. ' . Sentence of Reese - evons• . The -rollowiitg -la:. tiee - -*itence pro '. 'ti enticed hy his Honor IndesCertivham; upc : iiiilteesetysuis,' -nice' ntlY Onvieta r _ r in. \W:lllios ,!uirrti for the murder of". jathis Iteette; '' ~ -. ~(,i - *-- Rissi tivatia-We :have padre - A4i to. YOU , the most solethi 'question that man',can,pro pose to his fellow-heing---Haveoron aug ht to lay- whysentence of death shall net- 'be p - lintithied upon you,:? and you l'hava,,,givie ; mai--noUnswer Which can stay theiperfer 'r the terabl i e doty which the La 'w has . ` ' T upon roe. . •- / - " - -We haie• , endeavoured ,to. yi . to yeti in - yori unhappy - sittuitline e - • :Indy I,gence., which the duty we-O,we to r _ t Commonwealth weep, permit, '" At'•-. l the - anti terms •of the ' Court afterlfie,charge. - of this high `offeh&f . ...• Irse niadesgairiet-you; upon- your afildaYitof. ' • the thsenea/or a material, witness, who, in ' Utah tut' dlc'tt "the Country; a fitgitive_froin. Ins tio;l4l%* tiOglilioritte county, -an escaped, pris- 6 net front a - Ist..but .of : whose' return you ite,thed : to have a &totaled shadowy hope, we • e,:contintted over your caLo. -At the next . / Terni,,tho' all your conies:A - were present; and wehe.ird nothing of lb* absence '.of any wit .. rums;,your challenge to - - the : array, of „Toroth was sustained, and again was your trial post '.. . paned.-" .At the_ Present Court - yon .sought a, I ' firthei deli 3;, but the obligations of , duty - in oar opinion em i- e you--, e require d'; '... iat toe Commonwealth should:is-Sent to die - taking of the,deposition :of your abSerit sistei • • - ither .evidence should really be thnuglit ma-, 1 renal to, you, and we . fisei'breed' ;or - your , de , fence ,"i n addition tii tlx-se of , ' your counsel" - . - who ~ W ere present,' and in 'the placer "of the „gentleman whoie attendee " was prevented by - sickness, one of the oldest menibers of-the 'Bar, ble t 'eartitiat,,and - . zealous. Your coca . '4l - el have done for riu - allithat men in their sit.: nation could_do—but you have" been tried by i an attentive; patient ;.and. intelligent, Jury or 1 - your own selection, and yon have been' found.; . ...guilty Of murder in .the - first -degrees The . - Judges of , this iourt in 'their_own. Opinions ..:_anti: their 'conk:tithes, are obliged folly •to tn .diArso the truth of _this verdict,: this evidence . - •• though partiallycircumstantial is so coniplote" and full, tha.t there can remain no, lingeringi doubt of your guilt. - -. -I , • '•,- On the first day of October last' - . yen came] to'the shop of .tho unfortunate 'Liulis Reeie,j "with wham you were acquaintid, and to whom • in former trans.)... ctions you were indebted to a • - small ;Mount. -You protbased he. have no ,• • _ money and suell'frem your: inability _ to , pay • „your Tavern bill at Pittston in the early part -. . of the eame-week, and other ,eircutnstances in to caie,seems to havelbeem the trnth.i=-Yeti ,•'. desired to purchase some clothing and prom; -ised Reese,' that if he would, accompany you -: &or trio - river to Mx. Lazarus , house,_ that he _ . t should paid both - the:bld debt and" the ne'W • one PrePosed to be -- contracted for the cfothing , ',Thre unui urtaillingto giveyouifurther credit \ \ agreed-to; go with yotrand putting lip ,the-cloth; -\-"- ing in ono bundle, and the boots, you tiniposed; to buY othis brother in another, he started; with yo or the Airidge, carrying a bundle, , ' ' You Wcreiseen oVerthe river on the readiatill . I \ togother, and carrying the same bithdles--this• ...- \was the last ever, seen by , others of . Reese ',.' alive .1-10 - w hi was induced to leave the road' -and pass into-the neighboring fields We know • - - ifo - taborit in the regalar.order n of -time after . wards, a report of fire arms was heard by some . persons on the, flats; but who froth their pos.., ' itic;ri could net see you, and the next morning i , no= the plae,e. whence they supposed the sound • tie come,- Reese was foundmon:lore& by a. pja- lel shoL--The,apPearanee of the body show- 1 .. ed that he had been itstentadeously iiilled •by .. one in company with him, and directly behind him b ' of th 1- ' a stains ; the lulling e air an .powder stain showing the-near proximity of thepistol, IHe ,•,-..;:strai•rtibbed of.his- pock4Akeek.,2,, rantainintr his -, inwww7.4.l.-www.„a was veoaenuy torn. moan 41‘s . person,litiving the broken guard around his . , neck; and the brindles of the clothing were I.a . ken.—Very. seen . after this.-yon, were seen with,the Vundles and -with the • watch withoUt • any - guard, aPpapintlY heated and fatigued . 1 With exeCrise,-aild-cliiming tb,,have travelled I nearly six utiles:in about an hour---hgain on 4 the same afternoon you . disposed of a portion of this clothing in Pittston, and .lubsequently on the next e clay, when arrestd heyoad Dun - .. daff„ was foun d : with the remainder of , t h e r and We are'fl i ii.. to see.. —I. 4/1 ~., hi newly appo i nt 'Posirnaster An this" q . t.) . clothieg, tile boots uppn your feet, the wale in Your pocket. Money ti found in ycior.pos 7 liend.Y !.0.5. 1 ). to with the, Pastille's ,-ti , s-ession;With - that, which it is - proven your- ex,,, E'ral ill any i whii:ll prorniscs. - to „r ', y 'pended at Pittston 'and. elsewhere after - th& evils which ta. • bedn so lung a cause !. cc tonrder,-answering in.the general denomica- f pluiut, 0 S:.. urday last Mr. Mill !hue _ • . Idea of the bills, and about equal the,,emenet I friendl3 , an so -IA rote lew With .a Up. ber of ".,chid, the ,witnesses think Rei:uie . mast bate t i th s mereha ts, publishe , and other 'Siness ' had with him,' when he left. the I shop in - cotri-IM TI;Of the 'ea) t with , viewi: of •ascer Silting panY with you. The,Money the watch, the their, wishes..g4tting - th :benefit le of ir sue-. ...hoots and clothing, all that: Reese had with , fal stianS, :Mil learmng.the best mode ef . l setts him of any value, w,here \ evidently taken from t r-v ag the pu'elle wants. At this: 'Meeting he him, when be was murdered, and these things 1 n n Itlan ieuted`the gratifying fact that-# : was - are, found with- you; The- evident' *vita of: antherized 'to Make a selee l tion cf a a-Intel:lc '-- the hiwria (ri;tne are with•you ;is there doubt piece fora Post-office, and 'requeited i the co- about the necessary presumption thnii ariSingl operat4.,i, of the .ginitienten -present Iciwardi forthig - unexplained state . o f -facts l Were . intrude in,, ,, such fliforms as.the Churl end . . . you not the last maiklatown to be with the, mereas of tht.•-linsieess or oitr'Cityi;i4 the unfortunate Reese'''', Can we believe Your I Proper' re 'thodaoon• of our citizens ti ired, story that he sold poi - this watch, and careless-1, hie . ttenti4n to-the -subject and ; t illing-. 1 _ Isrpererrit*d- you to tale the bundles, when he 1 neas.ea" _o, note an object so desired,),. ill be ':'started to takethe walk-in : your company ,; Pr-PWI 0 Predated by the publie, au& ;ag ors against the wishes• of his-wife; ,_ - only .bee.adse i _favorably tin. the - busineas .. ,...a parity and iutel he wanted to roadie money, end was ; - unwil- i littence of he Post'infister.--Denar Nrial t spapei -- " - nn: g to trust yea' credit ? Can we believe] CP • 1 P 44 .) -I ' ' - 1 .. !- . . ~' -.- ' - - :11 that the money Kr slavishly . expended and f - . ' "----' .4e"--ee""-------` il l:1-,' Aland With you was your -own money, when' -, Q - itc an xcitement has been cans/ . ' yorthadvme,just . before, and_ the persons in outf,,bo 'engit, saVs, the ' aston ~ At ,' i, t' . . Whom:you have, alleged were owing and - ~:had'. ring:the p .t week In COltie't nence 0 ii Ihn... -;-- imia Yee, deer posititelY your allegatiens,andl carrence I at. took Ar.co be 'veen the'lMet 4 ~,say they neither owed, or saw, - or paid you ' L disfininist ,rreaidin here an. one _oft :yut .. - plaything at the timel.,....Was - not the pistol atto neys.. it see s. that-tee' : minis r, so which -wgs .... fi t tifta . l i e u th e dead : man's b o dy fare, or f ar weeks ago" uni 'd in in ' - Oho .-(it `certainly : well answers the description } thel the ister , f.. 00 laiiy:r, a 1,. . •:. of fro' lierst Arne:which you cleimed and hzips late as the] al n Para ' cc thoughratinu oo yob' 4V:i t •in i : Viluday - before the Murder? Aire you not filet n, 0 'the ~ - 'viol weddectli con Ito.the - indiiiduttfto - whom the - giititliiiith sips. he- so! wig , mi of ~ er Ipavnts,.ta a 'New y "news - ktely sold a pistol of that Character? .If this i - boy' Who -., bilen delivering papers te since •'• be sos4our failtol, where is, Tthat one ",new -.? t the ,opeoi, ,i. o ftthe Relh.ol,.a. The - e , t of • :-W.h)'.-ts:-there 2lo itteetPt.to • explain -this cir-T the lady '. d lyst . believe fo anti°tithe that e 4 4004 3 -1 Y l l7l, • ipostiestestify with can_ ;they •-we - . te.irried, • but •fin , ly se '' ior :thee, tion*'illiminnio:the -,:zaany 1 whosaw it:i *Moister - ' enquire. The ~ mine' ' twat 'ite,' '-glinimitatA r like one ' you had ; ' yon bavirig la. shows. to him , • ix' •Ite. fedged lint iteriaiia -and you • - 1 - ,-; in , , .,. could _- at, least ~ it be a a-d-_ndinitteil airing ‘Aforted ' . -!.. explidtridt fitt!'o4s;another,wltere . tliat; _other - the eemtn ity. - ..0a Saturday • enina ild break ,- be few. de.lre,Stere in:7 4 , 1 0.Mt j!f:m. mi .1/0:!:/e.;,lit., : er'eallet - 'the minister' - invitldittlin in a There on! Other' =miner ,- ctretnnatieses;too Ourtoonn tnintier ' to. t4Ft. Iffallit'llii*,-birr4 V ; iitll.iii,.Yrithi'ili4:loo 3 gthenirtg - * en-, saying ; - he taki4ked ,t - ye lotab ivi• / -.. tire aaiwioftlae*irernftwsullovidencosgainsti Oonversati n W th, itn.: 'l' , mini Cone ~... you. - .Bo ; _atning.:*ll:-,44,0y-Ofientination of. the ,1 " " and iiftert e ha ,4 1 3 ed Ilire. or`-ft r t., ii _ Whole, thafthoy.:•intZlicotitivelr inconsistaantl ,qUares, repiirt yi, - -'the - • ttOrneY-• lied with our inrinymikett;ind, C a p a b l e of , no reason -• 1 ow -hide4froMi ' er . i i i i iii v ~ t si i i i , ' i rt A ,_, • iblo•aulution;**loiWgiullt - , ...- - .• 1 ...n the back of AS elerical f iend, who] ...at - --' V , ‘ r,l- 0 0 AO*** feiretimotanea hh-1 '''etmatO 't°.all.6lrlC... The e -•, t11i ,..P.4 i ' eL . ; • Ipy . . - young ificiao.itliiieite yarn. Aelinffs ., ded:'..d. ..is,..to - toe refiretted -.that such , things ':- :.but ohotigh- n'ain it , tQ' others - ° si ibouid oticiti I Intelti , .. t.' '''' ''" " : 11 Pee, - .* - 14 114 ;lre ,'Pr' ootoryour ll° 7-su l lit _4 l. .l4 oo oieat .Pu l "it . t 6 Pv'tri at' hijoi l 'L l z u5,311 .., '.4, ..,......*,WBl44lfrAoingtitoiie.:l:ofegOi*JaW'l.,, literal' re lawn .. 'lt cane , ...1 6 1 ' - •'Moinillkinirtit.i%arti in years, your &liberate fio4.' _ l 4-it : olO9:74.- Pot* of re '‘t f-re_trieli 4 .o ,l ,,Varranged 21 VI'''Orilii4 Out,. to some '" inii*i l 6 ._ apt : oiercisi :ihor ~ ,ii i ... 4 - -tead your onsetitble victim -to the place of his, Ment and - 'dist,ieticin d 'Orfortningr t o ;. , slaughter, -yotir•retuarkable nerve , sustaining -rsolro eiretfx4i - An - i - ' I ~....,YOg fit Antuoyed and .boldlY; la ' ,thO itying Itiea-vi -, e- eight -*left ' . ; ',erreintintaireo,' in; -witielt -- ' - you . have - 4w-a -tu:' ,. .- 4'o WhOut ther :' . '.betere-iiii pour:evident: "intelligence,"': and4af• l y 4 1 e• 19 .14 64 .ienaittad manner in which our ,it on -lie.o 1 hitin'insiteit I a maturity of guilt,'• rarely', found in oneito'-'- - eitti'•' Aiftittifolitt& yonthfuh- ..Wo- , onn•••aiscern "in =your .case, no , - , , ,lisaying....; .'re . ••', pilliatiotpanelk-inatiof entail' IN. -no inddi n - '. ~..,;,,,,_ ~5t : ,-. - ,• , •,1--- . ::bleat: Or4llogrolco. o • . _.-- - Your Intel- - A w 1 0 -so :To Teal* the ihtellehtlegteel; 410 y 0 Y9u to a PLY" ~ 014.- 'de . - Yriiit Aaliti, WiAleelK4 o6 .4- 444F0r thitiktM. wie .4 -1- VitlYr', :,-liav''' :10. 6 0 1 Irierted ealkieVridgeb 6 iid ' ittiePid ' . '''' . ' - 'At', 4411 1 / 1 1.41Silieglee *tnikr - '4:4oofifeilfiehli4idliikd Of - : veuv i' '' ilieoYed-the wnstehoil'ob not o f - your foil'A ' I - - 1 ' ' '194,;;5: - - -- ailOY:lltstelid-lst-Zolt--0 1 .4ctrAtte• jecasiOno! to:, •• , - • , .and 1 ..: 1 4 11 4MH safe . l lol4-:, la*miNnealiilkAke Ufa - di - - - '- '', .4,,. liliy . l - "imi lei- . • hog 011**Siwinillitii 1 4 Ur 6 rellitlifecii-• ' . 7 -'''' , ' - - kid *eider itientwattni4 - iviiii - sii) --7 Wilnkillii - into* the •,;' • •it - - - 1 '. -. . • - ''' .' t - ' . . dust:Aden, you gave .. •,, from behind, the . 4 c .d. ta.weund.. You It . seep him;,`;;Ust.. - beforA, ' ' 4 4 foi-with rt.Nptrtod,,fro pu.qats. llB : ls UPP°..„"l . - aut , him. Y hi* tdre..4tionik '- : elm- 0 , . ~c, \.. * knew *at ~ ~ was 1 kink tiiq T. and 'P -- . . blelia , &pig. and . **:otiteuted In the: 'oceOp.. s.l tior4 o , ta . ordinary ';lntsioe, ; 4.,/enderful; 1 ....- de" , • fait, th at - your' deteraii atien -**as s ` red to the Altai enift. , • - ' i May God havemerey on yiou, for in m n you tan now have J. no . ; hope,: If this" bel O conduct of; your younglife, what. would y u be in the days of.ripourd manhood, ? If 0 . i loose again npon 4ocie y,, who would'be saf .1 We have heard, tat a mdng.the beeks fuu4d in your , trunk, was one :of the vile linlilications I T- Cif the daf, - the" lives of pirates; murticrers and thieves, which alas I we fear 3i:in have here , , lore too closely istudietheris was‘found t, 9 `smother book, introduced upkt 'the trial ' , u show the record of your age.. - Iwhich - 4 howe l er presented no aPpectriktice of frequent' perus4l i i Tuke this latter with you 11944 , to,.calm your excited feelings, to olace your, private hou S; to give you comfor la your ' Woe , :. to dray your :thoughts fro time ~tO eternity. •04 the l i aws of man - a e 'heaVry - oiled: J. ! you, s'' there can be, no th eghtOf your ps,rdiin h#,l you May yet find a pardoning Saviour. 1 i s - As one called up n in ":the ProYidence 9 G0d,..t0 pronounce. oni c "thly doom. let . I earnestly and mule gly imp lore to and by 're, ::1:1 twice, and ,prayer, And fait! ' V. :seek - to av r that -doom, which await If the -uncOnve • ' FI sinter in the World to cote. - . We -.condo i . 1 , the bodY; but we Would sav e the soul.. • i i he sentence leeeSe 1 7 . # v s, which this - C' ' r t as t o humble instrument f the law, p.. .',' .; up; you, is; thAt you be kelt hence to' 'ht pl e whence you .haye be n` brougbt, wit, in the Jail of this County tit Azerno ; te-be ,kept the e, and Nom thettqe be taken to the p fir Of exectition within ihe N .1113; or yard, of 0 . said„Juil,,atl the timet when the Exoeutive Wai rant shall direct, all that 'you be' then,la . there hanlied by 'tho neck • until you are 8 ` ;pi may God havr-knercy on Your , soul '~ "l I . ' The. est Office. w are rtlati .en s vekal accounts that 1,•• Pres . ijoient has plaeed Judge. Campbell last. 'headlof the.' Post -'6lllOl Peparttnept: .ln, first place he is. a - Pi.netleal man: an indii , x. -sable _quality 'air odic:10d! 4'9st-11a:stet.: l . also.a . kiLmdifig`p of Men. 'lie has! studio. charse ter - wiilottalt „ ii..,probable. that 'his !auc ce,ss in life ls more a ributable. to :hi4 aptpess I in this partioulartha i ally. other, -.This ;qual ity in Ufa PoSt-offie Dep.irtment; Nrithl, its 1 thopsan.di of Officer will tell, more etfecitially 1 than in - iny othtr de mai : dent of the • GOviern. client... - . We Lre gla' on another eicotint.; I -He l iS a Phihidelphian .. nd; businOss man,. Must Iknow how shaincial y-the...business of thbleity i has suffered.bY _the bad.,itilminist ration 14 mar .I.city's:Postrollice, as - well as by Oita. of lire!). 1 er accommodation's in' oAr Postoffice biiii4ing. 1 The drst, ofthese griev4nces, we belie'vh,. l has l. benjeorrecteci in the re ifival of Post llikster White, sad 'by the arts , , , anent of a trinl.h will idake the defies of is on cc his .bui; es Mr.idler slipuia make i.: popular Post. % .I ter, or he.follOwa an' o eel who . leave* th • targc i st marginl'4 ial ';:toieineut... TotiOina I the better 'aeremModati 'us - of the offieerbuild t :. I i h n a l, we are glad th see - ha . the Departinent .- already •giveP in , , y tteiTtiOil. - Tiiiiro is A very .a eat probability t t : e.the cenvepence 1 Of the imbl;e , ,vill „be , ,re criv regarded; and accotnedatioiis will be ro ide'd inthis city fit thqpse who liaiOcalitif,. with the . Pe;st.effiee; • suitable to:the extent - and character oTtIO bus iness trinacted. 1 Fur year:s:past the faMlities for - trartsactit„, ,, business. with our Postlhtliee 'have been of:the most insufficient kintl.llllle building-in Whir.% it has beefilocated halitibee . entirety two 'arnall, ilia number of el OF few for the proper attention to .the. ~.• •'{h --,.. r•- , -••••,-.... r. , • 7+•••, , , ,, ww , w ,11,1J1...C..] WI • , • ..1 in ,- , buinessitlutit...l.l. in eitelit rich • 'tn chance for. latY*l decided * imp *enieit 1 1 1.. Garai:A*ll cOrkilig ~ directly, 'fro Dino ; r me.n of busitles4i and knclwing the dim/Tan Kes they iiie,e offered in :their, busin 'Sri ibas 4:4 time,land the, immin e 4it dadger 1 , .ses of a dio e IS . ricitt,j character* fromt e security con eq clmt upon the" prescht Ii ' a t. Will, n,:t de t,.ecl.disposed to 'tooled ';Alt( 41 i4c.9iivenien es ' i pl : lhoearliestposiiiblei 411 .- . lei i -d: - tiett. Mr.F, li sr: 1 , . , .. 1 .. ' ' t ••• 8 B. :& Er.rroirs. oX•ritOSEs .APRIL-25.1853. The Close pf,thi3 Session. i Our ;readers are .aware that our State,.Legis. future Closed iti Session Tuesday of last week. Is iS very natural for-the , people to . -inquire, .'SM,they allays tie, at the close of a Session,-",, i ' . What his been done by--oni Ropresentativee :ti „. ,- n to . aavance the interests of di . e commonwealth_ nad thesecnrity, happiness, and.proiperity of rt her citizens 'l . - All,. however . hump e, feels a 'S deep interest inEthe'common welfaro siod 0 0 : to .iy of the Stater=an anxious solicitude for, her rapid and permanent progress in freedom antP , ce r puritY of government,•—in.scienc, arts, ' . finari- 1 , he . dal independence ` and.. wealth, tog Cherwith 1 r- . all other elements' of States prosperity :.and all ,- i d therefore tuidtheir eyes to thw Legislature anxiously desiring that : each Session ..shall de velop something having A tentien,ey , fulfil their reationable and just expectatiens: le -I.Ve are among those who believe tl t there 1 ' is gfeat dang,er, especially in a republi n gov, n . ernment, of governing, or. In. other w rds, of is -legislating ten much. . There will always ex d ist the grosttest_security to t the liberties of nay. people, where_is found the I least 'resit:tint " up. on opinions, persons andn4tural rights. The tendency of all legislation is to restrict . naln- 1 nil rights rather than enlarge them,--io forbid and curimand, rather thad-Velent and .unlonse. 1 This being the case, slight evils 'or inconven.. jewels should-often be endured rather than to l • , ' ' I seek. legiz,lative relief or corrtion, test in c.or correction, ieeting, the one sousething.else may be disar-. ranged ancl the harmonious action of The whole. Seriously 'interferid with: A perfect system of laws as well as a system: of peifect taws Can be / fon:id only in Ihosecgiven by the hind i el. : Divinity, d therefore it i t 's thafall attempts to frame law _thit shall be free from individ. nal instance of hardship, refit end in a miser-- 1 3 able failure . f the one objeef, even; turd fi nally involve the eVemment itselif in Confusion and , ditieulty.: -, ws -should_t en be general to 1 ., the whole-people havi o•.a f nice in • • their'en actaient, and so altar) as trregardthe great i, o.st good of the grey st number of Persons and interests, and on : that foundation left to . stand. - .Ali . attempts to aectininiodate them to id instarmenguld.circumstances; in themielves au: to °melons, should be,frowncii Ripon--.nevei:per 7 oft • :.s. e...- - - .-0.. • • - • . tall end in making-a tyranny, of what otherwise sir. - would bevi.been a mere inconvenience. ',' _ _ . iur_ . lair do we believe that great communit ies 'ta - I rCquire a much larger and ••there complicated los- 'system of laws than •a , snmil orie. - True; a i n ., State like ours, rapidly; increasing in wealth, lion population and greatness, will hale developed, Imo' in a corresponding ratio, - various and conflict- lent the inn' in terest s , interests together with a -complication of e.. i , i s congngencies unprovided for by hEr organic len- and more penfeitive laws: !Itut. Wall these, the the aim pin-rules -of naturid -right will Art. qn.- ply as well as 'to . others, and ferther „ thaii 1 this no gr,vertnient should advance) with any 1 interest' , it the government only provide l laws for the protection ' 6f society.end- UAW,' leaving everything else to .this -operation of i natural causes, natural laws' f commerce and; communitY, and -you then have a model of , freedom, 'prosperity and governmental- cited lenco. -.Follow out thin doctrine) and no . mat- ter. how simple pint 'Code, it is alike a protec-.; tion to ten or tee thousand. The'Greit Law I ..,ivet ruled The world bY: the ten command.; liments - , so simple and well digested as to re-i i I I quire but littl e morespaeo in print . than is sl pi l I %liked by the . " enacting:clause": for the sitn.:l , . - - 11 :1.', , pieta of the pills introduced into our Legislai - .tyre at the present day. • - The most successful; id Of earthly' monarchs, governed a great peopld i :i n . : . I by code so simple-that each:of his , subjdcill oe., was required to commit to ; memory the ..lawi Cho. 1, of le empire:" " The world is governed, too lil t I MU 14 " --012T Mafia , governed too much. i l i Z, y - Whit the alreadi said, we presume toe : our rc4iders eau see: -that all kinds of special, _ '.-1, loco - and class . legislation -Meets no friendilii 1 from us. ' We regard - it as bate'. to the inter i ees. a ces Pate,' pernicious : in its tendonci an destructive in, its - results. • It begets On and restleisriess, among 'the citizen' .... desire for privftesandezeMPticis from. th hardships or inconveniences necessarily-in ce. 1 ,'wherOciety:tindividual is obliged to, gi " up some of his natural rights for tbelen -3 fi of community.:: The.harmonyr of 070 in -. rate re nt - is disturbed thereby, and instead of A. t ,;igi State ; or great nation Of 'free and happi : 'our poi6pte,. - -„pr - o ß eriatis. bocausFt - of fair'And Equil I^.a , laws, we find a . cemplicatedtnaehitierYOf* ' itCiinnentAbreveriiernanageabie r forever - I:out - of id order, and °refer-Interfering -with the Wet. ,Osts 2 of the Eltate - itud - the rights of the'cititeria. • I ' l Ttiiliieg,i; I*. of repubrcanism.ielitts.on '4 , 4 1 - I ral rights; l especially in this ceitOtry; where it lins *iedi thi bailie : o'oSr' Dealiiition - of ln. j e 1 depends 1 .1 / The _ " leit. thi*iightei are - re. `stated Igen .by 'any kind Of latra,•ti*greatei the 'Mei* oftkicatai* :Pie inere ifini4olthi ' gt' v e!itzlic4 ll ao ol o/0 141 ' - t4el"oPle-'''-': _ ' € 'lt- ii - iiiii4l ilits_:Peci:illia' ::ardSferteilik : 0 l i ennii/414,014'heibiteileke . lue` b‘c*liii '" MOM?' ' '-'aia ei.iiiilitiillea=stitto oeciiiiitai 'gre!l- ~.: eri Elai:s*i it :). ler !Li4l l6l 4**) jocti F 14 ii ii iii):l likO,Wiali*ea: ';',A ereet Anil -- , '.' :.. t*it -14;' her afield! wealth t!: ,if . tl3,...444i:':iiny; ... iir het' Silitai, 'Pre:4- o # lo ,n, IrPlEJ"tif ti ,, r r: 1 4 8 1 - of oor'COmino dOtat'we her t e Ag'stful - ,lO!laik ON* rtfiFk !Ili.' l - a ,li- i tfi l it 'V* - loiiliti "'"e*lffaiii -1 4 thi'initiiiii of thei-iii: - `'" . l:'. -- - -•,... —.. . • - . DolOclAT. mirgestCireitiattain, Lft Worth" xintirginta-;•l632Virptestlaree kl y . . , Democritic Nomin a tions. ti' '',.,.- • -7-----.„ . i -, ,, 4 . . , :a. com;asioNEß, .-. 1 Thomas 11, - toirtyth .-. L. ... Of Phila olpltin COunty. _ 1 - . - Anna It GiSkICAL:, • .. . Ephr ' Bat*, .. . .of,bl in County. : ~ 81 , 113..VE c os . G ENtgAL,i N.. - J - Port9r Brawbiyl - • • . ' Of Crawford. County. ple. 'Too great State dependacies are ' - erect= - ed, apecialle i gislation has hod too often 125 ' 4. tr,:t.tPuell-5° that a geliarld jeatistaree ly Counties, and oven single townships af.e.heginpti3l.tp,regard. theinaelveit -aa,mdepmgrehtlievermanties to The confusion nod-. fittaity of such state , of .things will - at Once present theresel es to ev.l ery thinking mind, and , it is thereforeunder=' essary for•us to point them , out. - rh(i. time has-come when such, legislation mst .be • ar, rested—wheii. the 'Purity of the . gOvernMent and the common good'ofthe citizens deMivd its arrest,—nnd it • may well . be p subject of Congratulation that seine advance has beep., ' - a made The past Sessiou: towar s stopping its . further progress..Th' manly "determination and firm saliva ofour cjxcellont Go4erdor, aid ed as he w-as by some Inembers in both bran: cies of the , . l egislatuO, has brought.rden te! their sen4es and paredoe;way for greater re:.: suits in future time.- 1 ' •I -- - Tho general laws pissed during the Sassier!: that hs. st cloicd, hate been few, and not of a tharici interest:' - :Indeed; such is cation of the count try, th x -tt can have anythin of etch' t. .Peace, happl . . ne n in fruition, reliev 'I thetlN Shensi u ari, and ihk . gov maeti t . from difficulty sid. clinger.: . 14. such a time the. less importaat i mitters 'oi' State are attend to, all .of which -as be ato . \\l4 are more. or Je,s.lLapnrtaqt.howeyer in them Seties. There arroktti..mOt requires tim e it attentioatind, withqiucid.the time of th..e.1 133 1 • Ses.sion hai - bien largely dprisuincd. , In one reepect the' ugh will the pip Session be regar ded as an Important one, in. that the final cow- Pletion Of one of- our . most stupendous projects , of internal impro-erne:uts has been '.provided fori—a pioject that has required a long ."seri e s dye:ars to `consummate, and immense trea4.: ure to construct. - -. -. - -.-, - Altogether, the Cies° of.the Se_ssinti left. the State .prosPerons and well previded 'for.. We hayo'but one thing to r egret, and that is ' that no hope has been di - Ovele d . of relief., front. ly. the terrible and crush csh . 4 weight of our - Stite debt. That-must wo uppose be left.for time to wear slowly awai, and if it ever shall vin. ish, we then itnst our peoplowill bo wiser on the subject of indebtedness. It is that which paralyzes all .o r energies and ico' us. of Our independence d strength, as tho ,Eatui : who . is bankrupt. in estate is-thereby robbed , of his independence and ManlineSS. Tian; we-trust will finally ".set all things even," 'and with gist ides are we consoled in - Our" inkiety for the welf:. re of a Commonwealth - v,e love. —___. • , I‘. • • Court rroceodings. .. ` , .1 -‘ Commonith Tu . . Johif.AVl. ' Bracliney, te fondant, convicted of Assault and fluttery and' fined ten'dOlhris and costs of priieention. ' Comition'ith 'so. Otis Neviton, l Indi6tMent ri l ie Peijury, .hied Thursday ; and; verditti not guilty.:.- .:- ~ - ..- . : _ •• - .[ -1 James Brizik.cs. John AV-.-- - Tkodgq.,:an . aciinri ; f i slanderous words,- 7 .ienliet fottPlaintiff Or 37 and.coshi„L ' ,-- i '.' • - Ili SEC"D Cornelius J.,' Curtis vs. Tho' M i ontroso land Ilarford Plank:Road Cornpatki, Damage-4'er. diet for Plaintiff , for $450.: 1 G.. W. Goodell Ns. Limy Terry4Appeal,iried Tuesday : end ury beijig tO,agree,Were discharged. . 2 `Appoar,4:e and Plea. withdrawn and Judgment-4y consent for B r 4 , .'a" and J. W. _Curtis vs.TheMontroso andliarford . Plank Roid Coropani,i Ituv-(l‘l7cdnesdlty nt>on) on trial:' ' ' 11 , 1 Mok Isrbtices. . - , • graham's Magazine for May. is.a'gesn of choice reatiiisg : --a credit to the , talent - of our . country. l t, is entirely otiginal, but 1101friushi, like much of the 3fagazine -Literature - tot , -the day. , But we cannot enumerate its attractions: . smy -- otour readers who wish farther psiticti., lini 'cola address Geo. IL. Graham, P 10171; !with tq inclosed for a single copy; or $l6 lcir 10 copies ; $.lO for 13 copies,. ' •' - • J ' , • , ~- : :Person's 1 11:zgazine for May is . pn our .te. ti ble, and is visiter tO Which we feel.illy 'col* petent to do justice. .Th teeetgfigraving, "trossing the Brook" -gin the colored ;'plate 0 Des'Mude.s,'Parishioneie,r reflect great:cred, it upon the artists of our country: - -•Tha i mat, 1 ter of this Magazine, th • ug,h, mostly , of the story Mier, is interesting and instructivt# ; and some of the-ablest ' pens oNtrilinte to itepa get: ' s3'sing)e-copy : 8 optes for . $lO.l - t l s Address aJ. Peterson v Phir ' ' ' -L. - Dickens' Ifinisehold Words, , o. -, Vol., 7 -Contents:-Received; a Blank hild ;An In 4. utidaticsill,il444, , ,Fhotogra by; The -Mal: - lad of-...- the' i4O111 . : - Diners :Le; - ter' *we i ' - The iteAtiiiilliglialmitin Itegi ter. Elayethe 'Louisville Journal of thus wo , ' ' z Erery tibissliii gives. Some.. 'llaluable 'llinfor - ::' :n le ation, presented in the . mast lightful min nes... Its arililesi,.• Oven - on ' acs titficisubjecte, Are as late - misting as fi nest Oe. , Theft:un urja which the m4gazine is read- will .ao ten times tui (Mich ' thinfing -- sus Weald; be done - wlitiosit it. -` '' • - - ! -3 , -- - Term* $2,50; 3. copies for -$6; - 5 d) $9; 1 10 do sls:= 'Address N ati ate Ai, laird A 7 'Spasise 'St. N, Y.' -- - 1 - -- " •,, ':' -•- i , • Gis,,Cu sa nc: As A L A _ , G 1 Ist —AW. ington: cormpondent 'of;th*Y.: W rea says . ,that; Cnin.,CoAbing is th • only Man inithe ". - et who talk anYtte g beside* 'Eng.. 1 nth ; and rotates thelollevi . g.,, in prop his woficieneyinAnt intopectf I • , ,‘, Al the diplomatic dinner given M. de 4 1 c.480:4 - on Wedcesday, the Attorney Cronin:4 charmed laid sPii:Osea t 4, Ob 4 inglii*aPartY by- his - csAvatint - and .. ysiestile acenitills* minis. ,_Liker'e ' , Veritable polyglot be - tern ; ed in - Wench. witli M. de le Coingte : i•lili ,10 . ges,,in Stanish vitt; Don Calderon -de - Bag:- on,, and, in: littli . with lkirel Tea' ,':; , poke Ooretin.with - : ;' n 'Nen Peir I,t;Peitn&esii nide Illningso - - --- ,endAhe tit . inno4iiiiiii; able Tuscan ~ " the , repronittatliii-1 of- the , ~____.•-'',. ..-. •, .. ..,... . - = ~ , 1 .-., ,A,,' F-1117alle J Ainedakli PAi!iew i iiiilll in itiabOrati " - eithipredeetpo-ot liteed ellier„liiiirfildi 'irriter thhdui it - iit the un L va -0464.0. - 4rokioty , eiallin % • =sieuineAtit i*apruluidiumrply.6 the -. is inetehileill • ' SaAjoilLlCt h . • * ioli: al fir many yew', oil - hi it we . 10er r4,,,di. tury this imp* wilt 4epeeiste - ni y. to , oie.haw or one-shirtjts tweatdit:4eltie . - 1 ' /.' I • I • Correspo l idence: APTI I 23 earstisovi;enjilittg two ioisrloritysseret, co id, I . I rPug l 4 - again 'varigw! 1.: h., severe ithunder Ne - w '.York -: aummukripst- 1 1 0i loVelY diii after 41segreeible, had fee, accompaniment 'last seethe Al eettler, and, it is ht Ifor soine 4 . 111 . 0 to ./ , . -1.,- , Thspnst i veek - hts not bee Very prolific news, efther forelv'ti or , domeine; and we i!not for thiy rr revivaltempoo • t e aces. t• . tie .1 ,; ', ',.respectngtn pro l i nens anapperation of Constitution in eof the death of the Pr dent,'Wel nj.ould IV° • te'n !almost a cit - ' I . 1 . i 1 . ih qii akers.! . : 1 • .1 i ..- The - ,ilea •of t sNice President' Of the 1 ted States" link 'en so generally looked that'tho Inlellige Se of thiti koo ti, or its in ' Ceipt ''• bOhla city lent Tees* aßeruoon, Tided:only in iran lent, excite ent. ' - The . ;,erable statesman had reashe4 hiebotas in 1 ‘,. gt'i . las county 'on &eddy,. and oti 114onday (Wei under his 'own reef, and' eilirroinided friends and e nd tiers, be yielded:up big resPsctecl alike b 1. politicial*Cf all peril 1 The iolor'f-it.tife shipping 41110_the' , iii ti 1 publie building,s bad botelsytere Wailed' . displayed lat hal !mast, retraining so`, d the whole of cldaewiay, lileAiy . or 'th ner4. IT eTS ens' Courts-f law.adje' over ,to; hursd y, and sivtal .of ilia s p 'offivis we osclos 4 - in tokens respect - ,The 'O l cck V rriiir and peiiikee hay - plied us. "with - ' vices froul ', Havana t 4t 4.1 t idst Tile most , inter sting item i la en ; • - I a - Governs:o General, - in .. .. - , c e,serted asa *ea ped that Iti*lll atsii set me. .4 . tenl Vita" o) son,itolSt l Jag° to investiga i in some tiefibles in at>eity, in 'bieb the 1:4 a 1 gov . epo . and gni agitia4es- - that , eiti . and.'neigh ood are allies. it,, ms hts petty excellen . has' and ttt4n to. pra ntise hitthand - by .- irnp :son- L ing ntnelot -these magistrates and the k. fel -1 low, liar thro4in'dovin,,thtt gauntlet, . a do: ,2 manded heir r i l,etuse. Tlio*hole affair: ' il lept ; as PriVat6 as p Ssible, yet'ille-itnporta of the; sno‘iement is aliparenifrcink the , 4 ; r nal movements or Curled°. aliancthe !`..t.Ori;- ous See.4tnry i'' State, * intil i ed; , t '0 to; I , wifon iliss . , all, - daughter of► .resi it, A i mericanj and f arted- for . ;England. ' p a d ' ' ' ''O hid be . were prO;alen that! Ca* - en upe ‘ t ceded in the, overnor Generalship . b Gen. rdeva. - - 4 '''. - 1 1 - Our Old friend Santa Aina,had been ede.,, iv ed..atlfliera Grim with l grit, - entliusiastit, ati.d . . . to having accept cl, the. I'i4dency, tench him by 1 18 out of 23 state and territori. started i tc i )r Me ice, under nit escort of 1 , to as . . sn e Its uties. -1.; ' ' -,, ' Adviees fro Europe4; the, 9th in (have been received pe r . the PactiPe d Ara in, but their cbtllness hardly pays. tor th time. quired 6 read Ithem.Cot ,ton is!A tai deman nt for; i . • 'lter prices , a I other , artliclei prod ; e has `declined.' Business gen4elly , was dall, and money " ' rather tight:. _Gotli,contictued *come in front . Aus ia - at the ride office or " per week, an emigrationi from pie Germany wa tending towards that Irelen4 alone sticking .tcilher teit by al eliodusto America, goon). Vic „.....H..._'...4. t Prinim ...aiert and :.th 'treasury anot er bouncing boy, and h jecte' Woo re,dering themselves ridieu their usu a l adyfsm.: .4 pl a n for pi zio,thbo,ooo of th'epublte debt, and 1 'cing the interest •int rest on othey portions . ..lt published by the .Chenceilor of the E] • 1 .., andlit was t street lA. cc)nsiderabll sion inlfutati tal * . reles.l Meetings I held for thepurpose of urging the Go• to pro .ect, Turkey againit t6e.ag. •• ions .o AdStla end, ussie, but fhe governm - , t se e m!. ed disposed to attendlo kits own 1 m , seas, aft. ter-trying to I rogulute-otber peoples - pr Many , yeers. -41.11 - Walt - . badit'Occurret it he bub. ice tin Crystal Palace; by which five... ' were killed' and'elght dreadfully wounded. c Fian was unusual y quiet. The etuperoi. ,ad bee sick a day o - two The. relative . i of the religiote4 - and civifliitesof Mar ag - Iv I • I - 1 beginning attract _some. attention' '.. .th a i • i • sencel of all other subjecfs ergenent ite ..ea Thetatoct ' Uhois,.son iif the :surge M i • J _ ) ge o ria I Louise, ad been appointed 'ace ch v .. "( \ the Einpre . llezzini 'ils said to . i - an his:return t Loudon within' . two W ks ty) d- H -ri be IV t of L ' t announce .. Ati e. o :out on on or , , I the rumor o is. •prelenfe on ,tlie c nti ent i ruse to:wi draw: ttieatt . g itiO is: of • e 11 from other afters?, I. Winl Idle la te r; n hiyOnti doubt the -rssulfiliviiklistioW th e rn fe t of I thy suspicion. , Hotiend I - all a Tire ht. opposition to - . 4- re-estabr - 0 ut, the Pepin hierarchy in.that count IAS .11 prOpoiedt, he *bolo of pentad tu see to be ready to 'ring tiliction- at a vane notice, and very Innekildnubt- the Inman R, of; the ‘, fo erish! :, symptoms ;,: which ; prey . il 1 ' ttlre' abol./ .it there iltit',,. - i 11- .-kia!r l 4 ' 1 40 . ...!; * S •befere utzut i f f .wee/p. : [for:pilot • ' , evened 1 Berlini we eks '' ' 1 ifirms - t *''' '. a 0 OIIIO%CO, , , . I , ,,s t uni I especially since its., iat!piatioo do . 1 traced t° ‘ 4I Y ., 'ii°ndo;f• s,__siitFeana' 3 r 9,_ 4 ". -n '.From Van a ...then) 40 -.vn,.iviP peF‘ P0, 11 tIctl" x. ligfel_so c()*4o`4". the. Val, .13fetes end .merkeit,--inewmov •., entSl' ' .1 3 r;*iisi ktin that they v r rf noidis' .,- . ;!., to '' i the seed S,' ICIIIIALS . be' l- 1341F - SiAff) scans i therewith 6oll.lllii ' i . , 4144:. 01'944 1 Of Polidcal mariiTs. Atifist iiiiiyi:- Ole' . n- Oe!iad-g - e!ik - Prov,Ata4is "at* ' cu Thoßictiiin'itinty haiipo I titeds;i - 'ii;in t..e TuTin4 b 9 - 1. eris'.eietvi*,no 4 oot e 4.lifric 1; ties bets , ' 'the two isiiinirieSiird'SbUut posed -- - et ' ' PrP4l 1 , 0. fi -- l io nt . 1•, At in `ti i .7 ,5 .- :. 'y i- Borland ° °An l,:, -:,-,,.. " na „ PP , Pn ;„ ;PIT , °r : New: - iiioi6andALi , i , ico, at:wil 1i,11441 tiii dsaiiii American , - 44ii;:de clined 4' "r..4-,-..„_,, ' —;,L, -i,. ~ 3 a'''L 1 .14". Slidell. - -- I got: Ti ` 1 13011:1011i ICo ' -'l,ll ii iilitt 'has fissePhl s'A? rod on k - - '4, ' --,, , - t, • --` , -- • r•v , - Viktexkl 6 . :f 'The Oel b 13iiii. il'? ) ",,16iiiittqiii'ilirt l it,tliutf t I iir inv9h*fthikilito - ' iorif Of 1 , ".' - t rt., :--,.,....,4. ..--,;---,,,: ip,4FO 1 41 if re of of Penal '' .4 n tioua i l l . liiiilliigtOli correctly , ~- . 4 Aiflar. . Shm-Twhi i ts ,ll ',. ' % krPkflin this citic 'iiiiiiietibliitii a ny of _,. by - u t woh an dqu ite ips wlde wok - - ittueiti i ?di.giivolin4, &nit iciiiiitien - AO' Wont of rgoo' amount t ,Irie p ,a - ! 1., 7 I_ , ___._. oit i i iii ii i r a tiima - w n, fii* lt id ',.; - :mtr... w. isali - iviiilettiuitti ; A ii -j- timi r e .l F,,ilob t lit Boi'', ~, , , I i". • I • '' mi l l f s mitt } eve: .'; .urY; i v-h i g I tk? ' for' w ich tlici.jaii i,, _ '' ...,: . • 1..,. - 1 Kip tritu:l we• V e ' ll 11 '..", pacl : . 's, • ~ of - 4 .. pil e. ' 7 ::1,....! I>er4k., is t eor all Ti Plat; but , any Math I cad i stattf: . man! is ve tier 'ai '1 draga l i like aspect of 111 f ' t i as far 6 see " 8 to have _ e, and the table. lite the ext am that t iniesPec Y is. :-Ye' I 411 1 fur. re- ro it3 n .I here: aie t Colerado4 . :red, Cali 1 .15 will be geli up the ,eito reas°-! .00, and if ' ' thorthigh he ;nototi, a ther'Of his. to 'he has l i 1 , .n+ a a ne ,exets )• lit _too g el s i ;cal intell ; n ereat to ge . si nally an ite may 13.4 a . bec ome th roe great pr e eCtion. de 0 re.preparin a 64e! front Is a ets which e . ased ; whit ill Soon be i lace ho is Ali . is profeSsio 4 . On.V.orida o scene of 1 ad'tol" gS) e. Stschenis Is ie Hall, wls \ truggle. -. , . tar" 'when,. of the all ;I'. success th. 1 t. }Llil o ioel 1. tit State al :o• been expeci r y..!! 1 , 5 . tely route the ' ir '' has' and the , " l'l' , di" nrcirea • ' - Our I Palae,. like .1.. ~ . s c seems to ge along rather slow -. .been- the c• ;sequence of delays o . .... the Contr.=ra is suppi)•ing' the 'lir 1 and of the . ad Weather which prevent • . workmen ft m l:ibuiring during the ear ). . I of the sprs ..;There is now no peso i. . _ the exhibii n'alitaning beterathe firatef June,. if, indeed,'l will then be ready, and"aome who protee* to now :. set dowaJuly as the earliest. tl . time 2 . ,t, wh -11 . it.can becipened to the-public; The tie and its ()Teem are certainly doing their' part Of theithsineas," yet, whera. so. many.pers ns and interests are concerned, th...' ther Pass ' Ing power:to disarrange',whole,.he _... . . -_• . - it,is not s . prising that they are behind tithe. ti ii 'ad : i . spa c e: where_ appl nations bare ee m co or , where non can be given;and it is said that three times the oth could hare been advisnt..44cons ly "dispose Of had it beet% at." . the. - ,diSPOlal . of the manag merit. 86mef,of.)roni• readers, may feel inhere fed in knoWing that on _ many *of the', hilro as - g-, leadin ..to• this : city, artiele; is • which_ liar been: accepteafer)exhibitieri;. will be convey d free o f exPenee when 'aepotepa• nied with ectifienti - of the fact. 'Others are expented ,come into the arrangem nt, . and .Ilie'nismes atall will•boAul- announced. ' i' Out mit istsats,quite lirely, , - and : - "Seeth to . I)o.q4te , asY.: .FiOut. is f4hor 'dull, 'spit, al `dairtiwrsrd . tendency.\ \ . Weetern .nells, at s4,sq to Si,Bl. .; Ohio $4,560 85,19, extra, qu4*: • tinastill Imbier. -Southern *as rather brisk ' i -: lia : t i B4B hei? 4 t_ s : t4 : P 4 ."l3 : 47lo‘l4 "Fn .:l : 4''Colie rd jl 7 * . .1 - Meal.to , l'.2'7 w t:bdei: : -.l : s' c4 :‘ 're , s,— . -38 : -': tEye:is: qn et at 90 tol9l, ./.laiteiii, i, atso quiet a at 48:ta 0, ter:. Westein -.and .38:to 45. for. ° a it0741 .1 :11 6 1;1 .1:--Q tn ats is. ar b e ri fi a r k at ;n a a 9d at i o n L f4 : - a d t e Zto a ri 1 , mi x ed so them ; .9P-,to 65- iorW4dO• .. ' O. h -for round ellOw an 4651066 fort' liaw' torth: , t l eri.:, - ,-..P... k is itiffet-144100:for ..:Prii;ee;o4, asi l ` i ; $15.75 f . „ . !ooss.„ lofiid Vs gnittib ' kinir9 1 . . t. ito 10. is at 0 4 ;5O4 1 .0 ,1 /4 p=6 - 4.:. I . and $8, t . 8 / 9 , 25 :mess . f!ir , ,•: Butter` is quite: brisk brisk'at-, t 4 i j 55 ,- or.OPiP; " ,12 :.t.4 1, :;10 or w ,, ro w . -y. 9 i. c ; fi at4 - 0 to -25 ler, ,• Orange' C •-•., 0/le4i 4 '. ' it' '' - '4 / 9 - 't lit . ' ' 'T' .'4. , i:lta.re4:4!le ~,,L.,\ 0 ,•- ~.. is active itt 6 to i tor W,entucky,;:ismits,t .I`s ferni — Peoli,juid C00n.:.: '. :: - 1 :4 - - . ` .' tely It • n a• e [Mk ii Camvojal Ihav ing itarted:kWl mpaigiii! 4:61 o Mexican bora , . a - ocaom — modi ed witli.oinarteis . in, Fort Bro -n—a.,014 . e .he 1 .esto hate ace pied." te co. seldom osses:ses much .ral "relAers: There is: 'oce.a. Fl - Which payS foi•the. peinial, ie fact, that city is shertty. 'abiding 'place of two ' of.:.the sidential candidates - at. the'-last e• Scett,.and hiirfamily are pow' iifur occupancy a.s'p Ind*d b "W i ro n, ise, on .ono of . onr fashionaldol the General has; iicently '_pdr- John P. Halo Ot•NI-1-1ainiAilie A.ila,lo of NeniYorli; a at which' nit io,Settle in the ' ti ' prac co i . o "p. the ihe Iper- evening, old Topmany_Hall *as Oite an excifemetit,.the • of the Society conte,n infr for and Cerincli ; end, indirei , tly,' . for wri tantamount to a death cie Council decides Who`artJ " rCo• pn f lictirg parties 'ask `for . the nae Irma, their decision stamps With uiky Futy, foi as Ties Tammany `lo city; and in a clusos: election. The strugile as may ,have ierere; but the "Softeerr= bA two-third cote '•• nowhere. Gardiner trial, This has th i e part of work; 0 men icinfty r I!'4, in I . lons b ! qr.; ,cor-reda bee . 1 1-heque disc.o tilee tI II 2_ll Ti ln .4) .ecl MEM= ut 1 7 hile 10 .. the -Thee - - - liitost : from. Ca „.oinia.' fit' - -1,00,000 'still in hisjuinds Logs Of the : oViiiiiiiii.'keierewl:4lo- 1 i iiirals sro 'te ' ' dri - D e. /oet. . ~`","•;----- ''''"-'. -" , q ui me ete , ~.,. , ~-,..-i!'.. .. -- i.-. ...„ , --- Arh ;;; 'if:this story is trie,ithat. -- ,: : :* * ,l -*•.,., ' • • ',. ,i7.10 1 r , , A ' 23.; h i for,;'' - - 'Tit ''Stet-trnsultilo'lliir Staten, - • t.- '- - 'of it -before; eveiin ..-- 0 i t 4 d , Beny• • t that a mount iii )30 . meti d n i arrived, here::: t.ll 2 five.,..iiiita, 'f. "is fr?in . A m i awa n.- Elm , not ; stragehng _Sehfid e n t, .Nvhet h e r -thP',,To' ,Pic -- i r seigOtS.,:? , , , '- ,L.-- .F, 4 1:: : ' `:,./ / e; - 31r. Draper *ill piaki if _ - 111 ft att . :imitable:lna° ',Sim left Aspinvian temptation id too great for for New York. nic l th 18 th , let the- Pemien at,oleas• nem. of our Buct i eye gers :hy -the...St fourteen tib?p „.C42rtes,„, loan_ 1 - extraordinary'. : The fiara.; -el e ic i t- -= ' -- . - i•- - -- - , I `~ . ~ , ~,, / , is illosi length . along;" with The steamshiP Genres, from Drew York, sr: - i...... verdict for the government., rived.l l VMPiitehl!- ° the 17 4 1 7. ,fe he 9viclence reaehoe us there ' -, - - - 4tcopounr or- 'Tiltn_li sTaucTlON.olt THE 12iDs. :' een - little grounds for ..the..• ~ ~ i ~, ‘ ~ ..t . nottat of the accused seems - " -'• -: - 1 1 , ' , • i d - -k; d' • , •;; i „,-., : • . . .-- . • ; ~.,, 'The steamship' epen epee '', wan .v... on ' - - the ifitlidof Ferbua ,Ihaving 'ran 'ashore be', the, shoUla - off-Mittg tette , Island; -where, she{ teokfirOland was bu ed to the . water's etlpe., l Five hundred ptcslien,gers were . on hoard alt , Of whotii leaped intb the water - -and' tiled tor.l swim.aitiOre, - of *both at leait'-otie: hundred andfot-4,y were /est. . liaargaretta Island is up. on the coast of Le' %stir California; and ig.ume. Wilted. J -\- - • - 1 ' -.1 -•- . ,-; , .After striliang; th p IndePeniencelmOkedeff.l but finding eight - 60 of water in het hold Cap. tain'SathNoti ottlerfil -the - pilot" tii`itin her on the beachnt a spot three' handled r-:Yaide:frose 11 , 1 Pd• ,_,-.',..--`,.1',..\•., The abii.teob. fir* from the' intense.fliest`ef the furnaceicf the - times _spread ' friOid,r and created themoit Ili ' htful tenstentittionfamong theP4sengenn ~' • :..-. ~ •,.,,, „, fs, , -Avery.heavy„.B was runnirigeand alliiko bciats Of the:steal:6 r *era - sWalßeft',., 04- to make the filet rp netlike'. _ . , -:, I To add te the: Min" of ill :scene 'i firer. ' reachd the peWde t magazine, .. Niche loded with "t,eirible :foie shatterid .11in 'ideate?. titerhlePieti,e; nile-inatteling - t e f!iviients in every, direellon.' Many' of the " engem were blownloyerhoard, and others j, taped over end ' were immaiiateli carried; out' to ses,..hy , the ' strong current that *as Sweeping front' the shore. -•.-".-v...' _,--1 -' . - - „ :•-....- ' " , Those Who succeeded in-reaching the shore were unable to-renderany; assistance-td tbgeo _strigg l : 3 l - 0. 0 the: I water , end' ivere:ehh ' gettili remain, punsiie spectators of immenietium. bers,of men,Women:tind children; pc:lain by fire main the" g se •- - • . ~ -.-, ,_ ~ The number 44 persots lost, bas been Ifni. ouslyi estitnat , rout' one - hundred- audios, ty ioltwe hand* ~ ' • '-- • - .--,:'4.L--,:• ‘, The shipfinall :s wung round- broadside to the;beach, w hen her coal also - took fire, eid/ , she:was totally ii strayed. - - : , - ' ; The passen,ge . who were saved found them selvcid'on an un bit' idialand without-'we% . er, Wherethey, re. compelled to remain for .fiftY-Six houre i ' a state - of - ' tense suffering. : ~.,. Fina j iy,-by 'firings cants) the survivors-. :were'dialed to attract the attention of some whaling vessels 'ying iailia:, lens Bay, a few `ranee ofl who m e to their, assistiMee, with_ provisions; al d'inally,t oI: them off. .., , The-folloWinare the names as far aia% certained;of.the passengers befongng - to the Eastern States, - ivhi) were lost :-- .- - ' ITO),t :it* yowl. ,-; - - - John Merris. i, I. - -R. Mosher. .. J. :Tories: ' 1 I - : .1: Myers. GeO: E. Light..: :,: f• 'i , • 111T8. - .Mliffin: . s . -=-11iiiiittlin. , - ! - -T. O'Neal, --,, wini i p n pi ; .yte„ - i'._ T. o..Berlee. William I.eoDiar4l. ,;,... - Charleo A. Raid. °. ,‘ • -I-Rog ,mAss.iLhesp.rrs.. - a west,," backer sun-doWn" overland .emigration 'to that. fronkArkansis,ligreat. usnal,; while - our , -Texan g the world that: on the • uP-_ f la of greatrrichness aro dies lOok'. sharp,• or her .ished ;" Tor if Texas -begins, I.ld 'by side of her brooks, .hir'NeW.Y4ark - should not do: once sets 'nbOut it she ',Aft. Livingi .Age, COAduCied r by E lii ;: larrsir. - & Co. This tier , - . haa'ailmaciaed k neia`: aeriea covement, 'RI shape= aid. Puerta all. be c onstant 'vile %Ai* h set: At- POO: if. by both - the - sfqd due it Vali& orthe-eenntik in"-thic•bust intrinsic woit4::The is with mrhielv it-,Anna ,: frafa ,tha of English:;Rorie - dice) jititatare , be acquired 1 10 3 C .a IPTlFAxtttlanaa - 4 4'14 veterikeonduiter. -- 'Nothing - rere . ' in- Ifui: . . 4uarteillesi, ;the , Ishii* ot:even in'thes - tiot..ex: 7 l, filitirsr7lawas,l 4 -mirdei!l7l 4 illB4"%al?"b(!' 10 its inilett, ali if lila Its ndhi.l. - taa• ' Thrwila'waild - kailaqiii'dif= khrth*tideil of hi man tiidw , awir .40 are, ,sattiap •iltaist tad*Knitoot ,note'of ite entreat - 'lilfthe literatureOtital* 'llse* widist ',Ilk:4101*On .aVia'.- lailaaaaa.: 4 t Miil , .tiite` flees lath, ~were_ it net flo4O - 9k ' i s ra# l *afrardsc' , - tifilactialle_ 4' t mitima . ireatkiiiiiiiWbi' too N. Itita diaarrikkidktn,sili* tiiiditrereOfilietioie,4* ;baron ititivt rife% -. VW - -vitiiodifiki A % iilinilebtef ,Illotot Aittati''',4iii: hitellottall' ' -byal4:44lloo B _ it-iiika iti' - 14 1 41,*":.P 1 ‘,014 ,- or imi ? u, '0;7 ,-2 V,.. r Ceigriirkgr; ,`, 1, - :-- - -... : ,-,,.. .. ....-- trql4B:—.^Ns t frit,4l4l Nat ,;101,04,if#: ktir* -Robert Taylnr. - • W.'S: Moulton, ".-- 2 ,% , Velsh, or Boston,.÷-,Jolnnion Of-Boston, . ..o .: li a l e .-, . . , 1.. -.- ',• .',,, •..'-' -' -.: . ..:There ,were other" iievi.Ettilandent lod it whose imince:ha ve not \bees ancertnitied; • • - ~.-• - ' --,...' -.-MARTSVI Li .d. - LIN WIDER WATER. : ' -Mae aity.'oe- - ar -sviitei ban been agalkinue , d4ted,,by43'iso, in the FOitlie! and -Yuba 'rir e're;una much rOSS'of picip4ty: Ikad occurred. THE ATLANTI C STATES. Tha,..sterumei, left ;am Ye:bid:eo' on Obi Astof .I).prif for,PananinistoOk down '&2,2300'0 in dal dust,,gf which 4800,; Do was shipped - by Page, ,Bacon* 4r. Co., ad :,'5530.,000 by Ma us R. ,Co. • : nctsco I The i marketn a San Franciaeo, were g‘tiet. expectation ilof 'n.-• great change,. owing to a. hltge - number of 'marine, , ;Flour *was ' qunteifit $l2 to $l3, with=smal,sales. Mess I perk, Atitind Flair - pork - $44: . :Hats 24e-a 25e Butter 43e. a 45c.- 'Rice; 6•1-2 .290;t0 30e.- • - The 6 tildit - forth - " l i' 'if en . onto e l ' lic • • ' '•.- 40 Railroad. , 1 - 1 ThelCkleagi) people; are, ,iiiishil 3 4,l" th, Pro' posed central !rotite for : the PaCifie Railroad,' says;the ;N: Ir., rot, which, they:Allege, it. shortei atid dpimpracticable- than: either Col. !Mel Bentim's l ,; Mr. Gwitis, - or -the;:seuthera I route, 'altd- better than the mete'. tiothem by 1 Lakii Superior and Wiscogin.v.:_Thia4.olth rala* , froni Chfeaioi to. ; Council-Bluff, . ,.!thro4 :Town, thence F thi ot, -Latamie, by fi:, Toll niidfiiient : visite, fertile tato the soil and will irrigatek awd "from there-up the I f atimie Folk by its, roatil_'-wildelithwlndiart trader take with .theirwraiTOus lindfßieha for, 4 WreatY &ilea,liges ind ' 4 10 ile uPou a, mie Piainai-,*hicit Ware; wi th luxuriant gnies;ind Vito caltliators: - ; Atter. itrarati; it shirti along to the south of the Black Hills of theltorth',ltiatte, which:;Comes'outfot the. NO Park illdllt'uns north . a huildredP l 4 4 ' iiihe\scmth,Yalv. .. , ~,. f : . ..: '-- - , 1 iiii :'.Thers\sie - several passes . in _tbn South; pass.::; - 1110 - I.lTatiiiiiti lef'uteintainelreirf.thittosth -1 !`erintnates atitho Nest