purdsased direct
floor the largest mannfoetory in' thli4ontryl, and for
Wear. swab pleas' as will admit of no petition. , 1
_ • Straw . arid lifillittery,Good,s. . • • ]
The subscriber is desirous of direettng the atteti Of
tbi trob3e pittleultal to Ads btsneb oft his basin u
be possesses great forgetting tbuie- goods . 1
He designs keeping eonstenti, on hand (dating th sea
eon) a large stock offfflLAW 80N512231,_ whit* he will
bite 23 per vast. obeaur ibis' tkey eitsbe bad at retail' '
baltem•Yeekeity. Ettber Umlaute or retail customers !
will Sad it gristly to tbihr Ilidirattlge :to Mild=
.ms making purchases elsewbere, • - • --.
Zit ep,ilibboun as4DreiF trbnudttgs, a good
imortineed at. Wit plias. - . t • , t
I ' -- •-. • ' r".X.witAcrs, 1
s7 9 ra ih : ll3 ttrt aid Water streets, In Tcsopkinsl L . 1 - ".
' - lock. nestiroPromdt• th e A- ~,r .
1 _ Nay 30, 31132.-19y1* 1' - . . .
1 r
121 I
Onsputhanna C ounty Attent io n.
,A.ltrevi Era is di Dry Goods But* . t 1
ivir, mum a inarsarlowatiowdoca oat- wow
t zoooloaoroutwo mid estansive stook af Ih a r
Mad Carpets. selected - with the greatest ono fruM e
=writes, having hers bought for ash embryo
he mid at rates which ad y, ali oomprtition. aud
all bola Pasquehanna county and vidnity. will
dud It a unbar IV= 16 IsSO par east. toils. as *kali
and examine a Meek eve& that :will •me an .016.
Ode Math of Dram Goods tonslaWit.partof rich ItLtelr
1611 m. Buntade, Chninglahle, Striped *ad Plata d$ 11.
Detainee all qualitlec. Bangs do ,fliorteit and Ameri
can liioptiitne, Poplins - , !tames, Lineal from 10c to Is.,
Ilea& and American Printsefro., Ito ,also a peat Mi.
Shawls. . ..
troefie,tiitare and Long, Inset B il k Prim St to 10,
cashmere, Pig, Plain and Finbroblered„ Delsdne do.,
Misses Cashman, Mourning, Be.
$, - ' Gentlethaes „Department
Ottadtte otslarge aisortaust of Broideloths, black, and
homy Csosimarps, Satinets, gerstneky leas, silk Satin
and marsailes Testis*, and agood variety of Su er
floods too'iramerons to mention.
. - .. 1 White .Goode:- , I
Wildelastikettt is repleteldtk -the eboleest - artikes
otessistias part of plata:44i • sad • teripea Jseones
lanstbr, fig and plaitedotss, urns y for carteins,
Corded goods for Boohets, IFloseb and,brown Rbeetittg
from 4d; tots. 44., leish-aod Deo Linesiliasts
big, 10101147O;Ptacti sod !Jo" NaPer•
_titten atid.Ceittai t „TALL teseis, 14eadleti .S kirts,
"Cosn!orpents,lbaboseedttpteadetito. -
_ l nn" IngfOloi ' CottOtt Ana coif bii r ind tiptop,
attar do.. both eottoteitial wool;Drugget do.; Oil Malts
for Soots sad tablet; Rub laseptalog, Bop, de. -.)
Alt the oboes lamed articles, prdposeto keep Or
ao hand , sbmiisrlie "
sfPl. of
' Oil.• 'C r icrftuns. •-;
Troia da as good ssfertatent as tau, be foaad
teistiOt if.l . ..ldltiand a Vest ',misty of cabie Reeds
teidehlites sad spies villain penuli us to- entnneuste:
Basil - y*l*M favor us with acidities sbao be plowed to
ligne pirs_ssisseg mad Wed-a stock vt_ De— Good' 'sad
iplaipstsaSsia bi found it loutbots 11.
ocrittaiisratareppadt. s u b ", g ,
Air sit
Of le
WM • Pork, sad 8.4417 the blA.lit ' •
„. . .
~ .
torn -0004.4r.0.„.," n y05",1.
, vy Am lie paid in Cask tor - . -!': 'l!' -..
- :
. . ,
for any Bt'a'n,w) , is thincountry ;. it is haudanol7
and substantially bound "in embossed morocco,
gilt back. ' Priee43l7s:.t: . - '.: . -- .
__,Great grente_tii lifiders' liigoiv.: - By John
Fran.. Conipiiiing.ttre Most.remathoble Diecov.
-tries, Complains, ItevalethAi„ Cheat Battle and
other. Thrilling Incitl44„thirl4 hi En end
America, from the e ineneemenn ef the Six
teenth Century to thepresent time'.XEmh ii,h:. -
ed with ov* , ,sooempavings by W. - .Creom and.
otheremhienartists. llt contains - over 800 . or.
al iativopages, and also'n large colored ' to , ol
the World 20:25, : with side maps . of . Calif p ia.
Oregon,' Hungary, Austrian Dominicam- -..
&end in embosied moroceo,ivilt back: : *ea,
VA- •;-,`".:---: - - .P. :- - ' . • ' ' - ,
'-Thrilling Attointujes throng-At he -.
By John Frost, L,:li. - ,1)... 1 -Comprising the oat
remathalde personal Narratives of eventeSi the.
early.Bidian Wars, as Well as of Incidents i the
recent Indian Hostilities hi 'Mendip autiTil e.:-.
lllttatiated with over 300 Engraving", fro. do
nne by W., CtOClalea aid other distingnisaed ar
tists. - It Contains over 500 pagans Octavo, Wind
la monieee, gilt back. Paint, $1.75.
Sketches of Life and Character. By .S.
Arthar. An. octave volume of over 400 vs
beautifully illastrated t and bound in the En
glish inualin, gilt back. Price, $2.00: ,
Lights arts liodostis if Real Life. By T. S.
Arthur: With out autobiography and 't of
the sulker. Over_ 500
. pages octavo, - wi - Sae
tinted engrayiess. Bound to-the be st E gu sh
muslin: gilt be*. Price, - $2,00. . -•
-Grkkot Graint front Life's Harrsit sea,
BrT 3. Arthur.' 12 tan . of 240 pages. nd
intrinalin, 'with a beautiful mesaotint En yin&
Price; 75 Cents. - -
• The • Way to Prosper, and other T ale s . By
T. S. Arthur. l2 Ma ovii.2oo pars, with a
mezzotint engraving: Friee, 50-Cents.
The Rase Minim. By T. S., Arthur.. I 2
mo. of over 21Xtpagee, with en engravingi- Neil,.
True Riches, or Wealth without Wings. By
T. 8 Aithur...Over 200 imps 12. mo.- with - a
fine Mezzotint engraving. i Price,
50 Cents. •
.27te Fireside Angel.- By T.& Arthur. 64
pages, 32 me. with, an .eiigniving.- Bound in
muslin, gilt edges. Price. 25 Cents. - -
Conquests of the . Bible,. By Vincent W.
".sfiluar. , Comprising ' : Important - Event* ,in the
History of Christianity, frOm the time of ouira
vie* to the•present day... 331 pages, 12 mo. ll
lustmteil with numerous engravings. Price, $l.
-'AU of the above Books are 'beautifully , and
substonlialky bound s print don fine white paper,
and the Publisher would e .eciallY call attention
to the fact that they, are laid exclusively by:
Agents, thus giving them n advantage which
cannot be had on most boo s, as each "Agent has
the sole tolkd exclusive cord of of the . sale in 'any
section of country he may , gree to canvass.
For portictilate, address, post paid, -
N 0,48 Nort fourth st. Philad.
New- .
BENTLEY &REAM,are ccntabuitfy:re
-LP -calving additions to their gesterataiwaitment
of-Dry °oink, Grooerie4i Croakery, • Hardware,
Stone and Ti n Ware; rags,'atedicines,!Paints,
Oils and. Dye Stites: Jesielry, , dOld and Silver
Watchea, Silver Spoons and ShetaCht itai,whieh
they Poo prepared to sell on ilia lowest Latium for
Cub, Produce or nppreS,ed credit. - I . - .
Ithattroie, Vey- 10.;
la LkSTING . Powder 6q the KE14.100,-..a
Dill rime article of rifle powder and safety fuse
onliand,•and for safe by • -•-
ay 10i z : BENTLEY dr. READ
etIiRMIN: O. Mitt
Maylo :B
B . --
OOTS and shin. z le.aud, Upper Leather.
Calf Ind Kip Skini, Hitt and Caplei Pails
and Tubs, Fuklue,..:Fialt NilllOron and Steel,
of nearly every Coustantl* , on hand, and for
sale righ., by DENTLE ' &
einfiraeitig Dr. Jayne's Thrmip'ol-; ads;
Christie's, Fitch's and those of the Graffito .rg
Co. Also,. Cheri)! Pectinil. Swains. Pena -
Cod layer s Oile, Morehemitii justly celebrated
plaster, Trask, and Tinnier's "Gering n Oint
ments, Brondieths, 'Drumm', i'hinneYs t i, Bottles,
Meats, Wright and Beepers Pills, and I a-bun
dled other different Medicines of the tit* . up . -
i Wfirred and popular kind*, for sale by r
May 10" 1 = BENTLEY 4. , 1LE D.
Mt/ANTED 10,000 dozes an wool, bkie
Y ed, Socks for Which. '
*e *Sy - the
highest prices in b1:1911.• - I i -
May . 10 - BgNTLEY 41F:i1;151AD,
IL CHAMBERLIN, wishes I to in-
MiPtmtheinhabitants of New Milford *aid
its vicinity that she Imajizatiarrived froM New
York city with a . NIL. assortment •of New and
Fie shionabli- Millinery Goods, &rail ancf,Sh Ord
Ems; qaps, Ribbons, Flowers. Lining, &C., 4-c.
StraW Hats cleaned and all 'pairing lifona in
pod style and a t moderate Opens.. Yeitir pat
monis is respectfully solicited. •
New7Milford, May 2, 1853-18'4i -
York - Dry
, .
..-- Now York-Dry Goods StOp3.:.
A. 4 .11Inglannatoza . :
, I .
rro the Ladies ' f Montriale and vicinity, e Ironic] say.
.1. • that the , subscilber.has latey , opened at ids new
Btere k 0.7 Court st.,i; few-doors east of the 'Chenango
Driage, the I argeat and best selected itocit, of Dry Goods
ever brought to this market; consisting of ISIlk phawlp,
Itxabri)deries,,liosittry and Deese Goods of eVerj descrip•
tine; also a complete assortment of dreg* trittuningl
which eau be found at no other Store In teen. I
1 ' •
These goods bare been sAgont ten' and eonsflutut,
1y win he simo Low.. The Letitia; of Montrose Lana -re
speetfally Invited to call and. examine for. thinnselves.
Ithr , hamten May 3, 6348,1 8. it. STUD D EVA N T..
- A Card... • I
I • •
CD Dentirt, racy forma' et,' ibis of
• fire In 'Odd Petioles! Halt through each' term of.
Court where he will be ready but hopes tiutjto be wale--
l*cito attend 'to all husluessiu his line.' .Fanip thinks
for past MVll[ll •
31er 2, 'ISM..
C D. I - ISOM, Su
.14 - ts§- M. A. 31110 ELS from • ipwegn,__has
opened her Shop in the Odd Fellows , ' Hall.
up stairs opposite : the Dagnerrein ROOM*. , ishere '
she - Will attend* to Dress-making in pll its branoh—
es. -Also, Millinery work done to order; ;arid all
manner of neat sewing done upon short no
Montrose, 1853-17,w3f'j `
hew Spring : Goods. ' j •
frllff subscriber once more tenders .tbe comPlitnen 4 l
1 - of the season to his friends and eastomemand de
sires tomtit their a ..tention to the eery important, fact that
he has new in ettlre and Is constantly receiving from the
city; a fetteral impartment of 'Goads suitable ;far the
spring trade consisting in part of Dry floods , Greeeries,
litoeltery, liazdtrare, Nails. Fisk, Drugs and Dyestuffs.
Boots att.! Shoes. Mats and caps, also an' assortment of
eery Pretty Ladies and Mimes Bonnets' of the late/ style.
All of which he)011 nett-on tants.fatornide as usual. •
The highest prices always rad fur merehimtetile pro .
;Itistornlng . thinks to old friends. and enstonrrs and
leppin; for a eontlnnance of their twines, and alksuting
all °rattld:* to 'Fere* thant to the extent of I++;abinTl e
1• • would • ols.......ii.rtansaerrtnetr • l•;
- Obedient servant J. L. 51E11
Upsontille, April 25, 1853. . -
I • -
New . prin,g - , Goods :
.At New Itilliontt.Depot * •
DIIRRITT would invite the aitentiOn of his:friends
J.. 1.• and all that want Goofs Cheap to his Neap took.
which!, now being opened; Me/ding:a superiaressort
meet of Ladies .Dress Goods In ,rich Prints, Dedanes;
Printed Lawns, extra rich Barege Delanes Lastered
Poplinc,3luslin andpinghim Rolics„colored Baregei,Silk
Tissue, Black and Fancy Silks deg , MuslieCollar staid
Bmbroideries, Crap Brock. and;otherSutamerlkhawls,
Silk Mantillas, Parasols, Straw, F 4 each' Lace, and Silk
Bonnets. Bonnet Silk, Ribbons and Flowers.- . J.
Gentlemen mid Bays Summer Press Goods, a. fall as::
ferment °filets, Caps. Boatsaudistioes E Truni*
ell, Carpet, Begs. all wool; cotton and wool, and. Cotton
Carpeting of splendid patterns, Hit Cloths for Fleas and
Tables, Painted and Printed Window shades, Fall paper ?
Domestio cotton's"( all kin,* &t. ' • -*"..*.
Also; Crockery, Hardware, Iron. steel . springs, Mats,.
stores. Groceries, Fish, Paint', Qtls , Grin ds tones
dnv Glean and Sash, Ira, nakineln all- a "mistral as.
serhnent,arid being 'purchased entirelytfer mak - silt
enable purchasers to secure heiletßain prices.'stees and
fermi not nsually.found in any Orr establishment.
N B f7oar and Sall constantly on hand. '
New Milford , April 25, J . • _
• Appreutice anted!.
V A I i N ge 7 :l L b ! a th e
as App .I!e tiee "‘ t s o ni th l T Onse
and sign Painting tradoe A ly soon.
Mention. April 13; 1853 15w3. .
.Adirtinibitratoe,s Notic e. 4
IVOTICE is here bi given that the nude - ed
/11 has been aypointed Administrator le the
Estate of rheum Hturdiek, lite of the township .
pal s
of Grdfont, dee'd.: - All n i indebted to: the
said Estate are retnested to ttte the sami im
mediately, and all
. p . erso having demands
against said Eataf- -' ' onifit ..'
. -.
aedifh iraday. .- . . • - 17, .
/night will be reeirved.by_Corifir -lc 1111111sjianlib on
the diy. their Store , or the Depot in
~L odireville.. - Woo on Taesdar iintil twelve .iilebiak at
liontrese Slatted and at New 'Milford until the arr:val of i,
the freight train from Scranton. (ft' the nine dayi a l
• Pralines catenated to our ein nw i i +will be I.forvarded to tr
!Nen Torii wichthe utmost dupe and ratan:is [lOl4l in (
, currant one'', at the places cloned above. ; 4 of ,
lorte wilt be voted to secure the beetprieee for poidnoe,
end we OW trammel promptly all =baited to
Ola PM. '' . • opaug r.-0011,Wri•
_ ___ __ ._
Corwin .
- 4
T ng
ILT: keepeontLeutly.for sal a WI
T 'Orocetfee,', - Flour, Side, Pleb, Pork, 800 e tt ' d f
Shame, Reidienide'Clottdag, Leether.szed Findf ote.
uhieb.they will aell'elleap for Cub ac Country Produce.
Aprfl 18, =1853.16019 / 2 ”
. .
At D. &Co -
Tpgs. ier.teived'a grail queUilly pry Good, o f emery
J• stile - .I L
Cloihs, SlieetingsiCarpetings,'
Hats' .and, Cps, Groories,
crockery,liardware'lron,Arails, Paints
And Oils.„'itt - 'D. it:L . .
. ,
A . littleot.fruhr7 ;at .'
Ilantroaa,Dea." • "1111/MILLIII
.... Notxdo to res e '.. .- .%
' - Ail rit;i .'
t di
T TAKE this method of ioform ak thole+ intitr.
jr - 014, - ihat. I shall Axpgiet 01 *he: aie.i i miebt.'
et t0:a2•44 BSA wooing to 411 at aattirlyi4Y
and settle, and *leo those in*ted :hy Note.' are
expected to` :nate ii*midiatemxtitoti and, to' a
allitata vettleraeuts, I volt be foutid:dariui-Outt
' - reeks at tityi' Hoisse - Or 4_ the ' .Old: -Stand . I now
by Mi t qaorge' R. 011awiii, lir, e +Cif
ifavtgetioa.! BOoki'i)aill be helot Ohs.
'preeeatt, -' . • , -i M. TYL R.
' Montrerse, April 7 ) 1 e 53., total 1, %--,.. -.- i • -
. . . ,
, . .
, 'tooklng
e.. ks. and P arpti , Bide,
& it.E4DS!.
r n D4Aist.
' F QR- S',N l ..-E..
Fr HE rioass aad , X,ot,latip.. , s vaaidence of J..
.11.. -,' VlT4'Rayasford,.E.sq., fdec cisti, s i t en t e d i n
1 141 6 s harmih. of:Montrose. 1r r terms of
jply . tO ta k e sabilcriber at Owe o - ,:N. Y. onto
I.l.,..riazier_, Eli, 31tiotilrbeit.
. 1
; i -- r= ; *:, .EI R tliNSPOlip ;.:
• - 1 t 'I
April 2,0, , 185: '..3,—.16w4 . i . .[ .' , . .•'• • ' :
' 4 liv s .:o. , ODS . -
.' ..
- •
. HE sab4ariherVarejitsV 44.$;ing as full stock
• al !great 'variety of Ispring`ana Saniiner
• Bod e - omprising eve!) , IltY,l42tticr ,deacriplitin
d irablir far this market, bought e x clusive l y - Ali
SA:and tor sale with refaitinie tOinir old motto
1.-- .• '. $1 Not to be un.414.1140 •-: : l' ..
i'L . • .. ' it. 118.16
.., ~ BENTLEY ' 3i . .
April - ,2p, ;853. -- - ' ''ll I l:'' Y , •
• . t t I -•
46 0Z 4 3 1 :g 1 aC6 606Z*43 1 1Mi l
I ' r e ereliw betas pawed itt:rb . la tas Mara,- l i
• Y Wye but Co glee the' amok i taro, ,i;
i ii I rl m ett, ere you've scare. ass time. to atter Ii t
ri c tial CAa!tier, trsho,i the nuttirt . 1 . .
I rao crones simply turning .. hii crank - of my
i i r -: ewly-Invented [Chum, i -,.
t ,,,lte
r , ii , e minates—whareq Ithe two dasOei-s
I ryto ttanhed rise and fall alternately, speed
it imanntactining your ersti ibtoAUttet-ris a
r r different thing front thanlti,. firearm's :modes
o i lia r.iiiiiking. • --111. 1.. .; : • - ....i
tick n' d4ire to wittiest the - action . 'of thin
i , r-rtsvin Chant, can dolaii by calling, at', the .
1.L. 1 Si & Co. ; at 0111t#114.
above Ch 11
8 . • wilt he 1 nitfactrired: to
qt I.
.. :• : . - - 44 1 , SAITO,
treasiLitprit-12. 85.1-' l l f
; l i e
NOW 'Sp 17
Ived aaJ fi)i ale low
- 1 •• • !i i -b ants : ficin l ' - 11 ''. • •
To he /*2 a o
. . 1.
,nt.y . va !
OTI Eli herrbygiven that In ekinibieuence- ot th
t hicrwe in tbuainess, the:enbseriber has taken
a rt 0 the GrugStOre, next -deer .F.o.lbe Poet Mks
a 4 rein conjunetion with the old in orilMain sheet-be
be ;; oat hippy to attend , to; the, cominanda oflita
al and ree cuatmners intlie Watch tice. department
I 1. use. ?nut Serew-Cutting; Rese. 'twine. :Renen
t , and Univer and
Turning. Gairenlaing in Gold and
i 'ter done tor the trade. Watch MI . 114 a a materials:
II Variety ern and second-hand Vatehes constantly'
) hand. Every descripron of *tiChineity repaired..
•I' ' . l & l trT, TurnpikiLiKret!, '
I ilianirlitctoiy,.-.lllciiwSttei4 Alc*rose.
flours of business from 7 A.; it ; tot P. M. l ..
I : - I 1
: ,J,••A;BIgOVETAIN..:
4prii IS, ASS-lillif • WAteli *al Awl Repairer.
. ,
• , •
POPPLA It' .:: 11All 1411 !:..
,lIR solcrnifto respect retry ten e d l e i rs Ida thanks t o his
I olti friends and patrons. as "tell 'rta ;tole Public at
0 . , for the ltindnOta and patronage, so. tilteratly be.
t }red ;toms Ides in penis past • ,de begs, to call their
• tentionmi tile large Erikk o f j 4 :., -.-
Ts sow recalling, which he har.;:bOught as low and will
ll as low as any Miami trader tali 4r Oiu.
. .
Ire orfersan unnauellY large atol l. of T./LOSES Driess
11 at
SitA3stS, BONi • S,lTlEnosa.Tkpors
D :... tions;*3 otisatty. HA itewaßit IRON AND NAILS,
iJN'TS AND tilLsote. &C., at thiain ert passible pdaes.,
th the assnincis that en examihatine of his stock will
defy evatpr *amiable mind that the Old stare in seam.
sr Weis [he to buy gool i rciiaili at low Arires.
Ihars may Or selling ehe,a ; tiut;he wit do it:
II and see.. I . •-•J ~ -;J•11. strrPlas. •
: utimersville, April IS, ISM I -18tfi I! -
, • ~..__! _ .
50ttin a f t chst•tinsnrpatnt , )Tcifi Police -Sutitz on
. - - I ..„
pIITTSIR FIRICI*3 A . mn - Ttrrslot l ihe bsst Inaiirl
• oisol4ln this reglon. o n hitst aria . tor sale at
6d for the Firkins. and.4o.ets. be (Vie ;Tabs. . Al liits.
got inadet 6 We .trade .
. . ~
Adnunistratoeg Sale.L
• -•
f• sald at toahlie vendize, at the •esi
deneerof Geo. IsathOhi, Of Ditnoak. on
A finday the 2nd. day.of
.at 121
I. k; P. At 4 I *lx year-old horse, 3 sorrel there,
3 ea'rlingicalvss; t ne.w.twolliormilwagon. 1 old
t • • o horse I wagon, 1 two hori•S 6leigh, .1 dcuhle
h rntaa, 2!ploughs,l ha'rrow;•itiieh. forks, shov
el-; saythes, fookingtitan:l4st: vi'and
pi e„ , Pateilt clock,_ wacc h d art lelV3' of
f ruitnre, t i clinantity of potatHs, a l ts. 4 "acres of
re on the ground. • , • 1 • •
• of G. t. yathroto; decid.
N. 13.-Tutus of sale madiknown on the day.
• sale.--Ap it 20, 1853. 1 ,; 16 —1 , 2
Par. Flour and' Salt;
:FEW bhrrpta of - rloar; extra I hrands•l'Aloo 'Kea Fork 661: S. all, byl• the
rril or lOad. • IA-,IIALDWIN.
Moll f,
I.l*, •!• -
eb. 1853.
. . _
. . I. . -
,prse s 1 Compund- 1 Syrup i of
;YELLOW bobic - ooT. 1.. -
. RIB is a :P4rely Vesetab::e C.,03,P,6 al, - sclintifirsily
.711:s . :a cim f4 d7 ita s h : n ar ts b :efd l l . ra ti
•Ci.rt herbs
a ntiliP a n .
fo the follows
: g etitiefs, ris .lßegulath,g l and Anti+
ng this Llrerland Digestive, Orgens,fitud
St mach audit/mei". and thus contria all Billionsitriai
Dyrpepriin, Indigestion, too
,nn'o geessa,,
risk aLoi Pi n
p le icril s, fl pAp csaa porit ch4 ite,a F e e;ar and i r nd te th , 7:n raca ndiet to ,
an thus coring ail ;mug. C t an:Efi i i r ri g s !ILI: lions;
Tula, Salt Rheum, Rrysipelsa, Scald:Head, Erupti on.,
P 1 plea on the face, Blotch/ta r tactritumors, Merton
il Jamme r Canoers, Re. i „
'ATRIA! the SlCrelitry 0 — ans, . 11
a by erisbliug theta to peril rm aura. privet. Innen/ins,
i renting and curing many painfitt and ,da-geiritut dls
.- Iftswagthating and greatlngtiteArereass Sysinn,
b 'allaying Nervous . Irrititlon,and taring ail disialits
C Nerves, u Hysteria, Ne4ralgin, Pampa kg:: • •
Qis Orivilted in them cfali.Antare Cpm 7.
plat s. 1 i • . - - -
is 17 ' 6 '. 1 " 1 "4 gtioni debillt7ti
!Nel IfOritY, Obittate--
Sirens * of the Seat, Lhnitt,t , Jolnts, ke4'eausea
ry weakneasii also, Lung *nod Thtait L'omplauits, as
• „ Congtis. Asthma; Con mptloniiikti.,also, Dropsy.
:1 i •
_.--la , .
ving mode l- nee of tin Calrapthind Syrup' of Tel
) k Root, - prepared by .0. M Co, either otir-.,
tnes, or to our families, and en . Itr be a very, atil
t and Mutual preparatio'rt, era most ebeerfally
meal it to the "while 0 _it Utinalarthle medicine.
. Dowse,
_Req., Caohler Nitiottal Ilanik,'Providenee,
Li ..-; A. W. Runeer,.Riet., Cdsddar,Lissw;ltoelt Bank do
do do: •Ret Willhun Phillips,/ Itrrr/./ 11 Rlehnsud, C $
J es, afitor,Provldenre Gen./ Advt:; • Wm Fielid. M. ,W.'
0 . Cyrus Fisher, 114 Elf Ph James /lEllitcblusott."o $
to l f.
, V g Delta, Dolt Herd Ciliary, andeone hundred nth
the mut, kupeetabkifiuniUes,ef moor. •
i eartillectbra I. have fort o ham .lof.. yeas been
sainted witlithb eompoeitlon and e of mannfae•
l ettill
°f l44 / 0441 0 300 sPeovd BIM' Or Whigs Doe% Root.
1 'lave vlso.tivra lieqUainto4 With its niodite operand, in
1 , and entt say toot to al? rapists - 10 Is admirably
a masted to remedy that clap of Dloilasits for which it
designed:. IQ" Is esarelidly ralitabile :In• Infrgestiens
in i stilts attendant limn ono, it Outten, to healthy ie.
io i the Liver, Uranus- TerPor . aid Inactivity of this
) . aud stimulates health/ i;otlirs ht 01 the system.
to a - DepuMky of pithier of tle Ririod iO, ban no Rune.
. ,_ _ I • " • DAVIti MOLMEB, MI)
1 rovldenee, . I.Jan {; 1 . , . i t i i l
. .
,Prephied by C. Morse ' Co.':. Np. 4 id . Droadway,
I. • • and sold by Druggists ' others throughout this.
t• other cow:tries: ' 1 —." 'i 't -
._,ii' i____ --
la &NIA Montrose by • i ' I r itE. TErsiwAi
. cr4 l -1 - ' ' - • 1 - 4' .• 1 .
. .
, la - gt- aak torxii i '
'E Miro removed' 4er TaiWing esteNieh..
anent to the mom Irmetl3l, Ittiowri as Ahe
alieryptel 1 1 :ndy Shop. u TuNpike - street, one
per. west of M . S. Wilson, etor, -' --
11 , '' -
1 I - "Lnitt,:s 4 'HOLDS. --
Wontrore. Nov. 10; 15,,q4,
, e
F , 1 1 , 4) 4
V I kailal i alq.Jg ' V 1 . .0
- .
At oath : ra diretrt4ol,th e.thi!
'Bettottl thd wcrehiers Art both 6146 t - ,
'We talk to 11 null el b$ ' --.--
.. An 4 xi 7g Sot's ug ' 7 ... ,- .
p at by eternal'
lat 'withou t stolqiingt,til enkun` ate the many
be I fit* derived : !familia j wire 414 the :'thick,'
we would Milt:attention-Lei
ioffoittogo or 8 4 e'
en 'fig oto., ) 1 ' Ulet l e qt 1h04.8. n IN, ,
naglirrietTiM: 119 taieirrt• -
*bosh are. taken At tiiii Oda - Telt, 0 1// 411 ; Vital%
aid of Mtet+eti'a parti,attallittt'id ,-; Pt De!!!#O1
#. lO Aitiiit: r ~.-L . _ - ,:: ...,.4 :-:i p . , ,
i.- -, 1 , -: -- `L-_-,
: HE has Ilea; ieturnid Lgrinet .Th'e atty,' not with'
his . head lall:or kaawlaelie; Ibtri ivitli a new' and
je Oisting 000.8!-Y of Platilelielfze*O;g9l4 44
pla ‘l.lll4kiili, - mita, eta. 4 6:nloatbili1ateatitylee
ono 0 . - th.- 014.11115 PitIIP T O. I . I . - 7'Tuet!.
Sit it; and Ladiei t chio-40 littottottreil4jd'ild j
tiiii' t ' titre ; Oatterar.ettli atreilid:lo; the liatot.!er--
, I Indies l !, J.Adeniattlirla ? I ' l l ''
optratie ' riot: 10, 18 0-- - '' - t . t. i- i /-'.
-,..i, -I 1 l'• . -. 1 ; '
. . -
Paahionablelilk Hato .
, lAn.l itztotforotber ilats; jest real:West • lio; a
Itolual I, , • - 011041ILLER.
6 ittEgPii.bernre tit. that l thf belt ptaee-ti
in. i t ny oso6 b-ut _ 4
- Look'
yoi *rig: concir*L. -
• . • •
rttarniwineiseeivtints; - licte., Ito., of the fitii rind ,
.'of ll.lSayre& Co are now in the heads of Benj .
Pepe* toreettlement` lift 7 eeesity itompels.hlin to 'meat lb.
immediate attention to thew es well so those of h ts
!tare soon iottlettliey will be put in the bangle of saute:
one forlegel ptoteention. . ":13"1.1-83YILIP
4 1 = 1(1 725,1M' - - A' • „• ,
ash it the stetia
DiauitaatoTeeic Booze- • are': remoied
.frOm t s Ong to Ihe • . . . ,
In. Odd're !owe Heif—where the -Artist .
hippy to servo autpleese, as her s etofore.
• I * •• - •• W.. P,DEANS...._
lion - I; 2th. 143. - • •
_Ali hop Sin qiiehatuaa:„.
. lIE . ultserlbe • a nag Ivreingi all kings of work done
. toi isleri'wn..l. a . , keeps ou 12144: Dureans; Tabler;!
Stands . , 6., warrant well Towle, and nlso Chairs. eane
seatillarfand. win4Sor. • citing! Chalpt.- 'ece., Bedsteads
‘ r.
generally_ on;hand....- All t •so waiting forniture will: do
well to s t all: !. l . i epalring an Territtstana !lone; Ori.sbort
notltie.Jirr Co lflas ready *4IC irid , dote order in tliebest'
!Vie.':l- I --*-
•.- --- - ' - - ': 7).-T...E.ISIDER,
l'3 :.'
47noluti)ria Depot, Dec.lo, 1952: 7e - 1. - -. .. .. - .
• . .....,
. . ,
and.Cloyer Stoll
TWITS Taro .reapeel Ilinothy'
.Seen, laii.
Ste!. of tbl4large kluti.,just in and for . r.ile . .
-11.kre pExTLE - y..tltEirr .
IN subscriber havitig purchased tho'entire Mar. - IC - or
J. Goods of M. U. Tyir iind:ile4 4/ .new Orld vett; so- .
lebt Stock 'of alinsmic•tiood4 - such as Prints, "koptini;
Del es. Castimeres, l'ftu-notts'i Elik•lllantillasondSliswi
Lori s i Muslixes, Sheeting!, Linensjiroad Cloths,. Tweed,.
Ker . m eres t §otinetta-, Sumxnei.t, lqtbes; GoOts and Shoes'
Tea% offeeSngar, Molasses - , Linseed Gil, Burning FlUitf.
CO. sti, MackerelMardwarei prock sty; 4e.
'N. .. Dont forget..the'Store;:' one 'door below flatch's
Tam oit. the head of Pubtic Avenue. • The subscribes
la' posed t osell Mattock of Goods for gash or Beady
Pr. 4 . cliexp,and Obeaper-than can be bought . this side
ofM+rs York: - '...:- , •-. 1 . GEO. 11,' mirvis ~ 1.
Binhtrsp, April 7,1833. , • , , ~-.
..*:t : ,- :: .1.
r' t_.
L . ., .-- • 'T..:•O-IE.EI*. ,_
~. , .
G"'''',e(Nig' Itunsirig Iliad Carnpbefie.' Gan - dies;
. ....amp,tuerfariner7s Oil, Linseed 011:, Paints , of near
lyev -ry deseriptries, together with.a - gencrat .aseortmeitt
of Drags. blealeincs. Dye Stuffs,: Groceries, Staisit , and
.Glass irare, soma fterdwars, Dry Ooods;Mosicat Instrn
med ... ;And ago9d lageriment of. Yankee ;Notions; twil
ling. . eap at .L. -• ' • , , • ' I.I7ItItEDIA:S: '•
M. . liege April:l'th' 1843:.;' - - -•- - . • . - •
N- - - Drug & Grocery Store'
in.-T. X: PATitION Jr. . would .icfpictfollY iriforen
..A. ,- ei..nennerions old endwelt tried - friends; )otlk 'in'
'and. tof the Profession; and the public in gen raft at '
le' . . just embarked In the above named - business ' Stud
,his . ow en hand an4 - is gilt. receiving a full and 'well
'thin • • assortment of every thing II ,toe: line .of 'Drage,
Medi nee , GrOcerice,DyesVidetteyftc.,;tfc.iall of Which
lut it sell for cash or .barterr.tipan the obeapiet. Iliad
most adliaibtageous fermi CO the purchaser: In refer.
-ease b.his.Drugi aid Medicines he would Maspti- elate
ste l t
s able 'Venally of Nei lforit...'-enti for putity: and ealiel-1
'len _ a belie - en were Item etteelliM, if eqUalled hyleny
eiti . . alkit' ll 'lluer:Y e l ;les 7:l Z nati fa fte l7 ithl s l n e.dna er we tibilitYuslieg- 1 11 1 ‘11: ber thlinna tig izji; h 6 t fram7... .iri,: the: , :: : "*H ein lb* :11
can 0614 °heap:- IfisinegatOtew fern choice:Liguori for
midi netpuipneen wiekh he esis afford as len as ,ii inore
int !glide beet: 17 been; bbiikht'for: 'flieasti
i r
- rail ore - 4, ng :elsewhere . the. obl: itimiii. of.
Pitts4.r.. Wiser: lie theb didingfermerly known aalthe
"Pa en' litbre;".otifiendte the'.' . -tocnit." Otilee.i . :
'' Met:ttioseOr•be./.1855.,:f.1',_. -' :..-.-1-..
. ~.
• : NO:soLonto - NKisairs ,
..• _. wisdom , • • .. .
__ .•,...
1 .- A , 1 ' and ";:yriik Or yi) .
40 : gi,4!it!igi!jtge - , _
VI inderitaiding, sad also covering -- for -y r
na4 andiriti;Jelilfli':i4litiiiiiiiiiiali3i.;:rie.'7-,
the! otter two; yOti*lllbe. mitt :to seek-, ' - •
I K.'i
-. S re :
r and
: Stoddard' ,
00„ 0n,..:i. 5 d
.:::.:Stiiig:Solo, , :':,f -- -T .
I , FoiltOaeacertaiaiferir , marr , : : r ,
-:'. A. dirieitt fahritasioldi' .., , . - 7 -- - ~- ,
We'd 1 have• 'lliii,riattllO - rindeniuira, 1 ' ''. f-:
, . ; ..L:'• 8 *iiit.
.60;:niureiiiiiid.:;:::::::•::T: -_,ll.
ilues*ineii.l,*344'.i34 - triti*Z•eilinigli - pi
:ititl44-Gt4.';',:iviii•Oc.:ll4l4:i!ier : Ptotibet - -.lsitiiihri4o
eair.,*olliiiie of 'liirloAle groceries;• ie iieeeiihel.o4j
1 it or Boo;fiii4 , r 6Pi 0 Ii ii IS: ' . yftry i - iiitt;hitigt.lo4'
ei, mid iiiir
tiOOO'yee-t V ,. i iak i. *- .::il.inoltti. rari of irajfeeefr4rope,.' "
:•" .::.:i::'Z-" 1 1,:.6',
o 0 4W 'l.:.:.,lori":'raid /iri kw
:4(44 fi1w 4, 09 ,- ',i: : KEPfFKI 4 7OPPAgft': , -
!' l '" '-' 'NEW . dt)ODS
: !.!..... -„,!: . i..-i!!
reig 2101004*, hi*jii44ioes*Od - : Iki*'-vri44
A. ; ..-, i00ck.,1g....':.----'::,,,;:r.',-.: '...--.:-..,-",:''..":"..::::';',-.:.....''-''1.1..'-"
'-.":'.1:- t - olai4k;!m*iiiii-:.Cithliig;:::'-:.‘
.1 . 0 i" men :4* l ) l ioi.. B eiltiiiiei!ifit:- . 0.i.0* tiiii4-''.•4
itihiainci.qiijii. :.:Oierfoilie from - $3."0":04:4•':
1 ' DierO; .Ftoclitget,ioAfels;:lLtedircoeti:Trons *4
t#:: , 4914. - kir44iii:liiiii! - '4 6, .hiloiga , :up•-.; - f.lYoi**. -
good joiiirtioet4; 00:* tkilittiogs - to tifiiii4o4.4:,
Fto . -- iruti4r2:o"itrtiii , 6*toiiito; 60 - ',,shirij!kciw'
hi* stocio;.-..ovoiiiii4- piok4hitta,:: ; :soo l 44-;„
Al ci'i a now_juripTi . , - :otliroi . :4iiir: o k i k; .:n rf e
- tilio , , ioi;:i‘,Viittj.l . 4 -- 00; , :it:ird , , - .1106 . *4-,' . 7 .11 . 044 anal
siiii iiffeyi l l ['iliWitiiito7 - bitiiov•op . l
...:-.Trot kir; 11n ,piing 47104 - ap.4#13000,6: - .-fiq . *- - 44i,..
114. 1 i of
.iorrayer,...J:!ap)47, 7 aOlorig*hte4'..:Ore,oo,lc . i
a....iii ,1 , 4*4#0, - **Kia....**‘)iqe:o4o,rivfiii*,
iii , iP :. ;
.po ~. - # tiiiikiiiii;LKiiii:- .R n4i;- f roeiji_C'TVii;_
fieri• liiiiaOrliarini liOOlretkieliatir;liatrqirir'aiiiii
tooth 7
.. '' bri - s140,114it0113:04.:1 „ 1 itb iu N * 0504 4.
trius aiii„lviky,lolo3olt,o#o; baking
,tic; 4 . ii , nttlf fOtiiittnt - 01 6 100*P#0 id
Ai; iifiPiii4'ZTi r7OrliOtlre 44f4-iit:d4 ,
: ,.:..
*** l
9 '
11•. ' o OkiL 4
-S ' f * :
, .-- 4
.04 6::": i 7 ,f 40 0x kw4E. p , , .:.. ,. :i n Trevi Naeiaiiioesv,::t
- ..- - - -
El ; -: li t i o t - , •,. , . .
sit: ,
_ . , pseAavatorin g ,l3stalre
....-; 1 _7.,; ; :. • rt,- lish ,..-- ~_,.,. • ..
L - 1 , - --; .414 , i 5,...-,t i r
`,- ii-at ~,triww,
rr,,,..1 4
no va, 4**ablid•to-V-110,-,... :;:s"
44 - ,b fv.hkrtoo , h.._.,LaSaiik4L „, N
;14,dTs'otticer, rtt-',irtiiii444.l:i
+I.,- -,55r.
-,;-,, --,'',;:,., '„--‘: 1.-- • . '''' ' '.- ' '
.YEE SEED Of the large kinii far ale by :
_ 1, • I.I:IIURTITT, : '
/ 6 21ford k . marcit 16,1853..
tiripchir at
i. .. 001ii..Y • U.I .
• 0, U 1 want. a suit of Clothes that shall corn
bitie.conifort' With elegance and durability; . do
!fail to Call ' upon JOHN 'GROVES', 'whose
, .
', bli6hed. reputation - as A :skillful Cutter_ Tin
a pled'ge to give entire satiitaCtion utinesea...
s i ,
oi l - band; and you can select wkatever. style
IT "drees, , Of., not to (trees; that is the iines-,
Nether it is better - to surer thikpanga add
re OT - bad-fitting .. jrarineties,' Otto envie) , a
fill tidiexperieticed Tailor, jinci, by opposing',
th in. ' 'Tie a coueuiennittiOn devoutly to be.
, . .
11-1 4 • o
:nt.ting dOfie as ! nenal, tot-ready. pay, and
ildne - In the shop,;!:warranted.
. . JOHN - - GigtOVES,
romis , , April 14, 3m
AiticeAo Ithe
Prices 'Curren t..
' _-_, , -., --;.,g,i7-.S-7.-:-.,-,
,1194#.0"°:-.' - --'--- .-
.; 1 _
"--u"''' - --
..-bl, Air c4 ;7:.,. 1 do
_.-corrfeted.,le-Yg -4- -2 , , rvi Ix cr.'
- - -,- -
Wheal . per 0, . , i , - ---, 4
Wheekr`;,'' ,a d_.o. -.7-p, Ao:iiria
,---,:!1,.--_,on6-,,,- -*-'--;B**x,"Arr,
-, i au ------,:= -: ..--- .;
Ziits;:..l.-g-'-.- - $-ixishel, 48 iee,, iiiedleAol° -
linekwhee,t,Psc! ~.;.,....-d..---. ,1;. .;-::,--:',„4-hi-io ,81
Flour pf...__.bp.„('ls.:;„-4-i-ot ''..''', ' ' . . -.770- •UV
P°4-44"14,PE "ip-i-i: buellet- .. -.-. ,';-'s:-.;l'=';'-''r , :.1,011 '
White -=•`lll4 -it :. - " -- 'w 1' - ',
, ... -. , - '::::„-1,0t7 il
F.huc $004: .. cord, • ' -: -: -
,- ,_•,:,::;..:-,:Aii tei-,-',20
wopd Per.__ flai r ,' ~ - : '•
........,t, -.t., ',75 i
- 1-SoultSPerr- ib is ' '- , ' •-..:....`
WT., AvyinteigTer,2l_ 1
i Driuu - .
~. .;' 7- - ....- =- • - „ J „. ~,1 , . A....a' -
plorei,Seetl:-._..:- -D -,,:, ;44-16 ",/4-'
timothY--P,tfiv --.-,.. -',-. ,
~.,,,::, ~_it,4 to.
Egge'Pee-u,l ,e.',Willy.,-...;.',.'5'- '
Butter Perm', kTuby. .'. - -'7,'.!.-oi:l4i .1g
," •:1 i
. , ,
' ' fl. ; ..- 12i
'-' per ?lir,:
e . '
Lerds • ~'"` ii. .-
' 'II-, Viii#l,4O2°- .
._,- -,' - -, .
.- , 7.;_,fi to - ,. ,U 7 -
pork tsei l'bl4 114: -,. -----. -
Dressedi fs g s Pe r r fl y , _ , : '. . ;'2 "'
1 - ' u• , Chickens
-P Air,
Turkl4ol o'
-- - '
- -
_ ,
fIICE A holum i .!,oe. the ;Year 1114, few! era*.
V r ../*" 1 / 7 -11 ‘ Sulk;etodnisV
' . an ds
lE L '.
low, Button iram And Wage' .4kythinf
you have:* sell; excluirigit:. AV -jut Aloodir
,voiricheup.. -.144; and_ SO for yaitts4sitiK it yoN.difinot ,
Ladd ;
it so; you 41 4 1 di ir 4l ablelt• - saYtign#
:forlpiegoodirir -
COD I 4 B /II MatiterOiltolassii, 8 itsclA
" 13mmr;TesiVigreei
itr:whtt muswwm*.mtAn./.‘iei7
IDPIIEAST/ 1 11 4 14•= . .:Thie'eldoz.fiii
soriliAndeline**4lt4l, reel-this . da'
liintfranitoi2 Ani 28 -
. st. 4E.tb!aweslt •
erbster.GoodsfecannriElngitbeir,inautl OE„
Broad elotlis,-"Ceirairderel;
of beautiful pattente of.:ll4uslin De', Lai dlssi
ikreri anode of different fabria;Planitet
tic Goo.licerooteet; ,:Drug,, ".
pstStit .4edleitiel;floots, Phoes;. neks f
Rata-and Caps, Ribbons, Matches. - and ;-.1, veky.;- ' stints'.
and Oils'. add la fact, almost elroll. th iaii"i straU3s:
l'or-in the entintry,'all of wbleß we Offer'
rorahletatau.,lnr . Oath: Buktii4mailowi :
Beesn aii , 'lleanir,'PlasseediPliirineliflockii,fDried A
or approved eredlt..
fliontroint; Vac: 8, 'tss2, •
T .-
(Soo -
i,o;(foof;yai, 'iriet
Wanted* z",
ay thettight!t: rinirket
i; L C-41 ;f 1 S 7 u 4 !ZW i t4 a elt.i?:i
Blasting PoiWiet, 8- 1 6 i
a Rubbers, owo.orii
ow and. Wail Piper,
-.We, Rec. 8,1857
yto wate.
a icle.
, . .
a It; .3. ..163edi
Y Ilaiits;,"„perte'gtvil
• Igeasit. t hat a ff ects only,
er.Bottle. For sale at
, v;lteiidyut;adet-Clo4
1 - I.,otoceries,N . oti o w
De 4-1862:
T3ETEgnmity 0ut..9 . 06, danqifien4 Barnit4
and Candlea, fir , - - t
Deo. /5 5 2 • _
t t r.PUTTInp fienesseilloni, or in extri-,Mrina for:.
nonily nee, 4ruitantly,Ort band.and.torrialeikt v
: .114 1E-W 2 - - 0001)44.--
Prices undergo ,
Montrose; `Pe +l;`ls32: ,
. _
Ad-Ifunting Witceit.,--,:,-
V . C7'liA. fi ne, of my- own irosmryttifm,,foelfelet
PY . .A4FY -L-ETA4VS...
.flee awrtrat •
s- stio,io A 4,m,Tr T4lts
.„ 1„ - 4;vrO =
rt :
,Open; for' 3prutg "Trade'
I:4A 1 1 Ai ' WOODRUFF ,haring' entered:fife '4o 4 ' . •
pitrtOrmildp, ander the name and firtti'of
thrv..dtilo.,are preparedidtbArt extensive
Ettoteti, WareSaa,pan Wares, Braes kettles?
Cepiter, antitall4therwaresan arable too manietortate.
mention. We ar4repared:with a tarts lotofLoad
Irlilektie elm the caning AMIGA iitratriffiurd Au of
good sPYIeaP elle be ebtahted: our ' ..
staltdvith ; - niatness and dlipatelt. Plena 04 1 184 eali t '
sa we think It will: fey your hitereit6.-w - Entldixtrit Ike -
low aside's Hotel, (Erectly eppcishe tit( " Demi:Haar
,1 3;•lt:ItATIntolVf,
'iltsitrose, Feb. 18 1853.
'E n
.o b, i, ..
ila a n- t. aI
ii i " iiiii Waft 4._ :i.
- ••
'.,-..., .. ,ans ...,',',:•••- ,-,A,..,' ,• • - ~•• ifisikkjetindisfel;e4o.l-..",
-,-,-.1:4,;.,,,, -, ...". .---„.•-- ,= , ," di an,, imi . , 44,iidi.,-.-:
.*IY: . _ . ,
yoat. -frerpatrlivool.alsothatin
'l,--'..;.:-..':/ ' . :.'
•_. 1 . k loit ' : ll,- , 11 :141" ..--' 41104:7 rt 011... - th l g Hiri.7 -- -.411, - 4'
. - till:plain - Imitle.k2..essio,e*,l4:,__-.1,.,
:••••''' ''
2' • 2
_.: 49.0r,-itatw-10-iiice+:4llb.etrile_
one - tall iktehrtlitter . ....,.;
i' Ma. : • • - Airip 'it* gbill:74**74-.ol.:o•WrN't4;,
_,,.._, }
and . ..' . - 11 .1H ••• ; ''' ' . t .. . P„Th .ahoTi:-ii4h - ;:hili:rclateV',':)-
" u " . 4 st i le -- '-' ---- ''''''' —176. WttiieiCiiiiviC-Ntvro- 21
eittu l4 ' o ll " 81i k .14 , 11 11686ktin :izto Vilfelilki__llivriii:tbig.:4:4o:
' - br.
- -- '• - r ALFILow.L--IWhltig;,-,?-i--E.;:..-?.,,-:
tlf4,ti:ofti.l.-:::.":...:',..ii .sedimplowThom,,,,3.::..,:
151_,..- ~ 5 1.._. •...:• , ._. -, .• - - :', 14 t .... •• ' 7 ,--.:';-•••„;'ilic!!.•,. -.'.'..4::','L•-• --.i...,•-;.'t:11ti•:,,,,t1,,•5,..'"•:"-
:, 51 0,P 1 - I n sr'' ii , l 7 -.. 1 1,7.7 1 . •!•:- -, -.:,-.-,-,‘ ...7_ , -z v , -,Y ,,,,,,, i,-,.... , _ , " , _
: 0 1 0 4i 1 ;iii;;iiellnihOilifil iiiiiiiW
". - : !, -. ' . l !, a g el ii, f il ibi '''.:'''''L..:A':::'i
e n W PßE P. loll o lll ,ssirdit
Datielic Intanntlealidetrat
-'- -- - 7'-
.., ~ , ~,-,...,
7,-,..11.-,:503 ',it t i tuthen : ii iß epft t ie,h,:
.m e iveai.;,.
, - -/1 -•• ' - . ''_
i 4! Amodio ' 4,scory ofAa
emu , a , .4 etkow, al 4 --- -
hiiViMfuilit IliOnsakr=oB t 1 ,url3Wql ,
~ • ' -
.411.1 -`1.1..* inis.- ' ft/hie: iih4 'ITU), be M. tomat.:3 l l l llf, ,:
...1Tri5re.....,...-ortarths4,vl6"*"*/ 7 L ' - '
, ivddls • tiLliant—e,,-6,7 -and: perttinkeititi:::•will'i4e4Tll:'
'! Uric e _ r _.t m ,: frnnt il lA `gh e De rstsfdriittlitsiliib 4,4sitt 41`1 , -.
UV P.''''-- --. _ - Vzh - 14
~ •1
isieutail uPea =t h ' ,---Ii in . back bilfitYt v ran'
- -
~4 AiLwe bwri,tosV. t I . --o towirtfut... Yrn -..-
i,sko--tai:01.1*11-$111-fit -lu7-'4:44?' deiplemterat; i O 4 '
' ettinietliti3g thatitill ake!ll 35,
. i ,
4 4 1ittasontigy awns!
n_._ .,.,0,13.. lishittini,eo ~.-e
'''‘vr‘,4l'.::::ll::'WES. 7"l:',iilie:tt:o4o.-.7.,,,,:::10:...,,::11:4:a4ri*g10ti74,8:112.airni1;:1411,4:Y0fe-a\II:i11"1-17;711411"------.77,1i'l.:0';,..U7::7::!t4:-ii,:,k;o:-IL741::fsiill!::7:1:::.::.i::!
, --,-,--,,..-
4 1ivriiantaf...,,,,,,....4,4, moat attan--7.
, man. • • --- --* '
wth44AV4:-:'.:. - '':;" i-•
,4 's 4 , , ; • ; 7
-4;3ireeeifili i iiii4l44t :flrri t WNV :. 4-
t i ,4 , ilv 't. ,_,=:t-,-. h 3'''
_a --' '' ' ' 410 iite:r.:V4l
. ' '''
''. v i t ro Genssa&- . , _ .g,-,..,,, ,-,
..,.,c.-;1. , ,,,, , , , ., , ,,. ~ t,....,—,.,- -,-,',1,,6-.o,,litaltalt.". 4Z'
*-tfi*...4-tergii - t*lt'poiti: i r;-
ii4ht Pr 6 . 1 54 7. - -, ;:..,,ppistist #-:_•_ P4 , -_-, ,
.. i:_mit , rm t • ---- -
. ____,..,,,,„,,-,--mtlacit.,„,...
~,,.„. h.-Notam4o.7E- -
117,10111,11 v.:. ._ „., u*--.-ii..44,4#-Ilt.-i
.0.04 1 i . i 0001 t . C-47*':"ii514.0:00011,9ttlai
~41i+ 0,*-,n,voi,,,,,i s l,4l,l riviiiiiigio# 4l34 l A, -.4
--- iiti.tiorAimiaio-I- k„...5..,.,;47.1
r..,,......,...t i iiiicr0 wt!..a1t:6-0,.....-iiikki- 4 ,. xii .- tv
~.4K.t4,u*lyiißot...,-.-e.T,.,r,,' -.... 4.
1 141
witif'll,---riftiii-oiwiltii 9A---,-
---:. - ttilPiJ a 0 • - • -• . - 4 , , ,- • - nki * .-- M; 4-•-•,,,',.7.4
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