following'iri the occupations o the themberi of the 'House of. Aepresen • ,-.FARM ERS: Messrs. Atilthim,l Messrs. Atherton, - • Beale, • igier, Chandler, : - ' r Dengler • • - , Gwin, • Earns, . 1 : Hill, ." Hutehihson, : • • James, . • Kilgore, . \ Kingsley, • • Lancruster, • : .M'Kee, . Magee , . BieU° 11;11 1 1 i •McGrsnalutn, - Passmore - - -Totter, • , Richards, ' Rowe, Shaver, . - Thomas,: - 'Walker, ViTicklein; - • Hammer, Messrs. Aleiander, . _Nessus Biglelovi, Dennison, ° Foster, lEckanan, .Mellenger, Seltzer, - * - Mewl'. Appleton, Meagre.. Chamberlin,' • Chaim; - Cook, . Cowan, - Eyster, Gilmore, . Henderson, Hiestand, Relso, Knight, - ' • Lowret; • s ergean t, • • Strong, • '• 4 - Struthers, 'Wharton, Sehell--Speaker. .•- • , • • • LUUBERSIEN. % • Messrs. _Arnold, - Me.ssrs: Kilbourn, • . Mott. [TEACHERS. • I-. -Messrs: 11*, Messrs. Zerbey, . - (MERCHANTS. Messrs.-Beigatres4i, Messrs . Broek; Dunning, , Fretz, - - Herbert, - Ho‘lc, Pownali, Walton. , BRKOKERS.- Megani. 31.141 y, Maaars. Bryant. Mr. Campbell. CONTRACTORS. Collina,: - Messrs. Hagn, Scott; - Leech, SHOEMAKERS. - I ,Dieears: Detnens, 3lessra. Gabe, • ' . , EDITORS. 34ssra.,F1turlien, Messi r s, Hart; - Wil li am s. • _' HOTEL KEEPER. izAierr. . • CAAPEIsiTER. 7 -1 I,lr. 1-Ells., .„ IRON MASTEE. - • "ARTIg • . - . )IGere. • • . TAYLOR.. • . •• Mr. Piper. • • - .;. MILLER. • • . I Mi. Repel-. ( ! iAtUiACTIiiERS. TIN PLATEIt. Mr., Skinner: AGENT. GENTLEMAN. Mr. Wright.- A Srassar Pnixoattsps.—A most sin*, occurrence hatriing in our village and 'rail ity otaiit..l4 night, errather Saturday ntOrt ing last. . - The dity previous, had: been des and mild, md the evening closed hi starry:l ant cloudless.. At about 10 ;o'clock - the sky , be came overcast and unusual darkness prevailed, witich continued up to the time .thf the ocitir= . ranee, which was about' half past two. The phenomenon commenced 'with ":a heavy and • distant rumbling sound henenth,, sornbwhat - like distant thunder, except that it was!' more imotheredovhich- rapidly 'approached r aM3 in , _ creased 10 a climax, and then receded and died 't T, away. • The 'roar , as it approached' was inter- I s, mite& bv.onegrand explosion louder Um% the 1. • A • • loudest thunder, and by a-series of repOrtia.less l iv . ?.,1 loud and Vigil - caned ; the whole ending] with the the same heavy rumbling with Which om- ~„ minced. The only intelligent clescriptio thatitrui, can. be given of the sound as, that it Was I '91"; hie and appalling.. Many,i,whe were a ken-1 F u u ed by it from their prOiteunced on- .. k ! earthly.. From the , first; a tremlous-m tion I t: °- was commtmictited to the earth, aiming a rat.: nee ding. of the :: windows , which in ceased ; with " tile roar to such:an extent that t h e buildirigs I dent were violently shaken, - displacing furniture ruttling of dishes, be- „The Motion was, - - - ,s, ' cleat to cause the bell in the church to .liiittlers434 the mei . carpet o --- ' 1, don orworks owned - by cornpa r nies 'and man-1 ea, nine or ten times.: The Academy . tit l'; 1- and : eVe weauslscaltreeze of these lei: t . spri 'k Irv . its etiolness over all of us. 1 aged with prudence and : - economy , preclude i live- '-' i - - ..1 -' ' t • 9. 1 . also, though lower dime; and in' a posi ' l on tol 11 ' y v i , tlie iorninglConsal Rodney, depu•• • • the idea- and I tan see-but one wa . th f - 1 - The President alluded, to the action at t o be less affected by the vibratory Motiott of the 1 , 1 1 ~ 1 1 4. National Bridge, in. Mexico, which has ve y ter the oath, • eart h:, ,_ - . .- . tted ve4a no .s( la key to ;a d o sister ' • ...f -• . • '..1• .1 i f • -.*-•,- t c i • - ,_. lief can ever be obtaim.-o, and that is to sell I • Some who Werefitanding in their he Iles M i Ts• t town R ho t.• aek ro rt he (~ jembre, :teem). , i .i• , aptly been compared with Napoleon's pages e I nd forrer dispose of the whole parcel; lief the Bridge of LOdi..and in I 'the time of file shock,•say that in the . eight 1 p aed by rev , rat Al.rnerican gentlemen.- A .- of,it, it, it was quite imposaible to-standunassist- Ip e ut ride 0 threeU:4les brought' ua to the am hi-no means „certain that; that would be I' l :need of praise so publi cl y on a gallant soldier ed. In one instance a ihiraney was throWn ie t te• whei l e Er; 'Kink was residing,.ealled i best,' bid; like the urchin who pitched ,: he a d . he not only aid him simple justice, (as 3.lajor cliriva. -In stene and brick buildings t h e etr. i w Cumbre t (t egaaLk,) from l it* siOation on l and h r.- .••- •- - ' . -I Holden,- by riome oversight, was not 'mention eels into. the slouah am eatisfied that : 0 • • I el as he . hohld tiara betn, In the - official re . - rtt Tian greater and more threat* lie o ar I e culminaliti point of the hills that imtne-. 1 .i . ~„7 • sonr.....iing must. be did ," and that too before ` port ,) bu stowed forth, in, all its freshaess,the I ' villagers were:eve .where aroused anct Many ': - ia el ) . imri4m ', M imi - US. .- . .' rushed into, the -streets, each imp sing that e oath( 'w - admini feted: by Consul Rod- i long._ iThe peopie demand 'and m i n t have - re. 1 generosit , frankneSs,„ and kindly feelings. f his neighbor's hens° was being ov rtlirrn by i tie to -the Vic • Presid t ur-he was ready and i lief, frOm the enormous 'and - uunaturalhurthen I Qui distinguished President: In doing Maj i a gue ' v oi en fo xip l os i c i m , . ,•- - 1 waiting ourtar rat .:: I t e Voiante was brought I that i - restingupon ' them • _the - ' an • s hape of aI • . 1 1-1 Idea honor he but brought to mind his ou -a 'anguished SPlTicis Upba that-occasion. -In other plat:os,ls irecti4 the 1 lip the diior and Mi. . King stepped into it f s ,,, • ',, , i - shock add reports inetna'aitiritily or more Se- -I' m rdi. t° ri& into before the sun.. .'"' vbt - ' 'tad; besides this, each great Major 'Laden occupied . a Prominent . positi n were andlerrific.X.r..Calvin Wakefield} a tan- 'sh old -ti e t(I,o igh-t4 make it pleasant . . °T he linoni . - dependencies .attached to the gover4. i the gioriPus action that followed,•and whi II did man Of-. - tuidTubted* veracity; living Biome wh le caeidea e, consittin,, , of seine twelve to , . meat are eating out its.'very life They are i entuated - in - theeonqUest. of Biexieo. t oix' hill" eat' . of he e, ea ye . th t'th ' b k •, •,r,,ysa _ q s oc aft ' . Arlie:. can, gentleman, iinmediately I ,:rest moral cancers,drawing threw siverai stones - frolii hisallar te4-. l ea mounting old 'forming an escort arreund the - '.- 1- - The whole occurrence is saidkto hrie - fle es'„ a,cco panied.lthe Vice -President '4O of the goprninent, and . coverin g it over with - Since theiclose. of the when,' his rerri• - _- I to n. ._ .!- ._- _ . . corruihion. .Jtist_ imagine .onto that thTa teg. i Meat was disbanded,- war, iHarden ,la een' zr , . ,1„.,, ,- - . . ~ _ _ . A. t engaged in th e practice (if hisprofweion that stistir,, i irli , - truly fearful in that quitrier. Neiglibt rush: - °" ~,... , wi wildly to - distant • nisiglitions; to men diem,' , 4 ". .°"°_ I S ' e l in Win, seeking some friendly .- InP;0 1 1Y. ar "" ':;.'e "'Mit° prstectkiti; , . All concurred in , •lieviPg.that , of - • tnOnnq lit some dire 'o3pending evil th ' ed thcir sure I-, zMa• Ikle h destmelice rrirr rokiki is li- - 4ourild , '-us me 'l9 ...,,.,...„.•,-...,- • . - thi ' PZAlli inos wa4s. or 01..E.Ez,,-11OW long i t ii ii i tig: f at° , 'f eau onoTtwwwithout: sleep! This :questions foliglitthe go we have'fiever seen,iiiiwered: - - Enti An au- i n a l lif e r 1 - .. i -... theistic Communication has:haenathade .L° '" I ` he abo ve„ Dritish "met*, whose field of operatiimi-nre I(able disa gree lin Aaia, descriptive of a puntsinWrit which le lii ied a w;lt Peculiar to the'originid. coda of Phinsa It op- d ti ne d t a kki j ~pears, froth this communiestion, that a Chinese .-- - to liiiii I L ~ implant bad-'hei convicted of titurdeoing his ' - i Wife, Ind was sentenced - to die byliel4 total= Te dePOred'of the Pfleilege of pint to'ideep: This • gul ' and' ode f - * - we ar painfulen o qui ~I;a3t.i a art,Weilationes, was Carried' into e , Sri, at ,AMoy s tut*. the. fell - wiring . circus') ' 'The'cooderilied . wis pieced in' Prise =ruder. ‘1 the isriathiseof . the polka:guard, , -hu rt‘ -litivfed Sash - other 'evliy. alternate ~ , ' and • - who - 1 64 '040' 4 h o Prower fr (43 ! f.m 1 41/ 4616 °P , -f . ' -' fOr it single mOtsienti 2 nlgbt - or ~' - ) , ..4,-;1414-,the ...-- V aanisailiseemimmtst thitightk: • -_ ItOrering, Y.fidlifts 6 cruel Atilt Le` gyred = 17 'o4.thwithea. -to gni& h4n thelAelseed 0 . . •-• „ .' : - o:beinsi ' . it=als*sarieted,igoll.4 ...; ino - to lt; . .. a_ '-;jfitlfue4,--44rtred; - lihO -; h4 1 ,...Fir• 1 11/1 r - :with - . iinspoirgler;tki.iii:itto . . , yiofri .i., =iiiivielliffrieirblel4,o l 9v_.' . : tero l ll , oaddinfeo: : :-1 1 01:04fr l i* r:: 1 1* - -9 1 1 --.- dill lioniliif 41AulIt YOU cluur*Ciii BEIM •ThaiLarlgest Circulation in WOrtherP OesinSfivania--108a Co leo WOokir•. _ _ t.; B . • & E.:13 JEDr I O4- • • ....13 , ionrittost:,', A Ir.ilkl ..7,411553. •-• re r 7 Serrnera Esq.. wh P the', re . Len def 17 I ins' 1851, w also . pa Ivery la eompani t our Sta ThdProlliibitory'ttquiji Bill. Satur ay last alnotion tAs made I le make 'the prohibitoryo liquor' Bill lier special : o: der for 3,10 ay last, which wais lost by a vote ,of 27 to 4.. It has now, got iir late in the-Ses sion th A in all probability it I's vote puts an end to hte qiiestion fiii-thip ISasion. .It cln , t . 1 • i hol; lie. tgarded as a test vl)t!e on the qu'estion: t itself,' r'we - oliserve soirui toting for the:mo t 1 tierr.wbom'We inoWw to bk OppoSed to, the' ii 4 , • I law, w Ile; others-w.hoin Nt9 ; kpow to be in 'fa_ 1 vor of i voted-in theegi4iVe. 'l Considerathrs '.conned d with ot ' ii Bit+ 'pending, in which i p taembe felt ape JOnal ititereSt, undoubtedly' control ed -this'inixing up ~.,.t. votes:. We. were in hope that tins question ;wouldld have been 7 dispos of, in some way •tsi take_•tite matter out of ' olitics. 11'e.beli6b that this. „great I. . moral übjeef,' like ,all other,- such,., will suffer 1 1 bY2bei 7 kept in \ the Poliiiiial urena.• Wh le. .. 1 tlere, i becomes the pre4 of yicious and e -1 signin ,demagogues; and all that" is- pure acid good a _d - moral about it, is:pprverted, corrupt . • . ed and emoralized.' It orieiateS precisely with 1 this q estion as it wouldlbould any sect in re , ligtoni t ,or the pure and perlect principles of re ligion Nell be thrown laid the political arena li' l '' lin 'opinions . - r for pod ma purpose& =these we , 7, ' i beiiev 'We are stistainedby the large majority .-." ~ - 1,0 ravur via ofrooo tho llw' C)f 63t th" 4 I' til! u''e t' all nnib : • .We r '77retth‘utli t it? ,q sle u i t., . dispos ". of in soma way! by- - the I resent. Leg- , i ishitur ,in order tl. its' criiiection svith po• ' . litical fairs inight_be ended. ' ' - • 1 •• Th:.follola - ing is the tote: . ' ~ '3l rS. Appleten, Bair, Beale, Chamberlin, • , Chan cii Clia',..Cowati, E)-ster, Gwin, limn . loser, rris t lill;f& - ianiclrs, 'helso;Kilgore,Kin- Inear, ncastet„3l.*Conneli, 3l'Donald,-ll'..Gra ham, wire; Possmore, Porter, Raney, Shaver, iar tTorh . t, Waller—Yet:4' i 7, srs.(An erson, At It rton, Barton, Berg- E i . 1 stres r,BeyeT ) Bigelow, roch,Brysint,Cautp. . 1 ~,. bell, caters, tingler, D 'ninon, Dunning,Ely, - l a ,Flani 'en,•Fretz, ' illiuot•ci Ibtil,lleibert,-Hics „,) tand, Hill,: UcKi ~- -Ho'-ii, , , ..Kiibourp, Knight, I i , :i Laiir: , Lowry, 3,1' "ce,ltleany,ltfellinr4ir, 31:1 c s. 1 Rubi atn, Sel zer Skinnet, Strong, Stroliter , i, Tnyf r, Thou -s,lWatetbury, Wharton,Wick ielein, Villiam , 44bey, 4 1 -=-Nays, 44. , I . • .t - • ,1 --So the . que Jon was determined 14 the .neg - - 1 'i 11 - ' .1 ativ .. •-; '1 , • - . _ Yost, I I : ' 'so Ngisr ' ; ' o ß f la tee ' t q 1)1k ilie : Olio ja I re ,triti , _ .telleei VG . e mind. . -71 is nig 1 -:..111.,14, Oe tialadv. ab i di th'a Se r Linusslof i ihrou:s.,- .. 1 0i m. I t tlito Stski,i t ivi — i r olio of thelo IZPOrtelfli;i] • . ' . -..- ocratio; Not a tions . I ' . -', ,- t .-- 7 -- . : !-- • I 1 . t cANAL . domussxNFt ine; . t 'e. liL•Ferytk. - Of Phila4elphia qopt4y..[ 1 , 1 ' ' ------ il. i• i - A. . ITOlt GE.tiT.R.AIL, , ; . - 1 1. - .. - . • Ep a i m 'Bank% i ' -- - 1 ‘ • 0 Mifliin, County.'i ; • "sr 'EYOR .GEERIAL; : .. Porter Brawler- • -: Of drawtord Conrtyo:..•;•; . - ' e are requested latektte tgat - Ifie n . the dea....h of Josk,* T. '!,..tcliAntr;t,.l eh'was annettnte a d _e l -be prpached in bytriin Chtitrh exit Sabbath, has . • *Ted -Until. Sabbath afternoonof the = . he Bill repealing i he 9auge la* - of rich p'aiised the SL, pomp days ago, -ed the-I:louse:on Wbuisday last by a • t 1' •ge =mutierity. lepablen railroad ,a to build:foada of I ;ank.width within ' t 1... . ' • • I 7 into resitl., Ont. Sworn to Offide; • • , , Mantianzas published in the icapine; ,. ..o.:cs - au account of .I,thei N . ice President of the, om nbieb we eitraet, the . fol- 1 t inie in - the. history of the• e, in eh4siin by the, people Or of hOnor taken the oath of ,of land; William Rufus King ini,t.; 'worn in as Vice rest= .11 Stz 4s at the C'umbre near e day I f !as a most beautiful ue ik..Of,the tropics overocr . Id , t it of Cuba beneath our Vice . , 'otter 1 • nil 1 Oilcans .. P 1 iiwearloglin 0 Stat 1 .. • 1 g - . 1 ?or the rst 10.ha.4 th ... econd:p . , st I f 4... a: forewit ontlio th of the .iii. tanzas:* , TI tho c! it b "10,- t 3ratitanias on the same day 014 'C,hartrain, in the paitido ht +Veen 'miles hum th .sivery poor, and ne one : : see patients - with pulmonary . ellinat`o but knows fie-cannot .g. thci old statesman vie WS his ith ezilmnesi, as one' who lu,Ls d fight had will lay. hold lit gter- COUtd. 11 lit is 4-011 p... 88 rer - witifi thew btatemeat e t i pitt i tW4 I 4) 'lake; that Mr. King, had, ihe . ba,th of,office, when pro. .CU-tund. FORE; ; R.V. Pr *l",,er...Charles • ;'0 i eie - ipuaty; the te ti .!:or% dilth is mpOke .- f - 4f every: 41 . titiiii.' .' , Gin . .,Bigi.Or;.* : 44. 1 04'.bi5 . : 1 0 1, ' - 1 - P(**4 - . - - •. Fi-seAqseicittjaisli ,r? .. 4',04*,,_:, 1 O.: caster . Into liiii** : "f3,* . ii e •fit..00„in7:444,:::;,;• ,-- t •:- I, 10.1)eriP.P. - •thili .P# :000 -. oii'd ,--., - itil'it i oiiiiiir - itir,!i*f: writer 14'•*Oitte4titi•'&1.1 enis44, ';iisiiiM7 l 4 expoi44pe in Peon , : 4a,4010 , 44 - zes4lri•rneAoiste of ,af f rre ,'' . .9ovillii o let, -. 44 - sine : 417iv . 4, - Ilitlittate 'fri'o 4' - and - jkar42, 4*iii-141t.lie:w* viell4Ohii4led . ' "jl4ll-: -:•':'4 l.. 'P l * I . '...'. -0" - • "7.:: ii . C.O lO-, . - i al* i:77.144.434itie 7 4fiii*. - . isi: - .l#. -114411Pitatir - ;--'..- , :..1 . : , ...- --, ! --. i. ,- .:.:: -. . ,. .: . ..,.. ;....,...-:',., , r1.: ti . , - . .,,,.. : i.::.,:! -..,:-•:.-.•..,_,, , J: : --...: - . - If-,-.'::..,_-:: ,,::::•..-,::--4'.-'1'.',..-:".-',' Editorial CorrelmOndenee.' 6...-i-----------The -------7-------7-771 great difficulty is, that, therel. ja ,11 9• 11 ‘ 4 ,1 a breath . ' $ .;,...(-, • - • . . _ - to stop an take - ! upp.oaofeeins e 1 •- • ' HOus itariasatrr attviss • that we become Satisfiedtlia t the w.Po , . ' - '• .-- A . ril - 4,4813.. : S.. Road will no more than {veep : i t s elfi n lelir i a d • ‘--,' 4 1 .on • t 'de • a • __. Dear Deviocrat :.--,41 bath.--the re is some. after it,shill `he' ~, or , 1 - H • th piosPect; of as , adjournme t. • ;T he _Senate that: Shall. We go on, Or! shall - ) we .stop and iof passed a resolution fixing a'w k frorato- mar . . _.„ lose the hundreds of thetnda - a l lready alwen...iTil row .. as,-Lthough,to - TY WI it i s C x- deal, Thus jt has l 'ofteri been. *lioS4. °ll 2' 6 ' l ceedingly doubtful whether that tirlie wil t not . been induced -tO 'embark- in sline visionary th have to be extended h weekor so. :1 to -havoi project , .: _, get_ into_sitrtrouble with the Appropr . tion i• and, a uiseavery of its charaetsrhas ; - 0 (twee made :too late to save it film an xpen. I Bill. 'Week before last, while that section of diture large enough .to i induce a _still rget I'w the Bill appropriating to • the Allegheny Pot . one in the hope of savingthe filet. Wllettlev t .. age Rail, Road, for . the avoidance :of the in -..- L'„ierested partici have .cVer had ;111111111g to I dined plane's, was under . discussion, serious , 'do, . ith •eeiting the State in such llamas oth; 6 charges of fraud and gross expenditure were . ; •;era ca • *udge as well ' as 1. , The. .factsl - exist, R boldly made on the floor; which finelly.lied i to , ( the appciintment of a Committee by. a ,_ f! , eo a.. : Ina are o. (tailing out the I s -pry v3Mlity o pres 7 e! perity, toge her with all its elements, n this titin of the. llOuse, instructed to preeped at .. unfortunate mrnonWeelth. I ';. .-.. '.: . once " . to the mountains," for the purposes of•- , A Billtn -., I - corp ating the Villiiko-of uglue - 1 .. Investigation and :discovery. • So the AF pr'?- Bill yes.hungup for the pzresient, haspassed both Houses. Wh .her it I t i off We atarted. 1: At the foot of the mo u ntains , i P 4 7 4 lh o stn i,s n l a , into. a Bornugh - ,ltnider the gene . I Act ii; Harris- , 4 .,_ will •reeelie- the signature of the Gov rtior I 1 ‘, One hundred and forty allies burg, We .were „joine th .. next morning by . . ' ' 41 — ar— . cannot tell. Byincerporating it unller the i general law, he admitted to Me in converse. ; the Governor, Canal Coo missioners and most . two, that hi - sAtrincipni objectien to the ,first of the heads of Pepe meet. Sometimes on a Bill was done away"; that is, that eveky.ilior wood car, se4netin s on a locomotive, some : ? ough may have, by Stieeial legtslationl differ , times on hors iack, and often on* foot, we f.ent laws, and thus tira eitizenslof one county then procte . . to explore. the "Alleghenies.-- , i be goveined by a dozenor.lll4e different mu- At - the ".; euntainhoUse" it was voted' that 1 . should lay behind use mkt of rear, guard tql nicipal chdeS; if s o many BoroUghs Vappen to i I be Within its bounds. • The Act that h i es pass pro et: the - sich and w ou nded, Which o Yinyi very willingtp - aceept, thoogh it dep ili r e ive e di ecl IS contained .in' a . feW.liiieS, simpil declar ino_of seeing some' Of the shows. . We return- 1 bounds, fucerpe edithe:third day, and have been in: session cc _ i irnattehdeevieidiaergethwe•lgtheninerfaelkaßorinengh. law. of '5l, I . A (try' , possible 'moment of the . time sine(, and.niaking the .. neeeasery previsionsi:for •the we could got out of the House. lhe invest s oroanizationi in May Peit. The veto I made , a great st,a en g . , .- gatiun ought`to,haveheen coramen r _e- earlier,!! i t. .tt n amorio the Berough Rills on the files, most a whiti•havo been dropped en- for new it must needs. be ithperft.‘et and hut. tiro , ; a f.av juici n g_ een changed at' the re ried, in.:order that the report may he gat _into ! 41 - the House in time for action. . - . ~ neL. ' of - those iniefe4ed, rotas to cori t e under . . /• the general Act, . ~. i t 1 •What the investibration will result in,'„of . • course lam not yet, at liberty to -expres. any The public printing ofithit ; State t alas 10t7. Hamilton, f •ted last Thursday till .A. Boyd Or [oeinion ;* tut this:l can say, that, so far; it hasl • ; merly• printer to Congress: . ,It was bi at 1 otily confirmed ma more strongly opi In " - nit)risl rates about one half the price of prinei's, wa- Llono entertained, that the" Whele • internal im- Ir ' es f o r simp l y- sitting the type. Howl thecon.: proVement policy• of Pennsylvania is radically' tractor can live -at Saelt, rates,. Wit cunt only `wwrono and is depressing, like a n incubus, the C' -: .., • . . , ; 1 1 • rong g ues. , • • • I • - • 1 • I l.purity of the government and the energies and I•notieed in the galtimore Sun- lust week, 1 interests of the people. Milliods on - millions umen. , have . been and ' are being poured into -these ether deaths la California, that of Mt. 4tielia 4 rds. of your: plaCe.' I must. confess .it deep mountain gorges, or: thrown into bottom 1, threWn chill of sadness over me, at finding lesseantds, till evert- energy of the Common:. I!. . . such a melancholy and.nnexPected:annonnee wealth is strained to its *utmost to make the i• meat i paper.,.throya carelessly b ef b re me , Treasury- Meet year, with year. - When we are ever to :ice these rash expenditures return - Poor I an! what mu St he hot have suffered in i oy a min ,$) .. again to the State,-- 7 or mow a nybody- ' can ib d • d • d nee I sa* him 'kiss those lit hope even that they:wa be returned, and re ' t i e ` ones, who /hardly, seemed to . understand . • • • what,lt meant, as they Were.`glthered, deound lease the State from the bondligo' incurred. on the S their -account•is more than reee divine. _One Stags to bid lkitn gong) " bye," but a fen * portion is no more than completed before an 4months ;tie. I recollect remarking to n friend • ether-portion is worn ont, end the value of tiler h th a e s n p , r t a t li . e was going away to die, end so it . Far front-14 father.,land,far conc is required to stop the rents in the othert. t fromitheso•arotind whom the etrengest affee lilie main line of the Canal is almest destroy, : t. ons • . ofht .s h ea rt cl us t ere d , ed.hv : the completion of the Peonsylvapia rail-1's journey, and sank (114 n into the earth• road, running side by siv, - its whom 1.-,, , ,t,,.. under : the crushing %fel:ga l a the hand of while while it cannot , be denied that the Columbia ltteath ' ' '. . ' -'' . - • ' and'Phaadelpnia R..-til Road is . .the only work I have written this letter intherajdst pf the of the State that.saves it frent bankruptcy., I . , liavenot- the least doubt that the State -of i Utmost Confusien, and.seardel7 know . what' it contains. .If vim and. your Tellers ean cypher I Penn.syilvania; ;vith all her boasted greatness, . lit outiyou williive ovideoCe of more patience and resenrens. would is six months be obliged 1 than I hare, forit will go Withent beina even L to repudiate, or borrow money for the expen= i i read °verbs , we. 1 -Thine, -- .i. n. c; ses of the g,overinent,i.l woia it not `for thi s r - -7 .:--".../'ll"t"-7-- I ' seventy or eighty miles of road, and eVenthnt I : .. presi d ent Pierce in the: _Mexican is.verffastheing worn out. A large amount, i 'of raon Mlle. be expended there the coming'. .„„ •„ ..„ . i . • . tae Jobstore rost says: : . 'lf .anything ,could season , to keep it in Wien decent repair. At i brin e a t n om I .e. o f shame oh the Cheeks . of thos lekm . a. 'llion of.- dollara will be required to ' IPartian.hacks! who :impug ed the- military ,completo the Allegheny' Portage- Road over . exico it Would ' !the mountains, ••and n early a half million to ivilletteonfts.G.e..n•aeal Pieroj 6 . Bite he following: ' - 1 , 'Templet° the North Branch. - Where is this' . • - erottitheNatioast liitelliseneer. 1 money to come . froin'l It is . not in the Treas. : INTERESTYNG • INCIDENT. , I . ury nor will, it .be: Shall _:ire increase the I , . . weW On.ednea l day 'last; the :Missourians Ito% State debt, by borrowing it, or shall' we leave the city; fiata visit ; te the President, ee . 1 those works to be completed by deirees,wh-ile were introdeCe_ by. their talented representa; the interest .cif what hasheen expended `shad John S. Phelps. I , • - I tive, Maje r , • eat up the principal 1 ., For one, I say ne.fue; Each one Was introduced "by.` name. `'her % i Major N. Bvilolden, formerly of . the 13th in• Cher fasjiase of the State debt, for - I hare nii i i fantry, and reiti-ef Johnson county, Missouri, confidence in the .prophecies . that ,a few- years ,wasr Holden esent , eNte d l . :r i c e s ss id n o tn i cl o tnZ a ‘l b ia will repay it. f r om , ihe works themselves . , They `,. can never do it. In the first place they cost '"1 ]or . rr men nevi;rtrod:shoe 1 stiles., . Holden,* . were in - a narrow read.when we were last to too much, and in the next place they cannot be' *ether. Caine and seeMe, - Heiden; don t managed. It is idle to talk pf managing this i leave the city without co m ing to see. T!. . ~ compliented system b d y o ffi cers and -agents. 0 a modest 111111, IVLS eve - The ; Major, being . _ :. . .. .. having no personal and pecuniary interest in • whelmed by • encti ,a handsome compiim . en , t tears stood ie his ' eyes; "and we, ids, frier' , them,..Bl).2,SitO, make • them' productive .us A ,I'who accomPtuaiettliim, pit at le Ist ten fe t source ofrevenue. - The rivalry and conipOli- 1 taller.. The commendation - was welliiiere. - --4 ed; forno bra:ver man. than Holden eVer. did jointure . had nothing to 'do but meet and . paskt lOf a rawyer ;in lohuston C6unty, ouri, ik i. . what fey/Magi, laws were needed by the i represented l his county with' +inn ir,stied ahil. State from year to.lyear, and an -Appropriation li)? in the legislature of 3tissoun, which tril sp saa iu etorn hilted its sessiOn• • '- ' whati erct i B i y -ill o t i; : c c e o rs 7r o f tli g il o fix 7ern eil m eal en ari t, ".°th a c . n d - fr e- T - s As slis'seurians, we, feel deepli , .ea, fern! to 1 the l'resideut fur 'his just laudation of. 4 V state of thing s would be • witnesse4, ' and •W- t much esteemed land beloved..fellow citizen : . .. ii great ' rin .prosperous • Commonwealt h ;we., should occasion ever, require. hlissouri.sigai 'would see.! takittion Would be s thing al-I send forth barrens to the field ar•hattle, . r r• i __.... the , ..- and • .• • iliolden will be foun d to the 'vim' -I • ' I m ea t unheard ..o ;a w , purity surtplau. • .1 1 i v th e de ' t bea proverb '''' i ' .' I f -- '° f - "' Time '', b w ritt % ah - l a fit b . accuma - la:: Now l this very . laffair nt thel .. Nationalllri . g But, tiow ! even' Year a _ _ was one 'Of those events that wore sneer ,la t'en oit expenditure, With scarcely itjeasone• 1 - :... -.-, l ' - - ble hew, of relnrn, - and every seision .of the 1 - - 1- d ' tit ia : that G ;1 Pi 4 1 • t = - - . • I solar :to, . °mous _, i . ensra 7 L [ Le i iisl i atuffii bat de'Velves_still more. giaring , ., I was not in one. action in licaico: 1, and ntineeeitisary outlays of money drawn fon% - .. 1 the industry: of tbe - State4". One misstep but- . A D A3G l Ego i r gi p RAc cg ...,.0 n Ftio ns p 6 [paves the,wey for another; inthe vain hope of. list, the fOolali- Of ~Williaul B. 'Alvan, 2 ' ' ' ndlitg tie firat. ' The s e ' .things must - stepi we awakened hy the lily a fire . isft,uing ..a Ule . '"- • , ' ' I - ed bonofMr is apprent c ot '-'-- '' k '' d - ileaven: only , - knows - where Ia- ro om egFuln_ -Y _ .. . •- :, oetae!v ere , an 1 - • -'I It appearslthat - tho to , had taker aleandle mil they *ill land the State befare they, ar il -T 6 nt li+ekit id, a befit-jack Illiisii tm-PlF•ed 'be WI the stopping- Point: i-- := --•- -' • .-= - : i thelpillow; for.the purpose of reading e :With. the Columbia 4i20 Road, L'aboaid I reading time he Tell asleep: end the have Included thU Delswuro liyisionpt Caßl_ l lll4 l le.fallinfi.e t; 4e-fire,'t6.'lli° bed - clothe • , .aa. ' cents e. on the cost of 'the did illg as Pi7lara fair-'per "•• g- -.:- ,,, hand. It w with . ;root diiricoltir'.:the # Construction:, ~,: ',, •:. • • •'- --- •"-- • - made' flames *lra PrOptitelifto..lo , _,Sealling;7, - !i -t awake untit-the' fi re burn In Sobie'ausOgeine!ita n r st - .nd ' A l i. " :,___ ' a deagetrill#t to ilid-a I P-la 04 4F ° stance ,tg 0414E:iitnifietlaii - of theliartA _ : , ems ' iiiiiiillOd ~ 41 ',WIttitii - Bght litsi:, ...? thi- - i*ti ee l piericiindr'NSibeii :tiiiii:'idiili le 'ikkok.#l, If. MitTreiltiently, l iiii l ni l e t paylo i ii ittie-- to t 1 bii. l s itnitet:-1., ~ - . sird , filli 4 rcAdist n 'fore iim KI . • , -. • . --= ~ -. ....,. 7 1151111 --, Alettnesrlvilifi Le • -la . 11 1 ' 4 ' l t: HaMSb . _,Marc i'l.l. I , 1 .: 1: .• t - _."'• i AETIATE. , r 4 M. Slifer : on - eject - A reisolu on,:wlii. loped , giuthoiiiiiit the Gayerrior :agovernor and epibeys °tithe Leil ' aryland,l, and 4 Mayoi. Fund City Is ' f Baltitnoiei 'irisit • Ilatrlsburg, ae, is of the ~ : State; 1 fr. Evank olftllre;diti. resolatimt ..itist to 'tinnaitteoroli Finance. tti. report a I tb ale of tliehiiiblio %toils of the . Six , e rOsolutliin,jafter panijitreralrila .le4adiptett-,y'Fai 21,-naysl4o. , •- ' [r.' 1 . : t f • 1 . 1 ' -, •- r - 1 1 ;P 5E. if . . 31 .. ,- ho lions° on 'motion ofil o, -up the billlfroni the Sen i road; Gaukd Lia''W and r ) mated on Corporations. 1 I 1 EIMES3 The,Senate , on miotion (4 . iielfproieeded 'to the conaide 1) ," lutien prO,Vidinti for a fie at Le;giitatuie on :.Tueoa, i w ' leli.waa debatta and patia4 file *nate, 11€1,0;on.tuotb to r k upl in Coentnitteo.of t ' 1 e. 7 euditiff theLprONisions of fa' tisrin',lr t law .- 4to mining op 1 ( 1 , be bill after apute. debt', 4I anti at.s: then ,psstpcni ' '. ': t i.- 1 NOUSE. kAII SO A fter • _ 011 s om e, ess, took u P. on . tilt:lion u‘nt•reiolutina from the , he Got;ernoi, to invite the r irs oflthe, Vegialature of i. .4-ee:lnd:Gill-Councils 1 1 t i s i l a r r . ri: R :b ub it i r e ,l lti !tts re :i a n d e i_._ g n ue p s i.. v tieh,-after debate, wee' a • rate the Pennsylvania I lots 'and feeble-minded e t i ~ ' 1• ' . . iI; = _ , ~ • , I •,, - .. ,sv....axx i •51r. Quicrirle Moved to,: t t on.toi provide for submiti - Prehibitoti liquor law .' i - , t I ia- • .1.. - Mr.lialdeman opposed t f time, and- , - .k!d the y 4 follows': .. ' il. X-Lis--stesirs.;,Barne_l. Perot)), 1 arsie; Evans, I F'rivir, 11 firtui V IlOge.i.slTarland.,lsl'Mur le, Qui .i .i i riAo* SariderSon, Skin ler,.. Slid. .Speaker-1 4 1 , . 1 Nats---111i.-ssrs., Bai ' ly, tuckaleit on, _Fry,' G,4idivin, llald an, 4* drieks; Kinzer, Kunkel,s_,ltpasligo The bill lieirig beforeytheSenate .tee of the wttole.! ' ' tl• - , '',Mr.',- Bueltleltv;express`ed his wil et, thh.bill ro,t4 through itunatittee ddreiss the • Senate on tit I object xi p 'on secelp ieadini.- he preen] was not ra re nor less than an tk gainSt thii I.censtitutionl bf.the St .said . in eflikl; that the framers_ of ment; did . not knew.vil they wi did net :tuiderStand their busin ;was Infiniti:. y re opp.esed to . tii i i r,a - o than' he eve - Iti be, to , a V' I ena fir tory law,it once. ~,. ~ ~..„ - . : After sciMeibrief-into ogateric tweet the SP'eaker and liessrs..( ans atol Kunkel, the re o lotion, 1 tuttti-e wii r lHt, i...,.....1.1 nt, n• 11 r by f.t.'enerar'COTlSth: .1 1 -', Mr.. Darlington owl true,- reps to incorporate the: - villaf4 erSusil pOtinto it!:berbugh ; mg' relativ election district's; whiel 1 On motion of. Ni.. Bur 1 1Y.itikert P ab# Passadl : ~ 1 rl . . Woofir. Mr. RaUtyl I reported, hillio refdr the qttestio a prehiblierYl'liquor la. pied i l ':• 1 - ' . Mr."uhasereplitited t repealing the Railroad , • Mr. Phifs4 presentee several tliniand eitize other coil' tios4 in 'fay° aef i givihki tq kitici . .., 0 l c in• Certain ,rirninal vas ' "i t",' I• J • ' ', i l . 1 ", 1 • ' • - 4 ' 1 1 ' 1..- - ics E. The hill to- incerpo i te-the, Company was taken It, on I. Daimler; '9oiNiClqied 1 d passedi 1, .. TTLE'STXT PRINTIIi ; i . The_ . ,• " ' I* I ...; bet-alit:if 12 o'el ek.havi • arrived,. P''-,-Itherftiftrembers f the S ate- were ti t. treduced . n provided • vith seat end tbe - c vetitiuu_ two floi(ses bei; rr . therCord n tied, pte i deetle4 to :opeit the pro tisat for e• eating tlni Public Pr htincr ,of ,1.14., State.: fur elc three yen from the Ist ;of 51- y,next ) r,t . cc ' , the aet.'of, embly. :. .1 .-;• I i : l'her4 ;Were 35 se . crate . proposals for .;the i el Eng,fish print:mg, whi it, effort e examination lof all the bids, was,al,etted to :Boyd Hatnit ton, 'at ,7t) i-Itittiper 4nt„ bele `: the 'ii the ActiF .. . 1, . - ~..- . 2, ,, . ,-• ' . I , The German printi wain o. awarde 1 I A.llloyd Itatailton, tit 3'1%46 ' er. cent.. be o+ 1 thiyestliliNhd priee,,i' . , ...1 it I 'The Convention , o ' motion, djounted; i . the.-meinber*of the nate i . red. ' - l'henett Vadjoure td. „• - . :' '.,lArriUts 's Szsito .-z-The.ll bled itt , 3"o' look • -and i resumed . flea of the ill repea n(r the 1 1; I,,aw: r - , -.1 • -, - ' ;'-' r , •IThc*Mendment o Mr. ilil .. r cepting. the county o rte froii l' of the' hill, was furtii• debate: I A The ,bill.was then issed' ft 11 ntsyslB i 4.. - - i' • -: il,'lTheAlotiie thereupon ruljo inctl..,:, a.. I,- ;I, .I.' . 1 ''-. - •.. ' ' , :Aril; lilt . if ~...-; .1 ..: I .‘ •'- ~ : H I Thl ; S . .enalc, lifter , tee • uni tpo . rtent. lousi i! [ am, t iSkUP the billite incor ease the ,214dek, 1 s ' Omani' llibil'afid Ct/ittl :Com 'nY,:WhieliWaa I censidked and 'Pais' finally. ;' -. T - 3 -1,, l:: „„ l'he',lSenata.proce eds to, t "*,special . rden of the day,lt r eing . the .resolutio a "referrin ,the' qbeati, Wpf i lthe•enac tient of Prebibitti iliq.' , l t.i i per la ltit I - vote-Pt he'peepl .1.- - :,. - ..1 . ': - 1 ....•:1 t- 'I Mr.:' aldenianim veil to po tpone,!. the tnai:i ir I ter judOnitely,whi h: es les --!,. ,1. 1. 9144, - / 4. 'a-1 1 1'• •:- ~-• '...• i •.--T _ . , Ir, r , - , - 4 . .. .'-, • ~ '.... .' , l re t ,0 ,j• •The fpktmt : wm" bstpbtted for:the - 0 int, l it it - 1 1 Tliti Sedate then f)ott uk - to bill.:, tie the' /14 0 , 4 , 4 4 fpid'iidind t -- they : inbtamithinen :iiiri - I f ieh c i f ‘ - ti • l '` f'd '' '. ' ' `role po . oet e tratn e. t tette„.. - fled - f , rei_txtindet clitdreri, w it hl watt dlicitai - tOitiSotriii ttlln't l i, , [*i4:fikoly reried:o 'titi f :eetti4tittie a' c ilha#o. -".- I ' '.' '' • - ,' ,2 ' , .`; . 1-`>,-"ri C.: l ', . 1 ; 43, r- ' 1 f 1 il'il '''..' '. l'• ---- "... ,-.- ''' , ... ) - 2 J--"'-',l-I,'' • The lioivr 0 •000, 0 te eqnsi, 4 iorpootii 6 Pent ifor: Tpti iktid Feel • liir:eutAeantiadliheettiCth .. iprop,riatlon in aid et the obj Id i Savona- 6meodaidits - wen) id 1 and the 411 plissodpally. at . I IdrPetinbiepici acti 4VI D- orizeNho'oimitittee,'appoiuto id ito inyekhOte the ,`. antler of as l'olitiiitßiioowi : - .. d, sub is bid . tiiitiOilsiiiie'" , ':3::.f. rot If thilllthidlioeiii " i 1 :''ll. .' r 1,..- .; -..4A 1 ,** 0 '*o -- '' • _ ....j. i t trt tist:Wp. prilt: _ • '. L .',... ~: 11441 1 i1V100..' 1 -!'......t1 . 1 -,t? . Z2; - :.:* i.e,-...'.44.9. ISIMMME , ,-------------- --, - E 4 --- ig- u> th e . l; ; lds 'tk i la o con , tric:i.4tOrie- s r,Th i ii . il ' i li ii(i * ic. 4;si t tliiii, ,.„. , ; - ;::_iff nisd vie €4`. .__,,. meat - use& OIL e Alle g h e ny and : Por t a g e • ;. The ;_ el 4, : . ,gery, ...the• tk Relliond.. " ':_.:.' ' ' :'' ' . _ •• .E ~-_ .. E. .--..- -1 ' ~ ....3 -. ~--.. -.-- -:. .. .-. a . , '-, , . r,oetal an account ot-zne%examination la A T : - • h eE Motion „was *grew, - LO. - .. ,-,.• s, 1 „ : J I , -- .- , .-,,; ty ; •J ~•, . .)tr,,,,, 1,-; ••.,„ , ,-... •• • •,•-• ~,, , ~ .„ • f'Tbe resolution is auliedtd was - _ L theki r.isclep.. -th...s . Pg; and iker. • ITIPPY- of Mi1". 3 ,4; tw , , te(L ''-',.• ':: " ' 7 . , `. ' - . - '1 c- :, ~ .i0) 1 7 11 ), :g ttle\ pt!ietite,:guilt. ',E , §prin_ is forty; -bill regulatini. the - salaries of Ass_ej-.,forii:*- - "Otage,,akri'llatiiii * of t re l i iii., Th.: t or q C as 1 ...,.. 1 ' ' '':fE- -.-- - - '- i ---- , , .- I • vizs pryite ji Mare Ole fa;ber ing , a Piece;.iff ,leadettpipo:Oitl'aeij -.- Olti:ti C thotlthinstenti, indlied - tholOnli I , . rusticip qas attempt to rob - . On, the night of, i The case . o f . 'spring A g ai n - ' t he ' !nu - er , tho Patlill'!!44!Pt4',s44'o ll . lg Otit Lint ' I ' - - ' '--' 1 anerm 4: - We coPy " incontittnition &ill time - t IThe4pplication fora new Arial' In the ass t.. ..„..,-- -. .. • . -,'; I '-.,- ., ~..- .i. of SPiing, tiase&on the substitution of a Ise 1 . t'euge -.:.,„ '- •' -- _,.. .":1 ? . :.-•., .:".f - .....' -.:,-, s.:-'_',.'". - L':- - .1-,..,-... j4vrnan for the:real One,,is:one . of the c41.1-. " .Afte : returning home, ;at abont.i4o4,e, - .. extraordinary. proceedings; eilMaideringtheeirl 0: o'cloCli, he opened thelctCk-deor,:ctf heart ; ,otinstancesohat yve 'reinember'.'in. comic ,o n log it rapping and saw' hto''ilittier , `. WitKhls -- ...," , w rb' publiCinstice. For. it is . n otorious hat l'ehoint ahiahhtifV -- Ife - -*tiii iii - , - 04.gOiellti , . tlie 'prisoner's Counsel; ivhe now 'elm s fer:: Sena fumber.e,f; tWenfkand,ten`dellai-gaid., "1 iviard to ask thonew trial, has openly C n °si r ) pieees telliiigbina to put thitii:aNiii- -- ,He then. •-...., alliehelief in Spring'S -geilt. 7 ." Yek.,t, 4. dkol toahlsTi°ll•l".4l4*""4o4, .'"-: TiOrari,* - thOith: convinced. of the.justic. o the l'womet,'Mut had '-taketi . llo-ItnoneYlreln': ll lts."Y. - "'. 1 kite Verdiet,ial%villing to avail " biros& f- inkt tycielis" , trunk:. -..-I' ''.:!/ -1...: ' :' 6- ''- i -'; ' -' : . :: ' ,': :: : ;! :;:i. ‘ . ' -' ' ' ' ' 4 , ' , : ' •; :f ikr,ealli Inik - a l quibble in order to ch a the ~. la nneWer , to -hie 10,illtk enquiries; . th er'fathsr.- -- ISw,,;(if the meat abattiotted rutlian,, r w b., hie told kilm that_ he Aidiletiobt lira. ShaW,Who :,-; "Perhaps; ever contaminated even 'a prison cell;: I opened the S . hneli',doni rim-, Mtn , ;:thst:,.s., n* - - K2 1,,,_ IWe say . *heat the, law 'of- its, victim. For l a girl were in the ho se; but he" kept iideittll,;, -::* heti Will 3(" be pessible if a new; irial„-ii. tits- I til they-bad gone: ', - Ile - We titliteeind.diank` -_... l w 1..6d, -tp piecure. twelve. Men Who:- hav , -1 : not- with Mrs:.Shaws; and atlas got„. herAiigotti,- 1 i- to: nn !opinion as 'to %the guilt - 10inec , ewes stairs und"see -kr- her s*ti.4"--, as - ` , aaleap; -',:. She perhaps; hes the evi . . l nee t came down - ag[iiti - and-leik - linithe waliffitint 4 1 of Springl :..rater; I vin in anytrial , been - more Sagerly:so, 1.;; , ,1itil soon Air, he ebminenced, is-„trinideinutt;es.l _ 1 "- r mdrefextensive4: perused, ,' Nowspap I -,. hal iautt Pon': hei:: Before ..Sbe_•.Was "entiroy.;:._ - II directi4nsi have rePublished•the testi uomi. i dead' A irs-"LYtieh.'"Wes_ k.--areaSed.Jiy.,theitrair" , .- -Not - only. /very man id the city:And eon . - y.,Of glee . f hEr stster,liad - -Came 'down' statitijih'4, ~- Philideirdlia, therefore; lint everj?iiiartfo iiina:l night . lathes.. tie. atticitidlier; 4 ,44.jhadj„ , . dieds; of -miles - aroiandhas 'fOrined - an o for I most y °lent itreggle.liefere he: suco7eifeil_ii t : hpert the Subject, antfean 'he . ehalleng4 for I quiet n her.. 1-.Shecreptbehinderiberiestlithi - ;Cause by- the prisoner.. hi nidinary:cas ~ the: , sett" i the- bscir: roonq and, aeciaiiii 'fiiiii 3 ,, 'euir° 4u'ght be Than ea , but in thiki',6o. that [deed . bet, lientillP takr-" 1 ,4.' .. 1114 iteeldligleet.: „ ieniedY;:We fear, •woitld„be . ineffectual %V iiali ,ettit: sav i ng it,noise be caMe4oWnatat n E -sid, 'doubt, indeed,,,s - h6ther in any `conitty : `6 : the form, `that shelled' - rievivedii - --fliekinmlittOck , -.7 . late, a j iiry could hoW bofound legally ,cont.. ed h ,:with thediiit;'*64tatdocholiii-ss, - etent to Aly-Sprink.." . if there could, it - pulo he s. d, twisting - her .tieck! , ..; He then lent up: ein some. reniote reffion;" and among; ' nun= stai , find': Woketliodirk - ibt forcing open the lieltered:pOptilation ` 'er Where „the jury ,-: oal,ly, leek of the trunk - 11.e'tkeh: set '‘ - re4::(01114 - ; lithotigh not forniat:•;!WOuld be unfit te c it... , bone, statinglbeti(ObUrned the enriii'4,bia ~, 1 Everfperson- person the, pieture, • kt.Wa , fing• rs in kindling tt.-.Whenfthe.son*lggest.?; I:,by .Judge Doian; iu I las -speech:to th jury, ted t tit the knife miluld,ltiitd':t.4l4'frerte4iiin,:- 4. wheii .he argued the impossibility :Of 0 ~pris.. 1 hes id he had threoWn al. thOigrit In' Geo* I, f loner's guilt - from the unprecedented ' • rocityl etre t. : The - illiit , forin' sr';,bolongotl , " . :l 6 'bio l : li o r 'the ne t. 1 Theie was no language too ' strong Isola, t.o whom it 1 was given by a -yeaticitthe,l„ Il for in then to use, 'hp:Anti:lg the hOtre 't'Vrithlititne hewas--living, in - .Weihington;:an, :is - t which the murderer, Ni".•tioictever he ";ini .ht be, Itelic,n from` him ityhisjatheitibmit two i --- , as a Waste" should be renrded. ,If this. mnilbe. tiiliv ;14inee."Iie hiaborrOWC&-fthef6ie,.hut tern:: ys ;Which Were his ,words substantially; ,ile t 'a." *or' ict le leal t .L. Tho boy • identified the " , :sh4lhOf the ~- pronounced against him, aS'qiii.:lily 1 , • ;Pessi , ,i dirt and , also ,the ` secs of lead iiitte. ; -':„'''.' ;.-- ‘ ;.. " Crabb, ble; withbut the - jury leaving - the box . ndlet'l .-' tfter Oingto thekritoik the oon him* i liarniio, hiinbeelteented speedily,, I hat the ear h 'poi. i f wager and the:father - -washed , 'OntfiSointlrts.of l;', 10 i Rob- be rid . of such a monster:- - „Yet•noW,. rter,be•l?li,4d from iii"s:sbitt.:: -Tfrio - ,..sori , IretniOoa*,: - 1 1 , Carson has, aektitmledgvd his client's- guilt,•-:h secka; gold-teht4 fathei;. but thkOit-1310iiiiiii lit,„- - - ", , ) t i "by i pitiful quibble:: - to' l e t 106se this iiietch - 'vt'ai sent with , 4 ten.dellatjgeld"plieetepar." l Darling- Upon society. Surfly, in this: orinet, e e:iii, chaSe shirts` fer: his father and hitnielc-,..1. 1 4 - ' ~3 stet, 'Heti- tot but see that. heitr: nieendi', it Sof r - that, hodght two brit- laigesizejoi. his father, inii, rzs;iii--, 12 . in thus - .C.reenirig st_mnideier, lie; beco e - es the [ forlhimaell, srick:#4att:cti stsilliiiliz,s;,--.*d out I in eon:nit-. enemy Otsecial order;. Pt e lf 'l4 met-11 e Rini:- [of Vie changer tiee dollars _waa pald to - idia - ' , . ' f ince - f)f the advocate to aet,eira . Client irlieth. Maguire: rot- their ' board, whi ch' was the only :, pi' guilty( or not.: tbe'Tawyer-:oWea - "higher, ' in Oxley Raid it - that4eo4 l ,lt:" I-' ',',, -.-. - -.', jis _ \ "(hay; to Society than lie does to - the e 'mina!, 1 ,-.. 1 0 e the cress.sxainination - .Tedgeliioninput and when convinced .or hisilientSgpii entre. 1 . - - Selrching questions to!. test-tWeerreetneaeof: yes public justice bV endepsorintto el eat the Ibis previoutestiniOny, without prOitteing,this jaw ofits victim. the counnen sense pf the,Slightest-'-vaTianee.l_ '.,.. - 1-:',. -- ‘,'.,-._-__ - „ , ..; .. - ,; -!..' 1 ..7 . „ 3 _,.., 1 ,- .. :, ~ iounntliati recOgnile this giint ..truih.With-' I -1 . ~,,,,, . ~,_ ..t ja : a „. 1_ 1: ::4 - l ' ;. : arir,z - ... " - out'arginfient, all cmintries'and in all titneit., IP, fr4:411 9 1, - uti„ipLo4l,- Ha n. 4 :._ •1 when the chicanery:of the- . cUnits h ' ,motto 1 - :it isi.Nouneed_ - ii4iiiiapii:fiairi - i i iili -. . - iich a, Pass that Jus':iee is, pr;teAcalb; • kt - fkat . e, d 1 - ofi-the' lilt , ins.,ll.llat deneralll4l - iair - .weit .there have been . risings , otthe:Peolibti kn - ine 1 dead.;.' Who 7'hisi . ntii-heardr fd,H'igiiiiif 'He: CUuse oisocial . ,order • ‘ibicim u llaYe tuntle- - sum - viss s Bart 36.. iratield:Maruffnl'in'thO - -A,UAriss rneryWerk of the gni Ity, tuidliavoliALoftentn seviee, And' t ell known, by ithwPqrt he-Seek frig,htfa eiCess. - If ever We have , 1.4 nch laW• Atli the Hungari,,itn„ war: „ -lle ,voits„-,b,srajii,oiti. in Philadelphia, it will, be:When ruonsterA kike sel, iri-A7B6': - fle-iS - iiid-tii havelieerithe nit:: Spring i are let looseoaSotiety byrtiio 'ogglPrY oial ion 'ot-lho Do4ke flleise,44%' itiod: 1 / 41, ~.-: .a w YP . . -- - . _- . : i ___. _,, j ) I smith's daughter, and long-notorsbnefor is :::Should 'that day - eNer efiniei - the knilt; f F ill - eccentricitiei, w-hich, - -tv. Ur "heWAsiiiTtlie those who -violate the formii 611aW,.i. „order-to t oi t a ry . comm 4, n ,l_br:Grati, 1,3,:c1i.,,-,iiistlisi Secure substantial ..I u stieo, :fax ess.thaa . - edusidered - in:11 . 00. Ile does not appeatto hal the guilt of those;: who, under the for of .law 'ditingiiished' himielf, by,...any„ greet, Militia , set. Justice :at. defiance. '",ileaVeif - fe, hid' :that ' , ..4.. f ig o i ts. , ,ff. leas edijai m id e f, orth o lAi is tiii i `Plithidektibta fulm n bk be dtsdlee d ' ' . ki.) l mil. 'i'° - 1 l - Oices which st.Pimed'Bresei Wherinhatt.soll lei., ! . But in order that.PUT''UOMioll itrioiY-1 revolted, and it *as Probably. owing t o his et be - N'ared-l'itnes4ni such leile' , `i th'ell#w .4.- . aient service lolisthis.7•Oceasionilhat• his -et Must _nut be made a hieekerY. -.;. Ur eters .appointed to .4ificeeed-lßajon.:-Welatili iiii -1 must n et , be .turned loose' upon 19 ' eto, Y-= inandlef.the'l , reekactiniagainit'theHanti : Things havecomete such n . cans thatba l `one I .6 ns. 2 iii l fs4 pc - ,i fi i ne i tt ,l,iieelyea r t i v a i; act is left to be done,, to , coMplete_the , ineecu: 11e,49,- with the kyle" and titleof"--:CiiMininstier. rity Ofilife and OM' n e t‘ ll3 t ° ' S C C, " il l e‘a 'Tali tAl:Chid of the Austrian tinny:lithe Kingilei trial, and cancel nif,g.htiotts rerdiet.iUn account I o r ti z i T ito r v. indtho principality - litTrrinsy of a peaty error 'Oueli-tn no, Wq te j e e h i e-# e rtia,.he,-Vg, ' t the same-,time,. ; wi th: : substantial merits ' of the i ' es P"' . , ''.-,..', '', ~ , -,.- .4. I the lover met of _ both thosti7'' eoutitrice," de, ,-. • it tr6l-n'il*.t."•t4vc'ea-434;;Ytiell 14w l i ' r l shared in. a sta e - Of siege. ;Id August of ' tli 'ant e,ntergeliFY• :13 Ut Inikr our rittb.Ciand--*ith' t nine rear'; he miptOredllie tewner, "Siggeiliii; el : " Ibre we shall .i n vit4 it;.: o eate vin g7 l4 - thei i e I' na "within "a week he led imperial;the titinf .e°lumn4 v e Y ( '" 'l 'Y .11enOiln measures whfelq to Temeawar,, Where icsaiOuinary:sonflipt .6 . - luevitably..wiit led• t e ` it . .771-'lot-npigi, quitoiii. Wed, Whtch .firminated„in";d44teei:difid:* i --------i- .IheituniS4o3. - ''-'l 7 fis:-c 6 ns4 lo- 4 :.-41. ihis th . t battle . was ,sarrentlei'et : Gurgey,..and ; t l u I 4erinination • 6 • ' the- war ih favOifit.the.itist ttS. -AtAlli. lose Of tho ‘iiLlCH#4. l i inrriek a* effeec.* -- e*actiOnlro4' l 4Aiiiigi i i i i lll ' , kviththe Most iinspirhig; crnelty, - 41S.LiaTiii it I ported te have a vewed. hiS littentieo'fol,iiVer biongb - the sealtold;all the pconifittpes the 'Austrians inarais, and i that FetribUtiOn'im t oli te de a,:the.6o,9o - 6itiastr,iliiOi:o l a ilf battle by the -31a,gyari,Aft0. - ,,POl‘oti si' , 1 ode:of:the cin ity; -fi greatest -ol spend hours Itutd. (Lys in tears ," in„atvich state' f nervnueexeltement, with hts,eyeit i [with Weeping: 'rho irihabit.Jitiet Pli,lial. ever, thOseetie af,hifie:rviceS•tothe . Eiripe rit With strangertineortgistencY,picie4edi hila ! iii: a roust beautlifullnibtim, as a ',token ,Orgt, 14.16: . In July isp; . .: he was 'removed Eft his ,c9mtnind iin, Hupga!y, having.: en into • 4isgrnce.withitte. imperial ermit„'atlfientui,'il consequence, it I.wni said- - or 4ik.4fikOptY' the oppishe , .e . .*treini; - nik -,E• lahtiv4ni: (oo. g rat leniency to the rebels. - liOrtly.atter.. this evat he , set' out. upon •.it', ioni.'thronghl'Europe.' a arricid,ia:Letiden-NUSiptetriberiOn.aykit te.Ati.;S'sid:-DareliY az. P . Okins'ilse* l3 7o ! ” 'O4-;_thof.'l+l2ll-;4)A,...*.: ,iiitike4iiii4 -,PIO of dritynioftla others emipedteir with ihn'istsb lishaiiiit;,--iiiii very severely handled, hidly hegent and drtiggea,thiettlt,' th4.,-,„ by,'liii immensittniinital,itnth 11.6 . W O; W . 11", con•siderable 41ffioakri,±* , _Y. d4lit tki ; l ),4lhs " t a ' Of late hohivf.:-been2resl4 p,l::4;os:...,titi:OtSte , Daltlialfa; Ilildiitl4' ' -iaid, i -, c4m,e' , 'liiiteVr 4 in, his ,in-ineipl :-....-:' - v ... -.- ..: , t . ~..- ...-.... -. .. inOnwealin wsus inkeit up, - 'on motiOd - ='; of Chao ionsidiired ' cting bill! fur ilet4te . erburv, lin°' die ° to, the ate, rope. I . ferked i . 1 . h 39: '. `- Ir.. E. ation of 1 aojotir the . I J' . he joint :nent of f April, Quig6 the bill .4 multi- In of Mi. khe gene ations. pisne4 41: first rat- nt busi. 'toe s the theriAing nd mew , and Aie ..• e; to Vs, - .tate, el* • limimpitort /of Mr.F nate, (ivernor larylan • Baltim• •of the t pteti. RRaining a".bill !raining • - I • to r chcii4 Tdr • . ch 30 i n s p oestioO of f die lake, up' pg . the A tote • olnotio `and n ficliae, t. b l it *but . i heri,it am': `ble,i4e:sai indidtmen to =that: i F tliiii instrut - b ._1 : ' re -XL ,clut at 11. J.. 11., [i. rablutiQ . . 'r a prohtim . •Piisii-likt 2 9 fie, Si er. tlicri asspd el-, Jug iiiiiioy r 1 ttio.bitl, aehan i nn De • ttoce ! t:tn n -'.• ' ' . :I •, • - immedin • w • t6l ents, t 6 etnient •t" of the; . " rithAß , of th'e o a : Not the Sett4is J ell]; fr. auge i . . . petal° . IkurSils I of - the I the peak 'i,slisoo4 . .hi aetiAnni,and i tio46':(it- a , ..; jurisdial y'. F 22132 kawaps.ool otion - 0. 4r-- °U9B_ e the con . e Urea . U s,' Of Erie, ex - he i)rovistorlis ndl4si. 4 11 Y — Yf?" Y 7. P! 1 ;' - • OUSE. tion of the .6;11 twin- Trikin'ing I Childretkm*: ro-tion o ylvania 1 ) •• ws lt, 27 .Ili lost;` 6ll.°Tj 11 ! ° 1- , , :. . .. i • -.1... . litiOli- 1 9 111 "! • ' 104 t hni t a kP ge t. • jOkilip% . • 1- l l ) ) . ~. .140112411 1 .,E A, iliflS .' . 4 eR, - litAW „,....,...&*. .i. '' l • r ': • T 'slipm.•;.t. .. ,,,,,.. - iliaskAtot -=. • ..,,,-• '11.1 % 4 4 tr.P•vP, 0.- :1, vim' .. : : IM2EMMUS EIMBEI The . Secend,. - Trial- =of -, . Sprint-, - - ' 4- •_ - ...1 . PiikiAßEl;7 l A , tAl lrir 4 . Sprinre iiastrotight up .:for trial itir'ain .this .1 T oraing.',-.2 There, l wp.s, a' great i erowd- in and abot4 the .conit ream.' ' , - • Judie. Melly, charged the'ppen ' th)p II opening of the . ' April terFh,...a4er „.. i l f millierh Ab t e I calling cf jurors for, the SPring'cas -wai r :corw.: meneed: - : The' `Attorney 'Gette'rrili instituted I istriet inquiries.:to .- 1: 1 0,1' _eat parties } `not sum. I moned-from Sent : int+ ' ' Very few:answered - that 1, ' l ' - ' ' the ; -- I I - h ' had not formed an opinion'id ut to t o. :I. ' Hitt I the -- '' '7 'st i r' ' j._ -prisoner,; wto ,optrooh Aas as 1 not to-bias the judgraenti' the:. challenge fer r ; -. 1 cause was Overrulod:-.-314Y-',Pere ptory,ehal-1 1 to ilenges were made : by ; the d,t4t,*en , and only:; w trice jurors Wore nigainedouf „ pf t e regular: t t t Ptinnel.: - The Sheriff was ordered 6 issue inic7i I 'd ty'additinnalSummonseA:and the:toart:took . t. - reee"... :', ''' - -.. -.. --."...- ' I - .l i ', :- - ,'• ,l ' - The 'court re-assembled at ' .4 o'9 - • - The 3 , 4. special summonS was ixhaustedand Si* . a tional jurors'aeliwted - ' makinckeleven - in`all.— ,6 . The sheriff was then ordered - tiisumnion oth.' • er_ talesthen, and the court took-a .ieeesti till 8\ - o'elock.! . '-- ~..: 1 -Y.- ,, ,i 1 .].:j' - The Bu ll etimsayS that:ra Inel - di in . the service , of the notices iip - On:t rink: which, Iliad 'it not beenitir thel of the• person summoned; 'might'. N: - slinilardiffienlty to that displaied fury'' hielk - ' tried., SPFing::-" - Wil shoemaker, 2 1..oettat,Ward,hadbeert the ‘`ll!ei; and.plhied'OPoh the - i seine' accident,. thelart• Matieti to intii - tho' hands tifWilliath -- -Kera - 'FOurth;wat<Soitthwarki.-,The 1 1 e.eiving- the netiee,.-Midfielinyinx. ,notthelßT4 6 n*O4iti*WPiti l P 'zindliAtheerror - ' ifted: 4 24.ii' mfght,readiiy.ini r it I is; the namoif and tiTemlilici4elt ,- sinP [--::!. :•.:'The,ll,llooher l(- 01):an.fits''Counterii -'ho'`, T - Ite-Ttiynk- -and appeared - in 'Biers.' to•ifiTqu a. , I < N liitmustilti , [ nal I y deekla iiiiik , at present the Poi , digtriut, has been 7 the Port of Pbi la, ririi: l : : to make tbi 104ttolAW 11 0 11 10 0 &done tfing: AWL, l itirCPs'aiiirittilittiti i itiv#4 l , beentaii. 40 ligt!mid;.iidliiodi 'ill klfiiiptliiiiiiii ,'I and. itstommidiitii" 1- 110 Pl!lar' 0 , fa Cer . . 'IV v al:1U air,* 1 (whc's 6 l ineii* *" looked,)- wilil:4 o 4 l l;mma., reel thelik t filAvitej#4, o ot4 - A. l'Se ri s!adijE t imis,otet; 4t :, ,t ~ H 1 ._. _ CouirestiOsialikkd iiiribe*Vro it - .1 Dag* Biatild ',OIL the: WWII. iffv" - , ,';.:- . -..,-. , -'7 ••-• r ' . • .••;.. . s - .•-••,- ~, !;.-1 .1 ; . ' ; ',;,..-• ri g—; . _ • , - ,•77(.. (4.. [. ~'-,..,- • : ..-:••••- f.' ,-,...-,.; -;,i --'4*.u:24,-Tia'gag.'44eif iiiie .„...„--. 10: ~nnt ocentelt the intitjti;•.l iintelligenee vire led in al If in ,the laii in . Knii 3 Pi ariiiliiVoo3 l . ii4;litit bi a ritif ik.L .shopm r littni, o l l- r dint:lie-Or Anilitniri 11.-liiee:illii . . , ckver.7 li ,;inee -.- Death of Nrs:'Fillinore._ 4 _, - . -, • ,:- w as hinitan;mireti.l3 mtii-Fillniaridiiiilitt NVittard's, ailod' Idt.. iliXtrji r o . niiiik.ill ilind been - saffuritig l # l Rnitntnonlrr,,T9r so e time pht, - ivgni ;470lieilaione we Ash until wiiiiiit *SW& Itak6:.::-Thri ictun kite cause of her - death An AUffocatlng by tit skeumnlntiOn of water ,nt 0a the lunp. togfamily and 'friends vn leave with the pit iiitini.Xarly to=morrow row morning for, Ilitalti.,l _ - 2 'Ahi l follow ing" triblitii.or. aindolenee'w . ' dresiedhyiPreoldi4sllFFe to his, predecessor =;'- ''., -- I -- , '..' E2CEctruvr.lll:ifistorc,-Ikr lily Dear Sir..—ltif!iziatii me of the 'death griftil. r cirtr to aeeridtli)-tisaiiiioA'4f truest, lance in thlaveitaktCre.,ii ',Wield' ,61 9 deep rieliNO:or e - ,liiildirk -to ' hy or resoeflor the lof the dL I have direetedLtitV fit of the c abinet day tohe4mspene :;thii„publio offiri be Cloned. ,-- .. ,;.., ~.- ; , ~- ~.;.-1. F ri, with great c ons*rhtioni-yottri F.R.itNKLIN PIEELL Hintz.lSlitxtati FILLIIIOIIE, Wiiidiington , I) . 11 : 1Er Tht - 31J. S, - Senate irninediately urn , reetption of the intelligence prun44l a resel tioh to atiloor, and :.p0 farther *tines" sr 3 ! ans t et ! l ° l/ thta ' IL It'il F. .!' -';"1')611111;:h 1111. a whits population Dr f t gr -. Arty#ol3aan 41 --41, 1; ,„, :, ,,y0. u , ,,,, , e e t , thlll-660Sfata --- t ho g that oldeat;t6willa, the United States, boon fohodaii l l 664 ;. , _ ,-. , : -.. . - -...-- 1 • .;:iii,.‘-:,/ii,',',:" ,' , ...T. - i• - - '2 , -. ' -.' I ' ,-. ,?..k ~ t , , 1: -- - ..", 4 . - . , = -.,T,•,..-tW ixtrPrs llukau lbw) I tol. .Eka -- k 144*. .. ' • ' - iii •011 .-,s l ii i it.. , •z , 4,-.;.r. f - :-. 4:A - - - -nt• .; 00=1_0'. : del* ' ta ) 0111 11.,?. 1 r , wil!,n4llFe )r-Dinin - Xkili cb i n t 1 fter/C : over -' ii tntinent, 4 tu..8.. th, ol- 'A t '', -,' • -,_ .1 - :. . 7211144 0 " 1 1144 :-: 4? 4 1 - :PP C I I : 1 , fr: 3 ,:.1 - 44., i ) ...., _ :.,;-::‘.. . .* , kr - tz ,-,, , •..t. 1 -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers