The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, April 28, 1853, Image 3

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    _ ... .., _et-
Great Bend,-„Brynt, licWie,
the .followingla,an extract from 'the "pal.
torial Correspcindente" of the ; Westfield (Mass.)
News L e tw;thoiEditor of : whielt,iitaterna has
taken a tour On the N. Y. & E". Railroad.--,
i t )
"Amon; of er things, it apelike in hipbairtris
o f ti e 4 quilt lionee,' the advertisement of
which can e fowl' on ihe s fourth Ivo, to
w hi c h pp would invite. the Attention of our
. i father enstbrotilit - inll t
_, 0
Sixtden miles ._
the buo.ling little village of Great, Bind, Where
I had thi ..ploasuro of spending the Sabbath,
— iettlf a' old friend Anflisos Biraxr, who
k e eps one of thelcat hotels to be foand on
this road. He has recently built him- a large .
h o use, on an extensive plan, thnentire' build
jngs,, including harp, &c., being 208 feet long,
and well proportioned. There are •seine 80
sleeping rooms, and his beds aro usually well
filled. As many as_ 100 different persons fre
quently eat from his well filled table. in 'a day,
and no pains is spared to, make his guests very
much at home—and no man bail that faculty
certainly More than a landlordof Great Bend.
As hii hotel is within - -a few feet of the Erie
r4lway, and also neelhe lanckaWana road, he
is full of business, and seldom funds his bed
till the wee• small hours of morning. There
isAnother hotel hero, but br. B. takes the cream.
of the travel, and of the custom of the place.
This village is a thriving one, and is fist buil
ding A i,. Being vituated among the moiltAains
of Pennsylvania, it is romantic and picturesque
to's fault. The Susquehanna rolls its waters
sluggio.,hly by, and 'is crossed. by, two good
bridd Nif solid materials, bound, to sta nd t.nd for
. _
saw in-my travels The. minister was a . vela- I
man; similar in form and, appearance tO . Rev.
Dr. Cooley, and alitte rand sounder 'gospel'
sermon was never uttered by hum= lips than,,
he gave us. - '
As Great bead is such .a delightful location
for a summer residence, we advise. all those in
Search of either .health : or pleasure, " to
~pass a
fewweeks, duringthe warm season, with. br.
Bryant, who - will spare no pains to make them
happy. -His etceilent wife, (who .is a daugh
ter'of-Mr. B. It. Lewis of W.) is in-agreeable
and aceoniplislied laudlady, and the lady guests
at hei. house cannot but feel, at home.- We
'weuld;• however, advise those 'suffering from
dyspcpsith or :by .complaint: of that kind, not
to go tirreyaka sight cf his LATIDEII might
:Oder thatlimease wholly incurable.
After:leaving thelightSul retreat, I shall
proceed to New York; where you may hear
from me again. • -
Itespect to the _ Late Vice Presi
' , dent-
, .
As soon as the melancholy intelligence,.an
nouneing the of the Yiee President
could be ascertained to be authentic, the sub:
joined orders Were issued b the President-4
\The Whole coultry wili 'sympathize with the
sentiments expressed in these testimonials of
respect for the station, chaiacter, - and public
services of the 'eminent and lamented states
, man whose - earthly eareer has thui beerteloSeil
in the fulltiesSof years and of hontirs.
—The President has, with deep sorrow;
eeived information . that the Vice President of
The tialted.States, William IL King; 'died on
the 18th instant , at his , residence in Alabama.
In testimony of respect for:eminent station,
exalted character, and, Wilier. and abiave all.
starion, for a career of public service and de
votion to this-Union which, for . . diiration -and
usefulness, is almost without a parallel in the
histery of#43 . Republic, the - .labors of the va- .
i' Mire, beparttnert.s will be inspendea. •
) , s ilte Secretaries of War and Navy i will issue.
orders th,:t approorrate military and naval on
orb be rendered to the memory of one to whom
' saih a tribUte will not be formal, but hhartfelt
from a people the deceasehas so, faithfully
. •
offices will b closed • ':.
The •pub,li on this day
and badgeS of =blooming be placed on the Ex.;
motive-Xi sion . and all the Executive Depart=
.. tisents at atbington. • . '
._. : •
'• • \
. Washing:ton, April 20, 1853. s , - '
State Central Committee.
The Presidenea the fate Derneeiatic S
Convention, announces' -the following:.Stite
Contra! Committee., in conformitywith • the
resolu)on of the Conventuin, directini hint tti
appoint.the Committee. The-Committee-will
• meet at the Merchant's Hotel, in the-City of
Philadelphia, on Saturday; the 21st--day of;
May, at 4 o'clOck; P. M. The-Detnocrartclia;
pers in the : State will please ptihlish this no*-
• • t 4 er4t
~ In ender to ma a convemen an .
\orgrafir.ation throughout. the State, it will be
proposed to constitute a General State Cora
l:Otte° of Correspond'enCe, compos6d - of One
fi:om each County. In view ofjAis , arrange
znent, the Democratic - Standing ComMittee of
eaeh county is requested to nominate one_mere
, berlor said Committee, and forward the nom
/ beim; to the'sub4Cribe.r in titne to lay before
the State Central Committee at-their meeting
. to be held on the 21st of May - . .
• • - WM. L. IlinSt .
Philadelphia, April 21, 1853. • '
Philadelphia, April
State :Central Committ ee:
Hon. James Burnside;_Contro.. /
John A. Ahl, Cumberland.
• William Badger, Philadelphia.
Henry B. Beardslee, Wayne. . .
Hon. Byron-D. Hamlin, McKean.
Mon. Charles Buckalew, Colinbia, .
'William Curti.; Philadelphia. 1,1
Hon. John Cessna, Bedford. •
James C,Clarke, Westmoreland.
Francis C. Carson, Dauphin.,
Hon. William Dock, Dauphin. -
Hon. John L. Diwtion, Fiyette.
Henry L Deiffenbach; Clinton,
John C. Evans, Berks.
Hen. Thos. 8.. Florence, Philadelphia.
Oliver P. Fretz, Montgomery. .
- Mtn NV: Forney, Philadelphia. , J.Tisher,
Thoutaa,S..Fernon, Philadelphia.
Hon. - William Goodwin, Philadelphia.
David Lynch Allegheny. - -
Charles IL Hrinter, Herbs:
Charles M. Hall, Schuylkill.
.• . '
. ' .•
VsidAt_i . i •
• atpc, rifiledel t . / •
' sapnwag, -
't2 • :
• H. Wi •
, r - idiot
be j eld
* Hari.
. s .
. .
.. ,
`Best Durk i sti
Secon . best, --,
Best, °von Du,
Secon lest, ; 1; i
Best rade-Itali a
1 Best ow, 1
Seeon .best, I
I Third best, . .1
Pour -bast, -1
Best two years 101 l
1 Second best,. ; 1
, Best 4' Yearling*
1 Second *et, • , i
Best hit of Ctilvail
Second. lmar, .
Best pidi of Wort ! ,
Second beat, • '
'Third .best,
J i T a
Best pair 4: -I f i 3 ye, old Steers,
Second. best,- i
.Best pair .of old Stee
Secon bc:st,, . : - •
- . ...,ISHEEP. •
Best line WoOl oat,
Seemisil best, - . -
Beath _South Do , . •••
Second best,- ; . •
Best Long Wool tick,- •• ,
Seconal best, i • . -
Best loot fi ne wbo Ewes, not,
Second{ best, I - ',. ..-,, '; I
Best ir Soirth . D am Ewes f
.thr Seeolid ' best: - • -
Beal tot long wool Ewes, nol
Second best, • • 1 ,/
i lIOGS. -
Best Boar, ' •ii ' -
.geeord busk 7; " • •
.Third lest, -Ai
Best Sow; , 4
Second best, . \ 3 = ',
Third best, • 'il
Best, litter of Pig*
•. - - 1-10E,SES.
Best Stallion for all Work,
Seeotid best, ‘ !
Best Brood ire with C I
Third best,
Second best,. . - •
.Third best, - ••• • r,
Best pair of matched 110
. foaled in Susquelummt 9,1
Second best, - ,
Third beit„ . -1 1 ! .
- -.- _POULTIO
Best lot'not less than 6,
Second best, . -
apt less thin fiye, 5
;• 3
•., . ".VEGETABI.
Best and largest variety,.
Second. best, - '
Best half acre Of .Potitoes,
• .
Second. best,::• -
Best Firkin of Butter triads during the
Summer mUntir, 1 •• ~ .
Second best, .I ' 2 • . • .
Third beat, I -
Best during th f'ski, • ' _ i
Seiond best, ,i, 1 i . - .
Third best, I • . 4
• 1 I efIEE
, 1 .
Best not less than 25 -
Second best, -
Third best, ' ' ' . - '
' - G LNS.
Best acrtg i f Corn; .-,
Second b t, ' ; •
Third bes , - ~, '
Best acre, , f Winter yibest, .
Second st, . . .
Best acre pring iVheat, 1 •
Second t, : -1` '
Best. acre r oats. -
i i
Second b st, •
Best acre !Buckwheat, -. •
Second bels4 ' .I ,
I ' r uiT.i, ~
Best Full Apples, •
rie-haif bushel,
'Best half bushel for Goulding,
Best \Vint r ,Ikpplee, - . - ,1
at' .
Second. 4. ,
b i s,
B es t QPie peck, - I --
Second b
,I , - - 4 '.
. 1 eck, ''- 1
Best. 'Pears, 1 \ .. ,
Second. best, _ . , 1 •:. 1
Best Feanbee, ---- ';; - I"
.. ~ 1
Second' best, . . . ar i ntEss: l
• ' DOMESTIC MA, A i . , i
-Best Flannel not less than i ll? Pigs', t ,00
Secend best,, .: • '' i i ; \ 1 },, --
L.Beat.Quilt of any desirip 0 ~.: •A:
, :. --, ,
"Serr,Q., -13 1 4,
~.. , .
If s
Third t, -1. . ' 'l l , .i. :
B es t, p nee of Carpeting._ . i - , -
Seion best, I ~ - :I
Best Woolen Socks riot leas than 3 PlLir, 3
Best Cotton,Socks not leas than - 3 pair, A- -
- Best. Wheat Bread, .r, •:, • . 4
B •e °n it d ie best' aid .03 ri B t f llll4l . '.- i ....:- : . 'l'.
--B -- ' 12 :dfs7:f tI li;o : leliKAtazued l ' Ofilleoliu4-‘ 1 $3 l 6
nd best,: . • 1 i
. F.,E,
st side '
of Upper '
,'do . j i !
~ , 3
Second best, - : ..•, _ . i 1 1 , 2
Best Flov!Ifor Stislu county, 1 1 ,1, , "$3 00
s ßel742o l s ti tJ i r, -.-.. ...- , ,- 1 •
Second best, i.l . .. ,- , -7 . t .• 11
Best Straw Cotter,. i ,' 1 ,i 4
Seto d best, '.. . - - , - : t i '• 1 2 , ,
Best Ox Yoke, - ' i, - - II:. ,
Beet Leetber War _ - '
s ' . 'j - - - l';`i -_I
Best Ox' Cart, 1•1 ' :.. . -- -
Best Plow Chain-- „-Clermei 1 1 . xi;
Best Horse SlSee, t -. ,-
,- . - 4
" sad
-- t variety of ` ciweis--A . ~ .
„ B o ok ow their
,ltlre.-- .‘ 1 ' ' I'l
- • Bepertcon In ,
~ Wheat
_ Fineis
s ad pats, Ito be : =deo', at the Fair.- - WC=
and' Buckwheat at llielinus,ll7 , . 1 . 13 11 1 : , 1 ,40,g__77 - :
Clalinante for, preallutniloa Gr-i4..., 1 111 1 e rr1r
of to bave-the greind 444 ""'"*".`,! T o ;' , l4:iiitli e '
'LAY properly, eeetified•-____,-- 'l d
_ . ,, , ,.. 41A
je th b 'O e7n z ta du er6 !LrY" - lei ' C gu lD emul" ' " ellit with -- Wil . ii_ 1
wi 1
It is expected , i , the i nt u i t_ aeceraer ,
be observe& In --' :-..05.01114-4-. c rops, a°
- • not eapimityotisus.
that'Aßlerill be "'' ' - - • i.,. , T he
ihaaans county - to': ariff!rr.._ -_i.,.._.
owneo kliaral , Caws ' 4 1 16; ''- f m 'F" Pw "i7 4
are requilitetta - State:to - , - .. :1 ,. i ,
.C . owa,. tha qnsatitYpr ,_ . - T Iniderro o .l l ,. m
'loth of ! : ' i-..and ,ideeM 11,
- .. E, rFeeititya - ,.. . , *ttiok.-,-
'Eh* sir their ' ,
zlee - W-inatit• lir; , ' t
.00 # 10
itaiiiitliitheYnir.4iC:- ';',
DRLNirli,t , -, -,..--2 4-; , - j"--:-
r - L:0"
:'l4 l /11$ 1 01 ~ •
//',,---'''' ' ' r- •'' '.' ''''''.2l,4, 'j'' 4
Aktaillura, ti.l. . : 11 0 1 1,11.
..4if,;. 4 04 : 1 1.t i ff .1 * 0 10 4 —" P'
VIZIY . . . .,r4t7t,Tioniill:'7.77
4, P 11111 . 141 4f 7 . r '. ' - •.. . .
` . y . .-.
' - -- A *aged 111
• , ..., . . . -
correspondent orthe New Vork Express,
writing from Bawling Green,...olllo, nyder 'date
of the 14th ultilsayar - -., .. - a
A moat hourti4indingtraiedy occurred in
this vicinity's ' Yr:dart since. The .circum
stances,)ts far I have .been',.able to learn
them, are as fol owt.l 'A man by. name of Val
'• entiiie Sagchadi been for about tea days at
tending , a tit'otacted religious' meeting,. in .
which he gooks deep interest.' Thursday eve
ning butt, from Fre exceeding eamestoess 'with
a o
. hich he =prayed in the. phblio congregation i
- me of his - frit:ids feared , that:his reason was
tit to' be - again. ovetthrown. He had °Ace.
baton insane for a shOit. time, in Consequence
ot excessive' . grief st the loss 'Of- a son,. No
'aympton of inaanity . was, however discoterird
on his way home from church; but early the
next morning he went into the bogie of a
neighbor andcommenced singing;' after which
he prayed' stiaparticukrly for the wife of the
man in wheals house he_ was, *lt -s ib() might
have grace tO enable her to . • endure the great
trial' that awaited her, - ilke Haying then in-,
forthed is diets' that he was commanded by
the Lord to I kill him,- and admonished him to
prepare for eath on that day, he went home.
Soon afterwards he seized ono of his childrea
.by the febt and dashed her , brains out on a log
Throwing the child on .the ''ground ho ex
claimed, "Thatichild is flow happy. ' • His wife-
WhO had just been confined, now sprang from
the bed; and atteeipteit to make her escape.—
She was heivem overtaken by het. husband
and felled to Oki ground. :Happily she was
not seriously injured.. By iihia time several of
his - neighbors had collectoki and tho unhappy
man was. with much difficulty overpopered
and conveyed for security tO the jail in rierrys• - •''
burg. Ho is noW.a. iiivtng Intillille s but . has tt
perfect knowledge ot what hobos dotik and
says his child is ii Heaven. '- One could 'al
most wish: that his-reason may paver .raturn
while he•lives,he rutti , be spared- the anguish
which Would then Overwhelm him. Before
!this be had been kind - to his famililand latter
ly hail been altogether exemplary: in his gen
eral Condnel.
ttle litho 0 ,
.. a
3 :! 1
3 t;
5 ,
g i
2 , 1
• 'VII
- 11 3 1 11
. • u 2' l
1 3
thai 3, ,311
• 2 11
t less than fl.l*
3 .
' * *-
iem 3, 31! .
.'.! Chicago, April 26.
The' Express tram which left at ' lnt, o'clock
last night, on the Michigan Soil' em Rail
road, came ,in. Collision at th e cro
.ing of the
!Central Road with the emigranteup; train, and
the most disastrous consequences ensued. 1
. The locomotve and- baggage Car of the ex
, prestf train, and three cars of the emigrant train
/ j were - smashed, and it is ' thought from twelve
to fifteen persons were killed, and fifty to sixty
injured, soine' of them fatally. •
The emitrants on tho Central goad are the
principal isufferers, no trerson in the ifiret-Clas.s
', cars. being seriously 'injured.
.. •
The engineer, fireman,and condo of the
"., express train escaped. :. - ,
- -.- The tracks cross e.aeb -otber at n ly right
. . ---- * ITEsm,
.3 1 F
•." .• 1
a y her aude, 5; -
. ' :11.,
N (guldGg) F.
nth : 5!
21! '
; •
i 1
83 1 00
S. M .
- S
3 •
si t
Dreadfa]:bl'Ortiad ectiUsiOn.
A Irian, Mich., April 26.
A gentleman just arrived.from - the scene of
last night's disiv , ter, deports that there:, were
twenty dead bodies'W l hen he left, and•t,e
hired were dying almost every minute;
-.Conductor IVhiting of theexpress , was
seriously hurt,
The cause. of the collision - is beyond c njec
tun). The night was brght, the moon being
near the full: The• tracks run for a lo; fr . die--
tance on a straight .
SummEs.—Our correspondent M. I . C.,
writing from Ann Arbor, .Idichigan„ A .ril 1,
i ll -There is madness in the Moon,' says hake
'Peace. A fortnight age a stranger f the
West, (ul it was subsequently discoce ,) la
boring Ander a fit of melancholy,at Coo 's ho
tel, Ann Arbor, attempted -his life by' taking
laudanum, ba t two &sacs - each succeeding
the other, being too lar,g4, caused vomiting,
and Vivi d comparatively Ouirmlese; when . he
had rev) eto 'bleeding hitnself to? death with
a dull n
kPife,:* inflicting `two severe cross
gashes on iir, urrn, which 'ho had . .taken the i
precaution: l'fl cord tightly. In this list at
tempt to commit suicide; he was foiled also, by
.111 timely dis c overy, although he had ble&pro
&say. Since then,. a man at Lans*n„cr suc
ceeded. in killing himself with s canine;
another wax found,dead on the line o 'a'plank
.road, near iloWell and germin g ton,4) ving cut
his thrust, and ' fourth gang himself t Saline
tea Miles from Ann Arbor"; all these „eases
were, within ahundred *ales of _ eaCh other,
and all occurred within. 'two Weeks-- -
I.lcor rr wss boNE..=-Tlia 41743 in gold
draWn on a check which was lost a Short time
since, by air. Altcnins, has been returned to
the loser, less $406, which the finder of the
check retained as a compensation for himself. -
The $2O gold pieces received, from the bank;
Were placed ins paste board box, and, dropped
inti r t r he letter liorat the Post Office, directed
to . /Litmus. The eleiks in the o ffi ce sus
pee,, thecointents of the package from its
weight and appearance and from the:jingling
of itacontentsoind hurried out after the de
positor, but*.he was cot of their' reach' before
they, could , obtain sight of him. .
Eir &we ciaO computes 4hat the rats of
this country destroy fifteen millions of dollars'
worth of peopertx every year. No allusion to-
Armies 'TO Cot= I T . &arms .—Under this
caption, the . La -, n'.gireS ecinntry_edii.
tors some exeillent Ostui tout advice; he* ta
make money; ' We presume the editors speak
from experunei,—*itriaysburg Sward.:
or Aildreir Atom . Davis - and .. others,
propose to. hold Convention is Hartford; 0P
the 2d day of I 0, to -,inVestipta alit origin;
authority and . ' Seidl :Of the' /elvish and
Christian Seri - The 'conclusion to be
arrived at*ill no denbt: be highly important,
—Davis -being so er4dite an&profons . d- a thieo
: .
rosimn, wrusEntorao or LIFE.
• Wilmington, (Del.) - April 46th.
The poWder Mill of ilitr.'Gireelie; situated
about two Mile* froth - here, blew up abuit
o'clock:ilea evening with a .tremendous noise.
There were two,distinet explosions. Conrad
Riley, the - engineer, was instantly..; killed, be
ing literally torn' to atiims. The hands em
pkiyed in thn mill:had, just quit work. •
at was totally -destroyed and turns&
!maim= wren! BY. THE Logi or =cum-
Badtiiore, 'BOX - .
islertittinbet of Ifirylandere ire knownn
to,be thi;staanudirr- - • - • • _ -
led lost on 41 0 1 40 116 •
Waage= e
. •
of th
Lae; ban 4 altaiiii
W I RLO INa * Panama , isYs
pathis . thkrboler OW the pilaw. !ow
itiojareeee**Liko.4reeted, leigrer
oflur feeling *CAL
Mkt the veidCeter the - Orr lea.`announced,
Ithie was - dose oil *MOW Or Void a t
listurdar jliftenocerethe prisoner
pp too:OA sad onwis
y.liwkwit Aiwa Af , ,Elfs
liegiP*Fdai " .41PaintrtvawrilFil e kt he; '
I,o* - 10 sooo4hlits #liths !Aar in
:I , *is
. •
The_,fineral of - Elijah-, Green, son h,
Abel Green, who . had spent. 16 1 1021 years,
California. gill be attended at the Univeraalia
Church, Brooklyn, the first Bei+y in, May a
101 o' ock. , -
Medical Notice
annual meeting. cif the Ellectie Botani
I Society will mietat: Dr. E. N. Low ,- I
Amid, con the first Wedneadek in 3la
A - general attendance is *elicited.
Itehgtotus Notice.
Rev. 4. a Warren' will preach at. Cleo ]
wood next gonday...eve - sit 5 O'clock.
SREalivrtelif "
" NeW.ll,iltord eik the 16th it by Ellio
Aldrich, E 9., Mr. Brad. P: Tetlrlailtl7lt . Y l
Miffs`HarmOny, and Miffs ` SOAR' qua Meß.ty, o
New Wilford. ' I
In Forest
H. Gray,
1 'NMI 1 I
In : Spin:rine: . on Sunday the !Pith ; inat
HourztOsi. A, youngeat daughter of ,Cluirl
itF. and Rita illa LORMitS ` aged 3 years and I
Itt SilmeriLake on the 26th ult., after anll
nem tietitioldays of SCarlet• Fever and ', Col
gestion cA : ihe brain, JAMES kDFAEDi- young
eat son i f (Mark and :Lydia Sutton, aged {
years 11 ImOnthsTand . B days, . •
'l'hou art gone to tie grain but`we !in at
- dOptere thee; , I -c. - -- --;-....• - -- ' 1
Since God - was' tigir,itauematity - iutirdis
. d gut t v„ - .•- • - 1- . - I
He gave thee, he took-thee, and, he iwtli 11
s ore thee, • . ' ..!
!ind i d' nth - has no - sing since the _Savio
bah died. I
In DiMock on Friday the,22d .. inat, after 'a
short but severe - Hines I Maxim 81., daughter
efJaeoblend Catharino Aney, aged 23 year I :
s i
" A time to weep," tho gold' man Said, - ~
That lithe has come; "excuse - those tears,:'.
They are shed for one that in the grave is'lmd;
There's Ido philosophy In , grief, for her' We
mourn, • I I .1
So young, so. gop m' fro us untimely tprie I
' , .• : • : - . 1 rCtsit
A/ 1 M. A. MIKELS from. : Owe
_Ol opened her Shop in the Odd Fello
up stair, opposite the Dagnerrein Raisin
she Will attend to . Dress-making ip all ite
es. Also, Millinery work done to order,
manner of neat Sewing done-upon shed
Montrose, April 27, 1853-:47w3•L1:..
-New Sprthg:Goos. —.
'VILE subscriber 01100 Mare insiders the I plim nta
. alba season MI his itietids inn custom - and
sires to calltheir aaention to the Otryinapo • • fact that
be has now in store and Is constantly rip:Miring froca the
city, a general assortment of Goods.. anitidA . for the"
spring trade,- consisting In part at pry Goods, droterles,
Crockery. Hardware, Nails; Firb,'Drugs and • tlyestisffs.
Bouts and Shoes Hats and' Caps, also an SMortment of
verypretty Ladie s and blimp Bonnets of the latest. style.
All al/bleb besell on terns sfororabiees imniUr f i t
the highest peens always paid far • mer4naitsble Pro:
. .
Ratlirning thanks to old Minds and mistimes* and
-hoping for a continnaoce of their tarors, sad man
all of& desire 'Co Reims them tathe extent Othis 110 61 4:
- he would aubrorAlre tdmselftheir i . , • .!
Ibedient servant' ve - , "7. L.41E11
,pril 26, 1843. ; 11
- . -
New _Spring Goodn .1 . .
New. 3111forgylPepot.
IitIRRIVT wmod Invite ttrelittivntins Ofhtsftievnt•
' 11. and all that want Geois, , Clseap to lap Naw Stock,
whichis now being opened, eluding ancipitior assort-
meat of Ladies Drees Go s 'rich Prints, Deland'.
Printed. Lawns,: extra eh Birege Delimit's, &mitered
Poplins •, all and wham Rawl, Cat Bareges Silk
Tissue Black. and F ey Silks ice , %faiths Collars, and
Imbroideries, Crap Ind totherSmerilhotwls,.
Silk Mantillas, Parasols, Straw. Flea& Lsee,and Silk
_Bonnets. Remade Silk, Ribbons anitylowers.
Gentlemen and Dori Summer Dress Oiinds; a full as
abstinent 6f lists, nips, Boots and Shoe...T*ll'lkt, Valle.:
eic...,:a4t. Bags, all wool, cotton and watt and Cdtted.
Carp of splendid pattenss, Oil Cloth tor , Floor and
es, Painted and Printed witidow attunes, wall PaPari
..Domestkt cottons,l4 all kinds. ike.. .
Also,Crockery, Hardware, Iron, steel 'Pprings,_ ARUN
:stove!, Groceries, Flab, Paints, Oils, Grindstones, Win
dow Mass and sash, ite., making in all I 'universal
aortment, and being purchased entirely) for 'eashf, will
enable pwcbasers to sedire kienditsin pt es,4tylei sad
term not usually caulk ht.ruiP ether establbhinerit.
N X _Flour and Salt constantly on , j
New Milford, /4.01:11 5t,i813, 1 .
Apprentyo Waxited -
WANTED by thltjubecriberemut
ligent lad, ae lilt Apprentice o the Kelm
and Sign Painting trixdo. Apply icon.
' • •,'
Montrose, April 13, 1863-15w3. j •
Adniinistrator's Notice.
- -
- moTtcr. is liereby glean that the tindersigneZ
2.1 has been appointed Administrator. of the'
Estatikqf Thomas. Burdick, late •of 'the township
of Gliffind,dec'd. - - All . persons , indebted a the
said Estate are requested to settle the semi
mediately, and all persona having demands
agaitist-said Estate will please'present the' ,duly
attested for settlement. A. R. BURDICK', 1
Mord, April 2, 1853.4-14*6 •
Near Arrangement for . 185 I
i g I. RUNES & Co's llidlitO3 Fa eons Ling front
.1.1 • Great Soil; even Monday, Tuesday, Weditraday 4
and Thursday. - -
Freight - will be :seemed by COririn & Niltogratiph on
the days above mentioned at tbelr.Store or the Depotht
Lodersvillio, also en Tuesday until twelve o'clock at
Montle*, Station aid *lN** 301 ford until the arrival of ;
the Wit train - feint licrantract;:on the same day 4.
Produce etitrusted to oar -caw will be forwarded. to .
Newlfork with the ratinoitAlpitdrand returns- paid in
eminent money at the-philiWzientionbd - above. iNe ef,
fOrtiwill be spared tominielestpricas for predate;
and We will transact pronsptl id • sienna sett neted
o pz cr t . • • - r.!• SOZ••1.- CORWIN.
: • - Corwin panel;
.runt, beep constantly f sale a 'full . amortnient of
V r Groceries,: Vow,. Sa i• .Pork, Boots and
Shoe', Resdy-made Clothi , Leither and Ifludingsolto.
otddi they clump for Cash or Country. PrOduce.
:April. IS, 11153.-46m9 • • '.
'Lathriip & cot'
At D. R. B._
17881;vorived quentlty Dry :11.66 ?f t -every
CiOthd. Piwgt . Sheitiiggs. LCarPean t ri•
:trots pia .Caps, Groceries;
-Crackli, Hardware, Mn,, Nails ; Faints
and Chili. at . 14 1
.1?„,,L. 4- Ca's.
vcopa,Porksasidao, l o7:th,•'"l•iii .. .•
I . •
.• • . R. t ! & COL ,
TeiltrED . - i0,06011!):1W. .1 for vr' iliiiditbeigt
'.rat b. paid Inca& b • • -•-
F :.._: . ; :± 1: - 'SO I
' - iiiiii44,:ii . 4lb . :
.. . . ~
A 'Mlle of aim* Oaf Ada& 'a
.13;iliklatigal 1 / 4 DeCON UST , . - --'
. . • . , • • , -
.. • .
.. _
_._ • - - A.:. AIIIED,WITODSOC ';,- . ; I,
71"1"3. " PI ' ' tii `ll - iiil4 - 1114r ,
. . - lid ofinforin It . , .-,,,
TAKE this Ms* ,
all vibs , are laidebtl
A:48.641' th at.illhaseasali:""444'eai,Ciawsili4,l4-
.0 t i 10444 tfillete ;ar e
ile4iiii and goo those {I, ,
_, _
afiiipted- yrusibe inentedittl pr und t rin ttr illi
41itatio setdentenig. ,LaUt,.., -4 1,„ . o w stin g - i t: *94
- i t ic il ph o d Hivii b i" y XI " , Shiff " 4! sl__ s;. *-- 'll.7 , lla wist w ai lier t...... ."t Aka . 4 4 " :
NeingstinglilOrs g i g -.'' :Lc. fili.ltit•
ins." 4-36 . iit . .ims . APO 7. 18t
s!'' 14 71 :
~ ..
'Lake on 111144 Eld.
r. Mumtaz L i Diu' and- I
~,..1..f0 ft. SAL, I
HE nod ;dojo Into 1 / 1 0 .4 ' . i: 1;
T W.ltareeford;-Eeq.. deeeuedodtua . In
the borotiehrf Mootreee- VOr }: t jteri r. ! let
apply . , to ,the'euhecriber at Ceer); N. Y., . to
/I,ki. Fiasior,i . E49 Montrose- LI ,
_ \ - h , . 1 . .. - E. a • IiNSFO , '
•- ' - 1 - ' i _. - F. RA piSFoit .•
April 20, 18P-rl.6iv4 - t . ,
. • .
. --NEW -G O}p S •
frHE,iiii ribeis are just roca(tring a WI. ock
—IL and gT at - variety of sprig ono ,B !. , ,t_ter
Goods cant 'gni every style '.and de
Ivo trt
desirable f or this market , bought i exclos* - .
ei!sh Old for i sale pith refereacalto our old
* •,- -4 40t-io be undersorif."
j . - -' 1 •.*
, -
~ ,
• . ' . " . B'ENTLY & REA.I3.
April 2,0, 1853. r 7 : . °.,=;- i , . : • .
214114114 . 114aagAM5120,
'The creme bel rig placed biit;eChurr4,
. Yhu've but to give the our& iron]. '
• Whewere yoia'yo eearee hidrue to utter
' 4
• Prestot Clanger' behold t e BAtter!
IN sober prone, simply turning the drank 91
. • phur,n, I
fora feri minnietyr .if l he t ieby the two dam,
theruto attached rise R if 1811.a1 ,
ily mintsfaiintint. your crime) irtio Butter-4 thierfroui the Old; tiresome 4
of butter•ntaking. I •• lIA • •: I
Such-as dettirelto Welliver tint) action - oil
labor•siving Chem. esti do so.hy.callitit au
store of I. L.Fost & at' hidntrose.
The above Chtirus will Ira inianufactur
order by . ••• ' A. Sill!'
Montrose, April 12. - 1553-1411
• - - ••.f, J,..
: New 1 Spring - .Goods
j 'IIST rice' irsd Sad for We' loif for ' lip . ' h'at the
. riore . of,
1 .1 1.1.. J.
... N.II,
. : l .., . Y , 1 . ,
0 :
, To the InhabioAti• ofPfnusylvap. , . - •
NOTI, • •- • 1 .- - t - - •;- • •ea
CE is :hare.byg. nen that In.ennsanitence . the
L. great increase l biteinras, the, ilitbscriher ha ki.
a part or the Drugfitoreoext" doer Ito the Poet : s rre
Where is conjunction with the oht inte on Main et • t h .
will be molt happyto attet to s tltii!coturnands py h
old.and new cuitorners In t e Wat km; depar inent,
Wheel, 'lruze‘eand Screw-Cott ne..R. • l.ii, Engine.. erten
1 I i
Ark, and Ufilversal Turtaliag, Ghtiv sing tn..° and
Silver dorm for the lade, .F, etch- did Gnu • in. .r ick'
A variety anew and iiIKIOn hand. Watches 'conitnnt
on hand. Every latcrlpt;on or Mliriery r .
-niis i t
- Turnpike I red,. • L .. r • •
r .
hfaitufactory,. Main .61, 4 *,.Montros
Rours Gr4stuess from 7A LSEi tat P- M: l j 1 : .
, j i • J. A. IIINOLETO .•
Aptit;S, ilip—ldtf
,', stratchMilier and Rep ter:-
. .
• .., POPULAT4 ' 'ARP 1
, .I 1
rEN'Unitubecriber4espectfully Ott mans than
1 old friends Ind Patt=e, as well ; as to the P '
lute, for the Ilthatiness;,and.patranSge to libel
stoned =on hint in yenrs Fast ;
.act,tt begs •to cal
attention to the large Stock pr . rt. • 1 - _ I
,- . 1 AiEW IP 'G DS,.
be is now w receiving, which he . haill4tugltl. as , le* 1
&Acts tots as anylinbutd trader antor wall.'.
liti offers= =Fatally large itoeir. of ;,it I:IDRIS , '
Gothes,Nazietta,sti, SitawcsißostOrs, Faison .. .Boo'rs
JAW SIIO23.OII..reLZAT. likeDeekllo,l44N AIIIiNAILS,
PAINTe AND. Cht.i, ite. &e., lit the wed TiossiblS prices,
with the assurance that an exaralttaillon4 his s 1)•ck. yip
satisfy, every resat:table mind that he store • .eurn
ntersrille Is the pl ce to buy,gool pods nt tow ices. --
Others may calk °footling cheap -Int he wit I • o ii.... 7
Call„and see. ‘ ' . - ' .J. Itie. .Illhl..
Samni , anivllle, pril lit,
.11•351t3ir ; • . , • •
4500 LIM. of • 1 tansurpassalile6 :pence :1 ron
hand a • / , . . _ ; . r,...7. 11 pilly 1 ps.
G. I
. has
. whara
and lan
WOO ra T t ' l l ii ß 4 l 4: C 4 3 l . 2 A Z D ZlZTl r l e d b fa
los di. for the Firit, eta swots. 4. 'the-Tabs.
count made to ttaa trade.. • .- J. BUT t
Aduatils'iratorii . S. ei . .-
, , ILL be itld at public vetndie l f at t e reet
-1 domes of Geo. L. L‘thdrp, o Di ck, on
' l 7'
M nd - 'he2rid d - it Ma)l.'n•-t 1 at i2i o'..
_ ).
clock it optICI mare,
. Torki Flour
A r FEW. birr;tls - of- Ftou extra '3 oblate
.4:11.. broods. } Also Mess POr aid *.Ole y the
liarre4 or load. y.
, . MOntrose. F--b. 16, - 1853. -1
Morse's Compounii-Syo) of
Tws• 1 • • - •' m • Alificail
is a Parrely Itegdable •Corts,Aend.sriii Y
• ..... prepared Emu the best Rootsiand Ilerbs oil the Mai
Jeri: Medics, and has gained ~ sin - Unrivalled • reputation
for the rani:wing effects, via . Begrilatiog and Strength
eiiimg the Lime sod Digestive Orgill:Is, and Cl a tialog' the
Sternlieb *lid Dowels, and thus edits a all tuts DR : .
mitre, Liver . .CoMplilots; tryspeptira, IndigeSebt xi; Cos-;
armless, PilisseMeadache, Fever . kod 'Ague, Jaundice, ' •
Nonsest, Losaoflappetite, ike.,-'and' causing the food to
nourish and ruttport every ,pert.!rutifylog Ike Blood,
i and' thus coring all Rumors Cauttutemis Beeptions,
Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Erysip elas' :Scald fiesili• Canker; .
pinirplei oaths due, Blotches; Uleems, Tumors, lleretiti.
al Disease, Caneiirb, Vie. - . ll' I ; •• .
1 'Rtg•ttiating the See rc t
• ,rij Organs, ,
and by perflinn ibeir proper inetions
preventing and ruling many paitiAut said iltgeroiss die
mows; Strengthening and guict . ing . .theNerrov4o Sy slurs,
thissallaying Nervous, Irritation c lind outing al t tits • .-
,of the Nerves, al Dyeteria,Nturalgle, Cramps e. •
It is tinmetilexl in the cure fit all 1 F ens le C.
i : i ~ . _4 ,i4ctinis:ll i . - .i . • '
at. Weakness, general ilehillty, -Dreguissity iob • •e
-,tions,Serelling iof the Feet, LinitoSi• Joints, i ~ esi , •
by Weakness; also, Long -and •Tbrottt COT t.,
90144 Conghi, Asthma, Consomptlon, Sta. , Dropey
_,'l ` .'. I . •—•-'" ...fl: - . '' i '''
Having made um of the Compound Syrup ' Yell •'
Troek Root. pr by C. Morke & Co., liter tt .
selves, or in o r families, anikfladlot it to ite veil sal
ntary and Moe s al prepanitioh; We do 'most dull
recommend ft t the public as a vtiry valuabi eillitine
li Boorpe i ..'Cishier NU - Menai Rank, P vklenee
l i arid
Btl4. w. 8 ' er, Rag, Cashier Lime R.ocki Rant d
'd I do. Rev it liana Pliiiiipi,: Rat JR Ri ond, C •
J snits, s edltor 'ideate Gen; 'Adtst., Wm Iri M. W
011. Cyril er,-111 811 P ~.Jeoes 11, ' n, O- -
Des., Y a Bat , Dort Benj CilibYinnd one It oth
•iiirs of the most mrpectabletwitillett of Proved ' ee. ..., '
This certifies, that 1 hive for alp:nutter of- n. . 1
acqvudated wit .r thb eouttiositien ttpd mode o Mental*.
(moot' klemers,Colopound Syrup of Yellow I k Root .'
I luore.Mso been acquainted witb)ts moduli 11
disease, and :say that in altritineets it Ail •dtbirably
ealtudatod to eedy- that elan' el Dime* , _which ll,'
was designed. it is motet:laity -valuable hi_ .' pities,
*Udall ITO attendantlYinPl oms,, kt excites to ealthy No:
Don the Lieer,iretitoves Torpor, lind Matti
~ y '•- of tide
rgeki; and stlitudittes health.; action to all: system •
I alPeporator or purifier of **Dined It ft' no sup,.
, r.I '.• . '.. i • s • ; :. ItITID ROLM ,M D
1 0
1 popt4denee,M. I. Jand DAS:. 'il ' • .....1 ' . '.-
(Tryreparecl bye. Morse & Co. Rp. l 4 u W worm.
ICY. arid wild t by Druggistauturntba 0
rs t I''
' and.otber countries.-
_. '.'• -.', 'A l, , ' -1, • -
. 1 4r 'Bold to tloutuisa b y .: , i]..- A BELI.
],r , •- opyi) - - -: i' „,
111 TE ha
Baltety end
doSt west oil
: Mantras* I
. .. ,
I i . :‘,.:-..., A.IVIToSA At.T , - -,
17CYRP T AWMilil;VH :
ri - r_7l'd ”, AtiokiiitittU sun
`•. Bab° Us Waraiderr Ail loath dose I
i '. Wo li b e fllo4,llwridie h7w
tJr -',. ~A 1341 - 114 b, 4 P- rf" 41114 . bit r u I • .
int with teyi l iiiiiir t te i3inneriiii:.l,l
benefits de iit't ithil*lrre' and 0
we'iould lat to tbeadvaatt
airit* s olti ' : m ore' rtthoe'b•gutiret
tei l o.
J...;' , 10
• .
orb acs:..
, 0 , 7
ble - beide
in y.. Aegis
I Ond.,
i t~.~_•.
roe agon. 1 o fd
i l idculble
forks!, !boy-
furnitOre and
ry,'-arestelea of
'tf l - 1 . 4 .4c-Fee of
wn on(
umwtolit MLA.
• tame:a *on,tlTatkaing
to the morn fet.Werly
esidy" Shop op ;Turnpike;; '
M. S. Wikion ietere.?= •
. LINE 4'4, REY
son at • Odd tellowle 4
4 , 4i t kll 6fr "
ast rein 4.41.*0 Olt*
' lot kosirfiW4mtifith
1 - Ms
Mer' , lo;
• Usech
6 1 TT CEP It beta
bity R ats at
kbeiveopie," tli#,thi. ortFt place to
,Gat tt TORIL'E4LIII.-
I ] i
I 4.
1 l
0 t
4 A
.... o
• I
A - '' '
TH B PAGit it ft £4:1:1 4 14% ' . 1100.111i..
,are , reinetied
from the tief.ti:o the . - --' - Is - .
, j 3,.
tn 001`elle Hallwhera the Artist 'iwip_be
lippl:ko-ser4 1 ' kud 'please - oml heretofei.:., -'
• - - - - . VV. B. -M A WS.
Moittrose; -. • ril 12th,‘1853, .
pED or 4 -
.ar•e - c
a ow
, parly
Loom:tuts; notes. &e.: or the late grin
fcdc CO.,nro now ;het:Janda
Ott. • lleoapsity ontopelo.hinkto - Ask, the
row tci flout ws well-to those of his own,
they:wili be pct The hindi of smile
!ntlon. ' BE.VJA'AYRItr
. 1 '
' I 'Y 49I
4nn 'tleil
erl 8,,• Bay
yre An. settlelni
niedlate - attel
net ; eowrgettle
e forlegal-p re!
• Jemmy 25.1?
:p.ED othe 1070 tw!i
' 11.:131112AITT-
Nevin Mffot,
"mar dal 8;1853
V i
at subunit, r Is now basing all' lands of srork'datie
VI order, t 'also keaptroa houtl" Bateau's; Tables,
lands, Sac., et ' ianted.nell made, and also Chairs,. cane
i lt
well to
and - M nilsor. asking -Matra. Ike., Bedsteads
evilly nu h il- Al those wanting, fan& nre.nilide
well call. lttitolrin mad
,Vatrdidting done on short
Moine ready ill de and lied, to order , In th ebeet
'' nehansutiDepcit Dam 10 .18i2.,50y.1..
to his
Ito at
ly be
ig bine
cot, fail
es tablik
en a pi
miry. •
sale -as
A I)is-
I 4 on
liou wit
POP ;:
ihe cdy
. ,
*to. ,
-the - Piabhci
itiving pntsksud. the retatire'SUCk
Tiler, and lite,) • new.anit. w ell set. - ,
ummer .Goods, such u Priate;' 'Popttne,
eres, earniettk Pk Mantillas atidShakis
Sheeting*. Lfneks, Itroad.Oloths,"Tweed,
[netts, Sunk:nee I. , thee,Bootkila Sheet
MOIAFBOSi ilnued Oil; Itttriking
Iferdware, crUkeiy,,lte.
met the Store ' one (toot lelow ilateh's
tend, of . Pubtic,Airenue. The stakieribei
:Ultra Stock Of 0 cubs.for Viseh - clegeally'
td *wiper than can tie . bought thhi .Fide
; 0.E0.1t
. .
. • 1. ILT
• coda!
liTetiwi Stock
Detoes. Col
Kersburn* Si
TOL, Ciatee.Sti4
Codfish, WOO
tt; pont
MOO, pit thill
Is d.irppsed
Pa' ila theao
'of N e wr Turk. d i
_ .
43 [.
Fluid: ,
TOner's f" i nseeil Oil, Paints oprar- .
vtiohi tor,, , ,ether with at gettetal aesintment
Plye 'SiI3IV, Groteries,'Secine
aws,ltairdware, ttryGlilo,ds.Pthisioall Instrii• -
ocaw,ext.rtnieut Alf Arsualvte Ntitionsiosell
orkit " DiNt ,
Limp MI
kr ' eirl7 get
of Drop- Mt
Meat Ware;
meatiyasel a
int abaa.P at
New - 3
_ j'' . Bt..: Gro c ery Store;
Deial..E.' 'IdTILIOK, Jr.. - would respectfully inf.:inn
his uum, cm ohl and wall tried friends, both •In
ant( out'of th ' Profersion and the public in general that
he a' barked in ihe abdre minted Ittisiness - ; and
ibas now on hand and is still receiving a 0011; and,well
rebores_ assor tment of every tiling-4r , the ',line' Of Itrugs
, 'Medicines, 43 Ties, Dyes , PaltEr„ .ko., d0.,:a1l of which
he will sell , eash or barter upon the .cherniest and
most advantagetitts terns to the ' purchaser. ; 4ri! refer
• enee to his D'au 1 Medicines be would simply:state
that they
moat of P. effeiha Haines "dc Co:;, one of theitent ••• relt;. ,
ablein thei el ' y of New York—and ler pinny end excel z
be a u
leneelie „wce never exeelled.lf equalled by any,
stock ever mght into 8 lagneloanna COPUtt• ;TOP stock
of Onnerteirbt fulliand Weft. bought 'add '''conaeqriently,
Min - bias:ad p'. - Ire toot also are* choice thittorarfor i
Medicinal pu which be can as low tura non* '
.infetiorartier hail generally been ; hotted. for. - .X ) lease
• eat before" echoing :elseathere; at' the old stand ;of
Pitts -. k W er, in the building formerly hnowttee the
4 lPanders'.3 ' - re," traiposite thar.DZuroarar °Meg, , ~,,
T or
- .:l4ontralle. pb- To 1t15 3 .' -1 -:: ,-. 7 : ,''-!..: .;.,•';, ' :1-
Itit let SoIiOMON S TS;
ET wis dom , ntid ',With all: ycint get ingiiler
HUI - Mule' , atqliag: and also eosmring , or your
indwell . i: which ' last. commodity; if :lon
, .
posserathe titer two; you will be, 'apt to seek tad .
likeeleit'alit Stoddard', .fand
Storc ,- : - :.r
. .. ::- -
: • -.-.-
':-,--Staltse--;- ,Boot `
hough:e7aertaita Meriy;Maia-:.* : - .,
dirritS tale tille.telidt' , '‘: '" :1 ,
t ba*,,the pahlic nattenitaad :f•.-,;..--.'"'
o wont be undersold,,; , - ~:-.,-. - ,14„. - 4 i-,
eit; . theigh,tkot keneralinimagh to ,
ii:rliiici and tiut:Trephosisitioti, kid
;,ot, !wham 'groceries, iLnevertheliaieil
• a -Slap line.-Tery• esteneiva lad
iittys hope yet .to make_ it )4 oda,
lepterpitifiti. %-*‘ • _,
work` maderldcirdar; air
•••: .KEEtslt tie liT'
say nothin •
-0 1 11 44 6
ionte orth
doiie• neit
Or •
es th
illiV .
scrSiers liit ' l l 4 ii'llii , dl
it,, , -..1 z,%'.1- : , '4 - :' , ' , " ','. '' , ,-,.
litiy,,Allside,loictlitig: -'''
2 4:b 0 7*-- 1 0anteIpirf•verY.v
naliiy,..:ANrerciptio Ire* .3
:1;644 d Sack ll*rectqp
! sus
fs fmtri '2O iftrniajte !lik,
tit, fmni JO ablpinvi to ii• 1
fterishirtsi Dritt*#96' SI
- ',Ovtit-attot 'ufier4o - '
'Ak -. , •' ,1 '. ,- -' , ; --4 '',7":`.-zr.' d-,',...*1p,
Vi suPidY il ;gate- 'lOl
Witlll ~ P.aper- 'and' Baird '
r atilet ~Allat.shitle,:,
1 • : "7
': - .1 .: . 1'
g: Maw
itteii - .16101
lii $l3 '' f li
"I 'Ftaterel 4
Ille. !
'4,rof`'' .i
% 2 " , 4140:. .
44400 1
. Trill i" dt7l
: 114 -4tor*
. -..iisig mit, '‘,
', r te!N , .,_,.:'
}O n .::,, 1
ilintfiii : !
lbilit rl
t '
MOD i .
*- .i.isq= '
trig'' 63 i.
4. ~
grill* *
* ° Cl *** .
4 1:1
4 1 41PY, 1110
B. Dljkszip,'
t -kckwi t h
`anew and
401 4 1 11 11 4 1
Thall "''''.*
- -1104-viritiog.
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G EO. put. Lin:
at this,
and gitivlrsood.:
iped Timaihy biaor
'tad, just 03 SIM or sale by
, , . In
is: Suit _of C 7 lothos! thaCehalfioni;
with eleatince arid durability, de
i,ou:JO1FI1 G,tiOVE:S', 'whose
as•. skillful 'Glitter zett - -,
ive enti*latistiiction.
ut \ cantselect whatever
sat.tcdress; that iithe !pes
ts etter tosuffet•the pings ana:
aitiglgarinents, or to epploy. s.
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thailsop;,igi Jo low
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- I. r.'''' , Atiiii;: ;sii.H.Vil
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c0# 4 1. , :: : : .. : .. ! , , . 5 ...,:,-,." , _ , -$, ::: „ . .,
..wheat . ll64: . * - liii*h§li .
Fliagil''o:o - ' l,ibri. ' ... ; :l:: ' , '''
'Potidot* -- 1 7 0:!)Annel;',:'-''
_wnifi - Be**:* --, 1 ) * 4
Flax 13 . 04 - 4. : 4.-.6 , ... - ,..;.,) . - ,,,t.,;(.E:::,.
Wiiiii'..pii.'6iiiitwii - .; -• , -- '
wia - s(o.ii - iiikiiiik• , '
Diii4lSpiaet per:2lo
CliAioi:,,Seed, --, ,,, , , ,, F, - -j,;:,
Mitilit i.f.,Seii - kr: , ii - -,, , .:.H :
g4'*- .. r" . .4 , 6z0:r - i , ' , " ,
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fsa _. 1...P0'144 . -cml.lY!
?. 44 :: - ~ ._..:',., ,, !1.-4 t ', i.(rib).
Ch Oitil.:pei.liki. ,, :i',,
Pork . ' iii bli1;; - -, -- ,'" , z.:-..'.:.-.
Ofe:iSitd 1 E 1, 48P - 0 1 1 ) ;:'
_;.- . -S . •-:4,-':' , ..',Chickeii,slB, - i . ll
MigAllpanagjor. thcy
RNIT 11. 1 it
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lOU WM nes Di now' steetyliitanwsieruit'aviNesig
assortsweist or Wnstesi Geed/6 likeludbwikitii . I, — tita.
dewy. er Dehnief, and •ei hew Dieu 11111141iF-
Strawlit.mach ledneed ihesl4o:l6llo6 -
Stares: lex. Itte: , which he will seal* lac iwW. lll4 Pkwftla'
cash', mate!. vr , spproved ,teredita.
..;WANTED 6000 dos.;3oo eardsWeerlAski,
oral% nutter; ece. for Whisk 'es . hilliwist . :PriewTh.
• .•
- New 31ilford N0W.16,1&52. • 31-
• . _
ar.g...t.UtUtOriber buquat
ft i e idi and oaycomabiat.
iOwi.Buttur;_Coeb,l'sßaliar Old
you bive tio 'poll, and aaatlaig*lnu lOU
ro .
sy - cheap, 4411 i -sad sae _ lamaelltals, UPS 0ta,414* . , ,
Balt so. you.need pot, kt,' - iii
for.iiho•wins goo d s . , .
New3llifor . 4,- ;Teo: illtb
C T , a p "FISH;
Mee . Veiel,:SlO:: it' S
u t4rili,,litil r iii
• P°ff "i c t! - ! • •
_,MpXIOO k.uspii.iit
~~ .BEAS ' CPlN~ ; ;~: Tliee : Joi.frueEYfreaid~i
1 ~~.,,..,..... ~
fir .•
lISO4 - -041 1 1, - - ,- 0W3 1 25r
siellesuatlfil istterzilf of iicistima De lam; ad' Assam
*eil Goods of differeut fa.brles; Blanket Illwarloalstlisi- ..'
tic Goode, Groceries, Vrock - erTs 'Hal*lmiriSlDtl l llB:-/NSIS- - - •
stalli;Patentllediebsesaloots, .Blisses;zlJeather:.chsois,;
Ifstrand'Oeps, Ribbons; Watches mid - Jrsetryi7PArtss
*sk 011s.and Its fact:. almost eiserrildo " iusuany.AmlleslV ,
fOr tu theboutitryi all DO/hick:se off , Ou;sloststosr, lis.:_
' miiible tetiai, for: Cub; Grilni: ll i Tiri'.. &WA , '
ai ffs
Beemuix; II eausillit:See . .di Pliimuel; 8 04,Diird A -- i ;
or 'approved eredtt:' r i . !' . ,;-•:,? , If,le . -- -
1. :Nunteos 1, 4 1 ei• 0. 852 1'' ~... ''.... s..': - ,-.--; j:7.,, ~...e . •:
- .1060402. ail wool' 41e1111' sitir , 10; _ •!Yds:',lllsipa '•
Ili-anted immediately by the subserlhers fer *lslas *ilea
s l ly
pay .the Ilighe4, market i;i i rlee..!,‘ltE flr*1411 1 01 , 4:-
.". Cciacit Aiitil4ame Giou:la--A , ritie!i'4l4'shillidf.
.tierMll,'' tra°lll4sere .II Is .essu sisUii ` r
oftheAlud...!i.:.'n - '.'•" '".c. - . .., , ]: . .z. •111/4 ikA4-
: blasting. Vassar; SafetY:,Tlissi;2 lii el4lifse
It die Itubbers; Ohio .0 dstsioesiCeriethisiAlll9llosi i .
Windoir - and Wall Pape r Whips, Cleeks; llo6 ,6 l :lialkb7;
;- Maltrets.; Ded:•8; 183* •-.- - : , ' .11411.111r_1h.1-. ' ,
Layton's a
.' Blaelt*
tekProof - -
' • 1Tt0P , ' ". . 5 4'# ,.- ' 2 :
• .
AIN exiielletikirtiele fir Carrreirir.
.Shimes• - • bice 3 7X S * . f . s ,
9;1852. - „
, . ~
TVEC: J.-Iles& - 4' ",, AN,FI.I3IM,or - thollifik fir
.i.Jglatits. 4 per fecta for iv eirtOri 'complaltikW
'-iirearo. th at ittiorts only the, hursourfuritt:2-Prt_till_Wll
' Yorsale at ' - - - 1. - c'" , ' r TURILKUngd
An; ortm
9gnad6, Clot jind Rabo isiTClossiotrob
07 Au ftw-oripm - raltamilSgi"-
'I 1 ' 1 "A . I'4 exPrt_ea in adsertkui
assortment ofili,kugs; Paist!, - 0111: TPA litittgo
ioceries Noldons t Atio , at , ;;> 31J.1131111.10111.,
" • ;:cianplutaei
' Wl* °Ft'aza,,. -; _
- ,
, ... - , .. ,r., ~ r .-I•=4 - mi tafroar
• • --- ' -- ,- -.1 li ti : 4ext . r4,
thi...4iis aettessyot , . .. 2.... ..,, tiad t b r ,. .. . is
1 .. tly tisittLeoi4ttuit/Y ~,-"; ;aIIX aV.._,.....,111.40"-''
33„,1804- -.• .1 .' 1 ''
- ."--3 ,
' '' ' ':•*f/#:' itC:-214rr. .:0,--fili si c . ' -,.,
' ...--4 t7 r1i .,,„.t: . buittirsold.: '. 1 41i......,,, ~ •
pries 1 w--1 , •. , Pl. , j.„..,,,, ... - :..., , -2. -, - , -, - "--
Ifotarose; Nov : 4 ; - . l so—. •
Gold ICui
, . .
't ' r tta T
Ek b 7 ;ll - 1-fir'"?, 1123alltiriAinstr!!
. - •
finit'aseeirbzient..-cif[ Calk ,CaMtlip
Socks, Snuffers; True; etc., by A.V.Vt`.
/ifughalatOntDed• 20• - 1. ' ' 4%:-
- iopen ori pro . 1 1 0 t , i
T b • THILOP \ &7:ilit,o'o, ittirfriaadalf , #ataild , Wir .
1.4 partnership, and ',l the name sad Brea Of - 4N„ J)- ',.` , [
throp & en.. are prep th an, exteashos issiortiorsivi
of sumo, pipe, Tioj. W Japan Osseo; Braintiesttrit e 1"
(I .cwi
Coppetf, lad all other,. warm in oarlbtat tanntuaastrakter, 1
mention: 'We are prepsma adttes iiirriakat Lead Ole*
whielt - ste iiinilar thew:sing sante* as =Asap ;isiid iiir:*
gormtstYlatia can hg, iabtattatek. - 741 lahlt , *lloo,l4- ,ear . -
stand with neatness and dispatch, „ Pleas! gisa as can ,
tas,,,ne Malt it aill - bis for interesta. fele do ors. ho. ,
Ice nearlet Betel ' &teeny , oppositntba' 44 Dsammaey.
1 0 ce . . ~, . - l• ~. P r 4._ i, .. L: D. 4 :
• - ontriasi,Tah:l6,ls.s3., ' f , .. ,1 8:4C.W01:11 1 .9RMP.::_,
miglish Limiting' te erAvatefraii.
1 . c .. _. I-- ruttlitubieribtaitates
j-, -'-,' 447 ~.'. _ ',L', , l -11: in' anktostnebsg* bbifOritila - :
t..... "--- --, that be luiathis.,,,wiediaddli
, --, '' s -...,: A reel - froni.Liverp. - 4160 . 1)1a; 1
1 --i i - 112 ivokiefitisiraiiettnizevimitinistp:
... , c ea, mate .. uretily VOldii *der
i 1 :. hk . l 4 o l 44 o othilt,ellio4,4extris
~ , : ty t alih's liatllloi:iit iirek
I\ l _..- . , , rolloveleCriiiiikiiikidils - ,4 0
4 1,-3, llott poste gfc44l amok: ortionto:: •
gilreastYbiimillWaity This above :11141( Ids f', ur',
stick StakesAn Vat 'Watches-stern beta*,
evaded 1n,8ta46 *bleb bettiviletetlielittes
tient riftitirehais - 6 "_': I.` .4 .- 'ALFRILVIIIIIVA)IS, ),
V' , ' , ~.;;-. Lgi'...' ' P,ll . ,'': - NlP 4c4 ol .ti gk lar r ikaill.: , - -
44i3:4Ontr. 1 . 1 , 443 *1 11°1 ! .. .t: 14 ' '4. :ab.6ls4l ; :C :' '
14 ; Clover d - ~ 0‘ --%;1
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