The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, March 10, 1853, Image 2

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    ly Aeon
eserail. subs rye
own self-interest, but wheithey tornetimes in
terfere with a "goolikt4ri*' .' -:Fortin; esPe
cially, the heartiOi*Pia..You- send ' fac;irioir'
such& perilous paveninrs, - with's!) inflexible
and steady attiol*** uprig*eis‘'4ol't
lue—and- shield tte on
these teroptitien fly later *
cessions, with Iletw4ll.-4gricidtpr#-,
tircimnpiii:AtEN- INAUGURAL _‘' .ty.
It is a - relief- to feel that no . heart but thy s
ownscanknow.the, personal-regret and bitter
burrow•over which I. have been - borne to a pt,-
atria eil ithitabiOfor'ethere, rather than detil
rable.for mysolf.., -:,. • t : . -`, ',- ') :: --- i.
The hirctunitteixiii . tinder whichl have bep
called, feels. limited "
period, toincside over t
destinies ,efUltur republic;:fill me with , a linti,
folthd-sansostpapepaibility;:but with, iiii
tlitA th
ik.e -elitinictnff apprehension i*, , Or: to
thaiiaitaiiiiiiita mo,:not - to bne - iought, but
in Obedience. th the expression of ,
lair -Willianswerable
ful,end'diligent-axeicianof my best -powers:. -.
J,...ouglit to be, and ath, tkily grateful for.(ho
rare rnatiifestation Of the nation's: confidence ;
but.this,-tie tar froth lightening inYobligations.
onlyadds to. _their, weight 'You' ' hare Sem
mooed me inmy weakness yon must,sustain
me by', your atrerigth.- "When looking for the
• fulfilment of I'43°w - dile reqiiireinents; you , will
lint hithinsin . drill Of tlie,grest changes which
' fiseeaceirred;even Within the last quarter: of,'
a itentnry, and :the consequent nngmeritationi ,
' andiomplesity,of duties imposed, in the'ad- , ', 1
'ministration both s.ll , yenr, horde and foreigaaf- ,
laiira. , ~: ~. ' ' , . .- -li
- - ` -Whither the elements: of inherent - force in'.
the repAhlic have kept pace with its tuiparal-
• Wed progressiOn in territory, population, and
weLsith, :has :been the subject .of earnest' ho't
and discussion, - _ 4 both 'sides of the ocean.—
Lisa than sixty-time years ago; the Fat terof
• 'his Country -made 4 liethen "recent irce°
%ion 'of the important State of North.Ciliolina
to the,constitutiod of the United.Stateer one
,of the' subjectnof his specialcongtajtion.
At that moment, however, when_ the. agi ion
consequent apron - the'Revolutionary struggle
hit./ hardly subsided, when we - Were just. • mer
ging froth the weakness . . and embarrass , ents
ef the eonfederation, there was aneridektcon
viciousness- of vigor equal`to the
,great ion
-- so wisely :andbravely fulfilled by our ' 'f %hers.
• it, wit not a preaumptuous assurance,but a
calm faith, springing from a clear view ?f -the
- sources of power ins goverament constituted
-like aura: . It is no paradox to say that, ltho'
*ehtliPliatively weak, the new-born - flea was
/intrinsically strong. Inconsiderable - popu
licion and apparent resource; it was I pheld
liYa broad' awl intelligent
. comprehen . on of
;ithts,arni an, all . v4ng purpose to in intain
rig. _ _
ihem, stronger than earn from
the furnace of .tho'itevolution; tempered to
the necessities o eller& The the is of
"the main .of . day' teem asPractical their
serairneri ere patriotic. They w led no
portion of their .energies upon idle and dein
sire speculation ; but, with a firm and ifearless•
step alivigiced beyond the governmental land- 1 ,
.marki which bad hither* circumscribed , the
liniibt of human , freedom, and planted their
• standard where it has stood, against Bangers 1
i l .
which have threatened from abroad, and inter-1
. nal agitation, which has at times fearf • ly men: i
- aced at - home . They proved themselv equal I
to" the solution of the great problem, under.- 1
stind which theirminds had been illu minated
.. . 1
br the dawning lights of the revoluttott. The
ohject sought was not a thing dreameA of—it
was a thing realized.Thev had exhibited not
only the power to*,,,achieve," but what all' his
tory :Arms to be so much more nominal, the 1
cspaeity to maintain. The:oppressed through-
outAie world, from that the. Present, 1
11.-urned their eyeshithenvard, not to find 1
those lights extinguished, or to fear lest they
should wane, but to be constantly cheered by
their steady and increasing radiance.; • - 1
• 'ln this our country - has, in uty•jUdgment,.
thus far, fpilfilled its highest duty to Suffering
j - humanity.,: ,It. has spoken, and will zontinue
1 to speak, not only bf its words but by its acts,
the language of sympathy, exicounigementand
hope, to , those who earnestly listen to tones
which Rronounie for the largest rational lib
erty. But, after all, the most animating. en.:
couragement and potent appeal for freedom
will be its own history, its trials, and its tri
- Pre-eminently, the power of our ad
unaphs. , Y, ut.-- - tacit . -•_ ..., I i'ran.. , 1ie5,:.. ..
- voisey reposes in our examp le
.; ; but no eamln- ' leading *w i pes] is doonled to ditiattpointient,
ple, be it remembered, can be powerful: for 3 4 that Wit* elftwts, in i ' very litortani par
'boding good, whatever apparent advantages- ticalar,'inuitt *stilt in a humiliating failure:—
may he.gained, which is notbased Wpon eter- Offices can be i properl ritarded lily in the'
nal principles of right and.justice:. Qat tether 1 litt of aids . ftir!the 'a complishf lit of these
• decided for thernselvcs,,both upon the hour to i 0 eta; and 14, oecupan v,'ean coal rno perog,-
decl •
are and the 'hour to strike.. They ',were 1 i tire ,,,. n b r :'impotkunati - desire fq Preferment
-their win judges of the circumstances under i don, the pplie interest ins ratively de
-'which it became them to pledge to each pther 1 in nds that ilVe:Yhe ciarthlmed with sole refer
,4 their lives, th eir - fortunes, and,their. t i iece to thti ildties to be Perfanne - 'Geed cif
honor," for the acquisition, f the priceless :i i ns may 'ell" claim i he protection of good
- heriticace transmitted to us. • The ehe, .1 laws and thibenign in,ence and et:A-govern
trith'Shich that;great conflict was oPened,ne 1 ment;'hut it claim for (Ake - is what, th e people
under th e-g u id a n c e of - a manifest and ben 1 , •'• iof a republic should nclv,er reeog,n se. ~.No rea
rem Providence, the uncomplaining enduranee t ~o naw m ai l o f arty party will e peet the ad
with which ii•vrazi pesweeted to its e° 138141 •' 4 1 ministration to be go regardless o - its respon-•
malion„ were only , ' surpassed :by th e wisdolln_ -s•ibility, 24 of the obVions den ents, of sue
vid_patricitic spirit of concession 'which' cher- [efts. , as t o retain .persOrts known to be under
'etteriied all the counsels of our early fathers. l t b r i n fi nen i e o f poliskididtility and partisan
One of-the most impressive evidences f I prindiee, in. Positions 1 Which wi t requirenot
that wisdom. is to be found in the. fact, - I °My severe : la, r, but le . cordial peration•—
the, setae) working of our styatenihat - dispell l-H a ring.nWird lied e gements to ratify, pa
a:degree of solicitude which at the ,otitset di i rewer d s ,a be • w, no r nenttn i nts to roma n.
torbed bold hearts and - far-rearhiSg intellects., ber, and it :-.- nal wi es to consult, in ee-
The aPPrehenakonef daeflete 1.0.°1 extended 1 feet:ions fo vial atitiol shall fulfil this
terviturystald .., ,' - • Mater•tueetfluieted weeitk!difficolt a delicate tat,stdmitting no motive
s od • .. , • •
~,riptlation, has i prov ed to be .I k g worthy OhOr of toy chancier or poiltion
:,, •• --• :.; -
stars upon yottr . banner bare . litrhick does not contem plate an efficient •dis:
. 'll ,l i .......Ihreefuld their 0 iletahetti Charge f duty and thef t best interests of , y
:14rObAkas*PoPuleted possessions 'kid . the t coin I acknowledge " ety obligation to
Aorta of the two great ocesim,-and y t this }the, or my. e,o fi atrytnen, and to ei
;1404..knereasle of Pee Pie led territor y ' ' net. 'slime. Higher objects than pcuronal
only.abown itself comPatible will t ' ' , .0- disroe i, give directiOri'and energy to their ea
Amur action Abe States snd . th e fedeVal jot- e t * n the late =rase, and they - shall o
44/Mint - Inr.tbeir - respecktre='-ecnistitudoluil b e di;attixtinted. ThFuire at , thy di
apbemp„btrt bas.sffoidel an additional *golian- t pli geuee , i n t e grity, - capacity, w Yet
See nithe etrenth andintegritY et . both-. • , there are duties to 'be performed: -Wi out
With sa, "apt:fleece thus so,egitstiye • sna th ese i Ottitii!it intheir-Ipablie servatts, more
cheering. the PutL7 of of lahnintetletie° will stringent laws for the prevention . or punish
not bicoutrolled by any timi_dforebediagi of mea t o..f ra ud, nee , 3 , and specula on,
- ee g"f ro ur imparyriou. - Indeed ,: it not 10 be a m-be i• l 4 - With rr. i, ' th ey will be nu , •c
tlipplied;thiit.ellr laitudea ae a' "nation essuyi - .. --,. - : 1.- -_ - • -
OUT podtion.tai_the4 lol3 T;Yende! ' the 49* • !Auttinssellei'uot T points to ' ' '. '
tits acerb& Pusileesielo; l344 ~ in °lir i n " ionloOk for vigilant, uhaess 4 )- The • .
?Weal*, tialpentir bnporie4 ? ,enr_PrOi 'n - gers . .4 - cowntiatt ifillpow in the . n
lion, if not, in Ithefutare, eel wr 1115 Pre' end go eminent : of c l e dede - like .-,
wrath* ot, thirtights _of - ' Asa the - iie tab: .iiiionit to' ' s itzdati. . Yon' ••• re
Pee" Cli the welht : S houl d they 0 obtabie4 a: 'bt, therefore, lel your, , •esp„
it, will` be thrisOina - wrwpiw t; w all ery - • •• . t,:-to." strict/ . the ' .its
ii stew. to obvieStitllattiiiid hut . '•by - .- M l : l ll4*P% ' *1- COrlatitatiClD thi
0; itad ii, a,,.• . antieelr - eemlibtent. irith United z-- -_,.:. : - --_
16 attietist , ~., .... of an/loud faith- We • ' 'Die - ::' sere ou r'l ° l °l l U lati
haseseatter .. ut history °T' lieu to in - erty - -' mil --, 2 distribution - of • 's.
lite •' - ''` we have every • . to beekoP iiitlr - . ihti_ . Stitet-40;Yedenegui - '- ,
,j - 1
' -
rti -.Arm._
, tok i stimuli, or
,p e r po 8 e i 4 .T-' 7 .
us amity : lit! th alt = nmigrotts.
w il l h e ‘,• ‘ , -. .
mi k i 4 4442l" rilk,emdart of
. i :: " ,: s ft
IlsteD44amit a lie negoid, sad trust
blotftwr- - - thitlio."-
fritflil nit 4r yin us eh tat I colkst • ,of
-1Z16• OAP
11140 444414*111 4.iidbmkgalt
1111 tuittimiok- , -
• if, - '
spakiki,,,„. „,.. st a th atatiettu d. igood *add
, 7.iiii7dilai
ilik riilit f le , W
21414 '
ti, - ' 111 0 0 M6 0 ^77n_i_s w .
1 0t r...
-1••, o :„mildesirrperio , 1 , :...
-I • brief. tif your past le limited, your, nest desire for the perpetnation of that:Union
In rue is biiinidiese., Its :obligations throng which has Condi int,Wliat. we are -- showering
41,.,..', 1i explored pathway of Uitaneenleht; and upotxtis blesaings,:and Conferring a power and
~ : ' • 111/141 -". 8 :15 ' 11 , ar-a ..W.",a.,.. 1 ,.' i •11niti of iOundritdinerierWitich Or "fatherti' toitlit hardly have
' ' , 'a 3 iihailake pOey. apoilkicti - 0!*,..i10t, iataitott4 -o . evep - ,...witli their:, most sanguine ,
iii_.. i.„0,11-t.ttiti,-0:10 - 116rditiktirBient-**dit*titt to a ;far',-of-Attire.. The semi - 1
.._. ~,, ~,,,,„...,E,,.iftsulti- 'by kettle items Ino were nov unknown belt
a `. 1.- i*ll**litta, ined-by -.. , :SU& are„nn- 1100 the ei - Prewatc' to'lof the . voice- which. called
,#, , opiishtteit - witittlie ' r: iliVandinter- ittiOiere...'; my (iiii--positiontp9p. thip.subject 1 '
basin ea- -:, t'ie reet - oftuankitk : :With:the neigh- 1 was - Clear slid uneeitivocal, nPon.the record al
ta tions iiPon our con.inent, we should l' toy words : hnd mv acts, and it is only recurred I
~cultiv . kindlY and ' fr.:to-Mir relations: •Nel to atthis titne '&7T:lu - se silence, might, perhapS, I
'Can dimil notttlogin regard: t to them So much ibe Misconstrued. With the Union my , bestl
is•to - Oe thenrk:, - , ' lidateltheir strength and'} and: dearest .earthlybopes are entwined: - With- I
Pursue the , " .;. ,i7,- ,, rof.pecity nnd happiness:l:i outit, what are. we, individually or colleetive-
It; 1n theeonrss tLo . i teir gt•, wAshotildi ly f..--ic hat heel:Mies of the noblest - field ever
or? -tie:..tOr , 'nit of trade,land crente add}-Topeneii for the'advancement of ourrace in re- .
ttotokflNtieit : _frieridlyiritiiiiinutse,theben.. I iigion, in government :._ in the arts, and lin all
efita rea lied: wi :be equal: and • mutual. Of .', that d • dignifies an adorns mankindl • From
the complicated I uropean sYSietis of tuitional t that radiant consteliation,which both illumines
- polity we • have. r'eretofere„ Wen independent. i Our own way and points out to strugglincett..
Elvin their wi their tttnitrits, and anxieties, I Coma their course, let but a single star bi7lost
we - have:4.4o'6;h ripilYr:alit4t• entirely etempte . I and, in there be not utter ilarkneae., the lustre
1 Widiet these at eonfifiier Wl* nations iiiich of the whore is dimmed. 'Do my countikrnen
gave - .thent. •niiS , .ee, and , tiettiiirt. their legit} - ineed•antassuraneethat :inch li catastrophe is
traitejurisdicti ,, • they, eantmt affect ,os, except I nut tn overtake them while,' possess the pow:
I theY appe al to .r, , r sympathies in the cause of ser to stay it?' It is with me an earnest and
]l' uinan freed° 1 UttiniveTicil advinceinent.— I vital belief, that as the. Union : has . been the
' lint the east , * - a Of; 4iitriterce . nre' f com- I soUrce;.`under'PrOridence, Of our *verity to
itdifto ail - en 'rid, ind the advantages=-of I this tune, so , it is the surest plealgts of a con
tlra:Ale and ',. te ' tional, intereaurse must, al- tinuante of the blesiings we have njoynd,a,nd i
- *Sys ?rem!' a 'utile fiehi rue the - moral intiu. .which lute are seal:redly bound to mnsmit.un. I
n 'of .ti g peop le . -... I I ,;._ I •,., • dirninished to our children., The eld of calm I
I%rith Ate: e , eivik finily? ;and heriestly car- and friN dist-cabin in our tountry Is o"en, and
flit' - out; We hit k e -- ix right e t;:expeett and shall will alWays be so; but it ; never has - been-and
Owlet ail -el tat:twee r titre , prompt temp- I never ean'be traversed for goed in a spirit of
i roCitt. .Th 4.., , Ms whi l ll e t.l-belong te us as A i seetionahsm and .unchantableness.l The lona-
nation' ac e s, it alone to -, regarded, hut these i dera of the republic -dealt; with things AS they ;
Whit pe in 'every in his indivdnal I were presented lci: ' them, in a apirit 'of self-' I
eaPsi lig, at ornS 'Wed abr4d, must be sacred- i sacritieingpitriotism, and, as time has proved, ,
`eta, ,,,,........ 'So long aChii can discern ea- I with.a comprehensi% - e wisdom which it will al- I
cry eta, rin i a place Upon thitt ensign, without 1 ways be it* for us, to consult. Every meas. 1
Wealth to : p rebase for him preferment, or:title I nre, tending to strengthen the fraternal - feel -
in secure' him p ,we, it will he his privilege , Inge of all the members of our Uniep has had
and must ids at tteewleliged right;•tti stand 1 my . heartfelt apprebation. 'To every theory of
unlashed e en in the PrCsenhOof princes, with, society or government, whether the - offspring'
a proud ' c o loneness thathe is hinisellone of lof feverish ambition or of morbid enthusiasnt,
a nation of ogre igns, and that he cannot, in I calenlated to dissolve the bonds of law and .
legitinutin intuit, - wander= so tar - from - :ome tufrectir which unite us, I shall interpose a
thatithe nt whotn he ' shall leave behind in I•reArand stern resistance. I believe thatin
-1 the place which 1- noir Oef'ilpy will not 'see Ivo untary servitude, as it exists in different'
' that no rude hand.of power by tyrannical pas- I S teS of this , confederacy , is .recognized by
sicd•is laid upon him withimpunity., He must Ith constitution. 1 believe that it stands like
rettlixe that 'won' every sen; and on every soil, tan other admitted right, and that the States
where ctpc enterprise .ntayoightfully seek:the wi crein it exists are entitled to efficient rem
pretection of out-1118g, Atiteri. eitzenship Nedes to enforce the constitutional PrOvisiions•
an, invillable panpply for thesecurity of Amer- - I old that•the lawit of 18500, commonly called
icon rights. An stn . this)eonnexion, itl can th "compromise measures;'. are strictly con
, hardly Ibe nicest.aye to ic... e llinu a p t i l ieipie r sit utional, and to bo unhesitatingly earned in
r which Should noW be. re6ititiii as fundaMen- to effect. I believe that the constituted an
tal. s The rights,' securit , and repose of.this th titles of this republih are bound to regard
Confederaey reject the id .0 of interferenke or th rights of theSonth in this respeet,'as.theil
colonization on this side
_` of the ocean bit any w uld , view any: other legal and
- constitutional
fereign potter, beyond present jurisdiction, as ri ht„ and that the laws to enforce. them should
utterly inadmissible; :I.i -.- I b respected and obeyed, not with a reluctance
The opportunities. it obeen - ation furbished t - enraged by, abstract opinions as to - their
my ,brief e x perience as a: soldier, confitroned .Prppriety in a different state of society, but.
-n my own mind the oyinron_ entertai . ried, . and clieerfu . liy, lindencording . to the tit ter, of
in. my
acted upon + by others from the format n of
the government that the maintenance of Margo
standing armies in our COnntry vrould'n • t be
only.dangenms, but unnecessary. The also
illustrated the , iniportance—l - might well
theUbsoltite necessity—orthe Military science
and,pmctical skill, furnished in. such an emi
nent degree by : the instittitiOn which hasimade
your army whit it is, under the giscipl* e.and
instruction of officers 1161 more 4istin e , ished
for their solid. attainmen s 4 gallantry, rid do":
rf4 2 - laic serviee, thanifot tin btru
high mo ral tonei Thearmy Ithe - *lens ound
time of teed thel stremith of
otver, the Atari bulwark o your
iorial militia—mai be tidily
ank if
well disciplined effici nt or ! .
A thoskill; and. , -de otion •
die navy mstut you that you ay -e the
r . of the past its a ple4ge for he fti
,l ..., Way confidentlY , exec . thatt e flag
waved its unternis fold over
I if
sea will still float n; undi inish hon-
But these, like man other übjec , will
pprOpriately brouth . .at a . .. f ture hue to
attention of, the coorffiliate b eke of the
erument„ to which 1 Shell al " ;TO)
,k with
eund reipect, and trti ul confidence
1 they. will accord tot'd tii a d and support
ith I shall iiii much" ee, aud which their
rarlenciiand!wisdem : ill rqiffily suggest.
n the:, administ mticin lot donteiAlc. affairs Yon
)edt a.devotedlinteglity:in the public service
lon observance of .rigid onomy 41.1211 de
tments, so - pirked- asue er jnstly to be
stionell. , ,
If this reasons , eevi*taiion he
realized, I . '
rankly ciffili thi4t bite otyour
luld a*, ,• - ' r . I ,', ''":- ---
A o r
a ll -.-f 2i - i ' lii
04 P 6 = u t i t i ee ,„
x - 41 1 0 ,,, •. - , - "of tbi sum* and
Par logeoPP4A- ' . obitationg - Endarl_he
lei, *h
I te' .' • , '.. .:-. ~ •Iwhi e h - - ' -•
tm° l - 104 44 r . ' - 401 - eora in regard to
dra tinflOsas •• - , ve VW:eftr dia l
intbedialblie.banC , 1 ' 2' 41411‘ WiAnt ger ,
ernie."l at grt qW 14 the aereite, l4 ,
10*i id .. ' eiergi, lir Itiannaon4fl
I ra
'vait lOW' ''' ' Atesedistrilikkriint
' - ' , iiidigt ip_ tha loatitationa of
11# iittem .' • • , . Ibitl4t4tlrtna*
' :4 1 00,4:'' ' ' iftlwasig*the
4014 . • :-.- . 0 . - .',. f-, -:,• 4 1,, , •;' ,. .. ,,,,,- .. -1 . ,,-,
—., A .- ',., . AO
witoilf (.910: . a w ial ow.
irr E urat
• . 1 i , ~
t e tribunal to which - thelr exposition belongs
S ch have been and are My convictions;, and
, upon them :I shall. act. t fervently hope that '
tho question •is at rest, and that. no-sectional, . 1 The New Cabliet
or ambitions or fanatical excitement may again Prekident Pierce sent in the nominations, for
threaten the 'durability of our instittitions, or his Cabinet- on Monday, whiCh were miani
obscure the light of our prosperity.- -
l:day, without a
- But let not the foundation . of our hope rest rnmsl confirm ed on the same
upon man's wisdom. 'lt will not be snffipient reference. The . folloWing are the -names:
that sectional .. prejudices . find no place in the - Secretary of State, Wm. L. (Marcy, of S:Y.
public deliberations. It will not be sufficient Secretary ,of the Treasury, limes Guthrie,'
`that the rash counsels of huinan passion are of Kentucky. ' - _ ii t ' •. ,
It must be felt that there is no na- - Secretary of the - Interior, 'Robert 'MeClel
-1 tiohal seciirity but in the nation's humble, tick- land, of Michigan. - : 1 1; I . ~ 1
I nowledged. dependence upon God and his over- • 'Secretary of War;Jeffersoir iliavis, 'Miss.; 1
1 ruling providence.. - ' • • Secretary of the 'Navy, J.un44 C. - Dobbirii. of I
We have been carried in safety - through a North Carolina. , - . I.• ,, . • ;
I perilouserisis. Wisticounacia, like which . PosiMaster , General, James - iqunpbell, Pa. ,
I gave Us The - constitution, prevailed to upheld . Attorney GenenkliCaleli Cushing, Mass.
IL •Let. the . period be remembered as anAid
monition,- and pot as an , encouragement; in c
a T bi h n e et, P re al sj lib dent has a eal lfi l , ed ..
_ a_ W ci.ti r ., hi . uia ,., e . trong
I le an e cleat en.
any section of the Union to make experiments
I where experiments• are fraught with so& fest % The Keystone - kap has ai, epregencation at
ful hazard. Let it ba impressedimimall hearts; the bead of the,. Peitloffice Departerient, in the
that, beautiful as our fabricis, no earthly Pea'- , perr n . o f ji idge Campbell. li Ye feet satisfied.
}er or wisdom could ever re-unite its breken
• the youn es Mem ber,
h •" i tlibe
i fragments. 1, .' . I .•
1 Standing as I do, almosi within view or the ins* but 35 years of age, the President ha s been
green slopes of. Monticello, and, as it "were I peculiarly fortunate inhis sill etion, for this
I within reach orthe tomb of Washington,iwith important and reaponSible stAt On.
1 all the cherished memories of the past kit& 1 The 'Pest O ffi ce Depart= t i t is, net only one
ering around me, like in) Many
in which the people are the ost . , I directly in..,
of exhortation from caven, can express no
I better hepo'for.rny cii fury. than that the kind iterested:ind" watchful of its Pregiess; hut is
-Providence which &nil upon our fathers. nifty one of the most laborious; a 4 resperiSible in
enable their children preserie thebleibings the c a bi net. w ith its tbit r it y thous. * ap.
.. .
they have inherited. • pro p ortionat e ' '
r -1.
-I pointments, and r number p mail'
routes, and all the rapidlyinereasing. bUsiness
. , •
- - --
. - 1
• E°Tei New% . - ;of the Departbent, it n ii, jtist . Oat -Mr' ;goln my blinds.
The arrival of, the teamsbiP Baltic, says , Campbell - d sid 11:j The beriota s
tie _tate I Convern
the N. Y. Ikrald, wit .LiverPetil dates to the 1 . P"'" se " .°s4 sou ° , gmemitrOg* ' ; - . . . ~
nommationro dandsdatetr for Cal
.13d ult., together wi . the .Previous advises i ctrword,'lngootees and prompt business qualii;
brought by the Carob "a, enables us to lay be- i fieations, with a pleasing guldress lint hardy:l 4) W , 8 0 . or deneng land AM
fore our readers the omplote -details Cit' 4 l,sme by al I have aire y seated "set in' the
i constitution, . that will- not' be impaired l the 1 , . „ .
week's events in Eu , pe. Tl:gia news will be i . t , e ),
fOund unusually interesting. a ,,,, ..ars that !' " c " 1 6.1
c i Will haVli t tl ' i: duties of the t tioti. Jud ges ! House of resenbttiv* last Tue
proceedings.of the
.. _
the disturbances in Italy had Dot b r ;11 entire.) ha t' taken *rim the Post of Attorney Ge -1 . tr ' ..°1 •
Ilv quelled, as was supposed to been" the ; seal of this, State, to Which he was airi fi fed from °tno.t;;sOtirees, so 1 will 'on
the inciden ts - of it: Quite- a nil
rase at last advises. however, the 'Austrian ihy Gov.-13 . igler in Janus' "ry 18i, 1 ..„ at this time too. powerful to :permit' • -.1 .. , .ensued ati the outset betwectii - 111
' i even the Most sanguine of thWeenspirators to Int
' entertain a hope of anedess,althongh fresh but Pr :3Cisalieairrs*lnguiPlynihrlir and Crane fa
:which was filially , deei
Islight discontent his ninnifestaitielf in vari
ons quarters since the outhieak at Milin.— of the yenerible gettletnan finst,
iMaztini had located bimself Upon the borders, 1 majo ri ty ittene rote. :
sand is have forwarded large antis to I The o . nly sea, k.contested beibitt
i the chif conspirators to aid them inthe cause; i
hut finding that
- the police were in pursuit of; tion : was;thist Of 1 Menton? coon
l him, he tsuddenly disappeared . ' Another sul i vestig,atiOri;furnipsed sotrichd
1 extensive &Inspirit) , to overthrow the Austri i i .of the Polilica of that nri !ions - e
lan dynasty is• reported to ,haVe been discover., t tautens' %dentine Iteitlielnimed
, ed,in Ilungarf A fruitless - attempt to assns : ;,, ,
virtue of an imanimousAf bit Co
sinate the Emperor Cf Auttia; will probably - Conventi . on of M - - /ontou . t.
4 cause the reins up)* the 'unfortunate Magyarsr .
.be drawn more lightly - timiever. - By the I
1 waiy the letter from Kcosintb, denying the en- I a part or - itepresen t tltive
that . .
I slieconceded the deleitiitn 'to
ttbenticity. of the recent proclamation :purport. 1 I Confereee*usedli 'cof,i nit Mr.
ing to have emanated him, will Of 'course .I
I I attract_ general attention. - 1t...11,111 nowt erseeit , i ing'thei. Yates for Mr. can of
i t . y:-.' rits'' Igive inch •in : Ind nn
Ithat he haw riddreased - a behaluk.maiiifesto tol
: I the Him au a the min= ..Ylte n iti the Ceafireace, and '"
b aie sorry to hear of the,renewal - et h " Psi the sett': IMi. Beat. orated h
1 ibetireen Turley and. Montenegro "Tiii.ite.., , manner to ludicrous, 34 with- 6
plc of the latter country are said to be sieve
ins assistance front the Austiims. : %anon: candor-and hoineatY bcandea, that
-are-current of so...proposed -alliance between- such of i3 Oepoliticil or T iMn-thii
'Prate:o4d Bugland;and one - irr tire ',minor
States; - to prevent the nneroacluneas ottle
'northein:powers. - ' , : ----' . • -,- utteehed, ato
bilt Ltda; w Mune hcisint i' 1 Ltatis for i re it6
- Those latesiatedmol,. regret -to lea* Olt -wir-if-the. tin* in.4l -it 'was
cotton has met iWi'itllOtber decline at thief-. than 64 language or I • used
Ilool; and thal.bmiiistntri I:oath:tiedsaceSd- Ile atideTtook to;show 01111
inely *dolt '- . , , _ , ~- .. .. been a ,contistent • Ltetnoeratl's
'The ease of theitarial - reaftstill hnPrie
oned in Taacany; 'Rothman to -.attrart. mates. tire:Wet ableetion:- a . : to bit
lion both irangland ind the Iraited-liltates. '.tirei - Coßrinbil Conferoe -
We give, this minithei, Lord _John . -ftfirseltsa thin. !la said ho IntsVpi..
'letter to - Er - Henry L 'Bawer" on the snide& , ivratiiiiniei fee' ea
We. have several' co
m muniCations tai ---
the coo, which intend*, publi s h to inar- ink he with it' --
i _
... thiF, gi q
asonwealth I : lieW — ' '
- -
• 3 •
to- -- eistalttit nomoVenitoiiei
Arai.- - 06411 the Tar&
Jog of Nerilliek$0,0•1111111111C4 . allthe ignitors
west of the Eitateo - Of lows sad Mbooo.
to4hO Rooky Moontohii. ranshipooth to
Mb noiiirtalititaA 4*dOir-N. he
othotio,tioawiftoi*Wiisl? 4kich-b
to.etibeseit 01l otorthit the,
tloionshuaticatiOntwaril Rocailfboi4.
tilhicoa the ith0,44641eir:144 liehi the
. or A Whig filtio
gioswerir girt 3t=i*
-I ‘olbate - .4041 1 41i 1 0 0111 asuosw . ''
taiiimr : Gain4lo llll e4woeisaL
, ..„
- ' it •
Itosinsi Clreniatiosi:
PspawiTl vanio,="-10321100
4110 . I"rtiOSEI PIA.CII• I
Democratic Nominations.
1: casar. cimatt,tosza
Thonis IL' Fors
- Of
• ArDricis. GENERAL,
1. EPhralin,
• Of AliOlhi Copttty. •
J. Porter Brats!
Of Ci:awfiifd :Conn
Hon. G. A. ow 'will
our sincere thaiilis for four ip
CougAsOinuLt-Giolie siut Ap.o
first session of : the tliirty-seco
We observe thit the liii • 61440 the
Free I:Waking, Lirk, n le., _willtriof probably;
pais this-session, i) hire teiheiDowerfal lien
trol exe rc ised over e'memberiby ttmi ;Banks.
A Bill has alio en intrsd eed into,.;the
..-- - g - itlataro providi g foi an ine ease of depos-
I • banks, and "' . "
ites as security for , reo , imposing
I other restriction&
.I ,he baskets; thus far, are
reported to haie' . - sufficient influeneeos : er
different members 2 provint . heir appearing
in their seats
. wheal ver the . : bias :has been be-
I foro,the House, th reby depriviitg i that bOdy
of a quorum. . 'I. •I I '
, . ,
Adj . ciurnm: .t of C
Congregs adjourned on the 4
poon, sine die.
The and Dip1.1)1220;
Indian Ocean Vail,. Census . P
Honee,Deficiency, and Post.
ils certainly pa.ssed. - T L ' proposed in-,
salary, to. the 'Vice . resident and
mem rs of the Cabinet is belie ved
i to,be. de-
tilt the increase of, pal to ,• sundry
Foreign Ministers ip supposed qr have passed.
The ktomestead, Bennett's' Larid Distribution,.
Pfyifi4 Railroad, l!iavy Reorganiion; Fretych
Spoil4ilon and other import:MAl bills failed - for
want il?f. time for consideratidn4 1 ' •
Thil Senate is balding ;in . Ex4ntivet:seision.
The ' Inattgtral a L :esti,
Pierce. ~ f' -
i In placing beforctOur r end ers the inaugural
f adds ss, of the -n ew-Presid e i, 'we feel aisured i
i that • e furnish for their , rending a document
`of in erest,,' well. !pith- the iperusal of ; every!
I citi ru iatereiiting,beinnse it speaks distinct-;
ly and tinwaveiingiy 'of the ;policy Iwhicit is to
control the ship of State t "e• . next fOur , years,
and doubtless, throUgh y . of the indefinite
future. Boldness , derision ,- rogrotrion;are the
t m
rale and law of hit!. Exceil ti'CY. No temerity
of opinion obiburesfiis 'in *ng, 7 l 7 no halting
I at, Ale entrance renders Aokbtfui his`;.manly
. • antiquated' ,1 , A . 1
PurPeee--'ne tory ecks or or
lesumic- ribes his expansive . ews .Of our future
destiny. : ' l. I - 1 I.
•, , _ :
- illidlog t Ibis rite demeeee
After briefly . . _
si l l i cti PP ir!
_l!2l,noi,*ans and . elee. mina, he
reverts tO the: pisildirtory - Of oir ',gn*erament ,
as exanlideefgrO • ende attained by bete:
le . endutailee , 'alWaai ' :.. p e ndent . onward
course. Fronk ' thile '''• :: : tote cats
times past.!ltich*SciAS. - at almost every
step tovisids - gfe4os4' . 1 .; &'nel'i!ii thatthe.
ConiessiOns which hive , c, 9' teriSeili th is'eoin ,,
Niko mai** azik -.! I.olu= I ',A:fsir,etriWn
e titio g i:itiiiir tiiiiiidit *.isi:''' :. `-
'lbea.e=iisakitori* A.l; ,eiltt,ci, his 101":
iiiitata,litiirdiiii toiintr,l.. n* , are' is iciii l; -•
!ISSN, :with Ur "tit*, et -, 'lo:iii4tittiPeSi*ii
the p etol4 k - 1 1 1 10 **Y, 1 spok e s -4 .1 1 g 1 "!
I , la e ne s"4"
..ige*"4 - *kt"! ' '-
" 1; - . 1 tilttheien'
trary. ho'repitfiitic -, : .liiicirable.M.siek
lif t si O thmis ° 1 4,*! 1 ,i,!i11" '" . InOtd;eianiinice
le* eon be; acquired - . alit liti . ii4latiPi of
f ez
rour national ti t ik li ' .-: 6 ,' '''' :' i 1 ; !, * l iiil i iii4
that•ne - timilrtt l ii 4 n . „ --41adier-ettikad
rnitdatiatiet Ilt . .this ' ":- :. '.:, t:!:ShOuldlik , ika.
i 1 0 30 * ilin lii / 1.1.- i - :>' ' l'l4l iii*iii*ikii
4 i**llll4.*; '::.4t:',r411444;:‘gi
1 0e il 4 lei01;14* openin g Ofitikelesi
tilhe tinli" ' '*4 l4l V - : - ' . i
Act refers to our- ,;:, nit 4 . 404 ilithitei
.teue-agniieflie ,'' upeuii;se.R. ,- 46:0
iiiio artnr* - In 101 00. 7 ..:iiti4 '-''t!i*O t likte!
giviiiit*lti - u l t i tilf -V
- - i* a lit iii6:
litilisi.**': ~. •-:._ i ', O - Ci if
Ow filig fie 4l *,
ArrieriftliPiebiPlitli iialW
- .. -
ipanepoly for the4ecurity; of Americtitti rights,'
!Thi:s l openT.thiN *Ott to the 'paes Of the . 1t .5 14.1
•110 t 1 =ihleterY , te4 i t tiffirele - er- 'v. the, digt4tr,
Windt' lielUrtt6oe'ellizert:' dtbsPationl-;—',
. ,
cant ~...., ...,.; .. &t he . iet.— • - . 1
Them 10 no
. ttypoertir.4 re Spine° 'of no's -
'meaning itk th', l olit Arecre4t 'tvifiiili,tY Ifitli
j .
individual rright,i,',.Whieh .. pl. : 1 the',." . iiitzet,t,lM.,
,4traichigheiiitalitiWith ' 16iiigit Prince!
and fives lain A title to - l' '
. "Sltakeitanilsr, with a king pon -his. throne, 1
-.And. calls it kidnesn,, to Ili, sljen..y.t i : _ _ ,
is VIEWS upon, nr °reign o IL. i l3 in i
armit; l ll end the e 5 etilm• ,;
f r the 'e es ite - fi
tion with proper:! " criminati 'is between the!
State rights'and e general' venunnt are 1
i fi;t
trult-truly ';igiad show a f compreitension
of thosit subjects: '
• This agile doct' 1 Mint n' ' .14:to .. 1•13 full.
satiafaction to 04 twai
expectatah ~./ of th nutlet!
and . 'the high :17i' lies and,lftil confide cc' the 1
People have.p , in Frankli Pie . will.*
due `time be ful i realize. li
: Horr l ible Suicide, ,
Mr Wilik4e;::Wateent" of .I!he
._t°7 iiiPloF
‘Frankl4l;tioi . nty. i
, comni!tted_ en cid ; by
h4egint hinisiliii, a 311 Ilitiar ' L ._--
•We learn twtmr.l wa ii ha4f i.:B me
time back lie4iiii thiithabit f eiiie,. lig •
self, as tired tiflit t fe ; and, biiig jai . tto 610,
his family genendly watch l I him :, 'lieu h e
- watinelinea Wilt° away: fro the 4 6 1. .;-one:
On MeedaPettittleeli he we .11 F; j 4 - i° til , e ak ar .'l
x i s.
ret pf the hottrae, whq'tt W• inPposed;:tie got
a ripe, and eitber thi•CW it, Onil tile .*l,naoW,l
or Cenceoen it Oder his.'d 1 .‘th nt,, imn
sense Went to; the barn 'to - "l4s eh rest and
his:i.ister, suititietingliPM h Marine tbidill 1
• ' ; t. i - . 1 ~- j .5...
wait not,right,isoon follow } him thi . e.r.l lie ' I
told her he coUlil do - all tli I chores without
r anizesietaiitie4nd slier had • ' ettitr - g into the
Noose.: She; ii - #ae some- e ease tit im - and
r. still- rentaind; until 'he - th itst her m the
barn, shutthsti 'door, and tol her to g, intfe'the
house:"She ; 4cdiditigly iint to i bpuie,
and in less tiMft fire minut4oetnrn to the
barb, and fonn i ii him hanging dead liiii bad,
it suppest.4,l,leid a rail lt,rose e - beams
over the Iloor slipped "th4_rope . ound it;
, r ,
pocked it around his neck, Vitale' ly g upon
the, scaffold i4itir which he hid place the rail,
and then rolledoff. : The rofie Was ly 'about
18' inches inle i tigth, and hi neck was:instant
ly brpken. tir4 did not learn' wheth rhe .y.-is
a Married - mss i - 1M: not, hat-tiliuk riot,
. -
DI'TO88:T r;
pletik, accept
owes of, thp
;dix, for; the
of Match at
- ' •
. gdito i nal CoFreb,
' - -,-- 1 -
HOC - io 4 E RE `rs ni...urtv - '
II V- i l l - E ' • S '
' `;l'., ' Man=4l s, 1 85 ; r
Tuesday 1;0 at eleren o ttloek, bothiiouses
adjourned 'Oir. till next 141 iday, inl,rdei thati
proper resp44.might be pai l to the, tate Con-;
vention, whi4 assembled lere tha -day, anal
also to, give ` in opmtuni ft° tlio who 4 . 0
sired, to attOd the ina ration ' o President
Pierce. The' first Resolittiim for th slnng add
Journment 'Ea voted down, but su - equently
reconsidered and passed byre bari a' .'t II
• , , Jon Y- .
' , hope our Whig frieads will not
.endeavor .t. 4
;make capita:Out of this, for:they have a inal r,
'ioritY in ontbranch you knew, and Ia the ofhi
er'the Reiointion was offeied br . a4Vhig.pitd.
anrted, bintilly all hiSieltaids. - - -'1
' • Sinct thi. 'adjournment ITT the Convention, -
WedneSdafr i„ afternoon; Oarris/Mrg, has beei
coraparatively \ ' deserted all "hands having-. Fo4
to Witness-the inaugarithin and, slop iitt ;the
hay-rothvs. i _ !Sonie . ivho tire retu ed, rip -
sent that th e v
ceremonies ' ere iming ju tbe
highest de, .and the rowtl .'s eh ailviaS
greci .
never in WiiShingt:on befefr. -
. As - increase th'e
railroad fa r fiiiti6s of the 'country, oineAtiin
the attend:MO - lon all en4h-tFlecas errs. ,* . ir
I rn
myself, I ha 4 too great dOad 'or S' eh crowds,
and thotightitito tenderlyllaf "my a" te get
into this one, tho Ugh I held a "fre ticker Ito
i I. A 1.
~.,„, F r
I t4 .4 oi;rr. ,
Bata 1 O.-. .•
10. z r- Iro4 .
~ e - 4 0 .:
r :
* l4 * -* l f ie fi#o l
fOrfilt tilt Nthilifilickl
[ilea 'l*iiitriiii" .
iliolobs ji - evar -a,
o . iptse, for lirlar n
1.0 the
L op
ansidnin . 9oo I *Xlidi
• ,:--‘;;I: . . *o r 1 ; . ,._
-.:.„.. • i ,,f4. : .
... J.
. - 4-;*t.l'airi:.: . • ..
dtmgruilliiinurittvwe yeus mi;h - ItittEL - iii ll otithar i atriiij e i
In ilb
signetta,,Prowst agains hiet, and -worked - donti,9liiiitort.T
- ligatidiklut: ti ‘lier e Mr- / cari Interrared and' I'-: ' -, ".--,-:''''."" - - ;-:``
Ttkiyto haio - the rot st r
I. ead. Mit , Best l --., I ' *.e. Wastliugten,Fili 211th,
took iefroni his - _2O pocket a.d read it, 1 / 2 11" . - pea by'i - -,. ~r- 0E 4' 1 4 . - , r
f Mr' Bean * /s°w' says ri . Desn ' I din s'gn 1 - mrThetZtj, met hex
l e l d ° t u o r.
thick: t, - but / want s e members ° , -t : 40 , 11 tai di; fret klieg, in der, the v VII I
convention to look , at i and tiler \ will see lionise grang civil ' diplomaical
thaftt is in Mr. Best's old writing, 'Ana be-1 Lions for t hhensign :ear. ,
sides Mr. Besfa-name si,.'n'nexi to it too .f.-1 _Mr. Sher wood, o f y .,• move d us
The paPer was exa min e , and found t!, be as Lan .St d r. b ß i r l ig"a b t k e ci th i e la g ffi e t a i th d t ea lig ite in a u th ul a e t ,
represented, when Mr. can explained that he t s t ep d lei s h ou ld b e tak en
signed it at Mingts a solicitatlont who was 3 Mr. / 311 0 d, of Ky. r urged upon ' e %nat.
cannieg old'political fox tend he rathei green. t the nece ssi ty of taking up for cer,s d ete tk, s,
Well,isaid Mr. Best, I Will admit that I did the act dir l eting the Printing If the haus re.
help to defeat Co). Wrig r a used to
.;•I,_ - _,, %. •' _r,ma . ill, ,tar: Iluu/Ar's motion, to eup * a
one of the worst disergluaere in, aft mat , um. Cent and Diplomatic bill was MOliirrit by yen -
ttiets ePd I am maffee d a Democrat
. to bsfilind 29. nays 7 1
__. - - ,
sllPPerling'disorgan, ta i , en! Thus the uttlie 1 .... } . !°1 1 - ighlrill Claytoi, seiudoelernepo,
froin richt° richer till both gentle'. ''''''' here P a de hisuPl 4 aranco 011 - the goer)
Weatull. -'-',, ' , The appropriation bill bein u ' "
Men w_ere eu it e d free / th e Ceaveatieet which Nunfer4ts amendrnenti ; Pf o rt e d
decided that both wire too good disorganizer,s, among theireoricauguidijoit ti te nas e ngti ,
'hy their own allowing, to have seats in aßem. r), haven ral
malsouheu theirge
IConvention, ,gOld for the usenen
it i of_ ,ffie uankatat
Ther,committee for the Permanent n'al - who debire to hare coin
at ed the tala''' f. l ' The
l atia l t re P art a d that they had selected that emeadnient. waead:ft4. - ' = \ - -, --..-
bigilly • accomplished gentlentan and faithful ' 3 lr- H4ter reoV au amend - Meat , Wrote
, ... ~,,.. , ,., of p t ,.,, t .,i 1 f a reor nization of the elerkshiliiiNiest* '
tt i rs
v Lk was " 3 4 " "P"' rat exec ve departutenta ": lira..`
elan king
phint - for PRESIDENT. Mr. Hirst Was"con. o mewhat similar t.A. , that amu se d t i m • - .
dueled to Elie,their, and addressed the Ccif)- 1 t Masi I. • , ‘'„ -, _, - . - 7 , A 1
- -
mention in _:a most eloquent manner, and then , ;
iiroceeded• to the legitimate bueioess. [ Six * 1 11 " 11- "'' - 4 ; i ' -,_.* 4
ballots were had for'Cimal Commissioner; the. -Alter t ( ltannt ° Pa d a; 1 / 1 1 /Ime as tl ll o '''
, 1, , . . ..„ , „,,from tke mate extending prderoFda i est
Oath resu lting in the nonnuaheri of air. Xor- I t o unAniveted - leadA s iif -the, thrkd 8
BYt h, wh •hae long 'led faithfully "levee/It i t k ~en aPk l ,, dlas . , „ ,with thii-nmenikitathoOft
the c oon yof Philadelphia in the State Sen 1. arreo in eY - =allotwal- -- :F .i--;,-t ', ",..,Lt,,..,, r ,p
.I te . ~ • The House the:Ans mortiutw pose.
. • , tnittee of Whole,lindtookup foricris
1 - ide of thialt anybody ill gusquel4um the See -tie's amendment . to the'ihificienet
an il l - ' doubt my adhesion to the Demo. bill 1 - Z 'l. '.' ' k
- cratie Y and:its usages; hut 'I claim to ha 1 4 - LI -=: k : - ,
1., 1 „
__ y s , , I s ,
_; elm -, m atc h L e , '
at/ m'sePej tme et / / e rn e'' , a e " eaYtel°7' e m - ; 1- s t i.. 1 1,, I . „
phaticalty, that noniination eight never to 1 „„_ ...1 ,; , ', ,
.1 fie S enate met attl o'clock: , , , -
have been made. Not that The annual theinominee isnot I 1 rePort 0 f the Coat 8 ir dii
;one of the unist competent, honed and faith- received:land ordeieiiptintlidi , r -1, A.Z..-.:s
ful of men, for I believe he will make one of -_ Mr. RUA, of Te*reiteeed the mine*
itlie best Canal Commissioner:Lwo havenver 4 , 111 with „Ile,,alli amendments, ilia, Asti ‘
h a d . His ion l egislative er i evienee t
ill short consiaeratioa, vratLido -'
him minutely - uaiota with all the ieterests. PUTS ef railroads P 33 t r637ltest hen so &thud
~1.1 he Col:ninon earth, whilst his integrity has by the P4st (Ate Department. ~ - --;
loarsinte -pass into a proveiki. But 'there An ndrperit was also off red. and ad*.
fil e
J. led; pro ding for the punish t. of eessea.
was Lai` other can , - date; ' equ a lly t as well quali- feit i ng p t °fie ' e stampeci en
elopes. ,
I fied, equally as iticluestioilithiet - :* 11( 9/ . 418 Put Theame ndment to inere this commikr
; forward by a section of the Stite having the sloeSof postaisters for iinia•ll l ltoffices:and to
strongest claims upon the De" ocratic ?arty repeal thePreseut system of i ncreasing coal
; . , . ' pnsation in 'certain casesiWit4 ahiciadyta4
while the co u n ty of Plulanelph a !certain y haa
e amee men was a cqi ' i appok al
no claims at all. i . other Aseistant Postauuder • neral ;.also hi
Justice and fairness patted the ;ninnies- increase their salaries t 053,0 per aninenonsii
tion of Hestie S. MoTT. Tqe Canal Board subjecting their nominations 'le a mvidou bf•
sholild be distributed over thelState -I and, es- the Senate- • \ - ---
I I 'I ... Mr. Cooper efrered an arieridinerkeateek.
pecially should' a man of nort ern sytnpatnies di ng a certa i n pest route in; L ancaster c oo ,
and interests be in that board now. when the 1 ty,pa. • \ , , , f
main line of our improvemeuti is being open- 1 Debated and adopted: t. i
ed in that section of the Stat6.l ln every re- The bill was then taken fp warmed. '
.11 r - The Senate then riesanisil consideradonti
spect. but local ty the tiominatic e iri is a gond one, th e Civil'and diplomatic bill. 1e - -/- '' 4;
save that Jas 'e has again en ; disregarded Mr Hunter m vecl several' additional/amenfe
—Justice to faithful dern •
retwy, l Without merits from the ' anceiConamittee, includieg
which the Sta would be ine hicabiy [Whig one•rut the 'e es 'el ie/IWO/s t et obeegla
{ ,-
in its politics. But let it go. r Adopted As !Wiens we • ; ' . ; .
e - Senate t en debated at some leapt
have none of t i e 'offices we all
not he col-- the amendment 0 revea l th e -d u ty on,
rupted by their sPolls, or cba ed with havine iron. ' 1 t _ i
sinister objects in view hf 0 suPPurt lo -tlrorts we I de by Messrs. TN
democratic ticket "We can us sheer Ito the Meager° and II? tQI 141 '9 the ametaus
i I ; t withelrnivul
pith' that ours de
is a mocracy , of 1 - I
I i tsiS
L q
i I
Costmanwasu, an.
pifliciple. After Mr. Mott',L 4efeat,'it• :vas
lhilught by some that: a nett era 'man Wohld
'be nominate for Surveyor G nerif.: l !Mr: Ma
-I,aon of Bradford .„wasWough - forwaiAllg iris
friends, but no purpoSettir feirtiOthtf. — •
Well, if the north is 'Otnn'coniisOrice in'
our ConventiOns, it is ,of great iniPortance
abnut election :times, as our". Philadelphia
- friends have very oien found;arid = iie do,hope
they will permit . us to pursue our patriotic
way as may best please us, and place nio,gen
tleman 4u our shoulders- that . we de not. first
signify ,tr• willingness to carry. _ ' `, -
.'' • •
As I predicted in last, Governor 'Bigler
has return e the Permla Coal Bill.'-yrillk .hiS re
t4:: The Semnten - Iron Bill, is still liaitging in
the Coraniittee of `CorPorntioni.:•', The Bill
that , was
,supposed, te rek - the'3leredith•
ChaTt c r for a Railroad fr , Lackr• -, a n.val
ler through the 'mat, - to
littesdoiis . ere with
pat Charter-alt
I hafe . receive4
three divorcee i 'fr
amined them , all
court has full j'
1 7:(1: ' !.
iti* dill f:
till Of . e.
.., ,
: .
y. Yiu n
:0 0 r .
Glean - t
• fnenas of
• leoipora ,
ea' in rev*.
pained by *
. the Conved. l.
and its
e vefope IMO
**gay. TIT
the - seat
by the moil -
tumbia fo
lett and th
. •
tour; h
Best, ibro
. o'isime eo .
mber of
i l l
tired hot . *
li clad.nOit ,
"-lur ".i
1 1 #
if ft
niore/okeik •
:••• .. • --
, - -
Thia - ,being so, :ti I -.:.;
...:: .-, - -;,a . .--3• , ., -2.---i., ~1-:•..,.--..,'.•-.-,....,1.-1,,..'
2 .
• .-. •... . .., . , ..,
- :.
tra . will'not ph
-, The' Satiate - ..P1.e.,, „.- .- - (= , --li. , ''''Z':. 4 -
pitcaent. jhem an 4 . . -I .•.':-..-•-•-•;:.... -:'.--.,, f i dtt.. .... wr oi t zt,.. ,.,
..,. .ii i,,,4,
' it ul- ' l. ""
' '''' - Ith ' tintii ailis- ow., pm °Plc- .-.. •,,,;.-..
. -
ii.tatiatt - ~..- ~. :. 4 :': - :' - .; , ?;.7.; 1 >a ' '...-... . '. '..: •-' ^'. ' `i..:
ojAtio - ti pr ra,3't: , oat
::.,- ..... - , - viith:l.... ----,. • ...! ..',.., T . , • i,„,',.;;.fialiselr,f.lx . f . lo7-
of Patibsy van , . C,.n.T0117- ....,:xii;„.-wigiteiiri,4:l--4'''-n5l•-rilLiliPler.
rant • ' - ". 'azi- atal.- Navy:,
PtiAndosiliat: tike i',Oc, :-Seo 4- 0 - 0. , IT h •- ,, -...,-..-, ---- iiimeataL'-.. , ,,;-.
d it li . r o-6 'fiq* ii .-. , ` iii ii iii ii - 0 .. iti 4 0 lOi 00. ill s'i ' a- liii li t OIL "i
. ;1•!-
: - ! . - .- .`tia ti fr il,4 ;:',7 , i , thl 4 l ::iii H dif i lle
. ..Ifit, 44 ., , tei ~1117,: i.67 1 t 0 - t im i lita— t i% 1. 0 -- i: ,,.T . ; - .
. ---.--, -!1 .. - --:.4 .°- , i i. .ritti6ili'lit:thil.pivitta' P. : ftici . 1 .- iati. ,
• - , 3,A. - --- ii - iiiiiiiiii .- f - Tiliwit-4 -ir. -- atiiodiaetit: - . -2 4ka4, - itle,.-;:77:'
''..'it ODA In!' g r r' .- - -- ,7 . -- . c . -ise . --T IA 4 -4 . — e. r-- ... -.- bfg . ; f1ii,..70i7. P ,--.- ) liiiir.
..- ii , ,--14:iiiiiiii assistance'to - a - Fia.:;o ! #...+4 , 1 - iiitipry fcit..preP,T,. , ._. 5. „,..,,,,,,.. riiii. 4k , ,
.. 5. .,
fren er ' • -- -, ', 7 '.. - ,,i;.-_- .. .If vi.6111.:;i4. .I:Tiielatnindifeo rO.-..lntslitaiiifilbia*
e ' r;fiiiiii*lio , rtittAotlavvig,k_! : „ .. ', , ... 1,-"1,1 .rci l tib - 4 - i otine",:- ati
.•:.,......., ligiogic,
'' ' ' "idititif; ..4 tiiiliOhitima'':ft i . s *" se °;" 4.. ` . -•':ds bait I).g4titistrodek . ~, , •,,..
:1161* ''-14- .t .. P' ': ... 'y' .--'''''''''. ' '.'fit - a4 l: .iiibh. ica'gb . ',..- 01 40. - 00 i .,, tti , l '" 9 . ~..'3 -. 4 , - 4 — , .,„- E ...i.iii. . to„,Lit,u l ;._.- .
Theiyoi n g -14-40 ,PPrir.c.,,, , .4 are ..,:.... ' ~iiili - i i. r . - • 11011,-Ver7--7,..,...-7'„,f.,..iijiiiartaitto.f434 .. , ,T-.., 4t--•.. , ..; ,;
- iiiiithiitiehlielOgilOki."#'l.Pr m -!,- ' : . ;:" ±: i'agi; ,, 3 ~ ::::- . .- . e:3 1 .:: : : L ., ,7, 5- _ - ` ,.';-, ; :': . ;::, A 1, : i- ' :.
1:4*0 e ver • di rßigiii iihiti...- iv ::«iiidi#4 . l4# - - -phi s . t r.Pd.air.!.,- ,,, ; t iisivg iteliv e**6.,!?,r.,... :
'• 11 --
ca ''...- - - '-'"•''" iiffiiy. ---, • i •- tik -re Pu n N.." -- - ., --- • - : .,,,,,,, .. , v 4 *; , :y04'.:4Y.,, --, :
•• - '•-•
--' • the ' loitionuld , :itgiliii'.PrO st m. • - --, - -'.-- ..r. - - :ii,-,eidopted-'.'''''----s-1104iiiiiiii,--
.ishi,,,:iii,:ids:,EijitAie,aaf foi!..'ilt.e'',,n. ; -.,.,:.:Ajithairasol:4',- -- --f::-'- to ',. , •.0 ... a:'?::.j•
- :f'd - o . tni kH- - ' 1 , 16 - -. - iiin'ef.'oitleidiiii:ttiit 44 .0 1 40 ' • -, wad da:4i itaaPted , =; ,... .... - .4. - -....i . i' ,. 4:1'! - 4' . - 4 0'1 -2 . , _ .-
".7... -- ,747-,- ,- %-.- Al' .;:: -4.:. , , -,....;, - .. ; r , , ., , i . i ii i i..,, ,., , , .
~i1,..,_,---i , 14 . - - :: : :.,„:- : ...._ .. - , 4 ,,..., , , z4f .,z * ,..,... 4 ,..: j ..:„ 1
:inoti.:,___ .- ?1'11ia,0PY!41!! i f..1.117.49!" i g1 : -; i 7,4 ; r ii . 4 -. : :: - .". i . •17 .. '..t.j . - - -r - - - ;-7Z: - -_,.. - 4.:' , :g ., ii5i . :4:-4Zt
iiiiitiiii4ti,*hich -I lta -1 -14'1*.`. •'. - -,, .._ ,- 4:.... - - . . - 4i ..i., ~.I•i.: : ,:;
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iiii4iaii,,itiat he 'loo44sl'4!ia'-15.1,r''-74-!"-77 ~.,,,Oeiriviaoo:4o7--IT,Wi
frien- , i - '--. --- '' --- tik- , •46:41 - 041eq- --. • if - :tlitiiSeta .71,..i t a c ita-,-. .•,
.1..& Staza . TFls, - - - ... , .7. - ..': , ,- 'Flp 21 : 11 t. - '...ti r i
.Ihco:,._-.., ~,.„,j,i,,,..,,,
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Pla n ' ' '' . * l)l ' .4 !?; . lar , the:itaoliPf-- .'% , .-t z ._ ~,f , ,,L , . ."4 .. -:
V e.
ii lallik s- if . 'l. , . ?R l- _,_... - , -Ai-••-:;?4;ii-ff-.i: :i i iisiliaiiitXikii.' l7.- s- --- --,-;4-,4 ‘ - iiiiii r •
67 '0 "i * Ith.-0". ! ° • 14 .1 1' -'• - „ , ... --, „ - „u . 5, , , -- .4 -'; ;; :' ' ''-i.- ..,-. The Ilkiiiictiio , so4/Ir,.., f owilo t :
' - if t iliiiiiiii . i*Aiiii , ... 01i•... -,-. 44-.•,14!: - ~.-i.J14.0-6-0W.6.',..,.
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-- . --,- ' f it t- 'l#Y , beteihivi -- - • Apt. ,- .x 4 -..- A : ~,,e . „.
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~~s ri ~ l K . ..
, Oiiirkes Shy'
the amendment. *al,,Julop r tedif
anotloti; . .relietint all iron
Messrs. ErhOt,!_nitirelimd -- otherdenoerpte
said that they would vote againek`.llic:ituems.
theilmasagel of t4e - Alri-
LOA - Al.:4.1111z •-•- • • • 7
„Mr.ciaghr; Of. Nimbi, zeta - Bed to be a par.
tfto -- sdi P d ecoisOrorniscv.,'
'The! nmeodnient finally wa*.i.e.teetixt'bt
yeas nays ;.:
The4,Amendieepf to rniiiuthi aelariei Of*
Jodgei. of the Di'striet . .,Cur'lrti in portherrt;Nef-.
YUrk, d siyind'othera were Cunsidired.' ' :
After usual= morning 'btrablellC Wag ap . : I
ppaeli 'of, a res-Olutimv wia!ofrered to grant**
tra:coniiiensation tO•thU of eenk M#useOim„
of `<
A dbate:misned;'ijid'yeki and 'inijit verb
ordered. - . :,.._,,.•;'
Tite : resolution-5%1(a earritd.:-
Me-L.l/lall toUvol that Moons , .-gi4*
Cqintilittee. . ' - '
Mr 4 Stuart -huped trni• •
ted 'that , motion - wonidt far r _ii . jettOonttit
11,1:ome r•outd then. tinialvtlie*kee ~ict bill
Dion for . 51r2
o e:s-11-lOnsi went:foto committee - and , 4 4: tht.
r - " r o f t he' Senates in 4, ti
nt ynur eons' ra ton o e.
i the Army hilt.
ftcnn the
1. 4