The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, March 24, 1853, Image 3

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    • • Tiscape from' mon.
Aaron B. Brown, who was confined in o
county p_rison, for ;robbing: the store of )t' i.
Girorgo.idelitenitviltekrAker; made his esca
f r om coultinernent last: . TridaY '7. • 1
lie Was confined in, a cell on tho - second' 4,,
ry Of the building, and effected his escape
working his . iivar•thrOgil-. the iceiling
cell. In aCcomplitAlieg.this bepvinecaa gr •
deal of ingenuity and
The loom was Arched, find 'the =brick w .
was of a .thicliniurs that Wirehr•reqUire thel
bor.of mere thin - rine night - to open a pa
"Nalco it was 'necessary_ te contrive it plan ,
- hide the fracture from the eyesof the keeper.
*This lie accomplished by, obtaining - on so ..
- pretence a sufficient Auantity of whitp wash'
•priparc a piece of.muslin, till in'coior and a.
p e arree it made a frety' good imitation Of
wall. The muslin, -it is said,- - he tore fro
One of the sheets - kelonking bed.
obtained xullieient'Alleemaker'swas to ans
his parpe'se, by pretending that it was need,
about his loom, - (he -was employed 'in we.
• jog;) and - by pasting the muslin over the. h .1
in the wall it escaped notice: As to.the t;.'
we d, they are not se teens; necimuted for, ,t
it is-probable that the keeper, under the
• prc!.ssion that thekuilding was substantial
every thing -secure,- his_ not beeri, sulticieri
-eantiouS in admitting . Ni'sitors, and it is Ilk
-that some Friend ofthe prisoner h.* =Ulm
to him the -necessary; tools. 'At any rate
had them and used theurto good advantri
for hiMSelf: • - .
By sfandiag on hislOom ho was misk,_ .s
fieletrtly, to
. work'withcOnvonience; and ley c
tin; the mortar from :around a, brick' or two
found but little difficulty In. taking out.
numller neeessary'iii'make an opening ,of s
ficient size to allow the passage of his 10.
the samo:*ith the second layer of brick.::.
reaching the roof of tho building, with an
gar he cut an opening and made lus..Pass
. Out. From here hi\deseended 'to the . and
a ladder of rope made from yarn taken f
the loom; and, with another kidder of the.aa
material,Amt furnished witrt a hook to ea
to the coping
. pf tlic wall, lie made,his
-from the prison yard..- -
A rewaNdaf4lso is ^offered for hia ap
hension and return to. pristitt.-4Pottsrilie 2111
Singular SecretSodietiet•
The police of Perrysville, - Ashland con
have just discovered and - 'exposed a,./S
Society" aniong the youth of that town; w
is startling enough in its , features: . .1. .
"The society \nninbered 'a band of fifteen
young - men - and boys, formed . for.the . ph:TOse
of \rohhery. .A cap.ta,,in was
. chosen and a reg
ular constitution and by-laws; the.' iolitiOnof
which Was death, adopted, One' of a ?..,(band
stole. from his own father, $lO, Which Ihe ,had
Collected:for .. .a poor widow, Who had
.a eon he.
longing to the band. Learning - 1 ° t %the:
money belonged to her ~' the . band st 1410
from another woman to replace it. Tie cash
drawer of a landloni in-Perrysville Was ppned
,by two Of the band and :z .ten dollar hi • taken
from it. The one who -changa it divide
i with, his comrades, charged apremium forma
king zhange. - ' . . -- - '
This being a . siolation Of d the by-1, Ws the
rest of the 'hand, unknown to him, Ile] a tnee.- .
.tialr_.and determined on hia death,' ; It - as ar
ranged thatknll
. wer,o to go ont spun t
in which a ,hole..xvas to be previously ut-'-to;
skate, and .'.that rilfshould .appear .- st•ek at
some civjosity of the Water, and look - in, rind
-wlien task_ one - shisuld stoop down . m o et the
hole, one, of the company should strive, him,
with a i club and pitch him in.' One you g man
whose heart Was not so . corrupt as the rest;
relented, giving_ipformation. prevented
the mu r d er ,
~SeVeral orthe c - Ompany ' l ure now
in the Ashland I,:ii."—lVestern'.4droc4le. .
Editing a Neittpaper l
Hear what thelntelligent',Nation:-
out editing a tieNis,paper
Many .people estimate the nl4lfly <di
raper, and the industry imd talent - of
br the.editorial matter it contains.
. .
pa.atirely "ens' y:task for-4i froilly wa
pont mit daily columns of words—nor'
any and on all subjects. His ideas
in one wishy washy everlasting flood,
Command oflanguag,e May enable hiin .
them together _like' bunchei oni
e t 'paper May :be a' meagre And
concern. ;Put What js the toil clf.stic
who displays bis leaded matter largel
'iudicions, well income
imposed on a y_-.-...., , L5,.... , ... ....--__, -•vf v
Who exercises
,his,vomtion with :MI hourly
conousness of his reiiponsibilitiesar dpueit,
..and devotes himsqf, to the' conduct 01-Ins pa-
Ter with the same- care and assiduityj• that la
sensible •lawy - e:. bestows ppon a s.O a lni
mane physician.Upim a patient, withoh regai i d
to'show or display l: Indeed the rir . .. , , e wri
iN„er part of editing .a pape: is but a sin 11 pol
- of the work.: The care, the tinti&l,mplo. ...
ed in reflecting, is fir mere intortan #1 and t e
fact of a good editor is. bette i r know 1 by h s.
selections than 'anything else, 'and 6- i we -, 1
LEZIO Wis balfthe battle. But as we .1 a 76 sa
1,ht obe estimatea r wl h S Wit ? . R
understood a eciated, by Alm Igitne
conduct:of his gape ijts. tone, its U., per": i
uniform, cud consistent course, its : principl s
aims, its manliness, its dignity and pr -.
priety. - Tu preserve these is :they • should
pr.eserred,ie enough to occupy-fullyib . ii ti e
_and attentior.a any man. If to thiS' be a -
- ded the general supervision of the y
,n 4 I
establishment, which Aost editors. las'i L e to e -
taunter, the is how they fund :'tittte . o
write at all. - - . • , I
Law - r Ea ., ---ILare aw e s the only men who
believe that the older` the world, the less it
. .
knows about right and wrong.. Judgies of to
day refer to Judges "of the laOt century, who
'bowed with reverence to, those of .the century
- before. Almost all our legal decisions• are
based upon the opinion of a let of noddies wklo I
- -- believed that the earth_ was a living jnonster,
while the movements of the titielverO.eaxise•3
by the monsters breathing. - - .1u the ponrt of i
Appeals,'Lerd -Chief Justice-Rtistylatw, : / who i 7-.., ( 1 0 v ER 8. ,
lived when t p he devil :was sappo ed to be afraid 1U
of a horso-,oe, actually exe more4nfluence t-1
New Milford,
• than, either" justice or cornin o *elf . lied t -; •. . . 1
rti p
- physicians been , as fearful of- ew ideas as law- ' -0 ' . S443Tiff'll /Sib*. ,
i- ' l
yers are, asses' milk:wordd shit beeOnsidered
j3Y virtue roil sundm writs ! leaped out'
the oply antidote for_ insanity . . 1_ . Ccart of Connnou Pleas o 'Snegize
. ' ' Conn and tou' e tiireetediared . elivered;
. PRICE Ot 111.0TIVII 0 Gam - -'--In theq expos , 't: (1 pbb ie lola at title' rt ho
.„..,..pnlalle dismission' 'that took 'place in farrier 1 /Kaaren; en lAattuday 'APrit ttilt, at I '
days, we' always eontended'that aiiigt l4 stariffd P. N11:` ""': - --I-. - t. .'-` . - 1; , 1 1 : . -'- -
increasing the.duty_ on for:eiga, and of course i -Alt-that Certitin Piece Or parcels& laud
, the price ' of, domestic Aron, would ,Ibenefitno 1 lyingland being* tt,e township` of . Bridge'
one but the ...Ifarnilcittrikof the ertiele—and 1 - Sumeehannit &Linty, boutided,anddeseri
ire now have another _illustration of She truth 1 follows,to - seitilu the , north by lind ll_ W. or
- ' l3f this argument, A few. months ~ ..,I,ige, iron 3 formtrY. of George ClYmieri; on the east b hinds
was, down tes2o l i . t,ort—now it is it ill to '.546 I pf4 l lllton - ilnitetr !lad Retithen • w.ini , . the ' ,
**al -and" lot lik e l y \ .t o , renu thi", ..R ut hi s „ my -, 4 . o t itht by tandei)fTerrin Wells end 1
~ s .fibiryisnd
one heate - Of the Laborer at ani one of theselTl'l e ' Wf.iit
" fPll'93d of l i t . T .- ` 3 " ° ' e°nfiliaint
establishinents getting his - -,:wagei inereated 74 '*"..,
.?_ 7 A e l- e11 ... 1 112 2 3. 7 .4. 't. A 1e1ir ,
.i-lCige titer a Witi lle . ! il°.
Does the-Parmer get more for his Orel ' No . ii 4 " :4e "`" c d e ' r Tr - ;i .--- ,;i - i i,77 .5 9 0 ; ,;? D i " °‘ 4 ) ,71 ) .
indeed. 'The ` increase of 820. all goea into thet h !l7. l T i . .°,
i t a _f
2 ,.., It the il it ,
of ,
en u PP s 7
'pocket iftba - , Manufacturer 7.ind . the man 'who &Tal m d ''' . R a v r a g
. j i o i. , , „ l Ty.l t i
.. i ' ri T " - ': 1
- uses any Aktiele` made of iron : aYs 'the !a dd iik'n = .-
7:-. ,-,
,-- , -.. . 1-;
441.5 1 3 ? '1 -• : ''
r - -
" ILI 42 0 ' - Thfile Is ' ll O linc4" inequalitY in Frin '. ' Alt that certain plePe Cr parcel Of and situates•
Tmde.-Eaalars-Atirus.•., -- - - - 1 ..7 . ; -. ii the tiiwitiihio of.Otfor4 becut 'of 81 . 2 ,,r 16-1
.1 hanisiOs;nndo/ aii , )**e4eir as.' . . ,-t? vrit '
Oi thlcnoith bi 4 iiiibMll'. Sli•Alk the
least hyped of 1 4 4tFfla4uc.sitt,„ he south • by,
lland'oriiii: l i Ileum. `apii tiii.t4 , twit.l4 l and
!of t Wie. W ivii...cont,i, :o about -sato! ha
I'll; . .'nuirciter leas; t ' et:wi the.eipper
I to
~ ..O.nik.(s43•&iict. .. f . 4.... ,:. :#id--- 11 -"a.t . l
1 2 ° . itniosvd.-cf ~ .. -.:. '.. ‘,... :.: ..,
i-:- . viltorafigiot*cid • • - of . N.-Ohit
•• tendon *ll4 til+-atiiihn" L . witd, Jr., C0.,4,,..
t.. .. ailfunof 3 e* Pairkel ; _;: - ' : l i I •.'. : 2 ...- ,'.:''. '', - -
.."' "ALP 1 r • - •-•'. -P''' - '
. • illiii that ei piece or reel of lend-situate
• J * l 4- 64 Pg , .the,, : IP of ISPikagvfilles
. i
• ''':!111 ' ' . -
OF GEN. - WASErinGToN.—A peti."
was presented 1 14' Yirkiniar' Legi4
; :tore, on noddy:, from. Alfred Mose; clerk'-of
the_courity court of Feirfail4uthorizind
to carry Cmcor the .usW
will'of Gen': Geome - Washingtoni for 't
PurPoe of lithographed,smico,
nied:bv a letter, atiMmindeity; th ereof fro mG .
IWl:birke Cuitin.,Eo}dlasiols,..surviving!"
mentor or con.
• '7l-
1 •
. - 6li.': ' ltAMO4i." thii'ge4tleiniakho Was
a pmmtneht atdldi ' fir Ca nallCommissiop.
Couveriti*".will suffer
tiothitig by his de -- - ,His fiiendscauie from
all.iptirters.Of !the State, and.*eured deter;
mined to 4d honor to the .itebletioi of the
I?Tettth . 4, e i giodi' l -13perior mitiagement, on
the part:: ,Of thq Ph adelphianS, secured for
Them (in - persob of • riSorsitlie) the !tontine.'
am: - gr.; • Mott,•th , ughout the 'entire contest
acted as ei;maa'i ; xif toot, 'suit/ When - thedele
gates decided igui. i t him, nObly stepped' for.
ward and Ipledked imselt skid :hid friend:3lo,
the support - of ithe , ruinatioit,i ' ,
. Ills magnautity a d himorilile conduct will
meet:-with a `silitiel ; hi: rewaidiat some future
day:, liii, defeat .4 endeaied; . hits 'the-more
to hhi numerciiii T.,ends, Wi lienor sueh a
Mon.-.-T±/tonliDern t crt.. - ii ; - • ''
...ore4w...—' '
Theta - of _Ditrorce: .. ' • '
, The State , Om issionera to 'revise the
it ode, haVe,pr pps ,'. a law :Providing that' in
aclditionitoith eas a'now arelided by' act
of March 15 . 111.51 ~ the Courtsi'of ' C ommon
Pleas shall fv:itepo - er!to gr:ini dh•orces where
... either' Of the partie I were
v minors at the time
• e L
of the oirileoh it was I ttracied Without
i the consent o th !parents"
i .,- gmaidians - of
sucli mini:T y -a d h 4 not bee; followed by co-
ihabit%tion .su , seipient to 4eh alle;ged mar.
rian•e; where lleii itlleged 0 arriago was pro
by :frau forte, Cr cos ion, - and ,has - got
bee , - subsetp entlyf confirm; d lby the acts of 1
the injured pa tv, rpd
. wber the parties have
muttiallOigr a tl i a On -and such'sep
aration 1149 ken ' kee, . an( been continued
for years. xce t where ihe application is;
made by= the :Ay Whose td ltcrous practices
or c nel 'and barb rolls tree, inent' -may lure ,
bee Al . .le;cau:si brithe scpa i4on. !rile pro ; 1
ce ings ;in such c4ses to bit the : same as those I
pr cribed by 4.vore
act and i ts several sup , '
pletpentS, wit the like righti.Of appeal' as is
theiein alveni ..ii . il° .. • s
'- ' b. ' -
.......p . .....
4 ' TWO COttaii. ' Ship
• ' I Peters
ere' was an error in tl
pat h from . New 9rlcans 4A
ene to . on I#ard two't
.1.0 'g at their wha - es.
.. : e British slii Americada of the
~ :th inst.; a
tire y constitned,- . iigether - W
; , n
list' ~.,fr.orneirly,4ooo hales
On he'tOiloWing 4nornin,g.:
i too - fire, and doling -the i
Ibu Ing,i It was fared that
lof °ilea would b 4 destioy44
' ty,
• Eiftetitill
- . .l7lo.sitinua . VEFOtion ifo
Felloivs s HAN Assoc
to scrve.for thC cry uing tq.
it Odd FellOws' 041 op
at . .cidock• P . Ull.* •
rant 14, .18.:53.
I Religious t ,X
hreeting at the r_Tniverialil
troe,‘ next Stintiay.
sliar i turned into I a
ti* forget, God :"
I . lrag T
Bridgewatei, .:,I..ire/
91 1
Bieekenridg,e,ljr Jo s
ford, to Mis,s ,
.giwater. 1
's ' New 'Milford on thd 11
and EsT, Mr:. lulu s Ito
. 'l 4 l .
Ili to 31,isS AiNlitierlAtE
fr CO. .-;-
! 1 / Gibson the•llith inst.„
'Sir. J.tsoi . xi. 1y rr ..,,, ~
, ci*.xs . A; Dii of the for •
I,n Jae.kfion, on Wanes.;
(kild, Mr. Atgrr. it. Ai i .
Cr. SEVERP of Jae1i..40n..,
L . new's
,- editor,
1 ter ti)
s - upon.
; and
or COD-
lGibson? on_ Wodnesiii
tne Mr. B. F. , ,
/ ps L J. of Jock:
Ararat, on the lath iest,
II- -ZS, .. . .
.. •
AMANDA: M. BARN botii i of qibsbn.
-10 Harlon], on the 111 , br, the Ii
I _Miller, Mr. Jona C."‘VEh'Srin l ,' of Fr
. and Miss ELIZA. OAKT...EY'," of Itarford
: .1
A l iso, by the same, at the' intne place,-
1 . .119tli inst., 3tr.Enracx.l Fr.r4ii, o(
'Wyoming' 'count y% andl Miss ! ' ERIE
_ .
MEAD, :of Lenox. . • i • 1 °
Also, by the same, at the-game Once,
20th...inst., M; iJoirc L. iTiir.ixr an
PoLir. E. CA 17.iTER, VOth Ot liarfo
a map
to ttit
etilt 6
• • 0 • I
. 1
Z if •
lln New llilffrd on tholth. inst. CI
Levi, pon of . S. L.' and Ra.C.1191 ? . ane
a 4.4 . da3sell:
Ili Clifford Jam., bth 185 p; Tllbues B
E-qwaged y nrs. 1 f _
-.-h li ~ -. I NoTim -.1, -..
r , my . Old custcimeri cind_cilf• Inter'
...I.7t*E.ilis me od ofinaltl=l to one
' .
' that I have dis osed •ofmy s : Goods, ,
.ted nty, Store to M .pio.-It. fLawley, who is to 1
iftOrt ea the rtatfr DAT of 2.141 next and In 1
the proper cbang ee and arransttnent • f the
othalthenbliied to' orgo the pleasnieO,. seeing I
era tot theist 2d ad 3d.ditys ot.Anril, no Mon
sth day -o f Airril,.. r: Iltiwley Wi shes to to ray
renerallthat be 11 be pr,epated to ivet ~
i L
......,,,...„,,,....•.,,. C'T
liftmtrope; .51 'Md, 1853.. i .- • .
, .
• or. -
Good paii of team 1 isea, dorible
*wagon, I,(t. sale by g • •
I •
zon Fire: I. • ---
. ..
urtr, March 14. '. - • -- - . - Caution.n._ .•
.. ~
e ! tele i eeph 2.. , ~. - ',Attper'sons ore hereby, rerbid harboring or trust
"` - ' 2 ". 1 ing nry wife SiLLY, as I will , . _ •
Oay pa tlttitte oilier.
': the 7th in refer- i contracting.hereefter, ahe.hAing left,me . witliout
, '6 , ith . trshi.P: s , while any just cause or provocation. ' • ' •
;. - - • •
took fire on Sun - Laneslcoro March 23ii .1853 , ...' i' l* 1 •
di sues hlitiOst .en--....-'-:•:-----.:.4._:_,..:__-_' . •__ •', ~ . (- ‘ 1 *)....-
i!t !ler ealtql con. - . ,'' , ... A Rare Chalice. --
;:ricoit.on.., - - •: •- Irr ITlZ:an s 'osc - ribrr in- consednenCe '
of 111 health , off
the ship Belmont i • tor kale lits'elegently tureilbe.l . nitrs.tA D.kail:eftri
itHAN (ROOMS, iridt satbe \ lttridtare. fixtures.Mead
rPitinn.. •was still -L.
.t. , , . .trdrantil , Stork. ' The- ltbonte' iire leaseill for toury
~!511113. 2000 . 14aieg: front iht first of At4il next. Ever7thiog e d a rn
; : •- , "I . the best:order. .Tho reteblightnent trill he told= upon .
_ , I reasonable terms. .To; any roiuin engaged . in the "totsi-
. nese, wiehing l'plettfant -and partnine
teatime,' one or the best o rtuniti.
:tiCei " : ' '' .. j
P ' "I tt • befound Prn i
1 -:Ofile o r3 ' , 3f the 1 l' a o ‘ r '2 Tth a e i r thal T axi cttlat toquire o a lli t 1
!on (if 3lon t rose:7 I- r i.l •• • TII.)NIP3ON'S nags
;3llnglifteatan, March 0, IsEa....
;!. will be. held :it '
, • -
ondar, April '4th,l. Y• . I " •.'"h fi tG: - a
ARK, Pree./l I - . A ° rs
, ,
ii ' • 7 . 1M EW Gonat new beini recented ahe
4. • ' - . ' i ..1.11 ar. soto) at the lowest tignie for
at owe at! --' : -.` • - ' .. j
3lonttikte; March IS. ISM. . .
-tciturrit, in ;Mon-i.. ; r •
wic k ed i o the iron. the Jodots of the .
ter Sessions the Peace
3:111 tlie nations
.-County vi Susquehanna:
SRS ifetition'of.s2las•P. Gr%v
inst„ By '
Itrorsa :
E. KE:csA
sox of No'
of Jiickson
1 S•ticl. J. B
/.f. Jackson
er pinee:
I 1 --', .
iti, to
i " 1
Maxich 4th
I►y ilie Re:-
. Dix an
nines • 4 him
. Elt
Ind telltale by
ED ofthe lave
.• •
march 16 fes3.
Sumptelianna acituitY, - tstibded-iiillAstitibbd iii'
follows, .to wit t,On.,,thut - uprik,ii4f,34- stifles
Moidilotind:,,the.publie;ihighWaYi on
the.easkby. litid Ofithithleti NVili9C*the with
1 1 ,u
by lan ofiglephenlott;and - ini the itiast'by land
nnkno , ecumilning "bout 40 - acres More or lees
topther with. the apperteneneekUne - two,. - story
dwellittgliettse, One 'stable, Ind minty . Jinpmved.
Writ xi alias fi. Fa. at the su it. Of S. S. -- ", Gro
ver against Abram IVliitt - i•orth,' ".
- --
- ..
.Allthat certain tractor-parcel of land rituate
i in,the B e rotigh of Montrose in the county of Sus
hqueha Mt and - Stata of Pe n ns,yl , o nin.and batted;
beund d ind:deseribedlis follcgys, to wit :]l•Bigiii - -
Min u a stake in the middle of the western line
s of the bit, late - of the : Locke estate, on Chestnut
• street, afid running, thence south, 37 deg. west 100
feet o laid street to the-conteiof the lot on Ce
dar lee, being the month west eoinerof the Epis
roltal 'church ; ' thence :smith 63 deg: east; 100
feet of said lime. to the south west corner of said
that, N..-:now or lately owned by the Bank of
j Smou Annum comity ;'.:thence north 37 deg. east
I 100 fe t on the division line of the lots , to a stake
middlO of said line.;: thence north 63 .. deg.
0:0 feet to the placekof beginiting 7 contnin
perches..siving.. and excepting eat of the
he ground covered" by. the, said
in the
tug 3 s
Ghnitih. together with all and singular tits bOild
ings,,iniproyententig,:-Smt &C. J„:: ;.
_ - Writ of Ley. Fa: at the suit of TZoberl.l. Nivea,
Thosi Johnson And Walter Follet, rtmteeit of
theqk odrose: Lodge and St. 3Ohn Encampment;
of 11”a•ludep . endent Order. of 'Odd Fellows,' to the
nie'o . the Odd Fellows' Hall Aasoela Lion of Mau !
srainst James W.rChapntun.. . . --.
. .
' All hat certain Saw.sllll, 31111 'rani end sppurtentn
ern. al untenn3 being on Silver Creek, -neer, the Salt,
Stain.; in thc toienrhip of Frankfin ;in veld County of
Susou .henna, the lstid whteh said .31ili standi, be
ing boUnded on the north by land of. lo,derrittc,
on the rag briVilliatit 'Burrows ; on the iouth by -wild
land ;.land:On the West by Nathan'?. Whetatonand
• Arrft of ker. fa.'.at the snit Of Lorenzo Tante againo.
Lather Enow 2tl aittl george "
G. ELDRED, Sheriff. '
Sheiirs Office, Montrose, ?
March 2‘2; 1853: -S •
1. • to*nslkip Ofilarniony of said en thy. respeetlnUy
representa that be.l4prrivided ;with 'table conrenien
or, to kropse Grocery In -the township foressid, and that
' ;it is his intention to apply o the lie: Court of Quartri
.et, E. I seR4OO to be flakier' in and for said e untyon tlai third
; ex , 741.0nd531 of April next, for a .lictunie keep 41.-Groe6ly
iiSed irr sell strong beer, ale.or other nialt
in to Abe,Act of Assvinhly of the 14111 .4.,Vrit, ISM.
Of I Eitlutrl P.SiIIAY. •
rnrgtiebatiaa Derpoi..)fareltls,lB4=-11w4 .
7m-c.l • 1 • Executors' B
T ETE subscribers Will expose t
wy o _ - Auction 'on
_Thursday I /
t March; ,1853, :commencing at 1
; upon the , premises of the late S.
w o • y- j hithe township of,l 4 .leirMilford,
'ls uno r nrsaid farnt• . cons.tiu • •
;•st , , f
anssi,natited,articles and many i othera
1- • 4 '; : Fire'cowsi 2 horses . , I pair. two years .old.
.4.lsteers,!l. two years old bifil,.ly,M4rlitt,gs; IS. sheep.
Rost : i . 2 hogs, X two' horse .- covered Carriage, X . tiro
horse or single 'covered carriaze,{l single baggY;
..* 3 sett of one horie Itarness,4ead)lies and bridles.
b y th e a quantity of pitie'afid hemlock lumber,'6 tons of
• h as, iliarrow and teeth;fartning. utensils of aft
1.1 -71 kinds, Also, household funtiture, consistine in
•I pirt of chairs. - bedsteads, - tables, &c., 2.cocihing,
" • latores and several other kindanf various patterns.
G..K . ,.TEnnti OF SALE—For all an s than fi ve
• Miss dollars, cash ; between five And tweutS.
notes on interest, and payable ithitt 3 months,
:' with approved security ; haws. en twenty, and
A . l fifty, notes asaforesaid payable 'thin 6 months.;
.; between 114 cud one hundredhollers notes as
4 / 1 "/ 11, I aforesaid a 1 'one yeai.
n the
E A.
. . .
, .
••• - . . -
.. —1" übUc:Noti O. .. ~,
.r. tlEsubscriber offerti for 't sale public r - entine
.' '.At Great Bend; Penn ' a. . ..k. crop Tuesday the 22d .day, . March ati 10
oc a rick a. s. sin the premises of. late Sitno i n
.L.T.Jt. - JEANIE M. •GUILE will- open a ..- 1) .--.,.. k ~.d e, r .d: ' ,,.?f , F i n ink _ k ht" it h. ° fc - 4 I lu g, r e i s ,..9_",o
comthencin 4 . .on.'l',cuttet, 1 grind atone, a ch rn machine, and
ti,chool-for Young Ladies and . M sses in the-Vil P ro t'' , v '' •-` :um '" l r t : s ba t : ii n w !' ii ': l t e h, " a ors ce e i ;*;
loge. of Great tend,. the first T
on Wednesday. the 13th day of
next. • The,
d ! i f i r3 n . ,t, lt „ e ,!` s rs ils° , p i lo t trasiis. also
year will bo . divided into four ta otters of
:eleven' it'riten---0-13-eT;L:',:allrezi household fu itnie and other
weelis each,
r „.. 4 ., _ .‘ , things too numerous to mention ' -'' -:''l rt
221alsis5 lo as - • • - i- ;. ' I Teaus.Of Sale.— A 11 . Burns and rs.l caiili•doWn'.
Reading,,Writing . i - and Geogropl yby Out . : • r 2, (1 •
-) -
ore $5 six ninths credttl.witli , ' tereSt and irtp
, line Maps, per , (Zito, ter, - -•. .- $ - proved,sectirily. • . - JULIA li'N PARK.[ i
:Grammar, Arithmetic, History, and Phys. . . Franklin, *arch 7, 1853-10 . 2
• - '
. ..
: . iology, ' - .. - - ... 1.- _- . 3. 43 ---•—• - 1 -
Natural. Sciences, - Mental and.:iloml Phi-,.:
josophy, and the Iligher,..Mathematics, 14 3 ;)0-
Freuch,Germaih.a II il Latin:Languages. 590
Drawing .and Painting :in' water colors, . 1 ,.
• (extre,). - -' ' :•. -, • - -• "ZOO
Music; on the Piano 'and Guitar, ritli thee of 3 "
instruinints, (extra,) - - .- .. -... •8 00
A Primary Department will baconnected with
the School, in which , small boye will.b . e received.
hind alli
, ake pea-
I rarr
toot °m
ay toe
o public
r valls
' Young Lediee -from - a distance can private
board in priratelainiliei, on:reteonabletertie.. •
Iseeturei wil!be:given an scientific subjec4s ev
ery week. . " . -
Great Bend, Match 8th,1853.
(I t 9311nneys, reduced. D 3 pries VI 12,„% 'bents
each - • •• • DE PIET'S,
copajtpel:shlpAti the moreSniile.tasiness
of N. Gratiger. 4. co. ie this dsy dissolvedby
ttintual ebosent., .. All persone
. .indebted to the
Stan will•seitle - scjth N. Granger. who sill - eon=
_thine Abe business. - 'N. GRANGER. ••
Rtisb r Feb.23. '53.-911; •
I will
;e. in
• -
. _ . ~, ,
AGood asoottment of Drams , Palate, I)ils...Dye Stuffiti
d toceria i lilitio3o, t.o , at. .A ,T,GIIIIELL7I3::
Dee: 1852.
~ •
~.. ~ .. . i - .. :. . ; - • .
rT quality of Lasip Oil; Canipheati Bunting Fluid
and Candies, • - TUJOIELL'S
.•• , - -
A 'little'of nearly every thhig, u %nisi ,at • ' -
.11. Montrose, D,ee. 9, 1852. . TUILRELLT;
- it..LiiTilitOp 'Co•I t ,
•, 4 "
in StisV ms i , elvantia.
visa idi IS at Work dons
on has Boratis Tables,
sad - also chites;'. rape
dog Chairs.' .ta:,` Beasteada
'so,wiusting Noah ars :will do
yaraisindg doOfs short .
Id "tada to Otdhsgso , leit. .
Cabilet - Sha
.Staid.., Et, or47l mergiiir er, sii . d. also is
ad keeps
ma, warraided we n
lest, nig And. irintbsor, ' -
(nerialy on hand.. Alt
Ye al t o oa t t ; iterating'
C 4 glatTOOY !MI
- ,
,10 11
- -
..,•1=• -"F',- • '„ ' - •• ,
---- -••-;"
crir -;OPt- I— "
, • .ig M
Apritiell • A
.WE tAckih.”
_„,.......- '!'en ve. u
knfl cindiur, ' 4,-, 46tTr'..i :11
- +in
,400-i_wait 01
,- /a NE B , : , 1
, b 52. •
~1 4,1 0 - v. 10,
=lunge' ' lijim
nt location: this
tlstlinvrating a
I . corm :T.:
err*i Gallery
osi 4.11 y. And to
- h,dont ALL Cali
'•ourl of Quar
n and fur the
na Delw)t.
Tale at 't endue
le 24th driy . of
0 o'clock A. AT,
Meylers; decd;
KOck - and utena
the .tollowing
of herein men-
Ezecutors of
• 1rs;1 as, dm
sttett, ono
"14 I_ - i z;:-.: . • ~- ~ .1, ! A. '.:. .. 1.
ow-nat getta-pegoVtorn.veautaxe.,
epteted .in ..-_ an., arr .
''renteluent brielftc*tker .:'to fur nish'
the, Pitckerbocker , . Itiiittitiilles A , th lic.i thi
Hanle Journal, (Week Iyafitalktliii licit/ 1 4.carld
and Tirtiii,`(treekly,) it new , _ '' '' bete, it;'• . ilie
veryimodera re . price t'erc.. five; Arlie r a -yenr for
,three publications; nit' s orderei , en tositirl-tbat '
'autolint to Dyer & Willis; Will . be remptlY et-',. /
tended- to. 'l..Saruttel-lities tan, PA iiher of the
'K.&kerbtreker ;, Morris*Will_ke.-.,
';Publisher. of i
. the mud, Journal ; ' l . ) ”r ik“ Willi -blishers
t i
Musics;•Musics; World and limes, 27,11roadaray
Nc York. i.' - • '• • 4 - ', ' ' • --' ' -
• G a la. .Literdri and Artlstia:o inbinatim
4 1 . a
ugements hive been
_e,t `furnish; the
Kni kerbocker Magazilie i the lidni JoUrnitl,inid.
thr . `ew. ' York -Musical d Times;' ,lo
ue ,aubserihera for fivp dolliiisi . I ar ! '. 2 his is
chelip I' ter - retort', With i - -venODAiqt...:', The Kuick,..
er 'cher is $3 Per aprilkm tithe; 11 ine lettrnal,
$2; and the . Musical
• Worfel ..tincl: Timeti,' $3 ;,
ma Mg $8 n - year . tti. :the. tisual. tea., ..I . liut -
thr e such works can be obtainid f r five dollars ,
a yerli is a fact truly worthy itim Veloric age
is )ust : now being: Ushered in. = "Of the
Knickerbocker trazine,•edited 1) . -Lewis,day 7
'lord Clark; it isttimecesaary to spe lk.. For twin:.
t}-years it'has been the. most 'grid, humorous;;
add spicy'' monthly " in the world and : the prep ?
ent volume wiii•ite bolter than any Which Prete..
ded it, • The 'linage ,Teurnist; edited by George P . ,•:.
Morris.and N.. P. IViliiii is, Fe i n - flown as th e
i ll
best family newspaper in America / and the Vti
sii!fd 'World *aid Timest;'e - Oiiea i . ) . -Kk4ard:St°iri l
\Villie; with Lewd Masai; Geo. IL - Ctirtis,lTbrra.l
Hastings,' Wm. R. //mdburY, Geri. , F. Root, and;
other musical writers • contributin r;• and Which,;
, . , , ~,
gives - among other things.; over - :3.. wortn. 9 1 ,i
music and.a full course of instructi n in harmenY,•
annually, is the very best ninsiCal Journal evit;
published. ' , These three publie.ati 5 Will. post ' ; it ; ',l
fatnily up in regard to near:y, everything ; wortli:'
knowing;—.art, science. , literature ; multic,paintf
.ing,sculpture ; inventions,idistoirerieel,wit, hit
Mor,•faney, sentirnenk• ' the newel ,fashions and,
oherattractions for ladieti; ehoi t ee new . music` fofthe "Sabbath; the ChurCh 'and( the. Fireside l'
reviews and critici s ms of Musical " orks, Perferf
tillers and performances; in; ehoit tilt; very pick
and cream of novelty, incident; story, hiegral,
pity, art, literature and : science ;1 :eluding whati
ever can be given in petioducals t promote her!f,
thy amusement unit solid instructl n in the funii
ly, and help to' make it better, wi 4r. and hapPi
t -
er,may he. now obtained for five ellen. :
; .. Address.- " .DI R . & WILI.IA.'
10w3 " * • " .257_ Elr ,tv ay. , N. Y
- Adnumstratrix
LETTERS .of Adaihustratio
g6utieetet the uudertigued,
FAASKLINI Lesv; late Of the towi
Ben% deed. All 'person S iudeb
estate are requeeted.toilettle the
ately, and -atilersons hayinir
said e'stateplease.pmeut th
ed; for seitietnent. _. f
(=feat Bend, March
• •
, • • • D'issolutioa
TitE fi riii cifSayre & Febstei
solved bs inntnal consent. ' 1
I , aceounts are in itle hand 4 of A.
immediate sett!epent, 111 they
- the first of JOne next, they wilt-1
Charnberliu, Esq., for coltebtion.
AfbntrOsei Feb. 111.11,
."1 •
t r
. . . .
Public Vend ir. ..'
1 • .., _ 1
.1lI.: subscriber.haVing sold 11 , ,firut,:will sill
* at public v endue On 11:tiesd a I, the 15th daM
of March usxt, eta 0'c10ck...1.-M+ an the,preiol
lees of the subscriber - in BrboklYA,l, the follovrtng
property; te..wit: I.epaulet' ma ehed horsei',l
yeats old, 10 cows,- 1 churn sbe :p, .5 'ilioatS, A
Am •
1 .
ber - Wagon, I hurgy wagon,. . juraber sleigt!
1 diner, 1 - team herneis nearly Itiii, r u g h th i ar4
nessi 4.plOws, I.,harrcw, 2 crowbars, a lot of 0114
rind other train; hay in the brani:lAo bushels of
potatoes, 75 . nr.Krbitsheltiof.rettafbnp, ittrnips, A
churning nuichine t 1 grindstorie -rakes, .pit ti
fi.rt.; . . -hovels. lieds..tahlati_ehiiie..l....a...i...l d0i1.....,
0......., 1 r ....-ts,. -semi t.. l .3mra ottret. po' 4' 4131 11 i
and a variety ; of other nine' . lee, fairnling; dairti
and household utensils too numerollt N to tuetitipli
S OF SAi..--
. All.sums I . than Iss; eaili
&own: over e 5. nine -
titouths triapproved - Cul,
aorsed notes with interest.' l
If •
... • i 1
.•_ • - BRADFORD 0. , ‘ i.:4 1 RTROLTS. I i
' tro , iiclin Feb. 2Sth, 1651. A 1 * 111
t tiv-
I t
i o,
I y l
r, 1
i , 1
• i - Feed . the Hun ,
rrITE undersigtied. ihinkingaliat am
J. - wants •443loatrose and its Tit3ll
flietiftli if that eta godd Bakry.- Th'
hly we could do as much good in o'b..y
". feed
the Hungry . ," as in' sink other,
;Ivo a conartnerAnp in the ahowe nm
itaend to cairy it on ii.... all its Thric
Ittcad, Cakes, Roils, ntisk,ries, &e...
-. S. D. - Wedding Cake'madq to old(
Oct.,' V ' . '— .- . NICIIOY
? Montrose, rel.. 2401,.1953. t - I:
• , 1.
. ..
Silk and Fancy Dryl l, ,lob till . ; : .11 i .
. : • .1- AND JOBBE 0- . , -.1 p.
.- . .- Of Silks- ind.raticyl) GoOds, - f 1 [
i .
HATIlca reMorel fr o m 44 Ceda r ticet, to the • }lei
.31,mbje handing, 9;3 Latest] sts 4, feardb6rs !rest
ofillzoadway, Would invite the 'Mei fon of 4tcaters . iti
.distant Cities and, tiaras to a very • xecisive - and. rich
stock of silks and fancy dry; goods, alluding of itilt ,
hons;.Laces,..ZinbroitierieS ‘ lllress , riaiminct, Witte
Goods, 'G loves,liiiks, Delaikes, Shaw SI Partmls, 11111111-
try Articles, &c.. • - :. : ' I . I :
;An examination - of our Goods a. di prices, -wil lrk
-think, convince eptmtry \deadest tha trues offer th ere
fully as'advaritavoas terming attjr.hlitsei New Irork
17. 1
—if not better.: We pay Particular. att don to the
Auction saley, and if goods are eel t ltss Oasis
''than they can be_imported.-ss is Co ' times the casc-i
-' we Shall see that our rim canersahalf realize ill the ben
• elk accruing - from such. sales. • We - aiU at all times Will
ing to exhibit our stock. to bayers',. whether they 'put , '
cliaseror not;'_
we do not ecnilder it any unable to shut:
I our goads- - ' • ' -.. H '-- •-:. . 'q
i :_ Mr' Cat& ititi,el ' -
ore • ppreliraa
riled towirrlll a eall. From our oar Au
iiiriacedWe eau . sall them -at p
I prove sat ry. - "lilt:o43lY
I 9=l . - '.9
1,000 Book Agel ~s a itte
To. se :dorm ust
ar u • or 0
ut ri the
,year ,1853.
• 1,000 Dollars a. e
WANTED, in errs,. county of t'n ihrdi atm. ac
-11 ascend enterprising men. col S. 1 1 u• lute
amuse of the best Books pi/beaked the eouutry.-+
To men of good address. possessing .malt espiiai of
from - 1143 t 6 $lOO, such indneementsyin be Offered as
to enable tritnake,from 1,3 $S a y prom,.
Dar• The !looks puhltsbedby us 1l useful in !heir
character' extremely popular, and ••• •• • • largusalea
;wherever therare offered. • for fart. M. particle/4 ad.-
dress, (postage paid;)' , 'ROBERT S ItB,Tubff.her. .`
5114 131 William et ffew TOrk.
To Credi
"NTOTiCklahriebir thatt h i
-LI Judges of' the Court a;l;emla • •
hasaa Camay, tor as btu tot the,
this Oaaukkoairealtlq, arkich i appltaiii
Court Oman, hridtattita,t4loa the ,
seat; at lOo'cloekla thel• ••• a,
stated taarattead #tist • Wept..
diabase' ;iamb 8,1:. ' oiir4 •
. audit - : No
wan ar
7 to - dlettiltate , .moieaget the • • oars of Geoff**. Et..
Pride, the wanly la th e hands'ef -401asetipuree,
Oise wear that hetriltatutatto thalaties of sedrsr
pelotrarat - at biotn/rein. Illoatross Qiriasrdaj ahe
tiff April lest at. ton _We** la ••the foretops
'interested -is thiliddrellirlt desired to at.
toad ui ; t4 ; ii - - 4••• •-•A. k , ) 4511,11,er
-•• 1: •" •i•
.• •
•-•- • - -
`l.' , • ' - Attilitpre,..Not =,--
,: - ..1 Jai{ I.: • ,-,--.11t§.i . .: OM!:
no r ivied‘to . A.-,Lnii!L.M •N0,..11", r' lr. I , ',A
- i. I,r ' - vi,' id,,. '', , . te . Of del
- i - Vtr.pimplie . ii., -;' 'bi She ;, la.Suilq...
1 .
: I " 'Tito tnideriiigned,lifitslitotir e . pointed
courtrtg distribttiej Om fund ti isinefiii
ilborei mentioned Bale ; will kite* to . tfie d
said 4pointntoni.'nl the Office ii sWtn:J. I
iit 514tiose , onli:butstlay the 3 t day of,
l a
'inst..nt'one:o'Ciciat 1:y1114 of - which all !,
intereisteil will tik,i*otiee and ! ko ttleir
or be 'debarred fesinifeominiitt a on said f
t '.• 1 1 , ' ... . :1;1
..t ' WM.II, TAtrtrt z
1 1 -.- . , •:1' t - N.,111E-iITOV . .
t March l'i 1853..-, i" .. , '. - , I , • And
f-- - - - 1 - : -- ' -- - - ------,: 't. •
1 Clover alid Tintot,
1.: . ,... - ' Register's_ t
ipvntad NOTICE is herebl
1 - !soirricOncertied:in•thir - folle
IN.ll't ' , i• ' j
: . ..''. , I :
' t
. i::: . ' _ .s.
1 Elitate of Wirt.,ll:::McKunt,
j,.' I • •'1144113 , V- AleKu
Estate of Joh Niehols, deed .
',..•... l i lillin Nichols, .
i . ..C'Oetir arrnalt Trustee uude
rTherirpson;ded'il, - ind ' , - •
^ - 1' ,- Ere . r eh :11'ine of . 'Lydi
i i
'Eitate of E' ue.t er Millard,
- . • „i ndrevr S.-LOW
Zstite'ilira ;.- Vinch;'dee'd.
f r . ..: 1 • hailer, Avery,
Estate of Si onl Park, dee
I • -,: • • , 'Satinet %V 'Pr&
titian- Arnold. d
111 . arirherlin:SE //
U, Lock, tired.
tOric Charks ~.A..
:41 Taylor; dec . (
luirlea Tiugl4l
Airidrn 'Walker,
7 • , 11 tinieß )(mato,. -
Mite of PhlhOttoduard, deed.
• , - 1 Alvery trinlr, A
That the nccountints hde se i
in:the Retisteee otfice, in ari
Stirilnelminna,lT4 that . '
ed to the 'indites - 01, the Orpli I
Coauty.-in. Moinqese, on .W 1
day of Alitil;frext;for confirtn
i. i ,'. ..A.MO,- :
F.tite of#lisha Mack:: deed. '
; --- . • . ' :'. Ifirin L. Mac
That. th e 'wenn tont' has tettted q
• U.iiiFtees Offic ,in indfor the co
alid'thlt thepa e Rill he ; igecint
Oivhates Cott o f said county, In
day.of April ni t' Ihr conlrmatio !
f , - ' • r". 1 3...1% LAN
Register's 0 re/ MOntrose, i
.Marels: I, item.'
Vstate,Of N
Estate Of.R.
:llaSun ,tl-'lVit
. :Post; Eers,
I Estate:l4 A'
Bstat ,
mice:: • i i
ha%inti beep;
n•tlie Pviateilf 1 1
*hip of .Gren;
!ict to the
iatne imrieslt
L.•: • I!
SR. Admix. ir
Ow 6 I C
7 7[1
hi this day. 44.-!
e ,
I ',he Notes 1001
Wetmtei 101;
el not-settled IVY
left mith - A , ii.4
.. .- i l
- 1 A
?• ' '
syER. - . 1
," r-
New oaks Aus
Preenteic' t s 91arber Shop
4, 4Atthettrtt d story' of elotttlierp
fet•ent limn the *ill? Imitations
In t r , It le tut ett4ely!intereetitee:
11 , Frank treetWarre . llaiber
iwildity, by sc 1046. 'prtmert ion 'of
eICT pm's! n ,
and .p,
grit:dee-profit fttota the perusal or
niept.s.ry upon the
Alt we here in say is,huy the •
ash -for the Viieutl'i Pake—for
unat soinetblng oat Aiio 'tines!
- 1 4Satur , l'oy Courier. .
che 3 Vfqp9lelfor.bynicsty,
tracts;, by th Be . verly men,
Ong tirthetue*':ealtiable ant I
tiifiri.• I
" IDOL e;ifei:an'd r ittr,rf forta 3 .Slivl
' • 1 , - A — TC T IO
• !..- - , t, / .
rrillE - sul)seriber ltavio,7, BCC
.1 at public" Yendue • (on ..
owned by Lattnim Gardner;
316ntrose), oitl.; _
.11etine,sdity 'flt,e•3o .
11i ,cf ill
" - 1. 1 click. A. .31
15 egiVii • 3 , I .Y.t ket. of oxen, torses,:i
lumber, wsgon; . l
1 two horse hag; wow
horse buggy, ill twb horse Inn egg. I_s.
teeth, ke.
i l ''.-
Ir _
Esus---Sixlmonths credit
cu 6 1 .1% • t i , .3.
Montrose, l‘tarChl; 1853.
L i 1, •
' . Fashionablo Si Ha,
11, Spritit.rStyle. •
1 • .
Ana a variety ! rother ust roes Tel]
nOw lot of It EltDy .11.3.D' G.
• Marti& 1 , • i 1 • - GEO.
itlaEEPit-bircii‘e ;hi
„ix 'boy voitt , kg at
, 1 1.
„t*g to e Mltrierp $.
t,,t 7. 1 0 one' renil,
nking that..proba. , .
'g the command;
lei have enter
t - bushings,. a d
i branches, vi I
.• 1 t .
(nd on short ',lii:r7
1* * 4 O
ii Rill
Ily the , barrel, .itirthe chOlcest Br ads, - sk lel
as low as in interior quality basitretorore 1
towni Also Fl . 3ur by the hundr ,or small,
*foams*, fob.-43, 1633. !grids r
', et ,
Tarprity SEMI) for salelty
7 -Feb. Z.l;' 1853.
Get yeurOlocks epat
. aIO VIP,NEY do ae chtS
good ty tatty, other m, Mid_
Accordions, eld Jewelry . and jell new
ati t lie - chespeiii -and In mish M clock'
rant them mi l ker .gm chime.
57 Shop. *flutterers GroP
- .31introse,
• _-_ .. - otilts 7of A i
'HE ;,-,34ti . :,7 6il-inii4:ti-,,h, peaL
l hang.
-`the follcinnnir• days and i)incs". fa
the..4ppnals,frin the assassin' zits Of .11
:•:- Yorest.l..aita aid SilTsr • La e.•Tuesdl
15, 1853, at We' houst7of-M s . Clark ]
Lake,. : . ,;:, R • . ..1,-:- . - ••• •
• ' Choconnt,l%liddletown, rrienasiilie
aeon, March: 16, et the iniuse of Bawl
Friandeville.!l '.' .. .I ' . - ;
--: Rush and lihtimmi,.Marehll7th, tit :I
of Nicholas4ller in Rush, 11, -•--: .' - 1
• Springvill !and Dimock,-Marcht.:- 18 ,
houseof S. !',l,ickcor in . Sprininilli. *-4.
itrooklYn ! On& Latrop * . garc'h• 19"
house of E. Riiller in 'Brooblyit. . . '
• 211 L rford mad Lano3i. *inclined, at ' "
:of D. fr• WeAci ifs, le-flos ' j,lf .1 -
H Renick, Clefterd and Dun l daff, Mar
i hquse of A:041613*n in Hirsilalf.
, ' iGibsott: Jaiiiion. and' Mar i ii Marc
the house.erAfl.l.l: Chamberlin in ..Glbe
IThomsottpiait,Harmody, arch -24
I houen;of T4tiiniCair in Ha , on . y.'• -'
INeur MilfnAland.Great.R nd; Mai,
I the louse, ofi Hirairt.Barnum; .•Nevr.i
• Trauklin - 'and, Libinit, :lir ' 26i
,nf:B;; t'iiii• in Libartyj ,
t IJeittinp and:Uridgearater,
Cnixu*ssiertili iace i'n . . Rion
' - . . Byi firdet of• ilia CO I
I- • ." --, :.-- •
'c It-'5.1 - tf ..-'•••;• : - -A. .
-,. o - mml•44rilv offia..l - 1
: • . Feb. L.-1 *
103 •": ,- 5' , 1
-,. -- - ', I
art. exPecillti
es we are leo&
• • rated as UV:ISt
e..spplied the
Pies of Saktiv'e•
I!! heard
s t J
ION 17.11.4)
... .. •-• 4 okay . - -
„ 1 1l . c .-, ..,,
satilu ir
. , ltori: ,l*ci r pqro{, , c9nc . •
frirtitelifitel l il'
1, or cu. 8 ' k r ilenvarewel ea the
Sayre fqr peCtleack. ~Neeesaleyfienapelsk
immediate itteill ow tto 'theta as Well re eka
If ilat •OPle se rd *41'4111 bilyiitt fp sew
are forblipally= . :,: ?.. - r `BIN,
-,- - - - Lii !L. ' - i --- '--.. -- r- ' 7 '''.
T mess P.. Irma
tainror.i.;•':‘ •
/IrAii i ii -: ' IV , aliii i . "ilell .
* e
_WAR! 7filiir
..mati tow. : finds .
ili bitilh "ittilepedeioi di:- •
*mut ' tAitisktir lir,
ditto Lfroltratett- •
ie: eip '. ly y?' kl feeder V.:
in ku ing outer*
ilici4- !Al litit' 'erten.
IJewei /1410Teple to; 4,
in gold noes • pf :14,44•41; — *
te . 'ahoi with 'Mx tonne!
g ,Wnt es .: nein! liefciee' .
!alike - itilesltti - iitt,en..i .
, Afilint D J. ETA ''S: :;,
re,29 Feltele sit:,
. # t f
I.y 019
I, the ,
• i
; ties aft
INI h\arc
reii to
tfig - Olt
tes r to
e, Ex cul
the Wilt
eed; •
441, Ex
cry Sall
1 .•
ry and
111 - m. L
; f . •
e,c'd. .
led t.heir.l
for. the. C
' e
a:kil a
ccount.s a
!onnty ,
present= II
Ithe 20th I
• seeon
ally of Cu!
to tlieJ
0.1 allow .
DON, at ,
tip tit the
rs of the
u tlie[2ltb
'fc,lt is t.
11 8
i ' r7 • wrlfe .
i k hives:3ll?
p* they ,
, Gar.
om's Qabr. I I
read With
hate reatf'
"e= 9 ll you
i srost Son '
.k, it
rtur OVVI2
kdeeply in
I -
th . e. 1
tc... po,r7
arts a the
k 4lfficre, wit
- easttof
his fa
we mil
'at -10 04-
4vi.oll . ot've' 7 - 7 ---";-- •
Ilt, 1 'eve •'. .: A Worldo ,
i o.drig., waisblysv. -- !EAT
. .. .
' At:en 11 y.vdirtllert. 'fiea th the ir6 1 1: . i
raved se;:- - , udioldciii;ot;d;.;.ititilai
0 RE4: ' -• .we talk by lightning, ride
. . • , A all paint by Sot's eternal
, L'ut withourstopping to !en
. .
• • benefit!' derived from the ‘wir
wi.iwould call'attention to the .
1 4- curing one; or moreiif lhosir bill
- • Daguerreiitype i
.wltioh.nre faken at the:Odd•Fe
- ' aid of ~,,f heaVen's ow: Surditlit'
the'A'rtist:i• . • - ~. _\..
..,. 'He has Vristieturned onsl
-his 'head full ofiknou'le : 'II
4iiercsfing'itii4 4 9-er.oate, a B '• Ili
plated hickets,:iceve,otc.. Am
Of cases am tlie.kadarne iiieri,
Shelloind 'Ladies'. Ovfif—the
. patterns'eier offerei
Call and reel • ' itiimission,free.l
. Nov. 10, I8Zg: I
with vmpl
': DUN 4
• •iplaceto
I. n band
wp will On
en mold:In
'l3 - - . and .'as
'as cheap
and .war=
E. mo
ii • Farait'
I• nd,Apol-
Olist iti
110 - 110011'0:
N 333
he honeef
t: Ore)
256'' at:
dirgit ne4. l
01 4 *, tit*
- .:br his 15.14.!
de of fowl
.114.1r4131.'. , 1
• •
tt; tliel
I N 6414110 ofiffidl Stakes ;
trliop..& Co., Ir••• ti eitt efiati
of gitkoi4io..lliy.; Tin•W,nrohjapstif.Citsieki.
C .ippo., - ntt4l 'other:wait-A •n Aniline too
tnet . ktigni. stie :pretioreti wittis 144
wtisoore c=tllei the 1 , d113011, as cL
goi_od bo n - n.beatneilf- Atflotls
lat sithbeatucssand diivytt elf.:
':ilif;rft think. it wilt be . 6:.c'your:riitcioist--t
,iopr.nearre's 4;ltectry
otßee• - -
Bryant' -ous rea
•. - -f.f.:,; . :Li;; : -.: , lip', Pli. t - tisisviatt4g l isicintis-toill.lin ,i sane
'..ifeat frOns the DetkotUt a eist Road :#.•
isidEornishett 04 tiattitoble.-itylle fOr.,*
' aid - Wil l bOltept =Oat at all (both 1
I foie kheictootithact ef crotchet i and Csgecl.
'tittineddotlosc - of iilosin , pris' rut elling'iou
l'Eiritc.4 L Jc it.'Rallroaas t 'llotng-at`thclu
(isni rosids,and the ncorit convenient point
toke-refreituttents andhi - oilt4fth thelin
ak dor most contetsienciaonse - to *coon=
*,l*ctiutieit li. NEW; VLlcAlli- and
vititk'roon enough i enou to aCoun t o4idat W
e ALL,.
1.171 t new furniture to cortesiloicit,osiltab,
loth wil 1 MI:ALS:oat itlAnlitta feint.
meats warning. •-' ; - ; ... • : ;
i itr Pass engeri dislring rest and , sle e p ;
here, avoid the Inconteritenne of :tlting.
find an hot,:ai Woll'as the delal.inil .unr
Curbing to - the:depot at the.arcitil on' de
grains.. as a- ic - rter. will, 'tp: In ; witting to
i.tlt. their bangagelatbiT-iltiOnt • IfOnevi
i e way,". and, conduct thenc,bariragOhit
' ward.taing sOnziat care to' Wake the
*l • - . .• , ..
any hour of the night: ',. ~.. , • ;,- ---;.:-.,',-. .
.l' The Icication.Ofthe flifoirt-.llpuse.- WI
licisteri'ahhut it non4ilne to! snalt6 iCca
ftI)INIER. ICES:O iI.T for bushiest' ottani en
City-who fitly wish . to" east 'cill;care"Sor
fruit In the-country.
.. ..-:-; , - •.: ...... ,
...-A „La rge q;ul Commodtpu
Ibi iiillebli te:thill 1 0111.ii11. - toe tlie &hive
luei Po writ.; 7.1. tn. • may- &op. , ihiil;,- ' ".
-tiottalc9re. withn at yegari. to. u umblirs.
iMrs foriheir tgains,nntrreliable itiWt . '
,_. - . MA` for 'fwthy-e" particulote i IngUiii
-LUOttle of theproptietor: ' !,' : A1:1115
‘ l Yell. 1851-7 Lt :- . : -i _ i:.: F ,,- . — ..
, . . . .-
' ''' ' ' , '':'- . ' va , t ,i
AdministratOr's - ti e
LL persone.indfihteil to thtkEitv - 14 Qeqtke
,L'", W. Siiphepe, Ltletliliiite; or" Greet i:Aettdi -
;are - regitOte4 to itittkalaintifilie tiapbent te . the,
t i
!undersigned;atide&peTaconsfi!.v ig, elaithi.agaitist
4akt,Estato,nrill'prfistmt :thrfrl• gni+ : la s t e d: .fiii.
lieitlenent.: -U. T. sT.Er. zir."*.gs:, Ad , i3,1•."
1 j'eb. lq:, IS.S3 2 TwG k ' :. ' i's 1 1 '" -i'‘ 1 , -• , :fi . ,'
...___ ••..... ...... , ...... 4 ,.• ........1......• -...::,),;,•
1' . .. ' ikdministratiOit'lNotide`:'
t• . 1.• - du ii - - ES - ' ori.lobil
A- 1, persens,in t, te t 0.,. this , tate
11 -r- 1 ; Glismbeilia, late •ef %the township-'of 'of .
'FA/Alord. in the coo ntv tic susti4iia.nita - '; ' irOliiiiii,
il requ'estkd ti)• ip aka ,itnatecliatopayaiietii ; :.teilie
anderrigne,4,and all p'erSatts:,4o. 'fl E clitin l airinit,
•• said:Estate, will resent them 'cluli7 7 .,4itesttd ' for
a, settlesilc)it, . 2 -;_. • •;' /)."I).kWAR'N'A/4 1 ,• , ' •.',..
'-:11r,:-.1.7 - 'ZIRELL:, ,' .
Moiitiose, - tob.),G, I E353 : •;4 -
' '-' f.Adtit'sii
. „ .
- • leiletW - GrO
rintirEr than ever;. - foi. eriiy
inty Coon, or cu 4 kind of-'Mete I
that have not ablated the credit syi
r:Slorlirogo 'Oot. - -23 1852, 'f ^ •
Arrip .Daily4a Turr:44l4!,"
Priees.low;—tie uritZors.
Moptrolic7 : N0v.1,,284,- • ' .•• v;)
Gfold Hung.
VXTRA iy . y • a
4 . FREE.
by 2
. ___ . ~ , ~. ..
-. - "Adniitiistratcirs''No iti , )"...''.','',
Lt, rteistitiaintle' bted - to , thof F.giAtre,cit•iiiiiiiiip - ,
Carretiter; late , of .the - zie e• 'tali ii)::'1. , 744ti0x. ,
is the ell:lay Of SitsciltelintAtia,R . ee'cii;arr t•Oluei!;
Lid to nrl'ike jiiipiedittte paym et jo,-.:tha'itetlei
iNtEned; itiieall - perigniie having.. laitiier air) iitkirleeid
. - Astatesuill preseitt.them duly tteete4rfer settle=r
grot to , A. G.-13A I LE.y, 1 ,:r1 .. ., ,, - 4 :Pis : i' , ;`.. , "'
. _..' ' ;, '' ', .:EN;A,NuEL,.t.A.‘E.4.Nteg:,...-
• :-..Tiii l . 19, 1853 : *-410; :: -:-.'''' ...::.- -.•-•':"Aiirri'jii.:-...2;
iNotx9 a,
.'''' ued"
.• -- -, Aenigne
Administrators • nth t o.le-PPl' ,f ihsi
- , f.' r• ' herabY,gtve , hiighttocs a 6 -
71q,!C0 LIIC". "I „ „inted, Ad' rot e, r thti,Je*,l?ahrP
.1.: ,),iive. poen arP i _ i „ k.inte a • i ‘ th e
i aw.el' 6 • aelatrd to .
r Newt°° 1 per tu -- ' me' int
;pante ° A ~ , I. 'AI P " - t,le ikKM , ''-' dit
of LihertY,-e nuested to fti ,-Isig:,{lleman , '
,Estate are re li pCreOJ/K i t :,_
_,ll t: th ini-!di4TA
saidir n, n . - iii pleaie r°°e,ll ,•,1• :J_
me la
sxid tittate w ' ... • ~- -2 - ..,o',-,
akainst Sal
aliment- --' -4
E- —.-arntra
teeteci , for se ,- Eu IL 11A-Trt.y C
,a t G. ' %AV LE, v ~..t., - -.;
.. ,
, - JO ~
,„:44. - • - - -
. 0,- 385.7 •,- ' - •
Liberty; .7 , '
'!4_ U O h. • _
',MERFtY' ;Off"! PtookOlitiilit'
• ....-Loc,b,E,has,juit orene,
41. 7 .
• • ; ' ;• • • k l/
I t,n
over Dog: LathrupW.; `;•8 P-..71F0r4a1,0"A5z,..
hl . hiy!'fo al;e 11 `1!'e0' 1 4?$!% ,, ==
hittilielt tido - th§li.. : * - Filc e i alz.Ps,
laud 4ivisatch: :` ti
Ontapi.aun:e,yzilkettyeifilx:a . tlll4oEpliyl
reititired e!tap'
Nov. re, 1..852'.7 •:-
of Cake 3tdiiftety -:; C " Candle
Attaii, gnus:est' Pays--eta:, by
gregbiimten, Dee. b 7. 41..J.T.FIVAN
.....T 4 ,...,
-*--. : - --: coop ~ . B.MIIM ', - i ' 7 -.
A ' ''
oftatai Itiiiivi ' - ik
yyt,xes tlits stetbodtflist •h. , . that
I hasjust recatrist in adiliti4n to ' the -balsoiso:of \hi 1
-f all coot of Oaplivrblehlie*lll WI tdi isiltri ist 1 , ft\ .
i suoRT credwt, tlmmt.rhn 4:7PZ1 ,011 17 , b1iF - -
rot., as low,as ern bee lbOughs *AY iti fit_! . l_ l tentfi:
l iTir d fi lll ocsis,-111141 "*pivbyprosetss!,Bootsas:itea174-I:Prs, , cas etuff ir.
wa li a t
far (foods aim' (pm ,of 471sain,itutt*:,
hrsishaar, , , •-.‘., - - 41a . ..0h1 t .....
m u i4 l.
i r ooti l aiper;Poisitrt'Seett** .l lairk _ 'l'ir r 'i l VAi s. 4
1 ter Plagot 0 4 41 a-' 4l telrat 4l 4 t , h ix 0 4 1 , 4, 0 * - 4very i
i„ pilintli oak 411_,Ivell , ix- -,-",..-,,.
ti .- I ,_ , „..:- , ci . , ,-.4 4 , 1 , s• i., 1
Anl`ii Ti. ` Theseixiiit 400vA41-4iivet . ______ibt l ;iioitiai___..
'standinscptut isficipwarsthis4eist or !r... F . 4 . 17 ,
[ =Odd short Sottiposeits make hatltilial*,, . a , - •4 i . ',..,
. UP1P011004.171V.W.V.;;;.-'1; t g.t: , v'j. l- !••'1 . 1.-': ,-='
• _ ,
_. 1,-.,,,j'-;'-=z- I
''' i*: ' iiits L,70 ~1 1
1,47 .
.., v ~ ~t.:, ,
..,,.-,,,:,..:7:..1t;,:.,.-11--r, "I' - -'-', ~.1it..,fi:;44,
z -. -f4g,v-i4 0.1 -". = ';''' ''': .1: . •:,...,:•- -, 1::: ,c',-- 'l ;,f-t:7 : !: t',
. '''' -,--"' . ,t4ev.t.4-=',::'.-7-'"- '. -- ' . = , ?_l.. -' -
• mlern
. N
- . lb ) *
-- El' - i" . f
' .t .
TlVo s ol
'rie -4 .
Ti. ~..
*E‘g"- litatif' l l l - r *
.1 . •,“,I,'" , k 'c
,i`:lChCes4:',.: , -
1. Lora, ; u
. 1
I© & : I 4
Pork peri'b
•I D sgeedgi
i ii,
''iiii4,tintrit ;. .... - :', l - 1.1,!,.. ,;.,, 1 ~ ,--..,.,r4 , -,-,
:4 , ., , Tsil llett , Drug :.& nib - err* ,
Or L= ol '9 l
~.I', - 7 i - loct, : 4: 4ltl ° K ) lr -!' T Qu il d ' mr "- 1 7
• 1).-.Any ~:... 1 'll.iite- talrtioel . #l‘ll - ttel eq. Wed, ,
lens :tit • o u r i awl 'Out o the Pr:Art.ocm; sod the Pvt . Wl
-. l *°,_,'#. l II," 11 ',' he hay 5 11 -4, e harked litltbes *bow t
or ,uoore_ or- ~.b,,,, now o h b lo ur l i g: on il rig itei r t
• ‘,.:pi:liecti,t" itsiii4 •.,14cor - O•itthil*lTA -141.' 1 ,,
Tl lll °P' '-- ' zlietlfairtel 6 ""xDyeN a1t§':5144 ) 4 , 4F,11
1 u 34
OVUM'S;;% - he wityre lor eaeh' or bort r 'span:, titact .
:-.-- 3 i:i . , : ;..„,: 77.- --,.. train att , tartan's .tatta
e a du t 4os Ate tww . eg= a;
van : ile-4-imce to :Dm-s otni_K .. ..., -4,„_-,-__, -r .,
-. , .,:;',.- 1 '• - 7', l'.. -I. that they , ' soleett4 by:p lelouLtrom ,
4 • :,, b l r ' 3 -. - 1-.:- . ," ',''. A . !neat of
th iP t S ci t t r : ff o r r l v in i t ir titl y o ur re t ild to;, f o ar ,O rdi ogt :
ut -4 - 1 ' 1 "" 4 - sk ' ' - 'etenr c4oi ,S4L't
.ipioi-,hitiekketti„li,46eiker, .f; ti l e s - tikbantiepoi
able itoomp, }it ock.ei 1) ug,,t ii .:,, wen ~,i i, ,,; - ,,b t:. ...4 „,... 4 ,
,6134.3 °0 i * i :aG* * ev - . t. ".- - Ire;hilt - I;o 7 !feir ' Xij: 64
'iitl'7.4lle ac- i cua b°
" 41 .14. ' - 4011eWN eitietittirl
the N',;"cY :it ' meatehotl pa , ,
, . hot of these t InfrriOr , O . 11 . 4414 4 41 4:04 1 . a .1 7 ea ./ I r i li i , 4 4 ,'
, 4 - 4 ,4 1111 . vi bt
i i ,
to st e ig a id i cerheti '.
FttrOminit hirbui i p tron nedi
lretri.4l well I Pit: " fr.. • V.4rarr ;!• .: • ',ditto, "'PI*, . 6. :e
ate.ithe'Orai- I* , Former '.B! . 're. T ~.!Tp2„,
~,, A , .... . r.
4 LESOInt !,. :,' Moiltici 4 4 r 13 . 1 ! 4 * . 3 = 3: 7 : . ,''-''
‘ -
ring Sited , , 11) - ' -
r,ei - staala Met,
li e Cit .11,FMCO4
).-,: ''
.1, ,' • ' '-' ,l - ..1
eliii •At atnin g]
rtaiiitl - Of :re'
L Ilit . iartt :,rttio ,
ecorittet them -'
althort,t fee or •
it...depired, ~st
AJ faas
'rr' t il t Efonli.innit .1:106". -.8.111iii . 1,
'l:',liiilaii.(Thrbalai a'. fotsi•thiql
50": . , - WOOternZtiliniid , ,,;_, piiii Tit**
Aton.:,: , , o,otniti' toi: . ;.C.ittioiiiiale:
*ith t 1; ,i45 6 r l'allv: :- rk*lt piiiit
I. 1
:inf:lkei eo -Tinikhip - I' Siiinoiji
`train's fccon --Niletylriiik iiifiliiiiikil4.
so lenvO-Tnnktitinnooli 'nitiOnfOijO
on ,Oiritiljc a dir;ri trn .14;eii'VoW'
ply tilf - , , -. -- .5113.1.1 1
-.: Noittn i - 3,1135/::.,d:'-_-; -,...!-:;:,;;,,,,
,uteri lix,the
• Ilan
Itti- warsfCst* f ,
mar on them, -
at ,t X
V - A"Art - Itlirk
*Eiliii `fis iii4vTi4iii4,o *-riiii4iii ,
.IL...L'...ssmirimat, : xot Mat i a
~ iiinopok
iiity; - efi ni Vetane* -, iiriircith -.- s Wooati., , it.
Stiawli lich: iplic*Cfr ': . tait • Otii:iltirjrit.
Storis:fler,: . l4.;:whie4bii - 1124e0 4 01.1004-la
ash prod q F ei.or ejipriinc i - pr e ot, 4 ,-;;.!.,, , , , .., 1:1,...; ,, , , 1,A,
1% - ili.aooo de,s4 kr ' 1 voeciiisA:cpilsW ; ocr
brain, puttciace: for yflli 01:', thllirigniiiclOcii:
g i s
11-1 -.,;;;:;,, •:.;.;:-;, .ii ...
-i'',.: ,• '. ;'... 4.,,,.....": F.. t ...,,5,..,..,..,. 4
1,1,,it ru4iNii....*i - .1...7: , ...,:. , .7,.k,- , !.4.1 .
---,,,, ~,,,-,i4.,'
1111 4 W.-MWS,OIa
V ...
er e lll e t a t ,:ttct l , V a
wta r ril — t id. iiii .i .ttetti l ttt
-...rtka t ,ithit-iiiietnitteril'. 1.,.:i ' .; 5f, , ;' , ,, , ,..: - . : ? , T..-e.,,- . :%; 1
Alevi slam Your-socks,' gralFt: 7 4 l l - t,Fit9a.A..
ttei; eattii, , i 1 minif ,Ixideed.,aTccuSst,
- •-*4oinget-iltinividiViiiol
4 ito.selit
i ilkirgeie
--- ' ':,
-;-- %; , 13 : 7•'..- . ' - -
• - 10DillW, Mackerel,ladiff,'“,l kudir-K9r*-.
Okapi - 540*UL* INV
Lay that. tithes to
estirbfe*bolti(cii, or
;esti ;j , in at.
, • " 417 ar 111/CriVa l ) , 'AV : - . 4 •
wytt'l7, Rt,
;k r -,
Otetiofrt::'•: - .:,;
:pi , itit4i4fti4 - iiai'
lir‘ithk s ,
- I *Lir!' hu. t acllialbs
w i - jay''Aetartleat_ _• r p...i' --:
iiirie aad beinnut4- ..41Iik-- ' t b 7l eearon`platt-th•
_ 7 2,
' thee Yea,trage; Ice Out.; all of, at!),N, .... r-, -- • ..,, tt„... 1 .- ' 1 1 , •
lowesePvisigPricegftt°4l3"e ir d t:lgiii;ilitM4Mre-':'
The pito caber harLon handl
,0 reft _ ni,,,,,,,,.e.k. 7, ~...
IVI IV. will , afortatonarre„ res:Xlirk. ; , , f
i" 11,1 • 3 a the xlit'stl4oll4l4 I T e ' ° ~,
short netien•
~,- - -
iciiiiiik,, inTroi*-Lit \ A*. I
14.41, wants in ...Kati"' g .....„„Afrz i•imet,pie47,
ples,ori titi, belt' qfialltioual 401Ititiaat-, _ .Ap _,,.
'which he - *Militia 21 cents
. per peoolltrol7 .. ttki f . 7 - : - :r .
it in t:tal4. ; 1., ..' iv -1-1b1.4.444145.:=•:- ,'„
Eitore it Biala* 51ate...14a,10 „PI'S ~. ' i
kontihst, Oet./ 9 ;/B&th, - . '
ReLh l6 oll l7 Prittel;:l ; ;4:!
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