The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, April 28, 1853, Image 4

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ALrite' rioxu'„s - iiisCovery. .
to -----
Yes Y aftell lo . o - 1 4 lia-tho ll'Olimell= ,4 :1 0 e
eneged- n;digging, ts. o_e npen a common.
in which '
_set etre_e,thfig came npiennbrielc
arch, whie 'upon. waiting alerhilefelf the -6,i !. 1
trona gas ' escape, one oft. the workmen .00-',
*Med'ad explored this cavn." T4' was -abont
tensfee deep fifteen
le‘frth,.. and six; feetia
t /t
- • ' width.- Upon mato th lade was an iron dear
. - '' .' from which iss led a ; 'flight of stone-..stepaf=--'
The Mini ster to Englantk. _, • Car
'' This was ly detaVed Wi th rust.. The
• .
...The excitement has at lastmtebsicled alai , - 'bricks were': of a:very , uaint mepid, differing
lently for ns to. ascertain something definite entirely "
freni z any the - . liy-have :ever seen! in
concerning the recent proceedings at Washing= . I heard of bef. ; being ore semi -eircular shipe
ton.'. - From several columns of telegraphic die t ; forit.emall i is'cirim i
s , of a cutitinaform with
'intaches,. breathing fearful foreboding., of a dis- Funeouth hea ' MO,Uidednpois them. were found
solution - of the Cabinet, nothing hat' esulted lin one come of the'vault ; one of width Was
'. but n little unneCesssary uneasiness. - d'- we( filled with amorphous , pliceifefellver, Covered
now look over the _wonderful .pr ictions oft with a a loviish hrown Mould or crust., The
yesterday, surprised to find- that- our Easterne other t tree!containing a motley assortmengof
• iperashould have' made so many gnesses, jewelr of`the Moit'aingular. form and snake
and that - none of them should.' prove correct._ consisting
.. of havy . Old rings elaborately"
-The Cabinet, we belleve,is safe, the Capitol is. "wroug 1 ith .hasinti of beads and antique
`Still standing,-and instead of any unlooked for armour,i e twin d. in scroll-work itreillowers;
"event, we have the pleasing assuranee' that bracelets, beck! -,earriags, &e. • h't c vice,
iiniewn State kis been heppred, as it Ceti be- between thelliriolss wag. stuck e„dagger, .- Melt
lieved - she wet:Ad be, in-the:person of her Most Inpon touching, the bhide immediatelycru bied
. alistifagnished statesman, *he has been selee- •to plezes,.belue einapletely eaten up . wit h titso
ted to_ rePresent our government at the Court The handle Upooirlittle rubbin 'proved 0 • bel
,of St. James. - .- . ' ._ of mold, get with sialeestly. die onds„,
-• Whatever wish we `?nay' have . entertained; ' Here is a problem for • !taiga inns ends.
lye, selected by the ITheonly elite or ley te this .:strung' o f i t is
Tresident for his Secretary of State, we_are the inseripiio,n fonna erigrafed on t e h ndle
• ' hardly lesi pleased , that his abilities have been 'of, the dag4er,';wl4lt.some of our lea na iun
11lede available in a position , where -. they will. •dits are now -tiyinp to translate ; it re ds 'has:
be of immense value to,. the "country. Theie -4,0,0F.,:L i11.P.1A., - - ,' • 1 I '
are amPle. reasons'for presuming that nwarten . The articles have been deposited,ilf th City
. lis'the Union is better quali fi ed than he to rely Hall ; for _tire e x amination of the eurlo'uli.—
resent not"only the interests• of bur people, bet B - :f Post 1 qv! 1. st inst. . .1. 1, ,
their national spirit - Mr. Buchanan
.Ints been . •-• ],-L—a•-•-,' e• ' ses.--ma-ae' 'm, I
`n'o, blaster . ; but he has
. been - firm when the . - Names of Post-Offices 1
'power of England , threatened, and will"on- t In lookieg overahe other dty a list of the
f.atiebtetilySustain.tlieadministration in steady I, pest oa.::es‘ in. the Union, s a were - uiucli
Adherence to the rule of foreign policy ib _re -latnueed. in exatitiniegalte varie y. of name i se
.cently pointed out. It ia. in the - memory of Jlected fur theirld.C . SiAtion. : T i tles of perlion
'ear 'readers, With what irresistible . power he al reones,aliere.' are" 1. Alexanders, 4 Alfreda,
- fi tistateed.the righeof the State of New York 128 Adams's;2l!,Cass', 44trial:tins, 561.faek
', tii.try . 'i a u t, of the Queen for .j an offence I sons, '49 Jetreriikereand .11onti4ellos, 11 Phlks,
- cornmittetainst the municipal laW. Threat.s l B liessuths, ll:Carrplis, 9 Calltouns, 24...C1in, -
andintimidation had no force in the' American tons, 29 ,toitrees 16 tAlityktts, 5 L-whiartine,
Senate,-and when i,„Mr. Webster bad eln luist and 39 Washingtonfs, - Of town 3; and comities
aaquiesced in.theidefclaad - that. McLeod should 1 there arel29 Provideitees, and New .Prevideo •
be given up, it neededsthe 'voice of ,no weak, Ices, 21 jlilwports,lS , Athens;nnd 6 A 160413,12
;man to 'sustain the .diguitT of our government ; itomelsl and 13 Carthages, " 1 Babylon; only..
It les then thatildr. Buchanan, in: one Of the imeit . unfortonitelv ; 9 Am tys, and_ only 4
. . ablest, efforts that have ever` reused the'Amer4pachelora!,ltetreats anti Gro es; 4 Aznericarei,
ictut SeMite, asserted the right •_pf a-State -to i e'‘Yankees, aj*.g- - -and 5 Enslish ollicers'! but
try the perpetrator of an ontrage against its not \ oire riwree;'2l3agdads, 1 Auburns,Nweet.
~ jaws, no matter whether his conduct was or villagee,or the plain,' aud.l. only of Augusta
: Was not, the result 'cil2 obedience to his awn the Cl:ii63qe i 18 Bostens;• 6f ; Californians . ; 43
ifOlerninent. His views were sustained, the l i Columbias,'
L it, not 1 •Afrie, Asia nor Enrope;
'trial _wag conducted:to a' conclusion,: and the.' 11 Bunker I ill, 19 , Bitena Vitae, and I;Mex
i -.honor of the nation was preserved. .In every liens. - There lis \ l Bloomer, ad 17 Bleferning
liatanee•in the history of our foreign relatiOnal'places; 20 Flat Pr s, and ' - niy, rtsnder the
while Mr. Buchanan was Secretary .of State, I name- of. Small ; 'Basin , corner, .and 1
hi ma intained , the' same unswerving devr Lion %Quiet Dell ;16 Bear ~`32. _ eeves,-4 a ArtiNtif,
to - the baterests,ef the government, the - game' an'd 5 Bees, and the ame triber as thn last
' etern demand for justice at the hands o f other of Industrys, Of tries,- th rel:ire 39 ,of. the
nations; and yet with no spirit of hrnefkle, per 1 Aeh,l 2 As era; 161 - Beech ,j , po ' Cedafs, 29
. Chestniasa, 12 li' -\ ''"i halts,
ilititi) .. : ',.'o '0:Olt:AT
Vile Largest (Arent &titan. , in , ,Northeami
I-- • .
•. B,& E.. CHABB-
MONTROSE, ApltlJ 1160 33:
air 'of hanghiy defence. .Bnch a_ man now
needeiltd repreient us in the most powerful
and enlightened-kingdom in the - world. We
witi her an extensive' - -commerical inter
course, 014 is - ,er-erf day giving birth to.ques
. lions tha need th'e pradenee 'and experience
which are_ so peculiarly the attributes of , the
• distinguished gentleman who will now be• re
quired, to decide - them. Towani. England we hilt headed, - rash and impulsoliey_
No reckless spirit, who mistakes hatred toile
mother country ler patriotic- devotion his
croon, should. be- - entrusted • with the daty of
negotiating in kitatters'of diplomacy; requiring
, the most friendly interchange of sentiment ;
• on the other hand we wish no ParAiite
praise the glorious English cpmstitutien, and
depreciate the excellence of our - own. : -.We
„„, , want no aping of foreign aristocracy, in the
~.„sitati'who stands as -a sample of republican
pepple at a foreign Court- He • should. be,
like his government, strong, without.a display
of power ; . not over,Sensitlve nor anxious
to display a. joatriotie 'spirit, with no ering
• ing desire in court.the admiration 'of Princes,
and without the petty axnbition that seeks to
-insult them.., We doubt whether any states
plan in the country posSesses. •so•earnpletely.
Mr-Buchanan, the eiperienee, stability and
Plain'repuhlican - manners so necessary in his
resent proud position.
• , : . -Th 6 Turkish Quvstion:
It appears by the foreign advices lataY re:
, --4eived,.thal. the Turkish question is , not ad.
'lusted, though the .apprehensions of a war be
tween Russia and - Turkey "'had measurably
..-, islubsided. The I.ondon ,Times, in an editorial
-on this sultict, :4zpresies the opinion that
_,there line been Miich unnecessary, excitement
..and alarm. It - 545-.: , ' ; . -
- - ......`Tho interview.of Prince - 3finehikoff with
—titre Sultan took place with all the-usual forms
of amity ! ind.,whateyer the ulterior views of;
the Itassrausoart may be on the -seat'-:of the- 1
I eastairr,empire, it is a gross . misapprehension
' to sapPo*that they will • lead the Emperor
' liictelas to Chitch-that tiplendid, but danger-1
-,- - ' *Di - prize, by any. act of evert:tearing • and' eta
. acions -violence. : On'this occasion, especially,
::the:elturailin government . had .-- . pcisitively Zia
,. ''''' el si u!ed anyinteutimis' hoitile to the Porte,-or
- - the'pursult of any_oect beyond - that, of re.
• , •itoring the Greek eingth in the Hely Land
to:the positien it oe4.upted before- the finnan
:*obtained_by SL de Lavalette.' ~, .-. , ' .
-;The--rimealitinks the. 'Tnikiniteln.
Cnin. in
:lop danger front. v ernal dissensi o ns and
,":ereikoess, than froiD , reign aggression, and
'adde-that -1 both in:'t ' don ': and in. Paris the
ttisiirri-government declared, on the faith .
'- -dr the Emperor that the ;formidable list of
- . demands ascribed, to Prineellionchikoff has no
_ lunda l tinit in 'his instructions, which ••••ire' elan.
_-- • emlUtiti the,liatter 9f the Holy Plaice,' -
.11te litysteryßiplaiiiett •
mystery* of the spiritual rapfings is
ellasidedut last. We donot knew to whom
. inithrisiihiebtoiforilielsained exposition
11Whicti folteivigait viBI at 'once ree.o?gpiz;
40-d'oiellasiiiiatitatisfactory and` otivinemg of,
that hie YetAPPeared-: - •
-"The Oily tine . an4 - jegitimate manner oti
for the-taps is the phypologield
- V)* : : membraneous systetru The-oh
:the.--abdomitud indeiation douses the
.. egnipreisMr to - . eownlate into
the 4 lierhinetdef feee P s the dued , endum
the - ilandreno,
1r44, if"*i4l,olieffl*ize9allY the, oga.
- extremitiei, the;
~..:-VP3.104141X1 Ante _ePhittial
wtitild - ToUcent And
.40Deihe . - . 4ontiestaittihe.-aiglnen t t iln; -44 °w ,
ilicleliet . : the case firt - - . ..oder to - produce: taps,
''.411'14-614111a' - d_bef the
ere- _B ut sat , ore,
:inferior :ligaments must. not "itittend over the
4104chtlY te*a4ool4,7othliter.:
gq. - c.•
'•" • ~ A,Datimsaixt*. —._,._ _,,___,,,...,_ .a . ii0t vir.
14 rit u itlf life xsated:osb - 9 `' n449 C o l' 'Aiiits
'''' -
':-411V7tainiBitlY resolved
_ _6l7 4 51 Stki 005 1 11. . 1tki R a .k. U3 .4. 61 1: 45551 ,t1
. _,._, l p rotioufta i g , miettonary ,
• - e•kaGe.___,...,._ 11 ' 4,- ,t i ii. -- bit* to - all trmk.Sena '
ia.6ll*,•lo7ll4t,itm, ArkiiiikiTaiY4 ~734_; 111141
. . '"7" 74 ,. l.4itiekggitp -- "lttture; Hater; :
• pr ff ari;
,;. --t. --, itrothile;" Caintitiition,"
• Ifraiolkittin; ll 6 .lidign. -..• pligigucn i*:-Whigigt'
, -- Comigi4l#4o4,:r - -17 -7.7' -, 7 , ""''.. ''
...".!gzt,•-•4,u.-11:41 044:40*
7 et r t i . s ... 7 o ''.• • - is-Avvilkballit,„,- • •
• - - 3 , F-... unriP,a.:..,,,..,... ~4 it t ha i iii - r e,fi th e ' m nitm ion b
' ;'.
I . A r igWO —' 41ijorkial 4411= '. . . ;oaf of - -' ' * . - *heft eller,. -
--- " R ibitioNamitiailifir p9 - si. , , .
- - airAikdßisontne - -
'.. -
A 6'.
Cher les, - 17 nests ; ....
31 Walnuts,. -59 -,IN •s, 44 i i
dente Post. • 1 .. -- 11
Jo, y - ' 4, nd heal . it
Wet ..-
- \
ic h' : to hear that . no,
truth in titt sto 1 üblislied -in irork
tette rin th Ne. ' Orleans -Picak OT l
-1 ''' kr.. J
the dozitoSti • relation 4 of. Jena ' Lind::' Trlie
followiig 1 Vim', aildressed to C. Edwurd lla
bieht,"ESq4 . Swedish -.rind Norwegian Celniul
at New *ii - ork,',will,...We hspe,‘sel., at resi - ilie re- i
ports in circulation : --. . . : ... 1 . -
~ I .- i . • Pr.ESnr : s, 10 . F,`eb, - 11153.
_has a, Gudilof rid. ~!Otto isr
,inyeket . god
och nail ; arbetivi ljernt4 ar htinma Jena,
ianlig - .I jemt,
~ densamida 111Rn4 - Nip 4 - ankle:L'
altiome, tattkor tiara pi mitt , val . och min for
noismniief, , oeh bar ett lu g nt Stilla-mOd i :lila
veziing,dr.. .. - i .• . ;.._.
. 1,
.. 1. -. , .rN•st.l.i . io.7. ' :.:•.. ,
- We-tiro; God be thanked; well. Otte is Very
flood imil,kisid - ; he laliomi constantly, its alwiars
•»t home, is always -kind, 14, the . same: tellable
friend al Tays,ithiniis only -ifmy welfare and
my happMess..'and eido,- still Oour i age
in all rielasitudeS. . -• 1 .- •• ' ,
- i•• 1 ,
- - -.- : - Chapter ofOrinies;
The pi blic .joltrtialS or Philadelphia have
teethed . ith • fearful details of crime a
few thon hs:,* Na -less thin four awfnl Mur
ders have been cotrimitte, I . - and-in itte!course
of a,- eiy.shiirt time.
_ln the _ first avo r y
a t
thy tfd intelligent storo-keeper, .II .Itiok.,.*.<o I
ass' sinated before Sundown, in hi Own , <.-tore.
Are ardof .$5OO Was offered by ' the 31ayirn I
for the acres the culprit, and-nn.uidivilltial I
charged with'ilre offence, is now in *lsom and'
,awaiting 'W.'s trial. ' In theseeoml case, 3 tnani
named S',ohan, was, attacked and tnurdpred
by two individuals .(Chtpia and Ern - Mini%) both
of whomAtave bee, - .tried and -comileteil„ t and
ate now - n .prison in the. - third d,4 , Nrs.
1 Shaw—anti-Il is. 14ach; two - ''sisters;'4dmitted '
.into tleir house prolligate„villain,Whh, tinder
the mask Of frlenphip, Won their confidence
to a Or,ttil4 oitent, and . then murdered them
ie the mese-1)r ttal; manner. : The aCenseit has
been tried and convicted of. murder in:thtf first
„ .
- .-4
SixOtriattCAss--oi Htniorunta.7-Mr.,Mar
tin "of thiieoupty, informs ns, of a. singular de
ceropMent of.this fem:ful disease. About thret‘
Months a 4.41 7 dfavorite - niare of his Was bitten
by a dog supposedAo be, mad. , . Thilefir 1
f -
of the bite was seen by one i of , :th
iti !eirv;ants ,
and a neighbor; but - nothinginore vi thought 1
'of it., midair.: Martin was not iptcwited of the 1
' eireumO l anee.S. i The , bite Was'npon! , ,the•lips of'
i ttie upper and lta , el l ,,aw, on , the lel.
I[the head: - not' that time up to . a e* days;
['ago she seemed' well and as healthy las usual; 1
esdePt -a 'PO .'elitering id the . woundedlplaee.
A few days b •fore symptoms of mat.* .Pro- .
SentotitheMS ves;sheshad been tidd - hy.'3lr.
311artin, and ti en seemed '. t o; be *in' 'ex Sleet,
Ispirits , and h alth. Wii`eit 4he firm * i if, n to,
develope he r. II health, he put her 'iri a eigel
1 pond or, lot, a d. then learned . thltti sh had
-4,eert hitten a lite time- . stated; ' &IS rern ined
liii=thelotssor ral days befere she idled, and is
I the meantiiii the par6sysuis of niadneesavere 1
1-terribl e- Oie tore Oft 6n the feneeliliatrough
l e
the Aide Si of " lion -- 1 -'' ''' '4 tr .
f i r r 7 ed
Itte''‘Vouttit - d tore al
her bones in very ',P:d .t uld
-hii-iemihecl. , Sfie Ailed a*on
For. several :ma sheit ant, an
being a favorife,lt r=ol‘ {ling . to
killiher:-:=Stroit - p O4
rhe Cato e SI
Yo It - oitriiitidit for __ ___...,,16 mr.........ner ' she ,
hest been reque s t 'thii , rgicielmri
artheNiv4 'AnCilieChnirman ' h,. 44 lie se
azill a i; ' ittr.4, , ,. - Wle'itindeiSf.antilti'aitlhii'
Daily *.4 th4t as. isirk ,, z bill/ diii.na4i,, to -
tire' G-+ i 7 ,- ;:'' - .Stoill)e.hotorjkowia‘ 7 4lto
was,: .-, *:.: . A. ' t' more:*4ollAif. *.l.4lrgelli
'eliSe, .i , o erament ssrCtieeiii. iinimtiM:
A l lO - . 1 " ' ; ',..._._se tOr,Af , eftWrS WIN) 1 4 4 10 ..c 11 4 8 ;
4 F. , ' :, I 'V-Ilbolfalosking ten idles `per hour'
flti !ko , ~ : h stiktion :Of stet Oveiit4n f tons Of
l ry
- *4llssttfqurTY . Strs".asjilol,irlis ' die .
Vol ".. :f Alat ivotiattri i ihilo•tiO i ng' d 4ll :offeirot tilL- WO :ther eil lnill :hi
atilt :;-i - "'"` " ' iiium)iit for thi tuffilhilefit:of the
-'-. - ..,*•ll.fAtiiiPito;!' The'Wlifiii On liss:
'en +eit 14*** i*:4 , ' , “,.. by Pa 'itdontl
..4 . 0 f -. 0 thei
~,,.. „ , ~,,,,,:iio ,4, -.., 4 - = ‘, o o* ,
.. • - ,'•, ~i,_ •: , a' rgo , . , ; .. :: ~•
05 • •
~,,...:f i obialt :‘ , ...
..c - •Zrieisoli - OM. the officers , -vii-C,OO.
sal l ,
of-the Now Os: the: only 'f. , :... n rho
„f. r , with bit ' :. . -
-;! • • ----
' .1140-trit - PROStat(IT
. :...P7`:- -:- _ 4..,_. ..- ~.,.....,...._,
. VAT ER - .
- . lirN.Gataktroccii - .g.iy. , , ,
rpr.IIS institution ii located in it beautifolaiid
...1-' , roinantictrosie it the base of Monet Proti
pect, andlisithist - the conieratieri - of the,:-..vilage;.
Emmeline . of an abundant supply of purest soft
water, advantages for, exercise in the pare air, a
- carriage ined foot walk . .rip the mountain, ever-
Woking scenery u nsurpassed in beitaty and
grandeur /
and " free from the noise and turmoil of
busy life,: with 'excellentsailing and rowing:privi-'
loges on the pfeashnt waters of the Chersitozo.;—
These . a te a few_ of this presentation the "Cure'.',
often; toilse invaiid. •. • • * '‘
The 'hesise . is new and : c ommodious—Aathipg I
apparattit .eicellent—well ventilated, with 230
feet piazza: - ' ' • ••.
The niedieel Aiportrnent keunder tlie entire
The care of Or. Thn 'ret and wife, who have had large
experience in-l• Idropathic practice, and are fa,
vorablyithow as successful practitioners. . -
quarries of Lecturei, yid) fsill platei.eisa illus.,
tretions 'Will .be given tgititighout the:Season to
the Stu entsand Patiente, ripen Ahetomy, Physi
ology, I ydropitby. and Hygiene; for which there
will be no•additional oberge.t . 1 .
".Femqes wk.) hails, been confined to their.beds
for ,yearsoire invited to correspond with tri'or
-elec us la eall. Oar success ir .the treatment
diseaSei peculiar to females; hielgiven - ascoufl
&Imo, and we say to all such;, even if they have
(.stsitered much .froiu many physicians,". make
one mare trial., -
p y
.week, "( - Id
-: . Terms' from $4 to $3 for aa e
weekly 4) according to room and attention requi
red:. Patients will pMvide for personal use 2 corn
fortables,'2 blankets, 3 .tinen or cottousheits and
6 . ;towele. ' ' . . 0 V. T rfAYRE , llf. D, ' -.
Resi - dent.Ph I-Eiden. ' . •
M. R AN NE Y, Proprietor
1 , 1 ' :1 7
. :
(19if. • D.W.-55i1-:.
ST ON !Ol e %TO:VMS - %
- Groat Bend & Lodertvill' e,
TE . Su*riberresPectfullY informs tit-pub
lin that he has received 'large , addition. to
hie former stook of Swiss, 'consisting of a'variety
of the meet approved kinds. among which are
all elevated Ovens. Of 2_ 4 quzire•air . tight Stoie - p
• ••
A variety of Pretninms. some. of tie* styleg.tits
- A good and various airsOrtment of:Parlor and
mail Stoyea'fof Wood and Goal. ,- Box
,Stoves. of
Various-sizes and patterns. he is continually re, -
relying, and intends to keep as great a Variety- of
the most-popular stoves as any dealer in the coon.
try. Persons: wiShing to purchaVe 'stoves. !will
find it to their interest to call on him. They; Will
find his
Stove - Furnitttr — e. • -
made of the strongest and bestritateriahr and as
cheap as can be tionght in.this or _Brtionte county.
:and much better than offered by:pedlars.' •
Stove . Pipe &.Ttn Ware kept fOria 'and
nude to order. - Farmers will be- supplie 'with
Pans;rnade strougmateriais, at Wholes le pri.
ees;nil orders fo r work in his line will .be hank.
fully teceltred and, punctually - attended to. •
Grit Bend4uly
,1,.1552. - •
, .
74:417' tt 'Y
'GOODS . :
A rt -.1. BIT RRlTter ma be found' an eaten,
-11.. si'te and newaisprtment; . f Dry Goods in.
- oluding;; a great variety cit. \ ' , .: ' .. -
1 1Adies ' . Dress Goodsi.
liich iilihip; rriuted A til
.and ginbroideed ,Las
f a
ex riah: Berate - Deb:toes,
,Lasitered • \r. ;.-
Gi gllaros and 'Charnbrivys otrie s 'issty s t .1.
nn feffey• silks. &a . • ; .cuittott, - C . • e,1,8r.' )
Cit°llmsre and _Shawls; - tlit.',Altntil is -k
Pa asols, plain and figure - aloe
S- w
Ilaslins Strati
-Fr neh 'Lace and Silk '.l3= nets,. Bonnek:Silks;
Ri bons and Flowers.. ' - -- .I -\
. r SIJ3I.MER GOODS; • \ '''
A lilrge ist4'ssor . ent. -Hats ; Capi, Boots and.thoes, i
Trunks ices, Carpet - Bagsi Carpeting,- Oil
ClOthaor loors -and tables,_painted ' . and printed,
WiMs ,Shodes, *all Paper , Rornestie Cottons
a w
kinds, et&. - etc ., "athich,-in ocninnetion . witha
trattfe7:sal. astiortment in. other! departments of
*goods, and ellased eittirelk for cash, will
enableinitahliers to Bemire benehtivityprice,ntyle
and terms nat. tolte foand'in an'other establish-
N. B. Salt and Stone Co I 'constantly on
New-MilfOid,./Ifay 15; 1852., • .
.:"To the ,Public: ' .
BEL TURRELL is-now receiving and k!epe
eoustantly and desirablet as
. • . • -
.-...:—• s. .GOODS .
which will le. sold Nary low for cash , Or rasa) , pay.
The stock is composed of a first rate assortment of
Dnigs., - Medifilies, Chemitals, Paints, Oils,
' ' Dye-Stuffs,Gioierles; Glass-ward,spoons,
.. , I . • Spectacles, • Musical jristrumently . .
I ' Yankee Notions, and.
•.. • •
1 - Liu:lots-, .-.. • .
‘- - ljiy Goods, . • - , .
liardWare, Sione , dare, - .. -
- ' Mirrori, - • Stationery; Ifni' hes, .
'Medical. Instruments, Peif • 'wry,: : •
Trusses, Sitpliorters.. 'Should r-Braces; •
hoes, Camphine ... Burning FlOd,, Limrps, -
C 4163, Wa ltes; . .feWelry, "its.. : ": . •••
;All parson wishii3g i.o . pur . cha'se Drogn or
in : any . of ti e' aforesaid .derwtments, will find.
theirlliuteresk promoted y coiling first at. th 6
clrtiriety Store,Of. A:BELTuakErl.
Montrointi. November . 1 52. 1 . • '
,_ . THE:AAILWAY •frroims
. ~...
In Full Operation. L - -.
, k I T,AILGt stock of NEW GQIctILS iota Te
Xi •cisived, Which , will ti e sold for r ' peg or
.approved 'credit, lower than it uy:othet
,titori, in this section of country, . The people :of•
i'thia ccuinti , vrho i ika ' 1 - ' `..
- .
a e
re raspectfolly invited •to tall and examine'
atockaf goods, and they wiltftad the abose4obi
tins. • NOirOutte lo !show Goods. - . .. , Li,,,..4
lid'. t Vacits, Graini- Woad and , ' Hinntocit,-.lituir
ted: ',
" '•:. ,'. ~ ," - '.. - - I- S- LITTLE
, w Millord: 7 Noventher 4,.1852t - ; ..::, .t . : . :44 . t,
Aiierian? 2:xpre' se r Company. -
- Marv"; lig 'id:¢" Co., I 3 xrfe - pladeiiii.,,y .
, •Reeurt .vviiskington - : striets; N‘' - York•
i irie
Liringst* gig? 4 . Co- , / 57 Alain sired ,
' • D u if a k: Pa nlet°7 -:! • .. - : -
4 JOINT* , OK-, co mr.aa7;:Rusai .
.. _
ITKVIWOr wised disunited 'Wetter*. atllr.ll. ii.
ntrh=r_ Ow asfresag
dutlgot the Laot wnna
exPiles and atm
. onrittorbusinrsstroairebolknosoonthe lair IIY eirt.,R.
1 - - ---- 1
• toll: .slirititirogEas4 Will foirokrdllikreilkiskirlidoe
.dr Money, idiot:OW/41th 0:tooth; Nottisoirl 'lprafts
Prol l Ebolgt the State Of,New York and I 11 lhof prltelpot
't3deiesurrroinia II - Itio Wooten - triikd nouttiorit Se**
, 10"1174046061901111UW4.24111 jalt4thL7!,
) 1 0 [1 1r
4 XiisoFfikwitiluineriftiod.ll,Apiett
it friterttiVZO:ruairamE
ins; kei`kitii ta 'ltitititf ' Ifni
Ito toedvad. sad reimptiodami.iitaly gislisirsa . &
*Atter, wobatil4 4.146 WA*. 11 "PePr!lir
flannioiliamormattioAAwa. - -;
Soperl otowiast.
o ,
l 's
. ./
• _ _
sal ice,l.
TnE-AiireeSat:)CsiSqtrtiolbendariteetitiruldl.l7llnoSpb(up.tatiollui % t il e tl f oi ft o ge n 9b trer
'Lackawanna, dr,AVesterwitall Road, . Dia co 20 =Hoy.
Leave Carbondale in' the -Inoriiiimanderairmeti with the
caragoing North Returning, teary On the. +Odra' of
the mall train from the .Great Retd ? nearest, most
direct and cheapest rout from Great Rend to Carbondalq.
Passengivs by.this [Me always getlntoCarbondialeeartler
to theevenint than by nny other rout. '
'Fire reeelpted In Carbondale „at, the Store ol'thesnli.,
'seribers,.' , l l nin street, a few block abelovirltronson's Hotel.
Augu.40352: - • . GRO %V'
. 3r.. BROTHERS.;
Bryant Hous e ,: atoat_Ben
I ...
' : .pbt, , Pa.- , - -,. 1
ci b0i113,,, ,, situated hut W fist!
Tfee S t i f e ro w a l i t tire sud TePot It. tlie al at Bend, ix_ 'now. opened .
areNturnixlied i h s ratable . Style for a Tuhlic. douse,
1 lIIIIti will bil - kep wen at all hours., (both der andwight,4
el traveller s ,. and. rep the ma-I
coati:nod:strew o passengerS travelling, on th... DC .1f 4.11
Erie &I.& W. iiilinadx, Mini et thejunction , of thesel
NV roads, and the roast Convenient Point to step In ank
take refreshments and be off with the Hist train, AS-1
easthernost convenient honsolo actinumodate the pn.
lie, became it it NEW, CLEAN, and .WIIOLESOMEIe . , -!
with room enontth to a7nunodate ALL, being fitted 11..
, with newfurnierire to c. expend. and tables alwnys set'
with w.. 4,10 1. 14aLS luxuries tarnished at a ,nreer
ments,warnlng. .. - . . 2 . . • .... ; 1
- fer.Paatengcra deeir grert . and sleep, catyrnillea .:[ . T . ~-.
here, avoid the ineonre dence Of taking ap inibut.; ,'.! -1 ,ij "1.13.17
find an Inti,ns t o delay and uncertaintY of te"lr
. ..i.„„.„ ? ..,, , ,, n ,,.
turning to the depot at the arrival or , depart tt i re of tile 'I ~--;--,y-,
trains ;as a potter wi t be in waiting to con . , uct theul ..: - Debility, .
1 with their bargage tot t o Eryaut Renee, "Just across • • I t .
the Way, , and .conduct thembaeragain without fee 'or A ,,,,,, all disease
reWard4aking special care to wake themtlf
, desired ut' ' • attunieb such
'any hour of the night. • . .' or blood .to the •it
"gig k location of the Bryant, IftruSe,; with the natnUmel—tryftre, tn.rn, di t t‘ .
scenery about Itelembine te„mske it "a very.desivildis stomach, soar e
ISlrdeEltitWiOlef fur business tr.en and others - in the nit of the atomac
!city be may Wish to " cast off care" for a_ few days to diffleilt . breathin
roctilt in the country. :- : 1 , '•• - . , . 6 i 2 ft e atinkgensai
..• 11' , A. Larme anii Ccmtrnalions flail
' .., °rvii" ll ' 4l6t. ilr
l. l - 'F.' ' • .i If . aiiiin,tht heid,
is attached to_thishttliditurfor the convenience of r the skit .andey
, ore tastrrea„.isho may Aiwitys find good nectuntncklie &c.*;stidd n flusi
tions here, without reordfo numbers, with 71 1 :arm st • stantimaginlusen
hies for their teams. triad reliable heip!to Walt nn thrnik. ca n b e
, effocreinny
• ine• Fo r fur th er 'par.ticulars inittire at theltryiutt . ' I -
, • 121: :mow
ir0,,,, of the propzletor. ADDISON BUYANt. I
1 -
Feb. 1553-.4tf .- • . . :'.i' - 1"
- • - •., i• 1 '
. .
'TIRE subseriber in consequence ,of health, off la
for sale his oleirantlyturnlshed ‘sult. of DIGTTP / -
'REV( Koora, all.the fI ,e
niture.. thttores,lt*M l-
'otisand Stock. .To Rooms e I Wle d for four - Yips
first from the rst of A
,all next • ilieeexthinals new. on In
the best order . ; not e.ttntaisbtnent. will he sold
reasonable to • s. I To - any person engaged hi the - b
Term, wishinjr plessant and riermanent location. , this
presents one f the best opportunities -for .investing
'tria.ll capital hat can be found in the country..
Tor further artlentars inquire at
o ..fIIOAfrSON'S Dagnerrean
Binghleato. I.SL3. :. I
EMI G0023$ .
- • -- •
IXT P. \STITT has ittst ret:urnedTrom ,New Yoek with
.If.lf a new. and beautiful assortment Of ,Cloths,
Merps,VeStlugs, &c ,ke..; all of - ofiera at the
lowest Brim prices fot cash or produce. - - '
• Theaubseriberhas on hand the latest and Most Impro
ved style of F 61111011% for Fall and Winter .tilotWuw.t
p. IV. will manufacture on. the nowt reasonable
terms and in the most appiored style-of fashion, it the
shortest netlie,.. -'
W. p. rinti in trade for rends fiRO barrels of Ap7
plop of they best quality, end - 49 Atkins I'4 Butter,to
which he will allow 24 cents per pound for the • best qual
' ity In tea le.. - • -
.. Store at.Dlmock's late Law oleo, Turnpike street.
I idontrosi;Oct.l9,lBs2. -, •;. . .;
• DIGESTI . . ,
• . Copy ofd fLdter: from: .; R: W. Kirkus, Chemist,
PrcsrotArt t, ,LircrpOoLda/ed tilh Jane, 1551.
, -
To Prof7r s - Iloilcyay—Sir :—Tonr Pills and Oint
ment have s oull t e highest on our **Whitt' of Ptogrie•
tory Mediiirt f setae years. A customer, to whom' I
can teferforq y enqUiries, desires. roe. to; letyou know
the pa Elie of her case. She had. been .troubled for'
years et asilsordered liver, and had digestio n. On the
-last coition', however;the 'virulence of the attack wee
so arming; 1414 111 a 41841matiou Tat In eo oeverkly, that
4/12146 store'entertairied of her not beingable to year up
tinder it: fortunatelg_she was induced to try your Pills,
and she infoinas me that after thd grit. and each *MC
ec-cli!ar • dose, she bad great relief She centinued. to
'take.them. and" although mho used only three Homes ' she
is now in the enjoyment of - perfect health.. • I could have
sent you many more cases, but the above. from the se
verity of lire attack, mid the s'peerly cure, I think, speaks
much in favor oryour astonishing Pills. • . • •-- .
.. \,..\t
(§iitiVed)'. - . R. IV. KiIiEVS. - 1
I• - ' • i ' ' • ' •
.., . . .
' f'..; . oinr"Ortt. Lear' iOsurtrt in the //abort Thtn Courier'
itithelst .)larch, 1 cr,tiAl itr;tior .r.: Wale A . -. .--: • - .
- Margaret SP4Z . :onnigatt, nineteen years or :kr; I.e/tiding
at New Town, WO been suffering front' a violent then-.
taisticfever for tiwards'of two months, which 'had en
tirely deprived her Of ‘ the use 'of her.limhs, during -this
perind sheswaa under Hike care of Oa motet eminent med
ical men in Ilobart To 'and by 11111111.b . .1' eltft %Vasco:lt
sidered 'hope fees. ' A friend ;Termited upon her: to:try
Holloway's Pll:s..uhicli she‘tonsented to do, and In an
incredible short apace °lCl:net cy etfented a perfeetiuret
. .
prdn - MeSir's Them 4- Spit,: Proprietor if tbe Lyra, Ad-
Trainer, tele can veuchfor the logotoiitt-istutemeUty 7 -
Att..rust.2.4l, SA. ••• .
..'',, :,„ ~ \,.-;, . ,
To Profors r HolloWity".— Sir: -1 desire .tit hear testit. the pod effects( of lioliory's Pills : '. For some.
b- ears I su ff . ed severely from a, paha ..arid' tightness in
tliC stomac h which tvas also acetimpanital: by "n ' clOrt
nest of breat ;that prevented nits'frOmilialking about,.
Tam St yeari•of age, and notwithstanding - my advanced'
stateoflifis, these Pills Irmoe so relleted I ma, that I 'am 1
desireue that, -others sltottWhe onatle .acquainted with ,
their.Vlrtnes• Ism aa 4 Tol46red• by thWrinelni`t C 9,11-
parittively active;and can take 'exercise' vritlfolat: Incon
venience or pain. whiCh I could not do before:.
; (Signal) Args RS 00E, North st., Lynn; Norfolk. -
CASE Or DItOICr. 'l, ..',. '• .: • •
A Rap Chasnce:
Persons suffering from •Dropsy, elther t ithont the turn
of life, or sit other times, should immediately. hare re- 4
cciniye to there, Pills, as hundreds . Of perprisare annual.'
li d'uftd, by
.their use, of till 4 direful Complaint in ,ite
different stages, when all'ottr.iteatis I 'id 'felled:, '
_. . , .
Thereielebrafel Pals ore woneterffilly cici*s in Ili*
-' . '' i • - following cointilaints. .!
, -
/vine, Aftbmit,Bitilits Com' pkinte, 'Elntellei on tha,
gkin Bowel CoMplaints,.t,olics,,dloundipation of tbe Bow•;1
'r: 1, - - .. •
els,l,,orksumotion; uropsy, i Dyftentery s i. Erysipelas, Sc.::
male Irregularit i es, revers otall,kinds,Eits,Goutgead
ache,Tuffsmatiou - -,ranntlice, Li , er CornMaints, Lutuba.,'
'go; Film, Illtenanition,ffetenti it of Urine, Em•rfula . l on
Sore Throats; Stone And Grave 4 ' Secondary' SlMpbAnit;
Tie truuledireuxTrildleers, 'Venereal Affect-lana i ;
Wcirrni ofaff ltia4pllWr4 - hr from Ithattrer osuse; tco, ,
1 i:Solil aelllo4:t4lishinftfi, STPCofehmr nolloway i .TA
'strand, (nearempleliar, eMple liar, minton,) and by ,all reapeetal
bielltnsgistaartil Dialetain Medicine* •thronkhout . the
Tiritish Empire, kor-tho‘e of t le. Unite.] States, In Box ',
41.8t3TX , !:..,57c ", arkt . 81,50 c, each. Wholesale by the
prturApallltaktiontead the Ultima; by .Messrs. A. ill ,
4 D.• Saids,Nevir•lio lc;' t
isYllir.:0:111.• Knight;, T
Son 6st , Philadelphia.. A. - --i ,I- ..r - '
Thore - ta_a considers/11 larin4 by teldtiitthelerge
M. 11.—.- ElireistiOns for the Nance o
,patiente In terry
disorder.are affixed to each 1 ox. -; _ J.. •-• i . ' : Oil. I
—.--..., ICE.BIOII . z • :1781 , 1
lit , VIROOPg - iIOM & IC 1111.111Clifig. •• :,-
1 • .
4,031P0UN D : liiii.l7P OF 00D400T, - FOB :
Cottelibiition,'•Aighb;oi,4 • tie; I enii,%Coughs,
Whbaping Cott& and Cron t„: .•- - 4
De: Throolisintiqt -, r eiV ave, itilalio, 1 -
. ,
1 .
Cureellatrilence. Colic; Gri e . illertiesilivien tery oi l ' .j, i
Cholera of Infants; or any b e common ills of infant
• ''. ' ' De Throop'4,li:irt ri)isaii , ''::i• • - 1 •
Fitiellithese ffithylatrude 6 ftkeltiublui / etstemiiii#
oat =option at:kinds or n
Cure Instigation, •Billions
Headicite heartburn; Ire
'Dysinteri, and restores
rands ottter body.
Dr. Throop
inisstrpassediri curative
airectionof the eye, and
, a dress
I ** tat 'thin= or uty e
1 .- -ilkires est Plaionlies:
SA/weir& flo.,4aili•
-11141 / 4 "1 /11411 W ir AI
uttuorevf 4)7,lw
mgArmi " 2 1Kr l i r
I "i4o4inti 11,4 $ •
g eta
I AINiv.001;140
-QWEl,ET . cnor t ikw,
0v.„4; 1852
Great,. :C ,
ini:J: s: udtran i
Ineystedfredis It.r.
Ox - after directions
logical elienilst, bpi
pida,Pa.' •I! • - •
Thig is truly ;lath
stoneieh. lito art 0
1 ern. ft Ceoftains no
ons DA age. 1: It it,
maybe tok'an by tb
l aat.a We..lerieraOker
of Druggedl'lraltatf ,
c ar . Callon the •
grwstit;AiYing a large
Liebig's 'Animist t.':
dfDl i eeatßall Di- .
W. Drajeer4 of Ncere
Pbysiolog.ft i'rof.
pante ea rh) 911 0 10 gY
from all parts of th
. a ..T. opsr.itTET
r vriSro o * ll th *. i
right and Tradr.Nl
in.:3oloy sit D
Prirp - , la per bottl
atr For Sale by
Pa.,ffesedrscle and
1 _
a Del
P,repatea by
Gernadn Sle
; I .. 1 - -
Their power ;ori
equitted,l by any
as ibeadtes attee
These itker
clans . itairttned., i
i , 3 !
PosFks si ft great -.
of the :Liver n"
AsearOin ' power:
',Terra° o WU, th
--.. . r • :Real
4 . •- 1; 1.
. i
'd : and b Coriinced..
The iplitocot lie Dosianllieind‘l; December:2d+
- Ds4 ffeelantP. - Ctiebrate:3 airman BlUerf, fo `thee-are'
r .O
Of. Lir eriCoMpla nt, Jaundicei,,Dyspepseit, eh Lie; or
leterreizeldebiliit , is deseirredlOnte of themes phi:titer
inediel ues of the day. These Matters-hare be lased by
thous.ands, and friend at our : ' elbeivir says ' li nis . hint"-
selfreettied an effectual . and ',permanent ear oy.„ l .ieer
tioraplaint iron the.- use of this remedy Wej are eon
*Mead that, in he use of th'ese bitters, the patient eon
e i tactly gains s ngth_ and:vigor-4 fact worth!" of kir
consideration. hey are pleas:said taste and Smeti,an
•canl,le tra by emus with tree most ,delicat , s,tomach
With ari et.rund r any circumetrine t r. We a speakin
1.,4 1
.4eM experience And to the at:het_ d,We adriselth, eir us. e.
. • Scotts Week' • one of t hebest literary Pipetapub
11shed p nithi; All est '2stli- ,• -• ! - .- k : ' .. -
4 Or; IfoO, al ,ri GerManlßiltera; mannfe ured by
I ,
Dr, Jackson , e„ now recoMinended by I e.of•tbe.
most premium • members of the medical fa lty arf an
article isf much .flicany is caMit of fenialeireti nese. As \
!each itilthee e we' would adriserali Mother; b obtain 'a i
hottie,ared thu Sate. themsellres mech.' sick 'pa. - !Per.;
sons ofklebilita el c enstitettiona will - find these Ititters,'
ndrautettenue o theft health ; as we know troM eiperb'
Mice the saint ry effect they hare upon Webb Spite:al
- 1. 1 1 :t . - More -E t,ide nee. • - : : ..
.. - The t fhliadel hi a:- c., at lir:ley : b isette, the? .14s t fatally
.papkrnithlishe in the Unitedhteles, says , et Dr.lloof.:
hind's #erman Bitters , — '. •; : - .11 • '-. • '
_!'"ilt is - Rehire that we .recoMMeMrsihat sire, termed
Viktv 2 C, Medici es, Pt the etnifidenceend p tronake of •
o t
'tiunrriders; a 'ti. therefore when we re,e end 'Dr.
Ifocifland'sci an Bitters we wish to. be dis etly.ttn-'•
- derivoed that ve are, not speaking:of the nost ram of the
lay that are noised about, fo 'a:brief...Peri and theta
forgotten after they hate riatt heiiirulity r eof mis
chief. but of a Mt: If eine long' its abliabed, nnittereellyan
proycal•and a eh! has met th hearty apprieval of the ,
faculty itself. 1 ; --_
.. 1 !, ... -- 1 ,1 .
Look we ll to the markt ii4the gotuilve. :. ,sr bare the
written signet re of C..11:I AC °ON upon i o. wrapper
itrid his mime hiweln the ibettle,.:Without: . Welt-they,
areaphriorts. '-; ' - ....t ., ! ' : •'- -.. •,- • i
Vor Sale, wh h.seile and 'retalt, at the G MttiiL
One Sto're, No 120! Arch street. one 'door, ow SiXtb,
Philadelphia, nil by reapectible, dialers geri iv thro'-
cut fife country.:-} - ' 1 , . ••. 1 '., •
i .- , To enable all elasies of p
enjoy:the ear ntakres of their greet rebterar
SE4OL 6 I, BOST a 75 - (IENTS • , , :
1 .
Also cereal. by - ABM:7CP
o el ll. l l- r .• - . !'
'tl& AND f BAD
: 1 .
i '- . i
i • ,f
t.--iii• :
1 .. The time
aeeriet Moro ,
ragy one =ay
tit,SE. l ol' the
wlth'atie.le-ti I
general r3utl
eauae of tea I
otilil not-tail
trrAny pc
sedln a lett
mail her tire
Da. Wh'oll
post-paid. • \
1 0:271)1t.Ir
cave* defier%
152 Spruce);
Sualays exe
T.;P• Po
4)00 to 'p
fttfllll win.tuu
bo*rilAs. °Pk c
• It
Pie. -=
;Ili e *aid
the name of
'tale a spurt
would' be
white and p
0 . re ,
'.N nerenn
an - undid,
I 7
L, '
1 . - .7,.1 - - • ' F : -.; i - , I
intone Pillp - -7.: .': - .1 , . I
I..rdtioxiiiittvaii(;g; I
f lalataPlittfiiii ViOsitt*
tilt . hr iiitioii tit' All: the
'---- '''': -. 1--!.. -': ...-:•: 1.- -.=.` i
„ ..
I . ye'- i
neij - ct . **4ligilaiiiiksir
ax-. 'icaiiiesods,
oicof t k
evkie.* .t
.F . l -- %
, . tiii. kltes4 , lloultaset
• 14 .9athwit 11 2_Anik 0/4-I'4".
itri4t l TlTOY : i t e, t 4
~,,....„.,:„*.dr; OF•
• ;', , DriAl o trwi74oo4
, • • • t ' ~4 , • • , - a '
1 ; 4l- "46
......1- .• • ot.' , " ' ' • p
• • ofd_flkiliiatki - : , :
r , riteigielOssit3.l , '
d iti Tpitk
-iCti *E4/6Paitl.
NIS P.}ll4lNii 'rat% 'TailE
IDs ott•Gr.strAc: Jrzilte
or the iftvaitiCfiturcutch . J
Baron Liehig,.the..grial: Ph
5.11DU011.TQ.,01.• D.,.
_.: . I 1
,'. Flit ,
, ' •-• '.' '-;
ft.'s own ttemesilluritu tifr
men ean .eiviiill tie curative
Alcohol, illtilets ACidX, *or Iti'
tremeliagiceiblie to the teat .
Iciest feviatc.vitteata - tiliej
.tritho a til l il te 1 1 tt I strecti. '' B
us. Pepo taint o.prtig44,
,ttt and get i t .D i vcriptire ler,
autonat of isciiiitifle'erßeuce.ifroin
=IP tt7;.; Di:::V6uire's - l o hjinhlogy
e iviroori rckiii arid Diet 7,'Dr. 40bo;
oric.Uolveretti,; Prof. Dungihion!e
Ilintin, of Val,e -Cigiert.'; -Doti' Car
;:acc., togethifiritkreporta b i g n _
United tatio'. , ' , . 1. ", .
''A f
the I '.
lISII--*vert.46 .ttr.?'s ° g Pne
mitten - iiigniante',of l J. S. ItZliGlat
roptietar.Phitidelpida, Ps: popy
k tecured. ..,4. I' • - . •• ';
asts andDaalii.1 6
'l 31adid f
litlLT3lltl.ELL,lfrugeittla i r e,
ietall agent..: •1 . • , yl.
•. ~,
... . . _
sr ciiiitaiillt '
)0 - sid," C4 ronzc or„-Ncr!ts
iseases;oflhe.:Kidnes4s;-( :
: arising fmta ) ;dlie . idered 11.:‘eibi
affeonstiontiOn;ihrrard pries Oliciesi
, ad, acidity oil: , the stomaeh,.. nevi, -
t for food,_ftilne4s,or weight In 'the
ctations. glitch:lg.:tn. fleaterin et the
,swiusming - ofi.tbe, head, , b ed or
, nattering at the : .heast. ehOhing...;ir
i ni When is tt-binz postureolhirnen
eba before the sight. fever atd' dpill
elicienes of . perapiraitien; Eel iiness
a, pain in the side, hark, cliel, liiibis
e l : of heat „ thining in thine. b, ion
evil, and griat depresSiort oft spirits . ,
ent.o bY 'i',-,, '. - - . .11 .
nets *celebtaledf,prel•-:
an'-Bitterti,;.. '. •Ii • . ~
fir. C .
fr i., , .. .le
C. ;;- Jacksoni: the.
fcine store; l2O Aicti-ttrecl
. Plt4aglelphia.• . . 1
r tho atrove lifica'sei la not ext
theriprepaittEitiin the Unite
t', In;. mai:y . o439i after, skill!
, . t . . .-
o worthy the l attention of i ,
• uei in the re.ftifiletion of
' lesser...lnuits, letteroleing
in nentakentlinfrectiOntve
;.1 art; nt ,safe,.eertatii, •
i CTOit. i ' buitSEL , . :.
- „.6,.., i- • -• . . • . :-
.2o dents- i .' ,
et !
• IfEANt OF D POCKETS .. cui.m..l
.. ,'-ot every Mai hisi own Thy - 'aril:. Thir
i th ;edition with ' upwards ~o a' hinidrei '
.' vings v aiiir#l4 private <las 'ass in eve
ale and form ; ' and .iniiitnina ions of th
1 1 i
rieritive sysidin, • .-• 'i . •
71Viiiiktin yourigi Irr. i. - 1..
now sinlied..: that 'Persons a °vizier - ors'.
O rirt4 no more bOtoine the tiotrins . , of
. y the-preOriptioni contained it this brook",
lard himself, ivithoild hindraiee of iinsi;- ..
nwledgeof the ' ot intiniain friend, and
, hthe usual pipette:. •:I n addition to.'th6,
. - of private diseitei, it fully' Ed' plains:Vie.
heed's. earl it declinei nith'obS rratioriii on
.. des many ?Other -derranivrriS to whiehit
pioper to ennineratd, in the pp Ile pants
.on sendlnr:7,ll7rniCMFlY " OrKelielq
. ~ w ill r•eceirel one ;copy of t ii • biok; by
°pies Still he: sent' for" one doll r: .Address
0,1v0.12 Sprucolitrest,L'sr anszpitia,
s UNG can bt consnited on arilof th Ai l
Ain hikdirgarmst pnblicatiorim r f
at his offi ..,
• nct.''every iltybetireen 0 and 4'. o'cIo4 ;
..pted.) - . j
,p . - , q ' ...- , • r -' .: 3951.
e - -
People's Frie d
• 31 of Ithaca ; IV Y Paft Datio r
er arid Heajiliff Extract ,
1 t from - the ,elaruli called WI b Inutel,a d
• .rol i that,witli the exception a little l
ive it. t ,1 -, t .
all local pain mu] infitunnist , old AO 4
. and bruist-S, Piles. and all difeasespf e
• rsole nature,' tooth-ache, eat.aci:, and, n
. edy for females: ac. 1 -
1 what It professes to be, 9 sin nor tn's
residence has scattered alo .therug , ol
many things that contribute rainy to the
1 happiness of every body; h their L irreat
ell may they he callod "Men alba Peo.
i I , .
• ere to iturrd against ImpoSitl • man: isy
-pewter has manufaetured . d *feted fo r
i e
no article csitedtbi"eoryil tpsct"---titat
- from thelissel-nut—tit mine is as
re is water, while the spurio article ie col
enables the pnbile to Mane sfi. -
ne but thoseinerked Pond's- n Destroyer.
I{.l RATCII, liontrUves an i store-keep lors
a dealers generailt,Agenta. ' - ~,
I ie„ trul
ND "
r g or tit
ort and
e t an I
Clatf, :Om*** :Taunt it. takes
of tituredug ttle , : i ttide and pa Amibli
he 'has reeettelf . nraett f tit 9 , 01 1 0
in the !rtilagel of
,Ctivego,:.:Co ntrs.nti I
tbLietteda . permanent ogee I:Lake 81
*We new Wicket/re, and - is freidr - - .if
! v.
bialeesti in the iht et' Ills p., on:
Wirinathed nramlrl' gti a; Od . : tOli
and hts attporetteled;sneates i t ' tit
'eat IMAdeute4 to the' hlrtnan l' B 7Sein.,
, of pa anutWanteente, IN hr.
asttjataldjAttatlettecemary - ler hid
11411 and dilaiteed of every_
i t
the,Conildenoe - et a .411acrtrat 84 villa
etlt et thosanintegnatntad .wl Ids mat
be would: ay that* d ' 1 dhsciiise' 1
tdreleroseriptesieramtnatiat the - mil
ney,serid or bring ttuttrUtinti _ a. cleat
Intel tial3litethat tit tha m 6 fag lits
titifitoM hi itePt_etiall the : ' Ae
d &goer till iltgoikAre, io-'
le.for 'simians a elute whet
tall , . r 4, .. , 4
dri l l f .
id .i' ' **kW
ti,4OW ,
Paiepicit - ^4a, r; . •
4dishas h 44 i 4 li
riel~44 1
a i lA i it
, . ..5..... - ...P...-1......11.
That iris behold I
hmkea is health an '
•and ailmeats. , 4elat '
of ettee,'lti
Met hemitteteittm4l
'should be prifitatinita.: , ... ;I - •. .- - . ..- L. , ..-... , -.,._
- • Nlins: Ofthe 'ettustliF Ofiheittlfferings at 'fait—perhaps: .ieMa
aoroot4voPik4orvatigithAi*arthefersts:eareortn iti o n m e--
' ltere - tu t it ought ant lighkosito.tnissounotteektod Uf course '
... .- • . : 7 ,,,. h.F": :Air TEIRTICA.if" :-, 7 :. '.l' - •- 7. ' ..-..',..
• IS 't' u ton Late to i benertitiett hi' 04eheotaleAge. we litole
Keefe,' and ' ihOurn, -cettet • die ; full. consequences of 41111
..„,' W t sroald'yreOcit often ti se to iiossess,.in. rail); life. the
' '...intontiedge 'we obtain -in after yearryl. And . 'tylint ' ;asy. ) ; nal.
,allthlt- or salitalsitisVe , might not e.. beta_ sksoed,Al,i*-,
:knowledge was timely Iniksessetil It a:..-• . .=-. • :-'
,i. •.• • .1111ELALACilfoilr Aix? . eirlticrlANo •
To-behold the Sic ness and angering eniinerd.htemarYia - etire
fitt'lnany year:, row,. ekiisrs sic4.le'sikitiveinitrullabbNlciir,
• reptedied—or better atill,!—Hot ineutted, if esery.•:. - ; .' : •:-,..,.\,..,.
, ~
...., : •
-: - --....--.. ' , INIEI'E.:AND -11.10Ti1lga -,, '. ~ ..i -"t - -`•
•-f' - etreeted'the infdetMdiochtitained in a little'r ;Audit (aril
• iii the reedit oral° sync would . spare to - hersirli. .. r :;.,,:.
I:7: ,: Iglk ; 'IIIISX I( -.-.; ,•'-.':,'-.
' Ant:to-he+ hulk; id lh constant toil soul aiss'iettF 'or mitiai.
necessirili;derollin* HI - him,' tons iiakiness,.ut the wife.
,Irithout gie-oe I , TO) the oPPottoeltia Or. nendin.g . that:et:tn.,
penance ss hich hi c lient us am- sutstled: au& the Peat-email_
ol:which ‘ ssottlti. c ease the lielvitiese Of hitnaelf,setifo;and
children. ...., .: . 7 - t" , ' ..i4 .• :,:::-•-•,..:•:',.. • ••••,; , .... •• .:-., ' - '„••.t . -.-•'.
iIIECUR . K. , .ILNS ,'2 . ll.htiiiiilc.F.,Sill :
i Ti t ,
. . main' in t me. , , .
IV Ile. , t . fiec 4 4 19
, 1 , „Ii. ; ' kei vii e-11;4' , ilii : I T /, i l i
o which has caused tte eickneast Id pun ertV.,of.. tripes:olds. -
lit .riecr of and 'cOnseqttetnect, -WO WO Or nnoher is taco.,
Ishii if she neglect !to areal hermit sof 'that, knonidoelkl .
respect-to-herself ltieh..ertmidapateher Mottli.-tuffering„.-he
-the tiseatti of ha i tlesit-ind-titovetite.mi . hrt , huibzul;•and:
.enitfos urns, her cltd hen that blessingebas e all iniet.....healaiy
, 'tlies.,'n ith heal it fault: , That. kuussietigi:ts eoniiihed ht
;HE MA Rill Eti , WOMAN I S
tle wink enti ,I : ',fr.:J.7.... ?....," ".•..',:- -•-:: .. . •,, -4. , ,,.... -.,„, -,... ........
- Private. ledienteoppaluotti. , -
- •BY D .• A. M. DlA,UriltßiStrt i-- -: N • • '...7"
oe, Hwaredi
hitravier. •
ttfl -the!'
.•.. H&j
"604 hate b
. l aird 61,11 S
ariictl, or tli ;
math. n Gtch i
Nut, cr: that u
1, yrsost
,n'►siide t
e powers
,!I;mbrit:il. - L
14 • :Sp
•, , AGE ; ; ,; -"...P'.-C 5.-:ll' , '.i;'''''
.:: - ir 2 l ' t ; ' ::,,:. ',-,. i,. illi..
131 ..
TINES s i C spETENtgef
„,:,--., i i iii x •i t of liii;.: •
l i kiklitlii SC.I_IFCe in : Pt ..
4 ,, di ..
4 ' rptnti irith 1r e6mpiteatipn _
. 0
.i .
~i ,
t • • thwßitidtlEPOWl"""be"..s it-Dreilll`
*to phystod. beat)LettgoraPfr ,„„ Pfl „,.::
. tarC.44diziirega. ICVN# II4I4IIO . ra1..1:14
Edition. ~I fintipp. r4ic,l* . SO
. ?Arlen, rritlA
Fnbluilltd itni.ntn.l if -
tin , NvoxoF:nrpri; -• ' • •2, .
het 111111".1C12 trEtil A
t DIA It RIM tyr, nnii.heno.
t lnowletlin• of -11to,natntre
viprproi- or. .sinti)j)tiattitn,
itotui ikrniptoit4i and that
• AlthiAtftN, COrMS
i4',le to iotieey r .tulty the I:;,riun's . attWei:Ls
. ate .or a 'nature stri&.l , tntentipd l o r the
grquiemplasitig mwriszree.hut, ob: regial#
g rit-altig:,..llll/11 ttiat br,..itty,. oline,ittent:otOn
. corfdneive. to lire own, loirptuess, itid. Wit
r,..either Ipa urly ill übtaitt tr;', 'xi il:.
..o has t1.r.1.:,yi. nod .atteetiott tkr his: attire s t .
ifis w
own 'en:nark imprO% emelt.. ~-. :
Jti O 1 oNKlivsiliw.l) -- .
.I .- SAND, DOpl'ES , - • . '
NT Irt 'SIAM.; ivithinthe tasitewnionthi
' ON
~ T0 .. ; - :171-1;f1:-Ttl,1311.10.
O.NOT to.Errt.A:lrD.r,uf..
1 - .niti•ts.i: "Dr..-'. - .4, .141..Multir'eini.1. 9 . 9
et, N. r..” Lon- tlit , title pv.e. atplthe'J
, ' (3iv.rl:: - .s, Oared - ey(t;il.e hook, itt" the .. .kale,.
boy ou!y of respt7o.titr.ic ani l'oparwajitcf.',
nit by- rush;. and nil.hem to-Dr. , .1.: NI 's.:
tii. tiv. ,, ei :tie fq,kkrioi.' dud ' - # . thF . 4.4.4114ii1i: -
zit opy-iielt,..- . -..,...1' - ' , . -''': ----,-.,.. '::
.'S . ILY - • "OIF,'S:' ... AND • IItISDAN D'
~. - raND.ERI. '. -,'-• ,:-:; ;.-,
inv:liirsoitiiter....Aviletv :Igno'rancrel..
[ Ty:to ,t lanote, ,, NY4t , :hold, 11 e5k.r . ,04,4 ..
fl when In ttPiiierayir lgtsperigici
ku..oAur: re•neii. •--. :- - - .i. '• -:,....-
B 11• •
rutty in Ifn i ,
. :11 . 1tiyi4.
.I , lw:rive:ln,
:itlfriinznrnti ,
L'em •EN]
its elrest.4
it Ml wi
:ear, A
... . . . .
ere•ry: one to •,I..e'hie•npon the if 841 Ls.'
......e:;111 or vtlfieioli lig 4. copy",utt•t_that.-POI ' '
er two," rtitain• upon. the,',..
wltich,'uo:ater or leer, in , : glestitt‘i'to . `‘,. .
;evil gr:T.. art.-to ii . er itituith.:u Wet-1 ttud , tted, v 't
I 'that ad constili.rate -unit 'tttTrethnot - ...
. cause to uptpil Itlrr.wle -- vretttt••Otii - t
0 otsii:Nittit- r i.ti. puttifihtrt of thirti•tstic -
.kinr. , ./ Tigezpige'anct.lnd‘w
.of -Con;
. r'Ailthextriteti4hen . The nok. trill. he- :
',).•,trf,ll.l,_n_uY part Of the. EnitEuVuttil 3 ; ..... \
•'Pstqinia.s.ttepti-n. i '-.,, ... -.„ -.,!. .
• , • t.
1 - lase-Is ;flppiness, 'Us. eitil!...•
i,..tttle t.o'be , Igtkorant; '
. '•eitiiit of 'OntlYotTar' - (tkie• the ttiteTFAIV
to. Jitift.)' " TUE - ',‘1..1, RIIITED - ''WOl.l AN'S
. '
I 1:1)1CAL CaNIPAN I 9 NT'is sent (o+4.2its - ;-
' ny - park.orAlto United Status. An . tet ,. :. •
postvitti.!•alot nactrm - leil to Dr.: ').'. Ni
. U. Dor.; L'....'4,,Netr. - Ybrk, Cray: Publish. ':
1 29 /Abell)" SiOkt, New,X.tutt.' .... ..- ,
—Blanch k.'CraPs,Thurisbiiig,b;.r.gwirtS. 1
W:Dei:witti. hinroia ;. S..l4lDiiiiiiiii„
..A. tantz; : Wilting; W.ent.E . 4k., tztaik„
area &,,Witglit,,.Willlarnsport; S..luelt,
en. W. pule, Waynesboro,: ,,
. iet,ters 9 n-;Phitttileipbia-;--Tspit:''._,
tt Gat. sr=-Stringer...k. Townsend:. ollitri•
• I 3r.'Co:o46 : itt &-Da.ituiport Barnes .t.--Co
TO erialA
eite; k,r la a.
is;itinst. a d
thi.Thind h v
et - the weZ
by :Odra& n
Wlien I
1.1 r."" 0
t 'Mee
• F „ oit S&LB
Illoom%burg ,
Wilitelba • ;
nerrer T.
- Tx . NEar it)
- • -'
. 00 - ' aiiiililadß -
Alrrant, , ifti eon: mrtis the:heal!, h iticihappim4.
a r peupie is at •a O. tunes of the atostd. vainabless
portanee.. • take it fcr granted; that every:person 'wife
do atilt' th ir 'power tatsaie - the lives Of th eir 'children
and:tht ev ly :person ..•will: - .mtielaior- ici Promtete - their
own healtt all tatcrift&i::.r . fcel it to he ray ; duty to
solemnly . su.te, .you. [ that ' Wornia ; accordlti^ ta„the:
optnh.n of \ thif 'knit cOlobiated Physic-10w." nre'thti-pri
mars cause[cdla large "Majority, of disiMse to %Welt elnii,
dr*M add adults are liable, if .you hay - cott •appetitec.oon
tinually einflagetible from one bind . offoixt to• citiotliet,
billbreatii s iplin in the stomach, pieking - at - the nese,
hardness at d fulness ottlie bay, dty.eough,lowlever,
. pulse irregt 4ar, remember that all these depoio. Whims.
and you should at once apply theyemedY • +;":' -.-
...-,• •,-
..-•''. ' [- flgoirtNsAcit's
ounial? - -
... -,-
• -
An"arfroletldmi upou.Scientific 'Principleti - , moinpounded:
with pond :[ yegetable sobstanN , ,- being. perfectly. mata;
when take , *al 'determined in alt iis cd'octs„ and:not -
letiiingth isout in.,a diseased coaditionfisrmoitUdi •
tketrixost a foi th e temorol °fever/n.4: ranuposed ar
*ttimier, ' 11. se . .,unksztges,.'vtirtnitages.,:Acv; hat' hail
performed ho rifest astoaishitg "cures afel us - r.ed the Jives;
of,thousatuls, both - old ;via yokthg,w . bo'bOro''..b. , ....l4l pro• -
tioutmed: elessilnaurable,•by.pliyaitians;Viti:int the
'folloning 'pecbtue Convicted ofitu'efiliney,overstir
• • e ' • - I , 'Morris - River, N. 4'..,•Aiig:-13,1351:',
gfr. f lr Dabertsark4lils id to iertifythatmichild,
• 15-i,I. rars - ro
il itge, having been sick for thine years, sis - at.,:'[
tended for disease of the " spins',,,by- Ars...toper, % '11111,..:.
and Phtm, rfiiiii linag ti me I(llloot:teething any betie•i
fit; After litig.ber_upiastueurablei F•winat' to- Phils- -
didphia 'an consulted ooe ,o f
the ': best' physiciaiiai - her
dietalse Al growing worse.' -lb i it' dais "pile IWO in-,
dticed to t it oberisook's Wein Syrinqaticivifter•lalt.
bight° bo ties ebb entirefr.rt; h ad -. bee ;bealth,..: after [.
[ aassingO eat quarditrof iitonili.. - flOplog this . will
p benefit t parents..wltosephlldron lire similarly siaailarly a:treated;
' '% A :•:' lb ,l
[ -) : 8S '[
-e• it •
'S••• • • ,
T -- • E --"•,
ll [..
PIILLS: "•-••
• No - part of theitystem is more liable In Mime-thin:ill:la
' lirerflt s.. lug. AS editor tia.piirlfithe_ bleed. Or.' . giVhig i
• the propo .
imputation: notrasoreticio, to the bile; s.e --- thatl
[ anyweci• -, tielortif tlie Hier:Anita the otherimportant I
: portent t e systeitiounrresolts!viiriousty In gAver Cone-1
'.l). taliits,J hales; - D;7 l soPala,•levera,.::%:c. ; !:itrii;fshiitildi
I therefore' Watch every 1 eymptortijliat:mighlindleatO it
wrong an ion of the Byer. Theie ,-.lfillikbetrigieemposed 1
lof .roots a ''d plants; futOished bY itatureto heal thesiek, 1
[minnely : sl,ma Expectlarant , dtdelfatigtuents tliniecroi.,l
tiers from the pulmooary minottaininfbrana,' or ken:fetes 1
I the OM rgtv of secreted 'matter: giii...all alitl* l o4 l
1 wlllch - chr ogesfu fonneinsapllcable and insensiblaaift4l
[ ntir;the. rtahl morbid illations- q t h e'syteM: - • [ 34i'ai•ii - '
Maloof oh gives tune tuadfitrength„fci•Jite imficius
[Andean, v mdwr health and Vigor to - •-all te:qpire
body, . 's a • ;Wattle , : whith , acts. Ititerf barn c ?r
with tin tor ugridishti tr4fiestiting 'an tha ] ltiwelp,
and e. l / 4 , ig the whole mas Oicortispilen ' inkiftlited i
,matte 14 6 %hig 'the 4 1 ..r.Whlch •def ltoyadiset - lie
'and? cell . ';': '-'•.-' '. '• ; ' 4 . ' -.. s ',7`•• , ' '•:-',.,:' -''': - .,.1
I , ' , etjtelierraick'l. l lGaberalafirs adel_Pb_lar
Ketorgast; . Pt•No i .:26 centai 'For,stati.:hyl
Itroggisttiand stores' , generally 1
lily. agent AnithitY,WartC,ClhadiAtohla:. •
‘4llei.Turrellindifinile.g . ,:k - Iteed•, --, _titoit-,
Itlittftt ink Irm. 'Cif,-Wgrit;lllteieidilibrd ;'•
\ a algulfentantlijiaribrii•VilktiriVorti
_AL-Wad &
s VIA tfoiden and,Churrlik...
drr C'.-:Elie!' 'Biooltyti;'„Gron',
' titeliettlanittkitair flilVinitst:Brao' its'
tl- Wjignialliqllillthaftlinegt" Bina , i
Ci, 11 0i.5. 2 .159 110 1 11 4-BP I 4/44.....' - .
AA' 1 , .' ' • '
-:,,; 54 . - t j' - '''''
take* itift' &ire% soliiitit
lif:casoefi4ket ithoiskise taut% may wuks
mrtot Atm low istandfaa orsdflicting•
iteikto Privaiii,goomw,4B_•!fora*
ithnot of tiitilirsuptioir
040151c1110,.07'fichrk,sr *mat
•Ttoonict ,
t`ifesi.Aoemir the, ,0:41. *4l.4ltlet
tinpottm, v914144arr 4eranatZ llll
3146.!Vinh inewirpA,44tastAt
aliganwiu delAnt3TOCcouttsuardit
,inwiW4l9l/\-ilineculisaiOctoituit the
idea eir oftkit4 P rtes
vr -%444.4,14-16101141iNktti•
time - . l l i o Awapt ahani l lards,
. 3 ,j 1 ‘9 1 * Wort ankh-41-4,
L ,11 1 Sittoi
he 4retl kothlk t tiute
-44-114 ; A 9/4 e -" i o r it YVs4m4o t : 44l t
s ' 4A
-6,6,1,1 g... • .
2 1,4,
vibiartO* l 7imitertiietriat'll**
iitSoit 4 WPe r , l **-"P.• 6 1 / : - •
: • .:•-=`
• ; '
A 4? _
'7 1 , 41 ' 11 0
ReIIANT TA11,011., TUinPikel.ivet,• l oll44loi4.'
miaqi clealiPied -4Y 1 .: Mulock; E1q..—; 4 111
thing tq New Ir s ?Tkl ri .c t s•
. • PT oitt;' - • '
i•mitrviomasit 4L fiElLolYt l i,coipiNzp CAR.
`IN.L lista aprtuOi.'l4R,ntifTiei
- - Sirativ*Vo___
1 7 7 4 4 L.nirr- A Nm V
131;fitA tryi.9l9:ll{Fak,
str 6.1; .
1 ra
.„ - _ . .
George. Fuller, -
ar t r,SpouigrErdes,4a; , gtorsp.two door below,,
irt,T GOODS, GioierfiecercH)lrell
Fluid; PO . , tc,
caMifor silkiTY, 00
,bSIO4 Furs-:St."l'Lfird
ar ea - ail
Oh' 1
tz.4l AND:. BAIIII Dit,OSSING• &A 1,0 ON. Rehrk
ding, ,neat 4°, lr fe/r1,../431s,"ffice;110111#4!:$P1
3: WintheStit
R,VET AT/ ANTV'lTaiik#aisioptj'."... Office I
. ,
it an - n EXCITANGE 14 TM
ow E.e.lift,t.ll6ol,,Apapitose,
uIiNEXIA LA - x:;;;A w ; - , ifor;ttici
'sore. •
Congdon:4lv ter
LlradviarAusL4t,Morringalcrs, TcposSTOXIII,
Itt.81" - -EGAisitwiet t.he:Clinal:BridEre
Qotirt se; Biiighalittoteili.'-.1)1-,T.B.wbietiey
Agent. - ' 271 y.
D T.
liOnSy.: • -
Ain't SIEGE .11:011:11: RECORER. 86 9
1 , 3 4cliir4i4; : cps's Saddllry
!Dr- C.‘ C. Edwardie s - •
aztuAN 'AND ammEON, Hart/n . 4; t, Pa QlDee 2
0 3 1 1 ° 101 K sa• 3 . Pales 2 Pg e 4 :
D. Virgil,
llo,ve. Building,
- _Operatiiinli
Ay Ind tender)
.e. al awl in the. 1
ST:i. Montrose, ' Pei; ':- . 9lll.Ceiti!Pd
eernei of Turnpike: atisl-Chettitit
{{upon the it ettCpettenned themost
Plate +dark done.liitittbe heft
test impipeedstyles.l Chantslow.
115TYr; T 1 thi
tit Titinl&Affitrufsiotorerriliop-at
Oratf4 of pli;Tplige; on Nilo
1 ' il• ', SnUth . -'• ' '
IST,3lc;atiose, Pst:7, wilt be at Scene's
. (I.Tueedaya of each:week.
' -
~: ,- • . ~ T (15y1.y
I r
oti t ,
I . '1
Casis, 418 1 / 3 1' and Sg_hoar
will b 9 selll sual very law, by
. : lio 2 Odd-rellowsMalt-
• in olll o.t,:r E o4 'it q ed il
l a.klecosoir -cn.
;-, ver: - : re. -
Silrer .:Ware (Arranted ss
sLs•cuin) ernbrating every irticln In
' :gratis,i
Cash Paid-lor , Pork..-
r etrolrett lbs. ii4n be, paid in-Dash. for dreired.
tIII:go, by 1 ,, • • . -BE/OMT.
,Nlitfoell,, Dee. 14t.b,D35.2.,
F rm
• a 'andlifillPriNgeges an
Latafot Sale / , ' -
, .
11E Sobscrfber, offers fqr Sale -tliefollowing
, valuable properties, to wit ; One farm is the
- to
' nship of ‘ liartord Coritakiiiig 9614 niatracret,
a L .
about thirty of irviliCh. is iMprove4. house bars,.
'or hartl;A:.c.Abereon: .SiiidfainV ,lioii One rinle
rtit d- a' half from the -mill ci4O.:ef, ',lerfOrd, -- .On the
r , f„, : o f th e mo u ti o sei,,aud Ha fi ord Plank .Rood .
Iti IS a "beautiful tiwkdelliab e*tetion;.sirell-evar
iseied fc. : "-,:- -.. '.. '_ : . -.- •'" _ ----'--
Also: one oilier - farm- ' lyt f' on'tie -Belmont
a,,, .
Itiruitiltk, 'four'. miles frorn!„, ,
isif.,,Y; arid•Erie - Railred,:aon sitting'
a ries, twenty_ of - more id wk ails it
h nae,-barn; orchardi' SIC,-14 This: . ._
p ece.of land from its location, hieing welitn.
dwaternd,' ,-.--.:, --. ''- ,i, . . ' ...::
l ' ; Alio 'severe& Pnlidi tip.; loinat the village - of SO
'(1 ebieiino.on'tho.Nehr Ir
orl '&. E r ie Rail Rao
t :
is i?", one Of the iniise th'4iuilocatiOns in the
ct 13110 , 1i:being
. the s eat Of ibO Rail Rolidllichine
i S.,i
ord tkc,--41 - containie not; about 4300, irtiuthi
tinta,r. and its brisiniels-facil4iekare uniividecl.-Is
"olenicOtion ,with, the Omni lots,arie four of the,bert
mill;:saatiln-the county„,being immedia t ely en the
, .M. nenpieliarina river;', wit h , sufficient ponrer for. ad
:piirpoitiof rnarinfeturing "Sr.-c, } The most surrumin
luducerriontst;are - held Out,by.-the ober& locations,
foiCapitaliati r yrliti wish to'embarli in , the brisinees
ofnitiitufeiettirine,ttinning;lio‘i'riiik and lairttiriEr•
1 '
bei-ttail Road groidE . tke, Mont commodidne end
- adierzetispOrtiim Tor iiiarthiriglil ihe 'above lne,
=,' The - abOtin itiroperty;_in . whole or pari,::*ilite
'` 'ld On termilhe'most -adrintaienustopnrclier•
Itoie.?' T-tor.iiVoiver great bargains Coutrinikt:
its *llllre, promptly answered finui - a =detain
and all enquires attended to promPtly. -'l.- -- '-
r-- , i--::-f -.- : - -' - -'.. SEDATE - GR ISWOLD.
Sulk , elitliot- 'Pa.. - June r,': - -1A52:::- - ...- 23 - tt
. _
,•.: Every -agilystiould:ltice li-CeP)V - - 1
ind,fridgai 'boa :Oily ,25, - tts: :. per cops l
_-., - ,..ll:fitn know;thy s elf:. ..• -- . •
ii: - :irtri.TEirs. Itedteal -Minitel.. - Sidllanic•ll.Ast 4/t_
tlie:Ainetea,dontal.niug an (plaint iif the origin,Pr, -
b ' i.. Trvilm oat anti lare.„Or er?ry - . Orin of diseaseitor
Ilieted bj ,, ,Pra)niennons Ssarist I ntereernale,''-:2ig , Self .l l
&rasa. ; orliySeinsiTscost,":_wipi - actelcafoilbelc - p r e in4
InNtbst eannoesffind the ear of edeney;_srari,thtre: -
%Ili. efrearnOt*enty yearitinceessfulpfsetleo;:exteni e li el l
eratEd fo,t)to-cure of d!seiSa of,priyitAi ale
-.,- TO 'Ala is ;aii(fedi restipia foi tliiiire:ofthe Ow
biasses, anal' ...treaties on the'ciusesi - syopseisar . aud
ewe of. eaarelrer.nn4..kkur,for tvientyAssicsntsweafl.,
sin'cofra one dOlisr ;:nill - lie foiliirded any. R an ! d
tbegnited Statesity Inaittrio:ot*stage. --_::AddforspOt••
ni;ol..pnid;Boa;l2 ll Post Oflice. t orth!'"oat4oi, 38,2 1 0 31-
q e”!ntkmii ll rr A114110'21.-;- „3.- = ,• = ' -
-- 1! 0 A R :.O
THE out lohlall liatt,..' : ..§tare pow rata!int,
1 .. betwee ;" Cartioad 'ie - and . the. Laclitiyriees .
& Veetera tßiiiliiiid;hope e k t.Yrtial;fianata Stit
-1 nit
tioh.' Ne w atilg,ioei a Oal i tdalo'ceaneptig
With , trai ns tot'New ,titit; a Duniirt; totem
ing • • teavei aillthati — 71 , Stalin' ' tiii . ii.trivitl of
tralus,-(rom is:Yok! 01flufirtiilii . - '-' , 4tate,if a t.
letive.Tti kW - inn - I)3k StitietVreiTatikhenv
o& iiiiial - 4:44ii r fie ~• Yatit;' I : -For k
aPPI'Y 4'04.: :-14.V. MARTIN
Neve 3 1152 ",
Lt-- antanimiltiariro'i:::
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B ...8 1 ,,,,, , D , 15-,!..izhtise ._.‘,...::
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• 0210 . ~`_, No:- . 003r,,•• - 211 00 10
1111MIWP*Idt except l'it the, 00 g t he
il anildunloll4os*l.l333Ve 4' 2:: 224 d td.
I Ion; --..&2lieffilsaninlitedir2o the-Ado
te.1.2,0.80'11.,,x'aVA., - ,ciria!rs, 3103 W
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