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I .tt*l - it L eit ' : : lollD . ll . iitt ... .00 ' il. -1. 14 .. q E. t l o .' -....LL..,,..a.."./(e, 1..1,rit.t..11)."11: i ga i . ti l' . .t ...l. CA . _ .. 14 ,11 ! ... /ay ; 1- 111 .i . r : , I' ' [ ( a l .. _ - ...' ' . , ---. .1' . ~.• : .1 -5 -. (- 4 .'..' ''; '' '. ''' ' ''' ' '• ' ll‘..- ' - c, - - . - - . . .. . . . . : - ... 2J BIM , 8.B.& - E. B. CHASE. TROI'IIIET9ItS ,SVZ.frsis ' - ,: , For the Democrat. ~ ; ''- ' , 1 1 : :Welcome - tc) the Sihbath. Sweet Sabbath morn, with holy rapturous joy I hail-again thy coming.: Then diziet, s i m il e • - in quiet meeknesswhile allriature seems ~ - fro girt; thee silent welcome. Spreadingtrees Abruptly rear their stately' heads , in . cairn, Imprassive grandeurt and it almost As if their 'lofty. heighs \alight faa the cheek With blanderbreeze', and each leafy grove. - , - Brenike deeper, •purer u melody than. err " i '1 Another d a y.. Yea, the ,dimpliag atre*ma go ' - lilurmurinf,r- on with half hushed tones sub: i . . . And solemn, while they seem to hear that awful _ Voide which bids creation bow and tremble, . And heaulions nature not unmiadfnl of . -' --,- - -- - The warning, listens, and. Oars With awe strdek —Adoration ; chile vain man turns to his _ Phantom pleasures ; and forgets this sacred , Day was given that he might .calm his wild' ~; And fevered - passions, and might drink the Living Waters of eternal health.' Pair, Wild • . Plowers ' . .bloom hilankling loVeliness,andaend Their purest odors but; while princely hills, ",.-] --lir_.iitit-'reeks, render-their silent limaage. _ 437 '..4t t i0 ..W..-#lds:Pouritr-aliward; Warblinglerth Iff e i r ipWs - cnialloWest:iiiirsic,*as if . , They'd glidly lift - man's_. weary heart:- ' " Above:tigi earthly thralldom. Worl - ds cannot xpress the sPiiits gasliings as it views_ ''. Each grand majestie• presence owi t z o - re 8y; the eitsinfluence, Saitia'ra Steam , Hallowed day that bindi a yolre - on vice, from ..Thy deep, holy teachings, 'mid thy, penciled' I,oveliness, May, , yile.hypociisy soon learn . how excellent is virtue From the elpftii Rock Wherp-slui bath hid, Humiliti deth " - 'Kneel, and meekly crave thy blessing: , \ I Father' ••• Above; wilt , Open.noie Ilytes' of Heaven And let opr earth-tiund s irits upward gaze : Into its leauteous mansion ! 'Grant that we, .From off thy mercy ;seat, - thee, may hold, ' Lasting coMmunion; may feathery faith mount tip on wings sublime, - to where-the Father's: , Sole begotten Son dotli intercede for Man's redemption. Heavenly Friend, raise Thou our '., *--- . '.--- .- - r : . -. H above life's permit strife, Where ruin. 4 And.undanntedlifts her brow to talk with ~ :Angels, till in the spirit trap* iilf.love Suhlide all sey' is borne away..' . Oh I may • ' ,The Woes and joys of, earth be to the death- i 4ortl like the spent dew-drop from the Eagle's - Wings, when . wakingin his might he sunward .-` Soars.. And Satbath after Sabbath may-we - Gather strengtnto do the will of itim v.ho ~". ' Ii eternal, so that wheo the final 1 '.. . Hour shall come,-.and we lie down :to rest; our. Simple tembstones then-pay Witness_to than which cannot die._ 'ph'. mat*aineekly Gala-theest of earthly sabbaths, one, that 1\ Warhand \ s-te he, as endless as infinity. . ' On„ tho Death of the Hon. Henry Clay- The great American Senator, who dilly and ` truly earned . forhimself the Apoit enviable ti= tie'of‘the . Stateiman of the • - . struck land, Coluinbiai wail, oh West, • = _ . fiorth, South and East, for him who knew not As thore'than - seed - 0 - 1213'0f his country.* Weep for the . loss of him who . ithrs'ed - then world-wide fame -anal =an bail centu ...ry's teat Through turmoil fierce; 'mid'scrutiny. severe Yet When did nation more a roan revere! -. And And When wAs.lanci With nobler patriot, bless'd!.l • Rest i •mig i hty •claiet r -well- -bast -thou done thy - .. The : highest glory man e'er reached , wasp . thine; . , A world's esteem, and love---is 11 11 PlY hf 3 2 44- 4 cued out-treasnring the richest mine= A marvellous ngue-theseifUide'thee all thou : . we? . !- • ' .0 -. ' \ ,• ' . t..... . • 1 A star whic to fterrilty , shill shine. - "• - ' ' \• _ - ' - ROBERT BANSA: * 4 I know no-North, no South, no - East;rib , West—nothing but my . country ' - IL . . .. . , . • Dr. Johnstrin was asked by a lady-what now. work he' was employed ••*1 am writing, , . upon. , nothing just at present, te-repkied' - Well but Doctor, said'she, ..' "1 iould - wrile you,i • Should always merely:. for, the pleasure of-it: '.Pray, InadMal, retorted "he; `do you think - that Leander swani, the leelgiel -merely because he' was fond - of Swim.; ming 'what tune do your citonitaissea: start : ?' asked a Pandoner, lately:, of one of "die , 'conductors. 'Por reptied funO., tidily; 'runs a go:Liter arter, arf irter, quarter to, sini atr In English this means :every : Bat one false step,one wrongbabit, o n e ear , .. • tept onnpinikin,orie loose principle, mar wreck dl your "inspects, nisi all; the baPes - a time %nom!, . or Ittrwaso.— 4104r05, to _ kuis t k neagain ; ontni4it,;;to ,kiss theta 411; der.bos, to kissifoOthei,ipate***;!--171441. : ooflodtkiiathi t t Another. ftta , etio =TM= Br me. st. A. •-, . : . C0N11517.1104 `The little, delicate - Grace tok • other mother's; melancholY for a•Tew Ononthi-preel.' ova to-' thl tnother's. death. .4n 'Oppressivell weight's'' med ever nt her hear* dimming hee l soft eyes ilk- unshed"tears , !and : which' wa d i . _ probably onseauent upon the prostrating disj l order . tha 'had Iso thoeked her nervlus sysj i , ro tP• -' -,. '" .-. : 1 I _lt was timid little thing, ' resembling • both!, parents, ~ t possessing the . regalarity:lof fea4 ture and iirightly, _beauty of 4either. lilt was as fragile as the-tendereat rose: flushing in thell erstalgardenif ala' of the, rich, While th snows of 1 2, winter lay heaPed gs its alend r„ barrier's; Itreydreeleonetant nursin„o, l and t e most rys-`i sidiaps care,ithe. most amtiring devotion. -,-1 Year after ye. it grewl only a little taker an 4 alittle stronger, yet. n*tinge camel to , her soft 'cheeks ; ; thy were colorless as the fairest shade of -tla,white ligivid her eyes, had they . been fierce or, shining, t ivould - haveseer4lun r : naturally large; but aft e.xpreisive: were'they 4 that - they wel bectpile the - imnspaleney of her -com plexion • - and the .softnests of her teal tures. - , .. 7 '• ‘I; •,, . - ' . f. ' --, , .Heart and b pes were all centered in thi' swiT' . .. blesin Heiman idolixei her •,. k ito l ' "iyas his house old deity ;as an . gel ~foie • s c f t lirnfiven.wai - s ~ with the childish rattle and if r, winning ' ways. •He loved el. With ti.• 1i rn e s anselfis absorbing . affeeti . 11 than he ha cherished r her mother, if that were . pOli-1 sible.. He lavi ed money; pon her education' with - ati unit' hand;- and very Pleasabtg t ied was it to beho l 1 them, as they ` ften sat - te.l gether—the &tighter sitting at the father's' feet, resting her elaSped . bands upon . his kniest her liquid, spiritual, dark /eyes fastened upoW,•,• him, her, fair,'surry hair flowing over her shoill4 deis (tithe softest beauty d 'outline ;or• at tiTes, as she stood by his side, - her:rounded arms encircling'his neck,her fairy form foldo . abdut- with the. most ,beautiful garments. - '.'' One could not wend r that Her an hived the Odd, gentl ,child absorbin .Y.l •i !: ' And; when- s e_ grew to, - woman hood-;-net stvietlybeautif with the beauty earth, ', j ut: anevlie and dre: like—he felt th he was jq.. 1 deed blessed . i I , the Ossoltsion 0 one so or -i . fering frtina th gen lity,of her sex, Yet with l l all the sweet i ;pals of humtuilty. t Grace enter d th' - study brie mbrning, as I was her wont, , d sta rted at the presenee'of a stranger.., He yitt by the Window, with - an air , of modesty an I , reserve while he' father,waS r intently; perrtsilg a letter.J - ,- I HuLite•Southerla .d was a young. ,man ,bli : pod family, who, .. nious to earo . a,natctelb,Odf bv .the - advice' of fr ends; come out we t ittl t study under Judge 4antcfn, and bee me lisill ifieed -to take his pl 6 , at .. me futur titnee , --11 at; , me. raj IlermatCwas ple_ • , . ~,wi b the r ' k, 'noble) bearing of the ye , _ time; he read "eilini ori t i his br w,in his de , I set, clear;blae eye; ilia heart armed in.- '• .ly towards him , . ~ \ hat do you t• inkof him, G ' Fhe' ki 1 ed, elestly, as , itwo were talk' g tog , 1 1 i . ft cr, a r the st .• .t had left the . - 't..,1 I ' I die, him,' she ;answered,- f nitly, with 4 ' smile yin her suns • 'face.' 4 He i just stachi:stit one as I should fancy for a brot er. He It.* : an innocenieoonteminee; he is v ); haii i iine , . and so graceful, for 'matt. ' I i 4 h im Tell tench' , - ~ • - --- ' ' .; i 11 Herman. decided to take the young man re.. der his' charge it once; it would be so plcaa nut:to share• it : the attentions . of,two eachibit. inge its GraCe and the noble ;stranger; ant 4 , 1. 7. ready he fancied' himself cozily fixed 'in his fa-• ., 1 vorite arm,e4ir, With . his -gentle child op pee' side and•HOrrice ofi die other, readint 0..44 in i l singing; 4 1.g bi tm ,- a l together; and utalin_ar-b 1 1 itotne a besitiful "iaradise... ..- ' - .. 11 . 1 Besides,he felt .keenly the .need of a fit.titig' companion with witom;to While away hislals nrelciurn, whose cenverse•and • lively humor mightperehadie•stall; * _et it for ~ season thiit.oll . email %like, so rahght . wiih words of the most . 1 solemn_lipo . . ; ; . was sounding:;constantly 14)0 1 ' 144 *f 'I •'. - . - = ii; As time'wo ' on; he wi ned mom and More eanfidellee in. ' Pinteiritit of thfloung tßan 8 4tit - 01L44 . ; -ve. :. more highly a intact that 4is- 1 'payedsuch d ' • and" st'Jilie 4- Iti lik*imi 'Mei better =tar .- - . see`ids talents! Isere vee4tle 'lke his own' .-. •'p ;ripened into, alltilea'' df 10;‘; /OA ,::- ore ii- year hey.,lstiod *lige', Stanton th6ng . of - him oveP IF-a van, ' J r "P *- 1 a seetned'ee • '3', ss *hen qraci sat; °* P in ! i e atutiOung Hofrace .of i the =other, ; in big ASP - i,; ' . --- • ..Ili •1' '-'-- t wailadoot im#!; 0 0 1118 'for Gracli§44t 4l I.B 4 iant and the enthusiastic steilent to be conthfUally tOSeilier. wit out: regaoPg, each - : aheil with . 0-BP6O4ifP9/itflO•?Mat4galawit po ± te;rPor;lioithaiS4r -utonoetii4taos.sealiai! : -inWthe 7 teuiple'Of with bes#,J44 l 4oinost *ore - either viatiliiiara if biasocerne4,l!isa, bil;e4 and 49 * -4 1 :07 e4. e * ariee t :se, 4 !lim aelf oriiiithtgrinelt i P T*o3B i i Pr ° ,,, 1 : :Herman iiiii, --- tbilire - isffectiete ills children witklk d'ePP4 ,!f s, - P t ~ eY e ' „4:tintokf i lhe: , 4efil ' :gli4iti,lo4ll-idolized O n ' to ., :thilracraig . ig l i 4 OrAcio- - : " Pa °:ta itt: 4f-i* liith i7 ii ' i kils. r . "' .. 2--- : ! ' liiil' a . cili4gi'*;'4iiiivi'.4.4o-*;O4 ;4104#0nii 4184Tiiii4(4ii4:forii*** 7 1 4 4 1 400to. , sio''iliiisillige - tati . in • iisfOiliitii*--4111.1, :•;,..1 14iii,iejiT.iiiiiiiiid-.2.3wiiiiiiii4.-iviiiiiiteoy s • r 6:• I. 6 N. ie. set. yorior g .- EI lei st • a tiful every day, and .the touching sadness . i ,• ',Oa ' dwelt at timas.in her soft, eyes' imparted] icl : pi er face a-mOst inibilned . loveliness: Shea l kva as it- general thing, cheerful, and yet here dw it ever upoq her-heart a „chilling pr ent i„ The t, shadowy and indistinct, of cominiewl,, iitle knew not iNliat • and often would she re-1 ' ' I :to. h 'chamber ' Ittifl .er nod . spcsn . imany- 1 I till , mrs m lone, self-,comrantubn. At such times I , .,the !could ;not define-her own motions with dis: ! tiltetness ishe only knew that shOshrank from Something with horror. She &it often 'that r:her extretne.sensitiveness, and, the desponden -h'l ' ' ' herh ' t - g. sale ipiometimesou apples moments, flished in.o her Spirit, fitted her-more . for a Ilit'e of rer . emetd. had she been - edUcated a Patholie :le •ould_have deemed it her.voca , b l i j - tibif to .a nuL \ •. .\ . • Still h r cheel; 4 11 0. [7Stij i. lt h r cheek teat -netit...ionndnes ; her 1 , , f rm,.thofigh sci.ettiCreal,Was perfectly devel oped, un ulating in its outlines, -graceful, in all its ni tiona;. and her s lam+ rung like, the {'rich, sitc ryidnes of-a - soft:lute,. through her t ffathers.i ouse, making his'spiiit • gla4 with its Mart mu is : - - \ ' !- -"f By an Llmost superhuman effort \ of his will Je4gii Stanton Curbed tho rettlessress that thadois life wearisome - and *strove to, think h . that as he had been a mental suterer "sOleng; that his sin would be expiated; therefore. he tad' othisig mere to fear. !Pray God I .m4,be happy yet,' hoyirould I • murmur, surely I have drank lo .the verydref 4 s.' ' • He did by degrees assume moreeheerfu nesa • L . . • cilia, sense in' if had 1 nd joined with great glee in the prep-nations . ex tremely deiicate, and beloved by be yI i. .. J or thocoming wedding., /.. • V i i . id _ a :. , ~ , • . . every -,, ~ rasher Yiiiiiii , t. t True, he. isi (! iil 1 , .., , - , . -• • .nocen4 but th tho shall not i knoW, till, he has w h o , • 'to 1 .I.lorace was to leave them r a few dais to . .. 6 Then she innit be very engaging? ,; .' fr e a I 11. , • ', 11 li • 1 • •,. . ' • lisi leis " parents, and receive the "congMtula- ' Yes - one ot" - thosnamiable; timid, sh ink- , su ; er ; ..my i ~ , ..- .- .• !. -._. i i . r - 5had . ...„ ... thin of his friends. .Ito; to 'brie- , his • • " t - . 1 i-.. ,- - Suaa,mckint ,lher'old serviet,M i n came,beiii. i ser a, .f. mg, crea ures, t iat snre wilted down wth a 1 ' • . ' 1 0 and' shive lir from a blaZinerfi'repre =1 h• sisters two beautiful girls, that they might. bet h ea th .Ithe4 4 i t; - d .. t , •1 u - , ft' — 4 / ' s he; - 1 to / 1 : -. 1.. . . ‘ r ;a- 30 II ep an raise wi ex. • 1 • 4 r • t •• . bride-maide for hie .4Wel; betrothed - Wife. •- • reeedino• diteult • ' tl l ` nurtured by' ing" , pared to arrange herself for OM. readed meet, !_ r ; s i n 1 f§ ) , and once .l 1:- 4•• •i." • ,-• 11 . .. - Grace was busy all t e time, busier than she' I car..'. . . ing. A. mag Jii..onti teilet s ease,ilset in gold-i T had,- - i •I.i • -I . - ii -. : • ' ' and curious g me, was placed - t pnn the table i d rea ever been before,. and. happier, Dressma- t •l i i • d e e'd I. 1 hi'd h •• ' • . - kers, and Viite satin, orange wreaths and del- 1 wise;' , murmured the lady. - '•. - • - - ' the'd rk w ink ed. attendant 1w 11 , , _ I.before. .her; . a „ r ii i. 4 , . ' - ••1 'unbound her I n tresses,alley . 'a sort o'' irate" garies.eurrounded her in prolusion, kee- .'.Why r - . ,- - ...- H. ... ' i ii.Olir, ping leads and Mind too constantly employed -'i 0 ! there " iii no plearnie-=o. glory in 1 .13-4 4 P t iaok, " t i t `P a as_ tiro r ''"l l64 f i ri"nl'h e r," n n - , less,' - • • ' e tat she iniobt ;admire t6' rich lustre !i - 4 fur sombre thoughts to assail . her. , -. - crashing a tender glow-worm, bet' to Make gees' . .1 - i' 1 '2l ' :,,,_ . _1 ... t . A: 1 ° - • , While Homee• stoodlalking to Grace,' pre- t e_ kingly lien efouelt in terror. at' YctiCieet,l'4" tooko . ),SI tinting trout the` „ar i PlPu-rfu-utlY i you 1 NiOnS to his depaiture, holding both' her hands t break th "if C t, f " ' '-, d ' suni_,l*4,l"rnaeeded to adjust . theliti aeCording '" Path , . . . 1 . e -peep . pm . 0 pr 2 usurpor,..an 't to the!' direetielis of her mistress' it r - T phis and whisperin;,r the holy v i ews. of their 1 !Indio to the : ..earth,,' she continued, Uhricist i'. '—i'•.., , , . t . r•! -'- .1 plighted faith, a large party -011 horseback, in i giggly, ' then is- tritiraPh" .then is revenge ', -Zit she inlie neith• l 6r • pleased, r .galls . oll .i. fortn i 'a sort. f triumphal entry, made theirl pppear- 1 t e a r . -.•.. ' -. • _ i ... ,with er 'Pew home_and . its seri/ dings; yet . i natal ;ante in' the btoitling town; `and stopped at the; .11.1„,,,„,,u,„,,•••• • - . - 4 1 she w ,_ .. ..privilereil, and far.ativadeAd in years 1 - 'okra are whe l yersit.• l 4l-A . t . ;•T •.' • - T.' - ri - d • ' •- ' 1 -- r . ''' :1 - ... 'great' house denominated the. hotel ; for thotigh I re . . ta s v- , . run A tbs.. 'nu. hen g• Is 1 - 1 querulous ,tan t• -a lag- ,; ,' . f 1 -- --. . - 1 tirr .„,„„,.. ~...., ~....... .......-suyvuls inucturauiscric - in I i eyes upon her fare.`.. • - I_ ' ' , ll beta initior„' she muttottipa; ' what.'* Iw., 'the vieini t . vel e this was the only reallY The cheek of the ley glowed atlhis imilits.; dress it uk.l 4 om..... .. h i nv l aorafo + ja y s awl shabby; i'eye comfortable d commodious manner, and his stoned cOrnpliment; just then the char Feller's . and hOw.Mtich - she must long tel- `get as:v.4 from i - WQ* deep spark', g black eyes, 'and overarch- sister.en red, her bonnet sWinginefroin her 1 sneli barbarous things; imar rii i irrt, I do,noti five ing brow gave ' idence of.scern thonglits. . 1 4=0,w: 1 , her tigtit, tresses, displaced :hy , e ili ' f - sleeploinights; : it is very leU•cli , r me; I miss in 1 - At the sight of this retinue, the to_wn".s. peov I wind: 1• , . . , 1 1 ' . Ira -bum ceu eh ; my lold bonesl Riche ; I• miss 'ex pie were Surprieed out:of their sualataid pr.& I 4 I hav i just sßen u ~J drei StantonStantOn s s 'danah )Y ( " ..I' .1 .- ' '.l ., i i ; Nr. ... t iny. own I ittlei parlor,- my nice turniture, which ': the i priety, and .the whole.Plitee was in commotion. I, ter;' - shi , exela Med, breathless with the he.: ;our urge l ons mether gave her pithful Zillah i griz So 'wealthy as the str , lingerseeinect; such i fportaricd Of. her Conunanication. _- ' • If fo r m y o; it. .f • an'? Chilly. • lEverything -is i sloii. loads of baggage as they broVit with.'them, 1 illia'4 iughter,' whiiiflered the dark , eauty, 1 t mean - here ;—no gold, no' sile' ';IL-it - is barhar- iWeit such,rich minaret as they wore and servants impetuoisly, with flashing eyes .and glowing roue, indeed it is,' and she '5,120:44 . 'Cr 5t1031.1.1 ride dresSed fulGisslegantly, in a livery With gold ' .eheek— ah l the name Maddens me:, ..• . ' liters. contemptuously. I l , • - 1 oia! tridSmines. - \--Tiiey must be vastly, rich to sup- '_j do nut wonder, my ileac;' it is quite nat.. 1 It is al new - country, Mother' illah,' said lupt. port,sticti a style ; and why • had they. come Ural—hut then she is :nothing near as lovely' . Rosa, Soothingly: 'You shalfi. are a softer :- k here to sojourn ! - Altogether it.l/as a to,fste- as yottrielkonly sweet looking, With a coin-, bid, if you do not sleep well, 1.,... ::41 I . will getl her, ry to the goesippera. i- . • '•. pleiiiin trasparent and dazilingly white! .-'' - you a - sthler eup if there ill or( to bnitzia: .I 1: f , J .Of course,' 'said a lounger , 4 Judge Stanton . ...t Did you get near her r asked the elm- suppose 'Toil feel' the cold . hp 'e • much more ;the will call 'upon theni, he is the wealthiest and. c ell ar _ , • -, . ••. ... 1 ..,,, , 1 . ~1. !. . ; •.•, 1 t 2 . • ' tit i ii • , 1 , tnan-t. 1 . I , - . . - 1 ;,, I most Influential_ man here, - and tire : shall _soon `Yea, indeed; I - spoke with - her; 'I newt i i .•, lei yes,;dear; Miss - .RosaZill h s blood i find tint who they area -At any rate; it will the name .of ; the Street/in which - ' I th ' was, lis thin; and this is ..not Iridiaf4o - freezing 1 he: be a•harvest feu Silsbee, for I .'am told * they 1 she knew I was 1 -- stranger,ofeourse2 ' . ' I :climate !I and the Poor creatnier,shii °red again- I eil i almost rnopolize the hotel, and they pay for I . ,Do describe her; said the other; i P a. tient- 1 though the sun of ie warm Jul,i'day was potir-1 •-• ' every thing in solid gold-so they said: .4 _ . . • . - - throughCwindow' a• i ' - . -, py Y' ' - • ing ;tile ~., . , ,. 1 And it:age - Stanton did soon call upon them] tican . o4ly say that her features iir:r generl i •, There It s he exe l a t tee d.i e l few ra rarieitstee While sitting" in his study one day explaining ally pleasing; in fact tilero , lli- .something nl.-1 ,what beautiful_ curls '.; . ANT ;they fall' eieni at seme.technical phrases_totheinquisitive Grace, i I most unearthly about her . appearan e :- she in -;lower than' thO waist ; t'heYii . e so like . your 'eJ whose head lay confidingly .upon his shoulder, 1 1,terested me, in spite of milirtjudi e. - t,poor mother's! how bright th ; ,:y - are 1 7 -not .so ,:he a servant entered anAgivehim a delitzte note , ii , , 1 The red lip , of hr listener curled rnr : P '-1:11 Y' : blaCk ilioue : i. • And now,' idiElleontinued, pia- I highly perfumed, within which were iiiscribied ' - ‘ Ali l' she murmured_—'little he tl inks, little '• - her 'crags On the little 'Atvel-box.'shall I''- the - • " --. •' " • - - • , -. mug. , ,_ 5 , ...., ... . words,,_' - • -•-•. • i he thinks I hold the - balance of he happiness - I use the 'very me ornaments i' ' .. - •••`• •T '. this 1 • • ••. 1 Will Jed e Stanton call at Siit?e 8 -I in my hands.' - ... -• - i 1 ' - •. 1' 'Thove • same ? " said Rev{ passivflY, 1 4 j afternoon at three o'clock. - -1 - : l.'' :i s‘ l ie dreams not : there lives another • who 1• - te , ' aball Ilfix them in the - saint manner.' . •.., • • . ' .-‘ StErliEN GRAVESit , -- • V '‘ has a rightful claim to the title of child,' said 1 . ati as she; wore thein, m urmured her: ni . - • . .. • • .'S . '• ',. ' haucelior at w r i .the - chateellor, in ii - conciliating- tone, tan*" isl, • f s ii es i .- , ~, , . -,, . 1 I .t, . - . f t .., ' . -,• ' c.,. Stafrcirdsl ire CottnthE'g an nI" d.:l ' ' ' •, , . 4 P ) '- • . 1 , I: • •;• I . 'it possible he never knew of your birth._ , „E •/l i f Ah ow swell-I ,remernbeti I was young - t On reading the mists co the - Judge was va - • . - 1 - - , ,• : • til . r. t Never ; nor Sought to know: she .•ans7 r- , then,'._e. atinued the old-servant,las she , gith- ! o lentlyagltated ; -a,gain and again- he peril I ed, in short, cutting words, as-if her_heariwai l [ gathered ' the.eurla • in - chisris and - , studded ill it, his ehek paling e" li time, hie : brow c t n.., t frozen- 1 30 my poor mother told ' are. '§he 1 , them 4re and there' with-j4l4els; -. 8 And. she 1 b tracted and gloomy . ..-- - - - I-enjoined the stricteet secrecy, u ` '., his rola- I was eci hippy, the blessed helirt , . too . happy, l :4 "St- ;strange; h e ! p u tt er ed, peeing ihe 1 tires ;in Cuba, that.they "Might et mention it 11' 1 6 5 4 2 ,1w A f ra id. Oh "!i elicit looked : enough: a fiiior;ariii eedless of his daugbtees Prassilaes iin : any of their letters; "she ought - 0" . to, sir -I to:dazzle one, ait'ei: she ; 'was 'dressed;' I can . : ‘ whit bu Weis's- can I have with this man-- , prise him -tin his return 't •Imo r i i : 5t - --!) 13 -nia a i remember how year father4-ri, , But perhaps I t' this eluin ' I,ler;:geiod heavens l'. - 0 -ejaculated suffering mother;' she claimed,. 7 . in acen.t.l'of; initatsity nothing about hi '1 .•:. • i again, ab ptly, *what -doeshe !int f r • ,- 0 - Me . the most veheine t ,tenderrielei,.' clasping her • 4 Yea; yes; Igo lon,' said on*, ° ivith author 7 '• •- 4 Why, , that; one .would think Vat w!"1 hands and ralsi ' her_eyes heavenward. '' .. -iti l, ,.'lle bron; contracting.. ~.,, k •'-- -- ' --- i , cow l 'othini I- , didstern • '; ' Wri ' ' in' 1 - '-- • • . '''. '. • showed : ' • ; ' ''and those. - n ever. lted by -str angers; - .it is rn - - Again . .. re man. seem ~ ppi?d . 1 4 WO, how h e smiled:: i .. singidar Lim sure ; yon - are getting Anown !talon of her glorious face; ;het beantiful teeth,he was a'h i andsoine - mitit,- •• .-. • • abroad.' . ' L ;•-- - I ' ,- "- • - , '- -- . h forgotten"lri s. i t** • - '" d Lii * A Ave a 'an and; andea lid her 'antra an -A y ure. an all that 'But girl,,do you iee he is , from . England' feet. - There w s something-Ird You 1 k: like-him, my ehitil.-look:' like them • ite ' , said. with , Vehemence t, !frem' En pied! ' - ol for her parent hat was to:shia -.!. b l oth 1 Ah-i little did. I Ilk it would be- so - 1,11 places in the world the arost,-A h check/ " great soul inexpressibly touu 'ng, i something l s ad with her as novi! llodr heart ! poor, heard" led himself and , Murmured' in a low y , ice,_,wl4ll lin the OUtbursts of her passionate Aata - rn ' akin t a - adbUsy with. reilectiOat :lifhri continued hei is ghastly smili, - ego 'itow; Grime, gti to 7 Your t 4: sublfinity.. ' ..- - • - '' • -: • • tusk la silence.:! - : - • : ;,i fit ---, .. , ; ..,- .. ' room ;.I, hare frightened, " T. here,m, ,er rig !Do you look much as your . mother did. at ,I- Soon the•magmAcent'-ereaturo stood belore -4t, is riothing; only It-seems A itlide In . 1 .., your age, he inurmured,,spe I bound under - I h er _ mirror , arrayed: as, fur a bridal.- Every .1 ie 1100'6 lire 1101041. must -ad=, theleilehantatent of her mournful gaie. • • .- - i r ti e te..of her:dress _wit etriinge'd wite etude. .t diem al. self to • hasinees, * „... d: the.- conclusion. - - .They an I dia';' save my mother waktan o 4 one effect ; and tireeisely; 'ven_to,thei - texture:l 7 {if thn . seetenee cum,' ' ice from ". his rig i d darker,' she adifiti; with a . movement of ear-laud pattern of. material ,- like what her another: lip s . '-, ~ - / L ... i • , .., ~ ,- ' Grace Witare4l - atiollbsbod;abo knew that 7.l4. l s,44,Pat * f?rgstth. ll 'h a t ,fi !'t 010 . 1 0 4- I iaars,agn.., ;PillconrTaied ~ ,tlorseiraPpr°T n6 l . ir i ., berfailietWiehrhed,' for there' was - that nity--‘hut I was pro . nd of her, even; to -, idols- . 1 a gratifiettsinile stole Orr 1,1 ',loi ex q uisite so '43Ozil -co itiaut - ii3 - 6 muscles of tha 'fliontii try ; 3 1 4±l# Pr..?o,titat 1 _ ii,m- hfe 00! whatever ' twee li ;!- -• • - .' 2 -. '. - - th a t 'mssa sure augury Of his -annoyed . feel: he hil:::eiitmpreaion 04 cast o, ' I loved her 4 I ..f . l: Consulting her wateh,s4 found :as near ingaijilietiirned j*liefiiiiishe left-thetoom, _Lev ... , no pPie4!tnnlaibenP and 1:wal revenge 'thep . tima of -hei t enga`gealtt,notf jos at, tk4, arid / her' a&:r lir*:,gazini, upon , her' l with - , a her . Si; .: •, .' - ..- . ' --.- ' : ' , 1 .- 1. ,*- \ -•` motnent:a ,Fr%'!" , "alla .04,0 s that' A 4 Judge: iiiiitetv. -:, ila, '4o ,ieiiiiiingt 8 0:e. 421 4:th at - .-Aii;iri4ng from her seat, : her u Kef ile :- f !!' n ,:g lll 4 6 . 6 10° • ,}l4 lr ll l- 1 ! 1 ' 0141'i!9°13'' Jug !'!iet''' sol her.teartthrobbed-Withierior; ' again that: 'Of 'are: d . int . o, as it. seemed, angelinmpoOons - ",aa* hi n - the parlor. Ilott i ti_lntdtonll 11; - .ke4 fell ii - e ,;ght- ;f e n upehher: spi;ita, .thakun= 0 1 ./PaanP4Sato l !;*- -,- Pt,._toll4 malign _ iO4 l -I,raTt:'... o 4!l' _4 0 ;:APT e4 i . 0 . ,i. 1 ' 1 : ). ..-:-!!0 ds • accountable emotion that - bia . oi fati : -01,7 at .w thin Wm: bet a- tearful, 110 1'''nemItY:.that tillittik-abgie it, la Jr..F.44. . 113 A ~e"mr t ',.4'l4 g t 4 timilliteitiiiiP;s lo 4.tet• ."- :1 '•- .: .•- -. would hard Plaaslo B ...e•latP.,:a 9k e r , ! 3/I • ,t FF n gale .would f!duce to .; quietness , - 0 2 1 .2, ' ' ', in iiiptillilidrioaali'at;iiihthei!ii llotal;.-Ave - , fioni,hor: ..f.4:* th, 91 0 0d4r4;ik sAa7ia - ,00 . 44 "I She '.was to the firm !bp! iii,ifei life, . ta"ba. 46 1 lira liet - iiiiiipiiiiere H aitnie - saliie.„ ,.. : : tinataj : volcano.- J - -,- -- .' :-- --' '.-f.:34,',' -:- - !'' .: :: - 1 1 ° 41 : 1 4 4 0- 1- ._ -7 1, 9 . 1ad iPi: lt - - ;Par-' " tc - ~.-„, - •.,,,,...;•,••••;•: „,.• • ••,: k .tqf,-,• • ,•••,- i• .• ~., 1 . _. • •• - .. . _ .... lost 4 . 2 g i ngko • li er ' ' 4 • - ' '.' - ' —on Wan • yet his • Mork tonsikgetitpui. • . - , She for At WI Tln i k .lii ,• • II"' ' '. - -'' ' •:."':'.4•• "' -:. . RONTROSE, PA. THURSDAY - MAY 5 18-1/ I - The eluineellOr wns a man of lirg(statUre I ', miv'ed / 'slowly' int' i/. . .114 .1 somewhat ` unprepossessing 4 :first sight, bu `she Parti; ; ed a g ain Ithere - was:an nntnibtakehle superiority in hi i. / lir bosoip i theA manner,' and his deep - sparklina -black ey ' wfth rubibs and 'il; „, laila oierarchingbrow.gaVe evidence of Ste . , .; ed it to d er hlipe,) 1 thoughts.” , .; :;' • '-- ./ I suffer, if t he'Writll His companion waS It 'queen-like looking : pity? Did he creature, till; ans / i..dazilingly bedutiftCwitlii ' ieiti.e. of t ,untitte, a rich, warm_complexien, and so ft heir' who 4 Af4h e i,i ) t - bB w 4 thick shining braids were folded around , lie . , t'dhl'net his "ernel l templeq. - She sat near the_ e / liatieellor,. het' , wild phantoms, ' st. 1 dark eyes riveted _upon hiin,.ber delicate. jeT.. : till ,'every image,' 0110 d -hind resting tipon his aims: . . f its niche and:. r e, . ; qjlo yea - think he Wilt edine r she whisper-; d e ar lip -.: ever . ,31 ef le a r i wAtTY: ' '‘, / . 1' 2 lieve and forgilve 'thavo received assurance that he *ill' a nd she 'press e d I • What did-you say .to him r I -..- se th,.. w hil e 6,0 1 Ht '.t.ed thr - Its of thr 10 repeu ae ' Orden). .oe note. enoue. 'she - ,murtenred.l' / ft I could not he p it • said , the- chancellor, / his eyes flashing; alienation supersedid ev ery other ft/Cling how could 1' comfddi thnrr / ; • do/nOt blame you.: she repeated, ignit ing aproval," but4hat - have you learned -con- urrung him? lam so impatient.'• • - .4 4 That he is a man or wonderful ; • .• . • - esteemed by the community, ,and. that 116 has onus-daut;fiMr? - 7-. ;--, • - - That beautiful face grew' eery dark' and wrathful at these wardS, aulixture of hale and. gratification gatheredover der fine features: I "A - daughter,' she . , , scornfully,' wh:ii, , of her • - I , kShais not; - remarkably handsome, btit :tr ~; / •., 1 1 .. - 1 anat. guirgite ac ii - _ '.. the ad j oin ing 77r7711 ' Tilt room. re , - ,:, , ii ' -I and drawing a tninature-fr at.: t t matting. of litkhicl .•kloi.',.ed - ill lazed with jere4,l • he - press- I 9 lelahning, ' I , rl44 , and . if .. hel* 1 o_ under the tort . re- 7 ntust I i stairs, i - ot doom . yo!n tO , jong,, Ineit 1 tnoinet le anguish; oily iiiainother? tnorie at stately Torch to the (lust, ,plish ft L t ' 41 ) .* . *th '= - 1- h * y throne tha j po ri rain vvt ilo of: her er 1- atterinir the- l ien - it of mind,; pea ce ,. 1 ‘ I'' il-l• ''t if ntentory . was: da hed from !.rightly I - a- • :i '.' R ii Ia tteve in ruins-.-yet nst,.yet lose . acted; . c - cl 11 1- - • . uratured, in - bredio accents, I religio iess--but I canno t, forgive,' i tneapi ~ ..i ' • he mute presence ito--her , bo- 1 One f a inctuish strearn over her '- 1 10 io%*o for hitl l ,le.iile eTelairp ily-- why shdiiid3lli I 1 has io me but iasttla l d r bitter red not for tnel,dreamed Love him-.-11114 libn,eveti hildishlyents,-Whenilike a keen 'NOV' chieilks. . 7 1 kaire l been nollatber ,t - cnrse—.be,ha's of tny existence aI • I as I did l in niy s'woid the ti*,4 , - -that 'rey mi)l ifeempalan 'eutd t i bUrninfTl';ehl I - I ' 1 "the li,ght of, its ciarkneSti...-that 1 • i - - i 4 my bosom, a 0 . }yin, the triiin) i r- lII ' i' uonisovenum „` r -4 , ' my Oeeisi ;heart m o , rt ust $ , r . ; i leotie , truth plereed m r y or I s v o i u: h l ii.ed 6. . • , • q i - 0 t 1 more ' nor 7 tny adoro ; lniother, - wiL4 f befol . ; . wa . t-4414 heart isnii g e nitt lien enlifiy,traniPled . npon until r h . on , life went out fin : f ai l most utter 1 nine 2. n.l ..same hatred i -hb4Tps now , .in r n .,- se i„ o, that 14 can extinai . siied on '- 1 . ' " i it see ph ; of justice. ; . .j I le,ire not for I had lb 4 1: clOw l no ri e ,nht l tlri‘ •FOnr , ., no‘r 1.,ii. 0 is unalterable :46y Arotnan'i i - I ,i i „ - 4 back' nd lot t, ned / a 1 ni,„ nutnro i et as 1 I 'II I / I • • I ever' a was) Witt "For .Wit The Pl Judge iionf, 4. r veins: how strange and , the dreadfuVreihty that: ? t - Imhof:4ll'AM za•en. i l be "[run. d : - -• - , -i- , -- , -• ,, e,--s., .4 1 ......t * , _,....- _ e . .1: 14 !' .the, lin.,:Trtegg., (..,,,,, ossi -- ! i Pio , '.e.lnF PI lied the sanws,kindi:drc*liiic; 1 4 1 !Aer 6 ;":gf t Cieee;' he,:sliiidie4ifieWk the heensisr ‘eililpeiejiiii- - : like': `elm r ~.-',,, i - ': :': -'- i - i: -- ' 4--- - ----- -' - ` , A" -:, : 7- Ate =--- .. f•-• • ' /-i- -- 1.. "._ - ` - •',-Z-':-:•siv...:l: - ' - Jengkh tO's elcp) hut" ;M 'ltreett - -_ roy;ehild_reanne - ddubt;:hat.a----z ifiliag - htt ar , , , . ., , , , _ 27 .: --,/ ~ ~! , 1.. , ~.,-,,-, - - r,... , ,4- , , . -... - 1 ,- '.. , .. , .,..; ~, ,.., ,,t , ; ', ...'`MT! l7' .'eFel. ll ed the fPr i llstrA--:f -, • illY lo- g - forsiiita •Tlik'allanii*"./fittliet' 'f . - - , I`444didi-e.t*e yotirylawfuf'diughtet ; onlliaWfd).'ehild- - •-befoi,e''Gri4Stiittan.tt V• :T4:0 7 iht/i!? 1" 48 : i4o l r e4i,lierd- ' Wttli : kOr44 - W.grew deadly iafeli l 4 3l iirs ro***444 - ---- i " e,. w ' ait i f°sB 1 )f-dr•Or itel:hedstii4titirrit•.- - : -, Oxftt,4-htile3*:-Dist!tgalitiOn'.hiiit*iiiiiite, ' he wbwereleOkir'ithrough her-t ti eiiideVa. . . - •, , _, • .. --; -' -'' _. ' - -;":' 1 ,7 - ' -, - , ..-4*••'-.7 - 2, c y ' sw _ n • : - j . '-' ' -'•'• ' _.: . i•ft_ ~ ' - '''. ll 9u l 4-'',Yort e;act ` t h is --*Orild -,- ,teti-t--- ''''' 1 1 ) Could Ylotr,o l that ' fkielt4 -I ..iatureill = ofitt-- - - - - ......-' you' did-btif Iti) . w bei t -- ' NVOuld.vifiiiiWilti'l• L . .' 'he Leiter= IV tine —Me - ' '" -. , he ar ' --:.. - -i.: - -, '.7 1 1 - ,',:-, - -,7 , ---'S ' - twice-7-7 2 i • Confession. . b r ck all ' e -, ,t..-- i r - ,: , , ~,:- ~ L- - : ~-... ,' , -:- . ,•:,,,-zit',,t-f . /- .. prened_Graeb.te his bo- i ' `Y''. ,(4l- n a4 !..br t 'ke nr inYithaqier i te , 'Snd4l [ 9 o,- _ -•-•. ' , H ., t rts .he left home, with a • gF 4 ' w h i g i n:'l l , l ' e t a s - 1 4 s 1 4 an 1 1 4" 8 .i ll e ' *, ,i ii -t,,f i .,-- den 'than he ha d d ever felt .-., -V .P . 4 'e a , Rd ?, ' l 4 l / 1 1 :°t•P ' , 2 5ic.kiNlit' 1 /,,4**):: - loved her..Achaage seem, ue -4 1 14 4 4 97 4 14Y-,:i. .Q. .. -. . -,-,.....-, ~`;'.lll ` ist-,.J. 4---.4-` Ton hinL Vrom complete- ' `. l4 •l 4 stiee l- t-n 3 Y•••Plotter , _ip i,u'ilAc , ,„#)*. ,, , - _, fident lind sleet in the mor-1 s e 4l. X,Y ° 4‘ !liil l d " l4 "Y"! - e li il d ''• 11 4?0 4 4W-'-'/ ged •into a cloudy depth .of i 14ct e:- e.-x.?liii!!!d /AI unrelenting`, cr i rliiitt*ih*,-- - - 1 . .tlife he haereviewed, and dl-linel growing ;;_ dft k e r 41 4 - ',,. blira k ill t* - ': that he Wondered how 'he delicate 0 6 ,47- - • _'' I -"1 ; -- ' . :'T;'''-`; - '7'.4 . ,- - :T : ' to - fi ght throagb it.' lie half - Tli e ,Jsdge;_ grovri , ninleli4estiaraWititl I Grace alone L-he knew not t gered - -** 4- iiiinit-thewl l J - _ lll stitaitia , r twice a strfct in" " ' ' ierfedtim 1 hi;" t irala ; CS'a . 411: - ' , 6ie- 'MP' junction to ~ • his 1,.. - --. _ r .- 7 _., c returned. No intimation ' 41 °, 1 , 4 ! g?P' ds , - ITTlOleflore. ' ortt the knit •opinien fin to P_ r_ire Ivklwelteinglik-ker' &ix* * meet, but he had a dim and , I.ol,li2 6 meAt, li:s Ir,elizi_ed-Ihfught • tion tint it way some person I, era l b nti P , 5,4. his. felt gist 710 i ho, had perhaps found a eluel kn w - l edg - that. Ckt4442iiist-lii'i. -the. mere, thOught gave hinil sl ru ld 14. imparted tsQler; he 1. i" .'art. .' ' - ' I h 6. by, his own liet;withia \ oiea; i grave,. ' S', eh` a ' fearful.deed' did;, , while ,tlie•'rh4e'wU s iel(s l ,4 l t g i 1 away' from his _ fail i ng : sight, :whit.. .. 61 1 -, ..-- zinA tbi lliely fiend -Whirled areiladiVit'„W.ilia- - i, ~. .• ~._.. _- , .... -- . astle ,n 4 4 1448 V- • .- ' ' '''-', "1' :I ;:,',.' , ... 5 . By de , 4rees he ' ewtalm - * - •th ii,tl'te i rt* - " ' 1;a44 of the " 'fire that'-ieeilea'neirOliiii;h llll . . , - - •,_ 1 13 r0v,n 11 1 1 ga, it! , 1 0 11 ! ! !; 14 i d.111 ,,._ __e‘Si t tar t a: : 41 fitly opened, and. : a :qpeenly 1 once m or e :firtii. freefy:thinugliktslititti." : " l ... with jewels, moved in with i i . I ,T- 441 ?r1Y9. rill'liiitdoiraiji44l 6 "'f:" 4 o: l? :l) ,- ' .4 .stood ': before hit. 1- , -' . sa 49arsft -; dp/ understand that Y° 4 4/ 1 1::itot . --. - .. , .„_ ,:,,,,,,,,,,, ~, ilt.„-.1 me justice t , .. - ;.-- .. _. , ~. ...„ :- . 1 • :.1 ,- ;.!;.-i,!"-..., ,,, t ' through-: . ;i11I: eeem: ibilistiri: L Il t linihs she :descended :'the:l e' half-closed 'deer 'For a .only; a conviction-etre- she - ivas - .aliout . le' sexism-, herlipaq.'; bet she t h ough ; __ Was ~e nbigV , The )Tiv:.. of i . _of forgivene ss, had neveri ted: "a Lelia; her tnetber,-1 , ess_, not rom. .11 sense. o i -Rosa knew not' : .the ... `religion:., . • ' , _and she, was calm. • ' ' trembling stood near mower or the dek dnii plac - eli attlhi tie di Been 1 our tl 'at) g_of tui,h le 'efts AriT.l - :-Vi✓ -*,' ... :: : ,... , .'':'' , :- I 'l_, til . log c pi)geiltiOies r :iri;::::' Och and eyes -tlkail•iiibily- ale and fre l fall:neg , A- 41 . e..-- err S ie t7 r n . ianton at afiern • arntpgta flinch As. invp Lite E . es-4 , •1 0 I he- hitif-pl, 74'11' his' ^ e(F , to , ilitti . . en. al)le :-p . :alt . & gave.l t.hornn.tir d him ,to ." Ix& I%*-ds.to wy. premo 'Y = friends= retreat; at int:at the orefore lie ily . ,: a ;. the that but rnl,*, with -iTillinut,,b on to 'mo' ,! head upon! 1 new .'not, - is . he tsat ;7ga*in* vortd . , prmts rdecerntlng-the El s tone's throiti , frotti. helm eil i mato, with`revenme, the r t utafal.beingr.w am :he was .ut who 'had rt t ver laid her tas . bostart 7 -rtev r calledhinf. sUe resplenden telyAreatin Urfa/416dt. ,',,hii•body;geufl r ~ ...lylbentto, ..';:' "• • - •.• • ••• •• • • -" ' • •- - • - . •1!5 3.3 01 1 '.. , .w..a!s:pbartic4i 1 lile e : 010:kibit.41:•). !,?':l4l."lie4•:.!ois!io;o..l,l*..#4•l.,,tOlOiltlitt:-..!..-,.....i...-.. v o.,ii_ . .cd 4 ii r .and': iti r ing ;* iii . ,iii.i,i i fiii I,be : ',eco . cl i i.hri•Uteeintik‘.•..Therii= ' asn.iii. iJi•eil - •:•....„ • , • ~ .es:i ? !.Khuir . •: , kilelie,ly-teived. .trAi . :ll4, T!l .i. „...,.. !fle.rrne l 7-IP• 1 1 cannot•::•ProTe* 4 lre...•, :'. . bun Abe ***, -;dreadtigla , , ' .- . re, .ii:in.titiiiiiivi iVestelikiiorid;iti r. Valkriti-- of the .• . ' - j :..• ... - ..... •••••• • " I. - ' ••• ... ':.• ••••• . • • . . eIICTY-,•-•:47lfige Pte!lten•. I tll be --belieFeti• • . -. , assoczatats : It - caltei-up,-: , hte• . :Might. 1 thei:irfilieu fee:ollie iieuted tinti ; but still :bPro:re. you, ,-..„ •-•- . --7 .-- ~ :.... - .:':. - - - , 1 ,:,.. -- -,...: .: .-. ?,-..!!.:'.:-,::!'.. Aft 0,p0...i..... ~.::.44 7 ii . en:d hi h 7 -4t . .. - • glit'texlig• i:. ' : .`:.. /1-14 :., -- ~ . „', 16. ...A : . : n . .:"'--e , * al • :- - 14-1- -6d-:;11.6-- 3.71.4. 1e1 - -- 1 -; } ',..1 - : :01 W .: - ... H . ! . )iiiiiisit :! : , •ivail i*ci. : i ll i4:44.-.heeit t - A :11!3:!...-!;,!9ri....44 . ii;d:,!ink . .1i*;fli .. 4tit'eiiirti! ‘.`or • -.....- ..; dilico e i: , ing ii rt ic l iii,. ii d io ug h - , i iiftik:' , her_ plosion; : and fipiiiiiiiii- - towUrils the: doom• - • 1 . . i ..04 . •0 t 0 1 f.. , •,•, oro4his.tddire:o6.lp. ge•l!!:She:.c,.xc)ftit4,, hero: is one who ,tkas,po.iiieitci., :- - ..- • - dt l i '..,, Ikts., ~ bovoirts-head,:and - whi e• iiii.4 -1 indict . o . *olist feii• • •iibitttleletitre - : • ' . e•lL - i`e-pre • ' - '• - ..1 changed , „ t i t iv.t uto .:4ii r k- iii nae; .- att ld cution . 44,Tain0..'you - foi"))igatily.:::. , lllloiiiiif I, T iliii fl i, (l ;.. - ; : . / ft i s - c :i' a iii ii iL :: : - .1.- -.r- - . .-.-. -.- ' vilt not Cali ii•fiiii:fiiiiiit liitzi :• • • '•' . •' 4. oioti` • •' ' • • 1i so r .apd'ir..•: . o ki w oman, : - w hi; h• ds sel l 31 " •bo ..uf,optioa-,-,uy !-:t i iiiiie'i•-.*1iii.,...-stficiiil4-- •• - c. i .0. i t ii i . : :r . ...•;••• .. .4 . ,- . ~ . -.: .- . •1,.. •.• : -, •:-.. :: Uigei-XbiriOT*tiOl'oieolterj6lokii , ••;-4 cme ;. - ' ••• 7),4e••'elie . •*l4o . the .siukuf•-the.futher'•opoO':f9ltrall•4 #Yalitfitt,747.!4eroic&li stiff . :children,':&•iiAF,' it . • - .- t iak I , iiii -.. a ; • Ilitl'lg . iiitia . ' '"lskiiielioni7li.,4 .:.. Ai • fii - ;',•:..: . .. . • ..k.- ., ~ Le ; 4, - 4.,..0>l : : t its 4 . .l , be; -ap i ced '•:- •• • • Alg , I. :... liniden'il tifirf,illisil*into I° 6 i t k-4ne.ssLii • --"' r i •'-: • ' ' ' -•'" ' l it - 11 ' 3 . 1 t. then liwil leave you and trouble 6' ncrinerai 4l "r•L''': - ' irlfPir.e4;:i*M9iO4.:',. l ft:.l. ; ll s? ,n° .4 '"', . 1 .. 01.140*.b2".delehriq-:0"431.01Y re t.. The el l neeller att.Ce,-,! 1 3'... 44 . 11 •!' 1 . 11 4ei 1 ,4*-ilt-h 5 -5•.?; • - •*.: .: t ''. '.. :' • 9 ur ' E l - - black eyes expresslntalliho`: - * satt.'inl4l:::' : i ... -I . ... -'• • ~.i •• •\ I': ~.,. .„...~.t > ift - 11 1 VMATP.aPTAM , ' , m . 11:thannhap. ger _Fe felt f You u'ill sane Cape:wind di*. C g .. .9 Mini 'while:hls arms feli * iitiveless,an4 a flrflce: De added, in hia,wortdetfulty' penetzet. ••...Z.= d'iweat,br* but on his' iliiii4ce. • You 1 ing voice._ , 1 - ~ - . ' - !..---- I 1 -= , , . . :1, , . '..p5'g x aii3 , '.,...:.:. 4 .-:i.-'.. , ru,:nitistiVii tßlii, gik injUred wife V and ' jog vOiee. .' r , 1 -.:-„IL..: 1 1. ...- -, ..N,' -. Oan`empe - frOM I the dept spc his soul, as Herman -21 " 11 #e 1 .1r.'writh0 Wl_,UlPatlioii sank upon his Reat,.helnl ',and faint - ;•Os thin 4 . pa:grive . : . bloOtif . *:' 4110/hir,-,hut. NO ; not '.our iilfe-n t :Pirt: :poorwifi ; th gf power, he o ! lt,_-ht; ireald. ii*gly ;smite.. the - disturber of Ironr'etttieleitee;t but ono' 1!)113 dread before him - i io 061:Is - near kindriti,ei . - ihrit.if l a laugh - , lie' spoke in Pas voie 'WO clanged; - ' - ' C " his, . th n:l peeed ground together s it witii:,rage r !.,No, no, no ;it cannot b— It eannot — can- and- - yirith'overY word they challeriateslf an -, 1 9 .`'he -uttered, in a voi '•iici.i.ibrilling,so der the cold spell of snit e ,cmo fit. ' ll of anauish, tha' s t RoSi f ireateitistle with 'She shall /not know it, she shall-iteier r. ' Aro you - not croon' ;:inbritttralnur hel. _know it she shall die flrstf and he :tittle& bp . s tinned pleading..-intrtintris;vi..'..sgaia:pass frods ,.. the - room, • - ~,.„.„ ~. - -,,, , - bm his seatillind - -helpleas!i . 544'14441f. -- -.`Then listen f said his ; darilAttli: viols' a tnds. . • ,1.. • . , - 0012 1 of exultatititimootoiehei• Eiteilibei , w t '13, , : ~ ..4t,'7, r --, .R-oxi , ,-- i t ' boos not, your heart .an err ' said Rasa : otriitirws and wrote' el in; in 'localtiing ti4Pe. ,• • I . her letter with a full aciount of Your coat po.t. his:ne . Oilly . was anOther long,. deepf thret,- 7 -yies, even- while yen hare , been hire. r*ngroitiLONiiinys as it g A t is soul was rei ' I she has received it, and - 4i now reeding . Wain. !--- :' ',, ; f .:: ' 1)0 4 jt ; May - it benefit her; thiiiioi;ill i:&.a. P 'oor child '• —poor child P. ,he at last mu seeking you these,five yearsforns*ar, - gip% in-broken accents. 'Poor little an - ‘ ' Ten thousand curses on yon; are , yots I ', • i s h o no r ed.-..for lif e ;'. . ' ' tends P 'yelled the miserable men, , 'ashalf - frtm-- ' i...Akirdaui,itur hali ctittea his words.--{rjeat tic Witkfcar and romorse,.heli itri„ idfrom' the .us heart - interpreted them.: , A . low _ i voke, apartreent, im , ,hed his way through*,,thrOng . e athlog hate;,,ech'oed his .words- r -' Yes dis; at the entrance, 'and stopped net tilli* - * oneriktlar life , i-' , 1. '‘, reached_ his bame. ',. , , "-- , :el,:* - tgi bl!Ni r licinext! w t mole and as-he looked ; ''' ' Where is Grace . , c!. answerAbestkias *igriln;?hia eyes were bloedabot. 'Haire I Grace'?'' ho inquire4;l t .. ~ housekeeper. _ iiiii - Offired enough r ' .-, 'ln her rooms, - :..- ~• , I . i . i:*;s4, said Itosa. ' You,` have wrecked my ' 4 iloW4ongikik i slitilsion thoren ,----, 014)ilitir's• reason ; you havd ruined a nable wo- ,' ' Nee I the afti , .„:..- ylied the . . . , . ~.!' - - - . . / izatw - i i. k, 04. by your desertion; there can be no pun- womanmitlru4 a pone hal. ~,. .t oac ishinent in this world adequate to your 11ia 9 .. titted at Ws 14a*Imid : continer:1 -4 2.*jf - ;; With ii superhuman effort, almost, the r :: 'Hart she semizooMplury,r_ho.h tirt:Apftitu,. liggiiitipro to appear calm'. He ftllded his ituned.'c'er, - or,'ltts:voleit' fi d*lllitChe ;1 arms, and with a moody brow„ostboalgazMg t„* . „ iron:tiler.. ~ , , ~r npon his eltild. ," i filkiOn," - aoeri,no ono tl4sfu:ernO l ti; ai r :- -.* His child' could she-be his 61 1140ml:tall liiiiiion iiiiii - more freelY. '-',-`• ',,- --, - 1 majestic creature standing before iti' , - return Alehas ceetyiSi orlett7o,stre confidant ~ ti (nig, 9illajtoringly.Ns stern glanee-Lth : .. 1f112 .1 , 777 , hkilida'in a cslinertoig: / , ki1,.. 4. ,,ti: • --,, , . tiiii4 e ri t OO* , ,Mi r iAir%;*& t h her glitterin- s e r- - ' I was mh',l-4-eN411,;,&•-1).1i" mardOrtveirT. luiti l 4 I dial rere bkr,k . eeule - 1 111 0. her t h e same wh° * ll ll l A•lratitk e Doult r iliknkOrn- Igoildictiiii , benuty I - - 'T-Atviis.,k.i.kil ; Eng, gave 1110- , a letter , for.Mias Grace • I—ars It i \_. How ii • 6014- 4 e-liiiiiibti! • 110*:111019 14.-1,8-,114, eirlacirtmlitanten.-lott fright,,a, -- lin her 'LelliCketil'ielfl, the :glOwilikok iiiifizia . : l g,t)ripaktiting, eir 7' '• 01 . the eon • slkendoilf,;1161114;iii011:told -;-• • ' lit'YOilatidArlarrint4wert the iudg , s,-. '' " , - '' ' -- t- .S.' - ''''v':.. r.l l- - :,,,itiOle,t..n-a .'-,- , iliitatteff . 71 a n -ir r 6 ii t # ol Pl ak of 4- . ' 4 -# 1 th 4 1 1 . 1 40.454 11 1 10 0 1 40t 4444,-.1111 Aii4- :-1,1141 for 'M e l ' . -11 " 14 . ' ‘444-M*olllol.3to;CiAlied 1 ' - -141010ar f ,4 3 ' OtitViat :';' liel s ‘ j. :* et ; 1/40-1 lie 410 , 6410 . 0 1.6601 ";4 1 W harks ~• . _••.-', _.;‘,.?..7 , i 1 : - 2 ''' . ' - 'l. '-' .I4 '. .TV -24 ' ''—r- -. 1 - 1 / %-: --- t - ‘r'2:f t - - . ' ' . ''' ', ' , ..:- . • .. ......:.7 . she ' - :i.N6L'IT: . , ~.. ......, is NUMBER 187 w IMIIIIIIIIIIIIBIII 7.. it s kAIT ;. = h ' -;i4C 1 t -..... 1 .: : ‘.... , g'• :47.'.: - :- ..i , \ • ~ .. •'.;11. ~.;;:~. - =. ~:-:;_: