The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, March 10, 1853, Image 3

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    . .
• Inangt4lo4 o n:of Gen. -..rierix):
The following priefkinp of the'llmagUrne
ilea we take from thel\eviVerk Herald, omit.
-ling the Circler of. the Preeessionomi. home'
oceurreadeswhieh aro too lengthrforetti col-
~,„ .
need passing the Na-
• The procession comme
• - atonal Hotel- 20 minute) before, 4, at it brisk
nee and the end had passed at I, being about ,
' ; mile egg. It commenced !vowing againd
which curtail the civic Pertion.of the
'ri s e procession reached the C'apitid at One;
o'clock, and the Presidents, With officials, pass
ed into the Senate chamber. -- .
The president ane.Preaidint elect took
their seats in front of the Secretary's; table,!
with the 'Committee, of Arrangements on their
ig:ht a
• • and left. 1
' The. Chief Justice andiAssociate Justice.* of
the.Supreine Court i were:seated in !!'rout of
the eastern lobby.• '
The diplomatic corps wre outside:the bard
on the right of the principal entrance,. and the •
heads of dePartifienta had Governors on.-the
left-. At.ti quarter past oke o'clock, the Mar-.
' • 'shet of the'Distriet, with the Judges of the Su
. preme.Coort, followed, by the Presiders. and
1 ,,,
President elect, and - the entire assembla re na
the Senate, started in•Proceisiort to theleast
ere front of the Capitol, where a n immense
staging was erected' sufficiently larg,e to at I
commodate all. - .. . ; i
Ai half past one o'clock, all being arninged,,l
the oath of, office was adminiaterecl to rep.
Fierce -by the Chief Justide, as follows: •, 1
ido soletnnly affirm that I will. faithfully
execute the office of President of the United
States, and Will, to the best of my ability, pre
. cane, :,protect and defend the Constitution of
' the United States. ' , .-• ,
:It wilt be remarked that Gen. Pierce, in the
king the ath, did not; as has been ordinari)Y,
• . the custom, say "I solemnly swear," but I eel
_ emaly_albrm;.and instead of kissing thti bd.:4
in Southern fashion, he raised his right hie *
and held it aloft-until the pledge WAS read:
... The whole of the ~' e r e ony• admirabl
• : carried- Mit. .Passin.7 through the Sena/
! • ehanther;l3li. Fillmore, turning off through
side door was •momentarily .separated from
Gen. Pierrets, when. the latter said,." this way
----let us efOrit right in ;" 'and in-they went.
Immediately before the address, when - Gen.
Pierce took the with, with head _uncovered,.
and raisingone hand to Heaven, while he laid
the other on the Holy, • Book, the Spectators al
ai) uncovered, even in the snow thate. t was" fa' l
ing at the time, and many - of_ them lifted t.p
their hands nag in act Of the most, fervent de
, leaden. It wand Solemn scene. The address,
which thPresklent. delivered..unfaltering y
from memory, and without -a single note, was;
IC ,
'received with' great enthusiasm by the vast'
- multitude, particularly thbse portions of it th t
asserted the Monroe doctrine, -the prOteeti n
of American citizens abroad, the firm adh r- :
ence of. the President to' the ComprOmPe
' - measures, and his determinetion to carry o t
• __ The Fugitive Slave law. ' Cries of good, good, ,
and other warm. expressions of adruiraticir .
were elicited from tke.crowd. The sentiment I
.4-.,.1".:L-Abe tone of the addkss:--:the earnest manner 1
"''tin which it- was spoken:=his -beautiful ruction
:=tits manly, erect: appearanca—hii pale east
:Of countenance,in which intellect anti tour?
.ki a g e were the predominating features---and his
.clear, loud ioice,distinetly heard_ by th 4 remo
• teat of his audience—all combined to make a
deep • impressicia in favor. of. Gen. Pleree ; • and 1
many asserted that this was the best ihnog I
ral from ever delivered fro that spot He
is undoubtedly a 'very effective ;speaker.. Ile i
,remained with his, hat-off until the close ef.the;
proceedings.. - The ladies were in eestaeies,
and so aakious were some who:happened to be .
is the rear to See and hthey ,
ear him, that ,
embed upon the pediments of the columns; of
the Capitol, to small danger.. A:to
, gothaejt, waca..glorious.apectscia,of sublime
, majesty, cagfng into the shade the idle pomp
and untnea.ffing pageantry of the coronationof
kings and emperors.".- ' .
Gen. Pierce-delivered his, inaugural address,
after_ taking off his overcoat,- amid imiliense
cheering,ust exactly as if ho were delivering
extent r
an extee speech: He had no paper. or I
" -any notes,l undelivered the address beautiful.-
' ly and gracefully, without a blemish to, the;
end.! It. will be recollected that "Presidents_
Taylor, 'Polk and others, read their addresses,
from the' manuscript. When he came to that ,
part ofhis address which relatedro the priaec- 1
tam of 'American citizens, abroad, be owned 1
face to face with Mr. Fillmore and the , diplo..)
matie • corps, and laid down 'the law • with , I
thrilling emphasis, and when he again turned
to the mass of_the. people in= front, ream; sing
the vast square below, they abduted with de- i
light, and ev4iy man of the fifty thousand. in;
the streets deelared•that Pierce. is the man for I
the,-times. -I. - • I . I
On• the completion of the iddrese the pro-,
- cession again fonneds and.Proceedyd aleng the,',
• avenue,
-escorting President• Pierce to the ex-
. ecutive matision iA nd leaving Mr. - Fills re at
Willardis. . 7 "
• . •
The immense mica on ibe eastern front ' f
. : la
•Of the C.entel was one r mpaet " mass of peo
ple, not one third of:Whom could hear. -
. . .
• . - • Suicide in a Pulpit. ,
. Just as we Were going to press, w e lea r ne -
that a Mr. Charles Fultz, a shoem er, resi,
- dent of Schuylkill Haven, in thlieou ty, cern
mitted suicide in a ra4rer singular' ner, on
Sunday evening liii; It appears , hat for,
. . some time he - has been an efficer of=, 6 Ger.;
• Mad Lutheran Cherelibf that place, arid on ' 0
evening referred to hat convened and rope ell'
-a Prayer Meeting in the building,belonging to:
. •that congregation. :H e went through the xi
it his aecrislomed 'manner, and noth id
-iin I well' noileed about his appearanceU -thn congregation tiring, he wits' a
• -to unbolt one of the window shatters—left
. buildirig witkthe others, and was discknie
',, the neft, morning enispeaded lifelese abOre
•-_. alter!, Itis so posed be obtained ing,relet•
thewindototreferrrd, to. ,What the eoSidit
?fhlatnind was at that' time, is but a l ma
feanieetzwe—we- may
_reasonably conein
-.however that no sane man would ever Cora
an act of the kind.—Mineritrifie Bielicifn.
Tobacco Clunvers..
nonce' Gively, - .sayS the EastoA is
Aiirosi our Tobacco chewers. The folio
trim - the Tribune, otifforiday, mikes
.d.entihat*hen Horace spit on the Whig
tiraii, it was not tainted with'Tobacco • .
ifihose who their ;Mame and " t
she atmosphere by this , and , na se
odpililibit,eonldlxi affected by; expostulation
,or. satire, or ridiabie;ltmight be worth while
td diselirge A full 4611ey at thein. But
,Ihey areilireeerigililis...j, w
For ourselres,•s
lays feel* Aenek,
•igt443nraterate habit of
td ►iaess. W e presumeweiretspit upon for
tY times' a never get into a crowd
and nevernusfic'lhion,o a bevy Omen 4:n the
street, &Ina :.g; 44:124Tanii-°nint*rd a
• steamer; that wiido not - app rehend- - very
Menai' expo** iiiitefer4tobeietirjiliee
'4i*edr.froin t of
he:nistyttiliaeritate4 mouths
theTers and 'elate* -IWnte;,:iite feitlitat
-such fellows 64.14 th-gif
3luget.--Italeasteek*ja- !9,
kis State Iv itti'Apight NPse
terste his trellis. -
Batik...lla foul stibreetelidiiiiialiiht
aboitli. The dirty dor
and spit ied chew, irehot **the -
. 1 0:44 1a . .:We
ia Y ' e aireaai 7 vouttettipoti3O*42-
Th editor of the Mieeitifolly i llerat 1 .
! iled,hie pocket -p_eitearsso•
ter to hi 41,20.,
• .1
sates f
_Juanita `March - I.—tile Detiocratie
de-Convent • n•of Pennsylvoia to notion
d candidates for the officts .fif Canal Cow
'koala:ter, A. A. itor General,..i'ismd Surveyor
neral of'th e e State, asseinblift to-day at 12
lock, in ti.i: Hall of' the Hoiihe of Represen
es, pOr s u4n. to the call'of ilia state Central
Minittee. il i , 4- - - / / ~, •
The.4tterg . co, of the 'Delivates' was rery
11, and that a rang interest felt by the friends
the rival fa , didutes, especially. for the office
• Canal' Om . issioner, cat* much excite
ent'-to prelr. 1. :, - ,j..: • .
Thecconte. tion was,called' i te " older at 12
CI clock, amid much noise and itumult, by Mr.
Wise,' whO in . red t tlie Aitiold Plainer, of.
Venango, Va. the C ''. •- i - '
[I. MrJ Wise ptth : qUestioti 1 Amid . c ries of
"jorder," "ord , r," an gkeat eehfusion.
MrlFraley, of S ce uylkill, Moved to amend
the niotion, d th e the Hon: ;John Cessna, of
Iledfird, take' he CI ir. .if
'''.Tll utmos con sion preyeiled for some
time, A bo . Mr: Timer sitid,'Mr. Cessna
were endue. •• by eir frietids to' th e Spea..-
kei's "hair. •.- 'I , ;i ' -- 1
•=.51.r Cessna after lome time,landlwhen order
had i some . easuro been re4ored, expressed
is r et at he sc , ne which had been enact
ed, d besot): • t al( to' aet with calmnes and
deco tn; T• . settle th4i diffiulty as.t the
choice of aIC airman, he l Propbsed the appoint
ment of celled to count the votes. I -
'rho motion was fut ithd agreed tb, in tel
) -
Writ/ten - having hein a {pointed, the vote for
.a temporary chairman vr s then taken, and re,
suited in Mr. Phimer re eiv4g• 66 vote. 4, and
Mr: Cessna 61 votes.
- and
Mr. / Utner thereupon to ;. - 1 , the chair, ..
in a brieftspeech thanked it delegates for
the cornplunenti referred, - I.: the I same time
alluding to the ,Pi Portant d 'tips the Canyon
tion had assemb to Peri° pi,
and trusting
that no excited ling might, be aroused to
mar their harmo ions action.) -I
A committee o one from eacli Congresaion.
al districts was then, on motioti, appointed to
report Officers' for - the permanent organization
of the Convention. [ I.
The Convention then adjourned until 3 o- elock. -'i , - .. '. .
1 attoos exastos. _ •
The Convention re - assembled at 3 o'clock, -
when the Hon.! J. M. Porter,lof Northampton
chairman of the - Conimitteel appointed to se
leWif,ficers for the permano‘organization of
;the COnventim,'reported that [they had mike
-1 te 4 win I,„ Hirst, of . Philadelphia , as P si
-1 dents Th committee also rePorted the - es
.of liome wenty gentlezierfas Vice PreSid nts,
andi Erie retaries. : I
- 1
The . Xmas reported by, 04 Comm ee
i'e the . . ,
we„ ie nnanimously approved by the on.
veit4on, d the Preaident 4111r.iliiist) ing
conduct 'to the chair, addretieOhe Con en
tionlin a brief Speech of than - 1. Ile said . .
I i . I ~,
~i !
_., =
,l ,
knOvled p e with forofnund respect and . ti
tode, the distinguished compliment you ave
paid mei 4 I am, too little skilled, howev ,in
ikgislatii practice , to be able to pro r ise
Oore that' a faithful 4nd imPertial ahem t to
Ics.rfurin'tir duties ufltbe Chah.. But4e tle
en allow r me to congratulate you. npo the
ropitions cirrnmstaneeannd'er, which - Ike . ave
ambled. The . latel campaign, the last ril
-1 ant Democratic Story,
_has ollened thil ec
rive man 'on of the Union to the eminim
~ pat
riotti and s ,_marl for whom.lwe have b red,
and who possesses the respeet,'.the s em,'
and I ma add the affections cif our cons 141- -
b ta
ents. Le us retpeinlicr, gents '
men t t this
great res It is:thl fruit of unkin and iii ny,
and that a l•who gentributed ',te it-are ' t tled
to partici .. te in -ri't.S triumph. i Gen tl e n,. I'
ATM not I.ngt%4tsin you frOm the irate st
ir and i i.. 04t.duties you!have pub red'
• gether ;".-disCharge.l • . 1 1
L '4e Jig of delegates was i then called, a i d
i sf ra
th scre'de . tials - Of thii - "delegat4tini - Ticiii the
se .1 c. nties sohmittettiln_nyitini of
ea es sub titutes ap peared anAeWereliliiii edz-
The m tter of thielcontAmtedliseats was 'then
_taken up, but one lenly—that4nf the corktest
ing dole tes frorr 'Mountoite. and - Coluinbia
lounties4oecuilled.any considerable time
The qiiestion'of the admiaSien of the
resentatiV i e _deletate. from the!coanties Of
tour and Colutu ialbeing be tore the Co)
1 1 .... ,
.a and
Fn: entino
hi's rithtfo. --- his sea
mint:dermas -the pi
appoittingn4 . and t
that as set up•by i
• S.oine further dl
Conl*ntion' Onall)
firstlor rejecting b.
Mr. Iles . , t, and tiler
Dean. . 4
The Conventio n being then fully org4ized,
it.was' moved to wed to the nominatikon of
candidates fdr the offices -i d Canal Cob:mils
, sioner, Auditor G oral .and!Shrieyor G iner
al, takil the office of qftlfalCommiiition
cr. : - .4, .- - !i , - ..- •• '
-The on ,entio then proe*ed__ to ballot
I fer it can ida,le fo Canal Cioninissioner, and
I the-vete beihg eo nted, resulted as follows:
I Tho ' rbrsyth, of Philsulelithia,. - .31
f Henry S. Altt, of Pike cotinty i - 22 ..
'• . Wm. S.l.t i o risen, of lkintgOnery, 22'
k-• -- - —__•• , il , , -
ri '
.Fe er,
g "'"'''"l, ;, !I 11
Joel B. DI. ,of 'York; li!li - 8
And,tbe remaining votes"mattered among
seven. r eight aandidatia. 1 . r .*" " ' -
' There being .no choice, the Convention pro
:eeede4 to . a second ballot,• which, ps also the
third,Tour* and - fifth"folloWing—was imsue
eessfu . The - votes of th 4 '6evallal- hallots
stood as follows: - / ' ' I a :ii-- ~ :
, . • 2.3 .3d, j i i i-ltii . sth
Fo th, 38 41 !ri 50 55 •
Otto • : ' 44 . . 44' ',1 . 38 - 50
ooison, .25 . 30 ri ji: 31 ..• '22
Minitel. • 11 101.11 --I —
eithe;l, - - 8 1 81 1-1 8 . 6
ttar the third hatlot,the .rime abb.. Din
gle was withdra 71 from thett ofeandidatas.
11‘r•tha ton balloCan ' , journinent Was
g ‘
moved and..very ngly oriel ? but was diiut:'
edit.% -i'' .1 : 'fl ii ',-.
result of he r baliatiheing annoan
alid there still bei gno efielie,an adjourn
meat was agaii - cif
.4 !li. '_ •1
- porno debate ose pod - emotion , and it
was finally - to, il 7go,:tiloek. - , •..
.. T he Conventi ' - adjo u rned. ,
. . wciaat, sv i - '. '
11 -
ai , , ~,- --•
113 4 : F
f The Conventi on, - tabled at 7 O'-
Clerk, *hen :the ting f01,,! - Ii candidate for
Canal Commissione r as res ' ' and the 6th
ballot be' " take n, , lied' Ifolloiks: , , '
... Thos. a meta, f 7 P . Phi 4 ' B l
Henry Mott of Ilie, _ . Itil • i 28
eh°,n, d:
Mr. 4
as. 11:111 j
Fore - ''" declared
_.y-dut '
nominated - tb ' - aisle the Demotinta '
'party for„ is of Canal. mm .: f
The no ' ri o Mr.Forsyth ';:waa Atli I
unanimous) :flt , -,,, y - thig4inFention, A ' 1
..., The no - •,, ',, ' a . eitadiddef<ii'Attiliiior.
G .eneral -.' - ' In inder,,l - 1 i : H oe. f.,::: ,:';`:
.: Mr. - Lon ino '' -elekl7ollralin
Banks,..the- - -- . le a i ,' ' Vediitai
the 'no .;---, -.; ,-. , - ' - ' - , ".....4 - .•;,,2:4--
...-., , The - . ;14: - .. , _,..)
illetlifi - ' .' -ItiOV , leithillk:olL l *'
OrtlieCiiii -2 ... ttinei . 'l'itiiii- . :.
9 0 rierra ,,,,, - ~ --;, . .1 . -, . ; 7..
-. „...4:11, 0 - -.., _.,
---id' , , o e i gt
- '- ...-.."-• ---
•_, '
_ _
101141 it
"I A
i . :. '.,:c" ,
' --. ',.7-..-., ,, :;
.:15'7 , :‘` ,- P , . :-.,
c Stile -
ini; of - 114n . i:ciur, adr
~ and disOSsed with
reumstan4eS attendin
e shadow. a claim,
his conteitstit." .
salon followed, an
ireeided t to admit ne
a large Tote the el
'reit:mina tate mutt to
11: • '
t :I I
Wm. Garvin, •
R. Matz,. •1B = - •
G. F. Mason, . • 'l3 -
,The lion: J. Porter Iliiitarlisy,thdlies.Mtin
cumbent of the . office of Burveyer • General,
having, on the second "ballot, received a major
ity of all the votes esat, Was. declaiid duly
nominates that office; and the Aoluitiation
was rati d ufa unanimous vote. •
'The-President then,,in Pursuance of .a mo
tion by the Hon. A. H. Reeder, of Northiunp
ton, appointed a Committee of seventeen, of
which Mr., Reeder is Chairnm, to report &Se
ries of resolutions expressive of the views and
sentiments of the Convention., -
The Convention then adjourned until 10 o'.
eltwk tomorrow.
- On the second day of the session a: resolu
tion was offered and .carried, compliinenting
the coarse of the Hon RICHARD BRODHEAD of
the United States Senate., on . his course in
that body.- . , .
After other business relative to:the Conven
tion, this body adjourned 4." • - '
..,, •
Return of Ron = Corder= to
' , Charlestown. -
Mu Corcoran, whose mysterious diavpnar
ance caused the riot in Charlestown last week,
arrived in this city last evening., under the pro
tection of several of her, protestant friends.-
She was found in Philidelphii,"where she says
she was . restrained of her liberty. Another
outbreak in:consequence of this matter it
feared in Charlestown, and, in accordance with
the request oftho Mayor, the Governor his is
sued orders to Gen. Sutton ; to have the First
and Fourth regiments of State 'EMU under
arms to-moues night. _ •
13craTox, March , 6--8 P. M.
A card from Mayor Ftothing,lim states that
Honors Corcoran wits before him to-day with
her mother ; that she was taken . to Philadel
phia by Vie mother, and
_placed/in a boarding
house, and flit on Thursday the mother pro
ceeded to Philadelphia and brought 'the girl
baCk. It is-tliongl, ht the public appearance of
the girl will allay nil excitement.
i Awful Railroad Aocideo.
Pitn-irammt.t, March 6,-1853.
On Thmlay night the emigrant train 'com
ing east ran off the track into* .deep cutlon
the Pennsylrinis rOad, between Lewistown
- and - 11untinkton. Persons -had 'been sent, eith,
er way to nam Arians nearly . dueagainst the
point - wherethe accident took place, but the
man who thssent west, after walking some
distance, sal down in a shanty and unfortun
ately fell aifeep. The train that ixisse:i him
came in tident collision with the crippled
.train, killing - four emigrants instantly. Two
others dieayesterday, and two more are not
expected it lire. Two - persons- are reported
to have-bten killed yesterday by another col
lision betided .two freight trains. I
• . •
The fiends of the Itev: Philip Bartlettt are
respeetfigly solicited to attend st,Donation vis+
it for hib benefit at the Methodist E. Churchi,
in Montrose on she a ft ernoon, and evening of
Wednershty the 16th init., in the afternoon a
social Itreeting; and in tho evening an address
by RetrZ. Paddoek D. D. at halfpzust 7 o'clock:
GEO. B. LEWIS, Commitee. •
•JOS,. It. LEWIS ,
• i - 1 ;N.IIITV, f ' . . )
In Niv Milford, on the- Pith tilt., Mrs. Dow
TAir &mimics, wife_ Of Ira- Summers, Egg:,
atIO 56 _ye ars. , '
Stikbad long lived the life of M Christian,
thou* mild of the time too feeble to attend
publ itt worship, ye t ever striving 'we , tnist, to
do t 1 will - of fi r er. Master Whor is In - Mat*.
Lif ,e;vent out as a candle in the sieeket of a
card stick, and she at last slept the - quiet
- - .•
sleegof death, resting,
, 41s - it. were; in'Jcsus'
armi, If any thing can . 'make one feelfrom
the . Inert the truth of Balsam ' s words,it would
. seem it inust be the sweetness of the death of
sucli t Christian, " Let me -die-the death of
the infitecius ; and let my last end-be like his."
c i
Hertumnsels a the closing scene might well
be tressed by the words f Sir Philip Sid
ney(t) his:brother on ii . liki i occasion, ." Love
peory, cherish my fri nds, but abere all
goven' your will and affect i . ns by the lei/lurid
I milt& the s Creator, in bell Iding the eti . of
thii vorld,.witli all her vanities."
r ; the
m of
C 031.1
Febriary 28th, NETHENA Nawcoma,,daugh
.4. of Eainuel and Elizabeth Newcomb Of
jtssup,in the 49th year of her age.
116th 2d, Mrs. M&RILLA athiss, aged 46..
: . ..
Filo atraire...Mciirmail "
t . ' tang
• p -
41.%- Great Bend, Penn'a. ' • '
,LEANNIE- - 111.!1 GUILE - will open , a
S for Young tadieli and Aliases in the Vil
la of Great tknd. Manna Term commencing
on 'ednesdaY the I - 3da play 44061 next. - The
y will be divided intAl four Quarters of eleven
w•a eaeh. ,- _ -.-- i - ,- . • .
II l in m i, il W pi ri rpe tinf, ci a g n ai d
te aegra r : ph . y . by :Out- 82 . 1 ; 10
G mar, Aritbmetie, 4istory, and Phys.
' , z ... . !- -
mai Sciences. /rental and Moral • Phi.;,-
by, and the filigher- Mathematics. i 4 00
~Gerrnan, and
,Latin Languages, 15 0 0 .
int and P,linting in water colors; - .
urn,) • - • • • . 200
- on the Piano and Guitar,with nse of
, nt!, (cam.) - " • -"I
Airy DipOn willmeatconnectedirith
col, in witieh'small boyn.tiviU be received.
from a dkaoce • eon procure
wirate ramifies, oa iron:kakis terms..
• will be shim oa nu:id& subjects
But!, i i fttich Bth, 1883.:-
Pfiblie Notice.,
4n`ber OrOM for isle at publieieuthi•
:the 224' day of retch it 'I0 :
on the premises of; the IstalAinuot
or Franklin. thcf* llo w,V- P.****l
viz: i lombst - wagosil otos hme rat
tier, 1-grind alone, sehurtil****** sed
i8i1.4 1 91.1 11, 10, hitirtikteetkis,iiiinehai
lifwaint alia4it Pep4ala *A.; 1 0
bog. also household;titmtitre *100;4
iiaaierou steutiOn::
' l3lllo Allsaato - **40.40.441 - ilaiii.
month. credit with. hilido‘ . .**d4ll,7:
BOSTON, March '6, 1853.
"4 470 . 1 1 11V118 1 '
AAA*, air
g' ~a y.i
What 1 . . - tie dollit ) iii
. logat-for- _ ..J
THE ',Tsigue . d - h.a.of entered into. n iir
4. tinge' out by.whiCh they: twre c to, traish
the Knick :backer Magazine , ( monthly, the .
Ifonie 3 ' al , "{week ly, ) :ead the Musical World
and Tide — (4 eekly,) to netir sittiecnbers, at the
very mode •to price of . five - dollars it
. year for
, throe , pub icatious; - alf orderii,... enclosing ',.that
amount-to Dyer .i.' Willis,. will .bb proMptirat.- ,
tended t o.. Samuel - Ilueston, fi,ub4shir of; the 1 ,
Kniekerbotker ;_ Mortis b. ,Willis, Publishers ;of '
the. HOme Journal; Byer du . Willie; Publisher"
of the Musical World audTimes,2s7 Broaderay .
Gmd Likrarg and Artistic Coiab s inati on. . 1
A gement* have been ,made tq fOrnish the
Knicikerbrlinker Magazine,the'floinefliumel, and' I
the .01em. 'York Musical World and .Titni.s, 'to
newlaubscriberilfor five dollars a yeiti! This is
ches'pliteritture, With a vengeance: ;The Knick:
etbocker *lOB3 per ammo ;t.the - ficime Journal,
8 2 ; Mid the Musical' World aid .I"inles: $3;
ranking Sea - year at the usual rites. . 'That
three such works can be obtained fo five donate
nyear,, fa a fact - truly worthy the-,Calorintire,
which is just now .being.,nshered in. ' Of the
Kititkerbocker Magazine, edited by ' , Lewis•Gari
lord Clark, it is unnecessary to epee it.'*Fortwen
ty years it has been the melt genial, harm:ills;
amt - spicy u monthly" in the world;
Wk fand - the prep.
ent vohline will be better than any eh Preee-:.
ded it: The Home Journal; edited y Georg/I'P.
' Morris and N. P. - Willis, is -well k own `as the
beet family newspaper in America ; nd the M 4.
sleet World and Times , edited by chard Stotts
Willis, with Lowel Macron , Geo. H. uttis, Thoi.
Hastings, Wm. B. Bradbury, Geo. . Root, eind
other musical writers contributin ;.:and which
gives among other things.. ovirBl.s want', of
music and a - full course of hi:anode in harmony
annually. is the very best musica , ljournal ever
published. These three pnblicar will' pest a
fatuity - up in regard to near:y everything - worth
knowing ;—art , science, literature ;tmusic,paitit
ing,orniptitre; inventions, :discoverea • wit; hu
mor. fancy, sentiment ; the ugliest* fashions ,find
other attractions for ladies ; choi nevi music
for the Sabbath. the Church and *is -Firelide ;-
reviews andicriticisms ef musical , orks, Perfor-.
mers and perfrAances ; in short qui very pick
and cream of novelty,: incident, history, biogra
phy, art, literature and science ; inid,udingi what
ever can be given in Periodicals to promote heal!..
thy amusement and solidiestructien in the fami
ly. and help to make: it better, wiea. and happi
er, may be now obtained for five drillers. . ; .'. •
! Address . , DYER az- WILLIS,
10w3 • *' ' 7 . Brmidivay. N.Y.
- 1 25 -
t 1 , 0 . id . 4i) . i
. , r J 3l
' Administratzia i t i re : .
T ETTERS ot Administration ;having . been
. 1...1 granted to t undersignetionthe —state'of
Paramus Luiz, late of the towns ip Or Great
Bend, dec'd.. , All .persons indebt to the said
estate jam requested to settle the 4=14 immedi
ei 'W
ately„nnd all perirotoi having 'deMands against
said eiltate will geese present them, duly attest
eil,, fot settleme . t. • • '
t ' ' JANE LUgg. Admen.
Great Bend, M. reh 9. 1053.--4AIW6 1
- . - • Drsolutions
TIDE firm of $ yre & Webeter_h4his day 41,1-
..1 otolved by mutual conient. Miti• Votes and
*accounts are in -t 1 e hods of A. L. Webster 'for
itrimediate iettleilent. If they. are hot - settled tiy
tbe.firet ofiune • ext;they Will. be licit with A.
Chamberlin, Esq. for collection.
-• I - S.. IL SAYR.E
• • • • • A. L. WEBStEE.
Montrose, Feb.j2sth i 1853: *
, • • Pubhe Vendue, - -
T .
, .
11E subscriber having. sold his farm, will sell
at Public vetirlue on Tuesday t i the 15th day
of March next, at 9 o'clock A. 51,,L0n the prem
ises of the sobscriber in Brooklyn:the following
property, to wit:l I span' of Utatehed lorries 6
yenta old, 10 cows,' 1 churn "sheep; 5 shoate, 1
lumber wagon, 1 buggy Prager ' I limber sleigh,
1 cutter,l team heirnessnertrl neer, 1 light har
ness 4 plorws, 1 harrow; ! -,2 crowbars, a rot of oats
and other grain,
hay in the bran, 40 bushels of
potatoes, 75 or 80 bushe sof rutabegiturnips,.:l"
churning machine, 1 rindstotte,' ) rakes pitch
forkstAtovels. be4...;atti . chid", 1 desk, 1 dui-.
Cimer; rparkir end T : ` - inove,litr milk pins;
and a yariety of other iirticles, . fanning *dry,,
and householtutensils ttioirumerotte to mention.
or SAE.—AII urns less than 85, cash
down ; .over - 85, nine 'oaths on ( approved en
dorsed notes with intere t. I '
- Brooklyn, Feb. 28th, 653. , I. L
:- ' •
• , •
Feed .th litingry. ~•
TTIE undersigned, think'. , that am"o4 the numerous
waists of kluntroileandits.vicinity} the one "float
needful is that of a good Bakery. Thinking that proba
bly au could do as mud' g04r.1 in obelin4 the command.
" Feed the Hu n gry," as in y other, we have ' entered
Into a copartner hip in the hose named - bnainess;and
inteudto carry it on :in all its , earionstbranetws, six
BreaAL , Cabes, galls, Moak, es, &C. '[' :
N.H. Westding tlar.e omit , to order and on abort , no
die. - -. NICHOLS at FORD11&31.
Montrore, Feb. 2Stb, 1553 • • I .
•To Pension a'd I llionnly : Lind
- - . .- Clai ants.. • '
i l l
HE undersignrd: id o is still or gaged !in the
business of obtaining L?nd ' Warrants as
agent of Susquehanna county, won 4 call . the at
tention bi the Widours'of Revoluti
: nary soldieis
or Widows of the 'soldier! in - any,of the woes
since the revolution;'the fact, that. by -a '
cent Act of Congressthe :Pensicii Laws have
been greatly extended and many who hitherto
.have been unable to: procure - assistance are now
entitled tberetti. By appliCation tci - the
formation will be given; and - anytbusiness.en
trusted to my care, wilt recei ve pro pt attention
opon - reseonable iertni. - kF.FI TO H..
Montrose, March 1 . , 1851.-9 w .i . i! .. - 1
• • .
TE copertnerehip in the' mercantile !milieu
of .M -Granger+ Co. ie this day dimol ied by
mntnal lorisint. - . , All pereciva indebted 'to the '
firm will the ib N. Granger, irbo . Min
linue tho basine*x. • • Iq:GRANGEtt_._:
- , GRANGr
Vb. 23 ; '53.-94 , •
. i.vtisonovkarg.„_,
'TUE nave I removed our Tailoring 11sh
.y ir merit to *I -arm formerly-known the
Bakeiy: and 0141 - Shop on Tun pike . 't,ine
.door west of 4. s3Vilson's i &ice. , •
Diontrove, n0y.:10.1b5../. . - ...- :
• i . , r
. ..
-. ~.._ •
f il ~
.., ~
.- ,
--% ERs
- - -- - -
l ill
. - silks cmd Fancy.Diy . ...u.
AND . . . OD - JOIMEIts 1 . .1 • .'..
Of Silks Fancy Dry' Goods:' , '-
ITATING:4I" most Min 64- *Air strict, to lb* ,IffOO
- 5 •• • • lis t bie l'ldldr7. 91 /ant)* otrooti_ . i loor doors omit
'Of /kroadosy, viola twit* oho attar uoor GC dation to
&Wt &leo iqi-toont: ki sr ery, sat vo, and_ lath••
• ski* or silks Owl fancy, dry ipa, . . of ailb.
i=sf.leafi , lesolsrofoorioo, press itiouologs; ,Nybits
. Moral: Mir Dolatnnt girdsr?arowbr =MI!'
~.• As * -of _our, Goods owl AIM woo
,Ilotakie - . 001111tairt Wilt 611-imut'effstihen
OW/ 44 ialigmoot • olf olorkolooloi New Zook
sot batter. IW._ - poolloomix attontioa ;WO*
Mottles oaks, at ffloodo. oriLii~otp Ali Orion
handwins be i i —oo it - imao_tbio
:we oholikloopthelOoe Gam oloanyastolltholont
-4/okoo freers " oe400.:. Wks* Odom :rill-.
13O1.10addlkftolit St' WWII.* . tbof pot-
Abool orooltilio ito . opooloko *say Oiliololoi to loMor
oltelesolthl. ,- .t .1. ~,: -., -.- . :;--_;, -- - ~.- • -,,{ -- --; 1-7. -'. 4* , -
q Ora* laill , illOiblitiiiiitOtissom m : ol ;tioliodlini*
"vitottosilvo au 0011. tyro s oor we Sic oil%
oboist W.. wo osso. Of .
'r '
ll gait . at 400lOottor aos tome*
"OM oftal2o#o7 e. Al*l4lollll=o/12 1 ., i --7.:.
• . • :It .
:Eaf ib . , , t
.. 11jgzeireilirat : ea:.
'.'i - i pr . ~,
_,-,.., v!PIE guasco*Auttip .-",:Fe
\ , \)c
~. . _ 7. filt-loirliontlitt4toy..**o4.o , . dii .
- f . ... k7 flake Onilf FA . ortovor stew-'
. :. ° .., • ' ''' .e.
1 1 1 !"dr.:UPC ly to lii order
di • . 1• ; . :. n Plgut , 00 --= - - Oita%
..., .c.-. 4,. , /'''' . - •
•.. . - '
keitiY; alai a- ll6i o
415ae full loatelea 9,Teni to,
, • '[beantt.itt-g9113 r :or.
,rt. 7,
pttria stylo wad itusliks;: Thir ; :sMinc wan
stook macs sa Synintont, or, ones before:
cualeatisaingtssotab4 to.ihichke- th intui
n of putehaserii. ALPREiIi ..1-
• „ No. 2 Odd Folkosn' .
Blogbanititti 15,1153; :. 4 t
Ait . ' isf No . * - --- -'.'
. -.:1-:- ~-..- . . - i-4 ,
;is: L. lt..wairokie • , t 0... ,p.:11,7 . .1
assigned to 4:Litt014 , 6 110 !..31 - 4 11'-'.1 1 .:•-; i
s. •. : , --., ' ve. ''.. 1:1 j S.. Jell ielle . O rJ - de. i
I .
.IyOi; .. CohJ9l)olt. •,:J.: . liy.S4ll') t Aiiiii. -
~I. . . .J. . - 1
The .0114ieikiiect l'4o4 . litsite - , e 1
Court td. iiiiarib,oter f ittief Wad - - swag 'S :
aboie mentione d ef ts, wilt atteed to the:.
.aaid h.pPoint ; - 4
tneotthe olECel Wm
of W. , :l
in -hi ontrose :oh ' Thlirede y : 114131 it day of
inst.', ett.ovioteroa* i Jp r : 4,,,
. 4141 i
of -- :whiCh . all : •
inteieeted.olill .titiitOotiee and et thei
at: be - ilebertedlrpOiticiaiing 11143 iijettesidl ,
. • .. . •-• i - - ',1., ri 1•- IV KJ: LITURRA
•.. •-, .'• j -..; ~ 0 1: : : A TI:NE , ; T0N,. 1
- March I,' 1833. l' , 1 • : 'I - --. i.. : -.Audi
Clover -a TinuithigOkl•
- - -
B, 'l. C, D. LATIpoqP•
Regitiier's . kiii'ciy i t
. , ..
D p -BLIC NOTICE is hereby kiven• teen Pet ,
I. sons concerned in,ttie folio fog -Estates. to'
wit: - .-- ' • ''..-1i ; - , •... '
Estate of Wm. rpiMelCone. d - sued. ;
. ' •••,. ' Nandy fir. McKim*, ExeCuilii: '
Estate of Job NiehOls.deo'd /:. - ;'. •- '•
' • Gallen Nichols. Ailm'rz -.; - -'
Caleb Csrmalt Ti;ustee eider ihe W' of Wm.
p i ll
Thompson, deed, and -. . ;11 ... • '
_'' I
. , ' Ea' pinning' of Lydia Thom . deed
Estate of EbepiAer Millard, iiil'ed., - ;„. _'
. ' ' Andglw - fd Lows Muer.
Estate .11iram finch, died. .1 i ' .
• Cherles Avery; :la r. -, •
Estate of Simon Park . deed I . ' ' ' .. - -
' -
Samuel W. trio 11, - Her...
• Estate of Nathan Arnold; de eased;: •- ' ' _
Chas. Chamberlin & Harvey Hall..Aitacirs
Eotß; B. Ock;dec'd. Ai, •• ' • ' • ;';-. •
'Anion 8' Wilion;;Chiules Avei*and Wm'. L.
i*, F.ers. r.;1; ' . 3.1 *. -
Estate:of Azel Taylor. deed. I' ' - .•
- ~., : d ... •' ' - Charles Tin ley; Muer. .
, -
Estate of Ephrtilm Walker, di:i t 'd. - , ~ • :
1 • Juan., Yogings, • Adin't. ' I': -• • ,
That the iccouutikts hive' settlid their accounts
in the Register's taffice,! in and fik the Contili fir I
Susiinehiguna;endl i that the 'samei will be • resent
ed to the Judges :at the jOrpitenr, , Pitift.- of
County, in: noniri t ike,; on W,lidtinsilay - g e 20th 1
'llayldt April, negtldieonfifniatien and al • wince.
• . • i Si; V. LAbiGD9 1 4 1 . , R. ister.
Register's Office, Afontirose, 11 • ;
- - March 1,1853. -, S /
11 : - •- 1-
New . Books -just Reeei , ed.,
. Frank Freenson's , tarber Shop, bYfßev. B. i . Ma ll.,
" Although a story Southern iif4li is entirely Cit'
("trent from the many' imitations or trlnele Teir Cab.
ie.", Ti is intenselylaterestlug." : 3ro *public. -
" Frank Freemau'reparber i shni. be read 'with
avidity by a large preportiou of, e who havelead
Uncle Tom's liabili t " art perhaps they will derive
greater profit from OW perusal of thle t than of that earn
mental". upon the Soiath.l---/kistant. Gas.
- "All we have tosai te,buythr , lnioll buy It*
Jake—for the Frieni4vakeL—for i you own t
wasit•somethlng thitkedll - 4irongly,deeply bite
—Saturda.y Catirier..l -1 ll
The /Napo/wit. , Dynasty ;.or the His
' Buonaparte Family, with 221 5 , audie
traits, by. the Eevprly ;men, . 13. ,
Brie of t he most valuable lag itutertatiag sr
thir , v. ' - 4 • „•. -
,00 Cities and la. ,„: lawn! cf Arnri,, with
-desmiptions aIadNIIIIN Rail Road diilanet'li;
I - li:mayors., March "IOW." • 1 1 ; RAO. P
1 ;
rrIHE subscriber: bar ing sold hot farm
at public WIWI*. ("on thelilprem - -
owned by LathamflGartluer, stip
Montrose), on • , 1•1
tlack thTi .
A .•l{r_
15 cows, 3 yokel;af oxen, 2 hotais, 1
lumbar wagon, I titto horse sprig wago
horse buggy, I Oval horse hatneis;4ooet
teeth, • Etc.. . • t I t
Tassis—=biz wlth DPP'
curity. LIN
Mon troseiltaiUbl,lBs3. ---
Paishioiiitb,ler SilkolL9.
li !rin g 1 ;,_..,• ... ::-
. .
• •
And a vaiintyof in4r nate, juni Cieneived.l7 A 4, i
ann . loVtiff READY 31 DE CLOTIIINP i-7 - ••
March 1, 7 -, - -..i., ,•' • • : 1:;440.1
417 EEP It before i,te:peopl?," t 4.4 thf, toes plate. to
.11. buy - voas -
• Vtioll3ll l l.-1- , 1
-o • - -
TtSrreeeived,iuttl .
ll be ke ptco, softy . :;
. ;T
P - 63nessoti Mut'
-ny t
. • „
he barrel. el`tbe,*Soleest Bratkle. wi.arillteetl
allow as attinferior(vitality hag heretohlie 408h - 1 , 014 - Liz
town.. Alrer:Ybier byithe•huodred ituarttry.
Moitt94, 053: • .• • biorstr.Fivalizo,:._
TIXOTHY Rut" Ili isle /4.
re.b.' 23 . 1653 p- -
4 . - • ---
Get yoiir:bloeksi I tepaire — &y -
E. MOON tri still do it :tot ',cheap aaal as
e - goqd - as any other inen,l [and !iirilCrePoir
Aceindeons,old 3fOrelsi% euid 141 j 'slew'. tie,. 'cheep
as the
_cheapest} itOttieuish new felocka itittsiir.
rant them - to keeptithe:. `'' l,l ''" - - '''.
rr.Shbp in 80l !a Groeem -
Montrose;SeEN 4 , 185.3.'! . Z - --110614EY:"..' •
,c ol i rt * of' Apile .
1 ' Inierio isale , fized mrn
followingzonn - 4e 7e e
tY Coat nets n L , plate s ; fol/°/d!ng
I. the nd i r ' of 1853
ini • „_
Appeal, from t the el ee"al 1 , ii v omit.
the Ftreet Lek. ant—M 'lve,rmLilifirli" • illitik lit.'r-irest
15,1053, lit the hlille 91
~ I I
..‘ ..:' .
..., ...-
,_., w , 1 . • 4,,,Ait0 apd-401.
• chanount; =BUG w.'..'
hooey. ligdvrisz Bliss in
4 4
aeon, Mars
.. t t , • -, ,z- - ' 4 ',,_ _..
Frieadifilte• 414 hl7 at mew"
nd A „ b „ , Lianl ,t . J 4.,
Rush ; mid I - g , .
of NietieleiSnlealmeck.444ah letb, 0. - l ahe
SO2Vine,i,isinspringtiti..: t.,- ~,,,
hew* 8. nick KIWI*, at,„
Brooklyn and; , MVP i ,
a Brooklyn.. , I - e
bossoef B. Rlver k s m 21itilit
Hatford and . Lenox.
Of D. it - N lide 14
_ -
hoc . of .
_the house
hits* of
• Noir • f'
ihabeicrie" ,
• - Friultti
hoists of B
'.M~. ~
L .
1 y
, the
ties at
• um.,
; •
Administiaors N
• A . /4 persona indebtedlto. the nastiest Hore,
',Cafpenter, late. Of tipt township .of
in th 6 county of Basquehatinak'dec'di
te4 to *eke ininteditite plyntatitlto . the . told
pereopihselngehdlitikeginziet 644
Estate ;will present, them . duly.nt t elllinkter_neltlt.
"mint to . * A . B I LEY, - : '2:L
Jan, IQ, 1853 ; ' A(40,14
. -... .I' - ':*dixtinistratotie. Notice".-':':', - ';
~ _
- NroT-icE is, hereby ; given ` that the:undereignO .
'.l.‘; - •• have been appointed 'Administraters'of, , the-
Ali,..iitt ,l Pf.Newton 'Ll‘tvlkty, intr, of Ow _township:
if.t.dbett'y'ii4i'd. ' .All paned!' ,iniiebted to, the
said Eatate are 'requested:tckseittle the:tithe int
inedietitty;: and' all: persons.' hattifig; deniands
t i lt
against said Estate teill . please Present. eat ditty.
attested; for,settlethent. -.. ' 1 ' r. . . .-.-. .
. '.i ' '.. ' GEO: RY,:i, A s A , '''
• ';
':' ' JOS. - P. HAWS K.wtw in " - I'
ty; Jan. 20,718.53.-4w6 ,
atOW - ': : C . ltitEi
Ist,T RELY wish to inform . you 't
I.;JOEKE has' jast,opesedit -_
ll '.' . TAILOR • SHO P - '
• •
over p i , IL. Lathrop &,Co'i.-store.-whf
be he py
. to eels old eastomere and •
pledaii himself- to do their sserk wi
awl. rli itch.: -,-;'' .” ~ - - . ' -_. ''',
N:r : "cutting done kiiiii,mirejol
will btirespiirsal whelk it is tot- fir
) 10 ntroe:•1`4+F;8..185."2. j
_ .
t: 1
'it it
Great msnit •
. • -p- -, -
Cabinet . Sh op • ia.
MHZ subscriber is now having all kinds of done
'to order, and also keeps on hand Rurea
Stahel', &a., warranted well milder, ankidso - C • int,lc:ane
sea:7 l / 8 ( 11 nd wmdem• - • Itooking • Chair& lledeteads
generall on - Alt tltOse *witty randy •ri
wen to tall: jtepliftlint -- ant VW* . • 7ci`ragatt
notice. • - • -
„ .
ta" CM:ready. nude end bade to* oidnr •
the bnii •
style. D.L.• 11 , - Eft,
tatepot r ,'lteo.'lo,lBsl - ;.:4031;; -
. ,
• -
e—it yon
is parr.
will sell
east or
,' s ilii'' .. iii . iit •
--.--, ep L . • ,: OA
4 ,
, Ate* this Auethat tif. informing
baijuit, eeetviel'itiiiablitinet- to
- stock or 0514 whithhe Volelll
a ilniff.o it to thiike*liii. eibe
it ieer;
foe., as - lows eve be -batillitAtijiwie
autnug can - be luand A tet
I:lo 4 Gteelici (I " .es: Croikeri:_, 'Vol
Wl:RN:per °eta end Ahoes,llo.o4: I
}lie I e*ebeitge*l'Cr 0611 e 'Aitlfs qtuitititi
i. Peek, Beet:. ll'osiltry: - _ - Siieles..itliee;.
i etalf.yelept; CA1..1b.. Ile,would Nett:A
that - he' has. erdpiiruttecidiOt toll' to etAablehAß to IteeiA, ,
,IZ7:X. - 1 1 ;:. 0 1 Oaft . haVfneaCcOUISi
- standinirmuet fettle: iip . htfore the ti ,
'WA, skeet eettlielente make-long fr"
: lksouville - Japttary 1; 18.`.+3.-
• • Look it this,
••- ~ If you are a part :y
' F HB inemittleid iseentiatsilifotee, fce.; of the bate= Arai
4 of *
ffr 'Sayre& Co., et! Oeieln its hands of 1161.
liyeoforeetlfeineot. ecovalty eiliiipetrhtittiiet jibe
immediate attends-tothein as wellme theme
gnat ;Loeb - - satti itheywiilbepntis4;B loin& of acme
egie for • -.1...4 -
- :.lanuary 1858.. _ .
DItIIGS, kkotitintlese miety
EY - &-A l /'g°
-, - + -1 • i. - '..* z' • .
' Prociamanon. .- .
Susquehanna Pat .
aay a. * ~ : i , , ~ -..-.. • ~ \ i
AmmiD4lfi liar• - -,: IX the Court of Om
neat. ,
tzt .sriend and' Alb tr arts rieemettethteettlet
' . `triilieriiik " - ': 4, lieititheif'"rtsul;,
.1852,1(ii. 45: 1 --,' :
4f' l V - Augglik' '4 - . ,-: i:,, - •;,.;:: '-z ',,,, - '
Cutts.c or u s k - ve4t: . : • *gireseik 4131 , ii
1 i Ntowiis is sued 'o 'lktoieftifidifTe6i:.. 185 1 4
eit''''' 4o,l 7 .lo alt ilitt' s eielteke:iiteig4l4
i !eeo en alias . '
, Wielajletted'l l ..l' , ,aiitt
, us' Wtitriable` to ,1 "unary letni; 1853 i upont 1
I return of iiiiiek .s prahr met limas' tiVelai4 1
art !hut , ihn:lnl i t'-VaskisiteWnikei- , - 0 'nail
resmi i i i n fgAkililiikt: - -:-.47,:;-1- .1 ; - ; 1 ?:' ~ 3..
iiilkOiles.,is theta' Ore - el retilire ' . ap.
IbiAtitel diii:4edge . e or the sureoitt on • • thi ,
rd Moods,- of 114 Id aditr'tilualit isid: 0)164 i
; I;' #i• : .
. • ~. , _ 11 ruiltEß.slienrc i
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lt . . - ..wkeiFilvitthiitwidillokSaitotirir ' , - -:Li:., •-..
r giicaiti•te - igtoktiftAitouritoit;44.loWititooki i0i1.i. ,. .
40thitidelivoilitioiiiisif414itehm*,iiiiicii.t1 . '".
lic*AtootiAbilot.7".utlitwolp - oirt . :' .:,
'l°*o l 4e . tacii 44 .;7:44: 6 o.r.ciPOshilluiv”Aveinto#4,: . ..
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4seittardeloskitOes -liirAttet4* '-.
'lhot wilt lie . kept sOe k at it,
at , r trrn:,
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'z -
lake retreiTtmetiti 'tithe tallith the • : ,- 1 - .,,Z
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tie. hecaute Itte NItiTc.,CL'ILLIACIOisik - ) 4 •
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wittfiriont'oebuth o . lwpm:cage iitt,i, :- D' _ . .,...„__ . "'-'
• .. ' -' .
wj; ' tie Vlif Viva** to,correepowL-414 WO '.
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:let yrxßat intko'inra - lueltfi e t; • • , t : . •,* ' Iths,: - _, - _-_ - , ~''
, , ;irielting 1 ,-, ~..7•- • - . , -- ;_crc_, , t4'r7' , -i - A-:'; ,- _,-._.
Pau ergot's tleeirli)iieitstetelik4ter o t i ter - -'..
bore; - troid - 041 IPlMitebtlo4 . . - or 0111.1111g1f1C toi r - : . :-
god en.lnn, as well aat the delay lied 44*—.. " ".::; :
• .
tutting - to the 'de p ot it'the steel! Ottlitpiliture>iegh. - :
trains :the & Vide? ,•eAlt be is iteleteetifteSlittiiktitiaC
with theif bailee to the :Brjetet, : " - 0,031*:, 4 . 4 .:114,0* -
theeten7letalefi, ulna thew. bee' kettit*illthOlir lit tor •'• .
, r 9 marAt tathet'ereleleiao.toetiki . ,? 1 -ft llillitit 'et_
inc t
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. , l'l*loestiottorshentyeiet2,lfeeta‘i
thl at
menet* bone s* t:COWAN' lo• mike:l - err?", -,. -;
-sUhLititit, ItIMARTIket hietteleffeeseiltflike. -
city eeho eney.,
,sish:,-ti t‘.;.ettlt pireio7 -4leffi i 7lle
rearett'itt - theetnittery:X:=4 4 . - - -, -.J-s - Pir,i ,`,is"-%' . .T-#
I.r attached tittsbothiliticei,itet
tim'?.4 setsk lithe leer 'atrayi.litie
tiWilkieo; without. segertt tei !Stiletto* I , " et
Me i for theteleittui,and' - ~ , efti r ,:,.,_'• , t - elei ...l ,
--trzr roe tattler - portkoitsie , • ,Ntltio,
gaus•-,or the_seo ; 2 , ,J : ‘,' 1,/ , •- ' I TAlttlf
rty"pit Vil
,it : - .1.1i Poismo iadebt4 WOO*: - -,,
- W,Stellkews;,dec*:Wiltigiiiiit I,
are - figaiited),ainiikiiimuieitVitel: ''' '.`.itgo-, 2 4.:
alkilk ite
liiideokimegli*?mi tai*nliiiiiit 'liiiiilli '• '•.
said &pito will p*irixt , " l 6M-7 1 61-.:-iit . ' .,'' - L ' ,1
'if ttle - meaL ii- 412. TEVIIINSi 4 4;;- : - --.,'-
-r. Feb'," - 6, 18.53.:-716 `-''' --;',',- .., , , -.-. 4.T::,,.-tiff..-7'''. _
'''-----,•'' , ~i ,',. t •-1.• . .----'-'• .: - .1:.' -, , , 1q5"
' Athinnistrators''NotieC B '''
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P°Mns ludib, l4 4itii , ;thii;el,o4"
s tainutht
'ea-X. chaOirliniii4.ihr Allit • - -- 4elfwif:
11 : 11 c4ilit 1 41 - tb l #- . 0iitt arfiiii_4"itiii :41(1 14 1 * . .'.
(jecielted W,grake-,*niroiiiii`t*Onie - •;:t, - - ,:
irAgli tio‘
Iluders4llo,llll4 iParßals!illii.kivill ' ' ir*S'44llCr. -;
"mad: Flaw* Iffifilit!sgeut-,theiti- - -44,_
__'.l" - . 7:41/P'- .'
1 seitletheit. ' - ' ' ' ' " '''.o:' I):',WARN ' 1 , ',;-2"
.--,-;`,-,., , •-*H--,-: --''' irj - L-,TURREII4k 4 :;
[ idonttose Feb. 16 - 455.,-.716 , .. , > ,l -414 . 6 9 .4 "' ' - '
- the ' "
thathave not abused
Montrose, o ,ot. P)1,911115/.':
t be 120401914.-,-.
• °°- •
',Prices tow
- - Adniinistiotorl - sr - ii' - '". 7 -'7° .
No-Tic!wl'OrebY:gire!ililattke _ _
has' : - (*ea . ' VPointett--Matiniatrator-aiitier
'Estatiil of Stiefradd ltlatfiion'-'2di' , liAiitAla- '.-
tolvdnii:ofiicktion,ilee v d,"44lrif***ll, -
'ad to eto siiiiißatataAre leglittlitiikioi
,IlitiWilill r t , ...... ,
SIM; iftmediatity, and all. i)ffro iiestii,::#l , llol:T: • 1 :
niauds 4 against said ' titi4 will 4 1 feolt 'C .
them duly ittaated foe' aoittentapt:;: z , 1 ,1N;:54.!-„:1 _:-
~ 1
j I ZBRT4'; 1 0 1 0:1r' ' - '
Jail Coon :Tau - 20 -1853-4w6 ~- -D,.,---,:::::-..-,:.:.
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„..:: '• - :
• • rinue-tero Loge e.ook Or.: - ~ ...!!, • -,;-i„. . ,5 7. .:
Falls. - -- il' NV '- f - Gooddri'
~.-i-.aii _ .-.n. -.. . ,in pr: .. . 1..r , ,,..4 - - ..
'whichiih...4iiii rooefiOa '0 .1 4:itf1i*:4;47.4,k4)**4., .r.' .
fish; ozhaaglihiob goOfie.,./010 .-"-;'.--, ' , ':' ,-. 'liL'2;X:;:'' . .:
... ' 101 '0'ea Mitel ' at f i lli4' 13 .0F 81 : 11 ,1 00 _ ...*4'..f.z. 1 : . .......:,
..• • _ ',g,..:_i , - ,. .1.- - 4 , -..,: , :-,.::_,
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Olcillowe or 014 . ..iiikhirl*)Ct Sl i ps r, ; .
dor colors and very Joi , "1"/ t,i a.,..;a1;T.,-' , 7 , ; ;.ik,__..-',..- , .e_AZ ..:': --.....,
- -2.1* --- taiiiiii.;loo ( 4!..0'.. .. - :'. ' l-,'17.11w, i:.„,....T.u 1 .'—_,...,..: : ',..:!.-:
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-.:.: - Alptietio . 44 : Patimegurfroot 10 , t0,f5..../r. ~:: , ..,,i .., ..; :i,
~ , ,, , I ~
,f,...jreeao,kmertioikiuoooTy-gktoiiiitid::Lp ::.t.:.
Black juid:CO)46l.-.Bllkisf,a oomplOtO.oitiOr!OOit- . .. ,
'4 , ., - ;.clotloi; CoOsiO*74: 6 O.itionitillflogeOlOt. - . .
_,. 1 . -. '
fodjill othil.wOolentOOd. ef. for, Nero it.,'":).: , ,..5,-.:.:1.:,...,. , ..
, :T.ViiiiirtsktilikTielAritilreri 'deka' . • iMAWlli'looy..- -•_
60446300. ; 34 #4 2 4: 1 !PF..4 14 14?.irf.4.11, , - :'., . 4- s, ....tis.p:, ,„ „ -.
tfin"ihtio it: -.r.., - ': .-- -...7-:_-,7;.:-,,-,‘,,,,.?-.{.-:-..--,•.;: cll.?: .... -:•-_,
1 4:meekieciseliiia,S,Igiitniiit 44.04. iiii,..:sJr- , :11•:" , f;t4 S - t.:., - ;:.:.,..-
Woolen showtif:Allgte totiltdi 3 W,anili. - ,:,4 Offltrr.,.X:
.'_iit*TO. and' qi*Nty;lo - snacti-to*l4ie* , ,' -. ' 1 1, 4 V,',.. 7 ..,,- '. - ,.:5:
toeit.of trOchoAO.O o romely;ettest -1 0I'':-.•-41i ' - i'' , .•.:;,.-
--.2'frtiiiii4. Vill.det lond . thzokßaorzotet. -- ,dentitili:,, '.-.
0 4 ttintit 6 # !? 1 4i .1 0z4: . ........10i*: ' . • n;, . ,;,' 4 4!th;: .-.
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'With the ilioto f. goodaiin '.lll.7their, ,
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- .Eprililin A cOtt..-.-- , :: , .. :, ... •=, ': VIT.; .;-,WA 4 15q 1 / 4 ,;. 1. _
~,-. : o7oF 2ker e r Court
‘ :atiil. Wales skoe*.tioiktly._
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.. , ."J' - - - =;1 . : , --:.: - .., - ;t- - 1 - --: ,, .; ; ; , 24.-t;
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--- 'Piitiii, 'of -,: - .-tipii_tfOwi.i.rkeoof ?'. , Atiitno, 444-
lipik. vinitiiiiii'4oo44-11W44:1.iiii4C--i,.;ff,
- iiiionefAii.iifibrii,iilii,.'it , :::::tli)eiVooki.filiii** ) ; !. ''.. l
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:.*: -s ib*';:o4o* :fica1k4 . „ 2 .,,,, , .40104 t, 104KW4.::..'
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