, - „ IA ALrite' rioxu'„s - iiisCovery. . ~ to ----- Yes Y aftell lo . o - 1 4 lia-tho ll'Olimell= ,4 :1 0 e eneged- n;digging, ts. o_e npen a common. in which ' _set etre_e,thfig came npiennbrielc arch, whie 'upon. waiting alerhilefelf the -6,i !. 1 trona gas ' escape, one oft. the workmen .00-', *Med'ad explored this cavn." T4' was -abont tensfee deep fifteen le‘frth,.. and six; feetia t /t - • ' width.- Upon mato th lade was an iron dear . - '' .' from which iss led a ; 'flight of stone-..stepaf=--' The Mini ster to Englantk. _, • Car '' This was ly detaVed Wi th rust.. The • . ...The excitement has at lastmtebsicled alai , - 'bricks were': of a:very , uaint mepid, differing lently for ns to. ascertain something definite entirely " freni z any the - . liy-have :ever seen! in concerning the recent proceedings at Washing= . I heard of bef. ; being ore semi -eircular shipe ton.'. - From several columns of telegraphic die t ; forit.emall i is'cirim i s , of a cutitinaform with ;•0 'intaches,. breathing fearful foreboding., of a dis- Funeouth hea ' MO,Uidednpois them. were found solution - of the Cabinet, nothing hat' esulted lin one come of the'vault ; one of width Was '. but n little unneCesssary uneasiness. - d'- we( filled with amorphous , pliceifefellver, Covered now look over the _wonderful .pr ictions oft with a a loviish hrown Mould or crust., The yesterday, surprised to find- that- our Easterne other t tree!containing a motley assortmengof • iperashould have' made so many gnesses, jewelr of`the Moit'aingular. form and snake and that - none of them should.' prove correct._ consisting .. of havy . Old rings elaborately" tt -The Cabinet, we belleve,is safe, the Capitol is. "wroug 1 ith .hasinti of beads and antique `Still standing,-and instead of any unlooked for armour,i e twin d. in scroll-work itreillowers; "event, we have the pleasing assuranee' that bracelets, beck! -,earriags, &e. • h't c vice, iiniewn State kis been heppred, as it Ceti be- between thelliriolss wag. stuck e„dagger, .- Melt lieved - she wet:Ad be, in-the:person of her Most Inpon touching, the bhide immediatelycru bied . alistifagnished statesman, *he has been selee- •to plezes,.belue einapletely eaten up . wit h titso ted to_ rePresent our government at the Court The handle Upooirlittle rubbin 'proved 0 • bel ,of St. James. - .- . ' ._ of mold, get with sialeestly. die onds„, 4 -• Whatever wish we `?nay' have . entertained; ' Here is a problem for • !taiga inns ends. lye, thitiiii..Bnchattanviould.be selected by the ITheonly elite or ley te this .:strung' o f i t is 1 Tresident for his Secretary of State, we_are the inseripiio,n fonna erigrafed on t e h ndle • ' hardly lesi pleased , that his abilities have been 'of, the dag4er,';wl4lt.some of our lea na iun 11lede available in a position , where -. they will. •dits are now -tiyinp to translate ; it re ds 'has: be of immense value to,. the "country. Theie -4,0,0F.,:L i11.P.1A., - - ,' • 1 I ' are amPle. reasons'for presuming that nwarten . The articles have been deposited,ilf th City . lis'the Union is better quali fi ed than he to rely Hall ; for _tire e x amination of the eurlo'uli.— resent not"only the interests• of bur people, bet B - :f Post 1 qv! 1. st inst. . .1. 1, , their national spirit - Mr. Buchanan .Ints been . •-• ],-L—a•-•-,' e• ' ses.--ma-ae' 'm, I `n'o, blaster . ; but he has . been - firm when the . - Names of Post-Offices 1 'power of England , threatened, and will"on- t In lookieg overahe other dty a list of the f.atiebtetilySustain.tlieadministration in steady I, pest oa.::es‘ in. the Union, s a were - uiucli i Adherence to the rule of foreign policy ib _re -latnueed. in exatitiniegalte varie y. of name i se .cently pointed out. It ia. in the - memory of Jlected fur theirld.C . SiAtion. : T i tles of perlion 'ear 'readers, With what irresistible . power he al reones,aliere.' are" 1. Alexanders, 4 Alfreda, - fi tistateed.the righeof the State of New York 128 Adams's;2l!,Cass', 44trial:tins, 561.faek ', tii.try . 'i a u t, of the Queen for .j an offence I sons, '49 Jetreriikereand .11onti4ellos, 11 Phlks, - cornmittetainst the municipal laW. Threat.s l B liessuths, ll:Carrplis, 9 Calltouns, 24...C1in, - andintimidation had no force in the' American tons, 29 ,toitrees 16 tAlityktts, 5 L-whiartine, Senate,-and when i,„Mr. Webster bad eln luist and 39 Washingtonfs, - Of town 3; and comities aaquiesced in.theidefclaad - that. McLeod should 1 there arel29 Provideitees, and New .Prevideo • - be given up, it neededsthe 'voice of ,no weak, Ices, 21 jlilwports,lS , Athens;nnd 6 A 160413,12 ;man to 'sustain the .diguitT of our government ; itomelsl and 13 Carthages, " 1 Babylon; only.. It les then thatildr. Buchanan, in: one Of the imeit . unfortonitelv ; 9 Am tys, and_ only 4 . . ablest, efforts that have ever` reused the'Amer4pachelora!,ltetreats anti Gro es; 4 Aznericarei, ictut SeMite, asserted the right •_pf a-State -to i e'‘Yankees, aj*.g- - -and 5 Enslish ollicers'! but try the perpetrator of an ontrage against its not \ oire riwree;'2l3agdads, 1 Auburns,Nweet. ~ jaws, no matter whether his conduct was or villagee,or the plain,' aud.l. only of Augusta . : Was not, the result 'cil2 obedience to his awn the Cl:ii63qe i 18 Bostens;• 6f ; Californians . ; 43 ifOlerninent. His views were sustained, the l i Columbias,' L it, not 1 •Afrie, Asia nor Enrope; 'trial _wag conducted:to a' conclusion,: and the.' 11 Bunker I ill, 19 , Bitena Vitae, and I;Mex i -.honor of the nation was preserved. .In every liens. - There lis \ l Bloomer, ad 17 Bleferning liatanee•in the history of our foreign relatiOnal'places; 20 Flat Pr s, and ' - niy, rtsnder the while Mr. Buchanan was Secretary .of State, I name- of. Small ; 'Basin , corner, .and 1 hi ma intained , the' same unswerving devr Lion %Quiet Dell ;16 Bear ~`32. _ eeves,-4 a ArtiNtif, to - the baterests,ef the government, the - game' an'd 5 Bees, and the ame triber as thn last ' etern demand for justice at the hands o f other of Industrys, Of tries,- th rel:ire 39 ,of. the nations; and yet with no spirit of hrnefkle, per 1 Aeh,l 2 As era; 161 - Beech ,j , po ' Cedafs, 29 . Chestniasa, 12 li' -\ ''"i halts, ilititi) .. : ',.'o '0:Olt:AT Vile Largest (Arent &titan. , in , ,Northeami Areainurivanu&--1642,$)oplesVreekly: I-- • . •. B,& E.. CHABB- EDITORS: MONTROSE, ApltlJ 1160 33: air 'of hanghiy defence. .Bnch a_ man now needeiltd repreient us in the most powerful and enlightened-kingdom in the - world. We witi her an extensive' - -commerical inter course, 014 is - ,er-erf day giving birth to.ques . lions tha need th'e pradenee 'and experience which are_ so peculiarly the attributes of , the • distinguished gentleman who will now be• re quired, to decide - them. Towani. England we ~.afant.no hilt headed, - rash and impulsoliey_ No reckless spirit, who mistakes hatred toile mother country ler patriotic- devotion his croon, should. be- - entrusted • with the daty of negotiating in kitatters'of diplomacy; requiring , the most friendly interchange of sentiment ; • on the other hand we wish no ParAiite praise the glorious English cpmstitutien, and depreciate the excellence of our - own. : -.We „„, , want no aping of foreign aristocracy, in the ~.„sitati'who stands as -a sample of republican pepple at a foreign Court- He • should. be, like his government, strong, without.a display of power ; . not over,Sensitlve nor anxious to display a. joatriotie 'spirit, with no ering • ing desire in court.the admiration 'of Princes, and without the petty axnbition that seeks to • -insult them.., We doubt whether any states plan in the country posSesses. •so•earnpletely. Mr-Buchanan, the eiperienee, stability and Plain'repuhlican - manners so necessary in his resent proud position. • , : . -Th 6 Turkish Quvstion: It appears by the foreign advices lataY re: , --4eived,.thal. the Turkish question is , not ad. 'lusted, though the .apprehensions of a war be tween Russia and - Turkey "'had measurably ..-, islubsided. The I.ondon ,Times, in an editorial -on this sultict, :4zpresies the opinion that _,there line been Miich unnecessary, excitement ..and alarm. It - 545-.: , ' ; . - - - ......`Tho interview.of Prince - 3finehikoff with —titre Sultan took place with all the-usual forms ..- of amity ! ind.,whateyer the ulterior views of; the Itassrausoart may be on the -seat'-:of the- 1 I eastairr,empire, it is a gross . misapprehension ' to sapPo*that they will • lead the Emperor ' liictelas to Chitch-that tiplendid, but danger-1 -,- - ' *Di - prize, by any. act of evert:tearing • and' eta . acions -violence. : On'this occasion, especially, ::the:elturailin government . had .-- . pcisitively Zia ,. ''''' el si u!ed anyinteutimis' hoitile to the Porte,-or - - the'pursult of any_oect beyond - that, of re. • , •itoring the Greek eingth in the Hely Land to:the positien it oe4.upted before- the finnan :*obtained_by SL de Lavalette.' ~, .-. , ' . -;The--rimealitinks the. 'Tnikiniteln. Cnin. in :lop danger front. v ernal dissensi o ns and ,":ereikoess, than froiD , reign aggression, and 'adde-that -1 both in:'t ' don ': and in. Paris the ttisiirri-government declared, on the faith . '- -dr the Emperor that the ;formidable list of - . demands ascribed, to Prineellionchikoff has no _ lunda l tinit in 'his instructions, which ••••ire' elan. _-- • emlUtiti the,liatter 9f the Holy Plaice,' - .11te litysteryßiplaiiiett • mystery* of the spiritual rapfings is ellasidedut last. We donot knew to whom the . inithrisiihiebtoiforilielsained exposition 11Whicti folteivigait viBI at 'once ree.o?gpiz; 40-d'oiellasiiiiatitatisfactory and` otivinemg of, that hie YetAPPeared-: - • -"The Oily tine . an4 - jegitimate manner oti for the-taps is the phypologield - V)* : : membraneous systetru The-oh :the.--abdomitud indeiation douses the .. egnipreisMr to - . eownlate into the 4 lierhinetdef feee P s the dued , endum the - ilandreno, 1r44, if"*i4l,olieffl*ize9allY the, oga. - extremitiei, the; ~..:-VP3.104141X1 Ante _ePhittial wtitild - ToUcent And .40Deihe . - . 4ontiestaittihe.-aiglnen t t iln; -44 °w , ilicleliet . : the case firt - - . ..oder to - produce: taps, ''.411'14-614111a' - d_bef the ere- _B ut sat , ore, :inferior :ligaments must. not "itittend over the 4104chtlY te*a4ool4,7othliter.: gq. - c.• '' '•" • ~ A,Datimsaixt*. —._,._ _,,___,,,...,_ .a . ii0t vir. 14 rit u itlf life xsated:osb - 9 `' n449 C o l' 'Aiiits '''' - ':-411V7tainiBitlY resolved _ _6l7 4 51 Stki 005 1 11. . 1tki R a .k. U3 .4. 61 1: 45551 ,t1 . _,._, l p rotioufta i g , miettonary , • - e•kaGe.___,...,._ 11 ' 4,- ,t i ii. -- bit* to - all trmk.Sena ' ia.6ll*,•lo7ll4t,itm, ArkiiiikiTaiY4 ~734_; 111141 . . '"7" 74 ,. l.4itiekggitp -- "lttture; Hater; : —Telar4%.7io,o4;zWitarfile,Wrigar; • pr ff ari; ,;. --t. --, itrothile;" Caintitiition," • Ifraiolkittin; ll 6 .lidign. -..• pligigucn i*:-Whigigt' , -- Comigi4l#4o4,:r - -17 -7.7' -, 7 , ""''.. '' ...".!gzt,•-•4,u.-11:41 044:40* 7 et r t i . s ... 7 o ''.• • - is-Avvilkballit,„,- • • • - - 3 , F-... unriP,a.:..,,,..,... ~4 it t ha i iii - r e,fi th e ' m nitm ion b ' ;'. Vilergel)sl4gli4i=iiiiieW I . A r igWO —' 41ijorkial 4411= '. . . ;oaf of - -' ' * . - *heft eller,. - --- " R ibitioNamitiailifir p9 - si. , , . - - airAikdßisontne - - '.. - A 6'. Cher les, - 17 nests ; .... 31 Walnuts,. -59 -,IN •s, 44 i i dente Post. • 1 .. -- 11 Jo, y - ' 4, nd heal . it Wet ..- - \ ic h' : to hear that . no, truth in titt sto 1 üblislied -in irork tette rin th Ne. ' Orleans -Picak OT l -1 ''' kr.. J the dozitoSti • relation 4 of. Jena ' Lind::' Trlie followiig 1 Vim', aildressed to C. Edwurd lla -1 bieht,"ESq4 . Swedish -.rind Norwegian Celniul at New *ii - ork,',will,...We hspe,‘sel., at resi - ilie re- i ports in circulation : --. . . : ... 1 . - ~ I .- i . • Pr.ESnr : s, 10 . F,`eb, - 11153. °.l lim _has a, Gudilof rid. ~!Otto isr ,inyeket . god och nail ; arbetivi ljernt4 ar htinma Jena, ianlig - .I jemt, ~ densamida 111Rn4 - Nip 4 - ankle:L' altiome, tattkor tiara pi mitt , val . och min for noismniief, , oeh bar ett lu g nt Stilla-mOd i :lila veziing,dr.. .. - i .• . ;.._. . 1, .. 1. -. , .rN•st.l.i . io.7. ' :.:•.. , - We-tiro; God be thanked; well. Otte is Very flood imil,kisid - ; he laliomi constantly, its alwiars •»t home, is always -kind, 14, the . same: tellable friend al Tays,ithiniis only -ifmy welfare and my happMess..'and beara.al eido,- still Oour i age in all rielasitudeS. . -• 1 .- •• ' , - i•• 1 , - - -.- : - Chapter ofOrinies; The pi blic .joltrtialS or Philadelphia have teethed . ith • fearful details of crime a few thon hs:,* Na -less thin four awfnl Mur ders have been cotrimitte, I . - and-in itte!course of a,- eiy.shiirt time. _ln the _ first .l.ad avo r y a t thy tfd intelligent storo-keeper, .II .Itiok.,.*.