The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, March 24, 1853, Image 2

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    the ,Found w Amy head on a log for = about
30 minute& there was a. sh.pherd
about fire mileS otfoin - dair could get help
without getting, Alte„ifiiii . ;,t.gathercii ; gun
and succeeded atlast,,:hi.. - gabling‘the:ClL • p :. - Irr :
•'-. - . - -iito - ' . ess4ge - - - -t-'
~.Ger. .fligierZi.:,-.VitO - i.itafaegi'/C. , ; -- Ililliregtiife4.,
- -. '.4'lljgrthei s ,;s l. 4pplisiiiihritigisteAeiliiritir,'
. ..
tins. the Penrisyleatiidakiii*:oopiao. P . - :
-• ...,
.. n.,.Ampe
.. , vo. .sertso. .4. nty,,
.'. .':iOtiidifu j its tiie - 10 - iAitiirp - t o you'lloate bill, No.
142,...erititled "A ,
further, supplement totheacti
''. . incerporating . theTenneylvama Coal centpany.4 l
Jvitheutmyappirtval. •
~..---.,......-.- ~..::- . --:,,,: :.• : .. 1 i
7. -, :fAiititfrom othirreason against this meaS...
lire ,:constitutional
.-objeetion , ' presented,.
.„ :. *my7...fillnd, - .ls too.:•e/a4;ttit.-b6,• . .oVerl. '
• . looked . ' , Among:other ,things: it is: : prOposed '
...'• '
-. :
. -,•.. ,-:'.-
altiteLoenosy lv anis!-coal:co may 4 i
-ma*- ;„lberica.te,xtend' : itstwo--trackaiofrilicad,i.
With the nceesSary;.tiolliti..ind..: - api dagia
' front. any :paint, thereof ,: la , ii - easterl Ai eC='
•-:llon,Ahrough the'Cormtiei.of•Luierne,,- Va e
and riki;:or7gling.Busl. Hill . Creek; • ii the
- - - ponneet',:witit"Ahe
•. via',
, -•
,Y.mic - aiia. trie . i.railread,. or to , sich:poin in the., , ,
t l
• :-,-15,f0,f - ei - Jif geAi v lersey, or. N61141,1:4* as . 'bi-, r - I
sCetive-'. Legislatures= of-said.-States nay tot
..... ,- thotite.". l - ; . - :--' , ,'---.'.- ' •-- -.' ''' '4 : • . -7 '
1:7 . -..- .-. • V::
ll: . 7 3110 ' consiitutioitil - Objection. to - which - U
-i..fcr,' , ltas iteorigin . lin- the . peculiar tenni:M i•
•*...,-Wltich ihis onisn,iii orglnizi3d.• '..- 'lf 'it t4c . • .
- .- : ii:ritllfan
~ : company f urnishing - a,,public Ingh-,
•t'why. Upon,WhicliSlipersOns,:upcin equal -.Con
. - ~.;.4iition:4,.conld teat of and transport, or: be e'en,
. .....veyed_a44 hare kheir tnerchandiie. , 'andothe .
• . • i.eetitittoditios,tratipdrted; - as on„tlso road .of Al
properlforgan4ed.Companio s a no such obiec . ,.
. • , : !4;itt coul4-esist: • Bat such ts4tet the case;-7- ,
'"khe:PCititsylyinia costtompany is not a ..rail-:
.: , 4-coact rompany.-ITie railway - which it has al:
ready,, constructed ; although consisting of two
• .• - ..t.raCks tirgazl . iderible length, : is
„oaks public,
' highway ; arnkhithe ',terms : of
... trio act c:reatig , the cotiriany; it is a private •
i : ' .7 . 4.1 , ,,f0r. the use of the company in the trans
,_ p•o•rtation of - af'ari!".., other ,products, and . '
. .. - no * Tninally, also; for the use : of the• owners . of' ;
-.. • adjOining•andpdjaeent lanili, who, by . - conneet--i
i itg.With said railroad, by. _lateral 'roads,- in - ‘4 I
. :.lare-thef - right " tii:transperti the '
„produCts •etf
... : such kinds.' The ..propiasition".in this. hilt is; 1
• - . - t. - 3e.refore,- to enable a coal company; to .con -1
• struct' a railrOad Of some fifty . or . sixty MHO 1
' hi length, brer a country In to wpY. : interested 1
. '.-• in its operitiOns,sand foitbis Pnpose:Cletiting i
• . . ; iv with the authority
.to. enter
.. upon and lake
. thelands ofprivateMtizens,--,4int for-a. publie.,:i
..• ,
but tor-the .prirateitse and . benefit of - t •-4or- .I
• ...= • .- .. . ~, . . .„ .
p0. , . k .t.m.
.-, .. • .• ',...• • '-- -` .. -
•. . , - . . I ,
Br reference •to•- he act of the I.6th of A bril,l
•'1333, incorporating • the Penfittylranisk „ (tall
eotppnny, it will be seen that the road which 1
...-. . it Was. thereby` authorized to construct does
-. not bear the.altaracteristics . of i a 'pablie,high=.
. . way..- The first section: creates this corpora
.t i otV :‘ , ‘ for:the, purpose . of Mining coal and [foi ;
-,, the transtiation,Of-the nine! business of Cent-.
-• .. - pantes.engaged in Mining and transporting' to.
,„ • tnara.tat, and selling of 'coal - and the other pro.'
,- ,:•i • ..'.4 •.. of coal
. ti.eCte. - ', - .:. ,- • -,-. -. 1
i:s - l' The..lsth-section of thia'act,COnfeit on Thai
,company the right to:constrpet a railroad With
V...„. , :-. (me-or more tracks, from any point or, points
~,i , .;.„ (Na their hilds, to'interseetWith• other improve- ,
M . r:tti7 , i:t..‘ Or . forkS therein - after:idea, and Proride:
"tj.",l - mt - thcfainf C p'any, shalltnot Prevent,; - an r
r ? ,. person!. or -peis s t company or - -Cm3 **e
in 1
6.'-,. : hereafte.r.- incerp ated, ' being the: owner:.
- :`,R.••..+W:fprs•,o . lands. bordering -
. the.- -- said ' , rail •
..,...:-,* -; . 7 or . railreade, or.adjacent thgreto;fititalat-**.
*,.... , i . ,
,-• :„ . .railreads, to;'comi c te4, them . With. - the 'said
. ~,,. ... aid or railionai.front their , Said. - hinds, as'
..::.---.. `tit s person or Pcriterfs,-'etimpany, or , corn- .
...,..,•:. - -a* may conceive necessary:for the purpose;.
....,•-.,, " railroad or_ raittoads;7subjectto•tho payment,
' .. of certainrates Oftell,lize. - ~ 110; faither . pre
' •.-' rifled ilfiheAsSt...c.lairsis,-of this suction;- "that
'*„ the turnouts. for - such- lateral. shall :be. so
' • .., onOlactddliTtkpti - 4.i not to 'interfere ~.with'.
- • \ theiitie'4r tho - ilairt.: reader., roads ..;: and ..-all,
•• • ea:leer:wagons. rim Ivan:Abe - , same shall .he
• : such general:talea , and regulations
- A s . may-be-Prescribed•by the ioinpany,.tintin-'•
.' *...„ ded to keep the. track - of:Said Triad - or! roads
free and open for the uninterrapiedpassage'of ,
'the cars 'of - every . person desiring .to trail':
thereen.r '...;.',•.:'-' .\•-•;- '. ' - . • •-' - .:',. • :.• --.-
It will be -teiceired that the first clau ill!
the 4fitifaeit;to, already quoted, limits.• the
••••• nsa -- - - of the:nadroad pi reads of-the Pe -I.
'• . mile . coal * eeinpanY;to:such . persons' -onlY ,
,' •,,:.aregto.Owners - of lands_ borderitiff'onthe id
• . ••• ri . dliesdorl:raUroads, or ; adjacent lhereto; . „ r
... .Ilsr.,tbiarightiriany - Way extended:by that cle '
.. .:in.tizeii law- which regulates the Itooral ,00 . .
....,I . 4iral:roa4s.,. and:provides that all , kinds of
.. :•ciara L ind 'wagons which'may fun upon - the road
shall be. subject to.: Such regulations . as f the::.
. --. intitpariOrtaf . prescribe, '*.t.e keep- the, track
nf said road or.'roadalree - and open for therm
.' .. interrup . tcd.pass:46.el the cars ; , of every . per=
-;• 'son desiring te'tritiel thereon -. There .
::".etheilly given to.any,person•to use the road.,
eieept-the•Owner of adjacent lands. , ,Neliate
:- . -Of toll is-fixed . for..eiher parties.-: 'And - Cense : ,
•:, fplitnily. no other construction eatilxt... given to
.-. " the-provisletii.relatie - to turnouts and lateral.
reads; and-the regulations : relative' to cars rind_,
. •:.'..lrationa,.ll - ini.thitt the-tern:if desiring•to tray- '
'.. '-,e/ rbereore,'--RanOnly'embracasuch-peramia aS,I
.itece the'right to do so: - by being
' ' .:-holdersiandlia-Ving..conatractedihteral 'roa ds.:
•-• -- -riAtreitld scarcely be contended that:all pe '' its
44,..iiiiiht:Aisirti;.* travel or - tqiniper,tl - on
'''', said.ul64oiice.l,l4.\right to do scr, and yet` h et i
... ,Afii s y riiiiiiiiveliiitfrer entirely free of ch . ge.,..
• -.•;.....04:..aiihjeet to ".ancli . - -Charges --• as
~'the : coniPany
r• • tiany - ittaill Impt4e. - ,- . .- I - '.. r.. ... .. 17 . ',..7 .
' .-€-C.'..The;,,P.onneykinnia coal, cent any hring . -
- T ti.elf.'!iiil:4:ollirr: '
.Perposelaf. Minint OA - •
. .;.-,i,tia„ . '.. .
:,•., . , selling , the same, - ; 'll-•hy...
_.-.,.. „ s larina - 4 . ollopratiensfer private' . gain only,
element litf ,riblits Faint 1 ,. - that.
aloes i t ife,t• any : legitimate p - Mitntisk
:.. , individuals engaged in tei , eloilitig andlioiidtrg ,
aallearket.tbeiiro4Oets . of the - earth. , ..What,:
• ',....*li.ier„-Mity,hain. .been the.Origirkil: theory .aii-tro
... ti*jitili4o...hsra e ptcr of the puitmsa forii . h:
'-'isiiiiion:tteriii-Sbeig 1;e:-
.- created , if. is ,• tr la-
:-lirptiblf triti,'ti& 'inoin ntOderza ... le_',. a 14.:M
'...'_Aies,sridelytde,sorted friintlllB:theorYi. ... L .& •t! -
iOiiinafielled to,regardeertain . kindi„.. . 0.-
.;.- pOiatitinai*.tlielf tripiinantanifeat •.Clia . " - c. • F :' , .
..,i, too k .occasion. ili'My Ittatnnitul mes _:• to
.•''ilealinitterli' •il . ed. ,
: ,' 'l4 inoililitii*ll4o.lpn*?oB; 7 und"ipitittbe t io
..,..1 regardithe,":Petineylvanta•coalcompany :
. - .-, i ~
-- ...-...„,M,theiefiiiii,.*sili:and: enjoyment if . the:
' '-,'iiiit44....r.T.if:,4liiT4Pol##JLe°lll. eItPF . 'll4l
" 7 .i'fiiitadr-jli.:llelii4sprl,•' Itself ad , -* r y.
.......E-,.-:.,iiiital4llo4..if;porOttavtiliteli.' • f the road;
... I '..aint.l.hef Oillf...forli'.•.vPlT3imi ted' ' ' rPclai - itis '
. '.116i-.4,iii*it,;...hiteio..iy:,_or,;intit#4- .
..r :public ,
- --,:lfiiii , ,iit;bi ',--tblardedil.!e:4 Ode i ad. of
; • -ititP.i,;jiithittoii,.,-Sh-.oibftb*s! .thiji jfiti.;
f e
- -,-,Fttita4al4iii.fidialhiotritli , 6 ill l
~*l44.ortiii*belo:::-,liVii3iitc.,,likiii,ii litar A':
•- -..:' 4 .tinildtiit-4hlT4f' h*:a • , i'f6: d :i . -tn, .,. jnY :•! Men .-,- i,:-
,the pnblii,44, iSi;tioii;-;.inilta opeoper a=;
, 'madelti - Atit***the cti
' - iitlistion 4 ol the -I z , - '• ' - - t i s k* in,
,_ to , .
li.sideihilbere-""are no -1 )116 ",,, w i
‘ ,.. 4. 4 itp SPOS,Vi;
-at ofjrteorpbratifMVl.;=o-,tbifirjiisfi.vk;nf
'lpi* re O l f An g the ' , - litatgif z toi !general,.
'- - -; nod e :of i- - '4O
'.'inrAtireT ..' -./.. -n, iiiiitt. 4 -4 001 !er- it
.. I ,•cii.iiven,4o ► =us -- .+ , ut.:.... x ight,4o
.. -:1 ' " ' liraited'elassivho lutve-Fl. :
1:0-007- A il d_ " . iii. e - ...,-,
- ,,,iiii . uti , -....thiC5 31 0-L4t - - " i iP" ll if g o.,4l 4.
'g--"7. 7 " P- ' 40014,itPielksure - P M "..c..-v - k tt
.)."_.,14.,,m.Pti-ariii„..-4.14-4h4r.`;-cOslt tkine*...--I,iiAll
..... -iitil , =J oll ;
' .7.t - 7, - - ed in
-t o :
E r os
' - ''-' - butilitgestorieri°r
a rika - insin ;An*, , '
`- " 1 . a tic
there may he 1 times when ~ it Mo ul d" their
-interest to preventm °the reaChing the market
irt whiclf they] sell. But it idloweil to do so
I.!WAthopli titldnr-lciAtaiiierriti i iin , Nt va r lAable
mite t, 600. oiret...thb'-715rids,'Alr ethe* : :,ffir,
the trade and - ravel* theeilteiSties;•4ich i'i
Il i
theiri natural' 'esopre4s, .I.4 4 (be.;.,Occupied iby
t t fe :l),, e 4 psy f V ilia.:cdal etnittanY''for ,its t in;
io e ow use; , ` d,...a "chtnni,aratifely :few ,Oth o rs."
ttilhelexclusion `of the Nadia at large. ....,. 4 •' '
' - The :.nt . tolvihicli it is PrivPosed.'.tO 'melee
thisll l l iStipplementary;authinizesthiseonSpa
nyflot thAputv - ose therein eenteinplated,to I
enter npan'thy 'land 'Which] they 'shall dtem I
necessary- for the:eonstrnetlon rucilcomple lon_i
1 of the raid radroild or" railrfiads, or any,pnrtd
thereof' . And fi'irther prOriiies. for a-mo vof 1
estiir t attag damages and =using corupen ion l
ito the Owners of land vier;, which said ro . Or
roads shall pass:.' The preigoied bill au bor. 1
ikes an extension of the rai!Way of said m:!
,party.„a,,distance,, or faty. Pr.,-iixty miles, ver
Janditiotsqieldhy Other ptirlieS, aridalth ;,`ugh '
it'ai.o, not,;, iii'iil:preis-terms o ,direet the enter
ingfupen andAaking...neh - landsia the ratanner
phiyideti,for in the -original. act, -, yet ' thia?ffol- ,
' ,- Called
by necessary implie'niien.. T41)01'16,
', - Called . a supplement to the virginal' adkana by
lits enaCtinentl becoinesshilantially a pa il of l
i tile . ..mine. ~ A ivy tievi• right. :conferred . 4) 1 1 the',
supplement e lust be" takenl , ni 'connexion ith, 1
and willhe,s Ist:el:led by the powers court ncd
ti ti the origin il act.l 1 -
•- . • ' . ' 4 ~, i - A -
illenee, thireforeOhis rig,lit is -in effect Pa
affirmed wir'egare s the "extension of the kid,'
las provided feir i th is bill; arid my A pproval
Of The .saine, wou d carry with it, the rightiand ..,
rpower . in, this :company to' exorcise the -(roia-.
rnonWealtli's right of eininotet-: domain, ' VI -en ; i
terhpon and take ,the landslof ethers fo r ; the 1
ptirPose :of- . making :this 'ltenoSed exteqsinal
of a road that can be regar ed only as a !pri.:l
prate one. . -
.• _ ,
__ t
I . B.lMuld this,be' done.? ; :Can it-be dove, un- . 1
1 der the. constitution? Can Legislature;
confer upon': COMPAO V Or : iflaii,dual-the-right 1
ta take private tise 11 'The iconititution itself, 1
in express, terms, furhish es n negative. answer. 1
The chithedivith no such iiiiw-
ler. ...The people have nett loped it necessary to
surrender rtheir- irat Lira right ; to ;ir ,uirei and
I possess. lioperty ft? answet any-Wise purpose
l'of. -government: .Ti.ey h.l ve; .on the , other j
I baud, -haPpily protected it ousel: es -against 1
l'such:ettereachments upon heir rights, by de
-1 claring, in_ the organiei law Of this gaermitent; 1
ithat *fib right is "Inlicrenti and indefeasibler.l
j and Ir. providing that nO. iizen, can be de- j
•I piriv of his property, :'tin cas by the judge-1
latent f his 'peers, pr the I 'of the lend?! ,It I
lisitru 'that the Commonw site, by reason of I
'i hei ri ht of eminent domain, and as soy ereigri
inky call upon "tiny- of he l r.c4izehs, forthe pub- -
{liraue, or for sotereign 1 purposes, to • yield; to'
icl,' lll eitent, the enjo meat of -
pr t ept rty... But even thistight is restricted by ;
ithelOth section - of the _9 lij;artiele of the con- i
stilution,. which declares ,-*r shall any. man's i
, property ,be taken. andripried tti public -Erse 1
, withont the consent of MI epreseritatives, and
' without jiist compeesatiOn i ' being Made." It
seeinsto Mb clear,. theref ore; that the -Power .1
propoitl to be conferred, on the Pennsylvanbt t
coal toMpany,. by this law,f iS in contravention
of thol,spirit,,if not ofqbe I iter of the &esti
tutioni .
~ ; - .
Other olticetions have, ren urged against i
this rneasure„,which should! not he overlooked l
It seetifs to be a sithject; 01l much eontreiverSy , j
kin that re ton of- the State where the Opera- i
tionsnf this company are 10a:ed. . Ithas -en- i
countelred a Most vigorodi - opposition I from
many ..Citizens of Luzern° irounty, whilst oth.-
ershaie faiored its adoptiOn., 1 haVe patient: -
1y heald ill the reasoning tor arid against it.—
Pichi f the feeling of 'os).ility seems to arise
from e peculiar top graphical formation - of
-these iity thrimgli :w la the proposed' road
must' xtend, and from Cafe of the enlarged
* + ....4,, .
.rikitlarli) . . *-. ' '
entla - s , • allege_ tit' t , thers.are but felt/ I
passe in- in
that onnt leo Is region, through I
whichA railroad can c I htructed-:-that , the i
only: livible for r, , b' highway Or jo-1
coreekive road from iliht ' •ction eastwaril or I.
son lAYard may be men* iied _under the'pro 7 i
poi 14
law, for the use Of is .priv'ate corpera 7 1
tio --4 hat tins com yii . c cady enjoys great
erri ileges and adva M.' s. than are usually
& 'ened on_ corporatiOn - Of this kfridthist,
th company are iloinA a resperousbasiness
di , int _large dividend,s4 inch have now .one
go diavente to inarke,.,-arid that. they should,
no he allowed the op 'lot% nity -of occupying i
the only.feasible rout,e i thr i 'ugh the mountains
fur their- ;own private inse,l,l to the vast, injury - I
an inconyenienee Of heTpnblic... rfli coal]
coMpany, on the othe ' red; claim 16 it is
Unreasonable ill* 'the ~ would be - deni d the,
op ortunity - of cnnstrtrtirig an venue t mar
ke ' . - 1 ' . " il 'I . .
- t will be. observed that the. `terms: , f this
su pleincnt tollie chrOleii of the comp. y, are
ve y broad and i rite indpfinite, giving i to the
co puny the right to enramence at anyl point
on their present, road, ! aitl- ti-extend the new
ke in. any easterly dinethin that ma pro
m' to theii• interest ard'etivettience. Such a
tr ad right, for the cop'4lr, - ction of:' highway
or mere carrying,. ro. d, *here :the projectors
,a - owners of ~,tlic r •:d ihaYe no' connection
Limi h the tonnage with which it is to he freigis,
le , and where Ithe' cii*l .face of the coffin
r*: adapted to such im ovement,might per
ifs 1% , allowed; but tas - dangerous power
!ito con ron a: privet c rporation.. Nor is it
at t./ all - strange, that ,
th Hippie •of th at section
p the State - sheinild. gnar) with care and even
jealousy the rest ontletsll'which can be found
for, ftitiure pub 4 Inse!. I ,lThe allegation that
tie spropesed lam is itboirague and indefinite
n to the loeittiol,n of th'e eo,nternplatee improve
'M a nt -, - is w .11 .firunded arid yeasonable..
.It is
.a "ery,unu nal'Thinte.l4, incorporate a comps-
A to con 'et p. Al - lei : highway without fix
ing the" point, oil beginning and ending.; This
hill designates ipo_ p . arti6lar point. et:, co m .
mendement'pr. t.exiiimation, nor_ intertnediate.
peint.. - I can stt no, ,t.reaSoia,.why . tlili'Should
he the
~easel'i - It is no attaweifor ' The - citrons,
nyito-Say that they .are; not Certain ...where a
I proper. loc4liei can. lie . found ; the best
evidepee that c uld he fprnished;That there is'
no pressin4' hie SSiti! fli the prope.ced legis
lation; - ‘and'thi very fact Chas doribtlesse'ontri-1
initertmuch totardexeiii lig hostility aniklocal !
jealousy-on Abi subjet..t. .
-But not - wish I understood aii• at
-Suinin4- the ilinti.Thia . company"should
, riot be - llowed*o eons: feet an avenue to milrl
.' -only -irt#ist that their road 'lnlaid be in ', l
expreir terinsdand praCtically .a public high- i
Way for therml, beneiitirtad. enjoyment of. the 1
rybole re...aSoOlthie conditio n .s---.. and!
that suet rioltboe gi ven! in The ordinary form 1
so _that the - eity,eas ;.tefterally iti that natural- ,
.ly'rich.nried hi ay, ftetirishing atietion :of the i
S may.- par tate A)? par "eipatejti :the- c o nstructio npf l
said work if ti y should see pro}r to:do, so
and that:ital ' tion:helort fi ned 'w - hin reaio
`nableliinits. %a pubile hig,hwst...; - open - 10-
the useof all tipon die' iiayment 4.if telsonnblei
.charger' it . rniithttertd4P , develop the - regent-I
ces qf Oleo:tout trillickniih stibiehi xsight ex- ,
ten/ but :tin t ' the indefinite terms of its pies,
.ent ~
.Itarter It .. ,igitit. tot [wide -tli ' .means of
w oifirtn,the "inte ii4en t and in nvenletiee.
_,. e, Wilk lakite:'l i - ' '4 , •]:-. - -.- ''''', 1
_ . essisheii, nd - feel tn gi - of the %mi.'
P ',3 P - i llie g l 4. l ,;2l it -ett Y° Da r t4 this te P 7 l7llll igi eta Z ai n e
I'fo.lli - e,_ of t 4 Eieeulife - gittiie,
leek ' - ili' jinititletkr. ''' ' inuell'io ideritiaM
rititd , eitiitinswillianw have inother4p-
a.:_:044.4444-4,11',:-...,,, -„,•.
.•, c , i
,Pir.--40614=6"-*.b4 you isifililiCsitbie4,l
-‘Ol4 - W - theitilleittiOn' 'that if .Iliiiree.
1 , fili ., l iii*iil::. lie - coirecte
,01 . * otherrliAlakbd .theptivpood
-,,,::,....,.:.-.., .r. Tv. L- - >4 141. hit . -
I .1
•• '6l I .
bill beionte a aw; the evil tonal nences might
have been incurable
"'• = • - m WM:BIGLER.
128,1833•Ilar!isbkr ',lib
'the I•nrgemteiravelation tia Northern
' 8. . B..iSt. E. -11..CLIA.,$E, Etirrons.
Doiliocratic: Nations.
CAI4AL coMaussioSEl“-
-Thomat E Fo r
ivprror. GENER4T.,
Ephraim Ba nks,
or .31.imin: County.
twatryon Gr.ttERA '
J., Porter .Brawley,
o,f CrawfOrd,County.:
NEXT STATEI.I,IR.-,2n1Q.-Allthager3.9f the
, .
Stste Agricultur,l Society inet. At lierrisberg
on the 7th inst.. and fixed upon Yittslnirg as
lite place for holding the next. annual fair.—
The 27/h, nth end 2 . oth days of September
ere designated on which to hold it.
ointmo'fit, by the Governor.
6 's: A. BLACK, Esq. of Green • connty to
be S 6.etary of the. Cstninetweidth, rice I'o'l
F. Htighea, resikned.
..., .
11 n. FRANCLI W. 111-Gnith., late 'Oeirotary,
to . 1) Attorney Geneml, rice, Judge ?Inpbell,
redo tly appointed Post Master General .hy
President Pierce. . 1- ' .
-:.. ' ( Tbsaa' nki4g. Aiania: •• . . -
• 14:. Thomson., Broker in 'Will street,.N: Y..„.
and• Editor,. of ." Thomson'a, connterfe r it
~ Dc:.;
ipetOr," Spealtini . o.l the.. present banking , ina, -,
tia,.in his - Detector''of the 19th inst.,usays: ... ,:
" The mania for- multiplying - Bankl, ilat on
lyin th ! West4rn-State . ", - iii
. 1.14* city, for
The lastxix months, is with Out: a iv:relief. in .
the history of tanking: iNye thinklhe
net faroifwlie'p...the...!`,Sober.secon&thouglit,l
'of the people Will correct this rage for...Bank.'
ing ;. and ilkose,who take a . right view . Of 'the
e l
matter will too: more - .t.0 the - discreet. timpag. I
nient of these already dOingbusiuesi thian.:th
organiz.ation of.any moye... -
To a cert:;intektent Banks are tieftil.,and
benet to the . Conkmnity ; but. beyond thos
wanted, strictlY . for commercial facilities, the},
are oftro usO, ligt - aTf-injury,: Vntler. oar - pros.
ent stringentilaws in refatfon. to Bankingthe)
take more money. from 'A's:pockets lof. thc
1 -
i people than they give back by: iVar of eecouti
I madation."
Book Notices. . .
1 7 Zustrq led- 3TogFzfne of Art,fprliirc_
inNis'hed by A.:Montgomery - , 1 1 1 Sprticd'S
N. 7.. Tenni, 25 ets. $3 a: year. '
This is a work of
. costrioyolitan interest,
1 prictiCal:utility. " This number . contains - 0 i
qq lust:.ations; executed by the best artists .i on
town and othercountries. Indeed' in' alkth
I'departntents is :in 'exhibition of the first
eat of the Age- No one can be but strecably
di:al:pointed in tilts - Work: • •
..: .GOdry . raid- .Poerson' fol. APril,'aro early 7, 4.Y.
our. table, :fraught kith 6eit: : usuat attraction
Their reputation is alrclady i-el 1,. eitablishi i.
We -still .furnish ' the .: 9 Pentoeratr with th ' 6
. pest.efthese for . $3,50 a - Sear;. or with,the
1 latter for $3,00. -.- .., -. . :. : ~
.. : . I.
Diderie, Hotise.hOld Wordy. No.. '-11.3—Con
Sitilota.Afipai - : • 3lnnelausen
Modernized -: A Penny :a • The Two
Btatues: Wood, and . 'lion' . to C'xit it:.A Erg.
gpr . 's .Wadding-Bells: - Weekly Aegis
of PasiiniEvetiis. 1 • ..•
.lEir-No. 25 closes tho i present volume o
this standard work; and with the next
sill n good time: for , persOns:to begin
lake;.it.,> Weekly at 82,50 a year, 3 'et:T
ees at SG.- • -
JilePlrath & Lord, 17. Simuce St.,'`
The Pcnnvtrama Farr:Journal for March
it before ns -and we are 1 1 t.tified at the eTi
denees of - its presperit.t.l Its' articles are of
great merit, and should lin in• the hands of ef
ery farmer throng3u:n4 th State. Each mini
ber - contains 32 pages itiedsoinely -printed
with ir " - -e of: $1
per ann .
the fir
114 W
NE* YOEE, March fr'
, -
The steamship Black Warrior front Havana,
Arrived at noun -, : datri to this
The health of 'ice President King' was too
Utter. ' • lie had reidave4. to another planta
tion, but there were no htnies of his recoveit.
The-Counaissioners appointed to wait On
Santa Aims and invite. his return to- Mexico,hnd
arrived at llama. it was expeited that San
ta Anna Avould motnepterili arrive at .11avarat,
and the Commissioners > #gad decided to wait
for' ' • - . . . •
It wai.also stated that -,Santa Anita would
.remain . in. Havana until a regultir,.artni should
be faned' in Meskii.
_steamer -Bee, at flavana, - from Vera
..Cruz;`reporis that the the depart - a:tette of Pite
hla liad:pronounced iguinst the refills of - Sn-
Aa • ' '
litca* Inceiidiarinat
, ,
• On Friday. night ,iast, the Witt pr-James
IWright, Esq., ofthre village. w.le entered :and
set on fire by an ineendiary i„ , - 'but; fortunately,
the light inatidiaeoreied by !some of the board.
era at tbe'Wwa=gsnnusei in --time to plitit
t ten
out before:any, considerable :, damage had.
done.,- Tbe - *0 was set in ..some- loose, - er
if tbaliend of the ..atairi; and Nrast diecoi . red
.silieist no'iloakat night. -- This - ineluliniMr.
PlimPelife 1 11 * on 'Front stz, , lbssrtg. E.
ansratti2end-tbe , Thiga Iftinse4tms.the.eightti
Are. wigAtilit, bOs let 4-ineendiaiie r iinAbli
iti11a1011411140.411 one ylarl::.* l 4:SetOw# , '
#o ls t.°= . o 4 .l ) POrtl nidlt,* ‘ 4 l 4o - :Agn
es& a yeell - . ,-.4- -..r..i, t . - .:• , .\ - ...... ,. .?- -
•-;:' &twin la.r.W -. .m t &tCjistrialeinilis.-
. eotraTeali t ttaliniir la*.',,iis' : - 10 the
value 'or . fifteen 0 `twee ..twimpd: d'asitt
iroilkineris plinigt:ityllitilit+eiV•4l:44
4-1." ... 011100,fi1ik, ,- -.. , ......: 4. -.- vl--- - - -
Editorial CorrespO
' I - , Ilens
. .10.11ms
15. , „,... i,, '7'; '-', -BiaWl9,
wtsiii PEN.-. 1. Ogicii 3 O *
eek for tivo reastons,which I
I amind to.-; It is eaough,'h ii
the SeasiOn - tirlitura:to a closi!;.
01'11i - to writemore .Ihan he ..
answer to correspondents dre.
I ght'say, with all truth, thn
d 6,:list week, in either bran
t t r u_7 l,o i ti o l f ea p l u ia b l l ,e ie f i o rri n p n c4 h tan ara ce_ l , l .! o
_ ..
letter, for, a- public jeurual, -yi
largely -upon his iinaginittlo
:44 the stainithia we.k.ivitlio .
n straight' line 4 . truth.
Day 4fore yeaterdayOOv: Bigler rammed
to the'l tense: with:his Veto, a' ilr - teliueorpo.
rate. a Borbutfi-in --luniat..t county:.. . : . :ills • rea- 1
Sens for the van- w .ro i that 13:ii the lasi - of 1851 i
ample provision a ‘mado fo thir
f e eorpora
tion - of Boroughs b , the _Co - its of I Quarter
'_Sessions; With a vi w te_ilest oy this kind . of
toed legislation . th , i has taloiri , se Mueli :time
of the Scsiolo.; rinsi,•. spice
_lin - trio-Pamphlet
lair t in the past. _ Soon afteo 4:14 'an 3ster
vie ;with Ilia - Excellency oulthe • • stibleat,. and
,he il formed me that' ho should p'A depart
' riot the rule laid down—thit he should not
sign a — singlebill of that kin.l;-that ho was '
I dete mined to break. Up all local' lg,islationi
that W•as' proiided f-or :11;y. ge neral, aws. This I ,
of c arse readers it needlesslto. proceed any 1-
I farther with:the Bills toincoi•porate the villa- 1 .
Iles of Siisoneliannh and NewL.M il ford, the fi rst - 1
iof which had all-Cady. pissed o final reading in ;
1 the Ilouse.' . I will send yon areoPy 'ef the ye-'1
to for Publication if II ;can. p '
.ure it';—and I I
lima Say that I think 'the.pri Liple laid down'
i a good one. ' Two-thirds .of' the time . of t • e
;Sessions of the 'Legislator I have; been or
1 years takett . up,xcith theie 1;4 matter,srli ch
} Might be disposed of by th,:Courts much;
1 more satisfactorily than, -by the Legialature r l
I and with . much les'S expense...; It was the in
;`l tendon Of the law, of 151 .te fOrce thesie' kinds i
Of corporations into the Court-; and, to induce;
it, there is a lax of 8..0,0n-z I,Boroughs Meer- I
;•porated by "the Legislature.: On application .1
I to . the Court, by petition etting= forth the I
boundaries, and accouipanvi 4 it with a drag
j, of the proposed Borough, th ;Grand JUrY will
I be directed to ingaire.and re urn 'to the Court
if Whether said prelPosed, Bore .. shOuld, be in- 1
coiporated, and if they retur !affirmatively the
COurt will, at the next succ eding, terui 'decree '
aCeordingly. ,The proee:ss i both simple anal
i chcaP; and . as you will notiti,4 that we passed
I the' general mining mar mannfacturing Bill the
- - 1 ~- • ,
other Aay, you will be .convinced - that some
; • ..
; think has been done, both by: the Legislature
and the Goliernor, to'rid the:State of the de
moralizing influences of c4orate legislation.
It has,for years wasted the pnblie money, eor
rupted. the avenues of ..Puie, legislation, thus
weighing, down' and .paruly big the energies
and interests. of the - Comoro ' 'wealth. I belies - e
; abetter day-is .breaking; an that we shall-ere
i long witness the tinnibilati+bof a system that
has covered the body politic., of. Pennsylvanja
with great sores„
- —sr,-
tion in. the township - or_. Al
thC prori44 . thd ni
sh it be completed previou
October next:.. • A. similar
elections in.your Boyough
has pas - sod both branches:
legislation since nty.last,
The Appropriation Bill i i
think Wo Anil pass it'next
Shall make, a . strungeffor
. prospect 4 for an adjournme ,
dred day : l,7 so flattering a
gradually •growing 4 .beatiti ,
eve' r we's4ll probably get'
or at furthe,st, the, ftftee
We are havinff• two; SeSsi
when the meeting of Com .1
terfere, and, 'altogether, b
rapidlv,--such as it is.
You have probably noti
dovernor Bigler found hi 4.
iriet, the other day; by the iresignation of .111-
flughen, Seeretiry of State, and Judge _Camp
bell, Attorniy ..Gine . ral. Bon.. Chas. A. Black
IX Green canuty,takes the State I.) . partment;
and Mr. llikgbes the Attorney. Generalship.---
. This arrangement gives. - the latter_ gentleman
an opportunity of ;practicing hjs professi o n; '
which he left with reluctacr. Air. Black is 'a
gentleman of fi ne- accom li.ihnient.s, and will
itituadoubtedli - add greatly't the final success of
i .
• the Adthinistrationl - - ' ' • l •--
From Washington we have all i sorts of sto
ries. The President keeps himself aloof from ~
the seekers of °IBC?, and , vitt not permit one
Of theie to say award to t*t.on: tke aubjecti
'..i4ef their anxiety : . A gentleman who returned,
'4. - a few daYs 'since, relates he following an:1118, 1 r .;
' ing : incident. gentle an from Ituffalo,-'s.'
ly, - Well recomm en ded,
ha made several at= 'j
tempts to be-hewrd iby th President tape'rson
and failed: - Getting rather diseburaired and' .
• thinking to raise ~4113 spiri ,he "got - on abuse. ,
Going to the presideat'a" ouie, he'.deissinded .
of theldOor keeper to le rhhis pass. _l i lts it
was not ; the, hour.fOr . rec ept ion Of, visitopt, Ile i
was . refused firmly...: onair l l; enraged, he
B l s
declared that' he weuld-g . in at all' haards,
and .then ensued n scuttl e. etwee i ztheml which
being overheard by the . P iden .ha stepped
to the door; parted the , mbatauts, •401 . , then
'demanded, of our hiro,-,: :what do you i ,team,'
here, sir r - .4 Itirnt his ," :was, _ the:treply,
it why /Irani. an ofice,ich i in Ihe A---1.0 Olt
WNW, Itcani r4.thra g hiahuridie . ?f r ep
,sinimendations at. he f i Of life PreS4etlt, -
Who,being . ;itrnik,!'p riba ly, 'with this novel
mode of .applicition;rtpi ittea thelit:uP and in
'iitc4. the r felleW r inloids ' ' .. .ii- i."l3,ll4ociannt ,
1 Y 6 was . 13 1 ,4Soliiite 4 wiiiii#to brnudy:anii
his 1* ..- 4,04 1 ; 1 !int. lA 6 .- . YT 7 ;4,i4!ki - f i i ia ` u P .-
i o
'rOtratia,:lo,the, i i 4 " 31 4 i',-, was soon' obliged
io - iiiii - a 6g , : iiiii*geirm - .14i.Thtli away I-*
..,'- Yesterday , 40 Yak IV B ank Bill Italia
Ilia- 14 .4,7 1 it I:iivoOW' , iif fo r fu : .*:- 4 4 , large
ences on
alth of .
. f • ' sitEle
~,- ,iiit iiiier4-,F. re , ' de
- De-mo4o!ii ' -i1;60 91 '? i'
number 417
tti P, ---.:101-t?4°L.viiig.
l at
ITRIA Craftedl;iiiiiii-,, t ' -' ifier-tr7any
Caltill, 'i:l°l;',7„;otit,,iv, 1**,114;1444 d11,,p,,,,,,,
iny' , ‘"thiitialP: ! '
P°ll-aii.iiii44l, ft°
apart f ~.4r-".'
p"tt, all 0r,.... ..,-,:‘i.4)17,,kq
e --.7 6 *
- I °
Atii-*1 ca
1. All - • -
den Ce.
anie . opmy virtiop severa l.
they were of ti Bost tiifi
- 1 9 P i rg , w 491/ and balm
e°"! u PQ n NO 4 5l**. / -)
144 dotilltiis bound iii
4611 any
C 1 4"13 on ikalAt
1 . • I rr
1853;:, - ; , . - 5 •
tang "y,tt lam
rever, ) 44o
am - , Clads little
ahlige& to ID.
AnA then I
I -
t so ll'
,itlO .aria
It of the Le&-
3t , le lettfir_
j: to compose a
i and
. 1, might
t aepakitig far
I Ratißeed IttOetint,
i ..
in pursuareol l ot public netiCe,ll t
ertthislastio .xt, ettfng--Of ,thottitizen
ford County,lconttned nt the Court
the Borough "or:owl*, Tuesda
1 1
- kareli ,15, 1853 for: the p urpose of
faXprest•ion upon the prop ition no
P ti ' -
I the Legislattirolof en sr -ante, .7
thO Can ton' aticrAthens - triad'
! authority; to huildlateral r i ads;,,Sze.
trio frith with thel-Lalciairanna I tid Wes
l a.,
i road. , , •
1 The meeting Was call , to or , ,
l'kercer Ell Oa nomin ated'llo
, , • .
- 11.11 UP s irman. ••
' ‘l' .. .*1 Or ,
On trltion of,Col. G. F. Aragon,
rbaTr., raw: Oliturbs;.ll. Vas P
li. IS'E'rntAN; A t kw?, 53,1 - All,T
41,, enisliert,"lteti. G. Tit', C. F
Ii: vr.: Tio,cy, 41,. Lareorr , A roe.
it, ik.C.ltkr, , ittl; l i vi d cli: L isT iri
1, I .
elected Vicollktlents ; linrVij: -
tr.: C.8ezir.1,10.4. R.• at.irrs and
4pointed Seerplaries. lr -., •
; The PreFiden Ilti-iefl! 6 ,
„, x - laineskt i
tpc meeting, - Ain op mottqn, ,
~ .
1 U. Afercur, G F. Masot•'!l J. F :-.A.t
liercur, J. "C.. o well, - Addison It ,
El Reed Atier,l Were apfyinted by
Man a Committee to 'draft a i Pre
itesoultioni 914ressivit -ef tho 181
meeting. ] ;. 1 . ,t .
c°fria4 ll 4eq ,
tilne, I returned 'and,
1 , • k i 1:
which were unanintn
1 NVitaitafis ' Welial
hare beeh inade4 in '
Canton and Athens
Ly te extePd.tateral
'trio Tizekatt-ani4 ant
Wheiens - , Thi only
heard assigcca .in favor,
.that,Such intiioi roads p l ight 'opt
prejudice-of the, revoluen'of the .
Canal ;and-Whereas, 11 1 0 belierh
tions I wholly ontodnded ;t,t l :terefor
I Resolved, ntat in the ',Orden.°
"1 .
ing, Propoied Ittliority .to the Cal
thens Aril fun boulpany,[!to eimne
I 'of lateral fen , with the ..ackawa
'tern Ilt-tileoiiit - is upper' nisly - . e.
facilitate the developmentl . f the "
of the-County; of I.trudforl " -
1 Reioired, 'ghat said
i lat t ral lon
divertieg freight and ton ago fro
. 4 -tra4h Canaii• Will in thel main be
•, ;tonnage thatiwould tier r reach lut:Wi
bld be the means of t wowing
pthe Canal which wouldu herwise
::towards the $2 V and E eR. R...
VRoisolred, Tpot Ire se no eon
est, between the North. r anch C.
1,:-Prortt)sed latral roads,, nd our
fiteprosentatiths are • here y requ
6the Passage o)' a law giv ing to, the
',and Athens Rail Rolf d o mparly
Intake such lateral roads. 11
After whiet! Col: G.
, f the meeting ith a few
-rirtietrl nib-r.. 1.-4.— ' - ' O, -;;•) 1 :too t t - o ` till-r-V-1
,has pliss4a 1 that,lF copy 4Aho , lirOoet,
i o a i t i.o n ' h o u se fib..e sent to out.'Senator al
to the
, election in On motion!, it was 'Re
, k'
till; ehanoihrt the ''' c ee din g s c ' f ' t ' .h i s in - °°tin- `'
- ri p - i the ' .'
' fli at a
the,Court ii.ouse.i PlPera o t , ,ra or , k
lea other local . oming•conntes. • :-
1. • - . n the meetin
1 d motion ' i . •
i banging up. 1.! .. i f \ [S
~___. ..i gned bY th
,eek,,, T or. at:least' The Aldermen St
to do so. • Thti I- • ' l'4l . I * 1
, hunt:! I • ftP li , laprif
t under tf- the ln the Stitneiior Court
Eon weeks ago, are't the day ap pojited : tor - p
fully le l se Ho on the attaArnents for
away by "the tent h'-i n. i nne ti o p, W m wasA
th of next month.;; of spectators: The var
us . ,Per day 11 9Wi!,.:istants undgattachme'-.
ittoosii o Pa not in.' Ftheir respect iv e counsel,
k uiess As going ollithe'other sit, - ' '
JUdgel.Du r' te,ok his
the main bo y of the rc
' , being crow , It to Tefile 4
- ,
worth and thmet soort
took. ats 11,11ns side.
Judge • D:, I. directed
the names.. ;They ens
exceptions. I. -- - 1- - ,-
1 Judgd, Direr gave an "pinion. a Much - length
emisideringlhat it w midi at - contempt,
and that - 41 .','Sturierati
_being he : author of
the'olfen,sivi 1 resolutio is, is mo e,gailty, than
i the' others,innd that fl i t- senten e fipon Itint
; will be Iritittoonnent- :the -Ci 'Prison,Yor ,
!fifteen dfrys,,pay a-fine for the, epefit °Utile
!:City Treasury of -Snit and th pounset r tee
rana.coot.s .ot:s 1 et 50; - thi oil er Aidermy..
• *ho voted or-the reso utions o Ald Stifrte
, cant. with the exceptiOn of Ald Smith, - , Who
I has put inert excuse}l his , . % ; (11 ; I ,
' to 'fitly
.each 8250 no' and sloi 50'c riset - lee ;and
icosts; and Aid. Dohert, who di not,.vote for
the resolntiSns, arid-Ald. Smith ' With - C . 46.°f
the ASsistailt Aldermen, none -- o : .whom voted .
'for the resehitions of Aid. S.,illaiii them *tin
i the tibte, al:One - a $lOO - each and o,lot - 50
each eourall fee and: 4xpenses and • aricfr :of
thm to :be iiiprisoned_ all pull -
~- ' . ~.. = .'
There `was * manitelittation a s applaio at -
the anntunpOrnent; ,widch was shp - pressed. • "
• Judge Eltistnet then tliated,that he.coitici,ded
with Judge Duer in hi,"_views 0 , the'Cnite; but
differed in the degree Of punish t ent: 'lje thel,
that all`tfi;"Aldermen with 4116 exeeptiO6l.orl
Al& Doheity,:shnuld sentin ed _to'
dement; itiprit-
Ald.. Starter t, Who as the - intim:on.
to of- the„"afferisive r etude - ana.beip -a
member Atha bar, should haye dents diffek nt;
to'on imprilontnent, of i thirty,4 ye i„ - J„lii.other
Aldertnen,i,except Silith, - ten are; - and lAld:
Smith fireptys, and let'off Aid Dohertyilirho
had the detortey not 1 , yote f r. the offeitsive
're'' tgutimu l . ; -
Ati. O'Cltipier then owe not
which was token to 1 . 0 Genera
to the Cortit of'Appe is
'Mr: 4ttsi.ettd, for Aid. Smith,
VI" . ' lii .. : . 11- ~ • i
'..,_ x Oeuit. then adjounti
Mini e• V 3 , - r --'
• d l .lrewf t-1118AM!
: °nixie
this itio'
;OUII~Ci it
te a'lar.
ius Alde
t were'
m. mid
I. • .
mn nn',
.: w__ . A leen:espond , X . 14 - 71 7 Th
u i tam
deseribinea ball at wirmiiri:
I says,:—.llll Oreseet el* deli
ignently deelared.the had :tiev
rtensefi wAkanSrin ~. ,mien
any ovine ! dremes pie:of
fil and *eel order shift':
'tlifidlor fort err richness said cost
tbe.latte4rani :these idldre%,
discoro44 6B ' , WadileW; an
ileakeraft P Pillin glml°l ike2n''-
, 4 ,
;Whippple Xlnfte r:t:ina
:10iet Erlidhis - i t:alkt
pret bil Inelided.They
''mitlinotlo4stii 49 oi l
:by the., : • . softy
with'g' e -
--IXe4sylvant t. Legislature
0. 1 441,, , , , ,k,_, - -.,_ _ Harrisburelifaich az ,
p- ,. : -. .r ,-- •±: - -
4,- , :i.- . . . _ • ~ •
ROUSE .-- .--. 4 S '2 .
- .511 4 ;0 4SE,lnllired a joint irftotitiiiiti4hat:'
lliiiViii s Oitni*ill adjourn ,siniiiii liikilie .: ',
lotile ins "i*.'•: , ' , ', '' _ _ .. .*. ---• ' 1 1 :Z? , ..
' s-..T.iiiii .0 1)44. tote: .., . --, . -;- - ~: itss.:::,
. 1 14114'Sh Ai49pxthi'Conitrilitfee'iM4iind:
Imaiiiulitii - -'*P l3 "-I' a bill tn. -- pl 4ibit the
Oile of intoxicating : liquors in - the. :Common.' -
'wealth. pliti‘ bill is cry stringent f ' npor t abut-
Ir in. its k,rovission& to the 3laine larl, ,
''', - I - lf. - -'.- --- .- ' -...:.=..' • `-- - '-'[---?
W -'
'3raril 'l4.
• The Lill to repeal the Itailroml Girti&,l4`-gr
was geliated at considerable -length:. '- -1 , .- ••
• 1 1. *.
;e16:• . ..::
Numerous petition's W•as -presentek- fora`
PrithibitOrrLiquar 'Lave.' ', T,ho'other I bif4iii - si
; not of g eat intereit. \,.. l'' : -"-;'-;- ' • - - I - ' '-
IS ' • - '-'rf,' ,1 .,..; :" -77' ..- 7. -- ..:', '-!-- , •';.'re - ; -. ',, 1 4
" • • ' - -
- _:. - SENAir.: .r • ,.(.` '
er . by U.:.l',Theenate resumed the' - consideration' of
al order ol , the day,"--'-being+theikill tO
.-' •-•,: • ' tre-PeuiilieiWirun'd Gauge Iglw.-- f,l '- , .
.rresx Lev
] The (itiestiOtt;b4r4 upon thern
aen.4ent 9t
... b tir.7..K.unliel, a uthortimo., any rairrilail eotupa
• n - .fr.,.'S. linilieretokrio or'll6reager.ineOrporateif in this.
ymtri-, kl, commonwealth; to selitt such 'gatigA tor thir
N vi r : T.E _, - rtiads is_rilay. bo,deeraed; : ..most -advantageous,
: s. varmt : l iit vi•as-ftirtheidebt‘led u t some J'ength : #4 1.
i - i nallY negzalred — Year 13 ., - ii.Y! .l ?- ' .1, .. , •
Wsox,werc 1 . :ThequestiOn then recurring on the'l - original
Parons si4tion U. wa.4 neoatired—yeas i5 - tittYli I G
~ ..ri . S cott, ' , : So - the bill iv:l.44t .
o s.. , , ~ • ,
to ita,Ti
cession .1
• tkeenni I
g,o a►a .
of Brad
Ouse In
nting to.
ompany .-
iin" Rail-
..- „ _--,::- 1 :--;, - -:'-i.-..1-; - , ~ : !-4 . ..
...-:•f1 5 .: , '.': . . , '' ''' ''' , ' ,.. Na0h.4 6 ,.
- ._: - . - ''- ,-". -- iistfiin. - :; -; :,. - '.',., - .''',Y. 4- ..-",' ,I - 1
, • '' .-...-:,:•' ' . .The Sefiate.ritine4' .. 'the r etthQoatiii'n,a
line. 4' C'..:- -the bill : to.] incorporate ,-'...- t he."--Vlii linl4lldtia- and:
eliPan'atl ', ....BA li le ois -10 e n teal - ,R,ail fond; ::'.oiitti iiilnyi.:Whiett..
the-chair ;: Was f rthe!,:clelA4d. ,e . t.sente Siiti,itttklannef.
pa t
.• • .;. •!: ' ly . ed--4eaS .31;11 - :-.:N . ..t. . ' •.-",,.;. -,,t., , 1 1 =.' ~- :-
. ... , ~ .- .:' .. .• , • ~. i . .: • .77 , --- • :-,..,. -....,:-.- i -,, LI '..•••,:,.-- :: '. ,i
liee-ef. , :. the! :' ...- :::: - .; 4 ! - '.-:",' ' -;:- - , ' . . - :ixot•Si , ‘, - ': - .„, '..„ -. , ..,:'; , ;‘•f1,...1.,..' ; ; -,-1 - 5;. - 1 - '-, I. ,-:
, ._ • ..
.. ... .
+' the .'eofteii ;.
nll ' ' rigida'
.4 . = t e'COni...•
Citd.itkebill •-
tlielb4) - ,..,14.
!.4!:',', - , : ; : *14i4lQ;:
'_itt . g4 - .tiio'v , ,,i
- - aiiiii - iii' '--
•1 - ii . - t 4 2,
....44-1.i . ,, , ;-the . 11,1ky:'prei•ldinglfor.e.... iflieterfeg . ! -,Vcd
rate t.O ., .thef th) or. front. all kindi . orgielitiilifelili!-akliot ,
1 rf. ll - .grarel' aire d - to.' Healed: inaved . , i.e. iirieed• '`iinPl r ts, •
i turi
II h' h . ' d ...' li '' 1 ' 6"f- -'
1 ' ' ' ' .ll -''''
8 e ~ ?JC, ! ding* ny.ot er rang
: mann ap .... -.1-,-In . .t_ e ..
• --
''.... ;..-: .. 1 ; prod ''. otii . -if the bill . '',.Thi4 .-- 7pietrli ilftelid;: • -
, thi* , ;trieetif veto ed in- a•-fo.rimarks..--: i - ':',: ..... ; ,'•l" , ' .1 ,1 - -''..-1- - ':2', - .'l : .
' tee and -Ai r ::-..1 .-- , STRONG'sniit.i - the.:.bill-neder: Ort.sicler.. •
t.; . V.nleanV..atio :waS-, , ,intendp4-'...partieelerisi : :.:te.,: eielni)e.
tia . .57'..-‘7 . 4i . 1: Ont.)
~ 1 i nerilresources - , - a and be .14;i41 1 ...4 he bill
Ipd±. foi.; to--Won , Won not le." trammelled-, ; with elled-.,. WO -. n diteedeleit i rY
Prat ;Wool tji 1 .nr048i0ti.4.. '-.' i, :- - ,:-: .--,-.:--. ' • -..-.,- :.,, --,--.-: '. :• - -4, • \'..';.:',.'',"r J
- 1-, -:. • - ' r 'V. Itilf.ll,OURN : - Was:'L'OppOrse4llA,::th& r .
r i indeed 0_ , - ante dine,-IL 1 ',...- 7- -'.. 7 ' 7-
' ' ..- '''';:::'.l -- ii - t" 1 G.' F: - ' -2 ': : . -- -'.
I ,the Nort h .. 1- .11i, - PI:A.I4.IOEN , it - '414t.0 . *:-Ids I;trO,OultiiOn:-
penfieed. le i -3i i f: cHA . r i, , ,ov e j -to r;nrtt . P' ita.',.the.bill'lry.
r ia cilr, 4 llt C- li Lili po 4l ri - -* title -
twos- - ing that - 'eompaiiie'''.4" o , l l .l6 ,-,r!_4'.'..eride.y.i,
be diverted- 6f,..0 , -'cl,: steal , parr into,:the - ti24 l, fir( * beens: ,
p half ['or . cent.' 'on '-theti-.4ii,g1,74, 7 ,r.i 0 04 .
i. - ;'''-,'-- - ' '-', -, - .1, - and:: like ' bonne .oti ,al r - ,4o44quen'll4t : ,*:''''t-s '
'ciiitintef - . ..of iilf;d:.._-..!: . --:... :. -.. .• ~. ~. . 1 -,. :1.: -- ..... -. .: - .;, ,.. .: , ;' ,- .
1.. i t ,... n a-. tb i, ....„ : ...%. . - ,- - --,,, -__ 7 --.:: ~ ,-,: ', :',-'• to;amend.
,- M . STRONG was 'opposed tlneL j
_hal Or . 4iiii ame n 'chi the'grened . that. iffwas7'ealetilitedAel
ted to orgy ; Prip e -.the '.energies' 4.45 .-the.:lnitiToyetyients.
444 C a nto n. - whi •' Were.'noW 7.1 - progress. and..t.',Wouldlie ,
klitlyt4i'tY t 9 high y prejudicial interiest s
f,: : - of,:ltr . - . :Pont in otiWeal 01.: -- Ile ..,.., depipeat;Pil'--: the :
ideatitat taxation ehtinld
' '.
ir..., h e'reeortP resorted e
caul iiieeteent,7itthOso-7eiterprises,..,Wlitet. ,
- wer 'calenlated . tO: , beildi , it?intiedeenjhe
-44 id tr•or . the Stat 6 and WentintO l - i - .leegtliy.
star moet, shewki • the:' amount ;'' , -
r tiii eitig;nn4 - iTii3: , tee6aiiithilibliat
tre ery, "by; tho . :.,;tintraireqello , :'o.:o - 1, , ,i.......5 , : --i;f,,
tile: reeenti,spirit , -.of'pohlie irenrOV,inient.' -,-......-. : i
.' _ ';• 'D. r;i:
. I:IICRIIAN*aiie favor- Off...the, amend
yen Annilitie(l...s.o.thet, it r .!‘"yetild'llietiet ail , the
[la,b,&..iiig. Interests' of the. CenitienWeatil4l: . :;..'. , ,.'. :,..
r - . - r. - -C l - 1 -A:S. - thought the - ', Settra ,ji 3 Olii.-lef . 1
1 3
,tat.e . was:to:tax:. all nOpileant/Whowiefr.
-.04-'-4pei. f tl.-„'. l ir,kiloges : at..t.lie'' .. handslf..4ol,4 9 -:.1,,60., - ;'
Isla. hiasteeoh ee:it*Oilid. be a[....aiin . g;:of
•PipitiSe•- to. thele, - and 'enictherkitti • : - li - .:4 4 - 1,16:,
ii .
~;( 4 -,, iimirt..: here.',Whe n thpyinight , n: i : ilttiira - +T
I /
ifili '6:of the viitiviiion. - .Of , tit is4P,ne lil - ..layit'..
,---'-. r..-FW .F Tp.N.-Wits"!.,Op . peee.o•teithfr - atitond
nc t ',arid , '•-shoulil.;. , ..rete 7 , againSt::_ - ,an i and.,ta t.
1 - k 6 OSitieti tO - tax enOital , iieminiFtn'te.46lo . .
t Sta P. for: ii.enPtit'bee'pOlal:titirii . peee.t.f :,. 7 . .... 4 .:11i
I:Y - 1 'r. -STRONG . thevpd'.io amend by': iiretids
ling ' that a: fax of r . --Otie r ten tit- - .!-Of !One per cent,
i..sha i - ie paid -I*
.dpitipute..4itorpij4o4 - , too*. ,
. . the provisions' of :this ..bi11.:2 • •iltelanieednient
. Wa ~._ agreed -- t.c . i" . .YeaS!'
~5G.-- 4 4y.:§709). .
.see ion_ 'es. Ate ended:- ei '..-#grtied.::its.l,,,-_:: „ : : :x f_..., c_
-- - ,-.Bp...CllAS.E.sinb.ited to: '_,;titnetel.:,.*-biiLii
!idd rig. that Alte LeOrporatioriSl,-nekwaiis -:;set
Eib6l . . stiitenient.*the 4nditor
Vie. Pial•of the affairs •oid . .:liuSiiieils Of the same' -
.i'eelfied'bi'eath ;',Wlitelt'-':iftiiiirecf in! . . - ='nj:',',:'l'. -'
. . '' ' lid by ''''' '''d --
ci:*r.--,WAl . ...iTONmilirect . fii , 4o3p . .
...-,.prOxt ":...
: ingf..,thek.. the'Protleifit(s :Of.::o.ol.:1W11-: - A14a)r-*x: :
• .teed . to' all-;:rnaoufaitittee..herp.ifter.telbetende - .
: O r adopted . in Ali' e Oran otiveirtli:: ,'.i: , : : ..-_L ;..---.
11-... Ar '.- Kll.:BOURN:'iiaiopieePili'te.thi*,' jiii..ifi
,?'ivoii il•
. ot4 riie...4li . e - vniattnfaetnre'fof'ardent'
epliri . .Z.-.There hadbetter lie*Aekainterbillitil
'- trocltfeed:for;Ahae.turposei.;.z'.;:.,:t . .. , ,,E-;; : , -I '' - •:i :-: :-'1
Adr.. , ; xopetediilifri amendmen t."
-- ed'd-not" desire protection o.the 4: p — r ''
lei . branch of business , a11ude d301,..t. . ,-A-her.40.:.,,;ic? f :PotiOt:(Ni.':KilhiiiiritY',...betlf.titonieri
4 law was , to. - - - -be,p4o;:o . isovel , r.o4ijp&oxi,
fug loporatiorie;'-alrprOper„l,AeWfitl:,:,o4lgiti.
matebe business " . ehould::Cifiilly.l'l!reteo,e4:.._f'.
-; ..... Mr. 'Xll . Jsol.7fitN:ittereA- , :ie,'-',r. - prOlie.fltatibe_ ,
. p rovisions tf-Ntlie bill -, sleill '':.„- - tiop . 4oply - .40, the
-.manufacture nideet i 'epiril4 l:, ;:i.a.i-7..i4 , ::'- - -,-.::i7f_,
:...,. , -. This.WaS . ..egreed. .'0,7. 7 .77Y.04 1 7.64 - 114*4.27'- . 4:;.!:2' , .1
':.Th 'e
.airieudineethili:"sitieMeo; - ..':,''ytethan : l
_.-in.,...te d: 46w . - 3;4
.A-and: the
bi11,i,b.17.e14 under '00414
i, er i tiof i ".- . - f; , ?"-7?' '4 * l. -. 1 . -;. . -4 !!.'
111 ,tItIKJTN, moved to , gel jete.Ooi.,
fiitte-cf tjo.,wholi, - tot•t e .pl**j.or 140pgi
- to ttefiretlSeetict. Oftbbilli:*:nroylisieitlpr
' tie- maul ifactiiiieOfinnberWhreb
was agreed'.
le;.and , the . itrieednient...beir . ieg:4blietifidepted; . :
the bill :came 14P..!t. WO i'lllo B oo.if!itiliY.l',.4 .- _passed
_,:Mr.. H4RRlSinoetif.te....pittOped,te - theosonsi4:- -
eritiOn of thebill'i.'-rehitiVe tethOPtlborgell4,,!,.
'-Cetinelliiillertillrettil eettiflatiy;4o:ViliiAtlx?
i11e,.. - iitibie" . i)ol.i,oti' , ..ol. , :ilt6::-'SOiik . ..!' . .Ofpe;'.'ilel)te;',
wilieli . :Wite' - egreed , to;„ictid:Otell --..ii.:**it 'o*.
iatn remark . l:,
se 1
' • /fp a
lags of
ct Repre
be pub
lai "th6, -
in* and :WI.
sift die
g . .judgrmmt.
men :wi4 As
e couttsel_cM
las alsix t
..." . :-.1 . .&
Li t - il 1 . . ceelifek,:
tiia Li:4 l- rlifir=i; : .
1 :, ,. 3- 00gel" °f
hi -.on(eied.-,401.
to, call over
bucwr tiic•
o Cler
1 ,:: - .,:?0 ,, .. *--
, i6O . i 9l . ', OA*.
11 . ,•Teriii - - tfoi4O.
1:-..: : : - .-? : ,•....', :.: 1 !,...,, ,: •:,,
iiiiij ! ' . 01:.
.4 ,- ? ~?,:ii I . '
lq: Y.' 'alai -
• ii , WAilti6g - in •
64;. aiit'''.fre-
.i'beerc*tt - fi
cif . „o o -k 1 0 1 ..
1 WiFit f iveke ilia
Wieisi , lilio-,
o,4liivif*ri =fi ner,
DrioAtim NIL
riti'Ziit #06#:):!,
'vdth'. 04_ „4 - kc''.
*lv! . 1 4 - .- liiii
4 0. 11 C-# 3 ide4
lomat Siktilikea
.'4i, , :t, , .ii, , ; ; ;:i-4):
1--,'' ,- * , ' ':,1,-;,.'::'f-.::!'i-.':--'-;.!
'Fitii•A', l .' I'7l , 1
-. , _ ,•-' I. -, -. . ... "A.: Hl 4 ,_ :.„. , ' 1
:Mi-•;WLIARTON; committee-: feof - idee% ilidlid.- I
ichnii report :d a bill; siiieciititOitteit I.refittiire to: 1
the of juris dictioti or justieekef - the -
Peace -I) , ;,JetY;tthil.- for :criminal gott"Otot,..--:: ; ..,1. ,; ,
Mr. DARTO'N, from :Committee-7 on corpr!t,
bona; .reported; . a., iooddited, - ,bitr itique4On
1 -- iiCtib lii6rOritte:the rate - efi c ti,FlarA4 '
Bradford:itt , Ouniy it - olio:P*4g. , amen d ments,
it tatlntitled - alvsotto- - -;i0i.440 . 144,1 , 11iitae1e , .
..1 1 F1414 I P ll ;' l P4 , i ,C9# 1 ,0011 1 -ViiiiH -.2 .- 1- ' l--.- -... , ..
- ...-11' ..,,...,T.. ~, 1
I nc
Inei`r r cirthe Panniffiania:4 iigaiiiiit fro*
York egitnti;
,hse tettelitle-4:idlot,Ctkot3fiti4i Ati,
,NUJ '.*iivide ref the 11:ipiiiiiitiiiitit iir.-. , 10`2t,r:
-rieilitillOatiMlit flithis:Stitikl% r l O ii
' itiir*l
ilisotaiv'*itieiiilit.'-illiC:fi_ 4l4 * .i iii
, rialft ol6 4 l .o; /1111-
GOvetd 14.74401P4118-.
'' . ati4funiii4iF.o upti 4 : ! ti#;:-Igs*l
fi-61i 0 ,-0 mousoirelichliiii,... :._ oppoinooesi
.iiriiiiew* k. eam: - ..;, , wiiii - 4' - , ';* - k it ,-
iiiiidatko. ilo*ii..*A . - :* - 4,soinlisii=
...,,,.,...,..-:-..-, --,..„ ....,,.. ~...„,,,,,,,,,,, ~...,• ..„:„.,„
~r, : .: :, 4 .-"-;•tr'::::*7",j'f::::;-V;',1;1''
'-' `y' 0 0/ •' at er. --
. ,- ,r• -- , -,----fi. q...- - ...- -. , • ,
, • kboriltol( , i 7 nfetiz.', •: - .diseoi•ered-, th,
nprningin a Ilt - ,i :4';',1ii`V . ..... bia:abiyoSereat
is#eet::'l%•ro '.'#'ll - feli - iliAll 4 ii: ligniah Silk/
an Ellen ' .Eyne lifirolatiedlyiuk ,welterin g
in'tliei i',:bleod, I I.44 . '"f4iiit inthn; ,ther latter'
rnilietiAikt: - a4 , O t t , I WiSwp..Flitidrett_EtNiss
tWo ,1•0 4 :400 wermit: l2 4l - jJ4liect; ip`staiii,,
'iiiiiie Tirt:fir Alter s ,l l4 itiVi*na- ir-au*d icy
JtAkiircp,rioll, 1% - i3 , - - Wife: .: Foik Inui`,,beenent,-
#11,,f4114 to a•• b' , H, ancLthe rinider4,a:-not
.di s • gr i ver d till , M 0111.0)1;1*ton:1yd keine it 7
( 614 k ': kli.i.t.: Yixte@.. husband ii
who *ai . pii,id:o 1. here ' Mk Tliaday,'ifid --- We ro
, away to NeW Y 4 rk, Wedneadij marniag,lein
ing ieven or : ei . - t t2o'-golt.p:fedea , ;•with- ,
wife -- Her I f frY kV" Irolieir'OPen - i - aild 1
iinsOr gfaict -,'-- ) 10 r.lork*kg , s illield,4=with
dirk knire,i4 a igen of one w -found" tin&
Olf:and!moinied: !AM b,Die4ibeaidiftbelnir,
in ii':' "'tire' skilig . tilSbeell:l4 - resteil i o
1 1,e
4 in i non: :- , gr; . * 045'41u1493..F.4`M*.ther.-1-
frue d eceased ere,, alateia".: ; . 41,anbalt Sln x
bad enT;teerri4iwieeiilla 4asialkut 4 0 irfes
old, Ellen 'Lyneh Wik,abOut 30: - t4Ttit altoi r
created great exelterifieuti ltir %et•oll'ul 'Ai.
rest d, en ' . ,suarticioii,[butii - Ae.eignination 14
"den 64 Aipi: :liiii,7olialkirtetlii §i .'- *lt WPC
- Ai:eiantination -, et tiii:bediea nr - the '1;1 : o r ,
demi-. woman ' kas I taken'i:plieeY,.• - . l FOrt),n e.
stabs were foind,„,4on. Mye•...t.yuelt= 7 five'or,„
, teritg thcneart; , and 4l !ereideeP '.l w Cindi`flz,
- 111r4li
Shaw.;'. An' tiempt-***ldqlo,lia m
1 dowp, the &ink% Air: the;intifder, Vi i-bitt the firi
I Wen. nut after I:Aiming- k . bole ' itr e i t itrb ta ,
I IlooT:.. --* number of arresta•on auspicion bate'
1 been made; anning,them:a Sing Sing, convi c t
t ' 'e4 ' i t thur - Sining No'illotfey or knife
, nam l r , --. ..._ , ., .
‘N . .ftS 61 ,? fr !, I Poll'hint—N. I Time& , ' -;
The , . Wyoming SearatiaryßOritt.
Itbeer:new= oni puintql.pty,' , An'ij-ecnut ,
t l;iliriling, of the Wyeming4 eiliiiioV:itt:Kir
*ton, on Men& ' .night.o4thl*lnreek;-.llort.ot
4110 1 010 9 ofe% rm— Ai)iibeirt:WOcloele I
: :fire was seen t o thirst' oultfini:i0 th e iisif s t
the fwest eild, 0 1 fie - i twit !efilinaryiniikliti,..
"iiiidibY,Ahe tim e. tile 0)11 P'* 01 1.0 14 r=be017f.0 1 0;10) -
":tbetstudents . ro ' ed . froigl tnniF" beds randrgot
puJCIe l - fire ha d made inelt..raff4:loCfeirlll
',pip ie, that hil liUpc"iips'eTeltt*-arsiing
e t
i k hd i . "Iding'or nineh offifseriritentiii3. ' op.
"of ibe.Cherileal runt-Rhilepephieat 0 1 1 0 n, SO.
- pry valuable pni; , -, - Ilid't4e,tvhole erth Bei.
~ . 'pett.:l...ilitury,- , were.con- S umes i , - .Losti; $l. 0,
t .inspiiikiefe, e1,00,_;-' l l'hpl4re"iii - '_anppos to
. I)ia4e cin`glit fiCtinisii, itOVelictlie-liiirsi slery.: ---
~ .71iii ichool4ari otietiot inAk3 . 4.4; and la the,
short eight yea*..hasestribliihed hi
rerintltion, and *ha' its;b l o§eingefil and wide.
-Itstltiss will be felt ri,nll*ei 'Nortlit-..peo
i34aiiii, and:deepty lamented iiko4::- . Vonrii
of Which it was justry l tiii prideinisir eritinielit,
It is-understood, however thatttlie trusti es
are going inumediatery•Auf, - _talie:•iieeisuree:for
re-building,it, .and }lope;' er.o l ?cingi. oiga '
' r ehear - the liegts - ,of •the -col'iitinity: with
',guileful' s . exhibition =•..'i:it hundr* of
AhrOnging,their-wayto IWhallsi . : - ..` : ,
'Bine,e the ,ribov 0 Nitisiirtric o , 170 notice lic
AO .tinoteic4ie;. - Pnlilj`, i ft.nlon,, nnell4 l itt tlit
ittittienee - tipile ;the Prepirty: wriasiifficiett to
enable' tilemli) - eointriepee i the_ : work :tif -
bl ilding. immediately; aii4.:Ahitt:99veDit
roiNiiis yin bi- Prokided• for: ; carrying- op'
school, until the SeniinPiYiiierßieted:*l
it is thought. Will_be bY',.the commenc,emeal
the Summer ‘ term; in .440 st:,
Gaieite. : 1....• • • t ... ~. , .' , t , l'.. •
. . - England s Humanity --
•• if is g4nerelly known that savages ,were
.pia led - by the- King' of . Eitland, ;;Georg
an4pt;j,„4 s o . rui.!ch Poi=scalcicit.marr;wous
ehild . dmit, our revOlUtioUity'*ar. 'CA
- items from' thii. tolikle.tp4o., - )wkiiiiiii 1
,perhaps intevesi4rMte . of.otir , reidert
slow. them hoii this:pati;riat:liing strove
[ crush out the. noble.splriti, of ; - ; itaericridenci
l' oh r-early hoicies: ' 'Here - ii' - i.ilist of !Alm!'
Jot . , packages , that ware - .Sent.;ltlt-ine"......b
Boyd:from a Ciiptiaki Crawford . 1.0 04: 2 /
,GOVOrnOrs. :Of tanada;:COl tiraldtin 6 O- ',--,
I Packil l gei . : oll - 64 4 0 :were'_ found 'amonj
bigOge:..ol: flip English - an:ay after. do ei
Bitrgoyn, afed,46d'ai)ed,..witkiiiiii 42 i
tition Ithom. 1, -. .The-letter. - accompanying:.
I reads! thus:: , :: -..-,`,:: .... :`,..--- " - :: : '-'5c - :. 7 .:" : -.. -- '''''-
r '.Package 1. , CoUtAnjog - iiity'llgoc7,4 6
of CongresS sOldieri'lkilled. hi diffei,ent , ,i
ishis; tretchedia:l44 - 14k *. -)MOPS -, 6lo . ;ruitti
- in Their haiiies, - heap's- Nit,
figUre of Lab° painted 7Meach;-tO'dehOte:tlii
occupation:' _°' '
Tack 3 ;Containing ninety-seven :zfarmel
sdaips on, greidn hoops, to, ~.shcreict:ithat-- t hi
Were 'Jill led'in the
fi,rn,ter's scalps; eighteen', Ortheirr-,:rdirke(rir;
"yellov it tz
tme, la.v.4haktiiey jE were
. 11 -
Pock. V COntaili,
wooled,. ttairlong I aini,_;braided,:tO
they,: yaothers„ . l % .
ty three scalps of hoYe ol vOrion gzesk* B l 3l
green_ hdops:-
Pack 7 TWO hundred' . altd , 'prevett
Seal r s, On,yello.w.hoops."-::::._ 1
waittiestdff of. 'whidit'tygiiih royt
-44. were wailsthd 'days .sthte) .- trleiL..rnet
sOldd i —Bostoi Post:
.: Acranswr kicor touriniuticni4Weir
from the Itedling JouriaL that al dresdfil
aideta,_ rectal ting frOm thsa : use,of ',alining.'
Occurred in tire farnily,of
residing in that„City t . op Monday even
last week: •.'ltappear4fthit i Mr4i'lfarY 3 : l2 .
hUsband nattehild'froui PoitstOini , wero ,
a mato the familY of lir. "-Adains,to 'Ol9
-. . -
they - aro nearly, relsto4.-p . 9tAlm_ evening
tied; both hunihes w ee : lu
rau:in . ..around atoi
in social coniTriatiiin;frnd' wlllle One ' - of th . ,
number-was - illiiirranialier laing by tie_ it)
of iheohit , thitini, the','firrid 'tor #14.-, ;in
the can; and in . tn nioment tile w hol e Teem i
in :flames:. , _ AU the inFriates ilf:frPNDlßre or. ii
buriada;h 6 Pßi seriosi.l'rhi*lWOr eue ßF 3 1
:Thibri, Whoie,cliithes were courp)etelf ktlr
'from her'lrod34: and Whirse: injrirlei, were-e
1 severe that;she died thi.'„aext. dal 4 aftei:sni
le g excruciating tormantsi: -.At 4 . 14 nu
i _iti
the bait hei din li:hilt.a
11l 1
~whiidi,witif great piesetie4' of raink, as
'e.ned:by'Sfr. Adarini, 'add eikiiiied - *on arra
ily!Unhurt: This:is another : OA , nin igt,u
i ltheiuse;Orbunillig r id'enranish kit do h
infltilliribleil'substatipOri of a lilm ature': - -7`m
[use shhild bs prOrOpt y, 1 . 0001 fed : : - - evil
i giootiforiseho4; foroYeil 4l : ilk giOcest,
IrrOantion'Aik-gurrrasigainit old, '.,*Artr.
It '-
- .P3---'4.-„,
aiiiir.,,,,, , ,.. f1ir4 , 4, ,.... i1t5 , j.:
.(1‘., , i _ r i 0 ,.. 4 -,
~....:4x. .,a , -„,,, .. ,_. 4, 1 1 . 4 ,;.; ;; . 5 e . ,, , , t 01 , .., Z ie .c, 1 i t a5f 1::.
:- • ,_, , .suggestediibilkiirrittr4 ,- ,;,.., each , -..,
i been- ''-- : - 11i 4 'fiiiiii.0%**, u ta
iikii.A.i:rfsee.-41ed.,--- .: . ,1 . -** - 0 1 . 0 - 4 - 1, iig:
'if;4o.4*-dirffq***.ißot- - '_'Aather.. cilt:
ihilt 1 . 4 . 4:4.-*p*l;Op o ;olp,c ) , .,E i r tr l . A) v i :
- iitit` ilk . 4v i iii fi.. 6 / 4 1951 ',Ofil l iiii l t' - eift -*
61.0&iiii...' , :1. 006014!i, :-•,,, , I , , E„ ‘ , ..- 3 1
ratiis:4tg . ...y,iglr: 7 o4l,Y-'.', ,, ,,T . ,, , ,1, ,, ,z, , ,i . . ,:„,
iki. - ,grciiiii - Sir#4,l" 0, - v- ).,nl, l , A . g .,„ 4 .. :
iii itigprtli 4 4o 4 i l494l 4l l . l -: 11 ,;'Aiikliz 1
4 . 446 , 006ti0k,1100civ-; -',r, - ' ri - -s v it -4:.
4 i
.••.•404:11iiiiil pre040057 - fa' 9 P;, -.- --i f
ollifilii, - .:.3 7 . - ;.• :, IA . ---;.4l l o 4, ,0
iita:Af4k_ r ___LlYstit t iii 11 - OW ., .:*.ter-.._ 1 .1
iiiktivt . i.oFy-rl.-7-a- wiiaic.;:;:iiiiertioily! , ..
- *t )
_,A 4 .:.,- 1 , ,,
' . .AirTriola,r , '°.7 7 coa, - -fiiiiitt: --.,
04 -eiliKf' o l6 lol .lril' , ':*47.o l ,
oit'olf---e-r `t'''' - ' - llilf.*( 1 ,
miYAitiFfhl t ,'F-Mt.3,iii 4z ;::;,--: ,
1 rlkt.A, tMMP: , ff4gi:M t i-:„ „?...
-?:::::'z7:,:.,.., - . -, 4 , ..:,.. ~.. , 5 ', -.. .?.'it41:61:5ri=;4;', 7 '-'- - ':
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