The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, March 10, 1853, Image 4
MEM 166 , 1110.101ititillai: ti Nortio , -litl a„ii"l632 C op ley Week ILli:4 - 2.'.L'iCHASC';EDritiiii: teraoile`, maitian;,l i 853 ':;- f', ''' lisithatttatlial ' 1. , !,,, - ,, , :. --- :,, , ,,,:::,; -1 : , 3 ,- .Y - : 1 - Truning, • ::::,:, :: -, ~ : , i-il4 . taiiiii :4* - brv*i - 4:l4 l ana: 'Fotilei 1 ~4"itti:ii.***4:ooliti:peftioslibil;cti lt•ii*ioo l :iiii*?4 , ': - ' -': '_ .-- ' 1 : : f ;poi : ltikkii**ii of the fat is are so-badly is .; ii i . it,it fil rlt ill ig—b ad in the man --:,_ airMil(i*i it` la done; 'and in the ' season of t Orf:i5110) , Belected for the oPeratian.-1 Airoirt sor living, sentinet things, rind must be -'.. iiiiiiiiedria t inich. ,', theii prink bark is a irill. 00,4e,ti) hohnail:boots as - the back of: the hand;imdea. easily nitrated liy a dull aatv or Anife •No skilful Surgeon wield impute*: a • u limb *Waif instrOpents; or 1e,•4 the,hlre ding*lound'esposed:to the airfbut Many hr.. •V• is*lftitt lava - primed for fiir forty years, - and ' thitilethris,:"knOir *Wader 'two" , *bent it, do bstio, ,, , - -theyleve fen &eine* on its green • ii.ol4.**WitingVillneecati.,fierfect, its fruit intiiintio lit rit#*ind when -it- badperformed 1 throw off ' th 'foliage • "4 - iidateit - iitilc44t_iretied, and spread ' Mbread ! atlli* plidio(2 4 9i-#6 , winter win ' Thus ~ thisitineeireincitliie ildsbreldhe - aid'grow, , •-el44:et -unlit seem to, have . appreciate k it, a ; , -! 1 :1 . 1 6 / 7 1 inviting them to itkahitaet rigaii ,., ,Inir,,AoaiWit Its fruits; and - "alioat *Peaking ~' in*Mmogi4affectien I / lliiirry .-- Witit the axe, the - coarse 'saw, end ail - ' didl tools *Out your:trees, and in thOr places wie - **4litir & I st lehel *d• with edi3 as .- keen *iv papanonelAoli. _ :' I ,-- -fgyer . wii - Owit,. --, : ,- , . Should -be c#er. **,,,j.s,j'igoio ~.,onsd - the plamspridl probstai`gir l ow.:over, but covering Oat. IT***.effprt 01, , ilie tree in pezfecting its - outer, t. , -Psint, clay * , Fuishellacjand united cloth mit ustilfor thisPurposo; theihel.: ten And cloth is arkenawittl grafting Wax made i loit c * applied with a brush while warrr.-- - : 40itilit Of this tied around iwymnd of a patch atnek‘On over:it, will gratis , facilitate the heal iteeese,". Ninety- , orchards., out of every . - imirlied' . 4re militated ailid ~iiijured in being tricanied; -tiiilmi thit, Might. to be cut off are ***env% andihese!that orklit to beretain ed . • tie - taken aWsy. ~ Some • are sawed plrtly t og, and alloWed to drop, tearing away_ the woo d And &hall from the -Tinder side, and leaving „* ragged and , ghastlY . wound.:that never: heirs, •, : but brines, preinSture - decay:, This is strong ' ' 'Mirage, we are aware., but a : careful inspee , tien - 'Of most old orchards will confirm it. i' . • , There is need ef - but Nary little "rr , ruipttg. where an his bee* properlYN Managed, from the start; no large limbs will — ever need to be iSken awayuniess broken by the winds or injured in some other Wriy., Prune but.lit _ Ale is a good motto. Suter the shoots which . _ ”. Start Out mx,,the icintittn) - lie to mantle 14 at tame, when they Weir) aired their leavis; the -- . -fr ee De eds theri, aid Nature, ever WPid, / iwi i th . ~ her helping bend, sends *Ka ait 'ol t 4,4 ifte "lva4is oftim , topinolaborafing *1;49 and M.. irwainli thi iiho'h iroWth of the tree., *1 fs d•in on exchange a colic( in point,l isbiell'ir: e - :IgiverlkicAlfir l * (4l t°; 6ll * th, 4l Y• A ci‘' poisient of the Prarie .4iroirr„r._ at - chieno Illinois.states that tilt f,'' . apple trees,four s uieix foeihigtheigailii • ' g and then kept' ihiiiiiros,iabbed -o ' thelo: , et : • . perts of ths stems - , leering only suitable : s it on one ludi.the • trees. The °their were - !Withtheir shoots - untouched from top to hot , tom. • The reitilt was, - that, thisie: ivifieble; aired no simimer pruning were 25 to' 40i .., , er lept, larger than the others, Oven Slier - , y Were, pruned no to head S-the following 44.: Sii it may bonoticedit' - idder treat; that . 4eri, ' ~,:itiost of ths limbs are cut pirinthe Fore" of ' geniting, geler numbers 0 iticker Me thifirli ota, and we inhere for the same rurpose , .. eliti are on youngtrica—to keep tip' I 'al circulation and balance in its power. " psi:_.:,;, s- - io the hest time for pruning vile . 1 i • ..-- -7we t ju4ve Do doikt. Prompersemd * 'lt 4 made, for . several yeArs \ , , from rel* Seirieriediousisith , pinetiesi,Miniiji-Si ID* ' y' ostensive examination otorain*qtwo are .914 1110 n. 1110 the all', l l l o l. iftf! the ~" , leitiis have fallen, hi ihe most; proper Where We have eiretrdly =rune& et tbiS se:- 014 it 14-6* - been followed- by a, . :ifg otitis theist, and that - - ZolesderitkrWOr Oa -hariE , . . ~..- , • : ;which fsllows spring ,proning. : tile *OM+ *that geldifoni iir'beensie ensafit,loliainre B -4-'4oTeil n4,7;iila ibitrii siertie:to . inioill c. -,- Ih)Oritit ottkitree shordd be'open to .03,, Mid alf Oa 40404 frowiromiiit* i nelimi • \ mdirins?M i ck her. -Cut , out these and . ' :the oectseifirinident,limbe wbielitai he foun lOiiiika d; 00 10 i'Ll! l 4' l " ,, 4 6'4 l o AF tw ukg w i ;vat lielid Uttle *Gee* the 44 oritruilog-I; • . the: i us a n ma.:.• ArimarA "E.n -two *Cie: It 041 ,1! yam -Tv 'l;4*ol' '.vviredidl. .1100 - no, _ - s um 44:4144 - ArcirgeOek, a c h - or* all - • ura ti o ni . the `r•: 4 & 'felt • aemt + ee - • 4 0mtat'br AA-Ai - shoikli t • 'ibbiti!rPerl,L: MEN *surisAmitimukt. 1•.., ; 1 1144111* \44144,..kt - if , ':r;.::,.'. ,---" -.- ..-..' v , , 1. 1 . -7.,"..%,"-!,;i.i,1",.;;• IZENI ---7 6 - irbar — ittiAtir i• .-•-.--• ~Q .:*0 , 41*-*,04 4 13.......:-.,..,----- • Ifi.,c44.4itiodibegiii - :aiiiis4sat ' -. ' - 11 ... 'itsidini ---- --- vo*--Piti. x dn'ully e.4.p..... --.-,......;--- .4 64 ~ 44„,friinioifinflod-iiioto p. f ;.,......_ .-. \vo t t IS i5p:'1,4.4#.!1:::, AA"' c+bon-00cobinild 44. th Alitto/P*_• : :-., _ iinOw ;may.;as,44:.'l -444e1i . gag , be licureti,o l 4 l-- - ' l l ''' ' • ' L - : • iA.:::- lo Nritiriiti,l4 * : ; 4l4at -* ix: 4,2* .ttiin taa. :,li it iltl, l, . 95:1 11 : AD in! Van . . "- I - . 81 . 14 '. 1 ., J. " 'is ioistgas i-1, • ' , ~,,L E ert44, ' A.I aturetia'hydnVen . ; tetarrt 4ll-40 ,4 5 . t4e4leat of fire'. . , calla , Q,I t by is est,buretted h . , *gen v" il ii:l in * or ini*matabio, • I• i •Jttl Bicanie it I tell! nada : ottan fire aad 4piedep t I wheyisi l ylghtislatifi, . dtleed to it" Provided atmospheric air OS presen t.e : . :Q , Why I'4 0 11 iturettelf liiiirogln gas frFa' tpeatly called.manthitals? , I . '1 1 1: - Begins. it is generated In meadows sod tniushen from putrefying vegetable Q. What -gas is enVolved/by the, wick of a. butting amine!? - ' k , • i 1 - A. Varburdied bythvgm gas ': • The carboni and &Owen of the tallowOmbine into a gas froni the heat of the fiame ; eta this gas is call ed *berated hyingvi or iiiflammablenir.) . 44.1, Why do _so coal-mines frequently/ex-1 Ploffol i - Ai r Because 'the carinindierl hydrogen gas I ' (which is"genests in thesis mines by the coals explodes, when a light is incautiously intreduced. ... 4. - Q. How can-miners see-In the coal-pits if they may never introduce a 2 lightl A. SiPlinmihrey Davy4rented a lantern I for the use of miners,calleo 4 the Safety Lamp, which may be , used without danger. , Q. Who was Sir linmpkrey Davy! A. A very, ingenious _cheMist born in Corn.: wall, l'7lB,iind died - in 1819. ' 1. 4 Q. Wha t kind of thing la the safety-lamp! • A. A kind of lantern, ceveied with a fine ['gauze wire ' i instead of glue or.horn. Q. How }dem this fine gauze wire prevent 1 an explosienin the coal mine ! . A. By piVenting the Hanle of the lamp fr om i cemmiinicating with the infLunable gas of the ; mine. i 1 , _ i ,. , N. B. %a interstices .o f the gauze wa l e note the sevent h of an inch- in di; meter. 1 - ' : iQ. Why Will not flame .:pass through ver y fine wire um! _ i A. the metal wire I. is a very rapid ay:tinderlheat ;,and When the flame (of gait burring i the lamp)2esches the wire_ gauxe 1 , so much k tis conducted s • ay by the wire, that the eis 'exfinguioi 1 ii Q. Does the gal of the ', -pit get throug h the eh" one into the lan rn i ' il . A. Yee ;and the intlanunab gas ignites:arid , , burns inside the lamp:as ' ' as this is t* ' s us : the miner is in ilettgr ' , ,w#,l'f dri!iv ' . i i 1 i 04., Why is the; minor irk ,r if the rig ignites nd -bur* in, tini ' 1 : of the safety limp! J,•i' , .. '-' A. BeelLUSe the heat burning gas will 11 - ' h , soon diarny the wire g I ; and then the flame (being free)* 14fiie to the mine. s . N . . 1 8 1 . - When thecarhuMtied hydrogen gas )41 .- 44 #to alto} the Inineo candle, the miner ootrietknes.,periehee in t .. blast of the flame; II" sometimes s l44 t l6o !rdi° 3lfic4lltll4l.4= T 1 1 4 6 [ 4 *-whick , i s th 4 r ou '-son. , ,"'-' • 1 ' Scno&wasuoit. iimatO.—ThefolloW -4 big; ts die Xotg* **Ttiser. tall 4o PY of .D T: a bat to to a gentleman some time since : a os dadii. . ..q, - . 1,5 t; aticinouinH;Mfligilli -;• • . ' . - ' , - t -- . ,- --- , - • ' 4240 -- _ • --i _ .- 7 : 11 - '‘ l'adalese&-i-- . _ % Can eni 4,0 - rel6ii interpret it• At fsisiTe to 6 ,kttf°! / ' sPiliblegii e Ladn;' - iii4ge -oifriinp_tiniii,Atin'AibikeY was given to . Ul4 k i) fug dm; Atom iliiiilii4bto items were fly'these: - - '-' I 'i li . . .•r kto :tie tuftr a -7 , `llgai ng kua h "! le ; mi.__ . 11 leszkanief OUT reader" INAt thk 1 11 1, , // 12 ntr_, -, —.lll : : iii l a r °t ; jelv, cads . bi Nei' tilikes:',.wks,4l:43r, illeatgrag the . . :Imit ll Oi-fr 6 P' Irk , 11131 * 11 Weter, i*_*;loyOu!isiOPO! then *fail: 01 I iirsiii. -.0 way "-book * W e - s P csnet #i " 41111csr : bre ‘P# '0,3 ' : 614a11 i--U 4°" - i l_,,, .__ l64 . 1 mss: . C: - - :7 ---_ - T,"--re11,7811/ 0 / I T. .- ' - i - ." . ---- - _ P &Oaf 041411110 tell italtirt . , , 1 .- I -, lii .14 1 ;Zni: ./ 4 04 1 ! 6 ' 1 P 2 2 118110 6 .12- • orn • : ::1, - ' iSta sw ' •.) t-' - .; Aar 1 .11 WM. Y.*liii.:*. U ll l‘Jk,- .40rietit. ...... - Valrp.oime .• nom : Zoimigronart - 0,71.- ...p. :::.Duitiapitikrivirts4.4p. BAD :40iprifiss404;:fro;r!4W;P: - Irptil l sa.C iai i ist, ii,Joreal,'ZipikPeek 4 kbdiVi‘J lMal t ,lB # 3 ' --' * 1 .7 ..141111:64 ' - ' ii:• - •joYostr• Pliti Mid OinV• 16114 1 01*. *odd ' -dour iidetitt ;:iirProglie, V to Nediellitiftli ears. A enstkiMer;tovhem I eat* '.chat!** any etiq _ in g. deeires me to let you Immo Use pertletlatil Mho maw ; into bad been Menfolk for - yemrimitlria ittiOntered Aver, and bridtftspett+n. On tb bist.orMeMoilsr ftwirenell UM Tftliletsee of„thevitlack. wa. Ilifilortalnilk anirtherlnflaniation Mt in so-tierely, the ilititibftiTenire . wilatertabled. et her met being / MI to bear tigj maim WA ) _faitimmtelyilie inks induced to ft' your Pills/ and clue met hid after. the tkit. an each rruc • iseedbittlese, she bad , great relief She cOntinued t ' taltallsiimoutil - although she usedoalT three Boxes, eh 1 •is seer M. - the enitrytarne• Or perfect intaith• • •lecrola bat{ sent Many Soria eases g lint the above. fom the s trerfty,q/the Attack; and the •a-My care, I think, Much in Y morel year astoMaMng Pills. • ' l iErt • - -(Signed) B. W. i NUS. AltHi ~. gH/lORDISART CORE OP • EH bI EUHAT I . . . . • PIFER,. IN TAN. DIEMEN 9 -3 LJisft. • Copy eis Leek.. inserted in the Hobart Teton Courier rereads Ist Mdrch, 11151,4 „Major ../. Wabils. , Haggard 3POonnigan, nineteen years of age, residin g ; M ?fine Town, bid been - suffering from aviolent The* atatactever for upwards df two monthse e which bad e - Healy deprived her of the use of her tii 4 period she was under the care of the most eminent m • j Mailmen to Hobart Town, away them her . Mee was c o - Altered Involve!: • A Wend prevailed upon.her• to t Holloway's Pills, which she- consenter! to do, and in ma incredible abort apace of thne they effected is perfect cur*. CURE OF A PAIN, AND TIGHTNESS iiii THE • CI-IFA AND isroitAca OF A PERSON 84 YEARS OF AGE/ Fl4We Messrs 17seto 4- Son, Propriefors °f a' Lynn Ad . ger - aser. who can touthfor the to/lotting sialensent,kr- - Amiss! 33,1151: • • . • g .., To Profaner Holinway—Sir:—l desire to bear teefi inony to the good effects of Holloway's Pills. For some pars I angered severely from a pain and tightness In. the stossieeh.. - whlchMas also accompanied by a short,- Hess of broath,:thist prevented me front _walking oboist. T aser S 4 years of age; and notwithstanding my advandd Stabs *cure, these Pills have so Zelieved me, .that I aim desdrom that* others should be wide acquainted .ejth their virtues. Xam now rendered, by their means, cool. **throly seem, and can - take exercise 'without Juin wenienee Ofet, which I could not do before. .. (reigned) NRY COB, North it., hynn, Norfolki ' pot z WONDEftI , I7L EFFECT OP HOLLOWAY'S PILLS WI ' '- • !'• CASE OF DROPSY: , -., Persons' sniff ring from Dropiy;either shout.. the turn of life, or . it ot,leir times,. should Immediatel y have Ire course tolhers. Pills, acs hundreds of persons are. &Meisel ly cured, by their use, of this. direful cm:Lipkin:a in its different_stageb, when all other means had failed. . These ist lebrat l ed Pits are - wontierfsiiii efi r eewious in he • I Allotting complailts. - f' , 'Ages, Attlrma,Bitlions Omni:Mats. Blotches on the Skin Bowel Complaints, Lobes. Constipation of-the "Inv els:Coessumptlon, Dropsy, Dysentery, Erysipelas. Ye. male Irregularities , Fevers - of all kinds , Fits. Gont;II wad- r ache, Intiamation Jaundice, Liver Complaints, losisiba. [o, Piles, Ithenntatism, Betel:10m of Urine, Seraftihr, or I Sore Throats ,Eteno and Gravel, Secondary . Symptems, Tic Donloni•eux, Turners, Ulcers, Venereal Affeetine, Worms Mall kindsi Weaknees from whatever.esuse,'&c. fold at the Establishment of Professor Holloway, g 24; I Strand, ineselereple Bar, London.) end by all respeita-.I Me Drusocists! l and Dealers in bledicinee throughout the British Empire, &of thrice, of the United States, in or es at 37 Kr.„97e , and g1,50c, each. Wholesale byi . the prineipal Drag houses i n the Union; by tB. & ; D. Sands, New York ; Mid by Mr. C. Ir. Reis t, 7 Scut" 6 at , Philadelphia. Jr, . ter There is a considerable saving by takiar . tne l argere sizes. ..• •, N. 8.-Lifted:ions for the'guidance of patients in every disorder are affixed to each Box. qyj ' _ MOUNT PROSPECT . AVATER CURE .IND INSTITUT, . • , BINGHAMTON, IC Y. . - ,i . . THIS institution -is located in a beantiful!and romantic grove at the Vase of Mount Pros pact, and -within the corporation of the. vilage ; possessed of an abundant supply of purest soft water, advantages far exercise .iii the pure air, a• carriage and foot walk np the mountain, over looking. a scenery unsurpassed in beauty and grandeur, and "free from the noise and turmoil of, busy life," with excellent sailing and rowing privi- leges on the pleasant-waters'of the Chenango.-1 These are a few of the presentation the "Care" _offers to the invalid. •. . • . The house is stew and comModione---bathing e ‘tai apparatus xcellent-well ventilated, with I . 2301 • feet piazza. . ''.• The medi . .department'is wider the entire, care of Dr. Theyre and wife, rho have had lam experience in Ilydropathic .praCtii.e, and ate 14 ' 'Tonally' known as successful patltioners. • Courses of . LeCtures, with full lates . ond Mull tratious, will be given throughout] the season' tn. the Students and Patients, upon Ahatorny,Pbysi- i ology„.Hydropathy and Hygiene, tin which there 'will be no additional chSrge. • - I • , . Females who have been confia t td to their bade Igo r years, are invited to correspond with us or give as a call. Oar success in the treatment of diseases .peculiai. to females, has given us confi denea;and - We say to all such, evinif they have "suffered much from many phisicians,'. make Site more trial, - • • . • j . Teitis "from $4 to $8 per Week,. (payable Weekty,),acconling to room and attention requi red.. !silents will provide for personal use 2 corn fortables,2 blanketS, - 3 linen or eaten sheets-and 6 tiled& , ' V. THAYRE,. :D., Resident Physician. -.III.RANNEY; Proprietors i, • ::'• 119 d 1);.W. 1 4r. . . _ . _ '. ;lON .. .4agd aad &ram nas Pa* agi.aaga —'sammlil man 0311.30; 3 d. Pie o*PioPreaucl O ul 2 lP.aX pua usAPUMIMP sl."1 ion ottoUir of in APag as Ivo us 20. 1m 0 111 Mqs as 4 pal 4lljua am:mg amq mammas -vas _aqa 440,1acia pi oqt, mo selmlaudim ao -smialiaj 1 411101maatIngfu, '‘gammgmaxlmi‘Falll4l,oaaal 4 1 : I W IOS tit* ,IV ... R*uo•ortociao . p -- ti eta ni supd 'lan ,40 airmwts 70P0 1 1 0114.110 41 11 1 ‘ 84 5 1 1 111 VIA 1040 -0010millao Isaias aim Jo gagmeriP / 12 , lugarraal Pug kakis 00. 0 1 3 / 0 / 4 P ilaggaPz..= . l ll :Par ll a 40 S/ 071 1 40 , 4 1 1 . MIN 30_1, 011 5 S'ilifiwi , iki seits col ittukolloPlad "laPon "Mt ItiVllWllaan* osorkslini 'PM*" lie clouPlit IWO" . 0 1 agq tagnale_aroarsmodkaglaimir **mot" ino o o 4oo uß4oills KB 1 14 4111 1 Rugigurp=llll ll l l P 4/20 4 6 / 1 1 1 1 11 1 0 0 thu4f$0 114 * mi II . 'lMlPutsui P 2 .. 016 10 mlttlJ o lugagsgt isugOa re - ' ' ' lutiul'ui o ll# ll ll , mua in "Olkutions` • - • APV. 2 . ll PgallF o2l l lol l lo Vaa orem 0P PPM . _ , ' 1. -- WkOVIAZZ 4 DITInzx -.. , loso PtIPMIO I, • ,10igrileVU0 0 , 1 14PkirPOe *AS liallOWAll i g l ia" I n : 'i ' Pl!alug aze P le -1/111 1120 1021Mumatuk, 1 ' i • WNW , CA1 0 0 0111 1 ,00 .14 etigt , o l4 Ammlugu3O !got • 0 17.1 6211 11 1 um*auttla .44p Immo AslmMa , ', • , ararsatera •Inga -earausag,Booo4l • gumususulAl c ounm4mimtD P1.'6,311.!-PA:• .; • - 1 0 0 ,tUr - + L illaXpaXt , of isitol l l' o o l 3 0 00 n 00 1 40 6 1 6tq 0 01 0403 1 1 .110 - ilmit - imsvmst• AnnillaglitnMSrlrolligettip ag 6 U in 4 itri 1119 - __ • 00 01' ' ' ' . 11 11WII! ameil 1 Inatlen.olllle` ,PR - 4 0 MOM -ale min iliislll62oo l l6llol ll- 1 110 1 "i0111.1211311M0w % 1 a mama .fmoadeurailogremmqpia , jo,aoga /us axim its , 1 , • fitotralaVilifk. '. te44lSOSitauilloV , '- - •4- , •••• -... WINTEt - LVIIIING. _ _, 1 matubwribeitoopwulatfelimis for twit cu:- i I,' Ami L irould pow Idalia Oat to batmetMe#ll •Om . 3 --- - ailt v ;RALL *A.BIIION - o_,-,. , .: ~:,, iiiiiii tt ie , 'r=m4. - te-Airi: t:ii iiistom- 1 .fty , siviutud; . irtuaL .1 1 , 1 # :140 gabl" l 4 l inTil rrltesse xau •s- • siwi, -.% icPOigebtaig, .i-troa 1 34 1 0 1 mm AlllinrAiu, , 44 /, KIM; i mild Pc 2 / 16224 DS' mutgat I ' - eliatetm St beam. Zgmm goat II VIX *train' Am. &fa pw, #0,8 74 and. thel Frat 16404 att.:, -WWl' OIL ----- AmmlinislillilV; -21;4-.11P"- :Y ~, X:! ' • likittlTVlAlA:':l4 v r ‘ VIIViI - - , •:4:ll4l4tltend &lac - iil.o;rinilet. 3fOII.4•COPPERi jittit:PlE IRON IFr - TABLISHINtNtr --,• '..'- - . rpliß. subOribir respertlitilyistonns , the - ibah- i ,- .1.• lie that he his tecenrid a huie . - - addition to' his foriner stock of Stoves, consistihg of a viriety of ths - tnost approved kinds. smon4 which are ••• ' .: CLINTON AIR - T.I 'HT, ..' -• ''' .. *FOREST QUEEN, .. ' : ..• STAR OF, THE W ' • ,ST, . , _ WESTERN duriE,. ~, 1,0 el e vated Oveni. ' Of Siatisre it tight Stoves I are • . -P_IICENI.I', - PARAGON., • - WESTERN EMPI E,. • _ .._ ORANGE AIR TIG T, • UNITED - STATES, *- • ' FARMERS. UTICA COAL STOVE.. . A variety of Premiums, some of iew style, the WALKILL, AIR TIGHT,,FARItIERS. A good and varions,assortmenti. Of Parlor and. flail Stoves for Wood and Coal. i Box Stover-of varionisizei and patterns he is, continually re ceiving, and intends to keep as gri,eat ti variety of the most popular. 'togas6 any dealer in the corm -, i try.. Persons • wishing, purebase stoves . will 1 tt find it to theirintersist call on Oilln. They will find 'his ff - • Stove rEtaini e. \... ' made of the strongest and best Materials and as cheap as can ,babongfit in this or Brooms county and mach better than offered by toedlara lb - Stove Pipe & Tin Mare Itspt foX sale and made to order.. . Fainters will be supplied with Pans, made of strong materials, 14 Wholesale pri ces, all orders for work in his line will be . ' thank; , fully received and punctually at' stuled to. • ' . : . • .- -.. 'JOWL COLSTEN. Great Bend, July 1, 1802. •• - DRY GOODS AND CARPETS.. THE subscribers would intorin theicitizcnit of Susginehanna county that Amy hainsnow on hand alargo assortment otDry„aouttsb at wholly-. sale and retail. . ' 1, , . ' GENTLEMENS I : DEPARIM*ICT, • , consistinglu part of broadclotliti, cassimores, sat lietitiscky 'jeans, ratings, and ~ suminer goods tile! kinds:: • . - • • ;; • • LAJ)IES' I:IIPARTSENT,, . consisting of a large variety. viz - Black silks, fan-. satins; - gingham.% ScotCh - and AnterlOaa prints of all kinds, some atf,6 penee per yard of superior quality of colors warranted, in. de laines, 'Cashmere, poplins, gloies, liesiilry ; of every grade; and quality , —White goods: and bleached l sheetings, 4-4 wide, heavy quality!, at dd. per yd. Ticking!, driliingi. flannels, Sciptch diaper,- bird' eye do., napkins, Irish linen; add Spreads ; in fact almost every thing iu th e dry viedalline. - ; Also, a largelot of • [. • ; • • . • CABill,TiNe4 ingrains, cotton std wool. 'cotton, l.stnir, &omits, wool and cott'oni—oil cloths for f floors" and tables.. ' • I. We invite all visiting our plical to call and ex amine our stock, fcir we feel ciinfitlent by so doing it will be u saving _of tan .to.tivantY per cent. Out motto is quick sales and smalllprofits : • Store nearly opposite The . Postoffice. Bingham ton, N. In • - WICKTIA4 4- BENNET: April . 7, 1E52. • . 1 NEW DRY GOODS AT NEW MILFO D DEPOT. BußAt i rrs may e au . eiten sive and new assert ment -- of Dry Goods in eluding a great varieti of - 'Ladie w Dr( • G , ds, • - hatLis ,ass In ricb •Prints, Printed and Embroidered Lawns, . extra rich Baret , e Dielane - s,l Lustered Poplins,. Ginghauis and Chansbrays of new styles, black and fany..l silks;; Clinton Crape, Broche Cashmere and Berega Shavils, Silk. Mantillas Parasols, plain' nd figured 4 - i , se Muslims, Straw French Lece and _Silk 'Bennetts, iimutst Silksr ' and Flower's. - 1 .• , • GE,N LEMEN 4,,ND B,YS.PRES;,ANDI SUMMtft GOODS. - Ala -assortment. Hats;Csips, Boots and Shoes, Think Valicei, . Ca.-pet ;Bags, Carpeting, Oil Cloths, fox'. floors and tables, (painted- and minted Windo;w.Shades, Wall Papi., Domestic. Cottons of all kinds, etc. etc., which, lin connection with sii universal assortment .in".other. departments. of :roods, and being purchased entirtly.foi cash, wil I enable parchasars to secure benefits in prlce,-sty/ and terra* riot- to be foetid' id any.other est - at - disti l nient. • - N. B. Salt owl Stone Coal constantly on 1 hand. • • New Milford, gay • ,t i l. ; H . Tot, Tofthi ,P. , bike . TU Il ly ß o tt i . l .L a i d s n a o lar re e ez t v d m d g esi an ra d b k ie etl' .A_ B c E o i li:tain sortmenf of ' ._' I g . 1 • . "' -GO -DS . - which, will be sold iter low for cash or ready pay. The stock is compsised of a first rate assortment . 1 Diligs, Medicines ,- heniicals, , Paints,bila Dyie-Stuffs, Grace es, Glass-ware, apo'nns, .Siketaeles, 111 ' ica =lnstruments, -- . -. . = Yankee . (itinns,. and . . i c ` Li no is,' ,- • ; 1 , . , 17r. •Gnods; '_..cliaidwar • , Stoneware, ' lqicrors, •:8 iopery, Brushes, . rr p • Medical Instr i mien s i Perfunaery,.. • ' Trusses, Suptie • • ra, houlder-Braces, Shoes; Catnphine, Bu ing Fluid, .Lamio4, ' ock-s, Watches . , I le .. eirl ir &c.. ' • Ali persons wish% , OpuFchase Drugs of Oe 1 ; in Ant al' ttie 144resaid departineute, • w II I their Interests' protnoteti lay calliar first at ,Draianif Variety §torg!t- oftA BEL TIM E. 7, /Woutrose.Novernber,',lfin. , ‘.,- -- TEE , RAILW Y. STOR • - In !inn - ' ratiiin. 1 • , XLARGE stock of .N %GOODSjust iniTedr.-whioli. will sold. for read - pay Al t 'hart . approved.: credit, `lo er =thin it a fot gore . in : this section of/ , lry: -1 ,Ths , fili this toasty; irho like': -.:‘ : . --. ~ ..s: .. - - . -•..•... .., . . - ' . GO WY 4 GAINE ire re i pec tioy i nv its ,1 l ean :; and tit' into stock alft'f* , . I* PIO , . WI find th e it+ true-Aitylioußei.hi- - looriiw; .., .. ,: : cr.8004.-,coh!j•lN_ . 'gull/I'4lloo ..-.... - :Vsaorri , '-' Nilr :WOO:. iPiifillti f.,41 - gsit.- - ' - SIWV s. *u(*. 11 *Jabal InWmia; piiistralst st lmk Itairmitly said theldtlimpietl :1024 big 1141** - - trfT • !dig". -O~7anwhtl~Jl .._.. MEE ,1 - - 77- 7 ' 7 -1- e . unß:opl' •. — 1 bonkrnmitlon _Almnia, Brunei:Atli, Tanen* COugh AlL:wiping dusk an: Crow", ~: I 1 . • ', DPlilroops I.oiant 'Preservative tiler's Reber , . Cures Tiatidenee: Cape; Gripes, Di'aibMa, Di) Cholera o.f Infanteidi.any of the 'Optanton i life - it ..••. _ . 1p : .. I :e . . Dr. thrixop'e - Werra'Pois 14: - I • ZOelii these filthy j*trndere of thkhiunan 's'f. ' wi out exceptiott of kinds or number W t., - , .. , I :L : Dr.. Tiiiobp's Itillioa.Pil i . .. . .. . .. . Cute Indigestion ,Bl i llions disorders, Coatlytmes Pi ileadache •HearibMsn, Fever, liiikuitaatkiu, Dia* Dysentery. and relores :ft - built" hy actieit'-ofkli, glaUds of the body._ it . ~...• 3 :„ ' . 1 • I. ~.. Dr. F., 0 W ater ;.. 1 , . _. . , . , Is :insnritarnmi in Ohradve virtu ; for atiyi '. rf frection pc tile. eye, and' .^ 11! . '1 .. ,r DeNlThroqies'§alve . -.: -.. Is ransurpassad for 4-draining Ga; piths 'and - Beards; eefs,Salt &ileum at any abrasion it the skin. - L. • Agents'. Itirailaies.--ißentlby A Read. Montr •if 4 Granger & CO., lAtl* ; li*: M: SpUthwell,ltfish;_P ' Rellister,Middietoitt; IL- Gliddert,4iiendsville :' 8 &tßoot, Springville; :Dr. Laaihart, Aublarn.;. L ; Little. l'iew Milford; • Dr. Brooks- Great Bend; p seilh L. Merritruinif .Gpsonville; Pr,' J. .13orney, Misdows; haver fkkenley, Choeehut.: - E. Tiffany, B : i •114. C :W entre ;.11...V. *VII tiams,'Clififi'd ;Dr..J.C.Olmst i.a. D :duff Johnaoit *. Very, .Haii rd ;D. llough;.1 1 J. S. lILASDEL, General Ague , pores! Lake. }January I' /843 It . . , •i I, 1- • rs: . I, , ni i ... ' • . 1--- E' - BUSQUEtIANNA 90U/siTY, PA.. , I -- fnistruitauttoa is situated', to tie most; healtliftil And picture:l4o part of dii,lquehanna - . county, in .t rthoconutValley. it - -stage !eerie; Montrose Deoot ;On the Lackatranilk Railroad d mionecting -with' the ff re Park and .Erie Railroad 4 Great Bend, at a 'dis: e 5 4, tepee . of six *let therefrom, pa. . t tie Institution o'4. the &miner between the Depot en Otte Institution is rtsteen .m 84114 onehalf of.whieltiik hyPlank Road; ;it is filo° equally distant from Dinghy ratonlan the New York nd..Erie Railroad, and 1 connected with 4 for half the (lia.. &nee bi a. Plank. tmid:, . • i l ,: , 1 • -. • • The regular course of' iustr etion qcmprisee ths En ilisi6tho'riE,reGineogr°4 OPlii i-n , Nalnaath(terareatt.ML,4lLuotiteage;Rsheifnorietell,dNtnag tral and Moral Philo/ophi and Chemistry.. Care will taken to adopt the conme of instructian to the future pursuit or protee4u of the student. i • I The -collegiate year begins on Ithe fifth - Monday of Sep tember, and ends en the 15th et' J I j . ['• ' . .. 1 TEA:NISI '-- '• . •' - ~,- • • • . 1 1 i isitue for Board , 4111 Tnitienepayable hall it: annual nenslol. _ _ - , yearly, 111 advance , is 11 • - , .. iki. ..,001 IThe modern Languages, German, Spanish and Itiv. r - tin. Willie= n extra charge',* erch per. 1114111111, ' $l5. Books; ml stationery, and Medical attenditsce, will • i ...., I 1 co., extra chergri. , - II I IWashing arid mending edit - form-an 7.trii charge-, - * - i• fier atitituti,l . 11. U. . .!.4. ..- $ ir.t. is - opt lon 41' with the studentt. to furntehhimielf . 1 r with: bed and lieddin... If f l rnished b the listi- , 'SS ; - tntinti it will form .aii:eiltra , TVS Per ti** l2 . ,• , • ta [Day scholars fors4 months, 1 --• . - $l , semi-annual Brinetins sent to' ar is or guar, duns informtngtUem of the y Oth, nrhg and deport; ar t merit or their chi(dren or w is. • • ' .• , Those who may desire. to h I re their bed toil bedding, furnished by - the InStitution; i tiriiitene ei1..1 send pre vious notice of the fact to eit ir *of the ndittiigned. • 1 Those who intend comin4 tiY ihe. wily of, Bus haraton , . • era Fire previa : Mt notice o tbiir purpose', I that they may he:conveyed•t&the,Colle wi*out delay;. I Err All commnideationS, &0., for th \ pulkgs. sh6uht be addressed, El: Joseph ' s Post Ogle , Sr:henna t ir county, Pa. 'l. .II I ' •`- , • .••; . . up:V.:I{ITM V.tatiLL, ,- lident.,! *. REV.IfIr.4IIY irITZSTMIIIIO,".I I , Vice- rest • . . •,.. I• licteriessot6.4!--Palth Carmalt,. . - want; lfros:'! Gr. A , ftroW, GlenWpod i -Ron. . % 1 oh' P. l-L. Ward, E 51.1.0.: M. Bard, Towanda. •-- 37m0 1. 4 -; - - -7 -- .. Liver Coitipl. ' llt, . r JadnilieeDyspepsia, Clironi c ,or ervaai s • • - • ' Debility,! Disease 'of t e Kid .. , i - ,, 1 A 141 ) all diseases arising from a disord - liver Or stomach much as Collati .ftion,i ward pi rein -is or blood to the :head, aridit ot t stomac , matfett, , heart to ? ria, disirust for food Intim. sor .wen t in the stomach, sour' eructations, nkin or, flutt ag at the pit of the stomich, swinimig of ti • bean, reed or illfiloult breathing, tiatteriu at the heart, cloking or 1.4, suffOcating sensations when[ in a ty Ea pOStUlt, dimueas of vizion, anti ot , webs beim' the . girt, (even Ira 4rtil pain in the head, deticiauey 4 pert: inition, ttloyeres.s of the skin' anti e,) es, pain in, , the si• r, back. ctfest, limbs kc., , sudden fin-Ores of heat: burnt g• th the, coll .!' tant Iraq *little of cull, and at cpression t 4. spirits, can be effectually cured by . . 4 , ... 1 Dr. HoollandPs iiele ratiid Ger . • ifman Ditte s. i i C . 1 Prepared by Dr: CJM. acksottia 4 German: Medicine s t o re, Igo A r,c4 se get • , Illkild elphici Their power over the above diseas e slm not a equalled, by su k y ottir preparation iri the Unit as the cures attest, tp• many canes rater ski; clans bad failedi.. i L , ~ . 'rlu.lse bitters** Worthy the , attention of il Possessing great: virtues , in, e rectification - of of the -Lim nail Irmsert a ndi, eiercising searching power. in [weeks, 5 and a ff ections * gestive organs, they are as• , safe, certain, , ant. ' 1 ;, r 11, . • iftua. .Riad I c and be Convinced. The Effitor of the toll Bee said, Decent . 3 , i• Dr. If oo t tiamf',s Celebratedpermao Ihiters, - V of Liver %..pulphihat,:Janrlriee, Syspepsia, ( Nervetis debillity, is Amerveilly one cit therm medicines of the day, Theta Bitten have bet thousands, snit s friend st a rs tibia w gays ire oda self received an' elleptual d pewnsinent cm* 't o Complaint iron . tin use of this remedy.'W ranced-that, in the pee of these bitters, the pi rife,., straitly gains strength and"l 4 .gor—si: fact worth: L. consideration,l; T i l4 me pleasantin•laste and eau be wed by li as with toe most delicate ..., with safety Nunn? :'y citerinetances: We are . Rom eaPeripnir,, and tt,! 04, taglieted int advise !. SCOW{ Weal) . * otte tithe best" ilierary 1 Ughedotaid,.Atigtut'2sthl:=.l , • •. ' - u Di.lioilltardii-Gentto4 _Titters; xis! ie.? , DE.. Jackitost t osse now viMainamended by # lot. 'moat prominent members* the toOdical. ~.."---- article of much weleraY in mien of frauds Wt. mer such ir the ease, we would advise ail MOnbtrs a ;of bottle,rani thin save the rev mach at' - i sons of, debilitated mould Sloss wilVtint , ; • advantageous; :to their beitt im ,, as we knot 1 'Scathe sainisfy eifemi they ta u pon in ifir ~ li`.,`': r more 'Fvidenei ', 'TU Philadelphia ,Satta , ay Ossetia, ,the taper Published Is the-Culp:4 States, asp trk i f surs aerimaiinneii—' i I , • • ..',..lslo;liellitera tint'. a feeetionend whit Patent ihatietnek to th. 4 eamm, lidenceand 1 ear male* and *Umatilla when 'scree " - a 110001614'd Braman Bitter. we wish to itie* . demand tionvre are vieseaking of thence, ' •`"" Iday, that.tswe Mislead ab ou t Sm. s bti gal . Iz A.-- framilatir • they 14tv titzt - theli, I 1 til i lit ~4 4.,,!tatt - 4 i Medicine i * eats .at •' 11%. 1, 6 laid htilltit has rttlut *, , TEA 'well le tie'mikt VACS - ten • ' vii. NiiiiietWifigitivirre of Ci ittJACK A BO,I; dims. t 400 1 • 1011 Wilablavn 4C the bott le,', 40 1 . 1,121I i ii ii ;ii .. - .' a i l i 'manor Arch 4.4 4.4 one '441 v im! tote --' 'lmblar-desitita is l ivis, , rt . ..;0,• vi i e, ...; a i ii i iii4 , •4:,Tt ion t ff"l . 4s: rW itretot: itdvt • ••••- s - . 1-44 .••••••..-- 1 ' ''.•1)411101$4 sar;; ; tes :~tLs'- pnF 4 506.- C:EU . • TINGE:,.::-; ..':: 1" - '..-;:- I :::' ''' 4 l ' %.! * ?-t.t!ci"..!l - - r , z - - ,- - - - - - . Irkparreiheirtulthe Beall It" anntapilmotil -, ' , ..; - --,,,,,,-- -- - - - -',.74..--' ' • "." -',- - -- •v. ,-- - Au, _ . -VV'!l t People is at an "tildes at, die .-nitisq iralioldel , 1, - -,.'.?,', ,=,. w.m.,:x.:.. .74 - t i.-::.,..,.'., - . , .., „,,....I mice it 'for grant"). Okla evfirr ' l4ll _, au .__ lnt e I '' PilalliNT - - TAlDoiCititapiiitil ” . 0i,.. - '4' atilt their s power: to NMI thriAlves of theireeem - en d ' - 14i Ana shirt;, wird' :ponsen wilt' endeavor - . to prereihte their - dpi„ sal i.ecti_Pid`tif"4- -- u• - Dizikoe - ITlNl!'it. i "'--?‘ ll2 __l dins blstlth it al sacritlces.', I feef it 'tialiesnri'daty • to I ltnedr,sl-edeClothing,at,,New Tart prieetl.l_, -•,.„..-,,-, - airway - A more, you „that, Worms ,/secoreitig,tnAhe 4 7 -.. 7 .--. 7 2 , ' . - -._ ~„ . ~,- , inbin of the most celebrated Physicians, ire' the'pri.; '- - '' t -",:' - - - - Vil:Sproati .--- .. 4„ -.1 ._.,..: i6pri=risi , ora wite mB b r ' i r - °f ” "se° e-td'awhich chit ' 14 . 1..iits , A6TBREIt''OP'SPItOti i4 . i . 'illitho n— Siren and adults artrtiable,- If you havcran appsitito . cons o . —. . .. .. . 4 '• . _ .8, 9 . , 1 t tilage Springe,-MentreSe Pst. ,-- ?!. ; k,... , ,-, .dnuallyehardealge:frout ona.klud to Another, i • - . , - , -... . 1 , ,-- ,--,,,_ Thad breath; riale.ln the stomach, plSking at he Agri ;• _ - • '-.., ,_, .1.4.i.,2_,,' , .4i ro r .,, -- ' ! .s io - . -.;.,„.,- , - i f hardness and fatness of the belly, dry ' cough, ow fever; ; --; --.. 0.1., . . W. M. w., canita, cpg vo ; ;,-, -: , r. . .pulse irregular, remember that all these' denot „Worms I /TURIN ET AND CRAM' INlABllli#.43 , rtaklip i and you shottidat epee 'apply the remedy' : -1- - 'IV street; 'Montrose, pii. - I ,„„ -. _.., ;,. <; ,1 ', •'- . ' /1.0 . 111 . 5154 Ck'S WOlOll ' &flip P i ; " I: -- - -.. ' • .. 4 ---:---------- - = -' ' . L' 7 ; I' " *.'' Ail article found upor . seientific:prindpiii; componridedi:' _.- - - - • .... . - Dri - S,L&l'Atk t i'! t fi , ' 'with purely vegetable 'aulartsince, being *l'M', 'ref* i'TIATin CI returned' to atentire;AA;tori4ine th; I when taken, end Aletermined in. all Its- edeets t , and _not I ./LL ace: el. hie iirOfess, lenr,May:hclairlfdle% fir 1 lea„ _Wag the system In a diseased collation 4 kiln =lifer' i lintel ;where bit *Li he hapPy, -to wititiAtp-Ait''' !'t,wed no/teems for the-removal of tracms, composed of:,. bl e nd s aa - l vall air a e t t. ' • .: ", ....,,,...,,,,-. • i calomel, sueh an Leaeigtit : Veimlfrefes - lee. 'but bass . Illontrose, Pet0,;2;1852.': ; ''... ---- . , ''''' ''' I, performed the meit astonishieg curee - ad,ravep the lives': _ • - - -- -• , ' lef thousands, both ohl 'awl young, who , have eels pro; ; emturced hopeless Aneniable; by physicians. - ead the 'following and and benntie metricted of its t i c s over alit :, others: ' -. ' . - -'., • ''-' Aug.-' - ' ~_- ' ' , A I- -; - • . -- - orris River. N. J., u i iiisl.- '-; ii,, Mr. JN. Hoben k- - Ttitt is to certily.that mychlld, 1_ ,_:, Ll 5. *AMP of - age, havi been sick fur thepayeti Shoat- 1 ,, W, nded for a disease of the Jtpinel by Drs. Lo ;di I/11Di, - ; I end Dhlsler for'a lofty bole ' wltheutireeiiving iliene I-I lit. %After giving her up as incurable, .I- went o,Philo:. delphia and " consulted one o f the best pla,yei Mis r her Ii• disease still growing _worse. it 7LX at this t un r amia- t b dneedlo try tiobensack's Worm lll.s7np, And, fter tag. 1 _ tog two betties she entirely regained het-dteat ;:.. alter L 'utak* a great quantity of worms .: !loping t will be p'benefit to parents , - witosechildren'aresimilarli,allected; I 0 1 - ' - Imu yours ; &a. '.' '- '-- . ' 0 ~ . . _. . _ ____• ',lt . nyowN. - HOBENACK'S lAVER I'ILLS. - :- . '., No part of the system ;is mote liable to diseaia than the 'liver, it serving as &filter to purify the blood', or givirefl !the proper separation and Secretion to the Itile;so that - any wrong action of the livar effects the other important parts of the system,, and reenits.veriodsly in Liver iiorn plahitt,Janitce' Dyspepsia; PeSers - 454. We should Aberefore witchAivery '-eyiaptont th,4 might - indicana. a wrong action of the liver. 'These Dills being elii, teposed -of roots and plants; furnished by nature to hitaldb,e sick;*- namely: "I et,en Expectorant , which attinients the 34'ncre:- tion from the pulmonary omens membrane, orremotes. the discharge of, secreted. matter. - 2d p , su terative, a ! which cliangesin.some inexplicable and Insendt e man , nee; the certain morbid - actions of the *item. 3d, e-,S" it 1, Tonic, xbich gives . tone and strength to the itervoui system, renewing ' health ' and vigor to ail par •of body.' nth,' it Datlirtle, 'Which at& in perfect. /Ulna y, pith the ether ingredients ty Operating „on t e - bo . Andespellitig the whole atate,of correptliamand_ ei ed ;matter and purifying the. blood,. whictidestrls , attic 1 andretards -health. '.- -- ' ' - ' - - :-".-7" . _ "- preattreCat liebensaek's ' , DebrirtiPit adeltwola, 1 . ;greet/Al add George at. - Price, 25 cents, or, Sale by he pr i got ip l a Druggists and stores generall th roughout! 1.1. be cannily,- -By agent Aithbury Word, - P tiedelplda. 1 i AGENTS -=A bel Durrell/mil Bentley it Read ; 0 lent- rase ;- Haydie I Little and Weo, C. Ward, New Milford ; ! _Paten Zr. Peek awl Soza Seymourr;ffiffent ; D.' Ilurrnwrt 'Zito.. Gibson; 'C It:Wens& Clutter - tarsi And Chureh it.' PLinneY. D =flat i , 0 -'41.:-Eldridge. Brooklyn; ,Grote' lt Bros., Glenwood j ' Lucien Scott pod, -Dr: Jar/45,112.041c G reat Bend: J. W :Lyman. Thnkhannock; ,11_ *et , : tii, ;Russell, - Sterlingville ; -B.'TlSfurderant Brain 'ttW- --• and • mtery k Isof,int : I ~r I~ ... 'TffESubscraper 'has just _feu ' stock of.. :'- : - l' , _., . . - Ready Illa4e \ Cltthlng -- _. ... for men . and boys-- - -ernhmcin .every'vartetf of style and 4ibility. ; Overeoats from .$3 to 14512-' Dress, Frocktees and Sick.l.T derciiats from $3 .to $l3 : Pants from 9,0 shill ngs up ; ''lests, a . ,gOod assortment, from 10 chili gs to - a fine satin; IFlmtnel Under-Shirts', Drawer , finglkirts, Col tare; ,Stocks,; Over-ills, Ore -sbirts, :Suspend : ere, ft. .1:c. _' • 1 .. , _Ahlc . renew supply _of Hai ,inct Caps, Baas , and 'Shoes, Wall. Pape r . and-, order, :Boas and Si/Wintery, double , and `sin s a . b arrel 'Ol/N; Trunks. BUrriing Fluid; Plan - Books, m vilt. id,a •:-' riety' of smaller 4. traps,' amo g whichzi : e !vat - et and penknives, pocket book; note papek; draw= ing paper - and pencils, 'Pass ooks -Pocket Dia ries, memorandum books, baskeis,lttir'britshes, tooth' ,brishes, fancy epips, has: brushee; - tooth brushes, fancy maps. hair;oils, baking Powders. &a., dEc. 0 - All for sate at the lowiat Mteit-and for ready pay. ' -Those wanting:clothing{ will do well to examine my , stuck before. maltingitheir.pu chases. ' - • :GEO.. FOLILEIL Montrose, November 1; - .1851, . :-., ,•4 Doprou xouiitsELF, - For,2si cents. ." •'-• ~ -.- :RR MEANS orVirtPooK.ET R;OLTIAPI,, • . 1 " US, or erery•one hisniftt nylicti n1._Air .....—..- - sixth editlon,with upwards.'of . a.; bandied A - .engravings; sbeitingprhate disease in ive7 :. • • - shape and flirm4 and undfoimatione of the -generatlvesystem,- . , - ' • ill = :1111111XAS 'roam", 111.• D. ..- •._ , • ...The iliaehah now Arrived .that persona ettilerhigfroce secret diseases need 'Xici'lltortus. -t4O- nigtbp,S.l . Of qaackery„tis by the preeriptiona•eontained In thittboOk, i I 'any one may eurelimself,•withont , lxindran - of busi ness, or.the keinwledge t.f the most Intl ate end;-and, and, with oneztenth the usual expo:ism In addit on to:the general faut.inenr mlyate disease, It ' f Hy ei laimA the cause "of manhood's earls decline, wi ohse , atiorks en marriage—beside*.many other derail entente which. It would - not be r,roper tnA•runnerate In t nublie,pririts • pa.•:A.ny peisett,sendin2,T)VANTY- x - E-C.T.S. eagle- , sed in a letter. wit rife - Ave one *copy ,of ,thililgtolt:blY . 1 MAll, - Of tire czPies• till be sent ' for One dollar. - "Addreas - DR. W.l - 912:4'13, II .152:Sprueilitreet,Putzine.4eati - ,. post-paid= . '-; . i ,-, ... '-' " . . :.') .- -o:7•Dft..Yntitl , can leaconsnlted of the.dts••• eases described In ik . differintpubligm his (Ake r 152 Spruce striet, very - day \ hetweer O..o'ciech, Sundays excepted; y:-, • : .35.,1 : - . - - 00SEY.TO - LOAN TF any geptletinin trains to.boraw 10 .1 i3OPollirs. 1 at five. per cit:, be - caunnt borrow it or.t el subscriber, but. entlemen can ease more than si , , per Cent: it th ity clothing i.xperises\liy OW gi` i their,germe ts made at My shop.. . 1 1 .1 f I Prnsitit e 1 i' habit of..bragiring, L cotild'point to mi l *ork :4 the hest assurance of •, my: skill hi' the ,Firtilmt la - . 1 discriminating and tasteful public know where to ' g6 -, to get . ~, . . i . . .. ' Cqats; six is CO:al4 ; . not tr . ideation uriMentionables, vein!, jaCkets,,l \ sacks. surtouts, Fcoateee„ ad infinitum.` si..- • -..-, 1 • - lrfGentletrieplyill please to take notice that ! I heye removed rpy shop to Mr. Reeler. black,' . , Main - street,, first atory, _. • : ~- :d", • . - -0 Ciitting done as usual: - . l .l .iy.. - . •-:‘ l'• - ' • --..* - SPAN, dlic.s: -,;-, Montroseatinelo, 1852.,t .' : 1 '' • 1- - ' - ' Adds.- 4.ldrates most the 1.11- pleas- Liver ;eon petit . The,„feo . pie's. -- :Tnen: • 7 ir 4 Eitreetltiontibe ifirnh . 11 'rarely front that; yip thhen o teptinh - Ofn. - .1141e, aihid - to presetreit:: • - I, • enter all local pain sidintbizeniatieniold'sore4 fre4 wounds, and brnises, nest:: and all, dlikeases of the boatels of ii - etitontenetnre;ifootb-aehe; ear;-ache, and an exeel - lent teinedy for fetnaleis'ese;- - :,...; truly what It= profits/Ws:to be; "Tut: eitorts's Torino:" .ProVdenee ha* scattered, along,. theypa 4 :4l paths of liforrorny things that Contribute - ireatl7,o - the: comfort and happiness of! every *sly ;- hen4i tfielergreat mine, liii well may they be tailed"Frlenda;of the Pea 1 Otiew44 bete. to Ajnekii4 the name of Spencer'hs7 nranufeetu 'aiie9areTe4 for 1, 1 4 11 r, eeptniops ettlelecalledsbegory. -,Eitittetv,4;74hat4 Vottld..Ve.eittset.froir thehaael - nut— Ile ' mine is;ae I white -turd 'owe as water. *Mk the rOu pa 4 Itidelit tired; rhieh enables the public dial Nonegeirdrio.but - theeenottired - Poad'i Pa*, lifiktiaiy.ol - ,; WILttA.WICAIATCUZ/donArcito,!;eo l , - Stnre4e,epale. • and inedleine dealers ginliall'64iisiOts:=;,.,t,' teal do a Pct'' ttera terl. -•-- -Great Fax•64,enterit.:-. - - ,- a fifir u t vikiniin teint4/1:16-:TrOniPoon . # ie/e -- bested Tialinat °slim , t , `LikeneAses _tea en and pUtap in ntat idntAnna Onfel; for .onir 0011 , ;tOITAI - aieolf *ad childteutßrOth***Pd itttefe,one i 1 441 11 now is thtiina to sante -hi yonrselses atmula.wx, o , e . of those , littlatnementoss In the of aliagetirttaiYPe. Likeness. : }ibleh at sotactrototo tlins.mai port f _into ti ORO% Tahiti.' Mhe:4l;pelole is intrifling that it Oat be an indusenlant Or-every fandlt -.*lille to •Hisi it to avail tlictosetviiii of tha,bstisittst , of this izOstelij ; ,in 4 ,winkderful Art: Itoprossious of .ibildinst ,4101 01 4: 1 1 1, it'Onl! 5 tio 4Q - sitterttli. Wray effort iiill be idadilib - philante , law sindliall delitteittlitentifselieintibies* Siti..oaSYlitf V ICII N 144411.40010.ritiftW VgiltPWISM*4l4l:lO, so reel 3464 Kit and a. ' fols coolie tibtobtklP.)%lk*Ot Itti ThOtuldkler s t s i4gl*Vl 3. Lrib tf O l #Yor's" )44, . thi! ,•:-: - . i a ll l7 w * lrl4l,.g-,•, :•.; i . ' l . k .- . . i i ..l n f do A f i t 4 t i o t k o l t ) kiktk ".0.. 4 ' • . 1 t k , - - i 0d- 1 al, 441Vfat t ""i S inS : 1 t-71.4:1 sim44 o----r- DS. eived 4id,:*itt' ter - Is ig a n n a, T a and : ', Y.~ ~: ~,,,.,,; a,,,.. ~:i", z ,-,,..i.,,,..--,....„:1,...,14 ; 4 4. 4„ a r ATRAlllitot%mrs o ,...wikoftr-,.,,„ ~.,.,it e- ,,,, i - 1 , v ,-- -,-- ' - .i . -- -f - ,:i - Jilir itZtli Ifteffrk 1 4 71'.,..,-. • •—••• ---j• -,' .- ::.: „. :- ... 1:1 ., - :: - :' , -: , :,:- . . :; - : 1 :_i k - ,.,3 . ;_ , , , , , ,:...; , , , : - . i s. r .. ..c . ..7y,..-- - -: , ri '- k—r-Y,': '‘..*,:i:t t - ' ''' ' :',:: - 41 .- ..PCLI: , :t'f '''. 1:,;:. - . 2.t7"4:',' MEM ..-A 3 / 1 /6 1 4 3 /t 1 Tri•eiing:Agentl: • • • • - : 1111101)T AND AND ItEPAIRJOC . ,,IiIt, , y -Over lisltiwi t 4 Cpx's Safidlarirglikk, Afolig: " .•. -• . • Dr - . C. - ti - Eitort iptrysi_grAN A:ND StrEGEONM e irrAtal,*-;- . Allaii: (lours below G. 4.Psidektiore. QVAGEOX.OENtisT, Mostressra. r., - ta Odd 0 rellowa' righting., writer Of R ptoe, auidtbeiOnt 'sextets.. °petitions - 49i the teet "pirforineifilianiiat carefully and tendeliy;, Plato we . Ildue! . •iaqi*ltest, material and lir eke rooskllnprolli,d - Yins ? ' t TUlrlfeldDyi •• ' ; • . - Calehlite • - : CIADDLI. Trarness and TranlOraniirsatlitellti s .17 Me' datlfisig% a cescrads aosstli . tht.4lll?" - tieSt - t-NrPri* ; .•, . , , Clo . . elticks''cia AA 140711E3 tlaicsat t4ose ,bsaFitif El. juitt. reOve44 d.b o 2:Cases:of A Time Pieces ,*hich Will be;sold as asi Silvo A Lirie stock of Ockti cotp}otctraciqg efsry grucin . -p et hundred lbe. - he paid /lletie. . . Ildterdi tree ;-1400.8.* • . A Zne stm,irtment Catastaiill46i. Sticks; Souffers..Trals, etc., . Brn-ilamtiin; Derr: 20. • India rubber'Gloves,llittenailiel, 0 inNTRY gnfteitAtsrrs, In making theh inteiii Vlshould not - neglect thtse deeinible and‘salealli . 115 '',. cies m m . Their anufacture. has been, uth tiastssi pst Gently apt! they are mad 4 very durable. Putman ato tettilon is request ed to .the- i : I It WookLieed G-/Otes,andWilferia. - I , ey are in i liapenSable in mildand_iret _ die irrittkre T vitt Mill the tiatTUl IA anY 'Pug tug wut so] the hands; at the samn time that they will elite Mb worst' Sal tßhosin or Chmitii4 Wind, immediptely: The! *yelled - do all lengths to protect the arms and win's, , "Or catchy Ivitcali, Dilling 4 : l4 Co. No 3 s Chunk idleiv 1 doodyear' 68 Chestnut Sheet, au.- 3.a. ...barsh.Pa. 'Falconer& Haskell( maid. , • •Vi r . Shi ff er, Charleston, B . 0.. Bart I i iati,-Onlo. find by all' Rubber Dealers it ,t ,tail, - hy Country Iferebiknts Tly.2ld - i j , • ' vile , aid Mill ti, and , , Lots for ale 1 r ierfber Offers for silo fo llowing's n-Operties, to ; wit ,; ona,f al in th e ariord esnitaioing-some isty actril a.• ut thirty of which is improved,_ . ,h use, barn, l i o chard, 6:c., thereon. Said farm lie anti Oil, la d a half " from; the village of Harr_ ~, on the I , i. ute of the MO:nt:ose and liarranf Plank' Rgid, '1 • is a beautifulland desirable location, Well liar. . red 4.c. - 1 .- ' Also one othfrfarm 'lying ofi thei ;,,Belsiont urnpilce, four i, miles frpm Laneeborio; ital . ilar 1 . Y. and Erialltailrod, containing *bane EightY" a res, twenty or niore of which is impeovei;witk b . use, barn, o&httrd..&e. This ii a ' Vara lible p cee of land Aim as location, beitig atelltimbeiti a. cl watered. 1 . „ • ' `. ~. '' Also seyeral ictliling lots at the siffnit el° l Nt" k, i , rehanna, on tile New York & no . Ra il Ree L r is oft tr:most thrivinglocations WWI , nntrv, being , bit seat of the Rai Riagi ilitactiv I nijs. - ” "'' ' 10-isibi te i 1 ,g. I tai 4. ho tt - a .l4 :ci - i ' t a li bi! t z e i i s i fertl e x L ir t :S i li t r l n rel . 'b I Onneetion *?itt , :the ramie lois, a foot of the WI . , I . . ~ ,• . . . •. • , .. ii .seats in th e county being UP ethately antis! usgoehanns mini-, ikith Ina& , t power tor* rpose orrrial ik iecturing..&c. Tliemost esttoPlog 1 &Moments ic held ont'lby the , * abate teelbsof r'ciplinliittio wieb oi.eMbirithithetoo, o ' fmnonfactri 4;tniiing,ftinintiokandlliii i lo eßail Ron ::-aiftbedithehiest•etiritilipaihrirssk , etufy tintteinititeri for eieOthing h I O'S "A l as ni• -The abtivehtio irti - in . whole oi . part,' , liiithe Li on terms 'khe most ~'iditintsgeounto- p hOit, im.:,. I Will..give : greaf7bargnms.i,f l Gion a ions wbepronotly antooerealtntr4=-distits? rid nit eihininis l attetidor to.illO ProycLq 4 &'& .-.._., , ~.. 1 '..,,_1 , '..1- -.,,," SEDATE OROW-Ota ba8414-Det4t.:Pn;, ,Joie 1: leofti.-13*4 kitty' family . , slionld, - ; 11044 Ait individ*l.boa ask 24-4, 1 t „ cell' - . , . "'kik A M ys elf‘c:;-..-.. -.. , ..1, - * . .-- liciii' 'Vvr- .-''' - Tvi. it '.inrenfillrialettl.g.iiiiitt end paiiior J-JF' the Kfltdted,Gontatning en:9Ptilne albs ts_ - rfirniiltelittniet: sill en, at' erert fttni , df - ' ' ;ea r trotted by Protaisenslnt" 8•;Itill It4eftliltriet 01t ImMforty sesustlikeiisii:‘4.!oll:Nreioktiiiiho jirirs tiros, that , esssi effiiid _the par' of !I !TeAtlY,‘. , *err+ salt sfsoruityr' 1* gisztssieer36 , lllerASep . ' earl/ 4.0704 to the cures!, dlsrieS els tlellostet te, ill. sr turei -- '-,-- f_ -'• ~:- -- ' •. .4 ' . ,:,,, f1r...-rigilt Is Irdd.e4:tirr . PiPts,for*lllartl of l l / 4_ ,76 illsesses awl s treaties ist Alle.esUitelli:zrst IP.' car, IXAlTe.efft •1111, f' 40 f. -;440 -0-- ' - - Autlitio' Ott 0 . it 1r Aljr , 1 .., ..,...... ~,.,,- -_, ..._47.1i., , ,,,, r...-ifft-liiii,t.' liiiA s t fr iv 4,, _- 0 flutsp",m-5, - 4:4viktrao AS. ....,,, 0 .514- 4 .• t il,' - 1,, ,,. ~ ,kri10..., —#6l)#. •- , .) ,, ..t..0*.pit0 ,i...,„ v.;.„ , :., r , ....4„ .. „ v ,":„.,,. : -.,„ ?4 4015.,,v14,,,,,;:,,,5tet .r.ip.w .... ..... ii , - .!, ociiio _ like ..____lCl ' taiiiwiiipip7-7'l,' lrearlyitimiam'a , z,„e., 4' •:;:_::::- - AL 4 %'..,'''' - 1 , imessik - ,010h0 4 1 , - 1 ,‘' ,1, 7.......*D)!- , 11.‘.: 1 1!.r,v4..; , ..i:04Y0-07i. , ' . •. - : : lt , f,:;jr-l'ii.Ji - 1 ''-'-• , ';-,. 'il"qcifilklYP. a *” : '''''''' . o l l 14 - na i thAegtiVP l lo-ittf-0 • ' 'o o lr t i ipikwi togi, I 4 ~1 i t isa3.. 1 lottro 1,14140 04 741,- t i,li feci p staa tiii_ ,„._ , Prikalqito aro"! -,,'- - . • • - 4 ,-,. '-- , .- ~. ~:~ ~ ~ z;-...,, : '.4-.1.e.i.4,, . .d, q , ; - . , ,, .:, . .J . i- f . : - : - ' , --. ma w ECE ~- ,: ::a =jg'a_k3