men, then treasured up,Tengtsurs-fors fa day of reckoning. It witemottful-to be the younemother sitting 3 jo . listlessly her babe, whose winning * smile alone, .. iter to earth ; it was paammg mournful: ~pale and listless, her hands locked her Wobbing. bosom, repeiting the sor , words, ‘3ly heOt_is . dying--1 Said-he not com t aire hai deserted In ' heart is drag .'. •• - And . what of the-recreant. :Did his reproach him as standing in a strange dis ! onboard of an Ameri4sn ship be (Wei the dark waters,' Wretched ma notlisten to his heart ;_he stifled lent remonstrance; he said to himself th stiny:impelled hitito ar.t as he did, t sOul - Was etnbittered ind he ciroo - not fit fut4e, rockless,deflent; and yet-no -ing to, count the Cost f lo left bihinif in lisps forever, home parents; and ,wife. coittirue - - • Bank of 'Penntilvania , va. •.. t 11... lake'. .'. . :_.The ektract - below,..taken - froth the State Treasurer , toy: the writ' f". la* issued by ' the Bank of Penisyln Philadelphia, - e4hibita a degree . of rascal theikirt...or that. institution, - more. in elr with the jeckey_than with"what ought • ' ein r iconorahle men. We-invite the p _ 1 ita...peruml i' • / *.• - , . . . - -, ; 1. - 1-elso further certify and return, the on• or fibout:the 27th Jay of -Jaly,•lBso, I ca edit tWerßank of Pennsylvania, in emnpan . with Asa •Ditnock chief - Clerk in the Treasury or ; fice,..for the purpose of - making arrang ments Ine_tho payment of , the State :interest, Ire 6i'r • the first day of August, and, Without giving i . ' ' ' make ' I tib 1 me an opportunit yto any Asp a N I , *as- met- by the President and Cubic ofile. 1 Bank in 'a - spirit of 'unkindeesa. T e - flrat words they addreaseiLto me'' was the inquiry i We - would invite. any -f)f why I . , . hid not been there "ten days -.-befare ; wh are to viait.thli'place d4ring that I ought to have been there, and had the .o.l' t,. !AO' 've us f a call-at Oily money 'all ready and in - the tank - beforethe . -r. •IP , , . ..t. • day I called; and in a commanding tone of - Judge Tyler's store, just bp voice declared-that the : -interest `could not be Het'se.; _You wilt lie ; cor paid; that;it teas nowt too late to make-the M . - -It yni have any nAghbor rangements for therlmentiof the interest:= int?, and wish to ., s td.. I said that I had money enough to pay. thein. e' ''; .., ~. i ' fairest, such, as it was; and asked what they , De' "al , we . B ",' could do wh the notes of country. banks cotn... yo. to. bring s it ab toonly. called currency! They positively de- y e ' we shall hr cl,2red, they. would look at nothing bet!specie or its equivalent.: I teld the in that - iny mon ey was, mostly of conntr3r banks, :.and : f that I fr - ; had an arrangement with•the Cashie:s bf said it tanks to redeem thoir notes in city funds; and li I had no doubt 'they wouldrde so, but• hat it y would take a little time.. They again heed '''' c f 1 t4take anpliing, „but the. specie or its ' itiVa7 lint. - I - then asked them to settle th ' State ti account, and infer& me what-_ the aniunt ~ • the State...deposit was, in Order to CO pa • , it with, my account, and - that-I must see_ - get Apfficient. par funds to pa State in rest. .I then called upon MK..Boicer; P . - -i i itent pf ' ' the .Giraril Bank, and told him the ire mitaut- L •• cm and explained-Me metier ully too.. hint, 1 . and stated to hiEnthe amount • f mon4iy I had I . • . on hand, end the kind of m, , eir Iha in my , . • trunk. then in vault.. - Hethen call d upon the 4 .ink himself; and w . nhereturn he in formedt me that they d refused to -e any- , thing but the specie or. its eqalvale t. ~He '.., then kindly offers take the kind of money \:.l had, and pay thefulterest. I then weht back. " to the Ralik of Pennsylvania, end they Onform.. , ia me of the ainount. of funds, to theedit of l a • the State: ,The amount was about tw hund-- red r and thirty-four thousand seven ,undred And six dollars and twenty-seven cents . ; but they informed me , that :oak of .that bmount there - iihre ninety-three oi ninety,fote thous : - indsdollara special funds, consisting 'oeighty f thousand dollars 'Relief notes; and the balance country notes, Harrisburg,lifidclletowti,rhermy bersburg, kc.,, and that they could not Mke that from the for interest parposes, Mikis I would pay them a discount of fifteen. Iftnared _ dollars,,, to make it per, which I refaseK`toAO, - and' told them. that I ivoialdiwt - pay One cent - of discount to then:Nit- - anybody e; that I Me - '•eetee.te be shavek.but ,to pa the in wrest; and, as they elaimed to be th e agent of. •the. State, ' I thought they . o ght -to - -to be the last to , talk about discount;. but the President said they could nothing in the mat _ter unless .I paid the fifteen: hundred' dollars, . • shooing that the Bank vela lose that amount which they cold -not afford., I positively de': • dined paying - one- cent..... 1 was about leaving the - Bank, when they pr op osed that•l shouldi tail at B o'clock in the Morning on the first day of Asigest,'which I did; and the matter was talked over, again, !aid ahoy. then came • , . • down to' oe'e thousand dollars, which 1 again ~' . declined: I then told them that i should draw a check on them - fort the amount they had ;on', itiposii. They then - proposed that I should i &a* twethecks, one for the par and the oth - ' erg for the special funds; which 1-.did,And then • left and got the balance (some $750,000) . Oil the Girard Bank.tmil deposited it ba ;the Bank. ot.peniMylviinia, which Was 'safficient to pay • -theinterest then to. I then went back to_ . the Girard Bank a commenced counting out . to the different Cashiers from the country the notes I had on hand, and they.redeeMed - for me ' in city funds, which enabled :me te'repay. the . . . Girard Bank; amt. on the second'; day of -Au ,. • rulf.l fotind I had. money enough 'to redeem .*. tits rilnety-thre - a- or ninety-four thousand dol-1 - lars called special funds-by the Bank of. Penn. sylvania.,.for which they demanded the bonus . ' before mentioned. I called upon the offieers • . of the BO* „ -and . informed :-them that was now prepared tin pay the gold or silver ter' the ' ninety-four thousand _dollars for which they claimed the, Atoms. They produced ill. the epecial funds :they had on Antrid. as State ils pOsit.. -On counting over the paellogea; it was found to amount to but eighty-si dollars insteta of ninety-four-Omni:lnd dollars ' as they alleged the ,day 'before, and thehal ! • - anee o f siglit . y-sik thousand -donne was made ._ ' in notee - of Harrizb ' York*d.ldiddletawit Banks, and Pittsburg - 4k:e. : --- • • . tom proceeded with Ass Dhnock to carry the mooey . te the Girard Bank, having firstgisi. •en them , a check for the • amount. The Relief notes, consisting of About $40,000,1 took with • ' me . teliarristrarg, and - the country notes ma -1 - king up 'the - balance of-the eighty-six thong.' and dollars. were rt.:Nicol:lnd . -by the cashiers Ofl • . the various country banks at the Girard Bank:. 1-' &ilk in par er eity.funds.' . - I also .further certify and: return that; noi :- withstandiug" , ,thier' , Apkind, - and- ungeneroue -' treatment by ;the'illatora, anti; a report that , . - tlie State watildfd,the able to. meet Its intet - est on . the. Brit 4.4 - o•.,Atigotit,l flso, - which I• _ .• traced to theni; - biffity owe exertions And . aid of-others, I provided tire amount•that w ' .. reqiiintaill sPe•g!°•°t:. i . ;equivalent, ' iAtheeP . • cestlettbit `C.ete9eW a mil' coat for die- - count'n .4 epricilittal - 'Per,; and withent mat _ ' . king theltaut - fois2oo;oooiiithoriied'hy the • Stst.settiettWAhh . pet iftiitilithCidiy,lBsot, 46 meet any deficienc y ** - .*nilititt eceim ... -,-_ RENTING PrAsoi =Few - *et. Pare. ' what. extetit.tho,renthig 'of pianos ireartediut wine (Idea In and around serei t a thee* arida are annually hinako4.=:!-Vhi 'Mail says pti4 ttlatuilon,aione yenta -8060041,(4) hi/ 1 0 43 4f , 'sate* aid Piann-forb3.iniiiiiawantlaklief as aellL-In *fie profits are eliiiiinic:A2 - taut be Wight for , 4050 to 300, Oa . - icor $l4 oritata, year! It vanirell., &taw Itra - ths next turury', Tani on bire..., - Wolw look for the ti t lastetninidbreages; roast 4irkeYinatsi 1%411 beiliferiitit for special occaslono ti ? . .f . runWlo*.c.imptTvement Ice., W 4101 1411 1 5 - 6!. '-' ' ,•-• ' . . z. : , ...„ ' :- • W ' itti ItiTi.itieal,i 4ll rg out. -.,,, •-•)-,, -!- - 4 , 4 1-, ,.,.! -;:*e.:4- '...:- ~.' `.....,..%:: I E.=—: ~. s ~ ~ ... rtllyi DEMOc re old bud• Isee ever p aid air - --Peliiiillvanta-4111 32 1.300 - Ar• oNTltestlf A 1 . -.. i . I, lioodreicV•Nomilia:tjohs. ': ' • - -:,-;=''-.... ]- , x - -'..4 - ---d.utst - --cotiti - riirstolo7.l . = ' - .4homas a Forsyt h, • , ~.. Of PhiladAi'hia toaunY. .. AGDITOR GENERAL, • • '.! Ephrapn. - Ban . I ..-.L9(3,1 - ,i(liin ,conntiir. ~.,, .-r--:----, t•, ' • -SURVEYOR GENERA ..- J; ' - Porte ' Bralieley, " . .., Of Ciavikord Cou - ~.,-.e.,....r..:,..A.--...........i,..^..,..-...,-vii: -...,......„-,..../ -....., r trite IT.S . :*itate terrttltiatiti ita, extra ;aim' *lfonday last: . • : 1 4 , I._' 1 - ...._:.---•.:mmi.dis.. , , rj9ur Lagislaturi3 has , ed upon next' has,', t ' a '-' 'is it" aS a day ° I final a Aro went.. The opfiation 13kily j n*pd finqlintss 3londny.' In: PIERRE SOLE / Of Low. tana .hss been -• , . tted and - contlyrnixt as illi A ltstfr to Spain. i.cti- has - i he I ts si hiß t hia the in;at tty on ; ranter 1 g o v . , L '.tic to Ilion. Paniel S I71E" 14 ; . lc In n.has resigned his" pitintulent.. ash'; Collectem ! bf New.,,Ynik: ~.;r" 'and I lldn. Grcenp. - -cii Ilronsonl . kipointedin ' pla4, - 1 . .. - :l' 'i . -, - -_,- i 7. f, • . - .11 -.Our readers -win .bg, gratified' to see co . our Telegrappic news frOnt Arashlttton, 1 ha tltostinipprtant the world, ir i rto :En laid, has been ,gl4en . to Hon. rd. ESBLTCHAS i . . t An exceil4it appointruOt, will reilec credit upon: the 'Admlnistxi to and tier c nur;on Countli.. f: - At ati the alst u 'Sly a State recommended poet of Presidi trict, made va of kite Bldr ~. ~.- i kcch etkion . of tii'4lspirituaust* o f .1 :, : i*ii. 11,6 , - 4171' ttql, Ott of: Springfield, ins l *week .:: A. 4t three - Vinidredbel,)evers." * - e _:present oti 110 -Oceniiottilwhe *ere prei , : de over. by D. 4 . '17. dallier of Springfield. Ankong the inclivilinde •presentvivre .Andrew .I . ailison Davi . lti... :Adin . *lle .. it n, Rev - Joh, and I t iv:lll.r...ritibey of Ohio:: : 1.. -- RETURN_ o , f TEE' VICE 1 113ESIDENT.7-IflCO President Kin , .arrirkd at Mobile, Alabama, in . the . U. S. §o...nociTulfort,.4.l 3 1 onday last 2 7- We regret ex ethagly to state that hp is Oy npt hwcin.4-erive4il unit th . eriefit . froM hia sojourn in C • . . hare ae dined the inv • ton tit Gist?llarriiburg, tended to thin{-by the If.giilittire of this, State, in eon S u!oneo•of tiqt reat amount gof businesSl4fo , .. 41erit. They, passed an apr&)- piste vote of tlinks for the invitation. j. . - . In Cortee illi . the Denibciats have achiv., t od a complet ' trkemph tion, by the sfaceitss of, their entire - ticka : — WV. Seymour li: , re-elected -' by en incresled majority, wit* the : rest` of Ito State ticket, - snd four 'tnembej of . Congreit all that were to bi,elected, nirls gain binfle.. member. .1•6 Legislative i also Deteocratic. - , 4 Rhode Isl ' f iltoci has agit:in given her..viice for the che • ediprincipleS bf the Democracy, by electing devernot, - niajorities in both trenches , of tl4.LeziSlatitrb an/ both 03. .. bets of coll :,. CIS% : These 4Statos speak 'for themselves.: . : 1 1 J - :. -i, i 1.- . . . ....,..-. Tli t yttal: Palace.. -. 1 ni This-.entl p ' e, says • thH If:vetting. Po 4,- is 'steadily sids t i,l l . f r ie itel'lnsummatiOn. I Its , success, aa -, -;',. ...a :fokeigaXentributions are, .on-. ;eraed;app` .rs lelok aecUree; , .".and l''. both, pub: lie and ptiF . - I'neoiinta-e.apeur as te-the, inter- estf*itlijaeh h the - !hatter lairiewed irrEniefe• Attention i 4 t herefore , now naturally turned . 1 - -tnoreespec , Ily -. to.tha building - anal its emu 1i- ~ ~. 1 -1..- ' -.-! - .11. - - .'- tis 1 , plettou. -.:., , . .1• • . ...:--, r :,. ~, , ... 1 , • ' -.-Tiiedifft - 'llea in-the'irky of the ftist'erer,L. tieß„ - •et' an I, - n building efit4iii ma a ' itudeltee, 'hoer', of c . o ' , e, the grey Nrit only is the building i i f the . PiatOflslkind inthis eettot - . rebut the ,' are but one erltlie iron :domes in Ilie - -Nirorld. • There is`oati Oiler the Corn igar ket in Pin. and, an beliee r s, one -in St» Pe-- . terstuk '; et _iri* ._ . d r 0,414. :Of one hundred 4e - din die .:t.tet'ils attest. - .!rarity in 'arelatee-- ..The ditß! manfully ' • se' aralea spa uoh frame 21 0 the gre ding. tonalreha i • rigs Plea- edgi i I AT. Aterthersi. oralWefkly. IS a friends e ensuing .office, over A w the Court )r, welOmed. 4}l nie not coin= s tuouey to pay-for the .e undret• otdigations to 1 , , g foi . We , assure (ine the 1010,glad to see you. !bli t e meetingiteld in Honesdale ;; IcV3i.AL Et#lttics,:Esq.. for .edater from this District, was. s 4 suitable person to" fill' the t ant for, that 'Judicial ,Dis. i ant by the rodent "appointment I. sNaval dthee r. heviiver have been thus tar onnted • the whole: of: the first, h rd atones pk i erected, and ' the the foutil ; narea .The wbele of the Fe.rhenfte rOrlie l. ° ll the gr euqd, r kter paii , of it iniplace 'on 'the boil. :four lonntos, givn the . octa. to ,the are roofed in, snd ,windovra in. orkotiami of We is.the.pnly !rk yet iron for it. is o l f ed foa lin4 r great After die 414 Y aelaj me Alum one 1t iWI giTe )txtots to. get 411 e, " .:or lite eerty,64 - Itis u ibiieeb • # l4 4414 A M=t3=l2 Editorial C , • tip Hatpx,RusiF f . s .ENTA Apiu DFat Oeni:4l7natOrday nd . .excitink liossiOn—the that we hairO,had winter;;. and 'fling haa , opened with a storm rt Heiderson of Cumberland/ad now addles ing the "louse in a speech pi most estraordi ary abes sec red ruined to fight the Portage R.ail .Road.tei 'the last. • Il o cnee, wften tit; tWOzippropriations are , coupled "together it brings a. storm on . both.-- To'nvoid I)oing.placed in such a position, the enemies of the Portage . are laboring to schia rate.thO'two so AS to be left . to, record' their votes against the Portate and. for : the' North Bunch:.: 1 How we shall come out: time. only will tell though I havo no 'doubt the. North Branch-will be amply provided for. . Itly•Col leaguei the , DOctor; says " we hare hired Ado; and I . atisUre you his figutes dont often prove i erroneints. He .is-* alw,aya deo!, always on the ground, and by - way - of showing 'his' contempt for the, efforts of those who aro :opposing it, and ro4di te . come to blows,..he sits .and wafersat them, as much as to say—we Ittire 4 • - • you,..nrito writhe! • • - • Flanigen, Hart, and Strong of' Phil adelphut,Lall advocated the North BranCh ably and Cl4quently. rlani gen was 'peculiarly felicitOS in his remarks, and by-the Way, {ho' • ~ - - a staa4eh party / Whig, lie is a "good fellficr." His etrort in behalf of the " gunge law" a : i . ew days since was a most masterly OLIO, elogtient ti and st;ong,—well worthy of a better -- cauS. .11r.Aitalton of Limeahter, and other promi ent jj Whig 4 'did_good - service:: . I spank of these bi cause from tbepeculiaecireninstances - ef th:ks we hardly lookedi b for these gentlemen to - eak4 so active part s . in. behalf - of the great N rth Branch improvement, ' -.. , . • A 1411 has bcell itatrodaced-Tor the wile of the 1115 in Line of our improvement from Bbil adelphia to Pittsburg, reserving to the Slat the liOrilt Branch and Delaware DlVisioni is•argited that these two . will proVe and. a proving profitable aource of ' revenue to tl §tate,!while the-AI - sin:Line sinksitself-ami il othorgi With it.- ..,.There 'is much truth int tl argument, and I • behov*-such -sr prollositio • will pass . the House by a large vote, provided it shall conic before. it in a shape likely, not to Pr?reitoo groat aa r l4aralll f illi i'ff il t • ; ` l iut . ll ,4 ihetrite we have proceeded ` dtof tho dafi.,.ve shall not get thrOugh the ApproPria tion Bill by,thq,l9th the time thatibelh :lenses have agreed to adjourn. . • - The. Bill giving'.Justices of the Peace jurist diction in criminal capes, which - you published weeCbefore last, paPsed through second i•ead- ing last Monday, and was laid over one *eel:: 1 IVliether it will be. reached again is ; Very' doubtful from preterit indications. - .. ..The Gos 44. error returned the Bill incorporating the Bor ough of Susquehanna, with his veto; last 'iveek. There is no use in trying a Borough Bill, and the Membt , rn have Ifoura_i_Lout fully. .Thir \Governor " has got his Dutch.up" (in thatsub ' t jec • , . ... . . The Bill ineornerating a .Bridge coMparly• 1 to bridge the river: . at -Susqnehanna Depot, is lon the private calendar and Will be reached as soon as the ApproPriati4M-Bill shall be .out of the way, if that day-shall come. Several pe citrons have been received this week from townships in your county; asking for changes' in different elation Districts, &c. Your peo= - ple should. have sent auell eaAier Irt the Ses. 1 sion, to have ensured their passage : - : I shall I'do the best. possible' with. them; but the chan ces are:that such small matters will . not be 1 re,garded \ now, in the hurry and confusion of 'more important matters - having .preeedence an the filea r . They. may be, hitched . to: some 1 4 umnibus,"_ if any more such should'' bo con-1 , strietedibetorp- the close of tho seision,---oth- -- } 1 erwise Ilaannot see how they can be reached. i I har p that - the Ritil Road just being corn- inetteed from 'Phil.-byway of Easton connecting I with the, Lackafranna and Western,thus form ing a . centinuotis line from _Great Bend to PhilOelphiiii has taken the name of the ' 6 Nor thern' Penwylvania Rail Roarl,7 in compliment , to oar section ,of Country. Mr:fremen • oft Philadelphia is the President - of the Road, and was the originator, as he hisbtfen the success ful Manager:, of the. Road Since its origin lie is "a splraid 'man, peculiarly adapted to . the the -,dhties now devolved . upon him, an under ; hid guidance we may look for the earl , campletion of tho Road, as his sue cesain he Fist may betaken foron earnest of . ilutt-h . 'will do in trap future. ' - List_ ight,the COMmitteo of inveitigation, / in refer ace to the - condition and 'Management; of the I yrtage ,itall Roud, brough ttheir hoes- 1 t, tigati to a Close. - - We agreed orra report in referen e to, the Road, but fould not agree on / ~.. .. .... , . a repor is reaped to ' the al:nee . of, corrup den in the =Canal Board. The 'eonsequenee 4 , 111 bel:a*majprity 'and - a minority - report I supporie 7 -.. I will - forimidlheritti yoia'as won lie theyahell be mada, and printed.. -.'• ... -.; ' • The weather la beautiful- indied.' the trees , . •. _. .. . . an d -. Or fast leaving, flower me ev ery. where. bi : bl oom -,-: _ ..,- -.. i . ,_-;- : .i.. ',.. --, ' W. 5..-: . E a."--Andvair -Jackson - • ~ A n .;€ or,-- =ese . . . _ ' Seer h i. 1111111 Ihuis.. the . f'eashlssePale . •4 1v en ,. 1110.'301 sorts or saeldliMi ..- /°c° ll ie -Fti v i t ii i sum, Bif, Ite., 'an b, 4 riv -k4 1)7 - P ° - • . " tuniu DieTii " nr111;!-.11e---printeld*:-..ilaPit•-the '• - 'est lookkOr i . l i ni n- , S2l e al- Universal i . . 1/10 1/8111 . - it* ' M C . ' - ' k 41**1 .f Hoe. - - - ,..,,ki5.. , .:••:.iee. , - •‘• - - - '2 , '-'-' -. .- , - • • :/ • ..,Iment of tt 6 Alec., A...lienside, James Boswell ;Po articles, and Niw Books.. Litt el Co a i ) ;.Boston. - . ir'''' -.. 1 The : United- Al4es ~Ferfew ;,, or -Apil , has, been. On•Lonr t o le for a week. his.Natienal d Dernocratic,"Pcrodlcal.iwas star : in...lantmry last;'for the.plrposo of `affordin to the Dem ()erotic Party of thii N,ation,. i work which they Wouldliel prbud tO owns and in expo nent of all itl-greai4',liationa/ pr tliples Since! it Co t tnmenced,titsiocifeas has ein rapid, and flattering, until nov its posittei' and populari. , 0 , ity are not conpn te•tie lim* ,, of .our., own country. • 1 -5I . i one f the PrOprie ( 1.. - - .• ' We lace trued from tors, and haveiktioWn tbesame irqui ,the _ton of the articleii, that . ibe- first ;:talent of ou country has ben aerated to clUtribute for its pages; - and. tint 'Do. p i a;ns wlll be_ spared to i make it rank jil,ghest aMong thie . periodieals of our Ago. NN ? e connuend it tohoDemoctacy. Terms, $5 ,a. year.; Addre: !Theo,. A. Fes ii ter, 251 Broadway N., Y, ..: ' "-The SaTiVicholas. for . promptly sew .us. This is thel Magazine, si.4itedin Owego,.N monthly at'tfio low'price ef copies for'S4 ' : • I - The artitibis in this - we • a+ , • T 1 1- I I markeditbility, and eepleto W instruction: IlWe have not rea a burlesque that pleased and, int than the Bloomtr Trial, or .a t they will be i when women tai our own sex 4n•guiding the at . , - We,,wonhi.recoinnitlid this Will pleas 411.5.481.... It w Own merits, ff succeeding nu Addreis‘‘f.Saint Nichplas". SusquOhirura, Popo :t •3 dance.; ' • Sts.4l.7.r.itt PRIEND 41AgE: Havingl - . it few leisure. von a few lines in regard to th , 1 . .... at'our plact. . . 1 On• blond y evening the .itti inst. es the E press Passenger train on the 'N.'N.". & B. it.. I going Eas4was"within six ;milks of DelnwA the. EngineiTender. and Baggage Car we e . . . ~ thrown fro'll ti:o track by ni stone from t e bank having became loosened, and fslling't ', on the trak, killing the Engineer and r e a man of the rain.:. Mr. Isaac Tallman, the n m. gineer, was ono of our tildes; inhabitants, h v ie ing removed - from Piemiont at the 'opening of io the . roi4 this place. His loss will be de p ie ly felt by tr, to whom he ha i 4 become ende r. 4) ed by his gbia and gentlemanly deportme t and consistent course of life. Ilis%rema were takeit! to Pierrnontibr .T tal stP-1-'93.,A.4!.l;COl,4kt....*datilfivltfi"..' 't; friends itpcsiiSiate.s. ''' ' I ' I I .0n,,,,,W nesday aleevening. iast Fount. belonging o the N,,17. & 4R. it. 0, :',., was discot . ered to be on fire; but by 114 1 promptness and energy of our citizens it a: speedily extingu . ished withtrifling itrs6. • Our citizens Were much ijisnppoirittld tl 'the veto of Gov. Bigler to' the ineorporatio i o Our prace,lbelievingithat all, asked.for noth ii xs. but what 'as ',consistent s ltli our laws .it 'the duty !of the !.egisla ore; 'rho wisi i openly e. esSed 'this mor ing; for the p• es eoce of . i ov. Biglr,,at o ii;place, that hi try ,he leap'mightandium i fashion by w ei we.have ti : stir from 'place to placb•threit gl our beauful streets.. There are no do ib t ' 4 : , many in t is cauntrY who ould lace to ha al 1 • .1 view, of San Prancisco as i Avas,in MP. Bi visiting this place' in the rai y season, sue a t,, i we have hid for the last three weeks; they .4) ;gain a bet er iden o itthar{ from any pine. it tho liniti States, ''thou h the mud has 'pot, reached the depth w ith as us, that h adv i ed long-100 Boots ;G. ' i. 3. With the .: o ti ahead . i)rileiple pe ullar Oonr people, e are [linking arrangements f i. applicatichi f r Borough• Charter at the no t Couit. '' i. tams. I : ' • 1 PRESID I rT PlF.ltit.--The " " Boston, Jon ra . . says the re.sideat recently appointed ape a to a respeinsible and lucra.ive office* and th individual'. immediately. Went t' on' : a ":gle n jollifivltioh." -- :11e;Senatctis who had 4 .ecun mended him to the f avor mt o Ithe Presidpnt, , ni ing that hehad•dis ed honself a ;Alm ui ce werthy-iro confide ; wait :d-:.upon 'th )- Pis dent, stated the ra ts,:and.nsked for his re . o , al from viffice. ThO President said:- • "If I %fere to remove him now; Ake co si quince whuld be inevitable ruin to him.. , 1 h shaine an disappointment attending hie di missal f at- oflico -under such circumata ee Wald an I d him to 'find solace inthe r into ic: tine boW), and he would • hecome a' confir , inebriate i whereas if this 4 conven3ation i n peated tolhio, he may and probably' evil 11 form, and hecome a sober 'and. exemplary it zen. I shall not zemoi , 4 , !dm from of& , be this, as it has'been the first, so it s -vvfil . i th 1 lett lime I can forgive him" • - -. • . Interesting froze the Rio Gran At. -. , •-, . . . . Baantoat, ApriFlOi• lB o. 1 : Tho. New_ Oriental, , Toilers of .Sunday s land . Monday hate bccn ir,cciied. Thy .contaia extracts fromiheßioGrande Flag , of 06 300 ult. which says Cativalsir- - hatl'again•Crosse the riter ; and.taken mtge . - *don of_ thw town cil, Reynosa ! „ The *ad Of adventuiers , nutribco, 4 ed sixty men, under the: immediate common of Captain Norton; one : elf the leiderk in th , 'first " movement Of Ghravijal. - ;The rani tag ~ of this foray to: seenis- - . ave been . manifest-s i i the eeteetp AlkOWLottbe trikt acts .of the me n opouteriniElneire,-* to ireize r*tir princ44l - citizens, - tliO laciAblei au Civil snags l J 1 6/dew; and hang theM - irtilptill.ther hid eito ' g el 1114,000 as a price or their live! Manua 'I - OtritY e rAcilefeneeieee eitizene- I.i' ,': - :' A rumor irliaohWnitc.lifllijointliliti, tj the to/it 'of . - -Ediniinrgite - 71ard.hoiii destri)y` il from riometinie-groa4nOnt'ofitosur: fi lib' ~ tier mormnunts: but, pe,: t riag moso*ble - f l o ii Aries it to a reliable , kortaa. , - , Edinburgh is ' American town, sitairtai in front ,of thalf 4 can town of IlluaisL l ''' -1 ' . '..'"; ': 4- - ,- - - , ;. , almod.!ioarjurielairSio_ t prirate : totrarautioli een4relthell*fete.o--Y 4 ll:al4i l 9# A l liiiitinie4'o4 l o.(o ab.11:0., n Ein I - -1:_ - .] - -,:; ..,- , .. , , , ,i , -,,-.. • f ,.t , ~..,,,._,---- - ~. ~„ A . - .' s ..-41.- -1 ' - - The;i4.2 ..,--,.' 4 i .L.;:ii:- .-111.114. - ~ ! .'ti,Fos43, 0 I ; arum : roil "ei. 4 4.4.0f Giiii44, speeck ' A,..' , / . „. : .44ii*FIY ,i10 Ti 'iTes..t."*Yl Drain ~..., ~,t4lotia gatti 4 " !cl abota t ,044 , I e Oyei*d . fre ; tei . f•iii' nitlicipii t ,erdiet• being rend iedlitAlieleiis4 7 o I•PiiPg;:ferthe,lnti del.:Of Ellitti . i.Afn 1 • • ••.•, r . , i i :--, - xeitentent wag, - , tnewhat t ere treniation of a •i; ett:thatti4 jury liable to.agreei apd there, Wtti a pre ' he PriSener•eitiiii4g.':- .• •The i t eeurt 1 'cl.'F,s.k ' Judge,ifeliypnii 141 lift 1 :. 'eleb,a;:feW.milijites pfior . tj Afihieli ttrsi had•fieen firltight•ip; ' I Medi . hoargaitiiatiOn; piii iuii.. - * 4(iisite i . tidiair . .enti . ppen l it! ion:lick n i tid 'the •i t• • • k / replied led that they! ,nad, And • i ndered ;'.f - aii , v -( if 71 7Cti 7 • the -f . .. 4 1 : ... rl ititteneristood P ' idle the , erdiet rendered, - and Ile. „r. moved ' usele -0 1 tr... Doran Its i d that th . jury, Wh li was donei • a.. e4cli: kiryetan .: as he ferernati It4didone..= 11. 7' =-• ,•:, 1 iter;theierdi ~ 73S rece4dediu di •harged the', j I••!„tkith.: - '.the - than Cdurt. ' 'llesaid iat, 'thy si per fid fif i ' . • • • • - . 1 .. -..1 dnties.assigned,t,' l them' in 1). Menne k 6i . to the. Court pd-he . 1011101 ed dl th ut for .they 4, 1 patient; `manneri th rhad liatenedito eFerY. ing"that en front. the. -stiititiesses, thn . eouttsel ! C Uri. It WaS:4ihigli dut y and ore citizen:sit - add ~ sitrinle:: fro . ' , ; but` it se'''n heit / mariy 11 1 ,,f e .. the .nilitt . hone -hi It•minded hadliihrunk trolti!he p f,, 0 it. ~....- .1 . - , .. ,111 , , -.•,..- - "n . 1 . Judge. Dorm. osi; - 'statea A thnr Spring d sired Co n Mr: Reed sal . ite.tioped t , ,,'loner Would . of be. em ti n0.'.. - ' The Peri t fo . :r . a: a i l had not at'rived,.• nd - he Inii ciforee the rule ~-• : _.• Mr. - Do:ran :availed that t aanted.... ~ ; Iti witi not imps • prtnnitytwoidd over pee el l u deptapding vi , Micieta Judge Kelle,4Arthur 1 a fillip foi. yeti 10 address •y n may !to.the icourt, but o f press a de.?irl lie make ae at liti6ty'teillo so.: ' I . . . - ..* ' .I• • t SPItiINO'SS EECIL i - t 1 - - - i • Arthuri Sprini,(standin Pp inll Ail. I knew 1 Sint,ll - Apil it' o your 'hid been' geingik‘o Lynch' !from t Lynch' 1 canto frondVdW York', : . Slum 10 see me at.,,Rligan'a, an tshe:wa aslalia.Oianp_4.l! She andi caning: i i 'Mr. ItaganaskArme - nd 'I said•Julial,Conner. - I. final! tp. Lyncli's tWoltights after, and With •Mta- Shat in. the IgiOt roo 1 Mneaoasuai >} d. went to bed: agen'sifor 'some time, and did' . euld•for . him IMrs:, a, ind • my, •nd I-lett, 311 1 .•44 . - gan gicina Pte. 1 . inimeY to• to . Washin ended tO .ge,t ' re. • Ify Sionrand h ed- and ;Went t !I West COster ;1' p go te . ,,WaShf'gton, hit Ifie.sai returned to . • city, - .a , .et'' bed hesier ,'oneida .• -• On i. ' Ching; - alked down 1. , ,' Patrick. - lagitir: I'm I scar goil e t to Mrs. 'Haifa 'loan of Some ninney. , ANte, Went i ease, •and ~Ilikpoeed at - the s 1 -midland SaidAltat Mrs. I?:ltair, ts i he asked 'tneiti.ho.l Wa i t, ',mid :l ii . '!l7';'; - .4 4 f!!4u i lliF t .: o I .iol . peal: of yuu.lii, They t ftt,retut • ttire'a; •Mrs.Aeguire: ' :out ,. _ r., dry , - " pra 9, New 4;t3,:t 4 o - ''s" Writhe Gaugees ; 6. , Skeicit'l , . iers for , Eng- O. A.Pcd , e'te l i n LTA fig;Pe. Yowl - , pr. 4t,6!..pnd . short s7l& Son, nnd Mra has been ] first No. of 4 Y;, published I a: year • O to written ,wit th interest an iii many du) terested us,morc trial in• Courts w ke o p of Mute. i ns a work Oa . 11 stand upon it bens como • -u weg6; N. Y Correspo April 9, 1353.' ie passing and ,son. eim "limp in that lie iciornieg, On . d teen( out,.iindi wea, -doult t who loaned tr+'r $5; I' s $2,50 rld . Pleilh -..t0 Art .I get a pair of t, ti ties, ld Irbil h monemoneyl had, .ught a 13 4 some drinks iaguire ' out, - and I well Ito Mt. g my neeessitieal`: hci,loan A if he, equld'si '3 me an is ' so. , Oir Tees ,y` night, s ., 'iretit . to Lyneh ter the: . someinoney.;,ii ere w., `,°' about iniii4erl 4 1 Ictulke. ke :h. 'Carroll- opened it• we h fountUrr; in d IIMI:s: Ly t i . A Shanrwas . uthilMr. Lyn „ 'corned mot I,lntredneed ,7 141141 asked' his :wife . , I get liquor ;,:s4 refuse& 1 is .quarter; he virt ;out a' said: t‘3lr.S ring don' --he 'drank albort tin) me,so tilueN'll , said : 'I , I would_ ncit hqro `given I i tt Bhaw took' A I,hut , on 11 ~. 1 him she ash him h 1 father to'get. arried. t '7 ' After Mr. ~ Tneh cam .Mrsi Shaw: ~ vit dow was in:the': b It room , gave her :45 ' 'ts to g while .dritiki ,11 . r. \ CAI ,i l l . Mrs,: *Carroll :id, "00 1 1 In i and , nly win . kint back 4 le I entail in'hi,..teljeddier wl i ' ed. for, and. stfnek. her:(' n" Spring,S'atOtie r , Carp rinthed'bricldsfiyinir.' 6 : 1 I l l n a l ' •hiiii;Ttn the ` ' flit. hit ii-I,; , up, stairs, rni .. 'e foll,ow v.i and; my mitt is oto my hold of him - . 4 I - s'eaid; "II .„ - ‘4eltefli' 4 Carroll kieliedlinyl eon, i 1 'I he was my , 144; - Afterj i ' roil's,. my - 00 .said, . xii )4 were there; nett he ha 3.,,! .given $ BO 'ti is wife, ear to=morrow : tq ht." I ' mi known . hers d .yeti 3 er thing.: ...He i' id, "I'it ti II I'llita3 isatiadt '.- ' Yon a going to : pin - „ and : g . en 4 wan it for thittr he en of Sing Side; - Hi) day'. .Thtitiaight,l tol tt), carrell's:l4 - qt* p C*olllo iiii' r in, a ,I. With hei.i - Elit t o inked' 1 ai Mr* Shaw. l 'I taid..ti . log: her.: She l l iwent.o ' cattle i l s)*lq, l 'l ll r- ,, C staid. ilt tie 'III' o'ilii 1 I: .met Arthif ' when I -' 'tun going 'th EytaehNi-' - the.tnoany.t! ill:said n , a liar* ;-31';, d,:"rie 'honest boy, r f i tt feu 'w the gallown liwittiney I )Y:thatt baYo4l,Daity -!r• , 4--,.a.... - ': , -_,'.,, 1- i 1 ,... ..., f „, ..EirThitil.,spidin at engagedil :The: t luld. 41 irt silYer eq7 : ; 'a ,fiviyi te4 ii d , twenty itii , lairiet 011;44414 iv !-1 e • nOreigh4; l ,ittd is 1 1. P rme! tlie ,4e0... arwkth ,-licue c ; . , .2 We No. halt' diattilitie bien 1,, , :,-.1.. ( 1, -.- gegya:lreril - ' ^ " , L ,. '-';' , ,±:iii i iii:',.. -, ,„. .., „, ~-,-thitieLegiela , - !-',._ p :tinsy .., ~.. -. .c,, , ,..,` , :,;,05A.f 2 -..,..,._ . ..:2, . ' -:• -_,: .-- '.....;- r . 7. .. , :1. - : , ...z...Y. ,- .1.:,..i ~,r,. -., : _:,.--:-.'..!•.;.;, i.; . 2.,,. ~.-ii . _,...• g.i..,,.: - : -. ; , ; ( l.;:spirATEi: -: --.-.'.. - . f-i,-; - .7 , liiiiii - iii .. :J' 3 34 * liit '- iie l' L'est'iiii placiii'bill:4l, TiliP'i,--,,'? ii' ' ''''''''' goods , . • hilidifie-:] - :'Azoi . P.-.4 ii,iiii!, fa . 'iiti L r i Melt * - • - . 1 : , -_ - . - ',,i ' I.l—' I '' i Itiiiii*-Riktroad., , ,H-.2 : - - -4r.r , -, *filk0;1:0. tti e. P e r- Y t o knit - ln. Ch*-(ir'l4-I:r‘i - fr - _,lhii,fsnitfit.,,x , ,-.., i '3 - ,„tic,tis.. , i - utimAtiot -. . .. . ,a. -AI if l l 4 :4V l° . . '.-. a=pro, 'Aoty •,finittf'p t l!ls4 o o , - .-, tmenC,of a-?ro;p .., „.. t hi:-'o o o s 'on of e--. 4 ;1 1 *' ,i i ,__.- -- .- 1 . ,-, -, , .-'t. -----.-.- it,,,, - ;, o ili t w i i -ft Mote .i.orthuvuoPge‘:- , ~, tp; . :.-' - ,, - --,- "--"." e • - -daliie . - debate ,: Ye* ar.T..f. , ..aYs_ ' -4f tL \ r .4 l : a l e t i gl ihci:n4i - eAution:kl),isaftY:C*:- *are:-1--- - : 41 . 1 - (1 . --.. ..---.-:'-:-.-- 10, i1aY,,.. - - ii;pi tiiilis.iitiielbill' l l'eyeiVii9 - ... ,, Thq 1 5 6 na"47- -"' ciiinridn a t; Viilek*: ',ii2,4e,: thi.Frintlin Can a l-. knith.- ilia:: negittii'e,4"*- 6, 1bated.itt0 in; 7"..'7,...7.. ~ : 1 . 1 ,:-.:,:', -,-; 1 .7, 1 T 5 ,h . . 3 01:F4i f, c . s...tirli:• P - Prt!xl. • --- , r [l3so7ter 0:.q,4', ..riilli..cif. Mrthut •`::':lri!e ' bY tike tad been et, at-10 ontho timeAhe , ely AIPPY I . If the . Foreman a ver dict . .. • , . : tiie jionie,iffei Illg"ttiiiiiiii, - Cof 781iiiiii)iiiiqu: p o it otit i:t:bumile!ss t resum e \ , m ennst e on . of the atnendtitente'mndi # , oi . :,: gen,g•e s 7l:o - .-thv bill frnn - thellnuseonatilng an ipproiriation Tor thelestabliehtuent,.ofa-Aehool:feri:thetildo lug .tpf idiotic: and feeble-minded children '. '-. - 1 , -Anil. further '.dehitt,e, by .. •-: - .1.1e ...:gubicum2 and others the amendmetits-of - the:. Senate' were;and - the hill passed-, ." :.. '.., 1 . ThetHounw'then aritirenurned .tlie',connid. eratin' , on x ikond reOingiefthe-GenefaV Ari- - - preprl thin 'PM, when , nurunioni iiitimpOitant amen tient were - offered and ' disets!sed at !engtl4":::24 - -, - . , _:,.. , . , The Rs being changed ' - polkr3; tinswired gOKollek. -s Of the rtoOd tho oicepta= . 'll to thatik ,n which t had .1- and:. tho syhich no Aho.d:beeit prOblo .ifortOnnee April 7 • Thi b Setiale the: consideration of the ill authoitz.ini - the,- nonstrektioii of a brill& over Sehrtylkill rivei,4"Penrose Fer ry, whivh,•nfter debape, passed Thi bill to ineoipotate thißelment Ayetine Plrukßoad Company was taken ap, of lliti - -Feisyth, Corisldereil and Mists, Buckalew and . FOrsyth'•..itiOyeittei recoil lace the vote taken yeisterdaY,-by which the Oneralminipi law was -fiegatived.._ 2, was - agreed. to • utol,thEqUes •Tion"%tas then postponed.• - Th e e. Senate then, on motion-of gr:FrY, tobk etith'e bill to re - vise:the Milithisystetn:of the. Coritilionwealth. ••••. •.- - , • Mr Darsie tocive4 to by!amend : substituting the Ltouse - bill, which vinks "lig:reed to."' • , The ' futther consilleratton of The sUbjeetliai thenlioOporked; • - • -•-, • • , • • _ I Ito the ake a 4, the req 4f plied semen •CI the • outt 'that• tement. • est pf thp that , fibin him ourt:*ould I :silbogla be• tint nit 03p . when 'his o reqn , ngai I . .pring, .0 hares in US , I statem • • „ • , pocsK. THU . Trotiae. met at 10 . o'cloc *hen n great 111,14y0f uniutpOrtaht . businesiwia d'onaidereA and dispo44,4 or. -1 • THe coMmittie ippornted to incestiple-the' frau& in.the allotment of work, upon the Al ki-luiny Portage - RailrOad, had lear4 - granted to report,.lrrow. : TiiiitlOUsejheit resumed _the'ecinid7l eratien of the, general-appropr!gion!-,bill:- , Mr. ' lanigeo ; moved . to inerenae dm-al/pro-, priatiou to the North BraheliCattik: to 04,1;44 pots. s • - • . A low? 2tna. Anilnitte4 • diseuesion, or,' a per:, senai'an z a, exeitinglehimeter, ;' ' The amendment[wa4 finally, agreed, to. , t • -• .1 nousu. : I [ lAw&xes remark 'uch Stom;)og L he I ilonorp. Jo time that ! ;had come . kolissed, off' d out that hoJt Ras?. wept dcwn. took IP4pper 1 , and Caine; I staid' - at: bat work 1 „elf- differed, irnall suoi . , on, its 1, ysOf start wanted hum I no, and wo g Mr . the city We - and I tOl. s - to at* 'they ~.own,to the! oar. A girt ',Was n4t'inl Arthut .• rtovir.. •- ... ::•,._ . . ' , The. House agaiiiresumed-the consiticratien af the general ; appropriation bill, and a xi mai,- her of amendments; were offert.4l and: 401:1tie'4 a i - e it t li. - . - • ' _,• - ~f - •.. 4 - Mt. : liendeson,reised e - oint'of order ; ii on angry,: aillegiisibt. l ;[ , .s.. - - -'., •. .::-. :•..?..'. -- Frially an appeal** taken from , the d'', , ,travalluseumalcot ion of the. Speaker, and - thii' ''disiessien npo the ipPeal Wei continued: Withont - a- iote, i to the houra adjournment:- ;' ~--''''-: ...,'_:,, : The Houlielheo adjourned: , ".•'.., - ,•;.-',..:-..-,` Afierni)9i Siti*OL-71The House ' i g 4SSein; bled at'3 o'Clock; when:Air - . Hook introdeeid a bill`supplementary to the :83001 exemption lini,end 'which _ provides along, other ' thinke,: that printer billashal A hepaid before the ben efits of the:exemption act . i4iallhe Of-effec4:- ..• The Ho nse thee agniirreiuMed : the,coniid:. dration of the geneial'Appiiiiniation.Bill;Which was further debated , at- considerable: length,. and finally Oaid'aside:! ' -.. ,' -•-. 1 _,. r. ~.,.4 ' Mr -MERRIMAN, from • committee to ink resticrate the Conduct et- the `Canal toinitig stoners iiilliti - Ye to the- dilburseinents Made a •report ; which wall -read and laid on the til hie. 1.. .- , , -•.--; : -. 1 : --;,-''' d ----- . The hill *as further attempted to be amendz` - , ed on motion of Mr. HART; by l providing tor , the - avoidance Or the plinse,• fr orn'Ne - ff to No. 4; `and• further providing '-for; . the - ttading r nf' other sectionszor the Portage rot& out of elry,, Moneys remaining: froin_the , apprepriatiens, in 'the oactioii,. l. thereitt ..ispeCifically Mentioned; The propilositirin siii 'debated nt length hy . the mover,'- and ' Messrs.. KILBOURNI - lIAGUE, MERRIMAN; COOK, ' ': CHASE; ktll-IT6N' i .and STRQNG, without_a;iote',being takeni. -,--'' A corunianicatioe. WAS rectilied, - froili , :the,i Board of.anal ComniiiiptiersiieneSting that a donniiittee - should be aPpointedqe Investi-: -1 gate a Chu:lie / ed . for . . made cie thizi', fl oor: ; of d this Mese - thia morrii gliy...-a - lineintier from * CraWford sty, apOst 4 1 i ciffilOr.ii their finl• ploy on i the . public works. . ,„`Before,. Y..r '- action was tak t eii thereeni'the tiOnse adjou eit - -'. ' n n or,. ....-i.. /:1 . . ' ':,' ,: , `,; , dr,.,• 1 , f. - - ;..._--' n,',9,f....,.. il • ' The Senate,on m4tl 91 tiPitl'ri*ttig AIM coisideratioa. of the ,bill to provide:for. a-rtiore_. etre n etuel 4iganiietien of. thelPiii!li rhich; . '4. -- ' ter furthe r anbatei'vfai l iifiktitiiedi' - '•*' ; '' - '- " -:', The S4nate then-eimotieniii4=k . Kinkel -took-up the bill' to-incorporateithip t eensyli s te; ails- Female College. : ',54 ~I- l i#tiebtirglii' winch' wan t ke i e il pn d.i f , , , s ik,d : ' - ;-, `.:C-: , '...: ,I :• -';'.''':•-'--"--": >' --. The late t hen: a gain.;. took': L ' inenipqrate the•Pittston.ilink; , ' which'-aftei.n lengthy d'iliate; , Was-tr0t'iv0 4 41:,..: ,, ,.t'•,-.: . .-' , :.1 .: -•;-• `'.;',.''. / ..` .:,•/, ,-,.: 1•.;i1... , i' . -- c_ •..r.. ~;...,4-- - ,.. .--„, --;,•.;: i . :f . .. -- -; r•-•,..: - ... , - • c • ' dui - .. ,- -- - ,7 - ,. , - -- .•• ••••••-•-•'••,; -,-., t - The.: 0 e;AfteslB, o i*.littbi.:ut} , 2 liusineSsi ic6o4 , ulN-bb - .M 646 fi - :"lte :o . l iiiYi 1; vtviegg Ifni . ..hill' to incorporat e thiistitte . l4ite a Railroad Com Piny; Whieft:*aiitnbilaideind. - ind, i' ' '*rdii. ! l l :2:: '' .. " - --.. " 2- '`E z, * - ' ; ''' l . -- 1 5iz, • =,, . ,4i-1;7.., 3 ; ,i-,i The'l 0n5e.th0u5g.:4 6 .,i!e.J. 1 );,1 0:1,1*. A07.- k sideratio 0t aeliF4ral::4oProPriatio - Ilitidifi I i i i r sti " litin bej- i ir -4° 6 1*3 - ii!i'i 'ObilVtilitl t ell (' *jig tifi - ;i l * ( kiriatibtk' to:' - 611tino - e - ,- - •th'.4„work .41 upon the to 'zivaid : Alie:iner l i plOi a - upon the Portage ‘ , lt4.lflui.d; ; ;- . 0::'•:•'' , 1. - Iiii -‘'':; tii- s' -1 ATT„.110 - di#ba4 1 0 -1 1*1 '• 4. -1 00-:e9ii - 4. rod,at' 1 some tailexina - itti*.oo6iik of'o:ll4lVerkze; ' iriatiiii*CreiriMitiatiPri;*,iiid. ithigitinike,- , .,0f .-' - rtalidki 4 rttalitia6lii i o l 4 olo 4.,4 =rd'i r., J . : 7';f l V. 4 0 4t'iiiiligiOrair0 ) 1: :''.: ,*'4liii,iblJl ,L •:::,5,4T its 'flatlet c. l )***iti z ttwl-tiV• l * - ' M4 1 ' 312 • ;;Pr ,delphik.ik,' . 4". ..Ikrz'llert;:PiiiitP9itealifiallTfinao -41 , ..i... , :t.'Ar: tegipli e, ,ew, i , . •• , , ..; ::----,,, _,‘.1..._.1 , ,, - - to “ ••-- AA.S.i . ItV .7 4: 1%7,' - i -1 ;,: - . tt e gi l • 3 •irik-fti ,•'..' f-:-Tilleii4 iNii*giiiiiiii;f6i* - 4 , .1 - viiiii litut tfai , L: , 'lTak:!.*: iiitsit'iirOkti - i:iioetitty : " ace the. Ise!yifilie! -,; touToietritl:4444•:' .- Oilliiik4sPit.t* ,. /, 4 0 , . Jess:4* !1,*gliiiq*!veioiteaiak' 0,-.1.(;,;'2,172: tifthe 43 . '''-' : „,!....••,,,.;•,- ~1•2.,...-, .:„., -, ...,z.• - f , :f.i. , ',._',:l - •-1: --.- : . ..1 - iforde jim tel '. - f!- ,,- t,T-, ,-.-.- ----..,.-,, .-,-r.-..,4- - is` '''". - :!" - " , :- , 5 di - *b:teraitiO4viesigti4o: " .' . ' , _ "sap, •• , 3 , -.C._.4 , :;;: , iiii• 1-4 , iontuitif-:*(wtiiiii , ofNliiis - **, :. ' - c-t*yilft .--.', 1 ,-.-:,4:t-:--iitioidii,tinitliti*Ookir;3,ttt4l,ittiott„ A4k* •''' ;1.4'--- : inari el * i ttitT i ** 4l f i t iis O i ll o , =AfTAPP,;i• •- - ,...i..... - . , 1 , -....7.1 2 : - .. ,,, ,:: : :., , -..... , ,, , , - s_ ,- .. , , , .. , _:;,:-.4....... „ „ -„,- ;:i.: ,-, t.„5.:-....r....,;:.-,:zi um, you , . room:: - I got - `up in tnyshoos all bifik6 t .., Ws. Hfirringto . 4, f , I turned 'and-, ga r it 'nr, an log- him ~1 i h he - .id_;,with' h r of . 8 ois,find. o' y again: ii my mo ci / 1 ! ; rd; an told hi cif , me (i! 'surd told run 1 '' more ho Woul 46 my: so ; - and' iliYf , 'I , urpose of borrowi n g - r . no tit . at tliat thine at the our, and-.51r,i, k • ent" UP fitairs, and r 4 ;elLon the bud; Mrs. iilli got' {up and %wel t Arthurite.: him ; 3 ,1r. / for -sonic:mono tic, 3113 d I thrt*.dowp ‘O. 0 got it ; -. Mrs. Lynch , Jet Mr.-Lynch diink sincc, and' roubled . , you had letino o!v 'un thoponey f.i knee,undcare v- ho would ilk his back-, I, 'my ion, and l - stairs. . Mrs. - CAlroll with some friend& I i something. to drink-'; roll catod to the doot; 4 is my husband,,- II [and as son!' I( Ca roll iatthe door was lock-, She . said, .f'Oh;'lMr. 11 totli the: light 'xiiid Yhere is Spring; ' 4-14 "- _I attOmpte4 100 wipe.: ' W(,!o*faPPJild ' assistane e , and took, I fix .yiip; - C 'iriolli:ti' -"-, and - iatd - to' him that : wo *ont ofit'of PF r• -..l l icli , W y :white:. u en Ira floff, and h a rid lis end to hai it d, .3 , 1 y son ,: I'm -well net `n 4 0 110=autli et the eneY, andthen nd: In it , Conneeln'e i t le I , into I& arket - itreet. ) !‘tfill 1 1 Pi., con ut ~: a ng all:-tho.. ,xt him I._ going n 41, I id; 4, 4 32 d . 1 eat :d 162 and, 1 03 4 - if I wantedvt ' '(. id iiet• 're ibou a - e *WM. : 41 11 r8-: . 1 II I, .. 1 44 the* -f -1 , atid: ' t i(went: hi) e 'll' ' a '-' ii - 0 sh . 14, 1 0 . .". ~ err. night, to V i tvii)rril :=veers gain t irrd: to Mahe - yen' a 1 not b.iini:!- . .',:: Ben)) a, - rie , :detUr'ited) , PolF`' , '' '-..-- ,-.._.,-r'',.,-• .p grains 64 4 .. of the ; ' !The Honse .. again resumed -S - theieeniidera... tion of the:generai appitopTiatiOn ;. and tif nntsey a mendments were • . - ofra . tktd'imd - .de?; bated at'• ; Mr. Henderson: raised:a -"point - of Order, upen an amendment, which gave risetig aleng. and angry disiussion. t• „- -- e,„ -.- 1.. , '7, - " , .. r.:i... ^ 1 - - f isigiV*A‘‘4 . 4.' 4 'ir" , ,,,, , N.r , "forlible-'. - -conivitv_=ploorton—wr Thirtritiifoi.ty-Oroontikil44; . .:.-- An 4 4 1 .4iiiNtfi!'e - liiiiii i i: 4l fientiet with killed.. : .: pOst,',4lePtioribleleaufo-„liiimait iif4;' ocoorrOf 10Vjgaig.rfatierlisiliOi'N#04a,aY inftekioan,- 25* soon ', - aftei.L.-iintif's.-'411 . * : at' , the Arley --. ' 2 41 1(1-0 fiki Ine* Bat . C9 - alfoa: Cannel Corm: plum, .'hi - Plbii'''iir..-tliiiitt:aituia)y known te'lve-kifiedOvidtY;-.",iint`tWeli_re;:othern.nre;- ',.s 33 4vii it'' ll3 -mil*Pgii-0411;ienty4Ve are gat in'the 'mine - ivtigiiCthte:li4 - 4tot been anne6 , wi l id:--,--Abotik-hielity_T- - Aisti iiarvo:,- - been More - 'iii” ICAt'iseitiogalihoit bY:theeiplifieit. - -, - 1 - — "Tke.'''`ei:Wilii_ii'ltiapurie4 :' 4:l 6o titiwenty minute:ilk:A Onidelocki'itnd 'appears to k m% been confined almost ti - ilthe.di:Arie.tin - . while the:far inic_e is iittiateiti • - Soilifil -4 :tAbe Men; • who- hare - Bich \ bre:light; out 'any° :`frotitptl:ee parts ortlin, mtne,.: state. .thitAti 3 O) 2os 4 l o.wakso fitiii:ocatlioxio,ur it:-*ita'',l?4,;niOre thin Vie s :Vint sing', - or - 4 ti: j iitit - oiitiiti4 at i heir-W-orklor iogiel. ' ci-aft***:4 l ,:ilii4iv net'beeri tliat""mest Of.',, li'tdeit ( l,b.Plitiventyi t Aye) whe iFeFi: id the" 4* -- it; thittimef weii: - collected l inear .thei. - ,cut , p;:instinia of- beent, dispersed through; the . , 'oriligs' it_, their en- been: tkeil.reattlt, ,-,:, jeitld-"; probably „" h im , been:mnehlessliiiiitrp .- „Od 66 'other biw . tb4 loss iriviire:miiit liii*Kein tanch - gtesir Sa4 jho:. accident occult -1 * f'd a-fe*Otes' eirii-: er - ni siktyTkitii:lnOi l lit 4 iuit 'lls . c4tide,di` the. shaft The number di`iiion'a(iitallt'iittiploiott .. fit -this Mine le, Ireiii .i 4 ' - 'to 15q,"butlivedites -ffaf being one of the' pdaist_ - _thet*Pie gea r . orally fewer:Oen id the Pit- : lilv.i.t.-tiali'af the ct l , '44Y. 1 , -, -Z ' k-_ - , 1 `' -:- - Iramaiately after :' he. gagOsten" a politer Of ien"tieended tit dekyn-cast shaftiin:order to explo r e the - bine'.ind i,,'ree:Wer..the bodle i ,-, . the Pp:cast:shaft. having *betis., - filliabled by th e! axPlosipp:' A. cOlistillit strea m or water In a been. kent' throngli4lie ' 410*1e.,%4 auk ind. :the -t=enfilatiokof: tk4mine,' wtoi:rieidity:,re; :stored' iii , ,:iiiery , pirt exei pt,:thip in which the =: The - Pfrarta:: to :rePOTer.ilsi men have ibeedunremittiriK liotk_3 . ''pe_teiley, . 'dux ind the night a:At - PAP' mOrninti l ffid:abent • 'fifty of the tinffireke'ilaid l:lo6 'tourikitent ~. 'one-half ix: them being &Nut: , Ivis . ; , tiro* , 'that a Pumber are still tpthejklo t Adist*t, at lw.hoe lifp very 14. 1 e;,libie:c*.1.)'•? , g.1.44414ed. • t. . `Death jo ~ amt ~' ' f Mrs.o ' It was biet:yesteMarmavaitii; , that 'the,re. males of'llleit., Fillmeire,left - thla , city foiAheir "Anatreating-iidace 21t . 110141csanfilast evening ihq were mol4a:l4Peli - the --way by aiele. ,grqi`hit- -; reeetiege'frdm i :Detrea;`unneenchig . the . death of, Mks. cassi. the `wife of ',the - diem"- gui4"'l Sealthr-frgmMiehigie.:'' : ':," :: -. Gif. Cssi"wai-calledbeirle-'eeterel - =. l ifeeli.if ,ago r , NM Washington, by- , al. telegraibit;:tignia. - 'moils s -illn ess He deaih, therefor is ia event altOkar expected ; but Cita; Wove will fall nbn heavily.'tiion - the veteran -- ` statesman, hrd h the : - t "ir ntf I- partner. t ugicnov. -e e u - portion., hisleventfal' life' is' thus =„ talieei - wisp. , I"Wi sylnpathiso- ; him "In -his losiipasitskriAbi AeSolation4r his , hOuse; gehlehilMa,tehit,ii'aiii, never "mere i iubdue. - -- -/ - -. ". - -t . - ;1: - ; -- , - -,_ t • - lf - :* Casb, ivailvdCnneetie , wenen," and be ' seldiri, ofktite'Snr, 3 l - left'her WieternikOs to - nin'tfle hithe - vs:lilies effeshletiehle.eoeL tyat Washiligtou..- / la tills leilletshe; reeeni. Mei Mrs. 011raora ind'Mrs: Cis4hei:4 l ) l ,te - sides at Ashland;- or, pethapi, - more iiearly Mar;,-,. Gen. Tayl4r,who, even in the White, HoSee, maintained in stiict sealusion_ the quiet, eiliFe behlts 4 vhieh= lin& marked *a:. eveb r, ,tenor a hel' life , Mrs. Cass - is . but imethiie sheaf, t 6 ered - elk the', harvest Orthelleileisal•'.Realeer, alai she'tobilms germ to he' reward.=-11T. •17 ifirg/dc APra. 2 % ".-- - -•'• ' '',, - ,---, .7,,,•- ; ,1,1, ~= MEI - !Biiititt,', - '0 , Journa4 ` a s~isit to. Jaikeen jet-. the ' Hermitage is 1832, from 1 4 1 len:04:to :heir him epoile-efL4st.4reit -2tlo 'Ito& one the •greatest *Atte:ll;l too, of, A inn ;Pe:: • -r, I le, 0 , -o The busy. „. b" fore New Orleans:. ' :: et ans.' Be had Julif ' ram _ fr in his last visit io khat dm ancloror Ilk decease of. most of his - old :c:oi iliecolhat battle. Alt the officers except Tlebalt, iiti , olinerred, ,were dead.„ He gfOhleally deseritied - the - field,ithe - An tins, as he laughingly - called a them, , 1111 CL Vitory I in, a ', manneft ihnii:tiever 'fiirget.— . mt. taton,"- (eatd Gen- joeksefi); s g.-7; Pat: T; erred in his dencriptiort : : of , the' American Works- ;He ; 11 p 1 - 1 4 a strOlc a :Pirt'erorlthl eettott - bako- • hije,rio•fiietii '-efFliv 4.l3 .the_ 'lick}, • - sir ! ~ I had some - store-tioxes' rat sAnd.bga, or bags filled with sand, maths* iv e*temied alfing' the:lines ITbet they we ' s le low 'that at the Alen of the - action when e Pitish' serlivicg* Gieerei- it! command ... me riding 'up on an elegant lone to law nder his sword, when ,be got - near Pe 1 h and Mil exclaim with mortified surpriewL " I: arrierides I by —_ t- , leolthileoPtbem with, ~ i herser I: langlied. lieartili at his NW is Went, for so tie could, mid beside , A - on' Itelii lig the' works{ were not completed; thet . , thing there b , t re cornfield fence, if thelhi. , shilad'only k , own, to' turn it. But ty Ire* i g Ley nleP co .Otantly throwing over feebler Id ladders on , e .works the British Were ei r tray diceiv , Ilia, - (continried Geri: J :. ) _ I nererhad no` , ad : i'and at an idea ()fiber esurrection as on that day. After,the Moire f- - the bactle h d cleared off someihaf(out ehivere_rn hp pursuit of the flying eimmy,), 'evil-m . O 'in he distance, more than five , uudred Briton emerD ng from heaps of the . cad, Comradea all/ over of the plami=rising - tr . , p-and-mpre tinctly visible, OO tho field be , . tali eleOrei , c i'ining, ferward and surrenier l' war t 'soldiers The i,a' as prisoue, o to- . ad fallen at , o first:fire upon them, within, axing reCei4ed a scratch and lay prostrate,* dead until ith cies° of the-actim," Geller I .Tackson jirs y regarded this ,action as'the oat g,loriorm chievement or - hislife. That ictory was Ins glorious' to his , eetlettY es* he - hero of Ne Ofhlelle , yet the; strategy, of he Generals" in - this masterly 'battle has never , en duly a - I) iated in any history of it; l ki 1; have read:" • ._' ; =:- s; - --:', ~,, 4 ''',.'' -C f? "4le 1 'etinve rein 1 Tinkhinitpc tuelfaurii to ed thatdo (I` . eliOits Iliit;',4i3cO. ithiriir foi lli:Allii Lriunilti 6.!l`,ilifrift ildiiii'Jo'll , :it is. thou are; the ---1 0 __ - cvAt• at.- .„ ..._. , / pAisArrEßs• -m o C Cott.;- Thrt . oF' _,. tot- , ot, thc Cons -.-, nol U kiii-rk w e% du, ' z - • - • -...-- tilitlPost-r° the ' - ii,.- ififitlith•fw.., . following al of liarch....rf - ,. . exrue--,tba the , erit, tiiiikiaSetiti°no• r i after _ e .,,,;;;. 11 - iiii,iii of Pc"timPit!ll. ~: , • > k - r- • ',60 p ar cent • April tie:! ‘ . . morisim - , '-, cuing 8/043 ren t,- ~, On cisio*.A44Bl/Tiolid $4OO 4° perr cent.: -- 4.,14,0140,- ,r-' 52,4 00 3 5 ; r tent -1 !'litocrkt i 6 \l5 iao between] 1 'g'._,+VeiiiolDlF . •• nice* rig" d r per cent gr' - • . _ ,Julatoing, ,;•-'l4- r iiiifil*obitta t ateco. - 1 - . • • shad ''''. - 140 11 4 11,4 ' I.'n-7kiCallM!* 10 „, 11 1 pee up t ' it z..,0E64,er1, '4,.,,.?:,.-...,,.,..„,g10w•-• 41. .p s- il i i q ow, woo" — d - el it e r e d: out Mkt.: -- —-, - -1,- , 4 ' Alii*et iloppa "11.,. .., t t 11113Wl• e• his 0 0 •it pm'.` 4W" . - a - ireik ! 113 --: ble tri",' r— tts W l4 t" e V ~..,p er not C!litir,,i— t- ber; eaCI.II2eY!CV ' : -:.;.„--) tar •- '=' ' - I . d_r4,0114_41'.... at..)11:1;1,-114-i . .yo r-1--eritionlOuqa_ sisi, PctP6.l.' L enoxa -Owl!„.4hlP-exis,,7: ilithi v /II opinio nti!"-ru,gtbeill/4- 4!Vit- lAn sits': *,qP&--- ner4.l,--dep9 leini-'lPa -- fi x tit ' e:. k ligli9Y- abortive a nt i - 4 - - *hich iJ i A•iiovOY.:, n_aqvisis ,---- - . Tpo:‘,- , 3 . ii.tße - -.u . AYs - indbP..uP9 -liecn tua,,..- ii-di--01PtPu' I'orei'lia, 'el. ~.lbe- Tkain ~, 01142, - : -! ) :: Y _ . - 7 t,. ; etii',iesiilitl ,-L.: 8 to-tm I'4-pir te qq l .l 4 zz ' W - --.' ~'ofDein,cez - -,. -. , P;1:a7...1z,t-,,t,"-s. -,...: •• - - 'pe