The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, April 14, 1853, Image 1
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". 3 ra 2o ettmmt•.- . - Far' thelleumerit., Fxablems of Life. Hsst keen tivo. eliid•bern•stieaMilets: rise, From the same g,ushing fonntain start,- . I And - flash rong skies;' - , Like drops that - thrill thelpulaint_heart, • And, as the) aparkie4 in'thkir . pride Did4t heaf.theii whispers:Soft and low;. Their sows-to lingers side aide •- . ..:•And - let - their dinipling wavelets flow ; ; UOtil the riplets in t, .. Approached a riVer i 'li : Silenthed, • ' -.- Which tlowed with stern,' resistlesii fere. ' \ And ( • mn aritto thednik,-,sea led-;' , . 1. And then didst see them tp \ adiy.gpsh- • ,With childish glee; and new delight ' .. Itoils mitstreiched arms - -.4hen ritsh - Asunder • far in - n il4 atf,. ri,ght.• -. T c 'whispered mosjc of each - rill .- -_ . •-. idzt hear it. fatt•er day. by . -day, ..-_, A 'd mark,- thengh-they Were _partied,-atill i trembled pre it certi;,ed•• to play, . . Thri hear them bush their thrilling. Song. , • And-bre r ak the beauty - of the spell, • ' Which they had loved and Cherishedllong And thus'forever bieittlip.farewellil • - k • ' • - t': ' / rn • 0 1 Ilait scan two truthful beings ov . -. . • In the suite „kindred path for years, - • Whose 'hearts -reflected' Heaven-above -' - Alike their hopes, their loves, their fears, And:then didst mark when , soon, or late: .. i.ife's swelling'eurrentehanged—and they; Were stindered by. relentless fate I' . ..:.. . - And front each: other•swept away! .- • - And ling Wbuld_fancy live 'again-, . . In dreams perchance,: of other days, • And oft some aonlfUl, liquid stitie.• . ' Seine frximent'of forgotten lays, ' . - Would make them,meito metnory turn With quivering lip and dewy eye; `... Ami.h'ending o'er its mossy urn _ • Just wake the'teho obi - Sit+. • - l' • Thencame .susiiilirin's shadowy fora}, Each greW di,truhfur, careleSs, cold, •Andthough theirldre - Was pure- and warni, . . It seemed not as it seemed of old.. . . .„ . Then soon didst watch them tho'tless . glide Apart ipore_time's_shoreles.s sea, - And enter:ow its wavelesi,tide,,, -.' - . . The 9.aean Of terniti 7 L - - ' • - ; • .'. , Ah yes, I kilo w that _inch is life; . - But.say kinfd..f.rinds, Say, esp:it:be , --- That all -the.worldlis,cold, subtie `stri re , -,_ CIVI 1.i...1 ort;4l i.}triiilaqiilLtii,ui .m.. I _ ', •Oh no, by ;all' that-gilds the past,. -. . .-. Otfr heartishall wake at utemery7s thrill, And Wheii lifo's hties hhall fade atilast Our unht.l.und soils shall ming,le still. - , nr.t . Then' shall'fores'a gold9n, cure uert i , . , Clasp oni plumed. spirits freed in Heaven,. - :Ili _ ---te 1 shoul k Rublime poetry. She seemed to Juice n t ten, tlfrovving iinself back upon his lounoe I and puffing elliollsly at an ithuber pi e la '',; plieation—no Pire—rlo conce t : 'of —only a little ti I'‘ asked lii should judge oii by your appearance:" i--- I)eautiful •The h d P 1 .. " a °' th° i wife bent above hi 1 and !it ined a to bet . tun erbolts of fruenee laic/ht.! nroos a h„,. fingers . • srime twenty- our or five.' lit f 1 tall .at her feet and she would only env; hjhat 1 - 1 , --- -""' • ,',""_-.-- _, ' Herman lat ga t ed as he repliel, 'What can i (Tilly, shapeltss thi\ig,... they are,' an d to ' ro f rom i ''''' a " me ' 'le e.‘"aimed: a You Meat, 1 r.. 4 Stanton ? I Ilakt tbut tit 1 optil '`wit!' `disgust.- .. tier mind was for the I • months o y m oo t / l en ) • i . t present, empty and wilr' I stifle father nal keeri you so lon, 1 ito frivolous, ing to beand 1 Dia ion ? t , N • t , Aila if . you tio— well ? tot are pot in this I 1 enli _ in in • ignorance. She needed some I . sik 0, LlO ; . 1 I shall not 1 case- it tnigl # be, per - n= 4 4 l in England powerfut motive to misuse it ; I she ; had hith e r, '-- little-year, Leila-le l : 111 I shot compelled to master a trade 1.J,. a prolessitm to been a passjve animal. And yet one could ).With a Passionate gesture. 'Woliere would Ha ' . .. i p tp maintain ' [ , ~.. "• „ • - • 7 ••••0 woffgot 1 y t ,u go 2 he t,, could I sta r 1 , 7 chill tlions4nd . s; . theetfore you li 1,.4 need to do 1 1 r. w uld be t romesat ' i t sfa r Zo7 l lll " lTC lll7 1.• n r ik4 Y Co 'me so I°n 'l• mot notig if you I pose to be i e,r ~ . i° A i ~, . 1 4 ab I . h Ira 1° ei my native l i anif, - &h i a 1 1 1 ''' b , - / ire* on. time e ap!e , e ore t e ., sanguine ‘Shi is essle irtgly beautifel r sold Ilerireoi I 'What! back, to home again?' The exclaimed t man . , f , himself 1 11 1 1 onng min could yield-to the conviction that t e t i Is. 'You not ' 4 ,, hernently, c isp ng her utnd do 1 " ' :it was, utterl useless striving: to teach her I - • • • 'A terfeet pi nee, respell i f . re a we. , 9 g 4. ' II If '1 t' mean it; you cannot -mean mean it ..oh. lam drea- I hau l II•r e wouldi make her f I te A nne were she. even the , first rudiments. lie began to see I wing you in. jesting; I shall. 'lose you for-1 hie ; d or _ --1 .• II and deplore the foolishness of marrying ' , 11 i n 1 I for 4 et er forever 1 she mesa; il i fall no. upo her r The laarriage Alter. P II L. I ' f . f 1 that h • • ,is I money ; for low* before they were wed .his . 11, 1 sir, ern ear a at eis not int( - is .. _ p, wa e • Knees and hiding her face in his le I'l th , I Judge Carlion,, in a recent erient address leitutil eneughlto suit me.' , heart had told him that perhaps there\ suns , not curls of her shining liairsweih , the floor. pli! rig that self-sacriflcing lore, in his feelings towards before the Young Men s..LibrarY Assn a.tion, 't 'Plumy r e jitinlated the eldet Stunton, with , Herman, my husband, do not, do not kave me ; he at Auvsta, Georf,la, thus sketches th mar- _ _. 1 au awl:thesis th'kt }mistimed t:wnty.secondsbv her, that was in reality a .sife's Cialin— that i dear! do not go • again to 'that cold re ri a g e scene' * , the A r s atch ; 'shit. do women i.vant of i itelleet ? her beauty, the glitter of prospective wealth • country. When you come ba4k your Lelia I he - I have drawn for you many piitures of death I wleit, does it {)enefit them, , pray tell me .'. I I b l i nded him to her mental defects, when he l may have grief gritted hers If to death, for Indeed I sil let me sketch for you a brief, but bright scene 1 ,•!! .tt , kuow that a mind such as'his, craved a kindred .•.. . 1. , „ life ~., /.., . _ •,,, 1 manned a wtfe t to °Nemec nip house to take , I shall die before you return:, s 1 , i ,di of " eal r`" ° ' "' I. ' '' the marriage alt i lr. A 1 care;of me a hfn lam sick, ith tore me at all e f am P antnn * ' t 'But be reason. le, Lelia i hush sebbing for sh lovely feinale, clothed in all the freshness of 1 time ; --that i what any in lidera man will t D a Y a fter da f he P"` ed in ho Bless a P ath Y' I a moment arid "sten ) to me, I have v a i deal I &hi youth and surpassing beauty, leans upon :the'' 1 •4r r Y for, btellect rhe add l ed, with a sneer: : If he strove to tutor his child wife, she arould ' mother; :a d , father lin F;_rigland. Do you , - i n arm of him to whom' she has - jrtst pli,ghted bee , en live on a , now.a , ditv4, to the expulsion t i fly off into a passion, or shout wild laughter,- 1 suppose,„l ever want, to behold them p o rtain ?• ', fa faith ; to %helm she has just given Up hrself }, s u bstantial 'hi cad arid bn ta. and that which mocking his misery. ; i I Beside.' ow childish in yeti to say I shall nev. , ht forever. Look in her eyes, ye, gloomy philosr 'i ould make tiiem equal to r e ` Pe With the world And yet she loved him with all th 6 devotion er co ~ e back. I tell ‘ .l oil i,sliall come back; ' B °pliers\ and tell e art he f you dare, that there is ; ' •5 ' of which her passionate nattire was cap Able • i will be wife , justthe . yea vou—ati sensiblqa •t 1 as I took you .. . ', an you not y I ' ; ~i 4 • no I t iappines on . ' j i , h i f 0 • f i she could not hear him out ot her -tght ;.. she otbing can ant i n i my eqws; illy hoootr is 1 ir--tonsitme a. yo r nig over some tea- See the trustin,g, the heroic des olio shith ' i i • h tod . 1 ' hat ill b ti t VII would reeline fur hours a hile he a employed.more ,d t ethin In .life ' ' impels her to leave country and, parents for a 4 ever b e o f any rea l / , ‘ „ e d . , l I , 1 with his stupt•s, • toping a Siest4l, i ut in rc. - , •i i But LAia still sobbed wildlY ; she could not r i comparative Rtradger. S t Pll I ac 1 3g 111 hed hel l \ Herman was buried in a; rown studs. It lit watching omi I"ving hits.. Si ll , wai e4 '; I . but. perceive I itety her hushaartrs •indiffet ent•e, i t• i frail bark' upon ,a trine hnd /stormy sea ; sea t , a question if he heard the ?tlf that had been 1"a ti f l'is b iig hte ' t a ttentinn to Mt ne ana el-en when, all the warmth of her sunny clime c • has handed over lit; happiness anti-aloom for .1 sk i . After it ierp , panse tasLe d_ 1 ithe delighted in lavishing costly _ts upon site was lavishing ishm , , taresses upon bite. She ' t this world, to anodic is kertying; but she has 1 , „ I ' id h ll f l e ' .1 t - is '' Aim.l' 1 bi d d , , ,-, was tormented wilt, lieuco e rea , a i fe you e r ot ier conse • , thinkyou . I• Thus had ,.„ i ; • . • 1 1 t i done it' fe arl„css 3_, tor love shtsperf to her t 1 'Ay 4 . a yOUTIg English .lood like yourself 1 - , something, that told she Ilea lost her lins that her phoseu guardian and protector bears iDyer, (sets teth 3 r fu , aq .f that kind. Ye l ed hiniself unliapp) thus li liv , t 1 daily in, ,_ ,- -1 d 1 love i s,, ' oand s affection , that te le sot her with. tu+ i y and nolo t heart Oh, woe tA im at I think the old Bengal Tidar's +wild look pret- splendid misery. Threey ot is wedded I t the sarne devotionthat once tharieterized their / a°manl• forgets 'his (fifth and hi's manhood I - 1. l ' r d life had passed •he had , w attained his ma- t . . r ii t y , favorably upon the match. I have hea . I • , 1 union; and she felt that i her in uence to re. , , He ' d '”' a ' ri g shalt the tnFen fialit i the si,gnor sq• that he dial 4Eit. care how ugh il erit Y' the a g e at whit ' '' in iris ewn enuntr Yl ' lain him at home wag power t less, his affvtion I t O'er the false I - ' ' • - I a he might have taken upon himself a share in; indeed RI , i., , d d • f i ~ \ Hearted , - the min might be that married his on y / _ ‘• was go:ie.. , B a gs sue Li et. e gne ./ , His 'Wit= blood the wolf shall lan ter• reviled he was of good family and hen { i the, responsibilityls _kovenimenk, i *Yon shall not go. you Atli not, nay r she i Ere life be purted. , h , ora le, Ha, lila i vvoneer ° lhOW the old repro- He. W " wear or his wife.; hard words to i , passionately ecreauted,cleneltin&T het little hand I shame and dishonor sit, ', l l bat tinkle tiffs r lint; says hi, 'no m say when a e ink of the beautiful relation in ; ' and stunpickg h er tiny f oo t_ It 41 w iii hate, yo 4 On his ,tp-ave ever.;) p l slfa I take my Wild from 4.'i' home and her old! which a wedded pair should stand n tO 0- 0 An' if yen do ; I will take bak levery thing ; yod , • Illessincr sholl 'tailor/ it, • el. f a while r 11Cti ' Marry her, marry her, I•other ; yes, he was tirediof her)irliirns ; instead i shall never neVerisee nie c e in; I will our _ _ /Never ! Oh,. never 1 . - ... Be n; and the% If Yea , Ike, it‘hy yen can I o strning, ie a true man, to recon..l e, ito- you; I will tell my father o renounce ton s i an We. have all reaa the story of tii husband ed cate her. 'Lo `o •iheY: y,is o mighty pow i self X° her oaahtltrom , and Pitien ti Y hear her 1 'Stet), Leliai'l exclaimed Herman, disgusttid sii \,. ' ' , ' • I le lesion of winnino . her toff look with 1 s t; • • • ..' ' Eel's;'-its who, in a moment ot haaty wrath, .04 to her erf 1 teacher, thtelgh I Vl6llt, none ofyour sea: l l9P. es, , 4 - • ~ 1 this not unusuAl din ` stay , Le t , who bad. but a few ta re no before, oiled her I ti t null , lime - st'*hing #i ' l iies—a l at 1 : bi msre PiSmsre ' I P" his faysrite.Phrsuitsim u in r ile h4Psisice sreatum thre herself from 11 1 fate to his,--Alf you are not satisfiefi wit ray , ' 1 sudden eattely thritled[thet young .m an tirt time ho eight have done, iike hated -or l and • he grasped tier tretribling farm. 'Do y 13 conduct, go; return to veur friends to , .ref sending an elect:id • , 'oy through . all hi presence. Eve,ry day lie became morose, and I want me to die? would ot t a wish to bury t e • your liappinetoi: 'And will vim giv me 1 , tieing. , I I I -l , allowed Itituself . to let 'c ome mere and more' oo- 1 and feel that, your hen hltssuess, has ctu despairi ng, which i brought to r a ohs. Routahce and'impubsSitad much to do wit happy. His ' fine, fine, glowirtg complexion gr ew-sal v i my d eat h •• lh _,_ hisl " low ins beautiful eyes rettless an bellow -1 • looked f 1 despai wife. ' Yes,' he repliert ' ur •C've = s°llagt dl he keew not y t. . , 1 , t Iler blatk eyes dilated as they wealth sha • ll g with you , I covet . it n t.'-- how rightly to rlitad the )o*rt; he fancied that .. 1 # las Ych ln g I'm . r a i r e' ld Y._ here, marks of„ s " re • l'in his own: - 7 - Alms r sh.. nis*eref), , I thought not rriv (11. affection emild procure ill things, attempt mill He was "name° ot ; his wile; he tocelea °D ~ 4 130 you' not see,' he continued, 'dint I 'wealth—l spoke of my devoted love. •c m ; perform impossibilities! t, 'Visions of velvit her boar, though richly tinted cheek, with I pining awayl Look at mY . hot ow cheek ; ( you gise that back . ' to me r ~N oi sat the tairti,s - allai esliti, t river ilj flashing w hite i 1 roaiiiing; her abundant tresses, that had at firstl you rememher how thehue pf he.lich o'. Mall, As 14. fling himself at her feet. Nod the leoft ”' • ' beam ,s; ,t ii, e blue bright. • I "' wed a°• l3 °4 rota glo o Y9aPPeared now oriaßi dwelt there? See how My i eyes are Bunke i ca o . o o t 10 f/Ore that;. ,but lavill do in I with its h' la.' h r li kilta g azin g Ila ' in - zit ce gro.liknot that , they were really so, look how Imy body has *idea. lamn . I williteep it unsullied • •ld wn Upon e fields otti l esers, and the h fur .the werel - rerY beautiful. West Indian bv birth ie l ember, nor is r ti s und untainted— Will ,9,, A '1 i t . 1 w 'gi , ehetish it through my lif e ; loi n i n I n v .'' h ; 'glcirronit Ili Il • kley:et:kJ f,hile Lelia, his ~ a At times he was weary•'of life—this mono- coast:dotter' • robust. If C 9 not go home and'nereiuit'iiin a-111 I forget that I haite - iiroril liYeil bride, itn, d.l(l o „tirt ' Ilihoold recline on , r Woos , chier'llisal neVer*VarYingeahlteneeiWea'l .breathe okY mtive air fer, a few mondief I to protect adcherish h er wi .L• i ' - , , 'tall plimtain i ste , tritist•Wit herdevoti 'n ried with the 'insipid, laughter and - cold shin.' soon be laid in the grave i Now would 41sae all she held most dear.' t o I I ' ' lie''betweenlo446o unfoldingto her grue / Pi gin eyes - of his bride, He longed eleo. for the i deny me this consolation! I sill be gene Did I not tell Totktberewas poet r y i n timoi ;in . a the_, li *l4 010 sto,,es, 0 , sum o .., breezes of at Eitt„ and, even its dense• fogs, itsi a itt 0 whde l , I sit 1 writi you tunny let ma' s l oo ti_i t wom sty s w . or al s‘4, if'ier.l gathering :k no wka 4 e4 ~ ' plc _froth her silt- eiowded allek -would delight his vision het twoi trey Telenet' he addei hltteirkT , 'w il l The mila tie gentle' let 1'•- - '- % leafs tfitiestionii, as a.. r the most. I teas rusttna 1 )1 4 now ; hts place w em aimless ; t them lo you.' • I 1 , - roof'.P. o °Yalu:mpg -1 Q di -, 0.:, .1, "74 c.. ~--... , r '''' -- `.; - '° r r''' 1 ' h ack fe°a) itrilarlihneS& Kid ruder' 3 the sail sew ideaairkolzkille, S,' °rail -Of 11, - , 1 11 his ee"Patilo distasteful '• alugtirm nagged; `Y° ll rf_aa_!l ant die:ys s i - Istai slowlY al eulraan. bold stern en a v nyielding temper ,of an a n gr y .. tide,flitied through his; Da, Did_ ever .'"r his mine teemed wrapped in a insane cof in, a =bat' ' fune. the.* tears gushing _,... i . n. . ..,. _ ' '-• Et •" 1 .- , . does*. i ~ \ . - . 1 / 1 &gams&• , 1 tho u ght,'at; she continue' ew , 1,•." 1. I - f ga - 4 oroi -ensie4- --la learned to write Ihwi, I i ii i iela h i " ~ _ - r ' k tivr etr t ere:4 1 9 11 7 - f 4 wyFwv.._ strongest -t wiss-ch. •-• __Larts.unfough '4 °- gercestbaith 4 :* 4 )w of unbilvignesolod**6/184*.: oid - • am' hind in '.Pride and poverty - , . :Frota.the-s . , ..z. .—, • LF -./C:Reelfttlee of,, the fiVelm -pr "5:..14. A; tiEtliPN: _.... ,A ... • - . I.l' I APTEA. IL f ? 11, HOW could y . .say / 'my faf: was i And )ct. tha face forsake', 1 1 ,HoW could you :win Jnyvir n.het . .1" . Yet le.ave th4theart tt:) br - Ok ?'_,l iterm an . , liarnsl Spa7gish4-- lifenri ninny and I - veal/l A —m an ia, Life=-•TheL' Yin' rtn• Wife. I . lAndrwhat are ion so busy abOut now Her, min in, ,aol6i th elder Stantiiii as they . sat On the randah, at tli,til close of a au). 1 tr3i . , daY.,, . - • '..' . -.,1 li , - 4 'l . 1 ?SPattisfi; sir; .an s wered : ; lis :'t Dung man i - l ,' - 's '' 41 iia' t" i prompt ). This ' s a. pants 4 unuar,-t is a Spanish spelling-book, antitthiitift Spanish rea tier,' he : contintiiii;,desigruitinJii each volume; and nactirdingtO Ole old Don TivOr the iv4y, ik am getting aiong l ifinel'y,' . ,. ~' i ' 1 ' r 'With :which ; to Spinisit la i nguage or the . Spani4h.belle?keit the .mertihttnt ;mively: . : Herman lies a ed„ blus hp hing; id tits fore , , , ex head fat last e , claimed, faughing, 'With both sir.' . . ... 1. . t., , . ' "l'es, yes; I 1 The prett ! creature can't say, 'I love yon; n `right down igood . -English, 11 And so -o are " —t- in tbl ht .. what - • ~ ) uin s o y ir,la It :itr . = . . -• CI 1 , 'TO amo cos' s-ls-1 for ou,, promptly . iejoiUed- Herman langhinf,,.• pit more _ heartily 101 a iiisancie7s Jou of pi;iploc 14j 1 .1 'Crooked ilantilige--I.eouidn't 'mist: nay tongue" to sppali . x he: , exelain i tid.. But set:l - I don't ku r liw that yod, 1/mn. I do better than to marry this West In lin. 1 . She will bring you .at thedeast ealeuliitidn, a round mil -1 lion.. st,iiio nil io the iron iullhot; ttiyb . ny, , ~ , , , yon will possess wife worthilinving-,1 'But uncle, wliat an-odd iile;ii ' 1; to marr'v *i .1, - . so yourig---pr tl p sterous. i, 1 i -, 'Well, 1 sh(UI F , judge: said - the elder Stan Pri#L"?re' i - ri - , Who hoewloutt4iodr4orm eashrin I FiptVs4oll.-Sio oaliti , 44l:lloll l Pdeitik* ohhie-irioVi"#pei— hke.-of • fielgotf--- Y igiiigikaiiiot tliiril lotFolliPskil gild . 1 4 _llet. ''‘‘ilv v '=-'-' ll = -4 :iie: l iii" --4 o l ita),. Istiiit* ' *.: ~y, ~baitia~3~. aUj 1c Organ ,C 2 lotion was for Med ;. in one short Month he was - the.affliteeed- husband of Lelia 'Veliiquez.- : I I And she , was so happy, so child li k e, ao eonfi- : clink. . . . - - :.- - ' . - ' 1 . I Before now she had been distracted. with - i doubts, hoping :and fearing - alternately ; she i• loVed the English stranger with a deep, abid- . ing passion; with an intensit that almost de-1- fled formality-; She would sit silent in his -Pres ence foi a botir4, she was xi) happy to . , he near I Manyn rare gift did. Signor:Velasquez be. I r t stow On hiatngliSh after the . acre- many was performed; and Lelia showered ' i gift after gift upon him, ,presenting him with I I riektrae.ts•of land, and i mmensesums in gold, i so that.he irtis indeed wealthy in his own right • Ha wanted...not. 'ter ocenpation,-. his: gigantic', a man full six foot si.t, owned . 1 immense plantations ;`lrruian assisted him at 1 , time.s, 80 that he felt by no -means in a l state 1 ',of bondage or dependence.' Ho sent, pi,esents to his good parents,. ,and reereived'in reply their congratulation's andliocat wishes.- - `Didn't 1 tell you, young .searnp, wrote the - queer old father, (that you would Marry a fortune?— Keep a tight hold of it 0 4y boy: - ._ What waitow-beforb 11erman bpt a pros-. peet of ever', increasingihappiness, atul inde 7 pendenee:fdr life? - A Ikautiful bride a home . of splendor, leisure to pursue his favorite Stud ' ies, friends in •ribundence, what was wantingto . fill ni) tlie= measure 6 rioY, •--. ' " Alas! the raih young Man soon .diseerered what he-more - than' suspected borer?, .thai r lie , had. married a wpmanfor her wealth-ati.boau ty, and—that*4i• all.- Playful_ was. site. all the day long 'as a - merry elf ;' her - hleek eyes sorkled, like the crystal .ripple; when touched b) moonshine ;ibor were full ant joyous light,..hut there was .no depth. to them, no soul.full intelligence shiningithinigh -She had little taide fir ,:mything'besidelsport; sheet:Ml(l turn in Wearineisfrom sager nverse and-Yawn sleepily at.the recital of - .140 -most ALF,- 4 1 Esau irv kis eistißY In-o',/hereikoso o r home with. redoubled enitte''Hel”g" 160 to Took h i I itiffe i flows, -77 r „,,ar k „, er • -Aht; bins - W ea r ° feit- s r. had spoken-641i .-,.. ; mprgo,s : F.PA,:lfp,ply4 her gullies kiss nPon - hisluiowi:h the sunshine of her. laving smile. - He - started From hii -seat !and 41 tight go he murmured; titterly,-WI am.' what, tiot witthes year away ;• it wilrat least vary ,t .of my life. I. can once more. be cuts, perhaPiv'add to the-*aurntoi3 dining Years.- 'No paerilB'wili.9 lam resolved—,-I leave Cuba.- The iaia was - e.lthilarating i ; feverialt with eaticipation;be YeS mind how la should gain the .wil or his wife and her father.l Sudden!Y. ilu; )01e siithfentiin - • - - ;ranee waved- lightly aside: and in ha, her blaek st and her loog curls , Itiop4up in t tastie manner.. • - • i t • l• 'lion. anxious yini•seera,.dear.l - Ou look. ;.Ifow sad , you nrp ed, boisterously, caichitig.'at his h I • ting to•draw him'after her. 4YO you act mopish ; mime, you area 'forever at your books-books. you t will tern lute a great boo ;.i - vh at use will you .be --I can , yourdulrstudy.fnee away and .g lit have been feedincr my tame /till 3 dug' with Alg,erno-- ; het.l4A,fuis lathe'L wish you had Seen laid down in thp'tnarbl( Set the' slaves 4.ork with 'the I they Were so fi311.• of their antiesii nothing luurril • ito IWcsnio I aut. with you ;. but you are . erol poitted likea spoiled ' 'Nut erosS, only serious:- saia husband, g . ravely. ' ! only serious;' well, it tali !'tome; it always makes. my Merl a-soher face. should die in tU; did not laugh , every hour of the 'SuppOs-I shoull . laa4e you fc i -. giorto I hid It , lio yalliilfliteit t : 1-: :4 :- . ' c' 7 ' -...,-..;-- -, .... I .il.;_t•'.l. 33„,.. 104:4 46 ' fpr ' X" a OnSWereUt . TOT , II long lititivii-iiisatiratArbui. 0 f t • Iboi . ,- . i iii : i i iti o . t, i iiiw , h .. jEt4:4:oliiihtioWliii, , .7- ---- -r • ~ }! ~' ~. , - .APRIL 14; 1853. - 11 ,-* -, 1 •11*A . • 1 .CK: 1.. r ' .l .f. !. ~; , I: : Quick. il - be• liai's htnin l . s • flisb,Ti.tigkitil :l' .motive h t entei44.liir -1'1; h ' • and ` - .... it . hi' ' oaf *- 41' .. di.' ~, . th 9 oo ea .: • .. .; . : her IV o 9 wit ~a . 7 ut foe i?eeil. sire t e.kiiiii:rif . i .. . : `S he ii4d, .. - pi. liefoii . 'ii... , tratihi4-Noiliz tliiliiiieici , - ; , iiii:Olitie on'•-:iieleitii! .:• •1 .... 51... ~...,: i .;••• :. ..;,....,:.•-•:.,, -.. :, ...,;- ,: -1.,- o, no, wo tore wt .that eopioeon) . 1 i nne..*4l s neort , i ts . 9 same inci, .*benf i tt . ii . ,3o4 . : . ob i . otitivf7rai . 4.o4ed;!sg. ciii ip,) ,. . - 'lt r i . q iiie* . 44 t io',. '. . '.....j:-...... -.....- If ....'..., ;of then iiel • 'Bl3liiiiiiifc*ii; .'; , ..'lnif 7 . piaci* : hei .. ;ret;sied., I lady • 1 . niniiilljit . olioulde i :; ...GO slie 1 tehlope'y . 4 . li . !re; .:-'.• :i: - • .l!4r . ,!ili. " lgir:lbiii:ftii4' . i i°,:•*!"? 1 P 11 , l tric!i? * 3l lt :'braid *I I do: ot •Islinetei• .ow that you:bre l l.filinhied.iif . vcd:: i ,his . nie-4nt:l:xeill • make your itea4 lieikf*lth'' ling ion Oat . 14siitiik . aiia 'ill, 4.4,E: oll . .c(ime' l ibik fo . 'Oi.i,Oo: ii • iotFeel . that 1 and .unniorthy t 9 be YO i.*104. 1 1 .j+ . i:3 shall no I tiger blush fort l- * . '0 , ..-"Ai!i.' :1 ~. ~. • .. J. , dj•nwingher snoi . r 9 - to it.3: : 1194: . 44,1 ii)ie%liarrie(l frinn . e'itiaitale t.;•' inyi r i; 44'1 .. v 'lnisteind too '' .t. ".ititoicliii ': lii: ,. '': 7 :-..0i; ei nt the ipided ds of ile.l;e.nt l'u'' e mo-st strive to detain Iter. - _ . •.. ,r i f •-- , , . - '•-p iArtzit it. " " 0 . ! shut the 'ilM l ,#r; !and whet s t o, '-' i . .•. ' i :. it Come weep withl'me; 'past 1 • . i past h.elp.r- - ... \ ' ' Henhan sails.fropi Caba—Ail ° --i'hc . raithlesi Husband-I - -1 /VS-ear, a whiale year 10l distracts me - itlii.terrible, He poor Lelia, he.,Whole frana l l griefs '' • .: .- :, . L. very f as t,' - ' A year, will Slip' by. very fast,'; ;said, - II E bancc pressing loir,to.his bosom ifoi . the hour Of parting has come,' .1 la orti ~ , 1 .1 old infection 1.044 back\ .upoNlil he ' 4)u will,cOnieark to tnel," e'xela -• ;.: b ll -::, 'My pOor heart whisper Snell .. 1 ., , , r is—such and dgubts • fe l rfq . coine . back again t - a':. I' 7 II . - :. ' .31ty honor,' he ; whispered 1 i st*tril ftist - the same . ' r . - 'i- ' 1 glan3e of repro° .. • ...-. _ i C , 1 3 ache to seer r' --' a . 1 ! if he. had i Only: :said; , I . lo i to months if I 1 ' t - '4 e , '••• l , murmured to , he If. -, t 4)- ' - - H'erman, hia cathet-in-law, .Le Ji ll r - ti little thne i , , :J., A. , .., - i • aa .. ion bean t h e vesmei . tyriit.ti w i to . Oman;:: l ns I course of the da4k. • Servantsl,vere b us Silky hair I•*,_ , • • •/- - - . • 1 rya] to . hi s state•roqm the young 1 its ;tt . hag,gage, , .4,tore ' teh "w* MEM low • at tri- " she sh' nd and wow e sb soli bus. nd I y an.; 124.3 =,` and then til you: /put ! with *. 1 0.-- ator a ra-, . Jost' sl 'ls in moan our , sato° $ and ropler but 1 coin dp . p- to .it t ye a sf •and! sla he yoliihrful W. .gifts for. 1114 .pa trts: rrnair had (*red to takol ikifed ; n his -4d ter on us ota - sem! 1 - r,tri4ebik..tope: faint shoirfni anxiety A inane , • she As i 0. allew - it; lied she -WP Id••• 4111 , ... 0 0 • signor Arn ray , but; til 14 • • •l'n i t . - ,i.. , 1 `- - w ~ 4,elia wohgellosto ;,.h mid 40. tali'his : tee, sere. ei+,-and,givingher - irth ; _her :10 reveled ill•it- - i- ' .- ';• .: "*-1' •-_ er - hasl,diedi, • .If she le him,-. 'e:wolnd . - - I ,Hia ehoek - had :indeed' blartelleiAikiiiiii4: - lirOtt,Misr rirrs.r. •-'"--:- ------.- i 7."'• =4 " .- 4aViiiii6haietkiTAß.:ottit f ..iboi: 3 ' l 1 Was tseverr€ take her fr .. mho e:... •..,-;-: ~. • ; . __. • ..._ itiparting, Signor,Velasgtiezila ed, in,.l l . lt.ingss._ . Ilts . mother. sighed and'',th ... ciii . Oi-.nif a' .purse inlavy 'with gotil, Whi, peredlhisi the ioonaninekve.tendepey , or , her,;(2itmly.. And anted; bid, him red, tlien I lietthan,-thotjg l : l he was not '.1014:191,att such mournful-Ilelia to he shore t w!ns the•e•esei-Wial'l7lPidirbeePtnitig a Tea with tlie • -•; ,16,;(4 ._ ed - ; - .10. 1/ 1, ia t' spitt ,.. o .. , n -- - ~ , t: , -c_ 1 - ! - a, - . 8 ' .: i ..': . ~, 1 5 . : 'ering_ther r4age,Merm, If N,t as. te k llntely,Mr?P 3 7:W°"e' 4 . T°P°'nal,ll 4 .t.4 - -.: `-`. --". t-heatted•and depressed. 1. To drown tho't 1 Es.-•11--the:fair wOnlen-in-lhellrilhant ouht indulge in, boisterias linirtii-4appa. i T'illitrt. his' presence; had_:'healodio- net tly the gaylit : r - the eay : -Land, then Ter . 1 1 laik0. Ili",alte . red . _t•Ontliet,isptie r i- his h ' . ht - toad - gaiinit o -trithe-ship's - . Wi.O ll ;willf interest nPf - nninited*iths,_ rs a r:""i ! * ' '' . IV .•- .: the''' .' 1' 'hie - Of aff-tirk j ke, - lost in gieVniv. reverie. II H Jecineitk•cl - inipatience, re. the hour 'when .hel f . 'zirele'rig 'hi s l'Ill? WU ti . r: 6 " u5413. 1 e. aid hail deaVEnglaiad . o -e ore: -.As Ul4l fdr every' Ftdr - "Of . ruh)! PPS , m the,- . . , w,h0t , , l f coo -t, in :f- - ~ • the........ suit. [es of:beatitl;`and when 4 •ia. t; he landefl on il d r.. i awneee 0 ...e,datepwina,s,,,,gi id, t 4 , ,..„ 07; awl :stat; 410141 d havl .l ' k (tit apk•kiKsidt ises - phere a china. -S and oloonft that fall-iiel e s ver:y g roti3.= ,- • r• .. . • .r' . presstnaiy upon the • ost - .buoyant-spriti- mi= ~:::I)aods:nOdoidetio;:iii,erno r ti o n s g h , i_fo t i u e 1 , 1 1 1 1 11:41:4e:1T : 1 ; i . f . , w h is o ' v :e: m q t ! la eit. il ';:# ll s.sl3 6 : c d. : I t l ci.ti : - .. :',"::: 6 ',:1 th . , ,r :: ::', r 1 1- i . eY clothedlih° king+ dart I t !- °- . ''' 1 1 aides in • Enolard. , The dense, fogs anti peeu. 1 It 9,8 hat tTt ,, e• work ofl•mome . a order to - 11 palling an irresistible ..• d far-from': 114abing fePFh "I'l 'aT t tYe , to. the' rfrilll, nee of: hip-01inolluelloiy.- - 1 -.1- , ,: .-: , ,!.. Il i {mts. -; His eV fattier hiilso.tfir recovered as ll' torardS the elote of a•• -• %' ling Noietiite* 4 be olio , to hObble alli4 ,thei loom, A!ia . 4 T - ,,,, e [ day, Rerinan,Stantoti sat alone; * ' lilekh4oer: asP 6 . his'l/)irl'' his in _. 1 'list exclaiming, I t wantedonly" one short week' o '‘. he r tide' be lank .y G4tha t . ' ,huh -d you o nce * u r °re : -1 , hadl'ol4 11go . fix:ta - upon for litiN '.4 ) ;; t 4 Ilia7,[notii4 with her -ufeo- u° )".tl!''' wards what he called, sometimes, home. Ilii'• rimmed, sad , iifrostk , hue; whet still fair Clieekrfltee i l d..grevan'meager 'iind 'Ala; ,\tie, was nq,' 'seemed Y.°i'i'Vr' With. ' 3, better ' n g (I '' h ' i. i'lMfger 'attired With -, that tatiltiisi - jaite'dMt. "tune. She almost smothered l' e .ti be ' - ' ‘ l i had alway . s'eharaetoriseA hittii :14Iiil'hili`secini;- - lil4 l Aritlt kires, butn sail ,its till hel4, hi „sti l l ea darker and i iiicker,i . -- .a ~,,,,,,s . saly.,: _ .., , di& , irtni length,liAlh, my . ll4' inaMkt lat Wes itil lieber. o re i li b i ~, i (in - s i ar i tly.L: i it - Igf i r c g :,.isk,•Ji ngrs - ' t ia_ elimate sipl spoil yolk boaut :;-; 11 0, '44lthi v iiih',lta: , t d ,41 0 a 7 ejji.ljiS!thi - sijgfit r ;: of his 'rayvidid. yot pet bring ' or yo tig- - Wif 4ndil ai es w -- - .l f ie h il ik at i k ii t i4 l l - 4i-- ; 4,4 - i c ioie4),i, ylle ettie: in PVT a ir - .-: "- j - .- - = C . ', i i l' I' :1 tOarane - **is ififitt•ora - taitt::.,oohtt''.lferge`V irm l / 2 40 lift anW .slier - 1 3 0 e- ° -!‘, 1 1 L . t 'U'-il:hisiiiiitY, Or littiijilnetinder SiiMe -, :&oliiiiifsiii:' ~ wo lung tot addon one f9§ w i th A sip tat I ' = l ' '. iv . •) • :;_,:•,; - ,--:,-<; ;:t' F; , - :•-• ,, /,,i;:. .-- .•1 -.-,-:., , 1i . . " F t • Bi .) , o rdeAc. t _, • •:- ,( • •,--,-.• ,_. r your pretty - . 'Wif* . ...-, .r! A''',. -,-. , 1 ern ot, I will not; ho: mutter t between-.f tyo ,, ell -- ' zone,o_ l 44l*-,i •.h)./ 44- 1 lied'feeth.:•'whatl• - ;ii , Vail .r fni).t'et* 1• 1 %*-,l7levi ,:6-i I ''' . Ne . theuglt.liou,%yki ni i . imis 415,.n0t .. riqers .:9 1, • Pee.fy4.o..' li4o,f;otn,iii :,..iiiiriqirni . r#ellite?t. i t tiliii:Ogii! ) ...., Q;' ... ii . ,-. ; P a Ovelir.lio i liiiitfrts . able.- :. I 1 .,. ...-:1111 It's ‘ # ° 11 ' Y Cli f' 44 f ;us 5041,.‘p wilios toi ! .liilittbe . iito Y Cilt? ,j -r: 8 1 1 7V 45... ~. P i g and " f I . lAO othigoOr wife:.: ~. ;g7iiitt.,l4 l4 lti lifte4 fror ~. I to 4104, imself form . ... - OeirilatiAi ~-: IP , • -• ;1 . ... - Known 1 , lia. a {,V . . i .Ihy . , X 110 .iiiiiNnii foll Accra and 0 ' *rig , tigii• .liki . S: ' let . y . W.4.C:i 1144 ' . ,i 041.11141 U • i 3 00d'a.4, , . ptitliii. 4 '. Aiii:iiilit; , ,A6.l:!lplitqp!. ;.'.:b' , ..11.V! .. • !,. ' 4 ‘ltim, blii illt j0...11 . ? ' : , ,Ap.: -- ..'"•ll4 l oC4ts,l i:',... - ..!-A.1.,.1;c:„ ti..i;:il..`ii 1 .1 - .!bfio.! it,lll43'' Pink of: )'9 ' 4.. A 441-.,. i ',,..Y. •• : ' '. '. , -.......H ' ..- .7. 1 . 11 k. '..Pfk; . 1 i i iiii . 1 : iiiihild- j: . 'll 1 ..,,....„. ~.. eildio , 1 , ,,,, .......- . . b ..0 . f ..-1._•..., c0 ) k .,.• : - %.- 1 1•; • ; -ivirbps , -r: ••.:...=-1- , ••• , 4 , -• 4- . ido l 1 „:, ~..,. :,, ,-,...: . ~ ~ ~I • - qt. •0. i , liki:o 9 4' , „• rei- 4 9. - ~ [ . ...'•,...'.,..:•-:t... - . .. last ... ... , il l itisf.iiii .. , . • .4 -, roes : ~. sist7 : ~..-. -.. • • :1.-.- ..., • . ~. :. :• ~ . • --••:. -.1••' - : -- .,:i.- .. " •-•• . • •.; .11 ; Itaik - 'rat in r ' i te dew, )lit ! the . , INEM MIMI C ~~ ~~~ ~'~ ' i iii Iw sn Mere boy,' he would mutt;' . er . child ' love affiirs. I hufe,ruirted pytelf,..l. fiknl i ttil;t64s litti.; thrown tilYseif 'crimp:for a, ticluieless beatity , :f..:lletter byfar hare - roli) 41i.; 4.41 ,1 6 ilovertY -- beitAlll . 4avebeei no PEC444;-- . .thin to sulrecigth agony each mo*fiClas:'.:l • n . 44 . :einltire, -'-Aiiibe .wonld waiiiiii4);reMii tilritOiiseiy became intble . mttble;' , 4ltenAtith, • ing ant'iiito the streets; find' - hintsgl(inl , aiinie English mansloti,'drinking in the tniniitt:tooda —•listening to thee - Sprightly Wit Ofl5lF - ladiii:i It was, sit.:1111 he could brlpghlinsolf to foe,. get his wife,llint he could obtain:rest froidhis. I ( s6l ' 34 ogi l * 4)3 gli.lK . .':':q The 41rat..few :inongii of ; his - visit' Eiiie#.. "pleassitlit - eno - ughi'.liiiliUdreceived a : igv'lat: . l ir t i teisfrp* . his. cousins! , who , disliking .. gc , hig , „ippCe.r to!giceli' e nds for ma,rry ill', hr: As aeiusitiludiieLYt , .=..- -- 7•. ,-- . - Ixiiii ii!lif,e' inilrery Batterinrr • colors ; - so that ' t'l i''li" . omitted rending that part'relatinli lo.her, With ra le9ling akin to guilt,:sonfessi cr • . te'hiMS' if" h i the'lliln, - Oar he:01 , 1 1 . not:l9%*yl4wirs, - ,,44, 1 - ,, ,- 1 eisi3 - the ,reality, as he nijot, , . : ty-, Q .l 4 l#* . it,tal 1 .., 1 indareithe- mention of her •'n3ute;.and.., ail i*: fit) ;noknu r time of - .her dflparture,drry•tleari:'ll6leeekme- foe- 'a Wife. InnO4Y, renlle4 and thnrnn•ghlt 1i...144 ) 1 1 371:41'• ' 'lan ' '' He hid not to be sure fallenln love With ye Whisper; I al.}?_..°Pe_ England.. '.llO 4111,' . elnog -, -to his ret, , ed w;t i, J honor,, but with:a grasp'o: tinavions, - thailone r• .--- -1r.": , - . .. -;•...!-- .• . ' the ••. ,j, of -,- '---.., :-. ,••no acqiilmted ' with .lab:viintli Ttlie . humln -i tt lieiirt might easily see he feeied:losilegitiliik... 3 : o / detiiir: :- --- - ; ''' :1 " l '. ' ' l' .. ' '':' l,;' :-.440 . alas for POor mortality sustained' oOnit* A human' - te r soltztiens! T -; Y . :\ -1 '.•‘•'''.-," Ali - deg-ice:a ii sort despair, settled: imoit. the' mind-of the mitierable man - as Aittchlrolled 'f liviftly._"-,ttivii.. - - • How - could.. he. retarryllhow i inset the.ehildish creatuic:46' who*. r i , ,,, , - inited•bi indissoluble tiOnds:•: . t • Fni - .ll i fe - if for Ilfi.; he 'repeated . ' again and • again ;. fOr:,.:. a long, hlank, uselesi : life am - I tied:toya,s&ul: body ;'?.tvhdre I had eilieeleit most: haPpi.; niess.l-, experience exquisite torment ; ,11- , Ease' vi - reeked My ..hopes and blastedpY-fallfst I ea;: peetations,witkasuieidal mbhnes*:;•.oll : Oipdi whY;waa-Inn reckless .0 • - .;--" -•_:-- : ;-;., _, The:.idel of meetinzwith I..elia - SeeMed 141 -.. liiii c4pftl I!. hns *Ault n ;ofibiti roptklit c .rcill • Wit!! Ea j4:At'd,fhp Erie)* - mai • • yr • . rso . ad Ina; . . • p R= J, •.. 7. •••,h.the al' • • romping Wit-. PliYing-11,,VitV,1' 4 1 " rOfilOsi 1 . B WegIC kriicto Pd 1 ; 6 i: 0 4 61 410, .44ebbOalt toff 4") , Aie the 141i0I i. teli licOet, . i ,a.k: . . 6 .. ..,.. .. - i .1,` 1 1: -r,'': ,- .x 7 , :;Nifeitme, tr-s!!':Jltii:iti,it *tioPaiitip benrt ? to -bigitiri6iVi= . o I 140)114,-,1 , ,I.1: , -....v.- 4 ';-:,.:3K,Vi3 lit --- I io4 wtrii tkilrsilii,to Im;ing loaiiiiti Loi.;t4 ~ :y4:d 164,-, AirisFiiii --, 'ifda t,,,,,,e, ..: ...,. . .. ..., , - ter ° lr 7 l . - aT' 11 P 'gla,s!ebillln.-"IMVT::3°_, 4 Vorrn„ #-..., ; en,'7 - ;4,.„. Alsw.ol4at 4 'l" , i:.1 ,; thht 1 ikdAWiiitO,flittiqiii4o4.4 74.:*.fghti'll."aligoat t. - arteir: - :ii..iiiisiliO, seemed t t 144;iiiiii0iii4*try 2' igi4 &i.i..4;e'illh• - :(1? . : %AP' *10.11144.n6w.i.de1ik:5104.10-f.a:finli.L6o.l*-.. l(iii*Vql=ittiiits , i . : f .iiiiie4i ho - Fiat's:li fii4i . f . y.,:)Witiji)i.44 .- i*tiktif4 . : o*, 4,4poveg - liy ' , ' - iiii , . 4 00 / 4114 aiiii ! niarilioliii,Bol4i: I.:. U.:44.61* . ****OfiSlA 6iintz4OY 1 '* l 4 - 00! 1 : : .'s ' .'`` ..itli .. ''''": 2 A 7 . 4: .'" 7 .T....". L .'--q 6.. .?'4. tr' .:, o 7.: -- ,4004: u 7, he :h urii6l,*(lo*.A.o.lo?* l,:!:*teAri T e r ~ tite- o hiolii;r: ~ qy- caned luck 114.f.tiiiii,*:•fifiiri*honi s '.• Ow iwomitird ii#l, - ; :,and. T'ini :11 - 4i4 . 4iiiiik;fitito* .44; 4 4.1100i ifehAiiii.r.. - -oiliiiiii;fit - _?iiiiei.4.444ki0:40:4 . , t° ',,VWSA: '-, *:j.:4-:ipi.iiitser:ibiliiistr.4"47.4lolfAiiiii. .isOla's, itiOtitiiiiiifii,:iii*':i Ceil A i , s. ler00,004: .' . : ...-, , ,. , ...,:iiiii i , 1:1.0114111.i..04 -Oste . iiii:"'!lV4**.,l.2-.!-Ogleo . ot I.jiiiilblll**.iii-hi!i':Ohik.'AtiliSllllMPO: tagit;totieriL., iiiiitiosiorili . iit.r4ool:46 ,4 oo4ifirt t ..00,4,40i 114644: iiiiii(iiiiliiiiii,o o46 t4o -: Ai*.t,* t* iti . 4 1.0.., : t . i i at io, : r b i tiv s, , ... v al4. 4 ., ~ ,o t iok i hii m iho.i.-4#47, :,::, f lit V11[7,0%-i1t;16110,1aft34401 I f r fatAfiii . ;11t164*al P 0 ''# 4. he 'A14140(04.- ~,,, , ,k.,,i , .,, F , -- . :14 , 3.: Jar ' lui litlii o,y .. e.. :... -:-... :srlf..---Siit9: 9 1 ::. 11 ~Ifatl:. Lf. laiiiii*.Oitte4lo4l4oo4iiiiii*A 1 aioi+.oiiiiiY . ii .. viet. i txt ,.. i4.:•!. .:,...-.,06iir0!.s:i, .-4:t0i1f0rt64044340iie,: -- ::: * * *ow. - #6elftigtilitii'Aktelimi. - fig% lii') - 0 1 0-;-m. 104,,tiblitifily--Fe 44* - 00044iiiii lagittl iiiir..*- - ,',•, ..,..*iiilcw_,:...l*._ ~. o g a l i* ri tas., - -.1,-,viviii4p.-!; - : .. i t itoioi - :: -. ..7 . ,, rittwortinfitire iitio f ,:zia:r.l\A( ::t1.1: - `.:! .. .:4 , ', 1i t ,, ,....,- , ...,....„.;,. --,,,71,-. 4 tiiis*:'• * , . ' iiiitialbe , 1 h o We 1;1 er: . itot, veil led th 1 1 'pg to tif9l -affecti I sal' h : I hem 1., ttiongli ~; , very, . 1 i keetOed'lKkbf A ad; .iin4 v4ille ~:r raki,; in. An ' .v. ~ . ,••• • ~. ! et t trinittikitt• * * 4110ij.:14160; ! *:4l `**lV"l , • •• O. A r k C PP lt tg l ` .A . . 1 .. l •••• ~ . ba ir "ft lit i ‘ beitrik", - 100 1 1f9 LA , ~. *. ' ilus.dieigeN 1 .iiiileP k 1 4Z ai 1, .: ... 44 A 4 li* '. 7 - * og 79 . 4.1 . A . ' • 6 1=7 . . -10.3 N-1 4 - iii,Ak sw, .Ihinicoskli. - . -.. ...,--,t-...f..- --...- 1;;;.% - " , ::"•e•, - : :V? MEM =~; `- ~..... _ r; ~z:.::,,,;,:: ; ,- , vet' , ..? .• - . • r - "- • tcq. Oa." •;;;A•.- - _ OVITIENUMBER- ..-LatAisr)*=*-A4Tr:--t. _ ~ ~,,,,,,,.t• • ........-- of ii,' l'aii;im:;•irea-i6;.11474,4,t, the tile‘ao-7t__-_; 1.,,. :77rri „ It - 7 : :3,-_•,V7. e 4 74::,?::: 'then '''''...---,•-'-.,,aiiilekt . .• - ; ,,,1 , ,-,• ',-..? ri kV ther",: PP rtP g•l' l ,l!`- , - I ''- - - ,'-W: 7-r r -t '' .:• ( 4 - 'I , ~....; r i .t• a - se ' 4 - liar Atpleastlavo:t ..,..r ;•--- .... t g ":, ~ 1 s, ••,. „....- ,f•- •i --- ....,,.,L,L. 6 4 21 : te q ..„.. „,„_. „„•,_.;,, 't ' iiirtisi,e.' ts,:it4B 11414tIP_kai-t- '-%,,_,_"•- il,,t - A iti,•-- !-- --- 'th g4 ''.;iiii,„e.itiftlEkErWiltf`.l*.tv4r`l°,7zt xi-'; , , - 7- w il '.. --: - -,.. ~ ifitiiifilkilae4 .1 ii4-1,/lii4viirer-- -.-r 11iiiiritearoTar: ..?! , -,-,4„ , ,,---4--- ,%- 'a h g rit 1` no Ic; ;f::allul x :172 - •:;'.' ;:iithsiut;9!:":l; .. - ..; ic`a to,:tivig "thu'srstringiSiritiiiii*-- 1 - -;". t dal' a*o ; t returning • ta i g„ P u "':..„ ...a. 1.,_. , "x - m t f it 1; _ ir .....' --. .fa.:.-ia. ms - e&g*Ti,,,,•,, - z' .::•• . - -te •tiltdine; a titalft ~„=ll ,: -. 43- - ,,,,,„,,, ,, , , ..-1 ~,F . t .--c, ,•,-- --,16‘,L,T....-•l;7lX3E,l'esaJ, 1 s -r i&.Lti ostj o va , AV7ty i ... - 74.-4 -- , Y-iiit,A,s'o - 1. - • ;Pi f? ,!,-"Tiiii,:ixiiojigy k*fir A L- ...„., 4 4 41 ,, g .` " ~ 1 - &a ,t en-i;'a *- ~- .7 ~.-tmiE,yeitiv*lAr-.177 '• th Lief Ple!iPtur,--1.1531,4JJ--*-fifitii.-411.4,310;1' •-•' '' ' ' lilelialWell , •: - .•:`z•-•- ,- - re- ate t;7"ll7!' ' e l ifeil 4 l4. : lll Y ie l t ; r ll P r Ori,,,,, c i tt rsil t°P' firtl:,,'ti elietiftei4:44 4fart,, -_-- 5T licy,i)--a Iv' - t,,-ra,, 'l'. --kirecit.!•il - di_ ind dteten, ~,, ;; ~ • :•, ,,b , • Att i ft - i_ '; • : , .o 21044 -.K. , it,' •„„,-.743e•orit-Bllett,lx e.„,...1,,,,,,,, .•-•` Irsedrk;at,4- ••,. -- ,-,15,..i1.. 4„..-4.iii .--ri 'tlgt 'Z,,-7,-- dtikico.4 a-01I4v•alaaa,,,tl.. k , .-.•••-';••-• 1 , •eatn e ,in au ' . .r) ; - , 0- - ,lc -..,' _ , ,, , tt ~ e Ant glt, -_-„,, -?. • , --:. - -•T','3,-.4'.'>::,,,ln'Z'' . , a , .- it jail- -t igu5.: , ; ,,, 4,.. 1 ,-,1-'+:t , ' r -4 7,,,;, .. -: 11' ''''''' .4 . i ' . Ationetheilittie 1,1m4r-,,, le,' STAN T O N -443-ii;,:iiiiiili)ailitti 4. ' ti 6± `.of ;yesterday';-it -: :C. -' : 1. 1 n ' t , i:itire- it'ilainl/ke'slalty,:,oling itzseen,l:44f-infilf.itik!, f r . _ ~ . ~ ,_ I. ._: ,s = -4 1 i rt•t'• ,` ,iti_P:altrilL••trL; sjjoviefierk . o4ll.. : = .'--:' -_ _ri 6 vVee'n*tiq °' " -- 4;witlysthi s iAt e r i )11816 .! deterwine ti:ll'F4„2.i;ir, fa-1141.e. 4 ; 4 40„r 813( 1 . ' „ I- _it effiber 1. tim as - le,•: illottiiltif-PfrlcTr; :I, tilliali .1u - oicia nkn9 rtl' - 'otri'n - i . i:l - -:1-'0'76:eld h*ve - --, r.,, hin g ,shalt' S - - 2 2 ,,,,., r r#4014 siiiiiiE**!°- led,- tiut dircußlsti'el"-Torckiindltl,,a‘ts'tlr-it ... 4 l' iiiiii4jrmil,fivrm !,„-tk.iiii.y• i,r4iirel4r*.t-; i,Amiorain23!.ftercucl°l4bialty- he Ungiuut•'s' 4tA...-;,•flisheit'n°t.l7•tef.-erenvoir .4 . 6,t0 - txt _• Aiiitiliiiii, relied tkit;l:fid"cir stifinCiV';!L Plirlld°Pte'driMile-‘°r't. 11164-'"dencinik4;,t4 "" Call- ii°!'initiratrlirnivt;inYfliii3l4/ milt : ' t h e . ~.for ..e,,,-- -:., „,,-., 'do r fehlo .„ ~,,' v e I°l tray - ,me i n n % t-t, e ff- ra'bonds44- '' of 7c-'.. e n; -- As - tr-:F . -,::- 4,,.,;.„ rd b eli eve - ~...__.- ......, t -4,,,,, , - ,,- - 1. J. 'P'"7:77" „ i . . ejaculation Your s foreve r , { "of diFill"! 1119r4 ; * 11 tt;e74 fly7al'af tit 146ing.le, P 4 P e - , ,1 , $ . 7, L.,,,,-, , .- .1, g• instk-greY zeue !!.l 4 :-:,'--,, .-, trhe Ite burning .1- • '-'- - r Nts'4lilinc• , A a ~,i„t he w ,•• can 51 . 1 .Aenle - TIT ~.....,,,-....- ~..- ~ --..- _,- ,- t --,- , quilit4•-a:, , ,, 5 - 1 , - .1' lActe.r islifeteereena 9 , ,- ~-, ,'.• - •v .. , i ' noire t P rec v.i ia l:ll. I.'' : i- r)lllh4L/71t.i. tril.:.ldii:;'geati,'6l-4.lttr-lt471127131:111:: . 1 7 . Les' . ;;the.'-°l : 7, " :: a w a l" i iii e,7 r iitnetliitig:m l or. ? I; .„. .. , , -.11 'ieiiiitlii ek - - - h'l Letite`-letv exPre 33, 9 -- ,„. ~„_ • !1 0 - ...,, • ; . fi 4-i• -.;,-, .s;Leht,t,, ill , * • I liit 1111 =PIM-. - -• -e'i-•-'-' 4411--- a;,•;heinir,,:dest°' ''''' - q a :bebyj,i.. pretty ..-. -• - --•-•„,...--- - 6 6 ,6,.: f1 es • 411)9r l-. ._tiiiii:3 believes - •••..' „„' •; to of a. dau It' A VII , 1, , , iii6o4s:eib?-..- .4, at l a ii .:i6 it" ite , lor V° •," -e-‘ •... ,• -- ' -- -a .-.- „,..1/ -c\'' --d"herlivols 1. - r • ' .ta • she -11 , , a °Ji ;Sin e , Illome. --I- .i iier,fotterst ---, i id no t ,keep me 4 „,., -,- , , ta r - •calt-she co R--., s- •- tierity,igiiii,.',„,rsil' .. I,', e ' will beliu . 4 . v , li i-46, - tea - i en, .- , mei teeei'lool-'”: e4;•-....t.J-3.4b.:-•----v; :1. ,tch'. § rrib ° .6- 1,,,, : ,-, '‘ ,. ..*-% - -• ^ f- ' Z '' ''''' ' - - . a " 7 is'' Tie knew theLtioyotoanisit 0: woinsn'S I. iiajt'lle:in4fiedi,liaattgrth. its - firta'-r_ -: ipiti t itise,its 'hiroiitifirsi'he lovOii% 15:..1 3 , 44*.firk . , i i r 4 04rs v : 4 1.,..,0i r - isi.- -, -.. i l feo l4 4 l 4 A ii t l i ik l,h4 :g °u g sCM; ' .aes 1 df....aa.ii 1 4400ii,, . jiii.*:4 o4 los ii3441104#01:410,1: 1.-*-.l.649iffita. ~.,.4if'.rimikoAr 1-14;i.,;1,.,4eii - it ~ h*iiiii.i.Voe6l hi a letter. of: her t atifit ;tiite46iiktit - ilk4n: is ,defariurs'ldr twito int '. l she = riiiiiit *Tim. old: retiie4:ses• Zliq4 l ); , Ni'ftitklol;* - 4 ' idvax.**4:A . : - i f grentlfol and k4ii *145 44 - :0 1 40 _,A l ittctt: had Oended with #4oiilisteliet: heA'1 , :,...... ,diniebtiof , #l2.:Efigfisit)dnglitttf: 4 ',.. 4 # 4 . 1 , , :: a \ tetlcl;o4ol l :44 l iniere4 bY th4!YIIK- 1 1k. -ea::' i;1 gliAktigitc://ilYi4 ,lili ahe ' hid - 1401i* 'We. ,the alphabeels,liy:ii fewr months; ~: i 'ate itiiinbliii : o44o o'nld:rendEngli t ',z, lii*" . ? be il, ;ii, iiii to tri,cC aloeinnd ,''' r.fiCp ***l;,•t , , 11 , iti(d 4. .40ne in literature, her wkli?r,i,' 4 ,ett . : :: '':,::' 44 permed changed ; she waslift* - Iftf • , ,::.. ' 5 ,, and, what* lierman 11 . 74 so '- fi Yo l oo' .fr Itey:, intelreitunl. • ,Visit btgoi c •l .. riO, 514; (Nir,lo,bo2ks4,itit**st ei4. ikg,4a . .- 11,..g 499 Y €o:lo4,!l.tift,,tA, eir - ,Cs',• • .., - fill ' Avtifr - teltiit cii**l4ll.4."Flitpacn . it e/. r •ifelsilFZ:itt,.lloitoOti - ififet*fer 'Aiello IA ' ,-•-., . e41.-p2 , .3Ai - n , ' , . , ..1 ,. .... ott) ei 60-51.t,.tr i .101k.iFfiri , ,,t4 :M,,t 019 •etli* 4 ;to4o4 o l4; i k f .ii4 f r i. , -1- dif t his ; 44.ooo4 o oo o *- ..-, -14 l if be) eZ " sat fi;4 4 1;046 74 ' *ieTityao9l, , , - .10c* ‘ 47 -' ib V 4' ti:t;:: 70 1 ,...!..iikF .) . , .*A!!: -. ;;Lci . 4;4 101tigi .. o .6filic44 nt ~ } l'm"- 131vit.:tiiiikli *iiii - itaiitheitt#V#ll4, - *Oiw piaevin: foilAiP:;freat,s#Oriolge " - .tiAr , Xya 4 - <, ... I'Llti g..4 - . - i i , air. . wan:.. Tel trite. aeries • •- esaary; ate:cat any. a 'so that thboaa e rang. c`_'.. .. , I- 1 - .-I.Ys! - 5 — .!.: , 2.'.'... :;..1,4-.-;;14'.:s;, , ~=k;y _ ^Y. , I ~ ~~.. EM;M salt 41" * l f / _~'.~~ tis'l" . 414,... 4 :. .....,.. -f'.-_ ?,--if , iti-za rai ....,_s, a~v' ~~~ - .i;>: I v ~.... '..i.. ~.: ~..,...y... ~...q....!; , • ^: - 71; IV